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Contemporary Communication Systems Using Matlab Proakis and Salehi

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The document provides an overview of a book on contemporary communication systems using MATLAB.

The book is about contemporary communication systems and how to use MATLAB to analyze them.

Topics covered in the book include digital modulation techniques, coding, equalization, spread spectrum, and more as seen in the index.




John G. P r o a k i s Masoud S a l e h i


BookWare Companion Series tm


John G. Proakis Masoud Salehi

Northeastern University

PWS Publishing Company

I(T)P An International Thomson Publishing Company Boston Albany Bonn Cincinnati London Madrid Melbourne Mexico City New York Paris San Francisco Singapore Tokyo Toronto Washington


BookWare Companion Series tm


John G. Proakis Masoud Salehi

Northeastern University

PWS Publishing Company

I( T P An International Thomson Publishing Company Boston Albany Bonn Cincinnati London Madrid Melbourne * Mexico City New York Paris San Francisco Singapore Tokyo Toronto Washington

PWS Publishing C o m p a n y 20 Park Plaza, Boston, M A 02116-4324

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About the Cover The BookWare Companion Series cover was created on a Macintosh Quadra 700. using Aldus FreeHand and Quark XPress. The surface plot on the cover, provided courtesy of The MathWorks. Inc.. Natick. MA, was created with MATLAB and was inserted on the cover mockup with a HP ScanJet IIP Scanner It represents a surface created by assigning the values of different functions to specific matrix elements. Serif j Ct>-originators: Robert D. Strum and Tom Robbins Editor Bill Barter Assistant Editor: Suzanne Jeans Editortol Assistant: Tricia Kelly Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Market Development Manager: Nathan Wilbur Production Editor: Pamela Rockwell Proakis, John G. Manufacturing Coordinator: Andrew Chnstensen Contemporary communication systems using M A T L A B ! John G. Cover Designer: Stuart Paterxon. Image House. Inc. Proakis. Masoud Salehi. 1st ed. p. cm. (PWS BookWare companion senes) Includes index. Cover Printer. Phoenix Color Corp. ISBN 0-534-93804-3 Text Printer and Binder. Malloy Lithographing I. Data transmission systemsComputer simulation. 2. Telecommunication systemsComputer simulation. 3. MATLAB. I. Salehi. Masoud. II. Title. III. Senes. TK5105.P744 1997 97-31815 Printed and bound in the United States of America. 62! .382' !6'07855369dc21 CIP 98 99 00 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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1 Signais and Linear Systems !. I Preview 1.2 Fourier Series 1.2.1 Periodic Signals and LTI Systems 1.3 Founer Transforms 1.3.1 Sampling Theorem 1.3.2 Frequency Domain Analysis of LT1 Systems 1.4 Power and Energy i .5 Lowpass Equivalent of Bandpass Signals Random Processes 2.1 Preview 2.2 Generation of Random Variables 2.3 Gaussian and Gauss-Markov Processes 2.4 Power Spectrum of Random Processes and White Processes 2.5 Linear Filtering of Random Processes 2.6 Lowpass and Bandpass Processes Analog Modulation 3.1 Preview 3.2 Amplitude Modulation (AM) 3.2.1 DSB-AM 3.2.2 Conventional AM 3.2.3 S SB-AM 3.3 Demodulation of AM Signals 3.3.1 DSB-AM Demodulation 3.3.2 SSB-AM Demodulation 3.3.3 Conventional AM Demodulation 3.4 Angle Modulation Analog-to-Digital Conversion 4.1 Preview 4.2 Measure of Information

1 1 1 12 16 23 28 32 35 45 45 45 51 57 63 69 79 79 79 80 89 96 101 101 106 Ill 116 131 131 132

viii 4.2.1 Noiseless Coding Quantization 4.3.1 Scalar Quantization 4.3.2 Pulse-Code Modulation



132 138 138 146 165 165 165 166 166 169 172 174 Ill 177 182 185 187 189 191 191 192 196 200 201 210 221 221 221 226 235 241 244 248 253 257 265 271 281 281 281 285 287

Baseband Digital Transmission 5.1 Preview 5.2 Binary Signal Transmission 5.2.1 Optimum Receiver for the AWGN Channel 5.2.2 Signal Correlator 5.2.3 Matched Filter 5.2.4 The Detector 5.2.5 Monte Carlo Simulation of a Binary Communication System . . . 5.2.6 Other Binary Signal Transmission Methods 5.2.7 Antipodal Signals for Binary Signal Transmission 5.2.8 On-Off Signals for Binary Signal Transmission 5.2.9 Signal Constellation Diagrams for Binary Signals 5.3 Multiamplitude Signal Transmission 5.3.1 Signal Waveforms with Four Amplitude Levels 5.3.2 Optimum Receiver for the A W G N Channel 5.3.3 Signal Correlator 5.3.4 The Detector 5.3.5 Signal Waveforms with Multiple Amplitude Levels Multidimensional Signals 5.4.1 Multidimensional Orthogonal Signals 5.4.2 Biorthogonal Signals


Digital Transmission T h r o u g h Bandlimited Channels 6.1 Preview . 6.2 The Power Spectrum of a Digital PAM Signal 6.3 Characterization of Bandlimited Channels and Channel Distortion 6.4 Characterization of Intersymbol Interference 6.5 Communication System Design for Bandlimited Channels 6.5.1 Signal Design for Zero ISI 6.5.2 Signal Design for Controlled ISI 6.5.3 Precoding for Detection of Partial Response Signals 6.6 Linear Equalizers 6.6.1 Adaptive Linear Equalizers 6.7 Nonlinear Equalizers Digital Transmission via Carrier Modulation 7.1 Preview 7.2 Carrier-Amplitude Modulation 7.2.1 Demodulation of PAM Signals 7.3 Carrier-Phase Modulation

. . . .






7.3.1 Phase Demodulation and Detection 7.3.2 Differential Phase Modulation and Demodulation Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 7.4.1 Demodulation and Detection of QAM 7.4.2 Probability of Error for QAM in an AWGN Channel Carrier-Frequency Modulation 7.5.1 Frequency-Shift Keying 7.5.2 Demodulation and Detection of FSK Signals 7.5.3 Probability of Error for Noncoherent Detection of FSK Synchronization in Communication Systems 7.6.1 Carrier Synchronization 7.6.2 Clock Synchronization

291 297 304 306 308 313 314 316 321 325 326 332 343 343 343 344 355 357 371 391 391 392 395 397 398 403 409 412 417

Channel Capacity and Coding 8.1 Preview 8.2 Channel Model and Channel Capacity 8.2.1 Channel Capacity 8.3 Channel Coding 8.3.1 Linear Block Codes 8.3.2 Convolutional Codes Spread Spectrum Communication Systems 9.1 Preview 9.2 Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems 9.2.1 Signal Demodulation 9.2.2 Probability of Ercor 9.2.3 Two Applications of DS Spread Spectrum Signals 9.3 Generation of PN Sequences 9.4 Frequency-Hopped Spread Spectrum 9.4.1 Probability of Error for FH Signals 9.4.2 Use of Signal Diversity to Overcome Partial-Band Interference . .

There are many textbooks on the market today that treat the basic topics in analog and digital communication systems, including coding and decoding algorithms and modulation and demodulation techniques. The focus of most of these textbooks is by necessity on the theory that underlies the design and performance analysis of the various building blocks, e.g., coders, decoders, modulators, and demodulators, that constitute the hasic elements of a communication system. Relatively few of the textbooks, especially those written for undergraduate students, include a number of applications that serve to motivate the students.


The objective of this book is to serve as a companion or supplement, to any of the comprehensive textbooks in communication systems. The book provides a variety of exerciscs that may be solved on the computer (generally, a personal computer is sufficient) using the popular student edition of MATLAB. The book is intended to be used primarily by senior-level undergraduate students and graduate students in electrical engineering, computer engineering and computer science. We assume that the student (or user) is familiar with the fundamentals of MATLAB. Those topics are not covered, because several tutorial books and manuals on MATLAB arc available. By design, the treatment of the various topics is brief. We provide the motivation and a short introduction to each topic, establish the necessary notation, and then illustrate the basic notions by means of an example. The primary text and the instructor are expected to provide the required depth of the topics treated. For example, we introduce the matched filter and the correlator and assert that these devices result in the optimum demodulation of signals corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), but we do not provide a proof of this assertion. Such a proof is generally given in most textbooks on communication systems.


The book consists of nine chapters. The first two chapters on signals and linear systems and on random processes treat the basic background that is generally required in the study of communication systems. There is one chapter on analog communication techniques, and the remaining five chapters are focused on digital communications. Chapter 1: Signals and Linear Systems This chapter provides a review of the basic tools and techniques from linear systems analysis, including both time-domain and frequency-domain characterizations. Frequency-domainanalysis techniques are emphasized, since these techniques are most frequently used in the treatment of communication systems.


Chapter 2: Random Processes in this chapter we illustrate nieilu'ds f;;r generating random variables and samples ot randotn processes. The topics include the generation of random variables with a specified probability distribution function. the generation uf samples of Gaussian and Gauss-Markoy processes, and the characten/.ation i.t stationary random princesses in ihe lime domain and the frequency domain Chapter 3: Analog Modulation The performances of analog modulation and demodulation techniques in the presence and absence of additive noise are treated in this chapter. Systems studied include amplitude modulation (AM), such us double-sideband AM. single-sideband AM, and conventional AM, and angle-modulation schemes, such as frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM). Chapter 4: Analog-to-Digital Conversion In this chapter we treat various methods that are used to convert analog source signals into digital sequences in an efficient way. This conversion process allows us to transmit or store the signals digitally. We consider both lossy data compression schemes, such as pulse-code modulation (PCM), and lossless data compression, such as Huffman coding. Chapter 5: Baseband Digital Transmission The focus of this chapter is on the introduction of baseband digital modulation and demodulation techniques for transmitting digital information through an AWGN channel. Both binary and nonbinary modulation techniques are considered. The optimum demodulation of these signals is described, and the performance of the demodulator is evaluated. Chapter 6: Digital Transmission Through Bandlimited Channels In this chapter we consider the characterization of bandlimited channels and the problem of designing signal waveforms for such channels. We show that channel distortion results in intersymbol interference (ISI), which causes errors in signal demodulation. Then, we treat the design of channel equalizers that compensate for channel distortion. Chapter 7: Digital Transmission via Carrier Modulation Four types of carrier-modulated signals that are suitable for transmission through bandpass channels are considered in this chapter. These are amplitude-modulated signals, quadratureamplitude-modulated signals, phase-shift keying, and frequency-shift keying. Chapter 8: Channel Capacity and Coding In this chapter we consider appropriate mathematical models for communication channels and introduce a fundamental quantity, called the channel capacity, that gives the limit on the amount of information that can be transmitted through the channel. In particular, we consider two channel models, the binary symmetric channel (BSC) and the additive white


Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. These channel models are used in the treatment of block and convolutional codes for achieving reliable communication through such channels. Chapter 9: Spread Spectrum Communication Systems The basic elements of a spread spectrum digital communication system are treated in this chapter. In particular, direct sequence (DS) spread spectrum and frequency-hopped (FH) spread spectrum systems are considered in conjunction with phase-shift keying (PSK) and frequency-shift keying (FSK) modulation, respectively. The generation of pseudonoise (PN) sequences for use in spread spectrum systems is also treated.

The accompanying diskette includes all the MATLAB files used in the text. The files are in separate directories corresponding to each chapter of the book. In some cases a MATLAB file appears in more than one directory because it is used in more than one chapter. In most cases numerous comments have been added to the MATLAB files to ease their understanding. It should be noted, however, that in developing the MATLAB files, the main objective of the authors has been the clarity of the MATLAB code rather than its efficiency. In cases where efficient code could have made it difficult to follow, we have chosen to use a less efficient but more readable code. In order to use the software, copy the MATLAB files to your personal computer and add the corresponding paths to your m a t l a b p a t h environment (on an IBM PC compatible machine this is usually done by editing the matlabrc.m file). All MATLAB files have been tested using version 4 of MATLAB.

Chapter 1

Signals and Linear Systems

1.1 Preview

In this chapter we review the basic tools and techniques from linear system analysis used in the analysis of communication systems. Linear systems and their characteristics in the time and frequency domains, together with probability and analysis of random signals, are the two fundamental topics whose thorough understanding is indispensable in the study of communication systems. Most communication channels and many subblocks of transmitters and receivers can be well modeled as linear and time-invariant (LTI) systems, and so the well-known tools and techniques from linear system analysis can be employed in their analysis. We emphasize frequency-domain analysis tools, since these are the most frequently used techniques. We start with the Fourier series and transforms; then we cover power and energy concepts, the sampling theorem, and lowpass representation of bandpass signals.


Fourier Series

The input-output relation of a linear time-invariant system is given by the convolution integral defined by y{t)=x(t)*h(t) (1-2.1)

where hi!) denotes the impulse response of the system, x{t) is the input signal, and y ( f ) is the output signal. If the input .v(r) is a complex exponential given by jc(f) = Aejl!,fnt






then the output is given by



= a | J

A(r) e~j27lJ"r


j 2 * f i ''


In other words, the output is a complex exponential with the same frequency as the input. The (complex) amplitude of the output, however, is the (complex) amplitude of the input amplified by h{x)e-j2*fx


Note that the above quantity is a function of the impulse response of the LTI system, h(t ), and the frequency of the input signal, /o. Therefore, computing the response of LTI systems to exponential inputs is particularly easy. Consequently, it is natural in linear system analysis to look for methods of expanding signals as the sum of complex exponentials. Fourier series and Fourier transforms are techniques for expanding signals in terms of complex exponentials. A Fourier series is the orthogonal expansion of periodic signals with period To when the signal set is employed as the basis for the expansion. With this basis, any periodic signal 1 x(t) with period To can be expressed as




where the .r's are called the Fourier series coefficients of the signal ,r(i) and are given by
eor + 7"

- _L



7*0 Ja

Here a is an arbitrary constant chosen in such a way that the computation of the integral is simplified. The frequency /o = 1 / 7o is called the fundamental frequency of the periodic signal, and the frequency / = n/o is called the nth harmonic. In most cases either a = 0 or a = 7q/2 is a good choice. This type of Fourier series is known as the exponential Fourier series and can be applied to both real-valued and complex-valued signals *(f) as long as they are periodic. In general, the Fourier series coefficients {*} are complex numbers even when x ( f ) is a real-valued signal.
1 A sufficient condition for the existence of the Fourier series is that details see 11 ].

(/) satisfy the Dirichlet conditions. For

1.2. Fourier Scries*-

3 periodic signal we have

rc-Tn xit)ej2:""/T,'dt To J a I

When x(r) is a real-valued



x { { ) e

- r . i Tu

d {


From this it is obvious that '-0,1 = |.t_[ (1.2.7)

Thus the Fourier scries coefficients of a real-valued signal have Hermitian symmetry, i.e.. their real part is even and their imaginary part is odd (or, equivalently. their magnitude is even and their phase is odd). Another form of Fourier series, known as trigonometric Fourier series, can be applied only to real, periodic signals and is obtained by defining





(in + jbn J


which, after using Euier's relation


- j 2.t:/7}t _


t y ^ - j sin ^ 2 n t


results in
2 2 C fa ~ T "


x(f )cos I 2.t/ ) dt


To Ja

a Tip 2 rfa b = -zr \ x ( 0 sin I 2,t 2 . t t~ j ) dt


and, therefore,


Note that for n = 0 we always have bo = 0. so oq l.toBy defining

b 6 n = arctan




and using the relation a cos c > + /,> sin $ y a- 4- b-cos \<p arctan J Equation (1.2.12) can be written in the form
</() /





which is the third form of the Fourier series expansion for real and periodic signals. In general the Fourier series coefficients {.c,,} for real-valued signals are related to a, b, c, and f) through an = 2Re[.rJ b = 2 Im[.v]
O, = U l tin = LX (1.2.16)

Plots of j.t| and lx versus n or nfu are called therii.sere re spectrum of x(t). The plot of j.v | is usually called the nuii-nitiufe spectrum, and the plot of lx is referred to as the phase spec! runt. It".v(0 is real and eveni.e.,if .v(-M = x(t)then taking a = - T o / 2 , we have


which is zero because the integrand is an odd function o f r . Therefore, for a real and even signal x(t). all ,c's are real. In this case the trigonometric Fourier series consists of all cosine functions. Similarly, if r(M is real and oddi.e., if . v ( - f ) = -,v(f)then dt

is zero and all r's are imaginary. In this case the trigonometric Fourier series consists of all sine functions.

Illustrative Problem 1.1 [Fourier series of a rectangular signal train] Let the periodic signal x(t), with period 7"q, be defined by A. A

|I| < t 0
t =

,v(i) =


2' 0,

*t() otherwise


1.2. Fourier Series

for |' < To/2, where q < 7b/2. The rectangular signal 11(f) is, as usual, defined by
[l. n ( / ) = H , i f | < i r = (1,2.20)

(0. A plot of _r(r) is shown in Figure 1.1.


j x(t)

1 1

! 7, | 2

j i

! A

* i
'o Jo

Figure 1.1: The signal x(r). in Illustrative Problem 1.1.

Assuming A = 1. 7b = 4, and to I: !. Determine the Fourier series coefficients of x(r) in exponential and trigonometric form. 2. Plot the discrete spectrum of .*(/)

1. To derive the Fourier series coefficients in the expansion of jc(r), we have

"'J I'"2""'"'
= 1 L-j2/4 - -2 2t /jXyN I



= ^sinc Q ) where sinc(x) is defined as sinc(jc) = sinfTTjr) ( 1 . 2 . 2


A plot of the sine function is shown in Figure 1.2.





Figure 1.2: The sine signal.

Obviously, all the t's are real (since x(t) is real and even), so a = sine ( 5 )

bn =0
c = jsinc
0n = 0, 71


Note that for even n's, x 0 (with the exception of n = 0 , where ao = Co = 1 and jco 5). Using these coefficients we have

*<<>= E

= i + Esinc(9cos(2-Tf)
1 n n


A plot of the Fourier series approximations to this signal over one period for n = 0, 1, 3. 5,7, 9 is shown in Figure 1.3. Note that as n increases, the approximation becomes closer to the original signal jf(f). 2. Note that xn is always real. Therefore, depending on its sign, the phase is either zero or 7i. The magnitude of the jr's is j jsinc ( j ) | . The discrete spectrum is shown in Figure 1.4.

1.2. Fourier Series

Figure 1.3: Various Fourier series approximations for the rectangular pulse in Illustrative Problem 1.1.

Figure 1.4: The discrete spectrum of the signal in Illustrative Problem l . l .






The MATLAB script for plotting the discrete spectrum of the signal is given below

% MATLAB script for Illustrative n=[20:1:20];


I. Chapter



When the signal .v (f) is described on one period between a and b. as shown in Figure 1.5, and the signal in the interval [a, b\ is given in an m-file, the Fourier series coefficients can be obtained using the m-file fseries.m given beiow

function xx=fseries(funfcn,a,b,n,tol,pl ,p2,p3) %FSERIES Returns the Fourier series coefficients. % XX FSRIES(FUNFCN.A.B.N.TOLPl,P2,P3) % funfcn - The given function, in un m-file. % ll can depend on up to three parameters % pi. p2, and p3 The function is given % over one period extending from 'a' to b' % xx - vector uf length n + I of Fourier Series % Coefficients. xxO. xxi. .. xxn % pi. p2. p3 - parameters of funfen. % to! - the error level. j=sqrt( - 1 ) ; args=[]; for nn=1:nargin-5 args=[args,' , p ' ,int2str(nn)); end args=[args,') ); t=b-a; xx(1)=evo)((' 1 / ( ' ,num2str(t). ) . q u a d ( f u n f c n , a , b , t o l . [ ] ' .args]); for i1 :n newfun=[' e x p ( - j * p i * x * ( ' .int2str(i).' ) / I ' ,num2str(t), " ) ) . * ' .funfcn). xx(i+1)=eval([' 1 / ( ' ,num2str(t), ) . q u a d ( n e w u n , a , b , t o l , i ] \args]). end



Illustrative Problem 1.2 [The magnitude and the phase spectra] Determine and plot the discrete magnitude and phase spectra of the periodic signal * ( ( ) with a period equal to 8 and defined as x(t) = A ( r ) for |f| < 4.

Since the signal is given by an m-file lambda.m, we can choose the interval [a, b] = [ - 4 , 4] and determine the coefficients. Note that the m-file fseries.m determines the Fourier series coefficients for nonnegative values of n, but since here x(r) is real-valued, we have x- x*. In Figure 1.6 the magnitude and the phase spectra of this signal are plotted for a choice of n = 24.




Figure 1.5: A periodic signal.

The MATLAB script for determining and plotting the magnitude and the phase spectra is given below.

% MATLAB echo on

scrip! for tituslrdtr.e

Problem 2, Chapter


function= ' lambda ' ; a=4; b=4;

n=24; (ol=0.1; xx=fseries(func[ion,a,b.n,tol). \xl=x*(n+1:-1:2); xxl=[conj(xx1),xx]; absxxl=abs(xxl): pause % Press any key to see a plot <ij the maur.iuule nl=[n:n);


t i t l e f ' t h e d i s c r e t e rr.agni.cude s p e c t r W I phasexx J =angle(xx I ). pause % Press any key to see ti plot of the phase

litle('the d i s c r e t e p h a s e spectrum')

i i w b i ^ a j m j i d ^ d i d f l t Illustrative Problem 1.3 [The magnitude and the phase spectra] Determine and plot the magnitude and the phase spectra of a periodic signal with a period equal to 12 that is given by

in the interval [6. 6]. A plot of this signal is shown in Figure 1.7.








Figure 1.6: The magnitude and the phase spectra in Illustrative Problem 1.2.

1.2. Fourier Series


Figure 1.7: The periodic signal in Illustrative Problem 1.3.

The signal is equal to the density function of a zero-mean unit-variance Gaussian (normal) random variable given in the m-ftle normal.m. This file requires two parameters, m and s, the mean and the standard deviation of the random variable, which in the above problem are 0 and 1, respectively. Therefore, we can use the following MATLAB script to obtain the magnitude and the phase plots shown in Figure 1.8.

% MATLAB sc'ipl fur Illustrative Problem 1, Chapter t. echo on function=' n o r m a l ' ; a=-6; b=6; n=24; tol=0.1: xx=fseries( function.a.b.n.tol.0.1): xxl=xx(n+1:-1:2); xxl=[conj(xxt),xxj; absxxl=abs(xxl); pause % Press any key to see a plot of the magnitude nl=[-n:n]; stem(nl,absxxl) title{'the d i s c r e t e m a g n i t u d e s p e c t r u m ' ) phasexx 1 =ang!eUx I): pause % Press any key to see a plot of the phase stemfnl.phasexxl) title('the d i s c r e t e p h a s e s p e c t r u m ' )




Periodic Signals and LTI Systems

When a periodic signai x(t) is passed through a linear time-invanant (LTI) system, as shown in Figure 1.9, the output signa! y(t) is also periodic, usually with the same period as the input signal 2 (why?), and therefore it has a Fourier series expansion. If x(t) and y(t) are expanded as C x(t) = 00 xeJ2,""/Ttt (1.2.26)




then the relation between the Fourier series coefficients of ,r(r) and >'(r) can be obtained by employing the convolution integral oc


T O .r(r n= -oo


! "

j r



n= -oo




From the above relation we have = (1.2.29)

where H ( / ) denotes the transfer function 3 of the LTI system given as the Fourier transform of its impulse response h{t). oo

-oo k(t)e~




2 We say usually with the same period as the input signal. Can you give an example where the period of the output is different from the period of the input? "Also known as the frequency response of the system.

Fourier Senes


Figure 1.8; Magnitude and phase spectra for Illustrative Problem 1.3.




X(t )

LTi System

Figure 1.9: Periodic signals through LTI systems.

Illustrative Problem 1.4 [Filtering of periodic signals] A triangular pulse train x(t) with period To = 2 is defined in one period as

+ I, 0 < t < I 1. Determine the Fourier series coefficients of x(r). 0, otherwise 2. Plot the discrete spectrum of x{t).

t + 1.


< r < 0


3. Assuming that this signal passes through an LTI system whose impulse response is given by


0 < / < 1 otherwise



plot the discrete spectrum and the output v(f). Plots of ,r(i) and h(t) are given in Figure 1.10. h{t)

Figure 1.10: The input signal and the system impulse response.

1.2. Fourier Senes


1. We have

"= F I
= ]-
= ^ P J-IK.


d {




(1.2.34) (1.2.35) (1.2.36) (1.2.37)


where we have used ihe fact that A(/) vanishes outside the [ 1, 1] interval and thai the Fourier transform of A(r) is s i n c 2 ( / ) . This result can also be obtained by using the expression for A(r) and integrating by parts. Obviously, we have ,i 0 for all even values of n except for n = 0. 2. A plot of the discrete spectrum of x(i) is shown in Figure 1.11.

OJK oI 1 0

.. ....




... L . 0 n

< I

1 0

Figure 1.1!: The discrete spectrum of the signal.

3. First we have to derive H ( f ) . the transfer function of the system. Although this can be done analytically, we will adopt a numerical approach. The resulting magnitude



of the transfer function and also the magnitude of H (/ Tq) = H(n/2) Figure 1.12. 4. To derive the discrete spectrum of the output we employ the relation y = x / / ^ j 1 1 /\ / n\ = -sine-(-)*( -) The resulting discrete spectrum of the output is shown in Figure 1.13. The MATLAB script for this problem follows.

are shown in

(1.2.38) (1.2.39)

% MA I'lAB script for illustrative echo on

Problem 4, Chapter


n=[-20:1 20],
% Fourier series coefficients of ill) vector

% sampling interval

'Si time vector

i=[-.5:ts: 1.51;
'7c impulse response

fs=1/Lc; h=(zeros(1.20).t(21 61).zeros0.20)).

% transfer function H=fft(h)/fs. % frequency resolution

f=[0:df:fs]-fs/2; % rearrange H HJ=fflshift(H);

y=x.H I (21 61);


c Platting commands



Fourier Transforms

The Fourier transform is the extension of the Fourier series to nonperiodic signals. The Fourier transform of a signal .t(f) that satisfies certain conditions, known as Dirichlet's conditions [1]. is denoted by X ( f ) or, equivalently, f"[jc(r)l and is defined by

-oo x{t)e-W



The inverse Fourier transform of X ( f ) is x ( t ) , given by


-oo X { f ) e

j 2 n /



1.3. Fourier Transforms 33

Figure 1.12: The transfer function of the LTI system and the magnitude of H








2 0





1 0

1 5

2 0

Figure 1.13: The discrete spectrum of the output.

If jr(r) is a real signal, then X ( f ) satisfies the Hermitian symmetry, i.e., X { ~ f )= X ' { f ) (1.3.3)

There are certain properties that the Fourier transform satisfies. The most important properties of the Fourier transform are summarized as follows. 1. Linearity: The Fourier transform of a linear combination of two or more signals is the linear combination of the corresponding Fourier transforms.
riaxi(t) + flx2(0) = <*T[x , ( r ) ] + F [ . t 2 ( D J (1.3.4)

2. Duality: If X ( f ) =

:F[X(r)] = . < ( - / ) (1.3.5)

3. Time shift: A shift in the time domain results in a phase shift in the frequency domain. If X ( f ) = F[jc(f)3, then
i0)] = e j 2

f t



4. Scaling: An expansion in the time domain results in a contraction in the frequency domain, and vice versa. If X ( f ) = F[j;(f)], then ^U(03 = A x ( - ) . flr^O (1.3.7)

1.3. Fourier Trans forms


5. M o d u l a t i o n : Multiplication by an exponential in the time domain corresponds to a frequency shift in the frequency domain. If X { f ) ?"[*{/)]> then T{ej2n}"' x{t)) = X(f /o) (1.3.8) - / o ) + X(f + /o)J

1 !F[x(t) COS(2TT/O;)] = -[X(f

6. DifTerentiation: Differentiation in the time domain corresponds to multiplication by j2jzf in the frequency domain. If X{f ) = J"[.v(f)), then T[x'{l)]= dn din j l n f X i f ) = (jl7T/)"X(f) (1.3.9) (1.3.10)

7. Convolution: Convolution in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication in the frequency domain, and vice versa. If X ( f ) "[*(;)] and Y ( f ) = T[y(t)], then T[x{t)*y(t)]^X{f)Y(f) F[x(t)y(t)] = X ( f ) * Y ( f ) then (1.3.11) (1.3.12)

8. Parseval's relation: If X ( f ) = !F[jc(f)] and Y ( f ) = T[y(t)], O O />O0

x(,t)y'(t)dt =/ X { f ) Y \ f ) d f OO r u ( / ) i 2 dt = JrOO i x ( / ) i z df

(1.3.13) d.3.14)

The second relation is also referred to as Rayleigh's


Table 1.1 gives the most useful Fourier transform pairs. In this table u _ i ( 0 denotes the unit step function, <5(;) is the impulse signal, sgn(r) is the signum function, defined as

I, 0. -1, JciO = jP

t > 0

t = 0 f <0


and ( ^ " ' ( f ) denotes the nth derivative of the impulse signal. For a periodic signal x ( i ) , with period 7q, whose Fourier series coefficients are given by xn, i.e., *nej2*






X ( f )

<5(0 1
&(r - rn) fit e fin COS(2.T/OO i H f S(f fo)

5 ( f )

fa) + /O>

+ \S(f + fa)

n ( 0

j j M f - / O ) - ( /

sinc{/) n i f ) sinc^(/)
a>0 A > 0 a > 0

sinc(/) A(0 sinc-(i)

e ' ^ u - i d ) , t ( R ) .

A(/) 1
Ct-HTf 1 la + ilirf)1 la a2 + (2irn-



Tin kb{f)+ jlTTf 72^7


(J2nf)* C^-TO


Table 1.1: Table of Fourier transform pairs.

1.3. Fourier Transforms 37

the Fourier transform is obtained by X ( f ) = F|.r(Ol T





In other words the Fourier transform of a periodic signal consists of impulses at multiples of the fundamental frequency (harmoniesi of the original signal. It is also possible to express the Fourier series coefficients in terms of the Fourier
t r a n s f o r m o f the truncated signal by

,v =


- t < ! 5 T


where by definition .Vj; ( (/) is the Fourier transform o f . r ^ f O , the truncated signal, defined by ,v(0.

*71,(0 =



The Fourier transform of a signal is called the spectrum of the signal. The spectrum of a signal in genera! is a complex function X{f ) \ therefore, to plot the spectrum, usually two plots are providedthe magnitude spectrum | X ( / ) | and the phase spectrum / . X ( f ) . ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 1.5 [Fourier transforms] Plot the magnitude and the phase spectra of signals . t [ ( 0 and ,t2(0 shown in Figure 1.14.
x\(0 (0

Figure 1.14: Signals .vi ( 0 and .tiiO-

22 ^ J M I I M M ^


Sincc the signals are similar except for a time shift, we would expect them to have the same magnitude spectra. The c o m m o n magnitude spectrum and the two phase spectra plotted on the same axis are shown in Figures I . 1 5 a n d 1.16, respectively.

Frequency Figure 1.15: The common magnitude spectrum of the signals jri(r) and ^ 2 ( 0 -

The MATLAB script for this problem is given below. In Section 1.3.1 we show how to obtain the Fourier transform of a signal using MATLAB.

% MATLAB scrip! for Illustrative Problem 5. Chapter !. df0.01 ; fs=10; is=1/fs; t=[-5:ts:5): % l=zeros(size(0): x1(41:51)=t(41 ;51)+1 ; x 1(52.61 )=cmes(sizeU I (52:61 ))V. x2=zeroslsize(t)); x2(51:71)=*l(41;61>; [Xl.xi ITdf 1 ]=fflseq(x 1 .ts.df); [X2.x21 ,df2)=fFtseq(x2.ts.df); Xll=XI/fs: X2l=X2/Fs; f={0.df 1 df 1 *(length{x il ) - 1 )]-fs/2, plot(f,fftshift(abs{Xl J))) p!or(f(500.'525),/ftshift(angle(XI !(500:525))).f(500;525).fftshift(ajigle(X21{500:525))), ' -- ' )

1.3. Fourier Transforms


Figure 1.16: The phase spectra of the signals ^ i ( f ) and jct(0-


Sampling Theorem

The sampling theorem is one of the most important results in signal and system analysis; it forms the basis for the relation between continuous-time signals and discrete-time signals. The sampling theorem says that a bandlimited signali.e., a signal whose Fourier transform vanishes for | / | > V V for some VVcan be completely described in terms of its sample values taken at intervals Ts as long as T, < 1/2VV. If the sampling is done at intervals Tx = 1 / 2 W , known as the Nyquisl interval (or Nyquist rate), the signal x(r) can be reconstructed from the sample values {*[] = as 00 j:(n7: i )sinc(2W(r ~ nT,)) t=-oo



This result is based on the fact that the sampled waveform ^ ( r ) defined as oo -t4(0
n = -'X>


^ nT,)


has a Fourier transform given by . o o



*(/) = -

~ T )










so passing it through a lowpass filter with a bandwidth of W and a gain of Ts in the passband will reproduce the original signal. Figure 1.17 is a representation of Equation (1.3.19) for Ts = I and {jc[n]}^__ 3 = {1, 1, - 1 . 2, - 2 , 1, 2}. In other words.
x{t) = s i n c ( t + 3 ) + sinc(r + 2) - s t n c i f 4- 1) + 2 s i n c ( r )

- 2sinc(r - 1) 4- sinc(r - 2) + 2smc(r - 2)

Figure 1.17: Representation of the sampling theorem.

The discrete Fourier transform as


of the discrete-time sequence

is expressed

oo n= oo

Comparing Equations (1.3.22) and (1.3.21) we conclude that

X l f ) = T

( f )

for | / | < W


which gives the relation between the Fourier transform of an analog signal and the discrete Fourier transform of its corresponding sampled signal.

1.3. Fourier Transforms


Numerical computation of the discrete Fourier transform is done via the w e l l - k n o w n / a j r Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. In this algorithm a sequence of length N of samples of the signals.v(r) taken at intervals of T, is used as the representation of the signal. The result is a sequence of length N of samples of X d { f ) in the frequency interval [0, f3], where /v = 1/7",- 2VV is the Nyquist frequency. When the samples are A / = / , - / N apart, the value of A / gives the frequency resolution of the resulting Fourier transform. In order to improve the frequency resolution, we have to increase N , the length of the input signal. The F F T algorithm is computationally efficient if the length of the input sequence, N , is a power of 2. In many cases if this length is not a power of 2, it is made to be a power of 2 by techniques such as zero-padding. Note that since the FFT algorithm essentially gives the D F T of the sampled signal, in order to get the Fourier transform of the analog signal we have to employ Equation (1.3.23). This means that after computing the FFT, we have to multiply it by T,, or, equivalently, divide it by />, in order to obtain the Fourier transform of the original analog signal. The MATLAB function fftseq.m, given below, takes as its input a time sequence m, the sampling interval r,, and the required frequency resolution df and returns a sequence whose length is a power of 2. the FFT of this sequence M . and the resulting frequency resolution.

function [M,m,df]=fftseq(m.ts,df) {M.mJH = fftsetfmjs.df) % tSf.m.df} = Stseif(m.ts) % Generates M. the FFT of the sequence m %FFTSEQ % The sequence is :ert>-pudded tt> meet the required frequency resolution d f . ts is the sampling interval. The output df is the final frequency resolution. % % Output m is the :ert>-padded versum of input m. M is the FFT. fs=1/ts; if naigin == 2 nl=0;

else ni=fs/df: end

n2=lengch(m), n=2*(nwjt(newpow2(nl).nextpow2 {n2))). M=fft(m.n): m=[m.zeros( 1 ,nn2)];


Illustrative Problem 1.6 [Analytical and numerical derivation of the Fourier transform] The signal j:(i) is described by
t + 2.

-2 < r < -1 -1 < r < 1

1 < t < 2

.t(r) =

1, - f + 2, 0,



and is shown in Figure 1.18.







Figure 1.18: The signal.r(0-

1. Determine the Fourier transform of ,x(t) analytically and plot the spectrum of .r(r). 2. Using MATLAB, determine the Fourier transform numerically and plot the result. ^ l l l i J M i f c 1. The signal x(r) can be written as
x(t) = 2A - A(0 (1.3.25)

and therefore X ( f ) = 4 s i n c 2 ( 2 / ) - sinc~(/) (1.3.26)

where we have used, linearity, scaling, and the fact that the Fourier transform of A ( : ) is s i n c 2 ( / ) . Obviously the Fourier transform is real. The magnitude-spectrum is shown in Figure 1.19 . 2. In order to determine the Fourier transform using MATLAB, we first give a rough estimate of the bandwidth of the signal. Since the signal is relatively smooth, its bandwidth is proportional to the inverse time duration of the signal. The time duration of the signal is 4. To be on the safe side we take the bandwidth as ten times the inverse time duration, or BW = 10 x - = 2.5 4 (1.3.27)

and therefore the Nyquist frequency is twice the bandwidth and is equal to 5. Hence, the sampling interval is Ts = l / / v = 0.2. We consider the signal on the interval [4,4] and sample it at Tf intervals. With this choice, using a simple MATLAB script employing the fftseq.m function, we can derive the FFT numerically. We have chosen the required frequency resolution to be 0.01 Hz, so the resulting frequency resolution returned by fftseq.m is 0.0098 Hz. which meets the requirements of the

1.3. Fourier Transforms


I I 0,1

o 35


-0 5

i . Y~N, O S



Figure 1.19: The magnitude-spectrum of x(i) derived analytically.

problem. The signal vector r . which has length 41, is zero-padded to a length of 256 to meet the frequency-resolution requirement and also to make it a power of 2 for computational efficiency. A plot of the magnitude-spectrum of the Fourier transform is given in Figure 1.20. The M A T L A B script for this problem is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 6. Chapter I echo on ts=0 2, % set parameters fs=1/ts. df=0.01; x=(zeros(1,10).[0:0.2:1 ),ones(1.9),(1 :-0.2:0],zeros(1.10)); [X.x.dfl]=ffiseq<x.t5.dn; % derive the FFT X l=X/fs; % scaling f=(0;df 1 :df l*(letigth(x) 1 ) ) - fs/2, % frequency vector for FFT f[ ={-2.5:0.001:2.5], % frequency vector for analytic y=4*(sinc(2*fl)). ~2-(sinc(fl )).~2; % exact Fourier transform pause % Press a key to see the pint of the Fourier Transform derived analytically Clf subploi(2.1,1) plot(fl.abs(y; xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' )


lillef.'Magnitude-pectrurn o t x ( t l d e r i v e d a n a l y t i c a l l y ' )
pause % Press akey to see the plot of the Fourier transform derived numerically








Figure 1.20: The magnitude-spcctrum of.v(r) derived numerically.

ploi(f.ffishift(abs(X 1))); xlabel( F r e q u e n c y ' ) mle('Magnitude-pectrum of x ( t )




Frequency Domain Analysis of LTI Systems

The output of an LTI system with impulse response h(t) when the input signal is jr(r) is given by the convolution integral y(t)=x{t)*k(t) Applying the convolution theorem we obtain
Y ( f ) = X ( f ) H ( f ) (1.3.29)


where H ( f ) = T[h{t)]= f A(Oe"w'(/i J x> (1.3.30)

is the transfer function of the system. Equation (1.3.29) can be written in the form

\r(f)\ = \x{f)\\H(j)\ LY{f) = LX{f) + LH{f)


which shows the relation between magnitude and phase spectra of the input and the output.

1.3. Fourier Transforms


t i U M M M b m M M M J t o

Illustrative Problem 1.7 [LTI system analysis in the frequency domain] The signal x(t) whose plot is given in Figure 1.21 consists of some line segments and a sinusoidal segment.

Figure 1.21: The signal ^(r). 1. Determine the FFT of this signal and plot it. 2. If the signal is passed through an ideal lowpass filter with a bandwidth of 1.5 Hz, find the output of the filter and plot it. 3. If the signal is passed through a filter whose impulse response is given by 0 </ <1 1< t < 2 otherwise (1.3.32)



derive an expression for the filter output.

m j . m u i M m

First we derive an expression for the sinusoidal part of the signal. This is a sinusoidal whose half-period is 2; therefore, it has a frequency of / o = j = 0.25 Hz. The signal has an amplitude of 2 and is raised by 2, so. the general expression for it is 2 cos(27r X 0.25f + 8) + 2 = 2cos(Q.5;rf -f 6) + 2. The value of the phase 8 is derived by employing the boundary conditions
2 2COS(0.5,T/ -I- # ) L ( = 2 = 0 (1.3.33)

or 8 = 0. Therefore, the signal can be written as

r + 2,
1. .t(0 = 2 + 2cos(0.5vTf). 1, 0,

-2 < t < 0
0 < t < 1 1< r < 3 3 < f < 4 otherwise (1.3.34)

Having a complete description of the signal we can proceed with the solution.





!. The bandwidth of the signal has been chosen to be 5 Hz. The required frequency resolution is 0.01 Hz. The plot of the magnitude-spectrum of the signal is given in Figure 1.22.

Figure 1.22: Magnitude-spectrum of the signal.

2. Here / , = 5 Hz. Since the bandwidth of the towpass filter is 1.5 Hz, its transfer function is given by

0. 1-5 < / < 3.5 (1.3.35) 1, 3.5 < / < 5 which is multiplied by X ( f ) to generate Y ( f ) , the Fourier transform of the output. Using this transfer function gives the output shown in Figure 1.23. 3. Here we obtain the output of the filter by a simple convolution. The result is shown in Figure 1.24. The MATLAB script for this problem is given below.


0 < / < 1.5

% MATLAB script for Illustrative echo on df=0.01; fs=5; Ls=1 /fs; t=[-5:ts:5]; x=zeros(1,length(t)); x("l6;26)=t(16:26)+2;


7. Chapter

I. % % % % % fretj. resolution sampling frequency sampling intenal time vector input signal initiation

1.3. Fourier Transforms


Figure 1.23: The output of the lowpass filter.

Figure 1.24: The output signal in the third part of the problem.







x(27:31)=2*ones(1.5), x( 32:41 )=2+2*cos(0.5pi*i(32:41: x(42:46)=2*ones(1 r 5); % part I a [X.xl ,df] ]=fftseq(x.ts.df); c specrtim of the input f=[0:dfi:dfl*(Iength(xl)-1)J-fs/2; ^ frequency vector Xl=X/fs; % sculini; % part 2 /i/fer transfer fund inn ll-[one5(1,ceil(1,5/df l)),zeros( 1 ,length(X)2eeil(.1.5/dfl)).onesi1 .ceilO .5/df]))]: Y=X.*H, "o output spectrum yl-ifft(Y); *7 output of the filter % part J % LTI system impulse response h=[zeros{1 ,ceil(5/is)).i(ceil(5/is)+1 :ccil(6 /is)),ones( 1 ,ceil(7/is)ceilcS/tsjj.jyjmst 1,51 -cciJ(7/(s))]; v2=conv(h.x), output of the LTI s\stei pause % Press a icy to see spectrum of ihe input ploi(f.fftshift(abs(X 1))) pause % Press u kev to sec the output of the low pass filter p!ot((,abs(y!( 1 length; i)))). pause % Press a key to see the output of the LTI system ploti( 10:ts 10).y2),


Power and Energy

T h e e n e r g y a n d t h e p o w e r c o n t e n t s of a r e a l s i g n a l * ( r ) , d e n o t e d b y E x a n d P x , r e s p e c t i v e l y , are defined as oo

Px = ^lim

X2(t)dl (1.4.1) i' t-(r)dr ./f V ,: J-T./2 signal, and a signal with positive and All periodic

A s i g n a l w i t h finite e n e r g y is c a l l e d an energy-type finite p o w e r is a power-type signal.'1 t y p e s i g n a l , w h e r e a s .x(r) =

F o r i n s t a n c e * ( r ) = 1 1 ( f ) is a n e x a m p l e o f a n e n e r g y spectra! density of a n e n e r g y - t y p e s i g n a l g i v e s

c o s ( / ) is a n e x a m p l e o f a p o w e r - t y p e s i g n a l .

s i g n a l s 5 a r e p o w e r - t y p e s i g n a l s . T h e energy

t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f e n e r g y at v a r i o u s f r e q u e n c i e s of t h e s i g n a l a n d is g i v e n b y Y(/) = I*(/)1: Therefore, (1.4-2)


$ x ( f ) d f


There exist signals that are neither energy type nor power type. One example of such signals is x (/ ) = The only exception is those signals thai are equal to zero almost everywhere.

1.4. Power and Energy

Using the convolution theorem we have fj X ( / ) = JF[/?.v<r)] where /?y(r) is the autocorrelation function of .ri 11 defined as xl t)x(t 4- r) cit
f 1.4.5) (1.4.4)

K.vU) = J

x(r ) v( r) for real-valued signals. For power-type signals we define the time-average function as
R x(r ) = Mm




+ r )dt


and the power spectra! density is in general given by 8 x ( f )r[Rx(r)\ (1.4.7)

The totai power is the integral of the power spectral density given by Px = J Sx(f)df

For the special case of a periodic signal x(t) with period 7o and Fourier series coefficients xn, the power spectral density is given by


which means all the power is concentrated at the harmonics of the fundamental frequency, and the power at the nth harmonic (h/Tq) is | v| 2 . i.e.. the magnitude square of the corresponding Fourier scries coefficient. When the signal ,v(0 passes through a filter with transfer function H(f ), the output energy spectral density, or power spectral density, is obtained via J Sy(f) = [H(f)\2-x(f)

\ Sy(f) = IH(fYrSx(f) If we use the discretc-time (sampled) signal, the energy and power relations equivalent to Equation (1.4.1) in terms of the discrete-time signal become


= Ts

v2^] (1.4.11) 1

Px =

lim .v2N

+ 1




and if the F F T is employedi.e.. if the length of the sequence is finite and the sequence is repeatedthen

Ex - 7, X n~0

x2["\ (1.4.12)

The following MATLAB function power.m gives the power content of a signal vector.

function p=power(x)
% %POWER p pimeifil Returns the power in signal x

p=(norm(x)*2)/length(x). If X t i ( f ) is the DFT of the sequence i [ n ] , then the energy spectral density of * ( ; ) . the equivalent analog signal, is obtained by using the Equation (1.3.23) and is given by
$ x ( f ) = T ; \ X

( f ) \ -

(1.4.13) is most

where T is the sampling interval. The power spectral density of a sequence easily derived by using the M A T L A B function spectrum.m.



Illustrative Problem 1.8 [Power and power spectrum] The signal * ( r ) has a duration of 10 and is the sum of two sinusoidal signals of unit amplitude, one with frequency 47 Hz and the other with frequency 219 Hz. cos(2?r x 47f) + cos(2;r x 2 ! 9 f ) ,

0 < r < 10 otherwise


This signal is sampled at a sampling rate of 1000 samples per second. Using M A T L A B , find the power content and the power spectral density for this signal.

Using the M A T L A B function power.m the power content of the signal is found to be 1.0003 W. By using spectrum.m and specplot.m. we can plot the power spectral density of the signal, as shown in Figure 1.25. The twin peaks in the power spectrum correspond to the two frequencies present in the signal. T h e M A T L A B script for this problem follows.

1.5. Lowpass Equivalent of Bandpass Signals


1 0'

1 0

8, Chapter I. signal spectrum

Figure 1.25: The power spectral density of the signal consisting of two sinusoidal signals at frequencies f \ = 47 and / ? = 219 Hz.

% MATLAB script for Hluxtrurtive Pmbtem t $=0.001: fs=1/ts; t=(0:ts:10]; x=cos{2pi*47i)+cos(2pi 219*t); p=power(x); psd=spectrum(x. 1024); pause P pause % Press ti key to see the power spccplcX(psd.fs)

% Press a key to see the power in the


Lowpass Equivalent of Bandpass Signals

A bandpass signal is a signal for which all frequency components are located in the neighborhood of a central frequency fo (and, of course, fo). In other words, for a bandpass signal X ( f ) = 0 for | / / 0 | > W, where W < /o- A lowpass signal is a signal for which the frequency components are located around the zero frequency, i.e., for \ f \ > W, we have X ( f ) =0. Corresponding to a bandpass signal x(t) we can define the analytic signal z(t), whose




Fourier transform is given as Z ( f )=2_i(/)X(/) where u-\(f)is the unit step function. In the time domain this relation is written as z<r) - x{i) + jx(t) where x(t) denotes the Hilbert transform of.t(r) defined as x(t) domain it is given by X(f) = -jsgn(f)X{f) (1.5.2) in the frequency (1.5.1)


We note that the Hilbert transform function in MATLAB, denoted by hilbert.m, generates the complex sequence z(r). The real part of z(t) is the original sequence, and its imaginary part is the Hilbert transform of the original sequence. The lowpass equivalent of the signal x(t), denoted by .t/(r), is expressed in terms of z(f) as x,(t) ~ z{t)e'l2:!}' From this relation we have x(t) = Re[j xi(!)e i 2 n / '\ Jc(r) = I m M r ) ' 2 " ' " ' ] In the frequency domain we have * ; ( / ) = Z ( / + /o) = 2 _ i ( / + / o ) * ( / + / o ) and X i ( f ) = X(f - f0) + X*{-f ~ /0) (1.5.7) (1.5.6) (1.5.5) (1.5.4)

The lowpass equivalent of a real bandpass signal is, in general, a complex signal. Its real part, denoted by xc(t), is called the in-phase component of x (t) and its imaginary part is called the quadrature component of x(f) and is denoted by .r t (r); i.e., xi) =xc(t) + jxAO (1-5.8)

In terms of the in-phase and the quadrature components we have x(t) = xc(t)cos(2xfot) - xx(t) s\n(2nfy) (1.5.9)

x ( t ) = xAO c o s ( 2 j i / q ) + Jtt-(i) sin(2;r/o0 If we express *j(f) in polar coordinates, we have *,<0 = V ( r ) e j e ( 0


1.5. Lowpass Equivalent of Bandpass Signals


where V(t) and ( f ) are called the envelope and the phase of the signal *(/). In terms of these two we have JC(/) = V(r) cos(2,T/or + 0 ( 0 ) The envelope and the phase can be expressed as VCD - y/xHO 0 ( r ) arctan or, equivalently. +*f<0 x,(t)
(1.5.12) (1.5.11)

V(i) = >A2(0 + i2(n


( f ) arctan x(t)


It is obvious from the above relations that the envelope is independent of the choice of /o, whereas the phase depends on this choice. We have written some simple MATLAB files to generate the analytic signal, the lowpass representation of a signal, the in-phase and quadrature components, and the envelope and phase. These MATLAB functions are analytic.m, loweq.m, quadcomp.m, and env_phas.m, respectively. A listing of these functions is given below.

function z=anaiytic(x) % z - analytic! x} %ANALYTIC Returns the analytic signal corresponding % z=hilbert{x);

to signal x.

function xl=loweq{*,ts,fO) % xl = loweq{x.tsJO) %LOWEQ Returns the lowpass equivalent fo JO is the center frequency. % Is is the sampling interval. % i=(0:ts:ts(length(x)-1)J: z=hilbert(x); xl=z.*exp{j*2pi*f0t);

of the signal x.

function [xc,xsj=quadcomp(x,ts,f?}) % [xc.xsj - q uadcompfx. ts./O) "hQUADCOMP Returns the in-phase and quadrature






% % % z=loweq(x,ts,fO); xc-real(z); xs=imag(z);

the signal x. fO is the center frequency, sampling interval.

ts is the

function [ v. phi ]=env , p has (x, is, fO) % \v,pluj - env_phas(x,!s,JO) % v = em -phas(x.ts.jO) %ENVJ>HAS Returns the envelope and the phase of the bandpass signal x. ?o JO is the center frequency. % ts is the sampling interval. % if nargout == 2 z=loweq(x,t5,f0); phi=angle(z), end v=abs(hilbert(x));



Dlustrative Problem 1.9 [Bandpass to lowpass transformation] The signal *(r) is given as x(t) = sinc(lOOf) cos(2;r X 200r) 1. Plot this signal and its magnitude spectrum. 2. With fo = 200 Hz, find the lowpass equivalent and plot its magnitude spectrum. Plot the in-phase and the quadrature components and the envelope of this signal. 3. Repeat part 2 assuming / o = 100 Hz. (1.5.14)

Choosing the sampling interval to be f.t = 0.001 s. we have a sampling frequency of f , = l/t, = 1000 Hz. Choosing a desired frequency resolution of df = 0.5 Hz. we have the following. 1. Plots of the signal and its magnitude spectrum are given in Figure 1.26. Plots are generated by MATLAB. 2. Choosing /o = 200 Hz, we find the lowpass equivalent to x(f) by using the loweq.m function. Then using fftseq.m we obtain its spectrum; we plot its magnitude-spectrum in Figure 1.27. It is seen that the magnitude spectrum is an even function in this case, because we can write x(t) = Re[sinc( lOOOe^2" * 2 0 0 '] (i.5.15)

1.5. Lowpass Equivalent of Bandpass Signals



Figure 1.26: The signal x(t) and its magnitude-spectrum.

0.01 J


O O C M .






o it fretfoetny




Figure 1.27: The magnitude-spectrum of the lowpass equivalent to * ( / ) in Illustrative Problem 1.9 when f0 = 200 Hz.







Comparing chis to
J~' 2'TX /(,;-, x ( 0 = R z[x,{i)eJ


we conclude that jc/(r) = sinc(lOOf)


which means that the lowpass equivalent signal is a real signal in this case. This, in turn, means that xv(t) = xi(t) and xs{t) = 0. Also, we conclude that

0(0 J0'

V(0 =


(1.5.18) ATt(f) < 0

Plots of xc(t) and V(t) are given in Figure 1.28.

Figure 1.28: The in-phase component and the envelope of x{t).

Note that choosing this particular value of /o, which is the frequency with respect to which X ( f ) is symmetric, yields in these results. 3. If /o = 100 Hz, then the above results will not be true in general, and x/(f) will be a complex signal. The magnitude spectrum of the lowpass equivalent signal is plotted in Figure 1.29. As its is seen here, the magnitude spectrum lacks the symmetry present in the Fourier transform of real signals. Plots of the in-phase components of * ( f ) and its envelope are given in Figure 1.30.

1.5. Lowpass Equivalent of Bandpass Signals











Figure 1.29: The magnitude spectrum of the lowpass equivalent to x(t) Problem 1.9 when / 0 = 100 Hz.

in Illustrative

Figure 1.30: The in-phase component and the envelope of the signal x(t) when / o = 100 Hz.




1.1 Consider the periodic signal of Illustrative Problem i. 1 shown in Figure 1.1. Assuming A = 1, To = 10, and to = I, determine and plot the discrete spectrum of the signal. Compare your results with those obtained in Illustrative Problem 1.! and justify the differences. 1.2 In Illustrative Problem 1.1, assuming A = 1, To 4, and fo = 2, determine and plot the discrete spectrum of the signal. Compare your results with those obtained in Illustrative Problem 1.1 and justify the differences. 1.3 Using the m-file fseries.m, determine the Fourier series coefficients of the signal shown in Figure 1.1 with A = 1, Tq = 4, and to = \ for - 2 4 < n < 24. Plot the magnitude spectrum of the signal. Now using Equation {1.2,5) determine the Fourier series coefficients and plot the magnitude spectrum. Why are the results not exactly the same? 1.4 Repeat Problem 1.3 with To = 4.6, and compare the results with those obtained by using Equation (1.2.5). Do you observe the same discrepancy between the two results here? Why? 1.5 Using the MATLAB script dis.spci.rn, determine and plot the phase spectrum of the periodic signal jc(r) with a period of To = 4.6 and described in the interval [ - 2 . 3 , 2.3] by the relation * ( 0 = A(r). Plot the phase spectrum for - 2 4 < n <24, Now, analytically determine the Fourier series coefficients of the signal, and show that all coefficients are nonnegative real numbers. Does the phase spectrum you plotted earlier agree with this result? If not, explain why. 1.6 In Problem 1.5, define x(f) = A(r) in the interval [1.3,3.3]; the period is still To = 4.6. Determine and plot the magnitude and phase spectra using the MATLAB script dis_spct.m. Note that the signal is the same as the signal in Problem 1.5. Compare the magnitude and the phase spectra with that obtained in Problem 1.5. Which one shows a more noticeable difference, the magnitude or the phase spectrum? Why? 1.7 Repeat Illustrative Problem 1.2 with [a, b] = [ - 4 , 4] and*(i) = cos(?rr/8) for ji ] < 4. 1.8 Repeat Illustrative Problem 1.2 with [a, b] = [ - 4 , 4 ] and x(r) = sin(;rr/8) for [r| < 4 and compare your results with those of Problem 1.7. 1.9 Numerically determine and plot the magnitude and the phase spectra of a signal x{t) with a period equal to 1 0 - 6 seconds and defined as -106f+0.5,
jc(0 =

0 < r < 5 x 10-7 otherwise

~ ~


in the interval |f| < 5 x 10~ 7 .

1.5. Lowpass Equivalent of Bandpass Signals


1.10 A periodic signal x{t) with period 7"o = 6 is defined by x ( f ) = I~I(r/3) for |f| < 3. This signal passes through an LTI system with an impulse response given by >~'n, 0. 0 < f < 4 otherwise

h{t) =

Numerically determine and plot the discrete spectrum of the output signal. 1.11 Repeat Problem 1.10 with x ( f ) = e~2' for |f| < 3 and I, 0, 0 < f < 4 otherwise

1.12 Verify the convolution theorem of the Fourier transform for signals x(f) = n ( r ) and y{t) = A(i) numerically, once by determining the convolution directly and once by using the Fourier transforms of the two signals. 1.13 Plot the magnitude and the phase spectra of a signal given by 1,
jc(0 =

-2 < / < -I I'l < 1 1< t < 2 otherwise

Irl. 1, 0,

1.14 Determine and plot the magnitude spectrum of an even signal * ( 0 which for positive values of t is given as t + 1. 1,
*(0 =

o <t <1 1< r < 2 2 < t <4 otherwise

-t+4, 0,

Determine your result both analytically and numerically and compare the results. 1.15 The signal described in Problem 1.14 is passed through an LTI system with an impulse response given by


0 < t < 2


2 < t < 3 otherwise


Determine the magnitude and the phase spectra of the output signal.






1 .16 The signal cos(27T X 47R) + COS(2,T X 219f), *(0 = 0, 0 < i < 10 otherwise

is considered. As in Illustrative Problem 1.8, assume this signal is sampled at a rate of 1000 samples/second. Using the MATLAB M-file butter.m, design a lowpass Butterworth filter of order 4 with a cutoff frequency of 100 Hz and pass .r(f) through this filler. Determine and sketch the output power spectrum and compare it with Figure 1.25. Now design a Butterworth filter of order 8 with the same cutoff frequency, and determine the output of this filter and plot its power spectrum. Compare your results in theses two cases. 1.17 Repeat Problem 1.16, but this time design highpass Butterworth filters with the same orders and the same cutoff frequencies. Plot your results and make the comparisons. 1.18 Consider the signal
x(r) =

cos(2;r x 47r) + COS{2JT X 219r), 0.

0 < i < 10 otherwise

a. Determine the analytic signal corresponding to this signal. b. Determine and plot the Hilbert transform of this signal. c. Determine and plot the envelope of this signal. d. Once assuming fo 47 and once assuming fo = 219, determine the lowpass equivalent and the in-phase and the quadrature components of this signal.

Chapter 2

Random Processes
2.1 Preview

In this chapter we illustrate methods for generating random variables and samples of random processes. We begin with the description of a method for generating random variables with a specified probability distribution function. Then, we consider Gaussian and Gauss-Markov processes and illustrate a method for generating samples of such processes. The third topic that we consider is the characterization of a stationary random process by its autocorrelation in the time domain and by its power spectrum in the frequency domain. Since linear filters play a very important role in communication systems, we also consider the autocorrelation function and the power spectrum of a linearly filtered random process. The final section of this chapter deals with the characteristics of lowpass and bandpass random processes.


Generation of Random Variables

Random number generators are often used in practice to simulate the effect of noiselike signals and other random phenomena that are encountered in the physical world. Such noise is present in electronic devices and systems and usually limits our ability to communicate over large distances and to detect relatively weak signals. By generating such noise on a computer, we are able to study its effects through simulation of communication systems and to assess the performance of such systems in the presence of noise. Most computer software libraries include a uniform random number generator. Such a random number generator generates a number between 0 and 1 with equal probability. We call the output of the random number generator a random variable. If A denotes such a random variable, its range is the interval 0 < A < 1. We know that the numerical output of a digital computer has limited precision, and as a consequence it is impossible to represent the continuum of numbers in the interval 0 < A < 1. However, we may assume that our computer represents each output by a large number of bits in either fixed point or floating point. Consequently, for all practical purposes, the number of outputs in the interval 0 < A < 1 is sufficiently large, so that we 45




are justified in assuming that any value in the interval is a possible output from the generator. The uniform probability density function for the random variable A, denoted as / ( A ) , is illustrated in Figure 2.1(a). We note that the average value or mean value of A, denoted as in*, is mA = T h e integral of the probability density function, which represents the area under / ( A ) , is called the probability distribution function of the random variable A and is defined as




For any random variable, this area must always be unity, which is the m a x i m u m value that can be achieved by a distribution function. Hence, for the uniform random variable A we have

F(l) and the range of F ( A ) is 0 < F(A) function is shown in Figure 2.1(b).

= /"'

f(x)dx= 1


< t for 0 < A < 1. The probability distribution


Figure 2.1: Probability density function / ( A ) and the probability distribution function F ( A ) of a uniformly distributed random variable A. If we wish to generate uniformly distributed noise in an interval (b, b + 1), it can be accomplished simply by using the output A of the random number generator and shifting it by an amount b. Thus a new random variable B can be defined as

B = A+ b which now has a mean value m j = H j . distribution function F(B)


For example, if b = j, the random variable B as shown in Figure 2.2(a). Its probability

is uniformly distributed in the interval (5,

is shown in Figure 2.2(b).

2.2. Generation of Random Variables


A uniformly distributed random variable in the range (0,1) can be used to generate random variables with other probability distribution functions. For example, suppose that we wish to generate a random variable C with probability distribution function F(C), as illustrated in Figure 2.3.




Figure 2.2: Probability density function and the probability distribution function of a zeromean uniformly distributed random variable.

Figure 2.3: Inverse mapping from the uniformly distributed random variable A to the new random variable C. Since the range of F(C) is the interval (0,1), we begin by generating a uniformly distributed random variable A in the range (0,1). If we set F(C) then C = F~'(A) (2.2.5) = A (2.2.4)





Thus we solve (2.2.4) for C. and the solution in (2.2.5) provides the value of C for which F(C) ~ A. By this means we obtain a new random variable C with probability distribution F{C). This inverse mapping from A to C is illustrated in Figure 2.3. i m U U M b m M M M M Illustrative Problem 2.1 Generate a random variable C that has the linear probability density function shown in Figure 2.4(a); i.e.,
U c , 0<C<2

/(C) = \ 10,

~ " otherwise

Figure 2.4: Linear probability density function and the corresponding probability distribution function. ^sMBIhdMMfc This random variable has a probability distribution function

F(C) Upon solving for C, we obtain

0, jC2. 1,

C <0 0 < C < 2 C > 2

which is illustrated in Figure 2.4(b). We generate a uniformly distributed random variable A and set F{C) = A. Hence


C =


2.2. Generation of Random Variables


Thus we generate a random variable C with probability function F ( C ) , as shown in Figure 2.4(b). In Illustrative Problem 2.1 the inverse mapping C F~l(A) was simple. In some cases it is not. This problem arises in trying to generate random numbers that have a normal distribution function. Noise encountered in physical systems is often characterized by the normal, or Gaussian, probability distribution, which is illustrated in Figure 2.5. The probability density function is given by

/(C) -




-co < C < O G


where ct~ is the variance of C. which is a measure of the spread of the probability density function / ( C ) . The probability distribution function F(C) is the area under / ( C ) over the range ( - o c , C). Thus




J !

Figure 2.5: Gaussian probability density function and the corresponding probability distribution function. Unfortunately, the integral in (2.2.9) cannot be expressed in terms of simple functions. Consequently, the inverse mapping is difficult to achieve. A way has been found to circumvent this problem. From probability theory it is known that a Rayleigh distributed random variable R, with probability distribution function


0. t

R <0 R> o





is related to a pair of Gaussian random variables C and D through the transformation

C = Kcos D = R sin

(2.2.11) (2.2.12)

where is a uniformly distributed variable in the interval (0, 2JT). The parameterCT2is the variance of C and D. Since (2.2.10) is easily inverted, we have F(J?) = 1 - e~Rl/2a2 and hence

= A


R = yjlo1

l n [ l / ( l - A)]


where A is a uniformly distributed random variable in the interval (0,1). Now, if we generate a second uniformly distributed random variable B and define 0 = 2 JIB (2.2.15)

then from (2.2.11) and (2.2.12), we obtain two statistically independent Gaussian distributed random variables C and D. The method described above is often used in practice to generate Gaussian distributed random variables. As shown in Figure 2.5, these random variables have a mean value of zero and a variance a 2 . If a nonzero mean Gaussian random variable is desired, then C and D can be translated by the addition of the mean value. The MATLAB script that implements the method above for generating Gaussian distributed random variables is given below.

function [gsrv I ,gsrv2]=gngauss(m,sgma) % [g*rvl,gsrv2l = gngauss(nusgma) % lgsr\-l,gsrv2j = gngauss(sgma) % Igsrvl,gsn2l = gngauss % GNGAUSS generates two independent Gaussian random variables with mean % m and standard deviation i j m u . If one <if the input arguments is missing % il lakes the mean as 0. % If neither mean nor the variance it j'ii. it generates two standard & Gaussian random variables if nargin == 0. m=0; sgma=1; elseif nargin = 1, sgma=m; m=0: end; u=rand; % a uniform random variable in (0.1) z=sgma(sqrt(2*log(1/(1-u)))); % a Rayleigh distributed random variable u=rand; % another uniform random variable in (0.1) gsrv 1=m+i+c os (2 * pi *u), gsrv2=m+z *s in (2*pi *u);

2.3. Gaussian and Gauss-Markov Processes



Gaussian and Gauss-Markov Processes

Gaussian processes plav an important role in communication systems. The fundamental reason for their importance is that thermal noise in electronic devices, which is produced by random movement of electrons due to thermal agitation, can be closely modeled by a Gaussian process. The reason for the Gaussian behavior of thermal noise is that the current introduced by movement of electrons in an electric circuit can be regarded as the sum of small currents of a very large number of sources, namely, individual electrons. It can be assumed that at least a majority of these sources behave independently and, therefore, the total current is the sum of a large number of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. By applying the central limit theorem, this total current has a Gaussian distribution. Apart from thermal noise, Gaussian processes provide rather good models for some information sources as well. Some interesting properties of the Gaussian processes, which are given below, make these processes mathematically tractable and easy to deal with. We begin with a formal definition of a Gaussian process. Definition: A random process X(t) is a Gaussian process if for ail n and all (f|, t j , ... , f), the random variables (X(fi)}"_| have a jointly Gaussian density function, which may be expressed as


- 5 - - e x p [ - ^ ( x -m)'C'\x

- m)]


where the vector x = (JTI, xi denotes the n random variables Xj = X(tj), m is the mean value vector, i.e., m E(X), and C is the n x n covariance matrix of the random variables U i , x\ r) with elements

dj =

[ ( . v , - nn)(Xj



The superscript t denotes the transpose of a vector or a matrix and C~ covariance matrix C.

is the inverse of the

From the above definition it is seen, in particular, that at any time instant the random variable XUq) is Gaussian, and at any two points f i, h the random variables (AT (/j), X f o ) ) are distributed according to a two-dimensional Gaussian random variable. Moreover, since a complete statistical description of {X(fi)}" = 1 depends only on the mean vector m and the covariance matrix C, we have the following property. P r o p e r t y 1: For Gaussian processes, knowledge of the mean m and covariance C provides a complete statistical description of the process. Another very important property of a Gaussian process is concerned with its characteristics when passed through a linear time-invariant system. This property may be stated as follows.




