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Supporting Supply Chain Planning & Scheduling

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Computers and Chemical Engineering 28 (2004) 863870

Supporting supply chain planning and scheduling decisions in the oil and chemical industry
Winston Lasschuit, Nort Thijssen
Shell Global Solutions International, P.O. Box 541, 2501 CM The Hague, The Netherlands

Abstract In the downstream oil and chemical industry, planning and scheduling are resource-intensive, complex, rolling processes. Decisions are taken at different stages within the supply chain (supply, manufacturing and distribution) and at different levels in the management hierarchy (planning, scheduling and operations). They differ in business scope, time horizon & resolution, data certainty & accuracy, process detail and optimizing mechanism. Aligning each step of this complex process is critical to competitive advantage. Decision support tools must therefore be provided within a coherent framework, including mechanisms which allow consistent economic and operational steering, taking due account of available (real-time) information on actual operations and market economics. At the strategic and global planning level for a network of manufacturing plants, decisions have to be taken on feedstock procurement & distribution, utilization of production capacities, utilization of modes of transport and demand allocation. Not only existing capabilities have to be considered, but also new opportunities in all areas have to be evaluated. The resulting mathematical programming model is a mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model: integer aspects arise because of e.g. xed costs/investment costs, tiered pricing and cargo costs. Non-linear relations are mainly caused by multiplication of quantity and economic variables. In the presentation, the various strategic planning problem areas, the contents of the MINLP aspects and the implemented solution approach will be further elaborated. The use of such models during the aforementioned (strategic) decision-taking process yields substantial benets not only in economic terms but also in an improved understanding of the interactions between the various components of the business. 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Strategic business planning; Mixed-integer non-linear programming

1. Introduction Shell Global Solutions is a network of independent companies in the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. It is a world-class integrated research, technical services and consultancy group. Shell Global Solutions has an international skill pool of more than 2000 specialists, in addition to that using distributed teams from within our operations. Over 100 industrial sites in more than 30 countries are advised through technical service agreements and another 550 customers are assisted on consultancy work. Our distributed service network has people around the globe. Eighty-ve percent of our employees have hands-on operational experience, covering a broad range of expertise, ranging from chemical

technology via all facets of hydrocarbon logistics management to business economics, distribution and marketing, information technology and operations research, mathematics and modeling. Our vision is to offer the best supply chain solutions in the industry by a.o. commercializing integrated decision support for the industry to generate initially a signicant strategic advantage for early adopters, and eventually providing the operational standard for anyone involved in our kind of business. Process-oriented oil and chemicals companies, like most industries, are becoming increasingly dependent on optimization tools; however we see tools as the artists brush, we believe that it is the painters experience, skills and creativity that makes the artwork and not the tools alone. Skills and strategy (the artists creativity) come over a long time and with plenty of practice. We provide our clients with

Corresponding author. E-mail address: (N. Thijssen).

0098-1354/$ see front matter 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2003.09.026


W. Lasschuit, N. Thijssen / Computers and Chemical Engineering 28 (2004) 863870

Our mission is to make our customers the best at responding quickly to integrated complex business opportunities.

User interfaces Basic data Process models

Skills Culture Change

Pushing constraints Exp loiting syn ergies Using Opportunities

Organisation Best practices

Fig. 1. People, processes and tools.

expert people who have real experience in information management, supply chain processes, organization, and tools. With our consultancy customers will be accessing best practice know-how from enterprises and hydrocarbon supply chains all over the globe, getting quick practical answers from people who have experience with solving real problems, and enhancing customer business vision and direction (Fig. 1). 2. Why supply chain? Supply chain represents the integrated view across processes; it is a critical concept to drive coherent strategies and to manage an organization around common (end-to-end) performance objectives. Supply chain will drive productive behaviour across departmental divisions (horizontal integration) and connects the co-ordination layers of strategy, planning, scheduling and operational execution (vertical integration).

There have been a number of evolutionary stages in logistics management over the last 30 years. It is critical to understand that all of these stages are now prerequisites to achieving the supply chain vision. There are no shortcuts! Let us explain. Companies have realized that for every step forward in the supply chain value curve (Fig. 2), it requires retrospective upgrades of all previous development stages. This is costly, and many oil and chemical companies today got bogged somewhere along this road. It is easy to identify 1970s, 1980s and 1990s companies; their capabilities have not kept track with technological development and they nd it increasingly difcult to compete. 2.1. Data In the 1970s, computer technology and operational research pushed the limits of data gathering past accounting into the operational areas. This has led companies for the rst time towards operational visibility and performance monitoring.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Collaboration e-Commerce Planning Virtual Capabilities VSS APS Outsourcing I2 Revenue based Scheduling services


Efficiciency MBO Execution Data Benchmarking Ops/SCM KPIs








Fig. 2. The supply chain value curve.

