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Proposal for

R&D Support of
DARPA Cyber Genome Program
For Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Security & Intelligence Directorate
3701 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203-1714
Advanced Information Systems
Dale March 29,2010
Proposal for
R&D Support of
DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Volume 1
Technical and Management Proposal
Submitted to
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Security & Intelligence Directorate
3701 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203-1714
Contractor Bid or Proposal Information
Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data: FAR 52.215-1(e)(1) (Jan. 2004)
This proposal includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not be duplicated, used, or
disclosed--in whole or in part--for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal. If, however, a contract is awarded
to this offeror as a result of--or in connection with--the submission of this data, or the Government shall have the right
to duplicate, use, or disclose the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract. This restriction does not limit or
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The data subject to this restriction are contained in sheets that carry the legend of FAR 52.215.1 9(e)(2) (JAN 2004).
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, Inc. (GOAlS) - PROPRIETARY
This document contains confidential, trade secret, commercial or financial information owned by General Dynamics
Advanced Information Systems, Inc., and is voluntarily submitted for evaluation purposes only. It is exempt from
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) under Exemptions (b) (3) and (4), and its disclosure is
prohibited under the Trade Secrets Act (18 U.S.C. 1905) and FAR 24.202.
This document shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part for any purpose whatsoever, other than evaluation.
Do not copy or distribute to others without notification pursuant to Executive Order 12600.
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These data are submitted with limited rights under this proposal. These data may be reproduced and used by or the
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data outside or the Government for the following purposes, if any, provided that or the Government makes such
disclosure subject to prohibition against further use and disclosure: none.
This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part.
Advanced Information Systems
2721 Technology Drive
Annapolis Junction, M D 20701
Proposal File Number: A6680
Date March 29,2010
R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Table of Contents
Advanced Information Systems
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................... .4
I.A COVER SHEET ............................................................................................................................................. 5
I.B TRANSMITTAL LETTER .................................................................................................................................... 7
II. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL ........................................................................................................................... 8
II.A INNOVATIVE CLAIMS. TASKS. AND SUBTASKS .......................................................................................... 10
II.A.1 De-obfuscation of Code ....................................................................................................................... 1 0
II.A.2 Data Flow Mapping Research .............................................. ............................................................... 11
II.A.3 Unknown Malicious Behavior Detection ............................................................................................. 12
II.B SUMMARY OF DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................... 13
II.C SUMMARY OF COST. SCHEDULE. AND MILESTONES ................................................................................. 13
II.D SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL RATIONALE, APPROACH, AND PLANS .............................................................. 13
II.E.1 Innovative Management Practices .............................................. ......................................................... 15
II.E.2 Program Management ............................................ ............................................................................. 16
II.E.3 Key Personnel .......................................... ............................................................................................ 17
II.F FOUR-SLIDE SUMMARy ............................................................................................................................. 21
III. DETAILED PROPOSAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 23
III.A SOW TASKS AND SUB TASKS .................................................................................................................... 23
III.C DETAILED TECHNICAL RATIONALE .......................................................................................................... 23
III.D DETAILED TECHNICAL APPROACH AND PLAN .......................................................................................... 25
III.D.1 Researching Cyber Genetic Lineage ............................................................................................... 25
III.D.2 Researching Cyber Genome Mapping ............................................................................................ 26
III.D.3 Automating Function Extraction ............................................. ........................................................ 29
III.D.4 Visualization ................................................................................................................................... 31
III.E EXISTING RESEARCH COMP ARISON .......................................................................................................... 31
III.F PREVIOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS ................................................................................................................. 31
III.F.1 Past Performances ........................................ .................................................................................. 32
III. G PLACE OF PERFORMANCE, FACILITIES, AND LOCATIONS ........................................................................... 37
III.H DETAILED TEAMING STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................. 38
III.! COST SCHEDULES AND MILESTONES ........................................................................................................ 39
IIU DATA, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, AND PRIVACY .................................................................................... .41
IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TECHNICAL PAPERS AND RESEARCH NOTES ........................................ 42
A VI-Secure Decisions .............................................. ........................................................................................... 42
HBGaryFederal. .......................................... ...................................................................................................... 42
SRI International ........................................... ..................................................................................................... 44
UC Berkeley ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Proprietary.
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restriction on the title page of this proposal.
Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
List of Figures
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FIGURE 1. TASK AREA 1 OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................. 9
FIGURE 2. WHAT SIGNATURES WILL LOOK LIKE ........................................................................................................ 10
FIGURE 3. GDAIS TEAM ............................................................................................................................................. 14
FIGURE 4. DARPA CYBER GENOME PROGRAM TEAM ................................................................................................ 15
FIGURE 5. RESEARCHING CYBER GENETIC LINEAGE ................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 6. RESEARCHING CYBER GENOME MAPPING .................................................................................................. 26
FIGURE 7. FINDING CORRELATIONS OF ELEVATED IMPORTANCE ................................................................................ 28
FIGURE 8. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS ............................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 9. SUMMARY OF TEAM MEMBER LOCATIONS ................................................................................................. 37
FIGURE 10. DARPA CYBER GENOME PROGRAM TEAM LOCATIONS ........................................................................... 38
FIGURE 11. DARPA CYBER GENOME TEAM ............................................................................................................... 39
FIGURE 12. PHASE I SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................... 40
FIGURE 13. PHASE II SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................. 40
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
LA Cover Sheet
Broad Agency Announcement
Cyber Genome Proposal
Prime Organization
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, Inc.
Proposal Title
DARPA Cyber Genome
Large Business D Historically-Black Colleges
Type of Business (Check one)
D Small Disadvantaged Business D Minority Institution (MI)
D Other Small Business D Other Educational
D Government Lab or FFRDC D Other Nonprofit
Contractor's Reference
Contractor and Government
Entity (CAGE) Code
Dun and Bradstreet (DUN)
North American Industrial
Classification System (NAICS)
541330 - Engineering Services
Taxpayer Identification
Number (TIN)
Mr. Jason Upchurch
Technical Point of Contact
8005 S. Chester Street, Centennial, co 80112
(719) 357-8858 / (888) 821-0059
Mr. Russell Wenthold
Administrative Point of 1100 NW Loop 410, Ste 600, San Antonio, IX 78213
(210) 442-4207 / (210) 377-0199
Mr. Charles Brown
Security Point of Contact
3133 General Hudnell Dr, Ste 300, San Antonio, IX 78226
(210) 932-5522 / (210) 932-5585
Dr. Anita D'Amico
A VI-Secure
6 Bay Ave, Northport, NY 11768
(631) 754-4920, ext 147/ (631) 754-1721
Cage Code: 07QY2
Mr. Arron Barr
Other Team Members
3604 Fair Oaks Blvd, Bldg B, Ste 250, Sacramento, CA 95864
(if applicable)
HBGary Federal (916) 459-44727, ext-I 47 / (916) 481-1460
Cage Code: 5U1 U6
Mr. Adam Fraser
105 A Church Street, Madison, AL 35758
Pikewerks (256) 325-0010 / (256) 325-1077
Cage Code: 3XYV3
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Proprietary.
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restriction on the title page of this proposal.
Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
Dr. Phillip Porras
333 Ravenswood Ave. Menlo Park, CA 84025
(650) 859-3232
Cage Code: 03652
Dr. Dawn Song
UC Berkeley
675 Soda Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
CAGE Code:
Base Effort:
Base Effort Cost
(Phase 1) Base Options Cost: (list all)
Funds Requested From
Option Effort:
Option Effort Cost
(Phase 2)
Phase II Options Cost: (list all)
Total Proposed Cost
Amount of Cost Share Amount of cost share (if any)
cost-plus-fixed-fee o grant
o cost-contract-no-fee o agreement
Award Instrument Requested
o cost sharing contract-no fee o other award instrument:
o other procurement
Proposers Cognizant
DCMA Southern Virginia
Government Administration
Attn: Ms. Erin Kirkby, DACO
2301 West Meadowview Rd, Ste 103, Greensboro, NC 27407
(336) 855-8791
Proposer's Cognizant Defense
DCAA North Carolina Branch Office
Contract Audit Agency
Attn: Ms. Ann Goodwin, Supervisory Auditor
5440 Millstream Road, McLeansville, NC 27301
(DCAA) Audit Office
(336) 698-8615
Date Proposal Prepared March 14, 2010
Proposal Expiration Date July 31,2010
AVI-Secure 6 Bay Ave
July 2010 - June 2014
Decisions Northport, NY 11768
HBGary 3604 Fair Oaks Blvd, Bldg B, Ste 250
July 2010 - June 2014
Federal Sacramento, CA 95864
Place(s) and Period(s) of SRI 333 Ravenswood Ave
July 2010 - June 2014
International Menlo Park, CA 94025
2214 Mt Vernon Ave, Ste 300
July 2010 - June 2014
Alexandria, VA 22301
UC Berkeley
675 Soda Hall
July 2010 - June 2014
Berkeley, CA 94720
Technical Area 1 - Cyber Genetics
Technical Area D Technical Area 2 - Cyber Anthropology and Sociology
(check one)
D Technical Area 3 - Cyber Physiology
D Technical Area 4 - Other
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Proprietary.
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restriction on the title page of this proposal.
Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
I.B Transmittal Letter
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Proprietary.
Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the
restriction on the title page of this proposal.
Advanced Information Systems
Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
Page - 7
R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
II. Summary of Proposal
Current technologies and methods for producing and examining
relationships between software products, particularly malware,
are lacking at best. The use of hashing or "fuzzy" hashing and
matching techniques are conducted at the program level, ignoring
Advanced Information Systems
Current correlatIon techmques
cannot achIeve lmea e

Do not reflect code reuse
Use arbitrary boundaries
Not context avvare
any reflection of the actual development process of malware. This Taxa-based on behavior, not
approach is only effective at finding closely related variants or
matching artifacts found within malware that are only tangent to
the development process, such as hard coded IP address, domains, or login information. This
matching process is often unaware of internal software structure except in the most rudimentary
sense, dealing with entire sections of code at a time, attempting to align matches while dealing
with arbitrary block boundaries. The method is akin to an illiterate attempting comparing two
books on the same topic. Such a person would have a chance of correlating different editions of
the same book, but not much else. The first fundamental flaw in today's approach is that it
ignores our greatest advantage in understanding relationships in malware lineage, we can deduce
program structure into blocks (functions, objects, and loops) that reflect the development process
and gives software its lineage through code reuse.
