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5 Golden Keys To The Kingdom of The Heavens

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OUR PRAYER Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day daily bread and forgive us our transgressions as we forgive those who transgress against us. And lead us while we are in temptation and deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, Forever. Absolute Infinite Beingness; Everlasting Life, Love and Mercy Manifesting Yourself in Yourself as the Total Wisdom and the Almightiness Enlighten our minds to understand you as the Truth Clean our hearts to reflect Love towards You, and towards all other human beings - Amen.

The Esoteric Teachings Web site excerpts from the Esoteric Teachings book by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis ( Daskalos) The book itself, provides such information as is permissible about the Truth, setting out not only what we already know from the Bible, but making use also of first-hand experience; 'For the gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power' (1 Thes 1:5). The Truth of which we speak is a hundred-facete d diamond. On the material plane one can approach-but not acquire-the relative t ruth, by penetrating through the comprehensible to the reality. Of course, the keys to the mysteries cannot be given to irresponsible or merely curious persons, because that knowledge is like a two-edged dagger can kill. On the other hand, we would not remove such an instrument from a surgeon, whose int ent is to save lives. We cannot claim that the system followed by the Researchers of Truth is the only one leading to perfection. There are many other systems, just as there are many roads and paths towards the same goal. Flowers in our neighbor's garden are as precious as the same kind of flowers in our own garden and we appreciate the wor k and toil of those who can present them to the world. We are not against any sy stem or religion, in so far as these are paths towards knowing God (the Absolute Beingness), but we are definitely Christians and the Lord of Wisdom and Love ha s given us enough. We do not claim to he the only ones who know the truths, but nobody can claim to have understood them better than we do. Everyone, including ourselves, still ha s a long way to go to understand the truths. For the time being, living in the material world, we do our best through the phenomenon of life (the compre hensible) to penetrate as far as we can into the deep oceans of Life and Truth, the Kingdom of Heaven which is within us and everywhere around us. We love and appreciate the endeavors and the work of all who try to show the hum an race the way to conquer matter, to control emotions and desires, and to make good use of the Divine gift - holy Mind. There is no other way of reaching once again the relative reality concerning man, God and the universes. We have selected the Authorized King James's Version, published by Oxford Univer sity Press for the biblical citations appearing herein.

Introspection: An inner exploration to trace the sources of your emotional and noetical behavio

r with the resolve to self-consciously structure your personality and its subcon scious. The determination to free the self from the limitations of egoism, by re leasing your conscience from dead works (Hebr. 9:14), is moving towards the wise and loving voice of the Soul. See Daily Introspection Exercise Observation: It is central to our work that we strive to develop our capacity for Observation : Attention without tension. Without the ability to observe and to recall in det ail what you have observed, your awareness of, and attunement to, the Divine Pla n is, at best, imperfect. Observation is an expression of our Divine nature. Observation, part of the Divine nature, requires that nothing escapes our attent ion either in the gross material world or in the planes of the psychical and noe tical worlds Observation is perfect concentration. The ability to observe in detail and to re call what we have observed is vital to our understanding of the Divine Plan. Observation and concentration make us both human and gods, as we can probe the o uter and inward worlds deftly and gracefully. It is through observation that we are able to expand our conscious awareness to endless heights. In increasing our awareness and understanding of our surroundings, becoming keenly aware of all t he nuances, we will move out of the small shells of our personalities and into t he larger truths. There are no limits to how far we can extend our comprehension of the Divine Plan when we develop our ability to concentrate and observe. The more aware we become of the world which surrounds us now, the more conscious we will be in the worlds beyond. This applies equally to our nightly visits (ex osomatosis) to the other planes, as it does to when we eventually pass-over from the material plane into the more refined worlds. Through enhanced observation c omes an ability to see beyond apparent limitations and to control the course of our experiences in the psychical and noetical worlds. The following exercise is i nstrumental in awakening and tuning our ability to be perceptive and alert. (See Esoteric Practices book page 61) Concentration This is one of the prime necessities for creative thinking and for healing. You must learn to concentrate all your thoughts on a subject of contemplation or an object in hand. One s concentration should focus, like a magnifying glass, so that it becomes absorbed, unmoved by external forces, as to suspend the present-day self (attunement and at-one-ment). Concentration entails focusing our attention completely on a subject, emotion, t hought, or idea. The size is no matter; remember what Joshua said, "He that is f aithful in that which is least is faithful also in much" (Luke 16:10). We need t o develop the skill of concentration of such a degree that nothing moves us from our work. There are no limits to how far we can extend our comprehension of the Divine Pla n when we develop our ability to concentrate and observe. On the subject of concentration from a Stoa Lesson by Daskalos: If I have a magnifying glass and I concentrate a few rays of the Sun on a sheet of paper, it will catch fire. That's a phenomenon: concentration of the Sun rays through some means (the magnifying glass). Otherwise, the rays of the Sun are e

verywhere and we still feel cold. We have a cold Sun during the winter, yet a fe w of those rays can make a paper catch fire. Such is the Mind. So, what's concentration and meditation? Using the brain. The material brain is used as a magnifying glass: concentrate a few rays of the Mind Supersubstance, a nd you'll see the result. And this means - knowing whatever you want to know by concentrating the Mind on these things. It's leading us to knowledge, and still more, and more. But, we have to find the way of doing it. The secret, now, is to use the Mind in the right way. We are using it in the wro ng way now, definitely! And how: by enslaving the mind to serve so many petty un bridled desires, from morning to night! Desiring, desiring, desiring, changing t he desires and thus enslaving the Mind to this or that desire to serve this or t hat emotion. And you call that life? That is not life! That is the way that make s a human being unhappy. What is the right way of using the Mind? And, what will the Mind, by using it in the right way, offer me? What is it offering me now by using it in this way? You'll have to study this. Using the mind in the right way means not enslaving it to serve the desires, the emotions and all the human expressions. What do I gain now by using it consciou sly. I can gain many, many things - well, everything. ~ DASKALOS

Visualization: By learning to observe carefully and to concentrate fully, the ability to visual ize properly becomes easier. Some bemoan the fact that they cannot visualize, bu t in fact we all visualize subconsciously in the creation of elementals. This is the way we create our world. There is nothing more powerful than thought, and v isualization is the process of harnessing thought in a constructive manner for t he expansion of consciousness and aiding others in need. Imprint ether is used t o shape etheric vitality into psycho noetical images and is therefore vital to ou r work in visualization. Using imprint ether we are able to memorize and store i mages. Visualization is a language of the Divine, the "key" to the kingdoms (Rev.3:7). After learning to observe carefully and to concentrate fully, we gain the abilit y to visualize consciously. We shape etheric vitality to create elementals, from psychic-noetical images to entire scenes. Through visualization, in healing work , we learn to materialize and dematerialize. There is nothing more powerful than thought, and visualization is the process of harnessing thought in a constructiv e manner for the expansion of the self and to aid others in need. Proper visualization is indispensable in our work as I have always insisted. It is one of the "keys" (cf. Matt 16:19) that so many speculate about. The exercise s and meditations (in the Esoteric Practice book) all require the ability to vis ualize: to form psycho-noetical super-substance into the creation of objects and situations. For those unfamiliar with the work of visualization we will provide basic guidance leading into more advanced work. We must not be overly intimidat ed by the importance of visualization. All things will come in time. Perhaps the most important skill for performing an exercise is the ability to fo rm psycho-noetical images and scenes. This work is otherwise known as visualizat ion. Psycho-noetical images are elementals constructed of Mind super-substance a t varying rates of frequency. Once created, an image has a real, multi-dimension al existence that is far more durable than any gross material object. We must not confuse this holy work with fantasy. In shaping substance (using kin etic, creative, imprint and sensate ethers) we seek to replicate the work of the Logos and the Holy Spirit by faithfully reproducing noetic forms. Visualization

is used as a vehicle to expand our consciousness, as it is the language between the mundane and the Divine. By constructing specific forms and settings we allow for interaction with Divine energies. Visualization, additionally, is indispensa ble in healing work for invoking images of health and perfection where illness a nd disease have set in. Archangels are constantly creating such images, in accordance with the Divine fo rms, when they shape universes and worlds, and when they form angels to watch ov er their work. Our ability to form these images is a most Divine gift and privil ege that we need to fully develop with reverence

Meditation: The inner reaches of introspection become the outer reaches of meditation, as th e exploration moves beyond the subjective experience of the present-day personal ity, into the boundless oceans of the Mind, towards alignment with the universal and eternal Of that which is universal and eternal there is none greater than Love, for "the re is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear" (1 John 4:18). The Lo ve of the Absolute Beingness is at the very heart of the cosmos and the Source o f all Creation. It is the same Love to which we owe our Source, and the same Lov e which lives in our hearts. If, from time to time, one has the opportunity to spend a few days in the mounta ins or by the seashore, in meditation and contemplation, that is most renewing a nd advisable. We spend too little time in nature and far too little time in sile nce. It is good to escape the chaos every now and then, but we have work to do. Meditation, which utilizes both observation and concentration, entails contempla tion and investigation of a subject. Meditation is more passive (than exercises or visualization), as it involves re flection and introspection. The difference is not great and often an exercise wi ll lead into a meditation Meditation is practiced in varying degrees. You cannot jump ahead but have to go slowly by mastering each step along the way. The first field of work (let us c all it the 'microcosm") concerns the cleansing of the present-day personality. T his cleansing is ceaseless work and of even so-called Masters must keep constant vigil against the emergence of egoism. Through study we set about to understand the nature of elementals. Remember, we teach that the sum total of all elementa ls which we create, assimilate and re-energize, compose our present-day personal ity. We are fundamentally opposed to any system of exercise adopted by Westerners whi ch create a division between the mundane and the Divine and a gulf between a med itative state and a normal waking state. It is not healthy, nor respectful, to a nnihilate either the natural world or the lower body belonging to it. Question: I infer then that you feel uncomfortable with Systems which require me ditation periods of several hours a day, and retreats that span months, even yea rs. Answer: Again such a thing might be appropriate in certain traditions, but we, a s Christians, believe in service - not withdrawing from our fellow humans who ma y need our help. We stress engagement in the world, but not enslavement to it. F or as Joshua said, You "are not of the world, even as I am not of the world" (Jo hn 17:16).

