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Muskogee-Creek Affiliations

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Extracts from The Indian Tribes of North America by John R. Swanton Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 1451953 726 pagesSmithsonian Institution pp. 153-174)

Abihka, see Creek Confederacy and Muskogee. Acuera. Meaning unknown (acu signifies "and" and also "moon"). Connections.This tribe belonged to the Timucuan or Timuquanan linguistic division of the Muskhogean linguistic family. Location.Apparently about the headwaters of the Ocklawaha River [in Florida]. Towns: (See Utina.) History. The Acuera were first noted by De Soto in a letter written at Tampa Bay to the civil cabildo of Santiago de Cuba. According to information transmitted to him by his officer Baltazar de Gallegos, Acuera was "a large town . . . where with much convenience we might winter," but the Spaniards did not in fact pass through it, though, while they were at Ocale, they sent to Acuera for corn. The name appears later in Laudonnire's narrative of the second French expedition to Florida, 1564-65 (1586), as a tribe allied with the Utina. It is noted sparingly in later Spanish documents but we learn that in 1604 there was an encounter between these Indians and Spanish troops and that there were two Acuera missions in 1655, San Luis and Santa Lucia, both of which had disappeared by 1680. The inland position of the Acuera is partly responsible for the few notices of them. The remnant was probably gathered into the "Pueblo de Timucua," which stood near St. Augustine in 1736, and was finally removed to the Mosquito Lagoon and Halifax River in Volusia County, where Tomoka River keeps the name alive. Population. This is nowhere given by itself. (See Utina.) Aguacaleyquen, see Utina . Ais. Meaning unknown; there is no basis for Romans' (1775) derivation from the Choctaw word "isi" (deer). Also called: Jece, form of the name given by Dickenson (1699). Connections.Circumstantial evidence, particularly resemblance in town names, leads to the conclusion that the Ais language was similar to that of the Calusa and the other south Florida tribes. (See Calusa.) It is believed that it was connected with the Muskhogean stock. Location.Along Indian River on the east coast of the peninsula. Villages : The only village mentioned by explorers and geographers bears some form of the tribal name.

History.Fontaneda (1854) speaks of a Biscayan named Pedro who had been held prisoner in Ais, evidently during the sixteenth century, and spoke the Ais language fluently. Shortly after the Spaniards made their first establishments in the peninsula, a war broke out with the Ais, but peace was concluded in 1570. In 1597 Governor Mendez de Cano, who traveled along the entire east coast from the head of the Florida Keys to St. Augustine, reported that the Ais chief had more Indians under him than any other. A little later the Ais killed a Spaniard and two Indians sent to them by Cano for which summary revenge was exacted, and still later a difficulty was created by the escape of two Negro slaves and their marriage with Ais men. Relations between the Floridian government and these Indians were afterward friendly but efforts to missionize them uniformly failed. An intimate picture of their condition in 1699 is given by the Quaker Dickenson (1803), who was ship-wrecked on the coast farther south and obliged, with his companions, to travel through their territory. They disappear from history after 1703, but the remnant may have been among those who, according to Romans (1775), passed over to Cuba in 1763, although he speaks of them all as Calusa. Population.Mooney (1928) estimates the number of Indians on the southeastern coast of Florida in 1650, including this tribe, the Tekesta, Guacata, and Jeaga, to have been 1,000. As noted above, the Ais were the most important of these and undoubtedly the largest. We have no other estimates of population applying to the seventeenth century. In 1726, 88 "Costa" Indians were reported in a mission farther north and these may have been drawn from the southeast coast. In 1728, 52 "Costa" Indians were reported. Connection in which they have become noted.The Ais were noted as the most important tribe of southeastern Florida, and they were probably responsible for the fact that the water course on which they dwelt came to be called Indian River. Alabama. Perhaps connected with the native word "albina," meaning "to camp," or alba amo, "weed gatherer," referring to the black drink. Also called: Ma'-mo an-ya-di, or Ma'mo han-ya, by the Biloxi. Oke-choy-atte, given by Schoolcraft (1851-57), the name of an Alabama town, Oktcaiutci. Connections. The Alabama language belonged to the southern division of the Muskhogean stock, and was perhaps connected with the tongues of the Muklasa and Tuskegee, which have not been preserved. It was closely related to Koasati and more remotely to Hitchiti and Choctaw. Location. The principal historic seat of this tribe was on the upper course of Alabama River. (See also Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.) Subdivisions: The Tawasa and Pawokti, which later formed two Alabama towns, were originally independent tribes, though the former, at least, was not properly Alabama. The same may have been true of some other Alabama towns, though we have no proof of the fact.

Villages: Besides the above: Autauga, on the north bank of Alabama River about the mouth of Autauga Creek in Autauga County. Kantcati, on Alabama River about 3 miles above Montgomery and on the same side. Nitahauritz, on the north side of Alabama River west of the confluence of the Alabama and Cahawba Rivers in Dallas County. Okchayutci, in Benjamin Hawkins' time (about 1800) on the cast bank of Coosa River between Tuskegee and the Muskogee town of Otciapofa. (See Hawkins, 1848, 1916.) Wetumpka, a branch village reported in 1761. History. Native tradition assigns the origin of the Alabama to a point at the confluence of Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers, but we seem to hear of the tribe first historically in what is now northern Mississippi west of the Chickasaw country. This is in the narratives of De Soto's chroniclers, which, however, do not altogether agree, since one writer speaks of a province of the name, two others bestow the designation upon a small village, and only Garcilaso (1723), the least reliable, gives the title Fort Alibamo to a stockade- west of the village above mentioned- where the Spaniards had a severe combat. While this stockade was probably held by Alabama Indians, there is no certainty that it was. The next we hear of the tribe it is in its historic seats above given. After the French had established themselves at Mobile they became embroiled in some small affrays between the Alabama and Mobile Indians, but peace was presently established and thereafter the French and Alabama remained good friends as long as French rule continued. This friendship was cemented in 1717 by the establishment of Fort Toulouse in the Alabama country and the admission among them of one, or probably two, refugee tribes, the Tawasa and Pawokti. (See Florida.) About 1763 a movement toward the west began on the part of those Indians who had become accustomed to French rule. Some Alabama joined the Seminole in Florida. Others accompanied the Koasati to Tombigbee River but soon returned to their own country. Still another body went to Louisiana and settled on the banks of the Mississippi River, where they were probably joined from time to time by more. Later they advanced further toward the west and some are still scattered in St. Landry and Calcasieu Parishes, but the greatest single body finally reached Polk County, Tex., where they occupy a piece of land set aside for them by the State. Those who remained behind took a very prominent part in the Creek-American War and lost all their land by the treaty of Fort Jackson, 1814, being obliged to make new settlements between the Coosa and Tallapoosa. They accompanied the rest of the Creeks to Oklahoma, and their descendants are to he found there today, principally about a little station bearing the name just south of Weleetka. Early in the eighteenth century the Pawokti, and perhaps some other Alabama bands, lived near Apalachicola River [in Florida], whence they were driven in 1708. After the Creek-American War a part of the Alabama again entered Florida, but they do not seem to have maintained an independent existence for a very long period. Population. In 1702 Iberville (in Margry, 1875-86, vol. 4, p. 514) estimated that there were 400 families of Alabama in two villages, and the English census of 1715 gives

214 men and a total population of 770 in four villages. These figures must have been exclusive of the Tawasa and Pawokti, which subsequent estimates include. About 173040 there is an estimate of 400 men in six towns. In 1792 the number of Alabama men is given as 60, exclusive of 60 Tawasa, but as this last included Kantcati the actual proportion of true Alabama was considerably greater. Hawkins, in 1799, estimated 80 gunmen in four Alabama towns, including Tawasa and Pawokti, but he does not include the population of Okchaiyutci. (See Hawkins, 1848.) In 1832 only two towns are entered which may be safely set down as Alabama, Tawasa and Autauga, and these had a population of 321 besides 21 slaves. The later figures given above do not include those Alabama who had moved to Louisiana. In 1805 Sibley (1832) states there were two villages in Louisiana with 70 men; in 1917 Morse (1822) gives 160 Alabama all told in Texas, but this is probably short of the truth. In 1882 the United States Indian Office reported 290 Alabama, Koasati, and Muskogee in Texas, the larger number of whom were probably Alabama. In 1900 the figure is raised to 470. In 1910 a special agent from the Indian Office reported 192 Alabama alone. The census of 1910 gave 187 in Texas and 111 in Louisiana, a total of 298. The 176 "Creek" Indians returned from Polk County, Tex., in 1930, were mainly Alabama. The number of Alabama in Oklahoma has never been separately reported. Connection in which they have become noted. The Alabama attained early literary fame from Garcilaso de la Vega's (1723) description of the storming of "Fort Alibamo." Their later notoriety has rested upon the fact that their name became attached to Alabama River, and still more call its subsequent adoption by the State of Alabama. A railroad station in Oklahoma is named after them, and the term has been applied to places in Genesee County, N. Y., and in Polk County, Wis. There is an Alabama City in Etowah County, Ala., and Alabama in Madison County, Ark. Amacano. A tribe or band perhaps connected with the Yamasee, placed in a mission on the Apalachee coast [of Florida] in 1674 with two others, Chine, and Caparaz (q. v.). The three together had 300 souls. Amacapiras, see Macapiras. Apalachee. Meaning perhaps "people on the other side" (as in Hitchiti), or it may be cognate with Choctaw apelachi, "a helper." Connections . These Indians belonged to the Muskhogean linguistic family, their closest connections having been apparently the Hitchiti and Alabama. Location. The Apalachee towns, with few exceptions, were compactly situated in the neighborhood of the present Florida capital, Tallahassee. (See also Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.) Villages: Aute, 8 or 9 days' journey from the main towns and apparently southwest of them.

Ayubale, 77 leagues from St. Augustine. Bacica, probably near the present Wacissa River. Bacuqua, seemingly somewhat removed from the main group of towns. Calahuchi, north of the main group of towns and not certainly Apalachee. Cupayca, location uncertain; its name seems to be in Timucua. Ibitachuco, 75 leagues from St. Augustine. Iniahica, close to the main group of towns, possibly the Timucua name for one of the others given, since hica is the Timucua word for "town". Ochete, on the coast 8 leagues south of Iniahica. Ocuia, 84 leagues from St. Augustine. Ospalaga, 86 leagues from St. Augustine. Patali, 87 leagues from St. Augustine. Talimali, 88 leagues from St. Augustine and very likely identical with Iniahica. Talpatqui, possibly identical with the preceding. Tomoli, 87 leagues from St. Augustine. Uzela, on or near Ocilla River. Yapalaga, near the main group of towns. Ychutafun, on Apalachicola River. Yecambi, 90 leagues from St. Augustine. A few other names are contained in various writings or placed upon sundry charts, but some of these belonged to distinct tribes and were located only temporarily among the Apalachee; others are not mentioned elsewhere but appear to belong in the same category; and still others are simply names of missions and may apply to certain of the towns mentioned above. Thus Chacatos evidently refers to the Chatot tribe, Tama to the Tamali, and Oconi probably to a branch of the Oconee mentioned elsewhere. The Chines were a body of Chatot and derived their name from a chief. Among names which appear only in Spanish we find Santa Fe. Capola and Ilcombe, given on the Popple Map, were probably occupied by Guale and Yamasee refugees. A late Apalachee settlement was called San Marcos. History. The Apalachee seem to appear first in history in the chronicles of the Narvaez expedition (Bandelier, 1905). The explorers spent nearly a month in an Apalachee town in the year 1628 but were subjected to constant attacks on the part of the warlike natives, who pursued them during their withdrawal to a coast town named Aute. In October 1539, De Soto arrived in the Apalachee province and remained there the next winter in spite of the unceasing hostility of the natives, who well maintained the reputation for prowess they had acquired 11 years before. Although the province is mentioned from time to time by the first French and Spanish colonists of Florida, it did not receive much attention until the tribes between it and St. Augustine had been pretty well missionized. In a letter written in 1607 we learn that the Apalachee had asked for missionaries and, although one paid a visit to them the next year, the need is reiterated at frequent intervals. It was not until 1633, however, that the work was actually begun. In that year two monks entered the country and the conversion proceeded very rapidly so that by 1647 there were seven churches and convents and eight of the principal chiefs had been baptized. In that year, however, a great rebellion took place. Three missionaries

were killed and all of the churches with their sacred objects were destroyed. An expedition sent against the insurgents was repulsed, but shortly afterward the movement collapsed, apparently through a counterrevolution in the tribe itself. After this most of the Apalachee sought baptism and there was no further trouble between them and the Spaniards except for a brief sympathetic movement at the time of the Timucua uprising of 1656. The outstanding complaint on the part of the Indians was that some of them were regularly commandeered to work on the fortifications of St. Augustine. In 1702 a large Apalachee war party was severely defeated by Creek Indians assisted by some English traders, and in 1704 an expedition from South Carolina under Colonel Moore practically destroyed the nation. Moore claims to have carried away the people of three towns and the greater part of the population of four more and to have left but two towns and part of another. Most of these latter appear to have fled to Mobile, where, in 1705, they were granted land on which to settle. The Apalachee who had been carried off by Moore were established near New Windsor, S. C., but when the Yamasee War broke out they joined the hostile Indians and retired for a time to the Lower Creeks. Shortly afterward the English faction among the Lower Creeks became ascendant and the Apalachee returned to Florida, some remaining near their old country and others settling close to Pensacola to be near their relatives about Mobile. By 1718 another Apalachee settlement had been organized by the Spaniards near San Marcos de Apalache and close to their old country. In 1728 we hear of two small Apalachee towns in this neighborhood. Most of them gravitated finally to the neighborhood of Pensacola. In 1764, the year after all French and Spanish possessions east of the Mississippi passed into the hands of Great Britain, the Apalachee, along with several other tribes, migrated into Louisiana, now held by Spain, and settled on Red River, where they and the Taensa conjointly occupied 8 miles of land between Bayou d'Arro and Bayou Jean de Jean. Most of this land was sold in 1803 and the Apalachee, reduced to a small band, appear to have moved about in the same general region until they disappeared. They are now practically forgotten, though a few mixed-blood Apalachee are still said to be in existence. After the English and Creeks destroyed the Apalachee towns in Florida in 1,704, they established a part of the tribe in a village not far below the present Augusta [Georgia]. In 1715, when the Yamasee War broke out, these Apalachee joined the hostile Indians and went to the Chattahoochee to live near that faction of the Lower Creeks which was favorable to Spain. Soon afterward, however, the English faction gained the ascendancy among the Creeks, and the Apalachee returned to Florida. A part of this tribe lived for a time among the Lower Creeks and perhaps in this State [Alabama]. Another section settled near Mobile and remained there until West Florida was ceded to Great Britain when they crossed the Mississippi. A few seem to have joined the Creeks and migrated with them to Oklahoma. Population. Mooney (1928) estimates 7,000 Apalachee Indians in 1650, a figure which seems to me to be ample. Governor Salazar's mission-by-mission estimate in 1675 yielded a total of 6,130, and a Spanish memorial dated 1676 gives them a population of 5,000. At the time of Moore's raid there appear to have been about 2,000. The South Carolina Census of 1715 gives 4 Apalachee villages, 275 men, and 638 souls. As the

Mobile Apalachee were shortly afterward reduced to 100 men, the number of the entire tribe in 1715 must have been about 1,000 By 1758 they appear to have fallen to not much over 100, and in 1814 Sibley reported but 14 men in the Louisiana band, signifying a total of perhaps 50 (Sibley, 1832). Morse's estimate (1822) of 150 in 1817 is evidently considerably too high. Connection in which they have become noted. The Apalachee were mentioned repeatedly as a powerful and warlike people, and this character was attested by their stout resistance to Narvaez and De Soto. The sweeping destruction which overtook them at the hands of the Creeks and Carolinians mark an epoch in Southeastern history. Their name is preserved in Apalachee Bay and River, Fla.; Apalachee River, Ga., Apalachee River, Ala.; and most prominently of all, in the Appalachian Mountains, and other terms derived from them. Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, the name of which signifies "Old Town," is on the site of San Luis de Talimali, the principal Spanish mission center. There is a post village named Apalachee in Morgan County, Ga. Apalachicola. From Hitchiti "Apalachicoli" or Muskogee "Apalachicolo," signifying apparently "People of the other side," with reference probably to the Apalachicola River or some nearby stream. Also called: Tlwa lko or Itlwa lko, "big town," name given by the Muskogee Indians.Palachicola or Parachukla, contractions of Apalachicola. Connections. This was one of those tribes of the Muskhogean linguistic stock which spoke the Atsik-hata or Hitchiti language, and which included in addition the Hitchiti, Okmulgee, Oconee, Sawokli, Tamali, Mikasuki, Chiaha, and possibly the Osochi (but see Osochi). Location. The earliest known home of the Apalachicola was near the river which bears their name in the center of the Lower Creek country. Later they lived for a considerable period at the point where it comes into existence through the junction of the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers. At times some of the Apalachicola Indians lived south of the present Florida boundary line and they gave their name to the great river which runs through the panhandle of that State. Subdivisions and Villages: The following names of towns or tribes were given by a Tawasa Indian, Lamhatty, to Robert Beverley (1722) and may well have belonged to the Apalachicola: Auldley, Ephppick, Soneph, and perhaps Socsoky (or Socssky). The census of 1832 returned two distinct bodies of Indians under the synonyms Apalachicola and Tlwa lko. History. According to Muskogee legend, the ancestors of the Muskogee encountered the Apalachicola in the region above indicated when they entered the country, and they were at first disposed to fight with them but soon made peace. According to one legend the Creek Confederacy came into existence as a result of this treaty. Spanish documents of the seventeenth century are the earliest in which the name appears. It is there used both as the name of a town (as early as 1675) and, in an extended sense, for all of the Lower Creeks. This fact, Muskogee tradition, and the name Tlwa

ko all show the early importance of the people. They were on more friendly terms with the Spaniards than the Muskogee generally and hence were fallen upon by the Indian allies of the English and carried off, either in 1706 or 1707. They were settled on Savannah River opposite Mount Pleasant, at a place which long bore their name, but in 1716, just after the Yamasee War, they retired into their old country and established themselves at the junction of Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers. Later they moved higher up the Chattahoochee and lived in Russell County, Ala., remaining in the general neighborhood until they removed to new homes in the present Oklahoma in 1836-40. There they established themselves in the northern part of the Creek Reservation but presently gave up their ceremonial ground and were gradually absorbed in the mass of Indians about them. Population. In 1715 just before the outbreak of the Yamasee War, there were said to be 2 settlements of this tribe with 64 warriors and a total population of 214. A Spanish census of 1738 also gave 2 settlements with 60 warriors in one and 45 in the other; a French census of 1750, more than 30 warriors; a British enumeration of 1760, 60; one of 1761, 20; an American estimate of 1792, 100 (including the Chiaha); and the United States Census of 1832, a total population of 239 in 2 settlements. Connection in which they have become noted . Apalachicola River, Apalachicola Bay, and the name of the county seat of Franklin County, Fla., are derived from this tribe. The Spaniards applied their name to the Lower Creeks generally, and they were also noted as one of the tribes responsible for the formation of the Confederation. Very early this tribe lived on the Apalachicola and Chattahoochee Rivers, partly in Alabama. Sometime after 1715 they settled in Russell County, [Alabama] on the Chattahoochee River where they occupied at least two different sites before removing with the rest of the Creeks to the other side of the Mississippi. Atasi. A division or subtribe of the Muskogee (q. v.). Caparaz. A small tribe or band placed in 1674 in connection with a doctrine called San Luis on the Apalachee coast [of Florida] along with two other bands called Amacano and Chine. Possibly they may have been survivors of the Capachequi encountered by De Soto in 1540. The three bands were estimated to contain 300 people. Chakchiuma. Proper spelling Shktci homma, meaning "Red Crawfish [People." Connections. They spoke a dialect closely related to Choctaw and Chickasaw. Their nearest relatives were the Houma, who evidently separated from them in very recent times. Location. In the eighteenth century on Yalobusha River [in Mississippi] where it empties into the Yazoo but at an early period extending to the head of the Yalobusha and eastward between the territories of the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes as far as West Point.