Software development has been driven to code reuse through economics. It is simply cheaper
and more effective to reuse portions of code that have already been developed for a particular
task. Entire computer programming languages have been developed to make code reuse more
effective. The development of malware also reflects code reuse, not so much through intentional
design for the development processes, but because malware is largely developed singularly or in
small, tight knit, groups. Code reuse does occur between groups, but this is largely due to theft of
code. Code reuse, in either case, is the basis for software lineage; therefore, any attempt to map
and correlate cyber genomes should focus on attempting to correlate software reuse.
Reliable correlation of software based on code reuse will establish lineage; however, lineage
itself is only of partial value. Code used in legitimate software is not confined to reuse in only
other legitimate software. Malware authors reuse code from all sources, legitimate or not.
Therefore, lineage without context in malware research is not strictly confined to mal ware, nor
do genetic relationships of an unknown software sample to that of a known malicious sample
suggest malignancy. Therefore, the second fundamental flaw in malicious software lineage and
correlation approaches to date is that they ignore context.
Malware classification schemes today are based on behavior and largely ignore how those
behaviors are achieved unless the information is valuable in developing detection signatures.
Behavior itself, while important, is nearly worthless information in any attempt to develop a
workable cyber lineage system. Behavior classification is not a viable taxonomy system at all
and if such a system were to be applied to biology, an anteater and many birds would belong to
the same "family" simply because their behavior, namely eating ants, is the same.
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Proprietary.
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restriction on the title page of this proposal.
Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
Page - 8
R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Memory Media
Fuzzy Signatures
Hard Artifacts
Normalized, Un"()bfuscated Code
1--+1 Fuzzy Program Signatures
Hard Artifacts
I - - ~ Fuzzy Function Signatures
Behavioral Signatures
Fuzzy Program Signatures
Fuzzy Function Signatures
Advanced Information Systems
Docs.pdf Web
0 ,..
!2. !2. ~
iir 5'
0 ::I
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0 II)
0 ~
Figure 1. Task Area 1 Overview
What is of use in lineage is how behaviors are achieved. A workable lineage system would
classify two key loggers as related, not because they both log keystrokes, but because they
achieve this behavior in the same way. That is, they share a function or group offunctions within
their code base achieves this functionality. With this type of information a viable taxonomy
system could be developed, similar the Linneaen taxonomy system of the animal kingdom, that
reflects actual relationships and lineage.
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
What Signatures Will Look Like
Encapsulated I
I Deobfuscated

Q unction

Abstraction I
Analysis Analysis Mapping

Trait Behavior Special
Signatures Signatures Signatures Signatures
[ Unified Signature Dataset
[ Automated Correlation Engine ) [ Visualization
Figure 2. What Signatures Will Look Like
II.A Innovative Claims, Tasks, and Subtasks
II.A.1 De-obfuscation of Code
In an attempt to frustrate analysis, the authors of mal ware often process their programs using a
technique called binary code packing. Code packing transforms a program into a packed program
by compressing and/or encrypting the original code and data into packed data and associating it
with a restoration routine. The restoration routine is a piece of code for recovering the original
code and data as well as setting an execution context to the original state when the packed
program is executed. By concealing the program code responsible for malicious behavior,
packing is an obstacle to any analysis technique that depends on examining code, from signature-
based anti-virus detection to sophisticated static analysis.
There are tools like the CERT CC Pandora, the Navy Research Lab Packer Cracker,
PolyUnpack, RL!dePacker, QuickUnpack and others that try to remove the obfucation layer from
the malware, but they are far from beign an automated solution that can de-obfuscate large
amount is differently obfuscated malware binaries. Many times, they can't provide a de-
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Proprietary.
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
obfuscated or fully functional version of the malware binary, and they observe very poor runtime
A major challenge with some of the obfuscated malware is with the ones that implement
thousands of polymorphic layers, revealing only a portion of the code during any given
execution stage. Once the code section is executed, the packer then re-encrypts this segment
before proceeding to the next code segments.
Another challenge is that mal ware authors will adapt their packing methods to detect the
unpacking tool or to circumvent the unpacking tool process by tracking methods or API hooks.
By adapting and evaluating existing techniques from computational biology (CB), we will
provide automated ways of systematically undoing the work of obfuscators to restore the binary
to an equivalent but un-obfuscated form. This will be done by using binary rewriting techniques.
Decompilation research and techniques will be explored to recover a high-level C and c++
source code of the binary code in order to validate the recovery of a valid and fully functional
executable. By assessing the quality of the source code, we will assess the quality of the de-
obfuscation steps and improve it accordingly. Computational biology (CB) techniques will be
used to tackle the problem of comparing obfuscated malware code segments. Error Correcting
Codes (ECC) research and techniques will be used 0
to determine the degree of original similarity. !
Research will be performed to use data mining
techniques over a set of artifacts, in order to
determine the probability of different obfuscation
types. Research will also be performed to generate
Malware Markov Models to transform any artifact
into any other and calculate a probability of that
transformation. This probability represents distance
between the two artifacts. Using this additional
techniques a robust prototype will be built that can
handle packers that naively employ multiple layers
such as MoleBox and some incremental packers
such as Armadillo. In order to counter
polymorphic/metamorphic multiple encryption
layers, we will research techniques to dump a
continuous series of execution/binary images,
evaluating each dumped image to choose the image with the optimal analyzability metrics.
Il.A.2 Data Flow Mapping Research
To provide a detailed analysis, one of the challenges is to accurately model the effects of each
assembly language instruction. To do this, it is necessary to accurately model the effects of each
instruction. But that can be difficult; for instance, the standard x86 architecture has hundreds of
instructions, which often have implicit side effects, complex addressing modes, and even
operand-dependent semantics.
We will perform revolutionary research and develop techniques to translate instructions into an
intermediate language with uniform semantics and only about a dozen kinds of statement. This
will significantly simplify further analysis. This approach is not to be confused with
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
decompilation. The goal is not to recover a higher-levellangnage representation of the code, but
to analyze assembly as a first class langnage. On top of this language, we will perform research
to provide a rich library of code for manipulating and performing automated analysis on
represented binary code. With this technique/capability, we will be able to build control flow
graphs and program dependence graphs, perform data-flow analyses such as global value
numbering and dead code elimination, and slice or chop to select only the part of code relevant
for a query. Under this research, we will develop techniques to interface with bit-precise decision
procedures to perform automated reasoning about code, such as to find inputs that satisfy a given
set of conditions.
Il.A.3 Unknown Malicious Behavior Detection
Dynamic taint analysis is a powerful approach for detecting and analyzing attacks against the
integrity of a security-critical application, such as if a network attacker attempts to take control
of a service by supplying inputs that give the attacker control over the application's behavior.
The basic principle of taint analysis is to mark the untrusted inputs to a program (as "tainted"),
and then propagate the tainting status during execution to other values that are computed from
these tainted inputs. If a tainted value reaches a sensitive operation, this suggests that an attacker
could have control over that operation. For instance, if tainting propagates from an untrusted
network request to a value used as a return address in a network server, this could indicate an
attack in which the application is about to jump to code of the attacker's choosing.
Taint analysis is a widely used technique, but in its simplest form it also has some widely-
encountered limitations. These can be categorized as under-tainting, which occurs when a value
that should be tainted is not, and over-tainting, which occurs when values that should not be
tainted are not tainted. Under-tainting most often occurs because dynamic taint analysis fails to
fully track what are called "implicit flows:" for instance, the fact that the a value loaded from
memory depends on the address from which the load occurred, or effects on data that are
mediated by control flow. Special case rules, such as for the treatment of lookup tables, can
reduce such under-tainting, but a more general approach is needed.
Over-tainting or "taint explosion" can be triggered by a small initial error, causing a single value
to be tainted unnecessarily, that leads to significant over-tainting when that value is itself used in
many places. Intuitively, this occurs because standard tainting has no way of diluting taint that
propagates too widely. Over-tainting can particularly be an issue in a taint analysis engine that
emulates an entire system: tainting is valuable for tracking inter-application information flows,
but over-tainting that propagates to the kernel can invalidate results for the entire system.
To overcome the challenges of under-tainting, two different research approaches will be studied.
One of the research approaches will be performed to detect the occurrence of under-tainting by
analyzing how much of the variability of tainted values is propagated to memory addresses and
control-flow decisions. If the tainted input is completely determined by such implicit flows,
under-tainting is likely to have occurred. The second research area will address instances of
under-tainting by an automatic, conservative estimate of the side-effects of code regions whose
execution might be under the influence of tainted control flow.
To overcome the challenges of over-tainting, research will be performed to detect such over-
tainting by generalizing taint to a continuous attribute, so that a value can have an intermediate
level of taint if its propagation has been attenuated. Another research area will be to introduce
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
special rules for taint propagation across the system call interface, to prevent spurious tainting
while preserving correctly tainted values.
II.B Summary of Deliver abIes
Deliverables associated with the proposed research and the plans and capability to accomplish
technology transition and commercialization. Include in this section all proprietary claims to the
results, prototypes, intellectual property, or systems supporting and/or necessary for the use of
the research, results, and/or prototype. If there are not proprietary claims, this should be stated.
II.C Summary of Cost, Schedule, and Milestones
Cost, schedule and measurable milestones for the proposed research, including estimates of cost
for each task in each year of the effort delineated by the prime and major subcontractors, total
cost and company cost share, if applicable. Note: Measurable milestones should capture key
development points in tasks and should be clearly articulated and defined in time relative to start
of effort. These milestones should enable and support a decision for the next part of the effort.
