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S/No. Subject List of contents List of figures List of tables Abstract Introduction Definition Types of attenuation General wave behaviour Attenuation can be caused by Fields in cartesian coordinates Attenuation Fields in a lossy rectangular waveguide Formulation of attenuation Experimental setup Results and discussion Conclusion References Page number 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 8 8 10 12 14 16 19 23 24

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

List of figures
S/No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure name Block diagram of a heterodyne receiver A waveguide with arbitrary geometry The cross section of a rectangular waveguide Rectangular waveguides with width a = 1.30 cm and height b = 0.64 cm A pair of chokes made of aluminum Parameters of the (a) cross section and (b) side view of the choke Taper transitions A 20 cm rectangular waveguide connected to the VNA, via tapers, chokes, adapters, and coaxial cables Attenuation of TE10 mode at the vicinity of cutoff Attenuation of TE10 mode from 0 to 100 GHz Attenuation of TE10 mode from 100 GHz to 1 THz Propagation constant (phase constant and attenuation constant) of TE10 mode in a lossy rectangular waveguide Page number 6 7 9 17 17 18 18 19

9 10 11 12

20 22 22 23

List of tables
S/No Table name 1 Comparison of SIS receiver performance 2 Attenuation of TE10 at the vicinity of the cutoff frequency Page number 6 21


1. Abstract
This is a research about Attenuation coefficient, which is defined, formulated and graphically represented in these papers. Firstly after introduction we defined the term Attenuation, listed types, as we discussed the wave-guide behavior before the section of attenuation which the main section. Formulations, experiment setup, discussion and conclusion. Also some important sections was discussed in this research.

2. Introduction
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in circular waveguides has been widely investigated, for waveguides with lossy and superconducting walls, unbounded dielectric rod, bounded dielectric rod in a waveguide, and multilayered coated circular waveguide. The circular symmetry of the waveguide allows the boundary matching equations to be expressed in a single variable which is the radial distance r. The eigenmodes could therefore be obtained from a single transcendental equation. This approach cannot be implemented in the case of rectangular symmetry where a 2D Cartesian coordinate system must be used. Rectangular waveguides are employed extensively in microwave and millimeter wave receiver since they are much easier to manipulate than circular waveguides (bend, twist) and also offer significantly lower cross polarization component. Despite that, not much has recently been published on analyzing the guided propagation of electromagnetic signals in lossy or superconducting rectangular waveguides. Finally, we would like to emphasize that significant deviation between the power loss and rigorous methods computations start to appear at frequencies well below cutoff where waveguides are used as filters and for other applications. At frequencies immediately below cutoff, the attenuation diverges at very high rate that at some stage power transmission in the waveguide becomes negligible.

At these frequencies (very close to cutoff) the deviation in the computed results between our method and the power loss results is substantial. Experimentally measured attenuation confirms the integrity of our computation close to cutoff.

3. Definition
Attenuation is reduction of signal strength during transmission. Attenuation is the opposite of amplification, and is normal when a signal is sent from one point to another. If the signal attenuates too much, it becomes unintelligible, which is why most networks require repeaters at regular intervals. Attenuation is measured in decibels.

4. Types of attenuation
Attenuation has the different following types: i. ii. Deliberate attenuation can occur for example where a volume control is used to lower the sound level on consumer electronics. Automatic attenuation is a common feature of televisions and other audio equipment to prevent sound distortion by automatic level sensing that triggers attenuation circuits. Environmental attenuation relates to signal power loss due to the transmission medium, whether that be wireless, copper wired or fiber optic connected.


To illustrate in detail the applications of waveguides in receiver systems, a functional block diagram of a typical heterodyne receiver in radio telescopes is shown in Fig. 1. The electromagnetic signal (RF signal) from the antenna is directed down to the front end of the receiver system via mirrors and beam waveguides. At the front end of the receiver system, such as the sideband separating receiver designed for the ALMA band 7 cartridge, the RF signal is channelled from the aperture of the horn through a circular and subsequently a rectangular waveguide, before being coupled to the mixer. In the mixer circuit, a local oscillator (LO) signal which is generally of lower frequency is then mixed with the RF signal, to down convert the RF signal to a lower intermediate frequency (IF) signal.

