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Salters Advanced Chemistry Module 4 Activities Booklet

Chemistry by Design


Aspects of Agriculture Colour by Design The Oceans Medicines by Design

Chemistry by Design

Module 4 2854 - Activities Booklet

Aspects of Agriculture
AA2.1 AA3.1 AA3.2 AA3.3 AA4.1 AA4.2 AA4.3 AA5 How does temperature affect the rate of a reaction? What is the nitrogen content of soils? (Optional extension) The nitrogen balance in UK agriculture Revising for end of course exams Dilemma over malaria Partition equilibrium What makes an active pyrethroid? Check your notes on Aspects of Agriculture 236 248 251 253 254 256 258 260

Colour by Design
CD1 CD3 CD4.1 CD4.2 CD4.3 CD4.4 CD4.5 CD5 CD6 CD7.1 CD7.2 CD9 Changing colours chemically Seeing colours Using reflectance spectra to identify pigments What factors affect the drying potential of an oil? Investigating paint media Identifying a pigment Finding a perfect match Comparing hydrocarbons Making azo dyes Dyeing with a direct dye and a reactive dye Different dyes for different fibres Check your notes on Colour by Design 264 266 267 270 272 275 278 280 283 285 287 2

Chemistry by Design

Module 4 2854 - Activities Booklet

The Oceans
O1.1 O1.2 O1.3 O3.1 O3.2 O4.1 O4.2 O5 What is the relationship between a solvent and the substances that dissolve in it? What changes occur when an ionic solid dissolves? What factors affect the enthalpy change of formation of an ionic compound? The enthalpy change of vaporsation of water What crystals form when a solution is cooled? Finding out more about weak acids Investigating some buffer solutions Check your notes on The Oceans 293 295 296 297 299 300 301 3

Medicines by Design
MD1.1 MD1.2 MD3.1 MD3.2 MD3.3 MD3.4 MD5.1 MD5.2 MD6 Aldehydes and ketones BAC determination using gas-liquid chromatography Making a toolkit of organic reactions Classifying reactions Using the toolkit to synthesise medicines Manufacturing salbutamol (Optional extension) Making and testing a penicillin A closer look at the structure of penecillins (Optional extension) Check your notes on Medicines by Design 307 309 311 316 317 324 330 334 336

How does temperature affect the rate of a reaction?

In this activity you will develop a method for studying how an increase in temperature affects the rate of a reaction.


0110 C thermometer boiling tubes test-tubes burettes (or 1 cm , 2 cm and 5 cm graduated pipettes) potassium iodide solution, 0.2 mol dm3 (25 cm3) potassium peroxodisulphate(VI) (K2S2O8) solution, 0.01 mol dm3 (35 cm3) sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) solution, 0.01 mol dm3 (20 cm3) freshly made starch solution (10 cm3) stopwatch 250 cm3 beaker Bunsen burner, tripod and gauze CARE Eye protection must be worn.

potassium peroxodisulphate(VI)
3 3 3




About the reaction

Peroxodisulphate(VI) ions oxidise iodide ions to form iodine: S2O82(aq) + 2I(aq) 2SO42(aq) + I2(aq) In Activity EP6.4 of Engineering Proteins, you used the iodine clock method to investigate how the rate of this reaction varies with the concentration of one of the reactants. You measured the progress of the reaction by observing the colour of the iodine produced. The iodine can be detected even more clearly by placing some starch in the reaction mixture: iodine forms an intense blue-black complex with starch.

What you do
Use the iodine clock technique from Activity EP6.4, and devise a procedure to investigate how the rate of the reaction varies in the temperature range 20 C to 90 C. It is important that the concentrations used throughout this experiment are kept constant: only the temperature is varied. Suitable volumes to use are:

3 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm3 KI(aq) 2 cm3 of 0.01 mol dm3 Na2S2O3(aq) 1 cm3 of starch solution 4 cm3 of 0.01 mol dm3 K2S2O8(aq)

Collect your results in a table. Plot a graph of reaction rate against temperature, with temperature on the horizontal axis. Describe the effect on the rate of the reaction of increasing the temperature. There is a rough rule that a rise of 10 C in temperature causes the rate of many reactions to be approximately doubled. Is this true here? You can read about the effect of temperature on the rate of a chemical reaction in Chemical Ideas 10.2.

How does increasing the temperature affect the rate constant (k) for the reaction?
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M v ? Requirements

What is the nitrogen content of soils? (Optional extension)

Activities AA2.5 and AA3.1 form a pair of activities involving soils. You should aim to do at least one of them. This activity allows you to measure the amount in moles of nitrogen present in soil as ammonium ions and as nitrate(V) ions. You will be able to practise the techniques of steam distillation and titration.

oven-dry soil (30 g) 250 cm3 stoppered bottle potassium chloride solution, 2.0 mol dm3 (200 cm3) lter funnel lter paper 250 cm3 conical asks (2) and bung apparatus for steam distillation (Figure 1) 50 cm measuring cylinder magnesium oxide (0.5 g) boric acid, 1% solution (5 cm3) Devardas alloy (0.5 g) burette and titration apparatus sulphuric acid, 0.00500 mol dm3 (50 cm3) 100 cm3 volumetric ask 10 cm3 pipette 25 cm3 pipette safety ller indicator solution (pH range 56), 1:1 mixture of Methyl Red and Bromocresol Green (100 mg in 100 cm3 of ethanol)


indicator solution



CARE Eye protection must be worn.


Nitrogen available to plants exists in soil in two forms: as ammonium ions, and as nitrate(V) ions. The method you will use to determine the nitrogen content of your soil sample is a method still used for accurate determinations. The quicker, more convenient methods are less sensitive. Work in groups for this activity. Half the students in each group can determine the nitrogen present as ammonium ions, in Part 2. The other half can determine the total nitrogen present as nitrate(V) and ammonium ions, in Part 3. You can then combine your results to work out the nitrogen present as nitrate(V) ions. Part 1 can be done in advance and the ltrate stored in a stoppered ask in the fridge until required. There will be enough solution for both halves of the group. Ammonium ions are displaced into solution by ion exchange when the soil is shaken with a solution containing excess potassium ions. If the solution is then made alkaline, ammonia is formed, and can be distilled off. A steam distillation technique is used (see below) to make sure that ammonia remains in solution and does not escape as a gas. The ammonia produced is absorbed in a 1% solution of boric acid: NH3(aq) + H3BO3(aq) D NH4+(aq) + H2BO3 (aq) The borate formed can then be titrated with a strong acid, like sulphuric acid: H2BO3(aq) + H+(aq) H3BO3(aq) A mixed indicator solution containing Methyl Red and Bromocresol Green gives a sharp end-point from blue-green to pink. The amount in moles of ammonia is equal to the amount of H+(aq) used in the titration. This titration procedure is used to reduce the risk of loss of ammonia.
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Nitrate(V) ions are also present in the soil solution at the end of Part 1. These are converted to ammonium ions by a reducing agent. Distillation as before, followed by titration, gives the total available nitrogen in the soil. The amount present as nitrate(V) can then be found by subtraction.

What you do
Part 1: Extraction of ammonium ions
1 Put 200 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm3 potassium chloride solution into a bottle. Add 30 g of dry soil. Stopper the bottle and shake it for 10 minutes. 2 Filter the mixture into a conical ask. Stopper the ask and store it in a fridge until required.

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a Write an equation to represent what is happening as the soil is shaken with the potassium chloride solution. b Why is such a large volume of 2.0 mol dm3 potassium chloride solution used?

Part 2: Determination of nitrogen present as ammonium ions, NH4+

safety tube

water out steam generator water in receiver

mixture to be steam-distilled water HEAT anti-bumping granules


boric acid solution

Figure 1 Apparatus for steam distillation

3 Set up the apparatus for steam distillation, as shown in Figure 1. 4 Place 50 cm3 of the ltrate from Part 1 into the round-bottomed ask and add 0.5 g of magnesium oxide. (The MgO reacts with the NH4+ ions, liberating ammonia.) Put 5 cm3 of boric acid in the measuring cylinder you are using to collect the ammonia solution. 5 Heat the water in the steam generator. When it boils, steam passes through the mixture in the round-bottomed ask. This ask should be heated gently to prevent steam condensing. Steam distil until about 40 cm3 of distillate have been collected. The distillate should contain all the ammonia released from your soil sample. The distillation will take some time. While it is being carried out, one of you should set up a burette lled with 0.00500 mol dm3 sulphuric acid ready for the titration. 6 At the end of the heating be careful to avoid any sucking back. Before turning off the heat, lower the receiver and rinse it with a little distilled water into the measuring cylinder, and then disconnect the steam generator.

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7 Transfer the distillate to a 100 cm3 volumetric ask and make up to the mark with distilled water. Stopper the ask and shake it well. Using a pipette tted with a safety ller, transfer 10 cm3 of the solution to a 250 cm3 conical ask. Add 2 or 3 drops of indicator solution and do a rough titration to get used to the end-point. This will also allow you to decide on the most suitable volume of solution to remove for the accurate titration. Make a note of this volume. 8 Now carry out an accurate titration and record the volume of sulphuric acid you used.

Part 3: Determination of nitrogen present as nitrate(V) ions, NO3

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9 Set up the apparatus for steam distillation as shown in Figure 1. Put 5 cm3 of boric acid in the measuring cylinder you are using to collect the ammonia solution. 10 Devardas alloy contains copper and aluminium and acts as a reducing agent. It reduces nitrate(V) ions to ammonia in alkaline solution. Place 50 cm3 of the ltrate from Part 1 into the round-bottomed ask, and add 0.5 g of Devardas alloy and 0.5 g of magnesium oxide. (The MgO reacts with the NH4+ ions, liberating ammonia.) Steam distil the mixture as described in steps 5 and 6 until you have collected 40 cm3 of distillate. During the distillation, one of you should set up a burette lled with 0.00500 mol dm3 sulphuric acid ready for the titration. 11 Transfer the distillate to a 100 cm3 volumetric ask and make up to the mark with distilled water. Stopper the ask and shake it well. Using a pipette tted with a safety ller, transfer 10 cm3 of the solution to a 250 cm3 conical ask. Add 2 or 3 drops of indicator solution and do a rough titration to get used to the end-point. This will also allow you to decide on the most suitable volume of solution to remove for the accurate titration. Make a note of this volume. 12 Now carry out an accurate titration and record the volume of sulphuric acid you used.

c Write an equation for the reaction between ammonium ions and magnesium oxide in steps 4 and 10. d Write an equation for the reaction of the distillate solution with sulphuric acid.

Working out your results

13 Use the titration results in step 8 to calculate the amount in moles of ammonia produced from your soil sample in Part 2. This is the amount of nitrogen in the soil in the form of NH 4+ ions. 14 Use the titration results in step 12 to calculate the amount in moles of ammonia produced from your soil sample in Part 3. This represents the total amount of nitrogen in the soil in forms usable by plants (NH4+ and NO3). 15 Work out the amount in moles of NO 3 ions present in the soil sample. 16 Use the values obtained in steps 1315 to calculate the mass of nitrogen present in the soil sample as: a ammonium ions b total usable nitrogen c nitrate(V) ions. 17 1 hectare of soil to a depth of 20 cm has a mass of about 2500 tonnes. Use your answer to step 16b to calculate the total mass of nitrogen, in forms usable by plants, in the top 20 cm layer of 1 hectare of your soil.

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M v ? What you do
The nitrogen balance in UK agriculture

The purpose of this activity is to allow you to become more familiar with the nitrogen cycle and to help you appreciate the quantities of nitrogen involved.

Figure 1 shows a modied version of the diagram of the nitrogen cycle from Storyline AA3. The reserves of nitrogen in the soil and in the atmosphere are shown, but the ovals showing the nitrogen uxes have been left blank. 1 Using data from Table 1, enter values for the total annual uxes of nitrogen in UK agricultural land into the appropriate spaces in the diagram. You may like to use different coloured pens for the input and output gures.
Input Thousands of tonnes per year 275 14 1150 26 1020 9 24 150 Output Thousands of tonnes per year 1367 326 536 50 9 380

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Rain Seeds Fertilisers Sewage Livestock excreta Silage efuent Crop waste Biological N2 xation

Crops and grasses (mostly for animal feed) Leaching Loss of ammonia as gas from livestock excreta from crop wastes from sewage Denitrication and immobilisation

Table 1 Nitrogen balance in UK agriculture. The gures (produced by the Royal Society in 1983), are estimated totals for the UK in thousands of tonnes of nitrogen per year, showing the inputs and outputs of nitrogen in agricultural land. These estimates, although originating in the 1970s, still remain the best available data. It is accepted that the proportions between the various inputs and between the outputs are similar to those obtained now.

2 Refer to the section on the nitrogen cycle in Storyline AA3. Mark on Figure 1 the formulae for the different forms of inorganic nitrogen in the cycle to show the conversion from one form to another.

a Work out the total input of nitrogen into agricultural land in the UK in thousands of tonnes per year. Now work out the total output of nitrogen. Comment on the relative sizes of the two gures. Compare the size of these uxes with the size of the total reserves of nitrogen for the UK. b Make a list of the inorganic ions and molecules involved in the nitrogen cycle. Identify the oxidation state of nitrogen in each species.

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Atmosphere Reserve 80 000 tonnes N2 above each hectare of land Total land area UK is 24 401 068 ha nitrogen oxides, NOX, and ammonia 20% human consumption ammonia

nitrogen and nitrogen oxides nitrogen 80%

fertiliser seeds rainwater

crop wastes fixation by soil bacteria animal excreta

Figure 1 The nitrogen balance in UK agriculture (Source of gures: Royal Society 1983; MAFF 1984). Numbers to be inserted are totals for the UK in thousands of tonnes N per year

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denitrification by bacteria soluble nitrogen compounds

mineralisation 1.3% conversion per year

soil reserve, mainly organic compounds

Soil reserve in top 20 cm of soil Arable land 29 tonnes N ha 1 Old grassland 1220 tonnes N ha 1 leaching

sewage silage effluent


M v ? Synoptic assessment
Revising for end of course exams

As you approach the end of the course you will need to revise most of the work you have covered. The aim of this activity is to help you do this effectively. You may wish to delay doing this activity until the most appropriate time for you but dont leave it too late. You need plenty of time to plan your revision programme well.

Using your resources

Using the summary activities
The summary activity at the end of each unit tells you what you need to know from that unit and should have helped you to acquire an overview of the unit. Most of the information will be covered in the Chemical Ideas, but if the main source of information is the Storyline or an Activity, this will be indicated. Dont forget to look at the Activities. You should be able to describe and draw diagrams for basic techniques, such as heating under reux or carrying out a distillation. If you have made good notes under the summary headings for each unit you will have produced your own invaluable resource. Now is the time to make good use of it.

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An important part of the end of course examinations involves synoptic assessment. This requires you to draw together knowledge, understanding and skills learned in different parts of the course. You should feel condent about this, as many of the storylines you have studied have required you to use ideas from different areas of chemistry. Real-life contexts can rarely be fully understood through a knowledge of a single area of chemistry. However, in your revision and in thinking about how you will approach examination questions you have to acknowledge that the questions are designed to test your ability to:

recognise the different chemical ideas you need to use to answer the question draw on your knowledge and understanding of these ideas to construct your answer.

Using the Chemical Ideas book

The Chemical Ideas book is a good revision aid. The concepts are arranged in chemical themes. By reading a whole chapter you can get an overview and see how the various parts from different units t together.

The synoptic examination is based on the units at the end of the course, but remember that these units bring together many ideas that you have met in earlier units. Some questions will be based on applications you have not met during the course. Hopefully these will be interesting contexts and you may even enjoy applying your chemical understanding to tackling the problems you are set.

Using problems and assignments

For the topic which you are revising, pick out relevant problems from the chemical ideas sections and assignments from the stories. Write down your answers on a blank sheet of paper before comparing them with your answers from earlier in the course. You will nd that this approach works particularly well for mathematical calculations.

Be active
A long time ago, in Activity DF4.8, you were encouraged to be as active as possible while revising. You should now have developed your own revision strategies, based on a variety of tasks that you set yourself, but it may still be worthwhile looking back at the few suggestions given in that activity.

Using past exam papers

Attempting past exam papers is helpful in a number of ways. They will provide a yardstick against which you can measure how well your revision is going. You will become aware of the detail in which you need to know a topic and also get a avour of the way in which questions are worded. Try to identify the unit and summary headings to which each part of a question relates. This will help you to understand what is required when you meet new questions.

Drawing up an action plan

A revision action plan will ensure that you cover the aspects of the course that you need and will minimise the temptation to drift randomly from one topic to another. First of all, make a list of the weeks available for work before the exam. Divide the work you need to do between these weeks, making sure that all the units in the course are covered. Do not assign work to the day or two before the exam you will need this time for checking on small points, not major revising. Now, write out a diary of all the times you have available to revise chemistry during the next week. Divide this time up into hour-size chunks (or whatever size suits you best), with breaks in between. Next, allocate a different topic to each chunk of time. It is a good idea to cover something from each unit in the course during the week. Finally, stick to your plan. When you have reached the end of the week make up a new diary in a similar way to build on the revision you have already completed.

Working with another chemistry student

This can often provide an effective and stimulating change from working on your own. Question each other about the facts and also about the main ideas in the course. You need to ask why? and how? questions, as well as what?, which? and where? questions. Your exam will test you not only on your knowledge of the facts but also on your understanding and your ability to make comparisons and be critical.

And nally
Finally, a few words of encouragement. Almost everyone nds written exams stressful and daunting. However, students who revise thoroughly and work to a planned programme are likely to put themselves under less pressure and achieve their best result on the day.

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Dilemma over malaria

This activity provides an opportunity for you to consider the role of chemistry in ghting disease, in monitoring the environmental impact of pesticides and in decision making.

