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Flow through'' sudden or abrupl expansion i n a pi ping
sys1cm (see f ig. 11.1) gi ves rise to an increase i n static
pressure :;11 lbc cxpcase drop in kinc1ic energy. A
-potential" core rorros in the expanded Initially
the <.'\lrC hm relatively flat ' 'clocity prolilc. ' fhi :; core
spreads out aod is sepan:w::d from the remainiog lluid
by a .surfncc of .separation which dis-i n tcgrtttts into pow
erful eddies in a recirctlation or rreemi xingstall region.
11te eddies develop and gradually disappear. and the
core C]ep:tnds radiaiJy over t he sect ion unlil
ment to the wall occurs.
Many experi mental i nvcscigatinns hnve been cQn
duc.ted ror collfil\ed Oow i n sudden expansions (some
ti mes referred to as backward fndng steps). Test
show tb:.H for inc-ompressible. fully dew:Joped curbulent
Row i n ducts the reattachment length-to-step
height nuio, US. mn.,ge.s from 6 10 9. Many :'l uthor.s
assume l hat complete pressure recovery takes place at
t he reattachment point. Huwevcr, bcytmd the reattach-
melt point. the velocity profile con(inucs to change
until a moderately de.velopc:d turbulent llow profi le il>
ac; bieved :t dist:tnce ratios US on lhc order of 12-16.
Usi ng a divergent connecting passage. or to
n1:1kc the trM.silion from :t p:t.ssagc of .snwllcr crt:m.s
sec{ion to a passage of larger cross section can substau-
tiall )' reduce cxpunsiun losses. The pri mury purpo.-;c of
a diffuser is to COR\'ert ki neticenergy or now (or dynamic into Static pressure (or static head) with minimum
loss of totnl pressure. Much dal:'l, iotim:;ately rci:Hcd to
the prestn(e or absence or llow separation. or stall. are
in the literature on tbe performance and
design of straight.two-. <tnd three-di mcnsiona I di(f users.
Herein, we :.rc simply concerned wilh loss of toWI I>rcs
sure. or the loss coefficient. of three-di mensional diffus-
ers., with ()r wilhout appreciable
The infonMltjon presetHed in this chapter is based
on i m.x)mpressibh: tl uw. The informatiun is un
symmetrictll i nlet conditions be1ween the extremes or
uniform tmd or fully devel oped turbule-nt Row
ac rhc inlcl to chc reasonable
length of downstream Stl'aight 1>ipe. Data on a number
,,r inlet anti outlet Rnw c()ntl ition.s nHI\' be fnuntl in the
literature (see I he section .. Further Re.ading .. at the end
of this chapte-r).
A sudden :txh;ymmctric expansion is shown in Figure
L 1.2. 11te energy, momentum. attd continuity equations
are applied to predict through the sudden cxpim
sion. Whi le focus is directed to (l single circul;:.r p;:.ssag,c.
this treatment is general and applies to both single and
mulliplc passngc CXI)ansi<) ns, The p:ts.Sttg,c m11y :.ctuall y
be of any cross-sectional shape.
In the cons lunt density fl uid the conlinui ty rela-
ti onship for now nne tV through the control volume
is giYc.n by:
P'(u: F/(ltt': A ProfC/I('(Ii mul fin;t Edil i(ln, I)Qn_,1ld C. und Holum M.
{) 20t2 John Wiley Sons. Inc. Pubtislld 2012 lly John \Viky Inc.
'"--""- .
.... - .... rc-.. --= : -= .-
HGURE U.l. SuddC"n
------ - -







t'IGVRE 11.2. Sudden cxpunsion.
In J') l':tclicc, the \'Ciocily discriblHiOil unifonn
or flat 0\CI the (TOSS sec.-tion. for the mo1nen1. assume
uniform profile a1 rhe 1nle1 and c:dt of the
roncrol \Oiume. The balance is &I\ en by:
P, Pz. Vl
- +-=-+-+11,.
p. Zg p. 2g
SoiYi ng ro the head loss fl, g.i\cs:
( 11.2)
Ntbselt ji)J>rO\ed expcrimenlally !hat f01 subsoic Row
the prc. ... on the fa: of the enlargement
is equaJ lo tbe S-talic pressure in I he .s1renm ;ust prior to
npaMiun. Auumin! lhal lhc pt."Murcs: P
and p. Me C:\cnly distributed O\'er 1hc <urfac:e:s ab and
cd, and thai the wall tru.:tion along
!he control \'Oiumc arc negligible, the momentum
b:tlrtnce across the t.-ontrol ' ' Oiume is p.ivcn l>y:
( 11.3)
and liUbSllluting k
= p .. A:o V: f1om the t"Ontinuily equa-
rioo (l!q. 11 . 1) inlo Equation 11.3
r.-P: Vl-v,v,
- =
p. 8
Subslilution or Uquation 11.4 in1o Equation 11.2 ghcs:
II Vl -ZV1Vz+Vl
t 2g
- V,)'
which is 11 furmulu of curly annlyticnl
and is 1crmcd the Borda- Carnol equ<HiOil, nl'tcr those
who conll'ihulctl to its ori ginal llc\'tlopmcnt. l)ortla
f21 W<L" the fin.t 10 understand 1hc J)rO
ce-ss and 10 rind o mathematical solulion. 1 h) (or-
mula, in the \'C: n.ion of Carnot. is s till valid in modem
Suhl..tuuuon of lhc oontanuily rci&IIOn'-htJb inlu
Equation 11-i and lcuing 11,. ::; K,V,
K, (I - A,! A,)' = (1-Jl')'. (11.6)
where the heto rmio {J is etJualto the ratio ot the
diamcll.: l'10 I he lllrgc: dwmcter,ur

