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Manuals (G 150im II)

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For Milling Machine & Machining Center

User Manual



CHAPTER I PREFACE................................................................................................................................................ 1

CHAPTER II TECHNICAL FEATURE ............................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 SYSTEM TECHNICAL PARAMETER ....................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 SYSTEM FUNCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.3.1 AUTO-DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION:...................................................................................................................................... 2 2.3.2 COMPENSATION FUNCTION: ........................................................................................................................................ 2 2.3.3 ABUNDANT INSTRUCTION SYSTEM:............................................................................................................................. 3 2.3.4 CHINESE/ENGLISH MENU, FULL SCREEN EDITION:....................................................................................................... 3 2.3.5 ABUNDANT DEBUGGING FUNCTIONS:.......................................................................................................................... 3 2.3.6 PROGRAM EXCHANGE BETWEEN CNC SYSTEM AND IBM/PC SERIES COMPATIBLE COMPUTER ................................... 3 2.4 SYSTEM OPERATION CONDITION......................................................................................................................... 3 2.4.1 POWER SUPPLY:........................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.4.2 CLIMATE CONDITION ................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.4.3 OPERATION ENVIRONMENT: ........................................................................................................................................ 3 CHAPTER III OPERATION............................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 PANEL LAYOUT AND SWITCH ................................................................................................................................. 4 3.2 OPERATION INTERFACE .......................................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 PARAMETER ................................................................................................................................................................. 9 3.4 PARAMETER EXPLANATION ................................................................................................................................. 10 3.4.1 USER PARAMETER ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.4.2 SPEED ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4.3 COORDINATE SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................... 19 3.4.4 MACRO VARIABLE PARAMETER ................................................................................................................................ 20 3.4.5 AXIS PARAMETER ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.4.6 COMPREHENSIVE PARAMETER .................................................................................................................................. 31 3.4.7 PASSWORD ................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Access authority setting .................................................................................................................................... 40 3.5 DIAGNOSE ................................................................................................................................................................... 43 3.5.1 I/O REAL-TIME MONITOR .......................................................................................................................................... 43 3.5.2 LADDER REAL-TIME MONITOR .................................................................................................................................. 44 3.5.3 CONFIGURATION OF INPUT/OUTPUT AND SELF-DEFINED ALARM ................................................................................ 44 3.5.4 CLEAR ALARM ACCIDENT OF FEED SERVO DRIVER ..................................................................................................... 45 3.5.5 EDIT LADDER DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................................ 45 3.5.6 ALARM DISPLAY ........................................................................................................................................................ 46 3.6 PITCH ERROR COMPENSATION........................................................................................................................... 46 3.7 TOOL ............................................................................................................................................................................. 49 3.8 PROGRAM ................................................................................................................................................................... 52



3.8.1 NEW/SEK .................................................................................................................................................................. 52 3.8.2 COPY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 53 3.8.3 RENAME ................................................................................................................................................................... 53 3.8.4 DELETE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54 3.8.5 INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 54 3.8.6 COPY PROGRAM APPLY USB-DISK ............................................................................................................................ 54 3.8.7 PROGRAM TRANSMITTED BY SERIAL PORT ................................................................................................................ 57 3.8.8 EDIT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 59 3.8.9 SELECT PROCESSING PROGRAM ................................................................................................................................ 63 3.8.10 SHIFT PROGRAM FILES PATH.................................................................................................................................... 63 3.9 MANUAL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 63 3.9.1 CONTINUOUS MODE .................................................................................................................................................. 63 3.9.2 INCREMENT............................................................................................................................................................... 64 3.9.3 MPG MODE............................................................................................................................................................... 64 3.9.4 REFERENCE RETURNING............................................................................................................................................ 64 3.9.5 AUTOMATIC MIDPOINT IDENTIFICATION FUNCTION ................................................................................................... 65 3.9.6 RETURN TO THE ZERO POINT OF G17 PLANE OF WORK COORDINATE SYSTEM ............................................................ 67 3.9.7 OTHER OPERATION IN MANUAL MODE:...................................................................................................................... 68 3.10 AUTO ........................................................................................................................................................................... 70 3.10.1 COORDINATES ......................................................................................................................................................... 70 3.10.2 GRAPHIC ................................................................................................................................................................. 70 3.10.3 CONTINUAL ............................................................................................................................................................ 71 3.10.4 STEP ...................................................................................................................................................................... 71 3.10.5 SIMULATION............................................................................................................................................................ 71 3.10.6 FEEDING HOLD ........................................................................................................................................................ 71 3.10.7 MPG WHEEL TRIGGER IN AUTO RUNNING ............................................................................................................... 71 3.10.8 DNC FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 72 3.11 MDI MODE ................................................................................................................................................................. 73 3.12 RUN PROGRAM FROM A REAL LINE................................................................................................................. 73 3.13 RUN PROGRAM FROM A CERTAIN MARKED LINE....................................................................................... 73 3.14 RUN PROGRAM FROM A CERTAIN TOOL NUMBER...................................................................................... 74 3.15 SET COORDINATES/CHOOSE COORDINATES ................................................................................................ 74 3.16 MASS PROGRAM FOR MOULD PROCESSING ................................................................................................. 75 3.17 TOOL EXCHANGE AND TOOL SETTING ........................................................................................................... 75 3.17.1 TOOL MAGAZINE OPERATION................................................................................................................................... 75 3.17.2 TOOL EXCHANGE .................................................................................................................................................... 76 3.17.3 TOOL SETTING ......................................................................................................................................................... 76 3.18 EXIT SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................................... 77 CHAPTER IV PROGRAMING ........................................................................................................................................ 78 4.1 BASIC CONCEPTS...................................................................................................................................................... 78 4.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM ............................................................................................................ 79



4.3 PROGRAM INSTRUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 79 4.3.1 FUNCTION AND MEANING OF ADDRESS SYMBOL, DATA RANGE LIST........................................................................... 79 4.3.2 G, M FUNCTION INSTRUCTION DATA LIST .................................................................................................................. 80 4.3.3 F FUNCTION: ............................................................................................................................................................. 83 4.3.4 T/H/D FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 84 4.3.5 S FUNCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 84 4.4 PREPARATION FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 85 4.4.1 COORDINATE SYSTEM SETTING (G92) ....................................................................................................................... 85 4.4.2 CHOOSE COORDINATE SYSTEM (G53/G54/G55/G56/G57/G58/G59)........................................................................ 85 4.4.3 LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM (G52).......................................................................................................................... 86 4.4.4 PROGRAMMING METHODS (G90/G91) ...................................................................................................................... 87 4.4.5 SELECT PLANE (G17/G18/G19)................................................................................................................................ 87 4.4.6 RAPID POSITIONING (G00) ........................................................................................................................................ 88 4.4.7 LINEAR INTERPOLATION (G01) ................................................................................................................................. 88 4.4.8 CIRCULAR/ARC INTERPOLATION (G02/G03) ............................................................................................................. 88 4.4.9 HELICAL INTERPOLATION (G02/G03) ....................................................................................................................... 90 4.4.10 DWELL (G04).......................................................................................................................................................... 90 4.4.11 MIRROR INSTRUCTION (G11/G12) .......................................................................................................................... 91 4.4.12 SCALING (G36/G37) ............................................................................................................................................... 92 4.4.13 COORDINATE SYSTEM ROTATE (G68/G69) .............................................................................................................. 93 4.4.14 REFERENCE POINT (G28/G281/ G282/ G283/ G30/ G301/ G302/ G303) ................................................................ 95 4.4.15 TOOL LENGTH COMPENSATION (G43/G44/G49) ...................................................................................................... 96 4.4.16 TOOL RADIUS INCREASING OR DECREASING (G45/G46/G47/G48).......................................................................... 97 4.4.17 TOOL RADIUS COMPENSATION (G40/G41/G42)....................................................................................................... 98 4.4.18 PROGRAM RECYCLE INSTRUCTION (G22--G800)..................................................................................................... 99 4.4.19 ACCURATE POSITIONING/CONTINUAL PATH WORKING (G60/G64) ......................................................................... 100 4.4.20 CANNED CYCLE OF MACRO DEFINITION (G73,G74,G76,G80G89).................................................................... 101 High speed deep hole drilling (G73) ............................................................................................................ 102 CCW peck deep hole tapping cycle (G74) .................................................................................................... 103 Finished boring cycle (G76) ......................................................................................................................... 105 4.4.20. 4 Drilling cycle, point drilling cycle (G81) .................................................................................................... 106 Drilling cycle, countersink boring cycle (G82) ............................................................................................ 106 Chip removal drilling cycle (G83) ................................................................................................................ 107 CW peck deep hole tapping cycle (G84)....................................................................................................... 108 Boring cycle (G85) ........................................................................................................................................110 Boring cycle (G86) ........................................................................................................................................110 Boring cycle, counter boring cycle (G87).................................................................................................... 111 cycle (G89)........................................................................................................................................112 Cancel cycle instruction (G80) ....................................................................................................................113 4.4.21 POLAR COORDINATE (G15/G16) ........................................................................................................................... 114 4.4.22 METRIC AND INCH SYSTEM (G20/G21) ................................................................................................................. 115 4.4.23 THREADING(G33) ................................................................................................................................................. 116 4.4.24 RETURN TO PROGRAM ORIGINAL POINT (G26/ G261/G262/G263)........................................................................ 117 4.4.25 SPINDLE POSITIONING (SP)................................................................................................................................... 117 4.4.26 WAITING FOR AUX-RELAY M1XXX IS VALID, WAITING FOR AUX-RELAY M2XXX INVALID...................................... 117 4.4.27 MAKE AUX-RELAY M3XXX VALID, MAKE AUX-RELAY M4XXX INVALID. ............................................................... 117



4.4.28 EDIT THE OUTPUT FUNCTION OF OUTPUT POINT AND AUX-RELAY IN CNC PROGRAM DIRECTLY ............................ 118 4.4.29 CONDITIONAL SKIP FUNCTION ............................................................................................................................... 118 4.4.30 AUXILIARY FUNCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 118 4.5 PROGRAM CONVENTION ................................................................................................................................ 120

4.5.1 MULTI-COMMANDS CAN BE ONE BLOCK TOGETHER ................................................................................................ 120 4.5.2 THE COMMANDS AND PARAMETER CAN BE LOCATED ARBITRARILY IN PROGRAM BLOCK ......................................... 120 4.5.3 REPEATABLE COMMANDS ISNT ALLOWED IN THE PROGRAM BLOCK ....................................................................... 121 4.5.4 THE OPERATION THAT IRRELATIVE TO THE COMMANDS ISNT ALLOWED IN PROGRAM BLOCK.................................. 121 4.5.5 SEMICOLON CAN BE APPLIED AT THE END OF PROGRAM BLOCK, REMARK FOLLOWED SEMICOLON .......................... 121 4.5.6 THE FIRST CHARACTER OF PROGRAM BLOCK IS %,O,(,MEANS THIS BLOCK IS REMARK LINE......................... 121 4.5.7 SPACE IS AVAILABLE BETWEEN COMMANDS IN PROGRAM BLOCK ............................................................................ 121 4.5.8 THE CODES G00, G01, G02, G03, M02 CAN BE WRITTEN TO BE G0, G1, G2, G3, M2............................................. 121 4.5.9 GLOBAL VARIABLE AND SYSTEM VARIABLE CAN BE ADOPTED INTO PROGRAM ........................................................ 121 4.5.10 ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION CAN BE ADOPTED INTO PROGRAM ................................................................................. 121 4.5.11 MDI FUNCTION EXPLANATION .............................................................................................................................. 122 4.6 THE INTRODUCTION FOR TOOL RADIUS COMPENSATION C .................................................................. 122 4.6.1 INSIDE AND OUTSIDE .............................................................................................................................................. 122 4.6.2 ESTABLISH TOOL RADIUS COMPENSATION ............................................................................................................... 122 The tool moving along inside of the corner (180)................................................................................... 122 The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90<180) ............................................... 122 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (<90)............................................................. 123 4.6.3 THE TOOL MOVING OF TOOL OFFSET MODE .............................................................................................................. 123 tool moving along inside of the corner (180).................................................................................... 123 The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90<180) ............................................... 124 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (<90)............................................................. 124 4.6.4 THE TOOL MOVING IN THE MODE OF TOOL OFFSET CANCELING ............................................................................... 125 The tool moving along inside of the corner (180)................................................................................... 125 The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90<180) ............................................... 125 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (<90)............................................................. 126 4.7 PROGRAM EXAMPLE............................................................................................................................................. 126 4.8 USER MACRO PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................................... 128 CHAPTER V PLC FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 143 5.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................................... 143 5.2 CELLS INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................... 143 5.2.1 CELL AND CELL NUMBER......................................................................................................................................... 143 5.2.2 CELL TABLE ............................................................................................................................................................ 143 5.2.3 CELL INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 143 Input relay ( X )............................................................................................................................................... 143 Output relay (Y) .............................................................................................................................................. 144 Interior relay (M)............................................................................................................................................ 144 Timer (T) ......................................................................................................................................................... 144 Counter (C)..................................................................................................................................................... 145 5.3 BASIC CELL SIGN IN LADDER DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................ 146



5.4 BASIC LOGIC COMMANDS IN INSTRUCTION LIST ...................................................................................... 146 5.4.1 LD, LDI, OUT COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................... 146 5.4.2 AND, ANI COMMANDS ........................................................................................................................................... 147 5.4.3 OR, ORI COMMANDS .............................................................................................................................................. 147 5.4.4 ORB COMMAND ..................................................................................................................................................... 147 5.4.5 ANB COMMAND ..................................................................................................................................................... 147 5.4.6 MPS, MRD, MPP MEMORIZER AND MULTIPLE OUTPUT COMMANDS ....................................................................... 147 5.4.7 SET AND RST COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................................... 147 5.4.8 NOP AND END COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................... 147 5.5 PLC PROGRAM EDITING ...................................................................................................................................... 147 5.5.1 EDIT PLC PROGRAM ON PC .................................................................................................................................... 147 Edit software installation and running environment....................................................................................... 147 Basic operation of software editing ................................................................................................................ 148 Edit PLC Ladder............................................................................................................................................. 149 Generate instruction list file ........................................................................................................................... 151 Logic testing ................................................................................................................................................... 152 5.5.2 EDIT PLC PROGRAM ON THE PANEL OF THE CONTROLLER ....................................................................................... 153 Basic operation in editing interface................................................................................................................ 153 Edit PLC ladder.............................................................................................................................................. 154 5.6 PLC FILE TRANSMISSION..................................................................................................................................... 156 5.6.1 TRANSMIT PLC FILE BY RS232 .............................................................................................................................. 156 Transmit PLC file (PLC.lad, PLC.plc) to controller....................................................................................... 156 Transmit PLC file (PLC.plc, PLC.plc) to PC from controller......................................................................... 158 5.6.2 TRANSMIT PLC FILE BY USB PORT ......................................................................................................................... 159 Restore PLC file to controller from U disk ..................................................................................................... 159 Backup PLC file into U disk ........................................................................................................................... 160 5.7 THE DEFINITION OF INTERIOR AUXILIARY RELAY.................................................................................... 161 5.8 PROGRAMMABLE I/O DIAGRAM IN SYSTEM................................................................................................. 165 5.8.1 GENERAL I/O BOARD.............................................................................................................................................. 165 General I/O board (GREAT-GEN-IO) ............................................................................................................ 165 General I/O board (GREAT-GEN-IO-A) ........................................................................................................ 166 5.8.2 MOVEMENT CONTROL BOARD ................................................................................................................................. 167 5.8.3 SUBPANEL ............................................................................................................................................................... 167 5.8.4 MANUAL PULSE GENERATOR ................................................................................................................................... 169 5.9 EXAMPLE AND EXPLANATION OF PLC PROGRAMMING........................................................................... 169 5.10 EDIT REPLY NAME................................................................................................................................................ 172 5.10.1 EDIT RELAY NAME ON PANEL................................................................................................................................. 172 5.10.2 EDIT RELAY NAME ON PC...................................................................................................................................... 173 5.10.3 EXAMPLES TO SELF-DEFINED ALARM USAGE OF INTERIOR RELAYS M80---M95.................................................... 174 5.11 PROGRAMMABLE I/O PRESET FUNCTION DEFINITION........................................................................... 176 5.11.1 MOVEMENT CONTROL BOARD ............................................................................................................................... 176 5.11.2 SUBPANEL ............................................................................................................................................................. 177



5.11.3 MANUAL PULSE GENERATOR ................................................................................................................................. 178 5.11.4 GENERAL I/O BOARD ............................................................................................................................................ 178 5.12 THE DEFINITION OF PLC, INSTRUCTION AND PARAMETER FOR MACHINE MATCH WITH TOOL MAGAZINE.......................................................................................................................................................... 181 5.12.1 SPECIFICATION OF MACHINING CENTRE WITH UMBRELLA TOOL MAGAZINE ........................................................... 181 5.12.2 SPECIFICATION OF MACHINING CENTRE WITH ATC TOOL MAGAZINE ..................................................................... 183 CHAPTER VI. CONNECTION& INSTALLATION .................................................................................................... 186 6.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................................... 186 6.2 SYSTERM CONFIGURATION................................................................................................................................ 186 6.2.1 SYSTEM ASSEMBLIES AND FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................... 186 6.3 SYSTEM CONNECTION DIAGRAM..................................................................................................................... 189 6.3.1 THE CONNECTION DIAGRAM MATCH WITH A TYPE SUBPANEL.................................................................................. 189 6.3.2 CONNECTION DIAGRAM MATCH WITH B TYPE SUBPANEL ........................................................................................ 190 6.4 DIMENSION............................................................................................................................................................... 190 6.4.1 MAIN PANEL DIMENSION ......................................................................................................................................... 190 6.4.2 SUBPANEL DIMENSION (A TYPE AND B TYPE IS SAME)............................................................................................. 191 6.4.3 GENERAL I/O BOARD DIMENSION ........................................................................................................................... 192 6.4.4 DIMENSION OF MOVEMENT CONTROL BOARD ......................................................................................................... 193 6.4.5 THE INSTALLATION DIMENSION OF I/O POWER MODULE (DC24V/ 3A) ................................................................... 193 6.5 SYSTEM INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENT........................................................................................................ 193 6.5.1 POWER CAPACITY ................................................................................................................................................... 194 6.5.2 POWER SUPPLY CONNECTION AND CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................ 194 Power supply connection diagram ................................................................................................................. 194 I/O power supply setting................................................................................................................................. 194 6.5.3 CNC POWER TURN ON/ OFF SEQUENCE ................................................................................................................... 195 6.6 SYSTEM CONNECTED WITH SURROUNDING EQUIPMENT ....................................................................... 195 6.6.1 CONNECTION WITH COMMUNICATION BOARD ......................................................................................................... 196 connection with communication board ........................................................................................................... 196 Interface connection ....................................................................................................................................... 196 6.6.2 CONNECTED WITH SPINDLE ENCODER ..................................................................................................................... 197 Connected with spindle encoder ..................................................................................................................... 197 Interface with spindle encoder........................................................................................................................ 197 6.6.3 CONNECTED WITH MPG (MANUAL PULSE GENERATOR).......................................................................................... 197 Connected with MPG...................................................................................................................................... 197 The interface connected with MPG................................................................................................................. 198 MPG internal connection diagram ................................................................................................................. 198 6.6.4 CONNECTED WITH SUBPANEL .................................................................................................................................. 199 Connected with subpanel................................................................................................................................ 199 Connected with subpanel................................................................................................................................ 200 6.6.5 CONNECTED WITH GENERAL I/O BOARD ................................................................................................................. 202 Connected with general I/O board.................................................................................................................. 202 Interface connected with general I/O board ................................................................................................... 202



6.6.6 CONNECTED WITH MOVEMENT CONTROL BOARD .................................................................................................... 204 Connection with movement control board ...................................................................................................... 204 Interface connected with movement control board ......................................................................................... 204 6.7 CNC CONTROLS CONNECTED WITH SPINDLE DRIVER ............................................................................. 207 6.7.1 CNC CONTROLS CONNECTED WITH FREQUENCY INVERTER ..................................................................................... 207 6.7.2 CNC CONTROLS CONNECTED WITH SPINDLE SERVO DRIVE ..................................................................................... 207 Connection diagram of CNC controls connected with GTB-GA spindle servo drive ..................................... 207 Connection diagram of CNC controls connected with MODROL spindle servo drive................................... 208 6.8 CNC CONTROL CONNECTED WITH FEED SERVO DRIVE........................................................................... 209 6.9 MACHINE ELECTRIC INSTALLATION PRINCIPLE ....................................................................................... 210 6.9.1 DIRECT-CURRENT POWER SUPPLY ............................................................................................................................ 210 6.9.2 I/O PORTS................................................................................................................................................................ 211 I/O port classification and distribution............................................................................................................211 General I/O input port principle which is available by "IPE".........................................................................211 General I/O input port principle which is available by "+24V ".....................................................................211 Sub-panel input port principle which is available by " GND "....................................................................... 212 Sub-panel output port principle which is availability by "+5V ".................................................................... 212 General, movement control I/O output port principle which is availability by "IPE".................................... 212 Reference points connection principle............................................................................................................ 213 Limit signal connection principle ................................................................................................................... 214





GTCNC-150IM-II is one middle grade flush type CNC control system that has been designed by Chengdu Great Industrial Co., Ltd, aiming specially at milling machine & machining center. Based on modern computer technology, system move control core & PLC program running technology, and stable unique real time control engine subsystem RTAI, this system ensures the stabilization of operation. The use of high performance, low power consumption industrial grade ARM microprocessor as core of hardware, large scale FPGA integrate circuit, multiple layer (4,6) printed circuit, 32MB flash memory, 8.4 inch real color LCD which provides friendly human-machine dialogue interface makes this system work to its best.


1. WARNING Applied when there is a danger of user being injured or user being injured and equipment is damaged. 2. CAUTION Reminds operator must be caution in the relative operation, otherwise lead this operation failure or damage the equipment. 3. NOTE APPLIED TO INDICATE SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION AND EXPLANATION.

This system has function to backup parameters. After debugging machine, it can backup all parameters of machine & system and PLC documents to computer. It is convenient not only for mass debugging, but also for machine recovery to normal after changing system. (refer to Chapter 3.6)





2.1 System constructions
32 bits high performance, low power consumption industrial grade ARM microprocessor 64MB memory 32MB user store room 640x480 8.4 inch real color LCD displayer Touch screen main and sub panel High anti-jamming switch power USB-disk interface RS232 interface Programmable I/O 118X46 Spindle servo speed control/spindle frequency conversion speed control Manual pulse generator

2.2 System technical parameter

controllable axes: X, Y, Z, A, B five axes simultaneous axes: Arc 2-3 axes, liner 2-5 axes. pulse equivalent: X, Y, Z, A, B axes: 0.001mm max speed: X, Y, Z, A, B: 60000mm/min cutting speed: 1-20000mm/min min input unit: 0.001mm program size range: 99999.999 99 tools management umbrella type and turn-plate type tool magazines are available program code: ISO-840 international standard program coordinate system definition: ISO-841 mean time between failure(MTBF): more than 5000 hours cabinet protection complies with regulation of IP54

2.3 System function

2.3.1 Auto-diagnosis function:
All around diagnosis of CPU, memory, LCD, I/O interface, parameter status, coordinates, machining program etc. shall execute when the system starts or resets. In operation, it makes real time diagnosis for power supply, spindle, limit and all I/O interface.

2.3.2 Compensation function:

automatic backlash compensation tool length automatic compensation tool radius automatic compensation tool radius automatic offset and sharp angle transition leading screw pitch error automatic compensation



2.3.3 Abundant instruction system:

scaling up/down instruction mirror machining instruction multiple tool offset instruction program cycle, jump, call and different program ending multiple positioning instruction: starting point, setting fixed point, etc. linear, circular, spiral line interpolation instruction program management instructions: program cycle, call, transfer and different program ending method, etc. 6 work coordinate system and 4 reference points

2.3.4 Chinese/English menu, full screen edition:

Easy operation, convenient viewing

2.3.5 Abundant debugging functions:

it can point out clearly what errors of operation are and guide to correct them.

2.3.6 Program exchange between CNC system and IBM/PC series compatible computer
Apply CAD/CAM/CAPP auxiliary programming by using PC series compatible computer's abundant software resources, then transfer the CNC program into CNC system through (USB-disc port, RS232 port. Likewise it also can transfer the program from system to PC through communication port.

2.4 System operation condition

2.4.1 Power supply:
AC 220V(+10 /-15), Frequency 50Hz2. Power: 200W. NOTE: It must apply isolation transformer to supply power, primary input: 380V

2.4.2 Climate condition

z z z operation condition: temperature 045,relative moisture 30-95% storage & transportation condition temperature: -4055,relative moisture<93(40) atmosphere pressure: 86-106kpa

2.4.3 Operation environment:

No excessive dust, acid, alkali corrosive gas and explosive gas, no strong electromagnetic interference




3.1 Panel layout and switch

Fig 3.1 panel layout

Switch introduction:
Chart 1: Switch introduction Switch Emergency stop (yellow/red) Program run (green) Program end (red) Functions Driver and motor stop immediately, turns off the spindle, coolant, waits for the release E-stop button, and initializes values Execute the auto-machining program, meanwhile light turns on In automatic continual run, press once to pause, twice to end immediately; in manual mode run, press once to end.



Spindle override switch Feed axes override switch Chart 2: buttons introduction: Keyboards Letter key Number key Functions

In the process of spindle running, adjusts the speed accordingly. When program runs or in manual state, it can make a real-time adjustment of feed speed

C H R TA X Y Z L I J K S F M G D P N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . - : u s e d for editing program instructions, parameters; number keys are used for inputting data and selecting sub-menu. , , , : move cursor, input data or select menu. etc Del: delete one character behind the cursor PgUp, PgDn: page up, page down Alt: shift key , shift coordinate system in manual or auto mode Back: delete one character before the cursor Home: move the cursor to the beginning of line in programming editing status; move cursor to the first parameter place in parameter menu End: move the cursor to the end of line in programming editing status; move cursor to the last parameter place in parameter menu Esc returning to upper level or stop a operation Enter selecting sub-menu and changing a new line Shift top key input program shift to program edition interface para shift to parameter setting interface dgnos shift to diagnosis function interface manual shift to manual status interface auto shift to automatic status interface MDI shift to MDI function interface adjust manual increment or handwheel override shift auto-coordinates/graphic machining mode shift between single block/continuous mode work with PgUp or PgDn: set the brightness of the screen. spindle cw, stop, ccw, jog cw, jog ccw coolant on/off axis reference returning spindle tool tighten / release tool magazine rotate CW, CCW lubrication on/off adjust federate adjust spindle rotating speed exit system safely For X, Y, Z, A axes feed

Edit key

Function key

Control key

Feed key

+X +Y +Z +4 X Y Z -4



Rapid key Self-definition key Soft key K1, K2, . . . K8 F1, F2, F8

Used for rapid moving axis in manual mode Self definition control Menu shift, function selection

3.2 Operation interface

Whole system adopts multi-leveled menu full screen operation, user-friendly interface, providing comprehensive information. It enters into the main interface as followed as booting.

Fig3.2 operation panel Definition of each display area (fig 3.2) in the system main screen as below: 1. title bar: the top column shows companys logo and current time 2. program display area: show the program which will execute or being running /tmp/NC/is default path or program and 89 is program name. 3. G code display area: show the G status of current executing program or the coordinate system in non-auto mode. For example: G53 means machine coordinate system. 4. program display area: show the program content which being executed or running and the progress (show through scroll bar) 5. feed speed display area: show the speed, rate, real speed and speed ratio of feed axis. F5000 in the column means the speed is 5000mm/min; F0 means real running speed is 0mm/min; percentage means the rate switch gear level is 100%.proportional band shows the proportion between real running speed and the max speed setting in the parameter. The green part means the real running speed is less than 60% of the max running speed, it is safety area; yellow part means the real running speed is 60%-100% of the max speed, it is warning area; red part means the real running speed is more than 100% of the max running speed. It is dangerous area. 6. spindle revolution display area: show speed, rate, real running speed and speed ratio of spindle under present code. S2000 in the column means the speed is 2000r/min; S0 followed means the real running speed is 0r/min; percentage means the rate switch gear level is 100%. proportional band shows the proportion between real running speed and the max speed setting in the parameter. the green part means the real running speed is less than 60% of the max running speed, it is safe area; yellow part means the real running speed is 60%-100% of the max speed, it is warning area; red part means the real running speed is higher than 100% of the max running speed. It is dangerous area. 7. manual or auto mode display area: show the display mode in manual or auto and continuous, increment, MPG status etc and relevant information in the manual mode.



8. M code display area: show the validity of M code. Green light means valid and red-light means invalid. 9. tool status display area: show relevant information, as show in fig3.2 from left to right, the first T01 means the current tool number on the spindle; H0 means the current tool edge H (length compensation number); D0 means the current tool edge D (radius compensation number) 01 means current cutter seat number, cutter seat number at tool exchange position; T00 means tool number on the current cutter seat. 10. machine coordinates display area: show the coordinates value of machine coordinates (G53) 11. coordinates display area: dynamic coordinates display, showing present coordinates (machine coordinate system or work coordinate system).the circle behind coordinates sign (X, Y, Z, A)means indicator light, which shows the status of reference returning for each coordinate, green light means the coordinates has returned machine refer zero, otherwise not. Make sure all zero returning indicator are green during running or before auto running. NOTE: If servo driver alarm or other phenomenon after zero returning, the green light will go off. 12. machining time display area: show the executed time for present program. 13. workpiece number display area: show the cycle times for present program, quantity of machined workpieces 14. program block display area: show the exact program block for present program. 15. information display area: show the relevant information of system and machine. such as alarm, soft limit and so on. 16. program running status display area: show the auto running status of the program .such as step, continual, real machining, simulation, stop, run etc. 17. menu display area: used for display function menu. Press corresponding softkey (F) to shift.

System menu structure:

Whole system adopts multi-leveled menu as followed:



Fig 3.3 menu array Above menus in fig3.3 can be viewed by press the function softkeys of PRGRM, PARAM, REDEEM, MANUAL, AUTO on the panel, press ESC will return to main menu. Input data into the dialogue box: The whole system adopts dialogue data input. Replace the data directly when input data in the dialogue box and confirm by pressing Enter key or cancel by pressing Esc key.

Fig3.4 dialogue box for data input NOTE: There are words like<-Clear:F1> <-Zero:F8> on the top of dialogue box, means you can clear



the data in the dialogue box by pressing F1, set the data as 0 by pressing F8.

3.3 Parameter
Shift to parameter setting menu by pressing PARAM on the main panel, press PARAM once will shift to parameter interface, including USER, SPEED, COORD, MACRO, AXIS, COMP, PASSWD, CANCEL; press twice will shift to diagnosis interface, including Contrl, I/O, LadStat, ALARM, EditLad, ResetDr, Editcfg, CANCEL; press three times will shift to pitch error compensation interface, including X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, Fourth, Fifth, CLEAR, CANCEL; shift to the parameter setting interface by pressing corresponding key, press CANCEL or Esc will return to main interface. NOTE Repeat press PARAM will shift among PARAM, Diagnosis, and PITCH.

The 1st screen parameter

The 2nd screen diagnosis

The 3rd screen pitch compensation Fig3.5 parameter interface First interface: Parameter USER system basic function parameter, user maybe set these parameters as machining. SPEED the parameters related to speed of each axis. COORD set the coordinates value of work coordinate systems from G54 to G59 in the machine coordinate system. MACRO set macro variable value from No.30 to No.190. AXIS set parameters related to each axis such as compensation, limit, function parameters. COMP set the parameters except for above menus. PASSWD set the parameters related to system operation limit. Second interface: diagnosis Contrl set the program type of tool exchanging. I/O display of input and output. LadStat status display of PLC ladder. ALARM display the current alarm and history records of 10 alarms. EditLad set embedded PLC ladder online. ResetDr reset servo driver. Editcfg edit the current configuration. Third interface: pitch error compensation X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, Fourth, Fifth used for setting the parameter related to pitch error compensation of X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, fourth axis and fifth axis. CLEAR clear the current pitch error compensation.



3.4 Parameter Explanation

For convenient search for parameters, parameters are classified to be user parameter, speed parameter, coordinate system, macro variable parameter, axis parameter and comprehensive parameter.

3.4.1 User parameter

User parameter composed by basic function parameter, which are frequent applied in the system. Under the main interface, press USER(F1) softkey, will shift to user parameter setting interface, refer to fig 3.6

Fig 3.6 User parameter User parameter list: 1. workpiece machining number setting 2. program automatic running times with M20 3. retraction value "d" of canned cycle G73(mm) 4. retraction value "d" of canned cycle G83(mm) 5. direction of offset Q of canned cycle G76 6. direction of offset Q of canned cycle G87 7. spindle orienting stop degree of boring canned cycle(0.1degree) 8. chip removal tapping G84G74(0:high speed, 8:normal) 9. retraction value d of chip removal tapping G84G74 (mm) 28. whether need spindle rotate as program running(0: yes, 90: no) 30. whether need individual adjustment to G00 override(88:yes, 0: no) 31. whether manual soft limit is valid without zero returning (88:yes, 0: no) 32. is there any hint for spindle top/low gear(88:yes, 0: no) 33. whether apply intervention switch(88:yes, 0: no) 34. make soft limit invalid(X4,Z16,Y8,A32,B64) 35. system default coordinate system(54-59 corresponding G54-G59,other G53) 36. can G92 modify G54-G59 (800:yes, 0: no) 37. are lubrication and cooling keys valid in auto mode(1:yes, 0: no) 38. does spindle rotation and tool unclamp interlock (1:yes, 0: no) 39. request for zero return as booting and program running(1: no need, 0: hint, 8:force, 9:super force )




40. checking input point of G31 (valid+300, invalid+400) 41. G31_X 42, G31_Y 43. G31_Z 44, G31_A 45. G31_B 51. edit increment value of program sequence number 100. set LCD brightness 101. set system time(Y-M-D-H-M) 102. restore factory para setting User parameter explanation: No.1 workpiece machining number setting To set the work count showing on the screen for current machining, after set this parameter, the PartCount will display the refreshed number, and the this value will be increased according to the machined parts increasing.

Fig3.7 NO.2 program automatic running times with M20 Set times of cycle programming using M20 command. if the value is set to be minus, means limitless recycle. NO.3 retraction value "d" of canned cycle G73 (mm) Set the dimension of retraction value d of high speed deep hole drill cycle G73. unit:mm. NO.4 retraction value "d" of canned cycle G83 (mm) Set the dimension of retraction value d of chip removal drill cycle G83. unit: mm. NO. 5 direction of offset Q of canned cycle G76 To set G76 Circle codes offset (Q) direction of precision boring cycle. The coordinates and directions are some differences to same value in different plane, refer to following tables: Plane NO.5 parameter setting 1 G17 2 3 4 1 G18 2 3 4 1 G19 2 3 4 NO. 5 direction of offset Q of canned cycle G76 +X -X +Y -Y +Z -Z +X -X +Y -Y +Z -Z

NO.6 direction of offset Q of canned cycle G87 To set G87 Circle codes offset (Q) direction of back boring cycle. The coordinates and direction are




different to same value in different plane, please refer to following tables: Plane NO.6 parameter setting 1 G17 2 3 4 1 G18 2 3 4 1 G19 2 3 4 NO.6 direction of offset Q of canned cycle G87 +X -X +Y -Y +Z -Z +X -X +Y -Y +Z -Z

NO.7 spindle orienting stop degree of boring canned cycle (0.1degree) Used for set the spindle stop angel degree after boring job when execute boring canned cycle, ensure the workpiece not be scratched by tools. Unit: 0.1 degree, set range: 0-3600. NO.8 chip removal tapping G84G74 (0: high speed, 8: normal) As chip removal tapping G84G74; this value is set to be 0 means removal chip high speed, set to be 8 means normal removal chip. NO.9 retraction value d of chip removal tapping G84G74 (mm) Set the retraction value d of chip removal tapping G84G74. unit: mm NO.28 whether need spindle rotate as program running (0: yes, 90: no) Set the spindle rotate interlock with program running, set to be 0, program running need spindle rotating; set to be 90 means no need detect spindle rotate as program running. NO.30 whether need individual adjustment to G00 override (88: yes, 0: no) Set the G00 override. Set to be 88 means individual adjustment, means G00 override is set by PgUp and PgDn; set to be 0 means machining speed override is adjusted by feed override. NO.31 whether manual soft limit is valid without zero returning (88: yes, 0: no) Set the relationship between reference returning status and soft limit. Set to be 88 means the soft limit function is valid although without reference returning; set to be 0 means the soft limit function is invalid before reference returning. CAUTION This parameters setting depends on using situation, but may lead to accident because of improper setting or operation, please pay attention! NO.32 is there any hint for spindle top/low gear (88: yes, 0: no) Set whether automatic hint when shift spindle gear. Set to be 88 means there is hint automatically if the speed is not suitable for the gear as automatic gear shifting; set to be 0 means system does not check whether speed is suitable for the gear. NO.33 whether apply intervention switch (88: yes, 0: no) This value set to be 88 means apply intervention switch, set to be 0 means not apply intervention switch. NO.34 make soft limit invalid (X4, Z16, Y8, A32, B64) This parameter is used for setting whether soft limit function valid. When set this value is 0 means soft limit is valid; set to be 4 means X-axis soft limit function is invalid; set to be 16 means Z-axis soft limit




function is invalid; set to be 8 means Y-axis soft limit function is invalid; set to be 32 means A-axis soft limit function is invalid; set to be 64 means B-axis soft limit function is invalid; NOTE 1. Set two or more axes soft limit function is invalid, just add the corresponding axes parameter value. i.e. set X and Z axes soft limit function is invalid, the parameter is set to be 20(4+16). 2. This parameter setting depends on users need, normally we suggest this value set to be valid, to prevent equipment is damaged from excess of stroke. Please attention, to realize soft limit function, besides set this parameter, you have to set the each axis limit stroke in the USER parameter. CAUTION This parameters setting depends on using situation, but may lead to accident because of improper setting or operation, please pay attention! NO.35 system default coordinate system (54-59 corresponding G54-G59, other G53) Applied to set the system default coordinate system, value 54-59 corresponding to G54-G59, other value is G53. i.e.: this parameter is set to be 54 means system default coordinate system is G54. NO.36 can G92 modify G54-G59 (800: yes, 0: no) As this parameter set to be 800, G92 will modify the current work coordinate system as program running, set to be 0 will not modify the current work coordinate system. 37. are lubrication and cooling keys valid in auto mode(1:yes, 0: no) Set whether the lubrication and cooling keys valid in the AUTO mode. As this parameter set to be 0 means invalid; set to be 1 means valid. This parameter setting related to operation mode, as this parameter set to be valid, operator can control the valid status of lubrication and cooling to satisfy the condition of manufacturing process. NO.38 does spindle rotation and tool unclamp interlock (1:yes, 0: no) Set whether spindle rotation and tool unclamp interlock, as this parameter set to be 0 means spindle tighten/release tool is not related to spindle rotation; as this parameter set to be 1 means that spindle tighten/release tool is interlocked with spindle rotation, that means spindle can be rotated only in the status of tool tightened. This parameter setting is related to machine tools configuration and user applied request, for the sake of safety, strongly recommend set this parameter to be 1 and make it interlock. NO.39 request for zero return as booting and program running (1: no need, 0: hint, 8:force, 9:super force) To set the treatment mode of reference returning as system booting, there are 4 kinds of treatment mode as below: Set to be 1: there is no remind or limit to reference returning after system booting. Set to be 0 is remind mode: there is a dialogue box remind operator to execute reference returning after system booting every time, there is no limit after then. Set to be 8 is force mode: there is a dialogue box reminds operator to execute reference returning every time after system booting and run system, system will reminds feed axes have not returned to reference and wont execute program if not execute reference returning before running in the AUTO mode. Set to be 9 is super forcing mode: there is a dialogue box reminds operator to execute reference returning every time after system booting and feed axes moving, system will reminds feed axes have not returned to reference and wont execute moving if not execute reference returning. CAUTION




This parameter setting is related to machine tools configuration, set to be other value if no reference point switch on the machine, if there is reference point switch on the machine, suggest set this parameter to be 8 or 9, to prevent equipment failure from without reference returning. NO.40 checking input point of G31 (valid+300, invalid+400) As this parameter set to be 300, will check the input signal of skip function; as this value set to be 400, wont check the input signal of skip function. NO.41 G31_X NO.42 G31_Y NO.43 G31_Z NO.44 G31_A NO.45 G31_B NO.41~NO.45 parameters are skip block function. NO.51 edit increment value of program sequence number This parameter is applied to set increment value of program sequence number. NO.100 set LCD brightness Set the brightness of LCD display. In the parameter dialogue box: PgUp means increasing brightness, PgDn means decrease brightness, Home means back to default. NO.101 set system time(Y-M-D-H-M) Applied to modify system date and rime, system will base on this time after setting, will time according to inner clock, and display on the top right corner. Set methods as below: Select NO.101 under the interface of USER, press enter and pop up dialogue as Fig3.8, input year, month, day, hour, minute to set, press Enter after setting: for example: August, 04, 2008. 09:50, will input 2008-8-4-09-50 and then press Enter.