The front-end receiver noise temperature TR is determined by a number of factors. These include the mixer noise temperature TM, the conversion loss CLoss, the noise temperature of the first IF amplifier TIF, and the coupling efficiency between the IF port of the junction and the input port of the first IF amplifier . A comparison of the performance of different SIS waveguide receivers is listed in Table 1. It can be seen that the value of TR for the 230 GHz system is a factor of 3 to 4 less than that achieved with the 492 GHz system. The decrease in system performance at 492 GHz is due to the increase of CLoss and TM by a factor of approximately 3.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of a heterodyne receiver. SIS Junction Nb Pb Center Frequency (GHz) 230 567 TR (K) 48 159 TM (K) 34 129 CLoss (dB) 3.1 8.1 TIF (K) 7.0 4.2 Table 1. Comparison of SIS receiver performance. Nb 694 176 123 8.9 6.8

5. General wave behaviour General wave behavior along uniform guiding structures is as iilustrated in this section, as shown in Fig. 2, a time harmonic field propagating in the z direction of a uniform guiding structure with arbitrary geometry

can be expressed as a combination of elementary waves having a general functional form.

Fig. 2. A waveguide with arbitrary geometry.

where 0(x, y) is a two dimensional vector phasor that depends only on the cross-sectional coordinates, the angular frequency, and kz is the propagation constant. Hence, in using phasor representation in equations relating field quantities, the partial derivatives with respect to t and z may be replaced by products with jw and jkz, respectively; the common factor exp[j(wt + kzz)] can be dropped. Here, the propagation constant kz is a complex variable, which consists of a phase constant and an attenuation constant

The field intensities in a charge-free dielectric region (such as free-pace), satisfy the following homogeneous vector Helmholtzs equation

where is the longitudinal component of , is the Laplacian operator for the transverse coordinates, and k is the wavenumber in the

material. For waves propagating in a hollow waveguide, k = k0, the wavenumber in free-space. It is convenient to classify propagating waves into three types, in correspond to the existence of the longitudinal electric field Ez or longitudinal magnetic Hz field: i. Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves. A TEM wave consists of neither electric fields nor magnetic fields in the longitudinal direction. Transverse magnetic (TM) waves. A TM wave consists of a nonzero electric field but zero magnetic field in the longitudinal direction. Transverse electric (TE) waves. A TE wave consists of a zero electric field but nonzero magnetic field in the longitudinal direction.



6. Attenuation can be caused by: i. Transmission medium - All electrical signals transmitted down electrical conductors cause an electromagnetic field around the transmission. This field causes energy loss down the cable and gets worse depending upon the frequency and length of the cable run. Losses due to Crosstalk from adjacent cabling causes attenuation in copper or other conductive metal cabling. Conductors and connectors - Attenuation can occur as a signal passes across different conductive mediums and mated connector surfaces.

ii. iii.

7. Fields in cartesian coordinates

Before we describe the section of attenuation, its suitable to discuss about the fields in Cartesian coordinates, for waves propagating in a rectangular waveguide, such as that shown in Fig. 3, Helmholtzs equation can be expanded in Cartesian coordinates to give

By applying the method of separation of variables, as

can be expressed

Helmholtzs equation can thus be separated into two sets of second order differential equations, as shown below

where kx and ky are the transverse wavenumbers in the x and y directions, respectively.

Fig. 3. The cross section of a rectangular waveguide. The transverse field components can be derived by substituting the longitudinal field components into Maxwells source free curl equations

where and are the permittivity and permeability of the material, respectively. Expressing the transverse field components in term of the longitudinal field components Ez and Hz, the following equations can be obtained

8. Attenuation
This section is the main point of this research, it is for analysis and comparison between the perturbation power-loss method and the new boundary matching method, also forming the different formulation of attenuation. The attenuation of electromagnetic waves in waveguides can be caused by two factors i.e. the attenuation due to the lossy dielectric material and that due to the ohmic losses in imperfectly conducting walls .

For a conducting waveguide, the inner core is usually filled with low-loss dielectric material, such as air. Hence, shall be assumed zero in the power-loss method and the loss in a waveguide is assumed to be caused solely by the conduction loss. It could be seen later that such assumption is not necessary in the new boundary-matching method. Indeed, the new method inherently accounts for both kinds of losses in its formulation.

The approximate power-loss method assumes that the fields expression in a highly but imperfectly conducting waveguide, to be the same as those of a lossless waveguide. Hence, kx, ky, and kz are given as

where a and b are the width and height, respectively, of the rectangular waveguide; whereas m and n denote the number of half cycle variations in the x and y directions, respectively. Every combination of m and n defines a possible mode for TEmn and TMmn waves. Conduction loss is assumed to occur due to small fields penetration into the conductor surfaces. According to the law of conservation of energy, the attenuation constant due to conduction loss can be derived as

where Pz is the time-average power flowing through the cross-section and PL the time-average power lost per unit length of the waveguide. Solving for PL and Pz based on Poyntings theorem, the attenuation constant for TM and TE modes i.e. (TM) and (TE), respectively, can thus be expressed as


where Rs is the surface resistance, fc the cutoff frequency, and intrinsic impedance of free space.


