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Constitutional Law 1 Bar Questions (Up To Article VI)

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Part 1 One advantage of a written Constitution is its A. reliability. B. permanence. C. flexibility. D. expediency.

Upon endorsement from the Senate where it was first mistakenly filed, the House of Representatives Committee on Justice found the verified complaint for impeachment against the President sufficient in form but insufficient in substance. Within the same year, another impeachment suit was filed against the President who questioned the same for being violative of the Constitution. Is the President correct? A. No, initiated means the Articles of Impeachment have been actually filed with the Senate for trial; this did not yet happen. B. No, the first complaint was not deemed initiated because it was originally filed with the Senate. C. Yes, the dismissal of the first impeachment proceeding bars the initiation of another during the same term of the President. D. Yes, no impeachment proceeding can be filed against the President more than once within a year. Carlos, a foreign national was charged with and convicted of a serious crime in State X and sentenced to life imprisonment. His country applied for relief with the International Court of Justice (ICJ), arguing that State X did not inform Carlos of his right under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention to be accorded legal assistance by his government. State X, as signatory to the Vienna Convention, agreed to ICJ's compulsory jurisdiction over all disputes regarding the interpretation or application of the Vienna Convention. ICJ ruled that State X violated its obligation to provide consular notification to the foreign national's country. ICJ also required State X to review and reconsider the life sentence imposed on the foreign national. State X then wrote the United Nations informing that it was withdrawing from the Optional Protocol on Vienna Convention and was not bound by the ICJ decision. What principle of international law did State X violate? A. Pacta Sunt Servanda B. Act of State Doctrine C. Protective Principle D. Jus Cogens The President's appointment of an acting secretary although Congress is in session is A. voidable. B. valid. C. invalid. D. unenforceable. In the exercise of its power of legislative inquiries and oversight functions, the House of Representatives or the Senate may only ask questions

A. that the official called is willing to answer. B. that are relevant to the proposed legislation. C. to which the witness gave his prior consent. D. material to the subject of inquiry. Where a candidate for the Senate stated in his certificate of candidacy that he is single, when he is very much married, though separated, his certificate of candidacy A. may be canceled. B. will subject him to a quo warranto action. C. remains valid. D. may be denied due course. When the Supreme Court nullified the decisions of the military tribunal for lack of jurisdiction, it excluded from their coverage decisions of acquittal where the defendants were deemed to have acquired a vested right. In so doing, the Supreme Court applied A. the operative fact doctrine. B. the rule against double jeopardy. C. the doctrine of supervening event. D. the orthodox doctrine. The President issued an executive order directing all department heads to secure his consent before agreeing to appear during question hour before Congress on matters pertaining to their departments. Is the executive order unconstitutional for suppressing information of public concern? A. No, because those department heads are his alter egos and he is but exercising his right against selfincrimination. B. Yes, the President cannot control the initiative of the department heads to conform with the oversight function of Congress. C. Yes, the President cannot withhold consent to the initiative of his department heads as it will violate the principle of check and balance. D. No, the President has the power to withhold consent to appearance by his department heads during question hour. A government that actually exercises power and control as opposed to the true and lawful government is in terms of legitimacy A. a government of force. B. an interim government. C. a de facto government. D. an illegitimate government The Special Committee on Naturalization is headed by A. the Secretary of Justice. B. the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. C. the National Security Adviser. D. the Solicitor General.

A candidate for Senator must be at least 35 years old on A. the day he is duly proclaimed. B. the day the election is held. C. the day he files his certificate of candidacy. D. the day he takes his oath of office.

Part II Constitution is defined by Cooley as: a. a body of statutory, administrative and political provisions by which the three branches of government are defined; b. a body of rules and maxims in accordance with which the powers of sovereignty are habitually exercised; c. a body of rules and edicts emanating from the rulings of courts and written guidelines of the executive and the legislature by which government is governed; d. a body of interpretations and rules by which the three branches of government are judged for purposes of sovereign compliance with good corporate governance. The three essential parts of a Constitution are: a. the bill of rights, governmental organization and functions, and method of amendment; b. the preamble, the bill of rights, and provisions on checks and balances; c. the national territory, the declaration of principles and state policies, and the transitory provisions; d. the executive department, the legislative department and the judiciary. The Constitution declares that the Philippines is a republican state. Republicanism means: a. b. c. d. the form of government must be presidential; the representatives of the government are elected by the people; sovereignty resides in the elected representatives of the government; the form of government cannot be changed by the people.

