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3.1 Overview The dynamic analysis option permits two-dimensional, plane-strain or axisymmetric, fully dynamic analysis with FLAC. The calculation is based on the explicit nite difference scheme (as discussed in Section 1.1.2 in Theory and Background) to solve the full equations of motion, using lumped gridpoint masses derived from the real density of surrounding zones (rather than ctitious masses used for static solution). This formulation can be coupled to the structural element model, thus permitting analysis of soil-structure interaction brought about by ground shaking. The dynamic feature can also be coupled to the groundwater ow model; this permits, for example, analyses involving time-dependent pore pressure change associated with liquefaction (see Section 3.5.2). The dynamic model can likewise be coupled to the optional thermal model in order to calculate the combined effect of thermal and dynamic loading. The dynamic option expands FLAC s analysis capability to a wide range of dynamic problems in disciplines such as earthquake engineering, seismology and mine rockbursts. This section discusses the various features associated with the dynamic option in FLAC. Validation and example problems illustrating the application of the dynamic model are provided in Section 3.6*. The user is strongly encouraged to become familiar with the operation of FLAC for simple mechanical, static problems before attempting to solve problems involving dynamic loading. Dynamic analysis is often very complicated and requires a considerable amount of insight to interpret correctly.

* The data les in this volume are all created in a text editor. The les are stored in the directory ITASCA\FLAC500\Options\3-Dynamic with the extension .DAT. A project le is also provided for each example. In order to run an example and compare the results to plots in this volume, open a project le in the GIIC by clicking on the File / Open Project menu item and selecting the project le name (with extension .PRJ). Click on the project item icon at the top of the Project Tree Record, select Rebuild unsaved states and the example data le will be run and plots created.

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3.2 Relation to Equivalent-Linear Methods The equivalent-linear method is common in earthquake engineering for modeling wave transmission in layered sites and dynamic soil-structure interaction. Since this method is widely used, and the fully nonlinear method embodied in FLAC is not, it is worth pointing out some of the differences between the two methods. In the equivalent-linear method (Seed and Idriss 1969), a linear analysis is performed, with some initial values assumed for damping ratio and shear modulus in the various regions of the model. The maximum cyclic shear strain is recorded for each element and used to determine new values for damping and modulus, by reference to laboratory-derived curves that relate damping ratio and secant modulus to amplitude of cycling shear strain. Some empirical scaling factor is usually used when relating laboratory strains to model strains. The new values of damping ratio and shear modulus are then used in a new numerical analysis of the model. The whole process is repeated several times, until there is no further change in properties. At this point, it is said that strain-compatible values of damping and modulus have been found, and the simulation using these values is representative of the response of the real site. In contrast, only one run is done with a fully nonlinear method (apart from parameter studies, which are done with both methods), since nonlinearity in the stress-strain law is followed directly by each element as the solution marches on in time. Provided that an appropriate nonlinear law is used, the dependence of damping and apparent modulus on strain level are automatically modeled. Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses. The equivalent-linear method takes drastic liberties with physics but is user-friendly and accepts laboratory results from cyclic tests directly. The fully nonlinear method correctly represents the physics but demands more user involvement and needs a comprehensive stress-strain model in order to reproduce some of the more subtle dynamic phenomena. Important characteristics of the two methods are examined in Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. FLAC contains an optional form of damping, hysteretic damping, that incorporates strain-dependent damping ratio and secant modulus functions, allowing direct comparisons between the equivalentlinear method and the fully nonlinear method. This form of damping is described in Section There is a comparison between FLAC and SHAKE (a one-dimensional equivalent-linear program Schnabel, Lysmer and Seed (1972)) in Section 3.6.2, for the case of a linear, layered system, and in Section 3.6.6, for the case of a nonlinear, layered system. 3.2.1 Characteristics of the Equivalent-Linear Method The equivalent-linear method is distinguished by the following characteristics. 1. The method uses linear properties for each element that remain constant throughout the history of shaking and are estimated from the mean level of dynamic motion. During quiet periods in the excitation history, elements will be over-damped and too soft; during strong shaking, elements will be underdamped and too stiff. However, there is a spatial variation in properties that corresponds to different levels of motion at different locations.

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2. The interference and mixing phenomena that occur between different frequency components in a nonlinear material are missing from an equivalentlinear analysis. 3. The method does not directly provide information on irreversible displacements and the permanent changes that accompany liquefaction, because only oscillatory motion is modeled. These effects may be estimated empirically, however. 4. It is commonly accepted that, during plastic ow, the strain-increment tensor is related to some function of the stress tensor, giving rise to the ow rule in plasticity theory. However, elasticity theory (as used by the equivalent-linear method) relates the strain tensor (not increments) to the stress tensor. Plastic yielding, therefore, is modeled somewhat inappropriately. 5. The material constitutive model is built into the method: it consists of a stressstrain curve in the shape of an ellipse (see Cundall 1976). Although this pre-choice relieves the user of the need to make any decisions, the exibility to substitute alternative shapes is removed. However, the effects of a different shape to the curve are partially allowed for by the iteration procedure used in the method. It should be pointed out that a frequency-independent hysteresis curve in the form of an ellipse is physically impossible, since the continuous change in slope prior to reversal implies pre-knowledge (and rate information is not available to the model because the model is dened as being rate-independent). 6. In the case where both shear and compressional waves are propagated through a site, the equivalent-linear method typically treats these motions independently. Therefore, no interaction is allowed between the two components of motion. 3.2.2 Characteristics of the Fully Nonlinear Method The following characteristics of the fully nonlinear method should be compared to the corresponding points listed in Section 3.2.1. 1. The method follows any prescribed nonlinear constitutive relation. If a hysteretic-type model is used and no extra damping is specied, then the damping and tangent modulus are appropriate to the level of excitation at each point in time and space, since these parameters are embodied in the constitutive model. If Rayleigh or local damping are used, the associated damping coefcients remain constant throughout shaking. Consult Section 3.4.2 for more details on damping. 2. Using a nonlinear material law, interference and mixing of different frequency components occur naturally. 3. Irreversible displacements and other permanent changes are modeled automatically.

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4. A proper plasticity formulation is used in all the built-in models, whereby plastic strain increments are related to stresses. 5. The effects of using different constitutive models may be studied easily. 6. Both shear and compressional waves are propagated together in a single simulation, and the material responds to the combined effect of both components. For strong motion, the coupling effect can be very important: for example, normal stress may be reduced dynamically, thus causing the shearing strength to be reduced, in a frictional material. Although the method follows any stress-strain relation in a realistic way, it turns out that the results are quite sensitive to seemingly small details in the assumed constitutive model (see Cundall (1976) and Dames and Moore and SAI (1978)). The various nonlinear models built into FLAC are intended primarily for use in quasi-static loading or in dynamic situations where the response is mainly monotonic (e.g., extensive plastic ow caused by seismic excitation). A good model for dynamic soil/structure interaction would capture the hysteresis curves and energy-absorbing characteristics of real soil. In particular, energy should be absorbed from each component of a complex waveform composed of many component frequencies. (In many models, high frequencies remain undamped in the presence of a low frequency.) Such a model may not yet exist, but the user is free to experiment with candidate models, either using FISH to incorporate the new model into FLAC (see Section 2.8 in the FISH volume), or writing a model in C++ and loading as a DLL (dynamic link library) le (see Section 4). It is possible to simulate cyclic laboratory tests on the new model, and derive modulus and damping curves that may be compared with those from a real target material. The model parameters may then be adjusted until the two sets of curves match. Even standard elastic/plastic models (e.g., Mohr-Coulomb) can produce such curves. Consider an elastic/plastic model with a constant shear modulus, G , and a constant yield stress, m , subject to cyclic shear strain of amplitude . Below yield, the secant shear modulus G is simply equal to G . For cyclic excitation that involves yield, the secant modulus is G = m / (3.1)

The maximum stored energy, W , during the cycle (assuming G represents an elastic modulus) is W = m /2 and the dissipated energy (corresponding to the area of the loop) is W = 4m ( m ) where m = m /G . (3.3) (3.2)

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Hence, 8( m ) W = W Denoting the damping ratio by D and noting that 4 D D= 2( m )

(3.4) W/W (Kolsky 1963), for small D ,


We plot normalized modulus (G/G ) from Eq. (3.1), and damping D from Eq. (3.5) against normalized cyclic strain /m , in Figure 3.1. It can be seen that even a simple model (where simple is taken in the context of dynamics) exhibits an evolution of modulus and damping that can be matched to experimental results over limited ranges of cyclic strain. Note that further damping specied in a simulation (see Section 3.4.2) will be added to that provided by the constitutive formulation.

Figure 3.1

Modulus and damping ratio versus cyclic strain for elastic/plastic model

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3.3 Dynamic Formulation The nite difference formulation is similar to that described in Section 1.3 in Theory and Background except that real masses are used at gridpoints rather than the ctitious masses used to improve convergence speed when a static solution is required. Each triangular sub-zone contributes one-third of its mass (computed from zone density and area) to each of the three associated gridpoints. The nal gridpoint mass is then divided by two in the case of a quadrilateral zone that contains two overlays. In nite-element terminology, FLAC uses lumped masses and a diagonal mass matrix. The calculation of critical timestep involves contributions of stiffness and mass at each degree of freedom, so that the effects of non-uniform grids, structural members, interfaces and uid can be accommodated. For each triangular sub-zone, the following stiffness contribution (in units of force/distance) is made from each of the three gridpoints of the sub-zone: 4 (Lmax )2 k = (K + G) T 3 6A


where Lmax is the maximum edge-length of the triangle, A is the area of the triangle and T is the out-of-plane dimension, equal to 1.0 for a plane-strain analysis. Thus for the full quadrilateral zone, the total contribution to each of the four gridpoints is the summation of those for the three triangles meeting at the gridpoint. For example, for the northwest gridpoint (assuming two overlays, with notation as illustrated in Figure 1.3 in Theory and Background),
2 max 2 2 (K + 4 (Lmax (Lmax c ) 3 G) (La ) d ) = + + T 6 Aa Ac Ad



where An is the area of triangle n, and Lmax is the maximum edge-length of triangle n. For a n complete rectangular zone, comprising four triangular sub-zones, the stiffness term reduces to 4 L2 kz = (K + G) d T 3 Az


where Az is the area of the rectangular zone, and Ld the length of its diagonal. Note that Eq. (3.8) only applies in the specic case of a rectangular full-zone, and is provided for interest only; the general form of the stiffness contribution is given by expressions similar to Eq. (3.7). Masses are also accumulated at zone gridpoints from each triangular sub-zone. As an example, for the northwest gridpoint (assuming two overlays), Mnw = ma + mc + md 6 (3.9)

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where ma , mc and md are the masses of triangles a, c and d, respectively. For the case of a rectangular full-zone (containing four triangular sub-zones), the mass contributed to each gridpoint is Mgp = mz /4 where mz is the mass of each triangle. The stiffness and mass contributions from all zones surrounding each gridpoint are made, according to equations of the form Eqs. (3.7) and (3.9), and summed, giving a total stiffness term of k and total mass term of M , respectively. The critical timestep is then calculated as the minimum (over all gridpoints) of the following expression, which is the critical timestep for a single mass-spring system. M k (3.10)

tcrit = 2


For the case of a rectangular zone, we can substitute stiffness and mass values from Eqs. (3.8) and (3.10): mz Az
2 4(K + 4 3 G)Ld T

tcrit = 2 Substituting mz = Az T , tcrit = Az Ld


4 3G

Az Ld Cp


where Cp is the speed of longitudinal waves. This expression is identical to that given in Section 1.3.5 in Theory and Background. However, the more general form, based on Eq. (3.11), is used in deriving the dynamic timestep, td , using a safety factor of 0.5 (to allow for the fact that the calculation of timestep is an estimate only). Thus, M k 1 2

td = min


where the min() function is taken over all gridpoints and structural degrees of freedom, and is a summation over all contributions to the gridpoint or structural degree of freedom. For a simple grid consisting of only rectangular zones, the computed timestep may be veried using Eq. (3.13), noting that td = tcrit /2. However, a more complicated model will contain unequal zones, different

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materials connected to common gridpoints, structural elements, interfaces and the added stiffness of coupled uid. Each of these objects or conditions will contribute to the summations of Eq. (3.14), so that the nal timestep will be a combined function of all items. Note that stiff or small zones may control the timestep chosen by FLAC, due to the min() function and the division by stiffness. The above derivation is for plane strain; related expressions are obtained for axisymmetric analysis, accounting for the effects of the varying out-of-plane thickness on masses and stiffnesses. For zones containing only one overlay, the contribution from two sub-zones (instead of four) is summed as above, but a divisor of 3 is used instead of 6 in Eqs. (3.6), (3.7) and (3.9). If stiffness-proportional damping is used (see Section, the timestep must be reduced, for stability. Belytschko (1983) provides a formula for critical timestep, t , that includes the effect of stiffness-proportional damping: t = 2 max 1 + 2 (3.15)

where max is the highest eigenfrequency of the system, and is the fraction of critical damping at this frequency. Both max and are estimated in FLAC, since an eigenvalue solution is not performed. The estimates are max = 2 td (3.16)

= given

0.4 td


= min / min


where min and min are the damping fraction and angular frequency specied for Rayleigh damping see Section The resulting value of t is used as the dynamic timestep if stiffnessproportional damping is in operation.

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3.3.1 Dynamic Multi-stepping The maximum stable timestep for dynamic analysis is determined by the largest material stiffness and smallest zone in the model (see Eq. (3.6)). Often, the stiffness and zone size can vary widely in a model (e.g., in the case of a nely zoned concrete structure located in a soft soil). A few zones will then determine the critical timestep for a dynamic analysis even though the major portion of the model can be run at a signicantly larger timestep. A procedure known as dynamic multi-stepping is available in FLAC to reduce the computation time required for a dynamic calculation. In this procedure, zones and gridpoints in a model are ordered into classes of similar maximum timesteps. Each class is then run at its timestep and information is transferred between zones at the appropriate time. Dynamic multi-stepping uses a local timestep for each individual gridpoint and zone. At the start of an analysis, the grid is scanned and the local stable timestep for each gridpoint, tgp , is determined and stored. The value of tgp depends on size, stiffness and mass of the neighboring sub-zones (as shown in Eq. (3.6)), attached structural elements and interfaces. The global timestep, tG , is determined as the minimum of all tgp , as in the standard formulation. Integer multipliers, Mgp , to the global timestep are then determined for each gridpoint according to the algorithm illustrated by the ow chart in Figure 3.2. This algorithm ensures that multipliers are powers of 2. In the current implementation, Mgp is set to 1 for nodes that are assigned a null material model, connected to structural elements, attached to other gridpoints, or part of a quiet boundary. All zones are then scanned, and an integer multiplier, Mz , is calculated for each zone as the minimum of the multipliers for the four surrounding gridpoints.

Null, attached, structure, quiet boundary y


y 2n<=D tgp/D tG<2n+1 y n n=n+1 n<5 n




Figure 3.2

Flow chart for determination of gridpoint multiplier, Mgp

Calculations for a zone (i.e., derivation of new stresses from surrounding gridpoint velocities; accumulation of gridpoint force sums from stress components) are only performed every Mz timesteps. In all expressions involving a timestep, the global timestep is replaced by tG Mz .

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Calculations for a gridpoint (i.e., derivation of new velocities and displacements from gridpoint force sums) are only performed every Mgp timesteps; otherwise, the force sums are reset to zero, which is normally done after every motion calculation. In all expressions involving a timestep, the global timestep is replaced by tG Mgp . The effect of the prescriptions described above is to skip calculation of selected gridpoints and zones, thereby speeding up the overall calculation. The use of gridpoint and zone multipliers (Mgp and Mz , respectively) ensures the following characteristics. 1. The force sum at each gridpoint is composed of component forces from each connected zone that exist at the same point in time. The simultaneous nature of the component forces is guaranteed by the fact that multipliers are powers of two. Arbitrary integral multipliers would not have this characteristic. 2. Velocities seen by a zone (at the four surrounding gridpoints) are not updated between zone updates. This is guaranteed by the fact that the zone multiplier is the minimum of the surrounding gridpoint multipliers. Since stress increments are derived from strain and displacement increments, the displacement contribution of a gridpoint is felt by a zone at each update, even though the gridpoint is updated less frequently than the zone. In essence, the total displacement increment of the gridpoint is divided into Mgp / Mz equal parts. This scheme is accurate for dynamic simulations that represent waves with frequencies well below the natural frequencies of individual elements. The condition is usually guaranteed by the wavelength criterion described by Eq. (3.60). For higher frequencies, it is believed that inaccuracies arise from the fact that velocities used in computing strain increments are not dened (in time) at the center of the time interval, t , for the case of a zone multiplier being unequal to the gridpoint multiplier. This represents a departure from the second order accuracy of the central difference scheme used in FLAC. However, it is always possible to assess the accuracy of the scheme for any part of the simulation by running a short period of the simulation with and without dynamic multi-stepping; the results may be directly compared. Dynamic multi-stepping is invoked with the command SET multi on. The effect of dynamic multistepping on calculation speed is model dependent i.e., the more zones that have a high multiplier, the greater the increase in speed. Although multi-stepping is not implemented within structural elements, substantial savings can still be obtained by using multi-stepping for a system in which stiff structures are connected to soft continuum elements. In a typical system, only a small proportion of computer time is spent in structural calculations, so there is only a small penalty in performing these calculations at every timestep, compared to the savings obtained by performing infrequent grid calculations. Example 3.1 illustrates the effect of dynamic multi-stepping. The model consists of a wall of material with a modulus 20 times greater than the surrounding soil material. A shear wave is applied at the base of the model for a 1 second time period. With SET multi on, the wall zones have a multiplier of 1 and the soil zones have a multiplier of 4. (The gridpoint and zone multipliers are stored in separate FISH extra variables for monitoring.) The calculation is 2.9 times faster with dynamic multi-stepping. Velocity histories monitored at the base of the model and top of the wall

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are identical with and without multi-stepping. Figure 3.3 plots the histories for the multi-stepping run. There is no direct printout of the multi-stepping multipliers, but FISH intrinsics zmsmul and gmsmul (see Section 2.5.3 in the FISH volume) may be used to determine the multipliers used during cycling. Dynamic multi-stepping can be used with structural elements. The grid timestep multipliers are set to 1 for all gridpoints connected to structural nodes. Multipliers are not used in structures; their natural timestep is used. This timestep may be small, but if the grid not attached to the structure does have a large natural timestep, these gridpoints will have large multipliers, thus saving execution time. A user-dened integer multiplier can be specied with the optional max keyword. For additional information and example applications of dynamic multi-stepping, see Unterberger, Cundall and Zettler (1997). The application of dynamic multi-stepping in numerical predictions of vibrations caused by rail trafc in tunnels is presented in Unterberger, Hochgatterer and Poisel (1996) and Daller, Unterberger and Hochgatterer (1996). Example 3.1 Shear wave applied to a stiff wall in a soft soil with dynamic multi-stepping
;-- Test multistepping option -; ... model has a stiff retaining wall conf dyn ext=5 grid 40 20 mod elas prop dens 2000 bulk 2e8 shea 1e8 model null i=1,10 j=11,20 prop bulk 4e9 shear 2e9 i=11,12 j=11,20 ; 20 times stiffness fix y i=1 fix y i=41 def setup freq = 1.0 omega = 2.0 * pi * freq end setup def wave wave = sin(omega*dytime) end apply xvel=1 hist=wave j=1 apply yvel=0 j=1 hist xvel i 11 j 21 hist yvel i 11 j 21 hist xvel i 11 j 1 hist dytime set ncw=50 set multi=on ; Comment out this line, and compare times & histories

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def tim tim = 0.01 * (clock -- old_time) end cyc 1 def qqq ; Save multipliers in ex_1 and ex_2 -- for interest loop i (1,izones) loop j (1,jzones) ex_1(i,j) = zmsmul(i,j) endLoop endLoop loop i (1,igp) loop j (1,jgp) ex_2(i,j) = gmsmul(i,j) endLoop endLoop old_time = clock end qqq solve dytime 1.0 print tim ; plot his 1,2,3 vs 4 ; (compare with & without multistepping) ; pri ex_1 zon ; (look at multipliers) ; pri ex_2


FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:19 step 5164 Dynamic Time 1.0000E+00 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X velocity ( 11, 21) Y velocity X velocity ( 11, 21) ( 11, 1) 0.000 1.500



X-axis : Dynamic time




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Figure 3.3

Velocities at model base (i = 11, j = 1), and top of wall (i = 11, j = 21)

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3.4 Dynamic Modeling Considerations There are three aspects that the user should consider when preparing a FLAC model for a dynamic analysis. These are: (1) dynamic loading and boundary conditions; (2) mechanical damping; and (3) wave transmission through the model. This section provides guidance on addressing each aspect when preparing a FLAC data le for dynamic analysis. Section 3.5 illustrates the use of most of the features discussed here. 3.4.1 Dynamic Loading and Boundary Conditions FLAC models a region of material subjected to external and/or internal dynamic loading by applying a dynamic input boundary condition at either the model boundary or at internal gridpoints. Wave reections at model boundaries are minimized by specifying either quiet (viscous), free-eld or three-dimensional radiation-damping boundary conditions. The types of dynamic loading and boundary conditions are shown schematically in Figure 3.4; each condition is discussed in the following sections. Application of Dynamic Input In FLAC, the dynamic input can be applied in one of the following ways: (a) an acceleration history; (b) a velocity history; (c) a stress (or pressure) history; or (d) a force history. Dynamic input is usually applied to the model boundaries with the APPLY command. Accelerations, velocities and forces can also be applied to interior gridpoints by using the INTERIOR command. Note that the free-eld boundary, shown in Figure 3.4, is not required if the only dynamic source is within the model (see Section The history function for the input is treated as a multiplier on the value specied with the APPLY or INTERIOR command. The history multiplier is assigned with the hist keyword and can be in one of three forms: (1) a table dened by the TABLE command; (2) a history dened by the HISTORY command; or (3) a FISH function. With TABLE input, the multiplier values and corresponding time values are entered as individual pairs of numbers in the specied table; the rst number of each pair is assumed to be a value of dynamic time. The time intervals between successive table entries need not be the same for all entries. Note that the use of tables to provide dynamic multipliers can be quite inefcient compared

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to the other two options. When using the HISTORY command to derive the history multiplier, the values stored in the specied history are assumed to be spaced at constant intervals of dynamic time. The interval is contained on the data le that is input with the HISTORY read command and associated with a particular history number. If a FISH function is used to provide the multiplier, the function must access dynamic time within the function, using the FLAC scalar variable dytime, and compute a multiplier value that corresponds to this time. Example 3.12 provides an example of dynamic loading derived from a FISH function. Dynamic input can be applied either in the x - or y -directions corresponding to the xy -axes for the model, or in the normal and shear directions to the model boundary. Certain boundary conditions cannot be mixed at the same boundary segment (see Table 1.3 in Section 1.3 in the Command Reference for a summary of the compatibility of boundary conditions). One restriction when applying velocity or acceleration input to model boundaries is that these boundary conditions cannot be applied along the same boundary as a quiet (viscous) boundary condition (compare Figure 3.4(a) to Figure 3.4(b)), because the effect of the quiet boundary would be nullied. See Section for a description of quiet boundaries. To input seismic motion at a quiet boundary, a stress boundary condition is used (i.e., a velocity record is transformed into a stress record and applied to a quiet boundary). A velocity wave may be converted to a stress wave using the formula n = 2( Cp ) vn or s = 2( Cs ) vs (3.20) (3.19)


n s Cp Cs vn vs

= = = = = = =

applied normal stress; applied shear stress; mass density; speed of p-wave propagation through medium; speed of s -wave propagation through medium; input normal particle velocity; and input shear particle velocity.

