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Air Material Wing Savings and Loan Association, Inc. vs. NLRC

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June 30, 1994 FACTS: Private respondent Luis S. Salas was appointed "notarial and legal counsel" for petitioner Air Material Wings Savings and Loan Association in 1980. The appointment was renewed for three years in an implementing order dated January 23, 1987. Subsequently, on January 9, 1990, the petitioner issued another order reminding Salas of the approaching termination of his legal services under their contract. This prompted Salas to lodge a complaint against AMWSLAI for separation pay, vacation and sick leave benefits, cost of living allowances, refund of SSS premiums, moral and exemplary damages, payment of notarial services rendered from February 1, 1980 to March 2, 1990, and attorney's fees. Instead of filing an answer, AMWSLAI moved to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. It averred that there was no employer-employee relationship between it and Salas and that his monetary claims properly fell within the jurisdiction of the regular courts. Salas opposed the motion and presented documentary evidence to show that he was indeed an employee of AMWSLAI. Nevertheless, most of Salas' claims were dismissed by the labor arbiter in his decision dated November 21, 1991. It was there held that Salas was not illegally dismissed and so not entitled to collect separation benefits. His claims for vacation leave, sick leave, medical and dental allowances and refund of SSS premiums were rejected on the ground that he was a managerial employee. He was also denied moral and exemplary damages for lack of evidence of bad faith on the part of AMWSLAI. Neither was he allowed to collect his notarial fees from 1980 up to 1986 because the claim therefore had already prescribed. However, the petitioner was ordered to pay Salas his notarial fees from 1987 up to March 2, 1990, and attorney's fee equivalent to 10% of the judgment award. On appeal, the decision was affirmed in toto by the respondent Commission, prompting the petitioner to seek relief in the Supreme Court, hence, the case at bar. ISSUE: whether or not Salas can be considered an employee of the petitioner company RULING: The Supreme Court had held in a long line of decisions that the elements of an employeremployee relationship are: (1) selection and engagement of the employee; (2) payment of wages; (3) power of dismissal; and (4) employer's own power to control employee's conduct. The terms and conditions set out in the letter-contract entered into by the parties on January 23, 1987, clearly show that Salas was an employee of the petitioner. His selection as the company counsel was done by the board of directors in one of its regular meetings. The petitioner paid him a monthly compensation/retainer's fee for his services. Though his appointment was for a fixed term of three years, the petitioner reserved its power of dismissal for cause or as it might deem necessary for its interest and protection. No less importantly, AMWSLAI also exercised its power of control over Salas by defining his duties and functions as its legal counsel, to wit: (1) To act on all legal matters pertinent to his Office; (2) To seek remedies to effect collection of overdue accounts of members without prejudice to initiating court action to protect the interest of the association; and (3) To defend by all means all suit against the interest of the Association. In the earlier case of Hydro Resources Contractors Corp. vs. Pagalilauan (G.R. No. L-62909, April 18, 1989), the Court observed that: A lawyer, like any other professional, may very well be an employee of a private corporation or even of the government. It is not unusual for a big corporation to hire a staff of lawyers as its in-house counsel, pay them regular salaries, rank them in its table of organization, and otherwise treat them like its other officers and employees. At the same time, it may also contract with a

law firm to act as outside counsel on a retainer basis. The two classes of lawyers often work closely together but one group is made up of employees while the other is not. A similar arrangement may exist as to doctors, nurses, dentists, public relations practitioners and other professionals. The Supreme Court holds, therefore, that the public respondent committed no grave abuse of discretion in ruling that an employer-employee relationship existed between the petitioner and the private respondent. ACCORDINGLY, the appealed judgment of the NLRC is AFFIRMED, with the modification that the award of notarial fees and attorney's fees is disallowed.

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