The short article reproduced on the next sheet was written by Bette Hileman and appeared in Chemical and Engineering News, published by the American Chemical Society, in September 1999. It outlines succinctly the dilemma facing those who are responsible for decisions about the use of DDT and those who determine the focus of future research. The global perspective in the article highlights the likelihood that different societies will have different views on the issue and that there are worldwide as well as local environmental concerns. The intention is that you should prepare for a group discussion on the Dilemma over malaria and that the discussion should aim to reach agreement on what you as a group of chemistry students think would be appropriate shortterm and long-term policies for dealing with malaria throughout the world.

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What you do
1 Read through the article and make a note of the factors that are important in deciding appropriate policies for dealing with malaria. 2 Decide which of these factors can be supported by scientic evidence and search for additional articles and data that are relevant to the environmental concerns and the health concerns. One way of doing this is to search the Internet for sites concerned on the one hand with DDT and on the other with malaria. It would be more efcient if some members of the group concentrated on information about malaria, its effects and its treatment, whereas others could concentrate on the environmental concerns. When extracting information from other sources try to distinguish between evidence and opinions. 3 Prepare brief presentations which you think should be considered as the group formulates its policy proposals.

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government insights

Dilemma over malaria

arlier this month, about 110 nations met in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program to negotiate the phaseout of 12 persistent organic pollutants (POPs). One of the most contentious issues they faced was whether to ban all uses of the pesticide DDT or to allow its continued use to kill malaria-transmitting mosquitoes until equally inexpensive alternatives have been developed. Many industrialized countries and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) pressed for a strict ban on all uses of DDT by 2007. Some public health groups and a number of developing countries pleaded for continued DDT use to ght malaria. As a journalist who cares very much about both the environment and public health, and as the mother of a daughter who lives in Nairobi and has contracted malaria, I have encountered few questions that pose a more difcult dilemma. On the one hand, I know many reasons why DDT should be banned worldwide. DDT brought a number of bird species to the brink of extinction, and now that global use has declined, those species are recovering. DDT is so persistent that 10 to 35 years after it is applied to a eld, half of it remains in the soil. Because DDT is transported to the Arctic on ocean currents and through the atmosphere on soil particles, the levels of DDT in Arctic mammals at the top of the food chain is very high. However, on a global scale, the situation is improving. The average level of the pesticide in human fat has declined from 12 ppm in the early 1970s to less than 7 ppm today. In South Africa, where DDT was heavily used in agriculture, breast-fed children receive five to 18 times as much DDT from milk as the World Health Organization recommends as an acceptable daily intake. Some studies show that DDT shortens the time of lactation. In addition, DDT and its metabolites may have more subtle effects on human health. Animal studies indicate that DDT and its metabolites cause male birth defects and compromise the immune system. On the other hand, there are many compelling reasons why DDT for malaria control should not be banned by 2007. It

is still the cheapest and, in some places, the most effective way to control mosquitoes. The one Latin American country where malaria incidence has declined, Ecuador, is the only one that has increased its use of DDT to kill mosquitoes. Malaria, a serious infection of Plasmodium parasites, is one of the resurgent diseases in the world today. Each year, it causes 500 million clinical cases and kills up to 2.7 million people, many of whom are children under five. The incidence of malaria is increasing, partly because insect spraying programs have been cut back, partly because prevention programs using antimalarials have been abandoned, and partly because of global climate change. As temperatures increase at higher elevations, malaria-carrying mosquitoes extend their range, infecting people who have no natural immunity.

The inexpensive drug chloroquinine that people around the world used for years to prevent and control the disease is no longer effective because the malaria parasites have developed resistance to it. Since the alternative drugs are much more expensive, most cases of malaria go untreated. If the inside walls of a house are painted with DDT, mosquitoes are controlled for six months to a year. Some mosquitoes are resistant to DDT, but these tend to be irritated by it, so they leave the house after coming in contact with the walls. Painting the inside walls of a large house requires 400 g to 600 g of DDT. After six months, about half the original application usually akes off the walls and most of this ends up outdoors. But this amount is minuscule compared with the 800 kg used on a 100-acre cotton eld in a growing season.

WWF argues that malaria-carrying mosquitoes can be controlled by altering the environment. It advocates planting trees to dry up the soil, stocking ponds with mosquito-larvae-eating fish, and emptying water from containers so mosquitoes cannot breed. In some dry areaswhere malaria transmission rates are moderatesuch remedies may work. However, mosquitoes in some locales breed almost anywhere, in grass and wet leaves, in any small depression in a farm plot, in rain gutters and drainage ditches, in plants that hold small amounts of water. The eggs persist through droughts, waiting for the next rain or monsoon. Then, hordes of mosquitoes burst forth and often land on humans at a rate up to 100 a minute. WWF also advocates the use of bed nets soaked in pyrethroid insecticides and the limited spraying of pyrethroids inside houses to kill mosquitoes. Pyrethroids are much less persistent than DDT. However, millions of people cannot afford bed nets, and spraying pyrethroids by most accounts is about three times as expensive as painting interior walls with DDT. DDT is still used on crops in much of Africa, India, and perhaps China. To me, it seems that the best compromise for the POPs treaty would be a strict ban on agricultural uses of DDT and a total phaseout for public health use when cheap, effective alternatives are available. This might put pressure on industrialized countries to put money into research on malaria drugs and vaccines and on mosquito control. Just $84 million is spent worldwide annually on malaria research. Even the worlds best malaria drug research lab, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, D.C., now receives only $5 million a year for malaria drug research. No major pharmaceutical company is working on a malaria drug. If we as a society want a total ban on DDT, our government should be willing to invest a large part of the money it will take to reduce the disease burden from malaria. As travellers and as temporary inhabitants in endemic areas, we would also benet. Bette Hileman 255

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Partition equilibrium

In this activity you will investigate the way in which a solid behaves when it can dissolve in two solvents which do not mix. Next you will plan a procedure for making quantitative measurements. You can then use data on some pesticides to look at the link between values of partition coefcients and the concentrations of pesticides in living organisms.


iodine crystals (2 small crystals) forceps rack and test-tubes with rubber bungs dropper pipettes cyclohexane (4 cm3) potassium iodide solution, 0.2 mol dm3 (10 cm3)



CARE Iodine is harmful. Use forceps to pick up the iodine crystals. When you have nished, place the iodine solutions in the iodine residues container. CARE Cyclohexane is highly ammable.

CARE Eye protection must be worn.


Part 1: The partition of iodine between two solvents (May be a teacher demonstration)
A substance may be soluble in two solvents which do not mix, like water and cyclohexane. In this part of the activity you will investigate the way iodine partitions between these two solvents. Iodine is only sparingly soluble in water, but it dissolves readily in potassium iodide solution. In these experiments, therefore, potassium iodide solution is used instead of pure water. (When iodine dissolves in potassium iodide solution, it forms the brown complex ion, I3(aq). This is why iodine is so much more soluble in this solvent than it is in water.) Solutions of iodine in cyclohexane and aqueous potassium iodide are coloured, so you can draw qualitative conclusions about the concentration of iodine in each layer from the appearance of the two layers.

What you do
1 Take two small iodine crystals (CARE Harmful. Use forceps to pick up the crystals) of approximately the same size, and place each crystal in a test-tube. Add 2 cm3 of cyclohexane (CARE Highly ammable) to one tube and 2 cm3 of aqueous potassium iodide to the other. Stopper the tubes and shake gently until the iodine crystals dissolve. Note the colour of each solution. 2 Now add 2 cm3 of aqueous potassium iodide to the tube containing iodine dissolved in cyclohexane, and 2 cm3 of cyclohexane to the tube containing iodine dissolved in aqueous potassium iodide. Stopper the tubes, shake them for a few minutes and stand them in a rack to allow the layers to separate. 3 Using a pipette, draw off the upper, cyclohexane layer from one of the testtubes and place this solution in a clean test-tube. Investigate the effect of adding further volumes of the second solvent to each of the separated layers. 4 Record your observations, noting the colour and intensity of colour in each layer. What do your observations tell you about the way iodine partitions itself between the two solvents? You will have found that some of the iodine dissolves in one solvent, and some in the other. The partition of iodine between the two solvents is an equilibrium process. The ratio concentration of solute in solvent A concentration of solute in solvent B is a constant at a given temperature, and is called the partition coefcient. It is an equilibrium constant. You can read more about it in Chemical Ideas 7.4.
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Part 2: Partition coefcients and pesticides

Pesticide activity is often linked to the ability of pesticide molecules to move rapidly out of aqueous solution into fatty tissues in cell membranes. To achieve this they must be much more soluble in non-polar solvents than in water. Octan-1-ol is a relatively non-polar solvent, and the partition coefcient Kow is frequently quoted for pesticides: Kow = concentration of compound in octan-1-ol concentration of compound in water

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The fate of pesticides in the environment is important. They can accumulate in living organisms, then become more and more concentrated up the food chain. Measurements of this bioconcentration have been made in sh. For any compound, the bioconcentration factor is equal to concentration of compound in whole sh concentration of compound in water The bioconcentration factor does not depend much on the species of sh, or on the length of time the sh has been in pesticide-contaminated water (once the system has come to equilibrium): it is a property of the pesticide itself. Determining the bioconcentration factor is an important but expensive business. Researchers have therefore looked for ways of estimating bioconcentration factors from properties which are easier to measure, such as partition coefcients, particularly Kow. Table 1 shows lg Kow and lg(bioconcentration factor) for several pesticides.
Pesticide Organochlorines chlordane DDT DDE DDD dieldrin lindane Pyrethroids permethrin Hydrolysis products of permethrin alcohol acid Others atrazine dibenzofuran lg Kow 6.00 5.98 5.69 6.02 5.16 3.85 5.00 lg(bioconcentration factor) 4.58 4.47 4.71 4.81 4.10 2.51 3.70

2.94 2.00 2.63 4.12

1.35 0.74 0.48 3.13

Table 1 Data on bioconcentration factors for some pesticides and some of their breakdown products. Note that in both columns logarithmic values are quoted.

a Plot a graph of lg(bioconcentration factor) against lg Kow. What is the relationship between the two quantities? b The ester group in permethrin is rapidly hydrolysed in the environment (see Storyline AA4, The pyrethroid story). DDT is degraded to DDE and DDD.
Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl DDE Cl Cl Cl





Refer to the values of lg Kow in Table 1. Suggest why DDT and its breakdown products DDE and DDD may persist for years, causing problems in the environment, whereas permethrin does not cause similar problems.
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M v ? Introduction
What makes an active pyrethroid?

In this activity you will identify features which are important for insecticidal activity in pyrethroids. This will help you to pick out common structural features in complex organic molecules.

Pyrethroids kill insects by binding to specic proteins in nerve-cell membranes. As a result the nervous system cannot function properly and the insect dies. In order for them to work, pyrethroids must have the correct physical properties so that they can move into the cell membranes. They need to have groups of the right kind in the right positions so that intermolecular forces can bind the pyrethroid molecules to proteins in the nerve cell membranes. Finally they should be easily hydrolysed so that they do not persist in the environment.

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What you do
Work in groups so that you can discuss your ideas. 1 Identify structural features which are common to the pyrethroid molecules mentioned in Storyline AA4, The pyrethroid story. These are the compounds A, B and C shown below. One way to do this is to list the structural features present in biopermethrin in a table, and tick off features which are also present in B and C.





A Biopermethrin

B Biocypermethrin



C Deltamethrin

2 Identify three features of A, B and C which are still present in D and E. Compare the structures of D and E with biocypermethrin, structure B. Where there has been a change, what replaces the group or groups removed?



E Fenvalerate

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3 Now inspect F and G, which are also insecticides:

O Cl O N

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Are any of the features which you identied in A, B and C still present? Do the structures have anything in common with fenvalerate, E? If you cannot see any, check with your teacher rather than spend a long time searching. You may be surprised by how few of the groups present in permethrin are essential for insecticidal activity. It appears that active pyrethroids have unsaturated groups at each end of the molecule (alkene or benzene) and that pairs of methyl groups are present. The distance between the methyl groups and the unsaturated end groups is important for activity. Overall, the compounds must be non-polar, with high Kow values (see Activity AA4.2). The presence in the centre of the molecule of a group which is easily hydrolysed means that the compounds are not persistent in soil. 4 Inspect structure H below. The substance is a rapid knock-down agent but does not kill insects. They recover from its effects. What features are missing which were present in all the other pyrethroid molecules?


Does this conrm or conict with the suggestion in 3 above about features identied as important for insecticidal activity of pyrethroids?

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M v ?
Check your notes on Aspects of Agriculture

This activity helps you to get your notes in order at the end of this unit.

Use this list as the basis of a summary of the unit by collecting together the related points and arranging them in groups. Check that your notes cover the points and are organised in appropriate ways. Most of the points are covered in the Chemical Ideas, with supporting information in the Storyline or Activities. However, if the main source of information is the Storyline or an Activity, this is indicated.

The redox reactions involved in the interconversion of the following species in the nitrogen cycle: nitrogen gas, nitrate(V) ion, nitrate(III) ion, ammonium ion, dinitrogen oxide (N2O), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (Storyline AA3; Activity AA3.2). An outline of the manufacture of ammonia by the Haber Process, including essential conditions (Storyline AA3). Why the conditions in the Haber Process are chosen, including the effect the conditions have on the position of equilibrium and on the rate of reaction (Storyline AA3). The expression for the equilibrium constant, Kp, for reactions involving gases (in terms of partial pressures). How values of Kp, together with given data on partial pressures, are used to carry out calculations concerning the composition of equilibrium mixtures. The trends in reactions of the elements, and the properties of their compounds, across a period in terms of structure and bonding, including: the reactions of the elements with oxygen, chlorine and water; the acidbase character of oxides; the behaviour of chlorides towards water. The relationship between the structure and bonding of a substance and its properties. The partition equilibrium that occurs when a solute is distributed between two immiscible solvents. The design of pesticides that combine maximum efcacy with minimum environmental damage (Storyline AA4).


The ways in which chemists can help improve food production, including providing extra nutrients, controlling soil pH and controlling pests (the Storyline in general). The effect of temperature on the rate constant of a reaction. The interpretation of silicate structures in terms of the tetrahedral silicate unit (Storyline AA2; Activity AA2.2). The interpretation of the propreties of clay minerals in terms of a simple model of layers made up of tetrahedral silicate sheets and octahedral aluminate sheets (Storyline AA2; Activities AA2.2 and AA2.3). The role of ion exchange processes in soil and the ionexchange characteristics of different soils (Storyline AA2). The principles of ion exchange. The relationship of ion exchange behaviour of anions and cations to ionic size. The effect of atomic number, charge and hydration on the size of anions and cations. The relationship between ionic size and properties.

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M v ? Requirements

Changing colours chemically

In this activity you will investigate colour changes brought about in a variety of ways, and then identify the type of reaction involved in each case.

250 cm3 stoppered bottle 100 cm3 measuring cylinder alkaline solution of glucose (100 cm3)* Methylene Blue indicator Phenolphthalein and Fluorescein indicators (optional) boiling tubes, test-tubes and rack acidied solution of ammonium vanadate(V) (ammonium metavanadate, NH4VO3) (10 cm3)* zinc (granulated) zinc oxide (0.5 g) Bunsen burner lead nitrate(V) (ground to a powder) (0.5 g) potassium iodide (ground to a powder) (0.5 g) lead nitrate(V) solution, 0.5 mol dm (3 cm ) potassium iodide solution, 0.5 mol dm3 (1 cm3) teat pipettes sodium carbonate solution, 1.0 mol dm3 (1 cm3) dilute ammonia solution, 2.0 mol dm3 (5 cm3) potassium (or ammonium) thiocyanate solution, KSCN (or NH4SCN), 0.1 mol dm3 (1 cm3) potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) solution, K4Fe(CN)6, 0.005 mol dm3 (1 cm3) dilute solutions (approximately 0.1 mol dm3) containing the following ions (12 cm3 of each solution): copper(II) nickel(II) iron(III) potassium chromate(VI) solution, 0.5 mol dm3 (2 cm3) protective gloves dilute sulphuric acid, 1.0 mol dm3 (1 cm3) microscope slides and coverslips rubber bungs Universal Indicator solution sodium hydroxide solution, 1.0 mol dm3 (2 cm3) small lump of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) and tongs, or a supply of carbon dioxide 250 cm3 beaker
dilute sulphuric acid

alkaline solution of glucose



dilute ammonia solution



ammonium vanadate(V)

copper(II) ion

lead nitrate(V)

Methylene Blue indicator


nickel(II) ion

potassium chromate(VI)


potassium hexacyanoferrate(II)

potassium thiocyanate

sodium hydroxide solution


CARE Chromates(VI) irritate the eyes, the skin and the respiratory system. They are also suspected carcinogens. Avoid all skin contact and do not breathe any dust. Any spillage should be washed off at once. * See instructions for preparation in the Teachers and Technicians Guide

CARE Eye protection and gloves must be worn.