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3-D damping structure

quiet boundary

free field

quiet boundary external dynamic input (stress or force only)

(a) Flexible base

3-D damping structure

quiet boundary

free field

external dynamic input (acceleration or velocity)

(b) Rigid base

Figure 3.4

Types of dynamic loading boundary conditions available in FLAC

free field

internal dynamic input

quiet boundary

free field

internal dynamic input

quiet boundary

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Cp is given by K + 4G/3

Cp = and Cs is given by


Cs =



The formulae assume plane-wave conditions. The factor of two in Eqs. (3.19) and (3.20) accounts for the fact that the applied stress must be double that observed in an innite medium, since half the input energy is absorbed by the viscous boundary. The formulation is similar to that of Joyner and Chen (1975). To illustrate wave input at a quiet boundary, consider Example 3.2, in which a pulse is applied as a stress history to the bottom of a vertical, 50 m high column. The bottom of the column is declared quiet in both horizontal directions and the top is free. The properties are chosen such that the shear wave speed is 100 m/sec, and the product, Cs , is 105 . The amplitude of the stress pulse is set, therefore, to 2 105 , according to Eq. (3.19), in order to generate a velocity amplitude of 1 m/sec in the column. Figure 3.5 shows time histories of x -velocity at the base, middle and top of the column; the amplitude of the outgoing wave is seen to be 1 m/sec, as expected. The rst three pulses in Figure 3.5 correspond, in order, to the outgoing waves at base, middle and top. The rst two pulses correspond to waves reected from the free surface, measured at the middle and base, respectively. The velocity-doubling effect of a free surface can be seen, as well as the lack of waves after a time of about 1.3 seconds, which conrms that the quiet base is working correctly. The doubling effect associated with a free surface is described in texts on elastodynamics (e.g., Graff 1991). Example 3.2 Shear wave propagation in a vertical column
config dyn grid 1,50 model elas prop dens 1000 shear 1e7 bulk 2e7 def wave if dytime > 1.0/freq wave = 0.0 else wave = 0.5 * (1.0 - cos(2.0*pi*freq * dytime)) endif end set freq=4.0 fix y apply xquiet j=1 apply sxy -2e5 hist wave j=1

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hist xvel i=1 j=1 hist xvel i=1 j=26 hist xvel i=1 j=51 hist dytime solve dytime 1.8


FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:21 step 930 Dynamic Time 1.8009E+00 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X velocity ( 1, 1) X velocity X velocity ( 1, 26) ( 1, 51) 0.800



X-axis : Dynamic time 0.400






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Figure 3.5

Primary and reected waves in a bar: stress input through a quiet boundary Baseline Correction If a raw acceleration or velocity record from a site is used as a time history, the FLAC model may exhibit continuing velocity or residual displacements after the motion has nished. This arises from the fact that the integral of the complete time history may not be zero. For example, the idealized velocity waveform in Figure 3.6(a) may produce the displacement waveform in Figure 3.6(b) when integrated. The process of baseline correction should be performed, although the physics of the FLAC simulation usually will not be affected if it is not done. It is possible to determine a low frequency wave (for example, Figure 3.6(c)) which, when added to the original history, produces a nal displacement which is zero (Figure 3.6(d)). The low frequency wave in Figure 3.6(c) can be a polynomial or periodic function, with free parameters that are adjusted to give the desired results. Baseline correction usually applies only to complex waveforms derived, for example, from eld measurements. When using a simple, synthetic waveform, it is easy to arrange the process of generating the synthetic waveform to ensure that the nal displacement is zero. Normally, in

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seismic analysis, the input wave is an acceleration record. A baseline-correction procedure can be used to force both the nal velocity and displacement to be zero. Earthquake engineering texts should be consulted for standard baseline correction procedures.


time (a) velocity history


time (b) displacement history


time (c) low frequency velocity wave


time (d) resultant displacement history

Figure 3.6

The baseline correction process

An alternative to baseline correction of the input record is to apply a displacement shift at the end of the calculation, if there is a residual displacement of the entire model. This can be done by applying a xed velocity to the mesh to reduce the residual displacement to zero. This action will not affect the mechanics of the deformation of the model. Computer codes to perform baseline corrections are available from several Internet sites: e.g., provides such a code.

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3 - 19 Quiet Boundaries The modeling of geomechanics problems involves media which, at the scale of the analysis, are better represented as unbounded. Deep underground excavations are normally assumed to be surrounded by an innite medium, while surface and near-surface structures are assumed to lie on a half-space. Numerical methods relying on the discretization of a nite region of space require that appropriate conditions be enforced at the articial numerical boundaries. In static analyses, xed or elastic boundaries (e.g., represented by boundary-element techniques) can be realistically placed at some distance from the region of interest. In dynamic problems, however, such boundary conditions cause the reection of outward propagating waves back into the model and do not allow the necessary energy radiation. The use of a larger model can minimize the problem, since material damping will absorb most of the energy in the waves reected from distant boundaries. However, this solution leads to a large computational burden. The alternative is to use quiet (or absorbing) boundaries. Several formulations have been proposed. The viscous boundary developed by Lysmer and Kuhlemeyer (1969) is used in FLAC. It is based on the use of independent dashpots in the normal and shear directions at the model boundaries. The method is almost completely effective at absorbing body waves approaching the boundary at angles of incidence greater than 30 . For lower angles of incidence, or for surface waves, there is still energy absorption, but it is not perfect. However, the scheme has the advantage that it operates in the time domain. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in both nite-element and nite-difference models (Kunar et al. 1977). A variation of the technique proposed by White et al. (1977) is also widely used. More efcient energy absorption (particularly in the case of Rayleigh waves) requires the use of frequency-dependent elements, which can only be used in frequency-domain analyses (e.g., Lysmer and Waas 1972). These are usually termed consistent boundaries, and involve the calculation of dynamic stiffness matrices coupling all the boundary degrees-of-freedom. Boundary element methods may be used to derive these matrices (e.g., Wolf 1985). A comparative study of the performance of different types of elementary, viscous and consistent boundaries was documented by Roesset and Ettouney (1977). The quiet-boundary scheme proposed by Lysmer and Kuhlemeyer (1969) involves dashpots attached independently to the boundary in the normal and shear directions. The dashpots provide viscous normal and shear tractions given by tn = Cp vn ts = Cs vs where vn and vs are the normal and shear components of the velocity at the boundary; is the mass density; and Cp and Cs are the p - and s -wave velocities. These viscous terms can be introduced directly into the equations of motion of the gridpoints lying on the boundary. A different approach, however, was implemented in FLAC, whereby the tractions (3.23)

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tn and ts are calculated and applied at every timestep in the same way that boundary loads are applied. This is more convenient than the former approach, and tests have shown that the implementation is equally effective. The only potential problem concerns numerical stability, because the viscous forces are calculated from velocities lagging by half a timestep. In practical analyses to date, no reduction of timestep has been required by the use of the non-reecting boundaries. Timestep restrictions demanded by small zones are usually more important. Dynamic analysis starts from some in-situ condition. If a velocity boundary is used to provide the static stress state, this boundary condition can be replaced by quiet boundaries; the boundary reaction forces will be automatically calculated and maintained throughout the dynamic loading phase. Note that the boundaries must not be freed before applying the quiet boundary condition, otherwise the reaction forces will be lost. Care should be taken to avoid changes in static loading during the dynamic phase. For example, if a tunnel is excavated after quiet boundaries have been specied on the bottom boundary, the whole model will start to move upward. This is because the total gravity force no longer balances the total reaction force at the bottom that was calculated when the boundary was changed to a quiet one. If a stress boundary condition is applied for the static solution, a stress boundary condition of opposite sign must also be applied over the same boundary when the quiet boundary is applied for the dynamic phase. This will allow the correct reaction forces to be in place at the boundary for the dynamic calculation. Quiet boundary conditions can be applied in the x - and y -directions, or along inclined boundaries, in the normal and shear directions, using the APPLY command with appropriate keywords (xquiet, yquiet, nquiet or squiet). When applying quiet boundary conditions in the normal and shear directions, nquiet and squiet should always be specied together. These conditions individually do not account for the coupling between x - and y -directions for inclined boundaries. When using the APPLY command to install a quiet boundary condition, it must be appreciated that the material properties used in Eq. (3.23) are obtained from the zones immediately adjacent to the boundary. Thus, appropriate material properties for boundary zones must be in place at the time the APPLY command is given, for the correct properties of the quiet boundary to be stored. Quiet boundaries are best-suited when the dynamic source is within a grid. Quiet boundaries should not be used alongside boundaries of a grid when the dynamic source is applied as a boundary condition at the top or base, because the wave energy will leak out of the sides. In this situation, free-eld boundaries, described below, should be applied to the sides. Free-Field Boundaries Numerical analysis of the seismic response of surface structures such as dams requires the discretization of a region of the material adjacent to the foundation. The seismic input is normally represented by plane waves propagating upward through the underlying material. The boundary conditions at the sides of the model must account for the free-eld motion which would exist in the absence of the structure. In some cases, elementary lateral boundaries may be sufcient. For example, if only a shear wave were applied on the horizontal boundary, AC, shown in Figure 3.7, it would be possible to x the boundary along AB and CD in the vertical direction only (see the example in Section 3.6.3). These boundaries should be placed at sufcient distances to minimize wave

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reections and achieve free-eld conditions. For soils with high material damping, this condition can be obtained with a relatively small distance (Seed et al. 1975). However, when the material damping is low, the required distance may lead to an impractical model. An alternative procedure is to enforce the free-eld motion in such a way that boundaries retain their non-reecting properties i.e., outward waves originating from the structure are properly absorbed. This approach was used in the continuum nite-difference code NESSI (Cundall et al. 1980). A technique of this type was developed for FLAC, involving the execution of a one-dimensional free-eld calculation in parallel with the main-grid analysis.

free field

seismic wave

Figure 3.7

Model for seismic analysis of surface structures and free-eld mesh

The lateral boundaries of the main grid are coupled to the free-eld grid by viscous dashpots to simulate a quiet boundary (see Figure 3.7), and the unbalanced forces from the free-eld grid are applied to the main-grid boundary. Both conditions are expressed in Eqs. (3.24) and (3.25), which apply to the left-hand boundary. Similar expressions may be written for the right-hand boundary.
m ff ff Fx = [Cp (vx vx ) xx ] Sy

free field


m ff ff vy ) xy ] Sy Fy = [Cs (vy


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Cp Cs Sy m vx m vy ff vx ff vy ff xx ff xy

= = = = = = = = = =

density of material along vertical model boundary; p -wave speed at the left-hand boundary; s -wave speed at the left-hand boundary; mean vertical zone size at boundary gridpoint; x -velocity of gridpoint in main grid at left boundary; y -velocity of gridpoint in main grid at left boundary; x -velocity of gridpoint in left free eld; y -velocity of gridpoint in left free eld; mean horizontal free-eld stress at gridpoint; and mean free-eld shear stress at gridpoint.

In this way, plane waves propagating upward suffer no distortion at the boundary because the freeeld grid supplies conditions that are identical to those in an innite model. If the main grid is uniform, and there is no surface structure, the lateral dashpots are not exercised because the freeeld grid executes the same motion as the main grid. However, if the main-grid motion differs from that of the free eld (due, say, to a surface structure that radiates secondary waves), then the dashpots act to absorb energy in a manner similar to the action of quiet boundaries. The free-eld model consists of a one-dimensional column of unit width, simulating the behavior of the extended medium. An explicit nite-difference method was selected for the model. The height of the free eld equals the length of the lateral boundaries. It is discretized into n elements corresponding to the zones along the lateral boundaries of the FLAC mesh. Element masses are lumped at the n+1 gridpoints. A linear variation of the displacement eld is assumed within each element; the elements are, therefore, in a state of uniform strain (and stress). The following conditions are required in order to apply the free-eld boundary condition. 1. The lateral boundaries of the grid must be vertical and straight. 2. The free eld boundaries may be applied to the whole grid or to a sub-grid, starting at (1,1), with the left-hand boundary being i = 1. The right-hand boundary corresponds to the last-encountered non-null zone, scanning along j = 1 with increasing i numbers. Any other disconnected sub-grids are not considered when the free-eld boundaries are created. Therefore, if sub-grids are used in a simulation that requires free-eld boundaries to the main grid, this grid must be the rst one i.e., its left and bottom sides must be lines i = 1 and j = 1, respectively. The optional keyword ilimits forces the free eld to be applied on the outer i limits of the grid (as specied in the GRID command). This keyword should be used if null zones exist on the j = 1 row of zones. It is advisable to perform PLOT apply to verify that the free eld is applied to the correct boundary before starting a dynamic simulation.

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3. The bottom zones (j = 1) at i = 1 and i = imax must not be null. 4. The model should be in static equilibrium before the free-eld boundary is applied. 5. The free-eld condition must be applied before changing other boundary conditions for the dynamic stage of an analysis. 6. The free-eld condition can only be applied for a plane-strain or plane-stress analysis. It is not applicable for axisymmetric geometry. 7. Both lateral boundaries of the grid must be included in the free eld because the free eld is automatically applied to both boundaries when the APPLY ff command is given. 8. The free eld can be specied for a groundwater ow analysis (CONFIG gw). A one-dimensional uid ow model will also be created when APPLY ff is issued, and pore pressures will be calculated in the free eld. 9. Interfaces and attach-lines do not get transferred to the free-eld grid. Thus, an INTERFACE or ATTACH condition should not extend to the free-eld boundary. The effect of an interface can be reproduced with a layer of zones having the same properties of the interface. 10. The use of 3D damping when the free eld is derived from the sides of a subgrid may not work correctly. 3D damping should only be used when the ff is applied to the whole grid. The static equilibrium conditions prior to the dynamic analysis are transferred to the free eld automatically when the command APPLY ff is invoked. All zone data (including model types and current state variables) in the rst and last columns of model zones are copied to the free-eld region. Free-eld information can be viewed by specifying the PRINT command with the range imax + 1 for the left-hand-side free eld and imax + 2 for the right-hand-side free eld, where imax is the highest gridpoint index in the i -direction. Note that stresses are referred to by the name of the ff is printed with the command PRINT asxx, for the range corresponding to rst sub-zone e.g., xx free-eld zones. Free-eld loads, applied velocities and quiet boundaries are updated automatically using the current values of the rst and last columns of the grid. Any model or nonlinear behavior may exist in the free eld, as well as uid coupling and vertical ow. However, the free eld performs a small-strain calculation, even if the main grid is executing in large-strain mode. In this case, the results will be approximately correct, provided the deformations near the free eld boundaries are relatively small (e.g., compared to grid dimensions). The application of the free-eld boundary is illustrated in Example 3.3. A shear stress wave is applied to the base of the model. Figure 3.8 shows the resulting x -velocity at the top of the model at different locations in the free eld and the main grid.

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Example 3.3 Shear wave loading of a model with free-eld boundaries

; -- Free-field test -config dyn def wave wave = 0.5 * (1.0 - cos(2*pi*dytime/period)) end set period 0.015 grid 16 10 mod elas gen line 6 10 8 6 gen line 8 6 10 10 mod null reg 7 10 prop bulk 66667 shear 40000 den 0.0025 set grav 10 fix x i=1 fix x i=17 fix y j=1 ; set dyn off hist unbal hist ydis i 5 j 5 hist ydis i 5 j 11 solve save ff0.sav ; set dyn on ; apply ff ; apply xquiet j=1 apply yquiet j=1 apply sxy -1.0 hist wave j 1 ; set dytime 0 hist reset hist dytime hist xvel i 5 j 11 hist xvel i 18 j 11 hist xvel i 19 j 11 ; solve dytime 0.02

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:28 step 1058 Dynamic Time 2.0016E-02 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X velocity ( 5, 11) X velocity X velocity ( 18, 11) ( 19, 11) 0.400 1.000 -01 )



X-axis : Dynamic time







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Figure 3.8

x-velocity histories at top of model with free-eld boundaries Three-Dimensional Radiation Damping A vibrating structure located on the surface of the modeled region creates a disturbance both in the plane of analysis and in the out-of-plane direction. The energy radiated in-plane is reasonably absorbed by the quiet boundary condition; however, in a three-dimensional system, energy would be radiated in the out-of-plane direction. To represent this effect approximately, dashpots are connected from all gridpoints in the main grid to corresponding gridpoints in the free eld (although the force is not applied to the free-eld grid). This mechanism is termed three-dimensional radiation damping and is invoked by the SET 3d damp command. The 3D damper acts on the difference between the actual particle velocity under the structure and the free eld velocity around the model region. The scheme is identical to that described by Lysmer et al. (1975). The dashpot constant, c, has the value: c= where c
ff Cs ff 2 Cs W


= coefcient of 3D damping; = free-eld shear wave velocity; and

W = out-of-plane width of structure. The free-eld boundaries (i.e., APPLY ff) must be specied when using 3D damping. The dashpot can be connected to either the left-hand side or the right-hand side of the free eld (see Figure 3.4).

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3.4.2 Mechanical Damping Natural dynamic systems contain some degree of damping of the vibration energy within the system; otherwise, the system would oscillate indenitely when subjected to driving forces. Damping is due, in part, to energy loss as a result of internal friction in the intact material and slippage along interfaces, if these are present. FLAC uses a dynamic algorithm for solution of two general classes of mechanical problems: quasistatic and dynamic. Damping is used in the solution of both classes of problems, but quasi-static problems require more damping for rapid convergence to equilibrium. The damping for static solutions is discussed in Section 1.3.4 in Theory and Background. For a dynamic analysis, the damping in the numerical simulation should reproduce in magnitude and form the energy losses in the natural system when subjected to a dynamic loading. In soil and rock, natural damping is mainly hysteretic i.e., independent of frequency (see Gemant and Jackson (1937) and Wegel and Walther (1935)). It is difcult to reproduce this type of damping numerically because of at least two problems (see Cundall 1976, and comments in Section 3.2.2). First, many simple hysteretic functions do not damp all components equally when several waveforms are superimposed. Second, hysteretic functions lead to path-dependence, which makes results difcult to interpret. However, if a constitutive model that contains an adequate representation of the hysteresis that occurs in a real material is found, then no additional damping would be necessary. This comment is addressed to users who program their own constitutive models in the FISH language or in C++; the built-in models are not considered to model dynamic hysteresis well enough to omit additional damping completely. In time-domain programs, Rayleigh damping is commonly used to provide damping that is approximately frequency-independent over a restricted range of frequencies. Although Rayleigh damping embodies two viscous elements (in which the absorbed energy is dependent on frequency), the frequency-dependent effects are arranged to cancel out at the frequencies of interest. Alternatively, the local damping embodied in FLAC s static solution scheme may be used dynamically, but with a damping coefcient appropriate to wave propagation. Local damping in dynamic problems is useful as an approximate way to include hysteretic damping. However, it becomes increasingly unrealistic as the complexity of the waveforms increases (i.e., as the number of frequency components increases). Both Rayleigh damping and local damping are described in more detail in the following sections. A third form of damping, articial viscosity, is also provided in FLAC. This damping may be used for analyses involving sharp dynamic fronts; it is described in Section Finally, a new damping algorithm, hysteretic damping, is described in Section This form of damping allows strain-dependent modulus and damping functions to be incorporated directly into the FLAC simulation. This makes it possible to make direct comparisons between calculations made with the equivalent-linear method and a fully nonlinear method, without making any compromises in the choice of constitutive model.

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3 - 27 Rayleigh Damping Rayleigh damping was originally used in the analysis of structures and elastic continua, to damp the natural oscillation modes of the system. The equations, therefore, are expressed in matrix form. A damping matrix, C , is used, with components proportional to the mass (M ) and stiffness (K ) matrices: C = M + K where = the mass-proportional damping constant; and = the stiffness-proportional damping constant. For a multiple degree-of-freedom system, the critical damping ratio, i , at any angular frequency of the system, i , can be found from (Bathe and Wilson 1976):
2 = 2 i i + i



or i = 1 + i 2 i (3.29)

The critical damping ratio, i , is also known as the fraction of critical damping for mode i with angular frequency i . Figure 3.9 shows the variation of the normalized critical damping ratio with angular frequency, i . Three curves are given: mass and stiffness components only, and the sum of both components. As shown, mass-proportional damping is dominant at lower angular-frequency ranges, while stiffnessproportional damping dominates at higher angular frequencies. The curve representing the sum of both components reaches a minimum at: min = ( )1/2 (3.30) min = ( / )1/2 or

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= min min (3.31) = min / min The center frequency is then dened as fmin = min / 2 (3.32)

It may be noted that at frequency min (or fmin ) (and only at that frequency) mass damping and stiffness damping each supply half of the total damping force.


