Description Bill No. 1: SITE CLEARANCE Clearing and Grubbing Road Land (Cleaning and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation grass bushes shrubs saplings and trees girth upto 300 mm removal of stumps of trees of all girth size cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness ) complete as per technical specification clause 201 and as directed by the Engineer. Dismantling of structures (dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structures comprising of masonry cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead complete as per technical specification clause 202 and section 2800. Stone Masonry Pavement Structure (i) Bituminous Course (ii) Granular Course Guard stones / KM stones/ Sign post/ Hectometre stones Stone Pitching/ boulder apron/ brick soling/ stone soling Total for Bill No. 1 Bill No. 2: Earthworks Roadway excavation and drainage in all kinds of soil such as pick work, jumper work soft and hard rock including chilling wedging out of rock and blasting, if required and saturated soil and their intermediate classification in all heights and depths including dressing trimming and compacting the cut formation in accordance with requirement of lines grades and cross fall complete as per technical specification clause 301 and all cut material except stone (which can be recovered) will be the property of contractor and disposal of excess material shall be in according to the EMP. The recovery of stone shall be made @ Rs. 170/cum ( One hundred seventy ) from the total quantity -494701.299cum------- on prorata basis as per increase or decrease in the total quantity for a minimum quantity of 82613Cum on prorata basis as per increase of decrease in the quantity of actual earthwork carriedout.Rate of Stone Recovery is Exclusive of Royalty as applicable. (In all type of soil) Embankment construction with material obtained from borrow pits (Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of table 300-2) complete as per drawing and technical specification clause 305. Construction of embankment with suitable materials deposited at site from roadway and drainage excavation and foundation of other structures graded and compacted to meet requirement of table 300-2 complete as per technical specification clause 305. Construction of sub-grade with suitable material deposited at site from roadway and drainage excavation and foundation of other structures graded and compacted to meet requirement of table 300-2 complete as per technical specification clause 305. Construction of hard shoulder with approved granular material having a minimum CBR of 20% from approved borrow areas as per technical specifications clause 407 including all leads and lifts complete. Striping and storing of top soil by road side at 15m internal and reapplication on embankment slopes, cut slopes and other areas in localities where the available embankment material is not conducive to plant growth and disposal of unsuitable soil with all lifts and leads as per technical specifications clauses 301 and 305.
m3 m3 m3 No. m3
2.11 2.01 A
Loosening and recompacting existing sub-grade and shoulder ground upto a level of of 500 mm below the Subgrade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirement of table 300-2 in all kinds of soil as per technical specification clauses 301 and 305. Construction of raised median / Island fill above road level with approved material deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation for drain and foundation of other structures, spread graded and compacted with all leads and lifts complete as per technical specification clauses 305 and 407. Making 50 mm x 50 mm furrows, 25 mm deep 450 to the centreline of the road and at one metre interval in the existing thin bituminous wearing course including sweeping and disposal of excavated material to all lifts and leads as per technical specification clause 404.3.1 and 501. Construction of subsurface drain with Geosynthetic lining of trench & perforated pipe of 100mm internal diameter of PVC, closely jointed, perforations ranging from 3 mm to 6 mm depending upon size of material surrounding the pipe with 150 mm bedding below the pipe and 500 mm cushion above the pipe, cross section of excavation 450 x 550 mm excavated material to be utilised in roadway at site, complete as per technical specification clause 309. Preparation of Subgrade in rocky formation for correcting surface irregularities as per Technical Specifications Clause No. 301.6. BILL No. 2A- RECOVERY OF STONES IN ROAD WORK Recovery of Stones as per item No. 2.01 andTechnical Specifications Clause 301. Total for Bill No. 2 Bill No. 3: SUB-BASE COURSE & BASE COURSE (Non Bituminous) Constructing Granular Sub-base (GSB) with approved materials conforming to Grading-I (Table 400-1) with all lifts and by mixing in a mechanical mixed plant at OMC, all complete as per Technical Specifications Clause 401. Construction of wet mix Macadam (WMM) base and profile correcting course with approved material including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site , laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base /base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per drawing and technical specification clause 406. Cement Treated Crushed Rock or combination as per clause 403.2 and table 400.4 in Sub base/ Base ( providing , laying and spreading Material on a prepared sub grade, adding the designed quantity of cement to the spread Material , mixing in place with rotavator , grading with the Motor grader and compacting with the road roller at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined compressive strength and to form a layer of sub-base/base.) Total for Bill No. 3 Bill No. 4: BASE AND SURFACE COURSES (Bituminous) Providing and laying bituminous prime coat over granular surface with bituminous emulsion including clearing of road surface and spraying primer complete as per technical specification clause 502 @ 6 kg to 9 kg per 10 Sqm. Providing and laying bituminous tack coat with bituminous emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor complete as per technical specification clause 503. Over granular surface treated with primer ( @ 2.5 kg/10 sqm ) Over bituminous surface (@2 kg / 10 sqm ) Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam as with 60-90 TPH batch type HMP using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.0 to 4.5 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 507 (Table 50010) complete in all respects.