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What you do
Investigate the following reactions, which all involve colour changes. In each case, record your observations and try to explain as far as possible what is happening to produce the colour change. Doing all these reactions takes some time, so you will probably do only one of these. Show and explain this reaction to the other members of your class. In a similar way, go round the other members of your class and write down the observations they have made. Use textbooks to help where necessary. You will have met some of the reactions in earlier units (From Minerals to Elements, The Atmosphere and The Steel Story). 1 Place 100 cm3 of an alkaline solution of glucose (CARE Irritant) in a 250 cm3 bottle with a well-tting stopper or rubber bung. Add enough Methylene Blue indicator (CARE Harmful) to give a good dark colour to the solution. (Methylene Blue is an indicator whose colour depends on the level of oxygen dissolved in the solution.) Shake the bottle vigorously and leave it to stand. When the colour of the Methylene Blue has disappeared (this may take up to 30 minutes), shake the bottle again. You can repeat the process many times. (You can vary the colour change by repeating the experiment and adding Phenolphthalein or Fluorescein as well as Methylene Blue.) 2 Place 10 cm3 of acidied ammonium vanadate(V) solution (CARE Toxic and an irritant) into a boiling tube and add a piece of granulated zinc. Gently swirl and shake the tube until no further changes occur. You may need to heat the tube gently to speed up the reactions. 3 Heat a small sample of zinc oxide in a test-tube until there is no further change in colour. Stand the tube in a rack to cool. When cool, repeat the heating and cooling process. 4 Place a spatula-load of powdered lead nitrate(V) crystals into a test-tube. (CARE Lead nitrate(V) is toxic and oxidising. Use only a small amount and do not breathe the dust.) Add a spatula-load of powdered potassium iodide crystals. Cork the tube and shake it vigorously. Repeat using dilute aqueous solutions of these two substances. 5 Investigate what happens when you add the reagent from list A to the metal ion solution opposite it in list B in Table 1. Use a teat pipette and shake the mixture after each addition. (CARE Copper(II) and nickel(II) salts are harmful.) 6 Add a few drops of Universal Indicator solution to some water in a beaker. Add enough dilute sodium hydroxide solution to raise the pH and give a deep purple colour. Now add a small lump of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice CARE Dry ice should be handled with tongs), or bubble carbon dioxide from a generator through the solution. 7 Mix 2 cm3 of lead nitrate(V) solution with 2 cm3 of potassium chromate(VI) solution. (CARE Lead compounds are toxic and chromates(VI) are suspected carcinogens. Avoid all skin contact wear gloves.) Put a drop of the resulting mixture on a slide and observe under a microscope. Repeat the experiment but add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid (CARE Irritant) to the potassium chromate(VI) solution before mixing.

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A sodium carbonate solution ammonia solution ammonia solution potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) solution, K4Fe(CN)6 (CARE Harmful) potassium (or ammonium) thiocyanate solution, KSCN (or NH4SCN) (CARE Harmful) Table 1

B Cu (aq) Cu2+(aq) Ni2+(aq) Fe3+(aq)



At the end, draw up a summary table in which you classify each change occurring as one of the following:

redox reaction ionic precipitation reaction acid-base reaction ligand exchange reaction polymorphic change.

(Compounds which can exist in more than one solid form, in which the ions or molecules are arranged in different ways, are said to be polymorphic.)

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M v ?
Seeing colours

In this activity you can examine the nature of the light reaching your eye from coloured solutions and from coloured surfaces.


hand-held direct-vision spectroscope (or diffraction grating) test-tubes and rack white light source or sunlight (an ordinary light bulb can be used, but it must be in a shade or a protective holder) aqueous solutions of a range of coloured compounds, for example: copper(II) sulphate chromium(III) chloride potassium dichromate(VI) screened Methyl Orange indicator protective gloves brightly coloured surfaces (such as exercise books or les) CARE Eye protection and gloves must be worn.


chromium(III) chloride


copper(II) sulphate

potassium dichromate(VI)


CARE Dichromates(VI) irritate the skin and are suspected carcinogens. Avoid all skin contact. Any spillage should be washed off at once. Wear protective gloves.

What you do
Point the spectroscope at a window or source of white light and observe the effect it has on the light. (You may wish to use a diffraction grating instead of a spectroscope.) Investigate the effect of placing a coloured solution between the white light source and the spectroscope, as shown in Figure 1. Summarise your observations in a table.

spectroscope light bulb coloured solution

Figure 1 Investigating the effect of coloured solutions on white light

Now point the spectroscope at a well-lit brightly coloured surface such as an exercise book or le. You may want to read Chemical Ideas 6.7 to help you explain your observations.

a What effect does the spectroscope have on white light? b Describe what you observed when a coloured solution was placed between the white light source and the spectroscope. Explain why this happens. c Use your observations with coloured surfaces to help you write a short explanation of why paintings appear coloured when you look at them with the naked eye.

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M v ? Reectance spectra
Using reflectance spectra to identify pigments

In this activity you will use reectance spectra to nd out which pigments Cima used 500 years ago to produce two different areas of blue in his altarpiece The Incredulity of S. Thomas.

The surface of a painting is not smooth and light is reected from it in all directions.

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paint surface

Figure 1 The reection of light from a paint surface

A reectance spectrum tells you how much light of each colour in the spectrum is reected in a particular direction. The reectance spectrum of a painting is obtained by shining light on a small area and analysing the light reected off the surface of the pigments at a particular angle. Figure 2 shows a simplied version of the apparatus used. The monochromator contains a prism which splits the white light into its component wavelengths. The prism is rotated so that the wavelength of the light focused on the painting can be varied. The apparatus also incorporates a camera which takes a photograph of the precise spot on the painting that is being examined.


photomultiplier measures the intensity of the light reflected for each wavelength at an angle of 45 to the incident light

monochromator splits the white light into component wavelengths white light from a hot tungsten filament

Figure 2 Obtaining the reectance spectrum of a sample of paint

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What you do
Below are the reectance spectra of two blue pigments used by Cima. They were taken from two different parts of the painting, area A and area B (see Figures 3 and 4). The horizontal axis represents the wavelengths of the light reected. The vertical axis shows the percentage of the incident light reected by the pigment.
Reflectance / %

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

Reflectance / %

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

v v

Figure 3 Reectance spectrum of area A

Figure 4 Reectance spectrum of area B

Study the reectance spectra in Figures 3 and 4 and then compare them with the reectance spectra of some traditional blue pigments which were in use at the time Cima was painting the altarpiece. These are shown on Information Sheet 1 (Traditional blue pigments).

a Which blue pigments do you think are present in the paint areas A and B? b What is the chemical composition of each of these pigments? c How would you expect the shade of blue to differ for the two pigments? (You may want to look at your Data Sheets to nd out which colours correspond to the various wavelengths in the visible spectrum.) d Look at Cimas The Incredulity of S. Thomas (Storyline CD4, Figure 13). Look carefully at the different blue areas in the picture. In which part of the painting do you think Cima might have used these pigments? e Why do you think it is important to take a photograph of the precise spot on the painting that is being subjected to measurement? f How might reectance spectra provide information on the effect of gallery lights on various pigments?

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Information Sheet 1: Traditional blue pigments

Pigment Smalt Source Zaffre (cobalt arsenate) Azurite Lapis lazuli Vegetable dye extracted from woad or from the Indigofera tinctoria plant Chemical composition Blue glass pigment made by melting cobalt arsenate with sand and K2CO3 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 A sodium aluminium silicate containing sulphur

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Azurite Natural Ultramarine Indigo

Table 1 Information about some traditional blue pigments in use in the early 16th century

Reflectance / % Reflectance / %

100 (a) Smalt 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

100 (b) Azurite 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

Reflectance / %

Reflectance / %

100 (c) Natural Ultramarine 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

100 (d) Indigo 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

Figure 1 Reectance spectra for four traditional pigments

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M v ? Different types of oil
What factors affect the drying potential of an oil?

In this activity you will use information from experiments to decide what factors affect the drying potential of an oil. You can then make some deductions about the complex chemistry of the drying process.

If a drying oil is exposed to air, it eventually becomes a rubbery solid. If only a thin layer is exposed, it becomes hard. Non-drying oils do not harden in this way, but they may thicken on heating. In between the two extremes are the semi-drying oils. These thicken and form a skin when exposed to air at high temperatures. Only drying oils are suitable for mixing with pigments to make paints.

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drying oil

hard protective coating


rubbery solid
Figure 1 The action of air on an oil-based paint

Paint layers dry from the outside to give a tacky surface rst; eventually they become hard throughout. The drying process is irreversible.

Iodine numbers
Natural oils can be classied according to their iodine number. This is calculated on the basis of how much iodine(I) chloride (ICl) will react with the oil. The more ICl reacts with the oil, the higher the iodine number. Table 1 gives the iodine numbers for some natural oils.
Oil linseed poppy walnut almond olive castor cotton-seed maize sesame Drying potential drying drying drying non-drying non-drying non-drying semi-drying semi-drying semi-drying Iodine number 170195 140158 140150 <100 <100 <100 103111 117130 100120

Table 1 Information about some natural oils

A closer look at linseed oil

Figure 2 shows the results of an experiment to investigate the drying of linseed oil. It shows the percentage increase in mass of two samples plotted against the drying time in days. The linseed oil samples were left exposed to the air and were kept at a constant room temperature.
Increase in mass/% 20
Figure 2 The drying of linseed oil. Curve a is for a lm of linseed oil prepared and dried in the dark, and weighed under red light. Curve b is for an identical lm of linseed oil prepared, dried and weighed in diffuse daylight. 1 = point of initial set; 2 = tacky stage; 3 = tack-free dryness.

3 1 2

curve b

curve a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time / days

No signicant increase in mass was observed if the linseed oil samples were kept in an atmosphere of nitrogen.
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a How is the drying potential of an oil related to its iodine number? b Look at the structures of some of the carboxylic acid components of the triesters found in natural oils. You can nd these in Chemical Ideas 13.6. With which structural feature of these molecules do you think ICl will react? What type of reaction is involved? c Which parts of the triester molecules in natural oils do you think are involved in the drying process? d What other substance seems to be involved in the drying reaction? Explain your answer. e Suggest what type of chemical processes might be involved when natural oils harden. f What experiments would you want to do to conrm your suggestions? g Explain how the drying of an oil paint is different from the drying of watercolours.

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M v ? The problem
Investigating paint media

In this activity you will analyse gas-liquid chromatograms to nd out which oil was used as the binding medium for Cimas paints in The Incredulity of S. Thomas.

Oils are triesters of glycerol with long-chain carboxylic acids (see Chemical Ideas 13.6). Different oils contain different amounts of each acid, and the ratio of the acids can be characteristic of a particular oil. The trouble is that the cross-linking process which causes paint to dry involves the unsaturated carboxylic acid chains, and this polymerisation is irreversible. So, when chemists analyse samples of paint, they measure the ratio of two saturated carboxylic acids, since these are not involved in the crosslinking. The acids chosen are palmitic acid and stearic acid. Their ratio is unchanged by the drying process.

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Analysing a sample of paint

A small sample of paint, about the size of a pin head, is removed from the painting and treated to make it suitable for analysis by gas-liquid chromatography (g.l.c.). First, the paint sample is warmed in potassium hydroxide solution to hydrolyse the ester links in the oil. Potassium salts of the carboxylic acids are produced:
CH2 CH CH2 O O O oil COR COR' COR" + 3KOH CH2 CH CH2 OH OH OH + RCOO K+ R'COO K+ R"COO K+ potassium salts of the carboxylic acids


The groups R, R' and R" vary according to the carboxylic acid present (for palmitic acid, for instance, R is CH3(CH2 )14 ). The mixture is now acidied with hydrochloric acid to liberate the free carboxylic acids. These will be simple fatty acids as well as acids of the polymeric cross-linked material. Stearic acid and palmitic acids are among the fatty acids produced:
CH3(CH2)14COOH palmitic acid CH3(CH2)16COOH stearic acid

The free acids are not very volatile and are difcult to analyse using g.l.c. (They take a long time to emerge from the column and do not produce sharp peaks.) The next stage is therefore to convert the acids to their more volatile methyl esters. Because of the very small quantities involved, a powerful methylating agent called diazomethane is used:
RCOOH + CH2N2 diazomethane RCOOCH3 + N2

It is this mixture of methyl esters which is injected onto the column of the gas-liquid chromatograph. (You can nd out how a gas-liquid chromatograph works in Chemical Ideas 7.6.) Figure 1 shows the chromatogram obtained when a small sample of paint from Cimas altarpiece was treated in this way.

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Recorder response




0 0 10 20 30 Time/min
Figure 1 Gas-liquid chromatogram of a sample made from paint from Cimas The Incredulity of S. Thomas.

What you do
Use the information on Information Sheet 2 (Gas-liquid chromatograms) to help you analyse the chromatogram in Figure 1. (The same conditions were used to obtain all the chromatograms.) First, identify the peaks due to the palmitate and stearate esters, and then work out the palmitate : stearate ratio in the sample. The peaks are very sharp so you can assume that the peak height is proportional to the amount of compound present. (Strictly speaking, you should measure the area under each peak.) Now work out the palmitate : stearate ratios for each of the reference samples, from paint made up in known oils. Compare these ratios with the value you obtained for the sample from Cimas paints.

a Which oil do you think was used to bind Cimas paints in 1504? Explain your answer. b Explain why the palmitate:stearate ratio is the one chosen for analysis. c Suggest why methyl esters are more volatile than the free carboxylic acids. d Give another method for converting palmitic acid to its methyl ester. Write a balanced equation for the reaction.

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Information Sheet 2: Gas-liquid chromatograms

The conditions used during analysis, the type of chromatography column and detector, the temperature and the ow rate of the carrier gas, were the same in each case. A hydrocarbon with a high relative molecular mass was used as the stationary phase in the column.
100 Recorder response 50 100 Recorder response 50

v v

0 0 10 20 30 Time / min (a) Pure methyl palmitate

0 0 10 20 30 Time / min (b) Pure methyl stearate

100 Recorder response 50

100 Recorder response 50

0 0 10 20 30 Time / min (c) Sample made from paint bound with poppy seed oil

0 0 10 20 30 Time / min (d) Sample made from paint bound with linseed oil

100 Recorder response 50

100 Recorder response 50

0 0 10 20 30 Time / min (e) Sample made from paint bound with walnut oil

0 0 10 20 30 Time / min (f) Sample made from paint bound with egg tempera

Figure 2 Gas-liquid chromatograms of: (a) pure methyl palmitate; (b) pure methyl stearate; (cf) samples made from paint bound with poppy seed oil, linseed oil, walnut oil and egg tempera, respectively.

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M v ?
Identifying a pigment

In this activity you can combine evidence from scientic and historical sources to identify the yelloworange pigment Cima used for the robe of S. Peter in his painting The Incredulity of S. Thomas.

What you do
Your task is to identify the yellow-orange pigment used for the robe of S. Peter. You will use the kind of scientic results and historical information that scientists and art historians at the National Gallery in London had at their disposal when analysing the painting. (S. Peter is the Apostle with the white hair and a beard, standing in the foreground next to Christ on the right-hand side of the picture.)

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Photomicrograph of a cross-section of paint

A diagram of this is shown in Figure 1. You may be able to see a coloured slide of it. (A photomicrograph is a picture taken under a microscope.)
yellow pigment particles mixed with a few orange particles gesso layer (CaSO4)
Figure 1 Diagram of the photomicrograph of a cross-section of paint taken from the robe of S. Peter ( 120)

orange particles khaki-coloured underpaint

Historical evidence
Information Sheet 3 (Background information on some yellow pigments) gives some historical information about the use of yellow and orange pigments. These extracts are taken from a standard textbook on painting materials. Such information is always used in addition to the results of any scientic analysis.

LMA emission spectrum

The emission spectrum from the paint sample consists of a series of lines. It is projected onto a reference spectrum in a special apparatus. The elements present in the sample are then identied by matching the lines to those on the reference spectrum. The LMA emission spectrum of the yellow-orange pigment from S. Peters robes showed characteristic lines at 228.8 nm and 235.0 nm. You can see a small section (from 223 nm to 252 nm) of the reference spectrum in Figure 1 on Information Sheet 4 (Reference emission spectrum for LMA spectra). The apparatus at the National Gallery could detect light emitted between 220 nm and 460 nm (i.e. ultraviolet and visible light) so the whole reference spectrum is very long!

Write a short report summarising your ndings. Which pigment do you think Cima used? Give reasons for your decision.

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Information Sheet 3: Background information on some yellow pigments

Barium Yellow This is barium chromate(VI), BaCrO4. It is a pale green-yellow pigment made by mixing neutral solutions of potassium chromate(VI) and barium nitrate(V). It may become slightly greener on exposure to light due to formation of chromium(III) oxide. The metal chromium was discovered by Vauquelin in 1797 and he described the preparation of barium chromate(VI) in 1809. Cadmium Yellow This is cadmium sulphide, CdS, which is prepared by precipitation from an acid solution of a soluble cadmium salt (chloride or sulphate) with hydrogen sulphide or an alkali metal sulphide. The colour of pure cadmium sulphide ranges from lemon yellow to deep orange, depending on the way it is prepared. Cadmium sulphide exists naturally as the mineral Greenockite, but the use of the mineral as a pigment has not been recorded. The rst chemical preparation of cadmium sulphide seems to have been by Stromeyer in 1817. It is now perhaps the most important yellow pigment in the artists palette, though there are increasing concerns about its toxic nature. Chrome Yellow (See Storyline CD3.) This is lead chromate(VI), PbCrO4. It is a bright yellow pigment made by mixing solutions of potassium chromate(VI) and lead nitrate(V). Vauquelin described its preparation by this method in 1809; a range of different shades of yellow may be produced depending on the conditions. Indian Yellow This is a yellow organic extract introduced in the 15th century. It was prepared at Monghyr in Bengal from the urine of cows fed on mango leaves. Its manufacture by this method is now prohibited by law. It has a deep, rich, translucent, orange colour. This pigment was used in India in the manufacture of paint because of its resistance to fading when exposed to light. The colour sold under this name today is a synthetic substitute. Lead-Tin Yellow X-ray crystallography has shown this pigment to be an articially produced compound of the oxides of tin and lead containing silicon as an essential constituent, PbSnSiO3. Recipes in the Bolognese Manuscript of the early 15th century note the manufacture of yellow glass for beads involving heating lead and tin together in a furnace, followed by a second stage to produce a pigment for painting. LeadTin Yellow was used extensively in Venetian 16th century painting and continued to be used into the mid-17th century. Naples Yellow This is lead antimonate. It may be considered to be chemically combined lead and antimony oxides, Pb3(SbO4)2. It varies in colour from sulphur-yellow to orange-yellow. Recipes for it rst appeared in the 18th century. Orpiment This was once widely used as a pigment, particularly in the East, but has now fallen into complete disuse because of its limited supply and its poisonous nature. It is the yellow sulphide of arsenic, As2S3, occurring naturally in many places but not in large quantities. Orpiment is brilliant when pure, with a rich lemon-yellow tone. It is mentioned as a pigment in 14th and 15th century Italy, and although quite rare elsewhere, it is characteristic of many 16th century Venetian paintings. Realgar This is a natural orange-red sulphide of arsenic, As2S2, and is closely related chemically to Orpiment. The two minerals are often found together in the same deposits. Like Orpiment it was known in ancient times. Yellow Ochre An ochre is a natural earth pigment which consists of a mixture of silica and clay. It owes its colour to the presence of iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3. In Yellow Ochre, the colour is caused by the presence of various hydrated forms of the oxide. Yellow Ochre has been used universally as a pigment from earliest history. It was known and used in ancient Egypt, in Roman times and in the East. It was important in the Middle Ages and in all periods of European painting.