Property 2: If the Gaussian process X(r) is passed through a linear, time-invariant (LTI) system, the output of the system is also a Gaussian process. The effect of the system on X(t) is simply rejected bv a change in the mean value and the covanance of X(r). i i i i i L ^ r i J i f j j j ^ i i d n Illustrative Problem 2.2 [ G e n e r a t i o n of samples of a multivariate G a u s s i a n process] Generate samples of a multivariate Gaussian random process X(r) having a specified mean value mx and a covanance Cx

First, we generate a sequence o f statistically independent, zero-mean and unit variance Gaussian random variables by using the method described in Section 2.2. Let us denote this sequence of n samples by the vector Y (yi, y2 y) ; . Secondly, we factor the desired n x n covariance matrix C r as

c, =
Then, wc define the linearly transformed {n x 1) vector X as
X = clr'Y +mx



Thus the covanance of X is

C, = = = cl
/ 2


- m

) { X

ll !


E[C\ 'YY'{C\ ) ] E(YY')(Cy

1/2,f (2.3.5)


The most difficult step in this process is the factorization of the covariance matrix Cx. Let us demonstrate this procedure by means of an example that employs the bivariate Gaussian distribution. Suppose we begin with a pair of statistically independent Gaussian random variables y\ ar.d y^, which have zero mean and unit variance. We wish to transform these into a pair of Gaussian random variables J:I and x j with mean m = 0 and covariance matrix C =

pa i<J2


where of and cr} are the variances of xj and A;, respectively, and p is the normalized covariance, defined as E[(Xi -mi)(X;-m2)]


2.3. G a u s s i a n and Gauss-Markov Processes


The covariancc matrix C can be factored as

c = c h2 {c u2 y

C Therefore,

" = 2V2

v'l+l N/3 - 1

V 3 - 1" 7 3 -r I


1 V ! i i j i

V 3 -r 1 V3-1

V3-11V V3+lJ|_>2. (2.3.9)

( V 3 + Dyi + ( 7 3 - 1)V2 (>/3 - Dyi + (V3 4- l)y 2

The MATLAB scripts for this computation are given below.

% MATLAB script fur Illustrative echo on

Problem 2, Chapter 2.

mx=[0 0]' ; Cx=[1 1/2;1/2 1], x=multi_gp(mx.Cx>.

% Computation of the pdf of (xI. (2) follows

delta=0.3; xJ=-3;del:3; x2=-3:deiU'3; for 1=1 lengih(x 1), for j=1:length(x2), f(i,j>=(1/((2pi)det(Cx)-1/2)).exp-1/2M((xl(i) x2(j))-mx' ) ' i n v ( C x ) ' ( [ * l [ i | ; x2(j)l-mx))), end; end;
% plotting command for pdj follows


function [x] =,C)

% % % [x] = multi-gp{m.C) MULTl-GP generates a multivariate Gaussian random process with mean vector m (column vector), and covariunce

matrix C.

54 N=length(m): for i=1:N, y(i)=gngauss; end; y=y.'; x=sqrrm(C)*y+m;



Figure 2.6 illustrates the joint pdf / (x\, XT) for the covariance matrix C given by (2.3.6).

Figure 2.6: Joint probability density function of

and X2.

As indicated above, the most difficult step in the computation is determining Given the desired covariance matrix, we may determine the eigenvalues {A.*, 1 < k < n} and the corresponding eigenvectors 1 < k < n}. Then, the covariance matrix C can be expressed as

(2-3.10) *=i and since C = C 1 / 2 ( C 1 / 2 ) ' , it follows that

(2.3.11) t= i

2.3. Gaussian and Gauss-Markov Processes


Definition: A Markov process X ( 0 is a random process whose past has no influence on the future if its present is specified. That is, if r > then

^ [*('>

I X(r)

t < r_,] = P [ X ( f ) < * | X ( r _ i ) ]


From this definition, it follows that if fi < ri < < f, then


< xn | X(r_i), X(/_ 2 )

X ( n ) ] = P[X(tn)

<x | X ( r _ , ) ]


Definition: A Gauss-Markov function is Gaussian.

process X(r) is a Markov process whose probability density

The simplest method for generating a Markov process is by means of the simple recursive formula

(2.3.14) when ui is a sequence of zero-mean i.i.d. (white) random variables and p is a parameter that determines the degree of correlation between X and X_i. That is,

E(XX_,) = p E ( X ; _ 0 = pol_x


If the sequence {m} is Gaussian, then the resulting process X(f) is a Gauss-Markov process.

Illustrative Problem 2.3 Generate a sequence of 1000 (equally spaced) samples of a Gauss-Markov process from the recursive relation

X = 0.95X..i + wn.

n = 1,2



where Xq = Oand {wn} is a sequence of zero mean and unit variance i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. Plot the sequence {X, 1 < n < 1000} as a function of the time index n and the autocorrelation j Rx{m) = N-m Y XnXn+m,

N m L'


0 , 1 , . . . , 50


n= l

where N = 1000.

The MATLAB scripts for this computation are given below. Figures 2,7 and 2.8 illustrate the sequence (X) and the autocorrelation function R x (m).




% MATLAB script for Illustrative echo on

Problem 3. Chapter 2


X=gau:>.mar(XO.rho,N); M=50; R\=Rx_est(X,M); % plotting commands follow

function [X J=gaus_mar(XO, rho.N) % IX j-guus_/naiiXO, rho.N) % GAUSJrlAR generates a Gauss-Markov process of length N. % the noise process is taken to be white Gaussian "o noise with zero mean and unit variunce tor i = 1:2:N. (Wsii) Ws(l+1)|=gngauss. 7o generate the noise process end; X(1 )=rhoX0+Ws( 1); % first element in the Gauss-Markov process for i=2:N, X(i)=rho*X(i-1 )+Ws(i); % the remaining elements end.

Figure 2.7: The Gauss-Markov sequence.

2.4. Power Spectrum of Random Processes and White Processes



25 m

Figure 2.8: The autocorrelation function of the Gauss-Markov process.


Power Spectrum of Random Processes and White Processes

A stationary random process X ( f ) is characterized in the frequency domain by its power spectrum S x ( f ) , which is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function Rx(r) of the random process. That is.

(2.4.1) Conversely, the autocorrelation function Rx(t) of a stationary random process X(r) is obtained from the power spectrum S x ( f ) by means of the inverse Fourier transform; i.e.,

(2.4.2) In modeling thermal noise that is generated in electronic devices used in the implementation of communication systems, we often assume that such noise is a white random process. Such a process is defined as follows. Definition: A random process X(t ) is called a white process if it has a flat power spectrum, i.e., if Sx ( / ) is a constant for all / . As indicated above, the importance of white processes stems from the fact that thermal noise can be closely modeled as spectrally constant over a wide range of frequencies. Also,



a number of processes thai arc used to describe a variety of information sources are modeled as the output of LTI systems driven by a white process. We observe, however, that if S K ( f ) = C for all / , then


S A f ) d f =



so that the total poweT is infinite. Obviously, no real physical process can have infinite power and, therefore, a white process may not be a meaningful physical process. However, quantum mechanical analysis of the thermal noise shows ihat it has a powcr-spectral density given by

*</) = 2( hf/kT hf



in which h denotes Planck's constant (equal to 6.6 x lO^ ' 4 J \ s) and k is Boltzmartn's constant (equal to 1.38 x I 0 " 2 3 J/K). T denotes the temperature in kelvins. This power spectrum is shown in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9: Plotof S ( / ) in (2.4.4).

The above spectrum achieves its maximum at / = 0, and the value of this maximum is . The spectrum goes to 0 as / goes to infinity, but the rate of convergence to 0 is very low. For instance, at room temperature {T = 300K), S n ( f ) drops to 90% of its maximum at about / 2 x 10 12 Hz, which is beyond the frequencies employed in conventional

2.4. Power Spectrum of Random Processes and White Processes


communication systems. From this we conclude that thermal noise, although not precisely white, can be modeled for all practical purposes as a white process with the power spectrum equaling The value kT is usually denoted by No; therefore, the power-spectral density of thermal noise is usually given as Sfl(f ) = ^ and is sometimes referred to as the twosided power-spectral density, emphasizing that this spectrum extends to both positive and negative frequencies. We will avoid this terminology throughout and simply use power spectrum or power-spectral density. For a white random process X ( r ) with power spectrum S ( f ) = Nq/2, lation function tfc(r)

the autocorre-


= r


= ~ 2


e ^ d f

= ^S(r) 2


where (5(r) is the unit impulse. Consequently for all r ^ 0, we have Rx(r) = 0; i.e., if we sample a white process at two points /[ and (3 (/| h ) , the resulting random variables will be uncorrected. If, in addition to being white, the random process is also Gaussian, the sampled random variables will be statistically independent Gaussian random variables. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 2.4 Generate a discrete-time sequence of N ~ 1000 i.i d. uniformly distributed random numbers in the interval ( 5, 7) and compute the autocorrelation of the sequence (X}, defined as j
RAm) = N-m Y XnXn+m, m=0, 1 M

N 1 = - V N - m|


m = 1,-2



Also, determine the power spectrum of the sequence {X} by computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of R x {m). TheDFT, which is efficiently computed by use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, is defined as

S A f ) =



The MATLAB script that implements the generation of the sequence {X}, the computation of the autocorrelation, and the computation of the power spectrum S x { f ) is given below. We should note that the autocorrelation function and the power spectrum exhibit a significant variability. Therefore, it is necessary to average the sample autocorrelation over several realizations. Figures 2.10 and 2.11 illustrate Rx(m) and S x ( f ) obtained by running this program using average autocorrelation over 10 realizations of the random process.




% MATLAB .script for Illustrative echo on N=1000; M=50; Rx.av=zeros(1 ,M+1), Sx-av=zeros(1,M+1), for j-1:10. X=rand(1,N)-1/2; Rx=Rx.est(X.M); Sx=ffishift(abs(fft(Rx))); Rx_av=Rx_av+Rx; Sx.av=Sx.av+Sx. end. Rx.av=Rx_av/10; Sx.av=Sx,av/10; % plot ling comments follow

Problem 4. Chapter 2.

% % % % % % %

take the ensemble average over 10 realizations N n.d. uniformly distributed random variables between -1/2 and 1/2 autocorrelation of the reuhzaiiim power spectrum of the realization sum of the autocorrelations sum of the sped rums autocorrelation spectrum

% ensemble average % ensemble average

Figure 2.10: The autocorrelation function in Illustrative Problem 2.4. A bandlimited random process X ( f ) has the power spectrum

S ( f\

2 '

l u/ l i |/| > B



Let us determine its autocorrelation function. From (2.4.1) we have

2.4. Power Spectrum of Random Processes and White Processes




-0 4

-0 3

-0 2

-0 1

0 1




0 5

Figure 2.11: The power spectrum in Illustrative Problem 2.4.




/ sin 2tt B
V 2xBr


Figure 2.12 illustrates RX(T).

MATLAB may be used to compute Rx(r) from S x ( f ) and vice-versa. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm may be used for this computation.

Illustrative Problem 2.5 Compute the autocorrelation /? c ( r ) for the random process whose power spectrum is given by (2.4,8). ^ I M H k i m To perform the computation, we represent S x ( f ) by N samples in the frequency range I / I 5 B, with each sample normalized to unity. The result of computing the inverse FFT with N = 32 is illustrated in Figure 2.13. Note that we obtain only a coarse representation of the autocorrelation function Rx(r), because we sampled S x ( f ) only in the frequency range | / | < 8. The frequency separation in this example is Af 2B/N. If we keep A / fixed and increase the number of samples by including samples for \ f \ > B, we obtain intermediate values of Rx(r). Figure 2.14 illustrates the result of computing the inverse FFT with Ni = 256 samples, of which N = 32 are unity.




Figure 2.13: Inverse FFT of the power spectrum of the bandlimited random process in Illustrative Problem 2.5 with 32 samples.


Linear Filtering of Random Processes



Figure 2.14: Inverse FFT of the power spectrum of the bandlimited random process in Illustrative Problem 2.5 with 256 samples.


Linear Filtering of Random Processes

Suppose that a stationary random process X(t) is passed through a linear time-invariant filter that is characterized in the time domain by its impulse response h(r)and in the frequency domain by its frequency response

# ( / ) /




It follows that the output of the linear filter is the random process


The mean value of Y(t) is





m Y = E[K{f)J
= f E[X(v)\h(t J nc I h(t J X I Jso r)jdr

= mx


= m(


= m, H ( 0 ) where / / ( 0 ) is the frequency response H ( f ) of the filter evaluated at / = 0. The autocorrelation function of Y(t) is



= E[Y{x)Y(t



/ 3o E[X{z)X{a)]h(t -n> O O Jroc - T)h(t + r - a ) d r d a

/ -no J/ /?,(r - a ) / i ( i - r)h(t + r - a ) d x d a (2.5.4) In the frequency domain, the power spectrum of the output process Y{t) is related to the power spectrum of the input process X{i) and the frequency response of the linear filter by the expression
S A f ) = S

( f ) \ H ( f ) \ -


This is easily shown by taking the Fourier transform of (2.5.4).


Illustrative Problem 2.6 Suppose that a white random process X(f) with power spectrum S x i f ) = 1 for all / excites a linear filter with impulse response

Determine the power spectrum S y ( f ) of the filter output. 8 W I M The frequency response of the filter is easily shown to be

H F '<
1 + j l n f

= ...Lf

( 257 )


2.5. Linear Filtering of Random





= [H(f)\-

1 i + (2 TT/y-


The graph of Sy( f ) is illustrated in Figure 2.15. TheMATLAB script for computing S y ( f ) for a specified Sx( f ) and H \ f ) is given below.


script fur Htuwalive


6. Chapter


echo on dcita=Q.01, F.min=-2, F.max=2, delta;F_max, Sx=ones(1 lengihif)): H=1 ./(t +(2pif}."2); Sy=Sx.*H."2;

Figure 2.15: Plot of S y { f ) given by (2.5.8).



Illustrative Problem 2.7 Compute the autocorrelation function Ry(r) S y ( f ) in the Illustrative Problem 2.6 for the specified S z ( f ) ~ 1.

corresponding to




a j . i n ^ i . i m In this case, we may use the inverse FFT algorithm on samples o f S v ( / ) given by (2.5.8). Figure 2.16 illustrates this computation with N 256 frequency samples and a frequency separation A / = 0.1. The MATLAB script for this computation is given below.


script for Illustrative


7, Chapter 2, % number of samples % frequency separation % swap the first half % sampled spectrum % autocorrelation of Y

echo on
N=256; deltaf=0.1;

f=[0: deltaf:{N / 2) deitaf, - ( N / 2 - 1 )*deliaf deltaf:-deltaf);

Sy=1./(1+(2*pi*f)."2); Ry=ifft(Sy); % plotting command follows


Figure 2.16: Plot of Ry(z)

of Illustrative Problem 2.7.

Let us now consider the equivalent discrete-time problem. Suppose that a stationary random process X{t) is sampled and the samples are passed through a discrete-time linear filter with impulse response h(n). The output of the linear filter is given by the convolution sum formula oo (2.5.9) *=0

2.5. Linear Filtering of Random Processes


where = X(f) are discrete-time values of the input random process and y(n) is the output of the discrete-time filter. The mean value of the output process is



= ^ h ( k ) E [ X { n -k)} k=0

= mx J2 h(k)


= mxH( 0) where H(0) is the frequency response H ( f ) of the filter evaluated at / = 0 and oo
H ( f ) = ^2h(n)e~i2ltin



n=0 The autocorrelation function of the output process is

R y (m) = ( r ( ) y ( n + /)J O O 00
= *=01=0






The corresponding expression in the frequency domain is

Sy(/) = S



where the power spectra are defined as 00

S A f ) = m = -oo Rx(m)e~j2ltfm (2.5.14)

and 00 S y ( f ) = Y1






Illustrative Problem 2.8 Suppose that a white random process with samples (X(n)} is passed through a linear filter with impulse response

^ (0.95)", lt h(n) { [0.

n > 0 n < 0

Determine the power spectrum of the output process {Y{n})

It is easily seen that
H ( f ) = n=0


n= 0

1 ~ I - 0.95e-j2** and



I 0.95e~i2nf\

I 1.9025 - 1 ,9 cos (2 JT/) Therefore, the power spectrum of the output process is


Sy{f) = \H{f)\1Sx{f) I 1.9025 - 1.9cos(2n7)

(2.5.18) (2.5.19)

where we assumed S x { f ) is normalized to unity. Figure 2.17 illustrates S y { f ) . Note that S y { f ) is periodic with period 2 jr. The MATLAB script for this computation is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative delta-w=2*pi/100; w=-pi:delta.w:pi; Sy=1 ./(1.9025-1,9*cos(w));

Problem ft. Chapter 2. % one period of Sy

2.6. Low pass and Bandpass P r o c e s s e s



300 L

250 L 2 W ' jj i I

100 L

Figure 2.17: Plot of S v ( / ) of Illustrative Problem 2.8.

% plotting command follow r plot(w.Sy);

The autocorrelation of the output process (y(n)} may be determined by taking the inverse FFT of S y ( f ) . The student will find it interesting to compare this autocorrelation with that obtained in Illustrative Problem 2.3.


Lowpass and Bandpass Processes

Just as in the case of deterministic signals, random signals can also be characterized as lowpass and bandpass random processes. Definition: A random process is called lowpass if its power spectrum is large in the vicinity of / = 0 and small (approaching 0) at high frequencies. In other words, a lowpass random process has most of its power concentrated at low frequencies. Definition: A lowpass random process X(t) is bandlimitedifthe power spectrum S x ( f ) = 0 for | / | > B. The parameter B is called the bandwidth of the random process. i m u ^ M M i U M M - J W M Illustrative Problem 2.9 Consider the problem of generating samples of a lowpass random process by passing a white noise sequence {X} through a lowpass filter. The input sequence is an i.i.d. sequence of uniformly distributed random variables on the interval ( T h e lowpass filter has the impulse response





and is characterized by the input-output recursive (difference) equation

>' = 0 . 9 V _ I + X,

n > [,

v_i = 0

Compute the output sequence {y | and determine the autocorrelation functions Rx(m) and R%(m), as indicated in (2.4.6). Determine the power spectra S x ( f ) and S v ( / ) by computing the DFT of Rx (m) and R v (m). The MATLAB scripts for these computations are given below. Figures 2.18 and 2.19 illustrate the autocorrelation functions and the power spectra. We note that the plots of the autocorrelation function and the power spectra are averages over 10 realizations of the random process.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem N=1000; M=50; Rxav=zeros(1.M+1); Ryav=zeros(1.M+1); Sxav=zeros{1 ,M+1); Syav=zeros(1 ,M+1); for 10, X=rand( 1 , N l - ( 1 /2); Y(1)s0; for n=2'N. Y(n) 0 9 * Y ( n - 1 ) + X(n); end: Rx=Rx_cst(X,M); Ry=Rx.ttst(Y.M). Sx=fFtshift(abs(fft<Rx))); Sy=fftshift(abs{fft(Ry))); Rxav=Rxav+Rx; Ryav=Ryav+Ry; Sxav=Sxav+Sx; Syav=Syav+Sy: end; Rxav=Rxav/10; Ryav=Ryav/10, Sxav=Sxav/10; Syav=Syav/10; % plotting commands follow

9, Chapter 2. % 'he maximum

value of n

% Take the ensemble average ove 10 realizations % Generate a uniform number sequence on (-1/2.1/2)

% Note that Y(n) means % % % % autocorrelation of (A>t) autocorrelation of (Vn) power spectrum of (Xn) Power spectrum of {Kn}


2.6. Low pass and Bandpass Processes


function % IRx! % % %

IRx]=Rx-si(X, MI = Kx-estiX.M) RXJiST Estimates the autocorrelation of the sequence of random variables given in X Only Rx(O), Rjt(I). ... , RxiXf) are computed. N<*ie that Rx{tt\) actually nx{ir\,s Rx(fit-1}.

N=length(X); Rx=zeros(1.M + 1): for m=1:M+1, for n=1 N - m + 1, Rx(m)=Rx(m)+X(n)*.X<n+m 1); end; Rx(m)=Rx(in)/(N-n\+t). end;

Figure 2.18: Autocorrelation functions Rx(m)

and Rv(m)

in Illustrative Problem 2.9.

Definition: A random process is called bandpass if its power spectrum is large in a band of frequencies centered in the neighborhood of a central frequency / o and relatively small outside of this band of frequencies. A random process is called narrowband if its bandwidth B /oBandpass processes are suitable for representing modulated signals. In a communication system, the information-bearing signal is usually a lowpass random process that modulates a carrier for transmission over a bandpass (narrowband) communication channel. Thus, the modulated signal is a bandpass random process. As in the case of deterministic signals, a bandpass random process X (t) can be represented as


= Xc(t) cos Infot

- Xf(r) s i n 2 ^ / 0 r





Figure 2.19: Power spectra S x ( f ) and S v ( / ) in Illustrative Problem 2.9.

where X c ( r ) and X , ( r ) are called the in-phase and quadratic components of X(r). T h e random processes XL (t) and X.,(/) are lowpass processes. The following theorem, stated without proof, provides an important relationship among X ( t ) . X t ( f ) and Xs(t). Theorem: If X ( t ) is a zero-mean stationary random process, the processes X t ( f ) and Xs(t) are also zero-mean, jointly stationary processes. In fact, it can be easiiy proved (see [1]) that the autocorrelation functions of X t ( i ) and X j ( r ) are identical and may be expressed as


= K , ( r ) = tf,(r) c o s 2 j r / 0 r + J ? , ( r ) sin 2 j r / 0 r


where K x ( r ) is the autocorrelation function of the bandpass process X(r) and fi^(r) is the Hilbert transform of ^ ( r ) , which is defined as

kAx) = L

T~ r

r mdi
cosItt/qX (2.6.4)

Also, the cross-correlation function of X t ( f ) and X f ( f ) is expressed as

/ ? ( r ) = / ? x ( r ) s i n 2 7 r / 0 r - Rt(z)

Finally, the autocorrelation function of the bandpass process X ( f ) is expressed in terms of the autocorrelation function /? L -(r) and the cross-correlation function Rcs ( r ) as


= /?c(r)cos2jr/0T - /?Cj(T)sin2jr/0r


2.6. Low pass and Bandpass Processes


i H M k k f e U i i W J ^ U I d l d f l t Illustrative P r o b l e m 2.10 [ G e n e r a t i o n of s a m p l e s of a b a n d p a s s r a n d o m process] Generate samples of a bandpass random process by first generating samples of two statistically independent random processes X c ( r ) and X, (r) and using these to modulate the quadrature carriers COS2JT fyi and sin 2^/qI, as shown in Figure 2.20.

cos 2-n-f i
WGN Lowpass I filter X r (/) COS 2 TTfj

-Xs(r) sin lirf ^i

WGN Lowpass


sin 277-/0r

Figure 2.20: Generation of a bandpass random process.

On a digital computer samples of the lowpass processes Xc{t) and Xx(t) are generated by filtering two independent white noise processes by two identical lowpass filters. Thus, we obtain the samples XL-(n) and Xs(n), corresponding to the sampled values of Xc(r) and X, t (f). Then, X t () modulates the sampled carrier cos2jr/o7" and X. t (n) modulates the quadrature carrier sin 2 J T f o n T , where T is the appropriate sampling interval. The MATLAB script for these computations is given below. For illustrative purposes, w e have selected the lowpass filter to have a transfer function H(z) =

1 -0.9z-'

Also, we selected T = 1 and fy = T h e resulting power spectrum of the bandpass process is shown in Figure 2.21.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative N=1000: tor i=1:2:N. IXI(i) Xl(i+1)]=gngauss; [X2(i) X2(i+1)]=gngauss; end; A=[1 0.9],

Problem 10. Chapter 2. % number of samples

% standard Gaussian input noise % lowpass filler parameters






Xc=fiJter(B.A.XI), Ks=fil?er(B.A,X2), fc=1 0 0 0 / p i, % carrier frequency for i=1;N, bajid_pass_proct:ssii)=Xi;(i )*cosi2*pi*l"c*i)Xs(i)*sin(2*pi*fc*i): a end'. c T- I is assumed ic determine the autocorrelation and the spectrum of ihe bandpass M=5Q. bpp_autocorr=Rx-est( band _pass-process.Ml, bpp_sptmm=frish!ftubs(tft(bpp_au[c>currHK c plotting commands follow


Figure 2.21: The power spectrum of the bandpass process in Illustrative Problem 2.10.

2.6. Low pass and Bandpass Processes


2.1 Generate a set of 1000 uniform random numbers in the interval (0, 1] using the MATLAB function rand(l,;V) function. Plot the histogram and the probability distribution function for the sequence. The histogram may be determined by quantizing the interval in 10 equal-width subintervals covering the range [0, 1| and counting the numbers in each subintervai. 2.2 Generate a set of 1000 uniform random numbers in the interval [ - 7 , 5] using the MATLAB function rand( 1, N). Plot the histogram and the probability distribution function for the sequence. 2.3 Generate a set of 1000 uniform random numbers in the interval [ - 2 , 2] by using the MATLAB function rand( 1, N). Plot the histogram and the probability distribution function for the sequence. 2.4 Generate a set of 1000 random numbers having the linear probability density function

1, 0,

0 < x < 2 otherwise

Plot the histogram and the probability distribution function. 2.5 Generate a set of 1000 Gaussian random numbers having zero mean and unit variance using the method described in Section 2.2. Plot the histogram and the probability distribution function for the sequence. In determining the histogram, the range of the random numbers may be subdivided into subintervals of width a 2 / 5 , beginning with the first interval covering the range <r 2 /10 < x < a 2 / 1 0 , where a 2 is the variance. 2.6 Generate a set of 1000 Gaussian random numbers having zero mean and unit variance by using the MATLAB function randn(l, N ) . Plot the histogram and the probability distribution function for the sequence. Compare these results with the results obtained in Problem 2.5. 2.7 Generate 1000 pairs of Gaussian random numbers (x\,x2) that have mean vector

m = E[>cj
and covariance matrix

JC ] =

1 2 2

C =

2 1




a. Determine the means of the samples ( x u , x n ) , i = 1 , 2 . . . , 1000 defined as 1000 Y x i, 1000 ^ j=i j !000 m-i = y xi, 1000 f ^ j


Also, determine their variances,

I 1000

a: i =

> ON; "M) 2 Z ^ i=i J 1000 CT" =1000 y ^ (x->, w->)~


and their covariance, 1 1000



b. Compare the values obtained from the samples with the theoretical values, 2.8 Generate a sequence of 1000 samples of a Gauss-Markov process described by the recursive relation Xn = p X _ i + W, n = \,2 1000

where Xo = 0, p = 0.9, and {W} is a sequence of zero-mean and unit variance i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. 2.9 Repeat Illustrative Problem 2.4 with an i.i.d. sequence of zero-mean, unit variance, Gaussian random variables. 2.10 Repeat Illustrative Problem 2.5 when the power spectrum of a bandlimited random process is



2.11 Repeat Illustrative Problem 2.6 with a linear filter that has impulse response "3t, MO = , 0, r > 0 f < 0

2.6. Low pass and Bandpass Processes


2.12 Determine numerically the autocorrelation function of the random process at the output of the linear filter in Problem 2.11. 2.13 Repeat Illustrative Problem 2.8 when (O.S)\ >0 n < 0



2.14 Generate an i.i.d. sequence | of N = 1000 uniformly distributed random numbers in the interval ^ J. This sequence is passed through a linear filter with impulse response

/!(,)= f(0-95)n' (o. n <0

The recursive equation that describes the output of this filter as a function of the input is y = 0.95y_ i + xn, n > 0, y_ ( = 0

Compute the autocorrelation functions Rx(m) and R^im) of the sequences {x} and {y} and the corresponding power spectra Sx ( / ) and S y ( f ) using the relations given in (2.4.6) and (2.4.7). Compare this result for S v ( f ) with that obtained in Illustrative Problem 2.8. 2.15 Generate two i.i.d. sequences {UJ^} and (w<} of /V = 1000 uniformly distributed 1 1 random numbers in the interval [ 4. 21 4 ?< '' ]. Each of these sequences is passed through a linear filter with impulse response



n < 0

whose input-output characteristic is given by the recursive relation xn=^x-\+w. > 1, = 0

Thus, we obtain two sequences, {xcn) and {xsn}- The output sequence { x c n } modulates the carrier COS(.T/2)M, and the output sequence {*} modulates the quadrature carrier sin(rt/2)n. The bandpass signal is formed by combining the modulated components as in

Compute and plot the autocorrelation components Rc(m) and Rs (m) for |m| < 10 for the sequences {x c n j and {xsn}, respectively. Compute the autocorrelation function Rx(m) of the bandpass signal for \m\ < 10. Use the DFT (or the FFT algorithm) to compute the power spectra S c ( f ) , S s ( f ) and S x ( f ) . Plot these power spectra and comment on the results.

Chapter 3

Analog Modulation
3.1 Preview

In this chapter we will study the performance of various analog modulation-demodulation schemes, both in the presence and in the absence of additive noise. Systems studied in this chapter include amplitude-modulation (AM) schemes, such as DSB-AM, SSB-AM, and conventional AM, and angle-modulation schemes, such as frequency and phase modulation. Each member of the class of analog modulation systems is characterized by five basic properties: 1. Time-domain representation of the modulated signal; 2. Frequency-domain representation of the modulated signal; 3. Bandwidth of the modulated signal; 4. Power content of the modulated signal; 5. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) after demodulation. These properties are obviously not independent of each other. There exists a close relationship between time- and frequency-domain representations of signals expressed through the Fourier transform relation. Also, the bandwidth of a signal is defined in terms of its frequency characteristics. Due to the fundamental difference between amplitude- and angle-modulation schemes, these schemes are treated separately and in different sections. We begin this chapter with the study of the simplest modulation scheme, amplitude modulation.


Amplitude Modulation (AM)

Amplitude modulation (AM), which is frequently referred to as linear modulation, is the family of modulation schemes in which the amplitude of a sinusoidal carrier is changed





as a function of the modulating signal. This class of modulation schemes consists of DSB-AM (double-sideband amplitude modulation), conventional amplitude modulation, SSB-AM (single-sideband amplitude modulation), and VSB-AM (vestigial-sideband amplitude modulation). The dependence between the modulating signal and the amplitude of the modulated carrier can be very simple, as, for example, in the DSB-AM case, or much more complex, as in SSB-AM or VSB-AM. Amplitude-modulation systems are usually characterized by a relatively low bandwidth requirement and power inefficiency in comparison to the angle-modulation schemes. The bandwidth requirement for AM systems varies between V V and 2W, where W denotes the bandwidth of the message signal. For SSB-AM the bandwidth is W, for DSB-AM and conventional AM the bandwidth is 2 W , and for VSB-AM the bandwidth is between V V and 2\V. These systems are widely used in broadcasting (AM radio and TV video broadcasting), point-to-point communication (SSB), and multiplexing applications (for example, transmission of many telephone channels over microwave links).



In DSB-AM, the amplitude of the modulated signal is proportional to the message signal. This means that the time-domain representation of the modulated signal is given by h (i) = A t / n ( 0 c o s ( 2 j r / c o where c(r) = Ac cos(2;r/ t r) (3.2.2) (3.2.1)

is the carrier and m(t) is the message signal. The frequency-domain representation of DSB-AM signal is obtained by taking the Fourier transform of u(i) and results in

U ( f ) = y M { f - fc) + y A / ( / + / c )


where M{f) is the Fourier transform of m(t). Obviously, this type of modulation results in a shift of / L . and a scaling of ^V in the spectrum of the message signal. The transmission bandwidth denoted by Bt is twice the bandwidth of the message signal: BT = 2 W (3.2.4)

A typical message spectrum and the spectrum of the corresponding DSB-AM modulated signal are shown in Figure 3.1.

3.2. Amplitude Modu la lion (AM)


Figure 3.1: Spectrum of DSB-AM modulated signal.

The power content of the modulated signal is given by


T 3C T j' - 7 7 2





T J -T/2 ] T J' - r / 2

lim , I




1 fT/2 1 r /
J-T/2 I f
T / 1

2 m2(l) 2

,. l.m

1 f 7 7 2 2, / m (t)

\ 2

dt\ J

yrooT , T-*oo

l J-T/2


where Pm is the power content of the message signal and Equation (3.2.5) follows from the fact that m ( r ) is a lowpass signal with frequency contents much less that 2 fc, the frequency content of COS(4>T/c/); therefore, the integral



COS(4TT f t) J c c)

d t



goes to zero as 7" - > oo. Finally, the SNR for a D S B - A M system is equal to the baseband




SNR; i.e., it is given by

s). - **



where PR is the received power (the power in the modulated signal at the receiver), ijr is the noise power spectral density {assuming white noise), and W is the message bandwidth.

Illustrative Problem 3-1 [DSB-AM modulation] The message signal m ( i ) is defined as

0 <t < |



This message DSB-AM modulates the carrier c(r) = cos 2;r/ t -r, and the resulting modulated signal is denoted by u(t). It is assumed that to = 0.15 s and / t = 250 Hz. 1. Obtain the expression for u{t), 2. Derive the spectra of m(t) and (f). 3. Assuming that the message signal is periodic with period Tq = to> determine the power in the modulated signal. 4. If a noise is added to the modulated signal in pan (3) such thai the resulting SNR is 10 dB, find the noise power. SOLUTION . m(t) can be written as m(t) = n
r - 0.025\

- 2 f l ( ^ r r ) ; therefore.
. ( t ~ ( 0.075

"(f) =

~ T " )

COS (500 JT /)


2. Using the standard Fourier transform relation i*[rt(f)] = sinc(r) together with the shifting and the scaling theorems of the Fourier transform, we obtain


( ^ p j

( i _


Substituting fo 0.15 s gives F[m(t)] = 0. G5e - 0 ' 0 5 sine ( 0 . 0 5 / ) ( l 2 e ~ - ( 3 . 2 . 1 1 )

3.2. Amplitude




For the modulated signal u{t) we have U { f ) = 0.025<T ) s i n c (0.05(/ - / , ) ) ( l -

Plots of the magnitude of the spectra of the message and the modulated signals are shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: Magnitude spectra of the message and the modulated signals in Illustrative Problem 3.1.

3+ The power in the modulated signal is given by

Pu - -jPm




where Pm is the power in the message signal;

2,0/3 f Pm = i~ f I mi(t)dt 1

to Jo

= - [^


+ +


_ = 1.666

Pu = = 0.833


10 log 1Q ( ) = 10

or PR = Pu - 10P ftl which results in Pn = Puf 10 = 0.0833.





The MATLAB script for the above problem follows.

To dsbl.m 7c Matlab demonstration script for DSB-AM 7c is +1 for 0 < t < l0/3. -2 for t0/3 -s echo on |0=.15; is=0.001; fc=250; snr=20, f i - 1 /is; df=0.3, t=[0:ts:l0]; snr_hn = 10~(snr/10); 7o message signal

modulation. The message signal t < 2rO/J u/iJ zero otherwise. % % % % 7c r /o 7c 7c signal duration sampling interval carrier frequency SNR in dB (logarithmici sampling frequency desired freq. resolution time vector linear SNR

m=[ones(1 ,l0/(3*ts)),-2*ones(t ,t0/(3*ts)).zeros(1 ,t0/(3*ts)+1)];

L"=i:os(2pi*fc.*l); 7c carrier signal u=m.*c; % modulated signal [M.m.dfl ]=ffiseq(m,ts,df); % Fourier transform M=M/fs; % scuting [U.u.dfll-fftseqftus.df). 7o Fourier transform U=U/fs; % scaling [C,c.dfl]=ffa,eq(c,tS.df); 7c Fourier transform f=[0:dfl:dfl*(length(m)-1))-fs/2, % freq, vector signaLpowcr=power(u(1 :length(t))); % power in modulated signal noise-power=signal..power/snr_lin, 7c Compute noise power noise.std=sqn(noise.power); 76 Compute noise standard deviation noise=noise.std*ran<in(1,length(u)); % Generate noise r=u+noise; % Add noise to the modulated signal [R,r,dfl]=fftseq(r,ts,df); 76 spectrum of the signuUnoise R=R/fs; % scaling pause % Press a key to show the modulated signal power signal.power pause % Press any key to see a plot of the messuge elf subplol(2,2,1) plot(t.m(1 :length(t))) xlabel(' T i m e ) title('The m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key ti> see a plot of the carrier subplol{2,2,2) plot{t,c(1:length(t))) xlabel(' T i m e ' ) titlef'The c a r r i e r ' ) pause % Press any key to see a plot of the modulated signal subplot(2,2.3) plol(t,u(1 ;length(t))) xlabel(' T i m e ' ) tit)e('The m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key to see a plots of the magnitude of the messuge and the % modulated signal in the frequency domain. subplot(2.1,1) plot(f,abs(fftshift(M))) xlabe!(' F r e q u e n c y ' )

3.2. Amplitude Modu la lion (AM)


title! ' Spec cru or t h e message s i g n a l ' ; subplot(2.1.2) plot! f.absifftshit'U t ) V ) tltlel' spec-.r-,- of ^r.e n o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' > xlabe!(' Frequency ' i
pause 7c Press u key i<> see ti noise subplol(2.1.1) sample

plotU,noisei1:lengthiO)) title!' n o i s e sar.ple ') xlabel( 'Tine ' )

pause % Pre.** a key i<> *ee '-he modulated signal imd noise

subp!ot(2.1.2) :Iengih(t))> title(' S i g n a l and r . o i s e ' l xlabeK ' Time ' !
pause 7c Press a kt\ :<> see the modulated signal am! nam m (>*"<{ domain

subp!ot(2.1.1) plo!(f.abs(.ffishttt(i;j)i
title( * S i g n a l subplot(2.1,2) spectrin' !

xiabel(' Frequency ') plottf,abs(fftshi(t(R j)) ntle{' ar.d r.ois^ s p e c t r u m ' ) x!abel(' F r eqv: e r. c y ' )

Illustrative Problem 3.2 [DSB modulation for an almost bandlimited signai] The message signal i ( 0 is given by sinc(lOOr). |/|</o otherwise where Iq = 0,1. This message modulates the carrier c(t) = COS(2JT/ c 0. where / c = 250 Hz. 1. Determine the modulated signal u(t).

2. Determine the spectra of m(t) and m(0 3. If the message signal is periodic with period 7o = 0.2, s determine the power in the modulated signal. 4. If a Gaussian noise is added to the modulated signal such that the resulting SNR is 10 dB. find the noise power.





1. We have
(0 = m(t)c(t)

sinc(lOOr) cos(500f), 0,

|/|<0.1 otherwise

(3.2.12) (3.2.13)

= sinc( I 0 0 t ) f l ( 5 r ) cos(500r ) A plot of the spectra of m{t) and (;} is shown in Figure 3.3.

As the figure shows, the message signal is an almost bandlimited signal with a bandwidth of 50 Hz. 2. The power in the modulated signal is half of the power in the message signal. The power in the message signal is given by

The integral can be computed using MATLAB's quad8.m m-file, which results in Pm = 0.0495 and, hence, Pu = 0.0247. 3. Here l01og I O = 1 0 => P = 0 . 1 PR = 0 . 1 P / = 0 . 0 0 2 4 7

The MATLAB script for the above problem follows.

% dsb2.m % Mailab demonstration % is m(i) = sinc(IOOt)

script for DSB-AM


The message


echo on ts=0.001; fc=250; snr=20; fs=1 /ts; df=0.3; t=[i0/2:ts:t0/2]; snrJin=10"(snr/10);



c=cos(2*pifc.*t); u=m.c;
[M,in,dfl]=mseq(m,ts,df); M=M/fs;

% % % % % % % % % % % %

.fi^no/ duration sampling internal carrier frequency StWR in dB (logarithmic) sampling frequency required frtq resolution time vector linear SNR the message signal the carrier signal the DSB-AM modulated signal Fourier transform transform

[U.u.dfl ]=fftseq(u,ts,df);

% scaling % Fourier

3.2. Amplitude Modu la lion (AM)


Figure 3.3: Spectra of the message and the modulated signals in Illustrative Problem 3.2.





% scaling U=U/fs; 7c frequency vector f=[0:dfL:dfl*(length(m)-1)]-fs/2: % compute modulated signal power signaJ-power=power(u(1 :length(t))); 7c Compute noise power noise.power=signal.power/snr_iin, 7c Compute noise S!andard deviation noise_std=sqn(noise^power) ; % Generate noise sequence noise=noise.std*randn( 1 .length(u)); % Add noise to the modulated signal r=u+noise; % Fourier transform [R,r,dfl]=mseq(r,is,df); 7c scaling R=R/fs; pause % Press a key to show the modulated signal power signal-power pause 7cPress any key to see a plot of the message elf subplot (2.2,1) plo({t,m(1 length(t))) x!abel( T i m e ' ) tille{'The m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key to see a plot of the carrier subplot(2.2.2) ploi(t,c(1:length(l)>) xlabeK' T i m e ' ) title(' T h e c a r r i e r ' ) pause % Press any key to sec a plot of the modulated signal subplot(2,2.3) plot t t,u{ 1 :lengih(t))) xlabeK ' T i m e ) title('The m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key to see a plot of the magnitude of the message and the % modulated signal in the frequency domain. subplot{2,1,1) plot(r,abs(fftshifi(M))) xlabeK ' F r e q u e n c y ' ) title(' S p e c t r u m of t h e m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) Subplot{2.1.2) ploi(f.abs(fftshift(U))) Iitle(' S p e c t r u m of t h e m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) x)abel(' F r e q u e n c y ' ) pause % Press a key to see a noise sample subplot (2 ,1,1) plot{t.noised :length(0)) tit)e('noise sample') xlabeK T i m e ' ) pause % Press a key to see the modulated signal and noise subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,r(1:length(t)>) title{' S i g n a l arid n o i s e ' ) xlabel(' T i m e ' ) pause % Press a key to see the modulated signal and noise tn freq. domain subplot{2,1.1) plol(f,abs(fftshift(U))) tille(' S i g n a l s p e c t r u m ' ) xlabeK' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subplot (2 ,1 ,2) p!ot(f.abs(ffishift(R) titleC S i g n a l a n d n o i s e s p e c t r u m ' ) xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' )

3.2. Amplitude Modu la lion (AM)


What happens if the duration of the message signal fo changes; in particular, what is the effect of having large ro's ar>d small fa's? What is the effect on the bandwidth and signal power ^ The m-file dsb.mod.m given below is a general DSB modulator of the message signal given in vector m on a carrier of frequency fc.

function u=dsb_mod(m,is,fc)
% %DS8-MOD % % % % u - dsb jnodfm.ts.fcl lakes signal m sampled at is and carrier I re if /; tit input and returns the DSB modulated signal ts << i/2fc. The modulated signal it normalized to have half the message power. the message signal starts at 0

t=[0:lengih(m)-l ]*ts, u=m.cos(2*pi0.


Conventional AM

In many respects conventional AM is quite similar to DSB-AM; the only difference is that in conventional AM, m(i) is substituted with (1 + a % ( 0 ] , where m(/) is the normalized message signal {i.e., |m(i)l < I), and a is the index of modulation, which is a positive constant between 0 and 1. Thus we have (0 = A [ 1 +am(0]cos(2;r/cr)


and U ( f ) = y ( i ( / - / ( ) + a i i , ( / - fc) + <$(/ + fc) + aM(f + A)] (3.2.15)

The net effect of scaling the message signal and adding a constant to it is that the term [1 + a m ( t ) ] is always positive. This makes the demodulation of these signals much easier by employing envelope detectors. Note the existence of the sinusoidal component at the frequency fL in [ / { / ) . This means that a (usually substantial) fraction of the transmitted power is in the signal carrier that does not really serve the transmission of information. This fact shows that compared to DSB-AM, conventional AM is a less economical modulation scheme in terms of power utilization. The bandwidth, of course, is equal to the bandwidth of DSB-AM and is given by

B =2W


Typical frequency-domain plots of the message and the corresponding conventional AM signal are shown in Figure 3.4.





Figure 3.4: Spectrum of conventional AM.

The power content of the modulated signal, assuming that the message signal is a zeromean signal, is given by

Pu =

^ [ l




which comprises two parts, - f , which denotes the power in the carrier, and - ^ a P m , which is the power in the message-bearing part of the modulated signal. This is the power that is really used to transmit the message. The ratio of the power that is used to transmit the message to the total power in the modulated signal is called the modulation efficiency and is defined by

\ N j

( 321 8

'' >

Since |m(r)| < 1 and a < 1, we always have rj < 0.5. In practice, however, the value of T ) is around 0.1. The signal-to-noise ratio is given by


where r] is the modulation efficiency. We see that the SNR is reduced by a factor equal to rj compared to a DSB-AM system. This reduction of performance is a direct consequence of the fact that a significant part of the total power is in the carrier (the deltas in the spectrum), which does not carry any information and is filtered out at the receiver.

3.2. Amplitude Modu lalion(AM)


Illustrative Problem 3.3 [Conventional A M ] The message signal

I, 0,

()<<f ^ otherwise

2, '-f < t <

modulates the carrier C ( 0 C O S ( 2 . T / < t ) using a conventional A M scheme. It is assumed that / t = 250 Hz and f() = 0.15; the modulation index is a = 0.85. 1. Derive an expression for the modulated signal. 2. Determine the spectra of the message and the modulated signals. 3. If the message signal is periodic with a period equal to fo, determine the power in the modulated signal and the modulation efficiency. 4. If a noise signal is added to the message signal such that the SNR at the output of the demodulator is lOdB, find the power content of the noise signal.

1. First note that max |m(/)i = 2; therefore, m ( i ) = m(t)/2. (f) = .m{t) 1+0.852
1 +

From this we have


-425N ( T E ^

) "

8 5 N




2. A plot of the message and the modulated signals is shown in Figure 3.5. 3. For the message signal we have r[m(t)} = 0 . 0 5 e - - w s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 / ) ( i - 2<T W ) (3.2.20)

and for the modulated signal U ( f ) = 0.010625e-5^(/-250)sinc(0.05(/ - 250))(l + 0.010625^

m ly T(/



J ' * < ' + 2 3 O W ( 0 . 0 5 ( / + 2 5 0 ) ) ( l - 2e~ '>*</+25>)

Plots of the spectra of the message and the modulated signal are shown in Figure 3.6. Note that the scales on the two spectra plots are different. The presence of the two delta functions in the spectrum of the modulated signal is apparent.




Figure 3.5: The message and the modulated signals in Illustrative Problem 3.3.

The power in the message signal can be obtained as I Pm = 0.15

/0.05 / J0 dl +4 /-0.I / J 0.05 dl

= 1.667

The power in the normalized message signal P mn is given by P " =4 - P




and the modulation efficiency is or Pm.

1 =

0.85 2 x 0.4167 I + 0 . 8 5 2 x 0.4167

1 + a}P m

= 0.2314

The power in the modulated signal is given by ( E denotes the expected value) Pu = y [ l +flmn(0r

1025 \ 1 ( 0 = - i 1 4-0.3010 - 1.7 x (T7/ = 0.5088 In this case 101og 10 or = 10

1*0 W .

3.2. Amplitude Modu la lion (AM) 109


Figure 3.6: Spectra of the message and the modulated signals in Illustrative Problem

94 Substituting r; = 0.2314 and Pr = P = 3^=0.0118 M M m U t o *




P = 0.5088 in the above equation yields

In finding the power in the modulated signal, in this problem we could not use the relation

PH = ~f



because in this problem m(t) is not a zero mean signal. The M A T L A B script for this problem is given below.

% am.m % Matlab demonstration scrip! fur DSB-AM modulation. The message signal % is + / for 0 < ! < tO/3. -2 for i0/3 < I < 2t0/3 and zero otherwise, echo on [0=15; % signal duration I s=0.001. % sampling interval fc=250; % carrier frequency snr=10; % SNR in dB flogarithmicI j=0.85; % modulation index fs=1/'s; % sampling frequency t=[0:ts:t0]; % time vector df=0,2; % required frequency resolution snrjin=10'(snr/10); % SNR % message signal m=[ones(1,t0/(3ts)).-2ones(1,t0/(3*is)),zeros(1,i0/(3*ts)+1>), c=cos(2*pi*fc.*t); % carrier signal m.n=m/max(abs(m)); % normalized message signal (M.m,dfl]=fftseq(m.ts.df); % Fourier transform M=M/fs; % scaling f=[0:dfl:dfl*()ength(m)-1))-fs/2; % frequency vector u=(1+am.n).c; % modulated signal [U.u.dfl]=fflseq(u,ts.df); % Fourier transform U=U/fs, % scaling signaJ.power=power(u(1 length(i))), % power in modulated signal % power in normalized message pmn=power(m(1:length(t)))/(max(abs(m)))~2; eta=(a"2pmnj/(1+a"2*pmn). % modulation efficiency noise_power=eta*signal_power/snr_Un; % noise power noise.std=sqrt(noise_power): % noise standard deviation noise=noise_std*randn(1 .lengTh(u)); % generate noise r=u+noise; % Add noise to the modulated signal [R.r.dfl]=fftseq(r,ts,df); % Fourier transform R=R/fs; % scaling pause % Press a key to show the modulated signal power signal, power pause % Press a key to show the modulation efficiency eta pause % Press any key to see a plot of the message subplot(2,2,1)

3.2. Amplitude Modu la lion (AM)


plot(l,m(1 :ler>gth(t})) axis([0 0.15 - 2 . 1 2.1]) xlabel(' Time ) [it!e('The m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) pause pause % Press any key lo see a plui of :he carrier subplot(2,2.2) ploi(t,c(1:length<t))) axis([0 0.15 - 2 . 1 2.1]) xlabelf' T i : n e ' ) title('The c a r r i e r ' ) pause % Press any key in see a p!r>t of the modulated signal subplot(2,2,3) ploi(t.u (1 :lengih(t))) axis([0 0.15 - 2 . 1 2.1]) xlabel( * T i n e ' ) title(' T h e m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press wiy kev to see a plots of the magnitude oj the message and the ^c modulated signal in the frequency domain. subplol(2,1.1) plof(f,abs(fftshift(M))) xlabeH' F r e q u e n c y ' ) tille<' S p e c t r u m of t h e m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) subplol(2.1.2) p!o[(f,abs(fitshifI{U))) title(' S p e c t r u m o f t h e m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) xlabel<' F r e q u e n c y ' ) pause % Press a key to see a noise sample subp!oi(2.1,1) plot(t,noise(1:1ength(0)) tiiJe('noise s a m p l e ' ) xlabel(' T i m e ' ) pause % Press a key to see the modulated signal and noise subplo2.1,2) plot(t.r(1 :length(t))) iit!e(' S i g n a l a n d n o i s e ' ) xlabelf' T i m e ' ) pause % Press a key to see the modulated signal and noise in freq. domain Subplot(2.1,1) plot<f.abs(fflshift(U))) lille(' S i g n a l s p e c t r u m ' ) xlabelf' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subploi<2.1.2) plot(f,abs(ffishift(R))) title( ' S i g n a l a n d n o i s e s p e c t r u m ' ) xlabel( * F r e q u e n c y ' )

The MATLAB m-file am-mode.m given below is a general conventional AM modulator.

function u=am-mod(a,m,ts,fc) % u - am jnod{a.m, Is.fcj IkAM-MOD takes signal m sampled at is and carrier % fret/, fc as input and returns the AM modulated % signal, "a" is the modulation index

% und ta << Sj2fc.




t=[0:length(m)-1]*ts; c=cos(2*pi*fc.*t), m . n=m/max( abs( m ) ) ; u=(1 +a*m_n).*c;



SSB-AM is derived from DSB-AM by eliminating one of the sidebands. Therefore, it occupies half the bandwidth of DSB-AM. Depending on the sideband that remains, either the upper or the lower sideband, there exist two types of SSB-AM, USSB-AM and LSSBAM. The time representation for these signals is given by u(t) =



sin(27r/ t -/)


where the minus sign corresponds to USSB-AM and the plus sign corresponds toLSSB-AM. The signal denoted by m(t) is the Hilbert transform of m(t), defined by m(t) = m{t) * or, in the frequency domain, by M ( f ) = j s g n ( / ) A i ( / ) . In other words, the Hilbert transform of a signal represents a n j l phase shift in all signal components. In the frequency domain, we have | [ A f ( / - / c ) + M</ + / J ] ,
^USSB(/) =


l/l otherwise
ft <


and [M{f
ULSSB(/) =

- /,) + M(f



l/l i f t otherwise


Typical plots of the spectra of a message signal and the corresponding USSB-AM modulated signal are shown in Figure 3.7. The bandwidth of the SSB signal is half the bandwidth of DSB and conventional AM and so is equal to the bandwidth of the message signal, i.e., BT = W The power in the SSB signal is given by p ~


2P 4


Note that the power is half of the power in the corresponding DSB-AM signal, because one of the sidebands has been removed. On the other hand, since the modulated signal has half the bandwidth of the corresponding DSB-AM signal, the noise power at the front end of the receiver is also half of a comparable DSB-AM signal, and therefore the SNR in both systems is the same; i.e.,



3.2. Amplitude Modu lalion(AM)


f ,

Figure 3.7: Spectra of the message and the USSB-AM signal.

Illustrative P r o b l e m 3.4 [Single-sideband example) The message signal 1. m(/) = -2. 0, otherwise 0 < / < 'f

modulates the carrier c(r) = cos(2 .T / t r) using an LSSB-AM scheme. It is assumed that fo = 0.15 s and f t = 250 Hz. 1. Plot the Hilbert transform of the message signal and the modulated signal u(f). 2. Find the spectrum of the modulated signal. 3. Assuming the message signal is periodic with period io, determine the power in the modulated signal. 4. If a noise is added to the modulated signal such that the SNR after demodulation is 10 dB, determine the power in the noise. dfcMHHMm 1. The Hilbert transform of the message signal can be computed using the Hilbert transform m-file of MATLAB, i.e., hilbert.m. It should be noted, however, that this function returns a complex sequence whose real part is the original signal and whose imaginary part is the desired Hilbert transform. Therefore, the Hilbert transform of the sequence m is obtained by using the command imag(hilbert(m)).





Now, using the relation ( f ) = m (t) COS(2TTfci) + m(i) s i n ( 2 ^ f j ) (3.2.27)

we can find the modulated signal. Plots of m(r) and the spectrum of the LSSB-AM modulated signal u(r) are shown in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.8: Hilbert transform and the spectrum of the LSSB-AM modulated signal form(r).

2. The power in the message signal is

= r
1 5

~ 0 .15 7o and therefore

m (i) dt = 1.667 '

Pu = - f P

= 0 A \ 6

3. The post-demodulation SNR is given by

Hence, P = 0 . 1 P * = 0.1P U = 0.0416. The MATLAB script for this problem follows.

% Issb.m % Matlab demonstration script for LSSB-AM modulation. The message signal % is +1 for 0 < t < tO/3, -2 for tO/3 < t < 2t0/3 and zero otherwise echo on

3.2. Amplitude

Modu la lion (AM) 115

tO= 15.

fc=250; Snr=10; fs=1/ts: df=0.25; t=[0:ts:t0]; snr.lin=10~(snr/10); % the message vector m=[ones(1.t0/(3*ts)),-2*ones(1,t0/(3*ts)).zeros(1 ,i0/(3*ts)+1)]; c=cos(2*pi*fc *t), % earner vector udsb=m.*c; % DSB modulated signal [UDSB,udssb.dfl]=fftseq(udsb.ts,df); % Fourier transform UDSB=UDSB/fs; % scaling f=[0:df 1 :dfl*(length(udssb)1)] fs/2; % frequency vector n2=cei](fc/dfl); % location of carrier in freq vector % remove the upper wideband from DSB UDSB<n2:lerigth{UDSB)-n2)=zeros(size(UDSB<n2:lengtii(lIDSB)n2))); ULSSB=UDSB, % generate LSS8-AM spectrum [M.m.dfl]=fflseq(nrvis,df). % Fourier transform M=M/fs. % scaling u=real(tfft(ULSSB))*fs; % Generate LSSB signal from spectrum signal. power=power(udsb(1 :Iength(t)))/2; % % Compute signal power noise, power=signal.power/snfJin; % Compute noise power no ise_5td=sqrt{ noise, power): % Compute noise standard deviation noise=noise_stdrandn( 1 .length(u)); % Generate noise vector r=u+noise; % Add the signal to noise [R,r,dfl]=fftseq(r.ts,df), % Fourier transform R=R/fs; % scaling pause % Press a key to show the modulated signal power signal .power pause % Press any key to see a plot of the message signal elf subplot (2,1,1) plot(t,m(1 :length(0)) ox is{[0.0.15,-2.1,2.1]) xlabel(' T i m e ' ) tiile('The m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key to see a plot of the carrier subplot (2,1.2) plot(t,c( 1 :length(t))) xlabeK' T i m e ' ) titie('The c a r r i e r ' ) pause % Press any key to see a plot of the modulated signal and its spectrum elf subplot (2,1.1) plot( [Q :ts: ts*(len gth(u) 1 )/8],u( 1: length(u)/8)) xlabel<' T i m e ' ) tit!e(' T h e LSSB-AM m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) subplot(2,1,2) p lot (f,abs( fftshift(ULSS B))) xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' ) ( i t i e C S p e c t r u m o f t h e LSSB-AM m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key to see the spectra of the message and the modulated signal elf

% % % % % % % %

signal duration sampling interval carrier frequency SiVR in dB (logarithmic) sampling frequency desired freq resolution time vector SiWR





plotf f,abs(fftshift(M))) xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' ) title(' S p e c t r u m of t h e m e s s a g e signal')

pioit f.abs( ffishif ULSSB)

xlabeH' F r e q u e n c y ' )
title!' S p e c t r u m of t h e LSSB-AM m o d u l a t e d pause % Press any key to see a noise sample subp!ot(2,1,1) plot(t,noisc(1:length(l))) tillef n o i s e s a m p l e ' ) signal')

xlabeK 'Time')
pause % Press a key In see the mod it! ma! signal and noise subplot(2.1.2) ploi(t,r(t:lengih(i))) lltlet' M o d u l a t e d s i g n a l a n d n o i s e " ) xlabel<' T i m e ' ) subplot(2.1.1) pause % Press any key to see the spectrum of the modulated signal plo[(f.abs(fItshift(ULSSB))) title(' M o d u l a t e d s i g n a l s p e c t r u m ' ) xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subplot(2,1,2) pause % Press a key to see the modulated signal noise in freq, domain plot(f.abs(fftshift(R))) [itle(' M o d u l a t e d s i g n a l n o i s e s p e c t r u m ' ) xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' )

The m-files ussb.mod.rn and lssb.mod.rn given below modulate the message signal given in vector m using USSB and LSSB modulation schemes.

function u=ussb.mod(m,ts,fc) % u = ussb-mod(m.ts.fc) VcUSSB-MOD takes signal m sampled at is and carrier % freq. fc as input and returns the USSB modulated % signal, ts << l/2fc. t=[0:lenglh(m)~ 1 ]ts; u=m.*cos(2*pii)imag(hi)bert(m)).*sin(2*pi *t);

function u=lssb-mod(m,ts,fc) % u = Issb-mod(m.l.s.fc) TcLSSBJdOD takes signal m sampled at ts and carrier % freq. fc as input and returns the LSSB modulated % signal, ts << 1 j 2fc. t=[0:length(m)-1]*ts: u=m.*cos(2*pit)+imag(hilbert(m)).sin(2pi*t);

3.3. Demodulation of A M Signals



Demodulation of AM Signals

Demodulation is the process of extracting the message signal from the modulated signal. The demodulation process depends on the type of modulation employed. For D S B - A M and S 5 B - A M the demodulation method is coherent demodulation, which requires the existence of a signal with the same frequency and phase of the carrier at the receiver. For conventional AM, envelope detectors are used for demodulation. In this case precise knowledge of the frequency and the phase of the carrier at the receiver is not crucial, so the demodulation process is much easier. Coherent demodulation for DSB-AM and SSB-AM consists of multiplying (mixing) the modulated signal by a sinusoidal with the same frequency and phase of the carrier and then passing the product through a lowpass filter. The oscillator that generates the required sinusoidal at the receiver is called the local oscillator.


DSB-AM Demodulation
which when multi-

In the DSB case the modulated signal is given by A<m(t)COS(2JTA0. plied by COS(2.T/ ( /) (or mixed with COS(2JT/, R)) results in V(/) = A ( m ( r ) COS(2JT/ti) COS(2TT f c t) = Ac 2 m(t)

A, m(t) cos(47r/,.r) z


where y ( 0 denotes the mixer output, and its Fourier transform is given by
y ( f ) = 2 A ) + ^ M ( f + 2 A ) (3.3.2)

As it is seen, the mixer output has a lowpass component of ^ M ( f ) and high-frequency components in the neighborhood of 2 A. - By passing y(r) through a lowpass filter with bandwidth IV, the high-frequency components will be filtered out and the lowpass component, ^ m ( i ) , which is proportional to the message signal, will be demodulated. This process is shown in Figure 3,9. cos(2;rAO u{t) y(0 Lowpass Filter ^m(f)

Figure 3.9: Demodulation of DSB-AM signals. M B H S M . i T i a a s M i a ^ Illustrative Problem 3.5 [ D S B - A M demodulation] The message signal m(t) is defined as 1, m(f) = -2, 0, 0<<< t ^ < f < ^ otherwise




This message D S B - A M modulates the carrier c ( 0 = cos 2 n f c t , and the resulting modulated signal is denoted by u{t). It is assumed that fo = 0.15 s and fc = 250 Hz. 1. Obtain the expression for u(t). 2. Derive the spectra of /7t(f) and u ( f ) . 3. Demodulate the modulated signal u(t) and recover m(t). and frequency domains. MAIIIUUim l.,2. The first two parts of this problem are the same as the first two parts of the Illustrative Problem 3.1, and we repeat only those results here; namely, (0 = and r[m(t)] = |C--/W3slnc ^ _ ( Y ) r / 1 0.025 \ / f 0.075^"1 Plot the results in the time

= 0 . 0 5 e ~ 0 5 ' ' , t ^ s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 / ) ( l - 2<T 0 ' 0 1 Therefore, U ( f ) = 0 . 0 2 5 i - 5 ^ ( / - 2 5 0 ) s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 ( / - 250)) ( l + 0 . 0 2 5 f - 5 ^ ^ + 2 3 0 > s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 ( / + 250) ( l je'

0 1


2 5 0

^ )


+ 2 5 0 )

3. To demodulate, w e multiply u(r) by COS(2TT f c t) to obtain the mixer output y{t) y(t) = T u(t)cos(2irfct) / 1 0.025 \ f t 0.075^1 / i 0.075\"| (t ~ 0 . 0 7 5 \ ]


+1 r n /r

2 l \~oW) -2n (-535-)Jcos<,oco'")

0.025\ (l 2<r001^)

whose Fourier transform is given by Y ( f ) = OM5e-Sjn/smc(O.Q5f)

+ 0 . 0 1 2 5 e - - 5 j , l ( / - 5 0 0 > s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 ( / - 500)) ( l - 2 * " + O . O 1 2 5 - - M > w ( / + 5 0 0 ) s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 ( / + 500)) ( l -

3.3. Demodulation

of A M Signals


where the first term corresponds to the message signal and the last two terms correspond to the high-frequency terms at twice the carrier frequency. We see that filtering the first term yields the original message signal (up to a proportionality constant). A plot of the magnitudes of U { f ) and Y ( f ) is shown in Figure 3.10.

Tlie derruHJulau* <wiipui


As shown above, the spectrum of the mixer output has a lowpass component that is quite similar to the spectrum of the message signal, except for a factor of j , and a bandpass component located at 2 f c (in this case, 500 Hz). Using a lowpass filter we can simply separate the lowpass component from the bandpass component. In order to recover the message signal m(t), we pass y(e) through a lowpass filter with a bandwidth of 150 Hz. The choice of the bandwidth of the filter is more or less arbitrary here because the message signal is not strictly bandlimited. For a strictly bandlimited message signal, the appropriate choice for the bandwidth of the lowpass filter would be W, the bandwidth of the message signal. Therefore, the ideal lowpass filter employed here has a characteristic 1, 0, 1/1 < 1 5 0 otherwise

A comparison of the spectra of m(f) and the demodulator output is shown in Figure 3.11, and a comparison in the time domain is shown in Figure 3.12. The MATLAB script for this problem follows.

9b dsb-dem.m % Motiob demonstration script for DSB-AM demodulation. The message signal % is +1 for 0 < t < r0/3, -2 far tO/3 < t < 2tO/3 and zero otherwise. echo on t0=.15; % signal duration




Figure 3.12: Message and demodulator output in Illustrative Problem 3.5.

3.3. Demodulation

of A M Signals


ts=1/1500; % sampling interval fc=250; % carrier frequency is - 1 /IS, % sampling frequency [=[0:ts:t0]; % time vector df=0.3; % desired frequency residution % message signal m=(ones(1.l0/(3*ts)).-2ones(1 ,t0/(3*ts)).zeros(1 ,t0/(3ts)+1)]; c=cos (2 *pifc.t), % carrier signal u=m.*c; % modulated signal y=u.c; % murinj; [M.m.df 1 ]=fftseqim.ts.df): % Fourier transform M=M/fs; % scaling [U,u.dfl]=fftseq(u,ts.df), % Fourier transform U=U/fs: % scaling [Y.y.dfIJ=ffiseq(y .[5 .<!f). % Fourier transform Y=Y/fs: % scaling f_cutoff=150: % cutog freq. of the filter n_cutoff=floor(150/dfl); % Design the filter f=[0:df 1 :dfl (length(y)-1)) - f s / 2 ; H=zeros(size(f)). H(1 :n .cutoff )=2ones(1 .n .cutoff). H(length(f)-n_cutoff+-1 :lengih(f))=2*ones(1.n.cutoff): DEM=H.*Y; % spectrum of the filter output dem=real(ifft(DEM))fs: % filter output pause % Press a key to see the effect of mixing elf subplot( 3,1,1) pi o< (f.fiis h L fi( abs( M))) title(' S p e c t r u m of t h e t h e M e s s a g e S i g n a l ' ) xlabeK' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subplot(3,1,2) plot( f, fftshift(abs (U))) t i t l e ( ' S p e c t r u m of t h e M o d u l a t e d S i g n a l ' ) x label ( ' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subplot{3,1,3) pi ot (f.fftshi ft(abs( Y))} lil!e{' S p e c t r u m of t h e M i x e r O u t p u t ' ) xlabeK' F r e q u e n c y ' ) pause % Press a key to see the effect of filtering on the mixer output elf subplot(3,1.1) pi ot{ f.ffts hi ft(abs( Y))) titlef' S p e c t r u m of t h e M i x e r O u t p u t ' ) xlatoeli' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subplot (3,1 .2) plot( f.ffts hift(abs( H))) tule(' L o w p a s s F i l t e r C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s ' ) xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subplot (3.1.3) plot( f, fftshi ft( abs( DE M))) title('Spectrum of t h e D e m o d u l a t o r o u t p u t ' ) xlabe)(' F r e q u e n c y ' ) pause % Press a key to compare the spectra of the message an the received elf subplot (2 .1 ,1) plot (f, fftshift(abs(M)))






iitle('Spectrum of t h e M e s s a g e S i g n a l ' ) xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subp!ot(2,1,2) plot(f,fftshift<abs(DEM))) title!'Spectrum of t h e Demodulator Output") xlabelf' F r e q u e n c y ' ) pause % Press a key to see the message and the demodulator



plot(t,mO length(t))) title{'The M e s s a g e S i g n a l ' ) xlabe!(' Time ') subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,dem(1:length(t))) title('The D e m o d u l a t o r O u t p u t ' )

xlabelf 'Time')

Illustrative Problem 3.6 [Effect of phase error on DSB-AM demodulation] In the demodulation of DSB-AM signals we assumed that the phase of the local oscillator is equal to the phase of the carrier. If that is not the case,i.e., if there exists a phase shift <p between the local oscillator and the carrierhow would the demodulation process change?