m2 m3
m2 m2
Providing and laying Bituminous concrete with 60 - 90 TPH batch type HMP using crushed aggregates of specified grading , premixed with bituminous binder of penetration grade S55 (50/60 Grade with modifier Bitumen ( CRMB ) minimum @ 5 % of mix and filler , transporting the hit mix to work site , laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher, with sensor control to the required grade , level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction complete in all respects as per technical specification clause 509 and Publication IRC : SP:53-1999. Total for Bill No. 4 Bill No. 5: CULVERTS Dismantling of structures ( dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structures comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and leads complete as per Technical Specification clause 202 . Brick Masonry Stone Masonry Plain Cement Concrete Reinforced cement concrete including straightening and cutting of bars and separating them completely Hume pipes guard rails, gutters and fencing Guard stones/ KM stones/ Sign Post/ Hectometre Stones Dismantling of Railing Stone Pitching / boulder apron/ brick soling/ Stone soling Earthwork in excavation of foundation of structures in all kinds of soil such as pick work, jumper work, soft and hard rock including chilling, wedding out of rock and blasting, if required and saturated soil and their intermediate classification in all heights and depths includes dressing, trimming, compacting the cut formation in accordance with requirement with lines grades as per drawing and Technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material including all lifts and leads. The recovery of stone shall be made @ Rs. 170/cum (Rupees One Hundred Seventy Only) for a minimum quantity of -466.384 cum on prorata basis as per increase or decreases in the quantity of actual earthwork carried out complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause No. 304.Rate of Stone Recovery is Exclusive of Royalty as applicable. In all types of soil Providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete of Grade M15 in levelling Course below foundations and approach slabs, cut-off wall, headwall, etc. complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700, 2100 and 2700. Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete of Grade M25 in Foundations, Wing walls, headwalls, retaining walls complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700, 2100 and 2200. Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete of Grade M25 in box cell, structures for culverts complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700 and 2200. Providing & fixing in position HYSD(TMT) Fe 415 grade reinforcement bars in foundations, substructures, box structure complete as per drawings and Technical Specification section 1600. Providing & fixing in position HYSD(TMT) Fe 415 grade reinforcement bars in superstructures etc. complete as per drawings and Technical Specification section 1600. Providing and laying boulder apron for bed protection works complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications clause no 2503. Providing and laying 150mm thick flat rigid apron embedded in 300mm thick concrete grade M15 for bed protection works with all leads & lifts as per drawings & Technical Specifications Clauses 2503.