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Information Sheet 4: Reference emission spectrum for LMA spectra

The reference spectrum is an emission spectrum of iron which has many lines throughout the 200 nm460 nm range. The full reference spectrum is very long and has marked on it the positions of the characteristic lines of around 60 elements. Below is a small section of the reference spectrum, between 223 nm and 252 nm.



Si Si Ta Au




W Fe

Te Te Fe



As Be






As Cd Ni Co




Figure 1 A small section (from 223 nm to 252 nm) of the reference spectrum for use with LMA emission spectra of pigments. (The upper spectrum is a spark spectrum; the lower one an arc spectrum.)

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M v ?
Finding a perfect match

In this activity you will use reectance spectra to nd modern replacements for two blue pigments used in Cimas The Incredulity of S. Thomas.

Why use modern pigments?

Why dont restorers simply use the original pigments once these have been identied? Restorers may substitute modern pigments for several reasons. It may be that the original pigment is not available, or that the modern version of it is not quite the same. Immense care was taken with the preparation of pigments in the workshops of Renaissance artists. The chemically equivalent pigments available today rarely give as intense a colour. In addition, the original pigment may have changed colour with age. Modern pigments are readily available. They are usually more stable and less toxic than their traditional counterparts. Although it is often possible to match a modern colour exactly to that of a faded original pigment, it is not possible to ensure that the two pigments will change in the same manner in the future. There is no point in achieving a perfect match with an old pigment only to see the retouching fade. One solution is to keep the restored painting in a carefully controlled environment, so that all further change is kept to a minimum.

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What you do
Imagine you are a scientist working in the Scientic Department at the National Gallery. You have just received a memo from the Conservation Department asking you to recommend the best blue pigments for use in the restoration of two areas of Cimas altarpiece:

the blue-green areas of the ceiling the dark blue mantle of the Apostle on the extreme left of the group.

You have already supplied the Department with the identity of the original pigments used by Cima (look back to Activity CD4.1). Now you need to nd the best modern substitutes. The reectance spectra of some modern blue pigments are shown on Information Sheet 5 (Some modern blue pigments). Use these spectra to help you construct a reply to the Conservation Department. Outline the reasons for your recommendations.

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Information Sheet 5: Some modern blue pigments

Reflectance / % (a) Cerulean Blue 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm Reflectance / % Reflectance / % Reflectance / % (b) Cobalt Blue 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

v v

Reflectance / %

100 (c) Manganese Blue 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

(d) Monastral Blue 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

Reflectance / %

100 (e) Prussian Blue 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

(f) French Ultramarine 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength / nm

Figure 1 Reectance spectra of some modern blue pigments

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M v ? Requirements

Comparing hydrocarbons

The purpose of this activity is to compare the behaviour of three liquid hydrocarbons cyclohexane (an alkane), cyclohexene (an alkene) and methylbenzene (an arene) with a series of chemical reagents.

test-tubes and rack bungs boiling tube teat pipettes cyclohexane (2 cm3) cyclohexene (2 cm3) methylbenzene (2 cm ) bromine in cyclohexane solution (3 cm3) glass rod concentrated ammonia solution (2 cm ) bromine water (6 cm3) concentrated nitric acid (2 cm3) concentrated sulphuric acid (fresh) (7 cm3) dilute sulphuric acid, 1.0 mol dm3 (20 cm3) dilute potassium manganate(VII) solution, 0.02 mol dm3 (3 cm3) potassium manganate(VII) crystals (0.5 g) solid sodium carbonate (0.05 g) sodium disulphite(IV) (metabisulphite) solution, 1.0 mol dm3 (5 cm3) 250 cm3 beaker 10 cm3 measuring cylinder 100 cm3 conical ask 0 110 C thermometer source of hot water crushed ice (50 g) methyl benzoate (2.5 cm3)



bromine water

concentrated ammonia solution


concentrated nitric acid


concentrated sulphuric acid






dilute sulphuric acid


CARE Cyclohexane, cyclohexene and methylbenzene are highly ammable liquids. Keep bottles stoppered when not in use and well away from naked ames. Avoid skin contact and do not breathe the vapours. CARE Bromine is corrosive, causes severe burns and gives off a toxic vapour. Handle the bromine solution with care. Measure out in a fume cupboard using a marked pipette. CARE Solid potassium manganate(VII) is a powerful oxidising agent. It causes staining of skin and clothes. Wear protective gloves if necessary.

methyl benzoate

potassium manganate(VII) crystals


sodium carbonate

CARE Eye protection must be worn.


sodium disulphite(IV) solution


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Arenes have characteristic properties which are very different from those shown by alkanes and alkenes. In this activity you will compare the reactions of cyclohexane (an alkane), cyclohexene (an alkene) and methylbenzene (an arene). (Benzene itself is toxic and has carcinogenic properties, so it cannot be used.)

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cyclohexane cyclohexene methylbenzene

What you do
For each of the test-tube reactions, use just a few drops of each of the hydrocarbons. In each case, think rst what you expect to happen and why. Then compare this with what you actually observe. Describe what happens in each case. Write equations where appropriate, and name the products of any reactions. It may be best to draw up tables for your results. You may wish to consult Chemical Ideas Chapter 12 to help you interpret your observations. Classify the type of reaction occurring, choosing words from the list below: substitution addition oxidation nucleophilic electrophilic radical

1 Reaction with bromine

1 For each hydrocarbon in turn (CARE Highly ammable liquids with harmful vapours), place a few drops in a test-tube and add 1 cm3 of a solution of bromine in cyclohexane (CARE Corrosive and gives off a toxic vapour). Stopper the tubes and shake them thoroughly. Test any gases given off by holding a drop of ammonia solution (CARE Corrosive) on a glass rod at the mouth of the test-tube. 2 Repeat the tests in step 1, but this time add a few cm3 of bromine water (CARE Irritant) to each tube.

2 Reaction with potassium manganate(VII)

3 Mix 3 cm3 dilute sulphuric acid (CARE Irritant) and 3 cm3 dilute potassium manganate(VII) solution in a test-tube. Add 1 cm3 of the above solution to a few drops of each hydrocarbon in separate test-tubes. Stopper the tubes and shake them thoroughly. If no reaction occurs, carefully warm the tube (by placing it in a beaker of warm water) and then leave it to stand. 4 Investigate the reaction with methylbenzene further, as follows. Put 5 drops of methylbenzene (CARE Highly ammable liquid with harmful vapour), 5 cm3 of water, 0.05 g of solid sodium carbonate (CARE Irritant) and 0.5 g of potassium manganate(VII) crystals (CARE Powerful oxidising agent, harmful) into a boiling tube. Clamp the tube in a near-vertical position and lower it into a beaker of water. Heat the water until the contents of the boiling tube start to reux. Continue heating gently until the purple colour of the manganate(VII) ions disappears. (Alternatively, a small-scale reux apparatus with a pear-shaped ask and a water condenser could be used. The ask could be carefully heated with a small Bunsen ame.) Cool the mixture and then acidify by adding dilute sulphuric acid (CARE Irritant). Add sodium disulphite(IV) (metabisulphite) solution (CARE Harmful) to remove the brown manganese(IV) oxide. Use a textbook to nd out the name of the white crystals formed, and to help you explain what has happened.
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3 Nitration of methyl benzoate

One of the most important reaction of arenes is nitration. For example:
c. H2SO4 NO2 + nitrobenzene H2O


The nitro-derivatives of methylbenzene can be explosive. For example:




is trinitrotoluene (TNT; toluene is the old name for methylbenzene). A safer compound to nitrate is methyl benzoate:
O C OCH3 O C c. H2SO4 OCH3

+ methyl benzoate


+ NO2 methyl 3-nitrobenzoate


5 Measure 2.5 cm3 of methyl benzoate (CARE Harmful) into a small conical ask and then add 5 cm3 of concentrated sulphuric acid (CARE Corrosive). When the liquid has dissolved in the acid, cool the mixture in ice. Prepare the nitrating mixture by carefully adding 2 cm3 of concentrated sulphuric acid (CARE Corrosive) to 2 cm3 of concentrated nitric acid (CARE Corrosive; oxidising agent). Cool the mixture in ice during the addition. Now add the nitrating mixture drop by drop from a teat pipette to the solution of methyl benzoate while cooling. (Do not allow the nitrating mixture to get into the rubber teat.) Stir the mixture with a thermometer and keep the temperature below 10 C. When the addition is complete, allow the mixture to stand at room temperature for another 15 minutes. After this time, pour the reaction mixture onto about 25 g of crushed ice and stir until the ice has melted.

a You used cyclohexane and cyclohexene as examples of a typical alkane and alkene respectively. Why werent simpler hydrocarbons such as ethane and ethene used? b In the reactions with bromine water and acidied potassium manganate(VII) solution, why was it necessary to shake the tubes thoroughly? c How would you expect benzene to react with an acidied solution of potassium manganate(VII)? Explain your answer. d i In the nitration of methyl benzoate, what precautions were taken to help prevent further nitration to a dinitro-derivative? ii Give the names and structural formulae of two nitro-compounds that are likely to contaminate the crystals of methyl 3-nitrobenzoate that you made. iii Suggest how you could purify your crystals and conrm that they are crystals of methyl 3-nitrobenzoate.

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Making azo dyes

In this activity you can investigate the range of colours which can be obtained by making azo dyes with different coupling agents.


boiling tubes test-tube and rack bungs protective gloves 10 cm3 measuring cylinder phenylamine (1.5 cm3) ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (benzocaine) (2 g) dilute hydrochloric acid, 1.0 mol dm3 (10 cm3) 250 cm3 beaker ice-salt mixture 0 110 C thermometer sodium nitrite (nitrate(III)) (2 g) glass rod starch-iodide paper dilute sodium hydroxide solution, 2.0 mol dm3 (6 cm3) small quantities of each of the following coupling agents: phenol methylphenol (any isomer) naphthalen-2-ol
sodium hydroxide solution






sodium nitrite

CARE Work in a fume cupboard when measuring out phenylamine. CARE Phenol and methylphenols are toxic and corrosive. Wipe up any crystals that get spilt. CARE Only small amounts of the azo dyes should be made. They should be disposed of promptly by ushing down the sink with lots of water and detergent.

CARE Eye protection must be worn.


CARE Wear gloves throughout this experiment. Avoid all skin contact with the reagents and the azo dyes produced.


Azo dyes
Azo dyes are produced in a diazo coupling reaction. For example,

+ N

Cl + HR'Z
coupling agent

R'Z + HCl

diazonium salt

azo dye

where R and R' are arene groups and Z is a functional group such as OH or NH2. When Z is an OH group, the coupling agent is prepared in alkaline solution. Many modern azo dyes are formed directly on the bres. First the cotton material is dipped into a solution of the coupling agent. The material is almost colourless at this stage. Next the cotton is treated with an ice-cold solution of a diazonium salt made from an arylamine. The insoluble dye is trapped in the bres.

What you do
Your group will work as a development team. You will prepare a series of azo dyes with different R'Z groups to investigate the range of colours that can be produced.
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This means that you will use the same diazonium salt in each reaction and vary the coupling agent. You can select your amine RNH2 to make the diazonium salt, and the coupling agents (HR'Z) from those in the table below.
Amines (RNH2) Coupling agents (HR'Z)

NH2 phenylamine

OH phenol

COOC2H5 ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (benzocaine) NH2 OH 3-methylphenol


* *


OH naphthalen-2-ol

* indicates the position where coupling is most likely to occur

Making the diazonium salt

1 First make a stock solution of a diazonium salt. Measure out your chosen amine (RNH2) into a boiling tube. Use 0.15 cm3 (about 23 drops) of phenylamine (CARE Toxic) or 0.25 g of benzocaine. Add 10 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid and swirl the solution to ensure mixing. 2 Cool the solution by placing the tube in a beaker containing an ice-salt mixture, until the temperature of the solution is just below 5 C. (If the temperature falls too low, the contents of the tube will freeze.) 3 Meanwhile, prepare a solution of 2 g of sodium nitrite (nitrate(III)) (CARE Toxic; oxidiser) in 10 cm3 of water in another boiling tube. Swirl to ensure mixing and cool this solution to 5 C. 4 Add the sodium nitrite solution slowly to the amine salt solution with stirring, taking care that the temperature does not rise above 5 C. Continue adding the sodium nitrite solution until the mixture gives an instantaneous blue-black colour when spotted on starch-iodide paper. This indicates that diazotisation is complete and excess nitrous acid is present. The diazonium salt solution is now ready for use. It should be kept cold.

The diazo coupling reaction

5 Dissolve a few crystals (or drops) of your chosen coupling agent in 2 cm3 of dilute sodium hydroxide solution. Cool this solution to 5 C. Add 2 cm3 of cold diazonium salt solution drop by drop and stir. After noting your results, dispose of the products down the sink with lots of water.

a Write out equations for the formation of the dyes you have made. b Why is it essential to keep the diazonium salt solution below 5 C? c When phenol dissolves in sodium hydroxide solution, sodium phenoxide is formed. Write down its formula. Suggest why this is used in the coupling reaction rather than phenol itself.

Looking at your results

Draw out the structures of the dyes you have made and identify the chromophore in each. Note the colour of each dye. Highlight parts of the molecules which are the same and those which are different. How did the nature of R' and Z affect the colour of the dye? Compare your results with a group who have used a different diazonium salt in their coupling reactions. How did the nature of R affect the colours of the dyes produced? Given time and chemicals, what other compounds would you choose to make? What colours would you expect them to be?

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M v ? Requirements

Dyeing with a direct dye and a reactive dye

In this activity you will dye cotton cloth with a brereactive dye and with a direct dye, and then compare the fastness to washing.

samples of untreated white cotton cloth (about 5 g each) (2) protective gloves 400 cm3 beakers (2) Durazol Red 2B solution (a direct dye) (250 cm3)* Procion Red MX-5B solution (a reactive dye) (200 cm3)* sodium chloride (13 g) sodium carbonate (0.5 g) stirring rods tongs soap powder strip chromatography paper beaker to use as chromatography tank Bunsen burner, tripod and gauze CARE Avoid all skin contact with the dyes. Gloves must be worn. CARE Eye protection must be worn.


Durazol Red 2B


Procion Red MX-5B


sodium carbonate

* See instructions for preparation in the Teachers and Technicians Guide


What you do
You are given instructions for dyeing cotton cloth with two different dyes, a bre-reactive dye and a direct dye. Dye samples of white cotton with the two dyes and then compare their fastness to washing. While you are dyeing the cotton samples, you can investigate the hydrolysis of the reactive dye in the dyebath using chromatography.

Dyeing cotton with a direct dye

1 First make up the dyebath. Put 250 cm3 of Durazol Red 2B solution (CARE Irritant) into a 400 cm3 beaker and add 1 g of sodium chloride. Heat until boiling. Immerse the cotton cloth in the dyebath and continue heating for 10 minutes with occasional stirring. Remove the cloth and rinse it thoroughly with water.

Dyeing cotton with a reactive dye

2 Put 200 cm3 of Procion Red MX-5B solution (CARE Irritant) into a 400 cm3 beaker. Immerse the cotton cloth and then add 12 g of sodium chloride in small amounts over 5 minutes. Leave the mixture to stand for 10 minutes, stirring from time to time. Then add 0.5 g of sodium carbonate and stir until dissolved. 3 Continue the dyeing with occasional stirring for a further 30 minutes. Remove the cloth and rinse it well with water. Finally, wash the cloth thoroughly in hot soap solution.

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How much dye is hydrolysed?

One problem with bre-reactive dyes is that they are hydrolysed in solution. The dye breaks down and the dichlorotriazinyl group, which attaches the dye to the bre, is lost. You can investigate the extent of the hydrolysis reaction using chromatography. Chromatography paper reacts with the dye in a similar way to cotton. Both are made of cellulose. 4 Put a spot of the Procion Red MX-5B dye solution (containing sodium chloride) onto a strip of chromatography paper. Leave for 10 minutes and then add a drop of concentrated sodium carbonate solution to the spot. Stand the paper in a 1 cm depth of water in a beaker, making sure the water level is below the spot. Allow the water to rise up the paper. The dye which has reacted with the paper will not move. Any hydrolysed dye will move up the paper with the water.

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Fastness testing
5 Devise a procedure for testing your dyed samples for fastness to washing. Remember that when clothes are washed, it is important that the colours do not fade, and also that colours are not transferred from one garment to another. The instructions on a packet of washing powder will give you an idea of the conditions suitable for testing fastness to washing.

6 Write a short report summarising your ndings. It should include the following points:

How did the appearance of the two samples of dyed cloth compare? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each dyeing process? How did fastness to washing of the two dyes compare?

Be prepared to make an oral presentation of your results. Compare your ndings with those of other groups.

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M v ? Requirements

Different dyes for different fibres

This activity demonstrates how a knowledge of the structure of dyes and bres enables chemists to dye successfully a wide variety of fabrics.

protective gloves 400 cm3 beaker stirring rod tongs dye mixture (10 cm3)* small samples (about 20 cm2) of white cotton, polyester and nylon apparatus for paper chromatography chromatography solvent (95% butanol:5% water)
dye mixture





CARE Eye protection must be worn.