Fig3.8 NO.102 restore factory para setting Set factory parameter to be current parameter. If there is parameter confused in the process of debugging, apply this parameter to set the factory parameter to be current parameter. NOTE After executing restore factory parameter, the existing parameter will be covered.

3.4.2 Speed
in order to make sure feed axis motor(machine work table) run in the safe scope and guaranty operation characteristic, this system supply some parameter setting related to speed and acceleration. In the parameter interface, press SPEED soft key will shift to speed parameter setting menu. Select the parameter needs to be modified, then press Enter will pop up a dialogue box, then input value. Refer to fig3.9.




fig3.9 speed parameter setting Speed parameter list: 1. G00 speed of X-axis(mm/min) 2. G00 speed of Y-axis(mm/min) 3. G00 speed of Z-axis(mm/min) 4. G00 speed of 4th-axis(mm/min) 5. G00 speed of 5th-axis(mm/min) 6. default speed of G01/G02/G03(mm/min) 7. simulation speed (mm/min) 8. acceleration of X-axis ((mm/min)/s) 9. acceleration of Y-axis ((mm/min)/s) 10. acceleration of Z-axis ((mm/min)/s) 11. acceleration of 4th-axis ((mm/min)/s) 12. acceleration of 5th-axis ((mm/min)/s) 15. MPG acceleration(12--5000) 16. speed up/down in auto running mode(500-32000) 17. positive speed of X-axis as reference returning (mm/min) 18. positive speed of Y-axis as reference returning (mm/min) 19. positive speed of Z-axis as reference returning (mm/min) 20. positive speed of 4th-axis as reference returning (mm/min) 21. positive speed of 5th-axis as reference returning (mm/min) 22. reverse speed of X-axis as reference returning (mm/min) 23. reverse speed of Y-axis as reference returning (mm/min) 24. reverse speed of Z-axis as reference returning 25. reverse speed of 4th-axis as reference returning 26. reverse speed when 5th-axis as reference returning (mm/min) 27. max speed as rapidly stop feed axis (mm/min) 28. max feed speed in manual mode (mm/min) 29. max feed speed in auto mode (mm/min) 30. max MPG speed of Z-axis (mm/min) 31. max MPG speed of X,Y(C), 4th-axis (mm/min) 32. initial speed as feed axis running(mm/min) 33. speed skip variable of continuous track(mm/min)




34. end speed of reverse deceleration in program running(mm/min) 35. whether enable speed treating function (76: yes, 0: no) 36. manual feed axis speed (mm/min) 100. spindle manual revolution (rpm) 101. max spindle revolution at top gear(rpm) 102. max spindle revolution at low gear (2nd gear) (rpm) 103. max spindle revolution at 3rd gear (rpm) 104. max spindle speed at 4th gear (rpm) 105. max revolution of 2nd spindle (rpm) 106. acceleration of spindle pulse control((mm/min)/s) 120. serial communication speed of RS232 Speed parameter explanation: NO.1 G00 speed of X-axis, unit: mm/min X axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max value:30000. NO.2 G00 speed of Y-axis, unit: mm/min Y axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max value:30000. NO.3 G00 speed of Z-axis, unit: mm/min Z axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max value:30000. NO.4 G00 speed of 4th-axis, unit: mm/min or deg/min The 4th axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max value:30000. NO.5 G00 speed of 5th-axis, unit: mm/min or deg/min The 5th axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max value:30000. NO.6 default speed of G01/G02/G03, unit: mm/min As no given speed for the first interpolation command (G01/G02/G03) in the program, the command called default speed in the auto mode. Initial value: 2000, max value: 5000. NO.7 simulation speed, unit: mm/min Running speed in simulation mode. initial value: 20000, Max:30000 NO.8 acceleration of X-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s The acceleration time constant for X-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000, value range: 1-99999 NO.9 acceleration of Y-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s The acceleration time constant for Y-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000, value range: 1-99999 NO.10 acceleration of Z-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s The acceleration time constant for Z-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000, value range: 1-99999 NO.11 acceleration of 4th-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s The acceleration time constant for 4th-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000, value range: 1-99999 NO.12 acceleration of 5th-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s The acceleration time constant for 5th-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000,




value range: 1-99999 NOTE: The value of acceleration is related to equipment configuration. usually, the heavier the load the smaller the value. NO.15 MPG acceleration(12--5000) To set the acceleration time constant as apply MPG, setting range is 12-5000, the bigger the value, the bigger the acceleration. NO.16 speed up/down in auto running mode (500-32000) To set acceleration constant in the auto mode, value range: 500-32000. as this parameter value set within the range of 500-32000, speed will depends on this parameter in auto mode, otherwise, will depends on each axis acceleration value in user parameter. This parameter is mainly used to distinguish acceleration in manual mode and auto mode; Set this parameter only there is much difference of acceleration in the two modes; otherwise, usually set as invalid. NO.17 positive speed of X-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min The running speed of X-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of X-axis. NO.18 positive speed of Y-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min The running speed of Y-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of Y-axis. NO.19 positive speed of Z-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min The running speed of Z-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of Z-axis. NO.20 positive speed of 4th-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min The running speed of 4th-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of 4th-axis. NO.21 positive speed of 5th-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min The running speed of 5th-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of 5th-axis. NO.22 reverse speed of X-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min As X-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500. NO.23 reverse speed of Y-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min As Y-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500. NO.24 reverse speed of Z-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min As Z-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500. NO.25 reverse speed of 4th-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min As 4th-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500. NO.26 reverse speed of 5th-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min As 5th-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500. NOTE 1. return to reference point also named as return to machine zero point 2. the revere speed parameter value affects precision of reference returning, the smaller the value the higher the precision, do not change the value after setting, otherwise will affect reference point position.




NO.27 max speed as rapid stop feed axis, unit: mm/min Set the stop mode limit in running. No deceleration as the speed is higher than this parameter value, otherwise these is deceleration as the speed is lower than this parameter value. As one axis running speed is higher than this parameter value, system will stop the current running axis directly if meets E-top or other failure (i.e.: limit), that means the speed of current axis will become zero from current value directly (pay attention: now the machine zero will be lost, demand returning reference point again); contrarily, as axis running speed is lower than this parameter value, system will control running axis speed decelerated to zero according to normal. NO.28 max feed speed in manual mode, unit: mm/min The max running speed limitation to feed axis in manual mode. NO.29 max feed speed in auto mode, unit: mm/min The max speed of each axis in auto mode. Initial value: 12000, max value: 30000. NO.30 max MPG speed of Z-axis, unit: mm/min Set the max MPG speed of Z-axis in manual mode, unit: mm/min. setting range100max manual speed. This parameter setting related to load of equipment, recommend this value is not more than 2000. NOTE: It is valid as setting value is more than 100, otherwise, will no limit to max speed. NO.31 max MPG speed of X, Y, (C), 4th-axis, unit: mm/min Set the max MPG speed of X, Y, (C), 4th-axis in manual mode, unit: mm/min. setting range 100max manual speed. If the setting value is less than 100, will no limit to max speed. This parameter setting related to load of equipment, recommend this value is not more than 3000. NO.32 initial speed as feed axis running, unit: mm/min Set the initial speed as feed axis speed up, also is the end speed as axis speed down. It means, as the feed speed lower than this value will arrival without speed up/down, as running speed is more than this value, speed up began from this value. The parameter value setting depends on drive type and loading, initial value is 500. NO.33 speed skip variable of continuous track, unit: mm/min Applied as speed is changed when multiple axes continuous track interpolation, make sure the max mutational increment of each axis as interpolating speed, it means there will be speed up/down as the speed increment is more than this value, if less than this value will arrival directly. Mainly used for increasing coherence as multi-axes continuous track interpolation. For example: as this value is 200 and X-axis speed changed from F1000 to F2000 in multi-axes continuous track interpolation, the change process is Z-axis speed is changed from F1000 to 12000 at first, then accelerated to F2000 by the No.8 value in SPEED parameter. NO.34 end speed of reverse deceleration in program running, unit: mm/min Set the start speed of speed up/down of each axis reverse moving in auto mode. Unit: mm/min. This parameter is different with NO.32 (initial speed as feed axis running) in SPEED, NO.32 is normal start speed of speed up/down, but this parameter is applied in reverse moving in auto mode, generally this parameter is a little less than NO.32. NO.35 whether enable speed treating function (76: yes, 0: no) Whether enable speed smooth treating function in auto mode, as set to be 0 means not enable, set as 76 means enable. Speed smooth treating function is applied in continuous high speed short line segment interpolation, it preview and pre-treatment to the speed, to get the smooth transition speed in reverse or corner, to increase surface finish of workpiece. NOTE




Normally this parameter is set as not enable, it will increase calculation cost of CPU, may decrease the running efficiency of system. NO.36 manual feed axis speed, unit: mm/min Set feed axis speed in manual mode. Initial value: 5000, value range: less than the max speed in the manual mode (the value of NO.28 in SPEED). NOTE: The two parameters above is changed depends on manual setting, that means system will refresh this parameter as modify the speed in the manual mode. NO.100 spindle manual revolution, unit: rpm Set the max rotate speed of spindle in manual mode. Initial value: 2000, value range: less than the max speed of spindle. NO.101 max spindle revolution at top gear (rpm) Set the max rotate speed of spindle. Unit: r/min This parameter is the top gear or first gear speed if there is top/low gears or multi-gears function. NO.102 max spindle revolution at low gear (2nd gear) , unit: rpm Set the max speed of low gear/2nd gear of spindle. Unit: r/min NO.103 max spindle revolution at 3rd gear, unit: rpm For multi-gears function, this parameter is applied to set the max speed of the 3rd gear. Unit: r/min. NO.104 max spindle speed at 4th gear, unit: rpm For multi-gears function, this parameter is applied to set the max speed of the 4th gear. Unit: r/min. NO.105 max revolution of 2nd spindle, unit: rpm For double spindles, this parameter is applied to set the max speed of the 2nd spindle. Unit: r/min. NO.106 acceleration of spindle pulse control, unit: (mm/min)/s Set the speed up/down time constant(acceleration) as spindle is pulse control mode, the more the value, the higher the speed, contrarily, the speed is lower. Initial value:8000, value range: 199999. NO.120 serial communication speed of RS232 Set the baud rate of RS232 serial communication. the corresponding baud rate table as below: NO.120 parameter value setting 0 1 2 3 serial communication rate(unit: bps) 7200 9600 14400 19200 NO.120 parameter value setting 4 5 6 serial communication rate(unit: bps) 38400 57600 115200

3.4.3 Coordinate system

The coordinate system in this parameter is work coordinate system and one machine coordinate systemG53. The coordinate system applied for machining is named as work coordinate system and preset by CNC. One or more work coordinate systems are allowed in one work program, the work coordinate system can be changed by moving its zero point. That means, the coordinates value is the coordinates of its own zero point in the machine coordinate system. Its allowable to set 6 work coordinates from G54 to G59, can modify the coordinates value of zero point of 6 work coordinate systems in the machine coordinate system. amend their zero point value standing on the machine. refer to Fig3.12




G54 : work coordinate system 1 G56 : work coordinate system 3 G58 : work coordinate system 5

G55 : work coordinate system 2 G57 : work coordinate system 4 G59 : work coordinate system 6

Fig3.10 work coordinate system setting Press , softkey to select the work coordinate system which you want to modify, then press Enter and input the value into the dialogue box. The six work coordinate systems can be set by users and calling by G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, G59. NOTE 1. the machine coordinate system G53 in this parameter, is established according to the machine reference point, can modify the offset of machine coordinate system G53 from original status, can be applied to adjust tool setting error. If want to return to original status, only set the offset of G53 to be 0. this offset is cleared after system reboot or return to zero; all the work coordinates will offset correspondingly after this parameter is set. 2. generally, work coordinate system is established in the manual mode at first time and modify it under PARAM menu if some offset when machining. For example: tool moves to certain point and select corresponding coordinate system, and input your intent value, system will automatically calculate the coordinates value of original point of current coordinate system in the machine coordinate system, and save in the parameter. If there is deviation after machining, modify the coordinate value of corresponding coordinate system in PARAM

3.4.4 Macro Variable parameter

In this system, there are 161 macro variables parameters "#30-#190, macro variables #30-#100 are intermediate type, they are not saved after power off, so must assign them before using in macro program; macro variables #101-#190 are retainable type, they will be saved after power off. Press MACRO softkey in the interface of PARAM will shift to macro variable setting interface. Select the parameter by up/down key, then input value after press Enter. Detailed explanation for macro variables, please refer to "User macro program"

3.4.5 Axis parameter

Axis parameter applied to set the parameter which is related to compensation, limit, function setting and so on.




In the interface of PARAM, press AXIS soft key, will shift to AXIS parameter setting interface, select parameter need to be modified by up/ down key and input value by press Enter. Refer to fig 3.11.

Fig 3.11 axis parameter setting Axis parameter list 1. negative max stroke of X-axis(mm) 2. positive max stroke of X-axis(mm) 3. negative max stroke of Y-axis(mm) 4. positive max stroke of Y-axis(mm) 5. negative max stroke of Z-axis(mm) 6. positive max stroke of Z-axis(mm) 7. negative max stroke of 4th-axis(mm) 8. positive max stroke of 4th-axis(mm) 9. negative max stroke of 5th-axis(mm) 10. positive max stroke of 5th-axis(mm) 11. backlash compensation of X-axis(um) 12. backlash compensation of Y-axis(um) 13. backlash compensation of Z-axis(um) 14. backlash compensation of 4th-axis(um) 15. backlash compensation of 5th-axis(um) 16. whether apply electronic gear for feed axis (0: yes, 1: no) 17. numerator of X-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 18. denominator of X-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 19. numerator of Y-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 20. denominator of Y-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 21. numerator of Z-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 22. denominator of Z-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 23. numerator of 4th-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 24. denominator of 4th-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 25. numerator of 5th-axis electronic gear(1-32767) 26. denominator of 5th-axiss electronic gear(1-32767) 27. direction signal of X-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) 28. direction signal of Y-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) 29. direction signal of Z-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) 30. direction signal of 4th-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal )




31. direction signal of 5th-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) 32. reference returning method for feed axis (0-reverse, check 0; 1-REV, no CHE 0; 2-no REV, CHE 0; other-no REV, no CHE 0) 33. switch NC setting of feed axis for reference return (X1,Y2,Z4,A8,B16) 34. reverse of reference returning for feed axis(X4,Y8,Z16,A32,B64) 35. the max length to check zero as X-axis reference returning (0.1mm) 36. the max length to check zero as Y-axis reference returning (0.1mm) 37. the max length to check zero as Z-axis reference returning (0.1mm) 38. the max length to check zero as 4th-axis reference returning (0.1mm) 39. the max length to check zero as 5th-axis reference returning (0.1mm) 40. offset after X-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) 41. offset after Y-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) 42. offset after Z-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) 43. offset after 4th-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) 44. offset after 5th-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) 46. reverse delay time of feed axis(ms) 47. feed axes follow(AX7,AY8,AZ9,CX17,CY18,CZ19) 48. equivalent treating for XY(C)ZA axis 51. 4th-axis function setting (0: rotary axis, 1: linear axis) 52. 5th-axis function setting (0: rotary axis, 1: linear axis) 54. regular calculation as the 4th-axis is rotary axis (work coordi: +1; machine coordi: +2) 55. regular calculation as the 5th-axis is rotary axis (work coordi: +1; machine coordi:+2) 56. system inner parameter 58. system inner parameter 59. system inner parameter 100. pulse number per revolution of spindle encoder 101. whether check spindle position feedback(1: yes; 0: no) 102. detecting degree as spindle do orientating 103. degree detecting error as spindle orientating 104. control mode as spindle homing (0:speed control, 1:pulse control, 2: driver control) 105. spindle running before homing(0.1s) 106. threading and spindle positioning control(0:both track; 1:thrd is interp, pos is track; 2:thrd is track, pos is interp; 3:both interp) 107. delay time for spindle rotate direction abrupt changing(0.1s) 108. servo spindle type(0: MODROL, 1: CTB, 8:DELTA) 109. direction signal of spindle pulse control (0: reverse, 1: normal) 110. whether apply electronic gear for spindle(0: yes; 1: no) 111. numerator of electronic gear as spindle at low gear (1-32767) 112. denominator of electronic gear as spindle at low gear(1-32767) 113. numerator of electronic gear as spindle at top gear(1-32767) 114. denominator of electronic gear as spindle at top gear(1-32767) 115. is there gear control for spindle (1:yes, 0: no) 116. whether close spindle 3rd, 4th gear (1:yes, 0: no) 117. whether start spindle as gear shifting (1:yes, 0: no) 118. duration from stop to swing as spindle shifting gear (0.01s) 119. duration from swing to gear-shifting as spindle shifting gear (0.01s) 120. swing speed of motor as spindle shifting gear (0.01 rpm)




121. the initial swing direction as spindle shifting gear (0:positive, 1:negative) 122. positive swing duration as spindle shifting gear (0.01s) 123. reverse swing duration as spindle shifting gear (0.01s) 124. will output signal of spindle gear-shifting be hold (0:no, 1: yes) 130. high speed detection for hard limit of feed axis (0:yes, 1: no) Axis parameter explanation NO.1. negative max stroke of X-axis (mm/inch) To set the max stroke of X axis in the reverse direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.2. positive max stroke of X-axis(mm/inch) Set the max stroke of X axis in the positive direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.3. negative max stroke of Y-axis(mm/inch) Set the max stroke of Y axis in the reverse direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.4. positive max stroke of Y-axis(mm/inch) Set the max stroke of Y axis in the positive direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.5. negative max stroke of Z-axis(mm/inch) Set the max stroke of Z axis in the reverse direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.6. positive max stroke of Z-axis(mm/inch) Set the max stroke of Z axis in the positive direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.7. negative max stroke of 4th-axis(mm/inch/deg) Set the max stroke of 4th-axis in the reverse direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.8. positive max stroke of 4th-axis(mm/inch/deg) Set the max stroke of 4th-axis in the positive direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.9. negative max stroke of 5th-axis(mm/inch/deg) Set the max stroke of 5th-axis in the reverse direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. NO.10. positive max stroke of 5th-axis(mm/inch/deg) Set the max stroke of 5th-axis in the positive direction, unit: mm/inch, range:-99999+99999. CAUTION Value setting for soft limit is related to equipment stroke and the usage of user. While the max value cant be more than the value which the hard limit detection switch show on the machine coordinates, otherwise, machine accident may occur. NO.11. backlash compensation of X-axis(um) To set backlash compensation value as X-axis reverse moving. As this axis move to reverse direction, system will call this value and execute compensation automatically to eliminate errors. NO.12. backlash compensation of Y-axis(um) To set backlash compensation value as Y-axis reverse moving. As this axis move to reverse direction, system will call this value and execute compensation automatically to eliminate errors. NO.13. backlash compensation of Z-axis(um) To set backlash compensation value as Z-axis reverse moving. As this axis move to reverse direction, system will call this value and execute compensation automatically to eliminate errors. NO.14. backlash compensation of 4th-axis(um) To set backlash compensation value as 4th-axis reverse moving. As this axis move to reverse direction, system will call this value and execute compensation automatically to eliminate errors. NO.15. backlash compensation of 5th-axis(um) To set backlash compensation value as 5th-axis reverse moving. As this axis move to reverse direction, system will call this value and execute compensation automatically to eliminate errors.




NO.16. whether apply electronic gear for feed axis (0: yes, 1: no) To set whether apply electric gear for feed axis, 0 means use electric gear "1" means not use. NO.17. numerator of X-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set X-axis electronic gear numerator, value range: 1--32767 NO.18. denominator of X-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set X-axis electronic gear denominator, value range: 1--32767 NO.19. numerator of Y-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set Y-axis electronic gear numerator, value range: 1--32767 NO.20. denominator of Y-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set Y-axis electronic gear denominator, value range: 1--32767 NO.21. numerator of Z-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set Z-axis electronic gear numerator, value range: 1--32767 NO.22. denominator of Z-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set Z-axis electronic gear denominator, value range: 1--32767 NO.23. numerator of 4th-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set 4th-axis electronic gear numerator, value range: 1--32767 NO.24. denominator of 4th-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set 4th-axis electronic gear denominator, value range: 1--32767 NO.25. numerator of 5th-axis electronic gear(1-32767) To set 5th-axis electronic gear numerator, value range: 1--32767 NO.26. denominator of 5th-axiss electronic gear(1-32767) To set 5th-axis electronic gear denominator, value range: 132767 NOTE The setting methods of feed axis electronic gear (to match with servo motor), refer to following formula:

L: machine displacement as the servo motor rotates one period, unit: mm P: pulse feedback as the servo motor rotates one period (motor encoder line 4) NOTE : We strongly recommend set electronic gear into servo driver to avoid the bad synchronization in simultaneous control. NO.27. direction signal of X-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) To change moving direction of X-axis, as this value is 0, the moving direction of X axis equates to command direction reverse; as this value is 1, the moving direction of X axis equates to command direction. NO.28. direction signal of Y-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) To change moving direction of Y-axis, as this value is 0, the moving direction of Y axis equates to command direction reverse; as this value is 1, the moving direction of Y axis equates to command direction. NO.29. direction signal of Z-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) To change moving direction of Z-axis, as this value is 0, the moving direction of Z axis equates to command direction reverse; as this value is 1, the moving direction of Z axis equates to command direction. NO.30. direction signal of 4th-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) To change moving direction of 4th-axis, as this value is 0, the moving direction of 4th-axis equates to




command direction reverse; as this value is 1, the moving direction of 4th-axis equates to command direction. NO.31. direction signal of 5th-axis(0:reverse, 1:normal ) To change moving direction of 5th-axis, as this value is 0, the moving direction of 5th-axis equates to command direction reverse; as this value is 1, the moving direction of 5th-axis equates to command direction. NO.32. reference returning method for feed axis (0-reverse, check 0; 1-REV, no CHE 0; 2-no REV, CHE 0; other-no REV, no CHE 0) To set the methods of detecting reference switch and zero pulse signal of motor encoder as axes do reference returning. 0: as reference returning, run in reverse to detect switch after hitting reference switch, then detect zero pulse signal of motor encoder. 1: as reference returning, run reversely to detect switch and free after hitting reference switch. 2: as reference returning, running forward to detect switch and free, then detect zero pulse signal of motor encoder after hitting reference switch. 3: as reference returning, running forward to detect switch and free after hitting reference switch. Please set the methods of Reference returning according to equipment circuit. Normally, we recommend to set as 0 or 2, because if not to detect zero pulse signal of motor encoder, the precision will all relay on reference and the precision will be poorer than detect by motor encoder. NO.33. switch NC setting of feed axis for reference return (X1,Y2,Z4,A8,B16) To set the reference switch type of each axis as reference returning is NO or NC. As this parameter is set to be 0, means all axes switch as reference returning are NO; set to be 1 means X-axis reference returning switch is NC; set to be 2 means Y-axis reference returning switch is NC; set to be 4 means Z-axis reference returning switch is NC; set to be 8 means A-axis reference returning switch is NC; set to be 16 means B-axis reference returning switch is NC; Want to set multiple axes reference returning switches to be NC, should plus corresponding axes value setting. It is related to the switches of machine. For example: to set the reference switches of X-axis, Z-axis and A-axis to be NC, set this parameter to be 13(1+4+8=13). NO.34. reverse of reference returning for feed axis(X4,Y8,Z16,A32,B64) To set the direction of feed axis reference point returning. Value 0 means the axis reference point return to positive direction; as return to reverse direction, please follow the steps below: Reference point of X axis return to reverse direction: 4; Reference point of Y axis return to reverse direction: 8; Reference point of Z axis return to reverse direction: 16; Reference point of A axis return to reverse direction: 32; Reference point of B axis return to reverse direction: 64; To set multiple axes return to reverse direction, should plus corresponding axes value setting. For example: to set the reference points of X-axis and Z-axis return to reverse direction, this parameter set to be 20(4+16=20). NO.35. the max length to check zero as X-axis reference returning (0.1mm) To set the detection range of zero pulse signal of motor encoder after release from reference switch as X-axis return to reference, Unit: 0.1mm. NO.36. the max length to check zero as Y-axis reference returning (0.1mm) To set the detection range of zero pulse signal of motor encoder after release from reference switch as




Y-axis return to reference, Unit: 0.1mm. NO.37. the max length to check zero as Z-axis reference returning (0.1mm) To set the detection range of zero pulse signal of motor encoder after release from reference switch as Z-axis return to reference, Unit: 0.1mm. NO.38. the max length to check zero as 4th-axis reference returning (0.1mm) To set the detection range of zero pulse signal of motor encoder after release from reference switch as 4th-axis return to reference, Unit: 0.1mm. NO.39. the max length to check zero as 5th-axis reference returning (0.1mm) To set the detection range of zero pulse signal of motor encoder after release from reference switch as 5th-axis return to reference, Unit: 0.1mm. NOTE Value setting for parameters N0.5255 must be less than the distance of the corresponding motor rotate one period. if match servo driver from Great CNC, please refer to following formula:

L: max length to detect zero as homing Electronic gear numerator: electronic gear numerator of servo drive, No.12 parameter Electronic gear denominator: electronic gear denominator of servo drive, No.13 parameter NO.40. offset after X-axis finished reference return (0.01mm) As X-axis do reference point returning, after detecting the zero pulse signal of servo motor, to set the offset distance to complete reference returning function. Unit: 0.01mm. Range:-99999+99999. This parameter setting is related to installation position of machine reference switch and machine coordinate system setting. NOTE: The offset after reference returning execute G00 speed. NO.41. offset after Y-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) As Y-axis do reference point returning, after detecting the zero pulse signal of servo motor, to set the offset distance to complete reference returning function. Unit: 0.01mm. Range:-99999+99999. This parameter setting is related to installation position of machine reference switch and machine coordinate system setting. NOTE: The offset after reference returning execute G00 speed. NO.42. offset after Z-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) As Z-axis do reference point returning, after detecting the zero pulse signal of servo motor, to set the offset distance to complete reference returning function. Unit: 0.01mm. Range:-99999+99999. This parameter setting is related to installation position of machine reference switch and machine coordinate system setting. NOTE: The offset after reference returning execute G00 speed. NO.43. offset after 4th-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) As 4th-axis do reference point returning, after detecting the zero pulse signal of servo motor, to set the offset distance to complete reference returning function. Unit: 0.01mm. Range:-99999+99999. This parameter setting is related to installation position of machine reference switch and machine coordinate system setting.




NOTE: The offset after reference returning execute G00 speed. NO.44. offset after 5th-axis finished reference return(0.01mm) As 5th-axis do reference point returning, after detecting the zero pulse signal of servo motor, to set the offset distance to complete reference returning function. Unit: 0.01mm. Range:-99999+99999. This parameter setting is related to installation position of machine reference switch and machine coordinate system setting. NOTE :The offset after reference returning execute G00 speed. NO.46. reverse delay time of feed axis (ms) To set delay time when the feed axis reverse in auto mode. Value non-0 means need delay; value 0 means not delay. This parameter setting related to machine situation and machining process. Heavy load and frequent reverse operation will impact much to machine, a delay time will reduce the impact to machine when the table completely stop and then reverse operation; as continuous high speed small line segment running, if set to be reverse delay will decrease the roughness. NO.47. feed axes follow (AX7, AY8, AZ9, CX17, CY18, CZ19) To set following up function for A (4th-axis), C( 5th-axis) Value 7 means A axis follows up X axis; value 8 means A axis follows up Y axis; value 9 means A axis follows up Z axis; value17 means C axis follows up X axis; value18 means C axis follows up Y axis; value 19 means C axis follows up Z axis. others means without following up function. Following up function definition applying for this system:

For example
A axis follows up X axis ---means running track of A axis and X axis are absolutely same. As programming or in manual mode, only operate X-axis, A axis will completely follows up X axis, For hardware, the pulse quantity from X axis drive output is same with that of from A axis drive output, to realize following up function. NOTE 1. Following up function usually applied into situation with high synchronicity requirement. Synchronicity coordination adjusting for two axes, please adjust parameters like rigidity parameter, etc to up to the best status. 2. In this system, only realize one axis (A axis or C axis) follow up a certain axis. NO.48. equivalent treating for XY(C)ZA axis To set frequency multiple for each axes pulse equivalent. This parameter setting will avoid motor over speed in multi-axes simultaneous and mainly apply into the cases that there is much difference between reduction ratio of certain axis and other axes. Setting guide: Value setting to change equivalent frequency multiply of X axis: 16+ multiple Value setting to change equivalent frequency multiply of Y axis: 32+ multiple Value setting to change equivalent frequency multiply of Z axis: 64+ multiple Value setting to change equivalent frequency multiply of Z axis: 128+ multiple For example: 1/2 original pulse equivalent of X axis(2 times frequency): 1/2 original pulse equivalent of Y axis(2 times frequency):

16+2=18; 32+2=34;




1/2 original pulse equivalent of Z axis(2 times frequency): 64+2=66; 1/2 original pulse equivalent of A axis(2 times frequency): 128+2=130; 1/3 original pulse equivalent of X axis(3 times frequency): 16+3=19; 1/3 original pulse equivalent of Y axis(3 times frequency): 32+3=35; 1/3 original pulse equivalent of Z axis(3 times frequency): 64+3=67; 1/3 original pulse equivalent of A axis(3 times frequency): 128+3=131; 1/2 original pulse equivalent of XY axis(2 times frequency): 16+32+2=50; 1/2 original pulse equivalent of XYZ axis(2 times frequency): 16+32+64+2=114; NOTE 1. when multiply frequency to certain axis pulse equivalent ,the corresponding drive electronic gear also need multiply frequency, then can ensure the moving size of work table is consistent with actual size. 2. when multiply frequency to multi-axes pulse equivalent, the multiply frequency value must be consistent to each axis. NO.51. 4th-axis function setting (0: rotary axis, 1: linear axis) To set the application of the 4th-axis, including rotary axis and linear axis. As this parameter is set to be 0 means apply rotary axis mode, as this parameter set to be 1 means apply linear axis mode. It depends on machine situation. NO.52. 5th-axis function setting (0: rotary axis, 1: linear axis) To set the application of the 5th-axis, including rotary axis and linear axis. As this parameter is set to be 0 means apply rotary axis mode, as this parameter set to be 1 means apply linear axis mode. It depends on machine situation. NO.54. regular calculation as the 4th-axis is rotary axis (work coordi: +1; machine coordi: +2) To set display mode of work coordinates and machine coordinates display and calculation method, when the 4th-axis is rotary axis. The calculation method includes regular calculation and irregular calculation. Regular calculation means within the range from 0 to 360, when the data over 360, divide by 360, irregular calculation means to increase as same as liner axes. The input value +1 means the work coordinates show as regular method; while input value +2 means the display and calculation method are regular method. The parameter setting depends on users circumstance. For example When the parameter is 3(1+2), means the display and calculation of work coordinates and machine coordinates are regular method. NOTE The track calculation of rotary axis function type is unrelated with above parameter, the regular or irregular of axes track depends on programming method (absolute or increase ). when use G90 code to do absolute programming, then will calculate in 360 regular method and run to the programming point in the shortest way; while use G91 code increment programming ,apply irregular method , same as linear axes. NO.56. system inner parameter Applied to set system function, set by CNC company. NO.58. system inner parameter Applied to set system function, set by CNC company. NO.59. system inner parameter




Applied to set system function, set by CNC company. NO.100. pulse number per revolution of spindle encoder Applied to set the pulse number per revolution of spindle encoder, the values is: encoder line x 4. NO.101. whether check spindle position feedback (1: yes; 0: no) To set whether the system detects spindle position feedback signal. Value 1 means to detect, value 0 means not. This parameter is to set function connected with spindle speed, such as real revolution and degree of spindle and rotate feed, to realize this function, spindle must possess encoder feedback signal. NO.102. detecting degree as spindle orientating To detect stopped degree of spindle as tool changing in the auto mode. NO.103. degree detecting error as spindle orientating To set position error range as spindle executes positioning function. Unit: 0.01 degree NO.104. control mode as spindle homing (0:speed control, 1:pulse control, 2: driver control) To set control mode of spindle zero returning (return stop degree of tool exchange) Value0 means spindle homing realized by applying speed control mode and detect encoders degree; value 1 means spindle homing realized by applying pulse control mode and detect encoders degree; value 2 means spindle homing realized by driver self-controlling. This parameter setting is related to spindle driver type. Set this parameter to be 2 to improve efficiency if the spindle drive possesses self-control homing function. Otherwise set this parameter to be 0, and have to feedback synchronous encoder signal with spindle. NO.105. spindle running before homing(0.1s) Set the running time before spindle homing. NO.106. threading and spindle positioning control(0:both track; 1:thrd is interp, pos is track; 2:thrd is track, pos is interp; 3:both interp) To set spindle control mode when executes threading and spindle positioning. Details as followed: 0both are tracking; 1threading is interpolation and positioning is tracking 2threading is tracking and positioning is interpolation; 3both are interpolation Tracking: means the spindle motion depends on feedback signal from spindle encoder Interpolation: means the spindle motion depends on pulse signal from system NO.107. delay time for spindle rotate direction abrupt changing (0.1s) To set the delay time between last commands canceling and the next command starting as the spindle change direction from CW to CCW or from CCW to CW. Unit: 0.1s NO.108. servo spindle type (0: MODROL, 1: CTB, 8: DELTA) To set servo spindle type of machine, to confirm the control mode of the system to servo spindle. Value0 means the servo spindle brand is MODRO; value 1 means the servo spindle brand is CTB-GA or general-purpose frequency inverter. Value 8 means the servo spindle brand is DELTA. NO.109. direction signal of spindle pulse control (0: reverse, 1: normal) To change the rotate direction in position (pulse) control mode, value0 means spindle rotate direction is same with commands reverse direction, value 1 means spindle rotate direction is same with commands direction. NO.110. whether apply electronic gear for spindle(0: yes; 1: no) To set whether apply electronic gear as spindle is in position control mode. Value 0 means apply electronic gear, value1 means not. NO.111. numerator of electronic gear as spindle at low gear (1-32767)




To set electronic gear numerator at low grade, the value range : 132767 NO.112. denominator of electronic gear as spindle at low gear(1-32767) To set electronic gear denominator at low grade, the value range : 132767 NO.113. numerator of electronic gear as spindle at top gear(1-32767) To set electronic gear numerator at top grade, the value range : 132767 NO.114. denominator of electronic gear as spindle at top gear(1-32767) To set electronic gear denominator at top grade, the value range : 132767 NOTE Spindle electronic gear setting, please calculate according to following formula:

A: spindle rotation degree when the spindle motor rotates one revolution. unit: degree P: feedback pulse number when the spindle motor rotates one revolution.(motor encoder line x4 ) NO.115. is there gear control for spindle (1:yes, 0: no) To set spindle high and low grade function. As machine possesses auto gear shifting function, system will realize gear shifting between high and low grade, and speed control corresponding to gears according to the commands. Value 1 means the machine possesses high and low grade; Value 0 means the machine no high and low grade. If set the spindle has high and low grade, the standard setting of K1on subpanel is high grade and K2 to control low gear grade. M61 is spindle high gear grade and M62 is spindle low gear grade in program. Auxiliary relay M64, M65 are separately high gear grade and low gear grade control, to realize high or low gear grade control, please edit PLC ladder to lead corresponding auxiliary relay to output relay Y, then to control gear shift circuit. M40, M41 separately are high or low gear grade detection, to detect gear shift in position, please edit PLC ladder and lead corresponding detection signal to the corresponding auxiliary relay. Revolution setting at high or low gear grade: set revolution for high or low gear grade through No.101 or No.102 parameter in SPEED menu. NOTE If the high or low gear are manual shift mode, please just lead corresponding detection signal to corresponding auxiliary relay and set right revolution at high or low gears when edit the PLC ladder. No need enable high or low gear grade function. NO.116. whether close spindle 3rd, 4th gear (1:yes, 0: no) Whether close the 3rd and 4th gear function of spindle, value 1 means close the 3rd and 4th gear function; value 0 means not close. NO.117. whether start spindle as gear shifting (1:yes, 0: no) This parameter is to confirm whether the spindle swing or not when gear shift, value 1 means swing, value 0 means not swing. To swing or not is connected with the machine structure; usually spindle need swing when change gears. NO.118. duration from stop to swing as spindle shifting gear (0.01s) To set the delay time from system output stop signal to start shifting gear, change gears as spindle running, unit: 0.01s.




The setting status is connected with the spindle highest speed, if this value set too small, the gear teeth may be damaged. NO.119. duration from swing to gear-shifting as spindle shifting gear (0.01s) Set the swing signal duration before output gear shifting signal. Unit: 0.01s NO.120. swing speed of motor as spindle shifting gear (0.01 rpm) Set the spindle motor speed as shifting gear, unit: .0.01r/min. It is related to the machine structure. NO.121. the initial swing direction as spindle shifting gear (0: positive, 1:negative) Set the initial rotate direction of spindle motor as shifting gear. Value 0 means same direction with M03; value 1 means the opposite direction of M03. NO.122. positive swing duration as spindle shifting gear (0.01s) Set positive swing duration when shifting gear, unit: 0.01s Setting status is connected with machine structure of gear shifting unit NO.123. reverse swing duration as spindle shifting gear (0.01s) Set reverse swing duration when shifting gear, unit: 0.01s. Setting status is connected with machine structure of gear unit. Generally, the rotate time is same between CW and CCW. NO.124. will output signal of spindle gear-shifting be hold (0:no, 1: yes) Set whether keep the spindle gear shifting signal after completed shifting (the status of auxiliary relay M64, M65), value 1 means keep; value 0 means not keep. Setting status is connected with machine structure of gear shifting unit. Usually not keep. NO.130. high speed detection for hard limit of feed axis (0:yes, 1: no) Value 0 means high speed detecting the hard limit of feed axis, the detecting period is 2ms, value 1 means not execute high speed detecting.