is the rtu11i I
iar CtJUnl lcln l'or the loss coefticient or '-' suthiCil cxp:m
sitm. The p.cncrally applies these cquatio11S
without o CCll'rcc:tton coctflcicm (see Seclion 2.(,).1 he
Borda-Cn1 nm equation is ploued in Diagrnm l l. l. l ' his
is 3n tmJ)()f1nnl equahon m p1pc Row :!'l he Ultlity
of lhe sudden t"1mnsion equalioo is e"ident 1hroug.hou1
9 through 14. The Borda-("amcu equ.attcm ha.'
been uperimentall) confirmed ror no"
many O\c:r lhc )"tarS.
tn prktlce, the \' doclty profile entering a
expansion not always unirorm ot follows 1hc power
htw. Thi-. nffcct:-. I he :u:1u:1I IO$SC!:i nnd cnn cnn-.idcmhly
increase 1l1cm. Scvcn)l investigators Jnt:1 to
accl>unl fell' lhc effect of ' 'arimLs axisymmetric (nr nun-
unifor m) inlc1 Yclocily dislributions on diffu11cr lo-.s (sec
"f'unher Jtcn\ling .. .sec:lion).
The ll(ll'da- (."nmol cqunrion eanno1 be 1l i>Piicd wil h
accuracy 10 Oow where the Mac.h number
at the nltl IS greater than aboul 0.2.1lenedict c1 al. (lJ
&he gtnenlized ana.l)1ical solutions for inrontpress1ble.
and upen.ritcal flow across an ahrupl tn
largement. Bened1ct ct 0'11. also presem expe:nmcntal
o( the,: SOlutiOn. induding IR\'OI\'Ing
hgh bca m110:t.
A diffu,.cr gr.adu;lly expanding section lh:"ll i<
to mal.. e I he trnnsitOJ rom a smaller ftow to a
larxer one II( t--hown in F1gurc I J .3.l'hc pnm:.ry pufJlOSc
lklnb d.t ... dlr'.d lllb suddca npaa,:xMI h8
paper. flloiMr. he' dtlum-d lfw: IQt it tJtrc ill ,. 't.wrpd
wilh bquN ._.Poe ia til<: boc101n.

