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Guidelines For Grant Applicants

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European Commission

Civil society organisations in Development

Support to in-country interventions
Vocational education and training for vulnerable
and marginalised groups in India

Restricted Call for Proposals 2009

Guidelines for grant applicants

Budget line 21.03.01

Reference: EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN

Deadline for submission of the Concept Notes: 22 May 2009

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 1

This is a restricted Call for Proposals. In the first instance, only Concept Notes must be submitted for
evaluation. Thereafter, applicants whose Concept Notes have been pre-selected will be invited to
submit a Full Application Form. Further to the evaluation of the Full Applications, an eligibility check
will be performed for those which are provisionally selected. This check will be undertaken on the
basis of the supporting documents requested by the European Commission, the signed "Declaration by
the Applicant" sent together with the Concept Note and the second Declaration sent together with the
Full Application.

All Internet links in the present document are valid at the time of publication of this Call for Proposals.
Nevertheless, they may be subject to changes at a later stage.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 2
Table of contents

1. THE PROGRAMME .............................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Background............................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Objectives and priorities of this Call for Proposals ........................................................................................... 5

1.3 Financial allocation provided by the European Commission........................................................................... 6

2. RULES FOR THIS CALL FOR PROPOSALS ...............................................................8

2.1 Eligibility criteria ................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants: who may apply ........................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Partnerships and eligibility of partners ............................................................................................................10
2.1.3 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made ....................................................................11
2.1.4 Eligibility of costs: costs which may be taken into consideration for the grant .............................................12

2.2 How to apply, and the procedures to follow .....................................................................................................14

2.2.1 Concept Note content .......................................................................................................................................14
2.2.2 Where and how to send Concept Notes ..........................................................................................................15
2.2.3 Deadline for submission of the Concept Notes ...............................................................................................16
2.2.4 Further information for Concept Note .............................................................................................................16
2.2.5 Full Application Form......................................................................................................................................16
2.2.6 Where and how to send the Full Application Form........................................................................................17
2.2.7 Deadline for submission of the Full Application Form .................................................................................18
2.2.8 Further information for Applicants ..................................................................................................................19

2.3 Evaluation and selection of applications ...........................................................................................................20

2.4 Submission of supporting documents ................................................................................................................25

2.5 Notification of the European Commission’s decision ......................................................................................27

2.5.1 Content of the decision...........................................................................................................................................27
2.5.2 Indicative time table ...............................................................................................................................................28

2.6 Conditions applicable to implementation of the action following the European Commission's
decision to award a grant ....................................................................................................................................29

3. LIST OF ANNEXES .....................................................................................................30

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 3

The European Commission (EC) has a long-standing relationship and cooperation with non-
governmental and other civil society organisations as well as with local and decentralised authorities
in the field of development. It is part of the European Union's (EU) commitment to fighting poverty
and promoting the rule of law and adherence to fundamental freedoms set out in Article 177 (former
Article 130u) of the European Community Treaty.

The thematic programme “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development”, introduced in
2007, should be seen as the successor of the EC co-financing with NGOs since 1976.
The overarching objective of this programme is poverty reduction in the context of sustainable
development, including the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and other
internationally agreed targets.

It is an “actor-oriented” programme aimed at strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations

and local authorities as a pre-condition for a more equitable, open and democratic society through
support to their “own initiatives”.

Please take note that in these guidelines, the term ‘non state actors’ (NSA) is being used as it is
defined within the European Commission terminology, i.e.
non governmental organisations, organisations representing indigenous peoples, organisations
representing national and/or ethnic minorities, local traders' associations and citizens' groups,
cooperatives, trade unions, organisations representing economic and social interests,
organisations fighting corruption and fraud and promoting good governance, civil rights
organisations and organisations combating discrimination, local organisations (including
networks) involved in decentralised regional cooperation and integration, consumer
organisations, women's and youth organisations, teaching, cultural, research and scientific
organisations, universities, churches and religious associations and communities, the media
and any non governmental associations and independent foundations, including independent
political foundations.

The programme's main components in relation to India are the following:

ƒ Support to development actions, to be implemented by Civil Society Organisations (CSO) in

close cooperation with the local communities and the most vulnerable population groups,
aiming at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries.
ƒ Support to actions aiming at achieving more efficient cooperation, foster synergies and
facilitate a structured dialogue in the area of development between civil society networks and
local authorities associations from the EU and acceding countries, within their organisations
and with Community institutions.

Regulation (EC) n° 1905/20061 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 378, 27
December 2006), establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation, and more
specifically its article 14 constitute the legal basis for this thematic programme.

1 Available at the following address:

The Strategy Paper 2007 – 2010 for the programme “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development”
as well as the Annual Action Programme for 2008 are available at the same address.

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The priority areas will be in line with the India Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013 with a specific
focus on vocational education and training (VET). The focus on skills development for
employability and future market needs is complementary to initiatives under the India-EU Strategic
Partnership, Joint Action Plan on economic cooperation. Specific focus is on vulnerable and
marginalised population groups, which are out-of-reach of mainstream governmental interventions.
Hence Geographical Focus in terms of backwardness of the region will be given priority in order to
reach the poorest population and to make best use of the available funding resources. The call will be
in line with the recent initiative of the Government of India – The Backward Regions Grant Fund
(BRGF) to redress the regional imbalances and to ensure equitable development of the backward
regions. 250 most backward districts under the BRGF programme have been identified based on a
number of socio-economic variables derived from the existing programmes and from the Inter-
Ministry Task Group report set up by the Planning Commission. The list of backward districts can be
obtained from the, (see also Annex I). Priorities will be given to those actions
targeting the hard to reach community in the backward districts, however other target regions /
districts could also be considered if action substantiates reaching the poorest communities.

All actions should be based on an initiative of local partners and should ensure their involvement
during all stages of the implementation of the action. Actions proposed by organisations originating
from the European Union must be based on an established and effective partnership with local
organisations in India. Thus both European and Indian organisations can apply under this call.
Partnerships are encouraged and in order to maximise the contribution of both the main contractor and
all partners, a clear description per organisation of its role, contribution to the project implementation
and value addition is requested.

All Indian registered organisations, main bidder and partners, must comply with the Indian legislation
for civil society non-profit organisations, as well as registration under the Foreign Contribution
(Regulation) Act 1976.

Particular attention should be paid to cross-cutting issues contributing to the achievement of the
global objective of poverty reduction, such as the promotion of human rights, gender equality,
democracy, good governance, the rights of children and indigenous peoples’ rights, environmental
sustainability and combating HIV/AIDS. Whenever relevant, actions have to clearly demonstrate
how these issues have and will be been taken into account in their design, implementation and
monitoring. At the same time, principles such as empowerment, participation, non-discrimination of
vulnerable groups and accountability must also be adequately taken into account.