= 0

i / min

total 3

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 3.9

Variation of normalized critical damping ratio with angular frequency

Rayleigh damping is specied in FLAC with the parameters fmin in Hertz (cycles per second) and min , both specied with the command SET dy damp rayleigh. Stiffness-proportional damping causes a reduction in the critical timestep for the explicit solution scheme (see Belytschko 1983). In FLAC, the internal timestep calculation takes account of stiffnessproportional damping, but it is still possible for instability to occur if the large-strain calculation is in effect (SET large) and very large mesh deformation occurs. If this happens, it is necessary to reduce the timestep manually (via the SET dydt command).

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For the case shown in Figure 3.9, min = 10 radians per second. It is evident that the damping ratio is almost constant over at least a 3:1 frequency range (e.g., from 5 to 15). Since damping in geologic media is commonly independent of frequency, as discussed in Section 3.4.2, min is usually chosen to lie in the center of the range of frequencies present in the numerical simulation either natural frequencies of the model or predominant input frequencies. Hysteretic damping is thereby simulated in an approximate fashion. Example Application of Rayleigh Damping In order to demonstrate how Rayleigh damping works in FLAC, the results of the following four damping cases can be compared; the example consists of a square grid in which gravity is suddenly applied. The conditions are: (a) undamped; (b) Rayleigh damping (both mass and stiffness damping); (c) mass damping only; and (d) stiffness damping only. Example 3.4 provides data corresponding to each case in turn. The Rayleigh parameters are adjusted to give critical damping in cases (b), (c), and (d). Example 3.4 Block under gravity undamped and 3 critically damped cases
conf dy gr 3 3 m e prop den 1000 bu 1e8 sh .3e8 fix y j=1 set grav 10.0 hist n 1 hist ydisp i=3 j=4 hist dytime save damp.sav step 200 title vertical displacement versus time (undamped) plot pen his 1 vs 2 ; rest damp.sav set dy_damp=rayl 1 25.0 step 445 title vertical displacement versus time (mass & stiffness damped; damp 1 25) plot pen his 1 vs 2

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; rest damp.sav set dy_damp=rayl 2 25.0 mass step 80 title vertical displacement versus time(mass damped;damp 2 25 mass) plot pen his 1 vs 2 ; rest damp.sav set dy_damp=rayl 2 25.0 stiff step 870 title vertical displacement versus time(stiffness damped;damp 2 25 stiff) plot pen his 1 vs 2 ret

In the rst case, with no damping, a natural frequency of oscillation of approximately 25 Hertz is observed (see Figure 3.10). The problem should be critically damped if: (1) a fraction of critical damping, min , of 1 is specied; (2) the natural frequency of oscillation, fmin , of 25 Hertz is specied; and (3) both mass and stiffness damping are used. The results in Figure 3.11 show that the problem is critically damped. If only mass or stiffness damping is used, then min must be doubled to obtain critical damping (since each component contributes one-half to the overall damping). Figures 3.12 and 3.13 again show that the system is critically damped. Note that the timestep is different for the three damped simulations. This is a result of the inuence of stiffness-proportional damping, as discussed above.

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JOB TITLE : vertical displacement versus time (undamped )

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:30 step 200 Dynamic Time 1.8898E-01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Y displacement( 3, 4) X-axis : Dynamic time 0.000 -03 )










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Figure 3.10 Plot of vertical displacement versus time, for gravity suddenly applied to a square grid (no damping)

JOB TITLE : vertical displacement versus time (mass and stiffness damped; damp 1 25)

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:30 step 445 Dynamic Time 7.5499E-02 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Y displacement( 3, 4) X-axis : Dynamic time -0.500 -1.000 -1.500 -2.000 -2.500 -3.000 -3.500 -4.000 -4.500 -04 )







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Figure 3.11 Plot of vertical displacement versus time, for gravity suddenly applied to a square grid (mass and stiffness damping)

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JOB TITLE : vertical displacement versus time (mass damped; damp 2 25 mass)

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:30 step 80 Dynamic Time 7.5593E-02 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Y displacement( 3, 4) X-axis : Dynamic time -0.500 -1.000 -1.500 -2.000 -2.500 -3.000 -3.500 -4.000 -4.500 -04 )







70 (10 -03 )

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Figure 3.12 Plot of vertical displacement versus time, for gravity suddenly applied to a square grid (mass damping only)

JOB TITLE : vertical displacement versus time (stiffness damped; damp 2 25 stiff)

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:30 step 870 Dynamic Time 7.5616E-02 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Y displacement( 3, 4) X-axis : Dynamic time -0.500 -1.000 -1.500 -2.000 -2.500 -3.000 -3.500 -4.000 -4.500 -04 )







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Figure 3.13 Plot of vertical displacement versus time, for gravity suddenly applied to a square grid (stiffness damping only)

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3 - 33 Guidelines for Selecting Rayleigh Damping Parameters What is normally attempted in a dynamic analysis is the reproduction of the frequency-independent damping of materials at the correct level. For geological materials, damping commonly falls in the range of 2 to 5% of critical; for structural systems, 2 to 10% is representative (Biggs 1964). In analyses that use one of the plasticity constitutive models (e.g., Mohr-Coulomb), a considerable amount of energy dissipation can occur during plastic ow. Thus, for many dynamic analyses that involve large-strain, only a minimal percentage of damping (e.g., 0.5%) may be required. Further, dissipation will increase with amplitude for stress/strain cycles that involve plastic ow. Rayleigh damping is frequency-dependent but has a at region that spans about a 3:1 frequency range, as shown in Figure 3.9. For any particular problem, a spectral analysis of typical velocity records might produce a response such as the one shown in Figure 3.14.*
Range of Predominant Frequencies Velocity Spectrum


Figure 3.14 Plot of velocity spectrum versus frequency If the highest predominant frequency is three times greater than the lowest predominant frequency, then there is a 3:1 span or range that contains most of the dynamic energy in the spectrum. The idea in dynamic analysis is to adjust fmin of the Rayleigh damping so that its 3:1 range coincides with the range of predominant frequencies in the problem. min is adjusted to coincide with the correct physical damping ratio. The predominant frequencies are neither the input frequencies nor the natural modes of the system, but a combination of both. The idea is to try to get the right damping for the important frequencies in the problem.

* A spectral analysis based on a Fast Fourier Transform is supplied as a FISH function in the FISH library in Section 3 in the FISH volume see FFT.FIS.

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For many problems, the important frequencies are related to the natural mode of oscillation of the system. Examples of this type of problem include seismic analysis of surface structures, such as dams or dynamic analysis of underground excavations. The fundamental frequency, f , associated with the natural mode of oscillation of a system, is f = C (3.33)

where C = speed of propagation associated with the mode of oscillation; and = longest wavelength associated with the mode of oscillation. For a continuous, elastic system (e.g., a one-dimensional elastic bar), the speed of propagation, Cp , for p -waves is given by Eq. (3.21), and for s -waves by Eq. (3.22). If shear motion of the bar gives rise to the lowest natural mode, then Cs is used in the above equation; otherwise, Cp is used if motion parallel to the axis of the bar gives rise to the lowest natural mode. The longest wavelength (or characteristic length or fundamental wavelength) depends on boundary conditions. Consider a solid bar of unit length with boundary conditions as shown in Figure 3.15(a). The fundamental mode shapes for cases (1), (2) and (3) are as shown in Figure 3.15(b). If a wavelength for the fundamental mode of a particular system cannot be estimated in this way, then a preliminary run may be made with zero damping (for example, see Figure 3.10). A representative natural period may be estimated from time histories of velocity or displacement. Section 3.6.1 contains another example in which natural periods are estimated by undamped simulations. Structural damping operates in similar way to damping in the grid. However, if a structural node is rigidly attached to a gridpoint, the gridpoint damping value is used, rather than the structural node damping value. For the special case of a structural node attached to a null gridpoint (one surrounded by null zones), the damping for that gridpoint/node is zero.

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(1) one end fixed

(2) both ends fixed

(3) both ends free

(a) boundary (end) conditions

(1) characteristic length = 4

(2) characteristic length = 2

(3) characteristic length = 2

(b) characteristic lengths or fundamental wavelengths

Figure 3.15 Comparison of fundamental wavelengths for bars with varying end conditions Local Damping for Dynamic Simulations Local damping (see Section 1.3.4 in Theory and Background) was originally designed as a means to equilibrate static simulations. However, it has some characteristics that make it attractive for dynamic simulations. It operates by adding or subtracting mass from a gridpoint or structural node at certain times during a cycle of oscillation; there is overall conservation of mass, because the amount added is equal to the amount subtracted. Mass is added when the velocity changes sign and subtracted when it passes a maximum or minimum point. Hence, increments of kinetic energy are removed twice per oscillation cycle (at the velocity extremes). The amount of energy

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removed, W , is proportional to the maximum, transient strain energy, W , and the ratio W/W is independent of rate and frequency. Since W/W may be related to fraction of critical damping, D (Kolsky 1963), we obtain the expression L = D (3.34)

where L is the local damping coefcient. Thus, the use of local damping is simpler than Rayleigh damping, because we do not need to specify a frequency. To compare the two types of damping, we repeat Example 3.4 with 5% damping, which is a typical value used for dynamic analyses. Example 3.5 provides the data le; we also set fmin to 24.1, which is a more accurate estimate of the natural frequency of the block. A similar run is done with local damping, with the coefcient set to 0.1571 (= 0.05 ) see Example 3.6. In both runs, we specify the timestep at 5104 , so that we can execute the same number of steps in each to obtain the same elapsed time. Displacement histories from the two runs are given in Figures 3.16 and 3.17, respectively. The results are quite similar. Example 3.5 Continuation of Example 3.4 with 5% Rayleigh damping
rest damp.sav set dydt=5e-4 set dy_damp=rayleigh 0.05 24.1 step 1000 plot pen his 1 vs 2

Example 3.6 Continuation of Example 3.4 with 5% local damping

rest damp.sav set dydt=5e-4 set dy_damp=local 0.1571 ; = pi * 0.05 step 1000 plot pen his 1 vs 2

A modied form of local damping combined damping may also be used in dynamic mode, but its performance is unknown. The formulation for combined damping is given in Section 1.3.4 in Theory and Background, and the command to invoke it is SET dy damp combined value.

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:35 step 1000 Dynamic Time 5.0000E-01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Y displacement( 3, 4) X-axis : Dynamic time -1.000 -2.000 -3.000 -4.000 -5.000 -6.000 -7.000 -8.000 -9.000 -04 )









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Figure 3.16 Displacement history 5% Rayleigh damping


FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:37 step 1000 Dynamic Time 5.0000E-01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Y displacement( 3, 4) X-axis : Dynamic time -1.000 -2.000 -3.000 -4.000 -5.000 -6.000 -7.000 -8.000 -9.000 -04 )









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Figure 3.17 Displacement history 5% local damping

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CAUTION: Local damping appears to give good results for a simple case because it is frequencyindependent and needs no estimate of the natural frequency of the system being modeled. However, this type of damping should be treated with caution and the results compared to those with Rayleigh damping for each application. There is some evidence to suggest that, for complicated waveforms, local damping underdamps the high frequency components, and may introduce high frequency noise. Spatial Variation in Damping Rayleigh damping and local damping are both assigned as global parameters by the SET command in FLAC. A spatial variation in the damping parameters (and the damping type) can also be prescribed via the INITIAL dy damp command. For example, if different materials are known to have different fractions of critical damping, a different value for min can be assigned to each material. This can be demonstrated by modifying the example of a wave propagating in a column (Example 3.2). In Example 3.7, two separate identical grids are constructed, to enable a direct comparison to be made. Both grids contain two layers a stiff layer in the lower half, and a soft layer in the upper half. The left-hand grid has uniform Rayleigh stiffness damping, while the right-hand grid has two values for the damping coefcient, corresponding to the two materials, although the average damping coefcient is the same as that of the left-hand grid. The velocity histories at the free surface are plotted in Figure 3.18 for both grids. Differences in response can be observed particularly in the second pulse (reected from the material discontinuity). Example 3.7 Spatial variation in damping
config dyn ext=5 grid 3,50 mod elas i=1 ; Create 2 grids, for comparison mod elas i=3 prop dens 2500 bulk 2e7 shear 1e7 j=1,25 ; Two layers in prop dens 2000 bulk 0.5e7 shear 0.25e7 j=26,50 ; each grid def wave if dytime > 1.0/freq wave = 0.0 else wave = (1.0 - cos(2.0*pi*freq*dytime)) / 2.0 endif end set freq=2.0 ncw=50 ini dy_damp=rayl .1 freq stiff i=1,2 ; Uniform .. l.h. grid ini dy_damp=rayl .02 freq stiff i=3,4 j=1,26 ; Nonuniform .. ini dy_damp=rayl .18 freq stiff i=3,4 j=27,51 ; r.h. grid fix y apply xquiet j=1 i=1,2 apply xquiet j=1 i=3,4 apply sxy=-2e5 hist wave j=1 i=1,2 apply sxy=-2e5 hist wave j=1 i=3,4

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hist xvel i=1 j=1 ; l.h. grid hist xvel i=1 j=51 hist xvel i=3 j=1 ; r.h. grid hist xvel i=3 j=51 hist dytime solve dytime=3.5


FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:38 step 4565 Dynamic Time 3.5005E+00 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X velocity ( 1, 51) X velocity ( 3, 51) X-axis : Dynamic time 1.200 1.000 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.000 -0.200





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Figure 3.18 Velocity histories at a free surface for spatial variation in damping The specication of nonuniform damping with the INITIAL command follows the syntax of both the SET dy damp command and the INITIAL command. For example, variations, additions and multipliers can be prescribed for all parameters. In its simplest form the INITIAL dy damp command resembles that of the SET dy damp command (e.g., the following two commands produce identical results):
set dy damp rayl ini dy damp rayl 0.05 0.05 25.0 25.0

Note that a SET dy damp command implicitly sets damping for all grid elements (and overrides any previous INITIAL dy damp specications). By using range parameters, several INITIAL dy damp commands can be used to install different damping values (and even different damping types) in various locations. The var keyword can also be used. For example, we can modify the previous example of uniform damping.
ini dy damp rayl 0.05 var 0.1,0.2 25.0 var -5,0

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In this case, there are spatial variations in both the damping coefcient and the center frequency. The syntax follows the general rule for the INITIAL command in that any parameter value may be followed by the keywords var, add or mul, with appropriate parameters for those keywords. Note that all damping parameters pertain to gridpoints. In particular, the Rayleigh stiffness-proportional term, which acts on zone strain rates, is derived by averaging, from values specied at the neighboring gridpoints. The command PRINT dy damp produces a normal grid printout, consisting of two or more blocks of data: the rst block denotes the damping type (L, C or R, for local, combined or Rayleigh, respectively, with modiers m and s for mass and stiffness), and the second block records the damping coefcient. In the case of Rayleigh damping, there is a third block of output that records the center frequency. There is no direct plot of damping information, but the FISH grid intrinsic damp can be used to transfer appropriate data to the extra arrays for plotting. See Section 2 in the FISH volume, for a description of the intrinsic damp. If damping parameters are modied with the FISH intrinsic damp, the change will not necessarily take effect immediately, because the code uses derived coefcients. In small-strain mode, derived coefcients are computed from user-given parameters when a CYCLE or STEP command is given; in large-strain mode, the derivation is done every 10 steps. A user-written FISH function may force the derived coefcients to be computed by executing the intrinsic do update. Note that the timestep may change as a result (if the Rayleigh stiffness term is changed). Structural Element Damping Rayleigh, local or combined damping can also be specied independently for structural elements by giving the struct keyword immediately following SET dy damp. Damping is then applied specifically for all structural elements in the model. See, for example, Example 3.15. Note that stiffness damping is included by default for pile coupling springs. This damping can be turned off by using the SET dy damp pile sd off command. Articial Viscosity Von Neumann and Landshoff articial viscosity terms are implemented in FLAC to control damping in dynamic analysis involving sharp fronts. These viscous damping terms are a generalization of the one-dimensional equations (1) and (3) in Wilkins (1980), and correspond to the original viscosity formulation of von Neumann and Richtmyer (see Wilkins 1980). The articial viscosity method was initially developed for numerical calculation of shock propagation in uid dynamics. The method may not apply to elastic or plastic waves when shear stress components are signicant when compared to mean pressure, because shear waves are not damped by the method. The purpose of the quadratic von Neumann term q1 is to spread the shock over a number of grid spacings and damp the oscillations behind the front. The effect of the linear Landshoff term q2 is to diffuse the shock front over an increased number of zones as the shock progresses.

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In the FLAC implementation, a linear combination, q , of the scalar viscosity terms q1 and q2 is used on a zone basis: q = an q1 + al q2 where an and al are two constants. The viscous terms have the form q1 = b c0 2 L2 2 q2 = b c1 L a where L is a characteristic zone dimension (square root of the zone area) is the zone volumetric rate is the zone density a c0 c1 b is the material p -wave speed: a =
(K + 4 3 G)


(3.36) (3.37)

where K and G are bulk and shear moduli for the zone is a constant set = 2 is a constant set = 1 = sgn( )

and, to accommodate both compressive and dilatant shocks, we specify

The isotropic viscous stress contribution is added to the out-of-balance force for the nodes before resolution of the equations of motion. The following command is provided to activate articial damping for a FLAC model: SET dy damp avisc an al where an and al are the two constants dened above, which should, in most instances, be assigned the value of 1. Note that the presence of damping terms results in a slightly more stringent stability condition that has not been taken into consideration in the implementation. Hence, in some cases, it may be necessary to reduce the timestep to achieve satisfactory stability. The data le in Example 3.8 corresponds to a model with a sharp velocity wave, of the form shown in Figure 3.19, applied to the left boundary. The data le is run in both plane-strain and axisymmetry mode using the articial viscosity model. (Replace the CONFIG dyn command with CONFIG dyn axi for the axisymmetry analysis.) The effect on wave transmission through the grid is illustrated by the x -velocity plots in Figure 3.20 for the plane-strain model without articial viscosity (SET dy damp avisc command removed), compared to Figure 3.21 for the model with articial viscosity. Figure 3.22 shows the results for the axisymmetry model with articial viscosity.

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Example 3.8 Velocity wave with sharp front articial viscosity

config dyn ; config dyn axi grid 150 300 model e gen 0 0 0 20 0.019 20 0.019 gen 0.019 0 0.019 20 10 20 10 model null i=1 ; P-wave boundary prop d 2.8 b 58.5e6 sh 34.3e6 apply nq i=151 apply sq i=151 fix y j=1 ;-- do dynamic analysis -def wave wave = exp(-0.1842e06*(dytime-430.e-06)) if dytime<430.e-06 then wave = 1.0 end_if if dytime<1.0e-6 then wave = 1.0e-6 * dytime end_if end apply xvel=1.0, hist=wave i=2 hist dytime hist wave hist xvel i=2,j=150 hist xvel i=10,j=150 hist xvel i=20,j=150 hist xvel i=30,j=150 hist xvel i=50,j=150 hist xvel i=2,j=50 hist xvel i=10,j=50 hist xvel i=20,j=50 hist xvel i=30,j=50 hist xvel i=50,j=50 set large set dy_damp avisc 1 1 solve dytime 10.0e-4 save avisc_ps.sav ; save avisc_ax.sav ret

0 0

i=1,2 j=1,301 i=2,151 j=1,301

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LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:46 step 259 Dynamic Time 1.0029E-03 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : wave (FISH) X-axis : Dynamic time






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Figure 3.19 Velocity wave with sharp front


FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:46 step 259 Dynamic Time 1.0029E-03 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X velocity ( 10, 150) X velocity X velocity ( 20, 150) ( 30, 150) 0.400 0.200 0.000 -0.200 1.200 1.000 0.800 0.600

X-axis : Dynamic time

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Figure 3.20 x-velocity histories for plane-strain model without articial viscosity

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:47 step 259 Dynamic Time 1.0029E-03 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X velocity ( 10, 150) X velocity X velocity ( 20, 150) ( 30, 150) 0.400 1.000



X-axis : Dynamic time



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Figure 3.21 x-velocity histories for plane-strain model with articial viscosity


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(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:50 step 259 Dynamic Time 1.0018E-03 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X velocity ( 10, 150) X velocity X velocity ( 20, 150) ( 30, 150) 1.000 0.000 -1.000 -2.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 -02 )

X-axis : Dynamic time

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Figure 3.22 x-velocity histories for axisymmetry model with articial viscosity

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3 - 45 Hysteretic Damping Background The equivalent-linear method (see Section 3.2) has been in use for many years to calculate the wave propagation (and response spectra) in soil and rock, at sites subjected to seismic excitation. The method does not capture directly any nonlinear effects because it assumes linearity during the solution process; strain-dependent modulus and damping functions are only taken into account in an average sense, in order to approximate some effects of nonlinearity (damping and material softening). Although fully nonlinear codes such as FLAC are capable in principle of modeling the correct physics, it has been difcult to convince designers and licensing authorities to accept fully nonlinear simulations. One reason is that the constitutive models available to FLAC are either too simple (e.g., an elastic/plastic model, which does not reproduce the continuous yielding seen in soils) or too complicated (e.g., the Wang model [Wang et al. 2001], which needs many parameters and a lengthy calibration process). Further, there is a need to accept directly the same degradation curves used by equivalent-linear methods (see Figure 3.23 for an example), to allow engineers to move easily from using these methods to using fully nonlinear methods.

Figure 3.23 Modulus reduction curve for sand (Seed & Idriss 1970 upper range). The data set was taken from the input le supplied with the SHAKE91 code download. (See ) A further motivation for incorporating such cyclic data into a hysteretic damping model for FLAC and FLAC 3D is that the need for additional damping, such as Rayleigh damping, would be eliminated.