The new boundary-matching method; It is apparent that, in order to derive the approximate power-loss equations illustrated above, the field equations must be assumed to be lossless. In a lossless waveguide, the boundary condition requires that the resultant tangential electric field Et and the normal derivative of the tangential magnetic field to vanish at the waveguide wall, where an is the normal direction to the waveguide wall. In reality, however, this is not exactly the case. The conductivity of a practical waveguide is finite. Hence, both Et and are not exactly zero at the boundary of the waveguide. Besides, the loss tangent of a material decreases in direct proportion with the increase of frequency. Hence, a highly conducting wall at low frequency may exhibit the properties of a lossy dielectric at high frequency, resulting in inaccuracy using the assumption at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. In order to model the field expressions closer to those in a lossy waveguide and to account for the presence of fields inside the walls, two phase parameters have been introduced in the new method. The phase parameters i.e and are referred to as the fields penetration factors in the x and y directions, respectively. It is worthwhile noting that, with the introduction of the penetration factors, Et and do not necessarily decay to zero at the boundary, therefore allowing the effect of not being a perfect conductor at the waveguide wall.

9. Fields in a lossy rectangular waveguide

For waves propagating in a lossy hollow rectangular waveguide, as shown in Figure 3, a superposition of TM and TE waves is necessary to satisfy the boundary condition at the wall. The longitudinal electric and magnetic field components Ez and Hz, respectively, can be derived by solving Helmholtzs homogeneous equation in Cartesian coordinate.


Using the method of separation of variables, the following set of field equations is obtained

where E0 and H0 are constant amplitudes of the fields. The propagation constant kz for each mode will be found by solving for kx and ky and substituting the results into the dispersion relation

In that case Ez and

are either at their maximum magnitude or zero

at both x = a/2 and y = b/2 , i.e. the centre of the waveguide, therefore

From the above equation the penetration factors are obtained as,

To take the finite conductivity into account, kx and ky are allowed to take complex values yielding non-zero penetration of the fields into the waveguide material


where and are the phase constants and and are the attenuation constants in the x and y directions, respectively. The fields are obtained as

where 0 and 0 are the permeability and permittivity of free space, respectively.


Formulation of attenuation

At the wall, the tangential fields must satisfy the relationship defined by the constitutive properties c and c of the material. The ratio of the tangential component of the electric field to the surface current density at the conductor surface is represented by

where c and c are the permeability and permittivity of the wall material, respectively, and is the intrinsic impedance of the wall

material. The dielectric constant is complex and c may be written as



is the conductivity of the wall.

In order to estimate the loss of waves in millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths more accurately, a more evolved model than the conventional constant conductivity model used at microwave frequencies is necessary. Here, Drudes model is applied for the frequency dependent conductivity

where is the conventional constant conductivity of the wall material and the mean free time. At the width surface of the waveguide We have:

Similarly, at the height surface where x = a, we obtain the following relationships are obtained


By letting the determinant of the coefficients of E0 and H0 vanish the following transcendental equations are obtained

Since the dominant TE10 mode has the lowest cutoff frequency among all modes and is the only possible mode propagating alone, it is of engineering importance. In the subsequent sections, comparison and detail analysis of the TE10 mode shall be performed. For the TE10 mode, m and n are set to 1 and 0, respectively. for TE10 mode can be simplified to


Experimental setup

To validate the results, experimental measurements had been carried out. The loss as a function of frequency for a rectangular waveguide was measured using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). A 20 cm copper rectangular waveguide with dimensions of a = 1.30 cm and b = 0.64 cm such as that shown in Fig. 4 were used in the measurement. To minimize noise in the waveguide, a pair of chokes had also been designed and fabricated as shown in Fig. 5. A detail design of the choke

drawn using AutoCAD are shown in Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b). In order to allow the waveguide to be connected to the adapters which are of different sizes, a pair of taper transitions had also been used as shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 8 depicts the complete setup of the experiment where the rectangular waveguide was connected to the VNA via tapers, chokes, coaxial cables, and adapters. Before measurement was carried out, the coaxial cables and waveguide adapters were calibrated to eliminate noise from the two devices. The loss in the waveguide was then observed from the S21 or S12 parameter of the scattering matrix. The measurement was performed in the frequencies at the vicinity of cutoff.

Fig. 4. Rectangular waveguides with width a = 1.30 cm and height b = 0.64 cm.