Additional interim non-critical management milestones are also highly encouraged at a regular
II.D Summary of Technical Rationale, Approach, and Plans
Technical rationale, technical approach, and constructive plan for accomplishment of technical
goals in support of innovative claims and deliverable production. (In the proposal, this section
should be supplemented by a more detailed plan in Section III.)
II.E Detailed Management, Staffing, Organization Chart, and Key
GOAlS offers an innovative approach to teaming and delivering revolutionary
cyber research that minimizes the need for GOAlS management and oversight.
Our team uses a streamlined management approach
that maximizes the existing strengths of all
teammates to provide revolutionary research
results and minimize program overhead of a
comprehensive team. Our management approach is
derived from our vision and strategy. Our vision
provides revolutionary technologies for cyber
forensics and defense. Our strategy teams proven
leaders in key cyber research areas, technology
development and forensics who are personally
committed to network security. Our team provides
a breadth of relevant operational, developmental
and research credentials and depth of industry and
academia experience in science, technology

RevolutIonary Focus, MultIple Talents -
EffiCIent AccomplIshment ofCyber Genome
Key personnel are experienced DC3 leaders in
technology, forensics and leadership.
Our team of academic and industry leading
cyber security experts provide the state of the
art technology and research base to apply to
provide a revolutionary program.
We employ innovative business practices to
research, integrate and manage the combined
efforts to maximize technologies applications
to cyber security.
Out proactive team of independent malware
researcher in new technology with proven
processes for integration and mission benefit.
Our integrated master schedule provides
prudent milestones and deliverables to assess
progress toward successful program goals.
development, systems integration and capability transition to operational customers. GDAIS
researched, down selected and created this team to become a trusted and valued mission partner
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
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to provide a comprehensive solution to cyber security technology needs and a partner in
transitioning technology and prototypes to operators.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
h Industry SpecioUs ..
H B ~ G a r y
Le.dlng Research Operator Interface.
All Cyber Domain Experts
Figure 3. GOAlS Team
Figure 1 below identifies our team, organizational structure, key personnel and key capabilities
ofteam members to provide a comprehensive cyber research program. GDAIS leads the team
with our principal investigator (PI) and program manager (PM). Our PI is responsible for the
technical leadership and direction of the program and teammates, integration of research results
from all team members, and the end result, a functioning cyber lineage prototype. Our PI
receives support from a DARPA experienced PM and staff to monitor, manage and report
program execution and status, contracting and subcontracting, and finance. More details of these
responsibilities follow later in this section. Our teammates, SRI, UC Berkeley, Pikewerks, HB
Gary and A VI-Secure Decisions are all subcontracted to GDAIS with unique statements of work
identifying their tasks, deliverables, schedules and relationships with GDAIS and other
teammates for successful execution of the program. Each teammate is responsible for execution
of their portion of the program, delivery of research and technology prototypes, and reporting
status back to GDAIS monthly who then reports to the DARPA program manager. All
teammates are integrated in the quarterly review and reporting process with DARPA to further
assure a comprehensive assessment of program status.
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Proprietary.
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
Page -14
R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Pro gra m Man age r
Advanced Information Systems
Principal Investigator
JaOOf) Upchurch
Pro gra m Man age r
John Spiller
SRI International UC Berkeley
P._ .. ks

Deoompilation Universal Binary
~ )
Decompilation Depac:ker
Unlverlll Memory
Universal Memory-
Resident Mem ory
R econstrudion
Symbolic Exeruiion and
Cell eIIIiDI .
Phillip Porras Dr. Dawn Song Andrew
,,"omoted MaI_e CorreIaIion
,,"omoted C...-on DoI_
Forensics and M_ Dota Irtegralion
Use Case DeveIopmeni
Jaoon Uf)chur,=h
Management Staff
HBG-r Fadenll
UnIverIII Memory.
E'''8:I _
Corr ...... ,
Our proposal identifies the driving research and technologies needed to achieve program goals,
delivery and integration milestones, and provides specific deliverables by phase to assess
progress towards goals. The best skill sets for the program reside with the Defense Cyber Crime
Center, academia, research institutions and industry. Our team of known professionals are
malware, forensics and computer network defense (CND) subject matter experts (SMEs).
II.E.1 Innovative Management Practices
Our innovative business practice provides a proven team to the Cyber Genome Program. We can
manage delivery on all schedules for less overall cost to the Government because an already
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
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integrated team is in place for all teammates. Communication paths have been established and
practiced with daily telecoms during proposal development and working relationships started.
Since there is no spin-up time for our team and because there are fewer communication paths
between team members, we can make the overall program more productive.
We recognize that because of the nature of technology research, new team members may be
required during the execution of the program to meet unforeseen needs. GDAIS can meet time-
sensitive surge, replacement, and new staffing requirements. Our process ensures that the right
staff is hired, providing the continuous availability of highly qualified personnel to meet all
assigned tasking. GDAIS program management staff is experienced at identifying new
requirements, codifying needs into statements of work and effectively responding to program
shifts by identifying new teammates and bringing them on to fulfill program requirements in
days. Our teams experience in the forensics and computer security mission areas provide us with
the connections into additional academic, research and industry sources to identify the skill
necessary to address unforeseen challenges.
Il.E.2 Program Management
Together, the GDAIS PM and PI continuously review the staffing and technology needs,
execution status and progress of our research to meet program goals. Our management processes
include lessons learned to improve execution efficiency, assure technical progress and prototype
demonstrations that meet the research goals of the program.
We also have a full-service Program Management Office (PMO). The PMO is made up of the
PM, a Contracts Administrator, and a Financial Analyst. In short, we can bring to bear the full
power, experience, and processes of GDAIS quickly and effectively, but only as necessary. Our
PM is a certified Project Management Professional. Thus, he understands the mission and how to
lead the technical team without hovering over them. He has set up a lean PMO to support this
task. The result is an innovative management structure that has already proven to be highly
efficient and effective.
Security (if required), Finance, Contracts, and Purchasing are required back-office functions to
professionally execute this task within the funding provided, are staffed with cleared personnel,
and efficiently find effective solutions to meet the Statement of Work (SOW) and exceed
expectations. All support functions are handled by employees with years/decades of experience
in, trained in, and dedicated to that specific profession. To provide the greatest value to the
customer, however, the PM employs these back office resources only as needed and only with
the full knowledge and consent of the customer. This produces a lean back office overhead and
maximizes the funding toward meeting the technical requirements of the SOW. Professional
staff, employed only when and where needed spread across multiple contracts, are the key to
efficient and effective business practices. Flexibility and mission-focus are the keys to our
fantastic customer relationships.
We do not need on-site management of our teammates because all are experienced professionals.
All of GDAIS employees are authorized to represent GDAIS so we do not have to playa
"mother may I" game when working with teammates. Our PI is specifically charged with
ensuring each member of our team meets or exceeding all research expectations and that they all
understand that integrating with other team members is their personal responsibility.
Our technical work is primarily located at Annapolis Junction, Maryland and teammates existing
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Il.E.3 Key Personnel
1I.E.3.1 Jason Upchurch, GOAlS Key Person
Advanced Information Systems
l\1r. Upchurch has extensive experience as a technical manager and subject matter expert in malware analysis
and intrusion forensics. He is currently a senior technical lead for GDAIS Cyber Systems. He is responsible for
leading incident response and forensics relating to computer intrusions and reports to the Director of Cyber
Systems. In addition, he provides mentoringlcoaching to other cyber systems personael, develops automation
techniques for digital forensics, and provides training both internally and externally on l\1alware Analysis and
Large Dataset Forensics. He has presented at conferences at the national and intemationallevel.
l\1r. Upchurch was the technical lead and contract manager for both the Defense Computer Forensics
Laboratory (DCFL) Intrusion Section, to include the malware analysis unit, and the contract personael in the
National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF) and the Defense Collaborative Investigative
Environment (DCISE). He lead the effort for malware analysis development at the DoD Cyber Crime Center
and was the center's first malware analyst. In these roles he was instrumental in guiding the process for
malware analysis and cyber intelligence within the DoD LE/CI community. l\1r. Upchurch is a former sworn
law enforcement officer and has been conducting computer forensics professionally since 1999.
1I.E.3.2 Dr. Anita D'Amico, AVI-Secure Decisions Key Person
Education: MA Psychology, Adelphi University, 1979
B.A. Business 1973
Qualifications, experience, and relevance to program including certifications, awards, and recognition
Dr. D'Amico is both a human factors psychologist and a specialist in information security situational
awareness. Her research, publications, and teaching have been in the areas of: situational awareness,
particularly iroproving decision-making through visualization; information security and information warfare;
cognitive analysis; operational fatigue; and research methods. All Dr. D'Amico's research projects stress the
development of visualizations that can be rapidly transitioned into real operational environments for real-world
evaluation and early adoption.
She recently completed a cognitive task analysis of information security analysts in the DoD - the most
comprehensive study of this population to date. The results of that work were used to design a new information
security analyst's decision tool incorporating multiple coordinated visualizations embedded in a user interface
designed specifically for information security analysts.
She is currently serving as the Pnnclp,,1 II1V,ostiigator on a project to visually represent the location, security
mission and social network of mobile assets. Her work was nominated
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twice for best Small Business Innovative Research of the year by a DOD agency.
Dr. D'Amico is past President of the Long Island Chapter of the Human Factors Society, as well as a member
of the Board of Directors of the New York Chapter of the Information Security Systems Association (ISSA),
which has over 500 members with expertise in information security.
Prior to joining Applied Visions, she was the founder and head ofInformation Warfare at Northrop Grumman.
She led a major activity to develop a system for forecasting coordinated cyber attacks on military networks. She
also led an Electronic Industries Association study of future Information Warfare tactics to be used in 20 I 0
warfare. From 1989 to 1995 Dr. D'Amico was the Assistant Director of Research at Grumman Data Systems,
where she led research activities on digital cartography and image processing applied to C2 and intelligence
Areas of Specialization: Situational awareness, particularly improving decision-making through visualization;
human factors; information security; and experimental psychology.
