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Project Management - Instructions For The Trainer

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Training Project Management / Seminar Planning


Number of participants: 11 - 25

Duration: 3 - 4 hours (depending on evaluation) Material needed:

IFP Brochure Text Markers, Pens Problem Cards (to be filled in by trainer during the game) Cards (to be filled in by the teams during evaluation, and to be put on chronological table) Team Labels Materials for the teams (6 copies each): "Your Task", Task definition for teams, evaluation Chronological Table (big, at least 2 flip chart papers) Flip Chart papers for evaluation: - motivation diagram - table: motivation killers/ boosters - team chart - Table: problems/ solutions - role of the Head of OC Handout: "Some Theory on Project Management"

Preparation of the room:

prepare 5 tables for the teams hang up chronological table (big, 2 flip chart pages minimum !)

Course of the Training

1. Opening / Warming-up: (10 min) (15 min)

2. Introduction to the Training:

Explain the following: The task is, to plan a fictional Seminar which will take place in 6 months from now. In our game, each month equals 15 min, so that the 6 months will be over in 1.5 hours. The game ends with day 1 of the seminar. You will be split up in teams, assigned for either: Academic Programme, Marketing, Logistics, Finance, and Social Programme. In addition to that, we will need one Head of OC. Each team has to: first define their own tasks, and second, after having defined the tasks, start "implementing" or "fulfilling" them. (Whenever the "outside world" is involved, like sponsors or printers or hotels etc., you can "fulfil" them by telling the trainer: who you have approached or written a letter, and for which purpose. So the trainer serves as a "mailbox". The trainer will then also be the one who "sends" you the replies.)

Project management/ Seminar planning

Trainer instructions

In order to do your job properly, you will need information from the other teams, and will have to forward information to other teams or to the head of OC. For this purpose, you can go over to other teams/ head of OC and ask/ tell. But only one member of your team is allowed to communicate with other teams at a time. During the whole 1.5 hours, there will be unforeseen situations or problems, to which you will have to react and might have to change your plans accordingly. Like in real life, the information will not necessarily reach the relevant team first, but might be told to some other team who then will have to forward the information to all relevant people. Let whole group determine the main facts: (write on top corner of chronological table) - Seminar Topic: within the IFP (concrete topic to be determined during the game) - Number of participants - Duration - Date: 6 months from now (write start date of seminar) - City (not necessary)

3. Game

(1.5 hours + Teambuilding game)

Tasks of the trainer: Monitor time (15 min = 1 month => 1.5 hrs) , announce whenever one month is over Put in problem cards (for suggestions, see table below, page 3) Reply to sponsor-, hotel-, printer- or any other approaches made by the participants After 30 min: Distribute hand-out ("A project management training has helped you to define your tasks more clearly...") to the teams After 45 min (= 3 months): short teambuilding game (suggest it to head of OC and explain that there will be a time-out during the teambuilding. If he agrees, ask him to summon the participants.)

4. Evaluation

(1 - 2 hours, depending on circumstances)

Each team to fill in the evaluation forms, and to write all tasks that they have fulfilled on cards. (Head of OC only to fill in evaluation form) Explain that the cards will later be put onto a big chronological table, to see which tasks have to be done when, and which tasks depend on each other. During the time when the teams fill in the evaluation forms, hang up the necessary flip charts: - motivation diagram - table: motivation killers/ boosters - team chart - Table: problems/ solutions - role of the Head of OC Each team (and last also Head of OC) presents their evaluation: 1. Presentation of the tasks they had fulfilled 2. Put cards onto chronological table 3. Explanation of motivation curve, motivation killers/ booster 4. Team chart, role of Head of OC 5. Problems / Solutions during the game Discussion with other participants, if necessary Distribute handout ("Some Theory on Project Management"); explain to the extent necessary
Project management/ Seminar planning

Trainer instructions

Project management/ Seminar planning

Trainer instructions

Possible Problems: Finance Marketing Academic Programme one speaker cancels short-term, due to sudden illness Other student organisation plans event on similar topic within the very same week offered seminar room has no microphones, but you may rent some for 25 EURO per day Logistics Relating whole group One of the teams is completely exhausted, meets in your favourite pub. They get totally wasted and wake up at the police station where they'll have to stay for a couple of days if you don't find a good excuse for them. Love-drama within the group

Tax adviser informs you that there is 35% tax on each donation/ sponsorship received IB calls you to tell that the seminar cannot be announced as ELSA seminar if maximum participation fee is exceeded Well-known law-firm offers a lot of sponsorship, if they in return get half an hour between the lectures to present their firm to the audience approached sponsor agrees to give money if offered exclusivity other sponsor agrees if they can also have one of their partners as speaker/ lecturer Trouble with IB / Other NG's: you have violated Fundraising regulations! Important spelling mistake in marketing material: 100 brochures/ posters printed in vain 5.000 EURO-offer by firm of ELSA senior you receive in-kind sponsorship

Press representatives want to participate - if invited to a nice dinner Printer calls to tell that seminar posters will not be ready in time.

approached hotel/ youth hostel doesn't have enough free rooms available 10 Italians apply - but don't speak English 10 applicants cancel short-term Sponsors and patrons of ELSA International unexpectedly want to participate in opening ceremony because of recent strikes, petrol prices double right before the seminar starts car breaks down; to repair it costs 300 EURO weather forecast says it's gonna be bed weather during the whole week.

Patronage of important person confirmed Copy Shop sponsors 1000 leaflets well-known newspaper publishes a big article on the event on prominent page

the top speaker has confirmed University wants to support the event academically

Hilton offers 20 double rooms for half-price 3 Shuttle buses sponsored

Teambuilding weekend was great (distribute chocolate/ drinks)

Project management/ Seminar planning

Trainer instructions

Project management/ Seminar planning

Trainer instructions

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