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Track Listing: Note About Transliteration

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Track listing

Note about transliteration This course teaches you Egyptian spoken Arabic. The Arabic words are transliterated in this track listing, so that you can read them even if you dont know the Arabic script. To show some sounds that dont exist in English weve had to use some extra symbols:


This represents the sound called cain. Its like a deep aah sound, that comes from the stomach rather than the throat. This shows that a q sound has been omitted. Its like the sound a Cockney makes when s/he says butter, leaving out the tt: buer.

D, S, T We use these capital letters to represent the back versions of these sounds. Arabic distinguishes between pairs of sounds such as the English s of sorry and the s of silly. The s of sorry is said at the back of the mouth, while the s of silly is said at the front. In English these dont represent separate letters but in Arabic they do, and in this track listing we show them by using the capital letters. H We use this capital letter to represent the breathy version of the h sound. Arabic distinguishes between the h sound as in the English hotel and a breathier version, a little like the sound made when youre breathing on glasses to clean them. In Arabic these are separate letters.

CD1, Track 1 Introduction English words that are not used in Arabic: am, is, are; a, an ena samira I Samira = I am Samira. Vary your tone to turn a statement into a question (and vice versa). ena tacbaana I am tired (talking as a woman). ena caTshaan I am thirsty (talking as a man). iHna tacbaaneen We are tired.


CD1, Track 2 walad boy, bint girl, kitaab book dee this/that (feminine), dah this/that (masculine) il the is merged: is-sinema (il is) the cinema; fil (fi+ il) in the; fayn where CD1, Track 3 -ing words: raayiH / rayHa / raayHeen going (describing a male / female / group); shayif / shayfa / shayfeen seeing; cawwiz / cawza / cawzeen wanting CD1, Track 4 mish not caarif / caarfa / caarfeen knowing In Arabic you add tags that mean my, your, our etc. bint daughter; bintee my daughter; bintak your daughter (addressing a male). Words that end in -a have a tied-up t that pops out when the tags are added: madrasa school, madrastee my school; naDDara glasses, naDDartee my glasses. The tags are altered to make them easier to say after vowels: -ee becomes -ya: abu father, abuya my father; akhu; brother, akhuya my brother. CD1, Track 5 Stems and flowers on verbs: (1) used for suggestions: tishrab / tishrabee / tishrabu shaay? Do you want to drink tea (addressing a man / woman / group)?; nirooH il-madrasa Lets go to the school. CD1, Track 6 Stems and flowers on verbs: (2) used after laazim necessary / mumkin possible / caawiz wanting laazim nirooH il-bank bukra Necessary we go the bank tomorrow = We must go to the bank tomorrow.

CD1, Track 7 For the they verb, a tail is added to the he verb: yishrab he drinks, yishrabu they drink; yifham; he understands, yifhamu they understand. CD1, Track 8 Arabic root system, for example: sifaara embassy derived from the roots s/f/r travel We can convert muSr Egypt into Egyptian by adding y (then a for the feminine sifaara): laazim yirooHu is-sifaara il-muSreyya bukra They have to go to the Egyptian Embassy tomorrow. CD1, Track 9 Some Arabic verbs show their roots clearly: these are called solid roots: ktib (k/t/b) write. li+ eh = leh for what = why CD1, Track 10 Some Arabic verb stems hide the middle roots; these are called hollow verbs: rooH (r/w/H) go; shoof (sh/w/f) see / look. CD1, Track 11 shwayya a little; shwayya + noun = shwayyit: shwayyit sukkar a little sugar cayyaan ill / sick / unwell CD1, Track 12 gayy coming has quite an unusual stem, gee. Add the flowers and stems to this root: mumkin agee bukra? Can I come tomorrow?; laazim nigee ennahaarda We have to come today. The stem gee come already ends in the ee sound so the feminine you is the same as the masculine: tigee: laazim tigee baytna bukra You must come to our house tomorrow (addressing a male or a female).



CD1, Track 13 tigu you come (addressing a group); yigu they come CD1, Track 14 We can add a second verb right after the first: nirooH nishrab ahwa? We go we drink coffee? = Shall we go and drink coffee? il-ahraam the pyramids CD2, Track 1 Review of cand have and the tags you add to personalise it: candahaa she has, canduh he has, canduhum they have CD2, Track 2 sineen years canduh sitt sineen at him six years = he is six years old sitt is the short form of sitta six arbac four eid celebration; eid il-meelaad celebration (of) the birth = birthday CD2, Track 3 kaam how many sana year bintik ik-kibeera candahaa kaam sana? Your (addressing a female) daughter the biggest at her how many year? = How old is your eldest daughter? CD2, Track 4 In Arabic, routine is indicated by adding a b- sound at the beginning of the verb: b-tishrab shaay? Do you drink tea (regularly)? CD2, Track 5 yohm day; kull every b-aktib kull yohm I write every day.

