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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation

Translated (with notes and commentary) by Rev. Glenn David Bauscher Glenn David Bauscher Lulu Publishing
The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation by Glenn David Bauscher Copyright 2006 Lulu Publishing 3rd ed. 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or retransmitted in any manner whatsoever, except in the form of a review,without written permission from the publisher. Lulu Publishing

atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp

Preface Many thanks are due to Paul Younan for his interlinear of The Gospels and Acts 1 through 15, which I consulted, along with George Lamsas and Murdocks translations of The Peshitta. This is not a revision of any previous translation, however, but is a fresh word for word rendering and is distinct from all the above translations. I trust that the hand of Him Who originally breathed out the word was upon me as I translated. To Him I am supremely grateful for His guidance and
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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation inspiration, and for the original and infallible text which He has bequeathed to His church and for the world to hear and read, for the salvation of all who will believe in Him,Whose story and Gospel is told herein.

asdwqd axwrlw axysm ewsy Nrmlw Nwba ahlad hmsl atxwbst

Glory to The Name of God our Father, our Lord Jesus The Messiah and The Spirit of Holiness.

Table of Contents
(The NT books are in the ancient Eastern order.)
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 The Love Letter ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Background .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 The Gospel of Matthew ................................................................................................................................................................. 15 The Gospel According To Mark .................................................................................................................................................... 93 The Gospel According To Luke .................................................................................................................................................. 142 The Gospel Of John ..................................................................................................................................................................... 241 The Acts of The Apostles ............................................................................................................................................................ 347 James ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 423 1 Peter .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 434 2 Peter ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 445 1 John........................................................................................................................................................................................... 452 2 John........................................................................................................................................................................................... 461 3 John........................................................................................................................................................................................... 462 Jude .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 464 Romans ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 466 1st Corinthians ............................................................................................................................................................................. 504 2nd Corinthians ............................................................................................................................................................................ 541 Galatians ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 562 Ephesians ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 576 Philippians ................................................................................................................................................................................... 587 Colossians .................................................................................................................................................................................... 596 1 Thessalonians ............................................................................................................................................................................ 604 2nd Thessalonians ........................................................................................................................................................................ 613 1 Timothy .................................................................................................................................................................................... 618 2 Timothy .................................................................................................................................................................................... 629 Titus ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 637 Philemon ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 642 Hebrews ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 645 Revelation .................................................................................................................................................................................... 679

Glenn David Bauscher

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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation

Why do we need a translation of an Aramaic New Testament? Others have translated it in the past, and besides, the NT was written in Greek, wasnt it? If I were convinced that The NT were written in Greek, I would not have undertaken to make this translation. Simply put, The Peshitta Aramaic New Testament is the original New Testament, word for word, letter for letter. I address that at length in the 700+ pages that follow and also in my book, Divine Contact. I believe I have discovered scientific proof, as strong as scientific proof can ever be, that The Peshitta New Testament was written by God and preserved perfectly in its original text until this time. About five years ago I read a statement written by Josephus in the first century. Josephus was a Jewish historian born in Israel AD 37. He was the most prolific writer of Israels history and was born son of Matthias, a priest, of a priestly line. Josephus joined the sect of The Pharisees as a teenager. He was a highly educated scholar and activist in Israels affairs, later commanding the Jewish army against Roman attacks in Galilee. Josephus provides almost all the historical information of first century Israel available today. Every serious student of the New Testament has consulted Josephus for background information on that time period in Israel. This is the statement I read from Josephus: I have also taken a great deal of pains to obtain the learning of the Greeks, and to understand the elements of the Greek language, although I have so accustomed myself to speak our own tongue, that I cannot pronounce Greek with sufficient exactness. For our nation does not encourage those that learn the language of many nations. On this account, as there have been many who have done their endeavors, with great patience, to obtain the Greek learning, there have hardly been two or three who have succeeded herein, who were immediately rewarded for their pains. Antiquities XX, XI 2.(published circa A.D. 93) Josephus, a learned scholar of his time, wrote that he did not know Greek well enough to speak it fluently; he knew a few who had learned it well. The main truth to be gleaned here is that Greek was not the language of Israel, nor a second language. It had to be studied deliberately to be learned, and it was apparently discouraged by the Jews. In A.D. 77, Josephus wrote his Jewish Wars in Aramaic and later translated it into Greek for the Greek- speaking Roman citizens. Even his later Antiquities, quoted above, shows that Josephus was not fluent enough in Greek to compose his several volumes in that language. The Jewish rabbis of that time forbade the teaching of pagan tongues to
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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation their young men. They taught that it was preferable to feed ones son the flesh of swine than to teach him Greek. Josephus elsewhere wrote that he wrote his works in the language of his country and later translated his history into Greek.This establishes that Greek was not the language of Israel. This historical information is valuable in determining what the language of the original NT was. The New Testament was written by Jews in Israel, for the most part, and to Jews originally, since they were the original Christians. Even the church in Rome was established by Jewish converts who had been dispersed from Israel and spoke Aramaic. Aramaic had been the language of the Holy Land and the Middle East since the 7th century BC. It was imposed on that part of the world by The Assyrians when The Assyrian Empire ruled that area of the world in the ninth through seventh centuries. .Greek never supplanted Aramaic in that area Greek did spread in the western empires of Alexander The Great and the Caesars. That is why the Hebrew Old Testament was commissioned by Greek King Ptolemy of Egypt around 285 BC to be translated into Greek, so he and Greek speaking people of Alexandria, Egypt, could read the Jewish scriptures in their own language. There is more than history to support the theory that The NT was originally written in Aramaic. This evidence is internal- within the text of The Aramaic NT itself. Actually there are many types of this internal evidence. I will mention the most intriguing and unusual here. When I read Josephus statement quoted above, I wrote to Roy Reinhold, distributor of Codefinder Bible code software and colleague of Kevin Acres, its developer.I asked him if he could obtain The Peshitta version of The NT for the program, so that I could search it for codes. He sent me a module of The Peshitta NT within a very short time; he had been working on it prior to my request and I was one of three people in the world who had this version in searchable format for Codefinder, as Codefinder had not been publicly distributed with this module, and has not been, as of this writing. The Peshitta is the only complete Aramaic NT in existence that is held to be the original NT by any established Christian church. That church is The Assyrian Church of The East. This church has a lineage going back to the first century, being founded by the Apostle Thomas in ancient Persia, now Iraq and Iran. The Church of The East became the largest church of the middle ages, spreading the gospel message and building churches as far away as India and China, with 100 million members.The Muslim conquests and massacres of the seventh to the 11th centuries as well as the Mongols destruction of
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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation Christians and churches left very few members of that great church remaining! This is history unknown to most in the West. Eastern Christians have not forgotten. I am indebted to Paul Younan, a native Assyrian of Lebanon and member of The Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of The East, for pointing this out and making available written accounts of the history of this church and the Assyrian people. One such history is The Flickering Light of Asia, by Rev. Joel Werda, 1924. As soon as I received this electronic version for Codefinder, I searched the text for what are called Bible codes. These are words and messages hidden and searched for by skipping a particular number of letters of text to find each letter of the code. I searched Matthew first by itself, since there was other acknowledged Western church tradition supporting an original Aramaic Matthew. The term I searched for first was Jesus Christ, just eight letters in Hebrew. Hebrew and Aramaic have the same alphabet and letters. The term shows up one time in Matthew at a skip of 17,921. It goes through the book twice in the search, since this is a toroidal search, connecting the end of Matthew with the beginning, making the text an endless loop. The eight letter Name has a 1 in 21, or approx. a 5% chance of occurrence. That is not highly unusual. What is highly unusual is an additional 53 Hebrew letters attached to this string of 8 letters, spelling out a 61 letter message about the crucifixion which goes around Matthew.Here is the string of letters as they appear in the Codefinder matrix, only turned horizontal from the vertical: The above red letters are the same turned sideways, the top laid down to the right, reading toward the left, as Hebrew reads right to left. It is left to the code searcher to decipher words by separating words with spaces to see if there is rhyme or reason to the whole thing. This is what I found in the string, using every letter in the same order as above, only :separating them into words and spaces

Hebrew-English Interlinear:

wtwnlw yalxb hym rn ytrkl Nh dm dkl

on a thick beam in blood Judging: In shadow steaming a delicacy

His women guests while I made sick from Jah of light to cut Me a covenant Behold! garment He seized


Md Nd: lu tda gb
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Glenn David Bauscher


atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation
of travail on a pedestal while was baking Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) (was) terrible

dl Nda geb xysm ewsy arwn

Online Bible Heb. Lex.

Lod -"Travail" Inf.

or Part. sing

dl Lod was the name of a city in Israel, meaning Travail or Labor pains. It comes from the Hebrew verb yalad, meaning to give birth, to beget.
Note: ytrkl above translated, "to cut me a covenant" can also be translated, "for cottages". See Zeph. 2:6

Hebrew reads right to left.The translation follows.

He seized a garment,behold, to make me a covenant of light from Jehovah, while I made His women guests sick with a delicacy steaming in the shadow. Judging by blood on a thick beam was horrifying, while Jesus Christ was baking on a pedestal of travail.
I have verified this with another Hebrew scholar, just so the reader knows I am not making this up or imagining things. There are other possible translations of the string, but this is a valid possibility in Hebrew. I have commentary on this in my book, Divine Contact, which I will not discuss here, except to say that the speaker seems to be God The Father, concerning His Sons suffering on the cross. What probabilities are associated with this particular string of 61 letters spelling out the above message in Aramaic Matthew? Codefinder calculates this also, using the alphabet letter frequency tables generated automatically for each search text. The probability is represented by what is called an R Factor, which is an exponent of the odds against one occurrence of the string being intentionally designed in the text. The R factor is 66.98 for this one ELS! That translates to a probability of 1 in 10 to the 67th power (1 with 67 zeroes after it) in a text the size and letter makeup of the Aramaic gospel of Matthew. [ If Matthew had one letter more or one less, the above 61 letter code would not exist. The version of Matthew I used with Codefinder is from The Eastern Version, used by the Church of The East. ] Any text can produce a long string of letters by skipping letters; the trick is to find a long string that form words and coherent sentences according to the rules of
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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation grammar and syntax of a language. That has not been found to occur in the many efforts of a team of researchers over a four year period of searching for codes in five different editions of The Greek NT! I have found six long codes in The Peshitta NT thus far, and I am convinced there are many more to be found. All of them are gospel messages of The Christ, concerning His birth (one) or suffering and death (five). The shortest is 25 letters long, and is about His birth: in a manger Yeshua will blossom of God The Son where? to lodge

owbyab ewsy Uyny la Nb yha Nlhl

This code is an example of a wrapped ELS, where the textin this case the entire Aramaic New Testament is made a loop, the end being connected to the beginning and searches can continue on indefinitely.

la Nb yha Nlhl

owbyab ewsy Uyny

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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation Note: This code has been verified by an Hebrew scholar fluent in the language- Dr. Nathan Jacobi. This is an equidistant letter sequence- ELS, found using the computer program Codefinder 1.22. It skips letters, searching for a code; in this case, I entered the words Jesus in a manger, in Hebrew. It searched for the term in The Peshitta New Testament, which uses the Hebrew alphabet in its Aramaic language- The native tongue of Jesus and His countrymen. The ELS reference is 18474 characters between rows. There are 1 displayed terms in the matrix. The matrix starts at 2 Peter Ch 1 V 2 Letter 13 and ends at Acts Ch 27 V 10 Letter 61. The matrix spans 443377 characters of the surface text. The matrix has 25 rows, is 1 columns wide and contains a total of 25 characters.Codefinder 1.22 found the term, starting at 2 Peter 1:2, letter 13 (James,1&2 Peter follow Acts in the Eastern canon order of books) by skipping 18,474 letters 24 times, spells out exactly what I have printed above. It goes to the end of Revelation and wraps around to Matthew and continues to Acts 27:10,letter 61, thus .going through 96% of The New Testament If one letter of this 96% of The NT were deleted or one letter added to it, this Christmas code about The birth of Christ would not exist!
What are the chances of finding this 25 letter message in this text?

Codefinder, using the frequency statistics for each letter of the code, calculates an R factor of 20, which essentially is the number of zeros after the decimal point in the probability figure! - 0.00000000000000000001 or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000. That is approximately 1 in 100 million-trillions. I could go on and on with more codes. These are the first I found. I have recently found a 191 letter code which is a string with a message in Hebrew of 93 letters, then 77 of those letters also spell out an Aramaic message, and 23 of those also spell out another Hebrew code backward! This code goes through the entire NT almost 16 times and has a .skip # of 74,806. Its R Factor is 177 All these codes depend on the exact number and arrangement of letters in the search text, which for most of the searches, is the entire NT. If one letter were added to the NT anywhere, all of the codes would disappear! If one letter were deleted, the same would apply!
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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation To test the hypothesis that God put codes into The Bible, I performed an extensive experiment. My hypothesis stated: If God were to put codes in The Bible, He would also code the text with His Names and Titles as found in The Scriptures in Hebrew and Aramaic,, as a sort of signature, fingerprint or Divine watermark, in such significant numbers that there would be no doubt that He was the author of the text and codes. I tested 95 Names and Titles of the Godhead in Hebrew and Aramaic and performed several experiments. The last one involved 367 searches in The Peshitta NT and also 367 searches in a control text, which is a scrambled Peshitta NT. The same names and skip ranges were used in both texts and the results were analyzed statistically with the oversight of professional statistician and former fellow of Price Water House Cooper, the worlds largest accounting firm, Ed Sherman. Ed now hosts a web site and newsletter devoted to the research of Bible codes. He was once a skeptic, but is now convinced by the mathematical odds against these being chance occurrences, that the Bible was coded by God thousands of years ago.
Ed has published my findings in several articles of his newsletter, Bible Code Digest, at

The results of my experiment are quite compelling evidence and the odds against the Names found occurring unintentionally in The ancient Peshitta NT at all skip numbers, from 1000 to 230,000, throughout the 27 books from Matthew to Revelation- those odds are enormous. The average probability for one search of one Divine Name at an average skip range of 1000 to 40,000 skipped letters per search is one in 1.64 million! The control text yields completely normal and predictable results. The average probability for the same search in the control text is 1 in 2, or 50%, which is to be expected. The cumulative results in The Peshitta NT for its 367 toroidal searches at all skip !numbers above 1000 to 230,000 max. yield a composite probability of 102100 to one If this is not enough, by using nine other methods of computer analysis of the respective texts, I have verified the secondary premise that the Peshitta is not a translation, but that the .Greek NT is translated from The Peshitta The above explains why I have proceeded with an interlinear translation of this most unusual text. I believe what I have in my possession is the exact, word for word, letter for letter, original and Divinely authored New Testament! It contains no errors of any kind!historical, grammatical, orthographical, textual, geographical, scientific, or theological It answers to our Lords promise: Nrben al ylmw Nwrben aeraw ayms -Matthew 24:35

Heaven and earth may pass away, but My words shall not pass away.
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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation


rbet aowmn Nm adx atwta wa Nwrben aeraw aymsd Nyd wh qysp- Luke

And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one letter to pass from the law.
The Law is a term referring to the written word of God, as John 10:34 reveals, since Jesus refers to Psalm 86 as The Law.

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. ytp tmykxm hnman hwhy twde spn tbysm hmymt hwhy trwt Psalms 19:7
I dedicate these four Gospels and their translation to Him Who authored them and Who has perfectly preserved and revealed them for us and all generations to come. May they accomplish His good pleasure and glorify The Name of The Savior of the world, God His Father, and The Blessed Holy Spirit, for all time and eternity. Amen

The Love Letter

If you were in love, and your lover had died, and her love letters to you had been translated by request of a friend who wished to write your story in Chinese, which would be more precious to you, the originals or the translations? Suppose that someone had stolen the originals and for many years, all you had were the translations. Would you want those originals back again? You most likely would be unable to read Chinese, and so would have it translated back into your native English. Now you have a translation of a translation, and you know much of the original power and meaning has been lost through translation from English to Chinese,languages quite alien to each other, but then, the translation from Chinese back to English at least doubles the dilemma, if not more so. If those originals were to come back to you, you would read them through tears and embrace them, as if she had returned to you. Every word would be perfect and alive! This Aramaic gospel is what I have just described; It is the love letter and story of your Lover and it is the original. It is in His native tongue and it is word for word what He had said and done; it is perfect and alive. We have read only translations and translations of translations till now. I wanted and have searched long and hard for the originals, and now I know I have found them for all His letters.
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atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament An Interlinear Translation If you could read Aramaic, I believe you would weep upon reading these as I have. Much has been lost in translation & much has been restored in this discovery, which is a long story (I have written much about the evidence at, but the proof is in the letters themselves. This interlinear is the most reverent and precise form of translation possible, as it gives a word for word English equivalent of the Aramaic, and it displays the original Aramaic text as well. I am convinced that one of the reasons Mel Gibsons The Passion of The Christ was so powerful was that the script was in Aramaic, the language of our Lord. It sounded authentic and true to life. Of course, the vivid visual depictions could only amplify the realism. Behind all of it, there is a revelation of a Love deeper than hell, higher than heaven, and wider than the universe!
John 15:13

(there is not) tyl (this) anh (than) Nm (greater) brd (love) abwx (will lay down) Myon (his life) hspn (that a person) snad (his friends) yhwmxr (for the sake of) plx There is no greater love than this, that a person lay down his life for his friends. Read this letter slowly and touch the words as you read. These are the original words of your Lover to your soul. Read it and weep.

Glenn David Bauscher

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

atsydq atrbo tylgna-tyamra atjysp aqs le aqs aqswp The Peshitta Aramaic-English Holy Gospels An Interlinear Translation
The Aramaic Peshitta is displayed in the square Aramaic-Hebrew script, according to the characters used in first century Israel and Syria, with many textual notes and commentary, comparing Greek New Testament readings with the Aramaic and forcefully demonstrating that the original Greek NT is translated from the Peshitta NT text, which Peshitta text is the original and God - breathed New Covenant, from Matthew to Revelation. This conclusion is the subject of another book, Divine Contact -The Original NT Discovered, authored by me. The Peshitta itself is a miracle in many ways. It contains much coded information throughout,discoverable only by computer in this century. Some of these I discuss and show in the above introduction. The above named book displays them in depth, along with statistical analysis of their probabilities. I employed nine other proofs, primarily linguistic computer analyses,which verify the above assertion that The Peshitta NT is Divinely authored. I am an ordained Protestant minister since 1976 and have pastored several Baptist and non denominational independent churches since that time. I have been a student of Koine Greek since 1974 and have a B.A. in Ministerial Studies from Bob Jones University,, 1976. I also studied NT Textual Criticism and the Greek manuscripts independently while attending that school and since graduation. I have also studied Greek and Hebrew over the past thirty years, having become quite proficient in Greek and, in the last five years, with Aramaic especially; certainly proficient enough to read the Greek New Testament and The Peshitta and translate them accurately into English.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

I have searched long and hard for the original NT text, having been strongly convinced the Majority Greek text was the closest to the original NT. That is essentially the Greek text the King James translators used for the NT. There is a recognized problem with that position, however, when approaching the entire book of Revelation; It has no Majority text for many readings! The manuscripts are divided up into several large groups, each supporting a different reading.That fairly discredits the Majority Greek theory of reconstructing the original, though I believe that approach is far superior to the Critical and Eclectic textual approach favored by many textual scholars of the past century, which produced the Nestles Greek NT and the modern English versions, such as The NIV, RSV, ASV, The Living Bible, NASV, etc. All those versions rely primarily on a few mss. for the NT text and ignore 95% of the 5000 Greek mss. which may support a significantly different reading. That cannot be sound practice, as it overlooks the simple truth that the original readings were bound to be reproduced in the largest numbers of manuscripts, not in just one or two. Nevertheless, the Greek Textual theories all break down at some point. This, in my humblest opinion, though I think I have more than an opinion in this matter, is because the original text was not Greek at all, but Aramaic. It had been long held, up until the end of the 19th century that The Peshitta was the 2nd century translation of The Greek NT, and that it was probably the best and most ancient version. It was also generally recognized that it agreed with the traditional Greek text of The NT (also called The Textus Receptuspronounced Rekeptus) or Received Text. Once we understand that the Majority Greek tradition represents the earliest translation, certainly 1st century, of the original autographs, and that the original was written in Aramaic, we can make progress in ascertaining the original itself. This discovery for the Western world has been reserved for the 21st century the computer age. The Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of The East has known this truth for almost 2000 years. They have been copying the Peshitta mss. by hand all these centuries, counting the letters and words, keeping notes of the statistics in what is called a Massora. They still do this by hand today. But Western arrogance and pride never thought to question that Jesus Christ and His fishermen and tradesmen disciples spoke Greek - a Semitic people in a fiercely Semitic culture which had remained so for over 1200 years.They would have rather died than to discard their Semitic tongue (Aramaic had been their language for seven centuries, and was the language of half the book of Daniel and several chapters of Ezra, books of Holy Scripture).Never would they as a nation adopt the pagan Greek tongue as their own. Aramaic and Hebrew are as similar as any two languages can be; they shared the same alphabet and characters in the first century and earlier; their grammar is essentially the same as is the pronunciation of many words; many words are similar in both languages.Personal names are usually identical. Jesus is Yeshua in Hebrew and Aramaic. Christ is Meshikha in Aramaic Meshiakh in Hebrew.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

For me, the words of The Peshitta itself are as powerful a proof as the scientific evidence of the codes and Aramaic-Greek word comparisons.This I discovered only by translating every word of the Gospels. To read the words of The Christ in His native Aramaic, and as I believe, in written form exactly as He uttered them, is a life changing experience. I am lifted out of myself by them, as was John The Apostle: Come up hither, and I shall show you things which must be hereafter. Johns disciples came up behind The Son of God: And Jesus turned, and saw them coming after him, and he said to them: What seek ye? They said to him: Our Rabbi, where stayest thou? He said to them: Come, and see. And they came and saw where he lodged; and they were with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour. According to ancient tradition of church fathers, (Origin especially stands out in my mind), the four beasts of Revelation six represent the four Gospels: One with a lions face, one with a calfs head, another with a mans, and one with an eagles. Matthew presents Christ as King of Israel (Lion of the tribe of Judah); Mark presents Him as the Servant of Jehovah, in His many works of service to Israel, Luke presents The Son of Man, and John shows The Son of God, The LORD of Heaven, represented by the eagle, the dweller of the heights. Revelation has this phrase four times recorded: Come and see. Each invitation is spoken by one of these four beasts in his order. I believe the Gospels invite us to Come and see the glory of Him Whom they present. Isa 66:18 For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory. Come and see.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

The Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 1

Aramaic reads from right to left. The first Aramaic word is abtk. To read the translation, read the parentheses with blue English words from rightmost parentheses first,then left of that, etc.. Each Aramaic word is followed by its English equivalent. I have labeled the first verse with the first, second, third, etc. word or phrase. Verse 1 4 3 2 1 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of The Genealogy) htwdylyd (Book) abtk 8 7 6 5 (of Abraham) Mhrbad (The Son) hrb (of David) dywdd (The Son) hrb Book is word 1; of the genealogy is number 2; of Yeshua is number three; The Messiah is number 4; The Son is # 5; of David is # 6; The Son is # 7; of Abraham is # 8. The plain English prose translation would be the above eight numbered words and phrases arranged in order: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (Book) (of The Genealogy) (of Yeshua) (The Messiah) (The Son) (of David) (The Son) (of Abraham). This is how one should read the interlinear throughout. Most verses will be understandable if read in this way, though there will be exceptions due to different word order in Aramaic. Try the next verse.The geneaology is very simple to read in this way. 2 (Isaaq) qxoya (Isaaq) qxoyal (begot) dlwa (Abraham) Mhrba (& his brothers) yhwxalw (Yehuda) adwhyl (begot) dlwa (Yaqob) bwqey (Yaqob) bwqeyl (begot) dlwa 3 (from) Nm (& Zarah) xrzlw (Phares) Urpl (begot) dlwa (Yehuda) adwhy (Aram) Mral (begot) dlwa (Hetsron) Nwrux (Hetsron) Nwruxl (begot) dlwa (Phares) Urp (Tamar)rmt 4 (Aminadab) bdnymel (begot) dlwa (Aram) Mra (Salmon) Nwmlol (begot) dlwa (Nahshon) Nwsxn (Nahshon) Nwsxnl (begot) dlwa (Aminadab) bdnyme 5 (Boaz) zeb (Rakhab) bxr (from) Nm (Boaz) zebl (begot) dlwa (Salmon) Nwmlo (Jesse) ysyal (begot) dlwa (Obayd) dybwe (Ruth) twer (from) Nm (Obayd) dybwel (begot) dlwa 6 (The King) aklm (David) dywdl (begot) dlwa (Jesse) ysya (of Uria) ayrwad (the wife) httna (from) Nm (Solomon) Nwmylsl (begot) dlwa (David) dywd 7 (Rehoboam) Mebxrl (begot) dlwa (Solomon) Nwmyls (Asa) aoal (begot) dlwa (Abia) ayba (Abia) aybal (begot) dlwa (Rehoboam) Mebxr 8 (Yehoshaphat) jpswhyl (begot) dlwa (Asa) aoa (Uzzia) ayzwel (begot) dlwa (Yoram) Mrwy (Yoram) Mrwyl (begot) dlwa (Yehoshaphat) jpswhy 9 (Yotham) Mtwyl (begot) dlwa (Uzzia) ayzwe (Hezekiah) ayqzxl (begot) dlwa (Akhaz) zxa (Akhaz) zxal (begot) dlwa (Yotham) Mtwy 10 (Menashe) asnml (begot) dlwa (Hezekiah) ayqzx (Yoshiah) ayswyl (begot) dlwa (Amon) Nwma (Amon) Nwmal (begot) dlwa (Menashe) asnm 11
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(Yokania) aynkwyl (begot) dlwa (Yoshiah) ayswy (Of Babel) lbbd (in the captivity) atwlgb (& his brothers) yhwxalw 12 (Yokania) aynkwy (of Babel) lbbd (but) Nyd (the captivity) atwlg (after) rtb (from) Nm (Zorubabel) lbbrwzl (begot) dlwa (Shelathiel) lyatls (Shelathiel) lyatlsl (begot) dlwa 13 (Abiud) dwybal (begot) dlwa (Zorubabel) lbbrwz (Azor) rwzel (begot) dlwa (Eliakim) Myqyla (Eliakim) Myqylal (begot) dlwa (Abiud) dwyba 14 (Zadoq) qwdzl (begot) dlwa (Azor) rwze (Eliud) dwylal (begot) dlwa (Akin) Nyka (Akin) Nykal (begot) dlwa (Zadoq) qwdz 15 (Eliazer) rzeylal (begot) dlwa (Eliud) dwyla (Matthan) Ntml (begot) dlwa (Eliazer) rzeyla (Yaqob) bwqeyl (begot) dlwa (Matthan) Ntm 16 (the guardian) hrbg (Yoseph *) Powyl (begot) dlwa (Yaqob) bwqey (was begotten) dlyta (her from whom) hnmd (of Maryam) Myrmd (The Messiah) axysm (Who is called) arqtmd (Yeshua) ewsy * This Yoseph would be Marys father, not her husband.This is Marys genealogy. Josephs, (her husband), is in Luke 3. Josephs father was Heli, not Jacob. 17 (Abraham) Mhrba (from) Nm (generations) atbrs (therefore) lykh (all) Nyhlk (fourteen) aroebra (generations) atbrs (David) dywdl (until) amde (the captivity) atwlgl (until) amde (David) dywd (& from) Nmw (& from) Nmw (fourteen) aroebra (generations) atbrs (of Babel) lbbd (The Messiah) axysml (until) amde (of Babel) lbbd (the captivity) atwlg (fourteen) aroebra (generations) atbrs 18 (was) awh (thus) ankh (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (but) Nyd (the birth) hdly (His mother) hma (Maryam) Myrm (she was) twh (engaged) arykm (when) dk (they would have a conjugal relation) Nwptwtsn (before) alde (to Yoseph) Powyl (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (from) Nm (pregnant) anjb (she was found) txktsa 19 (was) awh (righteous) anak (her lord) hleb (but) Nyd (Yoseph) Powy (to expose her) hyorpnd (he wanted) abu (& not) alw (he would divorce her) hyrsn (that secretly) tyaysjmd (was) awh (& considering) yertaw 20 (appeared) yzxta (he considered) yerta (but) Nyd (these things) Nylh (as) dk (in a dream) amlxb (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Angel) akalm (to him) hl (do not) al (of David) dywdd (son) hrb (Yoseph) Powy (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (your woman) Kttna (Maryam) Myrml (to take) boml (be afraid) lxdt (from) Nm (in her) hb (Who is begotten) dlytad (for) ryg (He) wh (of Holiness) asdwqd (is) wh (The Spirit) axwr 21 (Yeshua) ewsy (His name) hms (& she will call *) arqtw (a Son) arb (but) Nyd (she shall bear) dlat (their sins) Nwhyhjx (from) Nm (His people) hmel (will save) yhwyxn (for) ryg (He) wh The Aramaic can mean She will call or You will call.

22 (the thing) Mdm (that should be fulfilled) almtnd (happened) twhd (all) hlk (but) Nyd (this) adh (the prophet) aybn (by) dyb (Jehovah) ayrm (from) Nm (that was spoken) rmatad 23 (& she shall bear) dlatw (shall conceive) Njbt (the virgin) atlwtb (Behold) ahd (Emmanuail) lyawnme (His Name) hms (& they will call) Nwrqnw (a Son) arb (our God) Nhla (is with us) Nme (which is translated) Mgrttmd 24 (his sleep) htns (from) Nm (Yoseph) Powy (but) Nyd (arose) Mq (when) dk (him) hl (that which commanded) dqpd (according to) ankya (he did) dbe (his wife) httnal (& he took) hrbdw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Angel) hkalm
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25 (she delivered Him) htdlyd (until) amde (he knew her sexually) hmkx (& not) alw (Yeshua) ewsy (His name) hms (& she called) trqw (the firstborn) arkwb (her Son) hrbl One very important role The Greek NT plays in understanding The Peshitta is that it provides a window into first century Aramaic pronunciation in Palestine. Based on Peshitta primacy, the Greek NT is the work of a person bilingual in Aramaic and Greek and therefore the names of the NT would provide a key to understanding what dialect and pronunciation characterized the Aramaic of Israel in the time of The Messiah. I try therefore to consult the Greek transliterations of the Semitic names found in The NT in giving the English renderings, so as to give a phonetic rendering, not merely a transliterated written rendering of the Aramaic letters. The Aramaic spoken by our Lord seems to have been somewhere between Eastern and Western Aramaic in pronunciation. ewsy The Name of our Lord, was probably pronounced,Yayshu in first century Israel. I obtain this from the Greek transliteration Ihsou -Iaysou, pronounced Yaysoo. Greek has no sh sound; supplying that from s gives Yayshu. Aramaeans today pronounce it (Western)Eesho or (Eastern)Eshoo. Chapter 2 1 (Yeshua) ewsy (was born) dlyta (but) Nyd (when) dk (of Judea) adwhyd (in Bethlekhem) Mxltybb (the King) aklm (of Herod) odwrh (in the days) ymwyb (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (the East) axndm (from) Nm (the Magi) aswgm (came) wta When reading the interlinear, if but is seen next to the Aramaic word Nyd, but may be omitted from the translation, and the basic sense of the verse will be clear. Normally this word will be the first word translated in a sentence or phrase where it occurs, where it is never the first in Aramaic. 2 (of the Judeans) aydwhyd (the King) aklm (where is?) wkya (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (His star) hbkwk (for) ryg (we have seen) Nyzx (who has been born) dlytad (Him) hl (to worship) dgoml (& we have come) Nytaw (in the East) axndmb When reading the interlinear, if for is seen next to the Aramaic word ryg, for may be omitted from the translation, and the basic sense of the verse will be clear. Normally this word will be the first word translated in a sentence or phrase where it occurs, where it is never the first in Aramaic- For we have seen, not we have seen for. 3 (the King) aklm (Herod) odwrh (but) Nyd (heard) ems (with him) hme (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (& all) hlkw (& he was troubled) eyzttaw Often Aramaic has the verb before the subject; In English, we reverse the order, putting the subject first: Heard but Herod becomes But Herod heard, or simply, Herod heard.Now you have the basic tools with which to read and understand this Aramaic interlinear. 4 (of the people) amed (& the scribes) arpow (priests) anhk (the chief) ybr (all of them) Nwhlk (& he gathered) snkw (the Messiah) axysm (would be born) dlytm (where?) akyad (them) Nwhl (he was) awh (& asking) lasmw 5 (of Judea) adwhyd (in Bethlekhem) Mxltybb (said) wrma (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (in the prophets) aybnb (it is written) bytk (for) ryg (thus) ankh 6 (the least) aryub (you were) ytywh (not) al (of Judea) adwhyd (Bethlekhem) Mxltyb (you) ytna (also) Pa (the King) aklm (shall proceed) qwpn (for) ryg (from you) yknm (of Judea) adwhyd (among the kings) aklmb (Israel) lyaroya (My people) ymel (will shepherd) yhwyern (He Who) whd 7 (Herodus) odwrh (then) Nydyh (from them) Nwhnm (& learned) Plyw (the Magi) aswgml (called) arq (secretly) tyaysjm (the star) abkwk (to them) Nwhl (appeared) yzxta (time) anbz (at which) anyab 8 (& said) rmaw (to Bethlekhem) Mxltybl (them) Nwna (& he sent) rdsw (The Boy) aylj (about) le (inquire) wbqe (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl
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(you find Him) yhynwtxksad (& when) amw (very carefully) tyajypx (Him) hl (worship) dwgoa (may go) lza (I) ana (so that also) Pad (show me) ynwawx (come) wt 9 (the king) aklm (from) Nm (they heard) wems (when) dk (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (that they had seen) wzxd (that) wh (star) abkwk (& behold) ahw (they went) wlza (it) awh (went) lza (in the East) axndmb (over) lel (& stood) Mq (it came) atad (until) amde (before them) Nwhymdq (the Boy) aylj (was) yhwtyad (where) akya (from) Nm 10 (the star) abkwkl (they saw it) yhwazx (but) Nyd (when) dk (very) bjd (great) atbr (with joy) atwdx (they rejoiced) wydx 11 (The Boy) ayljl (& they saw) yhwazxw (the house) atybl (& they entered) wlew (they worshipped) wdgo (& they fell) wlpnw (His mother) hma (Maryam) Myrm (with) Me (their treasures) Nwhtmyo (& they opened) wxtpw (Him) hl (gifts) anbrwq (to Him) hl (& they offered) wbrqw (& frankincense) atnwblw (& myrrh) arwmw (gold) abhd 12 (that not) ald (in a dream) amlxb (to them) Nwhl (& it appeared *) yzxtaw (& by a road) axrwabw (Herod) odwrh (to) twl (they should return) Nwkphn (to their country) Nwhrtal (they went) wlza (another) atrxa Greek has crhmatisyentev: Being Divinely warned

13 (The Angel) akalm (appeared) yzxta (they went) wlza (but) Nyd (as) dk (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (to Yoseph) Powyl (in a dream) amlxb (of Jehovah) ayrmd (& His mother) hmalw (The Boy) ayljl (take) rbd (arise) Mwq (stay) ywh (& there) Nmtw (to Egypt) Nyruml (& flee) qwrew (for) ryg (the same) wh (is going) dyte (you) Kl (I) ana (tell) rmad (until) amde (to destroy Him) yhwydbwnd (so as) Kya (The Boy) ayljl (to seek) hyebml (Herod) odwrh 14 (The Boy) ayljl (he took) hlqs (arose) Mq (but) Nyd (Yoseph) Powy (to Egypt) Nyruml (& fled) qrew (in the night) ayllb (& His mother) hmalw 15 (the death) htwml (until) amde (there) Nmt (& he was) awhw (that was spoken) rmatad (the thing) Mdm (that it should be fulfilled) almtnd (of Herod) odwrhd (that says) rmad (through the prophets) aybnb (Jehovah) ayrm (from) Nm (My Son) yrbl (I have called) tyrq (Egypt) Nyrum (from) Nmd 16 (that he was mocked) xzbtad (he saw) azx (when) dk (Herodus) odwrh (then) Nydyh (greatly) bj (he was enraged) tmxta (the Magi) aswgm (by) Nm (all of them) Nwhlk (the boys) aylj (& he killed) ljq (& he sent) rdsw (its borders) hymwxt (& of all) Nwhlkdw (of Bethlekhem) Mxl-tybd (& under) txtlw (years) Nyns (two) Nytrt (son of) rb (from) Nm (the Magi) aswgm (from) Nm (that he searched out) bqed (the time) anbz (according to) Kya All Aramaic idioms are colored purple in the Aramaic text. Bar tarthine shanine a son of two years, means, a two year old boy. 17 (that was spoken) rmatad (the thing) Mdm (was fulfilled) ylmta (then) Nydyh (that says) rmad (the prophet) aybn (Jeremiah) aymra (by) dyb 18 (great) aaygo (& lamentation) aylaw (weeping) aykb (in Ramtha) atmrb (was heard) emtsa (a voice) alq (& not) alw (her children) hynb (over) le (weeping) aykb (Rachel) lyxr (they are) Nwhytya (not) ald (because) ljm (to be comforted) waybtml (she is willing) aybu 19 (the King) aklm (Herod) odwrh (but) Nyd (died) tym (when) dk (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Angel) akalm (appeared) yzxta (in Egypt) Nyrumb (to Yoseph) Powyl (in a dream) amlxb 20 (The Boy) ayljl (take)rbd (arise) Mwq (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw
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(of Israel) lyaroyad (to the land) aeral (& go) lzw (& His mother) hmalw (that seeking) Nyebd (those) Nwnh (for) ryg (to them) Nwhl (they have died) wtym (of the boy) ayljd (the life) hspn (were) wwh 21 (& His mother) hmalw (The Boy) ayljl (took) rbd (arose) Mq (& Yoseph) Powyw (of Israel) lyaroyad (to the land) aeral (& came) ataw 22 (was) awh (that Arkilaus) owalkrad (he heard) ems (but) Nyd (when) dk (Herod) odwrh (in the place of) Plx (in Judea) dwhyb (the king) aklm (there) Nmtl (to go) lzand (he feared) lxd (his father) yhwba (in a dream) amlxb (to him) hl (& it appeared) yzxtaw (of Galila) alylgd (to the region) artal (that he should go) lzand 23 (that is called) ayrqtmd (in a city) atnydmb (to dwell) rme (& he came) ataw (that should be fulfilled) almtnd (so) Kya (Natsareth) trun (by the prophet) aybnb (that was spoken) rmatad (the thing) Mdm (He shall be called) arqtn (that a Nazarene) ayrund Chapter 3 1 (of Judea) dwhyd (in the desert) abrwxb (he was) awh (& preaching) zrkmw (the baptizer) andmem (John) Nnxwy (came) ata (those) Nwnh (in days) atmwyb (but) Nyd (in them) Nwhb 2 (it) hl (has come near) tbrq (repent) wbwt (& he said) rmaw (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm wbwt -Taabu has a basic meaning to return. It can mean return to God, be converted or repent. Whichever its translation, it always indicates a change of direction, which in the moral sense is always a change in the right direction. With the prodigal son, it started when he came to himself(a return to his right mind) and led him to say I will arise and go to my father, & to then to go down the road and return home and to say to his father, I have sinned before Heaven and you and am no more worthy to be called your son. That is true repentance; it really combines all the above meanings in one very powerful and life changing experience and brings a person home again to himself and to his Father in Heaven. 3 (of whom was said) rymad (he) wh (for) ryg (this is) wnh (in the desert) abrwxb (that cries) arqd (a voice) alq (the prophet) aybn (Isaiah) ayesa (by) dyb (His paths) yhwlybsl (& level) wwsaw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the way) hxrwa (prepare) wbyj 4 (of hair) areod (his garment) hswbl (was) awh (it) yhwtya (John) Nnxwy (and) Nyd (this) wh (his loins) yhwux (on) le (with leather) aksmd (the loins) aux (& he girt) roaw (of the camel) almgd (of the field) arbd (& honey) asbdw (locusts) aumq (& his food was) htlwkamw 5 (Judea) dwhy (& all) hlkw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (was) twh (going out) aqpn (then) Nydyh (the Jordan) Nndrwy (which is around) yrdxd (region) arta (& the whole) hlkw 6 (in the Jordan) Nndrwyb (by him) hnm (they were) wwh (& being baptized) Nydmew (their sins) Nwhyhjxb (confessing) Nydwm (while) dk (river) arhn 7 (the Pharisees) asyrp (from) Nm (many) aaygo (but) Nyd (he saw) azx (when) dk (to be baptized) dmeml (that came) Nytad (the Sadducees) ayqwdz (& from) Nmw (who?) wnm (of vipers) andkad (offspring) adly (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (that is coming) atad (the wrath) azgwr (from) Nm (to flee) qreml (instructed you) Nwkywx 8 (for repentance) atwbytl (that is worthy) Nywsd (fruit) arap (therefore) lykh (produce)wdbe 9 (in yourselves) Nwkspb (& say) Nwrmatw (think) Nwrbot (& not) alw (Abraham) Mhrba (to us) Nl (is) tya (that the father) abad (God) ahla (can) xksmd (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (stones) apak (these) Nylh (from) Nm (to Abraham) Mhrbal (children) aynb (raise up) wmqml 10 (of the tree) anlyad (the root) arqe (on) le (is laid) Myo (the axe) agrn (but)nyd (behold) ah
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(good) abj (that fruit) arapd (therefore) lykh (tree) anlya (every) lk (into the fire) arwnb (& falls) lpnw (is cut down) qoptm (has produced) dbe (not) al 11 (for repentance) atwbytl (in water) aymb (you) Nwkl (am) ana (baptizing) dmem (I) ana (comes) ata (Who after me) yrtbd (but) Nyd (He) wh (worthy) aws (for not) ald (is) wh (than I) ynm (He) wh (mightier) Nyox (He) wh (to pick up) lqsml (His sandals) yhwnom (I am) ana (& in fire) arwnbw (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (you) Nwkl (is to baptize) dmem 12 (for the winnowing fan) asprd (is) wh (& the wheat) ajxw (His threshing floor) yhwrda (& He purges) akdmw (in His hand) hdyab (He will burn) dqwm (& the chaff) anbtw (into His barns) yhwruwal (He gathers) snk (extinguished) aked (which is not) ald (in fire) arwnb 13 (Galila) alylg (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (came) ata (then) Nydyh (by him) hnm (to be baptized) dmend (John) Nnxwy (unto) twl (to the Jordan) Nndrwyl 14 (Him) hl (had) awh (refused) alk (John) Nnxwy (but) Nyd (he) wh (by You) Knmd (do) ana (need) qyno (I) ana (& he said) rmaw (have come?) tyta (to me) ytwl (& You) tnaw (to be baptized) dmeta 15 (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (for us) Nl (it is proper) aay (for) ryg (this) ankh (now) ash (allow) qwbs (he allowed Him) hqbs (& then) Nydyhw (justice) atwnak (all) hlk (to fulfill) almnd 16 (at once) adxm (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (was baptized) dme (when) dk (& were opened) wxtptaw (the water) aym (from) Nm (He came up) qlo (of God) ahlad (The Spirit) axwr (& He saw) azxw (the Heavens) ayms (to Him) hl (upon Him) yhwle (& coming) ttaw (a dove) anwy (like) Kya (descending) atxnd 17 (the Heavens) ayms (from) Nm (a voice) alq (& behold) ahw (My Son) yrb (This is) wnh (that said) rmad (I am delighted) tybjua (in Whom) hbd (The Beloved) abybx Chapter 4 1 (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (from) Nm (was led) rbdta (Yeshua) ewsy (then) Nydyh (The Devil) aurqlka (by) Nm (to be tempted) aontnd (to the wilderness) arbdml 2 (& forty) Nyebraw (days) Nymwy (forty) Nyebra (& He fasted) Muw (He was hungry) Npk (but) Nyd (afterward) tyrxa (nights) Nwlyl 3 (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (Tempter) aonmd (The ) wh (& approached) brqw (say) rma (of God) ahlad (You are) tna (The Son) hrb (if) Na (bread) amxl (will become) Nywhn (stones) apak (that these) Nylhd 4 (it was written) bytk (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (a son of man) asnrb (lives) ayx (only) dwxlb (by bread) amxlb (it was) awh (that not) ald (the mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (that proceeds) aqpnd (word) alm (by every) lkb (but) ala (of God) ahlad 5 (holy) asdwq (to the city) tnydml (The Devil) aurqlka (brought Him) hrbd (then) Nydyh (of the temple) alkyhd (the pinnacle) apnk (on) le (& stood Him) hmyqaw 6 (of God) ahlad (You are) tna (The Son) hrb (if) Na (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (down) txtl (Yourself) Kspn (cast) yds (& upon) lew (concerning You) Kyle (He will command) dqpn (His angels) yhwkalmld (You strike) lqtt (lest) ald (they will carry You) Knwlqsn (their hands) Nwhydya (Your foot) Klgr (on a stone) apakb 7 (it is written) bytk (again) bwt (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (your God) Khla (Jehovah) ayrml (you will tempt) aont (not) ald 8 (high) Mr (very) bjd (to a mountain) arwjl (The Devil) aurqlka (brought Him) hrbd (again) bwt
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(& their glory) Nyhxbwsw (of the world) amled (the kingdoms) atwklm (all) Nyhlk (& he showed Him) hywxw 9 (I shall give) lta (to You) Kl (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (me) yl (to worship) dwgot (You will fall down) lpt (if) Na 10 (Satan) anjo (you) Kl (depart) lz (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (then) Nydyh (you will worship) dwgot (Your God) Khla (that Jehovah) ayrmld (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (you will serve) xwlpt (only) yhwdwxlb (& Him) hlw 11 (angels) akalm (& behold) ahw (The Devil) aurqlka (left Him) hqbs (then) Nydyh (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& serving) Nysmsmw (approached) wbrq 12 (that John) Nnxwyd (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (to Galila) alylgl (He) hl (departed) yns (had been delivered up) Mltsa 13 (in Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkb (to dwell) rme (& came) ataw (Natsareth) trunl (& He left) hqbsw (& of Naphtali)yltpndw (of Zebulon) Nwlwbzd (in the borders) amwxtb (of the sea) amy (the side) dy (on) le 14 (that was spoken) rmatad (the thing) Mdm (that it should be fulfilled) almtnd (that says) rmad (the prophet) aybn (Isaiah) ayesa (by) dyb 15 (of Zebulon) Nwlwbzd (the land) aera (of the sea) amyd (the way) axrwa (of Naphtali) yltpnd (the land) aera (of the Gentiles) ammed (Galila) alylg (of Jordan) Nndrwyd (the crossings) yhwrbe 16 (in the darkness) akwsxb (who sat) btyd (the people) ame (& those) Nylyaw (have seen) azx (great) abr (the light) arhwn (& in the shadow) alljbw (in the region) artab (who were sitting) Nybtyd (to them) Nwhl (has dawned) xnd (the light) arhwn (of death) atwmd 17 (repent) wbwt (& to say) rmamlw (to preach) wzrkml (Yeshua) ewsy (began) yrs (then) Nydyh (from) Nm (of the Heavens) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (for) ryg (it) hl (has come near) tbrq 18 (of Galila) alylgd (of The Sea) amy (the side) dy (on) le (He was walking) Klhm (& when) dkw (who was called) yrqtad (Shimeon) Nwems (brothers) Nyxa (two) Nyrt (He saw) azx (his brother) yhwxa (& Andraus) owardnaw (The Rock) apak (into the sea) amyb (a net) atdyum (for they were casting) Nymrd (fishermen) adyu (for) ryg (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya 19 (after Me) yrtb (come) wt (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (of men) asna (of children) ynbd (fishers) adyu (to become) Nwwhtd(& I shall make you) Nwkdbeaw 20 (after Him) hrtb (& they went) wlzaw (their net) Nwhtdyum (left) wqbs (at once) adxm (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 21 (two) Nyrt (brothers) axa (other) anrxa (He saw) azx (there) Nmt (from) Nm (He passed) rbe (& when) dkw (Zebedee) ydbz (with) Me (in a boat) aplab (his brother) yhwxa (& John) Nnxwyw (of Zebedee) ydbz (son) rb (Jaqob) bwqey (them) Nwna (& He called) arqw (their nets) Nwhtdyum (who were setting in order) Nynqtmd (their father) Nwhwba 22 (the boat) aplal (left) wqbs (at once) adxm (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (after Him) hrtb (& they went) wlzaw (& their father) Nwhwbalw 23 (He) awh (& taught) Plmw (Galila) alylg (in all) hlkb (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (& traveling about) Krktmw (of the kingdom) atwklmd (the gospel) atrbo (& was preaching) zrkmw (in their assemblies) Nwhtswnkb (among the people) ameb (& disease) Nhrwkw (sickness) bak (every) lk (& curing) aoamw 24 (Syria) ayrwo (in all) hlkb (His fame) hbj (& was heard) emtsaw (who ill) sybd (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk (to Him) hl (& they brought) wbrqw (& those) Nylyaw (various) aplxsm (with diseases) anhrwkb (had become) Nydybe (ill) syb (& the demon possessed ones) anwydw (with severe pain) aqynstb (who were afflicted) Nyuylad (them) Nwna (& He healed) yoaw (& paralytics) ayrsmw (& lunatics) arga rbdw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew

ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

Lunatics comes from the Aramaic idiom,Bar Agra, Son of Rooftops, a practice of worshiping demons on ones rooftop who were believed active during the first and last days of the month, to avert their ill will towards the home. 25 (& from) Nmw (Galila) alylg (from) Nm (great) aaygo (crowds) asnk (after Him) hrtb (& went) wlzaw (Judea) dwhy (& from) Nmw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (& from) Nmw (The Ten Cities) atnydm-troe (of the Jordan) Nndrwyd (the other side) arbe (& from) Nmw Chapter 5 1 (to a mountain) arwjl (He went up) qlo (the crowds) asnkl (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) htwl (came near) wbrq (He sat down) bty (& when) dkw 2 (& He said) rmaw (them) Nwhl (He was) awh (& teaching) Plmw (His mouth) hmwp (& He opened) xtpw And He opened His mouth & taught them indicates God Himself was opening Himself in revelation to His followers in The Person of His Son & Word (Miltha). He does not merely teach, but He is the Perfection & Blessedness of all that He commends and blesses in His disciples: Poor, in The Spirit, mourning, meek, hungering & thirsting for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemaker, persecuted for righteousness. Jesus was revealing the meek & suffering God Who would be satisfied and comforted as a result of His humiliation and love for the souls of men by inheriting all of them through His redemption.We must look for Him in all His teaching, or we are not being taught as He wishes (in The Spirit). 3 (in The Spirit) xwrb (who are poor) ankoml (blessed are they) Nwhybwj (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is) yh (because theirs) Nwhlydd (See Matthew 22:43, the only other place in The Gospels where the same form of the Aramaic word bRukh (in,by spirit) is used, refers to The Holy Spirit. See also Luke 6:20 : And he lifted his eyes upon his disciples, and said: Blessed are ye poor; for the Kingdom of God is yours. He was talking about the poor who live in The Holy Spirit, not the poor in spirit. God does not want us poor in spirit; He wants us to be spiritually rich. The Apostle Paul later wrote,The Kingdom of God is not food & drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in The Spirit of Holiness.- Romans 14:17 Yeshua was addressing a people of The Spirit. This first beatitude lays the foundation for the rest of the sermon.) 4 (will be comforted) Nwaybtn (for they) Nnwnhd (who are mourning) alybal (blessed are they) Nwhybwj 5 (the earth) aeral (will inherit) Nwtran (for they) Nnwnhd (who are meek) akykml (blessed are they) Nwhybwj 6 (who hunger) Nynpkd (those) Nylyal (blessed are they) Nwhybwj (will be satisfied) Nwebon (for they) Nnwnhd (for justice) atwnakl (& thirst) Nyhuw 7 (who show mercy) anmxrml (blessed are they) Nwhybwj (mercies) amxr (there will be) Nwwhn (for upon them) Nwhyled Mercy & show mercy comes from the Aramaic root, amxr -Rakhma, which essentially means, love. 8 (in their hearts) Nwhblb (who are pure) Nykdd (those) Nylyal (blessed are they) Nwhybwj (God) ahlal (shall see) Nwzxn (for they) Nnwnhd 9 (peace) amls (that make) ydbel (blessed are they) Nwhybwj (they will be called) Nwrqtn (of God) ahlad (for the children) yhwnbd 10 (for the cause of) ljm (who have been persecuted) wpdrtad (those) Nylyal (blessed are they) Nwhybwj (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is) yh (for theirs) Nwhlydd (justice) atwnak 11 (you) Nwkl (& persecute) Nypdrw (you) Nwkl (they revile) Nydoxmd (whenever) ytma (blessed are you) Nwkybwj (evil) asyb (word) alm (every) lk (against you) Nwkyle (& they say) Nyrmaw (in falsehood) atwlgdb (for My sake) ytljm 12 (in Heaven) aymsb (is great) ygo (because your reward) Nwkrgad (& exult) wzwrw (rejoice) wdx (then) Nydyh
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(were before you) Nwkymdq (those who) Nmd (the prophets) aybnl (they persecuted) wpdr (for) ryg (thus) ankh 13 (but) Nyd (if that) whna (of the earth) aerad (the salt) hxlm (are) Nwna (you) Nwtna (with what?) anmb (becomes insipid) hkpt (salt) axlmd (except) ala (it is fit) alza (not) al (for a thing) Mdml (will it be salted) xlmtt (people) asna (by) Nm (& be trodden) sydttw (outside) rbl (to be thrown) adtstd 14 (it is possible) axksm (not) al (of the world) amled (the light) hrhwn (are) Nwna (you) Nwtna (has been built) aynb (a mountain) arwj (that upon) led (a city) atnydm (for you to hide) asjtd 15 (it) hl (& set) Nymyow (a lamp) agrs (they light) Nyrhnm (& not) alw (a lampstand) atrnm (on) le (but) ala (a basket) atao (under) tyxt (are) Nwna (who in the house) atybbd (those) Nylya (to all) lkl (& it gives light) rhnmw 16 (before) Mdq (your light) Nwkrhwn (will shine) rhnn (thus) ankh (good) abj (your works) Nwkydbe (that they may see) Nwzxnd (the children of men) asnynb (Who is in heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwbal (& may glorify) Nwxbsnw 17 (that I should revoke) arsad (that I have come) tytad (think) Nwrbot (not) al (not) al (The Prophets) aybn (or) wa (The Torah) aowmn (that I should fulfill) almad (but) ala (that I should revoke) arsad (I have come) tyta 18 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma ryg (amen) Nyma (& the earth) aeraw (Heaven) ayms (will pass away) Nwrbend (that until) amded (from) Nm (will pass away) rben (not) al (Taag) ajro (one) dx (or) wa (one) adx (Yodh *) dwy (will come to pass) awhn (everything) lkd (until) amde (The Torah) aowmn Yodh is the smallest Hebrew letter. A Taag is a crownlet written above certain letters by the scribes and preserved in The Hebrew Massorah (Scribal notes on the readings and words of the Hebrew Bible) to identify certain significant words and their usages and number of occurrences in the scriptures. This indicates that the Torah scriptures would be divinely perfectly preserved via the meticulous work of the Hebrew scribes, and that the Massoretes of the sixth century AD were carrying on a tradition that existed in the first century and earlier, as referenced here by our Lord. 19 (violates) arsnd (therefore) lykh (who) Nm (everyone) lk (small) arwez (these) Nylh (commandments) andqwp (of) Nm (one) dx (little) aryub (to the children of men) asnynbl (thus) ankh (& will teach) Plnw (but) Nyd (everyone) lk (of Heaven) aymsd (in the Kingdom) atwklmb (will be called) arqtn (will be called) arqtn (great) abr (the same) anh (& will teach) Plnw (who will do) dbend (of Heaven) aymsd (in the Kingdom) atwklmb 20 (will increase) rtat (that unless) alad (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (that of the Scribes) arpod (than) Nm (more) ryty (your goodness) Nwktwnak (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklml (you will enter) Nwlet (not) al (& The Pharisees) asyrpw 21 (murder) lwjqt (do not) al (to the ancients) aymdql (that it was said) rmatad (you have heard) Nwtems (to judgment) anydl (that one is) wh (condemned) byxm (who will murder) lwjqnd (& everyone) lkw 22 (who) Nm (that everyone) lkd (to you) Nwkl (am) ana (saying) rma (but) Nyd (I) ana (without cause) aqya (his brother) yhwxa (against) le (will be angry) zgrnd (who will say) rmand (& everyone) lkw (before the judge) anydl (is) wh (condemned) byxm (before the assembly) atswnkl (is) wh (condemned) byxm (I spit on you) aqr (to his brother) yhwxal (of fire) arwnd (to Gehenna) anhgl (is) wh (condemned) byxm (fool) all (will say) rmand (& whoever) Nmw 23 (unto) le (your offering) Knbrwq (you) tna (bring) brqmd (therefore) lykh (do) wh (if) Na (that holds) dyxad (you remember) rkdtt (& there) Nmtw (the altar) axbdm (any) Mdm (grudge) atka (your brother) Kwxa (against you) Kyle 24 (your offering) Knbrwq (there) Nmt (leave) qwbs (first) Mdqwl (& go) lzw (the altar) axbdm (before) Mdq (your brother) Kwxa (with) Me (be reconciled) aerta (your offering) Knbrwq (bring) brq (come) at (& then) Nydyhw
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It is very telling to me that our Lord says Come, bring your offering, rather than, Go, take your offering. He speaks as The One Who receives the Divine offering from men. He spoke as One Who certainly believed He was God. There are many such subtle hints to this fact in the Gospels, and some not so subtle. Watch for them. 25 (your plaintiff) Knyd leb (with) Me (allied) awatm (be) tywh (on the street) axrwab (you) tna (with him) hme (while) de (quickly) lge (& the judge) anydw (to the judge) anydl (deliver you) Kmlsn (your plaintiff) Knyd leb (lest) amld (of prisoners) aryoa (into the house) tyb (& you fall) lptw (to the tax collector) aybgl (delivers you) Kmlsn 26 (you will come out) qwpt (that not) ald (to you) Kl (I) ana (say) rma (and truly) Nymaw (the last) ayrxa (farthing -1/4th ) anwms (you give) lttd (until) amde (there) Nmt (from) Nm 27 (you shall commit adultery) rwgt (not) ald (that it was spoken) rmatad (you have heard) Nwtems 28 (to you) Nwkl (am) ana (saying) rma (but) Nyd (I) ana (to lust for her) hygrnd (so as) Kya (a woman) attna (looks at) azxd (who) Nm (everyone) lkd (in his heart) hblb (commits adultery with her) hrg (at once) adxm 29 (you) Kl (stumbles) alskm (of the right side) anymyd (your eye) Knye (but) Nyd (if) Na (for you) Kl (it is profitable) xqp (from you) Knm (& cast it) hydsw (pluck it out) hyux (& not) alw (your member) Kmdh (one) dx (that be lost) dband (for) ryg (into Gehenna) anhgb (should fall) lpn (your body) Krgp (entire) hlk 30 (stumbles) alskm (of the right) anymyd (your hand) Kdya (& if) Naw (it is profitable) xqp (from you) Knm (cast it) hyds (cut it off) qwop (you) Kl (your members) Kymdh (of) Nm (one) dx (that be lost) dband (for) ryg (to you) Kl (into Gehenna) anhgb (fall) lpn (your body) Krgp (entire) hlk (& not) alw 31 (divorces) arsd (that whoever) Nmd (it has been said) rmata (of repudiation) allwdd (a writing) abtk (her) hl (let Him give) ltn (His wife) httna 32 (divorces) arsd (who) Nm (that everyone) lkd (to you) Nwkl (am) ana (saying) rma (but) Nyd (I) ana (He causes) dbe (of fornication) atwynzd (the report) atlm (from) Nm (apart) rbl (His wife) httna (& whoever) Nmw (that she will commit adultery) rwgtd (her) hl (is committing adultery) rag (her that is divorced) atqybs (takes) lqsd 33 (to the ancients) aymdql (that it was said) rmatad (you have heard) Nwtems (again) bwt (in your oath) Ktmwmb (you will lie) lgdt (that not) ald (your oaths) Ktmwm (to the Lord Jehovah) ayrml (but) Nyd (you will fulfill) Mlst 34 (at all) Ko (you shall swear *) Nwmat (not) al (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (I) ana (of God) ahlad (it is) wh (for the throne) ayorwkd (by Heaven) aymsb (not) al You shall swear is preserved in accordance with the English rendering of of the Ten Commandments and other Divine commandments; otherwise it should be, You will swear, You will not commit, etc. Shall should normally be reserved for Ist person singular future tense: I shall. Shall is also appropriate for any Divine promise or prophesy. 35 (His feet) yhwlgr (under) tyxtd (it is) yh (for the stool) asbwkd (by the earth) aerab (neither) alw (the Great) abr (of The King) aklmd (it is) yh (for the city) htnydmd (by Jerusalem) Mlsyrwab (nor) alpa 36 (because not) ald (shall you swear) amat (by your head) Ksrb (neither) alpa (hair) atnm (in it) hb (make) dbeml (you) tna (can) xksm (white) atrwx (or) wa (black) atmkwa (of the hairs) areod (a certain) adx 37 (No) al (& No) alw (Yes) Nya (Yes) Nya (your statement) Nwktlm (shall be) awht (but) ala (is) wh (the evil one) asyb (from) Nm (exceeds) ryty (these) Nylh (that) Nmd (anything) Mdm 38 (in exchange for) Plx (an eye) anyed (that it was said) rmatad (you have heard) Nwtems (a tooth) ans (in exchange for) Plx (& a tooth) answ (an eye) anye
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39 (you shall rise up) Nwmwqt (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (am) ana (saying) rma (but) Nyd (I) ana (on) le (you) Kl (strikes) axmd (whoever) Nm (but) ala (an evil person) asyb (against) lbqwl (the other) anrxa (also) Pa (to him/her) hl (turn) anpa (of the right side) anymyd (your cheek) Kkp 40 (with you) Kme (to sue) Nwdnd (wants) abud (& whoever) Nmw (your cloak) Kjwjrm (also) Pa (to him) hl (leave) qwbs (your coat) Knytwk (& take) lwqsnw 41 (two) Nyrt (with him) hme (go) lz (one) dx (to go mile *) alym (you) Kl (compels) rxsmd (whoever) Nm * Mile is an exact transliteration of the Aramaic word for Mile- alym, and it looks like our English word is derived from the Aramaic, much like Area is an exact transliteration of aera Area,and has the same meaning: land, earth, ground. 42 (to him/her) hl (give) bh (you) Kl (asks) lasd (whoever) Nm (you shall refuse him) yhwylkt (not) al (from you) Knm (to borrow) Pzand (wants) abud (& whoever) Nmw 43 (that it was said) rmatad (you have heard) Nwtems (your enemy) Kbbdlebl (& hate) ynow (to your neighbor) Kbyrql (Show kindness) Mxrd 44 (your enemies) Nwkybbdlebl (love) wbxa (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (I) ana (what is beautiful) rypsd (& do) wdbew (you) Nwkl (who curses) jald (the one) Nml (& bless) wkrbw (those) Nylya (over) le (& pray) wluw (you) Nwkl (who hates) anod (to the one) Nml (you) Nwkl (& persecute) Nypdrw (by force) aryjqb (you) Nwkl (who take) Nyrbdd 45 (of your Father) Nwkwbad (the children) yhwnb (you will become) Nwwhtd (So that) ankya (His sun) hsms (for rises) xndmd (is) wh (Who in Heaven) aymsbd (& descends) txmw (the evil) asyb (& upon) lew (the good) abj (on) le (the unjust) alwe (& on) lew (the just) anak (on) le (His rain) hrjm 46 (you) Nwkl (who love) Nybxmd (those) Nylyal (you) Nwtna (love) Nybxm (for) ryg (if) Na (Behold) ah (not?) al (to you) Nwkl (is it) tya (benefit) arga (what?) anm (are doing) Nydbe (same thing) adh (that) yh (the tax collectors) aokm (even) Pa 47 (only) dwxlb (of your brethren) Nwkyxad (the peace) amlsb (you are) Nwtna (invoking) Nylas (& if) Naw (are you) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe (excellent) ryty (what thing?) anm (doing) Nydbe (same thing) adh(that) yh (the tax collectors) aokm (even) Pa (Behold) ah (are not?) al 48 (just as) ankya (perfect) arymg (you) Nwtna (therefore) lykh (shall be) wwh (is) wh (perfect) rymg (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwbad Chapter 6 1 (you do it) hnwdbet (that not) ald (in your charity-giving) Nwktqdzb (but) Nyd (pay attention) wrwx (by them) Nwhl (you may be seen) Nwzxttd (so that) Kya (of men) asna (sons) ynb (before) Mdq (in Heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwba (with) twl (for you) Nwkl (there is no) tyl (reward) arga (otherwise) alaw 2 (charity-giving) atqdz (you) tna (do) dbed (therefore) lykh (when) ytma (like) Kya (before you) Kymdq (a trumpet) anrq (you shall blast) arqt (not) al (in the synagogues) atswnkb [the pretenders] (of faces) apab (receivers) ybon (do) Nydbed (of men) asna (sons) ynb (from) Nm (they may be glorified) Nwxbtsnd (so that) Kya (& in the streets) aqwsbw (their reward) Nwhrga (they have received) wlbqd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (and truly) Nymaw 3 (charity giving) atqdz (you) tna (do) dbed (whenever) am (but) Nyd (you) tna (your right) Knymy (is doing) adbe (what?) anm (your left) Klmo (let know) edt (not) al 4 (& your Father) Kwbaw (in secret) ayokb (your charity) Ktqdz (may be) awhtd (so that) Kya (in public) aylgb (will reward you) Kerpn (He) wh (in secret) ayokb (Who sees) azxd 5 (the pretenders) apab ybon (like) Kya (you will be) awht (not) al (you) tna (pray) alumd (& when) amw
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(& in the corners) atywzbw (in the synagogues) atswnkb (to stand) Mqml (who like) Nymxrd (of men) asna (to children) ynbl (that they appear) Nwzxtnd (to pray) wyluml (of the streets) aqwsd (their reward) Nwhrga (they have received) wlbqd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (and truly) Nymaw 6 (your closet) Knwtl (enter) lwe (you) tna (pray) alumd (when) ytma (but) Nyd (you) tna (Who is in secret) ayokbd (to your Father) Kwbal (& pray) aluw (your door) Kert (& lock) dwxaw (in public) aylgb (will reward you) Kerpn (in secret) ayokb (Who sees) azxd (& your Father) Kwbaw 7 (verbose) Nyqqpm (you shall be) Nwtywh (not) al (you are) Nwtna (praying) Nylumd (& whenever) amw (for) ryg (they think) Nyrbo (the heathen) apnx (like) Kya (they are heard) Nyemtsm (much) aaygo (that by speaking) allmmbd 8 (knows) edy (for) ryg (your Father) Nwkwba (to them) Nwhl (you shall be like) Nwmdt (therefore) lykh (not) al (you ask Him) yhynwlast (before) alde (to you) Nwkl (is needed) aebtm (what?) anm 9 (you) Nwtna (pray) wlu (therefore) lykh (thus) ankh (Your Name) Kms (hallowed be) sdqtn (Who are in Heaven) aymsbd (our Father) Nwba 10 (Your will) Knybu (let be done) awhn (thy Kingdom) Ktwklm (let come) atat (in the earth) aerab (also) Pa (in Heaven) aymsbd (just as) ankya 11 (today) anmwy (of our need) Nnqnwod (the bread) amxl (to us) Nl (give) bh 12 (also) Pad (just as) ankya (our debts) Nybwx (us) Nl (& forgive) qwbsw (our debtors) Nybyxl (forgive) Nqbs (we) Nnx 13 (evil) asyb (from) Nm (deliver us) Nup (but) ala (to temptation) anwyonl (lead us) Nlet (& not) alw (the Kingdom) atwklm (is) yh (Yours) Klydd (because) ljm (of ages) Nymle (to an age) Mlel (& the glory) atxwbstw (& the power) alyxw 14 (their faults) Nwhtwlko (the children of men) asnynbl (you forgive) Nwqbst (for) ryg (if) Na (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwba (you) Nwkl (also) Pa (will forgive) qwbsn 15 (the children of men) asnynbl (you will forgive) Nwqbst (not) al (but) Nyd (if) Na (your faults) Nwktwlko (you) Nwkl (has forgiven) qbs (your Father) Nwkwba (neither) alpa 16 (be) Nwwht (not) al (you are) Nwtna (fasting) Nymyud (but) Nyd (when) ytma (for) ryg (they disfigure) Nylbxm (the pretenders) apab ybon (like) Kya (sad) arymk (to the children of men) asnynbl (they may appear) Nwzxtnd (so that) Kya (their faces) Nwhypwurp (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (and truly) Nymaw (to fast) Nymyud (their reward) Nwhrga (that they have received) wlbqd 17 (you) tna (will fast) Maud (whenever) am (but) Nyd (you) tna (your head) Ksr (& anoint) xwsmw (your face) Kypa (wash) gysa 18 (to the children of men) asnynbl (you may appear) azxtt (that not) ald (so) Kya (Who is in secret) ayokbd (to your Father) Kwbal (but) ala (you are) tna (that fasting) Maud (will reward you) Kerpn (He) wh (in secret) ayokb (Who sees) azxd (& your Father) Kwbaw 19 (on the earth) aerab (treasures) atmyo (for yourselves) Nwkl (you shall place) Nwmyot (not) al (are disfiguring) Nylbxm (& corrosion) alkaw (moths) aood (where) rta (& steal) Nybngw (break in) Nyslp (thieves) abngd (& where) akyaw 20 (where) akya (in Heaven) aymsb (treasures) atmyo (for yourselves) Nwkl (place) wmyo (but) ala (& where) akyaw (are disfiguring) Nylbxm (corrosion) alka (nor) alw (moths) aoo (neither) ald (steal) Nybng (nor) alw (break in) Nyslp (neither) al (thieves) abngd 21 (your treasure) Nwktmyo (is) hytyad (for) ryg (where) akya (your heart) Nwkbl (also) Pa (is) wh (there) Nmt 22 (the eye) anye (is) hytya (of the body) argpd (the lamp) agrs (sound) ajysp (shall be) awht (therefore) lykh (your eye) Knye (if) Na (will be) wh (illuminated) ryhn (your body) Krgp (whole) hlk (also) Pa
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

23 (your body) Krgp (entire) hlk (evil) asyb (shall be) awht (your eye) Knye (but) Nyd (if) Na (that is in you) Kbd (the light) arhwn (therefore) lykh (if) Na (will be) awhn (darkness) akwsx (will be) awhn (how great!) amk (your darkness) Kkwsx (is) wh (darkness) akwsx 24 (to work) xlpml (masters) Nwrm (for two) Nyrtl (is able) xksm (man) sna (no) al (& the other) anrxalw (he will hate) anon (one) dxl (for) ryg (either) wa (he will neglect) jwsn (& the other) anrxalw (he will honor) rqyn (one) dxl (or) wa (he will like) Mxrn (& for money *) anwmmlw (to work) xlpml (for God) ahlal (you are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (not) al Mammone - anwmm, looks like another Aramaic cognate for the English. Money& Mammoneare very similar phonetically and have the same meaning. 25 (you should worry) Nwpuat (not) al (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (this) anh (because of) ljm (neither) alw (you will drink) Nwtst (or what?) anmw (you will eat) Nwlkat (what?) anm (for yourselves) Nwkspnl (the soul) aspn (behold) ah (not?) al (you will put on) Nwsblt (what?) anm (for your body) Nwkrgpl (clothing) aswbl (than) Nm (& the body) argpw (food) atrbyo (than) Nm (is greater) aryty 26 (do they sow) Nyerz (that neither) ald (of the heavens) aymsd (the birds) atxrpb (behold) wrwx (do they gather) Nylmx (neither) alw (do they reap) Nydux (nor) alw (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (& your Father) Nwkwbaw (into barns) aruwab (you) Nwtna (behold) ah (not?) al (them) Nwhl (sustains) aortm (than they) Nwhnm (are) Nwtna (better) Nyrtym 27 (worrying) Puy (when) dk (from you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (who?) wnm (one) adx (cubit) atma (his stature) htmwq (on) le (to add) wpowml (is able) xksm 28 (do you) Nwtna (worry) Nypuy (why?) anm (clothing) aswbl (& about) lew (they grow) Nybr (how) ankya (of the field) arbdd (the lilies) answsb (consider) wqbta (weaving) Nlze (neither) alw (laboring) Nyal (without) ald 29 (Solomon) Nwmyls (that not even) alpad (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (of these) Nyhnm (one) adx (like) Kya (was clothed) yokta (his glory) hxbws (in all) hlkb 30 (is) yhwtya (that today) anmwyd (of the field) alqxd (the grass) arymel (but) Nyd (if) Na (not?) al (clothes) sblm (thus) ankh (God) ahla (into the oven) arwntb (will be cast) lpn (& tomorrow) rxmw (of faith) atwnmyh (little ones) yrwez (to you) Nwkl (more) ryty (does He multiply) ygo 31 (you shall say) Nwrmat (or) wa (you shall worry) Nwpuat (therefore) lykh (not) al (will we wear) aoktn (what?) anm (or) wa (will we drink) atsn (what?) anm (or) wa (will we eat) lwkan (what?) anm 32 (things) Nyhl (seeking) Nyeb (are) wh (the Gentiles *) amme (these) Nylh (for) ryg (all) Nyhlk (for you) Nwkl (that also) Pad (knows) edy (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (but) Nyd (your Father) Nwkwba (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (are necessary) Nyebtm The Eastern Peshitta has The Gentiles of the world.

33 (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (first) Mdqwl (but) Nyd (seek) web (these things) Nylh (& all) Nyhlkw(& His righteousness) htwqydzw (to you) Nwkl (will be added) Npowttm 34 (of tomorrow) rxmd (shall you worry) Nwpuat (therefore) lykh (not) al (of itself) hlyd (will worry) Puy (tomorrow) rxm (for) ryg (it) wh (its evil) htsyb (for the day) amwyl (for it) hl (is sufficient) qpo Chapter 7 1 (you should be judged) Nwnydtt (lest) ald (you will judge) Nwnwdt (not) al 2
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(you will be judged) Nwnydtt (you) Nwtna (that judge) Nynydd (for) ryg (in the judgment) anydb (to you) Nwkl (it will be measured) lykttm (you) Nwtna (that measure) Nylykmd (& with the measure) atlykbw 3 (that is in the eye) hnyebd (a chip) alg (you) tna (notice) azx (but) Nyd (why?) anm (you) tna (observe) rxb (not) al (that is in your eye) Knyebd (& the plank) atyrqw (of your brother) Kwxad 4 (allow) qwbs (to your brother) Kwxal (you) tna (say) rma (How?) ankya (or) wa (is in your eye) Knyeb (a plank) atyrq (& behold) ahw (your eye) Knye (from) Nm (the chip) alg (me to cast out) qpa 5 (first) Mdqwl (cast out) qpa [pretender,hypocrite]- (of faces) apab (receiver) bon (you) Kl (will observe) rxbtn (& then) Nydyhw (your eye) Knye (from) Nm (the plank) atyrq (of your brother) Kwxad (the eye) hnye (from) Nm (a chip) alg (to cast out) wqpml 6 (you throw) Nwmrt (neither) alw (to dogs) ablkl (a sacrifice) asdwq (give you) Nwltt (do not) al (them) Nyna (they trample) Nwswdn (lest) amld (wild boars) aryzx (before) Mdq (your pearls) Nwktyngrm (to run you through) Nwknwezbn (& they return) Nwkphnw (with their feet) Nwhylgrb 7 (& you will find) Nwxkstw (seek) web (to you) Nwkl (& it will be given) bhytnw (ask) wlas (to you) Nwkl (& it will be opened) xtptnw (knock) wswq 8 (finds) xksm (& he who seeks) aebdw (receives) bon (who asks) lasd (for) ryg (everyone) lk (to him) hl (it is opened) xtptm (who knocks) sqnd (& to the one) anyalw 9 (son) hrb (whose will ask him) yhwylasnd (the man) arbg (among you) Nwknm (who is?) wnm (or) wa (to him) hl (he hold out) jswm (a stone) apak (will?) aml (for bread) amxl 10 (to him) hl (he hold out) jswm (a snake) aywx (will?) aml (he will ask him) yhwylasn (a fish) anwn (& if) Naw 11 (knowing) Nyedy (are) Nwtna (who evil) asybd (you) Nwtna (therefore) lykh (& if) Naw (how much?) amk (to your children) Nwkynbl (to give) ltml (good) atbj (gifts) atbhwm (you are) Nwtna (will give) ltn (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwba (more) tyaryty (Him) hl (who ask) Nylasd (to those) Nylyal (good things) atbj 12 (to you) Nwkl (to do) Nwdbend (you) Nwtna (desire) Nybud (whatever) am (everything) lk (to them) Nwhl (do)wdbe (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (likewise) ankh (of men) asna (the children) ynb (& the Prophets) aybnw (the Law) aowmn (for)ryg (this is) wnh 13 (is) wh (for wide) atpd (narrow) auyla (the gate) aertb (enter) wlwe (the road) axrwa (& spacious) axywraw (the gate) aert (are) Nwna (& many) aaygow (to destruction) andbal (leads) albwmd (which) adya (in it) hb (who are going) Nylzad (those) Nylya 14 (the way) axrwa (& is strict) auylaw (the gate) aert (is narrow) Nyjq (how!) am (are) Nwna (& few) arwezw (to life) ayxl (that leads) albwmd (it) hl (who find) Nyxksmd (those) Nylya 15 (in clothing) aswblb (to you) Nwktwl (who come) Nytad (false) algd (prophets) aybn (of) Nm (beware) wrhdza (plundering) apwjx (wolves) abad (they are) Nwhytya (but) Nyd (within) wgl (from) Nm (of lambs) armad 16 (they gather) Nyjql (do?) aml (them) Nwna (you will know) Nwedt (but) Nyd (their fruit) Nwhyrap (by) Nm (figs) anat (thistles) abjrwq (from) Nm (or) wa (grapes) abne (thorns) abwk (from) Nm 17 (produces) dbe (good) aryps (fruit) arap (good) abj (tree) anlya (every) lk (so) ankh (produces) dbe (bad) asyb (fruit) arap (bad) asyb (but) Nyd (a tree) anlya 18 (to produce) dbeml (bad) asyb (fruit) arap (good) abj (a tree) anlya (is able) xksm (not) al (to produce) dbeml (good) abj (fruit) arap (bad) asyb (a tree) anlya (neither) alw 19 (good) abj (fruit) arap (does produce) dbe (that not) ald (tree) anlya (every) lk (falls) lpn (& into fire) arwnbw (is cut down) qoptm 20
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(them) Nwna (you will know) Nwedt (their fruit) Nwhyrap (by) Nm (therefore) Nydm 21 (my Lord) yrm (my Lord) yrm (to Me) yl (who says) rmad (everyone) lk (it is) awh (not) al (whoever) Nm (but) ala (of Heaven) aymsd (the kingdom) atwklml (who enters) lae (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (of my Father) ybad (the will) hnybu (does) dbed 22 (not?) al (my Lord) yrm (my Lord) yrm (day) amwy (in that) whb (to Me)yl (will say) Nwrman (many) aaygo (demons) adas (& in Your Name) Kmsbw (have we prophesied) Nybnta (in Your Name) Kmsb (we have done) Ndbe (many) aaygo (powerful works) alyx (& in your name) Kmsbw (we have cast out) Nqpa 23 (to them) Nwhl (I will profess) adwa (& then) Nydyhw (I have known you) Nwktedy (not) al (the beginning of time) Mwtm (that from) Nmd (of evil *) alwe (workers) yxlp (from Me) ynm (yourselves) Nwkl (remove far) wqxra Evil is lwe -Evelin Aramaic, by one method of transliteration. This looks like another Aramaic cognate for an English word with the same phonetics and the same meaning. 24 (these) Nylh (My words) ylm (who hears) emsd (therefore) lykh (everyone) lk (wise) amykx (to the man) arbgl (will be likened) amdtn (them) Nyhl (& does) dbew (solid rock) aews (on) le (his house) htyb (who built) anbd (he) wh 25 (the wind) axwr (& blew) bsnw (the floods) atwrhn (& they came) wtaw (the rain) arjm (& descended) txnw (it fell) lpn (& not) alw (that) wh (against house) atybb (against it) hb (& they rushed) wyrjtaw (was) ywh (laid) Nmyo (solid rock) aews (on) le (for) ryg (its foundation) yhwoats 26 (them) Nyhl (does) dbe (& not) alw (these) Nylh (My words) ylm (hears) emsd (who) Nm (& everyone) lkw (sand) alx (on) le (his house) htyb (who built) anbd (foolish) alko (to the man) arbgl (will be likened) amdtn 27 (the floods) atwrhn (& came) wtaw (the rain) arjm (& descended) txnw (& they rushed) wyrjtaw (the wind) axwr (& blew) bsnw (great) abr (its fall) htlwpm (& was) twhw (& it fell) lpnw (that) wh (against house) atybb 28 (these) Nylh (words) alm (Yeshua) ewsy (finished) Mls (when) dkd (& had) awhw (His teaching) hnplwy (at) le (the crowds) asnk (were) wwh (marveling) Nyryht 29 (one having authority) ajlsm (as) Kya (for) ryg (them) Nwhl (He was) awh (teaching) Plm (& The Pharisees) asyrpw (their Scribes) Nwhyrpo (as) Kya (& not) alw Chapter 8 1 (the mountain) arwj (from) Nm (but) Nyd (He came down) txn (when) dk (great) aaygo (crowds) asnk (followed Him) yhwpqn 2 (& he said) rmaw (Him) hl (worshiping) dgo (came) ata (a certain) dx (leper) abrg (& behold) ahw (to purify me) ytwykdml (are) tna (able) xksm (you are) tna (willing) abu (if) Na (my Lord) yrm 3 (Yeshua) ewsy (His hand) hdya (& stretching out) jspw (be purified) akdta (I am) ana (willing) abu (& said) rmaw (him) hl (he touched) brq (his leprosy) hbrg (was purified) ykdta (in the moment) atesb (& in it) hbw 4 (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (go) lz (but) ala (you) tna (say) rma (to a man) snal (what) aml (take heed) yzx (as) Kya (a gift) anbrwq (& bring) brqw (to the priest) anhkl (yourself) Kspn (show) awx (for their testimony) Nwhtwdhol (Moshe) aswm (commanded) dqpd 5 (approached) brq (to Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (entered) le (when) dk (to Him) hnm (he) awh (& prayed) aebw (a certain) dx (centurion) anwrjnq (Him) hl 6 (in the house) atybb (is lying) amr (my boy) yylj (my Lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (is tormented) qntsm (& badly) tyasybw (& is paralyzed) yrsmw 7
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(& I shall heal him) yhwyoaw (shall come) ata (I) ana (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma 8 (worthy) aws (not) al (my Lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (that) wh (centurion) anwrjnq (answered) ane (but) ala (my roof) ylljm (under) tyxt (that You should enter) lwetd (I am) ana (my boy) yylj (& will be healed) aoatnw (in a word) atlmb (say) rma (only) dwxlb 9 (am) ana (a man) arbg (for) ryg (I) ana (also) Pa (my hand) ydya (under) tyxt (& are) tyaw (authority) anjlws (under) tyxtd (& he goes) lzaw (go) lzd (to this one) anhl (I) ana (& say) rmaw (soldiers *) ajwyjrjoa (& he comes) ataw (come) atd (& to another) anrxalw (& he does) dbew (this) adh (that he does) dbed (& to my servant) ydbelw Soldiers ajwyjrjoa Estratiota. Strategy is a military term, probably derived ultimately from this Aramaic word. 10 (He was amazed) rmdta (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (truly) Nyma (with Him) hme (to them who had come) Nytadl (& He said) rmaw (in Israel) lyaroyab (not) al (that even) Pad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (faith) atwnmyh (this) adh (like) Kya (have I found) txksa 11 (that many) aaygod (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (the East) axndm (from) Nm (will come) Nwtan (Abraham) Mhrba (with) Me (& will recline) Nwkmtonw (the West) abrem (& from) Nmw (of Heaven) aymsd (in the Kingdom) atwklmb (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (& Isaac) qxoyaw 12 (to the darkness) akwsxl (will be cast out) Nwqpn (of the kingdom) atwklmd (but) Nyd (the children) hynb (of teeth) ans (& gnashing) qrwxw (weeping) aykb (will be) awhn (there) Nmt (outside) ayrb 13 (that) wh (to centurion) anwrjnql (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (it will be done) awhn (you have believed) tnmyhd (Just as) ankya (go) lz (in the hour) atesb (in it) hb (his boy) hylj (& was healed) yoataw (for you) Kl 14 (& saw) azxw (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (to the house) htybl (Yeshua) ewsy (& came) ataw (a fever) atsa (her) hl (& had seized) adyxaw (who lay) aymrd (his mother in law) htmxl 15 (the fever) atsa (& left her) htqbsw (her hand) hdyal (& He touched) brqw (Him) hl (she was) twh (& waiting on) asmsmw (& she arose) tmqw 16 (evening) asmr (but) Nyd (it was) awh (when) dk (many) aaygo (demon possessed) anwyd (before Him) yhwmdq (they brought) wbrq (& all of them) Nwhlklw (with a word) atlmb (their demons) Nwhywyd (& He cast out) qpaw (them) Nwna (He healed) yoa (had) wwh (become) Nydybe (ill) tyasybd (who) Nylya 17 (by) dyb (that was said) rmatad (the thing) Mdm (that should be fulfilled) almtnd (so) Kya (who said) rmad (the prophet) aybn (Isaiah) ayesa (He will bear) Nejn (& our sicknesses) Nynhrwkw (our pains) Nybak (will take) bon (He) whd 18 (surrounding) Nyrydxd (great) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (to the shore) arbel (that they go) Nwlzand (He ordered) dqp (Him) hl 19 (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (one) dx (scribe) arpo (came near) brqw (you) tna (go) lzad (wherever) rtal (after You) Krtb (I shall come) ata (Rabbi) ybr 20 (to them) Nwhl (are) tya (lairs) aeqn (for foxes) aletl (Yeshua) ewsy (to Him) hl (said) rma (shelters) alljm (of the heavens) aymsd (& for the birds) atxrplw (where) akya (for Him) hl (there is not) tyl (of Man) asnad (but) Nyd (The Son) hrb (His head) hsr (to lay) Kwmond 21 (to Him) hl (said) rma (His disciples) yhwdymlt (from) Nm (but) Nyd (another) anrxa (my father) yba (I shall bury) rwbqa (go) lza (first) Mdqwl (me)yl (allow) opa (my Lord) yrm 22 (after Me) yrtb (come) at (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (their dead) Nwhytym (bury) Nyrbq (the dead) atyml (& let) qwbsw
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23 (into the ship) atnypol (Yeshua) ewsy (came up) qlo (& when) dkw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (with Him) hme (they came up) wqlo 24 (in the sea) amyb (was) awh (great) abr (earthquake) aewz (& behold) ahw (would be covered) aoktt (that the galley) aplad (so) ankya (was) awh (asleep) Kymd (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (the waves) allg (from) Nm 25 (to waken Him) yhwryea (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& approached) wbrqw (deliver us) Nup (our Lord) Nrm (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (we) Nnx (are being destroyed) Nydba 26 (are you afraid) Nyntlwxd (why?) anml (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (the wind) axwrb (& rebuked) aakw (He arose) Mq (then) Nydyh (faith) atwnmyh (of little) yrwez (you) Nwtna (great) abr (a calm) ayls (& there was) awhw (& the sea) amybw 27 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (were shocked) wrmdta (but) Nyd (the men) asna (Him) hl (obey) Nyemtsm (& the sea) amyw (that the wind) axwrd (This) anh (Who is?) wnm 28 (to the region) artal (to the other side) arbel (Yeshua) ewsy (came) ata (& when)dkw (demoniacs) anwyd (two) Nyrt (met Him) yhwera (of the Gadarenes) ayrdgd (evil) asyb (of burials) arwbq (house) tyb (from) Nm (who came out) Nyqpnd (road) axrwa (on that) yhb (pass) rben (could) xksn (man) sna (that no) ald (so as) Kya (very) bjd 29 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& they cried out) weqw (of God) ahlad (Son) hrb (Yeshua) ewsy (& to You) Klw (to us) Nl (what?) am (to punish us) Nqnstd (the time) anbz (before) Mdq (here) akl (have You come?) tyta 30 (from them) Nwhnm (far) lhl (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya (grazing) ayerd (many) aaygo (of pigs) aryzxd (a herd) arqb 31 (from Him) hnm (they were) wwh (begging) Nyeb (demons) adas (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (us) Nl (allow) opa (us) Nl (you) tna (cast out) qpm (if) Na (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (of pigs) aryzxd (to the herd) arqbl (that we go) lzand 32 (& at once) adxmw (go) wlz (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (& whole) hlkw (into the pigs) aryzxb (& they entered) wlew (they came out) wqpn (the cliff) apyqsl (over) lel (went straight) turt (that) yh (herd) arqb (in the water) aymb (& they died) wtymw (into the sea) amyb (& they fell) wlpnw 33 (& they went) wlzaw (fled) wqre (had been) wwh (who herding them) Nyerd (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (that had happened) awhd (everything) Mdmlk (& revealed) wywxw (to the city) atnydml (demoniacs) anwyd (& of those) Nwnhdw 34 (city) atnydm (the whole) hlk (& came out) tqpnw (they saw Him) yhwazx (& when) dkw (with Yeshua) ewsyd (to meet) herwal (their borders) Nwhymwxt (from) Nm (that He would depart) ansnd (from Him) hnm (they besought) web Chapter 9 1 (to His city) htnydml (He came) ata (& crossing over) rbew (into the ship) aplal (& going up) qlow 2 (a paralytic) ayrsm (Him) hl (& they brought) wbrqw (their faith) Nwhtwnmyh (Yeshua) ewsy (& saw) azxw (in a pallet) aoreb (he lay) amr (as) dk (My son) yrb (take heart) bblta (paralytic) ayrsm (to that) whl (& He said) rmaw (your sins) Kyhjx (to you) Kl (are forgiven) Nyqybs 3 (the Scribes) arpo (from) Nm (but) Nyd (men) asna (blasphemes) pdgm (This One) anh (in themselves) Nwhspnb (said) wrma 4 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (their thinking) Nwhtbsxm (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy
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(in your heart) Nwkblb (evil things) atsyb (you) Nwtna (plot) Nybsxtm (why?) anm 5 (are forgiven) Nyqybsd (to say) rmaml (is easier) qysp (for) ryg (which?) anm (walk) Klh (arise) Mwq (to say) rmaml (or) wa (your sins) Kyhjx (to you) Kl 6 (that authority) anjlwsd (but) Nyd (that you may know) Nwedtd (in the earth) aerab (of Man) asnad (to The Son) hrbl (is) tya (paralytic) ayrsm (to this) whl (I say) rma (sins) ahjx (to forgive) qbsml (to your house) Ktybl (& go) lzw (your pallet) Kore (take) lwqs (stand up) Mwq 7 (to his house) htybl (& he went) lza (& he stood up) Mqw 8 (those) Nwnh (crowds) asnk (but) Nyd (saw) wzx (when) dk (Who gave) bhyd (God) ahlal (& they glorified) wxbsw (they feared) wlxd (to the children of men) asnynbl (this) anh (like) Kyad (authority) anjlws 9 (there) Nmt (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (passed by) rbe (& when) dkw (tax collection) aokm (at a booth) tyb (who was sitting) btyd (a man) arbg (He saw) azx (after Me) yrtb (come) at (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (Matti) ytm (whose name was) hmsd (after Him) hrtb (he went) lza (& rising) Mqw 10 (in the house) atybb (they reclined to eat) Nykymo (& when) dkw (many) aaygo (& sinners) ayjxw (tax gatherers) aokm (came) wta (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& with) Mew (Yeshua) ewsy (with) Me (they reclined to eat) wkmtoa 11 (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (they were saying) Nyrma (The Pharisees) asyrp (saw) wzx (& when) dkw (your Master) Nwkbr (eats) oel (& sinners) ayjxw (tax gatherers) aokm (with) Me (why?) anml 12 (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (heard) ems (when) dk (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (a doctor) ayoa (for) le (the healthy) amylx (have need) Nyqyno (do not) al (have become) Nydybe (who ill) tyasybd (those) Nylya (but) ala 13 (& not) alw (I) ana (require) aeb (mercy) annx (what this is) wnm (learn) wply (go) wlz (I have come) tyta (for) ryg (not) al (a sacrifice) atxbd (sinners) ayjxl (but) ala (the righteous) aqydzl (to call) arqad 14 (of Yohanan) Nnxwyd (the disciples) yhwdymlt (Him) hl (approached) wbrq (then) Nydyh (are we) Nnx (why?) anml (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (much) ygo (are) Nnx (fasting) Nymyu (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (fast) Nymyu (not) al (& Your disciples) Kydymltw 15 (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (of the bridal chamber) anwngd (the children) yhwnb (can) Nyxksm (How?) amld (but) Nyd (are coming) Nyta (is with them) Nwhme (the groom) antxd (as long as) amk (fast) Muml (the groom) antx (from them) Nwhnm (will be taken) lqtsn (when) dk (the days) atmwy (they will fast) Nwmwun (& then) Nydyhw 16 (a patch of cloth) ateqrwa (places) amr (man) sna (no) al (tears) Pwtt (lest) ald (old) aylb (a coat) atxn (on) le (new) atdx (coat) atxn (that) wh (from) Nm (its fullness) htwylm (greater) aryty (the rip) aezb (& would be) awhnw 17 (old) atylb (in wineskins) aqzb (new) atdx (wine) armx (they put) Nymr (neither) alw (is spilled) dsatm (& the wine) armxw (the wineskins) aqz (burst) Nyrjum (lest) ald (they put) Nymr (but) ala (are destroyed) Ndba (& the wineskins) aqzw (new) attdx (in wineskins) aqzb (new) atdx (wine) armx (are preserved) Nyrjntm (& both) Nwhyrtw 18 (speaking) llmm (these things) Nylh (but) Nyd (when) dk (a certain) dx (ruler) anwkra (came) ata (with them) Nwhme (He was) awh (& he said) rmaw (to Him) hl (bowing) dgo (approached) brq (but) ala (has died) ttym (this hour) ash (my daughter) ytrb (& she will live) axtw (on her) hyle (Your hand) Kdya (lay) Myo (come) at 19
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(after Him) hrtb (& they went) wlzaw (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (Yeshua) ewsy (& arose) Mqw 20 (her blood) hmd (had) awh (of whom flowed) adrd (a woman) attna (& behold) ahw (behind Him) hrtob (from) Nm (she came) tta (twelve) aroetrt (years) Nyns (of His garment) hswbld (the hem) anrql (& she touched) tbrqw 21 (only) dwxlb (even if) Npa (in herself) hspnb (for) ryg (she was) twh (saying) arma (I ) ana (shall be healed) ayoatm (I) ana (may touch) abrq (His clothes) hnaml 22 (& He said) rmaw (seeing her) hzx (turned) ynpta (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (your faith) yktwnmyh (My daughter) ytrb (take heart) ybblta (to her) hl (that) yh (woman) attna (& was healed) tyoataw (has saved you) yktyxa (moment) ates (that) yh (from) Nm 23 (of the ruler) anwkrad (to the house) htybl (Yeshua) ewsy (& came) ataw (that was upset) Nysgtsmd (& a crowd) asnkw (chanters) armz (& He saw) azxw 24 (not) al (for) ryg (the girl) atylj (you) Nwkl (leave) wqwrp (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (at Him) yhwle (they were) wwh (laughing) Nykxgw (she) yh (is asleep) akmd (but) ala (has died) ttym 25 (the crowd) asnkl (He had sent out) qpa (& when) dkw (the girl) atylj (& arose) tmqw (by her hand) hdyab (He took her) hdxa (He entered) le 26 (that) yh (land) aera (in all) hlkb (this) anh (report) abj (& went out) qpnw 27 (there) Nmt (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (passed through) rbe (& when) dkw (who cried out) Nyeqd (two) Nyrt (blind men) aymo (followed Him) yhwqbd (of David) dywdd (Son) hrb (on us) Nyle (have pity) Mxrta (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 28 (those) Nwnh (to Him) hl (came near) wbrq (to the house) atybl (He had come) ata (& when) dkw (you) Nwtna (are believing?) Nynmyhm (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (blind men) aymo (they were saying) Nyrma (to do) dbeml (this) adh (I am) ana (that able) xksmd (our Lord) Nrm (Yes) Nya (to Him) hl 29 (& He said) rmaw (their eyes) Nwhynyel (He touched) brq (then) Nydyh (to you) Nwkl (let it be done) awhn (you have believed) Nwtnmyhd (Just as) ankya 30 (& admonished) aakw (their eyes) Nwhynye (were opened) xtpta (& at once) adxmw (will know it) edn (man) sna (no) al (see that) wzx (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwhb 31 (went forth) wqpn (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (that) yh (area) aera (in all) hlkb (they announced it) yhwbja 32 (to Him) hl (they brought) wbrq (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (& when) dkw (a demon) awyd (upon him) yhwle (who is) tyad (a deaf mute) asrx 33 (spoke) llm (the demon) awyd (went out) qpnd (& when) Nmw (the crowds) asnk (& were astonished) wrmdtaw (deaf mute) asrx (that) wh (ever) Mwtm (not) al (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (in Israel) lyaroyab (thus) ankh (has it been seen) yzxta 34 (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (the Pharisees) asyrp (demons) awyd (He casts out) qpm (of demons) awydd (by the prince) asrb 35 (all) Nyhlk (in the cities) atnydmb (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (& traveling about) Krktmw (in their assemblies) Nwhtswnkb (He was) awh (& teaching) Plmw (& in the villages) ayrwqbw (of the kingdom) atwklmd (the gospel) atrbo (& preaching) zrkmw (ailments) Nybak (& all) lkw (diseases) Nynhrwk (all) lk (& healing) aoamw 36 (He felt pity) Mxrta (the crowds) asnkl (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (& wandering nomads) Nyrsw (they were) wwh (for weary) Nyald (for them) Nwhyle (a shepherd) ayer (for them) Nwhl (without) tyld (sheep) abre (like) Kya
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37 (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He said) rmaw (are few) Nyrwez (& the laborers) alepw (is great) ygo (the harvest) adux 38 (of the harvest) adux (The Lord) arm (of) Nm (therefore) lykh (beseech) web (to His harvest) hduxl (laborers) alep (to send out) qpnd Chapter 10 1 (& He gave) bhyw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (twelve) roertl (& He called) arqw (filthy) atpnj (spirits) axwr (over) le (authority) anjlws (to them) Nwhl (& disease) Nhrwkw (ailment) bak (every) lk (& to heal) wyoamlw (to cast them out) Nwqpnd 2 (apostles) axyls (of the twelve) roertd (but) Nyd (their) Nwhlyd (the first of them) Nwhymdq (these) Nylh (were) Nwhytya (names) ahms (The Stone) apak (which is called) arqtmd (Shimeon) Nwems (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (his brother) yhwxa (& Andraus) owardnaw (his brother) yhwxa (& Yohanan) Nnxwyw (Zebedee) ydbz (son of) rb 3 (& Thoma) amwatw (& Bar-Tolmay) ymlwtrbw (& Phillipus) owpylypw (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (the tax collector) aokm (& Mattai) ytmw (Thadi) ydt (who was called) ynktad (& Lebai) yblw (Halphi) yplx (son of) rb 4 (Skariota) ajwyrko (& Yehuda) adwhyw (the Zealot) aynnq (& Shimeon) Nwemsw (who betrayed Him) hmlsad (he) wh 5 (them) Nwna (& He commanded) dqpw (Yeshua) ewsy (sent) rds (twelve) roert (these) Nylhl (you shall go) Nwlzat (not) al (of the heathen) apnxd (by a road) axrwab (& He said) rmaw (you shall enter) Nwlet (not) al (of the Samaritans) ayrmsd (& to a city) atnydmlw 6 (the sheep) abre (to) twl (especially) tyaryty (but) Nyd (you) Nwkl (go) wlz (of Israel) lyroy (the house) tyb (from) Nm (that have been lost) wdbad 7 (preach) wzrka (you) Nwtna (are going) Nylza (& when) dkw (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (that has come near) tbrqd (& say) wrmaw 8 (purify) wkd (& the lepers) abrgw (heal) woa (the sick) ahyrk (cast out) wqpa (& demons) awydw (give) wbh (freely) Ngm (you have received) Nwtbon (freely) Ngm 9 (silver) amao (neither) alw (gold) abhd (you shall retain) Nwnqt (not) al (in your money bags) Nwkyoykb (copper) asxn (nor) alw 10 (for the way) axrwal (scrip) almrt (neither) alw (a staff) ajbs (nor) alw (shoes) anom (neither) alw (coats) Nynytwk (two) Nytrt (nor) alw (of his provisions) htrbyo (a laborer) alep (for) ryg (is) wh (worthy) aws 11 (village) atyrq (or) wa (city) atnydm (but) Nyd (to whichever) adyal (worthy) aws (who is?) wnm (ask) wlas (it) hl (you) Nwtna (enter) Nylaed (you) Nwtna (leave) Nyqpnd (until) amde (stay) wwh (& there) Nmtw (in it) hb 12 (a household) atybl (you) Nwtna (enter) Nylaed (& when) amw (of the househould) atybd (the peace) hmls (invoke) wlas 13 (household) atyb (is worthy) awsd (that) wh (& if) Naw (upon it) yhwle (will come) atan (your blessing of peace) Nwkmls (it is worthy) aws (not) al (but) Nyd (if) Na (will return) anpn (unto you) Nwkyle (your blessing of peace) Nwkmls 14 (you) Nwkl (does receive) lbqm (but) Nyd (not) ald (whoever) Nm (you) Nwtna (depart) Nyqpn (when) dk (your words) Nwkylm (listens to) ems (neither) alw (village) atyrq (from) Nm (or) wa (the house) atyb (from) Nm (your feet) Nwkylgr (from) Nm (the sand) alx (shake) wup (that) yh 15
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(for land) aerald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (and truly) Nymaw (tranquil) xyn (it will be) awhn (& of Ammora) arwmedw (of Sadom) Mwdod (that) yh (that) yh (for city) atnydml (rather than) wa (of judgment) anydd (in the day) amwyb 16 (you) Nwkl (am) ana (sending) rdsm (I) ana (behold) ah (wolves) abad (among) ynyb (lambs) arma (as) Kya (snakes) atwwx (as) Kya (crafty) amykx (therefore) lykh (be) wwh (doves) anwy (as) Kya (& innocent) amymtw 17 (the children of men) asnynb (from) Nm (but) Nyd (be on guard) wrhdza (of judgment) anyd (to the house) tybl (for) ryg (you) Nwkl (they will deliver) Nymlsm (they will scourge you) Nwknwdgnn (& in their assemblies) Nwhtswnkbw 18 (you) Nwkl (they will bring) Nybrqm (& kings) aklmw (governors) anwmgh (& before) Mdqw (& that of the Gentiles) ammedw (their) Nwhlyd (for testimony) atwdhol (for My sake) ytljm 19 (you shall be anxious) Nwpuat (not) al (they arrest you) Nwknwmlsnd (but) Nyd (when) ytma (you will speak) Nwllmt (what?) anm (or) wa (how?) ankya (in that) yhb (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (it will be given) bhytm (you should speak) Nwllmtd (whatever) am (hour) ates 20 (speaking) Nyllmm (you) Nwtna (for) ryg (it will be) awh (not) al (in you) Nwkb (speaking) allmm (of your Father) Nwkwbad (The Spirit) axwr (but) ala 21 (to death) atwml (his brother) yhwxal (brother) axa (but) Nyd (will deliver) Mlsn (against) le (children) aynb (& will rise) Nwmwqnw (his son) hrbl (& father) abaw (them) Nwna (& they will put to death) Nwtymnw (their parents) Nwhyhba 22 (because of) ljm (everyman) snlk (of) Nm (hated) Nyayno (& you will be) Nwwhtw (the end) atrxl (until) amde (will endure) rbyond (but) Nyd (whoever) anya (My Name) yms (will be saved) axn (he) wh 23 (this) adh (in city) atnydmb (but) Nyd (you) Nwkl (they persecute) Nypdrd (when) am (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (for) ryg (truly) Nyma (to another) atrxal (you) Nwkl (flee) wqwre (cities) atnydm (all) Nyhlk (these) Nyna (you will have finished) Nwmlst (that not) ald (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (will come) atand (until) amde (of Israel) lyroya (of the house) tybd 24 (greater) rytyd (a disciple) adymlt (there is not) tyl (his lord) hrm (than) Nm (a servant) adbe (neither) alw (his master) hbr (than) Nm 25 (like) Kya (that he would be) awhnd (for a disciple) adymltl (for him) hl (it is enough) qpo (his lord) hrm (like) Kya (& for a servant) adbelw (his master) hbr (they have called) wrq (of the house) atybd (the lord) hrml (if) Na (of his household) htyb (the children) ynbl (how much?) amk (more) dx (Beelzebub) bwbzleb 26 (of them) Nwhnm (you shall be afraid) Nwlxdt (therefore) lykh (not) al (that not) ald (covered) aokd (anything) Mdm (for) ryg (there is not) tyl (will be known) edytn (that not) ald (& hidden) ysjmdw (will be revealed) algtn 27 (in the darkness) akwsxb (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (tell) rmad (whatever) Mdm (in the light) aryhnb (you) Nwtna (say it) yhwrmwa (hear) Nyems (that with your ears) Nwkyndabd (& anything) Mdmw (the rooftops) arga (on) le (preach) wzrka (you) Nwtna 28 (the body) argp (who kill) Nyljqd (those) Nylya (of) Nm (you shall be afraid) Nwlxdt (& not) alw (but) Nyd (be afraid) wlxd (to kill) ljqml (are able) Nyxksm (not) al (but) Nyd (the soul) aspn (which can) xksmd (Him) Nm (of) Nm (rather) tyaryty (in Gehenna) anhgb (destroy) dbwn (& the body) argplw (what is soulish) aspnld 29 (for a penny) roab (are sold) Nnbdzm (sparrows) Nyrpu (two) Nytrt (not) al (your Father) Nwkwba (from) Nm (apart) delb (of them) Nyhnm (& one) adxw (the ground) aera (on) le (falls) alpn (not) al 30
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(of your head) Nwksrd (hairs) anm (also) Pa (but) Nyd (your) Nwklyd (are) Nyna (numbered) Nynm (all) Nyhlk 31 (than) Nm (you shall be afraid) Nwlxdt (therefore) lykh (not) al (you) Nwtna (are greater) Nyrtym (many) ataygo (sparrows) arpu 32 (Me) yb (who will confess) adwnd (therefore) lykh (everyone) snlk (I shall confess) adwa (children of men) asnynb (before) Mdq (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (My Father) yba (before) Mdq (I) ana (also) Pa (him/her) hb 33 (children of men) asnynb (before) Mdq (Me) yb (will deny) rwpknd (but) Nyd (whoever) Nm (I) ana (also) Pa (him/her) hb (I shall deny) rwpka (in Heaven) aymsbd (My Father) yba (before) Mdq 34 (in the earth) aerab (peace) anys (to bring) amrad (that I have come) tytad (think) Nwrbot (not) al (a sword) abrx (but) ala (peace) anys (to bring) amrad (I have come) tyta (not) al 35 (against) le (a man) arbg (to divide) gwlpad (for) ryg (I have come) tyta (her mother) hma (against) le (& a daughter) atrbw (his father) yhwba (her mother-in-law) htmx (against) le (& a daughter-in-law) atlkw 36 (of his household) htyb (will be the children) ynb (of a man) arbgd (& the enemies) yhwbbdlebw 37 (mother) ama (or) wa (father) aba (loves) Mxrd (whoever) Nm (& whoever) Nmw (to Me) yl (is worthy) aws (not) al (Me) yld (than) Nm (more) ryty (Me) yld (than) Nm (more) ryty (daughter) atrb (or) wa (son) arb (loves) Mxrd (to Me) yl (is worthy) aws (not) al 38 (& come) ataw (his cross) hpyqz (take) lqs (who does not) ald (& everyone) lkw (to Me) yl (is worthy) aws (not) al (after Me) yrtb 39 (will find it) hyxksn (for My sake) ytljm (his life-himself) hspn (will lose) dbwnd (& whoever) Nmw (will lose it) hydbwn (his life-himself) hspn (will find) xksad (whoever) Nm 40 (receives) lbqm (Me) yl (you) Nwkl (receives) lbqmd (whoever) Nm (receives) lbqm (Who sent Me) ynxlsd (Him) Nml (receives) lbqm (Me) yld (& whoever) Nmw 41 (of The Prophet) aybn (in the name) Msb (a prophet) aybn (receives) lbqmd (whoever) Nm (& whoever) Nmw (receives) bon (of The Prophet) aybnd (a reward) arga (of The Righteous One) aqydz (in the Name) Msb (a righteous one) aqydz (receives) lbqmd (receives) bon (of The Righteous One) aqydzd (a reward) arga 42 (who gives a drink) aqsmd (& everyone) lkw (of cold water) aryrqd (a cup) aok (little ones) arwez (these) Nylh (of) Nm (to one) dxl (amen) Nyma (of a disciple) adymltd (in the name) amsb (alone) dwxlb (his reward) hrga (he will lose) dbwn (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma Chapter 11 1 (charging)wdqpml (Yeshua) ewsy (had finished) Mls (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (there) Nmt (from) Nm (He moved) yns (His disciples) yhwdymlt (the twelve) roertl (in their cities) Nwhtnydmb (& to preach) wzrkmlw (to teach) wplml 2 (of prisoners) aryoa (in the house) tyb (He had heard) ems (when) dk (but) Nyd (* Yohanan) Nnxwy (of his disciples) yhwdymlt (by the hand) dyb (he sent) rds (of the Messiah) axysmd (His works) yhwdbe * Yohanan is John in Aramaic; usually I transliterate this in the Eastern pronunciation Yokhanan, though even the Eastern pronunciation has both the hard & soft sounds for its third letter Khet & Het.. 3 (Who comes) atad (He) wh (are?) wh (you) tna (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (we) Nnxna (expect) Nykom (is He?) wh (another) Nyrxal (or) wa
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Nnxna is a form for We found only in Ancient mss., according to Smiths Compendious Syriac Dictionary. It is found in Matthew,Luke and John. 4 (relate) wetsa (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (& see) Nyzxw (you) Nwtna (that hear) Nyemsd (those things) Nylya (to Yokhanan) Nnxwyl 5 (& lepers) abrgw (walk) Nyklhm (& the lame) arygxw (see) Nyzx (the blind) aymo (& the dead) atymw (are hearing) Nyems (& the deaf) asrxw (are purified) Nykdtm (are given good news) Nyrbtom (& the poor) ankomw (are rising) Nymyq 6 (by Me) yb (will be stumbled) lsktn (not) ald (who) anyal (& blessed is he) yhwbwjw 7 (Yeshua) ewsy (began) yrs (they departed) wlza (but) Nyd (when) dk (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (about) le (to the crowds) asnkl (to say) rmaml (to see) azxml (to the wilderness) abrwxl (did you go out) Nwtqpn (what?) anm (is being shaken) eyzttm (the wind) axwr (that by) Nmd (a reed) aynq 8 (did you go out) Nwtqpn (what?) anm (& if not) alaw (wears?) sybl (soft) akykr (who a long robe) atxnd (a man) arbg (to see) azxml (in the house) tyb (wear) Nysybl (who soft things) akykrd (those) Nylya (behold) ah (are) Nwna (of a king) aklm 9 (a prophet?) aybn (to see) azxml (did you go out) Nwtqpn (what?) anm (otherwise) alaw (a prophet) aybn (than) Nm (& more) rytyw (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (yes) Nya 10 (behold) ahd (it is written) bytk (he about whom) yhwled (for) ryg (this is) wnh (before) Mdq (My messenger) ykalm (am) ana (sending) rdsm (I) ana (before You) Kymdq (the road) axrwa (that he may prepare) Nqtnd (your presence) Kpwurp 11 (has arisen) Mq (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I say) anrma (amen) Nyma (than) Nm (one greater) brd (of a woman) asn (among them born) ydylyb (but) Nyd (the little one) arwez (The Baptizer) andmem (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (than he) hnm (is) wh (greater) br (of Heaven) ayms (in the kingdom) twklmb 12 (The Baptizer) andmem (but) Nyd (of Yokhanan) Nnxwy (the days) ymwy (from) Nm (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (this hour) ashl (& until) amdew (it) hl (are seizing) Nypjxm (& the violent) anryjqw (is led) arbdtm (by force) aryjqb 13 (The Prophets) aybn (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk (they prophesied) wybnta (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (until) amde (& The Torah) atyrwaw 14 (you are) Nwtna (willing) Nybu (& if) Naw (to come) ataml (who was going) dyted (Elijah) ayla (that he is) wywhd (accept) wlbq 15 (let him hear) emsn (that will hear) emsnd (an ear) anda (to him) hl (that is) tyad (whoever) Nm 16 (this) adh (generation) atbrsl (shall I compare) hymda (but) Nyd (to what?) Nml (sitting) Nybtyd (children) ayljl (it is like) aymd (their playmates) Nwhyrbxl (& calling) Nyeqw (in the street) aqwsb 17 (& not) alw (to you) Nwkl (we sang) Nrmz (& saying) Nyrmaw (you were sad) Nwtdqra (& not) alw (to you) Nwkl (& we cried) Nylaw (you danced) Nwtdqr 18 (& nothing) alw (ate) lka (who nothing) ald (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (for) ryg (came) ata (in him) hb (is) tya (a demon) awyd (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (drank) ats 19 (& drinking) atsw (eating) lka (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (came) ata (a glutton) alwka (a man) arbg (behold) ah (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& of sinners) ayjxdw (of tax collectors) aokmd (& friend) amxrw (of wine) armx (& drinker) atsw
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(its works *) hydbe (by) Nm (wisdom) atmkx (& is justified) tqddzaw * The Greek has two readings: The Majority of mss. have, Works and the Critical Text (2 mss.) has Children. hydbe can mean either Worksor Servant. The Greek word Teknon(Child) can refer to a disciple or pupil as well: 5043 teknon teknon tek-non from the base of 5098; TDNT-5:636,759; n n AV-child 77, son 21, daughter 1; 99 1) offspring, children 1a) child 1a) a male child, a son 1b) metaph. 1b1) the name transferred to that intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between men by the bonds of love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and children 1b2) in affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers, teachers and the like employ: my child 1b3) in the NT, pupils or disciples are called children of their teachers, because the latter by their instruction nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their characters 1b4) children of God: in the OT of the people of Israel as especially dear to God, in the NT, in Pauls writings, all who are led by the Spirit of God and thus closely related to God 1b5) children of the devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil, and so reflect his character 1c) metaph. 1c1) of anything who depends upon it, is possessed by a desire or affection for it, is addicted to it 1c2) one who is liable to any fate 1c2a) thus children of a city: it citizens and inhabitants 1c3) the votaries (adherents) of wisdom, those souls who have, as it were, been nurtured and moulded by wisdom 1c4) cursed children, exposed to a curse and doomed to Gods wrath or penalty For Synonyms see entry 5868 & 5943. One Greek synonym is Paiv-Pais: 3816 paiv pais paheece perhaps from 3817; TDNT-5:636,759; n m/f AV-servant 10, child 7, son (Christ) 2, son 1, manservant 1, maid 1, maiden 1, young man 1; 24 1) a child, boy or girl 1a) infants, children 2) servant, slave 2a) an attendant, servant, spec. a kings attendant, minister Since the Aramaic hydbe can mean servant, a Greek translator may easily use a Greek synonym such as teknon to translate it. Codices Alep and B have ergown-Works, which also can be the meaning of hydbe. The Peshitta can explain the origin of both Greek readings and why two readings exist.These kinds of split spin-off readings in Greek that match dual or multiple Aramaic word meanings in The Peshitta are fairly common. We do not find the opposite phenomenon, however. The Peshitta mss. do not have such variant readings. Indeed, The Peshitta mss. have practically no variant readings of significance to mention, except in approximately ten places in the entire NT! There is also no Greek type that regularly agrees with The Peshitta. In one place the Critical Text of Vaticanus and Sinaiticus may favor it and in the next verse, The Majority text. And the results will alternate. Often The Peshitta will disagree with all Greek readings. This is a highly unlikely scenario if The Peshitta is a translation of the Greek NT.It is a natural result of and easily explained by an original Peshitta NT and Greek translation of that original. 20 (those) Nylya (cities) atnydm (to reproach) wdoxml (Yeshua) ewsy (began) yrs (then) Nydyh (they repented) wbt (& not) alw (many) aaygo (His mighty works) yhwlyx (in them) Nyhb (where had happened) wwhd 21 (woe) yw (Korazin) Nyzrwk (to you) ykl (woe) yw (He) awh (& said) rmaw (& in Tsidon) Ndyubw (in Tsur) rwub (for if) wlad (Bethsaida) adyutyb (to you) ykl (in you) Nykb (that have happened) wwhd (those) Nylya (powerful works) alyx (had happened) wwh (they would have repented) wbt (& in ashes) amjqbw (in sackcloth) aqob (but) Nyd (doubtless) rbk 22 (& for Tsidon) Ndyulw (that for Tsur) rwuld (to you) Nykl (I) ana (say) rma (yet) Mrb (for you) Nykl (rather than) wa (of judgment) anydd (in the day) amwyb (tranquil) xyn (it will be) awhn 23 (you were exalted) ytmyrtta (Heaven) aymsl (unto) amded (which) yh (Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpk (& you) ytnaw
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(had been done) wwh (in Sadom) Mwdob (for if) wlad (you will descend) Nytxtt (Sheol) lwysl (unto) amde (it would have) twh (remained) amyq (in you) ykb (that were done) wwhd (those) Nylya (powerful works) alyx (today) anmwyl (until) amde 24 (of Sadom) Mwdod (that for the land) aerald (to you) ykl (I say) anrma (but) Mrb (for you) ykl (rather than) wa (of judgment) anydd (in the day) amwyb (tranquil) xyn (it will be) awhn 25 (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (time) anbz (at that) whb (& of the earth) aeradw (of Heaven) aymsd (Lord) arm (My Father) yba (you) Kl (I) ana (thank) adwm (& the intelligent) antlwkow (the wise) amykx (from) Nm (these things) Nylh (that You have hidden) tyokd (to infants) adwlyl (them) Nyna (& You have revealed) tylgw 26 (before You) Kymdq (desireable) anybu (it was) awh (for thus) ankhd (My Father) yba (Yes) Nya 27 (My Father) yba (by) Nm (to Me) yl (has been given up) Mltsa (thing) Mdm (every) lk (The Father) aba (only) Na (except) ala (The Son) arbl (knows) edy (man) sna (& no) alw (The Son) arb (only) Na (except) ala (knows) edy (a man) sna (The Father) abal (not) al (also) Pa (to reveal Him) algnd (The Son) arb (wants) abud (& he to whom) Nmlw 28 (who labor) ayal (all of you) Nwklk (unto Me) ytwl (Come) wt (shall give you rest) Nwkxyna (& I) anaw (burdens) albwm (& are forced to bear) ylyqsw 29 (from Me) ynm (& learn) wPlyw (on you) Nwkyle (My yoke) yryn (take) wlwqs (in My heart) yblb (am) ana (& meek) Kykmw (I) ana (for peaceful) xynd (for your souls) Nwktspnl (rest) axyn (you) Nwtna (& will find) Nyxksmw 30 (is) yh (light) alylq (& My burden) ylbwmw (is) wh (pleasant) Myob (for) ryg (My yoke) yryn Chapter 12 1 (on the Sabbath) atbsb (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (walking) Klhm (time) anbz (at that) whb (were hungry) wnpk (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (of grain) aerz (in the place) tyb (& they were eating) Nylkaw (the ears of grain) albs (plucking) Nyglm (& they began) wyrsw 2 (them) Nwna (they saw) wzx (when) dk (but) Nyd (The Pharisees) asyrp (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (something) Mdm (are doing) Nydbe (Your disciples) Kydymlt (behold) ah (on The Sabbath) atbsb (to do) dbeml (is legal) jyls (that not) ald 3 (what?) anm (have you read) Nwtyrq (not?) al (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (with him) hmed (& those) Nylyaw (he was hungry) Npk (when) dk (David) dywd (did) dbe 4 (the house) atybl (he entered) le (How?) ankya (of the table) hrwtpd (& the bread) amxlw (of God) ahlad (legal) jyls (which not) ald (that) wh (he ate) lka (of Jehovah) ayrmd (for those) Nylyal (neither) alw (to eat) lkaml (for him) hl (was) awh (only) dwxlb (for the priests) anhkl (rather) Na (but) ala (who were with him) hmed 5 (that the priests) anhkd (in The Torah) atyrwab (have you read?) Nwtyrq (not) al (or) wa (the Sabbath) atbsl (it) hl (profane) Nylxm (in the temple) alkyhb (are) Nwna (blame) ylde (& without) aldw 6 (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (here) akrh (is) tya (the temple) alkyh (than) Nm (One greater) brd 7 (what this is?) wnm (you had) Nwtywh (known) Nyedy (but) Nyd (if) wla (a sacrifice) atxbd (& not) alw (I) ana (want) abu (mercy) annx (those) Nylyal (you would have) Nwtywh (condemned) Nybyxm (not) al (are) Nwna (blame) ylde (who without) aldd 8 (of the Sabbath) atbsd (for) ryg (The Lord) hrm (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (is) yhwtya 9 (Yeshua) ewsy (there) Nmt (from) Nm (& departed) ynsw
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(to their synagogue) Nwhtswnkl (& He came) ataw 10 (there) Nmt (was) awh (there) tya (one) dx (man) arbgw (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& asking) Nylasmw (his hand) hdya (whose was withered) asybyd (on the Sabbath) atbsb (it legal) jyls (Is) Nad (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they might accuse Him) yhwurq Nwlkand (so that) Kya (to heal) wyoaml 11 (who is?) wnm (to them) Nwhl (said) rma Nyd (He) wh (to him) hl (who is) tyad (the man) arbg (among you) Nwknm (into a pit) arbxb (it falls) lpn (& if) Naw (one) dx (sheep) abre (of The Sabbath) atbsd (on the day) amwyb (it) hl (& lift out) Myqmw (he will take hold) dxa (not) al 12 (a sheep) abre (than) Nm (a son of man) asnrb (greater is) ryty (but) Nyd (how much?) amk (what is good) rypsd (to do) dbeml (on the Sabbath) atbsb (it is) wh (legal) jyls (therefore) Nydm 13 (man) arbg (to that) whl (He said) rma (then) Nydyh (his hand) hdya (& he stretched out) jspw (your hand) Kdya (stretch out) jwsp (his other) htrbx (like) Kya (& it was restored) tnqtw 14 (they took) wbon (& counsel) aklmw (The Pharisees) asyrp (& went out) wqpnw (that they might destroy Him) yhynwdbwnd (so) Kya (against Him) yhwle 15 (& went) wlzaw (there) Nmt (from) Nm (He) hl (& moved) ynsw (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (all of them) Nwhlkl (& He healed) yoaw (great) aaygo (crowds) asnk (after him) hrtb 16 (they should reveal Him) yhynwlgn (that not) ald (them) Nwhb (& He warned) aakw 17 (the thing) Mdm (that it should be fulfilled) almtnd (which says) rmad (the prophet) aybn (Isaiah) ayesa (by) dyb (that was spoken) rmatad 18 (in Him) hb (in Whom I delight) tybjuad (My Servant) ydbe (behold) ah (My Soul) yspn (for Him) hb (for Whom has longed) txwod (My Beloved) ybybx (upon Him) yhwle (I shall put) Myoa (My Spirit) yxwr (He will preach) zrkn (to the nations) ammel (& judgment) anydw 19 (nor) alw (will he cry out) aeqn (neither) alw (He will dispute) arxtn (not) al (in the streets) aqwsb (His voice) hlq (will hear) emsn (a man) sna 20 (He will break off) rbtn (not) al (fractured) aeyer (a reed) aynq (He will extinguish) Kedn (not) al (that flickers) Pjpjmd (& the lamp) agrsw (of innocence) atwkzl (the verdict) anyd (He will bring) qpnd (until) amde 21 (will hope) Nwrbon (the nations) amme (& in His Name) hmsbw 22 (mute) srxd (a certain) dx (demoniac) anwyd (to Him) hl (they brought) wbrq (then) Nydyh (so that) ankya (& He healed him) hyoaw (& blinded) rywew (& could see) azxnw (could speak) llmn (& blind man) aymow (the mute) asrxd 23 (the crowds) asnk (all of them) Nwhlk (they were) wwh (& astounded) Nyrmdtmw (of David) dywdd (the Son) hrb (this is) wnh (not?) amld (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 24 (they were saying) Nyrma (they heard) wems (when) dk (but) Nyd (the Pharisees) asyrp (demons) adas (casts out) qpm (not) al (This One) anh (of demons) awydd (the prince) asr (by Beelzebub) bwbzlebb (except) ala 25 (their designs) Nwhtbsxm (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (that is divided) glpttd (kingdom) wklm (every) lk (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (house) yb (& every) lkw (will be destroyed) brxt (itself) hspn (against) le (will stand) Mwqn (not) al (itself) hspn (against) le (that is divided) glptnd (& city) anydmw 26 (casts out) qpm (Satan) anjol (Satan) anjo (& if) Naw (he has been divided) glpta (himself) hspn (against) le
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(his kingdom) htwklm (will stand) amyq (therefore) lykh (how?) ankya 27 (demons) awyd (am) ana (casting out) qpm (by Beelzebub) bwbzlebb (I) ana (& if) Naw (them) Nwhl (do they cast out) Nyqpm (by whom?) anmb (your sons) Nwkynb (judges) anyd (to you) Nwkl (will be) Nwwhn (they) Nwnh (this) anh (because of) ljm 28 (of God) ahlad (by The Spirit) axwrb (& if) Naw (has come near) tbrq (demons) awyd (am) ana (casting out) qpm (I) ana (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (unto you) Nwkyle (it) hl 29 (is able) xksm (a man) sna (How?) ankya (or) wa (of a mighty man) anyox (the house) tybl (that he should enter) lwend (unless) ala (should plunder) zwbn (& his goods) yhwnamw (he would bind him) yhwyroan (first) Mdqwl (only) Na (he may plunder) zwbn (his house) htyb (& then) Nydyhw (the mighty man) anyoxl 30 (is) wh (against Me) ylbqwl (with Me) yme (is) awh (not) ald (whoever) Nm (is scattering) rdbm (to scatter) wrdbm (with Me) yme (gathers) snk (not) ald (& whoever) Nmw 31 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (this) anh (because of) ljm (they will be forgiven) Nwqbtsn (& blasphemies) Nypdwgw (sins) Nyhjx (that all) lkd (that is against) led (but) Nyd (the blasphemy) apdwg (to the children of men) asnynbl (to the children of men) asnynbl (will be forgiven) qbtsn (not) al (The Spirit) axwr 32 (will say) rmand (who) Nm (everyone) lkw (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (against) le (a word) atlm (everyone) lk (to him) hl (it will be forgiven) qbtsn (will talk) rman (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (who against) led (but) Nyd (this) anh (in world) amleb (not) al (to him) hl (it will be forgiven) qbtsn (not) al (that is being prepared) dyted (in the world) amleb (& not) alw 33 (good) aryps (& its fruit) yhwrapw (good) aryps (the tree) anlya (make)wdbe (either) wa (bad) asyb (& its fruit) yhwrapw (bad) asyb (the tree) anlya (make)wdbe (or) wa (a tree) anlya (known) edytm (for) ryg (is) wh (its fruit) yhwrap (from) Nm 34 (are able) Nyxksm (how?) ankya (of vipers) andkad (offspring) adly (are) Nwtna (who evil) asybd (to speak) wllmml (good things) atbj (you) Nwtna (the mouth) amwp (speaks) llmm (for) ryg (of the heart) abl (the fullness) yrtwt (from) Nm 35 (good) atbj (a treasure) atmyo (from) Nm (good) abj (a man) arbg (evil) asyb (& a man) arbgw (good things) atbj (brings) qpm (evil things) atsyb (brings) qpm (evil) atsyb (treasure) atmyo (from) Nm 36 (idle) aljb (word) alm (that every) lkd (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (children of men) asna ynb (that will say) Nwrmand (of judgment) anydd (in the day) amwyb (an answer for it) hmgtp (they will give) Nwltn 37 (you will be justified) qddzt (for) ryg (your words) Kylm (by) Nm (you will be condemned) byxtt (your words) Kylm (& by) Nmw 38 (the Scribes) arpo (of) Nm (some) asna (responded) wne (then) Nydyh (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the Pharisees) asyrp (& of) Nmw (a sign) ata (from you) Knm (to see) azxnd (we) Nnx (wish) Nybu (Teacher) anplm 39 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (seeks) ayeb (a sign) ata (and adulterous) atrygw (evil) atsyb (a generation) atbrs (the sign) hta (except) ala (to it) hl (will be given) bhytt (not) al (& a sign) ataw (the prophet) aybn (of Yonan) Nnwyd 40 (of the fish) anwnd (in the belly) horkb (Yonan) Nnwy (was) awhd (for) ryg (Just as) ankya (nights) Nwlyl (& three) atltw (days) Nymwy (three) atlt (The Son) hrb (will be) awhn (thus) ankh
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Glenn David Bauscher


