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Leveraging Your Communications

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Leveraging Your Communication Style PCSI

Monica Brunaccini
Director, Leadership Development


Why communication is so important Introduction of PCSI - Coaching Styles Overview of each coaching style Distinction between styles Flexing your style real life scenarios Applying what you learn

Program Objectives
You will gain an understanding of:

Why coaching styles are important The strengths and liabilities of each style The impact of different styles in the workplace The impact of communication with someone of the same style or different style Opportunities to immediately apply your learning

Why is communication key?

Regardless of the changes in technology, the market for well-crafted messages will always have an audience. - Steve Burnett
(Technical Writer)

The art of communication is the language of leadership. - James Humes

(Former Presidential Speechwriter)

Types of Communication
Interchange of information- thoughts, opinions, writing and/or speech Voicemail: How does it sound to the receiver? Email: How is it perceived by the receiver? Meetings: Be here now concept and no phones please. Listening: being an active listener What you say to the person and about the person.

Interchange of information - observations and/or signs What is my body language stating? How does my resting face get interpreted? Are you fully engaged: the power of eye contact?

Communication Fundamentals

How do you know when you are connecting with someone in a conversation?
When the conversation is focused and organized When you feel compatible with the person When the pace seems even and everything clicks

Communication Fundamentals

How do you identify when there is a misconnection and a potential style difference?
When one person is talking much more than the other When you dont feel like the person gets it When your pace is different from the other persons

PCSI Assessment
Personal Coaching Style Inventory

Created by Coach Works International Used since 1995 by tens of thousands of individuals world-wide First coaching instrument developed by coaches for the coaching industry Designed to address the need for understanding and mastery of interaction styles Not a psychological/personality tool Intended to be a self-inventory how to enhance effective communication and relationships

Identifying Your Natural Style

PCSI Personal Coaching Style Inventory Aids you to understand and enhance your communication, interpersonal skills and relationships.

Recognize style distinctions in others and yourself Aid you to build rapport and connect with others Focus on stronger, more strategic outcomes Can forward conversation more clearly and precisely

PCSI Styles

Four different styles:

Director Presenter Mediator Strategist There is no right or wrong style and everyone has a little of each style.

Determining Your Style

Complete the assessment Total number checked for each column Mark this in the associated sections at the bottom of the page The highest score typically is your natural style, the one that best describes you!

PCSI Assessment: Determining Your Natural Style

One High Score (4 points or more)

Strong preference

Two High Scores (within 2 points) May lead with preferred style and can draw from others

Three Close Scores

Will lead with preferred style, may have developed from experience

Equal Score in all four styles

Highly adaptable, may appear inconsistent to others

PCSI Assessment: Poll of Todays Attendees

What is your natural style?

PCSI Communication Styles

Distribution of styles for optimum team performance:

Director 30% Presenter 20% Mediator 40% Strategist 10%

PCSI Assessment: Directing Style

-Fast paced, quick thinkers -Focus on action and results -Decisive -Takes responsibility -Natural leaders -Visionary, big picture

-Impatient with those who work slowly -Lone ranger -Can be judgmental -Tendency to dominate others -Difficulty trusting others work -Need to be in control causes frustrations

PCSI Assessment: Presenting Style

-Knows how to have fun -Always up, energetic -Communicates easily -Motivates others -Lots and lots of ideas -Enjoys/prefers new projects

-May not always be taken seriously -Poor operational follow through -Easily bored -May over promise and under deliver -Would rather talk than listen -Does not manage time well

PCSI Assessment: Mediating Style

-Subtle, gentle, indirect, inclusive -Good listener -Expert -Loved by everyone -Champion of others -Encourages others through appreciation

-Likes privacy, difficult to get to know -Focuses on people issues first -Reluctant to correct difficult people problems -Doesnt like risk taking -Doesnt care for surprises -May avoid center stage

PCSI Assessment: Strategizing Style

-Likes people, not large groups -Confident if facts are known -Likes to give advice -Very thorough -Fair and unbiased -Enjoys structure

-Difficult to stop pursing perfectness -Fear of mistakes (time consuming) -Tends to be critical -Worries a lot -Slow to embrace new -Tends to be critical

What are the following individuals styles?

Director Presenter



Questions and Comments

What is your reaction to the assessment? Does your primary style resonate with you? Do you have any questions about the different styles?

