Learn SQL Queries
Learn SQL Queries
Learn SQL Queries
1) Display the details of all employees a) select * from emp; 2) Display the depart information from
department table a) select * from dept; JOB='ANALYST' AND SAL>3000;
12) display the names of the employees who are working in the company for the past 5 years; a) select ename from emp where
13) Display the list of employees who have joined the company before 30-JUN-90 or after 31-DEC-90. a) select ename from emp where hiredate <
'30-JUN-1990' or hiredate > '31-DEC-90';
5) Display the employee no and total salary for all the employees
a) select empno, sal+comm as total from emp group by empno;
15) Display the list of all users in your database (use catalog table).
a) select username from all_users;
18)Display the names of employees working in depart number 10 or 20 or 40 or employees working as CLERKS, SALESMAN or ANALYST. a) Select ename from emp where deptno in(10,20,40) or job in('CLERKS','SALESMAN','ANALYST'); 19) Display the names of employees whose name starts with alphabet S. a)select ename from emp where ename like 'S%';
10) Display the employee number and name who do not earn any comm.
a) select empno, ename from emp where comm is null;
a) select ename
20) Display the Employee names for employees whose name ends with Alphabet S. a) Select ename from emp where ename like '%S'; 21) Display the names of employees whose names have second alphabet A in their names. a) Select ename from EMP where ename like '_A%'; 22) select the names of the employee whose names is exactly five characters in length.
a) select ename from emp where length(ename)=5;
31)Display the maximum salary being paid to CLERK. a)select max(sal) from emp where job='CLERK'; 32)Display the maximum salary being paid to depart number 20. a)select max(sal) from emp where deptno=20; 33)Display the minimum salary being paid to any SALESMAN. a)select min(sal) from emp where job='SALESMAN'; 34) Display the average salary drawn by
MANAGERS. a)select avg(sal) from emp where job='MANAGER';
23) Display the names of the employee who are not working as MANAGERS. a) Select ename from emp where job not in ('MANAGER'); 24) Display the names of the employee who
are not working as SALESMAN OR CLERK OR ANALYST. A)select ename from emp where job not in('SALESMAN','CLERK','ANALYST');
25) Display all rows from EMP table. The system should wait after every Screen full of information. a) Set pause on 26) Display the total number of employee working in the company. a) Select count (*) from EMP; 27) Display the total salary begining
paid to all employees. a) select sum(sal) from emp;
35)Display the total salary drawn by ANALYST working in depart number 40. a)select sum(sal) from emp where job='ANALYST' and deptno=40; 36)Display the names of the employee in order of salary i.e the name of the employee earning lowest salary should salary appear first. a)select ename from emp order by sal; 37)Display the names of the employee in descending order of salary. a)select ename from emp order by sal desc;
38)Display the names of the employee in order of employee name. a)select ename from emp order by ename; 39)Display empno,ename,deptno,sal sort the output first base on name and within name by deptno and with in deptno by sal. a) select empno,ename,deptno,sal from emp order by ename,deptno,sal 40)Display the name of the employee along with their annual salary(sal* 12).The name of the employee earning highest annual salary should apper first. a)select first_name, salary*12 as sal
from employees order by salary desc;
44)Display the depart numbers and total salary for each department. a)select deptno,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno; 45)Display the depart numbers and max salary for each department. a)select deptno,max(sal) from emp group by deptno; 46)Display the various jobs and total salary for each job a)select job,sum(sal) from emp group by job; 47)Display the various jobs and total salary for each job a)select job,min(sal) from emp group by job; 48)Display the depart numbers with more than three employees in each dept. a)select deptno,count(deptno) from emp group by deptno having count(*)>3; 49)Display the various jobs along with total salary for each of the jobs where total salary is greater than 40000. a)select job,sum(sal) from emp group by job having sum(sal)>40000; 50)Display the various jobs along with total number of employees in each job.The output should contain only those jobs with more than three employees. a)select job,count(empno) from emp group by job having count(job)>3
41)Display name,salary,hra,pf,da,total salary for each employee. The output should be in the order of total salary,hra 15% of salary,da 10% of salary,pf 5% salary,total salary will be(salary+hra+da)-pf. a) select first_name, salary, salary/100*15 as har, salary/100*10 as da, salary+salary/100*10-salary/100*5 as total from employees; 42)Display depart numbers and total number of employees working in each department. a)select deptno,count(deptno)from emp group by deptno; 43)Display the various jobs and total number of employees within each job group. a)select job,count(job)from emp group by job;
51)Display the name of the empployee who earns highest salary. a)select ename from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp); 52)Display the employee number and name for employee working as clerk and earning highest salary among clerks. a)select empno,ename from emp where where job='CLERK' and sal=(select max(sal) from emp where job='CLERK'); 53)Display the names of salesman who earns a salary more than the highest salary of any clerk. a)select ename,sal from emp where job='SALESMAN' and sal>(select max(sal) from emp where job='CLERK'); 54)Display the names of clerks who earn a salary more than the lowest salary of any salesman. A)select ename from emp where job='CLERK' and sal>(select min(sal) from emp where job='SALESMAN'); 55)Display the names of employees who earn a salary more than that of Jones or that of salary grether than that of scott. a)select ename,sal from emp where sal> (select sal from emp where ename='JONES')and sal> (select sal from emp where ename='SCOTT');