Productive and decent employment is central to reducing poverty. The promise of a demographic
dividend in India (an estimated 486 million people in the 20-59 age group, projected at over 760
million in 2020) can be realised only through increased productivity and returns to the work force. The
vocational education stream in the country is quite small enrolling less than 3% of rural youth (15-29
years) and 6% of the urban youth (Source: 60th round of National Sample Survey). An estimated 5%
of the Indian labour force in the 20-24 years age group has obtained vocational skills as against 60-
95% in industrialised countries (Source: Confederation of Indian Industries). There are many
discrepancies: even three years after graduation, over 60% of all graduates remained unemployed;
two-thirds are not employed in the trade for which they were trained; and a third of these had been
trained in obsolete trades. The demand for skills in the labour market is rising rapidly, which is unmet
in quantity but also in terms of the needs of emerging sectors.

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The 11th Plan mentions the need to expand vocational training from the present capacity of a mere 2
to 3 million to at least 15 million new entrants to the labour force. More importantly, it is expected that
industries and industrial associations will be involved in vocational training so that the scope and
content of the training provided in these institutions such as Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) is
relevant to job market needs. The number of skills for which training is provided also needs to be
expanded. ITIs in India typically cater to around 40 skills compared with 4000 in China. The
National Skill Development Policy2 reflects the priorities of the 11th plan: achieving faster and more
inclusive growth.


The aim of the proposed actions to be financed through this call is to support key goals and objectives
of national policy for skill development and to reinforce and complement initiatives and actions
through government programs. The key objectives that underlie this call are:
• ensuring equitable access to training and skill development to the disadvantaged communities
• reducing skill mismatch between supply and demand of skills
• diversifying skills development to meet the needs of the emerging knowledge economy
• building true market place competencies rather than mere qualifications,
• establishing institutional arrangements for planning, quality assurance, and certification
• mobilizing adequate investments for financing skills development in a sustainable manner.
• promoting multi stakeholder collaborations, particularly involving the private sector.


• Increased access to Vocational Education & Training and Skill Development for adolescents and
youth addressing both the organized and unorganized sectors;
• Establishment of innovative linkages and working arrangements between State, Non State and
Private sector entities to provide market economy based education for sustainable livelihood in
particular to disadvantaged youth.
• Development of VET schemes across districts and states.
• Development of skills and training using local resources that contributes to further development
and strengthening of local economy and avenues for entrepreneurship development.
• Capacity development of relevant institutions to offer area based approaches for ongoing and
continuous skill upgradation avenues, creating the basis for an adaptive workforce.


• Health Care
• Travel, Tourism, Media and Entertainment
• Renewable Energy/Sustainable Environmental Management
• Trading, retail and fast growing services sectors
• Agro processing and value adding sectors in agriculture
• Manufacturing (with clear growth prospects for exports or new economy industries)

The idea is to promote skill development and vocational training in sectors that provide ample
opportunities for growth and sustainable employment creation.


EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 6

• Design and delivery of short-term, specific fit for purpose skill sets for emerging sectors of the
economy, with emphasis on quality Vocational Education & Training and Skill Development for
current and emerging market needs;
• Implementation of innovative delivery models in Vocational Education & Training and Skill
Development such as public private partnership, decentralised delivery of training services,
distance learning and other improved methods for vocational training.
• Support to enabling existing institutions to give greater access to disadvantaged target groups,
while at the same time linking with labour market demands.
• Support to development of courses in new economy trades with growing demand for skilled


• Clearly defined linkages with existing institutions, particularly ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes)
designated to become model centres of excellence, for longer term impact and sustainability
• Support to strengthen capacity of institutions for Vocational Education & Training and Skill
• Innovative approaches to design and delivery of courses with potential for upscaling.
• Working arrangements with private sector entities, Industry Associations for area-based, industry
specific skill development for employment
• Financial and other contributions from private sector entities in support of the proposal; new
models of financing that move away from exclusive government financing to co-financing by
private sector entities and student fees.
• Vibrant multi stakeholder arrangements, including private participation in management of training
institutions, curriculum design and delivery.


The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals from the 2008 budget is
EUR 4.000.000.

Subject to the decision of the Budgetary Authority and subsequent Commission Decision, a similar
additional amount may be allocated to this Call for Proposals from the 2009 budget.

The European Commission reserves the right not to award all available funds. Equally, these amounts
could be increased should more funds become available.

Where the financial envelopes indicated above cannot be used due to insufficient quality or number of
proposals received, the European Commission reserves the right to reallocate the remaining funds to
another geographic area or to fund other components of the thematic programme “Non-State Actors
and Local Authorities in Development”.

Size of grants

Any grant awarded under this programme must fall between the following minimum and maximum
• minimum amount: EUR 500.000
• maximum amount: EUR 1.000.000

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- For proposals submitted by Non-State Actors from India the grant may not exceed 90% of the total
eligible costs of the action (see also section 2.1.4). The balance (i.e. the difference between the total
cost of the action and the amount requested from the EC) must be financed from the applicant's or
partners' own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget.

- For proposals submitted by European Non-State Actors, the grant may not exceed 75% of the total
eligible costs of the actions (see also section 2.1.4). The balance (i.e. the difference between the total
cost of the action and the amount requested from the EC) must be financed from the applicant's or
partners' own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 8

These guidelines set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of actions financed
under this call, in conformity with the provisions of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC
external actions.

The majority of terms used in the present guidelines are explained in the Glossary to the Practical
Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions.

The aforementioned Practical Guide and the Glossary can be consulted at the following Internet

In addition to the Glossary, the following definitions apply to the present guidelines:

Partnership the grouping of organisations i.e. the main applicant and its partners for the
purpose of implementing the proposed action

Applicant the lead organisation within the partnership, responsible for submitting the

Partner member organisation of the partnership other than the applicant

Associate organisation that plays an active role in the action but which cannot benefit
from funding under the grant

Subcontractor organisation identified and contracted by the beneficiary or its partner(s) in

accordance with the appropriate procedures in order to execute specific tasks
in implementing the action


There are three sets of eligibility criteria, relating to:

• applicants which may request a grant (2.1.1), and their partners (2.1.2),
• actions for which a grant may be awarded (2.1.3),
• types of cost which may be taken into account in setting the amount of the grant (2.1.4).

2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants: who may apply?

