Boiler Feed Pump
Boiler Feed Pump
Boiler Feed Pump
Industrial Boilers
Copyright 2009 GRUNDFOS Management A/S. All rights reserved. Copyright law and international treaties protect this material. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from GRUNDFOS Management A/S. All reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the content of this material: However, GRUNDFOS shall not be held liable for any losses whether direct or indirect, incidental or consequential arising out of the use of or reliance upon on any content of this material.
Table of Contents
General.........................................................6 Boiler types........................................................6 Boiler system (Fig. 3).......................................7 Boiler components.......................................7 Deaerators/Condenser...................................7 Economizer. .......................................................9 Economisers in the marine industry......9 Economisers in land based boilers..........9 Boiler pumps.................................................. 10 Boiler feed................................................... 10 Condensate pumps.................................. 13 Shunt pumps . ........................................... 14 What Grundfos offers................................17 Boiler problems. ............................................ 21 Bottom blow down.................................. 22 Weekend shot down................................ 22 Production changes................................. 22 Dosing.......................................................... 23 Feed pump start-up................................. 23 Pumps and sizing.......................................24 Sizing................................................................ 25 Vapour table..............................................30
The production of steam and hot water is one of the worlds largest industries. Grundfos is pleased to be the preferred supplier of pumps for boiler systems for these industries. Grundfos pumps are reliable, efficient and cover a wide performance range. As an experienced consultant in the implementation of boiler systems, we engage in a process of close partnership and dialogue to find the best solution for your system. Grundfos is a global enterprise with a worldwide service network. When you need export or on-the-spot advice in a particular part of the world, we have the technical expertise close by. This construction is typically seen in the marine, but is also used in the manufacturing industry:
Boiler types
Three main boiler types exist: Hot water boiler Thermal oil boiler Steam boiler The demands and the sizing of the pumps used for these boiler types are very different. The inserted pictures at the right side show some of the typical boiler constructions used. A typical boiler construction in the manufacturing industry:
Here you can see a cut open drawing of the most common construction of a boiler used in the manufacturing industry. At the bottom you see the burner chambers, which are surrounded with water and at the top the smoke pipes. On the side of the boiler you can see the two feed water pumps.
1. Hot water boiler Hot water boilers are normally used in room and building heating. These kinds of systems are suitable for discharge temperatures of up to 140C. The advantage of hot water over steam is that the energy loss is much lower than with steam boilers. Figure 1 shows how the pumps are normally installed in a hot water boiler. 2. Thermal oil boiler In hot oil boilers, oil is used instead of steam or water. The advantage of oil is that the system does not have to be pressurised above 100C as with water and steam. Oil is still liquid in atmospheric pressures of up to 300C. In contrast, water requires a pressure of 85 bar to avoid evaporating at that temperature. The construction of thermal oil boilers and systems is almost identical to that of hot water boilers.almost identical to that of hot water boilers. 3. Steam boiler SSteam is normally used in industrial process heating due to its high energy content. Steam is also used for cleaning applications and turbine generation. The advantage of steam over hot water is its high energy content and ability to release energy during condensation. This also allows for very small heat exchangers.
Fig. 1
Forward Hot water boiler Burner End
Fig. 2
Forward Hot oil boiler Burner
Fig. 3
Condensate pumps
Condensate tank
Control box
Level sensor
Feed pumps Steamboiler
Boiler components
Deaerator and condenser tanks are only used in steam boiler systems and not in hot water and hot oil boilers as fluid is always in its liquid form. The construction of these two types of tanks is almost identical, but as their names indicate, they are used for different purposes. Two primary principles are used with this form of tank design; thermal and vacuum.
The tank design used depends on the type of boiler being used. Each principle also has different pump construction requirements.
Thermal principle
A tank using the thermal principle is connected to the atmosphere via a valve. This design is normally used in smaller plants. Here, steam is used to maintain the tank water temperature at around 105C, which removes air from the water. A temperature of 105C is needed because of the air vent valve mounted in the deaerator or condenser which needs an opening pressure of approx. 0.2 bar, which provides a total pressure of 1.2 bar absolute. This means that the water will boil at a temperature that is a little bit higher than the usual 100C where water normally boils in atmospheric pressure. See also the vapour pressure table at the back of this manual. Besides the air vent valve, a vacuum breaker valve has also been mounted to ensure that vacuum never occurs in this tank type. If the vacuum valve was not mounted, vacuum could occur when cold make up water was added to the tank.