W. Lasschuit, N. Thijssen / Computers and Chemical Engineering 28 (2004) 863870


2.1.1. Validity today Without accurate data there is no progress possible, and the increased complexity of globalization, deregulation, tighter margins and Internet speed has accelerated this. Internet technology now enables fast, cheap communication, and data storage has become relatively low-cost. 2.2. Efciency By the early 1980s, progressive oil and chemical companies have started to focus heavily on operational performance. Performance management bloomed with MBO (management by objective), time and motion, benchmarking, the identication of key performance areas (KPAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs). During this period, efciency improvements led to a rst major round of rationalization of terminal facilities and company eets in the industry. 2.2.1. Validity today Unless a company can execute quickly and accurately against plan, planning is useless, and there will be little future. With high service expectations and ever-tighter margins, an efcient low-cost operation is no longer a competitive advantage for oil and chemicals companies, it is a just another entry requirement. 2.3. Process In the 1990s the awareness grew that there is a limit to the benet of straight efciency; if you run around in a circle it does not matter how fast you run. Process improvement (productivity) became the aim rather than efciency. Accounting software companies branched out to become ERP providers (enterprise resource planners). Consulting rms became rich moving companies from efcient operations into process re-engineering as a preparation for ERP implementation. Business process transformation (BPT) and business process re-engineering (BPR) aimed to cut out unnecessary work and to streamline workows. Oil and chemical companies changed signicantly as a result of this transformation; terminal automation, computer-assisted ordering, load generation, driver loading, automated security, and the rst generations of software for eet scheduling. 2.3.1. Validity today The most progressive oil and chemical companies are still held back by the discontinuity of their process ows. Decisions and communications across the supply chain are ineffective and delayed, because of off-line erratic spreadsheets, misaligned performance drivers, functional barriers between departments and a lack of transparency across. This all leads to slow and inept day-to-day decisions that cost companies dearly in terms of nancial performance.

2.4. Planning Planning and strategic positioning go hand in hand. How can a company maximize protability in an ever more competitive and commoditized market. How can companies with long supply lines react quickly in a volatile, more transparent and global marketplace? Planning capabilities have developed over the last 1015 years to translate strategic and operational objectives into computer-assisted plans and schedules. 2.4.1. Validity today Supply chains must continuously align with market forces and commercial opportunities. Market volatility can only be countered by increased exibility and speed. This requires a change by companies from their current more or less steady-state planning (LP-basis) and mid-term economic steering to near real-time planning that allows on-the-run changes, based on current marginal economics. This requires ever-shorter review periods and planning cycles and management by exception. Planning will be otherwise ineffective to direct trading, rening, marketing and supply chain trade-offs. 2.5. Collaboration Agility and speed are achieved by aligning information, performance, people and tools around critical processes. This speed and connectivity requires both horizontal and vertical integration and is a function of how information is extracted, exchanged and communicated. 2.5.1. Validity today It does not require a genius to realize that people, spreadsheets, meetings, accounting cycles and phone calls all stand in the way of speed. Computer and workow-assisted collaboration is therefore a critical functionality and allows processes to become as virtual as possible. Let me illustrate this with a simple example. Most of us ask our secretary to book a ight; she would order this from a travel agent, who would check with the airline, who then would advise availability. If not available, the secretary would ask for an alternative timeslot, and the process will be repeated. With Internet connectivity, strategic sourcing and electronic ticketing, this process has become virtual, with no need for any intermediation. Virtualization replaces people-to-people stagnation, with people-to-context speed and ow. There are many virtualization opportunities in supply chain processes: orders to loads to distribution to payment, product ows to accounting to reporting and performance, strategic objectives to planning to scheduling, employee to EHS, operational execution to policy and procedures, and sales to inventory to manufacture to purchasing.