In this case we have ( / ) = Acm(t) c o s ( 2 ^ / c i ) , and the local oscillator generates a sinusoidal signal given by cos(27r/ c ' + 4>)- Mixing these two signals gives >(/) = Acm(t)

cos(27r/ t r) x c o s ( 2 n f c t + <p)

(3.3.3) (3.3.4)

y m ( l ) cos (<p) + y

cos(4jr/ c r + <p)

As before, there are two terms present in the mixer output. The bandpass term can be filtered out by a lowpass filter. The lowpass term, ^ m ( r ) cos(^). depends on 0 , however. The power in the lowpass term is given by

where Pm denotes the power in the message signal. We can see, therefore, that in this case we can recover the message signal with essentially no distortion, but we will suffer a power loss of cos V - For tp = ; r / 4 this power loss is 3 dB, and for 4> = n/2 nothing is recovered in the demodulation process.


SSB-AM Demodulation

The demodulation process of SSB-AM signals is basically the same as the demodulation process for DSB-AM signals, i.e., mixing followed by lowpass filtering. In this case u(t) = y m ( i ) c o s ( 2 j r / c i ) T Ym(t)sin(27r/Cf)


3.3. Demodulation of A M Signals


where the minus sign corresponds to the USSB and the plus sign corresponds to the LSSB. Mixing u(r) with the local oscillator output, we obtain Ac n
Y(0 =

COS"(2.T fct ) + y m ( R ) s i n ( 2 J T / C . F ) c o s ( 2 ^ / ( : r )

= ~ m ( t ) H -/n(r)cos(4jr/t.f) 4 4

m ( i ) sin(4jr/tf) 4


which contains bandpass components at 2 / t and a lowpass component proportional to the message signal. The lowpass component can be filtered out using a lowpass filter to recover the message signal. This process for the U S S B - A M case is depicted in Figure 3.13. U(f)

/<. Y(f)

f, + W



2/, + W

Figure 3-13: Demodulation of USSB-AM signals.


Illustrative Problem 3.7 [ L S S B - A M example] In a U S S B - A M modulation system, if the message signal is 1, m(t) = -2, 0, 0 < / < % < t < otherwise ^

with to = 0.15 s, and the carrier has a frequency of 2 5 0 Hz, find { / ( / ) and Y { f ) and compare the demodulated signal with the message signal. M^.lllkJMJM The modulated signal and its spectrum are given in Illustrative Problem 3.4. The expression for U ( / ) is given by 0 . 0 2 5 C - 0 0 5 ^ ( / - 2 5 0 W ( 0 . 0 5 ( / - 250)) {l - 2e~ i>*</-250)) W ) = + 0.025e- 0.

^ i ^ + 2 5 0 1 s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 ( / + 250)) ( l - 2 tf -o.iyr(/+250)j _

1/1 <







and Y ( f ) =

- U { f ~ f

) + ~U(f

+ f,) . |/[ < f


0 . 0 1 2 5 s i n e ( 0 . 0 5 / ) (l - le'0-01^)

fc <2fc < f < ~f

0 . 0 l 2 5 e - o ' 5 ^ i / - 5 O O ) s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 ( / - 500)) (l - 2e~ " M / - * ) ) 0 . 0 1 2 5 e - 0 5 ^ ^ + 5 0 0 ) s i n c ( 0 . 0 5 ( / + 5 0 0 ) ) ( l - 2 e - 0 1 ;(/+500)j _ 0,

< f



A plot of Y { f ) is shown in Figure 3.14. The signal y(t) is filtered by a lowpass filter with










Figure 3.14: Magnitude spectrum of the mixer output in Illustrative Problem 3.7.

a cutoff frequency of 150 Hz; the spectrum of the output is shown in Figure 3.15. In the Figure 3.16 the original message signal is compared with the demodulated signal. The MATLAB script for this problem follows.

% lssb-dem.m
% Matlab demonstration script for LSSB-AM demodulation. The message signal % iis +1 for 0 < i < tO/3. -2 for tO/3 < t < 2t0/3 and zero otherwise.

echo on

3.3. Demodulation of A M Signals


Figure 3.15: The demodulator output in Illustrative Problem 3.7.

Figure 3.16: The message signal and the demodulator output in Illustrative Problem 3.7.


t()=.l5; % mi;rial duration ts=1/1500; % sampling interval fc=250; % currier frequency fs=1/'ls; 7c sampling frequency df=0 25, % desired freq.resolution E=[0:ts:t0]; 7c ti/ne vector % the message vector m=[ones(1,tO/(3*is)),-2*i>nes(1,tO/(3*ts)),zeros(1.tO/{3ls)+1)]: c=i;os(2*pi*fc,*I); % carrier vector udsb=m.*c; % DSB modulated signal [UDSB.udsMttI=rftseq(udsb.ts.(]n, % Fourier transform


n2=eeil(fc/dfl); remove the upper sideband from ULSSB = UDSB; [V1.m,dfl]=ffiSL'q(m,ts.df); DSB

% scaling
% location of earner in freq. vector

% Generate LSSB-AM spectrum % spectrum of the message signal

f=[0:dfl:dFJ*(length(M)-1)]-fs/2; u=realliffi(ULSSB))*fs: 7t mixing

% scaling
% frequency vector % generate LSSB signal from spectrum

>=u -cos{2pi*fc*[*(leiigih(u)-1)]),
[y.y.dfl]=ffiseq(y.ts,df), 7c spectrum of the output of the mixer

Lcutoff=150. n.cuioff=fioor( 1 5 0 / d f ) .

% sculing
% Choose the cutoff freq. of the filter % design the filter

H=?eros{size(f)); H( 1 :n.cutofT)=4*ones( 1 .n.cutofr);

% spectrum of the filter output

H(lengtb(f)-n.cuioff+1 :)engih(f))=4*ones(1 .n.cuioff);

DEM=H.*Y; % spectrum of the filler output dem=real(ifft(DEM))*fs; % filler output pause % Press a key to see the effect of mixing elf

subp!oi(3.1,1) plot(f.fftshifi(abs(M)))
title!' S p e c t r u m o f t h e t h e M e s s a g e Signal')

x!abe!(' F r e q u e n c y ' )

title{' S p e c t r u m o f t h e M o d u l a t e d Signal')

xlabeK ' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subplot(3.1.3) plot(f,fftshift(abs(Y)))

title(' S p e c t r u m o f t h e M i x e r O u t p u t ' ) xlabell ' F r e q u e n c y ' ) pause % Press a key to see the effect r/f filtering on the miser



pi ot (f. t ft s hi fU abs (Y)))

tille(' S p e c t r u m o f t h e M i x e r Output')

xlabeK ' F r e q u e n c y ' ) subp!ot(3,1.2) plot(f,fftsfiift(absl.H)))

title(' L o w p a s s F i l t e r xlabel(' F r e q u e n c y ' ) Characteristics')

3.3. Demodulation of A M Signals

subplot(3.1,3) ploi(f,ffuJuft(abs(DEM))) iitte( ' S p e c crura o f t h e D e m o d u l a t o r o u t p u t ' ) xlabet( ' F r e q u e n c y ') pause % Press a key to see the message and the demodulator subplot(2,1.1) ptoUt.mO iength(t))) title('The M e s s a g e S i g n a l ' ) xlabel('Time') subplot(2,1,2) pio[(t.dem(1 iengih(t))) tille('The Demodulator O u t p u t ' ) xlabel('Time')




Illustrative Problem 3.8 [Effect of p h a s e e r r o r on SSB-AM] What is the effect of phase error in the SSB-AM?

Assuming that the local oscillator generates a sinusoidal with a phase offset of <p with respect to the carrier, we have j<O = n ( O c o s ( 2 f f / t . r + 0 ) ~m(t)cos{27tfct) = -~m{t)cos4>

^ - j - m ( i ) s i n ( 2 ; r / c 0 cos{2n

A.. A

1 fct + 4>)


+ high-frequency terms


As seen, unlike the DSB-AM case, the effect of the phase offset here is not simply attenuating the demodulated signal. Here the demodulated signal is attenuated by a factor of c o s as well as distorted by addition of the ik^-mCO sin< term. In the special case of n / 2 , the Hilbert transform of the signal will be demodulated instead of the signal itself.


Conventional AM Demodulation

We have already seen that conventional AM is inferior to DSB -AM and SSB -AM when power and SNR are considered. The reason is that a usually large part of the modulated signal power is in the carrier component that does not carry information. The role of the carrier component is to make the demodulation of the conventional AM easier via envelope detection, as opposed to coherent demodulation required for DSB-AM and SSB -AM. Therefore, demodulation of AM signals is significantly less complex than the demodulation of DSB-AM and SSB -AM signals.Hence, this modulation scheme is widely used in broadcasting, where there exists a single transmitter and numerous receivers whose cost should be kept low. In envelope detection the envelope of the modulated signal is detected via a simple circuit consisting of a diode, a resistor, and a capacitor, as shown in Figure 3.17.



Figure 3.17: A simple envelope detector.

Mathematically, the envelope detector generates the envelope of the conventional AM signal, which is
V(t) = |1 ,(01


Because 1 + w,,(r) > , we conclude that

V(i) = 1 +amU)


where mn(i) is proportional to the message signal m(t) and 1 corresponds to the carrier component that can be separated by a dc-block circuit. As seen, in the above procedure there is no need for knowledge of <p, the phase of the carrier signal. That is why such a demodulation scheme is called noncoherent, or asynchronous, demodulation. Recall from Chapter 1 that the envelope of a bandpass signal can be expressed as the magnitude of its lowpass equivalent signal. Thus if tz(r) is the bandpass signal with central frequency fc and the lowpass equivalent to (/) is denoted by w;(f), then the envelope of u(i). denoted by K(/), can be expressed as f ( 0 = y,2r(0 + (0
= yjuld) + uj(r)


where h c (/) and. v (f) represent the in-phase and the quadrature components of the bandpass signal u(t). Therefore, in order to obtain the envelope, it is enough to obtain the lowpass equivalent of the bandpass signal. The envelope is simply the magnitude of the lowpass equivalent of the bandpass signal. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 3.9 [Envelope detection] The message signal 1, m(f) = -2, 0, 0 < < f < t < otherwise

modulates the carrier c(i) = c o s ( 2 i r / c f ) using a conventional AM modulation scheme. It is assumed that fc = 250 Hz and /q = 0.15 s, and the modulation index is a = 0.85.

3.3. Demodulation of A M Signals 1. Using envelope detection, demodulate the message signal.


2. !f the message signal is periodic with a period equal to fo if a n A W G N process is added to the modulated signal such that the power in the noise process is one-hundredth the power in the modulated signal, use an envelope demodulator to demodulate the received signal. C o m p a r e this case with the case where there is no noise present.

1. As in Illustrative Problem 3.3, we have hKO', 1 + 0 . 8 5 cos(2 . t / , 0 I +0.425fl( ;-0.025 t - 0.075 )-0.85ri(0.05 0.05 COS (500 TT O

(') =

If an envelope detector is used to demodulate the signal and the carrier component is removed by a dc-block, then the original message m(t) is recovered. Note that a crucial point in the recovery of m ( i ) is that for all values of f. the expression 1 +am ( f ) is positive; therefore, the envelope of the signal (1 + am(t)]cos(2rcfLt), which is V(f) = |1 + ii/H,,(/)], is equal to 1 + a m ( 0 . from which m ( t ) can be recovered easily. A plot of the conventional A M modulated signal and its envelope as detected by the envelope detector are shown in Figure 3.18.

I a w m w a W


I ^/tyVWv. ^

Figure 3.18; Conventional A M modulated signal and its envelope.

After the envelope detector separates the envelope of the modulated signal, the d c component of the signal is removed and the signal is scaled to generate the demodulator output. Plots of the original message signal and the demodulator output are shown in Figure 3.19.




'wJj I I I yVvwww I I I ! ij^VWw^


v^ n ft Tii




& M


01 2




Figure 3.19: The message signal and the demodulated signal when no noise is present.

2. When noise is present, some distortion d u e to the presence of noise will also be present. In Figure 3 . 2 0 the received signal and its envelope are shown. In Figure 3.21 the message signal and the demodulated signal are compared for this case.

Figure 3.20: T h e received signal and its envelope in the presence of noise.

The M A T L A B script for this problem follows.

% am.dem.m % Matlab demonstration script for envelope detection. % is +7 for 0 < t < tO/3, -2 for tO/3 < t < 2t0/3

The message signal and zero otherwise.

echo on t0=.15;

% signal duration
% sampling interval


% carrier frequency

3.3. Demodulation of A M Signals


Figure 3.21: The message and the demodulated signal in the presence of noise.

a=0.8S; % modulation index f$=1 / is; % sampling frequency t=[0:ts:t0], % time vector df=0.25, % required frequency resolution % message signal it)=[ones(1,t0/(3is,-2*ones(1 ,t0/(3*ts)).zeros(1.i0/(3ls)+1)]; c=cos(2*pifc.*i); % carrier signal m.n=m/max(abs(m; % normalized message signal [M .m.dfl ]=fftseq(rrus,df); % Fourier transform f = ( 0 : d f l : d f l * 0 e n g t h { m ) - 1 )j fs/2; % frequency vector u=( 1 +a*m_n).*cL % modulated signal [U.u,dfll=ffwtq(u,lS,dfy. % Fourier transform eitv=env_phas(u); % Find the envelope deml=2(env1)/a; % Remove dc and rescale signal.power=power(u(1:length(t}}); % power in modulated signal noise.power=sigtiai_powet/100; % noise power noise.sld=sqn(noise.powM); % noise standard deviation noise=noise.std*randn{ 1 ,length(u)); % generate noise r=u+rtoise; % Add noise to the modulated signal [Rj-.df 1 l=fftseq(r,ts,df), % Fourier transform env.r=env_phas(r): % envelope, when noise is present dem2=2*(env.r1)/a; % Demodulate m the presence of noise pause % Press any key to see a plot of the message subplol(2.1.1) plot(t,m(1 :length(0)) axis(i0 0 . 1 5 - 2 . 1 2.1]) xlabeii 1 T i m e ' ) title('The m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key to see a plot of the modulated signal

plot(t,u{1:length(t))) axis([0 0 . 1 5 - 2 . 1 2.1 J)

title('The m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press a key to see the envelope elf of the modulated signal

subplot* 2,1,1) plot(t,u (1 :length(t) axis([0 0.15 - 2 . 1 2.1]) xlabel(' T i m e ' ) rirle ('The m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) 5ubplot{2,1,2) plotit.envf 1 lengih(t)))



xlabel( ' Time ')

title! E n v e l o p e of t h e m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause '7i Press n key to compute the message and the demodulated elf subplot(2.1.1) plol(t.!)i( 1 :length(l))> ;ixis([0 0.15 2.1 2.1]) xlaheK ' T i m e ' ) iiilc('The m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) subplot(2.1,2) plot(t,deml(1 :Icngih(r))) xlahel( ' T i m e ' ) titlef 'The d e m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause 1c Press u key to compute in the presence of noise signal

j j ; :

subploi(2,1.1) plot(i,m(1:length(i))) axis([0 0.15 - 2 . 1 2.1]) xlabeK ' T i m e ') title! 'The m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) subplol(2.1.2) plot(t,dem2( 1 :lenglh(t))) xbbel( ' T i m e ' ) title!'The d e m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l

[ j


t h e p r e s e n c e of


In the demodulation process above, we have neglected the effect of the noise-limiting filter, which is a bandpass filter in the first stage of any receiver. In practice the received signal r{t) is passed through the noise-limiting filter and then supplied to the envelope detector. In the above example, since the message bandwidth is not finite, passing r(t) through any bandpass filter will cause distortion on the demodulated message, but it will also decrease the amount of noise in the demodulator output. In Figure 3.22 we have plotted the demodulator outputs when noise-limiting filters of different bandwidths are used The case of infinite bandwidth is equivalent to the result shown in Figure 3.21.


Angle Modulation

Angle-modulation schemes, which include frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM), belong to the class of nonlinear modulation schemes. This family of modulation schemes is characterized by their high-bandwidth requirements and good p e r f o r m a n c e in the presence of noise. These schemes can b e visualized as modulation techniques that trade-off bandwidth for power and, therefore, are used in situations where bandwidth is not the major concern and a high S N R is required. Frequency modulation is widely used in

J.-f. Angle Modulation 133

Figure 3.22: Effect of the bandwidth of the noise-limiting filter on the output of the envelope detector.




high-fidelity F M broadcasting. TV audio broadcasting, microwave carrier modulation, and point-to-point communication systems. In our treatment of angle-modulation schemes, we again concentrate on their five basic properties, namely, time-domain representation, frequency-domain representation, bandwidth, power content, and, finally, SNR. Since there is a close relationship between P M and F M , we will treat them in parallel, with e m p h a s i s on FM. The time-domain representation of angle-modulated signals, when the carrier is c ( r ) = ,4t- c o s ( 2 , T / t f ) and the message signal is rrt(t), is given by [ Av cos (lizf t + knm{tj) , / -< \ \ AL cos f 2 j t / ( t + Ink} j _ x m(r) dzj , PM (3.4.1) FM


where kj and kp represent the deviation constants of FM and PM, respectively. T h e frequency-domain representation of angle-modulated signafs is, in general, very complex due to the nonlinearity of these modulation schemes. We treat only the case where the message signal m ( f ) is a sinusoidal signal. We assume m(t) a c o s ( 2 j r / m / ) for PM and m{t) = - a s i n ( 2 j r / , / ) for F M . Then, the modulated signal is of the form A ( c o s ( 2 ^ A - f + /3 / J cos(2n-/ f f l O),


cos<2 ;r/ ( / + P f cos(2jtAm f )), where


[ =
\ p -



( 3



3 )


and Pp and ft/ are the modulation indices of PM and F M , respectively. In general, for a nonsinusoidal m(t), the modulation indices are defined as Pp = kp max | m ( i ) | kj max | m ( r ) | where W is the bandwidth of the message signal m ( t ) . In case of a sinusoidal message signal the modulated signal can be represented by C O
/ ! = OO





where Jn ( f i ) is the Bessel function of the first kind and of order n and fi is either fip or 0 / , depending on whether w e are dealing with P M or F M . In the frequency domain w e have

"(/>= E


~ ( A + "An)) H

+ (A +



J.-f.Angle Modulation


Obviously, the bandwidth of the modulated signal is not finite. However, we can define the effective bandwidth of the signal as the bandwidth containing 98% to 99% of the modulated signal power. This bandwidth is given by Carson's rule as Br = 2(fi + 1)W (3.4.7)

where /3 is the modulation index, W is the bandwidth of the message, and Bj is the bandwidth of the modulated signal. The expression for the power content of the angle-modulated signals is very simple. Since the modulated signal is sinusoidal, with varying instantaneous frequency and constant amplitude, its power is constant and does not depend on the message signal. The power content for both FM and PM is given by

Pu = y


The SNR for angle modulated signals, when no pre-emphasis and de-emphasis filtering is employed, is given by -r \
= PMii ( r . J fmax|m(iy): NUW <

pm FM rlV1

(3 4 9)

(max |/r.(OI) W W -

, Ss-

Since max |m(i)| denotes the maximum magnitude of the message signal, we can interpret Pm/(max |m{i )l) 2 as the power in the normalized message signal and denote it by Pm. When pre-emphasis and de-emphasis filters with a 3-dB cutoff frequency equal to / o are employed, the SNR for FM is given by

( I ) W o


^ ( I ) 3 (W7/o arctan(W//o)) \ N /


where ( S / N ) 0 is the SNR without pre-emphasis and de-emphasis filtering given by Equation 3.4.9. ILLUSTRATIVE P R O B L E M Illustrative Problem 3.10 [Frequency modulation] The message signal

modulates the carrier c(/) = c o s ( 2 n f c t ) using a frequency-modulation scheme. assumed that fc = 200 Hz and fo = 0.15 s; the deviation constant is kf = 50. 1. Plot the modulated signal. 2. Determine the spectra of the message and the modulated signals.


0 < r < % f <t otherwise It is






1. We have u(t) = At COS / 2nfct \ -f- 2nkj / -/-oo

We have to find m ( r ) dr. This can be done numerically or analytically, and the results are shown in Figure 3.23.

Figure 3.23: The integral of the message signal.

Using the relation for u{t) and the value of the integral of m ( f ) , as shown above, w e obtain the expression for ( f ) - A plot of m ( r ) and u(r) is shown in Figure 3.24. 2. Using M A T L A B ' s Fourier transform routines, w e obtain the expression for the spectrum of u ( f ) shown in Figure 3.25. It is readily seen that unlike A M , in the F M case there does not exist a clear similarity between the spectrum of the message and the spectrum of the modulated signal. In this particular example the bandwidth of the message signal is not finite, and therefore to define the index of modulation, an approximate bandwidth for the message should be used in the expression kf max | m ( f ) | P


We can, for example, d e f i n e the bandwidth as the width of the main lobe of the spectrum of m(t), which results in W = 20 H z

J.-f. Angle







and so

T h e M A T L A B s c r i p t For t h i s p r o b l e m f o l l o w s .

'~r :>>! I.ill "* Matlab demonstration script for frequency modulation. The message signal "i is ~l /or 0 < i < tO/3. 2 for tOf3 < t < 2tO/3, and zero other-use. on i " - 15. % vijjrtui duration [>=0 0005; % sampling internal ic-200, % earner frequency k; =50. % modulation index :s=1 is: % sampling frequency :-.0til0]; % time vector ilt =0.25; % required frequency resolution ~c message 'ig/iul rr, = ionesi 1 i0/(3*ts)).-2*ones(1 ,t0/(3*ts)).zeros(1 ,l0/(3*ts)+1 )H 11=0. I " L T 1=1 iengih (t)-1 % integral of m mr-ini i-1 )=mt.m(i)*m(i>ts; i.nJ 'A! tn.df I ]=fftseq(m.ts.df), % Fourier transform M = \1,'ts. % scaling f=:0 dfl d f l ( l e n g t h ( m ) - 1 ) ] - f s / 2 ; % frequency vector j=cos(2"pifci+2*pikfint_m); % modulated signul fL'.u.dfI ]=fFrseq(u.t.s,df); % Fourier transform L' = U/fs. % scaling pause il Press any ke\ to see a plot of the message and the modulated signal iufcplm(2.1.1) 1 length(t))) xxisl[0 0.15 - 2 . 1 2.1]) ilabeK T i m e ' ) mlei'The message s i g n a l ' ) <ubplot(2.1,2) ploKt.ud length(t))) x\is([0 0.15 - 2 . 1 2.1]) xlabelt ' T i n e ' ) title!'The m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key to see a plots of the magnitude of the message 7c modulated signal in the frequency domain. >ubploi(2.1.1 > plot(f.abs(fTtshift(M))) \labell ' F r e q u e n c y ' ) title!' M a g n i t u d e - s p e c t r u m o f t h e m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' ) subp!ot(2.1,2) p!otii'.abs(Rtshift(U))) titles.' M a g n i t u d e - s p e c t r u m o f t h e m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) xlabeK ' F r e q u e n c y ' ) and the



Illustrative Problem 3.11 [Frequency modulation] Let the message signal be rn(t) = [sinc(lOOr), 0, |r| < ?o otherwise

where ?o = 0 . 1 . This message modulates the carrier c(t) = cos(2;r/ t -f), where fc = 250 Hz. The deviation constant is kf 100. 1. Plot the modulated signal in the time and frequency domain. 2. Compare the demodulator output and the original message signal.

I. We first integrate the message signal and then use the relation (i) = Ac cos ^2, t / ( t + Inkf J m(

to find w(r). A plot of u(t) together with the message signal is shown in Figure 3.26. The integral of the message signal is shown in Figure 3.27.



!/ V

Figure 3.26: The message and the modulated signals.

A plot of the modulated signal in the frequency domain is shown in Figure 3.28. 2. To demodulate the FM signal, we first find the phase of the modulated signal u(t). This phase is 2nkf f'_gom(z)dT, which can be differentiated and divided by 2kkf to obtain m (t). Note that in order to restore the phase and undo the effect of 2n phase foldings, we employ the unwrap.m function of MATLAB. Plots of the message signal and the demodulated signal are shown in Figure 3.29. As you can see, the demodulated signal is quite similar to the message signal.




Tint Figure 3.27: Integral of the message signal.

J.-f. Angle



!a\ M

Figure 3.29: The message signal and the demodulated signal.

The MATLAB script for this problem follows.

fm2.m Muilob demonstration % i.r m(t)-sincl lOOt) echo on

script for frequency


The message


t0= 2;

ts=0.001: fc=2S0; snr=20; fs=1 /is; df=0.3;


kf=100; df=0.25; m=sinc(100O,

7c 7c % % % % 7c % 7c %

'ignu! duration sampling interval carrier frequency SNR in dB <logarithmic) sampling frequency required freq resolution tone vect'ir deviation constunt required frequency resolution the message signal

7o integral of m for i=1:length(i>1 int_m(i+1)=int.m(i)+m(i)*ts; end To Fourier transform [M.m.df l]=fftseq(m,ts.df); % scaling M=M/fs; 7c frequency vector f=[0:dfl :dfl ( l e n g t h ( m ) - l ) ] - f s / 2 : 7c modulated signal u=cos(2*pi*fc*t+2pi*kf*inum): % Fourier transform [U.u.dfl]=ffiseq{u.ts,df). % scaling U=U/fs; [ v, phase] =en v . phas{ u .ts,2501, 7c demodulation, find phase of u % restore original phase phi=unwrafK phase): 7c demodulator output, differentiate and scale dem=(1 /(2*pi*kf))*(diff(phi)/ts); pause % Press any key to see a plot of the message and the modulated signal subplot(2.l.1) plot(t,m(1:length(t))} xlabel(' T i m e ' ) title{'The m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' )






p3orir,!i{ 1 ;lengthit))) xlabelf' Time')

tUte( J The m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' ) pause % Press any key to see a pirns of (he maiiniiude % modulated si y mil in the frequency domain
of (he message and the

plot(f.abs(fftshift(M))) xbbel{' F r e q u e n c y ' ) t i t l e ! ' M a g n i t u d e - s p e c t r u m of t h e m e s s a g e



t i t l e i ' M a g n i t u d e - s p e c t r u m of t h e m o d u l a t e d xlaheN ' F r e q u e n c y ' ) pause % Pres <jnv kev to see plots of ihe message
% noise

and (he demodulator <*utpui




ploT(t.m(1 lengihil))) xJabeli' T i m e ' )

t i t l e ( ' T h e m e s s a g e s i g n a l ' )

plot(t,dem(1:length(t))) x l a b e l ( ' T i m e ' ) ttiiei' T h e d e m o d u l a t e d s i g n a l ' )

A frequency-modulated signal has constant amplitude. However, in Figure 3.26 the amplitude of the signal (r) is apparently not constant. Can you explain why this happens?

3.4. Ansle Modulation


3. Signal mit) is given by r, 0.1 < i < 1
-f- 2 , i <



1 - 9



in the interval [0, 2]. This signal is used to DSB modulate a carrier of frequency 25 Hz and amplitude I to generate the modulated signal h(/), Write a MATLAB m-file and use it to do the following. a. Plot the modulated signal b. Determine the power content of the modulated signal. c. Determine the spectrum of the modulated signal. Determine the power spectral density of the modulated signal and compare it with the power spectral density of the message signal. 3.2 Repeat Problem 3.1 with


- / + 2,

0 < t <1
I < t < 2

in the interval [0, 2]. What do you think is the difference between this problem and Problem 3.1? 3.3 Repeat Problem 3.1 with sinc 2 (100. 0 I'l < 2 otherwise


and a carrier with frequency of 100 Hz. 3.4 In Problem 3.1 suppose instead of DSB, a conventional AM scheme is used with a modulation index of a = 0.2. a. Determine and plot the spectrum of the modulated signal, b. Change the modulation index from 0.1 to 0.9 and explain how it affects the spectrum derived in part a. c. Plot the ratio of the power content of the sidebands to the power content of the carrier as a function of the modulation index.




3.5 In Problem 3.1 let the modulation scheme be USSB instead of DSB. First use a D S B scheme and then remove the lower sideband. a. Determine and plot the modulated signal. b. Determine and plot the spectrum of the modulated signal. c. Compare the spectrum of the modulated signal to the spectrum of the unmodulated signal. 3.6 Repeat Problem 3.5, but instead of using a filtered DSB to generate the U S S B signal, use the relation

( f ) = ~m(t)

cos(2jr/t.O s i n ( 2 j r /


Do you observe any differences with the results obtained in Problem 3.6. 3.7 Repeat Problems 3.5 and 3.6 but substitute the message signal with sinc2(10f), 0, |r| < 2 otherwise


and use a carrier frequency of 100 Hz to generate an L S S B signal. 3.8 Signal

f, -t + 2,

0.1 < t < 1 I < t < 1.9 otherwise


is used to modulate a carrier with frequency of 25 Hz using a DSB scheme. a. Determine and plot the modulated signal. b. Assume that the Jocal oscillator at the demodulator has a phase lag of 8 with t h e carrier, where 0 < 9 < ?r/2. Using M A T L A B , plot the power in the d e m o d u l a t e d signal versus 9 (assume noiseless transmission). 3.9 In Problem 3.8 assume that the modulation scheme is U S S B . Plot the demodulated signal for 0 - 0 , 30, 45, 60, 90. 3.10 Repeat Problem 3.8, assuming the modulation is conventional AM with a modulation index of 0.2. Use an envelope detector to demodulate the signal in the absence of noise and plot the demodulated signal, and its spectrum.

J.-f. Angle Modulation


3.11 A message signal is periodic with a period of 2 s and in the time interval [ 0 , 2 ] is defined as 0.1 < t < 1 1 < r < 1.9 otherwise This message signal DSB modulates a carrier of 50 Hz. Plot the output of the D S B demodulator and compare it with the message for the cases where a white Gaussian noise is added to the modulated signal with a power equal to 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.3 of the modulated signal. 3.12 Repeat Problem 3.11 with a L S S B modulation scheme. C o m p a r e your results with the results obtained in Problem 3.11. 3.13 Repeat Problem 3.1 i with a conventional AM modulation and envelope demodulation. 3.14 The signal

frequency-modulates a earner with frequency 1000 Hz. T h e deviation constant is kf 25. a. Determine the range of the instantaneous frequency of the modulated signal. b. Determine the bandwidth of the modulated signal. c. Plot spectra of the message and the modulated signal. d. Determine the modulation index. 3.15 Demodulate the modulated signal of Problem 3.14 using a frequency demodulation M A T L A B file and compare the demodulated signal with the message signal. 3.16 Let the message signal be a p e r i o d i c signal with period 2 described in the [0, 2] interval by

f, - f + 2,

0 < ; < 1 1 < f < 22 otherwise


and let the modulation scheme be the one described in Problem 3.14. Before demodulation additive white Gaussian noise is added to the modulated signal. Demodulate and plot the demodulated signal when the ratio of noise power to the modulated signal power is 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.3. 3.17 In Problem 3.16 assume m ( t ) = 0, Add the noise processes to the modulated signal as described and demodulate the resulting signal. Plot the power spectral density of the demodulator output in each case.

- t + 2.

0 < t < 1 1 < f < 1.9 otherwise


Chapter 4

Analog-to-Digital Conversion
4.1 Preview

The majority of information sources are analog by nature. Analog sources include speech, image, and many telemetry sources. In this chapter we consider various methods and techniques used for converting analog sources to digital sequences in an efficient way. This is desirable because, as we will see in subsequent chapters, digital information is easier to process, to communicate, and to store. The general theme of data compression, of which analog-to-digital conversion is a special case, can be divided into two main branches:

I. Quantization (or lossy data compression), in which the analog source is quantized into a finite number of levels. In this process some distortion will inevitably occur, so some information will be lost. This lost information cannot be recovered. General A/D techniques such as pulse code modulation (PCM), differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), delta modulation (AM), uniform quantization, nonuniform quantization, and vector quantization belong to this class. The fundamental limit on the performance of this class of data-compression schemes is given by the rate-distortion bound.

2. Noiseless coding (or lossless data compression), in which the digital data (usually the result of quantization, as discussed above) are compressed with the goal of representing them with as few bits as possible, such that the original data sequence can be completely recovered from the compressed sequence. Source-coding techniques such as Huffman coding, Lempel-Ziv coding, and arithmetic coding belong to this class of data-compression schemes. In this class of coding schemes no loss of information occurs. The fundamental limit on the compression achieved by this class is given by the entropy of the source.







Measure of Information

The output of an information source (data, speech, video, etc.) can be modeled as a random process. For a discrete-memoryless and stationary random process, which can be thought of as independent drawings of one random variable X, the information content, or entropy, is defined as H{X) = p(-*)toSp{.x) (4.2.1)

where X denotes the source alphabet and p{x) is the probability of the letter v. The base of the logarithm is usually chosen to be 2, which results in the entropy being expressed in bits. For the binary alphabet with probabilities p and 1 p, the entropy is denoted by H b ( p ) and is given by HiAp) = - p l o g p - ( \ - p) log( 1 - p) A plot of the binary entropy function is given in Figure 4.1. (4.2.2)

Figure 4.1: Plot of the binary entropy function.

The entropy of a source provides an essentia! bound on the number of bits required to represent a source for full recovery. In other words, the average number of bits per source output required to encode a source for error-free recovery can be made as close to H ( X ) as we desire, but cannot be less than H(X).


Noiseless Coding

Noiseless coding is the general term for all schemes that reduce the number of bits required for the representation of a source output for perfect recovery. T h e noiseless coding theorem,

VI tlllUI lildltVIl

due to Shannon, states that for perfcci reconstruction of a source it is possible to use a code with a rate as close to the entropy of the source as we desire, but it is not possible to use a code with a rate less than the source entropy. In other words, for any > 0, we can have a code with rate less than A") -r e, but we cannot have a code with rate less than H(X), regardless of the complexity of the encoder and the decoder. There exist various algorithms for noiseless source coding; Huffman coding and Lempei-Ziv coding are two examples. Here we discuss the Huffman coding algorithm. H u f f m a n Coding In Huffman coding we assign longer codewords to the less probable source outputs and shorter codewords to the more probable ones. To do this we start by merging the two least probable source outputs to generate a new merged output whose probability is the sum of the corresponding probabilities. This process is repeated until only one merged output is left. In this way we generate a iree. Starting from the root of the tree and assigning O's and l's to any two branches emerging from the :>amc node, we generate the code. It can be shown that in this way we generate a codc with minimum average length among the class of prefix-free codes.' The following example shows how to design a Huffman code. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 4.1 [ H u f f m a n coding] Design a Huffman codc for a source with alphabet X = {j:i, .v^ .V9}, and corresponding probability vector p = {0.2, 0.1. 0.09,0.08,0.07,0.06) Find the average codeword length of the resulting code and compare it with the entropy of the source.

We follow the algorithm outlined above to get the tree shown in Figure 4.2. The average codeword length for this code is = 2 x 0 . 2 + 3 x (0.15 + 0.13 + 0 . 1 2 + 0 . 1 ) + 4 x (0.09 + 0.08 + 0.07 + 0.06) = 3.1 bits per source output

The entropy of the source is given as


H{X) = - ^ p, log p, = 3.0371 i=l

bits per source output

We observe that L > H(X), as expected. The MATLAB function entropy.m given below calculates the entropy of a probability vector p.
Prefix-free codes are codes in which no codeword is a prefix of another codeword.






0.15 100


110 010


0.13 0.12 0.1

0.42 110 0.32 0.22 01 0.26 10 0.58 Prob.




011 1010 0.17 101










1110 0.13 111





Figure 4.2: H u f f m a n code tree.

4.2. Measure of Information


function h=entropy(p)
% % H - ESTROPYiPi returns the entropy function the probability vector p of

if lengih(find(p<0)r=0, errort'Not a p r o a , v e c t o r , n e g a t i v e component ( s ) ' ) end if abs(sumip)-1 )> 10e-10. errorl'Not a p r o b , v e c t o r , do n o t add up t o 1 ' ) end h=sum(-p log2(p)): The quantity

n =


is called the efficiency of the Huffman code. Obviously, wc always have rj < I. In general, U can be shown that the average codeword length for any H u f f m a n code satisfies the inequalities H(X) < I < H(X) + 1 (4.2.4)

If we design a H u f f m a n code for blocks of length K instead of for single letters, we will have H{X) < L < H(X) + (4.2.5)


and, therefore, by increasing K we can get as close to H(X) as we desire. Needless to say, increasing K increases the complexity considerably. It should also be noted that the H u f f m a n coding algorithm does not result in a unique code d u e to the arbitrary way of assigning O's and 1 's to different tree branches. That is why we talk about a H u f f m a n code rather than the H u f f m a n code. The M A T L A B function h u f f m a n . m , which designs a H u f f m a n codc for a discretem e m o r y less source with probability vector p and returns both the codewords and the average c o d e w o r d length, is given below.

function [h,l)=huffman(p); %HUFFMAN Huffman code generator. % Ih.lI = Huffman!p), Huffman code generator % returns h the Huffman code matrix, and I the % average codeword length for a source with % probability vector p. if length(find(p<0))"=0, error('Noc a p r o b . v e c t o r , end

n e g a t i v e c o m p o n e n t ( s ) ')

if abs(sum(p)-1)>10e-10,




errorf'Koc a p r o b . v e c t o r , c o m p o n e n t s do n o t a d d u p t o end n=tengih(p); q=p; m=zeros{n-1.n): for i=1:n1 [q,l]=sort(q); m{i.:)=[l(1 :ni+1 ),zeros(1,i-1)];

end for i = 1 ; n - 1 c(i.:)=blanks(n*n); end c(n 1 ,n)=' 0 ' , c(n-1.2+n)='l'; for i = 2 : n - 1 cfni,1:n-1)=c(ri-t-1,n*(find(m(n-i + 1,:)==1)). -. -(n~2):n*(find(m(n-i+1.:)==!))); c(n-i.n)=' 0 '; e(ni,n + 1 : 2 n - 1 ) = c ( n - i . 1 : n - 1 ) ; c(n i,2n)= 1 ' ; for j = 1 : i - 1 c(n-i.(j+1 )n + 1 :(j+2)r>)=c(n-i+1... n(find(m(n-i+1,:)==j + 1 ) - 1 )+1 :nfind(m(n-i+1 ,:)==j + 1)); end end

for i=1:n
h{i.1 :n)=c(1,n*(find(m{1 ,:)==i)-1)+1 :find(m( 1 ,:)==i)n);

1 1 (i)=lengih(find(abs(h(i.:)r=32));
end l=sum(p.*)l);



Illustrative Problem 4.2 [Huffman coding] A discrete-memoryless information source with alphabet
X U), x2, . . . , jr6}

and the corresponding probabilities p = {0.1,0.3,0.05,0.09,0.21,0.25} is to be encoded using Huffman coding. 1. Determine the entropy of the source. 2. Find a Huffman code for the source and determine the efficiency of the Huffman code. 3. Now design a Huffman code for source sequences of length 2 and compare the efficiency of this code with the efficiency of the code derived in part 2.

4.2. Measure of Information


1. The entropy of the source is derived via the entropy.m function and is found to be 2.3549 bits per source symbol. 2. Using the huffman.m function we can design a Huffman code for this source. The codewords are found to be 010. 11, 0110, 0111. 00, and 10. The average codeword length for this code is found to be 2.38 binary symbols per source output. Therefore, the efficiency of this code is r/] = 2.3549 2.38 _ _ = 0.9895

3. A new source whose outputs are letter pairs of the original source has 36 output letters of the form ((*,, . Since the source is memoryless, the probability of each pair is the product of the individual letter probabilities. Thus, in order to obtain the probability vector tor the extended source, we must generate a vector with 36 components, each component being the product of two probabilities in the original probability vector p. This can be done by employing the MATLAB function kron.m in the form of kron(/p, p). The Huffman codewords are given by 1110000,01110, 10110111, 1011001, 111001,00101.01111, 000,011010,00111, i o o i , i i o o , liioiiio.onoi i, ii ioi mo. 111011 in. 1110001,001000,1011010,

01100, 10110110, 1011000, 101110, 111110, 111010, 1010, m o n o , 101111,

11110, 0100, 00110, 1101. 001001. 111111, 0101, and 1000 and the average codeword length for the extended source is 4.7420. The entropy of the extended source is found to be 4.7097, so the efficiency of this Huffman code is

4.7097 = 0.9932 4.7420

which shows an improvement compared to the efficiency of the Huffman code designed in part 2. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 4.3 [A Huffman code with maximum efficiency] Design a Huffman code for a source with probability vector 1 1 1 1 1 1

' 2 ' 4 ' 8* 16' 3 2 ' 6 4 ' 128' 256' 256

We use the huffman.m function to determine a Huffman code and the corresponding average codeword length. The resulting codewords are 1, 01, 001, 0001, 00001, 000001, 0000001,00000000, and 00000001. The average codeword length is 1.9922 binary symbols per source output. If we find the entropy of the source using the entropy.m function, we see



that the entropy of the source is also 1 9 9 2 2 bits per source output: hence the efficiency of this code is 1. Can you say under what conditions the efficiency of a Huffman code is equal to 1?



In the previous section we studied two methods for noiseless coding, i.e., compression of the source output sequence such that full recovery is possible from the compressed data. In these methods the compressed data is a deterministic function of the source output, and the source output is also a deterministic function of the compressed data. This one-toone correspondence between the compressed data and the source output means that their entropies are equal and no information is lost in the encoding-decoding process. In many applications, such as digital processing of the analog signals, where the source alphabet is not discrete, the number of bits required for representation of each source output is not finite. In order to process the source output digitally, the source has to be quantized to a finite number of levels. This process reduces the number of bus to a finite number but at the same time introduces some distortion. The information lost in the quantization process can never be recovered. In general, quantization schemes can be classified as scalar quantization and vector quantization schemes. In scalar quantization each source output is quantized individually, whereas in vector quantization blocks of source output are quantized. Scalar quantizers can be further classified as uniform quantizers and nonuniform quantizers. In uniform quantization, the quantization regions are chosen to have equal length; in nonuniform quantization regions of various lengths are allowed. It is clear that, in general, nonuniform quantizers outperform uniform quantizers.


Scalar Quantization

In scalar quantization the range of the random variable X is divided into N nonovertapping regions J?,, for 1 < i < N, called quantization intervals, and within each region a single point called a quantization level is chosen. Then all values of the random variable that fall within region J?, are quantized to the ith quantization level, which is denoted by x, . This means that x where
Xi X j

< = > GOO = xi


(4.3.2) The

Obviously, a quantization of this type introduces a mean-square error of (x xi) . mean-square quantization error is therefore given by


4.3. Quantization


where / x ( - t ) denotes the probability density function of the sourcc random variable. The signat-to-quantizadon-noise ratio, (SQNR) is defined as

SQNR i j B =


Uniform Quantization In uniform quantization all quantization regions except the first and the last one, i.e., and are of equal length, which is denoted by A; therefore, i i i = ( - o c , a] J?2 = (. a + A] = (a -r A,ci + 2A]

= (a + (jV - 2) A, oo) The optimal quantization level in each quantization interval can be shown to be the centroid of that interval, i.e.. i, = [X1AT fj> = fx, ] I < i < N (4.3.4)

xfx(x)dx fx(x)dx

Therefore, the design of the uniform quantizer is equivalent to determining a and A. Having determined a and A, the values of i,-'s and the resulting distortion can be determined easily using Equations (4.3.3) and (4.3.4). In some cases it is convenient to choose the quantization levels to be simply the midpoints of the quantization regions, i.e., at a distance A / 2 from the boundaries of the quantization regions. Plots of the quantization function Q{x) for a symmetric probability density function of X, and even and odd values of N are shown in Figures 4.3 and 4.4, respectively. For the symmetric probability density functions, the problem becomes even simpler. In such a case.

Oil, i, an), where ao oo a; = (i - N / 2 ) A apt = oo

1 < i < N - \ i = N


1< / < N - 1




a + A a + 3A h a + 4A

Figure 4.3: The uniform quantizer for N = 6. (Note that here a + 2 A = 0.

GOO *7

*6 a -I- 2 A

a + A a + 4A a + 3A a + 5A

Figure 4.4: The quantization function for jV = 7. (Note that here 4 = 0.)




We see that in this ease we have only one parameter A. which we have to choose to achieve minimum distortion. Three m-files. centroid.m, mse_dist.m, and uq.dist.m, find the centroid of a region: the mean-square quantization error for a given distribution and given quantization region boundaries; and, finally, the distortion when a uniform quantizer is used to quantize a given source (it is assumed that the quantization levels are set to the centroids of the quantization regions). In order to use each of these m-files, the distribution of the sourcc, which can depend on up to three parameters, has to be given in an m-file. These m-files are given below.

function y=ceniroi(J(funfcn,a,b,tol,pl,p2,p3) 7c CENTROID Finds the centroid of a /unction aver a region. % Y - CENTROIDCF ,A,B.TOLPI,P2,P3l, finds the centroid of the 7c function F -iefined in an m-file on the I A. B] region. The % 7c function con contain up to three parameters, tol - the relume error PI. P2. PJ

args=[]; for n=1 n a r g i n - 4 args=[args.' , p ' ,int2str(n)]: end args=[args,' ] * |; funfen 1 = [ ' x . * ' .funfen]; y l=evaJ{[ q u a d ( f u n t c n l , a , b , t o l , [ ] ' ,args]); y2=eval([ q u a d ( f u n f e n , a . b . t o l . [ ] ' .orgs]); y=yl/y2;

function [y,disi]=mse-d!si(funfen,a.iol,pi ,p2,p3) TiMSESHST Returns the mean-squared quantization error 7c [Y.DlSTj = MSE-DIST( F UNFCN. A.TOL.P 1 .P2.P3) To funfen = the distribution function given % in an m-file It can depent on up to three % parameters, pf p2. p3. % a - the vector defining the boundaries of the % quantization regions, (note. jail). a(length(a)il % is the support of funfen). % pi. p2. p3 - parameters of funfen % tol - the relative error args=[], for n = 1 : n a r g ] n - 3 args=[args.' , p ' ,mt2str(n)J; end a r g s = [ a r g s , ' ) ]; for i=1 :length(a) t y ( i ) = e v a l ( [ ' c e n t r o i d ( f u r . f e n , a ( i } , a ( i + 1) , t o l ' ,args]); end disl=0; for i = 1 : l e n g t h ( a ) - 1 n e w f u n = [ ' ( x - ( ' .num2str(y(i)),' ) ) . ~2 . * ' .funfen];



(list=dtst-t-evaS([' quad (newfun, a( U , a ( i+ L i , col, end

function [y,dist]=uq.dist(funfcn,b,c,n,!,pi,p2,p3) %UQ-DIST Returns the distorriun uf a uniform quantizer. % with quantization points ret to the ctntrtuds. % /Y,DISTI=UQ-DIST(FUNFCX.B, C.N,DELTA,S.TOLPI.P2.P3) % fun/cn-.uiurce density function given m an m-ftle % with ut mart three parameters, p!,p2,p3. % {b,fl~The support of the source density function. % )i=number of levels. % delta-level size % s = lhe leftmost quantization return boundary. % p! .p2.pi~p<irameters of the input function. % y-ijuanUTMiton levels. % disr-dtstortion. % tol=the relative error. if ( e - b < d e l t a ( n - 2 ) ) e r r o r ( ' T o o m a n y l e v e l s f o r t h i s r a n g e . ' ) ; return end if (s<t>) error{ " T h e l e f t m o s t b o u n d a r y t o o s m a l l . ' ) ; return end if ( s + ( n - 2 ) d e ) t a > c ) e r r o r ( ' T h e l e f t m o s t b o u n d a r y t o o l a r g e . ' ) ; return end

args=[ ].
for j = 1 : n a i j i n 7 args=[args.' , p ' .im2str(j)], end args=[args,') ' ) ; a( 1 )=b; for i=2;n a(i)=s+{i-2)deha; end a(n+1)=c; [y.dist]=evaJ([ ' m s e _ d i s t I f u n t c n , a , t o l ' ,argsl>:



Illustrative Problem 4.4 [Determining the centroids] Determine the centroids of the quantization regions for a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian distribution, where the boundaries of the quantization regions are given by (5, 4, - 2 , 0, 1, 3, 5).

The Gaussian distribution is given in the m-file normal.m. This distribution is a function of two parameters, the mean and the variance, denoted by m and s (or a ) , respectively. The support of the Gaussian distribution is (oo, oo), but for employing the numerical routines it is enough to use a range that is many times the standard deviation of the distribution.

4.3. Quantization


For example, (m - 10^/7, m + 10-v/f), can be used. The following m-file determines the centroids (optimal quantization levels).


scrip! for Illustrative


4. Chapter


a=[10.-5,-4,2,,10j; for i=1 :!engih(a)1 y(i)=cenlroid(' n o r m a l ' ,au).a(i+1 ),, end

This results in the following quantization levels: ( - 5 . 1 8 6 5 , - 4 . 2 1 6 8 , - 2 . 3 7 0 6 , 0.7228, 0.4599, 1.5101, 3.2827, 5.1865). ILLUSTRATIVE P R O B L E M Illustrative Problem 4.5 In Illustrative problem 4.4 determine the mean-square error. m msssm Letting a ( 10, 5, 4, 2, 0. 1, 3, 5, 10) and using mse.dist.m, we obtain a mean square error of 0.177. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 4.6 [Uniform quantizer distortion] Determine the mean-square error for a uniform quantizer with 12 quantization levels, each of length 1, designed for a zero-mean Gaussian source with variance of 4. It is assumed that the quantization regions are symmetric with respect to the mean of the distribution.

By the symmetry assumption the boundaries of the quantization regions are 0, 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and the quantization regions are ( - o o , - 5 ] , ( - 5 , - 4 ] , ( - 4 , - 3 ) , ( - 3 , 2], ( - 2 , - 1 ] , ( - 1 , 0 ] , (0, 1], (1,2], (2,3], (3,4], (4,5], and ( 5 , + o o ) . This means that in the uq,dist.m function we can substitute b = - 2 0 , c = 20, A = 1, n = 12 , s = 5, tol = 0.001, p\ 0, and p2 = 2. Substituting these values into uq.dist.m we obtain a squared error distortion of 0,0851 and quantization values of 0.4897, 1.4691, 2.4487, 3.4286, 4.4089, and 5.6455. The m-file uq_mdpnt.m determines the squared error distortion for a symmetric density function when the quantization levels are chosen to be the midpoints of the quantization intervals. In this case the quantization levels corresponding to the first and the last quantization regions are chosen to be at distance A / 2 from the two outermost quantization boundaries. This means that if the number of quantization levels is even, then the quantization boundaries are 0, A , 2 A , . . . , (N/2 1) A and the quantization levels are given by A / 2 , 3 A / 2 , . . . . (N l ) A / 2 . If the number of quantization levels is odd, then the boundaries are given by A / 2 , 3 A / 2 , . . . , (N/2 1)A and the quantization levels are given by 0, A , 2 A , . . . , (N 1)A/2. The m-file uq_mdpnt.m is given below.



function dist=uq-mdpnt(funfcn,b,n,delta,lol,pl,p2,p3) %UQJ\IDPNT Returns the distortion of a uniform quantizer % wtih quantization points set to the midpoints. % DIST=UQ-MDPNT(F UN PCS. B.N.DELTA.TOLP I .P2.P3I % funfensource density function given in an m-jUe % with at most three parameters, pl,p2,p3. The density % function is assumed to be an even function. % (b,bj-The support of the source densiry function. % n=number of levels. % delta-level size. % -parameters of the input function. % dist-distortion. % tol=lhe relative error. if (2*b<delta*(n~1)) errorl'Too many l e v e l s end args=[i; for ;nargin-5 args=[args,' , p .int2str(j)); end args=[args, 1 ) ]; a(n+1)=b: a(2)=-(n/2-1)*delta: y(1)=a(2)-delta/2; for i=3:n a ( i ) = a ( i - 1 )+delta; y(i-1)=a(i)-de!ta/2; end y(n)=a(n)+delta; disi=0: for i=1 :n newfun=[' t x - ( ' ,num2str(y(i)),' ) ) . " 2 . * ' .funfen), dist=dist+eval([' q u a d ( n e w f u n , a ( i ) . a ( i + 1 ) , t o l , t ) ' .args]); end

for this

r a n g e . '), return



Illustrative Problem 4.7 [Uniform quantizer with levels set to the midpoints] Find the distortions when a uniform quantizer is used to quantize a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian random variable. The number of quantization levels is 11, and the length of each quantization region is 1.

In uq_mdpnt.m we substitute 'normal' 2 for the density function name, p\ = 0 and p2 = 1 for the density function parameters, n = 11 for the number of quantization levels, and A = 1 for the length of the quantization levels. For the parameter b, which chooses
^The name of the function should be substituted with 'normal' inriudin^ the single quotes.

4.3. Quantization


the support set of the density function, we use the value b = 10p2 = 10, and we choose the tolerance to be 0 001. The resulting distortion is .0833. Nonuniform Quantization In nonuniform quantization the requirement that the quantization regions, except the first and the last, have equal lengths is relaxed, and each quantization region can have any length. Since in this case optimization is done under more relaxed conditions, the result is obviously superior to that of uniform quantization. The optimality conditions for this case, known as the Lloyd-Max conditions, can be expressed as

_X T :
C-; Hi-I f x i - ^ d x +-ti)
(-4 3 7 )

From these equations we conclude that the optimal quantization leveis are the centroids of the quantization regions and the optimal boundaries between the quantization regions are the midpoints between the quantization levels. In order to obtain the solution to the Lloyd-Max equations, we start with a set of quantization levels .t,. From this set we can simply find the set of quantization region boundaries ar From this set of a,'s a new set of quantization levels can be obtained. This process is continued until the improvement in distortion from one iteration to another is not noticeable. This algorithm is guaranteed to converge to a local minimum, but in genera! there is no guarantee that the global minimum can be achieved. The procedure of designing an optimal quantizer is shown in the m-file lloydmax.m, given below.

function [a,y,dist]=l!oydmax(funfcn.b,n,tol,pl ,p2,p3) %LLOYDMAX Returns the the Lloyd-Max quantizer and the mean-squared % quantization error for a symmetric distribution. % IA. Y.DISTJ-LLO YD MAX! FUNFM. B.N. TOL P1.P2.P3) % funfcn=The density function given % in an m-file. It can depent on up to three % parameters, pl.p2.p3. % a-The vector giving the boundaries of the % quantization regions. % approximates support oj the density function, "c n-The number nf quantization regions. % v=The quantization levels. % pi,p2,p3~Parameters of funfcn % tol=the relative error. args=[]; for j=1 : n a r g i n - 4 args=largs, ' , p .int2str(j)); end args=[args.' ) ' ] ;



v=eval([' v a r i a n c e ( f u n f c n . - b , b , t o ! ' .args]), a(1)=-b; d=2*b/n; for i=2:n a ( i ) = a ( i - 1 }+d; end a(n+1 )=b; disl=v; [ y . n e w d i s t ] = e v a ] ( [ ' m s e _ d i s c I f u n f c r . . a , t o 1 ' .args)); while(newdist<0.99*disi), for i=2:n a(0=(y(i-1)+y(i))/2; end dist=newdist,

[y,newdist]=eval([' mse_dist [ fun fen, a, t o l ' .args]); end ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 4.8 [Lloyd-Max quantizer design] Design a 10-leve! Lloyd-Max quantizer for a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian source. Using b = 10, n 10, tol = 0.01, p\ = 0, and p i = 1 in Uoydmax.m, we obtain the quantization boundaries and quantization levels vectors a and y as a = 10, 2.16, 1.51, 0.98, 0.48, 0 y = 2.52, 1.78, 1.22, 0.72, 0.24 and the resulting distortion is 0.02. These values are good approximations to the optimal values given in the table by Max [2],


Pulse-Code Modulation

In pulse-code modulation an analog signal is first sampled at a rate higher than the Nyquist rate, and then the samples are quantized. It is assumed that the analog signal is distributed on an interval denoted by [ - x m i X , Jrmax]. and the number of quantization levels is large. The quantization levels can be equal or unequal. In the first case we are dealing with a uniform PCM and in the second case, with a nonuniform PCM. Uniform PCM In uniform PCM the interval [x max , .rma*j of length 2x m a x is divided into N equai subintervals, each of length A = 2xmax/N. If N is large enough, the density function of the input in each subinterval can be assumed to be uniform, resulting in a distortion of D = A 2 / 1 2 . If N is a power of 2, or N 2V, then v bits are required for representation of each level. This means that if the bandwidth of the analog signal is W and if sampling is done at the




Nyquist rate, the required bandwidth for transmission of the P C M signal is at least v W {in practice, 1 W is closer to reality). The distortion is given by A2 x~



nm ' 3 x 4 " If the power of the analog signal is denoted by X2, the signal-to-quantization-noise ratio ( S Q N R ) is given by

SQNR = 3,V--j 'mts = 3 x 4 ^



= 3 x 4"Xwhere X denotes the normalized input defined by

T h e S Q N R in decibels is given by SQNR l d B * 4 . % + 6v + T \


After quantization, the quantized levels are encoded using v bits for each quantized level. T h e encoding scheme that is usually employed is natural binary coding (NBC), m e a n i n g that the lowest level is mapped into a sequence of all O's and the highest level is mapped into a sequence of all l ' s . All the other levels are mapped in increasing order of the quantized value. The m-file u_pcm.m given below takes as its input a sequence of sampled values and the n u m b e r of desired quantization levels and finds the quantized sequence, the encoded sequence, and the resulting S Q N R (in dcibels).

function [sqnr,a_quan,code]=u-pCrt)(a,n)
%UJ>CM % % % % % % Uniform PCM encoding of a sequence. ISQNR.A^QU/W.CODEI = UJ>CM(A.X) a = input sequence n - number of quantization levels (even) sqnr = output SQNR Iin dB) a^quan - quantized output before encoding code = the encoded output



amax=max (a bs (a)); a_quan=a/amax; b_quan=a_quan;

q=d.*[0;n-1]; q=q-((n-1)/2)*d; for i=1:n a . q u a n ( f i n d { ( q ( i ) - d / 2 < = a^quani & (a_quan < = q u ) + d / 2 ) ) ) = . q ( i ) . * o n ( 1 . ] e n g ( h ( f i r i d f ( q ( i ) - d / 2 < = a . q u a n ) & (a_quan <= q(i)+d/2)!)): b_quan(lind( 3_quan==q(i) ) ) = ( i - 1 ).*ones(1.length(find{ a.quan==q(i) ))i: end a_quan=a_quan*amax; nu=ceil{log2(n)); code=zeros(length(a),nu); for i=l:length(a) for j=nu: 1:0 if ( Jixib_quan(i)/(2"j)) == 1) codc(i,(nuj)) = 1; b.quan(i) = h . q u a n ( i ) 2 ~ j , end end end sqnr=20log I O ( n o r m ( a ) / n o r m i a - a _ q u a n ) ) ;



Illustrative Problem 4.9 [Uniform PCM] Generate a sinusoidal signal with amplitude 1, and co = 1. Using a uniform PCM scheme, quantize it once to 8 levels and once to 16 levels. Plot the original signal and the quantized signals on the same axis. Compare the resulting SQNRs in the two cases. dkMIIHt^ We arbitrarily choose the duration of the signal to be 10 s. Then using the u_pcm .m m-file, we generate the quantized signals for the two cases of S and 16 quantization levels. The resulting SQNRs are 18.90 dB for the 8-level PCM and 25.13 dB for 16-level uniform PCM. The plots are shown in Figure 4.5. A MATLAB script for this problem is shown below.

% MATIAB echo on

script fur Illustrative


9. Chapter

a=sin(t); [sqnr8,aquan8,code8]=u.pcm(a.8); [sqnr 16,aquan 16.eode 16]=u-pc m(a,16); pause % Press a key to see the SQNR for N = 8 sqnr8 pause % Press a key to see the SQNR for N = 16 sqnrlft pause % Press a key to see the plot of the signal and its quantized





Figure 4.5: Uniform PCM for a sinusoidal signal using 8 and 16 levels.



p]ot(t,a,fl-fl,i,aquan8,fl-. fI,t.aquanl6,fl-rJ,i,zeros(1 .lengih(t)))



Illustrative Problem 4.10 [Uniform PCM] Generate a sequence of length 500 of zeromean, unit variance Gaussian random variables. Using u_pcm.m, find the resulting SQNR when the number of quantization levels is 64. Find the first five values of the sequence, the corresponding quantized values, and the corresponding codewords.

^ESSS*The following m-file gives the solution.

% MAT LAB script for Illustrative echo on a=nmdn( 1,500); n=64; (sqnr.a_quan,code]=u-pcm(a.64); pause % Press a key to see the SQNR. sqnr pause % Press a key to see the first five input Problem 10. Chapter 4


pause % Press a key to see the first five quantized values. a_quan(1:5) pause % Press a key to see the first five codewords. c o d e d :5,:)

In a typical running of this file, the following values were observed. SQNR = 31.66 dB

Input = [0.1775, 0.4540, 1.0683, -2.2541,0.5376] Quantized values = [0.1569, - 0 . 4 7 0 8 , 1.0985, - 2 . 2 4 9 4 . 0.5754]

Codewords = 0 1 I 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1
I 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1

Note that different runnings of the program result in different values for the input, the quantized values, and the codewords. However the resulting SQNRs are very close. ILLUSTRATIVE P R O B L E M Illustrative Problem 4.11 In Illustrative Problem 4.10, plot the quantization error, defined as the difference between the input value and the quantized value. Also, plot the quantized value as a function of the input value.




Figure 4,6: Quantization error in uniform P C M for 64 quantization levels.



The two desired plots are shown in Figure 4.6. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 4.12 Repeat Illustrative Problem 4.11 with number of quantization levels set once to 16 and set once to 128. C o m p a r e the results. M The result for 16 quantization levels is shown in Figure 4.7. and the result for 128 quantization levels is shown in Figure 4.8. Comparing Figures 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8, it is obvious that the larger the number of quantization levels, the smaller the quantization error, as expected. Also note that for a large number of quantization levels, the relation between the input and the quantized values tends to a line with slope 1 passing through the origin; i.e., the input and the quantized values b e c o m e almost equal. For a small number of quantization levels (16 for instance), this relation is far from equality, as shown in Figure 4.7. Nonuniform PCM In nonuniform PCM the input signal is first passed through a nonlinear element to reduce its dynamic range, and the output is applied to a uniform PCM system. At the receiving end, the output is passed through the inverse of the nonlinear element used in the transmitter. The overall effect is equivalent to a PCM system with nonuniform spacing between levels. In general, for transmission of speech signals, the nonlinearities that are employed are either ^i-law or A-Iaw nonlinearities. A M"law nonlinearity is defined by the relation , , log(l + m W ) , , y = #U> = - s g n U ) log(l + ti) m i m , (4.3.11)

where x is the normalized input (]x| < 1) and ii is a parameter that in standard jx-law nonlinearity is equal to 255. A plot of this nonlinearity for different values of ^ is shown in Figure 4.9. The inverse of nonlinearity is given by

. = " - ^ ' " - ' s s n O ) M


The two m-ftles mulaw.m and invmulaw.m given below implement ^i-law nonlinearity and its inverse.

function [y,a]=mulaw(x,mu) %MULAW mu-law nonimeurtty for % Y = MULAW(X.MU) % X - input vector





Figure 4.7: Quantization error for 16 quantization levels.








L if/


-0 4

-0 6

-OS -0.6

y y v
-04 -0.2

0 0.2

-OS -i

t 0.4

.i 06

i Of

Figure 4.9: The


a=max(abs(x)). y=(log(1+mu*abs(s/a))./log(1+mu)).*signum(x);

function x=iovmulaw(y,mu) %INVMULAW The invent of mu-law %X=I!WMULAW(Y.MU) Y = Normalized output x=(({1+mu) " ( a b s ( y ) ) - 1 )./mu).signum(y);

nonlineurity of the mu-law


T h e m-file mula.pcm.rn is the equivalent of the m-file u_pcm.m when using a ^t-law F C M scheme. This file is given below.

function [sq nr, a_quan, code]=mul a_ pc m (a,n. m u) %MUIA-PCM mu-luw PCM encoding of a [SQNR.A-QUAN.CODE/ =

% %

sequence. MUL4_PCM(A.NMU) levels (evert)

a - input sequence n = number of quantization sqnr - output SQNR (in dB)

% % a_quan - quantized code = the encoded


output before output encoding

[y,maximum]=mu]aw(a,mu); (sqnr,y_q,code]=U-pcm(y,n), a_q!i2fi=invmulaw(y-q,mu); a . q uan=tnax i mu m u an; sqnr=20logl0(norm(a)/norm(aa.quan));



Illustrative Problem 4.13 [Nonuniform P C M ] Generate a sequence of random variables of length 500 according to an M(0, I) distribution. Using 16, 64, and 128 quantization levels and a /i-law noniinearity with p. = 255, plot the error and the input-output relation for the quantizer in each case. Also determine the SQNR in each case. Let the vector a be the vector of length 500 generated according to a = randn(500) Then by using [dist,a.quan,code] = mula_pcm(a, 16,255) we can obtain the quantized sequence and the SQNR for a 16-level quantization. The SQNR will be 13.76 dB. For the case of 64 levels we obtain SQNR = 25.89 dB, and for 128 levels we have SQNR = 31.76 dB. Comparing these results with the uniform PCM, we observe that in all cases the performance is inferior to the uniform PCM. Plots of the input-output relation for the quantizer and the quantization error are given in Figures 4.10, 4.11, and 4.12. Comparing the input-output relation for the uniform and the nonuniform PCM shown in Figures 4.7 and 4.10 clearly shows why the former is called uniform PCM and the latter is called nonuniform PCM. From the above example we see that the performance of the nonuniform PCM, in this case, is not as good as uniform PCM. The reason is that in the above example the dynamic range of the input signal is not very large. The next example examines the case where the performance of the nonuniform PCM is superior to the performance of the uniform PCM. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM 0, i), i.e., let

Illustrative Problem 4,14 The nonstationary sequence a of length 500 consists of two parts. The first 20 samples are generated according to a Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and variance 400 (cr = 20), and the next 480 samples are drawn according to a Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and variance 1. This sequence is once quantized using a uniform PCM scheme and once using a nonuniform PCM scheme. Compare the resulting SQNR in the two cases.




Figure 4.10: Quantization error and input-output relation for a 16-level /z-law P C M .




4.3. Quantization 175




The sequence is generated by the M A T L A B c o m m a n d a = [ 2 0 * r a n d n ( l . 20)randn( 1.480)] Now w e can apply the u . p c m . m a n d the mula_pcm.m files to determine the resulting S Q N R . The resulting S Q N R s arc 20.49 dB and 24.95 dB, respectively. In this case the p e r f o r m a n c e of the nonuniform P C M is definitely superior to the performance of the uniform PCM.




4.1 Design a H u f f m a n code for an information source with probabilities p = { 0 . 1 . 0 . 0 5 , 0 . 2 1 . 0 . 0 7 , 0 . 0 2 . 0.2. 0 . 2 , 0 . 1 5 } Determine the efficiency of the code by computing the average codeword length and the entropy of the source. 4.2 A discrete-memoryless information source is described by the probability vector p (0.2,0.3,0.1,0.4). a. Write a M A T L A B file to compute the probabilities of the ATth extension of this source for a given K, b. Design H u f f m a n codes for this source and its /Cth extensions for K = 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5. c. Plot the average codeword length (per source output) as a function of K. 4.3 T h e probabilities of the letters of the alphabet occurring in printed English are given in Table 4.1. a. Determine the entropy of printed English. b. Design a H u f f m a n code for printed English. c. Determine the average codeword length and the efficiency of the H u f f m a n code. 4.4 Repeat Problem 4.2 for a discrete-memoryless source with a probability vector p {0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.125}. Explain why the result in this case is different from the result obtained in Problem 4.2. 4.5 A continuous information source has a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian distribution. This source is quantized using a uniform symmetric quantizer, where the length of the quantization regions is unity, The number of quantization levels is N. For/V = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, determine the entropy of the quantized source output and plot it as a function of N . On the same graph plot log2/Vr versus N and explain why the two curves differ. 4.6 A zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian source is quantized using a u n i f o r m quantizer. The quantizer uniformly quantizes the interval (10, 10]. Assuming the quantization levels are located at midpoints of the quantization regions, determine and plot the mean square distortion for N = 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 as a function of N , the number of quantization levels. 4.7 On the s a m e figure that you plotted in Problem 4.6, plot the mean square distortion when the quantization levels are taken to be the centroids of the quantization regions. For what values of N are the two plots closer and why?