The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(of the earth) aerad (in the heart) hblb (of Man) asnad (nights) Nwlyl (& three) atltw (days) Nymmya (three) atlt 41 (in the judgment) anydb (will arise) Nwmwqn (Ninevite) aywnyn (the men) arbg (& will condemn it) hnwbyxnw (this) adh (generation) atbrs (with) Me (of Yonan) Nnwyd (at the preaching) htwzwrkb (repented) wbt (for they) Nnwnhd (is here) Nnt (Yonan) Nnwy (than) Nm (One greater) brd (& behold) ahw 42 (in the judgment) anydb (will arise) Mwqt (of the South) anmytd (the queen) atklm (from) Nm (for she came) ttad (& will condemn it) hybyxtw (this) adh (generation) atbrs (with) Me (the wisdom) htmkx (that she might hear) emstd (of the earth) aerad (the ends) hyrbe (is here) akrh (Solomon) Nwmyls (than) Nm (One greater) rytyd (& behold) ahw (of Solomon) Nwmylsd 43 (goes out) qwpt (vile) atpnj (a spirit) axwrd (but) Nyd (whenever) ytma (in places) atwrtab (it wanders about) akrktm (a son of man) asnrb (from) Nm (& it seeks) ayebw (in them) Nwhb (there is no) tyl (where water) aymd (it does find) axksm (& not) alw (rest) axyn 44 (to my house) ytybl (I shall return) Kwpha (it says) arma (then) Nydyh (& it goes) aytaw (I came out) tqpnd (where) akya (from) Nm (& decorated) tbumw (& swept) Mymxw (that it is empty) qyrod (finding) axksm 45 (other) Nynrxa (spirits) axwr (seven) ebs (with it) hme (bringing) arbd (it goes) alza (then) Nydyh (in it) hb (& they dwell) Nrmew (& they enter) Nlaew (worse) Nsyb (than it) hnmd (his beginning) htymdq (than) Nm (worse) asyb (that) wh (of man) arbgd (the end) htrx (& becomes) aywhw (evil) atsyb (this) adh (to generation) atbrsl (to it) hl (it will be done) awhn (thus) ankh 46 (to the crowds) asnkl (was speaking) llmm (but) Nyd (He) wh (when) dk (outside) rbl (standing) Nymyq (& his brothers) yhwxaw (his mother) hma (they came) wta (with Him) hme (to speak) Nwllmnd (& seeking) Nyebw 47 (Your mother) Kma (behold) ah (a man) sna (but) Nyd (to Him) hl (said) rma (with You) Kme (to speak) Nwllmnd (& want) Nyebw (outside) rbl (are standing) Nymyq (& brothers) Kyxaw 48 (Him) hl (who told) rmad (to him) Nml (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (My brothers) yxa (are) Nwna (& who?) Nmw (My mother) yma (is) yh (who?) Nm 49 (& said) rmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to) twl (His hand) hdya (& He stretched) jspw (My brothers) yxa (& behold) ahw (My mother) yma (behold) ah 50 (of My Father) ybad (the will) hnybu (who does) dbed (for) ryg (everyone) snlk (& My mother) ymaw (& My sister) ytxw (My brother) yxa (the same is) wywh (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd Chapter 13 1 (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (day) amwy (but) Nyd (in that) whb (of the sea) amy (the side) dy (by) le (& He sat down) btyw (the house) atyb 2 (great) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (unto him) htwl (& they were assembled) wsnktaw (in a ship) aplab (Himself) hl (seating) btn (He embarked) qond (so that) Kya (were) awh (standing) Maq (the crowds) asnk (& all) hlkw (by the sea) amy (the beach) rpo (on) le 3 (in parables) atalpb (with them) Nwhme (He was) awh (speaking) llmm (& much) ygow (to sow) ewrznd (a sower) aewrz (went out) qpn (behold) ah (& He said) rmaw 4 (the road) axrwa (the side) dy (on) le (fell) lpnd (some) tya (he sowed) erz (& as) dkw (& ate it) htlkaw (a bird) atxrp (& came) ttaw 5 (the rock) aews (on) le (fell) lpn (and others) anrxaw (much) aaygo (soil) ardm (was) awh (there not) tyld (where) akya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(it sprouted) xws (an hour) htes (& son of) rbw (of soil) aerad (depth) aqmwe (was) awh (there not) tyld (because) ljm 6 (it became hot) Mx (the sun) asms (but) Nyd (arose) xnd (when) dk (it withered) sby (roots) arqe (to it) hl (was) awh (there not) tyld (& because) ljmw 7 (the thorns) abwk (among) tyb (fell) lpn (& others) anrxaw (& they choked it) yhwqnxw (the thorns) abwk (& they came up) wqlow 8 (fruit) arap (& it yielded) bhyw (good) atbj (in the ground) aerab (fell) lpn (& others) nrxaw (of thirty) Nytltd (& some) tyaw (of sixty) Nytsd (& some) tyaw (of a hundred) aamd (some) tya 9 (let him hear) emsn (that hears) emsnd (an ear) anda (to him) hl (is) tyad (whoever) Nm 10 (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& approached) wbrqw (with them) Nwhme (are you) tna (speaking) llmm (in parables) atalpb (why?) anml 11 (it) wh (to you) Nwkld (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (of the Kingdom) atwklmd (the secrets) azra (to know) edml (has been given) byhy (it has been given) byhy (not) al (but) Nyd (to them) Nwnhl (of Heaven) aymsd 12 (it) hl (that has) tyad (for) ryg (to the one) Nml (it) hl (& will increase) rtytnw (it) hl (will be given) bhytn 13 (he) hl (which has) tyad (even that) whw (it) hl (that has not) tyld (& to the one) Nmlw (this) anh (because of) ljm (from him) hnm (will be taken) lqtsn (because) ljm (with them) Nwhme (I am) ana (speaking) llmm (in parables) atalpb (& those hearing) Nyemsw (are seeing) Nyzx (also not) alw (they who see) Nyzxd (understand) Nylktom (nor) alw (hear) Nyems (neither) alw 14 (that says) rmad (of Isaiah) ayesad (the prophecy) htwybn (in them) Nwhb (& is fulfilled) amlsw (you will understand) Nwlktot (& not) alw (you will hear) Nwemst (hearing) aemsd (you will know) Nwedt (& not) alw (you will see) Nwzxt (& seeing) azxmw 15 (this) anh (of people) amed (the heart) hbl (for) ryg (it) hl (has become dense) ybeta (they have heard) wems (hardly) tyaryqy (& with their ears) Nwhyndabw (with their eyes) Nwhynyeb (they would see) Nwzxn (lest) ald (they have shut) wume (& their eyes) Nwhynyew (& they would understand) Nwlktonw (with their ears) Nwhyndab (& they would hear) Nwemsnw (them) Nwna (& I would heal) aoaw (& they would be converted) Nwnptnw (in their hearts) Nwhblb 16 (to your eyes) Nwkynyel (blessings) Nyhybwj (but) Nyd (your) Nwklyd (for they are hearing) Nemsd (& to your ears) Nwkyndalw (for they are seeing) Nyzxd 17 (& righteous ones) aqydzw (prophets) aybn (that many) aaygod (to you) Nwkl (I say) anrma (for) ryg (amen) Nyma (you are) Nwtna (that seeing) Nyzxd (the things) Mdm (to see) Nwzxnd (have yearned) wgrgrta (the things) Mdm (& to hear) emsmlw (they saw) wzx (& not) alw (they heard) wems (& not) alw (you are) Nwtna (that hearing) Nyemsd 18 (of the seed) aerzd (the parable) altm (hear) wems (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 19 (of the Kingdom) atwklmd (the word) atlm (who hears) emsd (everyone) lk (The Evil One) asyb (comes) ata (into him/her) hb (understands) lktom (& not) alw (in his/her heart) hblb (that was sown) aeyrzd (the word) atlm (& snatches) Pjxw (was sown) erdza (the road) axrwa (the side) dy (that which upon) led (is) wh (this) wnh 20 (is) wh (was sown) erdza (the rock) aews (which upon) led (but) Nyd (that) wh (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (the word) atlm (who hears) emsd (the one) wh (it) hl (he receives) lbqm (in joy) atwdxb 21 (in him) hb (roots) arqe (but) Nyd (for him) hl (there are not) tyl (there is) awhd (& when) amw (he is) wh (temporal) anbzd (but) ala (the word) atlm (because of) ljm (persecution) aypwdr (or) wa (distress) anulwa
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(he falls apart) lsktm (immediately) lge 22 (was sown) erdza (the thorns) abwk (which among) tybd Nyd (that) wh (the word) atlm (who hears) emsd (the one) wh (is) wh (of wealth) artwed (& the deception) yyewjw (this) anh (of world) amled (& the cares) aynrw (that one is) aywh (fruit) arap (& without) aldw (the word) atlml (it) hl (choke) Nyqnx 23 (the ground) aera (which upon) led (but) Nyd (that) wh (My word) ytlm (who hears) emsd (he) wh (is) wh (was sown) erdza (good) atbj (& produces) dbew (fruit) arap (& he yields) bhyw (& understands) lktomw (of sixty) Nytsd (& some) tyaw (of a hundred) aamd (some) tya (of thirty) Nytltd (& some) tyaw 24 (to them) Nwhl (He parabled) ltma (the parable) altm (another) anrxa (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (that is likened) aymd (& He said) rmaw (in his field) htyrqb (good) abj (the seed) aerz (who sowed) erzd (to the man) arbgl 25 (& sowed) erzw (his enemy) hbbdleb (came) ata (men) asna (slept) wkmd (& when) dkw (& he left) lzaw (the wheat) ajx (among) tnyb (tares) anzyz 26 (fruit) arap (it produced) dbew (the grass) aboe (sprouted) aey (but) Nyd (when) dk (the tares) anzyz (also) Pa (appeared) wyzxta (then) Nydyh 27 (of the house) atyb (of the lord) armd (his servants)yhwdbe (& approached) wbrqw (seed) aerz (behold) ah (not?) al (our lord) Nrm (to him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (where?) akmya (from) Nm (in your field) Ktyrqb (did you sow) terz (good) abj (tares) anzyz (in it) hb (are) tya 28 (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (to him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (this) adh (has done) dbe (an enemy) abbdleb (a man) arbg (them) Nwna (to select out) abgn (us to go) lzan (do you) tna (want?) abu (his servants) yhwdbe 29 (you) Nwtna (collect) Nybgm (when) dk (is it not?) amld (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (the wheat) ajx (also) Pa (with them) Nwhme (you would uproot) Nwrqet (the tares) anzyz 30 (harvest) aduxl (until) amde (as one) adxka (both) Nwhyrt (grow) Nybr (let) wqwbs (to the reapers) adwuxl (I) ana (shall say) rma (of harvest) aduxd (& in the time) anbzbw (to burn) Nwdqand (in bundles) atyroam (them) Nwna (& bind) wrwoaw (the tares) anzyz (first) Mdqwl (select out) wbg (to my granary) yruwal (them) Nyna (gather) wsnk (but) Nyd (the wheat) ajx 31 (is likened) aymd (& said) rmaw (to them) Nwhl (He parabled) ltma (parable) altm (another) anrxa (of Mustard seed) aldrxd (to a grain) atdrpl (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (in his field) htyrqb (sowing it) herz (a man) arbg (that had taken) bond 32 (but) Nyd (whenever) am (seeds) anwerz (all) Nwhlk (of) Nm (is) yh (smallest) ayrwez (& this) yhw (small herbs) anwqry (all) Nwhlk (of) Nm (it is) yh (greatest) abr (it has grown) tbrd (may come) atatd (so that) Kya (a tree) anlya (& becomes) aywhw (in its branches) hykwob (settle) Nqt (of the sky) aymsd (the birds) atxrp 33 (them) Nwhl (He told) rma (parable) altm (another) anrxa (to yeast) arymxl (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is likened) aymd (in three) tltb (& hid) trmj (a woman) attna (which took) tlqsd (that) wh (had fermented) emx (all of it) hlkd (until) amde (of meal) axmqd (measures) Nyao 34 (to the crowds) asnkl (in parables) atalpb (Yeshua) ewsy (spoke) llm (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (with them) Nwhme (he was) awh (speaking) llmm (not) al (a parable) atalp (& without) aldw 35 (the thing) Mdm (that should be fulfilled) almtnd (so) Kya (I shall open) xtpa (that says) rmad (the prophet) aybn (by) dyb (that was spoken) rmatad (things hidden) atyok (& I shall declare) ebaw (in parables) altmb (my mouth) ymwp (of the world) amled (the foundation) htymrt (before) Mdq (from) Nmd 36
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(to the house) atybl (& came) ataw (the crowds) asnkl (left) qbs (Yeshua) ewsy (then) Nydyh (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to him) htwl (& they came) wbrqw (& the field) atyrqdw (of the tares) anzyzd (that) wh (parable) altm (to us) Nl (explain) qsp 37 (he) wh (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (he) wh (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (is) yhwtya (good) abj (the seed) aerz (who sowed) erzd 38 (the children) hynb (good) abj (but) Nyd (the seed) aerz (the world) amle (is) hytya (& the field) atyrqw (are) Nwhytya (but) Nyd (the tares) anzyz (of the Kingdom) atwklmd (are) Nwna (of The Evil One) asybd (the children) yhwnb 39 (Satan) anjo (is) yhwtya (them) nwna (who sowed) erzd (moreover) Nyd (the enemy) abbdleb (of the world) amled (the end) hmlws (is) yhwtya (but) Nyd (the harvest) adux (the angels) akalm (&) Nyd (the reapers) adwux 40 (the tares) anzyz (are gathered) Nybgtmd (therefore) lykh (just as) ankya (thus) ankh (in the fire) arwnb (& burn) Nydqyw (this) anh (of world) amled (in the end) hmlwsb (it will be) awhn 41 (His angels) yhwkalm (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (will send) rdsn (all of those) Nwhlk (His Kingdom) htwklm (from) Nm (& they will select) Nwbgnw (of evil) alwe (doers) ydbe (& all those) Nwhlkw (stumbling blocks) alwskm 42 (of fire) arwnd (into the essence *) anwtab (them) Nwna (& they will cast) Nwmrnw (of teeth) ans (& gnashing) qrwxw (weeping) aykb (will be) awhn (there) Nmt * Athuna can mean, A furnace; It can also mean the essence of a thing. The latter seems more fitting, since our Lord spoke of eternal realities, not temporal. A furnace is merely an earthly type for an eternal reality, as is earthly fire.Eternal fire is more real than earthly fire, and is the reality behind it. Paul writes later, Our God is a consuming fire. Jastrows Dictionary gives the following entry for this Aramaic word, with an example from The Targum of Proverbs 20:20.

43 (the sun) asms (as) Kya (will shine) Nwrhnn (the righteous) aqydz (then) Nydyh (of their Father) Nwhwbad (in the Kingdom) htwklmb (let him hear) emsn (that will hear) emsnd (an ear) anda (to him/her) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nm 44 (to treasure) atmyol (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is likened) aymd (again) bwt (& hid) hysjw (a man) arbg (found) hxksad (which) yh (in a field) atyrqb (that was hidden) aysjmd (selling) Nbz (he went) lza (his joy) htwdx (& from) Nmw (that) yh (field) atyrql (& he bought) hnbzw (to him) hl (that is) tyad (everything) lk 45 (to the man) arbgl (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is likened) aymd (again) bwt (precious) atbj (pearls) atyngrm (was) awh (who searching for) aebd (a merchant) argt 46 (obviously) aymd (was valuable) tryqy (a certain) adx (pearl) atyngrm (he found) xksa (but) Nyd (when) dk (& bought it) hnbzw (to him) hl (that is) tyad (whatsoever) am (everything) lk (selling) Nbz (he went) lza 47 (a net) atdyuml (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is like) aymd (again) bwt (it collected) tsnk (kind *) ong (every) lk (& from) Nmw (into the sea) amyb (that was cast) tlpnd * aong, ong-Gensa,Genus is the Aramaic cognate for the English Genus. Here is the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon entry for this word: gns N gns) 1 Palm,CPA,Syr kind 2 Syr,LJLA family 3 Syr genus (gram) LS2 125
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

Levy 1:149 LS2 v: gensA) also: LS2 v: gensAne) (but PS claims a singular %gnsn)% also) gns V pael_1 Syr to indicate the genus 48 (of the sea) amy (to the shore) yrpol (they brought it up) hwqoa (it was full) tlm (& when) dkw (in vessels) anamb (they placed) wymra (& the good) abjw (& selected out) wybg (& they sat) wbtyw (out) rbl (they threw) wds (& the bad) asybw 49 (the angels) akalm (will go forth) Nwqpn (of the world) amled (in the end) hmlwsb (it will be) awhn (thus) ankh (the righteous) aqydz (among) ynyb (from) Nm (the wicked) asyb (& they will separate) Nwsrpnw 50 (of fire) arwnd (into the essence) anwtab (them) Nwna (& they will cast) Nwmrnw (of teeth) ans (& gnashing) qrwxw (weeping) aykb (will be) awhn (there) Nmt 51 (these things) Nylh (all) Nyhlk (have you understood?) Nwtlktoa (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (our Lord) Nrm (yes) Nya (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma 52 (who is instructed) dmlttmd (scribe) arpo (every) lk (this) anh (because of) ljm (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (of the house) atyb (the lord) arm (the man) arbgl (is like) amd (of Heaven) ayms (for the kingdom) twklml (& old things) atqytew (new things) attdx (his treasure) htmyo (from) Nm (who brings) qpmd 53 (Yeshua) ewsy (had finished) Mls (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (there) Nmt (from) Nm (He departed) yns (these) Nylh (parables) altm 54 (in their synagogues) Nwhtswnkb (them) Nwhl (He) awh (& taught) Plmw (to His city) htnydml (& He came) ataw (& they would say) Nwrmanw (they would marvel) Nwrhtnd (so that) ankya (& the miracles) alyxw (this) adh (wisdom) atmkx (This One) anhl (to Him) hl (from where?) akmya 55 (of the carpenter) argnd (the son) hrb (This) anh (is) awh (not?) al (Maryam) Myrm (is called) ayrqtm (His mother) hma (not?) al (& Yehuda) adwhyw (& Shimeon) Nwemsw (& Yose) aowyw (Yaqob) bwqey (& His brothers) yhwxaw 56 (they are) Nyna (with us) Ntwl (behold) ah (not?) al (all) Nyhlk (& His sisters) htwxaw (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (to This One) anhl (therefore) lykh (to Him) hl (from where?) akmya 57 (by Him) hb (they were) wwh (& offended) Nylsktmw (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (except) ala (who is despised) ryeud (a prophet) aybn (there is not) tyl (& in his home) htybbw (in his city) htnydmb 58 (many) aaygo (miracles) alyx (there) Nmt (He did) dbe (& not) alw (their trust) Nwhtwnmyh (dis-) al (because of) ljm Chapter 14 1 (Herodus) odwrh (heard) ems (time) anbz (but) Nyd (at that) whb (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the fame) hems (the Tetrarch) akrrjj 2 (the Baptizer) andmem (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (This is) wnh (to his servants) yhwdbel (& he said) rmaw (of the dead) atym (house) tyb (from) Nm (has arisen) Mq (he) wh (by Him) hb (are done) Nyretom (miracles) alyx (this) anh (because of) ljm 3 (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (had) awh (seized) dxa (Herodus) odwrh (for) ryg (that) wh (of prisoners) aryoa (into the house) tyb (& cast him) hymraw (& bound him) hroaw (his brother) yhwxa (of Phillipus) owpylyp (wife) ttna (Herodia) aydwrh (because of) ljm 4 (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (for) ryg (to him) hl (had) awh (said) rma (the wife) attna (to you) Kl (that she should be) awhtd (it is lawful) jyls (that not) ald 5 (he was) awh (& afraid) lxdw (to kill him) hljqml (had) awh (& he wanted) abuw (him) hl (they were) wwh (they holding) Nydyxa (prophetic) aybnld (who as) Kyad (the people) ame (of) Nm
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6 (of Herodus) odwrhd (of the birth) hdly (at the house) tyb (but) Nyd (it was) awh (when) dk (of Herodia) aydwrhd (the daughter) htrb (danced) tdqr (the dinner guests) akymo (before) Mdq (Herodus) odwrhl (himself) hl (& she pleased) trpsw 7 (to her) hl (he swore) amy (in an oath) atmwmb (this) anh (because of) ljm (that she would ask) lastd (anything) Mdmlk (her) hl (that he would give) ltnd 8 (she had been) twh (instructed) aplmd (because) ljm (but) Nyd (she) yh (give) bh (she had said) trma (by her mother) hmal (in a dish) aknypb (here) akrh (me)yl (the Baptizer) andmem (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the head) hsr 9 (but) Nyd (because of) ljm (the king) aklml (him) hl (& it saddened) tyrkw (to her) hl (that it be given) bhytnd (he commanded) dqp (& the guests) akymow (the oath) atmwm 10 (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the head) hsr (cutting off) hqop (& he sent) rdsw (of prisoners) aryoa (in the house) tyb 11 (in a dish) aknypb (his head) hsr (& was brought) ytyaw (to the girl) atyljl (& it was given) bhytaw (to her mother) hmal (& she brought it) htytyaw 12 (his corpse *) hdls (they took) wlqs (his disciples) yhwdymlt (& they came) wbrqw (Yeshua) ewsyl (they informed) wywx (& they came) wtaw (they performed a burial) wrbq Greek mss. B-Vaticanus (4th cent.) & a (4th cent.) have ptwmaptwma- Corpse; The Majority Greek text (most mss.) have swmaswma-Body. Here are the Aramaic words Shlada(Corpse) and Pagra(Body) in Aramaic characters: adls, argp. In Estrangela, they are: 0dl$ 0rgp. Either one Greek translator mistook Shlada for Pagra, or we have a case of split meanings of an Aramaic word, Shlada, being translated Corpse by one Greek translator and Body by another;It can have either meaning. Mark 15:45 has the same word split phenomenon in the Greek texts with Aramaic word Pagra!There, the Critical text of Westcott and Hort has ptwmaptwma- Corpse& The Majority text has swmaswma-Body, as in this verse! 13 (there) Nmt (from) Nm (He departed) yns (heard) ems (when) dk (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (desert) abrwx (to a region) artal (by ship) aplab (they went) wlza (the crowds) asnk (heard) wems (& when) dkw (alone) yhwdwxlb (the cities) atnydm (from) Nm (by land) asbyb (after him) hrtb 14 (great) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (seeing) azx (Yeshua) ewsy (& came down) qpnw (their sick) Nwhyhyrk (& He healed) yoaw (for them) Nwhyle (& He was moved with pity) Mxrtaw 15 (to join Him) htwl (they came) wbrq (evening) asmr (but) Nyd (it was) awh (when) dk (this is) wh (a desert) abrwx (place) arta (to Him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of people) asnad (the crowds) asnk (dismiss) yrs (it) hl (has passed) rbe (& the time) andew (food) atrbyo (for themselves) Nwhl (& they will buy) Nwnbznw (to the villages) ayrwql (so they will go) Nwlzand 16 (for them) Nwhl (it is necessary) aebtm (not) al (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (to eat) lkaml (you) Nwtna (them) Nwhl (give) wbh (to go) lzaml 17 (to Him) hl (they said) wrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (fish) Nynwn (& two) Nyrtw (loaves) Nuyrg (five) smx (but) ala (here) Nnt (with us) Nl (there is nothing) tyl 18 (here) akrhl (to Me) yl (them) Nwna (bring) wtya (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma 19 (the ground) aera (on) le (to recline) wkmtoml (the crowds) asnkl (& He commanded) dqpw (fish) Nynwn (& two) Nyrtw (loaves) Nymxl (five) asmx (those) Nwnh (& He took) lqsw (& He gave) bhyw (& He broke) auqw (& He blessed) Krbw (in Heaven) aymsb (& gazed) rxw (before the crowds) asnkl (placed) wmo (the disciples) adymlt (& those things) Nwnhw (to His disciples) yhwdymltl 20 (the remainder) artwt (& they collected) wlqsw (& were satisfied) webow (all of them) Nwhlk (& they ate) wlkaw (they were filled) Nylm (after) dk (baskets) Nynypwq (twelve) roert (of the fragments ayuqd
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21 (were) wwh (being) Nywh (who ate) wlkad (men) asna (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (& children) ayljw (the women) asn (from) Nm (apart) rjo (five) asmx (thousand) apla 22 (to embark) Nwqond (His disciples) yhwdymltl (He compelled) Ula (& at once) adxmw (to the other side) arbel (before Him) yhwmdq (& they would go) Nwlzanw (the ship) atnypol (the crowds) asnkl (He) wh (sent away) ars (while) de 23 (He went up) qlo (the crowds) asnkl (He had sent away) ars (& when) dkw (& when) dkw (to pray) wyluml (alone) yhwdwxlb (to a mountain) arwjl (there) Nmt (He was) awh (alone) yhwdwxlb (it was dark) tksx 24 (many) aaygo (furlongs *) atwdjoa (land) aera (from) Nm (it was) twh (distant) aqyxr (& the ship) aplaw (the waves) allg (from) Nm (greatly) ygo (it was tossed) asgtsm (while) dk (was) twh (against it) hlbwql (for) ryg (the wind) axwr I am going to display the first line of The Peshitta verse here in Ashuri Aramaic on top and ancient Aramaic script used in the Dead Sea Scrolls 2100 years ago underneath it: Ashuri: (many) aaygo (furlongs *) atwdjoa (land) aera (from) Nm (it was) twh (distant) aqyxr (& the ship) aplaw Dead Sea Scroll: ))ygs )twd+s) )(r) }m twh )qyxr )pl)w Most Greek mss. omit many furlongs and have was in the midst of the sea. A few, like Vaticanus and Beza, agree with The Peshitta here. The Peshitta does not conform to any particular Greek text type, in fact, often it disagrees with all Greek readings. This controverts the Greek primacy theory and is explained by Greek translation of The Peshitta. The different Greek text types are simply different translation versions of The Peshitta. Greek can in no wise do justice to Aramaic word meanings and idioms with just one translation of such a pregnant language and text. Either The Peshitta is edited and selected from all Greek readings and text types and many unique non-Greek readings, or the converse is true,i.e.-All Greek text-types are spin offs of this original Aramaic Parent Text. The evidence overwhelmingly supports the latter and refutes the former proposition. aaygo atwdjoa is Many furlongs ; DSS Script Estrangela

00aaygos Fwdioau12356O=s0 a0myd aFeuoiE9cmb


amyd ateumb is in the midst of the sea; DSS Script Estrangela

I have also displayed the Estrangela script at far right just for comparison. I can see a scribe looking at the Old DSS type script shaded blue and misreading the top two words for the two underneath them. He had just written the last in , then his eye went to from

(Furlongs), but since he had just written an

, he mistakenly skipped the following

and proceeded to read

(which, by the way has the same meaning as the full (Furlongs), but he, with tired bleary eyes, saw Furlongs as In the midst. Each word has the same

number of letters, since he skipped an Alep , and most of the letters are similar enough that they could trick a bleary eyed scribe who has stay up too late translating by lamplight. He sees the word Stadotha with his eyes, but his mind sees BMetsatha,and so he writes meson the midst, and now he needs a noun to finish the thought, and his eye again skips a letter after reading the last Alep
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in what he reads as
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and after that he sees


The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew
, which is only part of

ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

Many, and mistakes as

(The Sea), so he writes thv yalasshv - The Sea. Why did the Byzantine translator omit the whole phrase distant from the land? The answer is in the highlighted words: (land) aera (from) Nm (it was) twh (distant) aqyxr (& the ship) aplaw & word in the verse WElpa . The First & the ship strikes the eye as similar to the fifth word with the from the land. Apparently

preceding letter of the fourth word Maan (from) shown here: what happened is that Zorba (our Byzantine Greek translator) translated the first word & the ship word

and then when he looked back at the Aramaic manuscript and his eye went to the

, which looks like word following read as In the midst, as I have illustrated. , which is

, which he had just translated, and continued to the as I have outlined previously. This he

Here is the graphical evidence explaining this Majority Greek reading: & The ShipFurlongs Part of Many- & The Ship- From Land, -Furlongs -In the Midst Part of Many -Of the Sea 25 (unto them) Nwhtwl (came) ata (of the night) aylld (fourth) atyeybr (but) Nyd (in the watch) atrjmb (the water) aym (on) le (He was walking) Klhm (while) dk (Yeshua) ewsy 26 (the water) aym (on) le (that He was walking) Klhmd (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& they saw Him) yhwazxw (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (& they were alarmed) weyzttaw (public) algd (it is) wh (that a vision) awzxd (they cried out) weq (their fear) Nwhtlxd (& from) Nmw 27 (& He said) rmaw (with them) Nwhme (spoke) llm (immediately) htesrb (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (you shall be afraid) Nwlxdt (not) al (I AM The Living God) ana ana (take heart) wbblta ana ana Ena Na is an idiom which 97% of the time indicates speech from The Deity in The Old Testament Peshitta text (144 of 148 times in five O.T. books). It is equivalent to the Hebrew Ahiah Asher High, in Exodus 3:14- I AM WHO I AM. Lamsa translates this Ahiah Asher High in Exodus 3:14 as I Am The Living God, which I have chosen as a translation for this phrase where it indicates Divine speech. 28 (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (Kaypha *) apak (& answered) anew (He) wh (You are) tna (if) Na (my Lord) yrm
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> as as

- From Land - In the Midst -Of the Sea

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(the water) aym (on) le (unto You) Ktwl (to come) ata (me) yl (command) dwqp 29 (Kaypha) apak (& went down) txnw (come) at (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (the water) aym (on) le (& he walked) Klhw (the ship) apla (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (to come) atand 30 (he was afraid) lxd (was violent) aysqd (the wind) axwr (he saw) azx (& when) dkw (his voice) hlq (& he raised) Myraw (to sink) ebjml (& he began) yrsw (save me) ynyqwrp (my Lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw 31 (our Lord) Nrm (His hand) hdya (stretched out) jsp (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (of faith) atwnmyh (O small) rwez (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (& He held him) hdxaw (did you doubt) tglpta (why?) anml 32 (the wind) axwr (stopped) tyls (into the ship) aplal (they came up) wqlo (& when) dkw 33 (Him) hl (they worshipped) wdgo (who were in the ship) aplabd (they) Nwnh (& they came) wtaw (of God) ahlad (You are) tna (The Son) hrb (truly) tyaryrs (& they said) wrmaw 34 (of Genessar) rongd (to the land) aeral (& they came) wtaw (& they traveled) wdrw 35 (& they sent) wrdsw (that) wh (of place) artad (the men) asna (& recognized Him) yhwedwtsaw (to Him) hl (& they brought) wbrqw (around them) Nwhyrdxd (villages) ayrwq (to all) Nyhlkl (were) Nydybe (very) syb (who sick) sybd (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk 36 (to touch) Nwbrqnd (from Him) hnm (they were) wwh (& beseeching) Nyebw (of His garment) hswbld (only) dwxlb (the edge) apnkl (even) Npa (were healed) wyoata (who touched) wbrqd (& those) Nylyaw Chapter 15 1 (& the Scribes) arpow (the Pharisees) asyrp (Yeshua) ewsy (unto) twl (came) wbrq (then) Nydyh (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (who were from) Nmd 2 (of the elders) asysqd (the tradition) atwnmlsm (against) le (transgress) Nyrbe (Your disciples) Kydymlt (why?) anml (bread) amxl (they eat) Nylkad (whenever) am (their hands) Nwhydya (they wash) Nygysm (& not) alw 3 (also) Pa (why?) anml (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (the commandment) andqwp (against) le (you) Nwtna (transgressing) Nyrbe (you are) Nwtna (your traditions) Nwktwnmlsm (for the sake of) ljm (of God) ahlad 4 (& your mother) Kmalw (your father) Kwbal (honor) rqy (said) rma (for) ryg (God) ahla (let him die) twmn (to die) tmm (& his mother) hmalw (his father) yhwbal (reviles) axumd (& whoever) Nmw 5 (will say) rmand (who) Nm (everyone) lk (are) Nwtna (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (my offering is) ynbrwq (to mother) amal (or) wa (to father) abal (from me) ynm (that you may profit) anhttd (anything) Mdm (his mother *) hmal (or) wa (his father) yhwbal (he will honor) rqyn (& not) alw The Critical Greek text of Westcott and Hort (a,B,D) omits or his mother at the end. Old Syriac Curetonian ms. also omits this. Nestles Greek NT contains this reading (or his mother) in the text. 6 (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (& you nullify) Nwtljbw (your) Nwklyd (traditions) atwnmlsm (because of) ljm 7 (of persons) apab (accepters) ybon (& said) rmaw (Isaiah) ayesa (against you) Nwkyle (prophesied) ybnta (well) ryps 8 (Me) yl (honoring) rqym (is) wh (with its lips) htwpob (this) anh (people) ame (from Me) ynm (is far) qyxr (very) ygo (but) Nyd (their heart) Nwhbl 9 (they teach) Nyplm (while) dk (Me) yl (they revere) Nylxd (& in vain) tyaqyrow
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(of the sons of men) asnynbd (of the commandments) andqwpd (doctrines) anplwy 10 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (the crowds) asnkl (& He called) arqw (& understand) wlktoaw (hear) wems 11 (a man) asnrbl (defiling) byom (the mouth) amwpl (that enters) laed (the thing) Mdm (it is) awh (not) al (that) wh (the mouth) amwp (from) Nm (that proceeds) qpnd (the thing) Mdm (but) ala (a man) asnrbl (defiling) byom (is) wh 12 (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (approached) wbrq (then) Nydyh (saying) atlm (who heard) wemsd (that The Pharisees) asyrpd (You) tna (know?) edy (were indignant) wlskta (this) adh 13 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (has planted) hbun (that not) ald (which) adya (plant) atbun (every) lk (will be destroyed) rqett (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (My Father) yba 14 (of the blind *) aymod (guides) adwgn (they are) Nwna (blind) aymo (them) Nwhl (let alone) wqwbs (leads) rbdn (if) Na (a blind man) aymol (but) Nyd (a blind man) aymo (will fall) Nylpn (into a pit) aumwgb (both) Nwhyrt The Critical Greek text of Westcott and Hort (a,B,D) omits of the blind. 15 (& said) rmaw (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (& he answered) anew (this) anh (parable) altm (to us) Nl (explain) qsp (my Lord) yrm (to Him) hl 16 (now) ashl (until) amde (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (are) Nwtna (understanding) Nylktom (not?) al (you) Nwtna (also) Pa 17 (that enters) laed (that anything) Mdmd (you) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy (not?) al (goes) lza (it) wh (to the belly) aorkl (the mouth) amwpl (out) rbl (is cast) adtsm (in excretion) atykdtb (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw 18 (proceeds) qpn (the mouth) amwp (that from) Nmd (but) Nyd (anything) Mdm (& it is) wywhw (proceeds) qpn (the heart) abl (from) Nm (the man) asnrbl (him) hl (defiling) byom 19 (evil) atsyb (thoughts) atbsxm (proceed) Nqpn (for) ryg (that) wh (the heart) abl (from) Nm (fornications) atwynz (murders) aljq (adulteries) arwg (blasphemies) apdwg (lying) arqws (testimonies) twdho (thefts) atwbng 20 (a man) sna (if) Na (a son of man) asnrbl (they that defile) Nbyomd (are) Nyna (these things) Nylh (his hands) yhwdya (washing) Ngsm (not) al (after) dk (will eat) oeln (but) Nyd (he is defiled) bytom (not) al 21 (& came) ataw (Yeshua) ewsy (there) Nmt (from) Nm (went out) qpnw (& of Tsidon) Ndyudw (of Tsur) rwud (to the borders) amwxtl 22 (borders) amwxt (from) Nm (Canaanitess) atynenk (a woman) attna (& behold) ahw (& she said) armaw (crying out) ayeq (while) dk (came forth) tqpn (those) Nwnh (of David) dywdd (Son) hrb (my Lord) yrm (on me) yle (have pity) Mxrta (a demon) adas (by) Nm (driven) arbdtm (badly) tyasyb (my daughter) ytrb 23 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& came) wbrqw (an answer) amgtp (returned her) hynp (not) al (but) Nyd (He) wh (after us) Nrtb (for she cries) ayeqd (send her away) hyrs (& were saying) Nyrmaw (from Him) hnm (they asked) web 24 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (but) ala (I am sent) trdtsa (not) al (that have strayed) wejd (the sheep) abre (to) twl (of Israel) lyroya (the house) tyb (from) Nm 25
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(Him) hl (worshipped) tdgo (coming) tta (but) Nyd (she) yh (help me) ynyrde (my Lord) yrm (& she said) trmaw 26 (to take) boml (it is good) ryps (not) al (to her) hl (He said) rma (to the dogs) ablkl (& to cast it) wymrmlw (of the children) aynbd (the bread) amxl 27 (even) Pa (my Lord) yrm (yes) Nya (said) trma (but) Nyd (she) yh (the crumbs) atwtrp (from) Nm (eat) Nylka (the dogs) ablk (& they live *) Nyaxw (of their master) Nwhyrmd (the table) arwtp (from) Nm (that fall) Nylpnd All the Greek texts omit, & they live. Why, if The Peshitta were a translation of Greek, would a translator add, & they live, since it occurs in no Greek manuscript? 28 (is) yh (great) abr (woman) attna (Oh!) wa (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (then) Nydyh (you) ytna (will) aybud (as) Kya (to you) ykl (it will be done) awhn (your faith) yktwnmyh (moment) ates (that) yh (from) Nm (her daughter) htrb (& was healed) tyoataw 29 (& He came) ataw (Yeshua) ewsy (there) Nmt (from) Nm (& departed) ynsw (& He went up) qlow (of Galila) alylgd (of the Sea) amy (the side) bng (by) le (there) Nmt (& He sat down) btyw (a mountain) arwjl 30 (were) wwh (that) tyad (many) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (to Him) htwl (& they came near) wbrqw (& crippled) agyspw (& dumb) asrxw (& blind) aymow (the lame) arygx (with them) Nwhme (at) twl (them) Nwna (& they laid) wymraw (many) aaygo (& others) anrxaw (them) Nwna (& He healed) yoaw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (His feet) yhwlgr 31 (who saw) Nyzxd (those) Nwnh (the crowds) asnk (that would be amazed) Nwrmdtnd (so) Kya (& the crippled *) agyspw (who were speaking) Nyllmmd (the mutes) asrx (who were walking) Nyklhmd (& the lame) arygxw (who were healed *) Nymlxtmd (of Israel) lyroyd (the God) ahlal (& they glorified) wxbsw (who were seeing) Nyzxd (& the blind) aymow The 4th cent. Greek ms. a (Sinaiticus), both Old Syriac mss. and the Latin mss. omit & the crippled who were healed. Nestles Greek NT contains this phrase. 32 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (His disciples) yhwdymltl (called) arq (Yeshua) ewsy(then) Nyd (He) wh (this) anh (multitude) asnk (for) le (I) ana (am moved with pity) Mxrtm (with Me) ytwl (they have remained) wywq (days) Nymwy (three) atlt (behold) ahd (that they may eat) Nwlkand (anything) am (for them) Nwhl (& there is not) tylw (they are fasting) Nymyu (while) dk (them) Nwna (& to send away) arsadw (in the road) axrwab (they should faint) Nwpwen (lest) amld (I am) ana (willing) abu (not) al 33 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (in the desert) abrwxb (for us) Nl (where is?) akmya (entire) hlk (this) anh (crowd) asnk (that will satisfy) ebond (the bread) amxl 34 (how many?) amk (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (to you) Nwkl (are) tya (loaves) Nymxl (small) aqdqd (fish) anwn (& a few) lylqw (seven) aebs 35 (the ground) aera (on) le (that they sit for a meal) Nwkmtond (the crowd) asnkl (& He ordered) dqpw 36 (& the fish) anwnlw (loaves) Nymxl (seven) aebs (those) Nylhl (& He took up) lqsw (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He gave) bhyw (& He broke) auqw (& He gave praise) xbsw (to the crowd *) asnkl (gave) wbhy (& the disciples) adymltw The Critical Greek text of Westcott and Hort (a,B) has to the crowds, whereas the rest of the Greek mss. has to the crowd. The Aramaic word asnk (Kensha) of The Peshitta can have plural or singular meaning in its unpointed form (Early mss. have no vowel points),hence this kind of phenomenon is not uncommon. Most Aramaic nouns have the same spelling for singular and plural forms. Some Greek translators will interpret a noun as singular and others as a plural, as here. This explains why often Greek mss. will differ in this regard.
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37 (& were satisfied) webow (all of them) Nwhlk (& they ate) wlkaw (of fragments) ayuqd (the remnants) artwt (& they took up) wlqsw (baskets) Nydyrpoa (seven) aebs (filling) alm 38 (four) aebra (they had) wwh (been) Nywh (that they ate) wlkad (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (& children) ayljw (women) asn (from) Nm (apart) rjo (men) arbg (thousand) Nypla 39 (the ship) aplal (He embarked) qlo (the crowds) asnkl (He sent away) ars (& when) dkw (of Magdo) wdgmd (to the border) amwxtl (& He came) ataw Magdo could be Magadan or Magdala, on the Western shore of The Sea of Galilee. Chapter 16 1 (Him) hl (tempting) Nyonm (& the Sadducees) ayqwdzw (the Pharisees) asyrp (& approached) wbrqw (them) Nwna (to show) awxnd (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (a sign) ata (Him) hl (& asking) Nylasw 2 (it is) awhd (whenever) am (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (He answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (it wiil be) wh (fair weather) awxu (you) Nwtna (say) Nyrma (evening) asmr (the sky) ayms (for) ryg (is red) tqmo 3 (a storm) awto (today) anmwy (you) Nwtna (say) Nyrma (& in the morning) arpubw (gloomily) tyarymk (the sky) ayms (for) ryg (is red) tqmo (there will be) wh (of the sky) aymsd (the face) apwurp (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (that you should observe) Nwqbtd (you are) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy (knowing) Nyedy (not) al (this) anh (of time) anbzd (the signs) atwta (that you should distinguish) Nwsrptd (you are) Nwtna 4 (& a sign) ataw (seeks) ayeb (a sign) ata (& adulterous) atrygw (wicked) atsyb (a generation) atbrs (the prophet) aybn (of Yonan) Nnwyd (the sign) hta (but) ala (to it) hl (is given) abhytm (not) al (& departed) lzaw (them) Nwna (& He left) qbsw 5 (to the other side) arbel (His disciples) yhwdymlt (they came) wta (& when) dkw (bread) amxl (with them) Nwhme (to take) Nwbond (they had forgotten) wej 6 (of) Nm (beware) wrhdza (take heed) wzx (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (& the Sadducees) ayqwdzdw (of the Pharisees) asyrpd (the yeast) arymx 7 (among themselves) Nwhspnb (they were) wwh (reasoning) Nyertm (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (they had taken) wbon (not) al (it was because bread) amxld (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 8 (why?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (among yourselves) Nwkspb (do you) Nwtna (think) Nybsxtm (you have taken) Nwtlqs (not) al (it was because bread) amxld (of faith) atwnmyh (little ones) yrwez 9 (have you understood) Nwtlktoa (now) ashl (until) amde (not?) al (loaves) Nymxl (five) asmx (those) Nwnhl (do you) Nwtna (remember) Nydhe (not?) al (you took up) Nwtlqs (large baskets) Nynypwq (& how many?) amkw (thousand) Nypla (of the five) asmxd 10 (of the four) aebrad (loaves) Nymxl (seven) aebs (those) Nwnhl (neither) alw (you took up) Nwtlqs (round baskets *) Nydyrpoa (& how many?) amkw (thousand) Nypla Verses 9 and 10 refer to the two multitudes Jesus fed; The Aramaic and the Greek each use two different words for the baskets used, however, the Greek lexicons are uncertain about the origin of kofinov (Kofinos), which looks like it may be borrowed from the Aramaic word Nynypwq (Qophina), meaning a large basket, from the Aramaic root Qopa To carry. The other Greek word used for Basket is spuridav (Spuridas), from (spuriv) Spuris. Thayers GreekEnglish Lexicon says this comes from the root Speiro- meaning to sow. That looks dubious, since sowing or scattering has little to do with baskets. This word is also very similar to the Aramaic word used in The Peshitta NydyrpoaEspridin, from Esprida. This comes from the Aramaic root Espira, meaning, Spherical. This emphasizes the shape of the basket. The other emphasizes its function as a carrier. One will find many Greek words in the Greek NT listed as Derivation unknown in the lexicons. It seems many of these are borrowed from Aramaic but unattributed as such.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

11 (it was) awh (that not) ald (do you understand) Nwtlktoa (not) al (how?) Nkya (to beware) Nwrhdztd (but) ala (to you) Nwkl (I spoke) trma (bread) amxl (about) le (& the Sadducees) ayqwdzdw (of The Pharisees) asyrpd (the yeast) arymx (of) Nm 12 (He said) rma (that not) ald (they understood) wlktoa (then) Nydyh (of bread) amxld (the yeast) arymx (of) Nm (to beware) Nwrhdznd (the teaching) anplwy (of) Nm (but) ala (& of the Sadducees) ayqwdzdw (of The Pharisees) asyrpd 13 (to the region) artal (Yeshua) ewsy (came) ata (but) Nyd (when) dk (His disciples) yhwdymltl (He) awh (asked) lasm (of Caesarea Phillippi) owpylypd-ayroqd (people) asna (about Me) yle (are saying) Nyrma (what is it?) wnm (& said) rmaw (of Man?) asnad (the Son) hrb (that I am) ytyad 14 (the Baptizer) andmem (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (say) Nyrmad (some) tya (said) wrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (Yermiya) aymra (& others) anrxaw (Elia) ayla (but) Nyd (others) anrxa (the prophets) aybn (of) Nm (one) dx (or) wa 15 (that I am) ytyad (you) Nwtna (say) Nyrma (Who is it?) wnm (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma 16 (& said) rmaw (The Stone) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (answered) ane (The Living) ayx (of God) ahlad (the Son) hrb (The Messiah) axysm (are) wh (You) tna 17 (Shimeon) Nwems (you are blessed) Kybwj (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (not) al (& blood) amdw (because flesh) arobd (Bar-Yona *) anwyd-hrb (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (My Father) yba (but) ala (to you) Kl (has revealed this) alg anwyd-hrb (Bar-Jonah) is reproduced in all Greek mss.,transliterated from the Aramaic letters into Greek letters: bariwna. This is different from borrowed words, one language from another. This is very telling about the native language and culture of the Jews of Palestine in the first century and of the source of the thousands of Greek mss. we have today.This occurs throughout The Greek NT with many names, words and phrases. In John 1:42, the Greek reads: su klhyhsh khfav o ermhneuetai petrovpetrov- (You will be called Kephas, which is translated Petros.) Petros is the Greek for Peter.Here the Greek writer of John tells the reader that he is translating when he writes Petros and that Petros is not the original name of this apostle; it is the Aramaic Kephas. I reproduce here part of the note I have for John 1:42: [ Here the Greek text declares that the name Petros is a translation of the Aramaic name Kaypha.Here in The Greek NT, then, we find hard evidence, and in 160 other places where this Greek name occurs, that The Greek NT is translated from Aramaic! Naturally, the Peshitta has no similar translation from Greek to Aramaic, here or anywhere else. Repeat the above statement several times and ponder it: The Greek text declares itself to be translated from Aramaic!] 18 (The Stone) apak (are) wh (that you) tnad (to you) Kl (am) ana (saying) rma (I) ana (also) Pa (My church) ytdel (I shall build) hynba (stone) apak (this) adh (& upon) lew (will withstand it) hnwnoxn (not) al (of Sheol) lwysd (& the gates) aertw 19 (of Heaven) aymsd (of the Kingdom) atwklmd (the keys) adylq (I shall give) lta (to you) Kl (in the earth) aerab (that you will bind) rwoatd (thing) Mdm (every) lkw (& anything) Mdmw (in Heaven) aymsb (have been bound) ryoa (would) awhn (in Heaven) aymsb (have been released) ars (would) awhn (in the earth) aerab (that you will release) arstd 20 (that a man) snald (His disciples) yhwdymltl (He ordered) dqp (then) Nydyh (the Messiah) axysm (that He is) wywhd (they would tell) Nwrman (not) al 21 (Yeshua) ewsy (began) yrs (then) Nydyh (& from) Nmw (He was) wh (that prepared) dyted (His disciples) yhwdymltl (to inform) wywxml (He would suffer) sxn (& many things) ygow (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (that He would go) lzand (& the Scribes) arpow (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (& from) Nmw (the Elders) asysq (from) Nm (He would rise) Mwqn (third) atltd (& the day) amwylw (& He would be murdered) ljqtnw 22 (& he said) rmaw (Him) hb (to rebuke) aakml (& he began) yrsw (Kaypha) apak (& took Him aside) hrbdw (this) adh (to You) Kl (that should happen) awhtd (my Lord) yrm (from You) Kl (far be it) ox
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23 (to Kaypha) apakl (& said) rmaw (He turned) ynpta (but) Nyd (He) wh (Satan) anjo (behind Me) yrtobl (you) Kl (go) lz (to Me) yl (you are) tna (a stumbling block) atlqwt (but) ala (of God) ahlad (you) tna (reason) aertm (because not) ald (of humans) asna ynbd 24 (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (Yeshua) ewsy (said) rma (then) Nydyh (after Me) yrtb (to come) atand (wants) abud (whoever) Nm (his cross) hpyqz (& let him take up) lwqsnw (himself) hspnb (let him deny) rwpkn (after Me) yrtb (& let him come) atanw 25 (will lose it) hydbwn (his life) hspn (to save) axnd (for) ryg (wills) abud (whoever) Nm (will find it) hyxksn (for Me) ytljm (his life) hspn (will lose) dbwnd (& whoever) Nmw 26 (the whole) hlk (if) Na (a person) asnrb (benefits) anhtm (for) ryg (what?) anm (he should lack) roxn (& his soul) hspnw (he gain) anqn (world) amle (of his soul) hspnd (exchange) apwlxt (a person) asnrb (will give) ltn (what?) anm (or) wa 27 (to come) atand (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (for) ryg (He) wh (is going) dyte (holy) asydq (His angels) yhwkalm (with) Me (of His Father) yhwbad (in the glory) atxwbstb (his works) yhwdbe (according to) Kya (a man) sna (a man) snal (He will repay) ewrpn (& then) Nydyhw 28 (men) asna (that there are) tyad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (death) atwm (will taste) Nwmejn (who not) ald (here) Nnt (who are standing) Nymyqd (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbl (they will see) Nwzxnd (until) amde (with His kingdom) htwklmb (Who comes) atad Chapter 17 1 (& Yaqob) bwqeylw (Kaypha) apakl (Yeshua) ewsy (took) rbd (days) Nymwy (six) ats (& after) rtbw (them) Nwna (& brought up) qoaw (his brother) yhwxa (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (by themselves) Nwhydwxlb (high) amr (to a mountain) arwjl 2 (before them) Nwhymdq (Yeshua) ewsy (& was transformed) Plxtsaw (the sun) asms (like) Kya (His face) hpwurp (& shone) rhnw (light) arhwn (like) Kya (became white) wrwx (but) Nyd (His garments) yhwtxn 3 (& Elia) aylaw (Moshe) aswm (to them) Nwhl (& appeared) wyzxtaw (with Him) hme (they were speaking) Nyllmm (as) dk 4 (to Yeshua) ewsyl (& said) rmaw (Kaypha) apak (but) Nyd (answered) ane (we should be) awhn (that here) Nntd (for us) Nl (it is) wh (beautiful) ryps (my Lord) yrm (booths) Nyljm (three) tlt (here) Nnt (we will make) dben (You) tna (want) abu (& if) Naw for Elia) aylal (& one) adxw (for Moshe) aswml (& one) adxw (for You) Kl (one) adx 5 (bright) atryhn (a cloud) anne (behold) ah (speaking) llmm (he was) wh (& while) dew (there was) awh (& a voice) alqw (them) Nwhyle (overshadowed) tlja (The Beloved) abybx (My Son) yrb (This is) wnh (that said) rmad (the cloud) anne (from) Nm (hear) wems (Him) hl (I am well pleased) tybjua (in Whom) hbd 6 (their faces) Nwhypa (on) le (they fell) wlpn (the disciples) adymlt (heard) wems (& when) dkw (very) bj (& they were afraid) wlxdw 7 (them) Nwhl (& He touched) brqw (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhtwl (& came near) brqtaw (you shall be afraid) Nwlxdt (not) al (Arise) wmwq (& He said) rmaw 8 (they saw) wzx (not) al (& a man) snalw (their eyes) Nwhynye (& they lifted) wmyraw (Himself alone) yhwdwxlb (Yeshua) ewsyl (only) Na (except) ala 9 (the mountain) arwj (from) Nm (they descended) Nytxn (& as) dkw (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwna (ordered) dqp (this) anh (vision) awzx (you will tell) Nwrmat (not) al (of a man) sna (in the presence) Nyel
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(the dead) atym (from) Nm (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (will arise) Mwqnd (until) amde 10 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& they asked Him) yhwlasw (the Scribes) arpo (therefore) lykh (why?) anm (to Him) hl (first) Mdqwl (come) atand (must) alw (that Elia) aylad (are they saying) Nyrma 11 (first) Mdqwl (comes) ata (Elia) ayla (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (may end) Mlsn (thing) Mdm (that every) lkd 12 (behold) ahd (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (to him) hb (& they did) wdbew (they have known him) yhwedy (& not) alw (has come) ata (Elia) ayla (also) Pa (likewise) ankh (they wished) wbud (whatever) am (everything) lk (of them) Nwhnm (to suffer) sxnd (is going) dyte (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb 13 (that about) led (the disciples) adymlt (understood) wlktoa (then) Nydyh (to them) Nwhl (He spoke) rma (The Baptizer) andmem (Yokhanan) Nnxwy 14 (the multitude) asnk (to) twl (they came) wta (& when) dkw (his knees) yhwkrwb (on) le (& knelt) Krbw (a man) arbg (to him) hl (came) brq 15 (my son) yrb (on me) yle (have mercy) Mxrta (my Lord) yrm (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (has become) dybe (& ill) tyasybw (a housetop) arga (son of) rb (to him) hl (who is) tyad (has fallen) lpn (in fire) arwnb (times) Nynbz (for) ryg (many) amk (in water) aymb (times) Nynbz (& many) amkw arga rb (Bar agra) is an Aramaic idiom (idioms are colored purple in the text) meaning A Lunatic. The literal wording means, Son of a rooftop, decribing an activity of praying to demons on the rooftop on the first and last days of the month by those wishing to placate demons and avert any evil from their households. 16 (to Your disciples) Kydymltl (& I brought him) htbrqw (to heal him) htwyoaml (they were able) wxksa (& not) alw 17 (generation) atbrs (Oh!) Nwa (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (& twisted) atlqemw (faithfulness) anmyhm (without) ald (with you) Nwkme (shall I be) awha (when?) ytmal (until) amde (shall I endure you) Nwkrbyoa (when) ytmal (& until) amdew (to here) akl (to Me) yl (bring him) yhytya 18 (the demon) adas (from him) hnm (& went out) qpnw (Yeshua) ewsy (it) hb (& rebuked) aakw (moment) ates (that) yh (from) Nm (the boy) aylj (& was healed) yoataw 19 (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (the disciples) adymlt (came near) wbrq (then) Nydyh (were we) Nnx (why?) anml (to Him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (Himself alone) yhwdwxlb (to heal him) htwyoaml (able) Nxksa (not) al 20 (your unfaithfulness) Nwktwnmyh al (because of) ljm (Yeshua *) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (in you) Nwkb (would be) awht (that if) Nad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (for) ryg (amen) Nyma (you may say) Nwrmat (of mustard seed) aldrxd (a grain) atdrp (like) Kya (faithfulness) atwnmyh (& it will move) ansnw (from here) akm (move) ansd (this) anh (to mountain) arwjl (will be difficult for you) Nwknoxn (no) al (& thing) Mdmw Greek mss. a & B omit Ihsous - Ihsouv (Jesus). These are the basis for the modern Greek editions and most English and other translations. Most Greek mss. have Iaysous -Ihsouv (Jesus). This Greek phenomenon of omission occurs in half of the 176 Peshitta occurrences of the Name Yeshua ewsy (Jesus) among those mss. (a & B) and 45% of the same in the Majority Text Greek mss. of The Gospel of Luke! 21 (goes out) qpn (not) al (kind) aong (but) Nyd (this) anh (& by prayer) atwlubw (by fasting) amwub (except) ala 22 (in Galila) alylgb (but) Nyd (they were traveling) Nykphtm (when) dk (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to be betrayed) Mltsnd (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (is) wh (going) dyte (of men) asna (of the sons) ynb (to the hands) ydyab
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23 (He will arise) Mwqn (third) atltd (& the day) amwylw (& they will murder Him) yhynwljqnw (greatly) bj (them) Nwhl (& it grieved) tyrkw 24 (to Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (they came) wta (& when) dkw (two) Nyrt (the two) Nyrt (who take) Nybond (those) Nwnh (came) wbrq (Kaypha) apak (to) twl (head) asr (of tax money) Pokd (1/4 shekel) Nyzwz (1/4 shekel) yhwzwz (the two) Nyrt (He gave) bhy (not?) al (your master) Nwkbr (to him) hl (& they said) wrmaw 25 (yes) Nya (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (the house) atybl (Kaypha) apak (entered) le (& when) dkw (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (anticipated him) hmdq (Shimeon) Nwems (to you) Kl (doe it appear) azxtm (how?) anm (taxes) aokm (do they take) Nybon (whom?) Nm (from) Nm (of the earth) aerad (the kings) hyklm (strangers) ayrkwn (from) Nm (or) wa (their children) Nwhynb (from) Nm (head) asr (& money) Pokw 26 (strangers) ayrkwn (from) Nm (Shimeon) Nwems (to Him) hl (said) rma (then) Nydm (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (the children) aynb (are) Nwna (of freedom) arax (sons) ynb 27 (to the sea) amyl (go) lz (them) Nwna (we give offense) lskn (but) Nyd (lest) ald (that comes up) qlod (first) aymdq (& the fish) anwnw (a fish hook) aewlb (& cast) amraw (a shekel) artoa (& you will find) xkstw (its mouth) hmwp (open) xtp (& for you) Kyplxw (for Me) yplx (& give) bhw (take) bo (that) yh Chapter 18 1 (Yeshua) ewsy (to join) twl (the disciples) adymlt (approached) wbrq (hour) ates (in that) yhb (of Heaven) aymsd (in the Kingdom) atwklmb (greatest) br (truly) yk (who is?) wnm (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 2 (in their midst) Nwhtnyb (& stood him) hmyqaw (a boy) aylj (Yeshua) ewsy (& called) arqw 3 (to you) Nwkl (I say) anrma (truly) Nyma (& He said) rmaw (children) aylj (like) Kya (& you will become) Nwwhtw (you will be converted) Nwkphtt (that unless) alad (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklml (you will enter) Nwlet (not) al 4 (boy) aylj (this) anh (like) Kya (himself) hspn (humbles) Kkmmd (therefore) lykh (whoever) Nm (of Heaven) aymsd (in the Kingdom) atwklmb (greatest) br (will be) awhn (he) wh 5 (this) anh (boy) aylj (such as) Kya (will receive) lbqnd (& whoever) Nmw (receives) lbqm (Me) yl (in my Name) ymsb 6 (little ones) arwez (these) Nylh (of) Nm (one) dxl (who commits an offense against) lsknd (& everyone) lkw (for him) hl (it were) awh (profitable) xqp (in Me) yb (who are believing) Nynmyhmd (on his neck) hrwub (of a donkey) armxd (a millstone) ayxr (hung) aylt (that would be) awhtd (of the sea) amyd (into the depths) yhwqmweb (& he be sunk) ebjmw 7 (for) ryg (it is necessary) aqnna (offenses) alwskm (because of) Nm (to the world) amlel (woe) yw (by whose hand) hdyabd (to the man) arbgl (but) Nyd (woe) yw (offenses) alwskm (that will come) Nwtand (the offenses) alwskm (will come) Nwtan 8 (against you) Kl (commits an offense) alskm (your foot) Klgr (or) wa (your hand) Kdya (but) Nyd (if) Na (from you) Knm (& cast it) hydsw (cut it off) hyqwop (lame) oygx (as) dk (life) ayxl (that you enter) lwetd (for you) Kl (it is) wh (better) bj (to you) Kl (are) tya (while) dk (& not) alw (maimed) gysp (as) dk (or) wa (you) tna (eternal) Mleld (into fire) arwnb (you would fall) lpt (feet) Nylgr (two) Nytrt (or) wa (hands) Nydya (two) Nytrt 9 (commits an offense against) alskm (that your eye) Knyed (it is) wh (& if) Naw (from you) Knm (& throw it) hydsw (pull it out) hyux (you) Kl (life) ayxl (you would enter) lwet (eye) anye (that with one) adxbd (for you) Kl (it is) wh (better) bj (eyes) Nynye (two) Nytrt (to you) Kl (there are) tya (while) dk (& not) alw (of fire) arwnd (into Gehenna *) anhgb (you would fall) lpt
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew

ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

Gehenna is an Aramaic name which is transliterated into Greek letters in all the Greek mss. in Matthew,Mark and Luke.It occurs 12 times in the Greek NT. Interestingly, Gehenna occurs 11 times in the Peshitta NT. In James 3:6,The Greek has geennhv -Gehenna, where The Peshitta has arwnb In fire. Here are the Aramaic wordsby Gehenna and in fire: anhgb & arwnb In Estrangela script, they are: 0anhgb By Gehenna & Aa 0rwnb In fire. If the Resh r were touching Alap - 0 - in the Aa 0rwnb In fire of the Peshitta ms., Resh r could look like Nun - n. The He h is similar to Waw w and Nun n to Gimal g. A smudge or a bleary eye could easily transform 0anhgb into 0rwnb. Aramaic seems to account for the Greek reading In Gehenna in James 3:6 as well. The Greek geennhv -Gehennacertainly cannot account for Aa 0rwnb -In fire in all the Peshitta mss., if one hypothesizes a Greek original behind a Peshitta translation. 10 (little ones) arwez (these) Nylh (of) Nm (one) dx le (you will despise) Nwobt (not) al (take heed) wzx (at all times) Nbzlkb (in Heaven) aymsb (that their angels) Nwhykalmd (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (of My Father) ybad (the face) hpwurp (are seeing) Nyzx 11 (has been) awh (lost) dybad (whatever) Mdm (to save) axnd (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (for) ryg (has come) ata 12 (to a man) snal (there are) Nwwhn (if) Na (to you) Nwkl (does it appear) azxtm (how?) anm (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (& will go astray) aejnw (sheep) Nybre (a hundred) aam (& nine) aestw (the ninety) Nyest (does he leave) qbs (not?) al (lost one) aejd (for that) whl (searching) aeb (& go on) lzaw (in the mountain) arwjb 13 (to you) Nwkl (I say) anrma (certainly) Nyma (he should find it) hxksn (& if) Naw (strayed) wej (that not) ald (& nine) aestw (in the ninety) Nyest (than) Nm (more) ryty (in it) hb (that he rejoices) adxd 14 (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwba (before) Mdq (the will) anybu (it is not) tyl (just so) ankh (these) Nylh (little ones) arwez (of) Nm (one) dx (that should perish) dband 15 (go) lz (your brother) Kwxa (you) Kb (wrongs) lkoa (but) Nyd (if) Na (only) dwxlb (& him) hlw (between you) Kynyb (reprove him) yhyoka (your brother) Kwxa (you have gained) trty (he hears you) Kems (if) Na 16 (two) Nyrt (or) wa (one) dx (with you) Kme (take) rbd (he hears you) Kems (& if not) alaw (witnesses) Nydho (three) atlt (or) wa (of two) Nyrt (the mouth) Mwp (that in) led (word) alm (every) lk (will be established) Mwqt 17 (the assembly) atdel (tell) rma (he will hear) emsn (those) Nwnhl (not) al (also) pa (but) Nyd (if) Na (to you) Kl (let him be) awhn (he will hear) emsn (the assembly) atdel (not) al (also) Pa (but) Nyd (if) Na (a heathen) apnx (& as) Kyaw (a tax gatherer) aokm (as) Kya 18 (whatever) am (everything) lkd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (and truly) Nymaw (in Heaven) aymsb (have been bound) ryoa (will be) awhn (in the earth) aerab (you will bind) Nwroatd (in the earth) aerab (that you will release) Nwrstd (& anything) Mdmw (in Heaven) aymsb (have been released) ars (will be) awhn 19 (will agree) Nwwtsn (of you) Nwknm (two) Nyrt (that if) Nad (to you) Nwkl (I say) anrma (again) bwt (it will be done) awhn (they will ask) Nwlasnd (matter) wbu (every) lk (about) le (in the earth) aerab (Who is in heaven) aymsbd (of My Father) yba (The Presence) twl (from) Nm (for them) Nwhl 20 (in My Name) ymsb (are assembled) Nysynk (three) atlt (or) wa (two) Nyrtd (for) ryg (where) akya (in the midst of them) Nwhtnyb (I am) ana (there) Nmt 21 (my Lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (Kaypha) apak (near him) htwl (approached) brq (then) Nydyh (my brother) yxa (against me) yb (will commit an offense) lkon (if) Na (times) Nynbz (how many?) amk (times) Nynbz (seven) ebsl (up to?) amde (him) hl (shall I forgive) qwbsa 22 (seven) ebsl (until) amde (to you) Kl (I) ana (say) rma (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (seven) ebs (seven) ebs (times) Nynbz (seventy) Nyebsl (until) amde (but) ala 23 (to a man) arbgl (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is compared) tymdta (this) anh (because of) ljm (his servants) yhwdbe (of) Nm (an accounting) anbswx (take) bond (who wanted) abud (a king) aklm 24
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(to take it) boml (he began) yrs (& when) dkw (talents *) Nyrkk (ten thousand) wbr (who owed) byxd (one) dx (to him) hl (they brought) wbrq A Talent Kakra, is approx. 125 British pounds. As of this writing, 1 pound = $1.75 U.S. This debtor owed the equivalent of $ 2.18 million U.S. dollars to his king! Factoring in 2000 years of inflation would easily put this into the billions of dollars! One authority calculates one talent as 6000 days pay. Using a modern US average of 100 dollars as a days wage means that by early 21st century American standards, this employee owed his king 6 billion dollars! 25 (his lord) hrm (commanded) dqp (to pay) erpml (with him) hl (there was nothing) tyl (& when) dkw (& every) lkw (& his children) yhwnbw (& his wife) httnaw (he) wh (that be sold) Nbdznd (& he would pay) ewrpnw (his) hl (that was) tyad (thing) Mdm 26 (him) hl (worshiped) dgo (servant) adbe (that) wh (& falling down) lpnw (your spirit) axwr (concerning me) yle (prolong) rga (my lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (you) Kl (I) ana (shall pay) erp (thing) Mdm (& every) lkw 27 (that) wh (of servant) adbed (his lord) hrm (& was moved with pity) Mxrtaw (him) hl (forgiving) qbs (& his debt) htbwxw (& he released him) yhyrsw 28 (& he found) xksaw (that) wh (servant) adbe (but) Nyd (went out) qpn (had) awh (who owed) byxd (his associates) htwnk (of) Nm (one) dxl (& choked) qnxw (& he seized him) hdxaw (a hundred) aam (denarii *) arnyd (him) hl (to me) yl (give) bh (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (him) hl (he) awh (to me) yl (you) tna (which owe) byxd (that *) Mdm Denarii A denarius was roughly an average days wage, about 8 British pence, or 17. * That- Mdm (Meddem) can mean, that,something or anything.The text makes clear the fellow servant of this man owed him 100 denarii, yet most Greek mss. have: apodov moi ei ti ofeileiv Pay me, if you owe anything, apparently emphasizing the anything interpretation of the Aramaic word, Meddem.This is clearly an error on the Greek translators part.The only Greek text that makes sense here is the Textus Receptus: apodov moi o ti ofeileiv (Pay me that which you owe), which is the text the KJV translators used. It is a late ms. and was probably corrected to make sense of the verse. The Peshitta appears again to be the original and accounts for the Greek as its translation. 29 (his feet) yhwlgr (before) le (associate) htnk (that) wh (& he fell) lpnw (to him) hl (& saying) rmaw (of him) hnm (begging) aeb (you) Kl (I) ana (& shall pay) erpw (your spirit) axwr (concerning me) yle (prolong) rga The Critical Greek texts omit before his feet. The Majority Greek text agrees here with The Peshitta. 30 (went) lza (but) ala (was willing) abu (not) al (but) Nyd (he) wh (of prisoners) aryoa (into the house) tyb (& he cast him) hymra (to him) hl (he would give) ltnd (until) amde (to him) hl (he owed) byxd (whatever) am 31 (had happened) awhd (what) Mdm (their associates) Nwhtwnk (but) Nyd (they saw) wzx (when) dk (& they came) wtaw (very) bj (to them) Nwhl (it was grievous) tyrk (that had happened) awhd (everything) lk (to their lord) Nwhrml (they revealed) wedwa 32 (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (his lord) hrm (called him) yhyrq (then) Nydyh (debt) atbwx (entire) hlk (that) yh (wicked) asyb (servant) adbe (of me) ynm (because you begged) tyebd (you) Kl (I forgave) tqbs 33 (to have mercy) Nwxtd (for you) tna (also) Pa (upon you) Kl (was it) awh (incumbant) alw (not?) al (had mercy on you) Ktnx (I) anad (Just as) ankya (on your associate) Ktnkl 34 (until) amde (to the scourgers) andgnml (& delivered him) hmlsaw (his lord) hrm (& was angry) zgrw (him) hl (that he owed) byxd (thing) Mdm (every) lk (he would pay) ewrpnd 35 (you forgive) Nwqbst (unless) ala (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (My Father) yba (to you) Nwkl (will do) dben (thus) ankh
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(his offenses) htwlko (your heart) Nwkbl (from) Nm (his brother) yhwxal (each) sna Chapter 19 1 (these) Nylh (sayings) alm (Yeshua) ewsy (finished) Mls (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (& came) ataw (Galila) alylg (from) Nm (He picked up) lqs (of the Jordan) Nndrwyd (to the other side) arbel (of Judea) dwhyd (to the borders) amwxtl 2 (there) Nmt (them) Nwna (& He healed) yoaw (great) aaygo (crowds) asnk (after him) hrtb (& came) wtaw 3 (they were) wwh (& testing) Nyonmw (the Pharisees) asyrp (to Him) htwl (& came near) wbrqw (it is legal) jyls (if) Na (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (Him) hl (cause) ale (for every) lkb (his wife) httna (to divorce) arsnd (for a man) snal 4 (have you read) Nwtyrq (not?) al (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (the beginning) tysrb (from) Nm (Who made) dbed (that He) whd (them) Nwna (made) dbe (& female) atbqnw (male) arkd 5 (a man) arbg (shall leave) qwbsn (this) anh (because of) ljm (& He said) rmaw (to his wife) httnal (& shall cleave) Pqnw (& his mother) hmalw (his father) yhwbal (flesh) rob (one) dx (two of them) Nwhyrt (& they shall be) Nwwhnw 6 (flesh) rgp (one) dx (but) ala (two) Nyrt (they were) wwh (not) al (therefore) Nydm (has united) gwz (that God) ahlad (therefore) lykh (the things) Mdm (let separate) srpn (not) al (a son of man) asnrb 7 (Moshe) aswm (therefore) lykh (why?) anml (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (& send her away) hyrsnw (of divorce) anqbwsd (a writing) abtk (to give) ltnd (commanded) dqp 8 (confronting) lbqwl (Moshe) aswm (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (to divorce) Nwrstd (you) Nwkl (let) opa (of your heart) Nwkbl (the callousness) twysq (so) ankh (it was) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (the beginning) tysrb (from) Nm (your wives) Nwkysn 9 (his wife) httna (divorces) qbsd (that whoever) Nmd (and) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (commits adultery) rag (another) atrxa (& will take) bonw (adultery) arwg (apart from) ald (commits adultery) rag (her that is divorced) atqybs (will take) bond (& whoever) Nmw 10 (the accusations) aylde (are) tya (thus) ankh (if) Na (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (a wife) attna (to take) boml (it is expedient) xqp (not) al (& a wife) attnal (a man) arbg (between) ynyb 11 (receive this) hl (can) qpo (everyman) snlk (not) al (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (to him) hl (to whom it is given) byhyd (whoever) Nm (except) ala (this) adh (saying) atlml 12 (the womb) aork (who from) Nmd (eunuchs) anmyhm (for) ryg (there are) tya (thus) ankh (were born) wdlyta (of their mother) Nwhmad (the sons of men) asnynb (who from) Nmd (eunuchs) anmyhm (& there are) tyaw (eunuchs) anmyhm (& there are) tyaw (eunuchs) anmyhm (became) wwh (eunuchs) anmyhm (themselves) Nwhspn (have made) wdbe (those who) Nwnhd (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (because of) ljm (let him receive it) qpon (receive it) qpond (can) xksmd (whoever) Nm 13 (children) aylj (to Him) hl (they brought) wbrq (then) Nydyh (& might pray) alunw (upon them) Nwhyle (His hand) hdya (that he might lay) Myond (His disciples) yhwdymlt (them) Nwhb (& rebuked) wakw 14 (the children) aylj (let) wqwbs (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (for) ryg (because of such) Nylyadd (them) Nwna (forbid) Nwlkt (& not) alw (to Me) ytwl (come) Nyta (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is) hytya (are) Nwna (these) Nylh (like) Kyad 15 (there) Nmt (from) Nm (& went on) lzaw (upon them) Nwhyle (His hand) hdya (& He laid) Mow 16 (good) abj (Teacher) anplm (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (came near) brq (one) dx (& came) ataw (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (to me) yl (that there may be) Nwwhnd (shall I do) dbea (good thing) bjd (what?) anm
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17 (good) abj (Me) yl (you) tna (call) arq (why?) anm (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (God) ahla (one) dx (only) Na (except) ala (a good one) abj (there is not) tyl (the commandments) andqwp (keep) rj (life) ayxl (to enter) lwetd (you) tna (want) abu (but) Nyd (if) Na 18 (which ones?) Nylya (to Him) hl (he said) rma (you shall murder) lwjqt (not) ald (to him) hl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (you shall steal) bwngt (& not) alw (you shall commit adultery) rwgt (& not) alw (of falsehood) arqws (testimony) twdho (you shall testify) dhot (& not) alw 19 (& your mother) Kmalw (your father) Kwbal (& honor) rqyw (yourself) Kspn (as) Kya (your neighbor) Kbyrql (& you shall love) bxtw 20 (I have kept) trjn (all) Nyhlk (these) Nylh (young man) amyle (that) wh (to him) hl (said) rma (I) ana (lack) ryox (what?) anm (my childhood) ytwylj (from) Nm (them) Nyna 21 (to be) awhml (perfect) arymg (you) tna (want) abu (if) Na (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (to you) Kl (& will be) awhtw (to the poor) ankoml (& give) bhw (your possessions) Knynq (sell) Nbz (go) lz (after Me) yrtb (& come) atw (in Heaven) aymsb (treasure) atmyo 22 (this) adh (saying) atlm (young man) amyle (that) wh (but) Nyd (heard) ems (to him) hl (it was grievous) ayrk (as) dk (& he went away) lzaw (many) aaygo (possessions) anynq (for) ryg (to him) hl (were) awh (there) tya 23 (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (for a rich man) arytel (it is) yh (that difficult) aljed (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (of Heaven) ayms (the kingdom) twklml (to enter) lwend 24 (for a camel) almgl (it is) wh (that easier) lyldd (to you) Nwkl (I say) anrma (and) Nyd (again) bwt (for a rich man) aryte (than) wa (of a needle) ajxmd (into the eye) arwrxb (to enter) leml (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklml (to enter) lwend 25 (they were) wwh (amazed) Nyryht (they heard) wems (when) dk (but) Nyd (the disciples) adymlt (live) axnd (can) xksm (then) yk (who?) wnm (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (greatly) bj 26 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (upon them) Nwhb (gazed) rx (is possible) axksm (not) al (this) adh (the children of men) asnynb (with) twl (is possible) axksm (everything) Mdmlk (but) Nyd (God) ahla (with) twl 27 (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (Kaypha) apak (answered) ane (then) Nydyh (everything) Mdmlk (have left) Nqbs (we *) Nnxna (behold) ah (for us) Nl (will be done) awhn (then) yk (what?) anm (after You) Krtb (& we have come) Nytaw * Nnxna is a form for We found only in Ancient mss., according to Smiths Compendious Syriac Dictionary. It is found in Matthew,Luke and John in The Peshitta. 28 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (Amen) Nyma (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (after me) yrtb (who have come) Nwtytad (you) Nwtnad (sits) btyd (when) am (New *) atdx (in The World *) amleb (of His glory) hxbwsd (the throne) ownrt (on) le (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (thrones) Nworwk (twelve) roert (on) le (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (you will sit) Nwbtt (of Israel) lyaroyad (tribes) ajbs (the twelve) roert (& you will judge) Nwnwdtw *Our Lord refers to the coming of The New World after His resurrection and glorification. The twelve disciples would receive authority to reign with Him in Heaven while they served Him on earth. All things are new because He, The LORD of Heaven and earth has died and ended all the old creation under sin and the curse;That was the judgment of the world (John 12:31-33). He has risen, raising all things from the oblivion of destruction and death into a new creation in The risen God (See 2 Cor. 5:14-17). Only a believer can see this truth, however. Instead of In The New World,the Greek mss. have en th paliggenesia(in the regeneration). paliggenesia occurs also in The Greek of Titus 3:5, washing of regeneration where the Peshitta has, syrd Nmd adlwmd atxob in the washing of the new birth; In birth in Aramaic can be adlyb or adlwmb Lets compare the Aramaic words for in the world and the first for-In birth:
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amleb How about in Dead Sea Scroll script? )ml l (b -in the world adlyb )dlyb- in the birth Kinda eerie, aint it?
So it looks like a Greek saw and read it as

)ml l(b -in the world )dlyb -in the birth, in Matthew 19:28.

Some things are too good to be true, and then some are so good, they have to be true!
God does not regenerate old things, He makes all things new: 2Co 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Re 21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. 6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 29 (a brother) axa (or) wa (a house) atb (who leaves) qbsd (& everyman) snlkw (a wife) attna (or) wa (a mother) ama (or) wa (a father) aba (or) wa (a sister) atwxa (or) wa (My Name) yms (because of) ljm (towns) ayrwq (or) wa (children) aynb (or) wa (will inherit) tran (eternal) Mleld (& life) ayxw (will receive) lbqn (a hundred fold) aamb (each) dx 30 (last) ayrxa (who will be) Nwwhnd (are first) aymdq (but) Nyd (many) aaygo (will be the first) aymdq (& the last ones) ayrxaw Chapter 20 1 (to the man) arbgl (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (for) ryg (is likened) aymd (at dawn) arpub (who went out) qpnd (of a house) atyb (the owner) arm (for his vineyard) hmrkl (laborers) alep (to hire) rwgand 2 (a denarius) arnyd (for) Nm (the laborers) alep (with) Me (and) Nyd (he made an agreement) Uq (to his vineyard) hmrkl (them) Nwna (& He sent) rdsw (for the day) amwyb 3 (others) anrxa (& saw) azxw (hour) Nyes (at the third) tltb (& he went out) qpnw (& were idle) Nylyjbw (in the market place) aqwsb (who were standing) Nymyqd 4 (to the vineyard) amrkl (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (shall give) bhy (is appropriate) alwd (whatever) Mdmw 5 (again) bwt (& he went out) qpnw (they departed) wlza (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (likewise) twkh (& did) dbew (hours) Nyes (& at the ninth) estbw (at the sixth) tsb 6 (he went out) qpn (hour) Nyes (the eleventh) aroedx (& to the face-towards) ypalw (& were idle) Nylyjbw (who were standing) Nymyqd (others) anrxa (& he found) xksaw (are you) Nwtna (standing) Nymyq (why?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (& are idle) Nyljbw (all) hlk (day) amwy 7 (has hired us) Nrga (man) sna (because no) ald (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (to the vineyard) amrkl (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (you) Nwtna (will receive) Nybon (is appropriate) alwd (& whatever) Mdmw 8 (evening) asmr (but) Nyd (it was) awh (when) dk (to his custodian) htybrl (of the vineyard) amrk (the owner) arm (said) rma (their wages) Nwhrga (to them) Nwhl (& give) bhw (the laborers) alep (call) yrq (the first ones) aymdql (& until) amdew (the last ones) ayrxa (from) Nm (& start) arsw
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9 (hour) Nyes (of the eleventh) aroedxd (those) Nwnh (& came) wtaw (a denarius-each) rnyd (a denarius) rnyd (they received) wbon 10 (they would receive) Nylqs (that more) rytyd (they had hoped) wrbo (the first) aymdq (they came) wta (& when) dkw (they) Nwnh (also) Pa (a denarius-each) rnyd (a denarius) rnyd (& they received) wlqsw 11 (of the house) atyb (the owner) arm (to) le (they complained) wnjr (they received) wlqs (& when) dkw 12 (have worked) wdbe (hour) aes (one) adx (last ones) ayrxa (these) Nylh (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (with us) Nme (them) Nwna (& you have made equal) tywsaw (& its heat) hmwxw (of the day) amwyd (the burden) hrqwy (who have borne) Nlqsd 13 (my friend) yrbx (of them) Nwhnm (to one) dxl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (he) wh (for a denarius) rnydb (was it) awh (not?) al (to you) Kb (I) ana (do evil) lwem (no) al (with me) yme (you agreed) tuq 14 (but) Nyd (I) ana (wish) abu (& go) lzw (yours) Klyd (take) bo (to you) Kld (as) Kya (to give) lta (last group) ayrxa (that to this) anhld 15 (I shall do) dbea (I) ana (want) abud (that whatever) Mdmd (for me) yl (is it lawful) jyls (not?) al (or) wa (am) ana (good) bj (because I) anad (is evil?) asyb (your eye) Knye (or) wa (with mine) ylydb 16 (last) ayrxa (& the first) aymdqw (first) aymdq (the last) ayrxa (will be) Nwwhn (thus) ankh (are the chosen ones) aybg (& few) Nyrwezw (the called) ayrq (for) ryg (are) Nwna (many) Nyaygo 17 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to go up) qond (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (was) awh (prepared) dyte (His disciples) yhwdymlt (twelve) roertl (& He took aside) rbdw (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (in the road) axrwab (& them) Nwhlw (between Him) yhwnyb 18 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (we) Nnx (are going up) Nyqlo (behold) ah (Priests) anhk (to the Chief) ybrl (will be delivered) Mltsm (of Man) asnad (& The Son) hrbw (to death) atwml (& they will condemn Him) yhynwbyxnw (to the Scribes) arpolw 19 (Him) hb (& they will mock) Nwxzbnw (to Gentiles) ammel (& they will deliver Him) yhynwmlsnw (& they will crucify Him) yhynwpqznw (& they will scourge Him) yhynwdgnnw (He will arise) Mwqn (third) atltd (& the day) amwylw 20 (of Zebedee) ydbz (of the sons) ynbd (the mother) Nwhma (to Him) hl (came near) tbrq (then) Nydyh (Him) hl (& she worshipped) tdgow (& her sons) hynbw (she) yh (something) Mdm (Him) hl (she was) twh (& asking) alasw 21 (you) ytna (do desire) aybu (what?) anm (to her) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (that would sit) Nwbtnd (say) rma (to Him) hl (& she said) arma (Your right) Knymy (at) Nm (one) dx (my sons) ynb (two) Nyrt (these) Nylh (in Your kingdom) Ktwklmb (Your left) Klmo (at) Nm (& one) dxw 22 (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (you are) Nwtna (asking) Nylas (what) anm (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (prepared) dyte (that I am) anad (the cup) aok (to drink) atsml (you) Nwtna (are able?) Nyxksm (am) ana (to be baptized in) dme (that I) anad (in the baptism) atydwmem (or) wa (to drink) atsml (we) Nnx (are able) Nyxksm (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (to be baptized in) Nwdmet 23 (you will drink) Nwtst (My cup) yok (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (I am) ana (baptized) dme (in which I) anad (& in the baptism) atydwmemw (My right) ynymy (at) Nm (but) Nyd (for you to sit) Nwbttd (you will be baptized) Nwdmet (except) ala (that I may give) ltad (Mine) ylyd (was) twh (not) al (My left) ylmo (& at) Nmw (My Father) yba (by) Nm (for whom it is prepared) tbyjtad (to those) Nylyal 24 (the ten) aroe (heard) wems (but) Nyd (when) dk (brothers) Nyxa (two) Nyrt (those) Nwnh (against) le (they were angry) wzgr 25
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(to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwna (& called) arqw (of the Gentiles) ammed (their rulers) Nwhysrd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (over them) Nwhyle (have authority) Nyjyls (& their great ones) Nwhynbrwrw (are) Nwna (their lords) Nwhyrm 26 (among you) Nwktnyb (it will be) awhn (so) ankh (not) al (great) abr (to be) awhnd (among you) Nwkb (wants) abud (whoever) Nm (but) ala (a minister) ansmsm (to you) Nwkl (let him be) awhn 27 (first) aymdq (to be) awhnd (among you) Nwkb (wants) abud (& whoever) Nmw (a servant) adbe (to you) Nwkl (let him be) awhn 28 (to be ministered to) smtsnd (came) ata (not) al (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbd (Just as) ankya (Himself) hspn (& to give) ltndw (to minister) smsnd (but) ala (the many) aaygo (in the place of) Plx (a ransom) anqrwp 29 (Yerikho) wxyrya (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (& when) dkw (great) aaygo (a crowd) asnk (after Him) hrtb (was) awh (coming) ata 30 (of the road) axrwa (the side) dy (on) le (were) wwh (sitting) Nybty (two) Nyrt (blind men) aymo (& behold) ahw (a cry) alq (they gave) wbhy (was passing by) rbe (that Yeshua) ewsyd (they heard) wems (& when) dkw (of David) dywdd (Son) hrb (My Lord) yrm (on us) Nyle (have mercy) Mxrta (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 31 (that they would be silent) Nwqtsnd (them) Nwhb (they were) wwh (rebuking) Nyak (but) Nyd (the crowds) asnk (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (their voice) Nwhlq (raised) wmyra (all the more) tyaryty (& they) Nwnhw (of David) dywdd (Son) hrb (on us) Nyle (have mercy) Mxrta (our Lord) Nrm 32 (& He said) rmaw (them) Nwna (& He called) arqw (Yeshua) ewsy (& stopped) Mqw (for you) Nwkl (Me to do) dbead (you) Nwtna (do want) Nybu (what?) anm 33 (our eyes) Nynye (that may be opened) Nxtptnd (our Lord) Nrm (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma 34 (Yeshua) ewsy (for them) Nwhyle (& was moved with pity) Mxrtaw (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (their eyes) Nwhynyel (& He touched) brqw (after Him) hrtb (& they went) wlzaw (their eyes) Nwhynye (were opened) xtpta Chapter 21 1 (to BythPhage) agptybl (& came) ataw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (He approached) brq (& as) dkw (of Olives) atyzd (of the Mount) arwj (the side) bng (by) le (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (two) Nyrt (Yeshua) ewsy (sent) rds Verse one differs from The Majority Greek text in the name of BethPhage- most Greek mss. have bhysfaghbhysfagh BethSphage, while some Byzantine and (a,B) & TR have bhyfaghbhyfagh- BethPhage, in agreement with The Peshitta. However, the Vaticanus ms.(B) also has eiv to orov twn elaiwn (unto the Mount of Olives), whereas the Majority text has prov to orov twn elaiwn(toward the Mount of Olives). Finally, all Greek texts omit the personal pronoun in,His disciples. Thus it looks like The Peshitta, if it were a translation of Greek, translated The Critical Greek represented by Vaticanus, in the first reading, then the Byzantine Majority Text in the next reading, and finally, no Greek ms. in the last reading- all in one verse! 2 (to you) Nwkl (that is opposite) bwqld (this) adh (to village) atyrql (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (that is tied) aryoad (a donkey) armx (you) Nwtna (will find) Nyxksm (& at once) adxmw (to me) yl (bring) wtya (loose) wrs (with her) hme (& a colt) alyew 3 (to him) hl (say) wrma (the thing) Mdm (to you) Nwkl (says) rma (a man) sna (& if) Naw (they are needed) Nyebtm (that for our Lord) Nrmld (here *) akl (them) Nwhl (he will send) rdsm (& at once) adxmw Greek omits the last word, Here. This reading in The Peshitta did not come not from Greek. 4 (was that should be fulfilled) almtnd (that happened *) twhd (but) Nyd (this) adh (that says) rmad (the prophet) aybn (by) dyb (that was spoken) rmatad (the thing) Mdm
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ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

Eastern Peshitta mss.(including the famous Khabouris ms.) have All this happened... That is also the Majority Greek reading & that of B (Vaticanus). Apparently most Western Peshitta mss. do not read that way, but as here. 5 (of Zion) Nwyhu (to the daughter) trbl (say) wrma (& riding) bykrw (meek) Kykm (to you) ykl (comes) ata (your King) ykklm (behold) ah (a she ass) anta (son of) rb (a colt) alye (& upon *) lew (a donkey) armx (on) le The text here agrees with 4th cent. mss. (a,B)-The Critical Greek text. 6 (& did) wdbew (the disciples) adymlt (& went) wlzaw (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwhl (had commanded *) dqpd (Just as) ankya

The Majority Greek text agrees better here; The Critical text has appointed, a derivative of the Aramaic passive verb; but the active form is used here, so it looks like the Critical Greek text translator read his Aramaic grammar wrong here, but nevertheless is witness to an Aramaic original. 7 (on) le (& they placed) wmow (& the colt) alyelw (the donkey) armxl (& they brought) wytyaw (Yeshua *) ewsy (upon him) yhwle (& rode) bkrw (their garments) Nwhytxn (the colt) alye Jesus is missing in all the Greek mss.

8 (in the road) axrwab (their clothes) Nwhynam (were) wwh (spreading) Nywsm (of crowds) asnkd (& a multitude) aagwow (from) Nm (branches) akwo (were) wwh (cutting down) Nyqop (but) Nyd (others) anrxa (in the road) axrwab (& laying them) Nymrw (trees) anlya 9 (& coming) Nytaw (before Him) yhwmdq (were) wwh (going) Nylzad (which) Nylya (but) Nyd (the crowds) asnk (Oshanna *) aneswa (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (were) wwh (crying out) Nyeq (after him) hrtb (Who comes) atad (is He) wh (blessed) Kyrb (of David) dywdd (to the Son) hrbl (in the highest) amwrmb (Oshanna) aneswa (of Jehovah *) ayrmd (in The Name) hmsb ayrm Mar-Yah means Lord Jehovah or Lord Yahweh. The Greek does not distinguish this name from other titles and the Greek Kuriov - Kurios may simply mean Sir or Master. Thirty two times Jesus is named ayrm MarYah- LORD Jehovah in The Peshitta NT text! The Greek N.T., of course, has no such references. * Oshanna- aneswa is not Greek, it is Aramaic; even the Greek mss. have this Aramaic word in the text, indicating that the people of Israel spoke Aramaic, not Greek. Oshanna means,Save now!Here is Barnes NT Notes for this verse: The word hosanna means, Save now, or, Save, I beseech thee. It is a Syriac (Aramaic) word, and was the form of acclamation used among the Jews. It was probably used in the celebration of their great festivals. During those festivals they sang the 115th, 116th, 117th, and 118th psalms. 10 (was troubled) teyztta (Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (He entered) le (& when) dkw (This) anh (Who is?) wnm (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (city) atnydm (the whole) hlk 11 (This is) wnh (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (the crowds) asnk (of Galila) alylgd (Natsareth) trun (Who is from) Nmd (the Prophet) aybn (Yeshua) ewsy 12 (& cast out) qpaw (of God *) ahlad (the temple) alkyhl (Yeshua) ewsy (& entered) lew (& upset) Pxow (in the temple) alkyhb (& bought) Nynbzmw (who sold) Nynbzd (all of them) Nwhlkl (& the seats) atworwkw (of money changers) anpremd (the tables) arwtp (doves) anwy (who sold) Nynbzmd (of those) Nnwnhd of God is omitted by 4th cent. Mss. (a,B) & The Critical Greek text. Sometimes it agrees with The Peshitta and sometimes not. 13 (My house) ytybd (it is) wh (written) bytk (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (you) Nwtna (will be called) arqtn (of prayer) atwlu (the house) tyb
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(of robbers) ayjold (a den) atrem (you have made it) yhynwtdbe (but) Nyd 14 (& the lame) aoygxw (the blind) aymo (in the temple) alkyhb (to Him) hl (& they brought *) wbrqw (them) Nwna (& He healed) yoaw The Greek mss. all have proshlyon autw -came to Him, where The Peshitta has They brought to Him. The Aramaic verb brq Qareb can mean Approach or Bring. Think about it: The blind and the lame came to him? 15 (priests) anhk (the chief) ybr (but) Nyd (saw) wzx (when) dk (that He did) dbed (the wonders) atrmdt (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (& saying) Nyrmaw (in the temple) alkyhb (shouting) Nyeqd (& the children) ayljw (to them) Nwhl (it seemed evil) sabta (of David) dywdd (to the Son) hrbl (Oshanna) aneswa 16 (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (these) Nylh (are saying) Nyrma (what?) anm (You) tna (heard) ems (antiquity) Mwtm (from) Nm (yes) Nya (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (of children) ayljd (the mouth) amwp (that from) Nmd (have you read) Nwtyrq (not?) al (a song of praise) atxwbst (You have composed) tnqt (& infants) adwlydw This quotation from Psalm 8:2 agrees with neither The Hebrew OT nor The LXX Greek OT, nor The Peshitta OT, nor The Greek NT. It seems to follow a hybrid text similar to that of The Dead Sea Scrolls, which sometimes is similar to The LXX text and other times like The Massoretic Hebrew text. Often, (especially in Hebrews frequent OT quotations), it follows The Peshitta OT translation text, which has some unique readings. 17 (to the outside) rbl (& he went out) qpnw (them) Nwna (& He left) qbsw (there) Nmt (& He spent the night) tbw (to Bythania) aynetybl (the city) atnydm (of) Nm 18 (He was hungry) Npk (to the city) atnydml (He returned) Kph (when) dk (but) Nyd (at dawn) arpub 19 (by the road) axrwab (one) adx (fig tree) att (& He saw) azxw (anything) Mdm (in it) hb (He found) xksa (& not) alw (to it) htwl (& came) ataw (not) al (to it) hl (& He said) rmaw (alone) dwxlb (leaves) aprj (only) Na (but) ala (for all time) Mlel (fruit) arap (again) bwt (in you) ykb (there will be) Nwwhn (that) yh (fig tree) att (withered up) tsby (& at once) adxmw 20 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& they marveled) wrhtw (the disciples) adymlt (& saw) wzxw (the fig tree) att (withered up) tsby (a moment) htes (son of) rb (How!) ankya 21 (that if) Nad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (only) dwxlb (not) al (you will doubt) Nwglptt (& not) alw (faith) atwnmyh (in you) Nwkb (there shall be) awht (this) anh (to mountain) arwjl (also if) Npa (but) ala (you will do) Nwdbet (of the fig tree) attd (this) adh (it will be done) awht (into the sea) amyb (& fall) lpw (be lifted up) lqtsad (you will say) Nwrmat 22 (in prayer) atwlub (that you will ask) Nwlastd (thing) Mdm (& every) lkw (you will receive) Nwbot (& you will believe) Nwnmyhtw 23 (to the temple) alkyhl (Yeshua *) ewsy (came) ata (& when) dkw (& the Elders) asysqw (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (him) hl (approached) wbrq (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (He taught) Plm (when) dk (of the people) amed (you) tna (do) dbe (these things) Nylh (authority) Njlws (by which?) anyab (this) anh (authority) anjlws (you) Kl (gave) bhy (& who?) wnmw Jesus omitted in all Greek mss.

24 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (& if) Naw (one) adx (matter) atlm (I) ana (also) Pa (shall ask you) Nwklasa (you) Nwkl (shall) ana (tell) rma (I) ana (also) Paw (Me) yl (you will tell) Nwrmat (I) ana (do) dbe (these things) Nylh (authority) anjlws (in which) anyab
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25 (is it?) hytya (from where? *) akmya (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the baptism) htydwmem (the children of men) asnynb (from) Nm (or) wa (is it?) yh (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (among themselves) Nwhspnb (were) wwh (counseling) Nyertm (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (we say) rman (that if) Nad (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (did you trust him) yhynwtnmyh (not) al (what?) anm (& upon) lew (to us) Nl (He will say) rma The Eastern Peshitta mss. have akmya Nm instead of akmya. The meaning is the same. 26 (the children of men) asnynb (from) Nm (& that should we say) rmandw (the crowds) asnk (of) Nm (we are) Nnxna (afraid) Nylxd (a prophet) aybn (as) Kya (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (him) hl (they were) wwh (holding) Nydyxa 27 (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they answered *) wne (not) al (also) Pa (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (we know) Nnyedy (not) al (authority) anjlws (by which) anyab (you) Nwkl (am) ana (telling) rma (I) ana (I) ana (do) dbe (these things) Nylh All Greek mss. have They answered Jesus here and omit Jesus later in the verse where The Peshitta has Jesus said to them. 28 (to you) Nwkl (does it appear) azxtm (but) Nyd (how?) anm (to him) hl (were) wwh (there) tya (a certain) dx (a man) arbg (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (the first) aymdq (to) twl (& He called *) arqw (two) Nyrt (sons) aynb (in the vineyard *) amrkb (work) xwlp (today) anmwy (go) lz (my son) yrb

** The Majority Greek Text agrees with and he called; The Critical Greek Text (a) omits,And. The Critical Greek Text (a) agrees with the vineyard where the Majority Greek has my vineyard. 29 (I) ana (want) abu (not) al (& said) rmaw (he answered) ane (but) Nyd (he) wh (& he went) lzaw (he was moved with regret) ywtta (but) Nyd (afterward) atrxb 30 (likewise) twkh (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (the other) anrxa (to) twl (& He came) brqw (went) lza (& not) alw (my lord) yrm (I will) ana (& said) rmaw (he answered) ane (but) Nyd (he) wh 31 (of their father) yhwbad (the will) anybu (did) dbe (two) Nwhyrt (these) Nylh (of) Nm (which?) wnm (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (first) aymdq (the) wh (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (& prostitutes) atynzw (that tax collectors) aokmd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (of God) ahlad (to the Kingdom) atwklml (you) Nwkl (precede) Nymdq 32 (of justice) atwnakd (in the way) axrwab (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (to you) Nwktwl (for) ryg (came) ata (& prostitutes) atynzw (but) Nyd (tax collectors) aokm (you did trust him) yhynwtnmyh (& not) alw (you saw) Nwtyzx (when) dk (not) al (also) Pa (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (trusted him) yhwnmyh (in him) hb (to trust) Nwnmyhtd (afterward) atrxb (were moved with remorse) Nwtywtta 33 (was) awh (there) tya (certain) dx (a man) arbg (parable) altm (another) anrxa (hear) wems (a vineyard) amrk (& he had planted) bunw (a house) atyb (owner) arm (in it) hb (& he had dug) rpxw (a fence) agyo (& enclosed it) hrdxaw (a tower) aldgm (in it) hb (& built) anbw (a wine press) atruem (& went abroad) qzxw (to laborers) axlpl (& gave its care) hdxwaw 34 (of fruit) arapd (the season) anbz (had arrived) ajm (but) Nyd (when) dk (the laborers) axlp (to) twl (his servants)yhwdbel (he sent) rds (of the vineyard) hmrkd (the fruit) arap (from) Nm (to him) hl (that they would send) Nwrdsnd 35 (they beat him) yhwaxmd (& one) tyaw (his servants)yhwdbel (the laborers) axlp (& seized) wdxaw (they killed him) yhwljqd (& another) tyaw (they stoned him) yhwmgrd (& another) tyaw 36 (more) Nyaygod (servants) adbe (other) anrxa (he sent) rds (& again) bwtw
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(to them) Nwhl (they did) wdbe (& likewise) twkhw (the first) aymdq (than) Nm 37 (his son) hrbl (to them) Nwhtwl (he sent) rds (but) Nyd (finally) yrxa (my son) yrb (of) Nm (they will be in awe) Nwthbn (doubtless) rbk (he said) rma (as) dk 38 (the son) arbl (saw) yhwazx (when) dk (but) Nyd (the laborers) axlp (the heir) atry (this is) wnh (among themselves) Nwhtnyb (they said) wrma (his inheritance) htwtry (& seize) dwxanw (let us kill him) yhwyljqn (come)wt 39 (& killed him) yhwljqw (the vineyard) amrk (of) Nm (outside) rbl (& led him) yhwqpa (& they seized) wdxaw 40 (the lord) hrm (therefore) lykh (comes) atad (whenever) am (those) Nwnh (to laborers) axlpl (will he do) dben (what?) anm (of the vineyard) amrkd 41 (them) Nwna (he will destroy) dbwn (very) syb (badly) sybd (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (laborers) axlp (to other) anrxal (he will give its care) dxwn (& the vineyard) amrkw (in their season) Nwhnbzb (the fruit) arap (him) hl (will render) Nybhyd (who) Nylya 42 (in the scriptures) abtkb (have you read) Nwtyrq (ever) Mwtmm (not?) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (the head) asrl (has become) twh (that) yh (the builders) aynb (that rejected) wyload (the stone) apakd (this) adh (was) twh (Jehovah) ayrm (the presence of) twl (from) Nm (of the corner) atywzd (in our eyes) Nynyeb (a wonder) atrwmdt (& it is) hytyaw 43 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (this) anh (because of ) ljm (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (from you) Nwknm (that will be taken) lqtstd (fruit) arap (who will produce) dbed (to a people) amel (& will be given) bhyttw 44 (will be shattered) eertn (this) adh (stone) apak (on) le (falls) lpnd (& whoever) Nmw (it will scatter him like dust) yhwyrdt (upon him) yhwle (will fall) lpt (it) yhd (whomever) Nm (& everyone) lkw The Old Syriac(5th cent.) Sinaiticus Aramaic ms. omits verse 44! 45 (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (heard) wems (& when) dkw (He had spoken) rma (that against them) Nwhyled (they knew) wedy (His parables) yhwltm 46 (the crowds) asnk (of) Nm (& they were afraid) wlxdw (to seize Him) hdxaml (& they sought) webw (Him) hl (they were) wwh (holding) Nydyxa (a prophet) aybnld (as) Kyad (because) ljm Chapter 22 1 (& He said) rmaw (in a parable) altmb (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (answered) anew 2 (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is compared) tymdta (for his son) hrbl (a wedding feast) atwtsm (who made) dbed (a king) aklm (to a man) arbgl 3 (those invited) anmzml (to call) Nwrqnd (his servants) yhwdbel (& He sent) rdsw (to come) ataml (they chose) wbu (& not) alw (to the wedding feast) atwtsml 4 (other) anrxa (servants) adbe (he sent) rds (again) bwt (my banquet) ytwrs (behold) ahd (those invited) anmzml (tell) wrma (& he said) rmaw (are killed) Nylyjq (& my fatlings) ymjpmw (& my oxen) yrwtw (is ready) abyjm (to the wedding feast) atwtsml (come) wt (is prepared) byjm (thing) Mdm (& every) lkw 5 (& they went) wlzaw (showed contempt) wob (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (to his commerce) htrwgatld (& one) tyaw (to his field) htyrqld (one) tya 6 (& killed) wljqw (& abused) wreuw (his servants) yhwdbel (seized) wdxa (but) Nyd (the rest) akrs 7 (was angry) zgr (the King) aklm (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk
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(those) Nwnh (murderers) alwjql (he destroyed) dbwa (his armies) htwlyx (& sending) rdsw (he burned) dqwa (& their city) Nwhtnydmlw 8 (is ready) abyjm (the wedding feast) atwtsm (to his servants) yhwdbel (he said) rma (then) Nydyh (were) wwh (worthy) Nyws (not) al (were) wwh (who invited) Nynmzmd (& those) Nwnhw 9 (of the roads) atxrwad (to the ends) anqpml (therefore) lykh (go) wlz (to the wedding feast) atwtsml (call) wrq (you) Nwtna (find) Nyxksmd (whom) Nm (& everyone) lkw 10 (& they gathered) wsnkw (to the roads) atxrwal (those) Nwnh (servants) adbe (& went out) wqpnw (& was filled) ylmtaw (& good) abjw (evil) asyb (whom they found) wxksad (everyone) lk (with guests) akymo (of the wedding feast) atwtsm (the place) tyb 11 (& he saw) azxw (the guests) akymo (to see) azxnd (the king) aklm (& entered) lew (wedding) atwtsmd (a garment) aswbl (was wearing) sybl (who not) ald (a man) arbg (there) Nmt 12 (here) akl (entered you) tle (how?) ankya (my friend) yrbx (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (to you) Kl (there is not) tyl (wedding) atwtsmd (a garment) atxn (when) dk (he was speechless) qttsa (but) Nyd (he) wh 13 (his hands) yhwdya (bind) wrwoa (to the attendants) ansmsml (the King) aklm (said) rma (then) Nydyh (there) Nmt (foreign) ayrb (into darkness) akwsxl (& cast him out) yhwqpaw (& his feet) yhwlgrw (of teeth) ans (& gnashing) qrwxw (weeping) aykb (will be) awhn 14 (the chosen) aybg (& few) Nyrwezw (the called) ayrq (for) ryg (are) Nwna (many) Nyaygo 15 (counsel) aklm (they took) wbon (the Pharisees) asyrp (went) wlza (then) Nydyh (in discourse) atlmb (they may capture Him) yhynwdwun (that how) ankyad 16 (of Herodus) odwrh (those of the house) tybd (with) Me (their disciples) Nwhydymlt (to Him) htwl (& they sent) wrdsw (You are) tna (that true) ryrsd (we know) Nnyedy (Teacher) anplm (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (You) tna (teach) Plm (in justice) atswqb (of God) ahlad (& the way) axrwaw (for a man) snad (caution) atpu (You) tna (take) lyqs (& not) alw (of men) asnad (the faces) apab (You) tna (accept) bon (for) ryg (not) al 17 (to You) Kl (appears it) azxtm (how?) ankya (therefore) lykh (us) Nl (tell) rma (not?) al (or) wa (to Caesar) roql (the head) asr (tax) Pok (to give) ltml (is it lawful?) jyls 18 (their evil) Nwhtwsyb (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (Me) yl (are you) Nwtna (testing) Nyonm (why?) anm (& He said) rmaw (hypocrites of faces) apab (accepters-) ybon 19 (head) asr (of the tax money) Pokd (a denarius) arnyd (show Me) ynwawx (a denarius) arnyd (to Him) hl (they brought) wbrq (and) Nyd (they) Nwnh A denarius was considered a days wages. 20 (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (& inscription) abtkw (this) anh (image) amlu (of whom is?) wnmd 21 (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (Caesars) roqd (they were saying) Nyrma (to Caesar) roql (what is Caesars) roqd (therefore) lykh (give) wbh (to God) ahlal (& what is Gods) ahladw 22 (& departed) wlzaw (& they left Him) yhwqbsw (they were amazed) wrmdta (they heard) wems (& when) dkw 23 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the Sadducees) ayqwdz (approached) wbrq (day) amwy (in that) whb (& they asked him) yhwlasw (of the dead) atym (life) tyx (There is not) tyl (to Him) hl The Greek mss. omit to Him: The Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, giving the impression the Sadducees said nothing about their belief, but did not believe in resurrection; The Peshitta states that they told Jesus, There is no resurrection of the dead.
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24 (said) rma (Moshe) aswm (Teacher) anplm (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (there are not) tyl (while) dk (will die) twmn (a man) sna (that if) Nad (to us) Nl (his wife) httna (his brother) yhwxa (may take) bon (sons) aynb (to him) hl (to his brother) yhwxal (seed) aerz (& raise) Myqnw 25 (seven) aebs (brothers) axa (to us) Ntwl (now) Nyd (were) wwh (there) tya (& he died) tymw (a wife) attna (took) lqs (the first) aymdq (sons) aynb (to him) hl (were) awh (& there not) tyldw (to his brother) yhwxal (his wife) httna (He left) hqbs 26 (second) Nyrtd (the) wh (also) Pa (likewise) twkh (the seven of them) Nwhytebsl (& unto) amdew (third) atltd (the) wh (& also) Paw 27 (the woman) attna (also) Pa (died) ttym (all of them) Nwhlkd (but) Nyd (after) atrxb 28 (seven) aebs (these) Nylh (of) Nm (to which?) anyal (therefore) lykh (in the resurrection) atmyqb (had taken her) hwbon (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk (the woman) attna (will be) awht 29 (you) Nwtna (err) Nyej (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (the scriptures) abtk (you) Nwtna (understand) Nyedy (because not) ald (of God) ahlad (the mighty work) hlyx (neither) alw 30 (wives) asn (they take) Nybon (not) al (of the dead) atymd (for) ryg (in resurrection) atmyqb (but) ala (to men) arbgl (will be) Nywh (women) asn (neither) alpa (they are *) Nwhytya (in Heaven) aymsb (of God) ahlad (the angels) akalm (like) Kya They are tells us that the resurrection spoken of here is life after death. Those alive after death are even now as the angels of God. 31 (you read) Nwtyrq (not?) al (of the dead) atymd (but) Nyd (resurrection) atmyq (concerning) le (Who said) rmad (God) ahla (from) Nm (to you) Nwkl (was spoken) rmatad (what) Mdm 32 (of Abraham) Mhrbad (The God) hhla (I AM The Living God *) ana anad (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (The God) hhla (of Isaac) qxoyad (The God) hhla (of the living) ayxd (but) ala (of the dead) atymd (He is) awh (not) al (& The God) ahlaw * See note at 14:27 on Ena Na-I AM The Living God 33 (the crowds) asnk (heard) wems (& when) dkw (at His teaching) hnplwyb (they were) wwh (dumbfounded) Nyhmttm 34 (heard) wems (when) dk (but) Nyd (the Pharisees) asyrp (together) adxka (they assembled) wsnkta (the Sadducees) ayqwdzl (that He had silenced) qtsd 35 (who knew) edyd (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (& asked Him) hlasw (Him) hl (testing) aonm (while) dk (the Torah) aowmn 36 (in the Torah) aowmnb (is greatest) br (commandment) andqwp (which?) anya (Teacher) anplm 37 (your God) Khla (Jehovah) ayrml (You shall love) Mxrtd (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (your soul) Kspn (all) hlk (& from) Nmw (your heart) Kbl (all) hlk (from) Nm (your mind *) Knyer (all) hlk (& from) Nmw (your power) Klyx (all) hlk (& from) Nmw This quote follows the Hebrew text of Deuteronomy 6:5 and then adds another phrase and from all your mind. No OT text has these four stipulations as does The Peshitta NT in all three NT quotes of Deut. 6:5.The Peshitta OT text does use an unusual word in its final phrase: Knynq hlk Nmw wmin kalah qninak (with all your faculties).Our Lord apparently preferred that the all your mindcondition be included in our love to God. Almost all Greek mss. omit all your strength in this verse, but include it in the parallel passages of Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27 (However, The Critical Greek text also omits with all your soul in Mark 12:33.
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38 (& the first) aymdqw (the great) abr (the commandment) andqwp (this is) wnh 39 (it) hl (which is like) amdd (& the second) Nyrtdw (yourself) Kspn (as) Kya (your neighbor) Kbyrql (you shall love) Mxrtd 40 (& The Prophets) aybnw (The Torah) atyrwa (depend) aylt (commands) Nyndqwp (two) Nyrt (on these) Nylhb 41 (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwna (asked) las (the Pharisees) asyrp (but) Nyd (were assembled) Nysynk (as) dk 42 (the Messiah) axysm (about) le (you) Nwtna (are saying) Nyrma (what?) anm (& He said) rmaw (David) dywd (the son of) rb (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (whose? is He) wnm (Son) rb 43 (David) dywd (& how?) ankyaw (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (for) ryg (he said) rma (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (Him) hl (did call) arq (in The Spirit) xwrb 44 (You) Kl (sit) bt (to my Lord) yrml (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (said) rmad (I place) Myoad (until) amde (My right) ynymy (at) Nm (Your feet) Kylgr (under) tyxt (Your enemies) Kybbdleb 45 (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (Him) hl (called) arq (David) dywd (therefore) lykh (if) Na (is He) wh (his son) hrb (how?) ankya If one were to read The Massoretic notes of the Hebrew text of Psalm 110, one would find that the Massorete scribes changed the Name of Yahweh(Jehovah) in 110:5 to Adonai(The Lord); this they did in 133 other places as well. But Ps. 110, verse five would read: Jehovah at your right hand will strike through kings in the day of His wrath. The Peshitta OT has the same reading. Our Lords quotation of verse one suggests the whole Psalm of seven verses. If Jehovah is at Gods right hand in verse 5, then He must be the very same Jehovah at His right hand in verse 1! No Greek ms. indicates this Divine Tetragrammaton Name (Yahweh) in verses 43-45. The Peshitta has it three times! It also names Yeshua as Yahweh 32 times in the NT! The Greek has no word for Yahweh, though the Greek translator might have substituted Kurios Theos(Lord God) or, Theos (God) to indicate The Deity, since the Name (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm MarYah is referenced 239 times in the NT quotations of OT scripture & etc. Actually, that probably happened only five or six times out of 239 in The Greek NT. All other places simply have Kurios (Lord), which can refer to The Deity or to a mere man. The Aramaic ayrm MarYah (The Lord Jehovah) never refers to anyone but The Deity. 46 (an answer) amgtp (Him) hl (give) ltnd (could) xksa (man) sna (& no) alw (again) bwt (dared) xrma (man) sna (& no) alw (to question Him) htwlasml (day) amwy (that) wh (from) Nm Chapter 23 1 (the crowds) asnk (with) Me (spoke) llm (Yeshua) ewsy (then) Nydyh (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& with) Mew 2 (of Moshe) aswmd (the throne) ayorwk (on) le (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (& The Pharisees) asyrpw (the Scribes) arpo (have sat) wbty 3 (to observe *) Nwrjtd (you) Nwkl (they will tell) Nwrmand (therefore) lykh (thing) Mdm (every) lk (you should do) Nwdbet (not) al (but) Nyd (their works) Nwhydbe (according to) Kya (& do *) wdbew (observe *) wrj (they are doing) Nydbe (& not) alw (for) ryg (they are saying) Nyrma *** The Critical Greek text (a,B) omits to observe; B (Vaticanus) also reverses observe & do to do & observe, while a (Sinaiticus) has only do. The Majority Greek text agrees here with The Peshitta. 4 (the shoulders) atptk (on) le (& they place them) Nymyow (heavy) atryqy (burdens) albwm (& they bind) Nyroaw (are willing) Nybu (not) al (with their fingers) Nwhebub (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (of men) asna (of children) ynbd (them) Nyhl (to touch) Nwbrqnd 5 (of men) asna (by the children) ynbl (that they may be seen) Nwzxtnd (they do) Nydbe (their works) Nwhydbe (& all) Nwhlkw (& they extend) Nykrwmw (their phylacteries) Nwhylpt (for) ryg (they enlarge) Nytpm (of their robes) Nwhyjwjrmd (the blue fringes) atlkt 6
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(at feasts) atymsxb (places) akmo (the first class) sr (& they love) Nymxrw (in synagogues) atswnkb (seats) abtwm (& first class) srw 7 (& to be) Nwwhndw (in the market places) aqwsb (& greetings) amlsw (Rabbi *) ybr (people) asna (by) Nm (called) Nyrqtm * C The Majority (Byzantine) Greek text has rabbi rabbi- Rabbi, Rabbi. The Critical Greek text (a,B) has rabbi Rabbi, in agreement with The Peshitta. This is also another case of an Aramaic word transliterated into The Greek NT. 8 (Rabbi) ybr (you shall not be called) Nwrqtt (not) al (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (are) Nwtna (brethren) axa (you all) Nwklk (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (your Rabbi *) Nwkbr (for) ryg (is) wh (one) dx The Majority Greek Text & (a,D) have umwn o kayhghthv your Guide, Leader; (B-Vaticanus) & others have umwn o didaskalov your Teacher. The Majority Greek text has also o cristov (The Christ) after o kayhghthv. The Critical Greek text (a,B) does not have o cristov (The Christ). Both Greek readings: umwn o kayhghthv your Guide, Leader; (B-Vaticanus) & umwn o didaskalov your Teacher can be explained by The Peshitta reading Nwkbr (Your Rabbi). abr Rabba means Great one, & can also mean Teacher or Master,Ruler. 9 (yourselves) Nwkl (you should call) Nwrqt (not) al (& Father) abaw (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwba (for) ryg (is) wh (one) dx (in the earth) aerab 10 (leaders) anrbdm (you will be called) Nwrqtt (& not) alw (the Messiah) axysm (your leader) Nwknrbdm (is) wh (one) dxd (because) ljm 11 (a servant) ansmsm (to you) Nwkl (will be) awhn (among you) Nwkb (who is great) brd (but) Nyd (he) wh 12 (will be humbled) Kkmtn (himself) hspn (will exalt) Myrnd (for) ryg (whoever) Nm (will be exalted) Myrttn (himself) hspn (will humble) Kmnd (& whoever) Nmw 13 (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (& Pharisees) asyrpw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (of widows) atlmrad (the houses) atb (you) Nwtna (who consume) Nylkad (your prayers) Nwktwlu (you) Nwtna (for chanting long) Nykrwmd (with an offering) atleb (greater) aryty (judgment) anyd (you will receive) Nwlbqt (this) anh (because of) ljm The Critical Greek Text (a,B) has this verse and verse 14 in switched order. The Majority Greek Text has them as The Peshitta has them. 14 (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (& Pharisees) asyrpw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (of men) asna (the children) ynb (before) Mdq (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (you) Nwtna (for shut) Nydyxad (are) Nwtna (entering) Nylae (not) al (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (to enter) leml (you) Nwtna (allow) Nyqbs (not) al (who are entering) Nylaed (& those) Nylyalw 15 (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (& Pharisees) asyrpw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (convert) arwyg (one) dx (to make) Nwdbetd (& land) asbyw (sea) amy (you) Nwtna (for travel around) Nykrktmd (him) hl (you) Nwtna (make) Nydbe (it has occurred) awhd (& when) amw (that of yourselves) Nwkyle (double) apea (of Gehenna *) anhgd (the son) hrb The Greek NT has Gehenna transliterated again here an Aramaic term designating a place in Israel and a metaphor for death in sin & eternal judgment. More evidence of an Aramaic original. See note at Matthew 18:9 on geennhv. 16 (that whoever) Nmd (you) Nwtna (for say) Nyrmad (blind) aymo (guides) adwgn (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (but) Nyd (whoever) Nm (anything) Mdm (it is) awh (not) al (by the temple) alkyhb (swears) amyd (is liable) bax (in the temple) alkyhbd (by the gold) abhdb (swears) amyd 17 (is greater) br (for) ryg (which?) anm (& blind men) aymow (fools) alko (the gold) abhdl (it) hl (sanctifying) sdqm (which is) whd (the temple) alkyh (or) wa (gold) abhd 18 (anything) Mdm (it is) awh (not) al (by the altar) axbdmb (swears) amyd (& whoever) Nmw (he is liable) bax (it) hnm (upon) leld (by the offering) anbrwqb (swears) amyd (but) Nyd (whoever) Nm 19 (is greater) br (which?) anm (& blind men) arywew (fools) alko
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(the gift) anbrwql (that hallows) sdqmd (the altar) axbdm (or) wa (the gift) anbrwq 20 (swears) amy (by the altar) axbdmb (therefore) lykh (swears) amyd (whoever) Nm (it) hnm (upon) lel (that is) tyad (thing) am (& by every) lkbw (by it) hb 21 (by it) hb (swears) amy (by the temple) alkyhb (swears) amyd (& whoever) Nmw (in it) hb (dwells) rmed (& by Whomever) Nmbw 22 (of God) ahlad (by the throne) hyorwkb (swears) amy (by Heaven) aymsb (swears) amyd (& whoever) Nmw (it) hnm (upon) lel (sits) btyd (& by Whomever) Nmbw 23 (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (& Pharisees) asyrpw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (& cummin) anwmkw (& dill) atbsw (mint) aenn (you) Nwtna (who tithe) Nyroemd (of the law) aowmnd (the weighty things) htryqy (& you forsake) Nwtqbsw (these things) Nylh (& faith) atwnmyhw (& mercy) annxw (judgment) anyd (for you to do) Nwdbetd (it is) awh (necessary) alw (but) Nyd (for you to forsake) Nwqbst (not) al (& these things) Nylhw 24 (camels) almg (& swallow) Nyelbw (gnats) aqb (who strain out) Nyllumd (blind) aymo (guides) adwgn 25 (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (& Pharisees) asyrpw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (of the cup) aokd (the outside) hrb (you) Nwtna (who wash) Nykdmd (& iniquity *) alwew (of plunder) aypwjx (are full) Nylm (but) Nyd (within) wgl (& of the dish) arwbzdw The Critical Greek Text has akrasian akrasian (excess,lack of self control). The Majority Greek Text has adikiav - adikiav (unrighteousness, iniquity). Following are two Aramaic words parallel to the Greek word akrasian akrasian (excess,lack of self control) in the Critical Greek NT text: alwew, atgrw fwe(w aFgrw , . The blue pair is in square Aramaic script; the red pair is Estrangela script & the black is Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script. The second Aramaic word in each pair is wRegta(& Lust). It appears that the Estrangela pair are most similar of the three. If the word fwe9w -wAwala had the second Waw fwe9w (blue) pushed half through the Lamed l to its left, the Waw- Lamed pair lw would look like Tau t. An Ayin 9 could easily be taken for a Gamal g if it were extended a bit at the bottom by an inadvertent stroke or smudge downward, and the first letter Waw w, if not fully formed in its bottom half of the downward curve stroke, could look like a Resh r. I performed these processes on an original fwe(w -wAwala (& iniquity) and reproduce here the graphic result: . Compare the word Fgr Regta (Lust). The only thing missing in this scenario is the initial conjunction w (Waw- &), represented in Greek by the word kai (kai-&) before akrasian. These are so common however, that even when missing in Aramaic, are supplied in translations as understood. Thus The Peshittas Aramaic word fwe(w -wAwala (& iniquity) can account for both Greek readings, akrasian akrasian (excess,lack of self control) & adikiav - adikiav (unrighteousness, iniquity).No singular Greek text can account for The Peshitta. The Greek akrasian (excess,lack of self control) would not give rise to fwe(-wAwala (& iniquity).The Greek adikiav - adikiav (unrighteousness, iniquity) could do so, however, the agreement between the distinct Greek texts and The Peshitta alternates so frequently and erratically, often within the same verse, that it is not feasible that an Aramaean translator was translating Greek mss. into Aramaic, choosing a different Greek text several times within a verse, and sometimes simply adding or changing readings without any Greek source! Occams Razor would decide this matter very easily: The data are much more easily accounted for by Peshitta Primacy than by Greek Primacy. Indeed, Greek Primacy requires consistent and willful ignorance and neglect of the facts for its support, because it cannot account for the facts. The facts support a Peshitta original NT! 26 (& dish) arwbzdw (the cup) aokd (inside) hwg (first) Mdqwl (wash) wkd (blind) arywe (Pharisees) asyrp (clean) akd (their outside) Nwhrb (also) Pa (that may be) awhd 27 (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (& Pharisees) asyrpw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (white) aslkm (tombs) arbql (you) Nwtna (who are like) Nymdd (lovely) aryps (appear) Nyzxtm (the outside) rbl (that from) Nmd (of the dead) atymd (of bones) amrg (are full) Nylm (but) Nyd (within) wgl (from) Nm (corruption) atwpnj (& all) hlkw 28 (are) Nwtna (appearing) Nyzxtm (outside) rbl (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (also) pa (thus) ankh
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(within) wgl (& from) Nmw (righteous) aqydz (as) Kya (of men) asna (to children) ynbl (of faces) apab (& acceptance) bomw (with evil) alwe (you) Nwtna (are filled) Nylm 29 (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (& Pharisees) asyrpw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (you) Nwtna (& adorn) Nytbumw (of the prophets) aybnd (the tombs) arbq (you) Nwtna (who build) Nynbd (of the righteous) aqydzd (of burial) arwbq (the houses) tyb 30 (of our forefathers) Nyhba (in the days) ymwyb (we had been) Nywh (if) wlad (you) Nwtna (& say) Nyrmaw (of the prophets) aybnd (in the blood) amdb (partakers) aptws (with them) Nwhl (have been) Nywh (we would) Nywh (not) al 31 (yourselves) Nwksp (against) le (you) Nwtna (testify) Nydhom (therefore) Nydm (the prophets) aybnl (who murdered) wljqd (of those) Nwnhd (you are) Nwtna (that children) aynbd 32 (of your forefathers) Nwkyhbad (the standard) atxwsm (fulfill) wlm (you) Nwtna (also) Paw 33 (of vipers) andkad (offspring) adly (snakes) atwwx (of Gehenna) anhgd (the judgment) anyd (from) Nm (will you escape) Nwqret (how?) ankya 34 (to you) Nwktwl (am) ana (sending) rdsm (I) ana (behold) ah (this) anh (because of) ljm (& scribes) arpow (& wise men) amykxw (prophets) aybn (you) Nwtna (& will crucify) Nypqzw (you) Nwtna (will murder) Nyljq (some of them) Nwhnm (in your synagogues) Nwktswnkb (you) Nwtna (will scourge) Nydgnm (& some of them) NwhNmw (to city) anydml (city) anydm (from) Nm (them) Nwna (& you will persecute) Nwpdrtw 35 (of the righteous) aqydzd (the blood) amd (all) hlk (upon you) Nwkyle (that may come) atand (so) ankya (righteous) aqydz (of Abel) lybhd (the blood) hmd (from) Nm (the earth) aera (on) le (that has been shed) dsatad (Barachiah) aykrb (son of) rb (of Zechariah) ayrkzd (the blood) hmdl (& unto) amdew (& the altar) axbdml (the temple) alkyh (between) ynyb (whom you murdered) Nwtljqd (him) wh 36 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (this) adh (generation) atbrs (on) le (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (will come) Nytand 37 (the prophets) aybn (you that murdered) tljq (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (to it) htwl (who were sent) Nyxylsd (those) Nylyal (& stoned) tmgrw (your children) ykynb (to gather) snkad (I desired) tybu (times) Nynbz (how many?) amk (her wings) hypg (under) tyxt (her chicks) hygwrp (a hen) atlwgnrt (gathers) asnkd (as) Kya (you were willing) Nwtybu (& not) alw 38 (desolate *) abrx (your house) Nwktyb (to you) Nwkl (is left) qbtsm (behold) ah The Critical Greek Text (B) omits erhmov (desolate).

