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2 - Perception and Individual Decision Making

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Course 2 PERCEPTION AND INDIVIDUAL DECISION MAKING CHAPTER OVERVIEW Perception Individuals behave in a given manner based not

on the way their external environment actually is but, rather, on what they see or believe it to be. An organization may spend millions of dollars to create a pleasant work environment for its employees. However, in spite of these expenditures, if an employee believes that his or her job is lousy, that employee will behave accordingly. It is the employees perception of a situation that becomes the basis for his or her behavior. The employee who perceives his/her supervisor as a hurdle reducer who helps him/her do a better job and the employee who sees the same supervisor as big brother, closely monitoring every motion, to ensure that I keep working will differ in their behavioral responses to their supervisor. The difference has nothing to do with the reality of the supervisors actions; the difference in employee behavior is due to different perceptions. The evidence suggests that what individuals perceive from their work situation will influence their productivity more than will the situation itself. Whether or not a job is actually interesting or challenging is irrelevant. Whether or not a manager successfully plans and organizes the work of his or her employees and actually helps them to structure their work more efficiently and effectively is far less important than how employees perceive the managers efforts. Similarly, issues like fair pay for work performed, the validity of performance appraisals, and the adequacy of working conditions are not judged by employees in a way that assures common perceptions, nor can we be assured that individuals will interpret conditions about their jobs in a favorable light. Therefore, to be able to influence productivity, it is necessary to assess how workers perceive their jobs. Absenteeism, turnover, and job satisfaction are also reactions to the individuals perceptions. Dissatisfaction with working conditions or the belief that there is a lack of promotion opportunities in the organization are judgments based on attempts to make some meaning out of ones job. The employees conclusion that a job is good or bad is an interpretation. Managers must spend time understanding how each individual interprets reality and, where there is a significant difference between what is seen and what exists, try to eliminate the distortions. Failure to deal with the differences when individuals perceive the job in negative terms will result in increased absenteeism and turnover and lower job satisfaction. Individual Decision Making Individuals think and reason before they act. It is because of this that an understanding of how people make decisions can be helpful for explaining and predicting their behavior. Under some recent decision situations, people follow the rational decision-making model. But for most people, and most non-routine decisions, this is probably more the exception than the rule. Few important decisions are simple or unambiguous enough for the rational models assumptions to apply, so we find individuals looking for solutions that satisfice rather than optimize, injecting biases and prejudices into the decision process, and relying on intuition.

Given the evidence we have described on how decisions are actually made in organizations, what can managers do to improve their decision-making? We offer five suggestions. First, analyze the situation. Adjust your decision making style to the national culture you are operating in and to the criteria your organization evaluates and rewards. For instance, if you are in a country that does not value rationality, do not feel compelled to follow the rational decision making model or even to try to make your decisions appear rational. Similarly, organizations differ in terms of the importance they place on risk, the use of groups, and the like. Adjust your decision style to ensure it is compatible with the organizations culture. Second, be aware of biases. We all bring biases to the decisions we make. If you understand the biases influencing your judgment, you can begin to change the way you make decisions to reduce those biases. Third, combine rational analysis with intuition. These are not conflicting approaches to decision making. By using both, you can actually improve your decisionmaking effectiveness. As you gain managerial experience, you should feel increasingly confident in imposing your intuitive processes on top of your rational analysis. Fourth, do not assume that your specific decision style is appropriate for every job. Just as organizations differ, so do jobs within organizations. And your effectiveness as a decision maker will increase if you match your decision style to the requirements of the job. For instance, if your decision-making style is directive, you will be more effective working with people whose jobs require quick action. This style would match well with managing stockbrokers. An analytic style, on the other hand, would work well managing accountants, market researchers, or financial analysts. Finally, try to enhance your creativity. Overtly look for novel solutions to problems, attempt to see problems in new ways, and use analogies. Additionally, try to remove work and organizational barriers that might impede your creativity. EXTENDED CHAPTER OUTLINE What Is Perception, and Why Is It Important? Definition: Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

Why is this important to the study of OB? Because peoples behavior is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself. Factors Influencing Perception 1. Factors that shape and can distort perception : Perceiver Target Situation

2. When an individual looks at a target and attempts to interpret what he or she sees, that interpretation is heavily influenced by personal characteristics of the individual perceiver.