CD2, Track 6 by as in by bus, by taxi, etc. = bil (bi by + il the) carabeyya car b-tirooHee il-maktab bil-carabeyya? You (addressing a female) go the office by the car? = Do you go to the office by car? CD2, Track 7 kiteer many / lots / often / frequently b-nigee muSr kiteer We come to Egypt often. CD2, Track 8 saacaat sometimes saacaat b-yiktibu email li-abuhum Sometimes they write emails to their father. CD2, Track 9 dayman always saacaat b-nifham il-menu, bass mish dayman We sometimes understand the menu, but not always. CD2, Track 10 There is a group of verbs that has the same sound for the second and third root. A common example is H/b/b, which is connected with the meaning of like or love: Habayeb lovers, Hobb love, yiHibb he loves. CD2, Track 11 The stem for the present of the like / love verb is Hibb. Stresses and vowel sounds sometimes change, in order to make the pronunciation easier. CD2, Track 12 We can add another verb after like / love: b-aHibb arooH sharm ishshaykh I like I go = I like to go to Sharm El-Sheikh (notice that the b lands only on the first verb).



CD2, Track 13 For the future, just add H to the verb: bukra H-arooH il-bank Tomorrow Ill go (to) the bank. meen who: meen H-yishoof il-film? Who will see (watch) the film? CD2, Track 14 gayy coming = next is-sana ig-gayya H-nirooH ostraalya The year the next = Next year well go to Australia. shahr month, ish-shahr the month H-yigu muSr ish-shahr ig-gayy Theyll come to Egypt the month the next = next month. CD2, Track 15 Adjectives describing groups of objects go through the Samira (female) door to indicate plural: madrasa kibeera a large school, madaaris kibeera large schools; bunook kibeera large banks; ik-kutub ig-gideeda the new books. CD3, Track 1 aflaam muSreyya Egyptian films feeh there is / there are CD3, Track 2 For talking about the past, you use a different, but similar-sounding, stem of the verb, and add only tails. shrab = stem for present drink, shirib = stem for past drank -t = tail for you (addressing a male) shiribt Haaga ennahaarda? Did you drink anything today (addressing a male)? -t tail changes to -ti for enti you (addressing a female) and to -tu for entu you (addressing a group). CD3, Track 3 katab = stem for past wrote katabt ismak fik-kitaab leh? You wrote your name in the book for what? = Why did you write your name in the book (to a male)?

CD3, Track 4 -t = tail for I (as well as for you) fihim = stem for past understood embaariH yesterday katabtu lil-mudeer embaariH? Did you write to the manager yesterday (addressing a group)? CD3, Track 5 The hollow verbs (verbs where the middle root turns into a vowel, as in rooH (r/w/H) go; shoof (sh/w/f) see / look) have different fillings in the past: rooHt ruHt I / you went; shoof shuft I / you saw. CD3, Track 6 zoor visit is a hollow verb: zur = past stem; zurt I / you visited hinaa here, hinaak over there CD3, Track 7 -na = tail for we in the past shiribna caHwa fi baytuh We drank coffee in his house. katabna email li-abuhaa We wrote an email to her father. CD3, Track 8 In the past when talking about he we dont add any tails; we use just the stem. fihim il-film il-ingleezi? Did he understand the English film? There are regional variations in vowel sounds: in Cairo drank is pronounced: shirib, while in Alexandria it is pronounced sharab. CD3, Track 9 The tail for she is -it. katabit kull(i)Haaga She wrote (down) everything. The tail for they is -u (the he form + -u): shirbu kola embaariH They drank cola yesterday. kull + il all



CD3, Track 10 Stems for hollow verbs have split into two branches in the past tails are not affected: ruHt / ruHna I / you went / we went, raaH / raaHit / raaHu he went / she went / they went. CD3, Track 11 shaafit ibnak fil-madrasa She saw your son in the school (addressing a male). shufti huwa raaH fayn? You saw he went where? = Did you see where he went (addressing a female)? CD3, Track 12 ezzay how Add tags to ask how people are: ezzayak how are you (addressing a male)?, ezzayik how are you (addressing a female)?, ezzayuku how are you (addressing a group)? b-yirooH il-madrasa ezzay? He goes the school how? = How does he go to school? CD3, Track 13 Verb summary: present and future CD3, Track 14 Verb summary: past forms for you, he, we and they CD3, Track 15 Verbs summary: past forms for you (addressing a male) and I are exactly the same. CD3, Track 16 Verb summary: stems for hollow verbs splilt into two branches in the past. CD4, Track 1 am / is / are can be thrown out of the window; was / were cannot. kaan he / it was ibnee kaan tacbaan embaariH alashaan ruHna il-ahraam My son was tired yesterday because we went to the pyramids.