56)Display the names of the employees who earn highest salary in their respective departments. a)select ename,sal,deptno from emp where sal in(select max(sal) from emp group by deptno); 57)Display the names of the employees who earn highest salaries in their respective job groups. a)select ename,sal,job from emp where sal in(select max(sal) from emp group by job) 58)Display the employee names who are working in accounting department. a)select ename from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where dname='ACCOUNTING') 59)Display the employee names who are working in Chicago. a)select ename from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where LOC='CHICAGO') 60)Display the Job groups having total salary greater than the maximum salary for managers. a)SELECT JOB,SUM(SAL) FROM EMP GROUP BY JOB HAVING SUM(SAL)>(SELECT MAX(SAL) FROM EMP WHERE JOB='MANAGER'); 61)Display the names of employees from department number 10 with salary
grether than that of any employee working in other department. a)select ename from emp where deptno=10 and sal>any(select sal from emp where deptno not in 10). 62)Display the names of the employees from department number 10 with salary greater than that of all employee working in other departments. a)select ename from emp where deptno=10 and sal>all(select sal from emp where deptno not in 10). 63)Display the names of the employees in Uppercase. a)select upper(ename)from emp 64)Display the names of the employees in Lowecase. a)select lower(ename)from emp 65)Display the names of the employees in Propercase. a)select initcap(ename)from emp; 66)Display the length of Your name using appropriate function. a)select length('name') from dual 67)Display the length of all the employee names. a)select length(ename) from emp; 68)select name of the employee concatenate with employee number. select ename||empno from emp; 69)User approprate function and extract 3 characters starting from 2
characters from the following string 'Oracle'. i.e the out put should be 'ac'. a)select substr('oracle',3,2) from dual 70)Find the First occurance of character 'a' from the following string i.e 'Computer Maintenance Corporation'. a)SELECT INSTR('Computer Maintenance Corporation','a',1) FROM DUAL 71)Replace every occurance of alphabhet A with B in the string Allens(use translate function) a)select translate('Allens','A','B') from dual 72)Display the informaction from emp table.Where job manager is found it should be displayed as boos(Use replace function). a)select replace(JOB,'MANAGER','BOSS') FROM EMP; 73)Display empno,ename,deptno from emp table.Instead of display department numbers display the related department name(Use decode function). a)select empno,ename,decode(deptno,10,'ACC OUNTING',20,'RESEARCH',30,'SALES', 40,'OPRATIONS') from emp; 74)Display your age in days. a)select to_date(sysdate)-to_date('10sep-77')from dual 75)Display your age in months. a)select months_between(sysdate,'10sep-77') from dual
76)Display the current date as 15th Augest Friday Nineteen Ninety Saven. a)select to_char(sysdate,'ddth Month day year') from dual 77)Display the following output for each row from emp table.
a)select distinct(job) from emp where deptno=10 or deptno=20 or select distinct(job) from emp where deptno in(10,20); 84)Display the jobs which are unique to department 10. a)select distinct(job) from emp where deptno=10 85)Display the details of those who do not have any person working under them. a)select e.ename from emp,emp e where emp.mgr=e.empno group by e.ename having count(*)=1; 86)Display the details of those employees who are in sales department and grade is 3. a) select * from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where dname='SALES')and sal between(select losal from salgrade where grade=3)and (select hisal from salgrade where grade=3); 87)Display those who are not managers and who are managers any one. i)display the managers names a)select distinct(m.ename) from emp e,emp m where m.empno=e.mgr; ii)display the who are not managers a)select ename from emp where ename not in(select distinct(m.ename)
78)scott has joined the company on wednesday 13th August ninten nintey. a)select ENAME||' HAS JOINED THE COMPANY ON '|| to_char(HIREDATE,'day ddth Month year') from EMP; 79)Find the date for nearest saturday after current date. a)SELECT NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,'SATURDAY')FR OM DUAL; 80)display current time. a)select to_char(sysdate,'hh:MM:ss') from dual. 81)Display the date three months Before the current date. a)select add_months(sysdate,3) from dual; 82)Display the common jobs from department number 10 and 20. a)select job from emp where deptno=10 and job in(select job from emp where deptno=20); 83)Display the jobs found in department 10 and 20 Eliminate duplicate jobs.
from emp e,emp m where m.empno=e.mgr); 88)Display those employee whose name contains not less than 4 characters. a)select ename from emp where length(ename)>4; 89)Display those department whose name start with "S" while the location name ends with "K". a)select dname from dept where dname like 'S%' and loc like '%K'; 90)Display those employees whose manager name is JONES. a)select p.ename from emp e,emp p where e.empno=p.mgr and e.ename='JONES'; 91)Display those employees whose salary is more than 3000 after giving 20% increment. a)select ename,sal from emp where (sal+sal*.2)>3000; 92)Display all employees while their dept names; s)select ename,dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno 93)Display ename who are working in sales dept. a)select ename from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where dname='SALES'); 94)Display employee name,deptname,salary and comm for those sal in between 2000 to 5000 while location is chicago.