3. The more relevant personal characteristics affecting perception of the perceiver are attitudes, motives, interests, past experiences, and expectations. 4. Characteristics of the target can also affect what is being perceived. This would include attractiveness, gregariousness, and our tendency to group similar things together. For example, members of a group with clearly distinguishable features or color are often perceived as alike in other, unrelated characteristics as well. 5. The context in which we see objects or events also influences our attention. This could include time, heat, light, or other situational factors. Person Perception: Making Judgments about Others Attribution Theory : 1. Our perceptions of people differ from our perceptions of inanimate objects. We make inferences about the actions of people that we do not make about inanimate objects. Nonliving objects are subject to the laws of nature. People have beliefs, motives, or intentions. 2. Our perception and judgment of a persons actions are influenced by these assumptions. 3. Attribution theory suggests that when we observe an individuals behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused. That determination depends largely on three factors: Distinctiveness Consensus Consistency

4. Clarification of the differences between internal and external causation: Internally caused behaviors are those that are believed to be under the personal control of the individual. Externally caused behavior is seen as resulting from outside causes; that is, the person is seen as having been forced into the behavior by the situation. 5. Distinctiveness refers to whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations. What we want to know is whether the observed behavior is unusual. If it is, the observer is likely to give the behavior an external attribution. If this action is not unusual, it will probably be judged as internal.

6. Consensus occurs if everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way. If consensus is high, you would be expected to give an external attribution to the

employees tardiness, whereas if other employees who took the same route made it to work on time, your conclusion as to causation would be internal. 7. Consistency in a persons actions. Does the person respond the same way over time? The more consistent the behavior, the more the observer is inclined to attribute it to internal causes. 8. Fundamental Attribution Error There is substantial evidence that we have a tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal or personal factors. There is also a tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors such as ability or effort while putting the blame for failure on external factors such as luck. This is called the self-serving bias and suggests that feedback provided to employees will be distorted by recipients. 9. Are these errors or biases that distort attribution universal across different cultures? While there is no definitive answer there is some preliminary evidence that indicates cultural differences: Korean managers found that, contrary to the self-serving bias, they tended to accept responsibility for group failure. Attribution theory was developed largely based on experiments with Americans and Western Europeans. The Korean study suggests caution in making attribution theory predictions in nonWestern societies, especially in countries with strong collectivist traditions. Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging Others 1. We use a number of shortcuts when we judge others. An understanding of these shortcuts can be helpful toward recognizing when they can result in significant distortions. 2. Selective Perception Any characteristic that makes a person, object, or event stand out will increase the probability that it will be perceived. Since we cant observe everything going on about us, we engage in selective perception. A classic example:

a. Dearborn and Simon performed a perceptual study in which 23 business executives read a comprehensive case describing the organization and activities of a steel company.

b. The results along with other results of the study, led the researchers to conclude that the participants perceived aspects of a situation that were specifically related to the activities and goals of the unit to which they were attached. c. A groups perception of organizational activities is selectively altered to align with the vested interests they represent. 3. Halo Effect The halo effect occurs when we draw a general impression on the basis of a single characteristic: Propensity for halo effect to operate is not random. The reality of the halo effect was confirmed in a classic study.

a. Subjects were given a list of traits such as intelligent, skillful, practical, industrious, determined, and warm, and were asked to evaluate the person to whom those traits applied. When the word warm was substituted with cold the subjects changed their evaluation of the person. b. The experiment showed that subjects were allowing a single trait to influence their overall impression of the person being judged. c. Research suggests that it is likely to be most extreme when the traits to be perceived are ambiguous in behavioral terms, when the traits have moral overtones, and when the perceiver is judging traits with which he or she has had limited experience. 4. Contrast Effects We do not evaluate a person in isolation. Our reaction to one person is influenced by other persons we have recently encountered. For example, an interview situation in which one sees a pool of job applicants can distort perception. Distortions in any given candidates evaluation can occur as a result of his or her place in the interview schedule. 5. Projection This tendency to attribute ones own characteristics to other peoplewhich is called projectioncan distort perceptions made about others. When managers engage in projection, they compromise their ability to respond to individual differences. They tend to see people as more homogeneous than they really are. 6. Stereotyping