W. Lasschuit, N. Thijssen / Computers and Chemical Engineering 28 (2004) 863870

2.6. Virtual capabilities/supply chains The virtualization of the above processes will lead eventually to the virtualization of whole supply chains. The nancial success of a company will be determined by accurate and timely data, productivity and tight execution against plan assisted by transparency and integration. High-tech companies have proven that in a competitive commoditized market, assets are no longer a means to differentiate. It will be the supply chain capabilities that make a difference over the next 510 years and companies will get used to investing into the associated technology. We at Shell have therefore picked up the gauntlet for our own business and we are developing this technology as the new open industry standard. Why an industry standard? The reason is simple: It is not possible to build a virtual supply chain and hope to collaborate within a non-virtual world. We need to connect to others!

The most successful e-supply initiatives so far have been in industries where the components converge to create a product and where prices are not volatile. Energy is different. The supply chain is divergent; there are more products than raw materials and prices are highly volatile. Shell understands this and is aiming to create a reliable, real-time, multi-point-optimized, and overview of the entire supply chain. It is seeking to set the standard of innovation, effectiveness and efciency in the downstream oil industry. Across the globe this initiative has the potential to generate new value and drive savings to the tune of a multiple of million US dollars a day. For the vision we specied the core requirements for such an integrated toolset: Complete horizontal supply chain integrationa seamless system from crude/feedstock trading through to product trading Convergence of strategy, planning and scheduling vertical systems integration Modularity to enable a phased implementation and customizationwith open architecture and data model support Scalability for application to the most simple and or complex supply chains Interactive, customized viewing by different members of a distributed organizationobviously Internet- and workow-enabled User-interfacing through a revolutionary 3D, virtual landscape Real-time optimization speed after any updateincorporating real-time margin reconciliation Direct links to online renery/plant optimization

3. Integrated planning Tools that are designed for economic and operational steering must take account of available information (realtime and forward view) that reect the actual operations and current market economics. Today different decisions are supported by sets of different tools. Shell is working continuously to integrate these tools to support the entire decision process. Horizontal and vertical integration aspects are visualized in Fig. 3. 3.1. The holy grail of full integration Even with a very comprehensive set of tools in the industry, and spanning the entire supply chain, Shell had not achieved this true integration. The next step required us to plumb the tools together and go the full way, with decision support and workow functionality. A vice president of Shell Oil Products has recently summarized this as follows:

4. Strategic and global planning Returning to current practice, at the strategic planning level, tools should cover the entire supply chain both in terms of materials and in terms of geographical areas involved. Furthermore, they are particularly t for supporting what-if studies. Their relative strength is modeling and optimization exibility. Their weakness is a limited capacity for handling massive amounts of operational (dynamic) data. The next part of this paper will address both services and tool offers in the strategic business planning area. Shell Global Solutions is intensively involved across the oil, chemical and gas business. For the oil sector we provide end-to-end supply chain and network optimization across feedstock, manufacturing, exchanges, blending across supply/distribution terminals and depots, and into demand, channel segmentation. With one client we have 16,000 stations modeled! The primary optimization variable is integrated margin; however others like

Fig. 3. Horizontal and vertical integration.

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lowest cost at set customer service level by channel can be used. For chemicals business we provide regional and global strategic studies, and optimization across feedstock, manufacturing facilities, product rationalization, compounding and end-user analysis and rationalization in warehousing and distribution. In the gas sector we offer complete corridor planning services, from construction to production, to end-user (optimizing overall margins), and forward planning in terms of gas specications, gas/crude production balancing, the effect of a no-aring policy, and debottlenecking of multiple gas trains. The toolset is known as GMOS/NetSim (Global M anufacturing and logistics Optimization S ystem/Net work analysis and S upply chain optimization System). In the remainder of the paper we will focus on GMOS/NetSim in the chemical sector; however as stated earlier we are equally strong in the other sectors. The value of the GMOS/NetSim tool is in its state-of-the-art functionality, the product is mature and has a large user group, regular updates/improvements in new releases and long-term support continuity. This valuable tool helps our clients to dene an optimal asset structure, and within that achieve optimal sourcing of raw materials, balancing yields against both the market value of alternative raw materials and derivatives, optimizing manufacturing volumes by plant, driven through tranched/tiered pricing or price elasticity functions, deciding where to manufacture, and how to minimize the logistics distribution cost.