Subdivisions. A French map dated about 1697 seems to call that section of the tribe on Yazoo River, Sabougla, though these may have been a branch of the Sawokli. (See Georgia.) History. According to tradition, this tribe came from the west at the same time as the Chickasaw and Choctaw and settled between them. When De Soto was among the Chickasaw, an expedition was directed against the Chakchiuma "who the [Chickasaw) Cacique said had rebelled," but their town was abandoned and on fire. It was claimed that they had planned treachery against the Spaniards. The chief of the tribe at this time was Miko Lusa (Black Chief). After the French settlement of Louisiana a missionary was killed by these people and in revenge the French stirred up the neighboring tribes to attack them. They are said to have been reduced very considerably in consequence. Afterward, they remained closely allied with the French, assisted them after the Natchez outbreak, and their chief was appointed leader of the Indian auxiliaries in the contemplated attack upon the Chickasaw in 1739. The animosity thus excited probably resulted in their destruction by the Chickasaw and absorption into the Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes. From De Crenay's map it appears that a part had. gone to live with the Chickasaw by 1733. The rest may have gone to the Choctaw, for a band bearing their name constituted an important division of that nation. Tradition states that they were destroyed by united efforts of the Chickasaw and Choctaw, but the latter were uniformly allied with the French and hostile to the Chickasaw when this alliance is supposed been in existence. Population. Mooney (1928) estimates 1,200 souls among the Chakchiuma, Ibitoupa, Taposa, and Tiou in 1650; exclusive of the Tiou, my own would be 750. In 1699 they are said to have occupied 70 cabins. In 1702 it is claimed that there were 400 families, which in 1704 had been reduced to 80, but probably the first figure is an exaggeration. About 1718-30 there were 50 Chakchiuma cabins and in 1722 the total population is placed at 150. Chatot. Meaning unknown, but the forms of this word greatly resemble the synonyms of the name Choctaw. Connections. The language spoken by this tribe belonged, undoubtedly, to the southern division of the Muskhogean stock. Location. West of Apalachicola River, perhaps near the middle course of the Chipola. Villages : From the names of two Spanish missions among them it would appear that there were at least two towns in early times, one called Chacato, after the name of the tribe, and the other Tolentino. History. The Chatot are first mentioned in a Spanish document of 1639 in which the governor of Florida congratulates himself on having consummated peace between the Chatot, Apalachicola, and Yamasee on one side and the Apalachee on the other. This, he

says, "is an extraordinary thing, because the aforesaid Chacatos never maintained peace with anybody." In 1674 the two missions noted above were established among these people, but the following year the natives rebelled. The disturbance was soon ended by the Spanish officer Florencia, and the Chatot presently settled near the Apalachee town of San Luis, mission work among them being resumed. In 1695, or shortly before, Lower Creek Indians attacked this mission, plundered the church, and carried away 42 Christianized natives. In 1706 or 1707, following on the destruction of the Apalachee towns, the Chatot and several other small tribes living near it were attacked and scattered or carried off captive, and the Chatot fled to Mobile, where they were well received by Bienville and located on the site of the present city of Mobile. When Bienville afterward moved the seat of his government to this place he assigned to them land on Dog River by way of compensation. After Mobile was ceded to the English in 1763 the Chatot, along with a number of other small tribes near Hak City, moved to Louisiana. They appear to have settled first on Bayou Boeuf and later on Sabine River. Nothing is heard of them afterward though in 1924 some old Choctaw remembered their former presence on the Sabine. The remnant may have found their way to Oklahoma. Population . I would estimate a population of 1,200-1,500 for the Chatot when they were first missionized (1674). When they were settled on the site of Mobile, Bienville (1932, Vol. 3, p. 536) says that they could muster 250 men, which would indicate a population of near 900, but in 1725-26 there were but 40 men and perhaps a total population of 140. In 1805 they are said to have had 30 men or about 100 people. In 1817 a total of 240 is returned by Morse (1822), but this figure is probably twice too large. Connection in which they have become noted. The Chatot are noted because at one time they occupied the site of Mobile, Ala., and because Bayou Chattique, Choctaw Point, and Choctaw Swamp close by that city probably preserve their name. The Choctawhatchee, which is near their former home, was probably named for them. Chiaha. Meaning unknown though it may contain a reference to mountains or highlands. (Cf. Choctaw and Alabama tcaha, Hitchiti tcihi, "high.") Also called: Tolameco or Solameco, which probably signifies "big town," a name reported by the Spaniards. Connections. The Chiaha belonged to the Muskhogean linguistic stock and in later times spoke the Muskogee tongue, but there is every reason to class them in the Hitchiti group. (See Apalachicola.) Location. In later historic times the Chiaha were on the middle course of Chattahoochee River, but at the earliest period at which we have any knowledge of them they seem to have been divided into two bands, one on Burns Island, in the present State of Tennessee, the other in eastern Georgia near the coast. Subdivisions: The Mikasuki of northern Florida are said to have separated from these people. Villages: Hawkins (1848) gives the following:

Aumucculle, on a creek of the same name which enters Flint River "45 miles below Timothy Barnard's." Chiahutci, Little Chiaha, a mile and a half west of the Hitchiti town, near Auhegee Creek. Hotalgihuyana, occupied jointly with the Osochi, on the right bank of Flint River 6 miles below Kinchafoonee. History. Some confusion regarding this tribe has been occasioned by the fact that in the sixteenth century there appear to have been two divisions. The name first appears in the De Soto narratives applied to a "province" on an island in Tennessee River which J. Y. Brame has identified in a very satisfactory manner with Burns Island close to the Tennessee-Alabama line. They were said to be "subject to a chief of Coca," from which it may perhaps be inferred that the Creek Confederacy was already in existence. Early in 1567 Boyano, Juan Pardo's lieutenant, reached this town with a small body of soldiers and constructed a fort, Pardo joining him in September. When Pardo returned to Santa Elena shortly afterward he left a small garrison here which was later destroyed by the Indians. Possibly Chehawhaw Creek, an eastern affluent of the Coosa indicates a later location of this band. The only remaining reference which might apply to them occurs in the names of two bodies of Creeks called "Chehaw" and "Chearhaw" which appear in the census rolls of 1832-33, but they may have gotten their designations from former residences on or near the creek so called. In 1727 there was a tradition among the Cherokee that the Yamasee Indians were formerly Cherokee driven out by the Tomahitans, i.e., the Yuchi, and in this there may be some reminiscence of the fate of the Chiaha. In the Pardo narratives the name "Lameco or Solameco" is given as a synonym for the northern Chiaha, and this may have been intended for Tolameco, which would be a Creek term meaning "Chief Town." This was also the name of a large abandoned settlement near Cofitachequi on the middle course of Savannah River visited by De Soto in 1540. Since we know that Chiaha were also in this region, it is a fair supposition that this town had been occupied by people of this connection. There is a Chehaw River on the South Carolina coast between the Edisto and Combahee, and as "Chiaha" is used once as an equivalent for Kiawa, possibly the Cusabo tribe of that name may have been related. Moreover, we are informed (S. C. Docs.) that the Chiaha had their homes formerly among the Yamasee. In 1715 they withdrew to the Chattahoochee with other upper Creek towns, probably from a temporary abode on Ocmulgee River. After the Creeks moved to Oklahoma the Chiaha settled in the northeastern corner of the Creek Reservation and maintained a square ground there until after the Civil War, but they have now practically lost their identity. Some of them went to Florida and the Mikasuki are said by some Indians to have branched off from them. In the country of the western Seminole there was a square ground as late as 1929 which bore their name. A few Creeks of this tribe emigrated from their former towns to Florida before the CreekAmerican War and after that encounter may have been joined by others. In an early list of Seminole settlements they are credited with one town on "Beech Creek," and this may have been identical with Fulemmy's Town or Pinder Town located on Suwanee River in

1817, which was said to be occupied by Chiaha Indians. The Mikasuki are reported to have branched off from this tribe. Population. There are no figures for the northern band of Chiaha unless they could have been represented in the two towns of the 1832-33 census given above, which had total populations of 126 and 306 respectively. For the southern division a Spanish census of 1738 gives 120 warriors but this included also the Osochi and Okmulgee. In 1750 only 20 were reported, but in 1760, 160, though an estimate the following year reduces this to 120. In 1792 Marbury gives 100 Chiaha and Apalachicola, and the census of 1832-33 returned 381 of the former. In 1799 Hawkins states that there were 20 Indian families in Hotalgi-huyana, a town occupied jointly by this tribe and the Osochi, but in 1821 Young raises this to 210. He gives 670 for the Chiaha proper. Connection in which they have become noted . The Chiaha tribe is of some note on account of the prominence given to one branch of it in the De Soto narratives. As above mentioned, its name, spelled Chehawhaw, is applied to a stream in the northern part of Talladega County, Ala.; it is given in the form Chehaw to a post hamlet of Macon County, Ala.; to a stream in Colleton County, S. C.; and also to a small place in Seminole County, Okla. Chilucan. A tribe mentioned in an enumeration of the Indians in Florida missions made in 1726. Possibly the name is derived from Muskogee chiloki, "people of a different speech," and since one of the two missions where they are reported was San Buenaventura and elsewhere that mission is said to have been occupied by Mocama Indians, that is, seacoast Timucua, a Timucuan connection is indicated. In the list mentioned, 70 Chilucan were said to be at San Buenaventura and 62 at the mission of Nombre de Dios. Chickasaw. An important Muskhogean tribe, closely related to the Choctaw in language and customs, although the two tribes were mutually hostile. Aside from tradition, the earliest habitat traceable for the Chickasaw is north Mississippi. Their villages in the 18th century centered about Pontotoc and Union counties, where the headwaters of the Tombigbee meet those of Yazoo river and its affluent, the Tallahatchie, about where the De Soto narratives place them in 1540, under the name Chicaza. Their main landing place on the Mississippi was at Chickasaw Bluffs, now the site of Memphis, Tenn., whence a trail more than 160 miles long led to their villages. They had two other landing places farther up the Mississippi. Adair, who for many years was a trader among the Chickasaw and gives a full and circumstantial account of them (Hist. Am. Inds., 352-373, 1775), states that in 1720 they had four contiguous settlements, and that the towns of one of these were: Shatara Chook'heereso Hykehah

Tuskawillao Phalacheho Two of the other settlements of which he gives the names were Yaneka, 6 miles long, and Chookka Pharah (Chukafalava), 4 miles long. Romans (Florida, 63, 1775, describing their country and villages, says that they "live nearly in the center of an uneven and large nitrous savannah; have in it 1 town, 1 miles long, very narrow and irregular; this they divide into 7 [towns] by the names of: Amalahta 'hat and feather' Chatelaw 'copper town' Chukafalaya 'long town' Hikkihaw 'stand still' Chucalissa 'great town' Tuckahaw 'a cert'n weed' Ashukhuma 'red grass' Formerly the whole was inclosed in palisadoes." The warlike Chickasaw claimed other territory far beyond the narrow limits of their villages, and extending on the north to the confluence of the Ohio with the Tennessee. They also claimed n large area north of the Tennessee to the ridge between Duck river and the Cumberland to the headwaters of Duck river and south to Chickasaw Old Fields on the Tennessee, thence along an indeterminate southeast line to the Mississippi. This claim was admitted by the Cherokee. In historic times the Chickasaw claimed the greater part of western Tennessee, and twice drove Shawnee Indians from the Cumberland Valley, the first time with the assistance of the Cherokee, according to the claim of the latter. At an early date they had a settlement on the lower Tennessee River but it is doubtful whether this was in Tennessee or Kentucky. A band of Chickasaw lived near Augusta from about 1723 to the opening of the American Revolution, and later they were for some time among the Lower Creeks. The Chickasaw had a few settlements in northwestern Alabama, part of which State was within their hunting territories. At one time they also had a town called Ooe-asa (Waca) among the Upper Creeks.

According to Haywood and other authorities an outlying colony of Chickasaw formerly dwelt on Savannah river nearly opposite Augusta, Ga., but trouble with the Creeks drove them westward again. In 1795 the Chickasaw claimed payment from the United States for the land on the Savannah thus occupied. The Chickasaw were noted from remote times for their bravery, independence, and warlike disposition. They were constantly fighting with the neighboring tribes; sometimes with the Choctaw and Creeks, then with the Cherokee, Illinois, Kickapoo, Shawnee, Mobilians, Osage, and Quapaw. In 1732 they cut to pieces a war party of Iroquois who had invaded their country. They were constant enemies of the French, a feeling intensified by the intrigues of British traders and their hatred of the Choctaw who had entered into friendly relations with the French colonists. The Chickasaw urged the Natchez to resist the French encroachments, and gave shelter to them when driven from their home. They defeated the French at Amalahta in 1736, at the Long House and other points, and baffled their attempts at conquest in the war of 1739-40. They combined with the Cherokee about 1715 and drove the Shawnee from their home on the Cumberland, and in 1769 utterly routed, at Chickasaw Old Fields, these former Cherokee allies. Their relations with the United States began with the Hopewell treaty in 1786, when their boundary on the north was fixed at the Ohio river. They began to emigrate west of the Mississippi as early as 1822, and treaties for the removal of those who remained in their old seats were made in 1832 and 1834. By the treaty of 1855 their lands in Indian Territory were definitely separated from those of the Choctaw, with which they had before been included. In manners and customs they differed little from their congeners, the Choctaw, the principal difference being the more sedentary habits and greater devotion to agricultural pursuits by the Choctaw on the one hand, and the more turbulent, restless, and warlike disposition of the Chickasaw on the other. Their traditional origin is the same as that of the Creeks and Choctaw (q. v.), and is given in the so-called "Creek migration legend" (see Creeks). The Chickasaw appear to have sheltered and ultimately incorporated into their organization the small tribes along Yazoo river, who spoke substantially the same language. The Chickasaw language served as a medium of commercial and tribal intercourse for all the tribes along the lower Mississippi. Early estimates of population vary widely, those of the 18th century ranging from 2,000 to nearly 6,000. According to Adair (op. cit., 353) they had been much more numerous than during his time (1744), one of the two divisions, the "Long House," numbering not more than 450 warriors, indicating a population of 1,600 to 1,800 persons. He gives no estimate of the other division, but assuming it to have been about the same, the population of the entire tribe was between 3,000 and 4,000. Morse (Rep. to Sec. War, 364, 1822), though estimating the Choctaw at 25,000, gives the Chickasaw population as 3,625. In 1865 the estimated population was 4,500; in 1904 the official number was given as 4,820, including mixed bloods.

Choctaw. (possibly a corruption of the Spanish chcdu, 'flat' or 'flattened,' alluding to the custom of these Indians of flattening the head). An important tribe of the Muskhogean stock, formerly occupying middle and south Mississippi, their territory extending, in their most flourishing days, for some distance east of Tombigbee River, probably as far as Dallas County, Ga. Ethnically they belong to the Choctaw branch of the Muskhogean family, which included the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Hunt and their allies, and some small tribes which formerly lived along Yazoo River. The dialects of the members of this branch are so closely related that they nay be considered as practically identical (Gatschet, Creek Migr. Leg.,1,53,1884). The earliest notice of these Indians is found in the De Soto narratives for 1540. The giant Tascalusa, whom he met in his march down Coosa valley and carried to Mauvila, was a Choctaw chieftain; and he natives who fought the Spaniards so fiercely at this town belonged to a closely elated tribe. When the French, about he beginning of the 18th century, began to settle colonies at Mobile, Biloxi, and New Orleans, the Choctaw came early into friendly relations with them and were their allies in their wars against other Indian tribes. In the French war on the Natchez, in 1730, a large body of Choctaw warriors served under a French officer. They continued this friendship until the English traders succeeded in drawing over to the English interest some of the east Choctaw towns. This brought on a war between them and the main body, who still adhered to the French, which continued until 1763. The tribe was constantly at war with the Creeks and Chickasaw. After the French had surrendered their American possessions to Great Britain, in 1703, and to some extent previously thereto, members of the tribe began to move across the Mississippi, where, in 1780, Milfort (Moire, 95, 1802) met some of their bands who were then at war with the Caddo. About 1809 a Choctaw village existed on Wichita River, and another on Bayou Chicot, Opelousas Parish, La. Morse (1820) says there were 1,200 of them on the Sabine and Neches Rivers., and about 140 on Red River, near Pecan point (Rep. to Sec. War, 373, 1822). It is stated by some historians that this tribe, or parties of it, participated in the Creek war; this, however, is emphatically denied by Halbert (Creek War of 1813 and 1814, 124, 1895), who was informed in 1877 by some of the oldest members of the tribe that the Choctaw manifested no hostility toward the Americans during this conflict. A small band of perhaps 30 were probably the only Choctaw with the Creeks. The larger part of those in Mississippi began to migrate to Indian Territory in 1832, having ceded most of their lands to the United States in various treaties (Royce, Indian Land Cessions, 18th Rep. B. A. E., 1899). The Choctaw were preeminently the agriculturists of the southern Indians. Though brave, their wars in most instances were defensive. No mention is made of the "great house," or "the square," in Choctaw towns, as they existed in the Creek communities, nor of the busk (q. v.). The game of chunkey (q. v. ), as well as the ball play (q. v.), was extensively practiced by them. It was their custom to clean the bones of the dead before depositing them in boxes or baskets in the bone-houses, the work being performed by "certain old gentlemen with very long nails," who allowed their nails to grow long for this purpose. The people of this tribe also followed the custom of setting up poles around the new graves, on which they hung hoops, wreaths, etc., to aid the spirit in its ascent. As

their name seems to imply, they practiced artificial head flattening. The population of the tribe when it first came into relations with the French, about the year 1700, has been estimated at front 15,000 to 20,000. Their number in 1904 was 17,805, exclusive of 4,722 Choctaw freedmen (Negroes). These are all under the Union agency, Ind. Territory. To these must be added a small number in Mississippi and Louisiana. Chine. A small tribe or band associated with two others called Amacano and Caparaz (q.v.) in a doctrine established on the coast of the Apalachee country called San Luis. Other evidence suggests that Chine may be the name of a Chatot chief. Later they may have moved into the Apalachee country, for in a mission list dated 1680 there appears a mission called San Pedro de los Chines. This tribe and the Amacano and Caparaz were said to number 300 individuals in 1674. Creek Confederacy. This name is given to a loose organization which constituted the principal political element in the territory of the present States of Georgia and Alabama from very early times probably as far back as the period of De Soto. It was built around a dominant tribe, or rather a group of dominant tribes, called Muskogee. The name Creek early became attached to these people because when they were first known to the Carolina colonists and for a considerable period afterward the body of them which the latter knew best was living upon a river, the present Ocmulgee, called by Europeans "Ocheese Creek." The Creeks were early divided geographically into two parts, one called Upper Creeks, on the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers; the other, the Lower Creeks, on the lower Chattahoochee and Ocmulgee. The former were also divided at times into the Coosa branch or Abihka and the Tallapoosa branch and the two were called Upper and Middle Creeks respectively. Bartram (1792) tends to confuse the student by denominating all of the true Creeks "Upper Creeks" and the Seminole "Lower Creeks." The dominant Muskogee gradually gathered about them- and to a certain extent under them- the Apalachicola, Hitchiti, Okmulgee, Sawokli, Chiaha, Osochi, Yuchi, Alabama, Tawasa, Pawokti, Muklasa, Koasati, Tuskegee, a part of the Shawnee, and for a time some Yamasee, not counting broken bands and families from various quarters. The first seven of the above here for the most part among the Lower Creeks, the remainder with the Upper Creeks. Creeks. A part, and perhaps a large part, of the Indians who afterward constituted the Creek Confederacy were living in the sixteenth century in what the Spaniards called the province of Guale on the present Georgia coast. Some of them moved inland in consequence of difficulties with the Whites, and in the latter half of the seventeenth century most of those afterward known as Lower Creeks were upon Chattahoochee and Ocmulgee Rivers, the latter river being then called Ocheese Creek, from the Hitchiti name given to the Indians living on it. After the Yamasee War (1715) all assembled upon Chattahoochee River and continued there, part on the Georgia side of the river, part on the Alabama side, until they removed to the present Oklahoma early in the nineteenth century. (For further information, see the separate listings by tribal names.) Cusabo. Meaning perhaps "Coosawhatchie River (people)."

