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Utracer3 Con Man

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Tracer 3

Construction Manual V3.2

Important !
This kit is the result of many requests from the readers of my uTracer weblog pages to make this project available as a kit for those who do not have the means to build the circuit from scratch. The preparation of the kit has cost me a lot of time and effort, and I make little or no profit on it. The design of the circuit, PCB, the selection of the components as well as the preparation of this document have all been done with the greatest care to prevent disappointment, and indeed a good many of uTracers has now successfully been built! Nevertheless, small errors and or omissions may have occurred and I will be grateful if they are reported to me. A summary of the issues and problems collected so far can be found on the uTracer homepage under Bugs and Issues. In case of any problems occurring during the construction of the kit, I will be happy to offer assistance by email as good as possible. It is unfortunately not within my means to offer any kind of guarantee or refund. Finally I would like to stress that the voltages which are generated by the circuit can give you a nasty shock and are potentially lethal. I can never be held responsible for any accident or injury resulting from the use of the uTracer circuit. Purchase of this kit implies that you agree with these conditions.

Before you begin

1. In order to build the Tracer 3 kit successfully , you need a certain level of experience in building modern electronic circuits. Although no complicated soldering of SMD components is involved, you need to have some skills in fine pitch soldering. A look at the PCB will give you an idea of the kind of skills that you will need. The most important requirement to successfully build the Tracer is patience. There are a lot of components on a relatively small PCB. One error and the circuit will not function properly. Fortunately it is possible to build and test the circuit in steps. I strongly recommend to follow the construction manual exactly, and to take the time to do the tests as described in this manual. The best way is to go through this manual page by page and line by line. Every action line is provided with a so that it can be ticked off when it is executed. This kit only contains the components to construct the electronics, the heart, of the tube tester / tracer. It is up to you, the user, to add tube sockets and some kind of electrode selector matrix according to your specifications. At the end of this manual an example of how this can be done will be shown. Although this circuit is supplied by a low voltage supply, and although the boost converters can only generate a relatively small amount of current, the charge stored in the high voltage capacitors can be lethal nevertheless! Here are a few simple measures to avoid accidents: 1. The High Voltage ON LED is an indicator that high voltages are present in the circuit. Dont touch the circuit when the LED is on unless you know exactly what you are doing. 2. The High Voltage ON LED might not function properly! So before you start working on the circuit, always check if the high voltage capacitors are discharged to a safe level 3. If you need to touch the circuit while it is operating, always keep one hand in your pocket! The uTracer is deigned to operate from an old Laptop power supply. These supplies can generate a lot of power. During assembly and testing it is better to use a normal variable lab bench power supply adjusted to 19 V, 500 mA max. In this way the damage done when an accidental short circuit occurs will be limited. This is by the way also more than enough to test an EL84! Reversing the polarity of the power supply will certainly destroy the circuit! Reversing the cables can easily occur during the construction phase when you are building-testing-building-testing. I use a simple 90 degree clip to prevent accidentally connecting the power leads the wrong way (see next pages). I strongly recommend you to use a similar method. Although I have tried to use as much as possible exactly the same components in the kit as the components shown in the photographs, the shape and color of some of the components may be different, depending on availability. I have put a lot of effort and time in making this kit and the manual as complete and accurate as possible. Nevertheless there is always the possibility that some (small) errors or omissions have been made. I will be highly obliged if they are communicated to me ( I will not and cannot be held responsible for any accidents or injuries which can occur as a result of improper use or defect of the uTracer circuit. The user is at all times responsible to take sufficient measures to prevent accidents or electrocution









Tools you absolutely need:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A soldering iron with a fine tip, suitable for fine pitch work, including a wet sponge to clean the tip. Solder 0.5 mm diameter but finer is even better. I still prefer to use lead containing 60/40 solder A multi-meter, a digital one is preferred a pair of test cables with miniature clips micro flush cutting nipper , or similar to cut the remaining end of components soldered to the PCB. a small screw driver.

