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Topic-2 Relationship between Kc and Kp, Le-Chateliers numericals.

principle, its application and

LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Derive relationship between Kc and Kp? Ans: RELATION BETWEEN KP AND KC For a general equation, cC + dD aA + bB Where, a , b, c and d are coefficients of the reacting substance Kp = (PC)c (OD)d / (PA)a (PB)b From gas equation So, Hence, PV = nRT => P = n/V RT PA = [A]RT PB = [B]RT PC = [C]RT; PD = [D]RT Kp = ([C]RT)c.([D]RT)d / ([A]RT)a / ([B]RT)b or, Kp = [C]d[D]d / [A]a[B]b (RT)[(c+d) (a+b)] Where ng = {(c + d) (a + b)} = change in the numbers of gaseous moles. Kp = Kc.(RT)ng When n = 0; Kp = Kc


n > 0; Kp > Kc n < 0; Kp < Kc

Note: Similarly we can find equilibrium constant (Kx) in terms of mole fraction and can find out its relation with Kp and Kc. 2. At 27C Kp value for reaction is 0.1 atm, calculate its Kc value. ? Solution: KP = Kc(RT)Dn n = 1 Kc = KP / RT = 0.1 / 0.82 300 = 4 10-3

Solid NH4I dissociates according to the reaction at 400 K NH4I(s) NH3(g) + HI(g) ; Kp = 16 atm. In presence of catalyst HI dissociates in H2 and I2 as 2HI H2 + I2. If partial pressure of H2 at this temp is 1 atm in the container when both the equilibrium exist simultaneously, calculate Kp value of second equilibrium (for the dissociation of HI).


NH3 (g) + HI (g) NH4I(s) H2 + I2 2HI P-x x/2 . x/2 Here x/2 = 1 atm x = 2 atm P(P -2) = 16 P = 5.1

KP1 = 16 KP2 = ?

3. A vessel at 1000 K contains CO2 with a pressure of 0.5 atm. Some of the CO2 is converted into CO on addition of graphite. What is the value of Kp if the total pressure at equilibrium is 0.8 atm? Solution: 2n CO2(g) 0.5 + C(s) > 2CO(g)

or, 0.5-n

0.5+n = 0.8

n = 0.3

Kp = (20.3)2 / (0.50.3) = 1.8 atm 4. Given that the equilibrium constant for the reaction, H2(g) + I2(g) at 700K. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction? HI(g) 1/2 H2(g) + 1/2 l2(g) 2HI(g) is 50


We have H2(g) + I2(g)


Kc = [Hl]2 / [H2][l2] = 50

The new equilibria is


[H2]1/2[l2]1/2 / [Hl] = 1/Kc

= 1/ 50 = 2 / 10 = 0.141

5. One mole of N2 is mixed with 3 moles of H2 in a 4 litre container. If 25% of N2 is converted into NH3 by the following reaction 2NH3(g). Calculate Kc and Kp of the reaction. N2(g) + 3H2(g) (Temperature = 227C and R = 0.08231).


We have N2(g) + 3H2(g)


Percentage N2 reacted, 25% x = 0.25 Now, (a x) = 1 0.25 = 0.75

b 3x = 3 0.75 = 2.25

= 1.48 105 L2 mol2 Now, Kp = Kc . (RT)n = 1.48 105 [0.0821] (227 + 273)2 1.48 105 / {0.082 (500)}2 = 8.78 109 6. Explain Lechatelier principle with suitable examples? Ans: Lechatteliers principle and its application to industrial processes; The effect of change of pressure, concentration and temperature on equilibrium was studied by Henry Lewis Lechatterlier in 1885 and F. Brawn. So this is called Lechattelier- Brawn Principle or simply Lechatteliers principle. If a system at equilibrium is subjected to a stress, the system shifts the equilibrium in such a way to reduce or nullify the stress. Effect of concentration: Increase in concentration of reactants or decrease in concentration of products favours the shift of equilibrium towards products side and rate of forward reaction is increased. Increase in the concentration of the products or decrease in the concentration of reactants favours the shift of equilibrium towards the reactant side and rate of backward reaction is increased.

Effect of pressure : Pressure has no effect on equilibrium if v or n=0, (np= nr). Eg : H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) Pressure has effect on equilibrium if v0 or n0, (np nr). When pressure increases, equilibrium shifts in a direction of decrease of volume or towards less mole number and vice vessa. Eg: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) When pressure increases, equilibrium shifts towards right and forward reaction rate increases. Pressure does not show any marked effect on equilibrium reactions taking place in the solution phase or in the solid phase. Effect of temperature: increase of temperature of the equilibrium system favours endothermic reactions, and decrease of temperature of the equilibrium system favours exothermic reactions. Effect of Catalyst: Catalyst has no net effect on equilibrium. It helps the system to attain equilibrium at a faster rate by increasing the rate of forward as well as backward reaction to the same extent. Eg:(1) Synthesis of ammonia by Habers process: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) + heat H = 92.0 K.J Favourable conditions for high yield of NH3: High pressure: 200atm, Catalyst: Fe as catalyst Low temperature: 773 K, Promoter: small amount of molybdenum or Al2O3 and K2O. (2) Manufacture of H2SO4 by the contact process. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) + Heat; H = 189 K.j

