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CSC 443

Fall 2011 Answers to Assignment #1

Dr. R. M. Siegfried


Consider the Database below:

If the name of the 'CS' (Computer Science) Department changes to 'CSSE' (Computer Science and Software Engineering) Department and the corresponding prefix for the course number also changes, identify the columns in the database that would need to be updated. Can you restructure the columns in the COURSE, SECTION, and PREREQUISITE tables so that only one column will need to be updated. The Database
Student Name Student_number Class Major Smith 17 Brown 8 Course Course_name Data Structures Discrete Structures Database Section Section_identifier Course_number Semester Year Instructor 85 92 102 112 119 135 Grade_Report Student_number Section_identifier Grade 17 17 8 8 8 8 Prerequisite Course_number Prerequisite_number CS3380 CS3380 CS3380 CS3220 MATH2410 CS1310 112 119 85 92 102 135 B C A A B A MATH2410 CS1310 CS3320 MATH2410 CS1310 CS3380 Fall Fall Spring Fall Fall Fall 07 07 08 08 08 08 King Anderson Knuth Chang Anderson Stone Course_number Credit_hours Department 4 4 3 3 CS CS MATH CS CS3320 MATH2410 CS3380 Introduction to Computer Science CS1310 1 2 CS CS

a. The following columns will need to be updated.

Table STUDENT COURSE SECTION PREREQUISITE Column(s) Major CourseNumber and Department CourseNumber CourseNumber and PrerequisiteNumber

b. You should split the following columns into two columns:

Table COURSE SECTION PREREQUISITE PREREQUISITE Column CourseNumber CourseNumber CourseNumber PrerequisiteNumber Split Columns CourseDept and CourseNum CourseDept and CourseNum CourseDept and CourseNum PreReqDept and PreReqNum

Note that in the COURSE table, the column CourseDept will not be needed after the above change, since it is redundant with the Department column.

CSC 443

Fall 2011 Answers to Assignment #2

Dr. R. M. Siegfried


Think of different users for the database shown in Figure 1.2 (it was show in detail in Assignment #1. What types of applications would each user need? To which user category would each belong?

(a) Registration Office User: They can enter data that reflect the registration of students in sections of courses, and later enter the grades of the students. Applications can include: Register a student in a section of a course Check whether a student who is registered in a course has the appropriate prerequisite courses Drop a student from a section of a course Add a student to a section of a course Enter the student grades for a section Application programmers can write a number of canned transactions for the registration office end-users, providing them with either forms and menus, or with a parametric interface. (b) Admissions Office User: The main application is to enter newly accepted students into the database. Can use the same type of interfaces as (a). (c) Transcripts Office User: The main application is to print student transcripts. Application programmers can write a canned transaction using a report generator utility to print the transcript of a student in a prescribed format. The particular student can be identified by name or social security number. Another application would be to generate grade slips at the end of each semester for all students who have completed courses during that semester. Again, this application could be programmed using a report generator utility. These are the answers in the instructors manual, but faculty and students would also need access (as in CLASS). For that reasons, the answers the class provided would also be correct.

CSC 443

Fall 2011 Answers to Assignment #3

Dr. R. M. Siegfried


Consider the following relations for a database that keeps track of business trips of salespersons in a sales office:

SALESPERSON(Ssn, Name, Start_year, Dept_no) TRIP(Ssn, From_city, To_city, Departure_date, Return_date, Trip_id) EXPENSE(Trip_id, Account#, Amount)

A trip can be charged to one or more accounts. Specify the foreign keys for this schema, stating any assumption that you make.

The schema of this question has the following two foreign keys: 1. The attribute SSN of relation TRIP that references relation SALESPERSON, and 2. The attribute Trip_ID of relation EXPENSE that references relation TRIP. In addition, the attributes Dept_No of relation SALESPERSON and Account# of relation EXPENSE are probably also foreign keys referencing other relations of the database not
mentioned in the question.
3.16 Consider the following relations for a database that keeps track of student enrollment in courses and the books adopted for each course: STUDENT(Ssn, Name, Major, Bdate) COURSE(Course#, Cname, Dept) ENROLL(Ssn, Course#, Quarter, Grade) BOOK_ADOPTION(Course#, Quarter, Book_isbn) Specify the foreign keys for this schema, stating any assumptions that you make.