1I.E.3.3 Greg Hoglund, HBGary Federal Key Person
l\1r. Hoglund is a world renowned cyber security and Windows internals expert. He architected HBGary's
commercial cyber security software products Digital DNA, Responder and REcon. l\1r. Hoglund has published
many significant works in the cyber security field:
Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel, Addison Wesley, 2005
Exploiting Software: How to Break Code, Addison Wesley, 2004
Exploiting Online Garnes, Addison Wesley, 2007
"Hacking World of Warcraft: An Exercise in Advanced Rootkit Design," BlackHat 2005/2006
"VICE - Catch the Hookers!," BlackHat 2004 USA
"Runtime Decompilation," BlackHat Windows Security 2003 Asia
"Exploiting Parsing Vulnerabilities," BlackHat 2002 USA/Asia
"Application Testing Through Fault Injection Techniques," BlackHat Windows Security 2002
"Kernel Mode Rootkits," BlackHat 200 1 USA/Europe/Asia
"Advanced Buffer Overflow Techniques," BlackHat 2000 USA/ Asia
"A *REAL * NT Rootkit, patching the NT Kernel," 1999, Phrack magazine
l\1r. Hoglund pioneered new technologies to automatically reverse engineer software binaries from within
computer memory and technologies to automatically harvest malware behaviors during its execution. He
created and documented the first Windows kernel rootkit, owns the rootkit forum ( and
created a popular training program "Offensive Aspects of Rootkit Technology." l\1r. Hoglund has mastery in
software design and development, software reverse engineering, network protocols, network programming, and
packet parsing. He is fluent and highly experience with developing Windows device drivers, debuggers and
disassemblers. Prior to founding HBGary, l\1r. Hoglund was founder and CTO of Cenzic where he developed
Hailstorm, a software fault injection test tool.
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1I.E.3.4 Phillip Porras, SRI International Key Person
l\1r. Porras is a Program Director of systems security research in the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI
International, and has been a Principal Investigator for many research projects sponsored by DARPA, DoD,
NSF, NSA, and others. He is currently a Principal Investigator in a multi-organization NSF research project,
entitled "Logic and Data Flow Extraction for Live and Informed Malware Execution." He leads a research
project studying malware pandemics on next generation networks for the Office of Naval Research. He is also
the Principal Investigator of a large ARO-sponsored research program entitled Cyber-T A, which is developing
new techniques to gather and analyze large-scale malware threat intelligence across the Internet. l\1r. Porras'
most recent research prototype technologies include BotHunter ( BLADE
(, Highly Predictive Blacklists (http://www.cyber-ta.orgireleases/HPB/), and the Eureka
malware unpacking system ( He has been an active researcher, publishing and conducting
technology development in intrusion detection, alarm correlation, malware analysis, active networks, and
wireless security. Previously, he was a manager in the Trusted Computer Systems Department of the Aerospace
Corporation, where he was also an experienced trusted product evaluator for NSA (which includes security
testing, risk assessment, and penetration testing of systems and networks). l\1r. Porras has participated on
numerous program committees and editorial boards, and on multiple commercial company technical advisory
boards. He holds eight U.S. patents, and have been awarded Best Paper honors in 1995, 1999, and 2008.
1I.E.3.5 Andrew Tappert, Pikewerks Key Person
lVllolml. 2002
l\1r. Tappert has nine years of experience with rootkits, malware, and other kernel/low-level software
development efforts. He has served as the technical lead responsible for the development of the only
commercially available memory analysis and malware detector for the Linux operating system. l\1r. Tappert
Tappert has performed computer security research and software development in government, industry, and
academia. As an undergraduate at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, his senior project,
completed under the supervision of Dr. Stephen Murrell of the department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, was entitled "Construction and Operation of a Honeypot; Analysis and Mitigation of an Internet
Worm thereby Discovered." While pursuing his undergraduate degree, l\1r. Tappert began working at the
Central Intelligence Agency as a co-op. In the CIA's Information Operations Center, he did cutting-edge work
on software security technology, among other things developing a novel technique for modifying a running
Linux kernel. For his accomplishments at the CIA he was honored with an Exceptional Performance Award.
After graduating from the University of Miami, l\1r. Tappert was accepted to the Master's degree program of
Stanford University's Computer Science department. At Stanford, he specialized in Software Theory, deepening
his knowledge of many aspects of computer science. Among the courses he took was "Security Analysis of
Network " for which he and a classmate . model to an
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"Anonymous Fair Exchange E-Commerce Protocol" that had recently been published. They discovered several
flaws in it, which were later cited in "An Improved E-Cornrnerce Protocol for Fair Exchange" by other authors.
l\1r. Tappert has also written white papers on hot topics and current research in computer security, including an
analysis of the progress and potential of trusted computing based on the TCP AlTCG specifications for a
"trusted platform module" (TPM) chip.
l\1r. Tappert is an experienced system-level developer and researcher who has researched and developed
software security technology including techniques for modifying a running Linux kernel, methods for
discovering kernel level rootkits, and designing and operating Honeypot systems. He is experienced
programming in langnages such as C, C++, Python, and PHP. He is also experienced using Linux specific
debuggers and disassemblers like gdb and objdump.
1I.E.3.6 Dr. Dawn Song, UC Berkeley Key Person
Dr. Song is an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the
University of California, Berkeley. Prior to joining UC Berkeley, she was an Assistant Professor at Carnegie
Mellon University from 2002 to 2007.
Dr. Song's research interest lies in security and privacy issues in computer systems and networks, including
areas ranging from software security, networking security, database security, distributed systems security, to
applied cryptography.
Dr. Song is the recipient of various awards including the NSF CAREER Award, the Alfred P. Sloan Research
Fellowship Award, the IBM Faculty Award, the George Tallman Ladd Research Award, and the Okawa
Foundation Research Award. She is also the author of multiple award papers in top security conferences,
including papers at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy and the USENIX Security Symposium.
Recently she was awarded the MIT Technology Review TR-35 Award, recognizing her as one of the world's
top innovators under the age of 35.
Among other work, Dr. Song has been leading the project BitBlaze, a new infrastructure for binary analysis for
security applications. It features a novel fusion of static and dynamic code analysis as well as model checking
and theorem proving techniques to serve as the foundational machinery for in-depth understanding of
vulnerabilities and attacks on them, and the design of effective defenses. It has also led to state-of-the-art
technologies in malware analysis. Work in BitBlaze has led to Best Paper Awards in top security conferences.
This infrastructure will be the first of its kind and aims to provide a foundation for other researchers and
projects to build upon. It has already empowered new developments at more than a dozen research institutions,
leading security and IT companies, as well as startups.
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II.F Four-Slide Summary
Innovative Claims

Contract Proposal Spedfics
Data Riohts
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Phase I PeJlod 1a (base)
Plod 1b (Option 1)
$= M
$= M
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TOIai Phase 1
PI oposed conU o1Ct tYI)e [i.e. Cost Plus Fb:ed Fee (CPfF). Cost Plus Aw.d f ee
Cost Plus lne .. fue Fee Fixed <1<.)
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
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III. Detailed Proposal Information
III.A SOW Tasks and Subtasks
Statement of Work (SOW) - In plain English, clearly define the technical tasks/subtasks to be
performed, their durations, and dependencies among them. For each task/subtask, provide:
A general description of the objective (for each defined task/activity);
A detailed description of the approach to be taken to accomplish each defined task/activity);
Identification of the primary organization responsible for task execution (prime, sub, team
member, by name, etc.);
The completion criteria for each task/activity - a product, event or milestone that defines its
Define all deliverables (reporting, data, reports, software, etc.) to be provided to the
Government in support of the proposed research tasks/activities.
TILB Description of Results, Products, Transferrable Technology, and
Transfer Path
Description of the results, products, transferable technology, and expected technology transfer
path enhancing that of Section II B.
III.C Detailed Technical Rationale
Useful cyber genetics to understand cyber lineage relies on capturing
code reuse in software, finding relationships, weighting those
relationships with contextual information, and providing a method to
understand those relationships. Code reuse is best captured by extracting
RevolutIonary Change
In Methods of
CorrelatIon IS
Requlfed for Cyber
functions from code. Identifying relationships between software samples is accomplished by
correlating extracted functions with others extracted from differing samples. The context of
correlations is best captured by identifying relationships of critical value, such functions that
achieve malicious behavior, identifying relationships of little value, such as common functions
seen in legitimate behavior, and understanding and capturing multiple correlations that share
proximity to capture code reuse that spans simple functions. Finally, to understand how these
relationships are important to a specific application, such as cyber intelligence gathering,
methods to interface with the system must be provided.
Capturing Code Reuse through Function Extraction
It is the reuse of computer code that creates lineage information; therefore, efforts to understand
this lineage should be based on identifying that code. Efforts so far in creating lineage trees have
been lacking. They have relied upon arbitrary alignment of code or artificial boundaries of code
segments. Such approaches are very effective if code length and position are defined, such as
that with biological genomes. However, cyber code varies in length and has boundaries that vary
in position; therefore boundaries must be defined intelligently. Defining code segments by
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
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function boundaries achieves this goal.
Lmeage detectIon
must be base on code
reuse, the basIs for
cyber lmeage
By using extracted functions from de-obfuscated programs, cyber
genomes can be created intelligently. Cyber genomes created in this way
can reflect not just a statistical mapping of a program, but reflect the
content of the program. Genomes based on extracted functions do not
suffer from alignment issues, as intelligent boundaries, based on defined functions, self align. Of
course, meaningful functions can only be extracted from viewable code, so de-obfuscation is a
must in the process.
Human understanding of computer code is a great advantage in mapping a cyber genome and it
correlation. By basing correlation on a genome comprised of extracted functions, the genome
itself can be manipulated (or viewed) to encourage correlation. Intelligent manipulation of
instantiated machine code of an extracted function can be used to remove specifics that are not
reflected in source code. It is our understanding of computer instructions combined with
extracted functions that allow for these methods.