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Rayleigh damping is unpopular with code users because it often involves a drastic reduction in timestep, and a consequent increase in solution time. Optional hysteretic damping is described here; it may be used on its own, or in conjunction with the other damping schemes, such as Rayleigh damping or local damping. (It may also be used with any of the built-in constitutive models, except for the transversely isotropic elastic, modied Cam-clay, and creep material models.) Formulation Modulus degradation curves, as illustrated in Figure 3.23, imply a nonlinear stress/strain curve. If we assume an ideal soil, in which the stress depends only on the strain (not on the number of cycles, or time), we can derive an incremental constitutive relation from the degradation curve, described by / = Ms , where is the normalized shear stress, the shear strain and Ms the normalized secant modulus. = Ms d dMs = Ms + d d (3.38)

Mt =


where Mt is the normalized tangent modulus. The incremental shear modulus in a nonlinear simulation is then given by GMt , where G is the small-strain shear modulus of the material. In order to handle two- and three-dimensional strain paths, a similar approach to that described for the Finn model (e.g., see Section is used, whereby the shear strain is decomposed into components in strain space, and strain reversals are detected by changes in signs of the dot product of the current increment and the previous mean path. Following the formulation of the Finn model (replacing with ; otherwise using the same notation), 1 := 1 + e11 e22 (3.40)

2 := 2 + 2 e12 i = io ioo z= i i i z




no i =


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d = (i io )ni


A reversal is detected when |d | passes through a maximum, and the previous-reversal strain values are updated as given by Eqs. (3.46) and (3.47). Note that there is no latency period, as used in the Finn model (see Section; there is no minimum number of timesteps that must occur before a reversal is detected. ioo = io io = i (3.46)


Between reversals, the shear modulus is multiplied by Mt , using = |d | in Eq. (3.39). The multiplier is applied to the shear modulus used in all built-in constitutive models, except for the transversely isotropic elastic, modied Cam-clay, and creep material models. Note that the Masing rule is used when applying the formulation presented above. For the rst loading cycle, both stress and strain axes are scaled by one half compared to those for subsequent cycles. Implementation The formulation described above is implemented in FLAC, by modifying the strain-rate calculation, so that the mean strain-rate tensor (averaged over all sub-zones) is calculated before any calls are made to constitutive model functions. At this stage, the hysteretic logic is invoked, returning a modulus multiplier, which is passed to any called constitutive model. The model then uses the multiplier Mt to adjust the apparent value of tangent shear modulus of the full zone being processed. The hysteretic logic also contains push-down FILO* stacks that record all state information (e.g., d , ni and io ) at the point of reversal, for both positive- and negative-going strain directions. If the strain level returns to and exceeds a previous value recorded in the stack (of the appropriate sign), the state information is popped from the stack, so that the behavior (and, hence, tangent multiplier) reverts back to that applying at the time before the reversal. For example, Figure 3.24 shows the stress/strain response of a one-zone sample loaded in shear at constant strainrate. After 1000 steps, the strainrate is reversed for 250 steps, and then reversed again for 500 steps. The mini-loop exhibits a high average stiffness, but the slope reverts back to the virgin loading curve when the strain reaches the level at which the rst reversal occurred. In this case, both the positive and negative stacks are popped upon closure of the mini-loop (i.e., the entire loop is forgotten), but only the information from the positive stack is used to restore state information; the negative-stack information is discarded. The degradation curves used in earthquake engineering are usually given as tables of values, with cyclic strains spaced logarithmically. Since the derivative of the modulus-reduction curve is required here (i.e., for Eq. (3.39)), the coarse spacing (e.g., 11 points in the curve shown in Figure 3.23) leads * First In, Last Out

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to unacceptable errors if numerical derivatives are calculated. Thus, the implemented hysteretic model uses only continuous functions to represent the modulus-reduction curve, so that analytical derivatives may be calculated. The various implemented functions are described in the following section. If degradation curves are available only in table form, they must be tted to one of the built-in functional forms before simulations can be performed.

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:53 step 1750 Dynamic Time 1.7500E-01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Ave. SXY ( 1, 1) X-axis : X displacement( 1, 2) 05 )







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Figure 3.24 Shear stress vs shear strain, with one reversal to show the effect of memory (Example 3.9)

Example 3.9 One-zone sample loaded in shear with strainrate reversal

conf dyn ext 5 grid 1 1 model elas prop dens 1000 shear 5e8 bulk 10e8 fix x y set dydt 1e-4 ini dy_damp hyst default -3.5 1.3 his sxy i 1 j 1 his xdis i 1 j 2 his nstep 1 ini xvel 1e-2 j=2 cyc 1000 ini xvel mul -1

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cyc 250 ini xvel mul -1 cyc 500

The hysteretic damping feature is invoked with the command

initial dy damp hyst name <v1 v2 v3 > <range>

Where name is the name of the tting function (chosen from the list: default, sig3, sig4 and hardin see below) and v1, v2, v3 . . . are numerical values for function parameters. The optional range may be any acceptable range phrase for zones. Hysteretic damping may be removed from any range of zones with the command
initial dy damp hyst off <range>

Note that the INITIAL dy damp hyst command only applies where the CONFIG dyn mode of operation has been selected, and when SET dyn=on applies. Hysteretic damping operates independent of all other forms of damping, which may be also specied to operate in parallel with hysteretic damping. Tangent-Modulus Functions Various built-in functions are available to represent the variation of G/Gmax with cyclic strain (given in percent), according to the keyword specied on the INITIAL dy damp hyst command. Default model default The default hysteresis model is developed by noting that the S-shaped curve of modulus versus logarithm of cyclic strain can be represented by a cubic equation, with zero slope at both low strain and high strain. Thus, the secant modulus, Ms , is Ms = s 2 (3 2s) where s= and L is the logarithmic strain, L = log10 ( ) (3.50) L2 L L2 L1 (3.49) (3.48)

The parameters L1 and L2 are the extreme values of logarithmic strain i.e., the values at which the tangent slope becomes zero. Thus, giving L1 = 3 and L2 = 1 means that the S-shaped curve will extend from a lower cyclic strain of 0.001% (103 ) to an upper cyclic strain of 10% (101 ).

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Since the slopes are zero at these limits, it is not meaningful to operate the damping model with strains outside the limits. (Note that Eq. (3.48) is only assumed to apply for 0 s 1, and that the tangent modulus will be set to zero otherwise). The tangent modulus is given by Mt = Ms + Using the chain rule, dMs ds dL dMs = d ds dL d we obtain Mt = s 2 (3 2s) 6s(1 s) log10 e L2 L1 (3.52) dMs d (3.51)


There is a further limit, s > smin , such that the tangent modulus is always positive (no strain softening). Thus,
2 (3 2smin ) = smin

6smin (1 smin ) log10 e L2 L1


2 2smin smin (A + 3) + A = 0


where A = 6log10 e/(L2 L1 ). The lowest positive root is smin = A+3 (A + 3)2 8A 4


In applying the model, Mt = 0 if s < smin . The numerical t of the default model to the curve of Figure 3.23 is listed in Table 3.1.

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Sigmoidal models sig3, sig4 Sigmoidal curves are monotonic within the dened range, and have the appropriate asymptotic behavior. Thus the functions are well-suited for the purpose of representing modulus degradation curves. The two types of sigmoidal model (3 and 4 parameters, respectively) are dened as follows. sig3 model: Ms = sig4 model: Ms = yo + a 1 + exp((L xo )/b) (3.58) a 1 + exp((L xo )/b) (3.57)

The command line for invoking these models requires that 3 symbols, a , b and xo , are dened by the parameters v1, v2, and v3, respectively, for model sig3 (Eq. (3.57)). For model sig4, the 4 symbols, a , b, xo and yo , are entered by means of the parameters v1, v2, v3, and v4, respectively. Numerical ts for the two models to the curve of Figure 3.23 are provided in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Numerical ts to Seed & Idriss data Data set Sand upper range (Seed & Idriss, 1970) Default L1 = -3.325 L2 = 0.823 Sig3 a = 1.014 b = -0.4792 xo = -1.249 Sig4 a = 0.9762 b = -0.4393 xo = -1.285 yo = 0.03154 Hardin ref = 0.06

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Hardin/Drnevich model hardin The following function was suggested by Hardin and Drnevich (1972): Ms = 1 1 + /ref (3.59)

It has the useful property that the modulus reduction factor is 0.5 when = ref , so that the sole parameter, ref , may be determined by inspection from the strain at which the modulusreduction curve crosses the G/Gmax = 0.5 line. Choosing a value of ref = 0.06 produces a match to the curve of Figure 3.23 that is similar to that shown in Figure 3.25, below, although the high-strain damping is higher. Results of Matching Using the sig3 model t mentioned above, the data le Example 3.10 was used to exercise a one-zone FLAC model at several cyclic strain levels. The following command was used to invoke hysteretic damping.
ini hyst sig3 1.014 -0.4792 -1.249

The results are summarized in Figure 3.25, which presents the tangent modulus results from FLAC together with the Seed & Idriss results. Although the modulus results match the target data well over ve orders of magnitude, the measured damping does not conform well with the published damping curves for the same material. Figure 3.26 compares the FLAC results with the Seed & Idriss data. Example 3.10 One-zone sample exercised at several cyclic strain levels
conf dy def setup givenShear = 1e8 CycStrain = 0.1 ; (percent cyclic strain) ;---- derived .. setVel = 0.01 * min(1.0,CycStrain/0.1) givenBulk = 2.0 * givenShear timestep = min(1e-4,1e-5 / CycStrain) nstep1 = int(0.5 + 1.0 / (timestep * 10.0)) nstep2 = nstep1 * 2 nstep3 = nstep1 + nstep2 nstep5 = nstep1 + 2 * nstep2 end setup ; grid 1 1 m e

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prop den 1000 sh givenShear bu givenBulk fix x y ini xvel setVel j=2 set dydt 1e-4 ini dy_damp hyst sig3 1.014 -0.4792 -1.249 his sxy i 1 j 1 his xdis i 1 j 2 his nstep 1 cyc nstep1 ini xv mul -1 cyc nstep2 ini xv mul -1 cyc nstep2 his write 1 vs 2 tab 1 def HLoop emax = 0.0 emin = 0.0 tmax = 0.0 tmin = 0.0 loop n (1,nstep5) emax = max(xtable(1,n),emax) emin = min(xtable(1,n),emin) tmax = max(ytable(1,n),tmax) tmin = min(ytable(1,n),tmin) endLoop slope = ((tmax - tmin) / (emax - emin)) / givenShear oo = out( strain = +string(emax*100.0)+% G/Gmax = +string(slope)) Tbase = ytable(1,nstep3) Lsum = 0.0 loop n (nstep1,nstep3-1) meanT = (ytable(1,n) + ytable(1,n+1)) / 2.0 Lsum = Lsum + (xtable(1,n)-xtable(1,n+1)) * (meanT - Tbase) endLoop Usum = 0.0 loop n (nstep3,nstep5-1) meanT = (ytable(1,n) + ytable(1,n+1)) / 2.0 Usum = Usum + (xtable(1,n+1)-xtable(1,n)) * (meanT - Tbase) endLoop Wdiff = Usum - Lsum Senergy = 0.5 * xtable(1,nstep1) * yTable(1,nstep1) Drat = Wdiff / (Senergy * 4.0 * pi) oo = out( damping ratio = +string(Drat*100.0)+%) end HLoop save cyclic.sav

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Optional Features

Figure 3.25 Results of several cyclic FLAC simulations for sig3 model secant modulus values versus cyclic shear strain in %. Seed & Idriss data also shown.

Figure 3.26 Results of several cyclic FLAC simulations for sig3 model damping values versus cyclic shear strain in %. Seed & Idriss data also shown.

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Clearly, the published data for modulus and damping are inconsistent with a conceptual model of strain- and time-independent material response. It is unclear whether the two sets of published data came from different tests, or if the nature of the test led to the inconsistencies. For example, the steady-state response (after many cycles of applied strain) may be different from the initial single cycle response. If this is true, then it is not evident that the steady-state response (presumably encompassed by the published results) is a better representation in typical earthquake simulations than the single-cycle response, because many earthquakes contain only one or two large-amplitude cycles. Thus, the single-cycle response may more correctly represent material behavior under earthquake loading. In this case, the damping and modulus curves are consistent. In the absence of consistent laboratory data, it is suggested that a compromise approach is taken, in which both the damping and modulus curves are tted over a reasonable range of strains (corresponding to the strains being modeled). As an example of this strategy, the default model is used (with data le Example 3.11), giving the FLAC results shown in Figures 3.27 and 3.28. The hysteretic damping in this case was invoked with the following command.
ini hyst default -3.325 0.823

The results show that over a middle range of strain (say, 0.001% to 0.3% strain) there is an approximate t to both the modulus and damping curves of Seed & Idriss. Example 3.11 One-zone sample exercised at several cyclic strain levels with approximate t over selected strain range
conf dy def setup givenShear = 1e8 end setup gri 1 1 m e prop den 1000 sh givenShear bu 2e8 fix x y ini xvel 1e-2 j=2 set dydt 1e-4 ini dy_damp hyst default -3.325 0.823 his sxy i 1 j 1 his xdis i 1 j 2 his nstep 1 cyc 1000 ini xv mul -1 cyc 2000 ini xv mul -1 cyc 2000 his write 1 vs 2 tab 1 def HLoop emax = 0.0

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emin = 0.0 tmax = 0.0 tmin = 0.0 loop n (1,5000) emax = max(xtable(1,n),emax) emin = min(xtable(1,n),emin) tmax = max(ytable(1,n),tmax) tmin = min(ytable(1,n),tmin) endLoop slope = ((tmax - tmin) / (emax - emin)) / givenShear oo = out( strain = +string(emax*100.0)+% G/Gmax = +string(slope)) Tbase = ytable(1,3000) Lsum = 0.0 loop n (1000,2999) meanT = (ytable(1,n) + ytable(1,n+1)) / 2.0 Lsum = Lsum + (xtable(1,n)-xtable(1,n+1)) * (meanT - Tbase) endLoop Usum = 0.0 loop n (3000,4999) meanT = (ytable(1,n) + ytable(1,n+1)) / 2.0 Usum = Usum + (xtable(1,n+1)-xtable(1,n)) * (meanT - Tbase) endLoop Wdiff = Usum - Lsum Senergy = 0.5 * xtable(1,1000) * yTable(1,1000) Drat = Wdiff / (Senergy * 4.0 * pi) oo = out( damping ratio = +string(Drat*100.0)+%) end HLoop save cyclefit.sav

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Figure 3.27 Results of several cyclic FLAC simulations for default model secant modulus values versus cyclic shear strain in %. Seed & Idriss data also shown.

Figure 3.28 Results of several cyclic FLAC simulations for default model damping values versus cyclic shear strain in %. Seed & Idriss data also shown.

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An example of a 20m layer excited by a digitized earthquake is provided to show that plausible behavior occurs for a case involving wave propagation, multiple and nested loops, and reasonably large cyclic strain. The data le Example 3.12 is listed below. Example 3.12 One-dimensional earthquake excitation of uniform layer
conf dyn ext 5 grid 1 20 model elas prop dens 1000 shear 5e8 fix y his read 100 gilroy1.acc apply xacc -0.02 his 100 def strain1 strain1 = xdisp(1,2) strain10 = xdisp(1,11) end his dytime his sxy i 1 j 1 his strain1 his sxy i 1 j 10 his strain10 his xacc i=1 j=1 his xacc i 1 j 11 his xacc i 1 j 21 ini dy_damp hyst default solve dytime 25 save mdac.sav

bulk 10e8

yvel 0 j=1 xdisp(1,1) - xdisp(1,10)

-3.325 0.823

The digitized earthquake record is described as LOMA PRIETA GILROY. The stress/strain loops for the bottom and middle of the layer are shown in Figures 3.29 and 3.30, respectively, and the acceleration histories for 3 positions are shown in Figure 3.31. The simulation is in one dimension, for excitation in the shear directly only. The hysteretic model seems to handle multiple nested loops in a reasonable manner. There is clearly more energy dissipation at the base of the model than at the middle. The maximum cyclic strain is about 0.15%. The magnitude of timestep is unaffected by the hysteretic damping.

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:55 step 91288 Dynamic Time 2.5000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Ave. SXY ( 1, 1) X-axis : strain1 (FISH) 3.000 05 )









15 (10 -04 )

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.29 Shear stress vs shear strain for base of the layer; default FLAC hysteretic model


FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:55 step 91288 Dynamic Time 2.5000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Ave. SXY ( 1, 10) X-axis : strain10 (FISH) 1.500 05 )













80 (10 -05 )

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Figure 3.30 Shear stress vs shear strain for middle of the layer; default FLAC hysteretic model

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:55 step 91288 Dynamic Time 2.5000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X acceleration( 1, 1) X-axis : Dynamic time 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.000 -0.200 -0.400 -0.600 -0.800 01 )





Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.31 Acceleration history for base of layer vs time (sec)


FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:55 step 91288 Dynamic Time 2.5000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X acceleration( 1, 11) X-axis : Dynamic time 1.000 01 )










Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.32 Acceleration history for middle of layer vs time (sec)

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 15:55 step 91288 Dynamic Time 2.5000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X acceleration( 1, 21) X-axis : Dynamic time 1.500 01 )











Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.33 Acceleration history for surface of layer vs time (sec) Observations A method has been developed to use cyclic modulus-degradation data directly in a FLAC simulation. The resulting model is able to reproduce the results of constant-amplitude cyclic tests, but it is also able to accommodate strain paths that are arbitrary in strain space and time. Thus, it should be possible to make direct comparisons between calculations made with an equivalent-linear method and a fully nonlinear method, without making any compromises in the choice of constitutive model. The developed method is not designed to be a plausible soil model; rather, its purpose is to allow current users of equivalent-linear methods a painless way to upgrade to a fully nonlinear method. Further, the hysteretic damping of the new formulation will enable users to avoid the use of Rayleigh damping and its unpopular timestep penalties. A comparison of a layered model between SHAKE and FLAC with hysteretic damping is provided in Section 3.6.6. Other than the examples presented here, little application of the model to realistic two-dimensional systems has been made. The hysteretic damping should be used with caution until more experience is built up.

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3.4.3 Wave Transmission Numerical distortion of the propagating wave can occur in a dynamic analysis as a function of the modeling conditions. Both the frequency content of the input wave and the wave-speed characteristics of the system will affect the numerical accuracy of wave transmission. Kuhlemeyer and Lysmer (1973) show that for accurate representation of wave transmission through a model, the spatial element size, l , must be smaller than approximately one-tenth to one-eighth of the wavelength associated with the highest frequency component of the input wave i.e., l 10 (3.60)

where is the wavelength associated with the highest frequency component that contains appreciable energy. For dynamic input with a high peak velocity and short rise-time, the Kuhlemeyer and Lysmer requirement may necessitate a very ne spatial mesh and a corresponding small timestep. The consequence is that reasonable analyses may be prohibitively time- and memory-consuming. In such cases, it may be possible to adjust the input by recognizing that most of the power for the input history is contained in lower frequency components (e.g., use FFT.FIS in Section 3 in the FISH volume). By ltering the history and removing high frequency components, a coarser mesh may be used without signicantly affecting the results. The ltering procedure can be accomplished with a low-pass lter routine such as the Fast Fourier Transform technique (see, e.g., FILTER.FIS in Section 3 in the FISH volume). The unltered velocity record shown in Figure 3.34 represents a typical waveform containing a very high frequency spike. The highest frequency of this input exceeds 50 Hz but, as shown by the power spectral density plot of Fourier amplitude versus frequency (Figure 3.35), most of the power (approximately 99%) is made up of components of frequency 15 Hz or lower. It can be inferred, therefore, that by ltering this velocity history with a 15 Hz low-pass lter, less than 1% of the power is lost. The input ltered at 15 Hz is shown in Figure 3.36, and the Fourier amplitudes are plotted in Figure 3.37. The difference in power between unltered and ltered input is less than 1%, while the peak velocity is reduced 38% and the rise time is shifted from 0.035 to 0.09 seconds. Analyses should be performed with input at different levels of ltering to evaluate the inuence of the lter on model results. If a simulation is run with an input history that violates Eq. (3.60), the output will contain spurious ringing (superimposed oscillations) that are nonphysical. The input spectrum must be ltered before being applied to a FLAC grid. This limitation applies to all numerical models in which a continuum is discretized; it is not just a characteristic of FLAC. Any discretized medium has an upper limit to the frequencies that it can transmit, and this limit must be respected if the results are to be meaningful. Users of FLAC commonly apply sharp pulses or step waveforms to a FLAC grid; this is not acceptable under most circumstances because these waveforms have spectra that extend to innity. It is a simple matter to apply, instead, a smooth pulse that has a limited spectrum, as discussed above. Alternatively, articial viscosity may be used to spread sharp wave-fronts over several zones (see Section, but this method strictly only applies to isotropic strain components.

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Velocity (cm/sec) (Thousands)

-1 0 0.2 0.4

Time (sec)

Figure 3.34 Unltered velocity history

130 120 110 100

Fourier Amplitude (Times 10E9)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Figure 3.35 Unltered power spectral density plot

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3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 0 0.2 0.4

Velocity (cm/sec) (Thousands)

Time (sec)

Figure 3.36 Filtered velocity history at 15 Hz

130 120 110 100

Fourier Amplitude (Times 10E9)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Figure 3.37 Results of ltering at 15 Hz

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3.4.4 Dynamic Pore Pressure Generation Coupled dynamic-groundwater ow calculations can be performed with FLAC. By default, the pore uid simply responds to changes in pore volume caused by the mechanical dynamic loading; the average pore pressure remains essentially constant in the analysis. It is known that pore pressures may build up considerably in some sands during cyclic shear loading. Eventually, this process may lead to liquefaction when the effective stress approaches zero. There are many different models that attempt to account for pore pressure build-up, but they often do it in an ill-dened manner, because they refer to specic laboratory tests. In a computer simulation, there will be arbitrary stress and strain paths; consequently, an adequate model must be robust and general, with a formulation that is not couched in terms that apply only to specic tests. We propose here a model that is simple, but that accounts for the basic physical process. Finn and Byrne Models In reality, pore pressure build-up is a secondary effect, although many people seem to think it is the primary response to cyclic loading. The primary effect is the irrecoverable volume contraction of the matrix of grains, when a material is taken through a complete strain cycle when the conning stress is held constant. Since it is grain rearrangement rather than grain volume change that takes place, the volume of the void space decreases under constant conning stress. If the voids are lled with uid, then the pressure of the uid increases and the effective stress acting on the grain matrix decreases. Note that pore pressures would not increase if the test were done at constant volume; it is the transfer of externally applied pressure from grains to uid that accounts for the uid-pressure increase. This mechanism is well-described by Martin et al. (1975), who also note that the relation between irrecoverable volume-strain and cyclic shear-strain amplitude is independent of conning stress. They supply the following empirical equation that relates the increment of volume decrease, vd , to the cyclic shear-strain amplitude, , where is presumed to be the engineering shear strain: = C1 ( C2
vd ) + 2 C3 vd + C4 vd



where C1 , C2 , C3 and C4 are constants. Note that the equation involves the accumulated irrecoverable volume strain, vd , in such a way that the increment in volume strain decreases as volume strain is accumulated. Presumably, vd should be zero if is zero; this implies that the constants are related as follows: C1 C2 C4 = C3 . Martin et al. (1975) then go on to compute the change in pore pressure, by assuming certain moduli and boundary conditions (which are not clearly dened). We do not need to do this. Provided we correctly account for the irreversible volume change in the constitutive law, FLAC will take care of the other effects.