Question: What is an appropriate measure of meditation? Answer: Let me put it this way. Say you have a seedling. You expose it to the su n, good soil and each day give it a little water. It will grow in its course. But if you decide to put it in the hot midday sun, or water it to the point of drowning its roots, it will surely shrivel up and die. By exercising t oo much there is a danger in over-meditating, creating an extreme division between the periods of meditation and your normal waking state. We only encoura ge periods of fifteen minutes or so, two or three times a day. I have seen many, too many, who have severely damaged their nervous systems thro ugh excessive meditation. We are in the world and must, dialectically, work with it. Exercise and meditation at higher levels mean exploring, attuning to, and eventu ally becoming unified (at-one-ment) with the Causes, Principles, Ideas, and Laws . Each Circle of Possibility works according to the Divine forces of Total Lo ve, Power and Wisdom. These most perfect forces of life are within our archangel ic human form. Ecstasy, real ecstasy, is aligning ourselves with the Divine. THE END

On Christianity From Words of Truth By Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis [Daskalos] Now we come to the religions, all the religions of the world, throughout the cen turies. There was in the beginning a gentle, a good, a big effort. Later many wh o had a certain power and who were prepared to exercise their power with force e ntered the Church hierarchy. They tried to impose themselves in order to limit t he gentle and the good effort, and above all to restrict any research. And we se e the result in all the religions, East and West. Christianity. Yes, the substance of Christianity as religion and our own Orthodo x dogma has much depth, much truth, but who penetrates the depths? Almost none. Ancient Greek philosophy, Egyptian philosophy, Indian philosophy and others, the y have all very great depth. They all are ways to the truth. In the Christian re ligion and in other systems and religions we find the use of myth-making. The pe ople tried to conceal the truth in order to avoid its exploitation by the profan e. Today all is changed. The truth is, and it must be, the property of all. Toda y human beings can face their responsibilities. Moreover science advances. We ha ve atomic scientists who can destroy cities in one moment. The danger exists. So, the researcher of the truth of today, unlike the Mystic of the past, does no longer have to conceal great truths by myths, out of fear that someone who woul d penetrate into the substance of reality could acquire powers that he might exp loit and make bad use of against his fellowmen. And I wonder, are there not a th ousand other ways or means to defraud your fellowmen? Weapons? The Truth. What is the Truth? Did somebody until now tell us something about the Truth? The much beloved Joshua [Jesus Christ] said: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. These are three synonyms, and he said I . And the Apostle and Evangelist John (Yiohannan) said about the Christ Logos that he is the light that gives ligh t to all men coming into the world. Consequently, this light, which is the self-a wareness in each human being, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

However, how shall we find it? How shall we get started? And which truth shall w e find? What is truth? Can human beings materialize things from the Mind? Jesus Christ came and said: Se e what I do. The one who has faith as little as a mustard seed can move mountain s. He can do what I do and greater things . You can read it in the New Testament i n the sayings of Christ. He came just to say who we really are. This is what Chr istianity means in reality. Not what we call Christianity today as dogmas. It is better not to use any other characteristics, to avoid mentioning criminality an d killing. From the Stoa Lessons by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis 14 Jun 77 I want to address another point. Even though the Christ Logos is the light which enlightens every human being coming into the world as Total Wisdom, Total Power and Total Love and Goodness, even though Christ is the leading figure that give s the soul-self-awareness its dress, yet we are not the Beloved Christ nor will we be lost in Him sometime nor will we be annihilated in His own consciousness a nd self-awareness. (Of course, don t forget that the Christ Logos is doing His wor k in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, who mainly dynamically gives the noetical , psychical and material bodies and the etheric doubles). Many eastern religions believe that the consciousness of man expands and enters in the cosmic consciousness, and some Christians believe that it enters in the C hrist consciousness and is lost there. Both are wrong. Let us hear Christ s words to his apostles: I go to my father and your father, my god and your god . Christ never saw us as his slaves, but as his brothers. The words of Christ have deep meaning. 13 Nov 89 Our religion is the religion of love and mercy. We are Christians and we can be proud of it. Do we criticize the dogmas? No. They are according to the mentality of various people in various times. We must respect these dogmas. But we cannot accept bad actions of those administering a dogma. The Greek Orthodox, the Roma n Catholics and even the Protestants have committed many crimes. But these actions do not at all affect the teaching of Christianity. Unfortunate ly, many atheists who see the behavior of these people came to the conclusion of denying the existence of God. Sooner or later, however, they will come back to reason. 30 Mar 90 Which is the true religion? Love! Christ came in the world to teach love. Nothin g more than that! I came to complete the Law , He said. And so he did. The Christia n religion as well as other religions are based only on this sentence: Love God w ith all your heart and with all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself. T his is the meaning of Christianity (not the teaching of certain priests). Many atheists are fighting religion. But what did they succeed to do until now? Nothing. If a religion represents the truth, then that truth is light and it can not be extinguished or annihilated. The only religion that will prevail is the r eligion of love. Love as a necessity. But whether out of necessity or because we acknowledge and realize it, love will prevail. Love and truth are synonyms.

25 Sep 89 Before starting to give the lesson, I want to say what we believe. First of all, we are Christians! This does not mean that we don't respect all other religions ; all flowers are very precious. Some of them are in our garden, and some in the gardens of others. We respect all other religions, but I insist and say that we are Christians! When we say we are Christians, what do we really mean, and what should we mean by the word Christians? First of all, we should be very proud to be Christians, because we believe in the truth. How is Christianity in the worl d today and how was it some centuries ago? Now we find many dogmas - the Roman C atholic dogma, the Greek Orthodox dogma, the Maronites, the Armenians, the Prote stants, and amongst them many heresies. Yet they all call themselves Christians. The Almighty God is merciful for the stupidity of men. Do all these dogmas real ly believe in the Lord of love and life, who is the beloved Christ, or do they t hink they believe? This is the point! Happily, all this short-sightedness is slo wly vanishing through the coming ages. Before some years, the schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church was erased - a step forward towards the truth. What is it to be a Christian? For me, it is to follow the beloved Christ. What d o we as Researchers of the Truth believe and why do we believe in that? Christ s aid: Know the truth and the truth will liberate you . From what? From ignorance and all the other vices in the world. When I was in London to give some lectures, t hey put me the question: "You are a doctor of philosophy and a doctor of divinit y, apart from the other university degrees. How do you reconcile that? What can it be - religion and science? I replied: In reality, they are two different paths leading to the same goal. If one is on the tip of the one finger and the other i s on the other tip of the other finger, they are two separate things. But when t hey proceed towards the palm, they are one. First of all, what are religions all over the world aiming at? Due to necessity and fear of the unknown, Man through the past centuries has formed the super-substance of the mind in creating gods many gods in all places of the world. What were all those gods? Did they really exist? Do they exist now? Yes, because they were elementals of human beings cre ated through necessity and fear. And all the gods in the past were just to the m easures of those who created and projected them. We know that people strengthen an elemental when they are faithful to it. We teach what elementals are, what th ey do and how we can use them for the good. What are elementals? Every emotion a nd every thought creates a form from the formless super-substance of the mind. C hrist is speaking about these forms, calling them spirits without logic and with out substance. And He speaks about the nature of the elementals Man is casting a nd what they do when they come back to those who either project them or vibrate in the same rate of vibrations with them. Through the centuries, they called the m spirits of bison or many other names. They are energies in certain forms, they e xisted and they do exist now. Nothing is lost. Now we come back to Christianity. In the past, many gods have been created as el ementals in the same way in all parts of the world. They were as powerful as wer e the thoughts of those who projected them. Do such elementals exist after Christ? Is Christ today an elemental? Are there e lementals bearing the name of Christ, of Virgin Mary or of the various saints? D o they exist now? I tell you, they do. But do we, as true Christians, believe in those elementals? Can we worship those elementals, because they exist and have an energy, either to guide or to misguide those who created or projected them? O f course, not. We had the great world war. German and English Christians, either Roman Catholics or Protestants, were praying to God to help them win the battle . To which God were they praying? Christian soldiers were marching to war. Did C hrist teach the war? When Christ was in a human body, He has honoured the human body, calling Himself the Son of Man. It is a great honour to be a human being a nd a still greater honour to be a Christian. Palestine at that time was under Ro

man command. Did He declare war against the Romans? Did He try to drive the Roma ns away from Palestine? No! Why should He? He wanted to liberate Man from ignora nce. Things will come and pass, He said. But unless Man sees the truth, wars and the vices around the world will never stop. The worst enemy of humanity is what we call nationalism, but there are many other vices with different names on the altar of these devils. We call them devils, because elementals are not only god s and angels. The quality of an elemental is according to the rate of vibrations of those who cast it. How much blood was shed on the surface of the planet in this name? People believ ed that they were right, doing what they did. The doctors of divinity in London asked me: Do you believe in God? What is a God? And do we have a soul? I said: Definitely, you don't have a soul. They said: Oh, we Christians believe in the existence of a soul. I said: I also believe in the exis tence of a soul, but your question in misleading. You asked me if we have a soul , as if the soul was something to get possession of. Nothing more false! Who is asking me if we have a soul? You as a shadow in time and space, in the world of illusions? You definitely don't have a soul, but you are the soul and you have b odies the material body, the psychical body and the mind body, according to the sayings of St. Paul. Not because St. Paul said that, but because we know it. And we can know and use these bodies. Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis [Daskalos] ARCHANGELS ~ ANGELS THE ORDER OF MICHAEL - Ma-Ha-El, 'The Great God". In Sanskrit Maha means great and El stands for God (as it does in Ancient Egyptian and Hebrew). Appropriately we find the suffix El in all the Archangelic names. Michael's light is red, in all its shades, and he is the Arch angel of light and fire. Michael gives us the bodily warmth, and the warm red b lood. Color of Vibration: shades of red GABRIEL, or in the ancient Egyptian language pronunciated, Kha-Vir-El, Ga or Ka denotes desire, sentiment, and expressed love. Bir or Vir indicates element. Gab riel's light is sky-blue in many different shades, and he is the ruler of water and the liquids. Gabriel is the steward of the entire physical kingdom and gives us the body's various fluids. Color of Vibrations - shades of brilliantly azure RAPHAEL -Ra-Fa-El. In ancient Egyptian language Ra stands for the sun, and Fa, f or vibration: "Sun-vibration-God". Raphael, the Archangel of energy, is characte rized by the shades of violet. This color derives from the mixture of red (Micha el) and blue (Gabriel), and thus tallies with the role of Raphael as fellow-work er with the other two. The planet in its entirety is within the Raphael's domain , who controls the electromagnetic forces, etheric vitality, and plays an invalu able role in the maintenance Of good health in each of us. Color of Vibrations- shades of violet. URIEL, who coordinates the work of all the Archangels within the gross material body, is Uriel - U-Ra-El, as known to the Egyptian forefathers. U stands for sp