Stereotypingjudging someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he or she belongs

Generalization is not without advantages. It is a means of simplifying a complex world, and it permits us to maintain consistency. The problem, of course, is when we inaccurately stereotype. In organizations, we frequently hear comments that represent stereotypes based on gender, age, race, ethnicity, and even weight. From a perceptual standpoint, if people expect to see these stereotypes, that is what they will perceive, whether or not they are accurate. The Link between Perception and Individual Decision Making 1. Individuals in organizations make decisions; they make choices from among two or more alternatives. Top managers determine their organizations goals, what products or services to offer, how best to finance operations, or where to locate a new manufacturing plant. Middle- and lower-level managers determine production schedules, select new employees, and decide how pay raises are to be allocated. Non-managerial employees also make decisions including whether or not to come to work on any given day, how much effort to put forward once at work, and whether or not to comply with a request made by the boss. A number of organizations in recent years have been empowering their nonmanagerial employees with job-related decision-making authority that historically was reserved for managers. 2. Decision-making occurs as a reaction to a problem. There is a discrepancy between some current state of affairs and some desired state, requiring consideration of alternative courses of action. On persons problem is anothers satisfactory state of affairs.

3. Every decision requires interpretation and evaluation of information. The perceptions of the decision maker will address these two issues. Data are typically received from multiple sources. Which data are relevant to the decision and which are not?

Alternatives will be developed, and the strengths and weaknesses of each will need to be evaluated.

How Should Decisions Be Made? The Rational Decision-Making Process 1. The optimizing decision maker is rational. He or she makes consistent, value-maximizing choices within specified constraints. 2. The Rational Modelsix steps 3. Step 1: Defining the problem A problem is a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.

Many poor decisions can be traced to the decision maker overlooking a problem or defining the wrong problem. 4. Step 2: Identify the decision criteria important to solving the problem. The decision maker determines what is relevant in making the decision. Any factors not identified in this step are considered irrelevant. This brings in the decision makers interests, values, and similar personal preferences.

5. Step 3: Weight the previously identified criteria in order to give them the correct priority in the decision. 6. Step 4: Generate possible alternatives that could succeed in resolving the problem. 7. Step 5: Rate each alternative on each criterion. Critically analyze and evaluate each alternative.

The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative become evident as they are compared with the criteria and weights established in the second and third steps. 8. Step 6: The final step is to compute the optimal decision: Evaluate each alternative against the weighted criteria and selecting the alternative with the highest total score. 9. Assumptions of the Model Problem clarity. The decision maker is assumed to have complete information regarding the decision situation. Known options. It is assumed the decision maker is aware of all the possible consequences of each alternative. Clear preferences. Criteria and alternatives can be ranked and weighted to reflect their importance. Constant preferences. Specific decision criteria are constant and the weights assigned to them are stable over time.

No time or cost constraints. The rational decision maker can obtain full information about criteria and alternatives because it is assumed that there are no time or cost constraints. Maximum payoff. The rational decision maker will choose the alternative that yields the highest perceived value. Improving Creativity in Decision Making Definition: Creativity is the ability to produce novel and useful ideas. These are ideas that are different from what has been done before, but that are also appropriate to the problem or opportunity presented. 1. Creative Potential Most people have creative potential.

People have to get out of the psychological ruts most of us get into and learn how to think about a problem in divergent ways. 2. People differ in their inherent creativity.

A study of lifetime creativity of 461 men and women found that less than one percent were exceptionally creative. 10% were highly creative, about sixty percent were somewhat creative.