Fig. 4
Trayed section
Liquid level
Heating steam
Vacuum principle
Here an ejector pump is used to create a vacuum in the tank. This causes the tank water to start boiling even at low temperatures. This in turn removes air from the water. This principle is normally used in steam turbine applications.
Internal steam distributor piping Internal perforated pipe (water distributor) Perforated trays Low pressure steam Boiler feed water (Recycled condensate and makeup water)
Deaerators (Fig. 4)
A deaerator is used to reduce oxygen (O2) and carbonic acid (CO2) levels in boiler feedwater to protect the boiler against corrosion. It is possible to reduce oxygen and carbonic acid levels to about < 0.02 mg/l of O2 and 0 mg/l of CO2, depending on deaerator construction.
Fig. 5
Water outlet Steam
Condensers (Fig. 5)
A condenser ensures that all steam is condensed before being pumped back into the deaerator and then
Water inlet
into the boiler. New treated water is normally fed into the condenser.
Historically, economisers have only been used in large-scale power plants. However, the demand for more efficient boilers within the manufacturing industry and marine industry means that economisers are now far more commonplace. An economiser is a heat exchanger placed in the exhaust from a boiler or in the exhaust funnel of the main engine of a ship. Pump requirements differ greatly, depending on where the economiser is installed. Economizer in the marine (Fig. 6) Referring to the diagram below, the circulation pump has to be sized to the pressure and temperature in the boiler, which can easily be 20 bar and 170C. Because of this, economisers featuring air-cooled top and bearing flange may be required. The pump does not normally need to be capable of delivering a high differential pressure, as it only has to overcome the pressure loss in the plate heat exchanger (economiser). Economisers in land based boilers (fig. 7) An economiser used with a boiler located on land uses the boilers waste gases. The water circulated above the economiser is normally supplied by the main feed pump, but can also be fitted with its own circulation pump see Fig. 7. The chimney will also include a bypass to allow waste gases to pass around the heat exchanger. The construction differs from marine design as the waste gases released from the main engine of a ship are significantly greater. Energy produced by marine applications often allow for the generation of overheated steam fed directly from economiser and out into the piping.
Fig. 6
Feed pump
Smoke to chimney
Fig. 7
Economize Deaerator
Feed pump
Boiler pumps
A range of pumps for different boiler applications exist. This section describes the typical positioning of the various pumps and how they are controlled. The most common boiler applications are boiler feed, condensate pumping, economiser circulation and shunt pumps. Sub-system pumps such as dosing and water treatment pumps also exist.
Boiler feed
Boiler feeding can normally take place in the following 4 ways: On/off control Through feed valve Through feed valve and variable speed Variable speed All 4 methods will be described in the following.
Fig. 8
Control box
Level sensor
Feed pumps
Inexpensive Easy to install No bypass
Poor steam quality
Fig. 9
Bypass Deaerator
Level sensor
Feed pumps
Boiler feeding adjusted according to steam consumption, as described.
The pump must be set to continuous operation (energy consumption) Bypass The feed valve is expensive Pressure loss across the feed valve
Remember to size bypass according to the CR pumps min. flow which is 10 % of nominal flow for the pump. It may be an idea to stop the pump when the valve is closed. This requires, however, a signal from the valve.
Fig. 10
Bypass Deaerator
Feed pumps Steamboiler
both small and large, and will minimise the risk of over-boiling.
Boiler feeding adjusted according to steam con sumption Energy savings on pump operation Constant differential pressure across the feed valve
Bypass The feed valve is expensive Pressure loss across the feed valve
Requirements vary from one country to another as regards the sizing of boiler feed pumps. Remember to size bypass according to the CR/CV data as well as to min. flow. It may be an idea to stop the pump when the valve is closed. This requires, however, a signal from the valve. Find out whether variable speed control of both pumps is required as this increases expenses, but does not provide the same flexibility as to alternating the pump operation.
Fig. 11
Control box
Level sensor
Feed pumps Steamboiler
As described, boiler feeding adjustment according to the steam consumption Energy savings on pump operation No pressure loss across the feed valve Money earned equal to the price of an expensive feed valve
Requires precise and qualified start-up
A minimum frequency must be defined ensuring that the pump can always overcome the pressure in the boiler, and supply the minimum flow for the pump. May be carried out with the min. curve option for the pump. It must be ensured that the pump stops when steam consumption is zero. May e.g. be carried out with a high level switch from the boiler. The regulator area may be small. If the level sensor e.g. is 2 metres and regulation takes place in an area of just 20 cm corresponding to approx. 2 mA, if the level sensor is 4-20 mA. The level signal is normally inverted. This means that if you get 20 mA from the level sensor, the boiler is full and then the pump should stop instead of speeding up.