Letter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P

Probability 0.0642 0.0127 0.0218 0.0317 0.1031 0.0208 0.0152 0.0467 0.0575 0.0008 0.0049 0.0321 0.0198 0.0574 0.0632 0.0152 0.0008 0.0484 0.0514 0.0796 0.0228 0.0083 0.0175 0.0013 0.0164 0.0005 0.1859

R S T U V w X Y Z Word space

Table 4.1: Probabilities of letters in printed English.




4.8 For a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian source, design optimal nonuniform quantizers with a number of levels N = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. For each case determine H ( X ) , the entropy of the quantized source, and R , the average codeword length of a H u f f m a n code designed for that source. Plot H(X), R, and log 2 iV as a function of N on the same figure. 4.9 A Laplacian random variable is defined by the probability density function

/<*) =
where k > 0 is a given constant. a. Verify that the variance of a Laplacian random variable is equal to 2/kl.

b. Assuming k = 1, design uniform quantizers with N 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 levels for this source. A s usual, take the interval of interest to be [ - 1 0 a , 1 0 a ] where a is the standard deviation of the source. c. Plot the entropy of the quantized source and log 2 jV as functions of N on the same figure. 4.10 Repeat Problem 4.9, substituting the uniform quantizer with the optimal nonuniform quantizer. 4.11 Design an optimal 8-level quantizer for a Laplacian source and plot the resulting mean-square distortion as a function of a as k changes in the interval ( 0 . 1 , 5 ] . 4 . 1 2 Design optimal nonuniform quantizers with iV = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 for the Laplacian source given in Problem 4.9 with a k = Jl (note that this choice of A results in a zeromean, unit variance Laplacian source). Plot the mean-square error as a function of N for this source. C o m p a r e these results with those obtained from quantizing a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian source. 4.13 T h e periodic signal * ( f ) has a period of 2 and in the interval [0, 2] is defined as t, ~t +2, 0 < t < 1 1 < t < 2


a. Design an 8-level uniform P C M quantizer for this signal and plot the quantized output of this system. b. Plot the quantization error for this system. c. By calculating the power in the error signal, determine the S Q N R for this system in decibels. d. Repeat parts a, b, and c using a 16-level uniform P C M system.



4.14 Generate a Gaussian sequence with mean equal to 0 and variance equal to 1 with 1000 elements. Design 4-!evel, 8-leveI, 16-level, 32-level, and 64-)evel uniform P C M schemes for this sequence and plot the resulting S Q N R (in decibels) as a function of the number of bits allocated to each source output. 4.15 Generate a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian sequence with a length of 1000 and quantize it using a 6-bit-per-symbol uniform P C M scheme. The resulting 6000 bits are transmitted to the receiver via a noisy channel. The error probability of the channel is denoted by p. Plot the overall S Q N R in decibels as a function of p for values of p 1 0 _ ? , 5 x 1 0 " \ 1 0 " 2 , 5 x 10 ", 0.1, 0.2. For simulation of the effect of noise, you can generate binary random sequences with these probabilities and add them (modulo 2) to the encoded sequence. 4.16 Repeal Problem 4.13 using a nonuniform ^.-law P C M with p 255. 4.17 Repeat Problem 4.14 using a nonuniform /x-law PCM with p 255. 4.18 Repeat Problem 4.15 using a nonuniform ^t-law P C M with ,u - 255.

Chapter 5

Baseband Digital Transmission

5.1 Preview

In this chapter we consider several baseband digital modulation and demodulation techniques for transmitting digital information through an additive white Gaussian noise channel. We begin with binary pulse modulation and then we introduce several nonbinary modulation methods. We describe the optimum receivers for these different signals and consider the evaluation of their performance in terms of the average probability of error.


Binary Signal Transmission

In a binary communication system, binary data consisting of a sequence of O's and 1 's are transmitted by means of two signal waveforms, say, so(t) and i ; (r). Suppose that the data rate is specified as R bits per second. Then, each bit is mapped into a corresponding signal waveform according to the rule 0 1 jo(0. JI(0. 0 < t < Tb 0<t <Th

where Th = 1//? is defined as the bit time interval. We assume that the data bits 0 and 1 are equally probable, i.e., each occurs with probability j , and are mutually statistically independent. The channel through which the signal is transmitted is assumed to corrupt the signal by the addition of noise, denoted as n(t), which is a sample function of a white Gaussian process with power spectrum Nq/2 watts/hertz. Such a channel is called an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Consequently, the received signal waveform is expressed as r(i) = J/(0 + (0. i=<U. 165 0 <t<Th (5.2.1)



The task of the receiver is to determine whether a 0 or a I was transmitted after observing the received signal r(t) in the interval 0 < r < Th- The receiver is designed to minimize the probability of error. Such a receiver is called the optimum receiver.


Optimum Receiver for the AWGN Channel

In nearly all basic digital communication texts, it is shown that the optimum receiver for the AWGN channel consists of two building blocks. One is either a signai correlator or a matched filter. The other is a detector.


Signal Correlator

The signal correlator cro^s-correlates the received signal r(r) with the two possible transmitted signals so(r) and ![(/), as illustrated in Figure 5.1. That is, the signal correlator computes the two outputs

'o(f) = [ Jo

r(r)so(T)dz (5.2.2)

r i ( 0 = f r(T)j|(r)rfT Jo

in the interval 0 < t < Th, samples the two outputs at t = 7j, and feeds the sampled outputs to the detector.

Figure 5.1: Cross correlation of the received signal r(f) with the two transmitted signals. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 5.1 Suppose the signal waveforms ^o(i ) and i | (i) are the ones shown in Figure 5.2, and let sa(t) be the transmitted signal. Then, the received signal is

5.2. Binary Signal Transmission


, Slit)


0 -/I

Figure 5.2: Signal waveforms q { 0 and i | (/) for a binary communication system.

r { / ) = iU(() +'i(f), D e t e r m i n e the correlator outputs at the sampling instants.



W h e n the signal r(t) is processed by the two signal correlators shown in Figure 5.1, the outputs ro and r\ at the sampling instant f = Tb are /f =Jo ) f J0 Th r(t)sQ(t)dt

r 0=



+ f " Jo

n(t)so(t)dt (5.2.4)

= + no and fTh Jo
r Th Tf,

/ Jo = n!


+ / J0

n[t)3\[t)dt (5.2.5)

where no and n ] are the noise components at the output of the signal correlators, i.e.,

no =

f J0 fTh


ni= Jo






and = A2T/, is the energy of the signals sq(i) and S((l). waveforms are orthogonal, i.e.,

We also note that the two signal

f * So(t)Sl{t)dt Jo



On the other hand, when si (r) is the transmitted signal, the received signal is r ( i ) = i i ( r ) + n(t), 0 < i < Th

It is easy to show that, in this case, the signal correlator outputs are ro = no n = +nL (5.2.8)

Figure 5.3 illustrates the two noise-free correlator outputs in the interval 0 < r < Tb for each of the two casesi.e., when i o ( 0 is transmitted and when s i ( f ) is transmitted.

Output of

O u t p u t of Correlator I

O u t p u t of Correlator 0


Figure 5.3: Noise-free correlator outputs. ( a ) i o ( O was transmitted, (b) i i ( 0 w a s transmitted. Since n(t) is a sampie function of a white Gaussian process with power spectrum N o / 2 , the noise components no and /i[ are Gaussian with zero means, i.e.,


f '' s0(t)E[n(t)] Jo

dt = 0 (5.2.9)

= f 'L and variances o f , for i = 1, 2, where


5.2. Binary Signal Transmission


a- = =

rT Ii, h pi i, r n







S-U)di (5.2.10)

^ Jo

= ,



Therefore, when i 0 ( O is transmitted, the probability density functions of ro and r\ are p{ra \ j o ( 0 was transmuted) = p{r\ I so(i) was transmitted) = V2jt a _L V27T a e

" ( 5 . 2 . 1 2 )

These two probability density functions, denoted as p(ro | 0) and p{ri | 0), are illustrated in Figure 5.4. Similarly, when A| (r) is transmitted, ro is zero-mean Gaussian with variance o ~ and r[ is Gaussian with mean value <" and variance cr~.

Figure 5.4: Probability density function p(ro \ 0) and p(r\

| 0) when i o ( f ) is transmitted.


Matched Filter

The matched filter provides an alternative to the signal correlator for demodulating the received signal r ( r ) . A filter that is matched to the signal waveform s(t), 0 < t < Tb, has an impulse response

h(t) = s(Th - 0,

0 < t < Tb





Consequently, the signal waveformsay, >(/)at the output of the matched filter when the input waveform is j ( f ) is given by the convolution integral

y(t) =

f s(z)h(t Ja



If we substitute in (5.2.14) for h{( x) from (5.2.13), we obtain

v(0 f


- t + T)d(


Jo and if we sample y ( f ) at t = Th, we obtain


= f ''s2(t)dt Jo


where 3E is the energy of the signal s{t). Therefore, the matched filter output at the sampling instant t = Tb is identical to the output of the signal correlator. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 5.2 Consider the use of matched filters for the demodulation of the two signal waveforms shown in Figure 5.2 and determine the outputs.

The impulse responses of the two matched filters are MO = so(Th t) (5.2.17)

M O = MTh ~ 0

as illustrated in Figure 5.5. Note that each impulse response is obtained by folding the signal i ( 0 to obtain j ( - / ) and then delaying the folded signal /) by Tb to obtain s(Tb / ) . Now suppose the signal waveforms i o ( 0 is transmitted. Then, the received signal r ( 0 = i o ( 0 + " ( 0 is passed through the t w o matched filters. The response of the filter with impuise response M O to the signal c o m p o n e n t j o ( 0 is illustrated in Figure 5.6(a). Also, the response of the filter with impulse response h\ ( f ) to the signal component j<>(0 is illustrated in Figure 5.6(b). Hence, at the sampling instant r = Tb, the outputs of the t w o matched filters with impulse responses Ao(0 and hi(t) are r0 =

n0 (5.2.18)

respectively. Note that these outputs are identical to the outputs obtained f r o m sampling the signal correlator outputs at t = Tb-

5.2. Binary Signal Transmission 187


= sJT,


A,(r) = sAT,-



Figure 5.5: Impulse responses of matched fillers for signals i o ( 0 and ^ ( r ) .

Figure 5.6: Signal outputs of matched filters when jo(/) is transmitted.





The Detector

The detector observes the correlator or matched filter outputs r0 and r\ and decides on whether the transmitted signal waveform is either j o ( 0 or S\(t), which correspond to the transmission of either a 0 or a 1, respectively, The optimum detector is defined as the detector that minimizes the probability of error.

I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 5.3 Let us consider the detector for the signals shown in Figure 5.2, which are equally probable and have equal energies. The optimum detector for these signals compares ro and r\ and decides that a 0 was transmitted when ro > ri and that a 1 was transmitted when r\ > ro- Determine the probability of error.

When i o ( 0 is the transmitted signal waveform, the probability of error is Pt = P{r\ > r 0 ) = P(n{ > 3E + n0) ~ P{ny ~ nQ > ) (5.2.19)

Since n \ and no are zero-mean Gaussian random variables, their difference x = n j no is also zero-mean Gaussian. The variance of the random variable x is E(x2) But E{n\no) = [ ( n , - n o ) 2 ] = ( n ? ) + E(n\)

- 2(, n0)


0, because the signal waveforms are orthogonal. That is,

r Th r Ti,

E{n \ /io) = / Jo Nn fTh = T r / 2 Jo = ^ 2 = 0 Therefore, E(x2) Hence, the probability of error is

P ^ '

/ J0


fT,] / J0(Oit(r)fi(f-T)/frfr Jo

fT* Jo 5Q{t)s\(t)dt (5.2.21)

= 2

s a]


V2TT <7X j
= [




5.2. Binary Signal Transmission T h e ratio J N o is calied the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).


Figure 5.7: Probability of error for orthogonal signals.

The derivation of the detector p e r f o r m a n c e given above was based on the transmission of the signal waveform s o ( 0 - The reader may verify that the probability of error that is obtained when i j { f ) is transmitted is identical to that obtained when i o ( 0 is transmitted. Because the O's and l ' s in the data sequence are equally probable, the average probability of error is that given by (5.2.23). This expression for the probability of error is evaluated by using the M A T L A B script given below and is plotted in Figure 5.7 as a function of the SNR, where the SNR is displayed on a logarithmic scale ( 1 0 l o g 1 0 / N q ) . As expected, the probability of error decreases exponentially as the SNR increases.

% MATLAB initia] _snr=0;


that generates

the probability

of error versus

the signal-to-noise


snr_stcp=0.25: snr Jn_dB=initial_snr:snr_step:finaI_snr, for i=1 :length(snr_in.dB). snn= 1 0 " (snr_in.dB{i)/10) ; Pe(i )=Qfu nct( sq rt ( snr) ) : end; semilogy{snr.in_(JB,Pe);





Monte Carlo Simulation of a Binary Communication System

Monte Carlo computer simulations are usually performed in practice to estimate the probability of error of a digital communication system, especially in cases where the analysis of the detector performance is difficult to perform. We demonstrate the method for estimating the probability of error for the binary communication system described above.

I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 5.4 Use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate and plot Pf versus S N R for a binary communication system that employs correlators or matched tillers. T h e model of the system is illustrated in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8: Simulation model for Illustrative Problem 5.4.

We simulate the generation of the random variables ro and r i , which constitute the input to the detector. We begin by generating a binary sequence of O's and l ' s that occur with equal probability and are mutually statistically independent. To accomplish this task, we use a random number generator that generates a uniform random number with a range (0, 1). If the number generated is in the range (0, 0.5), the binary source output is a 0. Otherwise, it is a 1. If a 0 is generated, then ro = + "o and ri = n i . If a 1 is generated, then ro no and r j = + n i . The additive noise components no a n d n j are generated by means of two Gaussian noise generators. Their means are zero and their variances are a2 No/2. For convenience,

5.2. Binary Signal Transmission


w e may normalize the signal energy 3t to unity (S I) and vary a2. Note that the S N R , which is defined as / \ ' n . is then equal to 1 /2o~. The detector output is compared with t h e binary transmitted sequence, and an error counter is used to count the number of bit errors. Figure 5.9 illustrates the results of this simulation for the transmission of iV=10,000 bits at several different values of SNR. Note the agreement between the simulation results and the theoretical value of PL. given by (5.2.23). We should also note that a simulation of ;V= 10,000 data bits allows us to estimate the error probability reliably down to about Pe = 10~-\ In other words, with N~ 10,000 data bits, we should have at least 10 errors for a reliable estimate of Pe. M A T L A B scripts for this problem are given below.

% AM TLA 0 script for Illustrative Problem echo on SNRindB 1=0:1 12; S N R m d B 2 = 0 0.1 12: for i=1 :length(SNRindB I), % simulated error rate smld.err_prt>(i)=smldPe54(SNRindBl(i)). end; for i=1 length! SNRindB2), SNR=exp(SNRmdB2(i)*log( 1 0 ) / 1 0 ) . % theoretical error rate ihco.en_prt>(i)=Qfuni;t(5qri{SNR)). end; % plotting commands follow semilogy(SNRindB1.smld.eiT-prb.' * ' ). hold semilogy(SNRindB2,iheo_erT.prb);

4. Chapter


function [pJ=smldPe54(snr_in_dB) % (pi = smldPe54(rnrJnJB) % SMLDPF.54 finds I he probability of error for the given % snr_in^iB. stgnut-io-noise ratio in JB E=1; SNR=en.p(snr.in_dB*log(10)/10). 7o signal-to-noise ratio sgma=E/sqrt(2*SNR); % sigmti. standard deviation of noise N=10000; % generation of the binar\ data source for i=1:N. % a uniform random variable over (0.1) temp=rand, if ( t e m p < 0 . 5 ) , % with probability 1/2, source output is 0 dsourcc(i)=0. else % with probability 1/2. source output is 1 dsource(i)=1; end end, % detection, and probability of error calculation numoferr=0; for 1=1.N.




% matched



if ( d s o u r c e ( i ) = 0 ) , rf)=E+gngauss(sgma); r!=gngauss(sgma); else rO= gngauss(sgma); r!=E+gngauss(sgma>; end; 7t> detector if (rO>rl), decis=0; else decis=1; end; if (decis"=dsou/ce(i)), numoferr=numoferr+1, end; end; p=numoferr/N; % probability of error estimate % if it is tin error, increase the error counter % decision is "I" 7c decision is "0" follows % if the source output is "I " % if the source output is "0"

Figure 5.9: Error probability f r o m M o n t e Carlo simulation compared with theoretical error probability for orthogonal signaling.

c n n s E -
In Figure 5.9, simulation and theoretical results completely agree at low signal-to-noise ratios, whereas at higher S N R s they agree less. Can you explain why? H o w should w e change the simulation process to result in better agreement at higher signal-to-noise ratios?

5.2. Binary Signal Transmission



Other Binary Signal Transmission Methods

The binary signal transmission method described above was based on the use of orthogonal signals. Below, we describe two other methods for transmitting binary information through a communication channel. One method e m p l o y s antipodal signals. The other method employs an on-off-type signal.


Antipodal Signals for Binary Signal Transmission

Two signal waveforms are said to be antipodal if one signal waveform is the negative of the other. For example, one pair of antipodal signals is illustrated in Figure 5.10(a). A second pair is illustrated in Figure 5.10(b).

A Tb A Tb 0 -A 0 A A



0 -A


(a) A pair of antipodal signals

(b) A n o t h e r pair of antipodal signals

Figure 5.10: Examples of antipodal signals, (a) A pair of antipodal signals, (b) Another pair of antipodal signals. Suppose w e use antipodal signal waveforms i o ( 0 = J ( f ) and i i ( r ) = - i ( r ) to transmit binary information, where i ( f ) is some arbitrary waveform having energy . The received signal waveform from an A W G N channel may be expressed as

r(t) = j ( r ) + n ( i ) .



The optimum receiver for recovering the binary information employs a single correlator or a single matched filter matched to i ( / ) , followed by a detector, as illustrated in Figure 5.11. Let us suppose that i ( i ) was transmitted, so that the received signal is

r ( i ) - i ( 0 + n(0 The output of the correlator or matched filter at the sampling instant t This


r =





where 3E is the signal energy and n is the additive noise component, which is expressed as 7fc n f n {t)s(t)dt Jo


Received signal rit)

M a t c h e d filter 1



Output decision


(a) M a t c h e d filter d e m o d u l a t o r


Figure 5.11: Optimum receiver for antipodal signals, (a) Matched filter demodulator, (b) Correlator demodulator. Since the additive noise process n{t) is zero mean, it follows that E(n) variance of the noise component n is = 0. The

o2 s = f

E(n2) Th rTh f

i{t)n(T)}s(t)s(x)dtdx " 8{t Jo


- ~ fT" 2 Jo

-x)s(t)s(T)dtdz (5.2.28,


Consequently, the probability density function of r when s(t) is transmitted is p{r I s(t) was transmitted) s p{r \ 0) = J_ V2jt a (5.2.29)

5.2. Binary Signal Transmission


Similarly, when the signal waveform ~s(t)

is transmitted, the input to the detector is

r = and the probability density function of r is

+ n


p{r i 5(f) was transmitted) = p{r | 1) =

J _ e -(H-3r)-/2<r 2 Jin a


These two probability density functions are illustrated in Figure 5.12.

Figure 5.12: Probability density function for the input to the detector. For equally probable signal waveforms, the optimum detector compares r with the threshold zero. If r > 0, the decision is m a d e that s(r) was transmitted. If r < 0 , the decision is made that -s(t) was transmitted. T h e noise that corrupts the signal causes errors at the detector. T h e probability of a detector error is easily computed. Suppose that s(t) was transmitted. Then the probability of error is equal to the probability that r < 0; i.e.,

Pr = P{r

< 0)




A similar result is obtained when is transmitted. Consequently, when the two signal waveforms are equally probable, the average probability of error is given by (5.2.32). W h e n we compare the probability of error for antipodal signals with that for orthogonal signals given by (5.2.23), we observe that, for the same transmitted signal energy 5 f , antipodal signals result in better performance. Alternatively, we may say that antipodal signals yield the same p e r f o r m a n c e (same error probability) as orthogonal signals by using one-half of the transmitted energy of orthogonal signals. Hence, antipodal signals are 3 dB more efficient than orthogonal signals.

I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 5.5 Use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate and plot the error probability performance of a binary antipodal communication system. The model of the system is illustrated in Figure 5.13.

Figure 5.13: Model of the binary communication system employing antipodal signals.

^ m m w g f c As shown, we simulate the generation of the random variable r , which is the input to the detector. A uniform random number generator is used to generate the binary information sequence from the binary data source. The sequence of 0 ' s and 1 's is mapped into a sequence of 3T, where represents the signal energy. E T may be normalized to unity. A Gaussian noise generator is used to generate the sequence of zero-mean Gaussian random numbers with variance a 2 . The detector compares the random variable r with the threshold of 0. If r > 0, the decision is made that the transmitted bit is a 0. If r < 0, the decision is made that the transmitted bit is a 1. The output of the detector is compared with the transmitted sequence of information bits, and the bit errors are counted. Figure 5.14 illustrates the results of this simulation for the transmission of 10,000 bits at several different values

5.2. Binary Signal Transmission


of SNR. The theoretical value for Pe given by (5.2.32) is also plotted in Figure 5.14 for comparison. T h e M A T L A B scripts for this problem are given below.

% MATUB script for Illustrated Problem 5. Chapter echo on SNRindB 1=0:1:10; SNRindB2=0 0 1 10. for i=1 length(SNRmdBI). c 'c simulated error mle S[nld_err_prb(i)=smldPe?5iSNRindB Mti); end: for i=1 length(SNRindR2), SNR=exp(SNRindB2(i)log( 1 0 ) / l 0 ) ; % theoretical error rale iheo_erT_prt>(i)=QfurKt($qni2*SNR)). end. % ploffifi^' commands jolhm semilogy(SNRindBl,smld-err.prb.' " '); hold semilogy(SNR)ndB2,theo_err_prb);


function [p]BsmidPe55(snr.m.dB) % [pi = smtdPe55<snrM-dBj % SMLDPE55 simulates the probability of error for the particular % value of snr_in_ilB stgnal-ta-noise ratio in dB. E=1; SNR=exp(snr_in.dB*log( 101/10); % signal-to-noise ratio sgma=E/sqrl(2*SNR); % sigma. standard deviation of noise N=10000; % generation of the binary data source Jollowt for i=1:N. temp=rand; % a uniform random variable over (0,1) if (tempcO.S). dsource(i )=0; % with probability 1/2. source output is 0 else dsource(i)=1; % with probability Ij2, source output i> 1 end end: % the detection, and probability of error calculation follows numoferr=0; for i=1 :N. % The matched filler outputs if (dsource(i)0). r=E+gngauss(sgma); % if the source output is "0" else r=E-i-gngaiiss(sgma); % if the source output is "I" end; % detector follows if ( r < 0 ) , decis=0; % decision is "0" else




decis=1; end; if (decis"=dsource(i)), numofenr =nuinofeiT+1; end; end; p=numoferr/N;

% decision


"I" the error counter

% if it is an error, increase

% probability

of error


Figure 5.14: Error probability f r o m Monte Carlo simulation compared with theoretical error probability for antipodal signals.


On-Off Signals for Binary Signal Transmission

A binary information sequence may also b e transmitted by use of on-off signals. To transmit a 0, no signal is transmitted in the time interval of duration T^. To transmit a 1, a signal waveform s{t) is transmitted. Consequently, the received signal w a v e f o r m may be represented as

n(t), i ( r ) + n(t),

if a 0 is transmitted if a 1 is transmitted

(5 2 33)

where n ( r ) represents the additive white Gaussian noise. As in the case of antipodal signals, the o p t i m u m receiver consists of a correlator or a matched filter matched to j ( r ) , whose output is sampled at t Tb, and followed by a

5.2. Binary Signal Transmission


detector that compares the sampled output to the threshold, denoted as a . If r > a , a I is declared to have been transmitted; otherwise, a 0 is declared to have been transmitted. T h e input to the detector may be expressed as n, + n, if 0 is transmitted if a 1 is transmitted ^ ^ ^

where n is a zero-mean, Gaussian random variable with variance a2 = N q / 2 . Therefore, the conditional probability density functions of the random variable r are p(r [ 0) =
V 2ti

e~rl/2a~, a - L v 2n a

if a 0 is transmitted if i is transmitted

p(r | 1} =

T h e s e probability density functions are illustrated in Figure 5.15.

Figure 5.15: T h e probability density function for the received signal at the output of the correlator for on-off signals. W h e n a 0 is transmitted, the probability of error is


= P{r > a) =

v 2n a



"' dr


w h e r e a is the threshold. On the other hand, when a 1 is transmitted, the probability of error is 1 fa < a) = -=/ V2 7i a J-oo


= P(r



A s s u m i n g that the binary information bits are equally probable, the average probability of error is




P A O = l~PtO{a) + ^ P e i ( a )


The value of the threshold a that minimizes the average probability of error is found by differentiating Pe(a) and solving for the optimum threshold. It is easily shown that the optimum threshold is

aopt = y


Substitution of this optimum value into (5.2.35), (5.2.36), and (5.2.37) yields the probability of error

/V(opt) = L h r r


We observe that error-rate performance with on-off signals is not as good as antipodal signals. It appears to be 6 dB worse than antipodal signals and 3 dB worse than orthogonal signals. However, the average transmitted energy for the on-off signals is 3 d B less than that for antipodal and orthogonal signals. Consequently, this difference should be factored in when making comparisons of the performance with other signal types.

I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 5.6 Use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate and plot the p e r f o r m a n c e of a binary communication system employing on-off signaling.

The model for the system to be simulated is similar to that shown in Figure 5.13, except that one of the signals is 0. Thus, we generate a sequence of random variables {r,} as given by (5.2.34). The detector compares the random variables (r,} to the optimum threshold S / 2 and makes the appropriate decisions. Figure 5.16 illustrates the estimated error probability based on 10,000 binary digits. The theoretical error rate given by (5.2.39) is also illustrated in this figure. The M A T L A B scripts for this problem are given below.

% MATLAB echo on

script for



6. Chapter


SNRindBl=0:1:15; SNRindB2=0:0.1:15; for i=1 :length(SNRindBI). smld_erT-prb(i)=smldPe56(SNRindBS(i; end; for i=1:!ength(SNRindB2), SNR=exp(SNRindB2(i)*log<10)/10); theo_err_prb(i)=Qfunct(sqit(SNR/2));

% simulated



% signal-to-noise ratio % theoretical error rate

5.2. Binary Signal Transmission


end; % plotting commands follow semiJogylSNRindB 1 .smld.err.prb, ' * ' ); hold semilogy(SNRindB2,theo _erT ,prb);

function (p]=smldPe56(snr_in_dB) % (pi = rmtdPc56tsnr-in^tB) % SMLDPE56 simulates the probability of error for % snrjn_dB. signal-to-noise ratio in dB. E=1 ; alpha_opi=1/2; SNR=exp(snr_in_dB*log(10)/10): sgma=E/sqn(2*SNR); N=10000; % generation of the binary for i=1:N, temp=rand; if ( t e m p < 0 . 5 ) , data source

a given

% signal-to-noise -rami % sigma, standard deviation follow % a uniform random variable




(0.1) is 0 is I

dsource(i)=0; else dsource<i)=1 ; end end: % detection, and probability of error numoferr=0; for i=1 :N, % The matched filter outputs if (dsource(j)==0). r=gngauss(sgma); else r=E+gngauss(sgma). end, % detector follows if (r<alpha_opc), dec i s=0. else decis=1; end; if (decis"=dsource(i)), numoferr=numoferr+1; end; end; p=numoferr/N,

% with probability % wii/i probability

I (2, source output 1/2, source output


% if the source % if the source

output output

is is

"0" "I"

% decision % decision

is is

"0" "1" the error counter

% if it is an error, increase

% probability

of error



Signal Constellation Diagrams for Binary Signals

T h e three types of binary signals, namely, antipodal, on-off, and orthogonal, m a y be characterized geometrically as points in "signal space." In the case of antipodal signals, w h e r e




Figure 5.16: Error probability from M o n t e Carlo simulation compared with theoretical error probability for on-off signals.

the signals are j ( 0 and -s(t), each having energy the two signal points fall on the real line at J ~ , as shown in Figure 5.17(a). The one-dimensional geometric representation of antipodal signals follows from the fact that only one signal waveform or basis function, namely, suffices to represent the antipodal signals in the signal space. On-off signals are also one-dimensional. Hence, the two signal points also fall on the real line atO and / , as shown in Figure 5.17(b). On the other hand, binary orthogonal signals require a two-dimensional geometric representation. since there are t w o linearly independent functions J o ( 0 and (;) that constitute the two signal waveforms. Consequently, the signal points corresponding to these points are { / , 0) and (0, / ) , as shown in Figure 5.17(c). The geometric representations of the binary signals shown in Figure 5.17 are called signal constellations.

I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 5.7 T h e effect of noise on the performance of a binary c o m m u n i c a tion system can be observed f r o m the received signal plus noise at the input to the detector. For example, let us consider binary orthogonal signals, for which the input to the detector consists of the pair of random variables (ro. r j ) , where either (r0lrt) = ( v ^ + no.nt) or ( r o . / ' t ) = (0, + /ii)

5.3. Muliiamplitude Signai Transmission


The noise random variables no and 1 are zero-mean, independent Gaussian random variables with variance a 2 . As in Illustrative Problem 5.4, use M o n t e Carlo simulation to generate 100 samples of (/"o, ^ 1) for each value of a = 0.1, a = 0.3, and <r = 0 . 5 , and plot these 100 samples for each <7 on different two-dimensional plots. The energy of the signal may be normalized to unity.

The results of the Monte Carlo simulation are shown in Figure 5.18. Note that at a low noise power level (<7 small) the effect of the noise on performance (error rate) of the communication system is small. As the noise power level increases, the noise components increase in size and cause more errors.

- J 3 L

0 (a)

0 (b) (c)

Figure 5.17: Signal point constellation for binary signals, (a) Antipodal signals, (b) On-off signals, (c) Orthogonal signals.

The M A T L A B script for this problem for a = 0.5 is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrated Problem echo on nO=raiidom( ' n o r m ' ,; n l = r a n d o m ( ' n o r m ' ,,1); n 2 = m n d o m ( ' n o rar ,0,0.5,100.1); n3=random( n o r m ' .; x1=1 ,+n0, yl=nl. x2=n2: y2=1 .+n3. p t o t ( x l . y l . ' o ' ,x2.y2.' * ' ) axi$(' s q u a r e ' )

7, Chapter



MuUiamplitude Signal Transmission

In the preceding section, we treated the transmission of digital information by use of binary signal w a v e f o r m s . Thus, each signal waveform conveyed 1 bit of information. In this section, w e use signal waveforms that take on multiple amplitude levels. Thus, we can transmit multiple bits per signal waveform.





N . \

a =0.3

" J



1 v

ff = 0 . 5 Figure 5.18: Received signal points at input to the selector for orthogonal signals ( M o n t e Carlo simulation).

5.3. Muliiamplitude Signai Transmission



Signal Waveforms with Four Amplitude Levels

Let us consider a set of signal waveforms of the form

* ( 0 = Amg(t),

0 < r < T


where Am is the amplitude of the with waveform and g{t) is a rectangular pulse defined as _ jv^T?*, [0, o < t < T otherwise
( 5 3 2

where the energy in the pulse ^ ( i ) is normalized to unity. In particular, we consider the case in which the signal amplitude takes on one of four possible equally spaced valuesnamely, { } 1 3d!, d, d , 3/} or, equivalently, Am~(2m-3)d, m =0,1,2,3 (5.3.3)

where 2d is the Euclidean distance between two adjacent amplitude levels. The four signal waveforms are illustrated in Figure 5.19. We call this set of waveforms pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) signals. The four P A M signal waveforms shown in Figure 5.19 can be used to transmit 2 bits of information per waveform. Thus, we assign the following pairs of information bits to the four signal waveforms:

00 01 11 -

j0(O j|(f) s2(t)

10 j 3 ( 0 Each pair of information bits (00, 01, 10, 11} is called a symbol, and the time duration T is called the symbol interval. Note that if the bit rate is R = 1 /Tb. the symbol interval is T = 2Tb Since all the signal waveforms are scaled versions of the signal basis function g ( f ) , theses signal waveforms may be represented geometrically as points on the real line. Therefore, the geometric representation of the four PAM signals is the signal constellation diagram shown in Figure 5.20. As in the case of binary signals, w e assume that the PAM signal waveforms are transmitted through an A W G N channel. Consequently, the received signal is represented as

r(t) = Sj(t) +n(t)',

i = 0, 1 , 2 , 3,

0 < f < T


where n(t) is a sample function of a white Gaussian noise process with power spectrum Nq/2 watts/hertz. T h e task of the receiver is to determine which of the four signal w a v e f o r m s was transmitted after observing the received signal r(t) in the interval 0 < t < T. T h e optimum receiver is designed to minimize the probability of a symbol error.





s2(t) Vf



Figure 5.19: Multiamplitude signal waveforms.

00 -3d

01 -d

! 0

11 d

10 3d

Figure 5.20: Signa] constellation for the four-PAM signal waveforms.

5.3. Muliiamplitude Signai Transmission



Optimum Receiver for the AWGN Channel

The receiver that minimizes the probability of error is implemented by passing the signal through a signal correlator or matched filter followed by an amplitude detector. Since the signal correlator and the matched filter yield the same output at the sampling instant, w e consider only the signal correlator in our treatment.


Signai Correlator

The signal correlator cross-correlates the received signal r ( f ) with the signal pulse g(t) and its output is sampled at t = T . Thus, the signal correlator output is

r = f Jo = f Jo

r(t)g(t)d: Aig2(t)dt + f Jo g(t)n(t)dt

= A(-+n where n represents the noise component, defined as



f T gU)n(t)dl Jo


We note that n is a Gaussian random variable with mean

E(n) and variance

= fT Jo


= 0


a- = (z)

f Jo

[ Jo


^ Jo


8 ( t ) g ( t ) S ( t ~ r ) d t d z

= ^


Therefore, the probability density function for the output r of the signal correlator is




p(r | Aj(i)was transmitted) =


where A, is one of the four possible amplitude values.


The Detector

The detector observes the correlator output r and decides which of the four PAM signals was transmitted in the signal interval. In the following development of the performance of the optimum detector, we assume that the four possible amplitude levels are equally probable. Since the received signal amplitude A; can take the values d, 3d, as illustrated in the signal constellation in Figure 5.20, the optimum amplitude detector compares the correlator output r with the four possible transmitted amplitude levels and selects the amplitude level that is closest in Euclidean distance to r. Thus, the optimum amplitude detector c o m p u t e s the distances


= \r -

A , I,

I = 0 ,



and selects the amplitude corresponding to the smallest distance. We note that a decision error occurs when the noise variable n exceeds in magnitude one-half of the distance between amplitude levels, i.e., when | n | > d. However, w h e n the amplitude levels + 3 d or - 3d are transmitted, an error can occur in one direction only. Since the four amplitude levels are equally probable, the average probability of a symbol error is


We observe that the squared distance between successive amplitude levels is (2d)2 Therefore, the average probability of error may be expressed as


5.3. Muliiamplitude Signai Transmission


Alternatively, the average probability of error may be expressed in terms of the signal energy. Since all four amplitude levels are equally probable, the average transmitted signal energy per symbol is

j = 5d2

= ~ y f



Consequently, d~ =

and, hence,

Since each transmitted symbol consists of two information bits, the transmitted average
e n e r g y per bit is

/ 2 s=


The average probability of error Pa is plotted in Figure 5.21 as a function of the S N R defined as 101og 10 (3r aV i,/Aro). ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 5.8 Perform a Monte Carlo simulation of the four-level (quaternary) PAM communication system that employs a signal correlator, as described above, followed by an amplitude detector. The model for the system to be simulated is shown in Figure 5.22.

As shown, w e simulate the generation of the random variable r , which is the output of the signal correlator and the input to the detector. We begin by generating a sequence of quaternary symbols that are mapped into corresponding amplitude levels { A m } . To accomplish this task, w e use a random number generator that generates a uniform random number in the range (0, 1). This range is subdivided into four equal intervals, (0, 0.25), (0.25, 0.5), (0.5, 0.75), (0.75, 1.0), where the subintervals correspond to the symbols (pairs of information bits) 00, 01, 11, 10, respectively. Thus, the output of the uniform random number generator is mapped into the corresponding signal amplitude levels ( - 3 d , ~d, d, 3d), respectively. T h e additive noise component having mean 0 and variance a2 is generated by m e a n s of a Gaussian random number generator. For convenience, we may normalize the distance parameter d 1 and vary a2. The detector observes r = Am+n and computes the distance between r and the four possible transmitted signal amplitudes. Its output A m is the signal





Figure 5.21: Probability of symbol error for four-level PAM.

amplitude level corresponding to the smallest distance. A is compared with the actual transmitted signal amplitude, and an error counter is used to count the errors m a d e by the detector. Figure 5.23 illustrates the results of the simulation for the transmissions of N= 10,000 symbols at different values of the average bit SNR, which is defined as

d No



4 \ < t

N o t e the agreement between the simulation results and the theoretical values of P4 computed f r o m (5.3.14). T h e M A T L A B scripts for this problem are given beiow.

% MATLAB script for Illustrated echo on


8. Chapter


SNRindBI=0:1:12; SNRindB2=0.0.1:t2; for i=1:]ength(SNRindBl), % simulated error rate smJd_tn--prt}(i)=smtdPe57(SNRindB I(i)); end; for i=1 ;length(SNRindB2), % signat-to-noise ratio SNR-per_bit=exp(SNRindB2(i)*log(10)/10);

5.3. Muliiamplitude Signai Transmission


Figure 5.22: Block diagram of four-ievel PAM for Monte Carlo simulation.

% theoretical



theo.err_prb(L)=(3/2)*Qfunct(sqrt((4/5)*SNRper.bit)): end; % plotting commands follow semilogy(SNRindB I ,smULerr_prb, ' * ' ); hold sem i logy ( S N R i n d B 2 ,theo . e r r , prb) ;

function [p]=snildPe57(snr_in.dB) % {pi = SmIdPeS7(snrjn~dB) % SMLDPE57 simulates the probability of error for the given % snrJnjiB. signal-to-noise ratio in dB. d=1; SNR=exp{*log(10)/10); % signal-to-noise ratio per bit Sgma=sqrt((5d"2)/(4*SNR)); % sigma. standard deviation of noise N=10000; % number of symbols being simulated % generation of the quarternary data source follows for i=1:N, temp=rand; % a uniform random variable over (0.1) if ( t e m p < 0 . 2 5 ) , dsource(i)=0; % with probability 1/4. source output is elseif (temp < 0 . 5 ) , dsource(i)=1; % with probability 1/4, source output is elseif ( t e m p < 0 . 7 5 ) . dsource(i)=2; % with probability 1/4. source output is else dsource(i)=3; % with probability 1/4, source output is end

"00" "01" "10" "11 "







end, % detection, and probability of error numoferr=0; for i=1 :N, % The mulched filter outputs \f (dsource(i)==0) ( r=-3*d+gngauss(sgma); elseif (dsource{i)-=1), r-d+gngauss(sgma); elseif (dsource(i)==2) r=d+g ngauss (s gi n a); else r=3*d+gngauss(sgma); end; % detector follows if ( r < - 2 + d ) . decis=0; elseif ( r < 0 ) , decis=1; elseif ( r < 2 * d ) , decis=2, else decis=3; end; if idecis'=dsource(i)), numoferT=numofen + 1; end; end; p=numofen/N;


% if the source % if the source % if the source % if the source

output output output output

fs is

"00" "01"

is "10" is "II"

% decision % decision % decision % decision

is ' 00" is is is "01" "10" '11" the error counter

% if it is an error, increase

% probability

of error



Signal Waveforms with Multiple Amplitude Levels

It is relatively straightforward to construct multiamplitude signals with more than four levels. In general, a set of M = 2* multiamplitude signal waveforms is represented as

sm{t) = Amg(t),

0 < t < 7\

m = 0, 1 s 2


where the M amplitude values are equaily spaced and given as

= (2m - M + 1 )d,

m = 0, 1 , . . . , M - 1


and g{t) is a rectangular pulse which has been defined in (5.3.2). Each signal waveform conveys k. = log 2 A/ bits of information. When the bit rate is R = i/T),, the corresponding symbol rate is \/T 1 fkTb. As in the case of four-level PAM, the optimum receiver consists of a signal correlator (or matched fiiter) followed by an amplitude detector that computes the Euclidean distances given by (5.3.10) for m = 0 , U . . . , M i. For equally probable amplitude levels, the decision is made in favor of the amplitude level that corresponds to the smallest distance.


MuhiampUtude Signal



Figure 5.23: Error probability for Monte Carlo simulation compared with theoretical error probability for M = 4 PAM.

The probability of error for the optimum detector in an A/-levei PAM system is easily shown to be

2(M - 1) M

/ /60o,a^ \ yy (M2 \)N0


where is the average energy for an information bit. Figure 5.24 illustrates the probability of a symbol error for M = 2,4, 8, 16.

Illustrative Problem 5.9 Perform a Monte Carlo simulation of a 16-levei PAM digital communication system and measure its error-rate performance.

The basic block diagram shown in Figure 5.22 applies in general. A uniform random number generator is used to generate the sequence of information symbols, which are viewed as blocks of four information bits. The 16-ary symbols may be generated directly by subdividing the interval (0, 1) into 16 equal-width subintervals and mapping the 16-ary symbols into the 16-ary signai amplitudes. A white Gaussian noise sequence is added to the 16-ary information symbol sequence, and the resulting signal plus noise is fed to the detector. The detector computes the distance metrics given by (5.3,10) and selects the




Figure 5.24: Symbol error probability for Ai-level PAM for M = 2, 4, 8, 16.

amplitude corresponding to the smallest metric. The output of the detector is c o m p a r e d with the transmitted information symbol sequence and errors and counted. Figure 5.25 illustrates the measured symbol error rate for 10,000 transmitted symbols and the theoretical symbol error rate given by (5.3.17) with M = 16. The M A T L A B scripts for this problem are given below.

% MATLAB echo on

script for Illustrative


9, Chapter


SNRindBl=5:1:25; SNRindB2=5:0.1:25; M=16; for i=1 :length(SNRindBl), % simulated error rule sm]d-err-prt><i)=smldPe58(SNRindBl(0); end; for i=1:length(SNRindB2), SNR.per.bit=exp(SNRindB2(i)*log(10)/10); % theoretical error rate iheo.erT_prb(i)=(2(M~ 1 ) / M ) * Q f u n c t ( s q r t ( ( 6 * l o g 2 ( M V ( M " 2 - 1 )>SNR.per_btf)>; end; % plotting commands follow semilogy(SNRindBI,smld_err.prt>,' * ' ) ; hold semi lo gy (SNRindB2 ,theo_eir_ prb);

5.3. Muliiamplitude Signai Transmission


function [p]=smldPe58(snr_in.dB) % [pj = smldPe58(snrJn^dB) % SMLDPE5H simulates the emir probability for the given % snrjn-dB. signal-to-notse ratio in dB M=16; % 16-ary PAM d=1; SNR=exp(snrJn_dB*log(10)/l0); % signal-to-noise ratio per bit sgma=sqrt((85*d"2)/(8*SNR)); % sigma, standard deviation of noise N=10000; % number of symbols being simulated % generation of the i/uarternary data source for i=1 :N, temp=rand; % a uniform random variable over (0,1) index=floor(M*temp), % the index is an integer from 0 to M-l, where % all the possible values are equally likely dsource(i)=index; end; % detection, and probability of error calculation numoferr=0; for i=1:N. % matched filter outputs % (2*dsource(i)-M+l)*d is the mapping to the 16-ary constellation r={2*dsourcc(i)M+1)*d+gngauss(sgma); % the detector if ( r > ( M - 2 ) * d ) , decis=15; elseif ( r > { M - 4 ) d ) , decis=14; elseif (r>{M6)*d), decis=13; elseif ( r > ( M - 8 ) * d ) , decis=12, elseif ( r > ( M - 1 0 ) d ) , decis=11; elseif ( r > ( M - 1 2 ) * d ) , dec:s=10; elseif ( r > ( M - 1 4 ) * d ) , decis=9; elseif ( r > ( M - 1 6 ) * d ) , decis=8; elseif ( r > ( M - 1 8 ) * d ) , decis=7; elseif ( r > ( M 2 0 ) * d ) . decis=6; elseif ( r > ( M - 2 2 ) * d ) , decis=5; elseif ( r > ( M 2 4 ) * d ) , decis=4; elseif ( r > ( M 2 6 ) * d ) , decis=3; elseif ( r > ( M 2 8 ) d ) , decis=2; elseif ( r > ( M - 3 0 ) + d ) , decis=1; else




decis=0; end; if (decis~=dsource(i)), % if it is on error, increase numoferr=numoferr-t-1; end; end; p=numoferr/N; % probability of error

the error



Figure 5.25: Error rate from Monte Carlo simulation compared with the theoretical e u o r probability for M = 16 PAM.


Multidimensional Signals

In the preceding section we constructed multiamplitude signal waveforms, which allowed us to transmit multiple bits per signal waveform. Thus, with signal w a v e f o r m s having M = 2k amplitude levels, w e are able to transmit k = log 2 M bits of information per signal waveform. We also observed that the multiamplitude signals can be represented geometrically as signal points on the real line (see Figure 5.20). Such signal w a v e f o r m s are called one-dimensional signals. In this section we consider the construction of a class of M = 2* signal w a v e f o r m s that have a multidimensional representation. That is, the set of signal w a v e f o r m s can be represented geometrically as points in N - d i m e n s i o n a l space. We have already observed that binary orthogonal signals are represented geometrically as points in two-dimensional space.

5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s



Multidimensional Orthogonal Signals

There are many ways to construct multidimensional signai waveforms with various properties. In this section, w e consider the construction of a set of M = 2k waveforms i ; ( i ) . for i = 0, 1, . . . , M - 1, which have the properties of (a) mutual orthogonality and (b) equal energy. These t w o properties may be succinctly expressed as


= 8ik,


= 0, 1, . . . , M - 1


where 3T is the energy of each signal waveform and is defined as

is called the Kronecker delta, which

* = r ' jO,


As in our previous discussion, we a s s u m e that an information source is providing a sequence of information bits, which are to be transmitted through a communication channel. The information bits occur at a uniform rate of R bits per second. The reciprocal of R is the bit interval, 7},. The modulator takes k bits at a time and maps them into one of M = 2* signal waveforms. Each block of k bits is called a symbol. The time interval available to transmit each symbol is T ~ kTf,- Hence, T is the symbol interval.




J 3 (0



1 . . 7"

yr 4 j

Figure 5.26: An example of four orthogonal, equal-energy signal waveforms. T h e simplest way to construct a set of M 2k equal-energy orthogonal w a v e f o r m s in the interval (0, T) is to subdivide the interval into M equal subintervals of duration T/M and



to assign a signal waveform for each subinterval. Figure 5.26 illustrates such a construction for M = 4 signals. All signal waveforms constructed in this manner have identical energy, given as rT = / sf(t)dt, Jo = A T/M

i = 0, I, 2 , . . . , M - 1 (5.4.3)

Such a set of orthogonal waveforms can be represented as a set of A/-dimensional orthogonal vectors, i.e.,




Si - (0, y/,Q

sM = ( 0 , 0 , . . . , 0,


Figure 5.27 illustrates the signal points (signal constellations) corresponding to M = 2 and M 3 orthogonal signals.

'T 1

'T Al
vT _ ]
m = 3

M= 2


Figure 5.27: Signal constellation for M = 2 and M = 3 orthogonal signals. Let us assume that these orthogonal signal waveforms are used to transmit information through an AWGN channel. Consequently, if the transmitted waveform is s, (/), the received waveform is

r ( f ) = Si(t) + n(t),

0 <i<T,


M - 1


where n ( f ) is a sample function of a white Gaussian noise process with power spectrum Nq/2 watts/hertz. The receiver observes the signal r(t) and decides which of the M signal waveforms was transmitted.

5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s O p t i m u m Receiver for t h e A W G N C h a n n e l


The receiver that minimizes the probability of error first passes the signal r ( r ) through a parallel bank of M matched filters or M correlators. Since the signal correlators and matched filters yield the same output at the sampling instant, let us consider the case in which signal correlators are used, as shown in Figure 5.28.

Received signal r(i)


Output decision

- 4 -


Figure 5.28: Optimum receiver for multidimensional orthogonal signals.

Signal Correlators The received signal r(t) is cross-correleted with each of the M signal waveforms and die correlator outputs are sampled at t T. Thus, the M correlator outputs are

r, =

f Jo

r(t)S[(t) (it,

i =0,1,... , M ~ 1


which may be represented in vector form as r = [ro, r\, . . . , r ^ - i ] ' . Suppose that signal waveform j o ( f ) is transmitted. Then,


( s%(t)dt+ Jo = +n0

( Jo

n{t)sQ{t)dt (5.4.7)

204 and r, = f Jo = where f Jo s0(t)si(t)dt+ n(t)si {t)dt


f Jo =

n(t)st{t)dt i = 1,2,3 M 1 (5.4.8)

n; =

/ JO

"(Oii (/)dr


Therefore, Che output ro consists of a signal component and a noise component no. The other Ai 1 outputs consist of noise only. Each of the noise components is Gaussian, with mean zero and variance

cr 2 = ( n f )


J0 T Jo



2 Jo = ^

2 2

Jo (5.4.10) j . Consequently, the proba-

The reader is encouraged to show that ( n ; n ; ) = 0, i bility density functions for the correlator outputs are

1 P i r o I i o ( 0 was transmitted) =
*Jln a

5 fa 2


| s o ( 0 was transmitted) =

s/Ijt a



i 1, 2

A/ 1

T h e Detector The optimum detector observes the M correlator outputs r,, i = 0, 1 , . . . , M i and selects the signal corresponding to the largest correlator output. In the case where so(t) was transmitted, the probability of a correct decision is simply the probability that ro > r; for i = 1,2 M - 1, i.e.,

pc -


> H , ro > r 2 , . . . , r 0 >



5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s and the probability of a symbol error is simply


Pm = I - Pc = 1 - P(r0 > rx, r 0 > r2,... , ro > rM~0 (5.4.12)

It can be shown that P\; can be expressed in integral form as 1 Pm = ^ = = J f00



l l - t l - Q i y ) ^ -

) ^ - ^ ^ ' /


For the special case M 2, the expression in (5.4.13) reduces to Pi = Q (y^b/Wo)

which is the result we obtained in Section 5.2 for binary orthogonal signals. The same expression for the probability of error is obtained when any one of the other M 1 signals is transmitted. Since all the M signals are equally likely, the expression for Pm given by (5.4.13) is the average probability of a symbol error. This integral can be evaluated numerically. Sometimes, it is desirable to convert the probability of a symbol error into an equivalent probability of a binary digit error. For equiprobable orthogonal signals, all symbol errors are equiprobable and occur with probability

M - 1

2" - 1


Furthermore, there are ways in which n bits out of k may be in error. Hence, the average number of bit errors per -bit symbol is

i=i and the average bit error probability is just the result in (5.4.15) divided by k, the number of bits per symbol, Thus
2t-1 2*31^

Pb -

( 5 A 1 6 )

The graphs of the probability of a binary digit error as a function of the SNR per bit, h/N-o, are shown in Figure 5.29 for M = 2 , 4 , 8, 16, 3 2 , 6 4 , where h = / k is the energy per bit. This figure illustrates that by increasing the number M of waveforms, one




i 0


Figure 5.29: Bit-error probability for orthogonal signals.

can reduce the SNR per bit required to achieve a given probability of a bit error. The MATLAB script for the computation of the error probability in (5.4.13) is given below.

% MATLAB script that gene rules the probability of error versus the signal-to-noise inmal.snr=0; hnaLsnr=15; snr.step=1; (olerance=1e-7. % tolerance used for the integration minus. i n f = - 2 0 ; % this is practically -infinity plus_inf=20; % this is practically infinity si\r-in_dB=imual_snr.snr.step.fmal_5nr; for i=1 :length(, snj=l0~(snr-in.dB(i)/10); Pe_2(i)=Qfunct(sqrUsnr)V, Pe_4(i)=(2/3)*quad8(' b d t _ i n t ' , mi n u s . us-inf. tolerance,[ ],snr,4); Pe-8(i)=(4/7)quad8(' b d t _ i n c ' .mi tolerance,! ].snr,8); Pe.l6(i)=(8/15)quad&(' b d t _ i n t ' .minus.inf,plus.inf,tolerance,[ ],snr, 16); Pe_32(i)=(16/31)*quad8( ' b d t _ i n t ' ,minus_inf.p]us-inf.tolerance,n,snr,32); Pe.64(i)=(32/63)*quad8( ' b d t _ i n t ' .minus.usf,plus.inf,tolerance,| ],snr,64); end. % plotting commands follow


5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s iHMfeHsfcHLJafcfablldflfc


I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 5.10 Perform a M o n t e Carlo simulation of a digital communication system that employs M = 4 orthogonal signals. The model of the system to be simulated is illustrated in Figure 5.30.

Figure 5.30: Block diagram of system with M 4 orthogonal signals for Monte Carlo simulation.

^aWlhJklJM As shown, w e simulate the generation of the random variables r 3 , which constitute the input to the detector. We may first generate a binary sequence of 0's and 1 *s that occur with equal probability and are mutually statistically independent, as in Illustrative Problem 5.4. T h e binary sequence is grouped into pairs of bits, which are mapped into the corresponding signal components. An alternative to generating the individual bits is to generate the pairs of bits, as in Illustrative Problem 5.8. In any case, we have the mapping of the four symbols into the signal points:



0 0 so = ( v ^ , 0 . 0 , 0 ) 01 si = (0, VZ.O, 0)

10 V 52 = ( 0 , 0 , y f W , 0)
1 I v ( 0 , 0 , 0,



The additive noise components no, n \, nj, ny are generated by means of four Gaussian noise generators, each having a mean zero and variance c N o J2. For convenience, we may normalize the symbol energy to = 1 and vary a~. Since = 2 h , il follows that ) , The detector output is compared with the transmitted sequence of bits, and an error counter is used to count the number of bit errors. Figure 5.31 illustrates the results of this simulation for the transmission of 20,000 bits at several different values of the SNR h j N o . Note the agreement between the simulation results and the theoretical value of Ph given by (5.4.16). The MATLAB scripts for this problem are given below.

% MATLAB scrip! jar Illustrative Problem echo on SNRindB=0:2:10, for i=1 :length(SNRtndB), % simulated error rate smJd.err.prb(i)=smldPe59{SNRindB(i)); end; % pita ting commands follow semilogyiSNRindB.sinld.eir.prb.' * ' ) ;

10, Chapter

function [p)=sinJdPe59( % (pj smldPe59(snrJn.dB) % SMLDPE59 simulates the probability of error for the given % snrJn-dB, signal-to-noise ratio in dB. M=4; % quarternary orthogonal signalling E=1, c % signal-to-noise ratio per bit SNR=exp(snr_in_dB*log(10)/10); . % sigma. standard deviation of noise sgma=sqrt(E~ 2/(4*SNR)); < % number of symbols being simulated N=10000; % generation of the quarternary data source for i=1:N, % a uniform random variable over (0,1) lemp=rand; if (iernp<0.25), dsourcel(i)=0; dsource2(i)=0; elseif (temp<0.5), dsourcel(i)=0; dsource2(i)=1; elseif ( t e m p < 0 . 7 5 ) .

5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s


dsourcel(i)=1; dsource2(i)=0; else dsourcel<i)=1, dsource2(i)=1; end end: % detection, and probability of error calculation numofeiT=0; for i=1:N, % matched filter outputs if ((dsourcel(i)==0) & (dsource2(i)==0)), rf}=sqrt(E)+gngauss(sgma); rl=gngauss(sgma); r2=gngauss(sgma); r3=gngauss(sgma); elseif ((dsourcel(i)==0) & {dsource2(i)==1)). rQ=gngauss(sgma); rl=sqrt(E)+gngauss{sgtna); r2=gngauss(sgma); r3=gngauss(sgma); elseif ((dsourcel(i)==1) & (dsource2(i)==0)). rO=gngauss(sgma); rl=gngauss{sgma); r2=sqrt(E)+gngauss(sgma); r3=gngauss(sgma); else rO=gngauss(sgma); rl=gngauss(sgma); r2=gngauss(sgma); r3=sqrt(E)+g n gauss (s g ma); end; % the detector max_r=max([rO rl r2 r3]); if (r0==max_r), decis 1=0; decis2=0; elseif ( r l = = m a x . r ) , decis 1 =0; decis2=1; eiseif (r2==max,r), decis 1 = 1; decis2=Q; else decis 1=1; decis2=1; end; % count the number of bit errors made in this decision if ( d e c i s r = d s o u r c e l ( i ) ) , % if it is an error, increase the error numoferr=numofefT+1; end; if (decis2"=dsource2(i)>. 9c if it is an error, increase the error numoferr=numofen+1; end; end; p-numoferr/(2*N); % bit error probability estimate





10 l o g

l o


Figure 5.31: Bit error probability for M = 4 orthogonal signals from a Monte Carlo simulation compared with theoretical error probability.


Biorthogonal Signals

As we observed in the preceding section, a set of M 2* equal-energy orthogonal waveforms can be constructed by subdividing the symbol interval T into M equal subintervals of duration T / M and assigning a rectangular signal pulse to each subintervai. A similar method can be used to construct another set of M = 2* multidimensional signals that have the property of being biorthogonal. In such a signal set, one-half the waveforms are orthogonal and the other half are the negative of these orthogonal waveforms. That is, sq{), S[(t) SM/2-](t) are orthogonal signal waveforms. T h e other M/2 waveforms are simply s i + M ( t ) = J r ( 0 , for i = 0, 1 M/2 1. Thus we obtain M signals, each having M/2 dimensions. The M/2 orthogonal waveforms can be easily constructed by subdividing the symbol interval T kTb into M/2 nonoverlapping subintervals, each of duration 2T/M, and assigning a rectangular pulse to each subintervai. Figure 5.32 illustrates a set of M =4 biorthogonal waveforms constructed in this manner. The geometric representation of a set of M signals constructed in this manner is given by the following (M/2)-dimensional signal points:

5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s


i0 = ( V 2 f . 0 . 0 . . . . , 0 ) si = (0, V S . 0 0)


= (0,0.0,... , v ^ )

0, 0 , . . . , 0)

= ( 0 , 0 , ... , - > / )






0 -A

Figure 5.32: A set of M = 4 biorthogonal signal waveforms. A s in the case of orthogonal signals, let us assume that the biorthogonal signal waveforms are used to transmit information through an AWGN channel. Then, the received signal waveform may be expressed as

r(t) = J i ( i ) + ( 0 .

0 < r < r


where Sj(t) is the transmitted waveform and n{t) is a sample function of a white Gaussian noise process with power spectrum Nq/2 watts/hertz. O p t i m u m Receiver The optimum receiver may be implemented by cross-correlating the received signal r(t) with each of the M/2 orthogonal signal waveforms, sampling the correlator outputs at t T, and passing the M/2 correlator outputs to the detector. Thus, we have



i = 0,1,...,




Suppose that the transmitted signai waveform is so{t). Then,

, (i) dt,
+ n . i

f s JO

= 0, 1

M 2

1 (5.4.21)

= 0

n,, where f
m = f

i + 0

n(t)Sj ( t ) d t , i =


M 0, 1, . . . , - 1 9


and is the symbol energy for each signal waveform. The noise components are zero-mean Gaussian and have a variance of A~ ~ NqJ2. The Detector The detector observes the M/2 correlator outputs ( r,, 0 < i < M/2 1 } and selects the correlator output whose magnitude \r, \ is largest. Suppose

[r 11 = max {)/; |)


Then, the detector selects the signal i / ( r ) if r^ > 0 and j ; ( r ) if ry < 0. To determine the probability of error, suppose that i'o(0 was transmitted. Then, the probability of a correct decision is equal to the probability that r() = + tiQ > 0 and irol > |r,| f o r i = 1,2 f - 1. Thus,



ru/JFf^n -*7'2dx p(ro)dro



where p(ro ) = v2.T a Finally, the probability of a symbol error is simply PM = 1 (5.4.26) (5.4.25)

and Fv; may be evaluated numerically for different values of M f r o m (5.4,24) and (5.4.25). The graph shown in Figure 5.33 illustrates P M as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio H/No, where = KH for M = 2,4, 8, 16, and 32. We observe that this graph is similar to that for orthogonal signals. However, for biorthogonal signals we note that Pi > /S- This is due to the fact that w e have plotted the symbol-error probability P,u in Figure 5.33. If we plot the equivalent bit-error probability, w e would find that the graphs

5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s


101og 10 (fc/tfo)

Figure 5.33: Symbol-error probability for biorthogonal signals.

for M = 2 and A/ = 4 coincide. The M A T L A B script for the computation of the error probability in (5.4.24) and (5.4.26) is given below.

% MATLAB script that generates the probability of error versus the signal-to-noise initial_snr=0; final.snr=12; snr_step=0.75; tolerance=eps; % tolerance used for the integration pi u s . in f = 2 0 ; % this is practically infinity snr-in_dB=initial_snr:snr-Step:finaLsnr; for i=1 :length(snrJn.dB). snr=10 * (snr-in-dB(i)/10); Pe.2(i)=1 quad8(' b d e _ m t 2 ',O.plus_inf,tolerance.(],snr.2); Pe_4{i)=1 - q u a d 8 ( ' b d c _ i n t 2 ' .O.plus_inf,tolerance,[ ],snr,4); Pe.8(i)=1 - q u a d 8 ( ' b d t _ i n t 2 ' .0, plus J nf, tolerance.!; Pe-l6{i)=1-quad8('bdt_int2',0,p]usJnf,tolerance.[],snr,16); P e _ 3 2 ( i ) = 1 - q u a d 8 ( ' b d t _ i n t 2 ' ,0,plusJnf,tolerance,[].snr,32); end; % plotting commands follow




Illustrative P r o b l e m 5 . 1 Perform a Monte Carlo simulation for a digital communication system that employs M = 4 biorthogonal signals. The model of the system to be simulated is illustrated in Figure 5.34.

Compare s, with j,

Figure 5.34: Block diagram of the system with M ~ 4 biorthogonal signals for M o n t e Carlo simulation.

As shown, we simulate the generation of the random variables ro and r | , which constitute the input to the detector. We begin by generating a binary sequence of O's and l ' s that occur with equal probability and are mutually statistically independent, as in Illustrative Problem 5.4. The binary sequence is grouped into pairs of bits, which are mapped into the corresponding signal components as follows: 0 0 - s 0 = (V5T, 0) 01 si = (0, - / W )
1 0 - . 52 = { 0 , - y / Z )

11 I 3 = ( - < / , 0) Alternatively, we may use the symbols directly. Since S2 = - s i and S3 = matched filters, whose outputs are generated by means of two method in Illustrative Problem 5.8 to generate the 2-bit so. the demodulation requires only two correlators or are ro and r j . The additive noise components o and n j Gaussian noise generators, each having a mean zero and

5.4. Multidimensional



v a r i a n c e A2 and vary

= Nq/2. Since

For convenience, w e may normalize the s y m b o l energy to 2 h , it f o l l o w s t h a t b ~

T h e d e t e c t o r o u t p u t is c o m p a r e d

w i t h t h e t r a n s m i t t e d s e q u e n c e o f bits, a n d a n e r r o r c o u n t e r is u s e d t o c o u n t t h e n u m b e r o f s y m b o l e r r o r s a n d t h e n u m b e r of bit e r r o r s . F i g u r e 5 . 3 5 i l l u s t r a t e s t h e r e s u l t s of t h i s s i m u l a t i o n f o r t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n o f 2 0 , 0 0 0 b i t s at several d i f f e r e n t v a l u e s of the S N R ) , / N q . N o t e the a g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n the s i m u l a t i o n r e s u l t s a n d t h e t h e o r e t i c a l v a l u e of Pa g i v e n b y ( 5 . 4 . 2 6 ) a n d ( 5 . 4 . 2 4 ) . T h e M A T L A B s c r i p t s f o r this p r o b l e m are given below.

% MATLAB script fur Illustrative Problem !!, Chapter 5. echo on SNRmdB=0:2;10; for i=1 :length(SNRindB). % simulated error rate smJd.err.prb(i)=smldP5lO(SNRmdB(i)); end; % plotting commands follow

function ip!=smldP5IO(snrjn_dB) % Ipl = smldP5I0{snrJnJB) % SMLDP510 simulates the probability of error for the given % snrJn^lB, signal-to-noise ratio in dB, for the system % described in illustrated problem 10, Chapter 5M=4; % quaternary orthogonal signalling E=1; SNR=exp(snrJn.dBlog(10)/l0); % signal to noise ratio per bit sgma=sqrt(E~ 2/(4SNR)); % sigrrui. standard deviation of notse N=10000; % number of symbols being simulated % generation of the quaternary data source for i=1:N, temp=rand; % uniform random variable over (0.1) if (temp<0.25), dsource{i)=0: elseif (temp <0.5), dsource(i)=1; elseif (temp<0.75), dsource(i)=2; else dsource(i)=3; end end; % detection, and error probability computation numoferr=0; for i=1 :N, % The matched filter outputs if ( d s o u r c e ( i ) = 0 ) r0=sqrt(E)+gn gauss(s g ma); r 1 =gngauss(sgma), elseif (dsource(i)==1)






rO=gngauss(sgma); r 1 =sqrt (E )+gn ga uss( s gma); elseif (dsource(i)==2) rO= - sq it (E)+gn gauss( s gma), rl=gngauss(sgma); else rf)=gn gauss (sgma); r t =sqn (E)+gngaus s( sg ma); end; % detector follows if (ri)>abs(rl)), decis=0; elseif (rl >abs(iO)), decis=1, elseif {rO<-abs(r!)), decis=2; else dec i s=3; end; if (decis"=dsource(i)), numofen=numofeiT+1; end; end; p=numofen/N;

% if it is an error, increase to the error


% bit error probability


Figure 5.35: Symbol-error probability for M

biorthogonal signals f r o m M o n t e Carlo

simulation compared with theoretical error probability.

5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s


5.1 Suppose the two orthogonal signals shown in Figure 5.2 are used to transmit binary information through an AWGN channel. The received signal in each bit interval of duration Th is given by (5.2.1). Suppose that the received signal waveform is sampled at a rate of 10/77,, i.e., at 10 samples per bit interval. Hence, in discrete time, the signal waveform so(t) with amplitude A is represented by the 10 samples (A, A, ..., A) and the signal w a v e f o r m i ' i ( f ) is represented by the 10samples ( A , A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A). Consequently, the sampled version of the received sequence when i - o(0 is transmitted is

rk =

= 1,2


and when

(i) is transmitted is

A + nic, n =

1 < k <
6 < k <

5 10

- A + nk,

where the sequence {^j is i.i.d., zero-mean, Gaussian with each random variable having the variance CT2. Write a MATLAB routine that generates the sequence { r f o r each of the two possible received signals and perform a discrete-time correlation of the sequence {r* } with each of the two possible signals J o ( 0 and si (t) represented by their sampled versions for different values of the additive Gaussian noise variance cr2 = 0, cr2 = 0.1, a1 = 1.0 and cr2 = 2.0. The signal amplitude may be normalized to A = 1. Plot the correlator outputs at time instants k = 1, 2, 3 10. 5.2 Repeat Problem 5.1 for the two signal waveforms i o ( 0 a n d i | ( 0 illustrated in Figure P5.2. Describe the similarities and differences between this set of two signals and those illustrated in Figure 5.2. Is one set better than the other from the viewpoint of transmitting a sequence of binary information signals?

