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Corporate Governance in Malaysia

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The document discusses corporate governance in Malaysia following the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. It led to reforms to improve corporate governance through codes and plans.

The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis severely impacted the Malaysian economy and stock market. This led to greater focus on strengthening corporate governance practices in the private sector.

Reforms included the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, Capital Market Master Plan, and Financial Sector Master Plan. These covered both internal and external corporate governance mechanisms.



Abdul Hadi bin Zulkafli1

M.Fazilah bt. Abdul Samad2
Md Ishak Ismail3

Keywords: Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance

A PhD candidate in the Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya
An Associate Professor in the Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Business and Accountancy,
University of Malaya
Chief Executive Officer, Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance
The paper provides a descriptive analysis on the corporate governance mechanisms in Malaysia.
The discussion relates the economic crisis in 1997 that necessitate for the corporate governance
efforts on the private sector in the country. It is explained based on the reforms agenda contained
in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, Capital Market Master Plan and Financial
Sector Master Plan. By highlighting the mechanisms that normally used in the academic
research, the paper identifies some of the important mechanisms applied in the reforms of the
Malaysian corporate governance. It is found that the mechanisms that have been put in place are
comprehensive and covers a wide spectrum of corporate governance internally and externally.


The discussion on Corporate Governance in Malaysia as well as other East Asian countries
should be initiated from the event of East Asian economies collapsed in the second half of 1997.
The period placed a greater concern and recognition of Corporate Governance to the public and
private sector in those countries.

The financial crisis was triggered in Thailand when foreign investors lost their confidence and
started to withdraw capital due to currency devaluation. The problems transmitted to other
neighboring countries. The most affected countries included Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea,
and the Philippines. In Malaysia, attempts to contain further devaluation caused higher level of
interest rate and credit contraction. This created severe contractions in output and corporate
profitability which was reflected in massive fall of equity prices. The Kuala Lumpur Composite
Index declined by 72% during the period from end-June 1997 to end-August 1998. Real estate
markets declined sharply due to high interest rates and in crisis environment. Banks, which had a
significant portion of their loan exposure in the construction and real estate sector; and stock
purchase financing were badly affected.

There were different views on the causes of the crisis. Some viewed that the direct reason of the
financial crisis was attributed to a downturn of the economy, the collapse of the property and
stock markets. However, the more fundamental reasons were state-directed loan policies, lack of
competition and lack of prudential regulations. Another view indicated the significant impact of
too much exposure of the banking institutions on debts to accommodate the economic boom in
the early 1990s as a source of the crisis.

Paul Krugman (1998) in “What Happened to Asia” and Corsetti et al (1998) in “What Caused the
Asian Currency and Financial Crisis” advocated the ‘Fundamentalists View’ pertaining to the
crisis. They argued that the crisis was due to structural weaknesses in the domestic financial
institutions supported by unsound macroeconomic policy and moral hazard.

The ‘Financial Panic View’ was first suggested by Jeffrey Sachs and Stephen Radelet (1998) in
“The Onset of East Asian Financial Crisis” who emphasized the role of expectations, panic and
over adjustment. With sound economic fundamentals in the region and positive reflection by
International Monetary Fund (IMF), credit rating agencies and analyst, market participants and
analysts were unable to predict the crisis even though, there were actually some signs of
vulnerability but in a very subtle and not at a full-blown. Investors on the other hand experienced
an abrupt change in their expectations and their irrational behavior was compounded by the IMF
inappropriate responses for crises originated in the public sector but proved to be for crises that
originated from private sector.

According to IMF (1999), the crisis was infected by the domestic policy weaknesses. This were
manifested by the large current account deficits; concentration of bank loans in real estate
development and financing share purchases; weaknesses in domestic financial system; poor
governance and risk management; and too much international borrowing in the corporate sector.

The World Bank (1998) regarded the vulnerability in the banking sector was attributed to poor
risk management and excessive lending. Poor risk management was reflected by weak corporate
governance and limited investment in risk management technology. The excessive lending was
caused mainly by extensive cross-ownership of banks and companies, weak enforcement of bank
regulations and government-directed lending. Combining these two categories resulted to large
amount of non-performing loans and insolvent financial institutions that subsequently had to be
financially supported, merged or liquidated.

Even though various factors were highlighted to explain the causes, there was a consensus
among the above-mentioned ideas that the element of poor governance could not be separated in
explaining the crisis. As such, like other economies in East Asia, corporate governance has been
actively promoted to the Malaysian corporate sector in a period after the crisis. Measures have
been taken to improve the aspects of fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility in
running the organizations.


A definition by the Finance Committee on Corporate Governance in Malaysia in the Report on

Corporate Governance (2002) stated that: “Corporate governance is the process and structure
used to direct and manage the business and affairs of the company towards enhancing business
prosperity and corporate accountability with the ultimate objective of realizing long term
shareholder value, whilst taking account the interests of other stakeholders”. This indicates that
corporate governance is not only applied to the shareholders but the other stakeholders as well.

