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Alice Level Walkthrough.

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CHARACTERS: Alice, The Mad Hatter, March Hare AREA OBJECTIVE: Acquire a key to Alice's cell from one of the Card Guards, and help her escape from the cell block. After being caught by the Red Queen for painting her white roses red and a few unfortunate events during a game of croquet, Alice narrowly avoids a beheading and is imprisoned by the King and Queen of Hearts to await trial. Also held captive before attending the trial are Alice's friends; the Mad Hatter and March Hare. Locked in a small jail block watched over by two Card Guards, Alice's must help release her from her cell and escape the Red Queen's castle before the trial begins!



The player will begin the level with only two characters in the party; The Mad Hatter and the March Hare. Since Alice currently resides in an empty room at the end of the cell block, she has no other choice but to await rescue. During the time Alice is stuck in the cell, she will call for help and frequently ask the guards to release her, claiming that she has done nothing wrong. However, the player is unable to access the character until her cell has been unlocked from the outside. Player begins in the central cell as the March Hare, yet is able to switch to the Mad Hatter in the cell to his right. The March Hare will have multiple props in his cell including a chair, a bed, and a Dormouse hole in the wall. 1. Switch to the March Hare, taking notice of the Dormouse Hole on the wall, then proceed to destroy the LEGO props placed around the cell. These can be used to build a Stomp Pad. 2. Using the Stomp Pad will cause the March Hare to stamp on the floor of his cell, breaking the walls around him and consequentially destroying a portion of the wall in Alice's cell, revealing another Dormouse Hole. 3. Having revealed a secondary Dormouse Hole in Alice's cell wall, an interaction reticule will appear outside the one in the March Hare's cell, allowing him to send a Dormouse through. 4. The Dormouse will continue to run through the network of holes, until exiting the final hole in the corridor, where the Guards are standing watch. 4 Once the Dormouse enters the main corridor, a short d-cam will trigger revealing the Card Guards' reaction to the mouse running around. As a result of this, the location of the enemies within the room will be altered.

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ESCAPE FROM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS' CASTLE Whilst originally stood at the door outside Alice's cell, one of the Guards will jump onto the table to prevent the Dormouse from running around his feet, and tormenting him for the key, but will still not drop it. As the Dormouse runs towards the second Guard, he will panic, run around the room screaming before running out of the door to the left and slamming it behind him. The impact of the slam will consequently cause the wall on the left cell to fall apart, releasing build-it LEGO.

5. By switching to the Mad Hatter, the player will now be able to interact with the build-it LEGO in the cell to create a Rummage Spot. 5 6 6. Upon interacting with a Rummage Spot the Mad Hatter will hang up his hat and a series of button prompts will appear on screen. These will need to be followed and pressed correctly for the Hatter to retrieve the correct piece of equipment from inside his hat. After the player has completed the correct button combination as it appears on screen, the Mad Hatter will be able to retrieve his mallet, and break his way out of the cell by knocking down the bars. 7. Now the Mad Hatter has been successfully released from his cell, the player is able to use more of his abilities. Standing outside the March Hare's cell and using the sharp shoot ability, will cause the Mad Hatter to throw an Un-Birthday Bomb at the silver LEGO door and destroy it. 8. Once the March Hare has been successfully released from his cell, proceed to the table the Guard is still stood on, trying to avoid the Dormouse. The small tea set placed on the table will give the player access to another of the March Hare's abilities; "Another cup of tea?"


9. Using the March Hare to interact with a tea set within the gameworld will inevitably cause sugar and caffeine based chaos to ensue. In this case, the March Hare will enter a hyperactive state which will cause him to kick and rock the table until the Guard is knocked straight off it. Following this short tea break a d-cam will trigger showing the guard falling from the table, dropping the key for Alice's cell and making off towards the nearest exit.

As the Guard Runs for the door, he will stop for a moment to destroy the lock on the front, as a last attempt to prevent Alice from leaving. The lock will break into a pile of build-it LEGO on the floor. Although the key to Alice's cell is at their disposal, the character's are still unable to directly escape from the cell block, and the player must discover an alternative route out. 10. Picking up the key left on the floor, player is finally able to release Alice from her cell by interacting with the keyhole on the front of the bars. Once Alice is freed, she is finally added to the party. 11. The build-it LEGO from the broken lock on the door can now be used to build a large free standing mirror, which can only be interacted with by Alice. 12. By using the reticule placed directly below the mirror, Alice should now be able to utilize her "Through the Looking Glass" ability. Alice is able to perform this ability on specific mirrors within the gameworld, allowing her to access "reflected" areas with either Story or Freeplay objectives. Looking Glass Worlds accessed by Alice are presented as skewed reflections of areas that have been previously visited by the player, and can be used to retrieve specific items for puzzles.