3.4.6 Comprehensive parameter

Comprehensive parameter is that of not including into above parameters. Press COMP softkey in the parameter interface, will shift to comprehensive parameter setting interface. Refer to fig 3.12.

Fig3.12 comprehensive parameter Select current parameter by Up/Down key, press Enter will pops up dialog for input data, for example as below:




Fig 3.13 Comprehensive parameter list: 1. subpanel control(18: all controlled by PLC) 2. inner para(6: auto enter, 8: allow import, reset by inputting 9 and enter) 3. language selection(1: , 0: English) 4. tool length/canned cycle/circular backlash type 5. B-type backlash speed of arc (mm/min) 6. subpanel type (A3;B0;C3;D6;E7;F15) 7. whether display self-defined alarm(0:no, 1: yes) 8. whether display feed axis and spindle alarm(0:no, 1: yes) 9. whether display cool/lub alarm(0:no, 1: yes) 10. whether enable tool selection and tool exchanging function(0:no, 1: yes) 11. tool management type 12. tool selection mode/ tool count signal 13. the axis returned to tool exchanging point (3:ZX;4:ZY;5:ZXY;other:Z) 14. which reference point does feed axis return as tool exchanging 15. whether detect spindle orientation and feed axis return to exchange tool point before tool exchanging (0: no, 1 : yes) 16. whether spindle do orientation as tool exchanging 0: not orientation, 1: orientation 17. spindle orientation stopping degree as tool exchanging (0.1 deg) negative means no orientation 18. tool magazine type(0: rotary, 1: no magazine or lathe tool post, other: umbrella) 19. special tool magazine(0: standard, 16: special umbrella, 32: servo ,64:special ARM) 20. the lifting height of Z-axis as tool exchanging for umbrella tool magazine (mm) 21. lifting speed of Z-axis as tool exchanging for umbrella tool magazine (mm/min) 22. Z-axis rapid lifting distance for umbrella tool magazine mm 23. delay time of tool restoring for umbrella tool magazine(rotary tool seat down/tight)(0.1s) 24. delay time after tool release as exchanging tool(0.1s) 25. does Z-axis motion are interlocked with arm seizing tool/umbrella tool magazine (1:yes, 0: no) 26. whether tool magazine forward instruction M41 check Z-axis position(0: yes, 1: no) 27. the max tool No. in fixed tool location zone (initialize tool seat after setting this parameter) 28. axis power status as startup (0: auto power up when startup, 1: no power up when startup) 29. delay time between driver power off and reboot(0.1s)




31. setup type of tool radius C compensation (0: A type, 1: B type) 32. cancellation method of tool radius C compensation (0: A type, 1: B type) 33. does M03/M04 instruction check spindle speed up to request(0: yes, 1:no) 34. delay time before spindle speed up to request (0.1s) 100. X of reference point 1(mm) 101. Y of reference point 1(mm) 102. Z of reference point 1(mm) 103. A of reference point 1(mm) 104. X of reference point 2(mm) 105. Y of reference point 2(mm) 106. Z of reference point 2(mm) 107. A of reference point 2(mm) 108. X of reference point 3(mm) 109. Y of reference point 3(mm) 110. Z of reference point 3(mm) 111. A of reference point 3(mm) 112. X of reference point 4(mm) 113. Y of reference point 4(mm) 114. Z of reference point 4(mm) 115. A of reference point 4(mm) 150. whether enable voltage compensation(2:yes, 0:no) 151. voltage compensation point 0.1V 152. voltage compensation point 0.2V 153. voltage compensation point 0.3V 154. voltage compensation point 0.4V 155. voltage compensation point 0.5V 156. voltage compensation point 0.6V 157. voltage compensation point 0.7V 158. voltage compensation point 0.8V 159. voltage compensation point 0.9V 160. voltage compensation point 1V 161. voltage compensation point 2V 162. voltage compensation point 3V 163. voltage compensation point 4V 164. voltage compensation point 5V 165. voltage compensation point 6V 166. voltage compensation point 7V 167. voltage compensation point 8V 168. voltage compensation point 9V 169. voltage compensation point 10V 170. voltage compensation value 200. standby 201. standby 202. whether start PLC program running(0:stop, 1: start) 203. defined current parameter as factory parameter Explanation for comprehensive parameter




NO.1. subpanel control (18: all controlled by PLC) Set the control mode for softkey ports of subpanel. Value 18 means the soffkey ports controlled by PLC program edited by user (except for the softkeys of coordinate system and override switch), non 18 means the softkeys ports will be controlled by preset embedded program in the system. NO.2. inner para (6: auto enter, 8: allow import, reset by inputting 9 and enter) Set the booting picture of controller, set this parameter to be 6 means auto display the preset booting picture as controller power up; set to be 8 means allow import booting picture; set to be 9 means delete the imported picture and reset. NO.3. language selection(1: , 0: English) Set the display language of controller is Chinese or English. Value 1 means apply Chinese, value 0 means apply English. NO.4. tool length/canned cycle/circular backlash type (0 digit: length compensation; 1 digit: canned cycle; 3 digit: circular backlash) (0:A; 1:B) Set tool length compensation/canned cycle/arc pitch compensation mode A and B, this parameter Input by decimal system transferred from binary system after calculation, 0 digit: set tool length compensation mode, there are two modes A and B.0 is A mode,1 is B mode A mode tool length compensation means compensate the difference value along Z axis. B mode tool length compensation refer to the tool length difference compensation along X,Y,Z axes by the instruction of G17/G18/G19. I digit: set canned cycle mode, including two modes A and B. 0 is A mode, 1 is B mode A mode means the position plane of canned cycle always is G17 (XY plane); B mode means the position plane of canned cycle is decided by G17/G18/G19 2 digit: set arc backlash compensation mode. There are two modes A and B. 0 is A mode, 1 is B mode. A mode: means execute backlash compensation together with arc interpolation; B mode: means stop arc interpolation at first, then execute backlash compensation by the speed of NO.5, then continue execute are interpolation.

For example:
If select B mode for length compensation, A mode for canned cycle and B mode for arc backlash compensation; should input 5 (value in binary system: 101). NO.5. B-type backlash speed of arc (mm/min) Set the running speed of B mode backlash compensation. Unit: mm/min. NO.6. subpanel type (A3;B0;C3;D6;E7;F15) Set the subpanel type. Value 3 means A type or C type, 0 means B type, 6 means D type, 7 means E type, 15 means F type. NO.7. whether display self-defined alarm (0:no, 1: yes) Whether display the status of auxiliary relay of self-defined alarm on the information bar real time. Value 1 means display, 0 means not display. NO.8. whether display feed axis and spindle alarm(0:no, 1: yes) Whether display the status of auxiliary relay of feed axis alarm and spindle alarm on the information bar real time. Value 1 means display, 0 means not display. NO.9. whether display cool/lub alarm(0:no, 1: yes) Whether display the status of auxiliary relay of cooling and lubrication on the information bar real time. Value 1 means display, 0 means not display. NO.10. whether enable tool selection and tool exchanging function(0:no, 1: yes)




Set whether enable select & exchange tool function or not, this parameter setting is connected with machine equipment configuration (whether possesses tool magazine). Value 0 means the function is not available; 1 means enable. Value 1 means the machine equipment with automatic tool exchange function and can work with multiple tools. if there is no tool magazine on the machine, should set this parameter to be 0, but in the auto mode, after manual change tool, still apply TxxDxxHxx instruction to realize multi-tools control and radius, length compensation. NO.11. tool management type (0: use M06, 1: directly tool exchanging by T instruction) Set the tool exchanging mode for tool magazine of rotary type and umbrella type, value 1 means apply T commands to change tool directly, value 0 means apply M06 commands to change tool. NO.12. tool selection mode/ tool count signal (0 digit: 0 means single dir/1 means bi-dir tool select; 1digit: tool count REV) Set tool selection mode and whether tool count signal is reverse, which denoted by double figure in binary system. Input in decimal system transferred from binary system calculation. 0 digit: set the rotate direction of cutterhead is uni-direction or bi-direction as selecting tools: 0 means uni-direction, 1 means bi-direction (select tool from nearer side). 1digit: set whether the tool count signal valid mode is reverse: 0 means the valid mode of tool count signal is same direction with default mode; 1 means the valid mode of tool count signal is reverse with default mode. The tool selection mode is related to tool magazine type, normally set to be bi-direction tool selection; set whether tool count signal is valid related to debugging, as debugging, if cutterhead rotate CW and CCW alternately, but the tool seat number in the tool status column on the display doesnt change accordingly, need to set the valid mode of tool count signal to be reverse from current mode, normally set as reverse. NO.13. the axis returned to tool exchanging point (3:ZX;4:ZY;5:ZXY;other:Z) Set which feed axes need to return to a given reference point (tool exchange point). Value 3 means X, Z axes return to tool exchange point as auto exchange tool; value 4 means Y, Z return to tool exchange point as auto exchange tool; 5 means X, Y, Z axes return to tool exchange point as auto exchange tool; other value except for 3, 4, 5 means only Z axis return to tool exchange point as auto exchange tool. This parameter setting related to machine type and tool magazine type, normally auto exchange tool for vertical machining center, only Z axis return to tool exchange point. NO.14. which reference point does feed axis return as tool exchanging (1, 2,3, 4 denotes corresponding reference point, other value means no motion) Set the coordinates value of auto exchange tool applies which reference point, setting range 14 (corresponding to 1st refer to 4th refer), normally apply the 2nd reference point value as exchange tool point. Set to be other values expect for 1, 2, 3, 4 means all axes wont moving as exchanging tool. NO.15. whether detect spindle orientation and feed axis return to exchange tool point before tool exchanging (0: no, 1: yes) Set whether detect spindle orientation finished and feed axes moved to tool exchange point before auto exchange tool. Set to be 1 means detect the spindle orientation degree and feed axes coordinates to improve safety; se to be 0 means no need detect spindle orientation degree and feed axes coordinates. Recommend set this parameter to be 1 as machine possesses auto exchange tools function, to improve safety of auto exchange tools. NO.16. whether spindle do orientation as tool exchanging (0: not orientation, 1: orientation) Set whether system control spindle orientation function automatically and prepare fortool exchange in automatic tool exchange mode Value 0 means the system will not control spindle orientation automatically, apply corresponding




commands to let spindle orientating before exchange tool, 1 means the system control spindle orientation automatically. NO.17. spindle orientation stopping degree as tool exchanging (0.1 deg) negative means no orientation Set spindle stop degree in automatic tool exchange mode. Value range: 0-3600, unit: 0.1degree. Usually spindle stop degree is realized through spindle servo driver in automatic tool exchange status. Set this parameter to confirm spindle stop degree as auto exchange tool only as parameter NO.104 set to be 0. NO.18. tool magazine type (0: rotary, 1: no magazine or lathe tool post, other: umbrella) Set tool magazine type of the machine equipment in order to determine the control mode of tool magazine. Value 0 means to match with rotary type tool magazine(cam type with mechanical arm) Value 1 means without tool magazine; value 2 means to match umbrella type tool magazine The parameter setting is connected with machine equipment. to control tool magazine beside set this parameter and also need to edit relative PLC program. NO.19. special tool magazine (0: standard, 16: special umbrella, 32: servo ,64:special ARM) Set tool magazine type of the machine equipment in order to determine the control mode of tool magazine. Set this parameter to be 0 means standard rotary type or umbrella type tool magazine; 16 means special umbrella tool magazine; 32 means servo control tool magazine; 64 means special ARM tool magazine. The parameter setting is connected with machine equipment. to control tool magazine beside set this parameter and also need to edit relative PLC program. NO.20. the lifting height of Z-axis as tool exchanging for umbrella tool magazine (mm) To set Z axis lift up height as tool release in automatic tool exchange process when match with umbrella tool magazine .unit: mm The parameter value must larger than the tool handle length to avoid interference between tool handle and spindle head as cutterhead rotate or back after tool releasing. NO.21. lifting speed of Z-axis as tool exchanging for umbrella tool magazine (mm/min) Set the moving speed of Z axis get to the lift height which set by No.22 as tool releasing in the process of exchanging tool for umbrella tool magazine. Unit: mm/min. This parameter value not too large, Otherwise affect the precision of cutterhead rotation or lead to tool magazine deformation because spindle will hit the cutterhead as departing and approaching; but not too small to decrease exchange tool efficiency. NO.22. Z-axis rapid lifting distance for umbrella tool magazine mm Set the rapid lift distance of Z-axis in auto exchange tool process as tool releasing when match umbrella type tool magazine, unit: mm. This value must less than the value of NO.20. NO.23. delay time of tool restoring for umbrella tool magazine(rotary tool seat down/tight)(0.1s) This parameter is to set delay time for three cases. 1. Umbrella type tool magazine exchange tool: To set delay time to retract cutterhead after spindle move down to catch the tool handle and tighten the tool; 2. Rotary type tool magazine exchange tool: delay time for manipulator to perform fasten tool operation after tool down. 3. Rotary type tool magazine exchange tool: delay time for manipulator return to zero after tool exchange and tighten the tool. Unit: 0.1s This parameter setting is related to tool magazine type. NO.24. delay time after tool release as exchanging tool (0.1s) Set time delay time to execute the next operation of tool exchange after the exact tool release signal is




valid in auto tool exchange mode, which can avoid delay of mechanical parts. Unit: 0.1s NO.25. does Z-axis motion is interlocked with arm seizing tool/umbrella tool magazine (1:yes, 0: no) Set whether the motion range of Z-axis is interlocked with cutterhead (umbrella tool magazine ) or manipulator (rotary tool magazine). Thats to say, whether limit the coordinates of Z axis lower than tool exchange point value of Z axis when the cutterhead pushed out or the manipulator stay in fastening tool status. Value 1 means to limit to avoid Z axis moving lower than tool exchange point and enhance safety. Value0 means not limit. This parameter setting is connected with usage status. Usually set as 0 as debugging, but should make sure the position of Z axis not interfere with cutterhead. We recommend to set as1 for safety in normal operation. NO.26. whether tool magazine forward instruction M41 check Z-axis position (0: yes, 1: no) Whether detect Z-axis position when the tool magazine moves forward in manual and MDI mode. Value0 means to detect and the system can move forward only when the tool exchange point of Z axis is more than +20mm; value1 mean not to detect. This parameter is set to be 1 when the machine debugging at the first time; in normal operation, we recommend set to be 0 for safety sake. NO.27. the max tool No. in fixed tool location zone (initialize tool seat after setting this parameter) Set the fixed tool number area zone for rotary tool magazine (tool and toolseat must be one-to-one correspondence and cant exchange tools randomly).value range: from No.1 to the max tool number For example: Value 5, means the fixed tool seat zone is from No.1 toolseat to No.5 toolseat, tools status as exchange tools in this zone are one-to-one correspondence with the initial install tools and cant exchange tools random. This parameter mainly applied into the installation of tools with big diameter. The tool diameter may bigger than the distance between two toolseats and may create tool collision trouble once change tools random. So its better to place in a fixed tool number area. NOTE : Must initialize toolseat table after setting this parameter NO.28. axis power status as startup (0: auto power up when startup, 1: no power up when startup) Set power control status of axes in system control interface after start the system. Value0 means power up to each axis automatically after system self checking normal at booting; value "1" Means the system will not power up to each axis automatically and need to operate manually. The precondition for setting this parameter is the power supply of each axis driver is controlled by contactor and etc. there is no significance to set this parameter if the power supplied directly by the machine equipment. 1. If set as 0, then light indicator K8 will be lighten when the system starts and the E-STOP button released. Control outside circuit by editing PLC program to power up each axis. 2. if set as 1, need to press K8 keypad and edit PLC program to power up all axes. NO.29. delay time between driver power off and reboot (0.1s) As driver power supply controlled by CNC system, the delay time between system cut off the power supply to driver and re-supply power to driver. Unit: 0.1s NO.31. setup type of tool radius C compensation (0: A type, 1: B type) Set establishment patterns of tool radius compensation C, there are two kinds of establishment of tool radius compensation A and B (please refer to Chapter4.6 for detail) Value0 means the establishment type of tool radius compensation is A mode;




Value1 means the establishment type of tool radius compensation is B mode. NO.32. cancellation method of tool radius C compensation (0: A type, 1: B type) Set cancellation types of tool radius compensation, there are two methods to cancel tool radius compensation in this system. (refer to Chapter 4.6 for details) Value0 means to select A mode to cancel tool radius compensation C; Value 1means to select B mode to cancel tool radius compensation C. NO.33. does M03/M04 instruction check spindle speed up to request (0: yes, 1:no) To check spindle speed up to request after executing commands M03/M04 in auto running mode. Value "0" means detect and value "1" means not to detect. This parameter setting depends on the configuration of machine equipment and usage. to detect machine, users need configure spindle revolution adjustment instrument and also edit PLC program to lead the spindle revolution adjustment instrument signal to system auxiliary relay. NO.34. delay time before spindle speed up to request (0.1s) Set the delay time to detect revolution auxiliary relay status after the system send out M03/M04 commands unit: 0.1s This parameter setting depends on max spindle revolution and spindle inertia. The larger of the revolution or the larger of the inertia, the more this parameter (the longer the spindle acceleration last) NO.100----NO.115 reference point parameter (mm) In this system is available to set four reference points and can modify each reference coordinates value under reference point setting interface. The first reference point is named as machine reference point, which is fixed on the machine and depends on inspection device. Tool can be easily moved to machine reference point along appointed axis by using reference returning function (manual or auto mode are both ok). The machine coordinates will be refreshed to the first reference point coordinates value after finishing reference point returning. Usually the first reference point is coincident with machine home. Usually the first reference point is coincident with machine zero and all other reference points are established on base of the first reference point. refer to Fig 3.14

Fig3.14 machine home and the four reference points Press COMP softkey and shift to reference point setting interface under PARAM menu. as refer to Fig3.15




Fig3.15 reference point setting Press , softkey to select right reference point which you want to modify and Enter into dialogue box for value input. The first reference point is a special position point, usually set by machine manufacturer and never change. And other three reference points are usually applied as auto tool exchange point or other usage. NO.150. whether enable voltage compensation(2:yes, 0:no) NO.170. voltage compensation value NO.200. standby NO.201. standby NO.202. whether start PLC program running (0:stop, 1: start) Set PLC running mode;0 means stop running of PLC program.1 means start PLC program. CAUTION All I/O status will out of control by PLC program, once stop running the PLC program, all input will remain its current status and output will not be detected. But for output control, can shift to DGNOSI/O OUTPUT RELAY interface and move the cursor to select right Output Yxx, then press Alt to control output of this signal, as refer to fig3.16. This normally applied in the first time debugging, otherwise cant be allowed and accident may happen.

Fig3.16 NO.203. defined current parameter as factory parameter Define the current parameter to be factory parameter (original parameter). Applied for backup parameter after debugging, it is convenient for maintenance of machine in the future.

3.4.7 Password
Password interface mainly used for right setting and system program upgrade and backup. Enter into password setting interface by pressing PASSWD soft key, please refer to Fig3.17:




Fig 3.17 password setting Password parameter setting interface includes items as followed: 1. Is enable CNC Co.s password? 2. Is enable Machine Co.s password 3. Is enable Users password? 4. Modify CNC Co.s password 5. Modify Machine Co.s password 6. Modify Users password 7. Current work time 8. print screen function 9. Current system software version Access authority setting To avoid parameters being revised unexpectedly, system allows parameters to be set under 3 levels access authority (CNC Co., Machine Co. , User). CNC Co. authority is to set system function, belonging to inner system parameter; Machine Co. authority is to set parameter relative to machine requirement configuration and machine index or safety. Users Corporation authority is to set parameters relative to manufacturing process, performance or machining program. Once enabled all of these access authority, modify or adjust to corresponding parameter and program, the system will remind operator to input password to get access. The initial status of the 3 levels access authority is: CNC Co. access authority has been enabled, both Machine Co. and User authority have not enabled. To enable the authority function, must input the initial password to enable access authority function, then set new password. NOTE The initial password can be only used once and it will be invalid once you set a new password, so please keep your new password in mind. The initial Machine CO. password is888888 and User password is 999999. Password must be a group data of 6 digits, the data can be number or letters.




Machine Co. password setting

The first step is to enable password: move the cursor to No.2 parameter Is enable Machine Co.s password then press Enter into dialogue box.

Fig 3.18 input machine Co. original password Input original password ,then dialogue pop up; input 0 ,then Enter to start the right .

Fig3.19 enable password or not

The second step is to set new password: move the cursor to No.5 parameter Modify Machine Co.s password, then Enter into dialogue box as followed.

Fig3.20 input machine Co. new password Input new password in dialogue box as above shows, then Enter to confirm, then the system will remind password inputting once again. as followed:

Fig 3.21 confirm machine Co. new password Input password again and Enter to confirm. System will show password successfully !

Fig3.22 machine Co. password modified successful If you want to modify some parameter after you setting new password successfully, system will ask you to input new password and then you can modify it after confirmation. As refer to fig3.23




Fig3.23 input machine Co. password

User password setting:

The first step to enable password: move the cursor to No.3 parameter Is enable Users password, then Enter into dialogue box as followed.

Fig3.24 input users original password Input original password, then a dialogue pop up, you can input 0 or 1 0 means to start right for both user parameter and machining program;1 means only start user parameter right function, then press Enter to confirm and start the right.

Fig3.25 enable password or not NOTE If both user parameter and machining program password is enabled, as operator modify user parameter and machining program, the system will remind operator to input password at first; if only enable user parameter password, operator only need input user parameter password and no need input password when modify machining program. All correct setting depends on the details of user management.

The second step set new password: move the cursor to NO.6modify users password, then
Enter into dialogue as followed:

Fig3.26 input users password Enter new password and Enter to confirm, a dialogue pop up and remind input again as followed:

Fig3.27 confirm users new password Input new password once again and Enter, a dialogue pop up say password set successful.




Fig3.28 users password modified successful If you want to modify some parameter after you setting new right password successfully, system will remind you to input password and then you can modify it after confirmation. As refer to fig3.29

Fig3.29 input users password

3.5 Diagnose
Under the main interface, press "PARAM" key to enter the diagnosis interface. Under this interface, operator can monitor every I/O port and edit every I/O function name and reset of driver error alarm

3.5.1 I/O real-time monitor

Under the diagnose face, press "I/ O" to enters I/O port monitor face, refer to fig 3.30, Through pressing "PgUP" "PgDn" to shift among "input relay", "subpanel input", "outputs relay", " auxiliary relay 1", " auxiliary relay 2", monitoring every I/O port status.

Fig 3.30 I/O interface NOTE :Red indicator means invalid, green indicator means valid.




3.5.2 Ladder real-time monitor

Fig3.31 edit PLC ladder Shift to ladder detection interface by pressing LADDER function key under DIAGNOSE interface, through which all can observe the logic relation among I/O, timer, auxiliary relay etc and detect PLC running status. NOTE: Red light means the relay off and green light means the relay on.

3.5.3 Configuration of input/output and self-defined alarm

Shift to editing interface by pressing EditCfg under DIAGNOSIS interface, where we can edit the specification for the usage of I/O and auxiliary relay .Please refer to 3.32

Fig 3.32 Editing method: Move the cursor to the cell need to edit by pressing """" And "ENTER" and insert configure explanation in the dialogue box.




3.5.4 Clear alarm accident of feed servo driver

Once driver alarm, user need to clear it by following steps: under parameter interface, press "ResetDr" Function soft key and "Enter"; system will clear alarm error of feed servo driver according to preset PLC output signal. CAUTION: This function is applied to remind to clear alarm information after solved the failure. Only press RESET can not solve the failure.

3.5.5 Edit ladder diagram

After pressing EditLad key under DIAGNOSE interface, shift to interface to edit:

Fig 3.33 press key in menu, shift to the other interface:

Fig 3.34 press will back to the interface in fig 3.33. In these two interfaces, it can edit PLC ladder diagram according to system PLC source. Finished editing, press save in fig 3.34 to Enter, then press COMPIL softkey, it creates or modify PLC documents. ESC to quit from EditLad interface. Operation guide for editing ladder, please refer to the chapter of programmable logic control PLC. NOTE: 1. in the status of LadStat and EditLad under DIAGNOSE interface, press S key and input




the cell wanted to search for, will find the needed cell. 2. After PLC files renewed, must reboot system or shift to Ladder in the PARAM to press R

3.5.6 Alarm display

When machine alarm, view the alarm details by press ALARM in the PARAM interface, will view the current alarm information and 10 items of alarm history.

3.6 Pitch error compensation

It is used for pitch error automatic compensation, due to the effect of screw pitch error on machine transmission accuracy. System adopts store pitch error compensation: when debugging, it measures out the screw error curve based on the machine zero point as start point, makes out revised curve on the basis of error curve, then input the value of revised curve into revised parameters table, and compensates according to this table. Press PARAM on the panel, shift to pitch error compensation interface, as showed in fig3.35, there are two areas (basic parameter and compensation setting area) in PITCH screen. Press move cursor and shift between the two areas. The pitch parameters setting or saving are based on the unit of axes. Press the corresponding F soft keys to shift to corresponding parameters for each axis.

Fig3.35 pitch interface Shift to basic parameter setting area by pressing <- and select by pressing . A dialogue box for parameter setting of pitch error compensation will pop up, when press Enter as Fig3.36 shows.




Fig3.36 basic parameter setting of pitch Press -> to shift to pitch error compensation setting. Press X,Y,Z,4th , 5th Axis soft key, will show the pitch error compensation point and compensation value. Select required compensation point by pressing or PgUp, PgDn; dialogue box of compensation value will pop up ,when press Enter. Please refer to Fig3.37:

Fig3.37 compensation value setting The number setting of compensation points are free, the max compensation points number of each axis can be up to 300 points. The basic parameter of pitch error compensation for each axis includes following aspects: 1. Compensation point No. of reference point: set pitch error compensation points No. corresponding to reference points of each axis. 2. Compensation No. of furthest end in negative direction: set the furthest end compensation points No. in negative direction on each axis. 3. Compensation No. of furthest end in positive direction: set compensation No. of furthest end in the positive direction, the parameter value setting should be bigger than compensation No. of furthest end in the negative direction 4. Compensation ratio: compensation coefficient of each compensation points, usually set as 1. 5. Compensation interval: distance between two compensation points on each axis. unit: um

Fig3.38 space between compensation points System automatically calculates each axis pitch error compensation point position according to basic parameters. Each axis pitch error compensation point is distributed with equal interval; users can input each point compensation value.




The pitch error compensation points of each axis are evenly distributed. The interval of compensation points is set on the each axis. The minimum value of pitch error compensation points are limited, calculated by following formula: Minimum value of pitch error compensation points = max feed speed (rapid feed speed) /3750. Unit: minimum value of pitch error compensation points: mm max feed speed mm/min For example Example 1: Linear axis: when length of travel is -400mm+800mm,interval of points 50mm,reference point compensation NO. is No.40, it can figure out that Com. Point NO. of furthest end in the negative direction is: Compensation point No of reference-machine travel in negative direction/compensation point interval +1=40-400/50+1=33 Com. point No. of the furthest end in the positive direction is : Compensation point No. of reference + machine travel in positive direction/ compensation point interval = 40+800/50=56. Machine coordinate and compensation point NO. correspondence is:

Fig 3.39 Correspondence between machine coordinates and compensation points No Output compensation value at the position of 0 Parameters set as follows: z Compensation point NO. of reference point:40 z Com. point NO. of furthest end in negative direction:33 z Com. point NO. of furthest end in positive direction:56 z Compensation percentage:1 z Compensation point interval:50000 Output compensation value at corresponding point: No value
33 +2 34 +1 35 +1 36 -2 37 0 38 -1 39 0 40 -1 41 +2 42 +1 43 0 44 -1 45 -1 46 -2 47 0 48 +1 56 +1

Compensation point and value contrast as showed in Fig3.40

Fig 3.40 Compensation point and value contrast




Example 2: rotary axis: when movement per revolution is 360, interval of points 45, reference point compensation NO. is No.60, the Com. Point NO. of furthest end in the negative direction is usually same with the reference point com. point NO. Com. point NO.of the furthest end in positive direction is: Reference compensation point NO.+ movement per revolution/comp point interval=60+ 360/45=68. Machine coordinate and compensation point NO. correspondence is:

Fig 3.41 EXPLANATION Input value in small circle. If the total amount from 61 to 68 doesnt equal 0, accumulated pitch error per revolution will deviate, so same value shall be input into point 60 and 68. Parameter sets as follows: z Compensation point NO.of reference point: 60 z Com.point NO.of furthest end in negative direction: 60 z Com.point NO.of furthest end in positive direction: 68 z Compensation percentage:1 z Compensation point interval:45000 Output compensation value at corresponding point: NO. VALUE 60 +1 61 -2 62 +1 63 +3 64 -1 65 -1 66 -3 67 +2 68 +1

Compensation point and value contrast:

Fig3.42 Compensation point and value

3.7 Tool
Press REDEEM on the panel will shift to tool parameter setting interface.




There are six function keys in REDEEM menu as Radius, Length, ACLEA, CLEAR, Toolseat, Set. Radius to set radius compensation value of tool Length to set length compensation value of tool ACLEA clear all the length and radius compensation value CLEAR clear the current length and radius compensation value Toolseat to set or monitor match status between tool and toolseat Set set tool management (at most 99tools)

Radius compensation value setting:

Press Radius button to shift to radius compensation interface. There are three groups of compensation value for each tool as refer to Fig3.43. Move cursor to select the right tool and Enter to dialogue box.

Fig 3.43 Radius compensation value setting As above shows, press , to insert value of D1,D2 or D3 in the dialogue box, then press Enter to save all the compensation value or press ESC to cancel it and return. Length compensation value setting: Press Length button to shift to radius compensation interface, under Tool parameter interface. There are four groups of compensation value for each tool as refer to Fig3.44, move cursor to select the right tool and Enter into dialogue box.




Fig 3.44 Length compensation value setting As above shows, press, to insert value of H1,H2,H3 or H4 in the dialogue box, then press Enter to save all the compensation value or press ESC to cancel it and return. NOTE Length compensation value can be positive or negative, but radius value must be positive. Tool setting explanation: Press BASE under main interface in manual mode will to set tool setting base, the default tool setting base point in this system is Z-axis machine coordinates. Press TOOL to memorize tool setting automatically, after tool changing. Thats to say, this system will automatically memorize the difference between tool setting value and Z-axis machine coordinates and save it. Toolseat table setting: Press Toolseat softkey to shift to toolseat setting interface, under Tool parameter setting interface. all match status can be checked in the interface. as shows in Fig3.45, the left data is toolseat No and the right data are Tool No. move , to select Tool No and Enter to dialogue box.

Fig3.45 Toolseat table setting Toolseat 00 means spindle toolseat. Usually, toolseat table is set at the first time tool installation and should check the status encountering unexpected power off when tool changing or normal operation (have tool changing action). Based on tool changing characteristic, toolseat and tool always keep fixed correspondence when controlling umbrella type tool magazine. while toolseat and tool may not follow fixed correspondence but change time to time according to the process of tool changing when controlling manipulator type tool magazine. As above shows, there is INI softkey in the Toolseat interface, which is used to initialize default correspondence relation between toolseat and tool under Toolseat parameter interface (refer to Fig3.46), the usual steps is to initialize the correspondence between toolseat and tool at the first time install tools and before setting. Tool count setting: Press Set softkey under REDEEM to enter tool count parameter setting interface and set controllable tool count(at most 99tools)as shows Fig3.46




Fig3.46 Tool count setting

3.8 Program
All programs in this system are managed in files and can be saved up to 32MB in NAND FLASH storage. Program editing can be operated in full screen and protected by insert password. Press "PRAM" on the panel and shift to program interface, refer to fig3.47.

Fig 3.47 Program choice As above shows program name and folder are displayed in the middle of the screen, select program by moving the cursor or press "PgUp" /"PgDn" Keys and "Enter" corresponding files. At the bottom of the screen is program path and" /tmp/NC" are default storage path in this system .All new files are saved under this menu. There are 8 function soft keys at the bottom of the screen, named as "New/Sek", "COPY", "RENAM", "LAST", "INFOR", "LAST", "USBdisk", "EXEC", "CANCEL", press corresponding soft key to shift to the interface.

3.8.1 New/Sek
Press New/Sek soft key under Program interface, then a dialogue box pop up and ask for input new file or sought files(refer to fig3.48)




Fig 3.48 New/Sek In this system, program name can be made up of number, letters (capital letter/lowercase is available) or other characters(/ \ : * ? < > | and space are not allowable) and length is unlimited. Insert file name in the dialogue box and "Enter", if the file is existed in the system will display the name with reverse color, otherwise it is the new file of the current program and displayed with reverse color, if need editing, press Enter. NOTE To new or seek a folder, insert file name and end with "[" character. If the folder is existed in the system, it will be displayed with reverse color, if not existed in the system, will new folder and reverse color display.

3.8.2 Copy
"Copy" Means to copy the current program file or folder into another program file or folder. Press "",""keys to select program files or folder to do copy operation and "Enter", then a dialogue box pop up and ask for inserting a new file name or folder name.

Fig3.49 Copy As fig 3.49 shows, if the inserting file name already exist and another dialogue box like fig3.50 pops up and remind whether to cover the file. If not the file name, it will be treated as the current program file or current folder and displayed with reverse color.

Fig 3.50

3.8.3 Rename
Select the file to rename and press "RENAM" Soft key, then a dialogue box (refer to fig3.51) pops up and ask for inputting new file name or folder name.

Fig 3.51 Rename




As fig 3.52 shows, if the inputted file name already exist and another dialogue box like fig3.52 pops up and remind whether to cover the file. If not existed, it will be treated as the new file or folder.

Fig 3.52

3.8.4 Delete
Under program interface, move the cursor to select the program file or file box and "Del" it. CAUTION Please make sure everything before deleting a file, because the data can not be recovered after deleting.

3.8.5 Information
in the PRGRM interface, Move the cursor to select program file and press "INFOR" Soft key to know relative information of the program file, (refer to fig3.53)

Fig3.53 Information NOTE Folder only display the system remaining space.

3.8.6 Copy Program apply USB-disk

In this system, program can be transmitted between CNC controller and PC or other CNC controller with USB-disk. Most USB-disk is available for this system, and no need driver program, but other USB memory such as MP3 is not available. Insert the USB-disk into USB port and press "USBdisk" Soft key under program interface to shift to USB management interface. Please refer to fig3.54:




Fig 3.54 As fig3.54 shows all files in USB disk displayed in the middle area of the screen (Display area) and at the bottom of the screen is path display area and "/tmp/USB" is system default path. Return to program interface by pressing "SYSTEM" Under USB interface. A dialogue like fig3.55 may pop up and remind unidentified after inserting the USB disk, please reboot system, if the USB-disk still cant be found, need to change another USB disk.

Fig 3.55 Import program files from USB disk to the system: Insert USB-disk, press USBdisk will display program file in the USB-disk. Select the file or folder needs to be imported into system by press"","" key, then press Import key, will pop up a dialogue box, input program folder or folder name and press Enter.

Fig 3.56 If the inputted file name already exist, a dialogue box (Fig3.57) pops up and remind whether to cover it. If this name is not existed in the system, it will be acted as the current program file or folder and reverse color display.

Fig 3.57 Export program file or folder from system into USB disk: press "",""Keys to select program files to be exported and press "USBdisk"--->"EXPORT"-->insert file name in dialogue box and "Enter" .Refer to fig3.58




Fig3.58 If the inputted file name already exist, a dialogue box (Fig3.59) pops up and remind whether to cover it. If this name is not existed in the USB-disk, it will be acted as the current program file or folder and reverse color display.

Fig 3.59 CAUTION Return to program display interface before pulling out the USB-disk. Otherwise, the data in the USB-disk will be lost. Import or export parameter or system software(used for upgrading, renewing or backup ) Import parameter, software to system with USB-disk (upgrade, renew) First insert U disk in CNC. Press "PRGM" -> "USBdisk "(F6), will display file in the USB-disk. Select the file need to be imported and press Restore(F2), pops up dialog as below, press Enter. restore succeed, press SYSTEM, plug out USB-disk and reboot system.

Fig3.60 Export parameter system software with USB-disk(backup) The operate path is: PRGM-USBdisk(F6)select file and press EnterExport, input password of machine tools builder, press Enterpop up the dialog as below figure, press Enter will export the parameter file and system software to the USB-disk. Press SYSTEM, plug out USB-disk.

Fig3.61 NOTE 1. All files including parameter files, system software or PLC files will automatically exported into USB disk use USB disk export parameter, meanwhile, all permitted files selected will be imported to




system and cover the original ones. 2. When using USB disk, space character is impermissible in the folder name. Check the current software version of the system. Check the system software version No, refer to No.7 parameter under PASSWD interface, details as followed:

3.8.7 Program transmitted by serial port

Program transmission can be realized not only with USB but also through RS232 port. Press "R" Key to receive a program and "T" Key to send a program under PRGM. Through RS232 cable connect PC and CNC control system, set the corresponding serial No and transmit rate before transmission. Program transmission from PC to system: run system professional communication software on PC (refer to fig3.62)

Fig 3.62 After setting serial number and transmit rate in the configuration column and press "Transmit CNC program file" Button--->select the file to transmit and "Open". Now PC is waiting for transmitting software. Press "R" Button under system "PRGM" Interface, then a dialogue box pops up (refer tofig3.63)

Fig 3.63 Input file name in above dialogue box and Enter, then PC will start to transmit program file and the system start to receive it (refer to fig3.64)




Fig 3.64 Program transmitted from system to PC: press "",""Keys to select a program file to be transmitted under "PRGM" Interface and press "T" Button. Refer to fig3.65

Fig 3.65 Run system professional communication software developed by our GREAT CNC company on PC (refer to fig3.66)




Fig 3.66 Correctly set serial port number and speed rate to connect with PC and press "Receive CNC program file" button --insert the file name ,-- press" Save" Button .system start to transmit program file and PC will store the file into appointed file path. NOTE 1. to transmit a program ,must run the system professional communication software developed by our GREAT CNC company on PC. 2. Keep consistent of transmit rate between PC equipment and the system, otherwise can't be transmitted successfully. 3. the connecting serial number must keep consistent with setting in system and we strongly recommend to use communication shield supplied by our company to avoid damage to serial port for continual insertion, and baud rate of RS232 should be better less than 38.4Kbps. 4. RS232 communication wire length can't be longer than 10 meters. 5. User can use the communication software directly by copying it into PC equipment from CD matched with this system and no need to install it.

