WHO Emergency
WHO Emergency
WHO Emergency
Cleaning and disinfecting wells Cleaning and disinfecting boreholes Cleaning and disinfecting water storage tanks and tankers Rehabilitating small-scale piped water distribution systems Emergency treatment of drinking-water at the point of use Rehabilitating water treatment works after an emergency Solid waste management in emergencies Disposal of dead bodies in emergency conditions How much water is needed in emergencies Hygiene promotion in emergencies Measuring chlorine levels in water supplies Delivering safe water by tanker Planning for excreta disposal in emergencies Technical options for excreta disposal in emergencies Cleaning wells after seawater flooding
Select the most commonly used wells as a source for drinkingwater that provided a plentiful supply. Check there are no obvious sources of contamination from nearby latrines, ponds or surface water. Also map livestock areas (pig pens, cattle sheds, chicken coops) as potential sources of contamination by animal waste. Assess the type and extent of damage to the top of the well and the lining.
The disaster may have contaminated Ask the community about the or damaged a large number of wells. original depth of the well. Use The first step must be to select which this to estimate the amount of wells should be repaired first. They silt and debris in the well. are the ones that are used most and that are easiest to repair. The following Test the pump (if there is one) to see if it is still working. If not, actions should help you to make an determine the repairs necessary. informed selection. Meet with community leaders and ask them which wells serve each section of the community. Estimate the resources needed for repairs (personnel, equipment, time and materials).
QUESTION Test turbidity levels Are they less than 20NTU? Yes Step 3: Disinfect the wells
Box 1.2. Calculating the chlorine dosage for disinfecting a well using high strength calcium hypochlorite (HSCH)
Equipment 20 litre bucket HSCH chlorine granules or powder Method
Water Calculate the volume of water level 1. Remove and repair/replace the in the well using the formula: V pumping mechanism or lifting h V = D2 h device. 4 2. Remove polluted water and debris from the well using either Where Well buckets or pumps. Special care base D 3 V = volume of water in the well (m ) must be taken when using a D = diameter of the well (m) pump to remove water from wells h = depth of water (m) contaminated with seawater. = 3.142 (See Technical Note 15 for more details.) Fill the bucket with clear water from the well. 3. Repair/reline the well walls to Add about 300g of HSCH and stir until dissolved. reduce sub-surface contamination. For every cubic metre (m3) of water in the well add 10 litres (half 4. Clean the well lining using a brush bucket) of the chlorine solution. and chlorinated water (see Box Double the quantity of HSCH added if the solution is to be used for 1.2). cleaning well linings or aprons. 5. Place a 150mm layer of gravel in the base of the well to protect it from disturbance. HSCH and bleach give off chlorine gas which is a serious health 6. Seal the top of the well using a hazard. Try to clean the well lining from outside the well using a clay sanitary seal (Figure 1.2). long-handled brush. If you must enter the well, wear full protective 7. Construct a drainage apron and clothing and a breathing apparatus and provide a strong air flow head wall around the well to inside the well to carry away the chlorine gas. prevent surface water, insects and rodents from entering the well. Provide a cover for the well.
Following cleaning and repair, allow (cast in situ) the water level in the well to return to its normal level. Measure the turbidity Seal and pH levels to check whether chlorination will be effective. This can be done using a simple method described in Box 1.3. Never chlorinate turbid water because suspended particles can protect micro-organisms. Table 1.1 (page 1.4) outlines the reasons why pH and turbidity are important and what can be done to Compacted ensure guideline levels are met. If the clay turbidity of the well water is greater than 20NTU after the cleaning and rehabilitation stage, remove all water in the well once again and scrub the well lining with a strong concentration Figure 1.2. Sealing the top of a well of bleach in water (Box 1.2).
150mm thick
Following the contact period, remove limit) all water in the well using a pump or bucket. When the well has refilled, wait a further 30 minutes and measure the chlorine concentration. If the residual chlorine concentration is less *GDWQ: Guidelines for drinking water quality than 0.5mg/l the well is safe to use. If the concentration is greater than 0.5mg/l, remove all the water from the Do not allow anyone to use well again and repeat the process. the well during the cleaning Two issues need extra care when process. dewatering the wells: The water will have a strong 1) water with high concentration of concentration of chlorine that chlorine should not flow into streams will give it a bad taste and or wetlands; smell and could be dangerous. 2) when dewatering on coastal areas salt water intrusion should be avoided (see Technical Note 15).
Further information
CDC (Undated) Disinfection of wells following an emergency. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. USA. http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/wellsdisinfect.asp Collins, S. (2000) Hand dug wells. Series of Manuals on Drinking Water Supply Vol. 5. Godfrey, S. (2003) Appropriate chlorination techniques for wells in Angola, Waterlines, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp 6-8, ITDG Publishing, UK. OXFAM (Undated) Repairing, cleaning and disinfection of hand dug wells. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/resources/ downloads/emerg_manuals/draft_oxfam_tech_brief_ wellcleaning.pdf
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
SKAT: St Gallen http://www.rwsn.ch/documentation/ skatdocumentation.2005-11-14.6529097230/file WHO (2004) Guidelines for drinking water quality Volume 1. Geneva. http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/ guidelines/en/ WHO (2010) How to measure residual chlorine in water. Technical Note 11 WHO (2010) Cleaning wells after seawater flooding. Technical Note 15
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Sam Godfrey and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
boreholes. It is an emergency approach designed to produce water of a similar quality to that supplied before the disaster.
Meet with community leaders and ask them which handpumps serve each section of the community. Step 3: Obtain any available records of Disinfect and re-commission the drilling of the borehole and the borehole and handpump the installation of the handpump, particularly concerning the Figure 2.1. materials used for lining the Steps for cleaning and disinfecting boreholes borehole, its overall depth and the depth to the screen. Select the handpumps that are most commonly used as a source of drinking-water, provided a plentiful supply before the emergency and are likely to be easiest to repair.
2.5m - 3.5m diameter apron 150mm thick (cast in situ) Sanitary seal
Figure 2.2. A sanitary seal and well apron (see Box 2.1)
In urban areas, check for possible contamination or pollution of the groundwater. Damaged septic tanks, leaks in industrial installations and fractured sewers may all be sources of contamination or pollution seeping into the ground. At the least suspicion of contamination or pollution, abandon the rehabilitation and seek specialist advice. Assess the type and extent of damage to the top of the well. This includes damage to the pump, its connection to the riser pipe and borehole casing, the sanitary seal and the well apron.
Remove the handpump and riser pipe from the borehole (Figure 2.5). Check for damage or blockage with silt. Check the water level in the borehole. Ask the community what the water depth was before the disaster. Earthquakes, in particular, can cause a major change in groundwater levels. A significant lowering of the water level may require the riser pipe to be extended or, in the worst case, the abandonment of the borehole. Check for damage to the borehole casing and screen. Examine the pump riser pipe as
Rising main
Fine screen
5000 litre water tanker Water hose High pressure water hose
Water pump
Water table
a borehole
Borehole base
Multiply the answer by 1000 to convert the answer to litres Divide the volume of water (in litres) in the borehole by the volume of the bucket to establish how many buckets of disinfectant will be needed to replace the total volume of the water in the borehole. Fill the bucket with clear water Add 1g of HSCH powder and stir until dissolved (0.5g for every10 litres in the bucket) Pour the disinfectant into the borehole Make up sufficient buckets of disinfectant to replace the total volume of water in the borehole.