Connections. There is little doubt that the Cusabo [of South Carolina] belonged to the Muskhogean linguistic family. Their closest connections appear to have been with the Indians of the Georgia coast, the Guale. Location.In the southernmost part of South Carolina between Charleston Harbor and Savannah River and including most of the valleys of the Ashley, Edisto, Ashepoo, Combahee, Salkehatchie, and Coosawhatchie Rivers. Subdivisions. These people should be divided first into the Cusabo proper, who occupied all the coast, and the Coosa, who were inland upon the rivers above mentioned. The Cusabo proper seem to have consisted of a northern group of tribes or sub-trives, including the Etiwaw (on Wando River), Wando (on Cooper River), Kiawa (on the lower vourse of Ashley River), and perhaps the Stone (about Stono Entrance); and a southern group including the Edisto (on Edisto Island), Ashepoo (on lower Ashepoo River), a Combahee (on lower combahee River), Wimbee (between the latter and the lower Coosawhatchie River), Escamacu (between St. Helena Sound and Broad River), and perhaps a few others. Sometimes early writers erroneously include the Siouan Sewee and Santee as Cusabo. Villages Ahoya or Hoya, on or near Broad River. Ahoyabi, near the preceding. Aluste, near Beaufort, possibly a form of Edisto. Awendaw, near Awendaw Creek; it may have been Sewee (q. v.). Bohicket, near Rockville. Cambe, near Beaufort. Chatuache, 6-10 leagues north of Beaufort. Mayon, probably on Broad River. Talapo, probably near Beaufort. Touppa, probably on Broad River. Yanahume, probably on the south side of Broad River History. While their country was most likely skirted by earlier navigators, the first certain appearance of the Cusabo in history is in connection with a slave-hunting expedition sent out by Vasques de Ayllon. This reached the mainland in 1521, probably a little north of the Cusabo territory and introduced the blessings of White civilization to the unsuspecting natives by carrying away about 70 of them. One of these

Indians was finally taken to Spain and furnished the historian Peter Martyr with considerable information regarding his country and the names of a number of tribes, some whom were certainly Cusabo. In 1525 Ayllon sent a second expedition to the region and in 1526 led a colony thither. Dissatisfied with his first landing place, probably near the landfall of the expedition of 1521, he moved the colony "40 or 45 leagues" perhaps to the neighborhood of Savannah River. But it did not prosper, Ayllon died, trouble broke out among the survivors, and finally they returned to Haiti in the middle of the following winter. In 1540 De Soto passed near this country, but apparently he did not enter it, and the next European contact was brought about by the settlement of Ribault's first colony at Port Royal in 1562. The small number of people left by Ribault managed to maintain themselves for some time with the assistance of friendly natives, but, receiving no relief from France, they became discouraged, and built a small vessel in which a few of them eventually reached home. In 1564 a Spanish vessel visited this coast for the purpose of rooting out the French settlement. Later the same year a second Huguenot colony was established on St. Johns River, Florida, and communication was maintained with the Cusabo Indians. In 1565 this colony was destroyed by the Spaniards who visited Port Royal in quest of certain French refugees, and the year following Fort San Felipe was built at the same place. From this time until 1587 a post was maintained here, although with some intermissions due to Indian risings. In 156870 a vain attempt was made to missionize the Indians. In 1576 a formidable Indian uprising compelled the abandonment of the fort, but it was soon reoccupied and an Indian town was destroyed in 1579 by way of reprisal. Next year, however, there was a second uprising, making still another abandonment necessary. The fort was reoccupied in 1582 but abandoned permanently 5 years later; and after that time there was no regular post in the country but communication was kept up between the Cusabo and St. Augustine and occasional visits seem to have been made by the Franciscan Friars. Between 1633 and 1655 we have notice of ' new mission, in Cusabo territory, called Chatuache, but When the English settled South Carolina in 1670 there appears to have been no regular mission there and certainly no Spanish pest. Charleston was founded on Cusabo soil, and from the date of its establishment onward relations were close between the English and Cusabo: In 1671 there was a short war between the colonists and, the Coosa Indians and in 1674 there was further trouble with this people and with the Stono. In 1675 the Coosa Indians surrendered to the English a large tract of land which constituted Ashley Barony, and in 1682 what appears to 'have been a still more sweeping land cession was signed by several of tie Cusabo chiefs. In 1693 there was another short war, this time between the Whites and the Stono. A body of Cusabo accompanied Colonel Barnwell in his expedition against the Tuscarora in 1711-12, and this fact may have quickened the consciences of the colonists somewhat, because in 1712 the Island of Palawana, "near the' Island of St. Helena," was granted to them. It appears that most of their plantations were already upon it but it had inadvertently been granted to a white proprietor. The Cusabo here mentioned were those of the southern group; there is reason to think that the Kiawa and Coosa were not included. Early in 1720 "King Gilbert and ye Coosaboys" took part in Col. John Barnwell's punitive expedition against St. Augustine (Barnwell, 1908). In 1743 the Kiawa were given a grant of land south of the Combahee River, probably to be near the other coast Indians. Part of the Coosa may have retired to the Catawba, since Adair (1930) mentions "Coosah'" as one of the dialects spoken in the "Catawba Nation," but

others have probably gone to Florida, because, in "A List of New Indian Missions in the Vicinity of St. Augustine," dated December 1, 1726, there is mention of a mission of San Antonio "of the Cosapuya nation and other Indians" containing 43 recently converted Christians and 12 pagans. Two years later we are informed that "the towns of the Casapullas Indians were depopulated," though whether this has reference to the ones in Florida or to those in their old country is not clear. Population. Mooney (1928) estimates the number of southern Cusabo, exclusive of the Edisto, at 1,200 in 1600, the Edisto at 1,000, the Etiwaw at 600, and the Coosa at 600. He classifies the Stono with the Westo, thereby falling into a common error. The colonial census of 1715 gives the number of southern Cusabo as 295, including 95 men, in 5 villages, while the Etiwaw (probably including the other northern Cusabo) had 1 village, 80 men, and a total population of 240. There were thus 535 Cusabo over all. The Coosa are nowhere mentioned by name and were probably included with one or the other of these. The 55 Indians at the Florida mission above mentioned, consisting of individuals of "the Cosapuya nation and other Indians," included 24 men, 13 women, and 18 children. Connection in which they have become noted. The first part of the name Coosa is identical in origin with the first part of the of the name of Coosawhatchie River, S. C., and a post village. The people themselves are noted in history as the first in eastern North America north of Florida among whom European settlements were begun. They had an earlier and longer contact with the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Eufaula. A division or subtribe of the Muskogee (q. v.). Fus-hatchee. A division of the Muskogee (q. v.). Guale. Meaning unknown, though it resembles Muskogee wahali, "the south," but it was originally applied to St. Catherines Island, or possibly to a chief living there. Also called: Ouade, a French form of Guale. Ybaha, Yguaja, Ibaja, Iguaja, Yupaha, Timucua name. Connections . The names of villages and the title "mico" applied to chiefs leave little doubt that these Indians belonged to the Muskhogean linguistic family. Part of them were probably true Creeks or Muskogee. (See Alabama). Their nearest connections otherwise appear to have been with the Cusabo Indians. (See South Carolina.) Location. the Georgia coast between St. Andrews Sound and Savannah River, though the section between St. Catherines Sound and Savannah seems to have been little occupied. (See also Florida.) Subdivisions: Three rough divisions appear to be indicated by Governor Ibarra of Florida, but this is very uncertain (See below under Villages.) Villages : So far as they can be made out, the villages in each of the three groups mentioned above were as follows:

Northern group: Asopo, apparently a form of Ossabaw but stated to have been on St. Catherines Island. Chatufo. Couexis, given in the French narratives as near St. Catherines. Culapala. Guale, not, it appears, on the island of that name but "on an arm of a river which is a branch of another on the north bank of the aforesaid port in Santa Elena in 32 degrees N. lat.," probably on Ossabaw Island. Otapalas. Otaxe (Otashe). Posache, "in the island of Guale." Tolomato, said to have been on the mainland 2 leagues from St. Catherines Island and near the bar of Sapello. Uchilape, "near Tolomato." Uculegue. Unallapa. Yfusinique, evidently on the mainland. Yoa, said to have been 2 leagues up a river emptying into an arm of the sea back of Sapello and St. Catherines Sound. Central group: Aleguifa, near Tulufina. Chucalagaite, near Tulufina. Espogache, near Espogue. Espogue, not more than 6 leagues from Talaxe. Fasquiche, near Espogue. Sapala, evidently on or near Sapello Island. Sotequa. Tapala. Tulufina, probably on the mainland. Tupiqui, probably the original of the name Tybee, but this town was very much farther south. Utine. Southern group: Aluque. Asao, probably on St. Simons Island. Cascangue, which seems to have been reckoned as Timucua at times and hence may have been near the Timucua border. Falquiche. Fuloplata, possibly a man's name. Hinafasque.

Hocaesle. Talaxe, probably on St. Simons Island or on the Altamaha River, both of which were known by the name Talaxe. Tufulo. Tuque. Yfulo. To the above must be added the following town names which cannot be allocated in any of the preceding divisions: Alpatopo. Aytochuco. Ayul. Olatachahane, perhaps a chief's name. Olatapotoque, given as a town, but perhaps a chief's name Olataylitaba, perhaps two names run together, Olata and Litabi. Olocalpa. Sulopacaques. Tamufa. Yumunapa. History . The last settlement of the Ayllon colony in 1526 was on or near the Guale country, as the name Gualdape suggests. When the French Huguenot colony was at Port Royal, S. C., in 1562, they heard of a chief called Ouade and visited him several times for provisions. After the Spaniards had driven the French from Florida, they continued north to Guale and the Cusabo territory to expel several Frenchmen who had taken refuge there. In 1569 missionary work was undertaken by the Jesuits simultaneously among the Cusabo and Guale Indians and one of the missionaries, Domingo Augustin, wrote a grammar of the Guale language. But the spiritual labors of the missionaries proved unavailing, and they soon abandoned the country. In 1573 missionary work was resumed by the Franciscans and was increasingly successful when in 1597 there was a general insurrection in which all of the missionaries but one were killed. The governor of Florida shortly afterward burned very many of the Guale towns with their granaries, thereby reducing most of the Indians to submission, and by 1601 the rebellion was over. Missionary work was resumed soon afterward and continued uninterruptedly, in spite of sporadic insurrections in 1608 and 1645 and attacks of northern Indians in 1661, 1680, and even earlier. However, as a result of these attacks those of the Guale Indians who did not escape inland moved, or were moved, in 1686, to the islands of San Pedro, Santa Maria, and San Juan north of St. Augustine. Later another island called Santa Cruz was substituted for San Pedro. The Quaker, Dickenson, who was shipwrecked on the east coast of Florida in 1699, visited these missions on his way north. At the time of the removal some Guale Indians appear to have gone to South Carolina, and in 1702 a general insurrection of the remainder took place, and they joined their kinsmen on the outskirts of that colony under the leadership of the Yamasee. A few may have remained in Florida. In any event, all except those who had fled to the Creeks were united after the outbreak of the Yamasee in 1715 and continued to live in the neighborhood of St.

Augustine until their virtual extinction. In 1726 there were two missions near St. Augustine occupied by Indians of the "Iguaja nation," i.e., Guale, but that is the last we hear of them under any name but that of the Yamasee (q. v.). Population. Mooney (1928), who was not aware of the distinction to be drawn between the Guale Indians and the Yamasee, gives an estimate of 2,000 Guale in the year 1650. For the two tribes this is probably too low. The Guale alone, before they had been depleted by White contact and Indian invasions from the north, might well have numbered 4,000, but some of these were later added to the Creeks. In 1602 the missionaries claimed that there were more than 1,200 Christians in the Guale province, and in 1670 the English estimated that the Spanish missions contained about 700 men. The first accurate census of the Yamasee and Guale Indians together, made in 1715, perhaps omitting some few of the latter still in Florida, gives 413 men and a total population of 1,215. Connection in which they have become noted. Aside from the abortive missionary undertakings of the friars who accompanied Coronado, and a short missionary experience among the Calusa, the provinces of Guale and Orista (Cusabo) were the first north of Mexico in which regular missionary work was undertaken, and the grammar of the Guale language by Domingo Augustin was the first of any language in that region to be compiled. Hilibi. A division or subtribe of the Muskogee (q. v.). Hitchiti. Perhaps from Atcik-hata, a term formerly applied to all of the Indians who spoke the Hitchiti language, and is said to refer to the heap of white ashes piled up close to the ceremonial ground. Also called: At-pasha-shliha, Koasati name, meaning "mean people." Connections. The Hitchiti belonged to the Muskhogean linguistic family and were considered the mother town of the Atcik-hata group. (See Apalachicola.) Location. The Hitchiti are often associated with a location in the present Chattahoochee County, Ga., but at an earlier period were on the lower course of the Ocmulgee River. Villages: Hihaje, location unknown. Hitchitoochee, on Flint River below its junction with Kinchafoonee Creek. Tuttallosee, on a creek of the same name, 20 miles west from Hitchitoochee. History. The Hitchiti are identifiable with the Ocute of De Soto's chroniclers, who were on or near the Ocmulgee River. Early English maps show their town on the site of the present Macon, Ga., but after 1715 they moved to the Chattahoochee, settling first in Henry County, Ala., but later at the site above mentioned in Chattahoochee County, Ga.

From this place they moved to Oklahoma, where they gradually merged with the rest of the Indians of the Creek Confederacy. Population. The population of the Hitchiti is usually given in conjunction with that of the other confederate tribes. The following separate estimates of the effective male Hitchiti population are recorded: 1738, 60; 1750, 15; 1760, 50; 1761, 40; 1772, 90; in 1832 the entire population was 381. Connection in which they have become noted. In early days, as above mentioned, the Hitchiti were prominent as the leaders in that group of tribes or towns among the Lower Creeks speaking a language distinct from Muskogee. Hichita, McIntosh County, Okla., preserves the name. This tribe lived for considerable period close to, and at times within, the present territory of Alabama along its southeastern margin. The ancient home of the Hitchiti was north of Florida but after the destruction of the earlier tribes of the peninsula, in which they themselves participated, Hitchiti-speaking peoples moved in in great numbers to take their places, so that up to the Creek-American War, the Hitchiti language was spoken by the greater number of Seminole. The later immigration, as we have indicated above, reduced the Hitchiti element to a minority position, so that what we now call the Seminole language is practically identical with Muskogee. True Hitchiti as distinguished from Hitchiti-speaking peoples who bore other names, do not appear to have been very active in this early movement though Hawkins (1848) mentions them as one of those tribes from which the Seminole were made up. The Hitchiti settlement of Attapulgas or Atap'halgi and perhaps other of the so-called Fowl Towns seem to represent a later immigration into the peninsula. Icafui. Meaning unknown. Connections . They were undoubtedly of the Timucuan group though they seem to have been confused at times with a tribe called Cascangue which may have been related to the Muskogee or Hitchiti. On the other hand, Cascangue may have been another name of this tribe, possibly one employed by Creeks or Hitchiti. Location . On the mainland and probably in southeastern Georgia near the border between the Timucua and the strictly Muskhogean populations. Villages: Seven or eight towns are said to have belonged to this tribe but the names of none of them are known with certainty. History . Icafui seems to be mentioned first by the Franciscan missionaries who occasionally passed through it on their way to or from interior peoples. It was a "visita" of the missionary at San Pedro (Cumberland Island). Otherwise its history differed in no respect from that of the other Timucuan tribes. (See Utina.)

Population.Separate figures regarding this tribe are wanting. (See Utina.) Houma. Literally "red," but evidently an abbreviation of saktcihomma, "red crawfish." Connections. They spoke a Muskhogean language very close to Choctaw, and it is practically certain from the fact that their emblem was the red crawfish that they had separated from the Chakchiuma. Location. The earliest known location of the Houma was on the east side of the Mississippi River some miles inland and close to the Mississippi-Louisiana boundary line, perhaps near the present Pinckney, Miss. Villages. At one time the people of this tribe were distributed between a Little Houma village 2 leagues below the head of Bayou La Fourche and a Great Houma village half a league inland from it. This was after they had moved from their earlier home. History. La Salle heard of the Houma in 1682, but be did not visit them. Tonti made an alliance with them 4 years later, and in 1699 their village was the highest on the Mississippi reached by Iberville before returning to his ships. In 1700 Iberville visited them again and left a missionary among them to build a church, which was an accomplished fact when Gravier reached the tribe in November of the same year. A few years later the Tunica, who had been impelled to leave their old town, were hospitably received by this tribe, but in 1706 they rose upon their hosts, destroyed part of them, and drove the rest down the Mississippi. These reestablished themselves on Bayou St. John near New Orleans, but not long afterward they reascended the river to the present Ascension Parish and remained there for a considerable period. In 1776 they sold a part at least of their lands to two French Creoles but seem to have remained in the neighborhood until some years after the purchase of Louisiana by the United States. By 1805 some had gone to live with the Atakapa near Lake Charles. Most of the remainder appear to have drifted slowly across to the coast districts of Terrebonne and La Fourche Parishes, where their descendants, with Creole and some Negro admixture, still live. Population. Mooney (1928) estimates a Houma population in 1650 of 1,000. In 1699 Iberville gives 140 cabins and about 350 warriors, while the Journal of the second vessel in this expedition gives a population of 600-700. In 1718, after the tribe had suffered from both pestilence and massacre, La Harpe estimates 60 cabins and 200 warriors. In 1739 a French officer who passed their town rates the number of their warriors at 90-100 and the whole population at 270300. In 1758 there is an estimate of 60 warriors and in 1784 one of 25 while, in 1803, the total Houma population is placed at 60. In 1907 the native estimate of mixed-blood population calling itself Houma was 800-900, but the census of 1910 returned only 125 Indians from Terrebonne. To these there should probably be added some from La Fourche but not a number sufficient to account for the

discrepancy. In 1920, 639 were returned and in 1930, 936 from Terrebonne besides 11 from La Fourche. Speck estimates double the number. Connection in which they have become noted . Houma, the capital of Terrebonne Parish, preserves the name. Ibitoupa. Meaning probably, people "at, the source of" a stream or river. Connections. No words of this language are known unless the tribal name itself is native, but from this and Le Page du Pratz's (1758) statement that their language, unlike that of the Tunica group, was without an r, there is every reason to class it as Muskhogean and closely related to Chackchiuma, Chickasaw, and Choctaw. Location. On Yazoo River in the present Holmes County, perhaps between Abyatche and Chicopa Creeks. Villages. Only one village is known, and that called by the tribal name, though it is possible that the Choula, (q. v.) mentioned by La Harpe were an offshoot. History. The Ibitoupa are mentioned in 1699 by Iberville, and in Coxe's Carolana (1705). Before 1722 they had moved higher up and were 3 leagues above the Chakchiuma (q. v.), who were then probably at the mouth of the Yalobusha. They probably united with the Chickasaw soon after the Natchez War, though they may first have combined with the Chakchiuma and Taposa. They were perhaps related to the people of the Choctaw towns called Ibetap okla. Population. All that we know of the population of the Ibitoupa is that in 1722 it occupied 6 cabins; in the same year there are said to have been 40 Choula, a possible offshoot. Connection in which their name has become noted. It seems to have been the original of the name of Tippo Bayou, Miss. Jeaga. Meaning unknown. Connections. The Jeaga are classed on the basis of place names and location with the tribes of south Florida, which were perhaps of the Muskhogean division proper. Location. On the present Jupiter Inlet, on the east coast of Florida. Villages: Between this tribe and the Tequesta the names of several settlements are given which may have belonged to one or both of them, viz: Cabista, Custegiyo, Janar, Tavuacio.

History. The Jeaga tribe is mentioned by Fontaneda (1854) and by many later Spanish writers but it was of minor importance. Near Jupiter Inlet the Quaker Dickenson (1803), one of our best informants regarding the ancient people of the east coast of Florida, was cast ashore in 1699. In the eighteenth century, this tribe was probably merged with the Ais, Tequesta, and other tribes of this coast, and removed with them to Cuba. (See Ais .) Population.No separate enumeration is known. (See Ais.) Kan-hatki. A division of the Muskogee (q. v.). Kaskinampo. Meaning unknown, though -nampo may be the Koasati word for "many." Connections. The Kaskinampo were probably closely related to the Koasati, and through them to the Alabama, Choctaw, and other Muskhogean people. Location. Their best-known historic location was on the lower end of an island in the Tennessee River, probably the one now called Pine Island. (See also Arkansas.) History. There is every reason to believe that this tribe constituted the Casqui, Icasqui, or Casquin "province" which De Soto entered immediately after crossing the Mississippi River, and it was probably in what is now Phillips County, Ark. We hear of the Kaskinampo next in connection with the expeditions of Marquette and Joliet but do not learn of their exact location until 1701, when they seem to have been on the lower end of the present Pine Island. We are informed, however, by one of the French explorers that they had previously lived upon Cumberland River, and there is evidence that, when they first moved to the Tennessee, they may have settled for a short time near its mouth. Both the Cumberland and the Tennessee were known by their name, and it stuck persistently to the latter stream until well along in the eighteenth century. After the early years of the eighteenth century we hear little more of them, but there is reason to believe that they united with the Koasati. Population. Our only clue to the population of the Kaskinampo is in an unpublished report of Bienville, who estimates 150 men, or a total population of about 500. Connection in which they have become noted. The Kaskinampo are distinguished only for the prominent part they played in the De Soto narratives and for the application of their name for a time to Tennessee River. Kealedji. A division of the Muskogee (q. v.). Koasati. One of the most important divisions of the Muskogee, possibly identical with the Cofitachequi of the De Soto narratives. Meaning unknown; often given as Coosawda and Coushatta, and sometimes abbreviated to Shati.

