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1 Faisal Plasma Proteins

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Plasma Proteins

General properties and selected examples

Faisal Khatib MD; PhD Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan

Harpers Biochemistry Chapter 49

Plasma is Obtained from Centrifuged Blood

Plasma vs. serum Blood with anticoagulant

spin blood
Serum liquid separate into 2 parts

Clotted blood


Separation of Components

Plasma = Less Dense Platelets / WBCs Hematocrit Packed Cells More Dense

Components of Plasma
Blood plasma Consists of:
Water 90% Plasma Proteins 6-8 % Electrolytes (Na+ & Cl-) 1%

Other components:
Nutrients (e.g. Glucose and amino acids) Hormones (e.g. Cortisol, thyroxine) Wastes (e.g. Urea) Blood gases (e.g. CO2, O2)

Plasma Proteins
Plasma Proteins: A complex mixture that includes hundreds of proteins albumin globulins fibrinogen

Plasma Proteins
Maintaining colloid osmotic balance (albumin) Buffering pH changes Transport of materials through blood (such as water-insoluble hormones) Antibodies (e.g. gamma globulins, immunoglobulins) Clotting factors (e.g. fibrinogen) Antiproteases

Separation of Plasma Proteins

Solubility Salting out Electrophoresis Isoelectric Focusing Use of antibodies

Fractions of Plasma Proteins

Fraction amount(%) c (g/l)

Albumins: albumin pre-albumin


52 58 2.4 4.4

34 50 2-4

1-globulins: thyroxin-binding globulin, transcortin, 1-acid glycoprotein, 1-antitrypsin, 1-lipoprotein (HDL), 1-fetoprotein

2-globulins: haptoglobin, macroglobulin,

6 10 8.5 14.5 10 21

59 6 11

-globulins: transferrin, hemopexin, lipoprotein (LDL), fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, C3 and C4 components of the complement system
-globulins: IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, IgE

8 15

Polymorphism of Plasma Proteins

The presence of two or more genetic variants of the same protein. The variants are encoded by a single locus. The variant appears in at least 1% of the population. The variants differ slightly in their amino acid sequence. Migrate differently under electrophoresis.

Acute Phase Proteins

Levels of certain proteins increase during acute inflammatory states Level also increase chronic inflammatory states

Elevation vary from 50% to 1000 fold These proteins play a role in bodys response to inflammation Examples: C-reactive protein, 1-antitrypsin, haptoglobin

Half-life of Plasma Proteins

Each protein has a characteristic half life Determination of half-life Isolate protein
- Label with 131I - Determine its radioactivity - inject into a normal subject - Withdraw blood sample at various time intervals The time for radioactivity to decline from its peak value to one half of its peak value

Most plasma proteins are glycoproteins

60 % of the total plasma proteins. Level varies with age 3.4-4.7 g/100ml 12 grams are produced daily in the liver
25 % of the total protein synthesis by liver, one half of the secreted proteins.

69 kDa (One polypeptide chain, 585 A. Acids) Half-life ~ 20 days

Synthesis of Albumin
Preproalbumin signal peptide Proalbumin hexapeptide Albumin

Albumin Structure

69 kDa

Ellipsoidal shape Partial digestion with protease three domains Highly polar with three hydrophobic clefts Anionic at pH 7.4 with 20 negative charges

Albumin is responsible for 80 % of the Colloidal pressure


Albumin binds to a variety of substances

Free fatty acids Bilirubin Some steroid hormones Some drugs like:
Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) Sulfonamide

Ca2+ Cu+

Binding of drugs to albumin can result in drug-drug interaction

A and B are two drugs that bind to albumin




Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+



Decreased concentration of albumin

Inadequate source of amino acids.
Malnutrition and muscle wasting.

Liver disease
Total protein can be normal ( globulin, albumin)

Gastrointestinal loss
Leakage of fluid from inflamed or diseased mucosa

Renal disease
Penetration of albumin through glomerulus


Absence of Albumin from the plasma Rare condition Defect in the processing of mRNA of albumin Autosomal recessive inheritance Moderate edema
Compensation by synthesis of other plasma proteins

Migrates ahead of albumin Combines with T4 (Thyroxine) and T3 Retinol binding protein Short half life (2 Days) Sensitive marker of poor protein nutrition Decreased in Hepatic damage Tissue necrosis


Also known as 1-antitrypsin Inhibits trypsin, elastase, and other proteases ~52 kDa Glycoprotein
( 394 A.Acids with 3 oligosaccharide chains)

> 90% of the 1fraction of human plasma

Principal serine protease inhibitor

1-Antiproteinase (polymorphism)
Many polymorphic forms The major genotype is MM Alleles PiM, PiS, PiZ, PiF Deficiency can develop a lung disease (emphysema)
Individuals with ZZ genotype and PiSZ heterozygotes Individuals with MS or MZ genotype usually not affected


Tissue damage in 1-antitrypsin deficiency + pulmonary inflammation

Leukocytes === Elastase 1-antitrypsin Leukocytes === Elastase 1-antitrypsin

Inactive Elastase

Active Elastase

Lung tissue not affected

Tissue damage

Smoking in top of 1-antitrypsin deficiency

Specific methionine (met 358) is involved in binding 1-antitrypsin to proteinase Smoking oxidizes this methionine Oxidized can not inhibit proteinases Individuals with PiZ phenotype at higher risk.


1-antitrypsin deficiency liver disease

Polymerization of ZZ molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes Aggregation is due to interaction between a loop in one molecule and a prominent pleated sheet in another molecule. 1-antitrypsin is not released from cells == Liver cirrhosis in 10 % of patients

Loop-sheet ploymerization of the ZZ molecules

Prominent pleated sheet in the Z molecules Molecule of the M phenotype


Haptoglobin (Hp)
2 glycoprotein (90kDa) Synthesized mainly by hepatocytes Two kinds of polypeptide chains
Two chains One chain

Three polymorphic forms

Hp 1-1, Hp 2-1, Hp 2-2 Polymorphism is associated with many inflammatory diseases.

Acute phase protein

Level in a variety of inflammatory states, also in burn, nephrotic syndrome

Haptoglobin Function
Binding of free hemoglobin 10% of the Hb degraded each day is released into the plasma Hb (65 kDa) Hb:Hp Complex (155 kDa) Kidney


Uptake by liver


Haptoglobin level
Measured as Hb binding capacity
Normally 40-180 mg of Hb binding capacity

Level in hemolytic anemia Hb-Hp complex has shorter half-life than that of Hp
t1/2 of Hp 5 days t1/2 of Hb-Hp 90 minutes

Hb-Hp complex is cleared 80 times faster than Hp

1-fetoprotein (AFP)
Was first discovered in the serum of the fetus. Very low level in adult. Detectable in the maternal blood in pregnancy Elevated level in some congenital defects Low level increased risk of Downs syndrome High level in many cases of liver cancer


Large protein 720 kDa Tetramer of 4 identical chains 8-10 % of the total plasma proteins Synthesized by
Monocytes Hepatocytes Astrocytes

Level varies with age, gender Increased level in nephrotic syndrome

Pan proteinase inhibitor
Trypsin, pepsin, plasmin, thrombin inhibitor of
Coagulation Fibrinolysis

Forms complex with the proteinase followed by clearance

Binding to many cytokines (signal molecules) and directing them to their target cells


2-globulin (160 kDa) Binds copper
Tight binding 90% of the plasma copper ( 6 atoms/molecule) Albumin binds the remaining 10%

Has oxidase activity (ferroxidase) Low level in Wilson disease.

Copper: an essential trace element

Daily intake 2-4 mg Body contains ~ 100 mg Cofactor for a number of enzymes
Cytochrome oxidase, amine oxidase Can alternate between Cu2+ and Cu+

Excess Copper copper can be harmful Metallothioneins, a group of small proteins regulate tissue level of copper


C-Reacrive Protein
Undetectable in healthy individuals In patients with diverse inflammatory diseases
Acute rheumatic fever, bacterial infection, gout .. Tissue damage

Reacts with C substance ( polysaccharide in Pnumococci and molecular groups on a wide variety of bacteria


Blood Overview plasma ~55% of blood H2O plasma proteins ions nutirents wastes hormones 92% 7%

Blood plasma proteins: albumins 60% of plasma proteins made in liver transport: fatty acids hormones other stuff


Blood plasma proteins: globulins 35% of plasma proteins two types immunoglobulins aka., antibodies (Ab) transport globulins (thyroid H) hormone-binding metalloaproteins (iron) apolipoproteins (lipids) steroid-binding (testosterone)

Causes of decreased plasma albumin:

I. Decreased synthesis A. malnutrtion B. malabsorption C. advanced chronic liver disease Abnormal distribution or dilution A. overhydration B. increased capillary permeability like in septicemia


III. Abnormal excretion or degradation A. nephrotic syndrome B. burns C. hemorrhage D. certain catabolic states E. loss of protein from the digestive tract IV. Rare congenital defects A. hypoalbuminemia B. analbuminemia


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