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An alternative, and simpler, formula is proposed by Byrne (1991):


= C1 exp(C2 (




where C1 and C2 are constants with different interpretations from those of Eq. (3.61). In many .4 cases, C2 = 0 C1 , so Eq. (3.62) involves only one independent constant; however, both C1 and C2 have been retained for generality. In addition, a third parameter, C3 , sets the threshold shear strain (i.e., the limiting shear strain amplitude below which volumetric strain is not produced). FLAC contains a built-in constitutive model (named the Finn model)* that incorporates both Eq. (3.61) and Eq. (3.62) into the standard Mohr-Coulomb plasticity model it can be modied by the user as required. The use of Eq. (3.61) or Eq. (3.62) can be selected by setting parameter ff switch = 0 or 1, respectively. As it stands, the model captures the basic mechanisms that can lead to liquefaction in sand. In addition to the usual parameters (friction, moduli, etc.), the model needs the four constants for Eq. (3.61), or three constants for Eq. (3.62). For Eq. (3.61), Martin et al. (1975) describe how these may be determined from a drained cyclic test. Alternatively, one may imagine using some trial values to model an undrained test with FLAC, and compare the results with a corresponding laboratory test; the constants could then be adjusted to obtain a better match. (See Section for an example.) For Eq. (3.62), Byrne (1991) notes that the constant, C1 , can be derived from relative densities, Dr , as follows: C1 = 7600(Dr )2.5 (3.63)

Further, using an empirical relation between Dr and normalized standard penetration test values, (N1 )60 ,
2 Dr = 15(N1 )60 1


1.25 C1 = 8.7(N1 ) 60


C2 is then calculated from C2 =

0.4 C1

in this case. Refer to Byrne (1991) for more details.

In the Finn model there is logic to detect a strain reversal in the general case. In Martin et al. (1975) (and most other papers on this topic), the notion of a strain reversal is clear, because they * A FISH constitutive model is also provided for the Finn model (see FINN.FIS in Section 3 in the FISH volume).

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consider one-dimensional measures of strain. In a two-dimensional analysis, however, there are at least three components of the strain-rate tensor. By eliminating the volumetric strain, we have a 2D strain space. In the general case of earthquake loading (where there is vertical as well as horizontal motion), the trajectory of each element in this strain space is very complicated. For example, Figure 3.38 shows the locus of strain states for a few seconds of typical earthquake shaking, where e11 e22 is plotted on the x -axis and 2e12 is plotted on the y -axis. What is a strain cycle in this case? We adopt a formulation that degenerates to the conventional notion of strain cycle in the limit when the amplitude on one axis is zero, or if there is a constant offset in strain. Note that a simple magnitude measure (e.g., distance from the center point) is not good enough. Denoting the two orthogonal strain measures as 1 and 2 , we accumulate strain, as follows, from FLAC s input strain increments:


e11 + 2 e12





We use the following scheme to locate extreme points in strain space. Denoting the previous point by superscript ( ) and the one before that with ( ), the previous unit vector, n i , in strain space is computed: vi = z=


vi vi vi z


n i =


where subscript i takes the values 1,2, and repeated indices imply summation.

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JOB TITLE : 2*e12 versus (e11-e22) for 2-component earthquake

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 23-Mar-04 16:21 step 3334 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : we12plt (FISH) X-axis : wedplt (FISH) 3.000 -03 )













40 (10 -04 )

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Figure 3.38 Locus in strain space using typical earthquake histories The perpendicular distance, d , from the old point to a new point is given by the dot product of the new vector with the previous unit vector: d=( i
i ) ni


We use the rule that d must be negative (so that the new strain segment corresponds to a reversal compared to the previous segment). We then monitor the absolute value of d and do the following calculation when it passes through a maximum, dmax , provided that a minimum number of timesteps has elapsed (to prevent the reversal logic being triggered again on transients that immediately follow a reversal). This threshold number of timesteps is controlled by the property named ff latency, which is set to 50.0 in the runs reported here. = dmax


= =



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Note that there are two factors of 2 implied in Eq. (3.72) that cancel out: the shear strain is half the excursion dmax , but is the engineering strain, which is twice FLAC s strain. Having obtained , we insert it into Eq. (3.61) and obtain vd . We then update vd , as follows, and save it for use in Eq. (3.61):





We also save one-third of cycle:


and revise the direct strain increments input to the model at the next

e11 :=

e11 +




e22 :=

e22 +



e33 :=

e33 +


(3.78) is positive; hence, the mean

Note that FLAC s compressive strain increments are negative and effective stress decreases.

The logic described above is certainly not perfect, but it seems to work in simple cases. However, the user must verify that the algorithm is appropriate before applying it to real cases. In particular, the number of cycles detected depends strongly on the relative magnitude of horizontal and vertical motion; hence, the rate of build-up of pore pressure will also be sensitive to this ratio. It may be more practical to consider just the e12 component of strain for something like a dam, which is wide compared to its height. Ultimately, we need better experimental data for volume changes during complicated loading paths; the model should then be revised accordingly. One effect that has been shown (see, for example, Arthur et al. 1980) to be very important is the effect of rotation of principal axes: volume compaction may occur even though the magnitude of deviatoric strain (or stress) is kept constant. Such rotations of axes occur frequently in earthquake situations. Another effect that is not incorporated into the Finn model is that of modulus increase induced by compaction it is known that sand becomes stiffer elastically when compaction occurs by cyclic loading. It would be easy for the user to add this modication to the FINN.FIS model. The Finn model is implemented in FLAC with the MODEL command i.e., MODEL nn. The code must be congured for dynamic analysis (CONFIG dynamic) to apply the model. As with the other built-in models, the property names are assigned with the PROPERTY command. The following keywords are used to assign properties for the Finn model.

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bulk cohesion dilation ff c1 ff c2 ff c3 ff c4 ff latency ff switch friction shear tension

bulk modulus cohesion dilation angle in degrees Eqs. (3.61) and (3.62) constant C1 Eqs. (3.61) and (3.62) constant C2 Eq. (3.61) constant C3 , and threshold shear strain for Eq. (3.62) Eq. (3.61) constant C4 minimum number of timesteps between reversals = 0 for Eq. (3.61), and 1 for Eq. (3.62) friction angle in degrees shear modulus tension cutoff

In addition, the following Finn model variables may be printed or plotted. ff count ff evd number of shear strain reversals detected internal volume strain,
vd ,

of Eqs. (3.61) and (3.62) Simulation of the Liquefaction of a Layer The material constants in the Finn model that control pore pressure build-up are related to the volumetric response in a drained test. However, if results are available for an undrained test, then the test itself may be modeled with FLAC and the material constants deduced by comparing the FLAC results with the experimental observations. Some adjustment will be necessary before a match is found. In the following example, a shaking table is modeled with FLAC this consists of a box of sand that is given a periodic motion at its base. The motion of the sides follows that of the base, except that the amplitude diminishes to zero at the top (i.e., the motion is that of simple shear). Vertical loading is by gravity only. Equilibrium stresses and pore pressures are installed in the soil, and pore pressure and effective stress (mean total stress minus the pore pressure) are monitored in a zone within the soil. A column of only one zone width is modeled, since the horizontal variation is of no particular interest here. Example 3.10 lists the data le for this test, and can be run for both the Martin et al. (1975) formula (Eq. (3.61)) and the Byrne (1991) formula (Eq. (3.62)). (The Byrne parameters are commented out in Example 3.10.) The Byrne parameters correspond to (N1 )60 = 7, which was selected to produce results that match those based on the given Martin parameters.

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Example 3.13 Shaking table test

conf dyn gw ; shaking table test for liquefaction g 1 5 m finn gen 0 0 0 5 50 5 50 0 fix x y j=1 fix x set grav 10, flow=off prop dens 2000 shear 2e8 bulk 3e8 prop fric 35 poros 0.5 water dens 1000 bulk 2e9 tens 1e10 ini pp 5e4 var 0 -5e4 ini syy -1.25e5 var 0 1.25e5 ini sxx -1e5 var 0 1e5 szz -1e5 var 0 1e5 prop ff_latency=50 ; ; parameters for Martin formula prop ff_switch = 0 prop ff_c1=0.8 ff_c2=0.79 prop ff_c3=0.45 ff_c4=0.73 ; ; parameters for Byrne formula ; prop ff_switch = 1 ; def _setCoeff_Byrne ; ff_c1_ = 8.7*exp(-1.25*ln(n1_60_)) ; ff_c2_ = 0.4/ff_c1_ ; ff_c3_ = 0.0000 ; end ; set n1_60_ = 7 ; _setCoeff_Byrne ; prop ff_c1=ff_c1_ ff_c2=ff_c2_ ; prop ff_c3=ff_c3_ ; set ncwrite=50 def sine_wave while_stepping vv = ampl * sin(2.0 * pi * freq * dytime) loop j (1,jzones) vvv = vv * float(jgp - j) / float(jzones) loop i (1,igp) xvel(i,j) = vvv end_loop end_loop end def eff_stress

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eff_stress = (sxx(1,2)+syy(1,2)+szz(1,2))/3.0 + pp(1,2) settlement = (ydisp(1,jgp)+ydisp(2,jgp))/2.0 end set dy_damp=rayl 0.05 20.0 his dytime his pp i 1 j 2 his eff_stress his settlement his nstep 20 set ampl=0.005 freq=5.0 solve dyt=10.0 plot hold his 2 3 vs 1 skip 2 save martin.sav ; save byrne.sav

The results based on Eq. (3.61) are shown in Figure 3.39, and those based on Eq. (3.62) in Figure 3.40. The gures indicate the similar behavior using either formula. Both show how the pore pressure in zone (1,2) builds up with time. The history of effective stress in the same zone is also shown. It can be seen that the effective stress reaches zero after about 20 cycles of shaking (4 seconds, at 5 Hz). At this point, liquefaction can be said to occur. This test is strain-controlled in the shear direction; for a stress-controlled test, collapse would occur earlier, since strain cycles would start to increase in amplitude, thus generating more pore pressure.

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:01 step 41067 Dynamic Time 1.0000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Pore pressure ( 1, 2) eff_stress (FISH) 0.200 X-axis : Dynamic time 0.800 05 )






Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.39 Pore pressure (top) and effective stress (bottom) for shaking table, using Eq. (3.61)

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:01 step 41067 Dynamic Time 1.0000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Pore pressure ( 1, 2) eff_stress (FISH) 0.200 X-axis : Dynamic time 0.800 05 )






Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.40 Pore pressure (top) and effective stress (bottom) for shaking table, using Eq. (3.62)

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3.5 Solving Dynamic Problems In the following two subsections, approaches for modeling dynamic problems are described. The rst subsection discusses procedures for dynamic, mechanical-only calculations. The second subsection discusses dynamic coupled analyses, including the effect of groundwater on the dynamic response. Section 3.6 also contains several examples that illustrate the application of these procedures. 3.5.1 Procedure for Dynamic Mechanical Simulations Dynamic analysis is viewed as a loading condition on the model and as a distinct stage in a modeling sequence, as described in Section 3.5 in the Users Guide. A static equilibrium calculation always precedes a dynamic analysis. There are generally four components to the dynamic analysis stage. 1. Ensure that model conditions satisfy the requirements for accurate wave transmission (by adjusting zone sizes with the GENERATE command see Section 3.4.3). This check must be performed even before the static solution is performed, because gridpoints must not be relocated by the user after the calculation starts. 2. Specify appropriate mechanical damping, representative of the problem materials and input frequency range. Use the SET dy damp or INITIAL dy damp command, as described in Section 3.4.2. 3. Apply dynamic loading and boundary conditions (by using the APPLY and INTERNAL commands see Section 3.4.1). A given time history may need to be ltered in order to comply with the requirements noted in Section 3.4.3. 4. Set up facilities to monitor the dynamic response of the model (by using the HISTORY command). The procedure for dynamic analysis is illustrated by Example 3.11, and then Example 3.12. The model is greatly simplied for rapid execution, but it still illustrates the steps in a dynamic analysis. Consider the problem of a structure built at the top of a soil slope. The slope is initially stable under the applied structural loading. The data le for the initial static loading stage is given below. The stress state of the model at equilibrium is shown in Figure 3.41. Example 3.14 Initial conditions for the slope problem
config dyn ex 5 gr 20,10 m ss gen line 5,3 9,10 mark i=1,6 j=4 mod null reg=1,10 prop s=400.0e6 b=666.67e6 d=1700 fri=40 coh=1.0e5 ten=1e10 ctab 1

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table 1 0 1e5 2.0e-3 1e5 2.0e-3 0.0 3.0e-3 0.0 5.0e-3 0.0 1e-2 0.0 his nste=1 his ydis i=10 j=10 his unbal his yvel i=10 j=10 fix x i=1 fix x i=21 fix x y j=1 set grav=9.81 set dyn off solve save stage1.sav ; equilibrium before structure is built struct prop=1 e=18e9 i=0.0104 a=.5 den = 2000.0 struct prop=2 e=200e9 i=2.3e-5 a=4.8e-3 den = 2000.0 struct beam beg gr 11,11 end gr 12,11 seg=1 pr=1 struct beam beg gr 12,11 end gr 13,11 seg=1 pr=1 struct beam beg gr 13,11 end gr 14,11 seg=1 pr=1 struct beam beg node 1 end 10,13 seg=2 pr 2 struct beam beg 10,13 end 13,13 seg=2 pr=2 struct beam beg 13,13 end node 4 seg=2 pr=2 struct node=6 load 0 -1e6 0 struct node=8 load 0 -1e6 0 solve save stage2.sav ; equilibrium with structure

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:03 step 1416 -3.603E-01 <x< 2.044E+01 -4.253E+00 <y< 1.655E+01 Grid plot 0 5E 0
0.600 1.400


Principal stresses Max. Value = 6.013E+04 Min. Value = -7.364E+05 0 Beam plot 2E 6



Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

0.200 0.600 1.000 (*10^1) 1.400 1.800

Figure 3.41 Initial equilibrium of structure on soil slope The slope material is simulated as a strain-softening soil; the cohesion weakens as a function of plastic strain. This example demonstrates the development of slope failure as a consequence of loss of material strength following dynamic loading. The four steps identied previously are now followed to prepare for dynamic analysis. 1. Check Wave Transmission The dynamic loading for this problem is a sinusoidal velocity wave applied at the base of the model in the x -direction. The wave has an amplitude of 1 m/sec and a frequency of 10 Hz. Based upon the elastic properties for this problem, the compressional and shear wave speeds are (from Eqs. (3.21) and (3.22)): Cp = 840 m/sec Cs = 485 m/sec The largest zone dimension for this model is 1 m. Based upon Eqs. (3.33) and (3.60), the maximum frequency which can be modeled accurately is f = Cs Cs = 48 Hz 10 l

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Therefore, the zone size is small enough to allow velocity waves at the input frequency to propagate accurately. 2. Specify Damping The plastic ow associated with the strain-softening model can dissipate most of the energy and, hence, tends to make the selection of damping parameters less critical to the outcome of the analysis. This model was run with no damping and with a small amount of Rayleigh damping (5%, at the natural frequency) to evaluate the inuence of damping. To estimate the lowest natural frequency for this model (used as a Rayleigh damping parameter), Example 3.11 is run with SET dyn on and with no damping. A plot of velocity history (Figure 3.42) indicates that the dominant natural frequency of the system is approximately 25 Hz. This is unrealistically high, but the value reects the simplications made for this example. 3. Apply Dynamic Loading and Boundary Conditions The APPLY command is used with the hist keyword to specify the dynamic input. A FISH function wave supplies the history (a sinusoidal wave of 1 m/sec amplitude, 10 Hz frequency and 0.25 sec. duration). Free-eld boundaries are invoked along the left and right boundaries to absorb energy. 4. Monitor Dynamic Response Three velocity histories are located in the model: the rst at the position of the applied input wave; the second along the slope face; and the third within the grid. The data le for the dynamic stage is reproduced in Example 3.12. Example 3.15 Dynamic excitation of the slope problem
rest stage2.sav def wave ; sinusoidal wave : ampl = 1 m/sec, freq = 10 Hz, duration = .25 sec freq = 10 wave = 1.0 * sin(2.0*pi*freq*dytime) if dytime > 0.25 then wave = 0.0 end_if end apply ff apply xvel=1.0 hist=wave j=1 apply yvel=0.0 j=1 set large set dyn on ;set dy_damp struct rayl 0.05 25 ;set dy_damp rayl 0.05 25 set dytime=0.0 ini xvel=0 yvel=0 xdis=0 ydis=0 hist reset

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hist dytime hist xvel i=8 j=7 hist xvel i=8 j=1 hist xvel i=18 j=10 solve dytime = 0.5 save stage3.sav ; state at 0.5 sec ret

The response of the slope at 0.5 sec. (0.25 sec. after the dynamic wave is stopped) is shown in Figure 3.43. A rotational failure mechanism develops beneath the structure, resulting from the loss of cohesive strength. The velocity histories in Figure 3.44 illustrate the input history (at i = 8, j = 1), the continuous movement at the slope face (at i = 8, j = 7) and the gradual return to equilibrium at a position remote from the slope (at i = 18, j = 10). The response is similar for both no damping and for 5% damping, although velocities are lower for the damped case. To see this, Example 3.12 may be rerun with the SET dy damp rayl and SET dy damp struct rayl commands enabled (i.e., with the comment characters removed).

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:04 step 10000 Dynamic Time 5.3033E-01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Y velocity ( 10, 10) X-axis : Dynamic time 3.000 -01 )











50 (10 -02 )

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Figure 3.42 Velocity history, used to estimate lowest natural frequency

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:04 step 10844 Dynamic Time 5.0003E-01 -9.019E-01 <x< 2.098E+01 -4.794E+00 <y< 1.709E+01 Grid plot 0 5E 0
0.600 1.400


Beam plot Velocity vectors max vector = 4.944E+00 0 1E 1



Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

0.200 0.600 1.000 (*10^1) 1.400 1.800

Figure 3.43 Slope failure resulting from dynamic loading


FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:04 step 10844 Dynamic Time 5.0003E-01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X velocity ( 8, 7) X velocity X velocity ( 8, 1) ( 18, 10) -1.000 -1.500 -2.000 -2.500 -3.000 1.000 0.500 0.000 -0.500

X-axis : Dynamic time









50 (10 -02 )

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Figure 3.44 Velocity histories at base, slope face and remote from slope

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3.5.2 Procedure for Dynamic Coupled Mechanical/Groundwater Simulations Undrained Analysis Prior to performing a dynamic simulation with groundwater present, an equilibrium state must be obtained. This consists of several stages, which are illustrated by an analysis of the earthquake response of an idealized dam resting on a foundation Figure 3.45 shows the original shape of the dam. Note that this dynamic example is not very realistic, as it subjects the dam to a few cycles of very high amplitude; however, it runs quickly and illustrates some important points. First, the foundation is set in place and brought to equilibrium. The data for this initial stage are given in Example 3.13.

FLAC (Version 5.00)


LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:07 step 181 -1.467E+01 <x< 3.147E+02 -1.147E+02 <y< 2.147E+02 Grid plot 0 1E 2





Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

0.250 0.750 1.250 (*10^2) 1.750 2.250 2.750

Figure 3.45 Dam resting on foundation

Example 3.16 Placement of foundation material

config dyn gw ex grid 8 6 gen 0 0 0 50 gen 0 50 0 100 gen same 140 100 model mohr j=1,2 prop dens 0.0017 5 300 50 300 0 i=1,9 j=1,3 300 100 300 50 i=1,9 j=3,7 160 100 same i=3,7 j=3,7 poros 0.3 j=1,2

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prop bulk 666.67 shear 400.0 j=1,2 prop cohes 0.2 fric 35 j=1,2 water bulk 0 dens 0.001 tens 1e10 prop perm 1e-8 ini syy=-1.0 var=0 1.0 j=1,2 ini sxx=-0.75 var=0 0.75 j=1,2 ini szz=-0.75 var=0 0.75 j=1,2 ini pp = 0.5 var=0 -0.5 j=1,3 fix x i=1 fix x i=9 fix y j=1 his unbal set grav=10 save step0.sav ; equilibrium ... no steps necessary

1. Gravity Compaction of the Dam We create the dam in a single placement of material, which is saturated (see Example 3.14 for the data le). If we are not interested in the time of settlement, we can set the bulk modulus of water to zero for this stage, so that numerical convergence is rapid. Example 3.17 Gravity compaction of dam
rest step0.sav set flow=off dyn=off model mohr i=3,6 j=3,6 prop dens=0.0017 poros=0.3 i=3,6 j=3,6 prop bulk=333.33 shear=200.0 i=3,6 j=3,6 prop cohes=0.1 fric=35 i=3,6 j=3,6 water bulk 0 dens 0.001 tens 1e10 prop perm 1e-8 hist xdisp ydisp i=5 j=6 solve save step1.sav

2. Fill Reservoir: Mechanical Response By applying a mechanical pressure to the upstream face of the dam, the dam responds mechanically. Note that this stage is imagined to take place rapidly, so that uid ow is still not allowed. Example 3.18 Fill reservoir
rest step1.sav app press 0.5 var 0 -0.5 from 1,3 to 3,7 solve save step2.sav

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3. Allow Phreatic Surface to Develop Again, assume that we are only interested in the nal ow pattern, not in the time it takes to occur. (If consolidation time is important, then consult Section 1.7.6 in Fluid-Mechanical Interaction.) To allow rapid adjustment of the phreatic surface, we set the uid modulus to a low value (1 MPa, compared with the real value of 2 103 MPa). We also do the uid calculation and the mechanical adjustment separately (since the fully coupled solution takes much longer) i.e., for this stage, ow=on and mech=off. The tensile limit for water is set to zero so that a phreatic surface develops. Pore pressure is applied to the upstream face, with xed saturation of 1.0; on the other surfaces, pore pressure is xed at its default value of zero. Example 3.19 Develop phreatic surface in dam
rest step2.sav water tens=0 bulk=1.0 app pp 0.5 var 0 -0.5 from 1,3 to 3,7 fix sat i=1,3 j=3 fix sat i=3 j=3,7 fix pp i=4,7 j=7 fix pp i=7 j=3,7 fix pp i=7,9 j=3 fix pp i=9 set flow=on mech=off ncwrite=50 his pp i 4 j 3 his pp i 4 j 2 his pp i 4 j 1 solve save step3.sav

4. Mechanical Adjustment to New Flow Field Once the equilibrium ow eld is established, we need to do a nal mechanical adjustment, because (a) some of the material is now partially saturated so the gravity loading is less, and (b) the effective stress has changed, which may cause plastic ow to occur. During this stage, we prevent uid ow and pore pressure changes (setting uid modulus temporarily to zero), since we are not concerned with the consolidation process here. Example 3.20 Mechanical adjustment to new ow eld
rest step3.sav set flow=off mech=on ncwrite=10 water bulk=0 his reset hist unbal hist xdisp ydisp i=5 j=6 solve

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water bulk=2e3 save step4.sav

We now have a system that is in mechanical and uid equilibrium, ready for dynamic excitation; the uid modulus is at the value for pure water (no entrained air). Note that the separation into several stages (just uid or just mechanical) was done to reduce calculation time. The fully coupled simulation could be done if required. 5. Apply Dynamic Excitation to Dam The dynamic simulation may now be done. What is being modeled is the response of the dam and its trapped groundwater. It is assumed here that no uid ow occurs and that no pore pressure generation occurs due to particle rearrangement. However, pore pressure changes do occur because of the dynamic volume changes induced by the seismic excitation. The excitation is by rigid sinusoidal shaking at the base of the foundation. Example 3.21 Apply dynamic excitation to dam
rest step4.sav set large, dyn=on ncwrite=20 def sine_wave sine_wave = 10.0*sin(2.0*pi*freq*dytime) end set dy_damp=rayleigh 0.05 1.5 set dytime 0.0 freq=0.5 ini xvel=0.0 yvel=0.0 xdisp=0.0 ydisp=0.0 apply yvel=0 xvel 1.0 hist sine_wave j=1 his reset his dytime his pp i 4 j 3 win 75 250 0 175 prop tens=1e10 apply ff solve dyt 10 save step5.sav

Figure 3.46 shows the deformed grid, and Figure 3.47 shows the pore pressure history in zone (4,3). The dotted lines represent the original shape.