39 (until) amde (now) ash (from) Nm (you will see Me) ynnwzxt (that not) ald (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I say) anrma (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in the Name) hmsb (Who has come) atad (is He) wh (blessed) Kyrb (you will say) Nwrmatd Chapter 24 1 (to depart) lzaml (the temple) alkyh (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpnw (to Him) hl (they were) wwh (showing) Nywxm (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& approached) wbrqw (of the temple) alkyhd (the buildings) hnynb 2 (behold) ah (not) al (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (amen) Nyma (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (you) Nwtna (see) Nyzx (will be left) qbtst (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (will be pulled down) rttot (that not) ald (a stone) Pak (on) le (a stone) Pak (here) akrh 3 (of Olives) atyzd (The Mount) arwj (on) le (Yeshua) ewsy (sat) bty (also when) dkw (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (came) wbrq (us) Nl (tell) rma (& to Him) hlw (among themselves) Nwhynyb (the sign) ata (is) yh (& what?) anmw (will be) Nywhn (these things) Nylh (when) ytma (of the world) amled (& of the end) hmlwsdw (of Your advent) Ktytamd
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4 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (will deceive you) Nwkyejn (man) sna (no) al (beware) wrhdza 5 (& they will say) Nwrmanw (in My Name) ymsb (will come) Nwtan (for) ryg (many) aaygo (they will deceive) Nwejn (& many) aaygow (the Messiah) axysm (I AM The Living God) ana anad ana ana -Ena Na almost always refers to Divine speech. It is unclear here that these false prophets will claim to be Divine, though a comparison with Mark 13:6 shows they would say simply: ana anad (I AM) and would deceive many.That is a claim to Deity. 6 (of wars) abrqd (& reports) aemsw (battles) aoraq (to hear) emsml (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (are going) Nydyte (that all these things) Nyhlkd (for) ryg (it is necessary) alw (you will be troubled) Nwdwdtt (not) al (take heed) wzx (it is the end) amlws (quite) lykde (not) al (but) ala (should happen) Nywhn 7 (Kingdom) atwklm (against) le (& kingdom) atwklmw (nation) ame (against) le (nation) ame (for) ryg (will arise) Mwqn (of places) akwd (in places) akwdb (& earthquakes) aewzw (& plagues) antwmw (famines) anpk (& there will be) Nwwhnw 8 (of sorrows) albxd (are) Nyna (the beginning) asr (all) Nyhlk (but) Nyd (these things) Nylh 9 (& they will kill you) Nwknwljqnw (to suffering) anulwal (they will deliver you) Nwknwmlsn (then) Nydyh (the nations) amme (all) Nwhlk (by) Nm (hated) Nyayno (& you will be) Nwwhtw (My Name) yms (because of) ljm 10 (many) aaygo (will be subverted) Nwlsktn (then) Nydyh (another) dxl (one) dx (& will betray) Nwmlsnw (another) dxl (one) dx (& they will hate) Nwnonw 11 (false) algd (prophets) aybn (& many) aaygow (many) aaygol (& will deceive) Nwejnw (will arise) Nwmwqn 12 (of many) aaygod (the love) abwx (will grow cold) gwpn (of evil) alwe (the abundance) twaygo (& because of) ljmw 13 (will have life) axn (that one) wh (the end) atrxl (until) amde (but) Nyd (will persevere) rbyond (whoever) Nm 14 (the world) amle (in all) hlkb (of the Kingdom) atwklmd (gospel) atrbo (this) adh (& will be preached) zrkttw (the end) amlws (will come) atan (& then) Nydyhw (nations) amme (of all) Nwhlkd (for a testimony) atwdhol 15 (of desolation) abrwxd (desecrated) atpnj (the sign) ata (you see) Nwtyzxd (but) Nyd (whenever) am (that stands) amyqd (the prophet) aybn (by Daniel) lyayndb (that was spoken) rmatad (should consider) lkton (who reads) arqd (that one) wh (of Holiness) atsydq (in the place) atkwdb 16 (to the mountains) arwjl (should flee) Nwqren (are) Nwna (who in Judea) dwhybd (those) Nylya (then) Nydyh 17 (he) wh (on the roof) argabd (& the one)whw (what is in his house) htybbd (to take) boml (should come down) twxn (not) al 18 (is) wh (who in the field) alqxbd (& he) anyaw (his clothes) hsbl (to take) boml (back) hrtobl (should return) Kphtn (not) al 19 (to the pregnant women) atnjbl (but) Nyd (woe) yw (days) atmwy (in those) Nwnhb (who are nursing) Nqnymd (& to those) Nylyalw 20 (your escape) Nwkyqwre (will be) awhn (that not) ald (but) Nyd (pray) wlu (on the Sabbath) atbsb (neither) alw (in winter) awtob 21 (great) abr (suffering) anulwa (then) Nydyh (for) ryg (will be) awhn (the origin) htysr (from) Nm (was) awh (which not) ald (that) anya (will be) awhn (neither) alw (now) ashl (even until) amdew (of the world) amled 22 (days) atmwy (are cut short) wyrkta (not) al (& if) wlaw (body) rob (every) lk (would) awh (live) ayx (not) al (those) Nwnh (those) Nwnh (days) atmwy (will be cut short) Nwrktn (but) Nyd (the chosen ones) aybg (because of) ljm
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23 (is) wh (here) akrh (behold) ah (to you) Nwkl (will say) rman (a man) sna (if) Na (then) Nydyh (you should believe) Nwnmyht (not) al (there) akrh (or) wa (The Messiah) axysm 24 (of lies) atwbdkd (& prophets) aybnw (false) algd (Messiahs) axysm (for) ryg (there will arise) Nwmwqn (great) atbrwr (signs) atwta (& they will give) Nwltnw (the elect) aybgl (even) Pa (it is possible) axksm (if) Na (to deceive) Nwejnd (so as) Kya 25 (you) Nwkl (I have told) trma (beforehand) tmdq (behold) ah 26 (to you) Nwkl (they will say) Nwrman (therefore) lykh (if) Na (you shall go out) Nwqpt (not) al (He is) wh (in the desert) abrwxb (behold) ah (you shall believe) Nwnmyht (not) al (He is) wh (in an inner room) anwtb (behold) ahd (or) wa 27 (the East) axndm (from) Nm (goes out) qpn (lightning) aqrbd (for) ryg (Just as) ankya (the West) abreml (unto) amde (& appears) azxtmw (of Man) asnad (of the Son) hrbd (the advent) htytam (will be) awht (so) ankh 28 (the eagles) arsn (will be gathered) Nwsnktn (there) Nmt (the body) argp (will be) awhn (ever) Nad (where) akya 29 (those) Nwnh (of days) atmwyd (the suffering) anulwa (after) rtb (but) Nyd (at once) adxm (its light) hrhwn (will show) awxn (not) al (& the moon) arhow (will darken) Ksxn (the sun) asms (the heavens) ayms (from) Nm (will fall) Nwlpn (& the stars)abkwkw (will be disturbed) Nweyzttn (of the heavens) aymsd (& the powers) alyxw 30 (in Heaven)aymsb(of Man)asnad(of The Son)hrbd (the sign) hsyn (will appear) azxtn (& then) Nydyhw (of the earth) aerad (the families) atbrs (all) Nyhlk (will mourn) Ndqrn (& then) Nydyhw (the clouds) ynne (on) le (Who comes) atad (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbl (& they will see) Nwzxnw (many) aaygo (& praises) axbwsw (miracles) alyx (with) Me (of Heaven) ayms 31 (great) abr (trumpets) arwpys (with) Me (His angels) yhwkalm (& He will send) rdsnw (His own) hlyd (elect) aybgl (& they will gather) Nwsnknw (the ends) Nwhsr (from) Nm (the winds) axwr (four) tebra (from) Nm (the ends) Nwhsrl (& unto) amdew (of the heavens) aymsd 32 (a parable) atalp (learn) wply (but) Nyd (the fig tree) att (from) Nm (bow low) Nkr (its branches) hykwod (that at once) adxmd (summer) ajyq (that has arrived) ajmd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (its leaves) hyprj (& bud forth) Nyerpw 33 (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (you see) Nwtyzxd (whenever) am (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (thus) ankh (the door) aertl (at) hl (that He has approached) tjmd (know) wed 34 (will pass away) rbet (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (will occur) Nywhn (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylhd (until) amde (this) adh (generation) atbrs 35 (will pass away) Nwrben (& the earth) aeraw (Heaven) ayms (will pass away) Nrben (not) al (& My words) ylmw 36 (that) yh (hour) ates (& about) lew (that) wh (but) Nyd (day) amwy (about) le (neither) alpa (a man) sna (knows) edy (not) al (alone) dwxlb (The Father) aba (but) ala (of Heaven) aymsd (the angels) akalm 37 (thus) ankh (of Noah) xwn (the days) ymwyd (but) Nyd (Just as) ankya (of Man) asnad (of The Son) hrbd (the advent) htytam (will be) awht 38 (the flood) anpwj (before) Mdq (were) wwh (they) Nwhytyad (for) ryg (Just as) ankya (& they were drinking) Nytsw (they were eating) Nylka (husbands) arbgl (& they were taking) Nybhyw (wives) asn (& they were taking) Nybonw (the ark) alywkl (Noah) xwn (that entered) led (the day) amwyl (until) amde 39 (they perceived) wedy (& not) alw (all of them) Nwhlkl (& took away) lqsw (the flood) anpwj (came) atad (until) amde (of Man) asnad (of The Son) hrbd (the advent) htytam (will be) awht (thus) ankh 40
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(in the field) atyrqb (will be) Nwwhn (two) Nyrt (then) Nydyh (will be left) qbtsn (& one) dxw (will be taken captive) rbdtn (one) dx 41 (at the mill) ayxrb (grinding) Nnxj (will be) Nywhn (& two women) Nytrtw (will be left) aqbtsm (& one) adxw (will be taken captive) arbdtm (one) adx 42 (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (for not) ald (therefore) lykh (wake up) wryetta (your Lord) Nwkrm (comes) ata (hour) ates (in what) adyab 43 (had) awh (known) edy (that if) wlad (know) wed (but) Nyd (this) adh (watch) atrjm (in what) adyab (of the house) atyb (the owner) arm (he would have) awh (been awake) ryettm (the robber) abng (would come) ata (his house) htyb (to be broken into) slptnd (he would have) awh (allowed) qbs (& not) alw 44 (ready) Nybyjm (be) wwh (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm (you) Nwtna (are expecting) Nyrbo (in which not) ald (because the hour) atesbd (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (will come) atan 45 (& wise) amykxw (faithful) anmyhm (the servant) adbe (is) yhwtya (then) yk (who?) wnm (of his household) htyb (the children) ynb (over) le (his lord) hrm (whom has appointed) hmyqad (in his time) hnbzb (food) atrbyo (to them) Nwhl (to give) ltnd 46 (is that) wh (servant) adbel (blessed) yhwbwj (will find him) yhwyxksn (his master) hrm (whom when will come) atand (this) ankh (that he is doing) dbed 47 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (to him) hl (that is) tyad (everything) lk (over) le (he will set him) yhwymyqnd 48 (that) wh (servant) adbe (will say) rman (but) Nyd (if) Na (to come) ataml (delays) rxwm (my lord) yrmd (in his heart) hblb (evil) asyb 49 (his associates) htwnk (to beat) axmml (& will start) arsnw (drunkards) aywr (with) Me (& drink) atsw (eat) lka (& will) awhnw 50 (in the day) amwyb (that) wh (of servant) adbed (the lord) hrm (will come) atan (he is aware) edy (in which not) ald (& in the hour) atesbw (he expects) rbo (that not) ald 51 (& he will cut him in half) yhwyglpnw (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (with) Me (his portion) htnm (& he will set) Myonw (teeth) ans (& gnashing) qrwxw (weeping) aykb (will be) awhn (there) Nmt Chapter 25 1 (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (will be compared) amdt (then) Nydyh (their lamps) Nyhydpml (who took) bond (the same) Nynh (virgins) Nlwtb (to ten) roel (& the bride) atlkw (the groom) antx (to meet) erwal (& went) qpnw 2 (were foolish) Nlko (& five) smxw (were) ywh (wise) Nmykx (of them) Nyhnm (but) Nyd (five) smx 3 (oil) axsm (with them) Nyhme (took) bon (& not) alw (their lamps) Nyhydpml (took) bon (fools) atlko (& those) Nynhw 4 (oil) axsm (took) bon (wise ones) atmykx (but) Nyd (those) Nynh (their lamps) Nyhydpml (with) Me (in their vessels) anamb 5 (& slept) Kmdw (all of them) Nyhlk (grew tired) Mn (the groom) antx (but) Nyd (delayed) rxwa (when) dk 6 (an outcry) ateq (there was) twh (of the night) aylld (& in the middle) hglpbw (to meet him) herwal (go out) wqwp (has come) ata (the groom) antx (behold) ah
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Glenn David Bauscher


The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

7 (their lamps) Nyhydpml (& trimmed) Nqtw (those) Nylh (virgins) atlwtb (all) Nyhlk (arose) Mq (then) Nydyh 8 (to us) Nl (give) Nybh (to the wise) atmykxl (fools) atlko (those) Nynh (but) Nyd (were saying) Nrma (our lamps) Nydpml (they) Nwhl (have gone out) wked (behold) ahd (your oil) Nykxsm (from) Nm 9 (why?) aml (& they were saying) Nrmaw (the wise) atmykx (those) Nylh (answered) yne (& for you) Nyklw (for us) Nl (there is enough) qpon (not) al (for yourselves) Nykl (& buy) Nynbzw (who sell) Nynbzmd (those) Nylya (to) twl (go) Nylz (but) ala 10 (to buy) Nbzml ( they went) lza (& when) dkw (entered) le (were) ywh (who ready) Nbyjmd (& those) Nylyaw (the groom) antx (came) ata (the door) aert (& was barred) dxttaw (of wedding) alwlx (the house) tybl (with him) hme 11 (other) atynrxa (virgins) atlwtb (those) Nynh (also) Pa (came) yta (but) Nyd (afterward) atrxb (to us) Nl (open) xtp (our lord) Nrm (our lord) Nrm (& they were saying) Nrmaw 12 (to them) Nyhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (he) wh (you) Nykl (I) ana (know) edy (that not) ald (to you) Nykl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma 13 (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (for not) ald (therefore) lykh (wake up) wryetta (the hour) atesl (neither) alw (that) wh (day) amwyl 14 (who journeyed) qzxd (for) ryg (a man) arbg (as) Kya (his property) hnynq (to them) Nwhl (& delivered) Mlsaw (his servants) yhwdbel (called) arq 15 (to whom two) Nytrtd (& another) tyaw (talents) Nyrkk (five) smx (him) hl (to whom he gave) bhyd (one) tya (his power) hlyx (according to) Kya (each) sna (man) sna (to whom one) adxd (& another) tyaw (immediately) adxm (& he went abroad) qzxw 16 (talents) Nyrkk (five) smx (who received) bond (he) wh (but) Nyd (went) lza (others) Nynrxa (five) smx (& gained) rtyw (them) Nyhb (traded) rgtta 17 (others) Nynrxa (two) Nytrt (gained) rgtta (of the two) Nytrtd (he) wh (also) Pa (& so) twkhw 18 (went) lza (one) adx (who received) bond (but) Nyd (he) wh (of his lord) hrmd (the money) apok (& buried) ysjw (in the ground) aerab (dug) rpx 19 (their lord) Nwhrm (came) ata (much) aaygo (time) anbz (but) Nyd (after) rtb (an account) anbswx (of them) Nwhnm (& he took) bonw (those) Nwnh (of servants) adbed 20 (& brought) brqw (talents) Nyrkk (five) smx (had) awh (who received) bond (him) wh (& he called) brqw (you gave) tbhy (talents) Nyrkk (five) smx (my lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (others) Nynrxa (five) smx (on top of them) Nyhyle (I have gained) trgtta (others) Nynrxa (five) smx (behold) ah (to me) yl 21 (& faithful) anmyhmw (good) abj (servant) adbe (well done) wya (his master) hrm (to him) hl (said) rma (you have been) tywh (faithful) Nmyhm (a little) lylq (over) le (of your lord) Krmd (the joy) htwdxl (enter) lwe (I shall set you) Kmyqa (much) ygo (over) le 22 (my lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (his talents) yhwrkk (of two) Nytrtd (he) wh (& came) brqw (others) Nynrxa (two) Nytrt (behold) ah (to me) yl (you gave) tbhy (talents) Nyrkk (two) Nytrt (on top of them) Nyhyle (I have gained) trgtta 23 (& faithful) anmyhmw (good) abj (servant) adbe (well done) wya (his lord) hrm (to him) hl (said) rma (I shall set you) Kmyqa (much) ygo (over) le (you have been) tywh (faithful) Nmyhm (a little) lylq (over) le (of your lord) Krmd (the joy) htwdxl (enter) lwe 24 (my lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (talent) arkk (one) adx (who had received) bond (he) wh (also) Pa (but) Nyd (came) brq (you are) tna (& reaping) duxw (hard) aysq (you are) tna (that a man) arbgd (you) Kl (I had) tywh (known) edy (you are) tna (& gathering) snkmw (you have sown) terz (that not) ald (where) akya (you have threshed) trdb (that not) ald (where) akya (from) Nm 25 (in the ground) aerab (your talent) Krkk (I buried it) htysj (& I went) tlzaw (& I was afraid) tlxdw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Matthew ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(yours) Klyd (to you) Kl (it is) tya (behold) ah 26 (& lazy) annbxw (evil) asyb (servant) adbe (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (his master) hrm (answered) ane (I had sown) terz (that not) ald (where) akya (I) ana (that reaped) duxd (you) tywh (knew) edy (I had threshed) trdb (that not) ald (where) akya (from) Nm (I) ana (& gathered) snkmw 27 (the exchange) arwtp (on) le (my money) ypok (to cast) amrtd (upon you) Kl (& it was) awh (incumbant) alw (mine) ylyd (would have) tywh (& I required) ebtw (I) ana (would have been) tywh (& coming) ataw (its interest) htybr (with) Me 28 (the talent) arkk (from him) hnm (therefore) lykh (take) wbo (talents) Nyrkk (ten) roe (to him) hl (who has) tyad (to him) whl (& give it) hwbhw 29 (& it will be increased) Powttnw (to him) hl (it will be given) bhytn (it) hl (has) tyad (for) ryg (to whomever) Nml (he) hl (which has) tyad (that) wh (also) Paw (it) hl (who has not) tyld (but) Nyd (he) whw (to him) hl (from him) hnm (will be taken) lqtsn 30 (into darkness) akwsxl (he cast him) yhwqpa (worthless) alyjb (& the servant) adbelw (teeth) ans (& gnashing) qrwxw (weeping) aykb (will be) awhn (there) Nmt (outer) ayrb 31 (in His glory) hxbwsb (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (but) Nyd (comes) atad (whenever) am (with Him) hme (holy) asydq (His angels) yhwkalm (& all) Nwhlkw (of His glory) hxbwsd (the throne) ownrt (upon) le (He will sit) btn (then) Nydyh 32 (the nations) amme (all of them) Nwhlk (before Him) yhwmdq (& will be assembled) Nwsnktnw (another) dx (from) Nm (one) dx (them) Nwna (& He will separate) srpnw (goats) aydg (from) Nm (sheep) abre (who separates) srpmd (a shepherd) ayer (as) Kya 33 (His left) hlmo (at) Nm (& the goats) aydgw (His right) hnymy (at) Nm (the sheep) abre (& He will place) Myqnw 34 (His right) hnymy (who are at) Nmd (to those) Nwnhl (the King) aklm (will say) rman (then) Nydyh (the Kingdom) atwklm (inherit) wtry (of My Father) ybad (His blessed ones) yhwkyrb (come) wt (of the universe) amled (the foundation) htymrt (from) Nm (for you) Nwkl (was) twh (that prepared) adyted 35 (food) lkaml (to Me) yl (& you gave) Nwtbhyw (for) ryg (I was hungry) tnpk (& you gave Me drink) ynnwtyqsaw (& I was thirsty) tyhuw (& you took Me in) ynnwtsnkw (I was) tywh (a stranger) aynoka 36 (& you clothed Me) ynnwtyokw (I was) tywh (naked) ayljre (& you took care of Me) ynnwtreow (I was) tywh (sick) hyrk (to Me) ytwl (& you came) Nwtytaw (I was) tywh (of prisoners) aryoa (& in the house) tybw 37 (the righteous) aqydz (those) Nwnh (to Him) hl (will say) Nwrman (then) Nydyh (& we fed You) Knyortw (You were) tna (that hungry) Npkd (did we see You) Knyzx (when?) ytma (our Lord) Nrm (& we gave you drink)Knyqsaw (You were) tna (that thirsty) ahud (or) wa 38 (& we took You in) Knsnkw (you were) tna (that a stranger) aynokad (did we see You) Knyzx (& when?) ytmaw (& we clothed You) Knyokw (you were) tna (that naked) yljred (or) wa 39 (sick) ahyrk (did we see You) Knyzx (& when?) ytmaw (to You) Ktwl (& we came) Nytaw (of prisoners) aryoa (in a house) tyb (or) wa 40 (to them) Nwhl (& says) rmaw (the King) aklm (& answers) anew (as much as) amkd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (My brothers) yxa (these) Nylh (of) Nm (to one) dxl (you have done) Nwtdbed (you have done) Nwtdbe (that) wh (to Me) yl (little) arwez 41 (His left) hlmo (who are at) Nmd (to those) Nwnhl (also) Pa (He will say) rman (then) Nydyh (eternal) Mleld (into fire) arwnl (cursed ones) ajyl (from me) ynm (you) Nwkl (depart) wlz (& for his angels) yhwkalmlw (for The Devil) aurqlkal (which was prepared) abyjmd (that) yh 42
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(food) lkaml (to Me) yl (you gave) Nwtbhy (& not) alw (for) ryg (I was hungry) tnpk (you gave Me drink) ynnwtyqsa (& not) alw (& I was thirsty) tyhuw 43 (& naked) ayljrew (you took Me in) ynnwtsnk (& not) alw (I was) tywh (& a stranger) aynokaw (I was) tywh (& sick) ahyrkw (you clothed Me) ynnwtyok (& not) alw (I was) tywh (you took care of Me) ynnwtreo (& not) alw (I was) tywh (of prisoners) aryoa (& in a house) tybw 44 (when?) ytma (our Lord) Nrm (& they will say) Nwrmanw (those) Nwnh (also) Pa (will answer) Nwnen (then) Nydyh (a stranger) aynoka (or) wa (thirsty) ayhu (or) wa (hungry) anpk (did we see You) Knyzx (of prisoners) aryoa (in a house) tyb (or) wa (sick) ahyrk (or) wa (naked) ayljre (or) wa (we ministered to You) Knsms (& not) alw 45 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (to them) Nwhl (& He will say) rmanw (He will answer) anen (then) Nydyh (these) Nylh (of) Nm (to one) dxl (you have done) Nwtdbe (that which not) ald (as much as) amkd (you have done) Nwtdbe (to Me)yl (not) al (also) Pa (little ones) arwez 46 (eternal) Mleld (into torture) aqynstl (these) Nylh (& will go) Nwlzanw (eternal) Mleld (into life) ayxl (& the righteous) aqydzw Chapter 26 1 (Yeshua) ewsy (had finished) Mls (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (He said) rma (these) Nylh (words) alm (all) Nyhlk 2 (Passover) axup (it is) awh (days) Nymwy (two) Nyrt (that after) rtbd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (that He would be crucified) pqdznd (will be betrayed) Mltsm (of Man) asnad (& The Son) hrbw 3 (& the Elders) asysqw (& the Scribes *) arpow (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (were gathered) wsnkta (then) Nydyh (Qaiapha) apyq (who is called) arqtmd (Priest) anhk (of the High) brd (to the court) htrdl (of the people) amed The Critical Greek text omits and The Scribes. 4 (that by deceit) alknbd (Yeshua) ewsy (about) le (& they held a council) wklmtaw (& they would murder Him) yhynwljqnw (they would seize Him) yhynwdxan 5 (during the feast) adedeb (not) al (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (among the people) ameb (a riot) ayswgs (there be) awhn (lest) ald 6 (in Bayth-Ania) aynetybb (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (& when) dkw (the potter *) abrg (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (in the house) htybb * Garba can mean Leper or Pot. It can also mean, One who makes pots, even as Bsama in the next verse can mean Ointment or Maker of ointment. I am grateful for Paul Younan pointing this out in his interlinear of Matthew. There can be no doubt that Shimeon was not a leper with The Messiah in his house as a dinner guest. This is probably another case where the Greek translator misconstrued the Aramaic original. All Greek texts have Leprou, from Lepros- A Leper. 7 (with her) hyle (who had) tyad (a woman) attna (to Him) hl(came near) tbrq (expensive) aymd (very) ygo (of sweet spices) amobd (of oil) axsmd (a vase) atpyjs (He reclined) Kymo (as) dk (of Yeshua) ewsyd (His head) hsr (on) le (& she poured it) htepsaw 8 (them) Nwhl (& it displeased) sabtaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (but) Nyd (& saw) wzx (this) anh (waste) andba (why?) anml (& they said) wrmaw 9 (for much) ygob (this) anh (to sell) Nbdznd (for) ryg (it had been) awh (possible *) xksm (to the poor) ankoml (& to be given) bhytnw The Majority Greek Text has This ointment might have been sold for much. Ointment in Aramaic is axsm Meshakha- very similar to the first Aramaic word in the verse xksm Meshkakh(Possible). I conjecture that the Greek scribe saw xksm (Meshkakh-Possible) and reread it as axsm (Meshakha-Ointment)
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the second time, translating it as Murov Ointment. The Aramaic explains the Greek variant reading. The Critical Greek agrees with the Peshitta here. 10 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (the woman) attnal (her) hl (you) Nwtna (trouble) Nyalm (why?) anm (for Me) ytwl (she has done) tdbe (beautiful) aryps (a deed) adbe 11 (to you) Nwkl (are) tya (the poor) ankom (for) ryg (always) Nbzlkb (to you) Nwkl (are) tya (always) Nbzlkb (not) al (but) Nyd (Me) yl (with you) Nwkme 12 (this) anh (ointment) amob (who poured) tymrad (but) Nyd (this one) adh (she has done) tdbe (for My burial) ynrbqmld (so as) Kya (My body) ymswg (on) le 13 (that wherever) akyad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (and amen) Nymaw (the world) amle (in all) hlkb (this) adh (My gospel) ytrbo (will be preached) zrkttd (for her memorial) hnrkwdl (this one) adh (that has done) tdbed (the thing) Mdm (also) Pa (will be told) llmtn 14 (who is called) arqtmd (the twelve) roert (of) Nm (one) dx (went) lza (then) Nydyh (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (to) twl (Skariota) ajwyrko (Yehuda) adwhy 15 (to me) yl (to give) ltml (are you) Nwtna (willing) Nybu (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (to you) Nwkl (Him) hl (shall) ana (deliver) Mlsm (& I) anaw (silver coins) apokd (thirty) Nytlt (to him) hl (they promised) wmyqa 16 (to betray Him) yhwymlsnd (opportunity) aelp (it) hl (he]) awh (sought) aeb (then) Nydyh (& from) Nmw 17 (of unleavened bread) aryjpd (first) aymdq (but) Nyd (in the day) amwyb (& they said) wrmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (the disciples) adymlt (came) wbrq (that we may prepare) byjnd (You) tna (do want) abu (where?) akya (to Him) hl (the Passover) axup (that You may eat) oeltd (for You) Kl 18 (to the city) atnydml (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (to him) hl (& say) wrmaw (a certain man) Nlp (to) twl (it) hl (is come) ajm (My time) ynbz (says) rma (our Rabbi) Nbr (My disciples) ydymlt (with) Me (Passover) axup (I) ana (will perform) dbe (in your presence) Ktwl 19 (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwhl (ordered) dqpd (Just as) ankya (did)wdbe (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (the Passover) axup (& they prepared) wbyjw 20 (reclined) Kymo (evening) asmr (it was) awh (& when) dkw (His disciples *) yhwdymlt (twelve) roert (with) Me (He) awh The Critical Greek text (a,C,Y) + Latin mss. agrees with The Peshitta here; The Majority Greek + (B,D,P37) omits His disciples 21 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (He said) rma (they ate) Nyoel (& while) dkw (Me) yl (will betray) Mlsm (from among you) Nwknm (that one) dxd 22 (to Him) hl (to say) rmaml (& they began) wyrsw (greatly) bj (them) Nwhl (& it grieved) tyrkw (my Lord) yrm (I) ana (is it?) aml (of them) Nwhnm (each) dx (one) dx 23 (dips) ebud (whoever) Nm (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (will betray Me) ynmlsn (he) wh (in the dish) atglb (with Me) yme (his hand) hdya 24 (about Him) yhwle (it is written) bytkd (Just as) ankya (goes) lza (of Man) asnad (& The Son) hrbw (that) wh (to man) arbgl (but) Nyd (to him) hl (woe) yw (is betrayed) Mltsm (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (by whose hand) hdyabd (that) wh (for man) arbgl (for him) hl (it would have been) awh (better) xqp (he had been born) dlyta (not) al (if) wla 25 (it) wh (I) ana (is?) amld (& he said) rmaw (the traitor) anmlsm (Yehuda) adwhy (answered) ane
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(have said) trma (you) tna (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (Rabbi) ybr 26 (& blessed) Krbw (bread) amxl (Yeshua) ewsy (took) lqs (they ate) Nyoel (but) Nyd (as) dk (eat) wlwka (take) wbo (& said) rmaw (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He gave) bhyw (& broke) auqw (My body) yrgp (this is) wnh 27 (to them) Nwhl (& He gave) bhyw (& He gave thanks) ydwaw (a cup) aok (& He took) lqsw (all of you) Nwklk (from it) hnm (drink) wtsa (take) wbo (& He said) rmaw 28 (new *) atdx (of the covenant) aqtydd (My blood) ymd (this is) wnh (of sins) ahjxd (for the release) anqbwsl (is shed) dsatm (the many) aaygo (that in exchange for) Plxd The Critical Greek text omits New; The Majority Greek + (C,D) have it.

29 (I shall drink) atsa (that not) ald (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (of the vine) atpgd (fruit) adly (this) anh (from) Nm (this hour) ash (from) Nm (new) atdx (with you) Nwkme (I shall drink it) yhwytsa (in which) hbd (the day) amwyl (until) amde (of My Father) ybad (in the Kingdom) htwklmb 30 (of Olives) atyz (to the Mount) rwjl (& they went out) wqpnw (& they sang praises) wxbsw 31 (all of you) Nwklk (you) Nwtna (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (then) Nydyh (night) ayll (in this) anhb (at Me) yb (will be offended) Nwlsktt (the Shepherd) ayerl (I shall smite) axmad (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (of His flock) hned (the sheep) abre (& will be scattered) Nwrdbtnw 32 (but) Nyd (I am) ana (risen) Maqd (after) rtb (from) Nm (to Galila) alylgl (you) Nwkl (I) ana (shall go before) Mdq 33 (everyman) snlk (even if) Npa (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (Kaypha) apak (answered) ane (at You) Kb (I will be offended) lskta (not) al (ever) Mwtm (I) ana (at You) Kb (will be offended) lsktn 34 (to you) Kl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (a cock) algnrt (will crow) arqnd (before) Mdq (night) ayll (that in this) anhbd (Me) yb (you will deny) rwpkt (times) Nynbz (three) tlt 35 (with You) Kme (to die) tmml (for me) yl (it should be) awhn (if) Na (Kaypha) apak (to Him) hl (said) rma (said) wrma (the disciples) adymlt (all) Nwhlk (also) Pa (so) twkhw (You) Kb (I would deny) rwpka (not) al 36 (Yeshua) ewsy (with them) Nwhme (came) ata (then) Nydyh (Gethsaymane) Nmodg (that is called) ayrqtmd (to the place) atkwdl (here) akrh (sit) wbt (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He said) rmaw (I shall pray) alua (I shall go) lza (while) de 37 (of Zebedee) ydbz (sons) ynb (& the two) Nwhyrtlw (Kaypha) apakl (& He took) rbdw (& to be disheartened) wqetmlw (to be sad) wrmktml (& He began) yrsw 38 (death) atwml (until) amde (to My soul) yspnl (to it) hl (is) yh (sorrow) ayrk (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (with Me) yme (& keep watch) wrhsw (here) akrh (for Me) yl (wait) wwq 39 (His face) yhwpa (on) le (& He fell) lpnw (a little) lylq (& He withdrew) qrpw (My Father) yba (& He said) rmaw (He) awh (& prayed) alumw (this) anh (cup) aok (let pass by Me) ynrben (it is possible) axksm (if) Na (am) ana (willing) abu (that I) anad (as) Kya (not) al (however) Mrb (You) tnad (as) Kya (but) ala 40 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to) twl (& He came) ataw (to Kaypha) apakl (& He said) rmaw (they slept) Nykmd (as) dk (them) Nwna (& He found) xksaw (hour) aes (one) adx (could you) Nwtxksa (not?) al (thus) ankh (with Me) yme (that you keep watch) Nwrhstd 41
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(into temptation) anwyonl (you enter) Nwlet (lest) ald (& pray) wluw (watch) wryetta (is weak) hyrk (but) Nyd (the body) argp (is ready) abyjm (the spirit) axwr 42 (My Father) yba (& He said) rmaw (He prayed) ylu (time) Nynbz (the second) Nytrtd (going) lza (again) bwt (I shall drink it) htytsa (if) Na (unless) ala (pass) rbend (cup) aok (this) anh (can) xksm (not) al (if) Na (be done) awhn (thy will) Knybu 43 (they slept) Nykmd (while) dk (them) Nwna (He found) xksa (again) bwt (& coming) ataw (were) ywh (heavy) Nryqy (for) ryg (their eyes) Nwhynye 44 (time) Nynbz (the third) tltd (He prayed) ylu (again) bwt (& going on) lzaw (them) Nwna (& He left) qbsw (He said) rma (the words) atlml (& to Him) hlw 45 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to) twl (He came) ata (then) Nydyh (the hour) ates (has come) tjm (behold) ah (& rest) wxynttaw (now) lykm (sleep) wkmd (of sinners) ayjxd (into their hands) Nwhydyab (is betrayed) Mltsm (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbw 46 (Me) yl (who betrays) Mlsmd (he) wh (has arrived) ajm (behold) ah (let us go) lzan (Arise) wmwq 47 (one) dx (the traitor) anmlsm (Yehuda) adwhy (behold) ah (was speaking) llmm (He) wh (& while) dew (great) aaygo (with him) hme (& a crowd) asnkw (came) ata (the twelve) atroert (from) Nm (the presence) twl (from) Nm (& clubs) arjwxw (swords) aropo (with) Me (of the people) amed (& the Elders) asysqw (Priests) anhk (of the Chief) ybr 48 (the traitor) anmlsm (Yehuda) adwhy (a sign) ata (to them) Nwhl (had) awh (& given) bhyw (seize) wdwxa (Him) hl (is the One) wywh (I) ana (Whom shall kiss) qsnd (Him) whl (& he had said) rmaw 49 (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (He called) arq (& at once) adxmw (& he kissed Him) hqsnw (Rabbi) ybr (greetings) Mls (& said) rmaw 50 (to him) hl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (he) wh (My friend) yrbx (have you come?) tytad (this) yh (to) le (their hands) Nwhydya (& they laid) wymraw (they came) wbrqta (then) Nydyh (& they took Him) yhwdxaw (Yeshua) ewsy (on) le 51 (Yeshua) ewsy (who were with) Med (those) Nwnh (of) Nm (one) dx (& behold) ahw (& struck) yhyxmw (a sword) aropo (& drew) jmsw (his hand) hdya (reached) jswa (his ear) hnda (& cut off) hlqsw (Priest) anhk (of the High) brd (the servant) hdbel 52 (to its place) htkwdl (the sword) aropo (return) Kpha (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (then) Nydyh (they will die) Nwtwmn (by swords) apyob (swords) apyo (who have taken) wbond (those) Nwnh (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk 53 (that not) ald (you) tna (think) rbo (or) wa (& He would raise up) Myqnw (My Father) yba (of) Nm (ask) aebad (I) ana (can) xksm (of angels) akalmd (legions) Nynwygl (twelve) aroetrt (than) Nm (more) ryty (now) ash (for Me) yl 54 (be) awhnd (it must) alw (that thus) ankhd (the scriptures) abtk (would be fulfilled) Nwlmtn (then) lykh (How?) ankya 55 (to the crowd) asnkl (Yeshua) ewsy (said) rma (hour) ates (in that) yhb (you have come out) Nwtqpn (a robber) aoyg (upon) led (as) Kya (to seize Me) ynnwdxatd (& with clubs) arjwxbw (with swords) aropob (& teaching) Plmw (I was) tywh (sitting) bty (in the temple) alkyhb (with you) Nwktwl (* every day) Mwylk (you arrested Me) ynnwtdxa (& not) alw 56 (of the prophets) aybnd (the scripture) abtk (that may be fulfilled) Nwlmtnd (happened) twhd (but) Nyd (this) adh (& fled) wqrew (forsook Him) yhwqbs (all of them) Nwhlk (the disciples) adymlt (then) Nydyh 57 (Qaipha) apyq (to) twl (led Him) yhwlbwa (Yeshua) ewsyl (who arrested) yhwdxad (& they) Nwnhw (were) wwh (gathered) Nysynk (& Elders) asysqw (the Scribes) arpod (where) akya (Priest) anhk (the High) br
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58 (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm (after Him) hrtb (was) awh (going) lza (Kaypha) apak (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems (& entering) lew (Priest) anhk (of the High) brd (to the court) htrdl (until) amde (the result) atrx (to see) azxnd (the guards) asxd (with) Me (within) wgl (he sat down) bty 59 (all) hlk (& the Assembly) atswnkw (& the Elders) asysqw (but) Nyd (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (witnesses) adho (Yeshua) ewsy (against) le (were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (that they may put Him to death) yhynwtymnd (so) Kya 60 (of lies) arqwsd (witnesses) adho (many) aaygo (& came) wtaw (they found them) wxksa (& not) alw (two) Nyrt (came forth) wbrq (but) Nyd (finally) tyrxa 61 (destroy) arsad (I) ana (can) xksmd (said) rma (This One) anh (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (I shall build it) yhwynba (days) Nymwy (& in three) atltlw (of God) ahlad (the temple) alkyh 62 (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (Priest) anhk (the High) br (& stood) Mqw (answer) amgtp (You) tna (return) anpm (anything) Mdm (not?) al (these) Nylh (against You) Kyle (are testifying) Nydhom (what?) anm 63 (the Priest) anhk (High) br (& answered) anew (was) awh (silent) qyts (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (The Living One) ayx (by God) ahlab (You) Kl (I) ana (adjure) amwm (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (Messiah) axysm (the) wh (You are) tna (if) Na (us) Nl (that You tell) rmatd 64 (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I say) anrma (have said) trma (you) tna (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (Who sits) btyd (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbl (you will see Him) yhynwzxt (this hour) ash (that from) Nmd (of Heaven) ayms (the clouds) ynne (on) le (& comes) ataw (of power) alyxd (the right hand) anymy (at) Nm 65 (behold) ah (& said) rmaw (his garment) yhwnam (ripped) yru (the Priest) anhk (High) br (then) Nydyh (witnesses) adho (to us) Nl (are necessary) Nyebtm (now) lykm (why?) anm (He has blasphemed) Pdg (His blasphemy) hpdwg (you have heard) Nwtems (now) ash (behold) ah 66 (you) Nwtna (think) Nybu (what?) anm (death) atwm (He) wh (deserves) byx (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they answered) wne 67 (they were) wwh (& beating His head) Nyxpqmw (in His face) yhwpab (they spat) wqr (then) Nydyh (Him) hl (were) wwh (striking) Nyxm (but) Nyd (others) anrxa (it) hl 68 (Messiah) axysm (to us) Nl (prophesy) abnta (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (who hits You) Kxmd (is he) wh (who?) wnm 69 (in the courtyard) atrdb (outside) rbl (had) awh (sat) bty (but) Nyd (Kaypha) apak (to him) hl (& she said) armaw (one) adx (maidservant) atma (to him) htwl (& came near) tbrqw (the Nazarene) ayrun (were) tywh (Yeshua) ewsy (with) Me (you) tna (also) Pa 70 (& said) rmaw (all of them) Nwhlk (before) Mdq (denied) rpk (but) Nyd (he) wh (you are) ytna (saying) arma (what?) anm (I) ana (know) edy (not) al 71 (to the porch) apol (he went out) qpn (& when) dkw (to them) Nwhl (& she said) armaw (another maidservant) atrxa (saw him) htzx (the Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsy (with) Me (this one) anh (also) Pa (was) awh (there) Nmtd 72 (with an oath) atmwmb (he denied) rpk (& again) bwtw (The Man) arbgl (Him) hl (I) ana (know) edy (not) ald 73 (those) Nwnh (came) wbrq (but) Nyd (a little) lylq (after) rtb (from) Nm (to Kaypha) apakl (& they said) wrmaw (who were standing) Nymyqd (are) tna (of them) Nwhnm (you) tna (also) Pa (certainly) tyaryrs (you) Kl (reveals) edwm (for) ryg (your speech) Kllmm (also) Pa 74 (& to swear) amamlw (to curse) wmrxml (he began) yrs (then) Nydyh (the Man) arbgl (Him) hl (I know) anedy (not) ald
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(a cock) algnrt (crowed) arq (in the moment) atesb (& in it) hbw 75 (him) hl (that He had told) rmad (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the word) atlm (Kaypha) apak (& remembered) rkdtaw (Me) yb (you will deny) rwpkt (times) Nynbz (three) tlt (a cock) algnrt (will crow) arqnd (that before) Mdqd (bitterly) tyaryrm (he wept) akb (outside) rbl (& going forth) qpnw Chapter 27 1 (Yeshua) ewsy (against) le (they took) wbon (counsel) aklm (dawn) arpu (it was) awh (but) Nyd (when) dk (of the people) amed (& the elders) asysqw (the priests) anhk (chief) ybr (all of them) Nwhlk (they would put Him to death) yhynwtymnd (how) Kya 2 (& delivered Him) yhwmlsaw (& they led Him) yhwlbwaw (& they bound Him) yhwroaw (the governor) anwmgh (to Pilatus *) owjlypl * The Majority Greek text has Pontius Pilate; The Critical Greek text, like The Peshitta, has simply, Pilate. 3 (he saw) azx (when) dk (the traitor) anmlsm (Yehuda) adwhy (then) Nydyh (he was moved with regret) ywtta (Yeshua) ewsy (that was condemned) byxtad (pieces of silver) apokd (thirty) Nytlt (those) Nylh (he brought) Kpha (& went on) lzaw (& to the Elders) asysqlw (the Priests) anhk (to Chief) ybrl 4 (innocent *) aykz (blood) amd (for I have betrayed) tmlsad (I have sinned) tyjx (& he said) rmaw (are) tna (aware) edy (you) tna (to us) Nl (what?) am (to us) Nl (to him) hl (they said) wrma (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh aykz -Zakaia can mean victorious,innocent or just; The Majority Greek text has aywon- innocent & the Critical Greek has dikaion righteous. The Peshitta reading can explain the Greek readings. 5 (in the temple) alkyhb (the silver) apok (& he cast it) yhydsw (himself) hspn (he hanged) qnx (& he went) lzaw (& he departed) ynsw 6 (& they said) wrmaw (the silver) apokl (took it) yhwlqs (but) Nyd (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (of gifts) anbrwq (in the house) tyb (to put it) yhwymrnd (it is legal) jyls (not) al (it is) wh (of blood) amd (the price) ymyjd (because) ljm 7 (of a potter) arxpd (the field) horwga (with it) hb (& they bought) wnbzw (counsel) aklm (& they took) wbonw (of strangers) aynokad (of burial) arwbq (for a house) tybl 8 (that) wh (field) aorwga (it has been called) yrqta (this) anh (because of) ljm (this day) anmwyl (until) amde (of blood) amdd (the field) atyrq 9 (that was spoken) rmatad (the thing) Mdm (was fulfilled) ylmta (then) Nydyh (thirty) Nytlt (I took) tbond (who said) rmad (of the prophet *) aybn (by the hand) dyb (of The Precious One) aryqyd (the price) yhwmd (of silver coins) apokd (of Israel) lyroya (the children) ynb (from) Nm (on which they had agreed) wuqd All but 3 Greek mss. have ieremiou tou profhtou- Jeremiah the Prophet. Those three agree with The Peshitta in reading The Prophet, however they are 6th to 9th century mss. There are no earlier Greek witnesses for this reading, making it highly unlikely The Peshitta is a translation of the Greek in this place. Besides, Jeremiah is clearly a false reading. The quotation in this verse is from Zechariah, not Jeremiah, which means the Greek is incorrect and The Peshitta reading is not, since it does not name the prophet quoted. 10 (for the field) horwgal (them) Nwna (& I gave) tbhyw (Jehovah) ayrm (me) yl (commanded) dqpd (as) Kya (of the potter) arxpd The quotation of verses 9 & 10 in The Peshitta agrees not with The LXX (Greek) Version of Zechariah 11:12,13, but more closely to The Hebrew version. The Greek NT agrees more closely with The LXX Version: They took & They gave instead of the Hebrews-I took & I gave. Both The Peshitta NT and The Greek NT agree with the Hebrew versions The
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Potter rather than The LXX versions -The furnace, found twice in Zechariah 11:13. Generally The Greek NT agrees better with The LXX than with The Hebrew Bible, and The Peshitta NT agrees better with The Hebrew Bible than with The LXX. It appears that The Greek texts attribute the quotation to Jeremiah because Jeremiah 18:2 & 3 are the only references to The Potters housein the entire LXX;the phrase is as close to Potters field as The LXX has, certainly better than the furnace! Those verses, however, have nothing to do with this prophecy to which Matthew referred. 11 (the Governor) anwmgh (before) Mdq (stood) Mq (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (Himself) wh (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (the Governor) anwmgh (& asked Him) hlasw (of the Judeans) aydwhyd (the King) aklm (are?) wh (You) tna (have said) trma (you) tna (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma 12 (& The Elders) asysqw (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (accusation) yhwurq (they had) wwh (made) Nylka (& when) dkw (returned) ynp (not) al (He) wh (answer) amgtp (any) Mdm 13 (you) tna (have heard?) ems (not) al (Pilatus) owjlyp (to Him) hl (said) rma (then) Nydyh (against You) Kyle (they testify) Nydhom (how much) amk 14 (word) alm (in one) adxb (not even) alw (a response) amgtp (to him) hl (He gave) bhy (& not) alw (greatly) bj (he marvelled) rmdta (this) adh (& at) lew 15 (was) awh (accustomed) dem (but) Nyd (feast) adae (at every) lkb (one) dx (prisoner) aryoa (to release) arsnd (the Governor) anwmgh (had) wwh (chosen) Nybu (they) Nwnhd (whomever) anya (to the people) amel 16 (but) Nyd (to them) Nwhl (there was) awh (imprisoned) ryoa (Bar-Abba) abarb (who was called) arqtmd (notable) aeydy (a prisoner) aryoa 17 (desire) Nybu (whom?) Nml (Pilatus) owjlyp (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (they had been assembled) Nysynk (& when) dkw (Bar-Abba?) abarbl (to you) Nwkl (that I shall release) arsad (you) Nwtna (The Messiah) axysm (Who is called) arqtmd (Yeshua?) ewsyl (or) wa 18 (they had delivered Him) yhwmlsa (jealousy) amox (that from) Nmd (Pilatus) owjlyp (for) ryg (had) awh (known) edy 19 (his own) hlyd (judgment seat) Myb (on) le (the Governor *) anwmgh (but) Nyd (sat down) bty (when) dk (& that) whlw (to you) Kl (not) al (to him) hl (& she said) armaw (his wife) httna (to him) hl (sent) txls (I have suffered) tsx (for) ryg (greatly) ygo (Righteous One) aqydz (for His sake) htljm (today) anmwy (in my dream) ymlxb 20 (the crowds) asnkl (had persuaded) woypa (& the Elders) asysqw (but) Nyd (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (to destroy) Nwdbwnd (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsyl (Bar-Abba) abarbl (to ask for) Nwlasnd 21 (you) Nwtna (want) Nybu (whom?) Nml (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (the Governor) anwmgh (& answered) anew (the two) Nwhyrt (of) Nm (to you) Nwkl (me to release) arsad (Bar-Abba) abarbl (said) wrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 22 (the Messiah) axysm (Who is called) arqtmd (& Yeshua) ewsylw (Pilatus) owjlyp (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (let Him be crucified) pqdzn (all of them) Nwhlk (they were saying) Nyrma (to Him) hl (shall I do) dbea (what?) anm 23 (has He done) dbe (that is evil) sybd (for) ryg (what?) anm (the Governor *) anwmgh (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (let Him be crucified!) pqdzn (& they said) wrmaw (they cried out) weq (increasingly) tyaryty (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh Critical Greek omits Governor. 24 (availed) rtwm (not) al (that a thing) Mdmd (saw) azx (when) dk (but) Nyd (Pilatus) owjlyp (he washed) gysa (water) aym (he took) lqs (there was) awh (a clamor) abwr (increasingly) tyaryty (but) ala (I) ana (am free) yoxm (& he said) rmaw (of the crowds) asnk (before the eyes) Nyel (his hands) yhwdya (will know it) Nwedt (you) Nwtna (Righteous One) aqydz (of This) anhd (the blood) hmd (from) Nm 25 (& they said) wrmaw (the people) ame (all) hlk (& answered) wnew (our children) Nynb (& upon) lew (on us) Nyle (His blood) hmd
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26 (Bar-Abba) abarbl (to them) Nwhl (he released) ars (then) Nydyh (to be crucified) pqdznd (& delivered Him) hmlsaw (Yeshua) ewsyl (with whips) algrpb (& scourged) dgnw 27 (Yeshua) ewsyl (led Him) yhwrbd (of the Governor) anwmghd (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (then) Nydyh (regiment) rypoa (the whole) hlkl (around Him) yhwle (& they gathered) wsnkw (to the Praetorium) Nyrwjrpl 28 (of scarlet) atyrwxzd (with a robe) oymlk (& they clothed Him) yhwsblaw (they stripped Him) yhwxlsaw 29 (& they placed) wmow (of thorns) aynzwed (a garland) alylk (& they wove) wldgw (on) le (& bowed) wkrbw (in His right hand) hnymyb (& a reed) aynqw (on His head) hsrb (him) hb (they were) wwh (& mocking) Nyxzbmw (before Him) yhwmdq (their knees) Nwhykrwb (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (King) aklm (hail) Mls (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 30 (the reed) aynq (& they took) wlqsw (in His face) hpwurpb (& they spat) wqrw (His head) hsr (on) le (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& hitting) Nyxmw 31 (of the robe) oymlk (they stripped Him) yhwxlsa (at Him) hb (they had mocked) wxzb (& when) dkw (to be crucified) pqdznd (& led Him) yhwlbwaw (in His garments) yhwtxn (& they clothed Him) yhwsblaw 32 (whose name) hmsd (Cyrenian) aynyrwq (a man) arbg (they found) wxksa (they went out) Nyqpn (& when) dkw (His cross) hpyqz (to carry) lwqsnd (they compelled) wrxs (this one) anhl (Shimeon) Nwems 33 (Gagultha) atlwgg (that was called) ayrqtmd (to the place) atkwdl (& they came) wtaw (a skull) atpqrq (which is interpreted) aqsptmd (that) yh 34 (that was mixed) jylxd (vinegar *) alx (to drink) atsnd (to Him) hl (& they gave) wbhyw (to drink) atsml (He wanted) abu (& not) alw (& He tasted) Mejw (with gall) atrrmb Most Greek mss. have oxovoxov Vinegar; The Critical Greek (W & H) text has oinov Wine. The Peshitta reading did not come from The Critical Greek text here. The Peshitta in verse 2, however, agrees with The Critical Greek text. Does that mean it was translated from that text in verse 2, no Greek text in verse 9, & The Majority Text in v. 23 & 34?That would be very unlikely. This pattern of agreement and disagreement with the Greek text types and with no Greek text at all within a chapter or even a few verses continues throughout The Peshitta NT! 35 (by lots) aopb (His garments) yhwtxn (they divided) wglp (they had crucified Him) yhwpqz (& when) dkw 36 (there) Nmt (for Him) hl (& keeping watch) Nyrjnw (they were) wwh (& sitting) Nybtyw 37 (in writing) abtkb (of His death) htwmd (the cause) atle (His head) hsr (at) Nm (over) lel (& they placed) wmow (of the Judeans) aydwhyd (the King) aklm (Yeshua) ewsy (This is) wnh 38 (robbers) ayjol (two) Nyrt (with Him) hme (& were crucified) wpqdzaw (His left) hlmo (at) Nm (one) dxw (His right hand) hnymy (at) Nm (one) dx 39 (reviling) Nypdgm (were) wwh (who passing by) Nyrbed (but) Nyd (those) Nylya (their heads) Nwhysr (& shaking) Nydynmw (against him) yhwle (were) wwh 40 (it) hl (& builds) anbw (of the temple) alkyh (he who destroys) rto (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (of God) ahlad (you are) tna (The Son) hrb (if) Na (yourself) Kspn (save) aup (days) Nymwy (in three) atltl (the cross) apyqz (from) Nm (& come down) twxw 41 (were) wwh (mocking) Nyxzbm (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (also) Pa (thus) twkh (& the Pharisees *) asyrpw (& the Elders) asysqw (the Scribes) arpo (with) Me * The Majority Greek Text has kai kai farisaiwn- and the Pharisees, agreeing with The Peshitta; The Critical Greek (a,B) & Alexandrinus (A) omit this phrase. 42 (He can) xksm (not) al (Himself) hspn (He saved) yxa (others) anrxal (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (now) ash (let Him descend) twxn (of Israel) lyroyad (He is) wh (King) hklm (if *) Na (save) wyxml
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(in Him) hb (& we will trust) Nmyhnw (the cross) apyqz (from) Nm * The Critical Greek text omits If. 43 (He delights) abu (if) Na (now) ash (let Him save Him) yhwyqrpn (God) ahla (on) le (He trusted) lykt (of God) ahlad (I am) ana (The Son) hrbd (for) ryg (He has said) rma (in Him) hb 44 (those) Nwnh (robbers) aoyg (also) Pa (thus) twkh (Him) hl (they were) wwh (taunting) Nydoxm (with Him) hme (who were crucified) wpqdzad 45 (darkness) akwsx (there was) awh (but) Nyd (hours) Nyes (six) ts (from) Nm (nine) est (the hour) aesl (until) amde (earth) aera (the whole) hlk (over) le 46 (loud) amr ( with a voice) alqb (Yeshua) ewsy (cried) aeq (hours) Nyes (nine) est (& toward) ypalw (have You forsaken Me) yntqbs (Why?) anml (O God) lya (O God) lya (& He said) rmaw All Greek texts give a transliteration of the Aramaic of our Lords cry and then translate the words into Greek. The Peshitta text has no Greek transliteration nor a translation of Greek into Aramaic. The major Greek texts also differ in their versions of the verse: The Majority Greek has anebohsen (cried aloud) while the Critical Greek has ebohsen (cried); The Majority Greek has hli hli li lima sabacyani; The Critical Greek has elwi elwi le lema sabacyani; The Textus Receptus has hli hli la lama sabacyani All are obvious attempts to transliterate Aramaic which, according to The Peshitta, would be eil eil lemana sabacyani. O God, O God, Why have you forsaken Me? The Greek versions may represent an attempt to reconstruct the cry in transliterated Hebrew: Eli Eli lamah azabthani, as it stands in Psalms 22:1. If so, (and this looks quite likely) there was a mixing of the Aramaic verb Shebaqthaniwith the Hebrew words, Eli (My God) and lamah (Why?). All Greek texts have the following: tout estin yee mou yee mou ina ti me egkatelipev (This is, My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?) The transliterated Semitic words are connected to a Greek translation of the same by the words tout estin This is. Here is a declaration that the original words of our Lord were not Greek, but Hebrew or Aramaic (Since the main verb is Aramaic, I shall assume Aramaic is intended and the scribe involved resorted to another Aramaic source, being unfamiliar with the Palestinian Aramaic word for God- lya,& substituted the more familiar yla (My God) along with the Hebrew (or Aramaic) hml as found in Psalm 22:1). Here is an ancient Targum (Aramaic translation of the Hebrew) of Psalm 22:1ylym ynqrwp Nm qyxr yntqbs hm lwjm yhla yla You can see that yla is an Aramaic form as well as Hebrew, so the Greek hli could represent Aramaic. The Greek letters for yla or yhla would be the same (hli or eli), eli since Greek has no letter to represent the Aramaic letter h Het. elwielwi- (The Critical Greek reading), could also be an attempt to render yhla, substituting an w for an Aramaic h Het. hmlLamah (lama in Greek) is also Biblical Aramaic, meaning Why?; so it looks as if the Greek Eli,Eli, lama sabachthani could be from an Aramaic Targum of the Hebrew Psalm 22:1.This seems the most likely explanation for the Greek readings. The Targum would have looked like this: ylym ynqrwp Nm qyxr yntqbs hml yhla yhla The blue is the quoted section found in Matthew.The Peshitta of Mark 15:34 has: yntqbs anml yhla yhla as the Syriac interpretation of the Galilean Aramaic of our Lord, which is also identical to The Peshitta OT Version of Psalm 22:1. The exact quote by Mark is exactly the same as Matthews: yntqbs anml lya lya lya & yhla are both direct address forms of Alaha (God) in different dialects, so there is no difference in meaning between them. Matthew wrote to the Jews of Israel and Mark to the Syrians and other Aramaic speaking peoples outside Israel in Asia Minor, hence the translation of the cry from the cross into the Syrian dialect. Most of the written words of different dialects agree, whereas the pronunciations will vary somewhat. That is why Mark translates from one dialect to another only twice! The Greek NT usually quotes from an OT source when recording OT quotations, usually from the Greek LXX. Here, since the writer wants to quote our Lords spoken words, he resorts to an Aramaic Targum of Psalm 22 instead of The Peshitta text of Matthew 27:46, as the quote is practically identical to Psalm 22:1. Neither Matthews nor Marks Peshitta text makes sense as a transliteration or translation of the Greek readings. Why would both writers use lya lya, an uncommon form of Alaha, if the original were hli or elwi? elwi? This is not to be expected either as a transliteration or translation of hli or elwi. Why does Mark have two dialects of Aramaic in his text, one Palestinian and the other Syrian, if he is translating from Greek? That makes no sense whatsoever. The Peshitta text certainly did not come from any Greek transliteration reading! The facts as they are beg the question, Why does the Greek give an Aramaic transliteration and then a Greek translation if the original words were Greek? If the
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original words were not Greek, why would the Gospels be composed in a Greek translation, (for this is most certainly declared to be a translation)? Here and other places make clear that our Lord and His people of Israel spoke Aramaic. Why in the name of Sam Hill would the original Gospels be written in Greek, which would be only a translation of everything that was said and done? Again, the Aramaic can very easily make sense of the Greek, but the Greek cannot explain the Aramaic of the Peshitta. The Greek in Matthew has: peri de thn enathn wran anebohsen o ihsouv fwnh megalh Aramaic sentence = Greek translation,legwn hli hli lima sabacyani tout estin yee mou yee mou ina ti me egkatelipev. Is not this a declaration of an Aramaic original and a Greek translation? The Greek NT has 7 such transliterations with declared translations of Aramaic into Greek whereas the Peshitta has no example of transliteration and translation of Greek into Aramaic. If Greek were the original and Aramaic the translation, how can these things be? Methinks Greek primacists are in denial, which is somewhere in Egypt, I think (Alexandria?). 47 (there) Nmt (were) wwh (who standing) Nymyqd (those) Nwnh (from) Nm (but) Nyd (the people) Nysna (has called) arq (Elia) aylal (This One) anh (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (they had heard) wems (when) dk 48 (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (ran) jhr (in the moment) atesb (& in it) hbw (with vinegar) alx (& filled it) hlmw (a sponge) agwpoa (& took) lqsw (to Him) hl (he) awh (& gave a drink) aqsmw (on a reed) aynqb (& placed it) hmow 49 (let Him alone) wqwbs (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (the rest) akrs (to save Him) hqrpml (Elia) ayla (comes) ata (if) Na (we shall see) azxn The Critical Greek Text of Westcott & Hort (a,B,C,L) have added: allov de labwn logchn enuxen autou thn pleuran kai exhlyen udwr kai aima. Another took a lance and pierced His side, and water and blood came out. This would mean that our Lord was killed with a spear, which is ridiculous. He had said, No man takes My life; I lay it down of My own will. The separation of the blood into red cells and clear serum takes places only after death.But according to the next verse, our Lord was still alive! This is a misplaced quote from John 19:34 which refers to what occurred after His death. So much for the reliability of (a,B,C,L) the oldest and best manuscripts! 50 (cried) aeq (again) bwt Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (His Spirit) hxwr (& departed) qbsw (loud) amr (with a voice) alqb 51 (of the temple) alkyhd (entrance) aert (the curtain) ypa (& at once) adxmw (bottom) txtl (unto) made (top) lel (from) Nm (in two) Nyrtl (was ripped) yrjua (were split) yrjua (& the rocks) apakw (was shaken) teyztta (the earth) aeraw 52 (were opened) wxtpta (of burial) arwbq (& houses) tybw (arose) wmq (were) wwh (which sleeping) Nybyksd (of the saints) asydqd (many) aaygo (& bodies) argpw 53 (holy) atsydq (the city) atnydml (they entered) wle (His resurrection) htmyq (& after) rtbw (& they came out) wqpnw (to many) aaygol (& they appeared) wyzxtaw 54 (Yeshua) ewsyl (were) wwh (who guarding) Nyrjnd (& those with him) hmedw (but) Nyd (the centurion) anwrjnq (very) bj (they were afraid) wlxd (that happened) ywhd (& those things) Nylyaw (the quake) aewz (they saw) wzx (when) dk (of God) ahlad (was) awh (The Son) hrb (This) anh (truly) tyaryrs (& they said) wrmaw 55 (many) ataygo (women) asn (there) Nmt (also) Pa (but) Nyd (were) ywh (there) tya (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm (had) ywh (who seen) Nyzxd (of Yeshua) ewsyd (after Him) hrtb (had) ywh (who come) ytad (these) Nynh (to Him) hl (had) ywh (& ministered) Nsmsmw (Galila) alylg (from) Nm 56 (Magdalitha) atyldgm (Maryam) Myrm (of them) Nyhnm (of one) adxd (& of Yose) aowydw (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (the mother) hma (& Maryam) Myrmw (of Zebedee) ydbz (of the sons) ynbd (& the mother of those) Nwhmaw 57 (Ramtha) atmr (from) Nm (rich) aryte (a man) arbg (came) ata (evening) asmr (but) Nyd (it was) awh (when) dk (to Yeshua) ewsyl (had been) awh (a disciple) dmltta (he) wh (who also) Pad (Yoseph) Powy (of the name) hmsd
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58 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the body) hrgp (& requested) lasw (Pilatus) owjlyp (to) twl (came) brq (this one) anh (the body) argp (to him) hl (that would be given) bhytnd (Pilatus) owjlyp (& commanded) dqpw 59 (the body) argpl (Yoseph) Powy (& took it) hlqsw (pure) adqn (of linen) antkd (in a sheet) auyxb (& wound it) hkrkw 60 (his own) hlyd (new) atdx (of burial) arwbq (in a house) tybb (& he placed it) hmow (great) atbr (a stone) apak (& they rolled) wlgew (in stone) apakb (that was cut) ryqnd (& they departed) wlzaw (of burial) arwbq (of the house) tybd (the doorway) aert (against) le (they set it) wymra 61 (Magdalitha) atyldgm (Maryam) Myrm (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (were) ywh (there) tya (the tomb) arbqd (opposite) hlbwql (were) ywh (who sitting) Nbtyd (the other) atrxa (& Maryam) Myrmw 62 (Friday sunset) atbwre (after) rtb (which is) yhwtyad (that next) rxmd (but) Nyd (day) amwyl (Pilatus) owjlyp (unto) twl (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (were gathered) wsnkta 63 (said) rma (the deceiver) anyejm (that He) whd (we recall) Nrkdta (our lord) Nrm (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (I) ana (shall arise) Maq (days) Nymwy (three) atlt (after) rtb (that from) Nmd (alive) yx (while) dk (he) awh 64 (the tomb) arbqb (to guard) Nyrhdzm (therefore) lykh (command) dwqp (& steal it) yhynwbngn (His disciples) yhwdymlt (should come) Nwtan (lest) amld (days) Nymwy (three) atltl (until) made A(the dead) tym (among) tyb (that from) Nmd (to the people) amel (& they will say) Nwrmanw (in the night) ayllb (the first) atymdq (than) Nm (worse) asyb (the last) atyrxa (the deception) yyewj (& will be) awhtw (He has risen) Mq 65 (to you) Nwkl (there are) tya (Pilatus) owjlyp (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (you) Nwtna (that know) Nyedyd (just as) ankya (guard it) wrhdza (go) wlz (guards) arnwjoq 66 (the tomb) arbqb (to guard) wrhdza (they went) wlza (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (the guards) arnwjoq (together with) Me (that) yh (stone) apak (& they sealed) wmtxw Chapter 28 1 (in the week) absb (first) dx (that was dawning) hgnd (in the Sabbath) atbsb (but) Nyd (in the evening) asmrb (the other) atrxa (& Maryam) Myrmw (Magdalitha) atyldgm (Maryam) Myrm (came) tta (the tomb) arbq (that they may see) Nyzxnd 2 (of Jehovah) ayrmd (for) ryg (The Angel) akalm (there was) awh (great) abr (an earthquake) aewz (& behold) ahw (the entrance) aert (from) Nm (the stone) apak (he rolled) lge (& he came) brqw (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (descended) txn (upon it) hyle (he) awh (& sat) btyw 3 (lightning) aqrb (like) Kya (his appearance) hwzx (but) Nyd (was) awh (it) yhwtya (snow) aglt (as) Kya (was) awh (white) rwx (& his clothing) hswblw 4 (those) Nylya (were shaken) weyztta (dread of him) htlxd (& from) Nmw (dead men) atym (as) Kya (& they became) wwhw (were) wwh (who keeping watch) Nyrjnd 5 (be afraid) Nlxdt (not) al (you) Nytna (to the women) asnl (& said) rmaw (the Angel) akalm (but) Nyd (answered) ane (you are) Nytna (seeking) Nyeb (Who was crucified) Pqdzad (that Yeshua) ewsyld (for) ryg (I) ana (know) edy 6 (He said) rmad (just as) ankya (for) ryg (He) hl (has risen) Mq (here) Nnt (He is) awh (not) al (our Lord *) Nrm (in it) hb (was) awh (in which laid) Myod (the place) atkwd (see) Nyyzx (come) Nyyat The Critical Greek text omits Lord altogether; The Majority Greek has it, although The Peshitta has a much more interesting reading: Nrm Maran (Our Lord). The Peshitta in verse 5 says the Angel of Jehovah (The LORD) in v. 6 calls Yeshua Jesus Our Lord, thus acknowledging Yeshua as Jehovah, his Lord, the Lord of men and angels. 7 (from) Nm (that He is risen) Mqd (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (say) Nyrma (quickly) lgeb (& go) Nylzw (to Galila) alylgl (you) Nwkl (He goes before) Mdq (& behold) ahw (the dead) atym (among) tyb (you) Nykl (I have told) trma (behold) ah (you will see Him) yhynwzxt (there) Nmt 8 (with fear) atlxdb (the tomb) arbq (from) Nm (quickly) lge (& they went) lzaw (His disciples) yhwdymltl (to tell) Nrmand (& they ran) Njhrw (great) atbr (& with joy) atwdxbw
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9 (to them) Nyhl (& He said) rmaw (them) Nyhb (met) egp (Yeshua) ewsy (& behold) ahw (His feet) yhwlgr (they held) dxa (came) brq (but) Nyd (they) Nynh (to you) Nykl (peace) Mls (Him) hl (& they worshipped) Nydgow The Majority Greek text begins v. 9:wv de eporeuonto apaggeilai toiv mayhtaiv autou And as they went to tell his disciples. The Critical Greek text agrees with The Peshitta here, as does The Latin Vulgate. The Majority Greek reading looks like it is based on a repeat reading of the end of v. 8, probably from the Aramaic, translating Njhrw (& they ran) as Nylza (they went) or wqpnw (& they went forth) the latter is more likely, and the Greek eporeuonto actually does twice parallel qpn in The NT. 10 (go) Nylz (but) ala (be afraid) Nlxdt (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nyhl (said) rma (then) Nydyh (they will see Me) ynnwzxn (& there) Nmtw (to Galila) alylgl (to go) Nwlzand (My brothers) yxal (tell) Nyrma 11 (those) Nwnh (guards) arnwjoq (from) Nm (the men) asna (came) wta (but) Nyd (they were going) Nylza (as) dk (that had occurred) awhd (thing) Mdm (every) lk (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybrl (& they told) wrmaw (to the city) atnydml 12 (to the guards) arnwjoql (a few) rwez (not) al (silver shekels) apok (& they gave) wbhyw (a council) aklm (& they held) wbonw (The Elders) asysq (with) Me (& they gathered) wsnktaw 13 (that His disciples) yhwdymltd (say) wrma (to them) Nwhl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (we) Nnx (slept) Nykmd (while) dk (in the night) ayllb (& stole it) yhwbng (came) wta 14 (the governor) anwmgh (before) Mdq (this) adh (should be reported) temtsa (& if) Naw (him) hl (will) Nnx (persuade) Nyoypm (we) Nnx (we) Nnx (shall make) Nydbe (anxiety) atpu (without) ald (& you) Nwklw 15 (as) Kya (they did) wdbe (the silver coins) apok (they took) wbon (when) dk (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (among) tyb (this) adh (story) atlm (& has gone out) tqpnw (them) Nwna (they had instructed) wplad (this day) anmwyl (until) made (the Judeans) aydwhy 16 (to Galila) alylgl (went) wlza (the eleven) roedx (but) Nyd (the disciples) adymlt (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwna (had appointed) dewd (where) akya (to the mountain) arwjl 17 (of them) Nwhnm (Him) hl (they worshipped) wdgo (they saw Him) yhwazx (& when) dkw (some had) wwh (doubted) wglpta (but) Nyd 18 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (with them) Nwhme (spoke) llm (Yeshua) ewsy (& He ) brqw (& in the earth) aerabw (in Heaven) aymsb (authority) Njlws (all) lk (to Me)yl (has been given) bhyta (you) Nwkl (I am) ana (sending) rdsm (My Father) yba (that has sent Me) ynrdsd (& in the manner) ankyaw The major Greek texts and mss. lack As My Father has sent Me, so I send you.There is at least one Western Greek ms. with the sentence, as well as The Diatesseron of Tatian.Rarely does The Peshitta contain a passage that is not found in any major Greek text, which leads me to believe there was only one Greek translation of the Aramaic original and that either the Peshitta ms. used lacked this sentence in v. 18 or the Greek scribe simply missed it. It is surprising that later Greek revisers never caught this. 19 (them) Nwna (& baptize) wdmeaw (the nations) amme (all of them) Nwhlk (disciple) wdmlt (therefore) lykh (go you) wlz (of Holiness) asdwqd (& The Spirit) axwrw (& The Son) arbw (The Father) aba (in the Name of) Msb 20 (I have commanded you) Nwktdqpd (whatever) am (everything) lk (so that they keep) Nwrjnd (them) Nwna (& instruct) wplaw (the days) atmwy (all of them) Nwhlk (I) ana (with you) Nwkme (I) ana (& behold) ahw (Amen *) Nyma (of the universe) amled (the end) hmlwsl (until) made M -The Critical Greek has no Amen, whereas the Majority Greek does. In Matthew 28 alone, The Peshitta agrees with a major variant of the Majority Greek text in verse 2, then a major variant of The Critical Greek text in v. 9, neither Greek text in v. 18 with a sentence lacking in all major Greek texts, and then again with the Majority Greek text in verse 20. This validates the previous observation in Matthew that The Peshitta follows no known Greek text with any consistency. It does generally agree with The Majority Byzantine Greek text type best, but departs from it with the Critical Greek perhaps 25% of the times those two Greek types differ, and it differs significantly from all Greek readings about as often as it agrees with both major Greek text types combined! At the same time, The Peshitta readings can
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explain a host of Greek variants of both the major text types, whereas the Greek as we know it cannot account for the Peshitta text and the relatively extremely small number of variants found among its 350 manuscripts. While it is true that any particular Greek ms. will exhibit idiosyncratic readings, even compared to others of the same text type, the Peshitta will exhibit essentially the same readings and departures from Greek mss. regardless the Peshitta manuscript under scrutiny. Practically any Peshitta manuscript will fairly represent the Peshitta family of manuscripts as a whole and produce the same statistics as mentioned above for The Peshitta text in general. Such a claim cannot be made for any Greek ms. My analysis of the variations among Greek mss. compared to those among Peshitta mss. shows that there are approximately 70 times the number of variants among Textus Receptus Greek mss. (and they have the highest ratio of agreement among Greek NT mss.) as among Peshitta NT mss.! When considering the Critical Greek mss. in their variations from each other and the Majority Greek text (Byzantine) the number jumps by a factor of ten. Two of those mss. have at least 700 times the number of variant readings between them as found among two typical Peshitta mss.! ytmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa Mls The end of The Holy Gospel preaching of Matthew

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The Gospel According To Mark

Chapter 1 1 (of the gospel) Nwylgnwad (The beginning) asr (of God) ahlad (the Son) hrb (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd 2 (the prophet) aybn (in Isaiah) ayesab (it is written) bytkd (as) Kya (My messenger) ykalm (I) ana (shall send) rdsm (behold) ah (your way) Kxrwa (to prepare *) Nqtnd (your presence) Kpwurp (before) Mdq 3 (prepare) wbyj (in the wilderness) arbdmb (that cries) arqd (A voice) alq (His paths) yhwlybs (& make level) wwsaw (of The Lord Jehovah) ayrmd (the way) hxrwa 4 (in the wilderness) arbdmb (Yohanan) Nnxwy (was) awh (the baptism) atydwmem (& preaching) zrkmw (baptizing) dmem (of sins) ahjxd (for the release) anqbwsl (of repentance) atwbytd 5 ( to him) htwl (were) twh (& going out) aqpnw (& all) Nwhlkw (of Judea) dwhyd (the country) rwk (all) hlk (them) Nwhl (he) awh (& baptized) dmemw (of Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (the children) ynb (their sins) Nwhyhjxb (they confessed) Nydwm (when) dk (in the Jordan) Nndrwyb 6 (was) awh (clothed) sybl (Yohanan) Nnxwy (but) Nyd (the same) wh (of the camel) almgd (of hair) areod (with clothing) aswbl (at his waist) yhwuxb (of leather) aksmd (with a belt) atqre (he was) awh (& bound) ryoaw (of the field) arbd (& honey) asbdw (locusts) aumq (was) twh (it) hytya (& his food) htlwkamw 7 (shall come) ata (behold) ah (& he said) rmaw (he was) awh (& preaching) zrkmw (of Whom not) ald (is) wh (than I) ynm (He Who mightier) Ntlyxd (after me) yrtb (of His sandals) yhwnomd (the strap) aqre (to loose) arsa (to stoop) Nhgad (I am) ana (worthy) aws 8 (He) wh (in water) aymb (have immersed you) Nwktdmea (I) ana (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (will immerse you) Nwkdmen (but) Nyd 9 (came) ata (those) Nwnh (in days) atmwyb (& it was) awhw (of Galila) alylgd (Nazareth) trun (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (Yohanan) Nnxwy (by) Nm (in the Jordan) Nndrwyb (& was immersed) dmetaw 10 (the waters) aym (from) Nm (as He came up) qlod (& at once) adxmw (& The Spirit) axwrw (the heavens) ayms (that were ripped opened) wqdtoad (He saw) azx (upon Him) yhwle (Who was descending) ttxnd (a dove) anwy (as) Kya 11 (You) tna (the heavens) ayms (from) Nm (there was) awh (& a voice) alqw (I am delighted) tybjua (with you) Kb (beloved) abybx (My Son) yrb (are) wh 12 (into the wilderness) arbdml (The Spirit) axwr (drove Him) htqpa (& at once) adxmw 13 (days) atmwy (in the wilderness) arbdmb (there) Nmt (& he was) awhw (Satan) anjo (by) Nm (being tempted) aontm (when) dk (forty) Nyebra (the animals) atwyx (with) Me (was) awh (& he) yhwtyaw (the angels) akalm (to Him) hl (were) wwh (& ministering) Nysmsmw 14 (Yohanan) Nnxwy (but) Nyd (was delivered up) Mltsad (after) rtb (to Galila) alylgl (Yeshua) ewsy (to it) hl (came) ata (of the kingdom) htwklmd (the gospel) atrbo (was) awh (& preaching) zrkmw (of God) ahlad 15
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(time) anbz (of itself) hl (has come to an end) Mls (& He said) rmaw (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) atwklm (& has arrived) tjmw (in the good news) atrbob (& believe) wnmyhw (repent) wbwt 16 (of Galila) alylgd (the Sea) amy (around) yrdx (He walked) Klhm (& when) dkw (who were casting) Nymrd (his brother) yhwxa (& Andraeus) owardnalw (Shimeon) Nwemsl (He saw) azx (fishermen) adyu (for) ryg (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya (into the sea) amyb (a net) atdyum 17 (after Me) yrtb (come)wt (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (of men) asna (of the children) ynbd (fishers) adyu (& I will make you) Nwkdbeaw 18 (after Him) hrtb (& they went) wlzaw (their nets) Nwhtdyum (they left) wqbs (& at once) adxmw 19 (He saw) azx (a little) lylq (He passed by) rbe (& when) dkw (& Yohanan) Nnxwylw (of Zebedee) ydbz (son) rb (Yaqob) bwqeyl (in the ship) atnypob (those) Nwhl (& also) Paw (his brother) yhwxa (their nets) Nwhtdyum (who were setting in order) Nynqtmd 20 (Zebedee) ydbzl (they left) wqbs (& at once) adxmw (them) Nwna (& he called) arqw (the hired servants) aryga (with) Me (in the boat) atnypob (their father) Nwhwba (after Him) hrtb (& they went) wlzaw 21 (at once) adxm (Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (they entered) wle (& when) dkw (in their synagogue) Nwhtswnkb (on the Sabbath) absb (He) awh (taught) Plm 22 (at His teaching) hnplwyb (they were) wwh (& dumbfounded) Nyhymtw (for) ryg (them) Nwhl (He was) awh (teaching) Plm (their scribes) Nwhyrpo (like) Kya (& not) alw (one having authority) ajlsm (as) Kya 23 (who had) tyad (a man) arbg (in their synagogue) Nwhtswnkb (was) awh (& there) tyaw (& he cried out) aeqw (vile) atamj (a spirit) axwr (in him) hb 24 (Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsy (& to You) Klw (to us) Nl (what?) am (& he said) rmaw (Who) Nm (You) Kl (I) ana (know) edy (to destroy us) Ntwdbwml (have You come?) tyta (of God) ahlad (The Holy One) hsydq (You are) tna 25 (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (him) hb (& rebuked) aakw (from him) hnm (& come out) qwpw (your mouth) Kmwp (shut) rwko 26 (& he cried out) teqw (foul) atpnj (the spirit) axwr (& threw him down) htdsw (of him) hnm (& came out) tqpnw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb 27 (they were) wwh (& inquiring) Nyebw (all of them) Nwhlk (& were astonished) wrmdtaw (is) yh (what?) anmd (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (new) atdx (this) anh (teaching) anplwy (& what is?) wnmw (this) adh (foul) atpnj (the spirits) axwrl (& even) Paw (for with authority) anjlwsbd (Him) hl (& they obey) Nemtsmw (He commands) dqp 28 (His fame) hbj (went out) qpn (& at once) adxmw (of Galila) alylgd (region) arta (in the whole) hlkb 29 (& they came) wtaw (the synagogue) atswnk (from) Nm (& they went out) wqpnw (& Andraeus) owardnadw (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (to the house) htybl (& Yohanan) Nnxwyw (Yaqob) bwqey (with) Me 30 (was) twh (lying ill) aymr (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (& the Mother-in-law) htmxw (about her) hyle (Him) hl (& they told) wrmaw (with fever) atsab 31 (& raised her up) hmyqaw (by her hand) hdyab (took her) hdxa (& he came near) brqw (her fever) htsa (left her) htqbs (& at once) adxmw (on them) Nwhl (she was) twh (& waiting) asmsmw
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32 (of the sun) asms (at the going down) ybremb (but) Nyd (in the evening) asmrb (who) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk (to Him) htwl (they brought) wytya (& the demon possessed) anwydw (had been) Nydybe (ill) tyasybd 33 (the door) aert (at) le (was) twh (assembled) asynk (whole) hlk (& the city) atnydmw 34 (become) Nydybe (who ill) tyasybd (multitudes) aaygol (& He healed) yoaw (& evil spirits) awydw (various) aplxsm (with diseases) anhrwkb (had) wwh (allow) qbs (& not) alw (He cast out) qpa (many) aaygo (to speak) Nwllmnd (the evil spirits) awydl (them) Nwhl (He did) awh (Him) hl (they did) wwh (know) Nyedyd (because) ljm 35 (& went on) lzaw (very) bj (He arose) Mq (early) Mdq (& in the morning) arpubw (He) awh (prayed) alum (& there) Nmtw (desolate) abrwx (to a place) artal 36 (& His companions) hmedw (Shimeon) Nwems (for him) hl (were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw 37 (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (they found Him) yhwxksa (& when) dkw (You) Kl (are seeking) Nyeb (the people) asna (all of them) Nwhlk 38 (to the villages) ayrwql (walk) wklh (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (so that also) Pad (near to us) Nbyrqd (& to the cities) atnydmlw (I have come) tyta (for) ryg (because of this) adhl (I may preach) zrka (there) Nmt 39 (their synagogues) Nwhtswnk (in all) Nyhlkb (He was) awh (& preaching) zrkmw (demons) adas (& casting out) qpmw (Galila) alylg (in all) hlkb 40 (His feet) yhwlgr (at) le (& fell) lpnw (a leper) abrg (to Him) htwl (& came) ataw (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (of Him) hnm (he) awh (& begged) aebw (to make me clean) ytwykdml (You) tna (are able) xksm (You) tna (are willing) abu (if) Na 41 (for him) yhwle (was moved with compassion) Mxrta (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (Himself) wh (him) hl (He touched) brq (His hand) hdya (& reaching out) jspw (be cleansed) akdta (I am) ana (willing) abu (& He said) rmaw 42 (went) lza (in the moment ) atesb (& in it) hbw (& he was cleansed) ykdtaw (from him) hnm (his leprosy) hbrg 43 (& sent him out) hqpaw (him) hb (& He reproved) aakw 44 (tell) rma (a man) snal (that not) aml (see) yzx (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (to the priest) anhkl (yourself) Kspn (show) awx (go) lz (but) ala (you) tna (your being cleansed) Ktykdt (for the sake of) Plx (gifts) anbrwq (& bring) brqw (for their testimony) Nwhtwdhol (Moshe) aswm (commanded) dqpd (just as) ankya 45 (began) yrs (he went out) qpn (when) dk (but) Nyd (he) wh (the event) atlml (& he reported) hbjaw (much) ygo (preaching) zrkm (he) awh (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (able) xksn (that not) ald (so) ankya (outside) rbl (but) ala (the cities) atnydml (to enter) lwend (openly) tyaylg (they were) wwh (& coming) Nytaw (deserted) abrwx (in places) artab (He was) awh (place) akwd (every) lk (from) Nm (to Him) htwl Chapter 2 1 (Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (& entered) lew (He is) wh (that in the house) atybbd (they heard) wems (& when) dkw (for some days) atmwyl 2 (that not) ald (so) ankya (many) aaygo (were assembled) wsnkta (before) Mdq (not even) alpa (them) Nwna (to hold) dxa (it was able) xksa
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(the word) atlm (with them) Nwhme (he was) awh (& speaking) llmmw (the door) aert 3 (a paralytic) ayrsm (to Him) hl (& brought) wytyaw (to Him) htwl (& they came) wtaw (four men) aebra (between) tyb (him) hl (they carried) Nylyqs (as) dk 4 (to Him) htwl (to be brought near) wbrqtml (they were able) wxksa (& because not) aldw (themselves) Nwhl (they went up) wqlo (the crowds) asnk (because of) ljm (the roof tiles) alyljt (& removed) wmyraw (to the roof) argal (& they let down) hwbsw (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (where He) yhwtyad (of the place) rtad (the paralytic) ayrsm (in it) hb (was) awh (where lying) amrd (the litter) aore 5 (to him) whl (He said) rma (their faith) Nwhtwnmyh (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (your sins) Kyhjx (to you) Kl (are forgiven) Nyqybs (My son) yrb (the paralytic) ayrsm 6 (& Pharisees) asyrpw (the Scribes) arpo (from) Nm (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (they were) wwh tya (in their hearts) Nwhblb (were) wwh (& thinking) Nyertmw (who were sitting) Nybtyd 7 (who?) wnm (blasphemy) apdwg (speaking) llmm (this) anh (Who is?) anmd (God) ahla (alone) dx Na (except) ala (sins) ahjx (to forgive) qbsml (is able) xksm 8 (that these things) Nylhd (in His Spirit) hxwrb (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (why?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (in themselves) Nwhspnb (they were thinking) Nyertm (in your hearts) Nwkblb (these things) Nylh (you) Nwtna (reason) Nyertm 9 (to the paralytic) ayrsml (to say) rmaml (is easier) aqysp (what?) adya (to say) rmaml (or) wa (your sins) Kyhjx (to you) Kl (are forgiven) Nyqybsd (& walk) Klhw (your litter) Kore (take) lwqs (arise) Mwqd 10 (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (is) wh (that authorized) jylsd (but) Nyd (that you may know) Nwedtd (to the paralytic) ayrsml (He said) rma (sins) ahjx (to forgive) qbsml (in the earth) aerab 11 (arise) Mwq (I) ana (say) rma (to you) Kl (to your house) Ktybl (& go) lzw (your bed) Kore (take up) lwqs 12 (his pallet) hore (& picked up) lqsw (that moment) htes (son of) rb (& he stood up) Mqw (of all of them) Nwhlk (before the eyes) Nyel (& went out) qpnw (all of them) Nwhlk (were astonished) Nwrmdtnd (so that) ankya (they were saying) Nyrma (as) dk (God ) ahlal (& they glorified) Nwxbsnw (such) ankh (have we seen) Nyzx (ever) Mwtmm (not) ald 13 (& all) hlkw (the sea) amy (to) twl (again) bwt (& He went out) qpnw (were) wwh (coming ) Nyta (the crowds) asnk (them) Nwhl (was) awh (& He teaching) Plmw (to Him) htwl 14 (Khalphi) yplx (son of) rb (Levi) ywll (He saw) azx (He passed) rbe & when) dkw (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (of taxation) aokm (in the house) tyb (sitting down ) btyd (after Him) hrtb (he went) lza (& rising) Mqw (after Me) yrtb (come) at 15 (in His house) htybb (He reclined at supper) Kymo (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (reclining at supper) Nykymo (& sinners) ayjxw (tax collectors) aokm (many) aaygo (& with) Mew (Yeshua) ewsy (with) Me (were) wwh (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya (His disciples) yhwdymlt (after Him) hrtb (& they came) wtaw (many) aaygo (for) ryg 16 (they saw Him) yhwazx (when) dk (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (& the Scribes) arpow (& with) Mew (tax collectors) aokm (with) Me (that He was eating) oeld (How is it?) wnm (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (they said) wrma (sinners) ayjx (& drinks) atsw (He eats) lka (& sinners) ayjxw (tax collectors) aokm (with) Me 17 (He said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (for) le (the healthy) amylx (have need) Nyqyno (not) al (to them) Nwhl (very ill) syb (who ill) sybd (those) Nylya (but) ala (a physician) ayoa
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(to call) arqad (I have come) tyta (not) al (have become) Nydybe (sinners) ayjxl (but) ala (the righteous) aqydzl 18 (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (of Yohanan) Nnxwyd (but) Nyd (the disciples) yhwdymlt (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& they came) wtaw (had been) wwh (practicing fasting) Nymyu (of Yohanan) Nnxwyd (the disciples) yhwdymlt (Why?) anml (to Him) hl (& Your disciples) Kydymltw (do fast) Nymyu (& of the Pharisees) asyrpdw (fast) Nymyu (not) al (Yours) Klyd 19 (the children) yhwnb (are able?) Nyxksm (interog.?) aml (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (with them) Nwhme (the groom) antxd (as long as) amk (of the bridal chamber) anwngd (No! *) al (to fast) Nwmwund (is) wh And Yeshua said to them, Are the members of the bridal party able to fast while the groom is with them? No! * The Greek texts have a longer ending: As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. The two major Greek text types differ in word order, and the clause is a redundant and verbose (10 Greek words) Greek elaboration on the Aramaic word for No (La- al)! If brevity be the soul of wit, the Greek version is much too long winded here to be witty. The Peshitta displays superior wit to the supposed inspired original Greek! The Greek translator was too smart by half; Our Lord said, Let your word beyes,yes and no,no; whatever is more than these comes of evil.Matthew 5:37 & see also James 5:12. 20 (that when) amd (the days) atmwy (but) Nyd (shall come) Nwtan (then) Nydyh (the groom) antx (from them) Nwhnm (shall be taken) lqtsad (day) amwy (in that) whb (they shall fast) Nwmwun 21 (new) atdx (a strip of cloth) ateqrwa (places) amr (man) sna (no) al (lest) ald (old) aylb (a garment) anam (on) le (& sews) jaxw (from) Nm (of the new) atdx (that) yh (fullness) htwylm (takes) abon (more) aryty (rips) aqdo (& it) awhw (the old) aylb 22 (in wineskins) aqzb (new) atdx (wine) armx (pours) amr (man) sna (& no) alw (the wineskins) aqzl (burst) arum (the wine) armx (lest) ald (in old) atylb (is spilled) dsatm (& the wine) armxw (are destroyed) Ndba (& the wineskins) aqzw (new) attdx (in skins) aqzb (new) atdx (wine) armx (one pours) Nymr (but) ala 23 (Yeshua) ewsy (went) lza (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (in a grain field) aerz tyb (on the Sabbath) atbsb (the ears of wheat) albs (& picking) Nyglmw (were) wwh (walking) Nyklhm 24 (why?) anm (Behold) yzx (The Pharisees) asyrp (to Him) hl (& were saying) Nyrmaw (is legal) jyls (that not) ald (a thing) Mdm (on the Sabbath) atbsb (are they doing) Nydbe 25 (have you read?) Nwtyrq (ever) Mwtmm (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (he was in great need) qntoa (when) dk (Dawid) dywd (did) dbe (what?) anm (& his companions) hmedw (he) wh (& was hungry) Npkw 26 (of God) ahlad (the house) htybl (he entered) le (Just as) ankya (& the bread) amxlw (the priest) anhk (high) br (Abiathar was) rtyba (when) dk (that not) ald (he) wh (ate) lka (of The Lord Jehovah) ayrmd (of the altar) hrwtpd (for the priests) anhkl (except) Na ala (to eat) lkaml (was legal) jyls (were) wwh (who with him) hmed (to those) Nylyal (also) Pa (& he gave) bhyw 27 (man) asnrb (for the sake of) ljm (the Sabbath) atbsd (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (the Sabbath) atbs (because of) ljm (man ) asnrb (was) awh (& not) alw (was created) tyrbta 28 (also) Paw (therefore) lykh (is) wh (The Lord) hrm (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (of the Sabbath) atbsd Chapter 3 1 (&) tyaw (the synagogue) atswnkl (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (& entered) lew
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(his hand) hdya (whose was withered) asybyd (a certain) dx (man) arbg (there) Nmt (there was) awh 2 (He would heal) aoam (so that if) Nad (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& watching) Nyrjnw (they may accuse Him) yhynwgrjqn (in the Sabbath) atbsb (him) hl 3 (whose was withered) asybyd (the man) arbg (to him) whl (& He said) rmaw (in the center) ateumb (stand) Mwq (his hand) hdya 4 (is it legal?) jyls (to them) Nwhl (also) Pa (but) Nyd (He said) rma (or) wa (what is good) bjd (to do) dbeml (on the Sabbath) atbsb (to destroy) wdbwml (or) wa (to save) wyxml (life) aspn (what is evil) sybd (were) wwh (silent) Nyqyts (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 5 (to him) hl (it was sad) ayrk (as) dk (in anger) atmxb (at them) Nwhb (& He gazed) rxw (& He said) rmaw (of their hearts) Nwhbl (the callousness) twysq (for) le (your hand) Kdya (stretch out) jwsp (man) arbg (to that) whl (his hand) hdya (& was restored) tnqtw (& he reached out) jspw 6 (with) Me (an hour) htes (son of) rb (the Pharisees) asyrp (& went forth) wqpnw (they took) wbon (& counsel) aklmw (of Herod) odwrh (some of the house) tybd (they might destroy Him) yhynwdbwnd (how) ankya (concerning Him) yhwle 7 (to it) hl (went) lza (His disciples) yhwdymlt (with) Me (& Yeshua) ewsyw (many) aaygo (& people) amew (the sea) amy (the presence of) twl (Judea) dwhy (& from) Nmw (had) awh (gone out) hpqn (Galila) alylg (from) Nm 8 (the region) arbe (& from) Nmw (Edom) Mwda (& from) Nmw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (& from) Nmw (crowds) asnk (Tsidon) Ndyu (& from) Nmw (Tsor) rwu (& from) Nmw (of Jordan) Nndrwyd (everything) lk (had) wwh (because they heard) wemsd (great) aaygo (unto Him) htwl (they came) wta (that He had done) dbed 9 (Him) hl (they should bring) Nwbrqnd (His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He told) rmaw (they would throng Him) yhynwubxn (lest) ald (the crowds) asnk (because of) ljm (a ship) atnypo 10 (they would be) Nwwhnd (until) amde (He was) awh (healing) aoam (for) ryg (many) aaygo (Him) hl (they might touch) Nwbrqtnd (so that) ljm (upon Him) yhwle (falling) Nylpn 11 (of spirits) axwrd (plagues) atwxm (to them) Nwhl (were) ywh (who) tyad (& those) Nylyaw (they were) wwh (falling) Nylpn (they saw Him) yhwazxd (whenever) am (filthy) atpnj (of God) ahlad (the Son) hrb (are) wh (You) tna (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& they cried out) Nyeqw 12 (they would reveal Him) yhynwlgn (lest) ald (them) Nwhb (He) awh (rebuked) aak (& greatly) ygow 13 (those) Nylyal (& He called) arqw (a mountain) arwjl (& He went up) qlow (to join Him) htwl (& they came) wtaw (whom He wanted) abud 14 (with Him) hme (that they would be) Nwwhnd (twelve) roert (& He chose) abgw (that they would preach) Nwzrknd (them) Nwna (& that He would send) rdsndw 15 (to heal) Nwoand (authorized) Nyjyls (& that they would be) Nwwhndw (demons) awyd (& to cast out) Nwqpnw (the sick) ahyrk 16 (Kaypha) apak (the name) ams (Shimeon) Nwemsl (& He named) ymsw Kaypha does not come from Greek; it is Aramaic; The Greek has Petros, which in the Greek mss. of John 1:42 is explained as the translation from the Aramaic Kaypha into Greek. If Jesus had called Shimeon Peter & the Aramaic were a translation of a Greek original, as is commonly supposed, the Aramaic could have easily transliterated Petros owrjp and then included a translation in Aramaic (Kaypha) apak. Instead we have the reverse. 17 (his brother) yhwxa (& Yohanan) Nnxwylw (Zebedee) ydbz (son of) rb (& Yaqob) bwqeylw (Bnai Ragshi *) ysgr-ynb (the name) ams (to them) Nwhl (He assigned) Mo (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (of thunder *) amer (sons *) ynb (which is) yhwtyad
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* Greek has Boanerges, clearly another transliteration of the Aramaic. Greek lexicons plainly state this is an Aramaic name. Sons of thunder specifies the meaning of Bnai Ragshi, which could mean Sons of rage, Sons of tumult, Sons of feeling or Sons of thunder, depending on the dialect of Aramaic and context. 18 (& Matthai) ytmw (& Bar-Tolmay *) ymlwt-rbw (& Philipus) owpylypw (& Andraeus) owardnaw (& Thadi) ydtw (Khalpi) yplx (son of) rb (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (& Toma) amwatw (Qannia -The Jealous) aynnq (& Shimeon) Nwemsw Bar-Tolmay, like so many other names with the Bar prefix, (meaning son of) is plainly Aramaic. The Greek NT has over 50 of these Aramaic Bar names transliterated throughout the Gospels,Acts and the epistles of Paul. This indicates again that the NT books were written about Aramaic speaking people with Aramaic names and culture. A Greek speaking people would have primarily Greek names. 19 (who would betray Him) hmlsad (he) wh (Skariota) ajwyrko (& Yehuda) adwhyw (to the house) atybl (& they came) wtaw 20 (that not) ald (so) ankya (again) bwt (the crowds) asnk (& assembled) wsnktaw (to eat) lkaml (bread) amxl (they were) wwh (going to be able) Nwxksn 21 (to take hold of Him) hdxaml (& they went out) wqpnw (His relatives) yhwnyxa (& heard) wemsw (He has gone out) qpn (His mind) hnwh (of) Nmd (for) ryg (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma 22 (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nmd (which) Nylya (& the scribes) arpow (in Him) hb (is) tya (Baelzebub) bwbzleb (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (had come down) wtxn (demons) awyd (He casts out) qpm (of demons) awydd (& by the ruler) asrbw 23 (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (& in parables) altmbw (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwna (& called) arqw (to cast out) wqpml (Satan) anjol (Satan) anjo (is able) xksm (How?) ankya 24 (itself) hspn (against) le (for) ryg (a kingdom) atwklm (if) Na (that) yh (kingdom) atwklm (to stand) Mqml (will be able) axksm (not) al (will be divided) glptt 25 (not) al (will be divided) glptn (itself) hspn (against) le (a house) atyb (& if) Naw (to stand) Mqml (that) wh (house) atyb (will be able) xksm 26 (himself) hspn (against) le (were to rise up) Mq (who is of Satan) anjod (he) wh (& if) Naw (to stand) Mqml (he would able) xksm (not) al (& were divided) glptaw (it would be) yh (his end) htrx (but) ala 27 (the house) tybl (to enter) lwend (is able) xksm (a man) sna (not) al (his valuables) yhwnam (& to rob) Pwjxnw (of a mighty one) anyox (the mighty one) anyoxl (first) Mdqwl (if) Na (except) ala (he shall plunder) zwbn (his house) htyb (& then) Nydyhw (he shall bind) rwoan 28 (& blasphemies) apdwgw (sins) ahjx (all of them) Nwhlkd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (truly) Nyma (to them) Nwhl (will be forgiven) Nwqbtsn (of men) asna (the sons) ynb (that will blaspheme) Nwpdgnd 29 (will blaspheme) Pdgnd (but) Nyd (whoever) Nm (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (against) le (ever) Mlel (forgiveness) anqbws (to him) hl (there is not) tyl (eternal) Mleld (of judgment) anydl (he) wh (is guilty) byxm (but) ala 30 (in Him) hb (is) tya (foul) atpnj (a spirit) axwrd (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrmad (because) ljm 31 (standing) Nymyq (& His brothers) yhwxaw (His mother) hma (& they came) wtaw (to them) Nwhl (that they might call Him) yhynwrqnd (& they sent) wrdsw (outside) rbl 32 (the crowd) asnk (around Him) yhwrdx (but) Nyd (was) awh (sitting down) bty (Your mother) Kma (behold) ah (to Him) hl (& they said) wrmaw
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(You) Kl (are seeking) Nyeb (outside) rbl (& Your brothers) Kyxaw 33 (is) yh (who?) Nm (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (& He answered) anew (My brethren) yxa (are) Nwna (& who?) Nmw (My mother) yma 34 (with Him) htwl (who were sitting) Nybtyd (on those) Nylyab (& He looked) rxw (My brethren) yxa (& behold) ahw (My mother) yma (behold) ah (& He said) rmaw 35 (the will) hnybu (for) ryg (shall do) dbend (whoever) Nm (& My mother) ymaw (& My sister) ytxw (My brother) yxa (is) wywh (of God) ahlad Chapter 4 1 (the side of) dy (on) le (teaching) Plm (He) awh (began) yrs (but) Nyd (again) bwt (crowds) asnk (unto him) htwl (& were assembled) wsnktaw (the sea) amy (Himself) hl (to sit) btn (He would go up) qond (so that) Kya (great) aaygo (standing) Maq (the crowd) asnk (& all) hlkw (in the sea) amyb (on a boat) atnypob (of the sea) amy (the side) dy (on) le (the land) aera (on) le (was) awh 2 (in the parables) altmb (them) Nwhl (He was) awh (& teaching) Plmw (in his teaching) hnplwyb (He) awh (& said) rmaw (many) ygo 3 (to sow) erzml (a sower) aewrz (went out) qpn (behold) ah (Listen) wems 4 ( the side) dy (on) le (that fell) lpnd (there was some) tya (he sowed) erz (& when) dkw (& ate it) htlkaw (a bird) atxrp (& came) ttaw (of the road) axrwa 5 (the rock) aews (on) le (fell) lpn (but) Nyd (other seed) anrxa (soil) aera (there was not) tyld (where) akya (because) ljm (it sprouted) Ulb (an hour) htes (& son of) rbw (much) ygo (of soil) aerad (depth) aqmwe (was) awh (there not) tyld 6 (it was scorched) amx (the sun) asms (but) Nyd (arose) xnd (when) dk (it dried up) sby (roots) arqe (to it) hl (were) awh (there not) tyld (& because) ljmw 7 (& came up) wqlow (the thorns) abwk (among) tyb (fell) lpn (& another) anrxaw (yielded) bhy (not) al (& fruit) arapw (& they choked it) yhwqnxw (the thorns) abwk 8 (ground) aera (on) le (fell) lpn (but) Nyd (another) anrxa (fruit) arap (& it yielded) bhyw (& grew) abrw (& came up) qlow (good) atbj (of sixty) Nytsd (& some) tyaw (of thirty) Nytltd (some) tya (of a hundred) aamd (& some) tyaw 9 (is) tyad (whoever) Nm (He) awh (& said) rmaw (let him hear) emsn (that hear) emsnd (ears) anda (to him) hl 10 (inquired of Him) yhwlas (by themselves) Nwhydwxlb (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (when) dk (that) wh (about parable) altm (the twelve) htroert (with) Me (with Him) hmed (those) Nwnh 11 (to know) edml (it has been given) byhy (to you) Nwkl (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (but) Nyd (to outsiders) ayrbl (of God) ahlad (of the kingdom) htwklmd (the secrets) azra (has been) awh (in parables) altmb (thing) Mdm (every) lk 12 (& not) alw (they shall see) Nwzxn (seeing) Nyzx (so that when) dkd (they shall hear) Nwemsn (they are hearing) Nyems (& when) dkw (they shall see) Nwzxn (they shall be converted) Nwnptn (unless perhaps) amld (they shall understand) Nwlkton (& not) alw (their sins) Nwhyhjx (to them) Nwhl (& shall be forgiven) Nwqbtsnw 13 (parable) altml (it) hl (you) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy (not) al (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (shall you know) Nwedt (the parables) altm (all of them) Nwhlk (& how?) ankyaw (this) anh 14
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(sowed) erz (the word) atlm (who sowed) erzd (the sower) aewrz 15 (these) Nylh ( of the road) axrwa ( the side) dy (upon) led (but) Nyd (these) Nylh (& when) amw (the word) atlm (in them) Nwhb (who had been sown) aerdzmd (are they) Nwna (& took away) lqsw (Satan) anjo (came) ata (at once) adxm (they heard) wemsd (in their hearts) Nwhblb (that was sown) aeyrzd (the word) atlml (it) hl 16 (these) Nylh (were sown) werdza (the rock) aews (that upon) led (& those) Nwnhw (the word) atlm (they have heard) wemsd (who when) amd (are they) Nwna (it) hl (receive) Nylbqm (in joy) atwdxb (at once) adxm 17 (in themselves) Nwhspnb (roots) arqe (to them) Nwhl (& there are not) tylw (there is) awhd (& when) amw (they abide) Nwna (of a time) anbzd (but) ala (because of) ljm (persecutions) aypwdr (or) wa (distress) anulwa (they are offended) Nylsktm (quickly) lge (the word) atlm 18 (these) Nylh (being sown) Nyerdzm (the thorns) abwk (among) tybd (& they) Nwnhw (the word) atlm (who have heard) wemsd (those) Nwnh (are) Nwna 19 (of wealth) artwed (& the deception) yyewjw (this) anh (of world) amled (& the cares) aynrw (are entering) Nlae (other) atynrxa (of desires) atgygrd (& the rest) akrsw (it becomes) aywh (fruit) arap (& without) aldw (the word) atlml (it) hl (choking) Nqnx 20 (these) Nylh (were sown) werdza (good) atbj (that in the ground) aerabd (& they) Nwnhw (& yield) Nybhyw (& receive) Nylbqmw (the word) atlm (who are hearing) Nyemsd (are they) Nwna (& a hundred-fold) aambw (& sixty-fold) Nytsbw (thirty-fold) Nytltb (fruit) arap 21 (under) tyxtd (a lamp) agrs (one brings) ata (neg.?) amld (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (not?) al (the bed) aore (under) tyxt (or) wa (to be put) Myottn (a basket) atao (should be put) Myottn (a lampstand) atrnm (upon) led (it) awh 22 (shall be revealed) algtn (that not) ald (that is covered) asjd (a thing) Mdm (for) ryg (there is not) tyl (shall be discovered) algtm (& not) alw (in secret) ayswjb (that is) awh (& nothing) alw 23 (let him hear) emsn (so that he may hear) emsnd (an ear) anda (to him) hl (is) tya (a man) sna (if) Na 24 (are hearing) Nyems (what) anm (Take heed) wzx (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (it is measured) lykttm (you are) Nwtna (measuring) Nylykmd (measure) atlyk (in that ) yhb (you) Nwtna (who hear) Nyemsd (to those) Nylyal (to you) Nwkl (& it is increased) Powttmw (to you) Nwkl 25 (& whoever) Nmw (to him) hl (it shall be given) bhytn (for) ryg (to him) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nm (which he has) tyad (that) wh (also) Pa (to him) hl (has not) tyld (from him) hnm (shall be taken) lqtsn (it) hl 26 (the kingdom) atwklm (is) yh (thus) ankh (He) awh (& said) rmaw (a man) sna (like) Kya (of God) ahlad (in the ground) aerab (seed) aerz (who may cast) amrnd 27 (& the seed) aerzw (& by day) ammyabw (by night) ayllb (& arise) Mwqnw (& he shall sleep) Kmdnw (is aware) edy (not) al (he) wh (when) dk (& lengthens) Kranw (grows) abrn 28 (fruit) arapl (itself) hl (produces) aytym (for) ryg (the earth) aera (the ear) albs (& after it) hrtbw (the blade) aboe (shall be) awh (first) Mdqwlw (in the ear) albsb (the full) atylmsm (the wheat) atjx (but) Nyd (finally) tyrxa 29 (at once) adxm (the fruit) arap (but) Nyd (ripens) Nmsd (whenever) am (the harvest) adux (because has arrived) yjmd (the sickle) algm (comes) ayta 30 (the kingdom) atwklml (shall resemble) hymdn (what?) anml (& He said) rmaw (shall it be analogized) hyltmn (parable) altm (& in what?) anyabw (of God) ahlad 31 (that) yh (of mustard seed) aldrxd (it is) yh (a grain) atdrp (like) Kya
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(least) ayrwez (in the ground) aerab (it is sown) terdzad (which when) amd (the earth) aera (on) led (the grain seeds) anwerz (all of) Nwhlk (of) Nm (is) yh 32 (greater) abr (& becomes) aywhw (it comes up) aqlo (it is sown) terdzad (& when) amw (great) atbrwr (branches) akwo (& produces) adbew (small herbs) anwqry (all of them) Nwhlk (than) Nm (to perch) Nkst (the birds) atxrp (in its shade) hlljbd (shall be able) xkstd (so that) Kya 33 (speaking) llmm (these) Nylh (like) Kyad (in parables) altmb (parables) altm (with them) Nwhme (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (to hear) emsml (they were) wwh (able) Nyxksmd (such as) Kya 34 (with them) Nwhme (He was) awh (speaking) llmm (not) al (parables) altm (& without) aldw (expounded) qspm (& them) Nwhlw (between Him) yhwnyb (but) Nyd (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (all things) Mdmlk (He) awh 35 (day) amwy (in that) whb (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (to the other side) arbel (for us) Nl (let it pass over) rben (in the evening) asmrb 36 (in the ship) atnypob (as) dk (& brought Him) yhwrbdw (the crowd) asnkl (& they left) wqbsw (with them) Nwhme (were) ywh (there) tya (other) atynrxa (& boats) anypow (He was) wh 37 (& the wind) axwrw (great) atbr (a storm) alele (& there was) twhw (into the ship) atnypob (were) wwh (beating) Nylpn (& waves) allgw (to being filled) almttd (it was) twh (& close) abyrqw 38 (He was) awh (sleeping) Kmd (a pillow) aydob (on) le (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (awakened Him) yhwmyqa (& they came) wtaw (of the ship) atnypod (in the stern) htrxb (our Master) Nbr (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (we) Nnx (that are perishing) Nydbad (do you care?) Kl lyjb (not) al 39 (to the sea) amyl (& said) rmaw (the wind) axwrb (& rebuked) aakw (& He arose) Mqw (the wind) axwr (& stopped) tylsw (you) tna (shut up) rygz (stop) yls (great) abr (calm weather) axwn (& there was) awhw 40 (are you) Nwtna (fearful) Nyntlwxd (Why?) anml (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (faith) atwnmyh (in you) Nwkb (is there not) tyl (& why?) anmlw (so) Nkh 41 (& saying) Nyrmaw (great) atbr (with fear) atlxd (& they were afraid) wlxdw (Who is?) wnm (to another) dxl (one) dx (they were) wwh (& the sea) amyw (that the wind) axwrd (This) anh (indeed) yk (Him) hl (are obeying) Nyemtsm Chapter 5 1 (of the sea) amyd (to the other side) arbel (& He came) ataw (of the Gadarenes) ayrdgd (to the region) artal 2 (the ship) atnypo (from) Nm ( He went out) qpn (& when) dkw (tombs) arwbq (among) tyb (from) Nm (with him) hb (met) egp (unclean) atpnj (a spirit) axwr (in him) hb (who is) tyad (a man) arbg 3 (& with chains) atlssbw (the tombs) arwbq (among) tyb (he) awh (& dwelt) rmew (to bind him) hroaml (was) awh (able) xksm (not) al (a man) sna 4 (& in chains) atlssbw (in shackles) amjwobd (when) ytma (ever) lkd (because) ljm (broken) rbtm (the chains) atlss (he had been) awh (bound) roatm (he had) awh (cut apart) qopm (& the shackles) amjwow (he had) awh (to subdue him) hsbkml (was) awh (able) xksm (man) sna (& no) alw 5
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(in the night) ayllb (time) Nbz (& in every) lkbw (of tombs) arwbq (in the house) tybb (& in the daytime) ammyabw (& crying out) aeqw (was) awh (he) yhwtya (& in the mountains) arwjbw (with a stone) apakb (himself) hspn (& he was cutting) Plumw (was) awh 6 (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsyl (but) Nyd (he saw) azx (when) dk (himself) hl (& prostrated) dgo (he ran) jhr (a distance) aqxwr 7 (& said) rmaw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (& he cried out) aeqw (Son) hrb (Yeshua) ewsy (& to You) Klw (to me) yl (what) am (I) ana (adjure) amwm (most high) amyrm (of God) ahlad (you will torture me) ynqnst (that not) ald (by God) ahlab (you) Kl 8 (come out) qwp (for) ryg (to him) hl (He had) awh (said) rma (foul *) apnj (spirit) axwr (the son of man ) asnrb (from) Nm * Tenapta (foul) is usually feminine in gender to agree with Rokha (Spirit), which is also feminine in gender, regardless of context; here, however, Tenapa is masculine, probably indicating that a masculine spirit was the ruling spirit of The Legion of spirits. 9 (to Him) hl (he said) rma (your name) Kms (What is?) ankya (& He had asked him) hlasw (we are) Nnx (many) aaygod (because) ljm (our name is) Nms (Legion) Nwygl 10 (that not) ald (much) ygo (of Him) hnm (he) awh (& begged) aebw (the region) arta (of) Nm (outside) rbl (He would send him) yhwyrdsn 11 (the mountain) arwj (near) twl (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya (that were feeding) ayerd (of swine) aryzxd (great) atbr (a herd) arqb 12 (from him) hnm (were) wwh (& begging) Nyebw (unto) le (send us) Nyrds (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (evil spirits) adas (those) Nwnh (we may enter) lwen (that in them) Nwhbd (swine) aryzx (those) Nwnh 13 (the spirits) axwr (& went out) qpnw (them) Nwhl (& He allowed) opaw (& ran) tjhrw (into the swine) aryzxb (& entered) lew (foul ones) atpnj (these) Nylh (into the sea) amyb (& fell) tlpnw (to a precipice) apyqsl (herd) arqb (that) yh (in the sea) aymb (& they drowned) wqnxtaw (thousand) Nypla (two) Nyrt (about) Kya 14 (& told it) wrmaw (fled) wqre (them) Nwhl (were) wwh (who herding) Nyerd (& they) Nwnhw (& they went out) wqpnw (in the villages) ayrwqb (also) Paw (in the city) atnydmb (that had occurred) awhd (the thing) Mdm (to see) azxml 15 (with him) whl (& they saw Him) yhwazxw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (& they came) wtaw (he was clothed) sybl (as) dk (whom the evil spirits had possessed) yhwdasd (who) tyad (him) wh (& sitting) btyw (& reverent) Pknmw (& they were afraid) wlxdw (Legion) Nwygl (in him) hb (had been) awh 16 (how) ankyad (who had seen) wzxd (those) Nwnh (to them) Nwhl (& they related) wyetsaw (whom the evil spirits had possessed) yhwdasd (with him) whl (it had been) awh (swine) aryzx (those) Nwnh (about) le (& also) Paw 17 (that he would depart) lzand (of Him) hnm (asking) Nyeb (& they began) wyrsw (their coast) Nwhmwxt (from) Nm (Himself) hl 18 (the ship) atnypol (He embarked) qlo (& after) dkw (he) wh (of Him) hnm (was) awh (requesting) aeb (he would remain) awhn (that with Him) hmed (whom the evil spirits had possessed) yhwdasd 19 (go) lz (to him) hl (said) rma (but) ala (He allowed him) hqbs (& not) alw (to them) Nwhl (& relate) aetsaw (your people) Kysna (to) twl (to your house) Ktybl (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (for you) Kl (that has done) dbed (the thing) Mdm
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(upon you) Kyle (& that He has had compassion) Mxrtadw 20 (in the ten cities) atnydm-troeb (preaching) zrkm (& began) yrsw (& He departed) lzaw (for him) hl (that had done) dbed (the thing) Mdm (were) wwh (astounded) Nyhymt (& all of them) Nwhlkw (Yeshua) ewsy 21 (in the ship) atnypob (Yeshua) ewsy (crossed over) rbe (& after) dkw (unto Him) yhwle (were assembled) wsnkta (again) bwt (other side) arbe (to that) whl (He was) yhwtya (while) dk (great) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (of the sea) amy (the side) dy (on) le 22 (from) Nm (Yoaresh) srawy (of the name) hmsd (one) dx (& came) ataw (he had seen Him) yhyzx (& when) dkw (of the synagogue) atswnk (the rulers) ybr (His feet) yhwlgr (at) twl (he fell) lpn 23 (& he said) rmaw (greatly) ygo (from Him) hnm (he was) awh (& begging) aebw (has been made) adybe (very sick) tyasyb (my daughter) ytrb (to Him) hl (& she will be healed) Mlxttw (upon her) hyle (Your hand) Kdya (lay) Myo (come) at (& she will live) axtw 24 (to Him) hl (was) awh (& close) qybdw (Yeshua) ewsy (with him) hme (& went on) lzaw (upon Him) hl (they were) wwh (& pressing) Nyubxw (great) aaygo (a crowd) asnk 25 (there was) twh (who) hytyad (a certain) adx (but) Nyd (a woman) attna (twelve) aroetrt (years) Nyns (of blood) amdd (with a flow) atydrmb 26 (physicians) atwoa (from) Nm (had suffered) tlbo (greatly) ygod (who) adya (to her) hl (that was) tyad (thing) Mdm (every) lk (& had spent) tqpaw (many) aaygo (even) Pa (but) ala (had been helped) trdeta (not) al (& a thing) Mdmw (she had been afflicted) tulata (more) tyaryty 27 (Yeshua) ewsy (about) le (she heard) tems (when) dk (from) Nm (of the crowd) asnkd (in the press) aubxb (she came) tta (His garment) hswbll (she touched) tbrq (behind Him) hrtob 28 (even if) Npad (for) ryg (she had) twh (said) arma (I) ana (shall live) ayx (I) ana (touch) abrq (His garment) hswbll 29 (& she sensed) tsgraw (of blood) hmdd (the fount) anyem (dried up) tsby (& at once) adxmw (her plague) htwxm (from) Nm (that she was healed) tyoatad (in her body) hrgpb 30 (in Himself) hspnb (knew) edy (at once) adxm (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (& He turned) ynptaw (from Him) hnm (had gone out) qpn (that power) alyxd (My garment) ynaml (has touched) brq (who?) wnm (& said) rmaw (the crowds) asnk 31 (you) tna (see) azx (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (& were saying) Nyrmaw (& say?) rmaw (You) Kl (that is pressing against) Nyubxd (the crowd) asnkl (Me) yl (has touched Me) brq (who?) wnm (you) tna 32 (had done) dbe (this) adh (who) wnm (that He might see) azxnd (He was) awh (& gazing) raxw 33 (& trembling) atytrw (because afraid) alyxd (when) dk (woman) attna (but) Nyd (that) yh (to her) hl (had happened) awhd (what) am (for she knew) tedyd (& told) trmaw (before Him) yhwmdq (she fell down) tlpn (she came) tta (the truth) arrs (all) hlk (Him) hl 34 (your faith) yktwnmyh (My daughter) ytrb (to her) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (in peace) amlsb (go) ylz (has given you life) yktyxa (your disease) yktwxm (from) Nm (whole) amylx (& be) ytywhw
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35 (who were) Nm (they came) wta (was speaking) llmm (He) wh (& while) dew (of the assembly) atswnk (of the ruler) br (of the house) tybd (now) lykm (why?) anml (has died) ttym (your daughter) Ktrbd (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the teacher) anplml (you) tna (should trouble) lmem 36 (which they spoke) wrmad (the words) atlml (heard) ems (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (of the assembly) atswnk (the ruler) br (to him) whl (& He said) rmaw (believe) Nmyh (only) dwxlb (you will fear) lxdt (not) al 37 (with Him) hme (that he should go) lzand (a man) snal (allowed) qbs (& not) alw (& Yohanan) Nnxwylw (& Yaqob) bwqeylw (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwemsl (but) ala (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (the brother) yhwxa 38 (of the assembly) atswnk (chief) br (of him who was) whd (to the house) atybl (& they came) wtaw (& wailing) Nyllymw (& weeping) Nykbw (those who were disturbed) Nybyhrd (& He saw) azxw 39 (are you) Nwtna (disturbed) Nybyhr (why?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (& He entered) lew (she is) yh (sleeping) akmd (but) ala (has died) ttym (not) al (the girl) atylj (& weeping) Nykbw 40 (put out) qpa (but) Nyd (He) wh (at Him) yhwle (they were) wwh (& laughing) Nykxgw (of the girl) atyljd (the father) hwbal (& He took) rbdw (all of them) Nwhlkl (& entered) lew (who were with Him) hmed (& those) Nwnhlw (& her mother) hmalw (the girl) atylj (was) twh (where lying) aymrd (the place) akyal 41 (of the girl) atyljd (by her hand) hdyab (& He took) dxaw (arise) ymwq (little girl) atylj (to her) hl (& He said) rmaw 42 (the young girl) atylj (arose) tmq (the moment) htes (& son of) rbw (for) ryg (was) twh (she) hytya (she was) twh (& walking) aklhmw (twelve) aroetrt (of years) Nyns (a daughter) trb (great) abr (with astonishment) armwd (they were) wwh (& astounded) Nyrmdtmw 43 (a man) sna (that not) ald (strictly) ygo (them) Nwna (& He commanded) dqpw (food) oelml (her) hl (that they should give) Nwltnd (& He said) rmaw (this) adh (should relate) edn Chapter 6 1 (& came) ataw (there) Nmt (from) Nm (& He went out) qpnw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (were) wwh (& staying close) Nyqybdw (to the city) htnydml 2 (He began) yrs (the Sabbath) atbs (it was) twh (& when) dkw (who heard) wemsd (& many) aaygow (in the synagogue) atswnkb (to teach) wplml (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (were amazed) wrmdta (to this one) anhl (these things) Nylh (to Him) hl (from where?) akmya (to Him) hl (that is given) tbhytad (wisdom) atmkx (is this) yh (& what?) adyaw (these) Nylh (like) Kyad (that mighty works) alyxd (should be done) Nwwhn (by His hands) yhwdyab 3 (the carpenter) argn (this) anh (was) awh (not?) al (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (& brother) yhwxaw (of Mary) Myrmd (the son) hrb (& of Shimeon) Nwemsdw (& of Yehuda) adwhydw (& of Yose) aowydw (with us) Ntwl (here) Nnt (His sisters) htwxa (are) ah (& not?) alw (of Him) hb (they were) wwh (& suspicious) Nylsktmw 4 (there is not) tyl (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (in his city) htnydmb (if) Na (except) ala (who is despised) ryeud (a prophet) aybn (& in his house) htybbw (his kindred) yhwnyxa (& among) tybw 5 (there) Nmt (that He should do) dbend (He was) awh (able) xksm (& not) alw
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(upon) led (only) Na (except) ala (powerful work) alyx (one) dx (not) al (even) Pa (& healed) yoaw (His hand) hdya (He laid) Mo (a few) lylq (sick ones) ahyrk 6 (of their faith) Nwhtwnmyh (at the lack) twryoxb (He was) awh (& astonished) rmdtmw (He taught) Plm (as) dk (in the villages) ayrwqb (He was) awh (& going around) Krktmw 7 (that He would send) rdsnd (& He began) yrsw (His twelve) htroertl (& He called) arqw (to them) Nwhl (& He gave) bhyw (by two) Nyrt (two) Nyrt (them) Nwna (that they may cast out) Nwqpnd (filthy) atpnj (spirits) axwr (over) le (authority) anjlws 8 (they may take) Nwlqsn (that not) ald (them) Nwna (& He commanded) dqpw (a staff) ajbs (perhaps) Na (except) ala (on the road) axrwal (anything) Mdm (bread) amxl (& no) alw (bag) almrt (no) al (only) dwxlb (in their purses) Nwhyoykb (copper) asxn (& no) alw 9 (& not) alw (sandals) arlj (they would wear) Nwnaon (but) ala (tunics) Nynytwk (two) Nytrt (they should wear) Nwsbln 10 (house) atyb (into whatever) anyald (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (until) amde (stay) wwh (there) Nmt (you are) Nwtna (that entering) Nylaed (there) Nmt (from) Nm (you are) Nwtna (departing) Nyqpnd 11 (& not) alw (shall receive you) Nwknwlbqn (not) ald (whoever) Nm (& all) lkw (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (leave) Nyqpnd (when) am (shall hear you) Nwknwemsn (of your feet) Nwkylgrd (that is on the soles) aytxtbd (the dust) alx (shake off) wup (there) Nmt (to you)Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (and amen) Nymaw (for their testimony) Nwhtwdhol (in the day) amwyb (& for Emora) arwmelw (for Sodom) Mwdol (tranquil) xyn (that it shall be) awhnd (that) yh (for city) atnydml (rather than) wa (of judgment) anydd 12 (that they should be converted) Nwbwtnd (& they preached) wzrkaw (they) wwh (& went out) wqpnw 13 (& anointing) Nyxsmw (they were) wwh (casting out) Nyqpm (many) aaygo (& evil spirits) adasw (they were) wwh (& healing) Nyoamw (many) aaygo (the sick) ahyrk (with oil) axsmb (they were) wwh 14 (Yeshua) ewsy (about) le (the king) aklm (Herodus ) odwrh (& heard) emsw (& he said) rmaw (His name) hms (for) ryg (to him) hl (was) awh (known) edyta (the baptizer) andmem (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (He was) awh (because of) ljm (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (he has risen) Mq (by him) hb (are performed) Nyretom (mighty works) alyx (this) anh 15 (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (others) anrxa (that a prophet) aybnd (& others) anrxaw (He is) wh (that Elia) aylad (the prophets) aybn (from) Nm (one) dx (like) Kya (He is) wh 16 (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (he said) rma (Herodus ) odwrh (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (he) wh (His head) hsr (cut off) tqop (whose I) anad (He is) wh (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (has arisen) Mq 17 (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (he seized) hdxa (had) awh (sent) rds (Herodus ) odwrh (for) ryg (he) wh (Herodia) aydwrh (for the sake of) ljm (of prisoners) aryoa (in the house) tyb (& bound him) hroaw (whom he had taken) bond (her) yh (his brother) yhwxa (of Phillip) owpylyp (the wife) ttna 18 (that not) ald (to Herodus) odwrhl (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (for) ryg (had) awh (said) rma (of your brother) Kwxa (the wife) ttna (that you take) botd (for you) Kl (it is lawful) jyls 19 (& willing) Nybuw (him) hl (was) twh (threatening) amyxl (Herodia) aydwrh (but) Nyd (she) yh (she was) twh (was able) axksm (& not) alw (to kill him) hljqml (she was) twh 20 (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (of) Nm (had been) awh (afraid) lxd (for) ryg (Herodus) odwrh (he was) wh (that a man) arbgd (he had) awh (known) edyd (because) le (he) awh (& protected) rjnmw (& a holy one) asydqw (a righteous one) aqydz (he had) awh (heard) ems (& many things) ataygow (him) hl (him) hl (he) awh (heard) ems (& pleasantly) tyamyobw (& did service) dbew (from him) hl
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21 (in the house) tybb (Herodus ) odwrh (when) dk (notable) aeydy (a day) amwy (& it was) awhw (for his nobles) yhwnbrwrl (he) awh (made) dbe (a supper) atymsx (of his birth) hdly (of Galila) alylgd (& the leaders) asrlw (& for the captains) akrylyklw 22 (she danced) tdqr (of Herodia) aydwrhd (the daughter) htrb (& entered) tlew (& those) Nylyalw (Herodus) odwrhl (him) hl (& she pleased) trpsw (& said) rmaw (with him) hme (who were reclining) Nykymod (of me) ynm (Ask) ylas (to the girl) atyljl (the king) aklm (to you) ykl (& I shall give it) ltaw (you) ytna (that desire) aybud (anything) Mdm 23 (that you shall ask) Nylastd (anything) Mdmd (to her) hl (& he swore) amyw (of my kingdom) ytwklmd (the half) hglpl (up to) amde (to you) ykl (I shall give) lta 24 (what?) anm (to her mother) hmal (& she said) armaw (went out) tqpn (but) Nyd (she) yh (to her) hl (she said) arma (shall I ask him) yhwylasa (the baptizer) andmem (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the head) hsr 25 (with diligence) atwlyjbb (she entered) tle (& at once) adxmw (I) ana (want) aybu (to him) hl (& she said) armaw (the king) aklm (to) twl (on) le (to me) yl (that you shall give) lttd (hour) ates (in this) adhb (the baptizer) andmem (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the head) hsr (a dish) aknyp 26 (because of) ljm (the king) aklml (much) ygo (him) hl (& it grieved) tyrkw (the dinner guests) akymo (& because of) ljmw (the oath) atmwm (but) Nyd (that he should deprive her) hyzlgnd (he was willing) abu (not) al 27 (the executioner) arjlqwpoa (the king) aklm (sent) rds (at once) adxm (but) ala (the head) hsr (that he shall bring) atynd (& commanded) dqpw (his head) hsr (he cut off) hqop (& he went) lzaw (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (of prisoners) aryoa (in the house) tyb (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd 28 (to the girl) atyljl (& he gave) bhyw (on a plate) aknypb (& he brought) ytyaw (to her mother) hmal (gave) tbhy (girl) atylj (and that) yhw 29 (they took) wlqs (& they came) wtaw (his disciples) yhwdymlt (& heard) wemsw (of burial) arwbq (in a house) tybb (& they placed) wmow (his corpse) hdls 30 (Yeshua) ewsy (in the presence of) twl (the apostles) axyls (& were gathered) wsnktaw (whatever) am (everything) lk (Him) hl (& they told) wrmaw (they had taught) wplad (whatever) am (& everything) lkw (they had done) wdbed 31 (we shall go) lzan (you) Nwkl (come) wt (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (& rest yourselves) wxynttaw (alone) Nydwxlb (to the country) arbdl (who were going) Nylzad (many) aaygo (for) ryg (there were) wwh tya (a little) lylq (for them) Nwhl (was) awh (& there not) tylw (& coming) Nytaw (to eat) lkaml (not) al (even) Pa (a place) arta 32 (desolate) abrwx (to a place) artal (& they went) wlzaw (by themselves) Nwhydwxlb (in a ship) atnypob 33 (they were going) Nylza (as) dk (many) aaygo (them) Nwna (& saw) wzxw (from) Nm (they ran) wjhr (& on land) asbybw (them) Nwna (& they recognized) wedwtsaw (to that place) Nmtl (before Him) yhwmdq (the cities) atnydm (all ) Nyhlk 34 (great) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (seeing) azx (Yeshua) ewsy (& went forth) qpnw (they were) wwh (for like) Nymdd (on them) Nwhyle (& He was moved with pity) Mxrtaw (& began) yrsw (a shepherd) ayer (for them) Nwhl (without) tyld (sheep) abrel (many things) ataygo (them) Nwna (to teach) wplml (He) awh 35 (to Him) htwl (came near) wbrq (advanced) aaygo (the time) ande (was) awh (& when) dkw (that this) anhd (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (is advanced) ygo (& the time) andew (is) wh (desolate) abrwx (a place) arta
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36 (to the market) aorwgal (that they may go) Nwlzand (them) Nwna (dismiss) yrs (also to the villages) ayrwqlw (that they may go around) Nyrdxd (there is not) tyl (bread) amxl (for themselves) Nwhl (& they shall buy) Nwnbznw (to eat) lkaml (anything) Mdm (for) ryg (to them) Nwhl 37 (them) Nwhl (give) wbh (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (food) oelml (you) Nwtna (of two hundred) Nytamd (shall we buy?) Nbzn (shall we go?) lzan (to eat) Nyoel (to them) Nwhl (& give) ltnw (bread) amxl (denarii) Nyrnyd 38 (see) wzx (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (& when) dkw (here) akrh (to you) Nwkl (are) tya (loaves) Nymxl (how many) amk (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (they looked) wzx (fish) Nynwn (& two) Nyrtw (loaves) Nymxl (five) asmx 39 (everyone) snlkl (that they seat) Nwkmond (them) Nwhl (& He commanded) dqpw (the grass) aboe (on) le (would be sitting) Nykmo (those sitting) Nykmo 40 (were sitting) Nykmo (those sitting) Nykmo (& they were seated) wkmtoaw (fifty) Nysmx (& by fifty) Nysmxdw (hundred) aam (by hundred) aamd 41 (& two) Nyrtw (loaves) Nymxl (five) asmx (those) Nwnh (& He took) bonw (the bread) amxl (& He broke) auqw (& He blessed) Krbw (into heaven) aymsb (& gazed) rxw (fish) Nynwn (before them) Nwhl (that they may set) Nwmyond (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He gave) bhyw (for all of them) Nwhlkl (they divided) wglp (fish) Nynwn (two) Nyrt (& those) Nwnhw 42 (& they were filled) webow (all of them) Nwhlk (& they ate) wlkaw 43 (baskets) Nynypwq (twelve) roert (the fragments) ayuq (& they took) wlqsw (the fish) anwn (& from) Nmw (they were filled) Nylm (when) dk 44 (who ate) wlkad (but) Nyd (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya (men) Nyrbg (thousand) Nypla (five) asmx (the bread) amxl 45 (that they board) Nwqond (His disciples) yhwdymltl (He urged) Ula (& at once) adxmw (to the other side) arbel (before Him) yhwmdq (& go) Nwlzanw (the ship) atnypol (the multitude) asnkl (He) wh (sent away) ars (while) de (to Bayth-Tsayda) adyu-tybl 46 (He had sent away) ars (& when) dkw (to pray) wyluml (to a mountain) arwjl (He went) lza (them) Nwna 47 (the boat) atnypo (become evening) asmr (but) Nyd (it had) awh (when) dk (alone) yhwdwxlb (& He) whw (the sea) amy (in the middle of) teum (was) twh hytya (land) aera (on) le 48 (that thay were laboring) Nyqntsmd (them) Nwna (& He saw) azxw (against them) Nwhlbqwl (for) ryg (the wind) axwr (they were rowing) Nydr (as) dk (of the night) aylld (fourth) atyeybr (in the watch) atrjmbw (it was) twh (He was walking) Klhm (as) dk (Yeshua) ewsy (to join them) Nwhtwl (came) ata (them) Nwna (to pass by) rbend (He) awh (& wanted) abuw (the sea) aym (on) le 49 (on) le (that He was walking) Klhmd (they saw Him) yhwazx (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (that a vision) awzxd (to themselves) Nwhl (& they thought) wrbow (the water) aym (& they cried out) weqw (false or public) algd (He was) wh 50 (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (& were afraid) wlxdw (saw Him) yhwazx (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk (take heart) wbblta (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (with them) Nwhme (He spoke) llm (be afraid) Nwlxdt (not) al (I AM The Living God) ana ana 51 (the wind) axwr (& ceased) tylsw (in the ship) atnypol (to join them) Nwhtwl (& He came up) qlow
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(in their souls) Nwhspnb (& wondered) Nyryhtw (they were) wwh (astonished) Nyrmdtm (& greatly) bjw 52 (the bread) amxl (from) Nm (had) wwh (they recognized) wlktoa (for) ryg (not) al (was) awh (hardened) ybem (their heart) Nwhbld (because) ljm (Him) wh 53 (the other side) arbe (they had crossed to) wrbe (& when) dkw (of Genesar) rongd (to the land) aeral (they came) wta And when they had crossed to the other side, they came to the land of Genesar. Three Greek versions follow: (WH) kai diaperasantev epi thn ghn hlyon eiv gennhsaret kai proswrmisyhsan And when they had crossed over, they came to the land unto Gennesaret, and drew to the shore. (BYZ) kai diaperasantev hlyon epi thn ghn gennhsaret kai proswrmisyhsan And when they had crossed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore. (DSS) kai tiaperasantev hlyon eiv gennhsaret kai proswrmisyhsan And when they had crossed over, they came unto Gennesaret, and drew to the shore. What is particularly interesting is the third Greek version; it is called 7Q5, and was found in Cave 7 with other Dead Sea scrolls in Israel. It is dated approx. AD 50. It and the two other versions represent each a valid translation of the Peshitta text, except for the last part & they drew to the shore, which is not found in The Peshitta. The word land, or city is sometimes not found in Greek where it is found in The Peshitta in conjunction with its name. The same phenomenon occurs in the LXX Greek translation of the OT, where the Hebrew word for Land- eretz occurs; The Greek drops it about 7% of the time. The Westcott and Hort text apparently drops the word four times of the twenty times it occurs in a place name in the NT. The Peshitta generally agrees more with the majority Byzantine text, but not infrequently sides with the Critical editions. It does not consistently follow any Greek text type, and frequently disagrees with all Greek texts. At the same time, it can usually be shown that the Greek versions are derived as translations from the Aramaic of The Peshitta. 7Q5 seems to have set a precedent for the other Greek texts. It looks as if it read The Peshitta with a different word order, the third,Ebra can mean,the other side,the crossing, the region,to pass over, to draw near, to pass away and fifth (Arealand, earth,ground,soil-probably the cognate for the English, Area) words placed at the end of the sentence. They could easily be interpreted as drew to the shore. These are the very two words that seem missing in the text at first; the third (Ebra -other side) seems at first to have been missing in all the Greek texts;the fifth, (Erea- land) seemed missing in 7Q5 and displaced in the other two. Quite often, we see an apparent change in word order in various Greek versions as compared to The Peshitta. Nevertheless, 7Q5 looks like the first Greek exemplar, on which the other Greek texts built, following the interpretation- proswrmisyhsan drew to the shore, and yet adding epi thn ghn (to the land) before Gennesaret, according to The Peshitta. The discovery of 7Q5, (See Thiedes The Dead Sea Scrolls, copyright 2000), means that the NT was translated very early into Greek, probably before AD 50. I have more analysis and comparison of Greek Mark with The Peshitta at my web site: 54 (the boat) atnypo (from) Nm (they went out) wqpn (& when) dkw (of the place) arta (the men) ysna (recognized Him) yhwlktoa (a moment) htes (son of) rb 55 (to bring) wytyml (& they began) wyrsw (that) yh (land) aera (in all) hlkb (& they ran) wjhrw (them) Nwhl (they were carrying) Nylyqs (as) dk (had become) Nydybe (who sick) tyasybd (those) Nylyal (that He was) yhwtyad (they were) wwh (where hearing) Nyemsd (to the place) akyal (in litters) atoreb 56 (or a city) atnydmlw (a village) ayrwql (had) awh (He entered) laed (& wherever) akyaw (were) wwh (& begging) Nyebw (the sick) ahyrk (they were) wwh (laying) Nymyo (in the streets) aqwsb (they might touch) Nwbrqn (of His garment) hswbld (the fringe) apnkl (even if) Npad (from Him) hnm (were) wwh (healed) Nyoatm (it) hl (were) wwh (who touching) Nybrqd (those) Nylya (& all) Nwhlkw Chapter 7 1 (& the Scribes) arpow (The Pharisees) asyrp (around him) htwl (& they gathered) wsnkw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (who had come) wtad 2 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (some) Nysna (& they saw) wzxw (when) dk (bread) amxl (who were eating) Nylkad (& they found fault) wldetaw (their hands) Nwhydya (having washed) Ngsm (not) al
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The Greek texts exhibit some interpretation in verse two: having defiled, that is unwashed hands. The Critical Greek text of Westcott and Hort has two words not found in the Majority Greek text, another verb is different in form from the majority texts participle, and the last verb, ememqanto (emempsanto they found fault), is missing completely, making the whole verse a dangling modifier, and not a sentence at all in Greek! If one were to argue that W&H are correct, then one must argue for a sentence (v.2-v.5) four verses long in Mark, which is highly unlikely, since his style is very terse and plain with simple sentences. The Peshitta has each verse as a complete sentence. 3 (& The Pharisees) asyrpw (the Judeans) aydwhy (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk (wash) Nygysm (not) al (who carefully) tyalyjbd (are) wh (if) Na (because) ljm (eat) Nyoel (not) al (their hands) Nwhydya (of the elders) asysqd (the tradition) atwnmlsm (they keep) Nydyxad 4 (they bathe *) Nydme (unless) ala (the marketplace) aqws (& from) Nmw (are) tya (other things) atynrxa (& many) ataygow (do eat) Nyoel (not) al (the washings) atydwmem (that they may keep) Nwrjnd (that they had received) wlbqd (those) Nylya (& of beds) atoredw (copper) asxn (& of vessels) ynamdw (& of pots) ajoqdw (of cups) aokd The different Greek texts have baptize Majority text &,wash- Vaticanus and Sinaiticus (4th cent.).The Aramaic word Nydme can mean baptize, wash or bathe. Might this account for the Greek variants? If this were the only such place where this type of inter-language correlation occurs between Aramaic & Greek, perhaps not, but this is not the only place. There are hundreds such occurrences in The NT! 5 (& Pharisees) asyrpw (the Scribes) arpo (& they asked Him) yhwlasw (do walk) Nyklhm (not) al (your disciples) Kydymlt (Why?) anml (but) ala (of the elders) asysqd (the tradition) atwnmlsm (according to) Kya (bread) amxl (they are eating) Nylka (their hands) Nwhydya (having washed) Ngsm (not) al (while) dk