(1) In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:

• be legal persons and

• be non profit making and

3 Please note that additional eligibility criteria and conditions will apply for actions in the field of
microfinance. There are specific requirements with regard to the applicant and the partner in the field as well
as with regard to the types of action which can be funded under this programme. Please refer to annex H which
regroups all additional criteria for actions in the field of microfinance.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 9
• be nationals4 of a Member State of the European Union or of India and
• be Non-State Actors5 (NSA) constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the country
concerned. NSA must have been registered for at least five years at the time of the submission of
an application and
• be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their partners, not
acting as an intermediary and
• be able to demonstrate that they have regularly carried out activities in the field of development of
the kind covered by this programme at least during the last three years at the time of the
submission of an application.

(2) Potential applicants may not participate in calls for proposals or be awarded grants if they are in
any of the situations which are listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for
EC external actions (available at the address indicated at the beginning of section 2).

In part A, section III of the grant application form (“Declaration by the applicant”), applicants must
declare that they do not fall into any of those situations.

2.1.2 Partnerships and eligibility of partners


All actions must be based on an initiative of local organisations (NSA) in India and should ensure their
involvement during all stages of the implementation of the action.

For actions presented by a European NSA, partnership with local actors (NSA) in India is obligatory.
Projects must respond to an initiative from at least one of these local partners.

Apart from these requirements, it is understood that more than one European partner (NSA) may
participate in any given action. Equally, there may be more than one partner organisation (NSA) in

Eligibility of partners:

Applicants’ partners participate in designing and implementing the action, and the costs they incur are
eligible in the same way as those incurred by the grant Beneficiary.

4 For NSA, the nationality is determined on the basis of the organisation’s statutes which should demonstrate
that it has been established by an instrument governed by the law of the country concerned. In this respect,
any legal entity whose statutes have been established in another country cannot be considered an eligible
organisation, even if it is registered locally or accompanied by a “Memorandum of Understanding”.

5 Non-State Actors include: non governmental organisations, organisations representing indigenous peoples,
organisations representing national and/or ethnic minorities, local traders' associations and citizens' groups,
cooperatives, trade unions, organisations representing economic and social interests, organisations fighting
corruption and fraud and promoting good governance, civil rights organisations and organisations combating
discrimination, local organisations (including networks) involved in decentralised regional cooperation and
integration, consumer organisations, women's and youth organisations, teaching, cultural, research and
scientific organisations, universities, churches and religious associations and communities, the media and
any non governmental associations and independent foundations, including independent political

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 10
Non-State Actors6 must therefore satisfy the same eligibility criteria as applicants with the exception
that there is neither a minimum time limit with regard to the registration of the organisation, nor a
minimum limit with regard to the years of experience required. However, they must have at least three
years’ experience in the field of development, and, in particular, in the sector of the action concerned.

The following are not partners and do not have to sign the “partnership statement”:

• Associates
Other organisations may be involved in the action. Such associates play a real role in the action but
may not receive funding from the grant with the exception of per diem or travel costs. Associates do
not have to meet the eligibility criteria referred to in section 2.1.1. The associates have to be
mentioned in Part B section IV - “Associates of the Applicant participating in the Action” of the Grant
Application Form.

• Subcontractors
The grant beneficiaries have the possibility to award contracts to subcontractors. Subcontractors are
neither partners nor associates, and are subject to the procurement rules set out in Annex IV to the
standard grant contract (see annex F).

The applicant will act as the lead organisation and, if selected, as the contracting party (the

2.1.3 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made

An action (or project) is composed of a set of activities.

The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 36 nor exceed 60 months.

Sectors or themes:

See section 1.2 of the present Guidelines (Objectives and priority issues of this Call for Proposals).


Actions must take place in India.

Applications should include a communication and visibility plan, both in the Full Application and the
budget, in line with the EC Communication and Visibility Manual for External Actions:

6 Exceptionally and when duly justified, entities based in the partner country concerned which do not have legal
personality under the applicable national law may be considered eligible to participate in the Action as
partner organisation, provided that the representatives of these entities have the capacity to undertake legal
obligations on their behalf and assume financial liability.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 11
Monitoring and Evaluation:

Applications should include appropriate measures and resources for monitoring the proposed action
and to carry out external evaluation(s).

Microfinance / Revolving Funds for microcredit initiatives

As pointed out under section 2.1, footnote 3, additional eligibility criteria and conditions apply to
actions in the field of microfinance which can be found in annex H. Please read these criteria carefully
and make sure that the application contains all relevant supplementary information and documents in
order to allow for an easy assessment of the eligibility of the applicant, its partner(s) and the action as
well as of the technical quality of the proposal.

With regard to microcredit initiatives including Revolving Funds please note that an end-of-project
strategy must be presented (see the last paragraph on the second page of annex H).

The following types of action are ineligible:

• actions concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops,
seminars, conferences, congresses;

• one-off conferences: conferences can only be funded if they form part of a wider range of
activities to be implemented in the life-time of the action. For these purposes, preparatory
activities for a conference and the publication of the proceedings of the conference do not, in
themselves, constitute such "wider activities";

• actions concerned only or mainly with individual scholarships for studies or training courses;

• actions which consist exclusively or primarily in capital expenditure, e.g. land, buildings,
equipment and vehicles, except in special circumstances;

• actions which discriminate against individuals or groups of people on grounds of their gender,
sexual orientation, religious beliefs or lack of them, or their ethnic origin;

• actions supporting political parties;

• actions which include proselytism.

Number of proposals per applicant

The applicant may not submit more than one application under this call. There is no restriction with
regard to the number of proposals in which a given actor (NSA) may participate as partner

2.1.4 Eligibility of costs: costs which may be taken into consideration for the grant

Only "eligible costs" can be taken into account for a grant. The categories of costs considered as
eligible and non-eligible are indicated below. The budget is therefore both a cost estimate and a ceiling
for "eligible costs". The eligible costs must be based on real costs based on supporting documents
(except for subsistence costs and indirect costs where flat-rate funding applies).

Recommendations to award a grant are always subject to the condition that the checking process
which precedes the signing of the contract does not reveal problems requiring changes to the budget
(for instance arithmetical errors, inaccuracies or unrealistic costs and other ineligible costs). The

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 12
checks may give rise to requests for clarification and may lead the European Commission to impose
modifications or reductions to address such mistakes or inaccuracies. The amount of the grant and the
percentage of co-financing as a result of these corrections may not be increased.

It is therefore in the applicant's interest to provide a realistic and cost-effective budget.

Eligible direct costs

To be eligible under the call for proposals, costs must respect the provisions of article 14 of the
General Conditions to the Standard Grant Contract (see Annex F).