From the economic perspective, corporate governance is an important element of achieving an

allocative efficiency in which scarce funds are moved to investment project with the highest
returns. In practice, efficiency is achieved when at given level of risk, investments project offer
the highest return exceeding its cost of capital. The crisis indicated how the failure to regulate
good governance affected the mobilization of funds in an effective way. Corporate finance on
the other hand, concerns on the effectiveness of corporate governance as an assurance in
protecting the invested funds and to generate returns. As highlighted by Scheifer and Vishny
(1997), corporate governance mechanisms assure investor in organizations that they will receive
adequate returns in their investments. To relate this with the crisis, it is concluded that efforts on
shareholders protection were inadequate during the crisis and as such contributed to the
destruction of the value of their investment.


The main sources of the Corporate Governance reforms agenda in Malaysia are from the
Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance by Finance Committee on Corporate Governance,
Capital Market Master Plan (CMP) by Securities Commission and Financial Sector Master Plan
(FSMP) by Bank Negara Malaysia on the financial sector. It provides guidelines on the
principles and best practices in corporate governance and the direction for the implementation as
well as charts the future prospects of corporate governance in Malaysia.

3.1 Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance

The initiative started with the establishment of Finance Committee on Corporate Governance in
1998 that consists of both government and industry. Recognition of corporate governance in
Malaysia was significantly evidenced by the released of the Malaysian Code on Corporate
Governance by the Committee in March 2000. The principles underlying the report focus on four
areas including: board of directors, director’s remuneration, shareholders and accountability and
audit. The code is hybrid in nature, which is similar to the Combined Code on Corporate
Governance (United Kingdom). Under the approach, the companies in Malaysia should apply the
broad principles of good corporate governance sets out by the code flexibly and with common
sense to the varying circumstances of individual companies.

3.2 Capital Market Master Plan (CMP)

Complementing the reforms is the introduction of Capital Market Master Plan by the Securities
Commission to chart the direction of the Malaysian capital market for the next ten years. It was
initially announced by the Second Finance Minister and Chairman of Securities Commission in
August 6, 1999 and subsequently approved by the Minister of Finance in December 2000 before
it’s launching in February 2001. The efficient mobilization and allocation of funds together with
high degree of confidence to market participants are the visions outline by the CMP. Corporate
governance is a key strategic thrust of the CMP as the Securities Commission considers good
corporate governance among public listed companies is vital to achieve the objective of
promoting a more conducive environment for investors in the Malaysian capital market. One of
the recommendations by the CMP is a mandatory disclosure on the state of compliance with the
Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance which were issued in the revamped exchange listing
requirements on January 22, 2001 to listed companies.

3.3 Financial Sector Master Plan (FSMP)

Financial Sector Master Plan (FSMP) was launched in March 2001 by the Bank Negara Malaysia
to chart the future direction of the financial sector over the next ten years. It has the objective of
developing a more resilient, competitive and dynamic financial systems that contributes to the
economic growth and technology driven. Elements of corporate governance that are
recommended by the master plan would include promoting shareholders’ and consumers’
activisms, regulatory control and priority sector financing. Some of the specific

recommendations to the banking sector indicated the requirement of having board committees to
further improve corporate governance, the implementation of a transparent and clearly structured
early warning system for weak banking institutions, encourage mergers between banking
institutions and establish a deposit insurance funds.

3.4 Institutional Development

The development of corporate governance in Malaysia is also complemented by the institutional

development. The establishment includes the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance
(MICG) and the Minority Shareholders Watchdog Group (MSWG).

The Inception of Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG)

MICG was established in March 1998 by the High Level Finance Committee on Corporate
Governance. It is a non-profit public company limited by guarantee, with founding members
consisting of the Federation of Public Listed Companies (FPLC), Malaysian institute of
Accountants (MIA), Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA),
Malaysian institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA), and Malaysian
Institute of Directors (MID).

MICG’s mandate was to raise the awareness and practice of good corporate governance in
Malaysia. MICG was given a start-up capital of RM50,000 and later in 1999 was given a
contribution of RM79,000 from the Registrar of Companies. Other than these monies, MICG had
been operating on revenues from its programmes and private donations ever since. MICG usually
runs a balanced budget every year, thus there are usually very little surplus funds to bring
forward to the next year.