CHARACTERS: Alice AREA OBJECTIVE: Chase down the Guard who escaped, and discover an alternative way out of the cells. Failing to escape her imprisonment from the Red Queen's jail cells, Alice steps through a looking glass hoping to discover an alternative route out. Trapped in a skewed new world that indirectly appears to reflect the last, Alice must chase down the Card Guard to retrieve his keys, before the bizarre mirror image begins to fragment and fall apart entirely. Calling for aid from Absolem's butterflies, Alice is able to glide elegantly from platform to platform to reach her goal.

ESCAPE FROM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS' CASTLE As she enters the Looking Glass World, the Guard from the previous area will jump ahead over a series of platforms and into the cell blocks, destroying the ladder behind him. During this time, a group of Guards will jump down from the balcony above, to prevent Alice from pursuing him. 1. Defeating the Guards on the balcony will cause the mirror to shatter, scattering build-it LEGO which can be then used to create a Flower Patch. Since the rotating platforms ahead are too high up for Alice to reach purely by jumping, using the Flower Patch to call for the help of Absolem's butterflies will allow Alice to Glide quite easily. 2. By holding down the jump button from the Flower Patch, Alice is able to glide upwards as long as she remains close to the trail of butterflies alongside her . When jumping across these platforms, player must remain aware that they slowly rotate, allowing the walls around them to occasionally block the player from their gliding route. As a result of this, gliding from this Flower Patch must be timed correctly to avoid early descent. 3. When reaching the first cell, player is able to use the build-it LEGO left behind by the Guard to reconstruct the ladder and use it to climb up onto the roof.

As Alice reaches the roof of the cells, she will once again encounter the Card Guard using a mechanism to reveal a set of stairs. A number of Cards will proceed down the stairs to waylay Alice, allowing him to retract them again and throw away the mechanism's key into the cells below 4. With no way to proceed up the stairs without the key, the player is redirected to the left edge of the roof in order to find a way down into the cells. 5. Jumping off the platform, or using the grab handles on the chequered area to the left allows the player to move down to the red floating table relatively easily, and then provides them with a way to progress.

ESCAPE FROM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS' CASTLE 6. From the table, Alice is able to utilize the Flower Patch mechanic once more, allowing the player to glide across the floating, rotating platforms. Similar to the platforms at the beginning of the level, the platforms rotate, requiring forethought into the timing of Alice's glide ability. Unintentionally hitting the small wall surrounding the platform will cause Alice to descend faster or miss the platform completely, meaning it has to be carried out again. 7. Once reaching the second platform, the player will be able to gain a better idea of how to reach the key, and will need to use Alice's sharp shoot ability. 8. Adjacent to the platform, is a small target in the shape of a white rose (this is displayed as a regular target on the image), which must be painted to trigger the release of a swinging rope. To do this, Alice must use her Paint the Roses Red sharp shoot ability, by throwing red paint at the target with her brush. 9. After the rope has been released, the player is able to swing over to the back of the cell where the key is lying. 10. Once the key has been picked up, Alice will be able to keep hold of it whilst using the grab handles placed to direct right which should lead the player back up to the roof of the cell. 11. Now that the key for the mechanism has been retrieved, turning it in the keyhole will allow the bridge to reappear. 12. Proceeding up the stairs, the player will once again be confronted with the Card Guard with the key to the cell doors.


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As soon as Alice reaches the top of the of the stairs, the Card Guard she has been chasing will call out multiple reinforcements from the six doors towards the back wall. Whilst Alice is engaged in combat, he will disappear through one of the doors at the back. 13 13. In order to interact with the doors to discover which one the Guard has hidden behind, the player must firstly defeat the reinforcements that were called in to slow Alice down, but a subsequent wave.