ace and Ra for the sun: "Space-Sun-God". The great harmonizer of substance, Urie l keeps the Universal Law of Order and Harmony, both within and between each bod y. Uriel is the great harmonizer and balancer of substance. Color of Vibrations - shades of silvery-white light. ARCHANGELS Make yourself familiar with the Angels, and behold them frequently in Spirit: f or without being seen, they are present with you. ~ St. Francis de Sales Our Archangels are logoic and Holy Spiritual Beings, who build, govern over and project themselves into the universes. Within Absolute Beingness are Orders of A rchangels, Holy Monadic Beings, each Order containing myriad upon myriad of Bein gs of the same kind. We know of the existence of twelve Archangelic Orders: Thro nes, Authorities, Dominions Principalities, Overlords, Seraphims and Cherabims t ogether with other named and unnamed. They possess Total Wisdom, Love, Power and Absolute Self-awareness. Angels are elementals of Archangels. Our Archangels are eternal holy spiritual entities that serve creation. Major ho ly spiritual archangels are, for example, the Michael, master of the element of light and fire; Gabriel, master of the element of water; Raphael, master of ethe ric vitality; and Uriel, coordinator of the other three. Archangels perpetually project angelic elementals -- angels -- to serve creation. There are also logoic archangels, like Yohannan, who are at higher levels of spiritual hierarchy. Hum an beings are also logoic archangels in the process of awakening into their godl y state. We know of the existence of twelve Archangelic Orders: Thrones, Authorities, Dom inions, Principalities, Overlords, Seraphims and Cherubims, along with others na med and unnamed. No one has ever spoken in detail of the kind of vibrations of the Archangels who belong to the higher echelons of the Orders. Few have come close enough to thes e Orders to attune to them. Human language, in any case, proves inadequate to de scribe their splendor. When a human being descends into the worlds of separation, an Archangel of the T hrones accompanies him as his Guardian Archangel. Even if we are unaware of his presence, our Guardian Archangel, with whom we are egofied (united), is always c aring for us. The Archangels of the elements concern us in our research and meditations as the y are most intimately involved in our well-being and advancement. Their names ar e not of human origin, but rather the resonance of each Order's vibration. The phenomenon of life in all the kingdoms is the work of the Archangels of the elem ents. When a human being first incarnates into the lower worlds it does so with one Ar changel from each Order of the elements. Thus, within the bodies of every human being there work a Michael, a Gabriel, a Raphael, a Uriel and a Shamael. Shamael , who is the angel of earth, is the elemental projection of Lucifer, the Archang el of light and keeper of duality. Shamael is not himself and Archangel. Let us now look at the way they serve our material body. As the angel of earth a nd minerals, and in everlasting cooperation with the Archangels, Shamael provide s us with the material for bones, our muscles and the organs of the body. Michae l gives us bodily warmth and rich red blood. Gabriel gives us the body >s variou s fluids. Raphael provides our etheric vitality and plays an invaluable role in maintaining our health. During the night these Archangels work in our resting bo dies to enact repairs toward good health.

Corresponding to their immaculate labors in our material body the Archangels als o help build and maintain our psychical and noetical bodies and their respective etheric doubles. They work in a similar manner throughout all the universes. We must learn to work self-consciously with the Archangels of the elements in th e maintenance of health and well-being, and also to consciously benefit from the ir wisdom and love. Exercises and meditations will help us develop awareness of the Archangelic Orders. Archangels are constantly creating such images, in accordance with the Divine fo rms, when they shape universes and worlds, and when they form angels to watch ov er their work. The Holy Spirit and It's co-workers -- the Archangels -- work with Total Wisdom and Super-consciousness in the material body and related worlds, to engender the phenomenon of life. We must remember though, that the permanent personality and our Guardian Archang el are not apart from us looking down, but are within us all along. We know, f urthermore, that humanity before passing through the Human Idea, is an Archangel within Archangelic Orders. Does an Archangel posses Self-awareness? Certainly, but not the Self-awareness c ommon to human beings. The Archangel possesses Total Wisdom, and knows the Laws and Causes and their expressions. It does not, however, display the phenomenon o f Self-awareness in various stages as humanity does. The Archangel has no subcon scious, nor self-conscious, nor super-conscious Self-awareness. It has Absolute Self-awareness. Perhaps Total Wisdom knows the nature of Total Wisdom? Perhaps l ight knows the nature of light? Before their expression, Human Beings and Archangels, as Holy Monads, differ lit tle from each other. Later, however, when they return to be within Absolute Bein gness, the difference is great. The Archangels of the elements -- of fire, of li quid, of earth, of ether -- do not obtain conscious Self-awareness in any of the ir expressions. This is because they had their Being and were exposed to whateve r experiences they had, without being able to make comparisons. An Archangel of fire uses this element with total wisdom, but does not know the emotions and tho ughts which are aroused by the presence of this element. So, we see that the Archangels of the elements are all-wise without possessing h uman Self-awareness. One is like another; one lives within all and all live with in one. The Archangel indeed possesses everything, except the capacity to measure and co mpare. In the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11 - 32) the father gives the return ing son a ring. This ring is a symbol of mastery of time and space, as a circle with no beginning nor end --eternity--. His brother -- an Archangel --, who has never left his father's side, complains that he is offered nothing in return for his obedience. Yet the gift to the Prodigal Son is well earned, for he has toil ed long and hard in the worlds of separation. For anyone to determine the nature of the Archangels, the angels or human beings within Absolute Beingness, it is essential to acquire the capability to total a ttunement and at-one-ment. It is necessary to go beyond the nature of human Self -awareness, which is focused upon place-time events, and to enter the reality of life, by achieving super-conscious Self-awareness, which extends into stages of ecstasy.

The Archangels communicate with each other, but with a language different from o ur own; their communication is primarily through the medium of love. For the Archangels, however, words have no meaning, as every communication is em itted and absorbed as a universal idea-shape. The language of Archangels covers a broad spectrum of colors and sounds. The sou nds uttered by the Archangels bring about the creation of the universes. They us e the supersubstance of Mind in a perfect way and produce creative vibrations, w hich shape and put matter into place and order according to the Law. When a huma n being develops to the point at which he learns of these vibrations, which requ ire no material tongue for their production, but only the heart be attuned to th em, then he can produce the same sounds and become a master of materialization a nd dematerialization amongst other abilities. Within the Absolute Super Self-aware Self-sufficiency of Absolute Beingness are the Holy Monadic Beings, Orders of Archangels, with each Order containing myriad upon myriad of Beings of the same type. We know of the existence of twelve Archangelic Orders: of Thrones, of Authoritie s, of Dominions, of Principalities, of Overlords, Seraphims along with others, n amed and unnamed. No one has ever spoken in detail of the kind of vibrations of the Archangels who belong to the higher echelons of the Orders, because few have come close enough to these Orders to be attuned to them. The Dominions or Overlordships are, by their nature, beyond they differ little from Absolute Beingness, from the human of us cannot understand the vibrations of these Archangels, are more within Divine Self-sufficiency than within Divine any research because point of view. Most perhaps because they Will-pleasure.

Let us turn to the subject of our Guardian Archangel, who is from the Order of t he Thrones, and who accompanies us during all our incarnations. This Archangel i s in no way different from the Archangels of the Order of the Thrones, while als o in at-one-ment with all the Archangels. In a similar manner the Self-aware Sou l is an expression of the Human as Holy Monad. What we can say about this Archan gel from the Thrones is that It is always inside us, to the extent that several systems of research call It the "twin soul". We do not resort to any such conjec tures, however, because we know that the Guardian Archangel is not identical wit h our Ego-Self. It has its own eternal nature and existence. It can, however, by attuning to our senses come to resemble us. The Archangels keep the planets in balance in space and control their relationsh ip with their parent, the sun, which is their headquarters - as far as we earthl ings are concerned. The various forms of plants and animals do not possess an eternal self-aware nat ure, but are breaths of life, whose experiences are transferred directly to the Archangel, which represents them. We see a human being "die" - we prefer to say "pass-over" - what is the characte ristic of the corpse? Earth, everything becomes a gas and returns to earth. What is not dissolved and takes its departure is our present personality. Raphael is the first Archangel to depart for it is he who cuts the silver cord, in his cap acity as the controller of etheric vitality. Then the departing personality sets flight, accompanied by Archangel Michael, who in leaving takes his warmth with him, which explains why a dead body rapidly cools. Together with Michael, Gabriel also departs and abandons the water element, so t hat he ceases to coordinate the working of the body's various liquids. The coord

inating Archangel Uriel also leaves. The only one who does not follow them is Sh amael, the angel of earth, who, as such, remains with the earth. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael work simultaneously in the material, psychic and no etical bodies through the etheric doubles of each body. In the psychic body, however, Raphael and Gabriel play the principal roles, sinc e they have a closer connection with etheric matter, while Michael plays a secon dary role. Then, when the psychic body is discarded, at the time of the so-called "second d eath", these Archangels work together on the noetical body. Raphael, again, has the predominant role at that stage, as controller of Mind, in its pure state. Si milarly, Michael's work there is of greater intensity, while it is Gabriel who p lays a secondary role.

In our lives there are so many voices competing for our attention. Externally th ere are the voices of our culture with their news, marketing and social statemen ts. There are the voices of our families, friends and co-workers. Simultaneously , our emotions, desires and habitual thoughts are bombarding us. All this goes on continuously every single day of our lives. At the personality level, we surv ive and succeed by selectively listening or ignoring these voices. Coexisting with this flood of voices inundating our awareness, there exists anot her voice within us. This voice however is seldom noticed. This voice is a true voice, one that will never mislead us, never forsake us, or ever stop expressing its perfect love to us. This voice has accompanied us from the moment of our hu manization, through all our incarnations, and will accompany us unto Theosis (Ab solute At-One-Ment with God). This voice is commonly known as our Guardian Angel. Our Guardian Angel is from a n Archangelic order very close to man. One of these innumerable Archangels, out of its great love joins with the Spirit-Soul of each of us to accompany and guid e us. We are never alone. No one is ever unloved. The Guardian joins with us in complete At-one-ment, and yet it never looses its own Archangelic nature. It is the perfect guide and flawless teacher. We often seek externally for teachers, g urus and masters to help awaken us to the reality of what we already are. All th e while, our ever-present Guardian stands ready in its Super-Conscious capacity to serve in this very way. Many have contemplated and wished to be close to a wi se master who could help them as they faced their life s challenges. No earthly te acher could be closer or know better what you need better than your Guardian Arc hangel. Our Guardian is in constant communion with us. Its work in our evolution is very important. Its voice is not confused, conflicted or complicated. Its voice does not express mental constructs, notions and concepts. Its voice expresses the la nguage of the Archangels, the language of real Love. It may initially appear thi s voice is small or weak compared to the other voices demanding our attention. I n reality, there is nothing weak or small about it. It is only weak to our perso nality s awareness and that is due to the degree of our willingness to hear it. As the Guardian Angel watches over and cares for our personality the Archangels of the Elements care for our bodies. The seven Archangels of the Elements work t ogether in different roles. They use the Mind Vitality as the various Elements i n building and maintaining our bodies. You can see evidence of their care in the healing of wounds and joining of bones. You can feel their presence in your bod y as warmth, health and vitality. You can even hear their voices as the beats of