m3 m3 m3 m3 Lm Nos. Lm m3
m3 m3 MT MT m3 m3
Providing and fixing in position Expansion joints complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 2600. (I) Filter Type Moulded Providing and fixing in position drainage spouts complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clauses 2705. Providing and fixing 80mm dia. NB MS pipe rail on crash barrier complete including providing three or more coats of epoxy paint of approved colour, make and quality over a coat of epoxy primer complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1900 and 2700. Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete grade M25 in approach slabs including reinforcement and bituminous joint filler with joint sealing compound between approach slab and dirt wall complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500,1600,1700 and 2700. Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete grade M40 in crash barriers including reinforcement providing bituminous fibber board and Polysulphide joint filler at expansion joints/ gap locations complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause No. 809 and Sections 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2700. Providing & fixing weep holes in abutment walls, wing walls, head walls, return walls and retaining walls with 100 mm dia. PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V: 20H towards drawing face complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 2706. Providing & painting of structure no. span arrangement and flow directions complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 800. Providing and laying back filling behind abutments, wing walls, retaining walls, return walls or any other area with selected imported granular materials of approved quality complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clauses 305 and 710.1.4.of IRC:78 Appendix-6 & 2200. (a) c=0, (b) > 300, (c.) =1.8t/m3 Providing and laying filter media behind box structure, wing walls, retaining walls and return walls with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2 to a thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 305 and 2500. Providing and Laying Shalitex Board in expansion gap as per Technical Specifications section 2605 or directed by the Engineer in charge. Providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete of Grade M15 in cut-off wall, headwall, Retaining wall, parapet wall, breast wall etc with all leads & lifts. complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1400, 1500, 1700, 2100 and 2700. Providing, laying and jointing NP-4 Reinforced Cement Concrete pipe conforming to the requirements of IS:458 including testing of joints all complete as per Technical Specifications Sections 1000, 2900 and IRC:SP 13-2004. 900 mm dia BILL NO. 5A : RECOVERY OF STONES IN CULVERT WORK Recovery of Stones as per item No. 5.02 andTechnical Specifications Clause 304. Total for Bill No. 5 Bill No. 6: BRIDGES
M Nos. Lm
Lm Nos.
5.19 5.2
m2 m3
5.21.a 5.01A
Lm m3
6.01.a 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.06.a 6.07 6.07.i 6.08 6.08.i 6.08.ii 6.09 6.1 6.11 6.12
Earthwork in excavation of foundation of structures in all kinds of soil such as pick work, jumper work, soft and hard rock including chilling, wedding out of rock and blasting, if required and saturated soil and their intermediate classification in all heights and depths includes dressing, trimming, compacting the cut formation in accordance with requirement with lines grades as per drawing and Technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material including all lifts and leads. The recovery of stone shall be made @ Rs. 170/cum (Rupees One Hundred Seventy Only) for a minimum quantity of -------3571.174cum-----on prorata basis as per increase or decreases in the quantity of actual earthwork carried out complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause No. 304.Rate of Stone Recovery is Exclusive of Royalty as applicable. In all types of soil Providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete of Grade M15 in levelling Course below open foundations, pile caps, approach slabs and annular filling around foundation in rock complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700 and 2700. Cleaning all existing old reinforcement to remove rust using sand blasting as per technical specifications section 1600 Drilling and fixing in position HYSD(TMT) Fe 415 grade reinforcement bars in substructures etc. in old concrete complete as per drawings and Technical Specification section 1600. Providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete of Grade M20 in cut-off walls complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700, 2100 and 2700. Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700, 2100 and 2200. Grade M 30 Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete in piers, peir cap, pedestals, cantilever/counter fort abutments, abutment cap, dirt walls, wing walls, retaining walls, median wall etc. complete as pet drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700, and 2200. (a) Grade M 30 Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete in superstructure complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700, 2300 and clauses A-5. Solid Slab of grade M 30 T-Beam and Slab of grade M 30 Providing & fixing in position HYSD(TMT) Fe 415 grade reinforcement bars in foundations complete as per drawings and Technical Specification section 1600. Providing & fixing in position HYSD(TMT) Fe 415 grade reinforcement bars in substructures etc. complete as per drawings and Technical Specification section 1600. Providing & fixing in position HYSD(TMT) Fe 415 grade