Further information
Godfrey, S. and Ball, P . (2003) Making Boreholes Work: Rehabilitation strategies from Angola, 29th WEDC Conference Proceedings, WEDC, Loughborough, UK. Ball, P . (1999) Drilled Wells, SKAT Publications, Switzerland. EPA (2006) Private Drinking Water Wells: What to do after the flood, http://water.epa.gov/drink/info/well/ whatdo.cfm Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (Undated) Water Well Disinfection Using the Simple Chlorine Method, Water Stewardship Information Series. British Colombia. http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wsd/plan_protect_sustain/ groundwater/wells/factsheets/PFRA_simple_ chlorification.pdf Skinner, B. H. (2003) Small-scale Water Supply: A Review of Technologies. Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Sam Godfrey and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
Procedural steps
In the case of an emergency, it is an accptable practice to disinfect tanks that are polluted or not in use so that drinking-water can be transported and stored safely. Figure 3.1 presents the four-step approach to cleaning and disinfecting water tanks. Note: Large quantities of clean water will be required to clean and treat tanks before they can be used to transport or store water.
some time must also be cleaned and disinfected as described below under Steps 2 and 3. Tanks must be easy to clean. This means they must be accessible for cleaning and have no sharp corners that may hold dirt and so prevent the removal of food deposits. Water will only remain clean if stored safely. Tanks must therefore be covered and fitted with an access point with a lockable lid.
Step 2: Cleaning
Empty the tank
Open the outlet valve or tap and drain out any remaining liquid. Collect the liquids so that they can be safely disposed of (see Step 4). In the case of tankers, outlet valves are usually located at the back so parking it on a slope will help to ensure that all the liquid can be discharged (see Figure 3.2 overleaf). Permanent storage tanks are usually fitted with a washout valve that draws liquid from the base. Use this, rather than the normal outlet valve, for emptying.
Figure 3.1. Steps for cleaning and disinfecting water tanks and tankers
Step 3: Disinfection
The most common way of disinfecting a water tank is by chlorination. Chlorine is delivered in a variety of ways but the most common is high-strength calcium hypochlorite (HSCH), which, when mixed with water, liberates 60 to 80% of its volume as chlorine.
Important note: Tank cleaning should take place in open areas away from houses to avoid possible health problems resulting from the disposal of the wastewater.
Clean hoses
The hoses, pumps and pipes used for filling and emptying the tank must also be cleaned. Flush a mixture of hot water and detergent through the pipes and pump to remove deposits and other waste material. Once cleaned, flush the system with clean water to remove the detergent.
Cylindrical ground storage tanks Volume (litres) = D2 L x 1000 4 Where D = diameter of the tank (m) L = length of tank (m) = 3.142
depth of the tank (m) width of the tank (m) length of the tank (m) 3.142
Figure 3.4. (Right) Recirculating chlorinated water to disinfect the pump and hoses
Always blow fresh air into the tank for a period before allowing a person to enter. The cleaner should wear protective clothing, including gloves, boots, a hat and glasses (Figure 3.5). Make sure someone remains outside the tank, next to the access hatch all the time in case the cleaner has an accident. The availability of gas masks and portable ventilators would be an advantage.
Further information
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (Undated) Davis, J. and Lambert, R. (2002) Engineering and Instructions for Emergency Tank Truck Bulk Water Emergencies: A practical guide to fieldworkers, 2nd Hauling in Louisiana. http://www.dhh.louisiana.gov/ Edition, Practical Action Publishing, UK. offices/publications/pubs-204/Bulk%20Water%20 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Hauling%20Instructions.pdf (Undated) Procedures for Emergency Tank Truck Bulk Water Haulage. http://www.mass.gov/dep/water/ drinking/blkwfct.doc
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Sam Godfrey and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
Steps of rehabilitation
The first priority is to repair major breakages in the system. This will allow the re-instatement of a supply but with the knowledge that much of the water entering the network will be lost through breaks not yet fixed. Once the emergency supply is in place, work can begin to identify and repair smaller breaks. Figure 4.1 shows the steps for repairing major breaks in pipe networks.
of pipe affected (see Figure 4.3). Focus on visible damage. It is likely that there will be damage underground but this can be dealt with later. Check the local stores to see if there are enough spare pipes and fittings of the correct size, and materials and equipment to begin the repairs. If not, order these immediately.
It is important to keep water users informed about what is happening and how you propose to deal with Step 1: Assess the extent the situation (Figure 4.2). Let them of the damage know which sections of the network Identify local staff with knowledge are affected, what you intend to do of the distribution system as their and when, and what they should do involvement in the rehabilitation will to protect their health and safety. make the job much easier. Obtain any Communication is an on-going available drawings of the distribution responsibility and regular updates network layout, including information should be provided. about the size of pipes and positions of fittings such as valves and washouts. At the very least, obtain a plan of the community showing main roads and important buildings. For many parts of the world, suitable maps can be freely downloaded from the Internet. Inspect the whole of the piped network and mark on the plans the positions of all major damage, its nature (for instance whether it is a broken valve, a fractured pipe, a Figure 4.2. Keep the consumers informed lost pipe section) as well as the type
Figure 4.1. Steps for rehabilitating a small-scale piped water distribution system
Updated: 2013
SV4 B2 SV5
Service pipe
Use simple methods of repair that will take the shortest time to restore services. Examples of simple methods: The damaged section may be replaced by use of repair pipe clamps, as shown in Figure 4.7. Repair of cracks and breaks in steel pipes by welding. If there are multiple breaks, it may be quicker and easier to replace the whole section with a new pipe. A temporary pipe run above ground is satisfactory for an emergency supply.
Connect a full tanker of clean water, via a water pump, to the upstream fire hydrant or washout for the section of pipe you are working on. Confirm the pump can deliver the quantity of water and pressure required to flush and clean the pipe.
50 75 100 150
litres. (See Technical Note 3 for further information about the chlorination of tankers.) Connect the water tanker to the up stream fire hydrant. Open the valves between the tanker and the pipe. Gradually open the down stream washout so that the chlorinated water replaces the clean water in the pipe (it may be necessary to pump water into the pipe). Continue feeding water into the pipeline until chlorine can be strongly smelt in the water coming out of the washout. Close the washout valve but leave the inlet valves open so that chlorinated water can still enter to replace leakage. Leave the pipeline for 24 hours.
Disconnect the water tanker and open the upstream isolating valve. Gradually open the downstream washout and monitor the water coming out until it no longer smells strongly of chlorine. The pipe can then be returned to service.
Calculate the volume of water required to fill the section of pipe using Table 4.3. Acquire tankers of volume equal to, or higher than, the calculated volume of the pipe. As the tankers are being filled with clean water add 80g of High Strength Calcium Hypochlorite (HSCH) granules for every 1000
50 75 100 150
Further information
California State University, Sacramento School of Engineering (1994), Water Distribution System Operation and Maintenance, 3rd ed., California State University, Sacramento Foundation, USA. Bhardwaj V (Undated) Technical Brief Repairing Line Breaks. National Drinking Water Clearing House. http://www.nesc.wvu.edu/ndwc/articles/OT/SP04/ TechBrief_LineBreaks.pdf AWWA (1999) Water Distribution Operator Training Manual. American Water Works Association, 2nd ed. Denver, Colorado. USA Male, J. Walski, T.M. (1991) Water Distribution Systems: A Troubleshooting Manual. 2nd ed. Chelsea, MI Lewis Publishers, Inc, USA IWES (1982) Water Practice Manual 3: Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries, IWES London
Telephone: Telephone (direct): Fax (direct): Email Coordinator: URL: + 41 22 791 2111 + 41 22 791 3555/3590 + 41 22 791 4159 bosr@who.int www.who.int/water_sanitation_health
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Sam Kayaga and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
There are a wide variety of technologies for treating water at the point of use. The methods described below will remove physical and microbiological pollution, but not chemical contamination. Water treatment can make drinkingwater that is unsafe at the source or drinking-water that becomes contaminated during handling and storage safer. There are a number of different methods and the preferred method or combination of methods depends on a number of factors such as source water quality, including turbidity or number of suspended particles in the water, availability of different methods and supply chains, user preferences and cost.
oxidize dissolved minerals such as iron and manganese so that they can be removed by sedimentation and filtration. Water can be aerated in a number of ways. One simple method for householders is to rapidly shake a container part-full of water for about five minutes (Figure 5.1), leave it standing for a further 30 minutes to allow any suspended particles to settle.
reduces the number of organisms which act as intermediate hosts for diseases such as Guinea worm infection (dracunculiasis).