your heart and the involuntary flow of your breath. Knowledge of the Guardian Angel and other Archangels that are working in our bod ies must not remain as hypothetical. It is best if this knowledge becomes practi cal by our own personal experiences. Individually or collectively, we cannot con tinue to let our material development race ahead of the development of our spiri tual awareness and understanding. It is not wise, it is not without consequence. These brothers of Spirit welcome our approach and our conscious engagement in t heir great work. Daskalos revealed much information that was never before released to the public, especially concerning the Archangels. When he spoke about them, you could tell that the Archangels were not theoretical abstractions for Daskalos, but real bro thers he knew well. Once in a Stoa Lesson he said, If you study other serious religions, you will see that most have mentioned the Archangels and Angels but they are not telling muc h about them or their work in the Creation. Maybe the other masters did not dare to reveal it. Nevertheless, it is now time for the people to know the whole tru th. Daskalos paused slightly and then in a gentle voice said: A human being is from a n Archangelic order - How do I know this? By reading it in a book? - No! By comi ng in contact with them and knowing them directly. Daskalos was referring to the descriptions about the Archangelic orders found in religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. He was also referring to th e Hindu, Buddhist, Aztec, and Egyptian accounts of these Divine emissaries. "Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed. In fact angels have no religion as we know it... their existence precedes every religious syste m that has ever existed on earth." Saint Thomas Aquinas Arch is from the Greek word meaning principal or chief, so the word Archangels mea ns chief angels. In Christianity and Judaism, the four most commonly known are M ichael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. Interestingly, man did not name the Archangels. Their names are the very sound t hat their vibrations make. This is the voice of the Archangel. Although these vi brations are inaudible to the human ear, clairaudients can hear them. These vibr ations are emanations of Light, which we experience as color, sound and meaning. The letters of the ancient languages are but symbols for these sounds. Each of the Archangels names end in EL, which in the ancient languages such has Hebrew an d Egyptian, meant God. The Archangel Raphael in ancient Egypt was pronounced RaFa-El. In their language, RA meant the Sun and FA meant vibration. Therefore, Ra -Fa-El literally means the Sun-Vibration-God. Raphael is that Archangel whose vi brations give us energy and power Etheric Vitality. The Archangels are Holy Spiritual Beings who project themselves into the univers es they build and govern without loosing their At-One-Ment with God. The Archang els are of the Realms of Beingness, which means they are of the Eternal Now. Con versely, we as Spirit, extend ourself from the realms of Beingness into Existenc e to incarnate. We become humanized, enter the world, and experience time. As hu man beings, we have a temporary sense of separation from God whereas the Archang els do not. Upon the completion of our human incarnations, we return to the Real ms of Beingness enriched in understanding by our incarnations in a way Archangel s cannot comprehend. Coming from an Archangelic order makes humankind a real bro ther with the other Archangels.

Now, Imagine two children who are brothers. They have always lived in a room ful l of light. Yet, in this condition they cannot really understand what light is. Without the experience of darkness, they cannot fully comprehend the light in wh ich they dwell. Now, take one child out of the light temporarily and show him th e dark of night. Now that child will understand light much better than his broth er who has never seen darkness. Something similar occurs with the Archangels and man. The Archangels never leave the Realms of Light to enter into duality and experience darkness. They never f eel separated from God as humans in existence do. Yet, human beings have a disti nct advantage upon their return to the Realms of Light in Beingness they have ga ined a more full understanding than the Archangels have. Paramhansa Yogananda wa s referring to this advantage when he said: The human form is higher than the Ang el form. Man is the highest being in Creation. Throughout all our incarnations, the Archangels are, were, and always will be ou r caring companions and guides. It brings them joy when we cooperate with their work and guidance. It is time we come to understand and know them better. Love to all, Daniel 7.30.02 Top A meditation by Daskalos from a Stoa Lesson Relax completely. When I mention our heart. Do I mean a handful of matter in our chest? That's the heart, the material heart. Do I mean that? The heart is the only organ in the m aterial body for the Holy Spirit and the Holy Archangels to talk to us. Every pu lse of the heart is their voice of love to us to prolong the life of our materia l body (which is not our Self). Through the material heart we can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and of the Holy Archangels. We will see it from another side. Our material heart is not our real heart that I am talking about. Because, our heart is not in the material body. It is in our so-called noetical and psychical bodies, which are in the material body. Our ma terial heart is coinciding with the heart I am speaking about, which is the hear t not of the material body, but of our personality. Yes, it's that heart we are talking about, which is a center of energy. It is the center of our emotions. Your heart, which is, as I said, your sanctum, the Holy of the Hollies. In it yo u'll worship God - Life. Everlasting Life. Realize that. You can have that heart . But, before, you must have a clean material heart. Free from enmities, envies, hostility and weaknesses. When you concentrate in that heart, you concentrate on your selfhood. There is y our church. You must not avoid entering it. Every time you are in need to worshi p God and receive what I call the Self-realization and Life, there, in that hear t, you will find your Selfhood - A God. Just meditate on this: "Who am I as the Life principle, as the Selfhood, keeping this material body I am living in - alive? Am I the only entity keeping the mat erial body alive? Is that my personality's knowledge or wisdom that is keeping t he material body in good order? Who has created the organs?"

By concentrating seriously you'll know the truth. You'll come in contact with th e intelligences called the Archangels of the Elements, working in your bodies as your slaves - loving you. And, what do you offer them? Nothing. What do they of fer us? Everything. They are waiting. They are loving us. ~ DASKALOS Now, in the bodies, in the etheric doubles of the bodies (the material, the psyc hical and the noetical) a Metathronius is your Guardian Angel. Every human being has a Guardian Angel. That is not your so-called higher Self. He is an Archange l different from your Soul-Spirit-Ego. Out of Love that Guardian Angel is egofie d [unified] to you. When you say that nobody can hear or see what you are doing - you are mistaken. The Guardian Angel knows everything and, sometimes, when you over do it he - interferes. That is what you call the stings of consciousness. Did you ever analyze what are the stings of consciousness that are coming to us sometimes saying "That's wrong! You shouldn't have done it."? It is his voice. Now, I will reveal much more. Do you know that you are in dialogue with him all the time without understanding it? He is egofied [unified] with you. You think t hat you are making this conversation with yourself. Just notice. When you sit in meditation, in silence, you listen to this dialogue. I ask you: "With whom are you talking with?" "With myself." "It is not with yourself - it is with your Gua rdian Angel that you are talking." That's why I say listen to your inner voice a nd consult that super intelligent Archangel who loves you. ~DASKALOS Note: Daskalos gave a visual example of this ngel and our Spirit-Soul. If you take gether, they appear as one. Pull them lly two flames. So it is also with the egofication of the between the Guardian A two lit candles and place their flames to apart and you will see that there are rea Guardian Angel and our Spirit- Soul.

Our Three Bodies Vehicles of the Self Aware Soul "Let us create man to our image and according to our likeness." You may read it in the Bible. God said "Let us create man ..." - to whom was this said? Of cour se, it was said (expressed) to the Archangelic orders . They are the Lords of t he Elements. It is through the elements the new entity as a human being was crea ted (by the Lords of the Elements). We have three bodies. Saint Paul revealed that in his letters. Many other great ones spoke about these three bodies. The gross material body, the so-called psyc hical body, and the noetical and the noetic body. They all speak about these thr ee bodies. Confucius did in "The Law", Buddha did also. You can find it in all the mystical systems. As the Soul we are dressed with these bodies. So, these H oly Archangels of the Elements start creating the atoms with which they will bui ld our bodies, dressing the Idea of Man with Total Wisdom. First, they create th e noetical body. Then, in it, they create the so-called psychical body. And, in the noetical and psychical bodies, they create the physical atoms, building the material body. That means, you become material, with a material body, and you get a psychical b ody (the body of your emotions) and a noetical body (the mind body), the body of your thoughts. A human being is using complete, independent, bodies (the material body, psych

ical body and the noetical body) to express himself. Reality for everybody is his material body. We live in the material plane (in o ur material body. The material plane is of the three dimensions. Who doubts th at he has a material body? Everybody knows that he has a material body, moving about with it and doing many, many things. But we are much much more than just a material body. One should get what is most necessary for his life, to live hi s life in the material world, in the material body, in a better way. In knowing the Truth which will liberate you from all kinds of illusions, pain, sorrow, and despair.

We also have a psychical body (to express ourselves emotionally) We live in the psychical plane in our psychical body. The psychical body is not like the mat erial body. Life there is much easier. It is your thought in the psychical plane makes forms and conditions. The psychical plane is of four dimensions. It is d ifficult to explain more about the psychical plane. Yet, the psychical plane is a place one can live and enjoy more easily, and feel happy - if he wants to. Th at is if he is not under the burden of his own strong emotions, weaknesses and h atreds. Unless you become the masters of your psychical body (your emotions) yo u cannot use it in the exosomatosis after you go to sleep. That's the body you u se in what we call the psychical plane and, unless you know what it is and how t o use it, you'll never become self-conscious in it. We also have a noetical body (also called the spiritual body by Saint Paul) to express ourselves as thoughts and logic, reason. Mind again vibrating but this time at still higher vibrations creating our noetical body which has a similar human form as the psychical and material bodies. We live in the noetical plane s in our noetical body. The noetical plane is of five dimensions. It is the mind world. There is more light. Much more light. A fellow passing from the psychic al to the noetical plane will see it as more light. The noetical body is bright and brilliant - indestructible.