3.8.8 Edit
Move the cursor to select a program under PRGM interface, then "Enter" into program editing status .refer to fig3.67




Fig3.67 Edit Editing interface mainly edit program, insertion, modify, delete etc. Select the program name and Enter into full screen editing status. In editing screen, left top area is file name display area and right top area is total program lines and line number where the cursor stands. All program contents displayed in the middle area. At the bottom of the screen, there are 8 commands keys in two menus .Named as "COMPIL", "FirLine", "Endline""POS", "DelBlock", "DelLine", "COMMAC", "CopBlock","ARRAY", "SEARCH", "ALTER", "AALTER" and shift two menus by pressing "> >"and "< <" keys. Refer to fig3.68

Fig 3.68 Operation method under editing status as follows: 1) Pose the cursor: change the cursor's position .:up and down between the lines .Move Left and right between characters .PgUp, PgDn Goes to last page or next page .Enter Move to the home of next line Press POS Soft key and insert line number can locate directly to the line which you insert in .press Home and End To the home / end of the line .press home Key to directly locate to home of the line. .press End Key to directly located to end of the line. When the located program line surpasses the page, it will automatically change to the next page and located program line will be contained in the display. 2) Delete: press Del key to delete the character behind the cursor. 3) Backspace: press Back key to delete the character before the cursor. 4) Space: press Spc key to insert a SPACE before the cursor. 5) Upper key: press "Shift" key and press character key to insert the upper character 6) Line delete: press "Deline" soft key to delete the line where the cursor stands. 7) Block operation: includes block copy and block delete function Block copy: copy one block to the line where the cursor stands. Follow steps below: move the cursor to correct position under editing status and press "Copblock" Under the second menu, then a dialogue pops up (fig3.69).

Fig3.69 Insert starting line number in above dialogue box and "Enter" Into another dialogue box as fig3.70 shows:




Fig 3.70 Insert ending line number of the copy block in the dialogue box and "Enter", then the selected block will be copied to the line behind of the cursor. NOTE 1, the insert line number must be the real line number rather than line number started by N 2, if copy only one line, just set begin line number and end line number as same line number Block delete: system will take line where the cursor stands as beginning line number and decide program block according to inserted line number and delete it from the program, operation method as followed: Move the cursor to the beginning line of the block to delete and press "Delblock" Soft key under the first menu, then a dialogue box pops up (fig3.71).

Fig 3.71 Insert the end line number of the block to delete in above dialogue box and press "Enter", then the selected block will be deleted. NOTE The insert line number must be the real line number rather than line number started by N 8) Compile Program written using ISO codes (original program) according to ruled programming instruction can't directly run in the system, but should convert into executable machine codes (object program). Compiling function actually is the process to translate the original program into machine codes program. Compile includes "Compile NC" And "Compile MAC": "Compile NC" Means to compile NC processing program; "Compile MAC" Means to compile macro program. There is rigorous fault checking function in compile process, if there is error in the program, it is can be modified in time. If there is no fault, a information box pops up and shows "OK, compile successfully!, refer to fig3.72.




Fig 3.72 If there is some fault, system will remind the fault line number and its characteristic, refer to fig3.73

Fig 3.73 NOTE In Auto mode, system will automatically compile the original program and remind fault information, if there is any fault in the program. 9) SEARCH: search for appointed character string backwards from the point where the cursor stands. 10) ALTER: replace appointed character string once backwards from the point where the cursor stands. 11) AALTER: to replace appointed character string from the point where the cursor stands to the end of the program. Operation instruction as followed: Move the cursor to the start line of the character string to replace and press "AALTER" Soft key, then a dialogue (fig3.74) box pops up.

Fig 3.74 Insert character replaced in above dialogue box and "Enter", refer to Fig3.75.

Fig 3.75 Input replaced character in above dialog box, press Enter all the character string will be replaced from the current line to the end of the program NOTE: stop actions of Seek, ALTER, AALTER by pressing Emergency stop switch 12)Array lines: Array the program line number under edition in the decimal system. there is no strictly requirement to system line number, it can be numerical value with 1-4 figures and increase on any base or never use it at all 13)Esc: press "Esc" or "Return" Keys to return to file management menu. System will reminds whether to save program. CAUTION Program file wont be saved encountering unexpected power off during program edition. If user wants to




save files during edition, just press COMPIL key to do compiling operation will save the program.

3.8.9 Select processing Program

Select processing program under PRGRM menu before automatic machining. Operation guide: press "","" under PRGRM menu to select program and press EXEC soft key. Now the program has been selected (can be checked from the status menu on the right top of screen) CAUTION Do follow all steps described above to select machining program, otherwise, system will execute the program run last time. Thereby, please check program name before running.

3.8.10 Shift Program files path

/tmp/NC is the default path storage for Program files or establishes a new file under this path. To return to the root, please press LAST soft key.

3.9 Manual
Press MANUAL soft key on the main panel will shift to manual operation menu. Refer to fig3.76 as followed:

Fig3.76 manual mode In manual mode, including manual continuous, manual increment, MPG and override adjustment and etc, please refer to above fig,

3.9.1 Continuous mode

Press CONT soft key in the MANUAL menu shift to manual continuous mode. Manual or auto status display column, please refer to fig3.77

Fig 3.77




Axes feed on when press the key and stop when release it. Press +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z,-Z, +4, -4 to realize the manual continuous accordingly, The feed speed is manual speed set in parameter multiply its ratio. There are two hard limits in both two directions of the axis, will stop feed when meet the limit and remind the status. Now only feed reverse. In manual mode, execute axes simultaneous operation by pressing multi-axes at the same time.

3.9.2 Increment
Press INC soft key under manual mode shift to manual increment mode. Manual/auto mode status display as fig3.78:

Fig3.78 Press +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z,-Z, +4, -4 to feed a increment value to realize manual increment, the feed seep is manual speed multiply feed rate. Increment value shift keys and conform to sequence and shift cycle mode: "1.0mm-->0.1mm-->

0.01mm-->0.001mm". Meanwhile, users can set any increment value directly by pressing "I" Key in the increment mode. Refer to fig3.79

Fig 3.79 to set increment value

3.9.3 MPG mode

Press MPG soft key to shift to MPG operation in the manual mode. MPG status display refer to fig3.80.

Fig 3.80 In MPG mode, select current axis by pressing axis (X, Y, Z, 4th, 5th) on sub-panel and set ratio override by pressing keys repeatedly to shift among there levels X1, X10, X100,while use pendant MPG,

select axis and ratio by rotating knob on the pendant MPG. when do level shift operation, please do press the button at the left side of the MPG generator to confirm, otherwise, not any motion.

3.9.4 Reference returning

Reference return operation make all coordinates axes run to basis switch of the machine equipment in turn. When coordinates axis detect reference signal and again detect zero pulse as returning, machine




coordinates data will be automatically set as the first reference point,. In manual mode, press key then a dialogue box (refer to fig3.81) will pop up and ask for insert axis

which will do reference returning. Input address X or Y or Z or 4, 5 and press ENTER soft key, then corresponding axis return to reference point. Press A and ENTER ,then axes do reference returning in sequence ZXY. input S means spindle return to reference point, input T means tool magazine return to reference point. Axis indicator will turn green after finishing reference returning, otherwise failed.

Fig 3.81 Running speed, running direction, detection method, offset value set in parameter. Press STOP button to stop reference returning operation.

NOTE 1. During the process of reference returning, a dialogue may pops up (fig3.82), which reminds zero pulse detection of motor failed as reference returning. In that case, do reference returning again. If this problem repeatedly happened, there may be some problem with parameter setting(reverse speed of reference returning is too rapid) or circuit problem, please check carefully. 2. the precondition of doing spindle reference returning is spindle possesses encoder signal feedback; the precision of reference returning is related to execution mode and speed, the precision will be higher as the control mode of spindle is position control, as in speed control mode, the precision will be worser; meanwhile, the more of the speed of reference returning, the worse of precision.

Fig 3.82 CAUTION Please do reference returning operation each time after starting the system or cases of unexpected power off or abnormal switch-off to make sure of machining precision. Otherwise, accident may happen.

3.9.5 Automatic midpoint identification function

This system has automatic midpoint identification function and can identify the midpoint of a line (parallel the coordinates axes) using two points or identify the center of a circle by three points under G17 coordinates surface. This function mainly used for establishing the zero point of work coordinate system. Follow the instructions below:




Diagram 1 Fig3.83

diagram 2

Identify the midpoint of a line through two points (refer to diagram 1) Firstly, choose corresponding work coordinate system, move the coordinates to point A and press key E, then a dialogue box pops up (refer to fig3.84)

Fig 3.84 input 1 and ENTER to specify the coordinates of point P1, then move the coordinates to point B and press key E .A dialogue box pops up refer to fig3.85 (note the point P1 has been set )

Fig 3.85 Input 2 and press ENTER to specify the coordinates of point P2, press key E and a dialogue box pops up refer to fig3.86 (note the point P1,P2 has been set )

Fig 3.86 Input X(the line is parallel to X axis) and ENTER, system will automatically set the midpoint of the line to be the zero point of X-axis, the current X-axis coordinates set as an offset value based on the X-axis zero point of work coordinate system. Specify the centre of a circle through three points (refer to diagram 2) Select corresponding work coordinate system and move coordinates to point A, then press key E and a dialogue box will pop up (refer to fig3.87)




Fig 3.87 Now, input 1 and ENTER to specify the coordinates of point P1 and then move the coordinates to point B, press key E and a dialogue box will pop up, refer to fig3.88(point P1 has been set already)

Fig 3.88 Now input 2 and ENTER to specify the coordinates of point P2 and then move the coordinates to point C, press E key and a dialogue box will pop up(refer to fig3.89) please check setting result on the dialogue box,P1,P2 point S have been set already.

Fig 3.89 Now, input 3 and ENTER to specify the coordinates of point P3 and press key E, then a dialogue box will pop up(refer to fig3.90)please check setting result on the dialogue box, points P1,P2,P3 have been set already.

Fig 3.90 Now input R and ENTER, system will automatically set zero point of X, Y axis of current coordinates at the centre of circle, the current value of X,Y axis will be set as offset value based on zero point of work coordinate system. NOTE 1. To cancel the operation of midpoint identification during setting process, please input 0 and ENTER . 2. This operation actually is to set the zero points of X,Y axis' of work coordinate system, thereby can't operated under machine coordinate system.

3.9.6 Return to the zero point of G17 plane of work coordinate system
For convenient operation, this system supply function of returning to the zero point of current work coordinates G17 plane (X,Y axis),steps as followed: Press HOME key under work coordinates in manual mode, then a dialogue box will pop up (refer to fig3.91)




Fig 3.91 X, Y axis will return to zero point of current work coordinate system in turn at G00 speed after pressing ENTER as show in dialogue box fig 3.91 CAUTION When executing zero returning by one key, should move Z axis to the safe position where no interference between spindle and worktable or work piece, otherwise, accident may happen.

3.9.7 Other operation in manual mode:

1)manual spindle status control: press press press then spindle start by CW rotation and show M03 then spindle start by CCW rotation and show M04 then spindle stop rotation and show M05.Under the status of spindle stopping, press

once , spindle motor powers on ;and press again, spindle motor power off. press press then spindle jog moving by CW rotation and show M03 then spindle jog moving by CCW rotation and show M04

2)manual coolant status control: key is a repeat key ,shift between off(M09)and on(M08) status 3)Manual clamp control key is a repeat key ,shift between clamp and unclamp status 4)manual cutter head rotation control press 5)lubricant switch key is a repeat key ,shift between off and on status of lubrication. 6) feedrate override control: feedrate override ratio is controlled by wave band switch or key pressing. Skip one space CW or press"+" Key, ratio will increase by 10 or skip one space CCW or press"-" Key, ratio will decrease by 10%;the range is from 5% to 150% and total16 gears. feedrate override ratio value shows in the column of feed key to rotate cutter head for selection of tool position in tool seat




speed as refer to fig3.92

Fig3.92 7) spindle override control: Spindle override ratio is controlled by wave band switch or key pressing. Skip one space CW or press"+" Key, ratio will increase by 10% or skip one space CCW or press"-" Key, ratio will decrease by 10%;the range is from 5% to 150% and total 16 gears. Adjustment value shows in the column of spindle revolution as refer to fig3.93

Fig3.93 8) press STOP key: stop current manual operation 9)press "F" key and a dialogue box for manual feedrate override will pop up to set running speed of each axis in manual mode. Refer to fig3.94

Fig 3.94 manual feedrate override 10)press "S" key and a dialogue box for adjusting manual spindle revolution pops up. set spindle revolution in manual status. Refer to fig3.95:

Fig 3.95 spindle revolution adjustment 11)Press "BASE" key to set tool setting base of tool length compensation. Usually set the first tool as tool setting. Refer to fig3.96:

Fig3.96 tool base setting for tool length compensation 12)press "TOOL" key, system can automatically calculate tool length compensation value and save it . Set difference value between length direction and compensation base of each tool. Insert compensation value into H1-H4 by press "", "" Keys .refer to fig 3.97

Fig 3.97




3.10 Auto
Press Auto on the panel will shift to auto mode. System will compile the current program under auto mode, will remind error information, if there is error in the program. Press "RUN" Key: program run Press "STOP" Key: under status of continual program running, press once to pause and press STOP key under pause status to stop immediately, continue to run by pressing RUN button. Under step program running status, press once to stop.

3.10.1 Coordinates
Coordinates running status is to confirm machining path are tracked and showed by coordinate method, which shows the current position of tool. There are two types of coordinate status: work coordinates and comprehensive coordinates, which can be shifted by pressing ALTER key. The comprehensive coordinates, please refer to fig3.98

Fig 3.98 comprehensive coordinates interface Relative coordinates, work coordinates and rest coordinates are all shown in the comprehensive interface. besides, value of SP,S,F,L,R are also shown in the interface, SP: spindle angle S: real spindle revolution; F: instruction speed of axes; L : the current tool length compensation ; R: the current tool radius compensation.

3.10.2 Graphic
Graphic running status is to confirm the machining path is tracked and shown by graphic. For different machining program and different starting point of machining, System will automatically calculate out display effect to fully extent. Operator can parallel move and whirl the drawing by cursor and zoom in and zoom out by pressing PgUp and PgDn or return to original status by pressing HOME button. Users can also select showing method on XOY plane, YOZ plane, ZOX plane or 3D graphics by pressing "X, Y, Z, ALT "keys in turn. The whole path process of tool can be previewed before machining. Shift between coordinates and graphic can be easily done in the status of program RUN/PAUSE / STOP




by pressing shift key

3.10.3 Continual
Continual running status means the program will continually execute each block continuously after pressing RUN button.

3.10.4 STEP
STEP mode means system will run current block and pause to waiting for operation. Shift between step mode and continual mode can be easily done in the status of program RUN/PAUSE / STOP by pressing shift key . or by pressing STEP and CONT

3.10.5 Simulation
In Auto interface, press SIMUL to shift to simulation status, will show the tool center running path through track graphic or coordinates method. All machinery operation including machine feed or other assistant function etc will not be executed in simulation mode. Press Run button, real-time display of real shape of current workpiece automatically and can revolve randomly, zoom in and zoom out or shift between track graphic and coordinates method

3.10.6 Feeding hold

Under auto continual operation pause status or step operation stop status, Press MANUAL soft key can shift to manual mode and do operation such as hand continual, MPG, hand increment etc; cancel MANUAL mode and press RUN button, system will return to holding point at default speed of G01/G02/G03 which set in SPEED parameter menu and then continue to run. The sequence of returning of axes is: if Z-axis moves towards positive, will return Z axis at first; if Z axis moves towards negative, will return Z axis at last; other axes will return in sequence of X->Y->A

3.10.7 MPG wheel trigger in Auto running

Auto running of program in this system can be generated by means of MPG, which mainly used for first trial machining. The principle is: in the mode of MPG auto run, to judge the program is executed as it running by viewing whether the MPG wheel rotates, program is executed only the wheel rotates. Operation method: press DEL key in auto mode, then a dialogue box will pop up to ask whether to perform MPG auto running mode:

Fig 3.99 Press ENTER key under dialogue box (refer to fig3.99) shift to MPG auto running mode and press RUN key, running indicator turn on. System waiting for program running, rotate MPG wheel, program will be




executed, if stop MPG wheel, program will pause and wait for MPG wheel rotated again. To exit MPG auto running mode, press DEL key and ENTER in the dialogue box of fig3.100

Fig 3.100 NOTE MPG wheel just do trigger function under MPG auto running mode and running speed of axis still decided by program itself.

3.10.8 DNC function

There is 32MB user storage in this system. Always need DNC machining function encountering large program or poor rest storage .DNC function can be realized through RS232 and USB port. RS232-DNC explanation 1, safely connect PC and system with professional communication cable and correctly set corresponding communication port and speed rate in the system. 2, run system professional communication software on PC and correctly set corresponding communication port and speed rate. Click "TRANSFER CNC PROGRAM FILE" And select machining program file and waiting for program transmitting. 3. Press key D to shift to simultaneous machining status under program file content interface and "RS232--DNC" Show on top right of screen, refer to fig3.101.

Fig 3.101 NOTE Stop simultaneous function by pressing STOP button. Guide to cancel simultaneous machining mode: shift to file path and select system program file need to be executed and press F7 key to cancel simultaneous machining mode NOTE 1. File transmitting through serial port related to baud rate and environment. For safe sake, we recommend to use a medium rate less than 38400 2. Communication cable length should be less than 10 meters and communication shield board is requested. 3. To run system professional communication software on PC to transmit and make sure the transmit rate setting for PC and system must be same. 4. System professional software goes with CNC package and save it into PC hardware to run without installation. USB-DNC explanation USB-DNC is completed through USB disk. Please open USBdisk under PRGM interface and select required program, then press EXEC soft key to return to auto mode and press RUN to execute program.




CAUTION Never pull out USB disk during USB-DNC process, otherwise will lead to machining failure. Please return to program interface after finished USB-DNC transmission

3.11 MDI mode

A MDI dialogue will pops up when press MDI soft key. Please refer to fig3.102

Fig 3.102 Insert code according to guide and press RUN key, then System will execute the block at once. to pause it by pressing PAUSE and exit MDI function by pressing ESC key. NOTE If there is no code of G53, G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, G59, when using MDI function, which means the MDI program is executed at work coordinates (G53, G54-G59) For example Current coordinates is G55 Insert X50Z67F400 in MDI dialogue box and press RUN keys, then system will move to coordinates point X50Z67 in the work coordinates G55 at the speed of F400.

3.12 Run program from a real line

This system possesses the function to execute program from a real line. press "-" Key under main interface, then a dialogue box pops up and insert the line number to execute the program and ENTER to confirm, press RUN soft key will run from the inserted real line number. CAUTION The line number is the real line number of the program rather than the line number N address. System will run to the home of the appointed line at the default speed of G01/G02/G03, then execute program as normal.

3.13 Run program from a certain marked line

Press the "M" key under main interface, a dialog box will be popped out, after input marked line number and ENTER, then press the RUN key, CNC will execute program from the input marked line. CAUTION The line No. is appointed by N address of program, may be not the real line No. CNC will move to the home of the marked line at the default speed of G01/G02/G03 at first, then execute the program as





3.14 Run program from a certain tool number

Pressing the "G" key under main interface, a dialog box will be popped out, after input mark tool number and ENTER, then press the run key, CNC will execute program from the input tool number. NOTE The CNC will move to the home of appointed line at the default speed of G01/G02/G03 at first, then execute the program as normal.

3.15 Set coordinates/choose coordinates

Choose coordinates After pressing the Choco soft key in the interface of MANUL or AUTO mode, then input 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 will choose G53, G54, G55,G56,G57,G58,G59 work coordinate individually. Corresponding work coordinate status is displaying in the top right interface. refer to fig below

Fig103 coordinate system choice

Fig3.104 Set coordinates To set value of any work coordinates or relative coordinates. Work coordinates is set under work coordinate system and relative coordinates is set under comprehensive coordinate system or in the running process of the program. Press SetCo soft key to achieve the operation under corresponding interface. Refer to fig3.105

Fig 3.105 To set G54 work coordinates value under work coordinates display mode. Press "","" Keys to decide which axis to set.

Fig 3.106




To set relative coordinates value under comprehensive coordinates display mode. Press "","" Keys to decide which axis to set. NOTE: Machine coordinates (G53) can not be set

3.16 Mass Program for mould processing

Because this CNC have 32MB flash storage for saving user NC program, so it is no limit for the length of program. The program which longer than 3000 lines can be used except for the recycle instructions such as G22, system will preview and pre-treat 1000 lines of program to ensure continuous machining process. For the mass program more than 3000 lines, it would be better to execute Compile operation by press C under PRGM interface. CAUTION At most 3000 lines can be displayed on the program file editor in the system. If the program file is more than 3000 lines, the file can't be compiled and saved in program editing mode and may lead to program lost

3.17 Tool exchange and tool setting

Tool exchange and tool setting will be required as the machine has tool magazine. NOTE Correctly set parameter to confirm tool magazine type and parameters relative to match with machine before using the tool magazine, such as spindle orientation position, tool exchange point position etc.

3.17.1 Tool magazine operation

Define softkey K regarding to machine match with tool magazine: K3: set toolseat number of current toolseat K4: spindle orientation (indicator of K4 turns on as spindle orientation completed) K5: Z axis return to tool exchange point(indicator of K5 turns on as after returning to tool exchange point) K8: spindle and feed axis power off (indicator of K8 turns off after spindle and feed axes power off) Definition of M commands as recording to turn-plate type tool magazine: Self-defined M codes: M41 toolseat down M43 toolseat up M36 step execution to exchange tools(means: step execute individually the toolseat down, manipulator seize tool, exchange tools, manipulator return to original point, toolseat up. ) M57 manipulator unconditional rotate one step WARNING 1. Conditions not detected as using M57. Be special careful as using it, otherwise accident may happen. Definition of M codes regarding to umbrella type tool magazine: M41 tool magazine forward M43 tool magazine backward 2. Check Z axis position carefully to avoid accident as using M41 to do tool magazine forward operation.




3.17.2 Tool exchange

WARNING Make sure return to machine base point before executing tool exchange operation, otherwise may arise accident. Tool exchange operation regarding to turnplate type tool magazine M06: change the tool from the current toolseat to the spindle. M06 Txx: change the tool from the current toolseat to the spindle and rotate the Txx in instruction to the current tool exchange position to prepare for the tool exchange tool first and then select tool M16 Txx: rotate the Txx in instruction to the exchange point and change the tool from the current toolseat to the tool first and then exchange. That's to say exchange the tool Txx in the instruction to the spindle Tool exchange operation for umbrella tool magazine Txx: change the tool Txx in commands to the spindle (firstly return the tool from spindle to corresponding toolseat and then change tool Txx to the spindle; if the current tool is T00, then directly exchange it to the spindle).

3.17.3 Tool setting

As using several tools in one program, execute tool setting is required. Tool setting means to enable the system automatically establish the length difference between tools size of z axis so that to do compensation as doing auto tool exchange operation. Explanation to tool setting In main interface and manual mode, press "BASE" to set base point of tool setting, system will take the current machine coordinates of Z axis as tool setting base point; after exchange tools, press "TOOL" Soft key to automatically memories result of tool setting. System will automatically take the difference between machine coordinates of Z axis and toolsetting base point as its length compensation value and save in the length compensation parameter list. If toolsetting difference discovered length compensation parameter will be modified directly. Example There are T01, T02, T03 three tools need to be set. Step1, change tool T01 to the spindle and run spindle. Move Z axis in manual mode to let the tool close to workpiece surfacesuppose the current coordinates value is -150refer to fig3.107, now, press "BASE" Soft key to set workpiece surface as tool setting base pointthat's to say take coordinates value -150 as tool setting base point, meanwhile, system will automatically set the length compensation parameter H1 of tool T1 as "0".

Fig 3.107




Step 2, Stop spindle, exchange tool T02, run spindle. In the manual mode to move Z axis to approach the work piece surface (suppose current coordinates value is -135) like as fig 3.108, press "TOOL" Soft key and operate according to the guide and realize automatically remember of toolsetting. System will automatically set the length compensation parameter of tool(T2) Hx as "15"-135 - -150. NOTE Hx means either of H1-H4 and select by pressing "TOOL" Soft key, usually select H1

Fig 3.108 Step3, Stop spindle, change tool T03, run spindle. Move Z-axis in manual mode to make the tool close to workpiece surfacesuppose the current coordinates value is -165fig3.109, press "TOOL" Soft key and operate according to the guide and realize automatically remember of tool setting. System will automatically set the length compensation parameter Hx of tool T03 as "-15"-165 - -150. NOTE: Hx means either of H1-H4 and select by pressing "TOOL" Soft key, usually select H1

Fig 3.109 Step 4, tool setting finished NOTE System automatically remember length compensation after finishing tool setting, to realize compensation in the processing, will need some length compensation instructions.

3.18 Exit system

Press " " key -> press "Enter" -> exit CNC system.

CAUTION :If do not accord above method, the current coordinates may lose and accident may occur as starting system next time. WARNING :Do reference returning operation once starting the system every time to ensure of machine processing precision. Also need to do reference returning encountering unexpected power off or abnormal system turning-off, otherwise, accident may occur.




Programming is used to describe machining track and assistant motion with CNC language according to the blueprint of workpiece and requirement of machining process

4.1 Basic Concepts

Program block (program line): It is an integrated commands line consisted of instruction block and data block. Program: It is a congregation of program block by machining logic structure in order to complete the machining to workpiece. Machine Coordinate System: It is established that machine zero point as the original point. Milling machine coordinate axis and its direction should comply with "ISO841" standards. The methods as following: make Cartesian coordinates determined with right hand rules as the standard programming coordinate system, Z axis is parallel with spindle, X-axis is horizontal, Y-axis is determined by right hand rule. A-axis is rotary axis or assistant axis parallel with X-axis, B-axis is rotary axis or assistant axis parallel with Y-axis, C-axis is rotary axis or assistant axis parallel with X-axis, the positive direction of each axis is the direction that increasing the dimension of workpiece. When work coordinate isnt set, make machine coordinate system as work coordinate system.

Fig4.1 machine coordinate axes& direction Work Coordinate System: The coordinate system is used for workpiece machining is called work coordinate system, it is preset in CNC system. The value of work coordinate system can be changed through moving its original point. Through one of the three methods to set the work coordinate system: 1 Use G92 Use G92 to assign a value to set the work coordinate system in the program running 2 Automatic setup When reference returning in manual mode, the machine coordinate system set as work coordinate system automatically. 3 Use G54 to G59 Through the coordinate system in parameter can set 6 work coordinate systems. When use absolute value instruction, must use above method to establish the work coordinate system Local coordinate system: In work coordinate system for easy to programming it may establish the sub- coordinate system, this sub-coordinate system is called local coordinate system




Absolute Programming: The confirmed coordinate data programming method based on established absolute coordinate system. It is set with G90. Relative Programming (increment programming): The distance and direction of moving end point relative to start point. It is set with G90. Mode Instruction: The instruction remains the function in the program. It works both in the current program and following. Until replaced by another mode instruction in identical group. In the same operation, there may be several mode instructions, such as M03 (spindle CW), M04 (spindle CCW), M05 (spindle stop). They are all mode used to control spindle. The modes of same kinds are categorized into one mode group. At any time it must be one of them, and must be only one of them. The original chosen mode instruction is called mode origin. In the above mode group, M05 is such a mode origin. Suspending mode (destroying mode): The instruction which can turn mode instruction into mode origin or destroy the mode, such as M20 (program ending instruction), means the end of operation and return to original status. Non-Mode instruction: The instruction cannot remain function, and only works in the current program block.

4.2 General description of program

%04, N04, G02, T02, H02, D02, M02, S04, F04, X-043, Y-043, Z-043, A-043, I-043, J-043, K-043, L04, P4, R043 Note 1: -means this data can be with -(+ is omitted). Note 2: if 0 in front of data, means this data can be written with only valid digits Note 3: The digital denotes bits, when it is two, the top digit denotes the maximum figures of integer, and the low digit denotes the maximum figures after decimal point.

4.3 Program instruction

4.3.1 Function and meaning of address symbol, data range list
Function File No. Program block No. Preparation function Auxiliary function Tool selection Tool compensation Spindle function Cutting speed Coordinates character Address symbol N G M T HD S SP F XYZA meaning File name of workpiece Sequence No. of program block Specify content and methods of instructions Auxiliary operation instruction Tool No. No. of the radius compensation and length compensation Spindle revolution, spindle positioning Specify cutting speed per minute The coordinates value of X, Y, Z Data range 0-9, A-Z 0000-9999 00-99 00-99 01-99 1- 4 00-99999 1-3000mm/min 9999.999mm




(B/C/U/ V/W) center coordinates Step length Delay time Program entrance Repeat times IJK R P P L

and 4th axes increment value of X ,Y and Z axes center coordinates arc radius specified delay time Entrance of calling program name Times of cycle or calling times of subprogram 9999.999mm 0.001-999.999mm 0.001-99.999s 0000-9999 1-9999

4.3.2 G, M Function instruction data list

Table 1 G Instruction-code and function G-code G00 G01 groups Rapid positioning Linear interpolation Circular/helical interpolation CW: the helical interpolation instruction of helical motion can assign 2 other arc interpolation axes simultaneous moving, which methods is just to add a moving axis that isnt arc interpolation. Circular/helical interpolation CCW Threading 00 Dwell cancel polar coordinates instruction Polar coordinates instruction: polar coordinate (radius and angle), the positive direction of angle is the CCW direction of positive direction of the first axis in the selected plane, and the negative direction is CW. Format : G** G## G16; G00 IP; G** : plane selection G## : G90 (original point of work coordinate system)or G91(Current position) Assigns original point of polar coordinate. select Xp-Yp plane 02 select Zp-Xp plane select Yp-Z p plane 06 Inch inputEnglish system Millimeter inputmetric system return to the first reference point return to 2nd ,3rd ,4th reference point 00 ZXY axes return to program original point X axis return to program original point Y axis return to program original point Z axis return to program original point 07 Cancel tool radius compensation Xp: X axis or its parallel axis Yp:Y axis or its parallel axis Zp:Z axis or its parallel axis function



G03 G33 G04 G15



G17 G18 G19 G20 G21 G28/G281/ G282/G283 G30/G301/ G302/G303 G26 G261 G262 G263 G40




G41 G42 G43 G44 G45 G46 G47 G48 G49 G37 G36 G12 G11 G52 G53 G54 G55 G56 G57 G58 G59 G60 G64 15 14 08 11 22 00 00 08

tool radius compensation, left tool radius compensation, right Tool length positive compensation Tool length negative compensation tool offset value increase tool offset value decrease Increase by twice of the tool offset value decrease by twice of the tool offset value Cancel tool length compensation Cancel scaling Enable scaling: format:G36 X_Y_Z_R_ Cancel programmable mirror Enable programmable mirror: realize symmetric machining. Local coordinate system Machine coordinate system work coordinate system 1 work coordinate system 2 work coordinate system 3 work coordinate system 4 work coordinate system 5 work coordinate system 6 accurate positioning Continual path working Coordinate rotation valid. format: G17 G18 G68 a-b- R-; R: Angle displacement G19 Cancel coordinate rotation Deep hole drilling cycle: intermittent feed, rapid retract. format: G73 X-Y-Z-R-Q-F- L Z: distance from R to hole bottom R: distance from original plane to R Q: cutting depth at one time F: feed speed L: repeated times CCW pecking deep hole tapping cycle: cutting feed, stop tool at the bottom of hole, CW. format:G74X-Y-Z-R-P-F- L P: pause time Finished boring cycle: cutting feed, spindle oriented stops at the bottom of the hole, rapid retraction. format:G76 X-Y-Z-R-Q-P-F- L Q: offset value at the bottom of hole, mode value saved in canned cycle. Canned cycle cancel/external operated function canceling. Drilling cycle: cutting feed, boring cycle or external operation function, rapid retraction Format: G81 X-Y-Z-R-F- L Note: These six work coordinates are saved in the CNC, user can select any one of them.







G76 G80 G81





Chip removal drilling cycle or counter boring cycle: cutting feed, stop tool at the bottom of hole, rapid retraction. Format:G82 X-Y-Z-R-P-F- L Chip removal drilling cycle: intermittent feed, rapid retraction. Format:G83 X-Y-Z-R-Q-F- L -PCW peck deep hole tapping cycle: cutting feed, stop tool at the bottom of hole--reverse, retraction. Format:G84 X-Y-Z-R-P-F- L Note: select standard or rigid tapping through parameter setting Boring cycle: cutting feed, retraction. Format: G85 X-Y-Z-R-F- L Boring cycle: cutting feed, spindle stops at the bottom of hole, rapid retraction Format :G86 X-Y-Z-R-F- L boring cycle, counter boring cycle: cutting feed, spindle CW at the bottom of hole, rapid retraction: Format:G87 X-Y-Z-R-Q-P-F- L boring cycle: stop tool at the bottom of hole, retraction: Format:G89 X-Y-Z-R-P-F-L03 00 05 10 19 Absolute program Increment program Set work coordinates or suppress the max speed of spindle Feed per minute Feed per revolution Canned cycle return to original point: apply to final drilling Canned cycle return to R point: apply to hole drilling at the first time Program cycle command Cancel Program cycle command Non-mode calling for macro program 12 Mode calling for macro program Cancel Mode calling for macro program User self defined macro program






G89 G90 G91 G92 G94 G95 G98 G99 G22 G800 G65 G66 G67 G180G189 Table 2 M02 M30 M00 M20 M98 M99 M97 M03 M04

M-code and function Program end, stop auto run (default is M02) Program end, turn off spindle and cool Program pause, press run to continue run Program end, repeated executes program according to running times set in parameter, applied to test CNC sub-program calling sub-program end Program skip Spindle CW Spindle CCW




M05 M06/M16 M08 M09 M10 M11 M24 M25 M32 M33 M41 M42 M43 M44 M45 M46 M47 M48 M49 M50 M51 M52 M53 M54 M55 M56 M57 M58 M61 M62 M63 M64 M317 M318 M319 M320

Spindle stop Exchange tool Turn on cool Turn off cool Tighten tool Loosen tool Turn off blowing Turn on blowing Turn on lubrication Turn off lubrication User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off User self-defined turn on User self-defined turn off Spindle top gear shift (the first) Spindle low gear shift(the second) Spindle 3rd gear shifting Spindle 4th gear shifting Clear X-axis of machine coordinates Clear Y-axis of machine coordinates Clear Z-axis of machine coordinates Clear all axes of machine coordinates including X,Y(C),Z,A,B

4.3.3 F function:
In this CNC system, feed speed use F word. It is mode. The actual feed speed equals the setting speed multiply speed override. Feed speed of linear interpolation G01, circular interpolation G02, G03 is determined by the data followed F code. In the cutting process, program block run continuously, the feed speed is the minimum feed speed. Apply 2 methods to specify the feed speed. 1. Feed per minute G94




Specify the feed value per minute (mm/min) 2. Feed per revolution G95 Specify the feed value per revolution of spindle (mm/rev) Directly specify the value of F to define spindle feed value per revolution after specifying feed value per minute of command G94, G94 is a mode code, it is valid before specified with G95. The default setting is feed per minute as power on. Set feed ratio by rotate switches on machine operation panel and override from 5% to 150% count by 10%. Please note override function can't be applied in thread cutting commands.

Fig4.2 feed per minute Specify the value of F to define spindle feed value per revolution after specifying feed value per revolution of command G95, G95 is a mode code, it is valid till another feed rate specified to command G94. Set feed ratio by rotate switches on machine operation panel and override from 5% to 150% count by 10%. Please note override function can't be applied in thread cutting commands. Feed speed may fluctuate at low speed level of spindle .The lower of the spindle speed, the more often of the fluctuation of the feed speed. Feed per revolution determined by actual spindle speed if the parameter No. 101 in AXIS is set to check spindle path, and set the encoder lines in No.100. Otherwise, feed per revolution determined by spindle instruction.

Fig4.3 feed per revolution

4.3.4 T/H/D function

The T/H/D function is that of calling tool length and radius compensation, which are mode, called with number in program. T01 to T99 are tool number, there are four tool edges for each tool, H1 to H4 are parameter number of tool length compensation, D1 to D3 are parameter numbers of tool radius compensation.

4.3.5 S function
S function is used to control spindle speed, this function is valid to all the machines which spindle speed is controlled by transducer. In program, execute stepless speed control with S word. CNC provides analog voltage between 0+10V, and S function is mode order. Spindle speed can be maximum specified 5 digits followed address S(r/min)




4.4 Preparation functions

4.4.1 Coordinate system setting (G92)
It is used to set work coordinate system Format:G92 X- Y- Z(it is mode after setting)

Explanation: G92 command doesnt generate motion, just apply to set work coordinate system. X, Y, Z means the coordinates position of the setting coordinate system that the point on the tool located in (e.g.: tool nose ). If use G92 set coordinate system during tool length offset, the tool radius compensation in the system which set by non-offset coordinates will be deleted by G92 temporarily e.g.:

Fig4.4 Example 3 N0000 G92 X65.2 Y100 Z28 Means to establish work coordinate system and current workpiece coordinates position is X65.2,Y 100,Z28

4.4.2 Choose coordinate system (G53/G54/G55/G56/G57/G58/G59)

These instructions are used for selecting work or machine coordinate system. Format:G53(G54/G55/G56/G57/G58/G59) (Mode)

G53 machine coordinate system G54 work coordinate system 1 G55 work coordinate system 2 G56 work coordinate system 3 G57 work coordinate system 4 G58 work coordinate system 5 G59 work coordinate system 6 G53 machine coordinate system is determined by machine first reference point (machine zero point). The default coordinate system is G53. The offset of work coordinate system G54/G55/G56/G57/G58/G59 in the machine coordinate system set in parameter. Example 1: G01 X34




G54 X78 The first line means move to the point of X34 in G53 machine coordinate system through G01 instruction, the second line means move to the point of X78 in G54 work coordinate system through G01 instruction. Example 2: G01 G56 Y64 G57 G00 Z178 The first line means move to the point of Y64 in G56 work coordinate system through G01 instruction, the second line means enter G57 work coordinate system, the third line means move to the point of Z178 in G57 work coordinate system through G00 instruction. E.g.:


4.4.3 Local coordinate system (G52)

Edit program in work coordinate system, in order to program easily, will set sub-coordinate system of work coordinate system as local coordinate system. Format: G52 X- Y- Z- ; set.(Mode) G52 X0 (Y0 Z0); cancel.

Use G52 to set local coordinate system in the machine coordinate system(G53) or work coordinate system(G54~G59). The original point of the local coordinate system set at the position of X- Y- Zspecified in the machine coordinate system or work coordinate system. After local coordinate system setting, the followed moving specified by G90 is coordinates in the local coordinate system. Specify new zero point with G52. can modify the position of local coordinate system. To cancel local coordinate system and specify coordinates value in the work coordinate system, the zero point of local coordinate system should be consistent with that of work coordinate system. The local coordinate system setting does not change work and machine coordinate system. Specify work coordinate system with G92, if not specify all axes coordinates, the local coordinate system of axis which coordinates not specified wont cancel but holding. Specify movement with absolute mode after G52 program block. e.g.:




Fig 4.6

4.4.4 Programming methods (G90/G91)

There are two methods to move tool in program: absolute instruction and increment instruction. In absolute instruction, the number is coordinate value; but in increment instruction, the number is motion distance.G90 and G91 are used for point out absolute or increment program.

Format: G90 G91 Example:

(Mode, original) (Mode)

; absolute program. ; increment program.