a J,
J' JGURE 11.3. Straight conknJ dlffutoc:r.
of Ia diffuser IS IO ft'CO\'Cf flu1d pti!'"SllfC '\\ri th
nuninl:'llloss of total pressure bile redudn' the flow
vt"loaty. Tbe mcreast in the crOSSstl.'1ional area of thc:-
dlffU5er causes a drop in the aHrage fto "doci1y. and
a J>OI110n of kinetic ene-rgy of the now '"
into the pnlcnti:.l energy of prc!.'surc. An eflicicm dif
fusc:r i;; one t hai con,etts the lughcst pito.sihlc petctnt
ngc of ki ncuc energy into pressure energy wi thin a given
ti n1i t lt ti on on diffuser lengt h I or divcrgcnee ( 01' induded)
nnglv r;..
1' hc pcrfornwncc level of : difruscr intimately to 1hc presence Of absem:c of now separati on
(or $l:lll).ltcgion.s ofst:dlcd ftow in l!lffu.."cr block: the
now. caus(' I0\1. pressure ret."'\'ery. and 111:'1)' result i.o
$\C:fC ftC)W Mymmrtry. SC\'CfC' Un.\ICIIdlnCSS. M both.
Consequenll). much susdy bas centered on the preseace
or of .!>tall. ratbCT than diredh on the mportant
de"'' " consideration. :u least '" Ppin' design, of
rnn:.:imum pressure recover)'.
The mzin geometri c con:-;dcmtiuno: (l f cuniCJt l diffu:<
CI'S with ;::uaight walls are the divergence mglc a. the
beta mlio {J. nnd the length I u( t he conicnl scc1ion.
11tclle quanti ties are interrehm:d tlS follows:
I= d, - d, = d,(l l /1 - 1) .
2!an(a/ 2) 21an(a/ 2)
d.-d ) (11/l -1)
=2atan 'U'id; .
Much 1.hlln on the diffuser has been rci)Urtcd in tcrm.s
of diiTul'icr efficiency wh1ch is t he rr1tio of the :cwal
swti<: l 'rcssure recovery the diffuse to th(' i deal
recovery. However, here we prc:ocnt diffuser
data in terms of the. loss coeHil.iiCnt. Titc l'ehuionship
between h>.."s cocffidcnt K
anti effidcncy 1),
of 11 dif-
!u.!lcr ghcn by:
K, =(1-l].oXI-Jl').
d:i\ergtnct angles.sepanuion.iC prbtni.Oun
ncar the out lei of the diffuser <ect10n 11nd u'\\l:tlly suns
\TRAIGI-rT Olff\!SER l iS
from onl)' one I)Ortion of the all SeparatJon rna) alter
nate from one loc.1non tO anc.uhrr.At Iafler dnciJCn
angles. the point at which separotion occurs
towartl 1hc inlc:t of the d1ffu..,er sr:chon ant.l ln"JOf
portion of the diffuser is occupied by C>:tcnl>i"e
uf rt\'Crlie drculmion. At diffuser ang.lc11 aht,ve
tO 5() the moin IJow is SCp:tntiCd from the lliffusel'
walls o'er the whole pcl'imete aud the tut>u
lence prodm .. grcntcr than fur a
menl. Where, in the design of bydn,ulic passa!!i!S. il is
fur thc"c values u( diffuser onglc to be
exceeded. a sudden enlargement or seclion will &i"c a
mOrC' trfic.icnt and 3otUd) transfonnauon or tncrsy than
v.ill:. comcal
The loss coefficient of ronicaJ diffusers dCJ}ends on
many paramctm hc!iidel) a :md beta
ratio /J. H on the bouodary layer thicknc.;s at
the entrance: the lihllpe of the \elocit)' profile the
t he degree or now turbulence at t he
the Row I'C!tirue: t111d the length of duwn
stream pipe.
A thicke1 boundary Ia yet at the cntmncc 10 tlt dif-
fu:o;cr tend.!! w 111(1'Cil$C the h>..'>:'i codficicnt. Nununrform
\'Ciocily profile nt the cntra.nce. parti4!ularly if It is dis
IOrttd. c.:an earlier onset O( fluw Scparahon frum
the all 11nd creatly increase the loss c()(!'maent. A
con' ex or pointed \tlocity protilt. such as in laminar
Oow, w1th ml\tmum ' 'ekJcity at the ctntcr and reduced
,eiOI.'iliC!i nt the walls. agsravates lhe onliet and the
extent uf Oow M:flllfBtiOn.
Swirl {or tnngenti:.l rotation or now) IS !IOMCLilllCS
present ln corlie11 diffusers as a re.suh of l'lUallnp.
m:.chincl')'. or d bows or bend!;. Swirl hn!'
l.iulc d fcl.)l on the p<'rfonuauce of .separation-free
diffuscn-, but con hnvc n hcnctida_l cffcc.:t on t he rcrfor
mance of dllfu$Cf"S th>H ate moderate I)' or badly SCilll
rated. The :\w"irl flow npparently hel ps 10 $ptcad the core
Dow 10 the ails of che diffuser. \\'hich )lclds a more
unifor-m "dodty pr-ofile.
For d1ffu.Jert dischargmg into a do-. nstrum p.1<..1,aJC
(as is under COI\Joidenu.ion here). significant prb:ture
reccwc:ry h<yond the di! ex1t. ''
downstn!-{l lll length (or tail1>ipe length) of two 10 four
pi(>C diomctcn. us-uall y sufficient 10 provide ncnr
recover)': the longer length is l'equl rcll
at higher diffuser flrl!}les. Desi sn tl uH mn)'
imprQ\'C pcrform:mcc arc lhc usc (I( 'IICilpcd
and two-stage diffusers. These multhlagt dif
:arc trcmed in the next scdiun.
A great deal of data on Row in dherging paJSagcs
has be.:n am' m the tOO yean.. of d:11a
b:we been on twodimensional Md rec::umguiM
and mosl data hn\e on diffuse-rS whic.h dsch:trge
into 11 J:u-gc plenum (free diseharg_c). Some d:ua are
available Cor 1:onil'".al diffusets whi(h act as expan-
sion.:: between constant :m.-n circuh1r Thc:;c
data ate developed here because it applies to pipittg
system diffuser applications.
In Gibson's (4,5]. conical di f wit h upst ream and down$trt.<l m pipe se.ctions
were tested O\'er range of ungles and nnios.
Gibson developed a head loss equatio n fo r values of
divergence ;mglc bclwccn 7.5 :tnd 35. H c cxprc.$
diffuser head loss as a percentage of t he Botda .. carnot
loss :tl a sulldcn enlargement between t he same flow
areas. Howe\'er. his equ<Hion did not account for surface
friction conditions different fro m his test <:(lnditions.
E."JlMding on Uibsons formul:.uions.. thc dc\'cl
oped equatioos t hat separately accounted fol' local. or
loss. nnd :>urfnce friction loos for value:;
of divergence angle between 0" and 180'>, The equa
t ions give gooll with Gibson.s test lhlla.par-
for di vergence angles between :md 20,
whic: h is the. ninge of greatest interest in piping system