So, all those bodies are connected and , everyone of you at this moment, in what ciousness, are living at the same time in a psychical body, and in a noetical body. you living in these bodies now?

one body is influencing the other. Now you call the common everyday self-cons three bodies - in a material body, in Yet, how active are they? And who are

So, it's our duty to do what? To try to make a proper psychical body and unfold our self-consciousness in it. But first of all, we have to unfold our self-consc iousness on the material plane in the material body and to form our noetical bod y, control our thoughts, become masters of our thoughts. Now, by unfolding more of our Soul self-consciousness, manifesting our divine power we call attunement, unfolding our Self-Superconsciousness in at-one-ment with the divine - what do we find? That we are all gods, sons of the Almighty. We manifest our self through the material body, through the psychical body, and through the noetical body - the bodies are ours - but they are not our real Sel f. I am a different entity. We said that the bodies are not our Self. They hav e been created! They are kept in good order by the Holy Archangels, and we live in them by grace - not by right. By the Grace of God! When a Seeker of the Tru th gets to understand this great event, the work of the Holy Archangels, and af ter knowing his material body, his psychic body and his noetical body, then he understands. He understands that the aim and the purpose of God was not to cre ate a stupid personality, an egoistic personality, a devilish egoist, but to cr eate man as a reflection of the real Spirit-Soul-Ego! To be as pure as is the in

ner Self. This is the purpose of God. "Let us create man to our image and accord ing to our likeness." ~ DASKALOS NOTE: The material body has an etheric double, the psychical body has an etheric double and the noetical body has an etheric double which are connected with our bodies in the worlds of expression. The etheric doubles act as links between th e bodies. More information on the bodies and their etheric doubles can be foun d in The Esoteric Teachings & The Esoteric Practices. Psychology & Sub-consciousness Researchers of the Truth understand the triadic nature of sub-consciousness. One chamber of the subconscious contains all the elementals composing our personali ty. A second chamber is the storehouse of etheric vitality --sometimes called ou r "animal vitality"--. The third and most valued chamber is that of the Logos an d Holy Spirit, for it is through the subconscious that the Holy Spirit and the L ogos impart Total Wisdom, Total Power and Total Love. We, as human beings, possess what we have called Holy Spiritual sub-consciousnes s, which refines in our gross material body, the psychic and noetical bodies and empowers them with Total Wisdom. It is that part of Mind within our personality which we call the subconscious mind. Each cell and atom of our gross material b ody also possesses instinctual consciousness. And, as we have said, the Holy Spi rit, God, who is everywhere present, works from the center of each atom and cell , apparently beneath Self-consciousness, but in reality in a super-conscious way . It is from an infinite number of points that It simultaneously manifests Its c reative force. We have seen It as impersonal, though nevertheless omnipotent and totally loving, working together with the Christ Logos, within the universes from the material to the mental and beyond - as provided for in the Divine Plan. For most of us our subconscious, depending on its composition and quality, decid es the circumstances in which we experience life. The subconscious, primarily located in the area of the solar plexus, is divided into three chambers. The size of each chamber varies according to the psycho-noe tical development of the individual. These three chambers of the subconscious are: 1) One chamber is the storehouse of vital energy or, as others term it, our ani mal vitality. It is through this part of the subconscious that our source of lif e, our daily bread, is drawn in and stored for distribution within and without. Living a healthy, gentle life, having developed a proper understanding of the ci rcumstances surrounding life, and being of service to others, in other words, be coming good Researchers of Truth, we will gain control over this energy. Otherwi se it is likely to gain control over us! Apart from maintaining our own full hea lth --our psychic and physical well-being-- we will harness this etheric vitalit y, as the various forms of ether, for healing others. As Christ says, "He that b elieveth in me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers o f living water" (John 7:38). Christ here speaks of etheric vitality as water. 2) Another chamber, so often a dense jungle, is the body of elementals that we generate and regenerate within our personality. These elementals, largely the pr oduct of subconscious activity, are contained within this chamber where they sti r about waiting for opportunities to express themselves. As we previously mentio ned, although many, many elementals are working against us, we also benefit from healthy, life-giving elementals, stored within our subconscious. It is in this chamber where we must apply ourselves in sorting out the good from the bad, that is, clearing the brush from the jungle.

For this is the very seat of our egoism as a present personality. This chamber u nless it is cleared and cleaned, will bind us - and make the others suffer - lif etime after lifetime adding misery along the way. He must increase, but I must dec rease'' as it is beautifully stated by our beloved Yohannan (John 3:30), here re ferring to the process of ridding ourselves of egoism - selfish elementals - and opening ourselves to the Love of Christ and God. A common misperception prevails these days in popular psychology. Many psychothe rapists believe that in order for a patient to recover he must relive certain em otions and events, venting memories and frustrations that have been plaguing the personality. In this process of "letting the steam out" more often then not the elementals surrounding a memory, rather then being weakened, are revitalized by the attention with which they are served. This method is counterproductive - ex cept in a few cases - to the client's recovery as it lends only more energy to t he problems. 3) The third chamber is where the Holy Spirit and the Christ Logos guide and inf luence us. Here we enjoy our Holy Spiritual super-conscious awareness, a type of instinctual awareness. We all marvel at the fact that we can drive a two ton au tomobile for miles and miles and not recall a single detail of the drive, as all along we were lost deep in thought. Other examples include our ability to act m ost swiftly and wisely when emergency situations arise. Moreover, it is from thi s holy chamber that each one of us knows intuitively the value of goodness and h as the ability to discriminate between right and wrong. And should we transgress , from here spring the stings of conscience which move us to correct our thought s and actions. We speak here of the Holy Spiritual and Logoic influences in our higher centers, yet here too, in the subconscious we are well guided in our deve lopment. Three quarters of our personality is subconscious, or subconscious mind. We wil l come to know Mind in another form and will be surprised when we have establish ed that Mind, even at its lowest degree of expression, holds within it the Total Wisdom, Total Power and Total Love of Absolute Beingness. The human personality is constructed both individually and in communities. A person receives influenc es from within the personality and the environment around, to which the individu al reacts with thoughts, desires and ambitions, which have their source largely in the subconscious. In addition, both our subconscious and our personality are situated simultaneous ly in our three bodies --noetical, psychic and gross material--. If this were no t so, the personality would be annihilated upon the dissolution of the material body. In such a case, those who left the material body, whether at "death" or in exosomatosis, would lose their individuality. But this does not happen. From Th e Esoteric Teachings by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis (Daskalos) What Every Psychologist Should Know As told to Dr. Robert- Sollod by Daskalos in Strovolos, Cyprus. More Written Articles OPRAH MAGAZINE THE TEACHING A PERSONAL VIEW OBITUARY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------We were chatting in the kitchen, and Daskalos said, "Let me tell you what every psychologist should know." He then started walking toward the living room. I fol lowed him and turned on a tape recorder as he began. This was the last day of my

visit. Daskalos: When we are coming to the world to live, we pass from the supersubstan ce of mind, formless mind, and we get some of that mind, formless but most power ful. Tis the first material to create what we call mental body. Lower vibrations of mind give what we call the psychical body, and still more rare [dense?] vibra tions are giving us our material body. So everything is mind. Matter is mind. It is only the rate of vibrations [that are different]. But we are not mind. We us e mind. Our ego or soul, call it whatever you like, or spirit self, has the char acteristics of self-knowledge. These are the characteristics of soul, [of] the A bsolute Beingness, of God. Self-knowledge. But to express that self-knowledge, w e need mind. God to express Himself created mind from Himself to express Himself . We find two conditions, the static, which is the Absolute Beingness in its sel f-abundance and what I will call the super wisdom motion which expresses now the Absolute Beingness self-willingness to express Himself. It is not desire [for e xpression]. It is a divine state. It creates vibrations. So we have the two states of things: self-abundance and self expression. For the [purpose of] self-expression is created mind in all the rates of vibration. Wha t are we as ego? We are God. As a soul, we are an expression. So the ego self, p assing through the Idea of Man, which is (in?) the super wisdom of the Infinite, where are the World of Ideas, becomes a soul. Which is the difference between t he soul and the ego spirit? Bob: In one sense there is no difference. Daskalos: There is a difference. Bob: The soul has the bodies, the three bodies. Daskalos: Yes, but before that. Which is the difference? Bob: The soul is human, and the ego spirit is before human. Daskalos: Why divide it in this way? I will tell you. I have the sun and the lig ht of the sun passing through space. Then, I open the window, and the light pass es through the window. The light passing through the window, from the window, gi ving the form of the window on the floor, is the soul. But the light from the wi ndow to the floor and the light from the window to the sun is the same. So the s oul is the same with the ego spirit. But now, it gets a form: the human existenc e, the human expression. So the soul is giving the human form expression. Bob: Is the ego spirit what they used to call the over-soul? Daskalos: The over-self is the spirit ego. Bob: The ego spirit? Daskalos: The ego spirit is the over-self. Now what are the characteristics of t he over-self [that distinguish it] from the self? Qualitative - no difference, q uantitative, yes. So once the soul dresses herself, let us say [it] like that, w ith mind as mental body, it makes mind part of herself. So, mind in its essence has the (over?) wisdom of God, of the Infinite. So we see a man born with mental body, psychical body, and the material body. Now, the self-consciousness of man using mind creates images, idols, elementals. The sum total of the elementals i s our present-day personality. So, what is now our present-day personality? What are the characteristics of these elementals? The ability to impress, that is wh y we call it, "impressive" ether, the ether [with which] we make visualization. The characteristic is that whatever it draws, to keep it. So that part of your m ental body, the body of experiences, has a kind of its own knowing, knowledge. T

his part is in the present-day personality, but when I say present-day personali ty I don t mean only the etheric double of the material body. I mean also the ethe ric double of the psychic body and the etheric double of the mental body because the combination of that is what I call present-day personality. So that sum of human, now, mind is the superconscious, the consciousness and the subconsciousness. So there is only one mind. The same way we say this building has the underground, the first floor and the upper floor, but it is this buildin g. What enriches the subconsciousness? The consciousness. So anything we are awa re of and comes to our consciousness is taught in our subconsciousness. And so w e can draw from our subconsciousness any moment we like memory, remembering, all those things which have been stored in it. So, if we call an ocean consciousnes s, subconsciousness is below the surface of the sea. So, the present day conscio usness [which] we have is one thousandth of our subconsciousness. So, we as soul s, as existences, as divers, can either swim on the surface or dive in the botto m of the ocean. It is the same water. It is the ocean. So it is one consciousnes s, whether I call it subconsciousness, consciousness or superconsciousness. Supe rconsciousness is when I know and I get impressions from many places at the same time. This is the difference between superconsciousness from consciousness. Sub consciousness, our subconsciousness, has a kind of its own life, its own conscio usness, that s what we call subconsciousness. I have one coin with two sides. That s mind. One is consciousness, and the other is subconsciousness. But it is one co in only. Can I go from one side to the other? Yes of course - through what I cal l memory, remembering, or bringing to the surface from the bottom of my existenc e old experiences. Now, subconsciousness is, I would say the wisdom of the consc iousness. Now, as long as we live in our material world, and you say consciously , do we live consciously or subconsciously consciously? Bob: Subconsciously consciously. Daskalos: How? You are a baby. I teach you how to walk. You didn t know how to wal k. You had made (good?) endeavors to it. You learned how to walk. So, in your wa king consciousness, you walk subconsciously. You understand what I mean? No need to pay attention to every step you are making and how you are walking. The subc onsciousness comes to the consciousness and you walk. The same thing in swimming . You learn to swim as you have learned to swim. You swim subconsciously conscio usly. You are conscious of swimming. But yet knowing to swim is from the subcons ciousness. So we can see that subconsciousness and consciousness are linked toge ther and influence the one the other so whether you say subconsciousness or cons ciousness, it s the mind. It s the essence, the energy and the characteristics of th e mind -- of our mental, psychic and material bodies. So, every psychologist should know this: what is the soul, what is mind, where i s the mind, wherefrom we get the mental images, the mental idols, those (holy?) elementals. From the formless supersubstance. So, we have defined now subconscio usness. Bob: Is this formless supersubstance ether? Daskalos: Ether is one on the characteristics of this supersubstance, it s mind. B ut even ether is mind, electricity is mind, the matter is mind. Bob: How does a person go beyond mind? Daskalos: I tell you, when you advance, and in the course of time you become mas ter of the material body, master of the matter around you, you control your emot ions, your desires, your expressions in life and you are master of them, through mind again, that means through thinking, thinking means using the mind, and the n you become master of your thoughts, you can know what you are thinking about, you can change thoughts, you can take decisions, that means through better quali