The Report on Corporate Governance published by the High Level Finance Committee on March
1999 has stipulated MICG as ‘The Recognized Corporate Governance Training Centre’ (CGTC).
Bursa Malaysia Berhad (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) also partake in the
effort of enhancing corporate governance in Malaysia by revamping its’ Listing Requirements.
For instance, Chapter 15 of the Revamped Listing Requirements address issues on corporate
governance and one of the paramount requirement spells out that a listed issuer must ensure that
its board of directors make the following statements in relation to its compliance with the
Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance in its annual report:-

(i) a narrative statement of how the listed issuer has applied the principles set out in Part 1 of
the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance to their particular circumstances; and

(ii) a statement on the extent of compliance with the Best Practices in Corporate Governance
set out in Part 2 of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance which statement shall
specifically identify and give reasons for any areas of non-compliance with Part 2 and the
alternatives to the Best Practices adopted by the listed issuer, if any.

The requirement was aimed towards regulating companies to be more transparent and
accountable in their actions in order to gain investors’ confidence. It is hoped that this would

reduce the effects of the agency theory and signaling theory, thus paving the way for a more
efficient capital market. Indirectly, it also envisaged that these efforts would in turn boost the
country’s economic growth as well as encouraging inflow of foreign direct investments. In other
words, good corporate governance is the key to a robust and competitive corporate sector, which
serves as a source for sustainable economic growth.

a) The Mission of MICG

MICG is dedicated to facilitating businesses and corporate development in the country through
improved corporate governance best practices. Corporate governance has succeeded in attracting
a good deal of public interest because of its apparent importance for the economic health of
corporations and society in general. However, the concept of corporate governance should be
defined to suit the needs of our own nation because it potentially covers a large number of
distinct economic phenomenon of which we are different from other developing nations.
Corporate governance is not a one size that fits all.

Although, the regulators have created a commendable framework for corporate governance,
Malaysian corporations have yet to achieve a satisfactory level of corporate governance practices
and compliance. This is evident from a joint study conducted by the emerging market
investment bank CLSA and Asian Corporate Governance 2003 in which the country was ranked
number one (9 out of 10) in terms of rules and regulation but only managed to obtain an average
score of 5.5 out of 10 for overall corporate governance practice. In fact, the rules in the code are
only recommendations, and there is much skepticism that best-practice recommendation and/or
principle-based approaches are effective substitutes for more rule-based approaches, such as the
US Sarbanes Oxley Act. This raises the question on whether corporate governance disclosure
should be made mandatory instead of voluntary.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that corporate governance at its core, is about the interaction of
human beings – the relationships in a boardroom, or the ability of a non-executive to stand up to
a dominant chief executive. Thus, making corporate governance disclosure mandatory may
hamper the spirit or the very objective of the code whereby companies disclose not with the aim
to strengthen corporate governance principles but more as a compliance effort.

There have been evidences suggesting that companies who opted for voluntary disclosure
deemed to have gained more benefits compared to those who disclosed in adherence to
mandatory requirement. In light of the above argument, one could arrive at an assumption that
in order to promote voluntary disclosure of corporate governance practice, companies should be
made aware of the benefits they could attain especially in terms of higher corporate performance.
Although it has been accepted as a rule of thumb that better corporate governance practices leads
to higher corporate performance, empirical researches has shown contradicting results.
Consequently, a clear link between corporate governance and corporate performance could not
be established.

b) Principal Objectives of MICG

The principal objectives of MICG can be outlined as follows:

To be a leading organization for enhancement of corporate governance development and

best practices through continuing education programme for company directors, chief
executive officers, company secretaries, company advisers, company auditors,
accountants, lawyers, members of audit committees and investors in Malaysia;

To be a recognized organization for corporate governance issues through roundtable

forums and dialogues, public seminars and conferences, and lecture series for
corporations, institutional investors, business and professional bodies, educational

To establish linkages and networking with the leading corporate governance references
and research organizations.

To be an authoritative facilitator and the organization for advisory, technical and support
services on implementation of corporate governance best practices and to work in
collaboration with relevant authorities and regulatory agencies to pursue this objective.

To work closely with various stakeholders as well as company directors, private

investors, institutional investors, business and professional bodies, educational
institutions, relevant authorities and regulatory agencies.

To complement the regulators: Security Commission, Company Commission Malaysia

and Bursa Malaysia with regards to Corporate Governance matters. MICG to the best of
its ability work closely and reciprocate with the said organizations, other related bodies
and Malaysian Institute of Integrity in the uplifting of integrity and Governance in the
corporate sector.

To act as an independent body to conduct Corporate Governance Ratings and ensuring

the ratings credibility, especially for Public Listed entities.

To be able to be independent, fair and truthful in providing input or information to

enhance the performance of PLCs companies to intended investors, from within and
outside Malaysia.

To publicize the country’s effort and commitments in emphasizing corporate governance.

To conduct further research with local and foreign organizations on topics: Corporate
governance and investors; Corporate governance and financial gain.

The ultimate objectives of MICG are to inspire companies in creating longer term
shareholder value and to bring business prosperity in nation building and to contribute to
sound economic system for the well being of the society at large.

Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance will provide an independent and neutral platform
for all stakeholders for the exchange of ideas, opinions and debates to bring about continuous
improvement in corporate governance best practices among corporations, private investors and
institutional investors, business and professional bodies, and educational institutions as well as
relevant authorities and regulatory agencies.

c) Membership and Services

Membership of MICG includes corporate members and ordinary members. The activities of
MICG are managed by a Secretariat under the direction and guidance of the President, assisted
by the Management Committee.

MICG actively engages in various strategic co-relations by networking with international

organizations such as the Institute of Directors in East Asian region (, Asian Pacific
and Development, United Nations Development Programme, the Pacific Economic Cooperation
Council Peer Assistance and Review Network (PECC PARNET), the Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC), the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) and PECC forums, C.V.
STARR Chair for Corporate Governance in Asia under the Asian Institute of Management-
Ramon V. del Rosario Sr. Centre for Corporate Responsibility (AIM-RVR Centre for Corporate
Responsibility). MICG is also a core member in OECD’s Annual Roundtable on Corporate


Corporate governance mechanisms can be viewed from the internal and external perspective.
The internal perspective often sees the board of directors and equity ownership as the primary
internal mechanism while takeovers and market for corporate controls and legal/regulatory
system are the primary external mechanism (Denis and Mc Connell, 2002; Cremers and Naim,
2004). The combination of these two mechanisms affects the corporate governance of a firm. Bai
et al. (2003) however, highlighted the corporate governance mechanisms according to its model.
The market-based governance model or Anglo American models has the characteristics of an
independent board, dispersed ownership, transparent disclosure, active takeover markets and
well-developed legal infrastructure. On the other hand, the control model or Franco-Germany
emphasizes the values of insider board; concentrate ownership structure; limited disclosure; and
reliance on family finance and the banking system.

The external governance mechanisms can be implemented as a result of the failure of internal
governance mechanisms. According to Jensen (1986, 1988, 1989, 1993), the U.S takeovers in
1980s were ultimately caused by a failure in the internal governance mechanisms of U.S
corporations. The failure was attributed to weaker management incentives during which the
corporations had become larger, management ownership had shrunk and shareholders had
become more widely dispersed. The boards on the other hand which were supposed to protect the
shareholder rights, mostly sided with the management and were ineffective in carrying out their
duties. There was also the act of subsidizing poorly performing divisions using cash from
successful divisions instead of returning the free cash flow to the investors.

The practices of governance mechanisms in the Malaysian corporate sector can be analyzed from
the directions contain in the master plans as well as orders from the regulatory bodies. Based on
the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2000, the issues are on the composition of board,
recruitment of new directors, remuneration of directors, the use of board committees, their
mandates and their activities.

The presence of corporate governance is significantly explained by the inclusion of 10

recommendations which focus specifically on corporate governance in the CMP. The dimensions
of corporate governance contain in the CMP among others include the strengthening of minority
shareholder’s right, enhancing the quality and independence of auditors of public listed
companies, improving the channels of communication between companies and the shareholders,
enhancing disclosures in annual reports, requiring shareholder value disclosures for securities
issuance, restructuring, takeovers and merger exercises, introducing measures to enhance
regulatory, transparency, accountability and independence.

The following discussions will focus on the widely used governance mechanisms in academic
research and the extent to which these are applied by the Malaysian corporate sector as suggested
by the governance reform agenda.

4.1 Ownership Structure

The inclusion of this mechanism is necessary to explain the corporate control of particular firms
at a different level. Study on ownership can be explained by type of ownership and the
ownership concentration. The type of ownership can be explained by individual, institution,
state, foreign and managerial ownership. The importance of ownership concentration was
recommended by Schleifer and Vishny (1997) as one of the key determinants of corporate
governance. Large shareholders often referred as block shareholders can benefit the minority
shareholders because of their power and incentive to prevent expropriation (Mitton, 2002).
However, these controlling shareholders may also pursue objectives that are inconsistent with
those of minority shareholders (Morck et. al, 2000 and Bebchuk et. al, 2000). Mitton (2002)
reported that a higher ownership concentration is associated with a higher stock price return of
an average of 2.6% for every increase of 10% in the ownership of the largest shareholders.
However, it was claimed that the return premium is largely attributable to large blockholders that
are not involved with management.