LeHing K1,
eptesent the surface ftictiort loss and Ku
lhc local or c-xp1msion lus:s, iL is ll uing to
express the loss coeflicient of din-users in t he form or:
The t heoretical cquntion for .surface fricti on IQ.<)s
coefficietH that was developed in Section J0.4 for
conkal cuntractjon.s can be ns well to co nic::i l
S>in(a/ 2)
( I 1.7)
Equal ion llJ was developc.d fot coMerging Row. but i1
sccm1) to work just llli well for divergi ng llow. In t hisc:nsc.
t he friction facto r }'is the o rdinary fri<.:liOtl factor based
on t he rdativc ruughne$S of the lliffu.scr .surface us
determined by t he hydraulic diameter Reynolds
number <H the diffuser inlet.' The equali(m is ploued as
functi on of r:.tio {3 nnd divergence nnglc (l in
Diagram LJ.2 Cot a fti('tio n fa<:to t f of 0.020. The value
al friction fncto rs o t her thnn 0.020 cnn be obtai ned
by simple It is evident surface frictiOtl loss
may be genc:r.dly ignored Ill llivcrgenct' angles g rcat.:r
Usi ng Equouion 11.7. surfa('e frit.:Lion Joss sepa-
flltcd from Uibsons d:11:t by tt.Ssig ning friction fnct ors nt
Ill Lbe toUowlng equ:uions a is g1'ltl;ill y in 1'3c.li31ts: tht
r()r u,.ing art
' The off may J1CU111Uy ''llr)' Jllc)nJ_! the hut
IISS.Un)Cd COII1.13nl ,
tlte diffuse!' inlets tanging ft'Om 0.020 to 0.026.A re.ason-
ablenc1)s check dclcrmincd t hat friction factor.. in t his
range would be expected.'
After separating . .;urface frictinn loss frum Gibson's
tes1 daw. the aut hor de\'eloped for t he
(or e.xpansion) loss portil)n of diffust' r IO.";S. The local
loss were 1heo recombined wit h t he cqut11ion
for suJ'face friction loss (ECJ. 11.7) to obtain o"e.ralf
equations f<>r conical diffuser loss. f o r di\'crgcncc
angle from 0"' to 20". expaosion loss Cil tl be simply
txpn:sscd as:
K, = 8.30[ tan (tr/ 2)]' " ( 1- {J' )' + /(I - fl'\
Ssm(a/ 2
(O" S " S20")(0;, p ,; 1).
(11 .8)
The followi ng approxima1c fonnula W<L" dt'vclupcd for
diffuser loss for divergence Mg.les from to 60
fo r {J than 0.5:
K, {1366sin[
'<;;,IS'>J'' -0. 170-
3.28(0.0625-,B')J"-20" }(1-,6' )' + f(I-{J'') ,
4(1 Ssin(a / 2)
(20's as 60')(0 /1<0.5).
( 11.9o)
For di\'crgcncc angi<.'S from 21)0 to 60 for ft cqunl lo o r
greater than 0.5:
K, = { 1.366sin[
"<7;, IS")]"'-0. 170 }(1- ,6' )' +
/(1 - {J')
Ssin (a/2)
(20's as 60')(0.5 "il <: I).
(I I.%)
The surface frictiOJ- term cao generally be ignotcd for
llivergcncc angles alluve 400) ur 5(f'. Fur
Gibson did not rcpon tlow r.ues 01 Rernolds numl>en; for testli.
tli: did. buw.;>\'ec. nOli: lltllt his 1-:'st ' 'Mkd from ti!J just
ow r 21 M ldt ' 'i:kK'It)' :11111.:0 i.nlt:l <>f l.he murow.::n
c.l iffmcer di:uneler of l}.., 'i in, nnd ralioinJ.t vd(ICily dnwnw:.rd l:ly
i11le l a re.1 for the o1her l(:ll diffuso::n;, the cstimlltl!$ hat the
Reynolds. num'-'cr <lif(uS(:r inlets rnogd from :.bout 21).(100 lo
70.(1(( 1. With re-gard 10 Ciibsons diffustrs were
-v..-c) ' t:'lti:fully ('>f W(Kid. finil.hed orr with :1 of )hdl.AC
\'llfniJ<h: At:.'iunnng w:clh. frk tiun at tht: di!f usn in kill
hQm to 0.1)2() were then fmnl tlk MQOd)
Dia._. u am,
TAULE II. I. t oss Codlld\'nt K,.,, ((lr Opdonu:u Sttl)p'->d Dlfluser.i 1(1 l..t)SS Coefticl<'nl K rot Srr;llght Co(Jical
OirfuSt.-"" (I( Eanu,l Lt.'flglla urul O''L"'"all Arc:a R11fi(l
A reo Hatio If 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 s.o 10.0 !2.0 15.0
0.110 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
O.IJ38 0.638 0.4U 0321 0.261 0.213 0.197 0./6} Q, /41 0.129 0.117
0.05 0.911 0.912 0.913 0.915 0.875 0.7S5 0.6M 0.5()2 0.364 0.271 0.194
0.744 0.556 0.361 0.27Q 0.1N.J' 0. 185 0.163 0.135 0.119 0.109 0./{)()
0.10 0.912 0.8-14 0Jl37 0.735 0.589 0.456 0 .. \42 0.221 0.160 0.127 0.102
0.655 0.479 0305 0.225 0.180 0.153 0./34 0.111 0.100 tW93 0.088
0.15 0.7:\8 0.768 0.712 OS29
0.36.,i 0.25.t 0.129 O.Jt12 0.089 0.001
0.571 0.41)(/ 0.2J4 0.185 (J.f4b' 0. 125 0.111 (1.004 0.01!6 (),Q$2 (),(JiJJ
0.20 0.688 0.717 0.562 0.356 0.218 0.156 0.123 0.091 o.oso 0.076
0.493 Q.344 0.20/J 0.151 Q./20 0. 103 (J.Q(JJ Q.081 0.077 U.076
0.25 0.62.) 0.667 0.414 n.211 0.142 0.107 ().OS9 0.()74 0.072
0.421 0.287 0.169 0.121 O.Q9S Q.OS5 0.071! 0.071
0.3() OS5.S 0.5<15 0.286 0.143 0.099 0.1)79 0.011 0.061
0.354 O.ZJ4 O.l.l5 0.097 0.0.'10 0.071 (J.IJ68 0.067
0.35 0.490 0.42.i 0.175 0.099 om 0.064 (>.062
0.188 0. 107 0.078 0.067 0.()()2 0.062
0.40 0.4.)4 0.318 0.117 0.072 0.059 0.057
0.2}8 (J.14S 0.0113 0.064 ().057 0.057
0.45 0.359 0.226 O.OSQ 0.056 0.052
0.189 0.114 0.(165 0.05.1 0.051
0.50 0.2$1) 0.150 QJ)(j6 o.o.n
0./46 O.OS$ Q.(J$1
().55 0.207 0.089 0.056 0.().12
0.109 0.063 0.042 0.042
0.60 0.144 0.057 0.0.)6
0.078 0.045 (1.035
0.05 0.092 0.037 0.031
0.054 O.OJJ 0.031
0.70 0.052 o.ou
o.o.u 0.015
0.15 0.027
0.021 0.020
c.ooiwl diffu.scr 1\'t'S (K
) <11-c $bown in Mrmal font : optimum t>'1o.':J)pcd c(!Clf6cicol$ (K,.,) shQwn in 1w/k font ,