ty of the mind you can convert lower vibrations of the mind, you find yourself t hat I am not the emotions and I am not the mind, since I can change them, I can use them, I can replace them. Who am I then? Then you find yourself. You are you, the ego, formless, yet most powerful. God u n-manifested but who can manifest Itself anytime He likes. So, now we find certa in qualities of our ego, which is will power, what people use as will power is o bstinacy and not will power, because will power governs thought while obstinacy it is a colored, temporary in time and space, will, colored by emotions. So the psychologist must learn to analyze everything, his thoughts, his expressi ons, his abilities - how to think, and all that. Then he will find himself as a soul in himself as an ego-spirit. When he finds that, he knows who he is. This s hould be the aim of psychology. Now, what is psychology today? Psychology is just study certain behavior of man, take it as cause when it isn t cause, [when] it is an effect of other causes, and by that start to know more effects. That means, the present-day psychologist is not standing on solid ground. He thinks he is doing it, yet he cannot have the effects as causes for further effects. He should get in the root of the causes. Bob: And the root of the causes is? Daskalos: Knowing everything, what it is. Knowing the Absolute Beingness, knowin g yourself, knowing, knowing. That is the (end?). Can we know easily all these t hings? Now, life is a thousand-sided diamond. You can learn all the sides of tha t diamond. So day and night you may study and yet, you ll say as the old Greek phi losopher ( ), "One thing I know, that I know nothing." Well, I had a fellow [who saw me]. He was studying for years and years. He said, "Look here, you re making me naked. What am I now? You took me off my body, my em otions, my thoughts and I see a self you present me formless, non-existing." And I said, "Yes, but that s you and that s you as God and powerful, who can take an y form at will. You took already form at will." "No, no, no, I m afraid of that nothingness." [he said]. I said, "That is not nothingness. It s everything. But don t make comparison with kn own things and try to understand with three-dimensional things yourself. There a re rather deep waters to swim or [in which] to dive, yet we have to dive boldly to find ourselves."

The Elementals The subject of elementals cannot be exhausted. There was hardly a public Stoa L esson by Daskalos that did not at least touch on the subject of the elementals. Daskalos considered the study of our elementals as one of the most important for not just his students but for all human beings. For excerpts from a Stoa Lesson on the elementals please select HERE Every thought, emotion and desire creates and transmits an elemental - also call ed thought-form - that carries on an existence of its own. We create and regener ate two types of elementals. When negative emotion prevails over thought, we hav e created emotional thought-forms, or desire-thoughts. When our ideas, desires a nd emotions pass through reason and love, we create reasoned thought-forms, or t hought-desires. An elemental can never be destroyed, only disenergized (when no longer fed with etheric vitality). Elementals of a kind collect to form powerful

group elementals. If an individual, or a collection of individuals, are vibrati ng at the same frequency, they will attract such group elementals. Archangels al so create elementals (e.g. nature spirits and angels) in the service of the Divi ne Plan. Researchers of Truth understand the triadic nature of their subconscious. One ch amber of the subconscious contains all the elementals composing our personality. The second chamber is the storehouse of life-giving etheric vitality. The third , and most valued chamber, is that of the Logos and the Holy Spirit. With appropriate training, we can project and direct etheric vitality from the e theric doubles of the bodies and send it over vast distances, and perform so-cal led miracles. To do this we can take part of the Mind-substance of etheric vital ity, give it form and project it as a mental image, outside both our gross mater ial body and our etheric double. This happens consciously when we form what we call "thought-desires", but uncons ciously when we form "desire-thoughts". Jesus Christ called the latter "deaf and dumb spirits" (Mark 9:25). These two types of thought forms, because they are b oth living forms, we call "elementals". Etheric vitality is the "Bread" which comes to us from Heaven. It is the means b y which we build, when rendered into elementals, the present day personality. It is also the means of cleansing and purifying the character, which ultimately se rves to assimilate our personality into the Inner Self--our Self-aware Soul. We will concern ourselves with the way of using super-substance of Mind in the c reation of psychonoetical images. Such images arise from the shaping of Mind into forms that we call "elementals". Our present personalities, that is to say the vehicle through which most of us e xperience and interpret the worlds, are compositions of various elementals born either subconsciously, self-consciously or super-consciously. Elementals having once been created and projected, gain a material existence of their own. Upon still closer examination, we learn that each elemental owns a psychic and a noet ical counterpart, which inherits the intentions of its creator. Life as we know it in gross matter is how we ourselves fashion Mind supersubstan ce coupled with the communal and global environments that have been pre-shaped a round us. <![endif]>In this way we create different conditions in and around us, which can approach the likeness of paradises or hells, or stand somewhere in between, whi ch is what Catholics call purgatory. We each live in a shell, more or less perme able, of our own design. Just as the gross material body consists of many cells, organized into a working whole, so our personality consists of a network of interdependent psycho-noetic al images. The cells of our personality, as we might call them, are precisely, o ne by one, the elementals which we create and project as a result of our desires and weaknesses, strengths and virtues. With every thought, each glance, idea, distraction or feeling we create elementa ls. Even as we sleep, we are emitting elementals that will affect us and those a round us. The elementals are emitted with an intensity corresponding to the strength of th e desires which gave birth to them. When they have reached their goal and served their purpose, they return to their creator to be projected once again with eve r increasing power. This procedure is repeated many times, creating within our p

ersonality, either a terrible environment of darkness if the elementals are of lo w degree, or a strong atmosphere of love if they are good thought-desires In the same way we can poison the material body by consuming harmful food, or ca n cleanse it by improving the way we care for it, so we poison or cleanse our pe rsonalities. This is how human character evolves. But what is character and what is its relationship with our personality? We have said that our material body is something which is in constant state of change. S ubstance enters it and other substance is discarded. Orthodox science tells us t hat with the passing of every seven years, not a single cell remains from the bo dy of the seven years prior. We have the opportunity to shape our bodies and hea lth in this constant process of renewal. The same thing happens with our personality. Substance is taken in and substance is discarded. With the production and reproduction of elementals we build and r ebuild our personality. Here, too, we create health or illness, contentment or d issatisfaction, and sow peace or unrest. For most of us the construction of our personality is performed subconsciously, as we let desires and emotions dictate the character of the personality. Let us recognize the gift we have, to create and to form the holy supersubstance Mind, into heavens and hells. In a manner not unrelated to the Archangels, we have bee n given the authority and the responsibility to shape Mind into form. They shape the heavens without, we the heavens within. We can identify various types of elementals. Some spring from inside the persona lity, others are drawn from the outside environment. We either create elementals with our desire-emotions and thought-emotions; or our personality vibrates at a frequency common to a collection of elementals of a like kind and then attracts these elementals. The latter are the so-called "group elementals" that have been cultivated over the centuries by the perpetuation of common beliefs and actions . They can be either benign or malicious in intent. Our personality, whether wea k and ill-natured or strong and compassionate, will activate these group elementa ls. Once activated they will cling to the host personality, affecting emotions, thoughts and actions. When such group elementals are particularly aggressive they can control our ener gy centers in a phenomenon similar to possession. Conversely, should they be ben ign and loving we might experience a sensation of great inspiration or even ecst asy. The majority of the elementals we house are intelligent and demanding. They can force the personality to act in a certain manner which creates the conditions for the elemental to be satisfied and renewed. If we are filled with elementals of greed, envy and hatred, these elementals will dictate to our personality actions and behaviors that will lead to great disagreements and brawls, not to mention hellish inner dissatisfaction. If we are compassionate and peaceful in nature, o ur elementals will lead us into situations where we can be of some help and servi ce. Consequently, in spite of it being accepted that we do not have always full cont rol over the condition of our material body, in the case of our personality the responsibility is ultimately exclusively our own. If we have constructed a weak personality, we inevitably form centers of attrac tion which draw to us the corresponding elementals that others have created or a re creating around us, which are hovering in the psycho-noetical atmosphere. But , even in this case, it is we who have the responsibility, because we attract an d assimilate only those vibrations which resonate with ourselves. We cannot accu

se other people, or the conditions which prevail around us, because the acceptan ce and assimilation of these elementals is purely our own choice and responsibil ity. All around us there are human beings who live in ignorance and darkness, as wel l as others who make sensible use of Mind. There are, then, in our communal psy cho-noetical environment good and bad elementals. There are angels - and demons too! It is for us to create the magnetic pole which will attract the one and rep el the other. No demon can bother any human being who does not resonate with it. On the other hand, someone who is laboring under a particular guilt, can tempora rily be helped by an angelic being or through the meditation of other humans who pray for him, or by the expression of Divine Mercy. Prayer is the process of sh aping and emitting loving elementals. This help, however, is relative, for if the person in question has not matured ps ycho-noetically, the benefit derived will be temporarily. To be helped, the pers on must use this beneficial intervention as the starting point for right-thinkin g and development. Let us not cast blame on our surroundings. There are many elementals around us. There are elementals, for example, of those we call alcoholics, many of whom try to present themselves as victims of society. Such people are responsible for the ir sorry state, since they have created or drawn to themselves very strong eleme ntals, which take great will power to dis-energize. Yet the same elementals surr ound us all. A common misperception prevails these days in popular psychology. Many psychothe rapists believe that in order for a patient to recover he must relive certain em otions and events, venting memories and frustrations that have been plaguing the personality. In this process of "letting the steam out" more often then not the elementals surrounding a memory, rather then being weakened, are revitalized by the attention with which they are served. This method is counterproductive - ex cept in a few cases - to the client's recovery as it lends only more energy to t he problems. Elementals cannot be destroyed. Once an elemental has been created it will conti nue to exist in either an active state --when filled with etheric vitality from a personality-- or in a dormant state --deprived of thought power, lying in the waiting in the Cosmic Consciousness--. Inasmuch as our personalities are compose d both quantitatively and qualitatively of these elementals, in order to rid our selves of certain elementals we must be prepared to replace elementals which are a nuisance, with more beneficial ones. When one elemental is driven out a vacuu m remains which can be occupied by a new elemental of any nature. It is vital, t herefore, to fill such voids with elementals that serve a constructive purpose w ithin the personality. We see why it is difficult for personalities to change too much, too quickly as each personality is composed of a relatively balanced and interdependent network of elementals. Suddenly to remove either large elementals, or a collection of e lementals of a like kind, can seriously de-stabilize an individual, leading even to madness. The work of dis-energizing elementals must be slow and steady with much resolve. Elementals can never be defeated in a direct struggle. We believe that in order to move beyond the chains of the past it is best to recognize their source - usi ng reason - and then work to replace and transcend them. We need to let go of, a nd not dwell on, past events. In letting go of the past -- which is behind us an d unchangeable --, we dis-energize the elementals that weigh us down, depriving them of their life-blood. We can then live unfettered in the present. Let today

belong to today, and not the pull of yesterday, nor the push of tomorrow. From the Esoteric Teachings book by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis (Daskalos)

The following references are from the Parables book by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis ( Daskalos) in which he address the parables of Joshua Immanuel the Christ which mention the elementals. Page Page 13 95 Unclean spirits are elementals (Matt 12: 43-45) Elementals can only be de-energized, they can not be killed.