Identifying Relationships through Function Correlation
Function correlation provides relationships for use in lineage as it reflects
the reuse of code in multiple programs. Correlation can occur through
FunctIon CorrelatIon
Reflects Code Reuse
statistical, Bayesian, and exact matching from areas of general mathematical correlation and
more specific areas of the science where the information set as a whole shares significant
Correlation should not be conducted context free. While reliable context free correlation would
show lineage, it would be limited in its use. Particular traits, such as malicious logic within
malware, are of much greater importance than common software code reuse such as a command
line parser. While unique implementation of common functionality would be of interest, function
correlation common across the broad spectrum of software is not. Methods for weighting
correlations of higher interest and lower interest should be incorporated into any lineage system.
Context GIves
Meanmg to
In addition to these functional weights, proximity of multiple correlations
is also of high importance. Code reuse is not limited to single functions
and a reuse of a code snippet that contains multiple functions needs to be
captured. Such captures will allow for greater confidence of correlation and lineage. Any lineage
attempt based on function extractions should account for proximity to other correlated functions.
Understanding Complex Relationships through Heuristics and Visualization
Such a lineage scheme is likely to generate huge amounts of information. Heuristics should be
used to limit the amount of information that has to be both computed and stored. Even so, there
is likely to be a very large amount of information that needs to be accessed and understood by
both mal ware experts and cyber intelligence/law enforcement personnel. An interface designed
for such as system is critical to its usefulness.
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III.D Detailed Technical Approach and Plan
111.0.1 Researching Cyber Genetic Lineage
Advanced Information Systems
The goal is to create meaningful correlation of extracted functions from malware. From those
correlations, is will be possible to traverse and examine relationships; however, to accomplish
correlation, research into a variety of correlation algorithms must be conducted to examine their
applicability in this information space.
Calculate Specific I------j
Store Specific
Calculate Gen
Query Range
Cyber Genome Datasheel
Figure 5. Researching Cyber Genetic Lineage Correlation Algorithms
Our team intends to study both physical and Bayesian probabilistic approaches to the problem,
incorporating knowledge gained through prior computational correlation work, including those
in biological genome lineage and correlation. We will begin by studying how well these
algorithms perform against function extractions from controlled source. We will introduce
variance in the extracted functions, studying how differing variances effect correlation. The
variances themselves will be produced through manual manipulation of extracted functions,
compiler option changes, code position changes, and by rotating through numerous compilers.
Correlation algorithm(s) selection will be accomplished on the results of this work. Those
algorithms will be used against known samples of extracted functions to establish thresholds of
probability of correlation.
Establishing specific correlation in this way is computationally expensive. It requires all
functions to be compared to all other functions . For each order of magnitude increase in
functions, roughly two orders of magnitudes of correlations need to be computed and stored. In
the research environment, this is overcome by the relatively small number of samples being
processed. However, for this research to be a viable candidate for transition, the volume of
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
correlation computations needs to be limited.
III.D.1.2 Heuristic Correlation
Advanced Information Systems
To limit the amount of computational overhead involved in correlation, we intend to study how
general correlation can be applied to the problem. Our hypothesis is that measurable properties
of extracted functions directly correlate to the probability of specific correlation between
functions. These properties include entropy, entropy maps, and frequency analysis. Such
properties can be measured without direct comparison with other functions and therefore have a
linear computational and storage profile. This allows for a heuristic approach to examine
relationships between functions, and therefore the malware, that will overcome future scalability
problems with the technology. We will examine the relationships between specific correlation
values for each of the studied algorithms used to provide specific correlation with the general
statistical properties of each. This study will prove or disprove this relationship and establish
thresholds that can be used to control the number of specific correlation calculations.
lll.D.2 Researching Cyber Genome Mapping
In addition to heuristics, correlation can be encouraged through manipulation of the functions
themselves. Exact function matches do not need correlation algorithms applied and can be
handled through traditional relational algorithms. Therefore, how function information is
normalized is critical to the functionality of correlation research. We intend to examine two
approaches to function normalization: the scrubbing of traditional ASM/machine language
extractions and the use of function abstraction.
Figure 6. Researching Cyber Genome Mapping
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program ASMIMachine Code Genomes
Advanced Information Systems
Extracted functions in their raw form exist as machine code. Depending on the extraction
technique, they also may be represented as ASM code; however, there is ASM and machine op
codes are directly interchangeable and therefore it is immaterial which is used for correlation.
However, specific instantiations of machine code compiled from source is largely dependent on
the compiler methods. Even if the compiler remains static, arrangement of functions within code
can provide variances in specific registers used to execute code as well as the changes in
referenced memory addresses and other information calculated during compilation. To
encourage exact matching offunctions represented in ASM/machine code, these types of
variations need to be obscured.
We intend to study how to create function representations that have compile time variances
obscured. Our process is consist of researching compiler output vs. a controlled input to
determine what information needs to be obscured from the function representation. We recognize
this approach may have limits with respect to compiler optimizations and cross compiler
compilations and the scrubbing process used to obscure compile time variances reduces
correlation reliability. However, we intend to examine this ASM/machine code method
concurrently with a method to abstract functions. Abstract Views of Genomes
Machine code generated by wholly different compilers can be quite dissimilar. The manipulation
of the stack in GCC is much different than that in MS Visual C. Therefore attempts at cross
compiler correlation are not likely to be fruitful if function representations are based on
ASM/machine code. Ideally, code comparisons would be conducted with source code
exclusively; however, source code is rarely available for such comparisons. However, advances
in de-compilation do provide techniques that allow for the next best thing to source code.
Our goal is not to use human readable de-compilation as a basis for function representation, but
to use techniques in creating de-compilation, such as intermediate languages, to abstract
functions from compiler specific methods. The function abstraction process removes all compiler
specific manipulations of the stack, registers, memory, comparison operators, jump operators,
etc. The result is a function representation that abstracted to the point it that cross compilation
comparisons becomes possible without scrubbing. Correlation Weight
Function correlations in and of themselves provide relationships between their corresponding
programs, but no context on why those relationships are important. Functions that are malicious
in purpose are likely to be more important than those that are not. Functions that are common
across many or most programs, such as loaders, API calls, etc do not show meaningful
correlation at all. Additionally, several functions correlated between programs that are adjacent
in both programs suggest a much stronger correlation that those that are spread across their
respective programs. Therefore, when creating a correlation schema to examine malicious
software lineage, a context free lineage of functions is of limited use and metadata that captures
function behavior and control context is critically important. Finding Correlations of Elevated Importance
Malicious behavioral information can be captured through traditional trait analysis. However, the
technology as it exists today is not function boundary aware. It is not enough to identify if a
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program contains malicious or potentially malicious behaviors as correlation is based not upon
program wide correlation, but function correlation. The technology will need to be modified to
indicate which specific function initiates the malicious behavior. That information will be tied to
the function representation and used to weight relationships more heavily.
Memory Media
Normal ization
Memory Analysis r-r--------'
Functi ons
Figure 7. Finding Correlations of Elevated Importance Finding Irrelevant Correlations
Conversely, functions that common to many programs and of no significant importance can be
identified through frequency analysis of correlation in programs known not to be malicious. The
correlation research itself will provide the engine to generate correlations that are not of
significant value. By processing non-malicious software exclusively originating from a wide
breath of authors, significant correlations should be extracted and weighted more lightly. When
these function signatures are compared against malware or suspected malware, cross malware
function relationships that also correlate to these known functions would be weighted lightly. Control Flow as Context
Code reuse, which is the basis oflineage in software, is not limited to functions only .. Often
large code segments are extracted to achieve specific functionality. These blocks represent
functions, loops, or control code that calls other functions. Control flow information links how
functions are interrelated and can be captured by examining full execution path control flow of
compiled binaries and linking functions to their calling parent or called child. This interaction is
important in correlation, just as proper genome alignment is vital to biological correlation. Our
approach incorporates function interaction by examining and incorporating control flow
information into the cyber genome. Function interaction will be extracted from control flow
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infonnation and stored as metadata in the cyber genome.
Advanced Information Systems
By capturing function interrelation within program logic, multiple function correlation within
samples of mal ware or other software can be weighted by adjacency. Multiple functions that are
correlated between program samples that also adjacent in both samples are likely to be much
more relevant that those that are not.
lll.D.3 Automating Function Extraction
In our solution, correlation cannot be achieved without function representations, which cannot be
achieved outside of the laboratory without a method to extract functions from compiled
programs in mass. We intend to pursuit two methods for function extraction from code that is not
obfuscated: linear execution and full execution space extraction. Linear Execution Extraction
The most simple and widely used method used to access functional code in malware is linear
execution. Widely used in simple dynamic analysis, it is also used in execution tracing and
memory trait examination to detennine software behavior. It gives access to code as it is called
and often de-obfuscates full program functionality prior to functional execution. However, this
method is so far limited in practical use. Executables that require certain runtime or software
dependencies, such as specific locations or command line options, or dll's that need injected into
certain processes or called by other executions usually require manual examination prior to
execution. For automation to occur, this process needs to studied and solidified.
Linear execution extraction will be accomplished by extracting functions from memory while the
code is executed. We will locate the process in memory and extract its process space. Function
boundaries will be located through common disassembly methods. At this time we will also
conduct trait analysis to detennine functions that contain known malicious behavior. We will
extract functions and metadata of any corresponding malicious behavior. This data, of course,
will be used to obtain function representations for use in correlation. Full Execution Space Extraction
Conversely, full execution space function extraction does not require examination of runtime
requirements prior to execution; however, it is often limited by obfuscation. Obfuscation is very
common in malicious software. It is often implemented through post compilation binary
packing/obfuscation software that inhibits examination. Automation from this perspective
requires de-obfuscation/unpacking and techniques to bypass or remove anti-analysis and other
suicide logic.