7 0


Figure P5.2



5.3 In this problem, the objective is to substitute two matched filters in place of the two correlators in Problem 5.1. The condition for generating signals is identical to Problem 5.1. Write a MATLAB routine that generates the sequence {/-<;} for each of the two possible received signals and perform the discrete-time matched filtering of the sequence with each of the two possible signals j q ( 0 ( 0 , represented by their sampled versions, for different values of the additive Gaussian noise variance a - 0, a 2 = 0.1, cr 2 = 1.0, and o~ 2.0. T h e signal amplitude may be normalized to A = I. Plot the correlator outputs at time instants corresponding to it = 1 , 2 , . . . , 10.

5.4 Repeat Problem 5.3 for the signal waveforms shown in Figure P5.2.

5.5 Run the MATLAB program that performs a Monte Carlo simulation of the binary communication system shown in Figure 5.8, based on orthogonal signals. Perform the simulation for 10,000 bits and measure the error probability f o r a 2 0, a 2 = 0.1, cr2 = 1.0, and a- ~ 2.0. Plot the theoretical error rate and the error rate measured from the Monte Carlo simulation and comparc the two results. Also plot 1000 received signal-plus-noise samples at the input to the detector for each value of a2, 5.6 Repeat Problem 5.5 for the binary communication system shown in Figure 5.13 based on antipodal signals.

5.7 Repeat Problem 5.5 for the binary communication system based on on-off signals.

5.8 Run the MATLAB program that performs a Monte Carlo simulation of a quaternary PAM communication system. Perform the simulation for 10,000 symbols (20,000 bits) and measure the symbol-error probability for a 2 = 0, a 2 = 0.1, <j 2 = 1.0, and a 2 = 2.0. Plot the theoretical error rate and the error measured from the Monte Carlo simulation and compare these results. Also plot 1000 received signal-plus-noise samples at the input to the detector for each value of a 2 .

5.9 Modify the MATLAB program in Problem 5.8 to simulate Ai = 8 PAM signals and perform the Monte Carlo simulations as specified in Problem 5.8. 5.10 Run the MATLAB program that performs the Monte Carlo simulation of a digital communication system that employs Ai = 4 orthogonal signals, as described in Illustrative Problem 5.10. Perform the simulation for 10,000 symbols (20,000 bits) and measure the bit-error probability f o r t r 2 = 0.1, a 1 = 1.0, and a 2 = 2,0. Plot the theoretical error probability and the error rate measured from the Monte Carlo simulation and compare these results.

5.11 Consider the four signal waveforms shown in Figure P5.11. Show that these four signal waveforms are mutually orthogonal. Will the results of the Monte Carlo simulation

5.4. Multidimensional Sign3!s of Problem 10 apply to these signals? W h y ?




i 3 (f)

Figure P 5 . l l 5.12 Run the MATLAB program that performs the Monte Carlo simulation of a digital communication system that employs M 4 biorthogonai signals, as described in Illustrative Problem 5.11. Perform the simulations for 10,000 symbols (20,000 bits) and measure the symbol error probability for <72 0.1, <j 2 = 1.0, and a 2 = 2.0. Plot the theoretical symbol-error probability and the error rate measured from the Monte Carlo simulation, and compare the results. Also plot 1000 received signal-plus-noise samples at the input to the detector for each value of or 2 . 5.13 Consider the four signal waveforms shown in Figure P5.13. Show that they are biorthogonai. Will the results of the Monte Carlo simulation in Problem 5.12 apply to this set of four signal waveforms'? Why?



tj (O 7

0 -4


Figure P5.13


Chapter 6

Digital Transmission Through Bandlimited Channels

6.1 Preview

In this chapter we treat several aspects of digital transmission through bandwidth-limited channels. We begin by describing the spectral characteristics of PAM signals. Secondly, we consider the characterization of bandlimited channels and the problem of designing signal waveforms for such channels. Then, we treat the problem of designing channel equalizers that compensate for distortion caused by bandlimited channels. We show that channel distortion results in intersymbol interference (ISI), which causes errors in signal demodulation. A channel equalizer is a device that reduces the intersymbol interference and thus reduces the error rate in the demodulated data sequence.


The Power Spectrum of a Digital PAM Signal

In the preceding chapter we considered the transmission of digital information by pulse amplitude modulation (PAM). In this section, we study the spectral characteristics of such signals. A digital PAM signal at the input to a communication channel is generally represented as


where {a} is the sequence of amplitudes corresponding to the information symbols from the source, g(t) is a pulse waveform, and T is the reciprocal of the symbol rate. T is also called the symbol interval. Each element of the sequence {iz} is selected from one of the possible amplitude values, which are 221



Am = (2m - M+



m = 0, I . . . . . M - i


where d is a scale factor that determines the Euclidean distance between any pair of signal amplitudes {2d is the Euclidean distance between any adjacent signal amplitude levels). Since the information sequence is a random sequence, the sequence {} of amplitudes corresponding to the information symbols from the source is also random. Consequently, the PAM signal v(r) is a sample function of a random process V(r). To determine the spectral characteristics of the random process V(r), we must evaluate the power spectrum. First, we note that the mean value of V{t) is O Q ]T




By selecting the signal amplitudes to be symmetric about zero, as given in (6.2.2), and equally probable, E(a) = 0, and hence E [ V(r)] = 0. The autocorrelation function of V(t) is

Rv(t + r ; 0 = E[V{i)V{(

+ r)]


It is shown in many standard texts on digital communications that the autocorrelation function is a periodic function in the variable r with period T. Random processes that have a periodic mean value and a periodic autocorrelation function are called periodically stationary, or cyclostationary . The lime variable / can be eliminated by averaging Rv(t + r ; f) over a single period, i.e.,

1 Rv(*) = -= T


Rv(t + z;t)dt


This average autocorrelation function for the PAM signal can be expressed as

R(= where R(l(m) as = E{uan+m)

1 -


- mT)

(6.2.6) is defined

is the autocorrelation of the sequence ( a n and Rs(x)



+ i)dt


J oo The power spectrum of V(i) is simply the Fourier transform of the average autocorrelation function R v ( r ) , i.e.,

6.2. The Power Spectrum of a Digital PAM Signal






= ~Sa(f)\G(f)\-


where <?(/) is the power spectrum of amplitude sequence {a} and G ( f ) is the Fourier transform of the pulse g(t). S a ( f ) is defined as


From (6.2.8) we observe that the power spectrum of the PAM signal is a function of the power spectrum of the information symbols (a) and the spectrum of the pulse ( / ) . In the special case where the sequence {al is u n c o r r e c t e d , i.e.,

R<,{m) -




where a* E{a-),

it follows that S u ( f ) = a2 for all / and

(6.2.11) In this case, the power spectrum of V (t) is dependent entirely on the spectral characteristics of the pulse g(t).

I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 6.1 Determine the power spectrum of V(r) when {a1 is an uncorTelated sequence and g(r) is the rectangular pulse shown in Figure 6.1.


Figure 6.1: Transmitter pulse.



The Fourier transform of g(t ) is

G ( / ) =


I J-co

g ( t ) e - M d t

x f T



" - b / F - )
This power spectrum is illustrated in Figure 6.2.

Figure6.2: Power spectrum of the transmitted signal in Illustrative Problem 6.1 (for a 2 = 1). The MATLAB script for this computation is given below.

% MATLAB echo on T=V,

script for Illustrative


/ , Chapter


delta_f=1/(100+U; f=5/T:delta_f :5/T; sgma_a=1;

6.2. The Power Spectrum of a Digital PAM Signal


Sv=sgma.a"2*sinc(f*T) "2:
% plottirii; command follows

ploUf.Sv); ^ l U I L ^ ^ J L f J JJ


Illustrative Problem 6.2 Suppose the autocorrelation function of the sequence {a} is


m = 0

m = 1, 1


0, otherwise and g(t) is the rectangular pulse shown in Figure 6.1. Evaluate S v ( f ) in this case.

The power spectrum of the PAM signal V(/) is given by (6.2.8). The power spectrum of the sequence {} is, from (6.2.9) and (6.2.14),

( f )=

cos 2jt f T (6.2.15)

= 2 cos 2 nfT Consequently, . / sinTr/7"\2 S v { f ) = 2cos j r / F ^ j


The graph of this power spectrum is shown in Figure 6.3. The MATLAB script for performing this computation is given below. In this case, the overall power spectrum of the transmitted signal V ( 0 is significantly narrower than the spectrum in Figure 6.2.


script for Illustrative


2, Chapter


echo on T=1; delta_f=1/(100*T); f=5 /T: del ta_f: 5 /T; Sv=2*(cos(pi+f*T).*sinc(f*T)) "2\
% plotting command follows





a.* D.t,

04 M (l f -t -3 -2 L i)

Figure 6.3: The power spectrum of the transmitted signal in Illustrative Problem 6.2 (for = n.


Characterization of Bandlimited Channels and Channel Distortion

Many communication channels, including telephone channels and some radio channels, may be generally characterized as bandlimited linear filters. Consequently, such channels are described by their frequency response C ( / ) , which may be expressed as

C ( f )= A ( f ) e ^

i f )


where A { f ) is called the amplitude response and 9 ( f ) is called the phase response. Another characteristic that is sometimes used in place of the phase response is the envelope delay, or group delay, which is defined as

I dtKf)

A channel is said to be nondistorting, or ideal if, within the bandwidth W occupied by the transmitted signal, A ( f ) = constant and 8 ( f ) is a linear function of frequency (or the envelope delay r ( / ) = constant). On the other hand, if A ( / ) and r ( / ) are not constant within the bandwidth occupied by the transmitted signal, the channel distorts the signal. If A ( f ) is not constant, the distortion is called amplitude distortion, and if r ( / ) is not constant, the distortion on the transmitted signal is called delay distortion.

6. J. Characterization of Bandlimi ted Channels and Channel Distortion


As a result of the amplitude and delay distortion caused by the nonideal channel frequency response characteristic C ( f ) , a succession of pulses transmitted through the channel at rates comparable to the bandwidth W are smeared to the point that they are no longer distinguishable as well-defined pulses at the receiving terminal. Instead, they overlap, so we have intersymbol interference. As an example of the effect of delay distortion on a transmitted pulse, Figure 6.4(a) illustrates a bandlimited pulse having zeros periodically spaced in time at points labeled T , 27", etc. When the information is conveyed by the pulse amplitude, as in PAM, then one can transmit a sequence of pulses, each of which has a peak at the periodic zeros of the other pulses. However, transmission of the pulse through a channel modeled as having a linear envelope delay characteristic r ( / ) [quadratic phase # ( / ) ] results in the received pulse shown in Figure 6.4(b) having zero crossings that are no longer periodically spaced. Consequently, a sequence of successive pulses would be smeared into one another, and the peaks of the pulses would no longer be distinguishable. Thus the channel delay distortion results in intersymbol interference. As will be discussed in this chapter, it is possible to compensate for the nonideal frequency response characteristic of the channel by use of a filter or equalizer at the demodulator. Figure 6.4(c) illustrates the output of a linear equalizer that compensates for the linear distortion in the channel. As an example, let us consider the intersymbol interference on a telephone channel. Figure 6.5 illustrates the measured average amplitude and delay as a function of frequency for a telephone channel of the switched telecommunications network. We observe that the usable band of the channel extends from about 300 Hz to about 3200 Hz. The corresponding impulse response of the average channel is shown in Figure 6.6. Its duration is about 10 ms. In comparison, the transmitted symbol rates on such a channel may be of the order of 2500 pulses or symbols per second. Hence, intersymbol interference might extend over 20 to 30 symbols. Besides telephone channels, there are other physical channels that exhibit some form of time dispersion and thus introduce intersymbol interference. Radio channels, such as shortwave ionospheric propagation (HF), tropospheric scatter, and mobile cellular radio are three examples of time-dispersive wireless channels. In these channels, time d i s p e r s i o n and, hence, intersymbol interferenceis the result of multiple propagation paths with different path delays. The number of paths and the relative time delays among the paths vary with time; for this reason, these radio channels are usually called time-variant multipath channels. T h e time-variant multipath conditions give rise to a wide variety of frequency response characteristics. Consequently the frequency response characterization that is used for telephone channels is inappropriate for time-variant multipath channels. Instead, these radio channels are characterized statistically in terms of the scattering function, which, in brief, is a two-dimensional representation of the average received signal power as a function of relative time delay and Doppler frequency spread. For illustrative purposes, a scattering function measured on a medium-range ( I 5 0 - m i ) tropospheric scatter channel is shown in Figure 6.7. The total time duration (multipath spread) of the channel response is approximately 0.7ms on the average, and the spread between half-power points in Doppler frequency is a little less than 1 Hz on the strongest path and somewhat larger on the other paths. Typically, if transmission occurs at a rate of 10 7 symbols/second over such a channel, the multipath spread of 0 . 7 p s will result in intersymbol interference that spans about seven symbols.





Figure 6.4: Effect of channel distortion: (a) channel input, (b) channel output, (c) equalizer output.

6.3. Characterization of Bandiimited Channels and Channel Distortion


I 00 O 0.75 T S 3 ^ 0.50

0.25 1000 0 2000 3000

Frequency, H z




Frequency. Hz

Figure 6.5: Average amplitude and delay characteristics of a medium-range telephone channel.

Figure 6.6: Impulse response of the average channel with amplitude and delay shown in Figure 6.5.








Figure 6.7: Scattering function of a medium-range tropospheric scatter channel.

6.3. Characterization of Bandlimiied Channels 3nd Channel Distortion - ^ I M I b h ^ J L M A U d B d f t f c


Illustrative Problem 6.3 A s indicated above, a bandlimited communication channel can be modeled as a linear filter whose frequency response characteristics match the frequency response characteristics of the channel. MATLAB may be used to design digital FIR or IIR filters that approximate the frequency response characteristics of analog communication channels. Suppose that we wish to model an ideal channel having an amplitude response A ( f ) = I for \ f \ < 2000 Hz and A ( f ) ~ 0 for | / [ > 2000 Hz and constant delay (linear phase) for all / . The sampling rate for the digital filter is selected as F x =10,000 Hz. Since the desired phase response is linear, only an FIR filter could satisfy this condition. However, it is not possible to achieve a zero response in the stopband. Instead, we select the stopband response to be 40 dB and the stopband frequency to be 2500 Hz. In addition, we allow for a small amount, 0.5 dB, of ripple in the passband, The impulse response and the frequency response of a length /V = 41 FIR filter that meets these specifications is illustrated in Figure 6.8. Since N is odd, the delay through the filter is (/V + l ) / 2 taps, which corresponds to a time delay of (/V + l ) / 2 0 ms at the sampling rate of F, = 10 KHz. In this example, the FIR filter was designed in M A T L A B using the Chebyshev approximation method (Remez algorithm).

% MATLAB script far Illustrative echo on f_cutoff=20Q0; f-stopband=25Q0. fs=10000; fl=2+f.itoff/fs; f2=2+f_siopband/fs; N=41; F=[Q fl f2 1), M=[1 1 0 0], B=remez(N 1 ,F.M), % plotting command follows

Problem 3, Chapter 6. % % % % % % the the the the the this desired cutoff f requency actual stopband frequency sampling frequency normalized passband frequency normalized stopband frequency number is found by experiment

% describes the towpass filter % returns the FIR tap coefficients

figureM): [H,W]=freqz(B); H_in-dB=20*logl0(abs(H)): plot<W/(2*pi),H_in_dB); figure(2V, plottW/(2*pi).(180/pi)*unwrap(angle(H))); % plot of the impulse response follows figure<3); stem([0:N 1 |,B);

Illustrative Problem 6.4 An alternative method for designing an FIR filter that approximates the desired channel characteristics is based on the window method. To be specific, if




.. 1

.. Bi .T- T TI l


Figure 6.8: (a) Impulse response, (b). (c) Frequency response of linear phase FIR filter in Illustrative Problem 6.3.



of Bandlimited


and Channel



the desired channel response is C ( f ) for ; / | < W and C ( f ) ~ 0 for | / | > W, the impulse response of the channel is


= f

C { f ) Je 2-T/I ' ^ J l. d f


For example, if the channel is ideal, then C ( f ) 1, | / | < W, and hence sin h(t) =


T T f


An equivalent digital filter may be implemented by sampling /j(r) at r = n7 v , where Ts is the sampling interval and n = 0, 1 , 2 Let us now design an FIR filter with W = 2000 Hz and F,- = l/T,- = 10 KHz. ^ M M U M J The sampled version of /i(r), i.e., hn = h(nTs), is illustrated in Figure 6.9. Since {h} has infinite length, we may truncate it at some length N. This truncation is equivalent to multiplying {/!} by a rectangular window sequence = 1 for |n| < (/V l ) / 2 and = 0 for |n| > (/V + l ) / 2 . The impulse response {/i^ = ui n h n ] and the corresponding frequency response of the FIR (truncated) filter are illustrated in Figure 6.10 for N = 51. Note that the truncated filter has large sidelobes in the stopband. Hence, this FIR filter is a poor approximation to the desired channel characteristics. The size of the sidelobes can be significantly reduced by employing a smoother window function, such as a Hanning or a Hamming window, to truncate the ideal channel response. Figure 6.11 illustrates the impulse response and frequency response of {/i,, = w n hr,) when the window function is a Hanning window of length N 51. MATLAB provides routines to implement several different types of window functions.


script for Illustrative


4. Chapter


echo on Length=101; Fs= 10000; W=2000; Ts=1/Fs; n=-(Lengt{i-1 }/2:(Length-1 )/2; t=Ts*n; h=2*W*sinc(2Wt);
% The rectangular windowed version follows. .

N=61; rec.windowed.h=h{(Length-N)/2+1 :(Length+N }/2);

% Frequency % to normalize % The Hanning response the of rec.windowedJi magnitude version follows... follows

[rec_windowed-H,Wl]=freqz(rec_windowed_h,1); rec ^windowed,H,m_dB=20* log 10(abs(rec,wmdo wed .H)/abs(rcc, windowed-H(1)));


banning . wi ndow=han n i n g(N); hanning-windowed.h=h((LengthN)/2+1;(Length+N)/2).*hanning_window.' ;








[hanning, windowed.H,W2]=freqz(hanning_ windowed-h. 1):

h aiming-windowed-H_in, dB=20*log!0(abs(hatining-window ed_H)/abs(hanning.windowed_H( 1):

% the pinning command* follow

4000 35QO 3000 2500 2000 -



9 9o 9

1500 10

0 "

o < p O 0

500 -

0 f
soo -1000 -50 1 -40


^n. ^n ^ n ^n % 1 1

J? 3? < f c< f o ffifa^h A ,' 111,JT1 J?$ % % Si


I -30

I -20

A 66 6 r , I -10 0

A A 6 A

1 10

1 20

1 30

1 40


Figure 6.9: Samples of h{n) in Illustrative Problem 6.4.

Dlustrative Problem 6.5 A two-path (multipath) radio channel can be modeled in the time domain, as illustrated in Figure 6.12. Its impulse response may be expressed as

c(r, r ) = i>,(r)<5(r) -I- b2(t)S(r

- xd)


where b\(t) and bi(t) are random processes that represent the time-varying propagation behavior of the channel and r j is the delay between the two multipath components. The problem is to simulate such a channel on the computer.

We model i?i(f) and b i i t ) as Gaussian random processes generated by passing white Gaussian noise processes through lowpass filters. In discrete time, we may use relatively



of Intersymbol



Figure 6.10: Frequency response of the filter truncated with a rectangular window in Illustrative Problem 6.4. simple digital IIR filters excited by white Gaussian noise (WGN) sequences. For example, a simple lowpass digital filter having two identical poles is described by the ^-transform

H(z) =

(1 - p)z (I - p)1 i-Vr = r-, , , (I - pz~1)2 I - 2pz~l + p z


or the corresponding difference equation

bn = 2pi?_i - p2b-2 + (1 - p)2wn


where {UJ} is the input WGN sequence, {b} is the output sequence, and 0 < p < 1 is the pole position. The position of the pole controls the bandwidth of the filter and, hence, the rate of variation of {b}. When p is close to unity (close to the unit circle), the filter bandwidth is narrow, whereas when p is close to zero, the bandwidth is wide. Hence, when p is close to the unit circle in the z-plane, the filter output sequence changes more slowly compared to the case when the pole is close to the origin. Figure 6.13 illustrates the output sequences {b\n} and {&;>,,} generated by passing statistically independent WGN sequences through a filter having p = 0.99. The discrete-time channel impulse response

cn = b{. + b2,n-d


is also shown, with d = 5 samples of delay. Figure 6.14 illustrates the sequences {fei.n}, {>2.*}, and \cn) when p = 0.9.


Characterization of Intersymbol Interference

In a digital communication system, channel distortion causes intersymbol interference (ISI). In this section, we shall present a model that characterizes ISI. For simplicity, we assume








Figure 6.11: Frequency response of filter truncated with Hanning window in Illustrative Problem 6.4.

Figure 6.12: Two-path radio channel model.

that the transmitted signal is a baseband PAM signal. However, this treatment is easily extended to carrier (linearly) modulated signals discussed in the next chapter. The transmitted PAM signal is expressed as oo = n=0 where g ( i ) is the basic pulse shape that is selected to control the spectral characteristics of the transmitted signal, {a} is the sequence of transmitted information symbols selected from a signal constellation consisting of M points, and T is the signal interval ( 1 / 7 is the symbol rate). The signal s(t) is transmitted over a baseband channel, which may be characterized by a frequency response C ( / ) . Consequently, the received signal can be represented as (6.4.1)



of Intersymbol



Figure 6.13: Outputs b\n and b7 of a lowpass filter and the resulting c for p = 0.99.


r(t) = Y^onh(t


+ w(t)


where h(t) = g ( r ) * c ( 0 . c(r) is the impulse response of the channel, * denotes convolution, and Uj(r) represents the additive noise in the channel. To characterize ISI, suppose that the received signal is passed through a receiving filter and then sampled at the rate 1 / T samples/seconds. In general, the optimum filter at the receiver is matched to the received signal pulse /i(i). Hence, the frequency response of this filter is / / * ( / ) . We denote its output as



+ v{t)


where x(t) is the signal pulse response of the receiving filter, i.e., X ( f ) = H { f ) H * ( f ) \H(f)\2, and v(t) is the response of the receiving filter to the noise u)(t). Now, if y(i) is sampled at times t = kT, k ~ 0, 1, 2 , . . . , we have


















Figure 6.14: Outputs b\,b2n> andc with pole at p = 0.9 (from top to bottom at/i = 1000, bi, c, and bin)-

y(lcT) =


- nT) +


yk = n=0




= 0.



The sample values {y* ) can be expressed as

yk =




k = 0,1....


The term is an arbitrary scale factor, which we set equal to unity for convenience. Then







Vy = (lie 4-

'<xk-n + Vk


The term ay represents the desired information symbol at the 4th sampling instant, the term

n =0 nit




represents the ISI, and vy is the additive noise at the jfcth sampling instant. T h e amount of ISI and noise in a digital communications system can be viewed on an oscilloscope. For PAM signals, we can display the received signal y(/) on the vertical input with the horizontal sweep rate set at 1 / 7". The resulting oscilloscope display is called an eye pattern because of its rcscmblance to the human eye. For example, Figure 6.15 illustrates the eye patterns for binary and four-level PAM modulation. The effect of ISI is to cause the eye to close, thereby reducing the margin for additive noise to cause errors. Figure 6.16 graphically illustrates the effect of ISI in reducing the opening of a binary eye. Note that intersymboi interference distorts the position of the zero-crossings and causes a reduction in the eye opening. Thus, it causes the system to be more sensitive to a synchronization error. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM Illustrative Problem 6.6 In this problem we consider the effect of intersymboi interference (ISI) on the received signal sequence f y*} for two channels that result in the sequences { x y } as follows: Channel 1 1, -0.25, 0 .1, 0, Channel 2 1. 0.5, -0.2, 0, n = 0 n = 1 n= 2 otherwise n = 0 n = 1 n= 2 otherwise

Note that in these channels, the ISI is limited to two symbols on either side of the desired transmitted signal. Hence, the cascade of the transmitter and receiver filters and the channel at the sampling instants are represented by the equivalent discrete-time FIR channel filter shown in Figure 6.17. Now suppose that the transmitted signal sequence










Figure 6.15. Examples of eye patterns for binary and quaternary amplitude shift keying (or PAM).

O p t i m u m sampling time Sensitivity to liming error Di stortion of zerc crossings


Peak distortion

Noise margin

Figure 6.16: Effect of intersymbol interference on eye opening.





for Bandlimited



is binary, i.e., {an 1). Then, for Channel 1, the received signal sequence {y,i} in the absence of noise is shown in Figure 6.18(a). and with additive white Gaussian noise having a variance of a 2 = 0.1. the received signal sequence is shown in Figure 6.18(b). We note that in the absence of noise, the ISI alone does not cause errors at the detector that compares the received signal sequence {>) with the threshold set to zero. Hence, the eye diagram is open in the absence of noise. However, when the additive noise is sufficiently large, errors will occur.



0.1 t _2


-1 o (a) C h a n n e l 1

0 1 ? 2 3



' 1.0 0.5 -2 -3 0.5

-1 0 (b) Channel 2




Figure 6.17: FIR channel models with ISI. (a) channel 1. (b) channel 2. In the case of Channel 2, the noise-free and noisy ( a 2 = 0.1) sequence {yn} is illustrated in Figure 6.19. Now, we observe that the ISI can cause errors at the detector that compares the received sequence (>} with the threshold set at zero, even in the absence of noise. Thus, for this channel characteristic, the eye is completely closed.


Communication System Design for Bandlimited Channels

In this section we consider the design of the transmitter and receiver filters that are suitable for a baseband bandlimited channel. Two cases are considered. In the first case, the design is based on transmitter and receiver filters that result in zero ISI, In the second case, the design is based on transmitter and receiver filters that have a specified (predetermined) amount of ISI. Thus, the second design approach leads to a controlled amount of ISI. The corresponding transmitted signals are called partial response signals. In both cases







o 1 is transmitted x -1 is transmitted


o 1 is transmitted x -1 is transmitted

Figure 6.18: Output of channel model I without and with AWGN. (a) no noise, (b) additive Gaussian noise with a 2 = 0.1.





for Bandlimited



o 1 is transmitted x -1 is transmitted


o 1 is transmitted x -1 is transmitted

Figure 6.19: Output of channel model 2 without and with AW GN. (a) no noise, (b) Additive Gaussian noise with variance cr2 0.1.








we assume that the channel is ideal: i.e., A ( f ) and r ( / ) are constant within the channel bandwidth W. For simplicity, we assume that A ( f ) = 1 and r ( / ) = 0.


Signal Design for Zero IS I

The design of bandlimited signals with zero ISI was a problem considered by Nyquist about 70 years ago. He demonstrated that a necessary and sufficient condition for a signal ,v(r) to have zero ISI, i.e,

.t(/iD= is that its Fourier transform X ( f ) satisfy 2C

,1, 0,

= 0 n 0



where \/T is the symbol rate. In general, there are many signals that can be designed to have this property. One of the most commonly used signals in practice has a raised-cosine frequency response characteristic, which is defined as

*rc ( / ) =

o <\f\

< (6.5.3)


l/l >


where a is called the roll-off factor, which takes values in the range 0 < a < 1, and 1/7" is the symbol rate. The frequency response X r c ( / ) is illustrated in Figure 6.20(a) for a = 0, a = and a = I, Note that when a = 0, X r c ( / ) reduces to an ideal "brick wall" physically nonrealizable frequency response with bandwidth occupancy I / 2 T . The frequency 1 / 2 T is called the Nyquist frequency. For a > 0, the bandwidth occupied by the desired signal X r c ( / ) beyond the Nyquist frequency 1 /2T is called the excess bandwidth, usually expressed as a percentage of the Nyquist frequency. For example, when a = j , the excess bandwidth is 50, and when a = I, the excess bandwidth is 100. The signal pulse .t r c (i) having the raised-cosine spectrum is sin j r r / r c o s ( j r a f / r ) xrrc (f) = T nt/T 1-4 a2t2/T2


Figure 6.20(b) illustrates JTrc(i) for a 0, 1. Since XrQ(f) satisfies (6.5.2), we note that ,r r c (f) = 1 at r = 0 and x r c (r) = 0 at t - kT,k ~ 1 , 2 , Consequently, at the sampling instants r = kT.k ^ 0, there is no ISI from adjacent symbols when there





for Bandlimited



is no channel distortion. However, in the presence of channel distortion, the 1SI given by (6.4.7) is no longer zero, and a channel equalizer is needed to minimize its effect on system performance. Channel equalizers are considered in Section 6.6.



(a) Ratseci-cosine frequency response

Figure 6.20: Raised-cosine frequency response and corresponding pulse shape, (a) Raisedcosine frequency response, (b) Pulse shapes for raised-cosine frequency response. In an ideal channel, the transmitter and receiver filters are jointly designed for zero IS1 at the desired sampling instants t = nT. Thus, if G j { f ) is the frequency response of the transmitter filter and Gr{/) is the frequency response of the receiver filter, then the product (cascade of the two filters) G r ( / ) G r ( J ) is designed to yield zero ISI. For example, if the product G T - ( / ) G ^ ( / ) is selected as G r ( / ) G f f ( / ) = Xre(/) where XrQ(f) (6.5.5)

is the raised-cosine frequency response characteristic, then the ISI at the







sampling times t ~ nT is zero.

Illustrative P r o b l e m 6.7 We wish to design a digital implementation of the transmitter and receiver filters G r i f ) and G r { / ) such that their product satisfies (6.5.5) and G r ( / ) is the matched filter to Grif) g s m m w g f c The simplest way to design and implement the transmitter and receiver filters in digital form is to employ FIR filters with linear phase (symmetric impulse response). The desired magnitude response is

\GJ{f)\= \G




where Xrc(/) is given by (6.5.3). The frequency response is related to the impulse response of the digital filter by the equation


r ( f )=




where Ts is the sampling interval and N is the length of the filter. Note that N is odd. Since G j ( f ) is bandlimited, we may select the sampling frequency F, to be at least 2 / 7 . Our choice is

~ rv

or, equivalently, T, = 7 / 4 . Hence the folding frequency is Fs/2 = 2 / 7 . Since G r ( f ) = JXrc(/), we may sample X r c ( f ) at equally spaced points in frequency, with frequency separation A / = FJN. Thus w e have (N-n/2
y X
r c

( m A / ) = v%c(mF,//V)=



n = (iV l)/2 The inverse transform relation is CW-D/2



- o ^

! L



Since g j - ( n ) is symmetric, the impulse response of the desired linear phase transmitter filter is obtained by delaying g r ( n ) by (N - l ) / 2 samples. The MATLAB scripts for this computation are given below.





for Bandlimited




script for Illustrative


7, Coupler


echo on N=31; T=1,

a!pha=1/4; n= ( N - 1 ) / 2 : ( N 1)/2; % the expression Cor length! n). g-T(i)=0; Cor m=(N 1 )/2:(N 1 )/2, for i i s oh tamed next <7c the indices for g-T

g-T(i)=g.T(i)+sqn( xrc(4iii/(NT).alpha.T))*e.\pij*2*pi*m*n(i)/N). end; end;

% derive g.T(n-tM-1)/21 response characteristics

tl2=0:N 1;
% get the frequency % normalised % impulse g-R=g-T; iinpresp.of.cascade=conv(g.R.g_T); % punting commands follow

[G.T,W]=froqz(g_T,1 V .
magnitude response of the transmitter and the receiver filters. magG.T.\n-dB=20*logl0(ahs(G_TVnm(abs(G.T))); iespouse of the cascade

function % % y=0;

[yl = xreff,alpha, T) Evaluates

T). the expression Xrc(f). The parameters function. alpha and T

% !yj=xrt(f.alpha.

must also be given as inputs

to the

if (abs(f) > ((1+alpha)/(2*T))), elseif (abs(f) > else y=T; end; <{1-alpha)/(2*T))).


Figure 6.21(a) illustrates gT(n - ^ f i ) , n =0,1 N - 1 for a = \ and N - 31. The corresponding frequency response characteristics are shown in Figure 6.21(b). Note that the frequency response is no longer zero for \ f \ > (i + a ) / T , because the digital filter has finite duration. However, the sidelobes in the spectrum are relatively small. Further reduction in the sidelobes may be achieved by increasing N . Finally, in Figure 6.22, we show the impulse response of the cascade of the transmitter and receiver FIR filters. This may be compared with the ideal impulse response obtained by sampling x r c ( 0 at a rate Fs = 4/ T.







Figure 6.21: Impulse response and frequency response of truncated discrete-time FIR filter at transmitter.


Signal Design for Controlled ISI

As wc have observed from our discussion of signal design for zero ISI, a transmit filter with excess bandwidth may be employed to realize practical transmitting and receiving filters for bandlimited channels. On the other hand, suppose we choose to relax the condition of zero ISI and thus achieve a symbol transmission in a bandwidth W = 1/2 T i.e., with no excess bandwidth. By allowing for a controlled amount of ISI, we can achieve the rate of 2VV symbols/second. We have already seen that the condition of zero ISI is x(rtT) = 0 for n ^ 0. However, suppose that we design the bandlimited signal to have controlled ISI at one time instant. This means that we allow one additional nonzero value in the samples (;c(nr)}. The ISI that we introduce is deterministic, or "controlled"; hence, it can be taken into account at the receiver, as discussed below. In general, a signal x(t) that is bandlimited to W hertz, i.e.,

X ( f ) = 0, can be represented as

l/l > W


x(t) =

A >
n = ~ oo

t n \ s i n 2 x W { t n/2W) 1 I -

...... (6.5.11)

This representation follows from the sampling theorem for bandlimited signals. The spectrum of the bandlimited signal is





for Bandlimited



' o o o o o o o o a u o ^ ^ o , . ,o


JL i i i,o


'Qo<aoooooQO( )


Figure 6.22: Impulse response of the cascade of the transmitter filter with the matched filter at the receiver.


00 x(t)e-



I o,

\ 2 w '

^ n=-o0

\ / \ > W

One special case that leads to physically realizable transmitting and receiving filters is specified by the samples

( ) = x(nT) \2WJ The corresponding signal spectrum is

= i1' |o,

n = < U











X ( f ) =

f [

< W



i l ^ i / w ^ j ^ i y
J W [ 0, Therefore, x(i) is given by \ 2W J



.t(r) = sine (2Wt) + sine (2 Wr - 1)


where sinc(f) = s i n n * t f n t . This pulse is called a duobinary signal pulse. It is illustrated along with its magnitude spectrum in Figure 6.23. We note that the spectrum decays to zero smoothly, which means that physically realizable (liters can be designed that approximate this spectrum very closely. Thus, a symbol rate of 2 W is achieved.

Figure 6.23: Duobinary signal pulse and its spectrum. Another special case that leads to physically realizable transmitting and receiving filters is specified by the samples


n = 1



-I, 0,

n = 1 otherwise


The corresponding pulse ,v(f) is given as

x ( 0 = sinc(2Wi -f 1) - sine ( 2 W t - 1)






for Bandlimited



and its spectrum is

l/l < l/l >



This pulse and its magnitude spectrum are illustrated in Figure 6.24. It is called a modified duobinciry signal pulse. It is interesting to note that the spectrum of this signal has a zero at f = 0, making it suitable for transmission over a channel that does not pass dc.


Figure 6.24: Modified duobinary signal pulse and its spectrum. One can obtain other interesting and physically realizable filter characteristics by selecting different values for the samples U ( n / 2 W ) } and more than two nonzero samples. However, as we select more nonzero samples, the problem of unraveling the controlled ISI becomes more cumbersome and impractical. The signals obtained when controlled ISI is purposely introduced by selecting two or more nonzero samples from the set [x{nj2W)) are called partial response signals. The resulting signal pulses allow us to transmit information symbols at the Nyquist rate of 2 W symbols per second. Thus greater bandwidth efficiency is obtained compared to raised cosine signal pulses.







Illustrative Problem 6.8 We wish to design a digital implementation of the transmitter and receiver filters G j ( f ) and G ( / ) such that their product is equal to the spectrum of a duobinary pulse and G p ( f ) is the matched filter to G j ( f ) .

To satisfy the frequency domain specification, we have


, cos { Y \W \2WJ [0,

l/l < W ' ~ l / l > vv


and, hence,

cos i | ,
\ G

( f ) \


l/i i



i/1 > V V

Now, we follow the same approach as in Illustrative Problem 6.7 to obtain the impulse responses for an FIR implementation of the transmitter and receiver filters. Hence, with W = 1 / 2 T and Fs = y, we have

m= -{N-\)ll

/ 4 m\

e )2nmn/N

n = s


N - 1 (6.5.21)

and g/j(n) = gr (") The MATLAB script for this computation is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 8, Chapter (5. echo on N=31; T=1; W=1/(2*T); n=(N1)/2:(N-1)/2; % the indices for g_T % The expression for g.T is obtained next for i =1 :Iength(n), g-T(i)=0; for m=(N1 ) / 2 : ( N - 1 )/2, if ( abs((4*m)/(N*T)) < = W ), g.T(i)=gJT(i)+sqrt{(1 /W)*cos((2*pi*m)/(N*T*W)))*exp(j*2pi*m+n(i)/N); end; end; end;





for Bandlimited



7c obtain gJT(n-(iV-h/2) n2=0:N-1. % obtain the frequency response characteristics [G.T,W]=freqz(g.T,1); % normalized magrtitide response*loglO(abs(G-T)/max(abs(G.T))}; % Impulse response of the cascade of the transmitter g.R=g-T, imp-resp_of_cascade=conv(g_R,g_T), % plotting commands follow

and the receiver filters .

Figure 6.25(a) illustrates gT ( -

. n = 0, 1

N -

i for N = 31.


corresponding frequency response characteristic is shown in Figure 6.25(b). Note that the frequency response characteristic is no longer zero for | / j > V V because the digital filter has finite duration. However, the sidelobes in the spectrum are relatively small. Finally, in Figure 6.26, we show the impulse response of the cascade of the transmitter and receiver FIR filters. This impulse response may be compared with the ideal impulse response obtained by sampling ,r(i) given by (6.5.17) at a rate Fs = 4/T = 81V\

Figure 6.25: Impulse response and frequency response of truncated discrete-timeduobinary FIR filter at the transmitter.


Precoding for Detection of Partial Response Signals

For the duobinary signal pulse, x(nT) = 1 for n = 0, 1 and 0 otherwise. Hence, the samples of the output of the receiver filter G r ( / ) are expressed as yk = ak + ak-i = bk + \>k where {at} is the transmitted sequence of amplitudes, {vjt} is a sequence of additive Gaussian noise samples, and bk = ak + ak-\. Let us ignore the noise for the moment and consider + vk (6.5.22)








350 [




9 O < j > 9

250 -

200 -

150 -

100 -

50 f-

O ooooeoo^^^TTyo oooocoorcfrogi -so


9 0 ! i S H II II I I l 0 ^ 0 ? ?< ?i . A A 6 a 0 gpirffloooooooc fflgo00000t, '556'



30 n




Figure 6.26: Impulse response of the cascade of the transmitter filter with the matched filter at the receiver.

the binary case where ay = 1 with equal probability. Then, by takes one of three possible values, namely, by = 2, 0. 2 with corresponding probabilities and i . If a*I detected signal from the (it - l)st signaling interval, its effect on by, the received signal in the th signaling interval, can be eliminated by subtraction, thus allowing ay to be detected. The process can be repeated sequentially for every received symbol. The major problem with this procedure is that errors arising from the additive noise tend to propagate. For example, if ayti is detected in error, its effect on a^ is not eliminated; in effect, it is reinforced by the incorrect subtraction. Consequently, the detection of ay is also likely to be in error. Error propagation can be prevented by precoding the data at the transmitter instead of eliminating the controlled ISI by subtraction at the receiver. The precoding is performed on the binary data sequence prior to modulation. From the data sequence {Z>t} of l's and 0's that is to be transmitted, a new sequence {pk), called the precoded sequence, is generated. For the duobinary signal, the precoded sequence is defined as (6.5.23)

Pk = Dy& Pk-i.

k = 1,2,





for Bandlimited



Data sequence


1 1 1 0 1 -I

1 0 0 1

1 1 1 0 1

0 1 1 2 0

1 0 -1 0 1

0 0 -1 _2 0

0 0 -1 -2 0

1 1 1 0 1

0 I 1 2 0

0 1 1 2 0

0 1 1 2 0

1 0 -1 0 1

P r e c o d e d s e q u e n c e pk T r a n s m i t t e d s e q u e n c e uk Received sequence bk Decoded sequence Dk

Table 6.1: Binary signaling with duobinary pulses.

where 0 denotes modulo-2 subtraction. 1 Then the transmitted signal amplitude is a k 1 if pk = 0 and a k = 1 if pk = 1. That is. at = 2pk - 1 The noise-free samples at the output of the receiving filter are given by
bk = Qk


= {2 P k - l) + ( 2 w _ i - 1) = 2(pk + pk-\ Consequently, Pk + Pk-i = ^bk + 1 (6.5.26) - 1) (6.5.25)

Since Dk = pk ffi Pk-1. it follows that the data sequence {D*} is obtained from [bk) using the relation D k - ^ b k + 1 (mod 2) (6.5.27)

Therefore, if bk = 2, then Dk = 0, and if bk = 0, then Dk = 1. An example that illustrates the precoding and decoding operations is given in Table 6.1.

In the presence of additive noise, the sampled outputs from the receiving filter are given by (6.5.22). In this case yk = bk + vk is compared with the two thresholds set at 4-1 and 1. The data sequence {Dk} is obtained according to the detection rule



Thus precoding the data allows us to perform symbol-by-symbol detection at the receiver without the need for subtraction of previously detected symbols.
1 Although this operation is identical to modulo-2 addition, it is convenient to view (he precoding operation for duobinary in terms of modulo-2 subtraction.








The extension from binary PAM to multilevel PAM using duobinary pulses is straightforward. The M-level transmitted sequence \a k } results in a (noise-free) received sequence bk=ak + ak-i. * = 1,2,3,... (6.5.29)

which has 2M 1 possible equally spaced amplitude levels. The amplitude levels for the sequence (4} are determined from the relation ak =2pk-(M1) (6.5.30)

where {p k } is the prccoded sequence that is obtained from an M-level data sequence according to the relation pk = D k Q p k - ^ (mod M) (6.5.31)

where the possible values of the data cquence {Dk} are 0, 1 , 2 , . . . , M. In the absence of noise, the samples at the output of the receiving filter may be expressed

bk ak + ak_ 1 = (2p k - (M - 1)] + [ 2 p t _ , - (M - 1)] = 2[pk Hence,


+ pk-i-(M-i)]



= l-bk + {M - 1)


Since Dk = pk + pk-\ (mod M), it follows that the transmitted data (>4} are recovered from the received sequence {bk} by means of the relation Dk = ]-bk + (M - I) (mod M) (6.5.34)

In the case of modified duobinary pulse, the received signal samples at the output of the receiving filter G R ( f ) are expressed as >'* = a* - a*-2 + V k = bk + vk (6.5.35)

The precoder for the modified duobinary pulse produces the sequence {p*} from the data sequence {Dk) according to the relation pk = Dk pk^i (mod M) (6.5.36)

From these relations, it is easy to show that the detection rule for the recovering of the data sequence { } from {bk} in the absence of noise is Dk = -bk (mod M) (6.5.37)





Illustrative Problem 6.9 Let us write a MATLAB program that takes a data sequence {Dk}, precodes it for a duobinary pulse transmission system to produce {/?*}, and maps the precoded sequence into the transmitted amplitude levels {*} Then from the transmitted sequence (a*}, form the received noise-free sequence {i^} and, using the relation in (6.5.34), recover the data sequence \ D k \ .

The MATLAB script is given below. By using this program, we can verify the results in Table 6.1 for the case where M 2.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative echo on d=[1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1];

Problem 9. Chapter 6.


tor i=1 length(d) p(i + 1)=rem(p(i)+d(i),2); end a=2.*p1; b(1)=0; dd(1)=0; for i=1 :length(d) b{L+1}=a(i+1)+a{r); d_out(i+1)=rem(b(it1 )/2+1.2); end d.out=d.out(2;length(d)+1);


Linear Equalizers

The most common type of channel equalizer used in practice to reduce ISI is a linear FIR filter with adjustable coefficients {c,}, as shown in Figure 6.27. On channels whose frequency response characteristics are unknown but time-invariant, we may measure the channel characteristics and adjust the parameters of the equalizer; once adjusted, the parameters remain fixed during the transmission of data. Such equalizers are called preset equalizers. On the other hand, adaptive equalizers update their parameters on a periodic basis during the transmission of data, so they are capable of tracking a slowly time-varying channel response. First, let us consider the design characteristics for a linear equalizer from a frequency domain viewpoint. Figure 6.28 shows a block diagram of a system that employs a linear filter as a channel equalizer. T h e demodulator consists of a receiver filter with frequency response GR ( / ) in cascade with a channel equalizing filter that has a frequency response G g ( / ) . As indicated in the previous section, the receiver filter response Gr(/) is matched to the transmitter response, i.e., Gn(f) ~ G j ( f ) , and the product G n ( f ) G r i f ) is usually designed so that either







Figure 6.27: Linear transversal filter.

Figure 6.28: Block diagram of a system with an equalizer.





there is zero ISl at the sampling instants as, for example, when G / ? ( f ) G r ( / ) = X r c ( / ) , or controlled ISI for partial response signals. For the system shown in Figure 6.2S, in which the channel frequency response is not ideal, the desired condition for zero ISI is



( f ) = Xre(/)


where X r c ( / ) is the desired raised-cosine spectral characteristic. Since G r ( f ) G R ( / ) = X r c ( / ) by design, the frequency response of the equalizer that compensates for the channel distortion is

G W F ( f )= = - L - e - & < f ) C(f) |C(/)|


Thus, the amplitude response of the equalizer is | G g ( / ) | = l / | C ( / ) [ , and its phase response is % ( / ) = % ( / ) In this case, the equalizer is said to be the inverse channel filter to the channel response. We note that the inverse channel filter completely eliminates ISI caused by the channel. Since it forces the ISI to be zero at the sampling instants / = kT for k = 0, 1 the equalizer is called a zero-forcing equalizer. Hence, the input to the detector is simply


+ T}k.

4 = 0,1,...


where rjy represents the additive noise and a k is the desired symbol. In practice, the ISI caused by channel distortion is usually limited to a finite number of symbols on either side of the desired symbol. Hence, the number of terms that constitute the ISI in the summation given by (6.4.7) is finite. As a consequence, in practice the channel equalizer is implemented as a finite-duration impulse response (FIR) filter, or transversal filter, with adjustable tap coefficients {c}, as illustrated in Figure 6.27. The time delay r between adjacent taps may be selected as large as 7 , the symbol interval, in which case the FIR equalizer is called a symbol-spaced equalizer. In this case the input to the equalizer is the sampled sequence given by (6.4.6). However, we note that when the symbol rate 1 / 7 < 2W, frequencies in the received signal above the folding frequency 1 / 7 are aliased into frequencies below 1 / 7 . In this case, the equalizer compensates for the aliased channel-distorted signal. On the other hand, when the time delay r between adjacent taps is selected such that 1 / r > 21V > 1 / 7 , no aliasing occurs; hence the inverse channel equalizer compensates for the true channel distortion. Since r < 7 , the channel equalizer is said to ha \c fractionally spaced taps, and it is called a fractionally spaced equalizer. In practice, r is often selected at x = 7 / 2 . Notice that, in this case, the sampling rate at the input to the filter G { f ) is j . The impulse response of the FIR equalizer is










and the corresponding frequency response is



)n = -K

c p 7tfnT



where {c,,} are the 2 K + I equalizer coefficients and K is chosen sufficiently large so that the equalizer spans the length of the ISI, i .e., 2 K + ! > L, where L is the number of signal samples spanned by the ISI. Since X { f ) = 6 > ( / ) C ( / ) G / ? ( / ) and ;t(r) is the signal pulse corresponding to X ( f ) , the equalized output signal pulse is

qU) =



The zero-forcing condition can now be applied to the samples of q(t) taken at times i = These samples are


n~ K




Since there are 2K + I equalizer coefficients, we can control only 2K + I sampled values of i?(f). Specifically, we may force the conditions





' |0,

m =



which may be expressed in matrix form as Xc = q, where X is a (2K + 1) x (2 K + 1) matrix with elements x{mT - ft r), c is the (2 K + 1) coefficient vector, and q is the (2 K + 1) column vector with one nonzero element. Thus, we obtain a set of 2 K 4- 1 linear equations for the coefficients of the zero-forcing equalizer. We should emphasize that the FIR zero-forcing equalizer does not completely eliminate ISI because it has a finite length. However, as K is increased, the residual ISI can be reduced and in the limit of K oo, the ISI is completely eliminated, - ^ M f a H A H M J d s M s M J f l f c Illustrative Problem 6.10 Consider a channel distorted pulse jc(r ), at the input to the equalizer, given by the expression 1 1 +(2 t/T)2

x(t) } -





where l / T is the symbol rate. The pulse is sampled at the rate 2/7" and is equalized by a zero-forcing equalizer. Let us determine the coefficients of a five-tap zero-forcing equalizer.

According to (6.6.8), the zero-forcing equalizer must satisfy the equations q{mT) = > cnx{mT ^ ^ nT 1, - ) = i 2 0, is given as m = 0 m re. 1, 2

The matrix X with elements x(mT

- nT/2)

X =

5 I 7 1 L37



The coefficient vector c and the vector q are given as

C-2 c-

1 C O Ci

"0" 0 < 7= 1 0 0


Then, the linear equations Xc = q can be solved by inverting the matrix X. Thus we obtain

cDP( = X

-2.2 4.9 -3 4.9



Figure 6.29 illustrates the original pulse ^ ( 0 and the equalized pulse. Note the small amount of residual ISI in the equalized pulse. The MATLAB script for this computation is given below.

% MATLAB echo on

script far



10. Chapter


T=1; Fs=2/T;








Ts=1 /Fs; c.opt=[-2.2 4.9 - 3 4.9 -2.2]: t=-5+T.T/2:5+T;

x=1 ,/(1+{(2/T)*[).*2); equalized-X=fiIter(c_opt,1,[x 0 01); % to take care of the delay % Now, let its downsample the equalizer % sampled pulse ut the output % jtnci there will be a delay of two samples


for i = 1 ;2:length(equaJizcd.x),
downsampJed.equalizer_outpul((ir1)/2)=equaiized.xU): end; % plotting commands follow

(a) Original pulse
(b) E q u a l i z e d p u l s e

Figure 6.29: Graph of original pulse and equalized pulse in Illustrative Problem 6.10. One drawback to the zero-forcing equalizer is that it ignores the presence of additive noise. As a consequence, its use may result in significant noise enhancement. This is easily seen by noting that in a frequency range where C ( / ) is small, the channel equalizer Ge(J) = \ / C ( f ) compensates by placing a large gain in that frequency range. Consequently, the noise in that frequency range is greatly enhanced. An alternative is to relax the zero IS1 condition and select the channel equalizer characteristic such that the combined power in the residual ISI and the additive noise at the output of the equalizer is minimized. A channel equalizer that is optimized based on the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criterion accomplishes the desired goal. To elaborate, let us consider the noise corrupted output of the FIR equalizer, which is






where y(f) is the input to the equalizer, given by (6.4.3). The equalizer output is sampled at times f = mT. Thus, we obtain









The desired response at the output of the equalizer at r mT is the transmitted symbol ,. The error is defined as the difference between a, and z(mT). Then, the mean-square error (MSE) between the actual output sample z(mT) and the desired values am is 2

MSE = E \z(mT)

= E


C y ( m T - /IT) - A

Y ,




^ E(\am\2)


where the conelations are defined as


- k ) = E[y'(mT = E[y(mT -

- nx)y(mT kx)a'm]

-Jkr)) (6.6.15)


and the expectation is taken with respect to the random information sequence {a m } and the additive noise. The minimum M S E solution is obtained by differentiating (6.6.14) with respect to the equalizer coefficients {cn}. T h u s we obtain the necessary conditions for the minimum M S E as


- k) = Ray(k).




These are the 2 K 4-1 linear equations for the equalizer coefficients. In contrast to the zeroforcing solution described previously, these equations depend on the statistical properties (the autocorrelation) of the noise as well as the ISI through the autocorrelation Ry{n). In practice, the autocorrelation matrix Ry (n) and the cross-correlation vector Ray(n) are unknown a priori. However, these correlation sequences can be estimated by transmitting a test signal over the channel and using the time-average estimates
2 In this development we allow the signals j:(r) and _v(0 10 be complex-valued and (he data sequence also to be complex-valued.







t=1 (6.6.17)


1 * = J ] >(Jfc7 - n r ) a
k I

in place of the ensemble averages to solve for the equalizer coefficients given by (6.6.16). i m f c H A H M J d d . l . l M Illustrative Problem 6.11 Let us consider the same channel-distorted pulse x(r) as in Illustrative Problem 6.10, but now we shall design the five-tap equalizer based on the minimum MSE criterion. The information symbols have zero mean and unit variance and are uncorrected, i.e..


=0 n m

E{an am) = 0, E{ |a|2) = 1

The additive noise v(r) has zero mean and autocorrelation

<pvv{*) = - y < H T )
m ^ u m u w m


The equalizer tap coefficients are obtained by solving (6.6.16) with A!' = 2 a n d r = T / 2 . The matrix with elements Ry(rt k) is simply


= X'X

where X is given by (6.6.9) and I is the identity matrix. The vector with elements is given as


5 l I 1 I L5 J The equalizer coefficients obtained by solving (6.6.16) are as follows:





0.0956 -0.7347 1.6761 -0.7347 0.0956 A plot of the equalized pulse is shown in Figure 6.30. computation is given below. The MATLAB script for this

% MATLAB script for Illustrative echo on T=1; for n = - 2 : 2 , for k = - 2 : 2 , (emp=0;




for i=2:2,
terop=temp+( 1 /(1 + { n - i ) " 2 ) ) * ( 1 / (1 + ( k - i ) " 2 ) ) ; end; X(k+3.n+3)=temp; end, end; N0=0.01; % iLssumtng that NO=0 0! Ry=X+(N0/2)*eye(5); Riy=[1/5 1/2 1 1/2 1/5).' ; c.opt=inv(Ry)+Riy; % optimal tap coefficients % find the equalised pulse t= -3:1/2:3; x=1./(U(2*r/T).~2); % sampled pulse equalized-pulse=conv(x.c^opt), % decimate the pulse to get the samples at the symbol rate decimated-.equaUzed^pulse=equalized-pulse(1:2;length(equalized. pulse)). % plotting command follows


Adaptive Linear Equalizers

We have shown that the tap coefficients of a linear equalizer can be determined by solving a set of linear equations. In the zero-forcing optimization criterion, the linear equations are given by (6.6.8). On the other hand, if the optimization criterion is based on minimizing the MSE, the optimum equalizer coefficients are determined by solving the set of linear equations given by (6.6.16). In both cases, we may express the set of linear equations in the general matrix form (6.6.18)

Bc = d

where B is a (2 K + 1) x (2 K + 1) matrix, c is a column vector representing the 2 K + I equalizer coefficients, and d is a (2 K + l)-dimensional column vector. T h e solution of (6.6.18) yields








Figure 6.30: Plot of the equalized pulse in Illustrative Problem 6.11.



In practical implementations of equalizers, the solution of (6.6.18) for the optimum coefficient vector is usually obtained by an iterative procedure that avoids the explicit computation of the inverse of the matrix B , T h e simplest iterative procedure is the method of steepest descent, in which one begins by choosing arbitrarily the coefficient vector c, say, co- This initial choice of coefficient vector Co corresponds to a point on the criterion function that is being optimized. For example, in the case of the M S E criterion, the initial guess co corresponds to a point on the quadratic M S E surface in the (2K + l)-dimensional space of coefficients. The gradient vector, defined as go, which is the derivative of the M S E with respect to the 2 K + I filter coefficients, is then computed at this point on the criterion surface, and each tap coefficient is changed in the direction opposite to its corresponding gradient component. The change in the j t h tap coefficient is proportional to the size of the ;'th gradient component. For example, the gradient vector, denoted as gk, for the M S E criterion, found by taking the derivatives of the M S E with respect to each of the 2 K + 1 coefficients, is (6.6.20)

gk = Bck-d,

k = 0,1,2,...

Then the coefficient vector ck is updated according to the relation

c*+i = c* - A gt


6.6. Linear



where A is the step-size parameter for the iterative procedure. To ensure convergence of the iterative procedure, A is chosen to be a small positive number. In such a case, the gradient vector gk converges toward zero, i.e.. gy 0 as k oo, and the coefficient vector Ck -* c pl , as illustrated in Figure 6.31 based on two-dimensional optimization. In general, convergence of the equalizer tap coefficients to c0pt cannot be attained in a finite number of iterations with the steepest-descent method. However, the optimum solution c op , can be approached as closely as desired in a few hundred iterations. In digital communication systems that employ channel equalizers, each iteration corresponds to a time interval for sending one symbol; hence, a few hundred iterations to achieve convergence to c o p t correspond to a fraction of a second.

Figure 6.31 : Example of the convergence characteristics of a gradient algorithm. Adaptive channel equalization is required for channels whose characteristics change with time. In such a case, the ISI varies with time. The channel equalizer must track such time variations in the channel response and adapt its coefficients to reduce the ISI. In the context of the above discussion, the optimum coefficient vector c0pi varies with time due to time variations in the matrix B and, for the case of the MSE criterion, time variations in the vector d. Under these conditions, the iterative method described above can be modified to use estimates of the gradient components. Thus, the algorithm for adjusting the equalizer tap coefficients may be expressed as

Ck+1 = Ck~



where gk denotes an estimate of the gradient vector gk and cy denotes the estimate of the tap coefficient vector. In the case of the MSE criterion, the gradient vector gk given by (6.6.20) may also be expressed as

gk =









An estimate g k of the gradient vector at the th iteration is computed as

gk = -ky'k


where ek denotes the difference between the desired output from the equalizer at the kih time instant and the actual output z{kT) and yk denotes the column vector of 2 K + 1 received signal values contained in the equalizer at time instant k. The error signal ek is expressed as

ek = <ik ~ Zk


where z(kT) is the equalizer output given by (6.6.13) and ak is the desired symbol. Hence, by substituting (6.6.23) into (6.6.22), we obtain the adaptive algorithm for optimizing the taps coefficients (based on the MSE criterion) as

Ci + I = h + A e k y k


Since an estimate of the gradient vector is used in (6.6.25), the algorithm iscalleda jrw/ifliftc gradient algorithm, It is also known as the LMS algorithm, A block diagram of an adaptive equalizer that adapts its tap coefficients according to (6.6.25) is illustrated in Figure 6.32. Note that the difference between the desired output ak and the actual output zk from the equalizer is used to form the error signal ek. This error is scaled by the step-size parameter A, and the scaled error signal Aek multiples the received signal values \y(kT - n r ) } at the 2K 4- I taps. The products Aeky*{kT nr) at the 2K + 1 taps are then added to the previous values of the tap coefficients to obtain the updated tap coefficients, according to (6.6.25). This computation is repeated as each new signal sample is received. Thus, the equalizer coefficients are updated at the symbol rate. Initially, the adaptive equalizer is trained by the transmission of a known pseudorandom sequence {am \ over the channel. At the demodulator, the equalizer employs the known sequence to adjust its coefficients. Upon initial adjustment, the adaptive equalizer switches from a training mode to a decision-directed mode, in which case the decisions at the output of the detector are sufficiently reliable so that the error signal is formed by computing the difference between the detector output and the equalizer output, i.e.,




where a k is the output of the detector. In general, decision errors at the output of the detector occur infrequently; consequently, such errors have little effect on the performance of the tracking algorithm given by (6.6.25). A rule of thumb for selecting the step-size parameter in order to ensure convergence and good tracking capabilities in slowly varying channels is 1








Figure 6.32: Linear adaptive equalizer based on the MSE criterion.

where Pr denotes the received signal-plus-noise power, which can be estimated from the received signal.

Illustrative Problem 6.12 Let us implement an adaptive equalizer based on the LMS algorithm given in (6,6,25). The channel number of taps selected for the equalizer is 2K + \ = 11. The received signal-plus-noise power Pr is normalized to unity. The channel characteristic is given by the vector x as * = [0.05 - 0.063 0.088 -0.126 - 0 . 2 5 0.9047 0.25 0 0.126 0.038 0.088]

The convergence characteristics of the stochastic gradient algorithm in (6.6.25) are illustrated in Figure 6.33. These graphs were obtained from a computer simulation of the 11-tap adaptive equalizer. The graphs represent the mean-square error averaged over several realizations. As shown, when A is decreased, the convergence is slowed somewhat, but a lower MSE is achieved, indicating that the estimated coefficients are closer to c 0 p ( . The MATLAB script for this example is given below.

% MATLAB echo on N=500;

script for



12, Chapter

6. sequence

% length of the information








Number of iterations

Figure 6.33: Initial convergence characteristics of the LMS algorithm with different step sizes.

K=5; actuaLisi=[0.05 - 0 . 0 6 3 0 . 0 8 8 - 0 . 1 2 6 - 0 . 2 5 0 . 9 0 4 7 0 . 2 5 0 0.126 0 . 0 3 8 0.088]: sigma=0.01; delta=0.115; Num.of.reaiizat]on$=1000, mse_av=zeros(1,N-2*K); for j=1 :Num_oLrealizauons. % compute the average over a number of % the information sequence for i=1:N, if (rand<0.5), info(i)=-1; else info(i)=1; end; end; % the channel output y=fiUer(actuaLisi,1 ,info); for i=1:2:N, [noised) noiseii+1 ))=gngauss(sigma); end: y=y+noise; % now the equalization part follows






estimated.t=[0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 for k = 1 : N - 2 * K . y_k=y(k;k+2*K); z_k=estima[ecLc*y_k.' ; e.k=info(k)z_k;


% initial estimate

of ISI

estimated_c=esUmated_c+delta*e.k*y.k; mse(k)=e_k"2. end;

mse .av=mse. av+mse; end;

mse_av=mse-av/Num_oLrea!izations; % plotting commands follow % iwu-.w/iKire error versus iterations

Although we have described in some detail the operation of an adaptive equalizer that is optimized on the basis of the M S E criterion, the operation of an adaptive equalizer based on the zero-forcing method is very similar. The major difference lies in the method for estimating the gradient vectors at each iteration. A block diagram of an adaptive zero-forcing equalizer is shown in Figure 6.34.

Figure 6.34: An adaptive zero-forcing equalizer.


Nonlinear Equalizers

The linear filter equalizers described above are very effective on channels, such as wire line telephone channels, where the ISI is not severe. The severity of the ISI is directly related to the spectral characteristics of the channel and not necessarily to the time span of the ISI. For example, consider the ISI resulting from two channels, illustrated in Figure 6.35. T h e time span for the ISI in Channel A is five symbol intervals on each side of the desired signal







component, which has a value of 0.72. On the other hand, the time span for the ISI in Channel B is one symbol interval on each side of the desired signal component, which has a value of 0.815. The energy of the total response is normalized to unity for both channels.



0.4 07
Q 2 1

0.4 07

0 04

0.07 .


| -0.21 -0.5

I "t3 T
r T -


la) Channel A

(b) Channel B

Figure 6.35: Two channels with ISI. In spite of the shorter ISI span, channel B results in more severe ISI. This is evidenced in the frequency response characteristics of these channels, which are shown in Figure 6.36. We observe that channel B has a spectral null (the frequency response C ( f ) = 0 for some frequencies in the band | / | < W) at / = 1/2T. whereas this does not occur in the case of channel A. Consequently, a linear equalizer will introduce a large gain in its frequency response to compensate for the channel null. Thus, the noise in channel B will be enhanced much more than in channel A. This implies that the performance of the linear equalizer for channel B will be sufficiently poorer than that for channel A. In general, the basic limitation of a linear equalizer is that it performs poorly on channels having spectral nulls. Such channels are often encountered in radio communications, such as ionospheric transmission at frequencies below 30 MHz and mobile radio channels, such as those used for cellular radio communications. A decision-feedback equalizer (DFE) is a nonlinear equalizer that employs previous decisions to eliminate the ISI caused by previously detected symbols on the current symbol to be detected. A simple block diagram for a DFE is shown in Figure 6.37. The DFE consists of two filters. The first filter is called a feedforward filter; it is generally a fractionally spaced FIR filter with adjustable tap coefficients. This filter is identical in form to the linear equalizer described above. Its input is the received filtered signal > (i) sampled at some rate that is a multiple of the symbol rate, e.g., at rate 2/7". The second filter is a feedback filter. It is implemented as an FIR filter with symbol-spaced taps having adjustable coefficients. Its input is the set of previously detected symbols. The output of the feedback filter is





-6.00 -12.00 -


c. " 18.00

-30.00 0.00 0.63 1 26 1.88 251 3.14 0.00 063 1.26 188 2.51 3.14

<o frequency

oj frequency


Figure 6.36: Amplitude spectra for (a) channel A shown in Figure 6.35(a) and (b) channel B shown in Figure 6.35(b).

subtracted from the output of the feedforward filter to form the input to the detector. Thus, we have

where {<;} and {b} are the adjustable coefficients of the feedforward and feedback filters, respectively, a m - n , n = 1 , 2 , . . . , /Vi, are the previously detected symbols, N\ is the length of the feedforward filter, and Afi is the length of the feedback filter. Based on the input zm, the detector determines which of the possible transmitted symbols is closest in distance to the input signal am. Thus it makes its decision and outputs am. What makes the DFE nonlinear is the nonlinear characteristic of the detector that provides the input to the feedback filter. The tap coefficients of the feedforward and feedback filters are selected to optimize some desired performance measure. For mathematical simplicity, the MSE criterion is usually applied, and a stochastic gradient algorithm is commonly used to implement an adaptive DFE. Figure 6.38 illustrates the block diagram of an adaptive DFE whose tap coefficients are adjusted by means of the LMS stochastic gradient algorithm. We should mention that decision errors from the detector that are fed to the feedback filter have a small effect on the performance of the DFE. In general, a small loss in performance of 1 to 2 dB is possible at error rates below 10~ 2 , but the decision errors in the feedback filters are not catastrophic. Although the DFE outperforms a linear equalizer, it is not the optimum equalizer from the viewpoint of minimizing the probability of error in the detection of the information







Figure 6.37: Block diagram of a DFE.

Feedforward filter

Figure 6.38: Adaptive DFE.





sequence {a*) from the received signal samples \yk) given in (6.4.6). In a digital communication system that transmits information over a channel that causes ISI, the optimum detector is a maximum-likelihood symbol sequence detector that produces at its output the most probable symbol sequence { k } for the given received sampled sequence That is, the detector finds the sequence {a*} that maximizes the likelihood function

A({*}) = In/>({>*) | W ) ) where /?({>*) | {il) is the joint probability of the received sequence (>*} conditioned on {a*}. The sequence of symbols {ilt) that maximizes this joint conditional probability is called the maximum-likelihood sequence detector. An algorithm that implements maximum-likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) is the Viterbi algorithm, which was originally devised for decoding convolutional codes as described in Section 8.3.2. For a description of this algorithm in the context of sequence detection in the presence of ISI, the reader is referred to [3,4]. The major drawback of MLSD for channels with ISI is the exponential behavior in computational complexity as a function of the span of the ISI. Consequently, MLSD is practical only for channels where the ISI spans only a few symbols and the ISI is severe, in the sense that it causes a severe degradation in the performance of a linear equalizer or a decision-feedback equalizer. For example. Figure 6.39 illustrates the error probability performance of the Viterbi algorithm for a binary PAM signal transmitted through channel B (see Figure 6.35). For purposes of comparison, we also illustrate the probability of error for a DFE. Both results were obtained by computer simulation. We observe that the performance of the ML sequence detector is about 4.5 dB better than that of the DFE at an error probability of I0~ 4 . Hence, this is one example where the ML sequence detector provides a significant performance gain on a channel with a relatively short ISI span. In conclusion, channel equalizers are widely used in digital communication systems to mitigate the effects of ISI cause by channel distortion. Linear equalizers are generally used for high-speed modems that transmit data over telephone channels. For wireless (radio) transmission, such as mobile cellular communications and interoffice communications, the multipath propagation of the transmitted signal results in severe ISI. Such channels require more powerful equalizers to combat the severe ISI. The decision-feedback equalizer and the MLSD are two nonlinear channel equalizers that are suitable for radio channels with severe ISI.