A filter removes contamination by physically blocking particles while letting the water pass through. Membrane filters Membrane filters operate using similar removal mechanisms as other filters and can be highly efficacious in removing even smaller organisms such as viruses. The manufacturers instructions on use should be adhered to as often such filters require regular cleaning. Sand filters Household filters may be assembled inside clay, metal or plastic containers. The vessels are filled with layers of sand and gravel and pipework arranged to force the water to flow upwards or downwards through the filter. Figure 5.4 shows a simple upward rapid flow filter. Ceramic filters Water passes slowly through a ceramic or candle filter (Figure 5.3). In this process, suspended particles are mechanically filtered from the water. Some filters, for
Aeration brings water into close contact with air which increases the oxygen content of the water. This will: remove volatile substances such as hydrogen sulphide and methane which affect taste and odour; reduce the carbon dioxide content of the water; and
Disinfection destroys all harmful organisms present in the water, making it safe to drink.
Coarse sand
Boiling is a very effective method of disinfecting water, but it is energy consuming. The water should be brought to a rolling boil. Apart from the high cost of the energy involved in boiling, the other disadvantage is the change in taste of the water. This can be improved by aeration, by vigorously shaking the water in a sealed container after it has cooled.
Drain stopper
Chemical disinfection
Many chemicals can disinfect water but the most commonly-used is chlorine. With appropriate dosing, chlorine will kill most viruses and bacteria, but some species of protozoa (notably cryptosporidium) are resistant to chlorine. There are several different sources of chlorine for home use; in liquid, powder and tablet form. They vary in size and strength (i.e. in how much chlorine they contain) so different quantities are required depending on the formulation. Always follow the manufacturers instructions for use. To prevent misuse, clear instructions must be given to all users (see Figure 5.5). Chlorine compounds should not be given out to users outside of the container they are supplied in by the manufacturer. People cannot tell how much of the product to use or how to use it simply by looking at it!
x1 30
x2 30
Figure 5.5. How to treat water with chlorine tablets (adapted from IFRC, Geneva) * The required number of chlorine tablets depends on size of container and % of active chlorine in tablets. Before dosing consult with manufacturers instructions.
Water storage
Water should be stored in clean, covered containers and kept in a cool Hygiene promotion dark place. Wide-necked containers such as a bucket fitted with a tight The benefit of providing safe fitting lid are the best as they are easy drinking-water will be lost if users to clean between uses. do not know how they will benefit.
1a or
Further information
CEHA (2004) Guide to the promotion of drinking-water disinfection in emergencies http://www.emro.who. int/ceha/pdf/DrinkingWater_Disinfection_En.pdf Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fact sheets on HWTS methods. http://www.cdc.gov/safewater/ household-water.html IFRC (2008) Household water treatment and safe storage in emergencies http://www.ifrc.org/ Docs/pubs/disasters/resources/respondingdisasters/142100-hwt-en.pdf Shaw, Rod (ed.) (1999) Running Water: More technical briefs on health, water and sanitation, ITDG, UK.
Smet, J. & Wijk, C. van (eds) (2002) Small community water supplies Chapter 19. Disinfection, IRC Technical Paper 40, IRC: Delft http://www.irc.nl/content/ download/128541/351015/file/TP40_19%20 Disinfection.pdf SODIS (Undated) How do I use SODIS? http://www.sodis.ch/Text2002/T-Howdoesitwork.htm United States Agency for International Development. Environmental helth topics: Household water treatment. http://www.ehproject.org/eh/eh_topics.html WHO/UNICEF International Network on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage. http://www.who.int/ household_water/resources/en/
Telephone: Telephone (direct): Fax (direct): Email Coordinator: URL: + 41 22 791 2111 + 41 22 791 3555/3590 + 41 22 791 4159 bosr@who.int www.who.int/water_sanitation_health
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Sam Kayaga and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
In an emergency, the primary goal of rehabilitating a water treatment works is to maximize the quantity of water produced. This is followed by the gradual, step-by-step improvement in water quality. Most water treatment works are connected to a piped distribution system. This, too, needs to be rehabilitated if the treated water is to reach the consumer. Details of the rehabilitation of distribution systems are given in Technical Note 4.
Drinking water
Figure 6.1. Modern water treatment works rely on the inputs of skilled operators as well as supplies of chemicals, electricity and machinery that functions reliably
Staged rehabilitation
The priority for treatment works rehabilitation is shown in Figure 6.4 overleaf. If, however, the water is relatively clear, chlorination can be introduced at an earlier stage. This may involve the installation of temporary pipelines to bypass damaged sections of the plant. If major components of the works such as storage reservoirs and sedimentation tanks are badly damaged, their repair or replacement will be expensive and take a long time. During the emergency phase they should be replaced with temporary equipment such as portable storage tanks.
Works operation
As soon as components of the treatment works have been recommissioned, their operation will need to be sustained. This will include: Monitoring: The quality and quantity of water being produced by the works should be measured regularly to check whether everything is working correctly and that the output meets minimum standards (see the Sphere Guidelines for minimum standards for emergency water supplies). Simple test kits are available for measuring basic parameters of water quality. Sources of further information are given on page 6.4. Chemicals: Modern treatment works rely on the addition of chemicals to aid the treatment process. These include alum to help settlement, lime for
Pumps (and the motors that drive them) are essential components of many treatment works. They have a variety of uses such as raising Decide what to do first water from the intake into the works, The first requirement is to get water between different elements in the into the distribution system quickly. works, or for adding and mixing Water quantity (rather than quality) chemicals. It will be essential to provides the main health and social the overall operation of the works benefits during an emergency. that they function well, so their Treatment, therefore, can be limited in rehabilitation must be a priority. the first instance, but ensure that the Replacement parts may take time water is free of gross contaminants that may block or damage pipes and pumps. Excreta, solid waste
and stormwater
Preventing pollution
The first step in improving water quality is to reduce the need for treatment by minimizing the level of pollution at source. Providing environmental sanitation services (such as the management and disposal of excreta, solid waste and rainwater), controlling erosion, reducing agricultural pollution and restricting direct public access to the water source can reduce the amount of contaminants that have to be removed from the water (Figure 6.2). In many cases, restoring a sewage
Chemical pollution
Figure 6.2. Preventing pollution upstream as shown will reduce the need for treatment
Intake: Some simple treatment may take place at the intake, such as a coarse screen or aeration. Storage at this stage allows some solids to settle out before treatment and provides a limited reservoir of water if the source fails (e.g. an oil spill in a river).
Settlement/clarification: If the water is stored for a while, solids will fall to the bottom of the tank and scum will float to the surface. This process can be enhanced by mixing a coagulant into the water (such as alum), to make small solids stick together (flocculate) and settle faster. Water can either slowly flow horizontally through a tank or vertically, with the sediment forming a horizontal suspended layer.