Managerial ownership is a mechanism that firms can implement to increase the incentive for
board members to monitor managers. With the proportions of ownership, board members will
have personal wealth incentive to monitor managers in addition to their fiduciary responsibility
(Coles et. al, 2002). There is a vast literature which argues that the percentage of Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) ownership is correlated with Tobin’s Q (e.g. Morck, Schleifer, Vishny:
1998, Demsetz and Villalonga: 2001). Some studies have found a positive relation between
CEO shareholding and both Tobin’s Q and ROA (Mehran: 1995). Between the financial and
non-financial firms, consistent with studies by Houston and James (2002) and Booth, Cornett
and Tehranian (2002), Adam and Mehran (2003) identified that CEO ownership in bank holdings
companies was lower than the manufacturing firms (i.e., 2.3% and 2.9% respectively). Empirical

evidence was also documented by Demsetz and Lehn (1985) where size typically measured by
book value of assets has an inverse relationship with the percentage of equity held by the CEO.

With respect to Malaysian governance reform, FSMP for instance stressed on the importance of
institutional ownership and foreign ownership while limiting the individual or family ownership
in banking business. It is recommended in the CMP that the equity ownership requirements of
futures broking firms to be liberalized to allow foreign majority ownership and this is followed
by subsequent announcement that foreign participants would be allowed to own 100% equity in
broking companies. On March 2005, it was announced that five foreign brokers and one foreign
fund manager have received the nod to operate in Malaysia. The five brokers are Credit Suisse
First Boston, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Macquarie, UBS and CLSA, and the sole fund manager is
Aberdeen Asset Management. FSMP on the other hand encourages the ownership of banking
institutions by institutional investor. It was highlighted that historically majority of the
institutions were either family-owned business or controlled by prominent individuals. The
recommendation is based on the fact that institutional investors are able to commit their
resources in creating strong and dynamic banking institutions. As such, the maximum limit of
20% for corporation and 10% for individuals is strictly enforced to ensure the accomplishment of
this objective.

4.2 Board Structure

Board of directors is designated for the purpose of ensuring the alignment of the firm activities
and its specified objectives. The board has the duty for making sure that the top managers are
behaving in a way that will provide the optimal value for shareholders (Coles et. al, 2001). There
is no maximum number of directorships prescribed by the Malaysian Code of Corporate
Governance. However, Bursa Malaysia in its listing requirements in 2002 adopts restriction in
the number of directorship of a person. Under the restriction, a director may only hold not more
than 10 directorship of a public listed companies and not more than 15 directorships in non-listed
companies. The rational is for the director to perform his/her duties effectively with less
commitments, resources and time available.

There are different characteristics of board of directors practiced by the firms all over the world
that specified the corporate governance framework of each firm.

4.2.1. CEO is Chairman of Board of Director (CEO Duality)

Leadership structure of a firm can be divided into combined leadership structure and separated
structure (Coles et. al, 2001). Efficiency in monitoring management could be enhanced through
CEO-Chairman duality, where a single person assumes the position of Chairman and CEO
simultaneously because less contracting is needed and information asymmetry is reduced
(Haniffa and Cooke, 2000). However, it was found that cost-efficiency and return on assets are
lower when the CEO is also the chair. (Pi and Timme, 1983). It is also supported by Jensen
(1993) that the combined structure is inappropriate to design one of the most critical power
relationships in the firm. The argument is that the CEO who is also a board chair will have a
concentrated power base that will allow the CEO to make decisions in their own-self interest and

at the expense of shareholders. As such, the views support the use of separate leadership
structure where the titles are separated into two positions held by two separate individuals and
the power spreads out in a way that allows the board to more completely perform its fiduciary
duties. However, Rechner and Dalton (1989) in a study over five-year shareholders returns find
no significant distinction between the performance of separated and combined structure.

In relation to Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (2000), there is a requirement of

balance of power and authority between Chairman and Chief Executive Officer so that no one
individual has unfettered powers of decision. It is recommended that strong independent element
should be induced and publicly explained in the event of CEO duality.

4.2.2. Board Size

There are conflicting ideas about the appropriate size of a board of directors in both financial and
non-financial firms. It was identified that financial firms have an average larger board than
manufacturing firms (Hayes et al, 2000 and Booth et al, 2002). While Vafeas (1999) documented
a board size of 12, Shivdasani and Yermack (1999) reported a size of 11.

There are different reasons that explain for a larger board. Board size is said to increase prior to
the increase in activism by institutional shareholders. The size may also increase following a
merger or acquisition to incorporate some of the target directors (e.g. Wulf 2000). Adams and
Mehran (2003) in their study on bank holdings company argued that an active level of
consolidation in the banking industry make up a larger board for the bank holding companies. A
complex organizational structure of bank holding companies where the bank holding companies
controlling many subsidiary banks and the need to include these different boards in the bank
holding companies board also contributed to a bigger board size. In addition, larger boards are
formed due to positive correlation of board size with firm size (Hermalin and Weisbach, 2001;
Yermack, 1996; and Baker and Gompers, 2000).