Decision-feedback equalizer Correct bits fed back

Detected bits fed back

S N R , dB (10 log


Figure 6.39: Error probability of the Viterbi algorithm for a binary PAM signal transmitted through Channel B in Figure 6.35.





6.1 The Fourier transform of the rectangular pulse in Illustrative Problem 6.1 and the power spectrum S L ,(/) can be computed numerically wtth MATLAB by using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) or the FFT algorithm. Let us normalize T = 1 and 0-^ = 1. Then, sample the rectangular pulse g(j) at r = kj 10 for k = 0, 1,2 127. This yields the sequence {gi} of sample values of (f) Use MATLAB to compute the 128-point DFT of {gy I and plot the values I G ^ r for m = 0, I, . . . , 127. Also plot the exact spectrum j G ( f ) | 2 given in (6.2.13) and compare the two results. 6.2 Repeat the computation in Problem 6.1 when the pulse g(i) given as

[O, Let T = 1 for this computation.


6.3 Write a MATLAB program to compute the power spectrum Sv(f ) of the signal V(r) when the pulse g(t) is



and the sequence (a) of signal amplitudes has the correlation function given by (6.2.14). 6.4 Use MATLAB to design an FIR linear-phase filter that models a lowpass bandlimited channel that has a j-dB ripple in the passband | / |< 3000 Hz and a stopband attenuation of - 4 0 dB for | / | > 3500. Plot the impulse response and the frequency response. 6.5 Write a MATLAB program to design an FIR linear phase filter that models a lowpass bandlimited channel with desired amplitude response (1, {o, |/| < 3000 / > 3000


via the window method, using a Hanning window. 6.6 Write a MATLAB program that generates the impulse response for the two-path multipath channel in Illustrative Problem 6.5 and plot the impulse response for p = 0.95 and a delay of 5 samples.








6.7 Write a MATLAB simulation program that implements channel I in Illustrative Problem 6.6, and measure the error rate when 10.000 binary data {1} are transmitted through this channel. The channel is corrupted by A W G N with variance a" = 0, a2 = OA, a2 = 0.2, cr 2 = 0.5 and a 2 = 1.0. 6.8 Repeat Problem 6.7 for the following channel:

6.9 Write a MATLAB program that generates the sampled version of the transmit filter impulse response g r i t ) given by (6.5.9) for an arbitrary value of the roll-off factor a . Evaluate and plot gj(n) for a = { and N 31. Also, evaluate and plot the magnitude of the frequency response characteristic for this filter, (Use a 4N-point D F T of gr(n) by padding gT (n) with 3 N zeros.) 6.10 Write a MATLAB program that computes the overall impulse response of the cascade of any transmit filter gr ( " ) with its matched filter at the receiver. This computation may be performed by use of the D F T as follows. Pad grin) with N - 1 (or more) 0 ' s and compute the (2/V l)-point (or more) DFT. This yields Gj{k) . Then form \Gj-(k)\2 and compute the (2N I)-point inverse DFT of | G r ( ) | 2 . Evaluate this overall impulse response for the filter in Problem 6.9 and compare this result with the ideal impulse response obtained by sampling xrc(t) at a rate Fx = 4/7". 6.11 Repeat Problem 6.9 for N = 21 and N = 4 ! . Plot and compare the frequency response of the discrete-time filters with those in Problem 6.9. Describe the major differences. 6.12 Write a MATLAB program that takes a data sequence {Z)t}, precodes it for a modified duobinary pulse transmission system to produce {/>*}, and maps the precoded sequence into the transmitted amplitude levels {a*}. Then from the transmitted sequence, form the received noise-free sequence (>* = a k 4-2} and, using the relation given by (6.5.36), recover the data signal {D*}. Run the program for any pseudorandom data sequence (Ojt} for M = 2 and M 4 transmitted amplitude levels and check the results. 6.13 Write a MATLAB program that performs a Monte Carlo simulation of a binary PAM communication system that employs duobinary signal pulse, where the precoding and amplitude sequence {a*} are performed as in Illustrative Problem 6.9. Add Gaussian noise to the received sequence {>*} as indicated in (6.5.22) to form the input to the detector and use the detection rule in (6.5.28) to recover the data. Perform the simulation for 10,000 bits and measure the bit-error probability for cr2 = 0.1, cr 2 = 0.5, and cr2 I. Plot the theoretical error probability for binary PAM with no IS I and compare the Monte Carlo simulation results with this ideal performance. You should observe some small degradation in the performance of the duobinary system.


= 0 n = l

0.25, 0,






6.14 Repeat Problem 6.9 for a sampling rate Fv = 8/7", A = 5, and N = 61. Does the higher sampling rate result in a better frequency response characteristic, i.e., a closer match to X r c ( / ) ' . ' 6 .15 For the filter designed in Problem 6.14, compute and plot the output of the cascade of this filter with its matched filter using the procedure described in Problem 6.10. Compare this sampled impulse response with the ideal impulse response obtained by sampling x r c ( 0 at a rate Z7,. = 8/7". Does this higher sampling rate result in a better approximation of the discrete-time filter impulse response to the ideal filter impulse response? 6.16 Write a MATLAB program that generates the sampled version of the transmit filter impulse response g r i t ) given by (6.5.21) for the modified duobinary pulse specified by (6.5.18). Evaluate and plot GRIN) for N = 31. Also, evaluate and plot the magnitude of the frequency response of this filter. 6.17 Repeat Problem 6.10 for the filter designed in Problem 6.16. 6.18 Repeat Problem 6.16 for N = 21 and N = 41. Compare the frequency responses of these filters with the frequency response of the filter designed in Problem 6.16. What are the major differences in these frequency response characteristics? 6.19 Consider the channel distorted pulse jt(r) given in Illustrative Problem 6.10. The pulse is sampled at the rate 2/7" and equalized by a zero-forcing equalizer with 2fi" -f 1 = 11 taps. Write a MATLAB program to solve for the coefficients of the zero-forcing equalizer. Evaluate and plot the output of this zero-forcing equalizer for 50 sampled values. 6.20 Repeat Problem 6.19 for a MSE equalizer with Sq = 0.01, N0 = 0.1, and No - 1.0. Compare these equalizer coefficients with those obtained in Problem 6.19 and comment on the results as No is varied. 6.21 Write a genera! MATLAB program for computing the tap coefficients of an FIR equalizer of arbitrary length 2 K 4-1 based on the MSE criterion, given as input the sampled values of the pulse x(t) taken at the symbol rate and the spectral density of the additive noise Nq. Use the program to evaluate the coefficients of an 11 -tap equalizer when the sampled values of ,r(f) are

1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1,

= 0 n = l n = 3 n = 4

NO = 0.01, and Nq ~ 0.1. Also, evaluate the minimum MSE for the optimum equalizer coefficients.








6.22 For the channel characteristics given in Problem 6.21, evaluate the coefficients of the MSE equalizer and the minimum MSE when the number of equalizer taps is 2 ! . Compare these equalizer coefficients with the values of the coefficients obtained in Problem 6.21 and comment on whether the reduction in the MSE obtained with the longer equalizer is sufficiently large to justify its use. 6.23 The amount of residual IS1 at the output of an equalizer can be evaluated by convolving the channel sampled response with the equalizer coefficients and observing the resulting output sequence. Write a MATLAB program that computes the output of the equalizer of a specified length when the input is the sampled channel characteristic. For simplicity, consider the case where the equalizer is a symbol-spaced equalizer and the channel sampled response also consists of symbol-spaced samples. Use the program to evaluate the output of a zero-forcing, symbol-spaced equalizer for the channel response given in Problem 6.21. 6.24 Write a MATLAB Monte Carlo simulation program that simulates the digital communication system that is modeled in Figure P6.24. The channel is modeled as an FIR filter with symbol-spaced values. The MSE equalizer is also an FIR filter with symbol-spaced tap coefficients. Training symbols are transmitted initially to train the equalizer. In the data mode, the equalizer employs the output of the detector in forming the error signal. Perform a Monte Carlo simulation of the system using 1000 training (binary) symbols and 10,000 binary data symbols for the channcl model given in Problem 6.21. Use M) = 0.01, /Vo = 0.1, and Nq = 1. Compare the measured error rate with that of an ideal channel with no ISJ.


Figure P6.24

Chapter 7

Digital Transmission via Carrier Modulation

7.1 Preview

In the two previous chapters we considered the transmission of digital information through baseband channels. In such a case, the information-bearing signal is transmitted directly through the channel without the use of a sinusoidal carrier. However, most communication channels are bandpass channels; hence, the only way to transmit signals through such channels is by shifting the frequency of the information-bearing signal to the frequency band of the channel. In this chapter, we consider four types of carrier-modulated signals that are suitable for bandpass channels: amplitude-modulated signals, quadrature-amplitude-modulated signals, phase-shift keying, and frequency-shift keying.


Carrier-Amplitude Modulation

In baseband digital PAM, the signal waveforms have the form


= AmgT(t)


where Am is the amplitude of the mth waveforms and gr(t) is a pulse whose shape determines the spectral characteristics of the transmitted signal. The spectrum of the baseband signals is assumed to be contained in the frequency band \ f \ < W, where W is the bandwidth of | G r ( / ) | 2 , as illustrated in Figure 7.1. Recall that the signal amplitude takes the discrete values

Am = (2m 1 M)d,

m = 1,2








Figure 7.1: Energy density spectrum of the transmitted signal


where 2d is the Euclidean distance between two adjacent signal points. To transmit the digital signal waveforms through a bandpass channel, the baseband signal waveforms sm(t), m = 1, 2, . . . , M are multiplied by a sinusoidal carrier of the form cos27r/, r, as shown in Figure 7.2, where / c - is the carrier frequency (/ t - > W) and corresponds to the center frequency in the passband of the channel. Hence, the transmitted signal waveforms are expressed as


= Amgr(t)cos27ifct,

m = 1,2,... , M is rectangular, i.e.,


In the special case when the transmitted pulse shape gr(t)

gr(O -

f \

j V T (O,

. / - ,


< t < T

the amplitude-modulated carrier signal is usually called amplitude shift keying (ASK). In this case the PAM signal is not bandlimited.


Bandpass signal " ^ Carrier S iTTft

cos (2vfct)

Figure 7.2: Amplitude modulation of a sinusoidal carrier by the baseband PAM signal. Amplitude modulation of the carrier cos 27r/ c r by the baseband signal waveforms sm (t) shifts the spectrum of the baseband signal by an amount fc and, thus, places the signal





into the passband of the channel. Recall that the Fourier transform of the carrier is [<5(/ /[:) + <(/ + /<)J/2. Since multiplication of two signals in the time domain corresponds to the convolution of their spectra in the frequency domain, the spectrum of the amplitudemodulated signal is

( f ) = ^ [ G 7 - ( / - / , ) + G 7 - ( / + /C)]


Thus, the spectrum of the baseband signal sm(t) .4, n 7-(i) is shifted in frequency by the carrier frequency fc. The bandpass signal is a double-sideband suppresscd-carrier (DSBSC) A M signal, as illustrated in Figure 7.3.

Figure 7.3: Spectra of (a) baseband and (b) amplitude-modulated signal. We note that impressing the baseband signal sm(t) onto the amplitude of the carrier signal c o s 2 ; r / c ( f ) does not change the basic geometric representation of the digital PAM signal waveforms. The bandpass PAM signal waveforms may be represented in general as




where the signal waveform \j/{t) is defined as

<A(0 = ^ r ( f ) c o s 2 7 r / t /









sm = Am.

m =1.2,.... M


denotes the signal points that take the M values on the real line, as shown in Figure 7.4.

-5J -Id




3d 5d

Figure 7.4; Signal point constellation for PAM signal. The signal waveform < j/(t) is normalized to unit energy. That is,



= 1









g f ( t ) cos 2n fL i dr = gf(t)dt 2 J-, = 1

+ L J_oo

^(r)cos4jr/,idi (7.2.9)

/ J oo

(i) cos 4 j t f ^ t dt


because the bandwidth W of gr(t) is much smaller than the carrier frequency, i.e., fc W. In such a case, gr(0 is essentially constant within any one cycle of c o s 4 7 r / c f ; hence, the integral in (7.2.10) is equal to zero for each cycle of the integrand. In view of (7.2.10), it follows that

1 - /
2 J-oo



Therefore, g r ( r ) must be appropriately scaled so that (7.2.8) and (7.2.11) are satisfied.






Demodulation of PAM Signals

The demodulation of a bandpass digital PAM signal may be accomplished in one of several ways by means of correlation or matched filtering. For illustrative purposes we consider a correlation-type demodulator. The received signal may be expressed as

r ( 0 = AmgT(t)cos2nfct



where n(t) is a bandpass noise process, which is represented as

n(t) = nL (t) cos 2nfct

- n,(/)sin2JT/ti


and where A, (r) and .f (r) are the quadrature components of the notse. By cross correlating the received signal r(t) with i j / ( t ) given by (7.2.6). as shown in Figure 7.5, we obtain the output

f r(t)i/(t)dt J oo

= Am+n

= s,+n


where n represents the additive noise component at the output of the correlator.

Figure 7.5: Demodulation of bandpass digital PAM signal. The noise component has a zero mean. Us variance can be expressed as /oo
I* ( f ) \

( f ) d f


where * ( / ) is the Fourier transform of i/f (r) and Sn ( / ) is the power spectral density of the additive noise. The Fourier transform of i jr(t) is







*(/) -

\ [Gr(f

- f r ) + Grif

+ /c)]


and the power spectral density of the bandpass additive noise process is

i Na S A f ) =\ 2 [0,


if f | < J ~ otherwise


By substituting (7.2,16) and (7.2.17) into (7.2.15) and evaluating the integral, we obtain <*l = M)/2. It is apparent from (7.2.14). which is the input to the amplitude detector, that the probability of error of the optimum detector for the carrier-modulated PAM signal is identical to that of baseband PAM. That is,



(M- l)iVu

where av i> is the average energy per bit. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative P r o b l e m 7.1 In an amplitude-modulated digital PAM system, the transmitter filter with impulse response gj(f) has a square-root raised-cosine spectral characteristic as described in Illustrative Problem 6.7, with a roll-off factor or = 0.5. The carrier frequency is / r = 4 0 / T . Evaluate and graph the spectrum of the baseband signal and the spectrum of the amplitude-modulated signal.

Figure 7.6 illustrates these two spectral characteristics. The MATLAB script for this computation is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrated Problem !. Chapter 7. echo oil T=1; delta.T=T/200. % sampling interval alpha=0.5; % roll-off factor fc=40/T; % earner frequency A_m=1; % amplitude t=-5*T-t-delta-T:delta-T:5*T; % time axis N^length(t). for i=1:N, if (abs(i(i)r=T/(2+aJpha)), g_T(i) = sinc(t(i)/T)*(cos(pi#alpha*t(i)/T)/(1 4*alpha"2*t{i)~2/T"2)); else


Carrier-Amplitude Modulation


g-Tti) = 0; % she value of g_T is 0 at r = T/(2*a!pha) end; % and. ta t = T/f2*alpha) end. GJT=abs(fft(g_T)); % spectrum of g.T u_m=Am*g.T.*cos(2*pifc*l); % the modulated signt U_m=abs(fft(u_m)); % spectrum of the modulated signal % actual frequency scale f=0.5/delta_T:1 /(dcIta_T*(N1 )):0.5/delta_T; % plotting commands follow figured); plotif.fftshift(G_T)), a x i s t f - 1 / T 1 / T 0 max(G.T)]); figure(2); plot(f.ffishift(U_m));

Figure 7.6: Spectra of baseband signal and amplitude-modulated (bandpass) signal.


Carrier-Phase Modulation

In carrier-phase modulation the information that is transmitted over a communication channel is impressed on the phase of the carrier. Since the range of the carrier phase is 0 <8 < 2n, the carrier phases used to transmit digital information via digital-phase modulation are 8m = 2jtm/M, for m = 0, 1 , . . . , M 1. Thus, for binary phase modulation (M = 2), the two carrier phases are 8q 0 and 9i = tt rad. For M-ary phase modulation, M 2*, where k is the number of information bits per transmitted symbol. The general representation of a set of M carrier-phase-modulated signal waveforms is
Lit m

um{t) = A g r ( / ) c o s i 2nfct

J ,

m = 0, 1

Af - 1


where gr ( 0 is the transmitting filter pulse shape, which determines the spectral characteristics of the transmitted signal and A is the signal amplitude. This type of digital phase







modulation is called phase-shift keying (PSK). We note thai PSK signals have equal energy, i.e., oo


4 (t)dt
. , { 2nm\ A-sr r00


= - J__

(0 A + j

( cos ( 4 , A , + _

j <ir (7.3.3) (7.3.4)

/ g\{t)dt /oo sir,, for all m

where denotes the energy per transmitted symbol. The term involving the doublefrequency component in (7.3,4) averages out to zero when fc W, where W is the bandwidth of r ( 0 . When gT{t) is a rectangular pulse, it is defined as


o < r <


In this case, the transmitted signal waveforms in the symbol interval 0 < / < T may be expressed as (with A s f l )

(f) = y i^ ^ -cco nrf/ ,t r t + - j f i - JI . os s ^ I 2; ,



n , 11 m ==0 0,

M M -- I


Note that the transmitted signals given by (7.3.6) have a constant envelope, and the carrier phase changes abruptly at the beginning of each signal interval. Figure 7.7 illustrates a four-phase (Atf = 4) PSK signal waveform. By viewing the angle of the cosine function in (7.3.6) as the sum of two angles, we may express the waveforms in (7.3.1) as


= V^grOcos = +



- T T i r i O sin

sin (7-3.7)

where 2jrm

, 2jrm = y / s sin



Carrier-Amplitude Modulation











Figure 7.7: Example ot" a four-phase PSK signal,


and fiiU) arc orthogonal basis functions defined as

' M O = jfr ( 0 cos 2 * fct ^2(0 = -5r(0sin2?r/ci (7.3.9)

By appropriately normalizing the pulse shape gr(t), the energy of these two basis functions is normalized to unity. Thus, a phase-modulated signal may be viewed as two quadrature carriers with amplitudes that depend on the transmitted phase in each signal interval. Hence, digital phase-modulated signals are represented geometrically as two-dimensional vectors with components s m c and s m v ,i.e.,

= ( ^ c o s ^



Signal point constellations for M=2, 4, and 8 are illustrated in Figure 7.8. We observe that binary phase modulation is identical to binary PAM (binary antipodal signals). The mapping, or assignment, of k information bits into the M = 2* possible phases may be done in a number of ways. The preferred assignment is to use Gray encoding, in which adjacent phases differ by one binary digit, as illustrated in Figure 7.8. Consequently, only a single bit error occurs in the fc-bit sequence with Gray encoding when noise causes the erroneous selection of an adjacent phase to the transmitted phase.
^ i m U k i M M l M M M M

I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 7.2 Generate the constant-envelope PSK signal waveforms given by (1.3.4) for M = 8. For convenience, the signal amplitude is normalized to unity.







0, f.


011 #

# 001


M = 2

M = 4

100 m*
M = 8



Figure 7,8: PSK signal constellations.

Figure 7.9 illustrates the eight waveforms for the case in which fc = 6/7". The MATLAB script for this computation is given below.

% MATLAB e c h o on T=1; M=8;

script for



2, Cluipter


Es=T/2; fc=6/T; N=100; delta_T=T/(N-1); t=0:delta_T:T; u0=sqrtt2*Es/T)*cos(2pi+fc*i); uI=sqn(2*Es/T)cos(2*pi*fc*t+2pi/M); u2=sqn(2^Bs/T)cos(2*pifc*t+4pi/M); u3=sqrt(2Es/T)*cos(2*pifct+6*pi/M); u4=sqrt(2*Es/T)*cos(2pi*fc*t+8*pi/M); u5=sqrt(2*Es/T)cos(2*pt*fc*t+10pi/M); u6=sqn(2*Es/T)*cos(2pLfc*t+12*pi/M); u7=sqrt(2*Es/T)cos(2*pifc*t+14*pi/M): % plotting commands follow subplot(8,1.1); plot(t.uO); subplol(8,1.2); p)ot(t,ul); subplol(8,1.3), p!oi(t,u2); subplot(8,1,4); plot(t.u3): subplot(8,1,5); plot(t.u4); subpIot{8,1,6);

% carrier % number

frequency of samples





plot(i,u5); subplot(8,1.7); p!ol(t,u6); subplot(8,1.8); plot(t.u7);










Figure 7.9: M = 8 constant-amplitude PSK waveforms.


Phase Demodulation and Detection

The received bandpass signal in a signaling interval from an AWGN channel may be expressed as

r ( f ) =um{t) = um(t)

+ n(t) + nc(t) cos 2 7 x f c t - ns{t) sin 2 j r / c f (7.3.11)

where n t ( i ) and n s ( f ) are the two quadrature components of the additive noise. The received signal may be correlated with < j/\{t) and ^ 2 ( 0 given by (7.3.9). T h e outputs of the two correlators yield the noise-corrupted signal components, which may be expressed as







r = sm 4- n = ( v ^ cos ^ where nc and nx are defined as 1 f00 + nt / E j " sin ~ ,) (7.3.12)

- J r>o

.v = ^ / iT(/),()iir - J O O


The quadrature noise components n t -(/) and ,(?) arc ?ero-mean Gaussian random processes that are uncorrected. As a consequence, (,) = (.,) = 0 and E(nrns) = 0. The variance of nL and is

E(n~) = E(n;) = y



The optimum detector projects the received signal vector r onto each of the M possible transmitted signal vectors |s /ri } and selects the vector corresponding to the largest projection. Thus, we obtain the correlation metrics

C ( r , sm) = r sm,

m =0.1

M - 1


Because all signals have equal energy, an equivalent deiector metric for digital phase modulation is to compute the phase of the received signal vector r = ( n , r2) as

&r tan"' n


and select the signal from the set {i m } whose phase is closest to 9r. The probability of error at the detector for phase modulation in an AWGN channel may be found in any textbook that treats digital communications. Since binary phase modulation is identical to binary PAM, the probability of error is

where is the energy per bit. Four-phase modulation may be viewed as two binary phasemodulation systems on quadrature (orthogonal) carriers. Consequently, the probability of a bit error is identical to that for binary phase modulation. For M > 4, there is no simple


Carrier-Amplitude Modulation


closed-form expression for the probability of a symbol error. A good approximation for
P\t is

where k \og2M bits per symbol. Figure 7.10 illustrates the symbol error probability as a function of the SNR

S N R / b i t , dB

Figure 7.10: Probability of a symbol error for M-ary PSK. The equivalent bit-error probability for M-ary phase modulation is also difficult to derive due to the dependence of the mapping of fc-bit symbols into the corresponding signal phases. W h e n a Gray code is used in the mapping, two fc-bit symbols corresponding to adjacent signal phases differ in only a single bit. Because the most probable errors d u e to noise result in the erroneous selection of an adjacent phase to the true phase, most fc-bit







symbol errors contain only a single bit error. Hence, the equivalent bit-error probability for A/-ary phase modulation is well approximated as



Illustrative Problem 7.3 We shall perform a Monte Carlo simulation of an M 4 PSK communication system that models the detector as the one that computes the correlation metrics given in (7.3.15). The model for the system to be simulated is shown in Figure 7.11.

Figure 7.11: Block diagram of an M = 4 PSK system for a Monte Carlo simulation. JjjHiJMilfc As shown, we simulate the generation of the random vector r given by (7.3.12), which is the output of the signal correlator and the input to the detector. We begin by generating a sequence of quaternary (2-bit) symbols that are mapped into the corresponding four-phase signal points, as shown in Figure 7.8 for M = 4. To accomplish this task, we use a random number generator that generates a uniform random number in the range (0,1). This range is subdivided into four equal intervals, (0,0.25), (0.25,0.5), (0.5,0.75), and (0.75,1.0), where the subintervals correspond to the pairs of information bits 00, 01, 11, 10, respectively. These pairs of bits are used to select the signal phase vector sm.

7.2. Carrier-Amplitude



The additive noise components n c and n s are statistically independent zero-mean Gaussian random variables with variance o2. For convenience, we may normalize the variance to a 2 = 1 and control the SNR in the received signal by scaling the signal energy parameter 3TV, or vice-versa. The detector observes the received signal vector r = i m + n as given in (7.3.12) and computes the projection (dot product) of r onto the four possible signal vectors s m . Its decision is based on selecting the signal point corresponding in the largest projection. The output decisions from the detector are compared with the transmitted symbols, and symbol errors and bit errors are counted. Figure 7.12 illustrates the results of the Monte Carlo simulation for the transmission of /V-10,000 symbols at different values of the SNR parameter h/Na, where = t/2 is the bit energy. Also shown in Figure 7.12 is the bit-error rate, which is defined as Pb ^ P m ! 2 . and the corresponding theoretical error probability, given by (7.3.18). The MATLAB scripts for this Monte Carlo simulation are given below.



for Illustrative


3. Chapter


echo on SNRindB 1=0:2:10; SNRindB2=0:0.1:10. for i=1 :lengih(SNRindBI), (pb,psI=cm-sm32(SNRiniiBI(i)); smld -biueri-prb(i)=pb. s inid s y mbo L err. prb( i)=ps; end; for i=1 :length(SNRindB2), SNR=exp(SNRindB2(i)*log< 10)/10); theo_err.prb(i)=Qfiinct(sqn(2+SNR)); end:
% Plotting commands follow

7c simulated

bit and symbol error


% signal-to-noise rutin % theoretical bit-error rate

semilogy(SNRindBl,smld.bit,err.prb,' * ), hold semilogy(SNRindB I .smtd.symboLerr.prb.' o ' ) , semilogy(SNRindB2,theo.err.prb);

function (pb,ps]=cm-sm32(snrJn-dB)
% % % [pb,psJ=cmsm32(snrJnjiB) CM-SM32 finds the probability of bit error and symbol given value of snrJn^dB. signal-to-noise ratio in dB. % energy per symbol % signal-to-noise ratio % noise variance error for the

E=1; snr=10"(; sgma=sqrt(E/snr)/2; % the signal mapping

s00=[1 0), s01 = [0 11; si ]=[1 01; st0=[0 - 1 ] ;

% generation of the data source



for i=1:N,

temp=rand; if (temp<0.25), dsourcel(i)=0; dsource2(i)=0; else if (temp<0.5), dsourcel(i)=0; dsource2(i)=1; elseif (temp<0.75). <Jsourcel(i)=1, dsource2{i>=0; dsourcel(i)=1 ; dsourL'e2(l)=1 ; end; end;
% detection and the probability of error

% a uniform random variable between 0 arid I % with probability 1/4. source output is "00"

% with probability

1/4, source output is "01 "

% with probability

1/4, source output is


% with probability

1/4, source output is "11"


numofsymbolerror=0; nuinofbitcrror=0, for i=1:N,

% the received signal at the detector, for the ith sy mho!, is:

n(1)=gngauss(sgma); i\(2)=gngauss(sgina), if ((dsourcel(i)0) & (dsouree2(i)==0)), r=sO+n. elseif ((dsource l(i)==0) & (dsource2(i)==D). r=s01+n; elseif ((dsourceHi)==1) & (dsource2(i)==0)), r=slO+n, else r=sl I+n; end;
% The correlation metrics are computed below

c00=doi(r.s00); c01=dot(r.s0l); c I0=dot(r,sl0); cll=dot(i\sl I);

% The decision on the ith symbol is made next

c_max=max([cOO cOl clOcIl]);

if (cOO==c_[TiaA).

decisl=0; decis2=0; elseif (cOl ==c_max), decisl =0; decis2=1; elseif (clOc_max), decisl = 1; decis2=0; else
decisl = 1. decis2=1;

% increment the error counter, if the decision is not correct

symbolerror=0; if (decisr=dsourcel(i)), numolbiterror=numofbiterror+1 ; symbolerror=1; end; if (decis2"=dsource2(i)), numofbiterror=numofbiteiror+1;

7.2. Carrier-Amplitude



syinbnlerror=1; end; if (symbolenor==1), nu mo fsym bo terror = numofsymbolerror+1, end; end; ps=numofsymboleiTor/N; % since there are totally N symbols pb=numofbiieiT0r/(2*N); % since 2N bits are transmuted

Figure 7.12; Performance of a four-phase PSK system from the Monte Carlo simulation.


Differential Phase Modulation and Demodulation

The demodulation of the phase-modulated carrier signal, as described above, requires that the carrier phase components ^ (f) and (!) be phase-locked to the received carriermodulated signal. In general, this means that the receiver must estimate the carrier-phase offset of the received signal caused by a transmission delay through the channel and compensate for this carrier-phase offset in the cross correlation of the received signal with the two reference components and 1^2(0- The estimation of the carrier-phase offset is usually performed by use of a phase-locked loop (PLL). Thus, we achieve coherent phase demodulation. Another type of carrier-phase modulation is differential phase modulation, in which the transmitted data are differentially encoded prior to the modulator. In differential encoding, the information is conveyed by phase shifts relative to the previous signal interval. For example, in binary phase modulation the information bit 1 may be transmitted by shifting



the phase of the carrier by 180 relative to the previous carrier phase, whereas the information bit 0 is transmitted by a zero-phase shift relative to the phase in the preceding signaling interval. In four-phase modulation, the relative phase shifts between successive intervals are 0, 90, 180', and 270, corresponding to the information bits 00, Oi, 11, and 10, respectively. The generalization of differential encoding for M > 4 is straightforward. The phase-modulated signals resulting from this encoding process arc called differentially encoded. The encoding is performed by a relatively simple logic circuit preceding the modulator. Demodulation and detection of the differentially encoded phase-modulated signal may be performed as follows. The received signal phase 9 tan""1 N/Ri at the detector is mapped into one of the M possible transmitted signal phases { 0 } that is closest to 9 . Following the detector is a relatively simple phase comparator that compares the phases of the detected signal over two consecutive intervals to extract the transmitted information.

We observe that the demodulation of a differentially encoded phase-modulated signal does not require the estimation of the carrier phase. To elaborate, suppose that we demodulate the differentially encoded signal by cross correlating r(r> with g r i O c o s 2 j r / t f and grit) smhr fct, At the A:th signaling intervaJ, the two components of the demodulator output may be represented in complex-valued form as

rk = v / J ^ V ' * - * ' + nk


where 9 is the phase angle of the transmitted signal at the &th signaling interval, 4> is the carrier phase, and nk = nkc + jnkx is the noise. Similarly, the received signal vector at the output of the demodulator in the preceding signaling interval is the complex-valued quantity

/>_, v ^ ^ -

- *


The decision variable for the phase detector is the phase difference between these two complex numbers. Equivalently, we can project rk onto and use the phase of the resulting complex number, that is,

r4r;_, =

1 > + y/zle^-Vnt-1 +

e ' l ^ - ^ n

+ nkn\^


which, in the absencc of noise, yields the phase difference 9 9 _ i. Thus, the mean value of r k r_ j is independent of the carrier phase. Differentially encoded PSK signaling that is demodulated and detected as described above is called differential P S K (DPSK). T h e demodulation and detection of DPSK is illustrated in Figure 7.13. The probability of error for D P S K in an A W G N channel is relatively simple to derive for binary ( M = 2) phase modulation. The result is

P2 =


7.3. Carrier-Phase Modulation


at ( = k T

Figure 7.13: Block diagram of D P S K demodulator.

The graph of (7.3.23) is shown in Figure 7,14. Also shown in this figure is the probability of error for binary PSK. We observe that at error probabilities below 1 0 " 4 , the difference in S N R between binary PSK and binary D P S K is less than 1 dB. For M > 2, the error probability performance of a DPSK demodulator and detector is extremely difficult to evaluate exactly. The major difficulty is encountered in the determination of the probability density function for the phase of the random variable rkrk_ [, given by (7.3.22). However, an approximation to the performance of D P S K is easily obtained, as we now demonstrate. Without loss of generality, suppose the phase difference S^Ok-i ~ 0. Furthermore, the exponential factors a n ( j ejWt-<t>) j n (7.3.22) can be absorbed into the Gaussian noise components j and n k without changing their statistical properties. Therefore, i (7-3.22) can be expressed as

+ < - i ) + **-]


The complication in determining the probability density function of the phase is the term However, at SNRs of practical interest, the term dominant noise term

is small relative to the and we also normalize

( n k + n * k _ [ ) . I f w e neglect the term

k r k - \ ^ dividing through by

the new set of decision metrics becomes

Jt = y/~s + Re(nk y = lm(nt + nj-1)

+ _[) (7.3.25)

The variables x and y are u n c o r r e c t e d Gaussian random variables with identical variances a * = Nq. The phase is







Figure 7 .14: Probability of error for binary PSK and DPSK.

7.3. Carrier-Phase



0 r = tan" 1 .c


At this stage we have a problem that is identical to the one for phase-coherent demodulation. The only difference is that the noise variance is now twice as large as in the case of PSK. Thus we conclude that the performance of DPSK is 3 dB poorer than that for PSK. This result is relatively good for M > 4, but it is pessimistic for M = 2 in the sense that the loss in binary DPSK relative to binary PSK is less than 3 dB at large SNR. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM

Illustrative Problem 7,4 Implement a differential encoder for the case of M 8 DPSK.

The signal points are the same as those for PSK shown in Figure 7.8. However, for DPSK these signal points represent the phase change relative to the phase of the previous transmitted signal points. The MATLAB script for implementing the differential encoder is given below. M-FILE
% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 4, Chapter 7 % For Gray

mapping={0 1 3 2 7 6 4 5]; E=1, sequence=[0 1 0 0 11 0 0 1 1 1 1 [e]=cm_dpske(E.M,mappmg,sequence),


1 1 0 0 0 0];

% e is (he differential





Illustrative Problem 7.5 Perform a Monte Carlo simulation of an M = 4 DPSK communication system. T h e model for the system to be simulated is shown in Figure 7.15.

The uniform random number generator (RNG) is used to generate the pairs of bits {00,01, 11, 10}, as described in Illustrative Problem 7.3. Each 2-bit symbol is mapped into one of the four signal points s = [cos 7rm/2 sin n m / 2 ] rn = 0 , 1 . 2 , 3, by the differential encoder. Two Gaussian RNG are used to generate the noise components [n c ns]. Then, the received signal plus noise vector is
m y

cos M


= [,,

The differential detector basically computes the phase difference between r* and Mathematically, this computation can be performed as in (7.3.22), i.e..



Figure 7.15: Block diagram of M = 4 DPSK system for the Monte Carlo simulation.

r r

k k-l

= (r<-* + jrsk){rck-\ = rlkrik-l = +rskr.ik-1

1) + iC^fa-l ~ ^ r ^ - l )

+ j >'k

and 8k t a n (y*/**) is the phase difference. The value of d k is compared with the possible phase differences (0, 90, 180, 270}, and a decision is made in favor of the phase that is closest to 8 k . The detected phase is then mapped into the pair of information bits. The error counter counts the symbol errors in the detected sequence. Figure 7.16 illustrates the results of the Monte Carlo simulation for the transmission of N =10,000 symbols at different values of the SNR parameter i , / N q , where h = / 2 is the bit energy. Also shown in Figure 7.16 is the theoretical value of the symbol error rate based on the approximation that the term rt i ,n k _ ] is negligible. We observe f r o m Figure 7.16 that the approximation results in an upper bound to the error probability. The M A T L A B scripts for this Monte Carlo simulation are given below.


% MATLAB scrip! for Illustrative Problem 5, Chapter 7. echo on SNRindB 1=0:2:12; SNRindB2=0:0.1:12; for i=1 :length(SNRincSB 1),

7. 3. Carrier-Phase



smld_err_prb(i)=cnusm34(SNRmdRUi)) end; for i=1 length(SNRjndB2), SNR=exp(SNRindB2(i)*log(10)/10), theo.err.prbi i )=2*Qfunct(<;qrt(S MR)) ; end; % Plotting commands follow semilogy(SNRmdBl,smld_err_prb. ' * '); hold seinilogy(SNRindB2,ttieo.err_prb);

9c simulated

error rate

% signal-to-noise ratio % theoretical symbol-error


function [p]=cm_sm34(snr_in_dB) % !pl=t:m_<on34(snrun_dBi % CMSMfinds the probability of error far the given % value of snrJn-dB, signal-to-noise ratio in tiB N=10000; E=1; % energy per symbol snr=10~(snrJn_dB/10); % signal-to-noise ratio sgma=sqrt(E/(4*snr)l; % noise variance % generation of the data source follows for i=1:2*N. temp=rand; % t< uniform random variable between 0 and I if (remp<0.5). dsource(i)=0; % with probability ! 12, source output is "0" else dsource(i)=1 ; % with probability 1/2, source output is "I" end; end; % DifferentiaI encoding of the data source follows mopping=[0 1 3 2], M=4; (difficile .out put] = cm.dpske(E,M,mapping.dsoarce); % received signal is then for i=1:N, [n(1) n(2))=gngauss(sgma1, r(i,:)=diff_enc_output(i.:)+n. end; % detection and the probability of error calculation numoferr=0; prev_theta=0; for i=1:N. theta=angle(r(i.1)+j*r(i.2)); d e Ita-t het a=mod ( t het a - prev _ l heta,2 * pi ) ; if ((delta.theta<pi/4) | (delta_iheta>7pi/4)). decis=[0 0]; elseif (deIla.theta<3*pi/4), dec is=[0 1]; elseif (delta_theta<5*pi/4) decis=[1 1], else decis=[1 0]; end; prev_theta=theta;







% increase the error counter if the decision is not correct if ((decisf 1 r=dsource(2*i 1)) I (decis(2)"=dsource(2*i}. numoferr=numoferr+1; end, end; p=numoferr/N,

function [enc.comp] = em w dpske(E,M,mapping,sequence); % (enc-comp! cm-dpskeiE.M,mapping,sequence) % CMJOPSKE differentially encodes a sequence. % it the average energy, M is the number of constellation points !o and mapping is the vector defining how the constellation points are % allocated. Finally, "sequence" is the uncoded binary tlata sequence. k=log2(M); N=lengih(sequence), % if N is not divisible bv k. append zeros, so that it is. .. remainder=remlN,k); if (remainder~=0>. for i=N+1 :N' + k remainder. scquence(i)=0, end, N-N+k -remainder; end, lheia=0. % initially, assume that theta-0 for 1=1 :k:N, mdex=0; for j = i : i + k - 1 , index =2*index+sequencelj); end; index=index+1; theta=mod(2pimapping( index )/M+iheta,2pi); enc_comp((i+k-1 )/k,1 )=sqn(E)*cos(theta); enc_comp((i+k-1 )/k,2)=sqrt(E)*sin(theia); end;


Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

(QAM) signal employs two quadrature carriers,


c o s 2 j r / t r a n d s i n 2 n f L t , e a c h of w h i c h is m o d u l a t e d b y a n i n d e p e n d e n t s e q u e n c e of i n f o r m a t i o n bits. T h e t r a n s m i t t e d signal w a v e f o r m s h a v e the f o r m


= AmcgT(t)



+ Amsgr(t)

sin 2 n f c t ,

m =


(7.4.1) k-bit = 4

w h e r e { A m c } a n d { A m i } a r e t h e s e t s of a m p l i t u d e l e v e l s t h a t a r e o b t a i n e d b y m a p p i n g sequences into signal amplitudes. c o n s t e l l a t i o n t h a t is o b t a i n e d b y a m p l i t u d e m o d u l a t i n g e a c h q u a d r a t u r e e a r n e r b y M

F o r e x a m p l e , F i g u r e 7.17 illustrates a 1 6 - Q A M signal

7.4. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation


h / N 0 in dB

Figure 7.16: Performance of four-phase DPSK system from Monte Carlo simulation (the solid curve is an upper bound based on approximation that neglects the noise term

Figure 7.17: M = 16-QAM signal constellation.



PAM. In general, rectangular signal constellations result when two quadrature carriers are each modulated by PAM. More generally, Q A M may be viewed as a form of combined digital amplitude and digital-phase modulation. Thus the transmitted Q A M signal waveforms may be expressed as umn(0 = AmgHt)cos(2jtfLt + d). m = 1,2 A,, n = 1, 2 , . . . , M2 (7.4.2)

If Ail = , and M i = 2 k 2 , the combined amplitude and phase-modulation method results in the simultaneous transmission of k\ + = log 2 Ait binary digits occurring at a symbol rate Rh/(k\ + 2 ) - Figure 7.18 illustrates the functional block diagram of a Q A M modulator.

Figure 7.18: Functional block diagram of modulator for Q A M . It is clear that the geometric signal representation of the signals given by (7.4.1) and (7.4.2) is in terms of two-dimensional signal vectors of the form

sm = ( V U A

b c

m = 1,2


Examples of signal space constellations for Q A M are shown in Figure 7.19. Note that M = 4 Q A M is identical to Ai = 4 P S K .


Demodulation and Detection of QAM

Let us assume that a carrier-phase offset is introduced in the transmission of the signal through the channel. In addition, the received signal is corrupted by additive Gaussian

7.4. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation


M r


M = 32

AM= 8 M = 16

i /v
.4 (a)

Figure 7.19: (a) Rectangular and (b),(c) circular Q A M signal constellations,

noise. Hence, r{t) may be expressed as


= AmL-gr(t)cos(27T/cr

+ <p) + AmjgT(t)sm(2*fct

+ <t>) + " ( 0


where <p is the carrier phase offset and

n(t) = M f ) c o s 2 . T / t r - n . v ( 0 s i n 2 j r / c i The received signal is correlated with the two phase-shifted basis functions

i M O =7-(Ocos(2vT/cr + 0) <A:0 = St(0 sin(2 >T/ t f + <p) (7-4.5)

as illustrated in Figure 7.20, and the outputs of the correlators are sampled and passed to the detector. The phase-locked loop (PLL) shown in Figure 7.20 estimates the carrier phase offset <p of the received signal and compensates for this phase offset by phase shifting if/lit) and ij/iit) as indicated in (7.4.5). The clock shown in Figure 7.20 is assumed to be synchronized to the received signal so that the correlator outputs are sampled at the proper instant in time. Under these conditions, the outputs from the two correlators are

rj = Amc

+ nc cos <j) nx sin <j> (7,4.6)

7 Ams + nc sin <p + ns cos (p

308 where


1 fT f = " /

- Jo

ni(')gT(r)dt (7.4.7) j

The noise components are zero-mean, uncorrelated Gaussian random variables with variance A'o/2.

Figure 7.20: Demodulation and detection of Q A M signals. The optimum detector computes the distance metrics


= | r iff,] 2 ,

m = 1.2,,.., M


where r' = ( r | , r?) and sm is given by (7.4,3).


Probability of Error for QAM in an AWGN Channel

In this section, we consider the performance of Q A M systems that employ rectangular signal constellations. Rectangular Q A M signal constellations have the distinct advantage

7.4. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation


of being easily generated as two PAM signals impressed on phase quadrature carriers. In addition, they are easily demodulated. For rectangular signal constellations in which M 2k, where k is even, the Q A M signal constellation is equivalent to two PAM signals on quadrature carriers, each having V m = 2k/2 signal points. Because the signals in the phase quadrature components are perfectly separated by coherent detection, the probability of error for Q A M is easily determined f r o m the probability of error for PAM. Specifically, the probability of a correct decision for the A/-ary Q A M system is


0 ~ PSm)2


where P i s the probability of error of a - / M - a r y PAM with one-half the average power in each quadrature signal of the equivalent QAM system. By appropriately modifying the probability of error for Ai-ary PAM, we obtain

where Z ^ / N o is the average SNR per symbol. Therefore, the probability of a symbol error for the Ai-ary Q A M is

PM = I - ( l - P ^ y


We note that this result is exact for M = 2k when k is even. On the other hand, when k is odd, there is no equivalent V M - a r y PAM system. This is no problem, however, because it is rather easy to determine the error rate for a rectangular signal set. If we employ the optimum detector that bases its decisions on the optimum distance metrics given by (7.4.8 ), it is relatively straightforward to show that the symbol-error probability is tightly upper-bounded as

PM < I -

,_ 2fil / * V (M

- I)No J


3 <42

(M -


for any k > I, where g ^ / N o is the average SNR per bit. The probability of a symbol error is plotted in Figure 7.21 as a function of the average SNR per bit.



SNR/bit. dB

Figure 7.21: Probability of a symbol error for QAM.

7.4. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation


- ^ U M b h d A m H J ^ I J M f c I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 7.6 Perform a Monte Carlo simulation of an M = 16-QAM communication system using a rectangular signal constellation. The model of the system to be simulated is shown in Figure 7.22.

Figure 7.22: Block diagram of an M = 16-QAM system for the Monte Carlo simulation.

The uniform random number generator (RNG) is used to generate the sequence of information symbols corresponding to the 16 possible 4-bit combinations of b\, 62, The information symbols are mapped into the corresponding signal points, as illustrated in Figure 7.23, which have the coordinates [ Amc, AmsJ. Two Gaussian RNG are used to generate the noise components [ n c , . The channel-phase shift 4 > is set to 0 for convenience. Consequently, the received signal-pius-noise vector is

r = [AmL -1- nc

Ams + n(]

The detector computes the distance metrics given by (7.4.8) and decides in favor of the signal point that is closest to the received vector r . The error counter counts the symbol errors in the detected sequence. Figure 7.24 illustrates the results of the Monte Carlo simulation for the transmission of N= 10,000 symbols at different values of the SNR parameter E^/Nq, where 7, = 4 is the bit energy. Also shown in Figure 7.24 is the theoretical value of the symbol-error probability given by (7.4.10) and (7.4.11). The M A T L A B scripts for this problem are given below.







% MATLAB scrip! for Illustrative Problem 6. Chapter 7. echo on SNRindBl=0:2:15; SNRindB 2=0:0.1:15; M=16; k=log2(M); for i=1 length(SNRindBl), srnJd_err_prb(i)=cm_sm41(SNRindB l(i)); % simulated error rate end; for i=1:Iength(SNRindB2), SNR=exp(SNRindB2(i)*log( 10)/10); % signal-lo-noise ratio % theoretical symbol error rate iheo-err-prb(i)=4*Qfunct(sqrt(3*k*SNR/(M-1))); end; % Plotting commands follow semilogy(SNRindB I ,smld_err_prb.' * '); hold semiJogy(SNRindB2.lheo_err_prb);

function [p)=cm_sm41(snr_in_dB) % fp]=cm_sm41(snrJnjiB) % CM SM 41 finds the probability of error for the given % value of snrjnjiB, SNR m dB. N=10000; % mm. distance between symbols d=1; Eav=10*d~2; % energy per symbol snr=10~(; % SNR per bit (given) sgma=sqrt(Eav/(8sn;)); % noise variance

% generation of the data source folio for i=1:N, temp=rand; dsou rce (i)=1 +floor(M * temp), end; % Mapping to the signal constellation mapping=[-3*d 3*d; - d 3*d; d 3*d; 3*d 3d; 3*d d; - d d; d d; 3*d d; -3*d -d; -d -d; d -d; 3*d - d ; -3*d -3*d: - d 3*d; d 3*d; 3*d 3*d]; % a uniform R.V. between 0 and I % u number between 1 and 16, uniform follow

7.2. Carrier-Amplitude Modulation

for i=1:N. qam_sig(i,:)=mappmg(dsoiirce(i).:). end, % received signal for i=1:N. [n(1) n(2)]=gngauss(bgma1, r(i,:)=qam^sig(i,:)+n; end, % detection and error probability calculation numoferr=0, for i=1 :N, % metric computation follow for j=1:M, memcs(j)=(r(i,1 )-mapping(j,1 ))"2+(r(i,2)-mapping(j .21) "2; end; [min-metric decisj = inin(metrics), if (decis"=dsource(i1), numoferr=numoferr+1; end; end; p=numoferr/(N);


3 2

1 i

i -2

i -1 1 2 3


Figure 7.23: M = 16-QAM signal constellation for the Monte Carlo simulation.


Carrier-Frequency Modulation

Above, we described methods for transmitting digital information by modulating either the amplitude of the carrier, the phase of the carrier, or the combined amplitude and phase. Digital information can also be transmitted by modulating the frequency of the carrier. As we will observe from our treatment below, digital transmission by frequency modulation is a modulation method that is appropriate for channels that lack the phase stability that is necessary to perform carrier-phase estimation. In contrast, the linear modulation



2b//V 0 in dB

Figure 7.24: Performance of M = 16-QAM system from the Monte Carlo simulation.

methods that we have introducednamely, PAM, coherent PSK, and Q A M r e q u i r e the estimation of the carrier phase to perform phase-coherent detection.


Frequency-Shift Keying

T h e simplest form of frequency modulation is binary frequency-shift keying (FSK). In binary FSK we employ two different frequencies, say, f\ and f j = f \ + A / , to transmit a binary information sequence. The choice of frequency separation A / = / 2 / [ is considered below. Thus the two signal waveforms may be expressed as

r>h I ( 0 = ,/ - COS 27T f \ t , y Tb

2(0 =


I 7,3H
V *h

c o s 2

* M

0 < f < 7*


where t> is the signal energy per bit and 7), is the duration of the bit interval. More generally, M-ary F S K may be used to transmit a block of k log 2 A/ bits per signal waveform. In this case, the M signal waveforms may be expressed as

7.5. Carrier-Frequency Modulation



/ 25:,

cos(2 jrfct + Inm&ft),

m = 0, 1

Af - 1,

0 < i < 7" (7.5.2)

where = fci ^, is the energy per symbol, T = 7/, is the symbol interval, and A / is the frequency separation between successive frequencies, i.e., A f = fm - fm~\ for all "1 = 1 , 2 M - I, where / m = / c + m A / . Note that the A/ FSK waveforms have equal energy, 3tx. The frequency separation A / determines the degree to which we can discriminate among the M possible transmitted signals. As a measure of the similarity (or dissimilarity) between a pair of signal waveforms we use the correlation coefficient y m n

1 = ~

f JO



By substituting for n m ( t ) and um(t)

in (7.5.3). we obtain

I fT Ymn~-=r / - cos(2jr/ t -/ + 2nmAft) cos(2nfct + 2nnAft)dt 3b.t Jo ' 1 fT 1 fT = 10 f c o s 2 ; r ( m n)Af t dt - i f cos [ 4 j t / c i + 27r(m +- n) A / i ] dt i Jo T Jo T Jo sin2jr(m n)AfT (7.5.4) 2jr(m n) A / 7 " where the second integral vanishes when fc 1/7". A plot of ymn as a function of the frequency separation Af is given in Figure 7.25. We observe that the signal waveforms are orthogonal when Af is a multiple of 1 / 2 T . Hence, the minimum frequency separation between successive frequencies for orthogonality is l / 2 7 \ We also note that the minimum value of the correlation coefficient is ymn ~ 0.217, which occurs at the frequency separation Af = 0 . 7 1 5 / 1 . A/-ary orthogonal FSK waveforms have a geometric representation as M Afdimensional orthogonal vectors, given as

fO = ( V ^ , 0 *i = (0, y i T . O i sM-i=( 0,0

0) 0)

(7.5.5) (7.5.6) (7.5.7)

0 , 7 ^ )


where the basis functions are tym(t) = J2/ T cos 2n{fc + mAf)t. The distance between pairs of signal vectors is d = s/23Ts for all m , n, which is also the minimum distance among



Figure 7.25: Cross correlation coefficient as a function of frequency separation for FSK signals.

the M signals. Note that these signals are equivalent to the M-ary baseband orthogonal signals described in Section 5.4. The demodulation and detection of the Ai-ary FSK signals is considered next.


Demodulation and Detection of FSK Signals

Let us assume that the FSK signals are transmitted through an additive white Gaussian noise channel. Furthermore, we assume that each signal is delayed in the transmission through the channel. Consequently, the filtered received signal at the input to the demodulator may be expressed as

r(t) =

eos(2ff fct + Inm&ft

+ 4>m) + n{t)


where <pm denotes the phase shift of the mth signal (due to the transmission delay) and n ( r ) represents the additive bandpass noise, which may be expressed as

n(t) = nc(t) cos Ikft

- ns(t) sin



The demodulation and detection of the M F S K signals may be accomplished by one of two methods. One approach is to estimate the M carrier-phase shifts \<pm} and perform phase-coherent demodulation and detection. As an alternative method, the carrier phases may be ignored in the demodulation and detection. In phase-coherent demodulation, the received signal r(t) is correlated with each of the M possible received signals cos {lnfct + 2jrmA/i + for m = 0, 1 , . , . , Ai - 1, where

{<pm} are the carrier-phase estimates. A block diagram illustrating this type of demodulation is shown in Figure 7.26. It is interesting to note that when <j>m <pm f o r m = 0, 1, . . . , M 1

7.5. Carrier-Frequency Modulation


(imperfect phase estimates), the frequency separation required for signal orthogonality at the demodulator is Af = 1 / 7 , which is twice the minimum separation for orthogonality when (p = <p.




Sample at / = T

cos (2ir/cf +<(>{) '0Odt

Sample at = T Detector


Received signal

cos (2 wf c t + 2ttA/+ <,)

Output decision


Sample at r = T

{2-rrf t + 2ir{M - UA/i + <t>u)

Figure 7.26: Phase-coherent demodulation of M-ary FSK signals. The requirement of estimating M carrier phases makes coherent demodulation of F S K signals extremely complex and impractical, especially when the number of signals is large. Therefore, we shall not consider coherent detection of F S K signals. Instead w e consider a method for demodulation and detection that does not require knowledge of the carrier phases. The demodulation may be accomplished as shown in Figure 7.27. In this case there are two correlators per signal waveform, or a total of 2 M correlators, in general. T h e received signal is correlated with the basis functions (quadrature carriers) ^ c o s ( 2 , / t i + 2 ^ A / r ) a n d / i s i n ( 2 ^ , + 2 A / O f o r m = 0, 1 , . . . , M - 1. The 2 M outputs of the correlators are sampled at the end of the signal interval and are passed to the detector. Thus, if the mlh signal is transmitted, the 2M samples at the detector may be expressed as "sin 2n(k r* c = V ^ T rkt = V ^ 2n(k - m)6fT m) A / T cos 2 n ( k m)AfT - I _sin<p 2n{k - m ) A / r sin 2 n ( k 2n{k-m)AfT m)A/T 1

cos<pm - 1

+ nkc

cos 27T(k - m)A/T 2n(k m)AfT

cos <t>m +

sin 4>n (7.5.11)

318 where n k c and

CHAPTER 7. DIGITAL TRANSMISSION VIA CARRIER MODULATION denote the Gaussian noise components in the sampled outputs.

cos 2irfc i

Figure 7.27: Demodulation of M-ary signals for noncoherent detection. We observe that when k = m, the sampled values to the detector are

rmt = = v ^

cos 0 m + n m c sin0m + nm, (7.5.12)

Furthermore, w e observe that when k ^ m, the signal components in the samples rand r k s will vanish, independent of the values of the phase shift provided that the frequency separation between successive frequencies is A / = 1 / T. In such a case, the other 2(M 1) correlator outputs consist of noise only, i.e., rice ~ rikc rks = nks, k (7.5.13)

In the following development we assume that A / = 1/ T, so that the signals are orthogonal.

7.5. Carrier-Frequency Modulation


It can be shown that the 2 M noise samples }and ijt.r} arc zero-mean, mutually uncorrelated Gaussian random variables with equal variance CR~ = Nq}2. Consequently, the joint probability density function for r,L and r m y conditioned on <j>m is 1 Intrand for m ^ k, we have

frk(rk<: n*) =


Given the 2 M observed random variables ( r ^ , a - , , . } ^ , the optimum detector selects the signal that corresponds to the maximum of the posterior probabilities, i.e.,

P [s m was transmitted j R\ ~ P{sm

| r>.

M = 0, I. . . . , M - 1


where r is the 2A/-dimensional vector with elements {rkc, rks I ^ q 1 . When the signals are equally probable, the optimum detcctor specified by (7.5.16) computes the signal envelopes, defined as

m = 0,\

M - I


and selects the signal corresponding to the largest envelope of the set {r m }. In this case the optimum detector is called an envelope detector. An equivalent detector is one that computes the squared envelopes

d =

l r + ri,'

m = 0, I

M - l


and selects the signal corresponding to the largest, {r^}. In this case, the optimum detector is called a square-law detector.

Illustrative Problem 7.7 Consider a binary communication system that employs the two FSK signal waveforms given as

Mi(/) = c o s 2 ; r / 1 / , 2 ( 0 = cos27r/2f,

0<t<Th 0 < t < Tb

where f\ = 1000/ 7), and / a = / i + 1/7),. The channel imparts a phase shift of 4> 45 on each of the transmitted signals, so that the received signal in the absence of noise is

r ( 0 = cos ( i n f j t + ^

= 1,2,


Numerically implement the correlation-type demodulator for the FSK signals.



We sample the received signal r(t ) at a rate F , = 5 0 0 0 / Th in the bit interval 7V Thus the received signal r(t) is represented by the 5000 samples {r(n/FJ}. The correlation demodulator multiplies [r(n/Fx)} by the sampled version of m ( r ) = c o s 2 ; r / j i , u j ( r ) = sin 2 x f \ t , i n ( 0 = cos27r/2i, and u t ( 0 = sin I n / i t , as illustrated in Figure 7.27. Thus the correlator outputs are

i<( fc > = ! > ( )

( ) .



( j r ) l 'i ( ] r ) '

J k = l.2


k = 1,2 n-0 k rls(k) = v2 ,


k = 1 , 2 , . . . ,5000

The detector is a square-law detector that computes the two decision variables

r, = r l (5000) + rf,.(5000) r 2 = r 2 2 t (5000) + r\j. (5000) and selects the information bit corresponding to the larger decision variable. A MATLAB program that implements the correlations numerically is given below. The graphs of the correlator outputs are shown in Figure 7.28, based on the signal ti|(r) being transmitted.

% MATLAB scrip! for Illustrative echo on Tb=1, fMOOO/Tb; f2=(! + 1/Tb; phi=pi/4; N=5000; t=0:Tb/(N-1):Tb; ul=cos(2*pi*fl0;

Problem 7, Chapter 7.

% number of samples

% af.fuminjj thai it! is transmitted, the received signal r is sgma=1; % noise variance for i=1 :N, r(i)=cos(2+pi*f 1 l(i)+phi)+gngau5s(sgma); end; % the correlator outputs are computed next

7.5. Carrier-Frequency



vl=sin(2pi*fl*t): v2=sin(2*pi*f2*t); rlc(1)=r(1 )*ul(1); r 1 s( 1 )=r(1)*vl(1); r2c(1)=r(1 )*u2(1); r2s(1)=r(1)*v2(1). for k=2:N, rlc(k)=rlc(k 1 )+r(k)*ul(k); rls(k)=rls(k 1 )+r(k)*vl(k); r2c(k)=r2c(k-1 )+r(k)*u2(k); r2s(k)=r2s(k 1 )+r(k)v2(k); end, % decision variables rl=r!c{5000)"2+rls(5000)~2; r2=r2c(5000)"2+r2s(5000)" 2; % plolling commands follow

Figure 7.28: Output of correlators for binary F S K demodulation.


Probability of Error for Noncoherent Detection of FSK


T h e d e r i v a t i o n o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e o p t i m u m e n v e l o p e d e t e c t o r f o r t h e M-ary error m a y be expressed as

s i g n a l s c a n b e f o u n d in m o s t t e x t s o n d i g i t a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n . T h e p r o b a b i l i t y o f a s y m b o l


X )

n ^ ( V

) J _ e - n ^ / n + I

/ N , ( n + i )




When M = 2, this expression reduces to the probability of error for binary FSK, which is

pz =


For M > 2, the bit-error probability may be obtained from the symbol error probability by means of the relation
2*-1 Ph =


(7 5 21)

' '

The bit-error probability is plotted in Figure 7.29 as a function of the SNR per bit for M = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. We observe that for any given bit-error probability, the SNR per bit decreases as M increases. In the limit as M oo, the cn-or probability can be made arbitrarily small provided that the SNR per bit exceeds - 1 . 6 d B . T h i s is the channel capacity limit, or Shannon limit, for any digital communication system transmitting information through an AWGN channel.

SNR/bit, dB

Figure 7.29: Probability of a bit error for noncoherent detection of orthogonal F S K signals. The cost of increasing M is the bandwidth required to transmit the signals. Since the frequency separation between adjacent frequencies is A / = 1/7" for signal orthogonality,

7.5. Carrier-Frequency Modulation the bandwidth required for the M signals is W = MIT. The bit rate is R = k/T, k = log2M. Therefore, the bit-rate-to-bandwidth ratio is R W We observe that R/ W - > 0 as M - oo. log 2 M M

323 where


Illustrative Problem 7.8 Perform a Monte Carlo simulation of a binary FSK communication system in which the signal waveforms are given by (7.5.1), where f2 = f \ + 1/7), and the detector is a square-taw detector. The block diagram of the binary FSK system to be simulated is shown in Figure 7.30.

Uniform RNG

Gaussian RNG

Gaussian RNG

FSK signal selector


Output bit

Gaussian RNG

Gaussian RNG


Bit-error counter

Figure 7.30: Block diagram of a binary FSK system for the Monte Carlo simulation.

Since the signals are orthogonal, when i ( 0 is transmitted, the first demodulator output

r\c = \fb

cos 4> + n ic + n[.r

r\s = -fHb sin^



and the second demodulator output is

2c ~


ris n 2.1 where n \ c , | v , ti2(:, and n 2 a r e mutually statistically independent zero-mean Gaussian random variables with variance cr2 and <p represents the channel-phase shift. In the above expression, the channel-phase shift tp may be set to zero for convenience. The square-law detector computes

n = ru + ->

2 r2c + r2.v

\s 2

and selects the information bit corresponding to the larger of these two decision variables. An error counter measures the error rate by comparing the transmitted sequence to the output of the detector. The MATLAB programs that implement the Monte Carlo simulation are given below. Figure 7.31 illustrates the measured error rate and compares it with the theoretical eiror probability given by (7.5.20).

% MATLAB script for Illustrative problem X. Chapter 7. echo on SNRindB)=0:2:15; SNRindB2=0:0.1:15; for :!ength(SNRindB I). smld.eiT-prt>(i)=cm-sm52(SNRindBl(i)); % simulated ermr rate end; for i=1 :length(SNRindB2), SNR=exp(SNRindB2(i)*log(10)/10); % sinnul-to-notse ratio theo-err-prt>(i)=(1/2)*exp(-SNR/2); % theoretical symbol error rate end; % Plotting commands follow semj1ogy(SNRindB I .sm1d_err_prb,' * ); hold semilogy(SNRindB2,theo_en_prb);

function (p]=cm_sm52(snr_in_dB) % fp/-cm-imJ2(snrJ/i-dB) % CMSM52 Returns the probability of error for the given % value of snrJttjiB, signal-to-noise ratio in dB. N=10000. Eb=1; d=1; snr=10"(snrJn_dB/10); % sigwl-to-noise ratio per bit

7.6. Synchronization in Communication



sgma=sqrt(Eb/(2*snr)): % noise variance phi=0; % generation of the data source follows for i=1.N. temp=rand; 9r u uniform random variable between 0 and ! if (temp<0.5). dsource(i)=0; else dsource(i)=1; end; end: % detection and the probability of error calculation numoferr=0; for i=1:N, % demodulator output if (dsource(i)==0), rOc=sqn(Eb)*cos(phi)tgngauss(sginaj. rOs=sqrt(Eb)+sin(phi)+gngauss(sgma); r I c=gngauss(sgina): rl s=gngauss(sgmal: else rOc=gngauss(sgma), rOs=gngauss(sgma); rlc=sqrt(Eb)cos(phi)+gngauss(sgma). r2c=sqrt(Eb)*sin(phi)+gngauss(sgma), end; % square law detector outputs rf)=rOc"2+-rOs~2; rl=rlc"2+rls"2; % decision r.r made nest if (rO>rl), decis=0, else decis=1, end: % increment the error counter if the decision ts not correct if (decis"=dsource(i)), numofen , =numoferr+1. end; end; p=numoferr/(N);


Synchronization in Communication Systems

In Section 3.3 we described the demodulation process for A M signals. In particular we showed that we can classify the demodulation schemes into coherent and noncoherent schemes. In coherent demodulation, the A M signal is multiplied by a sinusoid with the same frequency and phase of the carrier and then demodulated. In noncoherent demodulation, which can be applied only to the conventional AM scheme, envelope demodulation is employed and there is no need for precise tracking of the phase and the frequency of the carrier at the receiver. We furthermore showed in Illustrative Problem 3.6 that correct




Figure 7.31: Performance of a binary F S K system from the Monte Carlo simulation.

phase synchronization in coherent demodulation is essential, and phase errors can result in considerable performance degradation. In this chapter we discussed the demodulation schemes for digital carrier-modulated systems. In the demodulation of PAM, PSK, and Q A M , we assumed that w e have complete knowledge of the carrier frequency and phase. In this section we discuss methods to generate sinusoids with the same frequency and phase of the carrier at the demodulator. These methods are studied under the title of carrier synchronization and apply to both analog and digital carrier modulation systems discussed in this chapter and Chapter 3. Another type of synchronization, called timing synchronization, clock synchronization, or timing recovery, is encountered only in digital communication systems. We briefly discuss this type of synchronization problem in this section as well.


Carrier Synchronization

A carrier-synchronization system consists of a local oscillator whose phase is controlled to be in synch with the carrier signal. This is achieved by employing a phase-locked, loop (PLL). A phase-locked loop is a nonlinear feedback-control system for controlling the phase of the local oscillator. In the following discussion, for simplicity w e consider only binary PSK modulation systems. The PLL is driven by a sinusoidal signal at carrier frequency (or a multiple of it). In

7.6. Synchronization in Communication Systems order to obtain the sinusoidal signal to drive the PLL, the DSB-modulated signal u(t) = Acm(t)cos(2nfct where m(t) 1 is squared to obtain tr(t) = A2m2(t) cos 2 (2:r/ ( -f - 0 ( f ) ) , cos(4^/,-r - 2 0 ( f ) ) - 0(f))



A}. , A;. = y'i-(') + A = y


A~ + - f cos(4^/,r - 20(0)


Obviously, this signal has a component at 2 f c . The reason that we do not deal directly with u ( f ) is that usually the process m(r) is zero-mean, so the power content of u(t ) at fc is zero. Now, if the signal - ( / ) is passed through a bandpass filter tuned to 2 fc, the output will be a sinusoidal signal with the central frequency 2 / t , a phase of - 2 0 (r), and an amplitude of A l . H { 2 / t ) / 2 . Without loss of generality we can assume that the amplitude is unity; i.e., the input to the PLL is r ( f ) = c o s ( 4 j r f L t - 20(f)) (7.6.3)

The PLL consists of a multiplier, a loop filter, and a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), as shown in Figure 7.32. If we assume that the output of the V C O is s i n ( 4 / r / t / - 2 0 ( 0 ) ,

input signal



Loop Filter

sin(47r/ c f 4- 20)



Figure 7.32: The phase-locked loop.

then at the input of the loop filter we have e(t) = cos(47r/ t ./ - 2 0 ( f ) ) sin(4;r/ c f - 2 0 ( f ) ) = sin(20(O - 20(f)) + sin(8jr/ c f - 2 0 ( f ) - 2 0 ( f ) ) (7.6.4)

Note that e(t) has a high- and a low-frequency component. The role of the loop filter is to remove the high-frequency component and to make sure that 0 ( f ) follows closely the



variations in 0 ( 0 - A simple loop filter is a first-order lowpass filter with a transfer function of G(s) = 1 + Z2S
1 + T,5


where Vi T\. If we denote the input of the VCO as u(r), then the output of the V C O will be a sinusoid whose instantaneous frequency deviation from 2 f c is proportional to u(r). But the instantaneous frequency of the V C O output is 2fc+ therefore d K -0(r) = -v(t) dt 2 or, equivalently, 2^(c)= x f v{z)dx J CO (7.6.7) (7.6.6) 1 d , r<f>(t) jr dt

where K is some proportionality constant. After removal of the second and fourth harmonics, the PLL reduces to the one shown in Figure 7.33.