Sludge bleed Effluent Sludge blanket
Filtration: Various types of filters may be used: Roughing filters have a coarse media, and actually promote settlement as well as filtration within the media. They are used for treatment early in the water treatment works. Rapid gravity filters are a standard method of treating water. Settled water is passed through a layer of coarse sand to remove silt. Direct filtration is rapid filtration without a settlement stage. These filters require backwashing frequently. Pressure filters operate in an enclosed vessel under pressure. This reduces the need for pumping in some circumstances, but requires careful operation. Slow sand filters have a fine sand media and can also reduce pathogens. They are simple to use. Membranes are complex to operate but can provide a high quality level of treatment. Sludge
Disinfection: Adding chlorine to the water not only kills many pathogens, but also provides a level of protection from recontamination in the distribution system. Complex chlorine dosing systems use chlorine gas, but liquid or solid chlorine compounds are also available and can be used manually. The treated water needs to be stored for a while to allow the chemical to work. The effectiveness of chlorination is reduced for water that is dirty or is likely to be re-contaminated, so priority should be given to cleaning the water and ensuring it stays clean before disinfecting it.
Control gauge Chemical
Treated water storage: The supply and demand for water varies throughout the day; to cater for this variation, a tank is used. This also provides water for use in emergencies - such as for fire fighting or for short breakdowns in the water treatment works.
Water level rises and falls during day
Distribution: Once the water treatment works is producing water, this can then be distributed to the population. Tankers may be used if the piped system is out of use.
Water storage
Primary screening
Public information
The public should be kept informed of developments. This will ease concerns about water availability and help to reduce wastage, particularly if the public can help identify leaks in the distribution system.
Further information
Le Chevallier, M.W. and Au, K.K. (2004) Water Treatment and Pathogen Control: Process efficiency in achieving safe drinking water, WHO/IWA Publishing at: http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/ dwq/9241562552/en/index.html
Twort, A.C. et al. (2000) Water Supply, 5th ed. Arnold with IWA Publishing: London Sphere (2004). Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, The Sphere Project: Geneva, Switzerland (Distributed worldwide by Oxfam GB) http://www.sphereproject.org/
Telephone: Telephone (direct): Fax (direct): Email Coordinator: URL: + 41 22 791 2111 + 41 22 791 3555/3590 + 41 22 791 4159 bosr@who.int www.who.int/water_sanitation_health
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Brian Reed and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
There could also be a large number of dead bodies to dispose of during and after an emergency (see Technical Note 8).
by solid waste, including medical waste, and have the means to dispose of their domestic waste conveniently and effectively. In addition to this objective there is also the need to make the environment safe and provide access for people and services in the area.
Box 7.1. Health risks related to the inadequate management of solid waste
Flies, rats, dogs, snakes and other scavengers are attracted to garbage, particularly in hot climates. If food is scarce, people may be forced to scavenge as well which will lead to increased cases of disease (e.g. dysentery). Pools of rainwater associated with waste collection will propagate the breeding of mosquitoes that transmit malaria, dengue and yellow fever. Heaps of garbage present a fire risk and smoke can also be a health hazard if the burning waste contains items such as plastics or chemicals. Breathing difficulties can arise from the fungi that develop on garbage tips. Sharp items such as needles and broken glass present a further hazard to people walking through the area. Garbage washed by rain can contaminate water supplies. Indiscriminate dumping of waste can block water courses causing flooding. Waste is unsightly and lowers the morale of communities.
Domestic waste
A major disaster will not stop people producing garbage but the content may change. If people have stayed close to their homes it is best to support the use of traditional practices. In rural areas this is likely to be burial, either within the family compound or in shared neighbourhood pits. Most urban areas will have had some form of communal collection system prior to the emergency. It may be necessary to set one up and support it financially, by supplying vehicles and by employing personnel. When recruiting people, hire from the local community.
Waste streams
What types and volumes of wastes are there and how much is being produced each day? How is waste currently disposed of (if at all)? Who (if anyone) is responsible for waste collection and disposal and what resources do they have? What is the quantity and what are the types of waste that have been produced by the disaster, and where are they situated?
Waste problems
Are the current waste disposal systems coping with the volume of waste? Are there any hazardous wastes that require special attention (such as medical waste)? Can the organizations responsible for waste collection cope with the demand? Are steps being taken to deal with the wastes produced by the disaster? Are these sufficient? Are there suitable disposal facilities for all wastes being produced?
For low-density refugee camps, the best waste disposal option is the family solid waste pit similar to those used in rural communities. If the plot size is too small for family pits, treat the camp like an urban area by using communal pits or larger disposal sites away from the camp.
Figure 7.3. Provide communal storage bins for domestic waste in the early stages of an emergency
Earth mound to keep surface water out of the pit Fence around the pit
Waste layers
Once full, backfill the pit with at least 0.5m of soil cover
Recycling should be encouraged and managed properly as it provides a local source of income and reduces the amount of waste for disposal.
The key to effective solid waste collection and disposal is good management. It is often necessary to support local institutions with funds and professional staff to enable them to meet their responsibilities.
Further information
and Golders UK. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/resources/ Harvey, P ., Baghri, S and Reed, R. A. (2002) Emergency downloads/emerg_manuals/tbn_large_scale_cleanup. Sanitation: Assessment and Programme Design, doc WEDC, Loughborough, UK. OXFAM (Undated) Domestic and refugee camp waste OXFAM (Undated) Hazardous waste in Technical Briefing Notes on Waste Management in Emergencies Final in Technical Briefing Notes on Waste Management draft, Oxfam GB and Golders UK. http://www.oxfam. in Emergencies Final draft, Oxfam GB and Golders org.uk/resources/downloads/emerg_manuals/tbn_ UK. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/resources/downloads/ hazardous_wastes.doc emerg_manuals/tbn_refugee_waste.doc Sphere (2004). Humanitarian Charter and Minimum OXFAM (Undated) Compost and recycling in Standards in Disaster Response, The Sphere Project: emergencies in Technical Briefing Notes on Waste Geneva, Switzerland (Distributed worldwide by Oxfam Management in Emergencies Final draft, Oxfam GB GB) http://www.sphereproject.org/ and Golders UK. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/resources/ Wisner, B. and Adams, J. (2002) Environmental Health in downloads/emerg_manuals/tbn_composting.doc Emergencies and Disasters. WHO Geneva. OXFAM (Undated) Large-scale environmental clean-up http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/ campaigns in Technical Briefing Notes on Waste emergencies/emergencies2002/en/index.html Management in Emergencies Final draft, Oxfam GB
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Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Jonathan Rouse and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
Priority tasks
Beyond injury, the primary health concern for survivors of a disaster is the psychological trauma of the loss of loved ones and of witnessing death on a large scale (Figure 8.1). For this reason it is important to proceed with the collection of dead bodies as soon as possible, but it is not necessary or advisable to hurry their disposal.
Body recovery
Bodies should be recovered as quickly as possible, but without interrupting other activities aimed at helping survivors. Rapid recovery aids identification and reduces the psychological effects on survivors. Bodies should be placed in body bags. If these are not available, use plastic sheets, shrouds, or other locally-available materials. Separate body parts such as arms or legs should be treated as individual bodies. Do not try to match severed parts at the disaster site.
Upper body
Lower body
Note: The bottom of grave should be at least 2.0m above the groundwater table.