Once the enemies have been defeated the Guard will re-emerge from one of the doorways. The door which he will appear from at this point will be completely random, but once he enters a door, he will always exit again 3 doors to the right. The pattern will be as follows; door 1 entrance to door 4 exit, door 4 entrance to door 2 exit, and so on. In order to catch the Guard, the player will need to work out which door he will exit from, and go enter that door, just as he has entered his. 14 14. Once the Guard has re-entered a door, the player will need to catch him by working out where he will exit, and use the reticule beneath the door to interact with it. 15. Now the Guard has been caught, the player will be able to enter combat with him to retrieve the key. However, he will not pass it up that easily. Once the Guard has taken enough damage, Alice will enter a struggle event with him, indicated by a small bar and a button tap prompt on the screen. This will need to be filled to pull the key out his hands. 16. Once the key has been retrieved, the Guard will sit dazed and defeated, and the player will finally be able to unlock the door. Passing through the final door of this area will take return Alice to Wonderland, and the player will find themselves outside the cell block door which has now been unlocked.





CHARACTERS: Alice, The Cheshire Cat. AREA OBJECTIVE: Evade the search lights to prevent being detected by guards, and find a way to open the main gate. Having released herself and her captors from the cell blocks, Alice finds herself outside the castle dungeons. Heavily guarded with two searchlights to the front of the area, Alice must figure out a way of opening the gates without being detected.


Upon leaving the cell block, the March Hare and Mad Hatter instantly run ahead , but are caught by a group of guards, after a large searchlight next to the main gate spots them. At this point Alice is left completely alone. Appearing behind her as she begins to ponder her next move, a large grin appears over her shoulder, slowly capturing the form of a Cheshire Cat...

With the Cheshire Cat joining the party, the player is now able to access the Cat's various stealth and distraction abilities to sneak past the guards and destroy the searchlights. 1 1. Switching to the Cheshire Cat, the player is able to access stealth mode, rendering Cheshire invisible and undetectable by nearby enemies - but also allowing him to interact with, and build objects that other characters are unable to see. 2 2. Whilst in stealth, Cheshire is able to see multiple piles of ghostly build-it LEGO scattered around. Interacting with these, will build a set of walls that the player can hide behind to avoid being detected by the spotlight. 3. Now the player is able to switch back to Alice and run behind the walls every time the spotlight passes over her location. In addition to this, the player is now able to enter combat with the three guards patrolling the wall without being detected - as long as the player character remains hidden. 4. After fighting through the three guards, Alice is finally able to reach the searchlight and switch it off. By climbing up the ladder whilst continuing to avoid detection, the spotlight can be destroyed relatively easily if it is facing away from the player.


5. Once the spotlight has been destroyed, the player will also be required to defeat the guard stood in the tower. Once he has been destroyed he will drop an item that Alice will need to use to progress. 6. A small bottle will be placed on the floor which can only be picked up by Alice. Picking this up will trigger some ominous hint text saying "Drink Me," as well as trigger a quest / location marker. Since Alice will not be able to use the bottle until she reaches a particular location, she must hold onto the bottle until she finds it. 7. Having picked up the potion bottle, the quest / location marker will direct Alice back down the ladder and to the left, leaving her at a tiny door, presumably leading towards the controls for the gate.

8. To use the bottle, Alice is required to place it on the floor next to the door. Upon doing so, a short d-cam will trigger. Alice picks up the potion and drinks it, unaware of what effects it is going to have. She suddenly shrinks, and before falling, it able to grab onto the door knob and swing through the keyhole, accessing a new area. 9. Upon entering the door, Alice finds herself inside the mechanism used to control the gate. In order to open it, she must discover the crank handle used to make the cogs turn the opposite way.

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10. By using the chains that hang from the cogs, Alice is able to use them to move around in circular motion, allowing her to get closer and grab the next chain along. In order to make the distance, the player will need to swing from side to side. 11. Avoiding the pistons, Alice is able to eventually reach a chain that will take her up to a crank handle. This not only opens the right side of the gate, but causes the cogs to turn in the opposite direction. Allowing Alice to return easily.

ESCAPE FROM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS' CASTLE 12. Now that one side of the gate has been successfully opened, the player is able to return to the door where they entered the area from. Switching to Cheshire Cat, they can scale the purple and pink striped wall to gain access to a push block on the roof. This can be pushed down to reveal a set of build-it LEGO. 13. As Cheshire is quite easily able to jump down from the roof to the balcony below, Alice must be used to interact with the build-it pieces to create a Flower Patch. This can now be used to glide down to the balcony. 13 14. Using Paint the Roses Red, Alice's paintbrush can now be used on the white rose to release a rope, allowing both characters to swing to the next balcony.