Things that come in handy:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A lab bench power supply at least 0-20 V, 500 mA a pair of tweezers a magnifying glass a small de-soldering pump some solder wick to de-solder components a small fretsaw

Tips and Tricks:

1. Bend the leads of the resistors in a sharp angle close to the body of the resistor


Trick to bend the leads of the reservoir capacitors into a nice 90 degree angle


Use a small box or the like to support the PCB on during component insertion and soldering


By using a 90 degree connector for the power supply connection, the accidental mix-up of power supply polarity can be prevented


Since some of the components are located underneath the PIC microcontroller, the separator spacers in the center of the 40 pin socket need to be removed e.g. with a small fret saw.


The inductors are relatively heavy components. When they are only soldered to the top copper layer, it is not unimaginable that they will (eventually) delaminate the copper layer. What I recommend to do is to first solder two pieces of U shaped wire in the holes in the contact pads, and then to solder the inductors to the wires. Additionally this will create a standof between the inductor (where high voltages can occur) and the tracks underneath the inductors


When soldering the components to the PCB, allow for some time to let the solder flow through the contact holes to the front side of the PCB. This will create an additional conductive path between front- and back-side contact pad.


In order for the RFI suppression beads to fit on the PCB they need an additional turn. At the same time this will create some additional impedance.

9. Since earliest boyhood I use this crocodile clamp as a mouth piece to apply solder when I hold a PCB with my left hand (pressing the component to the PCB with the index finger) and hold the solder iron with my right hand. It must look rather stupid, but works great!

10. The PCB is designed for both standard size 5 mm pitch Xtals as well as miniature 2.5 mm pitch Xtals. In this kit the miniature Xtals are used. Be sure to insert the Xtal into the proper pads, and to use the insulating spacer (see picture below)

Step-by-step construction of the uTracer

In the following pages we will go through the step-by-step construction and testing / calibration of the uTracer. The uTracer consists of the following parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. the Graphical User Interface (GUI) the RS232 cable the voltage regulators RS232 interface microcontroller heater supply negative power supply grid bias circuit current amplifiers high voltage boost converters and switches

The circuit is built in this order Each part consists of a construction and a testing / calibration part. Note: normally very little calibration is needed. Each part consists of a list of instructions preceded by a the line can be ticked off when it is executed. so that

Do not skip parts of the manual, because the testing sequence may be different in that case Normally it is recommended to first place the lowest components and than to go to the higher components. In this case the order may be different in some cases because it may be difficult to solder some components when others are already in place, or because of testing reasons. The PGA113s come in an impossible small MSOP-10 package which is almost impossible to handle without special tools. They are therefore already assembled on the PCB

The photographs in this manual were taken during the assembly of the a test PCB. During the assembly one small error (the connections to the LEDs of the opto-couplers were exchanged) as well as several small cosmetic issues were encountered. These have all been corrected for the final PCB. As a result there are some very small differences between the photographs and the final PCB. Where needed they are mentioned the text For most of the resistors 1% types are supplied despite the fact that 5% types are specified. For most resistors values some spares are supplied so dont worry if after construction of the uTracer you have some left Always check the resistance value of each resistor with a multimeter before you assemble it to the board. Some components may have been replaced by alternatives depending on availability from my supplier. below you find a list of replacements used Component in circuit diagram HER108

Replacement type(s) UF1J

Part 1. The GUI installation

1. check if your PC has a COM port, if so skip steps 2 5 2. buy a USB-to-serial adapter, make sure it uses the FTDI chipset (see weblog) 3. install the USB-to-serial driver if needed 4. make sure the communication protocol is set to 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no parity check 5. be sure you know the COM port assigned to the adapter 6. create a folder to download the zipped file into 7. download the GUI into the folder 8. unzip the downloaded file into that folder 9. double click setup 10. follow the instructions of the setup program 11. start the GUI from your program list

Part 1. The GUI testing

For a 100% test of the functionality of the GUI the RS232 cable described in the next section is necessary. Without this cable a quick test is possible which will be described here 1. install GUI as described 2. start the GUI 3. open the Debug/Communications window by pressing Debug in the Miscellaneous section of the GUI 4. select the proper COM port (the port com number can be saved by pressing safe to calibration file in the Calibration form 5. press the ping command button 6. the Send string and Echo string should now display:

explanation: The GUI tries to send a 0 this zero is not echoed. After a few seconds the GUI detects that no character is returned resulting in the timeout message.