Full execution space extraction will be accomplished by fully exploring the execution space of
compiled code that is not obfuscated. Traditional static techniques for disassembly and
University of California at Berkley's symbolic execution technique will be used to gain access to
code that is not accessible in simple linear execution. Again, disassembly techniques will define
function boundaries for function extraction. However, trait behavior analysis may be somewhat
limited in this case. Normalization and Preparation: De-Obfuscation
Code obfuscation is very common in malicious software, particularly the use of packers. Any
attempt at creating a cyber lineage solution that can be transitioned must deal with automated
methods for de-obfuscating malicious software. Without such techniques, gaining access to
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functions en mass to create a viable cyber genome is not possible. Our team has brought together
University of California at Berkley and SRI to extend this research. Both have significant
research in this area that has lead to working concept prototypes that extract meaningful code. In
addition, de-compilation research conducted by SRI has shown promising results in detecting
obfuscated code that is not necessarily packed and therefore is difficult to detect in automation
through statistical tests. This method will provide a much needed litmus test in the unpacking
process. However, further research in automation is needed to ensure their methods for de-
obfuscating code will produce a viable end product, including locating the original entry point
(OEP), rebuilding the imports table, and rebuilding the extracted code to a working executable. Normalization and Preparation: Executable Reconstruction
Closely related to de-obfuscation is the reconstruction of code extracted from memory. These
two areas share similar problems, such as locating the OEP and rebuilding the imports table. SRI
will use existing methods for locating the OEP and rebuilding the imports table manual and
study how to reproduce those manual efforts in automation. In addition, memory addresses and
segmented code will be dealt with in a similar fashion. Normalization and Preparation: Suicide and Anti-Analysis Removal
Traits, signatures, and even the lineage system itself will be used to detect anti-analysis logic that
results program suicide. Such logic is often reused and the design of the project is geared toward
detect just this sort of reuse. After detection, the logic will be isolated through function
boundaries and removed or disabled. The resulting program will be free from suicide logic that
attempts to foil analysis. Normalization and Preparation: Encapsulated Malicious Logic
Malicious logic can be, and frequently is, encapsulated in exploit code. Though this exploit code
is itself of interests, locating and examining the exploits payload often yields more useful results.
However, triggering the exploit to push its payload is often a cumbersome process of
manipulating the environment to ensure the exploit function properly. We intend to research
methods oflocating embedded logic within Microsoft and PDF documents. GDAIS's role as
malware analyst within the government has already produced results in both locating and
extracting malware in such documents. Research will be focused on automation of these manual
processes. Normalization and Preparation: Trigger Analysis
Dynamic analysis and execution tracing is dependent on successful execution of malware.
Successful execution requires both then environment and parameters at the time of execution be
correct. However, regardless of successful execution (that is execution that produces meaningful
observations), execution does occur. An examination of program logic that triggers behavior has
been researched by the University of California at Berkley as a part of their symbolic execution
research. We intend to apply this method to identify runtime requirements of malware to produce
malicious activity.
III.D.3.B Normalization and Preparation: Automated Execution
Once the malware has been normalized or prepared for execution, though one or a combination
of de-obfuscation, reconstruction, suicide logic removal, and extraction; and runtime
requirements have been identified, automation of execution can occur. We intend for this
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automation of execution to load the malware into memory for linear execution and load into
static tools to accomplish full execution space extraction. The basis of normalization,
preparation, and automated execution will provide data for the correlation process to begin. It is
necessary to achieve transition of the technology.
lll.D.4 Visualization
A viable correlation dataset will have vast amounts of information even with heuristics and
genome manipulation to reduce the amount of stored results. It is envisioned that lineage could
encompass hundreds of relationships of various weights for each sample that correlate that
malware samples to others. Simple text based results would require significant time and expertise
in the lineage systems internal workings to understand. Similarly, querying results in a textual
format would produce similar lack luster results.
As such, our approach is to design the dataset and relationships from the ground up with
visualization in mind. Secure Decisions will work with other team members from the beginning
of the project, particularly with dataset and correlation researchers, to design a system that will
have end user technical limitations and use cases in mind.
The visualization system will allow users to examine relationships starting from a particular
sample or examine over all trends in relationships, such as most commonly used code weighted
with contextual information. Users will be able to navigate correlations within the lineage dataset
from one sample to another, examine the values used to determine relationships, view
relationship strengths visually, and extract code location for manual examination.
TILE Existing Research Comparison
Comparison with other ongoing research indicating advantages and disadvantages of the
proposed effort.
III.F Previous Accomplishments
GDAIS and our team has successfully executed numerous contracts for the federal government
and the Department of Defense (DoD). We have selected the contracts for our corporate
experience to demonstrate that the GDAIS team has the experience to perform the work required
by DARPA for the Cyber Genome Program within budget and on time. We are submitting one
contract experience citation from each participating team member for your consideration that are
described in detail in subsequent sections. These contracts are summarized in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Summary of Previous Accomplishments
Contract Name
Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3)
DHS Science and Technologv Directorate (STD)
Army Research Office Cyber-TA
AFRL Anti-Forensics
NSF I DoD BitBlaze
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AVI-Secure Decisions
HBGary Federal
SRI International
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III.F.1 Past Performances
III.F.1.1 GDAIS Past Performance
Advanced Information Systems
GDAIS has been the prime contractor for the Defense Computer Forensics
Laboratory (DCFL) for over eight years. We worked alongside Government and
Military personnel to form, evolve, and mature DC3 into the premier digital
forensics laboratory in the nation.
Program Manager:
Mike Buratowski
Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3) is a $126M multi-year T &M contract in support of the Air
Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). Since 2001, the GD Team has been the prime contractor for
the Department of Defense Computer Forensics Laboratory (DCFL). In this capacity, the GD Team has
conducted extensive network intrusion examinations and generated detailed reports documenting the intrusions.
The DCFL, and DoD Cyber Crime Institute (DCCI) all fall under this contract.
Business Relationships & Customer Satisfaction: The GD management team provided the leadership that
organized, planned, and managed the resources for the contract's major projects. Since careers and legal
convictions are dependent upon our findings, we insist on the highest standards of quality and cross-check. The
GD Team is tightly integrated with the DC3 workforce of Government and Military personnel and work as
equals in all facets offorensic support. The GD Team provides onsite program management at the DC3 for all
contractor and subcontractor work. The Program Manager manages a staff of 140 personnel consisting of
General Dynamics engineers, technicians, support personnel, and subcontractors. In March 2007, General
Dynamics was awarded a new, I-year (plus four option years) contract to provide Computer Forensic
Examination support as well as Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation for computer forensic
hardware and software.
Cost, Schedule & Timeliness: The GD Team has exceeded Government expectations by completing over 2,500
examinations, providing expert testimony in over 100 court proceedings (both CONUS and OCONUS), and
serving as the DoD authority on electronic media forensics. DC3 Incident Response Support has experience
with responses involving single system through large networks with enormous data storage capabilities. In its
role, the GD Team has created a Virtual Analysis Environment where various system configurations including
installed software packages and patch levels are already saved as Virtual Machines. The examiner can execute
the known malicious logic within a system that is configured exactly how the compromised system would have
been at the time of an intrusion.
Key Personnel: The GD Team accounts for over 80 percent of the personnel that perform data recovery,
imaging and extraction, and forensic examinations in support of criminal, fraud, counterintelligence, data
recovery, terrorism, and safety investigations in DC3. The team currently consists of 19 Cyber Intelligence
Analysts, 13 Forensic Technicians, 48 Forensic Examiners, 15 Software Developers, and 5 Forensic Managers
that perform casework for DC3.
has GDAIS with the
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and of the latest intrusions and
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
cyber threats seeing in DoD and Defense Industrial Base networks. In tum, it has provided GDAIS with the
capabilities and knowledge to detect these cyber threats and their artifacts by using many of the forensics and
reverse engineering capabilities within our analysis and R&D team. Since the number of intrusion cases has
increase exponentially at DC3, we had the need to start performing automated behavior analysis and correlation
between malware binaries. Within the DCFLlIntrusions Section, our engineers and computer scientist are
developing a capability to automatically correlate these malicious binaries against malware found in previous
intrusion cases. This is done with the use ofIDA Pro and various fuzzy hashing techniques to disassemble the
malicious binaries into individual function and perform correlation against the malware obtained through the
many different intrusion cases. By using open source, freeware, and government sponsored tools they have also
developed a capability to submit malicious binaries to perform automated behavioral analysis. This is the type
of capabilities that together with our vast knowledge of the latest intrusions, GDAIS could leverage and
enhanced for the DARPA Cyber Genome program. From the DCFLlNCIJTF perspective, our intelligence
analysts use the analysis report generated by our DCFLIIA examiners to perform additional correlation against
various events and data. Once this is done, reports and signatures (intrusion indicators) are distributed to the
community. The DCCI R&D team is constantly collaborating with different DoD, academia, and industry
organization to learn about their effort and share tools for addition into our DC3 operations. l\1any of these
tools are tested and validated by our DCCI T &E team to verify that the results are accurate and reliable.
For technical area one of the DARPA Cyber Genome program, GDAIS, together with their partners, will
employ revolutionary techniques to exploits our collective knowledge and expertise to automatically ingest
these malicious binaries and provide correlation, lineage, and provenance in order to gain a better
understanding of software evolution, detect zero-day malware, and when possible determine attribution.
III.F.1.2 AV/-Secure Decisions Past Performance
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VIAssist is a visualization framework used by computer security specialists to ensure the security of computer
networks. It was developed to visualize NetFlow data, and is currently used by the intelligence community and
being modified for adoption by DRS for the US-CERT. In addition to NetFlow data, VIAssist can visualize
intrusion detection and other data sources. VIAssist converts network data into a collection of graphical
representations to make it easier to see patterns and trends. This technique takes advantage of the innate ability
of humans to perceive patterns in pictures that they might otherwise miss when looking at raw data.
What makes VIAssist's suite of
integrated tools unique is how
the component visualiza-tions
work together synergistically.
VIAssist's value is in presenting
several visualizations at once,
and synchronizing them to a
single common data source.