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 14-Sep-04 10:05 step 44181 Flow Time 4.0598E+11 Dynamic Time 1.0000E+01 -1.697E+01 <x< 3.225E+02 -1.150E+02 <y< 2.244E+02 Exaggerated Grid Distortion Magnification = 0.000E+00 Max Disp = 1.320E+01 Grid plot 0 1E 2
0.250 1.750





Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

0.250 0.750 1.250 (*10^2) 1.750 2.250 2.750

Figure 3.46 Deformation after 10 sec. of shaking Mohr-Coulomb model


FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 14-Sep-04 10:05 step 44181 Flow Time 4.0598E+11 Dynamic Time 1.0000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Pore pressure ( 4, 3) X-axis : Dynamic time 8.000 -01 )






Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.47 Pore pressure history at zone (4,3) Mohr-Coulomb model

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3 - 85 Dynamic Pore Pressure Generation The dynamic simulation given previously may be repeated with the Finn constitutive model, which replaces the Mohr-Coulomb model in the dam; the stresses remain even though the model is replaced. The constants C1 , C2 , C3 and C4 are given the values that Martin et al. (1975) provide in their paper (although the condition C1 C2 C4 = C3 , mentioned earlier, is violated slightly). Example 3.22 Apply dynamic excitation to dam with finn model
rest step4.sav mod finn i=3 6 j 3 6 prop bulk=333.33 shear=200.0 coh=0.1 i=3,6 prop fric=35 ff_latency=50 i=3,6 prop ff_c1=0.8 ff_c2=0.79 i=3,6 prop ff_c3=0.45 ff_c4=0.73 i=3,6 prop tens=1e10 set large dyn=on ncwrite=20 def sine_wave sine_wave = 10.0*sin(2.0*pi*freq*dytime) end apply yvel=0 xvel 1.0 hist sine_wave j=1 set dy_damp=rayleigh 0.05 1.5 set dytime 0.0 freq=0.5 ini xvel=0.0 yvel=0.0 xdisp=0.0 ydisp=0.0 his reset his dytime his pp i 4 j 3 set step 100000 clock 1000000 win 75 250 0 175 apply ff solve dyt 10 save step5_f.sav

j=3,6 j=3,6 j=3,6 j=3,6

The same quantities as before are plotted see Figures 3.48 and 3.49. We now have considerable pore pressure build-up, and there is much larger horizontal movement in the dam; undoubtedly, liquefaction is occurring.

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 14-Sep-04 10:08 step 44340 Flow Time 4.0598E+11 Dynamic Time 1.0000E+01 -1.697E+01 <x< 3.225E+02 -1.143E+02 <y< 2.251E+02 Exaggerated Grid Distortion Magnification = 0.000E+00 Max Disp = 1.813E+01 Grid plot 0 1E 2






Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

0.250 0.750 1.250 (*10^2) 1.750 2.250 2.750

Figure 3.48 Deformation after 10 seconds of shaking finn model


FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 14-Sep-04 10:08 step 44340 Flow Time 4.0598E+11 Dynamic Time 1.0000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Pore pressure ( 4, 3) X-axis : Dynamic time 8.000 -01 )







Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.49 Pore pressure history at zone (4,3) finn model

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3 - 87 Coupled Flow and Dynamic Calculation Although very little dissipation of pore pressure is likely during seismic excitation in most structures, FLAC is able to carry out the groundwater ow calculation in parallel with the dynamic calculation. When both dynamic and groundwater options are selected together (SET ow=on dyn=on), the two timesteps (groundwater and dynamic) are forced to be equal; the overall timestep is set to whichever is the smallest. The previous example may be repeated with the addition of the following lines (the Finn model generates pore pressures and the ow logic dissipates them):
prop perm 0.1 i 3 6 j 3 6 set flow=on

The permeability is unrealistically high, for demonstration purposes. The resulting plot of pore pressure in zone (4,3) is shown in Figure 3.50. There is clear evidence of pore pressures dropping off in the later stages of the simulation, but the situation is complicated because pressures generated in other zones appear to ow into zone (4,3) initially. Note that it is possible in principle for the pore pressure in a particular zone to increase when dissipation is allowed, if the surrounding zones contribute excess uid.

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 14-Sep-04 10:11 step 44164 Flow Time 4.0598E+11 Dynamic Time 1.0000E+01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Pore pressure ( 4, 3) X-axis : Dynamic time 8.000 -01 )






Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.50 Pore pressure history at zone (4,3) finn model, with dissipation

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3.6 Verication and Example Problems Several examples are presented to validate and demonstrate the dynamic option in FLAC. The data les for these examples are contained in the \Options\Dynamic directory. 3.6.1 Natural Periods of an Elastic Column A column of elastic material resting on a rigid base has natural periods of vibration, depending on the mode of oscillation and the conning conditions. Three cases are examined: an unconned column; a conned column in compression; and a column in shear. The column is loaded by applying gravity either in the x - or y -directions and observing the oscillations with zero damping. The case of conned compression is modeled by inhibiting lateral displacement along the vertical boundaries, which prevents lateral deformation of the mesh. For unconned compression, lateral displacement is not inhibited. For the column in shear, vertical motion is inhibited, to eliminate bending modes; the loading is applied laterally. The theoretical value for natural period of oscillation, T , is given by Eq. (3.79): T = 4L E


where E is the appropriate modulus selected from Table 3.2.

Table 3.2

Moduli appropriate to various deformation modes Unconned Compression 4G

(1/3) G+K K +(4/3) G

Conned Compression K + (4/3) G 2.5714 104

Shear G

(plane strain, Youngs modulus) 1.4286 104 1.0 104

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FLAC data les for the three cases are given in Examples 3.20, 3.21 and 3.22. Material properties are given below. Table 3.3 Properties bulk modulus shear modulus Poissons ratio bulk modulus shear modulus Poissons ratio density applied gravity column height column width Material properties Symbol K G K G gy gx L W Value 2.0 0.428562 104 0.4 104 1.0 104 1.0 104 0.125 1.0 - 1.0 0.1 800 100 for compression tests for shear tests Comment for compression tests

for shear tests

The theoretical periods and calculated (FLAC) natural periods of oscillation averaged over several periods by the FISH function crossings are compared in Table 3.4 (see Example 3.23).

Table 3.4 Comparison of theoretical and calculated (FLAC) dynamic period T of oscillation for three modes Conned Compression Theoretical FLAC 19.96 19.95 Unconned Compression 26.77 26.77 Shear 32.00 31.99

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Example 3.23 Data le for conned compression

title dynamic analysis of column (confined compression) con dy gr 2 8 m e gen -50 -400 -50 400 50 400 50 -400 prop den 1 bulk 2e4 shear 0.428562e4 fix y j=1 fix x i=1 fix x i=3 set grav 1.0 hist n=1 hist yvel i=2 j=9 hist dytime solve dytime 200 call avper.fis ret

Example 3.24 Data le for unconned compression

title dynamic analysis of column (unconfined compression) con dy gr 2 8 m e gen -50 -400 -50 400 50 400 50 -400 prop den 1 bulk 2e4 shear 0.428562e4 fix y j=1 set grav 1.0 hist n=1 hist yvel i=2 j=9 hist dytime solve dytime 200 call avper.fis ret

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Example 3.25 Data le for shear

title dynamic analysis of column (shear loading) con dy gr 2 8 m e gen -50 -400 -50 400 50 400 50 -400 prop den 1 bulk 1e4 shear 1e4 fix x y j=1 fix y j=9 fix y i=1 fix y i=3 set grav 0.1 90 hist n=1 hist xvel i=2 j=9 hist dytime solve dytime 200 call avper.fis ret

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Example 3.26 Listing of AVPER.FIS: function to compute average period

hist write 1 tab 1 ; Note: velocity history must be number 1 def crossings ndif = 0 dif = 0.0 t_cross_old = 0.0 sign = 1.0 delta_t = dytime / step loop n (1,step) if sgn(ytable(1,n)) # sgn(sign) sign = -sign t_cross = (n - 1) * delta_t if t_cross_old # 0.0 dif = dif + t_cross - t_cross_old ndif = ndif + 1 endif t_cross_old = t_cross endif end_loop ii = out( Average period = +string(2.0*dif/ndif)) end crossings

3.6.2 Comparison of FLAC to SHAKE The program SHAKE is widely used in the eld of earthquake engineering for computing the seismic response of horizontally layered soil deposits. Here, we compare FLAC with SHAKE for the case of a one-dimensional layered elastic soil deposit, driven at its base by the horizontal acceleration given by Eq. (3.80): u(t) = where f = 2.2; = 0.375; = 8.0; and = 3 Hz. et t sin(2f t) (3.80)

This input acceleration wave, plotted in Figure 3.51, shows a maximum horizontal acceleration of 0.2 g reached after 3.75 seconds. The wave form selected for this comparison test does not require a baseline correction (see Section 3.4.1); the nal velocity and displacement are both zero. Also,

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this form does not contain high-frequency components that could cause numerical distortion of the wave (see Section 3.4.3).




) (g n iot ar el e c c A
-0.05 0.00



-0.20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Time (s)

Figure 3.51 Input acceleration at bottom of model The version of SHAKE used in the comparison is SHAKE91 (Idriss and Sun 1992). SHAKE91 is a modied version of SHAKE originally published in 1971 by the Earthquake Engineering Research Center at the University of California in Berkeley, California. SHAKE91 computes the response of a semi-innite horizontally layered soil deposit overlying a uniform half-space subjected to vertically propagating shear waves. The program performs a linear analysis in the frequency domain; an iterative procedure accounts for some of the nonlinear effects in the soil. We assume for the purposes of comparison that the soil is linear. The data le for the analysis with SHAKE91 is shown in Example 3.24. FLAC is compared to SHAKE91 for the following problem conditions. A layered soil deposit is 160 feet thick and contains two materials, as shown in Figure 3.52. The stiffer layer (material 2) is 40 feet thick, starts at a depth of 40 feet, and is sandwiched between the softer layers (material 1).

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FLAC (Version 5.00)

7 LEGEND 22-Mar-04 12:26 step 29649 -2.885E+01 <x< 3.190E+01 -5.990E+00 <y< 5.476E+01 shear_mod 1.500E+08 3.000E+08 History Locations


3 5 4 6




8 Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

-2.000 -1.000 0.000 (*10^1) 1.000 2.000 3.000


Figure 3.52 One-dimensional model containing two materials (history locations are also shown) The soil is treated as a linear elastic material, with the following properties: material shear modulus (MPa) density (kg/m3 ) fraction of critical damping 1 150 1800 10% 2 300 2000 10%

By assuming that shear modulus and damping are strain-independent, the same properties are used in FLAC and SHAKE91. The le for the FLAC analysis is given in Example 3.25. The FLAC model consists of 16 square zones, each with a length of 10 feet (3.05 m); the zone length is well within 1/10 of the longest wave length to provide accurate wave transmission. Vertical movement is prevented at the sides of the model. Rayleigh damping is specied at 10%, operating at a center frequency of 3 Hz. Figure 3.53 shows the horizontal acceleration at the top of the model (gridpoint 17 in FLAC and sublayer 1 in SHAKE91) as a function of time. Both records are very similar; the maximum acceleration calculated by FLAC is 0.160 g, while the maximum acceleration calculated by SHAKE91 is 0.156 g (2.6% difference). Figures 3.54 and 3.55 show the evolution of shear stress and shear strain at a depth of 35 feet (within material 1). The FLAC results have been obtained through a history of xy at zone 13 and the FISH

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function shrstr13. The SHAKE91 results have been obtained at the top of sub-layer 5, using analysis option 7 in the code. The results from both codes are again very similar, with a difference of less than 4%. Note that the stress histories do not contain the viscous component contributed by Rayleigh damping. Figure 3.56 shows two shear stress vs strain curves calculated by SHAKE91, one at a depth of 35 feet (in material 1) and the other at a depth of 45 feet (in material 2). They have been obtained through option 7 at the top of sub-layers 5 and 7. In both cases, the relation between stress and strain is linear, with a slope equal to the shear modulus.
v ) vs strain plot, calculated by FLAC at the same Figure 3.57 shows a viscous shear stress (xy locations as in the previous gure. While the average slope is again equal to the shear modulus, this plot shows hysteresis loops due to the viscous damping. If we were to plot FLAC shear stress (xy ) versus shear strain, we would obtain a linear relation.

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) g( n o ti ar el e c c A
-0.05 0.00



-0.20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Time (s)

Figure 3.53 Horizontal acceleration at top of model





) %( in ar t S r a e h S
-5.0E-03 0.0E+00



-2.0E-02 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Time (s)

Figure 3.54 Shear strain history at 35 ft depth in model

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) a P (k s s e tr S r a e h S
-10 0



-40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Time (s)

Figure 3.55 Shear stress history at 35 ft depth in model





) a P (k s s er t S r a e h S
-10 0



-40 -0.02 -0.015 -0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02

Shear Strain (%)

G = 150 MPa G = 300 MPa

Figure 3.56 Shear stress versus shear strain in material 1 and material 2 (SHAKE91 results)

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) a P (k s s er t S r a e h S
-10 0



-40 -0.02 -0.015 -0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02

Shear Strain (%)

G = 150 MPa G = 300 MPa

Figure 3.57 Viscous shear stress versus shear strain in material 1 and material 2 (FLAC results)

Example 3.27 SHAKE91 model of layered soil deposits

option 1 -- dynamic soil properties -1 3 11 material #1 modulus 0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003 1. 3. 10. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 11 damping for material #1 0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003 1. 3.16 10. 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 11 material #2 modulus 0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003 1. 3. 10. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 11 damping for material #2 0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003

0.01 1.000

0.03 1.000

0.1 1.000

0.3 1.000

0.01 10.00

0.03 10.00

0.1 10.00

0.3 10.00

0.01 1.000

0.03 1.000

0.1 1.000

0.3 1.000





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1. 3. 10. 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8 material #3 modulus .0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 1.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 5 damping for material #3 .0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 3 1 2 3 Option 2 -- Soil Profile 2 1 19 Example -- 160-ft layer with 2 materials 1 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 2 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 3 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 4 2 5.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 5 2 5.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 6 1 5.00 6260.173 .100 .12473 7 1 5.00 6260.173 .100 .12473 8 1 10.00 6260.173 .100 .12473 9 1 10.00 6260.173 .100 .12473 10 1 10.00 6260.173 .100 .12473 11 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 12 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 13 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 14 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 15 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 16 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 17 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 18 2 10.00 3130.086 .100 .11225 19 3 .100 .140 4000. Option 3 -- input motion: 3 2048 2048 .01 inp3.acc (8f10.6) 1.0 100. 0 8 Option 4 -- sub-layer for input motion (1): 4 19 1 Option 5 -- number of iterations & ratio of avg strain to max strain 5 1 2 1.00 Option 6 --sub-layers for which accn time histories are computed and saved: 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Option 6 --sub-layers for which accn time histories are computed and saved: 6 16 17 17 19 19 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 opt 7--sub-layer for which shear stress or strain are computed and saved: 7 5 1 1 0 2048 -- stress in level 5 5 0 1 0 2048 -- strain in level 5 opt 7--sub-layer for which shear stress or strain are computed and saved: 7 7 1 1 0 2048 -- stress in level 7 7 0 1 0 2048 -- strain in level 7 execution will stop when program encounters 0 0

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Example 3.28 FLAC model of layered soil deposits

config dynamic ex 4 title Verification of FLAC with SHAKE -- Linear Elastic Case ;------------------------------------;Grid generation and model properties ;------------------------------------grid 1,16 model elastic prop bulk 150e6 she 150e6 den 1800 prop bulk 300e6 she 300e6 den 2000 j 9 12 ini x mul 3.048 ini y mul 3.048 ;-----------------------------------------------------------; FISH function to calculate shear strain in zones 12 and 13 ;-----------------------------------------------------------def shrstr12 shrstr12=(xdisp(1,13)-xdisp(1,12))/(y(1,13)-y(1,12)) shrstr13=(xdisp(1,14)-xdisp(1,13))/(y(1,14)-y(1,13)) end ;-----------; Histories ;-----------hist unbal his dytime his sxy i=1 j=13 his sxy i=1 j=12 his vsxy i=1 j=13 his vsxy i=1 j=12 his xacc i 1 j 17 his xacc i=1 j=1 his shrstr12 his shrstr13 ;-------------------;Boundary Conditions ;-------------------fix y ;------------------------------------;FISH function to generate input wave ;------------------------------------def acc_p omega=6*pi alfa=2.2 beta=3.75e-1

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gamma=8.0 acc_p=sqrt(beta*exp(-alfa*dytime)*dytimegamma)*sin(omega*dytime) end ;---------------------------;Application of acceleration ;---------------------------apply xacc 1.0 his acc_p j=1 apply yacc 0.0 j=1 ; this command prevents rocking along gridpoint j=1 set dy_damp=rayleigh 0.1 3.0 set clock 100000000 step 100000000 set dynamic on solve dytime 20.0 save shake.sav set hisfile visc_m1.his hist write 5 vs 10 set hisfile visc_m2.his his write 6 vs 9 ret

3.6.3 Slip Induced by Harmonic Shear Wave This problem concerns the effects of a planar discontinuity on the propagation of an incident shear wave. Two homogeneous, isotropic, semi-innite elastic media, separated by a planar discontinuity with a limited shear strength, are shown in Figure 3.58. A normally incident, plane harmonic, shear wave will cause slip at the discontinuity, resulting in frictional energy dissipation. Thus, the energy will be reected, transmitted and absorbed at the discontinuity. The problem is modeled with FLAC, and the results are used to determine the coefcients of transmission, reection and absorption. These coefcients were compared with ones given by an analytical solution (Miller 1978).



Figure 3.58 Transmission and reection of incident harmonic wave at a discontinuity

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The coefcients of reection (R ), transmission (T ) and absorption (A) given by Miller (1978) are: ER EI ET EI



T =



1 R2 T 2


where EI , ET and ER represent the energy ux per unit area per cycle of oscillation associated with the incident, transmitted, and reected waves, respectively. The coefcient A is a measure of the energy absorbed at the discontinuity. The energy ux EI is given by: EI =
t1 +T

s vs dt


where T = (2)/ = the period for the incident wave; s = shear stress; vs = particle velocity in the x -direction; and = frequency of incident wave (radian/sec). For elastic media, s = c vs Hence, EI = c
t1 +T t1 2 vs dt



in which c is the velocity of the propagating shear wave. The energy ux of the incident wave EI is evaluated at point A (see Figure 3.58) for no slip at the discontinuity. The energy ux of the transmitted wave ET is evaluated at point B for the case of slip at the discontinuity. The energy ux of the reected wave ER is calculated by determining the difference of velocities in two cases: slip and no slip.