7. at no circumstance the message Run time error 8020, Error reading comm device should occur. When it does, there is a problem with the USB-to-serial adapter 8. For a full check, connect the RS232 cable (next section) and perform the test described in that section

Part 2. The RS232 connector cable - construction

I intentionally didnt integrate the RS232 connector on the PCB because most people will want to position that connector somewhere at the rear of their case. A cable connects the 9 pin D-SUB female connector located at the desired location to the RS232 connector on the PCB

On the D-SUB connector pins 1,4,6 and pins 7,8 have been connected to fool the handshake signals. Strictly speaking this should not be necessary because the GUI does not check for these signals, but I am never sure what USB to serial adapters do

Tx Rx gnd Tx Rx gnd

Part 2. The RS232 connector cable testing

1. make sure that the GUI is properly installed and tested 2. connect the RS232 cable to the PC 3. connect the Tx and Rx pins

4. start the GUI 5. open the Debug/Communications window by pressing Debug in the Miscellaneous section of the GUI 6. press the ping command button 7. the Send string and Echo string should now display:

8. after ca. 10sec the error message: The result string from the uTracer was interrupted should appear . This is the proper response

Part 3. The voltage regulators - construction

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 11. L2, 330 uH, see mounting tips for inductors in Tips and Tricks Power screw connector IC10, LM7805 , TO220, +5V voltage regulator IC2, LM7815, TO220, +15V voltage regulator R43, 6k8 R44, 1k8 R50, 180 ohm LED 2, note proper orientation ! C23, 1000 uF, 35V note polarity ! C4, 10 uF, note polarity ! C5, 150 nF C24, 10 uF, note polarity ! C34, 150 nF



Note! C24 was omitted on the test PCB used for the photographs in this manual. On the final PCB it is located next to C4

Part 3. The voltage regulators - testing

1. Connect the uTracer to a power supply ca. 19V, is possible limit the current to ca. 100 mA (see also Tips and Tricks) 2. 4. 5. 6. Switch the power supply on Led L2 should be on, if not switch off and check circuit check +15 V on pin 7 IC2 with respect to ground check + 5 V on pin 16 IC11 with respect to ground

Part 4. RS232 Interface - construction

1. socket for IC11 2. connector for J4 3. connector for connection to RS232 connector 4. C25, 1 uF, note polarity! 5. C26, 1 uF, note polarity! 6. C27, 1 uF, note polarity! 7. C28, 1 uF, note polarity! 8. C32, 1 uF, note polarity! 9. insert IC11, note orientation !

Part 4. RS232 Interface - testing

1. make sure that the GUI is properly installed and tested 2. connect the uTracer to the PC 3. connect the uTracer to the power supply, if possible set current limit to 500 mA 4. make sure jumper J4 is in place 5. start the GUI 6. switch on the power supply of the uTracer 7. open the Debug/Communications window by pressing Debug in the Miscellaneous section of the GUI 8. press the ping command button 9. the Send string and Echo string should now display:

10. after ca. 10 sec the error message: The result string from the uTracer was interrupted should appear . This is the proper response 11. be sure to remove jumper J4 !!

Part 5. Micro-controller - construction

1. remove the center parts of the 40 pin IC socket (see picture) 2. C29, 33 pF 3. C30, 33 pF 4. D22, BAT86, note polarity ! 5. D23, BAT86, note polarity ! 6. D24, BAT86, note polarity ! 7. D25, BAT86, note polarity ! 8. D17, BAT86, note polarity ! 9. D9, BAT86, note polarity ! 10. C31, 150 nF 11. C33, 150 nF 12. X1, 20 MHz Xtal, insert plastic isolator between Xtal and PCB, 13. R47, 4k7 14. R49, 180 ohm 15. T19, BC548 16. LED1 High Voltage On 17. place 40 pin IC socket for PIC processor 18. connector for J3 19. put jumper J3 in place, make sure it is properly placed! 20. insert PIC processor 16F874, NOTE ORIENTATION! see Tips and Tricks section !