nCVRE 11.7. ' 1\vo-stag.c conical diffu.s<r.
J7or a given overall leng th I and diameter ratio jl
lhcrc arc two has ic lcnglh 1
a nd
di vergence ang.le a1 The geometric rehu io1\Ship of the
Scc:Onll Stagt. is gi ven by:
TABLE U.2. Oin .. -rgt!lllc:e AJgle (l.,., fur Optinn.un Oitfusc:r-1! C.m1mred 11' ;\ngle (t for ((m.icul
OirfuSt.-"" (I( E1nu.l Lt.'flglla urul O''L"'"all Arc:a R11fi(l
A reo Hatio If 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
0.00 180 180 180 IS() 180
II. / l.U 12.4 11.2
0.05 147.9 120.1 81.9 60.1
11.5 13.4 11.4 II./
0.10 130.4 94.5 56.8 39.6
II.Y 13.5 11.3 11.9
0.15 115.4 76.7 4J.2 29.5
11.3 13.7 /1J 11.8
0.20 102.0 63.J 34.3 23.3
12.7 J.i.S 12.1 11.5
0.25 90.0 .:B. I 28.1 Ht9
13.2 1.1.9 11.0 11.2
O.JO 79.1 44.9 2.. 1.3 15.1
13.6 14.0 11.6 9 .
o.J s 69.2 38.1 19.6 13.1
J.l,l) /4.0 11.3
0.40 60 .. 1 J2.4 16.5 11.1
14.4 1.1.9 11.8 8.7
0.45 52.J 27.6 14.0
14.7 13.7 112 8.1
0.50 45.0 2>.4 I I.$ 7.9
1.5.(} 13.3 9.5 73
0.55 38.4 11.0 6.6
15.1 /Z,7 8.7 6.5
0.60 .l2.<1 16.6 8.3
15.1 /2.0 7.7
0.05 27.0 13. 7 6.9
14.8 11.0 6.8
0.70 22.1 IJ, I
14.2 9.7
0.15 17.6 $.8
/ J.U iU
11tere are or no data in the open li tera-
cure on ' he performance o{lwo-:;tngc diffusers. However,
the author has utilized Equatiol 11.12 in a Oow model
lhnt nccurately predicts the performance of jcl pumps
used as pan of 1he coolaOI recirculati on system of
9. 9
5.0 6.0 s.o 10.0 12.0 15.0
180 180 1St) 180 180 ISO
95 s.s l.Y 7.3 M 6.3
38.3 32.3 24.$ 19 .7 16.5 13.2
9.3 8.7 7.7 7.1 6.6 6.1
24.4 20.4 15.4 12.3
9. 1 8.4 7.3 6.8 6.4 5.9
IS. (I 15.0 il.3 9.0 75 6.()
8.8 8.1 7.1 6.5 6.0 5.6
14.1 11.8 8.8 7.1 5.9
8.5 7.8 6.8 6. 1 5.7
I Ul 9.5 7.1 :U
8.0 7.J 6.3 5.7
9.4 7.9 5.9
7.6 6.8 5.9
7.0 6.3
boiling walcr reac.:.tors. There is no effort made here w
c.'(lmpnrc 1 he pcrform:lncc of cwostagc diffusers with
the other lypes or diffusers.
.11.4 CUI{V!> WAlL lllf l'US!;I{
It would appear t hat !l tr umpct-slwpcd pw-.sngc may
well give minimum loss for a given length nnd given
... :.1 ..
" ,.,