CARE Use the butanol solvent in a fume cupboard or well-ventilated area. Keep away from naked ames. * See instructions for preparation in the Teachers and Technicians Guide CARE Avoid skin contact with the dye solution. Gloves must be worn.


What you do
You are provided with a mixture of three dyes. First, you will use the dye mixture to dye three types of fabric as described below. Different bres have different structures and bind dyes to different extents. You can then investigate the composition of the dye mixture using chromatography. Finally, you will use your observations, together with your knowledge of bres and how dyes bind to bres, to assign structures to each of the dyes in the mixture.

Dyeing different fabrics with the dye mixture

1 Dilute 10 cm3 of the dye mixture (CARE Irritant) to 100 cm3 with water. Heat the solution to boiling in a 400 cm3 beaker. Add small strips of white cotton, polyester and nylon. Avoid using fabrics with a mixed composition. 2 Allow the pieces of fabrics to boil gently in the dye solution for 1015 minutes. Remove the samples with tongs, rinse well with cold water and allow to dry. Note the colour of the various fabrics.

Whats in the dye mixture?

3 Investigate the composition of the dye mixture using paper chromatography, with a 95% butanol : 5% water mixture as the solvent (CARE Flammable and harmful).

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Which dye is which?

The three dyes in the mixture have the following structures, X, Y and Z.
HO dye X N N N N OH CH3 O dye Y NH C O OH N N dye Z Na+ O3S NH C O NH SO3 Na+ N N NH C O CH3 CH3 NH2 SO3 Na+

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4 Use your knowledge of how dyes bind to bres, together with your observations, to assign structures X, Y and Z to each of the three dyes in the mixture. Explain your reasoning. Remember that paper is a cellulose polymer made up of glucose units, like cotton. You made need to look back to Designer Polymers for the structure of nylon and polyester bres. Polyesters are relatively non-polar. Water does not penetrate the bres well and the fabric is best dyed with small, relatively nonpolar molecules. The main attractive forces between the dye molecules and the polyester bres are instantaneous dipoleinduced dipole forces. Nylon too has non-polar sections in its bres, but also has NH3+ groups at the end of the chains in acid solution.

Whats the use?

5 Suggest ways in which a textile manufacturer might use a dye mixture of this type.

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Check your notes on Colour by Design

This activity helps you get your notes in order at the end of this unit.

Use this list as the basis of a summary of the unit by collecting together the related points and arranging them in groups. Check that your notes cover the points and are organised in appropriate ways. Most of the points are covered in the Chemical Ideas, with supporting information in the Storyline or Activities. However, if the main source of information is the Storyline or an Activity, this is indicated.

An outline of the process of oxidative cross-linking by which unsaturated oils harden; the relationship of this process to their use as media in oil-based paints. What arenes and arene derivatives (aromatic compounds) are. The structure of benzene. How the characteristic properties of aromatic compounds arise from the delocalisation of electrons. The following electrophilic substitution reactions of arenes: halogenation of the ring, nitration, sulphonation, Friedel-Crafts alkylation and Friedel-Crafts acylation. The formation of azo dyes by coupling reactions involving diazonium compounds. The structure of a dye molecule in terms of its various components: chromophore, groups which modify the chromophore, groups which made the dye more soluble in water and groups which attach the dye to the bre (Storyline CD5CD7). Ways in which dyes attach themselves to fabrics: weak intermolecular forces, hydrogen bonds, ionic attractions and covalent bonding (Storyline CD7; Activity CD7.2). The relationship between the colour of a dye and the presence of a chromophore, and groups that modify the chromophore, in the dye molecule. The relationship between colour in materials and transitions between electronic energy levels.

The absorption of ultraviolet light and visible light in terms of transitions between electronic energy levels. The use of ultraviolet (u.v.) and visible spectroscopy to help identify unsaturated organic molecules. Colour changes associated with the following types of chemical changes: acidbase (indicators), ligand exchange, redox, precipitation and polymorphism (different crystal structures). The relationship between the properties of pigments (colour shade, colour intensity, fastness) to relevant properties (Storyline CD2 and CD3). The general principles of gas-liquid chromatography (g.l.c.). The techniques used to identify the materials used in a painting, including the use of g.l.c., atomic emission spectroscopy, and visible spectroscopy (reection and transmission) (Storyline CD3 and CD4; Activities CD4.14.5). The nature of fats and oils as mixed esters of propane1,2,3-triol with varying degrees of unsaturation.


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M v ? Requirements

What is the relationship between a solvent and the substances that dissolve in it?

In this activity you investigate the solubilities of four substances in three different solvents. You can draw some general conclusions about solubility from the data you collect, and explain your observations in terms of chemical ideas you have learned during the course. You may need to revise ideas about chemical bonding (Chemical Ideas 3.1 and 5.1), intermolecular forces (Chemical Ideas 5.3, 5.4 and 5.6), and the enthalpy and entropy changes during solution (Chemical Ideas 4.5).


the following solids, in powdered form in stoppered specimen tubes (about 2 g of each): anhydrous sodium chloride anhydrous calcium chloride glucose (or sucrose) grated candle wax (2 g) test-tubes (3) and rack hexane (12 cm ) propanone (12 cm3) distilled water (12 cm3)

calcium chloride




CARE Hexane and propanone are highly ammable liquids. Keep bottles stoppered when not in use and well away from naked ames. Avoid skin contact and do not breathe the vapours. Return residues to the correct residues bottle. Do not pour them down the sink.

CARE Eye protection must be worn.


What you do
1 Test the solubilities of the solids in the different solvents using the method described in Activity M1.3 of From Minerals to Elements. (CARE Hexane and propanone are highly ammable. Extinguish all ames before using these liquids. Avoid skin contact and do not breathe vapours. Return residues to the correct residue bottle. Do not pour them down the sink.) It may be best for each pair of students to investigate the solubility of one solid in the range of solvents, and then join with other pairs to produce a full table of results. 2 Use the information contained in your results table to work through the points which follow.

Looking at your results

a For each of the seven substances used (four solids and three solvents), decide whether its bonding is ionic or covalent. If it is covalent, are the molecules polar or non-polar? b What general pattern of solubility do you observe from your results? To interpret your results fully you should read about energy changes in solution in Chemical Ideas 4.5. Entropy changes usually favour solution but the process is often prevented by a large endothermic enthalpy change of solution. We can nd out whether dissolving is likely to be accompanied by a large endothermic enthalpy change by considering the interactions between the particles in the separate solids and liquids, and between the particles in the solutions which might form from them. For example, if the attractive forces between particles in the pure solid and in the pure solvent are stronger than those between particles in solution, the enthalpy change of solution is likely to be endothermic.

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c Fill in Table 1, and use it to explain why solutions form or do not form in each case.
Solid Principal interactions in solid Solvent Principal interactions in solvent Principal interactions in solution Enthalpy change which would accompany the formation of a solution as a result of these changes in interactions Is the solid likely to dissolve?


NaCl propanone













water Table 1 Changes in interactions between particles when a solid dissolves


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M v ? Requirements

What changes occur when an ionic solid dissolves?

This activity looks in more detail at the changes which occur when ionic solids dissolve. It provides evidence to support and test the explanations you put forward in Table 1 in Activity O1.1. It may be best to share the work so that each student or pair of students chooses one solid to study in both parts of the activity.

the following solids, in powdered form in stoppered specimen tubes: anhydrous sodium chloride (12 g) anhydrous calcium chloride (23 g) anhydrous iron(III) chloride (33 g) distilled water (300 cm3) polystyrene cups (or insulated beakers) 0 110 C thermometer 50 cm3 measuring cylinder burettes (2) weighing bottles with stoppers rubber bungs to t burettes small funnel access to balance

calcium chloride


iron(III) chloride

CARE Eye protection must be worn.


What you do
Note Calcium chloride and iron(III) chloride each take in water from the air. It is important to use fresh anhydrous samples and to work quickly. and invert it several times to mix the contents. Continue adding the solid until it has all dissolved. 9 Record the volume of the solution. 10 Repeat the procedure in steps 79 for the other two solids. 11 Calculate the volume of the solid you added in each case, using its mass and the density given below.
Solid sodium chloride calcium chloride iron(III) chloride Density/g cm3 2.2 2.5 2.8

Part 1: Enthalpy changes

1 Place 50 cm3 of distilled water in a polystyrene cup and record its temperature. 2 Weigh out enough solid to produce a solution of concentration 2.0 mol dm3. 3 Add the solid to the water. Carefully stir the mixture with the thermometer and record the highest or lowest temperature of the solution. 4 Calculate the temperature change and from it the molar enthalpy change of solution (DHsolution ) (i.e. the enthalpy change when 1 mole of solid dissolves to form a 2.0 mol dm3 solution). 5 Repeat the procedure in steps 14 for the other two solids. 6 Draw up a table to show your results.

12 Use the relationship volume change = (volume of solution) (volume of solid + volume of water) to work out in each case the change in volume when the solid dissolves. 13 Draw up a table to show your results.

Part 2: Volume changes

This part of the activity uses a burette to make accurate measurements of the volume changes which accompany the formation of a solution. Burettes contain an ungraduated section and you have to be careful when lling the burette to make sure it contains only 50 cm3 of water. One way of doing this is to add exactly 50 cm3 of water from another burette (or a pipette) to your empty burette. 7 Weigh out enough solid to make 50 cm3 of a 2.0 mol dm3 solution. 8 Place 50 cm3 of water into the burette, then pour in a little of the solid through a small funnel. Stopper the burette

Interpreting your results

You may wish to revise ideas about the hydration of ions in Chemical Ideas 3.2 and 5.1 to help you with this part of the activity. a Interpret the enthalpy changes measured in Part 1 in terms of the processes that occur when the solids dissolve and the interactions between the chemical particles present. b Use these ideas to explain the volume changes you noted in Part 2 of the activity.

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What factors affect the enthalpy change of formation of an ionic compound?

In this activity you will see how the formation of an ionic compound from its constituent elements can be imagined to take place in several stages, each with its own enthalpy change. The values of these enthalpy changes determine the overall value for the enthalpy change of formation of the compound.

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Part 1: Constructing an enthalpy cycle

The standard enthalpy change of formation of sodium chloride, DHf! (NaCl(s)), is the enthalpy change for the reaction: Na(s) + Cl2(g) NaCl(s) DHf! (NaCl(s)) = standard enthalpy change of formation of sodium chloride

You can imagine the stages involved as: (1) turning the elements Na(s) and Cl2(g) into gaseous atoms (2) turning the atoms into gaseous ions (3) bringing the gaseous ions together to form NaCl(s) The following equations describe the stages: (a) Na(s) Na(g) (b) Na(g) Na+(g) + e (c) Cl2(g) Cl(g) (d) Cl(g) + e Cl(g) (e) Na+(g) + Cl(g) NaCl(s) 1 Draw up a table and match the equations (a) to (e) with the stages (1) to (3) above. 2 Each of the equations (a) to (e) denes a standard enthalpy change. Match the enthalpy changes (i) to (v) below with the equations (a) to (e). (i) lattice enthalpy of sodium chloride DHLE! (NaCl(s)) (ii) rst electron afnity of chlorine DHEA! (Cl(g)) (iii) standard enthalpy change of atomisation of sodium DHat! (Na(s)) (iv) standard enthalpy change of atomisation of chlorine DHat! ( Cl2(g)) (v) rst ionisation enthalpy of sodium DHi! (1) (Na(g)) 3 Draw out the enthalpy cycle showing how you get from the elements in their standard states, Na(s) and Cl2(g), to the compound, NaCl(s), using the stages dened by the equations (a) to (e). Label each stage with the appropriate symbol taken from (i) to (v). This type of enthalpy cycle for a simple ionic compound is known as a Born-Haber cycle. 4 Apply Hesss Law to the cycle and obtain an equation that shows how DHf! (NaCl(s)) depends on the other enthalpy changes. 5 Set up a spreadsheet that will calculate DHf! for any Group 1 halide. The only data input required will be the values for the enthalpy changes (i) to (v).

Part 2: Using the cycle

6 Use bar charts, from your spreadsheet, to explore how DHf! depends on DHLE! and DHi! (1) for the series of compounds: i NaF, NaCl, NaBr, NaI ii LiCl, NaCl, KCl, RbCl Comment on any patterns you see.

How would you need to adapt your enthalpy cycle and spreadsheet to cope with the halides of Group 2 elements?

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The enthalpy change of vaporisation of water

The rst part of this activity is optional. It introduces you to some practical techniques which you have not previously encountered in the course, and allows you to measure a value for the enthalpy change of vaporisation (DHvap) of water. You can then compare this with values for some other liquids and use the ideas you have learned in Chemical Ideas 4.4 to interpret the results.

Part 1: Measuring the enthalpy change of vaporisation of water (Optional extension)


v v

12 V d.c. supply joulemeter electrical heating coil (see Figure 1) apparatus for boiling and condensing water (see Figure 1) small beakers or specimen tubes (2) access to balance CARE Eye protection must be worn.


What you do
1 Assemble the apparatus shown in Figure 1, for boiling and condensing water. Use water close to boiling in the side-arm boiling tube. 2 Position one small beaker as shown in the diagram; have a second weighed beaker ready.
6 12 V d.c. supply water out Detail of insulation using three pieces of expanded polystyrene sheet


condenser electrical heater Detail of electrical heater

water expanded polystyrene insulation (or cotton wool lagging in a tall beaker)

thick copper wire sealed into glass tube water in solder beaker coil of about 3 cm 28 s.w.g. nichrome wire

boiling tube with side-arm

3 Switch on the power. Allow the water to warm up and then boil for a few minutes until it drips at a slow steady rate from the condenser into the unweighed small beaker. Then change over the beakers and simultaneously reset the joulemeter. 4 Allow about 3 cm3 of water to distil over, then exchange the beakers once more, reading the joulemeter at the same instant. 5 Record the mass of beaker plus water and calculate the mass of water collected.

Figure 1 Apparatus for measuring the enthalpy change of vaporisation of water

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Part 2: Looking at your results

You should do this part of the activity even if you have not done the practical in Part 1. The questions which follow should encourage you to apply what you have learned in Chemical Ideas 4.4. Make sure you have read these ideas before you attempt the questions. a Calculate a value for DHvap for water in kJ mol1. (In a typical students experiment, 8100 J were needed to distil 2.95 g of water.) b Explain why the boiling tube is surrounded with expanded polystyrene but the condenser is left uncovered. c Before any water was collected, the water was allowed to boil for several minutes until drops fell steadily from the condenser. Explain why this helps you achieve greater accuracy in your estimate of DHvap. Table 1 lists values of DHvap and boiling point (Tb) for water and four organic compounds.
Liquid trichloromethane hexane cyclohexane methylbenzene water Formula CHCl3 C6H14 C6H12 C7H8 H2O DHvap /kJ mol1 +29.3 +28.8 +30.1 +33.4 +40.6 Tb /K 335 342 354 384 373

v v

Table 1 Enthalpy changes of vaporisation (DHvap ) and boiling points (Tb ) for some compounds

i Water has a high DHvap value compared with the other substances in Table 1. Use your knowledge of intermolecular forces to explain this observation. ii Ethanol also has an unusually high DHvap value of +38.5 kJ mol1. Explain how the changes which occur during boiling are similar for ethanol and water. e All the DHvap values are highly endothermic. Nevertheless, the compounds are volatile and can easily be boiled. What other change which favours the process accompanies vaporisation? f i At the boiling point, a liquid and its vapour are in equilibrium. What can you say about the total entropy change for a system which is at equilibrium? ii What is the relationship between the entropy change on vaporisation of a liquid (DSvap) and the entropy change in the surroundings (DSsurr) at the boiling point? iii DSsurr during an endothermic change can be calculated from the thermal energy supplied and the temperature at which the change occurs. For boiling, the relationship is: DSsurr = DHvap Tb

Use this relationship to calculate DSsurr values for the ve compounds in Table 1. g i Use your answers for f ii and f iii to calculate DSvap values for the ve compounds in Table 1. ii What general observation can you make about the values of DSvap for the four organic compounds in Table 1? iii Explain this observation in terms of the molecular-kinetic model which chemists use to describe the structures of liquids and vapours. iv How does the value of DSvap for water compare with the value you found for the four organic liquids? Explain why there is a difference. h i Convert the values for DHvap in Table 1 into kJ kg1. ii These gures should show you that, for the transport of a given mass of vapour through the atmosphere, water carries much more energy with it than the other substances. Explain why this is important for the climate of the Earth.
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What crystals form when a solution is cooled?

Freezing and crystallisation cause density changes in the oceans and are among the factors that drive ocean currents. This activity uses copper(II) sulphate, which is easy to distinguish from ice crystals, to investigate the effect of cooling solutions containing different concentrations of an ionic compound. The questions, which help you to interpret your observations, also provide an opportunity for you to reinforce what you have learned in Chemical Ideas 4.4 about entropy changes and their relationship to enthalpy changes and temperature.



saturated copper(II) sulphate solution (4 cm3) 250 cm3 beaker test-tubes (2) and rack crushed ice table salt 10 C110 C thermometer CARE Eye protection must be worn.

copper(II) sulphate

What you do
1 Make an icesalt freezing bath by mixing crushed ice and table salt in a beaker. 2 Place about 3 cm3 of saturated copper(II) sulphate solution in one test-tube. Add 1 cm3 of saturated copper(II) sulphate solution to 2 cm3 of water in the other test-tube. 3 Place the test-tubes into the freezing bath and allow the solutions to cool. Make a note of the temperature at which crystals form in each solution, the appearance of the crystals, and whether they oat or sink. 4 Before you throw away the contents of the freezing bath, make a note of its temperature and appearance. g The enthalpy change (DH) when pure water freezes to produce ice is the same as the enthalpy change when copper(II) sulphate solution freezes to produce ice. However, ice crystals do not form from copper(II) sulphate solution until the temperature has fallen below 273 K. This is because the entropy changes (DSsys) are different for the two processes. i For which process will the entropy change (DSsys) be greater: pure water ice at its freezing point; or copper(II) sulphate solution ice at its freezing point? Explain your answer. ii At the freezing point, ice is in equilibrium with the water or solution which is freezing. Therefore DStotal must be zero. You have made decisions about DSsys in g i. How must DSsurr compare for the two processes: pure water ice at its freezing point; and copper(II) sulphate solution ice at its freezing point? iii The entropy change in the surroundings (DSsurr) is related to DH and the temperature at which freezing occurs. Use this relationship to explain why ice forms from copper(II) sulphate solution at a temperature below 273 K. The same idea explains why it is possible to have water, ice and salt present together at temperatures well below 273 K. So you can melt ice on roads in winter, and make it run off, by adding salt. You can also make freezing baths like the one you used in this activity.