Here again, the Greek texts display variation, as in verse 2. The Majority Greek text has aniptoiv cersin- unwashed hands; Westcott & Horts text has koinaiv cersin defiled hands.Verse 2 in the Greek texts has both, seemingly in an attempt to interpret it correctly! Unwashed is the Peshittas meaning; Defiled is the religious interpretation the Pharisees put on Unwashed. The Greek texts seem to interpret various Aramaic words; another word for interpret is the Greek word hermayneuo- (i.e., translate).The Greek NT uses that very word six times with literal Aramaic phrases and words, which it then hermayneuos into Greek! 6 (prophesied) ybnta (beautifully) ryps (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (pretenders) apab ybon (the prophet) aybn (Eshaia) ayesa (of you) Nwkyle (with its lips) htwpob (this) anh (people) amed (it is written) bytkd (just as) Kya (from Me) ynm (far) qyxr (very) ygo (but) Nyd (their heart is) Nwhbl (me) yl (honoring) rqym (is) wh 7 (they teach) Nyplm (as) dk (to Me) yl (they pay reverence) Nylxd (& in vain) tyaqyrow (of men) asna (of the children) ynbd (of the commandments) andqwpd (doctrines) anplwy 8 (& keep) Nydyxaw (of God) ahlad (the commandments) andqwp (for) ryg (you forsake) Nwtqbs (washings) atydwmem (of men) asna (of the sons) ynbd (the traditions) atwnmlsm (you) Nwtna (like) Nymd (these) Nylhld (such things) Nylya (& many) ataygow (& pots) ajoqdw (of cups) aokd 9 (the commandment) andqwp (you) Nwtna (reject) Nymlj (well) ryps (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (your traditions) Nwktwnmlsm (that you may establish) Nwmyqtd (of God) ahlad Three very old (5th -6th cent.) Greek mss. agree with The Peshitta reading that you may establish your traditions. The other Greek mss. have that you may keep your traditions.

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The Aramaic root word Qamhas both meanings- keep and be established. Can it be that all of them got their readings from The Peshittas Aramaic? 10 (& your mother) Kmalw (your father) Kwbal (to honor) rqyd (said) rma (for) ryg (Moshe) aswm (he shall die) twmn (the death) atwm (& mother) amalw (father) abal (reviles) axumd (& whoever) Nmw 11 (a man) arbg (shall say) rman (if) Na (are) Nwtna (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (anything) Mdm (my offering is) ynbrwq (to his mother) hmal (or) wa (to his father) yhwbal (you shall gain) rtat (that from me) ynmd 12 (that he should do) dbend (him) hl (you) Nwtna (allow) Nyqbs (& not) alw (his mother) hmal (or) wa (for his father) yhwbal (anything) Mdm 13 (because of) ljm (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (you are) Nwtna (& rejecting) Nylomw (& that are like) Nymddw (that you deliver) Nwtmlsad (the traditions) atwnmlsm (you are) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe (many things) ataygo (these things) Nylhl 14 (& He said) rmaw (all) hlk (to the crowds) asnkl (Yeshua) ewsy (& called) arqw (& understand) wlktoaw (all of you) Nwklk (hear Me) ynwemws (to them) Nwhl 15 (a son of man ) asnrb (of) Nm (outside) rbld (anything) Mdm (there is not) tyl (defile) byom (that can) xksmd (him) hl (also enters) laew (that) wh (from him) hnm (that proceeds) qpnd (the thing) Mdm (except) ala (him) hl (of man) asna (a son) rbl (defiling) byom (is) wh (that) wh 16 (let him hear) emsn (that hears) emsnd (an ear) anda (has) hl tyad (whoever) Nm 17 (the house) atybl (Yeshua) ewsy (entered) le (but) Nyd (when) dk (His disciples) yhwdymlt (they asked Him) yhwlas (the crowds) asnk (from) Nm (that) wh (parable) altm (about) le 18 (are?) Nwtna (stupid) Nylje (you) Nwtna (even) Pa (so) ankh (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (outside) rbl (that from) Nmd (thing) Mdm (that every) lkd (you) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy (not?) al (him) hl (defile) byom (can) xksm (not) al (of man) asna (a son) rbl (entering) lae 19 (his belly) horkl (but) ala (enters) lae (his heart) hbll (it) awh (because not) ald (which purifies) aykdmd (in excretion) atykdtb (& is discharged) adtsmw (foods) atlwkam (all) hlk 20 (a son of man ) asnrb (from) Nm (that proceeds) qpnd (but) Nyd (the thing) Mdm (of man) asna (a son) rbl (defiling) byom (is) wh (that) wh 21 (of men) asna (of the children) ynbd (the heart) abl (from) Nm (for) ryg (within) wgl (from) Nm (adultery) arwg (evil) atsyb (ideas) atbsxm (proceed) Nqpn (murder) aljq (theft) atwbng (fornication) atwynz 22 (evil) atsyb (an eye) anye (harlotry) atwnxu (deceit) alkn (wickedness) atwsyb (greed) atwbwle (senselessness) atwyjs (boasting) atwnrhbs (blasphemy) apdwg 23 (are) wh (within) wgl (from) Nm (evils) atsyb (all) Nyhlk (these) Nylh (a son of man ) asnrbl (him) hl (& are defiling) Nbyomw (proceeding) Nqpn
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24 (of Tsur) rwud (to the coast) amwxtl (& came) ataw (Yeshua) ewsy (arose) Mq (there) Nmt (from) Nm (& not) alw (a certain) dx (house) atybl (& He entered) lew (& of Tsidon) Ndyudw (Him) hb (would know) edn (that a man) snad (had) awh (He wanted) abu (to be hidden) asjnd (He was able) xksa (& not) alw 25 (certain) adx (a woman) attna (heard) tems (for) ryg (at once) adxm (a spirit) axwr (daughter) htrbl (had) twh (whose) tyad (about Him) htljm (His feet) yhwlgr (before) Mdq (falling) tlpn (& she came) ttaw (unclean) atpnj 26 (from) Nm (a pagan) atpnx (was) twh hytya (a woman) attna (but) Nyd (she) yh (of Him) hnm (she was) twh (& begging) ayebw (of Surya) ayrwod (Phuniqa) aqynwp (her daughter) htrb (from) Nm (the demon) adas (that He would cast out) qpnd 27 (first) Mdqwl (Let) yqwbs (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (& said) rmaw (right) aryps (for) ryg (it is) twh (not) al (the children) aynb (be filled) Nwebond (to the dogs) ablkl (& throw it) amrnw (of the children) aynbd (the bread) amxl (to take) bond 28 (to Him) hl (& she said) armaw (answered) tne (but) Nyd (she) yh (under) tyxt (from) Nm (the dogs) ablk (even) Pa (my lord) yrm (Yes) Nya (from the children) aynbd (the crumbs) atwtrp (eat) Nylka (the table) arwtp 29 (this) adh (because of) ljm (Go) ylz (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (your daughter) yktrb (from) Nm (the demon) adas (it) hl (has gone out) qpn (saying) atlm 30 (while) dk (her daughter) htrb (& she found) txksaw (to her house) htybl (& she went) tlzaw (the demon) hdas (from her) hnm (& had been cast out) qypnw (in bed) aoreb (lying) aymr 31 (of Tsur) rwud (the coast) amwxt (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (again) bwt (of Galila) alylgd (to the sea) amyl (& He came) ataw (& Tsidon) Ndyudw (of Ten Cities) atnydm-troed (in the coast) amwxtb 32 (a deaf man) asrx (to Him) hl (& they brought) wytyaw (& begged) aebw (who was dumb) aqap (a certain) dx (hands) adya (upon him) yhwle (that He would lay) Myond (Him) hnm (they) wwh 33 (& put) ymraw (alone) yhwdwxlb (the crowd) asnk (from) Nm (& He drew him aside) hdgnw (his tongue) hnsll (& He touched) brqw (and spat) qrw (in his ears) yhwndab (His fingers) htebu 34 (& He groaned) xnttaw (into heaven) aymsb (& He gazed) rxw (Be opened *) xtpta (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw * xtpta Ethpathakh, Be opened, is transliterated in all Greek mss. and then translated into Greek. This is just another of many such cases in all known Greek mss.of the Gospels and Acts.The Peshitta has no cases of transliterating Greek phrases with a translation following. What is difficult to account for is that there are any translations of Aramaic into Greek accompanying a transliterated Aramaic word or phrase, assuming the Greek to be the original. There are many more transliterations which are simply left alone; no translation follows. Raca,Mammon, Corban, Maranatha, Gehenna,etc. The inclusion of those contained in The Greek beg the question: Where is the original Aramaic? The many other tell-tale Aramaic words- over two hundred total occurrences in the Greek NT, suggest Aramaic sources which occasionally posed a challenge to a translator, hence the puzzling transliterations: Beelzebub,Belial, Raca, Maranatha, Mammon, Corban, all of which are unexplained and untranslated. They are not Greek words. They are all Aramaic Belial is Hebrew. So also for the Hellenism Satanas, from the Aramaic, Satana. The LXX always translates The Hebrew Ha Satan with the Greek Diabolos, except in 1 Kings 11:14, where it transliterates Satan as Satan(not Satana) twice. The Greek NT translates the Aramaic Satana with the Greek Diabolos about half the time, and the other half uses the Aramaic word Satana in Greek letters. The Aramaic Satanaoccurs 36 times in the Majority Greek text in twelve books from Matthew to Revelation! 35
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(& was released) yrtsaw (his ears) yhwnda (were opened) xtpta (& in that moment) atesb hbw (distinctly) tyaqysp (& he spoke) llmw (of his tongue) hnsld (a bond) aroa 36 (they should tell) Nwrman (not) al (that a man) snald (them) Nwna (& He warned) rhzw (them) Nwhl (He) awh (warned) rhzm (that which) whd (& as much as) amkw (were) wwh (proclaiming it) Nyzrkm (the more) ryty (they) Nwnh 37 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they were) wwh (astonished) Nyrmdtm (& exceedingly) tyarytyw (He has done) dbe (beautifully) ryps (thing) Mdm (that every) lkd (to hear) Nwemsnd (He has made) dbe (the deaf) asrxl (to speak) Nwllmnd (was speaking) Nyllmm (& him who not) aldw Chapter 8 1 (great) aaygo (a crowd) asnk (when) dk (days) atmwy (but) Nyd (in those) Nwnhb (anything) Mdm (was) awh tya (& not) alw (there was) awh tya (His disciples) yhwdymltl (He called) arq (for them to eat) Nwlkand (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw 2 (this) anh (crowd) asnk (on) le (I) ana (have pity) Mxrtm (they have continued) wywq (days) Nymwy (three) atlt (for behold) ahd (for them) Nwhl (& there is not) tylw (with Me ) ytwl (they may eat) Nwlkan (something) anm 3 (when) dk (them) Nwhl (I) ana (that send away) arsd (it is) wh (& if) Naw (they will faint) Nypye (to their houses) Nwhytbl (they are fasting) Nymyu (among them) Nwhnm (for) ryg (people) asna (in the road) axrwab (have come) Nyayta (afar) aqxwr (from) Nm 4 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (in the desert) abrwxb (here) akrh (a man) sna (is able) xksm (from where?) akmya (all of them) Nwhlk (for these) Nylhl (bread) amxl (to supply enough) ebond 5 (are) tya (loaves) Nymxl (how many?) amk (He) wh (them) Nwna (asked) lasw (seven) aebs (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (to you) Nwkl 6 (on) le (to recline) Nwkmtond (the crowds) asnkl (& He commanded) dqpw (loaves) Nymxl (seven) aebs (those) Nwnh (& He took) bonw (the ground) aera (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He gave) bhyw (& broke) auqw (& blessed) Krbw (to the crowd) asnkl (& they set them out) wmow (that they may be set out) Nwmyond 7 (over them) Nwhyle (& also) Paw (a few) lylq (fish) anwn (& there were) wwh tyaw (them) Nwna (that they may set out) Nwmyond (& said) rmaw (He blessed) Krb 8 (& they took up) wlqsw (& they were filled) webow (& they ate) wlkaw (baskets) Nydyrpoa (seven) aebs (of fragments) ayuqd (the leftovers) artwt 9 (men) asna (but) Nyd (there were) wwh Nwhytya (thousand) Nypla (four) aebra (about) Kya (who ate) wlkad 10 (at once) adxm (& came up) qlow (them) Nwna (& He sent away) arsw (& came) ataw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (with) Me (to the ship) atnypol (of Dalmanutha) atwnmldd (to the region) artal 11 (to inquire) aebml (& they began) wyrsw (the Pharisees) asyrp (& they came out) wqpnw (from) Nm (a sign) ata (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& asking) Nylasw (with Him) hme (Him) hl (tempting) Nyonm (while) dk (heaven) ayms 12 (why?) anm (& He said) rmaw (in His Spirit) hxwrb (& He groaned) xnttaw
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(amen) Nyma (this) adh (generation) atbrs (a sign) ata (does seek) ayeb (shall be given) bhytt (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (this) adh (to generation) atbrsl (a sign) ata (to it) hl 13 (the ship) atnypol (& boarded) qlow (them) Nwna (& He left) qbsw (other side) arbe (to that) whl (& they went) wlzaw 14 (for one) adx (& except) alaw (bread) amxl (to take) Nwbond (they had forgotten) wejw (in the ship) atnypob (with them) Nwhme (was) awh (there nothing) tyl (cake) atuyrg 15 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (them) Nwna (& He commanded) dqpw (of the Pharisees) asyrpd (the leaven) arymx (of) Nm (beware) wrhdza (Behold) wzx (of Herodus) odwrhd (the leaven) hrymx (& of) Nmw 16 (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (they were) wwh (& reasoning) Nybsxtmw (for us) Nl (there is not) tyl (it is because bread) amxld (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 17 (why?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (there is no) tyl (that bread) amxld (are you) Nwtna (considering) Nynr (knowing) Nyedy (now) ashl (until) amde (not?) al (for you) Nwkl (are you) Nwtna (understanding) Nylktom (& not?) alw (are you) Nwtna (to you) Nwkl (is) tya (hard) aysq (the heart) abl (still) lykde 18 (you are) Nwtna (seeing) Nyzx (& not?) alw (with you) Nwkl (are) tya (& eyes) anyew (you are) Nwtna (hearing) Nyems (& not?) alw (with you) Nwkl (are) tya (& ears) andaw (you are) Nwtna (remembering) Nydhe (& not?) alw 19 (I broke) tyuq (loaves) Nymxl (five) asmx (those) Nylh (when) dk (how many?) amk (thousand) Nypla (for the five) asmxl (they were full) Nylm (after) dk (of fragments) ayuqd (baskets) Nynypwq (twelve) roert (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (did you take up) Nwtlqs 20 (to the four) aebral (the seven) aebs (& when) dkw (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (of fragments) ayuqd (baskets) Nydyrpoa (how many?) amk (thousand) Nypla (did you take up) Nwtlqs (they were full) Nylm (when) dk (seven) aebs (they were saying) Nyrma 21 (not) al (How is it?) wkya (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (you are) Nwtna (understanding) Nylktom (this hour) ashl (until) amde 22 (to Him) hl (& they brought) wytyaw (to Bayth-Tsayda) adyutybl (& He came) ataw (from Him) hnm (they were) wwh (& begging) Nyebw (a blind man) aymo (him) hl (that He would touch) bwrqnd 23 (& took him) hqpaw (of the blind man) aymod (the hand) hdyab (& He grasped) dxaw (in his eyes) yhwnyeb (& He spat) qrw (the town) atyrq (of) Nm (outside) rbl (he saw) azx (what) anmd (& He asked him) hlasw (His hand) hdya (& laid on) Mow 24 (of men) asna (children) ynb (I) ana (see) azx (& he said) rmaw (He gazed) rx (that are walking) Nyklhmd (trees) anlya (like) Kya 25 (his eyes) yhwnye (on) le (His hand) hdya (He laid) Mo (again) bwt (clearly) tyaryhn (thing) Mdm (every) lk (he) awh (& saw) azxw (& he was healed) Nqtw 26 (neither) al Pa (& He said) rmaw (to his house) htybl (& He sent him) hrdsw (will you tell) rmat (nor) alw (will you enter) lwet (to the town) atyrql (in the town) atyrqb (a person) snal 27 (to the villages) ayrwql (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (Yeshua) ewsy (& went out) qpnw (He was) awh (& asking) lasmw (of Qasria-DPhillipus *) owpylypdayroqd
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(to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (in the road) axrwab (His disciples) yhwdymltl (Who I am) ytyad (the people) asna (about Me) yle (are saying) Nyrma (what is it?) wnm Qasria-DPhillipus means Phillips Caesarea.

28 (the Baptizer) andmem (that Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (they said) wrma (but) Nyd (some) Nwnh (& others) anrxaw (that Elia) aylad (& others) anrxaw (the prophets) aybn (of) Nm (one) dx 29 (what is it?) wnm (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rma (answered) ane (Who I am) ytyad (about Me) yle (you) Nwtna (are saying) Nyrma (are) wh (You) tna (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (Shimeon) Nwems (The Living One) ayx (of God) ahlad (the Son *) hrb (The Messiah) axysm The Greek texts do not have, The Son of The Living God.

30 (that to a person) snald (them) Nwhb (& He admonished) aakw (about Him) yhwle (they should speak) Nwrman (not) al 31 (that was prepared) dyted (them) Nwna (to teach) wplml (He) awh (& began) yrsw (many things) ygo (that He would suffer) sxnd (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (He) wh (chief) ybr (& from) Nmw (the elders) asysq (from) Nm (& that He would be rejected) altondw (& He would be killed) ljqtnw (the scribes) arpo (& from) Nmw (the priests) anhk (He would rise) Mwqn (days) Nymwy (& in three) atltlw 32 (He was) awh (speaking) llmm (the word) atlm (in the open) algb (& an eye) Nyew (Him) hb (to rebuke) aakml (& he began) yrsw (Kaypha) apak (& took Him aside) hrbdw algb Nye Ayn bgla (eye in the open) is an Aramaic idiom meaning publicly, openly, clearly. 33 (at His disciples) yhwdymltb (& gazed) rxw (turned) ynpta (but) Nyd (He) wh (go) lz (& said) rmaw (Shimeon) Nwemsb (& rebuked) aakw (for not) ald (Satan) anjo (behind Me) yrtobl (you) Kl (of men) asna (of the children) ynbd (but) ala (of God) ahlad (you) tna (reason) anr 34 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (with) Me (the crowds) asnkl (Yeshua) ewsy (& He called) arqw (is willing) abud (whoever) Nm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (himself) hspnb (let him renounce) rwpkn (after Me) yrtb (that he shall come) atand (after Me) yrtb (& let him come) atanw (his cross) hpyqz (& let him take up) lwqsnw 35 (that he should save) axnd (for) ryg (is willing) abud (whoever) Nm (everyone) lk (his life) hspn (who will lose) dbwnd (& everyone) lkw (will lose it) hydbwn (his soul) hspn (he will save it) hyxn (My gospel) ytrbo (& for) ljmw (for Me) ytljm 36 (if) Na (a son of man) asnrb (is benefited) rdetn (for) ryg (How?) anm (he should gain) rtan (the whole) hlk (the world) amle (he should lose) roxn (& his soul) hspnw 37 (shall give) ltn (what?) anm (or) wa (for his soul) hspnd (exchange) apwlxt (a son of man ) asnrb 38 (of Me) yb (who shall be ashamed) thbnd (for) ryg (everyone) lk (this) adh (in generation) atbrsb (& of my words) ylmbw (The Son) hrb (also) Paw (& adultery commiting) atrygw (sinning) atyjx (of him) hb (shall be ashamed) thbn (of Man) asnad (of His Father) yhwbad (in the glory) axbwsb (He comes) atad (whenever) am (holy) asydq (His angels) yhwkalm (with) Me Chapter 9
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1 (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (& said) rmaw (who are standing) Nymyqd (men) asna (that there are) tyad (to you) Nwkl (until) amde (death) atwm (shall taste) Nwmejn (who not) ald (here) Nnt (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) htwklm (they will behold) Nwzxnd (with powerful works) alyxb (that is coming) ttad 2 (Yeshua) ewsy (led) rbd (days ) Nymwy (six) ats (& after) rtbw (& took up) qoaw (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (& Yaqob) bwqeylw (Kaypha) apakl (by themselves) Nwhydwxlb (high) amr (to a mountain) arwjl (them) Nwna (to their eyes) Nwhynel (& He was transfigured) Plxtaw 3 (& became white) rwxmw (His garment) hswbl (was) awh (& shining) rhzmw (of men) asna (the sons) ynbd (in a manner) ankya (snow) aglt (like) Kya (very) bj (are not able) Nyxksm (not) al (in the earth) aerab (to whiten) wrwxml 4 (& Moshe) aswmw (Elia) ayla (to them) Nwhl (& appeared) wyzxtaw (Yeshua) ewsy (with) Me (they were speaking) Nyllmm (while) dk 5 (beautiful) ryps (Rabbi) ybr (Kaypha) apak (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (we should be) awhn (that here) akrhd (to us) Nl (it is) wh (one) adx (for You) Kl (tabernacles) Nyljm (three) tlt (& let us make) dbenw (one) adx (& for Elia) aylalw (one) adx (& for Moshe) aswmlw 6 (what) anm (he) awh (knew) edy (but) Nyd (not) al (in awe) atlxdb (for) ryg (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya (he said) rma 7 (about them) Nwhyle (it was) twh (& a shelter) aljmw (a cloud) anne (& there was) twhw (My Son) yrb (This is) wnh (that said) rmad (the cloud) anne (from) Nm (& a voice) alqw (hear) wems (Him) hl (The Beloved) abybx 8 (the disciples) adymlt (gazed up) wrx (afterward) dk (the stillness) ayls (& from) Nmw (Yeshua) ewsyl (except) ala (they saw) wzx (not) al (a man) snal (with them) Nwhme (alone) yhwdwxlb 9 (commanded) dqpm (the mountain) arwj (from) Nm (they descended) Nytxn & when) dkw (anything) Mdm (they shall tell) Nwrman (not) al (that a man) snald (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (the Son) hrb (rises) Mqd (when) am (only) Na (but) ala (that they saw) wzxd (the dead) atym (from) Nm (of Man) asnad 10 (& inquiring) Nyebw (in themselves) Nwhspnb (the statement) atlml (& they seized) hwdxaw (that when) amd (statement) atlm (this) adh (is) yh (what?) anmd (they were) wwh (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (He rises) Mqd 11 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& asking) Nylasmw (the Scribes) arpo (are saying) Nyrma (therefore) lykh (why?) anm (first) Mdqwl (come) atand (must) alw (that Elia) aylad 12 (first) Mdqwl (comes) ata (Elia) ayla (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (& just as) ankyaw (he may restore) Nqtn (that all things) Mdmlkd (much) ygod (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (about) le (it is written) bytk (& he will be rejected) altonw (he will suffer) sxn 13 (that also) Pad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (but) ala (to him) hb (& they did) wdbew (has come) ata (Elia) ayla (Just as) ankya (they wanted) wbud (whatever) am (everything) lk (about him) yhwle (it is written) bytkd 14 (the disciples) adymlt (to) twl (He came) ata (& when) dkw (great) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (among them) Nwhtwl (He saw) azx
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(with them) Nwhme (debating) Nysrd (when) dk (& the Scribes) arpow 15 (the crowds) asnk (all) hlk (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (& they ran) wjhrw (& they were astounded) whwtw (saw Him) yhwazx (peace) hmlsb (they invoked) wlas 16 (the scribes) arpol (He was) awh (& asking) lasmw (with them) Nwhme (are you) Nwtna (debating) Nysrd (what?) anm 17 (& said) rmaw (the crowds) asnk (from) Nm (one) dx (answered) anew (who is) tyad (unto You) Ktwl (my son) yrb (I brought) tytya (Teacher) anplm (is speaking) allmm (that not) ald (a spirit) axwr (to him) hl 18 (him) hl (it throws) ajbx (him) hl (it comes upon) akrdmd (& whenever) akyaw (& he wastes away) sbyw (his teeth) yhwns (& he gnashes) qrxmw (& beats him) termw (that they might cast it out) yhynwqpnd (to Your disciples) Kydymltl (& I spoke) trmaw (they were able) wxksa (& not) alw 19 (Oh!) Nwa (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (until) amde (faith) anmyhm (without) ald (generation) atbrs (with you) Nwktwl (shall I be) awha (when?) ytmal (to Me) ytwl (bring him) yhwatya (shall I endure you) Nwkrbyoa (when?) ytmal(until) amde 20 (saw Him) htzx (& when) dkw (to Him) htwl (& they brought him) yhwytyaw (& he fell) lpnw (he threw him) htjbx (a moment) htes (son of) rb (the spirit) axwr (he) awh (& was convulsed) qebtmw (the ground) aera (on) le (& he foamed) termw 21 (how long?) amkd (his father) yhwbal (Yeshua) ewsy (asked)lasw (it is) wh (that thus) ankhd (from) Nm (now) ah (a time) anbz (to him) hl (his childhood) htwylj (from) Nm (now) ah (to Him) hl (he said) rma 22 (into fire) arwnb (it has thrown him) htymra (many) Naygo (& times) Nynbzw (but) ala (that it may destroy him) yhwydbwtd (& into water) aymbw (help me) ynyrde (you) tna (can do) xksmd (anything) Mdm (on me) yle (& have mercy) Mxrtaw 23 (you are) tna (able) xksm (if) Na (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (can) xksm (thing) Mdm (every) lk (that you shall believe) Nmyhtd (who believes) Nmyhmd (to the one) Nml (happen) awhnd 24 (of the boy) ayljd (his father) yhwba (cried out) aeq (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (I) ana (believe) Nmyhm (& said) rmaw (he wept) akb (while) dk (of my faith) ytwnmyh (the lack) twryoxl (help) rde (my lord) yrm 25 (the people) ame (that ran) jhrd (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (that ) yhb (He rebuked) aak (near Him) htwl (& gathered) snktmw (spirit) axwr (to it) hl (& He said) rmaw (unclean) atpnj (spirit) axwr (I) ana (does speak) allmm (that not) ald (deaf) atsrx (from him) hnm (go out) yqwp (you) ykl (am) ana (commanding) dqp (him) hl (you shall enter) Nylet (not) al (& again) bwtw 26 (& pounded him) hqxsw (greatly) ygo (that) wh (demon) adas (& screamed) aeqw (so) Kya (a dead person) atym (like) Kya (& he was) awhw (& went out) qpnw (he) hl (that was dead) tymd (were saying) Nwrman (many) aaygod 27 (take him) hdxa (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (did) wh (& raised him up) hmyqaw (by his hand) hdyab 28 (Yeshua) ewsy (the house) atybl (but) Nyd (entered) le (when) dk (among themselves) Nwhydwxlb (His disciples) yhwdymlt (they asked Him) yhwlas
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(to cast it out) htwqpml (we were able) Nxksa (not) al (we) Nnx (Why?) anml 29 (in anything) Mdmb (sort) aong (this) anh (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (except) ala (come out) qpml (can) xksm (not) al (& by prayer) atwlubw (by a fast) amwub 30 (passing through) Nyrbe (there) Nmt (from) Nm (He went out) qpn (& when) dkw (wanted) abu (& not) alw (Galila) alylgb (they were) wwh (Him) hb (would recognize) edn (that a man) snad (He) awh 31 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (His disciples) yhwdymltl (for) ryg (He was) awh (teaching) Plm (into the hands) ydyab (will be delivered) Mltsm (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbd (& when) amw (& they will kill Him) yhynwljqnw (of men) asna (He shall rise) Mwqn (three) atltd (on day) amwyb (He has been killed) ljqtad 32 (that) hl (were) wwh (understanding) Nyedy (not) al (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (that they should ask Him) yhynwlasnd (they were) wwh (& afraid) Nylxdw (saying) atlml 33 (they entered) wle (& when) dkw (to Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (& they came) wtaw (What?) anmd (them) Nwhl (He) awh (asked) lasm (to the house) atybl (among yourselves) Nwktnyb (in the road) axrwab (were you) Nwtywh (reasoning) Nybsxtm 34 (arguing) wyrxta (they were) wwh (silent) Nyqyts (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (one) dx (on the road) axrwab (for) ryg (they had been) wwh (among them) Nwhb (greatest) br (who is?) wnmd (another) dx (with) Me 35 (& said) rmaw (the twelve) roertl (& He called) arqw (Yeshua) ewsy (& sat down ) btyw (last) ayrxa (shall be) awhn (first) aymdq (to be) awhnd (wants) abud (He who) Nm (to them) Nwhl (person) sna (of every) lkd (& a servant) ansmsmw 36 (in the midst) ateumb (& stood him) hmyqaw (a certain) dx (a boy) aylj (& He took) bonw (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (His shoulders) yhwerd (on) le (& took him) hlqsw 37 (such as) Kya (shall receive) lbqnd (whoever) Nm (everyone) lk (receiving) lbqm (he is) wh (Me) yl (in My Name) ymsb (boy) aylj (this) anh (Me) yl (has) awh (not) al (receives) lbqm (Me) yld (& whoever) Nmw (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (Him) Nml (if not) ala (received) lbqm 38 (Rabbi) ybr (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (to him) hl (said) rma (demons) adas (who was casting out) qpmd (a man) sna (we saw) Nyzx (on the account) le (& we forbade him) yhynylkw (in your name) Kmsb (with us) Nl (he went out) Pqn (that not) ald 39 (there is not) tyl (forbid him) yhynwlkt (do not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (in My Name) ymsb (a powerful work) alyx (who does) dbed (a man) sna (for) ryg (badly) sybd (about Me) yle (speak) rma (soon) lge (& can) xksmw 40 (is) wh (for you) Nwkyplx (against you) Nwklbqwl (therefore) lykh (is) awh (not) ald (whoever) Nm 41 (of water) aymd (a cup) aok (who will give you to drink) Nwkyqsnd (but) Nyd (everyone) lk (you are) Nwtna (that one who belongs to The Messiah) axysmdd (in the name) amsb (only) dwxlb (his reward) hrga (he shall lose) dbwn (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma 42 (little ones) arwez (these) Nylh (from) Nm (one) dxl (shall stumble) lsknd (who) Nm (& everyone) lkw (it were) awh (better) xqp (in Me) yb (who are believing) Nynmyhmd (of a donkey) armxd (a millstone) ayxr (were) twh (set) aymr (if) wla (for him) hl (in the sea) amyb (& he were cast) adsw (around his neck) hrwub
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Stumbling a child spiritually is a grievous crime against the child and against God, yet we do not take this literally and cast a millstone around the neck of such. See note at v. 44. 43 (better) xqp (cut it off) hyqwop (your hand) Kdya (you) Kl (stumbles) alskm (but) Nyd (if) Na (when) dk (than) wa (The Life) ayxl (that you enter) lwetd (maimed) agysp (for you) Kl (it is) wh (to Gehenna) anhgl (that you go) lzat (hands) Nydya (two) Nytrt (to you) Kl (there are) tya 44 (dies) atym (not) al (their worm) Nwhelwtd (where) akya (is quenched) aked (not) al (& their fire) Nwhrwnw The literalist insists Gehenna is Hell with a literal worm and a literal fire, yet he keeps both eyes, both hands and both feet, because they are meant figuratively! He believes that it is fanaticism to dismember oneself, as Origen did, for the kingdom of God. If taking hands and feet literally here is madness, what is it to take Hell fire and worms literally? The former makes a man a self mutilator; the latter makes God a mass butcher and monster whose Final Solution would make Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin look like girl scouts! Obviously, then, the passage is meant to be spiritually interpreted in its entirety. We cannot make half figurative and the other literal. If it were wicked to chop off hands, it would be far worse to cast the whole person into a fire for any length of time. What are people thinking? Apparently they are not, which is why many of our Lords words are misunderstood and He is blasphemed. Which of the disciples mutilated his own body and instructed others to do so? If they did not do and teach this as a literal practice, they must have understood the passage in a different way. And the word Gehenna is not even found in the epistles or Revelation, only in The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. James in the Greek has it once in error, translating Nohrain Aramaic as Gehenna,which the Greek says ignites the tongue of man! Hardly a literal sense, at that! Gehenna was a place in Israel where garbage was always burning and where criminals bodies were thrown. Alas, the fires of Gehenna are no more, but the Lord was teaching us to think about where we are heading in a spiritual sense. Hell has more to do with what is in you than what you are in. 45 (better) xqp (cut it off) hyqwop (you) Kl (stumbles) alskm (your foot) Klgr (& if) Naw (when) dk (than) wa (crippled) aoygx (The Life) ayxl (that you enter) lwetd (for you) Kl (it is) wh (into Gehenna) anhgb (that you fall) lpt (feet) Nylgr (two) Nytrt (to you) Kl (there are) tya 46 (dies) atym (not) al (their worm) Nwhelwtd (where) akya (is quenched) aked (not) al (& their fire) Nwhrwnw 47 (pluck it out) hyux (you) Kl (stumbles) alskm (your eye) Knye (& if) Naw (of your eyes) Knye (that with one) adxbd (for you) Kl (it is) wh (better) xqp (there are) tya (when) dk (than) wa (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) htwklml (you enter) lwet (of fire) arwnd (in the Gehenna) anhgb (you fall) lpt (eyes) Nynye (two) Nytrt (to you) Kl 48 (dies) atym (not) al (their worm) Nwhelwtd (where) akya (is quenched) aked (not) al (& their fire) Nwhrwnw 49 (will be seasoned) xlmtn (with fire) arwnb (for) ryg (everything) lk (will be seasoned) xlmtt (with salt) axlmb (sacrifice) atxbd (& every) lkw 50 (becomes tasteless) hkpt (salt) axlm (but) Nyd (if) Na (salt) axlm (is) yh (excellent) aryps (in you) Nwkb (there shall be) awht (shall it be seasoned) xlmtt (with what?) anmb (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (be) wwh (& at peace) anysbw (salt) axlm Chapter 10 1 (to the borders) amwxtl (& came) ataw (there) Nmt (from) Nm (& He arose) Mqw (of The Jordan) Nndrwyd (to the crossing) arbel (of Judea) dwhyd (crowds) asnk (to join him) htwl (there) Nmtl (& they went) wlzaw (them) Nwhl (He) awh (& taught) Plmw (great) aaygo (He had been) awh (accustomed) demd (as) Kya (again) bwt 2 (Him) hl (tempting) Nyonm (the Pharisees) asyrp (& they approached) wbrqw (it is lawful) jyls (if) Nad (& asking) Nylasmw
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(his wife) httna (that he may divorce) qwbsnd (for a man) arbgl 3 (Moshe) aswm (has commanded you) Nwkdqp (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma 4 (Moshe) aswm (were saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (that we may write) bwtknd (us) Nl (allowed) opa (& we may divorce) arsnw (of divorce) anqbwsd (a letter) abtk 5 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (he wrote) btk (of your heart) Nwkbl (the callousness) twysq (confronting) lbqwl (this) anh (commandment) andqwp (you) Nwkl 6 (male) arkd (but) Nyd (the beginning) tysrb (from) Nm (God) ahla (them) Nwna (made) dbe (& female) atbqnw 7 (a man) arbg (shall leave) qwbsn (this) anh (because of) ljm (his wife) httnal (& shall cleave to) Pqnw (& his mother) hmalw (his father) yhwbal 8 (after that) lykm (flesh) rob (one) dx (those two) Nwhyrt (& they shall be) Nwwhnw (flesh) rob (one) dx (but) ala (two) Nyrt (they are) wwh (not) al 9 (therefore) lykh (that God) ahlad (the things) Mdm (shall separate) srpn (not) al (a son of man) asnrb (unites) gwz 10 (again) bwt (& they asked him) yhwlasw (this) adh (about) le (in the house) atybb (His disciples) yhwdymlt 11 (divorces) arsnd (who) Nm (everyone) lk (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (commits adultery) rag (another) atrxa (& takes) bonw (his wife) httna 12 (her husband) hleb (divorces) arst (a woman) attna (& if) Naw (she commits adultery) aryg (to another man) anrxal (& shall belong) awhtw 13 (children) aylj (to Him) hl (they were) wwh (& bringing) Nybrqmw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (them) Nwhl (that He might touch) bwrqnd (them) Nylhb (were) wwh (rebuking) Nyak (but) Nyd (them) Nwhl (who brought) Nybrqmd 14 (to Him) hl (& it was evil) sabtaw (saw) azx (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (come) Nyta (the children) aylj (let) wqwbs (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (them) Nwna (forbid) Nwlkt (& do not) alw (to Me) ytwl (they) Nwna (these) Nylh (like) Kyad (for) ryg (because of those) Nylyadd (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) atwklm (is) hytya 15 (who not) ald (that everyone) lkd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (like) Kya (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) atwklm (will receive) lbqn (it) hl (will enter) lwen (not) al (a child) aylj 16 (& He laid) Mow (His arms) yhwerd (in) le (them) Nwna (& He took up) lqsw (them) Nwna (& He blessed) Krbw (upon them) Nwhyle (His hand) hdya 17 (one) dx (running) jhr (on the road) axrwab (He traveled) adr (& when) dkw (Him) hl (he) awh (& asked) lasmw (his knees) yhwkrwb (on) le (fell) lpn (shall I do) dbea (what?) anm (good) abj (Teacher) anplm (& he said) rmaw (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (that I may inherit) rtad 18 (called) arq (why?) anm (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (a good one) abj (there is not) tyl (good) abj (Me)yl (you) tna (God) ahla (the one) dx (only) Na (except) ala 19 (you shall commit adultery) rwgt (not) al (you) tna (know) edy (the commandments) andqwp
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(you shall kill) lwjqt (not) al (you shall steal) bwngt (not) al (false) atlgd (testimony) atwdho (you shall testify) dhot (& not) alw (& your mother) Kmalw (your father) Kwbal (honor) rqy (you shall cheat) Mwljt (not) al 20 (Teacher) anplm (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (he answered) ane (but) Nyd (he) wh (my childhood) ytwylj (from) Nm (these) Nyna (I have kept) trjn (all of them) Nyhlk (these) Nylh 21 (& He said) rmaw (& He loved him) hbxaw (at him) hb (gazed) rx (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (every) lk (sell) Nbz (go) lz (to you) Kl (is missing) aryox (one thing) adx (to him) hl (to the poor) ankoml (& give) bhw (to you) Kl (that is) tyad (thing) Mdm (in Heaven) aymsb (treasure) atmyo (for you) Kl (& there shall be) awhtw (after Me) yrtb (& come) atw (the cross) abylu (& take) bow 22 (this) adh (at saying) atlmb (was saddened) rmkta (but) Nyd (he) wh (there) tya (in himself) hl (grieving) aqyye (while) dk (& he went on) lzaw (much) aaygo (wealth) aokn (for) ryg (to him) hl (was) awh 23 (upon His disciples) yhwdymltb (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (gazed) rx (for those) Nylyal (it is hard) alje (How!) amk (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (wealth) aokn (to them) Nwhl (who have) tyad (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) atwklml (to enter) Nwlend 24 (were) wwh (astonished) Nyrmdtm (but) Nyd (the disciples) adymlt (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (& answered) anew (His words) yhwlm (at) le (hard it is) alje (How!) amk (sons) ynb (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (their wealth) Nwhyokn (upon) le (who rely) Nylyktd (for those) Nylyal (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) htwklml (that they should enter) Nwlend 25 (for a camel) almgl (it) wh (easier) qysp (than) wa (of a needle) ajxmd (into the eye) arwrxb (that it may enter) lwend (to enter) leml (of God) ahlad (to the kingdom) htwklml (a rich man) aryte 26 (astonished) Nyrmdtm (the more) tyaryty (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (among themselves) Nwhynyb (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they were) wwh (to be saved) axml (is able) xksm (who is?) wnm 27 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (on them) Nwhb (but) Nyd (gazed) rx (not) al (this) adh (the sons of men) asna ynb (unto) twl (God) ahla (with) twl (except) ala (is possible) axksm (God) ahla (with) twl (is possible) axksm (for) ryg (thing) Mdm (every) lk 28 (we) Nnx (behold) ah (to say) rmaml (Kaypha) apak (began) yrsw (& cleaved to You) Knpqnw (thing) Mdm (every) lk (we have left) Nqbs 29 (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (who has left) qbsd (a man) sna (there is not) tyld (to you) Nwkl (father) aba (or) wa (sisters) atwxa (or) wa (brothers) axa (or) wa (houses) atb (children) aynb (or) wa (wife) attna (or) wa (mother) ama (or) wa (My Gospel) ytrbo (& for the sake of) ljmw (for My sake) ytljm (town) ayrwq (or) wa 30 (by a hundred) aamb (each) dx (shall receive) lbqn (& not) alw (& brothers) axaw (houses) atb (this) anh (in time) anbzb (now) ash (& towns) ayrwqw (& children) aynbw (& mothers) athmaw (& sisters) atwxaw (& in the world) amlebw (persecutions) aypwdr (with) Me (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (that is coming) atad 31 (are first) aymdq (but) Nyd (many) aaygo (first) aymdq (& last) ayrxaw (last) ayrxa (who shall be) Nwwhnd 32 (on the road) axrwab (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (going up) Nyqlo (when) dk (them) Nwhl (was) awh (in front of) Mydq (Yeshua) ewsy (he) wh (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (they were) wwh (& going) Nylzaw (they were) wwh (& they were amazed) Nyhmttmw
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(His twelve) htroertl (& He took) rbdw (they were in awe) Nylyxd (while) dk (after Him) hrtb (the things) Mdm (to say) rmand (& He began) yrsw (to Him) hl (to happen) awhnd (that were going) dyted When they were on the road going up to Jerusalem, Jesus was before them: and they were amazed and they went after Him as they were in awe. And he took His twelve and He began to tell them the things that would happen unto Him. 33 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (we are) Nnx (going up) Nyqlo (behold) ahd (to the chief) ybrl (will be delivered) Mltsm (of Man) asnad (& The Son) hrbw (& they will condemn Him) yhynwbyxnw (to them) Nwhl (& to the scribes) arpolw (priests) anhk (to the Gentiles) ammel (& they will deliver Him) yhynwmlsnw (to death) atwml Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will be delivered to the chief priests and to the Scribes; and they will condemn him to death, and will deliver him to the Gentiles. 34 (& will scourge Him) yhynwdgnnw (Him) hb (& they will mock) Nwxzbnw (& they will kill Him) yhynwljqnw (in His face) yhwpab (& they will spit) Nwqrnw (He will rise) Mwqn (third) atltd (& the day) amwylw And they will mock Him, and will scourge Him, and will spit in his face, and will kill him; and the third day he will arise. 35 (sons of Zebedi) ydbz ynb (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (Yaqob) bwqey (near Him) htwl (& approached) wbrqw (we) Nnx (desire) Nybu (Teacher) anplm (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (for us) Nl (You would do) dbet (that we will ask) lasnd (that everything) lkd And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, approached him, and said to him: Teacher, we desire that you would do for us all that we ask. 36 (desire) Nybu (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (for you) Nwkl (that I should do) dbea (do you) Nwtna He said to them: What do you want Me to do for you? 37 (shall sit) btn (that one) dxd (to us) Nl (give) bh (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (in Your glory) Kxbwsb (Your left) Klmo (at) Nm (& one) dxw (Your right) Knymy (at) Nm They said to Him: Grant to us, that one may sit at your right hand, and the other on your left, in your glory. 38 (you do) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (are you?) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (you are) Nwtna (asking) Nylas (what) anm (that I) anad (the cup) aok (that you should drink) Nwtstd (& the baptism) atydwmemw (am) ana (drinking) ats (to be baptized?) Nwdmet (am) ana (baptized) dme (in which I) anad But he said to them: you know not what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup of which I drink, and to be baptized with the baptism in which I am baptized? 39 (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (we are able) Nnyxksm (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (you will drink) Nwtst (I) ana (that drink) atsd (the cup) aok (Yeshua) ewsy (in which baptized) dmed (& the baptism) atydwmemw (you will be baptized) Nwdmet (I am) ana They were saying to Him: We are able. Jesus said to them: The cup that I drink, you will drink, and in the baptism in which I am baptized, you will be baptized. 40 (not) al (My left) ylmo (& at) Nmw (My right) ynymy (at) Nm (but) Nyd (that you should sit) Nwbttd
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(who are prepared) abyjmd (to those) Nylyal (except) ala (to give) ltml (Mine) ylyd (was) twh 41 (they began) wyrs (the ten) aroe (they heard) wems (& when) dkw (&Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (Yaqob) bwqey (about) le (complaining greatly) Nynjr 42 (aware) Nyedy (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwna (& called) arqw (rulers) asr (who are considered) Nyrbtomd (that those) Nylyad (you are) Nwtna (& their great ones) Nwhynbrwrw (are) Nwna (their lords) Nwhyrm (of the Gentiles) ammed (over them) Nwhyle (have authority) Nyjyls 43 (but) ala (among you) Nwktnyb (it will be) awhn (so) ankh (but) Nyd (not) al (great) abr (to be) awhnd (among you) Nwkb (wants) abud (whoever) Nm (a servant) ansmsm (to you) Nwkl (will be) awhn 44 (first) aymdq (to be) awhnd (who wants) abud (among you) Nwknm (& he) anyaw (of everyone) snlkd (a servant) adbe (will be) awhn 45 (not) al (of Man) asnad (for) ryg (The Son) hrb (even) Pa (that He would be served) smtsnd (came) ata (& that He may give) ltndw (that He may serve) smsnd (but) ala (the many) aaygo (in the place of) Plx (a ransom) anqrwp (His soul) hspn 46 (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (& when) dkw (to Jerikho) wxyryal (& they came) wtaw (the many) aaygo (& the crowds) asnkw (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (He) wh (Jerikho) wxyrya (sitting) bty (a blind man) aymo (son of Timai) ymyjrb (Timai) ymyj (& begging) rdxw (of the road) axrwa (the side) dy (on) le (was) awh 47 (The Nazarene) ayrun (it was) wh (that Yeshua) ewsyd (& he heard) emsw (& to say) rmamlw (to cry out) aeqml (& he began) yrsw (on me) yle (have mercy) Mxrta (of David) dywdd (Son) hrb 48 (that he would be quiet) qwtsnd (many) aaygo (him) hb (they were) wwh (& rebuking) Nyakw (& He said) rmaw (was) awh (crying out) aeq (more) tyaryty (but) Nyd (he) wh (on me) yle (have mercy) Mxrta (of David) dywdd (Son) hrb 49 (that they call him) yhynwrqnd (& commanded) dqpw (Yeshua) ewsy (& stood) Mqw (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the blind man) aymol (& they called him) yhwarqw (you) Kl (He is calling) arq (arise) Mwq (take heart) bblta 50 (his garment) hsbl (threw off) ads (blind man) aymo (but) Nyd (that) wh (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (coming) ata (& arose) Mqw 51 (do you) tna (want) abu (what?) anm (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (blind man) aymo (but) Nyd (that) wh (for you) Kl (I should do) dbea (that I may see) azxad (Rabbi *) ybr (to Him) hl (said) rma * The Greek texts have Rabbouni, an Aramaic term meaningour Master.This blind man spoke Aramaic,according to the Greek NT, as did almost all Judeans. Rabbi is Aramaic also, of course. 52 (has saved you) Ktyxa (your faith) Ktwnmyh (See) yzx (to him) hl (said) rma (& Yeshua) ewsyw (on the road) axrwab (he was) awh (& leaving) lzaw (to him) hl (it appeared) yzxta (& at once) adxmw And, Jesus said to him, See, your faith has saved you, and at once it appeared to him, and he departed on the road. The Greek texts have, Go, your faith has saved you, . Go is upage in Greek. Seeis ide. In Aramaic, the word, Go, is usually lz (masculine) or lzd (with Dalet proclitic); See is yzx.The two Greek words are not to be easily confused, so if The Peshitta were a translation of Greek, Go - upage would not be mistaken as See- ide. However, See - yzxcould very easily be taken as Go - lzd, especially considering the early script of the first century: See- yzxis yzx Go-lzd is lzd I put these two together here for easy comparison of a Dead Sea Scroll (Isaiah) script from circa 100 B.C.:
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yzx zx See(Peshitta) lzd-Go.(Greek reading in Aramaic) Certainly these would be far more easily confused than ide & upage .Considering other Greek variants in this passage and even in this one verse, I would hazard a guess that the original Greek translator was getting pretty bleary eyed at this point in his translation work. Chapter 11 1 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (He approached) brq (& when) dkw (& Byth-Ania) aynetybw (of Byth-Phage) agptyb (the side) bng (on) le (He sent) rds (of Olives) atyzd (The Mount) arwj (to) twl (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (two) Nyrt 2 (to village) atyrql (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (opposite us) Nlbwqld (that) yh (will find) Nyxksm (it) hl (you are) Nwtna (that entering) Nylaed (that a man) snad (that is tied) ryoad (a colt) alye (you) Nwtna (has ridden) hbkr (not) al (the children of men) asnynb (from) Nm (bring him) yhwatya (loose him) wrs 3 (doing) Nydbe (why?) anm (to you) Nwkl (shall say) rman (a man) sna (& if) Naw (to him) hl (say) wrma (this) adh (are you) Nwtna (& at once) adxmw (he is required) aebtm (that for our Lord) Nrmld (here) akl (him) hl (he will send) rdsm 4 (the colt) alye (they found) wxksa (& they went) wlzaw (outside) rbl (the gate) aert (on) le (that was tied) ryoad (him) hl (they untied) Nyrs (& as) dkw (in the street) aqwsb 5 (those) Nylya (among) Nm (people) Nysna (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (they said) wrma (who were standing) Nymyqd (the colt) alye (you are) Nwtna (that untying) Nyrsd (are you) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe 6 (according to) Kya (to them) Nwhl (they said) wrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (them) Nwna (& they allowed) wqbsw (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwna (what commanded) dqpd 7 (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (the colt) alyel (& they brought it) yhwytyaw (their garments) Nwhynam (upon it) yhwle (& they threw) wymraw (Yeshua) ewsy (upon him) yhwle (& rode) bkrw 8 (their coats) Nwhytxn (were) wwh (spreading) Nywsm (but) Nyd (many) aaygo (branches) akwo (were) wwh (cutting) Nyqop (& others) anrxaw (in the road) axrwab (in the road) axrwab (& were spreading them) Nywsmw (trees) anlya (from) Nm 9 (behind him) hrtbd (& those) Nwnhw (who were before Him) yhwmdqd (& those) Nwnhw (Oshanna!) aneswa (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (were) wwh (cheering) Nyeq (of The Lord Jehovah) ayrmd (in His name) hmsb (Who comes) atad (is He) wh (blessed) Kyrb 10 (that comes) aytad (the kingdom) atwklm (is) yh (blessed) akyrbw (in the highest) amwrmb (Oshanna!) aneswa (David) dywd (of our father) Nwbad 11 (to the temple) alkyhl (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (Yeshua) ewsy (& entered) lew (the time) ande (but) Nyd (it was) awh (when) dk (everything) Mdmlk (& He saw) azxw (the twelve) roert (with) Me (to Byth-Ania) ayne-tybl (He went out) qpn (of evening) asmrd 12 (when) dk (the next) anrxa (& on day) amwylw (He was hungry) Npk (Byth-Ania) aynetyb (from) Nm (He went out) qpn 13 (on it) hb (that is) tyad (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm (one) adx (fig tree) att (& He saw) azxw (He may find) xksn (that perhaps) Nad (to it) htwl (& He came) ataw (leaves) aprj (on it) hb (He found) xksa (not) al (He came) ata (& when) dkw (something) Mdm (on it) hb
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(the season) anbz (leaves) aprj (only) Na (except) ala (of figs) anatd (it) awh (was ) awh (not) al (for) ryg 14 (& forever) Mlelw (from now) lykm (to it) hl (& He said) rmaw (will eat) lwkan (not) al (fruit) arap (from you) yknm (a man) sna (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (& they came) wtaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& they heard) wemsw 15 (of God) ahlad (to the temple) alkyhl (Yeshua) ewsy (& entered) lew (who bought) Nynbzd (those) Nylyal (that He should cast out) qpnd (& He began) yrsw (the tables) arwtp (& overturned) Kphw (in the temple) alkyhb (& sold) Nynbzmw (& the seats) atworwkw (of the money exchangers) anpremd (doves) anwy (who were selling) Nynbzmd (of those) Nnwnhd 16 (should carry) rben (that a man) snad (He) awh (allowed) qbs (& not) alw (the temple) alkyh (inside) wgb (merchandise) anam 17 (is it written) bytk (not?) al (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (He) awh (& taught) Plmw (it shall be called) arqtn (of prayer) atwlu (a house) tyb (that My house) ytybd (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (the nations) amme (for all of them) Nwhlkl (of robbers) ayjold (a den) atrem (you have made it) yhynwtdbe 18 (& the scribes) arpow (of the priests) anhk (the chiefs) ybr (& they heard) wemsw (they might destroy Him) yhynwdbwn (how) ankyad (they were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (because) ljm (of Him) hnm (for) ryg (they were) wwh (afraid) Nylxd (at His teaching) hnplwyb (were) wwh (awestruck) Nyhymt (the people) ame (all) hlkd 19 (evening) asmr (it was) awh (& when) dkw (the city) atnydm (from) Nm (outside) rbl (they went out) wqpn 20 (fig tree) att (they saw) wzx (passing by) Nyrbe (when) dk (& in the morning) arpubw (its roots) hrqe (from) Nm (it had dried up) asyby (after) dk (that) yh 21 (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (Shimeon) Nwems (& remembered) rkdtaw (that) yh (fig tree) att (behold) ah (Rabbi) ybr (has dried up) tsby (that You cursed) tjld 22 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (& answered) anew (of God) ahlad (the faith) atwnmyh (in you) Nwkb (let there be) awht 23 (that whoever) Nmd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (for) ryg (amen) Nyma (that you be lifted up) lqtsad (this) anh (to mountain) arwjl (shall say) rmand (will doubt) glptn (& not) alw (into the sea) amyb (& fall) lpw (He) awhd (shall believe) Nmyhn (but) ala (in his heart) hblb (shall be done) awhn (that he says) rmad (thing) Mdm (that) wh (that he says) rmad (anything) Mdm (to him) hl 24 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (this) anh (because of ) ljm (you are) Nwtna (that praying) Nylumd (thing) Mdm (that every) lkd (Believe) wnmyh (you are) Nwtna (& asking) Nylasw (to you) Nwkl (& it shall be) awhnw (you are) Nwtna (that receiving) Nybond 25 (forgive) wqwbs (to pray) wyluml (you) Nwtna (stand) Nymyqd (& whenever) amw (a man) sna (against) le (to you) Nwkl (that is) tyad (the thing) Mdm (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwba (so that also) Pad (your faults) Nwktwlko (to you) Nwkl (may forgive) qwbsn 26 (neither) alpa (are) Nwtna (forgiving) Nyqbs (not) al (you) Nwtna (but) Nyd (if) Na (to you) Nwkl (will forgive) qwbsn (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (your Father) Nwkwba (your faults) Nwktwlko 27 (& when) dkw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (again) bwt (& they came) wtaw (they came) wta (in the temple) alkyhb (He) awh (was walking) Klhm
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(& the Scribes) arpow (of the priests) anhk (the chiefs) ybr (to Him) htwl (& the Elders) asysqw 28 (authority) anjlws (by which?) anyab (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (to You) Kl (gave) bhy (& who?) wNmw (are you) tna (doing) dbe (these things) Nylh (you would do) dbet (that these things) Nylhd (this) anh (authority) anjlws 29 (I will ask you) Nwklasa (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (that you shall tell ) Nwrmatd (one) adx (matter) atlm (I) ana (also) Pa (by which) anyab (to you) Nwkl (will) ana (tell) rma (& I) anaw (Me)yl (I am) ana (doing) dbe (these things) Nylh (authority) anjlws 30 (where?) akmya (from) Nm (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the baptism) htydwmem (the sons) ynb (from) Nm (or) wa (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (is it) yh (Me) yl (Tell) wrma (of men) asna 31 (that if) Nad (& they said) wrmaw (in themselves) Nwhspnb (& they reasoned) wbsxtaw (He will say) rma (Heaven) ayms (that from) Nmd (to Him) hl (we say) rman (did you believe him) yhynwtnmyh (not) al (& Why?) anmlw (to us) Nl 32 (the sons of men) asna ynb (from) Nm (& that we shoud say) rmandw (all of them) Nwhlk (the people) ame (of) Nm (there is) yh (fear) atlxd (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (him) hl (were) wwh (holding) Nydyxa (for) ryg (he is) wh (a prophet) aybn (that truly) tyaryrsd 33 (to Yeshua) ewsyl (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& they answered) wnew (I) ana (not) al (also) Pa (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (we know) Nnyedy (not) al (authority) anjlws (in which?) anyab (to you) Nwkl (am I) ana (telling) rma (I) ana (do) dbe (these things) Nylh Chapter 12 1 (in a parable) altmb (with them) Nwhme (to speak) llmnd (& He began) yrsw (a vineyard) amrk (planted) bun (certain) dx (a man) arbg (in it) hb (& dug) rpxw (with a hedge) agyo (& he enclosed it) hrdxaw (in it) hb (& built) anbw (a wine press) atruem (to laborers) axlpl (& gave its care) hdxwaw (a tower) aldgm (& he went abroad) qzxw 2 (his servant) hdbe (the workers) axlp (to) twl (& he sent) rdsw (the fruits) arap (that from) Nmd (in time) anbzb (he might receive) bon (of the vineyard) amrkd 3 (beat him) yhwaxm (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (empty) qypo (while) dk (& they sent him away) yhwrdsw 4 (servant) adbe (to them) Nwhtwl (again) bwt (& he sent) rdsw (threw rocks at him) yhwmgr (him) whl (& also) Paw (another) anrxa (in shame) areub (& he sent him away) yhwrdsw (& cut him) yhwpluw 5 (also) Pa (another) anrxa (again) bwt (& he sent) rdsw (servants) adbe (& many) aaygolw (they murdered) yhwljq (him) whl (they beat) wxm (& some of them) Nwhnmw (he sent) rds (other) anrxa (they murdered) wljq (but) Nyd (some of them) Nwhnm 6 (beloved) abybx (a son) arb (one) dx (but) Nyd (finally) atrx (unto them) Nwhtwl (& he sent him) hrdsw (to him) hl (was) awh (that) tya (doubtless) rbk (for) ryg (he said) rma (afterward) tyrxa (my son) yrb (before) Nm (they will be ashamed) Nwthbn
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7 (in themselves) Nwhspnb (they said) wrma (laborers) axlp (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (we will kill him) yhwyljqn (Come) wt (the heir) atry (this is) wnh (the inheritance) atwtry (ours) Nlyd (& will be) awhtw 8 (& murdered him) yhwljq (& they took) wbonw (the vineyard) amrk (of) Nm (outside) rbl (& they cast him) yhwqpaw 9 (of the vineyard) amrk (the lord) arm (will do) dben (therefore) lykh (what?) anm (laborers) axlp (those) Nwnhl (destroy) dbwn (he will come) atan (to others) anrxal (the vineyard) amrk (& will give it) yhwyltnw 10 (have you read) Nwtyrq (this) anh (scripture) abtk (& not even?) alpaw (became) twh (it) yh (the builders) aynb (that rejected) wyload (the stone) apakd (of the corner) atywzd (to the head) asrl 11 (was) twh (of The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (the presence) twl (from) Nm (in our eyes) Nynyeb (wonderful) atrwmdt (& it is) hytyaw (this) adh 12 (& they were afraid) wlxdw (to seize Him) hdxaml (they were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (for) ryg (they ~the people~ knew) wedy (the people) ame (of) Nm (this) anh (parable) altm (He had spoken) rma (that about them~the Jewish leaders) Nwhyled (& they departed) wlzaw (& they left Him) yhwqbsw 13 (from) Nm (men) asna (unto Him) htwl (& they sent) wrdsw (of Herodus) odwrh (the house) tybd (& from) Nmw (the scribes) arpo (in His words) atlmb (that they might trap Him) yhynwdwund 14 (Teacher) anplm (& they asked Him) yhwlasw (they came) wta (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (& not) alw (you are) tna (that true) ryrsd (we) Nnx (know) Nyedy (for) ryg (not) al (for a man) snal (by anxiety) atpu (you are) tna (taken) lyqs (of men) asna (of the sons) ynbd (for the person) apwurpb (you) tna (have regard) rax (of God) ahlad (the way) axrwa (in truth) arrsb (but) ala (money) Pok (to give) ltml (is it lawful?) jyls (you) tna (teach) Plm (not) al (or) wa (to Qaesar) roql (head) asr (shall we give?) ltn (not) al (or) wa (shall we give?) ltn 15 (& He said) rmaw (their treachery) Nwhlkn (knew) edy (but) Nyd (He) wh (Me) yl (are you) Nwtna (tempting) Nyonm (why?) anm (to them) Nwhl (I may see) azxa (a penny) arnyd (to Me)yl (bring) wtya 16 (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (it) hl (& they brought) wytyaw (& writing) abtkw (this) anh (image) amlu (whose is?) wnmd (Qaesars) roqd (said) wrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 17 (to Qaesar) roql (give) wbh (Qaesars) roqd (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (at Him) hb (they) wwh (& marveled) whmtw (to God ) ahlal (& Gods) ahladw 18 (who say) Nyrmad (those) Nwnh (to Him) htwl (The Sadducees) ayqwdz (& came) wtaw (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& asking) Nylasmw (there is not) tyl (that a resurrection) atmyqd (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 19 (that if) Nad (to us) Nl (wrote) btk (Moshe) aswm (Teacher) anplm (a wife) attna (& he leaves) qbsw (of a man) snad (the brother) yhwxa (dies) tam (his brother) yhwxa (shall take) bon (leaves behind) qbs (not) al (& children) aynbw (for his brother) yhwxal (seed) aerz (& shall raise) Myqnw (his wife) httna 20 (were) wwh (there) tya (brothers) Nyxa (seven) aebs (a wife) attna (took) bon (the first) aymdq (a son *) aerz (left behind) qbs (& not) alw (& he died) tymw

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* Zerea Seed, in the Semitic cultures and in this context would refer to male offspring, as a son would bear the fathers name and pass it on to his son, etc.. Gods promise of a seed to Abraham, for instance, referred necessarily to a son, not a daughter. The same applies to to seed of the woman in Genesis 3:15. That is a prophecy of a woman bearing a male Savior Seed without a human father involved. 21 (not) al (also) Pa (when) dk (& he died) tymw (took her) hbon (& the second) Nyrtdw (likewise) twkh (& the third ) atltdw (seed) aerz (had left) qbs (he) wh 22 (they took her) hwbon (& the seven of them) Nwhytebsw (after) tyrxa (seed) aerz (they left) wqbs (& no) alw (woman) attna (that) yh (also) Pa (she died) ttym (all of them) Nwhlk 23 (among them) Nwhnm (whose?) anyad (therefore) lykh (in the resurrection) atmyqb (they took her) hwbon (for) ryg (the seven) Nwhytebs (wife) attna (will she be) awht 24 (not?) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (you) Nwtna (err) Nyej (this) adh (because of) ljm (was it) awh (nor) alw (the scriptures) abtk (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (because not) ald (of God) ahlad (His mighty work) hlyx 25 (those who have died) atym (from) Nm (they have arisen) wmqd (for) ryg (whenever) am (wives) asn (not) al (also) Pa (wives) asn (have they taken) Nybon (not) al (like) Kya (they are) Nwhytya (but) ala (to men) arbgl (have been) Nywh (in Heaven) aymsbd (the angels) akalm Our Lord speaks of past resurrections, not future. Resurrection is not reserved for a future dispensation. The next two verses make this clear. To make this refer to a future dispensation is to ignore and distort the tense of the verb Qamu; It is definitely a perfect tense, indicating past action. The Greek texts have an aorist subjunctive verb may arise,very much like a future tense, while The Peshitta has Qamu-they arose past tense. 26 (Have you read?) Nwtyrq (not) al (that they rise) Nymyqd (but) Nyd (the dead) atym (about) le (the bush) ayno (from) Nm (how) ankya (of Moshe) aswmd (in the scripture) abtkb (God) ahla (to him) hl (said) rma (I AM The Living God) ana ana (& The God) hhlaw (of Abraham) Mhrbad (The God) hhla (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (& The God) hhlaw (of Iskhaq) qxoyad 27 (of the living) ayxd (but) ala (of the dead) atymd (God) ahla (He was) awh (& not) alw (are) Nwtna (erring) Nyej (greatly) ygo (therefore) lykh (you) Nwtna 28 (& he heard) emsw (the scribes) arpo (from) Nm (one) dx (& approached) brqw (that beautifully) rypsd (& he saw) azxw (who were debating) Nysrdd (them) Nwna (& he asked Him) hlasw (an answer) amgtp (them) Nwhl (He had returned) byta (of all) Nwhlkd (the first) aymdq (the commandment) andqwp (which is?) wnya 29 (all of them) Nwhlk (of) Nm (the first) ymdq (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (Israel) lyroya (hear) ems (the commandments) andqwp (He is) wh (One) dx (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (your God) Nhla 30 (your God) Khla (The Lord Jehovah) ayrml (& you shall love) Mxrtdw (& from) Nmw (your heart) Kbl (all) hlk (from) Nm (& from) Nmw (your mind) Knyer (all) hlk & from) Nmw (your soul) Kspn (all) hlk (the first) aymdq (the commandment) andqwp (this is) wnh (your power) Klyx (all) hlk 31 (you shall love) bxtd (it) hl (that is like) amdd (& the second) Nyrtdw (commandment) andqwp (yourself) Kspn (as) Kya (your neighbor) Kbyrql (there is not) tyl (these) Nylh (than) Nm (that is greater) brd (another) anrxa 32 (in truth) arrsb (Rabbi) ybr (excellent) ryps (Scribe) arpo (that) wh (to Him) hl (said) rma
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(He is) wh (Because One) dxd (You have spoken) trma (of Him) hnm (outside) rbl (another) Nyrxa (& there is not) tylw 33 (& from) Nmw (the heart) abl (all) hlk (from) Nm (a man) sna (& that shall love Him) yhwymxrndw (& from) Nmw (the soul) aspn (all) hlk (& from) Nmw (the mind) anyer (all) hlk (himself) hspn (as) Kya (his neighbor) hbyrq (& to love) Mxrndw (the power) alyx (all) hlk (& sacrifices) axbdw (burnt offerings) adqy (all) Nwhlk (than) Nm (is) yh (more) aryty 34 (he had returned) anpm (that wisely) tyamykxd (seeing him ) yhyzx (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (He answered) ane (an answer) amgtp (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) atwklm (from) Nm (far) qyxr (you have been) tywh (not) al (to question Him) yhwylasnd (dared) xrma (again) bwt (a man) sna (& not) alw 35 (in the temple) alkyhb (he taught) Plm (when) dk (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (& answered) anew (that The Messiah) axysmd (the Scribes) arpo (are saying) Nyrma (How?) ankya (of David) dywdd (is) wh (the son) hrb 36 (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (said) rma (David) dywd (for) ryg (Himself) wh (My right) ynymy (at) Nm (you) Kl (sit) bt (to my Lord) yrml (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (said) rmad (Your enemies) Kybbdleb (I shall constitute) Myoad (until when) amde (Your feet) Kylgr (under) tyxt (as a footstool) asbwk 37 (my Lord) yrm (Him) hl (He called) arq (David) dywd (therefore) lykh (he) wh (the crowd) asnk (& whole) hlkw (is He) yhwtya (His son) hrb (& How?) ankyaw (with pleasure) tyamyob (to Him) hl (was) awh (listening) ems 38 (Beware) wrhdza (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (said) rma (& in his teaching) hnplwybw (they walk) Nwklhn (that in robes) aljoabd (who like) Nybud (the Scribes) arpo (of) Nm 39 (in the synagogue) atswnkb (the seats) abtwm (& chief) syrw (at feasts) atymsxb (rooms) akmo (& top) syrw (in the streets) aqwsb (the greetings) amls (& love) Nymxrw 40 (of widows) atlmrad (the houses) atb (who devour) Nylkad (they) Nwnh (their prayers) Nwhtwlu (of chanting long) Nykrwmd (for an offering) atleb (the greater) aryty (the judgment) anyd (shall receive) Nwlbqn (those) Nwnh 41 (house) tyb (near) lbqwl (Yeshua) ewsy (sat down) bty (& when) dkw (how) ankya (he) awh (beheld) rax (the treasure) azg (of treasure) azg (in house) tyb (money) anprwe (cast) Nymr (the crowds) asnk (much) ygo (they were) wwh (casting in) Nymr (rich men) aryte (& many) aaygow 42 (poor) atnkom (one) adx (widow) atlmra (& came) ttaw (a farthing ~ ) anwms (that were) Nwhytyad (minas) Nynm (two) Nyrt (she cast in) tymra 43 (& He said) rmaw (His disciples) yhwdymltl (Yeshua) ewsy (& called) arqw (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (to them) Nwhl (more) ryty (poor) atnkom (widow) atlmra (that this) adhd (who cast in) Nymrd (the men) asna (all) Nwhlk (than) Nm (of treasure) azg (into the house) tyb (she has cast) tymra 44 (the things) Mdm (from) Nm (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk (to them) Nwhl (of the surplus) rytyd (every) lk (her want) htwryox (from) Nm (but) Nyd (this one) adh (they cast in) wymra (she cast in) htymra (to her) hl (was) awh (that) tyad (thing) Mdm (her possessions) hnynq (all) hlk Chapter 13 1
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(the temple) alkyh (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (& when) dkw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (one) dx (to Him) hl (said) rma (stones) apak (what!) Nylya (see) yzx (behold) ah (Teacher) anplm (buildings) anynb (& what!) Nylyaw 2 (you) tna (see?) azx (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (will be left) aqbtsm (not) al (great) abrwr (buildings) anynb (these) Nylh (a stone) Pak (on) le (a stone) Pak (here) akrh (had been pulled down) arttom (that not) ald 3 (of Olives) atyzd (at the Mount) arwjb (Yeshua) ewsy (sat down) bty (& when) dkw ( they asked Him) yhwlas (the temple) alkyh (opposite) lbqwl (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (Kaypha) apak (alone) Nwhydwxlb (& Andraus) owardnaw 4 (will be) Nywhn (these things) Nylh (when?) ytma (us) Nl (tell) rma (are approaching) Nbyrqd (when) am (the sign) ata (& what is?) anmw (to be fulfilled) wmltsml (all ) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh 5 (to them) Nwhl (to say) rmaml (began) yrs (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (Himself) wh (shall lead you astray) Nwkyejn (a man) sna (lest) amld (take heed) wzx 6 (& they will say) Nwrmanw (in My Name) ymsb (will come) Nwtan (for) ryg (many) aaygo (they will deceive) Nwejn (& many) aaygolw (I AM The Living God ) ana anad 7 (war) abrq (you will hear) Nwtemsd (but) Nyd (whenever) am (you should fear) Nwlxdt (not) al (of battles) aoraqd (& reports) abjw (yet) lykde (not) al (but) ala (to happen) awhnd (that) wh (is going) dyte (the end is) atrx 8 (nation) ame (against) le (nation) ame (for) ryg (will arise) Mwqn (there will be) Nwwhnw (kingdom) wklm (against) le (& kingdom) wklmw (places) akwd (in places) akwdb (earthquakes) aewz (& sedition) ayswgsw (famines) anpk (& there will be) Nwwhnw (of the labor pains) albxd (are) Nyna (the beginning) asr (these) Nylh 9 (to yourselves) Nwkspn (you) Nwtna (but) Nyd (take heed) wzx (& in their synagogues) Nwhtswnkbw (to judges) anydl (for) ryg (they will deliver you) Nwknwmlsn (& governors) anwmghw (kings) aklm (& before) Mdqw (you will be scourged) Nwdgntt (for a testimony to them) Nwhtwdhol (for My sake) ytljm (you will stand) Nwmwqt 10 (to be preached) zrkttd (is going) adyte (but) Nyd (first) Mdqwl (the nations) amme (in all) Nwhlkb (My gospel) ytrbo 11 (to deliver you) Nwknwmlsnd (but) Nyd (you) Nwkl (they bring) Nybrqmd (whenever) am (that you will be anxious) Nwpuat (you should go beforehand) Nwmdqt (not) al (you will speak) Nwllmt (what?) anm (except) ala (you shall consider) Nwnrt (& not) alw (to you) Nwkl (that is given) bhytmd (the thing) Mdm (not) al (speak) wllm (it) wh (hour) ates (in that) yhb (speaking) Nyllmm (you) Nwtna (for) ryg (will have been) awh (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (but) ala 12 (his brother) yhwxal (brother) axa (but) Nyd (will deliver) Mlsn (& will rise up) Nwmwqnw (his son) hrbl (& a father) abaw (to death) atwml (their parents) Nwhyhba (against) le (children) aynb (them) Nwna (& put to death) Nwtymnw 13 (everyone) snlk (by) Nm (hated) Nyayno (& you will be) Nwwhtw (but) Nyd (whoever) Nm (My Name) yms (because of) ljm (will be saved) axn (he) wh (the end) atrxl (until) amde (will endure) rbyond
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14 (unclean) atpnj (the sign) ata (you see) Nwtyzxd (but) Nyd (whenever) am (the prophet) aybn (by Daniel) lyayndb (which was spoken) arymad (that) yh (of desolation) abrwxd (who reads) arqd (he) wh (it ought) alw (that not) ald (where) akya (that is standing) amyqd (who in Judea) dwhybd (those) Nylya (then) Nydyh (let him perceive) lkton (to the mountains) arwjl (should flee) Nwqren (are) Nwna 15 (& not) alw (should come down) twxn (not) al (is) wh (on the roof) argabd (& whoever) Nmw (his house) htyb (from) Nm (anything) Mdm (to take) lqsml (should enter) lwen 16 (not) al (is) wh (in the field) alqxbd (& whoever) Nmw (his garment) hsbl (to take up) lwqsnd (to go back) hrtobl (should turn) Kphtn 17 (& to those) Nylyalw (to her who is pregnant) atnjbl (but) Nyd ( woe ) yw (days) atmwy (in those) Nwnhb (who are nursing) Nqnymd 18 (in winter) awtob (your flight) Nwkyqwre (will be) awhn (that not) ald (but) Nyd (pray) wlu 19 (distress) anulwa (those) Nwnh (in days) atmwyb (for) ryg (will be) awhn (the beginning) syr (from) Nm (like it) htwka (was) awh (that not) ald (God) ahla (which created) arbd (of the creation) atyrb (will be) awhn (& not) alw (now) ashl (until) amde 20 (days) atmwy (had shortened) yrkd (The Lord Jehovah) ayrm (not) al (& if) wlaw rob (every) lk (would) awh (live) ayx (not) al (those) Nwnh (whom He has chosen) abgd (the chosen ones) aybg (because of) ljm (but) ala (body) (those) Nwnh (days) atmwy (He has shortened) yrk 21 (shall say) rman (a man) sna (if) Na (then) Nydyh (The Messiah) axysm (is) wh (here) akrh (behold) ahd (to you) Nwkl (you should believe) Nwnmyht (not) al (he is going there) Nmtrh (& behold) ahw 22 (& prophets) aybnw (false) atwlgdd (messiahs) axysm (for) ryg (will arise) Nwmwqn (& wonders) atrmdtw (signs) atwta (& they will give) Nwltnw (lying) atwbdkd (the chosen ones) aybgl (even) Pa (possible) axksm (if) Na (& they will deceive) Nwejnw 23 (I have gone before) tmdq (behold) ah (pay attention) wrhdza (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (thing) Mdm (every) lk (you) Nwkl (I have told) trma 24 (distress) anulwa (after) rtb (days) atmwy (but) Nyd (in those) Nwnhb (& the moon) arhow (will darken) Ksxn (the sun) asms (that) wh (its light) hrhwn (will give) ltn (not) al 25 (the Heavens) ayms (from) Nm (will fall) Nwlpn (& the stars) abkwkw (will be shaken) Nweyzttn (of the Heavens) aymsd (& the powers) atwlyxw 26 (when) dk (of Man) asnad (The Son ) hrbl (they will see) yhynwzxn (& then) Nydyhw (great) abr (power) alyx (with) Me (in the clouds) anneb (He comes) ata (glory) axbws (& with) Mew 27 (His elect ones) yhwbgl (& gather) snknw (His angels) yhwkalm (He will send) rdsn (then) Nydyh (of the earth) aerad (the beginning) hsr (from) Nm (the winds) axwr (the four) Nyhytebra (from) Nm (of the Heaven) aymsd (the beginning) hsrl (& unto) amdew 28 (an allegory) atalp (learn) wply (but) Nyd (the fig tree) att (from) Nm (& bud) werpw (its branches) hykwo (are tender) Krd (that whenever) amd (Summer -May) ajyq (has arrived) ajmd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (its leaves) hyprj 29 (you see) Nwtyzxd (whenever) am (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (thus) ankh (it is) yh (that near) abyrqd (know) wed (happen) Nywhd (these things) Nylh (the door) aert (at) le 30
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(that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (until) amde (this) adh (generation) atbrs (will pass) rbet (will come to pass) Nywhn (all) Nyhlk (of these things) Nylhd 31 (will pass away) Nwrben (& the earth) aeraw (the Heavens) ayms (will pass away) Nrben (not) al (& My words) ylmw 32 (that) yh (hour) ates (& of) lew (that) wh (day) amwy Nyd (of) le (the angels) akalm (neither) alpa (knows) edy (not) al (a man) sna (The Father) aba (only) Na (except) ala (The Son) arb (nor) alw (of Heaven) aymsd 33 (for) ryg (not) al (& pray) wluw (watch) wryetta (take heed) wzx (time) anbz (that is) wh (when) ytma (you are) Nwtna (aware) Nyedy 34 (who traveled abroad) qzxd (for) ryg (it is) wh (a man) arbg (like) Kya (authority) anjlws (& gave) bhyw (his house) htyb (& left) qbsw (his work) hdbe (a man) sna (& to a man) snalw (to his servants) yhwdbel (watchful) rye (that he should be) awhnd (he commanded) dqp (& the gatekeeper) aertlw 35 (for not) ald (therefore) lykh (watch) wryetta (The Master) hrm (comes) ata (when) ytma (you are) Nwtna (aware) Nyedy (-night) aylld (at mid-) hglpb (or) wa (in evening) asmrb (of the house) atybd (in the morning) arpub (or) wa (of the rooster) algnrt (at the crowing) arqmb (or) wa 36 (& He finds you) Nwkxksnw (the silence) ayls (from) Nm (he will come) atan (lest) amld (you are) Nwtna (sleeping) Nykmd (when) dk 37 (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (that to you) Nwkld (the thing) Mdm (watching) Nyrye (you be) Nwtywh (I) ana (say) rma (the same) wh (to you all) Nwklkl Chapter 14 1 (Passover) axup (was) awh (it) awh (days) Nymwy (two) Nyrt (but) Nyd (after) rtb (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (of unleavened bread) aryjpd (they would seize) Nwdxan (by treachery) alknb (how) ankya (& the scribes) arpow (& they would kill Him) yhynwljqnw 2 (during the feast) adedeb (not) al (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (among the people) ameb (a tumult) ayswgs (there be) awhn (lest) amld 3 (in the house) htybb (in Byth-Ania) aynetybb (was) yhwtya (He) wh (& while) dkw (a woman) attna (came) tta (reclining) Kymo (when) dk (the potter *) abrg (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (of ointment) amobd (an alabaster vase) atpyjs (with her) hyle (who had) tyad (& she opened it) htxtpw (costly) aymd (very) ygo (the best) aysr (of spikenard) Nydrnd (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the head) hsr (on) le (& poured it) htepsaw * Garba can mean Leper or Pot. It can also mean, One who makes pots, even as Bsama in this verse can mean Ointment or Maker of ointment. There can be no doubt that Shimeon was not a leper with The Messiah in his house as a dinner guest. This is probably another case where the Greek translator misconstrued the Aramaic original. All Greek texts have Leprou, from Lepros- A Leper. 4 (whom it displeased) sabtad (the disciples) adymlt (from) Nm (men) asna (but) Nyd (there were) tya (was there) awh (Why?) anmld (& they said) wrmaw (in themselves) Nwhspnb (to them) Nwhl (ointment) amob (of this) anhd (the loss) andba 5 (for more) ryty (to sell) wnbdzml (for) ryg (it would have been) awh (possible) xksm (to the poor) ankoml (& to be given) wbhytmlw (Danarii) Nyrnyd (300) aamtlt (than) Nm (at her) hb (they were) wwh (& indignant) Nypedzmw 6
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(troubling) Nyrhm (why?) anm (let her alone) hwqbws (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (for Me) ytwl (she has done) tdbe (beautiful) aryps (a deed) adbe (her) hl (are you) Nwtna 7 (with you) Nwkme (to you) Nwkl (are) tya (the poor) ankom (for) ryg (at every time) Nbzlkb (you are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (you) Nwtna (desire) Nybud (& whenever) ytmaw (what is good) rypsd (to them) Nwhl (that you may do) Nwdbetd (with you) Nwktwl (am) ytya (always) Nbzlkb (not) al (but) Nyd (I) ana 8 (she has done) tdbe (this) adhl (to her) hl (was) awh (which) tyad (that) wh (My body) ymswg (she anointed) tmob (for burial) atrwbqld (so as) Kya (& she has gone before) tmdqw 9 (that every) lkd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (& amen) Nymaw (this) adh (My gospel) ytrbo (that will be preached) zrkttd (where) akya (that she has done) tdbed (thing) Mdm (& also) Paw (the world) amle (in all) hlkb (in her memory) hnrkwdl (shall be spoken) llmtn (this) adh 10 (one) dx (Skariota) ajwyrko (but) Nyd (Yehuda) adwhy (to) twl (went) lza (the twelve) roert (from) Nm (to betray Him) yhwymlsnd (so as) Kya (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (Yeshua) ewsyl (to them) Nwhl 11 (they heard) wems (when) dk (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (money) apok (& they promised) wydwtsaw (they rejoiced) wydx (he) awh (& sought) aebw (to him) hl (they would give) Nwltnd (to betray Him) yhwymlsnd (opportunity) aelp (it) hl 12 (of unleavened bread) aryjpd (first) aymdq (& on the day) amwybw (the Passover lamb) axup (the Jews) aydwhy (slaughter) Nyxbd (in which) hbd (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (that we shall go) lzand (do You) tna (want) abu (where?) akya (The Passover) axup (that You may eat) lwkatd (for You) Kl (to prepare) byjn 13 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (two) Nyrt (& he sent) rdsw (a man) arbg (with you) Nwkb (will meet) egp (& behold) ahw (to the city) atnydml (go) wlz (after him) hrtb (go) wlz (of water) aymd (a vessel) anam (bearing) lyqsd 14 (of the house) atyb (to the lord) arml (say) wrma (he enters) laed (& in the place) akyalw (chamber) ayrsm (the house) tyb (where is?) wkya (says) rma (our Master) Nbr (The Passover) axup (My disciples) ydymlt (with) Me (I may eat) lwkad (where) akya 15 (great) atbr (an upper room) atyle (to you) Nwkl (he will show) awxm (& behold) ahw (for us) Nl (make ready) wnqt (there) Nmt (& prepared) abyjmw (which is laid out) aywsmd 16 (& they came ) wtaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& went out) wqpnw (Just as) ankya (& they found) wxksaw (to the city) atnydml (the Passover) axup (& they prepared) wbyjw (them) Nwhl (He told) rmad 17 (evening) asmr (it was) awh (& when) dkw (His twelve) htroert (with) Me (He came) ata 18 (say) rma (amen) Nyma (Yeshua) ewsy (said) rma (& ate) Nyoelw (they reclined) Nykymo (& as) dkw (with Me) yme (who eats) lkad (of you) Nwknm (that one) dxd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (will betray Me) ynmlsn (he) wh 19 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (to lose heart) Nyqyettm (began) wyrs (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (is it I?) ana (?) aml (one) dx (each) dx (to Him) hl 20 (one) dx (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (in the dish) atglb (with Me) yme (who dips) ebud (the twelve) roert (of) Nm 21 (goes) lza (of Man) asnad (& The Son) hrbw (about Him) yhwle (it is written) bytkd (Just as) ankya
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(that) wh (to man) arbgl (but) Nyd (woe) yw (The Son) hrb (is betrayed) Mltsm (by whose hand) hdyabd (for man) arbgl (for him) hl (it were) awh (better) xqp (of Man) asnad (had been begotten) dlyta (not) al (if ) wla (that) wh 22 (Yeshua) ewsy (took) bon (eating) Nyoel (they were) Nwnh (& while) dkw (& He gave) bhyw (& He broke) auqw (& He blessed) Krbw (bread) amxl (take) wbo (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (to them) Nwhl (My body) yrgp (is) yhwtya (this) anh 23 (& He blessed) Krbw (& He gave thanks) ydwaw (a cup) aok (& He took) bonw (all of them) Nwhlk (from it) hnm (& they drank) wytsaw (to them) Nwhl (& He gave) bhyw 24 (New) atdx (of the Covenant) aqtydd (My blood) ymd (this) wnh (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (is shed) dsatm (the many) aaygo (which in exchange for) Plxd 25 (I shall drink) atsa (not) al (that again) bwtd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (in which) hbd (that) wh (day) amwyl (until) amde (of the vine) atpgd (fruit) adly (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (in the kingdom) htwklmb (anew) tyatdx (I shall drink it) yhwytsa 26 (of Olives) atyz (to the Mount) rwjl (& they went out) wqpnw (& they sang praises) wxbsw 27 (will be ashamed) Nwlsktt (all of you) Nwklkd (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (night) ayll (in this) anhb (of Me) yb (The Shepherd) ayerl (I shall smite) axmad (His lambs) yhwrma (& will be scattered) Nwrdbtnw 28 (to Galila) alylgl (you) Nwkl (I) ana (shall go before) Mdq (I am risen) tmqd (when) am (but) ala 29 (all of them) Nwhlk (if) Na (Kaypha) apak (to Him) hl (said) rma (I shall) ana (not) al (yet) ala (will be ashamed) Nwlsktn 30 (that you) tnad (to you) Kl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (the rooster) algnrt (will crow) arqnd (before) Mdq (this) anh (in night) ayllb (today) anmwy (Me) yb (you will renounce) rwpkt (thrice) tlt (times) Nynbz (two) Nytrt 31 (that if) Nad (was) awh (saying) rma (all the more) tyaryty (but) Nyd (he) wh (with You) Kme (to be put to death) tmml (to me) yl (it happens) awhn (My Lord) yrm (You) Kb (I shall renounce) rwpka (not) al (they spoke) wrma (all of them) Nwhlk (also) Pa (& like him) htwkaw The Eastern Peshitta has adymlt- The disciples, as second to the last word in v. 31. The Western does not; neither does this critical Peshitta edition. The Greek agrees with the Western Peshitta here. 32 (Gathseman) Nmodg (is called) ayrqtmd (which) adya (to the place) atkwdl (& they came ) wtaw (I) ana (pray) alum (while) de (here) akrh (sit) wbt (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He said) rmaw 33 (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (&Yaqob) bwqeylw (Kaypha) apakl (with Him) hme (& He took) rbdw (& languid) wqettmlw (to be saddened) wrmktml (& He began) yrsw 34 (to my soul) yspnl (to it) hl (is) yh (sadness) ayrk (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (& watch) wryettaw (here) akrh (stay) wwq (death) atwml (unto) amde 35 (the ground) aera (on) le (& He fell) lpnw (a little) lylq (& he approached) brqw (it were possible) axksm (that if) Nad (He) awh (& prayed) alumw (the hour) ates (from Him) hnm (would pass) rbet 36 (My Father) yba (Father) aba (& He said) rmaw (You) tna (can do) xksm (thing) Mdm (every) lk (but) ala (this) anh (cup) aok (from Me) ynm (let pass) rbea (Yours) Klyd (but) ala (Mine) ylyd (My will) ynybu (not) al
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37 (when) dk (them) Nwna (He found) xksa (& He came) ataw (are you sleeping?) tkmd (Shimeon) Nwems (to Kaypha) apakl (& said) rmaw (they were sleeping) Nykmd (to watch) wrettml (hour) aes (one) adx (were you able) txksa (not?) al (you) Kl 38 (into temptation) anwyonl (you enter) Nwlet (lest) ald (& pray) wluw (watch) wryetta (is weak) hyrk (the body) argp (but) ala (& prepared) abyjmw (is willing) aybu (the spirit) axwr 39 (He said) rma (words) atlm (& the same) yhw (He prayed) ylu (again) bwt (& He went on) lzaw 40 (while) dk (them) Nwna (He found) xksa (again) bwt (He came) ata (& returning) Kphw (& not) alw (were) ywh (heavy) Nryqy (their eyes) Nwhynyed (because) ljm (they were sleeping) Nykmd (to Him) hl (they should say) Nwrman (what?) anm (they did) wwh (know) Nyedy 41 (& He said) rmaw (time) Nynbz (a third) tltd (& He came) ataw (& take rest) wxynttaw (now) lykm (sleep) wkmd (to them) Nwhl (the hour) ates (& has come) ttaw (the end) atrx (has arrived) tjm (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (is betrayed) Mltsm (& behold) ahw (of sinners) ayjxd (into the hands) Nwhydyab 42 (Me) yl (who betrays) Mlsmd (he) wh (approaches) brq (behold) ah (we will go) lzan (arise) wmwq 43 (Scariota) ajwyrko (Yehuda) adwhy (came) ata (was speaking) llmm (he) wh (while) dew (swords) aropo (with) Me (many) aaygo (& people) amew (the twelve) roert (of) Nm (one) dx (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (the presence of) twl (from) Nm (& clubs) arjwxw (& The Elders) asysqw (& the Scribes) arpow 44 (who betrayed) Mlsmd (he) wh (the traitor) anmlsm (a sign) ata (to them) Nwhl (& he had given) bhyw (seize Him) yhwdxwa (is He) wywh (I) ana (Whom shall kiss) qsnd (he) wh (& said) rmaw (& bring Him) yhwlbwaw (securely) tyaryhz 45 (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (he approached) brq (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (& he kissed Him) hqsnw (Rabbi) ybr (Rabbi) ybr 46 (& they seized Him) yhwdxaw (hands) aydya (upon Him) yhwle (laid) wymra (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh 47 (drew) jms (who were standing) Nymyqd (those) Nwnh (from) Nm (but) Nyd (one) dx (the servant) hdbel (& hit) yhyxmw (a sword) apyo (his ear) hnda (& took off) hlqsw (Priest) anhk (of the high) brd 48 (against) led (as) Kya (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (he) wh (& with clubs) arjwxbw (with swords) apyob (have you gone out?) Nwtqpn (a band of robbers) aoyg (that you might seize Me) ynnwdxatd 49 (I was) tywh (with you) Nwktwl (every day) Mwylk (& not) alw (in the temple) alkyhb (I) ana (taught) Plm (when) dk (that may be fulfilled) Nwmlsnd (but) ala (you did seize Me) ynnwtdxa (this) adh (has happened) twh (the scriptures) abtk 50 (& they fled) wqrew (His disciples) yhwdymlt (forsook Him) yhwqbs (then) Nydyh 51 (after Him) hrtb (had) awh (come) ata (one) dx (& young man) amylew (& they seized him) yhwdxaw (he was naked) ljre (with a cloth) anwdo (& he was clothed) Pyjew 52 (naked) ljre (& fled) qrew (the cloth) anwdo (left) qbs (but) Nyd (he) wh 53 (high) br (Qaiapha) apyq (to) twl (Yeshua) ewsyl (& they brought Him) yhwlbwaw (all of them) Nwhlk (to Him) htwl (& gathered) wsnktaw (the Priest) anhk (& the Elders) asysqw (& the Scribes) arpow (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr 54 (coming) ata (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems (the courtyard) atrd (within) wgl (until) amde (after Him) hrtb (was) awh
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(with) Me (he) awh (& sat down ) btyw (the Priest) anhk (of High) brd (the fire) arwn (near) lbqwl (& warmed himself) Nxsw (the servants) ansmsm 55 (their assembly) Nwhsnk (& all) hlkw (but) Nyd (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (testimony) atwdho (Yeshua) ewsy (against) le (were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (they were able) wxksa (& not) alw (that they might put Him to death) yhynwtymnd 56 (were) wwh (testifying) Nydhom (for) ryg (many) aaygo (while) dk (their testimony) Nwhtwdho (was) ywh (worthy) Nyws (not) al (against Him) yhwle 57 (against Him) yhwle (rose up) wmq (but) Nyd (people) Nysna (& they said) wrmaw (of lies) arqwsd (testifying) adho 58 (I) anad (say) rmad (we have heard Him) yhynems (we) Nnxd (this) anh (temple) alkyh (shall) ana (destroy) ars (shall build) anb (days) Nymwy (& in three) atltlw (with hands) aydyab (that is made) dybed (with hands) aydyab (is made) dybe (that not) ald (another) anrxa (I) ana 59 (their testimony) Nwhtwdho (was) twh (worthy) ayws (in like manner) ankh (but) Nyd (neither) alpaw 60 (& asked Him) hlasw (in the center) ateumb (the Priest) anhk (High) br (stood up) Mqw (an answer) amgtp (you) tna (return) anpm (not?) al (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsyl (these) Nylh (against You) Kyle (are testifying) Nydhom (why?) anm 61 (He answered him) yhyne (not) al (& anything) Mdmw (was) awh (silent) qyts (but) Nyd (He) wh (You) tna (& he said) rmaw (the Priest) anhk (High) br (asked Him) hlas (& again) bwtw (of The Blessed One) akrbmd (The Son) hrb (The Messiah) axysm (are?) wh But He was silent and did not answer anything, and again The High Priest asked Him and said, Are You The Messiah, The Son of The Blessed One? 62 (I AM The Living God) ana ana (to him) hl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (he) wh (sitting) btyd (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbl (& you shall behold) Nwzxtw (of The Power) alyxd (the right hand) anymy (at) Nm (of Heaven) ayms (the clouds) ynne (on) le (& comes) ataw But Jesus said to him, I AM The Living God, and you shall behold The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of Heaven. 63 (& he said) rmaw (his tunic) hnytwk (ripped in two) aru (but) Nyd (the Priest) anhk (high) br (witnesses) adho (for us) Nl (are required) Nyebtm (now) lykm (why?) anm 64 (How?) anm (the blasphemy) apdwg (you have heard) Nwtems (His mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (behold) ah (judged) wnd (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (to you) Nwkl (does it appear) azxtm (death) atwm (He) wh (that deserved) byxd 65 (& covering) Nypxmw (in His face) hpwurpb (spitting) Nyqr (the people) Nysna (& began) wyrsw (prophesy) abnta (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (Him) hl (& hitting) Nyxpqmw (His face) yhwpa (His jaw) yhwkp (on) le (Him) hl (were) wwh (hitting) Nyxm (& the guards) asxdw 66 (in the courtyard) atrdb (underneath) txtl (Shimeon) Nwems (& while) dkw (the Priest) anhk (of High) brd (a certain) adx (handmaid) atmyle (came) tta 67 (& she said) armaw (at him) hb (& she stared) trxw (that he warmed himself) Nxsd (she saw him) htzx (The Nazarene) ayrun (were) tywh (Yeshua) ewsy (with) Me (you) tna (also) Paw (to him) hl 68 (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (& said) rmaw (denied) rpk (but) Nyd (he) wh (& he went forth) qpnw (you are) ytna (saying) arma (what?) anm (a rooster) algnrt (& crowed) arqw (to the porch) apol (outside) rbl 69
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(& she began) tyrsw (that) yh (handmaiden) atmyle (again) bwt (& she saw him) htzxw (that also) Pad (standing) Nymyqd (to those) Nylyal (to say) rmatd (is) wh (of them) Nwhnm (this one) anh 70 (again) bwt (a little while) lylq (& after) rtbw (denied) rpk (again) bwt (but) Nyd (he) wh (truly) tyaryrs (to Kaypha) apakl (said) wrma (who were standing) Nymyqd (they) Nwnh (a Galilean) aylylg (for) ryg (also) Pa (you are) tna (of them) Nwhnm (is similar) amd (& your speech) Kllmmw (you are) tna 71 (& swearing) amyw (cursing) Mrxm (had) awh (begun) yrs (but) Nyd (he) wh (you) Nwtna (of whom speak) Nyrmad (this) anh (man) arbgl (I) ana (know) edy (not) ald 72 (time) Nynbz (the second) Nytrtd (the cock) algnrt (crowed) arq (in the moment ) atesb (& in it) hbw (Who said) rmad (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of the word) htlm (Shimeon) Nwems (& was reminded) rkdtaw (a cock) algnrt (shall crow) arqnd (before) Mdqd (to him) hl (had) awh (Me) yb (you will deny) rwpkt (thrice) tlt (times) Nynbz (two) Nytrt (to weep) akbnd (& he began) yrsw Chapter 15 1 (a counsel) aklm (they made) wdbe (in the morning) arpub (& at once) adxmw (The Scribes) arpo (& with) Mew (The Elders) asysq (with) Me (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (Yeshua) ewsyl (& they bound) wroaw (the Assembly) atswnk (all) hlk (& with) Mew (to Pilatus) owjlypl (& delivered Him) yhwmlsaw (& brought Him) yhwlbwaw 2 (The King) aklm (are?) wh (You) tna (Pilatus ) owjlyp (& asked Him) hlasw (he answered) ane (but) Nyd (He) wh (of the Judeans) aydwhyd (have said) trma (you) tna (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw 3 (of many things) ataygob (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (& accused Him) yhwurq wwh Nylkaw Akal Qartsa is an Aramaic idiom meaning to accuse. It is also one name for Satan in Aramaic. 4 (& said) rmaw (asked Him) hlas (again) bwt (Pilatus) owjlyp (but) Nyd (he) wh (an answer) amgtp (you) tna (return) anpm (not?) al (to him) hl (against You) Kyle (are testifying) Nydhom (how many) amk (see) yzx 5 (answer) amgtp (any) Mdm (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (Pilatus) owjlyp (would wonder) rmdtnd (so that) ankya (he gave) bhy (not) al 6 (to release) arsml (feast) adae (at every) lkb (but) Nyd (he) awh (set a time) dem (they requested) Nylasd (whomever) anya (one) dx (prisoner) aryoa (to them) Nwhl 7 (who was called) arqtmd (one) dx (was) awh (& there) tyaw (them that made) ydbe (with) Me (was) awh (who bound) ryoad (Bar-Abba) aba-rb (commited) wdbe (in the sedition) Nyojoab (who murder) aljqd (those) Nwnh (sedition) Nyojoa 8 (so that) Kya (to ask) lasml (& they began) wyrsw (the people) ame (& cried out) weqw (for them) Nwhl (had been doing) dbe (he) awh (he would keep the custom) demd 9 (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (Pilatus) owjlyp (but) Nyd (he) wh (that I release) arsa (are you?) Nwtna (willing) Nybu (of the Judeans) aydwhyd (the King) aklm (to you) Nwkl 10 (envy) amox (that from) Nmd (Pilatus) owjlyp (for) ryg (had) awh (known) edy (to them) Nwhl (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (delivered Him) yhwmlsa 11 (the crowd) asnkl (urged) wjpx (all the more) tyaryty (but) Nyd (Priests) anhk (the Chief) ybr (he would release) arsn (that Bar-Abba) aba-rbld 12
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(therefore) lykh (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Pilatus) owjlyp (but) Nyd (he) wh (you) Nwtna (Whom called) Nyrqd (to this one) anhl (me to do) dbea (you) Nwtna (do want) Nybu (of the Judeans) aydwhyd (The King) aklm 13 (crucify Him) yhypwqz (cried out) weq (again) bwt (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 14 (evil) sybd (for) ryg (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Pilatus) owjlyp (but) Nyd (he) wh (crucify Him) yhypwqz (were) wwh (crying out) Nyeq (the more) tyaryty (& they) Nwnhw (has He done) dbe 15 (the will) anybu (to do) dbend (wanted) abu (but) Nyd (Pilatus) owjlyp (to them) Nwhl (& released ) arsw (of the crowds) asnkl (Yeshua) ewsyl (to them) Nwhl (& delivered) Mlsaw (Bar-Abba) aba-rbl (to be crucified) pqdznd (He had been scourged) dgnm (after) dk 16 (within) wgl (led Him) yhwlbwa (but) Nyd (The soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (Praetorium) Nyrwjrp (which is) hytyad (the courtyard) atrd (company of soldiers) rypoa (the whole) hlkl (& they called) wrqw 17 (& they wound) wldgw (in purple) anwgra (& they clothed Him) yhwsblaw (of thorns) abwkd (a crown) alylk (on Him) hl (& they placed) wmo 18 (His peace) hmlsb (to invoke) lasml (& they began) wyrsw (of the Judeans) aydwhyd (King) aklm (Hail) Mls And they began to salute Him with, Hail, King of the Judeans! 19 (with a reed) aynqb (His head) hsr (on) le (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& hitting) Nyxmw (on) le (they were) wwh (& bowing) Nykrbw (in His face) yhwpab (they were) wwh (& spitting) Nyqrw (Him) hl (& worshiping) Nydgow (their knees) Nwhykrwb 20 (they stripped Him) yhwxlsa (Him) hb (they mocked) wxzb (& when) dkw (in His clothes) yhwnam (& clothed Him) yhwsblaw (of the purple) anwgra (to crucify Him) yhynwpqznd (& led Him) yhwqpaw 21 (Shimeon) Nwems (was) awh (who passing by) rbed (one) dx (& they detained) wrxsw (the father) yhwba (the field) atyrq (from) Nm (had) awh (who come) atad (Qurinia) aynyrwq (His cross) hpyqz (to take up) lwqsnd (& of Rufus) owpwrdw (of Alexandrus) owrdnoklad 22 (to Gagultha) atlwggl (& they brought Him) yhwytyaw (The Skull) atpqrq (that is interpreted) aqsptmd (the place) atkwd 23 (that had been mixed) jylxd (wine) armx (to drink) atsml (to Him) hl (& they gave) wbhyw (would take) bon (not) al (but) Nyd (He) wh (myrrh) arwm (with it) hb 24 (His garments) yhwnam (they divided) wglp (they had crucified Him) yhwpqz (& when) dkw (take) bon (what?) anm (who would) wnm (lots) aop (for them) Nwhyle (& cast) wymraw 25 (they crucified Him) yhwpqz (when) dk (the third) tlt (hour) aes (but) Nyd (was) awh (it) tya 26 (of His death) htwmd (the pretext) atle (was) twh (& written) abytkw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (The King) aklm (This is) wh (this) anh (in writing) abtkb 27 (one) dx (robbers) ayjol (two) Nyrt (with Him) hme (& they crucified) wpqzw (His left) hlmo (at) Nm (& one) dxw (His right) hnymy (at) Nm 28 (that says) rmad (the scripture) abtk (& was fulfilled) Mlsw (He was numbered) bsxta (wicked men) alwe (with) Med 29 (blaspheming) Nypdgm (were) wwh (who passing) Nyrbed (but) Nyd (those) Nylya (also) Paw (their heads) Nwhysr (& were shaking) Nydynmw (against Him) yhwle (they were) wwh (of the temple) alkyh (destroyer) ars (O) Nwa (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (days) Nymwy (in three ) atltl (it) hl (& the one who builds) anbw
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Glenn David Bauscher


