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Distance Healing: With Bdevine

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With BDevine.
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Distance Healing
By BDevine
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to download this mini-eBook. It is designed to help you, to familiarize yourself with distance healing, and learn how you can do this yourself, at any time or place! If you are about to have distance healing, or it is included with one of my personal readings, this will also help you to understand what is actually happening, and how you can prepare for the healing to take place. I am sharing this with everyone, so that you each can see, that you are a healer yourself! You are here on Earth right now, with a special mission, of bringing in loving and healing energy, and you were born with this, and many other abilities. Being a healer, means, that you have a responsibility to develop your ability, to be a conduit of energy for yourself and others-as you are healing, the world is also healing. We are all connected. I will explain more about this, and our attitude towards healing, later in this mini EBook. What you are reading here, may not be what you are used to, or what you already know or have learnt, it is simply the way that I have been doing healings, and the way in which I have had the best results, in both administrating, and teaching healing.
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For the purpose of this mini eBook, I shall keep this just about Distance Healing. My hope is that each of you will pass this on, to others who may also be interested, in the spirit of the web!

WHAT IS DISTANCE HEALING? Distance healing means different things to different people, but in my experience, it is a focus of intention, to heal, or be healed that creates a lot of healing Universal & Angelic energy. This focus of intention, becomes a white light (or whichever light you feel is right) of pure healing energy, and is sent, mentally or out loud, across the room, or across the world, to whoever needs it-whether a person, plant or animal. Even situations, and the past, can also be sent healing energy-not to mention you can heal the future self as well! You visualize who or what or where needs this loving healing energy, and imagine this arriving instantly, calming and healing the situation. This is something that you would focus upon- (I shall give instruction below) You always, in any healing that you are sending or accepting, would work with the Universal energy, Angelic realm, your Spirit Guides, God ,Jesus, or whoever you feel an affinity with, by asking them to facilitate the entire process, and also protect everyone involved. I personally only work with the Angelic realm, God and Jesus when I am giving distance healing, or healing in any capacity. Other people may work with Spirit Guides which are generally healers in some way and people may also use them because that is what they have been taught, or are comfortable with the most.
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All you need to do to become comfortable with performing distance healing is the willingness to help another, and knowing that you are a conduit of energy-not the actual healer. What this means, is, that you are placing an INTENTION of healing, and the Angels, Guides or who you are comfortable with does ALL THE ACTUAL HEALING WORK. This is so important. You can use healing energy, for a specific area in the body or for a specific ailment, or just for an aura cleanse, it is up to the individual.

There is energy everywhere, and healing energy especially, is something that is available to every soul, but not often used. People may believe that they are incapable of anything like this, and leave it to others, who they feel are more qualified. This is a terrible mistake! It does not work that way-you must feel that you are worthy or anything, and accept that you too, can do anything that you set your mind upon. You also must accept that you were born with healing abilities, and in a sense you are a healer because of this. BUT do not make the mistake of believing, that you are some miracle worker, who can all by yourself, heal others with your hands or thoughts. (This is an ego based perception, and does nothing to help you, or others to think in this way) YOU ALONE can NOT heal, without the assistance of the Universe, The Angels or Guides etc. You are a conduit of energy, for the healing to take place. Your intentions and thoughts of healing, concentrate this energy, along with the Universal healing energy, that everyone has the right to ask and accept in their lives. There are many methods of healing, and the above outlines the basics.
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You could practice this exercise below, to give healing to yourself, or the World right now. If you are going to send healing to another, be sure that they know this, because healing energy is powerful! Get used to sending energy to you first, everyday! This is important, and should continue the rest of your life. A little exercise to try: Light a special candle, some incense and sit yourself in a quiet place. Over time, you may decide to add things to your special place that bring in loving energy, and puts you in the focus quickly. Gentle music helps greatly, to allow you to build energy, and feel at peace.