What it means
a When a solution of copper(II) sulphate cools, what determines whether it is water or copper(II) sulphate that crystallises out rst? b Describe how you think the density of a copper(II) sulphate solution changes when: i copper(II) sulphate crystals form ii ice crystals form. c The salt concentration in sea water is typically about 0.5 mol dm3. How might ocean currents be affected if the sea were saturated with salt? d The enthalpy change when water freezes to form ice is 6010 J mol1. What will be the gain in entropy of the surroundings when water freezes at 273 K? e At 273 K the entropy of ice is lower than the entropy of water by 22.0 J K1 mol1. Explain why the entropy of ice is lower. f Comment on the total entropy change of the system and surroundings that accompanies the freezing of water at 273 K.

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M v ?
Finding out more about weak acids

You can compare some of the properties of weak and strong acids by using ethanoic acid as a typical weak acid and hydrochloric acid as a typical strong acid. The measurements you make can be interpreted in terms of the theory in Chemical Ideas 8.2. By the end of the activity you should have seen that pH is less sensitive to changes in weak acid concentration than strong acid concentration. You should then appreciate one of the reasons why the thousandfold change in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration that has occurred during the Earths history has not caused a major change in the pH of the oceans.

v v


pH meter 100 cm3 beaker solutions of hydrochloric acid of the following concentrations (about 50 cm3 of each solution): 0.1 mol dm3 0.03 mol dm3 0.01 mol dm3 0.003 mol dm3 0.001 mol dm3 solutions of ethanoic acid of the same concentrations as above (about 50 cm3 of each solution) CARE Eye protection must be worn.

What you do
1 Pour sufcient 0.001 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid into a beaker to allow you to measure the pH. Record the pH and return the solution to the stock bottle. 2 Repeat the measurements with the other hydrochloric acid solutions. If you work from the lowest to the highest concentration you can use the same beaker, and there is no need to rinse it out or clean the glass electrode between readings. 3 Now repeat steps 1 and 2 using the ethanoic acid solutions. Before you start, make sure the glass electrode is rinsed with distilled water to remove all traces of hydrochloric acid. 4 Present all your results in the form of a table. iii How does your answer to b i compare with the behaviour you would expect of a strong acid? d i Explain what you understand by the term weak acid. ii Write an expression for the acidity constant (Ka) of ethanoic acid. (You can abbreviate the formula to HA for convenience.) iii It is reasonably accurate to regard [H+(aq)] and [A(aq)] as being equal in the solutions of ethanoic acid used in this activity. Explain why we can do this. iv Another reasonably accurate assumption is to regard [HA(aq)] as equal to the amount of acid used to make 1 dm3 of each solution. For example, we can say [HA] = 0.1 mol dm3 in ethanoic acid solution of concentration 0.1 mol dm3. Explain why this is an accurate assumption. v Rewrite Ka for ethanoic acid solutions of concentrations 0.1 mol dm3 and 0.001 mol dm3, using the assumptions discussed in d iii and iv. You should be left with expressions for Ka which involve only [H+(aq)] and numbers. vi How does the value for [H+(aq)] change when a 0.1 mol dm3 solution of ethanoic acid is diluted by a factor of 100, to 0.001 mol dm3? vii You have just worked out how you would expect [H+(aq)] and [HA(aq)] to be related for ethanoic acid an example of a weak acid. How does the observation you made in b ii compare with this expected behaviour?

Discussion of results
a i Explain what you understand by the term pH. ii Explain how changes in pH and changes in [H+(aq)] are related. b From your results, what appears to be the pH change associated with: i a 10-fold change in the concentration of hydrochloric acid? ii a 100-fold change in the concentration of ethanoic acid? c i Explain what you understand by the term strong acid. How is this different from a concentrated acid? ii Explain why you would expect a 10-fold change in the concentration of a strong acid to lead to a 10-fold change in [H+(aq)].

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M v ? Requirements

Investigating some buffer solutions

In this activity you make pH measurements of some buffer solutions and see what happens when you add water, acid and alkali to them. You then compare their behaviour to a solution of similar pH that is not a buffer. Interpreting the results should reinforce the ideas you learned about in Chemical Ideas 8.3.


0.5 mol dm3 solutions of the following: ethanoic acid (75 cm3) potassium (or sodium) ethanoate (75 cm3) methanoic acid (25 cm3) potassium (or sodium) methanoate (25 cm3) ammonium chloride (25 cm3) ammonia solution (25 cm3) hydrochloric acid (15 cm3) potassium (or sodium) hydroxide (15 cm3) 25 cm3 measuring cylinder 10 cm3 measuring cylinder distilled-water wash bottle 100 cm3 beakers (7) pH meter 1 104 mol dm3 nitric(V) acid (50 cm3 ) glass rod

potassium hydroxide solution


CARE Eye protection must be worn.


What you do
As you work through this activity, ll in your results in Table 1. 1 Make up three buffer solutions by mixing 25 cm3 portions of the 0.5 mol dm3 solutions in the pairs listed below. (Use 100 cm3 beakers to hold the buffer solutions and stir each one with a glass rod.) Buffer A Buffer B Buffer C ethanoic acid + potassium ethanoate methanoic acid + potassium methanoate ammonium chloride + ammonia solution

Measure the pH of each buffer using a pH meter. Rinse the glass electrode with distilled water between measurements. 2 Remove 5 cm3 of Buffer A and add it to 45 cm3 of distilled water in a fourth beaker. This is Buffer D. Record its pH. a How are the pH values of Buffer A and Buffer D related? b Does the pH of a buffer depend on the total amounts of acid and salt present or on the ratio of their amounts? Explain your answer. 3 Make up two more buffers using 0.5 mol dm3 ethanoic acid and 0.5 mol dm3 potassium ethanoate as follows: Buffer E Buffer F 10 cm3 ethanoic acid + 40 cm3 potassium ethanoate 40 cm3 ethanoic acid + 10 cm3 potassium ethanoate

Record the pH values. c Use Le Chateliers principle to explain the way the pH values vary among the Buffers A, E and F.

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M v ?

The measurements you have made show that buffers can have pH values spread over a wide range. There are two steps to designing a buffer with a particular pH:

coarse tuning to select the pH region ne tuning to adjust the pH to the actual value required.

You have seen that the pH of a buffer depends on:


the chemical system chosen the proportions of acid and salt used.

d Which of these two factors would you make use of in i the coarse tuning ii the ne tuning? 4 Place 50 cm3 of 1 104 mol dm3 nitric(V) acid into another beaker. This is Solution G; it has a similar pH to the ethanoic acid + potassium ethanoate mixtures, but it is not a buffer solution. Add 3 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid to solutions A, D and G. Record the pH changes. e Explain the different effects of adding the same amount of hydrochloric acid to these three solutions. 5 Add 3 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid or potassium hydroxide to buffers B, C, E and F. You are free to choose which solutions to add to which buffers. Record the pH changes. f Explain the effects of adding acid or alkali to the buffers.
System pH DpH + 3 cm3 HCl DpH + 3 cm3 KOH Was the solution an effective buffer?



Table 1 Results table


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Check your notes on The Oceans

This activity helps you get your notes in order at the end of this unit.

Use this list as the basis of a summary of the unit by collecting together the related points and arranging them in groups. Check that your notes cover the points and are organised in appropriate ways. Most of the points are covered in the Chemical Ideas, with supporting information in the Storyline or Activities. However, if the main source of information is the Storyline or an Activity, this is indicated.

Calculation of entropy changes for a reaction given entropies of reactants and products. Comparison of the following properties of water with those of other liquids, and other hydrides of Group 6 elements, and the relationship of these properties to molecular structure: specic heating capacity, enthalpy change of vaporisation, and density changes on melting. The inuence of oceans on climate in terms of the characteristic properties of water (Storyline O3). The meaning and use of the following terms: strong acid, strong base, pH. The ionic product of water, Kw. Calculation of the pH of solutions of strong acids and strong bases. The meaning and use of the following terms: weak acid, acidity constant Ka, pKa. Calculation of the pH of solutions of weak acids. How buffer solutions work, and their applications. Calculation of the pH of a buffer solution. The meaning and use of the term solubility product for simple ionic compounds of formula Xn+Yn. The use of solubility products to perform calculations concerning dissolving and precipitation processes. Acidbase and precipitation processes in the oceans in terms of Ka and Ksp (Storyline O4). The global inuence of the processes occurring when carbon dioxide dissolves in water (Storyline O4).

Factors that determine the relative solubility of a solute in aqueous and non-aqueous solvents. The meaning and use of the terms: enthalpy change of solution, lattice enthalpy, enthalpy of solvation (hydration). The solution of an ionic solid in terms of an enthalpy cycle involving enthalpy change of solution, lattice enthalpy and enthalpies of solvation (hydration) of ions. The effect of atomic number, charge and hydration on the radii of anions and cations. The relationship between ionic size and properties. The Born-Haber cycle for simple ionic compounds. Entropy as a measure of the number of ways that molecules and their associated energy quanta can be arranged. The process of dissolving in terms of energy and entropy factors. The tendency of a process to occur in terms of entropy changes in the system ( Ssys ) and surroundings ( Ssurr ), and the requirement that the total entropy change ( Stotal ) should be positive. Calculations of entropy changes using the expression: Stotal = Ssys + Ssurr.

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M v ?
Aldehydes and ketones

This activity considers the formation and reactions of aldehydes and ketones.


potassium dichromate(VI) solution, 0.1 mol dm3 (2 cm3) protective gloves dilute sulphuric acid, 2 mol dm (10 cm ) propan-1-ol (3 drops) propan-2-ol (3 drops) 2-methylpropan-2-ol (3 drops) test-tubes and rack propanal (3 drops) propanone (3 drops) angled glass tubing and rubber bung Bunsen burner, tripod and gauze 400 cm3 beaker (for hot water bath) Fehlings solution 1 (2 cm3) Fehlings solution 2 (2 cm3)

Fehlings solution 1 Fehlings solution 2


potassium dichromate(VI) solution



propan-1-ol propan-2-ol 2-methylpropan-2-ol




CARE Propanal, propanone and the alcohols are highly ammable liquids. Keep bottles stoppered when not in use and well away from naked ames. Avoid skin contact and do not breathe the vapours. CARE Dichromates(VI) irritate the skin and are suspected carcinogens. Avoid all skin contact. Any spillage should be washed off at once. Wear protective gloves.

sulphuric acid

CARE Eye protection and gloves must be worn.


What you do
1 Place about 1 cm depth of 0.1 mol dm3 potassium dichromate(VI) solution (CARE Toxic. Avoid skin contact. Wear gloves) in a test-tube. Add 2 mol dm3 sulphuric acid (CARE Corrosive) until the tube is half full. Then divide this mixture as equally as possible between ve test-tubes. You are going to investigate the effect of the oxidising mixture on various oxygen-containing compounds starting with propan-1-ol, propan-2-ol and 2-methylpropan-2-ol. 2 Add 3 drops of one of the alcohols to the oxidising mixture in one of the tubes. Be careful not to add too much alcohol. (CARE Alcohols are highly ammable. Keep the bottle well away from naked ames.) Carefully warm the contents of the tube until they just begin to boil. (CARE Do not continue to boil the liquid in case alcohol vapour catches re.) 3 Label the tube and leave it to stand. Repeat the procedure in step 2 with each of the other two alcohols. 4 Make a note of any changes of appearance of the mixtures in the tubes. Work out what has happened in each case, and present your results in the form of a table showing the structural formulae of the alcohols and any products which are formed.

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5 Where reaction has occurred, distil out a few drops of liquid from each tube using the apparatus shown (Figure 1).

reactants cold water distillate

Figure 1 Distilling off the product of oxidation


C2H5 308

6 The products which you have distilled over should be propanal and propanone (CARE Highly ammable liquids). Use these liquids, or the liquids from stock bottles of propanal and propanone, and repeat steps 2 and 3 with the two liquids separately. 7 Prepare a hot water bath. A suitable arrangement is a 400 cm3 beaker half full of water on a tripod and gauze over a Bunsen ame. Transfer about 1 cm3 of one of the distillates (or reagents from the stock bottle) to a test-tube. Add about 1 cm3 of Fehlings solution 1 followed by 1 cm3 of Fehlings solution 2. (CARE Fehlings solution 2 contains sodium hydroxide and is corrosive.) Place the test-tube in the hot water bath and observe any colour changes. Now repeat the experiment with the second liquid.

a Which of the alcohols, propan-1-ol, propan-2-ol and 2-methylpropan-2-ol reacted readily with potassium dichromate(VI) solution? b Account for the change of colour of the mixtures, when one occurs, in the reactions above. c Write down the full structural formulae of the organic products. d One of the compounds formed from the reactions above reacts further with potassium dichromate(VI) solution. Write down the structural formulae of this compound and the organic product of this further reaction. e The red precipitate formed on reaction with Fehlings solution is Cu2O (the reagent contains Cu2+(aq) ions). i Suggest what has happened to the organic reagent in the tube when reactions have occurred. ii Compare this with the process that occurs with the organic reagent and potassium dichromate(VI) solution. f Propanal and propanone can be reduced to alcohols using the reagent sodium tetrahydridoborate(III), NaBH4. Give the names and structural formulae of the alcohols that will be produced. g Propanal reacts with hydrogen cyanide, as shown in the equation below:

Write a corresponding equation for the reaction of propanone with hydrogen cyanide.

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M v ?
BAC determination using gasliquid chromatography

By carrying out this activity you will learn more about the use of g.l.c. for measuring blood-alcohol concentrations. The technique can easily be adapted, and is used to analyse many other kinds of mixture. This activity illustrates ideas about g.l.c. which you learned in Colour by Design. You may need to refer to Chemical Ideas 7.6 before you begin.

A sample which is a mixture of several similar compounds will produce a g.l.c. trace showing separate peaks for each compound. In general, for compounds of the same chemical type, more volatile compounds have shorter g.l.c. retention times. amount of propan-1-ol is added. A measured sample of this mixture is then analysed by g.l.c. The gas chromatogram consists of two peaks, corresponding to ethanol and propan-1-ol. The area of each peak is proportional to the amount of compound in the sample, but the instruments sensitivity may vary from run to run. Using a propan-1-ol standard overcomes this error the detector will give a high reading for all propan-1-ol peaks if its sensitivity is high, or a low reading for all peaks if the sensitivity is low. In either case, the ratio of the ethanol and propan-1-ol peak areas will be the same. It is this ratio which is used to calculate the BAC. For fairness, at least two determinations are made, and the equipment is calibrated periodically using an ethanol solution of known concentration. Commercial instruments calculate peak areas electronically. However, it is possible to regard a peak as a triangle. The area is then the height of the triangle multiplied by half the length of the base.

Recorder response


What you do
Use the following information to investigate how g.l.c. can be used to estimate blood-alcohol concentration (BAC). 1 The chromatogram illustrated in Figure 1 was produced by a mixture of the rst ve straight-chain primary alcohols. a Measure the retention times for the ve peaks. Record these in a table, together with the name and formula of the alcohol responsible for each peak. b Estimate a retention time for hexan-1-ol. 2 When blood is analysed for its alcohol content, an exactly measured sample is diluted with water and a standard

2 1

4 5

Figure 1 Chromatogram of a mixture of the rst ve straight-chain primary alcohols: 1, methanol; 2, ethanol; 3, propan-1-ol; 4, butan-1-ol; 5, pentan-1-ol.

8 309

Retention time / min

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Figure 2 shows g.l.c. traces for three blood samples. Trace I corresponds to a BAC of 80. Note: In practice the peaks are much narrower, as in Figure 1, and the areas under the peaks are found using special computer programs built into the recorders attached to the gas chromatograph. Figure 2 is drawn to enable you to calculate the areas yourself. Peak area is height times half-width of the triangle obtained by extrapolating the lines of the peak.
Figure 2 The g.l.c. traces of three blood samples each containing a standard amount of propan-1-ol

v v

Recorder response

Trace I

1 Recorder response

Retention time/min

Trace II

Retention time/min

Recorder response

Trace III

Retention time/min

c Calculate the ratio of peak areas (ethanol peak : propan-1-ol peak) in trace I. d Calculate the peak area ratios in traces II and III. Hence calculate BAC values for the other two blood samples. Was either over the limit? e Suggest a reason why propan-1-ol is chosen for the standard rather than any of the other alcohols represented in Figure 1.

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M v ? What you do
Making a toolkit of organic reactions

This activity will help you to revise and use some of the organic reactions you have met in the course.