15. From the second balcony, Alice is unable to go any further (incidentally there is a Flower Patch in place if she wishes to return), as there are only a couple of grab handles available. Cheshire Cat however, is able to use his "I prefer the short cut" ability to move through a Cat Flap to reach the other side, break apart a prop, and build the rest of the grab handles for Alice to continue. 16. The right side of the building is similar to the left, in that the barrack is patrolled by 3 guards and there is a spotlight moving across the walkway on a regular basis. However, this side of the building does not have a series of walls that the player can use to hide behind. 17. Using Alice's Paint the Roses Red ability on the white rose positioned above the hanging sack to knock it down. This will cover the walkway in purple dust which can be interacted with using the Cheshire Cat.




18. By switching to the Cheshire Cat and activating stealth, the dust patch can be reached and interacted with via a reticule. This will activate one of Cheshire Cat's abilities called "Misleading Footprints," which allows him to walk happily through areas of dust and dirt, leaving nothing but a trail of footprints for enemies to follow. In this case they can be used to lead the enemies towards the back of the area, away from the search light, where they can be defeated without being detected.

ESCAPE FROM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS' CASTLE 19. Once the enemies have been defeated, Cheshire Cat's stealth mode must be activated again, and player must proceed towards the tower where the spotlight is placed. Slightly below the tower, and out of line of sight, is a Pounce Pad, which can be used only by Cheshire Cat. The Pounce Pad is a mechanic that can only be used by the Cheshire Cat, and is indicated by a small purple pad with a large grinning mouth emblazoned upon it. The pads themselves are activated by Cheshire walking onto them, and waiting for the rest of the Cat's image to appear on it. Once fully visible, the jump button can be held down to make the Cat pounce. 20. When using the Pounce Pad the Cheshire Cat will automatically jump up and around the spotlight so that he cannot be detected. From here he should be able to destroy it, releasing a number of build-it LEGO blocks which Alice can use. 20 21. Switching to Alice, and interacting with the build-it LEGO pieces from the spotlight will allow her to build a series of grab handles to get up to the top of the tower. Upon reaching the tower, Alice will begin to get curious, causing her to run about and scratch her head until the player takes control of her. Once in control, a series of green question marks will appear on the floor in front of her, enticing her to follow. 22. Using Alice to follow the question marks will lead her to a small lock box, which can be opened to reveal another Drink Me bottle. This will reveal a quest / location marker that will need to be followed. 23. Once again, Alice will be lead to a small door leading into the gate opening mechanism. She will be required to place the bottle down on the floor before gaining access; triggering a d-cam of her shrinking, swinging on the doorhandle, and going through the keyhole into the new area. 23




ESCAPE FROM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS' CASTLE The room Alice enters after drinking the potion will be a mirror image of the room accessed earlier where the cogs turn in the opposite direction. The objectives should be clear at this point, since the player has carried it out once before. 24. Entering the room from the right side, Alice must use the turning cogs and their attached chains to make her way through the room to reach the crank handle at the far end. 24 25. Avoiding the pistons, Alice is able to eventually reach a chain that will take her up to a crank handle. Upon turning this the gate will open fully, and the cogs will begin to turn in the opposite direction, allowing her to reach the door out quite easily. After exiting the small door, a d-cam will play in which the front gates will both fully open and both Alice and Cheshire Cat will climb or jump down to the lower level. As soon as this happens, a wave of guards will come from the front door of the building and approach Cheshire Cat and Alice. 26. The guards that come from the castle door will attempt to prevent the player from leaving through the front gates, and must be defeated first. 26 After defeating the Guards the Cheshire Cat fades away, leaving Alice as he is not longer needed.


Stepping out of the gate , Alice is once again ambushed by Guards. With no Cheshire Cat to help, she is forced into the entrance of a maze directly ahead, alongside her pursuers. Once entering the maze, a chase event will begin. During this time, the main objective for the player is to stay away from the enemies, by moving left and right to avoid their attacks, and jump over any obstacles that appear in their way. The maze chase event acts as a transition into the final part of the level, but also allows the player to acquire excess studs and / or collectibles along the way.



CHARACTERS: Alice, The March Hair, The Mad Hatter. AREA OBJECTIVE: Survive the Queen of Hearts' Trial, subdue the King, and reach the box of Eat Me biscuits. Chased through the maze by a group of Card Guards, Alice eventually finds herself at the centre. With the Red Queen and King waiting to stand as Judge, and their Card Soldiers as Jury, Alice is forced into the stand for her trial to begin. Looking around her she notices that the March Hare and Mad Hatter have also been captured again - if they can work together, they can surely find a way out.