When you are ready, and feel calm, close your eyes, and imagine that you are surrounded in a huge cloud of white and golden healing light. This light is opening your abilities, bringing you peace, and awakening the senses more completely. Take your time to feel this light of love around you and feel it healing you. Now imagine that the Angels (or who you choose) are very close, and are increasing the healing energy within you. You may not feel anything but know deep down, this is helping you. Take your hands, and rub them together, until you feel warm. Then hold your palms together, and feel the tingles of energy there. When you are ready, open the hands slightly. You may feel a resistance type of feeling between the palms. This is the energy. Move your hands in and out, but dont touch them together. This is forming an energy ball.
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As you are playing with this ball in your hands, focus on healing the Aura, then each part of your body one by one. You may stop at your aura, and then move on to other body parts. When you feel that you have made the energy ball big enough, bring it over to your face and step into the energy. Ask the Angels to continue to add extra energy to you, where you need it. This is a very simple way of beginning the healing process within you. You can even place the hands directly over certain trouble places on the body, and ask that an Angelic healing take place there. It is very important, to visualize the whole thing taking place. Visualizing the light, the healing and the Angels will bring you into a deeper transition, within yourself, and you will have greater results, if you can let go, and allow this beautiful healing to take place for you. When you are done, be sure that you wash your hands, to clear you of any impurities that may have been released from this healing session. This step is most important, even with distance healing, because you will find if you do not do this, you may start

to feel a little ill, out of balance, or start to experience some of the symptoms from the person you were helping! The cleansing of the hands is the closing of the healing as well. It stops the flow of energy, and finishes the session, for both of you. This is the basis of the Distance healing. As you develop your confidence, your senses also awaken to a state that you can sense when something is not right, long before anything occurs. This will happen for yourself, and anyone else, who has this beautiful healing. So be aware, that the more that you are sending healing energy, the more sensitive you also become to energy, and healing. It may be helpful, to ask the Angels, to place a light of pink around you, which radiates love, and also to place you in a shield of mirrorsPage 9
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this way, if anything negative is sent your way, it will be reflected back to where it came from. Some people, who are out there in the world of healing, send people the most negative energy, and impose their thoughts and will on others. Let me just say, that if there are those who are doing this, it will backfire in their own life, with a much greater force then was given. This is because; the law of attraction works in both ways. If you send love, you receive it. If you send hate, you receive this also. Those who feel that they have been energetically attacked by someone else must ask that the Angels clear this attachment, to those thoughts, and continue to send loving energy, to the senders of the energy. If you focus on negative energy, or fear based energy, you will draw more of this towards yourself. Energy grows. Fear grows-just as love grows. You have the ability to control your thoughts, and change anything you have ever believed, with the power of your mind. Take control of negative energy, and negative thoughts in your own mind, and replace this will loving light always. Remember,

this is what you will radiate, and what you will attract. What will it be for you?
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WHAT WILL YOU FEEL AFTER THE HEALING? There are a range of things that people may experience, from nothing at all, to a massive and all-encompassing life change. The effects of the healing, and what you experience, rely on you. If you do not believe that anything will actually change for you, then nothing will happen, until you do. When you believe that your life can change, and you are willing to believe in yourself, and your bodys ability to heal, the healing will begin to occur! What is fantastic, is that, if in the past, someone has worked with you, & the Angels to help you heal, and you did not accept it then- as soon as you do accept it, guess what? YOU BEGIN TO HEAL! It does not matter when the healing was sent your way; it only begins to work for you, when YOU ACCEPT IT! Healing energy can be sent to a million people, but they must accept it-it is only then, that it works! Here are some of the symptoms of healing energy that is working on you: A sense of relief-many people may not even realise, that they are feeling relief, only that something is different inside of them. A feeling of tiredness-You have held onto so much stress in the body, you have been tensing up for years, without realizing it-thus when you finally relax, and your body is tired! A feeling of emotion-you will be releasing long held emotions and ways of thinking, so you may find that when healing is
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occurring, that you can easily cry-even when it is not so much a sad event, but a beautiful one. A need for extra sleep as your body becomes used to the new energy. Some tension in the stomach- perhaps you have some cramping, or flu like symptoms as part of the healing. You may even vomit or have diaahrea in the worst cases, but only lasts a very short time-once this clears, you feel different. A complete feeling of wellness all over. An end to any ailments that you have been trying to get rid of with medications- healing energy has been known to cure any disease in the body, *including cancer*. There are a lot of other things that need to be cleared from a person, before this can occur however. (I will explain more about this further below) Your symptoms or body aches and pains, can get worse, before they get better-but this is only temporary. You must use your judgement on how you are feeling. Since healing energy is set with your own intentions, try not to block yourself from getting well! There are some people who are scared of what will happen if there IS no problem anymore. Healing therefore, is a total mind, body and soul experience, and does change the way you are-but once again, on your terms, and when you are ready to accept it. You may be very thirsty, or very hungry-just go with the flow. These are some of the most common feelings that one may experience during a healing session.
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*Curing cancer, and heavier diseases in the body, can happenbut it very much depends on what your soul purpose is and how your illness, for example, may actually help other people. Perhaps this is also something that you decided that you would

