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DPMT 2008

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DPMT - 2008 (Memory Based)

1. A rod of length l and mass m is kept vertically on the ground. Its potential energy is

(1) mgL (2) mg (3) mg (4) mg
2 3 4
Sol: Ans [2]

u = Mg

is distance of e.m. from ground.

2. A satellite is put in orbit at height h = R. What is change in potential energy.

mgR 3
(1) mgR (2) (3) 2 mgR (4) mgR
2 2

Sol: Ans [2]

GMm  GMm 
∆u = u f − u i = − −−  .... (i)
2R  R 

and GM = gR 2 .... (ii)

∴ ∆u =

3. A body is projected at an angle 45º with horizontal. If escape velocity when projected vertically up
its escape velocity is 11.2 km/sec. What is new escape velocity ?

(1) km/sec (2) 11.2 2 km/sec (3) 11.2 km/sec (4) none of these

Sol: Ans [3]

Escape velocity is direction independent.

4. If total energy of satellite is E. What is its potential energy.

(1) 2E (2) –2E (3) E (4) –E

Sol: Ans [1]

P.E. = 2 × Total energy

Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations : Phones: 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42

Physics DPMT-2008 (Memory Based)

5. If radius of earth is reduced

(1) tide duration is reduced (2) earth rotates slower
(3) time period of earth decreases (4) duration of day increases

Sol: Ans [3]

Use conservation of angular momentum.

6. Zener diode acts as

(1) Voltage regulator in reverse biasing (2) Voltage regulator in forward biasing
(3) Current regulator in reverse biasing (4) Current regulator in forward biasing

Sol: Ans [1]

Zener works in reverse biase condition.

7. What is ratio of electron ?
(1) 2.76 × 1010 (2) 2.76 × 1010 (3) 1.76 × 1010 (4) 1.76 × 1011

Sol: Ans [4]

Use value of e and m.

8. What is charge on 90 kg of electrons.

(1) 1.58 × 1013 (2) 2.3 × 1012 (3) 2.53 × 1012 (4) none of these

Sol: Ans [1]

Charge = × total mass
9. At what temperature iron becomes paramagnetic ?
(1) 200ºC (2) 400ºC (3) 600ºC (4) 800ºC

Sol: Ans [4]


10. Sparkling of diamond is because of

(1) Total internal reflection (2) Refraction
(3) Diffraction (4) Scattering

Sol: Ans [1]


11. Pressure variation in mechanical wave depends upon as

(1) ∝ intensity (2) independent of intensity

(3) ∝ (4) none of these

Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations : Phones: 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42

DPMT-2008 (Memory Based) Physics

Sol: Ans [1]

Pm = BkA and I ∝ A2

12. Earth’s magnetic field is

(1) 10–4 T (2) 10–5T (3) 10–6T (4) none of these

Sol: Ans [2]


13. If charge and distance between them is reduced to half. Force between them
(1) remains same (2) increases four times (3) reduce four times (4) none of these

Sol: Ans [1]

Use F = k .

14. A car of mass 400 kg is pulling a coach of mass 300 kg. If friction force is 1N/100 kg, what is
(1) 2100 N (2) 2126 N (3) 1926 N (4) 2750 N

Sol: Ans [3]

 4500 − 7 
T = 300 × a = 300 ×   = 1926 N
 400 + 300 

15. Masses m and M on pulley move 0.6 m in 4 sec. What is ratio of ?
55 113 57 117
(1) (2) (3) (4)
57 117 55 113
Sol: Ans [No matching answer]

25 ( M − m) g
a= ⇒
t2 ( M + m)

16. Three rods of equal length of thermal conductivity k, 2k and 3k are symmetrically joined. If temperature
of ends are 0ºC, 50ºC and 100ºC respectively, what is temperature of function.
100 200
(1) 20ºC (2) ºC (3) ºC (4) none of these
3 3
Sol: Ans [3]

(3kA)(100 − T ) (2kA)(50 − T ) kA(T − 0) 200

+ = ⇒T = ºC
l l l 3

Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations : Phones: 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42

Physics DPMT-2008 (Memory Based)

17. Frequency of cyclotron does not depend upon

(1) charge (2) mass (3) velocity (4)
Sol: Ans [3]


18. No. of beats between A and B is 5 Hz and between B and C are 3 Hz. Beat frequency between A
and C may be
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 8 (4) none of these

Sol: Ans [2, 3]

Beat frequency is difference of two frequencies.

19. A gas at one atmosphere and having volume 100 ml is mixed with another gas of equal moles at 0.5
atm and having volume 50 ml in flask of one litre. What is their final pressure ?
(1) 0.5 atm (2) 1 atm (3) 0.75 atm (4) 0.125 atm

Sol: Ans [4]

1 × 100 0.5 × 50 P × 1000

+ = ⇒ P = 0.125 atm

20. A body cools from 80ºC to 64ºC in 5 minutes nad same body cools from 80ºC to 52ºC in 10 minutes,
what is temperature of surrounding
(1) 24ºC (2) 28ºC (3) 22ºC (4) 25ºC

Sol: Ans [1]

80 − 64  80 + 64 
= k −T 
5  2 

80 − 52  80 + 52 
= k −T 
10  2 

⇒ T = 24ºC

21. Sky waves are reflected are reflected by

(1) statosphere (2) mesosphere (3) inosphere (4) none of these

Sol: Ans [3]


22. What is size of gold nuclei ?

(1) 3R0 (2) 4R0 (3) 5R0 (4) 5.8R0

Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations : Phones: 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42

DPMT-2008 (Memory Based) Physics

Sol: Ans [4]

R = R0(A)1/3

23. In L-C-R resonant circuit what is phase angle; φ

(1) 90º (2) 180º (3) 0º (4) 60º

Sol: Ans [3]

At resonance φ = 0

24. In R-C circuit ω = 100 rod/sec, R = 100 Ω, C = 20µF. What is impedence.

(1) 510Ω (2) 200Ω (3) 250Ω (4) 300Ω

Sol: Ans [1]

2 2
 1   1 
z = R2 +   = (100) + 
−6 
= 510 Ω
 ωc   100 × 20 × 10 

25. A body is moving forward and backward change in frequency observed of source is 2%. What is
velocity of the body (speed of sound is 300 m/sec)
(1) 6 m/sec (2) 2 m/sec (3) 2.5 m/sec (4) 3 m/sec

Sol: Ans [4]

v −u
f1 = f

f= f

f 2 − f1 = f .