4.1. How is GMOS/NetSim different from traditional LPs? It covers the end-to-end supply chain, from raw material to intermediates (e.g. monomer), to nished product grades to the end customer. Solves both non-linear and mixed-integer problems, with graphical user-interaction and constraint-analyzing facilities. GMOS/NetSim modular approach allows optimization between multiple manufacturing plants, packaging locations and distribution modes for both your in-house and third-party operations, taking joint venture/ownership aspects into account. The model can offer optimization of grades production at a component/specication level. Movements and storage of products can be tuned to reduce tax, import tariffs and duties. A structured navigator manages the data residing within workbooks and database les, and therefore the user has full control over the data. The analysis of solutions is transparent and analysis by sensitivity calculations is robust (Fig. 4). 4.2. GMOS/NetSim enhances the bottom line in a number of ways From our experience, such a combination of effective sourcing and decreased manufacturing/distribution cost is achievable and will provide you with a signicant upside to your current overall protability. The model has improved the protability for our customers by enabling enhanced strategic and tactical decisionmaking. Here are some examples:

Fig. 4. Model structure.


W. Lasschuit, N. Thijssen / Computers and Chemical Engineering 28 (2004) 863870

Network rationalization of manufacturing plants, distribution centres and transport modes, within and across country boundaries Rationalization of the product slate in terms of available grades and alternative sourcing Optimal routing through primary and secondary distribution to minimize the overall cost of supply GMOS/NetSim provides meaningful scenario analysis through case management and has detailed reporting 4.3. What would a migration path look like for your operation? As covered earlier, Shell Global Solutions provides all aspects of industry support and services and there is no consulting or software rm which can match our hands-on expertise. Shell Global Solutions is an independent corporate entity and we are therefore completely impartial; condentiality for our clients is absolutely assured. We have a proven methodology for executing GMOS/NetSim projects: Identifying the owner of the GMOS/NetSim model and dening the business processes Feasibility study Functional specication Scope of the model Granularity of the model Data-gathering phase Model-building phase Validation of the model Training and documentation 5. GMOS/NetSim in more detail 5.1. The algorithm GMOS/NetSim employs a mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) technique. Today, MINLP techniques

may still be considered as more advanced optimization techniques. In general, optimization algorithms systematically move degrees of freedom within predened bounds such that the objective function is maximized without violating constraints imposed on dependant variables. MINLP algorithms have the capability to simultaneously evaluate the impact of choices for integer (01 or onoff) and continuous variables (e.g. plant loading) on the objective function, subject to the non-violation of non-linear constraints. Non-linear aspects are handled via a combination of successive mixed-integer programming and rigorous non-linear programming (NLP) solvers. In Kallrath (2000), an overview is given of the potential benets of mathematical programming, what kind of problems can be tackled and a state-of-the-art view on good modeling practices and algorithms. Going into more detail on MINLP problems, Grossmann (2002) gives a review of possible solution algorithms. Using Grossmanns classication, the solution algorithm implemented in GMOS/NetSim belongs to the category LP/NLP-based branch and bound, where for each node in the branch and bound tree an NLP sub-problem with xed-integer variables is solved. In Floudas (1995), detailed theory and methods for MINLP and their applications can be found. As software environment, a combination of the mathematical modeling system AIMMS (, the mixed-integer solver CPLEX ( and the non-linear solver CONOPT ( is used. A global overview of the GMOS/NetSim functionality can be found in the picture below (Fig. 5). The following provides a more elaborate description of degrees of freedom and constraints. 5.2. Constraints and data requirements Degrees of freedom are subject to the operating window of a business given by the following constraints:

Fig. 5. Global value tree.

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Manufacturing capabilities, including lling and dispatch restrictions Transportation network (for feed supply and product distribution) Cash cost structure: variable and xed costs for feed supply, manufacturing, product distribution (all in local currencies) Interchangability of products and intermediate products Availability and prices of feedstocks per supply point Product demand and product prices per demand area The latter two constraints have to be updated so frequently that they have been referred to as inputs for GMOS/NetSim. All the other data elements are more or less xed. They only change at the expense of capital (e.g. capacity) or a signicant technological effort (e.g. yields). With respect to manufacturing capabilities, data are required with respect to capacity per product per processing line, including lling and dispatch capacities, stream days per processing line, including lling and dispatch, yield data per product and per processing line (not only feed requirements per ton of product, but also utility demands and chemicals per ton of product), by-product yields, full specication blending from components with the possibility to use any non-linear blend rule, and stock limits. GMOS/NetSim determines the network for transport of feeds, intermediate products to manufacturing sites and distribution of nished products to demand areas, based on production possibilities (grades). To model the cash cost structure of this business, data are required for the following: Cost of feed supply per supply points. This is the aggregate of feed purchase cost, packaging costs, transport cost to port, freight from port to port (all ports connected to manufacturing plants), feed handling cost in receiving port, import duty in receiving manufacturing plant Site overheads (including costs of site closure) Fixed costs per processing line and per lling and dispatch facility Costs of utilities/chemicals Product distribution costs, comprising packaging cost, transport cost to port, freight from port to port of demand areas, handling at receiving location, import duties on (calculated) transfer prices, prot margin of a manufacturing location (in case of supply of intermediate products) for various modes of transport, including ships Stock-holding and terminal handling costs All costs are specied in local currencies at the location, except for freight, which is specied in USD/t.