have in your lifetime, in order to do the most good for others-or perhaps you have this, in order to teach yourself, that you can heal this, and therefore, you go on to teach others about this. Most importantly, you must always ask yourself what have I learnt from this happening to my body? if you can honestly answer this question, and believe in the power of your mind, and energy, to help heal the cells in your body, you can have healing from this. Please do not stop any medications whatsoever. Healing energy, is a bonus to your life-over time, you may not need medications at all, but do not be silly about this. You know what is right for you at all times. Trust yourself wholeheartedly!* HOW DO I CHOOSE SOMEONE TO HELP ME WITH A HEALING SESSION? When you want some assistance with healing for yourself, the one that you choose must always be the one that you really resonate with the most. Try not to make the mistake, of going to someone who is the most well-known healer, just because others swear by them-it may not mean that it is right for you. Choosing someone to help you, must be your choice. Try to read more information about anyone who is offering this service, find out what or how they do their healings (everyone is different) and truly ask your own selfhow do I really feel about this person? do I resonate with them? Can they really help me to help myself?
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Are they working with the Angels/guides/Universal Energy etc.? Check how comfortable you feel-if at first glance, you are not sure LISTEN TO IT! Your body will let you know, when someone or something is right for you, and also when it is not. For example, I always ask, that only those who are truly guided, and will benefit with distance healing, and are truly open to it, come my way.

I also put the intention out there to other healers, when I am in need of assistance and healing- I only go with who I am guided to go with. I NEVER go with who someone else suggests, unless I feel a connection with them. So let your feelings be your gauge. You should know what to expect, and what they offer you, before you start. Your distance healing will be just as effective as hands on healing. Energy has no limits, and can reach anyone at any time anywhere, through all directions of time. SOME THINGS TO BE AWARE OF: If you are looking to work with a healer, or you want to learn to open your healing abilities more, there are some things that you should be aware of before you start. If someone claims to be a miracle worker, and only they can truly help you-WALK AWAY! This is the ego talking, and never how the Angels would work with you, or teach you. If someone claims that they will heal you 100% of all ailments and issues, WALK AWAY! This is false, and absolutely ridiculous-since you have now learnt, that YOU are in charge of how healing works for you, and that the Universe/Angels etc. are the actual facilitators of the healing-not the healer
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If someone charges you a ridiculous amount, and also charges a weekly fee or such, WALK AWAY. The healing itself is free-the time the person puts into it, unfortunately for now, is not. You must gauge what you think is a fair price. You must also know what you are paying for up front. If you start to get emails, that you have a curse or spell placed upon you, which only this healer can cure, WALK AWAY! You would not believe the amount of people, who do come to me, with this complaint, that they are being harassed by a healer or such, in this way! If this is happening or has happened to you, please, ask your own Angels, God, Jesus (or what resonates) to please, clear this

negative energy away from you, and believe that you can take control of this whole situation. If you are asked to give control to the healer, WALK AWAY! Never under any circumstances, give control to anyone period! This can mean that this person will step into your energy centre whenever they choose-and in some cases, cause you to feel as though you have a mental illness, because you pick up on their thoughts. If you feel that this may be happening to you right now, without realising that you have given permission, or someone is just using energy to make you feel weak in any way, you have the power within you, and the support of the Universe, to stop this right now. Simply ask, that anything that is having a negative effect on you, in ALL directions of time, be released right now, into the light of love, and that a shield of light is placed around you right now, that will be a barrier to anything negative ever again, having access to you. Please do not let fear rule you-love wipes out fear instantly! Those who practice in darker energy work do exist in the world unfortunately-but, as I have said, you must accept that you are always protected, as long as you ask for
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it, and believe it has taken place. You can also choose to believe in dark energy or not, the choice is always yours. By now, I hope you all have a better idea of what Distance healing, is and how it works. It is a beautiful gift that all of us have the duty of sharing. You may want to ask that the Angel are always present with you, so when you walk, talk, or spend time with people, healing energy is sent. This has been a wonderful help to myself, and keeps you from saying a lot of things that you may later regret! Working with healing energy, is the greatest thing you can do for yourself, and the world. You do not need to spend big money to learn about healing,