Contingency reserve

A contingency reserve not exceeding 5% of the direct eligible costs may be included in the Budget of
the Action. It can only be used with the prior written authorisation of the European Commission.

Eligible indirect costs (overheads)

A lump sum not exceeding 7% of the total amount of eligible costs of the Action may be included as
indirect costs in the Budget of the Action. These costs concern administrative overheads generated by
the implementation of the Action and should not overlap with any of the budgeted items nor should
they be used to cross-subsidise other actions undertaken by the Beneficiary.

Indirect costs are ineligible if the beneficiary receives in other respects an operating grant from the
European Commission.

Ineligible costs

The following costs are not eligible:

– debts and provisions for losses or debts;
– interest owed;
– items already financed in another framework;
– purchases of land or buildings, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the action,
in which case ownership must be transferred to the final beneficiaries and/or local partners7, at the
latest by the end of the action;
– currency exchange losses;
– taxes, including VAT, unless the Beneficiary (or the Beneficiary’s partners) cannot reclaim them
and the applicable regulations do not forbid coverage of taxes.

7 For Actions presented by NSA from a partner country and if duly justified, this obligation can be waived.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 13

This is a restricted Call for Proposals. In the first instance, only Concept Notes must be submitted
for evaluation. Thereafter, applicants whose Concept Notes have been pre-selected will be invited to
submit a Full Application Form.

Prior registration in the PADOR system (Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration)8 is
obligatory both for applicants and partners. Applicants must complete all the sections presented in
PADOR with the exception of the section ''Strategy and Methodology''. The partners must complete all
PADOR sections with the exception of the sections ''Board of Directors'' and ''Strategy and
Methodology''. All the required supporting documents for both applicants and partners, with the
exception of the annual activity reports of the applicant organisations, should be uploaded in PADOR
by the Concept Note submission deadline. The EuropeAid ID number (assigned upon registration in
PADOR) of the applicant organisation as well as that of any partner organisation must be indicated in
the Concept Note.

Before starting the registration in PADOR you must check that your organisation is not already
registered in PADOR by your colleague. In that case you need to contact your colleague to obtain the
EuropeAid ID number, which you will then need to use in your application.

However, the applicant can submit a request for derogation concerning its registration in PADOR
and/or that of any partner(s). In this case, it is compulsory for the applicant and/or the partner(s)
concerned to complete the PADOR Derogation Pack (Annex J to these Guidelines) and to send it
together with the Concept Note to the address indicated in section 2.2.2. of the Guidelines. The
justification for derogation must be based on the objective impossibility of the applicant and/or its
partner(s) to register in PADOR. This objective impossibility should go beyond the control of the
applicant and/or its partner(s) and, in principle, be of a general nature (i.e. not attributable to the
specific circumstances of the applicant and/or its partner(s) themselves). The applicant and /or
partner(s) should provide, where possible, supporting documents substantiating their request. Any
derogation granted will apply only to the specific call for proposals in the context of which it was
requested. If derogation is granted, registration in PADOR shall be initiated by the European
Commission. If, at a later stage, the organisation wishes to update its data itself, an access request will
have to be sent to the PADOR help desk at the address indicated hereafter.

All questions related to the registration in PADOR should be addressed to the PADOR help desk:

2.2.1 Concept Note content

Applications must be submitted in accordance with the guidance on the Concept Note in the Grant
Application Form annexed to these Guidelines (Annex A, Part A) taking care to use the correct
application documents for this Call (to be downloaded from the EuropeAid website at Any Concept
Note using the format relating to any other Call may be rejected.

Concept Notes must be submitted in English.

In the Concept Note, the applicants must only provide an estimate of the total eligible costs of the
action together with the amount of contribution and percentage requested from the European
Commission. Only the applicants invited to submit a full proposal in the second phase will be required
to present a detailed budget. This detailed budget may not vary from the initial estimate by more than


EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 14
20%. The applicant is free to adapt the percentage of co-financing required as long as it does not
exceed the maximum percentage of co-financing and as long as the minimum and maximum amount
of co-financing, as laid down in the present Guidelines, is respected (see section 1.3).

Any error or major discrepancy related to the points listed in the guidance on the Concept Note may
lead to the rejection of the Concept Note.

Clarifications will only be requested when information provided is unclear, thus preventing the
European Commission from conducting an objective assessment.

Hand-written Concept Notes will not be accepted.

The Concept Note together with the Checklist for the Concept Note (Part A, section II of the Grant
Application Form) and the Declaration by the applicant for the Concept Note (Part A, section III of the
Grant Application Form) must be submitted in one paper original in A4 format.

Concept Notes must be submitted as well in electronic format (CD-Rom). The electronic version must
be identical to the submitted paper version.

Only the Concept Note will be evaluated. It is therefore of utmost importance that this document
contains ALL relevant information concerning the action. No additional annexes should be
submitted, unless a derogation to PADOR registration is being requested 9.

2.2.2 Where and how to send Concept Notes

Concept Notes must be submitted in a sealed envelope by registered mail with delivery confirmation,
courier service or by hand-delivery at one of the addresses below (a signed and dated
acknowledgement of receipt will be given by the European Commission).

Postal address

Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal

Finance, Contracts and Audit Section
65 Golf Links
110003 New Delhi, India

Address for hand delivery or for delivery by courier service

Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal

Finance, Contracts and Audit Section
65 Golf Links
110003 New Delhi, India

Concept Notes sent by any other means (e.g. by fax or by e-mail) or delivered to other addresses will
be rejected.

The outer envelope must bear the reference number and the title of the Call for Proposals, the full
name and address of the applicant, and the words "Not to be opened before the opening session".

Applicants must verify that their Concept Note is complete using the Checklist for Concept Note
(Part A section II of the grant application form). Incomplete Concept Notes may be rejected.

9 See Annex J to these Guidelines

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2.2.3 Deadline for submission of the Concept Notes

The deadline for the submission of Concept Notes is 22 May 2009 (date at place of dispatch) as
evidenced by the postmark or the date of the deposit slip. In case of hand-deliveries, the deadline for
receipt is 22 May 2009 at 16:00 hours (New Delhi date and time), as evidenced by the European
Commission's signed and dated acknowledgement of receipt.

Any Concept Note sent after the deadline or, in case of hand-deliveries, received after the stipulated
time will be rejected.

Any Concept Note received by the Contracting Authority on or after the effective date of completion
of the evaluation of the Concept Notes will be treated as having been submitted after the deadline and,
therefore, rejected.

The applicant is solely responsible for the choice of means of expedition amongst those indicated in
section 2.2.2 and for following-up the delivery.

