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CW Survey Planning Guide: Xanthos N. Angelides 5 April 2000

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Copyright 1999 AIRCOM International Ltd

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CW Survey Planning Guide

Xanthos N. Angelides 5th April 2000


2. DIGITAL MAP DATA... 2 2.1. Map Data Recommendations ..... 2 3. CW MEASUREMENT DATA...... 3.1 Site Parameters and Visits.. 3.1.1 Site Selection.......... 3.1.2 Site Parameters where Verification is Required.. 3.1.3 Factors to Observe During Site Visits... 2 3 3 3 3

3.2 Survey Planning....... 4 3.2.1 Factors for Planning Surveys. 4 3.3 Equipment Parameters.... 5 3.3.1 Typical Test Transmitter Setup.... 5 3.3.2 Typical Receiver Setup....... 6 3.4 Collected CW Data... 7 3.4.1 Data Filtering...... 7 3.4.2 Survey Feedback..... 7 3.4.3 Data Binning.... 8 3.4.4 File Format for CW Survey Data.. 8 APPENDIX A..... APPENDIX B...... 10 11

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This Application Note aims to provide guidance on the process of conducting Continuous Wave (CW) propagation surveys for the collection of actual data required for the calibration of the propagation model in ASSET. The calibration process is directly depended on the quality of the data used to conduct it. The two key inputs which dictate the results of a calibration process of any propagation model are: 1. The resolution accuracy and quality of the available digital terrain and morphology data. 2. The quality, statistical validity and accuracy of the Continuous Wave (CW) propagation survey data used to calibrate the model. These inputs must be verified before and during the CW survey process to ensure that errors are minimal. This Application Note examines these various inputs along with methods of planning and implementing CW surveys identifying issues which may affect the overall results.


Mapping data is essential for the functionality of a prediction model. Furthermore its accuracy will play a key role throughout the calibration process and will determine the quality of the resulting propagation model. It is therefore important that mapping data is upto-date and various map data sets are available for the calibration of the different prediction models. 2.1. Map Data Recommendations Data sets must be derived from source material less than two years old. A countrywide data set should be used for the rural and semi rural locations whereas high-resolution maps should be used for the denser urban areas and city centres. These should comprise of the features described in the ASSET user manual. High resolution scanned maps would be of great advantage.

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Apart from the actual measurements collected while conducting CW surveys various other parameters are required for the calibration. It is highly recommended that all parameters of the calibration configuration are verified throughout the data collection process. The main areas where attention and constant verification are required are identified as follows. Site Parameters Survey Planning Equipment Parameters Analysis on Collected CW Data The following subsections describe the various issues and suggestions for each of the above areas.

3.1 Site Parameters and Visits

To ensure validity of the calibration process it is essential that sites are selected carefully and that various parameters required for the calibration process are verified. Furthermore site visits before planning and conducting surveys are always useful since through these possible delays and problems can be identified soon before the surveys commence. The site morphology is also a major factor in determine the extent of surveys regarding direction around the site. 3.1.1 Site Selection Test sites measured should be representative of typical BTS sites, considering issues such as the general environment and antenna height surrounding clutter characteristics etc. They should be spread around the area where the prediction model will be used on so as to capture a wider range of DTM heights and locations thus ensuring a valid model for all the area in hand. Sites should have flat roofs and power outlets (possibly sites with BTS equipment on the roof) so that test masts and equipment can be installed. 3.1.2 Site Parameters where Verification is Required Height The heights of sites should be verified using an altimeter. Building heights are usually provided by estate authorities and are usually inaccurate. Location The site location should be verified in Longitude-Latitude format, which will be used for the calibration. These coordinates must be calculated in the ellipsoid format used by the mapping data in ASSET. 3.1.3 Factors to Observe During Site Visits Area Around Site Knowledge on the area surrounding a site is always beneficial when planning and conducting surveys. It is useful to know the clutter types in the near areas around
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the site and the possibility to drive as close as possible to the site so as to collect data at distances under 200m which usually causes problems. Morphology of the Site Urban sites are often installed on tall large terrace buildings with wide roof-tops thus if a test antenna is installed on the building the first reflections of the signal will be blocked in areas near the building. The shadowing effect of the building can be minimised by installing the test antenna as close as possible to one edge of the building or at the tallest point of the building. The drives must then be planned in the direction of the building where the antenna was installed thus avoiding any blocking effects on the other side of the building. Site Access and Power Issues

