Group Attunement
Group Attunement
Group Attunement
This is the Attunement Procedure we use each month for the attunements of people all around the world who receive different levels of attunement all at the same time. In the group of people some may have never received any Reiki Attunements and wish to receive the Attunements of Usui Reiki or Usui Reiki and Ascension Reiki or Usui Reiki, Ascension Reiki and Reiju Reiki. Some people might already be attuned in one degree or a couple degrees of Usui Reiki and wish to complete their attunements in Usui Reiki and be attuned to the Master Level. Some people May be Usui Reiki Masters and Masters of other Reiki forms and wish to be attuned in Ascension Reiki. Some people wish to be attuned in Reiju Reiki. At the beginning of the Attunement Session dedicate the Attunements to the Healing of the World and Pray for everyone in the group to receive their attunements. Then read the names of those to be attuned and trust that everyone will receive their attunement. If your group of students are only receiving the First degree of Usui Reiki Ryoho read only the attunement for that level. If they are to receive more than one level read the attunements for the Levels they are to receive. If they are to receive all levels of Usui Reiki and Ascension Reiki then read the whole attunement procedure below.1
Melchizedek, Our One Creator, Ascended Masters of Adonai Elohim, Arch Angels, We thank you for your Presence, Your Guidance, Your Blessing, Your Anointing and Your Love in our Healing Attunements. Sophie and Uriel, Archangels of Miriam and Yeshua we thank you for opening to us the East Gate of our Heavenly Home in the Mode of Innocence. Miriam and Yeshua (Mother Mary & Jesus) through our Faith in You, We pray You open and establish Your Attunement Link with us.
Pausefor the link to be established........Read to everyone being attuned..
Miriam and Yeshua, we thank You for opening and establishing Your Healing Attunement Link with us. We pray You also open and establish Your permanent conscious connection with everyone being attuned. Miriam and Yeshua, through our Faith in You, We pray you give, here and now, to everyone being attuned , Reiju Reiki, The Attunement of Shoden, The Reiki Field of Innocence and Healing and the Attunement of the Element of Fire. Sanctify us as we remember Home.
Pause. Wait for a feeling of Completion.. . Continue when you are ready.
Miriam and Yeshua, we acknowledge and we thank You for Your gift of Reiju Reiki and Your full attunement and activation of Shoden, The Reiki Field Innocence and Healing and the attunement of Element of Fire in and through everyone being attuned, in and through our whole being. We thank You for opening and establishing our permanent attunement and our conscious connection with You and for opening and establishing our permanent conscious connection in and through You with Our One Creator. We thank You for Your continual Presence, Guidance, Blessing, Anointing and Love in our Healing Attunements and in our lives. We thank You for Your continual Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love and Happiness on our path of Reiki and in our Lives.
Pause for a few moments in silence.then continue
Hosanna and Gabriel, Archangels of Yasodhara and Buddha we thank you for opening to us the South Gate of our Heavenly Home in the Mode of Purity. Yasodhara and Buddha, through our Faith in You, We pray you open and establish Your Attunement Link with us.
Pausefor the link to be established Read to everyone being attuned..
Yasodhara and Buddha, we thank You for opening and establishing Your Healing Attunement Link with us. We pray that You also establish a permanent conscious connection with everyone being attuned. Yasodhara and Buddha, through our Faith in You, We pray You give, here and now, to everyone being attuned, Reiju Reiki, The Attunement of Okuden, The Reiki Field of Purity and Enlightenment and the Attunement of the Element of Water. Deliver us as we remember Home.
Wait for a feeling of Completion.. Continue when you are ready.
Yasodhara and Buddha, we acknowledge and we thank You for gift of Reiju Reiki and Your full attunement and activation of Okuden, The Reiki Field of Purity and Enlightenment and the attunement of the Element of Water in and through everyone being attuned, in and through our whole being. We thank You for opening and establishing our permanent attunement and our conscious connection with You and for opening and establishing our permanent conscious connection in and through You with Our One Creator. We thank You for Your continual Presence, Guidance, Blessing, Anointing and Love in our Healing Attunements and in our lives. We thank You for Your continual Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love and Happiness on our path of Reiki and in our Lives.
Pause for a few moments in silence.then continue
Charity and Raphael, Archangels of Uma and Brahman we thank you for opening to us the West Gate of our Heavenly Home in the Mode of Love. Uma and Brahman, through our Faith in You, We pray You open and establish Your Attunement Link with us.
Pausefor the link to be established Read to everyone being attuned..
Uma and Brahman we thank you for opening and establishing Your Healing Attunement Link with us. We pray You also open and establish a permanent conscious connection with everyone being attuned. Uma and Brahman, through our Faith in You, We pray You give, here and now, to everyone being attuned, Reiju Reiki, The Attunement of Shinpiden, the Reiki Field of Love and Service and the Attunement of the Element of Wood. Redeem us as we remember Home.
Wait for a feeling of Completion.. Continue when you are ready.