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Figure 3.59 shows the numerical model, which consists of a 4 31 grid and an interface, EF, which has high stiffness and is used to simulate the discontinuity. The conditions used are as follows. Boundary Conditions: Non-reecting viscous boundaries are located at GH and CD. Vertical motion is prevented along lateral boundaries GC and DH. Loading Conditions: Shear stresses corresponding to the incident wave are applied along CD. The maximum stress of the incident wave is 1 MPa and the frequency is 1 Hz. Material Conditions: elastic media = 2.65 103 kg/m3 K = 16,667 MPa G = 10,000 MPa interface Kn = Ks = 10,000 MPa/m C = cohesion = 2.5 MPa for no-slip = 0.5, 0.1, 0.02 MPa for slip case Note that the magnitude of the incident wave must be doubled in the numerical model to account for the simultaneous presence of the non-reecting boundary (see Section Example 3.26 provides a data le that makes four complete simulations of the problem: the rst simulation is for a fully elastic case, and the remaining simulations correspond to the various values of cohesion. Computed values for R , T , and A are written to the log le FLAC.LOG if the model is run in command-driven mode. If run in GIIC mode, the computed values are displayed in the console resource pane. Example 3.29 Verication of dynamic slip four complete simulations
config dyna tit Slip induced by harmonic wave g 4 31 model elastic model null j=16

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gen gen int def

-200 -200 -200 0 -120 0 -120 -200 j=1,16 -200 0 -200 200 -120 200 -120 0 j=17,32 1 aside from 1 16 to 5 16 bside from 1 17 to 5 17 setup mat_shear = 10000.0 mat_dens = 0.00265 freq = 1.0 tload = 10.0 w = 2.0 * pi * freq

end def fsin if dytime <= tload fsin = sin(w*dytime) else fsin = 0.0 end_if end def common command hist reset set dytime = 0.0 ini xvel = 0.0 yvel = 0.0 xdis = 0.0 ydis = 0.0 ini sxx = 0.0 syy =0.0 szz = 0.0 sxy = 0.0 apply remove i 1,5 j 1,16 apply remove i 1,5 j 17,32 apply xquiet yquiet j=1 apply xquiet yquiet j=32 apply sxy 2 his fsin j=1 his nstep 10 his unbal his dytime his xvel i=2 j=1 his xvel i=2 j=32 his xdisp i=2 j=1 his xdisp i=2 j=32 his sxy i=1 j=1 his sxy i=1 j=31 his fsin solve dytime 5 end_command end def energy ;-- compute energy coefficients for slipping-joint example -; ; table 1 -- x-velocity at point A for elastic joint case ; table 2 -- x-velocity at point A for slipping joint case ; table 3 -- x-velocity at point B for slipping joint case

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; ; ; ; ; ;

Ei -- energy flux for incident wave Et -- energy flux for transmitted wave Er -- energy flux for reflected wave AAA -- a measure of energy absorbed at the interface items -- no. of items in tables Cs = sqrt(mat_shear / mat_dens) factor = mat_dens * Cs Ei = 0.0 Et = 0.0 Er = 0.0 t_n_1 = 0.0 nac = 0 AAA = 0.0 TTT = 0.0 RRR = 0.0 loop i (1,items) t_n = xtable(1,i) d_t = t_n - t_n_1 t_n_1 = t_n Vsa_e = ytable(1,i) Vsa_s = ytable(2,i) Vsb_s = ytable(3,i) Ei = Ei + factor * Vsa_e * Vsa_e * d_t Et = Et + factor * Vsb_s * Vsb_s * d_t Er = Er + factor * (Vsa_s-Vsa_e) * (Vsa_s-Vsa_e) * d_t if i > i_mean nac = nac + 1 RRR = RRR + sqrt(Er/Ei) TTT = TTT + sqrt(Et/Ei) endif end_loop RRR = RRR / float(nac) TTT = TTT / float(nac) AAA = AAA + sqrt(1.0-RRR*RRR-TTT*TTT) command set log on end_command ii = out( R = +string(RRR)) ii = out( T = +string(TTT)) ii = out( A = +string(AAA)) command set log off end_command

end setup

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prop den=0.00265 bulk=16667 shear=10000 int 1 kn=10000 ks=10000 coh=2.5 fric=0.0 fix y set clock 1000000 step 10000000 set dynamic on common his write 3 vs 2 tab 1 ; save elas incident wave save dinte.sav int 1 coh 0.5 common his write 3 vs 2 tab 2 his write 4 vs 2 tab 3 set items 701 i_mean=600 energy save dintp5.sav pause int 1 coh 0.1 common his write 3 vs 2 tab 2 his write 4 vs 2 tab 3 energy save dintp1.sav int 1 coh 0.02 common his write 3 vs 2 tab 2 his write 4 vs 2 tab 3 energy save dintp02.sav

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viscous boundary G point B



fixed in y

point A
C applied sine wave

viscous boundary

Figure 3.59 Problem geometry and boundary conditions for the problem of slip induced by harmonic shear wave The initial assumption of an elastic discontinuity is achieved by assigning a high cohesion (2.5 MPa, in this case) to the interface. Figure 3.60 shows the time variation of shear stress near points A and B. From the amplitude of the stress history at A and B, it is clear that there was perfect transmission of the wave across the discontinuity. It is also clear from Figure 3.60 that the viscous boundary condition provides perfect absorption of normally incident waves. Following the execution of the elastic case, the velocity history at point A is saved in table 1, to be used later for calculating EI , used in the equations for energy coefcients. The cohesion of the discontinuity is then set, successively, to 0.5, 0.1 and 0.02 MPa to permit slip to occur. The recorded shear stresses at points A and B for the three cases are shown in Figures 3.61, 3.62 and 3.63, respectively. The peak stress at point A is the superposition of the incident wave and the wave reected from the slipping discontinuity. It can be seen in Figures 3.61 through 3.63 that the shear stress of point B is limited by the discontinuity strength.

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After each inelastic simulation, the velocity histories at points A and B are saved in tables 2 and 3, and the energy ux and coefcients R , T and A are computed by FISH function energy, and written to the log le. All conditions are then reset to zero and requested histories are deleted, in preparation for the next simulation: this is done in function common. It was determined that at least ve cycles of the input wave were necessary before the computed coefcients settled down to steady-state values. Even then, there is a periodic uctuation in the values. In order to obtain mean values, the coefcient values were averaged over the nal 100 timesteps: the FISH variable i mean controls the step number at which this averaging process starts. Figure 3.64 compares the numerical results with the exact solution for the coefcients for three values of the dimensionless parameter: U s where s = discontinuity cohesion; U = displacement amplitude of the incident wave; = G; and = frequency of incident wave (1 Hz).
JOB TITLE : Slip induced by harmonic wave

FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:16 step 7016 Dynamic Time 5.0001E+00 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Ave. SXY ( 1, 1) Ave. SXY ( 1, 31) 0.000 -0.200 -0.400 -0.600 -0.800 X-axis : Dynamic time 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.200








45 (10 -01 )

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Figure 3.60 Time variation of shear stress at points A and B for elastic discontinuity (cohesion = 2.5 MPa)

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JOB TITLE : Slip induced by harmonic wave

FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:16 step 14032 Dynamic Time 5.0001E+00 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Ave. SXY ( 1, 1) Ave. SXY ( 1, 31) 0.000 -0.200 -0.400 -0.600 -0.800 X-axis : Dynamic time 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.200








45 (10 -01 )

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Figure 3.61 Time variation of shear stress at points A and B for slipping discontinuity (cohesion = 0.5 MPa)

JOB TITLE : Slip induced by harmonic wave

FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:16 step 21048 Dynamic Time 5.0001E+00 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Ave. SXY ( 1, 1) Ave. SXY ( 1, 31) 0.000 X-axis : Dynamic time












45 (10 -01 )

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Figure 3.62 Time variation of shear stress at points A and B for slipping discontinuity (cohesion = 0.1 MPa)

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JOB TITLE : Slip induced by harmonic wave

FLAC (Version 5.00)

LEGEND 6-Apr-04 16:16 step 28064 Dynamic Time 5.0001E+00 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : Ave. SXY ( 1, 1) Ave. SXY ( 1, 31) 0.000 X-axis : Dynamic time












45 (10 -01 )

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Figure 3.63 Time variation of shear stress at points A and B for slipping discontinuity (cohesion = 0.02 MPa)








0 0.1





Figure 3.64 Comparison of transmission, reection and absorption coefcients (analytical solution from Miller, 1978)


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The displacement amplitude for the incident wave (U ) was obtained by monitoring the horizontal displacement at point A for non-slipping discontinuities. As can be seen, the FLAC results agree well with the analytical solution. 3.6.4 Hollow Sphere Subject to an Internal Blast This problem concerns the propagation of a spherical wave due to an impulsive pressure (explosion) in a sphere. In unbounded (i.e., innite) media, two types of waves can exist: compression and shear waves. In this problem, the axisymmetric nature of the problem eliminates the shear wave. Therefore, only the solution for the compression wave needs to be sought. The problem provides a test of the dynamic capabilities of FLAC and is applicable to impact and explosion modeling. The analytical solution, assuming that the material is elastic and isotropic, for this problem was derived by Blake (1952). The solution is based on the following governing equation: 2 2 = Cp 2 t where Cp = compressional wave velocity; t = time; = a potential function; and 2 = Laplacian operator. Let p(t) be an impulse which jumps from zero to p0 at t = 0 and then decays exponentially with time constant 1 . Thus, the pressure function can be dened by: p(t) = p0 et p(t) = 0 for t 0 (3.88) for t < 0


A step function of the pressure ( = 0) will be used for this problem. For such a pressure function, the potential function which satises the governing equation is:


p0 a 3 K = 2 r Cp

1 +

4K 1 exp(0 ) cos 0 tan1 4K 1 4K 1


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where a = radius of the sphere; K =

1 2(12) ;

= Poissons ratio; r = radial coordinate; 0 =

Cp 2aK

= radiation damping constant;

r a Cp ;

c 2aK

0 =


4K 1 = natural frequency.

The radial displacement can be found by differentiating the potential function with respect to radial distance:

p0 a 3 K ur = = 2 r2 r Cp p0 a 3 K 2 r Cp

1 +

1 2 2 exp(0 ) cos 0 tan1 4K 1

0 1 2 2 exp(0 ) cos 0 tan1 Cp 4K 1

0 1 2 2 exp(0 ) sin 0 tan1 Cp 4K 1


A sphere embedded in an innite, isotropic medium can be simulated by an axisymmetric condition. Figures 3.65 and 3.66 show two different grids used for the simulation. One has a circular boundary; the other has a rectangular boundary. The FISH functions HDONUT.FIS and HHOLE.FIS are called to generate appropriate boundaries. The radius of the sphere is assumed to be 10 m, and the outer boundary is located at a distance ten times the radius. Horizontal movement is prevented at the axis of symmetry. A viscous boundary condition is imposed on the outer boundary to absorb the wave. The material properties used for the problem are: shear modulus (G) 1 1010 Pa bulk modulus (K ) 1.665 1010 Pa density ( ) 1675 kg/m3

A pressure equal to 1000 Pa is applied at the inner boundary to simulate the blasting.

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JOB TITLE : Hollow sphere subject to internal blast


FLAC (Version 5.00)


LEGEND 6-Apr-04 21:25 step 1773 Dynamic Time 1.0004E-01 -7.708E+01 <x< 1.771E+02 -1.271E+02 <y< 1.271E+02 Grid plot 0 5E 1




Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

-0.500 0.000 0.500 (*10^2) 1.000 1.500

Figure 3.65 Grid with circular boundary

JOB TITLE : Hollow sphere subject to internal blast


FLAC (Version 5.00)


LEGEND 6-Apr-04 21:25 step 1773 Dynamic Time 1.0001E-01 -7.708E+01 <x< 1.771E+02 -1.271E+02 <y< 1.271E+02 Grid plot 0 5E 1




Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

-0.500 0.000 0.500 (*10^2) 1.000 1.500

Figure 3.66 Grid with rectangular boundary

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The radial displacement histories recorded up to 0.1 second at r = 2.051a, 3.424a and 4.867a are given in Figures 3.67 and 3.68 for circular and rectangular outer boundaries, respectively. The delay of the response at locations far from the sphere can be noted in both cases. In both cases, FLAC is able to capture the response at peak and steady states. The uctuation at late time is due to the fact that the radiated wave is not absorbed completely by the viscous boundary.
JOB TITLE : Hollow sphere subject to internal blast

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 21:25 step 1773 Dynamic Time 1.0004E-01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X displacement( 5, 31) X displacement( 10, 31) X displacement( 15, 31) ur5 ur10 ur15 (FISH) (FISH) (FISH) 0.400 0.600 -07 )



X-axis : Dynamic time 0.200

9 (10 -02 )

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Figure 3.67 Radial displacement histories at r = 2.051a, 3.424a and 4.867a (circular boundary)

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JOB TITLE : Hollow sphere subject to internal blast

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 21:25 step 1773 Dynamic Time 1.0001E-01 HISTORY PLOT Y-axis : X displacement( 5, 31) X displacement( 10, 31) X displacement( 15, 31) ur5 ur10 ur15 (FISH) (FISH) (FISH) 0.400 0.600 -07 )



X-axis : Dynamic time 0.200

9 (10 -02 )

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.68 Radial displacement histories at r = 2.051a, 3.424a and 4.867a (rectangular boundary)

Example 3.30 Hollow sphere subject to internal blasting

config dyn axi title Hollow Sphere Subject to Internal Blasting grid 30 60 model elastic ; -------------------; Poissons ratio 0.25 ; -------------------prop shear=1e10 bulk=1.665e10 dens=1675 ; create cavity ; -----------------; circular boundary ; -----------------call hdonut.fis ; --------------------; rectangular boundary ; --------------------; call hhole.fis set rmin 10.0 rmul 10 gratio 1.01

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hdonut ; hhole ; --------------------; Boundary Condition ; --------------------apply pressure 1000 i=1 apply xquiet yquiet i=31 fix x j=1 fix x j=61 ; ----------; Histories ; ----------his nstep 10 his unbal his dytime his xdisp i=5 j=31 his xdisp i=10 j=31 his xdisp i=15 j=31 his xvel his xvel his xvel i=5 j=31 i=10 j=31 i=15 j=31

his sig1 i=5 j=31 his sig1 i=10 j=31 his sig1 i=15 j=31 ; --------------------; Analytical Solutions ; --------------------def Anal jp=31 ip=5 ur ur5 = ur ip=10 ur ur10 = ur ip=15 ur ur15 = ur end def const p0=1000. mu=0.25 zou = density(1,1)

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Cp=sqrt(bulk_mod(1,1)+4.0*shear_mod(1,1)/3.0)/sqrt(zou) W0=(Cp/rmin)*sqrt(1.0-2.0*mu)/(1.0-mu) alpha0=(Cp/rmin)*(1.0-2.0*mu)/(1.0-mu) cap_k = (1.0-mu)/(2.*(1.-2.*mu)) c1 = p0*rmin*rmin*rmin*cap_k/(zou*Cp*Cp) c2 = atan(1./sqrt(4.0*cap_k-1.0)) c3 = sqrt(2.0-2.0*mu) c4 = alpha0/Cp c5 = W0/Cp end const def ur r = sqrt(x(ip,jp)*x(ip,jp)+y(ip,jp)*y(ip,jp)) tau = dytime - (r-rmin)/Cp if tau >= 0.0 then temp1 = -(c1/(r*r))*( -1.0+c3*exp(-alpha0*tau)*cos(W0*tau-c2) ) temp2 = (c1/r) *( c4*c3*exp(-alpha0*tau)*cos(W0*tau-c2) ) temp3 = (c1/r) *( c5*c3*exp(-alpha0*tau)*sin(W0*tau-c2) ) ur = temp1 + temp2 + temp3 else ur = 0.0 end_if end his his his his Anal ur5 ur10 ur15

set step 1000000 clock 100000000 set large set dy_damp=rayl 0.01 50 stiff solve dytime 0.1 save sphere1.sav ;save sphere2.sav ret

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Example 3.31 Create one-half donut mesh HDONUT.FIS

; ; ; ; ; ; ; FISH routine to create one-half donut mesh each gridpoint is defined by its polar coordinates ALFA and RO RMAXIT = the maximum distance from the center for each ALFA RMIN = radius of the excavation RMUL = number of radii to the boundary RATIO = grids ratio

def hdonut figp=igp fjgp=jgp loop j (1,jgp) alfa= -pi/2.0 + (j-1)*pi/(jgp-1) rmaxit=rmin*rmul loop i (1,igp) ro=rmin+(rmaxit-rmin)*(ratio(i-1)-1)/(ratio(igp-1)-1) x(i,j)=ro*cos(alfa) y(i,j)=ro*sin(alfa) end_loop end_loop end

Example 3.32 Create one-half hole mesh HHOLE.FIS

; FISH routine to create a one-half hole mesh ; each gridpoint is defined by its polar coordinates ALFA and RO ; RMAXIT = the maximum distance from the center for each ALFA ; RMIN = radius of the excavation ; RMUL = number of radii to the boundary ; RATIO = grids ratio ; ; def hhole loop j (1,jgp) alfa= -0.5*pi + (j-1)*pi/(jgp-1) if abs(alfa) <= .25*pi then rmaxit=rmin*rmul/cos(alfa) else rmaxit=rmin*rmul/sin(alfa) end_if rmaxit=abs(rmaxit) loop i (1,igp)

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ro=rmin+(rmaxit-rmin)*(ratio(i-1)-1)/(ratio(igp-1)-1) x(i,j)=ro*cos(alfa) y(i,j)=ro*sin(alfa) end_loop end_loop end

3.6.5 Vertical Vibration of a Machine Foundation The design of a machine foundation includes the estimation of the anticipated translational and rotational motions of the machine-foundation-soil system. This example demonstrates the calculation of the vertical response of a machine foundation consisting of a rigid, massive, strip foundation resting on a soil and excited by an oscillating machine force. A foundation vibrating under the action of a time-varying force, P , transmits to the soil a force, R , causing a vertical uniform displacement, , of the soil beneath the foundation (see Figure 3.69). The dynamic equilibrium of the mass is expressed as: =P R + M in which M is the total mass of the foundation and the machinery. (3.91)

Figure 3.69 Forces acting on a machine foundation (Gazetas and Roesset 1979)

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The analytical solution to this problem, assuming an elastic soil behavior, is provided by Gazetas and Roesset (1979). Their solution is for the case of a sinusoidal vertical loading of the form: P = Po sin t (3.92)

in which Po is the force amplitude and is the operational frequency of the machine in radians per second. For a harmonic exciting force, P , a dimensionless displacement (compliance) function, Fv , is dened to relate the soil reaction force, R , to the soil displacement, . = R Fv sin(t + ) G (3.93)

G is the shear modulus of the soil, and Fv is the compliance function of the operational frequency and phase angle . Fv is a complex number and can be written Fv = f1,v + if2,v (3.94)

in which f1,v is the real part representing the recoverable component of deformation, and f2,v is the imaginary part expressing the energy dissipated by the propagating waves and soil hysteresis. The amplitude of motion, o , can be expressed in terms of the amplitude of the machine force, Po . The expression is given by Gazetas and Roesset in dimensionless form to be: o =
2 + f2 f1 o G ,v 2,v 2 2 2 2 f 2 )2 Po (1 bao f1,v ) + (bao 2,v 1/2


in which the dimensionless mass b and frequency ratio ao are dened as: b= B M ; ao = 2 Vs B (3.96)

where = density; Vs = s -wave velocity of the soil; B = half-width of the strip foundation; and M = total foundation mass per unit length. Gazetas and Roesset use a semi-analytical approach to obtain the compliance function Fv for a homogeneous half-space as a function of the frequency ratio ao . The result is presented in Figure 3.70. The response of the foundation can then be evaluated for a set of operational frequencies from Eq. (3.95).

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The results presented in Figure 3.70 are for an elastic material with a Poissons ratio, , of 0.4 and a critical damping ratio, , of 0.05. For this example, we assume that the s -wave velocity of the material is 1000 ft/sec, and the unit weight is 128.8 pcf (mass density is 4 slugs/ft3 ). For = 0.4, the shear modulus G is 4.0 106 psf. The half-width of the footing foundation is 10 ft.
0.5 FLAC Gazetas & Roesset


f1,v f2,v





-0.1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5


Figure 3.70 Vertical compliance function for a homogeneous half-space The FLAC model consists of an 80 40 zone grid with the foundation represented by structuralbeam elements. A vertical symmetry plane is assumed through the center of the foundation. Viscous boundaries are located on the bottom and right side of the mesh. Figure 3.71 shows the model grid, beam elements and boundary conditions.

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FLAC (Version 5.00)


LEGEND 22-Mar-04 14:56 step 0 -7.823E+00 <x< 1.678E+02 -1.278E+02 <y< 4.782E+01 Grid plot 0 5E 1

Net Applied Forces * vectors of zero length * Dynamic Apply Conditions O = Both DOFs Quieted Fixed Gridpoints X X-direction Beam plot








Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

0.100 0.300 0.500 0.700 (*10^2) 0.900 1.100 1.300 1.500

Figure 3.71 FLAC model for a vibrating machine foundation The foundation is made rigid by slaving the structural nodes together. For the case of an oscillating rigid footing, we x the x and rotational degrees-of-freedom, and we slave all y degrees-of-freedom together. Hence, the nal structural model consists of only one degree-of-freedom. The density is set to a low value, so that the structural mass is insignicant, and the Youngs modulus is set low because it is now irrelevant: this allows the timestep to be that of the soil. The machine forcing function is applied as a stress because this is more convenient. Calculations are performed over a range of frequency ratios: ao is varied from 0.5 to 2.5. Several constants are computed prior to each calculation. These constants and the displacement results are stored for comparison to the analytical solution. The data le for this example is contained in Example 3.30. The values for f1,v and f2,v at each ao are computed in FISH function COMPL.FIS (see Example 3.31). The average phase angle and displacement amplitude are also calculated. The FLAC results for f1,v and f2,v are plotted in Figure 3.70 for comparison with the Gazetas and Roesset solution. The FLAC results compare well with the analytical results. Note that the agreement is better at the higher values of ao . For lower frequencies, a larger grid is required. For example, for ao = 0.5, the wavelength is 125 ft. The distance to the boundaries should be several wavelengths from the foundation, particularly for the top surface, because Rayleigh waves are not damped very efciently by the quiet boundaries.

