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Philippines Society of Agricultural Engineers Pre-Professional Group Luzon Chapter PSAE-PPG Luzon

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CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We, the members of the Philippines Society of Agricultural Engineers-Pre professional group, Luzon chapter, imploring the aid of divine providence, seeking to uplift and broaden the knowledge in the principles and practices of AE to feed our present ambition for the future, bind ourselves to protect the name of the society and the PSAE as a whole and to promote better understanding with others that may carry the burden of citizenship in the new republic, do hereby promulgate and adopt this constitution and by-laws. VISION MISSION

ARTICLE 1 Name Section 1. the organization shall be known as the Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineer-Pre Professional Group, Luzon Chapter. ARTICLE II Objectives and Policies Section I. the objectives of the organization shall be the following a. To participate in worthy undertakings of the AE profession. b. To promote interests of the students in the field of agricultural engineering. c. To organize and render services all University/Colleges offering the Agricultural Engineering Program in Luzon. d. And finally, to potect the name of the PSAE at all times. Section II. The PSAE-PPG shall have the following policies: a. The society shall adhere fo the achievement of the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the organization. a. All policies and governing guidelines for all major matter of the society shall be made by the officers themselves with the approval of the body.

b. Any amendments to this constitution and by-laws shall be valid if ratified by one-half (1/2) plus one (1) vote of the active members in attendance in a meeting/convention called for a purpose and upon the approval by the National PSAE President.

ARTICLE III Address Section 1. The society shall hold office at the PSAE-PPG Chapter of the elected President.

ARTICLE IV Nature Section 1. the organization shall be composed of Agricultural Engineering students who are members of their local chapters. ARTICLE V Structure a. Regular members- agricultural engineering students as provided in article IV of the constitution and upon compliance of Article 1 Section 1 of the bylaws. b. Associate members formerly regular members who graduated from the College/University whos not undertaken board examination. c. Honorary members- honorary membership maybe conferred upon persons who have distinguished themselves in the field of agricultural engineering and whom the society desires to honor with such membership. Section 2. the adviser of the society shall come from the College/University of the Elected President.

ARTICLE VI Executive Committee Section 1. the government of the organization is vested in a body known as the executive Committee with the President as the Chairman. Section II. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officer and the different committee chairmen as a member.

ARTICLE VII Officers and their Qualifications Section 1. Officers of the Organization shall be composed of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, an Auditor, a Project Manager, a Regional Representatives and Chapter Representatives. Section II. The president must have the following qualification a. He/she a bonafied agricultural engineering students and a recognized member of their local PSAE-PPG Chapter. b. He/she must not convict of any crime or violated any rules in their local PSAE-PPG Chapter. c. Atleast a third year student. Section 3. The vice-president must have the following qualification He/she a bonafied agricultural engineering students and a recognized member of their local PSAE-PPG Chapter. a. He/she must not convict of any crime or violated any rules in their local PSAE-PPG Chapter. Section 4. The Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, the Treasurer, the Auditor, the Project Manager must have the following qualifications: a. He/she a bonafied agricultural engineering students and a recognized member of their local PSAE-PPG Chapter. b. He/she must not convicted of any crime or violated any rules in their local PSAE-PPG Chapter. Section 5. Regional Representatives: a. He/she a bonafied agricultural engineering students and a recognized member of their local PSAE-PPG Chapter. b. He/she must not convicted of any crime or violated any rules in their local PSAE-PPG Chapter. Section 6. the chapter representatives They shall be appointed by the Local PSAE-PPG Chapter.

ARTICLE VII Hunk and Sweetheart Section 1. ther shall be a Selection for the Society Sweetheart and Hunk who shall be selected by a board of judges during M. and Ms. PSAE-PPG Luzon during the Annual Luzon Convention. Section 2. the societys Sweetheart and Hunk must be a member of their local chapter.

ARTICLE VIII Membership Fee Section 1.1. The society shall be composed of Agricultural Engineering students who are the members of the local chapters. Section 1.2. Each chapter shall pay a chapter fee of a. 1-50 members 500 b. 51-100 members - 1000 c. 101 and above 1500 Section 2. the duties of the mebers are as follows. a. To obey the constitution and by-laws of the society, b. To pay the required fees hereafter prescribed, c. To observe order and proper decorum during meetings and other activities, d. To participate in all elections and discussions and e. To make motions and suggestion.