since the healing itself is free to anyone to use. You may want to learn different types of healing, and different ways of sharing healing with others, and this is a personal choice. What is most important is that each of you develops a way of healing that is unique to you, with loving intentions for others, yourself and the World. If you are doing this, then you are creating for yourself many unexpected blessings in your life! As explained, those who are manipulating energy for a darker purpose shall create for themselves unexpected losses and bad energy. Like always attracts like. What you give out is always returned 3 fold.
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Remember, that you can change anything negative into positive, with love and light. I hope that each of you have a better understanding of healing, and that you will really begin this with yourself without delay! With blessings and healing energy to all of you! BDevine

MORE EBOOKS BY BDEVINE? BDevines Angelic Reading And Attunement Guide



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Distant Healing
By Elizabeth Targ, MD Published in Noetic Sciences Review

Can one person's thoughts influence the experience or the health of another -far away? While there are many complex and meaningful aspects to the practice of prayer or hands-on healing, a sixty-four million-dollar question remains: Is there an effect at a distance? In December 1998, forty scientists from universities and research laboratories around the United States gathered at the Swedenborg Chapel at Harvard University for a three-day conference jointly sponsored by the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the Harvard University School of Medicine. Their focus: to examine and evaluate data on a remarkable phenomenon baffling to modern medical science. The attendance list was confidential, and the proceedings closed. Preliminary data presented at this conference suggested that we are on the verge of an explosion of evidence to support the efficacy of distant healing. The term "distant healing" and the more precise but cumbersome "distant mental influence on biologic systems" (now adopted by the National Institutes of Health) -- is an attempt to find a way to objectively describe the outcome of what others call psychic healing, energy healing, or prayer. While distant healing has historically received little attention from mainstream medical institutions and laboratories, a substantial body of published data supports the possibility of a significant effect. Over the last forty years, more than 150 formal, controlled studies of distant healing have been published more -- than two-thirds of them showing significant effects (a less than one-in-twenty likelihood of the effect having occurred by chance; in scientific terminology, p <.05). The most exciting and the most controversial studies in the area of distant healing have involved human beings as subjects. These studies are challenging to design because of uncontrollable factors such as hope, expectation, and the role of the relationship between the healer and the patient.
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A seminal paper presented at the 1998 conference was "A Study of Distant Healing as an Adjunctive Intervention for People with Advanced AIDS," initiated by IONS member Fred Sicher. This project, recently published in the Western Journal of Medicine, represents five years work by a research team at California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC). While many studies of distant healing have focused on more benign conditions -- such as headache, high blood pressure, or recovery from minor surgery -- after interviewing numerous healers, Sicher had observed that many healers feel they do their best work

when the need is greatest. The healers suggested that if we want to see a significant effect on someone's health, there has to be a significant motivation -- the patient should be in extremis. Continuing his survey, Sicher also found that, unlike in many healing studies, distant healing is not usually performed as a one-time effort. Most of his interviewees stated that they tend to work with patients over a period of time, often many weeks. In an effort to bring the scientific approach in line with this "community standard," Sicher then proposed that a study of distant healing should involve people with an incurable disease such as AIDS, that the treatment should occur over at least two months, and that many healers be involved. THE CPMC RESEARCH TRIALS OF DISTANT HEALING FOR AIDS In 1994 Sicher joined our team at the California Pacific Medical Center to design a methodologically airtight collaborative research project. The CPMC trial of distant healing for people with AIDS was a "proof of principle" trial. It made no effort to investigate any mechanisms. The sole purpose of the study was to determine whether or not there is an effect of healing intentions over distance. Because of the controversial nature of this area of investigation, the research protocol was discussed and reviewed by numerous scientists, by AIDS specialists, and by self-identified healers before the first patient was enrolled. Two studies were eventually completed, a pilot of twenty patients, followed by a confirmatory study of another forty patients. The pilot, considered exploratory, produced the surprising finding of 40 percent mortality in the control group, but no deaths in the treatment group. This striking result occurred despite the fact that patients and researchers did not know who was in the treatment group, and that the two groups were balanced for CD4 count.
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Both of these studies are reported in the December 1998 issue of the Western Journal of Medicine. THE PATIENTS In each study, patients were recruited from around the San Francisco Bay Area, using flyers, physician contacts, and newspaper advertisements. In the first study only men were included; the second study included women. Because of the variable course of HIV at different stages it was important to choose a group of patients at a similar stage of illness. The study inclusion criteria required all patients to have T-cell counts less than 200 and a history of at least one AIDS-defining illness (such as pneumocystis pneumonia, Kaposi's sarcoma, or cytomegalovirus). The patients were randomly divided into two groups using a formula that equalized both groups on factors relevant to disease course (CD4 count, age,