Part 5. Micro-controller - testing

Note: During this test, and the following test the HV LED will be on! Only when the construction of the uTracer is completed, the HV LED will function correctly! 1. make sure that the GUI is properly installed and tested 2. connect the uTracer to the PC 3. connect the uTracer to the power supply, if possible set current limit to 500 mA 5. start the GUI 6. switch on the power supply of the uTracer 7. open the Debug/Communications window by pressing Debug in the Miscellaneous section of the GUI 8. press the ping command button 9. the Send string and Echo string should now display:


10. No error message should appear ! 11. The value in the circle is the supply voltage as measured by the controller

Part 5. Micro-controller - calibration

1. continue from the situation on the previous page 2. measure the exact supply voltage using a multi-meter or DVM 3. if the measured supply voltage is not equal to the supply voltage measured by the uTracer displayed on the Debug/Communications form (see previous page) , continue . 4. open the Calibration form by pressing Cal. in the Miscellaneous section of the main GUI form

5. adjust the Vsupl slide bar 6. press ping on the Debug/Communications form 7. check if the supply voltage measured by the uTracer is now equal to the exact supply voltage 8. if not ,repeat steps 5, 6, 7 9. when equal, press Save to Colibration File on the Calibration form to save the calibration value to the calibration file

Important Note!
It can be that in countries which use a comma, rather than a period as a decimal delimiter (e.g. 3,14 instead of 3.14), such as Holland or Germany , the calibration file is not correctly stored / read. From GUI version 3p7 and higher this problem should be fixed, however, if it persists there are two work-arounds: 1. Manually edit the .cal file and manually replace the comma with a dot. This has to be done after every save to the calibration file. 2. Set the delimiter symbol in Windows to a period (.) to do this: For windows XP go to: start / control panel / Regional and language options select customize and change the decimal delimiter symbol into a . in Windows 7 go to: start / Control Panel / Clock Language and Region / Region and Language / Additional settings / Decimal symbol and then change , into .

Part 6. Heater supply - construction

1. R8, 10 k 2. T5, BC558 3. T4, BC548 4. C7, 150 nF 5. C8, 150 nF 6. C6, 470 uF, note polarity ! 7. screw terminal for heater 8. T3, IRF1404Z

Part 6. Heater supply - testing

1. make sure that the GUI is properly installed and tested 2. connect the uTracer to the PC 3. connect the uTracer to the power supply, if possible set current limit to 500 mA 4. Connect a lamp 6 or 12 volts / ca. 100 mA to the heater terminals 5. start the GUI 6. switch on the power supply of the uTracer 7. enter the voltage of the lamp in the designated field (arrow) 8. press Heater on! 9. the lamp should now be switched on in 10 sec 10. Press Abort! to switch off the lamp 11. Replace the lamp for a heavier lamp of ca. 1 to 1.5 A 12. Repeat steps 7 to 10 The power MOSFET should remain cool even for a 1.5 A lamp

Part 7. Negative Power Supply - construction

1. R1, 10k 2. R2, 180 ohm 3. L1, 330 uH, see mounting tips for inductors in Tips and Tricks 4. T1, BC548 5. T2, BD138 note orientation (see figures) 6. D1, HER108 7. R4, 47 k 8. R3, 2 k 9. D2, BAT86 10. C1, 1000 uF, 50 V, note polarity ! 11. R5, 1k5 12. R6, 10k 13. R7, 120 ohm 14. C2, 10 uF, note polarity ! 15. C3, 150 nF 16. IC1, LM337, note orientation !

Front of the BD138

Note! The LM337 and some of the components around it have been moved several mm so as to make more space for a small heatsink

Frontside of the BD138 (the side with text)

Part 7. Negative Power Supply - testing

1. connect the uTracer to the power supply, if possible set current limit to 500 mA. ( no need to connect the uTracer to the PC for this test) 2. measure the - 40 V output voltage of the inverting boost converter on the test point indicated in the photograph 3. measure the - 15 V output voltage of the negative voltage regulator on the test point indicated in the photograph

-15 V
be careful not to slip with the test pins!