There were different findings on the board-size-performance relationship for non-financial and
financial firms. For non-financial firms, board size has a negative relationship to performance.
Jensen (1993) and Lipton and Lorsh (1992) argued that increases in board size make them less
effective at monitoring management because of free-riding problems amongst directors and
increased decision-making time. Contrary to the evidence for non-financial firms, there is a
positive relationship between board size and Tobin’s Q (Adams and Mehran 2002). Additionally,
Brewer III et al. (2000) found that there was no effect or target bank board size on bid premiums
in the event of mergers and acquisitions.

In explaining the board size requirement in Malaysia, the Governance Code recommended that
the impact of size should be examined on the board effectiveness. However there is no specified
numbers of the board recommended. It is in line with the above-mentioned arguments that a
board should not be too big nor too small. However, the companies should allow a board with
active participation and has the ability to make effective decisions and performing their

4.2.3 Independent Board of Directors

The board independence is associated with the entry of outsiders into the board. The literature
suggested that increases in the proportion of outside directors on the board should increase firm
performance as they are more effective monitors of managers (Adams and Mehran, 2003). The
proportions of the outside directors can be measured in terms of the ratio of outside directors to
board size. The positive aspect of having board independence was evidenced in a study by Byrd
et al (2001) that highlighted the survival of firms in the thrift crisis due greater proportion of
independent directors in the board. However certain regulations may affect the number of
outsiders sitting on the board. Brickley and James (1987) revealed that banks from state with
takeover restrictions in US have fewer outside directors than banks from other states. In terms of
proportions, bank holding companies have a higher proportion of outsiders on the board than
non-financial firms with 69% in Vafeas (1999) and 46% in Shivdasani and Yermack (1999).
Findings on board independence-performance studies indicated that there is no significant
relationship between the proportion of outsiders on the board and Tobin’s Q, although they
found some evidence of a positive correlation between Tobin’s Q and majority-outside boards
(Adams and Mehran 2002). It was further argued that higher proportions of outside directors are
not associated with superior firm performance but are associated with better decisions
concerning such as acquisitions, executive compensation and CEO turnover (Hermalin and
Wesbach 2001). However, it was found that bid premiums increase with the independence of the
target’s board in the event of mergers and acquisitions. (Brewer III et. al., 2000).

In the Malaysian context, Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange
(KLSE) listing requirements amendments released January 2001 require at least one third of the
board to comprise of independent directors. The term independent as prescribed by the listing
requirement and the Malaysian Governance Code refers to independence from management and
independence from the significant shareholders.

4.2.4 Professionalism/ Qualifications

Having educated managers will increase the likelihood of firms adopting innovative activities
and accept ambiguity (Hambrick and Mason, 1984). According to Wallace and Cooke (1990), an
increase in the level of education may increase political awareness and demand for corporate

As part of the governance enhancing effort, Bursa Malaysia in its listing requirements requires
all directors of listed companies to undergo continuous training prescribed by the exchange. It
aims at influencing corporate thinking on governance issues among the directors. Two
programmes namely, Mandatory Accreditation Programme (effective 2001) and Continuing
Education Programme (effective 2003) are designed so that they can effectively understand and
perform their duties as directors.

4.3 Board Activity

4.3.1 Board Meeting

Board meeting has also been studied in relation to effective governance. Coger et. al (1998)
suggested that board meeting time is an important resource in improving the effectiveness of a
board. Study by Adams and Mehran, (2002) on board meeting of financial and non-financial
firms suggested that bank holding companies meet slightly more frequently than manufacturing
firms. The average number of board meeting per year is 8.45 (Adams and Mehran, 2002) which
is close to 7.45 meetings a year reported by Vafeas (1999). Though it is difficult to explain such
differences, it can be argued that regulations on the number of meetings may influence the
bank’s choice of directors; thus, regulations can potentially affect the quality of directors willing
to serve these boards. Vafeas (1999) finds a negative correlation between the number of board
meeting and performance. It means that boards that meet more frequently are valued less by the
market. This is due to the notion that higher board meetings follow poor performance. Further
tests indicated that operating performance rises following years of abnormally high meeting
frequency. Such result concluded that boards respond to poor performance by raising their level
of board activity is associated with improved operating performance.

A response on the importance of meeting however was highlighted with the issuance of
guidelines by Malaysian Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
(MAICSA). In November 2000 and November 2002, the Institute released the best practice
guide entitled “A Guide to Annual General Meetings” and “The Company Secretary: A
Reference Kit”. The Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance on the other hand recommended
that board should meet regularly and the number of meeting in a year together with director’s
attendance should be disclosed. Even though there is no stipulation on the number of meetings,
the recommendation felt that it is difficult to positively explain the board control of company
which has less than four meetings a year.