CD4, Track 2 kaan feeh he / it was + there is / are = there was / were kaan he / it was can be put in front of various phrases like cand to have just add tags: kaan candee saa ca Was at me watch = I had a watch. is-saaca raaHit minnee The watch went from me = I lost the watch: add tags for me, you etc. to minn from. CD4, Track 3 Add the appropriate tail to kaan was for the people you want to talk about: ommee kaanit duktura My mother was a doctor. CD4, Track 4 The hollow verbs have two branches, with a long sound or a short sound. For kaan was the short sound is -u-: kunna caTshaaneen We were thirsty. kunt fu muSr fi abreel I was in Egypt in April. kunti maca meen embaariH? You were with whom = Who were you with yesterday (addressing a female)? CD4, Track 5 In Arabic there are two ways of making statements negative, one of which is by using mish not: mish Ha-yishoofu abuhum ennahaarda Not they will see = They wont see their father today. CD4, Track 6 The second way of making a negative statement is by putting ma- and -(i)sh around the word you want to make negative: mafeesh there isnt / arent. Hadd someone, maHaddish no one. CD4, Track 7 macandeesh Not at me = I dont have, macandinash carabeyya we dont have a car, macanduhsh he doesnt have. The stress (shown with bold) often moves in this situation.



CD4, Track 8 mish is used with the future; other verb forms usually use the split mash to make them negative: makaansh was not, makatabnash we did not write, mab-yishrabush they dont drink. A helping vowel (underlined) is needed before the -sh when the verb ends with two consonant sounds: mashuftish you did not see (addressing a male). CD4, Track 9 In Arabic we use the same words for you, us etc. as we used for your, our etc. just attach the tag to the verb. H-ashoofik bukra Ill see you tomorrow (addressing a female). fihimtuna? Did you understand us (addressing a group)? ibnee mab-yiHibbish ish-shaay bass saacaat b-yishrabuh My son doesnt like tea but sometimes he drinks him = it. CD4, Track 10 When the tags for you and him are added to verbs they change in the same way as those for your and his did when added to a noun ending with a vowel: abu + ak = abuk your father (addressing a male), abu + ik = abuki your father (addressing a female), abu + uh = abuh his father. shufnaak embaariH We saw you yesterday (addressing a male). H-yifhamuki They will understand you (addressing a female). b-tizooreeh kiteer? Do you visit him often (addressing a female)? CD4, Track 11 When the tag for me is added to a verb it changes from -ee to -nee. H-tizurnee emta? When will you visit me (addressing a male)? The split mash goes round the verb and tag: mashuftaksh fis-soo I didnt see you in the market (addressing a male). CD4, Track 12 English expresses possession by using of or s plus apostrophe. Arabic just sticks words together: bint sameer Sameers daughter. When the word that in English comes before the of ends in -a in Arabic, the tied-up t pops out again and is pronounced -it (underlined):

naDDaarit sameer glasses of Sameer = Sameers glasses; madrasit ibnak kibeera? Is your sons school large (addressing a male)? CD4, Track 13 was / were + -ing word puts the meaning into the past. lamma when (not question) kaanit raayHa is-soo lamma shaafithum She was going to the market when she saw them. CD4, Track 14 When was / were is combined with the b- form for routine actions, the meaning is used to (routine in the past): kunt b-aktib li-ommee I used to write to my mother. CD4, Track 15 When was / were is combined with the H- (future) form the meaning is was going to / would have: kaan H-yizoorak embaariH He was going to visit / would have visited you yesterday (addressing a male). fah so kunna H-nirooH il-ahraam bass ibnina kaan cayyaan fah maruHnaash We were going to go / would have gone to the pyramids but our son was ill so we didnt go. CD4, Track 16 kunt Hazor muSr bass makuntish b-afham carabi. bass dilwati b-afhamuh fah mumkin arooH H-arooH. I would have visited Egypt but I didnt understand Arabic. But now I understand it, so I can go / will go. Conclusion


Arabic signs


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