2.2.4 Further information for Concept Notes

Questions concerning this Call for Proposals (except those related to registration in PADOR) may be
sent by e-mail no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of Concept Notes to the
below address, indicating clearly the reference of the Call for Proposals:

E-mail address:

Replies will be given no later than 11 days before the deadline for the submission of Concept Notes.

In the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the European Commission cannot give a prior
opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, a partner or an action.

After the deadline for submission of Concept Notes, the above-mentioned e-mail address can only be
used by the European Commission to initiate correspondence regarding any requests for clarification
that may be required.

No individual replies to queries with regard to the status of the selection procedure can be given via
this mailbox.

In addition, during the course of the evaluation procedure important notices to applicants may be
published on EuropeAid’s website at:,
and the Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal’s website at:
as the need arises. The applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to regularly consult this webpage.

All questions related to PADOR registration should be addressed to the PADOR help desk:

2.2.5 Full Application Form

Applicants invited to submit a Full Application Form following the pre-selection of the Concept Note
must do so by using the application documents annexed to the present Guidelines: Annex A, Part B -
Full Application Form, Annex B-Budget and Annex C-Logical Framework. These are to be
downloaded from the EuropeAid website at the address indicated in section 2.2.1. Applicants should

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 16
keep strictly to the format of the application form and fill in the paragraphs and pages in order taking
care to use the correct application documents for this Call. Applications submitted on application
documents relating to any other call may be rejected.

The elements contained in the Concept Note cannot be modified in the full application form.

The detailed budget (provided without decimals) may not vary from the initial estimate indicated in
the Concept Note by more than 20%. The applicant is free to adapt the percentage of co-financing
required as long as it does not exceed the maximum percentage of co-financing and as long as the
minimum and maximum amount of co-financing, as laid down in the present Guidelines (see section
1.3), is respected.

Applicants must submit their applications in the same language as their Concept Note.

The Full Application Form should be completed carefully and as clearly as possible to facilitate the
evaluation. The reference number allocated to the Concept Note should appear on the cover page of
the Full Application Form.

Any error related to the points listed in the Checklist (Part B, section V of the Grant Application
Form) or any major inconsistency in the Full Application Form may lead to the rejection of the

Clarifications will only be requested when information provided is unclear, thus preventing the
European Commission from conducting an objective assessment.

Hand-written applications will be rejected.

The Full Application Form, the Budget and the Logical Framework must be submitted in one paper
original as well as in electronic format (CD-Rom). The electronic version must be identical to the
submitted paper version. Each component of the application (Full Application Form, Budget and
Logical Framework) must be submitted in a single, separate electronic file (for example, the
application form must not be split into several different electronic files) and should not contain
coloured or high resolution graphs, images or diagrams. The electronic version of the applications will
only be printed in black and white for evaluation purposes.

Only the Full Application Form and the published annexes which must be filled in (Budget,
Logical Framework) will be evaluated. It is therefore of utmost importance that these documents
contain ALL relevant information concerning the Action. No supplementary annexes should be

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 17
2.2.6 Where and how to send the Full Application Form

Full Application Forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope by registered mail with delivery
confirmation, courier service or by hand-delivery at one of the addresses below (a signed and dated
acknowledgement of receipt will be given by the European Commission):

Postal address

Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal

Finance, Contracts and Audit Section
65 Golf Links
110003 New Delhi, India

Address for hand delivery and for delivery by courier service

Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal

Finance, Contracts and Audit Section
65 Golf Links
110003 New Delhi, India

Full Application Forms sent by any other means (e.g. by fax or by e-mail) or delivered to other
addresses will be rejected.

The Checklist (Part B, Section V of the Grant Application Form) and the Declaration by the applicant
(Part B, Section VI of the Grant Application Form) must be stapled separately and enclosed in the

The outer envelope must bear the reference number and the title of the Call for Proposals, together
with the reference number allocated to the Concept Note, the full name and address of the applicant,
and the words "Not to be opened before the opening session".

Applicants must verify that their applications are complete using the checklist (part B, section V
of the Grant Application Form). Incomplete applications may be rejected.

2.2.7 Deadline for submission of the Full Application Form

The deadline for submission of the Full Application Forms will be indicated in the letter sent to the
applicants whose Concept Notes have been preselected. Submission within the deadline will be
evidenced by the postmark or the date of the deposit slip. In case of hand-deliveries the date of
reception will be evidenced by the signed and dated acknowledgement of receipt given to the bearer
by the European Commission.

In addition, a notice indicating the deadline for submission of Full Application Forms will be
published on EuropeAid’s website at :
and the Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal’s website at:

Any Full Application Form sent after the deadline or, in the case of hand-deliveries, received after the
stipulated time will be rejected.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 18
Any Full Application Form received by the European Commission on or after the date of completion
of the evaluation of the Full Application Forms (see indicative calendar under section 2.5.2) will be
treated as having been submitted after the deadline and, therefore, rejected.

The applicant is solely responsible for the choice of means of expedition amongst those indicated in
Section 2.2.6 and following-up the delivery, in accordance with the stipulations of the present section.

2.2.8 Further information for Applicants

Questions concerning the Full Application Forms (except those related to registration in PADOR) may
be sent by e-mail no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of applications to the
below address, indicating clearly the reference of the Call for Proposals:

E-mail address:

Replies will be given no later than 11 days before the deadline for the submission of Full Application

After the deadline for submission of Concept Notes, the above-mentioned e-mail address can only be
used by the European Commission to initiate correspondence regarding any requests for clarification
that may be required.

No individual replies to queries with regard to the status of the selection procedure can be given via
this mailbox

In the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the European Commission cannot give a prior
opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, a partner or an action.

In addition, during the course of the evaluation procedure important notices to applicants may be
published on EuropeAid's website at:, as the need
arises. The applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to regularly consult this webpage.

All questions related to PADOR registration should be addressed to the PADOR help desk:

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 19

Applications will be examined and evaluated by the European Commission according to the following
steps and criteria.

If at any stage in the evaluation process any component of the application (the applicant, a
partner or the action) is identified as not fulfilling the eligibility criteria specified in the sections
2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 of the present guidelines, the application will be rejected on this sole basis.



The following will be assessed:

• The deadline has been respected. If the deadline has not been respected the Concept Note will
automatically be rejected

• The Concept Note satisfies all the criteria mentioned in the Checklist (section II of part A of the
Grant Application Form). If any of the requested information is missing or is incorrect, the
proposal may be rejected on that sole basis and the proposal will not be evaluated further.