4.3.2 Board Committee

The board committee has an important role in corporate governance by improving the decision-
making by the board and enhancing the monitoring of management and accountability to
shareholders. Klein (1998) documented that aspects of the board related to committee may affect
performance. Specifically, it was argued that having the proportion of insiders on the finance
committee is positively related to firm value. However, Weir et. al. (2001) argued that neither the
independence of committee membership and caliber of committee members has an effect on
performance. A study by Vafeas and Theodorou (1998) also found no evidence to support the
view that the structure of board sub committees significantly affected performance. Findings
from Adams and Mehran (2002) indicated that each board on average has 4.42 committees and
each committee member sits on 1.87 committees.

In industry specific governance, Bank Negara with its FSMP and guidelines highlighted the
governance issue of banking sector as well as other financial institutions in Malaysia. In
enhancing corporate governance in the long term, the plan requires banking institutions to
establish additional committees in addition to the existing committees. Initially there are Audit
Committee, Credit Committee and Asset-Liability Committee. The additions would include

Nominating Committee, Management Development and Compensation Committee and Risk
Management Committee. Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance and Bursa Malaysia listing
requirements however require committees to handle the matters pertaining to nomination of
directors, compensation and remuneration of directors and internal control and integrity of the
external audit.

4.4 Remuneration

The incentives of top management have been characterized as an important mechanism of

corporate governance as it ensures the alignment of the management and the shareholders
interest (John et al 2004). In other words, it serves as a mechanism for resolving the conflict of
interest among the managers and shareholders. Brick, Palmon and Wald (2002) highlighted that
director compensation should also affect performance of a firm. With regards to banking
institutions, Anderson and Campbell (2000) suggested that failure to specify meaningful
incentives by Japanese banks led to the extension of credit to smaller, less well-known borrowers
and increasingly secured such loans with overpriced real estate in the 1980s. The compensation
is in the form of cash and stock and is termed as Deferred Compensation or Deferred Stock.
According to Adams and Mehran (2002), nearly 95% of the firms have deferred compensation
plans for their directors. However, only 31% of the firms offer a choice of stock and/ or cash to
their directors. Studies have been conducted to analyze the implication of having different level
of both type of compensation on the firm performance. Using a measure of Ratio of Value of
Granted Options to Salary plus Bonuses, Adams and Mehran (2003) indicated that
manufacturing companies possessed a mean that the value of granted options was 60 percent
larger than the sum of base salary and bonuses. Financial firms as represented by bank holdings
were said relied on lower stock options (Houston and James, 1995). The difference was
attributed to growth status of the industry. It was recommended by Smith and Watts (1992) and
Mehran (1992) that low growth industries proxies by Tobin’s Q ratio rely less on stock based
compensation. It happened because the board of a low growth industries can observe, monitor
and evaluate the actions of CEOs easily thus rely more on fixed rather than stock based
compensation. The study by Adams and Mehran (2003) classified the bank holdings companies
into a low growth industries due lower Tobin’s Q of 1.0 compare to the manufacturing with 1.9.
Additionally, they argued that smaller stock return volatility in the bank holdings companies
sample might make it easier for the board to monitor CEO actions.

The Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance requires that director’s remuneration should be
appreciable and should reflect the responsibility and commitment of the directors. In the case of
executive director, remuneration should link rewards to corporate and individual performance
while in the case of non-executive directors, it should link rewards to experience and level of
responsibilities. The level of remuneration for the executive directors should be decided by the
remuneration committee consisting wholly and mainly of non-executive directors. On the other
hand, remuneration of the non-executive directors should be determined by the board as a whole.
The companies is also required to disclose the details of the remuneration of each director in its
annual reports.

4.5 Transparency and Disclosure

The financial transparency is an important mechanism that provides depositors, creditors and
shareholders with credible assurances that they will refrain from fraudulent activities. Financial
reporting or disclosure quality had been measured as one of the mechanism in assessing the
corporate governance of a firm [e.g. Mitton (2002) and Coles et. al (2002)]. LLSV (1998) argue
that accounting standards play a critical role in corporate governance by making contracts more
verifiable. There are different ways in explaining disclosure quality. Higher disclosure quality
may be achieved by appointing reputable external auditors which is normally referred to one of
the big 5 international accounting firms (Reed et. al, 2000; Mitton, 2002; Titman and Trueman,
1986). The big 5 firms are said to be more likely to ensure transparency and eliminating mistakes
in firm’s financial statements because they have a reputation to uphold (Michaely and Shaw,
1995), may be more independent than local firms; face greater legal liability for making errors
(Dye, 1993) and may offer higher perceived disclosure quality (in the case in which actual
disclosure quality is not higher) due to their prominent and recognizable names (Rahman, 1998).
Mitton (2002) has also suggested that higher disclosure quality to be associated with a firm that
has a listed American Depository Receipt (ADR). The higher disclosure quality can be formally
exercised through the meeting of mandated disclosure requirements of the listing exchange. In
informal way, higher demand for disclosure from the investors and increased scrutiny of the
firms report would enhance the disclosure quality of a firm. Using a sample of 398 firms from
the five East Asian countries, it was reported that both proxies of disclosure quality were
associated with significantly better stock price performance during the crisis period. By having
an ADR and a Big Six Auditor, there were higher returns of 10.85% and 8.1% over the crisis