-40 V

Part 8. Grid Bias Circuit - construction

1. R12, 10 k 2. R11, 10 k 3. R9, 12k1 4. R10, 12k1 5. R13, 12k1 6. R14, 121k 7. R15, 121k 8. R16, 2k 9. D3, 5V1 zener diode, note polarity ! 10. C10, 22 nF 11. C11, 33 nF 12. C12, 10 nF, ceramic 13. 8 pin socket for IC3, note orientation ! 14. 8 pin socket for IC4, note orientation ! 15. T6, BC556 16. T7, BC556 17. modify La, Lb, Lc, Ld 18. place La, Lb,Lc, Ld 19. fuseholder for Z1 20. fuseholder for Z2 21. mount screw terminal for tube connection 22. D19, HER108, note polarity ! 23. D20, HER108, note polarity ! 24. D21, HER108, note polarity ! 25. D12, 24V zener diode , 1N5934 26. R30, 1 k, use ceramic spacer beads 27. insert IC3, 741 28. insert IC4, NE5534 29. C9, 1000uF 50 V, note polarity ! 30. D11, SB140, note polarity !

Note! There are are 12k1 (12.1 kohm) and 121k (121 kohm) resistors. Do not mix them up!

Part 8. Grid Bias Circuit testing and calibration

1. make sure that the GUI is properly installed and tested 2. connect the uTracer to the PC 3. connect the uTracer to the power supply, if possible set current limit to 500 mA. 4. Connect a DVM or multimeter between the cathode and grid terminals 5. start the GUI
cathode to - DVM grid to + DVM

6. in the main form of the GUI fill in -40 V as start value for the grid bias

8. open the calibration form by pressing Cal. in the Miscellaneous section of the main GUI form

9. switch on the power supply of the uTracer 10. press Heater On! on the main form 11. to skip the slow heating feature press again on Heating 12. start a measurement by pressing Measure Curve 13. read the actual grid voltage on the DVM or multimeter 14. At this point a time out error message will appear because the GUI is expecting a measurement. Remove the error messages by clicking ok 15. Switch off the power of the uTracer to reset the uTracer 16. Adjust the VgridGain slider on the Calibration form if the measured grid voltage is not equal to -40 V 17. Repeat steps 9 to 15 18. When the measured grid voltage is equal to -40 V press the Save to Calibration button on the calibration form to save the calibration value to the calibration file

Part 9. Current Amplifiers - construction

1. D10, BAT86, note polarity ! 2. D18, BAT86, note polarity ! 3. R42, 180 ohm 4. R28, 180 ohm 5. R41, 10k 6. R27, 10k 7. R37, 10k 8. R25, 10k 9. C15, 2n2 10. C20, 2n2 11. 8 pin socket for IC5 12. 8 pin socket for IC7 13. D6, BAT86 14. D14, BAT86 15. C17, 150 nF 16. C22, 150 nF 17. L3, 330 uH 18. insert IC5, OPA227 19. insert IC7, OPA227 20. R45, 18 ohm, 1 W, use ceramic spacer beads 21. R20, 18 ohm, 1 W, use ceramic spacer beads

Do not cut wires yet

Part 9. Current Amplifiers - testing

Explanation: To test the current amplifiers a trick is used. By connecting two resistors of 12k1 between the current sense resistors R20 and R45 and the -15 V supply, a anode / screen current of 15/12k1 = 1.24 mA is simulated. 1. connect two 12k1 resistors as shown below

2. make sure that the GUI is properly installed and tested 3. connect the uTracer to the PC 4. connect the uTracer to the power supply, if possible set current limit to 500 mA 5. start the GUI 6. switch on the power supply of the uTracer

7. Switch off auto-ranging and auto-averaging functions by selecting the 0 2 mA ranges for both the anode as well as the screen currents, and by setting average to none (see picture below)

8. open the Debug / Communications form by pressing the Debug command button in the Miscellaneous section of the main form of the GUI 9. press the ping command button on the Debug / Communications form 10. The returned values for the anode and screen currents on the Debug / Communications form should now display a value of approximately 124 which is the current (1.24) times the gain factor (100x). The exact calibration will be done later on 11. Remove the resistors and clip the ends of R20 and R45