Following the opening session and the administrative check, the European Commission will send a
letter to all applicants, indicating whether their application was submitted prior to the deadline,
informing them of the reference number they have been allocated, whether they have satisfied all the
criteria mentioned in the checklist and whether their Concept Note has been recommended for


The evaluation of the Concept Notes that have passed the first administrative check will cover the
relevance of the action, its merits and effectiveness, its viability and sustainability. The European
Commission reserves the right not to undertake the evaluation of the Concept Notes whenever
considered justified (for example when fewer than the expected number of proposals are received) and
to directly send invitations to the applicants to submit a full proposal.

The scores awarded to the Concept Note are completely separate from those given to the Full

The Concept Note will be given an overall score out of 50 points in accordance with the breakdown
provided in the Evaluation Grid below. The evaluation shall also verify the compliance with
instructions provided in the guidance for Concept Note, part A of the grant application form.

The evaluation criteria are divided into headings and subheadings. Each subheading will be given a
score between 1 and 5 in accordance with the following assessment categories: 1 = very poor; 2 =
poor; 3 = adequate; 4 = good; 5 = very good.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 20
1. Relevance of the action Sub-score 15
1.1 Relevance of the action to needs and constraints of the countries/region to be 5
addressed in general, and to those of the target groups and final beneficiaries in

1.2 Relevance to the objectives and priorities of this Call for Proposals.
Note: A score of 5 (very good) will only be allocated if the action takes place, at
least partly, in LDCs not covered by an in-country intervention (see point 1.2 of the
present Guidelines)
2. Effectiveness and Feasibility of the action Sub-score 25
2.1 Assessment of the problem identification and analysis 5

2.2 Assessment of the proposed activities (practicality and consistency in relation to
the objectives, purpose and expected results). 5(x2)*

2.3 Assessment of the role and involvement of all stakeholders and proposed
3. Sustainability of the action Sub-score 10
3.1 Assessment of the identification of the main assumptions and risks, before the 5
start up and throughout the implementation period.

3.2 Assessment of the identification of long-term sustainable impact on the target

groups and final beneficiaries.

* the scores are multiplied by 2 because of their importance

Once all Concept Notes have been assessed, a list will be established with the proposed actions ranked
according to their total score, taking into account the indicative financial envelopes foreseen (by
geographic area – see point 1.3.)

Firstly, only the Concept Notes which have been given a score of a minimum of 12 points in the
category "Relevance" as well as a minimum total score of 30 points will be considered for pre-

Secondly, the list of Concept Notes will be reduced in accordance with the ranking to those whose
sum of requested contributions amounts to at least two times the available budget for this Call for
Proposals, taking into account the indicative financial envelopes foreseen. Applicants whose
proposals have been pre-selected will subsequently be invited to submit Full Application Forms.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 21

The following will be assessed:

• The deadline has been respected. If the deadline has not been respected the proposal will be

• The Full Application Form satisfies all the criteria mentioned in the Checklist (Section V. of part
B of the Grant Application Form). If any of the requested information is missing or is incorrect,
the proposal may be rejected on that sole basis and the proposal will not be evaluated further.

Following the opening session and the administrative check, the European Commission will send a
letter to all applicants, indicating whether their application was submitted prior to the deadline,
whether their application has satisfied all the criteria mentioned in the checklist and whether their
application has been recommended for evaluation.


An evaluation of the quality of the proposals, including the proposed budget, and of the capacity of the
applicant and its partners, will be carried out in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the
Evaluation Grid included below. There are two types of evaluation criteria: selection and award

The selection criteria are intended to help evaluate the applicants' financial and operational capacity
to ensure that they:

• have stable and sufficient sources of finance to maintain their activity throughout the period during
which the action is being carried out and, where appropriate, to participate in its funding;

• have the management capacity, professional competencies and qualifications required to

successfully complete the proposed action. This also applies to any partners of the applicant.

The award criteria allow the quality of the proposals submitted to be evaluated in relation to the set
objectives and priorities, and grants to be awarded to actions which maximise the overall effectiveness
of the call for proposals. They enable the selection of proposals which the European Commission can
be confident will comply with its objectives and priorities and guarantee the visibility of the
Community financing. They cover such aspects as the relevance of the action, its consistency with the
objectives of the call for proposals, quality, expected impact, sustainability and cost-effectiveness.


The evaluation criteria are divided into sections and subsections. Each subsection will be given a score
between 1 and 5 in accordance with the following guidelines: 1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = adequate; 4
= good; 5 = very good.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 22
Evaluation Grid

1. Financial and operational capacity 20
1.1 Do the applicant and partners have sufficient experience of project 5
1.2 Do the applicant and partners have sufficient technical expertise (notably 5
knowledge of the issues to be addressed)?
1.3 Do the applicant and partners have sufficient management capacity 5
(including staff, equipment and ability to handle the budget for the action)?
1.4 Does the applicant have stable and sufficient sources of finance? 5
2. Relevance 25
2.1 How relevant is the proposal to the objectives and to one or more priorities 5x2
of the call for proposals? .
Note: A score of 5 (very good) will only be allocated if the action takes place,
at least partly, in LDCs not covered by an in-country intervention (see point
1.2 of the present Guidelines)
2.2 How relevant to the particular needs and constraints of the target 5
country/countries or region(s) is the proposal (including avoidance of
duplication and synergy with other EC initiatives)?
2.3 How clearly defined and strategically chosen are those involved (final 5x2
beneficiaries, target groups)? Have their needs been clearly defined and does
the proposal address them appropriately?
3. Methodology 25
3.1 Are the activities proposed appropriate, practical, and consistent with the 5
objectives and expected results?
3.2 How coherent is the overall design of the action (in particular, does it reflect 5
the analysis of the problems involved, take into account external factors and
anticipate an evaluation)?
3.3 Is the stakeholders' and proposed partners' level of involvement and 5
participation in the action satisfactory?
3.4 Is the action plan clear and feasible? 5
3.5 Does the proposal contain objectively verifiable indicators for the outcome 5
of the action?
4. Sustainability 15
4.1 Is the action likely to have a tangible impact on its target groups? 5
4.2 Is the proposal likely to have multiplier effects (including scope for 5
replication and extension of the outcome of the action and dissemination of
4.3 Are the expected results of the proposed action sustainable: 5
- financially (how will the activities be financed after the funding ends?)
- institutionally (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place
at the end of the action? Will there be local “ownership” of the results of
the action?)
- at policy level (where applicable) (what will be the structural impact of the
action — e.g. will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods,
5. Budget and cost-effectiveness 15
5.1 Is the ratio between the estimated costs and the expected results satisfactory? 5
5.2 Is the proposed expenditure necessary for the implementation of the action? 5x2
Maximum total score 100

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 23
Note on Section 1. Financial and operational capacity

If the total average score is less than 12 points for section 1, the Evaluation Committee will reject the

Note on Section 2. Relevance

If the total average score is less than 20 points for section 2, the Evaluation Committee will reject the

Provisional selection

Following the evaluation, a table listing the proposals ranked according to their score and within the
available financial envelopes will be established as well as a reserve list following the same criteria.
Note: The scores awarded in this phase are completely separate from those given to the
concept note of the same application.