Missing persons
During an emergency, family members can become separated. Missing persons should be considered to be alive unless there is evidence to suggest otherwise. Alongside measures for dealing with the collection and disposal of the dead, there should be measures in place to enable families to discover the whereabouts of their relatives. Further information about missing persons is available from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement at www.icrc.org
Table 8.2. Preventative measures to reduce the risk of infection from dead bodies
Disease Cholera Hantavirus Ebola / Marburg Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic fever Lassa fever / arena viruses Rift Valley fever Dengue Influenza Use PPE (1) Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Use body bag Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Allow viewing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (with mask / goggles) Allow embalming Yes (2) Yes No Yes (with full PPE) Yes (with full PPE) Yes (with full PPE) Yes Yes
(1) Personal Protective Equipment such as goggles/visor/face shield, gloves, medical mask, boots, coverall/gown, apron (2) Disinfect the body e.g. with 0.5% chlorine solution (3) Blood-borne transmission: tissues, vomit, blood
Further information
Morgan, O., Morris, T. B. and Van Alphen, D.(ed.) (2006) Management of Dead Bodies after Disasters: A Field Manual for First Responders. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), USA. http://www.paho.org/ english/dd/ped/DeadBodiesFieldManual.pdf Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) (2004) Management of Dead Bodies in Disaster Situations,
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
in Disaster Newsletter, Disaster Manuals and Guideline Series No 5. PAHO, USA. http://www.paho.org/ english/dd/ped/DeadBodiesBook.pdf WHO, 2004. Cholera outbreak: assessing the outbreak response and improving prepardness. World Health Organization, Geneva. http://apps.who.int/iris/ handle/10665/43017
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Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Julie Fisher and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
domestic hygiene and that public water points should be sufficiently close to households to enable use of the minimum water requirement. Most major relief agencies and their donors have accepted the Sphere Standards as the foundation for acceptable relief services. Sphere also describes indicators which relate to the delivery of the standards, including water quantity standards. Indicators are not binding like the standards; rather, they are suggestions of what might be a reasonable interpretation of the standards. This technical note uses the Sphere indicators for guidance.
Carefully consider your local situation to be sure that they are appropriate for the conditions you are dealing with.
Attempts have been made in the past to define minimum water quantities required in emergencies. 10L Drinking In 2004, a cluster of relief agencies Cooking developed the document entitled Generally 20L increasing Personal washing 30L Sphere Humanitarian Charter and quantity 40L Washing clothes Minimum Standards in Disaster 50L Cleaning home Response which set standards Decreasing quality Growing food 60L for the minimum level of services 70L Sanitation and waste disposal people affected by an emergency Business (crops, livestock) should receive. For water supply, Gardens, recreation it states that all people should have safe and equitable access to sufficient quantity of water for Figure 9.1. Hierarchy of water requirements (after Maslows hierarchy of needs) drinking, cooking and personal and
Short-term survival Medium-term (maintaining)
Table 9.1. Simplified table of water requirements for survival (per person)
Type of need Survival (drinking and food) Basic hygiene practices Basic cooking needs Total Quantity 2.5 to 3 lpd 2 to 6 lpd 3 to 6 lpd 7.5 to 15 lpd Comments Depends on climate and individual physiology
Depends on social and cultural norms Depends on food type, social and cultural norms
Source: Adapted from Sphere. Also see WHO, 2011. Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 4th edition. World Health Organization, Geneva. http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/ publications/2011/dwq_chapters/en/index.html
drinking-water, but use water from a stream to wash their clothes. As demand for water increases, generally the quality required for each use can be reduced. Water for cleaning a floor does not have to be of the same quality as drinking-water and water for growing subsistence crops can be of a lower quality still.
Even if plenty of water is provided, there may be other limits to its use, such as the time taken for people to travel and queue to collect it. If it takes more than 30 minutes to collect water, the amount they will collect will reduce (see Figure 9.4). Providing washing and laundry facilities near the water points reduces the need to transport water.
Figure 9.2. Water does not have to be of the same quality for all uses
Figure 9.4. Relationship between water collection journey time and domestic consumption Table 9.2. Guidelines for minimum emergency water quantities for non-domestic use
Use Health centres and hospitals Cholera centres Therapeutic feeding centres Operating theatre/maternity SARS isolation Viral Haemorrhagic Fever isolation Schools Mosques Public toilets All flushing toilets Livestock/day Vegetable gardens Guideline quantity 5 litres/out-patient; 40-60 litres/in-patient/day. Additional quantities may be needed for laundry equipment, flushing toilets, etc. 60 litres/patient/day; 15 litres/carer/day 30 litres/in-patient/day; 15 litres/carer/day 100 litres / intervention 100 litres / isolation 300-400 litres / isolation 3 litres/pupil/day for drinking and hand washing (use for toilets not included: see below) 2-5 litres/person/day for washing and drinking 1-2 litres/user/day for hand washing; 2-8 litres/cubicle/day for toilet cleaning 20-40 litres/user/day for conventional flushing toilets connected to a sewer; 3-5 litres/user/day for pour-flush toilets Cattle, horses, mules: 20-30 litres per head; goats, sheep, pigs: 1020 litres per head, Chickens: 10-20 litres per 100 3-6 litres per square metre per day
Step-by-step improvements
In the first phase of an emergency, it may not be possible to meet all the water needs of the community. A staged-approach should be adopted with initial efforts focused on meeting survival needs (Figure 9.5). The service can be gradually be improved with time as resources allow (see Table 9.3).
Table 9.3. Suggested quantities of water, and distances of water points from shelters at different stages of an emergency response
Time from initial intervention 2 weeks to 1 month 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months Quantity of water (litres/person/day) 5 10 15 (+) Maximum distance from shelters to water points (km) 1 1 0.5
Source: Adapted from Sphere. Also see WHO, 2008. Essential environmental health standards in health care. World Health Organization, Geneva. http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/ hygiene/settings/ehs_hc/en/
Further information
House, Sarah and Reed, Bob (2000) Emergency Water Sources: Guidelines for selection and treatment, WEDC, Loughborough University, UK. http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/ The Sphere Project (2004) Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. The Sphere Project: Geneva, Switzerland. http://www.sphereproject.org
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Humanitarian Response, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) (1998) Field Operations Guide for Disaster Assessment and Response http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/humanitarian_ assistance/disaster_assistance/resources/index. html#fog
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Brian Reed and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
The most important practices to target are: the appropriate use and maintenance of sanitation facilities; the safe disposal of faeces; handwashing after defecation and before food preparation (see Figure 10.3 overleaf); use and proper storage of safe drinking-water (see Figure 10.1); and the control of flies, mosquitoes and other disease vectors
Minimum standards
Sphere sets out minimum standards for hygiene promotion in emergencies with a strong emphasis on community mobilization and participation. They state that all facilities and resources provided should reflect the vulnerabilities, needs and preferences of the affected population and that users should be involved in the management and maintenance of hygiene facilities where appropriate.
New host
Flies SB
Fields PB SB
4. Use positive hygiene messages. People learn best and can listen for longer if they are entertained and can laugh. Frightening people will stop them listening to you.
5. Identify the best way to communicate. Traditional and existing channels of communication are easier to use 2. Target specific audiences. and are usually more effective Identify the community groups that than setting up new ones. have the largest influence on the 6. Use a cost-effective mix of changes you wish to promote and communication channels. target your promotion activities at Using several methods of them. communicating with your audience reinforces the message 3. Identify the motives for and improves acceptance. changed behaviour. People However, there will be a tradeoften change hygiene practices off to consider between the cost for reasons not directly related of using multiple channels and to health, such as a wish to gain the overall effectiveness of the respect from neighbours, or campaign. personal pride.
7. Carefully plan, execute, monitor and evaluate. Effective hygiene promotion is communityspecific. Programmes must be designed to meet the needs of a particular community. This can only be achieved through careful planning, monitoring and evaluation of activities.