The idea is to organise some of the reactions you have met in the course, together with a few new ones, into a toolkit of reactions which you can use to design organic syntheses. 1 First make sure that you are familiar with the main reactions of the functional groups that you have met throughout the course. These are summarised in Chemical Ideas 14.2. 2 Read the Reference section below about useful synthetic reactions. This gives you some hints about making new CC bonds as well as some extra reactions which are often useful in synthesis. You are not expected to remember these extra reactions, but you should be able to use them correctly if you are given them. 3 Then use the new reactions in the reference section, together with the more familiar ones you have met in earlier units, to complete the two ow sheets, Chart A and Chart B. These two ow sheets make up your toolkit. To complete them, you should write the reaction conditions over each arrow and, where possible, the reaction type (substitution, oxidation, acylation, etc.) under the arrow. 4 Use the toolkit to answer the questions on page 315.

v v

Reference section: Some useful synthetic reactions

When you design a synthesis, many of the reactions you will use will simply convert one functional group into another. But if you want to extend the carbon framework of the molecule and build up larger compounds, you need some way of making carboncarbon bonds. One way to do this is to use the Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation reactions:
CH3 + CH3 Cl AlCl3 reflux + HCl

O O + CH3 C Cl AlCl3 reflux C CH3 + HCl

The C O group can be modified further if necessary

These reactions are very useful because they provide a method of building sidechains onto a benzene ring. A good way of extending a carbon chain is to use the reaction of cyanide ions, CN, with halogenoalkanes. The cyanide ion is a powerful nucleophile and will displace the halogen atom in much the same way as OH. For example:
CH3CH2Br + CN CH3CH2CN propanenitrile + Br

The reaction is carried out by reuxing the halogenoalkane with a solution of sodium cyanide in ethanol and water. The product is a nitrile.

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Compare that reaction with this:


Nitriles themselves have few direct uses, but they are very important as synthetic intermediates. The important thing is that a new carboncarbon bond has been made, and the nitrile group can then undergo further reactions. For example, when nitriles are hydrolysed with dilute acids, carboxylic acids are formed.
CH3CH2CN H+(aq) / H2O reflux CH3CH2COOH

v v

Sometimes it is necessary to reduce aldehydes and ketones back to alcohols. This does not take place readily and requires a powerful reducing agent. A complex metal hydride is used, called sodium tetrahydridoborate(III), NaBH4:

R' C R O



A different reducing agent, tin in the presence of concentrated hydrochloric acid, is used to convert nitro-groups into amino-groups:
NO2 Sn + c. HCl reflux NH2

One nal reaction. You will nd that acyl chlorides are very useful synthetic intermediates. These can be made from carboxylic acids by reuxing with a reactive liquid called sulphur dichloride oxide (SCl2O). The reaction mixture must be completely dry.

Note You should be familiar with Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation reactions (see Chemical Ideas 12.4 and 14.2) and the reduction of aldehydes and ketones (see Chemical Ideas 13.7 and 14.2). You are not expected to remember the rest of the reactions in this reference section, but you should be able to use them correctly if you are given them.

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R O CH2 H aldehyde carboxylic acid ester OH O R OH R C R C R C O O

primary alcohol

The toolkit: Chart A


O CH2 R nitrile acyl chloride Cl CH2 CN R C Br R C


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O R R carboxylic acid (reacts as above) CH2 COOH amine CH2 NH2 R C NH R secondary amide





The formation of a nitrile from a halogenoalkane is a carboncarbon bond-forming reaction. The carboxylic acid formed from the nitrile has an extra carbon atom in the side-chain. All other reactions are simple functional group interconversion.

The halogenoalkane shown will only be a minor product of the reaction from the alkene. The main product will be the isomer with the Br atom attached to the second carbon atom. 3 You may wish to add other reactions to this toolkit, for example, the formation of a secondary alcohol from an alkene, RCH CHR, and a ketone from a secondary alcohol.

O NH2 primary amide



The toolkit: Chart B





1, 2 1, 2


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Notes 2

The Friedel-Crafts reactions are carboncarbon bond-forming reactions. All the substitution reactions of arenes are electrophilic.





M v ?

a Use the toolkit to design some simple two-step syntheses. In each case, write out the synthesis in the form of a owchart and write the reagents and conditions on the arrows. i CH3CH2CH2OH ii

v v

iii CH3CH2COOH iv




b Now, see whether you can work out routes for the following conversions. You should be able to carry out each conversion in no more than three steps. You have a supply of methanol in addition to the starting material, but no other organic compounds. i

ii CH3CH






iii CH3CH2CH2Br iv CH3CH2OH v




c Starting from ethene, work out a synthetic route for the preparation of the amide CH3CH2CONHCH2CH3 (six steps). You may not use any other organic compound.

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M v ? What you do
Classifying reactions

This activity is based on the toolkits produced from Activity MD3.1 and will enable you to familiarise yourself with them.

Complete the table below by listing, for each type of reaction, one or more homologous series that undergo this reaction. Draw the functional group and give a balanced equation for an example of the reaction.
Type of reaction Name of homologous series i ii iii Esterication Elimination Acylation i i i ii iii iv Addition electrophilic nucleophilic Substitution radical electrophilic nucleophilic Oxidation i ii iii i ii Reduction i ii i ii Ester Functional group

Example of reaction





a Name each of the homologous series in your table that can act as an acid. b Name a homologous series that can act as a base. c What types of organic compound have hydrogen bonding as the main intermolecular force? d Give two different reducing agents used in organic reactions and give examples of these reactions. e Both sodium cyanide and hydrogen cyanide are extremely toxic. Why are they still used in organic synthesis?

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M v ? What you do
Using the toolkit to synthesise medicines

In this activity you will use your knowledge of organic reactions to devise ways of synthesising some complex organic molecules. You will also see how spectroscopy can be used to monitor the chemical reactions under investigation.

In Parts 1 and 2, you will use the toolkit of organic reactions from Activity MD3.1 to help you suggest synthetic routes for the preparation of two medicines, paracetamol and ibuprofen. In Part 3, you will use spectra to identify some of the organic molecules used in the synthesis of ibuprofen, and in Part 4, you will study the structure of some sex hormones.

v v

Part 1: Making paracetamol from phenol

Paracetamol is widely used as a painkiller and to reduce fever. It is more expensive than salicylates like aspirin, but it is thought to have fewer side-effects in normal use. (Overdosing with paracetamol, however, can lead to irreversible liver damage.) You may remember looking at the n.m.r. spectrum of paracetamol in Activity EP2.3. 1 Use your toolkit to plan a synthesis of paracetamol from phenol. You should be able to do this in three steps. Write out your proposed scheme in the form of a owchart. Write the reagents and conditions for each step above the arrows. 2 Indicate any stages where a reaction produces more than one isomer, such that the required product would have to be separated.
OH paracetamol


a Write out the full structural formula of the target molecule. b For each step in your synthesis, choose a word from the list below to describe the type of reaction occurring: substitution oxidation esterication elimination reduction hydrolysis addition ethanoylation polymerisation c Paracetamol is a white crystalline solid which melts at 169 C. It is fairly soluble in hot water but insoluble in cold water. Explain how you could purify your product. d Describe one way in which you could test whether your sample was pure paracetamol.

Part 2: Making ibuprofen from benzene

Over one million people in the UK are aficted with rheumatoid arthritis, a disease in which their joints become painfully inamed. An early successful anti-inammatory agent was a derivative of phenylpropanoic acid, called ibuprofen, which was introduced by Boots (now Knoll Pharmaceuticals) in the 1970s. It has also proved to be a safe and effective analgesic. Since 1983 it has been available from pharmacists as a nonprescription drug, sold under several tradenames. Its systematic name is 2-(4-(2-methylpropyl)phenyl) propanoic acid. 3 Use your toolkit to devise a synthesis of the target molecule, ibuprofen, from benzene. You can use other simple organic molecules in your synthesis. It is quite complex (six steps) and, if you get stuck, you may nd it helps to work through the following stages.

CH3 C H ibuprofen H3C C H COOH CH3

Help if you need it

Start by comparing the structures of benzene and ibuprofen. Two carboncarbon bond-forming reactions will be necessary to attach the two side-chains to the benzene ring. A Friedel-Crafts alkylation will enable the hydrocarbon sidechain to be attached directly, and if this is followed by FriedelCrafts acylation at the 4-position in the benzene ring, the second side-chain can be added. This side-chain contains a reactive group which can be converted into the target molecule by a series of functional group interconversions.

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M v ?

Step 1: Attaching the alkyl side-chain


e Give the structure and name of the halogenoalkane needed for this Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction. f Classify this reaction by stating the type of reagent involved and the type of reaction.

v v

g What catalyst is needed and how does it help the reaction?

Step 2: Attaching an acyl side-chain



h What is the name and structure of the acyl chloride needed for this Friedel-Crafts acylation? i What catalyst should be used?

Steps 36: Converting the acyl side-chain into a phenylpropanoic acid






What carboncarbon bond-forming reaction could be used to introduce a new functional group which could easily be changed to a carboxylic acid group?

k What key intermediate must be prepared from the ketone before this reaction can take place? l What functional group must rst be obtained from the ketone before the key intermediate can be prepared?

m Now write a total synthesis of the target molecule, giving the reaction conditions necessary for each step above the arrow linking the intermediates. Where possible, classify the reactions according to reagent and reaction type beneath the arrow. n The synthesis of a new medicine must be accompanied by the correct stereochemistry. This may be crucial to the medicines action in the body. Place an asterisk (*) against any chiral carbon atom present in the target molecule.

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Part 3: Analysing spectra

In this part of the activity you will analyse the infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra of some organic molecules used in the synthesis of the medicine ibuprofen. You will need to refer to the charts of characteristic i.r. absorption frequencies and proton n.m.r. chemical shifts in the Data Sheets. As you have seen in Part 2 of this activity, a possible synthesis of ibuprofen could involve the following route.




step 1

step 2

compound A

C H3C O compound B


step 3 several steps

compound C



H ibuprofen

The i.r., n.m.r. and mass spectra of compounds A, B, C and ibuprofen are given in Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. You will need to refer to these to answer the questions below.

o For compound A: i Why are there several peaks at around 3000 cm1 in Figure 1(a)? ii Identify the hydrogen atoms responsible for each of the signals in Figure 1(b). iii Identify the ions responsible for the peaks at mass 134 and 91 in Figure 1(c). Why has the peak at mass 135 an abundance of about 10% of the peak at mass 134? p Identify and explain the main changes that have occurred to the i.r., n.m.r. and mass spectra during step 2 of the synthesis, i.e. the conversion of compound A, in Figures 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c), to compound B, in Figures 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c). q i By comparing the spectra for compound C, in Figures 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c), with those of compound B, deduce the structure of compound C. ii What type of reaction is involved in step 3, the conversion of B to C? r The spectra for ibuprofen, in Figures 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c), are quite complex. Identify, with reasons, as many of the main features of these spectra as possible.

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100 80 60 40 20 0 800 600 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 Wavenumber / cm
Figure 2(a) The i.r. spectrum of B (in solution)




Transmittance / %


Transmittance / %


0 4000


2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000

Wavenumber / cm


Figure 1(a) The i.r. spectrum of A (in the gas phase)

6H 6H



TMS 2H 1H 3 0 2 1 10 9 8 2H 2H 7



6 5 4 Chemical shift

6 5 4 Chemical shift

Figure 1(b) The n.m.r. spectrum of A

Figure 2(b) The n.m.r. spectrum of B


Intensity / %

Intensity / %

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100 80 60 40 20 0 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80

Figure 2(c) The mass spectrum of B




40 134




43 77

91 105

119 134 177 100 120 140 Mass 160 180 200




80 Mass


Figure 1(c) The mass spectrum of A

1000 500 2H 3H 3 1H 2 1 0 TMS 161 176


100 100 80 60 40 20 0 1000

Figure 4(a) The i.r. spectrum of ibuprofen (in solution)



Transmittance / %


0 500 1500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumber / cm

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000


Transmittance / %


Wavenumber / cm 1

Figure 3(a) The i.r. spectrum of C (in solution)

6H 3H TMS 2H 1H 1H 2 1 0 10 9 8 3 2H 2H 7 3H







6 5 4 Chemical shift

6 5 4 Chemical shift

Figure 3(b) The n.m.r. spectrum of C

Figure 4(b) The n.m.r. spectrum of ibuprofen

100 163

100 161 80 60 40 20 91 107 43 0 200 40 60 77 80 100 120 Mass

Figure 4(c) The mass spectrum of ibuprofen


Intensity / %


Intensity / %

40 178 161 179 180 160







121 135







120 Mass



Figure 3(c) The mass spectrum of C

1000 500 6H TMS 2H 1H 3 1H 2 1 0 163 206 207 160 180 200 220

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M v ?

Part 4: Investigating sex hormones

The sex hormones are steroids. They each contain the same carbon framework of four fused rings.

the steroid ring system


O testosterone O progesterone

HO oestradiol

The male sex hormone, testosterone, is secreted in the testes and controls the development of secondary sexual characteristics at puberty and sexual activity in the adult. Oestradiol is one of the principal female sex hormones controlling secondary sexual characteristics. It belongs to a group of female sex hormones called oestrogens. Progesterone is a second type of female steroid hormone. Its main function is to prepare the wall of the uterus for implantation of a fertilised ovum. Contraceptive pills usually contain a combination of an oestrogen and progesterone. High levels of these two hormones suppress normal monthly ovulation; this is the natural mechanism used by the body to suppress ovulation during pregnancy.

s Is the alcohol functional group in oestradiol primary, secondary or tertiary? t Explain how a simple test-tube reaction using FeCl3 solution could be used to distinguish between testosterone and oestradiol. u As a synthetic chemist you wish to modify the progesterone structure in the hope of nding safer, more effective birth-control pills. Use your toolkit to show how you could make the following compounds from progesterone. i



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Synthesise the molecule above from your product in u i in one step. iii

Transmittance / %



Synthesise the molecule above from your product in u i in three steps. v A steroid compound was known to be a female sex hormone. It was thought to be either progesterone or oestradiol. The infrared spectrum of the steroid is shown in Figure 5. Use the chart of i.r. absorption frequencies in the Data Sheets to help you decide on the possible identity of the hormone. Give reasons for your decision.





0 4000


2000 Wavenumber /

1600 cm1



Figure 5 The i.r. absorption spectrum of the unknown steroid (in CCl4 solution)

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M v ?
Manufacturing salbutamol (Optional extension)

This activity looks in more detail at the reaction sequence which is used to make salbutamol, and at how much the chemicals used in its synthesis contribute to its cost. The infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra of these compounds are also analysed. There is more about salbutamol in Chemical Storylines MD3.

Part 1: Costing salbutamol

When designing a synthetic route for a new medicine, chemists in the pharmaceutical industry need to bear in mind the following points:

v v


The starting material should be cheap and readily available. The route should involve as few steps as possible, for speed and because every step involves some loss of material. Yields should be high for each step. Inexpensive and safe reagents and solvents should be used. Purication should be easy medicines must not contain contaminants.

A possible synthesis of salbutamol begins with aspirin and involves ve steps. The yields for these steps are high compared with many reactions in organic chemistry. Although the nal step has a yield of 30% it should be remembered that 30% of the inactive isomer is also formed. The reaction sequence contains no unusual materials.

Reaction sequence
Step 1
O HO O H3C O aspirin CH3OH H2SO4 H 3C O O O compound A O
Solvent methanol 10% w/v solution Other reagent sulphuric acid 10 g per kg aspirin

H3 C

Step 2
O H 3C O O O compound A AlCl3 compound B

(w/v means weight (mass) of solute : volume of solvent. A solution containing 100 g of solute in 1 dm3 of solvent would be a 10% w/v solution. In this case, the solute is aspirin and the solvent is methanol.)

Solvent nitrobenzene 10% w/v solution

Other reagent aluminium chloride 1 mole per mole of A


Step 3
O H 3C compound B Br2 O HO compound C O Br
Solvent trichloromethane 10% w/v solution Other reagent bromine 1 mole Br2 per mole of B

Step 4
O H3C O HO compound C O Br (CH3)3CNH2 H 3C O HO compound D O O H N

Solvent trichloromethane 10% w/v solution

Other reagent 2-amino2-methylpropane 2 moles per mole of C

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M v ?

Step 5
O H 3C O HO compound D O H N LiAlH4 HO HO salbutamol (plus an equal amount of its optical isomer)
Solvent Other reagent



ethoxyethane lithium 2.5% w/v solution tetrahydridoaluminate 3 moles per mole of D

Solvents methanol nitrobenzene trichloromethane ethoxyethane Cost/ dm3 4.20 9.30 10.70 6.00 Reagents


Cost/ kg1 12.80 2.17 11.20 13.20 9.60 450.00

aspirin sulphuric acid aluminium chloride bromine 2-amino-2-methylpropane lithium tetrahydridoaluminate

Economics of process
Table 1 gives the yields and relative molecular masses of the organic compounds in the reaction sequence. 1 Copy out Table 1 and complete the other entries to show the masses and amounts of these compounds which could be made starting with 1 kg of aspirin.
Compound aspirin A B C D salbutamol Mr 180 194 194 273 265 239 Yield/% 85 60 75 55 30 Mass produced/g 1000 Amount produced/mol 5.56

Table 1 Yields and quantities for salbutamol synthesis

2 Use information contained in the reaction sequence and in Table 1 to complete a copy of Table 2 to show the costs of the reagents and solvents used to convert 1 kg of aspirin into salbutamol.
Reagent/solvent aspirin methanol sulphuric acid nitrobenzene aluminium chloride trichloromethane bromine 2-amino-2-methylpropane ethoxyethane lithium tetrahydridoaluminate Quantity required 1 kg Cost/

Total cost

Table 2

3 You now know the cost of converting 1 kg of aspirin into salbutamol. What is the cost of synthesising 1 kg of salbutamol?

a What other costs will be involved in the production of salbutamol? b What percentage of the cost of making salbutamol is from the use of solvents? Suggest how this cost may be reduced.

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Part 2: Spectra of compounds involved in the synthesis of salbutamol

The product from each stage of the synthesis of salbutamol can be characterised by the use of infrared (i.r.) and nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The i.r., n.m.r. and mass spectra of aspirin, compounds A, B and C (from the reaction sequence on pages 3245), and salbutamol are given in Figures 15.