Fig 4.7 As above example, the first line G90 means absolute programming, X-axis move to where the absolute coordinate is 40mm, Y-axis move to where the absolute coordinate is 70mm. The second line G91 denotes relative programming, means move the distance of 60mm from current position toward negative of X-axis, 40mm toward positive of Y-axis

4.4.5 Select Plane (G17/G18/G19)

Format: G17 (Mode, Original) G18 (Mode) G19 (Mode) ;Set XY Plane ;Set ZX Plane ;Set YZ Plane




Applied to specify arc interpolation plane Explanation This instruction doesnt produce motion

4.4.6 Rapid positioning (G00)

Tool moves to instruction position with rapid speed in parameter in absolute/increment coordinate system. As absolute method, use section end point coordinate to program; As increment method, use motion distance to program. Format:G00 X- Y- Z- A- (Mode, original) Explanation X, Y, Z, A means motion axis. The data point out motion distance and direction by absolute or increment method. G00 moves to aim point with straight line path. Moving speed is determined by parameter.

4.4.7 Linear interpolation (G01)

Used for single axis motion or 2, 3, 4 axis interpolation motion. Format:G01 X- Y- Z- A- F- (Mode) Explanation: X, Y, Z, A means motion axes. The data point out feed and direction by absolute or increment method. Interpolation speed is determined by F word. The F instruction is mode. The tool will move to the specified position at speed of specified F speed along straight line and the F speed is valid till be replaced by a new specified F speed, so no need to define F speed in each block. The feed speed unit of rotary axis is deg/min. Speed of rotary axis: calculate the time required, then convert the axis feed speed unit into deg/min

4.4.8 Circular/arc interpolation (G02/G03)

In the program plane, these instructions execute G02 CW and G03 CCW arc interpolation. Format: G17

G02 I_J_ X_Y_ Z_F_ ; XY plane(Mode) G03 R_


G02 I_K_ X_Z_ Y_F_ ; ZX plane(Mode) G03 R_ G02 J_K_ Y_Z_ X_F_ ; YZ plane(Mode) G03 R_


Explanation: Arc interpolation must point out interpolation plane, the X, Y, Z word point out the arc end coordinate value, I, J, K separately is X, Y, Z increment value from original point to center point. In another words,




Make the original point as zero point, As center point locate to positive direction of original point the value will be positive, As center point locate to negative direction of original point the value will be negative. I J K are used to describe the center point coordinate. Also no need use I,J,K but use R to program, the R is negative when the angle larger than 180 degree, R isnt available for whole circular programming. The direction of arc is set towards negative direction vertical the arc interpolation plane. The arc track as following:

Fig4.8 The center of arc specified with address I J K, the number after I J K is the vector component looked along start point to the center of arc, depends on the direction to specify the symbol of I J K is positive or negative. I J K can be omitted, the end point is identical with the start point as it is omitted, it is whole circular that the center of arc is specified with I J K the value is always denoted with increment whether in G90 or G91 as following:

Fig4.9 The arc interpolation speed is determined by F word. NOTE I, J, K and R are the non- modality instruction. e.g.: 1) Absolute programming; N0000 G92 X200 Y40 Z0; N0010 G90 G03 X160 Y40 I-20 J0; N0020 G02 X120 Y40 R20; N0030 G02 X120 Y40 R20; N0040 G26 M02; 2) Increment programming N0000 G91 G17 G03 X-40 Y0 R20 F300; N0010 G02 X-40 Y0 R20; N0020 G02 X0 Y0 R20; N0030 G26 M02; Two methods have the same result.

set the absolute coordinates position of start point CCW arc CW arc whole circular return to the start point, ends. CCW arc CW arc whole circular return to the start point, ends




4.4.9 Helical interpolation (G02/G03)

The helical interpolation instruction of helical motion can assign another axis which synchronous motion with arc interpolation axes, which method is just to add a moving axis that isnt arc interpolation. F instruction defines feed speed along arc. Therefore, the feed speed of linear axis is as following:

Format : G17

G02 I_J_ X_Y_ Z_F_ ; XY plane(mode) G03 R_ G02 I_K_ X_Z_ Y_F_ ; ZX plane(mode) G03 R_



G02 J_K_ Y_Z_ X_F_ ; YZ plane(mode) G03 R_

Tool radius compensation only applied to arc, tool offset and tool length compensation instruction isnt available for helical interpolation program.

Fig 4.10 G90G17G54 G01X20Y0Z0F200 G03X0Y20R20Z15F150

4.4.10 Dwell (G04)

In machining process because of requirement of machining technique, delay certain period before executing another motion. Format:G04 P The unit of data after P is second, means delay time. Example: G92X0Y0Z0 M03S600 G90G01G43H01Z20F200 Z-10 G04P5




G49G0Z20 M05M30

4.4.11 Mirror instruction (G11/G12)

Be used for machining symmetric workpiece so as to decrease program codes. format: G11 X_ Y_ (Z_ X_ ) (Y_ Z_ ) (mode) ; Feed toward the symmetry direction specified with XYZ G12 (mode, original) ; Cancel Mirror. Explanation: Mirror machining by changing the feed direction of axis to realize symmetric point machining at the axis. The axes which the direction need to be changed is specified with the address symbol of current interpolation planes G17 (X_ Y_), G18 (Z_ X_), G19 (Y_ Z_). The numeral values after X_ Y_ Z_ are the coordinates under the current work coordinate system. In the mode of programmable mirror method, the instructions of reference point returning G27, G28, G29, G30 and the instruction of changing coordinate system from G52 to G59, G92 and etc not allowed used. If need any of those G-codes, must be specified after canceling programmable mirror method. E.g.:

Fig4.11 e.g.: Sub-program %9000 G00 G90 X60.0 Y60.0; G01 X100.0 F100; G01 Y100.0; G01 X60.0 Y60.0; M99;




Main program N10 G00 G90; N20 M98 P%9000; N30 G11 X50.0 N40 M98 P%9000; N50 G11 X50.0 Y50.0 N60 M98 P%9000; N70 G11 Y50.0 N80 M98 P%9000; N90 G12;

4.4.12 Scaling (G36/G37)

In the condition of no changing program, scale down or scale up machined workpiece. Programming configuration is scaled down or scaled up (scaling), specify scale center with X_, Y_ and Z_. if one axis isnt specified, which wont be executed scaling. The value after X_, Y_, Z_ is the coordinates in current coordinate system. format: G36 X_Y_Z_R_ (mode) G37 (mode, original) ;execute proportional scale ;cancel proportional scale

Explanation: The data after R is scaling coefficient. As showed in fig4.12, as P1P2P3P4 is scaled up to P1P2P3P4, R=P0P4/ P0P4. as P1P2P3P4 is scaled down to P1P2P3P4, R= P0P4/ P0P4. Means as graphic is scaled up, R<1, as graphic is scaled down, R>1. The default value is 1.

Fig 4.12 Example:

Fig4.13 Example of scaling:




Sub-program D01 G54G90G0X0Y0Z50 G01Z-5F500 X100 Y50 X0 Y0 G0Z30 M99 Main program N5 G54G90G0X0Y0Z50 N10 M03S800 N20 G36X50Y25R2 N30 M98 PD01 N40 G37 N50 M98 PD01 N60 G36X50Y25R0.5 N70 M98 PD01 N80 G37 N90 G0Z50 N100 M05 N110 M30 Scaling is invalid to tool length, radius compensation, and tool offset.

Fig 4.14

4.4.13 Coordinate system rotate (G68/G69)

The programming graphic can be rotated. The workpiece can be rotated to be specified angle with the instruction. In additional, if the configuration of workpiece is consisted of several same drawing, the drawing cells can be edited to sub-programs, then called with rotate instruction of main program. That will




simplify programming and save memory room.


G68 X- Y- R- (mode) ; execute coordinate system rotation G68 Z- X- R- (mode) ; execute coordinate system rotation G68 Y- Z- R- (mode) ; execute coordinate system rotation G69 (mode, original) ; cancel coordinate system rotation

Explanation: The (G17) X-Y- or (G18) Z-X- or (G19) Y-Z- after G68 are applied to specify the rotate center. The data after R is applied to specify rotate angle degree. The value after X-Y- Z- is the coordinates in the current coordinate system. R is rotate angle, unit is degree; means CCW rotate as R is positive, means CW rotate as R is negative. Example:

Fig 4.15 Plane selection code (G17, G18 or G19) is specified before the program block where the coordinate rotation code G68 located in, plane selection code cant be specified in the mode of coordinate system rotation. The code G69 which cancels the mode of coordinate rotation must possess one single line. Execute tool radius compensation, tool length compensation, tool offset and other compensations after coordinate system rotation. In the mode of coordinate system rotation, the G-code (such as G28, G30 etc.) and other G-codes which related to coordinate system (such as from G52 to G59 and etc.) cant be specified, if need these G-codes, it can be specified after canceling the instruction of coordinate system rotation mode. The first motion instruction after canceling coordinate system rotation G69 must be specified with absolute value, if specified with incremental value, it wont execute right motion. e.g.1:

Fig 4.16 N1 G92 X-500Y-500F2000 G17;




N2 G68 X700Y300R60; N3 G90 G01 X0 Y0 F2000; N4 G91 X1000 N5 G02 Y1000 R1000 N6 G03X-1000I-500J-500; N7 G01Y-1000 N8 G69 G90 X-500Y-500 M02; e.g.2

Fig 4.17 G01Z-5F150 G01G42D01X30F200 X80 Y30 X30Y0 G0G40X0Y0 Z20 M99 DD5 G54G0X0Y0Z50 M98PSS G68X0Y0R60 M98PSS G68X0Y0R120 M98PSS G68X0Y0R-135 M98PSS G69 G0X0Y0Z50 M05 M30

4.4.14 Reference point (G28/G281/ G282/ G283/ G30/ G301/ G302/ G303)
Return to the reference point means tool moves to the reference point automatically along the specified




axis. Format: G28 G281 G282 G283 G30 P2 G30 P3 G30 P4 G301 P2 G301 P3 G301 P4 G302 P2 G302 P3 G302 P4 G303 P2 G303 P3 G303 P4 ; ZXY-axes return to the first reference point. ; only X-axis return to the first reference point. ; only Y-axis return to the first reference point. ; only Z-axis return to the first reference point. ; XYZA axes return to the second reference point (P2 can be omitted) ; XYZA axes return to the third reference point ; XYZA axes return to the fourth reference point ; only X-axis return to the second reference point (P2 can be omitted) ; only X-axis return to the third reference point ; only X-axis return to the fourth reference point ; only Y-axis return to the second reference point (P2 can be omitted) ; only Y-axis return to the third reference point ; only Y-axis return to the fourth reference point ; only Z-axis return to the second reference point (P2 can be omitted) ; only Z-axis return to the third reference point ; only Z-axis return to the fourth reference point

Explanation: The sequence of returning to the first reference point G28 is Z XY, and detect corresponding signal: the switch of reference point, zero pulse of motor and etc. When retuning to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th reference point G30, the sequence of each axis is: if Z-axis moving towards positive direction, return to Z-axis firstly; if Z-axis moving towards negative direction, return to Z-axis lastly; other axes return to reference according to the sequence of X YA. NOTE Tool radius compensation and tool length compensation should be cleared before executing this instruction.

4.4.15 tool length compensation (G43/G44/G49)

Set the difference between the programmed tool length and the actual tool length, compensate that difference with the function but not modify program. Specify the offset direction with G43 or G44, tool length offset value is selected from the offset table with the inputted corresponding address No. H. According to tool length offset axes, there are two methods of tool offset as following: Tool length offset A: compensate difference of tool length along Z-axis. Tool length offset B: compensate difference of tool length along the axis of X(G19) Y(G18) or Z(G17). Tool offset methods is set in the parameter No.4 in COMP. format: G43 H G44 H G49 or H0

; increase a parameter value of tool length compensation. ; decrease a parameter value of tool length compensation. ; cancel tool length compensation.

Explanation: Tool length compensation is that increase or decrease parameter value of tool length compensation called with H function at Z-axis or other axes. The calling number are H1H4. The start points of all the




compensation data in parameter are the tool locations before executing compensation.

fig4.18 E.g.:N0000 G43 H2 X10 (the value of H2 is 5) N0010 G44 H3 X20 (the value of H3 is 10) Execute the first line, tool length added 5. Execute the second line, tool length decreased 10. G49 without parameter, returned to the position before compensation as executed.

4.4.16 Tool radius increasing or decreasing (G45/G46/G47/G48)

As grooving, program according to the dimension of blueprint, insert one of these commands into the instruction, the workpiece met the dimension of blueprint can be machined with different tool radius. Format: G45 T- DG46 T- DG47 T- DG48 T- D; increase one tool radius offset value. ; decrease one tool radius offset value. ; increase two tool radius offset value. ; decrease two tool radius offset value..

Explanation: The instruction of tool radius increasing or decreasing, applied to increase or decrease one or two parameter value of tool radius called with T-codes in the executing process of program. Applied together with the commands G00,G01,G02,G03 in the planes of XYG17,ZXG18,YZG19. These instructions cannot be applied with tool radius compensation instruction (G41, G42). For G00 and G01, increase or decrease one or two tool radius offset value separately at the direction of specified axis. For G02 and G03, increase or decrease one or two tool radius offset value separately at the direction of radius of arc. G45/G46/G47/G48 is non-mode instruction. For example:

Fig 4.19 Program as following: N0000 G01 Z-20 F400 G91 ; start cut at Z direction




N0010 G46 T01 X55 Y55 D01 ; position to point A, both ZY axes is decreased one tool radius(T01) N0020 G47 G01 X60 F200 ;A-B, X axis increase two tool radius N0030 Y60 ;B-C, length is not change N0040 G48 X60 ; C-D, X axis decreased two tool radius N0050 Y-60 ; D-E, length is not change N0060 G45 X30 ; E-F, X axis increased one tool radius N0070 G45 G03 X30 Y30 R30 ; F-G, CCW circular radius increased one tool radius N0080 G45 G01 Y60 ;G-H, Y axis increased one tool radius N0090 G46 X0 ;H-I, X axis move one tool radius towards X axis negative direction N0100 G46 G02 X-30 Y30 R30 ; I-J,CW circular radius decreased one tool radius N0110 G45 G01 Y0 ;J-K, move one tool radius towards Y axis positive direction N0120 G47 X-150 ; K-L, X axis increased two tool radius N0130 G47 Y-120 ; L-M,Y axis increased two tool radius N0140 G46 X-55 Y-55 ; M-N, both X Y axes decreased one tool radius N0150 G26 ; return to program start, ends N0151 M02 The relation of +,- and tool radius symbol is add as homo-symbol, and subtracting as opposite, the value of coordinates axis can be zero. Now the meaning of it to specify the coordinates axis, the distance of running is one or two radius. Direction is determined by adding of instruction and radius symbol.

4.4.17 Tool radius compensation (G40/G41/G42)

When the tool is moving, tool track can offset a radius. In order to offset a radius, CNC establish offset vector whose length equals to tool radiustool start point. Offset vector is vertical to tool track, vector toward tool centre. If specify linear interpolation or circular interpolation after tool starting, the tool track can be offset with the length of offset vector after tool starting. Machining finished, in order to return tool to the start point, tool radius compensation should be canceled.

Fig 4.20 Format: G40 (mode, original) G41 TD (mode) G42 TD (mode) ; Cancel tool radius compensation. ; tool radius compensation when tool located on the left of workpiece ; tool radius compensation when tool located on the right of workpiece

Explanation: Right or left in G41/G42 means that look along the direction of cutting, tool located on the




right or left. Tool radius value is called with T1-T99. Offset is begun at the program line home where G41/G42 located in. Transitional line is generated by system at corner automatically. The tool radius offset vector at the end point of last program block is transited to that of the start point of next program block. Tool radius offset vector is the method that describes numerical value and direction of tool offset. Its vector radius is the tool radius. Its direction is identical with radius direction for arc. For straight line, its direction is perpendicular with it. The establishment and canceling of tool radius compensation contains two types: A type and B type, which can be set with the parameter of No.31, No.32 in COMP. NOTE : It must be executed at straight line section to establish and cancel tool radius compensation. E.g.:

Fig 4.21 G54 X0 Y0 Z0 ; G90 G17 G00 G41 T15 D2 X250.0 Y550.0 ; establish compensation G01 Y900.0 F150 ; from P1 to P2 X450.0 ; from P2 to P3 G03 X500.0 Y1150.0 R650.0 ; from P3 to P4 G02 X900.0 R-250.0 ; from P4 to P5 G03 X950.0 Y900.0 R650.0 ; from P5 to P6 G01 X1150.0 ; from P6 to P7 Y550.0 ; from P7 to P8 X700.0 Y650.0 ; from P8 to P9 X250.0 Y550.0 ; from P9 to P1 G00 G40 X0 Y0 ; cancel compensation, return to start point

4.4.18 program recycle instruction (G22--G800)

This instruction is used for realizing program which has repeatable motion and track.




Format: G22 L2 : : : G800

;recycle body start ;recycle body ;recycle body end

NOTE G22 and G800 must be applied in pairs, another cycle or sub-program can be embedded between of G22 and G800, the recycle times determined by L word. G22 and G800 are independence instruction. If there is repeated run program block between G22 and G800, the program block will be run repeatedly. e.g.:

Fig4.22 Program as follows: N0000 G17 G90 X0 Y0 F250 M03 ;set the start status of program N0001 G91 G01 Z-10 N0010 G22 L4 ; cycle body start, specify 4 times of recycle N0020 G01 X20 ; the content of cycle: line A-B N0030 G03 X10 I5 J0 Y0 ; CCW semi circular B-C N0040 G800 ; cycle end N0050 G01 X20 ; D-E line N0060 Y-30 ; E-F line N0070 G11 X140 Y-30 ; set mirror N0080 G22 L4 ; recycle start N0090 G01 X20 ; F-G line N0100 G03 X10 I5 ; G-H CCW arc N0110 G800 ; recycle end N0120 G01 X20 ; I-J line N0130 G01 Y-30 ; cancel mirror N0140 G12 ; J-A line N0150 G26 ; return to program start point N0160 M02 ; end

4.4.19 Accurate positioning/continual path working (G60/G64)

According to requirement of machining process, connection methods between program blocks can be specified with the instructions G60/G64.




Format:G60 ; accurate positioning (mode) G64 ; continual path working mode, original

4.4.20 Canned cycle of macro definition (G73,G74,G76,G80G89)

The program length can be shorten by applying canned cycle, easier to program. Canned cycle table: G code G73 G74 G76 G80 G81 G82 G83 G84 G85 G86 G87 G89 Feed methods Intermittent feed Cutting feed Cutting feed Cutting feed Cutting feed Cutting feed Intermittent feed Cutting feed Cutting feed Cutting feed Cutting feed Cutting feed Motion at the bottom of hole No Stop-Spindle CW Spindle oriental stop No No Stop No Stop-Spindle CCW No Spindle stop Spindle CCW Spindle stop Retraction Rapid moving Cutting feed Rapid moving No Rapid moving Rapid moving Rapid moving Cutting feed Cutting feed Rapid moving Rapid moving Cutting feed Application High speed deep hole drilling CCW tapping cycle finished boring cycle Cancel canned cycle Drilling cycle, point drilling Drilling cycle, countersink boring deep hole drilling cycle Tapping cycle Boring cycle Boring cycle Counter boring cycle Boring cycle

Canned cycle instruction is consist of six motions Motion 1 X and Y axes positioning Motion 2 rapid move to the point R Motion 3 machining hole Motion 4 action at the bottom of hole Motion 5 return to the point R Motion 6 rapid move to original point e.g.:

Fig 4.23 The distance that moving along drilling axis is different separately with G90 and G91, the difference as following:




Fig 4.24 After tool arrived at the bottom of hole, tool can return to R plane or original plane, which specified with G98 and G99. The below figure shows the tool motion when specify with G98 or G99. Generally, G99 used for the first drilling and G98 used for the last drilling. The original plane wont be changed even execute drilling with the method of G99.

Fig 4.25 The repeated times is specified with L word, drilling at the identical location repeatedly. The L is only valid in the specified program block. The maximum value of repeated times L is 9999, the default value is 1; Positioning plane is determined by G17 (XY)/G18 (ZX)/G19 (YZ). High speed deep hole drilling (G73) This cycle execute high speed deep hole drilling intermittent feed until reaching to bottom, meanwhile, remove the chips from hole. format: G73 X-Y-Z-R-Q-F-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance from R point to hole bottom(G91) or coordinates (G90) R-: the distance from original point to R point (G91) or coordinate (G90) Q-: cutting depth each time F-: cutting speed L-: repeated times




Fig 4.26 Explanation: The high speed deep hole drilling cycle executes intermittent feed along Z-axis, when using this cycle, chip can be easily removed form hole, the retraction value can be set less, which allow drilling effectively. The retraction value d of rapid motion is set with parameter No.3 in USER. Before specify G73 rotate spindle with auxiliary function (M-code). When tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) is specified in canned cycle, add offset while positioning to the point R, tool radius offset value is omitted. E.g.: M3 S2000 ; spindle start to rotate G90 G99 G73 X300. Y-250. Z-150. R-100. Q15. F120; positioning, drill hole No.1, return to point R Y-550; positioning, drill hole No.2, return to point R Y-750; positioning, drill hole No.3, return to point R X1000; positioning, drill hole No.4, return to point R Y-550; positioning, drill hole No.5, return to point R G98 Y-750; positioning, drill hole No.6, return to the original plane G80 M5; CCW peck deep hole tapping cycle (G74) This instruction inquires the spindle driver possesses position servo control function. This cycle execute CCW tapping, in CCW tapping cycle, the spindle CCW feed Q each time, will feed again after CW retract the distance of d, the spindle will CW retract after arrived to the bottom of the hole. format: G74 X-Y-Z-R--K-Q-S-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance from R point to hole bottom (G91)or coordinate(G90) R-: the distance from original point to R point(G91) or coordinate(G90) Q: the cutting depth one time




P-: pause time K-: screw lead S-: spindle revolution L-: repeated times

NOTE If not specify Q address or edit to be Q0, means non-pecking rigid tapping cycle. Q is non-mode. Pecking deep hole rigid tapping contain two types (set in the parameter No.8 of USER): 1). Remove chip with high speed: Tapping feed Q each time, will retract the distance of d then feed (set in the parameter No.9 of USER). 2). Normal remove chip: Tapping feed Q each time, feed again after returned to R plane. e.g.:

Fig 4.27 Explanation As threading, the speed of coordinate axis depends on the spindle revolution and screw pitch, not related to feed F, system will automatically limit the speed within max feed speed range. Threading in tracking mode, the override switches of spindle and feed axis are invalid. The value of screw lead K should be specified in each threading program line, otherwise compiling failed. Execute tapping as spindle CCW. Reach to the bottom of the hole, the spindle will be CW to retract. Will make reverse screw by this cycle. For tracking tapping, feed pausing button is invalid during CCW tapping, until retraction finished. Use M code to CCW rotate spindle before specify G74. As spindle is controlled in pulse mode, no needs M code to rotate spindle. As specify tool length offset (G43,G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M4 S100 ; spindle start rotate(as spindle controlled with pulse mode, no need M3/M4) G90 G99 G74 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 Q7 K5 S100; positioning, tapping hole 1, return to point R Y-550, K5; positioning, tapping hole 2, return to point R Y-750, K5; positioning, tapping hole 3, return to point R




X1000, K5; positioning, tapping hole 4, return to point R Y-550, K5; positioning, tapping hole 5, return to point R G98 Y-750, K5; positioning, tapping hole 6, return to original plane G80 M5; stop spindle Finished boring cycle (G76) This instruction inquires that spindle must possess orientation function Finished boring cycle is used for boring exact hole. Spindle stop when arrives at the bottom of hole, the direction of cutting tool is set with parameter No.5 in USER, depart from surface of workpiece and return. Format: G76 X-Y-Z-R-Q--F-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance(G91) from point R to hole bottom or coordinate value(G90) R-: the distance(G91) from original point to point R or coordinate value(G90) Q-: offset value at the bottom P-: pause time F-: cutting speed L-: repeated times

Fig 4.28 Explanation: Spindle stops at the fixed rotate location after arrived at the bottom of hole, and tool retracted toward the reverse direction of tool tip, which protects surface of workpiece from damage. Realize exact and effective boring. NOTE Spindle orientation angle and tool retracting direction are set in No. 7 of USER Rotate spindle with auxiliary function M-code before specifying G76 When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. e.g.: M3 S500 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G76 X300.Y-250 RZ-150. R-100.Q5 : positioning, boring No.1 hole, then return to point, orientation at the bottom of hole then move 5mm Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 2 hole, then return to point R Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 3 hole, then return to point R




X1000 Y-550 G98 Y-750 G80 M5

; positioning, boring No. 4 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, boring No. 5 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, boring No. 6 hole, then return to point R ; spindle stop

4.4.20. 4 Drilling cycle, point drilling cycle (G81) This cycle used for normal drilling, cutting feed to the bottom of hole, then rapid retraction. format: G81 X-Y-Z-R- F-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance from point R to hole bottom(G91) or coordinates (G90) R-: the distance from original point to point R(G91) or coordinates (G90) F-: cutting speed L-: repeated times

Fig 4.29 Explanation: After positioning along X and Y axes rapid move to point R, execute drilling from point R to point Z, then rapid retraction. Rotate spindle with auxiliary function M code before specifying G81. When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M3 S2000 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G81 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 F120 : Positioning, drilling No.1 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, drilling No. 2 hole, then return to point R Y-750 ; positioning, drilling No. 3 hole, then return to point R X1000 ; positioning, drilling No. 4 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, drilling No. 5 hole, then return to point R G98 Y-750 ; positioning, drilling No. 6 hole, then return to original plane G80 M5 ; spindle stop Drilling cycle, countersink boring cycle (G82)




This cycle used for normal drilling, cutting feed to the bottom of hole, pausing, then rapid retraction. format: G82 X-Y-Z-R-P-F-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance from R point to hole bottom (G91)or coordinate(G90) R-: the distance from original point to R point (G91) or coordinate(G90) P-:pause time F-:cutting speed L-:repeated times

Fig 4.30 Explanation: After positioning along X and Y axes rapid move to point R, execute drilling from point R to point Z, when tool arriving at the bottom of hole, execute pausing, then rapid retraction. Rotate spindle with auxiliary function M code before specifying G82. When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M3 S2000 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G82 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 P1000 F120 : Positioning, drilling No.1 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, drilling No. 2 hole, then return to point R Y-750 ; positioning, drilling No. 3 hole, then return to point R X1000 ; positioning, drilling No. 4 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, drilling No. 5 hole, then return to point R G98 Y-750 ; positioning, drilling No. 6 hole, then return to original plane G80 M5 ; spindle stop Chip removal drilling cycle (G83) In the process of executing intermittent feed to the bottom of the hole remove chips from the hole.




Format :G83 X-Y-Z-R-Q-F-L-; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance(G91) from R point to hole bottom or coordinate(G90) R-: the distance(G91) from original point to R point or coordinate(G90) Q-:cutting depth every time F-:cutting speed L-:repeated times

Fig 4.31 Explanation: Q: means cutting depth of every time feeding, which must be specified with increment value. In the cutting feed at the second time and anon, execute rapid motion to point d before drilling end last time and re-execute again, cutting feed d is set with parameter No.4 in USER, Q must be specified with positive, negative is omitted. Rotate spindle with auxiliary function Mcode before specifying G83. When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M3 S2000 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G83 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 Q15 F120 : Positioning, drilling No.1 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, drilling No. 2 hole, then return to point R Y-750 ; positioning, drilling No. 3 hole, then return to point R X1000 ; positioning, drilling No. 4 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, drilling No. 5 hole, then return to point R G98 Y-750 ; positioning, drilling No. 6 hole, then return to original plane G80 M5 ; spindle stop CW peck deep hole tapping cycle (G84) The pre-condition is that spindle must possess position servo control function. This cycle execute CW tapping, in CW tapping cycle, the spindle CW feed Q each time, will feed again after CCW retract the distance of d(set in the parameter NO.9 in USER), the spindle will CCW retract after arrived to the bottom of the hole.




Format:G84 X-Y-Z-R-P-Q-K-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance from R point to hole bottom (G91) or coordinate(G90) R-: the distance from original point to R point (G91) or coordinate(G90) Q-: the cutting depth one time P-:pause time K-:thread lead S-:spindle revolution L-:repeated times NOTE If not specify Q address or edit to be Q0, means non-pecking rigid tapping cycle. Q is non-mode. Pecking deep hole rigid tapping contain two types(set in the parameter No.8 of USER): 1). Remove chip with high speed: Tapping feed Q each time, will retract the distance of d then feed (set in the parameter No.9 of USER ). 2). Normal removal chip: Tapping feed Q each time, feed again after returned to R plane.

Fig 4.32 Explanation: As threading, coordinate axis speed is determined by spindle revolution and pitch, not related to feed speed F, coordinate axis speed is limited automatically by system within maximum feed speed. Threading with spindle tracking method, spindle override switch and feed axis override switch is invalid. Thread lead K should be specified in each threading program block, otherwise, compiling failed. Spindle CW execute tapping, when arrive at bottom of hole, spindle rotate reversely for retraction, this process generates thread. For spindle tracking method, in the period of tapping, feed pausing cant make machine stop, until retraction finished. Rotate spindle with M code before specifying G84, when spindle is controlled with pulse method, no need to rotate spindle with M-code. When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M3 S100 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G84 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-120 P300 K5 Q6 S100 : Positioning, tapping No.1 hole, then return to point R




Y-550 K5 Y-750 K5 X1000 K5 Y-550 K5 G98 Y-750 K5 G80 M5

; positioning, tapping No. 2 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, tapping No. 3 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, tapping No. 4 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, tapping No. 5 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, tapping No. 6 hole, then return to original plane ; spindle stop Boring cycle (G85) This cycle used for boring format:G85 X-Y-Z-R-F-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance from R point to hole bottom (G91) or coordinate(G90) R-: the distance from original point to R point (G91) or coordinate(G90) F-:cutting speed L-:repeated times

Fig 4.33 Explanation: After positioning along X and Y axes rapid move to point R, execute boring from point R to point Z, when tool arriving at the bottom of hole, execute cutting feed, then return to point R. Rotate spindle with auxiliary function M code before specifying G85. When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M3 S100 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G85 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-120 F120 : Positioning, boring No.1 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 2 hole, then return to point R Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 3 hole, then return to point R X1000 ; positioning, boring No. 4 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 5 hole, then return to point R G98 Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 6 hole, then return to original plane G80 M5 ; spindle stop Boring cycle (G86)




format: G86 X-Y-Z-R-F-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance from R point to hole bottom (G91) or coordinates(G90) R-: the distance from original point to R point (G91) or coordinates(G90) F-:cutting speed L-:repeated times

Fig 4.34 Explanation: After positioning along X and Y axes rapid move to point R, execute boring from point R to point Z, spindle stop when tool arriving at the bottom of hole, tool rapid retraction. Rotate spindle with M code before specifying G86. When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M3 S2000 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G86 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 F120 : Positioning, boring No.1 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 2 hole, then return to point R Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 3 hole, then return to point R X1000 ; positioning, boring No. 4 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 5 hole, then return to point R G98 Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 6 hole, then return to original plane G80 M5 ; spindle stop Boring cycle, counter boring cycle (G87) Because spindle needs orientation stop, the precondition is that spindle must possess orientation function. This cycle executes finished boring. Only adopt G98, not G99 format: G87 X-Y-Z-R-Q-P-F-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance from R point to hole bottom (G91) or coordinate(G90)




R-: the distance from original point to R point (G91) or coordinate(G90) Q-: tool offset distance P-:pause time F-:cutting speed L-:repeat times

Fig 4.35 Explanation: After positioning along X and Y-axes, spindle stops at fixed rotate location. Tool rapid moves toward reverse direction of tool nose(set with the parameter No.6 in USER) and positioning at the point R in the bottom of hole, then, tool move along the direction of tool nose and spindle rotates CW. Boring along Z-axis positive until point Z. at point Z, spindle stops at fixed location again, tool moves toward reverse direction of tool nose. Then tool return to original location, tool offset at direction of tool nose, spindle rotates CW. execute next program block. Rotate spindle with auxiliary function M code before specifying G87. When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M3 S500 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G87 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-120 Q5 P1000 F120 : Positioning, boring No.1 hole, orients at original location then offsets 5mm stop 1s at point Z Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 2 hole, then return to point R Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 3 hole, then return to point R X1000 ; positioning, boring No. 4 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 5 hole, then return to point R G98 Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 6 hole, then return to original plane G80 M5 ; spindle stop cycle (G89) This cycle execute boring.




Format: G89 X-Y-Z-R-P-F-L- ; X-Y-: hole position data Z-: the distance(G91) from R point to hole bottom or coordinate(G90) R-: the distance(G91) from original point to R point or coordinate(G90) P-:pause time F-:cutting speed L-:repeat times

Fig 4.36 Explanation: Except for executing pause at bottom of hole, this instruction is same with G85. Rotate spindle with auxiliary function M code before specifying G89. When specify tool length offset (G43, G44 or G49) in canned cycle, add offset synchronously with positioning to point R, tool radius offset is omitted. E.g.: M3 S100 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G89 X300. Y-250. Z-150. R-120. P1000 F120. : Positioning, boring No.1 hole, then return to point R, stop 1s at bottom of hole. Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 2 hole, then return to point R Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 3 hole, then return to point R X1000 ; positioning, boring No. 4 hole, then return to point R Y-550 ; positioning, boring No. 5 hole, then return to point R G98 Y-750 ; positioning, boring No. 6 hole, then return to original plane G80 M5 ; spindle stop Cancel cycle instruction (G80) Cancel cycle instruction. Format:G80 ;

Explanation: Cancel all canned cycle, execute normal operation. Point R and Z are also cancelled. That means, in the method of increment, R=0, Z=0, other drilling data are also cancelled. E.g.: M3 S100 : spindle start rotate G90 G99 G88 X300. Y-250. Z-150. R-120. F120. : Positioning, boring No.1 hole, then return to point R




Y-550 Y-750 X1000 Y-550 G98 Y-750 G80 G28 M5

; positioning, boring No. 2 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, boring No. 3 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, boring No. 4 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, boring No. 5 hole, then return to point R ; positioning, boring No. 6 hole, then return to original plane ; return to reference point and cancel canned cycle ; spindle stop

4.4.21 Polar coordinate (G15/G16)

Coordinate value can be input with radius and angle of polar coordinate by adopting polar coordinate, the positive direction of angle is CCW of the first axis of selected plane, and negative is CW. Radius can be denoted with absolute or increment instructions(G90, G91), angle is denoted with absolute value. Format : G15 Cancel Polar coordinate; (G17/G18/G19) (G90/G91) G16 IP- ;polar coordinate instruction Explanation: 1. G17/G18/G19: point out the selection of plane 2. G90: specify zero point of work coordinate system as the original point of polar coordinate system, measure radius from there. 3. G91: specify current location as the original point of polar coordinate system, and measure radius form there. 4. IP-: specify axis address of polar coordinate system selection plane and its value First axis is radius in polar coordinate system Second axis is polar angle 5. specify zero point of work coordinate system as the original point of polar coordinate system: Specify radius with absolute programming instruction (the distance between zero point and programming point). The zero point of work coordinate system is set as the original point of polar coordinate system, when use local coordinate system G52, the original point of local coordinate system is become the centre of polar coordinate, angle denoted with absolute value. Refer to following figure:

Fig 4.37 6. current location is set as the original point of polar coordinate system: Specify radius with increment programming instruction (the distance between current location and programming point). The current location is set as the original point of polar coordinate system, when use local coordinate system G52, the original point of local coordinate system is become the centre of polar coordinate, angle denoted with absolute value. Refer to following figure:




Fig 4.38 e.g.:

Fig 4.39 G17 G90 G16 ;specify polar coordinate system and select XY plane, the zero point of work coordinate system is set as the original point of polar coordinate G81 X100.0 Y30.0 Z-20.0 R-5.0 F200.0; ; specify the distance of 100mm and angle of 30 Y150.0 ; specify the distance of 100mm and angle of 150 Y270.0 ; specify the distance of 100mm and angle of 270 G15 G80 ; cancel polar coordinate system instruction

4.4.22 Metric and inch system (G20/G21)

Used for selecting metric or English system Format: G20: inch input G21: millimeter input

Explanation: This G-code must be edited at the front of the program, specified with single program block before select coordinate. After designating the G-codes for inch/metric shifting, the unit of input data is shifted to minimum incremental unit, but that of angle isnt changed. Change the unit system of following value after metric/inch shifting. z Feed speed specified with F-code z Position commands z Offset value of workpiece zero z Tool compensation z The graduation unit of pendant MPG z The moving distance in increment feeding




4.4.23 Threading(G33)
Threading instruction can be used to cut both equal lead cylindrical external thread and internal thread. The precondition is that spindle must possess location detecting feedback equipment or position servo control function. Format: G33 Z_ K_ ; K: Mode lead

Fig4.40 Explanation: 1) G33 is mode, until replaced by other instructions in G function group (G0, G1, G2, G3 and etc). 2) CW thread and CCW thread are determined by the spindle rotary direction M03/M04 (M03-CW, M04-CCW), the spindle rotate speed is edited under the address S. 3) The coordinate axis speed is determined by the spindle revolution and the pitch when threading in G33, isnt related to feed speed F. the coordinate axis speed is limited in the range of the max feed speed by system automatically. 4) When threading with tracking method, the spindle override switch and feed axes override switch is invalid. 5) The thread lead K should be specified in each threading program block, otherwise, compile will be failed 6) When control method is servo control, thread lead K is negative means spindle CCW rotates. 7) When threading with tracking method, the pause function is invalid. e.g.: Machining the thread with the pitch is 0.8mm N10 G54 G0 G90 X10 Y10 Z5 S600 M3; return to start point, spindle CW N20 G33 Z-25 K0.8 ; machining thread, the end point is-25mm N30 Z5 K0.8 M4 ; tool retraction, spindle CCW N40 G0 X Z When machining with the method of servo controlling: N10 G54 G0 G90 X10 Y10 Z5 S600 M3 N20 G33 Z-25 K0.8 N30 Z5 K-0.8 N40 G0 X Y Z




4.4.24 Return to program original point (G26/ G261/G262/G263)

Used for return to program original point Format: G26 G261 G262 G263 ZXY axes return to program original point X-axis returns to program original point Y-axis returns to program original point Z-axis returns to program original point

Explanation: G26 return to original point automatically by the method of three axes simultaneous.