Connections . They belonged to the southern section of the Muskhogean linguistic group, and were particularly close to the Alabama. Location. The historic location of the Koasati was just below the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers to form the Alabama and on the east side of the latter, where Coosada Creek and Station still bear the name. Villages: Two Koasati towns are mentioned as having existed in very early times, one of which may have been the Kaskinampo. At a later period a town known as Wetumpka on the east bank of Coosa River, in Elmore County, near the fall seems to have been occupied by Koasati Indians. During part of its existence Wetumpka was divided into two settlements, Big Wetumpka on the site of the modern town of the same name, and Little Wetumpka above the falls of Coosa. History. It is probable that from about 1600 until well along in the seventeenth century, perhaps to its very close, the Koasati lived upon Tennessee River. There is good reason to think that they are the Coste, Acoste, or Costehe of De Soto's chroniclers whose principal village was upon an island in the river, and in all probability this was what is now known as Pine Island. There is also a bare mention of them in the narrative of Pardo's expedition of 1567 inland from Santa Elena, and judging by the entries made upon maps published early in the eighteenth century this tribe seems to have occupied the same position near where the French and English made their settlements in the Southeast. About that time they were probably joined by the related Kaskinampo. Not long after they had become known to the Whites, a large part of the Koasati migrated south and established themselves at the point mentioned above. A portion seems to have remained behind for we find a village called Coosada at Larkin's Landing in Jackson County at a much later date. The main body continued with the Upper Creeks until shortly after France ceded all of her territories east of the Mississippi to England in 1763, when a large part moved to Tombigbee River. These soon returned to their former position, but about 1795 another part crossed the Mississippi and settled on Red River. Soon afterward they seem to have split up, some continuing on the Red River others went to the Sabine and beyond to the Neches and Trinity Rivers, Tex. At a later date a few Texas bands united with the Alabama in Polk County, where their descendants still live, but most returned to Louisiana and gathered into one neighborhood northeast of Kinder, La. The greater part of the Koasati who remained in Alabama accompanied the Creeks to Oklahoma, where a few are still to be found. Previous to this removal, some appear to have gone to Florida to mix in their lot with the Seminole. Appearance of a "Coosada Old Town" on the middle course of Choctawhatchee River on a map of 1823 shows that a band of Koasati Indians joined the Seminole in Florida, but this is all we know of them. Population. The earliest estimates of the Alabama Indians probably included the Koasati. In 1750 they are given 50 men; in 1760, 150 men. Marbury (1792) credits them

with 130 men. In 1832, after the Louisiana branch had split off, those who remained numbered 82 and this is the last separate enumeration we have. Sibley (1806) on native authority gives 200 hunters in the Louisiana bands; in 1814 Schermerhorn estimates that there were 600 on the Sabine; in 1817 Morse places the total Koasati population in Louisiana and Texas 640; in 1829 Porter puts it at 180; in 1850 Bollaert gives the number of men in the two Koasati towns on Trinity River as 500. In 1882 the United States Indian Office reported 290 Alabama, Koasati, and Muskogee in Texas, but the Census of 1900 raised this to 470. The Census of 1910 returned 11 Koasati from Texas, 85 from Louisiana, and 2 from Nebraska; those in Oklahoma were not enumerated separately from the other Creeks. The 134 "Creeks" returned from Louisiana in 1930 were mainly Koasati. Connection in which they have become noted. Coonsada, a post village in Elmore County, Ala., near the old Koasati town, and Coushatta, the capital of Red River Parish, La, preserve the name of the Koasati. Kolomi. A division of the Muskogee (q. v.). Mobile. Meaning unknown, but Halbert (1901) suggests that it may be from Choctaw moeli, "to paddle," since Mobile is pronounced moila by the Indians. It is the Mabila, Mauilla, Mavila, or Mauvila of the De Soto chroniclers. Connections . The language of the tribe was closely connected with that of the Choctaw and gave its name to a trade jargon based upon Choctaw or Chickasaw. Location.When the French settled the seacoast of Alabama the Mobile were living on the west side of Mobile River a few miles below the junction of the Alabama and Tombigbee. History. When they make their first appearance in history in 1540 the Mobile were between the Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers, and on the east side of the former. Their chief, Tuscaloosa, was a very tall and commanding Indian with great influence throughout the surrounding, country. He inspired his people to attack; the invading Spaniards and a terrific battle was fought October 18, 1540, for the possession of one of his fortified towns (Mabila), which the Spaniards carried with heavy losses to themselves in killed and wounded, while of the Indians 2,500 or more fell. It is probable that the village of Nanipacna, through which a force of Spaniards of the De Luna colony passed in 1559, was occupied by some of the survivors of this tribe. At a later date they may have settled near Gees Rend of the Alabama River, in Wilcox County, because early French maps give a village site there which they call "Vieux Mobiliens." A Spanish letter of 1686 speaks of them as at war with the Pensacola tribe. When the French came into the country, the Mobile were, as stated above, settled not far below the junction of the Tombigbee and Alabama. After a post had been established on the spot where Mobile stands today, the Mobile Indians moved down nearer to it and remained there until about the time when the English obtained possession of the country. They do not appear to have

gone to Louisiana like so many of the smaller tribes about them and were probably absorbed in the Choctaw Nation. Population. After allowing for all exaggerations, the number of Mobile Indians when De Soto fought with them must have been very considerable, perhaps 6,000 to 7,000. Mooney (1928) estimates 2,000 Mobile and Tohome in 1650, over a hundred years after the great battle. In 1702 Iberville states that this tribe and the Tohome together embraced about 350 warriors; in 1725-26 Bienville (1932, vol. 3, p. 536), gives 60 for the Mobile alone, but in 1730 Regis de Rouillet (1732) cuts this in half. In 1758 De Kerlrec (1907) estimates the number of warriors among the Mobile, Tohome, and Naniaba at about 100. Connection in which they have become noted. The Mobile have attained a fame altogether beyond anything which their later numerical importance would warrant; (1) on account of the desperate resistance which they offered to De Soto's forces, and (2) from the important Alabama city to which they gave their name. There is a place called Mobile in Maricopa County, Ariz. Mikasuki. Meaning unknown. Connections. These Indians belonged to the Hitchiti-speaking branch of the Muskhogean linguistic family. They are said by some to have branched from the true Hitchiti, but those who claim that they were originally Chiaha (q. v.) are probably correct. Location. Their earliest known home was about Miccosukee Lake in Jefferson County. (See also Oklahoma.) Villages: Alachua Talofa or John Hick's Town, in the Alachua Plains, Alachua County. New Mikasuki, near Greenville in Madison County. Old Mikasuki, near Miccosukee Lake. History. The name Mikasuki appears about 1778 and therefore we know that their independent status had been established by that date whether they had separated from the Hitchiti or the Chiaha. They lived first at Old Mikasuki and then appear to have divided, part going to New Mikasuki and part to the Alachua Plains. Some writers denounce them as the worst of all Seminole bands, but it is quite likely that, as a tribe differing in speech from themselves, the Muskogee element blamed them for sins they themselves had committed. Old Mikasuki was burned by Andrew Jackson in 1817. Most Mikasuki seem to have remained in Florida where they still constitute a distinct body, the Big Cypress band of Seminole. Those who went to Oklahoma retained a distinct Square Ground as late as 1912. Population. Morse (1822) quotes a certain Captain Young to the effect that there were 1,400 Mikasuki in his time, about 1817. This figure is probably somewhat too high

though the Mikasuki element is known to have been a large one. They form one entire band among the Florida Seminole. Connection which they have become noted.The Mikasuki attained prominence in the Seminole War. In the form Miccosukee their name has been applied to a lake in Jefferson and Leon Counties, Fla., and a post village in the latter county. In the form Mekusuky it has been given to a village in Seminole County, Okla. Mococo, or Mucoco. Meaning unknown. Connections. They belonged with little doubt to the Timucuan division of the Muskhogean linguistic stock. Location. About the head of Hillsboro Bay. Villages: None are mentioned under any other than the tribal name. History. The chief of this tribe gave asylum to a Spaniard named Juan Ortiz who had come to Florida in connection with the expedition of Narvaez. When Do Soto landed near the Mococo town its chief sent Ortiz with an escort of warriors to meet him. Ortiz afterward became De Soto's principal interpreter until his death west of the Mississippi, and the Mococo chief remained on good terms with the Spaniards as long as they stayed in the neighborhood. There are only one or two later references to the tribe. (See Utina.) Connection in which they have become noted. The contacts of the Mococo with De Soto and his followers constitute their only claim to distinction. Muklasa. Meaning in Alabama and Choctaw, "friends," or "people of one nation." Connections. Since the Muklasa did not speak Muskogee and their name is from the Koasati, Alabama, or Choctaw language, and since they were near neighbors of the two former, it is evident that they were connected with one or the other of them. Location. On the south bank of Tallapoosa River in Montgomery County [Alabama]. History. When we first hear of the Muklasa in 1675 they were in the position above given and remained there until the end of the Creek-American War, when they are said to have emigrated to Florida in a body. Nothing is heard of them afterward, however, and although Gatschet (1884) states that there was a town of the name in the Creek Nation in the west in his time, I could learn nothing about it when I visited the Creeks in 1911-12. Population. In 1760 the Muklasa are said to have had 50 men, in 1761, 30, and in 1792, 30. These are the only figures available regarding their numbers.

Muskogee. Meaning unknown, but perhaps originally from Shawnee and having reference to swampy ground. To this tribe the name Creeks was ordinarily applied. Also called: Ani'-Gu'sa, by the Cherokee, meaning "Coosa people," after an ancient and famous town on Coosa River. Ku-'sha, by the Wyandot. Ochesee, by the Hitchiti. Sko'-ki han-ya, by the Biloxi. Connections. The Muskogee language constitutes one division of the Muskhogean tongues proper, that which I call Northern. Location. From the earliest times of which we have any record these people seem to have had towns all the way from the Atlantic coast of Georgia and the neighborhood of Savannah River to central Alabama. (See also Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.) Subdivisions and Villages: It is difficult to separate major divisions of the Muskogee from towns and towns from villages, but there were certainly several distinct Muskogee tribes at a very early period. The following subdivisional classification is perhaps as good as any: Abihka (in St. Clair, Calhoun, and Talladega Counties): Abihka-in-the-west, a late branch of Abihka in the western part of the Creek Nation, Okla. Abihkutci, on Tallassee Hatchee Creek, Talladega County, on the right bank 5 miles from Coosa River. Kan-tcati, on or near Chocolocko, or Choccolocco, Creek and probably not far from the present "Conchardee." Kayomalgi, possibly settled by Shawnee or Chickasaw, probably near Sylacauga, Talladega County. Lun-ham-ga, location unknown. Talladega, on Talladega Creek, Talladega County. Tcahki lako, on Choccolocco Creek in Talladega or Calhoun County. Atasi: Location (1) on the upper Ocmulgee River, (2) on the Chattahoochee, (3) on the Tallapoosa in Tallapoosa County, (4) on the south side of the Tallapoosa in Macon County, and (5) on the north side near Calebee Creek in Elmore County. Coosa:

Abihkutci, a division of Okfuskee, which apparently came into existence after the Creeks had removed to Oklahoma. Atcinaulga, on the west bank of Tallapoosa River in Randolph County. Big Tulsa, on the east bank of Tallapoosa River at the mouth of Ufaubee Creek in Tallapoosa County. Chatukchufaula, possibly identical with the last, on Nafape Creek or Tallapoosa River. Chuleocwhooatlee, on the left bank of Tallapoosa River, 11 miles below Nuyaka, in Tallapoosa County. Holitaiga, on Chattahoochee River in Troup County, Ga. Imukfa, on Emaufaw Creek in Tallapoosa County. Ipisagi, on Sandy Creek in Tallapoosa County. Kohamutkikatsa, location unknown. Little Tulsa, on the east side of Coosa River, 3 miles above the falls, Elmore County. Lutcapoga, perhaps near Loachapoka in Lee County, or on the upper Tallapoosa. Nafape, on a creek of the same name flowing into Ufaubee Creek. Okfuskee, location (1) at the mouth of Hillabee Creek, (2) at the mouth of Sand Creek, both in Tallapoosa County. Okfuskutci, (1) on Chattahoochee River in Troup County, Ca.; (2) on the upper Tallapoosa in Tallapoosa County, Ala.; (3) another town of the name or an earlier location of the first somewhere near the lower Tallapoosa. Old Coosa, near the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers. Otciapofa, on the east side of the Coosa River in Elmore County, just below the falls. Saoga-hatchee, on Saogahatchee Creek, in Tallapoosa or Lee County. Suka-ispoga, on the west bank of Tallapoosa River below the mouth of Hillibee Creek, in Tallapoosa County. Tallassehasee, on Tallassee Hatchee Creek in Talladega County. Tcahkilako, on Chattahoochee River near Franklin, Heard County, Ga. Tcatoksofka, seemingly a later name of the main Okfuskee town. Tcawokela, 25 miles east northeast of the mouth of Upatoie Creek, probably near Chewacla Station, Lee County. Tculakonini, on Chattahoochee River in Troup County, Ga. Tohtogagi, on the west bank of Tallapoosa River, probably in Randolph County. Tukabahchee Tallahassee, later called Talmutcasi, on the west side of Tallapoosa River in Tallapoosa County. Tukpafka, on Chattahoochee River in Heard County, Ga., later moved to Tallapoosa, settled on the left bank 11 miles above Okfuskee, Tallapoosa County, and renamed Nuyaka. Tulsa Canadian, a branch of Tulsa on the Canadian River, Okla. Tulsa Little River, a branch of Tulsa near Holdenville, Okla. Coweta (early location on the upper Ocmulgee, later on the west bank of Chattahoochee River in Russell County, Ala., opposite Columbus, Ga.): Coweta Tallahassee, later Likatcka or Broken Arrow, probably a former location of the bulk of the tribe, on the west bank of Chattahoochee River in Russell County, Ala. Katca tstngi's Town "at Cho-lose-parp-kari."

Settlements on "Hallewokke Yoaxarhatchee." Settlements on "Toosilkstorkee Hatchee." Settlements on "Warkeeche Hatchee." Wetumpka, a branch of the last on the main fork of Big Uchee Creek 12 miles northwest from the mother town, Coweta Tallahassee. Eufaula: A branch among the Seminole called Kan-tcati. (See Florida, Seminole.) A branch village of Eufaula hopai on a creek called "Chowokolohatchee." Eufaulahatchee or Eufaula Old Town, on Talladega Creek, also called Eufaula Creek, 15 miles from its mouth. Lower Eufaula or Eufaula hopai, above the mouth of Pataula Creek, in Clay County, Ga. Upper Eufaula, on the right bank of Tallapoosa River 5 miles below Okfuskee, in Tallapoosa Countyat one time separated into Big Eufaula and Little Eufaula. Hilibi (at the junction of Hillabee and Bear Creeks, Tallapoosa County): Anetechapko, 10 miles above Hilibi on a branch of Hillabee Creek. Etcuseislaiga, on the left bank of Hillabee Creek, 4 miles below Hilibi. Kitcopataki, location unknown. Lanutciabala, on the northwest branch of Hillabee Creek, probably in Tallapoosa County. Little Hilibi, location unknown. Oktahasasi, on a creek of the name 2 miles below Hilibi. Holiwahali (on the north bank of Tallapoosa River in Elmore County): Laplako, on the south side of Tallapoosa in Montgomery County nearly opposite Hoiwahali. Kasihta (best-known location on the east bank of Chattahoochee River, at the junction of Upatoie Creek in Chattahoochee County, Ga.): Apatai, in the forks of Upatoie and Pine Knob Creeks in Muskogee County, Ga. Salenojuh, on Flint River 8 miles below Aupiogee Creek (?). Settlements bearing the same name (Kasihta). Settlements on Chowockeleehatchee Creek, Ala. Settlements on Little Uchee Creek, Ala. Settlements on "Tolarnulkar Hatchee." Sicharlitcha, location unknown. Tallassee Town, on Opillikee Hatchee, perhaps in Schley or Macon Counties, Ga. Tuckabatchee Harjo's Town, on Osenubba Hatchee, a west branch of the Chattahoochee, Ala. Tuskehenehaw Chooley's Town, near West Point, Troup County, Ga. Okchai:

Asilanabi, on Yellow Leaf Creek in Shelby County. Lloglga, or Fish Pond, on a branch of Elkhatchee Creek, 14 miles up, in Tallapoosa or Coosa County. Okchai, location (1) on the east side of the lower Coosa in Elmore County; (2) in the southeastern part of Coosa County, on a creek bearing their name, which flowed into Kialaga Creek. Potcas hatchee, probably a branch of this on the upper course of Hatchet Creek in Clay or Coosa County. Tcahki lako, on Chattahoochee River. Tulsa hatchee, location uncertain. Pakana: Pakan Tallahassee, on Hatchet Creek, Coosa County. The Pakana who settled near Fort Toulouse at the junction of Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers and afterward moved to Louisiana, living on Calcasieu River for a while. Tukabahchee (in the sharp angle made where Tallapoosa River turns west in Elmore County): Only one small out village is mentioned, Wihili, location unknown. Wakokai (on the middle course of Hatchet Creek in Coosa County): Sakapadai, probably on Sacapartoy, a branch of Hatchet Creek, Coosa County. Tukpafka, on Hatchet Creek, Coosa County. Wiogufki, on Weogufka Creek in Coosa County. Besides the Muskogee tribes noted above, there were the following: Fus-hatchee. Not a major division; on the north bank of Tallapoosa River in Elmore County, 2 miles below Holiwahali. They may have been related to the Holiwahali. Kan-hatki. Not a major division; just below Kolomi on the north bank of Tallapoosa River in Elmore County. Possibly related to the Holiwahali. Kealedji. Not a primary division; perhaps a branch of Tukabahchee; location (1) on the Ocmulgee, (2) on Kialaga Creek in Elmore County or Tallapoosa County, having one branch Hatcheetcaba, west of Kealedji, probably in Elmore County. Kolomi. Probably not a major division; location (1) on the Ocmulgee, (2) on the middle Chattahoochee in Russell County, Alb., (3) on the north side of the lower Tallapoosa in Elmore County. They may have been related to the Holiwahali. Wiwohka. Not a primary division but a late town; location (1) near the mouth of Hatchet Creek in Coosa County, (2) on Weoka Creek in Elmore County.

In addition to the above there were a number of towns and villages which cannot be classified, or only with extreme doubt. They are as follows: Acpactaniche, on the headwaters of Coosa River, perhaps meant for Pakana. Alkehatchee, an Upper Creek town. Atchasapa, on Tallapoosa River not far below Tulsa, possibly for Hatcheechubba. Aucheucaula, in the northwestern part of Coosa County. Auhoba, below Autauga. (See Alabama.) Breed Camp, an Upper Creek town, probably meant for the Chickasaw settlement of Ooe-asa. Cauwaoulau, a Lower Creek village in Russell County west of Uchee Post Office and south of the old Federal road. Chachane, the Lower Creek town farthest downstream. Chanahunrege, between the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers in or near Coosa County. Chananagi, placed by Brannon (1909) "in Bullock County, just south of the Central of Georgia Railroad near Suspension." Chichoufkee, an Upper Creek town in Elmore County, east of Coosa River and near Wiwoka Creek. Chinnaby's Fort, at Ten Islands in the Coosa River. Chiscalage, in or near Coosa County, perhaps a body of Yuchi. Cholocco Litabixee, in the Horseshoe Bend of Tallapoosa River. Chuahla, just below White Oak Creek, south of Alabama River. Cohatchie, in the southwestern part of Talladega County on the bank of Coosa River. Conaliga, in the western part of Russell County or the eastern part of Macon, somewhere near the present Warrior Stand. Cooccohapofe, on Chattahoochee River. Cotohautustenuggee, on the right bank of Upatoie Creek, Muscogee County, Ga. Cow Towns, location uncertain. Donnally's Town, on the Flint or the Chattahoochee River. Ekun-duts-ke, probably on the south bank of Line Creek in Montgomery County. Emarhe, location uncertain. Eto-husse-wakkes, on Chattahoochee River, 3 miles above Fort Gaines. Fife's Village, an Upper Creek village a few miles east of Talladega, Ala. Fin'halui, a Lower Creek settlement, perhaps the Yuchi settlement of High Log. Habiquache, given by the Popple Map as on the west side of Coosa River. Ikan atchaka, "Holy Ground," in Lowndes County, 2 1/2 miles due north of White Hall, just below the mouth of Holy Ground Creek on the Old Sprott Plantation. Istapoga, in Talladega County near the influx of Estaboga Creek into Choccolocco Creek, about 10 miles from Coosa River. Kehatches, somewhere above the bend of Tallapoosa River and between it and the Coosa. Keroff, apparently on the upper Coosa. Litafatchi, at the head of Canoe Creek in St. Clair County. Lustuhatchee, above the second cataract of Tallapoosa River. Melton's Village, in Marshall County, Ala., on Town Creek, at the site of the present "Old Village Ford." Ninnipaskulgee, near Tukabahchee.