The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Mark owqrmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa Nwylgnwa

30 (the cross) apyqz (from) Nm (& descend) twxw (Yourself) Kspn (save) aup 31 (they were) wwh (joking) Nykxg (priests) anhk (the chief) ybr (also) Pa (& likewise) ankhw (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& the Scribes) arpow (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (to save) wyxml (He is able) xksm (not) al (Himself) hspn (He saved) yxa (others) anrxa 32 (now) ash (let Him descend) twxn (of Israel) lyroyad (King) hklm (The Messiah) axysm (in Him) hb (& we will believe) Nmyhnw (that we may see) azxnd (the cross) apyqz (from) Nm (with Him) hme (were) wwh (who crucified) Nypyqzd (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (& also) Paw (Him) hl (they were) wwh (reviling) Nydoxm 33 (darkness) akwsx (was) awh (the hour) Nyes (sixth) ts (it was) ywh (& when) dkw (ninth) est (the hour) aesl (until) amde (the earth) aera (all) hlk (on) le 34 (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (Yeshua) ewsy (cried out) aeq (the hour) Nyes (& in ninth) estbw (Shabaqthani) yntqbs (lemana) anml (Eil) lya (Eil) lya (& He said) rmaw (have You forsaken Me) yntqbs (Why?) anml (My God) yhla (My God) yhla (which is) hytyad 35 (who were standing) Nymyqd (those) Nwnh (among) Nm (who heard) wemsd (& people) Nysnaw (He called) arq (to Elia) aylal (they were)wwh (saying) Nyrma 36 (with vinegar) alx (a sponge) agwpoa (& filled) almw (one) dx (but) Nyd (ran) jhr (& they said) wrmaw (to give Him a drink) yhwyqsnd (on a reed) aynqb (& tied it) roaw (Him) hl (to take down) txm (Elia) ayla (comes) ata (if) Na (let us see) azxn (let Him alone) wqwbs 37 (& He expired) Mlsw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (cried) aeq (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh 38 (was ripped) yrjua (of the temple) alkyhd (of the door) aert (& the curtain) ypaw (the bottom) txtl (unto) amde (the top) lel (from) Nm (in two) Nyrtl 39 (was) awh (who standing) Maqd (that) wh (Centurion) anwrjnq (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (& expired) Mlsw (He had cried out) aeq (that thus) ankhd (with Him) htwl (of God) ahlad (was) awh (The Son) hrb (man) arbg (this) anh (truly) tyaryrs (he said) rma 40 (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm ( women) asn (also) Pa (but) Nyd (were) ywh (there) tya (& Maryam) Myrmw (Magdalitha) atyldgm (Maryam) Myrm (were) ywh (who looking) Nyzxd (& Shalom) Mwlsw (& of Yose) aowydw (the small) arwez (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (the mother) hma 41 (to Him) hl (were) ywh (joined) Npyqn (in Galila) alylgb (He was) wh (who when) dkd (those) Nynh (who gone up) qlod (many) ataygo (& others) atynrxaw (to Him) hl (& ministered) Nsmsmw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (with Him) hme (had) ywh 42 (of Friday) atbwred (the evening) asmr (it was) awh (& when) dkw (The Sabbath) atbs (before) Mdq (which is) hytyad 43 (Ramtha) atmr (who was from) Nmd (that) wh (Yoseph) Powy (came) ata (was he) wh (also) Pad (who) anya (a Counsellor) ajwlwb (honorable) arqym (for the kingdom) atwklml (was) awh (who waiting) akom (unto) twl (& entered) lew (& ventured) xrmaw (of God) ahlad (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the body) hrgp (& requested) lasw (Pilatus) owjlyp 44 (wondered) hmt (but) Nyd (Pilatus) owjlyp (He had died) tym (sufficient time) wdk (from) Nm (that if) Nad (& asked him) hlasw (the Centurion) anwrjnql (& he called) arqw (He had died) tym (the time) ande (before) Mdq (from) Nm (that if) Nad And Pilate wondered that He should be already dead. And he called the centurion, and inquired if He had already died. 45 (to Yoseph) powyl (His body) hrgp ( he gave) bhy (he learned) Ply (& when) dkw 46 (& took it down) htxaw (linen) antk (Yoseph) Powy (& bought) Nbzw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Mark owqrmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa Nwylgnwa

(in a tomb) arbqb (& placed it) hmow (in it) hb (& wrapped it) hkrkw (& rolled) lgew (in the rock) aewsb (was) awh (that hewn out) ryqnd (of the tomb) arbqd (the door) hert (against) le (a stone) apak 47 (that is) yh (& Maryam) Myrmw (Magdalitha) atyldgm (but) Nyd (Maryam) Myrm (He had been laid) Myottad (where) akya (saw) yzx (mother of Yose) aowyd Chapter 16 1 (Magdalitha) atyldgm (Maryam) Myrm (the Sabbath) atbs (had passed) trbe (& when) dkw (sweet spices) amwrh (they had bought) Nbz (& Shalom) Mwlsw (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (& Maryam) Myrmw (to anoint Him) yhynxsmn (that they might come) Nytand 2 (they came) yta (in the week) absb (in the first day) dxb (but) Nyd (in the morning) arpsb (the sun) asms (arose) xnd (when) dk (of burial) arwbq (to the house) tybl 3 (among themselves) Nyhspnb (they were) ywh (& saying ) Nrmaw (the stone) apak (for us) Nl (will roll) lge (but) Nyd (who?) Nm (of burial) arwbq (of the house) tybd (the door) aert (from) Nm 4 (that) yh (that had been rolled away) algemd (they saw) yzx (& looking) rxw (very) bj (for) ryg (it was) twh (great) abr (stone) apak 5 (of burial) arwbq (the house) tybl (& they entered) Nylew (the right side) anymy (on) Nm (who sat) btyd (a young man) amyle (& they saw) yzxw (& they were astonished) hmtw (white) atrwx (a robe) aljoa (& he was wearing) Pyjew 6 (be afraid) Nlxdt (do not) al (to them) Nyhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (Who was crucified) Pqdzad (Him) wh (you are) Nytna (seeking) Nyeb (The Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsyl (here) Nnt (He is) awh (not) al (He) hl (has arisen) Mq (He was) awh (laid) Myod (where) akya (the place) atkwd (behold) ah 7 (Behold) ahd (& to Kaypha) apaklw (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (say) Nyrma (go) Nylz (but) ala (you will see Him) yhynwzxt (there) Nmt (to Galila) alylgl (you) Nwkl (He will go before) Mdq (to you) Nwkl (He said) rmad (Just as) ankya 8 (the tomb) arbq (from) Nm (& went out) qpnw (they fled) qre (they heard) ems (& when) dkw (& to a man) snalw (& trembling) atytrw (shock) arht (for) ryg (them) Nyhl (had) awh (seized) dyxa (for) ryg (they were) ywh (afraid) Nlyxd (they were saying) Nyrma (not) al (anything) Mdm 9 (He arose) Mq (of the week) absb (on the first day) dxb (but) Nyd (at dawn) arpsb (Magdalitha) atyldgm (to Maryam) Myrml (first) Mdqwl (& appeared) yzxtaw (from her) hnm (He had) awh (cast out) qpa (demons) Nydas (from whom seven) aebsd (her) yh 10 (who with Him) hmed (to those) Nwnhl (she proclaimed the good news) trbo (went) tlza (& she) yhw (& weeping) Nykbw (were) wwh (who mourning) Nylybad (were) wwh 11 (they were saying ) Nrmad (they heard) wems (when) dk (& those) Nwnhw (they) Nyna (believed) wnmyh (not) al (to them ) Nyhl (& appeared) yzxtaw (that He was alive) yxd 12 (of them) Nwhnm (before two) Nyrtl (He appeared) yzxta (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (they walked) Nyklhm (as) dk (another) atrxa (in form) atwmdb (to a village) atyrql (& they were going) Nylzaw 13 (the rest) akrsl (they told) wrma (went) wlza (& those) Nwnhw (did they believe) wnmyh (them) Nwnhl (neither) al Pa 14 (when) dk (to the eleven) roedxl (He appeared) yzxta (but) Nyd (afterward) tyrxa (of their faith) Nwhtwnmyh (the lack) twryoxl (& He condemned) doxw (they reclined at a meal) Nykymo (who had seen Him) yhwazxd (because them) Nwnhld (of their heart) Nwhbl (& the callousness) twysqlw
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(they had believed) wnmyh (not) al (before) Mqd 15 (all) hlk (to the world) amlel (Go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (creation) atyrb (in all) hlkb (My Good News) ytrbo (& preach) wzrkaw 16 (lives) ayx (& is baptized) dmew (believes) Nmyhmd (Whoever) anya (is condemned) byxtm (believe) Nmyhm (does not) ald (& whoever) anyaw 17 (these) Nylh (who are believing) Nynmyhmd (these) Nylyal (but) Nyd (signs) atwta (they will cast out) Nwqpn (demons) adas (in My Name) ymsb (will accompany) Npqn (they will speak) Nwllmn (new) atdx (& in languages) anslbw 18 (of death) atwmd (a poison) amo (& if) naw (they will take) Nwlqsn (& snakes) atwwxw (them) Nwna (it will harm) rhn (not) al (they should drink) Nwtsn (they will place) Nwmyon (& their hands) Nwhydyaw (& they will be healed) Nwmlxtnw (the sick) ahyrk (on) le 19 (after) rtb (from) Nm (our Lord) Nrm (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (He ascended) qlo (to Heaven) aymsl (with them) Nwhme (speaking) llmd (of God) ahlad (the right side) anymy (at) Nm (& He sat down ) btyw 20 (place) akwd (in every) lkb (& they preached) wzrkaw (went forth) wqpn (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (& confirming) rsmw (them) Nwhl (was) awh (helping) rdem (& our Lord) Nrmw (they were) wwh (that doing) Nydbed (with the signs) atwtab (their words) Nwhylm owqrmd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa Mls The end of The Holy Gospel preaching of Mark

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

The Gospel According To Luke

(From The original Peshitta in Aramaic, the language of Jesus) To read the translation, read the parentheses with blue English words from rightmost parentheses first,then left of that, etc..Each Aramaic word is followed by its English equivalent. Chapter 1 Verse 1 5 4 3 2 1 (an account) atyest (to write) Nwbtknd (were willing) wbu (many) aaygod (because) ljm 9 8 7 6 (are persuaded) Nyopm (of which we) Nnxd (those) Nylya (of the events) anrewod Luke 1:1 has nine Aramaic words. In this first verse,I have numbered the English translation next to each Aramaic word in the proper reading order. Here is the English translation as it should be read from the interlinear: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Because) (many) (were willing) (to write) (an account) (of the events) (those) (of which we) (are persuaded). This is how one should read the interlinear throughout. Most verses will be understandable if read in this way, though there will be exceptions due to different word order in Aramaic. Try the next verse. Only the word those seems out of order in English in verse two. Put that word after the things, and the whole verse will read correctly. 2 (who from) Nmd (those) Nwnh (to us) Nl (delivered) wmlsad (the things) Mdm (like) Kya (The Word) atlmd (of) hlyd (& servants) ansmsmw (eyewitnesses) ayzx (were) wwh (the first) Mydq A little practice will make reading the interlinear easier and very rewarding. You are reading a word for word rendering from the original language and text of the Gospels. It is worth the effort to obtain such unique knowledge.Try the next verse;it is more straightforward than verse 2.

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The Word is atlm Miltha. This is the term John uses in his Gospel to designate Yeshua Meshikha (Jesus The Messiah).That Luke refers to Him is fairly evident, as he refers to The eyewitnesses and servants of The Word. The spoken or written word does not have eyewitnesses and servants. Also the Aramaic word hlyd Dilah (of His) adds personal possession to the relationship of eyewitnesses and servants with the Word. They belong to Him. This would be out of place with respect to the spoken or written word. 3 (I had) tywh (approached) byrqd (because) ljm (to me) yl (also) Pa (He appeared) yzxta (in its order) hokjb (thing) Mdm (that every) lkd (all of them) Nwhlkl (carefully) tyapyuy (Theophila) alypwat (excellent) axyun (to you) Kl (I should write) bwtka yzxta He appeared is the most natural meaning of Ethkhazay and would refer to the previous word -atlmd of the Word. Luke is saying that The Lord Yeshua The Messiah had appeared to him and had authorized and directed his writing of this Gospel. Why would it be received otherwise? If Luke merely thought it good to write, why would the churches have put it on a par with the inspired Gospels, Matthew,Mark and Luke? He would have been merely rehashing second hand information and serving warmed up leftovers. That is no recommendation worthy of an inspired Gospel of The New Testament. Theophila, to whom Luke wrote, would have thrown it in the trash if that were Lukes meaning.Verse 2 says the other gospels were written by eyewitnesses. Verse three says Luke was also an eyewitness of The Messiah. If he were not, then he would be disqualified to write a gospel. It would seem that Western churches, in their misunderstanding of Lukes introduction, have allowed scholarship to supplant Divine inspiration as its authority. This has subtly and slowly supplanted the Spiritual with the intellectual, which Luke the Physician has come to represent. He was not writing a literary composition here; he was writing from God, just as every other God inspired writer of scripture wrote: 1Co 2:13 Which things we also speak; not in the teaching of the words of mans wisdom, but in the teaching of The Spirit; and we compare spirituals with spirituals. 2Pe 1:21 For at no time was it by the pleasure of man, that the prophecy came; but holy men of God spoke, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Would an inspired writer say, I thought I would write a Gospel account because many others were writing accounts like those the apostles were writing? That would be the height of presumption. Would he then suppose that he would improve on the inspired accounts?- It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus This is the King James translation, which demonstrates here the presumptive attitude attributed to Luke. This is a very poor translation of the Greek of verse 3, but all translations get it wrong in the first word of the verse, which is the most critical: It seemed good.That is because the Greek has the verb edoxen from dokeo-(to seem). The Aramaic verb Ethkhazay -(He appeared) yzxta could mean seemed, but its usual meaning is appeared or was seen. This passive form of the Aramaic yzx- Khaza (to see) occurs 29 times in the Peshitta NT. 18 times Murdock translates it appeared, 7 times- seen, three times received sight and once (incorrectly, in my opinion)- seemed. The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon has: yzx - xzy Verb peal_1 ImpArMesop,BibAr,MiddleAr,JLA,Syr,Bab (lit.) to see __2 BibArDan (metaph. like European langs.) to understand, to realize __3 JLAGal,Syr to visit __4 JLATg to see a vision > xzy#2 __5 ImpArEg +%b_% to be victorious over __6 Syr %)ayk.anA) xAze) )an~t nap$Ak% how are you? pael_1 OAPal to see (h)afel_1 ImpArEgOst,Palestinian,JBA to show __2 JLAGal %)pyn% to console [ethpeel_1 OASyr,JLATg,Syr,JBA to be seen __2 Syr %leh% to be able to see __3 Palm,JBA to be fit, to be proper (occurs 1 time out of 50?; Luke 1:3 has the only questionable occurrence- comment is mine) __4 JLAGal to appear in a vision] ettafal_1 Syr,JBA to be made visible LS2 224 The Targum of Jonathan has 21 occurrences of the passive verb Ethkhazay and Ethkhaza in former and latter Prophets; none has the meaning seemed, or it was fit, proper. It would appear or seem (pun intended) that the latter meaning is a rare one. In Luke 1:3, it also contradicts the intention of Luke to employ that meaning. If I am right about Luke 1:3, Lukes Gospel was probably written after Johns Gospel, since Luke refers to The Word as He, a Person of Whom the Apostles are eyewitnesses and servants. He also appeared to Luke.This refers plainly to John 1:1& 14. Luke would probably be the last of the four Gospels written, not John. 4
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(of the words) almd (the truth) arrs (that you may know) edtd (by these things) Nyhl (of which you have been instructed) tdmlttad Verse 4 confirms what I have written for verse three. If Luke were an eyewitness of The LORD Yeshua and His words and deeds, then he could confirm the Gospel accounts as true; if not, all the research and talent in the world would be useless toward composing an accurate account of The Messiah, as the information required exceeds the capacity of man to secure on his own. Only Divine revelation can provide the Truth of Him Whose Name is The Truth, The Way, The Life, apart from Whom, no one can approach to The Eternal Father. 5 (of Judea) adwhyd (the King) aklm (of Herod) odwrhd (in the days) htmwyb (there was) awh (the ministry) atsmst (from) Nm (Zechariah) ayrkz (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (priest) anhk (of Aaron) Nwrhad (the daughters) htnb (from) Nm (& his wife) httnaw (of Abia) ayba (of the house) tybd (Elishaba) ebsyla (was) awh (her name) hms 6 (God) ahla (before) Mdq (were) wwh (righteous) Nyqydz (but) Nyd (both of them) Nwhyrt (the commandments) yhwndqwp (in all) Nwhlkb (& they were walking) Nyklhmw (reproach) ylde (without) ald (of Jehovah) ayrmd (& in the judgments) htwnakbw When reading the interlinear, if but is seen next to the Aramaic word Nyd, but may be omitted from the translation, and the basic sense of the verse will be clear. Normally this word will be the first word translated in a sentence or phrase where it occurs, where it is never the first in Aramaic. 7 (Elishaba) ebsylad (because) ljm (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (there not) tyl (but) Nyd (a son) arb (were) wwh (in their days) Nwhtmwyb (advanced) yaygo (& both) Nwhyrtw (was) twh (infertile) atrqe 8 (he was) awh (exercizing priestly function) Nhkm (while) dk (but) Nyd (was) awh (it) awh (God) ahla (before) Mdq (of his service) htsmstd (in the order) aokjb 9 (it befell him) yhyjm (of the priesthood) atwnhkd (in the custom) adyeb (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the temple) hlkyhl (& he entered) lew (incense) amob (to offer) Myond 10 (praying) alum (of the people) amed (the crowds) asnk (& all) hlkw (of incense) amobd (at the time) andeb (outside) rbl (were) awh 11 (of Jehovah) ayrmd (an angel) akalm (to Zechariah) ayrkzl (to him) hl (& appeared) yzxtaw (of incense) amobd (of the altar) axbdmd (the right side) anymy (at) Nm (who stood) Maqd 12 (he saw him) yhyzx (when) dk (Zechariah) ayrkz (& was troubled) sgtsaw (upon him) yhwle (fell) tlpn (& dread) atlxdw 13 (Zechariah) ayrkz (fear) lxdt (not) al (the angel) akalm (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (your prayer) Ktwlu (has been heard) temtsad (because) ljm (a son) arb (you) Kl (will bear) dlat (Elishaba) ebsyla (& your wife) Kttnaw (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (his name) hms (& you shall call) arqtw 14 (& gladness) azwraw (Joy) atwdx (to you) Kl (& there will be) awhtw (at his birth) hdlwmb (will rejoice) Nwdxn (& many) aaygow 15 (Jehovah) ayrm (before) Mdq (great) br (for) ryg (he will be) awhn (he will drink) atsn (not) al (& strong drink) arksw (& wine) armxw (he will be filled) almtn (of Holiness) asdwqd (& with The Spirit) axwrw (of his mother) hmad (in the womb) aorkb (he is) wh (while) de When reading the interlinear, if for is seen next to the Aramaic word ryg, for may be omitted from the translation, and the basic sense of the verse will be clear. Normally this word will be the first word translated in a sentence or phrase where it occurs, where it is never the first in Aramaic- For he will be great, not He will be for great. 16 (of Israel) lyroya (the children) ynb (of) Nm (& many) aaygow (their God) Nwhhla (Jehovah) ayrm (to) twl (he will turn) anpn
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17 (of Elia) aylad (& in the power) alyxbw (in the spirit) axwrb (before Him) yhwmdq (will go) lzan (& he) whw (the children) aynb (to) le (of fathers) ahbad (the heart) abl (to turn) anpnd (the prophet) aybn (of the Just One) anakd (to the knowledge) atedyl (are persuaded) Nyoypjtm (who not) ald (& those) Nylyalw (perfect) arymg (a people) ame (for Jehovah) ayrml (& he will prepare) byjnw 18 (this) adh (shall I know) eda (how?) ankya (to the angel) akalml (Zechariah) ayrkz (& said) rmaw (is) yh (in her days) htmwyb (advanced) taygo (& my wife) yttnaw (old) abo (am) ytya (for) ryg (I) ana 19 (Gabriel) lyayrbg (am) ana (I) ana (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (the angel) akalm (answered) anew (& I am sent) txltsaw (God) ahla (before) Mdq (am) ana (who standing) Maqd (these) Nylh (& to give you tidings) Krboaw (with you)Kme (to speak) llmad 20 (dumb) qyts (you will be) awht (henceforth) lykm (to speak) wllmml (you will be able) xkst (& not) alw (will occur) Nywhn (that these things) Nylhd (the day) amwyl (until) amde (these) Nylh (my words) ylml (you believed) tnmyh (not) ald (because) le (in their time) Nyhnbzb (which will be fulfilled) Nylmtmd 21 (for Zechariah) ayrkzl (waiting) akomw (were) awh (standing) Maq (but) Nyd (the people) ame (in the temple) alkyhbd (his tarrying) htrxwt (at) le (they were) wwh (& wondering) Nyhymtw 22 (Zechariah) ayrkz (but) Nyd (came out) qpn (when) dk (with them) Nwhme (to speak) llmnd (he was) awh (able) xksm (not) al (in the temple) alkyhb (he had seen) azx (that a vision) awzxd (& they perceived) wlktoaw (mute) srx (still) dk (& he remained) ywqw (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (gesturing) zmr (making signs) zmrm (& he) whw 23 (to his house) htybl (he went) lza (of his service) htsmstd (the days) atmwy (were fulfilled) wylmta (& when) dkw 24 (Elishaba) ebsyla (conceived) tnjb (those) Nwnh (days) atmwy (after) rtb (from) Nm (& it was) awhw (five) asmx (months) axry (herself) hspn (she had) twh (& secluded) aysjmw (his wife) httna (she) twh (& said) armaw 25 (in the days) atmwyb (Jehovah) ayrm (for me) yl (has done) dbe (these things) Nylhd (my reproach) ydox (to take away) boml (me) yb (in which He regarded) rxd (of men) asna (the children) ynb (that is among) tybd 26 (the angel) aka (Gabriel) lyayrbg (was sent) xltsa (sixth) atsd (but) Nyd (in the month) axryb (to Galila) alylgl (of God) ahla (the presence) twl (from) Nm (was Natsareth) trun (whose name) hmsd (to the city) atnydml 27 (to a man) arbgl (who was engaged) arykmd (a virgin) atlwtb (to) twl (Yoseph) Powy (whose name) hmsd (of David) dywdd (the house) htyb (from) Nm (Maryam) Myrm (for the virgin) atlwtbl (& the name) hmsw 28 (to you) ykl (peace) Mls (to her) hl (& he said) rmaw (the angel) akalm (to her) htwl (& entered) lew (among women) asnb (you are blessed) tkyrb (is with you) ykme (our Lord) Nrm (of grace) atwbyj (full) tylm 29 (at his word) htlmb (she was alarmed) tbhrta (she saw) tzx (when) dk (but) Nyd (she) yh (this) anh (greeting) amls (is) wh (what?) anmd (she was) twh (& reasoning) absxtmw 30 (Maryam) Myrm (you should fear) Nylxdt (not) al (the angel) akalm (to her) hl (& said) rmaw (God) ahla (with) twl (favor) atwbyj (for) ryg (you have found) ytxksa 31 (conception) anjb (you will receive) Nylbqt (for) ryg (behold) ah (Yeshua) ewsy (His Name) hms (& you shall call) Nyrqtw (to a Son) arb (& you will give birth) Nydlatw 32 (He will be called) arqtn (of The Highest) ayled (& The Son) hrbw (great) br (will be) awhn (This One) anh (His father) yhwba (of David) dywdd (the throne) hyorwk (God) ahla (Jehovah) ayrm (to him) hl (& will give) ltnw 33 (eternally) Mlel (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (the house) htyb (over) le (& He will reign) Klmnw
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(there will be) awhn (not) al (an end) Pwo (& to His Kingdom) htwklmlw 34 (to the angel) akalml (Maryam) Myrm (she said) arma (me) yl (has known) Mykx (not) al (for a man) arbgd (this) adh (will be) awht (How?) ankya 35 (to her) hl (& said) rmaw (the angel) akalm (answered) ane (will come) atat (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (upon you) ykyle (will rest) Ngn (of The Highest) ayled (& the power) hlyxw (will be) wh (holy) asydq (in you) ykb (Who will be begotten) dlytmd (He) wh (this) anh (because of) ljm (He will be called) arqtn (of God) ahlad (& The Son) hrbw 36 (has conceived) anjb (she) yh (also) Pa (your cousin) yktnyxa (Elishaba) ebsyla (& behold) ahw (for her) yhl (it is) hl (sixth) atsd (the month) axry (& this) anhw (in her old age) htwbyob (a son) arb (barren) trqe (who is called) ayrqtmd 37 (anything) Mdm (to God) ahlal (is difficult) lje (not) ald (because) ljm 38 (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the handmaid) htma (I am) ana (behold) ah (Maryam) Myrm (she said) arma (your word) Ktlm (according to) Kya (to me) yl (let be done) awhn (her) htwl (from) Nm (the angel) akalm (& departed) lzaw 39 (those) Nwnh (in days) atmwyb (among them) Nwhb (Maryam) Myrm (but) Nyd (arose) tmq (of Judea) dwhyd (to a city) atnydml (to the mountains) arwjl (instantly) tyalyjb (& she went) tlzaw 40 (of Zechariah) ayrkzd (the house) htybl (& she entered) tlew (of Elishaba) ebsylad (the peace) hmls (& she invoked) tlasw 41 (Elishaba) ebsyla (heard) tems (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (in her womb) horkb (the baby) alwe (leapt) Ud (of Maryam) Myrmd (the greeting) hmls (of Holiness) asdwqd (with the Spirit) axwr (Elishaba) ebsyla (& was filled) tylmta 42 (to Maryam) Myrml (& she said) trmaw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (& she cried) teqw (among women) asnb (you are) ytna (blessed) atkrbm (that is in your womb) ykorkbd (the fruit) arap (is) wh (& blessed) Krbmw 43 (is this) adh (to me) yl (from where?) akmya (to me) ytwl (would come) atat (of my Lord) yrmd (that the mother) hmad 44 (in my ear) yndab (of your greeting) ykmlsd (the voice) alq (fell) lpn (when) dk (for) ryg (behold) ah (in my womb) yorkb (the baby) alwe (leapt) Ud (great) atbr (in Joy) atwdxb 45 (who believed) tnmyhd (the one) adyal (& blessed is she) hybwjw (to those things) Nylyal (a fulfillment) amlws (that there would be) awhd (Jehovah) ayrm (the presence of) twl (from) Nm (with her) hme (that were spoken) llmtad 46 (The Lord Jehovah) ayrml (my soul) yspn (exalts) abrwm (Maryam) Myrm (& said) trmaw 47 (my Savior) ynyxm (in God) ahlab (my spirit) yxwr (& rejoices) tydxw 48 (of His maidservant) htmad (the lowliness) akkwmb (for He has regarded) rxd (this hour) ash (from) Nm (for) ryg (behold) ah (all) Nyhlk (generations) atbrs (to me) yl (they will ascribe) Nltn (blessedness) abwj 49 (Who is mighty) Ntlyxd (He) wh (great things) atbrwr (to me) ytwl (because He has done) dbed (His Name) hms (& holy is) sydqw 50 (& generations) atbrsw (to posterity) ardl (& His mercy) hnnxw (Him) hl (who revere) Nylxdd (those) Nylya (is upon) le 51 (with His arm) herdb (victory) atwkz (He has wrought) dbe (of their heart) Nwhbld (with the opinion) atyertb (the proud) yrytx (& He has scattered) rdbw 52
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(thrones) atworwk (from) Nm (the mighty) apyqt (He has cast down) Pxo (the lowly) akykm (& He has raised up) Myraw 53 (with good things) atbj (He has filled) ebo (the hungry) anpk (empty handed) tyaqypo (He has sent away) ars (& the rich) arytew 54 (His mercy) hnnx (& he has remembered) rkdtaw (His servant) hdbe (Israel) lyroyal (He has helped) rde 55 (our patriarchs) Nyhba (with) Me (He spoke) llmd (just as) Kya (eternally) Mlel (his seed) herz (& with) Mew (Abraham) Mhrba (with) Me 56 (Elishaba) ebsyla (with) twl (Maryam) Myrm (but) Nyd (stayed) tywq (to her house) htybl (& she returned) tkphw (three) atlt (months) axry (about) Kya 57 (for her) hl (was) awh (it) awh (but) Nyd (Elishaba) ebsyla (a son) arb (& she bore) tdlyw (that she would bear) dlatd (time) anbz 58 (of her family) hmhwj (& the children) ynbw (her neighbors) hybbs (& they heard) wemsw (to her) htwl (His mercy) hnnx (God) ahla (that had magnified) ygoad (with her) hme (they) wwh (& rejoiced) Nydxw 59 (the boy) ayljl (to circumcise) hrzgml (& they came) wtaw (eighth) aynmtd (on the day) amwyl (& it was) awhw (Zechariah) ayrkz (of his father) yhwbad (by the name) amsb (him) hl (they were) wwh (& calling) Nyrqw 60 (to them) Nwhl (& she said) armaw (his mother) hma (& answered) tnew (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (he will be called) arqtn (but) ala (so) ankh (not) al 61 (a man) sna (there is not) tyld (to her) hl (& they said) wrmaw (this) anh (by name) amsb (who is called) arqtmd (among your generations) yktbrsb 62 (to name him) yhwymsnd (he wanted) abu (that in which way?) ankyad (to his father) yhwbal (& they signed) wzmrw 63 (& he said) rmaw (& he wrote) btkw (a tablet) atyqnp (he requested) lasw (everyone) snlk (& was amazed) wrmdtaw (his name) hms (is) wh (Yokhanan) Nnxwy 64 (his mouth) hmwp (had been opened) xtpta (& at once) adxmw (God) ahlal (& he blessed) Krbw (& he spoke) llmw (& his tongue) hnslw 65 (their neighbors) Nwhybbs (all of them) Nwhlk (on) le (awe) atlxd (& there was) twhw (were) ywh (being spoken) Nllmtm (these things) Nylh (of Judea) dwhyd (the mountains) arwj (& in all) hlkbw 66 (in their heart) Nwhblb (were) wwh (contemplating) Nybsxtm (who heard) wemsd (& all those) Nwhlkw (this) anh (the boy) aylj (will be) awhn (indeed) yk (what?) anm (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (with him) hme (was) twh (it) tya (of Jehovah) ayrmd (& the hand) hdyaw 67 (of Holiness) asdwqd (with The Spirit) axwr (his father) yhwba (Zechariah) ayrkz (& was filled) ylmtaw (& he said) rmaw (& he prophesied) ybntaw 68 (of Israel) lyroyad (the God) hhla (Jehovah) ayrm (is) wh (blessed) Krbm (redemption) anqrwp (for it) hl (& He has wrought) dbew (His nation) hme (Who has visited) reod 69 (of redemption) anqrwpd (a trumpet) anrq (for us) Nl (& He has raised up) Myqaw (His servant) hdbe (of David) dywdd (in the house) htybb 70 (by the mouth) amwpb (He spoke) llmd (just as) Kya (eternity) Mle (that which is from) Nmd (holy) asydq (of His prophets) yhwybnd 71 (our enemies) Nybbdleb (from) Nm (that He would save us) Nqrpnd (who hate us) Nyano (of all of them) Nwhlkd (the hand) adya (& from) Nmw 72 (our fathers) Nyhba (with) Me (His mercy) hnnx (& He has wrought) dbew (holy) atsydq (His covenants) yhwqtydl (& He has remembered) dhew
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73 (to Abraham) Mhrbal (that He swore) amyd (& the oath) atmwmw (us) Nl (that He would grant) ltnd (our patriarch) Nwba 74 (of our enemies) Nybbdlebd (the hands) adya (from) Nm (that we would be saved) qrptnd (before Him) yhwmdq (we should serve) xwlpn (fear) alxd (& without) aldw 75 (& in righteousness) atwqydzbw (in justice) atwnakb (our days) Ntmwy (all of) Nwhlk 76 (you will be called) arqtt (of The Highest) ayled (the prophet) hybn (boy) aylj (& you) tnaw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the Person) hpwurp (before) Mdq (for) ryg (you will go) lzat (His way) hxrwa (that you may prepare) byjtd 77 (to His people) hmel (of Life) ayxd (the knowledge) aedm (that He may give) ltnd (of their sins) Nwhyhjxd (in forgiveness) anqbwsb 78 (of our God) Nhlad (of the mercy) annxd (in the compassion) amxrb (Heaven) amwr (from) Nm (the Manifestation) axnd (will visit us) Nreon (in which) Nwhbd 79 (who in darkness) akwsxbd (those) Nylyal (to enlighten) wrhnml (are sitting) Nybty (of death) atwmd (& in the shadow) alljbw (of peace) amlsd (in the path) axrwab (our feet) Nylgr (that He may direct) Uwrtnd 80 (in spirit) axwrb (& being strengthened) lyxtmw (was) awh (growing) abr (but) Nyd (the boy) aylj (the day) amwyl (until) amde (dwelt) awh (he) yhwtya (& in the wilderness) abrwxbw (Israel) lyroya (unto) twld (of his manifestation) htywxtd

Chapter 2 1 (also went out) qpnw (those) Nwnh (in days) atmwyb (but) Nyd (it occurred) awh (Qaesar) roq (Augustus) owjowga (from) Nm (a command) andqwp (of his empire) hndxwad (nation) ame (every) hlk (that should be registered) btktnd All Greek texts have oikoumenhn (the inhabited world). This is not an accurate word to use, as Caesar did not register everyone in the world, only those of The Roman Empire, which did not include large sections of the eastern world and the Middle East. Every nation of his empire makes much better sense and is accurate historically.Thayers Greek English Lexicon says that oikoumenh may refer to the Roman Empire, but it is never translated as such in any NT translation that I can see but for one place in Acts 24:5 by The Bible in Basic English; neither does it have such a meaning in any of the 39 times it occurs in The LXX (certainly, the Roman empire did not even exist when The LXX was translated, but The Greek Empire did). 2 (was) twh (the first) atymdq (census) atwnbtkm (this) adh (in Syria) ayrwob (of Quraynus) ownyrwqd (in the government) atwnmghb 3 (in his city) htnydmb (to be registered) btktnd (everyone) snlk (was) awh (& going) lzaw 4 (Natsareth) trun (from) Nm (Yoseph) Powy (also) Pa (but) Nyd (had) awh (came up) qlo (of David) dywdd (to the city) htnydml (to Judea) dwhyl (of Galila) alylgd (a city) atnydm (was) awh (he) yhwtyad (because) ljm (Bethlehem) Mxltyb (that is called) ayrqtmd (of David) dywdd (the lineage) htbrs (& from) Nmw (the house) htyb (from) Nm 5 (she was pregnant) anjb (when) dk (his bride) htrykm (Maryam) Myrm (with) Me (he might be registered) btktn (that there) Nmtd 6 (they were) Nwna (there) Nmt (that while) dkd (& it was) awhw (that she would give birth) dlatd (her days) htmwy (were completed) wylmta 7 (firstborn) arkwb (her Son) hrb (& she brought forth) tdlyw (in a manger) ayrwab (& she laid Him) htymraw (in swaddling bands) arwrzeb (& she wrapped Him) htkrkw
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(a place) atkwd (for them) Nwhl (was) awh (there not) tyld (because) ljm (they might) wwh (lodge) Nyrsd (where) akya 8 (who lodging) Nyrsd (in the region) artab (in it) hb (were) wwh (some) tya (but) Nyd (shepherds) atwer (of the night) aylld (the watch) atrjm (& they kept) Nyrjnw (there) Nmt (were) wwh (their flocks) Nwhtyerm (over) le 9 (to them) Nwhtwl (came) ata (of God) ahlad (the angel) akalm (& behold) ahw (upon them) Nwhyle (shone) trhna (of Jehovah) ayrmd (& the glory) htxwbstw (great) atbr (from fear) atlxd (& they were afraid) wlxdw 10 (fear) Nwlxdt (not) al (the angel) akalm (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (great) atbr (joy) atwdx (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (proclaim) rbom (for) ryg (behold) ah (universe *) amle (to the entire) hlkl (which will be) awhtd amle -EAlma, can refer to all creation- The heavens and the earth, though sometimes just the earth or the people in it. It can include Heaven and Sheol and all created beings of all time. amle EAlma, like its Hebrew cognate, Mlwe Owlam refers to time, space and matter- all the components of the universe, and even Eternity. The word for Eternity is also amle EAlma. It truly signifies all that exists, in its proper sense. The Greek mss. all have panti tw law all the people. People in Aramaic is ame; Comparing amle & ame makes it easy to see that if amle (Universe,World) were to lose its second letter- l, it becomes ame (People,Nation).The Greek for World is KosmovKosmov- Kosmos or oikoumenh oikoumenay (inhabited places). law (People) could hardly be mistaken for kosmw (World), assuming hypothetically an Aramaean were translating Greek to Aramaic. However, it is possible that such an Aramaean scribe might intend to write ame and add a Lamed, writing amle,but such an error would be less likely to occur, since it would involve an intention to write ame (people) and actually writing another word amle (world) by adding a letter, which would be an error of the hand rather than the eye. He would have been thinking People and writing World.The reverse scenario is a much more likely one. It is much easier to misread the word amle as ame than to miswrite ame as amle. Again, the Peshitta reading can more easily account for the Greek reading than vice versa. Mark,Paul and John all wrote of the redemption of the whole creation:See Romans 8:21-23;Mark 16:15,Rev. 5:13. Two similar and more compelling examples follow: 1 Timothy 6:19 19 (MUR) and that they lay up for themselves a good foundation for that which is future; that they may take hold of real life. aryrs ayx Nwkrdnd dyted Mdml atbj atoats Nwhspnl Nwmyonw 19 (Peshitta) 19 (BYZ) apoyhsaurizontav eautoiv yemelion kalon eiv to mellon ina epilabwntai thv aiwniou zwhv 19 (AV) Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. 19 (WH) apoyhsaurizontav eautoiv yemelion kalon eiv to mellon ina epilabwntai thv ontwv zwhv 19 (ASV) laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on the life which is life indeed. Old Dead Sea Scroll script The Peshitta in 1 Tim. 6:19 ends with aryrs ayx (True Life). The Byzantine Greek text has aiwniou zwhv (Eternal Life). The Critical Greek (Vaticanus) has ontwv zwhv (Really Life) 1. 2. ,= aryrs = True ,= akyrs = Remaining ? -Remaining.

Is it likely The Byzantine Greek translator saw in old Aramaic characters and interpreted it as If so, then aiwniou (eternal) would approximate

The Critical Greek would be closer to the original here, following True with ontwvontwv- Really. Rev. 15:3 amled aklm Kydbe Nyryrsw Nynak lk dyxa ahla ayrm Kydbe Nyhymtw Nybrwr Nyrmaw armad atxwbstw ahlad hdbe aswmd atxwbst Nyxbsmw Re 15:3 Re 15:3 kai adousin thn wdhn mwusewv tou doulou tou yeou kai thn wdhn tou arniou legontev megala kai yaumasta ta erga sou kurie o yeov o pantokratwr dikaiai kai alhyinai ai odoi sou o basileuv twn eynwn Re 15:3 kai adousin thn wdhn mwusewv tou doulou tou yeou kai thn wdhn tou arniou legontev megala kai yaumasta ta erga sou kurie o yeov o pantokratwr dikaiai kai alhyinai ai odoi sou o basileuv twn aiwnwn

Here is a situation similar to Luke 2:9.

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The Crawford Aramaic mss. has amled, Delama (of the world). The Majority Greek text has eynwn, ethnown (of nations). The Critical Greek text has aiwnwn,aiownown (of ages). (Mss. P47, a,C) Here is The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon entry for the Aramaic word, Mle, amle: CAL Outline Lexicon: GENERAL Mle (lm Mle, amle (lm Noun (lm) 1 passim eternity 2 Palm,Palestinian,Syr,JBA world 3 Syr nation LS2 527 LS2 V: (AlmA) Smiths Compendious Syriac Dictionary has:

So the Greek mss. have two different readings, both in agreement with the Aramaic word amle, which can mean ages, eternity, nations or world. It is stretching credulity beyond the breaking point to believe The Peshitta NT is a translation of The Greek NT, given the fact that so many Greek variations exist in The Greek NT that agree with different derivations of Aramaic words, which just so happen to be used at the parallel grammatical places of those readings in The Peshitta NT, and given that The Peshitta has practically no variant readings. If The Greek is the original, How can these things be?. 11 (The Savior) aqwrp (today) anmwy (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (has been born) dlyta (of David) dywdd (in the city) htnydmb (The Messiah) axysm (Jehovah) ayrm (Who is) yhwtyad This is one of the most amazing of statements in the Gospels, and probably the first unequivocal revelation of the Deity of Yeshua Meshikha. (axysm ayrm -Marya Meshikha means Yahweh The Messiah). I have translated Marya as Jehovah in most places, since it is more familiar than Yahweh.There are disputes about the Hebrew pronunciation, but Jehovah still conveys the sense of YHWH, the Hebrew tetragrammaton (4 letter Name) of The LORD God of Israel and all creation. The Aramaic ayrm -Marya is found over 6000 times in The Peshitta Old Testament,translating the Hebrew YHWH. ayrm Marya, as such, in the singular Name form, can refer only to The LORD God. This most holy of Names is applied to Yeshua 32 times in The Peshitta NT! The Greek mss. have no such unequivocal reference in those 32 places, since the Greek word used is Kurios, meaning, Lord,or Sir, in a Divine or human sense. 12 (the baby) alwe (you) Nwtna (will find) Nyxksm (a sign) ata (to you) Nwkl (& this is) adhw (in a manger) ayrwab (& lying) Myow (in swaddling bands) arwrzeb (wrapped) Kyrkd 13 (the angel) akalm (with) Me (appeared) wyzxta (the silence) yls (& from) Nmw (of Heaven) aymsd (great) aaygo (the armies) atwlyx (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (to God) ahlal (shouting praises) Nyxbsm (while) dk yls Nm Men Sheli, the first two words, are an idiom meaning, Suddenly . 14 (peace) amls (the earth) aera (& upon) lew (in Heaven) amwrmb (to God) ahlal (glory) atxwbst (of men) asna (to the children) ynbl (good) abj (& news *) arbow arbo Sabra in verb form can mean, Hope,Think,Expect,Trust,Imagine,Preach news.The noun form comes from the verb. Good news -abj arbo (Sabra tabba)- makes the best sense here. Another possible sense is a Hope report, since abj- Tabba can also be a report. 15 (to Heaven) aymsl (the angels) akalm (among them) Nwhtwl (from) Nm (went) wlza (that as) dkd (& it was) awhw (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (the shepherds) atwer (spoke) wllm
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(this) adh (event) atlml (& we shall see) azxnw (as Bethlehem) Mxltybl (as far) amde (let us proceed) adrn (to us) Nl (has revealed) edwa (Jehovah) ayrmd (as) Kya (that has occurred) twhd 16 (& they found) wxksaw (quickly) tyabhrom (& they came) wtaw (in a manger) ayrwab (Who was lying) Myod (& the Baby) alwelw (& Yoseph) Powylw (Maryam) Myrml 17 (the words) atlml (they made known) wedwa (they had seen) wzx (& when) dkw (The Boy) aylj (about) le (about Him) yhwle (with them) Nwhme (that had been spoken) tllmtad 18 (those things) Nylya (concerning) le (marvelled) wrmdta (they who heard) wemsd (& all) Nwhlkw (the shepherds) atwer (from) Nm (to them) Nwhl (that were spoken) llmtad 19 (these) Nylh (words) alm (all) Nyhlk (was) twh (keeping) arjn (but) Nyd (Maryam) Myrm (in her heart) hblb (& was pondering) amxpmw 20 (they glorified) Nyxbsm (as) dk (those) Nwnh (shepherds) atwer (& returned) wkphw (everything) lk (concerning) le (God) ahlal (& praised) Nyllhmw (& they had heard) wemsw (because they had seen) wzxd (with them) Nwhme (it had been spoken) llmtad (just as) ankya 21 (the boy) aylj (that should be circumcised) rzgtnd (days) Nymwy (eight) aynmt (were full) wlm (& when) dkw (the angel) akalm (by) Nm (which He was called) yrqtad (Yeshua) ewsy (His Name) hms (was called) yrqta (in the womb) aorkb (He would have been conceived) Njbtnd (before) Mdq 22 (that they should be purified) Nwhtykdtd (the days) atmwy (were fulfilled) wylmta (& when) dkw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (they carried Him) yhwqoa (of Moshe) aswmd (the law) aowmn (according to) Kya (Jehovah) ayrm (before) Mdq (that they may present Him) yhynwmyqnd 23 (male) arkd (every) lkd (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in the law) aowmnb (it is written) bytkd (as) Kya (will be called) arqtn (of Jehovah) ayrmd (a holy one) asydq (the womb) aebrm (who opens) xtp 24 (that which was said) rymad (just like) ankya (a sacrifice) atxbd (& that they offer) Nwltndw (of turtle-doves) anynpwsd (a pair) agwz (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in the law) aowmnb (doves) anwyd (young) agwrp (two) Nyrt (or) wa 25 (his name) hms (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (was) awh (there) tya (one) dx (but) Nyd (a man) arbg (& righteous) qydzw (was) awh (just) Nyak (this) anh (& man) arbgw (Shimeon) Nwems (was) awh (of Israel) lyroyad (for the consolation) haywbl (he was) awh (& waiting) akomw (upon him) yhwle (was) twh (He) tya (of Holiness) asdwqd (& The Spirit) axwrw 26 (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (from) Nm (to him) hl (it was) awh (& told) rymaw (death) atwm (he would see) azxn (that not) ald (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Messiah) hxysml (he would see) azxnd (until) made 27 (to the temple) alkyhl (in The Spirit) axwrb (had) awh (come) ata (this one) anh (he) wh (the Boy) aylj (Yeshua) ewsyl (His parents) yhwhba (Him) hl (brought) Nylem (& as) dkw (in the law) aowmnb (it was commanded) dyqpd (just as) ankya (for Him) yhwplx (to do) Nwdbend 28 (& he said) rmaw (God) ahlal (& blessed) Krbw (his arms) yhwerd (on) le (he took Him) hlbq 29 (Your servant) Kdbel (him) hl (You are) tna (sending) ars (now) lykm (in peace) amlsb (Your word) Ktlm (according to) Kya (my Lord) yrm 30 (Your mercy) Knnx (my eyes) ynye (have seen) yzx (behold) ahd 31 (the peoples) atwma (of all) Nyhlkd (in the sight) apwurpb (Whom You have prepared) tbyjd (Him) wh 32 (of the Gentiles) ammed (for revelation) anylgl (the light) arhwn (Israel) lyroya (to Your people) Kmel (& the glory) axbwsw 33 (they were) wwh (marveling) Nyhymt (& His mother) hmaw (but) Nyd (Yoseph) Powy
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(about Him) yhwle (were) ywh (that spoken) Nllmtmd (those things) Nylya (at) le The Critical Greek text reads His father and His mother.That is clearly an error.Luke was more careful, indeed, The Holy Spirit would not speak of Joseph as the father of Yeshua. The Majority Greek text agrees with The Peshitta here. 34 (His mother) hma (to Maryam) Myrml (& said) rmaw (Shimeon) Nwems (them) Nwna (& blessed) Krbw (of many) aaygod (& the rise) amyqlw (for the fall) atlwpml (is appointed) Myo (This One) anh (behold) ah (of contention) anyrxd (& for a sign) atalw (in Israel) lyroyab 35 (a lance) axmwr (will pass through) rbet (yours) yklyd (but) Nyd (& into your soul) ykspnbw (of many) aaygod (of hearts) atwbld (the thoughts) atbsxm (may be revealed) Nylgtnd (so that) Kya 36 (of Phanuel) lyawnpd (daughter) htrb (the prophetess) atybn (but) Nyd (& Hannah) anxw (was) twh (in her days) htmwyb (old) tsysq (she) yh (also) Pa (of Ashayr) rysad (the tribe) ajbs (from) Nm (her virginity) htwlwtb (from) Nm (she had lived) tyx (her husband) hleb (with) Me (years) Nyns (& seven) ebsw 37 (& four) ebraw (eighty) Nyanmt (years) Nyns (about) Kya (a widow) atlmra (& she had been) twhw (the temple) alkyh (from) Nm (she had) twh (departed) aqrp (& not) alw (& with prayers) atwlubw (& with fastings) amwubw (& by night) ayllbw (by day) ammyab (she was) twh (serving) axlp 38 (in the hour) atesb (in it) hb (standing) tmq (she was) yh (also) Paw (to Jehovah) ayrml (& she gave thanks) tydwaw (everyone) snlk (with) Me (about Him) yhwle (she was) twh (& speaking) allmmw (of Jerusalem) Mlsrwad (for the redemption) hnqrwpl (was) awh (who waiting) akomd 39 (thing) Mdm (every) lk (they had finished) wmls (& when) dkw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (that in the law) aowmnbd (according to) Kya (their city) Nwhtnydm (to Natsareth) trunl (to Galila) alylgl (they returned) wkph 40 (in Spirit) axwrb (& being strengthened) lyxtmw (was) awh (growing) abr (but) Nyd (the boy) aylj (with wisdom) atmkx (& He was being filled) almtmw (upon Him) yhwle (was) twh (it) tya (of God) ahlad (& the grace) atwbyjw 41 (year) ans (in every) lkb (& His people) yhwsnaw (of Passover) axupd (at the feast) adedeb (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (they were) wwh (going) Nylza 42 (they went up) wqlo (twelve) aroetrt (years) Nyns (a son of) rb (He was) awh (& when) dkw (to the feast) adedel (they had been) wwh (accustomed) Nydemd (just as) ankya The Majority Greek text has they went up to Jerusalem. The Critical Greek agrees with The Peshitta reading here. 43 (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (they) Nwhl (were returning) wkph (the days) atmwy (had past) wmls (& when) dkw (& His mother) hmaw (& Yoseph) Powyw (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (He) hl (remained) sp (the Boy) aylj (they knew) wedy (not) al Instead of Joseph & His mother, The Critical Greek has His parents. Most Greek mss. agree with The Peshitta here. 44 (He was) wh (of their friends) Nwhtywl (the children) ynb (that with) Med (for) ryg (they) wwh (were thinking) Nyrbo (they looked for Him) yhwaeb (one) dx (of day) amwy (a journey) adrm (they had come) wta (& when) dkw (them) Nwhl (knew) edyd (whomever) Nm (& among) twlw (their people) Nwhtwsna (among) twl 45 (they) Nwhl (& returned) wkphw (they found Him) yhwxksa (& not) alw (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (again) bwt 46 (in the temple) alkyhb (they found Him) yhwxksa (days) Nymwy (three) atlt (after) rtb (& from) Nmw (from them) Nwhnm (& He heard) emsw (the teachers) anplm (in the midst of) teum (He sat) bty (as) dk (of them) Nwhl (& He was inquiring) lasmw 47 (to Him) hl (were) wwh (who listening) Nyemsd (those) Nylya (all) Nwhlk (they were) wwh (& astounded) Nyhymtw
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(& at His discourses) yhwmgtpbw (at His wisdom) htmkxb 48 (His mother) hma (to Him) hl (& said) trmaw (they marveled) whmt (they saw Him) yhwazx (& when) dkw (so) ankh (to us) Nl (have You done) tdbe (why?) anml (my Son) yrb (great) aaygo (with anxiety) aprwjb (& I) anaw (Your father) Kwba (behold) ahd (for You) Kl (were) Nywh (looking) Nyeb 49 (for Me) yl (were you) Nwtywh (looking) Nyeb (why?) anm (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (of My Father) yba (that in the house) tybd (did you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not?) al (to be) awhad (for Me) yl (it was fitting) alw 50 (to them) Nwhl (that He spoke) rmad (the statement) atlml (understood) wedwtsa (not) al (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 51 (to Natsareth) trunl (& He came) ataw (with them) Nwhme (& He went down) txnw (to them) Nwhl (He was) awh (& submitted) dbetsmw (in her heart) hblb (words) alm (all these) Nyhlk (she was) twh (keeping) arjn (but) Nyd (His mother) hma 52 (& in His wisdom) htmkxbw (in stature) htmwqb (was) awh (growing) abr (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (& the children of men) asnynbw (God) ahla (with) twl (& in favor) atwbyjbw Chapter 3 1 (of Tiberius) owyrbyjd (of the kingdom) htwklmd (but) Nyd (fifteenth) aroesmx (in the year) tnsb (in Judea) dwhyb (of Pontius Pilatus) owjlyp-owyjnpd (in the government) atwnmghb (Qaysar) roq (in Galila) alylgb (Herod) odwrh (Tetrarch *) ayeybr-asr (when) dk (in Ituria) ayrwjyab (Tetrarch) ayeybr-asr (his brother) yhwxa (& Phillip) owpylypw (of Trakona) anwkrjd (& in the region) artabw (of Abilina) anylybad (Tetrarch) ayeybr-asr (& Lusania) aynowlw * Tetrarch is found three times in this verse. The Aramaic term here is two words ayeybr asr Rasha Rbiaya, meaning Ruler of a fourth. A tetrarch ruled a fourth of a country (give or take a little). Four other times another Aramaic word akrrjj -Tetrarka occurs in The NT. It looks like a loan word from the Greek which had been incorporated into Aramaic. There are some loan words in practically every language borrowed from neighboring or conquering countries. The Greek of Alexander The Great was influential even with the Jews of Israel, which never adopted Greek as a national language. What is interesting about verse three is that the Greek texts also have a slightly different form for Tetrarchthan that used elsewhere in the NT; it is a verb form, whereas elsewhere a noun is used. It looks like that may be explained on the basis of the Aramaic of The Peshitta, as the Greek verb form occurs nowhere else in The NT but where these three occur in Luke 3:1 the same applies to the Aramaic word form used here.The Aramaic form used here is a noun, however.It is understandable that a Greek translator could construe When Ruler of a fourth as When he was Ruler of a fourth, since the Aramaic lacks a verb and uses dk -Kad When, before the term, which The Greek NT normally mirrors with a participle, which is exactly what the Greek word thrice used here is: tetrarcountov -(Tetrarchountos). The Peshitta has no verb at all here, which is not unusual for Aramaic, but if it were a translation of the Greek, it would most likely include at least a verb of being.Essentially, the Greek looks like a simplification of The two word Aramaic term, very much like verse 14, where the Aramaic termayjrjoa yxlp Plakhay Estratia(Military workers) is paralleled by the one Greek word strateuomenoi.strateuomenoi, another Greek participle meaning, to go to war,to go on a military expedition, to be a soldier 2 (& of Qaiapha) apyqdw (of Hannan) Nnxd (priesthood) atwnhk (in the high) twbrb (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (upon) le (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (was) twh (in the wilderness) abrwxb (Zechariah) ayrkz (son of) rb 3 (the Jordan) Nndrwy (which is around) yrdxd (region) arta (in the whole) hlkb (& he came) ataw (of repentance) atwbytd (a baptism) atydwmem (he was preaching) zrkm (while) dk (of sins) ahjxd (for the forgiveness) anqbwsl 4 (in the book) abtkb (it is written) bytkd (just as) ankya (which says) rmad (the prophet) aybn (of Isaiah) ayesad (of the words) almd (the way of) hxrwa (prepare) wbyj (in the wilderness) abrwxb (which cries) arqd (the voice) alq (for our God) Nhlal (a road) alybs (in the plain) ateqpb (& straighten) wuwrtw (of Jehovah) ayrmd The reading, which says, is not found in the Critical Greek text. All Greek mss. omit in the plain. 5
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(mountains) arwj (& all) Nwhlkw (will be filled) Nwlmtn (the valleys) alxn (all of them) Nwhlk (the rugged place) amre (& will be) awhnw (will be leveled) Nwkkmtn (& high places) atmrw (a plain) ateqpl (difficult) aqoe (& the region) artaw (a smooth) aypsl 6 (of God) ahlad (The Life *) ayx (body) rob (every) lk (will see) azxnw * ayx Khaya usually refers to Life, though sometimes refers to Salvation.The words of verses 4-6 are from Isaiah 40:3-5, generally agreeing with The Peshitta O.T. (word for word in Luke 3:5) though verse 6 agrees best with The LXX reading of Isaiah 40:5 (And all flesh shall see the salvation of God). All the Greek mss. agree with The Peshitta reading of v. 6. 7 (to him) htwl (were) wwh (who coming) Nytad (those) Nylya (to the crowds) asnkl (he) awh (& said) rmaw (has instructed you) Nwkywx (who?) wnm (of vipers) andkad (offspring) adly (to be baptized) dmeml (that is coming) dyted (the wrath) azgwr (from) Nm (to flee) qreml 8 (& not) alw (for repentance) atwbytl (worthy) Nywsd (fruit) arap (therefore) lykh (produce) wdbe (to us) Nl (is) tya (that the father) abad (within yourselves) Nwkspnb (to say) rmaml (start) Nwrst (these) Nylh (that from) Nmd (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (Abraham) Mhrba (to Abraham) Mhrbal (children) aynb (raise up) wmqml (God) ahla (can) xksm (stones) apak 9 (of the tree) anlyad (the root) arqe (on) le (is laid) Myo (the axe) agrn (but) Nyd (behold) ah (producing) dbe (not) al (good) abj (fruit) arapd (therefore) lykh (tree) anlya (every) lk (falls) lpn (& in the fire) arwnbw (is cut down) qoptm 10 (the crowds) asnk (him) hl (they were) wwh (& asking) Nylasmw (shall we do) dben (therefore) lykh (what?) anm (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 11 (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (& he answered) ane (let him give) ltn (coats) Nynytwk (two) Nytrt (to him) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nm (has) tyad (& whoever) Nmw (to him) hl (has not) tyld (to whomever) Nml (he should do) dben (likewise) ankh (food) atrbyo (to him) hl 12 (to be baptized) dmeml (tax collectors) aokm (also) Pa (& they came) wtaw (shall we do) dben (what?) anm (Teacher) anplm (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 13 (seek) Nwebtt (not) al (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (to seek) ebtml (to you) Nwkl (is commanded) dyqpd (whatever) am (on top) le (more) ryty (a thing) Mdm 14 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (military) ayjrjoa (workers) yxlp (him) hl (were) wwh (& asking) Nylasmw (man) snab (no) al (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (we) Nnx (also) Pa (shall do *) dben (what?) anm (do injustice) Nwqset (not) al (& to a man) snalw (harm) Nwrgjtt (your wages) Nwktynwopa (for you) Nwkl (& let suffice) Nqponw The Aramaic term- ayjrjoa yxlp Plakhay Estratia(Military workers) is paralleled by the one Greek word strateuomenoi- strateuomenoi, another Greek participle meaning, to go to war,to go on a military expedition, to be a soldier.The Greek, as usual, looks like a simplification of the Aramaic. This comports with the idea of the Greek being a translation of the Aramaic, since a translation will generally simplify the original text or speech for the target audience. Since The Peshitta is obviously not a simplified version of any Greek text of The NT, it is extremely unlikely to be a translation of The Greek NT. * (shall do) dben- Nebad can mean we shall do or we should do. The Greek mss. have both readings: Majority Greek- poihsomen - We shall do (Future) & the Critical Greek poihswmen We should do(Subjunctive mood). ?Does anyone see a pattern forming 15 (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (about) le (the people) ame (had been) awh (thinking) rbom (but) Nyd (when) dk (in their hearts) Nwhblb (they were) wwh (pondering)Nybsxtm (& all) Nwhlkw (the Messiah) axysm (he were) wywh (whether) aml 16 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (answered) ane (in water) aymb (you) Nwkl (am) ana (baptizing) dmem (behold) ah (I) ana (than I) ynm (Who mightier) Ntlyxd (He) wh (but) Nyd (comes) ata (that I may loose) arsad (I am) ana (worthy) aws (of Whom not) ald (He) wh (will baptize you) Nwkdmen (He) wh (of His shoes) yhwnomd (the straps) aqre (& in fire) arwnbw (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb
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17 (in His hand) hdyab (a winnowing fan) aspr (Who holds) dyxad (he) wh (His threshing floor) yhwrda (& purges) akdmw (into His barns) yhwruwal (he gathers) snk (& the wheat) ajxw (in fire) arwnb (He will burn) dqwn (& the chaff) anbtw (is quenched) aked (that not) ald 18 (taught) Plm (many things) ataygo (but) Nyd (other) atynrxa (also) Pa (to the people) amel (& he preached good news) rbomw (he) awh 19 (the Tetrarch) akrrjj (but) Nyd (Herodus) odwrh (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (by) Nm (he had been) awh (reproved) ooktmd (because) ljm (of Philipus) owpylyp (the wife) ttna (Herodia) aydwrh (on the account of) le (he had) awh (that done) dbed (the evil) atsyb (all) Nyhlk (& for) lew (his brother) yhwxa 20 (all) Nyhlk (upon) le (this) adh (also) Pa (he added) Powa (of prisoners) aryoa (in the house) tyb (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (& he shut) hsbxw 21 (the people) ame (all) hlk (he had baptized) dme (when) dk (but) Nyd (it happened) awh (He prayed) alum (& as) dkw (he baptized) dme (Yeshua) ewsy (also) Paw (the heavens) ayms (were opened) wxtpta 22 (of The Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (& was descending) ttxnw (of a dove) anwyd (of a body) amswg (in the form) twmdb (upon Him) yhwle (which said) rmad (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (there was) awh (& a voice) alqw (I am pleased) tybjua (in Whom) Kbd (The Beloved) abybx (My Son) yrb (are) wh (You) tna 23 (thirty) Nytlt (years) Nyns (son of) rb (about) Kya (was) awh (He) yhwtya (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (This) wh (Heli) ylh (son of) rb (Yoseph) Powy (the son of) rb (He) awh (& was considered) rbtomw Yoseph Bar Heli marks this as Josephs genealogy, not Marys. Marys name is not here; Joseph Bar Heli is. All argument defending this as Marys genealogy is mere sophistry.The Aramaic is even more definite than the Greek, since the Aramaic uses the word Bar Son of , 76 times. The Greek uses the words Son of-uiov tou-(huios tou) only once! 75 times it has tou of. That is less precise and leaves much more room for mischief in interpretation. The English translations of the Greek should have of , as does Rotherham in his Emphasized Bible as also does The Diaglot NT. If son of is used, son should be in italics, as the Greek tou is simply a definite article the in the genitive case- usually translated of. 24 (Melki) yklm (son of) rb (Levi) ywl (son of) rb (Matthat) ttjm (son of) rb (Yoseph) Powy (son of) rb (Yannai) ynay (son of) rb 25 (Amots) Uwme (son of) rb (Matatha) attm (son of) rb (Naggai) ygn (son of) rb (Hesli) ylox (son of) rb (Nahum) Mwxn (son of) rb 26 (Shemei) yems (son of) rb (Matath) tjm (son of) rb (Maath) tam (son of) rb (Yehuda) adwhy (son of) rb (Yoseph) Powy (son of) rb 27 (Zorobabel) lbbrwz (son of) rb (Resa) aor (son of) rb (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (son of) rb (Nari) yrn (son of) rb (Salathiel) lyatls (son of) rb 28 (Qosam) Mowq (son of) rb (Addi) yda (son of) rb (Melki) yklm (son of) rb (Ayr) rye (son of) rb (Elmodad) ddwmla (son of) rb 29 (Yoram) Mrwy (son of) rb (Eliezer) rzeyla (son of) rb (Yose) aowy (son of) rb (Levi) ywl (son of) rb (Mataytha) atytm (son of) rb 30 (Yoseph) Powy (son of) rb (Yehuda) adwhy (son of) rb (Shimeon) Nwems (son of) rb (Eliaqim) Myqyla (son of) rb (Yonam) Mnwy (son of) rb 31 (Mainai) ynam (son of) rb (Melia) aylm (son of) rb
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(David) dywd (son of) rb (Nathan) Ntn (son of) rb (Mattatha) atjm (son of) rb 32 (Boaz) zeb (son of) rb (Obed) dybwe (son of) rb (Aishai) ysya (son of) rb (Nahshon) Nwsxn (son of) rb (Salmon) Nwmlo (son of) rb 33 (Hetsron) Nwrux (son of) rb (Aram *) Mra (son of) rb (Aminadab *) bdnyme (son of) rb (Yehuda) adwhy (son of) rb (Pharets) Urp (son of) rb * Aram & Aminadab are Admin and Arni in the Critical Greek text. Admin and Arni are not in the Old Testament. 34 (Abraham) Mhrba (son of) rb (Isaac) qxoya (son of) rb (Yaqob) bwqey (son of) rb (Nahor) rwxn (son of) rb (Terah) xrt (son of) rb 35 (son of) rb (Arau) wera (son of) rb (Serug) gwro (son of) rb (Shalah) xls (son of) rb (Eber) rbe (son of) rb (Phaleg) glp 36 (Arphakshar *) rskpra (son of) rb (Qainan *) Nnyq (son of) rb (Lamek) Kml (son of) rb (Noah) xwn (son of) rb (Shaym) Mys (son of) rb * All Greek texts support Qainan as father of Shalah, though all Hebrew mss. as well as Aramaic O.T. mss. seem to lack this reading in Genesis 11:12 and in 1 Chronicles 1:18. Only The LXX has this reading in Gen. 11:12. The LXX is lacking the verse of 1 Chronicles 1:18. The Arphaksharreading here agrees with The Peshitta O.T. spelling of this name in every place it is found. Hebrew mss. have Arphakshad, as does The LXX and all Greek mss. of Luke 3:36. This is evidence that The Peshitta NT did not follow Hebrew O.T. mss. or The LXX or The Greek NT, but probably followed The Peshitta O.T. text for these names. See note on this at the end of the chapter. 37 (Henok) Kwnx (son of) rb (Mathuselah) xlswtm (son of) rb (Qaynan) Nnyq (son of) rb (Mehalaleil) lyallhm (son of) rb (Yared) dry (son of) rb 38 (Shayth) tys (son of) rb (Enosh) swna (son of) rb (God) ahla (who was from) Nmd (Adam) Mda (son of) rb This genealogy is Josephs, the husband of Mary. Joseph was a descendant of David, as was Mary. The genealogy of Mary is given in Matthew 1:1-16. The two are definitely not the same. Joseph descended from Davids son,Nathan. Mary descended from Solomon, son of David. Luke 3:23 (MUR) And Jesus was about thirty years old. And he was accounted the son of Joseph, the son of Heli. ylh rb Powy rb awh rbtomw Nytlt Nyns rb Kya awh yhwtya ewsy Nyd wh 23 (PESHITTA) Blue Aramaic words are Yoseph Bar Heli. And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli. kai autov hn ihsouv arcomenov wsei etwn triakonta wn uiov wv enomizeto iwshf tou hli. Blue Greek words are, Joseph of Heli. This form is used throughout the Greek genealogy to indicate sonship. If Joseph were not descended from Heli, they would not both be in the genealogy like this. The loose Greek construction is construed by some to refer to Jesus, not Joseph, as descended from Heli. Others have it to mean Jesus, accounted son of Joseph, who was son-in law to Heli. Neither of these is a natural reading of the Greek; they are attempts to reshape this genealogy into Marys instead of Josephs. To take the Greek phrase,(Name tou Name), which occurs 76 times in the Greek text, as Joseph son in law to Heli, and then reinterpret it 75 times more as son is stretching credulity to its limits. It is playing too fast and loose with language and logic to be credible. The Aramaic reading is much more precise and definite: Joseph Bar Heli, Bar Matthat, Josephs name is in it, therefore it belongs to him. If it were Marys, her name would be in the genealogy. It is not. Her name is in Matthew 1:16. That is her genealogy. The genealogy is Josephs line, so dont expect it to match Matthews. The Greek of Luke, which omits the word for son (uiov ) 75 times (Aramaic has Bar 76 times), instead uses the genitive article tou (tou ) 75 times between each name. The genitive is usually translated of..:Jacob of Isaac of Abraham of Terahetc..

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That is a strange construction for a genealogy of The Messiah. One would expect precision in such a case. The Greek is imprecise, both in grammar and in its spelling of Hebrew and Aramaic names. We should expect a Semitic genealogy for all those Semitic names, such as would have been kept in the temple at Jerusalem and at the synagogues. In The Peshitta, we have such a genealogy, fit for a King.Even the numbers of its words and letters point to a Divine author. Josephs genealogy in Luke traces back to Adam- 77 generations to The Messiah! I defy anyone to show that the Peshittas Hebrew & Aramaic names in Lukes genealogy came from the Greek N.T.! The Greek names are almost identical to The same names in the LXX version, which, of course, is a translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. The Peshitta genealogy as likely came from the Greek NT as The Hebrew O.T. genealogies were translated from The LXX! Of the total 77, there are 21 names spelled differently in the two major Greek texts (Byzantine and Westcott & Hort Critical). Practically all of these may be explained as different transliterations and interpretations of the Aramaic letters in The Peshitta. The 12 Names in red are those in The Peshitta NT which differ from Hebrew spelling and agree with The Peshitta Old Testament spelling of those names. These are practically all the names that differ in the two languages, Hebrew and Aramaic, for this genealogy. This indicates that Luke relied on The Peshitta Old Testament or an Aramaic Targum of The Old Testament for his genealogy.All the other names found in The O.T. are the same in both Hebrew and Aramaic. The Greek readings also indicate that The LXX Greek version was the source for Greek spellings of names in this genealogy.This is apparent by the sometimes patent mis-spellings of Hebrew names in the Greek text which are shared by The LXX Version (Phalek for Peleg, for instance; others are Ragaufor Reu & Serouck for Serug ). There was also some revision of the Greek, apparently using The Peshitta as a reference, some time later. If The Peshitta NT is the original from which The Greek NT was translated (and I think I have pretty well established that it is) and The genealogies of Matthew and Luke in The Peshitta refer to The Peshitta OT in listing those names, and elsewhere (and that is also fairly easily demonstrated), then The Peshitta Old Testament must be a document at least 2000 years old and was in circulation before A.D. 50. As such, it is an invaluable witness to the text of The Hebrew Old Testament in the first century A.D. and earlier. Chapter 4 1 (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwr (being full) alm (when) dk (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (to the wilderness) abrwxl (The Spirit) axwr (& led Him) htrbdw (the Jordan) Nndrwy (from) Nm (He returned) Kph 2 (The Devil) aurqlka (by) Nm (that He would be tempted) aontnd (forty) Nyebra (days) atmwy (days) atmwy (in those) Nwnhb (anything) Mdm (He ate) oel (& not) alw (He was hungry) Npk (at the end) atrxl (them) Nwna (He had finished) Mls (& when) dkw 3 (of God) ahlad (You are) tna (The Son) hrb (if) Na (The Devil) aurqlka (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (bread) amxl (that it shall become) awhtd (this) adh (to stone) apakl (say) rma 4 (is written) bytk (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (it is) awh (that not) ald (it) wh (a son of man) asnrb (lives) ayx (alone) dwxlb (by bread) amxlb (of God) ahlad (statement) Mgtp (by every) lkb (but) ala 5 (high) amr (to a mountain) arwjl (Satan) anjo (& took Him up) hqoaw (short) arwez (in a time) andeb (of the earth) aerad (the kingdoms) atwklm (all) Nyhlk (& he showed Him) hywxw 6 (all) hlk (this) anh (authority) anjlws (I shall give) lta (to You) Kl (The Devil) aurqlka (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (it is delivered) Mlsm (for to me) yld (& its glory) hxbwsw (it) hl (I) ana (give) bhy (I want) abuad (& to whomever) Nmlw 7 (all) hlk (will be) awhn (Yours) Klyd (before me) ymdq (You will worship) dwgot (therefore) lykh (if) Na 8 (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (you shall worship) dwgot (your God) Khla (that Jehovah) ayrmld (it) wh (is written) bytk (you shall serve) xwlpt (only) yhwdwxlb (& Him) hlw 9 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (& he brought Him) hytyaw (of the temple) alkyhd (the pinnacle) apnk (on) le (& he stood Him) hmyqaw (of God) ahlad (You) tna (The Son) hrb (if) Na (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (down) txtl (from here) akm (Yourself) Kspn (cast) amra 10
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(He will will command) dqpn (His angels) yhwkalmld (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (that they will protect You) Knwrjnnd (concerning You) Kyle 11 (they will carry You) Knwlqsn (their arms) Nwhyerd (& upon) lew (on a stone) apakb (Your foot) Klgr (You should strike) lqtt (lest) ald 12 (it) wh (has been said) ryma (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (answered) ane (your God) Khla (Jehovah) ayrml (you shall tempt) aont (that not) ald 13 (his temptations) yhwnwyon (all of them) Nwhlk (The Devil) aurqlka (had finished) Mls (& when) dkw (a time) anbz (until) de (His presence) htwl (from) Nm (he departed) qrp 14 (to Galila) alylgl (of The Spirit) axwrd (in the power) alyxb (Yeshua) ewsy (& returned) Kphw (around them) Nwhyrdxd (place) arta (in every) hlkb (a report) abj (about Him) yhwle (& went out) qpnw 15 (& being praised) xbtsmw (in their assemblies) Nwhtswnkb (was) awh (teaching) Plm (& He) whw (person) sna (every) lk (by) Nm (He was) awh 16 (He had been raised) ybrtad (where) akya (to Natsareth) trunl (& He came) ataw (the synagogue) atswnkl (He was) awh (accustomed) demd (just as) ankya (& entered) lew (to read) arqml (& He stood up) Mqw (of the Sabbath) atbsd (on the day) amwyb 17 (the prophet) aybn (of Isaiah) ayesad (a scroll) arpo (to Him) hl (& was given) bhytaw (the scroll) arpo (Yeshua) ewsy (& opened) xtpw (it is written) bytkd (where) akya (the place) atkwd (& He found) xksaw 18 (He has anointed Me) ynxsm (this) adh (& because of) ljmw (is upon Me) yle (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Spirit) hxwr (to heal) wyoaml (& He has sent Me) ynxlsw (to the poor) ankoml (to proclaim good news) wrboml (liberty) anqbws (to captives) aybsl (& to proclaim) wzrkmlw (hearts) abl (broken) yrybtl (with forgiveness) anqbwsb (the depressed) arybtl (& to restore) wrrsmlw (vision) ayzx (& to the blind) arywelw 19 (to Jehovah) ayrml (acceptable) atlbqm (the era) atns (& to proclaim) wzrkmlw 20 (to the minister) ansmsml (& He gave it) hbhyw (the scroll) arpo (& He rolled up) Krkw (who were in the synagogue) atswnkbd (but) Nyd (all of them) Nwhlk (He sat down) bty (& He went) lzaw (on Him) hb (they were) ywh (fixed) Nryx (their eyes) Nwhynye 21 (to them) Nwhtwl (to say) rmaml (& He began) yrsw (in your ears) Nwkyndab (this) anh (scripture) abtk (is fulfilled) Mltsa (this day) anmwyd 22 (& amazed) Nyrmdtmw (all of them) Nwhlk (to it) hl (they were) wwh (& testifying) Nydhow (from) Nm (had) ywh (that come out) Nqpnd (of grace) atwbyjd (at the words) almb (they were) wwh (Yoseph) Powy (the son of) rb (this) anh (is) awh (not?) al (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (His mouth) hmwp 23 (to Me) yl (you will say) Nwrmat (doubtless) rbk (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (yourself) Kspn (heal) aoa (physician) ayoa (this) anh (proverb) altm (in Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkb (that You have done) tdbed (that we are hearing) Nemsd (& everything) lkw (in Your town) Ktnydmb (here) akrh (also) Pa (do) dbe 24 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (in his town) htnydmb (who is received) lbqtmd (a prophet) aybn (there is not) tyld 25 (widows) atlmra (that many) ygod (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (for) ryg (truly) arrs (the prophet) aybn (of Elia) ayla (in the days) ymwyb (in Israel) lyroyab (were) ywh (there) tya (six) ats (& months) axryw (three) tlt (years) Nyns (the heavens) ayms (were shut) wdxtta (when) dk (the land) aera (in all) hlkb (great) abr (hunger) anpk (& there was) awhw 26 (Elia) ayla (was sent) rdtsa (not) al (of them) Nyhnm (one) adx (& unto) twlw (a widow) atlmra (a woman) attna (unto) twl (of Tsidon) Ndyud (to Tsarepta) tprul (but) ala 27 (in the days) ymwyb (Israel) lyroya (among) tyb (were) wwh (there) tya (lepers) abrg (& many) aaygow (was purified) ykdta (not) al (of them) Nwhnm (& one) dxw (the prophet) aybn (of Elisha) esyla
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(The Aramaean) aymra (Naaman) Nmen (only) Na (but) ala An Aramaean would be anyone descended from Aram, son of Shem, and included the Syrians. Naaman was a Syrian. The Aramaic language was spoken by the Aramaeans (Syrians) and the Assyrians, as well as most of the Jews in Israel and the diaspora of Asia Minor and Europe. The Assyrians imposed the language on all subjects of the Assyrian empire from the ninth century B.C. and it remained the lingua franca of the nations it had conquered for almost two millennia. 28 (they) Nwnh (these things) Nylh (they heard) wems (& when) dkw (all of them) Nwhlk (with rage) atmx (were filled) wylmta (who were in the synagogue) atswnkbd 29 (the city) atnydm (from) Nm (outside) rbl (& they thrust Him) yhwqpa (& they arose) wmqw (that) wh (of the mountain) arwjd (the ridge) anybgl (unto) amde (& they brought Him) yhwytyaw (upon it) yhwle (had been) twh (built) aynb (on which the city) Nwhtnydmd (the precipice) apyqs (from) Nm (to cast Him) yhynwdsnd 30 (& He departed) lzaw (the midst of them) Nwhtnyb (passed through) rbe (but) Nyd (he) wh 31 (of Galila) alylgd (a city) atnydm (to Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (& He went down) txnw (on the Sabbath) absb (them) Nwhl (He was) awh (& teaching) Plmw 32 (His word) htlm (was) twh (for of authority) ajlsmd (at His teaching) hnplwyb (they were) wwh (& astonished) Nyhymtw 33 (in him) hb (had) awh (who) tyad (a man) arbg (in the synagogue) atswnkb (was) awh (& there) tyaw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (& he cried) qezw (filthy) apnj (of demons) adasd (spirits) axwr 34 (Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsy (& to You) Klw (to us) Nl (what) am (let us alone) ynyqwbs (& he said) rmaw (You) Kl (I) ana (know) edy (to destroy us) Ntwdbwml (have You come?) tyta (of God) ahlad (the Holy One) hsydq (You are) tna (Who) Nm 35 (your mouth) Kmwp (shut) rwko (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (it) hb (& rebuked) aakw (in the midst) ateumb (the demon) adas (& threw him) yhydsw (from him) hnm (& come out) qwpw (any) Mdm (to him) hb (it did harm) xro (not) al (while) dk (from him) hnm (& it came out) qpnw 36 (everyone) snlkl (gripped) dxa (great) abr (& astonishment) ahmtw (one another) addx (with) Me (they were) wwh (& speaking) Nyllmmw (this) adh (word) atlm (indeed) yk (is) yh (what?) anm (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (He commands) adqp (& with power) alyxbw (for with authority) anjlwsbd (& they come out) Nqpnw (foul) atpnj (the spirits) axwrl 37 (a report) abj (about Him) yhwle (& went out) qpnw (that was around them) Nwhyrdxd (region) arta (in the whole) hlkb 38 (the house) htybl (He entered) le (the synagogue) atswnk (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (& when) dkw (was) twh (afflicted) auyla (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (& the mother in law) htmxw (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (for her sake) htljm (Him) hnm (& they besought) webw (great) atbr (with fever) atsab 39 (& it left her) htqbsw (her fever) htsab (& He rebuked) aakw (her) hnm (over) lel (& He arose) Mqw (them) Nwhl (she was) twh (& waiting on) asmsmw (she arose) tmq (& at once) adxmw 40 (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (the sun) asms (was setting) ybrem (who were sick) ahyrk (to them) Nwhl (had) awh (who) tyad (various) aplxsm (with diseases) anhrwkb (of their sicknesses) Nyhyrkd (one) dx (each) dx (on) le (but) Nyd (He) wh (to Him) htwl (them) Nwna (they brought) wytya (them) Nwhl (He) awh (& healed) aoamw (He) awh (laid) Mao (His hand) hdya (of them) Nwhnm 41 (many) aaygo (from) Nm (demons) adas (also) Pa (were) wwh (& going out) Nyqpnw (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they screamed) Nyqezm (as) dk (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (the Messiah) axysm (are) wh (You) tnad (was) awh (allowing) qbs (& not) alw (them) Nwhb (He was) awh (& rebuking) aakw (the Messiah) axysm (that He was) wywhd (that they knew) Nyedyd (to say) Nwrmand (them) Nwhl 42 (Himself) hl (He went) lza (He went out) qpn (of the day) amwyd (& at the dawn) hrpulw
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(were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (& the crowds) asnkw (deserted) abrwx (to a place) artal (to His Presence) htwl (unto) amde (& they came) wtaw (Him) hl (He) hl (should depart) lzan (that not) ald (& they held to Him) yhwdxaw (their presence) Nwhtwl (from) Nm 43 (that also) Pad (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (Himself) wh (upon Me) yl (it is incumbant) alw (other) atynrxa (to cities) atnydml (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (to proclaim) wrboml (I am sent) trdtsa (it is) wh (this) adh (because for) led 44 (of Galila) alylgd (in the synagogues) atswnkb (was) awh (preaching) zrkm (& He) whw Chapter 5 1 (the crowd) asnk (about Him) yhwle (gathered) snk (when) dk (but) Nyd (it happened) awh (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (to hear) emsml (of Genesar) rongd (The Lake) atmy (the side) dy (on) le (was) awh (standing) Maq (& He) whw 2 (of the lake) atmy (the shore) bng (on) le (that stood) Nmyqd (two) Nytrt (ships) anypo (He saw) azx (from them) Nyhnm (who had came down) wqlod (& the fishermen) adyuw (their nets) Nwhtdyum (& were washing) Nygysmw 3 (Kaypha) apak (was) twh (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (of them) Nyhnm (& one) adxw (in it) hb (He sat down) bty (Yeshua) ewsy (& went up) qlow (a little) lylq (they should take it out) hnwrbdnd (& He said) rmaw (He) awh (& sat down) btyw (into the water) ayml (dry land) asby (from) Nm (the crowds) asnkl (the ship) atnypo (from) Nm (& He taught) Plmw 4 (to Shimeon) Nwemsl (He said) rma (His speaking) hllmm (from) Nm (He had ceased) qts (& when) dkw (for a catch) adyul (your nets) Nwktdyum (& cast) wmraw (to the deep) aqmwel (take) wrbd 5 (all) hlk (night) ayll (Rabbi) ybr (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (Shimeon) Nwems (answered) ane (we have taken) Ndxa (not) al (& a thing) Mdmw (we have worked) Nyal (the net) atdyum (I) ana (will cast) amr (but) Nyd (Your word) Ktlm (on) le Simon (Peter) called Jesus Rabbi. The Greek texts all have Epistata Master. The Peshitta would not get Rabbi from Epistata. A master was not necessarily a Rabbi. However, a Rabbi was necessarily a Master, hence one could derive Master from Rabbi, which it appears is what happened. The Aramaic text gave rise to the Greek reading. Strongs Greek-English Lexicon has: 1988 epistathv epistates ep-is-tat-ace from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 2476; TDNT-2:622,248; n m AV-Master 7; 7 Thayers Greek - English Lexicon 1) any sort of superintendent or overseer Compare Luke 8:24 with Mark 4:38 & Matthew 8:25. Luke 8:24 in Greek has Epistata, Epistata. In the parallel passage Mark 4:38 it has didaskale (Teacher). The Peshitta has Rabban (Our Rabbi) in both verses. Our Rabbi did not come from didaskale (Teacher) or from Epistata Epistata pistata-Master Master.Greek has a problem translating Rabbi, as it has no one word that satisfactorily signifies it. That is probably why the Greek transliterates it instead 18 times in Greek letters: Rabbi. The Greek Gospel of John states very plainly however that Rabbi is translated as didaskale didaskale (Teacher) in John 1:38 where it is both transliterated from Aramaic with Greek letters and also translated into Greek: Joh 1:38 strafeiv de o ihsouv kai yeasamenov autouv akolouyountav legei autoiv ti zhteite oi de eipon autw rabbi o legetai ermhneuomenon didaskale pou meneiv. Joh 1:38 (ROTHRHAM) But Jesus, turning, and looking at them following, saith unto themWhat seek ye? And, they, said unto himRabbi! (Aramaic) which meaneth, when translated, Teacher (Greek), Where abidest thou? This is a plain indication that the Greek text is a translation of an Aramaic source. It also indicates that the Greek word didaskale, idaskale may indicate Rabbi- ybr as its source. There are other possibilities in Aramaic Mallpana -anplm (Teacher), for example.
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Another Aramaic word identified in Greek mss. as meaning Teacher is Rabboni in John 20:16: anplm rmatmd ylwbr tyarbe hl armaw tynptaw Myrm ewsy hl rma 16 (Peshitta) 16 (MUR) Jesus said to her: Mary! And she turned, and said to him in Hebrew: Rabbuni; which is interpreted Teacher. 16 (BYZ) legei auth o ihsouv maria strafeisa ekeinh legei autw rabbouni o legetai didaskale 16 (YLT) Jesus saith to her, Mary! having turned, she saith to him, Rabbouni; that is to say, Teacher. Here is my note for John 20:12 from my interlinear: 16 (& she said) armaw (& she turned) tynptaw (Mary) Myrm (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (Teacher) anplm (which is called) rmatmd (Rabbuli *) ylwbr (in Aramaic *) tyarbe (to Him) hl tyarbe-Ebraith means Hebrew and though Aramaic was the language used, the Jewish people referred to it as Hebrew, since Aramaic had been their native tongue (the tongue of the Hebrew people) for six centuries and was used in their scriptures. Aramaic and Hebrew share the same alphabet and both were written with the same script, so their letters looked the same in the first century. ylwbr Rabbuli is an Aramaic word meaning My Master and is the same as Rabboni, which the Greek versions have in Greek letters transliterated Rabbouni. Notice that Mary is not presented as speaking Greek; neither is any other person mentioned in the four Gospels. Ebraith Hebrew is defined by its Greek equivalent, Hebrais, as The Hebrew tongue;not that however in which the OT was written, but the Chaldee.-Thayers Greek English Lexicon. Websters unabridged 20th century Dictionary defines Chaldee as The Aramaic language of the Chaldeans (Babylonians 600 B.C.) Rabbi ybr & Rabban Nbr, occur 36 times as a Title of address in the Peshitta NT. The Greek mss. have didaskalovdidaskalovdidaskalos (Teacher) for 13 of these, Rabbi Rabbi 18 times (This is an Aramaic word, not Greek, transliterated in Greek letters), Epistata occurs 7 times matching Rabbi- all in Luke.Rabbouni occurs once matching Rabbi and once matching Rabbuli ylwbr. All of these Greek translations and transliterations are evidence supporting an Aramaic original. Greek simply has no word of its own for Rabbi and so it used didaskalov, didaskalov,Epistata, & 20 transliterations of Rabbi & Rabbouni. The Greek words didaskalov,epistata would not translate to Rabbi -ybr in Aramaic.Rabbi has all the meanings of Teacher & Master & Leader; no one of them would do justice to the word. It is also a formal title for the clergyman leader of a synagogue. 6 (many) aaygo (fish) anwn (they caught) wsbx (they had done) wdbe (this) adh (& when) dkw (their net) Nwhtdyum (was) twh (& braking) ayrjumw (very) bjd 7 (another) atrxa (who were in a ship) atnypobd (their partners) Nwhyrbxl (& they beckoned) wzmrw (they filled) wlm (they came) wta (& when) dkw (them) Nwna (help) Nwrden (to come) Nwtand (to sinking) ebjml (they were) ywh (that near) Nbyrqd (so) Kya (two) Nyhytrt (ships) anypo (those) Nyna 8 (the feet) yhwlgr (before) Mdq (fell) lpn (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (My Lord) yrm (of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (a sinner) ayjx (I am) ana (for a man) arbgd (me) ynm (You) Kl (abandon) qwrp 9 (& all of them) Nwhlklw (had) awh (seized him) hdxa (for) ryg (awe) ahmt (that they had caught) wdud (of fish) anwnd (that) wh (catch) adyu (due to) le (who were with him) hmed 10 (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (Yaqob) bwqeyl (also) Pa (but) Nyd (so) twkh (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (partners) aptws (were) wwh (who) Nwhytyad (of Zebedee) ydbz (sons) ynb (this hour) ash (from) Nm (fear) lxdt (not) al (to Shimeon) Nwemsl (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (said) rma (for salvation) ayxl (catching) dau (you will be) awht (of men) asna (sons) ynb I love this text in The Peshitta: Henceforth you shall catch men for salvation. No Greek ms. has this. Greek does have the verb zwgrew which can mean to take alive, to capture. The Aramaic word ayx can mean life, living or salvation. The Greek word zwgrew would hardly give rise to the Aramaic ayxl dau (catch for life, catch for salvation). ayxl .dau may easily have given rise to zwgrew, zwgrew, though it would not seem the best choice 11 (to the land) aeral (ships) anypo (those) Nyna (& they brought) wbrqw (after Him) hrtb (& they came) wtaw (thing) Mdm (every) lk (& they left) wqbsw 12 (a man) arbg (came) ata (the cities) atnydm (of) Nm (in one) adxb (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (& when) dkw (& he fell) lpnw (Yeshua) ewsyl (he saw) azx (of leprosy) abrg (entirely) hlk (who was full) almd
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(to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (from Him) hnm (he) awh (& begged) aebw (his face) yhwpa (on) le (purify Me) ytwykdml (you) tna (can) xksm (you are) tna (willing) abu (if) Na (my Lord) yrm 13 (him) hl (He touched) brq (Yeshua) ewsy (His hand) hdya (& reached) jspw (be purified) akdta (I am) ana (willing) abu (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (his leprosy) hbrg (from him) hnm (went) lza (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (& he was purified) ykdtaw 14 (you shall tell) rmat (no) al (man) snald (& He commanded him) hdqpw (to the priest) anhkl (yourself) Kspn (show) awx (go) lz (but) ala (just as) ankya (your cleansing) Ktykdt (for) Plx (& offer) brqw (for their testimony) Nwhtwdhol (Moshe) aswm (commanded) dqpd Greek mss. have, And He charged him to tell no one, But, having gone away, shew thyself to the priest, This is rather awkward and clumsy Greek. The Peshitta has, And He commanded him: You shall tell no man, but go show yourself to the priest, . ?Much better, dont you think 15 (increasingly) tyaryty (fame) abj (about Him) yhwle (& went out) qpnw (from Him) hnm (to hear) emsml (many) aaygo (people) ame (were) awh (& gathered) snktmw (their sicknesses) Nwhynhrwk (from) Nm (& to be healed) wyoatmlw 16 (& praying) alumw (to the wilderness) arbdl (was) awh (departing) ansm (but) Nyd (He) wh 17 (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (teaching) Plm (when) dk (the days) atmwy (of) Nm (on one) dxb (& it happened) awhw (of the law) aowmn (& teachers) yplmw (the Pharisees) asyrp (were) wwh (sitting) Nybty (village) ayrwq (every) lk (from) Nm (had) wwh (who come) wtad (& of Jerusalem) Mlsrwadw (& of Judea) dwhydw (of Galila) alylgd (to heal them) Nwhtwyoaml (was) awh (there) yhwtya (of Jehovah) ayrmd (& the power) alyxw 18 (a man) arbg (on a pallet) aoreb (brought) wytya (& men) asnaw (to enter) Nwlend (they were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (a paralytic man) ayrsm (one) dx (in front of Him)yhwmdq (to place him) yhynwmyon 19 (they might bring him in) yhynwlen (which way) ankyad (they found) wxksa (not) al (& when) dkw (by themselves) Nwhl (they went up) wqlo (of people) amed (the crowd) aagwo (because of) ljm (the pallet) hore (with) Me (& lowered him) yhwbsw (to the roof) argal (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in front) yhwmdq (into the midst) ateuml (the tiles) alyljt (from) Nm 20 (He said) rma (their faith) Nwhtwnmyh (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (your sins) Kyhjx (to you) Kl (are forgiven) Nyqybs (man) arbg (paralyzed man) ayrsm (to that) whl 21 (to think) Nybsxtm (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (the Scribes) arpo (& started) wyrsw (blasphemy) apdwg (Who speaks) llmmd (This) anh (Who is?) wnm (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (only) dwxlb (God) ahla (if) Na (except) ala (sins) ahjx (to forgive) qbsml (is able) xksm (Who?) wnm 22 (& said) rmaw (He answered) anew (their thoughts) Nwhtbsxm (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (in your heart) Nwkblb (by you) Nwtna (thoughts are entertained) Nybsxtm (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl 23 (your sins) Kyhjx (to you) Kl (are forgiven) Nyqybsd (to say) rmaml (is easier) aqysp (which?) adya (& walk) Klh (arise) Mwq (to say) rmaml (or) wa 24 (of Man) asnad (Son) hrb (is) wh (that authorized) jylsd (but) Nyd (that you may know) Nwedtd (sins) ahjx (that He may forgive) qwbsnd (in the earth) aerab (I) ana (say) rma (to you) Kl (to the paralyzed man) ayrsml (He said) rma (to your house) Ktybl (& go) lzw (your pallet) Kore (pick up) lwqs (arise) Mwq 25 (his pallet) hore (& took up) lqsw (before their eyes) Nwhynel (he arose) Mq (& at once) adxmw (God) ahlal (he praised) xbsm (as) dk (to his house) htybl (& he went on) lzaw 26 (God) ahlal (they were) wwh (& praising) Nyxbsmw (everyone) snlkl (seized) dxa (& astonishment) ahmtw (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (with awe) atlxd (& they were filled) wylmtaw
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(wonders) atrmdt (today) anmwy (we have seen) Nyzxd The Greek NT verse can be translated We have seen strange things today. That is not a convincing reading when compared to The Peshitta reading- We have seen wonders today. 27 (a tax collector) aokm (& He saw) azxw (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (of customs) aokm (in the house) tyb (who sat) btyd (Levi) ywl (whose name) hmsd (after Me) yrtb (come) at (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw 28 (after Him) hrtb (he went) lza (& rising) Mqw (thing) Mdm (every) lk (& he left) qbsw 29 (great) abr (a reception) albwq (in his house) htybb (Levi) ywl (for Him) hl (& made) dbew (& of others) anrxadw (of tax gatherers) aokmd (great) aaygo (a crowd) asnk (was) awh (& there) tyaw (with them) Nwhme (were) wwh (who reclining at dinner) Nykymod 30 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (the Scribes) arpo (were) wwh (& complaining) Nynjrw (& sinners) ayjxw (tax collectors) aokm (with) Me (why?) anml (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& do drink) Nytsw (you) Nwtna (do eat) Nylka 31 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (& answered) anew (for the healthy) amylxl (a doctor) ayoa (is sought) aebtm (not) al (or are becoming) Nydybe (ill) syb (who are ill) sybd (for those) Nylyal (but) ala 32 (the righteous) aqydzl (that I may call) arqad (I have come) tyta (not) al (to repentance) atwbytl (sinners) ayjxl (but) ala 33 (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (& do pray) Nylumw (faithfully) tyanyma (do fast) Nymyu (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the disciples) yhwdymlt (why?) anml (& drinking) Nytsw (are eating) Nylka (but) Nyd (yours) Klyd (of the Pharisees) asyrpd (also) Pa 34 (the children) yhwnbl (you) Nwtna (are able) Nyxksm (not) al (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (is with them) Nwhme (the groom) antxd (as long as) amk (of the bridal chamber) anwngd (that they shall fast) Nwmwund (that you shall make them) Nwdbetd 35 (The Groom) antx (will be taken) Myrttn (when) dk (the days) atmwy (but) Nyd (will come) Nwtan (days) atmwy (in those) Nwnhb (they will fast) Nwmwun (then) Nydyh (from them) Nwhnm 36 (a parable) altm (them) Nwhl (& He told) rmaw (new) atdx (a garment) anam (from) Nm (a strip) ateqrwa (tears) daq (man) sna (no) ald (worn) aylb (a garment) anam (on) le (& places it) amrw (resembles) amls (not) al (also the worn) aylblw (he tear) daq (the new) atdxl (lest) ald (the new) atdx (that is from) Nmd (the strip) ateqrwa 37 (old) atylb (in skins) aqzb (new) atdx (wine) armx (places) amr (man) sna (& no) alw (the skins) aqzl (new) atdx (the wine) armx (bursts) ezbm (not) al (but) Nyd (& if) naw (are ruined) Ndba (& the skins) aqzw (is spilled) dsatm (wine) armx (& that) whw 38 (new) attdx (in skins) aqzb (new) atdx (wine) armx (but) ala (are preserved) Nyrjntm (& both) Nwhyrtw (is placed) Nymr 39 (& at once) adxmw (old) aqyte (wine) armx (drinks) ats (man) sna (& no) alw (is sweet) Myob (the old) aqyte (for) ryg (he says) rma (the new) atdx (desires) aeb The Greek texts omit wine altogether. They also disagree with sweet; Majority Greek has better; Critical Greek has good. The Peshitta did not get Myob (is sweet) from Crhstov (good) or from Crhstoterov (better). The Greek could derive from the Aramaic, as sweet is generally considered good, but good does not imply sweetness. Sweet is more specific than good. Hence, the Greek looks more like a translation here than does The Peshitta. Chapter 6 1
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(Yeshua) ewsy (was walking) Klhm (when) dk (on the Sabbath) atbsb (but) Nyd (it was) awh (the ears) albs (were) wwh (plucking) Nyglm (His disciples) yhwdymlt (the grain) aerz (among) tyb (& eating) Nylkaw (in their hands) Nwhydyab (& were rubbing) Nykrpw The Majority Greek Text has a strange word deuteroprwtw second first after Sabbath. This is the only place where the word is found in any Greek writing. The Critical Greek (P75,B, a) does not have it here. All Greek texts lack Jesus in this verse.-(See note at v. 12.) 2 (to them) Nwhl (were saying) Nyrma (the Pharisees) asyrp (of) Nm (but) Nyd (some) Nysna (the thing) Mdm (you) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbe (why?) anm (on the Sabbath) atbsb (to do) dbeml (is legal) jyls (that not) ald 3 (this) adh (& not?) alw (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (David) dywd (that did) dbed (the thing) Mdm (have you read) Nwtyrq (who were with him) hmed (& those) Nylyaw (he) wh (was hungry) Npk (when) dk 4 (& the bread) amxlw (of God) ahlad (the house) htybl (when he entered) led (& he gave) bhyw (he ate) lka (he took) bon (of Jehovah) ayrmd (of the table) hrwtpd (which not) ald (that) wh (who were with him) hmed (to those) Nylyal (only) dwxlb (for priests) anhkl (except) ala (to eat) lkaml (was) awh (legal) jyls Greek texts have touv artouv thv proyesewv (the loaves of the setting forth).The Peshittas bread of the table of Jehovah is much plainer and sounds original whereas the Greek sounds artificial. 5 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (of the Sabbath) atbsd (is) wh (The Lord) hrmd And He said to them, The Lord of the Sabbath is The Son of Man. The Majority Greek text has oti kuriov estin o uiov tou anyrwpou kai tou sabbatou Literally Lord is The Son of Man even of the Sabbath. The Critical Greek text agrees with The Peshitta reading and word order exactly. 6 (a synagogue) atswnkl (He entered) le (another) atrxa (on Sabbath) atbsl (but) Nyd (it happened) awh (whose hand) hdyad (a man) arbg (there) Nmt (was) awh (& there) tyaw (He was) awh (& teaching) Plmw (was) twh (shriveled) asyby (of the right side) anymyd 7 (Him) hl (were) wwh (watching) Nyrjn (& The Pharisees) asyrpw (& the Scribes) arpow (on the Sabbath) atbsb (would heal) aoamd (He) wh (whether) Nad (to accuse Him) yhwurq Nwlkan (that they would be able) Nwxksnd 8 (man) arbg (to that) whl (& He said) rmaw (their schemes) Nwhtbsxm (knew) edy (but) Nyd (He) wh (to the center) teuml (you) Kl (come) at (stand) Mwq (whose hand) hdya (was shriveled) asybyd (& stood) Mqw (he came) ata (& when) dkw (of the synagogue) atswnk 9 (I ask you) Nwklasa (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to be doing) dbeml (what is good) bjd (on the Sabbath) atbsb (is legal) jyls (what?) anm (to destroy) wdbwml (or) wa (to save) wyxml (life) aspn (what is evil) sybd (or) wa 10 (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (all of them) Nwhlkb (at them) Nwhb (& He gazed) rxw (his hand) hdya (& was restored) tnqtw (& he stretched it) jspw (your hand) Kdya (straighten) jwsp (his other) htrbx (like) Kya Greek mss. seem to have edited out and he straightened it & replaced it with he did. The Critical Greek further seems to have edited out like the other at the end of the verse. Interestingly, The Latin Vulgate seems to have been translated from a slightly different Greek ms. which did not edit the first phrase but did omit the latter. 11 (with jealousy) amox (were filled) wylmta (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (they were) wwh (& speaking) Nyllmmw (to Yeshua) ewsyl (to Him) hl (they should do) Nwdben (of what) anmd

:amox is the Aramaic word for Jealousy. Here is the Aramaic for Rage or Venom
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The Greek has eplhsyhsan anoiavanoiav They were filled with madness.