3. Three-component model of creativity. This model proposes that individual creativity essentially requires expertise, creative-thinking skills, and intrinsic task motivation. Expertise is the foundation for all creative work. The potential for creativity is enhanced when individuals have abilities, knowledge, proficiencies, and similar expertise in their field of endeavor. Creative thinking skills. This encompasses personality characteristics associated with creativity, the ability to use analogies, as well as the talent to see the familiar in a different light. Intrinsic task motivation. The desire to work on something because its interesting, involving, exciting, satisfying, or personally challenging. This turns creativity potential into actual creative ideas. It determines the extent to which individuals fully engage their expertise and creative skills. How Are Decisions Actually Made in Organizations? 1. Are decision makers in organizations rational? When decision makers are faced with a simple problem having few alternative courses of action, and when the cost of searching out and evaluating alternatives is low, the rational model is fairly accurate.

2. Most decisions in the real world do not follow the rational model. Decision makers generally make limited use of their creativity.

Choices tend to be confined to the neighborhood of the problem symptom and to the neighborhood of the current alternative. Bounded Rationality 1. When faced with a complex problem, most people respond by reducing the problem to a level at which it can be readily understood. This is because the limited information-processing capability of human beings makes it impossible to assimilate and understand all the information necessary to optimize. People satisficethey seek solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient.

2. Individuals operate within the confines of bounded rationality. They construct simplified models that extract the essential features. 3. How does bounded rationality work? Once a problem is identified, the search for criteria and alternatives begins.

The decision maker will identify a limited list made up of the more conspicuous choices, which are easy to find, tend to be highly visible, and they will represent familiar criteria and previously tried-and-true solutions. Once this limited set of alternatives is identified, the decision maker will begin reviewing it. a. The decision maker will begin with alternatives that differ only in a relatively small degree from the choice currently in effect. b. The first alternative that meets the good enough criterion ends the search. The order in which alternatives are considered is critical in determining which alternative is selected. Assuming that a problem has more than one potential solution, the satisficing choice will be the first acceptable one the decision maker encounters. Alternatives that depart the least from the status quo are the most likely to be selected.

Common Biases and Errors

1. Decision makers allow systematic biases and errors to creep into their judgments. People tend to rely on experience, impulses, gut feelings and rules of thumb. These can lead to distortions. 2. Overconfidence Bias Individuals whose intellectual and interpersonal abilities are weakest are most likely to overestimate their performance and ability. The more knowledgeable, the less likely to display overconfidence.

3. Anchoring Bias Fixating on initial information as a starting point and failing to adequately adjust for subsequent information. Anchors are widely used by people in advertising, management, politics, real estate, and lawyerswhere persuasion skills are important. 4. Confirmation Bias Type of selective perception. Seek out information that reaffirms past choices, and discount information that contradicts past judgments. 5. Availability Bias Tendency for people to base judgments on information that is readily available.

6. Representative Bias Assess the likelihood of an occurrence by trying to match it with a preexisting category. 7. Escalation of Commitment Error Staying with a decision even when there is clear evidence that its wrong.

8. Randomness Error Decision making becomes impaired when we try to create meaning out of random events. 9. Hindsight Bias Tendency to believe falsely that one has accurately predicted the outcome of an event, after that outcome is actually known. Intuition 1. Intuitive decision-making has recently come out of the closet and into some respectability. 2. What is intuitive decision making? It is an unconscious process created out of distilled experience. It operates in complement with rational analysis.

Some consider it a form of extrasensory power or sixth sense. Some believe it is a personality trait that a limited number of people are born with.

3. Research on chess playing provides an excellent example of how intuition works. The experts experience allows him or her to recognize the pattern in a situation and draw upon previously learned information associated with that pattern to quickly arrive at a decision choice. The result is that the intuitive decision maker can decide rapidly with what appears to be very limited information. a. b. c. c. e. Eight conditions when people are most likely to use intuitive decision making: when a high level of uncertainty exists when there is little precedent to draw on when variables are less scientifically predictable when facts are limited when facts do not clearly point the way to go

f. when analytical data are of little use g. when there are several plausible alternative solutions to choose from, with good arguments for each h. when time is limited, and there is pressure to come up with the right decision Although intuitive decision making has gained in respectability, dont expect people especially in North America, Great Britain, and other cultures where rational analysis is the approved way of making decisionsto acknowledge they are using it. Rational analysis is considered more socially desirable in these cultures.

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