ARTICLE 1 Duties and responsibilities of the advisers and the officers Section 1. the adviser shall be counsel the members of the society, must be present during the regular meetings, and shall assist them toward achieving success. Section 2. the president shall have the following duties and authority a. To preside all over the meeting b. To proposed the activities of the organization c. To vote in case of ties d. To call for special election if need arises Section 3. the vice president shall a. Take the places of the president in case of the latters absence b. Assist the president in the performance of his duties c. Be the overall chairman of the different committees as stated in article V, Section 1 of the by-laws. d. To perform tasks that are assign by the president. Section 4. the secretary shall a. keep the records and minutes of every meeting b. he/She shall handle the correspondence of the society

c. he/she shall furnish the office of the students affairs and the office of the national PSAEPPG president, copies of the minutes of meeting within three days after holding of such meetings or as deemed necessary. Section 5. the assistant secretary shall a. assist the secretary and take over to him/her absence. Section 6. the treasurer shall a. collect all dues, fs and other money due to the society and shall be responsible fo the safekeeping of said collection b. He/She shall keep the suitable financial records and accounts of the societys funds. c. He/She shall submit financial statement for each activity of the society. Section 7. The audito shall a. Audit and keep a book of all money due to society and all expenses of the same. b. He/She shall peform other duties attached to his office. Section 8. The project managers shall a. They are in charge of all business transactions for and concerning the society. Section 9. Regional representatives a. They are responsible in disseminating information to their respective area assigned. Section 10. The Chapters Representatives a. Shall represent and disseminate information to their local chapters. ARTICLE II Meetings and Quorums Section 1. the society shall hold a meetings twice a year. Section 2. special meetings shall be called by the president as he deems necessary or at the instance of any three officers except appointed officers. Section 3. the quorum for the regular meetings and special meetings of the society shall be one half (1/2) plus one(1) of the total numbers of officers. ARTICLE III Elections Section 1. there shall be a committee on election and composed of chairman, vice-chairman and assistant. Section 2. a candidate for any position shall file his/her candidacy to the committee on Election on the first day of the convention.

Section 3. election shall be hold by secret balloting. Section 4. the least number of attending delegates during the convention shall be the basis of numbers of voters for each chapter. Section 5. in case of tie, the president has the power to vote. Section 6. the committee on election shall announce the winner. ARTIVLE V Funds, Fees and Dues Section 1. a membership fee that shall be collected to each chapter. a. Section 1.1. Php 500.00 for 1-50 members b. Section 1.2. php 1000.00 for 51-100 members c. Section 1.3 Php. 1500.00 for 101 and above members Section 2. the membership fee collected shall be covered by receipt issued by the treasurer of the organization and if possible, however, that any amount accrues to the society shall be treated and accounted in the same manner. Section 3. a book account shall be maintained by the organization which shall indicate all collection and disbursement of the organization. The book of account must inspected and shall be open for inspection during regular meetings by any member of the organization and assigned adviser whenever the ned for such inspection warranted by circumstances. Section 4. any disbursement of the fund of the society shall be affected only upon previous approval of its executive committee through resolution and upon the occurrence of the assigned adviser, provided however, that the actual withdrawal from the deposit of such amount such as may be necessary each time, shall invariably be made by the president of the organization or the representative upon his written authorization, and provided further that when the organization maintains a checking account the corresponding check of its disbursement shall be assigned jointly by the president and the treasurer of the organization. Section 5. the organization shall submit a copy of financial statement and a report of the collection and disbursement funds on during business meetings. ARTICLE VI Committees Section1. Only the president shall create the following standing committee. a. Committee on program and activities b. Committee on election c. Committee on education d. Committee on socio-cultural activities e. Committee on sports

f. Committee on fund raising g. Committee on organization development h. Committee on community service. Section 2. the executive committee chaired by the president shall supervise the work of the society. This shall be composed of all officers and committee chairmen. Section 3. the president may create other committees as he/she deemed.

ARTICLE VI Amendment and Repeal of the Constitution and By-Laws Section 1. the constitution and by-laws may be amended with the majority vote of the officers and representatives present during a meeting called for the pupose. ARTICLE VII Transitory Provision Section 1. the national president of the psae shall appove the constitution and bylaws attested by the executive director. Section 2. any amendment to this constitution and by-laws shall be valid if ratified by one half (1/2) plus one (1) vote of the active members and upon the approval by the officers and advisers. Section 3. this constitution and bylaws shall take effect upon the approval of the national PSAEPPG President. Section 4. the president of the PSAE-PPG Luzon officers reserves the right to abolish the PSAEPPG Luzon Chapter at any times during its activities if in his judgement the constitution of the society is not in conformity anymore with the rules and regulations of the Society.

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