Part 10. Boost converters and HV switches - construction

1. R40, 1k 2. R29, 1k 3. R23, 47k 4. R36, 47k 5. R26, 12k 6. R39, 12k 7. 6 pin socket for OC1 8. 6 pin socket for OC2 9. R46, 180 ohm 10. R48, 180 ohm 11. R21, 10k 12. R34, 10k 13. R22, 15k, 0.5W, use ceramic spacer beads 14. R35, 15k, 0.5W, use ceramic spacer beads 15. D7, 10V zener, note orientation ! 16. D15, 10V zener, note orientation ! 17. C14, 1uF, foil capacitor 18. C19, 1uF, foil capacitor 19. R17, 10k 20. R31, 10k 21. D5, HER108, note polarity ! 22. D13, HER 108, note polarity ! 23. R18, 6k8 24. R32, 6k8 25. R19, 470k, 0.5W, use ceramic spacer beads 26. R33, 470k, 0.5W, use ceramic spacer beads 27. L4, 330 uH, see mounting tips for inductors in Tips and Tricks 28. R24, 2.7 ohm, 0.5W , 0.5W, use ceramic spacer beads

29. R38, 2.7 ohm, 0.5W , 0.5W, use ceramic spacer beads 30. T11, BC558 31. T16, BC558 32. T10, MPSA44 33. T15, MPSA44 34. T13, PN5416 35. T18, PN5416 36. pins for jumper J1 37. pins for jumper J2 38. T9, IRF840 39. T14, IRF840 40. C13, 100uF, 400V, see tips for bending lead in Tips and Tricks 41. C18, 100uF, 400V, see tips for bending lead in Tips and Tricks 42. T12, MJE350, note orientation ! 43. T17, MJE350, note orientation ! 44. insert OC1 45. insert OC2 46. put jumper J1 in place 47. put jumper J2 in place 48. insert fuse Z1 49. insert fuse Z2

Frontside of the MJE350 (the side with text)

Part 10. Boost converters and HV switches testing and calibration

1. make sure that the GUI is properly installed and tested 2. connect the uTracer to the PC 3. connect the uTracer to the power supply, if possible set current limit to 500 mA. 5. start the GUI 6. switch on the power supply 7. measure the exact supply voltage with a multimeter or DVM: Vsupl 8. switch the power supply off 9. connect the multimeter / DVM to the C18, the anode reservoir capacitor , using two test cables with suitable clips

10. switch on the power supply

The testing and calibration will be done in three steps: A. functionality test of the boost converters B. calibration of the boost converters C. testing and calibration of the high voltage switches and current amplifiers

Part A. functionality test boost converters

Warning ! During this test lethal voltages present

11. continue from line ten on the previous page 12. set up the measurement as shown in the screen dump below. This will cause a sweep of the anode and screen voltages consisting of two values: 50 and 100 V. The delay of 5 seconds causes the uTracer to pause when the set point is reached

13. start a measurement by clicking on Heater On followed by clicking on Measure Curve 14. verify on the DVM that the voltages reached are:approximately: 50 + Vsupl and 100 + Vsupl 15. In case this test is passed slowely increase the maximum voltage by testing with the following sequences: start: 50 start: 50 start: 50 start: 50 stop: 150 stop: 200 stop: 250 stop: 300 Nint: 2 Nint: 3 Nint: 4 Nint: 5

16. switch off the power supply 17. connect the measurement clips to the screen reservoir capacitor C13 18. switch on the power supply 19. repeat steps 12, 13, 14

Part B. calibration of the boost converters

Warning ! During this test lethal voltages present

20. continue from step 19, assume the DVM is still connected to the screen reservoir capacitor C13 and that the power is on 21. set up the measurement sequence shown below (Va= Vs = 100 and 200 V with 5 sec delay)

22. calculate X = 200 + Vsupl (Vsupl measured in step 7) 23. open the calibrate form by clicking Cal. in the miscellaneous section of the main GUI form

24. start a measurement by clicking on Heater On followed by clicking on Measure Curve 25. in case the measured voltage during the 200 V phase of the measurement does not equal X, adjust the VsGain slide bar

26. repeat steps 24, 25 until the measured voltage = X 27. save calibration value to calibration file by pressing Save to Calibration file 28. wait until the High Voltage LED is off 29. switch off the power supply 30. connect the DVM to the anode reservoir capacitor C18 again. 31. repeat steps 20-29 again, but now for the anode voltage adjusting the VaGain slide bar 32. wait until the High Voltage LED is off 33. switch off the power supply 34. disconnect the DVM

Part C. testing of the high voltage switches and calibration of the current amplifiers