Fig. 12
Deaerator From water treatment Level sensor
Condensate pumps
Condensate tank
Inexpensive and easy to install
Requirements vary from one country to another as regards the sizing of condensate pumps (two pumps must always back each other up 100 %, requirements as to over-sizing, etc). As the distance to the deaerator is typically only between 2-5 m, the pump must have the smallest head possible. The pump is typically located right next to the condensate tank. The water temperature may be up to 95C and, therefore, cavitation may cause problems in this type of system. Consequently, a customised CR Low NPSH is a fine choice.
Accessories required
Dosing pumps and water treatment system.
Shunt pump
The requirements of a shunt pump are normally high flow and very low head. The shunt pump is therefore normally made with a 4-pole or 6- pole motor to get the head down. Shunt pumps are normally single stage pumps.
Fig. 13
Inexpensive and easy to install Safe operation (few components)
Information about the correct return-pipe temperature to be obtained from the boiler manufacturer.
Fig. 14
Always constant return temperature Energy savings
Information about the correct return temperature to be obtained from the boiler manufacturer.
Accessories required
Temperature sensor, R100.
Fig. 15
H (m) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
Set point
CRN 10-10
Flow Range
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q(m/h) NPSH (m) 8 6
0 P2 (kW) 4 3
1 0
2 0
Grundfos E-solutions may be upgraded to address this type of problem by increasing the frequency to 55 Hz and increasing the motor slip. The motor automatically adjusts when it falls below the labile point of the curve. See fig. 16. The labile curve is not a problem in all boiler plants. Normally it is or can be a problem if the feed pumps are located close to the boiler with a small friction loss as a result. You would therefore normally never see this problem in the marine industry or in other places where the pumps and boiler are placed far away from each other.
Fig. 16
To improve the NPSH curves on the CR pump range you can construct the pump with an oversized inlet chamber. See fig. 17 where you can also see the result of a low NPSH impeller and what effect it has on the NPSH value.
Fig. 17
Standard impeller Low NPSH impeller
H [m] 20 15 10 5 0 0 2
NPSH [m] 8 6 4
2 0
The air-cooled top separates the seal chamber from the pump by an air-cooled chamber, generating an insulating effect similar to that of a thermos. Via a narrow passage between the pump and the air-cooled top, a small quantity of the pumped liquid ensures that the seal chamber is always filled with liquid.
Illustration of a pump top with a double shaft seal arrangement in fig. 20.
Fig. 20
Instead of the pump with a double shaft seal arrangement, one with a magnetically-driven shaft can
Boiler problems
When discussing problems with boilers and pumps that break down, some topics keep recurring. Some of them are mentioned here. Bottom blow down A problem we often see in the boiler business is cavitation due to bottom blow down of the boiler. A bottom blow down is when water is let out from the water reservoir in the bottom of the boiler. The reason for doing this blow down is that suspended solids in the water can be kept in suspension as long as the boiler water is agitated, but as soon as the agitation stops, the suspended solids will fall to the bottom of the boiler. If the solids are not removed, they will accumulate and, given time, will inhibit the heat transfer from the boiler fire tubes, which will overheat or even fail. The normal method of removing this sludge is through short, sharp blasts using a relatively large valve at the bottom of the boiler. The objective is to allow the sludge time to redistribute itself so that more may be removed at the next blow down. The duration and frequency of the blow down vary from the different boiler manufacturers.
The pump problem starts when the blow down time is so long that the pressure in the boiler starts to fall. This will or can result in the feed pump running out of curve which means that the required NPSH value for the pump will increase dramatically. And this results in cavitation and over time break down of the pump. Weekend shot down Many of our customers have productions that stops in the weekend. This means that they also stop the steam production over the weekend and only keep the boiler at a minimum temperature to be ready to start up again. How they choose to carry out this standby period is very different from customer to customer, but often a little amount of steam is recycled from the boiler to the deaerator to keep that heated as well. From time to time they then start the boiler to correct the levels in the boiler and deaerator and this may cause problems both with cavitation and water hammer. Cavitation due to a lower pressure in the boiler than normal and water hammer due to the column of water in the pump being cooled down at standstill as it is not insulated. And when the pump is subsequently started you send a column of cold water through the pipes resulting in water hammer in the system. Production changes Often we see that the production changes over time so they sometimes use larger amounts of steam than the data available to us during sizing of the boiler. This may result in two small pumps; meaning that we run with two big flows in the pumps and because of this, a bigger NPSH is required. Often the customers also have different operation patterns than they inform us about when we size the feed pumps. For example we had a customer who once a month used steam for an hour to clean his turbines. This resulted in such high pressure drops in the boiler that the pump cavitated an hour every month.