4.4.25 Spindle Positioning (SP)

Precondition: Spindle must possess position feedback equipment or pulse control method. Spindle can be positioned to a certain angle location by utilizing SP function. Positioning speed and range of positioning error are set in No.103 of AXIS. The determination to positioning direction contains two methods: 1) Spindle positioning adopts the method of position feedback. When execute positioning from the state of spindle rotation (M03/M04), remains the running direction of positioning; when execute positioning from the state of rest, execute running with short displacement, the direction is from start point to end point. 2) Spindle positioning adopts the method of pulse interpolation control, the direction of positioning is set in NO.109 of AXIS, including two types: positive, negative. format: SP ; Absolute location:0360 degree

E.g.: N10 SP14.3 spindle is positioned to the angle of 14.3degree N80 G0 X89 Z300 SP25.6 spindle is positioned to 25.6 degree firstly, then execute coordinate axes motion. N81 X200 Z300

4.4.26 Waiting for aux-relay M1xxx is valid, Waiting for aux-relay M2xxx invalid
M1xxx: Waiting for aux-relay is valid, afterward, execute the following program, For example M1049 Means waiting for aux-relay M49 is valid, afterward, execute the following program, otherwise, CNC is in the status of pause. M2xxx: Waiting for aux-relay is invalid, afterward, execute the following program, For example M2049 means waiting for aux-relay M49 is invalid, afterward, execute the following program, otherwise, CNC is in the status of pause. NOTE :Should be four digits after the instruction

4.4.27 Make aux-relay M3xxx valid, make aux-relay M4xxx invalid.

M3xxx: make aux-relay valid, afterward, execute the following program, For example




M3049 Means after aux-relay M49 is valid, execute the following program. M4xxx: make aux-relay invalid, afterward, execute the following program, For example M4049 means after aux-relay M49 is invalid, execute the following program. NOTE :Should be four digits after that instruction

4.4.28 Edit the output function of output point and aux-relay in CNC program directly
Format: OUT+(-) Y(M)**+(-) Y(M)**+(-) Y(M)**+(-) Y(M)** Explanation: OUT means output, + denotes valid, - denotes invalid. e.g.: OUT+Y5-Y7+Y9+Y11-Y15 means make output of Y5,Y9,Y11 valid, that Y7,Y15 in valid. e.g.: OUT+Y12-Y13+Y14+Y8-Y16 means make output of Y12,Y14,Y8 valid, that Y13,Y16 invalid.

4.4.29 conditional skip function

M1xxxPxx execute the program as normal when auxiliary relay is valid, skip to the marked line that P pointed to as the auxiliary invalid. e.g.: M1049 P52 means execute the program as normal when M49 valid, will skip to the line which N52 located in when M49 invalid. M2xxxPxx execute the program as normal when auxiliary relay invalid, skip to the marked line that P pointed to as the auxiliary valid. e.g.: M2049 P52 means execute the program as normal when M49 invalid, will skip to the line which N52 located in when M49 valid. NOTE: There must be 4 digits after M.

4.4.30 Auxiliary function

Format: M00 M02 M20 M30 M03 M04 M05 M06 M16 M08 M09 M10 M11 M24 M25 M32 Content: (Non-Mode) (Non-Mode, stop mode) (Non-Mode, stop mode) (Non-Mode, stop command) (Mode) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Non-Mode) (Non-Mode) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode)

program pause, execute again by press running button program end, stop program end, execute recycle, used for test machine program end, turn off Spindle & Cool spindle CW spindle CCW spindle stop tool exchange (as there is T-code in the program block, execute tool selection instruction T lastly) tool exchange (as there is T-code in the program block, execute tool selection instruction T firstly) coolant on coolant off tool tighten tool release air cooling off air cooling on lubrication on




M33 M41 M42 M43 M44 M45 M46 M47 M48 M49 M50 M51 M52 M53 M54 M55 M56 M57 M58 M97 P4

lubrication off user self definition 1 on user self definition 1 off user self definition 2 on user self definition 2 off user self definition 3 on user self definition 3 off user self definition 4 on user self definition 4 off user self definition 5 on user self definition 5 off user self definition 6 on user self definition 6 off user self definition 7 on user self definition 7 off user self definition 8 on user self definition 8 off user self definition 9 on user self definition 9 off unconditionally skip to the line No. where P point to and running; P4 denotes specifying the entry line No. with 4 digits where program skip to M98 P (Non-Mode) Unconditional sub-program calling instruction. Random characters of P words (less than 100) specify the path and the name of sub-program. e.g.: Psub/%ab12 means the sub-program is tmp/NC/sub/%ab12, NOTE 1. tmp/NC/ is the default path of the system program, sub is a folder under that. 2. Sub-program must be an isolated program. There must be space before the character L which is calling times of sub-program. When sub-program end, return to the next program block of main program. if program contains fixed sequence or repetitious drawings, which can be edited to sub-program and saved into memorizer so as to simplify programming. Sub-program can be called by the main program, the called sub-program also calls another sub-program. M99 (Non-Mode) sub-program end and return, there must be M99 when sub-program end. Sub-program can call another one (embedding). No matter the calling program is main program or sub-program, the called sub-program returns to the next program block of calling program. When main program calls sub-program, it is considered as the first step sub-program. It is can be embedded 4 levels calling. The calling relationship refers to below.

(Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Mode) (Mode, original) (Non-Mode)




Fig4.41 The methods of sub-program calls another one as same as that main program calls sub-program. e.g.:

Fig4.42 This command can call sub-program max 9999 times.


Program Convention

4.5.1 Multi-commands can be one block together

Multi-commands in one block means that there are several commands allowed exist in one program block together, to reduce the programming lines. Following items should be noticed about that. The commands in the same group cant be in the same block (refer to G Instruction-code and function) The commands of isolated type must be appeared alone, cant be in the same block with others. The sequence of the commands in one block execute according to the step from A to F, that in the same step execute according to tactic sequence. A: G25 B: F, S, M03, M04, M05, M08, M09, M12, M13, M22, M23, M54, M55, G04 C: G17, G18, G19, G90, G91, G36, G37, G11, G12, G40, G41, G42, G43, G44, G45, G46, G47, G48, G49 D: G92, G00, G01, G02, G03, G26, G27, G28, G29, G30, G61, G60 E: G66, G67 F: G22, G80, M00, M02, M30, M20, M97, M98, M99

4.5.2 The commands and parameter can be located arbitrarily in program block
e.g.: N01 G01 X120 Y100; N03 R123 X120 Y100 G03; All above are legal program blocks




4.5.3 Repeatable commands isnt allowed in the program block

e.g.: G01 G01 X120 Y100 X34 That program block will be error when compiling.

4.5.4 The operation that irrelative to the commands isnt allowed in program block 4.5.5 Semicolon can be applied at the end of program block, remark followed semicolon
e.g.: N01 G00 X120.0 Y234.0; rapid motion ; The following is grooving N02 G02 X34.5 Y15.67 R78;

4.5.6 The first character of program block is %,O,(,means this block is remark line
e.g.: O1234 %7878 (remark) NOTE :When auxiliary relay M38 is valid, execute the code followed (, otherwise, omit it.

4.5.7 Space is available between commands in program block

e.g.: N01G00X120.0 Y234.0; N02 G02 X34.5Y15.67R78; All above are legal program block

4.5.8 The codes G00, G01, G02, G03, M02 can be written to be G0, G1, G2, G3, M2 4.5.9 Global variable and system variable can be adopted into program
For convenient of programming, Global variable and system variable can be adopted into program, all the address symbols can be followed with variable name except for P. e.g.: X#135 If the value of global variable #135 is 124, evaluate 124 to X

4.5.10 arithmetic expression can be adopted into program

The arithmetic expression must be closed with the bracket [ ] e.g.: X [#132+5.34*(4*SIN(#105/5.6))] The value of the arithmetic expression of [#132+5.34*(4*SIN(#105/5.6))] is calculated when system compiling, then evaluated to X-axis. The method is convenient for operator program with parameter.




4.5.11 MDI function explanation

When use MDI function, if there isnt G53, G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, G59 in MDI program codes, means MDI program running in the current coordinate system(G53, G54G59) e.g.: if the current coordinate system is G55: After input X50Z67F400 in the dialog box of MDI, press running button, the system will run to the coordinate point X50Z67 in the work coordinate system with the speed of F400.

4.6 The introduction for tool radius compensation C

Tool radius compensation C is tool track that system calculates the radius compensation according to last and next block of the current program block.

4.6.1 Inside and Outside

The tool tracks generated by two program instructions to form an angle , when the angle degree is more than 180, the track specified inside, and when the angle degree is less than 180, the track specified outside. Refer to following figures. Inside: Outside:


Fig 4.44

4.6.2 Establish tool radius compensation The tool moving along inside of the corner (180) The tool centre will move to the top of tool radius vector of next program block start point. Line-> Line Line ->Arc

Fig 4.45

Fig 4.46 The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90<180) The tool centre will move to the top of tool radius vector of current program block jumping-off point. Line-> Line A type B type




Fig 4.47 Line ->Arc A type B type


Fig. 4.49

Fig.50 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (<90) Line-> Line A type B type

Fig 4.51 Line->Arc A type B type

Fig 4.52

Fig 4.53

Fig 4.54

4.6.3 The tool moving of tool offset mode tool moving along inside of the corner (180) LineLine Line Arc




Fig 4.55 Arc Line ArcArc

Fig. 4.56

Fig. 4.57

Fig 4.58 The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90<180) Line Line Line Arc

Fig 4.59 Arc Line ArcArc

Fig. 4.60

Fig. 4.61

Fig. 4.62 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (<90) Line Line Line Arc




Fig 4.63 Arc Line ArcArc

Fig. 4.64


Fig. 4.66

4.6.4 The tool moving in the mode of tool offset canceling The tool moving along inside of the corner (180) The tool centre will move to the top of tool radius vector of current program block end point. LineLine ArcLine

Fig. 4.67

Fig 4.68 The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90<180) The tool centre will move to the top of tool radius vector of current program block jumping-off point. LineLine A Type B type

Fig 4.69 ArcLine A type B type





Fig 4.71

Fig 4.72 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (<90) The tool centre will move to the top of tool radius vector of next program block jumping-off point. LineLine A type B type

Fig 4.73 ArcLine A type B type

Fig 4.74

Fig 4.75

Fig 4.76

4.7 Program Example

Example 1: Square and circularity cutting

Fig 4.77 Start from the centre, centre coordinates G54 X0 Y0 Z50




Tool radius locates at D01 in T01 of parameter N0000 G54 G00 X0 Y0 Z50 ;machining start point N0002 M03 S1000 ; turn on spindle N0004 G00 Y-40 X40 G90 ; move out of square N0006 Z10 ; N0008 G01 Z10 F200 ;Z-axis engage N0010 G01 G41 T01 D01 X-20 Y-20 F400 ;move to the point B N0012 Y20 ; tool located on the left of workpiece and cut the straight line BC N0014 X20 ; corner transition at the point C, cut CD N0016 Y20 ; corner transition at the point D, cut DE N0018 X-25 ; corner transition at the point E, cut EB For realizing coincident roughness, moving 5mm additional N0020 G00 X-40 Y-40 G40 ;move out of circularity N0022 G01 G41 X20 Y20 F500 ;elongate the value of T01 along redial AB N0024 Z20 F100 ;Z-axis engage N0026 G91 G02 I20 J20 Y0 X0 ; cutting circularity N0028 G00 Z50 ;retract tool N0030 G40 G00 X0 Y0 ;cancel tool compensation N0032 G40 M05 ;turn off spindle N0034 M02 ;program end Example 2:

Fig 4.78 Assuming use three tools T11, T15, T31.The tool length compensation separately is 200(H1), 190(H1), 150(H1), which had been set in REDEEM. According to the requirement of part drawing, programming as following:




N001 G92 X0 Y0 Z0 ;set work coordinate at reference point N002 G90 G00 Z250.0 T11 ;tool exchange N003 G43 Z0 H1 ;tool length offset at original location N004 S30 M3 ;turn of spindle N005 G99 G81 X400.0 Y-350.0 Z-153.0 R-97.0 F120; Positioning drill No.1 hole N006 Y-550.0 ;Positioning drill No.2 hole and return to point R N007 G98 Y-750.0 ;Positioning drill No.3 hole and return to original location N008 G99 X1200.0 ;positioning drill No.4 and return to point R N009 Y-550.0 ;positioning drill No.5 and return to point R N010 G98 Y-350.0 ;positioning drill No.6 and return to original location N011 G00 X0 Y0 M5 ;return to reference point and stop spindle N012 G49 Z250.0 T15 ;cancel tool length offset tool exchange N013 G43 Z0 H1 ;tool length offset at original location N014 S20 M3 ;spindle start N015 G99 G82 X550.0 Y-450.0 Z-130.0 R-97.0 P30070 ;Positioning drill No.7 hole and return to point R N016 G98 Y-650.0 ;positioning drill No.8 hole and return to original location N017 G99 X1050.0 ; positioning drill No.9 hole and return to point R N018 G98 Y-450.0 ;positioning drill No.10 hole and return to original location N019 G00 X0 Y0 M5 ;return to reference point and stop spindle N020 G49 Z250.0T31 ;cancel tool length offset tool exchange N021 G43 Z0 H1 ;tool length offset at original location N022 S10 M3 ;spindle start N023 G85 G99 X800.0 Y-350.0 Z-153.0 R47.0 F50 ;Positioning boring No.11 hole and return to point R N024 G91 Y-200.0 K2 ;positioning boring No.12, No13 holes and return to point R N025 G28 X0 Y0 M5 ;return to reference point and stop spindle N026 G49 Z0 G80 ;cancel tool length offset N027 M02 ; program end

4.8 User macro program

Although the NC program is very useful to edit program which possesses the same operation, it is more convenient and easier that edit the program of same operation because user macro program allows user to use variable arithmetic, logic operation and condition transfer. The same operation can be edit to the general program such as the macro program for cavity machining and the macro program for fixed machining cycle. Machining program can call user macro program by a simple command when used, it is basically same to sub-program calling.




Fig 4.79 Variable explanation Variable specifying Ordinary machining program directly use numeral specify G-code and moving distance such as G01 and X100.0, the value can be specified directly or use variable when use user macro program. When use variable, the value of variable can be changed by program or the operation on the panel. Allow use variable name, the variable of user macro program is specified with variable symbol# and the followed variable number. e.g.: #1 The equation can be applied to specify variable number, equation must be closed in the bracket. e.g.: # [#1+#2-12] G01 X#1 F300 Variable types The variable contains 4 types according to variable number: 1. #0-- #20 local variables: the local variable only used for storage data in macro program, such as operation result, the local variable is initiated to empty after power off. The self variable evaluate to local variable when calling macro program. 2. #21--#200 global variables: the meaning of global variable is same among different macro program. The variables from #21 to #100 are initiated to zero after power off, but that from #101 to #200 is exist all the same. 3. #1000 system variables: the system variable used to read the change of datum when CNC running. Such as the current value and compensation value of tools. Arithmetic and logic operation The operation as following table can be executed in variable. The equation right of operator contains constant and variable composed by operator. The variable #j and #k in the equation can be evaluated by constant. the left variable also can be evaluated by the equation. Table: arithmetic logic operation function definition addition subtraction multiplication division sine arc sine cosine arc cosine tangent arc tangent Square root Absolute value rounding round to up round to down Natural logarithm Exponential function or format #i = #j #i = #j + #k ; #i = #j - #k ; #i = #j * #k ; #i = #j / #k ; #i = SIN(#j) ; #i = ASIN(#j) ; #i = COS(#j) ; #i = ACOS(#j) ; #i = TAN(#j) ; #i= ATAN(#j/#k); #i = SQRT(#j) ; #i = ABS(#j) ; #i = ROUND(#j) ; #i = FIX(#j) ; #i = FUP(#j) ; #i = LN(#j) ; #i = EXP(#j) ; #i = #j OR #k ; Logic operation is executed The angle is denoted as degree, 90 degree and 30 cent is denoted as 90.5 degree. remark




exclusive or and

#i = #j XOR #k ; #i = #j AND #k ;

bit by bit according to binary system.

Explanation 1. the unit of angle ARCSIN # i=ASIN(#j) ARCCOS # i =ACOS(#j) ARCTAN( #j/ #k )=ATAN(#j/ #k) The angle unit of functions SIN, COS, ASIN, ACOS, TAN and ATAN is degree. Such as 90 degree and 30 cent is denoted as 90.5 degree. The range is 0---360 degree. 2. Natural logarithm #i=LN(#j) 3. Exponential function #i=EXP(#j) 4. Constant can replace variable # 5. ROUND rounding function When arithmetic operation or logic operation contains ROUND function, the ROUND function is round at the first decimal fraction, For example: When execute #1=ROUND (#2), here #2=1.2345, the value of variable #1 is 1.0. When execute #1=ROUND (#2), here #2=1.7345, the value of variable #1 is 2.0. 6. When CNC deals with numeral operation, it is rounded to up if the absolute value of integer after operation is more than that of original numeral it is rounded to down if less than that of original numeral. You should be careful in dealing with negative. For example: Suppose #1=1.2, #2= 1.2 When execute #3=FUP (#1), 2.0 is evaluated to #3 When execute #3=FIX (#1), 1.0 is evaluated to #3 When execute #3=FUP (#2), 2.0 is evaluated to #3 When execute #3=FIX (#2), 1.0 is evaluated to #3 7. Operation sequence The operation of multiplication and division: * / AND The operation of addition and subtraction: + - OR XOR Bracket embedded 8. The bracket [ ], used to close equation, it is used for notation after semicolon. System variables System variables are used to read and write NC internal data such as tool offset value and current position data, but system variables can be only read and that are the basement of auto control and general machining program development. 1. Mode information The mode information of program that being dealt with can be read #4001 mode information G00, G01, G02, G03, G33 #4002 mode information G17, G18, G19 #4003 mode information G90, G91 #4005 mode information G94, G95 #4006 mode information G20, G21 #4007 mode information G40, G41, G42 #4008 mode information G43, G44, G49 #4009 mode information G73, G74,G76,G80-G89 #4010 mode information G98, G99




#4014 mode information G53, G54-G59 #4015 mode information G60, G64 #4017 mode information G15, G16 #4109 mode information F #4119 mode information S #4120 mode information T #4114 sequence number #4111 mode information H #4107 mode information D 2. Finished workpiece quantity #3901 3. Current status #5001#5004 end of current block XYZA (machine coordinates: mm) #5021#5024 current position XYZA (machine coordinates: mm) #5041#5044 current position XYZA (work coordinates: mm) #5081 length compensation value of current tool (mm) #5082 radius compensation value of current tool (mm) #5080 current tool number 4. System parameter #1001#1099 toolT1--99 length compensation value H1 (um) #1101#1199 tool T1--99 radius compensation value D1 (um) #1201#1299 tool T1--99 length compensation value H2 (um) #1301#1399 tool T1--99 radius compensation value D2 (um) #1401#1499 tool T1--99 length compensation value H3 (um) #1501#1599 tool T1--99 radius compensation value D3 (um) #1601#1699 tool T1--99 length compensation value H4 (um) #1800 input relay X00--07(D0--7 ) #1801 input relay X08--15(D0--7) #1802 input relay X16--23(D0--7) #1803 input relay X24--31(D0--7) #1804 positive and negative limit of X, Y axis X50-X57(D0--7) #1805 positive and negative limit of Z, A axis X58-X65(D0--7) #1806 positive and negative limit of B, C axis X66-X73(D0--7) #1807 drive/spindle alarm X74-X81(D0--7) #1808 output relay Y00-Y15 (D0--15) #1809 output relay Y16-Y31 (D0--15) #1810 auxiliary relay M200-M215 (D0--15) #1811 auxiliary relay M00-M15 (D0--15) #1812 self definition key X101-X112(D0--11) #1813 servo enable Y50-Y57 (D0--7) #1814 auxiliary relay M16-M31 (D0--15) #1815 auxiliary relay M32-M47 (D0--15) #1816 auxiliary relay M48-M63 (D0--15) #1817 auxiliary relay M64-M79 (D0--15) #1818 auxiliary relay M100-M115 (D0--15) #1819 auxiliary relay M80-M95 (D0--15) #1820 auxiliary relay M120-M135 (D0--15)




#1850 X axis offset value of work coordinates system G54 (unit: mm) #1851 X axis offset value of work coordinates system G55 (unit: mm) #1852 X axis offset value of work coordinates system G56 (unit: mm) #1853 X axis offset value of work coordinates system G57 (unit: mm) #1854 X axis offset value of work coordinates system G58 (unit: mm) #1855 X axis offset value of work coordinates system G59 (unit: mm) #1856 Y axis offset value of work coordinates system G54 (unit: mm) #1857 Y axis offset value of work coordinates system G55 (unit: mm) #1858 Y axis offset value of work coordinates system G56 (unit: mm) #1859 Y axis offset value of work coordinates system G57 (unit: mm) #1860 Y axis offset value of work coordinates system G58 (unit: mm) #1861 Y axis offset value of work coordinates system G59 (unit: mm) #1862 Z axis offset value of work coordinates system G54 (unit: mm) #1863 Z axis offset value of work coordinates system G55 (unit: mm) #1864 Z axis offset value of work coordinates system G56 (unit: mm) #1865 Z axis offset value of work coordinates system G57 (unit: mm) #1866 Z axis offset value of work coordinates system G58 (unit: mm) #1867 Z axis offset value of work coordinates system G59 (unit: mm) #1868 A axis offset value of work coordinates system G54 (unit: mm) #1869 A axis offset value of work coordinates system G55 (unit: mm) #1870 A axis offset value of work coordinates system G56 (unit: mm) #1871 A axis offset value of work coordinates system G57 (unit: mm) #1872 A axis offset value of work coordinates system G58 (unit: mm) #1873 A axis offset value of work coordinates system G59 (unit: mm) #1874 X axis value of the first reference (unit: mm) #1875 X axis value of the second reference (unit: mm) #1876 X axis value of the third reference (unit: mm) #1877 X axis value of the fourth reference (unit: mm) #1878 Y axis value of the first reference (unit: mm) #1879 Y axis value of the second reference (unit: mm) #1880 Y axis value of the third reference (unit: mm) #1881 Y axis value of the fourth reference (unit: mm) #1882 Z axis value of the first reference (unit: mm) #1883 Z axis value of the second reference (unit: mm) #1884 Z axis value of the third reference (unit: mm) #1885 Z axis value of the fourth reference (unit: mm) #1886 A axis value of the first reference (unit: mm) #1887 A axis value of the second reference (unit: mm) #1888 A axis value of the third reference (unit: mm) #1889 A axis value of the fourth reference (unit: mm) #1890 Metric or English system setting #1891 name of the 4th axis #1892 function setting of the 4th axis #1893 rotary method as the 4th axis is rotary axis #1894 relative coordinates display as the 4th axis is rotary axis #1895 workpiece coordinates display as the 4th axis is rotary axis #1896 backlash compensation of X axis (um)




#1897 backlash compensation of Y axis (um) #1898 backlash compensation of Z axis (um) #1899 backlash compensation of 4th axis (um) #1900 whether electronic gear is used at feed axis (0 means to use/non 0 means not to use) #1901 numerator of X axis electronic gear (1999999999) #1902 denominator of X axis electronic gear (1999999999) #1903 numerator of Y axis electronic gear (1999999999) #1904 denominator of Y axis electronic gear (1999999999) #1905 numerator of Z axis electronic gear (1999999999) #1906 denominator of Z axis electronic gear (1999999999) #1907 numerator of 4th axis electronic gear (1999999999) #1908 denominator of 4th axis electronic gear (1999999999) #1909 whether electronic gear is used at spindle (0 means to use/non 0 means not to use) #1910 numerator of spindle electronic gear in low gear (1999999999) #1911 denominator of spindle electronic gear in low gear (1999999999) #1912 numerator of spindle electronic gear in high gear (1999999999) #1913 denominator of spindle electronic gear in high gear (1999999999) #1914 the direction signal of X-axis (0 means reverse/ non 0 means forward) #1915 the direction signal of Y-axis (0 means reverse/ non 0 means forward) #1916 the direction signal of Z-axis (0 means reverse/ non 0 means forward) #1917 the direction signal of 4th -axis (0 means reverse/ non 0 means forward) #1918 the direction signal of spindle pulse control ((0 means reverse/ non 0 means forward) #1923 the maximum stroke of X-axis negative (mm/inch) #1924 the maximum stroke of Y-axis negative (mm/inch) #1925 the maximum stroke of Z-axis negative (mm/inch) #1926 the maximum stroke of 4th-axis negative (mm/inch/deg) #1927 the maximum stroke of X-axis positive (mm/inch) #1928 the maximum stroke of Y-axis positive (mm/inch) #1929 the maximum stroke of Z-axis positive (mm/inch) #1930 the maximum stroke of 4th-axis positive (mm/inch/deg) #1950 X-axis G00 speed (mm/min) #1951 Y-axis G00 speed (mm/min) #1952 Z-axis G00 speed (mm/min) #1953 4-axis G00 speed (mm/min or deg/min) #1954 G01default speed (mm/min) #1955 simulation speed (mm/min) #1956 max feed speed (mm/min) #1957 X-axis acceleration ((mm/min)/s) #1958 Y-axis acceleration (mm/min)/s) #1959 Z-axis acceleration (mm/min)/s) #1960 4-axis acceleration (mm/min)/s) #1961 Spindle manual revolution (rpm) #1962 manual speed of feed axis (mm/min) #1963 the positive speed of X-axis returns to reference point (mm/min) #1964 the positive speed of Y-axis returns to reference point (mm/min) #1965 the positive speed of Z-axis returns to reference point (mm/min) #1966 the positive speed of 4th-axis returns to reference point (mm/min or deg/min)




#1967 the negative speed of X-axis returns to reference point (mm/min) #1968 the negative speed of Y-axis returns to reference point (mm/min) #1969 the negative speed of Z-axis returns to reference point (mm/min) #1970 the negative speed of 4th-axis returns to reference point (mm/min or deg/min) #1971 the maximum revolution of spindle motor (rpm) #1972 the transmission ratio of spindle low gear (motor revolution/spindle revolution) #1973 the transmission ratio of spindle high gear (motor revolution/spindle revolution) #1974 the initial speed when manual running (mm/min) #1975 the allowable speed jumping variable of continuous track interpolation (mm/min) #1990 set the number of machining workpiece #1991 set the times of program automatic running when use M20 #1992 the delay time after tool tightening and tool release (s) #1993 whether tool tightening automatically after tool release (non 0 means YES, 0 means NO) #1994 language selection #1995 the direction of offset value Q in canned cycle instruction G76 #1996 the direction of offset value Q in canned cycle instruction G87 #1997 the track width in drawing simulation (unit: pixel) #1998 tool length compensation methods #1999 spindle type (0 means servo spindle/non 0 means analog spindle) #2000 whether spindle possesses high and low gear (0 means NO/non 0 means YES) #2001 acceleration when spindle in gear running #2002 whether start spindle or not when shift spindle gear (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2003 the time from stop to swing when shift spindle gear (0.01s) #2004 the time from swing to gearshift when shift spindle gear (0.01s) #2005 the swing speed of motor when shift spindle gear (0.01 rpm) #2006 the initial swing direction when shift spindle gear (0 means forward/non 0 means reverse) #2007 the forward swing time when shift spindle gear (0.01s) #2008 the reverse swing time when shift spindle gear (0.01s) #2009 whether remain the output signal when shift spindle gear (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2010 whether display self-define alarm (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2011 whether display feed axes and spindle alarm (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2012 whether display cooling overload alarm (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2013 whether display coolant lack alarm (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2014 whether display lubrication overload alarm (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2015 whether display lubrication lack alarm (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2016 whether turn off five axes simultaneous interpolation function (0 means NO/non 0 means YES) #2017 whether detect the feedback of spindle position (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2018 whether use electric gear in spindle position feedback (0 means NO/ non 0 means YES) #2019 spindle control methods (G74/G84/GG33 thread machining and spindle positioning) #2020 tool managing methods (0 means use M06/ non 0 means directly exchange tool with instruction T) #2021 tool selecting methods (0 means unilateral tool selecting /non 0 means bidirectional tool selecting) #2022 methods of feed axes return to reference point #2023 the maximum length of detected zero signal when zero returning #2024 the max tool seat number of fixed tool area #2025 which reference point does Z axis return as exchanging tools #2026 spindle orientation stopping degree as exchange tools #2027 control mode as spindle homing




#2028 power status of all axes as start the system #2029 the max speed of Z axis as using hand wheel function (mm/min) #2030 the max speed of X, Y and 4th axis as using hand wheel function (mm/min) #2031 whether to detect spindle orientation and tool exchange point of Z axis before changing tools(none "0" Means to detect) #2032 Null #2033 Null #2034 Null #2035 Null #2036 Null #2037 Null #2038 Null #2039 Null #2040 Null #2041 Null #2042 Null #2043 Null #2044 Null #2045 Null #2046 spindle orientation stopping degree of boring canned cycle #2047 spindle zero returning speed #2048 spindle positioning speed #2049 spindle positioning error range #2050 Establishment method of tool radius compensation C #2051 cancellation method of tool radius compensation C #2052 the positioning direction when spindle positioning with pulse interpolation control method #2053 the delay time when spindle rotate direction is changed suddenly (unit: 0.1s) #2054 the acceleration when spindle with pulse control method ((mm/min)/s) #2055 whether to start tool selection function and tool exchange function #2056 Rs232 transmitting baud rate #2057 delay time to power on drive after powering off (unit: 0.1s) #2058 interlock of movement of Z axis and tool seize (non 0 means to interlock/ 0 means "No") #2059 offset value of X axis after returning reference (unit: 0.1mm) #2060 offset value of Y axis after returning reference (unit: 0.1mm) #2061 offset value of Z axis after returning reference (unit: 0.1mm) #2062 offset value of 4th axis after returning reference (unit: 0.1mm) #2063 Null #2064 Null #2065 Null #2066 Null #2067 Null #2068 Null #2069 Null #2070 retraction value d of canned cycle command G73 (mm) #2071 retraction value d of canned cycle command G83 (mm) #2100----#2199 tool number correspond to tool seats 0---99 Macro program sentence and NC sentence




The following program blocks are macro program sentence: The program block that contains arithmetic and logic operation The program block that contains control sentence such as GOTO DO END. The program block that contains macro program called commands such as use G65 G66 G67 or other G-codes and M-codes call macro program. All program blocks are NC sentence except for macro program sentences Execute tool radius compensation in macro program, the command G04 isnt allowed exist in the area of radius compensation; If the end block of macro program is tool radius compensation, the end block cant be the non coordinates motion program block. Transfer and cycle Use GOTO and IF sentences in program, can change the direction of controlling. There are three kinds of transfer and cycle operations are available. a) GOTO sentence is unconditional transferred b) IF sentence conditional transferred IF THEN c) WHILE sentence cycle Unconditional transfer: GOTO sentence Transfer to the program block marked with sequence number n. It is alarm when the sequence number is designated outside the area from 1 to 99999. the sequence number can be designated by expression. e.g.: GOTO 1 GOTO #10 GOTOn; n: sequence number from 1 to 99999 Conditional transfer sentence IF [ <conditional expression>] IF< conditional expression >GOTO n Conditional expression is designated after IF. If the designated expression meets condition, transfer to the program block which possesses sequence number n. Otherwise, execute the next program block. IF [< conditional expression >] THEN Explanation: Conditional expression IF [#1 EQ #2] THEN #3=0 If expression meets condition, execute the preset macro program sentence. Only execute one macro program sentence, if the values of #1and #2 is same, 0 is evaluated to #3. Condition expression must contain operator. Which inserted between two variable or between variable and constant, and closed with bracket [ ], expression can replace variable. Operator : Operator is composed by two letters, used for comparing magnitude of two values, to determine that one is equals to the other or less or greater than the other. Be careful of sigh of inequality cant be used. EQ equality= NE inequality GT greater > GE greater or equal>= LT less< LE less or equal<= The following program calculates the summation of 110: #1=0 memory the initial value of sum variable #2=1 the initial value of summand variable




N1 IF [#2 GT 10] GOTO 2 when summand greater than 10, transfer to N2 #1=#1+#2 calculates summation #2=#2+1 adds a summand GOTO 1 transfers to N1 N2 M30 program end Cycle sentence (WHILE sentence) Explanation: Designate a conditional expression after WHILE. When it meets the condition, execute the program from DO to END. Otherwise, transfer to the program block after END. This kind of command format is suitable for IF sentence. The number after DO and END is the tab that designates the executed range of program, the tab values are 1, 2and 3. If use number except 1, 2, 3 will be error alarm, the tabs embedded in the cycle of DO END from 1 to 3 can be used time after time, but it will be alarm when there are crossed recycle in DO range

Fig 4.80 When designates DO but not designates WHILE, limitless cycle will be appear from DO to END. If there is sentence of tab transferring in GOTO sentence, the sequence searching time for reverse is longer than that for forward, use WHILE sentence to realize cycle can save some time of program treating. Macro program calling methods Macro program calling and sub-macro program calling G65 is different from sub-program calling M98, the difference as following: Use G65 can designate self-variable data transmit to macro program, but M98 without this function; Use G65 can change the level of local variable, but M98 without that function;




The calling methods of macro program as following: The non-mode calling of macro program is: G65; The mode calling is G66, G67; Non-mode calling G65 When designate G65, the user macro program designated with P, the called data self variable can be transmitted to user macro program body. With address P designates the program number of macro program after G65.

Fig 4.81 When need repeat, designate the repeated times after address L from 1 to 9999, L equals to 1 as L value is omitted. The value designated by self variable is evaluated to corresponding local variable. The corresponding relation as following: #0A #1B #2C #3D; #4E #5F #6H #7I; #8J #9K #10M #11Q; #12R #13S #14T #15U; #16V #17W #18X #19Y; #20Z The addresses G, N, O and P arent allowed to be used in self variable, the address no need to be designated can be omitted. Those corresponding local variable is set as empty, the address no need to be designated according to letter sequence but should be up to the format of address. The level of local variable: the level of embedding of local variable from 0 to 3, the level of main program is 0, use G65 or G66 calling macro program at one time, the level of local variable is added 1, the local variable value of last level is saved in CNC, when execute M99 in macro program control returns to called program, now the level of local variable is subtracted 1, and resume the saved local variable value when macro program calling. Typical program, machining bolt holes in circle: Programming for machining holes in circle, radius of circle is I, original angle is A, distance between holes is B, holes number is H, centre of circle (X, Y), instruction can be specified with absolute or increment value, B is negative as drilling CW




Fig 4.82 Calling format: G65 P9100 Xx Yy Zz Rr Ii Aa Bb Hh; X: X-axis coordinate, specified with absolute or increment value #18 Y: Y-axis coordinate, specified with absolute or increment value #19 Z: hole depth #20 R rapid move to point #12 F cutting feed speed#5 I radius of circle#7 A angle of the first hole #0 B increment angle is CW when specified with negative #1 H holes number#6 Macro program calling: Absolute coordinates calling G90G54X0Y0Z100 G65P9100 X100Y50R30Z-50F500I100A0B45H5 X20Y10 X-30 M30 Relative coordinates calling G90G54X0Y0Z100 G91 G65P9100 X100Y50R30Z-50F500I100A0B45H5 X20Y10 X-30 M30 The called macro program9100: #3=#4003 save G-codes in 03 group #27=#4014 G90 IF[#3 EQ 90] GOTO 1 transfer to N1 in the mode of G90 G53 #18=#5001+#18 calculate X coordinate of centre of circle #19=#5002+#19 calculate Y coordinate of centre of circle N1 WHILE[#6 GT 0] DO 1 until the residual hole number is 0 #25=#18+#7*COS(#0) calculate hole location on X-axis #26=#19+#7*SIN(#0) calculate hole location on Y-axis G81X#25Y#26Z#20R#12F#5 drilling cycle #0=#0+#1 renew angle #6=#6-1 hole number-1 END 1




G#3 G#27 G80 G-code that return to original state M99 Mode calling G66 Once use G66, calling is mode, means call macro program after specifying program block along moving axis. G67 is used to cancel mode calling.

Fig 4.83 Use address P specify program number with mode calling after G66, specify repeated times from 1 to 9999 after address L when repetition is needed, the data specified with self-definition variable transferred to macro program body that same to non-mode calling G65, after canceling with G67, the program block after G67 wont execute macro program calling. Embed calling, it is can be embedded 4 levels. Contains non-mode calling G65 and mode calling G66 but not contains sub-program calling M98. Mode calling embedded among mode callings, mode calling can be embedded by specified another G66 code. Multi-macro programs not allowed call in G66 program block. Typical program:

Fig 4.84 With macro program edit G81, the machining program of canned cycle adopts mode calling, for simplify program, all drilling data specified with absolute value. Calling format:G65 P9110 Xx Yy Zz Rr Ff Ll; X; X-axis coordinate of hole specified with absolute value #18




Y: Y-axis coordinate of hole specified with absolute value #19 Z: coordinate of point Z specified with absolute value #20 R: coordinate of point R specified with absolute value #12 F: cutting feed speed #5 L repeated times Program 0001 that calls macro program G54G0X0Y0Z50 G90X100Y50 X10Y10G66POG81 Z-20R0F500 G1X20Y20 X50 Y50 X0Y80 G67 Called macro program OG81 #1=#4001 saveG00/G01 #2=#4003 saveG90/G91 #3=#4109 save cutting feed speed #25=#5003 save Z coordinates at the beginning of drilling G0G90X#18Y#19 positioning point in the plane of X-Y Z#12 position to point R G1Z#20F#5 feed to point Z IF[#4010 EQ 98] GOTO 1 return to point 1 G0Z#12 positioning at the point R GOTO 2 N1 G0Z#25 positioning at the point 1 N2 G#1 G#2 F#3 resume mode information M99 NOTE 1. Using situation of the bracket [ ] ( ): At following two situations must use the bracket [ ]: 1) conditional expression e.g.: IF [#1 EQ #2] THEN #3=0 2) when the sentence after the address #,X,Y,Z,A,B,N,G,M,R,I,J,K,Q,L,P is described with one arithmetical expression, the expression should be closed with the bracket [ ]. e.g.: # [23+23*SIN(45)] X [TAN(34+#12)+5] At the rest of situation required use the bracket ( ) 2. The logical compare of conditional expression can only remain three digits after the decimal point. e.g.: IF [#120 EQ 23.6548] THEN Supposing #120=23.6542 because only three digits can be kept dafter the decimal point, the system considers that #120 equals to 23.6548. 3. The length of single macro program is no more than 500 lines, no contains sub-macro program. 4. Rotation G68/G69 and canned cycle instructions can be used in the macro program, but mirror and scale instructions cant be used in the macro program. Rotation commands format: G68 X_ Y_ R_: establish rotationmode




5. 6. 7. 8.

X_ Y_: specify rotation centre, R_: specify rotation degree G69 cancel rotation (mode, original) The macro variables #101---#124 have been occupied by system, user should not use them. When calling a macro program with G65/G66, it had better return to the starting point of macro program after executing the macro program. Use G65 calls macro program and sub-macro program, the sub-program calling instruction M98 is not allowed to use in macro program. When call sub-macro program, after designating the file of sub-macro program with the address word P, there must be a space symbol between that and the following code





5.1 General
This system possesses PLC function. Which can be realized by editing PLC ladder and run in the system, or edit on PC, run professional PLC editing software PLC.EXE to edit PLC ladder with programmable I/O, auxiliary relay, timer, etc, generate PLC file PLC.lad(ladder diagram file) and PLC. Plc(instruction list file). Then import them into system to run. PLC in this system manage all of I/O Ports, logic diagnosis and count, etc, so as to realize detecting of input and controlling of output, PLC in this system can execute max 1000 steps (code file ) and run whole process every 100ms. Use ladder diagram and PLC instruction list to realize PLC function in the system. Considering ladder diagram is similar to relay controlling system and easy to master by operator. The PLC function introduction mainly adopt ladder diagram.

5.2 Cells introduction

5.2.1 Cell and cell number
Cell is used for identifying signal address symbol treated in PLC. Cell number is the sequence number assigned to cell. The cell number of X, Y, M and etc. in the PLC is specified with decimal.