VIAssist's Smart Aggregation
and filtering capabilities address
scalability issues, and its rich
report-generating capability allows analysts to create comprehensive written reports and PowerPoint
presentations to effectively communicate findings with colleagues and supervisors. VIAssist's strengths lie in
its ability to:
Provide global & detailed situational awareness. Dual monitor displays provide a global, summarized view
of the rise, as well as a focused view of specific incidents.
Provide multiple views of the same data. Multiple coordinated views of the data are provided to make it
easier to identify anomalies, relationships and interdependencies between data points.
Correlate multiple data sources. Using an intermediary data store, VIAssist can integrate with and visualize
multiple disparate data sources, such as firewall logs, IDS data and NetFlow data.
Aggregate data. Through the use of Smart Aggregation technology, VIAssist has the ability to effectively
display voluminous data by visually aggregating data into meaningful visualizations with drill-down capability
and in so doing, reduce load on system and response time.
Filter data. Through the use of an advanced Expression Builder VIAssist can filter data based upon various
pre-defined or complex user-defined criteria, allowing analysts to focus on specific data, to the exclusion of the
mass of "noise" that can often obscure security risks.
VIAssist was named one of the top ten technologies ofCWID 2006. It is a mature product at TRL 8.
~ = - - = ------=
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Provide workflow continuity & collaboration. With
VIADiary analysts can record observations. Shared
annotations allow users to collaborate with colleagues about
their findings.
Provide effective reporting. Through the use of the Report
Desiguer and pre-defined report templates, VIAssist
streamlines report building and reduces the likelihood of data
transfer errors.
Provide spatial context. By 2009, VIAssist will include geo-
graphical visualizations, global and local network topologi-
cal visualization as well as the of
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Specific technologies developed for VIAssist that support smart data aggregation may be leveraged to assist in
providing compelling and scalable visualizations to support malware analysis.
III.F.1.3 HBGary Federal Past Performance
Program l\1anager:
III.F.1.4 SRI International Past Performance
Phillip Porras is the Principal Investigator of the Army Research Office sponsored Cyber-T A Project. Cyber-
TA is an ongoing 5-year research project to develop the next-generation of real-time national-scale Internet-
threat analysis technologies. Our team has developed many new sophisticated antimalware and malware
tracking technologies, produced over 50 publications in scientific peer reviewed venues, and has deployed its
technologies widely across DoD and the U.S. Govemment. The Cyber-TA research project has brought
together many of the world's most established researchers across the fields of data privacy, cryptography,
malware and intrusion detection research, as well as operational experts in Internet-scale sensor management,
to develop leading edge solutions to the evolving threat of increasingly virulent and wide-spread self-
propagating malicious software. Examples of Cyber-TA research technologies include:
Eureka - A binary unpacking and decompilation system designed to overcome a broad spectrum of
malware binary logic protection services:
BLADE - A system to immunize Windows platforms from malicious drive-by malware exploits:
http://www . blade-defender. org
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Highly Predictive Blacklists - A link-analysis-based IP blacklist production system for producing high-
quality network blacklists: http://www.cyber-ta.orgireleasesIHPB/
BotHunter - A network-based host infection diagnosis system: http://www.bothunter.neti
l\1alware Threat Center - A portal for tracking Internet malware threats across the Internet:
l\1alware Cluster Lab - An example of SRI's experience in appling malware forensic clustering to
detect malware binary lineage is available at, and an example of our
ability to conduct a quantifiable comparison of pair-wise binary logic within two malware binary
samples that employ multi-layered packing is available at Compare ConfB2 ConfCI.
A Cyber-TA project overview description is available at: http://www.cyber-ta.orgipubsIIEEE-SnP-Magazine-
CTA Nov2006.pdf
Relevance to DeC Technical Area 1
Cyber-TA has provided an ongoing resource for SRI's Computer Science Laboratory to conduct both breadth
and depth research in understanding and combating the modem Internet crimeware epidemic. Of particular
relevance to DCG is the extensive Cyber-T A research that our team has produced in the area of binary
unpacking, disassembly, decompilation, and deobfuscation. We have demonstrated our advanced deobfuscation
techniques in work such as (, which is to our knowledge the only
published description of the multi-layered obfuscated code base of the Conficker P2P subsystem. An example
of our ability to handle mobile malware binary reverse engineering on non-x86 binaries is available at
III.F.1.5 Pikewerks Past Performance
Program l\1anager:
Dr. David
Erika .
Anti-Forensics is the art and practice of obscuring data storage, transmission, and execution in such a way that
it remains hidden from even a professional, dedicated examiner. Traditionally, hackers have used anti-forensic
methods as a means of hiding their tools, techniques, and identities from forensic investigators. However, anti-
forensic methodologies can also be adopted for defensive purposes. In particular, Anti-Forensic techniques
have the ability to greatly increase the level of effort required to reverse-engineer malicious code. This is
especially useful when the attacker has full access to the memory, disk, and possibly even the processor of a
computer system running the protection software.
For this effort, Pikewerks has identified a number of anti-forensic research areas that would significantly
enhance the confidentiality and integrity of executable code, data, and cryptographic materials through all
stages of operation: at rest, in transit, and during execution. These areas include novel out-of-band storage and
transmission techniques within Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) computers, which go beyond the highest
level of access available to an attacker and thus . increase the level of effort .
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identify, understand, or reverse-engineer the underlying code. The end goal of this development effort is a
diverse suite of innovative anti-forensic capabilities that can be easily integrated into, and deployed with,
technologies where stealth is critical.
Relevance to DCC Technical Area 1
This effort has resulted in the identification of anti-forensic capabilities that could be employed by
sophisticated malware analysis authors, like the kind the Cyber GNOl\1E Project is expected to engage. This
effort is particularly useful to the DCG effort as it demonstrates the advanced research and development
ongoing within Pikewerks Corporation. For the DCG effort revolutionary methods and techniques must be
employed to analyze sophisticated malware that will in the future likely employ many of the techniques being
studied by Pikewerks. Utilizing this research will assist in developing methods for identifying, analyzing, and
relating sophisticated anti-forensic techniques within malware. The approaches developed include anti-forensic
file system storage techniques, indirect function hooking, memory protection techniques using processor debug
registers, and BIOS-based anti-forensic strategies. As part of the development of these techniques, Pikewerks
has written several kernel modules and custom analysis capabilities for Windows and Linux that both
characterize and detect sophisticated anti-forensic techniques.
III.F.1.6 UC Berkeley Past Performance
UC Berkeley is a top institution and Computer Science Dept. at UC Berkeley ranks #1 in the US
according to USA News. UC Berkeley routinely receives grants and contracts from various
government agencies and has consistently delivered excellent results and performance. Research
resulted from government grants and contracts has led to revolutionary technical innovation in
many different areas. In particular, the earlier work on BitBlaze was funded by NSF and DoD
and has led to great success and improvement in novel binary analysis techniques and tools for
computer security.
III.G Place of Performance, Facilities, and Locations
The GDAIS team will perform work at their individual locations. We propose no classified work.
Each team member has a primary location and may have secondary locations in which they will
perform their research and development. A summary listing is provided in Figure 9 and Figure
Figure 9. Summary of Team Member Locations
Team Member Location
GOAlS Centennial , Colorado
HBGary Federal Sacramento California
UC Berkeley Berkeley, California
SRI International Menlo Park, California
AVI-Secure Decisions Northport, New York
Pikewerks Alexandria, Virginia
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- )
Centennial, C 0
Advanced Information Systems
Figure 10. DARPA Cyber Genome Program Team Locations
III.H Detailed Teaming Structure
Detail support enhancing that of Section II, including fonnal teaming agreements that are
required to execute this program.
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
Program Manager
Dr. Michael VanPutte
IP. _ 1- -
Program Manager
Principal Investigator
John Spi ller Jason Upchurch
Program Office
Automated Malware Correlat ion Universal Memory-Resident
Automated Correlation Database Executable Reconstruction
Use Case Development Malware Trait Correlati on
Universal Binary Unpacker
Universal Memory-Resident
Executable Reconstructi on
Decompiliation Correlation
Automatic Dynamic Analysis &
Symboli c Executi on & Correlation
UC Berkeley
Non-Windows Platforms
Universal Memory-Resident
Executable Reconstruction
AVI-Secure Decisions
Malware Trait Correlation
Figure 11. DARPA CyberGenome Team
III.I Cost Schedules and Milestones
Cost schedules and measurable milestones for the proposed research, including estimates of cost
for each task in each year of the effort delineated by the primes and major subcontractors, total
cost, and any company cost share.
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Team Kickoff Meeting
DAR!' A Kickoff Meeting
0' 0'
Technicallnterchange and Quarterly Team Meeting
Menlo Park, California
Technical Interchange and Quarterly Team Meeting
San Antonio, Texas
Technical Interchange and Quarterly Team Meeting
Northport, New York
Technical Interchange and Quarterly Team Meeting
Annap olis Jun ction, l\.iaryl and

DARPA Annual Review Meeting
Figure 12. Phase I Schedule
..... .....
0' 0'
Technicallnterchange and Quarterly Team Meeting
Menlo Park, California
Technical Interchange and Quarterly Team Meeting
San Antonio, Texas
Technical Interchange and Quarterly Team Meeting
Northport, New York
Technical Interchange and Quarterly Team Meeting
Annap olis Jun ction, l\.iaryl and
DARPA Annual Review Meeting
... .. ...
Figure 13. Phase /I Schedule
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III.J Data, Intellectual Property, and Privacy
Advanced Information Systems
All proposals must include a description of the data they will use during their research, potential
privacy issues, and how they propose mitigating any privacy issues.
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Volume I, Technical and Management Proposal
R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
IV. Bibliography of Technical Papers and Research Notes
AVI-Secure Decisions
l. D'Amico, A., Goodall, J., Tesone, D. and Kopylec, J. (2007) "Visual discovery in
computer network defense," IEEE Proceedings on Computer Graphics and Applications,
Special Issue on Discovering the Unexpected, p. 20 - 27.