Page 96 The study of elementals is a most important one in our life on the planet (earth). Excerpts from a Stoa Lesson on the Elementals We have the emotional thought forms in various degrees of purity and that purity of the elementals depends on the nature of the emotions and the amount of thoug ht in the emotions. But, if you find the thought a slave of an emotion, then tha t elemental is the elemental not desired to be built up! Now, the thought emotio nal elementals are not that. The thought dominates. There is only a slight feeli ng of emotion to know the truth about thought. These are the constructive though t forms (elementals). So, all these elementals, emotional or thought elementals, get a form. And the f orm of it, the color of the form, brown color, even what you call the black colo r, are the thought forms of passions, weaknesses, hatreds, envy. You can see ele mentals with very dark yellow color (which you wouldn t like to see). Especially e lementals of envy have this color. So, though those who create elementals do not see them, they are under their inf luence, because they are in their sub-consciousness. If people could see the ele mentals they are projecting, they would be frightened! So, our whole life, day a nd night (and during the night you are creating elementals, because you continue vibrating with the vibrations of your emotions), a Present- Day-Personality, a human being, creates elementals. Our work is to know the nature of the whole Pre sent-Day-Personality we express. The Christ was the first who clearly spoke about the elementals, calling them th e evil spirits. He not only described them but also said how they are created an d how they behave. He said that an evil spirit, coming out of the human body, fr om the human mind, goes to waterless places (He described those surroundings), and then, returns back home, comes back to the man, carrying with it seven other sp irits worse than it, though finding its home clean (it means that at that moment there were no more evil thoughts). Yet, it finds the way back through the seven gates - the seven centers of energy in the etheric double. Seven. He even descr ibed the number. And then, when it enters, what happens? What we call possession - being influenced and possessed by the evil spirits (people throwing themselve s down, showing signs of epilepsy and all other things). You can find everything in the Bible, in the New Testament. These evil spirits, that we call bad elemen tals, have their own intelligence, the intelligence of the fellow who had projec ted them. In one case He met a fellow on the ground showing fits of epilepsy. When He appr oached him, that man started speaking, expressing the elementals in him who took over, Yes, we know you. You are the Son of God and you came to torture us. That m

eans that even these elementals have ill feelings. They knew that feeling of bei ng tortured because they were torturing the fellow who accepted them. They even had suggestions, Don t cast us to the darkness, but allow us to go to this herd of swine. It is stated in the Bible. All right, He said, yet, who are you? They said, are many. We are a legion. A legion torturing that fellow. He ordered them to lea ve that man and they entered the herd of swine. The swine didn t accepted them and threw their material bodies into the sea where they drowned. Even the swine did not like to accept them. So, it is well described - the elementals and what they do. Now, what do we know ? Don t think that things have changed! There are many amongst us, around us, who are possessed by these elementals. They think they are devils. No. These are the ir own elementals and they are responsible either for their creation or for thei r revitalization (from the slumbering elementals of the kind in their group elem ental). Like seeks like. No evil elemental can torture and enter an innocent and clean person! You must have that in mind. Vibrating in the rates and frequencie s of the vibrations of these elementals we attract them, just like a magnet, and allow them to come and find entrance through the centers of vitality of our eth eric double. That s clear. We won t protect ourselves from these elementals by being afraid of them, but by b eing clean ourselves. Clean - not attracting them. I assure you no bad elemental can influence anyone who is not vibrating at the same frequency of vibration wi th them. Vibrating - how? Feeling certain desires, emotions, which are not clean in reality. We are responsible, because evil elementals (there are good element als also) are attracted by the rate and the frequency of vibrations of the ether ic double of our psychical body. So, we have to work on the psychical body to ke ep it clean. Now, can we meet these elementals on a higher level, what we call the noetical p lane? Yes, in the noetical plane we can find them, but not in the higher planes. Usually, these elementals have as their main body the emotion (desire) of the f ellow who is creating them and very little mind (I call it cunningness - how to carry out its aims) - Very, very little mind and much emotion. Creating elementals with reasoning, their only emotional part is to create them and make them do some service to humanity. I call them angelic elementals, const ructive elementals, real thought forms and not emotion thought-forms. So, we cla ssify their quality (let us use more plain words now) as good and bad elementals . In the same way we can create, revitalize or give life to a bad elemental, we can to a good one. Why not make a good, positive, constructive elemental instead of a bad one, torturing us and the others (who are vibrating at the same rate o f vibration with those elementals). Where are these elementals stored up in our personality? Now, first of all, our personality is the sum-total of the elementals, good or bad. These elementals ar e composing our Present-Day Personality - the personality of Mary, Helen, George or Peter. So, where are these elementals, good and bad, stored up in our person ality? In the etheric double of our material body, in the etheric double of our psychical body (which coincides in space), and mainly there, and in the etheric double of our noetical body (in the lower parts of the noetical body), all coinc iding in place. Place? Where is that place? - The personality of a man. And what do we call that storehouse which is in the personality? Sub-consciousne ss. We ll call it the subconscious Mind, which is in every personality, in every p erson. And I would rather say that it is the three fourths of the personality, b ecause a human being now is living subconsciously, thinking and believing that h e is living consciously, being all the time under the influence of the subconsci ous Mind.


When will one live consciously? ~ DASKALOS

When one develops the real self-consciousness.

Prodigal Son There was once a man who had two sons; and the younger said to his father, 'Fath er, give me my share of the property.' So he divided his estate between them. A few days later the younger son turned the whole of his share into cash and left home for a distant country, where he squandered it in reckless living. He had sp ent it all, when a severe famine fell upon that country and he began to feel the pinch. So he went and attached himself to one of the local landowners, who sent him on to his farm to mind the pigs. He would have been glad to fill his belly with the pods that the pigs were eating; and no one gave him anything. Then he c ame to his senses and said, 'How many of my father's paid servants have more foo d than they can eat, and here am I, starving to death! I will set off and go to my father, and say to him: Father, I have sinned, against God and against you; I am no longer fit to be called your son; treat me as one of your paid servants.' So he set out for his father's house. But while he was still a long way off his father saw him, and his heart went out to him. He ran to meet him, flung his arm s round him and kissed him. The son said, 'Father, I have sinned, against God an d against you; I am no longer fit to be called your son.' But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! fetch a robe, my best one, and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet. Bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us have a feast to celebrate the day. For this son of mine was dead and has come back to life; he was lost and is found.' And the festivities began. Now the elder son was out on the farm; and on his way back, as he approached the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the servants and asked what it meant. The servant told him, 'Your brother has come home, and your father ha s killed the fatted calf because he has him back safe and sound.' But he was ang ry and refused to go in. His father came out and pleaded with him; but he retort ed, 'You know how I have slaved for you all these years; I never once disobeyed your orders; and you never gave me so much as a kid, for a feast with my friends . But now that this son of yours turns up, after running through your money with his women, you kill the fatted calf for him.' - 'My boy', said the father, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. How could we help celebrati ng this happy day? Your brother here was dead and has come back to life, was lost and is found. ~ J oshua Emmanuel the Christ

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------For me, this is the most important parable. It contains the very essence of trut h. What did the son say to his father? 'Give me my share of the property.' What is his property? Mind - everything that is Mind, including matter. The 'younger son' is a soul passing through the Idea of Man, the Human Idea. The elder son is an Archangel. He also has his share of the property, which means that Archangel s are using Mind, too. So our brothers who stayed with the Father have their 'sh are' - which is Mind. The 'younger son' - that is: 'human beings' - spends his s hare on 'reckless living' - experiences in the worlds of separation.

As Joshua describes it, the Lords of matter, the Lords of Separation, had him as their slave. They sent him out to look after the pigs. What are those 'pigs'? T he elementals he had created. And he was content to eat the food those pigs were eating. That refers to the filthy combination of the low elementals, which poll ute mind and emotion. These are the elementals which Joshua called 'deaf and dum b spirits' (Mark 9:25) . But then he came to his senses. 'What is this that I am eating?' he said. 'What are all those thoughts and emotions I have? Do they satisfy me? I am eating th e same food as the pigs.' So he decided to leave and go back to his Father. This is another very important point. All the while he was thinking those though ts, his father knew it. Then he started thinking how to behave towards his fathe r. 'Am I worthy to be his son? Let me go back and sell myself into his service.' But when he had taken some steps towards his father, the father rushed to him a nd embraced him. So the father is waiting for his return. What did he say, the Father? He told the Archangels to dress him, in the best cl othes he had. 'You are my son', He said, 'you are not a servant. You are a son!' What is meant by 'a servant'? The elementals of the Archangels, the angels. The y are the 'servants'. He gave him his own best clothes. He didn't deprive the Ar changels of their best clothes. Then he put a ring on his finger. An Archangel only gets a ring on his finger when he returns as a Self-Realized B eing, after going through the human experience. I have contacted the Archangels many times and I tried to make them understand time, what we humans know as past , present and future. 'We are in the Eternal Now', they reply. They understand t he Eternal Now, for they have always existed 'now', they exist 'now' and they al ways will exist 'now'. So they do not understand past, present and future. What interests them is their work and the Truth, expressing their nature as they are, without understanding time. The ring on his finger is symbolizing the knowledge and understanding of eternit y. Eternity is movement without beginning and without end. Infinite Beingness is eternal motion. Suppose somebody moves on a ring, he will move eternally withou t having a beginning and an end. This is the sense of eternity. A human being mo ving on the ring, can understand the nature of past, present and future. But for a being at the centre of the ring, and the movement - as the Archangels are - t here is no past, present, and future, only the Eternal Now. In the parable of th e prodigal son, it is stated clearly, that when the prodigal son returned home, first the father sacrificed the well-fed animal, that means the material body; ' flesh and blood can never possess the kingdom of heavens' (1 Cor. 15:50) . This is obvious. Then the father gave him the best dress he had for a prince, the sam e dress that the Archangel - the elder brother had. There is no distinction betw een them in that. But when the prodigal son was given a ring on his finger, his father made him different from the Archangels in heaven. So the 'elder brother' (which means all the orders of the Archangels) is complai ning, 'You never offered me a sacrifice.' But the Archangel never had a material body to sacrifice. As we said, the 'fatted calf' means the material body. His f ather told him, 'You are working as a lord of the elements for humans and for an imals, but they are not yours. So you have nothing to kill. But he, my younger s on, has dressed himself with matter.' Sacrificing, killing a 'fatted calf' means killing the involvement with matter. The elder brother, the Archangel, had neve r enslaved himself to matter, so he had never needed even a 'baby goat' to be sa crificed to set him free. 'So why do you complain?' the Father asked. 'Everythin g I have, is it not also yours? You have not been deprived of anything that is y ours.' The Archangel never used Mind in the way humans are using it, projecting element

als, good and bad. In this way, human beings learn lessons leading eventually to their return to Absolute Beingness, the Father, with the knowledge and understa nding to be accepted as a child of God. ~Daskalos