The eligibility verification, based on the supporting documents requested by the European
Commission (see section 2.4) will only be performed for the proposals that have been provisionally
selected according to their score and within the available financial envelopes, and will be done in the
following way:

• The Declaration by the applicant (Section VI of part B the Grant Application Form) will be
cross-checked with the supporting documents provided by the applicant. Any missing
supporting document or any incoherence between the Declaration by the applicant and the
supporting documents may lead to the rejection of the proposal on that sole basis.

• The eligibility of the applicant, the partners, and the action will be verified according to the
criteria set out in sections 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.

Following the above analysis and if necessary, any rejected proposal will be replaced by the next best
placed proposal in the reserve list that falls within the available financial envelope, which will then be
examined for the eligibility of its applicant and the partners.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 24

The supporting documents listed below are required in order to allow the European Commission to
verify the eligibility of the applicants and their partners.

All required supporting documents for both applicants and partners for this Call for Proposals, with
the exception of the annual activity reports of the applicant organisation which shall be sent together
with the Full Application Form, must be uploaded in the PADOR system. The deadline for
uploading them in the system is the same as the deadline for submission of the Concept Note (see
section 2.2.3).

If derogation from the obligation to register in PADOR has been granted (see section 2.2), the
applicant will be informed in the letter of invitation to submit a Full Application. In any case, any
applicant or partner requesting a derogation from the obligation to register in PADOR must send all
required supporting documents for this Call for Proposals to the address indicated in Section 2.2.2
together with the Concept Note, with the exception of the annual activity reports of the applicant
organisation which shall be sent together with the Full Application Form.

If the supporting documents are not provided within the deadline above the application may be

Required supporting documents10 for APPLICANTS

- The statutes or articles of association of the organisation. Such documents must prove that the
organisation in question meets all the eligibility criteria indicated in section 2.1.1 (i.e. legal
existence, category of organisation and objectives, nationality, etc.). They must bear the stamp of the
appropriate authorising body (ministry, lawyer, etc.) or be accompanied by relevant registration
documents or other appropriate documentation. Any such accompanying documentation must be
uploaded into PADOR in the same electronic file as the statutes or articles of association or, when
derogation from registration in PADOR is being requested, must be sent together with the
supporting documents

- Where the grant requested exceeds EUR 500.000, an external audit report produced by an
approved auditor, certifying the accounts for the last financial year available.
- Copy of the latest accounts (the profit and loss account and the balance sheet for the last financial
year for which the accounts have been closed)11
- The most recent annual activity report.
- Legal entity sheet (see annex D) duly completed and signed by the applicant, accompanied by the
justifying documents which are requested therein. If the applicant has already signed a contract with
the European Commission, instead of the legal entity sheet and its supporting documents the legal
entity number may be provided, unless a change in its legal status occurred in the meantime.
- Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) Registration for Indian based organisations only.

10 For actions in the field of microfinance, the supporting documents must demonstrate that the applicant and/or the
partner organisation(s) fulfil the required additional eligibility criteria and conditions as set out in annex H attached to
these Guidelines for grant applicants.

11 This obligation does not apply when the accounts are de facto the same documents as the external audit

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 25
Required supporting documents for PARTNER ORGANISATIONS
For Non-State Actors
- The statutes or articles of association of the organisation. Such documents must prove that the
organisation in question meets all the eligibility criteria indicated in section 2.1.1 (i.e. legal existence,
category of organisation and objectives, nationality, etc.). They must bear the stamp of the appropriate
authorising body (ministry, lawyer, etc.) or be accompanied by relevant registration documents or
other appropriate documentation. Any such accompanying documentation must be uploaded into
PADOR in the same electronic file as the statutes or articles of association or, when derogation from
registration in PADOR is being requested, must be sent together with the supporting documents.

- Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) Registration for Indian based organisations only.

Requirements for all supporting documents:

Where the required supporting documents are not uploaded in PADOR, they must be supplied in the
form of originals, photocopies or scanned versions (i.e. showing legible stamps, signatures and dates)
of the said originals.

Where such documents are not in one of the official languages of the European Union, a translation
into the language of the Call for Proposals (see Section 2.2.1) of the relevant parts of these documents,
proving the applicant’s and partner's (s') eligibility, must be uploaded into PADOR in the same
electronic file as the original language version (or, in the case of derogation from PADOR registration
having been requested, be sent with the supporting documents) and will prevail for the purpose of
analysing the proposal.

Where these documents are in an official language of the European Union other than the languages of
the Call for Proposals, it is strongly recommended, in order to facilitate the evaluation, to provide a
translation of the relevant parts of the documents, proving the applicant’s and partner's (s') eligibility,
into the language of the Call for Proposals. Where such translation is provided, it must be uploaded
into PADOR in the same electronic file as the original language version (or, in the case of derogation
from PADOR registration having been requested, be sent with the supporting documents).

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 26

2.5.1 Content of the decision

Applicants will be informed in writing of the European Commission’s decision concerning their
application and, where applicable, the main reason(s) for a negative decision.
Applicants who were unsuccessful at the Opening and Administrative Check stage of the procedure
(Step 1 and Step 3) or at the Eligibility check stage (Step 5) wishing to obtain further information
should send their request by letter, indicating the reference of the Call for Proposals and the reference
allocated to the proposal, to:
Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal
Finance, Contracts and Audit Section
65 Golf Links
110003 New Delhi, India

Applicants who were unsuccessful at the technical evaluation stage of the procedure (Step 2 or Step 4)
wishing to obtain further information should send their request, indicating the reference of the Call for
Proposal and the reference allocated to the proposal, to:
Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal
Finance, Contracts and Audit Section
65 Golf Links
110003 New Delhi, India

The request for further information should be sent to the European Commission no later than 90 days
from the date of receipt of the letter informing the applicants about the negative decision concerning
their application.

The European Commission must reply within 90 days of receipt of the request for information.