∆f 2u
× 100 = × 100
f v

Solving u = 3 m/sec.
26. A body is projected horizontally with velocity 196 m/sec from height 400 m. What is time to reach
the ground.
(1) 5 (2) 10 (3) 15 (4) 20
Sol: Ans [2]

2h 2 × 400
t= = = 4 5 ; 10 sec.
g 10

Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations : Phones: 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42

Physics DPMT-2008 (Memory Based)

27. Two spheres of unequal mass and unequal radius are released on inclined plane. They rolls down
with slipping. Which one will reach early.
(1) Lighter sphere will reach first (2) Heavier sphere will reach first
(3) Same time (4) none of these
Sol: Ans [3]
Body having larger acceleration will come down first.

g sin θ g sin θ
a= =
K2 1+
1+ 2
R 5

28. A cylinder is rolling down a inclined plane of inclination 60º. What is its acceleration

(1) g/ 3 (2) g/ 3 (3) (4) none of these

Sol: Ans [1]

g sin 60
ac = =g/ 3
29. Lead is
(1) Diamagnetic (2) Paramagnetic (3) Ferromagnetic (4) None of these
Sol: Ans [1]
30. M = xH is applicable
(1) Iron (2) Bismuth (3) Copper (4) Nickil
Sol: Ans [2, 3]
31. If temperature of rod is increased 10ºC its length changes 1%. What is percentage change in volume
of body of same material for 10ºC increase in temperature
(1) 9% (2) 1% (3) 5% (4) 3%
Sol: Ans [4]

× 100 = α × 10 × 100

× 100 = 3α × 10 × 100
Solving % change in volume = 3%
32. Water falls from height 100 m. Temperature of water
(1) increases (2) decreases (3) remains same (4) none of these
Sol: Ans [1]
Potential energy will convert into heat energy.

Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations : Phones: 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42

DPMT-2008 (Memory Based) Physics

33. Two identical co-centric rings each of mass m and radius R are placed perpendicularly. What is the
moment of inertia about axis of one of the rings.
3 1
(1) MR 2 (2) 2MR2 (3) 3MR2 (4) MR 2
2 2
Sol: Ans [1]

MR 2 3MR 2
I = MR 2 + =
2 2
34. A motor of power 60 W draws current 5A from a source of 15 V. What is loss of power.
(1) 30 W (2) 25 W (3) 20 W (4) 15 W
Sol: Ans [4]
Loss = 15 × 5 – 60 = 15 W
35. An electron and proton are placed at distance 4.3 nm. What is dipole moment ? (C-M)
(1) 3.44 × 10–28 (2) 2 × 10–28 (3) 6.85 × 10–28 (4) none of these
Sol: Ans [3]
P = 1.6 × 10–19 × 4.3 × 10–9 = 6.85 × 10–28.

36. . What is current I.

(1) 6 A (2) 5 A (3) 7 A (4) 8 A

Sol: Ans [4]
Apply Kirchhoff’s first law.
37. Police is chasing the thief 50 m ahead. In 10 seconds distance between them reduces by 6 m. What
is distance between them in 25 sec.
(1) 10 m (2) 25 m (3) 35 m (4) 20 m
Sol: Ans [3]
Let relative velocity = v
⇒ 6 = v × 10 ⇒ v = 0.6 m/sec
Distance between them in 25 secs = 50 – 0.6 × 25 = 35 m
38. A body of mass 10 kg is initially at rest aquires velocity 10 m/sec. What is work done.
(1) –500 J (2) 500 J (3) 50 J (4) –50 J
Sol: Ans [2]

W = ∆K = × 10(10) 2 − 0 = 500 J

Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations : Phones: 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42

Physics DPMT-2008 (Memory Based)

39. A stone is whirled in path of radius 1 m and its speed decreases from 4 m/sec. to 2 m/sec. in 2 sec.
What is angular acceleration ?
(1) 1 rad/sec2 (2) 2 rad/sec2 (3) 4 rad/sec2 (4) none of these
Sol: Ans [1]
Using v = u + at
a = –1 m/sec2

α= = 1 rad/sec2
40. What is nature of light and sound waves ?
(1) Light is transverse and sound is longitudinal
(2) Light is longitudinal and sound is transverse
(3) Both transverse
(4) Both longitudinal
Sol: Ans [1]
41. If the colour code of carbon resistor is as follows, then give the value of its resistance in KΩ.
Colour of I strip – yellow
Colour of II strip – blue
Colour of III strip – orange
Colour of IV strip – gold
(1) (46 ± 5%) (2) 0.46 ± 5% (3) 46 ± 10% (4) 0.46 ± 10%
Sol: Ans [1]
Using the sequence
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
For yellow strip use 4
For blue strip use 6
For orange strip use 103
For gold strip use 5%
Answer is (46 × 103 ± 5%) Ω or (46 ± 5%) kΩ
42. Self inductance of solenoid is proportional to
(1) (2) (3) (4)
l l L l
Sol: Ans [4]

µ0 N 2 A

Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations : Phones: 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42


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