Circle of Possibilities From a Stoa Lecture given by Daskalos on 19 APRIL 1994 Called: INTROSPECTION, MEDITATION, PRAYER You can enter those things, enter into the Circle of their Possibilities, exerci se your will power and produce what you want. I'll give you an example. When I w as in Kinshasa (Zaire, Africa) I saw a nice creeper with lovely three-colored le aves having nice bluish flowers. I brought some with me and planted them in my h ouse. They grew. But, they need very hot weather to flower. A friend of mine who studied botany brought me a book. We talked about that kind of creeper. I told him, "Look here, there are also other colors of these flowers." He said, "Yes, b ut usually they are bluish or violet." I told him, "Come and see." I brought him to the yard of my house. "Is that the plant you are talking about?" He said, "Y es, the leaves are like it, but of course that can't be." I said, "Are you sure? I brought it from Kinshasa, from Zaire, and its flowers will be bluish." He sai d, "How can you prove that to me?" It was nearly Christmas. At night it was fros ty outside. Water was turning to ice. I told him, "Come after tomorrow." I went to the plant, saw it, gave it my love and I told it by making an elementa l, "I want you to give at least two or three flowers." Which means, by attunemen t to something you become master of it - of the animal kingdom, of the vegetable kingdom. Two days later he came to me. He didn't know the surprise I was going to give him. Three flowers were blooming open. "Is everything as I said?" "But, that's not possible!" I said, "It is possible". He said, "How did you do it?" I said, "I'll need hours to explain and still you won't understand it." If you enj oy nature, nature loves you. This is the power of what I call attunement to something. These are great powers , of course. But, is that all? Is this our aim? No! You still have to develop mo re, I won't call them powers but, unfolding your nature as a Spirit-Soul, to ent er in the at-one-ment with God, with nature, see Him everywhere, love Him, and e njoy His Love. So, in at-one-ment or becoming one you are entering in the Onenes s of the Logos. Now, there are no words to explain to you what that is, except t hat it is real bliss. If you reach that you will find out the value of life, wha t is Life, Light, Love - synonyms. This is what Joshua Emmanuel the Christ came to teach the people, the world. He came to teach His Oneness, to teach us, "Love God, with all your heart," the hea rt He had given us, "with all your soul," your Soul-Self, your beingness, "with all your mind," the intelligence, the Mind He is granting us, "and with all your beingness." This is what He said in Greek and in Aramaic. And He said to love e very other human being not less than we love our own self. Which self? Our SoulEgo Being. Because, as Soul-Ego Beings, all of us are in the Logos Oneness. ~ Dr . Stylianos Atteshlis (Daskalos)

Book Virtual Circle Lessons Stoa Lesson PodCast

Graphic Image by J. Brown The Symbol of Life THE SYMBOL OF LIFE by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis (Daskalos) ISBN 9963-8162-1-5 Th e "Symbol of Life" is a symbol of Christian mysticism. Its ten centers and the path between represent life, the whole process of creation and the way back to M an's origin. Until now the teachings of the "Symbol of Life" has been restricte d to small circles of students. In this book the well-know Cypriot mystic and h ealer, Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis, traces the history of the "Symbol of Life" and e xplains its symbolism. He invites the reader to meditate on the different aspe cts of life and creation in order to enable him or her to reach higher levels of consciousness. Dr. Atteshlis takes you to the 13th and 14th centuries B.C. of Ancient Egypt where the "Symbol of Life" was already known. He reveals the the connection between the Symbol of Life, the radical reign of Egypt's Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Ankhenaton), the so called Amarna Period which introduced Monothe ism (one god religion) for the very first time in recorded history. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excerpts from the Symbol of Life by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis - Daskalos Surrounded by many dangers, [Pre-historic] man was feeling the need to rely on a stronger entity for protection. He had created his Gods to stimulate the coura ge necessary to face the difficulties of life he was facing at that time. Man had worshipped the Sun, feeling that the Sun God was giving him strength. He had worshipped the moon, fire, rivers, mountains and nature. He was very oft en giving to his Gods the human form, giving also to his Gods names. Of course those Gods Man had worshipped were Elementals which, when worshipped b y many people were gaining both strength and a kind of intelligence. These Elem entals, strengthened by the prayers of those worshipping them, could influence g reatly the worshippers. Man, having many experiences decided to find a way to record them. To record hi s beliefs fro himself, and for his descendants, Man had found the easiest way wa s to use symbols. Engraving his symbols Man could later bring back in his mind what these symbols meant to him. Man was explaining the meaning of his symbols to his descendants who would be able to share with him his beliefs and his experiences. Of course those symbols were creating Elementals (living thought-forms) most powerful at times...

From the Symbol of Life Book in Daskalos' own hand The Symbol of Life given now is a purely Christian system. It is the old Egypti an Symbol of Life changed and modified by the Prince and High Hierophant Khor-At on (Khor-Amon) at the time of his Majesty the King of Egypt, the Pharaoh AnkhenA ton. Khor Aton was re-incarnated, again in Egypt, as the Christian Bishop Origenes (O rigen). Origenes made also some changes in the Divine part of the Symbol and el sewhere, using the Revelation of St. John in the New Testament, giving the Symbo l of Life (as it is now) to the Essenes.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[At the time of Moses] The Egyptian Symbol of Life was neglected and could be se en only in a few temples of the Sun-God Amon-Ra as an ornament Very few hieroph ants were using it; and the Shakh Kniu-Mu Mosis [Moses] was one of them. Shakh Kniu-Mu Mosis [Moses] had succeeded in raising his self-consciousness to h igh levels. He was able to contact intelligences in space, and by invoking them, he succeeded to put their forces under his commands, which enabled him to perf orm great wonders... In the Holy Bible, in the Old Testament, the chapter entitled "Exodus" describe clearly the events, the plagues, and also what Moses had succeeded to achieve by using the Egyptian Symbol of Life. The Shakh Kniu-Mu Mosis [Moses] had changed the Egyptian Symbol of Life and gave the world the "Etz Ha' Chayim", the "Tree of Life", the Hebrew Qabalah. On the "Etz Ha' Chayim" the names of the Egyptian Gods were taken out from the C enters (Sephira) and new names were given to each such as Kether, Yesod, etc... On the sketch of the "Etz Ha' Chayim" one can see on the Sephria (Centers), the name of either an angel or the name of an Archangel.... On the Symbol of Life the seekers of the Truth are using, all the Archangels can be contacted in every Center ETHERIC CENTERS, SACRED DISCS Centers (Hebrew: Sephira) Centers of energy and activity (Sanskrit: Chakras) located at various points on the etheric doubles of our bodies. Each of the three bodies, from the gross mate rial to the more refined, displays these centers, which correspond to organs of the material body. These centers act as gates and storehouses for elementals. We must exercise care in working with these centers, for while it is necessary for us to develop and awaken certain of them, others are the domain of the Holy Spir it, the Archangels and the Logos --e.g. the "root" and the heart centers-- and w e should refrain from any manipulation or direct interference. ... When Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (at a service in the temple of Amon Ra, the Sun Go d) was on the platform, invoking Amon-Ra repeating loudly the Khe-Kau (words of power), a red flame appeared on the right side of the golden image of the sun. A violet flame then appeared on the left side of the gold in image of the sun. In the flames two human looking figures appeared. The Pharaoh lost his conscio usness, falling down on the platform. Khor-Amon, [The High Hierophant] took th e Pharaoh to the nearby palace in Uast (Thebes) .... Khor-Amon told the Pharaoh

the he himself, and all the others had seen the flames and the human-looking fi gures. Mikh-Ra-Dat (a hierophant who was present) said that the materialized f igures were an Archangel of the Order of the Maha-Els (Michaels) and an Archange l of the Order of the Ra-pfa-Els (Raphaels). Next day the Pharaoh summoned the Assembly of Hierophants...and announced his de cision to abolish the Assembly as a Body and expel form the Institute all Hierop hants opposing the new order. The Pharaoh announced to the Assembly that the he believed in and was now worshiping, the One Real god Aton, the Absolute Infinit e Beingness, the everlasting Life, the symbol of which is the holy Ankh. An open ware between the Hierophants worshiping the many Gods and the Pharaoh ha d begun. ... Mikh-Ra-Dat & Khor-Amon prepared a hall [dedicated to the meditation and ad oration of Aton - the spiritual sun] in the palace in Apts (Karanak)... and plac ed the Symbol of Life. ... on one occasion, the Pharaoh had to be standing in front of the Khaut (altar ), the two flames - the red flame and the violet flame - appeared on the right a nd on the left sides of the Khaut. Maha-El (Michael) appeared in the red flame and , stepping out of the fiery red flame, he materialized himself and beckond t o Khor-Amon to approach him. Khor Amon got up and approached the Archangel, who embraced Khor-Amon. Half of the Archangel's body entered in the body of Khor-Amon. When the ceremony had ended the Pharaoh, in addressing Khor-Amon, had called him "Khor-Aton". In addressing his wife Nefer-Dhiti (Nefertiti), he had called her "Merit-Aton". He then asked all in the future to call him "Ankh-en-Aton" (Ankhe nAton) Raising both his hands, the Pharaoh AnkhenAton exclaimed: Aton Neter Ankh tteta en Kheh rekh God Aton, Life everlasting in eternity, I know Neb En Pet Kha En T-ta Neter En Maat Lord of Heaven and of Earth God of Truth Rekh A-at Neb Sek-Hem-AA Em utu I know Great Lord I have gained the mastery of what is asked a-arit er-a ttep t-ta neb en ankh kna en Mer A-atef I-ia nek to be done for me on Earth, Lord of Life and of Love. Divine Father I have come to you. Now Spirit and matter, the light and the illusion were at war in Khemt (Egypt). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------This History, Description and Guide to the Symbol of Life, which contains Englis h & German translations and the original manuscript in Daskalos' own hand and hi s illustrations. Through the Symbol, most recently taught by Daskalos, we beco me more aware of the purpose and work of our incarnation. ISBN 9963-8162-1-5 pub lished by the Stoa Series, P.O. Box 28347 2093 Strovolos Nicosia Cyprus

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