a)select ename,dname,sal,comm from emp,dept where sal between 2000 and 5000 and loc='CHICAGO' and emp.deptno=dept.deptno; 95)Display those employees whose salary greter than his manager salary. a)select p.ename from emp e,emp p where e.empno=p.mgr and p.sal>e.sal 96)Display those employees who are working in the same dept where his manager is work. a)select p.ename from emp e,emp p where e.empno=p.mgr and p.deptno=e.deptno; 97)Display those employees who are not working under any manager. a)select ename from emp where mgr is null 98)Display grade and employees name for the dept no 10 or 30 but grade is not 4 while joined the company before 31-dec-82. a)select ename,grade from emp,salgrade where sal between losal and hisal and deptno in(10,30) and grade<>4 and hiredate<'31-DEC-82';
99)Update the salary of each employee by 10% increment who are not eligiblw for commission. a)update emp set sal=sal+sal*10/100 where comm is null; 100)SELECT those employee who joined the company before 31-dec-82 while their dept location is newyork or Chicago.
a)SELECT EMPNO,ENAME,HIREDATE,DNAME,LO C FROM EMP,DEPT WHERE (EMP.DEPTNO=DEPT.DEPTNO)AND HIREDATE <'31-DEC-82' AND DEPT.LOC IN('CHICAGO','NEW YORK'); 101)DISPLAY EMPLOYEE NAME,JOB,DEPARTMENT,LOCATION FOR ALL WHO ARE WORKING AS MANAGER? A)select ename,JOB,DNAME,LOCATION from emp,DEPT where mgr is not null; 102)dISPLAY THOSE EMPLOYEES WHOSE MANAGER NAME IS JONES? -[AND ALSO DISPLAY THEIR MANAGER NAME]? A) SELECT P.ENAME FROM EMP E, EMP P WHERE E.EMPNO=P.MGR AND E.ENAME='JONES'; 103)Display name and salary of ford if his salary is equal to hisal of his grade a)select ename,sal,grade from emp,salgrade where sal between losal and hisal and ename ='FORD' AND HISAL=SAL; 104)Display employee name,job,depart name ,manager name,his grade and make out an under department wise? a)SELECT E.ENAME,E.JOB,DNAME,EMP.ENAME, GRADE FROM EMP,EMP E,SALGRADE,DEPT WHERE EMP.SAL BETWEEN LOSAL AND HISAL AND EMP.EMPNO=E.MGR AND
EMP.DEPTNO=DEPT.DEPTNO ORDER BY DNAME 105)List out all employees name,job,salary,grade and depart name for every one in the company except 'CLERK'.Sort on salary display the highest salary? a)SELECT ENAME,JOB,DNAME,SAL,GRADE FROM EMP,SALGRADE,DEPT WHERE SAL BETWEEN LOSAL AND HISAL AND EMP.DEPTNO=DEPT.DEPTNO AND JOB NOT IN('CLERK')ORDER BY SAL ASC; 106)Display the employee name,job and his manager.Display also employee who are without manager? a)select e.ename,e.job,eMP.ename AS Manager from emp,emp e where emp.empno(+)=e.mgr 107)Find out the top 5 earners of company? a)SELECT DISTINCT SAL FROM EMP E WHERE 5>=(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SAL) FROM EMP A WHERE A.SAL>=E.SAL)ORDER BY SAL DESC;
108)Display name of those employee who are getting the highest salary? a)select ename from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp); 109)Display those employee whose salary is equal to average of maximum and minimum? a)select ename from emp where sal=(select max(sal)+min(sal)/2 from emp);
110)Select count of employee in each department where count greater than 3? a)select count(*) from emp group by deptno having count(deptno)>3 111)Display dname where at least 3 are working and display only department name? a)select distinct d.dname from dept d,emp e where d.deptno=e.deptno and 3>any (select count(deptno) from emp group by deptno) 112)Display name of those managers name whose salary is more than average salary of his company? a)SELECT E.ENAME,EMP.ENAME FROM EMP,EMP E WHERE EMP.EMPNO=E.MGR AND E.SAL>(SELECT AVG(SAL) FROM EMP); 113)Display those managers name whose salary is more than average salary of his employee? a)SELECT DISTINCT EMP.ENAME FROM EMP,EMP E WHERE E.SAL <(SELECT AVG(EMP.SAL) FROM EMP WHERE EMP.EMPNO=E.MGR GROUP BY EMP.ENAME) AND EMP.EMPNO=E.MGR; 114)Display employee name,sal,comm and net pay for those employee whose net pay is greter than or equal to any other employee salary of the company? a)select ename,sal,comm,sal+nvl(comm,0) as NetPay from emp where sal+nvl(comm,0) >any (select sal from emp)