Malaysia in its efforts to enhance disclosure quality has adopted quarterly reporting of financial
information to the public listed companies effective in August 1999. It includes reports on
income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement prepared in accordance with approved
Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) of the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB).
Listed companies are also required to include a narrative statement of how they apply the
governance principles in their annual report. Financial transparency is also applied in the process
of M&A where an amended Malaysian Code on Takeovers and Mergers in 1st January 1999
requires higher standard equivalent to international best practice of corporate disclosure and
behavior form the involved parties. In May 2000, Bursa Malaysia through its Taskforce in
Internal Controls formulate and issued the guidelines in assisting the public limited companies to
report on the state of internal controls in their annual report. To complement the measures,
Institute of Internal Auditors in August 2002 released the Guidelines on the internal audit
functions to assist the boards of directors on matters pertaining to internal audit functions as well
as to facilitate the benchmarking of audit standards of our listed companies with the international
standards. The Code is also highlighted the task of company’s audit committee to reinforce the
independence of the external auditor. In addition, the Taskforce on Corporate Disclosures Best
Practice of the Bursa Malaysia was also issued “Best Practices in Corporate Disclosure” as a
means of guiding the listed companies to perform its disclosure obligations in accordance with
the Listing Requirements and securities Law.

4.6 Alliances and Mergers

Improvement on corporate governance at the firm level can also be achieved by having foreign
ownership or joint ventures or strategic alliances with reputable locals and foreign firms. Joint
ventures and strategic alliances may be the least costly form of governance and therefore the
most favorable coordination mechanism Coase (1937, 1960) and Williamson (1985). This is due
to the inclusion of new and different standards that has been practiced by one of the firm.
According to Peek and Rosengren (2000), the entrance of foreign bank forces the domestic bank
to adopt with the new management technique, mechanisms and information technology brought
by the foreign bank It is even positively reacted by the market. Gleason et. al (2003) indicated
that a significant positive annual returns for holding periods of 6, 12 and 18 months after the
announcement on participation in joint venture or strategic alliance. In exploiting the above-
mentioned benefits, one of the recommendations in the FSMP is for the banking institutions for
them to involve in strategic alliances either with other banking and non-banking institutions
especially in the form of equity alliances. This is in line with the increasing use of mergers and
equity alliances in other countries.

Another way of seizing the benefits is through mergers and acquisitions. It was concluded that
the industry performance measured by Tobin’s Q increases when the firms within the industry
acquired by foreign firms coming from countries with better shareholder protection and better
accounting standard (Bris and Cabois, 2003). It is also recommended in the FSMP that mergers
among the financial institutions should be expedited to extract the benefits of efficiency and
synergy. It is stated that mergers between merchant banks and stockbroking companies or
discount houses of the same group should be encouraged to create a full-fledged investment
banks. In March 2005, the Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara) unveiled plan for the
investment banks. The plan stated that foreign banking group could own up to 49% of domestic
investment banks. Under the plan, a discount house that did not have merchant bank could merge
with another discount house to become a merchant bank and subsequently be transformed into an
investment bank subject to the merger of the entity with another stockbrocking company. It is
also stated in the recommendation of CMP to promote consolidation of the stockbroking industry
that reduced the number of stockbroking companies from 66 to 35. The effort is to form well-
capitalized universal brokers which would allow to offer a full range of capital market services.
It is also recommended that the insurance industry to be consolidated as well. However, effort to
merge the banking institutions started as early as mid 80’s as a result of economic crisis. The
institutions failed to consolidate until 1997 when the country experienced financial crisis. The
government led mergers materialized after the crisis with the formation of 10 anchor banks.
Apart from crisis resolution, the proactive role was taken to prepare for challenges by the
opening up of the financial services in the upcoming World Trade Organization (WTO) round of
multilateral trade negotiations. During the crisis, Malaysia protected its domestic banks by
maintaining the regulation of 30% limit on foreign ownership of the banks.


The paper provides a descriptive analysis on the corporate governance mechanisms in Malaysia.
The discussion relates the economic crisis in 1997 that necessitate for the corporate governance
efforts on the private sector in the country. It is explained based on the reforms agenda contained
in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance, Capital Market Master Plan and Financial
Sector Master Plan. By highlighting the mechanisms that normally used in the academic
research, the paper identifies some of the important mechanisms applied in the reforms of the
Malaysian corporate governance. It is found that the mechanisms that have been put in place are
comprehensive and covers a wide spectrum of corporate governance internally and externally.


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