IIIGUHE U.S. (..'urved woll diffuicr.
r:1110 of (sec Fig. I UH. A d1ffu:Jer in which
the gradient rernaiosoonstartt alons the passagt-
(dp'd.r CQn,lant) may be the bcJt chOtec.
ldel'chik (61 presents an equation for dp/d.f =<:On
.!>tfUH fur the boundary "all uf a cuf\'cd wnll dtf(u.ser of
:1 circular (or cross section.
((y, I y,)'- I ) .<II
f(ll' the diverging Wtl ll ofn :.1 pl tlnc
O:bed on ldtl'chik's on
formula for he k)s.-. of C'I,U"\'ed \lo'lll diffu$C11'.
wuhin the limits 0.1 < {1 < 0.9. is ghcn AS:
K, q>,.(I.43- 1.3P' )( 1- P' )'.
where tj'\, is o codfident tlwt on the telative
leng t h u( t he CUf\'<!d Wltll diffuSer llli :oJ hllWil i n
11.4. A curve lit or for circ ultll' or sqmue cross
sections ghe.s:
I (')' (')'
- 0,074- +
d, d, J,
0.()()70( ;J
'111c effecti veness of cuncd wnll i:<t nl so com
purcd wi th 11to other CXJ>aJlSion conllgunJtions in Table
11.:\. un the IOS-5 cocfl1dcnts e(JUUt iuns dcvclupcd
in ctwpter. t he moot d fcctivc configunnions for
gi\en urt:a nnd length arc shown 111 bold fo nL
kj,CCIQil "* k .oc b ... k the' rase otkr
.WIIN'f ldd'chil "'1'ht lriiC't_..l .a
llk-af'kd an- wn111llt a N IM.c""-QI} 14
thctil:' tbr \Obi with cvn'fll ddf\llin' 1tith cnrrt
tfh.-1111\t tel idt.a!'IC' diffll!l:'l'$,'"
The t:uru:d \loall difrust.'T appears to be generaU) mo re
rffie1cn1 than the: expansion and the !'INUC.hl
conical dirruser. Jtowe\er. except at high atea ratios.
it d oes not 1ppc11r tn be as effective as the
diffuser. Thcl'c OOtlsiderable uoceru,mty
wilh llll' cnlculnted luss coemcients i n Table l l .:t J':"uturt
tests :uul cv:lluntlon" could ch:ngc t he rcl!i ult.s. B \'Cil
thell. l lc curvod wull di ffuser may not be a vini>IC cho ice
bcc;n1,t;c 1 he hnpru\emcnt m:y be slight und not wort h
lhe extr:1 cfrol' l in volvcd i n designing and fabricntng the
c urved wnll,
Standard bunweld fiumg.s. ANSI' reducc:rJ'.. arc:
used to j oin pipe sections of diiTcrenl (fig.
11.9). l)ptcnlly. the fi t hngs are tuundtd IU
the intersection of t ho conical and cyli ndrical !' urfacc..'\,
(u 1he of reducers (Stl' Section 10.7).
rounding red uces energy loss thmugh the lhling.
1-1 ow ever. rOlHI(Iing, has li u le effe(:t in de<:reasing cncrs.y
los." whe n fl uw t hrough the fitti ng is cxp;md1ng (!!ocC Fig.
11.9). For a huge area expansion. the cone angle mO)'
e-xceed .SO or 60 11nd the resulting loss ma)' txcc:c:d that
or 3 suddrn np:tn_ qon. For sm3ller ;area
conic..""al M!ction ptrforms more dliclcnlly to
klncttc: e nergy 1n1o prcssurr energy.
Industry 11-landards define the o'eralllength t of b un-
wcldmg rcduccn.. lhcre are no
rcgardmg tile di motlSiOtlS o f the stmigh l and conical
S('ctiOnS. o r the I'OUnding Of l h(' i011S. r hnr-
chc extended inten;c:cl ioo poi nt" of the
cvlindticnl inlet nnd outlet sections wit h t he conkal
"Jli')Cilf to t'lc tboul 20% of t he lcngll1 ,ttn t hnt
the is about 60% o f the
in Figure l l.lO. 'T1nL"\ t he dhc:rgcnce angle: be e"t
m3ted as:
d, -d,)
a2tan--t l.201-
Ac..'t:Uunhng ftlr friction loss in tht -straig ht "
well ns i n t he .. conical" st.-ction. surfncc fnction In
the tedueol' cnn be a ppt'OXitmu ed as:
K f,
0.201 J,(l- /l) ' 0.20/ f)'
1 + +n-
( /
8sin(a/ 2) dj
( 11 . 13)
Loss for b un-" eld reducen. were cnk:ulated
by subs111ulinJ F.qua1100 11.13 for I he friction k:Kc term
TAULE 11.3. Effe<:d"Cll\.'S.<i or Conllgoration."
!A1t1t1 K
J-\re;t {P 0.5 2 3 4 6 8 10 12
Sodden expan1sicm o.o5 0.903 0.903 0.903 0.903 ().903 0.903 0.903 0.903 0.903
Suaiglu 0.960 l.OIO 1.082 1.021 0.784 0.561 0.364 0.272
Stepped (optimum) 0.744 0.556 0.362 0.270 0.218 0.163 0.05 0.119 0.109
Cur,ed wall
Sudden expansion 0.15 0.721 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.122 o.n2 0.706
Stn1\ght c:onjc:.1l 0.712 (UH7 (1.784 0.575 0.388 0.192 0.129 0.102 0.089
Stepped (opti mum) 0.571 0.41)9 0.254 1).135 1). 14S o.1u 0.094 0.086 0.082
Cur,ed wall 0.679 0.5<17 0.423 0.357 0.330
Sudde n expansion 0.25 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.563
Straiglu couical 0.611 0.667 tl424 0.217 0.142 0.0119 0.074 11.071 (1.074
Slepped (opt imt m) (1.4:!1 0.:!87 0.169 O.Ul t).(t93 1).(173 Q.(l72 0.072
Cur,ed wall 0.473 O .l81 0.29-1 0.249 0.230
(1.35 (1.42.1 0.423 0.42.1 0.23 0.423 0-"23 (1.423 0.423 0. 423 conknJ u.486 0.425 0. 175 0.09Y
0.062 (1.065 0.073 0.083
Stepped (oplimum) 0.293 0.1&8 0.106 0.078 0.062
Cur,ed wall 0.313 0.25> 0. 195 0.165 0.151
Sudden expansion 0.-15 0.303 0.303 0.303 0.303 0.303 0.303 0.303 0.303 0.303
$1r:.1ight conical 0.359 0.226 0.080 0.056 0.052 {1.058 0.071 u.uss
Ste-pped (optimum) 0.189 0.114 0.065 0.053 0.051
C\mcd wall 0.194 0.1 5? 0.121 0.102 OJI95
Sudd<:n expan$ion 0.55 0.202 0.202 u.202 0.202 0.202 0.202 0.202 0.202 0.202
St raight conical 0.101 0.089 O.o.t4 0.042 0.047 0,0(14 0.082 0.102 0.121
Stepped (vpt imum) (I.Ul9 0.1}63 0.()41 0.042
Cur,cd wall 0.110 0.089 0.069 0.058 0.054
Suddc: t1 0.65 0.122 0. 122 0.122 n. 122 0. 122 o.m 0.122 0.122 IJ.J2:!
Straight conic.ul 0.092 0.037 1).(131 0.(14(1 11.050 (t.073 0.097 o.lll IJ. I44
Stetl t)cd (optinmm) 0.054 O.flll 1),(131
Curved w;tU 0.055 0.044 0.034 0.029 0.027
Sudden expansion 0.75 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063
0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063
S11aish1 c:()ni.:al 0.1121 0.020 0.()'30 0.0<13 0.057 0.085 0.113 0.142 0.170
Stepped (optimum) O.OB 0.01-1
Curved wall 0.1)21 0.1117 0.1117 t).(IH 1),0 II
Sudden expansion 0.85 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 o.ozz 4.1.022 0.022 0.022
Straiglu conical O.Oll 0.011 0.033 0.0<19 0.066 0,098 0.131 0.164 0.197
Stc-pp<:d ((plinwm) ii.Oll
(.'ur\'ed o.vaU 0.006 0.1)1)5 0.004 0.003 0.003
Note: The nm l dlicielll 0011Agorat ns are shl'"" n in !,(old font.
TABLE 11.4. Coc:-nldcnt 11s u qf R.r.lathe l.,cngth fJf Curved WuU
lid, 0 05 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 .3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0
Circular ' r sc1u:u...::
1.()1 0.75 0.62 0.53 U.41 0.43 0.38 0.37
Pl ane CtnSS SCCi iun
1.02 0.83 0.12 O.o-1 u.S7 0.52 0.48 0.45 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.37
( the htst tetm) i n Equations I I.S-11.10. as appt'Opri atc.
Surfncc friction fnctor:> f, :md J! at d
11nd assumi ng
a surface roughl ess of 0.00015 fl. were assigned using
von K<lrmftn's cquutiun for fully turbulent lluw in a
rough pipe (Eq. 3.5). The C<llculated resuhs <'I re shown
in T<ablc. 1l.5. The lo:;s coeHicicnt in Table J 1.5
for concent ri c reducers. There is some question, but
consider adding 15% to t he coucenLri<:. educe!' loss
cocflicicnt for eccent ri c rcduccrl1..
- --=-- - .:::::::> - -