115)Display those employees whose salary is less than his manager but more than salary of any other manager? a) 116)Display all employees names with total sal of company with each employee name? a)SELECT ENAME,(SELECT SUM(SAL) FROM EMP) FROM EMP; 117)Find out last 5(least)earners of the company.? a)SELECT DISTINCT SAL FROM EMP E WHERE 5>=(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SAL) FROM EMP A WHERE A.SAL<=E.SAL)ORDER BY SAL DESC; 118)Find out the number of employees whose salary is greater than their manager salary? a)SELECT E.ENAME FROM EMP ,EMP E WHERE EMP.EMPNO=E.MGR AND EMP.SAL<E.SAL; 119)Display those manager who are not working under president but they are working under any other manager? a) 120)Display those department where no employee working? a)select dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno not in(emp.deptno) 121)delete those records from emp table whose deptno not available in dept table. a)
122)Display those enames whose salary is out of the grade available in salgrade table. a) 123)Display employee name,sal,comm and whose net pay is greater than any other in the company? a) 124)Display name of those employee who are going to retrie 31-DEC-99. if the maximum job period is 30 years? a) 125)Display those employee whose salary is ODD value? a)select * from emp where sal<0; 126)Display those employee whose salary contains alleast 3 digits? a)select * from emp where length(sal)>=3; 127)Display those employee who joined in the company in the month of Dec? a)select ename from emp where to_char(hiredate,'MON')='DEC'; 128)Display those employees whose name contains "A"? a)select ename from emp where instr(ename,'A')>0; or select ename from emp where ename like('%A%'); 129)Display those employee whose deptno is available in salary? a)select emp.ename from emp, emp e where emp.sal=e.deptno;
130)Display those employee whose first 2 characters from hiredate -last 2 characters of salary? a)select ename,SUBSTR(hiredate,1,2)||ENAME|| substr(sal,-2,2) from emp 131)Display those employee whose 10% of salary is equal to the year of joining? a)select ename from emp where to_char(hiredate,'YY')=sal*0.1; 132)Display those employee who are working in sales or research? a)SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE DEPTNO IN(SELECT DEPTNO FROM DEPT WHERE DNAME IN('SALES','RESEARCH')); 133)Display the grade of jones? a)SELECT ENAME,GRADE FROM EMP,SALGRADE WHERE SAL BETWEEN LOSAL AND HISAL AND Ename='JONES'; 134)Display those employees who joined the company before 15 of the month? a)select ename from emp where to_char(hiredate,'DD')<15; 135)Display those employee who has joined before 15th of the month. a)select ename from emp where to_char(hiredate,'DD')<15; 136)Delete those records where no of employees in a particular department is less than 3. a)delete from emp where deptno=(select deptno from emp group by deptno having count(deptno)<3);
a) 137)Display the department name the no of characters of which is equal to no of employee in any other department. a) 138)Display the name of the department where no employee working. a) 139)Display those employees who are working as manager. a) 140)Count the no of employees who are working as manager(using set operations). a) 141)Display the name of the dept those employee who joined the company on the same date? a) 142)Display those employees whose grade is equal to any number of sal but not equal to first number of sal? a) 143)Count the no of empployee working as manager using set operaction? a) 144)display the name of the employees who joined the same date. a) 145)Display the manager who is having maximum number of employees working under him? 146)list out employee name and salary increased by 15% and expressed as whole number of Dollars? a) 147)Produce the output of the emp table "EMPLOYEE AND JOB" for ename and job? a) 148)List all employee with hiredate in the format 'june 4 1988'? a) 149)Print lost of employees displaying "just salary" if more than 1500 if exactly 1500 display 'On target' if less than 1500 Display below 1500? A)select ename,sal,(case when sal>1500 then 'Below_target' when sal=1500 then 'On_targer' when sal<1500 then 'less than target' else 'kkkkk' end ) from emp 150)WHICH query to calcuate the length of time any employee has been with the company?