reinforcement bars in superstructure etc. complete as per drawings and Technical Specification section 1600. Providing and laying in position Reinforced Concrete grade M35 in box girder & Voided Slab superstructure including pedestals complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700 and 2300. Providing and laying in position 65mm thick wearing coat consisting of 40mm thick bituminous concrete overlaid with a 25mm thick layer of mastic asphalt over deck slab after applying prime coat complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause No.502, 509, 515 and Section 2700. Providing and fixing in position bearings true to line and level complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 2000. (B) POT and PTFE bearings Pinned bearings of Horizontal load carrying capacity in longitudinal direction and traverse direction a) In longitudinal direction 80t in transverse direction 15t b) In longitudinal direction 120t in transverse direction 45t c) In longitudinal direction 170t in transverse direction 40t Free/Guided Bearings of vertical load carrying capacity a) 200t capacity
m3 m3 MT MT m3
m3 m3 MT MT MT m3
b) 300t capacity c) 360t capacity Providing and fixing in position Expansion Joints complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 2600. Providing 20mm thick premoulded Asphaltic joints complete as per drawing and technical specifications section 2600. Strip seal type accommodating a movement of 70mm Copper Strip type accommodating a movement of 70mm Providing and fixing in position drainage spouts complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 2705. Providing and fixing in position with clamps 100mm dia. PVC down take and runner pipe including joining with drainage spout pipe, providing couplers, bends etc. in ROBs, Grade separators and underpasses complete as per drawings Providing and fixing 80mm dia. NB MS pipe rail on crash barrier complete including providing three or more coats of epoxy paint of approved colour, make and quality over a coat of epoxy primer complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1900 and 2700. Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete grade M30 in approach slabs including reinforcement providing bituminous fibber board and Polysulphide joint filler with joint sealing compound between approach slab and dirt wall complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1600,1700 and 2700. Providing and laying in position Reinforced Cement Concrete grade M40 in crash barriers including reinforcement, providing bituminous fibber board and Polysulphide joint filler at expansion joints/ gap locations complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause No. 809 and Sections 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2700. Providing & fixing weep holes in abutments, splayed wing wall, median wall, retaining wall or any other earth retaining structure complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 2706. Providing & painting of structure no. span arrangement and flow directions complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 800. Providing and laying back filling behind abutments, wing walls, return walls with selected imported granular materials of approved quality complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clauses 305 and Appendix-6 of IRC: 78-2000. (a) c=0, (b) > 300, (c.) =1.8t/m3 Providing and laying filter media behind abutment, wing walls, retaining walls and return walls complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 305 and 2500. Providing and laying in position hand packed boulder pitching on slopes of embankment, in front of abutments and in launching apron complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 2500. Providing and laying filter material underneath stone pitching in slope complete as per drawings & Technical Specification Section 2500. Dismantling of structures ( dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structures comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and leads complete as per Technical Specification clause 202 and section 2800. Brick Masonry Stone Masonry Plain Cement Concrete Reinforced cement concrete including straightening and cutting of bars and separating them completely Dismantling of Railing
Nos. Nos.
Lm Lm Lm Nos. Lm
Nos. Nos.
m3 m3 m3 m3
m3 m3 m3 m3 Lm
6.28.a 6.28.a.i 6.28.a.ii 6.28.a.iii 6.28.b 6.28.b.i 6.28.b.ii 6.28.b.iii 6.29 6.01A
Providing, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level seismic restrainers assembly conforming to IRC: 83 Part II with all accessories (including elastomeric bearing, provision of stainless steel plates and mild steel plates and fixing arrangements etc.) complete as per manufacturer design duly approved by the Engineer and as per drawings, Technical Specifications Sections 1900, 2000, and Clause No. A-12 of Additional Technical Specifications for the following lateral load capacity. a) Longitudinal Seismic restrainers of capacity I) 40 T capacity ii) 50 T capacity iii) 120 T capacity b) Transverse Seismic restrainers of capacity I) 75 T capacity ii) 120 T capacity iiii) 150 T capacity Providing and Laying Shalitex Board in expansion gap as per technical specifications section 2605 or directed by the engineer in charge. BILL NO. 6A RECOVERY OF STONES IN BRIDGES WORK Recovery of Stonesasper item No. 6.01 andTechnical Specifications Clause 304. Total for Bill No. 6 Bill No. 7: DRAINAGE AND PROTECTION WORKS Earthwork in excavation for construction of protection works in all kinds of soil such as pick work, jumper work, soft and hard rock including chilling, wedging out of rock and blasting, if required and saturated soil and their intermediate