Uma and Brahman, we acknowledge and we thank You for Your gift of Reiju Reiki and Your full attunement and activation of Shinpiden and the Reiki Field of Love and Service and the attunement of the Element of Wood in and through everyone being attuned, in and through our whole being. We thank You for opening and establishing our permanent attunement and our conscious connection with You and for opening and establishing our permanent conscious connection in and through You with Our One Creator. We thank You for Your continual Presence, Guidance, Blessing, Anointing and Love our Healing Attunement and in our lives. We thank You for Your continual Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love and Happiness on our path of Reiki and in our Lives.
Pause for a few moments in silence.then continue
Claireaze and Michael, Archangels of Radharani and Krishna we thank you for opening to us the North Gate of our Heavenly Home through the Mode of Wisdom. Radharani and Krishna, through our Faith in You, We pray You open and establish Your Attunement Link with us.
Pausefor the link to be established Read to everyone being attuned..
Radharani and Krishna we thank You for opening and establishing Your Healing Attunement Link with us. We pray You also establish a permanent conscious connection with everyone being attuned. Radharani and Krishna, through our Faith in You, We pray You give, here and now, to everyone being attuned, Reiju Reiki, The Attunement of Shihan, the Reiki Field of Wisdom and Grace and the Attunement of the Element of Metal. Restore us as we Remember Home.
Wait for a feeling of Completion.. Continue when you are ready.
Radharani and Krishna, we acknowledge and we thank You for Your Gift of Reiju Reiki and Your full attunement and activation of Shihan,The Reiki Field of Wisdom and Grace and the attunement of the Element of Metal in and through everyone being attuned, in and through our whole being. We thank You for opening establishing Your permanent attunement and our conscious connection with You and for opening establishing our permanent conscious connection in and through You with Our One Creator. We thank You for Your continual Presence, Guidance, Blessing, Anointing and Love in our Healing Attunement and in our lives. We thank You for Your continual Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love and Happiness on our path of Reiki and in our Lives.
Pause for a few moments in silence.then continue
Archangels of the Four Directions we thank you for opening to us the Inner Pathway of Our Mothers Wisdom in the Mode of OM. Melchizedek, we thank You for opening the Inner Pathways of our Total Subtle Anatomy. Melchizedek, through our Faith in You, We pray that You open and establish Your Attunement Link with us.
Pausefor the link to be established Read to everyone being attuned..
Melchizedek, we thank You for opening and establishing Your Healing Attunement Link with us. We pray that You also establish a permanent connection with everyone being attuned. Melchizedek, through our Faith in You, We pray You give, here and now, to everyone being attuned the attunements of Reiju Reiki, The Four Noble Truths, The Tenfold Nature of Divine Love, the Ten Degree Attunements of Ascension Reiki and the Attunement of the Element of Earth through the Seven Sages of Time.
Wait for a feeling of Completion.. Continue when you are ready.
Melchizedek, we acknowledge and we thank You for Your Gift of Reiju Reiki, and Your full attunement and activation of The Four Noble Truths, The Tenfold Nature of Divine Love, The Ten Degrees Attunements of Ascension Reiki and the attunement of the Element of Earth in and through everyone being attuned, in and through our whole being. We thank You for opening and establishing Your permanent attunement and our conscious connection with You and for opening and establishing a permanent conscious connection in and through You with Our One Creator. We thank You for Your continual Presence, Guidance, Blessing, Anointing and Love in our Healing Attunement and in our lives. We thank You for your continual Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love and Happiness on our path of Reiki and in our Lives.
The Teacher Draws and visualizes the Aleph (First) and the Tav (Last) healing symbols in the air and sends them into the person or group. Together the Aleph and the Tav represent all of the 22 DNA healing letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Beit, from the first to the last. Aleph and Tav together are pronounced ET.
(I am Aleph and I am Tav, The First and The Last, The Origin and The Fulfillment. Rev 22:13) Read to everyone being attuned.........
Angels of Tao Great we thank you for opening to us the Inner Pathways of the Nativity. Tao Great we thank you for opening to us the Inner Pathways of Your Transcendental Nature. Tao Great through our Faith in you we pray that you open and establish your Healing Attunement link with us.
Pausefor the link to be established...... Then Read to everyone being attuned..
Tao Great, we thank You for opening and establishing Your Healing Attunement Link with us. We pray that You also establish a permanent conscious connection with everyone being attuned. Tao Great, through our Faith in You, We pray You give, here and now, to everyone being attuned the Reiju Reiki Attunements of Your Transcendental Nature, The Reiju Reiki Attunements of The One, The Two, The Three and the Seven.
Wait for a feeling of Completion.. Continue when you are ready.
Tao Great, we acknowledge and we thank You for Your Gift of Reiju Reiki, and Your full attunement and activation of the Attunements of The One, The Two, The Three and The Seven, Your Transcendental Nature in and through everyone being attuned, in and through our whole being. We thank You for opening and establishing Your permanent attunement and our conscious connection with You and for opening and establishing a permanent conscious connection in and through You, Our One Creator. We thank You for Your continual Presence, Guidance, Blessing, Anointing and Love in our Healing Attunements and in our lives. We thank You for your continual Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love and Happiness on our path of Reiki and in our Lives.
The Teacher then bows to the student and says: "Namaste" Then the Student bows and says: "Namaste"