GMOS/NetSim provides the user the possibility to dene in which currency optimization and reporting needs to be carried out. With respect to product demand, the user may choose for either minimum/maximum or xed demand: per SKU (product per pack and dispatch type), and per market segment, and at either a xed or exible price (price elasticity, tiered/tranched pricing). 5.3. Miscellaneous issues All data can be entered for a series of periods. The optimization will be done for a user-specied subset of periods, resulting in a multi-period model GMOS/NetSim can run a base-case using actual production gures from a reference period Optimization can also be carried out in margin-mode. In this case GMOS/NetSim excludes xed costs from the objective function The functionality of GMOS/NetSim includes the option for users to model the impact of grade switches on stream days for any processing line Possibility to specify yields as a function of cumulative throughput (e.g. catalyst usage) Next to optimizing an economic objective it is also possible to evaluate the environmental impact of the supply chain. To do so for all activities in the supply chain data has to be specied for the environmental aspects to be modeled together with conversion factors to bring them to one separate objective function. An example is the conversion from exhaust gas to CO2 equivalent to global warming potential 5.4. Evaluation of investment options GMOS/NetSim allows users to evaluate investment options. Every investment or divestment option affects the operating window of a business. For every option the user has to dene the impact of the investment on number of stream-days, required processing line capacity by product, and sought lling and dispatch capacity. The associated investment is then modeled as a xed-cost capital charge. GMOS/NetSim considers investment options as integer variables and optimizes for the most attractive one from the perspective of the objective function. Sensitivity analysis may be carried out to assess the robustness of the preferred option to its underlying assumptions. Furthermore, GMOS/NetSim allows the user to link different options.


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5.5. Mixed-integer and non-linear aspects Mixed-integer aspects are caused by amongst others the following aspects: Fixed costs/cost of closure for processing equipment, manufacturing site and/or depots/warehouses Minimum turndown levels Non-monotonous tiered/tranched pricing for feeds and products Transport costs per trip instead of per amount Switch-over times for grade switches Limited number of suppliers to a site Exchange/swap deals with xed costs/revenues Investment/divestment options Yields as function of cumulative throughputpiecewise linear modelling Optimal timing of catalyst switches Non-linear aspects arise amongst others from Duty on transports between countries Tax regulations Non-linear blend rules Non-linear behaviour of plants as a function of cumulative throughput (e.g. catalyst utilization)

representatives of various business areas (manufacturing, marketing, strategy and planning) to develop options for reducing their cash costs.

7. Conclusion A prerequisite for optimal usage of the supply chain is the implementation of all development stages in the supply chain value curve (Fig. 2). The ultimate goal is a virtualization of the whole supply chain having as core requirements the following: complete horizontal integration (a seamless system from crude/feedstock trading through to product trading); convergence of strategy, planning and scheduling (vertical systems integration); modularity to enable a phased implementation and customization; scalability for application to the most simple and or complex supply chains; interactive, customized viewingobviously Internet- and workow-enabled; real-time optimization speed; direct links to online renery/plant optimization. Modeling all aspects needed for strategic planning of a truly global supply chain results in large scale MINLP problems, which can nowadays be solved using an appropriate combination of successive mixed-integer programming and rigorous NLP solvers. References
Floudas, C. A. (1995). Nonlinear and mixed-integer optimization: Fundamentals and applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Grossmann, I. E. (2002). Review of nonlinear mixed-integer and disjunctive programming techniques for process systems, engineering. Optimization and Engineering, 3, 227252. Kallrath, J. (2000). Mixed integer optimization in the chemical process industry: Experience, potential and future. Trans. I. Chem. E., 78 (Part A), 809822.

6. Application example GMOS/NetSim is used extensively in the oil, chemicals and gas business for strategic and tactical decision-making (consultancy) studies. A current gas production and distribution model takes 100,000 rows, over 90,000 variables of which nearly 16,000 are integer. This shows the complexity that GMOS/NetSim can deal with. For strategic studies GMOS/NetSim models are frequently used in workshops to assist a team of global

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