Dosing Normally no problems arise due to the way the chemicals used are being dosed into the water. But from time to time we have seen an increase in tear of the impeller if the chemicals are being dosed directly in front of the feed pumps. This is because the concentration can be very high in the pump due to the chemicals not having been mixed properly before passing the pump. If it is a large CR with bronze bearing it is important to keep the PH value in the boiler water below 10 as it will otherwise tear down the bronze. It is usually not a problem as the boiler manufacturer also has an interest in keeping the PH value at approx. 8-9. Be aware that if NH3 is added to lower the PH value, the NH3 will also tear down the bronze. Feed pump start-up When the pumps are being started, you have to take the following two things into consideration. If the pump is equipped with a frequency converter, it is important that the pump starts at such high speed that it delivers a higher pressure than the one in the boiler. If not, it will be like running against closed valves until it overcomes that pressure. This can result in a burned shaft seal. If the ramp up time is set to 0 sec., the water column in the inlet of the pump has been shown to having been torn apart and some sort of vacuum pockets have been created. When that pocket collapses again or the water column catches up, it creates some sort of water hammer with a very high pressure. This phenomenon happens very fast and pressure peaks above 120 bar have been found. This pressure peak can destroy all sensors in the inlet of the pump and at the same time lift the chamber stack in the pump so explosively that the motor bearings can be damaged.
If the water in the deaerator or the condensate tank has a high temperature, it is difficult to pump without causing the pump to cavitate. The higher the temperature, the more likely cavitation is to occur. This is because you have to pull in the water in the first impeller and as a result the pressure will fall a little and the water will start to evaporate. When the pressure is rising through the impeller and the small steam bobbles are starting to implode and become water again, this is called cavitation. Because of this problem, the deaerator / condensate tank is often placed several metres above the pump inlet to ensure as high an inlet pressure as possible. The pump can be made with a special first stage design that reduces the pumps NPSH value. See more under sizing of pumps.
In the EU, the EN 12952-7 norm has to be used when sizing pumps. However, please check the factor requirements in your local country.
In some countries you are allowed to reduce the 10 % if the security valve is of a certain size. Please check the local rules and regulations.
Besides the rules and regulations above, you cannot just read the flow and pressure on the nameplate off the boiler and use this data to size the pump. This is because of the high temperature on the water and hereby the lower density of the pumped water. See the example below.
Be aware that pumps in boiler applications are not a part of the Pressure equipment directive 97/23/EC (PED) according to guideline 1/11.
Example of flow and head calculation The following information is taken from the boiler nameplate in fig. 22. QBoiler = 20 tons/hour PBoiler max = 12.5 bar PBoiler operating = 10 bar Temp. = 175 C As you can see from the illustration above, the 175C mentioned on the nameplate is the temperature on the steam in the outlet from the boiler. This information however is of no use as the pump never registers it. When sizing you must always use the
Fig. 22
Feed pump
Q Boiler =
Q Boiler 20 . 103 3 = 955.2 = 20.9m /h pBoiler 12.5 . 105 = = 133.4mVs .g 955.2 . 9.81 pBoiler 10 . 105 = = 106.7mVs .g 955.2 . 9.81
hBoiler =
hOperating =
When we then apply the safety factors from EN 12952-7, we get the flow and head as specified below.
Q Pump max = 1.25 x Q Boiler =1.25 x 20.9 = 26.1 m3/h Q Pump continuous = 1.15 x Q boiler = 1.15 x 20,9 = 24.0 m3/h hPump = 1.1 x hboiler = 1.1 x 133.4 = 146.7 mVs
All values are now calculated so we can start to choose the pump. Please notice that the pumps do not have to handle both the flow and pressure at the same time. It should be carried out as shown below and in fig 23. Situation 1.: Flow 26.1 m3/h at 133.4 mVs Situation 2.: Head 146.7 mVs at 20.9 m3/h From these situations we choose the following pump because the pump is capable of doing both situations. Now we have a pump that can do the job, but before ordering we have calculate the NPSH value. To avoid pump cavitation, NPSHsystem NPSHpump NPSHsystem = hb hf hv hgeo hs NPSHsystem = Is the pressure available at the inlet of the pump. hb = Atmospheric pressure at the pump site. hf = Friction loss in the suction pipe. hv = Vapour pressure of the liquid. hgeo = Vapour pressure of the liquid. hs = Safety factor. Normally varies between 0.5 and 1 m.