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

atmx. Might this strange similarity explain the Greek reading? One could probably easily be mistaken for the other. The Greek has two words used in the NT for jealousy: zhlov & fyonon. If The Peshitta were a translation of The Greek NT, anoiav (madness) would have been hypothetically mistaken as zhlov, zhlov, zhlou or fyonon. Another possibility is that an Aramaean translator might have intended to write atmx & wrote amox. That is not a likely event for a sober scribe. It would be much easier to misread such a word than to miswrite it. anoiav does not look like zhlov, zhlov, zhlou or fyonon, hence the Greek original scenario is not a very likely explanation. amox & atmx are very similar; they could easily be confused one for another, hence The Peshitta primacy theory is a much more likely explanation here for the Greek reading than is Greek primacy for the Aramaic reading. A0moosx a& aFmx are the two Aramaic words in Estrangela script which was used after AD 100. They do not look as similar in that script, but Estrangela did not exist when the NT was composed, so it would not explain the discrepancies since the Greek NT was written in the first century and the Aramaic script used would have been the square Aramaic characters similar to those used in this interlinear. There are many examples like this one which I point out in this interlinear of the Gospels. I will here re-display a thousand words worth of evidence for Peshitta Primacy and for a Greek NT translated from The Peshitta: Peshitta reading Greek reading in Aram. Peshitta meaning Greek meaning Dead Sea Scrolls Aramaic: Square Aramaic:

12 (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (those) Nwnh (in days) atmwyb (but) Nyd (it occurred) awh (He was) awh (waiting for morning) hga (& there) Nmtw (to pray) wyluml (to a mountain) arwjl (of God) ahlad (in the prayer) htwlub Jesus is lacking in the Greek NT of this verse. Indeed the Greek versions of Luke have the Greek form of our Lords Name,Ihsouv,88 times (W&H) and 98 times (Byzantine). The Peshitta in Luke has Yeshua- ewsy 175 times! This can be explained in one of two ways: 1. If The Peshitta is the original, (which I unabashedly believe) the Greek translator, (possibly Luke himself wrote both the original and the Greek translation, according to Hegesippus in the 2nd century) dropped 45% - 50% of the occurrences of Yeshua in translation, possibly to present a smoother Greek style, substituting personal pronouns & or third person singular Greek verbs. 2.If the Greek is original, the Peshitta translator doubled the occurrences of Jesus -Yeshua from 88 to 176, for whatever reason. That is a 100% increase, based on the Critical Greek text of Westcott and Hort. The # Greek/#Aramaic ratios for Jesus in the Gospels and Acts are as follows: Matthew Greek 150; Aramaic 187; 80% (Byz. 171; 91.4%) Mark Greek 82; Aramaic 116; 71% (Byz. 93; 80.2%) Luke Greek 88; Aramaic 175; 50% (Byz. 98; 56.0%) John Greek 242; Aramaic 272; 89% (Byz. 253; 93.0%) Acts Greek 69; Aramaic 71; 97% (Byz. 66; 93.0%) NT Totals: Greek 913; Aramaic 1116; 81.8% :Another statistic to consider is the number of occurrences of the name per total words of text Peshitta Yeshua- ewsy W&H Greek Jesus-Ihsouv Byz. Greek Matthew 187/13980 = 1.3% 150/18287 = 0.82% 171/18580 = 0.92% Mark 116/8793 = 1.3% 82/11445 = 0.71% 93/11628= 0.80% Luke 175/15234 = 1.1% 88/19568 = 0.45% 98/19881= 0.49% John 272/12409= 2.2% 242/15664 =1.54% 253/15914= 1.59% The Greek version of Luke has a very low number of the Name Ihsouv Jesus, compared to the other Gospels, which accounts for the discrepancy between it and The Peshitta version of Luke. The Peshitta Gospels seem to be fairly consistent in the usage of the Name; the spread from the mean of 1.48% is 0.37, or 25% of the mean value. The Greek values have a mean of 0.88 and a spread of 0.33, or 37.5% of the mean value. That is a rather radical variation, primarily produced by the Greek Luke stats. It looks as if The Peshitta book of Luke is pretty much in line with the other Peshitta Gospels in numbers of occurrences per text size, so the implications are that Greek Luke has been altered. Adding 77 occurrences of Ihsouv to the Greek book of Luke (the difference in the numbers of The Name between the two versions) would put Greek Luke on a par with the other Gospels with regard to the Name frequency- 0.89%. The average for Matthew, Mark and John is 1.02%. On the other hand, to assume an hypothetical Peshitta translator added Yeshua 77 times means he should have written only 88 Yeshuas instead, which puts Aramaic Luke at 0.55% frequency for that name, which is extremely low frequency compared to the usage of His Name in the other Peshitta Gospels. The average for the other 3 Gospels is 1.6%, which places the edited Luke at 34% of the average, or at a 66% reduction of the average.
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& &

atmx Jealousy & Rage


& Rage

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

The Greek primacy theory would indicate the Luke had an aversion to the Name of Ihsous (Jesus). The other Gospel writers used it once for every 102 words. Luke used it only once in every 222 words! That is less than half the frequency of the others. Why would an original inspired Gospel of Ihsouv contain Ihsouv (Jesus) only half as often as the other Gospels and substitute !mere pronouns (He,Him,His) in place of the other half? Was Luke ashamed of the Name of His Lord? I think not I think the Greek primacy theory fails its proponents here, whereas Peshitta primacy can explain the facts much more easily. The Peshitta has statistics which support its originality; its four Gospels are consistent with regard to the frequency of the most important Name and indeed the Subject of their content. The Greek Gospels all have reduced numbers of this Name, apparently like The LXX Greek of Daniel, which has four fewer occurrences of Daniels name (71) than the Hebrew & Aramaic text of Daniel has (75). Below is a sample verse of the Aramaic text of Daniel 6:20 with The LXX below it. Notice the name of Daniel in blue in the Aramaic and in the Greek. The LXX is missing two Daniels in this verse: The original Aramaic .verse has three occurrences of Daniel- laynd, whereas the Greek verse translated from it has only one danihl (ARAMAIC) aklm hne qez byue lqb layndl abgl hbrqmkw <6:21> Da 6:20 atwyra-Nm Ktwbzysl lkyh arydtb hl-xlp htna yd Khla ayx ahla dbe laynd layndl rmaw Da 6:20 (AV) And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel: and the king spake and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions? Da 6:20 (LXX Greek) (#6:# 21) kai en tw eggizein auton tw lakkw ebohsen fwnh iscura danihl o doulov tou yeou tou zwntov o yeov sou w su latreueiv endelecwv ei hdunhyh exelesyai se ek stomatov twn leontwn Da 6:20 (LXX English) And when he drew near to the den, he cried with a loud voice, Daniel, servant of the living God, has thy God, whom thou servest continually, been able to deliver thee from the lions mouth? The Hebrew book of Joshua has 168 occurrences of the name of Joshua eswhy, which is the Hebrew cognate of the Aramaic Yeshua (or Jesus), which we are studying in Luke 6:12. The LXX version of Joshua has only 159 occurrences of the Greek forms for Jesus: Ihsouv, Ihsou, Ihsoi, Ihsoun. Ihsoun These are the same forms (except Ihsoi) used in the NT for Yeshua in the Greek NT. That is a Greek/Hebrew ratio of 94.6%, very close to Johns or Acts Greek/Aramaic ratio for .Jesus/Yeshua of 93% This pattern of dropping words in a translation is typical. The LXX is certainly a translation of The Hebrew Bible and consistently compares in this way to The Hebrew Bible; The Greek NT also compares in the same way to The Peshitta NT. The Greek NT behaves like a translation. The Peshitta does not; It behaves like an original composition. Here is an example from Joshua 8:16 (HEBREW) ryeh-Nm wqtnyw eswhy yrxa wpdryw Mhyrxa Pdrl ryeb rsa Meh-lk wqezyw Jos 8:16 Jos 8:16 (AV) And all the people that were in Ai were called together to pursue after them: and they pursued after Joshua, and were drawn away from the city. Jos 8:16 (LXX Greek) kai katediwxan opisw twn uiwn israhl kai autoi apesthsan apo thv polewv Jos 8:16 (LXX English) And they pursued after the children of Israel, and they themselves went to a distance from the city. And another from Joshua 9:3 (HEBREW) yelw wxyryl eswhy hve rsa ta wems Nwebg ybsyw Jos 9:3 Jos 9:3 (AV) And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho and to Ai, Jos 9:3 (LXX Greek) kai oi katoikountev gabawn hkousan panta osa epoihsen kuriov th iericw kai th gai Jos 9:3 (LXX English) And the inhabitants of Gabaon heard of all that the Lord did to Jericho and Gai. Notice there is no Greek reference to Joshua Ihsouv in those verses. The above are three of many examples of the LXX dropping words from the original; the Greek NT compares to The Peshitta NT in the same way. I have demonstrated this in a controlled experiment which I have included in my book, Divine Contact. 13 (His disciples) yhwdymltl (He called) arq (it was dawn) thgn (& when) dkw (whom apostles) axylsd (those) Nwnh (twelve) roert (from them) Nwhnm (& He chose) abgw (them) Nwna (He named) yms 14 (& Andraeus) owardnaw (Kaypha) apak (whom He named) ymsd (him) wh (Shimeon) Nwems (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (his brother) yhwxa (Tolmai) ymlwt (son of) rbw (& Phillip) owpylypw 15 (Halphai) yplx (son of) rb (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (& Toma) amwatw (& Mattai) ytmw (the Zealot) annj (who is called) arqtmd (& Shimeon) Nwemsw 16 (& Yehuda) adwhyw (Yaqob) bwqey (son of) rb (& Yehuda) adwhyw (the traitor) anmlsm (who was) awhd (he) wh (Skariota) ajwyrko 17 (in the valley) ateqpb (& He stood) Mqw (Yeshua) ewsy (with them) Nwhme (& descended) txnw (of crowds) asnkd (& a multitude) aagwow (of His disciples) yhwdymltd (great) aaygo (& a crowd) asnkw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (& from) Nmw (Judea) dwhy (all of) hlk (from) Nm (of the people) amed (& of Tsidon) Ndyudw (of Tsur) rwud (the sea) amy (coast) rpo (& from) Nmw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

Glenn David Bauscher

18 (His message) htlm (to hear) Nwemsnd (who came) wtad (their sicknesses) Nwhynhrwk (of) Nm (& to be healed) Nwoatndw (by) Nm (who were afflicted) Nyulatmd (& those) Nylyaw (they were) wwh (& healed) Nyoatmw (unclean) atpnj (spirits) axwr 19 (Him) hl (to touch) wbrqtml (were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (the crowds) asnk (& all) hlkw (from Him) hnm (was) awh (proceeding) qpn (for) ryg (power) alyx (it was) awh (healing) aoam (& all of them) Nwhlklw 20 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (upon) le (His eyes) yhwnye (& He lifted) Myraw (poor ones) ankom (blessed are you) Nwkybwj (& He said) rmaw (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (is) yh (because yours) Nwklydd 21 (for you shall laugh) Nwkxgtd (now) ash (who weep) Nykbdl (blessed are you) Nwkybwj (who hunger) Nynpkd (those) Nylya (blessed are you) Nwkybwj (for you shall be satisfied) Nwebotd (now) ash 22 (the children of men) asnynb (you) Nwkl (hate) Nynod (whenever) am (blessed are you) Nwkybwj (you) Nwkl (& they insult) Nydoxmw (you) Nwkl (& they separate) Nysrpmw (evil) asyb (as) Kya (your name) Nwkms (& they cast out) Nyqpmw ( (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (for the sake of) Plx 23 (& leap for joy) wuwdw (day) amwy (in that) whb (rejoice) wdx (in Heaven) aymsb (is great) ygo (for your reward) Nwkrgad (to the prophets) aybnl (their fathers) Nwhthba (were) wwh (doing) Nydbe (for) ryg (thus) ankh 24 (rich men) aryte (to you) Nwkl (woe!) yw (but) Mrb (your comfort) Nwkaywb (for you have received) Nwtlbqd 25 (for you shall hunger) Nwnpktd (satisfied ones) aebo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (now) ash (who are laughing) Nykxgdl (to you) Nwkl (woe!) yw (& you shall wail) Nwlbattw (for you shall weep) Nwkbtd 26 (concerning you) Nwkyle (say) Nyrma (will) Nwwhn (when) dk (to you) Nwkl (woe!) yw (for) ryg (thus) ankh (what is wonderful) rypsd (of men) asna (the children) ynb (their fathers) Nwhthba (false) atwlgdd (to the prophets) aybnl (were) wwh (doing) Nydbe 27 (who are hearing) Nyemsdl (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (what is wonderful) rypsd (& do) wdbew (your enemies) Nwkybbdlebl (love) wbxa (you) Nwkl (who hate) Nynod (to those) Nylyal 28 (over) le (& pray) wluw (you) Nwkl (who curse) Nyjyld (those) Nylyal (& bless) wkrbw (by force) aryjqb (you) Nwkl (who take away) Nyrbdd (those) Nylya 29 (your cheek) Kkp (on) le (you) Kl (& to him that strikes) axmdlw (the other) anrxa (him) hl (offer) brq (your cloak) Kjwjrm (takes) lqsd (whomever) Nm (& from) Nmw (your coat) Knytwk (also) Pa (withhold) alkt (not) al 30 (to such) hl (give) bh (you) Kl (who asks) lasd (to everyone) lkl (demand) ebtt (do not) al (what is yours) Klyd (takes) lqsd (whomever) Nm (& from) Nmw 31 (people) asna ynb (to you) Nwkl (to do) Nwdbend (you) Nwtna (desire) Nybud (& just as) ankyaw (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (to them) Nwhl (do) wdbe (so) twkh 32 (you) Nwkl (who love) Nybxmd (those) Nylyal (you) Nwtna (love) Nybxm (for) ryg (if) Na (for) ryg (even) Pa (your goodness) Nwktwbyj (is) yh (what?) adya (love) Nymxr (them) Nwhl (who love) Nybxmd (those) Nylyal (sinners) ayjx 33 (what is good) bjd (you are) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe (& if) Naw (you) Nwkl (who treat well) Nybajmd (to those) Nylyal (your goodness) Nwktwbyj (is) yh (what?) adya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(do) Nydbe (likewise) ankh (for) ryg (sinners) ayjx (even) Pa 34 (you) Nwtna (expect) Nyrbod (to him) Nml (you) Nwtna (lend) Nypzwm (& if) Naw (your goodness) Nwktwbyj (is) yh (what?) adya (from whom) hnm (you will be repaid) Nwerpttd (to be repaid) Nwerptn (likewise) twkhd (lend) Nypzwm (to sinners) ayjxl (for) ryg (sinners) ayjx (even) Pa 35 (those) Nwhl (& treat well) wbajaw (your enemies) Nwkybbdlebl (love) wbxa (but) Mrb (of a person) snad (the hope) arbo (cut off) Nwqopt (& not) alw (& lend) wpzwaw (your reward) Nwkrga (great) ygo (& shall be) awhnw (because He) whd (of the Highest) amrd (the children) yhwnb (& you shall be) Nwwhtw (the unbelievers) arwpk (& toward) lew (the evil) asyb (toward) le (is) wh (kind) Myob For Do not cut off the hope of any person, the Greek texts have hoping for nothing or never despairing. I do not see how The Peshitta got Do not cut off the hope of any person from Greek, however I can see how the Aramaic could be chopped down to mhden apelpizontev. apelpizontev According to Thayers Greek-English Lexicon, that Greek phrase may mean causing no one to despair, though it is ambiguous. The Aramaic is quite clear. Strongs Lexicon 560 apelpizw apelpizw apelpizo ap-el-pid-zo from 575 and 1679; TDNT-2:533,229; v AV-hope for again 1; 1 Thayers Greek-English Lex. apelpizw 1) nothing despairing 2) despairing of no one 3) causing no one to despair 36 (also) Pad (just as) ankya (benevolent) anmxrm (therefore) lykh (be) wwh (is) wh (benevolent) anmxrm (your Father) Nwkwba 37 (you) Nwtna (will be judged) Nynydttm (& not) alw (judge) Nwnwdt (not) al (you) Nwtna (will be condemned) Nybyxtm (& not) alw (condemn) Nwbyxt (not) al (& you will be let go) Nwrtstw (let go) wrs 38 (good) atbj (in measure) atlykb (to you) Nwkl (& it will be given) bhytmw (give) wbh (in your lap) Nwkybweb (they shall cast) Nwmrn (& overflowing) atepsmw (& pressed down) ateyqrw (you) Nwtna (with which measure) Nylykmd (measure) atlyk (for) ryg (with that) yhb (to you) Nwkl (it shall be measured) lykttm 39 (a parable) altm (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (& told) rmaw (to lead) wrbdml (a blind man) aymol (for a blind man) aymo (it possible) xksm (is?) aml (will fall) Nylpn (into a ditch) aumwgb (both of them) Nwhyrt (not?) al 40 (his mentor) hbr (than) Nm (greater) rytyd (a disciple) adymlt (there is not) tyl (his mentor) hbr (like) Kya (shall be) awhn (who is perfected) rymgd (for) ryg (everyone) snlk 41 (a chip) alg (you) tna (observe) azx (but) Nyd (why?) anm (of your brother) Kwxad (that is in the eye) hnyebd (that is in your eye) Knyebd (but) Nyd (the plank) atyrq (to you) Kl (is apparent) ayzxtm (not) al 42 (to your brother) Kwxal (say) rmaml (you) tna (can) xksm (how?) ankya (or) wa (your eye) Knye (from) Nm (the chip) alg (me cast out) qpa (let) qwbs (my brother) yxa (your own) Klyd (that is in your eye) Knyebd (the plank) atyrq (for behold) ahd (to you) Kl (is visible) ayzxtm (not) al (your eye) Knye (from) Nm (the plank) atyrq (first) Mdqwl (cast out) qpa (of faces) apab (accepter) bon (the chip) alg (to pull out) wqpml (to you) Kl (sight shall be given) azxtn (& then) Nydyhw (of your brother) Kwxad (the eye) hnye (from) Nm 43 (bad) asyb (fruit) arap (that produces) dbed (good) abj (a tree) anlya (it is) tya (not) al (good) abj (fruit) arap (that produces) dbed (bad) asyb (a tree) anlya (neither) al Pa
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44 (known) edytm (is) wh (its fruits) yhwrap (by) Nm (for) ryg (tree) anlya (every) lk (from) Nm (not) al (also) Pa (figs) anat (thorns) abwk (from) Nm (they pick) Nyjql (for) ryg (not) al (grapes) abne (do they gather) Nypjq (a bush) ayno 45 (that is in his heart) hblbd (good) atbj (the treasure) atmyo (from) Nm (good) abj (a man) arbg (evil) atsyb (the treasure) atmyo (from) Nm (evil) asyb (& the man) arbgw (good) atbj (brings out) qpm (evil) atsyb (brings out) qpm (that is in his heart) hblbd (the lips) atwpo (are speaking) Nllmm (for) ryg (of the heart) abl (the fulness) yrtwt (from) Nm 46 (my Lord) yrm (my Lord) yrm (Me)yl (are you) Nwtna (calling) Nyrq (why?) anm (you are) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe (not) al (I) ana (say) rmad (& whatever) Mdmw 47 (My words) ylm (& has heard) emsw (to Me) ytwl (who comes) atad (person) sna (every) lk (he is like) amd (what) anml (I shall show you) Nwkywxa (them) Nyhl (& does) dbew 48 (& went deep) qmew (& he dug) rpxw (a house) atyb (who built) anbd (a man) arbgl (he is like) amd (the rock) aews (on) le (the foundation) aoats (& laid) Mow (a flood) aalm (but) Nyd (there was) awh (when) dk (that) wh (on house) atybb (the flood) aalm (beat) yrjta (shake it) yhwyeyznd (it could) xksa (& not) alw (the rock) aews (on) le (its foundation) htoats (for) ryg (was) twh (founded) amyo The Critical Greek of Westcott & Hort has,For it was well built, instead of,For its foundation was founded on the rock.The Majority Greek text agrees with the Peshitta here. 49 (the man) arbgl (is like) amd (did) dbe (& not) alw (who heard) emsd (& he) whw (soil) arpe (on) le (his house) htyb (who built) anbd (on it) hb (beat) yrjta (& when) dkw (a foundation) atoats (without) ald (it fell) lpn (a moment) htes (son of) rb (the river) arhn (that) wh (of house) atybd (great) abr (the fall) htlwpm (& was) twhw Chapter 7 1 (all these) Nyhlk (words) alm (He had finished) Mls (& when) dkw (of the people) amed (before the audience) htemsml (Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (Yeshua) ewsy (entered) le Mwxnrpk -Kapernakhum, commonly known as Capernaum is an Aramaic or Hebrew name meaning, The Hamlet of Nahum. It was where Nahum The Prophet had lived centuries before- the one who wrote the Old Testament book of Nahum. 2 (ill) tyasyb (had) awh (become) dybe (one) dx (of centurion) anwrjnqd (but) Nyd (the servant) hdbe (he had) awh (& been brought near) byrqw (to him) yhwle (was) awh (precious) ryqyd (who) anya (to death) tmml 3 (elders) asysq (to Him) htwl (& he sent) rdsw (Yeshua) ewsy (about) le (& he had heard) emsw (so) Kya (from Him hnm (he was) awh (& seeking) aebw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (his servant) hdbel (He would save the life of) axn (that He would come) atand 4 (they were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (they came) wta (when) dk (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (diligently) tyalyjb (from Him) hnm (this) adh (for him) hl (that You do) dbetd (he is) wh (worthy) aws 5 (our nation) Nmel (for) ryg (he loves) Mxr (for us) Nl (has built) anb (he) wh (of assembly) atswnk (a house) tyb (also) Paw 6 (very) ygo (not) al (but) Nyd (when) dk (with them) Nwhme (was) awh (going) lza (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (the house) atyb (from) Nm (He was far) qyxr (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (his friends) yhwmxr (the centurion) anwrjnq (to Him) htwl (sent) rds (You should trouble yourself) lmet (not) al (my Lord) yrm
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(my roof) ylljm (under) tyxt (that You should enter) lwetd (I am) ana (worthy) aws (for) ryg (not) al 7 (that unto you) Ktwld (I deserved) tyws (not) al (I) ana (this) wh (because of) ljm (my boy) yylj (& will be healed) aoatnw (in a word) atlmb (say) rma (but) ala (I may come) ata 8 (am) ana (who put) dbesmd (I) ana (a man) arbg (for) ryg (I) ana (also) Pa (soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (my hand) ydya (under) tyxt (& there are) tyaw (authority) anjlws (under) tyxt (& to another) anrxalw (& he goes) lzaw (go) lzd (to this one) anhl (I) ana (& say) rmaw (& he does) dbew (this) adh (do) dbe (& to my servant) ydbelw (& he comes) ataw (come) atd 9 (at him) hb (He was amazed) rmdta (these things) Nylh (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (after Him) hrtb (that had come) atad (to the crowds) asnkl (& He said) rmaw (& He turned) ynptaw (of Israel) lyroya (in the house) tyb (not) al (that even) Pad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (faith) atwnmyh (this) adh (like) Kya (have I found) txksa 10 (to the house) atybl (who had been sent) wrdtsad (those) Nwnh (& returned) wkphw (well) Mylx (already) dk (had been) awh (who sick) hyrkd (that) wh (servant) adbel (& they found) wxksaw 11 (to a city) atnydml (He) awh (went) lza (after it) hrtbd (the day) amwyl (& it happened) awhw (& the crowd) asnkw (with Him) hme (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (Nain) Nyan (whose name ) hmsd 12 (as) dk (He saw) azx (of the city) atnydmd (the gate) aertl (He approached) brq (& when) dkw (to his mother) hmal (had been) awh (who the only son) aydyxyd (a dead man) atym (was escorted) Nywlm (was) twh (a widow) atlmra (his mother) hma (& she) yhw (with her) hme (of the city) atnydm (of the children) ynbd (many) aaygo (& had assembled) asnkw 13 (for her) hyle (& He was moved with pity) Mxrtaw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (saw her) hzx (weeping) Nykbt (stop *) al (to her) hl (& He said) rmaw * Stop weeping is the sense conveyed by the Greek versions and makes the best sense, since the woman had presumably already been weeping.Surely He was indicating He was about to change her sorrow into joy by some almost unimaginable means. 14 (were) wwh (who bearing) Nylyqsd (& those) Nwnhw (the pallet) aorel (he touched) brq (& went on) lzaw (arise) Mwq (I) ana (say) rma (to you) Kl (young man) amyle (& He said) rmaw (they stood) wmq (it) hl 15 (to speak) wllmml (& he began) yrsw (who had died) atym (he) wh (& sat up) btyw (to his mother) hmal (& He gave him) hbhyw 16 (all of them) Nwhlk (the people) asnal (awe) atlxd (gripped) tdxaw (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (God) ahlal (they were) wwh (& glorifying) Nyxbsmw (among us) Nb (is arisen) Mq (great) abr (a prophet)aybnd (His people) hmel (God) ahla (& has visited) reow 17 (Judea) dwhy (in all) hlkb (this) adh (word) atlm (about Him) yhwle (& went out) tqpnw (that was around them) Nwhyrdxd (the region) arta (& in all) hlkbw 18 (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (his disciples) yhwdymlt (to Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (& revealed) wyetsaw 19 (his disciples) yhwdymlt (from) Nm (to two) Nyrtl (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (& called) arqw (& he said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (them) Nwna (& he sent) rdsw (Who was coming) atad (The One) wh (He) wh (are You?) tna (we) Nnx (waiting) Nykom (are) wh (for another) Nyrxal (or) wa 20 (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (& they came) wtaw (unto you) Ktwl (sent us) Nrds (the baptizer) andmem (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (Who was coming) atad (The One) wh (He) wh (are You?) tna (& he said) rmaw (we) Nnx (waiting) Nykom (are?) wh (for another) Nyrxal (or) wa 21 (hour) ates (in that) yhb (but) Nyd (in it) hb (diseases) anhrwk (of) Nm (He healed) yoa (many) aaygo (evil) atsyb (spirits) axwr (& from) Nmw (plagues) atwxm (& from) Nmw (sight) azxml (He) awh (gave) bhy (blind people) aymo (& to many) aaygolw
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22 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (& answered) anew (everything) Mdmlk (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (tell) wrma (go) wlz (& you have heard) Nwtemsw (that you have seen) Nwtyzxd (are seeing) Nyzx (that they who were blind) aymod (are walking) Nyklhm (& they who were lame) arygxw (are cleansed) Nykdtm (they who were lepers) abrgw (are hearing) Nyems (& they who were deaf) asrxw (are raised) Nymyq (& they who were dead) atymw (are given good news) Nyrbtom (& those who were poor) ankomw The Aramaic participles used by our Lord are quite versatile, bearing possible past,present or future tenses. The past tense is the best for these people whom He had healed or resurrected:they who were blind,they who were lame,they who were deaf, etc. It would be an error to say the dead rise or to say the blind see. The Greek versions contain those very errors:All the pertinent words for the above groups are Greek nouns, which are completely inflexible: Blind men do see again, lame do walk, lepers are cleansed, deaf do hear, dead are raised, poor have good news proclaimed-Youngs Literal Translation (of the Greek).This makes for great drama but very poor logic. Our Lord and The Holy Spirit would not speak so. And logic also would show that the last category of people those who were poorhad also been delivered from their condition (they who were poor).The Good News makes rich those who believe it. Blessed are you poor; yours is the kingdom of God.(Luke 6:20).Nykom Mskayn waiting (see v. 20) & ankom Meskanna poor are probably related. The poor are those who are in expectation, waiting for deliverance from calamity. Nyrbtom Msethbarayn,Given good news comes from rbo Sbar to hope,to trust,to expect. A poor man is one who is waiting for his ship to come in.To be given good news or given hope, in the Biblical sense, is more than adding more hope or expectation. It is giving, or announcing as accomplished, the thing hoped for to those who were hoping. Hope is, in this sense, the accomplishment of our desires,prayers and hopes.To receive the gospel message is as great a miracle as raising the dead; indeed it combines all the other miracles mentioned here: It gives sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, walking to the lame, cleanses the leper and is life to the dead. It is the miracle of the ages- the fulfillment of all hope and desire, the redemption of the world from sin & death by Him Whose Name is Eternal Life. In a word, it is Christ. Luke 6:20 means, Blessed are you poor, for your ship has come in.That was the good news. They were henceforth rich men and women. The following scriptures speak of hope as the very thing hoped for, or as the fulfillment of a Divine promise: Pr 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. (Desire coming is the fulfillment of desire & hope.) Jer 17:7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. Ga 5:5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. (We dont wait to hope some more, do we?) Col 1:5 For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel; Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:(Christ is not a hoping for glory; He is the Glory for which we hoped.) 1Ti 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope; Tit 2:13 looking for the blessed hope, and the manifestation of the glory of the great God, and our Life-giver, Jesus the Messiah; Heb 6:18 so that, by two things which change not, and in which God cannot lie, we, who have sought refuge in him, might have great consolation, and might hold fast the hope promised to us; Heb 6:19 Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; (Most hopes men hold; this Hope holds men.) Heb 7:19 For the law perfected nothing; but in the place of it there came in a hope, which is better than it, and by which we draw near to God. 23 (at Me) yb (takes offense) lsktn (not) ald (whoever) Nml (& blessed is he) yhwbwjw 24 (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the disciples) yhwdymlt (they went) wlza (but) Nyd (when) dk (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (about) le (to the crowds) asnkl (to say) rmaml (He began) yrs (to see) azxml (to the wilderness) abrwxl (did you go out) Nwtqpn (what?) anm (is shaken) eyzttm (the wind) axwr (that by) Nmd (a reed) aynq 25 (to see) azxml (you go out) Nwtqpn (what?) anm (but) alaw (is clothed) sybl (soft) akykr (who in a garment) atxnd (a man) arbg (glorious) axbsm (who in clothing) aswblbd (those) Nylya (behold) ah (are) Nwna (of a King) aklm (in a house) tyb (are) Nwhytya (& in luxury) aqnwpbw 26 (yes) Nya (a prophet) aybn (to see) azxml (did you go out) Nwtqpn (what?) anm (otherwise) alaw
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(a prophet) aybn (than) Nm (& more) rytyw (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma 27 (it is written) bytk (he about whom) yhwled (this is) wnh (My messenger) ykalm (am) ana (sending) rdsm (I) ana (behold) ahd (before You) Kymdq (the way) axrwa (to prepare) Nqtnd (Your face) Kpwurp (before) Mdq 28 (a prophet) aybn (there is not) tyld (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (who was greater) brd (of women) asn (among those born) ydylyb (the baptizer) andmem (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (than) Nm (of God) ahlad (in the Kingdom) atwklmb (but) Nyd (a little one) arwez (than he) hnm (is) wh (greater) br 29 (who heard) wemsd (the people) ame (& all) hlkw (God) ahlal (justified) wqdz (the tax collectors) aokm (also) Pa (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (of the baptism) htydwmem (for they had been baptized) wdmed 30 (in their souls) Nwhspnb (rejected) wmlj (& the Scribes) arpow (but) Nyd (the Pharisees) asyrp (by him) hnm (they were baptized) wdmeta (because not) ald (of God) ahlad (the will) anybu 31 (shall I compare) amda (therefore) lykh (to what?) Nml (this) adh(of generation) atbrsd (the men) asnal (does it resemble) Nymd (& what?) Nmlw 32 (& calling) Nyeqw (in the street) aqwsb (sitting) Nybtyd (boys) ayljl (it is like) Nymd (to you) Nwkl (we sang) Nrmz (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (their friends) Nwhyrbxl (you did cry) Nwtykb (& not) alw (to you) Nwkl (& we howled) Nylaw (you did dance) Nwtdqr (& not) alw 33 (eating) lka (not) al (the baptizer) andmem (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (for) ryg (came) ata (& were saying) Nyrmaw (wine) armx (drinking) ats (neither) alw (bread) amxl (in him) hb (is) tya (a demon) adas (you) Nwtna 34 (& drinking) atsw (eating) lka (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (came) ata (a man) arbg (behold) ah (you) Nwtna (& were saying) Nyrmaw (of wine) armx (& a drinker) atsw (a glutton) alwka (& of sinners) ayjxdw (of tax collectors) aokmd (& a friend) amxrw 35 (its works *) hynb (all of them) Nwhlk (from) Nm (wisdom) atmkx (& is justified) tqddzaw * The Greek ms. Sinaiticus (4th century) reads works.The Majority Greek Text reads teknown-children. hynbhynb Benayyah could come from one of two roots: -Plural of Bra Son, or Bna-to build.hynb could be construed as Its works or Its children..This confirms again that the Greek texts come from the Aramaic Peshitta, since both Greek readings, teknown-(children) & ergown-(works) are possible translations of the Aramaic hynb. 36 (the Pharisees) asyrp (of) Nm (one) dx (from Him) hnm (asking) aeb (but) Nyd (came) ata (his house) htybl (& He entered) lew (with him) hme (to eat) oelnd (& He reclined) Kmtoaw (that) wh (of Pharisee) asyrpd 37 (was) twh (she) tya (a sinner) atyjx (& a woman) attnaw (knew) tedy (& when) dkw (that) yh (in the city) atnydmb (was staying) Kymo (He) wh (of Pharisee) asyrpd (in the house) htybbd (of ointment) amobd (an alabaster vase) atpyjs (she took) tbon 38 (His feet) yhwlgr (at) twl (behind Him) hrtob (& she stood) tmqw (with her tears) hyemdb (& she began) tyrsw (she was) twh (& weeping) aykbw (of her head) hsrd (& with the hair) areobw (His feet) yhwlgr (moistening) aebum (His feet) yhwlgr (she was) twh (& kissing) aqsnmw (them) Nyhl (wiping) Nywsm (with ointment) amob (& anointing) axsmw 39 (who had invited Him) yhyrqd (that) wh (Pharisee) asyrp (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (if) wla (This One) anh (& he said) rmaw (in his soul) hspnb (he thought) bsxta (He would have) awh (known) edy (he were) awh (a prophet) aybn (for a sinner) atyjxd (her reputation) hbj (& what) amw (she is) yh (who) Nm
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(Him) hl (who touches) tbrqd (she is) yh (a woman) attna (she is) yh 40 (to him) hl(& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (answered) ane (you) Kl (to tell) rmad (to Me) yl (is) tya (something) Mdm (Shimeon) Nwems (Rabbi) ybr (say) rma (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh 41 (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (debtor) abwx (land owner) arm (to one) dxl (were) wwh (there) tya (debtors) abyx (two) Nyrt (five hundred) aamsmx (denarii) arnyd (had) awh (owed) byx (one) dx (fifty) Nysmx (denarii) arnyd (& the other) anrxaw 42 (he forgave) qbs (both) Nwhyrtl (to pay) erpml (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (& because there not) tyldw (will love him) yhwybxn (more) ryty (of them) Nwhnm (therefore) lykh (which?) anya 43 (I) ana (suppose) rbo (& he said) rmaw (Shimeon) Nwems (answered) ane (much) ygo (to him) hl (who was forgiven) qbtsad (that he) whd (you have judged) tnd (correctly) tyauyrt (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma 44 (to Shimeon) Nwemsl (& said) rmaw (woman) attna (that) yh (to) twl (& He turned) ynptaw (this) adh (the woman) attna (you) tna (do see?) azx (for My feet) ylgrl (water) aym (I entered) tle (your house) Ktybl (My feet) ylgr (with her tears) hyemdb (but) Nyd (this one) adh (you gave) tbhy (not) al (them) Nyna (she wiped) tyws (& with her hair) hreobw (she has washed) tebu 45 (kissed Me) yntqsn (not) al (you) tna (when she entered) tled (from) Nm (behold) ah (but) Nyd (this) adh (to kiss) wqsnml (My feet) ylgr (she has ceased) tyls (not) al 46 (anointed) txsm (not) al (My head) ysrl (with oil) axsm (you) tna (she has anointed) txsm (My feet) ylgr (of ointment) amobd (with oil) axsmb (but) Nyd (this) adh 47 (that are forgiven) Nyqybsd (to you) Kl (I) ana (say) rma (this) adh (on account of) Plx (much) ygo (she loved) tbxad (because) ljm (many) aaygo (her sins) hyhjx (to her) hl (to him) hl (is forgiven) qbtsm (he who a little) lylqd (but) Nyd (he) wh (loves) bxm (a little) lylq 48 (your sins) ykyhjx (to you) ykl (are forgiven) Nyqybs (woman) attna (to that) yhl (& He said) rmaw 49 (in their souls) Nwhspnb (saying) Nyrma (who were reclining) Nykymod (they) Nwnh (but) Nyd (began) wyrs (He forgives) qbs (sins) ahjx (that even) Pad (This) anh (Who is?) wnm 50 (woman) attna (to that) yhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (in peace) amlsb (go) ylz (has given you life) yktyxa (your faith) yktwnmyh Chapter 8 1 (traveling a circuit) Krktm (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (from) Nm (& it was) awhw (& in the villages) ayrwqbw (in the cities) atnydmb (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (& announcing) rbomw (He was) awh (& preaching) zrkmw (were with Him) hme (& His twelve) htroertw 2 (who had been healed) yoatad (these) Nylh (& women) asnw (evil) atsyb (spirits) axwr (& from) Nmw (sicknesses) anhrwk (from) Nm (she) yh (Magdalitha) atyldgm (who is called) ayrqtmd (Maryam) Myrm (from her) hnm (had gone out) wqpn (demons) Nydas (who seven) aebsd 3 (of Herodus) odwrhd (the steward) htybr (of Kuza) azwk (the wife) ttna (& Yokhana) Nxwyw (who ministering) Nsmsmd (those) Nylya (many) ataygo (& others) atynrxaw (& Shushan) Nswsw (their possessions) Nyhynynq (from) Nm (to them) Nwhl (were) ywh 4
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(had) awh (gathered) snk (great) aaygo (a crowd) asnk (& when) dkw (to Him) htwl (they were) wwh (coming) Nyta (cities) Nnydm (all) lk (& from) Nmw (in a parable) altmb (He said) rma 5 (his seed) herz (to sow) erzml (a sower) aewrz (went out) qpn (of the road) axrwa (the side) dy (on) le (that which fell) lpnd (there was) tya (he sowed) erz (& as) dkw (a bird *) atxrp (& ate it) htlkaw (& it was trampled) sydtaw * All Greek mss. have birds of the heaven, where the Peshitta has merely a bird. This may be due to a perceived ta -AlepTau(Alpha- Omega) code on the part of the original Greek translator. I have identified approx. 30 places in the Greek NT where the word God, Christ, or even Heaven is found and yet does not occur in The Peshitta. What does occur in 22 places, very interestingly, is the ta Alep-Tau letter combination in a relevant Aramaic verb or noun, which signifies the Divine Name of Jesus revealed in Revelation 1:8: I AM The Alep & The Tau. Alep is the first letter of the Aramaic alphabet; Tau is the last. The combination may be reversed in some places, as in the above verse of Luke 8:5 at- TauAlep in the word, atxrp (Parakhta) -Bird. If the Greek translator (whom I shall affectionately call Zorba) believed Alep Tau or Tau Alep was a code word for Deity or Heaven, then he might insert that meaning into the Greek translation where it did not truly exist in the Aramaic of The Peshitta original. Birds of Heaven is the apparent result here. If atxrp were seen as the code word, then atxrp (Parakhta) would conveniently be broken into xrp Parakh, which still means bird or birds and at, which in his mystical Kabbalah and esoteric sense would mean God or Heaven(Heaven is sometimes used synonymously for God in the NT- See Mat. 4:17 & Mark 1:15). ta & at were not always seen as codes; only in those 22 places where a mystery or special revelation was associated with the text where the potential code existed. Can it be a coincidence that the Aramaic alphabet (Alep to Tau) has 22 letters? Can it also be a coincidence that the Aramaic word azra (Araza) Mystery(See v. 10) occurs 22 times in its emphatic form in The Peshitta NT? Even The King James Version has the word Mystery 22 times. 6 (it sprang up) aey (an hour) htes (& son of) rbw (the rock) aews (on) le (fell) lpn (& other seed) anrxaw (it dried up) sby (moisture) atwlylt (for it) hl (was) awh (& because there not) tyldw 7 (thorns) abwk (among) tyb (fell) lpn (& other seed) anrxaw (& they choked it) yhwqnxw (the thorns) abwk (with it) hme (& sprang up) weyw 8 (& excellent) atrypsw (good) atbj (in the ground) aerab (fell) lpn (& other seed) anrxaw (in a hundred) aamb (one) dx (fruit) arap (& produced) dbew (& it sprang up) aeyw (He) awh (cried) aeq (He had said) rma (when) dk (these things) Nylh (let him hear) emsn (that it will hear *) emsnd (an ear) anda (on him) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nmd * The verb to hear is singular, indicating that anda,Edna(Ear) is singular. Most Aramaic nouns have the same form in plural as in singular.The Greek versions have wta,ota-Ears. One hearing ear is sufficient to receive the message. 9 (this) anh (parable) altm (what is?) wnmd (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& asked Him) yhwlasw 10 (it has been given) byhy (it) wh (to you) Nwkl (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (of God) ahlad (of the Kingdom) htwklmd (the secret) azra (to know) edml (it is spoken) rmatm (in an allegory) atalpb (the rest) akrs (but) Nyd (to those) Nwnhl (they will perceive) Nwzxn (not) al (seeing) Nyzx (that while) dkd (they will understand) Nwlkton (not) al (hearing) Nyems (& when) dkw 11 (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (is) yhwtya (the seed) aerz (the parable) altm (but) Nyd (this is) wnh 12 (of the road) axrwa (the side) dy (upon) led (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (the word) atlm (who hear) Nyemsd (they) Nwnh (are) Nwhytya (he takes) lqs (the enemy) abbdleb (& comes) ataw (their heart) Nwhbl (from) Nm (the word) atlm (& they should live) Nwxnw (they should believe) Nwnmyhn (lest) ald 13 (these) Nylh (the rock) aews (that upon) led (but) Nyd (these) Nylh (they have heard) wemsd (who when) amd (are they) Nwna (the word) atlml (it) hl (receive) Nylbqm (with joy) atwdxb (is) yh (temporary) anbzd (but) ala (to them) Nwhl (there is no) tyl (& root) arqew (they are subverted) Nylsktm (of temptation) anwyon (& in time) Nbzbw (their faith) Nwhtwnmyh 14 (thorns) abwk (among) tyb (which fell) lpnd (but) Nyd (that) wh
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(the word) atlm (who hear) Nyemsd (those) Nylya (are) Nwna (these) Nylh (of the world) amled (& the desires) htgygrbw (& by riches) artwebw (& by cares) atpubw (they yield) Nybhy (not) al (& fruit) arapw (they are choked) Nyqnxtm 15 (good) atbj (which is in the ground) aerabd (but) Nyd (that) wh (pure) ayps (who with a heart) ablbd (those) Nylya (are) Nwna (these) Nylh (& they hold onto it) Nydxaw (the word) atlm (hear) Nyems (& good) abjw (with patience) atwnrbyomb (fruit) arap (& they yield) Nybhyw 16 (with a vessel) anamb (it) hl (& covers) apxmw (a lamp) agrs (lights) rhnm (man) sna (no) al (a bed) aore (under) tyxt (it) hl (sets) Mao (or) wa (a lamp stand) atrnm (from) Nm (over) lel (it) hl (sets) Mao (but) ala (its light) hrhwn (may see) azxn (who enters) laed (that everyone) lkd 17 (will be revealed) algtn (that not) ald (that is covered) aokd (anything) Mdm (for) ryg (there is not) tyl (will be known) edytn (that not) ald (that is hidden) ysjmd (neither) alw (into the open) aylgl (& it will come) atanw 18 (you hear) Nwtems (how) ankya (take heed) wzx (to him) hl (it will be given) bhytn (for) ryg (it) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nm (which he thinks) rbod (that) wh (also) Pa (it) hl (has not) tyld (& whoever) Nmw (from him) hnm (will be taken) lqtsn (it) hl (he has) tyad 19 (& His brothers) yhwxaw (His mother) hma (to Him) htwl (but) Nyd (came) wta (with Him) hme (to speak) Nwllmnd (they were) wwh (able) Nyxksm (& not) alw (the crowd) asnk (because of) ljm 20 (are standing) Nymyq (& Your brothers) Kyxaw (Your mother) Kma (to Him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (to see You) Kyzxml (& they desire) Nybuw (outside) rbl 21 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (he) wh (& My brothers) yxaw (My mother) yma (are) Nwna (these) Nylh (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (who are hearing) Nyemsd (those) Nylya (it) hl (& are doing) Nydbew 22 (the days) atmwy (of) Nm (on one) dxb (but) Nyd (it was) awh (He sat down) bty (Yeshua) ewsy (went up) qlo (& He told) rmaw (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (He) wh (in the boat) atnypob (of the lake) atmyd (other side) arbe (to that) whl (let us cross) rben (them) Nwhl 23 (was) wh (Himself) hl (sleeping) Kmd (they journeyed) Nydr (& as) dkw (on the lake) atmyb (of wind) axwrd (a tempest) alele (& there was) twhw (Yeshua) ewsy (to sinking) ebjml (the ship) atnypo (was) twh (& coming close) abyrqw 24 (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they awakened Him) yhwryea (& they came) wbrqw (we are being destroyed) Nnydba (our Master) Nbr (our Master) Nbr (the wind) axwrb (& He rebuked) aakw (arose) Mq (but) Nyd (He) wh (a calm) ayls (& there was) awhw (& they ceased) wxnw (of the sea) amyd (& the waves) alwsxmbw 25 (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (is) yh (where?) akya (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (they were) wwh (marveling) Nyrmdtm (being in awe) Nylyxd (while) dk (This) anh (indeed) yk (Who is?) wnm (to another) dxl (one) dx (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& the waves) alwsxmlw (He commands) dqp (the wind) axwrl (that even) Pad (Him) hl (& they obey) Nyemtsmw (& the sea) amylw 26 (of the Gadarenes) ayrdgd (to the region) artal (& they came) wtaw (& they sailed) wdrw (Galila) alylg (next to) lbqwl (on the other side) arbeb (which is) yhwtyad 27 (Him) hb (met) egp (to land) aeral (He unboarded) qpn (& when) dkw (who had) tyad (the city) atnydm (from) Nm (one) dx (a man) arbg (long) aaygo (a time) anbz (from) Nm (a demon) awyd (in him) hb
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(he was) awh (wearing) sbl (not) al (& clothes) anamw (he was) awh (dwelling) rme (not) al (& in a house) atybbw A(of burial) rwbq (among houses) tybb (but) ala 28 (he screamed) aeq (Yeshua) ewsyl (but) Nyd (he saw) azx (when) dk (loud) amr (& in a voice) alqbw (before Him) yhwmdq (& he fell) lpnw (Yeshua) ewsy (& to You) Klw (to us) Nl (what?) am (he said) rma (The Most High) amyrm (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (punish me) ynqnst (do not) al (of You) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb 29 (vile) apnj (the spirit) axwrl (Yeshua) ewsy (for) ryg (him) hl (had) awh (commanded) dqp (the man) asnrb (from) Nm (to go out) qpml (when possessed) absd (from) Nm (a time) anbz (for) ryg (it was) awh (long) ygo (in chains) atlssb (he had been) awh (& bound) roatmw (him) hl (it had) awh (& burst) qopmw (he had been) awh (kept) rjntm (& in shackles) albkbw (he would be) awh (& driven) rbdtmw (his bonds) yhwrwoa (he would) awh (to the desert) abrwxl (the demon) adas (by) Nm 30 (your name) Kms (what is?) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (asked him) hlas (many) aaygo (demons) awydd (because) ljm (Legion) Nwygl (to Him) hl (he said) rma (him) hb (they had) wwh (entered) Nylyle 31 (He would command) dwqpn (that not) ald (from him) hnm (they were) wwh (& begging) Nyebw (the abyss) amwhtl (to enter) lzaml (them) Nwhl 32 (a herd) arqb (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya (on the mountain) arwjb (grazing) ayerd (many) aaygo (of swine) aryzxd (to permit) opnd (from Him) hnm (they were) wwh (& begging) Nyebw (them) Nwhl (& He permitted) opaw (they may enter) Nwlen (that into the swine) aryzxbd (them) Nwhl 33 (the man) arbg (from) Nm (the demons) adas (& went out) wqpnw (& went straight) turtw (the swine) aryzxb (& they entered) wlew (& they fell) wlpnw (to the precipice) apyqsl (whole) hlk (that) yh (herd) arqb (& they drowned) wqnxtaw (into the lake) atmyb 34 (that occurred) awhd (the thing) Mdm (the herdsmen) atwer (but) Nyd (saw) wzx (when) dk (& in the villages) ayrwqbw (in the city) atnydmb (& they related it) wyetsaw (they fled) wqre 35 (the thing) Mdm (to see) Nwzxnd (men) asna (& went out) wqpnw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (& they came) wtaw (that had happened) awhd (that) wh (man) arbgl (& they found him) yhwxksaw (& sober) Pknmw (clothed) sybl (while) dk (whose demons) yhwdas (had gone) wqpnd (& they were in awe) wlxdw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the feet) yhwlgr (at) twl (& sitting) btyw 36 (who saw) wzxd (those) Nylya (to them) Nwhl (& related) wyetsaw (demoniac) anwyd (that) wh (man) arbg (was healed) yoata (how) ankya 37 (all) hlk (from Him) hnm (they were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (that would go) lzand (of Gadarenes) ayrdgd (the crowds) asnk (among them) Nwhtwl (from) Nm (He) hl (them) Nwna (had seized) tdxa (great) atbr (fear) atlxdd (because) ljm (the ship) atnypol (embarked) qlo (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (among them) Nwhtwl (from) Nm (& returned) Kphw 38 (the demons) adas (from whom) hnm (had gone out) wqpnd (man) arbg (but) Nyd (that) wh (he might) awhn (that join Him) htwld (from Him) hnm (was) awh (beseeching) aeb (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (& dismissed him) yhyrsw 39 (the thing) Mdm (& relate) aetsaw (to your house) Ktybl (return) Kwph (God) ahla (for you) Kl (that has done) dbed (city) atnydm (in the whole) hlkb (he was) awh (& preaching) zrkmw (& he went on) lzaw (Yeshua) ewsy (for him) hl (that had done) dbed (the thing) Mdm
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40 (great) aaygo (a crowd) asnk (received Him) hlbq (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (returned) Kph (when) dk (they had been) wwh (looking) Nyryx (for Him) hl (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk 41 (head) syr (Yorash) srawy (whose name was) hmsd (one) dx (& man) arbgw (the feet) yhwlgr (before) Mdq (fell) lpn (of the synagogue) atswnk (of Him) hnm (he) awh (& begged) aebw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (his house) htybl (to enter) lwend 42 (about) Kya (to him) hl (was) twh (there) tya (only) atydyxy (for) ryg (a daughter) atrb (to die) tmml (she was) twh (& about) abyrqw (twelve) aroetrt (of years) Nyns (daughter) trb (Yeshua) ewsy (He) wh (with him) hme (went) lza (& when) dkw (Him) hl (was) awh (pressing) Ubx (great) aaygo (a crowd) asnk 43 (whose blood) hmd (had) awh (flowed) eyrtd (a certain) adx (but) Nyd (woman) attna (who among) tybd (was she) yh (twelve) aroetrt (years) Nyns (had spent) tqpa (her property) hnynq (all) hlk (physicians) atwoa (be healed) aoatt (anyone) sna (by) Nmd (could) txksa (& not) alw 44 (behind Him) hrtob (from) Nm (she approached) tbrqta (of His garment) hnamd (the fringe) apnkl (& she touched) tbrqw (of her blood *) hmdd (the flow *) atydrm (stopped) tmq (& at once) adxmw 45 (all of them) Nwhlk (& when) dkw (Me) yl (touched) brq (who?) wnm (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (& those with him) hmedw (Kaypha *) apak (Shimeon *) Nwems (to Him) hl (said) rma (denied) Nyrpk (& they are pushing) Nyubxw (to You) Kl (are pressing close) Nyula (the crowds) asnk (our Master) Nbr (Me) yl (touched) brq (who?) wnm (You) tna (& say?) rmaw All Greek mss. have Petros where The Peshitta has Shimeon Kaypha. According to the Greek of John 1:42, The name Petros is a translation of his Aramaic name Kaypha. This fact implies that Petros here and in most places would be a Greek translation of the AramaicKaypha.It also implies that the Greek text generally is a translation, not an original. Petros occurs 162 times in The Greek NT. 46 (Me)yl (has touched) brq (a person) sna (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (from Me) ynm (has gone out) qpn (that power) alyxd (do know) tedy (for) ryg (I) ana 47 (she saw) tzx (when) dk (woman) attna (but) Nyd (that) yh (she came) tta (she had escaped His notice) htej (that not) ald (Him) hl (& she worshiped) tdgo (& she fell) tlpnw (trembling) atytr (when) dk (all) hlk (of the people) ame (before the eyes) Nyel (& she told) trmaw (she had touched Him) tbrq (cause) atle (what) adya (for) ljm (she had been healed) tyoata (at once) adxm (& how) ankyaw 48 (My daughter) ytrb (take heart) ybblta (to her) hl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (in peace) amlsb (go) ylz (has given you life) yktyxa (your faith) yktwnmyh 49 (of the house) tybd (who) Nm (a man) sna (came) ata (was speaking) llmm (He) wh (& while) dew (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (of the assembly) atswnk (of the leader) br (The Teacher) anplml (trouble) lmet (not) al (your daughter) Ktrb (she) hl (has died) ttym 50 (of the girl) atyljd (to the father) hwbal (& He said) rmaw (heard) ems (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (& she will live) ayxw (have faith) Nmyh (only) dwxlb (do be afraid) lxdt (not) al 51 (to the house) atybl (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (came) ata (with Him) hme (to enter) lwend (anyone) snal (He allowed) qbs (& not) alw (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (& Yaqob) bwqeylw (Shimeon) Nwemsl (except) ala (& her mother) hmalw (of the girl) atyljd (& the father) hwbalw 52 (over her) hyle (& wailing) Nydqrmw (were) wwh (weeping) Nykb (but) Nyd (all of them) Nwhlk (weeping) Nwkbt (stop) al (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (she is) yh (sleeping) akmd (but) ala (she is dead) ttym (for) ryg (not) al
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53 (she) hl (that had died) ttymd (for they knew) Nyedyd (at Him) yhwle (they were) wwh (& laughing) Nykxgw 54 (by her hand) hdyab (& He held her) hdxaw (outside) rbl (everyone) snlkl (sent) qpa (but) Nyd (He) wh (arise) ymwq (little girl) atylj (& He said) rmaw (& He called her) hrqw 55 (she arose) tmq (& at once) adxmw (her spirit) hxwr (& returned) tkphw (food) lkaml (her) hl (them to give) Nwltnd (& He commanded) dqpw 56 (them) Nwna (warned) rhz (but) Nyd (He) wh (her parents) hyhba (& were astonished) whmtw (had happened) awhd (what) am (to tell) Nwrman (not) al (anyone) snald Chapter 9 1 (the twelve) htroertl (Yeshua) ewsy (& called) arqw (power) alyx (to them) Nwhl (& He gave) bhyw (all of) Nwhlk (over) le (& authority) anjlwsw (to heal the sick) wyoaml (& diseases) anhrwkw (demons) adas 2 (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (to preach) wzrkml (them) Nwna (& he sent) rdsw (the sick) ahyrk (& to heal) wyoamlw 3 (you shall take) Nwlqst (not) al (a thing) Mdm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (a money bag) almrt (neither) alw (a staff) ajbs (not) al (for the road) axrwal (money) apok (nor) alw (bread) amxl (nor) alw (with you) Nwkl (will be) Nywhn (tunics) Nynytwk (two) Nytrt (neither) alw 4 (stay) wwh (there) Nmt (it) hl (you) Nwtna (enter) Nylaed (house) atyb (& whatever) anyalw (go out) wqwp (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw 5 (you) Nwkl (receive) Nylbqm (does not) ald (& to whomever) Nmlw (that) yh (city) atnydm (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (leave) Nyqpnd (whenever) am (shake) wup (your feet) Nwkylgr (from) Nm (the sand) alx (also) Pa (for a testimony) atwdhol (against them) Nwhyle 6 (they were) wwh (& walking around) Nykrktmw (the apostles) axyls (& went out) wqpnw (they were) wwh (& preaching the good news) Nyrbomw (& in cities *) atnydmbw (in villages *) ayrwqb (place) Kwd (in every) lkb (& healing) Nyoamw 7 (all the things) Nyhlk (the Tetrarch) akrrjj (Herodus) odwrh (but) Nyd (heard) ems (he was) awh (& amazed) rmdtmw (by His hand) hdyab (were) ywh (that being done) Nywhd (had arisen) Mq (that Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (people) Nysna (were) wwh (saying) Nyrmad (because) ljm (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm 8 (has appeared) yzxta (Elia) aylad (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (others) anrxa (had risen) Mq (ancient) aymdq (the prophets) aybn (from) Nm (that a prophet) aybnd (& others) anrxaw 9 (have cut off) tqop (I) ana (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the head) hsr (Herodus) odwrh (& said) rmaw (about whom) yhwle (I) ana (have heard) ems (these things) Nylhd (this) anh (but) Nyd (who is?) wnm (to see Him) yhwyzxnd (He) awh (& wanted) abuw 10 (to Yeshua) ewsyl (they were relating) wyetsa (the Apostles) axyls (returned) wkph (& when) dkw (by themselves) Nwhydwxlb (them) Nwna (& He took) rbdw (they had done) wdbed (everything) Mdmlk (of Bayth-Tsayda) adyutybd (deserted) abrwx (to a region) artal 11 (after Him) hrtb (they went) wlza (they knew) wedy (when) dk (but) Nyd (the crowds) asnk (with them) Nwhme (He was) awh (& speaking) llmmw (them) Nwna (& He received) lbqw (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (about) le (He) awh (healed) aoam (healing) atwyoa (of) le (were) wwh (who in need) Nyqynod (& those) Nylyalw 12 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (came) wbrq (to decline) aluml (the day) amwy (began) yrs (but) Nyd (when) dk (that they will go) Nwlzand (the crowds) asnkl (dismiss) yrs (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw
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(in them) Nwhb (to lodge) Nwrsnd (& hamlets) anwrpklw (surrounding) Nyrdxd (to the villages) ayrwql (because) ljm (provisions) atrbyo (for them) Nwhl (& to find) Nwxksnw (we are) Nytya (deserted) abrwx (in a place) artabd 13 (food) lkaml (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (you give) wbh (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (with us) Nl (there is not) tyl (were saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (fish) Nynwn (& two) Nyrtw (loaves) Nymxl (five) asmx (than) Nm (more) ryty (provisions) atrbyo (& we buy) Nnbzw (we go) Nnlza (if) Na (unless) ala (people) ame (entire) hlk (for this) anhl 14 (men) Nyrbg (thousand) Nypla (five) asmx (about) Kya (for) ryg (there were) wwh (remaining) Nywh (by groups) akmo (them) Nwna (make recline) wkmoa (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (in a group) akmob (people) Nysna (fifty) Nysmx 15 (all of them) Nwhlkl (& they made recline) wkmoaw (the disciples) adymlt (so) twkh (& did) wdbew 16 (fish) Nynwn (& two) Nyrtw (loaves) Nymxl (five) asmx (those) Nwnh (Yeshua) ewsy (& took) bonw (& He broke) auqw (& He blessed) Krbw (into the sky) aymsb (& He gazed) rxw (before the crowds) asnkl (to set) Nwmyond (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He gave) bhyw 17 (fragments) ayuq (they took up) wlqsw (& they were satisfied) webow (all of them) Nwhlk (& they ate) wlkaw (large baskets) Nynypwq (twelve) roert (that remained) wrtwad (the things) Mdm 18 (were with him) hme (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (alone) yhwdwxlb (He was praying) alum (& when) dkw (about Me) yle (were saying) Nyrma (who is it?) wnm (& He said) rmaw (them) Nwna (He asked) las (that I am) ytyad (the crowds) asnk 19 (the Baptizer) andmem (that Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they answered) wne (one) dx (that a prophet) aybnd (but) Nyd (others) anrxa (Elia) aylad (& others) anrxaw (has risen) Mq (ancient) aymdq (the prophets) aybn (from) Nm 20 (who is it?) wnm (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (that I am) ytyad (you) Nwtna (are saying) Nyrma (of God) ahlad (The Messiah) hxysm (& he said) rmaw (Shimeon) Nwems (answered) ane 21 (them) Nwna (& He warned) rhzw (them) Nwhb (admonished) aak (but) Nyd (He) wh (they should say) Nwrman (not) al (to a person) snal (that this) adhd 22 (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (He) wh (was going) dyted (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (& to be rejected) altondw (to suffer) sxn (of many things) ataygod (& the Scribes) arpow (the Priests) anhk (& Chief) ybrw (The Elders) asysq (by) Nm (He would arise) Mwqn (third) atltd (& on the day) amwylw (& they would murder Him) yhynwljqnw 23 (everyone) snlk (before) Mdq (He) awh (& said) rmaw (after Me) yrtb (to come) atand (is willing) abud (whoever) Nm (every day) Mwylk (his cross) hpyqz (& let him take up) lwqsnw (himself) hspnb (let him deny) rwpkn (after Me) yrtb (& let him come) atanw 24 (it) hl (destroys) dbwm (will be saved) axn (that his soul) hspnd (wills) abud (for) ryg (whoever) Nm (for My sake) ytljm (his soul) hspn (will give up) dbwnd (but) Nyd (whoever) Nm (it) hl (saves) axm (this one) anh 25 (man) asna (a son of) rb (would benefit) rdetn (for) ryg (what?) anm (whole) hlk (the world) amle (to gain) rtand (destroy) dbwn (but) Nyd (his soul) hspn (lose it) roxn (or) wa 26 (& of My words) ylmbw (but) Nyd (of Me) yb (will be ashamed) thbnd (whoever) Nm (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (of that one) hb (will be ashamed) thbn (of His Father) yhwbad (in the glory) axbwsb (He comes) atad (whenever) am (holy) asydq (His angels) yhwkalm (with) Me 27
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(you) Nwkl (I) ana (tell) rma (the truth) arrs (here) akrh (who stand) Nymyqd (men) asna (there are) tyad (they behold) Nwzxnd (until) amde (death) atwm (will partake of) Nwmejn (who not) ald (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm 28 (days) Nymwy (eight) aynmt (about) Kya (these) Nylh (words) alm (after) rtb (but) Nyd (it happened) awh (& Yaqob) bwqeylw (Shimeon) Nwemsl (Yeshua) ewsy (took) rbd (to pray) wyluml (a mountain) arwjl (& He went up) qlow (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw 29 (of His face) yhwpad (the appearance) awzx (was transformed) Plxta (prayed) alum (He) wh (& as) dkw (they were) wwh (& shining) Nyqrbmw (became white) wrwx (& His garments) yhwtxnw 30 (with Him) hme (were) wwh (speaking) Nyllmm (men) Nyrbg (two) Nyrt (& behold) ahw (& Elia) aylaw (Moshe) aswm (who are) Nwhytyad 31 (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (speaking) Nyrma (in glory) atxwbstb (who appeared) wyzxtad (was) awh (which going) dyted (His departure) hnqpm (about) le (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (to be fulfilled) Mltsnd 32 (with sleep) atnsb (to them) Nwhl (they were) wwh (& dull) wrqyw (with him) hmed (& those) Nwnhw (Shimeon) Nwems (His glory) hxbws (& they saw) wzxw (they awakened) wryetta (& with difficulty) Noxmlw (with Him) htwl (were) wwh (who standing) Nymyqd (men) Nysna (two) Nyrt (& those) Nwnhlw 33 (Shimeon) Nwems (said) rma (from Him) hnm (to part) srpml (they began) wyrs (& when) dkw (to be) awhn (here) akrhd (for us) Nl (it is) wh (beautiful) ryps (Rabbi) ybr (to Yeshua) ewsyl (one) adx (for You) Kl (tabernacles) Nyljm (three) tlt (& let us make) dbenw (one) adx (& for Elia) aylalw (one) adx (& for Moshe) aswmlw (he said) rma (what) anm (he) awh (knew) edy (& not) alw 34 (a cloud) anne (there was) twh (these things) Nylh (he said) rma (& as) dkw (about them) Nwhyle (& it formed a tabernacle *) tljaw (& Elia) aylalw (Moshe) aswml (they beheld) wzx (when) dk (& they were afraid) wlxdw (into the cloud) anneb (who entered) wled * The verb tlja formed a tabernacle has the same root as Nyljm tabernacles (v. 33). 35 (that said) rmad (the cloud) anne (from) Nm ( there was) awh (& a voice) alqw (hear) wems (Him) hl (The Beloved) abybx (My Son) yrb (This is) wnh 36 (alone) yhwdwxlb (Yeshua) ewsy (was found) xktsa (the voice) alq (had occurred) awh (& when) dkw (in those) Nwnhb (they told) wrma (not) al (& a man) snalw (were silent) wqts (& they) Nwnhw (that they had seen) wzxd (anything) Mdm (days) atmwy 37 (they descended) Nytxn (as) dk (after it) hrtbd (the day) amwyl (& it occurred) awhw (great) aaygo (a crowd) asnk (them) Nwhb (met) egp (the mountain) arwj (from) Nm 38 (& he said) rmaw (called) aeq (that) wh (crowd) asnk (from) Nm (one) dx (& man) arbgw (my son) yrb (unto me) yle (restore) ynpta (of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (Teacher) anplm (to me) yl (he is) wh (the only child) aydyxyd 39 (upon him) yhwle (suddenly comes) ayde (& a spirit) axwrw (his teeth) yhwns (& gnashes) qrxmw (he screams) aeq (the silence) ayls (& from) Nmw (from him) hnm (departs) aqrp (& with difficulty) Noxmlw (& becomes ill) termw (he attacks him) htqxsd (whenever) am 40 (to cast it out) yhynwqpnd (Your disciples) Kydymlt (of) Nm (& I begged) tyebw (they could) wxksa (& not) alw 41
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(& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (answered) ane (& perverse) atlqemw (faith) anmyhm (without) ald (generation) atbrs (Oh!) Nwa (& shall I endure you) Nwkrbyoaw (with you) Nwktwl (shall I be) awha (when?) ytmal (until) amde (your son) Krbl (here) akl (bring) yhybrq 42 (that) wh (demon *) awyd (threw him down) hymra (to him) hl (he came near) brqm (& when) dkw (vile) atpnj (that) yh (spirit) axwrb (Yeshua) ewsy (& rebuked) aakw (& it convulsed him) hoemw (to his father) yhwbal (& He gave him) hbhyw (the boy) ayljl (& He healed) hyoaw 43 (of God) ahlad (at the majesty) htwbrb (all of them) Nwhlk (& were astonished) wrmdtaw (was) awh (marveling) rmdtm (everyone) snlk (& as) dkw (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (He said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (that did) dbed (everything) lk (at) le 44 (in your ears) Nwkyndab (these) Nylh (words) alm (you) Nwtna (lay up) wmyo (to be delivered) Mltsnd (is going) dyte (of Man) asnad (for) ryg (The Son) hrb (of men) asna (of the sons) ynb (into the hands) ydyab 45 (because) ljm (this) adh (saying) atlml (understood) hwedwtsa (not) al (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (they should perceive it) hnwedn (lest) ald (from them) Nwhnm (it was) twh (hidden) ayokmd (about it) hyle (to ask Him) yhynwlasnd (they were) wwh (& afraid) Nylxdw (this) adh (saying) atlm (about) le 46 (a reasoning) atbsxm (into them) Nwhb (& entered) tlew (among them) Nwhb (great) br (then) yk (of who was) wnmd 47 (of their heart) Nwhbld (the thought) atbsxm (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (by Him) htwl (& He stood him) hmyqaw (a boy) aylj (& He took) bonw 48 (this one) anh (like) Kya (a boy) aylj (receives) lbqmd (whoever) Nm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (receives) lbqm (Me) yld (& whoever) Nmw (receives) lbqm (that one) wh (Me)yl (in My Name) ymsb (Who sent Me) ynrdsd (The One) Nml (receives) lbqm (among you all) Nwklkb (is least) rwezd (for) ryg (whoever) anya (great) br (will be) awhn (this one) anh 49 (a man) sna (we saw) Nyzx (our Master) Nbr (& he said) rmaw (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (& answered) anew (& we forbade him) yhynylkw (in your name) Kmsb (a demon) awyd (who cast out) qpmd (after You) Krtb (with us) Nme (comes) ata (that not) ald (for) le 50 (you shall forbid) Nwlkt (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (is) wh (for you) Nwkyplx (you) Nwkl (against) bqwl (has been) awh (not) ald (for) ryg (whoever) Nm The Majority Greek text has who is not against us is for us, while the Critical Greek agrees with The Peshitta reading here: who is not against you is for you. If The Peshitta were a translation, it followed The Critical Greek text here (or The Western Greek, if such existed) and then ignored it and followed the Majority Greek text in verses 56 & 57, just six verses down !from here 51 (the days) atmwy (were fulfilled) Nylmtm (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to go) lzand (Himself) hpwurp (He prepared) Nqta (of His ascent) hqlwod 52 (& they went) wlzaw (His face) hpwurp (before) Mdq (messengers) akalm (& He sent) rdsw (for Him) hl (to prepare) Nwnqtnd (so as) Kya (of Samaritans) ayrmsd (a village) atyrql (they entered) wle 53 (His Person) hpwurpd (because) ljm (they received him) yhwlbq (& not) alw (to go) lzaml (was) awh (determined) Myo (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal 54 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (Yaqob) bwqey (saw) wzx (& when) dkw (us to speak) rmand (you) tna (want?) abu (our Lord) Nrm (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (them) Nwna (& it will consume) Pyotw (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (fire) arwn (& will descend) twxtw (did) dbe (Elia) ayla (also) Pad (as) Kya 55 (& He said) rmaw (them) Nwhb (& He rebuked) aakw (& He turned) ynptaw (Spirit) axwr (you are) Nwtna (of which) adyad (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al
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Critical Greek mss. lack the last half of this verse and most of the next verse. The Majority Greek text and The Latin Vulgate (translated in 4th century from Greek mss.) contain the Peshitta reading. 56 (lives) atspn (to destroy) wdbwml (came) ata (not) al (of Man) asnad (for) ryg (The Son) hrb (other) atrxa (to villages) atyrql (to them) Nwhl (& they went) wlzaw (to give life) wyxml (but) ala 57 (a man) sna (to Him) hl (said) rma (on the road) axrwab (they were going) Nylza (& as) dkw (my Lord) yrm (You) tna (to which go) lzad (to the place) rtal (after You) Krtb (I shall come) ata 58 (to them) Nwhl (have) tya (dens) aeqn (foxes) aletl (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (shelters) alljm (of the sky) aymsd (& birds) atxrplw (to Him) hl (there is not) tyl (of Man) asnad (but) Nyd (The Son) hrbl (His head) hsr (to lay) Kwmond (where) akya 59 (after Me) yrtb (come) at (to another) anrxal (& He said) rmaw (first) Mdqwl (me) yl (permit) opa (my Lord) yrm (to Him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (my father) yba (bury) rwbqa (to go) lza 60 (their dead) Nwhytym (bury) Nyrbq (the dead) atym (let) qwbs (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (announce) rbo (go) lz (& you) tnaw 61 (my Lord) yrm (after You) Krtb (I shall come) ata (another) anrxa (to Him) hl (said) rma (say goodbye) Mlsa (to go) lza (me) yl (permit) opa (but) Nyd (first) Mdqwl (& I shall come) ata (of my house) ytyb (to my children) ynbl 62 (his hand) hdya (lays) amr (man) sna (no) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (behind him) hrtobl (& gazes) raxw (of a yoke) andpd (the plow) abrx (on) le (of God) ahlad (for the kingdom) htwklml (& is fit) xsxw Chapter 10 1 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (appointed) srp (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (by two) Nyrt (two) Nyrt (them) Nwna (& he sent) rdsw (seventy) Nyebs (another) anrxa (& city) anydmw (place) rta (to every) lkl (His face) hpwurp (before) Mdq (to go) lzaml (He was) awh (where prepared) dyted 2 (few) Nyrwez (& the workers) alepw (is great) ygo (the harvest) adux (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (of the harvest) adux (The Lord) arm (from) Nm (therefore) lykh (pray) web (to His harvest) hduxl (workers) alep (to send) qpnd 3 (you) Nwkl (am) ana (sending) rdsm (I) ana (behold) ah (go) wlz (wolves) abad (among) ynyb (sheep) arma (as) Kya 4 (wallets) almrt (neither) alw moneybags) aoyk (for you) Nwkl (you shall take) Nwlqst (not) al (of a man) snad (& the peace) amlsbw (sandals) anom (nor) alw (you shall invoke) Nwlast (not) al (on the road) axrwab 5 (you) Nwtna (enter) Nylaed (house) atyb (& to whatever) anyalw (this) anh (to house) atybl (peace) amls (say) wrma (first) Mdqwl 6 (peace) amls (a son of) rb (there) Nmt (is) tya (& if) naw (your peace) Nwkmls (upon it) yhwle (shall rest) xynttn (it will return) Kwphn (unto you) Nwkyle (not) al (but) Nyd (if) Na 7 (stay) wwh (in the house) atybb (but) Nyd (in it) hb (what is theirs) Nwhlyd (from) Nm (& drinking) Nytsw (you are) Nwtna (eating) Nyoel (while) dk (of his fare) hrga (the worker) alep (for) ryg (is) wh (worthy) aws (to house) atybl (house) atyb (from) Nm (move) Nwnst (& not) alw 8
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(you) Nwkl (& they receive) Nylbqmw (you) Nwtna (enter) Nylaed (city) atnydm (& whatever) adyalw (to you) Nwkl (that is offered) Myottmd (anything) Mdm (eat) woel 9 (to them) Nwhl (& say) wrmaw (in it) hb (who are sick) Nyhyrkd (those) Nylyal (& heal) woaw (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (unto you) Nwkyle (has come near) tbrq 10 (you) Nwtna (enter) Nylaed (but) Nyd (city) atnydm (whichever) adyal (& say) wrmaw (to the street) aqwsl (you) Nwkl (go out) wqwp (they will receive you) Nwknwlbqn (& not) alw 11 (on our feet) Nylgrb (to us) Nl (that cleaves) qbdd (the sand) alx (also) Paw (know) wed (this) adh (yet) Mrb (to you) Nwkl (we) Nnx (wipe off) Nyupn (your city) Nwktnydm (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (unto you) Nwkyle (it) hl (that has come near) tbrqd 12 (pleasant) xyn (it shall be) awhn (that for Sodom) Mwdold (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (that) yh (city) atnydml (compared to) wa (that) wh (in day) amwyb 13 (Bayth-Tsayda) adyutyb (to you) ykl (woe!) yw (Korazin) Nyzrwk (to you) ykl (woe!) yw (had occurred) wwh (& in Tsidon) Ndyubw (in Tsur) rwub (because if) wlad (but) Nyd (of old) rbk (in you) Nykb (that have occurred) wwhd (the miracles) alyx (they would have repented) wbt (& in ashes) amjqbw (in sackcloth) aqob 14 (better) xyn (it shall be) awhn (& for Tsidon) Ndyulw (for Tsur) rwul (yet) Mrb (for you) Nykl (than) wa (in the judgment) anydb 15 (Heaven) aymsl (that unto) amded (she) yh (Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpk (& you) ytnaw (you shall be debased) Nytxtt (Sheol) lwysl (unto) amde (was exalted) ytmyrtta The Aramaic Kapernakhum (Capernaum) means Hamlet of Nakhum. Nakhum is Nahum the prophet, who wrote the book of Nahum. That was their exaltation to Heaven.They rejected The Messiah Yeshua, Who preached and performed miracles in its streets; that is their descent into Hell. Capernaum no longer exists today, in fact, the location of its ruins is in doubt. 16 (listens) ems (to Me) yl (listens) ems (to you) Nwkld (whoever) Nm (rejects) Mlj (that one) wh (Me) yl (rejects) Mlj (you) Nwkld (& whoever) Nmw (Who has sent Me) ynxlsd (Him) Nml (rejects) Mlj (rejects) Mlj (Me) yld (& whoever) Nmw 17 (great) atbr (in joy) atwdxb (whom He had sent) rdsd (seventy) Nyebs (those) Nwnh (& returned) wkphw (the demons) adas (even) Pa (our Lord) Nrm (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (in Your Name) Kmsb (to us) Nl (are subject) Nydbetsm 18 (I was) tywh (beholding) azx (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (lightning) aqrb (like) Kya (who fell) lpnd (Satan) anjol (himself) hl 19 (authority) anjlws (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (have given) bhy (behold) ah (& scorpions) abrqew (snakes) atwwx (tread on) Nysyd (that you may) Nwtywhd (of the enemy) abbdlebd (the power) hlyx (& all) hlkw (shall harm you) Nwkrhn (not) al (& a thing) Mdmw 20 (that demons) adasd (you should rejoice) Nwdxt (not) al (in this) adhb (however) Mrb (rejoice) wdx (but) ala (to you) Nwkl (are subject) Nydbetsm (in Heaven) aymsb (are written) wbtkta (that your names) Nwkyhmsd 21 (of Holiness) asdwqd (in the Spirit) axwrb (Yeshua) ewsy (exulted) zwr (in the hour) atesb (in it) hb (My Father) yba (You) Kl (I) ana (thank) adwm (& He said) rmaw (& of the earth) aeradw (of Heaven) aymsd (Lord) arm (& the learned) antlwkow (the wise) amykx (from) Nm (these things) Nylh (that You have hidden) tyokd (My Father) yba (yes) Nya (to infants) adwlyl (them) Nyna (& have revealed) tylgw (before You) Kymdq (the will) anybu (it was) awh (for thus) ankhd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

The Critical Greek text agrees with The Holy Spirit reading of The Peshitta but lacks the Jesus(Yeshua) reading. The Majority Greek contains the Jesus reading but lacks Holy. Did The Peshitta combine the Critical and Majority readings here (& in hundreds of other places) to construct the verse, or are the separate Greek texts derived from The Peshitta? The latter is a much more tenable position. 22 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to) twl (& He turned) ynptaw (My Father) yba (from) Nm (to Me) yl (has been delivered) Mltsa (thing) Mdm (every) lk (The Father) aba (only) Na (but) ala (the Son) arb (Who is) wnm(knows)edy (man) sna (& no) alw (The Son) arb (only) Na (but) ala (The Father) aba (& Who is) wnmw (to reveal) algnd (The Son) arb (will be pleased) abun (to whomever) Nad (& he) Nmlw 23 (by themselves) Nwhydwxlb (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to) twl (& He turned) ynptaw (that are seeing) Nyzxd (eyes) anyel (blessed are those) Nyhybwj (& He said) rmaw (are seeing) Nyzx (you) Nwtnad (whatever) Mdm 24 (& kings) aklmw (many) aaygo (that prophets) aybnd (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (you are) Nwtna (that seeing) Nyzxd (the thing) Mdm (to see) Nwzxnd (have desired) wbu (they have seen them) wzx (& not) alw (are hearing) Nyems (that you) Nwtnad (the things) Mdm (& to hear) emsmlw (they have heard) wems (& not) alw 25 (& he said) rmaw (to test Him) yhwyonnd (arose) Mq (one) dx (scribe) arpo (& behold) ahw (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (to inherit) trad (shall I do) dbea (what?) anm (Teacher) anplm 26 (to him) hl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (you) tna (read) arq (how?) ankya (is it written) bytk (how?) ankya (in the law) aowmnb 27 (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (he answered) ane (your heart) Kbl (all) hlk (from) Nm (your God) Khla (the Lord Jehovah) ayrml (you shall love) Mxrtd (your strength) Klyx (all) hlk (& from) Nmw (your soul) Kspn (all) hlk (& from) Nmw (yourself) Kspn (as) Kya (& your neighbor) Kbyrqlw (your mind) Knyer (all) hlk (& from) Nmw 28 (you have said) trma (correctly) tyauyrt (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (& you shall live) axtw (do) dbe (this) adh 29 (himself) hspn (to justify) wqdzml (he wanted) abu (as) dk (but) Nyd (he) wh (my neighbor) ybyrq (& who is?) wnmw (to Him) hl (he said) rma 30 (was) awh (going down) txn (certain) dx (a man) arbg (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (robbers) ayjol (upon him) yhwle (& fell) wlpnw (to Jeirikho) wxyryal (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (& left him) yhwqbsw (& beat him) yhwaxmw (& they plundered him) yhwxlsw (& they departed) wlzaw (life) aspn (in him) hb (remained) amyq (a little) lylq (when) dk 31 (that) yh (road) axrwab (was) awh (going down) txn (a certain) dx (priest) anhk (& it happened) sdgw (& he passed by) rbew (& he saw him) yhyzxw 32 (at that) yhl (arrived) ajm (coming) ata (a Levite) aywl (also) Pa (& thus) ankhw (& he passed by) rbew (& he saw him) yhyzxw (place) atkwd 33 (he) awh (traveled) adr (as) dk (Samaritan) ayrms (but) Nyd (a man) sna (he) awh (was) yhwtyad (where) akya (he came) ata (on him) yhwle (& took pity) Mxrtaw (& he saw him) yhyzxw 34 (on them) Nyhyle (& poured) lunw (his wounds) htwxm (& bound) buew (& he came) brqtaw (& took him) hytyaw (his donkey) hrmx (on) le (& set him) hmow (& oil) axsmw (wine) armx (for him) yhwle (he) hl (& cared) ljbtaw (to an inn) aqtwpl 35 (denarii) Nyrnyd (two) Nyrt (he produced) qpa (of day) amwyd (& at the break) hrpulw (of him) hlyd (take care) Puy (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (to the inn keeper) ayqtwpl (he gave) bhy (whenever) am (you spend) qpt (more) ryty (anything) Mdm (& if) Naw (to you) Kl (I) ana (shall give it) bhy (I) ana (return) Kphd
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36 (to you) Kl (appears) azxtm (three) atlt (these) Nylh (of) Nm (therefore) lykh (who is it?) wnm (of the robbers) aoyg (into the hands) ydyab (who fell) lpnd (to him) whl (a neighbor) abyrq (that he was) awhd 37 (upon him) yhwle (who took pity) Mxrtad (he) wh (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (you) tna (also) Pa (go) lz (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (doing) dbe (you be) tywh (likewise) ankh 38 (on a road) axrwab (traveling) Nydr (they were) Nwnh (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (Martha) atrm (whose name) hmsd (& woman) attnaw (a certain) adx (village) atyrql (He entered) le (into her house) htybb (received Him) htlbq 39 (Maryam) Myrm (whose name) hmsd (a sister) atx (to her) hl (was) twh (& there) tyaw (of our Lord) Nrmd (the feet) yhwlgr (at) twl (herself) hl (she sat) tbty (& she came) ttaw (His words) yhwlm (she was) twh (& listening to) aemsw 40 (many things) ataygo (with serving) atsmstb (was) twh (busy) ayne (but) Nyd (Martha) atrm (my Lord) yrm (to Him) hl (& said) arma (& she came) ttaw (that My sister) ytxd (You) Kl (does it concern) lyjb (not?) al (me) yl (to help) ardem (her) hl (tell) rma (to serve) wsmsml (alone) ydwxlb (has left me) yntqbs 41 (Martha) atrm (Martha) atrm (to her) hl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (answered) ane (many things) ataygo (about) le (& are troubled) ytbyhrw (you take pains) ytpuy 42 (Maryam) Myrm (necessary) ayebtmd (but) Nyd (is) yh (one thing) adx (for herself) hl (has chosen) tbg (good) atbj (the part) atnm (&) Nyd (from her) hnm (will be taken) bontt (which not) ald (that) yh Chapter 11 1 (certain) adx (in a place) atkwdb (was praying) alum (He) wh (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (one) dx (to Him) hl (said) rma (He had finished) Mls (when) dk (to pray) wyluml (teach us) Nypla (our Lord *) Nrm (his disciples) yhwdymltl (taught) Pla (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (that also) Pad (Just as) ankya * In 68 of the 299 Peshitta NT occurrences of Nrm (Our Lord), (kuriov hmwn- kurios hmwn or kuriou hmwn, kuriw hmwn, kurie hmwn, kurion hmwn-Our Lord) occurs in The Greek NT. That is a 23% correlation or a 77 % defection rate. This means that either the Greek drops the personal pronoun our 77 % of the time or that The Peshitta adds (construction rate) 340 % of the number of occurrences in the hypothetical Greek original to the hypothetical Aramaic translation of the Greek NT. Which is more likely?Consider the following: In The Hebrew OT, the Hebrew ynda -Adonai (My Lord) occurs 625 times; of those 625 places, The LXX has (kuriov mou- kurios mou or kuriou mou, kuriw mou, kurie mou, kurion mou-My Lord), 144 times. 144/625= 23%. That is a defection rate in The LXX (dropping the personal possessive pronoun my) of 77 % - exactly the same rate for The Greek NT as compared to The Peshitta NT! In this and in many other similar comparisons, the Greek NT compares to The Peshitta NT just as The LXX Greek OT compares to The Hebrew OT, which means The Greek NT looks statistically very much like a translation of The Peshitta NT. 2 (you) Nwtna (pray) Nylumd (when) ytma (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Who are in heaven) aymsbd (our Father) Nwba (saying) Nyrma (you shall be) Nwtywh (thus) ankh 3 (Your Kingdom) Ktwklm (let come) atat (Your Name) Kms (hallowed be) sdqtn (in the earth) aerab (also) Pa (that in Heaven) aymsbd (as) Kya (Your will) Knybu (let be done) awhn (every day) Mwylk (of our need) Nnqnwod (the bread) amxl (to us) Nl (give) bh 4 (we forgive) Nqbs (for) ryg (we) Nnxna (even) Pa (our sins) Nyhjx (to us) Nl (& forgive) qwbsw (to temptation) anwyonl (lead us) Nlet (& not) alw (to us) Nl (who are indebted) Nybyxd (all) lkl (the evil one) asyb (from) Nm (save us) Nyqwrp (but) ala 2 3 Here is the Lords Prayer according to the Critical Greek text in Luke 11: And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Father, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Give us day by day our daily bread.
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aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

And forgive us our sins; for we ourselves also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And bring us not into temptation. And thats it! This looks like sabotage to me. Leaves one a bit flat, dont you think? Even Thy will be done is missing, as is Deliver us from evil- a quite pathetic rendering of the worlds most beautiful and sublime model prayer. Thankfully, most Greek mss. preserve it in the fuller version with which most of us are familiar, as also The Peshitta has it. 5 (among you) Nwknm (who is?) wnm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (a friend) amxr (to him) hl (who has) tyad (-night) ayll (at mid-) twglpb (to him) htwl (& will go) lzanw (loaves) Nuyrg (three) tlt (lend me) ynylasa (my friend) ymxr (to him) hl (& will say) rmanw 6 (the road) axrwa (from) Nm (to me) ytwl (has come) ata (a friend) amxrd (because) ljm (before him) hl (that I may set) Myoad (anything) Mdm (to me) yl (& there is not) tylw 7 (to him) hl (& will say) rmanw (will answer) anen (within) wgl (from) Nm (his friend) hmxr (& he) whw (is) wh (bolted) dyxa (the door) aert (for behold) ahd (disturb me) ynyrht (not) al (in bed) aoreb (with me) yme (& my children) ynbw (to you) Kl (& give) ltaw (arise) Mwqad (I) ana (can) xksm (not) al 8 (friendship) atwmxr (because of) ljm (that if) Nad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (his persistence) htwpyux (because of) ljm (to him) hl (he will give) ltn (not) al (to him) hl (he needs) aebtmd (as much as) amk (to him) hl (& he will give) ltnw (he will arise) Mwqn 9 (to you) Nwkl (& it shall be given) bhytnw (ask) wlas (to you) Nwkl (am) ana (saying) rma (I) ana (also) Pa (to you) Nwkl (& it will be opened) xtptnw (knock) wswq (& you shall find) Nwxkstw (seek) web 10 (receives) bon (who asks) lasd (for) ryg (everyone) lk (finds) xksm (& whoever seeks) aebdw (to him) hl (it is opened) xtptm (& whoever knocks) sqndw 11 (is a father) aba (of you) Nwknm (for) ryg (which?) anya (for bread) amxl (whose son) hrb (will ask him) yhwylasnd (he will ask of him) yhwylasn (a fish) anwn (& if) Naw (him) hl (he hand) jswm (a stone) apak (will?) aml (him) hl (he hand) jswm (a snake) aywx (a fish) anwn (instead of) Plx (will?) aml 12 (he would ask of him) yhwylasn (an egg) atrb (& if) naw (him) hl (hand) jswm (a scorpion) abrqe (he) wh (would?) aml 13 (you are) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy (are) Nwkytya (who evil) asybd (you) Nwtna (& if) naw (to your children) Nwkynbl (to give) ltml (good) atbj (gifts) atbhwm (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (your Father) Nwkwba (more) tyaryty (how much?) amk (of Holiness) asdwqd (the Spirit) axwr (will give) ltn (Him) hl (who ask) Nylasd (to those) Nylyal 14 (making mute) asrx (that was) yhwtyad (a demon) adas (He was casting out) qpm (& when) dkw (mute) asrx (that) wh (spoke) llm (demon) adas (that) wh (went out) qpn (that when) dkd (it was) awh (the crowds) asnk (& were astonished) wrmdtaw 15 (by Beelzebub) bwbzlebb (said) wrma (among them) Nwhnm (but) Nyd (men) asna (devils) awyd (This One) anh (exorcizes) qpm (of devils) awydd (the chief) asr awyd Deeva or Deewa may be the etymological original for the English word devil, and therefore I translate it as such, using devil as the original King James Version does when it refers to a demon, not Satan. awyd never refers to The Devil. It is also synonymous with adas- Sheda in Aramaic,which is usually translated demon.The reader then knows that devil comes from awyd Deeva, and demon normally comes from adas- Sheda.Interestingly, Shedais phonetically very similar to the English Shade, which can refer to a spirit or ghost.The English Diva also refers to originally to a goddess, from the Latin Diva.The Greek NT has only one word for Demon daimonion. On the basis of a Greek original,it is difficult, to say the least, to account for the fact that The Peshitta has two very different root words for demon while Greek has only one. The Peshitta NT has 40 occurrences of adas (Sheda) & 30 of awyd (Deeva). Matthew 12:24 has both words in one verse! Acts 17:18 has Alaha(God) in Aramaic where the Greek has daimonwn demons. It is definitely a reference to Jesus, Whom Paul was preaching to the Greeks. Daimonwn may refer to deities, but this would be the only such reference of the 60 places in the Greek NT where it occurs.All others refer to demons. Notice
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that verse 14 has Sheda twice and verse 15 has Deeva twice; The Greek,of course, has a form of daimonion(daimonion) in every place. Why would a translator (assuming a Greek original) translate Daimonion twice as Sheda in verse 14 and then change it to Deeva twice in the next verse?All four references are in the same context.Luke 8:27 through 8:33 alternates between the two Aramaic words Deeva-Sheda- Deeva-Sheda for each of the four occurrences of the Greek !Daimonionwithin a passage of seven verses A Greek translation of The Peshitta original is an idea that makes a lot more sense here, as in so many other places. 16 (Him) hl (were testing) Nyonm (then) dk (but) Nyd (others) anrxa (Him) hl (they were) wwh (asking) Nylas (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (a sign) ata 17 (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (their thoughts) Nwhtbsxm (He) awh (because knew) edyd (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (will be laid waste) brxt (itself) hspn (against) le (that is divided) glpttd (realm) wklm (every) lk (falls) lpn (is divided) glptm (its nature) hmwnq (that against) led (& a home) atybw 18 (is divided) glpta (himself) hspn (against) le (Satan) anjo (& if) Naw (his kingdom) htwklm (will stand) Mwqt (how?) ankya (devils) awyd (I) ana (cast out) qpm (that by Beelzebub) bwbzlebbd (you) Nwtna (for say) Nyrmad 19 (devils) awyd (am) ana (exorcizing) qpm (by Beelzebub) bwbzlebb (I) ana (& if) Naw (are they exorcizing) Nyqpm (by whom?) anmb (your children) Nwkynb (judges) anyd (to you) Nwkl (will be) Nwwhn (they) Nwnh (this) anh (because of) ljm 20 (devils) awyd (I) ana (cast out) qpm (of God) ahlad (by the finger) aebub (but) Nyd (if) Na (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (unto you) Nwkyle (it) hl (has come near) tbrq 21 (armed) Nyzm (while) dk (a strong man) anyoxd (whenever) ytma (his property) hnynq (is) wh (in peace) anysb (his homestead) htrd (keeps) rjn 22 (to overpower him) yhwykzn (than he) hnm (who is stronger) Nyoxd (one) Nm (will come) atan (but) Nyd (if) Na (on them) yhwle (he was) awh (in which trusting) lyktd (he) wh (takes) lqs (his weapons) hnyz (all) hlk (he divides) glpm (& his spoil) htzbw 23 (is) wh (against Me) ylbqwl (with Me) yme (was) awh (not) ald (whoever) Nm (is scattering) rdbm (to scatter) wrdbm (with Me) yme (gathers) snk (not) ald (& whoever) Nmw 24 (man) asna (a son of) rb (from) Nm (it has gone out) tqpnd (whenever) am (vile) atpnj (a spirit) axwr (in places) atwrtab (traveling around) akrktm (it goes) alza (in them) Nwhb (there is not) tyl (of which water) aymd (it says) arma (it finds) txksa (not) ald (& whenever) amw (rest) axyn (for it) hl (to seek) aebtd (I came out) tqpnd (from where) akmya (to my house) ytybl (I shall return) Kwpha 25 (& decorated) tbumw (swept) Mymxd (it finds it) htxksa (it comes) tta (& if) Naw 26 (other) Nynrxa (spirits) Nyxwr (seven) ebs (bringing) arbd (it goes) alza (then) Nydyh (there) Nmt (& dwelling) Nrmew (& are entering) Nlaew (than it) hnm (which are more evil) Nsybd (that) wh (of son of man) asnrbd (the end) htrx (& shall be) aywhw (his beginning) htymdq (than) Nm (worse) asyb 27 (He was) awh (speaking) llmm (these things) Nylh (& while) dkw (the crowd) asnk (from) Nm (her voice) hlq (one) adx (woman) attna (raised) tmyra (that carried You) Ktnejd (to the womb) aorkl (its blessing) hybwj (to Him) hl (& she said) trmaw (that suckled You) Kwqnyad (& to the breasts) aydtlw 28 (to those) Nylyal (their blessing) Nwhybwj (He) wh (to her) hl (said) rma (it) hl (& keep) Nyrjnw (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (who have heard) wemsd 29 (to say) rmaml (He began) yrs (the crowds) asnk (were) wwh (assembling) Nysnktm (& when) dkw (seeks) ayeb (a sign) ata (wicked) atsyb (this) adh (generation) atbrs (to it) hl (shall be given) bhytt (not) al (& a sign) ataw (the prophet) aybn (of Yonan) Nnwyd (the sign) hta (but) ala
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30 (to the Ninevites) aywnynl (a sign) ata (Yonan) Nnwy (was) awhd (for) ryg (Just as) ankya (this) adh (to generation) atbrsl (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (also) Pa (shall be) awhn (thus) ankh 31 (with) Me (in judgment) anydb (shall stand) Mwqt (of the south) anmytd (the queen) atklm (them) Nwna (& she shall condemn) byxtw (this) adh (of generation) atbrsd (the people) asna (of the land) aerad (the far side) hyrbe (from) Nm (for she came) ttad (of Solomon) Nwmylsd (the wisdom) htmkx (that she might hear) emstd (is here) akrh (Solomon) Nwmyls (than) Nm (He Who is greater) rytyd (& behold) ahw 32 (in judgment) anydb (will rise) Nwmwqn (the Ninevites) aywnyn (the men) arbg (& they shall condemn it) hnwbyxnw (this) adh (generation) atbrs (with) Me (of Yonan) Nnwyd (at the preaching) htwzwrkb (because they repented) wbtd (is here) akrh (Yonan) Nnwy (than) Nm (He Who is greater) rytyd (& behold) ahw 33 (in a hidden place) ayokb (it) hl (& sets) Maow (a lamp) agrs (lights) rhnm (man) sna (no) al (a lampstand) atrnm (from) Nm (over) lel (but) ala (a bushel) atao (under) tyxt (or) wa (its light) hrhwn (may see) Nwzxn (who enter) Nylaed (that those) Nylyad 34 (your eye) Knye (is) hytya (of the body) Krgpd (the lamp) hgrs (is clear) ajysp (your eye) Knyed (therefore) lykh (when) ytma (illuminated) ryhn (shall be) awhn (your body) Krgp (whole) hlk (also) Pa (evil) asyb (it should be) awht (but) Nyd (if) Na (darkened) Kwsx (shall be) awhn (your body) Krgp (also) Paw 35 (the light) arhwn (lest) amld (therefore) lykh (take care) rhdza (is) wh (darkness) akwsx (that is in you) Kbd 36 (in it) hb (& there is not) tylw (is enlightened) ryhn (entire) hlk (your body) Krgp (but) Nyd (if) Na (entirely) hlk (shining) rhnm (it shall be) awhn (darkened) akwsx (any) Mdm (part) atnm (to you) Kl (gives light) rhnm (in its flame) hqldb (a lamp) agrsd (like) Kya 37 (one) dx (Pharisee) asyrp (of Him) hnm (requested) aeb (He was speaking) llmm (but) Nyd (while) dk (He reclined) Kmtoa (& He entered) lew (with him) htwl (that He would dine) artsnd 38 (he was amazed) rmdta (he saw Him) yhyzx (when) dk (Pharisee) asyrp (but) Nyd (that) wh (His dinner) htwrs (before) Mdq (from) Nm (He washed) dme (first) Mdqwl (that not) ald 39 (now) ash (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (to him) hl (said) rma (of the cup) aokd (the outside) hrb (Pharisees) asyrp (you) Nwtna (are) Nwtna (cleansing) Nykdm (and the dish) aknypdw (& wickedness) atsybw (of rape) aypwjx (are full) alm (but) Nyd (some of you) Nwknm (inside) wgl 40 (intellect) anyer (ones lacking) yryox (the outside) rbld (Who made) dbed (The One) Nm (has) awh (not?) al (made) dbe (He) wh (also the inside) wgldw 41 (in alms) atqdzb (give it) yhwbh (you have) tyad (whatever) Mdm (however) Mrb (to you) Nwkl (is) wh (pure) akd (everything) Mdmlk (& behold) ahw It has been said (though the source slips my mind) that the good eye is an Aramaic idiom signifying a generous person and the bad eye is an idiom signifying a stingy person. Verse 41 would seem to validate that view in connection with verses 34-36.I do believe the good eye-evil eye concepts involve much more than generosity and stinginess, however. They describe a persons viewpoint of the world as either positive or negative- good or bad. Giving away all ones money to charity may be exactly the cure for the eye trouble our culture suffers from. 42 (Pharisees) asyrp (to you) Nwkl (woe!) yw (but) ala (herb) qrwy (& every) lkw (& dill) angpw (mint) aenn (you) Nwtna (for tithe) Nyroemd (of God) ahlad (the love) abwx (& over) lew (justice) anyd (over) le (you) Nwtna (& pass on) Nyrbew (for you to do) Nwdbetd (it was) awh (necessary) alw (but) Nyd (these) Nylh (you should forsake) Nwqbst (not) al (& those) Nylhw
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43 (you) Nwtna (who love) Nymxrd (Pharisees) asyrp (to you) Nwkl (woe!) yw (in the streets) aqwsb (& greetings) amlsw (in the synagogues) atswnkb (seats) abtwm (first class) syr 44 (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (& Pharisees) asyrpw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe!) yw (are known) Nyeydy (that not) ald (tombs) arbq (as) Kya (who are) Nwkytyad (know) Nyedy (& not) alw (over them) Nwhyle (walk) Nyklhm (of men) asna (& children) ynbw 45 (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (the Scribes) arpo (from) Nm (one) dx (& answered) anew (You) tna (insult) reum (us) Nl (also) Pa (You) tna (say) rma (these things) Nylh (when) dk (Teacher) anplm 46 (woe!) yw (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (also) Pa (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (heavy) atryqy (with burdens) albwm (of men) asna (the children) ynbl (you) Nwtna (for load) Nynejmd (your fingers) Nwktebu (of) Nm (with one) adxb (& you) Nwtnaw (burdens) albwml (those) Nyhl (you) Nwtna (touch) Nybrq (not) al 47 (of the prophets) aybnd (the tombs) arbq (are) Nwtna (who building) Nynbd (to you) Nwkl (woe!) yw (them) Nwna (murdered) wljq (for your fathers) Nwkyhbad 48 (you) Nwtna (& approve) Nybuw (therefore) lykh (you) Nwtna (testify) Nydho (them) Nwna (murdered) wljq (for they) Nnwnhd (of your fathers) Nwkyhbad (the deeds) adbeb (their tombs) Nwhyrbq (are) Nwtna (building) Nynb (& you) Nwtnaw 49 (said) trma (of God) ahlad (the Wisdom) atmkx (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm (& apostles) axylsw (prophets) aybn (to them) Nwhl (am sending) rdsa (I) ana (behold) ahd (& they shall murder) Nwljqnw (they shall persecute) Nwpdrn (some of them) Nwhnm 50 (the blood) amd (so that shall be required) ebttnd (that was shed) dsatad (the prophets) aybn (of all) Nwhlkd (this) adh (generation) atbrs (of) Nm (the world) amle (when was created) yrbtad (from) Nm 51 (of Zechariah) ayrkzd (the blood) hmdl (unto) amde (of Abel) lybhd (the blood) hmd (from) Nm (& the altar) axbdml (the temple) alkyh (between) ynyb (who was killed) ljqtad (he) wh (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (yes) Nya (this) adh (generation) atbrs (from) Nm (that it shall be required) ebttmd 52 (Scribes) arpo (to you) Nwkl (woe) yw (of knowledge) atedyd (the keys) adylq (because you have taken) Nwtlqsd (have entered) Nwtle (not) al (you) Nwtna (you have hindered) Nwtylk (who were entering) Nylaed (& those) Nylyalw 53 (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (said) rma (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw (at them) Nwhl (to be offended) sabtm (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (the Scribes) arpo (began) wyrs (His words) yhwlm (& they disparaged) Nyoktmw (& they were angered) Nytmxtmw 54 (in many things) ataygob (to Him) hl (& they acted deceitfully) Nylknw (His mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (something) Mdm (to seize on) dxaml (they sought) Nyeb (while) dk (to accuse Him) yhwurq Nwlkan (so that they would be able) Nwxksnd Chapter 12 1 (great) aaygo (of crowds) asnkd (a multitude) atwbr (were gathered) wsnkta (& when) dkw (Yeshua) ewsy (began) yrs (on another) dxl (one) dx (that they would tread) Nwsydnd (so) ankya (among yourselves) Nwkspb (beware) wrhdza (first) Mdqwl (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (to say) rmaml (faces) apab (accepting) bom (which is) yhwtyad (of the Pharisees) asyrpd (the yeast) arymx (of) Nm 2 (that not) ald (that is covered) aokd (anything) Mdm (but) Nyd (there is not) tyl (shall be known) edytn (that not) ald (that is secret) ysjmd (neither) alw (shall be revealed) algtn 3 (you shall say) Nwtrma (that in the darkness) akwsxbd (for) ryg (everything) lk (in an inner chamber) anwtbd (& whatever) Mdmw (shall be heard) emtsn (in the light) aryhnb (will be preached) zrktn (rooftops) arga (on) le (you whispered) Nwtsxl (in an ear) andab
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4 (fear) Nwlxdt (not) al (My friends) ymxrl (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (after this) Nkrtb (& who) Nmw (the body) argp (who kill) Nyljqd (those) Nylya (from) Nm (to do) dbeml (more) ryty (anything) Mdm (for them) Nwhl (there is not) tyl 5 (you should fear) Nwlxdt (whom) Nm (that one) Nm (but) Nyd (I shall show you) Nwkywxa (he kills) ljqd (after) rtb (when from) Nmd (whomever) wh (that one) Nm (into Gehenna) anhgb (to cast) wymrml (is authorized) jyls (be afraid) wlxd (this one) anh (of) Nmd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (yes) Nya But I shall show you whom you should fear: him whom after he kills is authorized to cast into Gehenna; Yes I say to you, .fear this one Since our Lord does not name God as what we should fear, and since God is not authorized by anyone, being all authority Himself, and the pronouns used may refer to an ideal conceptual entity, it is reasonable to posit yourself as what is authorized to cast into Gehenna after having killed. We should fear Self, since it has produced all the evils of this world and of that which is to come. He tells us in verse 7, Fear not therefore, you are more valuable than many sparrows. He does not want us to fear our Father in Heaven, as He loves us and will take care of us. He does want us to fear ourselves; we have the power to obey or disobey, to live or to die, to enter Heaven or Hell, to bring a blessing or a curse upon ourselves. The power to commit sin logically indicates the power to do right, so if we are condemned, we are self condemned. Someone asked Madame Guyon ( the 16th century French mystic who had been severely persecuted & put in a dungeon for her faith) about her thoughts on the interpretation of the seven headed beast in Revelation 13:1 And I saw a beast of prey come up from the sea, having ten horns, and seven heads; and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy. 2 And the beast of prey which I saw, was like a leopard; and his feet like those of a wolf, and his mouth like the mouth of lions: and the dragon gave to him his own power and his throne, and great authority. Her answer was simply, It is Self. 6 (assarii) Nyroa (for two) Nyrtb (are sold) Nnbdzm (sparrows) Nyrpu (five) smx (not?) al (God) ahla (before) Mdq (is forgotten) ayej (not) al (of them) Nyhnm (& one) adxw 7 (of your heads) Nwksrd (of the hair) areod (the hairs) anm (also) Pa (but) Nyd (your) Nwklyd (you shall fear) Nwlxdt (therefore) lykh (not) al (are) Nyna (numbered) Nynm (all) Nyhlk (you are) Nwtna (better) Nyrtym (sparrows) arpud (many) aagwo (because than) Nmd 8 (Me) yb (who will confess) adwnd (that everyone) lkd (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (will confess) adwn (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (also) Pa (children of men) asnynb (before) Mdq (of God) ahlad (His angels) yhwkalm (before) Mdq (him) hb 9 (children of men) asnynb (before) Mdq (Me) yb (denies) rpkd (but) Nyd (whoever) anya (of God) ahlad (His angels) yhwkalm (before) Mdq (himself) hb (shall be denied) rpktn 10 (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (against) le (a word) atlm (who will say) rmand (& everyone) lkw (to him) hl (it shall be forgiven) qbtsn (will blaspheme) Pdgn (of Holiness) asdwqd (but) Nyd (The Spirit) axwr (against) led (whoever) Nm (to him) hl (it shall be forgiven) qbtsn (not) al 11 (to assemblies) atswnkl (but) Nyd (you) Nwkl (they bring) Nybrqmd (whenever) am (& authorities) anjylsw (rulers) asr (before) Mdq (answer) axwr (you will give) Nwqpt (how) ankya (you shall be concerned) Nwpuat (not) al (you will say) Nwrmat (what) anm (or) wa 12 (hour) ates (in that) yhb (shall teach you) Nwkpln (of Holiness) asdwqd (for) ryg (The Spirit) axwr (that you will say) Nwrmatd (that it is necessary) alwd (the thing) Mdm 13 (crowd) asnk (that) wh (from) Nm (a man) sna (but) Nyd (to Him) hl (said) rma (the inheritance) atwtry (with me) yme (to divide) glp (my brother) yxal (tell) rma (Teacher) anplm
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14 (man) arbg (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (& a divider) anglpmw (a judge) anyd (over you) Nwkyle (has set Me) ynmyqa (who?) wnm 15 (covetousness) atwney (all) hlk (of) Nm (beware) wrhdza (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He said) rmaw (life) ayx (is) tya (of riches) aoknd (in the abundance) atwrytyb (is) awh (that not) ald (because) ljm 16 (rich) aryte (a certain) dx (man) arbg (to them) Nwhtwl (a parable) altm (& He said) rmaw (many) ataygo (crops) atlle (his land) hera (to him) hl (brought) tlea 17 (shall I do) dbea (what?) anm (& said) rmaw (to himself) hspnb (he) awh (& thought) bsxtmw (my crops) ytlle (to gather) lwmxad (where?) akya (for me) yl (for there is no) tyld 18 (of storage) yopq (houses) tyb (I shall pull down) rwtoa (I shall do) dbea (this) adh (& he said) rmaw (there) Nmt (& I shall gather) lwmxaw (them) Nwna (& I shall enlarge) brwaw (& I shall build) anbaw (& my goods) ytbjw (my produce) yrwbe (all) hlk 19 (goods) atbj (to you) ykl (there are) tya (my soul) yspn (to my soul) yspnl (& I shall say) rmaw (be contented) yxyntta (many) ataygo (for years) aynsl (laid up) Nmyod (many) ataygo (be merry) ymobta (drink) ytsa (eat) ylwka 20 (intellect) anyer (one lacking) ryox (God) ahla (but) Nyd (to him) hl (said) rma (from you) Knm (it) hl (will be required) Nyebt (your soul) Kspn (night) ayll (in this) anhb (will they be) Nywhn (whose?) Nml (which you have prepared) tbyjd (& these things) Nylhw 21 (for himself) hl (lays down) Maod (whoever) Nm (is) wh (thus) ankh (is rich) ryte (not) al (& in God) ahlabw (treasure) atmyo 22 (this) anh (because of) ljm (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He said) rmaw (yourselves) Nwkspl (you shall take care of) Nwpuat (not) al (I) ana (say) rma (to you) Nwkl (your bodies) Nwkrgpl (neither) alw (you will eat) Nwlkat (what?) anm (you will wear) Nwsblt (what?) anm 23 (food) atrbyo (than) Nm (is more important) aryty (for) ryg (the soul) aspn (clothing) aswbl (than) Nm (& the body) argpw 24 (do they reap) Nydux (neither) alw (they sow) Nyerz (that not) ald (the ravens) abenb (consider) wqbta (of storage) aopq (& house) tybw (an inner chamber) anwt (to them) Nwhl (& there is not) tylw (therefore) lykh (how much?) amk (them) Nwhl (feeds) aortm (& God) ahlaw (than birds) atxrp (than) Nm (you) Nwtna (more important) Nyryty (are) Nwtna 25 (taking care) Puy (while) dk (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (which?) anya (one) adx (cubit) atma (his height) htmwq (to) le (add) wpowml (can) xksm Taking care- Puy (Yatsap) refers to taking pains or being diligent to procure something. The lesson is illustrated by the animal world: Birds do not sow nor reap; Ravens do not gather into barns. These activities illustrate the care our Lord ?says we need not rely on to live. If crows dont need it, why would we We must remember that our Lords teaching is always radically against the grain and opposed to the ways of the world (& too often the church) to seem acceptable or even reasonable to us, but then, My ways are not your ways, neither are My thoughts your thoughts, saith The LORD.-Isaiah 55:8 It is exactly this principle that commends the teaching of The Messiah to me as truth; if it were conventional wisdom, I would not ?believe it to be the truth of God. What has He to do with convention and the ways of the world 26 (you) Nwtna (can do) Nyxksm (the small thing) atrwez (not) al (even) Pa (but) Nyd (if) Na (do you) Nwtna (take pains) Nypuy (the rest) akrs (over) le (why?) anm This is not about worrying, but about our efforts to sustain ourselves. Our Lord does not challenge us to add a cubit (18 inches) to our stature by worrying, but by any means at our disposal. Who of us can do that by our efforts? That is a small thing, however, compared to keeping ourselves well fed and clothed, yet we do not see it that way. We believe we can do the great thing but not !the small thing. The fact is, we can do nothing 27
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(they labor) Nyal (that not) ald (they grow) Nybr (how) ankya (the lilies) answsb (consider) wqbta (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (do they weave) Nlze (neither) alw (His glory) hxbws (in all) hlkb (Solomon) Nwmyls (not) al (that even) Pad (these) Nylh (of) Nm (one) adx (like) Kya (was robed) yokta 28 (in the field) alqxb (is) yhwtya (that today) anmwyd (the grass) arymel (but) Nyd (if) Na (clothes) sblm (thus) ankh (God) ahla (into a fire) arwntb (will fall) lpn (& tomorrow) rxmw (of faith) atwnmyh (little ones) yrwez (to you) Nwkl (better is He) ryty (how much?) amk How much better is He to you, O small of faith?! Good question indeed! I like that so much more than the conventional Greek based translations: How much more will He clothe ?you, O you of little faith? The question is not about clothing, it is about Who God is to you. 29 (you will eat) Nwlkat (what?) anm (shall seek) Nwebt (not) al (you) Nwtnaw (you will drink) Nwtst (& what?) anmw (in these things) Nylhb (your mind) Nwknyer (shall wander) ahpn (neither) alw 30 (are seeking) Nyeb (of the world) amled (the) wh (people) amme (all) Nyhlk (for) ryg (these things) Nylh (knows) edy (your Father) Nwkwba (but) Nyd (for you) Nwkl (also) Pa (these things) Nylh (to you) Nwkl (that are necessary) Nyebtmd Are you one of all the people of the world, or do you hail from another realm? The people of the world worship and serve Mammon- i.e., they labor for the food that perishes, not for eternal bread which gives eternal life (See John 6:27).The world seeks temporal things by their laboring for them. If they would labor for the eternal, they would need not fear for their welfare in the world. 31 (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (seek) web (however) Mrb (to you) Nwkl (are added) Npowttm (all) Nyhlk (& these things) Nylhw Seek, however, the Kingdom of God, and all these things are added to you. This does not mean, Seek all these things, and they will be added unto you. 32 (little) arwez (flock) arzg (fear) lxdt (not) al (the Kingdom) atwklm (to you) Nwkl (to give) ltnd (your Father) Nwkwba (for wills) abud 33 (alms) atqdz (& give) wbhw (your possessions) Nwknynq (sell) wnbz (wear out) Nylb (that not) ald (pouches) aoyk (for yourselves) Nwkl (make) wdbe (in Heaven) aymsb (is diminished) azyg (that not) ald (& treasure) atmyow (devours) lbxm (not) al (& a moth) aoow (comes) brq (not) al (a thief) abngd (where) akya 34 (your treasure) Nwktmyo (is) hytyad (for) ryg (wherever) akya (your heart) Nwkbl (also) Pa (shall be) awhn (there) Nmt 35 (your lamps) Nwkygrs (& burning) Nyrhnmw (your waist) Nwkyux (girded) Nyryoa (let be) Nwwhn 36 (for their Lord) Nwhrml (waiting) Nykomd (people) asnal (like) Nymd (& be) wwhw (of wedding) atwtsm (the house) tyb (from) Nm (He will return) anpn (when) ytmad (& knocks) sqnw (He comes) atad (that whenever) amd (to Him) hl (they may open) Nwxtpn (at once) adxm 37 (when shall come) atand (which) Nylya (those) Nwnh (to servants) adbel (their blessings) Nwhybwj (watching) Nyrye (while) dk (them) Nwna (also He shall find) xksnw (their Lord) Nwhrm (His waist) yhwux (that He shall gird) rwoand (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (Amen) Nyma (& He shall go through) rbenw (them) Nwna (& He shall make recline) Kmonw (them) Nwna (He shall wait on) smsn 38 (He will come) atan (the third) tltd (or) wa (second) Nytrtd (in the watch) atrjmb (& if) Naw (those) Nwnh (to servants) adbel (their blessings) Nwhybwj (thus) ankh (& He will find) xksnw 39 (of a house) atyb (the owner) arm (had) awh (known) edy (that if) wlad (know) wed (but) Nyd (this) adh
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(a thief) abng (would come) ata (watch) atrjm (in which) adyab (he would have) awh (allowed) qbs (& not) alw (he would have been) awh (awakened) ryettm (his house) htyb (to be broken into) slptnd 40 (hour) ates (for in that) yhbd (ready) abyjm (be) wwh (therefore) lykh (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (comes) ata (you are) Nwtna (expecting) Nyrbo (when not) ald 41 (to us) Ntwl (our Lord) Nrm (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to Him) hl (said) rma (everyone) snlk (to) twl (also) Pa (or) wa (this) anh (parable) altml (it) hl (You) tna (say?) rma 42 (is) tya (indeed) yk (who?) wnm (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (his Lord) hrm (whom will appoint) yhwymyqnd (& wise) amykxw (faithful) anmyhm (the steward) atybr (in His time) hnbzb (a portion) aorp (to give) ltnd (His servants) htsmst (over) le 43 (his Lord) hrm (when shall come) atand (servant) adbe (to that) whl (his blessing) yhwbwj (so) ankh (that is doing) dbed (whom He shall find) yhwyxksn 44 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (truly) tyaryrs (His possessions) hnynq (all) hlk (over) le (that He shall appoint him) yhwymyqnd 45 (in his heart) hblb (that) wh (servant) adbe (will say) rman (but) Nyd (if) Na (& he should begin) arsnw (to come) ataml (delays) rxwm (my Lord) yrmd (of his Lord) hrmd (& the maids) athmalw (the servants) adbel (to strike) axmml (& to get drunk) awrmlw (& to drink) atsmlw (to eat) oelml (& he should begin) arsnw 46 (in a day) amwyb (that) wh (of servant) adbed (his Lord) hrm (shall come) atan (he knows) edy (when not) ald (& in an hour) atesbw (he expects) rbo (when not) ald (& He shall appoint) Myonw (& He shall cut him off *) yhwyglpnw (-faithful) Nynmyhm (who are un-) ald (those) Nwnh (with) Me (his portion) htnm * yhwyglpnw- Pelegayauhi is an idiom referring to cutting off a person from society by incarceration or death. 47 (of his Master) hrmd (the will) anybu (knew) edyd (which) anya (but) Nyd (the servant) adbe (His will) hnybu (according to) Kya (for Him) hl (he prepared) byj (& not) alw (many times) ataygo (he shall be beaten) elbn 48 (knew) edy (who not) ald (but) Nyd (he) wh (of blows) atwxml (worthy) awsd (something) Mdm (& did) dbew (for) ryg (everyone) lk (few) atyrwez (with blows) atwxm (shall be beaten) elbn (from him) hnm (shall be required) ebttn (much) ygo (much) ygo (to whom) hl (is given) bhytad (much) ygo (it) hl (they commit) wlegad (& to whomever) whlw (from his hand) hdyab (they shall require) Nwebtn (more) tyaryty 49 (I) ana (& wish) abuw (in the earth) aerab (to set) amrad (I have come) tyta (fire) arwn (it were burning) tbx (now) wdk (from) Nm (Oh, if only) wla 50 (in which I am to be baptized) dmead (to Me) yl (is) tya (& a baptism) atydwmemw (it is fulfilled) almtstd (until) amde (I) ana (am afflicted) Uyla (& much) ygow 51 (in the earth) aerab (to bring) amrad (I have come) tyta (that peace) anysd (do you) Nwtna (think?) Nyrbo (division) atwglp (but) ala (no) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma 52 (one) dx (in house) atybb (five) asmx (shall be) Nwwhn (for) ryg (now) ash (from) Nm (three) atlt (against) le (& two) Nyrtw (two) Nyrt (against) le (three) atlt (who are divided) Nygylpd 53 (his son) hrb (against) le (father) aba (for) ryg (shall be divided) glptn (her daughter) htrb (against) le (mother) ama (his father) yhwba (against) le (& son) arbw (her mother) hma (against) le (& daughter) atrbw (her daughter in law) htlk (against) le (mother in law) atmx (her mother in law) htmx (against) le (& daughter in law) atlkw 54
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(a cloud) anne (you see) Nwtyzxd (whenever) am (to the crowds) asnkl (& He said) rmaw (you) Nwtna (say) Nyrma (at once) adxm (from the west) abrem (from) Nm (that rises) axndd (so) ankh (& it is) awhw (is coming) ata (rain) arjm 55 (you) Nwtna (say) Nyrma (a south wind) anmyt (blows) absnd (& when) amw (& it is) awhw (it will be) awh (hot) amwx 56 (of the earth) aerad (the face) apwurp (of faces) apab (accepters) ybon (to discern) Nwsrptd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (& of the sky) aymsdw (do you) Nwtna (discern) Nysrp (not) al (how?) ankya (this) anh (but) Nyd (time) anbz 57 (truth) atswq (you) Nwtna (judge) Nynyd (not) al (yourselves) Nwkspn (from) Nm (but) Nyd (why?) anml 58 (your accuser at-law) Knydleb (with) Me (you) tna (go) lzad (for) ryg (whenever) am (you are) tna (on the road) axrwab (while) de (the ruler) anwkra (to) twl (from him) hnm (& be ransomed) qrpttw (merchandise) atrwgat (give) bh (deliver you) Kmlsn (& the judge) anydw (the judge) anyd (to) twl (he bring you) Klbwn (lest) amld A (should cast you) Kymrn (& the officer) aybgw (to the officer) aybgl (of prisoners) ryoa (into the house) tyb 59 (there) Nmt (from) Nm (you shall go out) qwpt (that not) ald (to you) Kl (I) ana (& say) rmaw (last) ayrxa (the one-quarter cent) anwms (you give) lttd (until) amde Chapter 13 1 (to Him) hl (they said) wrma (people) Nysna (came) wta (time) anbz (but) Nyd (at that) whb (whose blood) Nwhmd (mingled) jlx (Pilate) owjlypd (those) Nwnh (Galileans) aylylg (about) le (their sacrifices) Nwhyxbd (with) Me 2 (you) Nwtna (think) Nyrbo (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (& answered) anew (than) Nm (moreso) ryty (were) wwh (sinners) Nyyjx (Galileans) aylylg (that these) Nylhd (to them) Nwna (happened) awh (because this) ankhd (Galileans) aylylg (all) Nwhlk 3 (that also) Pad (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (no) al (you shall be destroyed) Nwdbat (likewise) ankh (you repent) Nwbwtt (unless) ala (all of you) Nwklk 4 (the tower) aldgm (upon whom) Nwhyle (fell) lpnd (eighteen) roetnmt (those) Nwnh (or) wa (you) Nwtna (think?) Nyrbo (them) Nwna (& it killed) ljqw (in Shiloha) axwlysb (all) Nwhlk (than) Nm (moreso) ryty (they were) wwh (that sinners) Nyyjxd (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (who dwell) Nyrmed (the children of men) asnynb 5 (that unless) alad (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (no) al (shall be destroyed) Nwdbat (like them) Nwhtwka (all of you) Nwklk (you repent) Nwbwtt 6 (to a man) snal (was) twh (there) tya (a fig tree) att (this) anh (parable) altm (& He said) rmaw (fruit) arap (in it) hb (seeking) aeb (& he came) ataw (in his vineyard) hmrkb (that had been planted) abyund (he found) xksa (& none) alw 7 (I) ana (have come) ata (years) Nyns (three) tlt (behold) ah (to the cultivators) axlpl (& he said)rmaw (I) ana (find) xksm (& none) alw (this) adh (in fig tree) attb (fruit) arap (I am) ana (seeking) aeb (the soil) aera (does it take away from) aljbm (why?) anml (cut it down) hyqwop 8 (leave it) hyqwbs (my lord) yrm (a cultivator) axlp (to him) hl (said) rma (year) atns (this) adh (also) Pa (& I shall manure it) hylbzaw (I shall cultivate it) hyxlpa (while) de 9 (fruit) arap (it will have borne) tdbe (& perhaps) Naw (you should cut it down) hyqopt (next year *) yxnml (otherwise) alaw And perhaps it will have borne fruit; Otherwise, next year, you should cut it down.
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* The Greek texts have after that, you shall cut it down. The Greek eiv to mellon eis to mellon literal means into the coming, referring to the future. yxnml -Next year looks very like yhnml, which is a compound of yh Nml -After that. The letters Khet x & Het h being very similar, are very easily mistaken one for the other, as was yhnml for yxnml by a Greek translator. There is no easy accounting for the reverse scenario. The Greek eiv to mellon eis to mellon could translate to yhnml -After that, but the Aramaic has yxnml Next year. The scribe would have had to have meant to write yhnml and written yxnml instead. Such an error is possible, but an error of the hand is much less likely than the error of the eye in the first scenario. The Peshitta has no demonstrable errors of the hand or eye, whereas the Greek has been shown to have a considerable number of such errors, simply by reason of its many thousands of variant readings. Both Eastern & Western Peshittas have the same reading. The Greek mss. all have the phrase eiv to mellon, though The Critical Greek text has: If it bears fruit after that, but if not, you shall cut it down. Papyrus 45 & D,Y & The Majority Byzantine Text have: And if it bear fruit: and if not, after that thou shalt cut it down. As you can see, neither Greek text makes good sense. An interesting possibility in the Peshitta text is that yxnml plus the following letter t-Tau gives ( tyxnml ) which makes sense as Why should it be living? and the remaining word hyqopt (You should cut it down) would become hyqop (Cut it down). However, I can find no evidence of any such reading in any Peshitta manuscript. They all seem to agree with the interlinear text I provide above, including The Khabouris manuscript, whose scribe writes that it is a direct copy of a fourth century (pre A.D. 360) manuscript.[I rely on Paul Younans expertise in Aramaic and Assyrian history,as he is a native Assyrian, for the date and translation of the scribal notes, which I have not yet seen.] 10 (in the Sabbath) atbsb (Yeshua) ewsy (taught) Plm (but) Nyd (when) dk (the synagogues) atswnk (of) Nm (in one) adxb 11 (a spirit) axwr (to her) hl (was) twh (who) tyad (a woman) attna (there) Nmt (was) twh (there) tya (she was) twh (& bent over) apypkw (eighteen) aroenmt (years) Nyns (of affliction) anhrwkd (at all) rmgl (to be straightened) jspttd (she had been) twh (able) axksm (& not) alw 12 (to her) hl (& He said) rmaw (& He called her) hrqw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (saw her) hzx (your affliction) yknhrwk (from) Nm (you are released) ytyrs (woman) attna 13 (she was straightened) tjspta (& at once) adxmw (upon her) hyle (His hand) hdya (& He laid) Mow (God) ahlal (& she glorified) txbsw 14 (being angered) tmxtm (when) dk (of the synagogue) atswnk (the leader) br (but) Nyd (answered) ane (Yeshua) ewsy (on the Sabbath) atbsb (had healed) yoad (because) le (days) Nymwy (there are) Nwna (six) ats (to the gathering) asnkl (& he said) rmaw (to work) xlpml (it is legal) alw (in which) Nwhbd (be healed) Nyoatm (come) Nyta (you may) Nwtywh (in them) Nwhb (of the Sabbath) atbsd (on the day) amwyb (& not) alw 15 (of faces) apab (accepter) bon (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (release) ars (does not?) al (on the Sabbath) atbsb (of you) Nwknm (one) dx (each) dx (& waters it) aqsm (& goes) lzaw (the stall) ayrwa (from) Nm (his donkey) hrmx (or) wa (his ox) hrwt 16 (of Abraham) Mhrbad (is) yh (a daughter) htrbd (but) Nyd (this) adh (years) Nyns (eighteen) aroenmt (behold) ah (the Devil) aurqlka (& has bound her) hroaw (bondage) ayrwoa (this) anh (from) Nm (that she be released) artstd (it) awh (is legal?) alw (il-) al (of the Sabbath) atbsd (on the day) amwyb But this is a daughter of Abraham and The Devil has held her for eighteen years, and is it illegal that she be set free ?from this bondage on the Sabbath day The ruler of the synagogue had argued that it was illegal (v. 14) to heal on the Sabbath. This is the word our Lord uses against him. The primary meaning of the Aramaic word alw -Walay, is It is right.The Jewish leaders regularly insisted that Jesus violated the law of Moses by healing on the Sabbath. 17 (they were) wwh (ashamed) Nythb (He had) awh (said) rma (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw (against Him) hlbwql (had) wwh (who stood) Nymyqd (those) Nylya (all) Nwhlk (were) awh (rejoicing) adx (the people) ame (& all) hlkw (by His hand) hdyab (were) ywh (that wrought) Nywhd (the miracles) athymt (at all) Nyhlkb 18 (is like) aymd (what?) anml (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) awh (said) rma (shall I compare it) hymda (& to what) anmlw (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm
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19 (a man) arbg (which took) bond (that) yh (of mustard seed) aldrxd (a grain) atdrpl (it is like) aymd (great) abr (a tree) anlya (& it became) twhw (& it grew) tbrw (into his garden) htngb (& cast it) hymra (in its branches) hykwob (nested) tnqa (of the sky) aymsd (& a bird) atxrpw 20 (shall I compare) hymda (to what?) anml (Yeshua) ewsy (said) rma (again) bwt (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklml 21 (she hid) trmj (a woman) attna (that took) tbond (yeast) arymxl (it is like) aymd (3 gallon measures *) Nyao (of three) tltd (in flour) axmqb (was fermented) emx (all of it) hlkd (until) made * Aramaic aao Seah (3 gallons) is also reflected in the Greek text, which has sata- Sata, which Thayers Greek-English Lexicon has as saton (pronounced Sahton), (Hebr. hao, Chald. ahao, Syr. F0s). The Greek text uses a HebrewAramaic word which is borrowed from the emphatic form of the Aramaic F0s or atao (Aramaic letters) -pronounced Satha. We can nail saton -Sahton down as a loan word from the Aramaic atao (Satha); in fact sata- Sata is exactly what a Greek would write if copying the standard lexical form atao (Satha) of the Aramaic word into Greek letters. The Hebrew hao Seah would never have the atao -Satha form; the plural Mytao -Sathim would be the closest Hebrew form of the word. 22 (He taught) Plm (as) dk (& in cities) atnydmbw (in villages) ayrwqb (He) awh (& traveled) adrw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (& He went on) lzaw 23 (who have life) Nyaxd (those) Nylya (are) Nwna (few) Nyrwez (if) Nad (a man) sna (but) Nyd (asked Him) hlas 24 (to enter) leml (strive hard) wstkta (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (narrow) auyla (the gate) aertb (they shall be able) Nwxksn (& not) alw (to enter) leml (shall seek) Nwebn (many) aaygod 25 (of the house) atyb (the Lord) arm (shall arise) Mwqnd (the hour) ates (from) Nm (outside) rbl (standing) Nymyq (& you shall be) Nwwhtw (the gate) aert (& shall bolt) dwxanw (at the gate) aertb (& knocking) Nysqnw (our Lord) Nrm (our Lord) Nrm (to say) rmaml (& you shall begin) Nwrstw (He) wh (& shall answer) anenw (to us) Nl (open) xtp (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (& He shall say) rmanw (are you) Nwtna (from where?) akmya (you) Nwkl (I) ana (know) edy (that not) ald 26 (& we drank) Nytsaw (we ate) Nlka (before You) Kymdq (to say) rmaml (& you shall begin) Nwrstw (You taught) tpla (& in our streets) Nyqwsbw 27 (you) Nwkl (I) ana (know) edy (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (& He shall say) rmanw (from Me) ynm (yourselves) Nwkl (remove) wqwrp (are you) Nwtna (from where?) akmya (of lies) arqws (workers) yxlp 28 (teeth) ans (& gnashing) qrwxw (weeping) aykb (shall be) awhn (there) Nmt (& Yaqob) bwqeylw (& Isaac) qxoyalw (Abraham) Mhrbal (you shall behold) Nwzxt (when) dk (of God) ahlad (in the Kingdom) atwklmb (the prophets) aybn (& all) Nwhlklw (outside) rbl (cast) Nyqpm (shall be) Nwwht (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 29 (the west) abrem (& from) Nmw (the east) axndm (from) Nm (& they shall come) Nwtanw (& they shall recline) Nwkmtonw (the north) aybrg (& from) Nmw (the south) anmyt (& from) Nmw (of God) ahlad (in the Kingdom) atwklmb 30 (the first) aymdq (who shall be) Nwwhnd (the last) ayrxa (there are) tya (& behold) ahw (the last) ayrxa (who shall be) Nwwhnd (the first) aymdq (& there are) tyaw 31 (the Pharisees) asyrp (of) Nm (some) asna (approached) wbrq (day) amwy (in that) whb (in it) hb (from here) akm (You) Kl (go) lz (depart) qwp (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (to kill You) Kljqml (wants) abu (Herodus) odwrhd (because) ljm 32 (this) anh (fox) aletl (tell) wrma (go) wlz (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (today) anmwy (I) ana (do) dbe (& cures) atwoaw (demons) adas (I) ana (cast out) qpm (behold) ahd (I) ana (shall be perfected) almtsm (third) atltd (& on the day) amwylw (& tomorrow) rxmw
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33 (I shall work) rweoa (& tomorrow) rxmw (that today) anmwyd (for Me) yl (it is right) alw (however) Mrb (because) ljm (I shall go) lza (the next) anrxa (the day) amwylw (that a prophet) aybnd (it is possible) axksm (not) ald (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (of) Nm (outside) rbl (shall perish) dban 34 (the prophets) aybn (you have murdered) tljq (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (to her) htwl (who were sent) Nyxylsd (those) Nylyal (& you have stoned) tmgrw (your children) ykynb (to gather) wsnkml (I have desired) tybu (times) Nynbz (how many?) amk (her wings) hypg (under) tyxt (her chicks) hygwrp (that gathers) asnkd (a hen) atlwgnrt (as) Kya (you were willing) Nwtybu (& not) alw O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you have murdered the prophets, and stoned them that were sent to her; how many times would I have gathered your children, as a hen that gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not? Our Lords lament for Jerusalem is an astonishing revelation of His psyche; He speaks as the Deity of Israel and His words are :reminiscent of the word of God spoken to the prophets Isa 30:15 For thus saith the Lord GOD, The Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not. Jer 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Jer 44:4 Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate. Jer 44:5 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods. Zec 1:4 Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye now from your evil ways, and from your evil doings: but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me, saith the LORD. In the words of C.S. Lewis, The idea of a great moral teacher saying what Christ said is out of the question. In my opinion, the only person who can say that sort of thing is either God, or a complete lunatic suffering from that delusion which undermines the whole mind of man. 35 (desolate) abrx (your house) Nwktyb (to you) Nwkl (is left) qbtsm (behold) ah (until) amde (you shall see Me) ynnwzxt (that not) ald (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (Who comes) atad (is He) wh (blest) Kyrb (you will say) Nwrmatd (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in the Name) hmsb Behold, your house is left to you desolate, for I say to you: You will not see me, until you will say, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Jehovah. Chapter 14 1 (of) Nm (of one) dxd (the house) atybl (He entered) le (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw (bread) amxl (to eat) lwkand (of the Pharisees) asyrpd (the leaders) asr (Him) hl (were) wwh (observing) Nyrjn (& they) Nwnhw (of the Sabbath) atbsd (on the day) amwyb 2 (with fluid) aym (was) awh (who swollen) synkd (one) dx (man) arbg (& behold) ahw (before Him) yhwmdq (was) awh (there) tya And behold, a certain man who had Edema was there before Him. 3 (& to the Pharisees) asyrplw (to the Scribes) arpol (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (& answered) anew (to heal) wyoaml (on the Sabbath) atbsb (it is legal) jyls (surely) Nad 4 (He) wh (& held him) hdxaw (were silent) wqts (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (& He dismissed him) yhyrsw (& He healed him) hyoaw 5 (of you) Nwknm (who?) wnm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (in a pit) arbb (whose ox) hrwt (or) wa (whose son *) hrb (should fall) lpnd (at once) adxm (& not) alw (of the Sabbath) atbsd (on the day) amwyb (him) hl (& would lift up) qom (would pull) ald
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