5.2.2 Cell table

cell X No X00-X27 X50-X81 X151-X207 Y00-Y29 Y71-Y78 Y50-Y57 T00-T15 C01-C15 M00-M95 M100-M135 M151-M198 quantity 118 system input signal specification


system output signal T00-T03 is 10ms general timer; T04-T07 is 10ms integrating timer; T08-T11 is 1s general timer; T12-T15 is 1s calculating timer System counter/calculator System auxiliary relay


16 16 176

5.2.3 Cell introduction Input relay ( X ) Input relay is a window which PLC receives switch value signal input from outside load. Commands transmitted from external cells such as button, switch, limit switch or digital switch to system via input point circuit. Suppose each input point match one relay Xn, PLC can be edited program through the NO and NC contacts of Xn and can be applied repeatedly. Refer to fig 5.1




Fig 5.1 NOTE Input relay number denoted in decimal system. Output relay (Y) Output repay is the window which PLC sends switch value signal to outside load. PLC transmits signal to output point through output relay, which drives external load. Each relay of output point only has one pair of NO contacts, but both NO and NC of each output relay are available in ladder diagram,(can be utilized repeatedly). Refer to figure 5.2.

Fig5.2 NOTE Output relay number denoted in decimal system Interior relay (M) Interior relay is auxiliary relay in PLC, which cant directly output to external load. Its usually defined as input, output or status of certain function, which is the channel of transmitting signal for PLC and core control software. With the basic feature as below: (a) Data will be cleared once power off (b) NO and NC contacts of every interior relay can be used in ladder diagram (c) Interior relay number defined in decimal system, most Interior relays defined as certain function and control mode, while only a few act as medium signal temporarily. Timer (T) Timer in PLC is equivalent to time relay in relay system. Timer is classified into general timer and integrating timer. Constant K is the value of timer setup. General timer In this system, T00-T03 defined for 10ms and T08-T11 for 1s as general timers in PLC. The working




principle: start to count once input condition is met, timer relay contact get through when count value reaching the setup. If input doesnt meet the needs, timer value will be set as 0, the timer relay will keep open. The setting value (K) of timer is in decimal system, range from 1 to 9999. E.g.: when input relay X5 is valid (refer to fig 5.3), the timer T01 start to count and get through after 0.5 seconds (K value:50; T01:10ms timer), while X5 is invalid, timer T01 value is set as 0, the contact will be opened.

Fig 5.3 Integrating timer In this system, the timers T04-T07 in the PLC are 10ms integrating timer and T12-T15 are 1s integrating timer. The work principle is: start to count once the condition is met and the timer contact get through when the counting value reaching given value. The current value (count value) will be kept and contact statues wont be changed even if the input condition is opened. When executing RST commands, integrating timer value will be set as 0 and contact will be opened. The setting value (K) of timer is in decimal system, range from 1 to 9999. E.g.: when input relay X5 is valid, timer T04 start to count and T04 contact get through after 1 second (K value : 100; T04 : 10ms) , shows as Fig5.4, even if input condition X5 open, the current value of integrating time T04 (calculated value) will be kept, and the contact status wont be changed. When input relay X7 is valid, timer T04 reset as 0 and contact open and input signal valid again, T04 continue to count.

Fig 5.4 Counter (C) Counter is applied to count and detect the increasing trend of input conditions such as X, Y, M, T. therefore, when input condition is ON, count value wont be changed. The response period is 100ms, so the continuance time of close and open of input condition should be more than 100ms. There are 16 counter in this system C01-C15 with basic feature as below: (a) Counter value range from 1 to 9999 in decimal system




(b)Even the input conditions closed, counter value wont be cleared and must be cleared by using RST order. (c)Counter NO and NC contacts are available in ladder diagram. e.g.: showing as fig 5.5, when X5 impedance input signal is valid, C0 is reset, the counting value will be set as0 and its NO contact opened (NC contact get through). input signal X7 supply counter input signal, when counters resetting input open, the count input signal shift to get through from open (viz. count pulse increasing trend), the current value of counter plus 1. After 9 input counting pulse, C0 timer get valid (constant K is 9), the NO contact close (NC contact open),Y0 output get valid. If input pulse again, the counter value wont be changed until reset input signal get valid and counter value set to as 0.

Fig 5.5

5.3 Basic cell sign in ladder diagram

In order to edit ladder diagram conveniently, the basic cell signs specified and defined as following table: No# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sign definition NO contact NC contact Direct output coil Set output coil Reset output coil Horizontal line Vertical line Sign explanation NO contact of cell(relay) NC contact of cell(relay) coil of cell(relay) coil of cellset holding coil of cellreset holding connecting Contact and coil horizontally connecting Contact and coil Verticallyusually used as branch

5.4 Basic logic commands in instruction list

In this system, there are 16 basic logic commands in PLC instruction list to realize basic logic controlling.

5.4.1 LD, LDI, OUT commands

LD: NO contact and bus connecting command LDI: NC contact and bus connecting command OUT: Relay coil output command LD and LDI commands can be used in X, Y, M, T and C, also can be matched with AND, ORB commands to act as starting point of branch circuit. OUT instruction can be used in Y, M, T, C, but cant be applied to input replay X .




5.4.2 AND, ANI commands

AND: NO contact series connecting command. ANI: NC contact series connecting command. AND and ANI commands can be used in X, Y, M, T and C

5.4.3 OR, ORI commands

OR: NO contact parallel connecting command ORI: NC contact parallel connecting command OR and ORI commands can be used in X, Y, M, T, C

5.4.4 ORB command

ORB: parallel connecting command for series circuit block. It is defined as series circuit block that more than two contacts series connected, parallel connect series circuit block will use ORB command.

5.4.5 ANB command

ANB: series connecting command for parallel circuit block. Series connect parallel circuit block with other circuit use ANB command. Interior connecting of parallel circuit block should be completed before using ANB command.

5.4.6 MPS, MRD, MPP memorizer and multiple output commands

MPS, MRD, MPP commands are PUSH, READ, POP commands, they are used in multiple output circuit.

5.4.7 SET and RST commands

SET: set command, operation status holding command RET: "RESET" Command, operation resetting command "SET" Command can be used in Y, M, and "RST" command can be used in Y, M, T, C

5.4.8 NOP and END commands

NOP: STANDBY operation command END: Ending command, programming ends

5.5 PLC program editing

In this system, operator can edit PLC ladder directly on ladder interface of controller if little modification. While if large scale Modification or large volume editing, we recommend edit on PC and then transfer to the system via RS232 or USB-disk. But edit on PC, must use professional editing software, Generate PLC file with PLC.EXE software, PLC ladder with PLC lad software, PLC instructions with PLC. plc software. Well introduce the two editing methods as below.

5.5.1 Edit PLC program on PC Edit software installation and running environment



NOTE : In this system, we define PLC editing software as PLC.EXE, Its icon showed as bellow:

Fig5.6 Source: this software in the CD comes with the system. Installation: this software no needs to install, just copy it from CD to PC. Running environment: Hardware ------IBM compatible, with storage not lower than 64M and drive with CD, more than P200 Software --------Windows 98/NT4.0/2000/XP operation interface. Basic operation of software editing Run Editing software: double click PLC.EXE icon and run the software refer to Fig 5.7:

Fig 5.7 New PLC file: click the new under file in menu bar (refer to below fig) or click to new a PLC file. button in tool bar

Fig5.8 Open existing PLC file: click open under file in menu bar (refer to below fig) or click tool column and open the PLC file in the store path. button in




Fig5.9 Save PLC file: click save under file in the menu bar (refer to below fig) or click to save the PLC file. button in tool bar

Fig5.10 NOTE PLC LAD and PLC .PLC are default format, when save a PLC file at the first time, there will be an remind with input a file name , the name should be PLC whether to save PLC ladder or instruction list, otherwise cant be identified by the system. Exit: click exit under file in the menu bar (refer to below fig) or click exit button in control column to exit the software.

Fig5.11 NOTE Confirm have saved the current PLC file before exiting the program. Edit PLC Ladder Take cursor as focus during ladder editing, move the cursor with direction keys on the keyboard or click mouse.




Fig5.12 Edit horizontal line: Locate cursor to the point need to be edited and click" " button in the tool bar.

Edit vertical line: Locate cursor to the point need to be edited and click " " button in the tool bar. Edit NO contact: Locate cursor to the point need to be edited and click" "button in the tool bar, a dialogue box pops up, select the relevant cell and cell number correspondingly, then click Enter.

Fig5.13 NOTE: Nothing needs to set for parameter column. "button in the tool bar, a Edit NC contact: Locate cursor to the point need to be edited and click" dialogue box pops up, select the relevant cell and cell number correspondingly, then click Enter.

Fig5.14 NOTE :Nothing needs to do for parameter column. button in the tool bar, a Edit direct output: Locate cursor to the point need to be edited and click dialogue box pops up, just select the relevant cell and cell number correspondingly, then click Enter





NOTE 1. Never select X in the cell name column 2. need to set value in parameter column when the cell name is T or C, otherwise no need. Edit set output: Locating the cursor to the point need to be edited and click button in the tool

bar, a dialogue box pops up, select the relevant cell and cell number correspondingly, then click Enter

Fig5.16 NOTE 1. Never select X ,T or C in the cell name column 2. nothing needs to set in the parameter column. Edit reset output: Locate cursor to the point need to be edited and click button in the tool bar,

a dialogue box pops up, select the relevant cell and cell number correspondingly, then click Enter

Fig5.17 NOTE 1. Never select X in the cell name column 2. Nothing needs to set in the parameter column. Delete cell: Locate cursor to the cell which needs deleted and click " including horizontal line, NO contacts, NC contacts and all output coils. " button in the tool bar, which "

Delete vertical line: Locate cursor to the vertical connecting line which needs deleted and click" button in the tool bar. Delete a row of ladder: Locate cursor to the row which needs deleted and click " tool bar. Add a row of ladder: Locate cursor to the row which need added and click " Then another row appears before the row located cursor. Generate instruction list file

" button in the " button in tool bar.

Instruction list file cant be edited through this software, it is generated by compiling from ladder. So compile the ladder will generate instruction list simultaneously. Click the save key in the tool bar after ladder editing, then click INSTRUCT key in the control bar, then instruction list is generated. Refer to below:




Fig 5.18 NOTE :If there is logic error in ladder, a dialogue pops up and shows error notes, in this case, instruction list wont be generated successfully until error solved. Refer to below:

Fig 5.19 Logic testing Logic testing is used to test the PLC logic after editing both ladder and instruction list. Press TEST button in the control bar to shift the testing interface, refer to below:

Fig 5.20 As fig 5.20 shows, there are five sections input reply, auxiliary relay, output reply, timer counter, each section has its cell number, there is status indicator above the cell number (green means valid, red means invalid). In these five sections, the status indictor of input reply and auxiliary relay can be set and reset by clicking, thats to say, operator is allowed to set input requirement. Click the RUN button in




the left top of the interface after setting requirement, then start logic testing, meanwhile the input condition can be changed to check whether the cell status of auxiliary relay, output reply, timer counter match well with editing logic status. So as to check the logic of ladder and instruction list is correct or not. PLC ladder file with PLC.LAD format and instruction list files with PLC.PLC format will be generated by editing PLC program on the PC. Import both of the two files into controller to active I/O logic control. NOTE :PLC ladder file and instruction list file must be PLC.LAD format and PLC.PLC format separately, which are default files in the system, otherwise, PLC cant be executed in the system.

5.5.2 Edit PLC program on the panel of the controller Basic operation in editing interface Shift to editing interface: press PARAM soft key to shift to parameter setting menu, then press >> soft key shift to parameter extending menu. Then press Editlad soft key and shift to PLC ladder editing interface as below.

Fig5.21 There are two interfaces in the PLC ladder editing interface. Press >> soft key to shift into the other interface as below.





Move cursor: take cursor as focus during ladder editing and move cursor by direction key on the panel. Compile ladder: after ladder edited, need to check the logicality and format of the PLC, shift to compile interface by press COMPL, if any error, dialogue box will pop up and remind the error points as below:

Fig5.23 If without error, dialogue will pop up and show "ok! Compile successful " as below:

Fig5.24 Save ladder: once ladder editing finished and compile successfully, save it before exiting the editing interface. Press Save soft key then press Enter to save when dialogue pops up, press cancel not to save.

Fig5.25 Once you press Enter to save it, dialogue pop up to show the result as Fig5.26

Fig5.26 Exit editing interface: press ESC soft key to exit PLC editing interface and return to last menu after saving the ladder diagram successfully. Edit PLC ladder Edit Horizontal line: move cursor to the point need to be edited and presssoft key. Edit vertical line: move the cursor to the point need to be edited and press | soft key. Edit NO contact: move the cursor to the point need to be edited and press -||-soft key. Dialogue box pop up as below, select the right cell and its number by pressing direction key, then press Enter .




Fig5.27 NOTE:When input cell number, just insert number and no need to input cell name like X , Y , T , C , M Edit NC contact: move cursor to the point need to be edited and press-|/|-soft key, dialogue box will pop up as below figure, select the right cell and its number by pressing direction key, then Enter

Fig5.28 NOTE: When input cell number, just insert number and no need to input cell name like X , Y , T , C , M soft key. dialogue Edit direct output: move the cursor to the point need to be edited and press box will pop up as below figure, select the right cell and its number by pressing direction key, then Enter .

Fig5.29 NOTE 1. cell X is not available in the dialogue box 2. when input cell number, just insert number and no need to input cell name like Y , T , C , M Edit set output: move the cursor to the point need to be edited and press soft key. dialogue box will pop up as below figure, select the right cell and its number by pressing direction key, then Enter .

Fig5.30 NOTE 1. Cell X, T, C are not available in the dialogue box 2. When input cell number, just insert number and no need to input cell name like Y, T, C, M. Edit reset output: move the cursor to the point need to be edited and press soft key, dialogue



box pop up as below figure, select the right cell and its number by pressing direction key, then Enter .

Fig5.31 NOTE 1. cell X is not available in the dialogue box 2. when input cell number, just insert number and no need to input cell name like Y , T , C , M Delete cell: move the cursor to the cell need to be deleted and press Delpart soft key, here the cells including: Horizontal line, vertical line, NO contact, NC contact and all output coil. Delete vertical line: move the cursor to before the vertical line need to be deleted and press DelFork soft key Delete one line of ladder: move the cursor to the line need to be deleted and press DelLine soft key. Insert one line of ladder: want to add a line of ladder before a line, move the cursor to the line and press InLine soft key, a vacant line of ladder will be appear used for editing before the line. Parameter setting: mainly used for setting the value of constant K of cells C and relay T, Move the cursor to the coil of cell and press SetPara key, a dialogue box will pop up as below figure. Input right value (decimal system) and press Enter.

Fig5.32 set the value of timer T13

5.6 PLC file transmission

RS232 and USB are available to transmit PLC file between PC and controller or controller and controller.

5.6.1 Transmit PLC file by RS232 Transmit PLC file (PLC.lad, PLC.plc) to controller Run the professional communication software on the PC and set serial port number and baud rate




Fig5.33 Set serial baud rate with No.120 in SPEED, then shift to Editcfg under PARAM as show below:

Fig5.34 Click transmit PLC/PARA key in communication software, select the PLC file and OPEN, now the PLC file been waiting for transmitting.

Fig5.35 to select PLC file




Fig5.36 waiting for PLC transmitting Press R in the interface of Editcfg under PARAM and confirm to receive PLC file.

Fig5.37 receiving the PLC file PLC parameter transmission finished. To run the renewed PLC file need to reboot the system or press R under LadStat and I/O interface. NOTE As transmit PLC file from PC to controller, not only PLC file transmitted but also parameter transmitted. So only PLC.plc, PLC.lad can be included in the current folder if only PLC file need to be renewed. Transmit PLC file (PLC.plc, PLC.plc) to PC from controller Run communication software and set corresponding serial port number and baud rate, also serial port number and baud rate in the controller. click Editcfg under PARAM then press T to confirm and waiting for PLC file transmitting.




Fig5.38 Click receive Para/PLC and name the file folder to save, then software start to receive file and save it.

Fig5.39 save Transmit successful NOTE 1. In this process, not only PLC file transmitted, but also parameter transmitted. 2.The baud rate setting is related to circumstance like the length of transmission wire, field environment. To ensure the stability, we recommend adopt medium frequency. 3. Communication software will be send to customer together with controller, just copy it to hard disk of PC. No need to install it.

5.6.2 Transmit PLC file by USB port

Transmit PLC file by U-disk is available in the controller through USB port. Restore PLC file to controller from U disk Import PLC file which has been edited on PC into one fold in U disk, then plug U disk into USB port on the controller. Press PRGM--F6 USBdisk and open the fold by moving direction keys up/down on the panel, then enter it.




Fig5.40 Press F2 Restore--Enter restore PLC file to the controller, then Enter, PLC parameter restored successfully. to run the upgraded PLC file, need to reboot the controller or go to LadStat--- R to renew PLC . NOTE When restore PLC file from USB to controller, not only file transferred but also parameter transferred which meet the condition of the controller. So only PLC.plc, PLC.lad can be included in PLC folder if you only want to restore PLC file (PLC.plc, PLC.lad). Backup PLC file into U disk Plug U-disk into USB-disk on the controller. Press F6 USBdisk under PRGM, shift to U-disk root menu, open the folder which used for saving PLC file by moving Up or down direction keys. Then press F1Backup and Enter, now PLC file will be imported into U-disk.

Fig5.41. Press F6 SYSTEM back to system menu, plug out U-disk. PLC parameter backup successfully. NOTE 1. In this process, not only PLC file exported, but also parameter exported. So it is also can be acted as system parameter backup function. 2. Space sign is not allowed in the file folder name when use U disk




5.7 The definition of interior auxiliary relay

Interior auxiliary relay is communication channel between PLC and core control software of the controller. In order to communicate information well between PLC and CNC, we specify followed interior auxiliary relay with function. Refer to the table bellow: Seq. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 NO. M00 M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M07 M08 M09 M10 Name(Function) Prohibit feed Manual status Just start Prohibit program running Emergency stop Choosing tool Changing tool Tool magazine zero returning Feed running Tool seat up protection door open Specification When valid, will prohibit feeding of all axes Status relay, to be valid when in manual mode, otherwise as the relay invalid system stay in automatic mode Status relay, to be valid and hold when controller started When the relay is valid, prohibit program automatic run. When the relay is valid controller stays in emergency stop status. Status relay; When the controller stay in tool choosing (tool pan rotate)condition, the relay is valid Status relay; When the controller stay in tool changingtool changecondition, the relay is valid. Relay being valid, controller execute tool magazine zero retuning function. Status relay; when axis feeds, the relay is valid. Relay being valid, controller execute tool seat up function. Relay being valid, system stays in the status of protection door is open Status relay; this relay is valid when the system with manipulator type of tool magazine being tool seizing status (manipulator located at the position of tool holding and tool exchanging) Status relay; this relay is valid when system emergency stopping, servo driver alarming, self-definition alarming or hard limiting. Relay being valid, means tool seat at the tool changing position hold tool (used for umbrella tool magazine). (input) Relay being valid, controller execute spindle positioning function Output Relay being valid, tool stay in the tightening conditionInput Relay being valid, X axis stay in positive hard limitInput Relay being valid, X axis stay in negative hard limitInput Relay being valid, Y axis stay in positive hard limitInput Relay being valid, Y axis stay in negative hard limitInput Relay being valid, Z axis stay in positive hard limitInput Relay being valid, Z axis stay in negative hard limitInput Relay being valid, A axis stay in positive hard limitInput Relay being valid, A axis stay in negative hard limitInput Relay being valid, B axis stay in positive hard limitInput Relay being valid, B axis stay in negative hard limitInput



Tool seizing



Machine abnormal Tool attendance detecting Spindle positioning Tool tighten detecting X positive limit X negative limit Y positive limit Y negative limit Z positive limit Z negative limit A positive limit A negative limit B positive limit B negative limit

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25




27 28 29

M26 M27 M28

C positive limit C negative limit Tool post forward/ tool seat down Tool post backward/ tool seat up Forward position/ down arrival Backward positioning/ up arrival X servo driver alarm Y servo driver alarm Z servo driver alarm A servo driver alarm B servo driver alarm C servo driver alarm Run () Spindle alarm Spindle top gear detection Spindle low gear detection Tool release detection Spindle zero return Coolant overload Coolant lacking alarm lubrication overload Lubricant lacking alarm cooling

Relay being valid, C axis stay in positive hard limitInput Relay being valid, C axis stay in negative hard limitInput Relay being valid, controller executes tool post forward umbrella tool magazine /tool seat down turnplate tool magazine function Output Relay being valid, controller executes Tool post backward umbrella tool magazine/ tool seat upturnplate tool magazinefunctionOutput Relay being valid, controller executes tool post forward arrival umbrella tool magazine/tool downturnplate tool magazine arrivalInput Relay being valid, Tool post in the state of backward arrival umbrella tool magazine/ tool seat upturnplate tool magazinearrival.(Input) Relay being valid, X axis servo driver stay in alarming status. Input Relay being valid, Y axis servo driver stay in alarming status. Input Relay being valid, Z axis servo driver stay in alarming status. Input Relay being valid, A axis servo driver stay in alarming status. Input Relay being valid, B axis servo driver stay in alarming status. Input Relay being valid, C axis servo driver stay in alarming status.(Input) In auto running process, when the relay is valid, system will run program in( ),otherwise reverse (input) Relay being valid, spindle servo driver stay in alarm status Input Relay being valid, spindle stay in top gear (Input Relay being valid, spindle stay in low gear (Input Relay being valid, tool stay in the state of tool releasingInput Relay being valid, spindle zero-return finishedInput Relay being valid, the motor of machine coolant in over-load alarmingInput Relay being valid, coolant lacking (liquid under the low level) alarming (Input Relay being valid, motor of machine lubrication system in over-loaded alarmingInput Relay being valid, lubricant lacking alarminglubricant under the low level(Input Relay being valid, executes the action of coolant starting Output, realize valid/invalid by using M08/M09 commands







33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 M37 M38 M39 M40 M41 M42 M43 M44 M45 M46 M47 M48




50 51 52

M49 M50 M51

Tool release /tighten blow lubrication

Relay being valid, controller executes tool releasingOutput, realize valid/invalid by using commands of M10/M11 Relay being valid, controller executes blowingOutput, realize valid/invalid by using M24/M25 commands Relay being valid, controller executes lubrication Output, realize valid/invalid by using M32/M33 commands Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (output, realize valid/invalid by using M57/ M58 commands). Relay being valid, controller executes spindle CW(output, realize valid/invalid by using M03/M04,M05) Relay being valid, controller executes spindle CCW(output, realize valid/invalid by using M04/M03,M05) Relay being valid, controller executes spindle stopping(output, realize valid/invalid by using M05/M03,M04) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (Output, realize valid/invalid by using M41/ M42 commands, system PLC is default as tool post forward(umbrella tool magazine)/tool seat down(turnplate tool magazine) controlling when there is tool magazine) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (Output, realize valid/invalid by using M43/ M44 commands, system PLC is default as tool post backward(umbrella tool magazine)/tool seat up(turnplate tool magazine) controlling when there is tool magazine) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (Output, realize valid/invalid by using M45/ M46 commands) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (Output, realize valid/invalid by using M47/ M48 commands) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (Output, realize valid/invalid by using M49/ M50 commands) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (Output, realize valid/invalid by using M51/ M52 commands) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (Output, realize valid/invalid by using M53/ M54 commands) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLC (Output, realize valid/invalid by using M55/ M56 commands) The relay being valid, controller executes spindle top gear operation (Output)




54 55 56

M53 M54 M55

Spindle CW Spindle CCW Spindle stop



























Top gear of spindle




66 67

M65 M66

low gear of spindle Spindle servo

The relay being valid, controller executes spindle low gear operation (Output) The relay being valid, controller shift to servo (position control)mode (Output) The relay being valid, system control spindle servo driver, make the motor being the status of spindle motor locking as power on (Output) The relay being valid, controller executes spindle zero-return functionOutput The relay being valid, spindle revolution arrive to the ordered speed (Input) Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLCInput / Output The relay being valid, controller alarm according to PLC, to limit some operation through editing PLCInput Relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLCInput / Output Relay being valid, spindle shift to third gearOutput Relay being valid, controller shift to fourth gearOutput Relay being valid, spindle stays in the third gearInput Relay being valid, spindle stays in the fourth gearInput Relay being valid, program running.Inputusing external run button Relay being valid, program stopping. Input using external stop button Relay being valid, controller executes tool magazine CW(Output) Relay being valid, controller executes tool magazine CCW (Output) Status relay; The relay being valid, program stay in auto running Status relay; The relay being valid, program stays in pause Spindle gear output by 4 bits binary system, corresponding commands are S0- S15 The relay being valid, X axis motion is prohibitedInput The relay being valid, Y axis motion is prohibitedInput The relay being valid, Z axis motion is prohibitedInput The relay being valid, A axis motion is prohibitedInput The relay being valid, B axis motion is prohibitedInput The relay being valid, C axis motion is prohibited (Input ) The relay being valid, controller executes corresponding operation according to PLCInput /Output



Spindle lock

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

M68 M69 M70M79 M80M95 M105 M107M109 M110 M111 M112 M113 M114 M115 M120 M121 M122 M123 M124 M125 M126 M127 M128 M129 M130 M131 M132 M133 M134 M135

spindle return zero Revolution enough standby NO.0-No.15 self definition alarm standby standby Third gear output Fourth gear output Third gear detection Fourth gear detection Remote running Remote stop Tool magazine CW Tool magazine CCW Program running Program pause Spindle speed 0 digit Spindle speed 1 digit Spindle speed 2 digit Spindle speed 3 digit X axis prohibited Y axis prohibited Z axis prohibited A axis prohibited B axis prohibited C axis prohibited STANDBY STANDBY




97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122

M151M198 M200 M201 M202 M203 M204 M205 M206 M207 M208 M209 M210 M211 M212 M213 M214 M215 M266 M267 M268 M269 M270 M271 M272 M273 M274

STANDBY Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Return zero status Return zero status Return zero status Return zero status Equate with X182 Equate with X180 Equate with X179 Equate with X178 Equate with X177 Equate with X183 Equate with X184 Equate with X185 Equate with X181

last saved status for relays of X151-X198 X axis positive running X axis negative running Y axis positive running Y axis negative running Z axis positive running Z axis negative running A axis positive running A axis negative running B axis positive running B axis negative running C axis positive running C axis negative running X axis in Zero status Y axis in Zero status Z axis in Zero status A axis in Zero status Key X of milling Key +X of milling Key Y of milling Key +Z of milling Key +4 of milling Key +Y of milling Key Z of milling Key 4 of milling Rapid key of milling

NOTE 1. All of the NO contacts and NC contacts above in the table can be applied into PLC Ladder. 2.The input in the specification column above shows the signal of relay coil come from other relay contact input; output means the relay contact send signal to other relay coil.

5.8 programmable I/O diagram in system

5.8.1 General I/O Board General I/O board (GREAT-GEN-IO)




Fig5.42 General I/O board Shows above there are totally 28 channel input signal X0-X27 and 28channel output signal on the general I/O board. All these signal are used in general I/O control of system, such as spindle CW/CCW, coolant control or machine alarm, status detection and so on. General I/O board (GREAT-GEN-IO-A) This I/O board is the strength type of I/O board (GREAT-GEN-IO), all the outputs (Y00-Y27) use relay output instead of transistor output, there is a pair of NC&NO for each output. This I/O board suitable GREAT-150I series control system, and must match with external I/O power supply (24V DC regulated power supply GSM-75s24), so the I/O switch at the rear of controller should be set as External. Appearance and terminal as below:

Fig5.43 GREAT-GEN-IO-A I/O board As shows above: General I/O ports----- connect with system main board with 62 pins of cable to transmit signal; input terminal------- importing input signal X00-X27; output terminal------- exporting output signal Y00-Y27(NO or NC); 24V GND----connect with 24V voltage and machine GND of external I/O power supply (24V DC regulated power supply GSM-75S24 ); 010V analog-----analog voltage of control spindle speed, DA1 used for controlling the 1st spindle, DA2 used for controlling the 2nd spindle. Explanation: 1. The max endure voltage of relay is AC250V/DC30V, the max endure current is 5A. 2. This I/O board must match with external I/O power supply (24V DC regulated power supply GSM-75S24), the module output current is not less than 3A (depends on other load of the machine) 3. In order to eliminate the fluctuation of the spindle speed to be least, the cable of 0-10V analog voltage




should be applied shield twisted-pair wire, and the shielding layer must be connected with GND. 4. The relay output is NO or NC contacts, YxxG is the COM contact, YxxO is NO contact, YxxC is NC contact. e.g: Y01G: the COM contact of output relay Y01 Y01O: the NO contact of output relay Y01 Y01C: the NC contact of output relay Y01

5.8.2 Movement control board

Fig 5.44 As above shows there are 24 channels input signal X66-X81 and 8 channels Y50-Y57 output on the movement control board. These signals used for I/O controlling related to movement, such as drive enabling, alarm clearance and axes drive alarm, limit, zero detection.

5.8.3 Subpanel
Type A

Fig5.45 Type A subpanel Type B




Fig5.46 Type B subpanel Type D

Fig5.47 Type D subpanel Type E

Fig5.48 Type E subpanel As show above there is some difference in I/O array among type A,B,D,E subpanel. PLC program is different between different type of subpanels, when the controller matches with different model subpanel. The subpanel PLC has been initialized in the control system, only set the parameter in NO.6 in COMP for different subpanel.




5.8.4 Manual pulse generator

Fig5.49 Pendant MPG The MPG signal on the I/O diagram is all input signal X

5.9 Example and explanation of PLC programming

Some examples to explain basic PLC programming methods as following Emergency:

Fig5.50 Explanation: As shows above when input relay X151 is invalid (adopt NC contact), the interior auxiliary relay M04 will be valid, external switch operation will be detected and carry on corresponding reminding and operation. The positive hard limit of X axis

Fig5.51 Explanation: above shows when input relay X50 is valid, the interior auxiliary relay M16 will be valid, thus to detect the X axis getting to positive limit of X axis and carry on corresponding remind and operation. NOTE Above two examples shows signal external transmit to interior auxiliary relay, meanwhile carry on the operation when the auxiliary relay is valid correspondingly. Spindle CW:

Fig5.52 Explanation: shows above when auxiliary relay M53 (CW auxiliary relay) NO contact is connected with output relay Y05, and the controller act spindle CW instruction, M53 relay is valid, meanwhile Y05 output is valid. Outside circuit executes spindle CW operation. Enable auto-run indicator:




Fig5.53 Explanation: shows above when interior auxiliary relay M08 (when axis feed forward, the relay is valid) NO contact is connected with output relay Y15, and the controller in auto-running status (axis feed forward) M08 relay is valid, and Y15 output is valid. Outside circuit indicator is enable. NOTE Above two examples are interior order of the controller, the status are mainly transmitted via interior auxiliary relay to output relay, meanwhile output relay circuit lead circuit outside to carry on operation correspondingly. Outside connecting manual spindle CW button

Fig5.54 Explanation: as above shows X20 is input relay of external button switch, M01 is manual status relay, M53 is spindle CW control relay, M54 is spindle CCW control relay, M55 is spindle stop control relay, Y05 is signal output relay. When system is in manual mode, relay M01 valid, meanwhile, if action signal of external button input relay via X20 and valid, spindle CW relay M53 will be set valid, but spindle CCW control relay M54 and spindle stop control relay M55 will be reset invalid. When M53 is valid, its contact gets through and Y05 output valid. Control external circuit to execute spindle CW operation NOTE Above example is that external signal is send to system interior relay, then send to output relay by system interior relay, meanwhile output relay enable external circuit executes corresponding action. Meanwhile the same group of signal interlock should be considered (as CW, CCW and STOP will be set to be invalid) Through reciprocating key K1 on the subpanel to control output Y17 in manual mode; meanwhile control the output through M53/M54; and enable K1 indicator:

Fig5.55 Explanation: as above shows X166 is input relay of K1 key on sub-panel, M01 is manual mode relay, M166 is last time status keeping relay of K1 input relay, M62 is self-define system interior auxiliary relay. Use instruction M53/M54 to control effective/ineffective, Y71 is output relay of K1 indicator on sub-panel, Y17 is signal output relay. Executing principle: press K1 key (open)-----relay M01 get valid when system is in manual mode, if press K1 on subpanel, signal input via input relay X166. as K1 stays in off status before pressed, so



M166 is NC valid, and the initial status of relay Y71 is invalid, so NC is valid. So as to set M62 and keeps valid, meanwhile Y17 control external circuit to execute corresponding operation ineffective, Y71 invalid and K1 indicator off. Instruction control on/off-----when system executes M53 instruction, system interior auxiliary relay M62 get effective and Y17,Y71 output valid.Y17 control external circuit and executes corresponding operation valid, Y71 make K1 indicator available; when system executes M54 instruction, system interior auxiliary relay M62 get invalid and Y17,Y71 output invalid. Y17 control external circuit and execute corresponding operation invalid, Y71 invalid and K1 indicator off. Examples above is a reciprocating process, which by using relay M166 save last time status of relay X166. Last time status keeping function are only available for input relays on sub-panel, so other input relay cant act as reciprocating key.

Fig5.56 Explanation: as above shows X166 is input relay of K1 pad on the sub-panel, X167 is input relay of K2 pad on the sub-panel, M01 relay for manual mode, M62 is self-defined system interior auxiliary relay and its valid/invalid is controlled by M53/M54, Y71 is output relay of K1 pad indicator on the sub-panel, Y72 is output relay of K2 pad indicator on the sub-panel, Y17 is signal output relay. Executing principle: press K1 pad to start-----relay M01 get valid when the system is in manual mode, if press K1 pad on the subpanel, signal input via input relay X166 and get valid. AS K2 pad didnt knob down, so its NC and be valid ,which make relay M62 valid as well(for M62 normal contact is parallel connection with X166,so M62 self-locking is valid),meanwhile,Y17 and Y71 output are both valid.Y17 control external circuit to execute corresponding operation valid,Y71 lighten K1 indicator,Y72 is connected with M62 NC contact, which make Y72 output invalid and K2 indicator get off. Press K2 pad to close----when press K2 pad on the sub-panel, signal input via input relay X167 and get valid, but as its NC contact is series connection in the self-locking circuit of M62,so when relay X167 is valid, M62 self-locking is released and make it invalid, meanwhile Y17 and Y71 output invalid. Y17 control external circuit to execute relative operation invalid, Y71 get invalid and K1 indicator get off. Y72 connects with NC contact M62, which make Y72 output valid, Y72 lighten K2 indicator. Instruction control on/off-----when the system execute M53 instruction, system interior auxiliary relay M62 get valid and Y17,Y71 output valid.Y17 control external circuit to execute corresponding operation is valid,Y71 lighten K1 indicator,Y72 is connected with M62 NC contact, which make Y72 output invalid, K2 indicator get off; when the system executes M54 instruction, system interior auxiliary relay M62 get invalid ,Y17 and Y71 output get invalid,Y17 control external circuit to execute corresponding operation invalid,Y71 is valid and K1 indicator get off .Y72 connected with NC contact M62, which makes Y72 output valid,Y72 lighten K2 indicator. In the above example: use the normal on-off control circuit to realize self locking through parallel connect the NO contact of the output relay to the NO contact of input start control relay, realize self-locking release through series connect the input stop control relay to the loop. The PLC function besides through above example, use set/reset methods also can realize the function.




Fig5.57 X166 set M62 and X167 reset M62 .

Fig5.58 Explanation : as above shows, relay M53 is system spindle CW, relay M54 is spindle CCW, relay M55 is spindle stop, M107 and M108 is self-defined system interior auxiliary relay,T03 is 10ms general timer,Y07 is signal output relay. Executing principle: the 1st line and 2nd line in above diagram, when system execute either spindle CW (M53) or CCW(M54), system interior auxiliary relay M107 will be set valid; the 3rd line and 4th line shows when the system executes spindle stop function, M55 get valid, meanwhile, the relay M107 last time get valid this time and system interior auxiliary relay M108 get valid , meanwhile M107 reset invalid (CW/CCW status cleared); the 5th Line shows when M108 is valid, its 10ms general timer T03 start to count(set constant K as 150, thats to say the timing is 1.5s); the 6th line shows when T03 timing arrive,T03 relay get valid, M108 reset invalid; the 7th line shows when the system execute spindle stop function (M55 valid), M108 is valid, signal output relay Y07 get valid and control external circuit to execute brake operation valid; related to the 6th line, when T03 timing arrives, relay M108 get invalid and signal output relay Y07 output get invalid, controlling external circuit to execute brake operation invalid. So when spindle stops, Y07 output valid and cancelled after 1.5s, then get brake function successfully. Examples above mainly use timing relay to make output signal keep a period time and cancel later.

5.10 Edit reply name

In this system, all the name of interior relays M80---M95(self-defined alarm) and input relay X00X27, output relay Y00---Y27 can be edited, and displayed their status in I/O interface and status bar, so as to know the PLC configuration and status. The name can be edited either on the system panel or PC, the specific methods as below:

5.10.1 Edit relay name on panel

Shift to system diagnosis interface, press Editcfg shift to relay name editing interface, as below shows;




Fig5.59 Move cursor using up/down keys to find cells which need to edit and press "Enter, dialogue box like fig 5.60 pops up, just input required name in the dialog box (on the system panel, only English is available and max 8 characters)

Fig5.60 After editing, shift to INPUT REPLAY in the menu of I/O under PARAM, the corresponding name will be displayed under relay X03.


5.10.2 Edit relay name on PC

Export system parameter to PC according to methods in Chapter 5.6, delete all the files except for file named IO.TXT. Open IO.TXT file with notebook as below




Fig5.62 Input name before corresponding cells (input Chinese max 4 characters or English max 8 characters), as shown below:

Fig5.63 NOTE Never change file structure during editing (cell sequence can never be changed, one line one cell and all cells name must be aligned ) Save file after editing, then import the IO.TXT file import to system according to the methods in Chapter 5.6, reboot system and shift to INPUT RELAY in I/O menu under PARAM, the corresponding name will be displayed under relay X04. As shown below:


5.10.3 Examples to self-defined alarm usage of interior relays M80---M95

System interior relays M80---M95 act as self-defined alarm, when the relay is valid, the corresponding




name will be showed in the status bar as below example. For example: detect the material preparation of automatic material conveyor on the machine, through metal proximity switch to check material preparation (input signal to X16 and switch get valid when there is no material ), when material preparation lacking, system will show the information of storlack and remind operator to add material, but never affect other operation. 1. Edit PLC ladder as below:

Fig5.65 2. Edit relay name (edit IO.TXT file)

Fig5.66 edit input relay name

Fig5.67 edit name of self-defined alarm relay 3. import file IO.TXT into system, the information will be showed in the I/O interface under PARAM as below:




Fig5.68 The corresponding name will be displayed under X16 in INPUT RELAY interface in the I/O interface under PARAM..

Fig5.69 The corresponding name will be displayed under M81 in auxiliary relay 2 in the I/O interface under PARAM. 4. As material lacking (detecting open valid, X16 valid), alarm information will be showed in the status bar as below:

Fig5.70 NOTE If need to stop some operation when alarms, extra PLC program are needed.

5.11 programmable I/O preset function definition

Generally, there is no need to edit or Modify PLC program. Because some input and output relays are preset as certain function according to the system performance and common usage.