Figure 7.33: The phase-locked loop after removal of high-frequency components.

Assuming that 0 ( f ) closely follows changes in 0 ( f ) , the difference 2 0 ( 0 2 0 ( f ) is very small, and w e can use the approximation sin ( 2 0 ( f ) - 2 0 ( f ) ) 0 ( f ) - 0 ( f ) (7.6.8)

With this approximation the only nonlinear component in Figure 7.33 is replaced by a linear component, resulting in the linearized PLL model shown in Figure 7.34. Note that

7.6. Synchronization in Communication Systems





Figure 7.34: The linearized model f o r a phase-locked loop.

this model is represented in the transform domain, and the integrator is replaced by its transform domain equivalent, l / j . The model shown in Figure 7.34 is a linear control system with a forward gain of G ( j ) and a feedback gain of K / s ; therefore, the transfer function of the system is given by H(s) = <t>(j) _ <P{s) ~ I + KG(s)/s KG(s)/s (7.6.9)

and with the first-order model for G(s) assumed before, G(s) H(s) is given as M(s) = + ris
1 + (n + \/K)s + Z2S2/K



+ T2J



With H(s) as the transfer function, if the input to the PLL is i>(j), the error will be A<t>(i) = 4>(i) - <t>(j) = <P(s) = [1 <t>(s)H(s) ff<s)]<i(s) (1 + r2s)s + z2s2 <P(s) (7.6.12)

K + (1 + Kz,)s

Now let us assume that up to a certain time 0 ( 0 a 0 ( 0 , so A 0 ( O ~ 0. At this time some abrupt change causes a j u m p in 0 ( f ) that can be modeled as a step; i.e., <t>(j) = K\/s. With this change we have A 4>(j) =
(l + r2j)i K\

K + (1 + Kx\)s Kj(\+x2s) K + (\ + Kz^s

+ r2i2 + z2s2

s (7.6.13)



Now, by using the final value theorem of the Laplace transform, which states that

iim / ( f ) = lim sF(s)


as long as all poles of sF{s)

have negative real parts, we conclude that

lim A<f>(t) lim

^ + X2S(7.6.15)

lim .v-0 K + [\ + Kx\)s = 0

In other words, a simple first-order loop filter results in a PLL that can track j u m p s in the input phase. The transfer function (7.6.11) can be written in the standard form

<f> =

(2t(i>-<dI/K)s + a>l , , " , 2 " s- + 2{cij 4-

_ , (7.6.16)

Here, W/t = ^ y/K/T2

= (oH{n



where 0) is the natural frequency and is the damping factor.

s i wis si g c i si mana
Illustrative Problem 7.9 [First-order P L L ] Assuming that G(J) = 1 +0.01 j l+s

and K = 1, determine and plot the response of the P L L to an abrupt change of height 1 to the input phase.

Here r j = 0.01 and x-i I; therefore, l) = 1 f = 0.505 which results in H(s) = 0.01* + 1 s2 + 1 . 0 1 j + 1

Thus the response to <f>(t) = (/)i.e., <t>(j) = 1 / j i s given by

= Q01J + I J 3 + l . O l i 2 +s + 1

7.6. Synchronization in Communication Systems


In order to determine and plot the time response 0 ( f ) to the input u(r), we note that we have to determine the output of a system with transfer function H(s) to the input ( f ) . This can be done most easily by using state-space techniques. We will employ the MATLAB function tf2ss.m, which returns the state-space model of a system described by its transfer function. After determining the state-space representation of the system, the step response is obtained numerically. The function tf2ss.m takes the numerator and the denominator of the transfer function H{s) and returns A, B,C, and D, its state-space representation, in the form f d x(t) 1 |

= Ax(t)

+ +

Bu(t) Du(t)

y ( f ) = Cx(t)

This representation can be approximated by x(t + At) = x(r) + Ax(t)At + y(t) = Cx(r) + Dtt(t) or, equivalently, x(i + 1) = x(i) + Ax(i)At + >'(0 = Cx{i) + Du(i) Bu(i)At Bu(t)At

For this problem it is sufficient to choose u(r) to be a step function and the numerator and the denominator vectors of His) to be [0.01 1 ] and [ I 1.01 1], respectively. With this choice of numerator and denominator vectors, the state-space parameters of the system will be . _ f 1.01 " 1 - f 0


_ 1

_0_ 0.01 = 0

T h e plot of the output of the P L L is given in Figure 7,35. As we can see from Figure 7.35, the output of the PLL eventually follows the input; however the speed by which it follows the input depends on the loop filter parameters and K , the V C O proportionality constant. The M A T L A B script for this problem is given below.


script for Illustrative


9, Chapter

echo on num=(0.01 1); den=[1 1.01 1]; (a,b,c,d]=tf2ss(num,den);







0 0







Figure 7.35: The response of the PLL to an abrupt change in the input phase in Illustrative Problem 7.9.

t-0.01; u=ones(1,2000); x=zeros(2,2001); for i= 1:2000 x(;,>+1)=x(:,i)+dr.*a*x(:,i)+dt.*b*u(i); y(i)=cx(;,i); end t=[0;dt;20]; plot(t(1:2000),y)


Clock Synchronization

In Chapter 5 and in this chapter we have seen that a popular implementation of the optimal receiver makes use of matched filters and samplers at the matched filter output. In all these cases we assumed that the receiver has complete knowledge of the sampling instant and can sample perfectly at this time. Systems that achieve this type of synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver are called riming recovery, clock-synchronization, or symbol-synchronization systems. A simple implementation of clock synchronization employs an early-late gate. The operation of an early-late gate is based on the fact that in a PAM communication system the output of the matched filter is the autocorrelation function of the basic pulse signal used in the PAM system (possibly with some shift). The autocorrelation function is maximized at the optimum sampling time and is symmetric. This means that, in the absence of noise, at

7.6. Synchronization in Communication Systems sampling times T+ T + 5 and T


T - 5, the output of the sampler will be equal; i.e.,




In this case, the optimum sampling time is obviously the midpoint between the early and late sampling times:

(7.6.18) Now let us assume that we are not sampling at the optimal sampling time T , but instead we are sampling at T\. If we take two extra samples at T+ 7"i-H<5 and T ~ = Tj <S, these samples are not symmetric with respect to the optimum sampling time T and, therefore, will not be equal. A typical autocorrelation function for positive and negative incoming pulses and the three samples is shown in Figure 7.36.
matched filter output

optimum sample

t ~



Figure 7.36: The matched filter output and early and late samples.

T ~ T

= =


- S i + &

where S\ < Si and, as the figure shows, this results in jy(r")| > |y(T+)| (7.6.20) (7.6.19)

334 Also, in this case


jT < Ti =



Therefore, when ]jy(y )] > j y ( T + ) [ , the correct sampling time is before the assumed sampling time, and the sampling should be done earlier. Conversely, when |y(7"~)| < | y ( 7 + ) | , the sampling time should be delayed. Obviously, when | y ( 7 ~ ) | = | v ( T + ) j , the sampling time is correct and no correction is necessary. The early-late gate synchronization system therefore takes three samples at T\,T~ T\ <5, and 7 + = T\ + 5 and then compares | y ( 7 ~ ) | and | y ( T + ) | and, depending on their relative values, generates a signal to correct the sampling time.

Illustrative Problem 7.10 [Clock synchronization] A binary PAM communication systems uses a raised-cosine waveform with a rolloff factor of 0.4. The system transmission rate is 4800 bits/s. Write a MATL.^B file that simulates the operation of an early-late gate for this system.

Since the rate is 4800 bits/s, we have 7 = 1 4800 (7.6.22) '

and with or = 0.4, the expression for a raised-cosine waveform becomes x(t) = sinc(4800r) cos(4800 x OAnt)

1 - 4 x 0.16 x 4 8 0 0 V cos 1920jt/

( 7



''C(4800')1-l.4746* ,0V


3 )

This signal obviously extends from oo to + 0 0 . T h e plot of this signal is given in Figure 7.37. From Figure 7.37 it is clear that, for all practical purposes, it is sufficient to consider only the interval |/| < 0.6 x I 0 - 3 , which is roughly [37, 3 7 ] , Truncating the raised cosine pulse to this interval and computing the autocorrelation function results in the waveform shown in Figure 7.38. In the MATLAB script given below, the raised-cosine signal and the autocorrelation function are first computed and plotted. In this particular example the length of the autocorrelation function is 1201 and the m a x i m u m (i.e., the optimum sampling time) occurs at the 600th component. Two cases are examined, o n e when the incorrect sampling time is 7 0 0 and one when it is 500. In both cases the early-late gate corrects the sampling time to the optimum 600.

7.6. Synchronization in Communication Systems


Figure 7.37: The raised-cosine signal in Illustrative Problem 7.10.

Figure 7.38: The autocorrelation function of the raised-cosine signal.







% MATLAB scrip! fur Illustrative Problem 10. Chapter 7. echo on alpha=0.4; T= 1 / 4 8 0 0 , t=[-3*T:1.001*T/100:3*T]; x=sinc(t./T) *(cos{pi*alpha*t,/T),/(1 4*alpha~2*t.'2/T"2)); pause % Press any key to see a plot of x(t). plot(i.x) y=xcorr(x); ty=[t-3wT,t(2:length(t))+3*T], pause % Press any key to see u plot of the autocorrelation of xjt). plot(iy.y). d=6Q. % Early and late advance and delay ee=0.01; % Precision e=1; % Step size n=700; % The incorrect sampling time while abs(abs(y(n+d))-abs(y(n-d)))>=ee if abs(y(n+d))-abs(y(n-d))>0 n=n+e; elseif a b s ( y ( n + d ) ) - a b s ( y ( n - d ) ) < 0 n=n-e, end end pause % Press any key to see the corrected sampling time n n=500; % Another incorrect sampling time while abs(abs(y(n+d))-abs(y(n-d)))>=ee if abs(y(n+d))-abs(y(n-d))>0 n=n+e; elseif a b s ( y ( n + d ) ) - a b s ( y ( n - d ) ) < 0 n=n-e; end end pause % Press any key to see the corrected sampling time n

7.6. Synchronization in Communication Systems


7.1 in a carrier-amplitude-modulated PAM system, the transmitter filter has a square-root raised-cosine spectral characteristic with roll-off factor a = 1. The carrier frequency is /,_. = 4 0 / 7". Evaluate and graph the spectrum of the baseband signal and the amplitudemodulated PAM signal. 7.2 Repeat Problem 7.1 when the carrier frequency is /< = 8 0 / T. 7.3 Repeat Problem 7.1 when the transmitter has a square-root duobinary spectral characteristic. 7.4 The purpose of this problem is todemonstrate that (7.2.9)and (7.2.10) hold by evaluating (7.2.9) numerically using MATLAB. The pulse grU) i n a y assumed to be rectangular,


0 <

t < 2




Let the carrier frequency /,. = 2000 Hz. Use a sampling rate of F t = 20,000 samples/s on the signal waveform is (r) given by (7.2.6) and compute the energy of ijf (t) by approximating the integral in (7.2.8) by the summation

where W=40,000 samples. Write a MATLAB program to generate the samples and perform the computation of the signal energy as described above.


7.5 The cross correlation of the received signal r(t) with as given by (7.2.14) may be performed numerically using MATLAB. Write a MATLAB program that computes the correlator output

n = 0, 1 . , . . , N - I

where F s is the sampling frequency. Evaluate and graph y (n) when r ( f ) = V ( 0 . where \jr(t) is the waveform described in Problem 7.4 and F ( =20,000 Hz.




7.6 Evaluate and graph the correlation {>()} in Problem 7.5 when the signal grU)

i(l - cosnt),
8 T i t ) =

0 < t < 2 otherwise


for the same parameters given in Problem 7.4. 7.7 In Illustrative Problem 7.2, the eight PSK waveforms had a constant amplitude. Instead of the rectangular pulse gr(0. suppose that the signal pulse shape is


U(1 -cos27rr/r), = i10,

<:<T . otherwise

Write a MATLAB program to compute and graph the M 8-PSK signal waveforms for the case in which fc 6/T, 7.8 Write a M A T L A B program that numerically computes the cross correlation of the received signal r(t) for a PSK signal with the two basis functions given by (7.3.9). That is, compute

M >=


" = 0'1
n = 0-1 N


where N is the number of samples of r ( r ) , \f/\{t), correlation sequences when

and ^ 2 ( 0 -

Evaluate and plot these

r(t) = 5mt>i(0 STU)= f 2, { 10, fc = 1000 Hz, Fs=10,000 a- sm = (jmi., jm,f) = b. sm = ( - 1 , 0 ) c. sm = (0, I)

+ 0 < / < 2 otherwise

samples/s, and the transmitted signal point is as given, (1,0)

7.9 Write a M A T L A B program that performs a M o n t e Carlo simulation of an M = 4-PSK communication system, as described in Illustrative Problem 7.3, but modify the detector so that is computes the received signal phase 8r as given by (7.3.16) and selects the signal point whose phase is closes to dr.

7.6. Synchronization in Communication Systems


7.10 Write a MATLAB program that implements a differential encoder and a differential decoder for a M = 4 DPSK system. Check the operation of the encoder and decoder by passing a sequence of 2-bit symbols through the cascade of the encoder and decoder and verify that the output sequence is identical to the input sequence. 7.11 Write a M A T L A B program that performs a Monte Carlo simulation of a binary D P S K communication system, in this case, the transmitted signal phases are 9 = 0 and & 180. A 0 = 0 phase change corresponds to the transmission of a zero. A O = 180 phase change corresponds to the transmission of a one. Perform the simulation for N=\0,000 bits at different values of the SNR parameter b / N 0 - It is convenient to normalize b to unity. Then, with a = Nq{2, the SNR is JE^/iVo = I/2CT2, where a 2 is the variance of the additive noise component. Hence, the SNR can be controlled by scaling the variance of the additive noise component. Plot and compare the measured error rate of the binary D P S K with the theoretical error probability given by (7.3.23).

7.12 Write a MATLAB program that generates and graphs the M 8 - Q A M signal waveforms given by (7.4.2) for the signal constellation shown in Figure P7.12.



[-3, - l A

1, = ) 0,

\ ( 3 . 1)

- t r ^ / ( i . - i )

Jo. - 1 )

Figure P7.12 A s s u m e that the pulse waveform g r i t ) is rectangular, i.e.,

0 < t < T otherwise

grit) and the carrier frequency is fc = 8/7".

7,13 Repeat Problem 7.12 when the pulse waveform gj(r)

is given as

cos I n t j T ) , ST(0 = 0,

0 < /





7.14 Write a MATLAB program that performs a Monte Carlo simulation of an M = 8Q A M communication system for the signal constellation shown in Figure P7.12. Perform the simulation for N = 1 0 , 0 0 0 (3-bit) symbols at different values of the SNR parameter i/, J V /iVo- It is convenient to normalize to unity. Then, with a1 = No/2, the SNR is ifrav/'Vo = 1/2 o 2 , where a 2 is the variance of each of the two additive noise components. Plot and compare the measured symbol-error rate of the Q A M system with the upper bound on the theoretical error probability given by ( 7.4.12). 7.15 Repeat the simulation in Problem 7.14 for the M = 8-signal constellation shown in Figure P7.15. Compare the error probabilities for the two M = 8 Q A M signal constellation and indicate which constellation gives the better performance.

Figure P7.15 7.16 Consider the binary FSK signals of the form

2 Eh MO = J Y Tb 2(0 =


0 < r < 7b

[b ./cos2JT/2f, V 'b 2 Th


= f\ +

Let / ] = 1000/7/,. By sampling the two waveforms at the rate Fs = 5000/7},, we obtain 5000 samples in the bit interval 0 < t < Th. Write a MATLAB program that generates the 5000 samples for each of h i (f) and 2 ( 0 and compute the cross correlation N-l / \ / \

and, thus, verify numerically the orthogonality condition for H | ( f ) and 2 ( 0 -

7.6. Synchronization in Communication Systems


7.17 Use the MATLAB program given in Illustrative Problem 7.7 to compute and graph the correlator outputs when the received signal is

r(t) = cos ( l - r / i r ^

0 < r < 7),

7.18 Use the MATLAB program given in Illustrative Problem 7.7 to compute and graph the correlator outputs when the transmitted signal is t n ( i ) and the received signal is

r ( 0 = cos (irrf^j

0 < t < T

7.19 Write a MATLAB program that performs a Monte Carlo simulation of a quaternary (M = 4) F S K communication system and employs the frequencies

fk = / i + ~

A - = 0, 1. 2, 3

The detector is a square-law detector Perform the simulation for N=10,000 (2-bit) symbols at different values o f t h e S N R parameter <"/,/A^. and record the number of symbol errors and bit errors. Plot and compare the measured symbol- and bit-error rates with the theoretical symbol- and bit-error probability given by (7.5.19) and (7.5.21). 7.20 In Illustrative Problem 7.9 it was assumed that the input phase has an abrupt j u m p , and the simulation showed that a first-order loop filter can track such a change. Now assume that the input changes according to a ramp, i.e., starts to increase linearly. Simulate the performance of a first-order PLL in this case and determine whether the loop is capable of tracking such a change. 7.21 Repeat Illustrative Problem 7.10 with a rectangular pulse shape in the presence of AWGN for SNR values of 20, 10, 5, and 0 dB.

Chapter 8

Channel Capacity and Coding

8.1 Preview

The objective of any communication system is to transmit information generated by an information source from one location to another. The medium over which information is transmitted is called the commumcafion channel. We have already seen in Chapter 4 that the information content of a source is measured by the entropy of the source, and the most common unit for this quantity is bits. We have also seen that an appropriate mathematical model for an information source is a random process. In this chapter, we consider appropriate mathematical models for communication channels. We also discuss a quantity called the channel capacity that is defined for any communication channel and gives a fundamental limit on the amount of information that can be transmitted through the channel. In particular, we consider two types of channels, the binary symmetric channel (BSC) and the additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGN). The second part of this chapter is devoted to coding techniques for reliable communication over communication channels. We discuss the two most commonly used coding methods, namely, block and convolutional coding. Encoding and decoding techniques for these codes and their performance are discussed in detail in the later sections of this chapter.


Channel Model and Channel Capacity

A communication channel transmits the information-bearing signal to the destination. In this transmission, the information-carrying signal is subject to a variety of changes. Some of these changes are deterministic in nature, e.g., attenuation, linear and nonlinear distortion; and some are probabilistic, e.g., addition of noise, multipath fading, etc. Since deterministic changes can be considered as special cases of random changes, in the most general sense the mathematical model for a communication channel is a stochastic dependence between the input and the output signals. In the simplest case this can be modeled as a conditional probability relating each output of the channel to its corresponding input. Such a model is called a discrete memoryless channel (DMC) and is completely described by the channel




input alphabet X , the channel output alphabet y., and the channel transition probability matrix p(y | v), given for all x 6 X . y y . One special case of the discrete memoryless channel is the binary- symmetric channel (BSC) that can be considered as a mathematical model for binary transmission over a Gaussian channel with hard decisions at the output. A binary symmetric channel corresponds to the case X = y = {0, 1} and p(y = 0 j x 1) = p(>' = I | .r = 0) = f . A schematic model for this channel is shown in Figure 8.1. The parameter i is called the crossover probability of the channel.

Figure 8.1 : A binary symmetric channel (BSC).


Channel Capacity

By definition, channel capacity is the maximum rate at which reliable transmission of information over the channel is possible. Reliable transmission is possible when there exists a sequence of codes with increasing block length, for which the error probability tends to 0 as the olock length increases. The channel capacity is denoted by C; by the above definition, at rates R < C reliable transmission over the channel is possible, and at rates R > C reliable transmission is not possible. Shannon's fundamental result of information theory states that for discrete memoryless channels, the capacity is given by the following expression C = max/(X;n PU) (8.2.1)

where / ( X ; F) denotes the mutual information between X (channel input) and y (channel output) and the maximization is carried out over all input probability distributions of the channel. The mutual information between two random variables X and Y is defined as

'(*; n = E E ^ i ^ l l
jre% yey

( 822


where the mutual information is in bits and the logarithm is in base 2. For the case of the binary sy m m e t n c channel, the capacity is given by the simple relation

C = l-Hb(e)


8.2. Channel Model and Channel Capaci ty


where e is the crossover probability of the channel and Hb(-) denotes the binary entropy function:
Hh{x) = -x l o g ( . t ) - (1 .c) l o g ( 1 x) (8.2.4)

Another important channel model is the bandlimited additive white Gaussian noise channel with an input power constraint. This channel is modeled as shown in Figure 8.2.

X(l) x ( f )

= n (^p)

y ( t )

Figure 8.2: Bandlimited additive white Gaussian noise channel. The channel is bandlimited to [ - I V , W], the noise is Gaussian and white with a (twosided) power spectral density of ^ 0 / 2 , and the channel input is a process that satisfies an input power constraint of P . Shannon showed that the capacity of this channel in bits per second is given by C = W log ( 1 + | bits/second (8.2.5)


For a discrete-time additive white Gaussian noise channel with input power constraint P and noise variance a 2 , the capacity in bits per transmission is given by C = ^log(l + ^


Illustrative Problem 8.1 [Binary symmetric channel capacity] Binary data are transmitted over an additive white Gaussian noise channel using BPSK signaling and hard-decision decoding at the output using optimal matched filter detection. 1. Plot the error probability of the channel as a function of Y = (8-2.7)

where is the energy in each B P S K signal and JVO/2 is the noise power spectral density. Assume that y changes f r o m - 2 0 dB to 20 dB, 2. Plot the capacity of the resulting channel as a function of y .







1. The error probability of the BPSK with optimal detection is given by

P = Q ( y / 2 Y )


The corresponding plot is shown in Figure 8.3.

Figure 8.3: BPSK error probability versus y =

2. Here we use the relation C = 1 Hb{p) (8.2.9)

= 1 - Mb [Q ( % / 2 y ) ) to obtain a plot of C versus y . This plot is shown in Figure 8.4. The M A T L A B script for this problem is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative


!, Chapter if.

echo on gamma.db=[-20:0.1.20); gamina= 10." (gamma_db./10); p.error=q(sqn(2.#gamraa)), capacity=1.entropy 2(p_error);

pause % Press a key to see a plot of ermr probability vs. SNR/bit

cif se milogx( gamma.p - e rror) xlabeJ(' S N R / b i t ' )

title('Error p r o b a b i l i t y v e r s u s SNR/bit')

8.2. Channel Model and Channel Capaci ty


Figure 8.4: Channel capacity versus y =

ylabeK' E r r o r Prob. ' )

pause % Press u key to see a plot of channel capacity vs. SWR/6i!

elf semilogx(gamma,capacity) xlabeK ' SNR/bi t *)

titlef'Channel c a p a c i t y v e r s u s ylabelf'Channel c a p a c i t y " ) I L L U S T R A T I V E SNR/bit')


Illustrative Problem 8.2 [Gaussian channel capacity] 1. Plot the capacity of an additive white Gaussian noise channel with a bandwidth of W = 3000 Hz as a function of P / N for values of P / N between - 2 0 and 30 dB.
0 0

2. P; A the capacity of an additive white Gaussian noise channel with P/Nq = 25 dB as a function of IV. In particular, what is the channel capacity when W increases indefinitely? MaMIIHhlJ* 1. The desired plot is given in Figure 8.5. 2. The capacity as a function of bandwidth is plotted in Figure 8.6. As is seen in the plots, when either P/Nq or W tend to zero, the capacity of the channel also tends to zero. However, when P / N o or W tends to infinity, the capacity behaves differently. W h e n P/Nq tends to infinity, the capacity also tends to infinity,



Figure 8.5: Capacity of an A W G N channel with W = 3000 Hz as a function of


Figure 8.6: Capacity as a function of bandwidth in an A W G N channel.

8.2. Channel Mode! and Channel Capacity


as shown in Figure 8.5. However, when W tends to infinity, the capacity does go to a certain limit, which is determined by P / N o - To determine this limiting value we have lim w^cc W l o g , ( \ -f ) V NQW J

iVo In 2

(8.2.10) (8.2.11)

P = 1.4427 No The M A T L A B script for this problem is given below.


script for Illustrative

Problem 2. Chapter S.

echo on pn0.db=[-20:0.1:30); pn0=10.~(pn0_db./10); capacity=3000.*log2(1+pn0/3000);

pause % Press a key to see a plot of channel capacity vs. P/NO

Clf se mi I ogx (p nG.capac 1 1 y) title(' C a p a c i t y v s . P/NO in an A W G N channel') x label {' P/NO ') ylabel(' C a p a c i t y ( b i t s / s e c o n d ) ') clear w=[1:10,12:2:100,105:5 500.510:10:5000.5025:25:20000,20050 50:100000]; pn0-db=25; pn0=10"(pn0.db/10); capacity=w.*log2(1+pn0./w);
pause % Press a key to see a plot of channel capacity vs. bandwidth

clf semilogxiw,capacity) title(' Capaci ty v s . bandwidth i n an A W G N channel')

xlabel(' B a n d w i d t h ( H z ) ' ) ylabe!('Capacity ( b i t s / s e c o n d ) ' ) I L L U S T R A T I V E P R O B L E M

Illustrative Problem 8.3 [Capacity of binary input AWGN channel] A binary input additive white Gaussian noise channel is modeled by the two binary input levels A and A and additive zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance o~. In this case X = { A, A}, y. = R, p(y | X = A) ~ A^(A,(7 2 ), and p(y \ X = -A) ~ JS(-A,a2). Plot the capacity of this channel as a function of Aja.

Due to the symmetry in the problem the capacity is achieved for uniform input distribution, i.e., for p(X A) p(X = A) = 5. For this input distribution, the output distribution is given by
p ( y )


( 8 2

1 2 )



and the mutual information between the input and the output is given by / (X; Y) = ~ f p(y\X 2 J-oo

^ A) ] o g

P i y l X 2

" p(y)

A )

dy dy (8.2.13)

1 f - / p(y | X = -A) 2! Joo

log 3

p(y | X = - A) p(y)

Simple integration and change of variables results in I(X'.Y)=l-f where du (8.2.15) (8.2.14)

Using these relations we can calculatc / ( X ; / ) for various values of and plot the result. A plot of the resulting curve is shown in Figure 8.7.


Figure 8.7: Capacity of a binary input A W G N channel as a function of SNR=A/CT. The M A T L A B script for this problem follows.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 3. Chapter 8. echo on a-db=[20:0.2:20]; a=l0.-(a-c!b/10); for i=1:201

8.2. Channel Model and Channel Capaci ty f(i)=quad(' il3_8Eun'.a(i)-5,a(i)+5.1e-3.[],a(i}); g(i)-quad( i i 3 _ 8 f u r . ' ,-a(i)-5.-a(i)+5.1e-3.[ ].-a(t)): c(i)=0.5*f(i)+0.5*g(i): end pause % Press a key to see capacity vs. Si\'R plat. semilogn(a,c) Ulle('Capacity versus SNR i n binary input A W G N channel') xlabel('SNR') ylabeK'Capacity ( b i t s / t r a n s m i s s i o n ) ')


Illustrative Problem 8.4 [Comparison of hard- and soft-decision schemes] A binary input channel uses the two input levels A and - A. The output of the channel is the sum of the input and an additive white Gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance a 2 . This channel is used under two different conditions. In one case, the output is used directly without quantization (soft decision), and in the other case, an optimal decision is made on each input level (hard decision). Plot the capacity in each case as a function of A ja.

T h e soft-decision part is similar to Illustrative Problem 8.3. For the hard-decision case the crossover probability of the resulting binary symmetric channel is Q(A/tr), and therefore the capacity is given by

Both Ch and C j , are shown in Figure 8.8. Soft-decision decoding outperforms harddecision decoding at all values of A/a, as expected. T h e MATLAB script for this problem is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 4, Chapter 8. echo on a.db=[-13:0.5:13]; a=10."(a_db/10); c.hard=1-entropy 2(q(a)): for i=1:53 f(i)=quad(' i l 3 _ 8 f u n ' ,a(i)5,a(i)+5,1a3,[],a(i)); g(i)=quad(' i l 3 _ 8 f u n ' ,-a{i)-5,-a(i)+5,1 e -3,[ ].-a(i)); c_soft(i)=0.5f(i)+0.5*g(i): end pause % Press a key to see the capacity curves semi logx{a,c. soft,a,c_hard)



Figure 8.8: Plots of C/y and Cy versus SNR = A / a .

Illustrative Problem 8.5 [Capacity versus bandwidth and S N R ] The capacity of a bandlimited AWGN channel with input power constraint P and bandwidth W is given by C = IV log, ( 1 4- P ) 2 \ How) Plot the capacity as a function of both W and P/No

The desired plot is shown in Figure 8.9. Note that for constant P / N o , the plot reduces to the curve shown in Figure 8.6. For constant bandwidth, the capacity as a function of P / N o is similar to the curve shown in Figure 8.5. The MATLAB script file for this problem is given below.

% MATLAB echo off

script for Illustrative

Problem 5. Chapter .<?,

w=[1:5:20,25:20:100,130:50:300,400:100:1000.1250:250:5000,5500:500:10000]: pnO_db=[20:1 30}; pn0= 10. ~ (pnO.db/10>; for i=1 45 for j=1:51 c(i,j)=w(i)*log2[1+pn0(j)/w(i));

end echo on


Channel Model and Channel Capacity


Figure 8.9: Capacity as a function of bandwidth and SNR in an A W G N channel.



pause % Press a key to see C Kr. W and P/NO. k={0.9,0,8,0.5,0.6]; s=(-70,351; surfl<w,pnO_db,c', s , fc) litle('Capacity v s . bandwidth and SNR') ILLUSTRATIVE P R O B L E M

Illustrative Problem 8.6 [Capacity of discrete-time A W G N channel] Plot the capacity of the discrete-time additive white Gaussian noise channel as a function of the input power and the noise variance. S S E E The desired plot is given in Figure 8.10.

Capacity (bus/transmission)

P (dB) Noise Power (dB)

Figure 8.10: Capacity of the discrete-time AWGN channel as a function of the signal power (P) and the noise power (CT2).

The M A T L A B script file for this problem is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 6. Chapter 8. echo on p-db=[20:1:20]; np.db=p_db; p=10.-(p_db/10);

8.3. Channel Coding


P~P' for i=1:41 for j=1 41 cii,j)=0.5*log2(Up(i)/np(j)); end end

pause % Press a key u> see ihe pint



Channel Coding

Communication through noisy channels is subject to errors. In order to decrease the effect of errors and achieve reliable communication, it is necessary to transmit sequences that are as different as possible so that the channel noise will not change one sequence into another. This means some redundancy has to be introduced to increase the reliability of communication. The introduction of redundancy results tn transmission of extra bits and a reduction of the transmission rate. Channel coding schemes can be generally divided into two classes, block codes and convolutional codes. In block coding, binary source output sequences of length k are mapped into binary channel input sequences of length n \ therefore, the rate of the resulting code is k/n bits per transmission. Such a code is called an (n, k) block code and consists of 2k codewords of length n, usually denoted by c\, ... , c2* - Mapping of the information source outputs into channel inputs are done independently, and the output of the encoder depends only on the current input sequence of length k and not on the previous input sequences. In convolutional encoding, source outputs of length ko are mapped into no channel inputs, but the channel inputs depend not only on the most recent k$ source outputs but also on the last ( L - l)k<y inputs of the encoder. One of the simplest block codes is the simple repetition code, in which there are two messages to be transmitted over a binary symmetric channel, but instead of transmitting a 0 and a 1 for the two messages, two sequences, one consisting of all O's and one consisting of all 1 's are transmitted. The length of the two sequences is chosen to be some odd number n. The encoding process is shown below:
n odd

n odd



T h e decoding is a simple majority vote decoding; that is, if the majority of the received symbols are 1 's, the decoder decides in favor of a 1, and if the majority are O's, the decoder decides in favor of a 0. An error occurs if at least ( 4 - l ) / 2 of the transmitted symbols are received in error. Since the channel is a binary symmetric channel with crossover probability 6, the error

356 probability can be expressed as


For example, with n 5 and e 0.001 we have

Pe =


0 0 1


9 9



' " ^



( 83



This means that by employing the channel five times, instead of just once, we can reduce the error probability from 0.00! to 10~ 9 . Of course, a price has been paid for this more reliable performance; that pricc is a reduction in the rate of transmission and an increase in the complexity of the system. The rate of transmission has been decreased from one binary message per one use of the channel to one binary message per five usages of the channel. The complexity of the system has been increased because now we have to use an encoder (which has a very simple structure) and a decoder, which implements majority vote decoding. More reliable transmission in this problem is achieved if we increase. For instance, for n = 9 we have 9 pt = ] 0 . 0 0 1 4 ( 0 . 9 9 9 ) 9 _ < t = 9.97 x 1 0 " 1 6 % 1 0 " 1 5 *=5 From above it seems that if we want to reduce the error probability to zero, we have to increase n indefinitely and, therefore, reduce the transmission rate to zero. This, however, is not the case, and Shannon showed that one can achieve asymptotically reliable communication (i.e., p e 0) by keeping the rate of transmission below the channel capacity, which in the above case is C = 1 - H h ( 0 . 0 0 1 ) = 1 - 0.0114 = 0.9886 bits/transmission (8.3.6) (8.3.5)

This, however, is achieved by employing encoding and decoding schemes that are much more complex than the simple repetition code.

Illustrative Problem 8.7 [Error probability in simple repetition codes] Assuming that e = 0.3 in a binary symmetric channel, plot pt as a function of the block-length n. m j . m u M s m We derive pe for values of n from 1 to 61. The error probability is given by

p<= t


and the resulting plot is shown in Figure 8.11.

8.3. Channel Coding The M A T L A B script file for this problem is given below.


% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 7. Chapter H echo on ep=0.3; for i=1:2:61 p(i)=0; for j=(i+1)/2 i P(i)-p(')+prod(1 :i)/(prod(1 :j)*prod(l :(ij)))*ep~j*(1 -cp)"{i-j); end end pause % Press a key to sec the pint stem((1:2:61 ),p(1:2:61)) xlabel(' a ' ) ylabelf' pe') title(' Error p r o b a b i l i t y as a f u n c t i o n of n in simple r e p e t i t i o n code'

Figure 8.11: E a o r probability of a simple repetition code for e = 0 . 3 and n = 1 , 2



Linear Block Codes

Linear block codes are the most important and widely used class of block codes. A block code is linear if any linear combination of two codewords is a codeword. In the binary case, this means that the sum of any two codewords is a codeword. In linear block codes the codewords form a k-dimensional subspace of an n -dimensional space. Linear block codes








are described in terms of their generator matrix G, which is a k x n binary matrix such that each codeword c can be written in the form c ~ uG (8.3.7)

where u is the binary data sequence of length k (the encoder input). Obviously, the all-0 sequence of length n is always a codeword of an {n, k) linear block code. An important parameter in a linear block code, which determines its error-correcting capabilities, is the minimum (Hamming) distance of the code, which is defined as the minimum Hamming distance between any two distinct codewords. The minimum distance of a code is denoted by dinin, and we have dtmn = mmdH(cj,Cj) (8.3.8)

For linear codes the minimum distance is equal to the minimum weight of the code, defined by (8.3.9)

umin = min w(Ci)

i.e., the minimum number of 1 's in any nonzero codeword.


Illustrative Problem 8.8 [Linear block codes] The generator matrix for a ( 1 0 , 4 ) linear block code is given by 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 I 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ! 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1

G =

Determine all the codewords and the minimum weight of the code.

In order to obtain all codewords, we have to use all information sequences of length 4 and find the corresponding encoded sequences. Since there is a total of 16 binary sequences of length 4, there will be 16 codewords. Let V denote a 2* x k matrix whose rows are all possible binary sequences of length k, starting from the all-0 sequence and ending with the all-1 sequence. The rows are chosen in such a way that the decimal representation of each row is smaller than the decimal representation of all rows below it. For the case of k 4,

8.3 Channel Coding ihe matrix U is given by


U =

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 I 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

0' 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I

We have



where C is the matrix of codewords, which in this case is a 16 x 10 matrix whose rows are








the codewords. The matrix of codewords is given by 0 0 0 0" 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1




















0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 I 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 I 1 0 0 1 i 1 I 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 0 1

0 0 0 1

0' 1 1 0 0

1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

1 0

0 1 1 0 0 1

A close inspection of the codewords shows that the minimum distance of the code is dmin 2. The MATLAB script file for this problem is given below.

% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 8, Chapter % generate U, denoting all information sequences


k=4; for i=1 for j=k:1:1 if rem(i1,2"(-j+k+1))>=2"(j+k)





u(ij)=1: else u(ij)=0; end end end

% define C. the generator matrix

g=[1 0 0 1 1 1 0


1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0;

0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1; 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1).
% generate codewords distance.

% find the minimum

w_min=min(sum((c(2:2" k,:))' ) ) ;

A linear block code is in the systematic form if its generator matrix is in the following form 1 0
G =

0 1

o 0


P 1.2 Pi.

P\.nk Pl.n-k


Pk, I


G =




where denotes the k x k identity matrix and P is a k x ( - k) matrix. In a systematic code, the first k binary symbols in a codeword are the information bits, and the remaining n k binary symbols are the parity-check symbols. The parity-check matrix of a code is any ( - k) x n binary matrix H such that for all codewords c we have cH' Obviously, we will have
GH' =0

= 0



and if G is in systematic form, then H = [P< | h] H a m m i n g Codes Hamming codes are (2m 1, 2m m 1) linear block codes with m i n i m u m distance 3 and a very simple parity-check matrix. The parity-check matrix, which is an m x {2m - 1) matrix, has all binary sequences of length m, except the all-0 sequence, as its columns. For (8.3.15)

362 instance, for m form is







3, we have a (7, 4) code whose parity-check matrix in the systematic

From this we have

1 0 I I 1 0 O i l

1 1 0 0" 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1


1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1

1 1 1 1

0 I 1


Illustrative Problem 8.9 [Hamming codes] Find all the codewords of the (15, 11) Hamming code and verify that its minimum distance is equal to 3. Here 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0' 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

H =


and, therefore. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 I 0 1 0 1 I 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

= 2048 codewords, each of length 15. The rate U = 0.733. In order to verify the minimum distance of the code, we use a M A T L A B script similar to the one used in the Illustrative Problem 8.8. The M A T L A B script is given below, and it results in d m [ n = 3.

8.3. Channel Coding


% MATLAB strip! for illustrative Problem 9. Chapter 8. echo on k=11; for .2"It for j =k: 1:1 if rera(i-1.2*(-j+k + 1))>=2"(-j+k) u(i,j)=1; else u(i.j)=0; end end end g=(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1, 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 001, 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1; 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1,

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0;

1 0 0;

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 01;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

1 1 1 1),

c=rem{u*g,2); w,min=min(stim<(c(2:2"k,:))' ) ) ;

Performance of Linear Block Codes Linear block codes can be decoded using either soft-decision decoding or hard-decision decoding. In a hard-decision decoding scheme, first a bit-by-bit decision is made on the components of the codeword, and then, using a minimum Hamming distance criterion, the decoding is performed. The performance of this decoding scheme depends on the distance structure of the code, but a tight upper bound, particularly at high values of the SNR, can be obtained in terms of the minimum distance of the code. T h e (message) error probability of a linear block code with minimum distance d m i n , in hard-decision decoding, is upper bounded by Pe <(M1)[4/(1 -p)]d/2 (8.3.19)

where p denotes the error probability of the binary channel (error probability in demodulation) and M is the number of codewords ( M = 2k). In soft-decision decoding, the received signal is mapped into the codeword whose corresponding signal is at minimum Euclidean distance from the received signal. T h e message-error probability in this case is upper-bounded by (8.3.20)







where M = 2* is the number of codewords, Nq is the one-sided noise power spectral density, and is the minimum Euclidean distance of the code and is given by ^E I s/2dmm which results in dm in

for orthogonal signaling for antipodal signaling


( M ~ ] ) Q

for orthogonal signaling (8.3.22)

Pc < (M 1)0 d mini* Nd for antipodal signaling

In these inequalities d m m is the minimum Hamming distance of the code and denotes the energy per each component of the codewords. Since each codeword has n components, the energy per codeword is n, and since each codeword carries k information bits, the energy per bit, h is given by

~ ~

~ ~RC


where Rc kjn as

denotes the rate of the code. Therefore, the above relations can be written

( A i - 1)Q
Pc <

/ ^min 2 N0 dminRch No

for orthogonal signaling (8.3.24) for antipodal signaling

(M -


The bounds obtained above are usually useful only for large values of yb = b / N o - For smaller Yb values, the bounds become very loose and can even exceed 1.

411 H l s H sltS 4 L W J slsUld I d Jj fc

Illustrative Problem 8.10 [Performance of hard-decision decoding] Assuming that the (15,11) Hamming code is used with antipodal signaling and hard-decision decoding, plot the message-error probability as a function of yb b / N o -

Since antipodal signaling is employed, the error probability of the binary channel is given by p= Q (8.3.25)


Channel C o d i n g


where 5T is the energy per component of the codc (energy per dimension) and is derived from by Therefore, 2Rch p = Q V No = h R, (8.3,26)


where Rc k/n we have

= j i = 0.73333. Since the minimum distance of Hamming codes is 3,

P* < (2 1 1 - l ) [ 4 p ( l - p ) ]

= 2047 [ 4 Q No

W ) \

/ \V

L466gf,\ No )


The resulting piot is shown in Figure 8.12 Ph

Figure 8,12: Error probability as a function of Yb for a (15,11) Hamming with hard-decision decoding and antipodal signaling. The M A T L A B function for computing the bound on message-error probability of a linear block code when hard-decision decoding and antipodal signaling is employed is given below.

function [p.err,gamma_db]=p. e. hd _a (gamma.db J, gam ma_ d b . h ,k ,n ,d_ min}








% % % % % % % % %

Mattah function for computing error probability hard-decision decoding of a linear block code when antipodal lp_err.gamma.dbl gamma jdbJi k - number signaling is used.


= p.e Jid-ii( gamma ulb J, gam ma_db Ji.k.n.djn E-b/NJ) bits in the code of the code


gamma_dbJ = lower EJj'NJ)

= higher of information distance

n = code block length d-jni/i - minimum

gamma-db=[gamma,dbJ:(gamma-db_h-gamma-dbJ)/20:gamnna-iJb_h]; gamtna_b=10. " (gamma_db/10), R_c=k/n; p.b=:q(sqrt(2.R_c *gDmma_b)); p_err=(2~k 1).*(4*p_b.*(1 p.b)), "(d_rnin/2): In the MATLAB script given below, the above MATLAB function is employed to plot error probability versus Yb


script for Illustrative


10. Chapter


|p.en.ha,gamma_b|=p.e.h(5_a( 10.16,11,15.3), semilogy(gamma.b.p.err.ha)

Illustrative Problem 8.11 [Hard-decision decoding] If the (15, I I ) H a m m i n g code is used with an orthogonal binary modulation scheme instead of the antipodal scheme, plot the message-error probability as a function of yb =

The problem is similar to Illustrative Problem S. 10, except that the crossover probability of the equivalent binary symmetric channel (after hard-decision decoding) is given by


Using the relation we obtain --- 31b Rc (8.3.30)


8.3. Channel Coding and, finally, Pe < ( 2 U " l ) [ 4 p ( l - / ? ) ] " /0.733b\ /, . / /o.7333^\ / ^ 1- , - -


= 2047


The p e -versus-/>/<Vo plot is shown in Figure 8.13. T h e M A T L A B file for this problem is given below.

% MATLA8 script for Illustrative Problem II. Chapter fi. echo on gamma. b_db=[ 4:1:14): gamma_b=1O.~(gamma-b-db/10); qc|=q(sqri(0.733.gamma.b)); p.eiT=2047*qq "2.*{3-2.*qq); pause % Press a key to see p.err versus guoima J J curve I og log( gam m a_ b, p _ err)

Figure 8.13: Error probability versus Yb of a (15,11) code with orthogonal signaling and hard-decision decoding.

As w e observe from Figure 8.13, for lower values of Yb the derived bound is too loose. In fact, for these values of Yb the bound on the error probability is larger than 1. It is also instructive to plot the two error probability bounds for orthogonal and antipodal signaling on the same figure. This is done in Figure 8.14. The superior performance of the antipodal signaling compared to orthogonal signaling is readily seen from a comparison of these two plots.








Pe 10'

Figure 8. J4: Comparison of antipodal and orthogonal signaling.

The MATLAB function for computing the message-error probability in the case of hard-decision decoding with orthogonal signaling is given below.

function [p.err.gamma.dbjsp.e.hd.ofgamma.db.l.gamma.db.h.k.n^.mjn)
% p-eJidj>m % % % % % % % % Matlab function for computing error probabiliry in hard-decision decoding of a linear block code when orthogonal signaling is used. Ipjtrr.gammu-dbj a p.eJid-t>(gamma-dbJ,gamma-idbJi.k.n.d-min) gumma ~dbJ - lower E-b/NJ) gammci-dbJi - higher EJ//NJ) k - number of information bits in the code n - code block length d-inin = minimum distance of the code

ga/nma_db=[gamnia_db,!:(gamnia_db-hgamma_dbJ)/20:gamma_db-h]; gamma_b=10."(gamma_db/10); R.c=k/n; p-b=q(sqrt(R.c.gamma_b)); p-err=(2~k-1) *(4p,b.*(1 p_b))."{d.min/2);


Illustrative Problem 8.12 [Soft-decision decoding] Solve Illustrative Problem 8.11 when soft-decision decoding is used instead of hard-decision decoding,





a w M f j f t ^ In this case we have to use Equation (8.3.24) to find an upper bound for the error probability. In the problem under study, imi[1 3, Rc = j i , and M = 2 " 1 2047. Therefore, we have

Pe <

ldnRch 2jVQ ]

for orthogonal signaling

{M 1) 2 | y

for antipodal signaling


/ 1 1 h , ) y 10 Nq ]

for orthogonal signaling

2047Q {

for antipodal signaling

The corresponding plots arc shown in Figure 8.15. The superior performance of antipodal signaling is obvious from these plots.

Figure 8.15: Message-error probability versus Yh for soft-decision decoding. Two MATL AB functions, one for computing the error probability for antipodal signaling and one for computing the error probability for orthogonal signaling when soft-decision decoding is employed, are given below.








function [p-err,gamma_db]=p_e_sd_a(gamma-dbJ,gamma_db-h,k,n,d-mjn)
% p-esd-U.m % % % % %

Mullah function soft-decision when antipodal [p-err,gammu-dbj gamma Mb J gamma^ibJt k ~ number djnin



error probability code



of a lineur block is used.


= p ,e sd-u(gamma_db EJ>jNJ>

J.gamma _db Ji.k.n.d


- lower

= higher E J j f N J ) of information distance bus in the code of the code


n = code block, length - minimum

gainma.db=[gamma-db_l;(gamma_db_h-gnmma-db_IV20:gamma-db_h]; gamma_b= 10." (garmna.db/10); R.c=k/n. p.crr=(2'k-1 ).*q(sqrt(d_min.*R_c *gamma_b));

function [p.err,gainma.db]=p.e_sd.o{gamma_db.l,gamma.db.h,k,n,d-nnin)
% pjejidj>.m % % % % % % % % Matlub function soft-decision when orthogonal Ip^rr.gammauibj gumma-dbJ k = number djnin for computing signaling = p.c-td error probability code .mm) in decoding of a linear block is used. gamma-db J. gamma jib

= tower

EJb/ND EJbjNJ) bits in the code of the code

gumma Mb Ji - higher n = code block = minimum length

of information distance

gamma-db=[gamma-dbJ.(g2mma_db_h-gamma,db_l)/20:gaiTima_db-h]: gamma_b=10. " (gamma-db/10) ; R.c=k/n; p.efT=(2"k-1).*q(sqn(d.min.*R_c.*gamma.b./2)); In Figure 8.16, four plots corresponding to antipodal and orthogonal signaling with softand hard-decision decoding are shown. The MATLAB script that generates this figure is given below.


script for Illustrative


12. Chapter


[p-err-ha.gajnma_bl=p_e Jid.a{10,16,11,15,3); [p-enr.ho,gamma.b)=p_e,hd.o( 10,16.11,15,3); [,gamma,b]=p.e-sd^o(10,16,11.15.3); []=p_esd.a(10,16,11,15,3); se milogy (gamma_b , p -en_sa, gam ma_ b, p _e rr_ s o ,gam ma. b, p _err_ b a, gam ma. b, p .err _ho)






Figure 8.16: Comparison of antipodal/orthogonal signaling and soft/hard-decision decoding.


Convolutional Codes

In block codes each sequence of k information bits is mapped into a sequence of n channel inputs in a fixed way regardless of the previous information bits. In convolutional codes each sequence of information bits is mapped into a channel input sequence of length no but the channel input sequence depends not only on the most recent information bits but also on the last (L - \)ko inputs of the encoder. Therefore, the encoder has the structure of a finite-state machine, where at each time instance the output sequence depends not only on the input sequence, but also on the state of the encoder, which is determined by the last { L - l)&o inputs of the encoder. The parameter L is called the constraint length of the convolutional code. 1 A binary convolutional code is, therefore, a finite-state machine with states. The schematic diagram for a convolutional code with ko = 2, no = 3, and L = 4 is shown in Figure 8.17. In this convolutional encoder the information bits are loaded into the shift register 2 bits at a time, and the last 2 information bits in the shift register move out. The 3 encoded bits are then computed as shown in the figure and are transmitted over the channel. The rate of this code is, therefore, R = Note that the 3 encoder outputs transmitted over the channel depend on the 2 information bits loaded into the shift register as well as the contents of the first three stages (6 bits) of the shift register. The contents of the last stage (2 bits) have no effect on the output since they leave the shift register as soon as the 2 information bits are loaded into it.

Some authors define m = Lk0 as the constraint length, and some prefer (L I

as the constraint length.







Figure 8.17: A convolutional code with i'o = 2, o = 3, and = 4.

A convolutional code is usually defined in terms of the generator sequences of the convolutional code, denoted by , g2,... , g. The ith component of g j , 1 < i < k^L and 1 < j < n, is 1 if the ith element of the shift register is connected to the combiner corresponding to the j t h bit in the output and 0 otherwise. For example, in the convolutional code depicted in Figure 8.17, we have g1


0 0 0

I 0 0

0 0 0

1 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

1] I] 1]

gl - [0 3 = 11

As soon as gi, g2 gn are specified, the convolutional code is uniquely determined. We also define the generator matrix of the convolutional code as

G =

which is, in general, an n x k$L matrix. For the convolutional code shown in Figure 8.17 we have 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

It is helpful to assume the shift register that generates the convolutional code is loaded with 0's before the first information bit enters it (i.e., the encoder is initially in zero state) and that the information bit sequence is padded with (L- l)fco 0's to bring back the convolutional encoder to the all-0 state. We also assume that the length of the information-bit sequence (input to the convolutional encoder) is a multiple of ko. If the length of the input sequence is not a multiple of ko, we pad it with 0's such that the resulting length is a multiple of ko. This is done before adding the (L - l)fco 0's indicated earlier in this paragraph. If, after the first zero-padding, the length of the input sequence is nko, the length of the output sequence





will b e (n + L -

l ) o . so t h e rate of t h e c o d e w i l l b e

nkp (n -h Ll)n0

In practice n is much larger than L \ hence, the above expression is well approximated by

0 The MATLAB function con.encd.m given below generates the output sequence of the convolutional encoder when G , kq, and the input sequence are given. Note that zero-padding of the input sequence is done by the MATLAB function. The input sequence (denoted by the parameter "input") starts with the first information bit that enters the encoder. The parameters no and L are derived from the matrix G .

function output=cnv_encd(g,kO, input)

% % % % % % % cnv^encd(g,kO,input) determines the output sequence of a binary tonvolutional encoder g is the generator muttix of the ('/involutional code with nO rows and I*k0 columns. Its rtnss are gl.g2,. ,gn kO is the number of bits entering the encoder at each clock cycle. input - the binary input seq check to see if extra zero-pudding is necessary

if rem(length(input),kO) > 0 inpui=[input,ieros{size{1 :kO-rern(length(input).kO)))l; end n=length(input)/kO;

% check the size of matrix g

if rem(size(g.2),k0) > 0
error(' E r r o r , g i s n o t o f t h e r i g h t end % determine I and nO size.')

l=size(g,2)/k0; n0=size(g,1);
% % % add extra zeros generate uu, a matrix whose columns are the contents of conv. encoder at various clock cycles

u=[zeros(size(1:(l-1)*k0)),input.zeros(size(1:(l-1)*k0))]; ul=u(l*k0:-1:1); for i=1:n+l-2 ul=[ul,u((i+UkO1 :i*k0+1)]; end uu=reshape(ul,UkO,n+l1);

% determine the output









- ^ I M B I ^ j z ^ J L f J J d ^ U I l d ^ Illustrative Problem 8.13 [Convolutional encoder] Determine the output of the convolutional encoder shown in Figure 8.17 when the information sequence is 1 0 0 1 I 1 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 ^ w i m . m Here, the length of the information sequence is 17, which is not a multiple of ko = 2; therefore, extra zero-padding will be done. In this case it is sufficient to add one 0, which gives a length of 18. Thus, we have the following information sequence i 00 1 1 100 1 10 0 0 0 Now, since we have 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! I 1 1110

G =

0 0

we obtain no = 3 and L = 4 {this is also obvious from Figure 8.17). T h e length of the output sequence is, therefore, 18 ( _ + 4 - 1) x 3 = 36 The zero-padding required to make sure that the encoder starts from the all-0 state and returns to the all-0 state adds (Z. - \)ko 0's to the beginning and end of the input sequence. Therefore, the sequence under study becomes 0000001001 1 1001 1000011 10000000

Using the function cnv_encd.m, the output sequence is found to be 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 i l l The M A T L A B script to solve this problem is given below.

k0=2; g=[0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 ;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1;t 0 0 0 0 0 0 1); input=[1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1]; output=cnv.encd{g,kQ,input);

Representation of Convolutional C o d e s W e have seen that a convolutional c o d e can be represented either by the structure of the encoder or G , the generator matrix. We have also seen that a convolutional encoder can b e





represented as a finite-state machine and, therefore, can be described by a state transition diagram representing the finite-state machine. A more widely used method for representation of convolutional codes is in terms of their trellis diagram. A trellis diagram is a state transition diagram plotted versus time. Therefore, a trellis diagram is a sequence of 2(i.-i)*n s t a t e s > shown as dots, for each clock cycle and branches corresponding to transitions between these states. Consider the convolutional code with ICQ = 1, no 2, and L = 3 shown in Figure 8.18. Obviously, this code can be represented by a finite-state machine with four states corresponding to different possible contents of the first two elements of the shift register, namely, 00,01, 10, and 11. Let us represent these four states by the letters a, b, c, and d, respectively. In order to draw the trellis diagram for this code, we have to draw four dots corresponding to each state for each clock cycle and then connect them according to various transitions that can take place between states. The trellis diagram for this code is shown in Figure 8.19. *o = '

Figure 8.18: A convolutional encoder with ko I, no 2, and L = 3.

Figure 8.19: The trellis diagram for the convolutional code shown in Figure 8.18.

As we can see in Figure 8.19, on the time axis, which corresponds to clock cycles, the four states are denoted by black dots, and the transitions between states are indicated







by branches connecting these dots. On each branch connecting two states, two binary symbols indicate the encoder output corresponding to that transition. Also note that we always start from the all-0 state (state a), move through the trellis following the branches corresponding to the given input sequence, and return to the all-0 state. Therefore codewords of a convolutional code correspond to paths through the corresponding trellis, starting at the all-0 state and returning to the all-0 state, The number of states in the trellis increases exponentially with the constraint length of the convolutional code. For example, for the convolutional encoder shown in Figure 8.17, the number of states is 2 6 = 64; therefore, the structure of the trellis is much more complex. The Transfer Function of a ConvolutionaJ Code For each convolutional code the transfer function gives information about the various paths through the trellis that start from the all-0 state and return to this state for the first time. According to the coding convention described before, any codeword of a convolutional encoder corresponds to a path through the trellis that starts from the all-0 state and returns to the all-0 state. As we will see later, the transfer function of a convolutional code plays a major role in bounding the error probability of the code. To obtain the transfer function of a convolutional code, we split the all-0 state into two states, one denoting the starting stale and one denoting the first return to the all-0 state. All the other states are denoted as in-between states. Corresponding to each branch connecting two states, a function of the form DaN** J is defined, where a denotes the number of l's in the output bit sequence and /? is the number of l ' s in the corresponding input sequence for that branch. The transfer function of the convolutional code is then the transfer function of the flow graph between the starting all-0 state and the final all-0 state and is denoted by T{D, N, J). Each term of T{D, N, 7) corresponds to a path through the trellis starting from the all-0 state and ending at the ali-0 state. The exponent of J indicates the number of branches spanned by that path, the exponent of D shows the number of 1 's in the codeword corresponding to that path (or equivalentiy the Hamming distance of the codeword with the all-0 codeword), and the exponent of N indicates the number of 1 's in the input information sequence. Since T(D, N, J) indicates the properties of all paths through the trellis starting from the all-0 path and returning to it for the first time, then, in deriving it, any self-loop at the all-0 state is ignored. To obtain the transfer function of the convolutional code, we can use all rules that can be used to obtain the transfer function of a flow graph. For more details on deriving the transfer function of a convolutional code, see [1], Following the rules for deriving the transfer function, it is easy to show that the transfer function of the code shown in Figure 8.18 is given by T(D, N, J) = DSNJ3 1 - D N J - D N J

which, when expanded, can be expressed as T(D, N, J ) = D5NP + D6N2J4 + D6N2y5 + D1 N^J5 +

From the above expression for T(D, N, J), we can see that there exists one codeword with Hamming weight 5, two codewords with Hamming weight 6, etc. It also shows, for





example, that the codeword with Hamming weight 5 corresponds to an input sequence of Hamming weight 1 and length 3. The smallest power of D in the expansion of T(D, N, J) is called the free distance of the convolutional code and is denoted by iif rce - In this example dfree = 5. Decoding of Convolutional Codes There exist many algorithms for decoding of convolutional codes. The Viterbi algorithm is probably the most widely used decoding method of convolutional codes. This algorithm is particularly interesting because it is a maximum-likelihood decoding algorithm, which upon receiving the channel outputsearches through the trellis to find the path that is most likely to have generated the received sequence. If hard-decision decoding is used, this algorithm finds the path that is at the minimum Hamming distance from the received sequence, and if soft-decision decoding is employed, the Viterbi algorithm finds the path that is at the minimum Euclidean distance from the received sequence. In hard-decision decoding of convolutional codes, we want to choose a path through the trellis whose codeword, denoted by c, is at minimum Hamming distance from the quantized received sequence y. In hard-decision decoding the channel is binary memoryless (the fact that the channel is memoryless follows from the fact that the channel noise is assumed to be white). Since the desired path starts from the all-0 state and returns back to the all-O state, we assume that this path spans a total of m branches, and since each branch corresponds to no hits of the encoder output, the total number of bits in c and y is mno- We denote the sequence of bits corresponding to the t'th branch by C; and y, respectively, where 1 < i < m and each Cj and y, is of length nq. The Hamming distance between c and y is, therefore, m

In soft-decision decoding we have a similar situation, with three differences: 1. Instead of y we are dealing directly with the vector r, the vector output of the optimal (matched filter type or correlator type) digital demodulator. 2. Instead of the binary 0, 1 sequence c, we are dealing with the corresponding sequence c' with ,
C =

ifc, 7 = l [-*/, if Cjj = 0


for 1 < i < m and 1 < j < n. 3. Instead of Hamming distance we are using Euclidean distance. This is a consequence of the fact that the channel under study is an additive white Gaussian noise channel. From the above we have dl(c\r) m = J^d2E(c'l,rl) (8.3.34)








From Equations (8.3.33) and (8.3.34), we see that the generic form of the problem we have to solve is: Given a vector a to find a path through the trellis starting at the all-0 state and ending at the all-0 state such that some distance measure between a and a sequence b corresponding to that path is minimized. The important fact that makes this problem easy to that the distance between a and b in both cases of interest can be written as the sum of distances corresponding to individual branches of the path. This is easily observe" from (8.3.33) and (8.3.34). Now let us assume that we are dealing with a convolutional code with ko = 1. This means that there are only two branches entering each state in the trellis. If the optimal path at a certain point passes through state 5, there are two paths that connect the previous states Si and S2 to this state (see Figure 8.20)

Figure 8.20: Justification of the Viterbi algorithm.

If we want to see which one of these two branches is a good candidate to minimize the overall distance, we have to add the overall (minimum) metrics at states S] and S2 to the metrics of the branches connecting these two states to the state S. Then obviously the branch that has the minimum total metric accumulation up to state S is a candidate to be considered for the state after the state S. This branch is called a survivor at state S, and the other branch is simply not a suitable candidate and is deleted. Now, after the survivor at state 5 is determined, we also save the minimum metric up to this state, and we can move to the next state. This procedure is continued until we reach the all-0 state at the end of the trellis. For cases where ko > I, the only difference is that at each stage we have to choose one survivor path from among 2* branches leading to state S. The above procedure can be summarized in the following algorithm, known as the Viterbi algorithm. 1. Parse the received sequence into m subsequences each of length 0 . 2. Draw a trellis of depth m for the code under study. For the last L I stages of the trellis, draw only paths corresponding to the all-0 input sequences. (This is done because we know that the input sequence has been padded with ko(L 1) 0's). 3. Set I = 1 and set the metric of the initial all-0 state equal to 0. 4. Find the distance of the ith subsequence of the received sequence to all branches connecting ith-stage states to the (i + l)st-stage states of the trellis.





5. Add these distances to the metrics of the /th-stage states to obtain the metric candidates for the (i-fl)st-stage states. For each state of the ( / + !)st-stage, there are 2k<) candidate metrics, each corresponding to one branch ending at that state, 6. For each state at the (I + l)st-stage, choose the minimum of the candidate metrics and label the branch corresponding to this minimum value as the jwrvi'vor, and assign the minimum of the metric candidates as the metrics of the (/ 4- l)st-stage states. 7. IfV = m, go to the next step; otherwise, increase / by 1 and go to step 4. 8. Starting with the all-0 state at the (in + l)st stage, go back through the trellis along the survivors to reach the initial all-0 state. This path is the optimal path, and the inputbit sequence corresponding to that is the maximum-likelihood decoded information sequence. To obtain the best guess about the input-bit sequence, remove the last ko(L 1) O's from this sequence. As we can see from the above algorithm, the decoding delay and the amount of memory required for decoding a long information sequence is unacceptable. The decoding cannot be started until the whole sequence (which in the case of convolutional codes can be very long) is received, and the total surviving paths have to be stored. In practice a suboptimal solution that does not cause these problems is desirable. On such an approach, which is referred to as path memory truncation, is that the decoder at each stage searches only < 5 stages back in the trellis and not to the start of the trellis. With this approach at the (5 + l)st stage, the decoder makes a decision on the input bits corresponding to the first stage of the trellis (the first ko bits), and future received bits do not change this decision. This means that the decoding delay will be k^S bits, and it is required to keep the surviving paths corresponding to the last & stages. Computer simulations have shown that if S > 5 L , the degradation in performance due to path memory truncation is negligible. ilMfeHsWdMJdai.lrfldflfc Illustrative Problem 8.14 [Viterbi decoding] Let us assume that in hard-decision decoding, the quantized received sequence is y = 01101111010001 The convolutional code is the one given in Figure 8.18. Find the maximum-likelihood information sequence and the number of errors. ^cMlkdMS^ The code is a (2, 1) code with L = 3. The length of the received sequence y is 14. This means that m = 7 , and we have to draw a trellis of depth 7. Also note that since the input information sequence is padded with ko{L 1) = 2 zeros, for the final two stages of the trellis we will draw only the branches corresponding to all-0 inputs. This also means that the actual length of the input sequence is 5, which, after padding with two O's, has increased to 7. The trellis diagram for this case is shown in Figure 8,21. The parsed received sequence y is also shown in this figure. Note that in drawing the trellis in the last two stages, we have considered only the zero inputs to the encoder (notice








Received sequence








Figure 8.21; The trellis diagram for Vkerbi decoding of the sequence (01101111010001).

that in the final two stages, there exist no dashed lines corresponding to 1 inputs). Now the metric of the initial all-0 state is set to 0 and the metrics of the next stage are computed. In this step there is only one branch entering each state; therefore, there is no comparison, and the metrics (which are the Hamming distances between that part of the received sequence and the branches of the trellis) are added to the metric of the previous state. In the next stage there exists no comparison either. In the fourth stage, for the first time we have two branches entering each state. This means that a comparison has to be made here, and survivors are to be chosen. From the two branches that enter each state, one that corresponds to the least total accumulated metric remains as a survivor, and the other branches are deleted (marked by a small circle on the trellis). If at any stage two paths result in the same metric, each one of them can be a survivor. Such cases have been marked by a question mark in the trellis diagram. The procedure is continued to the final all-0 state of the trellis; then, starting from that state we move along the surviving paths to the initial all-0 state. This path, which is denoted by a heavy path through the trellis, is the optimal path. The input-bit sequence corresponding to this path is 1100000, where the last two 0's are not information bits but were added to return the encoder to the all-0 state. Therefore, the information sequence is 11000. The corresponding codeword for the selected path is 11101011000000, which is at Hamming distance 4 from the received sequence. All other paths through the trellis correspond to codewords that are at greater Hamming distance from the received sequence. For soft-decision decoding a similar procedure is followed, with squared Euclidean distances substituted for Hamming distances. The MATLAB function viterbi.m given below employs the Viterbi algorithm to decode a channel output. This algorithm can be used both for soft-decision and harddecision decoding of convolutional codes. The separate file metric.m defines the metric used in the decoding process. For hard-decision decoding this metric is the Hamming distance, and for soft-decision decoding it is the Euclidean distance. For cases where the channel output is quantized, the metric is usually the negative of the log-likelihood, log /(channel output | channel input). A number of short m-files called by viterbi.m are

S.J. Channel



also g i v e n b e l o w .

function [decoder_output,survivor.siate,cumulated.meinc]=vuerbi(G,k,channeLoutput) %VITERBI The Wlerbi decoder for convolutional codes % I decoder u>uiput.siuvivor^tate,cumulaied metric j=viterbi(^'utput) % G is u n x Lk matrix each row of which % determines the connections from the shift register to the % n th output of the code, k/n is the rate of the code. % survivor^state is a matrix showing the optima! path through % the trellis. The metric is given in a separate function metrtc(x.y) 7c and can be specified to accomodate hard and soft decision. '7c This algorithm minimizes the metric rather than maximizing % the likelihood. n=size(G,1); % check the sues if rern(size(G.2),k) "=0 etTOr('Size of G and k do not a g r e e ' ) end if rem(size(channeLoutput,2),n) error(' c h a n n e l o u t p u t n o t of t h e r i g h t s i z e ' ) end L=size(G,2)/k; number.of-states=2"({L-1 )*k); % generate state transition matrix, output matrix and input matrix for j=0:number.of-statcs-1 for 1=0:2" k 1 [next .state, memory, contents ]=nxt.stat(j.l,L.k), input(; branch_Output=rem(memory_contenis*G' , 2 ) ; nextstate(j+1 ,l+1)=next .state; output (j+1,1+1 )=bin2deci (branch, output), end end state . metric=zeros(n u mber. of. states, 2); depth.of_tre[[is=length(channei.output)/n; c han ne L outpu t_ nmtri x=re s hape (c h anne L o ut p ut ,n, de p t h .0 f _trel lis), survivor_state=zeros(number.of.states,depth.of.trellis+1); % start decoding of non-tail channel outputs for i=1:depth.of.trellis-L +1 flag=zeros(1 .number.of .states); if i <= L step=2~{{Lt)*k); else step=1; end for j=0: step :number.of .states 1 for l=0:2~k-1 brancb.metric=0; binary .outpiit=deci2bin(output(j+1.1+1 !,n), for 11=1 :n branch-metric=branch_metric+metric(channel,output_xy!atnx(il,i),binary_output(ll)); end if((state.metnc(nextstate(j+1,l+1)+1,2) > state_metric(j+1,1)...








+branch, me trie) |flae(nextstate(j+ 1.l+1)+1)==0) slate-meiric(nexmatc(j-t-1.1 + 1 )+1.2) = stale, me tiic(j+-1,1)+branch. metric; survivor_5tatc(ncxtstate(j + 1.1+1 )+1 ,i+1)=j; flag(nextstate(j+1,1 + 1 )+1 )=1; end end end state.meiric=state_metric(:,2:-1 ;1); end
% start decoding of the tail channel-outputs

for i=depth_of_trellisL+2;depih_of_tre!tis flag=zero5(1.nurober-of_states), lasl.stop=nuinber_of.,states/(2"((i-depth-oLtrellis+L-2)*k)); for j=0:last_stop-1 branch_metnc=Q; binary-output=deci2bin(output(j-t-1,1)rn); for 11=1 ;n branch. meiric=branch. metric+metnc(channeLouipui. matrix.(ll,i).binary .output (II)); end if((state.metric(nextstate(j + 1,1 )+1,2) > state_metric(j + 1,1)... +braneh.metric) |flag(nextsta[e(j+ 1,1)+1)==0) sta(e-meiric(nextstate(j + 1,1 )+1,2) = staie_memc(j+1,1)+branch_metric; survivor.siate(nextstate(j+1,1 ) + 1,i+1 )=j; flag(nexisiate(j+1,1)+1 )=1; end end state.iTietric=si3te-rnetric(:.2;-1:1). end
% generate the decoder output from the optimal path

state.sequence=zeros(1 .depth, of-trellis+1); state-sequence(1.depih.0f.trellis)=surviv0r.state(1 ,depth.or.trellis+1}: for i=1 rdepth.of.trellis stale.sequenced.depth.of_tre!lis-i+1)=survivor.state((state.sequenced,depth_oLtrellis+2-i)... +1),depth.of.trellis-i+2); end decodeder.output.mairix=zeros(k,depih.of.trellis-L+1); for i=1 depth.of.trellis-L+1 dec_ouiput_deci=inpui(state_sequence{1.i)+1.state_sequence(1.i+1)+1); dec-output.bin=deci2bin(dec.output.deci.k); decoder.outpui.maiax(..i)=dec.ouiput.bin(k.-1.1)' ; end decoder.output=reshape(decoder.output. matrix, 1,k(dep[h.of.trellis-L+1)); cumulated.metric=state.metric(1,1);

function distance=metric(x,y) if x = y distance=0; else distance=1; end





function [next_state, memory,contents]=nx[-stai (current.slate, input ,L,k) bi nary _state=deci2bin(current_state ,k* (L -1)); binary .wput=deci2bit\(input,k V, ne x t. s t ate _bi n ary=[bi n ary. input, binary, state (1 :(L-2)*k)J; next_state=bin2deci(next.state.binary); memory _conients=[binary .input .binary .state];

function y=bin2deci{x) l=!ength(x); y=(l-1 :-1:0); y=2-"y; y=x*y';

function y=deci2bin{x,l) y = zeros(1,I); i = 1; while x>=0 & i<=l y(i)=rem{x,2); x=(x-y(i))/2; i=i+1; end yy(l:-1:1>:

Illustrative Problem 8.15 Repeat Illustrative Problem 8.14 using the MATLAB function viterbi.m.

It is enough to use the m-file viterbi.m with the following inputs 1 1 0 I 1 1

* = 1 channel.output = [0 1 1 0 1 I 0 0 1 I 1 0 1 0 0 0 1]

which results in decoder-output = [1

0] and an accumulated metric of 4.

Error Probability Bounds for Convolutional Codes Finding bounds on the error performance of convolutional codes is different from the method used to find error bounds for block codes because here we are dealing with sequences of








very large length; since the free distance of these codes is usually small, some errors will eventually occur. The number of errors is a random variable that depends both on the channel characteristics (signal-to-noise ratio in soft-decision decoding and crossover probability in hard-decision decoding) and the length of the input sequence. The longer the input sequence, the higher the probability of making errors. Therefore, it makes sense to normalize the number of bit errors to the length of the input sequence. A measure that is usually adopted for comparing the performance of convolutional codes is the expected number of bits received in error per input bit. To find a bound on the average number of bits in error for each input bit, we lirst derive a bound on the average number of bits in error for each input sequence of length k. To determine this, let us assume that the all-0 sequence is transmitted" and, up to stage I in the decoding, there has been no error. Now k information bits enter the encoder and result in moving to the next stage in the trellis. We are interested in finding a bound on the cxpected number of errors that can occur due to this input block of length k. Since we are assuming that up to stage / there has been no error, then, up to this stage the all-0 path through the trellis has the minimum metric. Now, moving to the next stage (stage (/ + l)st) it is possible that another path through the trellis will have a metric less than the all-0 path and therefore cause errors. If this happens, w e must have a path through the trellis that merges with the all-0 path for the first time at the (/ + l)st stage and has a metric less than the all-0 path. Such an event is called the first error event and the corresponding probability is called the first error event probability. This situation is depicted in Figure 8.22.

/- 1

1+ 1

Figure 8.22: The path corresponding to the first error event.

Our first step is bounding the first error event probability. Let P2(d) denote the probability that a path through the trellis that is at Hamming distance d f r o m the all-0 path is the survivor at the (/ + l)st stage. Since d is larger than df r e e , we can bound the first error

"Because of the linearity of convolutional codes, we can. without loss of generality, make this assumption.





event probability by P, < J2



where on the right-hand side we have included all paths through the trellis that merge with the all-Opathat the ( / + l)st stage. Pi{d) denotes the error probability for a path at Hamming distance d from the al 1-0 path and a,i denotes the number of paths at Hamming distance d from the all-0 path. The value of Pi(d) depends on whether soft- or hard-decision decoding is employed. For soft-decision decoding, if antipodal signaling (binary PSK) is used, we have

and, therefore.

Using the well-known upper bound on the Q function


Q (-v) < - we obtain

Now, noting that

we finally obtain r T | (D) 2 \D=e-R<h/>%

d=d{t where 7 i ( D ) = T{D,N,J) |








This is a bound on the first error event probability. To find a bound on the average number of bits in error for k input bits, Ph(k), we note that each path through the trellis causes a u certain number of input bits to be decoded erroneously. For a general D i n the expansion of T{D, N, J)? there is a total of f { d ) nonzero input bits. This means that the average number of input bits in error can be obtained by multiplying the probability of choosing each path by the total number of input errors that would result if that path were chosen. Hence, the average number of bits in error, in the soft-decision case, can be bounded by Oil h(k) <


< i

ajfid)e-^ (8.3.35)

If we define T2(D, N) = T(D, = N, J)\j j "DNW

we have ST2{D,N)
a J2 f(d)Dd <l~d(ret


Therefore, using (8.3.35) and (8.3.36), we obtain Ph(k) <

1 ar2(D,


To obtain the average number of bits in error for each input bit, we have to divide this bound by k. Thus, the final result is
1 dT2(D,N)

Pb --


For hard-decision decoding, the basic procedure follows the above derivation. The only difference is the bound on P2(d). It can be shown (see [1]) that P2(d) can be bounded by

Here we are somewhat sloppy in notation. The power of N is not strictly a function of d, but we are denoting it by f(d). This however does not have any effect on the final result.

8 3.




Using this result, it is straightforward to show that in hard-decision decoding, the probability of error is upper-bounded as
-< p h 1 3 T i -{D, N )

~ k


A comparison of hard-decision decoding and soft-decision decoding for convolution al codes shows that here, as in the case for linear block codes, soft-decision decoding outperforms hard-decision decoding by a margin of roughly 2 dB in additive white Gaussian noise channels.








8.1 Write a MATLAB script to plot the capacity of a binary symmetric channel with crossover probability p as a function of p for 0 < p < 1. For what value of p is the capacity minimized, and what is the minimum value'.' 8.2 A binary nonsymmctnc channel is characterized by the conditional probabilities p(0 \ 1) 0.2 and />(1 ( 0) - 0.4, Plot the mutual information I(X\ Y) between the input and the output of this channcl as a function of p P{X = I). For what value of p is the mutual information maximized, and what is the value of this maximum? 8.3 A Z-channe! is a binary input, binary output channel, with input and output alphabets % = y = {0, 1} and characterized by /j(0 1 I} = e and p( I | 0) = 0. Plot / ( X ; Y) as a function of p = P(X = 1) for f = 0. 0.1, 0.2, 0,3,0.4, 0.5, 0.7,0.9, 1. Determine the capacity of the channel in each case. 8.4 A binary input, ternary output channel is characterized by the input and output alphabets X = {0, 1} and y. = (0, 1.2} , and transition probabilities p(() | 0) = 0 . 0 5 , p{ 1 | 0) = 0.2, p{0 | 1) = 0.1. p( 1 | 1) = 0.1. Plot / ( X ; Y) as a function of p = P(X = 1), and determine the channel capacity. 8.5 A ternary input, binary output channel is characterized by the input and output alphabets X = {0, 1,2} and = {0, 1}, and transition probabilities p(0 | 0) = 0.05, p{ 1 | 1) = 0.2, p(0 | 2) = 0.1. p{ 1 | I) = 0.1. Plot / ( X ; Y) as a function of p\ = P{X - 1) and P2 = P{X = 2), and determine the channel capacity. 8.6 Plot the capacity of a binary symmetric channel that employs binary orthogonal signaling as a function of 8.7 Repeat Illustrative Problem 8.3, but assume that the two transmitted signals are equalenergy and orthogonal. How do your results differ from those obtained in Illustrative Problem 8.3? 8.8 Compare the plots of the capacity for hard decision and soft decision when orthogonal signals are employed. Compare these results with those obtained for antipodal signals. 8.9 Plot the capacity of a binary symmetric channel that uses orthogonal signals, as a function of j f - . Do this once with the assumption of coherent detection and once with the assumption o? noncoherent detection. Show the two plots on the same figure and compare the results. 8.10 Write a MATLAB script that generates the generator matrix of a Hamming code in the systematic form for any given m.

8.3. Channel



8.11 Repeat Illustrative Problem 8.10 using orthogonal signaling with coherent and noncoherent detection. Plot the results on the same figure. 8.12 Use Monte Carlo simulation to plot the error probability versus yi, in Illustrative Problem 8.10. 8.13 Repeat Illustrative Problem 8.12, but instead of orthogonal and antipodal signaling compare the performance of coherent and noncoherent demodulation of orthogonal signals under soft-decision decoding. 8.14 Use Monte Carlo simulation to plot the error probability versus Yh Problem 8.12. Illustrative

8.15 Use MATLAB to find the output of the convolutional encoder shown in Figure 8.18 when the input sequence is 110010101010010111101011111010 8.16 A convolutional code is described by 1 0 G = 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

a. If k = 1, determine the output of the encoder when the input sequence is 11001010101001011110101Ul1010 b. Repeat part a with k = 2 . 8.17 In Problem 8.15, after obtaining the output of the encoder change the first 6 bits of the received sequence and decode the result using Viterbi decoding. Compare the decoder output with the transmitted sequence. How many errors have occurred? Repeat the problem once by changing the last 6 bits in the received sequence and once by changing the first 3 bits and the last 3 bits and compare the results. In all cases the Hamming metric is used. 8.18 Generate an equiprobable binary sequence of length 1000. Encode the sequence using the convoiutional code shown in Figure 8.18. Generate four random binary error sequences, each of length 2000, with probability of 1 equal to 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2, respectively. Add (modulo 2) each of these error sequences to the encoded sequence and use the Viterbi algorithm to decode the result. In each case compare the decoded sequence with the encoder input and determine the bit-error rate. 8.19 Use Monte Carlo simulation to plot the bit-error rate versus y>b in a convolutional encoder using the code shown in Figure 8.18 . Assume that the modulation scheme is binary antipodal, once with hard-decision and once with soft-decision decoding. Let yb be in the interval from 3 to 9 dB, and choose the length of your information sequence appropriately. Compare your results with the theoretical bounds.








8.20 The encoder of Figure 8.18 is used to transmit information over a channel with two inputs and three outputs. The outputs are denoted by 0, 1, and 2. This is the case where the output of a Gaussian channel is quantized to three levels. The conditional probabilities of the channel are given by p{0 | 0) = p{\ | 1) = 0.9. p(2 | 0) = p{2 I 1) = 0.09. Use the Viterbi algorithm to decode the received sequence 02020t10202112002220110101020220111112

Chapter 9

Spread Spectrum Communication Systems

9.1 Preview

Spread spectrum signals for digital communications were originally developed and used for military communications either (1) to provide resistance to hostile jamming, (2) to hide the signal by transmitting it at low power and, thus, making it difficult for an unintended listener to detect its presence in noise, or (3) to make it possible for multiple users to communicate through the same channel. Today, however, spread spectrum signals are being used to provide reliable communications in a variety of commercial applications, including mobile vehicular communications and interoffice wireless communications. The basic elements of a spread spectrum digital communication system are illustrated in Figure 9.1. We observe that the channel encoder and decoder and the modulator and demodulator are the basic elements of a conventional digital communication system. In addition to these elements, a spread spectrum system employs two identical pseudorandom sequence generators, one of which interfaces with the modulator at the transmitting end and the second of which interfaces with the demodulator at the receiving end. These two generators produce a pseudorandom or pseudonoise (PN) binary-valued sequence that is used to spread the transmitted signal in frequency at the modulator and to despread the received signal at the demodulator. "Time synchronization o f t h e P N sequence generated at the receiver with the PN sequence contained in the received signal is required to properly despread the received spread spectrum signal, in a practical system, synchronization is established prior to the transmission of information by transmitting a fixed PN bit pattern that is designed so that the receiver will detect it with high probability in the presence of interference. After time synchronization of the PN sequence generators is established, the transmission of information commences. In the data mode, the communication system usually tracks the timing of the incoming received signal and keeps the PN sequence generator in synchronism. In this chapter we consider two basic types of spread spectrum signals for digital com-







Figure 9.1: Model of spread spectrum digital communication system. munications, namely, dircct sequence (DS) spread spectrum and frequency-hopped (FH) spread spectrum. Two types of digital modulation are considered in conjunction with spread spectrum, namely, PSK and FSK. PSK modulation is generally used with DS spread spectrum and is appropriate for applications where phase coherence between the transmitted signal and the received signal can be maintained over a time interval that spans several symbol (or bit) intervals. On the other hand, FSK modulation is commonly used with FH spread spectrum and is appropriate in applications where phase coherence of the carrier cannot be maintained due to time variations in the transmission characteristics of the communications channel.


Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems

Let us consider the transmission of a binary information sequence by means of binary PSK. The information rate is R bits per second, and the bit interval is Tf, = \/R seconds. The available channel bandwidth is B( hertz, where Bc R. At the modulator the bandwidth of the information signal is expanded to W = c hertz by shifting the phase of the carrier pseudorandom ly at a rate of W times per second according to the pattern of the PN generator. The resulting modulated signal is called a direct-sequence (DS) spread spectrum signal. The information-bearing baseband signal is denoted as u ( 0 and is expressed as 00 v(t)=



where (a 1 , - o o < n < o o j and g r i t ) is a rectangular pulse of duration 7V This signal is multiplied by the signal from the PN sequence generator, which may be expressed as oo c(t) = CNP(t-nTc) (9.2.2)







where (<:} represents the binary PN code sequence of l ' s and p{t) is a rectangular pulse of duration Tc, as illustrated in Figure 9.2. This multiplication operation serves to spread the bandwidth of the information-bearing signal (whose bandwidth is approximately R hertz) into the wider bandwidth occupied by PN generator signal c(t) (whose bandwidth is approximately I / Tc). The spectrum spreading is illustrated in Figure 9.3, which shows, in simple terms using rectangular spectra, the convolution of the two spectra, the narrow spectrum corresponding to the information-bearing signal and the wide spectrum corresponding to the signal f r o m the PN generator.



(a) PN signal v<0

(b) Data signal v(r)c(r)


-I (c) Product signal

Figure 9.2: Generation of a DS spread spectrum signal, (a) PN signal, (b) Data signal, (c) Product signal. The product signal u(r)c(r), also illustrated in Figure 9.2, is used to amplitude-modulate the carrier Ac cos 2jrfct and, thus, to generate the D S 8 - S C signal

(r) = Acv{t)c(t)

cos litfct


Since v{t)c{t) = 1 for any t, it follows that the carrier-modulated transmitted signal may also be expressed as

u(t) = Ac cos [ 2 ; r / c i + 0 ( f ) ]












V{f) C{f)

Figure 9.3; Convolution of spectra of the (a) data signal with the (b) PN code signal.







where B{t) = 0 when v{t)c{T) = I and 6{t) = x when v(t)c(t) = - 1 . Therefore, the transmitted signal is a binary PSK signal whose phase varies at the rate 1 / . The rectangular pulse p(t) is usually called a chip, and its time duration Tc is called the chip interval. The reciprocal 1 / Tc is called the chip rate and corresponds (approximately) to the bandwidth W of the transmitted signal. The ratio of the bit interval 7/, to the chip interval 7", is usually selected to be an integer in practical spread spectrum systems. We denote this ratio as

L, = y


Hence, Lc is the number of chips of the PN code sequence per information bit. Another interpretation is that Lc represents the number of possible 180 phase transitions in the transmitted signal during the bit interval 7),.


Signal Demodulation

The demodulation of the signal is performed as illustrated in Figure 9.4. The received signal is first multiplied by a replica of the waveform <r(f) generated by the PN code sequence generator at the receiver, which is synchronized to the PN codc in the received signal. This operation is called (spectrum) despreading, since the effect of multiplication by c(f) at the receiver is to undo the spreading operation at the transmitter. Thus, we have


cos 2nfct

= Acv(t)cos2nfct


since c"(f) = I for all i. The resulting signal A t u ( f ) c o s 2 r t f c t occupies a bandwidth (approximately) of R hertz, which is the bandwidth of the information-bearing signal. Therefore, the demodulator for the despread signal is simply the conventional cross correlator or matched filter that was described in Chapters 5 and 7. Since the demodulator has a bandwidth that is identical to the bandwidth of the despread signal, the only additive noise that corrupts the signal at the demodulator is the noise that falls within the information bandwidth of the received signal. Effects of Despreading on a Narrowband Interference It is interesting to investigate the effect of an interfering signal on the demodulation of the desired information-bearing signal. Suppose that the received signal is

r{t) = Acv(t)c(t)


+ i(t)


where /(f) denotes the interference. The despreading operation at the receiver yields

/-(r)c(r) = Acv(t)cos2rrfct

4- j(i)c(r)








Received signal rit)



PN signal generator

cos 2 v T/:

Clock signai

Figure 9.4: Demodulation of DS spread spectrum signal.

The effect of multiplying the interference i(t) with c{t) is to spread the bandwidth of i(r) to W hertz. As an example, let us consider a sinusoidal interfering signal of the form

/ ( O = A J cos 2TX f j t


where f j is a frequency within the bandwidth of the transmitted signal. Its multiplication with c ( f ) results in a wideband interference with power-spectral density JQ = Pj/W, where Pj = A2 jl is the average power of the interference. Since the desired signal is demodulated by a matched filter (or correlator) that has a bandwidth RT the total power in the interference at the output of the demodulator is

^ W

f Lc




Therefore, the power in the interfering signal is reduced by an amount equal to the bandwidth expansion factor W JR. The factor W/R = Tt/Tc = Lc is called the processing gain of the spread spectrum system. The reduction in interference power is the basic reason for using spread spectrum signals to transmit digital information over channels with interference. In summary, the PN code sequence is used at the transmitter to spread the informationbearing signal into a wide bandwidth for transmission over the channel. By multiplying the received signal with a synchronized replica of the PN code signal, the desired signal is despread back to a narrow bandwidth, whereas any interference signals are spread over a wide bandwidth. The net effect is a reduction in the interference power by the factor W / R , which is the processing gain of the spread spectrum system. The PN code sequence {c} is assumed to be known only to the intended receiver. Any other receiver that does not have knowledge of the PN code sequence cannot demodulate the signal. Consequently, the use of a PN code sequence provides a degree of privacy (or security) that is not possible to achieve with conventional modulation. The primary cost for







this security and performance gain against interference is an increase in channel bandwidth utilization and in the complexity of the communication system.


Probability of Error

In an AWGN channel, the probability of error for a DS spread spectrum system employing binary PSK is identical to the probability of error for conventional (unspread) binary PSK;

(9.2.11) On the other hand, if the interference is the sinusoidal signal given by (9.2.9) with power Pj, the probability of error is (approximately)

Thus, the interference power is reduced by the factor of the spread spectrum signal bandwidth W. In this case, we have ignored the AWGN, which is assumed to be negligible; i.e., A^o Pj/W. If we account for the AWGN in the channel, the error probability is expressed as

Ph = Q

2 h N0 + Pj/W

The Jamming Margin When the interference signal is a jamming signal, we may express ^ as




Now, suppose we specify a required h/J<3 to achieve a desired performance. Then, using a logarithmic scale, we may express (9.2.14) as Pj 101ogii = w 01og-(h\ (^)








The ratio (Pj/PS)M is called the jamming margin. This is the relative power advantage that a jammer may have without disrupting the communication system.

Illustrative Problem 9.1 Suppose that we require an 3EH/JO = 10 dB to achieve reliable communication with binary PSK. Determine the processing gain that is necessary to provide a jamming margin of 20 dB. MdMUiMm By using (9.2.15) we find that the processing gain ( W / i ? ) J B = 30 dB; i.e., W/R L, 1000. This means that with W / R = 1000, the average jamming power at the receiver may be 100 times the power Ps of the desired signal, and wc would still maintain reliable communication.

Performance of Coded Spread Spectrum Signals As shown in Chapter 8, when the transmitted information is coded by a binary linear (block or convolutional) code, the SNR at the output of a soft-decision decoder is increased by the coding gain, defined as

Coding gain = R c d^ s n


where R is the code rate and is the minimum Hamming distance of the code. Therefore, the effect of the coding is to increase the jamming margin by the coding gain. Thus (9.2,15) may be modified as

9.2.3 Two Applications of DS Spread Spectrum Signals
In this subsection we briefly describe the use of DS spread spectrum signals in two applications. First, we consider an application in which the signal is transmitted at very low power, so that a listener would encounter great difficulty in trying to detect the presence of the signal. A second application is multiple-access radiocommunications. Low-Detectability Signal Transmission In this application the information-bearing signal is transmitted at a very low power level relative to the background channel noise and thermal noise that is generated in the front end of a receiver. If the DS spread spectrum signal occupies a bandwidth W and the powerspectral density of the additive noise is No watts/hertz, the average noise power in the bandwidth W is P = The average received signal power at the intended receiver is PR. If we wish to hide the presence of the signal from receivers that are in the vicinity of the intended receiver,



Spread Spcctnim



the signal is transmitted at a power level such that Pr/Pn 1- The intended receiver can recover the weak information-bearing signal from the background noise with the aid of the processing gain and the coding gain. However, any other receiver that has no knowledge of the PN code sequence is unable to take advantage of the processing gain and the coding gain. Consequently, the presence of the information-bearing signal is difficult to detect. We say that the transmitted signal has a low probability of being intercepted (LPI), and it is called an LPI signal. The probability of error given in Section 9.2.2 applies as well to the demodulation and decoding of LPI signals at the intended receiver.

Illustrative Problem 9.2 A DS spread spectrum signal is to be designed such that the power ratio at the intended receiver is Pr/P^ = 0.01 for an AWGN channel. The desired value of jE";,/NQ is for acceptable performance. Let us determine the minimum value of the processing gain required to achieve an h / N o of 10. ^ We may write /No as pRn No" Since No _ ~ lctc No ( P r \ ,9218)

P r


= 10 and Pr/Pn

= 10~ 2 , it follows that the necessary processing gain is

= 1000.

Code Division Multiple Access The enhancement in performance obtained from a DS spread spectrum signal through the processing gain and the coding gain can be used to enable many DS spread spectrum signais to occupy the same channel bandwidth, provided that each signal has its own pseudorandom (signature) sequence. Thus it is possible to have several users transmit messages simultaneously over the same channel bandwidth. This type of digital communication, in which each transmitter/receiver user pair has its own distinct signature code for transmitting over a common channel bandwidth, is called code division multiple access ( C D M A ) . In digital cellular communications, a base station transmits signals to N mobile receivers using N orthogonal PN sequences, one for each intended receiver. These N u signals are perfectly synchronized at transmission, so that they arrive at each mobile receiver in synchronism. Consequently, due to the orthogonality of the N PN sequences, each intended receiver can demodulate its own signal without interference from the other transmitted signals that share the same bandwidth. However, this type of synchronism cannot be maintained in the signals transmitted from the mobile transmitters to the base station (the uplink, or reverse link). In the demodulation of each DS spread spectrum signal at the base station, the signals from the other simultaneous users of the channel appear as additive interference. Let us determine the number of simultaneous signals that can be accommodated in a CDMA system. We assume that all signals have identical average powers







at the base station. In many practical systems the received signal's power level from cach user is monitored at the base station, and power control is exercised over all simultaneous users by use of a control channel that instructs the users on whether to increase or decrease their power levels. With such power control, if there are N u simultaneous users, the desired signal-to-noise interference power ratio at a given receiver is

* = * PN (;V - I)ps

-J Nu - 1


From this relation we can determine the number of users that can be accommodated simultaneously. In determining the maximum number of simultaneous users of the channel, we implicitly assumed that the pseudorandom code sequences used by the various users are orthogonal and that the interference from other users adds on a power basis only. However, orthogonality of the pseudorandom sequences among the N users generally is difficult to achicve, especially if Nu is large. In fact, the design of a large set of pseudorandom sequences with good correlation properties is an important problem that has received considerable attention in the technical literature. We briefly treat this problem in Section 9.3. - ^ i m u k i J s m M M - M M Illustrative Problem 9.3 Suppose that the desired level of performance for a user in a CDMA system is achieved when SEb/Jo i f - L e t u s determine the maximum number of simultaneous users that can be accommodated in the CDMA system if the bandwidth-tobit-rate ratio is 100 and the coding gain is 6 dB.

From the basic relationship given in (9.2.17), we have


\ A / dB \ = 2 0 4 - 6 - 10 = 16 dB

/ dB


1 Nu - 1 and, hence,

J_ 40


/V = 41 users







I l l u s t r a t i v e P r o b l e m 9 . 4 T h e o b j e c t i v e o f this p r o b l e m is to d e m o n s t r a t e t h e e f f e c t i v e n e s s o f a D S s p r e a d s p e c t r u m s i g n a l in s u p p r e s s i n g s i n u s o i d a l i n t e r f e r e n c e v i a M o n t e Carlo

s i m u l a t i o n . T h e b l o c k d i a g r a m o f the s y s t e m to be s i m u l a t e d is i l l u s t r a t e d in F i g u r e 9 . 5 .

Figure 9.5: Model of DS spread spectrum system for Monte Carlo simulation.

A uniform random number generator (RNG) is used to generate a sequence of binary information symbols (1). Each information bit is repeated L c times, where corresponds to the number of PN chips per information bit. The resulting sequence, which contains Lc repetitions per bit, is multiplied by a PN sequence c(/i) generated by another uniform RNG. To this product sequence we add white Gaussian noise with variance cr2 = NQ/2 and sinusoidal interference of the form

i(n) = A sin ojqn where 0 < COQ < it and the amplitude of the sinusoid is selected to satisfy A < Lc. The demodulator performs the cross correlation with the PN sequence and sums (integrates) the blocks of L c signal samples that constitute each information bit. The output of the summer is fed to the detector, which compares this signal with the threshold of zero and decides on whether the transmitted bit is + 1 or 1. The error counter counts the number of errors made by the detector. The results of the Monte Carlo simulation are shown in Figure 9.6







f o r t h r e e d i f f e r e n t v a l u e s o f t h e a m p l i t u d e o f t h e s i n u s o i d a l i n t e r f e r e n c e w i t h Lc


A l s o s h o w n i n F i g u r e 9 . 6 is t h e m e a s u r e d e r r o r r a t e w h e n t h e s i n u s o i d a l i n t e r f e r e n c e i s removed. T h e v a r i a n c e o f t h e a d d i t i v e n o i s e w a s k e p t fixed i n t h e s e s i m u l a t i o n s a n d t h e

level o f t h e d e s i r e d s i g n a l w a s s c a l e d to a c h i e v e the d e s i r e d S N R f o r e a c h s i m u l a t i o n r u n . T h e M A T L A B s c r i p t s f o r t h e s i m u l a t i o n p r o g r a m is g i v e n b e l o w .

% MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 4. Chapter 9. echo on Lc=20; % number of chips per bit A 1=3; % amplitude of the first sinusoidal interference A2-7, 7e amplitude of the second sinusoidal interference A3=12; % amplitude of the third sinusoidal interference A4=0; % fourth case: no interf erence w0=1: % frequency of the sinusoidal interference in radians SNRindB=0:2:30; for i=1 length(SNRindB), % measured error rales smld.err-prb I (i)=ss.Pe94<SNRindB(i),Lc.A 1 ,w0); smld_err-prb2(i)=ss-Pe94(SNRindB(i),Lc.A2,w0), smM-err.prb3(i)=ss_Pe94(SNRindB(i).Lc.A3,w0); end; SNRindB4=0;1:8; for i=1:length(SNRindB4). % measured error rate when there is no interference smJd-.err.prb4(i)=ss_Pe94(SNRindB4(i),Lc,A4.w0); end; % plotting commands follow

function lpl=ssJ>e9<t(snrJn-dB, Lc. A. w0) % tp!=ss-Pe94{snrJnMB, Lc. A. wO) % SS-PE92 finds the measured error rate. The function % that returns the measured probability of error for the divert value of % the snrJnMB. Lc. A and wO. snr=10" ( / 1 0 ) ; sgma=1; % noise standard deviation is fixed Eb=2sgma " 2*snr; % signal level required to achieve the given % signal-lo-noise ratio E_chip=Eb/Lc; % energy per chip N=10000, % number of bits transmitted % The generation of the data, noise, interference, decoding process, and error % counting is performed all together in order to decrease the run time of the % program. This is accomplished by avoiding very large sized vectors. num.of.err=0; for i=1 :N, % generate the next data bit temp=rand; if (temp <0.5), data=1; else data=1;



of PN



end; % repeal it Lc times, i.e. divide it into


for j=1 :Lc.

repeaied_data(j)=daia. end; % PN sequence fur the duration of the bit is Vine ruled next for 1 Lc, temp=rand; if ( t e m p < 0 . 5 ) . pn.seq(j)= 1; else pn.seq(j)=1; end; end; % the transmitted signed is trans_sig=sqrt(E_chip)*repeated_data.*pn-seq', % AWGN with variance sgma ~2 noise=sgma*randn{1 .Lc); % interference n=(i 1)*Lc+1 :i*Lc; interference=A*sin(wO*n); % received signal rec.sig=trans-sig+noise+interference; % determine the decision variable from the received signal temp=rec_sig.*pn_seq,

% making decision

if (decision_variable<0),
decision=-1, eise decisional; end; % if it is an error, increment the error if (decision~=data). num-oLerr=mjm-of_err+1; end; end; % then the measured error probability is p=num_of-err/N,



Generation of PN Sequences

A pseudorandom, or PN, sequence is a code sequence of l's and 0's whose autocorrelation has properties similar to those of white noise. In this section, we briefly describe the construction of some PN sequences and their autocorrelation and cross correlation properties. By far, the most widely known binary PN code sequences are the maximum-length shift-register sequences. A maximum-length shift-register sequence, or m-sequence for short, has a length L = 2m I bits and is generated by an m-stage shift register with linear feedback, as illustrated in Figure 9.7. The sequence is periodic with period L. Each period has a sequence of 2 m _ l ones and 2m~l 1 zeros. Table 9.1 lists the shift register connections for generating maximum-length sequences.







Figure 9.6: Error-rate performance of the system from the Monte Carlo simulation.

In DS spread spectrum applications, the binary sequence with elements (0, 1) is mapped into a corresponding binary sequence with elements { - 1 , 1}. We shall call the equivalent sequence {c} with elements (1, 1) a bipolar sequence. An important characteristic of a periodic PN sequence is its autocorrelation function, which is usually defined in terms of the bipolar sequences {c,,} as


= \cn+m, = 1

0 < m < L 1


where L is the period of the sequence. Since the sequence {c} is periodic with period L, the autocorrelation sequence is also periodic with period L. Ideally, a PN sequence should have an autocorrelation function that has correlation properties similar to white noise. That is, the ideal autocorrelation sequence for {c} is flc(0) = L and Rc(m) = 0 for 1 < m < L 1. In the case of m-sequences, the autocorrelation sequence is



of PN



m stages

Figure 9.7: Gnrai m - s t a g e shift register with linear f e e d b a c k .

Table 9.1: Shift-register connections for generating M L sequences. Stages Connected to Modulo-2 Adder 1,2 1,3 1,4 1, 4 1,6 1,7 1,5,6,7 1.6 1,8 1. 10 1 , 7 , 9 , 12 Stages Connected to Modulo-2 Adder 1, 10, 11, 13 1, 5, 9, 14 1, 15 1, 5, 14, 16 1, 15 1, 12 1, 15, 18, 19 1, 18 1, 20 1, 22 1. 19

m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

m 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

m 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Stages Connected to Modulo-2 Adder 1, 18, 23, 24 1,23 1 , 2 1 , 2 5 , 26 1,23,26,27 1,26 1,28 I, 8, 29, 30 I, 29 1, 11,31,32 1, 21 1, 8, 33, 34








Table 9.2: Peak cross correlations of w-sequences and Gold sequences. m-sequences m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 L = 2'"" 1 7 15 31 63 127 255 511 1023 2047 4095 Number 2 2 6 6 18 16 48 60 176 144 ^mnx 5 9 11 23 41 95 113 383 287 1407 0.71 0.60 0.35 0.36 0.32 0.37 0,22 0.37 0.14 0.34 Gold sequences 5 9 9 17 17 33 33 65 65 129 0.71 0.60 0.29 0.27 0.13 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.03


t , , 1<m < L - 1


For long m-sequences, the size of the off-peak values of /? c (m) relative to the peak value /?c(0)i.e., the ratio Rc(m)/Ri.(0) = - 1 /Lis small and, from a practical viewpoint, inconsequential. Therefore, m-sequences are very close to ideal PN sequences when viewed in terms of their autocorrelation function. In some applications the cross correlation properties of PN sequences are as important as the autocorrelation properties. For example, in CDMA each user is assigned a particular PN sequence. Ideally, the PN sequences among users should be mutually orthogonal so that the level of interference experienced by one user from transmissions of other users is zero. However, the PN sequences used in practice by different users exhibit some correlation. To be specific, lei us consider the class of m-sequences. It is known that the periodic cross correlation function between a pair of m-sequences of the same period can have relatively large peaks. Table 9.2 lists the peak magnitude for the periodic cross correlation between pairs of m-sequences for 3 < m < 12. Also listed in Table 9.2 is the number of m-sequences of length L 2m 1 for 3 < m < 12. We observe that the number of m-sequences of the length L increases rapidly with m. We also observe that, for most sequences, the peak magnitude /? max of the cross-correlation function is a large percentage of the peak value of the autocorrelation function. Consequently, m-sequences are not suitable for C D M A communication systems. Although it is possible to select a small subset of m-sequences that have relatively smaller cross correlation peak values than J?max> the number of sequences in the set is usually too small for CDMA applications.



of PN



Methods for generating PN sequences with better periodic cross correlation properties than m-sequences have been developed by Cold [5],[6] and by Kasami [7], Gold sequences are constructed by taking a pair of specially selected m-sequences, called preferred msequences, and forming the modu!o-2 sum of the two sequences for each of L cyclically shifted versions of one sequence relative to the other sequence. Thus L Gold sequences are generated as illustrated in Figure 9.8. For large L and m odd, the maximum value of the cross correlation function between any pair of Gold sequences is ^?rnax JlL. For m even, = v/T.

Figure 9.8: Generation of Gold sequences of length 31. Kasami [7] described a method for constructing PN sequences by decimating an msequence. In Kasami's method of construction, every ( 2 m / 2 -I- l)st bit of an m-sequence is selected. This method of construction yields a smaller set of PN sequences compared with Gold sequences, but their maximum cross correlation value is i?max y r . It is interesting to compare the peak value of the cross correlation function for Gold sequences and for Kasami sequences with a known lower bound for the maximum cross correlation between any pair of binary sequences of length L. Given a set of N sequences of period L, a lower bound on their maximum cross correlation is

(9.3.3) which, for large values ot L and N is well approximated as i?max > v r . Hence, we observe that Kasami sequences satisfy the lower bound and, hence, they are optimal. On the other hand, Gold sequences with m odd have i?rna* = JlL. Hence, they are slightly suboptimal. Besides the well-known Gold sequences and Kasami sequences, there are other binary sequences that are appropriate for C D M A applications. The interested reader is referred to the papers by Scholtz [8], and Sarwate and Pursley [9],








I M I f e H A U M J j s U J d ^ l Illustrative Problem 9.5 Let us generate the L 31 Gold sequences that result from taking the modulo-2 sum of the two shift-register outputs shown in Figure 9.8. ^ . n m M f l f c T h e M A T L A B scripts for performing this computation is given below. The 31 sequences generated are shown in Table 9.3. The maximum value of the cross correlation for these sequences is Rmax = 9.


script for



5, Chapter


echo on
% first determine the maximal length shift register sequences % we'll rake the initial shift register content us "0(XX)l". connections 1=|1 0 1 0 0]; connections2=[1 1 1 0 1]; sequence I =ss-mlsrs(conneciions I), sequence2=ss_mlsrs(connections2); % cyclically shift the second sequence and add it to the first one L = 2 " lengthfconnections I ) - 1 ; ; for s h i f t - a m o u n t = 0 : L - 1 . t e m p = [ s e q u e n c e 2 ( s h i f t . a m o u n t + 1 :L) sequence2(1 : s h i f t - a m o u n t ) | ; gold.seq(shift_amount + 1 ,:)=(sequencel+temp) - floor({sequencel+temp)./2).*2, end; % find the max value of the cross correlation max-cross.corr=0; for i=1 ;L 1. for j = i + 1 ;L. % equivalent sequences cl=2gold.seq(i,:)-1; c2=2gold.seq(j.:)-1; for m = 0 : L - 1 , s h i f t e d . c 2 = f c 2 ( m + 1 :L) c 2 ( 1 : m ) ] ; corr=abs(sum(cJ.*shifted-c2)); if ( c o n > m a x . i ; r o s s - c o r r ) . max _c ro ss . c ojt=co rr ; end; end; end; end; % note that max^cross^orr turns out to be 9 in this example... for these sequences

function (seqj=ssjnlsrs(connections); % [seq]=ss_mlsrs(connections) % SS-MLSRS generates the maximal length shift register sequence when the % shift register connections are given as input to the function. A "zero" % means not connected, whereas a "one" represents a connection. m = l e n g t h ( c o n n e ct ions); L = 2 * m 1; % length of the shift register sequence requested





% imntit register contents % first element of the seque?VIE

regis ters=[zeros( 1 ,m 1) 1]; seq(1) regis t<5rs(m)>

for i=2:L. new_reg_coni(1 )=connecnons(1)seq(i 1); for j=2:m, new_reg_cont(j)=regis[ers(j-1)+conneclions(j)*seq(i-1); end;

registers=new_reg_cont; seq(i)=registers(m): % current register % the next element contents of the sequence


Frequency-Hopped Spread Spectrum

In frequency-hopped (FH) spread spectrum the available channel bandwidth W is subdivided into a large number of nonoverlapping frequency slots. In any signaling interval the transmitted signal occupies one or more of the available frequency slots. The selection of the frequency slot(s) in each signal interval is made pseudorandomly according to the output from a PN generator. A block diagram of the transmitter and receiver for a FH spread spectrum system is shown in Figure 9.9. The modulation is either binary or M-ary FSK (MFSK). For example, if binary F S K is employed, the modulator selects one of two frequencies, say, / o or f \ , corresponding to the transmission of a 0 for a 1. The resulting binary FSK signal is translated in frequency by an amount that is determined by the output sequence from a PN generator, which is used to select a frequency fc that is synthesized by the frequency synthesizer. This frequency-translated signal is transmitted over the channel. For example, by taking m bits from the P N generator, we may specify 1 m 1 possible carrier frequencies. Figure 9.10 illustrates a FH signal pattern. At the receiver, there is an identical PN sequence generator, synchronized with the received signal, which is used to control the output of the frequency synthesizer. Thus, the pseudorandom frequency translation introduced at the transmitter is removed at the demodulator by mixing the synthesizer output with the received signal. The resultant signal is then demodulated by means of an FSK demodulator. A signal for maintaining synchronism of the PN sequence generator with the FH received signal is usually extracted f r o m the received signal. Although binary PSK modulation generally yields better performance than binary FSK, it is difficult to maintain phase coherence in the synthesis of the frequencies used in the hopping pattern and, also, in the propagation of the signal over the channel as the signal is hopped from one frequency to another over a wide bandwidth. Consequently, FSK modulation with noncoherent demodulation is usually employed in FH spread spectrum systems. The frequency-hopping rate, denoted as Rh, may be selected to be either equal to the symbol rate, lower than the symbol rate, or higher than the symbol rate. If Rf, is equal to or lower than the symbol rate, the FH system is called a slow-hopping system. If Rh is higher than the symbol rate, i.e., there are multiple hops per symbol, the FH system is called a fast-hopping system. We shall consider only a hopping rate equal to the symbol rate.






Table 9 . 3 : T a b l e o f G o l d s e q u e n c e s f r o m Illustrative P r o b l e m 9 . 5 .


1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

1 1

1 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 101 1 0 0 0 0 1 iOl 1 0 1 0 0 0 01 111 1 1 0 0 1 1

10001000001001000110001 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 I 1 1 101 I 0 0 1 0 0 1 10101 1 11 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 I 10001 lOOOOlOiOQl 101 100

0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 I 01 0 I 10 1 10 1 1 101 01 01 01 101 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

10 1 1 0 10 0 1 1 1 10


1 1 1 00 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 101 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 101

10 10 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 00 t 0 1 1 11

1 1 0 t 00 M 1 101

1 1 0 1001

0 1 0 0 0 1 001

1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 I 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1

11 1 1 I II 1 10 101

I 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

i 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 101

1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1001

t 101

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 101 1001

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 101 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

1 0 0 0 1

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

1 1 0 1 1

0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 11 1 1 0 1 1 10101 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 101

1 1 1 0 1 0 1

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10001 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

001 1 101001000101 1 10100000010100 1 1001 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 10 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 001001 101001 1111011110 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1010100101001000010 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 101 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0

110001100110101110101 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

11 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 11 1 1 0 1 1 10 100

1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 I 1111 1 1 1001010000000101







PN sequence generator Intormaiion sequence FSK modulator

Frequency synthesizer

Encoder Mixer Channel


Figure 9.9: Block diagram of an HF spread spectrum system.



37; 4 Tc Time interval




Figure 9.10: An example of an FH pattern.







Probability of Error for FH Signals

L e t us c o n s i d e r a F H s y s t e m in w h i c h binary F S K is u s e d to transmit the d i g i t a l i n f o r m a t i o n . T h e h o p rate is 1 h o p p e r bit. T h e d e m o d u l a t i o n and d e t e c t i o n is n o n c o h e r e n t . In an A W G N c h a n n e l , the p r o b a b i l i t y o f erTor o f s u c h a s y s t e m is

l h =



T h e s a m e result a p p l i e s if the i n t e r f e r e n c e is a b r o a d b a n d s i g n a l or j a m m e r w i t h fiat s p e c t r u m that c o v e r s the entire F H b a n d o f w i d t h W . In s u c h a c a s e , NQ is r e p l a c e d b y NQ + JQ, w h e r e Jo is the s p e c t r a l d e n s i t y o f the i n t e r f e r e n c e , A s in the c a s e o f a D S s p r e a d s p e c t r u m s y s t e m , w e o b s e r v e that b> t h e e n e r g y p e r bit, c a n b e e x p r e s s e d as <"/> = is the bit rate. S i m i l a r l y , JQ the S N R can be e x p r e s s e d as


Ps//?, where


is the a v e r a g e s i g n a l p o w e r a n d

P J / W , w h e r e PJ

is the a v e r a g e p o w e r o f the b r o a d b a n d No,

i n t e r f e r e n c e and W is the a v a i l a b l e c h a n n e l b a n d w i d t h . T h e r e f o r e , a s s u m i n g that Jo




w h e r e W / R is the p r o c e s s i n g g a i n a n d P j / P s is the j a m m i n g m a r g i n f o r the F H s p r e a d spectrum signal. S l o w F H s p r e a d s p e c t r u m s y s t e m s are p a r t i c u l a r l y v u l n e r a b l e to a p a r t i a l - b a n d interf e r e n c e that m a y result e i t h e r f r o m i n t e n t i o n a l j a m m i n g o r in F H C D M A s y s t e m s . T o b e s p e c i f i c , s u p p o s e that the p a r t i a l - b a n d i n t e r f e r e n c e is m o d e l e d as a z e r o - m e a n G a u s s i a n r a n d o m p r o c e s s w i t h a flat p o w e r - s p e c t r a l d e n s i t y o v e r a f r a c t i o n o f t h e total b a n d w i d t h W a n d z e r o in the r e m a i n d e r o f the f r e q u e n c y b a n d . p o w e r - s p e c t r a l d e n s i t y is n o n z e r o , its v a l u e is S J ( F ) = w o r d s , the i n t e r f e r e n c e a v e r a g e p o w e r PJ o f the f r e q u e n c y band o c c u p i e d by the i n t e r f e r e n c e . S u p p o s e that the p a r t i a l - b a n d i n t e r f e r e n c e c o m e s f r o m a j a m m e r that s e l e c t s ct to o p t i m i z e the e f f e c t o n the c o m m u n i c a t i o n s s y s t e m . In an u n c o d e d s l o w - h o p p i n g s y s t e m w i t h binary F S K m o d u l a t i o n a n d n o n c o h e r e n t d e t e c t i o n , the t r a n s m i t t e d f r e q u e n c i e s are s e l e c t e d w i t h u n i f o r m p r o b a b i l i t y in t h e f r e q u e n c y b a n d W . C o n s e q u e n t l y , the r e c e i v e d s i g n a l w i l l b e j a m m e d w i t h p r o b a b i l i t y a , and it w i l l n o t b e j a m m e d w i t h p r o b a b i l i t y 1 a . d e t e c t i o n o f the s i g n a l is a s s u m e d t o be e r r o r - f r e e , w h e r e PB = a v e r a g e p r o b a b i l i t y o f error is BF JQWhen it is j a m m e d , the p r o b a b i l i t y o f error is l / 2 e x p ( a p k / 2 ) , a n d w h e n it is n o t j a m m e d , t h e Therefore, the In the r e g i o n or r e g i o n s w h e r e t h e JO/A, where 0 < A < 1. In o t h e r

is a s s u m e d to b e c o n s t a n t , a n d A is t h e f r a c t i o n

Plia) =

exp {ctpb/2') aW/R\ - I 2Pj/PsJ (9.4.3)

a ( = - exp v 2 \






Figure 9.11 illustrates the error rate as a function of the SNR ph for several values of a . The j a m m e r is assumed to optimize its strategy by selecting o to maximize the probability of error. By differentiating Pilot) and solving for the value of a that maximizes P i ( a ) , we find that the j a m m e r ' s best choice of a is

2/ph, 1,

Pb>2 Pb < 2


The corresponding error probability for the worst-case partial-band j a m m e r is

ph < 2


which is also shown in Figure 9.11. Whereas the error probability decreases exponentially for full-band jamming, as given by (9.4.3), the error probability for worst-case partial-band j a m m i n g decreases only inversely with F,J JQ,

Worst-case paricial-band jamming

a = 0.01





SNR/bit, d B

Figure 9.11: Performance of binary F S K with partial-band interference.







i i m f a H ^ M J d d . M B d a f c

Illustrative Problem 9.6 Via Monte Carlo simulation, demonstrate the performance of an FH digital communication system that employs binary FSK and is corrupted by worst-case partial-band interference. The block diagram of the system to be simulated is shown in Figure 9.12.

Figure 9.12: Model of a binary FSK system with partial-band interference for the Monte Carlo simulation.

A uniform random number generator (RNG) is used to generate a binary information sequence, which is the input to the FSK modulator. The output of the FSK modulator is corrupted by additive Gaussian noise with probability a , where 0 < a < 1. A second uniform RNG is used to determine when the additive Gaussian noise corrupts the signal and when it does not. In the presence of noise, the input to the detector, assuming that a 0 is transmitted, is






ri =

+ + no-

4- ( V ^ s i n < p + n ^ j

where <p represents the channel-phase shift and Hi t , i.r. "2<.-. ^2,,- represent the additive noise components. In the absence of noise, we have
r, r

and , hence, no errors occur at the detector. The variance of each of the noise components is a 2 = a 7 o / 2 , where a is given by (9.4.4). For simplicity, we may s e t $ = 0 and normalize Jt) by setting it equal to unity. Then, ph = kIJ b- Since a2 = Jo/lot and a ~ 1/ph> it follows that, in the presence of panial-band interference, CT2 = 4 and a = 2 / h , where }> is constrained to 3-f, > 2. Figure 9.13 illustrates the error rate that results from the M o n t e Carlo simulation. Also shown in (he figure is the theoretical value of the probability of error given by (9 .4.5). T h e M A T L A B scripts for the simulation program are given below.

% MATLAB script for illustrative Problem echo on rho.b I =0:5:35; rho.b2=0:0.1:35; for i=1:length( smld _err_prb(i)=5S .pe96 (rho_b] (i)). end; for i=1:length(rho.b2), temp=10"(rho.b2(i)/1Q);

6. Chapter

1c rho in JB for the simulated error rate % rho m dB for theoretical error rate compulation 1*. simulated error rate

if (teinp>2)
theo_err.rate(i)=1 /(exp (1 )*temp): % theoretical error rate if rho>2 else theo.err.rale(i)=(1/2)*exp(-iemp/2);% theoretical error rate if rho<2 end; end; % plotting command follow

function Ipj = ssJ>e96<rhoM-dB) % fp!=ssJ'e96(rhoJnMB) % SSJ*E96 finds the measured error rate. The value % signal per interference ratio in dB is given as an % input to the function. rho=10"(rho-in,dB/l0); Eb=rho; if (rho2), alpha=2/rho; % energy % optimal 9 E > optimal per bit if rho


alpha alpha

> 2

alpha=1; end; if rho < 2






sgma=sqrt(1 /(2*alpha)); N=10000; % generation of the data sequence for i=1:N, temper and; tf (temp <0.5) data(i)=1; e!se data(i)=0; end; end; % find the received signals for i=1:N. % the transmitted signal if (daia(i)==0), rlc(i)=sqn(Eb); :ls(i)=0; r2c(i)=0; r2s{i)=0; else

% noise standard % number of bits

deviation transmitted

rlc(i)=0; rls(i)=0; r2c(i)=sqrt(Eb); r2s(i)=0; end; % the received signal is found by adding noise with probability if (rand<alpha). rlc(i)=rlc(i)+gngauss(sgma); r I s(i)=rl s(i)+gngauss(sgma); r2c(i)=r2c(i)+gngauss(sgma); r2s(!)=r2s(i)+gngauss(sgma); end; end;


% make the decisions and count the number of errors made num-of.err=0; for i=1 :N, rl=rlc(i)"2+rls(i)"2; % first decision variable r2=r2c(i)"2+r2s(i)~2; % second decision variable % decision is made nest "if ( r l > r 2 ) . decis=0; else decis=1; end; % increment the counter if this is an error if (decis"=data(i)), num.of-erT=num.of.err+1; end; end; % measured bit error rate is then p=num.of_err/N;







Figure 9.13: Error-rate performance of FH binary FSK system with partial-band interference Monte Carlo simulation.


Use of Signal Diversity to Overcome Partial-Band Interference

The performance of the FH system corrupted by partial-band interference as described in the previous section is very poor. For example, for the system to achieve an error probability of 1 0 - 6 , the SNR required at the detector is almost 60 dB in the presence of worst-case interference. By comparison, in the absence of partial-band interference, the SNR required in AWGN is about 10 dB. Consequently, the loss in SNR due to the presence of the partialband interference is approximately 50 dB, which is excessively high. The way to reduce the effect of partial-band interference on the FH spread spectrum system is through signal diversity; i.e., the same information bit is transmitted on multiple frequency hops, and the signals from the multiple transmissions are weighed and combined together at the input to the detector. To be specific, suppose that each information bit is transmitted on two successive frequency hops. The resulting system is called a dual diversity system. In this case, assuming that a 0 is transmitted, the two inputs to the combiner are either both corrupted by interference, or one of the two transmitted signals is corrupted by interference, or neither of the two transmitted signals is corrupted by interference. The combiner is assumed to know the level of the interference and, thus, forms the combined decision variables,

x = w\r\\ y =

4- w2ri2 (9.4.6)

2\ + ^2f22







where r[ j, r n are the two outputs of the square-law device for the first transmitted signal and r\j, rji are the outputs of the square-law device from the second transmitted signal. The weights u>\ and wi are set to !/<r 2 , where cr- is the variance of the additive noise plus interference. Hence, when a 1 is large, as would be the case when interference is present, the weight placed on the received signal is small. On the other hand, when a 2 is small, as would be the case when there is no interference, the weight placed on the received signal is large. Thus, the combiner de-emphasizes the received signal components that are corrupted by interference. The two components .v and y from the combiner are fed to the detector, which decides in favor of the larger signal component. The performance of the FH signal with dual diversity is now dominated by the case in which both signal transmissions are corrupted by interference. However, the probability of this event is proportional to a 2 , which is significantly smaller than a . As a consequence, the probability of error for the worst-case partial-band interference has the form

P 2 (2) = % Ph

Pb> 2


where K2 is a constant and Ph b ! h - In this case, the probability of error for dual diversity decreases inversely as the square of the SNR. In other words, an increase in SNR by a factor of 10 (10 dB) results in a decrease of the error probability by a factor of 100. Consequently, an error probability of 1 0 - 6 can be achieved with an SNR of about 30 dB with dual diversity, compared to 60 dB (1000 times larger) for no diversity. More generally, if each information bit is transmitted on D frequency hops, where D is the order of diversity, the probability of error has the form

Pl{D) = f>b



where K o is a constant. Since signal diversity as described above is a trivial form of coding (repetition coding), it is not surprising to observe that instead of repeating the transmission of each information bit D times, we may use a code with a minimum Hamming distance equal to D and softdecision decoding of the outputs from the square-law devices.

Illustrative Problem 9.7 Repeat the Monte Carlo simulation for the FH system considered in Illustrative Problem 9.6, but now employ dual diversity.

In the absence of interference, the weight used in the combiner is set to w = 10, which corresponds to o 2 = 0.1, a value that may be typical of the level of the additive Gaussian noise. On the other hand, when interference is present, the weight is set to w = I j o 2 = 2 / , where is constrained to be > 4. The SNR per hop is , and the






t o t a l e n e r g y p e r b i t in t h e t w o h o p s is

= 2.

T h e r e f o r e , the error p r o b a b i l i t y is p l o t t e d

as a f u n c t i o n of k / J o - T h e results of the M o n t e C a r l o s i m u l a t i o n are illustrated in F i g u r e 9 . 1 4 . T h e M A T L A B s c r i p t s f o r the s i m u l a t i o n p r o g r a m is g i v e n b e l o w .

% MATLAB scrip it for Illustrative Problem echo on rhO-b=0:2:24; for i=1 :length(rho_b). smld ,err_prb(i)-ss_Pe97(rho-b(i)); end; % Plotting commands follow

7. Chapter


% rh/i in dB % simulated error rate

function [pl=ssJ,e97(^!B) % [p!=ssJ'e97(rkoJn^d8> % SS-PE97 finds the measured error rate. The value of % signal per interference ratio in dB is given us an input % to the Junction. rho =10 "(.rho .in .dB/10); Eb=rho; % energy per information bit E=Eb/2; % energy per symbol transmitted % tfie opiimui vtiiue (>/ ulpfiit if (rho>2). alpha=2/rho; else a]pha=1; end; % the variance of the additive noise if ( E > 1 ) . sgma=sqrt<E/2); else sgma=sqrt(t/2); end; N=10000; % number of bits transmitted % generation of the data sequence for i=1 :N. terap=rand; if (temp < 0 , 5 ) data(i)=1: else data(i)=0; end; end; % find the transmitted signals for i=1:N, if (data(i)=-0), trl lc(i)=sqrt(E); trl2c(i)=sqrt(E); trlls(i)=0; tr!2s(i)=0; tr2!c(i)=0; tr22c(i)=0; tr21s(i)=0; tr22s(i)=0: else trl lc(i)=0; trl2c(i)=0;








trl l s ( i ) = 0 , lr!2s(i)=0; tr2lc(i)=sqn(E); lr22c(U=sqrt(E); ir2ls(i)=0; tr22s(i)=0, end; end; % find the received signal*, make the decisions, and count the number of errors num.ot.err=0; for i=1:N, % determine if there is jamming if (rand<aJpha), j a m m i n g 1=1; % jamming present on the second else j a m m i n g 1=0; end; if (rand<aJpha), jamming2=1, else jamming2=0; end; 9c the the received signal1: are if ( j a m m i n g I = = 1 ) rl k-=trl lc(i)+gngauss(sgmuV. r2Ic=lr2lc(i)+gngauss(sgma); else rl l c = t r l l c ( i ) ; rlls=trlls(i); r2k=(r21c(i), r2)s=lr2ls(i); end; if ( j a m m i n g 2 1 ) rl2c=trl2c(i)+gngauss(sgma); r22c=I r22 c (i)+gn gaus s (s g m a ) , else rl2c=trl2c(i); rl2s=trl2s(i). r22c=lr22f(i); r22s=ir22s(i); end; % compute the decision variables, if ( j a m m i n g l 1 ) , wl=1/sgma~2; else wl = 1 0 ; end; if ( j a m m i n g 2 = = 1 ) . w2=1/sgma"2; else w2=10; end; % the intermediate decision rll=rllc"2+rlls"2; rl2=r!2c~2+rl2s"2; r21=r21c*2+r21s~2; r22=r22c ~ 2 + r 2 2 s " 2; finally, the resulting x=wl*rl I+w2*rl2; y=wl*r21+w2*r22; % make the decision if ( * > y ) . 9o jamming not present on the first made

transmission transmission

% jamming % jamming


on the second on the second

transmission transmission

not present

rl l s = ( r l ls(i)+gngauss(sgma). r21s=lr2ls(i)+gngauss(5gma).

rl2s=trl2s(i)+gngauss(sgma); r22s=tr22s( i) +gngauss(sgma) ;





are computed





x and y are







decis=0. else decis=1, end; % increment ihe counter if this is an error if (dei;is~=duta(i)). n u n u o L i rr=num_of.err+-1; end; end; % the measured bit-error rale is then p=iium.o!_err/N;


Figure 9.14: Error-rate performance of FH dual diversity binary FSK with partial-band interference Monte Carlo simulation.







9.1 Write a MATLAB program to perform a Monte Cario simuiation trum system that transmits the information via binary PSK through Assume that the processing gain is 10. Plot a graph of the measured SNR and, thus, demonstrate that there is no performance gain from signal. of a DS spread specan AWGN channel. error rate versus the the spread spectrum

9.2 Write a MATLAB program to perform a Monte Carlo simulation of a DS spread spectrum system that operates in an LP! mode. The processing gain is 20 {13 dB) and the desired power signal-to-noise ratio Ps/Pn at the receiver prior to despreading the signal is 5 dB or smaller. Plot the measured error rate as a function of the SNR. 9.3 Repeat the Monte Carlo simulation described in Illustrative Problem 9.4 for a processing gain of 10 and plot the measured error rate. 9.4 Write a MATLAB program that implements an m = 12-stage maximal-length shift register and generate three periods of the sequence. Compute and graph the periodic autocorrelation function of the equivalent bipolar sequence given by (9.3.1). 9.5 Wnte a MATLAB program that implements an m = 3-stage and an m ~ 4-stage maximal-length shift register and form the modulo-2 sum of their output sequences. Is the resulting sequence periodic? If so, what is the period of the sequence? Compute and sketch the autocorrelation sequence of the resulting (bipolar) sequence using (9.3.1). 9.6 Write a MATLAB program to compute the autocorrelation sequence of the L = 31 Gold sequences that were generated in Illustrative Problem 9.5. 9.7 An FH binary orthogonal FSK system employs an m = 7-state shift register to generate a periodic maximal-length sequence of length L = 127. Each stage of the shift register selects one of N = 127 nonoverlapping frequency bands in the hopping pattern. Write a MATLAB program that simulates the selection of the center frequency and the generation of the two frequencies in each of the N = 127 frequency bands. Show the frequency selection pattern for the first 10 bit intervals. 9.8 Write a Monte Carlo program to employs binary FSK with noncoherent partial-band interference with spectral spectrally flat over the frequency band system versus the SNR 3 t h / h simulate a FH digital communication system that (square-law) detection. The system is corrupted by density Jo/at, where a = 0 . 1 . The interference is 0 < a < 0 . 1 , Plot the measured error rate for this

9.9 Repeat the Monte Carlo simulation in Illustrative Problem 9.7 when the weight used at the combiner in the absence of interference is set to w = 100 and with interference the weight is uj = l/cr2 = 2/, where the signal energy is > 4. Plot the measured error rate from the Monte Carlo simulation for this dual diversity system and compare this performance with that obtained in Illustrative Problem 9.7.






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adaptive equalizer, 257, 265 AM, 79 amplitude distortion, 226 amplitude modulation, 79 Conventional AM, 89 DSB-AM, 80 SSB-AM, 96 amplitude-shift keying, 282 spectrum, 283 analytic signals, 35 antipodal signals, 177 error probability, 179 ASK, 282 autocorrelation function, 33 bandlimited processes, 69 bandpass processes, 71 bandpass signal, 35 envelope, 37 in-phase component, 36 lowpass equivalent, 36 phase, 37 quadrature component, 36 binary symmetric channel (BSC), 344 capacity, 344 biorthogonal signaling, 210 error probability, 212 block codes, 355 BSC, 344 carrier amplitude modulation, 281 carrier synchronization, 326 carrier-frequency modulation, 313 carrier-phase modulation, 287 Carson's rule, 119 CDMA, 399 channel capacity, 343, 344 AWGN channel, 345 binary symmetric channel (BSC), 344 expression, 344 channel coding, 355 chip rate, 395 clock synchronization, 332 code division multiple access (CDMA), 399 codes block, 355 convolutional, 355, 371 Hamming, 361 linear block, 357 simple repetition, 355 Conventional AM, 89 bandwidth. 89 index of modulation, 89 modulation efficiency, 90 normalized message, 89 SNR, 90 spectrum, 89 convolution integral, 1 convolutional codes, 355, 371 constraint length, 371 error probability, 385-387 free distance, 377 transfer function, 376 trellis diagram, 375 Viterbi algorithm, 377, 378 correlation receiver, 166 covariance matrix, 51 cyclostationary processes, 222 data compression



425 symbol-spaced, 259 zero-forcing, 259 eye pattern, 239 fast Fourier transform (FFT), 25 FFT, 25 FM, 116 bandwidth, 119 deviation constant, 118 modulation index, 118 pre-emphasis and de-emphasis filtering, 119 SNR, 119 Fourier series, 1 coefficients, 2 exponential form, 2 trigonometric, 3, 4 Fourier transforms, 16 definition, 18 for periodic signals, 21 inverse, 18 properties, 18 convolution, 19 differentiation, 19 duality, 18 linearity, 18 modulation, 19 Parseval's relation, 19 Rayleigh's theorem, 19 scaling, 18 time shift, 18 table, 19 free distance, 377 frequency modulation, 116 frequency-hopped spread spectrum (FH), 409 frequency-shift keying (FSK), 314 demodulation, 316 error probability, 321 Gold sequences, 406 Hamming codes, 361 Hermitian symmetry, 3 Hilbert transform, 36

lossless, 131 lossy, 131 decision-feedback equalizer (DFE), 272 delay distortion, 226 demodulation AM, 101 Conventional AM, 111 conventional AM, 111 DSB-AM, 101 frequency-shift keying (FSK), 316 phase, 291 QAM, 306 SSB-AM, 106 deviation constant, 118 DFE, 272 DFT, 24 differential phase modulation, 297 direct sequence spread spectrum, 392 error probability, 397 jamming margin, 398 discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 24 discrete memoryless channel (DMC), 343 discrete spectrum, 4 DMC, 343 DPSK, 297 DSB-AM, 80 bandwidth, 80 SNR, 82 spectrum, 80 duobinary signaling, 252 precoding, 254 early-late gate, 332 energy spectral density , 32 energy-type signal, 32 entropy, 132 envelope detection, 111 equalizer adaptive, 257, 265 decision feedback (DFE), 272 fractionally-spaced, 259 linear, 257 nonlinear, 271 preset, 257

426 Huffman code efficiency, 135 Huffman coding, i33 in-phase component, 36 intersymbol interference (ISI), 235 jamming margin, 398 linear block codes, 357 generator matrix, 358 minimum distance, 358 performance, 363 systematic, 361 linear equalizer, 257 Lloyd-Max conditions, 145 LMS algorithm, 268 lossless data compression, 13! lossy data compression, 131 lowpass equivalent of a signal, 36 lowpass random processes, 69 Af-ary orthogonal signaling, 201 error probability, 205 M-aiy PAM, 196 error probability, 197 magnitude spectrum, 4 Markov process, 55 matched filter, 169, 170 maximum-likelihood sequence detection (MLSD), 275 modulation AM, 79 carrier amplitude, 281 carrier-frequency, 313 carrier-phase, 287 conventional AM, 89 DSB-AM, 80 FM, 116 SSB-AM, 96 modulation index, 118 multidimensional signals, 187 mutual information, 344 nonlinear equalizer, 271 Nyquist frequency, 244 Nyquist rate, 23 on-off signaling, 182 error probability, 184 Parseval's theorem, 19 partial response signaling, 251 precoding, 253 PCM, 146 mu-law nonlinearity, 152 nonuniform, 152 SQNR, 147 uniform, 146 phase spectrum, 4 phase-locked loop (PLL), 326 phase-shift keying (PSK), 288 PLL, 326 PN sequences, 403 power spectral density for periodic signals, 33 PAM signal, 223 power-type signal, 32 preset equalizer, 257 processing gain, 396 PSK, 288 error probability, 293 Pulse-code modulation, 146 QAM, 304 demodulation, 306 error probability, 309 quadrature amplitude (QAM), 304 quadrature component, 36 quantization, 138 scalar, 138 uniform, 139 vector, 138



raised-cosine signal, 244 random processes bandlimited, 69 bandpass, 71 cyclostationary, 222 filtering, 63 Gauss-Markov process, 55



Gaussian, 51 properties, 51 lowpass, 69 Markov process, 55 power spectrum, 57 white processes, 57 random variables Gaussian, 49 covariancc matrix, 51 generation, 45 Rayleigh, 49 uniform, 46 Rayleigh's theorem, 19 roii-off factor, 244 sampling theorem, 23 Nyquist rate, 23 Shannon limit, 322 signal diversity, 417 signum function, 19 simple repetition code, 355 sine function, 5 spectrum discrete, 4 magnitude, 4, 21 of a signal, 21 phase, 4, 21 spread spectrum systems, 392 direct sequence, 392 frequency-hopped. 409 SSB-AM, 96 LSSB-AM, 96 SNR, 96 spectrum, 96 USSB-AM, 96 stochastic gradient algorithm, 268 synchronization carrier, 326 clock, 332 transfer function, 12 trellis diagram. 375 VCO, 327 Viterbi algorithm, 377, 378

voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 327 zero-forcing equalizer, 259

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