3.2 Survey Planning

Once identifying any drive limitations through the site visits care must be taken in the actual route planning. Various factors shape the actual drive and the validity and accuracy of the CW data. 3.2.1 Factors for Planning Surveys Drive tests must first be planned according to the limitations observed through the site visits. It is important to collect a statistically significant amount of data. The more data available the more accurately the model can be calibrated. The data should be evenly distributed with respect to distance from the transmitter. Distance should also be taken into account on a per clutter type basis. Using various locations of test sites this is practically implemented. When planning drive routes it is of great importance to ensure that the drive goes through the clutter type in mind since consecutive roads may be classified as different clutter types. Using partially the same routes for different surveys is beneficial since the different location of the test antenna will provide different data with respect to distance. The extent of the survey is dictated on the amount of clutter types and required bins along with the actual purposes of the survey data. In cases where the data collected will be used for analysing interference between sites survey may tend to reach long distances away from the site and the actual route exceeding 100km. There should be sufficient data collected within each clutter category to ensure accurate modelling. Typically a minimum of 600 data points are required for each clutter category.

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3.3 Equipment Parameters

For accuracy in the CW data it is required that the setups performance is verified and factors contributing to variations in the CW data to be taken into account. Below the setup of a typical test configuration for CW surveys is described with details on all the elements and settings which need verification. It would be useful to note down the performance of these elements before and after each survey. The template in Appendix A may prove useful. It contains data fields which are required for the calibration process. 3.3.1 Typical Test Transmitter Setup

TRX Simple Omni Antenna


Transmitter Settings Power: Constant stable power must be used throughout the surveys and it would be recommended that its value was verified before and after each survey. This power must be high enough so that the radiated signal would be sufficiently higher than the noise floor. Frequency: The test frequency should be selected so that no signals other than that of the test transmitter are measured. It would be wise to scan the air interface for any interfering signals that may cause problems to the data collection. Connector Losses The power at the input of the antenna is a required input to any calibration process. In simple setups like the one illustrated above the power can be measured by subtracting the loss through the cable from the transmitter power. It is therefore necessary to use a cable with known losses. In more sophisticated setups an NRT sensor can be connected between the antenna and the end of the feeder to monitor the power into the antenna. This is usually more accurate since the transmitter clock usually has a slight error upto 20%. Antenna Settings Type: In order to make measurements more accurate simple antennas should be used as it would limit the number and depth of sidelobes. Generally low gain simple omnidirectional antennas are suitable. It is necessary to know the antennas radiating pattern and to use it within ASSET during the calibration.
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Height: The antenna is usually set on a pump-up mast. The height of the mast must therefore be measured and added to the overall site height which will be used in the calibration. 3.3.2 Typical Receiver Setup

Simple Omni Antenna

Measurement Receiver Feeder DGPS


Antenna Settings Type: Typically a simple omnidirectional antennas with zero gain should be used are suitable. Height: The receiver antenna height should remain constant throughout the surveys at the typical height of mobile stations (human height). This in practice is set as the height of the roof of the measurement vehicle. Connector Losses The losses in the cables and connectors must be taken into account when measuring the signal strength at the receiver ends. At the operating frequency these losses should be measured prior the commencement of the surveys and then be added to the received signal strength. This way the collected data will represent signals at the input of the receiver antenna. Measurement Receiver It is suggested that the receiver takes measurements using a narrow band filter. This would enable measurements at lower signal levels and would decrease any possibility of interference. Positional Data To ensure positional accuracy the use of differential GPS (DGPS) is recommended. This may also need to be augmented with dead-reckoning to cope with areas where satellite lock is lost for long periods. Measurement Software Data will be collected with the use of a processor using a measurement software package usually provided by the measurement receiver vendor. Each measurement will be a set of coordinates calculated by the DGPS and a value for
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the received signal in dBms. The rate by which data is stored is dictated by the sampling rate achieved by the receiver. It is recommended that the samples should be distance triggered and that the speed of the mobile be directly proportional to the sampling rate.