151)Give a string of the format 'nn/nn' Verify that the first and last 2 characters are numbers.And that the middle character is '/' Print the exprection 'Yes' if valid 'No' of not valid Use the following values to test your soluction '$12/54(Not clear). a)
152)Employee hire on 15th of any month are paid on the last Friday of that month. Those hired after 15th are paid the last Friday of the following month.Print a list of employees.their hire date and first pay date scort those whose salary contains first digits of their deptno? a) select ename,hiredate,last_day(next_day(hir edate,'FRIDAY')),deptno, ( case when to_char(hiredate,'DD')<=15 then last_day(next_day(hiredate,'FRIDAY')) when to_char(hiredate,'DD')>15 then last_day(next_day(add_months(hiredat e,1),'FRIDAY')) end )from emp order by substr(sal,0,2) ;
157)Define variable representing the expression used to calculate on employee total Annual Remunatation? a) 158)Use the variable in a statement which finds all employees who can earn $30,000 a year or more? a) 159)Find out how many managers are there with out listing them? a) 160)Find out the average salary and average total remuneration for each job type remember sales man earn commission? a) 161)Check whether all employees number are indeed unique? a) 162)List out the lowest paid employees working for each manager exclude any groups where minimum salary is less than Rs.1000 Sort the output by salary? a) 163)List ename,job,annual sal,deptno,dname and grade who earn $36,000 a year or who are not Clerks? a) 164)Find out the job that was failedin the first half of 1983 and same job that was failed during the same period on 1984? a)
153)Display those manager who are getting less than his employee salary? a) 154)Print the details of all the employees who are Sub-ordinate to BLAKE? a)select emp.ename from emp, emp e where emp.mgr=e.empno and e.ename='BLAKE'; 155)Display those who are working as manager using CO-relate sub-query? a) 156)Display those employee whose manager name is jones and also with his manager name? a)
165)Find out the employees who joined the company before their manager? a) 166)List out all the employees by name and number along with their manager's name and number also display %NG who has no manager? a) 167)Find out the employee who earned the highest salary in each job type Sort in desending salary order? a) 168)Find out the employees who earned the minimum salary for their job in Assending order? a) 169)Find out the most resently hired employees in each department Order by hiredate? a) 170)Display ename,salary and deptno for each employee who earn a salary greater than the average for then department order by deptno? a) 171)Display the department where there are no employees? a) 172)Display the department no with highest annual remunaration bill as compensation? a) 173)In which year did most people join the company Display the year and number of employees?
a) 174)Display the average salary figure for the department? a)select avg(SAL) from emp group by deptno 175)Write a query of display against the row of the most recently hired employees Display ename Hiredate and column max date showing; a) 176)Display employee who can earn more than lowest salary in department no 30? a) 177)Find employees who can earn more than every employee in deptno? a) 178)Select dept name deptno and sum of salary? a) 179)Find out average salary and average total remainders for each job type? a) 180)Find all departments which have more than 3 employees? a) 181)Check whether employees number are unique? a) 182)List lowest paid employees working for each manager exclude any groups where the minimum salary less than 1000. Sort the output by
salary? a) 183)If the pay day is next friday after 15th and 30th of every month.what is the next pay day from their hire date for employee in emp table? a)
SUBSTR(LOWER(ENAME),1,3)|| SUBSTR(UPPER(ENAME),3,LENGTH(E NAME)) FROM EMP; 188. Display the 10th record of emp table without using group by and rowid? A) SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE ROWNUM<11 MINUS SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE ROWNUM<10 189. Delete the 10th record of emp table. A) DELETE FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO=(SELECT EMPNO FROM EMP WHERE ROWNUM<11 MINUS SELECT EMPNO FROM EMP WHERE ROWNUM<10) 190. Create a copy of emp table; a) create table new_table as select * from emp where 1=2; 191. Select ename if ename exists more than once. a) select ename from emp e group by ename having count(*)>1; 192. Display all enames in reverse order?(SMITH:HTIMS). a) SELECT REVERSE(ENAME)FROM EMP; 193. Display those employee whose joining of month and grade is equal. A) SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE SAL BETWEEN(SELECT LOSAL FROM SALGRADE WHERE GRADE=TO_CHAR(HIREDATE,'MM')) AND
184)If an employee is taken by you today in your organisation. And it is a policy in your company to have a review after 9 months the joined date (and of 1st of next month after 9 months )how many days from today your employees has To wait for a review? a) 185)Display employee name and his salary whose salary is greater than highest average of department number? a)SELECT SAL FROM EMP WHERE SAL>(SELECT MAX(AVG(SAL)) FROM EMP GROUP BY DEPTNO); 186)Display the 10th record of emp table(without using rowid) a) SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE ROWNUM<11 MINUS SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE ROWNUM<10 187)Display the half of the ename's in upper case and remaining lowercase? a) SELECT
(SELECT HISAL FROM SALGRADE WHERE GRADE=TO_CHAR(HIREDATE,'MM')); 194. Display those employee whose joining DATE is available in deptno. A) SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE TO_CHAR(HIREDATE,'DD')=DEPTNO 195. Display those employees name as follows A ALLEN B BLAKE A) SELECT SUBSTR(ENAME,1,1),ENAME FROM EMP; 196. List out the employees ename,sal,PF(20% OF SAL) from emp; A) SELECT ENAME,SAL,SAL*.2 AS PF FROM EMP; 197. Display RSPS from emp without using updating inserting. A) 198. Create table emp with only one column empno; A) create table emp as select empno from emp where 1=2; 199. Add this column to emp table ename vrachar2(20). a) alter table emp add(ename varchar2(20)); 200. Oops I forgot give the primary key constraint. Add in now. a) alter table emp add primary key(empno); 201. Now increase the length of ename column to 30 characters.
