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Agni Dhyana With Chakras

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Agni Dhyanam

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R. Sridhar, Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be redistributed or published in any form without the prior written permission of the author. Please use these instructions at your own risk. The author cannot be held responsible for any effect physical or otherwise, arising out of using these instructions or inability to use these instructions or this meditation practice.

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Agni Dhyanam An Introduction

Within all of us is the divine life force. On one end of the scale is the physical body and on the other end of the spectrum is the divine light without any form name or qualities. This divine energy transforms into the five elements Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth in that order to manifest in the physical body through the qualities of Activity, Turbulence (continuous change between state of activity and inactivity) and Inactivity. This divine transformation from the most subtle to the gross physical body is visualized through the three bodies (made of the five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, Mind and Consciousness). The three bodies are: 1. 2. 3. The Physical Body The Astral Body The Causal Body

The Three Bodies and what they are made of According to Ayurveda, the physical body consists seven stratas of Fluids, Blood, Flesh, Fat, Marrow, Bone and the Semen (in men) and Ovarian Egg (in women). These seven strata can be mapped to the five elements of Eath, Water, Fire, Air, Space, Mind and Consciousness. Solids (Bones, Fat, Flesh, Blood) consists predominantly of the Earth element; Fluids (Plasma, Mucus, Fluids in the Lymph, Fluids inside the cells and between the cell spaces) consists predominantly of the Water Element; Acids in the body, Enzymes that break down food and other particles in the body, the movement of nutrients between the cells and outside, fundamentally any absorption and excretory functions are primarily dominant of the Fire element; Marrow, Joints, Lungs, Abdomen, the respiratory system all consists of the Air element; spaces that exist between organs, inside the cells, between the cells, between the nerve endings are dominant of the Space element; The Mind has three components Memories and Feelings, the discriminating faculty and the sense of identity (perception of its own self as apart from the rest of the world) the Ego; Consciousness or Awareness of the self is the function that exists and feeds the Ego. The mind also acts as a connection between your physical body and the Astral Body. The Astral Body is made up of energy of the consciousness and the flow of the energy is visualized through meridians. Energy flows through these meridians to keep the astral and the physical body intact. Any disturbance in the flow of this energy manifests itself in the mind and the body as disturbances either as mental or physical illnesses. We live in a world where every action of ours has a consequence. Not acting also has its consequences. These consequences then become the cause for other effects; these effects again causing more effects in a vicious cycle without an end. Between our action and the consequences is a gap of what we perceive as time. The time between our action and the consequences are dependent on the force of our effort and the environment in which this effort was directed. This sum total of all the causes that we have caused is
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visualized as the Causal Body. Hence the causal body is only the load of impressions that we carry within ourselves. These impressions affect the flow of energy in the Astral Body. This in turn affects the physical body / mind. If by some means we can constantly ensure that the flow of energy is smooth, we should be able to deal with our lives more effectively and achieve greater success and happiness. Agni Dhyanam is a meditation that facilitates this process. Agni Dhyana is a set of spiritual practices (primarily Visualization and Expansion of Consciousness) that aims to awaken the Divine Light within every human being. Positive Reactions Agni Dhyanam is an intense practice. Spiritual development is unique to each individual; it is hard to describe the exact effects this meditation may have on you. Better health, clarity of thought, feelings and emotions, an overall sense of well-being and happiness along with spiritual progress that is right for your circumstances is the result of this spiritual practice. You can also expect a marked improvement in your relationship with everyone and everything around you. Other effects that have been noticed are a gradual decrease in urges that are not in your own interest specifically freedom from addictions. Improvements in energy levels, deeper and restorative sleep. It has also been noticed that there is a marked decrease in the need for food and sleep. At advanced levels, other effects that are noticed are karmic impressions being worked out in your dreams / during meditation so that your soul can learn the lessons from the karmic impressions without having to manifest it in your life. Some of you may notice the following adverse reactions during the first three weeks of the practice. If these adverse reactions persist beyond 2 days, you should discontinue the practice of Agni Dhyanam. If you wish to continue with Agni Dhyanam, you need to first strengthen your body through exercise, rest, nutritious food and intake of water and fruit juices. Adverse Reactions High temperature, severe cold, nasal congestion, flu like symptoms, intense body pain, variations in blood pressure, feeling dis-oriented, spaced out, etc. are a few of the adverse symptoms that you may experience. This is an indication that your physical body is not in a position to handle the increased level of energy flow. You must immediately stop the Agni Dhyanam and devote time to improving your physical health. Suppressed emotions manifest in terms of anger, hatred, jealousy, dis-satisfaction, etc. and most of these emotions can be intense. This is an indication that your mind is not purified enough to handle the increased level of energy flow.