The schema of this question has the following four foreign keys: 1. The attribute SSN of relation ENROLL that references relation STUDENT, 2. The attribute Course# in relation ENROLL that references relation COURSE, 3. The attribute Course# in relation BOOK_ADOPTION that references relation COURSE, and 4. The attribute Book_ISBN of relation BOOK_ADOPTION that references relation TEXT.
3.17 Consider the following relations for a database that keeps track of automobile sales in a car dealership (OPTION refers to some optional equipment installed on an automobile): CAR(Serial_no, Model, Manufacturer, Price) OPTION(Serial_no, Option_name, Price) SALE(Salesperson_id, Serial_no, Date, Sales_price) SALESPERSON(Salesperson_id, Name, Phone)

First, specify the foreign keys for this schema, stating any assumptions that you make. Next, populate the relations with a few sample tuples, and then given an example of an insertion in the SALE and SALEPERSON relations that violate the referential integrity constraints and of another insertion that does not.

The schema of this question has the following three foreign keys: 1. The attribute Serial_no of relation OPTION that references relation CAR 2. The attribute Salesperson_id of relation SALE that references relation SALESPERSON 3. The attribute Serial_no of relation SALE that references relation CAR

CSC 443

Fall 2011 Answers to Assignment #5

Dr. R. M. Siegfried


Consider the database shown in Figure (1.2, whose schema in shown in Figure 2.1 What are the referential integrity constraint that should on the schema? Write the appropriate SQL DDL statement to define the database.

STUDENT Name Student_number Class Major Smith 15 Brown 8 COURSE Course_name Data Structures Discrete Structures Database SECTION Section_identifier Course_number Semester Year Instructor 85 92 102 112 119 135 MATH 2410 CS 1310 CS 3320 MATH 2410 CS 1310 CS 3380 Fall Fall Spring Fall Fall Fall 07 07 08 08 08 08 King Anderson Knuth Chang Anderson Stone Course_number Credit_hours Department 4 4 3 3 CS CS MATH CS CS3320 MATH2410 CS3380 Intro to computer Science CS1310 1 2 CS CS

GRADE_REPORT Student_number Section_identifier Grade 17 17 8 8 8 8 PREREQUISITE Course_number Prerequisite_number CS3380 CS3380 CS3320 CS3320 MATH2410 CS1310 112 119 85 92 102 135 B C A A B A

STUDENT Name Student_number Class Major COURSE

Course_name Course_number Credit_hours Department PREREQUISITE Course_number Prerequisite_number SECTION Section_identifier Course_number Semester Year Instructor GRADE_REPORT Student_number Section_identifier Grade

The following referential integrity constraints should hold (we use the notation: R.(A1, ..., An) --> S.(B1, ..., Bn) to represent a foreign key from the attributes A1, ..., An of R (the referencing relation) to S (the referenced relation)):
PREREQUISITE.(CourseNumber) COURSE.(CourseNumber) PREREQUISITE.(PrerequisiteNumber) COURSE.(CourseNumber) SECTION.(CourseNumber) COURSE.(CourseNumber) GRADE_REPORT.(StudentNumber) STUDENT.(StudentNumber) GRADE_REPORT.(SectionIdentifier) SECTION.(SectionIdentifier)
CREATE TABLE STUDENT (Name VARCHAR(30) StudentNumber INTEGER Class CHAR Major CHAR(4), PRIMARY KEY (StudentNumber));


CREATE TABLE COURSE (CourseName VARCHAR(30) CourseNumber CHAR(8) CreditHours INTEGER, Department CHAR(4), PRIMARY KEY (CourseNumber), UNIQUE (CourseName));


CREATE TABLE PREREQUISITE (CourseNumber CHAR(8) NOT NULL, PrerequisiteNumber CHAR(8) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (CourseNumber, PrerequisiteNumber), FOREIGN KEY (CourseNumber) REFERENCES COURSE (CourseNumber), FOREIGN KEY (PrerequisiteNumber) REFERENCES COURSE (CourseNumber)); CREATE TABLE SECTION (SectionIdentifier INTEGER CourseNumber CHAR(8) Semester VARCHAR(6) Year CHAR(4) Instructor VARCHAR(15), PRIMARY KEY (SectionIdentifier), FOREIGN KEY (CourseNumber) REFERENCES CREATE TABLE GRADE_REPORT (StudentNumber INTEGER SectionIdentifier INTEGER



COURSE (CourseNumber));


Grade CHAR, PRIMARY KEY (StudentNumber, SectionIdentifier), FOREIGN KEY (StudentNumber) REFERENCES STUDENT (StudentNumber), FOREIGN KEY (SectionIdentifier) REFERENCES SECTION (SectionIdentifier));

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