a) alter table emp modify(ename varchar2(30)); 202. Add salary column to emp table. alter table emp add(sal number(10)); 203. I want to give a validation saying that salary cannot be greater 10,000(note give a name to this constraint) a) alter table emp add constraint chk_001 check(sal<=10000) 204. For the time being I have decided that I will not impose this validation. My boss has agreed to pay more than 10,000. a) again alter the table or drop constraint with alter table emp drop constraint chk_001 (or)Disable the constraint by using alter table emp modify constraint chk_001 disable; 205. My boss has changed his mind. Now he doesn't want to pay more than 10,000. so revoke that salary constraint. a) alter table emp modify constraint chk_001 enable; 206. Add column called as mgr to your emp table; a) alter table emp add(mgr number(5)); 207. Oh! This column should be related to empno. Give a command to add
this constraint. A) ALTER TABLE EMP ADD CONSTRAINT MGR_DEPT FOREIGN KEY(MGR) REFERENCES EMP(EMPNO) 208. Add deptno column to your emp table; a) alter table emp add(deptno number(5)); 209. This deptno column should be related to deptno column of dept table; a) alter table emp add constraint dept_001 foreign key(deptno) reference dept(deptno) [deptno should be primary key] 210. Give the command to add the constraint. A) alter table <table_name) add constraint <constraint_name> <constraint type> 211. Create table called as newemp. Using single command create this table as well as get data into this table(use create table as); a) create table newemp as select * from emp; 212. Create table called as newemp. This table should contain only empno,ename,dname. a) create table newemp as select empno,ename,dname from emp,dept where 1=2; 213. Delete the rows of employees who are working in the company for
more than 2 years. a) delete from emp where (sysdate-hiredate)/365>2; 214. Provide a commission(10% Comm Of Sal) to employees who are not earning any commission. a) select sal*0.1 from emp where comm is null 215. If any employee has commission his commission should be incremented by 10% of his salary. a) update emp set comm=sal*.1 where comm is not null; 216. Display employee name and department name for each employee. a) select empno,dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno 217. Display employee number,name and location of the department in which he is working. a) select empno,ename,loc,dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno; 218. Display ename,dname even if there are no employees working in a particular department(use outer join). a) select ename,dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno(+) 219. Display employee name and his manager name. a) select p.ename,e.ename from emp e,emp p where e.empno=p.mgr;
220. Display the department name and total number of employees in each department. a) select dname,count(ename) from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno group by dname; 221. Display the department name along with total salary in each department. a) select dname,sum(sal) from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno group by dname; 222. Display itemname and total sales amount for each item. a) select itemname,sum(amount) from item group by itemname; 223. 'clerk' Give the following commands: Delete from emp where job
a)delete from emp where rowid not in(select min(rowid)from emp group by ename) /
Plain Text Attachment [ Download File | Save to my Yahoo! Briefcase ] QUERIES BASED ON PROGRAMMER, SOFTWARE & STUDIES TABLES __________________________________________ ____________ 1)Display the number of packages developed in each. a)select count(title) from software group by dev_in; 2)Display the number of packages developed by each person. a)select count(title) from software group by pname; 3)Display the number of male and female programmers. a)select sex,count(sex) from programer group by sex; 4)Display the costiest package and the highest selling package developed in each language. a)select dev_in,max(dcost),max(sold) from software group by dev_in; 5)Display the number of people born in each year. a)select to_char(dob,'YY'),count(dob) from programer group by to_char(dob,'YY'); 6)Display the number of people joined in each month.
Inset into emp without giving any further commands move to another client system and log into the same user give the following command select * from emp. 1.Are the above changes reflected in this user?(yes) 2.Goto your first system, and give commit. Come back to second system and give the following command Select * from emp. Ans:Changes Will be affect in second system. Q)Write a Query To Delete The Repeted Rows from emp table;
a)select to_char(dob,'MM'),count(dob) from programer group by to_char(dob,'MM'); 7)Display the language-wise count of prof1. a)select prof1,count(prof1) from programer group by prof1; 8)Display the number of people in each salary group. a)select salary,count(salary) from programer group by salary; 9)Display the numeber of people in each institute. a)select count(inst) from studies group by inst; 10)Display the number of people who studied in each group. a)select count(course) from studies group by course; 11)Display the Total development cost of the packages developed in each language. a)select dev_in,sum(dcost) from software group by dev_in; 12)Display the total selling cost of the packages developed in each language. a) 13)Display the cost of package developed by each programmer. a)select pname,scost+dcost from software; 14)Display the sales value of the packages developed by each programmer. a)
15)Display the number of packages sold by each programmer. a)select count(pname) from software group by pname; 16)Display the sales cost of the packages developed by each programmer languagewise. a) 17)Display the language name with average development cost and selling cost. a) 18)Display the name of each programmer with the costiest package cheapest package developed by him/her. a) 19)Display each institute name with number of courses and average cost per course. a)select inst,count(course),avg(ccost) from studies group by inst; 20)Display each institute name with number of students. a)select inst,count(inst)from studies group by inst; 21)Display the names of male programmers. a)select pname from programer where sex='M'; 22)Display the programmers name and packages developed by him/her. a)select pname,title from software;