A chief characteristic of the presidential form of government is: a. concentration of power in the judiciary thru the power of expanded judicial review; b. supremacy of the presidency compared to the totality of powers of the legislative; c. regular periodic election of the President for a fixed term; d. unlimited term for the President for as long as elected by the people in free and honest elections. Which of the following best exemplifies how the system of checks and balances is carried out:

a. the legislature passes a law that prohibits the president from commuting a judiciary imposed sentence, as a check of the president; b. the President pardons a convict as a way to set aside or modify a judgment of the judiciary; c. the judiciary overturns a pardon granted by the President as a check on executions; d. the President pardons an accused after arraignment in the interest of justice. Which phrase best completes the statement The starting point of the principle of separation of powers is the assumption of the division of the functions of government into three distinct classes: a. the bill of rights, state policies, and social justice and human rights; b. the accountability of public officers, the constitutional commissions, and the national economy and patrimony; c. the self-executing provisions, the non-self-executing provisions, and the self-evident social justice provisions; d. the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. Basic Philippine law, in respect of the modes of acquiring citizenship, follows the rule(s) of: a. b. c. d. jus soli and jus sanguinis; naturalization and provides for jus soli; jus sanguinis and provides for naturalization; none of the above.

The rule in Article V1, Section 5 (3) of the Constitution that "Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as practicable, contiguous, compact and adjacent territory" is a prohibition against: a. b. c. d. re-apportionment; commandeering of votes; gerrymandering; re-districting.

Article V1, Section 5(3) of the Constitution requires that for a city to be entitled to have at least one representative, its population shall be at least: a. b. c. d. 250,000; 150,000; 100,000; 175,000.

A Senator or Member of the House of Representatives shall be privileged from arrest while Congress is in session for all offenses punishable by imprisonment of not more than:

a. b. c. d.

life imprisonment; reclusion perpetua; six years imprisonment; four years imprisonment.

No Senator or member of the House of Representatives may personally appear as counsel before: a. b. c. d. any regional court; any court of justice; any inferior court; any appellate court.

Which of the following can be changed by an ordinary law enacted by Congress? a. b. c. d. Commencement of the term of office of Senators; Date of regular election for President and Vice Presidential; Authority to transfer appropriation; Regular election of the members of Congress

Congress shall have the sole power to declare the existence of a state of war by vote of: a. b. c. d. three-fourths of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting jointly; two-thirds of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting jointly; two-thirds of both Houses in separate session assembled, voting jointly; two-thirds of both Houses in joint session, voting separately.

The requirement that "Every bill shall embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the title thereof" prevents: a. b. c. d. rollercoaster legislation; log-rolling legislation; rolling fields legislation; loggerhead legislation.

When the Supreme Court sits en banc, cases are decided by the concurrence of a majority of the members who: a. b. c. d. actually sent in memos on matters for deliberation and called in their votes thereon; actually participated in the oral arguments and voted thereon; actually took part in the deliberations on the issues in the case and voted thereon; actually took part in the voting thereon and took notes on the actual deliberations.

Congressman Sugar Oll authored a bill called House Bill No, 0056 which legalizes jueteng. When the Bill became law (RA 10156), Fr. Nosu Gal, a priest, filed a petition seeking for the nullification of RA 10156 on the ground that it is unconstitutional as it violates Section 13, Article II, of the 1987 Constitution which states that "The state recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being". Fr. Gal filed the petition as a concerned citizen and as taxpayer. Does Fr. Gal have locus standi? a. No, because Fr. Gal has no personal and substantial interest that will be prejudiced by the implementation of the law; b. No, the law concerns neither citizens nor expenditure of public funds; c. Yes, because the issue is of transcendental importance; d. Yes, because as priest, Fr. Gal has special interest in the well-being of the youth. The "operative fact" doctrine of constitutional law is applied when a law is declared: a. b. c. d. operative; factual; constitutional; unconstitutional.