Sphere suggests that there should be one hygiene promotion facilitator for every 1000 affected people. This number should be doubled during the early stages of an emergency response. There will not be sufficient time to recruit and train dedicated facilitators for the immediate phase of an emergency, but much can be done with volunteers identified through pre-existing organizations such as faith-based groups, health care workers or extension workers. If possible, use facilitators from within the affected community as they will better understand the local difficulties and be accepted by the community. Facilitators must be trained (see Figure 10.4). Box 10.2 lists the topics that should be included in training, but they do not have to be covered all at once. Start with basic training in promotion techniques and provide short, regular programmes to gradually upgrade their skills.
Identify key behaviours linked to of mapping the community to the problems. These could relate show the location of important to activities such as handwashing features such as water sources, or excreta disposal but could latrines and community facilities, an equally be related to a poor exploratory walk through the area understanding of technology, or and some focus group discussions wrong attitudes to gender issues or with representatives of the affected the environment. community and representatives of key organizations. Determine the cause of the problems. The more accurately the Planning the promotion campaign causes can be identified the easier it will be to target the campaign. The main steps in developing a campaign are the following: Prioritize actions. Decide which Set a goal. The goal will usually be to improve the quality of life (or to reduce the loss of life). Identify hygiene problems. These should have been identified by your initial assessment. problems to target first. This will depend on balancing the priorities for improving health with available resources. Develop a strategy. Decide which methods and tools you intend to use (see below).
Further information
Harvey P ., Baghri, S. and Reed, R.A. (2002) Emergency Sanitation: Assessment and programme design, WEDC, Loughborough University, UK. Ferron, S., Morgan, J. and OReily, M. (2007) Hygiene Promotion: a practical guide for relief and development, Practical Action, Rugby, UK. Boot, M. and Caircross, S. (1993) Actions Speak: the study of hygiene behaviour in water and sanitation projects, IRC/LSHTM, London. Action Contre La Faim (2005) Water sanitation and hygiene
for populations at risk Chapter 15. Hermann Editeurs Des Sciences et des Arts, Paris ISBN 2 7056 6499 8 Sphere (2004) Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. The Sphere Project: Geneva, Switzerland (Distributed worldwide by Oxfam GB) http:// www.sphereproject.org/ Wood, S., Sawyer, R. and Simpson-Hebert, M. (1998) PHAST Step-by-step Guide: A participatory approach for the control of diarrhoeal disease, WHO, Geneva. http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/ envsan/phastep/
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Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Authors: Frank Odhiambo and Bob Reed. Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
What is disinfection?
Many of the diseases that affect traumatized communities are caused by micro-organisms carried in drinking-water. Hence the reference to water-borne diseases. Disinfection is the process of destroying these organisms to prevent infection. There are a number of methods of disinfecting water, but chlorination is by far the most common. Table 11.1 lists the advantages and disadvantages of using chlorine for disinfection.
due in part to their thick outer wall. The process only works, however, if the chlorine comes into direct contact with the organisms. If the water contains silt, the bacteria that reside within it may not be reached by the chlorine. Chlorine disinfects water but does not purify it: there are some contaminants it cannot remove (see Box 11.1 overleaf). Chlorine takes time to kill organisms. At temperatures of 18OC and above, the chlorine should be in contact with the water for at least 30 minutes. If the water is colder then the contact time must be increased. It is normal, therefore, to add chlorine to water as it enters a storage tank or a long delivery pipeline to give the chemical time to perform its disinfecting action before it reaches the consumer.
Chlorine residual
When chlorine is added to water, it will attack organic matter and attempt to destroy it. If enough chlorine is added, some will remain in the water after all possible organisms have been destroyed. What is left is called free chlorine (Figure 11.1). Free chlorine will remain in the water until it too dissipates or is used to destroy new contamination.
Free chlorine Concentration of chlorine available for disinfection
Chlorine demand Reactions with organic material, metals, other compounds present in water prior to disinfection
Combined chlorine Concentration of chlorine combined with nitrogen in the water and unavailable for disinfection
Step 2.
Crush the tablet, then fill chamber (a) with the chlorinated water supply under test.
Step 3.
Place more of the chlorinated water supply under test (without a tablet) in the second chamber (b). This is the blank control for colour comparison.
Step 4.
The level of residual chlorine (R) in mg of chlorine per litre (mg/l) is determined by comparing the colour of the water supply under test in chamber (a) with the tablet added with the standard colours on the vessel (chamber (b)). Note that chamber (c) would be used if a higher chlorine residual is to be used.
Figure 11.2. Steps in determining the chlorine residual in water using a comparator
The amount of chlorine residual changes during the day and night. Assuming the pipe network is under pressure all the time (see Box 11.4) there will tend to be more residual chlorine in the system during the day than at night. This is because the water stays in the system for longer at night (when demand is lower) and so there is more opportunity for the water to become contaminated which reduces the residual chlorine through disinfection of the contaminants. Chlorine residual should be checked regularly. If the system is new or has been rehabilitated then check daily until you are sure that the chlorination process is working properly. After that, check at least once a week.
A chorination checklist
Chlorine needs at least 30 minutes contact time with water to disinfect it. The best time to apply chlorine is after any other treatment process, and before storage and use. Never apply chlorine before slow sand filtration or any other biological process, as the chlorine will kill off the bacteria which assist treatment, making the treatment ineffective. Never add any solid form of chlorine directly to a water supply, as it will not mix and dissolve. Always make up as a paste first, mixing the chlorine compound with a little water. Disinfection is only one defence against disease. Every effort should be made to protect water sources from contamination, and to prevent subsequent contamination during collection and storage. The correct procedure for applying a disinfectant to water should be strictly adhered to, and water supplies should be monitored regularly to ensure that they are free from bacteria. Otherwise, people may be misled to believe that the water is safe to drink when, in fact, it is hazardous to do so. The optimum chlorine residual in a small, communal water supply is in the range of 0.2 to 0.5mg/l.
Further information
WHO (2011) Guidelines for drinking water quality, 4th ed., WHO, Geneva. http:www.who.int/water_ sanitation_health/publications/2011/dwq_guidelines/ en/ Davis J, Lambert R. (2002) Engineering in Emergencies 2nd edition, chapter 13. ITDG UK. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Chlorine residual testing fact sheet. CDC SWS Project (Undated). http://www.cdc.gov/safewater/publications_ pages/chlorineresidual.pdf Action Contre La Faim (2005) Water sanitation and hygiene for populations at risk, chapter 11. Hermann Editeurs Des Sciences et des Arts, Paris ISBN 2 7056 6499 8
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Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Author and Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
Types of tanker
Water can be carried in a variety of different containers, some specifically designed for the task and others fabricated to meet an urgent need (see Figures 12.1 and 12.2).
example calculation for the number of tankers required is presented. Other logistical factors to consider include: Fuel. Regular supplies are essential. Consider setting up a storage tank if supplies are unreliable. Drivers. Vehicles are likely to be more reliable if operated by an experienced driver. Always test driving skills before employing drivers and consider providing advanced driving training if necessary.
Tanker management
Tankering operations can be managed in-house or contracted out. In either case, good planning and supervision will help operations run smoothly. When contracting out, consider the following: Base contract fees on the quantity and quality of water delivered not on operating time. Agree on a method for appraising contractor performance. Clarify responsibility for consumables such as the provision of fuel, insurance, maintenance, the wages of drivers, etc. Where tankering operations are run in-house, attention should be given to basic fleet management including vehicle maintenance, fuel supply and the availability of standby vehicles. Driver management can be a particularly difficult task. Drivers may be unreliable and untrustworthy. Always monitor their driving skills and regularly check their record book and compare it with records from fuel suppliers and delivery records. Frequent spot checks are useful, particularly at the start of a tankering programme.