number of previous AIDS-defining diseases). Patients in the study had an average age of forty-three years, and had been HIV-positive for an average of eight years. Baseline illness severity was calculated by summing severity scores for previous and current AIDS-defining illnesses. No significant differences were found on any of twenty-seven baseline variables. The study was triple blind: None of the patients, physicians, or researchers knew which patients were in the treatment group and which were in the control group. THE HEALERS Healers for the study were recruited by word of mouth and from schools and professional organizations all over the country. Because the study itself was a test of the efficacy of distant healing, there was no objective test that could be used to determine which healer might be "the best." Healers were therefore selected using the same type of criteria that might be used in selecting any healthcare practitioner. Researchers collected names based on healer reputation among colleagues and patients. Healers were required to have had at least five years of experience as professional healers, to have performed at least ten healing attempts at a distance, and to have worked with at least two people with AIDS. The healers selected significantly surpassed these criteria, averaging more than seventeen years of experience performing healing-at-a-distance on an average of 106 people. In addition, just as one would select only a physician
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who believed one could get better from an illness, for the study, we selected only healers who believed the study would succeed. The healers had an average age of forty-seven and represented a wide variety of educational backgrounds, including several medical doctors, nurses, and psychologists who also maintain a regular professional practice using nonlocal healing. Other healers included a Baptist minister, a cu-gong master, a Native American shaman, and a Philippine woman with no formal education who performed healing in the Christian tradition. Half of the healers in the study described their healing techniques as "energetic," 25 percent described their work as meditative or contemplative, 15 percent came from devotional or religious traditions, and 10 percent described their work as "shamanic." Many had received training or were now instructors at well-known schools of energetic or spiritual healing. A majority of healers reported working with chakra imagery for healings; other frequently reported modalities included prayer, visualization, and work with crystals. THE HEALING INTERVENTION The healing intervention consisted of each patient in the treatment group receiving healing efforts from one healer at a time, one hour per day, six days per week, for ten weeks. The healers worked on a rotating schedule so that

each week, each patient was treated by a new healer. Thus, by the end of the study, each patient had received "healing effort" from a total often different healers. Each week, a head and shoulders photograph of one of the treatment patients was sent via overnight mail to a healer who was then instructed to "hold the intention for the health and well-being of the patient" for one hour a day during the time the patient was assigned to them. The healers were given the first name of the patient, the patients CD4 count, and two or three sentences describing active elements of their illness. Healing techniques were quite varied. THE STUDY OUTCOME Patients in the study were followed for six months. Three categories of outcome were assessed: progression of illness, medical utilization, and quality of life. Eleven specific outcome measures were used. Medical data were collected by blind chart review, and quality of life/psychosocial data were collected using standardized paper and pencil tests. At the end of six months,
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patients in the treatment group had acquired significantly fewer new AIDS-defining diseases than people in the control group, their overall illness severity scores were significantly lower, they had had significantly fewer hospitalizations, and those hospitalizations were significantly shorter. In addition, treatment patients showed significant improvement on psychological status, including decreased depression, decreased anxiety, decreased anger, and increased vigor, compared to controls. There were no significant differences between groups on CD4 counts, which went up slightly for both groups. The treatment group also showed more recoveries from AIDS-defining diseases (six versus two), but this result did not reach statistical significance. Extensive statistical analyses were performed by the research team and were reviewed by several biostatisticians from outside institutions to determine whether some factor other than the distant healing intervention might have accounted for the differences between groups. Analysis did not reveal evidence that any baseline factor (such as medications, ethnicity, gender, age, religious orientation) could have accounted for any of the medical outcomes. By chance, the patients who were randomized to the treatment group were individuals who had initially higher scores on measures of psychological distress; this observation opens the possibility that their improvement on psychological outcomes may represent a regression to the mean. Interestingly, changes in psychological outcomes, for example becoming more depressed, did not correlate with medical outcomes, such as becoming more ill. Historically, the usual scientific explanation for medical improvement in the context of distant healing or prayer is that the patients' hopes or expectations