classification in all heights and depth includes dressing, trimming and compacting the cut formation in accordance with requirement with lines grades as per drawing and Technical specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom to all lifts and leads. The recovery of stone shall be made @ Rs. 170/cum (Rupees One Hundred Seventy Only) for a minimum quantity of 1023.39cum on prorata basis as per increase or decrease in the quantity of actual earthwork carried out complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause No. 304 and Additional Technical Specification Clause No. A-4.Rate of Stone Recovery is Exclusive of Royalty as applicable. In all types of excavation Construction of drainage chute including construction of bell mouth at entry complete as per drawing and Additional Technical Specifications Clause No. A-2. Construction of energy dissipation basin at toe of chutes complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Sections 1500 and 1700. Providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete grade M-15 in drain, levelling course below retaining walls, gabions, encasing of pvc pipe, etc. complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Sections 1500 and 1700. Providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete grade M-15 in V-drain all along the toe of the cut sections complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Sections 1500 and 1700. Providing and constructing gabion walls for retaining earth with segments of PVC coated GI wire and filled with boulders with least dimension of 250 mm complete as per drawings and Additional Technical Specification Clause No. A- 12. Providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete of Grade M15 in covered & uncovered drain etc with all leads & lifts. complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications clause 309 & Sections 1400. Providing M20 RCC slab including reinforcement over stone masonry drain as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer Providing and laying in position Plain Cement Concrete of Grade M15 in cut-off wall, headwall, Retaining wall, parapet wall, breast wall etc with all leads & lifts. complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Sections 1400, 1500, 1700, 2100 and 2700.
m3 Lm Nr. m3 Lm m3
m3 m3 m3
Providing weep holes with 100 mm dia PVC pipe in retaining walls complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause No. 2706. Providing and laying filter material behind retaining wall complete as per Technical Specifications 710.1.4.of IRC:78 Appendix-6 ,Clause No. 305 and 2200. Laying of Geotextile as filter membrane behind gabions etc. complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Section 700. Construction of a narrow filter sub-surface drain consisting of perforated 200 mm internal diameter pipe laid in narrow trench surrounded by a Geotextile filter fabric as per Clause No. 309.3.5 including excavation and backfilling. Construction of 800 mm x 800 mm outlet chamber of Plain Cement Concrete M15 for subsurface drain including Reinforced Cement Concrete cover and outlet pipe complete as shown in the drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Providing and laying backfill material of approved design behind the retaining wall conforming to the drawings and Technical Specifications Clause No. 305. Furnishing, assembling, filling and erecting Gabion Wire Mesh System as per the Additional Technical Specifications Clause No. A-13. Woven Wire Mesh Gabion Backfill Furnishing, drilling, installing and grouting of Dowels, to the dimensions, lines and grades shown in the the drawing or as determined by the Engineer and in conformity to the Additional Technical Specifications Clause No. A-14. Providing 60mm thick shotcrete in two layers including welded wire fabric of size 100mm x 100 mm x 4mm dia in first layer complete as per drawings, Technical Specifications clause No. 2807 and as directed by the Engineer. Providing rock net to protect rock face with proper scaling and nailing with 30cm nails as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer. Providing RCC retaining wall with M30 grade concrete excluding reinforcement as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer. Providing & fixing in (Retaining wall) position HYSD(TMT) Fe 415 grade reinforcement bars in substructures etc. complete as per drawings and Technical Specification section 1600. BILL NO. 7A RECOVERY OF STONES IN DRAINAGE AND PROTECTION WORKS Recovery of Stones as per item No. 7.01 andTechnical Specifications Clause 301 &304. Total for Bill No. 7 Bill No. 8: TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS & OTHER ROAD APPURTENANCES Providing and laying plain cement concrete Kerb (M-20 Grade) complete as per drawing and technical specification clause 408 sections 1500,1700 and 400. For kerb without channel Supplying and fixing sign boards including the cost of posts, fixtures, foundation, fitting and fixing, Sheeting will be made of encapsulated lens type of Retro-reflective type and messages/ borders will be screen printed complete as per technical specification clause 801 and as directed by Engineer. Informatory Sign, direction sign and destination sign. Informatory Sign 60 x 60 Cautionary/ Warning signs, Regulatory signs and Mandatory signs. Triangular 900 mm / Square 600mm x 600mm side. Triangular 600 mm / Circular 600mm side. Octagon 900 mm side. Chevron Sign 1800mm x 600mm Providing and laying pavement marking with hot applied thermoplastic paints conforming to ASTM D-36/ BS 3262 (Part-I) complete as per drawing & technical specification clause 803. Lane/centreline/ edge marking / transverse and any other marking.
