The study of the properties of mixtures and air and water vapour is called Psychrometry. It involves the use of Psychrometric Chart, which looks like a pair of shoes, that is useful in understanding the drying and storage operation as well as analysis of individual requirements for climatic conditions. In Psychrometry, we can encounter the following properties of air: Dry Bulb Temperature, Wet Bulb Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dew Point Temperature, Absolute Humidity, Specific Volume, and Enthalpy.
The Dry Bulb Temperature (Tdb) is can be measured by an ordinary thermometer. In the Psychrometric chart, the dry bulb scale is the x-axis of the shoe whereas the dry bulb lines are the vertical lines parallel to the y-axis. On the other hand, the Wet Bulb Temperature (Twb) is can be measured by an ordinary thermometer whose glass bulb is covered by a wet cloth or gauze. The wet bulb scale is located on the face of the shoe. The wet bulb lines are diagonal, and its wet bulb depression (between Dry Bulb Temperature and Dew Point Temperature) is a measure of relative humidity. Relative Humidity (RH) is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapour to the saturation pressure of pure water at the same temperature. The saturation line or 100%RH is the face of the shoe. The amount of water vapor per kg of dry air is what is called as the Absolute Humidity or Humidity Ratio (W). The humidity ratio scale is equal to the y-axis or the back of the shoe. The Specific Volume (V) is the volume occupied by one kg of dry air. The specific volume lines are diagonal lines having a higher slope compared to the wet bulb lines. Lastly, the Enthalpy (H), is the heat content of the air in which it is important in calculation of the energy requirement of any process which involves air as the medium.
In Psychrometry, heating is the process where ambient air is heated to a desired drying temperature at a constant humidity and vapor pressure. Cooling, on the other hand, is the process where the temperature of the heated air decreases during drying, approaching 100% Relative Humidity and constant Wet Bulb Temperature.
Psychrometry is important in drying practice because atmospheric air is a mixture of air and water vapor. In some air-conditioning process, water is removed from air-water vapor mixture, and in other processes, water is added. Psudrometric principles are applied to load calculations, air-conditioning systems, cooling and dehumidifying coils, cooking towers, and evaporative condensers (Stoecker & Jones, 1982 as cited by Ramos, 2003).
In this exercise, we used Psychrometry in determination of the properties of moist air in conditions such as ambient air at AGPET Lab, air conditioned lecture room, inlet of dryer, and outlet of dryer.
The materials and equipment used in this exercise were the following: Sling psychrometer, Bendix psychrometer, Psychrometric Chart, Ambient air at AGPET Lab, Conditioned air at AGPET Lecture Room, and Conditioned air at AGPET Lab dryer.
For the methodology, the dry and wet bulb temperatures were determined using Sling and Bendix Psychrometers for Ambient air at AGPET Lab, Conditioned air at AGPET Lecture Room, and Conditioned air at AGPET Lab dryer. Air properties such as Absolute Humidity, Enthalpy, Specific Volume, and Relative Humidity were also determined using the Psychrometric Chart by using the data for Dry and Wet Bulb temperatures. The change in temperature and the change in absolute humidity between the ambient and lecture room/staff office, and the change in temperature and change in absolute humidity between the inlet and outlet dryer were also determined. The reading of the Sling and Bendix Psychrometers were compared and the differences were explained. This can be found in Results and Discussions below. Then lastly, diagram of the Sling and Bendix Psychrometers used in the exercised were sketched. This can be found in the Appendix.
Table 1 shows the properties of ambient air as measured by Sling Psychrometer and Bendix Psychrometer. We can see that the values for Relative Humidity, Humidity Ratio, Enthalpy, and Specific Volume using Bendix Psychrometer are higher than the values using Sling Psychrometer. The result tells us that we can get higher values of air properties if we used an apparatus that has a cooling fan inside like the Bendix Psychrometer.
Tdb, C 30 29.4
Twb, C 26 26.1
RH, % 72 74
H, Kj/Kgda 73 80.1
Table 2. Properties of air at different locations using Sling Psychrometer. Type Ambient air Conditioned air Air at the dryer inlet Air at the dryer outlet Tdb, C 30 24 29 52 Twb, C 26 17 25 35 RH, % 72 69 75 35 W, kg/kgda 0.020 0.012 0.019 0.033 H, Kj/Kgda 73 44 70 112 v, m3/kgda 0.91 0.87 0.89 0.96
We can observe from Table 2 that the air at the dryer outlet has the highest value for dry bulb temperature as measured by the Sling Psychrometer. This was followed by the values from the ambient air, then from the air at the dryer inlet, then lastly, from the conditioned air. The order of the locations of air can with respect to decreasing order of values can be attributed to the atmosphere and temperature of the locations in which the air at the dryer outlet has the hottest temperature. Meanwhile, the conditioned air has the coolest temperature among the other three locations. With the values obtained for Dry Bulb Temperature and Wet Bulb Temperature for the four locations, we were able to determine the other air properties with the use of Psychrometric Chart. The order of the values for air properties such as Humidity Ratio (W), Enthalpy (H), and Specific Volume (v), also follows the observed initial order of locations, except for the Relative Humidity (RH). From this observation, we can say that Relative Humidity has inverse relationship with the rest of the air properties. Furthermore, we can say that from Table 2, we can see that the closer the values obtained from the Dry Bulb and Wet Bulb Temperatures, the higher the Relative Humidity measured. This can be observed in data for the air at the dryer inlet. With these, we can say that the water content in the air at the dryer inlet has the highest amount that it can no longer absorb moisture of air.
Based from the analysis of the data, we can say that the higher the Dry Bulb and the Wet Bulb Temperatures, the higher the values for Humidity Ratio, Enthalpy, and Specific Volume.
Meanwhile, the Relative Humidity based from the data, has inverse relationship to the Dry Bulb as well as the Wet Bulb Temperatures.
The hotness or coolness of the location has also impact to the air properties--the hotter the location, the higher the values of air properties, and the cooler the location, the lower the values of air properties.
Ramos, C.L., et al. (ed). 2003. Rice Postproduction Technology: A Technical Reference Guide. Philippine Rice POSTPRODUCTION CONSORTIUM, NFA.QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES.