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July 3

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July 7, 2013

7th Sunday after Pentecost


The people came to the porch of the Lord God!

--2 Chronicles 29: 17

Preparing for Gods Word

Hearing Gods Word

Psalm 130:1-4 (p. 573-574) 2 Corinthians 2:1-11 (p. 179)

ORGAN PRELUDE: Lord, Remember Me Smith *CALL TO WORSHIP: Gods love is so great that even the worst sinner can become a saint in the church. We praise God for love and forgiveness which transforms sinners into saints! That transformation is Gods gift to all who will let Jesus intervene in their lives with salvation. Thanks be to God whose Son Jesus Christ breaks into our lives with forgiveness! Come, let us sing and follow after our Lord, Jesus! *HYMN #2G O Worship the King *CALL TO and PRAYER of CONFESSION: By faith we come to You, O Lord God, believing You can transform our sinful ways into loyal service in Your kingdom, just like you did for St. Paul from Tarsus. We pray for Your forgiveness to destroy our indifference and disobedience to Your will. Enable us to bear witness with our lives to a similar resurrection experience with our Lord Jesus. In His name, we continue to confess ... (silent, personal confession) *ASSURANCE of PARDON & GLORIA PATRI *AFFIRMATION of FAITH: Apostles Creed (back)

SERMON: And Put Heart Into Him:

St. Paul on Forgiveness

--Rev. Dick Merritt

Responding to Gods Word

*HYMN #61G
Theres a Wideness in Gods Mercy



SEATED for SILENT REFLECTION ORGAN POSTLUDE: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Haydn * indicates when to stand

G- refers to our Green hymnal Worship & Rejoice

The Mission of the Month for July is Cornerstone Womens Resource Centers. Please keep this ministry in your prayers. Cornerstone Womens Resource Centers is a thriving Crisis pregnancy center in various locations in Salem and Cumberland Counties. Sue Smith is the executive director and is the daughter in law of our own Fay Smith. Here is a note Sue sent us: An ultrasound picture is worth a thousand words-and a few tears-as a young mother sees her unborn baby for the first time and decides she will give him life; school students learn about healthy relationships; many clients are hearing the Gospel message some for the first time; and a healing journey for pregnancy loss begins. For more information go to This months Officer Leaders: elder, Jeff String; Local food banks such as Disciples Pantry in Woodstown and Peters Pantry in Elmer continue to be in need of items. This need will greatly increase in the summer when children are out of school and no longer have access to school lunches. Items in need include canned potatoes, instant potatoes, rice, cereal, canned meats, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly (strawberry), spaghetti sauce, pasta, soup, tea, etc. Please leave your contribution in the box marked in the narthex and we will make sure it gets there. If you would like to make a monetary donation you can use the white envelopes in the pews. Thank you in advance! Mission Statement: In the Name of Christ: Sowing, GROWing, and Serving. deacon, Joyce Guiliano; trustee, Patrick Sheehan; Our liturgist is Ruth Williams. The greeters are Dick & Geneva Hackett. Nursery Coordinator, Victoria Neill There are 12 assisted listening devices available for people to better hear the worship service. They are located in a basket in the narthex. CD copies of our worship service are also available every Sunday in the narthex.

We extend a cordial welcome to all who have come to worship today. We are especially glad to offer our hands in friendship to those worshiping with us for the first time.

Vision Statement: We are GROWing, Growing in Faith, Reaching others for Christ, Offering opportunities for mission, Worshipping the Lord with our whole, burning hearts.

He serves as a chaplain at Salem Community Hospital and Friends Village. He often joins with us in worship but also enjoys visiting other churches in our area. Rev. Merritt is a well learned and respected minister and we are honored to have him preach for us this Sunday.

Rev. Tuttle will be away this week on study leave in Chautauqua, NY. In case of an emergency please contact If you are visiting with us today we warmly welcome you! Please feel free to contact Rev. Paul Tuttle with any questions or pastoral needs. Rev. Tuttle can be reached at the Pastor cell856) 305-4421, or You can contact Jill Stout, our secretary/treasurer at (856) 358-1104 or The next Ladies Luncheon will be held tomorrow, July 8th, 12 noon at the Woodstown Diner. For more information or to RSVP please contact Helen Sickler at 856-769-2066. Ruth Williams.

If you have offering envelopes #75 please contact Jen Gardner at 609-202-2998.

"On Paul's Porch" -- a summer 2013 Bible Study on homemade video. To view weekly lessons, go to either: and go to "Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church" page; or go to and go to:

Communion via intinction will be celebrated next Sunday, July 14 . Please welcome Rev. Richard Merritt to the pulpit this morning. As many of us know he is a retired PC (USA) pastor who has been living in the Woodstown area for some time.

"RevPaul Tuttle" page, to choose which video lesson you want to view. If trouble, let Pastor Paul know.

Thank you to everyone who donated peanut butter & jelly for the Disciples Pantry. We collected 25 jars of peanut butter and 27 jars of jam/jelly!

Volunteers Needed! Disciple's Food Pantry in Woodstown is in need of volunteers. They are open from 10-12PM and 46PM every Tuesday. If you are interested in helping once a month at either time, see Stephanie Ale for additional information. Please help our Church support this important

If you have not already received an updated copy of our directory, there are extra copies located in the narthex.

local mission.

Please note: During the summer months, the churchs Check out our website for the weekly Bulletin and Insert.
If one member rejoices or suffers, all members rejoice or suffer together! --1 Corinthians 12:26

office hours will be only 3 days per week Tuesday thru Thursday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.

Our Facebook page can be found at: Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church

Prayer Requests: Debbie Covey (Oak Gandys daughter), Brenda (Hackett) Halls daughter, Jill (friend of Jane String), Tom Buckingham, David Sickler, Georgia Williams, Charlie Hitchner, Sara Williams (Lee Williams Jr.s wife), Thomas & Paula Hackett (Dick Hacketts brother and sisterin-law), Doris Miller, Stanley Prickitt, and Margie Ware.

The flowers this morning are presented in honor of Fay Smiths birthday by her family. Happy Birthday Fay!!

Flowers this morning are also presented in loving memory of

Please note: There is a notebook in the narthex to write down prayer requests. Rev. Tuttle will utilize this information during the time of our prayers. Please include the individuals name and address if possible.

Tom & Nellie Hackett by Dick & Geneva Hackett.

THE APOSTLES CREED I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; The third day he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church Daretown, New Jersey

(856) 358-1104
Rev. Paul Tuttle, Interim Pastor Dominic Mercado, Director of Music Margaret A. Powers, Organist Jill Stout, Secretary Randy Beebe, Sexton website:

And Jesus was walking and teaching in the Porch of Solomon!

--John 10: 23

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