23)Display the number of packages in each language, except c & c++. a)select count(title) from software where dev_in not in('C','Cpp') group by dev_in; 24)Display the number of packages in each language for which development cost is greater than 1000. a)select count(title) from software where dcost>1000 group by dev_in; 25)Display the average difference between Scost and Dcost for each lnaguage. a)select avg(scost-dcost) from software; 26)Display highest,lowest and average salaries for those earning more than 2000. a)select max(salary),min(salary),avg(salary) from programer where salary>2000; 27)Display the total scost,dcost and amount to be recovered for each programmer by those whose dcost has not yet been recovered. a) 28)Who is the highest paid c programmer. a)select pname,salary from programer where salary=(select max(salary) from programer where prof1='C' or prof2='C');
29)Who is the highest paid female cobol programmer. a)select pname,salary from programer where salary=(select max(salary) from programer where sex='F' and prof1='Cobol' or prof2='Cobol'); 30)Display the names of the highest paid programmer for each language prof1. a)select pname from programer where salary in(select max(salary) from programer group by prof1) 31)Who is the least experienced programmer. a)select min(doj)from programer; 32)Who is the most experienced programmer in PASCAL. a)select max(doj)from programer where prof1='Pascal' or prof2='Pascal'; 33)Which language is known by only one programmer. a) 34)Who is the youngest programmer knowing dbase. a)select pname from programer where dob=(select max(dob) from programer where prof1='Dbase' or prof2='Dbase');
35)Which female programmer earining more than 3000 does not know c,c+ +,oracle or dbase. a)select pname from programer where sex='F' and salary>3000 and prof1 not in('C','Cpp','Oracle','Dbase') and prof2 not in('C','Cpp','Oracle','Dbase') ;
36)Find out the average selling cost for packages developed in pascal. a)select avg(scost * sold) from software where dev_in='Pascal'; 37)Display the names and ages of all the programmers. a)select pname,(sysdate-dob)/365 as age from programer. 38)Display the names of those who have done the DAP course. a)select pname from studies where course='DAP'; 39)Display the name and date of birth of all programmers born in january. a)select pname,dob from programer where to_char(dob,'MON')='JAN'; 40)Display the lowest course fee. a)SELECT MIN(CCOST) FROM STUDIES; 41)How many programmer have done the PGDCA course. a)SELECT COUNT(COURSE) FROM STUDIES WHERE COURSE='PGDCA'; 42)How much revenue has been earned through the sale of packages developed. a)SELECT SUM(SOLD*SCOST) FROM SOFTWARE; 43)Display the details of the software developed by RAMESH. a)SELECT * FROM SOFTWARE WHERE PNAME='RAMESH'; 44)How many programmers studied at SABHARI.
a)SELECT COUNT(COURSE) FROM STUDIES WHERE INST='SABHARI'; 45)Display the details oF packages whose sales crossed the 2000 mark. a)SELECT * FROM SOFTWARE WHERE SOLD>2000; 46)Find out the number of copies, which should be sold in order to recovered the development cost of each packages. a) 47)Display the details of packages for which development cost has been recovered. a) 48)What is the price of the costiest software developed in Basic. a)SELECT SCOST FROM SOFTWARE WHERE SCOST=(SELECT MAX(SCOST) FROM STUDIES WHERE DEV_IN='BASIC'); 49)How many packages are developed in Dbase. a)SELECT COUNT(TITLE) FROM STUDIES WHERE DEV_IN='DBASE'; 50)What is the average coursefee. a)SELECT AVG(CCOST) FROM STUDIES; 51)Display the details of programmers knowing c. a)SELECT * FROM PROGRAMER WHERE PROF1='C' or prof2='C'; 52)How many programmers know either cobol or pascal.
a)SELECT count(pname) FROM PROGRAMER WHERE PROF1='Cobol' or prof2='Pascals'; 53)How many programmers do not know pascal & c. a)SELECT count(pname) FROM PROGRAMER WHERE PROF1 not in('C','Pascal')and prof2 not in('C','Pascal') 54)How old is the oldest male programmer. a)select max(sysdate-dob)/365 from programer where sex='M'; 55)What is the average age of female programmers. a)select avg(sysdate-dob)/365 from programer where sex='F' 56)Calculate the experience in years for each programmer and siplay along with the names in descending order. a)select pname,(sysdate-doj)/365 from programer order by pname desc; 57)Who are the programmers who celebrate their birthdays during the current month. a)select pname from programer where to_char(dob,'mm')=to_char(sysdate,'m m'); 58)How many female programmers are there. a)select count(*) from programer where sex='F'; 59)What are the language known by the male programmers. a)select prof1,prof2 from programer where sex='M';
60)What is the average salary. a)select avg(salary) from programer; 61)How many people draw between 2000 and 4000. a)select count(*) from programer where salary between 2000 and 4000; 62)Display the details of those who do not know clipper,cobol or pascal. a)select * from programer where prof1 not in('Clipper','Cobol','Pascal') and prof2 not in('Clipper','Cobol','Pascal'); 63)Which institute has maximum number of students. a) 64)Which course has been done by the maximum number of students. a) 65)Display the name of the institue and course which has below average course fee. a)select inst,course from studies where ccost<(select avg(ccost) from studies); 66)Which is the costiest course. a)select course from studies where ccost=(select max(ccost) from studies); 67)Which institute conducts the costiest course. a)select course,inst from studies where ccost=(select max(ccost) from studies)