Group Discussion: Application of Each Style

Lets consider the following

How does each style like to make decisions? How does each style work on a team? How does each style approach meetings? How does each style like to receive feedback? How does each style like to be acknowledged?

How The Styles Make Decisions

Quickly Based on facts Refer to the bottom line to help make decision Delegates any details

Considers the impact on other people Intuitive decision maker Gets others excited and takes them with them


Presenter Mediator
By consensus Can see things from others perspectives which may slow the decision making process

Needs data, details, facts, figures and logic The need for all the facts may slow the decision making process

How The Styles Work on a Team

Keeps the team moving towards the goal Focuses on action Focuses on bottom line and profit

Facilitator, motivator and networker Creates an atmosphere of fun Energises the team May show lack of follow through

Director Strategist
Provides the data to support decisions Finds change difficult Need for perfection can cause frustrations in others Very thorough

Presenter Mediator
Good listener, sensitive Peace maker Will lead if asked to May be overpowered or overshadowed by Directors and Presenters

How The Styles Approach Meetings

Prepares an agenda in advance Will set the tone Time-focused

Creates an agenda at the meeting Very active May do a lot of work outside the meeting to talk with others and gain their agreement

Director Strategist
Will come fully (or over) prepared May take the lead with lots of data May be rigid in opinion as a result of research and data

Presenter Mediator
Inclusive will get others views Will perform the introductions Listens to others Asks questions Active

How The Styles Receive Feedback

Objectively rather than subjectively As an opportunity to get to the result Is likely to take immediate action Will see it as related to business, not personal

Finds it difficult to receive negative feedback mix with some positive May appear aloof to lighten the impact May take it personally


Presenter Mediator
Accepting of any feedback Will take it to heart Will see all sides May find it difficult to receive positive feedback

Finds it difficult to take criticism expects positive feedback May challenge or question feedback Needs stats and specifics to understand the feedback

How The Styles Like to be Acknowledged

In public For results and the impact on bottom line Title and power first, then money

In public with fireworks Anytime, anywhere (and as often as possible) Flattery

Director Strategist
In private Given by someone they respect With specific examples

Presenter Mediator
In private Money With respect and honesty Mention and praise others who have contributed

Commonalities Between Styles

Direct Communication

Task Focus

Director Strategist

Presenter Mediator

People Focus

Indirect Communication

Leveraging Your Style

What is your primary communication style? What are the strengths of your style? Where do you need to flex your style in individual interactions? Where do you need to flex your style in team communications?

Helpful Hints

Approach Directors with clear, concise information and a results orientation. Minimize chit chat. Approach Presenters with an exchange of personal information first, and respect their impulsive and intuitive ideas. Approach Mediators with acknowledgment and patience. Recognize their sensitivity and humble attitude, and encourage them to share their thoughts. Approach Strategists with as much data as possible, and respect their need for attention to detail. They may have important details that should not be overlooked.

Closing Questions and Comments

Questions on any information that has been presented. Sharing of personal insights Suggestions on how to apply what you have learned

Forwarding Your Learning Recommended Action Steps

Outline the strengths and liabilities of your primary style Educate people about your style Identify where you need to flex your style Focus on enhancing a particular relationship -Consider someone you would like to interact with more effectively.
-What do you think is their natural style? -How could you approach communicating with them differently?

About the PCSI Tool

The Personal Coaching Styles Inventory (PCSI) was created by CoachWorks International. The handout you were given today is for your personal use ONLY and is considered value through the Pathways/ AITP partnership. To purchase the full PCSI tool, please visit the CoachWorks site at:

About the Pathways Program

Pathways is:

a premier leadership development program for A players and high potentials who are aggressively seeking the seat of CIO or another senior leadership position within IT an opportunity for AITP members to participate in customizable education and leadership training initiatives developed around three areas of professional development: leadership, technology and business

Visit and enroll today.

Key Advice for Women in IT

Tuesday May 10, 2011

Tuesday July 12, 2011

San Francisco
Thursday June 9, 2011

Visit to register today! Our panel:

Pamela Rucker, President The Rucker Group & EWIT Co-Chair

Mary Finlay, Professor Simmons School of Management

Rhonda Gass, Vice President Information Technology Dell

Thank you.

Contact Monica Brunaccini at:

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