Spare parts. All vehicles need maintenance and in emergencies this is even more important. Consider purchasing spares in bulk. Maintenance staff. In remote areas, it may be difficult to find skilled vehicle maintenance staff. You may have to bring them in from elsewhere.
The number of tankers needed to supply the required quantity of water during an emergency will depend on a variety of factors. In Box 12.1 an
Water tanks, and when applicable, pumps must be cleaned before they
Water in a tanker should be chlorinated to prevent the build-up of organic matter in the tank and to ensure the water delivered is safe to drink. Chlorination usually takes place as the tank is filled with water. The amount of chlorine to be added will depend on the quality of the water, but sufficient should be added to leave a residual amount of 0.5 mg/l. See Technical Note 11 for more details. Chlorine levels should also be checked before the water is discharged. If chlorine levels have dropped below 0.2 mg/l, extra chlorine should be added.
Each tanker should be provided with a book to record its operation. This will help with the future planning of tankering operations and for checking the efficiency of the vehicle and its drivers. Box 12.2 lists the types of information that should be recorded.
Access roads
Water tankers are heavy vehicles and can quickly damage poorly constructed roads (see Figure 12.4 on the previous page). Make an assessment of the roads before starting to use them and reinforce them if necessary.
Delivery points
Tankering is much more efficient if water can be off-loaded to storage tanks rather than allowing people to collect their water directly from the tanker (Figure 12.5). A storage tank connected to communal tap stands is a common method to use.
Figure 12.5. Simple storage and distribution point supplied by water tanker.
Further information
Davis, J. and Lambert, R. (2002) Engineering in Emergencies A practical guide for relief workers, 2nd edition, ITDG Publishing, UK. Potable Water Hauler Guidelines, http://www. hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/3C2443DF80FA-4708-8486-5F6935246FD1/0/ Apr10PH06012WaterHaulerInspectionProgram.pdf
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Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Author and Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
Phases in an emergency
There are three phases in an emergency: Immediate emergency Stabilization Recovery
Stages in planning
Figure 13.1 shows the main stages for planning emergency excreta disposal. A common complaint about planning processes is that they take too long, but this is not necessarily the case as Figure 13.1 suggests. The figure shows the approximate time required for each stage for an affected population of about 10,000.
Immediate emergency
In this phase, mortality rates can be high and there may be a risk of a major epidemic. The phase usually lasts for the emergency period and a few weeks beyond. The main objective for an excreta disposal programme is to minimize contamination related to high-risk practices and reduce exposure and faecal-oral disease transmission. Interventions are usually rapid and designed for the short term.
Rapid assessment
Interventions are only necessary if there is an expressed and measurable real need for them. This stage aims to rapidly collect and analyse key information to assess if an intervention is indeed necessary.
Data collection
The data required to assess the problems and needs of the affected population must be collected quickly but in sufficient detail to provide enough information for analysis. In Box 13.1 a checklist of twenty key questions is presented, to be answered in order to complete the assessment procedure. Information thus collected will support informed decision-making on the further course of action.
During this period more sustainable interventions can be implemented for longer-term use. Typically, community structures are reestablished and death rates start to fall. However, the risk of epidemics may still be high. This phase can last from several months to many years, depending on the complexity of the emergency.
Updated: 2013
Community participation
Like any other people, those affected by an emergency have views and opinions. There is no reason to treat them any differently than other communities except to make allowances for the trauma they have experienced. Involving communities in the planning and design process is beneficial to their recovery as it promotes self-respect and
continued self-reliance. The affected community should be involved as soon as the decision to intervene has been made.
Sphere Guidelines
Once a decision has been made to intervene the next step is to decide what to do. In emergencies, the normal methods of making decisions about which facilities to provide do not apply. Instead, a
Figure 13.2. The worsening health of the population is a reason for external organizations to get involved
Outputs: What the actions will actually produce, such as a number of latrines constructed, the maintenance system established, or the changes in hygiene practices brought about. Activities: The actions carried out to achieve the outputs, such as purchasing materials, training staff, discussions with the community etc., with a timetable. Inputs: The resources needed to complete the work, namely: money, tools, equipment, materials and labour.
Table 13.3. Indicators for minimum service levels for excreta disposal
Indicator Coverage Immediate emergency 50 people per latrine cubicle Stabilization phase 20 people per cubicle
The ratio of female to male cubicles should be 3:1 Location Less than 50m one way walking distance At least 6m from a dwelling Privacy and security Less than 25m one way walking distance At least 6m from a dwelling
Doors should be lockable from the inside Latrines to be illuminated at night where necessary Provision made for the washing and drying of menstruation cloths where necessary Handwashing facilities with soap to be supplied near to all toilets Appropriate materials for anal cleansing to be provided Adequate latrines should be accessible to disabled people, the elderly, the chronically sick and children
Immediate action
At times, the health threat is so great that something must be done immediately to prevent widespread disease and death. Immediate actions will be targeted at providing a quick response to an urgent situation (Figure 13.3), while time is dedicated to consider, design and approve a more sustainable solution (the outline design).
set of internationally-recognised standards are used to ensure that the services provided to people in distress are broadly the same around the world. Table 13.3 sets out indicators for emergency excreta disposal. A comparison of existing facilities with those presented in Table 13.3 will indicate whether any additional work needs to be done and whether it is urgent.
information for senior officials to decide whether action should be taken and to allocate resources. The design should include the following sections: Goal: The ultimate aim of all the interventions in the emergency (i.e. sustaining life and protecting health). This will usually be stated in an organizations charter. Purpose: What will be achieved by the proposed intervention (e.g. access to and use of hygienic latrines by the whole population).
Outline design
This stage develops an outline plan for what should be done, when and how. The plan contains sufficient
Following detailed design, the implementation of the longer-term programme can commence. This should include specifications, implementation and management for: construction; hygiene promotion; operation and maintenance; contingency planning (what to do if a major change happens); and monitoring and evaluation.
Figure 13.4. Action plan for waste management improvements at a medical centre undertaken by Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF)
Further information
field manual. WEDC, Loughborough University, UK http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/ Harvey, P ., Baghri, S. and Reed (2002) Emergency Ferron, S., Morgan, J. and OReily, M. (2007) Hygiene Sanitation: Assessment and programme design, Promotion: a practical guide for relief and development, WEDC, Loughborough University, UK. Practical Action, Rugby, UK. SPHERE (2004) Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. The Sphere Project: Potable Water Hauler Guidelines, http://www. hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/3C2443DFGeneva, Switzerland (Distributed worldwide by 80FA-4708-8486-5F6935246FD1/0/ Oxfam GB) http://www.sphereproject.org/ Apr10PH06012WaterHaulerInspectionProgram.pdf Harvey, P . (2007) Excreta disposal in emergencies a
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Telephone: Telephone (direct): Fax (direct): Email Coordinator: URL: + 41 22 791 2111 + 41 22 791 3555/3590 + 41 22 791 4159 bosr@who.int www.who.int/water_sanitation_health
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Author and Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
Immediate measures
The immediate tasks after a disaster are as follows: Obtain the services of a good translator. Effective sanitation provision has more to do with views and opinions of the user population than the technology. It is very important to have a good relationship with users, and that requires the skills of a competent translator. Consult with all interested parties including representatives of the affected population, aid agencies and government officials. Survey the site to gather information on existing sanitation facilities (if any), the site layout, population clusters, topography, ground conditions, and available construction materials. Prevent indiscriminate defecation. Especially prevent defecation in areas likely to contaminate the food chain or water supplies. Select areas where defecation may safely be allowed.