Fig. 23
H (m) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Q = 20.9 m/h H = 147 m Eta pump = 68.9% Eta pump+motor = 58.9% 10 15 20 25 Q(m/h) NPSH (m)
CRE 20-14
Q = 26.1 m/h H = 133 m n = 100% / 50 Hz
0 5 P P2 = 13.6 kW (kW) P1 = 16 kW 16 12 8 4 0
P1 8 P2
6 4 2 NPSH = 3.83 m 0
Example: : With the value from earlier and the tank placed 5 m above the pumps, the following formula is found: hsystem = p hf p hgeo hs = .g .g 1.25 . 105 955.2 . 9.81
1 = 2.0mVs
As written earlier it is the density of 104C water we are using as this is what the pump registers. But when we take another look at the formula we will see that the hb and the hv offset each other. This is because the water in the deaerator always is kept at the boiling point. This phenomenon will always occur in a boiler system and because of that we can reduce the formula to the following. NPSHsystem = hf hgeo hs So now we have a NPSHsystem on 2 mVs, and the two selected pumps have NPSH values way above that. Because of this we will now look at the low NPSH versions of the pumps, see fig 24.
Fig. 24
H [m] 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
NPSH [m] 8 6 4 2 0
As we can see on the curve, this pump can bee used in a low NPSH version. We have now found a pump that can handle the job, fig. 25. If we try to put in the actual duty point it looks alright, but if we compare it with a pump with 2 less impellers it is looking even better, fig. 26. But please notice that if we choose the pump with 12 impellers, it must run over synchronous to reach the duty point according to the EN norm. Which one you choose is up to you.
Fig. 25
H (m) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 P P2 = 8.55 kW (kW) P1 = 10 kW 16 12 8 4 0 NPSH = 2.13 m 10 15 Eta pump = 71.3% Eta pump+motor = 60.9% 20 25 Q(m/h) NPSH (m)
CRE 20-14
Q = 20.9 m/h H = 107 m n = 85% / 42 Hz
Fig. 26
H (m) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0
EN duty point Q = 26.1 m/h H = 133 m
CR 20-12
Q = 20.9 m/h H = 107 m n = 90%
eta (%)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 NPSH (m) 6 4 2
P1 8 P2
6 4 2 0
Vapour table
Vapour pressure and density of water at different temperatures
This table shows the vapour pressure p [bar] and the density [kg/ m3] of water at different temperatures t [oC]. Likewise, the table shows the corresponding absolute temperature T [K].
Vapour pressure p and density of water at different temperatures
t[C] T[K] P[bar] [kg/m3] t[C] T[K] P[bar] [kg/m3] t[C] T[K] P[bar] [kg/m3] 927.6 925.8 921.4 916.8 912.1 907.3 902.4 897.3 892.1 886.9 881.5 876.0 870.4 864.7 858.8 852.8 846.7 840.3 833.9 827.3 820.5 813.6 806.5 799.2 791.6 783.9 775.9 767.8 759.3 750.5 741.5 732.1 722.3 712.2 701.7 690.6 679.1 666.9 654.1 640.4 610.2 574.3 527.5 451.8 315.4