Nipky, probably a Lower Creek town. Oakchinawa Village, in Talladega County, on both sides of Salt Creek, near the point where it flows into Big Shoal Creek. Old Osonee Town, on Cahawba River in Shelby County. Opillako, on Pinthlocco Creek in Coosa County. Oti palin, on the west bank of Coosa River, just below the junction of Canoe Creek. (See Chinnaby's Fort.) Oti tutcina, probably between Coosa and Opilako or Pakan Tallahassee and on Coosa River. Pea Creek, perhaps an out settlement of Tukabahchee, location unknown. Pin Huti, somewhere near Dadeville in Tallapoosa County. Rabbit Town, possibly a nickname, location unknown. St. Taffery's, location unknown. Satapo, on Tennessee River. Talipsehogy, an Upper Creek settlement. Talishatchie Town, in Calhoun County east of a branch of Tallasehatchee Creek 3 miles southwest of Jacksonville. Tallapoosa, said to be within a day's journey of Fort Toulouse at the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa River and probably on the river of that name. Talwa Hadjo, on Cahawba River. Tohowogly, perhaps intended for Sawokli, 8 to 10 miles below the falls of the Chattahoochee. Turkey Creek, in Jefferson County, on Turkey Greek north of Trussville, probably Creek. Uncuaula, in the western part of Coosa County on Coosa River. Wallhal, an Upper Creek town given on the Purcell map, perhaps intended for Eufaula, or an independent town on Wallahatchee Creek, Elmore County. Weyolla, a town so entered on the Popple Map, between the Coosa and Tallapoosa but near the former; probably a distorted form of the name of some well-known place. History. Muskogee tradition points to the northwest for the origin of the nation. In the spring of 1540, De Soto passed through some settlements and a "province" called Chisi, Ichisi, and Achese, in southern Georgia, which may have been occupied by Muskogee because they are known to Hitchiti-speaking people as Ochesee. Somewhat later he entered Cofitachequi, probably either the later Kasihta, or Coweta, and the same summer he entered Coosa and passed through the country of the Upper Creeks. Companions of De Luna visited Coosa again in 1559 and assisted it in its wars with a neighboring tribe to the West, the Napochi. Cofitachequi was visited later by Juan Pardo and other Spanish explorers and some of Pardo's companions penetrated as far as Coosa. It is probable that part if not all of the province of Guale on the Georgia coast was at that time occupied by Muskogee, and relations between the Guale Indians and the Spaniards continued intimate from 1565 onward. Soon afterward the Spaniards also encountered the Creeks of Chattahoochee River. At what time the confederacy of which the Muskogee were the most important part was established is unknown but the nucleus probably existed in De Soto's time. At any rate it was in a flourishing condition in 1670 when South Carolina was colonized and probably continued to grow more rapidly than before owing to the accession of Creek tribes displaced by the Whites or other tribes whom the

Whites had displaced. Before 1715 a large body were living on Ocmulgee River but following on the Yamasee outbreak of that year they withdrew to the Chattahoochee from which they had moved previously to be near the English trading posts. Occupying as they did a central position between the English, Spanish, and French colonies, the favor of the Creeks was a matter of concern to these nations, and they played a more important part than any other American Indians in the colonial history of the Gulf region. For a considerable period they were allied with the English, and they were largely instrumental in destroying the former Indian inhabitants of Florida and breaking up the missions which had been established there. Finding the territory thus vacated very agreeable and one abounding in game, they presently began to settle in it permanently particularly after it was ceded to Great Britain in 1763. The first of the true Muskogee to emigrate to Florida, except for a small band of Coweta, were some Eufaula Indians, and the Muskogee do not seem to have constituted the dominant element until after the Creek-American war, 181314. In the last decades of the eighteenth century, the internal organization of the Confederacy was almost revolutionized by Alexander McGillivray, the son of a Scotch trader, who set up a virtual dictatorship and raised the Confederacy to a high position of influence by his skill in playing off one European nation against another. After his death friction developed between the factions favorable to and those opposed to the Whites. Inspired by the Shawnee chief, Tecumseh, a large part of the Upper Creeks broke out into open hostilities in 1813, but nearly all of the Lower Creeks and some of the most prominent Upper Creek towns refused to join with them and a large force from the Lower Creeks under William MacIntosh and Timpoochee Barnard, the Yuchi chief, actively aided the American army. This war was ended by Andrew Jackson's victory at Horsehoe Bend on the Tallapoosa River, March 27, 1814. One immediate result of this war was to double or triple the number of Seminole in Florida, owing to the multitude of Creeks who wished to escape from their old country. From this time on friction between the pro-White and anti-White Creek factions increased. When the United States Government attempted to end these troubles by inducing the Indians to emigrate, the friction increased still more and culminated in 1825 when the Georgia commissioners had induced William MacIntosh, leader of the proAmerican faction, and some other chiefs to affix their signatures to a treaty ceding all that was then left of the Creek lands. For this act formal sentence of death was passed upon MacIntosh, and he was shot by a band of Indians sent to his house for that purpose May 1, 1825. However, the leaders of the Confederacy finally agreed to the removal, which took place between 1836 and 1840, the Lower Creeks settling in the upper part of their new lands and the Upper Creeks in the lower part. The former factional troubles kept the relations between these two sections strained for some years, but they were finally adjusted and in course of time an elective government with a chief, second chief, and a representative assembly of two houses was established, which continued until the nation was incorporated into the State of Oklahoma. Population. Except where an attempt is made to give the population by towns, it is usually impossible to separate the Muskogee from other peoples of the Confederacy. Correct estimates of all Creeks are also rendered difficult because they were taking in smaller tribes from time to time and giving off colonists to Florida and Louisiana. In

1702 Iberville placed the whole number of Creek and Alabama families at 2,000. In 1708 South Carolina officials estimated about 2,000 warriors. In 1715 something approaching a census was taken of the tribes in their vicinity by the government of South Carolina and a total of 1,869 men and a population of 6,522 was returned for the Creeks, exclusive of the Alabama, Yuchi, Shawnee, Apalachicola, and Yamasee. A town by town enumeration made by the Spaniards in 1738 shows 1,660 warriors; a French estimate of 1750, 905; another of 1760, 2,620; a North Carolina estimate of 1760, 2,000 warriors; an English estimate of 1761, 1,385; one of about 3,000 the same year; an American estimate of 1792, 2,850; and finally the census taken in 1832-33 just before the emigration of the Creeks to their new lands across the Mississippi, showed a total of 17,939 in the true Muskogee towns. Besides these more careful statements, we have a number of general estimates of warriors in the eighteenth century ranging from 1,250 up to between 5,000 and 6,000. This last was by Alexander McGillivray and is nearest that shown by the census of 1832-33. It would seem either that the earlier estimates were uniformly too low or that the Confederacy increased rapidly during the latter part of the eighteenth century and the first part of the nineteenth. After the removal estimates returned by the Indian Office and from other sources ranged between 20,000 and 25,000. When a new census was taken in 1857, however, less than 15,000 were resumed, and there was a slow falling off until 1919 when there were about 12,000. It must be noted that the census of 1910 returned only 6,945, a figure which can be reconciled with that of the United States Indian Office only on the supposition that it is supposed to cover only Indians of full or nearly full blood. The report of the United States Indian Office for 1923 gives 11,952 Creeks by blood. Regarding the later population it must be remembered that it has become more and more diluted. The United States Census of 1930 gave 9,083 but included the Alabama and Koasati Indians of Texas and Louisiana and individuals scattered through more than 13 other States outside of Oklahoma, where 8,760 lived. These "general estimates" include the incorporated tribes. Connection in which they have become noted.In the form Muskhogean, the name of this tribe was adopted by Powell (1891) for that group of languages to which the speech of the Muskogee belongs. In the form Muscogee it has been given to a county in western Georgia, and to a railroad junction in it, and to a post-village in Escambia County, Fla. In the form Muskogee it is the name of the capital of Muskogee County, Okla., the third largest city in that state. The political organization of which they constituted the nucleus and the dominant element represents the most successful attempt north of Mexico at the formation of a superstate except that made by the Iroquois, and the part they played in the early history of our Gulf region was greater than that of any other, not even excepting the Cherokee. They were one of the principal mound-building tribes to survive into modern times and were unsurpassed in the elaborate character of their ceremonials (except possibly by the Natchez), while their prowess in war was proven by the great contest which they waged with the United States Government in 1813-14, and the still more remarkable struggle which their Seminole relatives and descendants maintained in

Florida in 1835-1842. Their great war speaker, Hopohithli-yahola, was probably surpassed in native greatness by no chief in this area except the Choctaw Pushmataha. (See Foreman, 1930.) Napochi. If connected with Choctaw Napissa, as seems not unlikely, the name means "those who see," or " those who look out," probably equivalent to "frontiersmen." Connection. They belonged to the southern division of the Muskhogeans proper, and were seemingly nearest to the Choctaw. Location. Along Black Warrior River. History. The tribe appears first in the account of an attempt to colonize the Gulf States in 1559 under Don Tristan de Luna. A part of his forces being sent inland from Pensacola Bay came to Coosa in 1560 and assisted its people against the Napochi, whom they claimed to have reduced to "allegiance" to the former. After this the Napochi seem to have left the Black Warrior, and we know nothing certain of their fate, but the name was preserved down to very recent times among the Creeks as a war name, and it is probable that they are the Napissa spoken of by Iberville in 1699, as having recently united with the Chickasaw. Possibly the Acolapissa of Pearl River and the Quinipissa of Louisiana were parts of the same tribe. They were probably a Muskhogean people, more nearly affiliated to the modern Choctaw. Population. Unknown. Connection in which they have become noted . The only claim the Napochi have to distinction is their possible connection with the remarkable group of mounds at Moundville, Hale County, Ala. Napissa (Choctaw: nanpisa, 'spy,' 'sentinel') A tribe mentioned in 1699 by Iberville as united with the Chickasaw living in villages adjoining hose of the later, and speaking the same or a cognate language. As they disappeared from history early in the 18th century, it is probably that they were absorbed by the Chickasaw, if indeed they were not a local division of the latter. Natchez. One section of the Natchez Indians settled among the Abihka Creeks near Coosa River after 1731 and went to Oklahoma a century later with the rest of the Creeks. (See Mississippi.) Ocale, or Etocale. Meaning unknown, but perhaps connected with Timucua tocala, "it is more than," a comparative verb. Connections. (See Acuera.) Location. In Marion County or Levy County north of the bend of the Withlacoochee River.

Villages: Uqueten (first village approaching from the south), and perhaps Itaraholata. History. This tribe is first mentioned by the chroniclers of the De Soto expedition. He passed through it in 1539 after crossing Withlacoochee River. Fontaneda also heard of it, and it seems to appear on De Bry's map of 1591. This is the last information that has been preserved. Population. Unknown. (See Acuera and Utina. ) Connection in which they have become noted. Within comparatively modern times this name was adopted in the form Ocala as that of the county seat of Marion County, Fla. There is a place so called in Pulaski County, Ky. Oita, see Pohoy. Oconee. Significance unknown. Connections. The Oconee belonged to the Muskhogean linguistic stock, and the Atcik-hata group. (See Apalachicola.) Location. Just below the Rock Landing on Oconee River, Ga. History. Early documents reveal at least two bodies of Indians bearing the name Oconee and probably related. One was on or near the coast of Georgia and seems later to have moved into the Apalachee country and to have become fused with the Apalachee tribe before the end of the seventeenth century. The other was at the point above indicated, on Oconee River. About 1685 they were on Chattahoochee River, whence they moved to the Rock Landing. A more northerly location for at least part of the tribe may be indicated in the name of a Cherokee town, though that may have been derived from a Cherokee word as Mooney supposed. About 1716 they moved to the east bank of the Chattahoochee in Stewart County, Ga., and a few years later part went to the Alachua Plains, in the present Alachua County, Fla., where they became the nucleus of the Seminole Nation and furnished the chief to that people until the end of the Seminole war. Most of them were then taken to Oklahoma, but they had already lost their identity. After leaving the Chattahoochee about 1750 the Oconee moved into Florida and established themselves on the Alachua Plains in a town which Bartram calls Cuscowilla. They constituted the first large band of northern Indians to settle in Florida and their chiefs came to be recognized as head chiefs of the Seminole. One of these, Mikonopi, was prominent during the Seminole War, but the identity of the tribe itself is lost after that struggle. Another part of them seem to have settled for a time among the Apalachee (q.v.) (See Georgia.)

Population. The following estimates of effective Oconee men in the Creek Nation are preserved: 1738, 50; 1750, 30; 1760, 50; 1761, 50. In 1675 there were about 200 Indians at the Apalachee Mission of San Francisco de Oconi. Connection in which they have become noted. The name Oconee is perpetuated in the Oconee River, the town of Oconee, Oconee Mills, and Oconee Siding, all in Georgia, but not necessarily in the name of Oconee County, S. C., which is of Cherokee origin, although there may be some more remote relationship. There is a place of the name in Shelby County, Ill. Okchai. A division of the Muskogee (q. v.). Okmulgee. A Creek tribe and town of the Hitchiti connection. Signifying in the Hitchiti language, "where water boils up" and referring probably to the big springs in Butts County, Ga., called Indian Springs. Also called: Waiki lko, "Big Spring," Muskogee name. Connections. The Okmulgee belonged to the Muskhogean linguistic stock and the Atsik-hta group. (See Apalachicola under Georgia.) Location. In the great bend of the Chattahoochee River, Russell County, Ala.; earlier, about the present Macon, Ga. (See also Alabama and Oklahoma.) History. The Okmulgee probably separated from the Hitchiti or one of their cognate towns when these towns were on Ocmulgee River and settled at the point above indicated, where they became closely associated with the Chiaha and Osochi. They went west with the other Creeks and reestablished themselves in the most northeastern part of the allotted territory, where they gradually lost their identity. Although small in numbers, they gave the prominent Perryman family to the Creek Nation and its well-known head chief, Pleasant Porter. Population. A French census of about 1750 states that there were rather more than 20 effective men among the Okmulgee, and the British census of 1760 gives 30. Young, quoted by Morse, estimates a total population of 220 in 1822. There are few other enumerations separate from the general census of the Creeks. Connection in which they have become noted. The name of the city of Okmulgee and that of Ocmulgee River were derived independently from the springs above mentioned. The name Okmulgee given to the later capital of the Creek Nation in what is now Oklahoma was, however, taken from the tribe under consideration. It has now become a flourishing oil city. Onatheaqua. In the narratives of Laudonniere and Le Moyne this appears as one of the two main Timucua tribes in the northwestern part of Florida, the other being the Hostaqua (or Yustaga). Elsewhere I have suggested that it may have covered the Indians

afterward gathered into the missions of Santa Cruz de Tarihica, San Juan de Guacara, Santa Catalina, and Ajoica, where there were 230 Indians in 1675, but that is uncertain. (See Utina.) Osochi. Meaning unknown. A division of the Lower Creeks which lived for a time in southwestern Georgia and is thought to have originated in Florida. Connections. Within recent times the closest connections of this tribe have been with the Chiaha, though their language is said to have been Muskogee, but there is some reason to think that they may have been originally a part of the Timucua. (See below.) Location. Their best known historic seat was in the great bend of Chattahoochee River, Russell County, Ala., near the Chiaha. (See also Georgia and Florida.) Villages: The town of Hotalgi-huyana populated in part from this tribe and in part from the Chiaha. The census of 1832 gives two settlements, one on the Chattahoochee River and one on a stream called Opillike Hatchee. History. The suggestion that the Osochi may have been Timucua is founded (1) on the resemblance of their name to that of a Timucua division in northwest Florida called by the Spaniards Ossachile or Uachile, (2) on the fact that after the Timucua uprising of 1666 some of the rebels "fled to the woods," and (3) the later mention of a detached body of Timucua in the neighborhood of the Apalachicola. Early in the eighteenth century they seem to have been living with or near the Apalachicola at the junction of the Chattahoochee and Flint. From what Hawkins (1848) tells us regarding them, we must suppose that they moved up Flint River somewhat later and from there to the Chattahoochee, in the location near the Chiaha above given. They migrated to Oklahoma with the rest of the Lower Creeks, and maintained their separateness in that country for a while but were later absorbed in the general mass of the Creek population. Population. The following estimates of the effective male population of the Osochi occur: 1750, 30; 1760, 50; 1792, 50. The census of 1832-33 returned a total of 539, but one of the two towns inhabited by these Indians may have belonged to the Okmulgee. Pakana. A division of the Muskogee (q. v.). Pascagoula. "Bread people." Also called: Mfskigula, Biloxi name. Connections. They were probably Muskhogeans although closely associated with the Siouan Biloxi. Location. Their earliest known location was on the river which still bears their name, about 16 French leagues from its mouth. (See also Louisiana and Texas.)

Villages. Unknown, but see Biloxi. History. Iberville heard of the Pascagoula in 1699 when he made the first permanent settlement in Louisiana. That summer his brother Bienville visited them, and the following winter another brother, Sauvolle, who had been left in charge of the post, received several Pascagoula visitors. Some Frenchmen visited the Pascagoula town the next spring and Pnicaut (in Margry, 1875-86, vol. 5) has left an interesting account of them. In Le Page du Pratz's time (early eighteenth century) they were on the coast, but they did not move far from this region as long as France retained possession of the country. When French rule ended the Pascagoula passed over to Louisiana and settled first on the Mississippi River and later on Red River at its junction with the Rigolet du Bon Dieu. In 1795 they moved to Bayou Boeuf and established themselves between a band of Choctaw and the Biloxi. Early in the nineteenth century all three tribes sold these lands. A part of the Pascagoula remained in Louisiana for a considerable period, Morse mentioning two distinct bands, but a third group accompanied some Biloxi to Texas and lived for a time on what came to be called Biloxi Bayou, 15 miles above its junction with the Neches. I have been able to find no Indians in Louisiana claiming Pascagoula descent, but in 1914 there were two among the Alabama who stated that their mother was of this tribe, their father having been a Biloxi. Population. Mooney (1928) estimates that in 1650 there were 1,000 all told of the Biloxi, Pascagoula, and Moctobi. My own estimate for about the year 1698 is 875 of whom I should allow 455 to the Pascagoula. In 1700 Iberville states that there were 20 families, which would mean that they occupied the same number of cabins, but Le Page du Pratz raises this to 30. In 1758 the Pascagoula, Biloxi, and Chatot are estimated to have had about 100 warriors. In 1805 Sibley (1832) gives 25 among the Pascagoula alone. Morse (1822) estimates a total Pascagoula population of 240, and Schoolcraft (1851-57) cites authority for 111 Pascagoula in 1829. This is the last statement we have bearing upon the point. Connection in which they have become noted. The Pascagoula tribe is of some note as a constant companion of the Siouan Biloxi, and from the fact that it has bequeathed its name to Pascagoula River, Pascagoula Bay, and Pascagoula Port, Miss. Pawokti. Meaning unknown. Connections. They were probably affiliated either with the Tawasa or the Alabama. In any case there is no reason to doubt that they spoke a Muskhogean dialect, using Muskhogean in the extended sense. Location. The earliest known location of the Pawokti seems to have been west of Choctawhatchee River, not far from the shores of the Gulf of Mxico. (See also Alabama.) History. This tribe moved from Florida to the neighborhood of Mobile along with the Alabama Indians and afterward established a town on the upper course of Alabama