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The foundation could also be simulated without structural elements. An oscillating velocity could be applied to a line of xed gridpoints, and the cyclic reaction force measured. The same information (compliance) could be determined from the ratio between displacement and force, and their phase angle. Example 3.33 Vertical vibration of a machine foundation
def setup a0 = 0.5 ; a0 = 1.0 ; a0 = 1.5 ; a0 = 2.0 ; a0 = 2.5 frq_cent = a0 * 100.0 * 0.5 / pi ; Forcing frequency per = 1.0 / frq_cent ; Period omega = 2.0 * pi * frq_cent count = 0 final_t = per * 10.0 sh_mod = 4e6 po_rat = 0.4 bu_mod = sh_mod*(2.0*(1.0+po_rat))/(3.0*(1.0-2.0*po_rat)) end setup ; set constants conf dy g 80 40 gen 0,-80 0,0 160,0 160,-80 m e pro den=4 shear=sh_mod bulk=bu_mod struct prop=1 e=1 i=1 a=1 den=1e-3 struct beam beg grid 1 41 end grid 2 41 struct beam beg grid 2 41 end grid 3 41 struct beam beg grid 3 41 end grid 4 41 struct beam beg grid 4 41 end grid 5 41 struct beam beg grid 5 41 end grid 6 41 def ggg ;-- collapse structure to 1 dof in y -loop nn (1,6) command struct node nn fix x r end_command nn1 = nn - 1 if nn > 1 then command struct node nn slave y nn1 end_command end_if end_loop

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end ggg def s_wave s_wave = sin(omega * dytime) end def dummy ; ... count number of history points count = count + 1 end set dy_damp rayl 0.05 frq_cent fix x i=1 app xquiet yquiet i=81 app xquiet yquiet j=1 app syy=0.05 hist=s_wave i=1,6 j=41 ; pressure of amplitude 0.05 (F=1.0) hist dytime hist syy i 1 j 40 hist syy i 5 j 40 hist ydis i 1 j 41 hist dummy set ncw=50 clock=10000000 step=10000000 solve dytime=final_t save mach.sav call compl.fis

Example 3.34 Real and imaginary parts of compliance function COMPL.FIS

;-- Extract real and imaginary parts -; ... assumes disp history is # 4, time is # 1 ; and first motion is positive set echo off his write 4 vs 1 table 1 ; copy disp vs time history to Table 1 def get_extremes xxx = (normalized) sense = none old_value = 0.0 old_time = 0.0 num_phase = 0 frac = 0.0 pk_to_pk = 0.0 num_ptp = 0 loop n (2,count) section new_value = ytable(1,n) if sense = up then if new_value < old_value then sense = down

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rat = old_time / per frac = frac + rat - int(rat) - 0.25 num_phase = num_phase + 1 upper_val = old_value end_if exit section end_if if sense = down then if new_value > old_value then sense = up rat = old_time / per rmi = rat - int(rat) if rmi < 0.5 then rmi = 1.0 + rmi ; (overflowed one period) end_if frac = frac + rmi - 0.75 num_phase = num_phase + 1 pk_to_pk = pk_to_pk + upper_val - old_value num_ptp = num_ptp + 1 end_if exit section end_if if new_value > old_value then sense = up else sense = down end_if end_section old_value = new_value old_time = xtable(1,n) end_loop degr = frac * 360.0 / num_phase u_tot = pk_to_pk * 0.5 / num_ptp re_part = u_tot * cos(degr * degrad) im_part = u_tot * sin(degr * degrad) ii = out( Average phase angle = +string(degr)+ degrees) ii = out( Displ. amplitude = +string(u_tot)) ii = out( Real part = +string(re_part * sh_mod)+xxx) ii = out( Imaginary part = +string(im_part * sh_mod)+xxx) end get_extremes set echo=on

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3.6.6 Comparison of Hysteretic Damping with SHAKE91 In this section, we compare a simulation using hysteretic damping (presented in Section with SHAKE91, using the default model as an example. The data le in Example 3.32 is provided with the downloaded SHAKE91 code (see ), except that the deepest layer is given a large wave speed, to correspond to rigid bedrock. The model simulates the following problem: with total depth of 150 feet, a horizontally layered soil deposit is made up of 10 different types of soils which are treated as nonlinear elastic materials; by assuming that shear modulus and damping are strain-dependent, the dynamic characteristics of these soils are governed by two sets of modulus reduction factor (G/Gmax ) and damping ratio () curves: the rst set for clay, and the second set for sand. More variations of G/Gmax and for soils are available in the literature mentioned in the SHAKE91 manual (Idriss and Sun, 1992) and duplicated here for easy reference (e.g., Hardin and Drnevich, 1970; Seed and Idriss, 1970; Seed et al., 1986; Sun et al., 1988; Vucetic and Dobry, 1991). The detailed properties and locations for each soil are shown in the data le and summarized below.

Table 3.5
Soil Shear Modulus (MPa) Density (kg/m3 ) Dynamic Property (set) Location (feet)

Soil deposit prole and properties

1 186 2 150 3 168 4 186 5 225 6 327 7 379 8 435 9 495 10 627

2000 2

2000 2

2000 2

2000 1

2000 1

2082 2

2082 2

2082 2

2082 2

2082 2











It should be noted that, to simulate a rigid base (Figure 3.4), we increase the stiffness (shear modulus) of the bedrock from 3.33 GPa to 2080 GPa in the SHAKE91 data le, for the purpose of comparison. The base acceleration input is a set of seismic data recorded in the Loma Prieta Earthquake, which is also downloadable (see ) with the SHAKE91 code (i.e., DIAM.ACC). The input accelerogram is shown in Figure 3.72.

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Optional Features

Figure 3.72 Input accelerogram Using the data le of Example 3.33, the FLAC model consists of 30 square zones, each with a depth of 5 feet (1.524 m). Vertical movement is prevented in the model. Applying numerical ts to Seed & Sun data for clay (shown in the SHAKE91 data le), parameters of some FLAC hysteretic damping models are estimated in Table 3.6. Modulus reduction factor and damping curves for clay calibrated in FLAC are plotted in Figures 3.73 and 3.74. Seed & Sun data are also provided and compared in the plots.

Table 3.6 Numerical ts to Seed & Sun data Data set Clay upper range (Seed & Sun, 1989) Default L1 = -3.156 L2 = 1.904 Sig3 a = 1.017 b = -0.587 xo = -0.633 Sig4 a = 0.922 b = -0.481 xo = -0.745 yo = 0.0823 Hardin ref = 0.234

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Figure 3.73 Results of several cyclic FLAC simulations for default model secant modulus values versus cyclic shear strain in %. Seed & Sun data (clay upper range) also shown.

Figure 3.74 Results of several cyclic FLAC simulations for default model damping values versus cyclic shear strain in %. Seed & Sun data (clay upper range) also shown.

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Optional Features Acceleration History and Response Spectra The tting curves of the FLAC default model (Figures 3.27, 3.28, 3.73 and 3.74) show that, for small strain (corresponding to small input acceleration), the behavior is approximately linear (i.e., both shear modulus and damping ratio are constants for both FLAC and SHAKE91). Both codes are thus expected to give similar results in this circumstance. Here we compare accelerograms and response spectra at the top of the model for very low input acceleration. Figure 3.75 shows the horizontal acceleration at the top of the model (gridpoint 31 in FLAC and sub-layer 1 in SHAKE91) as a function of time with maximum input acceleration amplitude of 0.0001 g. Both records are very similar; the maximum acceleration calculated by FLAC is 0.000592 g, while the maximum acceleration calculated by SHAKE91 is 0.000590 g (0.4% difference).

Figure 3.75 Accelerograms at the top of the model with small input Figures 3.76 through 3.79 provide pseudo-acceleration and pseudo-velocity spectra calibrated in SHAKE91 and FLAC when the maximum input acceleration amplitude is small (0.0001 g). In SHAKE91, the response spectra are calculated using OPTION 9. In FLAC, response spectra are computed using a FISH function, SPEC.FIS. Here the damping ratio, minimum period and maximum period of interest are 5%, 0.01 and 10, respectively. From these plots it can be seen clearly that the FLAC and SHAKE91 results correspond quite closely for small-amplitude input motion.

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JOB TITLE : Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 21:37 step 20240 Dynamic Time 4.0480E+01 Table Plot Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum 4.500 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 -02 )


Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.76 Pseudo-acceleration spectrum at the top of the model (FLAC default) m/s 2

Figure 3.77 Pseudo-acceleration spectrum at the top of the model (SHAKE91) m/s 2

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JOB TITLE : Pseudo Velocity Spectrum

FLAC (Version 5.00)

(10 LEGEND 6-Apr-04 21:37 step 20240 Dynamic Time 4.0480E+01 Table Plot Pseudo Velocity Spectrum 3.000 -03 )







Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Figure 3.78 Pseudo-velocity spectrum at the top of the model (FLAC default) m/s

Figure 3.79 Pseudo-velocity spectrum (SHAKE91) m/s

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3 - 133 Acceleration Amplication For validation purposes, acceleration amplications at the top of the model, dened as the ratio of the maximum acceleration value at the top to the maximum base input acceleration value, are compared between FLAC and SHAKE91. We measure the ratios when applying scaled maximum input acceleration value in DIAM.ACC of 0.0001 g, 0.0005 g, 0.001 g, 0.005 g, 0.01 g, 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.5 g and 1 g, where g is the acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2 ). The scaling is accomplished through the built-in functionality in SHAKE91, using either of two scaling parameters in OPTION 3. FLAC simply takes the scaled base motion from SHAKE91. For example, note that the history record, DIAM-FLAC-0001.ACC, that is used in Example 3.36 is scaled with a maximum value of 0.0001 g. According to the calculation results shown in Figure 3.80, it is conrmed that FLAC and SHAKE91 predict similar acceleration amplication when the maximum base input acceleration amplitude is within 0.001 g (maximum shear strain percentage is around 0.1%, as shown in the truncated results from SHAKE91). In this specic example, for the input acceleration with maximum amplitude greater than 0.001 g (maximum strain 0.1%), SHAKE91 gives a little larger amplication; this is probably because FLAC uses higher damping ratios in most zones (Figure 3.28). As a result, more energy is absorbed during wave transmission.

Table 3.7

Truncated SHAKE91 results with maximum input acceleration of 0.001 g

THICKNESS FT DEPTH FT 2.5 7.5 15.0 25.0 35.0 45.0 55.0 65.0 75.0 85.0 95.0 105.0 115.0 125.0 135.0 145.0 MAX STRAIN PRCNT 0.00005 0.00017 0.00033 0.00049 0.00061 0.00077 0.00075 0.00085 0.00063 0.00067 0.00060 0.00061 0.00055 0.00056 0.00050 0.00040 MAX STRESS PSF 1.78 5.30 10.41 17.13 23.67 29.90 35.31 39.70 43.01 45.48 47.13 48.13 49.62 51.10 51.94 52.17 TIME SEC 12.98 12.98 12.98 12.76 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.78 12.34 12.34 12.34 12.34


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

5.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

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Figure 3.80 Acceleration amplications comparison at the top of the model

Example 3.35 SHAKE91 model of layered nonlinear soil deposits

option 1 -- dynamic soil properties -- (max is thirteen): 1 3 11 #1 modulus for clay (Seed & Sun 1989) upper range 0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1. 3. 10. 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.981 0.941 0.847 0.656 0.438 0.238 0.144 0.110 11 damping for clay (Idriss 1990) -0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1. 3.16 10. 0.24 0.42 0.8 1.4 2.8 5.1 9.8 15.5 21. 25. 28. 11 #2 modulus for sand (Seed & Idriss 1970) -- upper range 0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1. 3. 10. 1.000 1.000 0.990 0.960 0.850 0.640 0.370 0.180 0.080 0.050 0.035 11 damping for sand (Idriss 1990) -- (about LRng from SI 1970) 0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3

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1. 0.24 21.

8 .0001 0.03 0.1 1.0 1.000 0.810 0.725 0.550 5 .0001 0.4 4.6 3 Option 2 1 17 Example -- 150-ft layer; input:Diam @ .1g 1 2 5.00 .050 .125 1000. 2 2 5.00 .050 .125 900. 3 2 10.00 .050 .125 900. 4 2 10.00 .050 .125 950. 5 1 10.00 .050 .125 1000. 6 1 10.00 .050 .125 1000. 7 1 10.00 .050 .125 1100. 8 1 10.00 .050 .125 1100. 9 2 10.00 .050 .130 1300. 10 2 10.00 .050 .130 1300. 11 2 10.00 .050 .130 1400. 12 2 10.00 .050 .130 1400. 13 2 10.00 .050 .130 1500. 14 2 10.00 .050 .130 1500. 15 2 10.00 .050 .130 1600. 16 2 10.00 .050 .130 1800. 17 3 .010 .140 100000. Option 3 -- input motion: 3 1900 4096 .02 diam.acc (8f10.6) .0001 25. 3 8 Option 4 -- sublayer for input motion within (1) or outcropping (0): 4 17 0 Option 5 -- number of iterations & ratio of avg strain to max strain 5 0 8 0.50 Option 6 -- sublayers for which accn time histories are computed & saved: 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Option 6 -- sublayers for which accn time histories are computed & saved:

3. 10. 0.42 0.8 1.4 2.8 25. 28. #3 ATTENUATION OF ROCK AVERAGE 0.0003 0.001 0.003 0.01 1.000 0.9875 0.9525 0.900 DAMPING IN ROCK 0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 0.8 1.5 3.0 1 2 3 2 -- Soil Profile




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6 16 17 17 1 1 0 0 1 0 option 7 -- sublayer for which shear stress or strain are computed & saved: 7 4 1 1 0 1800 -- stress in level 4 4 0 1 0 1800 -- strain in level 4 option 7 -- sublayer for which shear stress or strain are computed & saved: 7 8 1 1 0 1800 -- stress in level 8 8 0 1 0 1800 -- strain in level 8 option 9 -- compute & save response spectrum: 9 1 0 1 0 981.0 0.05 option 10 -- compute & save amplification spectrum: 10 17 0 1 0 0.125 -- surface/rock outcrop execution will stop when program encounters 0 0

Example 3.36 FLAC model of layered nonlinear soil deposits

config dynamic ;------------------------------------;Grid generation and model properties ;------------------------------------grid 1,30 model elastic prop bulk 300e6 she 186e6 den 2000 ; 1-5 ft prop bulk 200e6 she 150e6 den 2000 j 27 29 ;5-20 ft prop bulk 200e6 she 168e6 den 2000 j 25 26 ;20-30 ft prop bulk 270e6 she 186e6 den 2000 j 21 24 ;30-50 ft prop bulk 350e6 she 225e6 den 2000 j 17 20 ;50-70 ft prop bulk 480e6 she 327e6 den 2082 j 13 16 ;70-90 ft prop bulk 550e6 she 379e6 den 2082 j 9 12 ;90-110 ft prop bulk 600e6 she 435e6 den 2082 j 5 8 ;110-130 ft prop bulk 750e6 she 495e6 den 2082 j 3 4 ;130-140 ft prop bulk 900e6 she 627e6 den 2082 j 1 2 ;140-150 ft ;mul a factor to have depth of 150 ft, in order to compare with Shake ini x mul 1.524 ini y mul 1.524 ;------------

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; Histories ;-----------hist 1 unbal his 2 dytime his 231 xacc i 1 j 31 ;top accn 0 his 224 xacc i 1 j 23 ;accn at 40 his 201 xacc i=1 j=1 ;btm accn at 150 ;-------------------;Boundary Conditions ;-------------------fix y ;---------------------------;Application of acceleration ;---------------------------his read 100 Diam-flac-0001.acc apply xacc 9.81 his 100 j=1 ; convert to actual accn value apply yacc 0.0 j=1 ; this command prevents rocking along gridpoint j=1 ini dy_damp hyst default -3.325 0.823 j 1 16 ini dy_damp hyst default -3.156 1.904 j 17 24 ini dy_damp hyst default -3.325 0.823 j 25 30 set dynamic on ;hist nstep 100 solve dytime 40.48 his write 231 vs 2 table 231 ; top accn hist to table, to gen. res spectra call spec.fis def compuspec ; setup values for fish function spectra dmp=0.05 ; damping ratio pmin=0.01 ; minimum period pmax=10.0 ; maximum period acc_in=231 ; input acc table sd_out = 501 ; relative displacement table sv_out = 502 ; pseudo-velocity table sa_out = 503 ; pseudo-acc table n_point = 500 ; # of computation points spectra end compuspec set hisfile inp-flac-0001.his his write 231, 224, 201 vs 2 ;accn save inp-flac-0001.sav

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3.7 References Arthur, J. R. F., K. S. Chua and T. Dunstan. Principal Stress Rotation: A Missing Parameter, J. Geotech., Div. ASCE, 106(GT4), 419-433 (1980). Bathe, K.-J., and E. L. Wilson. Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976. Belytschko, T. An Overview of Semidiscretization and Time Integration Procedures, in Computational Methods for Transient Analysis, Ch. 1, pp. 1-65. T. Belytschko and T. J. R. Hughes, Eds. New York: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., 1983. Biggs, J. M. Introduction to Structural Dynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964. Blake, F. G. Spherical Wave Propagation in Solid Media, J. Acous. Soc. Am., 24(2), 211-215 (1952). Byrne, P. A Cyclic Shear-Volume Coupling and Pore-Pressure Model for Sand, in Proceedings: Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics (St. Louis, Missouri, March, 1991), Paper No. 1.24, 47-55. Cundall, P. A. Explicit Finite Difference Methods in Geomechanics, in Numerical Methods in Engineering (Proceedings of the EF Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Blacksburg, Virginia, June, 1976), Vol. 1, pp. 132-150 (1976). Cundall, P. A., H. Hansteen, S. Lacasse and P. B. Selnes. NESSI Soil Structure Interaction Program for Dynamic and Static Problems, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Report 51508-9, December, 1980. Daller, J., W. Unterberger and B. Hochgatterer. Vibration Control in Railway Tunnels, in Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Tunnel Construction and Underground Structures (Ljubljana, September, 1996). Dames and Moore (San Francisco, California) and Science Applications, Incorporated (Oakland, California). Study of Nonlinear Effects on One-Dimensional Earthquake Response, Final Report NP-865 to Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto, California), August, 1978. Gemant, A., and W. Jackson. The Measurement of Internal Friction in Some Solid Dielectric Materials, The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine & Journal of Science, XXII, 960-983 (1937). Gazetas, G., and J. M. Roesset. Vertical Vibration of Machine Foundations, J. Geotech., Div. ASCE, 105(GT12), 1435-1454 (December, 1979). Graff, K. G. Wave Motion in Elastic Solids. New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1991.

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Hardin, B. O., and V. P. Drnevich. Shear Modulus and Damping in Soils: I. Measurement and Parameter Effects, II. Design Equations and Curves, Technical Reports UKY 27-70-CE 2 and 3, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, July. [These reports were later published in the Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE, Vol. 98, No. 6, pp. 603-624 and No. 7, pp. 667-691, in June and July, 1972]. Idriss, I. M., and Joseph I. Sun. Users Manual for SHAKE91. University of California, Davis, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, November 1992. Joyner, W. B., and A. T. F. Chen. Calculation of Nonlinear Ground Response in Earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 65(5), 1315-1336 (October, 1975). Kolsky, H. Stress Waves in Solids. New York: Dover Publications, 1963. Kuhlemeyer, R. L., and J. Lysmer. Finite Element Method Accuracy for Wave Propagation Problems, J. Soil Mech. & Foundations, Div. ASCE, 99(SM5), 421-427 (May, 1973). Kunar, R. R., P. J. Beresford and P. A. Cundall. A Tested Soil-Structure Model for Surface Structures, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Soil-Structure Interaction (Roorkee University, India, January, 1977), Vol. 1, pp. 137-144. Meerut, India: Sarita Prakashan, 1977. Lysmer, J., and R. L. Kuhlemeyer. Finite Dynamic Model for Innite Media, J. Eng. Mech., 95(EM4), 859-877 (1969). Lysmer, J., and G. Waas. Shear Waves in Plane Innite Structures, ASCE J. Eng. Mech., 98(EM1), 85-105 (1972). Lysmer, J., T. Udaka, C. F. Tsai and H. B. Seed. FLUSH A Computer Program for Approximate 3-D Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems, University of California, Berkeley, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Report No. EERC 75-30, 1975. Martin, G. R., W. D. L. Finn and H. B. Seed. Fundamentals of Liquefaction Under Cyclic Loading, J. Geotech., Div. ASCE, 101(GT5), 423-438 (1975). Miller, R. K. The Effects of Boundary Friction on the Propagation of Elastic Waves, Bull. Seismic. Assoc. America, 68, 987-998 (1978). Roesset, J. M., and M. M. Ettouney. Transmitting Boundaries: A Comparison, Int. J. Num. & Analy. Methods Geomech., 1, 151-176 (1977). Schnabel, P. B., J. Lysmer and H. Bolton Seed. SHAKE: A Computer Program for Earthquake Response Analysis of Horizontally Layered Sites, University of California, Berkeley, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Report No. UCB/EERC-71/12, 1972. Seed, H. B., and I. Idriss. Inuence of Soil Conditions on Ground Motion During Earthquakes, J. Soil Mech. Found., Div. ASCE, 95, 99-137 (1969).

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Seed, H. Bolton, and I. M. Idriss. Soil Moduli and Damping Factors for Dynamic Response Analysis, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Report No. UCB/EERC-70/10, p. 48, Dec. 1970. Seed, H. B., P. P. Martin and J. Lysmer. The Generation and Dissipation of Pore Water Pressures During Soil Liquefaction, University of California, Berkeley, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, NSF Report PB-252 648, August, 1975. Seed, H. Bolton, R. T. Wong, I. M. Idriss and K. Tokimatsu. Moduli and Damping Factors for Dynamic Analyses of Cohesionless Soils, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 112, No. GT11, Nov. 1986, pp. 1016-1032. Sun, J. I., R. Golesorkhi and H. Bolton Seed. Dynamic Moduli and Damping Ratios for Cohesive Soils, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Report No. UCB/EERC-88/15, p. 42, 1988. Unterberger, W., P. A. Cundall and A. H. Zettler. Dynamic Substepping Increasing the Power of Explicit Finite Difference Methods, IACMAC, 9th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Wuhan, China, 2-7 November, 1997. Unterberger, W., R. Poisel and C. Honeger. Numerical Prediction of Surface Vibrations Caused by High-Speed Rail Trafc in Tunnels, World Tunnel Congress (ITA), Vienna, (May, 1977). Vucetic, M. and R. Dobry. Effect of Soil Plasticity on Cyclic Response, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 111, No. 1, Jan. 1991, pp. 89-107. Wang, Z.-L., J. Egan, L. Scheibel and F. I. Makdisi. Simulation of Earthquake Performance of a Waterfront Slope Using Fully Coupled Effective Stress Approach, in FLAC and Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics 2001 (Proceedings of the 2nd International FLAC Symposium on Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics, Ecully-Lyon, France, October 2001), pp. 101-108. D. Billaux, X. Rachez, C. Detournay and R. Hart, Eds., Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 2001. Wegel, R. L., and H. Walther. Internal Dissipation in Solids for Small Cyclic Strains, Physics, 6, 141-157 (1935). White, W., S. Valliappan and I. K. Lee. Unied Boundary for Finite Dynamic Models, J. Eng. Mech., 103, 949-964 (1977). Wilkins, M. L. Use of Articial Viscosity in Multidimensional Fluid Dynamic Calculations, in Journal of Computational Physics, 36, 281-303 (1980). Wolf, J. P. Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1985.

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