Keeping people away from specific areas is not easy, particularly where traditional habits make such practices common. It may be necessary to construct a physical barrier, such as a fence, or to set up patrols to keep people away. This approach can only be very temporary. Move as quickly as possible to provide appropriate excreta disposal facilities and encourage people to use them.
Defecation fields
These should be located so that they are easily reached by the community but do not pollute water supplies or sources of food. It is better to provide a number of small fields equally spread around the affected population as this will reduce the walking distance for most users. It will also allow for flexibility of operation and the separation of men and boys from women and girls. The defecation field should be screened and divided into small strips so that a different strip can be used each day. The area of the field farthest from the community should be used first, so that people do not have to walk across contaminated
Defecation fields have a short life and are difficult to manage. They should be replaced with more sustainable solutions as soon as possible.
trench using the spade provided. If the ground is wet or soft, a piece of wood can be laid along each side of the trench. Some trenches should be dug narrower so that they can be used by small children and the elderly. Shallow trench latrines can quickly become smelly, especially in hot and humid climates. All faeces must be covered at least once a day and trenches closed when the contents reach 0.3m from the ground surface.
Security screen
Plastic sheeting door flap Partition wall Spacing of foot rests varied to suit adults and children (no more than 150mm apart) Note: Where prefabricated self-supporting latrine slabs are to be used in place of timber cubicle sizes may need to be adjusted to fit slab width (e.g. 0.8m) Plastic sheeting
Trench 0.8m wide x 2.0m deep, length to suit the number of cubicles required
Borehole latrines
In areas with deep soil, many borehole latrines can be built in a short time using hand augers. The holes are usually 0.3m to 0.5m in diameter and 2.0m to 5.0m deep (Figure 14.7). The top of each hole is lined with a pipe, and two pieces of wood are provided for footrests. Borehole latrines should be closed when the contents are 0.5m from the surface.
Solids accumulation
Note: Some soil conditions may require a pipe lining greater than 0.5m
Raised latrines
If the ground is rocky or the water table is high, many of the options described will be unsuitable because they depend on deep pits. An alternative is to raise the pit above ground level (Figure 14.9). The walls of the pit can be extended above ground level using local materials such as wood, bamboo or stone. The lining is then surrounded by a bank of soil to prevent it collapsing and to support the toilet cubicle. In practice, it is normally only possible to raise latrines about 1 to 1.5m above ground level. Higher latrines are rarely acceptable to users.
Long-term solutions
Most of the options in this note are only temporary. As soon as it becomes obvious that the community is likely to remain in their new location for any length of time then longer-term solutions should be sought. In most cases, some form of on-site sanitation will be most appropriate. Details of the design and construction of longer-term options are given in the references below.
Chemical toilets
Portable chemical toilets have been used in emergencies in South and Central America. Typically, they are light-weight portable cubicles fitted with toilet seats with sealed holding tanks below. To reduce the smell, the tank is partially-filled with chemicals before use.The holding tank must be emptied regularly.
Overhung latrines
If no other options are available, overhung latrines are an option in flood situations as long as water is flowing. A simple wooden structure, either built over the water (Figure 14.8) or floating on the water, allows users to defecate directly into the flowing water. This is rarely a major health problem as the volumes of water involved are large. Attention should be given to whether or not there are agriculture fields
Further information
Harvey, P ., Baghri, S. and Reed (2002) Emergency Sanitation: Assessment and programme design, WEDC, Loughborough University, UK. Harvey, P . (2007) Excreta disposal in emergencies a field manual. WEDC, Loughborough University, UK http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/
Telephone: Telephone (direct): Fax (direct): Email Coordinator: URL: + 41 22 791 2111 + 41 22 791 3555/3590 + 41 22 791 4159 bosr@who.int www.who.int/water_sanitation_health
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Author and Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
2. If the well has been damaged, and shows cracks in the walls or apron or if it has been undermined by erosion, the well should be abandoned, replaced, or rehabilitated (Figure 15.3). 3. Remove floating debris inside the well manually, using a sieve or bucket (Figure 15.4). 4. Use a sludge pump to remove sludge and loose sediment that has accumulated at the bottom of the well.
The well should not be pumped out repeatedly in an attempt to lower the salinity. If the well smells of oil or petrol or has a greasy film or shine on the surface, the well should not be used.
5. Calculate the volume of water in the well (Box 15.1). Slowly remove the water using a pump or bucket (Box 15.2) taking care not to pump so quickly that the well empties. Pumped water should be discharged to
or exposed to the atmosphere and the way it is made. Technical Note 1, Box 1.2 outlines methods for calculating appropriate chlorine doses for HSCH granule chlorine. Stir the water in the well thoroughly with a long pole and then allow the water to stand for at least 30 minutes. Further details on chlorination are given in Technical Note 11.
Repeated chlorination of wells should be avoided as chlorine residual may contaminate the aquifer and present health problems, such as skin rashes when the water is used for bathing. Permanent disinfection of the well water cannot be guaranteed by chlorination because a background source of contamination may exist in the surrounding groundwater.
Step 3: Disinfection
When the salinity of the well water has reached tolerable levels for drinking, the well should be disinfected.
Figure 15.3.
A damaged well, showing cracks in the walls
WHO endorses the disinfection of drinking water in emergency situations. There are various ways of doing this but the most common is chlorination as it leaves a residual disinfectant in the water. Chlorine has the advantage of being widely available, simple to measure and use, and it dissolves easily in water. Its disadvantages are that it is a hazardous substance (to be handled with care) and that at commonly applied concentrations it is not effective against all pathogens (e.g. cysts and viruses). The chlorine compound most commonly used is high-strength calcium hypochlorite (HSCH) in powder or granular form as it contains 60 to 80% chlorine. Also used is sodium hypochlorite in liquid bleach or bleaching powder form. Each chlorine compound has a different amount of usable chlorine depending on the quantity of time the product has been stored
Figure 15.4.
Removing debris using the bucket
Figure 15.5.
Water tankering (see Note 12)
Where V D h = = = = volume of water in the well (m3) diameter of the well (m) depth of water (m) 3.142
Water level
Well base
Figure 15.6. Devastation of the 2006 Asian Tsunami in Sri Lanka left many wells contaminated with saltwater
Further information
Goswami, R.R. and T.P . Clement (2007) Technical details of the SEAWAT model simulation results used to develop well cleaning guidelines, Technical Summary Report. Department of Civil Engineering, Auburn University. Villholth, K.G. (2007) Tsunami impacts on groundwater and water supply in eastern Sri Lanka, Waterlines. 26(1). WHO (2010) Cleaning and disinfecting wells in emergencies. Technical Note 1
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Author: Karen Vilholth, IWMI (International Water Management Institute) Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Telephone: + 41 22 791 2111 Telephone (direct): + 41 22 791 3555/3590 Fax (direct): + 41 22 791 4159 Email Coordinator: bosr@who.int URL: www.who.int/water_sanitation_health
These four page highly-illustrated notes have been prepared by WEDC for the World Health Organization to assist those working immediately or shortly after an emergency to plan appropriate responses to the urgent and medium-term water and sanitation needs of affected populations. The notes are relevant to a wide range of emergency situations, including both natural and conflict-induced disasters. They are suitable for field technicians, engineers and hygiene promotors, as well as staff from agency headquarters. They are also available as pdf and html files designed for hand-held electronic devices. Visit the WEDC website at http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/
Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Author and Series Editor: Bob Reed. Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton. Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: wedc@lboro.ac.uk W: http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk Second edition: July 3013 ISBN: 978-1-84380-152-8
World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.