River. Still later they were absorbed into the Alabama division of the Creek Confederacy. Lamhatty (in Bushnell, 1908) assigns the Pawokti the above location before they were driven away by northern Indians, evidently Creeks, in 1706-7. Although the name does not appear in any French documents known to me, they probably settled near Mobile along with the Tawasa. At any rate we find them on Alabama River in 1799 a few miles below the present Montgomery and it is assumed they had been there from 1717, when Fort Toulouse was established. Their subsequent history is merged in that of the Alabama (q.v.). Population. (See Alabama.) Pensacola. Meaning "hair people," probably from their own tongue, which in that case was very close to Choctaw. Connections. The name itself, and other bits of circumstantial evidence, indicate that the Pensacola belonged to the Muskhogean stock and, as above noted, probably spoke a dialect close to Choctaw. Location. In the neighborhood of Pensacola Bay. History. In 1528 the survivors of the Narvaez expedition had an encounter with Indians near Pensacola Bay who probably belonged to this tribe. It is also probable that their territory constituted the prince of Achuse or Ochus which Maldonado, the commander of De Soto's fleet, visited in 1539 and whence he brought a remarkably fine "blanket of sable fur." In 1559 a Spanish colony under Tristan de Luna landed in a port called "the Bay of Ichuse," (or "Ychuse") undoubtedly in the same province, but the enterprise was soon given up and the colonists returned to Mexico. The Pensacola tribe seems to be mentioned first by name in Spanish letters dated 1677. In 1686 we learn they were at war with the Mobile Indians. Twelve years afterward, when the Spanish post of Pensacola was established, it is claimed that the tribe had been exterminated by other peoples, but this is an error. It had merely moved farther inland and probably toward the west. They are noted from time to time, and in 1725-6 Bienville (1932, vol. 3, p. 536) particularly describes the location of their village near that of the Biloxi of Pearl River. The last mention of them seems to be in an estimate of Indian population dated December 1, 1764, in which their name appears along with those of six other small tribes. They may have been incorporated finally into the Choctaw or have accompanied one of the smaller Mobile tribes into Louisiana near the date last mentioned. Population. In 1725 (or 1726) Bienville (1932, vol. 3, p. 536) says that in the Pensacola village and that of the Biloxi together, there were not more than 40 men. The enumeration mentioned above, made in 1764, gives the total population of this tribe and the Biloxi, Chatot, Capinans, Washa, Chawasha, and Pascagoula collectively as 251 men. Connection in which they have become noted. Through the adoption of their name first for that of Pensacola Bay and secondly for the port which grew up upon it, the Pensacola have attained a fame entirely disproportionate to the aboriginal importance of

the tribe. There are places of the name in Yancey County, N. C., and Mayes County, Okla. Pilthlako. A division of the Creeks, probably related to the Muskogee (q. v.), and possibly a division of the Okchai. Pohoy, Pooy, or Posoy. Meaning unknown. Connections. They were evidently closely connected with the Timucuan division of the Muskhogean linguistic stock. (See Utina ). Location. On the south shore of Tampa Bay. Towns. (See History.) History. This tribe, or a part of the same, appears first in history under the names Oita or Ucita as a "province" in the territory of which Hernando de Soto landed in 1539. He established his headquarters in the town of the head chief on June 1, and when he marched inland on July 15 he left a captain named Calderon with a hundred men to hold this place pending further developments. These were withdrawn at the end of November to join the main army in the Apalachee country. In 1612 these Indians appear for the first time under the name Pohoy or Pooy in the account of an expedition to the southwest coast of Florida under an ensign named Cartaya. In 1675 Bishop Calderon speaks of the "Pojoy River," and in 1680 there is a passing reference to it. Some time before 1726 about 20 Indians of this tribe were placed in a mission called Santa Fe, 9 leagues south of St. Augustine, but they had already suffered from an epidemic and by 1728 the remainder returned to their former homes. (See Utina.) Population. In 1680 the Pohoy were said to number 300. Connection in which they have become noted. The only claim of the Pohoy to distinction is derived from their contacts with the expedition of De Soto. Potano. Meaning unknown. Connections . (See Utina.) Location. In the territory of the present Alachua County. Towns: The following places named in the De Soto narratives probably belonged to this tribe: Itaraholata or Ytara, Potano, Utinamocharra or Utinama, Cholupaha, and a town they called Mala-Paz. A letter dated 1602 mentions five towns, and on and after 1606, when missionaries reached the tribe, stations were established called San Francisco, San

Miguel, Santa Anna, San Buenaventura, and San Martin(?). There is mention also of a mission station called Apalo. History. The name Potano first appears as that of a province through which De Soto passed in 1539. In 1564-65 the French colonists of Florida found this tribe at war with the Utina and assisted the latter to win a victory over them. After the Spaniards had supplanted the French, they also supported the Utina in wars between them and the Potano. In 1584 a Spanish captain sent to invade the Potano country was defeated and slain. A second expedition, however, killed many Indians and drove them from their town. In 1601 they asked to be allowed to return to it and in 1606 missionary work was undertaken among them resulting in their conversion along with most of the other Timucua peoples. Their mission was known as San Francisco de Potano and it appears in the mission lists of 1655 and 1680. In 1656 they took part in a general Timucuan uprising which lasted 8 months. In 1672 a pestilence carried off many and as the chief of Potano does not appear as signatory to a letter written to Charles II by several Timucua chiefs in 1688, it is possible their separate identity had come to an end by that date. Early in the eighteenth century the Timucua along with the rest of the Spanish Indians of Florida were decimated rapidly and the remnant of the Potano must have shared their fate. (See Utina.) Population. Mooney (1928) estimates the number of Potano Indians at 3,000 in 1650 and this is probably fairly accurate, as the Franciscan missionaries state that they were catechizing 1,100 persons in the 5 towns belonging to the tribe in 1602. In 1675 there were about 160 in the 2 Potano missions. (See Acuera and Utina.) Connection in which they have become noted. T he Potano tribe was anciently celebrated as, with one or two possible exceptions, the most powerful of all the Timucua peoples. Sawokli. A division of the Creeks belonging to the group of towns that spoke the Hitchiti language. Possibly meaning "raccoon people," in the Hitchiti language, and, while this is not absolutely certain, the okli undoubtedly means "people." Connections. The Sawokli belonged to the Muskhogean linguistic stock and to the subdivision called Atcik-hata. (See Apalachicola.) Location. The best known historic location was on the Chattahoochee River in the northeastern part of the present Barbour County, Ala. (See Florida and Georgia.) Villages: Hatchee tcaba, probably on or near Hatchechubbee Creek, in Russell County, Ala. Okawaigi, on Cowikee Creek, in Barbour County, Ala. Okiti-yagani, in Clay County, Ga., not far from Fort Gaines. Sawokli, several different locations, the best known of which is given above. Sawoklutci, on the east bank of the Chattahoochee River, in Stewart County, Ga.

Tcawokli, probably on Chattahoochee River in the northeastern part of Russell County, Ala. History. A division of Creek Indians belonging to the Hitchiti-speaking group. Anciently it seems to have lived entirely in Florida, but later it moved up into the neighborhood of the Lower Creeks. When first known to the Spaniards the Sawokli were living on Chattahoochee River below the falls. A Spanish mission, Santa Cruz de Sabacola, was established in one section of the tribe by Bishop Calderon of Cuba in 1675, and missionaries were sent to a larger body among the Creeks in 1679 and again in 1681. Most of the Indians surrounding these latter, however, soon became hostile and those who were Christianized withdrew to the junction of the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers, where they were settled not far from the newly established Chatot missions. The Sawokli appear to have remained in the same general region until 1706 or 1707, when they were displaced by hostile Indians, probably Creeks. At least part lived for a while on Ocmulgee River and returned to the Chattahoochee, as did the residents of many other Indian towns, about 1715, after which they gradually split up into several settlements but followed the fortunes of the Lower Creeks. In the seventeenth century there may have been a detached body as far west as Yazoo River, saw a map of that period gives a "Sabougla" town there and the name is preserved to the present day in a creek and post village. Population. In 1738 a Spanish report gives the Sawokli 20 men, evidently an underestimate. In 1750 four settlements are given with more than 50 men, and in 1760 the same number of settlements and 190 men, including perhaps the Tamali, but to these must be added 30 men of Okiti-yakani. In 1761, including the neighboring and probably related villages, they are reported to have had 50 hunters. Hawkins in 1799 gives 20 hunters in Sawoklutci but no figures for the other towns. (See Hawkins, 1848.) In 1821 Young (in Morse, 1822) estimates 150 inhabitants in a town probably identical with this, and, according to the census of 1832-33, there were 187 Indians in Sawokli besides 42 slaves, 157 Indians in Okawaigi, and 106 in Hatcheetcaba; altogether, exclusive of the slaves, 450. Connection in which they have become noted . Sawokla is the name of a small place in Oklahoma, and a branch of this town has had its name incorporated in that of a stream, the Chewokeleehatchee, in Macon County., Ala., and in a post office called Chewacla in Lee County, Ala. Seminole. Meaning "one who has camped out from the regular towns," and hence sometimes given as "runaway," but there is too much onus in this rendering. Prof. H. E. Bolton believes it was adopted from Spanish cimarron meaning "wild." Ikanafskalgi, "people of the point," a Creek name. Ikaniksalgi, "peninsula people," own name. Isti seminole, "Seminole people." Lower Creeks, so called by Bartram (1792). Ungiay-rono "peninsula people," Huron name.

Connections. As implied above, the Seminole removed from the Creek towns and constituted just before the last Seminole War a fair representation of the population of those towns: perhaps two-thirds Creek proper or Muskogee, and the remaining third Indians of the Hitchiti-speaking towns, Alabama, Yamasee, and besides a band of Yuchi, latterly a few of the original Indian inhabitants of southern Florida. Location. The Seminole towns were first planted about Apalachicola River, in and near the old Apalachee country and in the Alachua country in the central part of the State, although a few were scattered about Tampa Bay and even well down the east coast as far south as Miami. They did not enter the Everglade section of the State until toward the end of the last Seminole War. As a result of that war, the greater part were removed to the territory now constituting Seminole County, Okla. A few remained in the old territory and their descendants are there today. Villages: Ahapopka, near the head of Ocklawaha River. Ahosulga, 5 miles south of New Mikasuki, perhaps in Jefferson County. Alachua, near Ledwiths Lake. Alafiers, probably a synonym for some other town name, perhaps McQueen's Village, near Alafia River. Alapaha, probably on the west side of the Suwannee just above its junction with the Allapaha. Alligator, said to be a settlement in Suwannee County. Alouko, on the east side of St. Marks River 20 miles north of St. Marks. Apukasasoche, 20 miles west of the head of St. Johns River. Attapulgas: first location, west of Apalachicola River in Jackson or Calhoun Counties; second location inland in Gadsden County. Beech Creek, exact location unknown. Big Cypress Swamp, in the "Devil's Garden" on the northern edge of Big Cypress Swamp, 15 to 20 miles southwest of Lake Okeechobee. Big Hammock, north of Tampa Bay. Bowlegs' Town, chief's name, on Suwannee River and probably known usually under another name. Bucker Woman's Town, on Long Swamp east of Big Hammock. Burges' Town, probably on or near Flint or St. Marys River, southwestern Georgia. Calusahatchee, on the river of the same name and probably occupied by Calusa Indians. Capola, east of St. Marks River. Catfish Lake, on a small lake in Polk County nearly midway between Lake Pierce and Lake Rosalie, toward the headwaters of Kissimmee River. Chefixico's Old Town, on the south side of Old Tallahassee Lake, 5 miles east of Tallahassee. Chetuckota, on the west bank of Pease Creek, below Pease Lake, west central Florida. Choconikla, on the west side of Apalachicola River, probably in Jackson County. Chohalaboohulka, probably identical with Alapaha. Chukochati, near the hammock of the same name.

Cohowofooche, 23 miles northwest of St. Marks. Cow Creek, on a stream about 15 miles northeast of the entrance of Kissimmee River. Cuscowilla (see Alachua). Etanie, west of St. Johns River and east of Black Creek. Etotulga, 10 miles east of Old Mikasuki. Fish-eating Creek, 5 miles from a creek emptying into Lake Okeechobee. Fulemmy's Town, perhaps identical with Beech Creek, Suwannee River. Hatchcalamocha, near Drum Swamp, 18 miles west of New Mikasuki. Hiamonee, on the east bank of Ocklocknee River, probably on Lake Iamonia. Hitchapuksassi, about 20 miles from the head of Tampa Bay and 20 miles south-east of Chukochati. Homosassa, probably on Homosassa River. Iolee, 60 miles above the mouth of Apalachicola River on the west bank at or near Blountstown. John Hicks' Town, west of Payne's Savannah. King Heijah's Town, or Koe Hadjo's Town, consisted of Negro slaves, probably in Alachua County. Lochchiocha, 60 miles east of Apalachicola River and near Ocklocknee River. Loksachumpa, at the head of St. Johns River. Lowwalta (probably for iwahali), location unknown. McQueen's Village, on the east side of Tampa Bay, perhaps identical with Alafiers. Miami River, about 10 miles north of the site of Fort Dallas, not far from Biscayne Bay, on Little Miami River. Mulatto Girl's Town, south of Tuscawilla Lake. Negro Town, near Withlacoochee River, probably occupied largely by runaway slaves. New Mikasuki, 30 miles west of Suwannee River, probably in Madison County. Notasulgar, location unknown. Ochisi, at a bluff so called on the east side of Apalachicola River. Ochupocrassa, near Miami. Ocilla, at the mouth of Aucilla River on the east side. Oclackonayahe, above Tampa Bay. Oclawaha, on Ocklawaha River, probably in Putnam County. Oithlakutci, on Little River 40 miles east of Apalachicola River. Okehumpkee, 60 miles southwest from Volusia. Oktahatki, 7 miles northeast of Sampala. Old Mikasuki, near Miccosukee in Leon County. Oponays, "back of Tampa Bay," probably in Hillsboro or Polk Counties. Owassissas, on an eastern branch of St. Marks River and probably near its head. Payne's Town, near Koe Hadjo's Town, occupied by Negroes. Picolata, on the east bank of St. Johns River west of St. Augustine. Pilaklikaha, about 120 miles south of Alachua. Pilatka, on or near the site of Palatka, probably the site of a Seminole town and of an earlier town as well. Red Town, at Tampa Bay. Sampala, 26 miles above the forks of the Apalachicola on the west bank, in Jackson County, or in Houston County, Ala.

Santa Fe, on the river of the same name, perhaps identical with Washitokha. Sarasota, at or near Sarasota. Seleuxa, at the head of Aucilla River. Sitarky, evidently named after a chief, between Camp Izard and Fort King, West Florida. Spanawalka, a miles below Iolee and on the west bank of Apalachicola River. Suwannee, on the west bank of Suwannee River in Lafayette County. Talakhacha, on the west side of Cape Florida on the seacoast. Tallahassee, on the site of present Tallahassee. Tallahassee or Spring Gardens, 10 miles from Volusia, occupied by Yuchi. Talofa Okhase, about 30 miles west southwest from the upper part of Lake George. Taluachapkoapopka, a short distance west of upper St. Johns River, probably at the present Apopka. Tocktoethla, 10 miles above the junction of Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers. Tohopki lagi, probably near Miami. Topananaulka, 3 miles west of New Mikasuki. Topkegalga, on the east side of Ocklocknee River near Tallahassee. Totstalahoeetska, on the west side of Tampa Bay. Tuckagulga, on the east side of Ocklocknee River between it and hiamonee. Tuslalahockaka, 10 miles west of Walalecooche. Wacahoota, location unknown. Wachitokha, on the east side of Suwannee River between Suwannee and Santa Fe Rivers. Wakasassa, on the coast east of the mouth of Suwannee River. Wasupa, 2 miles from St. Marks River and 18 miles from St. Marks itself. Wechotookme, location unknown. Welika, 4 miles east of the Tallahassee town. Wewoka, at Wewoka, Okla. Willanoucha, at the head of St. Marks River, perhaps identical with Alouko. Withlacoochee, on Withlacoochee River, probably in Citrus or Sumter County. Withlako, 4 miles from Clinch's battle ground. Yalacasooche, at the mouth of Ocklawaha River. Yulaka, on the west side of St. Johns River, 35 miles from Volusia or Dexter. Yumersee, at the head of St. Marks River, 2 miles north of St. Marks, a settlement of Yamasee. History. The origin of the Seminole has already been given. The nucleus of the nation was constituted by a part of the Oconee, who moved into Florida about 1750 and were gradually followed by other tribes, principally of the Hitchiti connection. The first true Muskogee to enter the peninsula were some of the Indians of Lower Eufaula, who came in 1767 but these were mixed with Hitchiti and others. There was a second Muskogee immigration in 1778, but after the Creek-American War of 1813-14 a much greater immigration occurred from the Creek Nation, mainly from the Upper Towns, and as the great majority of the newcomers were Muskogee, the Seminole became prevailingly a Muskogee people, what is now called the Seminole language being almost pure Muskogee. Later there were two wars with the Whites; the first from 1817-18 in which Andrew Jackson lead the American forces; and the second, from 1835 to 1842, a long and bitter contest in which the Indians demonstrated to its fullest capacity the

possibilities of guerrilla warfare in a semi-tropical swampy country. Toward the end of the struggle the Indians were forced from northern and central Florida into the Everglade section of the State. This contest is particularly noteworthy on account of the personality of Osceola, the brains of Seminole resistance, whose capture by treachery is an ineffaceable blot upon all who were connected with it and incidentally upon the record of the American Army. Diplomacy finally accomplished what force had failed to effect -the policy put in practice by Worth at the suggestion of General E. A. Hitchcock. The greater part of the hostile Indians surrendered and were sent to Oklahoma, where they were later granted a reservation of their own in the western part of the Creek Nation. Both the emigrants, who have now been allotted, and the small number who stayed behind in Florida have since had an uneventful history, except for their gradual absorption into the mass of the population, an absorption long delayed in the case of the Florida Seminole, but nonetheless certain. Population. Before the Creek-American war the number of Seminole was probably about 2,000; after that date the best estimates give about 5,000. Exclusive of one census which seems clearly too high, figures taken after the Seminole war indicate a gradual reduction of Seminole in Oklahoma from considerably under 4!000 to 2,500 in 1851. A new census, in 1857, gave 1,907, and after that time little change is indicated though actually the amount of Indian blood was probably declining steadily. In Florida the figures were: 370 in 1847, 348 in 1850, 450 in 1893, 565 in 1895, 358 in 1901, 446 in 1911, 600 in 1913, 562 in 1914, 573 in 1919, 586 in 1937. In 1930 there were 1,789 in Oklahoma, 227 in Florida, and 32 scattered in other States. Connection in which they have become noted. The chief claim of this tribal confederation to distinction will always be the remarkable war which they sustained against the American Nation, the losses in men and money which they occasioned having been out of all proportion to the number of Indians concerned. The county in Oklahoma where most of the Seminole were sent at the end of the great war bears their name, as does a county in Florida, and it will always be associated with the Everglade country, where they made their last stand. Towns or post villages of the name are in Baldwin County, Ala.; Seminole County, Okla.; Armstrong County, Pa.; and Gaines County, Tex. Surruque. Meaning unknown. Connections . Somewhat doubtful, but they were probably of the Timucuan linguistic group. (See Utina.) Location. At or very close to Cape Canaveral. History. The Surruque appear first in history as the "Sorrochos" of Le Moyne's map (1875), and his "Lake Sarrop" also probably derived its name from them. About the end of the same century, the sixteenth, trouble arose between them and the Spaniards, in consequence of which the Spanish governor fell upon a Surruque town, killed 60 persons and captured 54. Later they probably united with the Timucua people and shared their fortunes.

Population. No estimate is possible. (See Utina.) Tacatacuru. The meaning is unknown, though it seems to have something to do with "fire" (taca). Connections. (See Utina.) Location.On Cumberland Island to which the name Tacatacuru was applied. Villages: It is probable that the same name was used for its chief town, which was missionized by the Spaniards under the name of San Pedro Mocama. Under this mission were those of Santo Domingo and Santa Maria de Sena. History. The chief of Tacatacuru (now Cumberland Island), or of the neighboring mainland, met Jean Ribault in 1562 and seems to have remained on good terms with the French during their occupancy of Fort Caroline in 1564-65. He, or a successor, is mentioned among those who joined De Gourgues in his attack upon the Spaniards in 1567, but soon afterward they made peace with Spain and one chief, Don Juan, was of great assistance to the white men in many ways, particularly in driving back the Guale Indians after their rising in 1597. This chief died in 1600, and was succeeded by his niece. The church built by these Indians was said to be as big as that in St. Augustine. The good relations which subsisted between the Tacatacuru Indians and the Spaniards do not appear to have been broken by the Timucua rebellion of 1656. By 1675 the tribe had abandoned Cumberland Island and it was occupied by Yamasee. The mission of San Pedro Mocama consequently does not appear in the mission list of 1680, although it is in that of 1655. {2} The tribe was subsequently amalgamated with the other Timucua peoples and shared their fortunes. (See Utina.) Population. There is no estimate of the number of Tacatacuru distinct from that of the other Timucua. The missionary stationed among them in 1602 notes that there were then 8 settlements and 792 Christianized Indians in his province, but this province may not have been confined to the tribe. In that year Santo Domingo served 180 Christians and Santa Maria de Sena 112. Tamathli. The name is possibly related to that of a Creek clan with the Hitchiti plural ending, in which case it would refer to "flying creatures," such as birds. Connections. Tamathli belonged to the Atsik-hata group in the Creek Confederation. Location. The historic seats of the Tamathli were in southwestern Georgia and neighboring parts of Florida.

