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Analytical Chemistry Problem Set

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(2nd Long Exam) Problem Set | 07 Sept 2012

I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. If the statement is correct, write true. If the statement is incorrect, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. 1. Formation of gases tends to increase the S of the reaction. 2. The largest alkali metal is the metal with the lowest ionization energy. 3. The neutral atom that has 2 electrons with n = 1, 8 electrons with n = 2, 13 electrons with n = 3, and 1 electron with n = 4 is cobalt. 4. The atomic number of the element in #3 is 48. 5. The set of quantum numbers for the last electron of Se is n = 4, l = 1, ml = +1 and ms = -. 6. In an atom, the total number of electrons that can have the quantum number designation 3, 2, -2, + is one. 7. The quantum number l, describes the shape of the orbital. + 2+ 3+ + 8. For the following ions, Na , Ca , Al , the smallest ion is Na . 9. Aufbau principle dictates that the 1s orbital is filled up first before the 2s orbital. 10. A triple bond contains 2 bonds and 1 bond. For questions 11-13, refer to the corrosion experiment. 2+ 11. The formation of blue precipitates at both ends of the nail results from the reaction of Fe with K3[Fe(CN)6] after the reduction of Fe(s). 12. The formation of blue and white precipitates indicates the oxidation of Fe(s) and Zn(s) respectively. 13. The overall trend for the reducing property of non-metals is Cl2 > Br2 > I2. 14. The reaction of permanganate with sulfite in basic medium results to the formation of brown precipitate. 15. According to the Molecular Orbital Theory, the number of molecular orbitals formed is less than the number of contributing atomic orbitals. II. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Choose the best answer. 1. For a spontaneous exothermic reaction inside a coffee-cup calorimeter, which of the following is positive? qreaction H qcalorimeter G 2. Which of the conditions would always result to a spontaneous reaction? qrxn > 0, Srxn > 0 qrxn > 0, Srxn < 0 qrxn < 0, Srxn > 0 qrxn < 0, Srxn < 0 3. What is the value of the standard heat of formation of all naturally occurring elements? <0 >0 =0 insufficient data 4. Which of the following has the largest number of unpaired electrons? 2O P Cl Si 5. Which of the following is diamagnetic? Mn Zn Cu V 6. What is the total number of orbitals possible for n = 4? 4 8 16 3 7. Which of the following isoelectronic species has the largest radius? 2+ + 2F Mg Na O 8. What is the orbital designation for the quantum numbers n=2, l =1? 3s 2s 2p 3p 9. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is NOT allowed? n=4,l=3,ml=2,ms=- n=3,l=3,ml=0,ms=- n=2,l=1,ml=-1,ms=+ n=1,l=0,ml=0,ms=+ 48 4+ 10. The ion represented as 22Ti has: four 3d electrons zero 4s electrons 22 electrons 26 protons 11. Which of the following pairs of orbitals is degenerate? 3s and 2p 2px and 2py 4s and 4d 1s and 2s 12. Which of the following are isoelectronic? Isoelectronic species have the same electronic configuration. 22+ 3+ Na and Mg S and Ca Kr and Ar Cr and Cl 13. Which of the following is the most polar bond? Si O OH Cl F CH 14. Which equation represents the second ionization energy for calcium? 2+ + Ca(g) + e + IE2 Ca (g) Ca (g) + e + IE2 Ca (g) + 2+ + 2+ Ca (g) + IE2 Ca (g) + e Ca (aq) + e + IE2 Ca (aq) 15. Which of the following has a central atom which does not obey octet rule? BCl3 NH3 PCl3 H2O

III. CHEMICAL EQUATIONS. Provide balanced chemical equations to the reaction (in acidic medium) CuS + NO3 Cu

+ S8 + NO

IV. PROBLEM SOLVING. Solve the following problems. 1. Determine H for the reaction N2H4(l) + 2 H2O2(l) N2(g) + 4 H2O(l) using the H data below: N2H4(l) + O2(g) N2(g) + 2 H2O(l) H = - 622.2 kJ/mol H2(g) + O2(g) H2O(l) H = - 285.8 kJ/mol H2(g) + O2(g) H2O2(l) H = - 187.8 kJ/mol 2. Production of hydrogen gas originates from oxidation of methane and is given by the reaction: CH4(g) + O2(g) CO(g) + 2 H2(g) H = - 35.75 kJ/mol If 300.0 g of methane is oxidized and only 70.0 g of hydrogen gas is produced, compute the amount of heat generated by the reaction. 3. Draw the Lewis structures of NH4Br 4. Draw the Lewis structure of SF4. a. What is the electronic geometry of the compound? b. What is the molecular geometry of the compound? c. What are the bond angles exhibited by the F-S-F bonding? 5. In an experiment, 22.0 mL of 0.10 M nitric acid was neutralized with 17.0 mL of 0.10 M potassium hydroxide in a calorimeter. The reaction brought about a temperature change of 3.03C. a. Give the balanced thermochemical equation for the reaction. (Hneutralization = - 55.8 kJ/mol) b. Calculate the heat capacity of the calorimeter in kJ/mole. c. Another experiment was performed using 19.0 mL of 0.10 HBr and 13.9 mL of 0.10 NaOH. The temperature rose from 21.33C to 24.67C. Calculate the enthalpy of neutralization. d. Calculate the % error for the enthalpy. 6. Consider N2 . a. Write its molecular orbital configuration. b. Calculate its bond order c. Is the ion paramagnetic or diamagnetic?

7. Consider the schematic diagram below:

Identify the following: a. The cation in the unknown solution. b. The formula of the component in the organic layer F. c. The anion responsible for the blood red solution in the aqueous layer. d. The formula of the white solid H. e. The formula of the gas evolved. f. The formula of the unknown ion responsible for the effervescence observed.

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