Lm m3 m2 Lm
Nr. m3
m2 m3 m3 Lm
m2 m2 m3 MT. m3
8.01 8.01.a 8.02 8.02.a 8.02.b 8.02.c 8.02.d 8.02.e 8.02.f 8.02.g 8.03 8.03.i
8.03.ii 8.03.iii 8.04 8.05 8.05.a 8.05.b 8.05.c 8.06 8.06.a 8.06.b 8.06.c 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.1 8.11
directional arrows, lettering etc. as per drawing No. 61 of technical Type Design and Intersection of National Highways. Diagonal / Chevron marking. Providing 2 coats of systemic enamel painting over one coat of cement primer on Kerb, Median opening and other Structural as Additional Technical Specification A-1 Providing and fixing RCC/PCC hectometre, kilometre and 5th kilometre stones complete as per drawing and technical specification clause 804 (including cost of reinforcement painting and marking.) Hectometre stone Kilometre stone 5th km. stone Providing and fixing Road Delineators complete as per drawing and technical specification clause 805 and direction of the Engineer. Roadway Indicators with Reflectors Hazard Markers Object Markers Providing and erecting R.C. Guard stone including cost of reinforcement and two coats of painting with ready mix oil bound paint complete as per drawing and technical specification clause 806. Providing utility ducts of 300mm dia. NP-3 RCC Hume pipe in urban areas/ Service road as per drawing and technical specification section 2900. Supplying and fixing of Road Studs ( Raised Pavement Markers) Conforming to ASTM D4280 type "H" in position as indicated on the drawings or as directed by Engineer as per technical specification clause 812. Providing and constructing traffic calming measures (Runble Strips) as per drawing and technical specifications and as per direction of the Engineer. Providing shelter in Bus Bays as per drawing and addition technical specification A-10 and as per direction of Engineer. Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above road/ ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanized by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS: 1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm 330 mm long complete as per clause 810. Total for Bill No. 8 Bill No. 9: MISCELLANEOUS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY WBM Grading - 1 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand picking, rolling with three wheel 80-100 kNstatic roller in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming, stone screening /binding material to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density Grading 1 as per technical specification clause 404 of MORT&H. WBM Grading - 2 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand picking, rolling with Smooth wheel 80-100 kN static roller in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming, stone screening /binding material to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density Grading 2 as per technical specification clause 404 of MORT&H. Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.35 to 0.40 kg per Sqm on the granular base (not primed) treated with primer & cleaned with hydraulic broom as per technical specification clause 503
No. No. m2
Carrying out treatment and repairs to pot holes and any necessary patching to existing bituminous carriageway surfacing using bitumen of 60/70 grade complete as per technical specification clause 3004 and as per the directions of the Engineer. Construction of temporary diversion and providing traffic safety and control where necessary and as per direction of the Engineer including maintenance thereof complete as per drawing and technical specification clause 112. 3.75 m wide Providing and Maintaining Safety barricading during construction with necessary markings, warning lights, sign boards, flags etc. complete as per drawing and technical specification clause 112 and as per the direction of the Engineer. For Deviation and Barricading Colour photographs (2 prints of 15cm x 10cm each) with soft copy stored in CD and printed photos in album as per technical specification clause 125. Colour photographs (2 prints of 15cm x 10cm each) with soft copy stored in CD and printed photos in album as per technical specification clause 125 - but additional prints (size 15cm x 10cm ) of colour record photographs. Supplying colour video cassette and CD ROM records before the construction, during construction stage and after construction, consisting of each set of edited master cassettes and CD with 4 copies each of cassettes and CD ROMs complete as per technical specification clause 126. Providing, installing, commissioning and testing of street lighting system of suitable height with all brackets, luminaries, pillar box, photo cell timer cum contactor, cabling, earthing and all other necessary accessories and arrangement for making street lighting system complete and functional as shown in drawing and technical specification and as directed by Engineer. Lighting Standard with Double Arm/ Luminaire Open - Graded Premix Surfacing (Providing, laying and rolling of open - graded premix surfacing of 20mm thickness composed of 3.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates either using penetration grade bitumen or cut-back or emulsion to required line, grade and level including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, finished to required level and grades. Providing and laying of premix sand seal coat with HMP of appropriate capacity not less than 75 tonnes/ hours using crushed stone chipping 6.7mm size and penetration bitumen of suitable grade. Routine Maintenance work inclusive of Grading of Shoulders & existing carriageway & Maintenance of cross Drainage Structures, Making of Earthen drain
Lm No. No.