Warning ! During this test lethal voltages present

35. make sure that the power supply is off and that the capacitors are discharged 36. connect a 10 k / 1% resistor between the anode terminal and the cathode terminal 37. connect a 10 k / 1% resistor between the screen terminal and the cathode terminal

38. set up the measurement sequence shown below (sweep anode and screen voltages from 2 to 200 V in 20 steps with fixed gains) 39. open the calibrate form by clicking Cal. in the miscellaneous section of the main GUI form 40. start a measurement by clicking Heater On followed by clicking on Measure Curve. Verify that the GUI displays a straight line ( a resistor !) 41. click with the mouse cursor on the last measurement point in the graph (200 V) 42. If the current is not equal to 20 mA, adjust the IaGain slide bar 43. perform steps 40 to 42 until the current measured is 20 mA

44. set the Y1 axis to measure the screen current Is 45. repeat steps 38 to 43 but now for the screen current adjusting the IsGain slide bar 46. when finished wait until the High Voltage LED is off 47. save calibration value to calibration file by pressing Save to Calibration file 48. switch off the power supply 49. remove the two test resistors

Congratulations ! This completes the construction. The uTracer is now ready for use

Wiring of the uTracer

The figure below shows how the uTracer is connected to the tube and the power supply. The uTracer was designed to operate from an old laptop power supply with and output voltage in the range of 18 22 V. These power supplies combine a high output power with a small volume. It is strongly recommend to include a 330 uH inductor and a 1.5 A fuse in series with the + lead of the power supply.

Additionally it is recommended to include a 1.5 A fuse and two RFI suppression beads in series with the heater connections. The connection of the other electrodes to the tubes will be discussed in the next section. Optionally, the positive terminals of the two reservoir capacitors may be made available for connection to the tube electrodes. The boost converters can supply several milliamps of current so that in this way DC measurements at low current levels are possible. This makes it e.g. possible to test magic eyes.

Tips for connecting the tube sockets

Probably everybody will have his (or hers!) on ideas on how to connect the uTracer to an array of tube sockets. In the many internet forums I read, many people opt for a relays matrix in combination with a database of tube sockets. It all sound very complicated and unnecessary to me. More down to earth is a set of rotary switches, each switch connecting one of the terminals of the uTracer to a tube socket pin. Personally I use a set of miniature banana plugs to make the required connections.

The top row of plugs is connected to the tube sockets. The bottom row is connected to the uTracer terminals. The bottom row contains a double set of plugs so that it is possible to connect two tube pins to one terminal e.g. to connect a pentode as triode (by connecting both the screen grid as well as the anode to the anode terminal ). A separate set of plugs is connected to a 1.5 V battery for battery operated tubes. Color coding is used to reduce the risk of mistakes: red for screen and anode (high voltage), green for the heater, black for the cathode (ground), and yellow for the control grid. I made overlay cards with the wiring scheme for the most common tubes. For conventional tube testers, such a plug-and-wire solution would be rather dangerous because high voltages can be present on the terminals. In this case the danger is very limited because the high voltages are only present for 1 millisecond, and even then the amount of charge stored in the capacitors is limited, or at least less dangerous than the power an 80 W / 300 V power supply can deliver.

One of the biggest threats to any tube tester are unwanted oscillations which can occur because the tubes are tested under realistic bias conditions while they are connected by long wires which contain many parasitic resonance circuits. With conventional tubetesters, it can very well happen that a tube is destroyed because a destructive oscillation occurs! A big advantage of the uTracer is that the maximum energy stored in the reservoir capacitors is very small, too small to destroy a tube. The oscillations can however disturb the measurement so it is important that they are prevented. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to include RF suppression coils in the tube connections. At DC the resistance of these coils is almost zero, while the resistive losses quickly increase for increasing frequencies. Furthermore, I strongly recommend using the wiring scheme that AVO uses (and patented) in their tube-testers. The schematic diagram below shows the basic idea for one terminal.



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The wire connecting say pin one of each tube socket runs in a loop which also connects to the banana plug or rotary switch. At certain intervals an RF suppression bead (e.g. Wuerth no: 74270015) is shifted over the wires. The physical lengths of all the loops has to be approximately the same. The figure on the next page gives an impression of the wiring scheme of my version of the uTracer. Note that in this version the high voltage fuses were not yet integrated on the PCB,

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