68)Which course has less than the average number of students. a) 69)Display the names of the courses whose fees are within 1000/- of the course. a)select course from studies where ccost<1000; 70)Which package has the highest development cost. a)select title from software where dcost=(select max(dcost) from software); 71)Which package has lowest selling price. a)select title from software where dcost=(select min(dcost) from software) 72)Who developed the package that has sold the least number of copies. a)select pname from software where sold=(select min(sold)from software); 73)Which language was used to develop the package having highest cost. a)select dev_in from software where dcost=(select max(dcost)from software); 74)How many copies of the packages that has the least difference between developemt and selling cost were sold. a) 75)Which language was used to develop the highest number of packages. a)
76)Which programmer has developed the highest number of packages. a) 77)Who is the author of costliest package. a)select pname from software where dcost=(select min(dcost) from software); 78)Display the names of the packages which is sold less than the average. a)select title from software where sold<(select avg(sold) from software); 79)Who are the authors of the packages which have recovered more than double the development cost. a) 80)Who is the youngest male programmer born in 1965. a)select pname from programer where dob=(select max(dob) from programer where sex='M' and to_char(dob,'YYYY')=1965); 81)Who is the oldest female programmer who joined in 1992. a)select pname from programer where dob=(select max(dob) from programer where sex='F' and to_char(doj,'YYYY')=1992); 82)In which year were the most number of programmers were born. a) 83)In which language are most of the programmers proficient. a)
84)Who are the male programmers earning below the average salary of the female programmers. a)select pname from programer where sex='M' and salary<(select avg(salary) from programer where sex='F') 85)Who are the female programmers earning more than the highest paid male programmers. a)select pname from programer where sex='F' and salary>(select max(salary) from programer where sex='F') 86)which language has been stated as profile by most of the programmers. a) 87)Display the details of those who are drawing the same salary. a) 88)Display the details of the software developed by the male programmers earning more than 3000. a) 89)Display the details of the packages developed in pascal by female programmers. a) 90)Display the details of the programmers who joined before 1990. a) 91)Display the details of the software develoed in c by female programmers of pragathi. a)
92)Display the number of packages, number of copies sold and sales value of each programmer institute wise. a) 93)Display the details of the software developed in Dbase by male programmers who belong to the institute in which most number of programmers studied. a) 94)Display the details of software developed by the male programmers born after 1965 and female programmers born before 1975. a) 95)Display the details of the software that was developed in the language which is neither the first nor the second proficiency of the programmers. a) 96)Display the name of the programmers who have not developed any package. a) 97)What is the total cost of the software developed by programmer by apple. a) 98)Who are the programmer who joined in the same day. a) 99)Who are the programmer who have the same Prof.2. a)
100)Display the total sales value of software, institute wise. a) 101)In which institute is the person who developed the costilest package. a) 102)Which language listed in prof1 and prof2 has not been used to develop any package. a) 103)How much does the person who developed the highest selling package earn and what course did he/she undergo. a) 104)How many months will it take for each programmer to recover the cost of the course he/she underwent. a) 105)Which is the constiest package developed by a person with udnder 5 years Experience. a) 106)What is the average salary for those whose softwares sales value is more than 50000. a) 107)How many packages were developed by students who studied in institute that charge the lowest corse fee. a) 108)How many packages were developed by the person who develped the cheapest package and where did she/he study from.
a) 109)In how many packages female programmers are earning more than the male programmer. a) 110)How many packages were developed by the most experienced programmer from bdps. a) 111)List the programmer(from software table) and the institutes they studied including those who did not develop any package. a) 112)List each prof with the number of programmers having that prof and the number of packages developed in that prof. a) 113)List the programmer names(from the programmer table) and the number of packages each has developed. a) 114)Display the details of those who will have experience of 2 years of service this year. a) 115)Calculate the amount to be recovered for those packages whose development cost has not yet been recovered. a) 116)List the package which has not been sold so far. a)
117)Find out the cost of the software developed by Mary. a) 118)Display the institute name from the studies table without duplicates. a) 119)How many different courses are mentioned in the studies table. a) 120)Display the names of the programmers whose names contain 2 concurrence of the. a) 121)Display the names of programmers whose names contaion upto 5 characters. a) 122)How many female programmers knowing cobol have more than 2 years experience. a) 123)What is the length of the shortest name in programmer table. a) 124)What is the average development cost of a package developed in cobol. a) 125)Display the name,sex,dob(dd/mm/yy format)for all programmers, without using conversion function. a)
126)Who are the programmers who were born on the last day of the month. a) 127)What is the amount paid in salaries of the male programmers who don't know cobol. a) 128)Display the Title______________________And ______________in descending order of differences. a) 129)Display the names of the packages whose names contains more than 1 word. a) 130)Display the name,job,odj of those month of birth & month of joining are the same. a)