No. m2
m2 Km
Routine Maintenance work inclusive of Grading of Shoulders & Maintenance of cross Drainage Structures Km per Year for the completed partially handed over sections by the contractor during defect liability period. Total for Bill No. 9 Schedule of DayworkRates: 1. Labour
10.A 10.A.a 10.A.b 10.A.c 10.A.d 10.A.e 10.A.f 10.A.g 10.A.h 10.A.i
SCHEDULE (A) - LABOUR Operator Bitumen labour Blacksmith Carpenter Fabricator/ Fitter / Welder Blaster Labourer Mason Chowkidar for watch & Ward Total for Bill No. 10.A Schedule of DayworkRates: 2. Materials SCHEDULE (B) - MATERIAL
Bitumen 60/70 grade (bulk) conforming to IS: 73 Modifier Bitumen Cement conforming to IS: 8112 Coarse aggregate for concrete / WBM Coarse sand as per MOST specification Brick as per IS: 1077 Total for Bill No. 10.B Schedule of Daywork Rates: 3. Contractors Equipment SCHEDULE (C) - CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT ( With Operator, POL, Etc.) Deployment of Truck mounted utility crane ( 8 -10 MT capacity ) Deployment of JCB Bull Dozer Size upto 200 KW Mobile concrete batching / mixing plant Motor Grader Pneumatic Tyred Roller Pumping Set (5 hp) Pumping Set (10 hp) Roller Static (8-10 tonne) Roller Vibratory (1-2 tonne width about 1 m) Roller Vibratory (8-10 tonne static) Truck (10/12 tonnes) Truck mounted water tanker (10 tonnes) Wheel Loader (1.5 cum) Total for Bill No. 10.C Bill No. 11: ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES Disposal of Excess Material (Part of EMAP) with all leads & lifts . Compaction of the disposed surface area using adequate quantity of water at the disposal location by road rollers and other machineries. Preparation of 'Contractors' consolideted Typical Debris Disposal Plan'of the project in accordance with the EMP for all disposal areas as per the guidelines provided in the EMP Guideline-6 &14. Construction Cement Concrete Platform with stone masonry wall enclosure for municipal waste / garbage collection points along project road at specified locations and as per standard specifications of civil works Redevelopment of oxbow lands suitable to parking in settlement areas along rural/ non-urban/ forest stretches at 1 selected locations as per standard specifications of civil works Construction of cement concrete platform with stone masonry parapet and MS railing at 2 selected locations for valley view as per standard Civil Works specifications Construction of silt trap to avoid silting of the water body at three locations as per the drawing provided in the Appendix -7 at three locations as specified in the Appendix 8. Total for Bill No. 11
T T T m3 m3 Per 1000
10.C 10.C.C 10.C.b 10.C.c 10.C.d 10.C.e 10.C.f 10.C.g 10.C.h 10.C.i 10.C.j 10.C.k 10.C.l 10.C.m 10.C.n
Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs. Eqpt hrs.
14873 103743.766
75 95
43236262.76 low
304490 348500
35 33
10657150 11500500
1160 174
225 3000
261000 522000
377 4796
1945 3700
733265 17745200
822 466
4000 95
22072 8000 15 8 39
1 7 3 3
14 6
245000 275000
3430000 1650000
1728 8
225 3000
388800 24000
15 115 19 105 35
84 31916
630000 20585820
83 48 85 13 13 10
18 18 460
1200 2700 70
192 39 9
1900 2 2
5 41650
30000 182
150000 7580300
41650 38 48
62 150000 150000
2 2 2600 600 10
195685560 1537920 100000 60000 200000 200000 750000 198533480 1989223038 121619451.2 1867603587