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Digest - Paloma vs. Mora

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G.R. No. 157783 September 23, 2005 NILO PALOMA, Petitioners, vs.

DANILO MORA, HILARIO FESTEJO, MAXIMA SALVINO, BRYN BONGBONG and VALENTINO SEVILLA, Respondent. CHICO-NAZARIO, J.: FACTS: Petitioner Nilo Paloma was appointed General Manager of the Palompon, Leyte Water District by its Board of Directors in 1993. His services were subsequently terminated by virtue of Resolution No. 8-95, which was passed by respondents as Chairman and members of the Board of the Palompon, Leyte Water District. Petitioner filed a petition for mandamus with prayer for preliminary injunction with damages before the RTC to contest his dismissal with the prayer to be restored to the position of General Manager. Petition argued that his dismissal was a "capricious and arbitrary act on the part of the Board of Directors, constituting a travesty of justice and a fatal denial of his constitutional right to due process for the grounds relied upon therein to terminate him were never made a subject of a complaint nor was he notified and made to explain the acts he was said to be guilty of." The trial court DISMISSED the petitioner for being a premature cause of action. MR was denied. Petitioner also filed a Complaint with the CSC against respondents for alleged Violation of Civil Service Law and Rules and for Illegal Dismissal, but it was also dismissed. Upon appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the assailed orders of the RTC and CSC. MR was denied. Hence, the instant petition.

of Directors of the Palompon, Leyte Water District to reinstate petitioner because the Board has the discretionary power to remove him under Section 23 of P.D. No. 198, as amended by P.D. No. 768. MANDAMUS: Mandamus lies to compel the performance, when refused, of a MINISTERIAL DUTY, but NOT to compel the performance of a DISCRETIONARY DUTY. Mandamus will not issue to control or review the exercise of discretion of a public officer where the law imposes upon said public officer the right and duty to exercise his judgment in reference to any matter in which he is required to act. It is his judgment that is to be exercised and not that of the court. P.D. No. 198 (Provincial Water Utilities Act) provides that the general manager shall serve at the pleasure of the board of directors. The law was later amended by P.D. No. 768 and similarly, it provides that said officer shall serve at the pleasure of the board. The appointment of petitioner and his consequent termination are clearly within the wide arena of discretion which the legislature has bestowed the appointing power, which is the Board of Directors of the Palompon, Leyte Water District. The Board of Directors of a Water District may abridge the term of the General Manager thereof the moment the latters services cease to be convivial to the former. Moreover, Petitioners employment contract will reveal that his employment with CCPAP is qualified by the phrase "unless terminated sooner." Thus, while such employment is co-terminous with the PAPS project, petitioner nevertheless serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority as this is clearly stipulated in his employment contract. The Court agreed with the appellate courts interpretation of the phrase "unless terminated sooner" to mean "that his contractual job as Project Manager IV from March 11, 1996 to January 30, 2000 could end any time before January 30, 2000 if terminated by the other contracting party-employer CCPAP. JURISDICTION OF CSC: As a general rule, no officer or employee of the civil service shall be removed or suspended except for cause provided by law as provided in Section 2(3), Article IX-B of the 1987 Constitution. As exception to this, P.D. No. 198, a special enabling charter of Local Water Districts, categorically provides that the General Manager shall serve 'at the pleasure of the board. Water districts are government instrumentalities and their employees belong to the civil service. Thus, the

ISSUES: Whether or not (1) Mandamus will lie to compel the Board of Directors of the Palompon, Leyte Water District to reinstate the General Manager thereof NO (2) CSC has primary jurisdiction over the case for illegal dismissal of petitioner YES RULING: PETITIONERS CONTENTION: Mandamus may lie to compel the performance of a discretionary duty in case of non-observance of due process. SUPREME COURT: No, the petition ought to be denied. Mandamus does not lie to compel the Board

hiring and firing of employees of government-owned or controlled corporations are governed by the Civil Service Law and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. In cases where the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is clearly applicable, the court cannot arrogate unto itself the authority to resolve a controversy, the jurisdiction over which is initially lodged with an administrative body of special competence. Quasijudicial bodies like the CSC are better-equipped in handling cases involving the employment status of employees as those in the Civil Service since it is within the field of their expertise. This is consistent with the powers and functions of the CSC, being the central personnel agency of the Government, to carry into effect the provisions of the Civil Service Law and other pertinent laws, including, in this case, P.D. No. 198.

WHEREFORE, the present petition is hereby DENIED. Accordingly, the Decision and the Resolution dated 15 November 2002 and 01 April.

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