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If you wish to continue with Agni Dhyanam, you should do so only after improving your physical health and practicing the Cleansing part of Agni Dhyanam only at least for a period of 21 days, before you restart your Agni Dhyanam proper. Overview of the process of Agni Dhyanam Agni Dhyanam consists of three distinct phases: 1. Cleansing It is important to first cleanse the flow of energy in the astral body and improve the strength of the meridians so that you can avoid the adverse reactions of Agni Dhyanam. There are signs to ascertain if the cleansing is happening and proceeding properly. In the first phase of cleansing you will notice that you tend to sweat more than usual and start feeling thirsty more than usual. In the second phase of cleansing you will notice that you feel a sense of vibration within your body. In the third and final phase of cleansing you will notice that your body feels light and radiant. Emotional cleansing can happen as dreams. Issues that you have buried within you can manifest as dreams / nightmares based on the intensity of the expressions and the feelings that you had during the experience. You may have dreams of being drowned in water. 2. Installation and offering to the Inner Fire You will notice a heat at the base of the spine and the seat in which you were seated for meditation generally tends to become hot. This is an indication that your inner fire has been installed. Within a few days of starting the full Agni Dhyanam you should notice changes in your lives. You will notice positive changes in your Career, Finance, Relationships, etc. Sometimes you may notice that things get worse before they get better. In such cases, you should only continue with the Cleansing part of the Agni Dhyanam for a period of 42 days before you restart your Agni Dhyanam proper. 3. Installation of the Divine Self You must proceed with the installation of the Divine self only after ascertaining that there are no adverse reactions when you practice Agni Dhyanam. The flow of energy that is associated with the Installation of the Divine self is tremendous and intense. If your physical body or your mind is not yet ready for the installation (see adverse reactions earlier), you will experience unpleasantness (ill health, unhappiness, failure, etc.) and moroseness. Please proceed with caution and do not treat this lightly.
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The 21 Wheels of Consciousness

Your physical and energy bodies are connected to one another through centers in your body which correspond with your endocrine gland system. These energy vortexes are called Chakras (Wheels). Though there are many major and minor chakras, In Agni Dhyanam, we focus our attention on 7 human chakras, 7 sub-human chakras, and 7 super human chakras as per the table below: The Seven Human Chakras / Wheels Chakra Name Mooladhara Svadishtana Manipura Anahata Vishudha Ajna Sahasrahara Position in the Body Base of Spine Below the Navel Solar Plexus Heart Throat Between the Eye Brows Crown Earth Water Fire Air Space Mind Consciousness Element

The Seven Sub-Human Chakras / Wheels Chakra Name Atala Vitala Sutala Talatala Rasatala Mahatala Patala Position in the Body Hips Thighs Knees Calves Ankles Feet Soles of the feet Fear Anger and Burning Resentment Jealousy Greed and Deceit Urge to be Selfish Urge to Steal Urge to Hate, Revenge and Torture Regulates

Between the Atala Chakra and Mooladhara is the Brhmadvara which needs to be sealed so that your consciousness does not descend to the sub-human chakras.

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Chakra Name Vyapini Vyomanga Ananta Anatha Anasrita Samana Unmana

Meaning All-pervasive Space Bodied Infinite Having No Master Independent Synchronous Ecstatic

Agni Dhyanam The process

Preparing to meditate 1. Sit cross legged (in Lotus or Half Lotus Pose) in a well-ventilated quiet room wearing loose clothes (preferably cotton clothes). 2. 3. Close your eyes. Keep your back and head erect. Arch you head back a little. Place your right hand, palm upwards, within your left hand, palm upwards, with the thumbs lightly touching. This position is held about 4 fingers width below the navel. (Ladies should have their left palm over their right palm). Your position should resemble the picture below:


Take three deep slow breaths and let your mind quieten down.

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Cleansing 5. Visualize a cool White Light flowing down from the Divine Being and touching the top of your crown. (Some of you may be able to see the cool white light from the Divine Being; while others may be able to sense it; while others may actually feel the cool sensation. Choose what works best for you.) 6. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head and purifying the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space in your crown. Spend sufficient time to visualize it down to the cellular level. Allow the white light to flow down your head to your neck, through your shoulders, down your body and arms, hips, thighs and legs and into the earth and repeat the process as per what you did for your crown. Take your time to construct this visualization. 7. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head to your heart and purifying your Mind removing the effects of your memories and feelings on you, purifying your perception and ability to discriminate; and purifying your Ego. 8. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head and purifying your Consciousness and removing any delusions that exists. 9. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head and purifying your flow of energy in your body and removing any blocks that exists. Spend more time in parts of the body where you experience stiffness, pain, etc. 10. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head and purifying all karmic impressions that you carry within you. 11. Visualize a cool White Light flowing down from the Divine Being and touching the top of your crown. 12. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head and strengthening the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space in your crown. Spend sufficient time to visualize it down to the cellular level. Allow the white light to flow down your head to your neck, through your shoulders, down your body and arms, hips, thighs and legs and into the earth and repeat the process as per what you did for your crown. Take your time to construct this visualization. 13. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head to your heart and strengthening your Mind. 14. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head and strengthening your Consciousness. 15. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head and strengthening your meridians. Spend more time in parts of the body where you experience stiffness, pain, etc.