For some of the following questions, you will need to refer to the tables of characteristic i.r. absorption frequences and proton n.m.r. chemical shifts in the Data Sheets. c For the starting material in this synthesis, aspirin (2-ethanoylhydroxybenzoic acid): i identify the bonds responsible for the broad peak around 3000 cm1, and the sharp peaks at 1750 cm1 and 1690 cm1 in Figure 1(a). ii identify the hydrogen atoms responsible for the signals at chemical shifts 2.2. and 13.1 in Figure 1(b). The hydrogen atoms responsible for the cluster of signals in the chemical shift range 7.5 0.5 are indicated as w, x, y and z on the following structure of aspirin.


iii identify the ions responsible for the peaks at mass 180, 163, 120 and 43 in Figure 1(c). d Compare Figures 1(a)1(c) and Figures 2(a)2(c). Identify and explain the main changes that have occurred to the i.r., n.m.r. and mass spectra during the conversion of aspirin into compound A in step 1. e i Compound B and compound A both have molecular ion peaks of mass 194. How are compounds B and A related? ii With the help of the relevant spectra, Figures 3(a)3(c), deduce the structure of compound B. f i Compare Figure 3(b) and Figure 4(b). Identify and explain the main change that has occurred to the n.m.r. spectrum in the conversion of compound B into compound C in step 3. ii In the mass spectrum of compound C, Figure 4(c), there are two molecular ion peaks of equal intensity, at mass 272 and 274 respectively. Explain this observation. g The n.m.r. spectrum of salbutamol is given in Figure 5. This also shows the integrated trace, which goes upward in steps. The height of each step in the trace is proportional to the number of hydrogen atoms absorbing at the chemical shift. Suggest which signals correspond to which hydrogen atoms in the salbutamol molecule and give reasons for your choice.

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100 80


80 60

Transmittance / %

Transmittance / %

60 40

40 1500 1000 500 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumber / cm

30 1500 1000 500





Wavenumber / cm

Figure 1(a) The i.r. spectrum of aspirin (in solution)

Figure 2(a) The i.r. spectrum of compound A (in the gas phase)

3H Absorption


1H 4 3 2 1 0 13 12

1H 1H 1H 1H TMS

1H 1H 1H 1H 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Chemical shift 4 3 2 1





7 6 5 Chemical shift

Figure 1(b) The n.m.r. spectrum of aspirin

Figure 2(b) The n.m.r. spectrum of compound A

Intensity / %

Intensity / %

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100 80

80 138



60 40 20 43 92 163 0 194 0 20 40 60 80
Figure 2(c) The mass spectrum of compound A



20 163 180 140 160 180 200





100 120 Mass

100 120 Mass


Figure 1(c) The mass spectrum of aspirin

3H 3H TMS 0 120 152 140 160 180 200







Transmittance / %

Transmittance / %















2500 2000

Wavenumber / cm

Wavenumber / cm
Figure 4(a) The i.r. spectrum of compound C (in solution)

Figure 3(a) The i.r. spectrum of compound B (in solution)

3H Absorption

3H 2H 1H 1H 1H 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Chemical shift 4


1H 4 13 3 2 1 0 12

1H 1H 1H 1H






8 7 6 5 Chemical shift

Figure 3(b) The n.m.r. spectrum of compound B (in solution)

Figure 4(b) The n.m.r. spectrum of compound C

Intensity / %



Intensity / %

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100 147

100 147 80 60 40 133 20 0 160 180 200 63 91 120


60 179




63 79 91






100 120 140 Mass

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Mass
Figure 4(c) The mass spectrum of compound C

Figure 3(c) The mass spectrum of compound B (in solution)

1500 1000 500 3H TMS 3 2 1 0 179 272 274 241 243




M v


v v

2H 1H 1H 10 9 8 1H 1H 1H 7 6 5 4 Chemical shift 3 2 1 1H 2H


Figure 5 The n.m.r. spectrum of salbutamol

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M v ? Requirements

Making and testing a penicillin

In this activity you can use your skills in handling organic chemicals to prepare a semi-synthetic penicillin. You can then test your product for bacterial activity.

100 cm3 well-stoppered bottle (or conical ask) 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) (1.0 g) 25 cm3 measuring cylinders (2) 10 cm3 measuring cylinder sodium hydroxide solution, 1 mol dm3 (5 cm3 ) teat pipettes benzoyl chloride (0.5 cm ) propanone (5 cm3 ) test-tubes 100 cm3 beakers (2) ethyl ethanoate (15 cm3 ) glass rod (or magnetic stirrer) pH meter (or Universal Indicator paper) dilute hydrochloric acid, 1 mol dm3 (10 cm3 ) 50 cm3 separating funnel saturated sodium hydrogencarbonate solution (25 cm3 ) 4 agar plates impregnated with Bacillus subtilis* cork borer (57 mm) ethanol (for sterilisation) beaker of disinfectant protective gloves adhesive tape small amounts of control solution for testing bacterial activity: 6-APA solution (made by dissolving 0.13 g 6-APA in a solution of 0.15 g sodium hydrogencarbonate in 250 cm3 water; take 10 cm 3 of this solution and dilute to 100 cm3) sodium benzoate solution (made by dissolving 0.13 g sodium benzoate in 250 cm3 water; take 10 cm3 of this solution and dilute to 100 cm3 with water) CARE 6-APA can act as a sensitiser by inhalation or skin contact. Wear protective gloves and do not inhale the dust. CARE If you are allergic to penicillins, you should not do this activity.


benzoyl chloride



ethyl ethanoate


sodium hydroxide solution


CARE Eye protection must be worn.


CARE Benzoyl chloride is corrosive and lachrymatory (it is a severe eye irritant) and must be used in a fume cupboard. It gives off fumes of hydrogen chloride gas in moist air. Wear gloves when measuring out, and use a pre-marked teat pipette. CARE Propanone, ethyl ethanoate and ethanol are highly ammable liquids. Keep bottles stoppered when not in use, and well away from naked ames. CARE Consult your teacher before handling the bacterial culture and follow the safety instructions carefully. Wear a lab coat and gloves all the time. Cover any skin cuts with effective waterproof dressings and wash your hands thoroughly at the end of the session. Report any spillages immediately. Any material which has come into contact with the bacterial culture must be sterilised before disposal, or before returning to stock cupboards. The sealed plates must be sterilised in a pressure cooker or autoclave before disposal.

* See instructions for preparation in the Teachers and Technicians Guide

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The reaction scheme

You will be supplied with 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA). This is obtained from penicillin G, which is made naturally. 6-APA can be reacted with different acyl chlorides to produce a variety of new penicillins with different properties and a wide range of antibacterial activity. Your task is to convert 6-APA into phenylpenicillin. You will not be able to isolate your product in pure form, but you will be able to test its activity against bacteria. The reaction scheme you will use is shown in Figure 1.
H2N shake for 10 min 25 oC C O benzoyl chloride O Na+

v v




H N N O C O O Na+ S

Cl O

6-APA dissolved in NaOH(aq)

acidify and separate from unreacted 6-APA

O C redissolve as sodium salt to test for bacterial activity


Figure 1 Reaction scheme for the synthesis of phenylpenicillin

Note that benzoyl chloride is a relatively unreactive acyl chloride and can be used in aqueous solution. The 4-membered lactam ring is easily destroyed by strong acids and by alkalis. To reduce this hydrolysis reaction to a minimum, the pH of the solution is kept in the range pH 58 during the preparation. When you acidify the reaction mixture with hydrochloric acid during the purication procedure, the pH of the solution falls to pH 2, so you must work quickly at this stage. As you go through the stages of the synthesis on page 332, use the column on the right-hand side to keep track of the changes taking place. Write the structure of the product where this has changed and a brief comment about what has happened at that stage. When you carry out the extraction with ethyl ethanoate to purify your product, make sure you know what is in each layer.

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What you do
Part 1: Making and purifying the penicillin
1 Weigh out 1.0 g of 6-APA (CARE Wear protective gloves and do not inhale the dust) and mix it with 10 cm3 of distilled water in a stoppered bottle (or conical ask). 2 Add 1 mol dm3 of sodium hydroxide (CARE Irritant) drop by drop until a just-clear solution is obtained. This should take about 5 cm3 of the sodium hydroxide solution. 3 In the fume cupboard, dissolve 0.5 cm3 of the benzoyl chloride (CARE Corrosive and a severe eye irritant) in 5 cm3 of propanone (CARE Highly ammable) in a clean, dry test-tube. Add this solution drop by drop, with swirling, to the dissolved 6-APA in the bottle. Stopper the bottle rmly and shake the mixture gently for about 10 minutes. (CARE You may need to release the pressure once or twice by easing off the stopper in a fume cupboard.) 4 Transfer the reaction mixture to a 100 cm3 beaker and add 10 cm3 of ethyl ethanoate (CARE Highly ammable). Using a pH meter (or pH paper) acidify the mixture with stirring, using 1 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid. Add the acid until the pH of the solution falls to pH 2. (Any unreacted 6-APA forms a water-soluble hydrochloride. Phenylpenicillin is more soluble in organic solvents than water.) 5 Transfer both layers to a separating funnel and shake the mixture well. Separate into two 100 cm3 beakers. Keep both layers. (The density of ethyl ethanoate is 0.90 g dm3. Make sure you know which layer is which.) 6 Return the aqueous layer to the funnel and add a further 5 cm3 of ethyl ethanoate. Shake the mixture and separate it into the two beakers. You can now discard the aqueous layer down the fume-cupboard sink. (CAUTION Do not discard the wrong layer!) 7 Now add 10 cm3 of water to the organic layer in the beaker. Adjust the pH to 67 by adding saturated sodium hydrogencarbonate solution. Transfer the mixture to the separating funnel and shake it well, taking care to release any build-up of pressure. This time run the lower aqueous layer into a clean 25 cm3 measuring cylinder. Add water to adjust the volume in the measuring cylinder to 25 cm3 and stir well. This solution contains the phenylpenicillin you have made. Notes

v v

Part 2: Testing for antibacterial activity

Consult your teacher before handling the bacterial culture and follow the safety instructions carefully. 8 Take 1 cm3 of your phenylpenicillin solution and dilute it to 10 cm3 with distilled water. Stir well. 9 Dip the cork borer in ethanol in a beaker. Hold the cork borer horizontally so that ames do not pass up the centre and burn your hand. Pass the borer through a Bunsen ame to ignite the ethanol. Hold the borer to one side of the ame and allow the ethanol to burn off. This will heat the surface of the cork borer to about 60 C so that it is sterilised. (CARE Make sure that the beaker containing the ethanol is not placed near the Bunsen ame. Allow the cork borer to cool before returning it to the ethanol beaker.)

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M v ?

10 Use the sterilised cork borer to make a well in the centre of an agar plate impregnated with Bacillus subtilis, by pressing the borer into the agar and then lifting out the cut plug of agar using a sterile spatula. (Flame the spatula in the same way as the cork borer.) Place the agar plug straight into a beaker of disinfectant. Re-ame the cork borer and spatula after use. Almost ll the well in the agar with the diluted penicillin solution. 11 Cover the plate and seal using small pieces of adhesive tape, as shown in Figure 2. Do not totally seal round the rim as this may create anaerobic conditions and encourage the growth of harmful bacteria. Label the plate with your initials, the name of the micro-organism and the date. Write something to indicate the treatment given to the plate. (Do not lick the labels.) 12 Now set up three control plates in the same way, to compare with your penicillin sample. Fill the well in the agar of the rst plate with 6-APA solution, and the well in the second plate with sodium benzoate solution: you are provided with these two solutions. (Their concentrations have been adjusted to about 50 g cm3, comparable to that of the penicillin solution). Leave the well in the third plate empty. Cover, seal and label the plates as before. 13 Take care not to tip the plates. Leave them on the bench at room temperature (20 C) for 2448 hours. Do not leave them where other people can interfere with them (a secure corner of the prep room is probably best). 14 Make sketches of the four plates at the end of this time. (CARE Do not open the plates once they have been sealed.) The agar will appear cloudy in the areas where bacteria are growing. (You will see this more clearly if you hold the plates up to the light.) Using a ruler, measure the size of any inhibition of bacterial growth. Did your penicillin solution show any antibacterial activity? CARE Any material which has come into contact with the bacterial culture must be sterilised before disposal, or before returning to stock cupboards. The sealed plates must be sterilised in a pressure cooker or an autoclave before disposal.

v v

Figure 2

a Explain why the penicillin you made is called a semi-synthetic penicillin. b Why was NaOH(aq) added to the 6-APA in step 2, before treatment with benzoyl chloride? c What product other than penicillin is formed when 6-APA reacts with benzoyl chloride? What type of bond is formed in this reaction? d Explain how the penicillin you produced was puried. e Why was it necessary to have the three control plates when testing for antibacterial activity?

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A closer look at the structure of penicillins (Optional extension)

In this activity you will make a model of the penicillin nucleus, 6-APA, and investigate its stereochemistry. You will then investigate the effect of the structure of the side-chain on the antibacterial activity of different penicillins.


set of molecular models molecular modelling software (optional)

v v

What you do
Work in small groups to carry out this activity. This will speed up the modelbuilding, and allow you to discuss the answers to the questions while you are looking at the models.

Part 1: Modelling penicillins

1 Start by making a model of a simple b-lactam ring:
H2C C O CH2 b-lactam ring NH

a What functional group is present in the b-lactam ring? b Suggest why the b-lactam ring is so susceptible to attack by acids and alkalis, and reacts readily to form open-chain compounds. 2 Now convert your b-lactam model into a model of 6-amino penicillanic acid (6-APA). This is the pencillin nucleus common to all penicillins. Before you do this, look at the formula of 6-APA very carefully. The molecule has a very precise stereochemistry:

c How many chiral carbon atoms are there in a molecule of 6-APA? Mark these on the diagram with an asterisk (*). 3 If your model kit is large enough, you could add an acyl group, and convert your model of 6-APA into a model of a penicillin. For example, substituting

for an H atom in the NH2 group converts 6-APA into penicillin V.

O O CH2 C H N N O penicillin V COOH S

d The other optical isomers of penicillin V are much less active against bacteria. Explain why the correct stereochemistry is crucial. e The structure of penicillin V was worked out in the 1940s, but it was not synthesised chemically until 15 years later. Why do you think totally synthetic penicillins have never been produced commercially on a large scale?
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M v ?

Part 2: Looking at the side-chain (RCO)

The table below shows the R groups in the side-chains of some natural penicillins and some semi-synthetic ones, together with some information about their main uses.
Name Penicillin F R group in the side-chain Natural/ semi-synthetic Uses/properties not used commercially




Penicillin X


not used commercially

Penicillin K natural not used commercially

Penicillin G



general infections, gonorrhoea and syphilis

Penicillin V


natural and semi-synthetic

general infections, ear, nose and throat


semi-synthetic controlling resistant Staphylococcus




semi-synthetic controlling resistant Staphylococcus




lung and wound infections



lung and urinary tract infections




pneumonia, burns

f g

Explain the distinction between natural and semi-synthetic penicillins. i Look at the R group in the side-chains of methicillin and ucloxacillin. What structural feature of penicillins appears to be important in resisting attack by the b-lactamase enzyme? (Hint Look at the groups attached to the rst carbon in the side-chain. Remember that large groups affect the size and shape of a molecule.) ii Suggest how penicillins such as methicillin and ucloxacillin are able to resist attack by the b-lactamase enzyme. iii Penicillins act by inhibiting a bacterial enzyme that helps to make the bacterial cell wall. How might the active site of this enzyme differ from the active site of b-lactamase?

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M v ?
Check your notes on Medicines by Design

This activity helps you get your notes in order at the end of this unit.

Use this list as the basis of a summary of the unit by collecting together the related points and arranging them in groups. Check that your notes cover the points and are organised in appropriate ways. Most of the points are covered in the Chemical Ideas, with supporting information in the Storyline or Activities. However, if the main source of information is the Storyline or an Activity, this is indicated.

The role of computer modelling techniques in the design of medicines (Storyline MD4). The identication of functional groups within a polyfunctional molecule, as a way of making predictions about its properties. How to devise synthetic routes for preparing organic compounds. The use of the following terms to classify organic reactions: hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, condensation and elimination. The classication of organic reactions according to their reaction mechanisms: nucleophilic substitution, electrophilic addition, electrophilic substitution, nucleophilic addition and radical. The use of a combination of spectroscopic techniques (m.s., i.r., n.m.r. and u.v. and visible) to elucidate the structure of organic molecules.

v v

The chemical principles behind methods which can be used to detect ethanol in the body (g.l.c. and i.r. spectroscopy) (Storyline MD1; Activity MD1.2). The following reactions involving aldehydes and ketones: formation by oxidation of alcohols, oxidation to carboxylic acids, reduction to alcohols and reaction with hydrogen cyanide (Activity MD1.1). The mechanism of the nucleophilic addition reaction between an aldehyde or a ketone and hydrogen cyanide. The meaning of the terms: drug, medicine, molecular recognition, pharmacological activity, pharmacophore, receptor site, agonist, antagonist, lead compound (Storyline in general). The structure of a pharmacologically active material in terms of its functional components: pharmacophore and groups which modify the pharmacophore (Storyline MD3). The action of biologically active chemicals and how this relates to their interaction with receptor sites. The factors affecting the way that species interact in three dimensions: size, shape, bond formation and orientation (Storyline MD4). The role of chemists in designing and making new compounds for use as pharmaceuticals (Storyline MD3, MD4 and MD5).

Pulling together organic chemistry

1 Make sure you are familiar with the organic functional groups you have met throughout the course. It may help to draw up a table giving the name and formula of each functional group, and an example of a simple molecule containing the group. 2 Make sure you are familiar with the main reactions of each functional group. You should be able to write an equation and give essential conditions for each reaction. 3 Practise using the toolkit in Activities MD3.1, MD3.2 and MD3.3 as much as you can. You must be able to use the reactions you have learned in this course, together with any further ones you may be given, to devise synthetic routes for preparing organic compounds.

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