The totality of governmental power is contained in three great powers: a. b. c. d. police power, power of sequestration, power of foreign policy; power of immigration, municipal power, legislative power; executive power, legislative power, judicial power; police power, power of eminent domain, power of taxation.

An ex post facto law has been defined as one: a. b. c. d. which aggravates a crime or makes it lesser than when it was committed; which mitigates a crime or makes it lesser than when it was committed; which aggravates a crime or makes it greater than when it was committed; which aggravates a crime or makes it non-criminal after it was committed.

A bill of attainder is: a. b. c. d. an executive act which inflicts punishment without tender; a judicial act which inflicts punishment without tender; a legislative act which inflicts punishment without trial; a legislative act which pardons punishment after tender.

Which has the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment:

a. b. c. d.

the Senate; the House of Representatives; the Senate President; the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

At least one-third of all the members of the House of Representatives may file articles of impeachment by: a. b. c. d.
Part III The dictatorial regime of President A of the Republic of Gordon was toppled by a combined force led by Gen. Abe, former royal guards and the secessionist Gordon Peoples Army. The new government constituted a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to look into the serious crimes committed under President As regime. After the hearings, the Commission recommended that an amnesty law be passed to cover even those involved in mass killings of members of indigenous groups who opposed President A. International human rights groups argued that the proposed amnesty law is contrary to international law. Decide with reasons. (4%)

verified bill and resolution; verified complaint and resolution; verified notice and resolution; verified complaint and notice.

Congresswoman A is a co-owner of an industrial estate in Sta. Rosa, Laguna which she had declared in her Statement of Assets and Liabilities. A member of her political party authored a bill which would provide a 5-year development plan for all industrial estates in the Southern Tagalog Region to attract investors. The plan included an appropriation of 2 billion pesos for construction of roads around the estates. When the bill finally became law, a civil society watchdog questioned the constitutionality of the law as it obviously benefitted Congresswoman As industrial estate. Decide with reasons. (3%) The Poverty Alleviation and Assistance Act was passed to enhance the capacity of the most marginalized families nationwide. A financial assistance scheme called conditional cash transfers was initially funded 500 million pesos by Congress. One of the provisions of the law gave the Joint-Congressional Oversight Committee authority to screen the list of beneficiary families initially determined by the Secretary of Department of Social Welfare and Development pursuant to the Department implementing rules. Mang Pandoy, a resident of Smokey Mountain in Tondo, questioned the authority of the Committee. a. Does Mang Pandoy have legal standing to question the law?(2%) b. Is the grant of authority to the Oversight Committee to screen beneficiaries constitutional? (3%)
Rudy Domingo, 38 years old, natural-born Filipino and a resident of the Philippines since birth, is a Manila-based entrepreneur who runs KABAKA, a coalition of peoples organizations from fisherfolk communities. KABAKAs operations consist of empowering fisherfolk leaders through livelihood projects

and trainings on good governance. The Dutch Foundation for Global Initiatives, a private organization registered in The Netherlands, receives a huge subsidy from the Dutch Foreign Ministry, which, in turn is allocated worldwide to the Foundations partners like KABAKA. Rudy seeks to register KABAKA as a party-list with himself as a nominee of the coalition. Will KABAKA and Rudy be qualified as a party-list and a nominee, respectively? Decide with reasons. (4%)

The House Committee on Appropriations conducted an inquiry in aid of legislation into alleged irregular and anomalous disbursements of the Countrywide Development Fund (CDF) and Congressional Initiative Allocation (CIA) of Congressmen as exposed by X, a Division Chief of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). Implicated in the questionable disbursements are high officials of the Palace. The House Committee summoned X and the DBM Secretary to appear and testify. X refused to appear, while the Secretary appeared but refused to testify invoking executive privilege. a. May X be compelled to appear and testify? If yes, what sanction may be imposed on him? (2%) b. Is the Budget Secretary shielded by executive privilege from responding to the inquiries of the House Committee? Explain briefly. If the answer is no, is there any sanction that may be imposed upon him? (3%) Define/explain the following: a. Doctrine of operative facts (1%) b. National Territory (10%) c. Social Justice (10%)
A was a career Ambassador when he accepted an ad interim appointment as Cabinet Member. The Commission on Appointments bypassed his ad interim appointment, however, and he was not reappointed. Can he re-assume his position as career Ambassador? (5%)

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