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16. Visualize the white light flowing from the crown of your head and resolving all karmic impressions that you carry within you in a manner that is the best for all concerned. Installation of the Inner Fire 17. Visualize and construct a pipe approximately around 2 in diameter from the base of your spine (through the insides your body centered along the spinal column) to about six centimeters above your crown. Take your time to construct this central pipe. 18. Visualize two smaller pipes running up from each of your nostrils (about 1/2 in diameter) to the crown and bending down on either sides of the central pipe constructed earlier and joining the central pipe at the base of your spine. Take your time to construct these two pipes. 19. Once the pipes are constructed, visualize a burning ember (like that of a charcoal burning) at the base of your spine. 20. Now inhale slowly and deeply; visualize the air traveling through the nostrils into the pipe that you constructed earlier and moving till the base of spine. As the air reaches the base of the spine, visualize the burning ember burning brighter with each breath. Repeat this for 7 more times. When you repeat the seventh time visualize the ember bursting into flames. Offering to the Inner Fire 21. With each breath that you take imagine the flame growing brighter and hotter and moving laterally from the base of the spine to all the chakras in the sub-human planes and burning: 1. 2. 3. 4. All Energies of delusion associated with the chakra All Karmic Impressions associated with the chakra All Cords implanted in the chakra All Curses and Defects (physical, mental and spiritual both of you, the family you belong to and your ancestry) associated with the chakra and 5. All Spells (of yours, the family you belong to and your ancestry) with the chakra

22. Spend sufficient time in each chakra in the sub-human plane till you can feel all the five items burnt and turn into ashes and fall to the seat. 23. Visualize the Inner Fire burning and melting the Brahmadvara between the Hip Chakra and Mooladhara Chakra and sealing and closing the brahmadvara completely.

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24. With each breath that you take imagine the flame growing brighter and hotter and entering the central pipe from the base of the spine to all the human planes and burning: 1. 2. 3. 4. All Energies of delusion associated with the chakra All Karmic Impressions associated with the chakra All Cords implanted in the chakra All Curses and Defects (physical, mental and spiritual both of you, the family you belong to and your ancestry) associated with the chakra and 5. All Spells (of yours, the family you belong to and your ancestry) with the chakra

25. Spend sufficient time in each chakra in the human plane till you can feel all the five items burnt and turn into ashes and fall to the base of the spine. 26. As you breathe, the flame engulfs you completely and is burning your entire body, turning it into ashes. What remain are only the three pipes in your astral body, your astral body, causal body and your consciousness. Installation of the Divine Self 27. Visualize a Golden- White Light flowing from the divine being and moving down through the central pipe. 28. As the Golden-White light flows through each element of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, Mind and Consciousness (in your astral and causal bodies), visualize the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unlock the Chakra Activate the chakra Unlock all hidden knowledge, siddhis, talents and skills buried in the chakra Balance and Strengthen the chakra Filling you with bliss

29. As the Golden-White light flows to the base of the spine and flows over through the ashes, the golden white light is generating a new light body from the ashes. 30. Spend enough time to construct and make the light body resplendent. Once you have completed construction of the Light Body, focus your attention to the heart of the newly created light body. 31. When you feel like breaking out of the meditation, visualize your current physical body like a skin over the light body and wear it over your light body.
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32. Visualize the inner light of the light body radiating through your skin and eyes. 33. Visualize two blue circles; once circle around you and another opposite you. 34. Visualize your spouse in the blue circle opposite you and visualize a golden-white cord from your base of spine extending and attaching itself to the base of the spine of your spouse. Similarly, extend cords between your navel, solar plexus and Heart to that of your spouse. 35. Visualize your children in the blue circle opposite you and visualize a golden-white cord from your navel (if child is less than 12 years old; omit this and extend from heart if child is older than 12) and heart to that of your children. Do this for each child. 36. Visualize your friends, co-workers and the rest of the world and extend and attach a cord from your heart to the rest of the world. 37. Now slowly open your eyes. Sit calmly for five minutes. Move your legs and arms gently before you go back to your world.

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