Following the chase event through the maze, Alice arrives at a dead end in the centre and is grabbed by two guards who escort her to a stand. Stood in front of the Red Queen, who is placed at her judges post with the King by her side, there appears to be no means of escape as the gates to maze shut behind her. Looking for means of escape, Alice notices two familiar faces being released from the holding cells at either side of the Trial area, and being brought to stand beside her... As the Trial begins, Alice persistently pleads innocent and the Red Queen orders the Card Soldiers currently occupying the Jury benches to come down and restrain her. Both sets of Soldiers will attack Alice in waves, incrementally, leaving a slight gap in between for narrative elements. 1. The group of Card Soldiers from the right side will firstly attack the player characters, and upon defeating these, a second wave will attack under instruction from the Queen of Hearts. 1 Once her Soldiers fails to defeat Alice, The Red Queen will send the King into battle

2. The King will jump down from next to the Queen and will pull out a gavel and begin to spin it round whilst following the player. Whilst spinning, the king cannot be damaged or hit by melee or long range attacks. 3. In order to defeat the King the player will be required to "kite" him through the Jury bench and witness box props, which are still placed within the level. Whilst the player is unable to break these props personally, the King is able to use his charged spin attack to destroy them with his gavel.


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4. Now that the build-it pieces have been released from the props, the player is able to interact with some of them to build a Stomp Pad . Switch to the March Hare to use this ability, and use a charged slam on the pad to break it apart and create a large hole in the floor. 5. As the Red King continues to follow the player characters around the area, they are now able to lure him over the hole, causing him to trip and fall into it. 6. Using the remainder of the build-it pieces that were released from the props the King destroyed, a set of bars can now be built over the top of the hole, preventing the King from escaping. Having defeated the King, the Red Queen will become increasingly angry, yet will remain on her chair. However, she will begin to attack the player characters using an area of effect ability. 7. The Red Queen will begin to use an area of effect ability called "Off with her head, " in which the sheer sound of her voice will knock the characters back into the wall. During this time, the player is able to use their projectile abilities such as Un-Birthday Bombs, and Paint the Roses Red to attack her from the ground. As her health gradually begins to deplete, she will begin to shout more. Once the Queen's health has depleted to around 15%, her area of effect ability will increase in radius and power, to the point where the player will be unable to avoid it, triggering a short d-cam of them being knocked back. 8. Instead of being knocked back a short distance, the two currently tagged characters will be knocked back into the cells at either side of the area. The bars can be destroyed using regular combat, but the player will have to switch to them separately to release them both. 9. During the time at which the players were knocked back into the cells, the Queen's chair will have begun to fall apart, revealing a piece of silver LEGO.

ESCAPE FROM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS' CASTLE 10. As the cell doors are broken down, they will release build-it LEGO which can then be interacted with to create a wall to block the cells up. Doing this will prevent the Queen of knocking them back in whilst they continue attacking her. 10 11. By switching to the Mad Hatter, the player is now also able to go and check out the silver LEGO that has been revealed on the Queen's chair. By placing, or directly throwing an Un-Birthday Bomb at the LEGO, it can be destroyed, leaving a set of build-it LEGO. By this point, if the player is still actively attacking the Queen, she should have almost reached a dazed point and nearing defeat. 12. Use the build-it's left behind by the Silver LEGO to create a set of twirl poles that will lead up to the back of the Red Queen's chair. The twirl poles will require an acrobatic character to utilize them. 13. Switch to the March Hare; as an acrobatic character, he is able to reach the first twirl pole by double jumping up to it, and is able to swing to the subsequent twirl poles with ease. Continue swinging along until directly behind the Queen's chair and jump backwards. There is a grab hand positioned on the back of here to allow the player to jump up. 14. Once the March Hare reaches the top of the chair, he will be able to attack the Red Queen using melee combat abilities, however, if she has already been defeated by long range attacks she will be sat in a dazed motion. 14 15. Once the Red Queen is properly defeated and in a dazed state, the Hare will be able to pick up a curiously placed biscuit box with the added hint text of "Eat me." This will trigger a quest / location marker for the player to place it at the bottom of the podium for Alice to pick up. A end of level cutscene will play, in which Alice eats the biscuits to grow to a colossal height, allowing her to leave the Trial and step over the hedges of the maze with ease.





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