Favourable conditions for higher yield of SO3. I) High pressure : 1.5 1.7 atm. ii) Low temperature: 673 k iii) Catalyst : V2O5 or platinised asbestos N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) heat i) High temperature ii) No effect of pressure Melting of ice: H2O(s)+ heat H 2O I) high temperature ii) high pressure 7. Explain the affect of temperature and Concentration on equilibrium? Ans: Effect of Concentration Let us have a general reaction, cC + dD aA + bB at a given temperature, the equilibrium constant, Kc = [C]c[D]d / [A]a[B]b again if , , and are the number of mole of A, B, C and D are at equilibrium then, Kc = []c[]d / []a[]b If any of product will be added, to keep the Kc constant, concentration of reactants will increase i.e. the reaction will move in reverse direction. Similarly if any change or disturbance in reactant side will be done, change in products concentration will take place to minimise the effect. Temperature Effect The effect of change in temperature on equilibrium cannot be immediately seen because on changing temperature the equilibrium constant itself changes. So first we must find out as to how the equilibrium constant changes with temperature. For the forward reaction, according to the Arrhenius equation, Kr = Af ee/RT And for the reverse reaction,

It can be seen that

For any reaction, H = Eaf Ear R = Reactant, P = Product

From the equation, logK2/K1 = Ho / 2.303R (1/T1 1/T2) it is clear that

(a) If Ho is +ve (endothermic), an increase in temperature (T2 > T1) will make K2 > K1, i.e., the reaction goes more towards the forward direction and vice-versa. (b) If Ho is -ve (exothermic), an increase in temperature (T2 > T1), will make K2 < K1 i.e., the reaction goes in the reverse direction. (i) Increase in temperature will shift the reaction towards left in case of exothermic reactions and right in endothermic reactions. (ii) Increase of pressure (decrease in volume) will shift the reaction to the side having fewer moles of the gas; while decreases of pressure (increase in volume) will shift the reaction to the side having more moles of the gas. (iii) If no gases are involved in the reaction higher pressure favours the reaction to shift towards higher density solid or liquid. NUMERICALS

1. At 444C, 15g mole of hydrogen is mixed with 5.2g mole of I2 vapour. When equilibrium was established, 10g mole of HI was formed. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction? Sol. H2(g) + l2(g) a ax b bx 0 2x 2Hl


= 4x2 / (ax) (bx) = 4 52 / 10 0.2 = 50

2. The degree of dissociation is 0.4 at 400K and 1 atm for the gaseous reaction


PCl3 + Cl2

Assuming ideal behaviour of all the gases, calculate the density of equilibrium mixture at 400K and 1 atm pressure.

(Atomic mass of P = 31 and Cl = 35.5)



PCl3 + Cl2

at t = 0

at eqm.

1 0.4



Total no. of moles after dissociation = 0.6 + 0.4 + 0.4

Now, V = nRT / P = 1.4 0.082 400 / 1 = 45.92 litres So, density = Molecular weight / Volume = 208.5 / 45.92 = 4.54 / litre 3. When 3.06g of solid NH4HS is introduced into a 2 litre evacuated flask at 27C, 30% of the solid decomposed into gaseous ammonia and hydrogen sulphide? (i) Calculate Kc for reaction at 27C.

(ii) What would happen to the equilibrium when more solid NH4HS is introduced into the flask? Sol. Moles of NH4HS introduced into flask = 3.06 / 51 = 0.08


NH3(g) + H2S (g) 0.06x

0.06 (1 x) 0.06x as x = 30%, so, x = 0.3

So, 0.06 0.7

0.060.3 0

0.6 0.3

So, Kc = [NH3][H2S] 0.018 0.018 = 3.24 102 Addition of NH4HS(s) does not change position of equilibrium.

4. Determine Kc for the reaction N2(g) + O2(g) + Br2(g) > NOBr(g) from the following information (at 298oK)?

Kc = 2.4 1030 for 2NO(g) > N2(g) + O2(g) ;

K'c = 1.4 for NO(g) + Br2(g) > NOBr(g)


N2(g) + O2(g) > 2NO (g)

Kc/ = 1/Kc = 1/2.4 1030 (i) N2(g) + O2(g ) NO(g)

Kc// =

(ii) NO(g) + Br2(g) NOBr(g) = 1.4.

(i) + (ii) gives the net reaction:

5. The heat of reaction at constant volume for an endothermic reaction in equilibrium is 1200 cal more than at constant pressure at 300K. Calculate the ratio of equilibrium constant Kp and Kc. Sol. Given that E H = 1200 cal Also we have nRT = 1200 or n = 1200 / 2 300 = 2 (R = 2calK1 mol1) Now, Kp = Kc (RT)n Kp = Kc (0.0281 300) = 1.648 103 6. The value of Kp, if the value of Kc is 2x10-3 for H2 (g) +I2 (g) 2HI (g) at 270c? Sol: Kp = Kc [RT] n H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI (g)

n = [ (no. of moles of gaseous products) (no .of moles of gaseous reactants)] = [ 2 (1+1) ] = n If n 2 - 2

= 0 = 0 then, Kp = Kc

Given Kc = 2x 10-3 .. Kp = 2 x 10-3

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