History. It is believed that we have our first mention of the Tamathli in the Toa or Toalli of the De Soto narratives. When De Soto passed through Georgia in 1540, it is believed that this tribe was living at Pine Island in Daugherty County. They may have been connected with the Altamaha Yamasee living between Ocmulgee and Oconee Rivers whose name sometimes appears in the form Tama. They afterward drifted into Florida and were established in a mission called La Purificacion de la Tama on January 27, 1675, by Bishop Calderon of Cuba, in the Apalachee country 1 league from San Luis. In a mission list dated 1680 appears the name of another mission, Nuestra Sehora de la Candelaria de la Tama. The Tamathli suffered the same fate as the Apalachee in general when the latter were attacked by Moore in 1704. At least part of these Indians afterward moved to the neighborhood of St. Augustine, where another mission was established for them, but this was attacked by the Creeks on November 1, 1725, while mass was being celebrated. Many Indians were killed and the remainder moved to other missions. In 1738 we hear of a "Tamaxle nuevo," as the northernmost Lower Creek settlement and a southern division called "Old Tamathle," and are informed that "in the town of Tamasle in Apalachee [i.e., Old Tamathle] there were some Catholic and pagan families." We hear again of these Tamathli Indians from Benjamin Hawkins (1848), writing in 1799, who sets them down as one of the tribes entering into the formation of the Florida Seminole. A town of the same name also appears in the Cherokee country "on Valley River, a few miles above Murphy, about the present Tomatola, in Cherokee County, N.C." The name cannot be interpreted in Cherokee and there may once have been a northern division of the Tamathli. Population. The Spanish census dated 1738 enters Old Tamathli, with 12 men, and New Tamathli with 26, but the latter probably was in the main a Sawokli settlement. The French estimate of 1750 entered only the former town with 10 men. In Young's enumeration of Seminole towns (in Morse, 1822) this is given a total population of 220. Taposa. Meaning unknown. Connections. As this tribe is said to have been allied with the Chickasaw and, unlike the Tunica and Tiou, did not have an r sound in their language, there is every reason to suppose that they belonged to the Muskhogean stock. Probably they were most closely affiliated with their neighbors, the Chakchiuma and Chickasaw. Location. Their earliest known location was [inMississippi] on Yazoo River a few miles above the Chakchiuma. History.-The Taposa are first mentioned by Iberville in and the missionary De Montigny, in 1699. On the De Crenay map of 1733 (1910) their village is placed very close to that of the Chakchiuma, whose fortunes they probably followed. Population. The only hint as to the size of this tribe is given by Le Page du Pratz who says that the Taposa had about 25 cabins, half the number he assigns to the Chakchiuma. Other writers usually include them with the Chakchiuma.

Tawasa. Meaning unknown. Connections . They spoke a dialect belonging to the Timucuan division of the Muskhogean linguistic family, intermediate between Timucua proper and Choctaw, Hitchiti, Alabama, and Apalachee. Location. In 1706-7 in west Florida about the latitude of the junction of the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers; at an earlier time and again later they were on the Alabama near the present Montgomery. (See also Louisiana.) Villages: They usually occupied only one town at Autauga on Autauga Creek in the southeastern part of Autauga County, Ala., is said to have belonged to them. History. De Soto found the Tawasa near the Montgomery site in 1540. Some time during the next century and a half they moved to the neighborhood of Apalachicola River, but in 1707 they were attacked by the Creeks, who captured some of them, while the greater part fled to the French and were by them given lands near the present Mobile. They occupied several different sites in that neighborhood but in 1717 they moved back to the region where De Soto found them, their main village being in the northwestern suburbs of the present Montgomery. After the Treaty of Fort Jackson in 1814, they were compelled to abandon this place and move into the Creek territories between the Coosa and Talapoosa Rivers, where they remained until the main migration beyond the Mississippi. Previous to this, some of them had gone with other Alabama into Louisiana and they followed their fortunes. The name was remembered by Alabama in Polk County, Tex., until within a few years. Population. The French census of 1760 returned 40 Tawasa men and the Georgia census of 1792 "about 60." The census of 1832-33 gives 321 Indians in towns called Tawasa and Autauga, but all of these were quite certainly not Tawasa Indians in the strict application of that term. (See Alabama.) Connection in which they have become noted. The Tawasa tribe will be remembered ethnologically on account of the rescue of so much important information regarding the early history of themselves and their neighbors through the captive Indian Lamhatty (in Bushnell, 1908), who made his way into Virginia in 1708, and on account of the still more important vocabulary obtained from him. Tekesta or Tequesta. Meaning unknown. Connections . The language of this tribe was probably connected with the languages of the other peoples of the southeast coast of Florida and with that of the Calusa, and may have been Muskhogean. Location. In the neighborhood of Miami.

Villages: Besides Tekesta proper, the main town, four villages are mentioned between that and the next tribe to the north, the Jeaga, to whom some of the villages may have belonged. These were, in order from south to north: Tavuacio, Janar, Cabista, and Custegiyo. History. The Tekesta do not appear in history much before the time of Fontaneda, who was a captive among the Calusa from 1551 to 1569. In 1566 we learn that they protected certain Spaniards from the Calusa chief, although the latter is sometimes regarded as their overlord. A post was established in their country in 1566 but abandoned 4 years later. Attempts made to convert them to Christianity at that time were without success. In 1573 they are said to have been converted by Pedro Menendez Marques, but later they returned to their primitive beliefs. It was these Indians who, according to Romans (1775), went to Cuba in 1763 along with some others from this coast. Population. Mooney (1928) estimates that in 1650 there were 1,000 Indians on the southeast coast of Florida. According to Romans those who went to Cuba in 1763 had 30 men. Adair (1775) says there were 80 families. Connection in which they have become noted. Although the name has found no topographical lodgement, the Tekesta may be remembered as the earliest known body of people to occupy the site of Miami. Timucua. One contact between the Timucua Indians and Georgia is mentioned later in connection with the Osochi. When the Spaniards first came in contact with them, the Timucua occupied not merely northern and central Florida but Cumberland Island and a part of the adjacent mainland. The Timucua evidently withdrew from this territory as a result of pressure exerted by northern Indians in the latter part of the seventeenth century or the very beginning of the eighteenth. Tocobaga. Meaning unknown, though toco means in Timucua "to come out," "to proceed from." Connections.(See Utina.) Location.About Old Tampa Bay. Villages The main town was at or near Safety Harbor at the head of Old Tampa Bay. History.Narvaez probably landed in the territory of this tribe in 1528, but his chroniclers speak of meeting very few Indians. Eleven years later De Soto's expedition disembarked just south in Tampa Bay but came into little contact with this tribe. Two years after driving the French from St. Johns River in 1565, Menendez visited Tocobaga, and left a captain and 30 soldiers among them, all of whom were wiped out the year following. In 1612 a Spanish expedition was sent to punish the chiefs of Pohoy and

Tocobaga because they had attacked Christian Indians, but spent little time in the latter province. There is no assured reference to a mission nearer than Acuera, nor do the Tocobaga appear among the tribes which participated in the great Timucua revolt of 1656. Ultimately it is probable that they joined the other Timucua and disappeared with them, though they may have united with the Calusa. It is also possible that they are the "Tompacuas" who appear later in the Apalachee country, and if so they may have been the Indians placed in 1726 in a mission near St. Augustine called San Buenaventura under the name "Macapiras" or "Amacapiras." (See Utina.) Population. Unknown. (See Utina.) Connection in which they have become noted. The principal claim to notoriety on the part of the Tocobaga is the fact that Narvaez landed in their country in 1528. Tohome. Said by Iberville to mean "little chief," but this is evidently an error. Connections . They belonged to the southern branch of the Muskhogean linguistic group, their closest relatives being the Mobile. Location. About McIntosh's Bluff on the west bank of Tombigbee River, some miles above its junction with the Alabama. Subdivisions Anciently there were two main branches of this tribe, sometimes called the Big Tohome and Little Tohome, but the Little Tohome are known more often as Naniaba, "people dwelling on a hill," or "people of the Forks;" the latter would be because they were where the Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers unite. Villages No others are known than those which received their names from the tribe and its subdivisions. History. Cartographical evidence suggests that the Tohome may once have lived on a creek formerly known as Oke Thome, now contracted into Catoma, which flows into Alabama River a short distance below Montgomery. When first discovered by the Whites, however, they were living at the point above indicated. In the De Luna narratives (1559-60) the Tombigbee River is called "River of the Tome." Iberville learned of this tribe in April 1700, and sent messengers who reached the Tohome village and returned in May. In 1702 he went to see them himself but seems not to have gone beyond the Naniaba. From this time on Tohome history is identical with that of the Mobile and the two tribes appear usually to have been in alliance although a rupture between them was threatened upon one occasion on account of the murder of a Mobile woman by one of the Tohome. In 1715 a Tohome Indian killed an English trader named Hughes who had come overland from South Carolina, had been apprehended and taken to Mobile by the French and afterward liberated. A bare mention of the tribe occurs in 1763 and again in 1771-72. They and the Mobile probably united ultimately with the Choctaw.

Population. In 1700 Iberville estimated that the Tohome and Mobile each counted 300 warriors, but 2 years later he revised his figures so far that he gave 350 for the two together. In 1730 Regis de Rouillet estimated that there were 60 among the Tohome and 50 among the Naniaba. In 1758 Governor De Kerlerec estimated that the Mobile, Tohome, and Naniaba together had 100 warriors. (See Mobile.) Tukabahchee. One of the four head tribes of the Muskogee (q. v.). Tuskegee. Meaning unknown, but apparently containing the Alabama term tska, "warrior." Connection. The original Tuskegee language is unknown but it was probably affiliated with the Alabama, and hence with the southern branch of Muskhogeans. Location. The later and best known location of this tribe was on the point of land between Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers, but in 1685 part of them were on the Chattahoochee River near modern Columbus and the rest were on the upper Tennessee near Long Island. (See also Oklahoma and Tennessee.) Villages None are known under any except the tribal name. History. In 1540 De Soto passed through a town called Tasqui 2 days before he entered Coosa. In 1567 Vandera was informed that there were two places in this neighborhood near together called Tasqui and Tasquiqui, both of which probably belonged to the Tuskegee. By the close of the seventeenth century the Tuskegee appear to have divided into two bands one of which Coxe (1705) places on an island in Tennessee River. This band continued to live on or near the Tennessee for a considerable period but in course of time settled among the Cherokee on the south side of Little Tennessee River, just above the mouth of Tellico, in the present Monroe County, Tenn. Sequoya lived there in his boyhood. Another place which retained this name, and was probably the site of an earlier settlement was on the north bank of Tennessee River, in a bend just below Chattanooga, while there was a Tuskegee Creek on the south bank of Little Tennessee River, north of Robbinsville, in Graham County, N. C. This band, or the greater part of it, was probably absorbed by the Cherokee. A second body of Tuskegee moved to the location mentioned above where the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers come together. It is possible that they first established themselves among the Creek towns on the Ocmulgee, moved with them to the Chattahoochee in 1715 and finally to the point just indicated, for we have at least two documentary notices of Tuskegee at those points and they appear so situated on a number of maps. It is more likely that these were the Tuskegee who finally settled at the Coosa-Tallapoosa confluence than a third division of the tribe but the fact is not yet established. In 1717 the French fort called Fort Toulouse or the Alabama Fort was built close to this town and therefore it continued in the French interest as long as French rule lasted. After the Creek

removal, the Tuskegee formed a town in the southeastern part of the Creek territories in Oklahoma, but at a later date part moved farther to the northwest and established themselves near Beggs. Population. There are no figures for the Tuskegee division which remained on Tennessee River. The southern band had 10 men according to the estimate of 1750, but this is evidently too low. Later enumerations are 50 men in 1760, 40 in 1761, including those of Coosa Old Town, 25 in 1772 and 1792, 35 in 1799. The census of 1832-33 returned a population of 216 Indians and 25 Negro slaves. Connection in which they have become noted. The name Tuskegee became applied locally to several places in eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina, and one in Creek County, Okla., but the most important place to receive it was Tuskeegee or Tuskegee, the county seat of Macon County, Ala. The Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute for colored people, located at this place, has, under the guidance of the late Booker T. Washington, made the name better known than any other association. Uita, see Pohoy. Utina or Timucua. The first name, which probably refers to the chief and means "powerful," is perhaps originally from uti, "earth," while the second name, Timucua, is that from which the linguistic stock, or rather this Muskhogean subdivision of it, has received its name. Connections. As given above. Location. The territory of the Utina seems to have extended from the Suwannee to the St. Johns and even eastward of the latter, though some of the subdivisions given should be rated as independent tribes. (See Timocua under Georgia.) Towns: Laudonniere (1586) states that there were more than 40 under the Utina chief, but among them he includes "Acquera" (Acuera) and Moquoso far to the south and entirely independent, so that we are uncertain regarding the status of the others he gives, which are as follows. Cadecha, Calanay, Chilili, Eclauou, Molona, Omittaqua, and Onachaquara. As the Utina, with the possible exception of the Potano, was the leading Timucua division and gave its name to the whole, and as the particular tribe to which each town mentioned in the documents belonged cannot be given, it will be well to enter all here, although those that can be placed more accurately will be inserted in their proper places. In De Soto's time Aguacaleyquen or Caliquen seems to have been the principal town. In the mission period we are told that the chief lived at Ayaocuto. Acassa, a town inland from Tampa Bay.

Aguacaleyquen, a town in the province of Utina between Suwannee and Santa Fe Rivers. Ahoica, probably near the Santa Fe River. Alachepoyo, inland from Tampa Bay. Alatico, probably on Cumberland Island. Albino, 40 leagues or 4 days inland from St. Augustine and within 1 1/2 to 2 leagues of two others called Tucuro and Utiaca. Alimacani, on an island of the same name not far north of the mouth of St. Johns River. Amaca, inland from Tampa Bay. Anacapa, in the Fresh Water Province 20 leagues south of St. Augustine. Anacharaqua, location unknown. Antonico, in the Fresh Water Province. Apalu, in the province of Yustaga. Arapaja, 70 leagues from St. Augustine, Probably on Alapaha River. Araya, south of the Withlacoochee River. Archaha, location unknown. Assile, on or near Aucilla River. Astina, location unknown. Atuluteca, probably near San Pedro or Cumberland Island. Ayacamale, location unknown. Ayaocute, in the Utina country 34 leagues from St. Augustine. Ayotore, inland from Cumberland Island and probably southwest. Beca, location unknown. Becao, location unknown. Bejesi, location unknown, perhaps the Apalachee town of Wacissa. Cachipile, 70 leagues west of St. Augustine. acoroy, south of St. Augustine and 1 1/2 leagues from Nocoroco, probably in the Fresh Water Province. Cadecha, allied with Utina. Calany, allied with Utina. Caparaca, south of St. Augustine, southwest of Nocoroco and probably in the Fresh Water Province. Casti, location unknown. Cayuco, near Tampa Bay. Chamini, 70 leagues west of St. Augustine. Chimaucayo, south of St. Augustine. Chinica, 70 leagues from St. Augustine. Cholupaha, south of Aguacaleyquen in the Potano Province. Chuaquin, 60 leagues west of St. Augustine. icale, south of St. Augustine and 3 leagues south of Nocoroco, perhaps in the Fresh Water Province. Cilili, said to be a Utina town. Colucuchia, several leagues south of Nocoroco. Coya, location unknown. Disnica, south of St. Augustine, perhaps should be Tisnica. Ealamototo, on the site of Picolata. Eita, near Tampa Bay, possibly a variant of Oita.

Eclauou, location unknown. Edelano, on an island of the same name in St. Johns River. Elajay, location unknown, perhaps Calusa. Elanogue, in the Fresh Water Province near Antonico. Emola, location unknown. Enecaque, location unknown. Equale, in the Fresh Water Province. Ereze, inland from Tampa Bay. Esquega, a town or tribe on the west coast. Exangue, near Cumberland Island. Filache, in the Fresh Water Province. Guacara, on Suwannee River in northwestern Florida. Guaoco, probably a town on a plain so called in the Urriparacoxi country. Heliocopile, location unknown. Helmacape, location unknown. Hicachirico ("Little town"), one league from the mission of San Juan del Puerto, which was probably at the mouth of St. Johns River in the Saturiwa Province. Hiocaia, the probable name of a town giving its name to a chief, location unknown. Huara, inland from Cumberland Island. Itaraholata, south of Potano, Potano Province. Juraya, a rancheria, apparently in the Timucua territory. Laca, another name for Ealamototo. Lamale, inland from Cumberland Island. Luca, between Tampa Bay and the Withlacoochee River in the Urriparacoxi country. Machaba, 64 leagues from St. Augustine, near the northern border of the Timucua country inland. Maiaca, the town of the Fresh Water Province most distant from St. Augustine, a few leagues north of Cape Canaveral and on St. Johns River. Malaca, south of Nocoroco. Marracou, location unknown. Mathiaqua, location unknown. Mayajuaca, near Maiaca. Mayara, on lower St. Johns River. Mocama, possibly a town on Cumberland Island, province of Tacatacuru, but probably a province. Mogote, south of St. Augustine in the region of Nocoroco. Moloa, on the south side of St. Johns River near its mouth, province of Saturiwa. Napa, on an island one league from Cumberland Island. Napituca, north of Aguacaleyquen, province of Utina. Natobo, a mission station and probably native town 2 1/2 leagues from San Juan del Puerto at the mouth of St. Johns River, province of Saturiwa. Nocoroco, at the mouth of a river, perhaps Halifax River, one day's journey south of Matanzas Inlet, Fresh Water Province. Ocale, in a province of the same name in the neighborhood of the present Ocala. Oita, probably on Terra Ceia Island, on Hillsborough Bay. Onathaqua, a town or tribe near Cape Canaveral.

Osigubede, a chief and probably town on the west coast. Panara, inland from Cumberland Island. Parca, location unknown. Patica, on the seacoast 8 leagues south of the mouth of St. Johns River. Patica, on the west bank of St. Johns River in the Utina territory. Pebe, a chief and probably a town on the west coast. Pentoaya, at the head of Indian River. Perquymaland, south of Nocoroco; possibly the names of two towns, Perqui and Maland, run together. Pia, on the east coast south of Nocoroco. Pitano, a mission station and probably a native town a league and a half from Puturiba. Pohoy, a town or province, or both, at Tampa Bay, and perhaps a synonym of Ocita. Potano, the principal town of the Potano tribe, on the Alachua plains. Potaya, 4 leagues from San Juan del Puerto at the mouth of St. Johns River. Puala, near Cumberland Island. Punhuri, inland from Cumberland Island. Puturiba, probably near the northern end of Cumberland Island, province of Tacatacuru. There was another town of the same name west of the Suwannee River. Sabobche, near the coast south of Nocoroco. Saint Julian, in the Fresh Water Province. San Mateo, about 2 leagues from San Juan del Puerto at the mouth of St. Johns River, province of Saturiwa. San Pablo, about 1 1/2 leagues from San Juan del Puerto, province of Saturiwa. San Sebastian, on an arm of the sea near St. Augustine. Sarauahi, a quarter of a league from San Juan del Puerto. Sena, on an "inlet" north of the mouth of St. Johns River, perhaps Amelia River. Siyagueche, near Cape Canaveral. Socochuno, location unknown. Soloy, not far from St. Augustine and probably on the river called Seloy by the French. Surruque, a town or tribe near Cape Canaveral. Tacatacuru, the name of Cumberland Island and Province, and perhaps of the chief town, on the mainland side of the island near the southern end, 2 leagues from the Barra de San Pedro. Tafocole, inland from Tampa Bay. Tahupa, inland from Cumberland Island. Tanpacaste, a chief and perhaps town north of Pohoy, i.e., north of Tampa Bay. Tarihica, 54 leagues from St. Augustine, and perhaps in the Onatheaqua Province. Tocaste, on a large lake south of the Withlacoochee River, province of Urriparacoxi. Tocoaya, very near Cumberland Island. Tocobaga, the chief town of the province so called, in Safety Harbor, Tampa Bay. Tocoy, in the Fresh Water Province 5 leagues south of St. Augustine. Tolapatafi, probably toward the west coast of the peninsula of Florida near Aucilla River. Toloco, location unknown. Tomeo, near the Fresh Water Province. Tucura, near the Fresh Water Province. Tucuro, see Abino.