Fig. 5. A pair of chokes made of aluminum.


Fig. 6. Parameters of the (a) cross section and (b) side view of the choke.

Fig. 7. Taper transitions.


Fig. 8. A 20 cm rectangular waveguide connected to the VNA, via tapers, chokes, adapters, and coaxial cables.


Results and discussion

Clearly, the attenuation constant computed from the power-loss method diverges sharply to infinity, as the frequency approaches fc, and is very different to the simulated results, which show clearly that the loss at frequencies below fc is high but finite. The attenuation computed using the new boundary-matching method, on the other hand, matches very closely with the S21 curve, measured using from the VNA. As shown in Table 2, the loss between 11.47025 GHz and 11.49950 GHz computed by the boundary-matching method agrees with measurement to within 5% which is comparable to the error in the measurement. The inaccuracy in the power-loss method is due to the fact that the fields expressions are assumed to be lossless i.e. kx and ky are taken as real variables. Although the initial guesses for kx and ky applied in the new boundarymatching method are assumed to be identical with the lossless case, the final results actually converge to complex values when the characteristic equations are solved numerically.


Fig. 9. Attenuation of TE10 mode at the vicinity of cutoff the new boundary matching method power loss method. S21 measurement. Fig. 10 shows the attenuation curve when the frequency is extended to higher values. Here, the loss due to TE10 alone could no longer be measured alone, since higher-order modes, such as TE11 and TM11, etc., start to propagate. Close inspection shows that the loss predicted by the two methods at higher frequencies is in very close agreement. It is, therefore, sufficed to say that, although the power-loss method fails to predict the attenuation near fc accurately, it is still considered adequate in computing the attenuation of TE10 in lossy waveguides, provided that the frequency f is reasonably above the cutoff fc. As depicted in Fig. 11, at frequencies beyond millimeter wavelengths, however, the loss computed by the boundary-matching method appears to be much higher than those by the power-loss method. The differences can be attributed to the fact that at extremely high frequencies, the loss tangent of the wall material decreases and the field in a lossy waveguide can no longer be approximated to those derived from a perfectly conducting waveguide. At such high frequencies, the wave propagating in the waveguide is a hybrid mode and the presence of the longitudinal electric field Ez can no longer be neglected.

Table 2. Attenuation of TE10 at the vicinity of the cutoff frequency. Unlike the power-loss method which only gives the value of the attenuation constant, one other advantage of the boundary-matching method is that it is able to account for the phase constant of the wave as well. A comparison between the attenuation constant and phase constant of a TE10 mode is shown in Fig. 12. As can be observed, as the attenuation in the waveguide gradually decreases, the phase constant increases. Fig. 12 illustrates the change in the mode i.e. from evanescent below cutoff to propagating mode above cutoff.


Fig. 10. Attenuation of TE10 mode from 0 to 100 GHz. the new boundary matching method. power loss method.

Fig. 11. Attenuation of TE10 mode from 100 GHz to 1 THz. the new boundary matching method. power loss method.


Fig. 12. Propagation constant (phase constant and attenuation constant) of TE10 mode in a lossy rectangular waveguide. phase constant. attenuation constant.



In this research, we defined the attenuation, and talked in details about a fundamental and accurate technique to compute the propagation constant of waves in a lossy rectangular waveguide is proposed. The formulation is based on matching the fields to the constitutive properties of the material at the boundary. The electromagnetic fields are used in conjunction of the concept of surface impedance to derive transcendental equations, whose roots give values for the wavenumbers in the x and y directions for different TE or TM modes. The wave propagation constant kz could then be obtained from kx, ky, and k0 using the dispersion relation. The new boundary-matching method has been validated by comparing the attenuation of the dominant mode with the S21 measurement, as well as, that obtained from the power-loss method. The attenuation curve plotted using the new method matches with the power-loss method at a reasonable range of frequencies above the cutoff. There are however two regions where both curves are found to differ significantly. At frequencies below the cutoff fc, the power-loss method diverges to infinity with a singularity at frequency f = fc. The

new method, however, shows that the signal increases to a highly attenuating mode as the frequencies drop below fc. Indeed, such result agrees very closely with the measurement result, therefore, verifying the validity of the new method. At frequencies above 100 GHz, the attenuation obtained using the new method increases beyond that predicted by the power-loss method. At f above the millimeter wavelengths, the field in a lossy waveguide can no longer be pproximated to those of the lossless case. The additional loss predicted by the new boundary-matching method is attributed to the presence of the longitudinal Ez component in hybrid modes. At the end we hope that this research covered the most important points in attenuation.



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