FIC VkE 11.9. Outtwcld pipe redu r-<;(ptmding.
method of at.-c.:.ountiug for bullwweld red ucer
IOSl>t.\5 should be sufficient for most engineeri ng purw
J)0Se5, ( f OlOI'C definite i nformation regarding internal
geometry and surfucc fri ction is available, a more accu
rate loss coeflicien1 value can be
a l l
Ao : 1:
FIGURE 11.11). Conc(: nlric butiWC)d pip.; rcduccr-
TABLE U.S. l (tss C(leffkicnt K, ror Conc:c:ntric ButiWc:ld lh ..cluc:c:r$-EXplltl ding
Nominal Si:r.c (in) length I (in} K, Nominal Silc ( in) Lengt h I (in) K, Nominal Si:r.e (in) Length I {in} K,
314 )( 112 1.5 0.07 4 x2 4 0.6 1 l(i X 8 14 0.58
314 X 318 0.21 4 )( 111'2 0.77
IS x 16 IS 0,02
I x: 3/4 2 0.05 5 0.06 IS X 14 0. 10
I x 112 0.20 5 X 3 112 0.2 18 X 11 0.21
1 114 X I 2 O.Q1 S:x3 0.39
IS X 10 0.45
J.lf.! X 3/4 0.29 5 X 21/2 0.65
20 X IS 20 0,02
1 1/4 X 112 o_w 5 x 2 0.76 20 X 16 0.05
1 112 X 2.5 O.Q3 6x5 5.5 0.04
20 X 14 0.19
1 112 X I 0.17 6x.a 0.30
20 X 12 0.31
1112 X 3/4 0.45 6x 3112 0.47 22 x20 20 0.01
1112 X IJ2 O.M, 6x3 0.05 22 X 18 0.05
2-x l lll 3 0.06
6> 2-1/2 0.77 22 X 16 0.17
2 X 1114 0.16 8x6 6 0.1 5
22 )( 14 0.3.1
2x I 0.49 8x5 0.40 x21 20 0.00
2 x 3!4 0.67 S x4 0.(.7 2.! X 20 0.0.1
2112 x2 3.5 0.03
Sx:l-112 0.73 24 x iR 0.15
1112 )( J. J/1 0.19 7 0.10
24 X 16 O . .lO
2 112 X 0.38 10 )( 6 0.47 26 x 24 24 0.0 1
2 1/2 X I 0.6.1 lOx 5 0.67 2(1 )( ll 0.03
3 x2 112 3.5 0.05
lOx 4 0.76 26 x10 0.10
3<2 0.22 l !x lU s 0.05
26 X 18 0.23
3X: i l12 0.54 12 )( s 0.34 28 x26 24 0.01
3 X 11/4 0.67 12 X (i 0.66 2R x24 0.03
3 1/2 X 3