5.11.1 Movement control board

Input relay X50: The positive limit switch status of X axis X51: The negative limit switch status of X axis X52: The zero returning status of X axis X53: The zero signal status as X axis return to zero X54: The positive limit switch status of Y axis X55: The negative limit switch status of Y axis X56: The zero returning status of Y axis X57: The zero signal status as Y axis return to zero X58: The positive limit switch status of Z axis X59: The negative limit switch status of Z axis X60: The zero returning status of Z axis X61: The zero signal status as Z axis return to zero X62: The positive limit switch status of A axis X63: The negative limit switch status of A axis X64: The zero returning status of A axis X65: The zero signal status as A axis return to zero X66: The positive limit switch status of B axis X67: The negative limit switch status of B axis X68: The zero returning status of B axis X69: The zero signal status as B axis return to zero X70: The positive limit switch status of C axis X71: The negative limit switch status of C axis



X72: The zero returning status of C axis X73: The zero signal status as C axis return to zero X74: The alarm status of X-axis servo drive X75: The alarm status of Y-axis servo drive X76: The alarm status of Z-axis servo drive X77: The alarm status of A-axis servo drive X78: The alarm status of B-axis servo drive X79: The alarm status of C-axis servo drive X80: STANDBY X81: STANDBY Output relay: Y50servo enable Y51servo alarm clearance Y52STANDBY Y53STANDBY Y54STANDBY Y55STANDBY Y55STANDBY

5.11.2 Subpanel
Input relay X151: emergency stop button on the subpanel X152: run button on the subpanel X153: pause button on the subpanel X154: spindle CW key on the subpanel X155: spindle stop key on the subpanel X156: spindle CCW key on the subpanel X157: cutter head CW key on the subpanel X158: spindle CW JOG key on the subpanel X159: spindle CCW JOG key on the subpanel X160: cutter head CCW key on the subpanel X161: machine lubrication key on the subpanel X162: coolant key on the subpanel X163: exit key on the subpanel X164: spindle tool release key on the subpanel X165: reference point returning key on the subpanel X166: K1 key on the subpanel X167: K2 key on the subpanel X168: K3 key on the subpanel X169: K4 key on the subpanel X170: K5 key on the subpanel, Z-axis return to 2nd reference point; X171: K6 key on the subpanel, set tool seat number; X172: K7key on the subpanel X173: K8 key on the subpanel X174: increment shift key on the subpanel X175: running mode (step or continual) shift key on the subpanel




X176: Graphic and coordinates shifting key on the subpanel X177: +4 key on the subpanel X178: +Z key on the subpanel X179: -Y key on the subpanel X180: +X key on the subpanel X181: rapid superposition key on the subpanel X182: -X key on the subpanel X183: +Y key on the subpanel X184: -Z key on the subpanel X185: -4 key on the subpanel X186-X189: feed speed override switch on the subpanel X190-X193: Spindle rotation speed override switch on the subpanel Output relay: Y71: Y72: Y73: Y74: Y75: Y76: Y77: Y78: K1 indicator K2 indicator K3 indicator K4 indicator K5 indicator K6 indicator K7 indicator K8 indicator

5.11.3 Manual pulse generator

X198: MPG emergency stop X199: MPG COM X200: MPG OFF X201: MPG X X202: MPG Y X203: MPG Z X204: MPG A X205: MPG x1 X206: MPG x10 X207: MPG x100

5.11.4 General I/O board

The I/O preset function is different according to PLC program configuration and parameter. There will be a CD with this controller and four sets of PLC program and parameter as well are stored in this CD. They separately are GT150iM for umbrella tool magazine type of machining centre with CTBGA spindle servo unit, GT150iM for ATC tool magazine type of machining centre with CTBGA spindle servo unit , GT150iM for umbrella tool magazine type of machining center with MODROL spindle servo unit GT150iM general milling machine, user can import the required package into system according the methods in the chapter 5.6. the default parameter package isGT150iM for umbrella tool magazine type of machining centre with CTBGA spindle servo unit General I/O original configuration of PLC, match with GT150iM for umbrella tool magazine type of machining centre with CTBGA spindle servo unit



Input relay: X01: Spindle servo driver alarm; X04: overload checking for cooling motor; X07: overload checking for tool magazine motor; X08: spindle tool loose checking; X09: lubricant level checking; X10: remote spindle tool loose checking; X11: spindle tool seize checking X12: tool magazine forward; X13: tool magazine backward; X14: tool magazine count; X15: tool existing checking; X27: Spindle position completing/zero returning realize checking; Output relay: Y00: coolant control output Y01: tool loose/tighten output Y03: lubrication control output Y05: output of spindle CW control Y06: output of spindle CCW control Y08: output of spindle control mode shifting Y09: output of spindle zero returning Y10: output of tool magazine CW control Y11: output of tool magazine CCW control Y12: output of tool magazine forward control Y13: red indictor (failure indictor) Y14: yellow indicator (stop indicator) Y15: green indictor (running indicator) Y16: output of tool magazine backward control Y17: output of spindle locking control Y22: output of spindle drive power Y23: output of feed axis drive power General I/O original configuration of PLC, match with GT150iM for ATC tool magazine type machining centre with CTBGA spindle servo unit Input relay: X01: spindle driver alarm X02: compressed air pressure checking alarm X03: machine door switch checking X04: overload checking of coolant motor X05: coolant lack checking X06: overload checking of chip conveyor motor X07: overload checking of tool magazine motor X08: spindle tool loose checking X09: lubricant level checking X10: remote tool loose button of spindle X11: spindle tool seize checking X14: tool magazine count X16: tool magazine position checking




X17: mechanic arm stop checking X18: mechanic arm origin checking X19: tool seat up checking X20: tool seat down checking X21: mechanic arm of tool magazine seize tool checking X24: overload checking of spindle fan X27: spindle position completing/zero returning realize checking Output relay: Y00: Coolant control output Y01: tool loose/tighten control output Y03: lubricant control output Y05: spindle CW control output Y06: spindle CCW control output Y08: spindle control mode shifting output Y09: spindle zero returning output Y10: tool magazine CW output Y11: tool magazine CCW control output Y13: red indicator (failure indicator) Y14: yellow indicator (stop indicator) Y15: green indicator (running indicator) Y16: mechanic arm motor control output Y17: spindle locking control output Y20: tool seat up control output Y21: tool seat down control output Y22: power control of spindle drive output Y23: power control of feed axis drive output Y26: chip conveyor motor CW control output Y27: chip conveyor motor CCW control output General I/O original configuration of PLC, match with general milling machine Input relay: X01: spindle drive alarm X04: overload checking for cooling motor X08: spindle loosing checking X09: lubricant level checking X10: remote tool loose button of spindle X27: spindle position completing/zero returning realize checking Output relay: Y00: coolant control output Y01: tool loose /tighten control output Y03: lubricant control output Y05: spindle CW control output Y06: spindle CCW control output Y07: spindle brake control output Y08: spindle control mode shift output Y09: spindle zero returning output Y13: red indicator (failure indicator) Y14: yellow indicator (stop indicator)




Y15: green indicator (run indicator) Y17: spindle locking control output Y22: power control of spindle drive output Y23: power control of feed axis drive output NOTE 1. In order to assure the real time characteristic between tool system and I/O related to tool magazine, the original definition above cant be changed generally. 2. User can edit the input /output relays which are not defined above according to special needs.

5.12 The definition of PLC, instruction and parameter for machine match with tool magazine
5.12.1 Specification of machining centre with umbrella tool magazine

Fig5.71 Please import GT150iM for umbrella machining centre with CTBGA spindle servo unit file into the controller from the CD with the controller in the package before setting. The definition of self-defined K keys as following: K3 set the tool seat number for the current tool seat; K4 spindle positioning (the light of K4 turn on after spindle positioning completed) K5 Z axis return to tool changing point (the light of K5 indicator turn on after tool change point returning completed) The definition of M commands: M41 tool magazine forward M43 tool magazine backward Tool changing operation of tool magazine Txx: the tool in the spindle is restored into tool magazine, then change Txx in the instruction to spindle. M36 Txx: change Txx in the instruction to spindle with step mode according to tool changing step, system in the state of pause after executing one step, execute next step by press the button run, mainly used for setting. The basic step of tool changing as following (the tool changing step had been firmed with software. User is just allowed to modify part of I/O): The motion process for tool changing of tool magazine 1. Execute the prepare motion of tool changing or tool selection: spindle orientation and Z-axis return to tool changing point.




2. tool magazine forward 3. spindle loose tool 4. Z-axis up 5. tool magazine rotate, select tool of No. Txx 6. Z-axis down 7. spindle tighten tool 8. tool post backward The definition for exterior I/O of tool magazine (The I/O had been firmed, not allowed to use other function) 1. tool magazine counter: X14 2. tool magazine CW rotating: Y10 3. tool magazine CCW rotating: Y11 The definition of all I/O SP ALM ClOvld TMgM TLsCHE ClLvl MTC TSz TMgFD TMgBD TMgCt TCHE SPHm Cl M SPTLs LubM SPCW SPCCW RgdTp SPHm TMgCW TMgCCW TMgFD R Y G TMgBWD SPLk SPPwr DrvPwr X01 X04 X07 X08 X09 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X27 Y00 Y01 Y03 Y05 Y06 Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17 Y22 Y23 //spindle alarm //cooling overload //tool magazine checking //tool loosen check //coolant level //manual tool changing //tool seize checking //tool magazine forward //tool magazine backward //tool magazine count //tool existing check //spinle home //coolant motor //spindle tool loosen //lubricant motor //spindle CW //spindle CCW //rigid tapping //spindle home //tool magazine CW //tool magazine CCW //tool magazine forward //red indicator //yellow indicator //green indicator //tool magazine backward //spindle locking //spindle power supply //driver power supply

CAUTION 1. In the process of tool changing for encountering unexpected power off or emergency stop result in confusion of tool number in the tool magazine, please make tool magazine rotates several tool locations




in manual mode, then set the current tool seat number with key K3 2. When make tool magazine forward with M41, pay attention to check Z-axis position to avoid accident occur. 3. There should not be tool at the No. T0, otherwise, accident may occur. 4. load tool at the first time, there must be tool in the spindle (normally after tool seat list initialized, T01 should be in the spindle).

5.12.2 Specification of machining centre with ATC tool magazine

Fig 5.72 Pls lead GT150iM for ATC tool magazine machining centre with CTBGA spindle servo unit file into the controller from the CD with the controller in the package before setting. The definition of self-defined K keys as following: K3 set the tool seat number for the current tool seat; K4 spindle positioning (the light of K4 turn on after spindle positioning completed) K5 Z axis return to tool changing point (the light of K5 indicator turn on after tool change point returning completed) The definition of M commands: M41 is tool seat down, used for setting M43 is tool seat up, used for setting M57 is mechanic arm rotates one step unconditionally, used for setting Tool changing operation of tool magazine M06: change the tool in the current tool seat to spindle. Txx: change Txx in the instruction to current tool changing location M06 Txx: change the tool in the current tool seat to spindle, then change Txx in the instruction to current tool changing location to prepare for next tool changing (tool changing before tool selection). M16 Txx: change Txx in the instruction to current tool changing location, then change the tool in the current tool seat to spindle. (tool selection before tool changing, viz. change Txx in the instruction to spindle ) M36: change the tool in the current tool seat to spindle with step mode according to tool changing step, system in the state of pause after executing one step, execute next step by press the button run, mainly used for setting. The basic step of tool changing as following (the tool changing step had been firmed with software. User is just allowed to modify part of I/O): The motion process for tool changing of tool magazine




1. Execute the prepare motion of tool changing or tool selection: spindle orientation and Z-axis return to tool changing point. 2. Tool seat down 3. mechanic arm seize tool 4. spindle release tool 5. mechanic arm change tool 6. spindle tighten tool 7. mechanic arm returning 8. tool seat up The definition for exterior I/O of tool magazine (The I/O had been firmed, not allowed to use other function) tool magazine counter: X14 positioning signal of tool magazine rotation: X16 mechanic arm stop signal detecting: X17 tool magazine CW rotating: Y10 tool magazine CCW rotating: Y11 mechanic arm motor running: X16 The definition of all I/O SP ALM ClOvld TMg M TLsCHE ClLvl MTC TSzCHE TMgCt TMgPs AmStp AmOrg TStUp TStDn TSz SPHm ClM SPTLs LUBM SPCW SPCCW RgdTp SPHm TMgCW TMgCCW R Y G Arm M

X01 X04 X07 X08 X09 X10 X11 X14 X16 X17 X18 X19 X20 X21 X27 Y00 Y01 Y03 Y05 Y06 Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16

//spinlde alarm //coolant overload //tool magazine motor //tool loosen check //coolant level //manual tool changing //tool seize checking //tool magazine count //tool magazine position //Arm stop //arm original //toolseat up //toolseat down //tool seize //spindle home(positioning) //coolant motor //spindle tool loosen //lubricant motor //spindle CW //spindle CCW //rigid tapping //spindle home(positioning) //tool magazine CW //tool magazine CCW //red indicator //yellow indicator //green indicator //Arm motor




SPLk TStUp TStDn SPPwr DrvPwr

Y17 Y20 Y21 Y22 Y23

//spindle locking //toolseat up //toolseat down //spindle power supply //driver power supply

CAUTION 1. In the process of tool changing for encountering unexpected power off or emergency stop result in confusion of tool number in the tool magazine, please make tool magazine rotates several tool locations in manual mode, then set the current tool seat number with key K3. 2. For this type of tool magazine, the maximum tool number in the fixed tool area can be set with parameter of NO.27 in COMP, its better to initialize tool table after completing the parameter setting. For example: when set as 8, means that the tool seat list from No1 to No8 just be only loaded the tools of corresponding tool number, viz. the tool from No1 to No8 isnt selected arbitrarily, but fixed loading. This function can be used for loading tools with big diameter tool pan. 3. There should not be tool at the No. T0, otherwise, accident may occur. 4. M57 doesnt check condition, please specially pay attention when use the instruction, otherwise accident may occur. 5. The function of spindle loose/tighten is set as reciprocating model, once loose and again tighten.





In this chapter mainly introduce the installation methods of system and related cautions. CNC system must be assembled firmly in system cabinet. Certain space should be remained around it to assure air ventilation. The assembled location of panel should be easy to operate and avoid damaged by chips and etc. Strong power should be divided from weak currentCNC system and drive power supply should be divided from the strong power for machine, all kinds of digital wires should be far away from AC contactors to decrease interference, limitation, base point signal should be directly connected with CNC system and not through strong power box; power line should be strictly and correctly grounded. Put the plug into the socket firmly, tighten mounting screws. Pull out and insert plugs of driver, motor and all kinds of signal wire with power on are prohibited. When assemble system, protect the panel is damaged by edge tools and hard substanceif need painting the controller should be unload to avoid make the panel to be dirty. There should not be source of strong magnet and power, furthest away from tinder and explosive materials and all of danger.


6.2.1 System assemblies and function

Fig6.1 system and rear view Type A subpanel




Type B subpanel

Type D subpanel

Type E subpanel

Fig6.2 subpanel type A, B, C, D




Type D, E

Fig6.3 rear view of subpanel As shows the rear view of D,E subpanel: there are sockets of Subpanel I/O signal, MPG signal, power on/power off and GND bolt. Subpanel I/O signal--- connect with system main engine with 62 pins of cable to transmit I/O signal; MPG signal----feedback signal from MPG on the sub-panel to system connect with system main engine with 6 pins of cable; Power on/power off----lead out the contacts of power on/off; GND bolt-----connect with machine grounding. Explanation: 1. MPG signal socket is only valid for GREAT-IM-KEY-S-D subpanel, there is no MPG on the subpanel of GREAT-IM-KEY-S-E, so the MPG signal is invalid. 2. must connect machine GND with GND bolt. 3. power on/power off socket is used for lead out the contact of power on/off, the connection principle is as show above fig, it is applied to control the contact of the power supply of system and driver. The max endure voltage is AC250V/DC30A, max endure current is 1A. The voltage of indicator is 24V, both AC and DC are available, please pay attention to the polarity marked on the above diagram, please serial connect suitable resistance to assure the current is about 12mA as the voltage of indicator more than 24V.





6.3.1 The connection diagram match with A type subpanel

Fig6.4 NOTE: As showed above, all the cables of main panel, subpanel, general I/O board must be surely grounding.




6.3.2 Connection diagram match with B type subpanel

Fig6.5 NOTE: As showed above, all the cables of main panel, subpanel, general I/O patchpanel must be surely grounding.

6.4.1 Main panel dimension





6.4.2 Subpanel dimension (A type and B type is same)

Type A&B subpanel




Type D subpanel

Type E subpanel Fig6.7 subpanel dimension

6.4.3 General I/O board dimension

General I/O board

GREAT-GEN-IO-A type I/O board Fig 6.8 General I/O board dimension




6.4.4 Dimension of movement control board


6.4.5 The installation dimension of I/O power module (DC24V/ 3A)



CNC system must be assembled firmly in system cabinet. Certain space (more than 100mm) should be remained around it to assure air ventilation. The assembled location of panel should be easy to operate and avoid damaged by chips and etc. Around the CNC system should not have strong magnetism, strong electrical noise source, far away from flammable, high explosive, and all dangerous objects. Detailed request for environment as below: Running Storing 0 -20 ~ +45


~ +60




Humidity Vibration Environment


90 RH

0.5 G Avoids dust, oil and corrosive gas, ventilated well.

6.5.1 Power capacity

This CNC system power includes the main power and external I/O power module (DC24V/3A) with the input voltage is AC220V, capacity is as follow: voltage Main power External I/O Power module AC220V capacity 100W remark Must apply isolating transformer, The transformer input voltage request AC380V When I/O load is not heavy, can apply CNC internal power module (DC24V/0.5A), no need to connect external I/O power module.



6.5.2 Power supply connection and configuration Power supply connection diagram

Fig 6.11 As above showed the input power includes main power (must be supplied by insulating transformer and primary input voltage should be 380v) and external I/O power module (come from AC220V and get through regulated power module then supply to system and machine I/O),both need AC220V input. CAUTION As showed above, system main panel, movement control board and general I/O board must be reliable grounding. I/O power supply setting




In this CNC system, I/O power supply is DC 24V(except for subpanel I/O), supplied by system main power module or external I/O power module, set with the switch SW1. When I/O equipments are not too many(supply electric current <= 0.5A) I/O power can be supplied by the system main power module, SW1 set according to Fig 6.12; Otherwise when I/ O equipments are more (supply electric current > 0.5A) should be supplied by the external power module, SW1 set according to Fig 6.13.

Fig6.12 internal power supply

Fig6.13 external power supply

6.5.3 CNC power turn on/ off sequence

In order to guarantee the CNC security, the CNC power should turn on or turn off according to specified sequence.

Turn on the power:

(1)Turn on the main power (2) Turn on external I/O power module. (Or Turn on all power at the same time, must not Turn on external I/O power module first).

Turn off the power:

(1)Turn off external I/O power module, (2) Turn off the main power. (Or Turn off all power at the same time, must not Turn off the main power first).





6.6.1 Connection with communication board connection with communication board

Fig6.14 Interface connection J1 (RS232) pin table (DB-9P pin hole) 1 pin: Null 2 pin: RXD receive data 3 pin: TXD transmission data 4 pin: Null 5 pin: GND internal power grounding 6 pin: Null 7 pin: Null 8 pin: Null 9 pin: Null J2 (USB) pin table 1 pin: VCC USB-A power supply (+5V) 2 pin: USB-A-DUSB-A negative port 3 pin: USB-A-D+ USB-A positive port 4 pin: GND internal power grounding For this system, the RS232 and USB connectors are in the front of the main panel, move the cover on the left side of the main panel and you will see them, the below one is reboot key for the system. NOTE Do not press the reboot key when the system being in normal running, otherwise lead to unexpected result. The RS232 port mainly used for transmitting of system parameter, program, system software etc. to connect with PC, please refer to Fig6.15:




Fig 6.15 NOTE: 1) In order to prevent to damage the RS232 port, have to use the communication shield. When using communication shield the RS232 baud rate can not be more than 38.4Kbps. 2)the RS232 wire length can not be longer than 10 meters. 3)The USB connector is mainly used for connecting with U disk, transmission system parameter, program, CNC software and etc.

6.6.2 Connected with spindle encoder Connected with spindle encoder

Fig 6.16 Interface with spindle encoder J6 (spindle encoder connection) table (DB-9P pin hole) 1 pin: +5V internal +5V power 2 pin: C+ C pulse positive signal 3 pin: A+ A pulse positive signal 4 pin: GND internal power grounding 5 pin: B+ B pulse positive signal 6 pin: CC pulse negative signal 7 pin: AA pulse negative signal 8 pin: Null 9 pin: BB pulse negative signal NOTE: Encoder line length should be not too long, normally not longer than 5 meters. If longer than this value, must increase the section area. Must use double twist shielded wire.

6.6.3 Connected with MPG (manual pulse generator) Connected with MPG




Fig 6.17 The interface connected with MPG J7 (MPG) the connection table (DB-25P Male) 1 pin: HAA pulse negative signal of handy pulser differential signal (input) 2 pin: HBB pulse negative signal of handy pulser differential signal (input) 3 pin: X200/HOFF programmable input/axis OFF signal GND valid (input) 4 pin: X202/HY programmable input/select Y-axis signal GND valid (input) 5 pin: X204/H4 programmable input/select 4th-axis signal GND valid (input) 6 pin: X206/HX10 programmable input/override X10 positive signal GND valid (input) 7 pin: X198/HSTOP_I programmable input/E-Stop signal input GND valid (input) 8 pin: GND internal power supply grounding 9 pin: +5V internal +5V power supply 10 pin: X199/HCOM programmable input/COM signal GND valid (input) 11 pin: LED_K indicator K pole 12 pin: LED_A indicator A pole 13 pin: PE grounded 14 pin: HA+ A pulse positive signal of handy pulser differential signal (input) 15 pin: HB+ B pulse positive signal of handy pulser differential signal (input) 16 pin: X201/HX programmable input/select X-axis signal GND valid (input) 17 pin: X203/HZ programmable input/select Z-axis signal GND valid (input) 18 pin: X205/HX1 programmable input/override X1 positive signal GND valid (input) 19 pin: X207/HX100 programmable input/ override X100 positive signal GND valid (input) 20 pin: Null 21 pin: HSTOP_O Emergency stop signal output GND (output) 22 pin: Null 23 pin: Null 24 pin: Null 25 pin: Null MPG internal connection diagram




Fig 6.18 NOTE: Use MPG when match with A/E type subpanel.

6.6.4 Connected with subpanel Connected with subpanel




Fig6.19 Connected with subpanel

J9/J12 (subpanel) connection table (DB-62P)

1 pin: GND 2 pin: X151 3 pin: X154 4 pin: X157 5 pin: X160 6 pin: X163 7 pin: X166 8 pin: X169 9 pin: X172 10 pin:X175 11 pin:X178 12 pin:X181 13 pin:X184 14 pin:X187 15 pin:X190 16 pin:X193 17 pin:X196 18 pin:Y77 19 pin:Y75 20 pin:Y72 21 pin:Y28 22 pin:+5V 23 pin: GND internal grounding general programmable input/panel E-stop general programmable input/spindle CW general programmable input/tool pan CW general programmable input/ tool pan CCW general programmable input/exit system general programmable input/K1 KEY general programmable input /K4 KEY general programmable input/K7 KEY general programmable input/step run general programmable input/+Z general programmable input/rapid move general programmable input/-Z Feed override -/ feed override 1 spindle override +/ spindle override 0 general programmable output/ spindle override 4 general programmable output/Self-defined general programmable output/K7_LED general programmable output/K5_LED general programmable output/K2_LED general programmable output/Run _LED internal +5V power internal ground GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) +5V valid (output) +5V valid (output) +5V valid (output) +5V valid (output)




24 pin:X153 25 pin:X156 26 pin:X159 27 pin:X162 28 pin:X165 29 pin:X168 30 pin:X171 31 pin:X174 32 pin:X177 33 pin:X180 34 pin:X183 35 pin:X186 36 pin:X189 37 pin:X192 38 pin:X195 39 pin:X198 40 pin:Y76 41 pin:Y73 42 pin:Y29 43 pin:+5V 44 pin:X152 45 pin:X155 46 pin:X158 47 pin:X161 48 pin:X164 49 pin:X167 50 pin:X170 51 pin:X173 52 pin:X176 53 pin:X179 54 pin:X182 55 pin:X185 56 pin:X188 57 pin:X191 58 pin:X194 59 pin:X197 60 pin:Y78 61 pin:Y74 62 pin:Y71 J7 pin

general programmable input/program pause general programmable input/spindle CCW general programmable input/Jog CCW general programmable input/cooling general programmable input/return reference point general programmable input/K3 Key general programmable input/K6 KEY general programmable input/increment switch general programmable input/+4 general programmable input/+X general programmable input/+Y feed override +/ feed override 0 spindle override 100%/ feed override 4 general programmable input/ spindle override 2 general programmable input/Self-defined general programmable input/hand pulser E-stop general programmable output/K6_LED general programmable output /K3_LED general programmable output/ pause _LED internal +5V power general programmable input/program running general programmable input/spindle stop general programmable input/ Jog CW general programmable input/lubricate general programmable input/tool release general programmable input/K2 key general programmable input/K5 Key general programmable input/K8 Key general programmable input/coordinate/graphic switch general programmable input/-Y general programmable input/-X general programmable input /-4 feed override 100%/ feed override 2 spindle override -/ spindle override 1 general programmable input/ Self-defined general programmable input/ Self-defined general programmable output/K8_LED general programmable output/K4_LED general programmable output/K1_LED J13 pin signal

GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) +5V valid (output) +5V valid (output) +5V valid (output) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) GND valid (input) +5V valid (output) +5V valid (output) +5V valid (output)

J7/J13 (MPG signal) connection table (DB-25P to DB9P)




9 8 14 1 15 2

1 6 2 7 3 8

VCC: +5V GND: power grounding A+: handpulser A signal positive A-: hand pulser A signal negative B+: hand pulser B signal positive B-: hand pulser B signal negative

NOTE MPG (manual pulse generator) could not match with type B and Type E subpanel.

6.6.5 Connected with general I/O board Connected with general I/O board

Fig 6.20 Interface connected with general I/O board

J11/J13 (general I/O) connection table (DB-62P)

1 pin: X24 2 pin: X22 3 pin: X19 4 pin: X16 5 pin: X13 6 pin: X10 7 pin: X7 8 pin: X4 9 pin: X1 10 pin:Y20 11 pin:Y25 12 pin:Y17 13 pin:Y22 general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) IPE valid (input) IPE valid (input) IPE valid (input) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output)




14 pin:Y14 15 pin:Y12 16 pin:Y4 17 pin:Y9 18 pin:Y1 19 pin:Y0 20 pin: GND 21 pin: GND 22 pin:X27 23 pin:X24 24 pin:X21 25 pin:X18 26 pin:X15 27 pin:X12 28 pin:X9 29 pin:X6 30 pin:X3 31 pin:X0 32 pin:Y26 33 pin:Y18 34 pin:Y23 35 pin:Y15 36 pin:Y13 37 pin:Y5 38 pin:Y10 39 pin:Y2 40 pin:Y7 41 pin: DA01 42 pin: DA02 43 pin:X26 44 pin:X23 45 pin:X20 46 pin:X17 47 pin:X14 48 pin:X11 49 pin:X8 50 pin:X5 51 pin:X2 52 pin:Y27 53 pin:Y19 54 pin:Y24

general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output 0-10V analog voltage GND 0-10V analog voltage GND general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output 0-10V analog voltage output1 0-10V analog voltage output2 general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable input general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output

voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output)

+24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) IPE valid (input) IPE valid (input) IPE valid (input) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output)

+24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) IPE valid (input) IPE valid (input) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output)



55 pin:Y16 56 pin:Y21 57 pin:Y6 58 pin:Y11 59 pin:Y3 60 pin:Y8 61 pin: IPE 62 pin:+24V

general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output general programmable output +24V power supply grounding +24V power supply

voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output)

6.6.6 Connected with movement control board Connection with movement control board

Fig 6.21 Interface connected with movement control board J8/J14 (movement control board) connection table (DB-44P) 1 pin: XCP2 pin: ZCP+ 3 pin: BCP+ 4 pin: CCP5 pin: XDIR6 pin: ZDIR+ 7 pin: BDIR+ 8 pin: CDIR+ 9 pin: P2_C+ 10 pin:P2_B+ 11 pin:P2_A+ 12 pin:Y56 X-axis pulse signal negative Z-axis pulse signal positive B-axis pulse signal positive C-axis pulse signal negative X-axis direction signal positive Z-axis direction signal positive B-axis direction signal positive C-axis direction signal positive standby signal standby signal standby signal general programmable output voltage level valid IPE(output)




13 pin:Y54 14 pin:Y52/CSRV-ON 15 pin:Y50/SRV-ON 16 pin: XCP+ 17 pin: YCP18 pin: ACP+ 19 pin: BCP20 pin: XDIR+ 21 pin: YDIR22 pin: ADIR+ 23 pin: BDIR24 pin: CZ25 pin: BZ26 pin: AZ27 pin: Null 28 pin:Y55 29 pin:Y53/CMODE 30 pin:Y51/INTH 31 pin: YCP+ 32 pin: ZCP33 pin: ACP34 pin: CCP+ 35 pin: YDIR+ 36 pin: ZDIR37 pin: ADIR38 pin: CDIR39 pin: Null 40 pin: Null 41 pin: GND 42 pin: GND 43 pin:+5V 44 pin:+5V 1 pin: X51/-XL 2 pin: X53/XZ3 pin: X56/Y0 4 pin: X58/+ZL 5 pin: X61/ZZ+ 6 pin: X64/A0 7 pin: X65/AZ8 pin: X68/B0

general programmable output general programmable output/ spindle enable general programmable output/ servo enable X-axis pulse signal positive Y-axis pulse signal negative A-axis pulse signal positive B-axis pulse signal negative X-axis direction signal positive Y-axis direction signal negative A-axis direction signal positive B-axis direction signal negative standby signal standby signal standby signal general programmable output general programmable output/spindle mode general programmable output/clear alarm Y-axis pulse signal positive Z-axis pulse signal negative A-axis pulse signal negative C-axis pulse signal positive Y-axis direction signal positive Z-axis direction signal negative A-axis direction signal negative C-axis direction signal negative

voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output)

voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output) voltage level valid IPE(output)

internal grounding internal ground internal +5V power supply internal +5V power supply general programmable input/X-axis negative limit general programmable input/A-axis zero pulse negative general programmable input/Y-axis homing general programmable input/Z-axis positive limit general programmable input/Z-axis zero pulse positive general programmable input/A-axis homing general programmable input/A-axis zero pulse negative general programmable input/B-axis homing +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input)

J10/J15 (movement controls I/O) connection table (DB-44P)




9 pin: X70/+CL 10 pin:X73/CZ+ 11 pin:X75/YALM 12 pin:X77/AALM 13 pin:X79/CALM 14 pin:X81 15 pin: Null 16 pin:X50/+XL 17 pin:X53/XZ+ 18 pin:X55/-YL 19 pin:X57/YZ20 pin:X60/Z0 21 pin:X62/+AL 22 pin:X65/AZ+ 23 pin:X67/-BL 24 pin:X69/BZ25 pin:X72/C0 26 pin:X74/XALM 27 pin:X76/ZALM 28 pin:X78/BALM 29 pin:X80 30 pin: Null 31 pin:X52/X0 32 pin:X54/+YL 33 pin:X57/YZ+ 34 pin:X59/-ZL 35 pin:X61/ZZ36 pin:X63/-AL 37 pin:X66/+BL 38 pin:X69/BZ+ 39 pin:X71/-CL 40 pin:X73/CZ41 pin: IPE 42 pin: IPE +24v 43 pin:+24V 44 pin:+24V

general programmable input/C-axis positive limit general programmable input/C-axis zero pulse positive general programmable input/Y-axis alarm general programmable input/A-axis alarm general programmable input/C-axis alarm general programmable input general programmable input/X-axis positive limit general programmable input/X-axis zero pulse positive general programmable input/Y-axis negative limit general programmable input/Y-axis zero pulse negative general programmable input/Z-axis homing general programmable input/A-axis positive limit general programmable input/A-axis zero pulse positive general programmable input/B-axis negative limit general programmable input/B-axis zero pulse negative general programmable input/C-axis homing general programmable input/X-axis alarm general programmable input/Z-axis alarm general programmable input/B-axis alarm general programmable input general programmable input/X-axis homing general programmable input/Y-axis positive limit general programmable input/Y-axis zero pulse positive general programmable input/Z-axis negative limit general programmable input/Z-axis zero pulse negative general programmable input/A-axis negative limit general programmable input/B-axis positive limit general programmable input/B-axis zero pulse positive general programmable input/C-axis negative limit general programmable input/C-axis zero pulse negative +24V power supply grounding +24V power supply grounding +24V power supply +24V power supply
pulse signal positive direction signal positive zero pulse positive servo alarm (input) +24V valid (input)

+24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) +24V valid (input) (input) +24V valid (input) (input)

J16-J21 (drive signal) interface connection table (DB-15P/pinhead) 1 pin: PLUSE+ 2 pin: DIR+ 3 pin: Z+ 4 pin: ALM




5 pin: INTH 6 pin: Null 7 pin: +24V 8 pin: IPE 9 pin: PLUSE10 pin: DIR11 pin: Z12 pin: SRV-ON 13 pin: Null 14 pin:+24V 15 pin: IPE

clear axis servo alarm

voltage level valid IPE(output)

+24v power supply +24v power grounding

pulse signal negative direction signal negative zero pulse negative enable servo signal (input) voltage level valid IPE(output)

+24v power +24v power grounding

NOTE: The interface J22 is standby.


This CNC may match frequency drive and the servo drive spindle. The servo drive spindle including MODROL and CTB-GA, which have different control methods and connection ways, as follows:

6.7.1 CNC controls connected with frequency inverter

Fig 6.22 As showed above, the spindle frequency driver speed change is controlled by velocity of 0 - +10V. And the spindle frequency driver has the corresponding signal, to realize start, stop, CW, CCW, as well as failure detection.

6.7.2 CNC controls connected with spindle servo drive Connection diagram of CNC controls connected with GTB-GA spindle servo drive




Fig 6.23 As showed above, the control principle for CTB-GA spindle servo drive as below 1. Speed control The servo spindle stays in speed mode when running mode is invalid, system output 0--+10V analog voltage with corresponding signal(CW/CCW), realize control of start, stop, CW, CCW, continuously variable and failure detection. 2. Interpolation control The servo spindle running in position mode when running mode is valid, the spindle speed and direction are determined by the signal of CP,DIR. 3. the spindle orientation Spindle driver will automatic orientation according to parameter setting (CN04/5) when ORIENTATION signal is valid. Orientation over output signal turn on contacts M10,M11. 4. Motor power on and off Motor power on and locking when ZERO SERVO signal is valid. Otherwise, power off and release. Connection diagram of CNC controls connected with MODROL spindle servo drive



Fig6.24 As showed above, the control principle for MODROL spindle servo drive as below 1. Speed control: The servo spindle stays in speed mode when spindle orientation is invalid, system output 0--+10V analog voltage with corresponding signal(CW/CCW), realize control of start, stop, CW, CCW, continuously variable and failure detection. 2. Orientation and interpolation control When spindle orientation signal is valid, and give CW signal, servo spindle homing firstly and running in the position mode. The speed and direction of spindle is determined by CP and DIR.


The control mode of this CNC system is pulse+ direction (CP+DIR), at the same time CNC can diagnose feed axis servo drive status by the ALM output of drive. Connection diagram as following:




Fig 6.25


6.9.1 direct-current power supply

Fig 6.26 As above shows, this CNC system has two direct-current power, including internal power and external power.. "+5V", "+12V" is internal power supply for GND, which supply signal power to CNC system and some I/O signal (need not isolate), another is external power of "+24V" base on "IPE", which supply electrical power for external ports (such as general I/O, limit, base point etc.) and machine electric appliance(control relay, electromagnetism brake), the +24V power is supplied by system main power module(DC24V/0.5A) or external power module(DC24V/3A).




6.9.2 I/O ports I/O port classification and distribution In this CNC system all I/O port as following. Code X00-X07 X08-X27 X50-X81 X53 X57 X61 X65 X69 X73 X151-X197 X198-X207 Y00-Y27 Y28 Y29 Y71-Y78 Y50-Y57 Type general I/O input general I/O input motion I/O input Availability IPE +24V +24V Distribution general I/O board general I/O board Movement control board Movement control board(J16-J21) Sub-panel MPG(manual pulse generator) general I/O board Sub-panel Sub-panel movement control board System preset function Remark

Motion I/O input Sub-panel I/O input MPG I/O general I/O output Sub-panel I/O output Sub-panel I/O output Movement control I/O output

Differential GND GND IPE +5V +5V IPE

Motor encoder zero check Sub-panel key Axis, override switch Open collector output run, stop indicating lamp K1-K8 indicating lamp servo enable General I/O input port principle which is available by "IPE" Input port of X00-X07 are available by "IPE", the connection method as follow (take X00 as example):

Fig6.27 General I/O input port principle which is available by "+24V " Input port of X08-X27 and 50-X81 are available by "+24V ", the connection method as follow (take X08 as example):




Fig 6.28 Sub-panel input port principle which is available by " GND " Input port of X151-X207 are available by "GND ", the connection method as follow (take X151 as example):

Fig 6.29 CAUTION: As above shows, "GND" is low voltage level and is not isolated, therefore this kind of signal wire can not be longer than 2 meters. Sub-panel output port principle which is availability by "+5V " Subpanel output ports of Y28, Y29 and Y71-Y78 are available by "+5V ", mainly used for indication, the connection method as follow (take Y28 as example):

Fig6.30 CAUTION As above shows, "+5V" is low voltage level and no isolated, therefore this kind of signal wire can not be longer than 2 meters. General, movement control I/O output port principle which is availability by "IPE" Output ports of Y00-Y27 and Y50-Y57 are available by "IPE", the connection method as followed (take Y00 control relay as example):




Fig 6.31 CAUTION Because the output ports are the transistor output, thus the load electric current can not be more than 150mA. Reference points connection principle (take X-axis as example)

Fig 6.32 As above showed, there are two ways for reference point returning (through setting parameter): A. Reference point connection principle 1 As show by Fig 1 of Fig 6.32, the principle is: In the process of machine reference point returning, as base point switch SQ is pressed down, the X0 will be connected with 24V, the X0 signal feedback to the CNC, the CNC control motor decelerate to stop, and control it slow backward movement until the switch SQ is released, this point is the reference point. B. Reference point connection principle 2 As show by Fig 1 and 2 of Fig 6.32, the principle is: In the process of machine reference point returning, as base point switch SQ is pressed down, the X0 will be connected with 24V, the X0 signal feedback to the CNC, the CNC control motor decelerates to stop, and control it slow backward movement until the switch SQ is released, and continue to slowly move until CNC capture the motor encode zero. This point is the reference point.




NOTE a) All the direction of reference point returning is positive, please be careful when install base point switch. b) We suggest choosing metal proximity switch to prevent accident occur from abnormal reference returning for switch rebound failure. Limit signal connection principle (take X-axis as example)

Fig 6.33 As above showed, When X-axis move forward to limit switch SQ, +XL will be connected with +24V, the +XL signal feedback to the CNC, the CNC will control motor to stop at once and display error information, by this way can protect machine hard limit. NOTE a)The open and close status of limit switch can be set by parameter b) in order to make sure the reliability of limit, the length of limit stopper should be not less than 30mm.


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