Thereafter, applicants believing that there has been an error or irregularity during the award process
may send a petition no later than 90 days from the date of receipt of the above-mentioned reply from
the European Commission, to the following address:

Delegation of the European Commission to India, Bhutan and Nepal

Finance, Contracts and Audit Section
65 Golf Links
110003 New Delhi, India

The European Commission must reply within 90 days of receipt of the said petition.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 27
2.5.2 Indicative time table


Publication of the Calls for Proposals 01/04/2009

Deadline for submission of Concept Notes 22/05/2009

Notification of results of the opening & administrative check 08/06/2009

of the Concept Notes (Step 1)

Notification of results of the evaluation of the Concept Notes 30/06/2009

(Step 2)/ Invitations for submission of the Full Application

Deadline for submission of the Full Application Forms 28/08/2009

Notification of results of the opening & administrative check 18/09/2009

of the Full Application Forms (Step 3)

Notification of results of the evaluation of the Full Application 05/10/2009

Forms (Step 4)

Notification of award (after Step 5 - the eligibility check) 20/10/2009

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 28

Following the decision to award a grant, the beneficiary will be offered a contract based on the
European Commission's standard contract (see Annex F). By signing the Grant Application Form
(Annex A), the applicant declares accepting, in case where it is awarded a grant, the contractual
conditions as laid down in the Standard Contract.

Implementation contracts

Where implementation of the action requires the beneficiary to award procurement contracts, it must
award the contract to the tenderer offering the best value for money, that is to say, the best price-
quality ratio, in compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment for potential
contractors, care being taken to avoid any conflict of interests. To this end, the beneficiary must follow
the procedures set out in Annex IV to the contract.

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 29






See documents E3e at



See document E3f at

ANNEX F: STANDARD CONTRACT (WORD FORMAT) See documents from E3h_1 to E3h_9 at











EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 30



In addition to the eligibility criteria set out under section 2.1 of the Guidelines for grant applicants,
the following criteria and conditions apply for applications in the field of microfinance:

Additional eligibility criteria:

Ad 2.1.1 – Eligibility of applicants

The applicant must have sector-specific experience and expertise and must be able to provide evidence
ƒ having supported at least 3 similar initiatives during the last three years preceding this
application (see section 4 of the Full Application form) and
ƒ having in-house technical staff with sufficient knowledge of microfinance good practice
obtained through appropriate training and/or experience.

Ad 2.1.2 – Eligibility of partners

Except where the applicant is an NSA originating of the partner country in which the action takes
place and which fulfils the above additional eligibility criteria, all actions in the field of microfinance
must be implemented in cooperation with a local partner which fulfils the following additional
• be either an already established MFI12 and able to demonstrate that it has provided
microfinance services on a sustainable basis (or approaching sustainability) for at least
three years preceding the application or
ƒ be able to demonstrate that it will be able to provide microfinance services following the
strengthening of its capacity through the proposed action.

Ad 2.1.3 – Eligible actions

• Microfinance actions should be operationally and financially autonomous initiatives: either

being entirely dedicated to microfinance (stand-alone) or, where it is part of a larger integrated
development programme, the microfinance initiative has to be operated on a separate and
clearly distinct basis (e.g. separate accounting and governance structures, dedicated
management etc.) and have clear potential to become sustainable on its own and, to this
extent, the action must foresee measures aiming at institutional development.

Funding can be provided for:

ƒ Capacity building to strengthen institutional capacities (such as training, new

technologies, management information systems, internal and financial control

12 For actions in the field of microfinance, the local partner can be an already established Microfinance-
Institution (MFI) operating on a profit-making basis. However, any profits must clearly be used either for
investment in further microfinance services or for the strengthening of the MFI’s capacities. MFIs are not
eligible as local partners, should their statutes foresee to use possible profits for any other purpose than those
mentioned above (e.g. to share profits amongst shareholders).

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 31
mechanisms, social performance management systems, networking, adapting to
government regulations etc.)
ƒ Support to a start-up local MFI or for extension of services of existing MFIs into
rural/remote areas (for example, in the form of seed capital, equity participation or debt
financing) provided that
(i) the need for such support is demonstrated by an appropriate microfinance market
analysis showing the lack of commercial supply of financial services in the areas
concerned and
(ii) the financial injection of capital is accompanied by capacity building measures.

Moreover, please note that such funding can only be granted to organisations which have
been in operation for no more than 3 years at the time of the submission of the application
(in duly justified cases this period may be extended to 5 years for start-ups operating in
exceptionally challenging conditions such as sparsely populated, remote, disaster or
conflict-affected areas).

Additional conditions

Monitoring System and Performance Indicators:

Effective monitoring systems must be based on an appropriate definition of performance baseline,

targets and key financial, social and efficiency indicators. These performance indicators should cover
at least the five following core areas: breadth of outreach, depth of outreach, portfolio quality,
efficiency and sustainability13. For all actions possibly co-financed by the European Commission in
the framework of this call for proposals, a monitoring system based on these five core areas must be

For an already existing microfinance institution, information about the institution’s performance to-
date (using the performance indicators as mentioned above) should be provided in the Grant
application form. These indicators will also serve as baseline for measuring future performance.

End-of-project Strategy for Revolving Funds:

For initiatives including revolving funds an appropriate end-of-project strategy must be presented.
Amongst others it should be demonstrated that clients who received financial services during the
implementation period of the action will continue to have access to these services on a sustainable
basis after the grant ends.

13 For further details please refer to the “Standard Performance Indicators for Microfinance Institutions” which
are commonly used in the field of microfinance (see next page). While the five core areas are obligatory,
the indicators may vary. Please note also that the European Commission encourages grant applicants to use
additional indicators beyond the standard ones listed in this overview, in particular with regard to social

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 32
Standard Performance Indicators for Microfinance Institutions

1. Breadth of Outreach – how many clients are being served?

ƒ Number of Active Clients or Accounts

2. Depth of Outreach – how poor are the clients?

ƒ Average Outstanding Balance per Client or Account

3. Portfolio quality/Collection performance – performance in terms of loan repayments to the MFI

ƒ Portfolio at Risk (PAR)
ƒ Loans at Risk (LAR)
ƒ Current Recovery Rate (CRR) together with Annual Loan-loss Rate (ALR)
4. Efficiency – how well does the MFI control its operating/administrative costs?

ƒ Operating Expense Ratio (OER)

ƒ Cost per Client
5. Financial sustainability (profitability) – is the MFI able to maintain its services without continued subsidies?
for commercial institutions:
ƒ Return on Assets (ROA)
ƒ Return on Equity (ROE)
for subsidized institutions:
ƒ Financial Self-Sufficiency (FSS)
ƒ Adjusted Return on Assets (AROA)
ƒ Subsidy Dependence Index (SDI)

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 33
THE BACKWARD REGIONS GRANT FUND – map of most backward districts

EuropeAid/128-395/L/ACT/IN 34

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