3.4 Collected CW Data

Before the collected data can be used appropriate filtering must be performed so as to verify its validity and remove erroneous data. Inspecting the CW data using ASSET and through the survey teams comment valuable feedback can be obtained which could be used for future survey planning. Once the filtering process has been performed the collected data must be binned and converted to the required format along with the setup data for use within ASSET. 3.4.1 Data Filtering It is essential to filter any invalid data that may cause anomalies in the calibration process. Data which requires filtering can be identified through correct tagging of measurements by the team conducting the surveys. Generally the following circumstances would result to invalid data and therefore must be removed from the measurement files. Elevated Roads Data would be measured at a different height than desired and thus would be invalid. Blocking Blocking would cause abrupt drops in signal strength. Data would be invalid since it does not represent the prediction model being calibrated. This would occur when driving through tunnels, under bridges or when driving alongside larger trucks or busses. Dead Reckoning Drifting Off In areas where satellite lock is lost for long periods the configuration uses dead reckoning to ensure positional accuracy. Dead reckoning works fine when driving over a steady bearing. If an abrupt turn is taken then dead reckoning will drift off and positional data will be inaccurate. This may result to measurements being assigned to different clutter types than what they should be. Consequences due to DGPS Offset Effect Even though it is strongly advised that DGPS is used for positional accuracy it must be noted that this is accurate within 5-30m. The consequence of this inaccuracy may result to measurements being assigned to different clutter types and thus invalidity of measurements. When filtering data this must be taken into account and there may be circumstances where data will require shifting so as to coincide with the correct mapping data.
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3.4.2 Survey Feedback Feedback from surveys may prove valuable when defining new drive routes. Drive routes can be planned taking into account any problems encountered thus minimising time delays during the drive. The team conducting the survey team may point out roads that cannot be driven through or one way streets, which can be taken into account so as to plan surveys which are easier to follow. 3.4.3 Data Binning Once all the erroneous data has been filtered out the data must be appropriately binned for its use within ASSET. Conversion of Coordinates Long/Lat format used in the map data. Interpolation of coordinates (useful when using distance triggering and GPS coordinates are not updated fast enough) Once the bins are taken all values below 110 dBm are removed (values below 110 are usually too close to the noise floor to be valid). Averaging of values over areas based upon the resolution of the map data used for the calibration. 3.4.4 File Format for CW Survey Data Once the data is binned then it must be stored in the required format for the calibration process. ASSET supports various file formats for CW measurement analysis. The most commonly used file format is the Signia file format and is recommended for use since it can easily be generated for all types of surveys. Each survey performed consists of two files. They are: Header File It consists of all detailed information about the test site and the survey. Typically Data about Site Location and Parameters Numerical data about equipment configuration Management Data and Comments The file is in ASCII text format and it is useful to name it in the following format for organisation purposes: SiteID_SurveyNo_Date.hd An example of a Signia Header file can be found in Appendix B Data File It contains any number of measurements where each line of data represents one measurement. The data for each measurement is split into three columns separated with a single space. The data in each column is as follows: Decimal Longitude for measurement Decimal Latitude for measurement Signal Strength Received
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The file is in ASCII text format and is named the same way as the corresponding header file with a different extension: SiteID_SurveyNo_Date.dat An example of a Signia Data file can be found in Appendix B

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CW S URVEY D ETAILS Site ID Start Date End Date TEST S ITE P ARAMETERS Site Coordinate (Decimal Long-Lat) Height Of Mast (m) Height of Building (m) Overall Antenna Height (m) Antenna Type Mast Type TRANSMITTER P ARAMETERS Date Time Power At Transmitter Output

Power At Transmitter Input







C ABLE P ARAMETERS Length Transmitter-Antenna (dBm) Antenna-Receiver (dBm) S ETUP C OMMENTS /P ROBLEMS Date Time Details Loss Connector Losses


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Signia Data File Format 4.33942533 50.83962315 -54.514 4.33970832 50.83962315 -53.273 4.33999132 50.83962316 -52.988 4.33942532 50.83980312 -52.356 4.33999132 50.83980313 -56.232 4.33942532 50.83998310 -44.772 4.33999131 50.83998310 -57.323 4.33942531 50.84016307 -47.866 4.33970831 50.84016307 -53.212 4.33999131 50.84016307 -55.332 4.33942531 50.84034304 -53.991 4.33970830 50.84034304 -45.953 4.33942530 50.84052301 -56.469 4.33970830 50.84052302 -49.795 4.33999130 50.84052302 -43.670
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4.33999129 50.84070299 -43.803 4.34027429 50.84070299 -42.132 4.34112328 50.84070300 -55.351

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