12 X 5 0.74 28 x22 0.00)
3 112x2.JI2 0.19 14 X 12 13 0.01
x 20 0.21
3 112 xl 0.41 14 X 10 0.10 30 xU 24 0.01
3 1/2 X 1 112: 0.67 l.t x 8 0.40 30 X 26 om
3112 X (. )14 0.76 14 )( 6 0.09 30 x24 O.OR
4 X 3112 4 0.01 16x 14 14 O.o2
30 x22
4 x3 0.10 16x 12 om
.l X 21/2 0.38
lOx 10 0.28
0. 15
0. 10
Equation 11.8
I -
$ c:::::::>
f 0.03

. .

A- Rtio /3
= 0 -1- . ::(:
-r . 0.1

. . .
0 .
I I 11-
'T I
-:0 91= I I
' '
0 5 10 15 20
Oi, ergenc:::.e Angle a {degrees)
OIAGR1\.M .11.5. Loss :1 = 2"' h) (j = 0.03).
0 5
0.3 -
0.4 .
10 15
Di\ergcnce Angle a (degrees)

l o9J.
DIAGRAM 11.6. Loss eodfieieot \)f :1 OOJlitttl dirfu-ser-a = 2 .. tlJ 20" (j = ().04).
11: ll -
U<Ju:ltion 11.8
I,,, c:::::>

' J
Area Ratio p- - 0
- -
0. 1
- -
.\ ' :--.. I
.Y r / I

0.4 :t
:r . .

::P"i' -
0. >
0. 15
0. 10
0 5 10 15 20
Divergence Angle a- degrees
OIAGRA!\1 11.7. I..<>S$ ,)f:. Jiffu-s:tr--a = 2 h) 20" if= 0.05).
-" .

Arc:a Ratio = 0
0.1 [ = 0.05
/ I r- om

/ = 0.0 1
,ff /
r / 0.3
h.-' '/ due ltl
surface tiiction
// v: -#'/-"' /
//, /_.ffl'
05 ,..
/ /
, ...
20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 120 ISO 180
Oivtgence Angle a (deg.rees)
OlA(; RAM ll.S. Loss coeflldent or a diffuscr-2()'llo 180'.
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