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Five Bridges Framework For Managing Transition

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Five Transition Bridges: a self-evaluation framework for managing primarysecondary transition

Bridge 1: Managing pupil information Bridge 2: Supporting personal & social needs Induction days with clear purpose and outcomes Open evenings for pupils and parents Parents have an early opportunity to discuss progress and transition with secondary school staff Special arrangements at start of school year Parent and pupil guides for new entrants Identifying, in partnership with primary schools, and responding to pupils with particular difficulties, needs or strengths Using information on social groupings within primary schools to create class groups Quality information to parents about pastoral support and differences in the school Robust anti-bullying policy that is made explicit to pupils and parents and implemented effectively -Specific arrangements in place to support pupils for first half-term following transition Bridge 3: Joining up the curriculum Bridge 4: Sharing pedagogies Bridge 5: Engaging pupils as agents


Quality information provided to parents on administrative arrangements Pupil transfer is handled to the satisfaction of all parents Common data transfer sheet exists

Cross-phase events which are part of a planned programme

An understanding of primary and secondary schools approach to teaching and learning Advanced skills teachers provide outreach support to primary schools


Making effective use of common data transfer form to capture pupil level information Ensuring effective and full use of individual pupil data received from primary schools, including Key Stage 2 results and CATS Effective pupil-tracking to monitor progress Transition policy is in place and has been agreed in partnership with primary schools. It covers the process for collecting and transferring information and sets an expectation for active work with feeder/receiver schools. It outlines the role of staff parents and pupils in the transitions process. This policy is regularly reviewed and amended accordingly. All staff parents and pupils are aware of the policy Setting of attainment grades and procedures top monitor progress towards these targets Regular meetings and good working relations between primary and secondary school staff including senior staff, heads of year, subject heads, SENCOS and subject teachers

Two-way dialogue and discussion between primary and secondary schools on Year 7 and Year 7 curricula Joint projects and cross-phase activities. Other joint provision may also include bridging units Summer Schools Quality information to parents about the curriculum. This shows what will be taught and how continuity with primary school curriculum is ensured Specialist visits eg ICT, drama, sports science

Recognition and celebration of differences in teaching and learning e.g. access to specialist teaching and resources Quality information to parents about teaching and classroom practice A common language for discussing teaching and learning e.g. use of terms such as learning objectives plenary response partner etc Active preparation of pupils to meet new ways of working Joint training programmes and professional development on teaching skills

Common language is used across phases to talk about teaching and learning


Transition processes are broadened to include pupils in year groups other than Year 7 Feedback provided to primary schools on effectiveness of transitions arrangements and early progress of pupils Non-teaching staff are fully involved in the transition process e.g. support staff from primary schools work with known pupils during first few days in secondary school Data is used effectively at whole-school, department and classroom levels

Parents and pupils are effectively briefed about transition, with opportunities to feed back on the reality for them Pupil peer mentoring pre and post transition and social support

Cross phase teaching ie common curriculum topics that span Year 6 and Year 7 Common understanding of progress expected of pupils during transition years Shared understanding on the quality of work expected of Year 6 and Year 7 pupils across at least core subjects Joint master classes for gifted and talented pupils Catch-up programmes in Year 7 especially for literacy

Policies on teaching and learning shared across phases Shared lesson observations Team teaching Common approach to learning environments e.g. accessibility of resources, use of display to promote learning, arrangement of classroom furniture etc Joint teacher training days and professional development

Pupils develop a learning portfolio which describes them as learners and gives examples of achievement. This is shaped with the secondary school and extended during Year 7 Pupils are empowered to proactively contribute to the transition process and are viewed as active participants e.g. suggesting improvements and identifying barriers to successful transition


Clear roles and responsibilities within primary and secondary schools that span transition. Job descriptions make these explicit A transition champion is identified within the school i.e. a named individual with responsibility for effective transition Staff, parents and pupils are involved in evaluating transition arrangements to secure continuous improvement Non-teaching staff play a significant role in he management of the transition process

Joint social events between current Year 7 and Year 6 pupils Year 7 pupils visiting Year 6 pupils/primary schools, speaking formally about transition

Secondary schools receive and build on curriculum maps for Key Stage 2 from feeder primary schools and adapt Year 7 curriculum accordingly Teachers in each phase have detailed knowledge of respective assessment, tracking and target-setting processes

Teacher exchange and secondment between primary and secondary schools Schools in both phases evaluate and adapt their joint approach to transition taking account of the views of the pupils teachers and parents

Pupils understand their preferred learning styles and can talk confidently about this to their new teachers Pupils are actively encouraged to become professional learners reflecting on what and how they are learning Quality information is given to parents about their contribution to managing learning and encouraging their children to become professional learners

This table a self-evaluation and competency framework gives indications about provisions and support in place for the Five Transition Bridges, at four levels: from introducing to enhancing. As such, the table can be used to evaluate practice or to suggest new ideas to enrich practice, around the Five Bridges. This table is reproduced from Mouchel Parkman, Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 Transition Project (London: Mouchel Parkman / Department for Education and Skills, 2005). The Five Transition Bridges were originally devised by Maurice Galton et al. in The Impact of School Transitions and Transfers on Pupil Progress and Attainment (1999).

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