Tunsa, possibly a synonym of Antonico. Uachile, a town or tribe in the Yustaga Province, perhaps the mother town of the Osochi. Uqueten, the southernmost village of the province of Ocale on Withlacoochee River entered by De Soto. Urica, 60 leagues from St. Augustine. Uriutina, just north of the river of Aguacaleyquen, perhaps at Lake City. Urubia, near Cape Canaveral and 1 1/2 leagues from the town of Surruque. Utayne, inland from Cumberland Island. Utiaca, see Abino. Utichini, inland from Cumberland Island and within a league and a half of Puturiba. Utinamocharra, 1 day's journey north of Potano, Potano Province. Vera Cruz, half a league from San Juan del Puerto, province of Saturiwa. Vicela, a short distance south of Withlacoochee River, province of Urriparacoxi. Xapuica, near the Guale country, perhaps a synonym of Caparaca. Xatalalano, inland from Cumberland Island. Yaocay, near Antonico in the Fresh Water Province. Ycapalano, inland from Cumberland Island and probably within half a league or a league of Puturiba. Yufera, inland and probably northwest from Cumberland Island. History. The Utina were evidently those Indians occupying the province called Aguacaleyquen which De Soto passed through in 1539. In 1564 the French came in contact with them after the establishment of Fort Caroline. On one occasion they sent a contingent to help them defeat the neighboring Potano. After the Spaniards had supplanted the French, the Timucua allied themselves with the former and in 1576 or 1577 a body of soldiers was sent to support them against several neighboring tribes. They were missionized at a comparatively early date, and afterward followed the fortunes of the rest of the Timucua. Following is a brief over-all sketch of the history of the tribes constituting the Timucuan group. They first came into contact with Europeans during Ponce de Leon's initial expedition in 1513 when the peninsula and subsequently the State received its name. Narvaez in 1525 and De Soto in 1539 passed through the country of the western tribes. Ribault visited those on and near St. Johns River in 1562, and the French settlers of Fort Caroline on that river in 1564-65 were in close contact with them. A considerable part of our knowledge regarding these Indians is contained in the records of that colony. The Spaniards supplanted the French in 1565 and gradually conquered the Timucua tribes while the Franciscans missionized them. Our knowledge of the Timucua language is derived mainly from religious works by the missionaries Pareja and Mouilla and a grammar compiled by the former. During the early half of the seventeenth century the missions were in a flourishing condition but a general rebellion in 1656 occasioned some losses by death and exile. They also suffered severely from pestilences which raged in the missions in 1613-17, 1649-50, and 1672. It is probable that some decline in population took place even before the great rebellion but that and the epidemics occasioned considerable losses. Toward the end of the seventeenth century, however, all the Florida

Indians began to suffer from the invasion of Creek and Yuchi Indians to the northward, and this was accentuated after the break-up of the Apalachee in 1704 by the expedition under Moore. Most of the remaining Timucua were then concentrated into missions near St. Augustine, but this did not secure immunity against further attacks by the English and their Indian allies. Sometime after 1736 the remnants of these people seem to have removed to a stream in the present Volusia County which in the form Tomoka bears their name. Here they disappear from history, and it is probable that they were swallowed up by the invading Seminole. Population.. The Timucua, in the wide extent of the term, are estimated by Mooney (1928) to have numbered 13,000 in 1650 including 3,000 Potano, 1,000 Hostaqua, 8,000 Timucua proper and their allies, and 1,000 Tocobaga. In a letter dated February 2, 1635, it is asserted that 30,000 Christian Indians were connected with the 44 missions then maintained in the Guale and Timucua provinces. While this figure is probably too high, it tends to confirm Mooney's (1928) estimate. In 1675 Bishop Calderon of Cuba states that he confirmed 13,152 in the four provinces of Timucua, Guale, Apalache, and Apalachicoli, but Governor Salazar estimates only 1,400 in the Timucua missions that year. Later, pestilences decimated the Timucua very rapidly, and their ruin was completed by attacks of the English and the northern Indians, so that by 1728 the single town which seems to have contained most of the survivors had but 15 men and 20 women. Eight years later 17 men were reported there. Not long after this time the tribe disappears entirely, though it is highly probable that numbers of individuals who had belonged to it had made their homes with other Indians. As to the Utina tribe by itself, we have a missionary letter dated 1602 which estimates its population as 1,500, in this case probably an understatement. Connection in which they have become noted. This tribe, known as the Utina or Timucua, is noteworthy (1) for having given its name to the peoples of the Timucuan or Timuquanan stock now regarded as part of the Muskogean family, and (2) as having been, next perhaps to the Potano, the most powerful tribe constituting that stock. The Timucuan group has left its name in that of the river above mentioned. Wakokai. A division or subtribe of the Muskogee (q.v.) Wiwohka. A division of the Muskogee made up from several different sources. (See Muskogee.) Yamasee. Meaning unknown, though it has been interpreted by Muskogee ymsi, "gentle." The form given in some early writings, Yamiscaron, may have been derived from a Siouan dialect or from Timucua. Connections . The Yamasee town and chief names indicate plainly that they spoke a Muskhogean dialect and tradition affirms that it was connected most closely with Hitchiti, a contention which may be considered probable.

Location. The earliest references that we have place the Yamasee on Ocmulgee River not far above its junction with the Oconee. They seem to have ranged or extended northeastward of these rivers to or even slightly beyond the Savannah, but always inland. (See also Florida, Alabama, South Carolina.) Subdivisions and Villages: Immediately before the outbreak of the Yamasee War there were the following: Upper Towns: Huspaw, near Huspaw Creek between Combahee River and the Whale Branch. Pocotaligo, near Pocotaligo River. Sadkeche, probably near Salkehatchie, a hamlet at the Atlantic Coast Line crossing of the Combahee River. Tomatly, in the neighborhood of Tomatly, Beaufort County, S.C. Yoa, near Huspaw. Lower Towns: Altamaha, location unknown. Chasee, location unknown. Oketee, probably near one of the places so called on New River, in Jasper and Beaufort Counties, S.C. Pocasabo. Tulafina (?), perhaps near Tulafinny Creek, an estuary of the Coosawhatchie River in Jasper County. Other possible Yamasee settlements were Dawfuskee, Ilcombe, and Peterba. History. The first reference to the Yamasee appears to be a mention of their name in the form Yamiscaron as that of a province with which Francisco of Chicora was acquainted in 1521. The "Province of Altamaha" mentioned by De Soto's chronicler Ranjel in 1540 probably included at least a part of the Yamasee people. For a hundred years afterward the tribe remained practically unnoticed except for a brief visit by a Spanish soldier and two missionaries in 1597, but in 1633 they are reported to have asked for missionaries, and in 1639 peace is said to have been made between the allied Chatot, Lower Creeks, and Yamasee and the Apalachee. In 1675 Bishop Calderon of Cuba founded two missions in the Apalachee country which were occupied by Yamasee or their near relatives. The same year there were three Yamasee missions on the Atlantic coast but one of these may have been occupied by Tamathli. Later they moved nearer St. Augustine but in the winter of 1684-85 some act of the Spanish governor offended them and they removed to South Carolina, where the English gave them lands on the west side of Savannah River near its mouth. Some of these Indians were probably from the old Guale province, but the Yamasee now took the lead. Eighty-seven warriors of this nation took part in Barnwell's expedition against the Tuscarora. In 1715 they rose in rebellion

against the English and killed two or three hundred settlers but were defeated by Governor Craven and took refuge in Florida, where, until the cession of Florida to Great Britain. the Yamasee continued as allies of the Spaniards. Meanwhile their numbers fell off steadily. Some remained in the neighborhood of the St. Johns River until the outbreak of the Seminole War. Some tribes affiliated with the Yamasee settled in the Apalachee country in the latter part of the seventeenth century. The great body came to Florida from South Carolina after their war with the English colonists in 1715, and most of them remained in the northeastern part of the peninsula. Their final appearance is as the Ocklawaha band of Seminole. Part of them moved west, however, and settled near Mobile, and either this or a third party lived among the Creeks for a time, after which they seem to have returned to west Florida, where they were represented by the "Yumersee" town of the Seminole. A considerable number of them were captured by the Creek Indians and incorporated with them. The Oklawaha band of Seminole is said to have been descended from them. Another band accompanied the Apalachee to Pensacola and Mobile, and we find them located near those two places on various charts. They may be identical with those who, shortly afterward, appear among the Upper Creeks on certain maps, though this is the only testimony we have of their presence there. At any rate, these latter are probably the Yamasee found among the Lower Creeks in the nineteenth century and last heard of among the Seminole of west Florida. Of some historical importance is a small band of these Indians who seem to have lived with the Apalachicola for a time, after the Yamasee War, and in 1730 settled on the site of what is now Savannah under the name of Yamacraw. There the Georgia colonists found them three years later, and the relations between the two peoples were most amicable. The name Yamacraw was probably derived from that of a Florida mission, Nombre de Dios de Amacarisse, where some of the Yamasee once lived. Ultimately these Yamacraw are believed to have retired among the Creeks and later may have gone to Florida. Population. It is impossible to separate distinctly the true Yamasee from the Guale Indians. Mooney (1928) gives an estimate of 2,000 in 1650, probably too low. A mission list compiled by Gov. Salazar of Florida in 1675 gives 1,190 Yamasee and Tama. In 1708 the two tribes, united under the name Yamasee, were thought to have 500 men capable of bearing arms. In 1715 a rather careful census gives 413 men and a total population of 1,215. Lists dating from 1726 and 1728 give 313 and 144 respectively in the missions about St. Augustine. A fairly satisfactory Spanish census, taken in 1736, indicates that there were then in the neighborhood of St. Augustine more than 360 Yamasee and Indians of Guale. This does not include the Yamasee near Pensacola and Mobile, those in the Creek Nation, or the Yamacraw. In 1761 a body of Yamasee containing 20 men was living near St. Augustine, but by that time the tribe had probably scattered widely. In 1821 the "Emusas" on Chattahoochee River numbered 20 souls. Connection in which they have become noted. The Yamasee are famous particularly on account of the Yamasee War, which marked an epoch in Indian and White

history in the Southeast. At the end of the seventeenth century a certain stroke was used in paddling canoes along the coast of Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida, which was called the "Yamasee stroke." A small town in Beaufort County, S. C., is called "Yemasee," a variant of this name. There was a band of Yamasee on Mobile Bay shortly after 1716, at the mouth of the River, and such a band is entered on maps as late as 1744. It was possibly this same band which appears among the Upper Creeks during the same century and in particular is entered upon the Mitchell map of 1755. Later they seem to have moved across to Chattahoochee River and later to west Florida, where in 1823 they constituted a Seminole town. (See Florida.) Yuchi. Significance unknown, but perhaps, as suggested by Speck (1909), from a native word meaning "those far away," or "at a distance," though it is also possible that it is a variant of Ochesee or Ocheese, which was applied by the Hitchiti and their allies to Indians speaking languages different from their own. Also called: Ani'-Yu'tsi, Cherokee name. Chiska, probably a Muskogee translation of the name of one of their bands. Hughchee, an early synonym. Round town people, a name given by the early English colonists. Rickohockans, signifying "cavelanders" (Hewitt, in Hodge, 1907), perhaps an early name for a part of them. Tahogalwi, abbreviated to Hogologe, name given them by the Delaware and other Algonquian people. Tamahita, so called by some Indians, perhaps some of the eastern Siouans. Tsoyaha, "People of the sun," their own name, or at least the name of one band. Westo, perhaps a name applied to them by the Cusabo Indians of South Carolina though the identification is not beyond question. Connections. The Yuchi constituted a linguistic stock, the Uchean, distinct from all others, though structurally their speech bears a certain resemblance to the languages of the Muskhogean and Siouan families. Location. The earliest known location of the Yuchi was in eastern Tennessee, perhaps near Manchester, but some of them extended still farther east, while others were as far west as Muscle Shoals. On archeological grounds Prof. T. M. N. Lewis believes that one main center of the Yuchi was on Hiwassee River. We find settlements laid down on the maps as far north as Green River, Kentucky. In later times a part settled in West Florida, near the present Eucheeanna, and another part on Savannah and Ogeechee Rivers. (See also Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and South Carolina.) Subdivisions: There appear to have been three principal bands in historic times: one on Tennessee River, one in West Florida, and one on Savannah River, but only a suggestion of native

band names has survived. Recently Wagner has heard of at least three subdivisional names, including the Tsoyaha, or "Sun People" and the Root People. Villages: Most of their settlements are given the name of the tribe, Yuchi, or one of its synonyms. In early times they occupied a town in eastern Tennessee called by the Cherokee Tsistu'yi, "Rabbit place," on the north bank of Hiwassee River at the entrance of Chestua Creek in Polk County, Tenn., and at one time also that of Hiwassee, or Euphasee, at the Savannah Ford of Hiwassee River. The Savannah River band had villages at Mount Pleasant, probably in Screven County, Ga., near the mouth of Brier Creek, 2 miles below Silver Bluff on Savannah River in Barnwell County; and one on Ogeechee River bearing the name of that stream, though that was itself perhaps one form of the name Yuchi. Hawkins (1848) mentions former villages at Ponpon and Saltketchers in South Carolina, but these probably belonged to the Yamasee. The following Yuchi settlements were established after the tribe united with the Lower Creeks: Arkansaw River, in Oklahoma. Big Pond Town, Polecat Creek, and Sand Creek, in and near Creek County, Okla. Blackjack Town. Deep Fork Creek, Okla. Duck Creek Town. Intatchklgi, on Opilthlako Creek 28 miles above its junction with Flint River, probably in Schley County, Ga. Padshilaika, at the junction of Patchilaika Creek with Flint River, Macon County, Ga. Red Fork, location uncertain. Snake Creek, location uncertain. Spring Garden Town, above Lake George, Fla. Tokogalgi, on Kinchafoonee Creek, an affluent of Flint River, Ga. History. The chroniclers of the De Soto expedition mention the Yuchi under the name Chisca, at one or more points in what is now Tennessee. In 1567 Boyano, an officer under Juan Pardo, had two desperate encounters with these Indians somewhere in the highlands of Tennessee or North Carolina, and, according to his own story, destroyed great numbers of them. In 1670 Lederer (1912) heard of people called Rickohockans living in the mountains who may have been Yuchi, and two white men sent from Virginia by Abraham Wood visited a Yuchi town on a head stream of the Tennessee in 1674. About this time also, English explorers and settlers in South Carolina were told of a warlike tribe called Westo (probably a division of Yuchi) who had struck terror into all of the coast Indians, and hostilities later broke out between them and the colonists. At this juncture, however, a band of Shawnee made war upon the Westo and drove them from the Savannah. For a time they seem to have given themselves up to a roving life, and some of them went so far inland that they encountered La Salle and settled near Fort St. Louis, near the present Utica, Ill. Later some were located among the Creeks on Ocmulgee River, and they removed with them to the Chattahoochee in 1715. Another band of Yuchi came to live on Savannah River about 20 miles above Augusta, probably

after the expulsion of the Westo. They were often called Hogologe. In 1716 they also moved to the Chattahoochee but for a time occupied a town distinct from that of the other Yuchi. It was probably this band which settled near the Shawnee on Tallapoosa River and finally united with them. Still later occurred a third influx of Yuchi who occupied the Savannah between Silver Bluff and Ebenezer Creek. In 1729 a Kasihta chief named Captain Ellick married three Yuchi women and persuaded some of the Yuchi Indians to move over among the Lower Creeks, but Governor Oglethorpe of Georgia guaranteed them their rights to their old land until after 1740, and the final removal did not, in fact, take place until 1751. A still earlier invasion of southern territories by Yuchi is noted by one of the governors of Florida in a letter dated 1639. These invaders proved a constant source of annoyance to the Spaniards. Finally they established themselves in West Florida not far from the Choctawhatchee River, where they were attacked by an allied Spanish and Apalachee expedition in 1677 and suffered severely. They continued to live in the same region, however, until some time before 1761 when they moved to the Upper Creeks and settled near the Tukabahchee. Eucheeanna in Walton County, Fla. seems to preserve their name. The greater part of the Yuchi probably lived at one period in and near the mountains of eastern Tennessee though one band of them was on the Tennessee River just above Muscle Shoals and there is evidence for an early occupation of the Hiwassee Valley. Some remained with the Cherokee until a very late date. The Yuchi probably did not enter South Carolina until after the year 1661. The Westo, whom I consider to have been a part of them, were driven away by the Shawnee in 1681, but there was a band of Yuchi higher up the Savannah River which did not move until 1716, and later another body settled between Silver Bluff and Ebenezer Creek. Hawkins says that they had villages at Ponpon and Saltkechers, but that is all the evidence we have of settlements so far east, and these probably belonged to the Yamassee. In 1729 the Yuchi began to move west to join the Creeks and by 1751 completed the evacuation A certain number of Yuchi remained in the neighborhood of Tennessee River, and at one time they were about Muscle Shoals. They also occupied a town in the Cherokee country, called by the latter tribe Tsistu'y, and Hiwassee at Savannah Ford. In 1714, the former was cut off by the Cherokee in revenge for the murder of a member of their tribe, instigated by two English traders. Later tradition affirms that the surviving Yuchi fled to Florida, but many of them certainly remained in the Cherokee country for a long time afterward, and probably eventually migrated west with their hosts. A small band of Yuchi joined the Seminole just before the outbreak of the Seminole War. They appear first in West Florida, near the Mikasuki but later had a town at Spring Garden in Volusia County. Their presence is indicated down to the end of the war in the Peninsula, when they appear to have gone west, probably reuniting with the remainder of the tribe. The Yuchi who stayed with the Creeks accompanied them west and settled in one body in the northwestern part of the old Creek Nation, in Creek County, Okla.

Population. For the year 1650 Mooney (1928) makes an estimate of 1,500 for the Yuchi in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee, but this does not include the "Westo," for whom, with the Stono, he allows 1,600. The colonial census of 1715 gives 2 Yuchi towns with 130 men and 400 souls, but this probably takes into consideration only I band out of 3 or 4. In 1730 the band still on Tennessee River was supposed to contain about 150 men. In 1760, 50 men are reported in the Lower Creek town and 15 in one among the Upper Creeks. In 1777 Bartram (1792) estimated the number of Yuchi warriors in the lower town at 500 and their total population as between 1,000 and 1,500. In 1792 Marburg (1792) reports 300 men, or a population of over 1,000, and Hawkins in 1799 says the Lower Creek Yuchi claimed 250 men. According to the census of 1832-33 there were 1,139 in 2 towns known to have been occupied by Indians of this connection. In 1909 Speck stated that the whole number of Yuchi could "hardly exceed five hundred," but the official report for 1910 gives only 78. That, however, must have been an underestimate as the census of 1930 reported 216. Owing to the number of Yuchi bands, their frequent changes in location, and the various terms applied to them, an exact estimate of their numbers at any period is very difficult. In the first half of the sixteenth century they may well have numbered more than 5,000. Connection in which they have become noted. The Yuchi have attained an altogether false reputation as the supposed aborigines of the Gulf region. They were also noted for the uniqueness of their language among the Southeastern tongues. The name is preserved in Euchee, a posthamlet of Meigs County, Tenn.; Eucheeanna, a post village of Walton County, Fla.; Euchee (or Uchee) Creek, Russell County, Ala.; Uchee, a post station of Russell County, Ala.; Uchee Creek, Columbia County, Ga.; and an island in Savannah River near the mouth of the latter. A band of Yuchi seems to have lived at a very early date near Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee River, whence they probably moved into east Tennessee. A second body of the same tribe moved from Choctawhatchee River, Fla., to the Tallapoosa before 1760 and established themselves near the Tukabahchee, but they soon disappeared from the historical record. In 1715 the Westo Indians, who I believe to have been Yuchi, settled on the Alabama side of Chattahoochee River, probably on Little Creek. The year afterward another band, accompanied by Shawnee and Apalachicola Indians, established themselves farther down, perhaps at the mouth of Cowikee Creek in Barbour County, and not long afterward accompanied the Shawnee to Tallapoosa River. They settled beside the latter and some finally united with them. They seem to have occupied several towns in the neighborhood in succession and there is evidence that a part of them reached the lower Tombigbee. The main body of Yuchi shifted from the Savannah to Uchee Creek in Russell County between 1729 and 1740 and continued there until the westward migration of the Creek Nation. At a much later date a body of eastern Yuchi joined the Seminole and in 1823 had a settlement called Tallahassee or Spring Gardens 10 miles from Volusia. They probably moved to Oklahoma at the end of the last Seminole war. Yufera. This is the name of a town or group of towns reported as located somewhere inland from Cumberland Island, and perhaps in the present territory of Georgia. The

name is derived through Timucua informants but it may have referred to a part of the Muskogee tribe called Eufaula. Yui. Meaning unknown. Connections. (See Utina.) Location. On the mainland 14 leagues inland from Cumberland Island and probably in the southeastern part of the present state of Georgia. Villages They had five villages but the names of these are either unknown or unidentifiable. History. The name of the Yui appears first in Spanish documents. They were visited by the missionary at San Pedro (Cumberland Island) and appear to have been Christianized early in the seventeenth century. No individual mission bore their name and they are soon lost sight of, their history becoming that of the other Timucua tribes. Population. The missionaries estimated more than 1,000 Indians in this province in 1602. (See Utina.) Yustaga. Meaning unknown. Connections. No words of the Yustaga language have been preserved but circumstantial evidence indicates they belonged to the Timucuan branch of the Muskhogean linguistic stock, although occasionally the provinces of Timucua and Yustaga are spoken of as if distinct. Location. Approximately between Aucilla and Suwannee Rivers somewhat toward the coast. Villages The Yustaga villages cannot be satisfactorily identified though the missions of Asile, San Marcos, Machaba, and San Pedro seem to have belonged to it. History. The Yustaga are first mentioned by Biedma (in Bourne, 1904), one of the chroniclers of De Soto, who gives the title to a "province" through which the Spaniards marched just before coming to Apalachee. While the French Huguenots were on St. Johns River, some of them visited this tribe, and later it is again mentioned by the Spaniards but no mission bears the name. Its history is soon merged in that of the Timucuan peoples generally. The last mention of the name appears to be in 1659. It is of particular interest as the province from which the Osochi Indians who settled among the Lower Creeks probably emigrated in 1656 or shortly afterward. Population. In 1675, 40 Indians were reported in the mission of Asile and 300 in each of the others, giving a total very close to Mooney's (1928) estimate of 1,000 as of the year 1600.

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