in the context of the treatment are what lead to any benefit. In the above studies, the main effect of hope or expectation is eliminated because the study was double blind. Neither group knew whether or not they were receiving the treatment, thus neither group should be differentially influenced by being in the study. This assertion relies on the assumption that the two groups had equal levels of expectation about the possibility of being treated. The question arises: Did the group that received the treatment simply contain more patients who "guessed" or believed they were being treated? If that were the case, it would be possible that their increased level of expectation might have influenced the outcome. This question was addressed in two ways. First, the two groups were compared to see whether one group showed significantly greater likelihood of believing that they were in the treatment group. The
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answer to this question was -- no. Despite the fact that only one group was receiving the treatment, nearly half of the patients in the control group had (mistakenly) guessed they were in treatment. More important, despite the fact that they were doing significantly better than the control group, nearly half the patients in the treatment group guessed that they were not being treated. The second approach to this issue was to ask whether those patients in either group who thought that they were being treated showed significantly better outcomes on any measure. It turned out that in the early stages of the study, patients who thought they were being treated were those whose T-cell counts had been rising (a fact that would have been known to them and may account for their guess). In the later part of the study, patients who were showing more recoveries from AIDS-defining illnesses were more likely to guess they were being treated. Significantly, believing one was being treated did not correlate with severity of illness, with development of new illness, with psychological outcomes, or with medical utilization. Thus it appears expectation does not account for the differential benefits seen in patients in the treatment group. CONCLUSION No single study can be decisive in demonstrating an effect. The two studies presented here represent only the latest work in a nearly forty-year process of developing, refining, and repeating studies to evaluate the effects of healing attempts at a distance. The two current studies, like the majority of other published studies, confirm such an effect. This work raises many more questions that will be the focus of future studies. What healing techniques or attitudes are the most helpful? Are certain individuals more likely to be able to develop healing abilities? Is distant healing more effective for some conditions than others? What is the role of the patient in the healing process? Is healing additive? Is it beneficial to have groups of people sending prayers or making

healing efforts? Are there certain biological pathways that are specifically affected by healing efforts? And last, of course, how does it work? The work described here is one piece in a puzzle that is bringing together medicine, philosophy, physics, and spiritual science to create a new picture of a highly connected and interactive universe. We look forward to seeing the results of the many other studies which are ongoing, and to exploring ways of introducing these interventions into mainstream medical settings.
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Elizabeth Targ, MD, "Distant Healing," Noetic Sciences Review (August--November 1999 #49), p. 24 D.J. Benor, Healing Research, Vol. 1. Deddington, England: Helix Editions., 1992 Elisabeth Targ, MD, is director of the Complementary Medicine Research Institute at California Pacific Medical Center, assistant clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, and a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She was principal investigator of the studies of distant healing in AIDS described in this article.

Distant Healing Links

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Web Links: These websites offer a range of information on emerging complementary and alternative healing practices, including perspectives on distant healing. IONS encourages individuals to explore and become informed regarding the possibilities of various distant healing practices by visiting the following sites, but does not endorse either individual healers or specific healing practices.

Institute for Health & Healing at California Pacific Medical Center Wholistic Healing Research - Hosted by leading researcher Dr. Daniel Benor Larry Dossey, MD - Official Website of Larry Dossey, MD Spirituality and Health Magazine Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine Magazine National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Samueli Institute - an IONS research partner focused on developing integral medicine paradigms Koestler Parapsychology Unit of the University of Edinburgh

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