0 273.15 0.00611 0999.8 138 411.15 3.414 1 274.15 0.00657 0999.9 61 334.15 0.2086 982.6 140 413.15 3.614 2 275.15 0.00706 0999.9 62 335.15 0.2184 982.1 145 418.15 4.155 3 276.15 0.00758 0999.9 63 336.15 0.2286 981.6 150 423.15 4.760 4 277.15 0.00813 1000.0 64 337.15 0.2391 981.1 5 278.15 0.00872 1000.0 65 338.15 0.2501 980.5 155 428.15 5.433 6 279.15 0.00935 1000.0 66 339.15 0.2615 979.9 160 433.15 6.181 7 280.15 0.01001 999.9 67 340.15 0.2733 979.3 165 438.15 7.008 8 281.15 0.01072 999.9 68 341.15 0.2856 978.8 170 443.15 7.920 9 282.15 0.01147 999.8 69 342.15 0.2984 978.2 175 448.15 8.924 10 283.15 0.01227 999.7 70 343.15 0.3116 977.7 180 453.15 10.027 11 284.15 0.01312 999.7 71 344.15 0.3253 977.0 185 458.15 11.233 12 285.15 0.01401 999.6 72 345.15 0.3396 976.5 190 463.15 12.551 13 286.15 0.01497 999.4 73 346.15 0.3543 976.0 195 468.15 13.987 14 287.15 0.01597 999.3 74 347.15 0.3696 975.3 200 473.15 15.50 15 288.15 0.01704 999.2 75 348.15 0.3855 974.8 16 289.15 0.01817 999.0 76 349.15 0.4019 974.1 205 478.15 17.243 17 290.15 0.01936 998.8 77 350.15 0.4189 973.5 210 483.15 19.077 18 291.15 0.02062 998.7 78 351.15 0.4365 972.9 215 488.15 21.060 19 292.15 0.02196 998.5 79 352.15 0.4547 972.3 220 493.15 23.198 20 293.15 0.02337 998.3 80 353.15 0.4736 971.6 225 498.15 25.501 21 294.15 0.02485 998.1 81 354.15 0.4931 971.0 230 503.15 27.976 22 295.15 0.02642 997.8 82 355.15 0.5133 970.4 235 508.15 30.632 23 296.15 0.02808 997.6 83 356.15 0.5342 969.7 240 513.15 33.478 24 297.15 0.02982 997.4 84 357.15 0.5557 969.1 245 518.15 36.523 25 298.15 0.03166 997.1 85 358.15 0.5780 968.4 250 523.15 39.776 26 299.15 0.03360 996.8 86 359.15 0.6011 967.8 255 528.15 43.246 27 300.15 0.03564 996.6 87 360.15 0.6249 967.1 28 301.15 0.03778 996.3 88 361.15 0.6495 966.5 260 533.15 46.943 29 302.15 0.04004 996.0 89 362.15 0.6749 965.8 265 538.15 50.877 30 303.15 0.04241 995.7 90 363.15 0.7011 965.2 270 543.15 55.058 275 548.15 59.496 31 304.15 0.04491 995.4 91 364.15 0.7281 964.4 280 553.15 64.202 32 305.15 0.04753 995.1 92 365.15 0.7561 963.8 33 306.15 0.05029 994.7 93 366.15 0.7849 963.0 285 558.15 69.186 34 307.15 0.05318 994.4 94 367.15 0.8146 962.4 290 563.15 74.461 35 308.15 0.05622 994.0 95 368.15 0.8453 961.6 295 568.15 80.037 36 309.15 0.05940 993.7 96 369.15 0.8769 961.0 300 573.15 85.927 37 310.15 0.06274 993.3 97 370.15 0.9094 960.2 305 578.15 92.144 38 311.15 0.06624 993.0 98 371.15 0.9430 959.6 310 583.15 98.700 39 312.15 0.06991 992.7 99 372.15 0.9776 958.6 40 313.15 0.07375 992.3 100 373.15 1.0133 958.1 315 588.15 105.61 320 593.15 112.89 41 314.15 0.07777 991.9 102 375.15 1.0878 956.7 325 598.15 120.56 42 315.15 0.08198 991.5 104 377.15 1.1668 955.2 330 603.15 128.63 43 316.15 0.08639 991.1 106 379.15 1.2504 953.7 340 613.15 146.05 44 317.15 0.09100 990.7 108 381.15 1.3390 952.2 45 318.15 0.09582 990.2 110 383.15 1.4327 950.7 350 623.15 165.35 46 319.15 0.10086 989.8 360 633.15 186.75 47 320.15 0.10612 989.4 112 385.15 1.5316 949.1 48 321.15 0.11162 988.9 114 387.15 1.6362 947.6 370 643.15 210.54 49 322.15 0.11736 988.4 116 389.15 1.7465 946.0 374.15 647.30 221.2 50 323.15 0.12335 988.0 118 391.15 1.8628 944.5 120 393.15 1.9854 942.9 51 324.15 0.12961 987.6 52 325.15 0.13613 987.1 122 395.15 2.1145 941.2 53 326.15 0.14293 986.6 124 397.15 2.2504 939.6 54 327.15 0.15002 986.2 126 399.15 2.3933 937.9 55 328.15 0.15741 985.7 128 401.15 2.5435 936.2 56 329.15 0.16511 985.2 130 403.15 2.7013 934.6 57 330.15 0.17313 984.6 58 331.15 0.18147 984.2 132 405.15 2.8670 932.8 59 332.15 0.19016 983.7 134 407.15 3.041 931.1 60 333.15 0.19920 983.2 136 409.15 3.223 929.4
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