2. D'Amico, A., Whitley, K., Tesone, D., O'Brien, B., and Roth, E. (2005) "Achieving
cyber defense situational awareness: A cognitive task analysis of information assurance
analysts," Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual
Meeting, p. 229-233.
3. D'Amico, A. & Larkin, M. (2001) "Methods of visualizing temporal patterns in and
mission impact of computer security breaches," Proceedings of DARP A Information
Survivability Conference and Exposition ( DISCEX II), IEEE Computer Society, p. 343-
HBGary Federal
4. Ahmed, F., H. Hameed, et al. (2009). Using spatio-temporal information in API calls
with machine learning algorithms for malware detection. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM
workshop on Security and artificial intelligence. Chicago, Illinois, USA, ACM: 55-62.
5. Anh, M. N. (2009). MA VMM: Lightweight and Purpose Built VMM for Malware
6. Bertrand, A. (2009). Runtime Protection via Dataflow Flattening.
7. Carbone, M., W. Cui, et al. (2009). Mapping kernel objects to enable systematic integrity
checking. Proceedings of the 16th ACM conference on Computer and communications
security. Chicago, Illinois, USA, ACM: 555-565.
8. Chen, H., L. Yuan, et al. (2009). Control flow obfuscation with information flow
tracking. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on
Microarchitecture. New York, New York, ACM: 391-400.
9. Chouchane, M. R., A. Walenstein, et al. (2007). Statistical signatures for fast filtering of
instruction-substituting metamorphic malware. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop
on Recurring malcode. Alexandria, Virginia, USA, ACM: 31-37.
10. Crandall, J. R., R. Ensafi, et al. (2008). The ecology of Malware. Proceedings of the 2008
workshop on New security paradigms. Lake Tahoe, California, USA, ACM: 99-106.
1l. Desmond, L. (2010). RBACS: Rootkit Behavioral Analysis and Classification System.
12. George, S. O. (2009). Using Nature to Best Clarify Computer Security and Threats.
13. Hengli, Z. (2010). Malicious Executables Classification Based on Behavioral Factor
14. Hu, x., T.-c. Chiueh, et al. (2009). Large-scale malware indexing using function-call
graphs. Proceedings of the 16th ACM conference on Computer and communications
security. Chicago, Illinois, USA, ACM: 611-620.
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15. Jiang, x., X. Wang, et al. (2007). Stealthy malware detection through vmm-based "out-
of-the-box" semantic view reconstruction. Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on
Computer and communications security. Alexandria, Virginia, USA, ACM: 128-138.
16. Kang, M. G., H. Yin, et al. (2009). Emulating emulation-resistant malware. Proceedings
of the 1st ACM workshop on Virtual machine security. Chicago, Illinois, USA, ACM:
17. Lakbotia, A., D. R. Boccardo, et al. (2010). Context-sensitive analysis of obfuscated x86
executables. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Partial evaluation
and program manipulation. Madrid, Spain, ACM: 131-140.
18. Maughan, D. (2010). "The need for a national cybersecurity research and development
agenda." Commun. ACM 53(2): 29-3l.
19. Min, F. (2009). Detecting virus mutations via dynamic matching.
20. Minoru, F. (2000). A New Rule Generation Method from Neural Networks Formed
Using a Genetic Algorithm with Virus Infection.
2l. Mohammad, T. (2010). A Survey of Hardware Trojan Taxonomy and Detection. K.
Farinaz. 27: 10-25.
22. Norman, S. (2010). Metrics for Mitigating Cybersecurity Threats to Networks. 14: 64-7l.
23. Preda, M. D., M. Christodorescu, et al. (2007). A semantics-based approach to malware
detection. Proceedings of the 34th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on
Principles of programming languages. Nice, France, ACM: 377-388.
24. Preda, M. D., M. Christodorescu, et al. (2008). "A semantics-based approach to malware
detection." ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 30(5): 1-54.
25. Sean, F. (2009). Analyzing and Detecting Malicious Flash Advertisements.
26. Shakeel, B. (2009). Protecting Commodity Operating System Kernels from Vulnerable
Device Drivers.
27. Tabish, S. M., M. Z. Shafiq, et al. (2009). Malware detection using statistical analysis of
byte-level file content. Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on CyberSecurity
and Intelligence Informatics. Paris, France, ACM: 23-3l.
28. Tengfei, Y. (2009). Anti-debugging Framework Based on Hardware Virtualization
29. Wei, P. (2009). A Novel Anomaly Detection Approach for Executable Program Security.
30. Wei, W. (2009). A Hierarchical Artificial Immune Model for Virus Detection.
3l. Wenjian, Y. (2009). A Control Flow Graph Reconstruction Method from Binaries Based
32. Xinran, W. (2009). Detecting Software Theft via System Call Based Birthmarks.
33. Xue, J., C. Hu, et al. (2009). Metamorphic malware detection technology based on
aggregating emerging patterns. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human. Seoul, Korea, ACM:
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34. Yuan-yuan, L. (2009). AOP-Based Attack on Obfuscated Java Code.
35. Zhou, Y. and W. M. Inge (2008). Malware detection using adaptive data compression.
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Workshop on AISec. Alexandria, Virginia,
USA, ACM: 53-60.
SRI International
36. P. Porras, H. Saidi, V. Yegneswaran (2007). "A multi-perspective analysis of the Storm
(Peacomm) Worm." SRI Technical Report, November 2007. http://www.cyber- Worm
37. G. Gu, P.A. Porras, V. Yegneswaran, M. Fong, W. Lee. (2007), "BotHunter: Detecting
Malware Infection Through IDS-Driven Dialog Correlation." In Proceedings of the 16th
USENIX Security Symposium (Security'07), Boston, MA, August 2007.
38. M. Sharif, V. Yegneswaran, H. Saidi, P.A Porras, W. Lee (2008). "Eureka: A Framework
for Enabling Static Malware Analysis." In Proceedings of the 13th European Symposium
on Research in Computer Security, Malaga, Spain, October 2008.
39. Phillip Porras, Hassen Saidi, Vinod Yegneswaran (2009). "A Foray into Conficker's
Logic and Rendevous Points" In Proceedings of 2nd USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale
Exploits and Emergent Threats (LEET).
40. Phillip Porras, Hassen Saidi, Vinod Yegneswaran (2009). "Conficker C Analysis." SRI
Technical Report, April 2009
4l. Zhaosheng Zhu, Vinod Yegneswaran, Yan Chen (2009). "Using Failure Information
Analysis to Detect Enterprise Zombies." In the Proc. of the 5th International Conference
on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm).
42. Phillip Porras, Hassen Saidi, Vinod Yegneswaran (2009). "Conficker C P2P Protocol and
Implementation" SRI Technical Report.
43. P. Porras, H. Saidi, V. Yegneswaran (2009). "An analysis of the Ikee.B (Duh) Iphone
botnet." SRI Technical Report, December 2009 http://www.cyber- Worm
44. Guofei Gu, Vinod Yegneswaran, Phillip Porras, Jennifer Stoll, Wenke Lee (2009).
"Active Botnet Probing to Identify Obscure Command and Control Channels." In
Proceedings of2009 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'09),
Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2009.
UC Berkeley
45. James Newsome and Dawn Song (2005). "Dynamic Taint Analysis: Automatic
Detection, Analysis, and Signature Generation of Exploit Attacks on Commodity
Software." In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium,
February 2005.
46. David Brumley, James Newsome, Dawn Song, Hao Wang, and Somesh Jha (2006).
"Towards Automatic Generation of Vulnerability Signatures." In Proceedings of the
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2006.
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R&D Support to the DARPA Cyber Genome Program
Advanced Information Systems
47. James Newsome, David Brumley, Jason Franklin, and Dawn Song (2006). "Replayer:
Automatic Protocol Replay by Binary Analysis." In Proceedings of the 13th ACM
Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), October 2006.
48. David Brumley, Juan Caballero, Zhenkai Liang, James Newsome, and Dawn Song
(2007). "Towards Automatic Discovery of Deviations in Binary Implementations with
Applications to Error Detection and Fingerprint Generation." In Proceedings of USE NIX
Security Symposium, Aug 2007.
49. Min Gyung Kang, Pongsin Poosankam, and Heng Yin (2007). "Renovo: A Hidden Code
Extractor for Packed Executables." In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on
Recurring Malcode (WORM), Oct 2007.
50. Heng Yin, Dawn Song, Manuel Egele, Christopher Kruegel, and Engin Kirda (2007).
"Panorama: Capturing System-wide Information Flow for Malware Detection and
Analysis." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer and Communication
Security, Oct 2007.
51. Juan Caballero, Heng Yin, Zhenkai Liang, and Dawn Song (2007). "Polyglot: Automatic
Extraction of Protocol Message Format using Dynamic Binary Analysis." In Proceedings
of the 14th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS),
October 2007.
52. Heng Yin, Zhenkai Liang, and Dawn Song (2008). "HookFinder: Identifying and
Understanding Malware Hooking Behaviors." In Proceedings of the 15th Annual
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, February 2008.
53. David Brumley, Pongsin Poosankam, Dawn Song, and Jiang Zheng (2008). "Automatic
Patch-Based Exploit Generation is Possible: Techniques and Implications" In
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2008.
54. James Newsome, Stephen McCamant, and Dawn Song (2009). "Measuring Channel
Capacity to Distinguish Undue Influence" In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGPLAN
Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security, June 2009.
55. Prateek Saxena, Pongsin Poosankam, Stephen McCamant, and Dawn Song (2009).
"Loop-Extended Symbolic Execution on Binary Programs" In Proceedings of the
ACM/SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, July 2009.
56. Juan Caballero, Pongsin Poosankam, Christian Kreibich, and Dawn Song (2009).
"Dispatcher: Enabling Active Botnet Infiltration using Automatic Protocol Reverse-
Engineering" In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communication Security, November 2009.
57. Juan Caballero, Noah M. Johnson, Stephen McCamant, and Dawn Song (2010). "Binary
Code Extraction and Interface Identification for Security Applications" In Proceedings of
the 17th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, February 2010.
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