* Only one early Greek ms. (a) has the reading a donkey or an ox; The Majority Greek text, along with Vaticanus (B),Alexandrinus (A) and P45 & P75 (both 2nd or 3rd century mss.) agree with The Peshitta here (son or ox). Codex Beza (D) of the 6th cent. has Sheep or ox, another indication that the Greek is a translation of The Peshitta, since Barah can refer to any young animal. Many Greek variants can be so explained. Barah- hrb usually means Son, but can refer to a young animal. Possibly a translator looked at hrwt wa hrb -his son or his ox and saw hrmx hrb -his young donkey & .then re-read the second Aramaic word hrwt Tora correctly as Ox after writing the Greek onov -Onos- Donkey 6 (this) adh (to) le (an answer) amgtp (Him) hl (give) ltml (they could) wxksa (& not) alw 7 (there) Nmt (who were invited) Nynmzmd (those) Nwnh (to) twl (parable) altm (He) awh (& said) rmaw (who chose) Nybgmd (those) Nwhl (He) awh (when saw) azxd (upon) le (seats) akmo (of the best) syrd (places) atykwd 8 (banquet) atwtsm (to a house) tybl (a man) sna (by) Nm (you are) tna (invited) Nmdzmd (when) ytma (lest) amld (seat) akmo (at the best) syrb (yourself) Kl (seat) Kmtot (go) lzat (not) al (than you) Knm (who is more honorable) rqymd (a man) sna (there) Nmt (he appoints) Nmzm (it may be) awhn 9 (to you) Kl (& say) rmanw (called) arq (& him) hlw (you) Kld (who) Nm (he) wh (& should come) atanw (& you will be ashamed) thbtw (to this one) anhl (the place) atkwd (give) bhd (the last) atyrxa (place) atkwd (you) tna (& take) dxaw (you) tna (stand) Maq (when) dk 10 (last) atrxb (yourself) Kl (seat) Kmtoa (go) lz (you are invited) tnmdzad (whenever) am (but) ala (who called you) Krqd (he) wh (should come) atad (that whenever) amd (& be seated) Kmtoaw (up) lel (come) aleta (my friend) ymxr (to you) Kl (he may say) rman (all of them *) Nwhlk (before) Mdq (glory) atxwbst (to you) Kl (& there shall be) awhtw (with you) Kme (who sit) Nykymod C * The Majority Greek text omits All of them while the Critical Greek text has the phrase. Interesting, isnt it, that in verse 5, The Peshitta agrees with the Majority Greek text, and five verses later, it agrees with The Critical Greek text?Which Greek text ?would The Peshitta translate, if it is a translation of Greek 11 (shall be humbled) Kkmtn (himself) hspn (who will exalt) Myrnd (everyone) lkd (because) ljm (shall be exalted) Myrttn (himself) hspn (who will humble) Kmnd (& everyone) lkw 12 (who had invited Him) yhyrqd (to him) whl (also) Pa (but) Nyd (He said) rma (a supper) atymsxa (or) wa (a banquet) atwrs (you) tna (make) dbed (whenever) am (your brothers) Kyxa (neither) alpa (your friends) Kymxr (call) arq (do) awht (not) al (rich) aryte (your neighbors) Kybbs (nor) alw (your relatives) Kynyxa (or) wa (invite you) Knwrqn (they) Nwnh (also) Paw (lest) amld (this) anh (a reward) anerwp (to you) Kl (& would be) awhnw 13 (a reception) albwq (you) tna (make) dbed (whenever) am (but) ala (the blind) aymo (the maimed) aoygx (the disabled) apygo (the poor) ankoml (invite) yrq 14 (to repay you) Knwerpnd (with them) Nwhl (for there is nothing) tyld (& you are blessed) Kybwjw (of the Righteous *) aqydzd (in the resurrection) amyqb (your reward) Knerwp (for) ryg (shall be) awhn * The Aramaic aqydzd Zaddyka can be singular or plural; the singular would refer to the resurrection of The Messiah- The Righteous One.This is the only mention of this particular phrase the resurrection of the Righteousin the NT. Paul later writes that He was delivered up because of our sins, and He arose to justify us. Romans 4:25. And ye have been buried with him, by baptism; and by it ye have risen with him; while ye believed in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. Col 2:12 15 (these things) Nylh (who were sitting) Nykymod (those) Nwnh (of) Nm (one) dx (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (who will eat) lwkand (to him) Nml (his blessing) yhwbwj (to Him) hl (he said) rma (of God) ahlad (in the Kingdom) htwklmb (bread *) amxl

.C * The Majority Greek text has dinner where the Critical Greek has bread
16 (great) atbr (a supper) atymsxa (made) dbe (one) dx (man) arbg (Yeshua *) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma
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(many) aaygol (& he called) arqw N * All Greek mss. lack Yeshua(Jesus) .17 (of the supper) atymsxad (at the time) andeb (his servant) hdbe (& he sent) rdsw (behold) ah (who were called) Nyrqd (to those) Nylyal (to say) rmand (come) wt (for you) Nwkl (is ready) byjm (everything *) Mdmlk M * Everything is lacking in the Critical Greek mss. P45, P75, a, B,Y. The Majority Greek agrees with The Peshitta here.All Greek mss. lack Behold & for you. In verse 15, The Peshitta agrees with the Critical Greek text;in verse 16 it agrees with no Greek text in reading Yeshua: in v. 17 it agrees with no Greek text in two places & once it agrees with the Majority text. Where is the Greek text that can account for these different readings in three consecutive verses, not to mention verses 5 & 10? It is much more reasonable to account for the Greek readings on the basis of omissions & alternate word meanings in translating from a Peshitta original, than vice versa.The Peshitta can in this way account for all Greek texts; No Greek text can reasonably account for the Peshitta. 18 (to make excuses) wlatsml (all of them) Nwhlk (each) dx (from) Nm (& they began) wyrsw (I am) ana (compelled) Uylaw (I have bought) tnbz (a field) atyrq (the first) aymdq (to him) hl (said) rma (of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (to see it) hyzxa (to go) qwpad (I) ana (that should excused) latsmd (allow me) ynyqwbs 19 (I have bought) tnbz (of oxen) arwt (yoke) Nygwz (five) asmx (said) rma (another) anrxa (of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (them) Nwna (to examine) aqbad (I) ana (& am going) lzaw (I) ana (that should excused) latsmd (allow me) ynyqwbs 20 (I have taken) tbon (a wife) attna (said) rma (& another) anrxaw (come) atad (I) ana (can) xksm (not) al (this) adh (& because of) ljmw 21 (these things) Nylh (to his employer) hrml (& he said) rmaw (servant) adbe (that) wh (& came) ataw (to his servant) hdbel (& he said) rmaw (of the house) atyb (the owner) arm (was angry) zgr (then) Nydyh (of the city) atnydmd (& to streets) atyrblw (to the market places) aqwsl (quickly) lgeb (go out) qwp (& the afflicted) abakmlw (the poor) ankoml (here) akl (& bring) leaw (& the blind *) arywelw (& the feeble *) argxmlw * The Critical Greek text switches the order of the feeble and the blind.The Majority Greek agrees with The Peshitta here. 22 (you ordered) tdqpd (as) Kya (it is) awh (my lord) yrm (the servant) adbe (& said) rmaw (room) arta (there is) tya (& yet) bwtw 23 (to the streets) atxrwal (go out) qwp (to his servant) hdbel (the owner) arm (& said) rmaw (them to enter) Nwlend (& compel) Uwlaw (of hedges) agyo (& to the place) tyblw (my house) ytyb (that should be filled) almtnd 24 (men) asna (those) Nwnh (of) Nm (that one) dxd (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (my supper) ytymsxa (of) Nm (will partake) Nwmejn (not) al (were) wwh (who invited) Nyrqd 25 (great) aaygo (crowds) asnk (with Him) hme (there were) wwh (going) Nylza (& when) dkw (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (He turned) ynpta 26 (his father) yhwbal (hates) ano (& not) alw (to Me) ytwl (comes) atad (whoever) Nm (& his wife) httnalw (& his sisters) htwxalw (& his brothers) yhwxalw (& his mother) hmalw (himself) hspnl (& even) Paw (& his children) yhwnblw (to Me) yl (be) awhnd (can) xksm (not) al (a disciple) adymlt 27 (after Me) yrtb (& comes) ataw (his cross) hbylu (takes) lqs (not) ald (& whoever) Nmw (to Me) yl (be) awhnd (can) xksm (not) al (a disciple) adymlt 28 (a tower) aldgm (to build) anbnd (who wants) abud (among you) Nwknm (for) ryg (who is?) wnm (its cost) htqpn (calculates) bsx (sits down) bty (first) Mdqwl (& not) alw (to finish it) htwmlsml (he) hl (is) tya (if) Na
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29 (finish) wmlsml (can) xksn (& not) alw (the foundation) atoats (he lays) Myon (when) dk (lest) ald (him) hb (mock) Nyxzbm (will) Nwwhn (who see) Nyzxd (all) lk 30 (to build) anbml (began) yrs (man) arbg (this) anhd (& they will say) Nyrmaw (finish) wmlsml (could) xksa (& not) alw 31 (to fight) wstktml (to battle) abrql (who goes) lzad (the king) aklm (who is?) wnm (or) wa (whether) Nad (considers) aertm (first) Mdqwl (& not) alw (his neighbor) hrbx (a king) aklm (with) Me (him) whl (confront) eraml (thousand) Nypla (with ten) aroeb (he can) xksm (thousand) Nypla (with twenty) Nyroeb (against him) yhwle (who comes) atad 32 (from him) hnm (far) qyxr (he is) wh (while) de (not) al (but) Nyd (& if) Naw (peace) amls (for) le (& pleads) aebw (envoys) adgzya (he sends) rdsm 33 (his possessions) hnynq (all) hlk (forsakes) qbs (who not) ald (of you) Nwknm (everyone) snlk (thus) ankh (a disciple) adymlt (to Me) yl (be) awhnd (can) xksm (not) al 34 (becomes insipid) hkpt (salt) axlm (even) Pa (but) Nyd (if) Na (salt) axlm (is) yh (excellent) aryps (will it be seasoned) xlmtt (with what?) anmb 35 (is it fit) alza (for manure) albzl (nor) alw (for land) aeral (not) al (it) hl (they cast) Nyds (outside) rbl (let him hear) emsn (that hears) emsnd (an ear) anda (to him) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nm Chapter 15 1 (to Him) htwl (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (approaching) Nybrqtm (to hear Him) yhynwemsnd (& sinners) ayjxw (tax collectors) aokm 2 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (were) wwh (complaining) Nynjr (& Pharisees) asyrpw (& Scribes) arpow (with them) Nwhme (& He eats) lkaw (receives) lbqm (sinners) ayjxl (This One) anh 3 (this) anh (parable) altm (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw 4 (to him) hl (who has) tyad (a man) arbg (among you) Nwknm (who is?) wnm (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (should be lost) dban (& if) Naw (sheep) Nybre (a hundred) aam (& would go) lzaw (in the wilderness) arbdb (& nine) aestw (ninety) Nyest (would leave) qbs (not) al (he would find it) yhwyxksnd (until) amde (which is lost) dbad (that one) whl (seek) aeb Seek is missing in the Greek NT text except Codex D (6th century). 5 (he has found it) hxksad (& whenever) amw (his shoulder) htptk (on) le (it) hl (& he carries) lqsw (he rejoices) adx 6 (his friends) yhwmxrl (& he calls) arqw (to his house) htybl (& he comes) ataw (with me) yme (rejoice) wdx (to them) Nwhl (& says) rmaw (& his neighbors) yhwbbslw (was) awh (which lost) dybad (my sheep) ybre (for I have found) txksad 7 (in Heaven) aymsb (joy) atwdx (there shall be) awht (that like this) ankhd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (more than) wa (that returns Home) batd (sinner) ayjx (one) dx (over) le (righteous ones) Nyqydz (& nine) aestw (ninety) Nyest (over) le (a Home coming) atwbyt (for them) Nwhl (need) ayebtm (who not) ald Taav bat primarily means to return; it also means to turn to God. The word repent conveys an incomplete meaningthe point our Lord makes in His parables is that the lost are found and come home again where they belong. God is our Home to which we must return. Taav in the spiritual sense refers to the souls homecoming. 8 (to her) hl (which has) tyad (the woman) attna (is) yh (who?) adya (or) wa
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(of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (& will lose) dbwtw (quarter-shekels) Nyzwz (ten) aroe (the house) atyb (& sweeps) amxw (a lamp) agrs (lights) arhnm (& not) alw (until) amde (carefully) tyalyjb (it) hl (& searches) ayebw (she finds it) yhwyxkstd A Zuza- azwz was worth about ten pence, the equivalent of two weeks wages, in the first century. This was one tenth of the womans dowry. The Greek mss. have Drachma, which is a Greek silver coin about the same weight as a Roman Denarius. What business had the Jews of Israel with Greek drachmas? This is simply the Greek monetary exchange for the Zuza. The Romans occupied Israel at this time, and that is reflected in The Peshittas use of the Latinism Denarielsewhere for the common coin used in commerce, based on the coin of the realm, the Roman Denarius.A Jewish womans dowry would be worn around her head, like a crown. It would contain the Jewish coins of the time, not the pagan currency of Greeks. Hence, the Greek book of Luke reveals that the three uses of the Greek Drachmaare not original, but a Hellenization (Greek conversion) of The Peshittas Aramaic term. 9 (her friends) htmxrl (she calls) ayrq (she has found it) htxksad (& when) amw (with me) yme (rejoice) Nyydx (to them) Nyhl (& she says) armaw (& her neighbors) htbbslw (was) awh (that lost) dybad (my shekel) yzwz (for I have found) txksad 10 (joy) atwdx (there shall be) awht (that like this) ankhd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (of God) ahlad (the angels) yhwkalm (before) Mdq (who returns home) batd (sinner) ayjx (one) dx (over) le 11 (one) dx (man) arbgl (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (& said) rmaw (two) Nyrt (sons) aynb (to him) hl (were) awh (there) tya Again Jesus said to them, A certain man had two sons. Jesus (Yeshua) is missing in all Greek texts. 12 (to me) yl (give) bh (my father) yba (younger) arwez (his son) hrb (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (your estate) Ktyb (from) Nm (me) yl (that befalls) ayjmd (the portion) atwglp (his wealth) hnynq (to them) Nwhl (& he divided) glpw Greek omits the grey shaded words and has to his father instead of to him. 13 (younger) arwez (his son) hrb (he) wh (gathered) snk (a few) lylq (days) atmwy (after) rtb (& from) Nmw (to a country) artal (& he went) lzaw (that was coming to him) yhyjmd (thing) Mdm (every) lk (his wealth) hnynq (dissipated) rdb (& there) Nmtw (distant) aqyxr (wastefully) tyaxrp (living) ayx (while) dk 14 (to him) hl (was) awh (that) tyad (thing) Mdm (every) lk (he had spent) rmg (& when) dkw (& he began) yrsw (that) wh (in country) artab (great) abr (a famine) anpk (there was) awh (to him) hl (to be wanting) rox 15 (of a city) atnydm (the sons) ynb (of) Nm (to one) dxl (himself) hl (he joined) Pqn (& going) lzaw (pigs) aryzx (to herd) aerml (to a field) atyrql (sent him) hrds (& he) whw (that) wh (of country) artad 16 (from) Nm (his belly) hork (to fill) almml (he) awh (& was made to desire) grgrtmw (the pigs) aryzx (were) wwh (that eating) Nylkad (those) Nwnh (carob pods) abwrx (to him) hl (was) awh (giving) bhy (man) sna (& no) alw Greek texts have two readings meaning to fill: Critical Greek -cortasyhnai (chortasthaynai) & Majority Greek -gemisai (gemisai). 17 (he said) rma (himself) hspn (to) twl (he came) ata (& when) dkw (my fathers) yba (in house) tyb (are) tya (hired servants) aryga (now) ash (how many?) amk (bread) amxl (for themselves) Nwhl (who have plenteous) rytyd (am) ana (dying) dba (with my hunger) ynpkl (here) akrh (& I) anaw 18 (to him) hl (& say) rmaw (my father) yba (to) twl (I shall go) lza (I shall arise) Mwqa (& before you) Kymdqw (to Heaven) aymsb (I have sinned) tyjx (my father) yba 19
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(I should be called) arqta (that your son) Krbd (I) ana (am worthy) aws (from now) lykm (& not) alw (your hired servants) Kyryga (of) Nm (one) dx (as) Kya (make me) ynydbe 20 (his father) yhwba (to) twl (he came) ata (& rising) Mqw (his father) yhwba (saw him) yhyzx (was distant) qyxr (he) wh (& while) dew (& he ran) jhrw (for him) yhwle (& he was moved with compassion) Mxrtaw (& he kissed him) hqsnw (his neck) hrwu (on) le (he fell) lpn 21 (to Heaven) aymsb (I have sinned) tyjx (my father) yba (his son) hrb (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (I am) ana (worthy) aws (& not) alw (& before you) Kymdqw (I should be called) arqta (that your son) Krbd 22 (bring) wqpa (to his servants) yhwdbel (his father) yhwba (but) Nyd (said) rma (a ring) atqze (& put) wmyow (clothe him) yhwsbla (the best) atysr (the robe) aljoa (with shoes) anom (& shoe him) yhwnaoaw (on his hand) hdyab 23 (that is fattened) amjpd (the ox) arwt (& kill) wlwjq (& bring) wtyaw (& let us celebrate) Mobtnw (& let us eat) lwkanw Greek mss. have two different readings meaning Bring: Majority Greek-enegkantev & Critical Greek-ferete. ferete 24 (& he is alive) ayxw (was) awh (dead) atym (my son) yrb (because this) anhd (& he is found) xktsaw (he was) awh (& lost) adybaw (to celebrate) wmobtml (& they began) wyrsw 25 (was) awh (in the field) atyrqb (elder) asysq (his son) hrb (but) Nyd (he) wh (the house) atyb (to) twl (& he came near) brqw (he came) ata (& as) dkw (of many) aaygod (of singing) armz (the sound) lq (he heard) ems Aaaygod -of many was apparently read as adqr -dancing; Greek mss. have music and dancing. Aaaygod with one Alep still has the same meaning: Aaygod. d & r are practically identical. q & o could be confused with a smudged Semqat- o. yg g, if pressed together or smudged (apparently some smudging occurred at the last word in the verse) may appear d, & both words end with a. ayg god becomes ad dqr. This is quite a feasible explanation for the Greek reading Dancing. Another possibility is that the Greek translator skipped many and read the first word of the next sentence arqw(and called) & read it as adqr -dancing, and then, after translating it as corwn -dancing, looked back and read it a second time, only correctly the second time as called. I would like to hear someone who believes The Peshitta came from the Greek explain how The Peshitta got its reading of Aaaygod (d sagaya) many from the Greek word corwn (chorone)-dancing. All Peshitta mss. have the same reading: aaygod-of many. I show again the two Aramaic words for & he called and Dancing using Dead Sea Scroll script for comparison: )rqw(& he called) )dqr(dancing) 26 (this) anh (what is?) wnm (& asked him) hlasw (the boys) aylj (of) Nm (one) dxl (& he called) arqw 27 (has come) ata (your brother) Kwxa (to him) hl (he said) rma (that was fattened) amjpd (the ox) arwt (your father) Kwba (& killed) ljqw (he received him) hlbqa (he is well) Mylx (because when) dkd 28 (to enter) leml (he) awh (did want) abu (& not) alw (& he was angry) zgrw (with him) hnm (pleading) aeb (his father) yhwba (& went out) qpnw 29 (years) Nyns (as many) amk (behold) ah (to his father) yhwbal (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (have I transgressed) trbe (ever) Mwtmm (& not) alw (servitude) atwdbe (for you) Kl (I) ana (worked) xlp (to me) yl (you gave) tbhy (not) al (a goat) aydg (ever) Mwtm (& from) Nmw (your command) Kndqwp (my friends) ymxr (with) Me (that I may celebrate) Mobtad 30 (with) Me (your money) Knynq (he had wasted) xrp (when) dk (your son) Krb (but) Nyd (this) anhl (fattened) amjpd (the ox) arwt (for him) hl (you slew) tokn (& he has come) ataw (whores) atynz 31 (always) Nbzlkb (you) tna (my son) yrb (his father) yhwba (to him) hl (said) rma
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(is) wh (yours) Klyd (mine) ylyd (& everything) Mdmlkw (are) tna (with me) yme 32 (& to rejoice) adxmlw (for us) Nl (it was) awh (right) alw (but) Nyd (to celebrate) Mobml (& he is alive) ayxw (was) awh (dead) atym (your brother) Kwxa (for this) anhd (& he is found) xktsaw (he was) awh (& lost) adybaw Chapter 16 1 (a man) arbg (his disciples) yhwdymlt (to) twl (a parable) altm (& He told) rmaw (a steward) atybr (to him) hl (was) awh (& there) tyaw (rich) aryte (was) awh (there) tya (certain) dx (with accusing him) yhwurq (to him) hl (& they were consumed) wlkataw (he was squandering) xrpm (that his wealth) hnynqd 2 (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (his lord) hrm (& summoned him) yhyrqw (about you) Kyle (I) ana (have heard) emsd (this) anh (what is?) wnm (of your stewardship) Ktwtyb tbrd (an inventory) anbswx (to me) yl (give) bh (from now) lykm (you) tna (can) xksm (for) ryg (not) al (for me) yl (be) awhtd (steward) atybr 3 (shall I do) dbea (what?) anm (to himself) hspnb (steward) atybr (that) wh (said) rma (the stewardship) atwtyb tbr (from me) ynm (it) hl (has taken) lqs (for my lord) yrmd (I am) ana (ashamed) thb (& to beg) rdxmlw (I) ana (can) xksm (not) al (to dig) rwpxad 4 (I am put out) tqpnd (that when) amd (I shall do) dbea (what?) anm (I know) tedy (into their houses) Nwhytbb (they may receive me) ynnwlbqn (the stewardship) atwtyb tbr (from) Nm 5 (his lord) hrmd (owed) abyx (who) Nm (one) dx (each) dx (& he called) arqw (to my lord) yrml (you) tna (owe) byx (how much?) amk (to the first) aymdql (& he said) rmaw 6 (he said) rma (of oil) axsm (baths *) Nyrtm (a hundred) aam (to him) hl (he said) rma (baths *) Nyrtm (fifty) Nysmx (write) bwtk (quickly) lgeb (& sit) btw (your book) Kbtk (take) bo (to him) hl * A Bath was a Hebrew liquid measure of about 10 gallons. The Aramaic word is Nyrtm, from ayrtm Metraya. The Greek texts in this verse have Batouv, from Batos, which is of Hebrew origin Bath. The Peshitta O.T. sometimes translates the Hebrew Bath with Metraya. It is interesting that The LXX has no occurrences of the Greek form Batov Batos, nor does it occur anywhere in Greek literature or elsewhere in The Greek NT. The only other place it occurs is in Josephus Antiquities where he, translating his original Aramaic text into Greek, explains what a Bath measure is. All Greek texts have Batos just once in this verse (& in the NT), whereas The Peshitta has the equivalent Metraya twice here. It is more likely the Greek was translated from the Aramaic than vice versa; it is not very likely, generally, that a translator will add words not in the original, especially when the text is the Bible; it is more likely that he or she will omit a word, inadvertently. Since the translator knew this word was of Hebrew origin, he probably simply gave the Hebrew term in Greek form- Batos, rather than translate the Aramaic word Metraya( which would be metronin Greek). 7 (to my lord) yrml (you) tna (owe) byx (what?) anm (& you) tnaw (to another) anrxal (& he said) rmaw (to him) hl (he said) rma (of wheat) ajx (cors *) Nyrwk (a hundred) aam (to him) hl (he said) rma (cors) Nyrwk (eighty) Nyanmt (write) bwtk (& sit) btw (your book) Kbtk (take) lbq * A Cor is another Hebrew term (Aramaic has Korinefrom the singular form Kore). Greek texts have Korous, which is from the Hebrew Cor. A Cor was equivalent to ten Baths in volume, or about 100 gallons. Thayers Greek-English Lexicon lists both Koros and Batos as Hebrew in origin. The OT Greek LXX translates the Hebrew word Cor with the Greek form Koros twice and three times it is translated from the Hebrew homer, which was about the same size as a Cor. Korous (from Koros) is found only once in The Greek NT, like Batos. The Aramaic word Nyrwk Korine occurs twice in this verse, as does Nyrtm -Metraya in verse six. 8 (who had done evil) alwed (the steward) atybrl (our Lord) Nrm (& praised) xbsw (he had acted) dbe (because wisely) tyamykxd (are) Nwna (wiser) Nymykx (this) anh (of world) amled (for) ryg (the children) yhwnb (this) adh (in their generation) Nwhtbrsb (of the light) arhwnd (the children) yhwnb (than) Nm 9 (to you) Nwkl (am) ana (saying) rma (I) ana (also) Paw (friends) amxr (for yourselves) Nwkl (make) wdbed (of evil) alwed (this) anh (Money) anwmm (from) Nm (they may receive you) Nwknwlbqn (it has been spent) rmgd (that whenever) amd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(eternal) Mleld (into their dwellings) Nwhyljmb

anwmm Mamone (Mammon) occurs three times in this passage and only one other time in the NT (Matthew 6:24). In every place, the Greek has the Aramaic word mamwna (mammona) in Greek letters, which shows an Aramaic original behind the Greek text. The LXX Greek never uses this word anywhere in the Old Testament, nor is it found anywhere in Greek literature, according to Thayers Greek Lexicon. Grey shaded words are not found in most or any Greek mss. The Majority Greek text has When you failinstead of When it has been spent. The Critical Greek (P75, B, a, D, Y, ) plus all Syriac versions, agree with The Peshitta. Two late Greek mss. have their dwellings whereas all others lack their.No Greek ms. has all The Peshitta readings in this verse We see in the Greek Gospel of Luke (even in chapters 15 & 16) that the currency, standards of measure and language of the Israeli people of the 1st century were not Greek, but Hebrew & Aramaic, and that the Greek version is a translation, often transliterating Aramaic and Hebrew terms. The Jewish people had repudiated Greek culture altogether, as Josephus also testified. It is ludicrous to assume the original Gospels, all of which would have been first circulated among the first Christians who lived in Judea, were written in Greek! They would not have been able to read them and it would have been an insult to their conscience to learn Greek. 10 (is) wh (faithful) Nmyhm (with much) ygob (also) Pa (is faithful) Nmyhm (with little) lylqbd (whoever) Nm (he) wh (does evil) lwe (with much) ygob (also) Pa (does evil) lwe (with little) lylqbd (& whoever) Nmw 11 (you are) Nwtywh (not) al (faithful) anmyhm (of evil) alwed (with the wealth) anwmmb (therefore) lykh (if) Na (will commit) Nmyhm (who?) wnm (to you) Nwkl (the reality) arrs 12 (faithful) anmyhm (you are found) Nwtxktsa (not) al (is yours) Nwklyd (with what not) aldb (& if) Naw (to you) Nwkl (will give) ltn (who?) wnm (yours *) Nwklyd

* One Greek ms. (B) has ours for yours. P75(2nd-3rd Cent.), a (4th Cent.), D, Y, (W -most Greek mss.) agree with The Peshitta. 13 (serve) xlpml (lords) Nwrm (two) Nyrtl (who can) xksmd (a servant) adbe (there is not) tyl (he will love) Mxrn (& the other) anrxalw (he will hate) anon (one) dxl (for) ryg (either) wa (he will neglect) jwsn (& the other) anrxalw (he will honor) rqyn (the one) dxl (or) wa (& Money) anwmmlw (God) ahlal (serve) xlpml (you) Nwtna (can) Nyxksm (not) al 14 (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (they heard) wems (when) dk (but) Nyd (the Pharisee(s) asyrp (Him) hb (they were) wwh (mocking) Nyqymm (money) apok (they were) wwh (loving) Nymxrd (because) ljm 15 (are they) Nwna (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (of men) asna (children) ynb (before) Mdq (themselves) Nwhspn (who justify) Nyqdzmd (your hearts) Nwktwbl (knows) edy (but) Nyd (God) ahla (the children of men) asnynb (among) tyb (that is exalted) Mrd (for the thing) Mdmd (is) wh (disgusting) dydn (God) ahla (before) Mdq 16 (then) Nydyh (from) Nm (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (until) amde (& The Prophets) aybnw (The Law) aowmn (everyone) lkw (is announced) arbtom (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (to enter it) lwend (is pushing) ubx (to it) hl 17 (would pass away) Nwrben (& earth) aeraw (that Heaven) aymsd (but) Nyd (it is) wh (easier) qysp (should pass away) rbet (the law) aowmn (from) Nm (one) adx (symbol *) atwta (than) wa atwta Atwatha may refer to a letter, sign or character. All of these are symbols, so I chose that to translate this word. In Matthew 5:18, The Peshitta records our Lord as saying not one Yodh or one Taag will pass from the Law, till everything will come to pass. A Yodh is the smallest letter; a Taag is a crownlet symbol used by the Scribes in their Massorah to designate certain letters of certain significant words, their usages and number of occurrences in the scriptures. It was an apparent reference to the Massoretic scribal tradition of precision in copying scripture going back to the first century and before, which accounts for the extreme accuracy and uniformity among manuscripts of The Hebrew Bible. Atwathawould include letters and signs, essentially restating Matthew 5:18.The Greek NT has the word keraian (a little horn,point);the same is used in Matthew 5:18, and confirms the Aramaic sense of Taag or Symbol. Our Lord held a very high view of The Hebrew Bible. It was for Him Divinely inspired, letter by letter, and preserved also letter by letter. It would be easier to destroy Heaven and earth than to destroy one letter from The Law (The Law sometimes refers to the entire Hebrew Bible-See John 10:34, 15:25).It is safe to say that our Lord Yeshua held to the infallibility of scripture and understood that to include the idea that even in His time, 1500 years after Moses received the Law on Mt Sinai, every letter of the original text had been Divinely
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preserved and would be preserved until the end of time and beyond into eternity.He saw the Word of God as more sacred than all creation, and completely unshakeable. We can place all confidence in it; We have His Word on it. Notwithstanding, He seems to indicate a change in dispensation from The Law & Prophets to The Kingdom of God in verses 16 - 18. This does not mean He came to destroy the Law or The Prophets, but to fulfill them(Matthew 5:17). It does mean that Heaven & earth would pass away and all things would become new in a new creation. The primary instruments in effecting that great transformation would be a cross and a tomb: a cross upon which would hang and die The Creator of heaven and earth, and The Life thereof; a tomb, in which He Who suffered and died on that cross would be buried and rise again the third day. Paul The Apostle explains this all later in his great epistles. They were to be universal and eternal events, starting at the Top of all things with The Godhead and including all creation in its activities, thus transforming all things in a complete redemption. To verify that He moved from Law & Prophets to a new order, He lays down a new law, unwritten in The Law of Moses. That law follows in verse 18: 18 (another) atrxa (& takes) bonw (his wife) httna (divorces) arsd (whoever) Nm (everyone) lk (that takes) bond (whoever) Nm (& everyone) lkw (commits adultery) rag (commits adultery) rag (her that is divorced) atqybs Verse 18 establishes Yeshua Meshikha as the Lawgiver One far greater than Moses. He lays down His law in the Gospels, and especially in His Sermons on the Mount and on the Plain, as recorded in Matthew 5-7 and in Luke 6. 19 (was) awh (there) tya (rich) aryte (certain) dx (but) Nyd (a man) arbg (& purple) anwgraw (fine white linen) auwb (he) awh (& wore) sblw (luxuriously) tyayag (he) awh (celebrated) Nymobtm (& every day) Mwylkw 20 (Lazar) rzel (whose name) hmsd (was) awh (there) tya (certain) dx (& a poor man) ankomw (rich man) aryte (of that) whd (the gate) hert (at) twl (he) awh (& lay) amrw (with abscesses) anxwsb (being stricken) yxmm (while) dk 21 (from) Nm (his belly) hork (to fill) almnd (he) awh (& longed) baytmw (rich man) aryte (of that) whd (the table) hrwtp (from) Nm (that fell) Nylpnd (the fragments) atwtrp (his abscesses) yhwnxws (licking) Nykxlm (would) wwh (come) Nyta (dogs) ablk (also) Pa (but) ala 22 (poor man) ankom (that) wh (died) tymw (but) Nyd (he) awh (of Abraham) Mhrbad (to the bosom) hbwel (angels) akalm (& brought him) yhwlbwaw (& he was buried) rbqtaw (died) tym (rich man) aryte (but) Nyd (that) wh (also) Pa 23 (from) Nm (his eyes) yhwnye (he lifted) Myra (in Sheol) lwysb (he suffered) qntsm (& as) dkw ( in his bosom) hbweb (& Lazar) rzellw (Abraham) Mhrbal (& he saw) azxw (far away) aqxwr 24 (my father) yba (& he said) rmaw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (& he called) arqw (Lazar) rzell (& send) rdsw (on me) yle (have pity) Mxrta (Abraham) Mhrba (for me) yl (& moisten) bjrnw (in water) aymb (of his finger) hebu (the tip) syr (to dip) ewbund (this) adh (in flame) atybhlsb (I am) ana (suffering) qntsm (for behold) ahd (my tongue) ynsl All Greek mss. lack in a loud voice. 25 (remember) rkdta (my son) yrb (Abraham) Mhrba (to him) hl (said) rma (in your life) Kyyxb (your good things) Ktbj (that you received) tlbqd (here) akrh (he is comforted) xynttm (behold) ah (& now) ashw (his evil things) htsyb (& Lazar) rzelw (are suffering) qntsm (& you) tnaw 26 (stands) amyo (great) atbr (an abyss) atwh (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (& with) Mew (from here) akm (who would) Nybud (that those) Nylyad (& you) Nwklw (between) Nynyb (shall not be able) Nwxksn (not) al (to you) Nwktwl (pass over) Nwrbend (to us) Ntwl (to pass over) Nwrben (is there) Nmt (whoever) Nmd (& neither) alpaw 27 (my father) yba (of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (therefore) Nydm (to him) hl (he said) rma (of my father) yba (to the house) tybl (to send him) yhwyrdstd 28 (to testify to) dhon (he should go) lzan (to me) yl (are) tya (brothers) Nyxa (for) ryg (five) asmx (this) adh (to place) atkwdl (should come) Nwtan (they) Nwnh (also) Pa (so that not) ald (them) Nwna
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(of torment) aqynstd 29 (to them) Nwhl (there is) tya (Abraham) Mhrba (to him) hl (said) rma (them) Nwna (let them hear) Nwemsn (& the Prophets) aybnw (Moses) aswm 30 (Abraham) Mhrba (my father) yba (no) al (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (to them) Nwhtwl (will go) lzan (the dead) atym (from) Nm (a man) sna (if) Na (but) ala (they will be converted) Nybyt 31 (& the Prophets) aybnlw (Moses) aswml (if) Na (Abraham) Mhrba (to him) hl (said) rma (a man) sna (if) Na (not) al (also) Pa (they hear) Nyems (not) al (him) hl (they would believe) Nynmyhm (should arise) Mwqn (the dead) atym (from) Nm The Greek texts have They will not be persuaded; No Greek text has They would not believe him, as The Peshitta does. Chapter 17 1 (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (Yeshua) ewsy (He) awh (& said) rmaw (offenses) alwskm (shall come) Nwtan (that not) ald (it is possible) axksm (not) al (they shall come) Nwtan (by whose hand) hdyabd (to him) whl (but) Nyd (woe!) yw 2 (of a donkey) armxd (a millstone) ayxr (if) wla (for him) hl (it were) awh (better) xqp (into the sea) amyb (& he were cast) adsw (on his neck) hrwub (were hung) aylt (little ones) arwez (these) Nylh (of) Nm (one) dxl (that he stumble) lsknd (than) wa 3 (your brother) Kwxa (should sin ajxn (if) Na (your souls) Nwkspnb (guard) wrhdza (him) hl (forgive) qwbs (he repents) bat (& if) Naw (him) hb (rebuke) yak 4 (against you) Kb (he sins) lkon (in a day) amwyb (times) Nynbz (seven) ebs (& if) Naw (to you) Ktwl (returns) anptn (in the day) amwyb (times) Nynbz (& seven) ebsw (him) hl (forgive) qwbs (I am) ana (sorry) batd (& says) rmanw 5 (faith) atwnmyh (to us) Nl (increase) Powa (to our Lord) Nrml (the apostles) axyls (& said) wrmaw 6 (faith) atwnmyh (to you) Nwkl (were) twh (there) tya (if) Na (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (you may) Nwtywh (say) Nyrma (of mustard seed) aldrxd (a grain) atdrp (like) Kya (in the sea) amyb (& be planted) buntaw (be uprooted) rqetad (this) anh (to sycamore tree) atwtl (you) Nwkl (it) awh (& would obey) emtsmw 7 (a servant) adbe (to him) hl (who has) tyad (among you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (who is it?) wnm (sheep) ane (who tends) aerd (or) wa (a plow) andp (who drives) rbdd (would say) rma (the field) alqx (from) Nm (he would come) atan (& if) Naw (recline for supper) Kmtoa (go on) rbe (at once) adxm (to him) hl 8 (whatever) Mdm (for me) yl (prepare) byj (to him) hl (he says) rma (but) ala (serve me) ynysms (your apron) Kyux (& put on) rwoaw (I may eat) Msxad (& I shall have drunk) atsaw (I shall have eaten) oelad (until) amde (& you will drink) atstw (will eat) oelt (you) tna (also) Pa (& after this) Nkrtbw 9 (did) dbed (servant) adbe (because that) whd (acceptable) lbqm (his goodness) htwbyj (is?) aml (I) ana (think) rbo (not) al (to him) hl (that was commanded) dqptad (the thing) Mdm 10 (you have done) Nwtdbed (whenever) am (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (thus) ankh (Say you) wrma (to you) Nwkl (that were commanded) Ndyqpd (those things) Nylya (all) Nyhlk (because that) Mdmd (unprofitable) alyjb (we are) Nnx (servants) adbed (we have done) Ndbe (to do) dbeml (we were) Nywh (which obligated) Nybyxd 11 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (Yeshua) ewsy (went) lza (that as) dkd (& it was) awhw (to Galila) alylgl (Samaritans) ayrms (among) tyb (He) awh (passed through) rbe Greek omits Jesus. 12
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(certain) adx (a village) atyrql (to enter) leml (He approached) byrq (& when) dkw (far off) aqxwr (from) Nm (& they stood) wmqw (lepers) abrg (men) Nysna (ten) aroe (met Him) yhwera 13 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (their voices) Nwhlq (& they lifted up) wmyraw (on us) Nyle (have mercy) Mxrta (Yeshua) ewsy (our Rabbi) Nbr See notes at Luke 5:5 on Nbr -Rabban & the Greek reading epistata- epistata Master. 14 (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (them) Nwna (He saw) azx (& when) dkw (to the priests) anhkl (yourselves) Nwkspn (show) wwx (go) wlz (they were purified) wykdta (they were going) Nylza (& as) dkw 15 (that he was purified) ykdtad (he saw) azx (when) dk (of them) Nwhnm (but) Nyd (one) dx (praising) xbsm (loud) amr (& with a voice) alqbw (to Him) hl (he returned) Kph (God) ahlal (he was) awh 16 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the feet) yhwlgr (before) Mdq (his face) yhwpa (on) le (he fell) lpnw (he was) awh (a Samaritan) ayrms (this) anh (& one) whw (to Him) hl (he gave thanks) adwm (as) dk 17 (there) awh (not?) al (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (answered) ane (the nine) aest (are) Nwna (where?) akya (who were purified) wykdtad (those) Nylh (were) Nywh (ten) aroe 18 (to God) ahlal (glory) atxwbst (give) Nwltn (to come) Nwtand (they neglected) wsrp (have?) aml (foreign) ayrkwn (that is) wh (a people) ame (who from) Nmd (this one) anh (except) ala 19 (has saved you) Ktyxa (your faith) Ktwnmyh (go) lz (arise) Mwq (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw 20 (Pharisees) asyrp (some) Nm (Yeshua) ewsyl (asked him) yhwlas (& when) dkw (He answered) ane (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (is coming) ayta (when?) ytma (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (comes) ayta (not) al (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (with what is observed) atrwjnb 21 (it is) yh (here) akrh (behold) ah (do they say) Nyrma (neither) alw (it is) yh (to there) Nmt (here) rh (& behold) ahw (is) yh (some of you *) Nwknm (within) wgl (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (for) ryg (behold) ah * The kingdom of God is within some of you, makes good sense theologically and grammatically in the Aramaic. Only The Peshitta has this reading, however. Nwknm has this meaning in several other places in The Peshitta NT and the word Nm (used in the compound word Nwknm ) has the partitive sense (some, some of you, some of them) in many places in The Peshitta OT as well as in The Peshitta NT. 1 Cor. 10:7-10 has four examples of this sense of the word (some of them). Luke 11:49 and Rev. 2:10 also use Nwknm in the partitive sense (some of you). 22 (the days) atmwy (shall come) Nwtan (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (& He said) rmaw (the days) atmwy (of) Nm (one) dx (to see) azxml (when you shall long) Nwgrgrttd (you shall see) Nwzxt (& not) alw (of Man) asnad (of The Son) hrbd 23 (He is) wh (here) akrh (behold) ah (to you) Nwkl (they will say) Nwrman (& if) Naw (go) Nwlzat (do not) al (He is) wh (& there) Nmt (here) rh (& behold) ahw 24 (the sky) ayms (from) Nm (flashes) qrb (lightning) aqrbd (for) ryg (Just as) ankya (shall be) awhn (thus) ankh (is lit up) rhnm (the sky) ayms (under) tyxt (& all) hlkw (in His day) hmwyb (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb 25 (many things) ataygo (to suffer) sxnd (He) wh (is going) dyte (but) Nyd (first) Mdqwl (this) adh (generation) atbrs (by) Nm (& He shall be rejected) altonw 26 (of Noah) xwnd (in the days) htmwyb (it was) awhd (& as) ankyaw (of Man) asnad (of The Son) hrbd (in the days) htmwyb (shall it be) awhn (thus) ankh 27 (wives) asn (& taking) Nybonw (& drinking) Nytsw (they were) wwh (for eating) Nylkad (Noah) xwn (that entered) led (the day) amwyl (until) amde (to men) arbgl (& giving) Nybhyw (person) sna (every) lkl (& destroyed) dbwaw (the flood) anpwj (& came) ataw (the ark) alywkl
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

28 (of Lot) jwld (in the days) htmwyb (it was) awhd (again) bwt (& just as) ankyaw (& selling) Nynbzmw (& buying) Nynbzw (& drinking) Nytsw (they were) wwh (when eating) Nylkad (& building) Nynbw (they were) wwh (& planting) Nybunw 29 (Sodom) Mwdo (from) Nm (Lot) jwl (that went out) qpnd (but) Nyd (in the day) amwyb (the sky) ayms (from) Nm (& brimstone) atyrbkw (fire) arwn (Jehovah) ayrm (caused to rain) rjma (all of them) Nwhlkl (& destroyed) dbwaw 30 (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (when is revealed) algtmd (in the day) amwyb (shall it be) awhn (thus) ankh 31 (in the house) atybb (& his stuff) yhwnamw (is) wh (on the roof) argabd (whoever) Nm (day) amwy (in that) whb (& whoever) Nmw (them) Nwna (to take) lwqsnd (let him come down) twxn (not) al (back) hrtobl (let him turn) Kphtn (not) al (is) wh (in the field) alqxbd 32 (of Lot) jwld (the wife) httnal (remember) wrkdta 33 (shall lose it) hydbwn (his life) hspn (to save) axnd (chooses) abud (whoever) Nm (shall find it) hyxn (his life) hspn (will lose) dbwnd (& whoever) Nmw 34 (night) ayll (in that) whbd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (bed) aore (in one) adxb (shall be) Nwwhn (two) Nyrt (shall be left) qbtsn (& the other) anrxaw (shall be taken captive) rbdtn (one) dx 35 (grinding meal) Nnxj (shall be) Nywhn (two women) Nytrt (shall be led away captive) rbdtt (one) adx (together) adxka (shall be left) qbtst (& the other) atrxaw Codex a (4th Cent. Greek) omits verse 35. 36 (in a field) alqxb (shall be) Nwwhn (two) Nyrt (shall be left) qbtsn (& the other) anrxaw (shall taken captive) rbdtn (one) dx Most Greek mss. lack v. 36; Only Codex D and about 40 late miniscules and lectionaries contain it. The Latin Vulgate contains it in verse 35. 40 only about 1% of all Greek mss. 37 (our Lord) Nrm (to where?) akyal (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& they answered) wne (the bodies) argpd (wherever are) akya (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (the eagles) arsn (shall be gathered) Nwsnktn (there) Nmt Chapter 18 1 (time) Nde (that in every) lkbd (a parable) altm (also) Pa (but) Nyd (them) Nwhl (He told) rma (to them) Nwhl (they should grow weary) Namt (& not) alw (they should pray) Nwlun 2 (one) adx (in city) atnydmb (was) awh (there) tya (certain) dx (a judge) anyd (was) awh (reverent) lxd (not) al (God) ahla (who toward) Nmd (was respectful) dxktm (not) al (children of men) asnynb (& towards) Nmw 3 (that) yh (in city) atnydmb (was) twh (there) tya (certain) adx (but) Nyd (a widow) atlmra (vindicate me) ynyebt (& she was saying) armaw (to him) htwl (she was) twh (& coming) aytaw (of my law suit) ynyd (adversary) leb (that) awh (of) Nm 4 (but) Nyd (after this) Nkrtb (many) aaygo (times) anbz (he) awh (would) abu (& not) alw (I am) ana (reverent) lxd (not) al (God) ahla (of) Nm (although) Na (in himself) hspnb (he said) rma (I am) ana (respectful) dxktm (not) al (children of men) asnynb (& of) Nmw 5 (widow) atlmra (this) adh (me)yl (wearies) ayalmd (because) ljm (however) Npa (she will be) awht (times) Nde (at all) lkb (lest) ald (I shall avenge her) hyebta (me) yl (annoying) arhm (coming) ayta
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

6 (evil) alwed (the judge) anyd (said) rma (what) anm (hear) wems (our Lord) Nrm (& said) rmaw 7 (vindication) atebt (shall perform) dben (all the more) tyaryty (not?) al (but) Nyd (God) ahla (& by night) ayllbw (by day) ammyab (to Him) hl (who cry) Nyrqd (for His elect) yhwbgl (concerning them) Nwhyle (His Spirit) hxwr (& delays) rgmw 8 (quickly) lgeb (their vindication) Nwhtebt (that He shall perform) dbend (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (shall come) atan (however) Mrb (the earth) aera (on) le (faith) atwnmyh (then) yk (& will He find?) xksnw 9 (those) Nylya (men) asna (against) lbqwl (this) anh (parable) altm (He) awh (& told) rmaw (righteous) aqydz (that they were) Nwhytyad (themselves) Nwhspn (upon) le (who trusted) Nylyktd (everyone) snlk (for) le (& they held contempt) Nyobw 10 (to pray) wyluml (to the temple) alkyhl (went up) wqlo (men) Nyrbg (two) Nyrt (a tax collector) aokm (& the other) anrxaw (a Pharisee) asyrp (one) dx 11 (by himself) hspnl (alone) yhwnyb (was) awh (standing) Maq (Pharisee) asyrp (& the) whw (You) Kl (I) ana (thank) adwm (God) ahla (was) awh (praying) alum (& these things) Nylhw (men) asnad (other) akrs (like) Kya (I am) tywh (that not) ald (& adulterers) arygw (& oppressors) abwlew (extortioners) apwjx (tax collector) aokm (this) anh (like) Kya (& not) alw 12 (in a week) atbsb (twice) Nyrt (I) ana (fast) Mau (but) ala (I) ana (that possess) anqd (thing) Mdm (every) lk (I) ana (& tithe) roemw 13 (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm (was) awh (standing) Maq (tax collector) aokm (but) Nyd (that) wh (to Heaven) aymsl (lift) Myrn (his eyes) yhwnye (not) al (even) Pa (he) awh (would) abu (& not) alw (his chest) hydx (on) le (he was) awh (smiting) Prj (but) ala (a sinner) ayjxl (have pity on me) ynynwx (God) ahla (& he said) rmaw 14 (to his house) htybl (justified) qdzm (this one) anh (that went down) txnd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (Pharisee) asyrp (that) wh (than) Nm (more so) ryty (shall be humbled) Kkmtn (himself) hspn (who exalts) Myrnd (for) ryg (man) sna (every) lk (shall be exalted) Myrttn (himself) hspn (who humbles) Kmnd (& everyone) lkw 15 (infants) adwly (also) Pa (but) Nyd (to him) hl (they) wwh (brought) wbrq (them) Nwhl (that He might touch) bwrqnd (them) Nwhb (& they rebuked) wakw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (them) Nwna (& saw) wzxw 16 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (them) Nwna (called) arq (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (Himself) wh (refuse) Nwlkt (& not) alw (to Me) ytwl (come) Nyta (the children) aylj (let) wqwbs (these) Nylh (who like) Kyad (for) ryg (because of those) Nylyadd (them) Nwna (of Heaven) aymsd (the Kingdom) atwklm (is) yh (theirs) Nwhlyd (are) Nwna But Jesus Himself called them and He said to them, Let the children come to Me and do not refuse them, for to those who are like these belongs the Kingdom of God. 17 (receives) lbqn (that not) ald (that whoever) Nmd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (it) hl (shall enter) lwen (not) al (a little boy) aylj (as) Kya (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm 18 (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (was a noble) ansr (who) Nm (one) dx (& asked Him) hlasw (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (to inherit) trad (shall I do) dbea (what?) anm (good) abj (Teacher) anplm 19 (good) abj (Me) yl (you) tna (call) arq (why?) anm (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (God) ahla (the one) dx (only) Na (except) ala (one good) abj (there is not) tyl 20 (you shall murder) lwjqt (not) al (you) tna ( know) edy (the commandments) andqwp (you shall steal) bwngt (& not) alw (you shall commit adultery) rwgt (& not) alw (of falsehood) arqwsd (a testimony) atwdho (you shall testify) dhot (& not) alw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(& your mother) Kmalw (your father) Kwbal (honor) rqy The Greek texts have different word order: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder,. The Latin Vulgate agrees with The Peshitta: You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery. 21 (these) Nyna (I have kept) trjn (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (to Him) hl (he said) rma (my childhood) ytwylj (from) Nm 22 (to him) hl (He said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (these) Nylh (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (thing) Mdm (every) lk (sell) Nbz (go) lz (to you) Kl (is lacking) aryox (one thing) adx (to the poor) ankoml (& give) bhw (to you) Kl (that is) tyad (in Heaven) aymsb (treasure) atmyo (to you) Kl (& there shall be) awhtw (after Me) yrtb (& come) atw 23 (him) hl (it grieved) tyrk (these things) Nylh (he heard) ems (when) dk (but) Nyd (he) wh (very) bj (for) ryg (he was) awh (rich) ryte 24 (He said) rma (him) hl (that it grieved) tyrkd (Yeshua) ewsy (saw) azx (& when) dkw (wealth) aokn (to them) Nwhl (who have) tyad (for those) Nylyal (hard it is) alje (how!) ankya (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklml (to enter) Nwlend The Critical Greek lacks that it grieved him. All other Greek and Latin texts have it. 25 (of a needle) ajxmd (that into the eye) arwrxbd (for a camel) almgl (it is) yh (easier) alyld (of God) ahlad (to the Kingdom) htwklml (a rich man) aryte (than) wa (to enter) lwen It is easier for a camel to enter into the eye of a needle than for a rich man the kingdom of God. I have read and rejected the translation, It is easier for a rope, for these reasons: Rope is an obscure sense for Gamla; Great beam that supports rafters is a more common sense than a rope, yet that is not chosen as an alternative reading with any merit. Camel driver or Giraffe are also possible, but no one chooses either of them as the meaning. The verb lwen nawal is active in all translations to enter, yet what rope can actively enter or do anything? If a rope were the meaning, the verb would be the Aphel form (causative sense to bring) and would apply also to the rich man, since one verb serves for both objects. If a rope were the sense, the sentence would most likely read: It is easier to insert a rope into the eye of a needle than a rich man into the kingdom of God. The problem is that we must picture both the rope and the rich man as objects rather than subjects. The real subject or subjects in that scenario is unnamed and unknown and is seen as pushing a rope and then a man through a very small opening. The idea of needing someone to push a man into the kingdom of God is unnatural and ridiculous. Either he fits and can make it on his own or he does not belong there. A camel can move under its own power, yet it cannot fit itself into the eye of a needle. A camel and a rich man are both living active agents capable of initiating and performing action. A rope is inanimate and cannot enter anything. The fact of the unnamed subjects is the real problem in the rope scenario. A camel driver may be seen as pushing his camel to try squeezing him through the eye of a needle; Who is the subject pushing the rich man into the Kingdom of God? Surely if it were God, there would be no problem, but there is obviously quite a big problem, so who is it trying this unlikely and silly feat? No one was pushing the rich nobleman who came to Jesus; He asked of his own initiative and was told what he must do, and he decided it was asking too !much. Our Lord used the same verb in the previous verse- to enter the kingdom; Did he mean, to be pushed? I think not Another problem with the rope hypothesis is a theological and psychological one: No one is going to try getting a camel to go through the eye of a needle to prove a rich man might get into the kingdom of God; however, a man might try getting a rope through the eye of a needle; it sounds like a challenge worthy of ingenuity that just might pay off and yield hope that it is possible to do the other also. Is it our Lords intention to challenge us to try getting rich men into the kingdom, or to cause us to see the futility of trying it? The rope hypothesis only encourages rebellion, not faith. 26 (those) Nylya (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (have life) axml (can) xksm (& who?) wnmw (who heard) wemsd 27 (of men) asna (children) ynb (which with) twld (those things) Nylya (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (happen) awhml (can) Nxksm (God) ahla (with) twl (are possible) Nxksm (not) al 28 (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to Him) hl (said) rma (after You) Krtb (& we have come) Nytaw (thing) Mdm (every) lk (have left) Nqbs (we) Nnx (behold) ah
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke

aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

All Greek texts have Petrov Petros (Peter) where The Peshitta has Shimeon Kaypha. In John 1:42, the Greek mss. all read: su klhyhsh khfav o ermhneuetai petrovpetrov- you shall be called Kayphas, which is translated Peter. There the Greek text states that Petros is a translation of Kayphas (Greek form of Kaypha). Kaypha, the Aramaic word, is the original behind Petros. Must we not then understand that the 160 some occurrences of Petros, referring to the Apostle Peter, are all translations of the Aramaic Kaypha?Is not John 1:42 a declaration (like at least five other similar statements in the NT) that the Greek text is a translation of an Aramaic original?John 1:41 has another such statement: eurhkamen ton messian o estin meyermhneuomenon o cristov We have found the Messiah (which is, being translated, Christ). The Peshitta lacks the underlined portions of the two verses, because it is not translating a Greek text or the Greek language at all. But the Greek mss. declare in John 1:41 that they are translating the Aramaic Meshikha (It comes out Messias in Greek letters). Is this not a key to understanding that the 571 occurrences of the Greek word Christosin The Greek NT are translations of the Aramaic original Meshikha? Does not Greek John 1:41 declare itself and the Gospel to be a translation which is being translated,Christ- of an Aramaic original? Shimeons name was not Petros; Petrosis Greek. Shimeon was not Greek and did not speak Greek; He was an Israeli Jew who spoke Aramaic and had an Aramaic name. Yeshua Meshikha was not a Greek and did not have a Greek name. He was and is an Israeli Jew (not to mention being Jehovah God) with an Aramaic Name and spoke Aramaic. He was never called Christos by His disciples nor Iaysous by those who knew Him, neither did He ever call Himself by those names. He is and was Yeshua Meshikha and spoke His native language to His countrymen and disciples, all of whom spoke and understood Aramaic and not Greek.He also spoke Aramaic from Heaven to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. (See Acts 26:14 in Greek & look up HebraivHebraivHebrais (translated Hebrew) in a Greek lexicon. (Or see my note at John 20:16) Here is an excerpt: Hebrais, as The Hebrew tongue;not that however in which the OT was written, but the Chaldee.-Thayers Greek English Lexicon. Websters unabridged 20th century Dictionary defines Chaldee as The Aramaic language of the Chaldeans (Babylonians 600 B.C.). 29 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (truly) Nyma (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (parents) ahba (or) wa (house) atb (who has left) qbsd (a man) sna (there is not) tyld (children) aynb (or) wa (wife) attna (or) wa (brother) axa (or) wa (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (for the sake of) ljm 30 (time) anbz (in this) anhb (great) aaygo (in multiples) apeab (shall receive) lbqn (& not) alw (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (that is coming) atad (& in the world) amlebw 31 (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (His twelve) htroertl (Yeshua) ewsy (& led) rbdw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (we are going up) Nnyqlo (behold) ah (in The Prophets) aybnb (that is written) Nbytkd (all) Nyhlk (& shall be fulfilled) Nmltsmw (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (about) le According to this statement of our Lord Yeshua, all Old Testament prophecies concerning Him would be fulfilled in Jersusalem during His last day and the days following. That fact should give us serious pause and cause some serious contemplation of the immensity of His suffering and death on the cross and His resurrection. Interestingly, this would also include Daniels prophecy of the coming of The Son of Man in the clouds of Heaven (Dan. 7:13).But He told Caiaphas the High Priest,You shall see The Son of Man coming in the clouds of Heaven. It did not take long to occur. Many need to rethink their Eschatology and interpretation of prophecy. 32 (Him) hb (& they shall mock) Nwxzbnw (to Gentiles) ammel (for) ryg (He shall be delivered) Mltsn (in His face) yhwpab (& they shall spit) Nwqrnw Greek texts have He shall be mocked & abused & spit upon. The Peshitta has they shall abuse Him in the next verse where the Greek does not. 33 (& they shall abuse Him) yhynwreunw (& they shall scourge Him) yhynwdgnnw (He shall rise) Mwqn (third) atltd (& the day) amwylw (& they shall kill Him) yhynwljqnw 34 (they understood) wlktoa (not) al (these things) Nylh (of) Nm (one) adx (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (& not) alw (this) adh (saying) atlm (from them) Nwhnm (was) twh (hidden) ayokm (but) ala (with them) Nwhme (that were spoken) Nllmtmd (these things) Nylh (they were) wwh (knowing) Nyedy 35 (certain) dx (a blind man) aymo (to Jericho) wxyryal (they came near) byrq (& when) dkw (& begging) rdxw (the road) axrwa (the side) dy (on) le (was) awh (sitting) bty
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36 (that passed by) rbed (of the crowd) asnk (the sound) lq (& he heard) emsw (this) anh (who is?) wnmd (he was) awh (& asking) lasmw 37 (passes by) rbe (the Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma 38 (of David) dywdd (Son) hrb (Yeshua) ewsy (& he said) rmaw (& he cried out) aeqw (on me) yle (have mercy) Mxrta 39 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in front) yhwmdq (they were) wwh (who were going) Nylzad (& those) Nylyaw (but) Nyd (he) wh (that should be quiet) qwtsnd (Him) hb (they were) wwh (rebuking) Nyak (he was) awh (crying out) aeq (even more) tyaryty (on me) yle (have mercy) Mxrta (of David) dywdd (Son) hrb 40 (to Him) htwl (to bring him) yhynwtynd (& He commanded) dqpw (Yeshua) ewsy (& stood still) Mqw (He asked him) hlas (to Him) htwl (he came near) brq (& when) dkw 41 (for you) Kl (me to do) dbea (you) tna (want) abu (what?) anm (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (that I may see) azxad (my Lord) yrm (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh 42 (has saved you) Ktyxa (your faith) Ktwnmyh (See) yzx (to him) hl (said) rma (& Yeshua) ewsyw 43 (after Him) hrtb (he was) awh (& coming) ataw (he saw) azx (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (the people) ame (& all) hlkw (God) ahlal (& he was praising) xbsmw (to God) ahlal (glory) axbws (were]) awh (giving) bhy (who saw) azxd Chapter 19 1 (Jericho) wxyryab (& passed through) rbew (Yeshua) ewsy (entered) le (& when) dkw 2 (Zakkai) ykz (whose name) hmsd (certain) dx (a man) arbg (of tax collectors) aokm (& chief) brw (he was) awh (a rich man) aryte 3 (who He is) wnmd (Yeshua) ewsyl (to see) azxnd (he) awh (& wanted) abuw (the crowd) asnk (from) Nm (he was) awh (able) xksm (& not) alw (Zakkai) ykz (was) awh (small) rwez (in his stature) htmwqbd (because) ljm 4 (he) hl (& climbed) qlow (to Yeshua) ewsyl (before Him) hmdq (& he ran) jhrw (to see Him) yhwyzxnd (bare) athykp (a fig tree) attl (to pass by) rbend (he was) awh (going) dyte (there) twkhd (because) ljm 5 (saw him) yhyzx (Yeshua) ewsy (place) atkwd (to that) yhl (He came) ata (& when) dkw (Zakkai) ykz (come down) twx (hasten) bhrtoa (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw (I be) awha (in your house) Ktybbd (must) alw (for) ryg (today) anmwy 6 (rejoicing) adx (while) dk (& received Him) hlbqw (he came down) txn (& he made haste) bhrtoaw 7 (they were) wwh (complaining) Nynjr (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (saw) wzx (when) dk (he lodged) ars (He entered) le (a sinner) ayjx (a man) arbg (that with) twld (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 8 (my Lord) yrm (behold) ah (to Yeshua) ewsyl (& he said) rmaw (Zakkai) ykz (but) Nyd (arose) Mq (& to everyman) snlklw (to the poor) ankoml (I) ana (give) bhy (my wealth) yokn (half) twglp (I) ana (repay) erp (with four) aebrab (each) dx (that I have seized) tzlgd (anything) Mdm Each with four Khad barbea is an Aramaic idiom meaning fourfold. It also occurs in The OT Peshitta at 2 Sam. 12:6. 9 (The Life) ayx (has come) wwh (today) anmwy (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (This One) anh (also) Pad (because) ljm (this) anh (to house) atybl (of Abraham) Mhrbad (is) wh (the Son) hrb
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And Jesus said to him, Today The Life has come to this house, because He is also The Son of Abraham. Consider that our Lord speaks of Himself to Zakkai as The Life and also The Son (The Promised Seed) of Abraham. He is .declaring Himself to be God and Man, i.e., The Messiah 10 (to seek) aebnd (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrb (for) ryg (has come) ata (was) awh (which lost) dybad (thing) Mdm (that) wh (& to save) axnw 11 (to speak) rmaml (He added) Powa (these things) Nylh (they were) wwh (hearing) Nyems (& as) dkw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (He was) awh (nearing) byrqd (because) ljm (a parable) altm (hour) ates (that in the same) yhbd (they were) wwh (& expecting) Nyrbow (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) htwklm (to be revealed) algttd (was going) adyte 12 (great) abr (descent) amhwj (son of) rb (certain) dx (a man) arbg (& He said) rmaw (to him) hl (to receive) bond (distant) aqyxr (to a region) artal (went) lza (& to return) Kwphnw (a kingdom) atwklm 13 (to them) Nwhl (& he gave) bhyw (his servants) yhwdbe (ten) aroe (& he called) arqw (invest in trading) wrgtta (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (minas *) Nynm (ten) aroe (I) ana (come) ata (until) de * A Mina, in the first century would have be the equivalent of a modern British pound (), or an average four months wages for a laborer. The Greek texts have the word mnav mnas, from mna mna, which Thayers Greek-English Lexicon describes as of Eastern origin, displaying the Arabic ,pronounced Mahn, aSyriac- 0ynm Manya, & Hebrew hnm Maneh.The Greeks had no such word for their coins. Mna is found in The LXX several times to translate the Hebrew hnm -Maneh, which is the same unit of weight and money as the Aramaic word 0ynm Manya.Here is the entry for the Aramaic word from Smiths Compendious :Syriac Dictionary

Here is the Hebrew word definition from Strongs Hebrew Lexicon: 04488 hnm maneh maw-neh from 04487; TWOT-1213b; n m AV-pound 4, maneh 1; 5 1) maneh, mina, pound 1a) 60 shekels and 1/50 talent (of silver) 1a1) 1/60 talent in early Babylonian standard 1b) 100 shekels and 1/100 talent (of gold) The Greek transliteration of the Hebrew-Aramaic words mna only occurs in scripture (The LXX & The Greek NT). No Greek literature has it. That is because mna is not Greek. Here is the Aramaic word entry from Strongs Hebrew-Aramaic Lexicon: 04484 anm mene (Aramaic) men-ay pass. participle of 04483; TWOT-2835a; n m AV-MENE 3; 3 1) (Pal) mina, maneh 1a) a weight or measurement; usually 50 shekels but maybe 60 shekels Remember Mene mene tekel upharsin in Daniel 5, the story of the handwriting on the wall? That was the Aramaic language. The Greek mna, which is an exact transliteration of anm -mene, is not as close to the Hebrew hnm -Maneh.Can Greek primacists (those who believe in a Greek original NT) read the handwriting on the wall? Not unless they can read Aramaic. I !have read it, and it isnt Greek An apparent conflict exists in the value of a Mina in Mark 12:42, the account of the widows mites. There the two mites are said to be a Shimona, which is worth only cent. There were three different standards of currency however: There was the gold standard, the silver and the copper. A gold talent was much more valuable than the silver, and the silver than the copper; the same for the shekel, which was about 65 cents in silver and 10 dollars in gold. A silver mina was 60 shekels, and the copper coins were much lower in value than the silver, which probably accounts for the difference in the values noted. A table of weights and values is presented for comparisons: 20 gerahs = 1 shekel =65 cents silver; 10 dollars gold 60 shekels= 1 maneh=1 pound=100 drachmas=16 dollars silver; 490 dollars gold; 1/8 cent copper
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60 manehs=1 talent= 1960 dollars silver; 29,374 dollars gold 14 (him) hl (were) wwh (hating) Nyno (but) Nyd (of his city) htnydm (the sons) ynb (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (after him) hrtb (envoys) adgzya (& they sent) wrdsw (this one) anh (over us) Nyle (to reign) Klmnd (we) Nnx (want) Nybu (not) al 15 (& returned) Kphw (the kingdom) atwklm (he had received) bon (& when) dkw (his servants) yhwdbe (those) Nwnh (to him) hl (to summon) Nwrqnd (he said) rma (money) apok (to whom) Nwhl (he had given) bhyd (had traded) rgtta (of them) Nwhnm (each) dx (one) dx (every) lk (what?) anm (that he may know) ednd 16 (my lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (the first) aymdq (& came) ataw (has gained) rtwa (minas) Nynm (ten) aroe (your mina) Kynm 17 (good) abj (servant) adbe (excellent!) wya (to him) hl (he said) rma (faithful) Nmyhm (you are found) txktsa (for with a little) lylqbd (fortress cities) Nykrk (ten) aroe (over) le (a ruler) jyls (you shall be) awht 18 (my lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (the second) Nyrtd (& came) ataw (has made) dbe (minas) Nynm (five) asmx (your mina) Kynm 19 (ruler) jyls (shall be) awht (you) tna (also) Pa (to this one) anhl (also) Pa (he said) rma (fortress cities) Nykrk (five) asmx (over) le 20 (behold) ah (my lord) yrm (& he said) rmaw (another) anrxa (& came) ataw (in fine linen) anwdob (is laid) Myo (now) dk (to me) ytwl (was) awh (that) tyad (that) wh (mina) Kynm 21 (hard) aysq (you are) tna (for a man) arbgd (of you) Knm (for) ryg (I was afraid) tlxd (you laid down) tmo (that not) ald (the thing) Mdm (you) tna (& take up) lqsw (you have sown) terz (that not) ald (the thing) Mdm (you) tna (& reap) duxw 22 (I shall judge you) Knwda (your mouth) Kmwp (from) Nm (to him) hl (he said) rma (that a man) arbgd (me) yl (you had) tywh (known) edy (evil) asyb (servant) adbe (I have laid down) tmo (that not) ald (the thing) Mdm (I) ana (& take up) lqsw (hard) aysq (I am) ana (I have sown) terz (that not) ald (the thing) Mdm (I) ana (& reap) duxw 23 (the exchange) arwtp (upon) le (my money) ypok (did you put) tbhy (not) al (why?) anml (its interest) htybr (with) Me (it) hl (to seek) ebt (would have) tywh (come) ata (& I) anaw 24 (from him) hnm (take) wbo (he said) rma (before him) yhwmdq (who stood) Nymyqd (& to those) Nwnhlw (minas) Nynm (ten) aroe (with him) htwl (who has) tyad (to him) whl (& give) wbhw (the mina) aynm 25 (minas) Nynm (ten) aroe (with him) htwl (there are) tya (our lord) Nrm (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma 26 (whoever) Nm (that everyone) lkld (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (it) hl (who has not) tyld (him) wh (& from) Nmw (it) hl (shall be given) bhytn (it) hl (has) tyad (from him) hnm (shall be taken) bontn (to him) hl (which he has) tyad (that) wh (even) Pa 27 (my enemies) ybbdleb (those) Nwnhl ( however) Mrb (over them) Nwhyle (me to reign) Klmad (wanted) wbu (not) ald (whoever) Nylya (before me) ymdq (them) Nwna (& kill) wljqw (them) Nwna (bring) wtya 28 (Yeshua) ewsy (these things) Nylh (had said) rma (& when) dkw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to go) lzand (to those going before Him) yhwmdql (He went out) qpn 29 (& Bayth-Anya) aynetybw (at Bayth-Phage) agptybl (He arrived) yjm (& when) dkw (Zaytha) atyz (DBayth) tybd (which is called) arqtmd (of the mount) arwj (the side) bng (on) le (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (two) Nyrt (He sent) rds Bayth Zaytha means The place of Olives and is known as The Mt. of Olives. 30
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(which opposite us) Nlbwqld (that is) yh (to the village) atyrql (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (you) Nwtna (shall find) Nyxksm (behold) ah (it) hl (you) Nwtna (enter) Nylae (& when) dkw (has ridden) bkr (not) al (ever) Mwtmm (that a man) snad (that is tied) ryoad (a colt) alye (bring Him) yhwatya (loose) wrs (upon him) yhwle 31 (him) hl (are you) Nwtna (loosing) Nyrs (why?) anml (you) Nwkl (asks) lasm (a man) sna (& if) Naw (he is needed) aebtm (for our Lord) Nrml (to him) hl (say) wrma (thus) ankh 32 (& they found) wxksaw (who were sent) wrdtsad (they) Nwnh (& went) wlzaw (to them) Nwhl (that He had said) rmad (Just as) ankya 33 (the colt) alyel (him) hl (they loosed) Nyrs (& as) dkw (why?) anm (his owners) yhwrm (to them) Nwhl (they were saying) Nyrma (that) wh (colt) alye (are you) Nwtna (loosing) Nyrs 34 (he is needed) aebtm (that for our Lord) Nrmld (to them) Nwhl (& they said) wrmaw 35 (the colt) alye (on) le (& they cast) wymraw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (& they brought him) yhwytyaw (upon him) yhwle (Yeshua) ewsyl (& set) yhwbkraw (their garments) Nwhynam 36 (they were) wwh (spreading) Nyorp (He went) lza (but) Nyd (as) dk (in the road) axrwab (their garments) Nwhynam 37 (the descent) attxml (he approached) brq (& when) dkw (of Olives) atyz (of the house) tybd (of the Mount) arwjd (rejoicing) Nydx (of disciples) adymltd (the crowds) asnk (all) hlk (began) wyrs (all) lk (for) le (loud) amr (with voices) alqb (God) ahlal (& praising) Nyxbsmw (that they had seen) wzxd (the mighty works) alyx 38 (the King) aklm (is) wh (blessed) Kyrb (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in the Name) hmsb (Who comes) atad (in the highest Heaven) amwrmb (& glory) axbwsw (in Heaven) aymsb (peace) amls 39 (the crowds) asnk (among) ynyb (from) Nm (Pharisees) asyrp (some) Nm (but) Nyd (men) asna (Your disciples) Kydymltb (rebuke) yak (Rabbi) ybr (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma 40 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (would be crying out loud) Nyeqn (the stones) apak (would be silent) Nwqtsn (these) Nylh (that if) Nad 41 (over it) hyle (He wept) akb (the city) atnydml (& He saw) hzxw (He came near) brq (& when) dkw 42 (that are) Nyhytyad (those things) Nylya (you had known) ytedy (now) yk (if only) wla (& He said) rmaw (but) Nyd (now) ash (your day) ykmwy (in this) anhb (even if) Npa (of your peace) ykmlsd (your eyes) ykynye (from) Nm (these things) Nyhl (are hidden) yokta 43 (when shall surround you) yknwrdxnd (the days) atmwy (but) Nyd (to you) ykl (shall come) Nwtan (place) akwd (every) lk (from) Nm (& they shall press you in) yknwulanw (your enemies) ykybbdleb 44 (within you) ykwgb (& your children) ykynblw (& they shall destroy you) yknwpxonw (a stone) Pak (on) le (a stone) Pak (in you) ykb (they shall leave) Nwqbsn (& not) alw (of your visitation) yknrewod (the time) anbz (you knew) ytedy (that not) ald (because) Plx 45 (to cast out) wqpml (He began) yrs (the temple) alkyhl (He entered) le (& when) dkw (& sold) Nynbzmw (in it) hb (who bought) Nynbzd (those) Nylyal 46 (it is written) bytk (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (is) yhwtya (of prayer) atwlu (the house) tyb (that My house) ytybd (of robbers) ayjold (a den) atrem (have made it) yhynwtdbe (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 47 (in the temple) alkyhb (day) Mwy (every) lk (was) awh (teaching) Plm (& he) whw (& the Scribes) arpow (but) Nyd (Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (to destroy Him) htwdbwml (were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (of the people) amed (& The Elders) asysqw
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48 (to Him) hl (they might do) Nwdben (what) anm (they were) wwh (finding) Nyxksm (& not) alw (to hear Him) hemsml (on Him) hb (were) awh (hanging) alt (the people) ame (for) ryg (all) hlk Chapter 20 1 (He was teaching) Plm (while) dk (the days) atmwy (of) Nm (in one) dxb (& it was) awhw (about Him) yhwle (there stood) wmq (& proclaiming hope) rbomw (the people) amel (in the temple) alkyhb (Elders) asysq (with) Me (& Scribes) arpow (Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr The Majority Greek text has the priests whereas the Critical Greek has The Chief Preists, like The Peshitta. 2 (authority) anjlws (by which?) anyab (us) Nl (tell) rma (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (to you) Kl (who has given) bhyd (he) wh (& who is?) wnmw (you) tna (do) dbe (these things) Nylh (this) anh (authority) anjlws 3 (I shall ask you) Nwklasa (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (Me) yl (& you answer) wrmaw (a question) atlm (I) ana (also) Pa Greek omits Jesus. 4 (was it?) twh (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the baptism) htydwmem (of men) asna (sons) ynb (from) Nm (or) wa 5 (among themselves) Nwhspnb (they were) wwh (counseling) Nybsxtm (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (to us) Nl (He will say) rma (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (we say) rman (that if) Nad (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (did you believe him) yhynwtnmyh (not) al (what?) anm (& because of) ljmw 6 (the people) ame (us) Nl (will stone) Mgr (of men) asna (sons) ynb (from) Nm (we say) rman (but) Nyd (if) Na (is) wh (a prophet) aybn (that Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (for) ryg (they are convinced) Nyopm (all) hlk 7 (it is) yh (where) akmya (from) Nm (we know) Nnyedy (Not) ald (to Him) hl (& they said) wrmaw The Greek has literally: And they answered not to know from where; The Peshitta has, And they said to Him, We do not know from where it is . The Greek is rather awkward (They answered not to know) and The Peshitta has three more bits of information than the Greek, highlighted blue in the previous sentence. Translations delete information from the original; they do not create it, generally, and The Greek NT throughout contains thousands fewer bits of data than The Peshitta NT. 8 (to you) Nwkl (do) ana (say) rma (I) ana (neither) alw (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma ana (do) dbe (these things) Nylh (authority) anjlws (by which) anyab (I) 9 (this) anh (parable) altm (the people) amel (to tell) rmand (& He began) yrsw (a vineyard) amrk (planted) bun (a certain) dx (man) arbg (long) aaygo (for a time) anbz (& went abroad) debaw (to laborers) axlpl (& handed it) hdxwaw 10 (the workers) axlp (to) twl (his servant) hdbe (he sent) rds (& at the season) anbzbw (of the vineyard) amrkd (the fruits) arap (from) Nm (to him) hl (to give) Nwltnd (beat him) yhwaxm (but) Nyd (the workers) axlp (stripped) qyro (as) dk (& they sent him away) yhwrdsw 11 (they) Nwnh (another) anrxa (his servant) hdbel (& he sent) rdsw (& he added) Powaw (& they abused him) yhwreuw (they beat him) yhwaxm (that one) whl (also) Pa (but) Nyd (naked) qyro (as) dk (& they sent him away) yhwrdsw 12 (also) Paw (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (a third) atltd (& he sent) rdsw (& he added) Powaw (& they cast him out) yhwqpaw (wounded him) yhwplu (that one) whl 13 (shall I do) dbea (what?) anm (of the vineyard) amrk (The owner) arm (said) rma
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(they will see him) yhynwzxn (doubtless) rbk (beloved) abybx (my son) yrb (I shall send) rdsa (& they will be ashamed) Nwdxktnw 14 (counseling) Nybsxtm (the workers) axlp (but) Nyd (they saw him) yhwazx (when) dk (the heir) atry (this is) wnh (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (among themselves) Nwhspnb (were) wwh (ours) Nlyd (the inheritance) atwtry (& shall be) awhtw (let us kill him) yhwyljqn (come) wt 15 (& they murdered him) yhwljqw (the vineyard) amrk (of) Nm (outside) rbl (& they cast him out) yhwqpaw (of the vineyard) amrk (the owner) arm (to them) Nwhl (will do) dben (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 16 (those) Nwnh (workers) axlpl (& shall destroy) dbwnw (he shall come) atan (to others) anrxal (the vineyard) amrk (& he shall give) ltnw (this) adh (may be) awht (not) al (they said) wrma (but) Nyd (they heard) wems (when) dk 17 (& He said) rmaw (upon them) Nwhb (gazed) rx (but) Nyd (He) wh (that is written) abytkd (this) yh (is) yh (& what?) anmw (was) twh (that) yh (the builders) aynb (which rejected) wyload (the Stone) apakd (of the corner) atywzd (corner) anrq (the head) syrl 18 (shall be broken) eertn (stone) apak (that) yh (on) le (that falls) lpnd (& everything) lkw (it shall scatter it) yhwyrdt (upon which) yhwle (will fall) lpt (this) yhd (whatever) Nm (& everything) lkw 19 (& the Scribes) arpow (Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (seeking) web (hour) ates (in that) yhb (hands) aydya (upon Him) yhwle (to lay) Nwmrnd (that against them) Nwhyled (for) ryg (they knew) wedy (the people) ame (of) Nm (& they were afraid) wlxdw (this) anh (parable) altm (He had told) rma 20 (righteous men) aqydzb (who imitated) Nymdtmd (spies) aswsg (to Him) htwl (& they sent) wrdsw (to the judge) anydl (& to deliver Him) yhynwmlsnw (in discourse) atlmb (to catch Him) yhynwdxand (of the governor) anwmghd (& to the authority) hnjlwslw 21 (we know) Nnyedy (Teacher) anplm (to Him) hl (& were saying) Nyrmaw (& they asked Him) yhwlasw (& teaching) Plmw (You are) tna (speaking) llmm (that correctly) tyauyrtd (faces) apab (You) tna (receive) bon (& not) alw (You) tna (teach) Plm (of God) ahlad (the way) axrwa (in truth) atswqb (but) ala 22 (not) al (or) wa (to Qaesar) roql (head) asr (money) Pok (to give) ltnd (for us) Nl (is it legal?) jyls The Greek has forov(Foros), which apparently was the wrong word, as it was a tax paid in produce, not with money. See the following definitions of the various Greek words for taxes: forov (Foros) indicates a direct tax which was levied annually on houses, lands, and persons, and paid usually in produce. Telov (Telos) is an indirect tax on merchandise, which was collected at piers, harbors, and gates of cities. It was similar to modern import duties. khnsov,(Kaynsos) originally an enrollment of property and persons, came to mean a poll-tax, levied annually on individuals by the Roman government. didracmon (Didrachmon) was the coin used to pay an annual tax levied by the religious leaders of Israel for the purpose of defraying the general expenses of the Temple. As The Peshitta has a head tax which was also called a poll tax, the Greek word forov does not match it, meaning The Peshitta is not a translation of forov, forov which does not fit the tax being described. The Greek word which fits is khnsov (Kaynsos), but no Greek manuscript known has khnsov; khnsov; All have forov (Foros), which was normally paid in barter, not coins. Therefore, the Greek is plainly a mistranslation of the Peshittas poll tax (asr Pok) kespa resha. The Greek is incorrect here and the Aramaic is flawless. 23 (& He said) rmaw (their cunning) Nwhtwerx (perceived) lktoa (but) Nyd (He) wh (Me)yl (are you) Nwtna (testing) Nyonm (why?) anm 24
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(in it) hb (is) tya (of whom) Nmd (a denarius) arnyd (show me) ynwawx (Qaesars) roqd (said) wrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (& inscription) atbytkw (the image) amlu A denarius was a silver Roman coin worth 8 cents. 25 (therefore) lykh (give) wbh (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to God) ahlal (& Gods) ahladw (to Qaesar) roql (Qaesars) roqd Greek omits Jesus. 26 (a word) atlm (from Him) hnm (to lay hold of) dxaml (they were able) wxksa (& not) alw (His answer) hmgtp (at) le (& they were amazed) wrmdtaw (the people) ame (before) Mdq (& they kept silent) wqtsw 27 (those) Nwnh (the Sadducees) ayqwdz (of) Nm (some) Nysna (but) Nyd (came) wbrq (& they asked Him) yhwlasw (there is no) tyl (that resurrection) atmyqd (who say) Nyrmad 28 (to us) Nl (wrote) btk (Moshe) aswm (Teacher) anplm (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (a wife) attna (to him) hl (who has) tyad (& his brother) yhwxa (dies) twmn (a man) sna (that if) Nad (his wife) httna (his brother) yhwxa (shall take) bon (sons) aynb (without) ald (to his brother) yhwxal (a son) aerz (& he shall raise up) Myqnw aerz -Zrea Seed refers normally to male offspring; the Law of Moses (Deut. 25:5-10) required that a son be raised to keep the family name alive.The Majority Greek text has the verb dies twice; The Critical Greek text has it just once, like The Peshitta NT. 29 (were) wwh (there) tya (brothers) Nyxa (but) Nyd (seven) aebs (sons) aynb (without) ald (& he died) tymw (the woman) attna (took) bon (the first) aymdq 30 (sons) aynb (without) ald (died) tym (& he) anhw (his wife) httnal (the second) Nyrtd (& took her) hbonw 31 (the seven of them) Nwhytebs (also) Paw (& thus) twkhw (took her) hbon (again) bwt (& the third) atltdw (sons) aynb (they left) wqbs (& not) alw (& they died) wtymw 32 (the woman) attna (also) Pa (finally) atrxb (& died) ttymw The Critical Greek agrees more closely with with The Peshitta here; The Majority Greek has last of all, the woman died also; The Critical Greek has afterward, the woman died also. Both, however are reasonable translations of the Aramaic of The Peshitta. 33 (of them) Nwhnm (of which?) anyad (therefore) lykh (in the resurrection) atmyqb (married her) hwbon (for) ryg (the seven of them) Nwhytebs (the wife) attna (shall she be) awht 34 (this) anh (of world) amled (the sons) yhwnb (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to men) arbgl (are given) Nywh (& women) asnw (women) asn (take) Nybon All Greek mss. have The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. The Greek word uiov (hweeos),is the word son. In what first century culture were sons given in marriage? If the meaning were simply children, the word teknon would be used, referring to males and females. No Greek text has Women are given to men, as does The Peshitta. Of which Greek text or manuscript is The Peshitta a translation?Again, the Greek is incorrect and The Peshitta is flawless. 35 (& for the resurrection) atmyqlw (are worthy) wws (world) amle (who for that) whld (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (women) asn (are taking) Nybon (not) al (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nmd (to men) arbgl (are) Nywh (women) asn (not) al (also) Paw The Aramaic here mentions Men & Women. The Greek mss. have neither. Some have concluded from the Greek that people are gender neutral in the glorified state in Heaven. The Peshitta nowhere suggests that. (neither does the Greek, in my opinion) 36 (can they) Nyxksm (die) tmml (again) bwt (for) ryg (neither) alpa (for) ryg (they are) Nwna (the angels) akalm (like) Kya (of God) ahlad (they are) Nwhytya (& children) aynbw
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(of the resurrection) atmyqd (children) aynb (they were) wwhd (because) ljm 37 (declared) qdb (Moshe) aswm (also) Pa (those who have died) atym (but) Nyd (that rise) Nymyqd (Jehovah) ayrm (said) rma (when) dk (at the bush) aynob (for) ryg (he recounts) rkda (of Isaaq) qxoyad (& The God) hhlaw (of Abraham) Mhrbad (The God) hhla (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (& The God) hhlaw 38 (of the dead) atymd (He was) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (God) ahla (to Him) hl (were) Nwna (alive) Nyyx (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk (of the living) ayxd (but) ala 39 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the Scribes) arpo (of) Nm (some) Nysna (& answered) wnew (You) tna (have spoken) rma (beautifully) ryps (Teacher) anplm (to Him) hl 40 (anything) Mdm (about) le (to ask Him) htwlasml (they dared) wxrma (again) bwt (& not) alw 41 (The Scribes) arpo (were saying) Nyrma (how?) ankya (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (& said) rmaw (of David) dywdd (He is) wh (that The Son) hrbd (The Messiah) axysm (about) le The Greek mss. do not have The Scribes. Where did The Peshitta get this, if it is a translation of Greek? The Greek has How do they say The Christ is the Son of David? 42 (of Psalms) arwmzmd (in the book) abtkb (said) rma (David) dywd (& he) whw (My right) ynymy (at) Nm (Yourself) Kl (seat) bt (to my Lord) yrml (Jehovah) ayrm (said) rmad 43 (Your feet) Kylgr (under) tyxt (Your enemies) Kybbdleb (I put) Myoad (until) made The Greek has,Until I set your enemies your footstool.The Peshitta and one Greek ms. (D) have Until I set your enemies under your feet. This verse (Psalms 110:1) is quoted seven times in The NT. Kylgr tyxt Kybbdleb Myoad amde ynymy Nm Kl bt yrml ayrm rmad Mt 22:44 Mt 22:44 eipen kuriov tw kuriw mou kayou ek dexiwn mou ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upokatw twn podwn sou WH * Mt 22:44 eipen o kuriov tw kuriw mou kayou ek dexiwn mou ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upopodion twn podwn sou BYZ agrees with LXX Kylgr tyxt asbwk Kybbdleb Myoad amde ynymy Nm Kl bt yrml ayrm rmad asdwqd axwrb rma dywd ryg wh Mr 12:36 Mr 12:36 autov dauid eipen en tw pneumati tw agiw eipen kuriov tw kuriw mou kayou ek dexiwn mou ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upokatw twn podwn sou * -WH Mr 12:36 autov gar dauid eipen en pneumati agiw legei o kuriov tw kuriw mou kayou ek dexiwn mou ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upopodion twn podwn sou * (BYZ) agrees with LXX

Kylgr tyxt Kybbdleb Myoad amde Lu 20:43 Lu 20:43 ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upopodion twn podwn sou WH agrees with LXX Lu 20:43 ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upopodion twn podwn sou (BYZ) agrees with LXX Lu 20:43 ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upokatw twn podwn sou Codex D. * Kylgrl asbwk Kybbdleb Myoad amde Ac 2:35 agrees with Hebrew OT, Pesh. OT & LXX Ac 2:35 ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upopodion twn podwn sou * -WH agrees with Hebrew OT, Pesh. OT & LXX Ac 2:35 ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upopodion twn podwn sou * (BYZ) agrees with Hebrew OT, Pesh. OT & LXX Kylgr tyxt asbwk Kybbdleb Myoad amde ynymy Nm btd rma Mwtmm akalm Nm Nyd Nml Heb 1:13
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Heb 1:13 prov tina de twn aggelwn eirhken pote kayou ek dexiwn mou ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upopodion twn podwn sou * -WH agrees with LXX Heb 1:13 prov tina de twn aggelwn eirhken pote kayou ek dexiwn mou ewv an yw touv ecyrouv sou upopodion twn podwn sou * (BYZ) agrees with LXX 1Co 15:25 (MUR) For he is to reign, until he shall put all his enemies under his feet. yhwlgr tyxt Nwhlk yhwbbdleb Myond amde Klmnd ryg wh dyte 1Co 15:25 (Peshitta) 1Co 15:25 (BYZ) dei gar auton basileuein acriv ou an yh pantav touv ecyrouv upo touv podav autou * 1Co 15:25 (WH) dei gar auton basileuein acriv ou yh pantav touv ecyrouv upo touv podav autou * Heb 10:13 (MUR) and thenceforth waited, until his foes should be placed as a footstool under his feet. yhwlgr tyxt asbwk yhwbbdleb Nwmyottnd amde lykm awqmw Heb 10:13 (Peshitta) Heb 10:13 (BYZ) to loipon ekdecomenov ewv teywsin oi ecyroi autou upopodion twn podwn autou* * agrees with LXX Heb 10:13 (WH) to loipon ekdecomenov ewv teywsin oi ecyroi autou upopodion twn podwn autou * agrees with LXX Of the seven quotes of Psalm 110:1, The Peshitta disagrees with all the major Greek readings in four (Shaded grey) and agrees with them in 3 cases.. It also agrees with The Peshitta OT and The Hebrew OT in one of the cases and also with The LXX in that same place where The LXX and The Hebrew OT & Peshitta OT all agree. (Acts 2:35). The Greek texts agree with The LXX in ten out of 15 (2 Greek texts) places. This shows four things: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Peshitta does not translate the Greek readings. In several cases, The Peshitta contains footstool under your feet where the Greek has a subset footstool or under your feet. In Mark 12:36, The Critical Greek has under your feet and The Majority Greek has your footstool of your feet. The Peshitta has your footstool under your feet. The Greek conforms generally to The LXX (67% correlation). The Peshitta NT quotes do not conform to any particular established OT text. It does not agree with The Hebrew OT or The Peshitta OT more than twice of the seven times Psalm 110:1 is quoted. That is only 28 % correlation. The Greek readings are subsets of The Peshitta readings in 12/15- (80%) of the cases. In the other 20%, the Greek text conforms to The LXX. That means the Greek readings may be derived from The Aramaic, but not vice versa. For the Peshitta to have come from Greek, there would have had to be selective conflation (pasting two different readings together to form a longer one), and editing among different Greek text types, with no particular rhyme or reason behind it; Often the Peshitta follows no particular Greek reading whatsoever (56% of the time). This is not a reasonable scenario for an Aramaic translation from Greek. All the data support a Greek translation from a Peshitta base. 44 (Him) hl (called) arq (my Lord) yrm (David) dywd (therefore) lykh (if) Na (is He) wh (his son) hrb (how?) ankya The following is a photo of the ancient Khabouris Peshitta Manuscript, which was copied from a fourth century manuscript no later than AD 360, according to the scribes notes.

I show this because the word order is different here from the 1905 edition used in this interlinear, and may explain the difference in the Greek readings of the verse. The Khabouris (& the Eastern Peshitta) has the word order: ?If therefore David called Him my Lord, how his son is He The Western Peshitta mss. have: ?If therefore David my Lord called Him, how his son is He :The 4th century Greek ms.Vaticanus has David therefore Him Lord calls, and how his son is He? This is closer to the Eastern Peshitta than to the Western. Practically all other Greek mss. have:
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?David therefore Lord Him calls, and how son his is He This is closer to the Western word order than to the Eastern. These facts lead me to believe that the Vaticanus manuscript is a translation of the Aramaic text according to the Eastern Peshitta and that the Majority Greek text is translated from the Western Peshitta text. There are very few differences between the two Peshittas, however, by which to compare the Greek texts, but the available data seem to support this conclusion. Matthew 22 says twice that David called Him (The Messiah) ayrm Jehovah; Luke and Mark say David called Him, yrm my Lord. There is one letter difference between Jehovah & my Lord in Aramaic: ayrm &yrm. This may seem to be a contradiction in The Peshitta NT, however, the text of Matthew says that our Lord was addressing the Pharisees directly and asking them for their views of The Messiah. Mark and Luke (in The Peshitta) have, How do the Scribes say that The Messiah is Davids son? The circumstances were different from the account of Matthew, and the approach with the Pharisees in Matthew was deeper and more expository and theological than with the common folk. With the Pharisees, He said twice that David calls The Messiah Jehovah ayrm (MarYah), which is not based on His quotation of Psalm 110:1, but rather on a further examination of Psalm 110:5 in the first century text of the verse which was later revised by the Massoretes from Jehovah (or YAHWEH) in Hebrew to Adonai my Lord. Why did the Massoretes do this? Beats me, but they did this in 134 places in the Hebrew Bible and kept notes of the changes for every one of them in their Massorah (Scribal notes and alternate readings in the margins of manuscripts). The Peshitta Old Testament also retains the correct reading in this and all the other places where the reading was later changed in Hebrew mss. Psalm 110:5 says: Jehovah at Your right hand shall defeat kings in the day of His wrath. If Jehovah is at the right hand of Jehovah then there are two Jehovahs mentioned in this Psalm: God The Father and God The Son Messiah. If The Son is at the right hand of The Father, as verse one teaches, then The Father cannot be the One to Whom verse 5 refers as YAHWEH at your right hand. If The Son is at the right hand of The Father, The Father cannot be at the right hand of The Son; otherwise, we make nonsense of language and reason. My understanding of Hebrew exposition is that the first verse of a Psalm signifies the whole Psalm, when quoted. Quite often, the first verse of a Psalm is quoted in The NT, but the first verse is a title for entire Psalm, often as a song begins with the title words by which the song is known. The Greek text of Matthew 22: 43-46 says basically the same as the Greek of Mark 12 & Luke concerning Psalm 110, because Greek usually uses the same word (Kurios-Lord) for the Aramaic MarYah (Lord Jehovah) as for the Aramaic Mari (Lord). The Peshitta of Matthew 22:43-46 says twice that The Messiah is Jehovah (The Lord God) of The Hebrew people and of the whole creation. This Aramaic Name Maryah occurs 239 times in The Peshitta NT. The Greek rarely makes a distinction between Lord(which may refer to God or man) and Jehovah(which always refers to God). 45 (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (said) rma (He) awh (heard) ems (the people) ame (all) hlk (& while) dkw 46 (in robes) aljoab (to walk) wklhml (who like) Nybud (the Scribes) arpo (of) Nm (beware) wrhdza (seats) abtwm (& first class) syrw (in the markets) aqwsb (greetings) amls (& love) Nymxrw (at banquets) atymsxab (rooms) akmo (& first class) syrw (in the synagogues) atswnkb 47 (of widows) atlmrad (the houses) atb (who consume) Nylkad (they) Nwnh (their prayers) Nwhtwlu (of chanting) Nykrwmd (for an offering) atleb (surpassing) aryty (a judgment) anyd (shall receive) Nwlbqn (those) Nwnh Those who consume the houses of widows, for an offering of chanting their prayers, will receive a surpassing condemnation. atle Ellta can mean pretext, cause, article, or offering, sacrifice. Pretext is not convincing, as most translations have it. Surely the Scribes would pray at the widows homes and pray long prayers. It was not pretending that was the problem, it was charging widows for their prayers that was the problem. Are we to believe that it would have been acceptable if they had actually prayed long prayers in exchange for devouring widows houses? Chapter 21 1 (those) Nylya (at the rich) aryteb (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (gazed) rx (their offerings) Nwhynbrwq (of treasure) azg (in the house) tyb (were) wwh (who casting) Nymrd The Greek mss. lack the name Jesus in verse 1. Old Syriac agrees with Greek in the first verb looked up and having no Yeshua-Jesus. 2 (a certain) adx (a widow) atlmra (also) Pa (& He saw) azxw (two) Nyrt (shemonas) anwms (who cast in) tymrad (poor) atnkom A anwms (Shemona) is a farthing, which was a small copper coin worth 1/4th cent. .
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3 (widow) atlmra (that this) adhd (you) Nwkl (I) ana (tell) rma (the reality) arrs (& He said) rmaw (anyone) snlk (than) Nm (more) ryty (has cast in) tymra (poor) atnkom 4 (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (abundance) rytyd (whatever) am (from) Nm (these) Nylh (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk (of God) ahlad (of offerings) anbrwq (to the house) tyb (they cast in) wymra (everything) lk (her want) htwryox (from) Nm (but) Nyd (this one) adh (she has cast in) htymra (she had) twh (that owned) aynqd .The Critical Greek text lacks of God in v. 4, as does Old Syriac 5 (the temple) alkyh (about) le (people) Nysna (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (& when) dkw (it was adorned) tbum (& with gifts) anbrwqbw (beautiful) atryps (that with stones) apakbd (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma Jesus is not in the Greek mss.. . 6 (the days) atmwy (shall come) Nwtan (do you) Nwtna (see?) Nyzxd (these things) Nylh (a stone) Pak (on) le (a stone) Pak (shall be left) qbtst (not) al (in which) Nwhbd (shall be pulled down) rttot (that not) ald 7 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& asking) Nylasmw (the sign) ata (is) yh (& what?) anmw (will occur) Nywhn (these things) Nylh (when?) ytma (Teacher) anplm (to occurring) Nywhnd (these things) Nylh (are close) Nbyrqd (when) am 8 (you be deceived) Nwejt (that not) aml (beware) wzx (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (& they shall say) Nwrmanw (in My Name) ymsb (shall come) Nwtan (for) ryg (many) aaygo (is near) brq (& the time) anbzw (the Messiah) axysm (AM God) ana (I) anad (after them) Nwhrtb (go) Nwlzat (but) Nyd (not) al ana ana -Ena na is an Aramaic idiom used in The Old Testament Peshitta to translate Divine utterances: I AM The LORD; I AM God; I AM the first and the last, etc.. 97% of the 146 occurrences of this expression I have examined in the OT refer to God; a few times it may refer to a mere human saying I am. I here translate it in the Divine sense, as it amounts to a claim of false prophets to be The Messiah, Who is certainly Divine. The Greek mss. never convey this sense in the 34 places where it occurs in The Peshitta NT, as the Greek ego eiminever was an idiom meaning I AM God.The Greek mss. also lack The Messiahin this verse, leaving merely the inane statement Many shall come in My Name saying, I am. This they repeat in some other places in the Gospels, making a claim to Deity into a vague and meaningless statement in Greek. This is surely a defect in the Greek NT in several places such as: If you believe not that I am, you shall die in your sins.-Jn. 8:24. It is a deficiency in those 24 other I AM statements of our Lord in John, such as I am the bread of life.The Peshitta has Ena nain those places, meaning I AM the Living God. John 6:51 then reads: I am The Living God, the bread of life, who have come down from heaven: and if a man shall eat of this bread, he will live for ever. And the bread which I shall give, is my body, which I give for the life of the world. 9 (& commotions) ayswgsw (wars) abrq (you) Nwtna (hear) Nyemsd (& whenever) amw (first) Mdqwl (these things) Nylh (for) ryg (are) Nyna (going) Ndyte (fear) Nwlxdt (not) al (the end) atrx (has arrived) tjm (yet) lykde (not) al (but) ala (to happen) awhml 10 (nation) ame (against) le (nation) ame (for) ryg (shall arise) Mwqn (kingdom) wklm (against) le (& kingdom) wklmw 11 (in places) akwdb (shall be) Nwwhn (great) abrwr (& earthquakes) aewzw (panics) atlxd (& there shall be) Nywhnw (& plagues) antwmw (& famines) anpkw (places) akwd (shall appear) Nyzxtn (the sky) ayms (from) Nm (great) atbrwr (& the signs) atwtaw (& terror) adrwow (there shall be) Nwwhn (great) abrwr (& storms) awtow And there shall be great storms is entirely missing from all Greek texts (except one very late miniscule ms. that has and storms).
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Did an Aramaean translator invent this phrase and add it to a translation of Greek, or did a Greek translator simply miss it in his translation from The Peshitta? Reason will dictate that the latter is far more likely than the former. 12 (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (but) Nyd (before) Mdq (& they shall persecute you) Nwknwpdrnw (hands) aydya (on you) Nwkyle (they will lay) Nwmrn (prison) aryoa (& to houses) tyblw (to councils) atswnkl (& they shall deliver you) Nwknwmlsnw (& governors) anwmghw (kings) aklm (before) Mdq (& they shall bring you) Nwknwbrqnw (My Name) yms (because of) ljm yms ljm -Metul Shemai (because of My Name) is such an important phrase, repeated in v. 17 & elsewhere as the cause of all the controversy and persecution against the church. What is His Name and why all the persecution? His Name, according to The Peshitta, which every believer must confess and to Which each was baptized is axysm ewsy ayrm (MarYah Yeshua Meshikha) -The LORD God Yeshua The Messiah. Paul would later write: No one can say Yeshua is Jehovah (LORD God) except by the Holy Spirit. Whoever does not believe He is Jehovah God does not believe in Him. Whoever has not confessed with his mouth The LORD God Yeshua should do so. The Holy Spirit alone can bring this home to the heart and soul and compel the mouth to confess it, as He did to Peter. Some day, Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Yeshua Meshikha is MarYah (The LORD GOD), to the glory of God The Father. Phillip. 2:11. 13 (for a testimony) atwdhol (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (it will happen) aywh 14 (in your hearts) Nwkblb (but) Nyd (settle) wmyo (an answer) axwr (to return) qpml (taught) Nyplytm (you will be) Nwwht (that not) ald 15 (& wisdom) atmkxw (a mouth) amwp (to you) Nwkl (I will give) lta (for) ryg (I) ana (against it) hlbwql (to stand) Mqml (they shall be able) Nwxksn (that not) ald (which) adya (your enemies) Nwkybbdleb (all of them) Nwhlk The majority of Greek mss. have all your opposers shall not be able to refute nor resist. The Critical Greek text has all your opposers shall not be able to resist nor refute, with the last two verbs switched. In all major Greek texts,two verbs are used instead of the Peshittas one. See how The Peshitta text accounts for this: Mqml -lmaqum can mean to stand or to oppose; the next Aramaic word, hlbwql lqublah, means against it,however it looks very much like hlwbql lqabulah, which means to impeach it or to accuse it. The Greek translator appears to have mistaken the Aramaic hlbwql for hlwbql. The fact that Mqml -lmaqum can mean to stand or to oppose doubles the likelihood that the Greek readings with these two verbs to refute or resist are based on the Aramaic Peshitta text. The Critical Greek agrees better with The Peshitta word order,given the error in translation. Mqml -lmaqum-(to oppose) would answer to the Greek word, antisthnai antistaynai -(to resist) and hlwbql lqabulah, which means to impeach it, answers to the Greek anteipein -anteipein, which means to refute. One Greek ms. (D) 6th century has only the verb antisthnai to resist, which agrees well with The Peshitta. Codex D often does agree more closely (though by no means consistently) with The Peshitta than do the major Greek texts. D also has numerous strange, independent and unique readings. All these Greek texts are thus demonstrated to be probable translations of The Peshitta in this verse. Old Syriac agrees with The Peshitta reading. 16 (& your brothers) Nwkyxaw (your parents) Nwkyhba (but) Nyd (shall deliver you over) Nwknwmlsn (some of you) Nwknm (& they shall put to death) Nwtymnw (& your friends) Nwkymxrw (& your relatives) Nwkynyxaw The Majority Greek text has a different word order than The Peshitta: your parents, relatives friends & brothers. The Critical Greek text agrees with The Peshitta. Old Syriac has your brothers, your parents, your relatives, your friends. 17 (My Name) yms (because of) ljm (man) sna (every) lk (by) Nm (hated) Nyayno (& you shall be) Nwwhtw 18 (shall be lost) dbat (not) al (your heads) Nwksr (from) Nm (& a hair) atnmw 19 (your souls) Nwkspn (you shall possess) Nwnqt (but) Nyd (by your perseverance) Nwktwnrbyomb 20 (Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (you will see) Nwtyzxd (but) Nyd (whenever) am (know) wed (then) Nydyh (by armies) alyx (it) hl (being surrounded) Nyrydxd (its destruction) hbrwx (to it) hl (that has come near) brqd
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21 (to the mountains) arwjl (let them flee) Nwqren (are) Nwna (in Judea) dwhybd (those who) Nylya (then) Nydyh (let them escape) Nwqren (are) Nwna (who within it) hwgbd (& those) Nylyaw (it) hl (let them enter) Nwlen (not) al (& who are in the villages) ayrwqbdw 22 (of vengeance) atebtd (these) Nylh (are) Nwna (for the days) atmwyd (is written) bytkd (whatever) am (everything) lk (to fulfill) Mlsnd According to our Lord, in His generation would be fulfilled all that had been written. This and other such statements demand that we reassess our doctrine of prophesy-eschatology. 23 (who nurse) Nqnymd (& to those) Nylyalw (who are pregnant) Nnjbd (to those) Nylyal (but) Nyd (woe!) yw (suffering) anulwa (for) ryg (there shall be) awhn (days) atmwy (in those) Nwnhb (this) anh (people) ame (upon) le (& wrath) azgwrw (in the land) aerab (great) abr 24 (of the sword) abrxd (by the mouth) amwpb (& they shall fall) Nwlpnw (region) rta (to every) lkl (& they shall be led captive) Nwbtsnw (the Gentiles) amme (by) Nm (trodden) asydtm (shall be) awht (& Jerusalem) Mlsrwaw (of the Gentiles) ammed (the time) anbz (will be finished) Nwmlsnd (until) amde 25 (& in the stars) abkwkbw (& in the moon) arhobw (in the sun) asmsb (signs) atwta (& there shall be) Nywhnw (of hands) aydya (& clasping) Kswpw (of nations) ammed (suffering) anulwa (& in the earth) aerabw (of the sea) amyd (of the sound) alqd (alarm) athwt (from) Nm And there shall be signs in the sun, moon & stars, and in the earth, suffering of nations and clasping of hands from the alarm of the sound of the sea. The Greek is quite different; I cannot see how The Peshitta obtained the phrase clasping of hands from Greek mss. No Greek ms. has the phrase; Greek has the word aporia perplexity. Why in the name of Sam Hill would a translator add such a phrase? The Aramaic phrase aydya Kswp clasping of hands is doubtless an idiom referring to perplexity. If the Greek were to be translated into Aramaic, the word Kswp would do it. Of course, I do not accept the notion that The Peshitta writers were translating anything; The Greek text is translated from The Peshitta. An original text should have more such idioms than a translation would. The translator would tend to simplify them and render a text that is simpler than the base text and simpler than an original text in the translation language. All Aramaic words highlighted in purple in this interlinear are idioms. They are quite numerous. The Greek NT has all the earmarks of a translation Greek contained in The LXX translation of The Hebrew Bible. It employs Semitic word order of Verb-Subject-Object far more often than Greek normally does. I owe this observation to native Aramaean, Paul Younan, web host of,and others who have posted this with many examples on their web sites. 26 (of the children of men) asnynbd (the souls) atspn (which drives out) qpmd (& an earthquake) aewzw (the earth) aera (on) le (to come) ataml (is going) dyted (of whatever) Mdmd (the terror) atlxd (from) Nm (of Heaven) aymsd (the hosts) alyx (& shall be shaken) Nweyzttnw An earthquake is wanting in Greek mss. Would a translator add this to the text? I think not; That a Greek translator simply dropped it is much easier to believe and support. 27 (Who comes) atad (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbl (they shall see Him) yhynwzxn (& then) Nydyhw (great) abr (& praise) axbwsw (many) aaygo (mighty works) alyx (with) Me (in clouds) anneb I love the Aramaic language! anne Enanna (Clouds), alyx Khayla- (strength,power,miracle,army,mighty works, host,possibility) & axbws Shoobkha (glory,praise,honor,hymn,tenet,opinion) have such rich possibilities of meaning and application. Clouds often signify trouble and turbulence, confusion and despair. Khayla is strength and the miraculous we find all around us every day if we look and consider; Shoobkha is the highest and noblest, most sublime reality and concept conceivable to the mind, whether to man, angel or God Himself. The Deity would comprise that glory. Wherever there is despair or sorrow, strength or possibility, honor or praise, The Son of Man is revealed and present, for these all come from Him and bring us eventually to Him. He sends Enanna (Clouds) to teach us to pray and look up in hope for the Sun; then he gives us of His Khayla(Strength & Miracle) in answer to our prayer, and in response, we give Him Shoobkha (Glory and Praise) for all His mighty works and blessings to us, And with each of these three gifts: Enana, Khayla & Shoobkha, The Son of Man comes to us.
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It has always been so, and shall be so always. He never changes. Behold, I come quickly 28 (take heart) wbblta (to happen) Nywhnd (these things) Nylh (begin) yrsd (but) Nyd (whenever) am (your salvation) Nwknqrwp (it) hl (draws near) brqd (because) ljm (your heads) Nwkysr (& lift up) wmyraw 29 (the fig tree) attl (behold) wzx (a parable) altm (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (& said) rmaw (the trees) anlya (& all of) Nwhlklw 30 (from them) Nwhnm (at once) adxm (they bud) Nyerpmd (that when) amd (summer) ajyq (it) hl (that approaches) brqd (you) Nwtna (understand) Nylktom 31 (that occur) Nywhd (these things) Nylh (you see) Nwtyzxd (whenever) am (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (thus) ankh (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (is) yh (that near) abyrqd (know) wed 32 (this) adh (generation) atbrs (shall pass) rbet (not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (shall come to pass) Nywhn (all) Nyhlk (of these things) Nylhd (until) amde Generation means generation; This means this. Our Lord was not speaking of a future generation. Futurists need to go back to the words of The Son of God and rethink their prophecy schemes. His words in Luke 21 and Matthew 24 have been fulfilled through The Holy Spirit, the Gospel proclamation and advent of Messiah to every heart and land where he was received, and judgment to those who rejected Him. 33 (shall pass away) Nwrben (& earth) aeraw (Heaven) ayms (shall pass away) Nrben (not) al (& My words) ylmw 34 (ever) Mwtm (that not) ald (in your souls) Nwkspnb (but) Nyd (beware) wrhdza (& in drunkenness) atwywrbw (with gluttony) atwjwoab (your hearts) Nwktwbl (grow cold) Nwrqan (shall come) atan (the stillness) ayls (& from) Nmw (of the world) amled (& in the cares) atpubw (that) wh (day) amwy (upon you) Nwkyle The phrase translated, from the stillness - ayls Nm (man shalia) is an Aramaic idiom meaning suddenly. 35 (all of them) Nwhlk (upon) le (it shall spring) xpun (for) ryg (a trap) atxpu (as) Kya (the earth) aera (of all) hlkd (the face) hypa (on) le (dwell) Nybtyd (which) Nylya 36 (& praying) Nylumw (at all times) Nbzlkb (watching) Nyrhs (therefore) lykh (be) wwh (which are going) Ndyted (these things) Nylh (from) Nm (to escape) qreml (that you will be worthy) Nwwstd (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (before) Mdq (& to stand) Nwmwqtw (to occur) awhml 37 (& by night) ayllbw (in the temple) alkyhb (He was) awh (teaching) Plm (but) Nyd (by day) ammyab (in the mount) arwjb (spending the night) tab (He) awh (went out) qpn (Zaytha) atyz (DByth) tybd (which is called) arqtmd By day He was teaching in the temple and by night he went out and spent the night .on the Mount called DByth Zaytha (of the Place of Olives) DByth Zaytha means of the place of Olives. The Greek texts have the abbreviated form, of Olives. 38 (to Him) htwl (were) wwh (coming early) Nymdqm (the people) ame (& all) hlkw (His word) htlm (to hear) emsml (to the temple) alkyhl

Chapter 22 1 (of unleavened bread) aryjpd (the feast) adede (but) Nyd (was) awh (nearing) byrq (Passover) axup (which is called) arqtmd
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The Greek mss. for Passover have Pascha(See v. 13 also). Here is Strongs Dictionary entry for the Greek word: 3957 pasca pascha pas-khah: of Aramaic origin, cf 06453 xop; TDNT-5:896,797; n n AV-Passover 28, Easter 1; 29. This Aramaic word occurs 29 times in the Greek NT., in the Gospels, Acts, I Corinthians and Hebrews. The Greek pascapascaPascha is an exact transliteration, letter for letter, of the Aramaic word axup -Pascha. 2 (& the Scribes) arpow (the Priests)] anhk (Chief) ybr (were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (they might kill Him) yhynwljqn (that how?) ankyad (the people) ame (of) Nm (for) ryg (they were) wwh (were afraid) Nylxd 3 (Skariota) ajwyrko (who is called) arqtmd (Yehuda) adwhyb (Satan) anjo (but) Nyd (had) awh (entered) le (of the twelve) roertd (the number) anynm (of) Nm (had) awh (he who been) yhwtyad The English word Satan comes from Aramaic- anjo -Satana, as does the Greek word satanav Satanas.Strongs Greek English Dictionary has: 4567 satanav, Satanas, sat-an-as of Aramaic origin corresponding to 4566 (with the definite affix); TDNT-7:151,1007; n pr m AV-Satan 36; 36 1) adversary (one who opposes another in purpose or act), the name given to 1a) the prince of evil spirits, the inveterate adversary of God and Christ 1b) a Satan-like man Again, the Greek testifies to an Aramaic original. SatanavSatanav- Satanas, was not used in Greek writing anywhere but in The Greek NT. & Satan Satan in one verse of The LXX (1 Kings 11:14), which is translated from the Hebrew Njs Satan. 4 (& the Scribes) arpow (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (with) Me (he spoke) llm (& he went) lzaw (of the temple) alkyhd (of the forces) alyx (& the commanders) ybrw (to them) Nwhl (to deliver Him) yhwymlsnd (so as) Kya All major Greek texts lack & The Scribes, & of the temple.Codex C (5th century) & Codex N (6th cent.) have kai grammateusin -kai grammateusin-(& Scribes). Codex D (6th cent.) lacks strathgoiv-Military commanders. 5 (money) apok (to him) hl (to give) Nwltnd (& they promised) wmyqaw (& they rejoiced) wydxw 6 (occasion) aelp (he was) awh (& seeking) aebw (with them) Nwhl (& he made an agreement) ydwtsaw (gathering) asnk (any) Nm (without) delb (to them) Nwhl (to deliver Him) yhwymlsnd 7 (of Unleavened Bread) aryjpd (The Day) amwy (& arrived) yjmw (the Passover lamb) axup (for to be slain) okntnd (the custom) adye (was) awh (it) tya (in which) hbd 8 (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (Kaypha) apakl (Yeshua) ewsy (& sent) rdsw (to eat) oelnd (the Passover) axup (for us) Nl (prepare) wbyj (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw Greek mss. have Petrov- Petros(Peter) where The Peshitta has Kaypha. According to the Greek mss. of John 1:42, Petrov (Peter) is a Greek translation of Kaypha: khfav o ermhneuetai petrovpetrov-Cephas -(Aramaic), which is to be translated, Peter- (Greek). So it is then in the some 162 places where Petrov occurs in The Greek NT. And if the name is a translation in those 162 places, is not the rest of the text also a translation of an Aramaic original?How about the name of The Messiah, as written in Greek mss. of John 1:41: ton messian (Aramaic) o estin meyermhneuomenon o cristov (Greek) the Messias (Aramaic), which is, being interpreted, the Christ (Greek). Christos is here declared to be a translation of the Aramaic word Messiah. Cephas called Yeshua The Messiah, not Christos. The original is Messiah; Christos is the Greek translation, and it occurs 569 times in the NT. Is this not tantamount to declaring 569 times that the Greek NT is a translation of an Aramaic original? 569 + 162 = 731 times, for Peter + Christ. That should tip off the reader that The Greek NT is a translation, not the original. 9 (us to prepare it) byjnd (You) tna (desire) abu (where?) akya (to Him) hl (said) wrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 10 (the city) atnydml (you) Nwtna (enter) Nylaed (when) am (behold) ah (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (of water) aymd (a jug) abrg (who bears) lyqsd (a man) arbg (you) Nwkb (shall meet) egp (after him) hrtb (go) wlz 11 (of the house) atybd (to the owner) hrml (say) wrma (he enters) laed (& wherever) akyaw
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(of dwelling) ayrsm (a place) tyb (is there?) wnya (says) rma (our Rabbi) Nbr (My disciples) ydymlt (with) Me (Passover) axup (I may eat) lwkad (where?) akya 12 (to you) Nwkl (shall show) awxm (he) wh (& behold) ahw (prepare) wbyj (there) Nmt (that is furnished) aywsmd (great) atbr (one) adx (upper room) atyle 13 (them) Nwhl (He told) rmad (as) Kya (& they found) wxksa (& they went) wlzaw (the Passover) axup (& they prepared) wbyjw 14 (& He reclined) Kmtoa (Yeshua) ewsy (came) ata (time) ande (it was) awh (& when) dkw (with Him) hme (the apostles) axyls (& twelve) roertw 15 (Passover) axup (that this) anhd (I have desired) yntgr (desiring) atgr (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (I shall suffer) sxad (before) Mdq (with you) Nwkme (I should eat) lwka 16 (until) amde (I shall eat it) yhwylka (not) al (from now) lykmd (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (of God) ahlad (in the Kingdom) htwklmb (it shall be fulfilled) Mlsnd 17 (& He said) rmaw (& He gave thanks) ydwaw (a cup) aok (& He took) bonw (among yourselves) Nwktnyb (& divide it) wglpw (this) anh (take) wbo 18 (I shall drink) atsa (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (for) ryg (I) ana (say) rma (shall come) atatd (until) amde (of the vine) atpgd (the fruit) adly (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm Verses 17 & 18 are not found in most Peshitta mss. They are found in Lees edition of The Peshitta of 1816 and are also found in the 1979 UBS EDITION of The Syriac Bible, The 1986 Aramaic Scriptures Research Society Edition and in Lamsas and Murdocks Translations of The Eastern Peshitta. I include it here,since it is also found in The 1905 Peshitta edition for The Online Bible, of which this interlinear is a translation. The reader may also be interested to know that this writer has found several long Bible codes in this edition which span the entire NT, are up to 88 letters long, and are found by skipping up to 99,067 letters between each of the letters in a 40 letter code about a plot to murder The Messiah. If one letter were added or deleted from the 461,094 letters of the Codefinder edition of The Peshitta (extremely close to this Interlinear 1905 Peshitta edition), none of the long codes I have found would exist; nor can they be found in any of the other editions I have searched. All Greek mss. contain vss. 17 & 18. I cannot believe they were simply invented and added by a Greek translator. They were in the original Peshitta manuscript in order to occur in all Greek mss., since The Greek NT is a translation of The Peshitta. 19 (& He broke) auqw (& He gave thanks) ydwaw (bread) amxl (& He took) bonw (My body) yrgp (this is) wnh (& He said) rmaw (to them) Nwhl (& He gave) bhyw (shall be given) bhytm (your persons) Nwkypa (which for the sake of) led (to commemorate Me) ynrkwdl (doing) Nydbe (you shall be) Nwtywh (this) adh 20 (they had dined) wmsxad (after) rtb (from) Nm (the cup) aok (about) le (also) Pa (& thus) twkhw (in My blood) ymdb (new) atdx (the covenant) aqtyd (cup) aok (this) anh (He said) rma (shall be shed) dsatm (which for your sakes) Nwkyplxd 21 (of him who shall betray Me) ynmlsmd (the hand) hdya (behold) ah (however) Mrb (the table) arwtp (is on) le 22 (it was appointed) srptad (just as) ankya (goes) lza (of Man) asnad (& The Son) hrbw (He shall be betrayed) Mltsm (by whose hand) hdyabd (man) arbg (to that) whl (woe!) yw (yet) Mrb 23 (indeed) yk (who?) wnmd (among themselves) Nwhtnyb (to inquire) Nwbqend (& they began) wyrsw (to commit) reoml (was going) dyte (who this) adhd (he was) wh (of them) Nwhnm 24 (among them) Nwhtnyb (a dispute) anyrx (also) Pa (but) Nyd (there was) awh (great) brd (among them) Nwhb (was) tya (of who) Nmd 25 (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (are) Nwna (their lords) Nwhyrm (of the nations) ammed (the kings) Nwhyklm (are called) Nyrqtm (of good) atbj (doers) ydbe (over them) Nwhyle (& they ruling) Nyjylsdw 26
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(among you) Nwkb (is great) brd (whoever) anya (but) ala (so) ankh (not) al (but) Nyd (you are) Nwtna (chief) asrd (& whoever) anyaw (the small) arwez (as) Kya (shall be) awhn (a waiter) ansmsm (shall be like) Kya (is) wh 27 (who serves dinner) smsmd (he) wh (or) wa (who sits) Kymod (he) wh (greater) br (for) ryg (who is?) wnm (am) ytya (but) Nyd (I) ana (who sits) Kymod (he) wh (is it) awh (not?) al (who serves dinner) smsmd (He) wh (as) Kya (among you) Nwktnyb 28 (in My trials) ynwyonb (with Me) ytwl (they who have remained) Nwtrtkd (but) Nyd (are) Nwna (you) Nwtna 29 (you) Nwkl (am) ana (promising) adwtsm (& I) anaw (a kingdom) atwklm (My Father) yba (Me) yl (promised) ydwtsad (as) Kya 30 (the table) arwtp (at) le (& you shall drink) Nwtstw (that you shall eat) Nwlkatd (thrones) atworwk (on) le (& you shall sit) Nwbttw (My) ylyd (of Kingdom) atwklmd (of Israel) lyroyad (the tribes) ajbs (twelve) roert (& you shall judge) Nwnwdtw 31 (behold) ah (Shimeon) Nwems (to Shimeon) Nwemsl (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (wheat) ajxld (like) Kya (that he may sift you) Nwkbwrend (has requested) las (Satan) anjo 32 (your faith) Ktwnmyh (shall fail) roxt (that not) ald (for you) Kyle (have prayed) tyeb (& I) anaw (your brethren) Kyxa (confirm) rrsw (it is restored) ynpta (in the time) Nbzb (you) tna (also) Pa 33 (with You) Kme (my Lord) yrm (to Him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems (& for death) atwmlw (of prisoners) aryoa (even for the house) tyblw (I am) ana (prepared) byjm 34 (Shimeon) Nwems (to you) Kl (I) ana (say) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (three) tltd (until) amde (today) anmwy (a rooster) algnrt (shall crow) arqn (that not) ald (Me) yl (you) tna (know) edy (that) ald (you shall deny) rwpkt (times) Nynbz 35 (moneybag) aoyk (without) ald (I sent you) Nwktrds (when) dk (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (there lacking) rox (was?) aml (& shoes) anomw (wallet) almrt (& without) aldw (anything) Mdm (& not) alw (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (anything) Mdm (to you) Nwkl 36 (to him) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nm (this hour) ash (from) Nm (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (a wallet) almrt (also) Pa (& thus) ankhw (should take it) bon (a moneybag) aoyk (his tunic) htxn (let him sell) Nbzn (a sword) apyo (to him) hl (lacks) tyld (& whoever) Nmw (a sword) apyo (for himself) hl (& buy) Nbznw 37 (that is written) abytkd (this) adh (that also) Pad (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (He was numbered) anmta (evil doers) alwe (with) Med (in Me) yb (be fulfilled) almttd (must) alw (shall be fulfilled) Mltsa (that concerns Me) yled (for) ryg (all) Nyhlk 38 (behold) ah (our Lord) Nrm (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (& they) Nwnhw (they are enoughNyqpo (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (swords) Nypyo (two) Nyrt (are) tya (here) akrh 39 (he was) awh (accustomed) demd (as) Kya (& He went on) lzaw (& He went out) qpnw (Zytha) atyz (DByth) tybd (to the Mount) arwjl (His disciples) yhwdymlt (also) Pa (after him) hrtb (& went) wlzaw Byth-Zytha is usually paralleled in Greek by elaiwn elaiown (Olives), which is a partial translation of the Aramaic name, which means, Place of Olives. In John 5:2, The Critical Westcott & Hort text has bhyzaya, Baythzatha which is a transliteration of the same Aramaic name Byth-Zytha. Whoever wrote The Peshitta knew the Aramaic names of the villages (& hills) in first century Israel. The Greek sometimes translates names, giving their meanings, which is evidence that the Greek not only is not original, but the writer may not have been familiar with those places. It would be akin to writing Teaching of Peace for Jerusalem. No one living in Israel would call Jerusalem,Teaching of Peace, even in a translation. An original text in the original language of the country would have the original names of the towns and people of that country in the same language and forms familiar to the people who lived there. These The Greek NT does not have; The Peshitta NT does. If The Peshitta were translated centuries later in Syria or a country other than Israel, as is commonly supposed, how would the translator have gotten all the Semitic names of villages, coins and people in first century Israel where the Greek did ?not have them
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The Greek coins lepton (Leptov) & kodranthv (Kodrantays) are Greek equivalent names, not the Jewish terms for the Roman coins, Mina & Shimona.In fact, The Greek NT has two different translations for the Jewish Mina: lepton (Leptov) & Mna (Mna), the latter being a transliterated form of the Aramaic word anm, Mina, while the former is a translation equivalent in Greek currency. 40 (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (at the place) atkwdl (He arrived) yjm (& when) dkw (temptation) anwyonl (you enter) Nwlet (lest) ald (pray) wlu 41 (stones) apak (a throw) adsm (about) Kya (from them) Nwhnm (withdrew) qrp (& He) whw (He) awh (& prayed) alumw (His knees) yhwkrwb (& He bowed) Mow 42 (let pass from Me) ynrben (You) tna (are willing) abu (if) Na (Father) aba (& He said) rmaw (be done) awhn (Yours) Klyd (but) ala (My will) ynybu (not) al (however) Mrb (this) anh (cup) aok 43 (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (an angel) akalm (to Him) hl (& appeared) yzxtaw (Him) hl (who strengthened) lyxmd 44 (He) awh (prayed) alum (urgently) tyabykt (in fear) atlxdb (He was) awh (& as) dkw (of blood) amdd (drops) atls (like) Kya (His sweat) htewd (& was) twhw (the ground) aera (upon) le (& He fell) lpnw Several old Greek mss. omit verses 43 & 44, including (A,B (4th cent.),P75- (3rd cent.) and also The Sinaitic Old Syriac ms.(5th cent.). Several old Greek mss. and Versions contain them, as well as church fathers: (a,D, Itala 4th cent., Vulgate 4th cent., Old Syriac Curetonian (5th cent.), Armenian 5th cent., Justin & Irenaeus (both 2nd cent.), Hippolytus & Dionysius (Both 3rd cent.) ). 45 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to) twl (& He came) ataw (His prayer) htwlu (from) Nm (& He arose) Mqw (the anguish) atqe (from) Nm (they were sleeping) Nykmd (while) dk (them) Nwna (& He found) xksaw 46 (are you) Nwtna (sleeping) Nykmd (why?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (temptation) anwyonl (you enter) Nwlet (lest) ald (pray) wlu (arise) wmwq 47 (& he) whw (a crowd) asnk (behold) ah (was speaking) llmm (He) wh (& while) dew (came) ata (the twelve) roert (of) Nm (one) dx (Yehuda) adwhy (who is called) arqtmd (& he kissed Him) hqsnw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (& he came) brqw (he went before them) Nwhymdq (to them) Nwhl (had) awh (given) bhy (a sign) ata (for) ryg (this one) adh (is He) wywh (I) ana (kiss) qsnd (whomever) anyad 48 (Yehuda) adwhy (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbl (Him) hl (you) tna (betray) Mlsm (with a kiss?) atqswnb 49 (who with Him) hmed (those) Nylya (but) Nyd (saw) wzx (when) dk (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (that occurred) awhd (the thing) Mdm (with swords) apyob (them) Nwna (shall we strike?) axmn (our Lord) Nrm 50 (The Priest) anhk (of High) brd (the servant) hdbel (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (& struck) axmw (of his right side) anymyd (his ear) hnda (& took it off) hbonw 51 (now) adhl (for) amde (enough) wdk (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (answered) ane (& He healed him) hyoaw (who was wounded) elbd (of him) whd (the ear) hndal (& he touched) brqw 52 (upon Him) yhwle (who had come) wtad (to those) Nwnhl (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (of the army) alyx (& Commanders) ybrw (& Elders) asysqw (Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (you went out) Nwtqpn (a robber) ayjol (upon) led (as?) Kya (of the temple) alkyhd (to seize Me) ynnwdxatd (& with clubs) arjwxbw (with swords) apyob (for Me) yle 53 (in the temple) alkyhb (I was) tywh (with you) Nwkme (every day) Mwylk (hands) aydya (against Me) yle (you stretched forth) Nwtjswa (& not) alw (of Darkness) akwsxd (& of the Prince) anjlwsw (your hour) Nwktes (is) yh (this) adh (but) ala 54 (Priest) anhk (of the High) brd (to the house) htybl (they brought Him) yhwytya (& they seized) wdxaw (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm (after Him) hrtb (was) awh (coming) ata (& Shimeon) Nwemsw
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55 (of the courtyard) atrd (in the midst) teum (a fire) arwn (but) Nyd (they kindled) wdxwa (also) Pa (was) awh (& sitting) btyw (around it) hyrdx (they were) wwh (& sitting) Nybtyw (among them) Nwhtnyb (Shimeon) Nwems (he) wh 56 (the fire) arwn (at) twl (as he sat) btyd (a certain) adx (a maidservant) atmyle (& saw him) htzxw (was) awh (with Him) hme (this man) anh (also) Pa (& she said) armaw (at him) hb (& she stared) trxw 57 (woman) attna (& he said) rmaw (denied) rpk (but) Nyd (he) wh (Him) hl (I) ana (know) edy (not) al 58 (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (another) anrxa (saw him) yhyzx (a little while) lylq (& after) rtbw (I am) tywh (not) al (said) rma (but) Nyd (Kaypha) apak (are) tna (of them) Nwhnm (you) tna (also) Pa 59 (was) awh (disputing) arxtm (another) anrxa (one) adx (hour) aes (& after) rtbw (also) Pa (was) awh (with Him) hme (this man) anh (also) Pa (surely) tyaryrs (& he said) rmaw (for) ryg (he is) wh (a Galilean) aylylg 60 (you are) tna (saying) rma (what?) anm (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (man) arbg (Kaypha) apak (said) rma (a rooster) algnrt (crowed) arq (speaking) llmm (he was) wh (while) dk (& at once) adxmw 61 (at Kaypha) apakb (& He gazed) rxw (Yeshua) ewsy (& turned) ynptaw (of our Lord) Nrmd (the saying) htlm (Shimeon) Nwems (& remembered) rkdtaw (him) hl (He had) awh (that told) rmad (a rooster) algnrt (shall crow) arqnd (that before) Mdqd (times) Nynbz (three) tlt (Me) yb (you shall deny) rwpkt 62 (bitterly) tyaryrm (he wept) akb (Shimeon) Nwems (outside) rbl (& went out) qpnw 63 (Yeshua) ewsyl (were) wwh (who holding) Nydyxad (& the men) arbgw (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& covering) Nypxmw (Him) hb (were) wwh (mocking) Nyxzbm 64 (His face) yhwpa (on) le (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& striking) Nyxmw (strikes You) Kxm (who?) wnm (prophesy) abnta (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 65 (they were) wwh (blaspheming) Nypdgm (many) ataygo (& other things) atynrxaw (against Him) yhwle (& they were speaking) Nyrmaw 66 (day had dawned) thgn (& when) dkw (& The Scribes) arpow (The Priests) anhk (& Chief) ybrw (The Elders) asysq (were gathered) wsnkta (of their assembly) Nwhtswnk (to the place) tybl (& they brought Him) yhwqoaw 67 (The Messiah) axysm (are) wh (You) tna (if) Na (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (you) Nwkl (I tell) rma (if) Na (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (us) Nl (tell) rma (you will believe Me) ynnwnmyht (not) al 68 (you) Nwtna (will return) Nynpm (not) al (I will ask you) Nwklasa (& if) Naw (Me) yl (you) Nwtna (will release) Nyrs (nor) wa (an answer) amgtp (to Me)yl 69 (sitting) bty (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (shall be) awhn (this hour) ash (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (of the power) alyxd (the right side) anymy (at) Nm 70 (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (they were saying) Nyrma (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (therefore) lykh (are) wh (You?) tna (are) Nwtna (saying) Nyrma (you) Nwtna (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (AM The Living God) ana (that I) anad 71 (witnesses) adho (to us) Nl (are needed) Nyebtm (again) bwt (why?) anm (they were saying) Nyrma (His mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (are hearing) Nems (for) ryg (we) Nnx Chapter 23 1
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(Pilatus) owjlyp (to) twl (& brought Him) yhwytyaw (their crowds) Nwhsnk (all) hlk (& arose) wmqw 2 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (slandering Him) yhwurq (being consumed with) Nylka (& they began) wyrsw (our people) Nme (seducing) aejmd (we have found) Nxksa (This One) anhl (to give) ltn (not) al (to Qaesar) roql (head) asr (that money) Pokd (& He forbids) alkw (The Messiah) axysm (He is) wh (that King) aklmd (Himself) hspn (about) le (& He has said) rmaw 3 (are) wh (You?) tna (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (asked Him) hlas (but) Nyd (Pilatus) owjlyp (He said) rma (of the Jews) aydwhyd (the King) aklm (have said) trma (you) tna (to him) hl 4 (& to the crowd) asnklw (the Priests) anhk (to Chief) ybrl (Pilatus) owjlyp (& said) rmaw (this) anh (man) arbg (about) le (I) ana (find) xksm (not) al (fault) atle (any) Mdm (I) ana 5 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they were) wwh (shouting) Nyqezm (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (Judea) dwhy (in all) hlkb (He taught) Plm (when) dk (our people) Nmel (that He stirred up) hsgsd (here) akrhl (& unto) amdew (Galila) alylg (from) Nm (& began) yrsw 6 (of Galila) alylgd (the name) ams (he had heard) ems (when) dk (but) Nyd (Pilatus) owjlyp (a Galilean) aylylg (was) wh (The Man) arbg (if) Nad (he asked) las 7 (under) tyxt (that from) Nmd (he knew) edy (& when) dkw (of Herodus) odwrhd (He was) wh (the authority) anjlws (because) ljm (of Herodus) odwrhd (to the presence) htwl (he sent Him) hrds (days) atmwy (in those) Nwnhb (he was) awh (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd 8 (very) bj (he was glad) ydx (Yeshua) ewsyl (he saw) yhyzx (when) dk (but) Nyd (Herodus) odwrh (long) aaygo (a time) anbz (for) Nm (to see Him) hyzxml (for) ryg (he had) awh (wanted) abu (about Him) yhwle (he had) awh (that heard) emsd (because of) ljm (he had) awh (& hoped) rbomw (many things) ataygo (from Him) hnm (he would see) azxn (sign) ata (that some) Mdmd 9 (Him) hl (he was) awh (asking) lasm (many) ataygo (& matters) almw (He brought him) hbyta (not) al (an answer) amgtp (any) Mdm (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy Yeshua Jesus absent in Greek mss. 10 (& The Scribes) arpow (The Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (standing) Nymyq (accusing Him) yhwurq (they were) wwh (consumed with) Nylka (vehemently) tyazyzew 11 (& when) dkw (& his servants) yhwxlpw (he) wh (mocked Him) hjs (but) Nyd (Herodus) odwrh (of purple) atyrwxzd (with a robe) atxn (He clothed Him) hsbla (he had insulted Him) xzbm (Pilatus) owjlyp (to) twl (& he sent Him) hrdsw 12 (& Herodus) odwrhw (Pilatus) owjlyp (friends) amxr (became) wwh (day) amwy (& on that) whbw (there had been) twh (enmity) atwbbdleb (each other) addx (with) Me (between them) Nwhtnyb (before) Mydq (from) Nm (for) ryg 13 (The Priests) anhk (Chief) ybrl (Pilatus) owjlyp (but) Nyd (called) arq (& the people) amelw (& the Rulers) anwkralw 14 (This) anh (Man) arbg (to Me) yl (you have brought) Nwtbrq (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (have examined Him) htbqe (I) ana (& behold) ahw (your people) Nwkme (subverting) Kphm (as) Kya (This) anh (in Man) arbgb (I have found) txksa (not) al (any) Mdm (& fault) atlew (in your sight) Nwkynel (Him) hb (you are) Nwtna (which accusing) Nysrmd (everything) lk (of) Nm 15 (& behold) ahw (to him) htwl (for) ryg (I sent Him) htrds (Herodus) odwrh (neither) alpa (but) ala (by Him) hl (has been commited) ryeo (for death) atwml (worthy) awsd (anything) Mdm (not) al

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The Majority Greek has for I sent you to him.The Critical Greek has for he sent him to us.How did the Peshitta get for I sent Him to him from either Greek reading? But I will show how the Greek texts may have gotten their readings from the Aramaic: htwl ryg htrds is I sent Him to him; htwl ryg Nwktrds is For I sent you to him; Ntwl ryg hrds is For he sent Him to us. Compare ryg htrds & ryg ygtrds & Nwktrds; the first (black letters) is the yg Peshitta reading,for I sent Him; the second is the same with one letter missing and the next word (Gir) pushed into the first;The third reading is I sent you.This misreading of Gir as Kown is a hypothetical explanation for the Greek readings.In the square Aramaic of Dead Sea Scroll script, a Yodh and Waw can be easily confused: , -Yodh and Waw.In regular Hebrew-Aramaic they are y,w. Waw is simply longer on the down stroke. ryg yg (Gir- For) & Nwk- (-kown-you) are composed of letters which differ basically in the length of their respective strokes, and could be misconstrued if carelessly read or written. That is what I believe happened with the Majority Greek translation. The Critical Greek can be more easily explained: htwl ryg htrds became Ntwl ryg hrds by dropping a letter (t) & misreading another letter h for N. N is called a final Nun, the form of Nun (n) at the end of a word. The difference between the two Greek readings is twenty one Greek letters; the difference between those two readings in the Aramaic language would be six Aramaic letters;(These I highlight in red below). So it would be much easier to account for both Greek readings on the basis of an Aramaic base, than vice-versa. Besides, the Peshitta reading cannot have come from Greek; no Greek text has the Peshitta reading! I sent for you to him Majority Greek: anepemqa anepemqa gar umav prov auton He sent for him to us Critical Greek: anepemqen anepemqen gar auton prov hmav Aramaic Base Readings: Original Peshitta Majority Greek reading Critical Greek reading to him for I sent Him:to him for I sent you : to us for he sent Him htwl ryg htrds:htwl ryg Nwktrds: Ntwl ryg hrds The Greek readings in Aramaic have 58% and 78% letter correlation with the Peshitta Aramaic reading of one or two pertinent words. The Critical and Peshitta readings in Greek have 0% & 0% correlation with the Majority Greek reading of the two pertinent words involved. That means it is highly unlikely any Greek reading was translated into the Peshitta reading; rather it is much more likely the reverse happened.

Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic Script You- Heb.-Nwk-DSS-}wkFor-Heb.-ryg- DSS-ryg If it be objected that The Peshitta was compiled by editing and translating both major Greek traditions, I respond that over 50% of the time it differs from one Greek text, it differs from both of them with readings unique and unknown even among The Latin Vulgate mss.. Besides, what translator would be editing and collating mss. on the fly as he is translating those mss.? He wants a single straightforward document in front of him to translate- not that I would grant for a minute that The Peshitta is a translation of Greek, or of anything else, for that matter. It is too plain a document and uncluttered with variant readings, too full of Aramaic idioms, Aramaic syntax and sentence structure for that to be the case. Greek mss., on the other hand, are too full of variant readings, alternate synonyms of corresponding Aramaic words, transliterations of Aramaic in hundreds of places, translational statements declared as such from Aramaic, Aramaic sentence structure as opposed to Greek (very similar to The LXX) and very low lexical density as compared to original Greek compositions (Greek NT compares very well to LXX LD), for the Greek to be anything but a translation of an Aramaic document. The Peshitta has a Lexical Density (ratio of vocab. words to total word number) almost identical to The Hebrew Old Testament! See my articles titled Lost in Translation, New Testament Entropy, Computerized Primacy Test and Wisdom of Solomon for detailed computer analysis of these data I have compiled. 16 (& I shall release Him) yhwyqbsaw (therefore) lykh (I shall discipline Him) yhwydra 17 (that he would release) arsnd (was) awh (it) tya (for) ryg (the custom) adye (at the feast) adedeb (one) dx (to them) Nwhl 18 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (mob) asnk (the entire) hlk (but) Nyd (shouted) weq (Barabba) abarbl (to us) Nl (& release) yrsw (This One) anhl (take away) yhylwqs
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19 (in the city) atnydmb (which occurred) twhd (sedition) oyojoa (because of) ljmd (who) anya (he) wh (of prisoners) aryoa (in a house) tyb (he was) awh (cast) amr (& murder) aljqw 20 (Pilatus) owjlyp (with them) Nwhme (spoke) llm (but) Nyd (again) bwt (Yeshua) ewsyl (to release) arsnd (he wanted) abu (as) dk The Majority Greek omits with them, whereas the Critical Greek has the phrase. 21 (were) wwh (shouting) Nyeq (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (crucify Him)yhypwqz (crucify Him) yhypwqz (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 22 (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (time) Nynbz (a third) tltd (but) Nyd (he) wh (fault) atle (any) Mdm (This One) anh (has done) dbe (that is evil) sybd (for) ryg (what?) anm (in Him) hb (I have found) txksa (not) al (death) atwml (that deserves) aywsd (& I shall release Him) yhwyqbsaw (therefore) lykh (I shall chastise Him) yhwydra 23 (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (were) wwh (urging) Nybkt (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (that they may crucify Him) yhynwpqznd (him) hl (they were) wwh (& demanding) Nylasw (The Priests) anhk (& that of Chief) ybrdw (theirs) Nwhlyd (their voice) Nwhlq (it) awh (& prevailed) Nsew The Critical Greek & Latin Vulgate omit & that of the Chief Priests. The Majority Greek text contains it.The Old Syriac also contains the phrase. 24 (their demand) Nwhtlas (that should be done) awhtd (commanded) dqp (but) Nyd (Pilatus) owjlyp 25 (& murder) aljqw (sedition) oyojoa (who for) ljmd (him) whl (to them) Nwhl (& he released) arsw (whom they demanded) wlasd (him) wh (of prisoners) aryoa (into a house) tyb (had been) awh (cast) amr (to their pleasure) Nwhnybul (he delivered) Mlsa (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsyl 26 (Shimeon) Nwemsl (they seized) wdxa (Him) hl (they brought) Nylbwm (& as) dkw (they laid) wmow (a village) atyrq (from) Nm (who came) atad (a Cyrenian) aynyrwq (Yeshua) ewsyd (after Him) hrtb (to carry) Nejnd (the cross) apyqz (upon him) yhwle 27 (of people) amed (a multitude) aagwo (after him) hrtb (there) awh (& came) ataw (over Him) yhwle (& howling) Nylaw (were) ywh (who lamenting) Ndqrmd (those) Nylya (& women) asnw 28 (& He said) rmaw (to them) Nyhtwl (Yeshua) ewsy (& turned) ynptaw (for Me) yle (weep) Nykbt (not) al (of Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (daughters) tnb (your children) Nykynb (& for) lew (weep) Nyykb (yourselves) Nykspn (for) le (but) Mrb 29 (they shall say) Nwrman (in which) Nwhbd (the days) atmwy (are coming) Nyta (behold) ahd (bore) dly (that not) ald (& the wombs) atorklw (the barren) atrqel (blessed are they) Nyhybwj (nursed) wqnya (that not) ald (& the breasts) aydtlw 30 (to the mountains) arwjl (to say) rmaml (they shall begin) Nwrst (then) Nydyh (cover us) Nnyokd (& to the hills) atmrlw (upon us) Nyle (fall) wlpd 31 (they are doing) Nydbe (these things) Nylh (green) abyjr (with wood) aoyqb (that if) Nad (will happen) awhn (what?) anm (with the dried) asybyb 32 (others) Nynrxa (two) Nyrt (with Him) hme (were) wwh (& coming) Nytaw (to be killed) Nwljqtnd (evil-) atsyb (doers) ydbe The Majority Greek: hgonto de kai eteroi duo kakourgoi sun autw anaireyhnai And there were also otherstwo evil-doerswith him, to be put to death.-(Youngs Literal Translation). The Critical Greek: hgonto de kai eteroi kakourgoi duo sun autw anaireyhnai And there were being led, two other evil-doers also, to be lifted up.- (Rotherham) The Latin Vulgate: ducebantur autem et alii duo nequam cum eo ut interficerentur. And there were also two other malefactors led with him to be put to death. (Douay) Old Syriac: And there were coming with Him two evil doers to be killed.
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Hello? According to the Critical Greek Text and The Latin Vulgate, The Messiah was an evil doer like the two robbers crucified with Him! How can anyone who has sincere faith in Messiah countenance such blasphemies in supposedly inspired Bible texts?! The Peshitta and the Majority Greek agree here in the general wording that there were with Him two othersevil doers, not two other evil doers. There is a world of difference, an infinite and eternal difference between those two statements. 33 (that is called) ayrqtmd (a certain) adx (to place) atkwdl (they came) wta (& when) dkw (doers) ydbe (& those) Nwnhlw (there) Nmt (they crucified Him) yhwpqz (The Skull) atpqrq (His left) hlmo (at) Nm (& one) dxw (His right) hnymy (at) Nm (one) dx (evil) atsyb 34 (them) Nwhl (forgive) qwbs (Father) aba (was) awh (saying) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (they are doing) Nydbe (what?) anm (they know) Nyedy (for) ryg (not) al (lots) aop (over them) Nwhyle (& they cast) wymraw (His garments) yhwtxn (& they divided) wglpw Greek mss. (P75, B, D, W, Y) & Old Syriac Sinaiticus omit Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. I ask the reader: Can such witnesses as these be trusted to testify truly to the very words of God Himself when they omit and distort the plainly inspired utterances of our Savior and LORD such as this one? If these words be not inspired of The Holy Spirit, what is? Fortunately, most manuscripts and versions contain this most holy and sublime utterance of our Lord from the cross. May God !forgive textual critics who edit the words of God, for they know not what they do 35 (& watching) azxw (the people) ame (but) Nyd (were) awh (standing) Maq (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the leaders) anwkra (also) Pa (Him) hb (were) wwh (& mocking) Nyqymmw (Himself) hspn (let Him save) axn (He gave life) yxa (to others) anrxal (of God) ahlad (The Chosen One) hybg (the Messiah) axysm (He is) wywh (if) Na 36 (soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (also) Pa (at Him) hb (were) wwh (& scoffing) Nyxzbmw (vinegar) alx (to Him) hl (& were offering) Nybrqmw (to Him) htwl (they came near) Nybrq (as) dk 37 (of the Jews) aydwhyd (the King) aklm (are) wh (You) tna (if) Na (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (Yourself) Kspn (save) axa Old Syriac adds, And they placed a crown of thorns on His head.!!?? 38 (that was written) bytkd (an inscription) abtk (also) Pa (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya (& in Hebrew) tyarbew (& in Latin) tyamwhrw (in Greek) tyanwy (Him) hnm (over) lel (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (the King) aklm (this is) wnh Vaticanus and other Alexandrian Greek mss. omit written in Greek, Latin and Hebrew. 39 (evil) atsyb (doers) ydbe (those) Nwnh (of) Nm (but) Nyd (one) dx (Him) yhwle (was) awh (blaspheming) Pdgm (with Him) hme (were) wwh (who crucified) Nybylud (Yourself) Kspn (save) aup (the Messiah) axysm (are) wh (You) tna (if) Na (& he said) rmaw (us) Nl (also) Pa (& save) aupw 40 (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (his companion) hrbx (Him) hb (& rebuked) aakw (are you) tna (afraid) lxd (God) ahla (of) Nm (not?) al (also) Pa (in condemnation) anydb (are) tna (with Him) hb (you) tna (for also) Pad 41 (we are) Nywh (because worthy) Nywsd (so) Kya (justly) tyanak (& we) Nnxw (we are repaid) Nerpta (what we have done) Ndbed (according to) Kyaw (for) ryg (by Him) hl (was done) dybe (not) al (bad) anod (anything) Mdm (but) Nyd (This One) anh 42 (when) am (my Lord) yrm (remember me) ynyrkdta (to Yeshua) ewsyl (& he said) rmaw (in Your Kingdom) Ktwklmb (You) tna (come) atad The Critical Greek omits My Lord.The Majority Greek has Lord. 43 (to you) Kl (I) ana (say) rma (amen) Nyma (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (in Paradise) aoydrpb (you shall be) awht (with Me) yme (that today) anmwyd 44
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of Luke aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(darkness) akwsx (& was) awhw (the sixth) ts (hour) aes (about) Kya (but) Nyd (was) ywh (it) tya (hour) Nyes (the ninth) estl (until) amde (the earth) aera (all) hlk (upon) le 45 (the curtain) aert ypa (& was ripped apart) yrjuaw (grew dark) Ksx (& the sun) asmsw (its middle) hteum (from) Nm (of the temple) alkyhd 46 (& He said) rmaw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (Yeshua) ewsy (& called out) aeqw (My Spirit) yxwr (I) ana (lay down) Mao (into Your hands) Kydyab (My Father) yba (& He expired) Mlsw (He said) rma (this) adh 47 (that happened) awhd (the thing) Mdm (the centurion) anwrjnq (but) Nyd (saw) azx (when) dk (Man) arbg (This) anh (truly) tyaryrs (& He said) rmaw (God) ahlal (he praised) xbs (was) awh (The Righteous One) aqydz 48 (had) wwh (gathered) Nysynkd (which) Nylya (the crowds) asnk (& all) Nwhlkw (that happened) awhd (the thing) Mdm (they saw) wzx (when) dk (this) adh (for spectacle) atzxl (their chests) Nwhydx (on) le (smiting) Nyprj (while) dk (returned) wkph 49 (all of them) Nwhlk (afar) aqxwr (from) Nm (they were) wwh (& standing) Nymyqw (had) ywh (who come) ytad (those) Nylya (& women) asnw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the acquaintances) yhwewdy (these things) Nylh (they were) wwh (& beholding) Nyzxw (Galila) alylg (from) Nm (with Him) hme 50 (a Sanhedrin member) ajwlwb (Yoseph) Powy (whose name) hmsd (certain) dx (but) Nyd (a man) arbg (was) awh (a man) arbg (of Judea) dwhyd (a city) atnydm (Ramatha) atmr (from) Nm (& just) aqydzw (good) abj The Greek texts put from Ramatha a city of Judea in the next verse. 51 (had) awh (consented) Mls (not) al (this one) anh (& to their action) Nwhnrewolw (to their decision) Nwhnybul (of God) ahlad (for the Kingdom) atwklml (he was) awh (& waiting) akomw Greek has (The same had not consented to their counsel and doings), from Arimathea, a city of the Jews, & he waited for the kingdom of God., which is a bit awkward, to say the least. Old Syriac adds, This man was one who did not take part with the mind of The Devil. 52 (Pilatus) owjlyp (to) twl (came) brq (this man) anh (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the Body) hrgp (& he requested) lasw 53 (of linen) antkd (in a winding sheet) auyxb (& wrapped it) hkrkw (& he took it down) htxaw (that is) wh (cut out) aryqn (of burial) arwbq (in a house) tybb (& he placed it) hmow (in it) hb (having been) awh (placed) Myotta (yet) lykde (anyone) sna (without) ald 54 (was) twh (beginning) ahgn (& The Sabbath) atbsw (it was) twh (Friday) atbwre (& the day) amwyw 55 (these) Nylh (women) asn (but) Nyd (were) ywh (approaching) Nbyrq (the tomb) arbql (& they saw) yhyyzxw (Galila) alylg (from) Nm (with Him) hme (who came) ytad (His body) hrgp (had been laid) Myotta (& in which way) ankyaw 56 (& ointment) amobw (sweet spices) amwrh (preparing) byj (& they returned) Kphw (that which was commanded) dyqpd (according to) Kya (they rested) yls (& on The Sabbath) atbsbw Chapter 24 1 (it was dark) Kwsx (while) de (at dawn) arpsb (but) Nyd (on Sunday) absb dxb (spices) amwrh (they brought) ytya (burial) arwbq (to the place) tybl (they came) yta (with them) Nyhme (were) ywh (& there) tyaw (they had) ywh (that prepared) byjd (these) Nylh (other) atynrxa (women) asn The Critical Greek text lacks & there were other women with them; The Majority Greek has & some with them. 2
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(burial) arwbq (the house) tyb (from) Nm (that was rolled) algemd (the stone) apak (& they found) xksaw 3 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the body) argpl (they found) yhyxksa (& not) alw (& they entered) Nylew 4 (this) adh (at) le (wondered) Nhymt (these) Nynh (that while) dkd (& it was) awhw (them) Nyhnm (over) lel (stood) wmq (men) Nyrbg (two) Nyrt (behold) ah (their clothing) Nwhswbl (was) awh (& shining) qrbmw 5 (to the ground) aerab (their faces) Nyhypa (& they bowed) ypkw (in fear) atlxdb (& they were) ywhw (The Life) ayx (are you) Nytna (seeking) Nyeb (why?) anm (to them) Nyhl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the dead) atym (among) Me 6 (remember) Nydhe (He) hl (has risen) Mq (here) Nnt (He is not) yhwtyl (in Galilee) alylgb (He was) wh (as) dk (with you) Nykme (when He spoke) llmd 7 (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (is) wh (going) dyted (He) awh (& said) rmaw (sinners) ayjx (of men) asna (into the hands) ydyab (to be delivered) Mltsnd (He shall arise) Mwqn (day) Nymwy (& the third) atltlw (& He shall be crucified) bljunw 8 (His words) yhwlml (remembered) Nyrkdta (& these women) Nynhw 9 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the tomb) arbq (from) Nm (& they returned) Kphw (& to the rest) akrslw (to the eleven) roedxl (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh 10 (& Yohanna) Nxwyw (Magdalitha) atyldgm (Maryam) Myrm (but) Nyd (were) ywh (they) Nyhytya (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (the mother) hma (& Maryam) Myrmw (these things) Nylh (who were with them) Nyhmed (& the rest) akrsw (to the apostles) axylsl (had) ywh (who told) rmad 11 (insane) atyns (as) Kya (these) Nylh (words) alm (in their eyes) Nwhynyeb (& appeared) yzxtaw (them) Nyna (they believed) wnmyh (& not) alw 12 (to the tomb) arbql (& ran) jhrw (arose) Mq (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems (by itself) dwxlb (that was placed) Nymyod (the linen) antk (he saw) azx (& beholding) qydaw (in his soul) hspnb (wondering) rmdtm (while) dk (& he went) lzaw (had happened) awhd (what) Mdm (over) le Greek mss. have Petros-Peter for Shimeon; but we know from Greek mss. of John 1:42 that Petros is a translation of the apostles Aramaic name Shimeon Kaypha (See Matthew 4:18 & 10:2, Jn. 1:44); Petros is not his name; it is a translation of his name. The Greek, Christos- (Christ) also is a translation of Meshikha, according to the Greek mss. of John 1:41. Does that not support the premise that the Greek text is a translation and that the original was Aramaic? The Greek NT does not support the idea that the Jews of Israel were bilingual in Aramaic and Greek. John uses the phrase several times: (Aramaic term) is translated as (Greek term). It does not say,You shall be called Kaypha and Petros. If they were bilingual in Aramaic and Greek, everyone would have had an Aramaic name and a Greek name. It says, You shall be called, Kaypha, which is translated Petros.This formula, used several times in John, gives away the Greek text as a translation of an Aramaic original. Our Lord was not named Ihsouv-Iaysous- translated Jesus. His name was not Greek, it was the Aramaic ewsy-Yeshua(Probably pronounced Yayshu in first century Israel). Practically no one had a Greek name in Israel, according to the Greek NT. That would not be so if Greek were a second language there. 13 (were) wwh (going) Nylza (day) amwyb (on that) hb (of them) Nwhnm (two) Nyrt (& behold) ahw (is Emmaus) owame (whose name) hmsd (to the village) atyrql (sixty) Nyts (furlongs) atwdjoa (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (& it is distant) aqyrpw A furlong is 1/8th mile. Emmaus was 7.5 miles from Jerusalem. 14 (these) Nylh (about) le (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (were) wwh (speaking) Nyllmm (& they) Nwnhw (that had occurred) sdgd (all things) Nyhlk 15 (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (& inquiring) Nyebw (were talking) Nyllmm (they) Nwnh (& while) dkw (them) Nwna (& He met) yjmw (Yeshua) ewsy (He) wh (came) ata (with them) Nwhme (He was) awh (& walking) Klhmw
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16 (they would recognize Him) yhynwlkton (lest) ald (had been) ywh (closed shut) Ndyxa (& their eyes) Nwhynyew 17 (these) Nylh (matters) alm (are) Nyna (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (you are) Nwtna (of which speaking) Nyllmmd (you are) Nwtna (& gloomy) Nyrymkw (you are) Nwtna (walking) Nyklhm (as) dk 18 (Qliopa) apwylq (whose name) hmsd (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (answered) ane (by Yourself) Kydwxlb (indeed) yk (are?) wh (You) tna (to Him) hl (& He said) rmaw (the thing) Mdm (You) tna (know) edy (that not) ald (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (to) Nm (a foreigner) ayrkwn (days) atmwy (in those) Nwnhb (in it) hb (that occurred) awhd 19 (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (Natsareth) trun (Who from) Nmd (He was) wh (Yeshua) ewsy (concerning) le (He was) awh (& mighty) Ntlyxw (The Prophet) aybn (Who was) awhd (a Man) arbg (God) ahla (before) Mdq (& in deed) adbebw (in word) atlmb (nation) ame (the whole) hlwk (& before) Mdqw 20 (& The Elders) asysqw (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (& delivered Him) yhwmlsaw (& they crucified Him) yhwpqzw (of death) atwmd (to the sentence) anydl 21 (going) dyte (that was) wywhd (had been) Nywh (hoping) Nyrbo (but) Nyd (we) Nnx (days) Nymwy (it is three) atlt (& behold) ahw (Israel) lyroyal (to deliver) yhwyqrpnd (He) awh (occurred) ywh (all) Nyhlk (when these things) Nylhd (from) Nm (behold) ah 22 (stupefied us) Nhmta (among us) Nnm (women) asn (also) Pa (but) ala (of burial) arwbq (to the place) tybl (for) ryg (they had) ywh (gone before) Mdq 23 (us) Nl (they were telling) Nrma (they came) yta (His body) hrgp (they found) xksa (not) al (& when) dkw (about Him) yhwle (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (there) Nmt (we saw) Nyzx (that angels) akalmd (He is) wh (that alive) yxd 24 (of burial) arwbq (to the house) tybl (went) wlza (of us) Nnm (some) asna (also) Paw (the women) asn (said) rmad (what) am (according to) Kya (thus) ankh (& they found) wxksaw (they saw) wzx (not) al (but) Nyd (Him) hl 25 (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (then) Nydyh (to believe) wnmyhml (hearts) abl (& dull) yryqyw (minds) anyer (deficient) yryox (Oh!) wa (the prophets) aybn (that spoke) wllmd (those things) Nylya (in all) Nyhlkb 26 (it) awh (necessary) dyte (these things) Nylh (was) awh (not?) al (His glory) htxwbstl (& that He enter) lwendw (The Messiah) axysm (that would endure) rbyond 27 (The Prophets) aybn (all of) Nwhlk (& from) Nmw (Moshe) aswm (from) Nm (He) awh (& began) yrsw (from) Nm (Himself) hspn (about) le (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (& expounded) qspmw (the scriptures) abtk (all of) Nwhlk 28 (to which) hl (they were) wwh (going) Nylzad (that) yh (at village) atyrql (they) wwh (& arrived) wbrqw (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (announcing) rbom (& He) whw (He was) awh (going) lza (distant) aqyxr (to a place) akwdld (how) Kyad 29 (with us) Ntwl (stay) swp (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& they constrained Him) yhwulaw (to become dark) Ksxml (it) hl (is declining) Nkr (now) ash (the day) amwyd (because) ljm (with them) Nwhtwl (to stay) awqnd (& He entered) lew 30 (with them) Nwhme (He reclined) Kmtoa (that when) dkd (& it happened) awhw (to them) Nwhl (& He gave) bhyw (& He broke) auqw (& He blessed) Krbw (bread) amxl (He took) bon 31 (& they recognized Him) yhwedwtsaw (their eyes) Nwhynye (were opened) xtpta (& at once) adxmw (from them) Nwhnm (Himself) hl (ascended) lqtsa (& He) whw
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32 (our heart) Nbl (was) awh (not?) al (to another) dxl (one) dx (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (with us) Nme (He was speaking) llmm (when) dk (within us) Nwgb (it) awh (stupid) ryqy (the scriptures) abtk (to us) Nl (& He expounded) qspmw (on the road) axrwab And they were saying to one another, Were not our hearts dull within us as He was speaking with us on the road and ?expounding to us the scriptures All Greek mss. have, Did not our hearts burn [within us]? Here is dull in Aramaic: ryqy ?Here is burn in Aramaic:dyqy. Hard to tell the difference, isnt it Perhaps Zorba the Greek mistook ryqy as dyqy. Greek for burn here is kaiomenh. kaiomenh Greek for dull: barewv or nwyrov. nwyrov So which explains which? I will grant that an Aramaean translator might see kaiomenh and miswrite his translation as dyqy -iqid instead of ryqy -yaqqir, (assuming the later Estrangela script used in the second century and onward), though it is much less likely than an error in reading the square Aramaic ryqy as dyqy -(d & r are easily confused one for another, whereas the Estrangela Dalet - d & Resh-r are carefully distinguished by their dots within or above ), or a scribe may have mistaken dyqy -iqid in an original Peshitta translation manuscript of Luke and have written ryqy -yaqqir, and no one after him copied the original, only the second generation copy with the error in it. That seems highly unlikely, however, given that the original would have been copied more than once, and most copies would have the correct reading if the original were correct. As it stands, no Peshitta manuscript of the 16 mss. collated by Gwilliam in this passage of Luke agrees with the Greek reading. Thus it is very difficult to support that The Greek was original and a hypothetical Peshitta translator miswrote his translation as dyqy instead of ryqy,and that no second or third translator did another translation or checked the first one against the Greek original. The Peshitta was copied by scribes trained in their art in Monasteries to be exact and to uphold the Massoretic tradition of verifying and making notes of all variants and spelling irregularities observed. The Greek tradition was not nearly as rigorous and precise, as can be easily observed in the Greek mss. themselves. Internal evidence also supports the Peshitta reading. Our Lord said the two disciples had stupid hearts in v. 25. The Greek has the word Bradeiv Bradeis, meaning stupid. He did not say they had burning hearts. The Peshitta has the same word there that it has here in v. 32- ryqy Yaqqir(Dull,stupid). One Old Latin ms. has optusum (dull) & the famous Greek Uncial, Codex D (6th century) has kekalummenh Kekalummenay covered. The clincher in this kind of Aramaic-Greek variation is that we do not find that the Aramaic can be explained by a possible slight difference between two Greek words which differ significantly in meaning [i.e., epelayomhn epelathomayn (forgot) & epelabomhn -epelabomayn,(took) or spilas (ledge) & spilos (spot)]. We find the converse; we find in many cases that we can explain the Greek reading(s) on the basis of an Aramaic word which may have been misinterpreted or read differently by a translator and which accounts for the Greek text or more than one Greek text. The data support the concept that The Greek text is a translation of The Aramaic, and not versa-vice. 33 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (& they returned) wkphw (hour) atesb (in that) hb (& they arose) wmqw (who were assembled) Nysynkd (the eleven) roedxl (& they found) wxksaw (who were with them) Nwhmed (& those) Nylyalw 34 (our Lord) Nrm (has risen) Mq (truly) tyaryrsd (they were saying) Nyrma (when) dk (to Shimeon) Nwemsl (& He has appeared) yzxtaw 35 (on the road) axrwab (that occurred) ywhd (those things) Nylya (related) wyetsa (they) Nwnh (also) Paw (the bread) amxl (He broke) auq (when) dk (to them) Nwhl (He was known) edyta (& how) ankyaw 36 (they were) wwh (speaking) Nyllmm (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (in their midst) Nwhtnyb (stood) Mq (Yeshua) ewsy (be afraid) Nwlxdt (not) al (I AM the Living God) ana ana (with you) Nwkme (peace) amls Most Greek mss. lack the last part which I have translated, I AM The Living God; be not afraid. A fifth century Greek ms. (W) has the phrase Egw eimi, mh fobeisye Ego eimi, may fobeisthe, It is I, be not afraid. A couple other Greek mss. and The Latin Vulgate (4th century) also have the phrase. 37 (in fear) atlxdb (& they were) wwhw (were alarmed) wbhrta (& they) Nwnhw (they were seeing) Nyzx (that a spirit) axwrd (for) ryg (they were) wwh (thinking) Nyrbo
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38 (you) Nwtna (are shaken) Nyeyztm (why?) anm (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (your hearts) Nwktwbl (in) le (imaginations) atbsxm (arise) Nqlo (& why?) anmw 39 (& know) wedw (touch Me) ynnwswg (I) ana (that It is) anad (& My feet) ylgrw (My hands) ydya (see) wzx (to it) hl (has not) tyl (& bones) amrgw (flesh) arob (that a spirit) axwrld (to Me) yl (that there are) tyad (you) Nwtna (see) Nyzxd (as) Kya 40 (He had said) rma (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw (& His feet) yhwlgrw (His hands) yhwdya (them) Nwna (He showed) ywx Codex D and The two Old Syriac mss. omit verse 40, therefore Nestles Greek NT (25th ed.) omits the verse and relegates it !to the footnote apparatus at the bottom of the page 41 (believing) Nynmyhm (not) al (this moment) ashl (until) amde (& as) dkw (they were) wwh (& astonished) Nyhmttmw (their joy) Nwhtwdx (from) Nm (they were) wwh (to eat) lkaml (anything) Mdm (here) Nnt (with you) Nwkl (is?) tya (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma 42 (fish) anwn (of) Nm (a piece) atnm (to Him) hl (gave) wbhy (so) Nyd (they) Nwnh (of honey) asbdd (a comb) atyrkk (& of) Nmw (that was roasted) aywjd A few Greek mss.& one Old Syriac ms. (Sin.) lack & a piece of honeycomb. Most Greek mss. and eight Church fathers before A.D. 400 have this phrase. Who in the world would invent & add such a reading? Textual Criticism seems to have run amuck and to be without accountability toward rhyme or reason. 43 (in their sight) Nwhynel (He ate) lka (& He took) bonw 44 (that I spoke) tllmd (the words) alm (are) Nyna (these) Nylh (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (fulfilled) Mltsnd (it) wh (that must be) alwd (I was) tywh(with you) Nwktwl (when) dk (with you) Nwkme (of Moshe) aswmd (in the law) aowmnb (that is written) bytkd (thing) Mdm (every) lk (about Me) yle (& in the Psalms) arwmzmbw (& in The Prophets) aybnbw 45 (the scriptures) abtk (to understand) wlktoml (their mind) Nwhnyer (he opened) xtp (then) Nydyh 46 (righteous) qdz (& thus) ankhw (it is written) bytk (thus) ankhd (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (from) Nm (& to arise) Mwqndw (for The Messiah) axysm (to suffer) sxnd (it was) awh (day) Nymwy (the third) atltl (the dead) atym (among) tyb 47 (a repentance) atwbyt (in His Name) hmsb (& that would be preached) zrktndw (the nations) amme (in all of) Nwhlkb (of sins) ahjxd (for the forgiveness) anqbwsl (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (at) Nm (would be) awhn (& the beginning) ayrwsw 48 (of these things) Nylhd (witnesses) adho (are) Nwna (& you) Nwtnaw 49 (of My Father) ybad (the promise) anklwm (upon you) Nwkyle (shall send) rdsa (& I) anaw (the city) atnydm (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (stay) wwq (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (on high) amwr (from) Nm (in power) alyx (you shall be clothed) Nwsbltd (until) amde 50 (BaythAnya) aynetybl (unto) amde (them) Nwna (& He brought) qpaw (them) Nwna (& He blessed) Krbw (His hands) yhwdya (& He lifted) Myraw 51 (them) Nwhl (He blessed) Krbm (that as) dkd (& it was) awhw (to Heaven) aymsl (& He ascended) qlow (from them) Nwhnm (He was separated) srpta Two Greek mss. (a (4th cent.), D) & one Old Syriac ms.(Old Syriac is not Peshitta) omit & He ascended to Heaven, therefore Nestles Greek NT omits it from the text, yet Vaticanus (B) 4th century and P75 (3rd century) have the phrase! Almost all Greek mss. of Luke have it and all Latin mss. 52 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (& they returned) wkphw (Him) hl (worshipped) wdgo (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (great) atbr (in Joy) atwdxb
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One Greek ms. ( D) & one Old Syriac ms.(Old Syriac is not Peshitta) omit, They worshipped Him, therefore Nestles Greek NT omits it from the text, yet Vaticanus (B) 4th century and P75 (3rd century) have the phrase! Almost all Greek mss. of Luke have it and all Latin. mss. 53 (in the temple) alkyhb (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya (& at all times) Nbzlkbw (Amen) Nyma (God) ahlal (& they were blessing) Nykrbmw (they were praising) Nyxbsm (while) dk God has given us the Gospel message of Luke in its original form. If we read and believe, we can share in the communion of joy and praise the apostles and disciples experienced and felt. That is the proper effect of The Messiah and His word upon the human spirit. aqwld atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa Mls The end of The Holy Gospel preaching of Luke

We have every cause to rejoice. He Who walked with the two on the road to Emmaus walks with us. Let us not walk in unbelief and sadness as they did. He is risen and returned victorious from the greatest war ever waged The war against sin, death and hell. He has won that war for all time and eternity. We must celebrate and worship Him Whose Name is above every name. In The Name of Yeshua, every knee shall bow Every knee in Heaven & Earth And under the Earth And every tongue shall confess, That The Lord Jehovah is Yeshua The Messiah To the glory of God His Father. (Thus says The Peshitta) Amen.

Glenn David Bauscher

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The Gospel Of John

(From The original Peshitta in Aramaic, the language of Jesus) To read the translation, read the parentheses with blue English words from rightmost parentheses first,then left of that, etc..Each Aramaic word is followed by its English equivalent. Chapter 1 Verse 1: 4 3 2 1 (The Word) atlm (had been) awh (existing) yhwtya (In the Origin *) tysrb 10 9 8 7 6 5 (God) ahla (with) twl (had been) awh (existing) yhwtya (Word) atlm (& That) whw 15 14 13 12 11 (Word) atlm (That) wh (was) awh (Himself) yhwtya (& God) ahlaw John 1:1 has 15 Aramaic words. In this first verse,I have numbered the English translation next to each Aramaic word in the proper reading order: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 In the origin existing had been The Word and That Word had been existing with God and God Himself was That Word. This shows how to read the interlinear; Matthew 1:1 has the same illustatration. The reader can follow this pattern and read through the Gospels in this way. He or she will be able to get a good sense of the meaning of the original Gospels. A few changes in some word order will make the English prose translation smoother: In the origin The Word had been existing and That Word had been existing with God and That Word was Himself God. That is a very literal translation and is still quite readable. * The first verse in John harks back to the first verse of the Bible- Genesis 1:1.BRashith cannot refer to The beginning,in the sense of time, as time did not exist In the beginning, any more than the sun existed In the beginning.This term can also refer to the head, fount, origin or source. We cannot accurately say, God created the universe in the beginning of time. Time is part of creation as well as matter, therefore, Berashith here in John and in Gen. 1:1 must refer to a timeless state or event, otherwise known as Eternity. The Wordis eternal, having been in Eternity apart from time, space and matter. The existence of Miltha, translated, The Word, is independent of all time, space and matter and is not only at The Source, but He is The Source of the universe which is comprised of Time,Space and Matter.The Apostle Paul later refers to The Messiah as Rashith- The Sourceand John writes in Rev. 3 that He is Shuraia dBeryatha-The Origin of creation. 2: (at the origin) tysrb (was) awh (existing) yhwtya (This One) anh (God) ahla (with) twl This One Himself was at the origin with God. 3: (& without Him) yhwdelbw (was) awh (in His hand) hdyab (everything) lk (that existed) awhd (of the things) Mdm (existed) twh (one thing) adx (not even) alpa Everything was in His hand; and without Him not even one thing existed of the things that existed. 4: (are) Nwhytya (& The Lives*) ayxw (was) awh (The Life *) ayx (in Him) hb (of the children of men) asnynbd (The Light) arhwn In Him were The Lives; and the Lives are the light of men. * Khaya is a plural noun but is usually used in a singular sense with singular predicate, very much like its Hebrew cognate, Khayiim.
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5: (Light) arhwn ( & that) whw (& the darkness) akwsxw (is shining) rhnm (in the darkness) akwsxb (did overtake it) hkrda (not) al And the Light is shining in the darkness; and the darkness did not overtake it. 6: (who was sent) rdtsad (a son of man ) asnrb (There was) awh (John) Nnxwy (his name) hms (God) ahla (from) Nm There was a man sent from God; his name was John. 7: (for a witness) atwdhol (came) ata (this one) anh (about) le (that he should testify) dhond (by him) hdyab (should believe) Nmyhn (that everyone) snlkd (the light) arhwn He came for a witness, to testify about the Light, that everyone by him should believe. 8: (but) ala (The Light) arhwn (he) awh (was) wh (not) al (The Light) arhwn (about) le (that he may testify) dhond He was not The Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9: (of the Truth) arrsd (The Light) arhwn (for) ryg (He) awh (was) yhwtya (into the world) amlel (who comes) atad (everyone) snlkl (that enlightens) rhnmd For That One was the Light of Truth, which enlightens every person that comes into the world. 10: (& the world) amlew (He was) awh (in the world) amleb (knew Him) hedy (not) al (& the world) amlew (was) awh (in His hand) hdyab He was in the world, and the world existed by His hand, and the world knew him not. 11: (received Him) yhwlbq (not) al (& His own) hlydw (He came) ata (to His own) hlydl He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12: (He gave) bhy (that received Him) yhwlbqd (but) Nyd (those) Nylya (the authority) anjlws (to them) Nwhl (they shall be) Nwwhn (of God) ahlad (that the children) aynbd (in His name) hmsb (who are believing) Nynmyhmd (to those) Nylyal But those that received Him, to them gave He authority to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: 13: (from) Nm (nor) alw (blood) amd (from) Nm (who neither) wld (those) Nylya (the will) anybu (from) Nm (nor) alw (of the flesh) arobd (the will) anybu (were begotten) wdlyta (God) ahla (from) Nm (but) ala (of a man) arbgd 14: (among us) Nb (& dwelt)ngaw (became) awh (flesh) arob (& The Word) atlmw (as) Kya (The Glory) axbws (His Glory) hxbws (& we saw) Nyzxw (The Father) aba (who is from) Nmd (of The Only Begotten) aydyxyd (& Truth) atswqw (Grace) atwbyj (Who is full of) almd And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 15: (& cried) aeqw (concerning Him) yhwle (testified) dho (John) Nnxwy (that after me) yrtbd (Who I said) trmad (He) wh (this is) wnh (& said) rmaw (was before me) ymdq (& yet)- hl awhw (would come) ata
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(to me) ynm (He was) wh (precedent) ymdqd (because) ljm John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. 16: ( all) Nlk (we) Nnx (his fulness) htwylm (& from) Nmw (grace) atwbyj (in place of) Plx (& grace) atwbyjw (received) Nbon And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. 17: (was given) bhyta (Moses) aswm (by) dyb (the law) aowmnd (because) ljm (& grace) atwbyjw (but) Nyd (The Truth) arrs (existed) awh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 18: (ever) Mwtmm (a man) sna (has seen) azx (not) al (God) ahla (Who is) yhwtyad (He) wh (God) ahla (The Only Begotten) aydyxy (has declared Him) yetsa (He) wh (of His Father) yhwbad (in the bosom) abweb No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten God, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Translation & Commentary: 1 In the origin The Word had been existing and That Word had been existing with God and God Himself was That Word. Verse one is the most powerful statement concerning the nature of Godhead and its relationship to The Christ in the scriptures. The Word is a Person-He was -awh yhwtya (pronounced-Ithwaa)is used three times as the predicate for MilthaThe Word, which is normally feminine in gender, indicating the masculine gender of Him Who is The Word;He is EternalIn the origin( a point at which no time and space existed), an individual Being distinct from God- with God and also eternally & intimately related and bound to The Deity- with God. The word God is variously used in scripture. Sometimes it designates the unified corporate nature of Deity HEAR, O ISRAEL: THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD IS ONE.. Deut. 6:4. The confession of Israel was not simply There is One God, but God is One. This indicates that God is plural; the Hebrew word for God (Elohim) is a plural word indicating three or more Mighty ones. The translation of Elohim is usually singular, indicating solidarity of nature, will and action on the part of the Godhead. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen. 1:26,27. There God speaks as a corporate entity with Let us make, our image, our likeness; God also speaks as one and is spoken of as He and His image, in v. 27. Thus God is plural and unified or even an individual: The Word is with God, and God Himself is The Word. This word God deserves deep thought and consideration to avoid confusion at the onset of this great gospel and elsewhere. God, according to Genesis (& we should look to Genesis as the model and primer of all that doctrine, history, law and gospel that is to follow, It lays the foundation of all to come), God, I say, is corporate, based on the plural word Elohim which occurs thousands of times in the original,inspired, ancient Hebrew Bible. This is also accompanied with the use by God Himself,(I am tempted to say God themselves) of 1st person plural personal pronouns We, Us, Our in referring to Himself,(themselves) while also speaking to God. Ge 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Ge 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Isa 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me Ge 11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech.
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There is no doubt that Genesis 1:26 is correct in its current form; no doubt, all the above texts are in their original form, and they contain the same 1st person plural personal pronouns. Now some unbelievers claim that this is an ancient idiom called the Plural of majesty. A king might employ this in referring to himself as we or us. That may very well be an ancient idiom for men, but since when does God conform to human idioms? This custom would of course entail human speech or writing to other humans. In what case would God have use for this custom of speech or writing? To whom was He speaking before He made Adam? Was He speaking to angels? Of course not; they had no part in creating anything. Was he speaking to them simply of Himself in the plural of majesty? It seems ridiculous to imagine it. I dont believe He whose Name is Truth would speak deceptively as if He were more than one if He were indeed alone. But He speaks as more than one from the beginning. So we can see that God is plural- a corporate unity. God usually refers to this Corporate Unity of Three Persons The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit. Each Divine Person is also called God in scripture. An analogy would be a family name. My family name is Bauscher. Bauscher could refer to the whole family or to any one of its 14 members, not to mention all Bauscher relatives. So God can refer to The God Family of The Three Divine Persons or to any One of the Three. In John 1:1, the word God is used both ways. The Word was with The God Family and His name was God. 2 This One Himself was at the Source with God.

The Word s personality is emphasized here and from v.1 onward, This One Himself. At the Source refers to the eternal state. Time & space had not been made, as with the first statement of the Bible. We must remember that time is a creation as well as are space & matter. The Biblical In the beginning means not the first moment in time; it refers to a logical point at which time space & matter do not exist and it can have no reference to chronology whatsoever. Again, the distinct individual Being- with God and eternally intimately related and bound to The Deity- with God aspect is repeated. This is because The Holy Spirit is about to reiterate the absolute Deity of The Word as The Sovereign Creator. 3 Everything was in His hand; and without Him not even one thing existed of the things that existed. The Word is Sovereign Everything was in His hand, meaning He had absolute Divine power and control over the universe. The Word is also The uncreated Creator of all things: without Him not even one thing existed of the things that existed. The Word is not a creature of God; He cannot have created Himself; it is a contradiction of terms to say that He created Himself. He is God; God is eternal and uncreated; yet there are many cultists who believe The Son of God is a creation of God, and thus,infinitely inferior to Him. Such a view is not the faith revealed in the scriptures of The Holy Spirit Of God and is blasphemy against the LORD Christ Who laid down His Divinity and Divine Self as a sacrifice for all people of all time for all eternity. 3 In Him were The Lives; and the Lives are the light of men. In Genesis 2:7, the Hebrew word Myyx Khaiyim is first found, which literally means, lives, plural of life. The Aramaic word ayx Khaiya is a cognate of Myyx; ayx is also plural, though usually translated as singular from both languages. Here I have translated it as plural,Lives, to convey the fulness of That Life which is spoken of by The Holy Spirit. All Life is in THE WORD. Joh 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Our LORD said He is THE LIFE. That means all life is in Him and apart from Him there can be no life. John 1:4 Is not saying merely that the Word is living; that can be said of a spider & a Dandelion. The meaning is that the Word is the source and constant Sustainer of all life (lives). Consider that if He is THE LIFE, there is no other; therefore, even His Fathers Life is in The Son, called The Word. Life is an organic, systemic, corporate whole, inhering in The WORD. It is not made up of parts; it is an integral part of The Godhead in The WORD and all living beings depend every moment on His quickening power and Life to exist. If the Word is THE LIFE, or LIFE itself, and that is certainly the meaning of the above listed scriptures, then The Father and God of our LORD Jesus Christ has no Life outside of His Son and cannot live without His Jesus, His Only One. This certainly throws a whole new and brilliant light on the statement, God so loved the world, that He gave His Son,His Only One, John 3:16 and again, (AV) Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.- 1 John 3:16.
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Dont you love how the two John 3:16s say essentially this same thing!!?The second one is even clearer than the first: God laid down His Life for us! That is a statement of the gospel so powerful in itself that it would literally raise the dead if preached to them clearly. Does other scripture verify this? 28 (AV) Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 28 (BYZ) prosecete oun eautoiv kai panti tw poimniw en w umav to pneuma to agion eyeto episkopouv poimainein thn ekklhsian tou kuriou kai yeou hn periepoihsato dia tou idiou aimatov 28 (MUR) Take heed therefore to yourselves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit hath established you bishops; that ye feed the church of God, which he hath acquired by his blood. hmdb hnqd yh ahlad ahla htdel Nwertd apwqopa asdwqd axwr hb Nwkmyqad yh atyerm hlkbw Nwkspnb lykh wrhdza 28 (PESHITTA) 28 (ASV) Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit hath made you bishops, to feed the church of the Lord which he purchased with his own blood. 28 (YLT) Take heed, therefore, to yourselves, and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit made you overseers, to feed the assembly of God that He acquired through His own blood, 28 (VULGATE) adtendite vobis et universo gregi in quo vos Spiritus Sanctus posuit episcopos regere ecclesiam Dei quam adquisivit sanguine suo 28 (WH) prosecete eautoiv kai panti tw poimniw en w umav to pneuma to agion eyeto episkopouv poimainein thn ekklhsian tou yeou hn periepoihsato dia tou aimatov tou idiou 28 (ROTHRHAM) Be taking heed unto yourselves, and unto all the little flock in which the Holy Spirit hath set, you, as overseers,to be shepherding the assembly of God which he hath acquired through means of the blood of his own. 28 (WEY) Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy Spirit has placed you to take the oversight for Him and act as shepherds to the Church of God, which He has bought with His own blood. 28 (ARABIC) . The above verses are versions of Acts 20:28 from Greek, Aramaic, Latin and even Arabic. They all say,feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. A few Greek mss. have Church of The Lord, the vast majority (1000s) have the church of God. Above, all blue underlined words are God, in all languages, Greek,Aramaic,Latin & Arabic, as well as English. Red words are His blood. Another verse comes from the Peshitta Aramaic; Murdocks translation of the Peshitta comes first: (MUR) But we see him, who was depressed somewhat lower than the angels, to be this Jesus, because of the passion of his death; and glory and honor are placed on his head; for God himself, in his grace, tasted death for all men. atwm Mej snlk Plx ahla htwbyjb ryg wh hsyrb Myo arqyaw atxwbstw htwmd asx ljm ewsy wywhd Nnyzx akalm Nm lylq Kmd Nyd wh 9 (PESHITTA) I have been studying The Peshitta since the year 2000. I am fully convinced that it is the original text of the NT of which all Greek manuscripts are translations. Aramaic was the language of Israel in the first century and had been for six centuries; it remained so for many centuries afterward, whereas Greek had never been spoken by Palestinian Jews. The manuscripts of The Peshitta were much more carefully preserved than Greek mss., in the manner & tradition of the Hebrew mss. of the OT scribes. This is another sign of the original text. There are scarcely any differences between the mss. of the Aramaic Peshitta (Peshitta means, straight, simple, plain). Some mss are practically identical to each other throughout, though separated by centuries. Greek mss. have some grammatical errors and poor word usage. The Peshitta contains no such errors, and yet it has been supposed by Western scholars to be a translation of The Greek NT and The Greek is supposed to be the original! The Church of The East has held The Peshitta to be the original NT from the hands of the apostles for as long as it is known to have existed. Few in the West have even heard of The Church Of The East or The Peshitta, but there are writings of Eastern scholars and church fathers as early as the 3rd century who quote The Peshitta verbatim exactly as it exists today! There are several passages that say in all versions, The Christ died for us, The death of His Son, The Lords death, etc.. These are theological statements concerning eternal,Divine events, not mere human history. They tell us that Heaven intervened in human history and that The King of Heaven interposed His precious blood to ransom Adams helpless race. Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. 5 And the light is shining in the darkness; and the darkness mastered it not. 6 There was a man sent from God; his name was John. 7 He came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that everyone by him should believe. 8 He was not The Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9 For That One was the Light of Truth, which enlightens every person that comes into the world.
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Here, The Word is called The Light of Truth, which is much more pointed and instructive than the traditional true light translation. The Light of Truth means that The Light is The Truth, and so He is. (John 14:6) The gospel is also stated here: He enlightens every person. The Light is The Truth; The Truth is The Christ. Everyone shall see Him (Rev. 1:7) and be saved Isa 45:22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. Hebrews 12:4 (AV) Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: For all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest.Hebrews 8:11 Isa 54:13 And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. Jer 24:7 And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart. Eze 34:30 Thus shall they know that I the LORD their God am with them, and that they, even the house of Israel, are my people, saith the Lord GOD. Hab 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Jer 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. Joh 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. Verse 7 says that the testimony of the Light was so that all people should believe. Every true believer, like John The Baptist, wants nothing more than for all people to believe in Jesus. It should be our purpose for being on the earth. But even more important is the need for us who call ourselves by the name Christian to believe in Jesus Christ. He certainly wills all men to be saved -1 Timothy 2:4. How great a Savior do you serve and trust? Is His will frustrated by puny mans will? Is man the victor over The Christ and God? Perish the thought! How foolish and stupid is the pessimist who says so. Such a man or woman has no faith in Christ or the gospel! The Christ we serve is Mighty to save and The Savior of the world or no savior at all. I do not serve and worship a loser. Read Romans 5:18 & 1 Cor 15:22 10 He was in the world, and the world existed by His hand, and the world knew him not. Incredible this statement of The incarnation of The Creator, unrecognized by the world of men He Created in His image. What a disappointment to Him the world must be, for it does not recognize Him still. He dwells within all children and in His followers who love and obey Him, yet the world is at best indifferent toward Him for the most part; hostile not infrequently. One would have hoped two thousand years had improved mans spiritual capacity and grace to love and discern truth and its Spirit, yet it seems to have improved little. I pray I am not guilty of slighting Him where I have seen Him, nor of blindness to His presence in the least of these, His brothers. May God open our eyes and our hearts to our Savior and Life who dwells humbly always in the most humble of abodes, where we least expect to find Him. 11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. Is The Holy One telling you what he is telling me? That the Christian church today does not receive The Christ it professes to love and worship? This plague of blindness and hypocrisy, narrow mindedness and shriveling of hearts began almost as soon as Christianity was born, for we read in Revelation 3:20: (AV) Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Here The Son of God addresses a first century church, established by an apostle, in a letter from Heaven dictated word for word, that John would write and send to the Christians at Laodicea, telling them that their Lord is outside the church, knocking and calling to see if anyones at home! He seeks admission to His own church- to His own people! If this was so then, the scene can scarcely be as good today, much less, better. We have had no fresh baptisms of fire and apostolic preaching and miracles, or testimony of eyewitnesses of the risen and ascended Christ as they had. Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these, My brethren, you have done it unto Me.(Mt. 25:40) O, Lord Jesus, have pity on our poor souls or wipe the earth clean of such a travesty and tragedy as a so called Christian church that shuts you out and rewards and honors those who not only do not recognize you, but hate and persecute You. 12 But those that received him, to them gave he authority to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13 Which were begotten, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. Notice that the new birth comes from God and it comes before we can believe in His Name: to them that believe (present tense) on his name -which were begotten,(or born) (past tense).
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This shows that the new birth came before the faith and laid the basis & the capacity for faith. Born or begotten is a passive verb. It is something done to us by God, prior to anything we can do for Him, including our believing in Him. It is called birth because that is what it is. None of us had a choice in his or her birth. We hadnt even the capacity for a choice. That is the whole point of verse 13. Our wills and fleshly minds cannot reach up to God. They are dead by comparison to His Life; dead to the Spirit, dead to Truth, dead to righteousness, dead to The Love and Glory of God and Heaven. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, said The Truth. Do not be surprised I said to you, You must be born again-John 3:3-7.Again, God does this of His own initiative. Jesus was not telling Nicodemus to do something. Like so many religious people, Nicodemus did not need to hear that he must do something more to inherit salvation. He needed to know that he could do nothing; that salvation is all of God; we are completely inept and undone before God. He must do it all, or that which is called salvation cannot be called salvation. It is works, even if it be called faith and accepting Christ, the new birth, etc.. Salvation is by grace (a free gift which God purchased) through faith, and even that is not of yourselves, it is also the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast-Ephesians 2:8,9. God knows, in spite of all that the apostles wrote for us, there is even now a great spirit of pride in the churches, as if we are Christians by some merit of our own. Many have the spirit of the Pharisee who prayed thus with himself: Thank you God that I am not as other men, I tithe, I fast, I pray, and am not as this miserable publican over there.-See Luke 18:11,12. Jesus said that man was not righteous in Gods sight, while the publican was! How God must grow weary of hearing it all, even the thoughts of the hearts of men! 14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. The incarnation has baffled theologians and disciples for 2000 years. We dont know how to classify this phenomenon and this man Jesus, as the event is unprecedented and He is certainly unique. Yet everyone has a theory or concept of this and many doctrines and church denominations are based on one of various theological explanations of the incarnation and nature of Christs Person. I too have a view of this which may be different from what others have put forward. Maybe someone will find it in a 1500 year old treatise from Syria on the subject; I dont know. I dont think I have read any view, orthodox or heretical that does justice to the Person of Christ and to the scriptures as I understand Him and them. Let us start with what John says about it: The Word was with God in the beginning and The Word was God. This Word was The Sovereign Lord who created all things and was uncreated Himself, giving Life to all living, as He was The Life, The Light and the Truth which enlightens all human beings. This Word came into the world and was unrecognized by His people, the Jews, and people in general. His form and appearance were very human and not overwhelming in power and glory as we might expect from a Divine being, which actually gave occasion for ridicule and rejection of Him by those who knew Him, even his brothers and sisters. Then we come to verse 14: And the Word became flesh. Lets take that next. We can make a syllogism of v. 1 and v.14 a third statement logically substituting one of two equivalent terms for the other. Verse 1 says, The Word was God. If The Word = God, then we can substitute one for the other; in the case of verse 14, I will substitute God for The Word: And God became flesh. This should be as accurate as the original statement, while also giving a bit more clarity and light to the statement in its context. By God, of course, we designate The Word, and not The Godhead, nor any other Person of the Godhead than This One Person, The Word. Yet do we find a great truth that has never before this statement been declared, that God could and did become a human being. The word flesh is a metaphor (a synecdoche) for human being. It is so used by God in Hebrew and Aramaic scripture and by people of those cultures. Ge 6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. De 5:26 For who is there of all flesh, that hath heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as we have, and lived? Job 34:15 All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust. Ps 65:2 O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. Ps 136:25 Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever. Ps 145:21 My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. Isa 40:5 And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. Isa 40:6 The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: Isa 49:26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. And God became a human.This is an extremely radical statement, for God has always been thought to be diametrically opposite to the human nature. How could God become human and remain God? God has always been thought to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent ib Christian theology; indeed scripture declares these things in Old & New Testaments. How could He become human and remain God? He could not not in the common meaning of the word God, for it would involve a
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contradiction in terms. If we apply another meaning, similar to the distinction we applied in v. 1, we can understand, with elucidation from other scripture, the nature of the incarnation and how The Word retained His identity as God while becoming human. As we saw in v. 1, God can refer to the Godhead Trinity, involving the attributes and nature of Deity which The Divine Persons share in common. The other meaning can refer to an individual Person of the Trinity, signifying His unique personality and identity; v. 1 uses both meanings as we saw. It is a mistake to apply the general meaning to verse 14 or to the incarnation doctrine. The incarnation did not involve the nature of Deity becoming a man, which is nonsense; it involved God in the sense of a particular Divine Person (The Word), naming Him specifically and His unique identity and self. Verse 14 is telling us that the unique identity and Person of the Godhead managed to become human, which would necessarily involve a radical change in nature, yet retained His identity and personality- His same self , whose Name is God. He gave up His Divine attributes and nature, as written in Philippians 2:8-11, to become an obedient servant and mortal man Who would die on a cross. Scripture does not teach us that Jesus was omniscient and omnipotent during the days of his flesh (Hebrews 5:7). Yet there are many who believe that Jesus was. Try to make sense of this when you consider an infant in a manger Who knows all things and is running the universe, yet needs His diapers changed! Luke says, He grew in wisdom How could an omniscient mind increase in wisdom? James says (1:13) God cannot be tempted. Matthew, Mark & Luke say, Jesus was tempted of the Devil. Isaiah wrote,(40:28) The LORD fainteth not, neither is weary. John wrote, (4:6) (ASV) and Jacobs well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour. I could go on with the list. The point I am making is not that Jesus was not God; He was and is God, but during the days of His flesh, He was God in a different form See Phillip. 2:8,9. God The Son changed form to become human while remaining Himself. He laid aside His power, knowledge, omnipresence and glory. He left that all with His Father and the Holy Spirit and became lower than the angels, according to Hebrews 2:9. This was a temporary loss for Him, so that He could prove His love and reveal His great heart and true character to man for all the ages to see. Gods deepest and most essential nature and being is LOVE. He wanted to suffer the loss of all else- even the glory and power men worship in God, to show a more excellent and Divine glory that He could only reveal in weakness, suffering (real suffering, not staged), and death the death of His Person and the death of all Deity and ALL LIFE, for the redemption of the world and to make a new creation, wherein dwells the knowledge of God as He really is. Still He waits. I pray He need not wait too much longer. 15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. 16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. 17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten God, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. * In the Peshitta The only begotten God ahla aydyxy (ikhidya Alaha) can account for the variant Greek readings: monogenhv Yeov- (Only begotten God) and monogenhv uiov -(Only begotten Son); The Aramaic text can mean Only begotten God or Only begotten Son of God. I truly believe v.18 means that mankind has never known Who God is. Jesus, God The Only Begotten, The Word, has expounded God unto the world when He emptied Himself of all but LOVE, suffered,bled and died for Adams helpless race.(And Can It Be?-Charles Wesley) He was saying, This is who God is and was and ever shall be. Believe Me, He who has seen Me has seen My Father. You must trust in Him. God is just like I am. 1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; 4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
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And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? May we hear This WORD made flesh and read HIM and handle HIM gaze upon Him (1 John 1:1-4) so that our fellowship is truly with the real God and His Son Jesus The Messiah. And we know that the Son of God hath come, and hath given us knowledge that we might know the True One; and that we might be in the True One, in his Son Jesus the Messiah. He is the true God, and the life eternal. 1 John5:20 (Murdock) Nl bhyw ata ahlad hrbd Nnyedyw 20 (PESHITTA) Mleld ayxw aryrs ahla wh anh axysm ewsy hrbb aryrsb hb awhnw aryrsl ednd aedm My children, keep yourselves from idols (false gods). 1 John 5:21 19: (the testimony) htwdho (is) yh (& this) adhw (the Judaeans) aydwhy (to him) htwl (sent) wrds (when) dk (of John) Nnxwyd (& Levites) aywlw (priests) anhk (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (are) tna (who?) Nm (you) tna (that they should ask him) yhynwlasnd And this is the testimony of John when the Judaeans sent Levites and priests to him from Jerusalem in order that they should ask him: Who are you? 20: (& he confessed) ydwaw (denied) rpk (& not) alw (& he confessed) ydwaw (The Messiah) axysm (am) ana (I) ana (that not) wld And he confessed and did not deny and confessed: I am not The Messiah. 21: (therefore) lykh (what?) anm (again) bwt (& they asked him) yhwlasw (not) al (& he said) rmaw (are you?) tna (Elijah) ayla (No) al (& he said) rmaw (are you?) tna (a prophet) aybn:(I am) ytya And they asked him again, What, therefore? Are you Elijah?And he said, No. Are you a prophet?, and he said No. 22: (you) tna (& who are?) wnmw (to him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (a statement) amgtp (that we might give) ltnd (that sent us) Nwrdsd (to those) Nylyal (yourself) Kspn (about) le (you) tna (say) rma (what?) anm And they said to him, And who are you?, that we may give a statement to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself? 23: (that cries) arqd (the voice) alq (I am) ana (he said) rma (the way) hxrwa (prepare) wwsad (in the wilderness) arbdmb (just as) ankya (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the prophet) aybn (Isaiah) ayesa (that which said) rmad He said: I am the voice that cries in the wilderness: Prepare the way of Jehovah., just as that which Isaiah the prophet said. 24: (that were sent) wrdtsad (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (were) wwh (the Pharisees) asyrp (from) Nm And thet that were sent were from the Pharisees. 25: (why?) anm (to him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (& they asked him) yhwlasw (if) Na (you) tna (are baptizing) dmem (therefore) lykh (The Messiah) axysm (are) Kytya (not) al (you) tna (the prophet) aybn (& not) alw (Elijah) ayla (& not) alw And they asked him and said to him, Why therefore are you baptizing, if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the prophet? 26:
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(to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (John) Nnxwy (answered) ane (in your midst) Nwktnyb;(in water) aymb (am) ana (baptizing) dmem (I) ana (not) al (whom you) Nwtnad (He) wh (is standing) Maq (but) Nyd (Himself) hl (are) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy * You in Aramaic can be singular (Elizabethan -Thou) or plural (Ye). A red You is plural. John answered and said to them, I am baptizing in water; but He is standing in your midst Whom you do not know. 27: (that after me) yrtbd (He) wh (This is) wnh (before me) ymdq (Himself) hl (& was) awhw (comes) ata (am) ana (worthy) aws (not) al (of Whom I) anad (He) wh (of His sandals) yhwnomd (a strap) aqre (that I should loose ) arsad This is He Who comes after me and He was before me; He of whom I am unworthy to loose a strap of His sandles. 28: (were) ywh (in Bethany) aynetybb (these) Nylh (of Jordan) Nndrwyd (in the crossing) arbeb (John) Nnxwy (was) awh (baptizing) dmemd (where) akya These were in Bethany (Aramaic-House of dates) at the crossing of the Jordan Where John was baptizing. This study uncovers possible evidence supporting a very early Greek translation of The Peshitta (1St Century A.D.) John 1:28 (were) ywh (in Bethany *) aynetybb (these) Nylh (of Jordan) Nndrwyd (in the crossing) arbeb (John) Nnxwy (was) awh (baptizing) dmemd (where) akya *[ Some Greek mss. have Bethabara for Bethany. Bethabara is probably a misreading of the Aramaic text aynetyb, where the Greek translator copied tyb from Bethany (the blue word meaning house in the blue and red Aramaic word above, and then his eye went to arbe (Abara),which is colored red in the Aramaic text, since arbe & ayne both start with the same letter, have four letters and end with the same letter Alap, and can look very similar in the square Aramaic characters. The second and third letters in arbe (abara) are essentially extended forms of the second and third letters of ayne (anya). These are the Aramaic words ayne (anya) & arbe (abara) from Dead Sea Scroll photos of Aramaic characters in The Great Isaiah Scroll:.)yn( )rb( This is strong evidence that the Received Greek mss. were originally translations from Aramaic mss. written in early 1st century Aramaic. The Estrangela script was developed later (circa A.D. 100) and the characters in question do not look as similar: 0rb9 & 0yn9. This is support for a first century Aramaic New Testament written in the square Aramaic script like that of The Dead Sea Scrolls, and also a first century Greek translation of that Aramaic NT text, represented by the type of Greek manuscripts which the King James Bible translators used for their NT translation.There are other like examples I have cited elsewhere, supporting the very same conclusion.] 29: (John) Nnxwy (saw) azx (that was after it) hrtbd (& the day) amwylw (Behold) ah (& he said) rmaw (to him) htwl (Who came) atad (Yeshua) ewsyl (He is) wh (of God) ahlad (The Lamb) hrma (of the world) amled (the sins) htyjx (Who takes away) lqsd AAnd the day after, John saw Jesus Who came to him and John said: Behold, He is The Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world. 30: (about him) yhwle (said) trma (Who I) anad (This One is) wnh (Himself) hl (& he was) awhw (a man) arbg (comes) ata (that after me) yrtbd (me) ynm (He) wh (preceded)ymdqd (because) ljm (before me) ymdq This is The One of Whom I said: After me a man is coming and He was Himself before me, because He preceded me. 31: (Him) hl (I was) tywh (knowing) edy (not) al (& I) anaw (that he should be manifested) edytnd (but) ala
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(have I come) tyta (this) anh (because of) ljm (to Israel) lyroyal (I should baptize) dmea (that in water) aymbd (I) ana And I did not know Him, but so that He should be made known to Israel, therefore I have come to baptize in water. 32: (I saw) tyzxd (& said) rmaw (John) Nnxwy (& he testified) dhoaw (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (Who was descending) atxnd (The Spirit) axwrl (upon Him) yhwle (& remaining) tywqw (a dove) anwy (like) Kya And John testified and said: I saw The Spirit Who was descending from Heaven like a dove And remaining upon Him. 33: (but) ala (Him) hl (I was) tywh (knowing) edy (not) al (& I) anaw (sent me) ynrdsd (He Who) Nm (in water) aymb (that I should baptize) dmead (that He) anyad (to me) yl (said) rma (He) wh (The Spirit) axwr (descending) atxnd (you) tna (on Whom see) azxd (This is) wnh (upon him) yhwle (& remaining) aywqmw (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (The One Baptizing) dmem And I did not know Him, but He Who sent me to baptize in water, He said to me: The One on Whom You see The Spirit descending and remaining, This is The One Who baptizes in The Spirit of Holiness. 34: (& I have testified) tdhoaw (I have seen) tyzx (& I) anaw (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (that This One is) wnhd And I have seen and have testified that This One is The Son of God. 35: (standing) Maq (another) anrxa (& a day) amwylw (his disciples) yhwdymlt (from) Nm (& two) Nyrtw (John) Nnxwy (was) awh And another day John was standing and two of his disciples. 36: (he was walking) Klhm (when) dk (at Jesus) ewsyb (& he gazed) rxw (of God) ahlad (The Lamb) hrma (Behold) ah (& he said) rmaw And he gazed upon Jesus as Jesus was walking and John said: Behold: The Lamb of God. 37: (the two) Nwhyrt (& heard) wemsw (he spoke) rma (when) dk (of his disciples) yhwdymlt (Yeshua) ewsyd (after) hrtb (themselves) Nwhl (& they went) wlzaw And the two of his disciples heard as he spoke and went after Jesus. 38: (& He saw) azxw (Yeshua) ewsy (& turned) ynptaw (after him) hrtb (who were coming) Nytad (them) Nwna (are seeking) Nyeb (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (you) Nwtna (are you) tna (staying) awh (where?) akya (our Master) Nbr And Jesus turned and He saw them coming after Him and he said: What are you seeking? And they said, Our Master, where are you staying? Nbr (our Master): The Greek texts have a transliteration of Nbr - rabbi -(Rabbi), an Aramaic word, with a following translation of the same: o legetai ermhneuomenon didaskale (which is translated,Teacher). John has six instances of this, each of which is evidence that the original was Aramaic and the Greek is a translation (ermhneuomenon) of Aramaic.The Peshitta, of course, has no such translation in any of these six places in John. 39: (& see) Nwzxtw (come) wt (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (where) akya (& they saw) wzxw (they came) wta (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (that) wh (day) amwy (they were) wwh (& with him) htwlw (He lived) awhd (the tenth) roe (hour) aes (about) Kya (& it was *)- ywh tyaw
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*[Aramaic letters in purple indicate an idiom phrase that cannot not be clearly translated word for word in English, and so an equivalent English phrase is given.] He said to them: Come and see. And they came and saw where he lived and were with Him that day; and it was about the tenth hour. 40: (who heard) wemsd (those *) Nwnh (from) Nm (but) Nyd (one) dx (after) hrtb (& were going) wlzaw (John) Nnxwy (from) Nm (was) awh (Himself) yhwtya (Yeshua) ewsyd (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (the brother) yhwxa (Andraeus) owardna One of those who heard John and followed Jesus Himself was Andrew, Shimeons brother. * The Peshitta has Nwnh Those where all the Greek texts have duo Two. In Aramaic - N{$(yrt t is Two. The He- h and Tau- t in Aramaic script are easily mistaken one for the other, as are Yodh & {$ (y and Waw w (See photo samples from Dead Sea Scrolls for these letters below). DSS script: }wnh & }yrt The Resh and Nun are not as easily mistaken, however they are not very unlike each other, the Resh having two of the three strokes of the Nun. This similarity could easily account for the Greek reading - duo -Two in all the Greek texts. The Great Isaiah Scroll shows that early Aramaean copyists would interchange Waws and Yodhs between consonants without changing word meaning. The Great Isaiah Scroll widely employed Aramaic orthography and spelling throughout the scroll. If this explanation is valid, it is evidence that a Greek translation was made from an early Aramaic script of square characters like those I have printed above. This script was not used by Aramaean scribes after the first century A.D.. To argue the reverse scenario (Greek affected the Peshitta reading) one would no doubt need to make the case for a late Aramaic square character in use, when Estrangela was the current script, and a mistranslation of duo Two,to Nwnh Those an explanation that is no explanation at all! No Peshitta (or Old Syriac ms.) has Ny yrt t at John 1:40. All have Nwnh. Nwnh. The Peshitta can account for the Greek reading.The Greek cannot account for The Peshitta reading. 41: (his brother) yhwxa (Shimeon) Nwemsl (first) Mdqwl (saw) azx (This one) anh (The Messiah) axysml (we have found Him) yhynxksa (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw This one first saw Shimeon his brother and he said to him: We have found The Messiah. The Greek text of the ending of this verse says this: eurhkamen ton mesian o estin meyermhneuomenon cristov (ASV) We have found the Messiah (which is, being interpreted, Christ). The Greek word mesian (Majority) or messian (Westcott & Hort) is a transliteration of the Aramaic speech of Andrew and of 1st century Palestine: axysm (Meshikha or Meshiha). The Hebrew word xysm (Meshiach) is almost identical, though we know Aramaic was the native tongue of Palestine at the time. The Greek text follows this word Messian (Messiah) with a translation (which being translated is Christ.) The Greek word cristov is declared here to be a translation of the original Aramaic word (transliterated in Greek letters as mesian). But cristov is the source behind the English word Christ; cristov occurs 565 times throughout the Greek NT in every book except 3 John! Logically, we would have to conclude that Greek Johns writer is telling us that wherever cristov occurs, we are reading a translation of our Lords original title (axysm-Meshikha). His disciples did not speak Greek; neither did the people of Israel. By the way, Greek John 4:25 has the same formula as this verse: the Messiah (which is, being interpreted, Christ). The Peshitta text has no such translation in either reference! The Greek NT has, in Christos, at least 565 witnesses to the Greek NT as a translation!

42: (& gazed) rxw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (& he brought him) hytyaw (Shimeon) Nwems (are) wh (you) tna (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (at him) hb (Kaypha) apak (shall be called) arqtt (you) tna;(son of Jonah) anwydhrb And he brought him to Jesus and Jesus gazed at him and He said: You are Shimeon, Son of Jonah; You shall be called Kaypha (a Stone). * Nwems -Shimeon occurs 165 times in the Peshitta NT. The Greek equivalents Simwn& Simewn (Simon & Shimeon) occur only 82 times! Often the Greek Name, Petrov- Petros is used instead. The Greek of this verse,
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however, retains the Aramaic Shimeon and Kaypha, which it then explains with the words: khfav o ermhneuetai petrov Cephas, which is translated Petros. Here the Greek text declares that the name Petros is a translation of the Aramaic name Kaypha. We here find hard evidence, and in 160 other places where this Greek name occurs, that the Greek NT is translated from Aramaic! Naturally, the Peshitta has no similar translation from Greek to Aramaic, here or anywhere else. Repeat the above statement several times and ponder it: The Greek text declares itself to be translated from Aramaic! 43: (Yeshua) ewsy (wanted) abu (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw (Phillip) owpylypl (& He met) xksaw (to Galilee) alylgl (to depart) qpml (after me) yrtb (Come) at (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw And the next day Jesus wanted to depart to Galilee and he met Phillip and He said to him: Follow me. 44: (himself) yhwtya (Phillip) owpylyp (but) Nyd (he) wh (from) Nm (Bethsaida) adyutyb (from) Nm (was) awh (& of Simon) Nwemsdw (of Andraeus) owardnad (the city) htnydm Phillip himself was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Shimeon. 45: (Nathaniel) lyayntnl (found) xksa (& Phillip) owpylypw (of Whom wrote) btkd (Him) wh (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (& in the Prophets) aybnbw (in The Torah) aowmnb (Moses) aswm (about him) yhwle :(Who is Jesus) ewsyd (we have found Him) yhynxksa (Nazareth) trun (from) Nm (Joseph) Powy (the son of) rb (He is) wh Phillip found Nathaniel and said to him: Him of Whom Moses wrote in The Torah and in the Prophets, we have found; He is Jesus Bar Joseph from Nazareth. 46: (Nazareth) trun (from) Nm (Nathaniel) lyayntn (to him) hl (said) rma (shall be) awhn (that is good) bjd (anything) Mdm (Is it possible?) xksm (& see) azxtw (Come) at (Phillip) owpylyp (to him) hl (said) rma Nathaniel said to him: Can anything good come from Nazareth? 47: (Nathaniel) lyayntnl (Yeshua) ewsy (& saw) yhyzxw (about him) yhwle (& said) rmaw (to him) htwl (he came) ata (when) dk (Israel) lyroya (a son of) rb (truly) tyaryrs (Behold) ah (in him) hb (there is not) tyl (of whom deceit) alknd AJesus saw Nathaniel when he came to Him and Jesus said about him: Behold; Truly a son of Israel in whom is no deceit. 48: (Nathaniel) lyayntn (to him) hl (said) rma (know) edy (where?) akmya (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma:(me)yl (you) tna (when) dk (Phillip) owpylyp (would have called you) Kyrqn (before) alde (I saw you) Ktyzx (you were) tna (the fig tree) att (under) tyxt Nathaniel said to Him: From where do you know me? Jesus said to him: Before Phillip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you. 49: (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (Nathaniel) lyayntn (answered) ane (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (are) wh (You) tna (Rabbi) ybr (of Israel) lyroyad (The King) hklm (are) wh (You) tna Nathaniel answered and said to Him: Rabbi, You are The Son of God; You are the King of Israel. 50: (because) le (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (that I saw you) Ktyzxd (to you) Kl (of what I said) trmad (are believing?) Nmyhm (the fig tree) att (under) tyxt
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(you shall see) azxt (these) Nylh (than) Nm (greater things) Nbrwrd:(you) tna Jesus said to him: Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree., do you believe? You shall see greater things than these. 51: [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (to him) hl (He said) rma (this hour) ash (that from) Nmd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma (Heaven) ayms (you shall be seeing) Nwzxt (that are being opened) Nyxytpd (they ascend) Nyqlo (as) dk (of God) ahlad (& the angels) yhwkalmw (of Man) asnad (The son) hrb (unto) twl (& descend) Nytxnw [Note: Amen in Aramaic has two basic meanings: Eternal and True. This double use is unique to Johns Gospel and is used only by our Lord, indicating a very important revelation of eternal doctrine from The Eternal LORD Yeshua.It occurs 25 times in Johns Gospel.] He said to him: Timeless truth I speak to you all: From this hour you shall see Heaven being opened and the angels of God as they ascend and descend unto The Son of Man. This Man called Jesus The Messiah is the most astonishing Being ever encountered, and the most mysterious. If we think we know Him well, we are surely deceived. No man has ever seen God, wrote John. I believe he speaks of understanding God, or properly knowing Him. We are finite beings; even angels desired to look into the things concerning Christs suffering, death and resurrection glory.We shall never fathom Him. Here in the last section he astonishes Nathaniel with prophecy; Nathaniel confesses that Jesus is The Son of God, and Jesus says that Phillip hasnt seen anything yet. It is not enough to know Jesus as The Son of God; He is more than that! How can that be?, you might say. I believe Jesus is The Son of God, born of a virgin, anointed of The Holy Spirit, etc., etc. That is not Who He is. That is a theological statement. John presents the transcendent Christ; a Christ Who is so large, so great, so infinite, that glimpses of His true identity are blinding bursts of supernova like light. 25 times John records Jesus saying Amen, Amen, I speak to you. No other gospel or book has this statement; no other Person utters it but The Christ. It means Eternal Truth I tell you. It is a statement of absolute authority. No man ever spoke like this Man, said one of the Temple priests. He speaks with authority, not as the scribes., said the common people. Where does this authority come from?, the Jews asked. More importantly, John also records another unique phrase 25 times in His Gospel: The Aramaic has it Ena Na. It means, I AM, literally. It is an Aramaic phrase from The Old Testament that 97% of the time refers to the name of God and comes from the mouth of God Himself: I AM The LORD.; I AM The LORD your God., etc.. In John, Jesus alone utters this phrase, usually followed by a description or definition of His Person: I AM THE LIGHT of the world; I AM THE BREAD of LIFE. I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD., etc.. Here in verse 51, Jesus says something that should confuse and astound the most devout believer. You will see Heaven is being opened the angels of God Ascending and descending unto the Son of Man. What He has said is: I am on earth and I am in Heaven- omnipresent God and a limited man. I am a man here on earth and I am Jehovah The Eternal in Heaven at all times. I dont understand how this can be, but He describes the angels coming to Him on earth and also coming to Him in Heaven, all apparently simultaneously! And so, He has got my attention. I want to know Him better, and I will. When I do, I will discover another mystery (something that is unknown). Think about it; it is not what you know that piques your curiosity; it is the thing you dont know. We should be discovering that we dont know something. That will draw us to seek Him out: Our Master, where do you live? They said. The answer will be the same for you as is was for those first disciples: Come and see. Chapter 2 1: (there was) twh (third) atltd (& on the day) amwylw (of Galilee) alylgd (a city) atnydm (in Qatna) anjqb (a wedding feast) atwtsm (was) twh (there) Nmt (of Jesus) ewsyd (& the mother) hmaw And on the third day there was a wedding feast in Qatna, a city of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2: (& his disciples) yhwdymltw (Yeshua) ewsy (Himself) wh (& also) Paw (to the wedding banquet) atwtsml (to it) hl (were invited) wyrqta
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And also Jesus Himself and His disciples were invited to the wedding banquet. 3: (to Him) hl (& said) armaw (wine) armx (It was) awh (& lacking) roxw (for them) Nwhl (there is not) tyl (wine) armx (to Jesus) ewsyl (His mother) hma And it was lacking wine, and His mother said to Jesus, There is no wine for them. 4: *(& to you ) yklw (to me)yl (what?) am (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (My hour) ytes (has come) tta (quite) lykde (not) al (woman) attna * What to me & to you? is an Aramaic idiom meaning: What do we have in common?- clearly a bit of humor from Jesus toward his mother.Notice that He did respond to her request by performing His first miracle. Jesus said to her, What do we have in common, woman? My hour has not quite come yet. Remember that for thirty years, our Lord had performed no miracle; He was an obscure and humble Person Who patiently waited for His appointed time to serve publicly in Israel. Those thirty years of silence and obscurity are in a very real sense more miraculous than the last three years of His earthly Life, considering Who He was and is. Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour. (Isaiah 45:15) . The patience and humility of God are far more surprising and unbelievable to men than His miracles, and these are stumbling blocks to the faith of many, if not all of us. Consider how many would have believed in Him had He never performed a miracle; consider also the grief of His heart, knowing that so many, if not all, of those who professed faith, believed only in the outward signs, but did not know Him. Our Lord knew that to begin performing miracles would be to come out of hiding,(out of character for God) and that would also make Him suscepible to misunderstanding and false devotion, when His usual design is to make men seek after Him Who hides, and recognize Him in His disguises. 5: (to the servants) ansmsml (His mother) hma (said) arma (do) wdbe (to you) Nwkl (that He says) rmad (anything) Mdm His mother said to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do it. 6: (watercasks) anga (there) Nmt (But) Nyd (there were)- [ywh tya] (that were set) Nmyod (six) ts (of stone) apakd (that held) Ndxad (of The Jews) aydwhyd (for the purifying) atykdtl (three) atlt (or) wa (nine gallon measures) Nyebr (each) Nyrt (two) Nyrt But there were there six watercasks of stone, set for the purifying of the Jews, that held two or three nine gallon measures each. 7: (Fill) wlm (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (Said) rma (the watercasks) angal (with water) aym (them) Nyna (the brim) lel (up to) amde (them) Nyna (& they filled) wlmw Jesus said to them: Fill the watercasks with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 8: (& take) wtyaw (henceforth) lykm (Draw out) wewlz (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (& they took) wytyaw (of ceremonies) akmo (to the master) syrl He said to them: Draw out now and take it to the master of ceremonies. 9: (of ceremonies) akmo (the master) syr (that) wh (tasted) Mej (& when)dkw (that were become) wwhd (those) Nwnh (the waters) aym (from) Nm (he) awh (knew) edy (& not) alw (wine) armx (but) Nyd (the servants) ansmsm (it was) awh (where?) akmya (the master) syr (called) arq (were) wwh (knowing) Nyedy (the bridegroom) antxl (of ceremonies) akmo And when the master of ceremonies tasted that water that had become wine, and did not know from where it was, (but the servants knew), the master of ceremonies called the bridegroom 10:
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(first) Mdqwl (man) sna (every) lk (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (& when) amw (summons) atym (good) abj (the wine) armx (is inferior) ryubd (whatever) anya (then) Nydyh (they are drunk) wywrd (you have kept) yhytrjn (but) Nyd (You) tna (now) ashl (until) amde (good) abj (the wine) armxl And he said to him: Every man first calls for the good wine, and when they are drunk, then that which is inferior, but you have kept the good wine until now. 11: (that did) dbed (first) atymdq (the sign) ata (is) yh (This) adh (& manifested) edwaw (of Galilee) alylgd (in Qatna) anjqb (Yeshua) ewsy (His disciples) yhwdymlt (in Him) hb (& believed) wnmyhw (His glory) hxbws This is the first miracle Jesus did in Qatna of Galilee and He manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him. Every miracle of Jesus is called Atha- ata -A Sign. As such, we are to look for a valuable lesson being taught in the Sign. Water being turned to wine is a creative act, certainly pointing to Gods presence and power as Creator. Water is common and cheap; wine is rare and expensive; water is a necessity of life;wine is a luxury that signifies joy and celebration. God delights in our joy and happiness, more than we can know, and begrudges us no joy. Notice that Jesus made over 100 gallons of wine, possibly 160 gallons of the very best wine possible (The MC noticed it was better than the best, which he thought had already been served, and undoubtedly it had). That is a lot of wine! God is no tee-totaler! He is almost mad with joy and abandon, not a Stoic or Ascetic, as some imagine. Jesus would become known as a wine drinker and a glutton to the Pharisees and Scribes! The water of purification would be externally used in a ritual cermony; Wine is applied internally. Our Lord was always more interested in mans inner life and what is inside a man than in externals. True religion is concerned with the state of the soul, spirit and mind, whereas much of what is religious is concerned with everything but the internal life. There is nothing wrong with ceremony, as long as we dont lose the realities they signify: The Spirit, The Truth, Love, Joy, Righteousness, Peace, Heaven and God Himself. Do not be afraid of joy, laughter and life. These are Gods lavish gifts He pours out to overflowing upon us and wants us to enjoy.Have you ever considered that men might be judged, not for enjoying life too much, but not enough? 12: (to Capernaum) Mwxnrpkl (He went down) txn (this) adh (after) rtb (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (& his brothers) yhwxaw (& His mother) hmaw (He) wh (the days) atmwy (a few) lylq (they were) wwh (& there) Nmtw After this He went down to Capernaum - He, His mother, His brothers and His disciples, and they were there a few days. 13: (of The Jews) aydwhyd (The Passover) axup (was) awh (& drawing near) byrqw (Yeshua) ewsy (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (& He went up) qlow 14: (those) Nylhl (in the temple) alkyhb (& He found) xksaw (& sheep) abrew (lambs) arwt (that were selling) Nynbzmd (who were sitting) Nybtyd (& money exchangers) anpremlw (& doves) anwyw And the Passover of the Jews was drawing near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and He found in the temple those that were selling lambs, sheep and doves, and money exchangers sitting. 15: (a whip) algrp (for himself) hl (& He made) dbew (& all of them) Nwhlklw (rope) albx (from) Nm (& the sheep) abrelw (the temple) alkyh (from) Nm (He cast out) qpa (& He poured out) dsaw (& the money exchangers) anpremlw (& the lambs) arwtlw (overturned) Kph (& their tables) Nwhyrwtpw (their money) Nwhnprwe And He made for Himself a whip from rope and cast all of them out of the temple and the sheep, the lambs, and money exchangers, and he poured out their money and overturned their tables. 16: (doves) anwy (that had been selling) Nynbzmd (& to those) Nwnhlw (& not) alw (from this place) akm (these things) Nylh (Carry) wlwqs (He said) rma (My Fathers) ybad (house) htybl (make) hnwdbet (of commerce) atrwgat (a house) tyb And to those who had been selling doves He said: Take these things out of here, and do not make My Fathers house a house of trade. 17:
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(His disciples) yhwdymlt (& called to mind) wrkdtaw (The zeal) hnnjd (that which is written) bytkd (has consumed me) ynlka (of Thy house) Ktybd And His disciples called to mind that which is written: The zeal of Your house has consumed Me Jesus had no patience for self serving religion and irreverence toward God. The glory of His Father and His goodness and love were everything to The Son of God, and He was always grieved how little men knew of it and believed in it. He also knew how much His Father would sacrifice for the salvation of the world, and could not tolerate shallowness and spiritual stupidity in those who were supposed to be teaching the people and leading them closer to God. 18: (& they said) wrmaw (The Jews) aydwhy (but) Nyd (answered) wne (sign) ata (what?) anm (to him) hl (you) tna (are showing) awxm (you) tna (do) dbe (that these things) Nylhd (to us) Nl But the Jews answered and said to Him: What sign are you showing us that you are doing these things? 19: (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (& in three ) atltlw (this) anh (temple) alkyh (Tear down) wrwto (it) hl (am) ana (raising) Myqm (I) ana (days ) Nymwy Jesus answered and said to them: Tear down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 20: (for forty) Nyebral (The Jews) aydwhy (to him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (temple) alkyh (has been being built) ynbta (years) Nyns (& six) tsw (days) Nymwy (in three ) atltl (& you) tnaw (this) anh (it?) hl (are) tna (raising) Myqm The Jews were saying to Him: For forty six years this temple has been being built, and will you raise it in three days? The temple Priests and Pharisees were literalists; they had no spiritual understanding. There are many today professing to be Christians who take everything very literally and miss the rich spiritual truths of scripture- (primarily a spiritual record of historical events with immense spiritual depth of meaning and power). 21: (concerning) le (He) awh (said) rma (but) Nyd (This) wh (of His body) hrgpd (the temple) alkyh But He said this concerning the temple of His body. 22: (from) Nm (but) Nyd (He arose) Mq (when) dk (were reminded) wrkdta (of death *) atym (the house *) tyb (said) rma (that this) adhd (his disciples) yhwdymlt (the scriptures) abtkl (& they believed) wnmyhw (He) awh (Yeshua) ewsy (that said) rmad (& the word) atlmlw * The house of death (Bayth Mitha) is an Aramaic idiom meaning,The grave. But when He had risen from the grave, His disciples were reminded that He had said this, and they believed the scriptures and the word that Jesus had spoken. 23: (but) Nyd (was) awh (staying) yhwtya (when) dk (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (Yeshua) ewsy (many) aaygo (during the feast) adedeb (at Passover) axupb (because they saw) wzxd (in Him) hb (trusted) wnmyh (that He performed) dbed (the signs) atwta But when Jesus was staying in Jerusalem at Passover during the feast, many trusted in Him because they saw the miracles that He performed. 24: (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (entrusting) Nmyhm (not) al (He) whd (because) ljm (Himself) hspn
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(all men) snlkl (was) awh (knowing) edy But Jesus did not entrust Himself to them, because He knew all men, 25: (that a man) snad (He) awh (needed) qyno (& not) alw (to him) hl (should testify) dhon (for) ryg (Himself) wh (man) snrb (every) lk (about) le (in a man) asnrbb (is) tya (what) anm (He) awh (knew) edy And He did not need a man to testify to Him about everyone, for He Himself knew what is in a man. Still Jesus knows who,among those who call themselves believers and Christians, actually knows Him and can be trusted. The important question every professor of religion must ask is not, Do I believe in God?, but Does God believe in me? There were many whom He did not trust in Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago, even among those who believed in Him. Does Jesus trust in you? Chapter 3 1: (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (was) awh (living) tya (Nicodemus) owmdqyn (The Pharisees) asyrp (from) Nm (man) arbg (one) dx (of The Jews) aydwhyd (a leader) anwkra (he was) awh (his name) hms One man of the Pharisees was living there; his name was Nicodemus.He was a leader of the Jews. 2: (in the night) ayllb (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (came) ata (This one) anh (Rabbi) ybr (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (God) ahla (that from) Nmd (we do know) Nnyedy (for) ryg (no) al (a teacher) anplm (You have been sent) trdtsa (these) Nylh (is able) xksm (man) sna (doing) dbe (that you) tnad (to do) dbeml (signs) atwta (were with him) hme (God) ahlad (because) Nm (unless) ala (are) tna This man came to Jesus at night and said to Him: Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher sent from God, for no man is able to do these miracles that you are doing unless God were with him. 3: (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (speak) rma [Timeless Truth]- (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (a man) sna (that if) Nad (to you) Kl (I) ana (it is impossible) xksm al *(again) syrd Nm (is born) dlytm (not) al (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) htwklm (that he shall see) azxnd Jesus answered and said to him: Timeless truth I am telling you: If a person is not born again, it is impossible for that one to see the kingdom of God. * [Again- syrd Nm -Min dreesh literally means From the top.] A person has no control or decision concerning his or her conception and birth. Birth is a result of a former act of the parents and of God. The verb Metilled(Born) is passive, indicating that birth, whether physical or spiritual, is an action performed upon the subject, not by him. Our Lord never intended to instruct or exhort Nicodemus to be born again. Jesus was telling him that Nicodemus was spiritually dead and knew nothing about God and His kingdom. No one knows God by instruction and education; One obtains this by a new birth from The Holy Spirit, straight from God Himself, according to His choice and purpose. 4: (How?) ankya (Nicodemus) owmdqyn (to him) hl (said) rma (a man) arbg (that shall be born) dlytnd (is it possible) xksm (again) bwt (Is it not impossible for him?)- [ xksm amld] (old) abo (a second) Nytrtd (of his mother) hmad (the womb) aorkl (& be born) dlytnw (to enter) leml (time) Nynbz
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Nicodemus said to Him: How can an old man be born? Is it not impossible for him again to enter his mothers womb a second time and be born? Nicodemus asked, How?. Jesus did not tell him how to do this; He said it is beyond us entirely and is unpredictable (see v.8). 5: (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth]- (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (not) al (a man) sna (that if) Nad (to you) Kl (& the Spirit) axwrw (water) aym (from) Nm (is born) dlytm (it is impossible) xksm al (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) atwklml (that he shall enter) lwend Jesus answered and said to him: Timeless truth I am telling you: If a person is not born from water and The Spirit, it is impossible that he shall enter the kingdom of God. [ Note: Amen in Aramaic has two basic meanings: Eternal and True. This double (Amen, Amen) use is unique to Johns Gospel in The N.T. and is used only by our Lord, indicating a very important revelation of eternal doctrine from The Eternal LORD Yeshua.] 6: (the flesh) arob (from) Nm (that which is born)- [ dylyd Mdm] (from) Nm (& that which is born)- [ dylyd Mdmw ] (is) wh (flesh) arob (is) wh (spirit) axwr (The Spirit) axwr That which is born from flesh is flesh, and that which is born from The Spirit is spirit. Man needs a spiritual nature in order to know eternal truth and God Himself. This can come only by a spiritual birth. Flesh (the human nature) cannot produce a spiritual nature or a spiritual life. 7: (that I said) trmad (be surprised) rmdtt (do not) al (that it is necessary) alwd (to you) Kl (again) syrd Nm (to be born) wdlytml (for you) Nwkl Do not be surprised that I said to you that you all must be born again. Our Lord Yeshua stated that Israels leaders and its people (plural you) required this spiritual second birth. Their religion had provided them with nothing but darkness and death. They were spiritually dead- all of them. 8: (that it-[He] will) aybud (the place) rta (the wind- [The Spirit]) axwr (hear) ems (& its sound [& His voice]) hlqw (it blows-[He breathes]) absn (from where) akmya (you) tna (know) edy (not) al (but) ala (you) tna (thus) ankh (it-[He]goes) alza (& where) akyalw (it-[He] comes) ayta (the wind-[The Spirit]) axwr (from) Nm (who is born) dylyd (everyone) snlk (is) yhwtya The Spirit breathes where He will, and you hear His voice, but you do not know from where He comes and where He goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit. Most of what is called evangelism in the western culture ignores this truth of scripture and betrays itself as ignorant and deceptive folly. We cannot program and orchestrate the new birth and produce Christians who have eternal life in them, yet there are many who have been deceived into believing that they can choose to be born again and command the presence of The Spirit of Holiness by a word, as if He were a genie, awaiting our orders. That is blasphemy and unbelief, not Christian faith. The Holy One breathes where He will, not where we will. We must humble ourselves before the Almighty Spirit if we ever expect to experience His presence and grace of salvation. There are seven double meanings in verse eight, deriving from Rukha (Spirit-Wind), Nashab (breathe,blow) and Qola (voice,sound) and their pronouns.Red brackets enclose the preferred translations.No wonder Nicodemus was confused, as the next verse indicates. 9: (& said) rmaw (Nicodemus) owmdqyn (answered) ane How?) ankya (to him) hl (be) awhml (these things) Nylh (can) Nxksm
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Nicodemus answered and said to Him, How can these things be? 10: (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (of Israel) lyroyad (the teacher) hnplm (are) wh (you) tna (to him) hl (you?) tna (know) edy (not) al (& these things) Nylhw Jesus answered and said to him: You are the teacher of Israel and you do not know these things? Here Jesus reproves Nicodemus for his sad ignorance and stupidity. Do not these words apply to all Judaism and Christianity today? How many recognize the Sovereignty of The Holy Spirit and His Divine prerogative in selecting whom He will regenerate and whom He will not?How many know that His children are born, not of blood, nor the will of a man, nor the will of the flesh, but of God? The Apostle Paul wrote: Tit 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we had done, but according to his mercy, he vivified us, by the washing of the new birth, and by the renovation of the Holy Spirit, also, Ro 10:3 For they know not the righteousness of God, but seek to establish their own righteousness: and therefore they have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God. James wrote: Of His own will He has begotten us by the word of truth, that we should be the first fruits of His creation. James 1:18 11: (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] -(Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (the things) Mdmd:(to you) Kl (are speaking) Nyllmm (We) Nnx (that know) Nyedyd (& the things) Mdmw (We) Nnx (We) Nnxna (testify) Nydhom (that We see) Nyzxd (not) al (& Our testimony) Ntwdhow (you) Nwtna (accept) Nylbqm Timeless truth I speak to you: The things that We know We are speaking and the things that We see We are testifying, and Our testimony you all do not accept. Israel rejected the direct first hand accounts of God Himself and of His Son. Notice that Yeshua Meshikha did not deliver second hand truth from His God; when he spoke of God and His works and words, Yeshua said We and Our. This Man spoke as if He were God Himself. It recalls Genesis 1:26: And God said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness. Do we really understand Who this Man Yeshua really is? To whom could He have been referring when he said, We and Our? But He always referred to His Father and Himself together as if He were always a part of Him. To reject The Son is to reject God. 12: (I have told) trma (that which in the earth) aerabd (if) Na (you are believing) Nynmyhm (& not) alw (you) Nwkl (you) Nwkl (I tell) rma (if) Na (How?) ankya (you) Nwtna (shall you believe me) ynnwnmyht (that which is in Heaven) aymsbd If I have told all of you that which is in the earth and you are not believing, how shall you believe Me if I tell you that which is in Heaven? Interesting that Meshikha (Aramaic for The Messiah) considered the new birth teaching and The work of The Holy Spirit as that which is in the earth. What could He have to teach us about Heaven? Would we believe Him? Actually the New Testament teaches some pretty amazing truths about Heaven, which most professing Christians do not believe, in my humble opinion, but I will not discuss those things here. 13: (has gone up) qlo (a man) sna (& not) alw (except) ala (to Heaven) aymsl (from) Nm (Who went down) txnd (He) wh (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (Heaven) ayms (in Heaven) aymsb (Who is) yhwtyad (He) wh And no man has gone up to Heaven except He Who went down from Heaven: The Son of Man -He Who is in Heaven.
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I am amazed at this; that Yeshua spoke of Himself as having come down from Heaven and yet being in Heaven. We normally think of His incarnation as limiting Him to one location at a time, like all humans, yet, He says He is in both Heaven and earth at once. See also 1:51 for the same truth. 14: (Moses) aswm (lifted up) Myrad (& just as) ankyaw (is going) dyte (thus) ankh (in the wilderness) arbdmb (the serpent) aywx (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (to be lifted up) wmrttml And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, thus The Son of Man is going to be lifted up. This refers to His crucifixion, prophetically. 15: (in Him) hb (who believes) Nmyhmd (man) sna (that every) lkd (but) ala (shall be lost) dban (not) al (for him) hl *(there shall be) Nwwhn * (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx *[Aramaic contains no verb meaning to have. Nehwoon lah- (There shall be for him) is an idiom used to indicate possession.] So that every person who believes in Him shall not be lost, but eternal life shall be his. Here is stated the purpose of His crucifixion. 16: (loved) bxa (for) ryg (In this way) ankh (the world) amlel (God) ahla (that His Son ) hrbld (in what manner?) ankya (that everyone) lkd (He would give up) ltn (The Only Begotten) aydyxy (not) al (in Him) hb (trusts) Nmyhmd (who) Nm (there shall be) Nwwhn* * (but) ala (shall be lost) dban (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (to him) hl* * *[Ibid.] For God loved the world in this way: So much that He would give up His Son, The Only One, so that everyone who trusts in Him shall not be lost, but eternal life shall be his. 17: (His Son ) hrbl (God) ahla (sent) rds (for) ryg (not) al (that He might condemn) yhwynwdnd (into the world) amlel (that He might give life) axnd (but) ala (the world) amlel (in His hand) hdyab (to the world) amlel For God did not send His Son into the world that He should condemn the world, but that he should give life to the world by His hand. 18: (not) al (in Him) hb (believes) Nmyhmd (whoever) Nm (believes) Nmyhm (not) ald (& whoever) Nmw (is being judged) Nydttm (he believes) Nmyh (because not) ald (is) wh (judged) Nyd (already)- wdk Nm (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (of The Only Begotten) aydyxyd (in His name) hmsb Whoever believes in Him is not judged, and whoever does not believe is judged already, because he does not believe in The Name of The Only Begotten Son of God. Verses 16 through 18 of John 3 are perhaps the most succinct and powerful revelation of The Gospel message,which makes the Christian faith unique and infinitely higher than other faiths. The statement God so loved the world is unprecedented in all of holy scripture and all religion. If He had said God hates the world, it would have not been much of a surprise. Mans superstitious nature and understanding of revelation would have led him to suspect God was angry and vindictive towards the world. The Jews believed God loved Israel and was indifferent, at best, toward the Gentiles. The Gentiles, such as The Greeks and Romans, thought the gods were generally indifferent toward men.None of the holy writ said anything close to God so loved the world.But the statement goes on: That He would give up His only Son It had been a hidden truth that God had a Son; an
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even deeper truth that he would give Him up. That those who trust in Him would have eternal life was never said or written prior to this statement of Yeshua to Nicodemus. Lest any think God spared Himself by giving up His Son, let it be remembered that The Son was an eternal and integral part of The Godhead; whatever transformation, suffering and death He were to suffer would involve the entire Godhead, as The Godhead is an indisoluble whole and Unity. In giving His Son, God gave Himself wholly up to us, as The Godhead is One.There can be no greater revelation of love than this, as there is no greater love than that someone should lay down his life for his friend. The parallel to the famous John 3:16 is 1 John 3:16: By this we know his love towards us, because He gave up his life for us: and we also ought to give up our lives for our brethren. Ntspn ltn Nyxa ypa led Nl qdz Nnx Paw Nyplx hspn bhy whd Ntwld hbwx Nnyedy adhb 16 God The Fathers love is no less great than that; He too gave up His Life for us; that Life is in His Son; More specifically, that Life is His Son, according to the word of Yeshua: I am the Way, The Truth and The Life. There is no other Life than He. The design of the atonement is not to destroy or condemn the world; its design is to save the world. An almighty Deity Who so designs and wills, even to the extreme of sacrificing Himself, cannot fail to secure the desired goal. There is nothing even close to being comparable to Him in power, wisdom, understanding and eternal glory, to oppose His will. We must then consider the redemption and salvation of the world done. One who denies this is not a believer, but an unbeliever in Messiah and His atonement. God has eternity on His side, not being confined to time at all, so that He can save in this world or in the eternal realm, contrary to common belief of many Protestants that We have hope in Christ only in this life. See 1 Cor. 15: 19: And if, in this life only, we have hope in the Messiah, we are the most miserable of all men. 20 But now the Messiah hath risen from the dead, and become the first-fruits of them that slept. 21 And as by a man came death, so also by a man came the reviviscence of the dead. 22 For as it was by Adam, that all men die, so also by the Messiah they all live. 19: (has come) ata (the Light) arhwnd:(the judgement) anyd (but) Nyd (this is) wnh (the children of men) asnynb (& loved) wbxaw (into the world) amlel (The Light) arhwnld (than) Nm (more) ryty (the darkness) akwsxl (evil) asyb (their works) Nwhydbe (for) ryg (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya This is the judgment: The Light has come into the world and the children of men loved the darkness more than The Light, for their works were evil. No more judgment than this is necessary. The wicked are wicked. Those who hate The Light seek darkness and live in darkness. The deepest darkest and most fearful hell is what a wicked person may become within, filled with hate, fear, rage,madness and despair. What is more fearful a prospect: To go where demons live in a fiery pit, or to become a demon, even while here on earth, and then to die in that condition? 20: (doing) dbe (what is hated) atynod (for) ryg (everyone) lk (comes) ata (& not) alw (the light) arhwnl (hates) ano (his works) yhwdbe (be convicted) Nwooktn (lest) ald (to the light) arhwnl For everyone who does what is hateful, hates The Light and does not come to The Light, lest his works should be convicted. 21: (comes) ata (The Truth) arrs (who does) dbed (but) Nyd (he) wh (that may be revealed) Nwedytnd (the Light) arhwn (to) twl (they are performed) Nydybe (that by God) ahlabd (his works) yhwdbe But he who does The Truth, comes to The Light. So that his works may be revealed, that they are performed by God. 22: (came) ata (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (& his disciples) yhwdymltw (Yeshua) ewsy (& there) Nmtw (of Judea) dwhyd (to the land) aeral (& baptized) dmemw (with them) Nwhme (he) awh (was employed) Kphtm After these things, Jesus and His disciples came to the land of Judea, and He was employed there with them and He baptized.
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23: (was) awh (baptizing) dmem (but) Nyd (John) Nnxwy (also) Pa (because) ljm (Shalim) Myls (the side of) bng (upon) led (in Ainion) Nwynyeb (there) Nmt (were)- wwh tya (the waters) aymd (& were baptized) Nydmew (were) wwh (also coming) Nytaw (many) aaygo But John was also baptizing in Ainion next to Shalim, because there was water there, and many were coming and were baptized. 24: (had) awh (fallen) lpn (yet) lykde (for) ryg (not) al (into prison)- aryoa tyb (John) Nnxwy For John had not yet gone to prison. 25: (for one) dxl (a dispute) ateb (but) Nyd (there) twh (was) twh (of John) Nnxwyd (the disciples) yhwdymlt (from) Nm (purification) atykdt (about) le (certain) dx (a Judean) aydwhy (with) Me But there was a dispute between one of Johns disciples and a certain Judeaen about purification. 26: (& they said) wrmaw (John) Nnxwy (to) twl (& they came) wtaw (was) awh (who with you) Kmed (he) wh (our master) Nbr (to him) hl (of whom you) tnad (of Jordan) Nndrwyd (at the crossing) arbeb (also) Pa (Behold) ah (about him) yhwle (testified) tdho (is baptizing) dmem (He) wh (to him) htwl (are coming) Nyta (& many) aaygow And they came to John and said to him: Our Rabbi, He who was with you at the crossing of Jordan about Whom you testified, Behold, He is baptizing and many are coming to Him. 27: (not) al (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (John) Nnxwy (answered) ane (from) Nm (receive) boml (a son of man ) asnrb (can) xksm (of himself) hspn (the will) twbu (it is given) bhyta (unless)- Na ala (anything) Mdm (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (to him) hl John answered and said to them: A man cannot receive anything of his own will unless it is given to him from Heaven. 28: (to me)yl (are) Nwtna (bearing witness) Nydho (you) Nwtna (The Messiah) axysm (am) tywh (not) al (that I) anad (that I said) trmad (before Him) yhwmdqd (I am) ana (one sent) axyls (but) ala You are bearing me witness that I said I am not The Messiah, but I am one sent before Him. 29: (the bride) atlk *(to him) hl (is) tyad (He who) Nm (but) Nyd (the friend) hmxr (is) wh (the bridegroom) antx (who stands) Maqd (he) wh (of the bridegroom) antxd (great) atbr (in joy) atwdx (to him) hl (& listens) tauw (the voice) hlq (because of) ljm (rejoices) adx (therefore) lykh (this) adh (of the bridegroom) antxd (full) aylmm (is) wh (Behold) ah (my) ylyd (joy) atwdx He who has the bride is the bridegroom, but the friend of the bridegroom who stands and listens for Him rejoices with great joy because of the voice of the bridegroom. Therefore this my joy, behold, it is full. *[Aramaic contains no verb meaning to have. Aith lah- (There is for him) is an idiom used to indicate possession.] 30: (it is necessary) alw (it) wh (for Him) whl
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(to decrease) rubml (& for me) ylw (increase) abrml It is necessary for Him to increase and for me to decrease. 31: (came) ata (above) lel (who from) Nmd (for) ryg (He) wh (He is) wh (all) lk (higher than)- Nm lel (the earth) aera (who is from) Nmd (& he) whw (is) wh (the soil) aera (from) Nm (is speaking) llmm (the earth) aera (& from) Nmw (The Heavens) ayms (who from) Nmd (is) wh (all) lk (higher than)- Nm lel (came) ata For He Who came from above is higher than all, and he who is from Earth is from the soil, and speaks from the earth. He Who came from Heaven is higher than all. 32: (& he heard) emsw (that he saw) azxd (& the thing) Mdmw (& his testimony) htwdhow (he was testifying) dhom (it) wh (is receiving) lbqm (a man) sna (not) al And whatever He saw and heard He testified, and no one is receiving His testimony. 33: (His testimony) htwdho (who receives) lbqd (but) Nyd (He) wh (is) wh (true) aryrs (that God) ahlad (attests) Mtx But he who receives His testimony attests that God is true. 34: (has sent) hrds (God) ahlad (for) ryg (He Whom) anya (does speak) llmm (of God) ahlad (He) wh (the words) alm (in a measure) alykb (for) ryg (it was) awh (not) al (The Spirit) axwr (God) ahla (has given) bhy For He Whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for it was not in a measure that God has given The Spirit. 35: (things) Mdm (& all) lkw (The Son) arbl (loves) bxm (The Father) aba (into His hands) yhwdyab (He has given) bhy The Father loves The Son and He has given all things into His hands. All things is all God the Father has and is. Col 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;. Col 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. All things also includes all creation and all creatures,all people- and that means you! You are in His hand, and always will be. 36: (in The Son) arbb (is trusting) Nmyhmd (whoever) Nm (eternal) Mleld (the life) ayx (for him) hl (there is) tya (disobeys) - oypjtm ald (& whoever) Nmw (but) ala (life) ayx (shall see) azxn (not) al (The Son) arbl (against him) yhwle (shall stand) awqn (of God) ahlad (the rage) hzgwr Whoever is trusting in The Son, The Eternal Life is his, and whoever disobeys The Son shall not see The Life, but the rage of God shall stand against him. Gods rage is impossible to withstand. He will have His way in your life, one way or another. His purpose, however, is not to destroy the soul, but to save it. He is willing to destroy the body to save the spirit, if he must. That is not a pleasant prospect, to say the least. Chapter 4 1: (that heard) wemsd (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (knew) edy
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(He made) dbe (many) aaygo (that disciples) adymltd (Pharisees) asyrp (John) Nnxwy (than) Nm (more) ryty (& was baptizing) dmemw But Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard He was making many disciples and was baptizing more than John. 2: (Yeshua) ewsy (Himself) wh (it was) awh (not) al (when) dk (His disciples were) yhwdymlt (but) ala (was) awh (baptizing) dmem When it was not Jesus Himself baptizing, but His disciples. 3: (& went on) lzaw (Judea) dwhyl (& He left) hqbsw (to Galilee) alylgl (again) bwt (Himself) hl And He left Judea, and went on again to Galilee. 4: (but) Nyd (for him) hl (it was) twh (necessary) adbem (pass beyond) rben (that He should come) atand (of the Samaritans)* ayrms (the house)* tyb (beyond) le But it was necessary for Him to come and pass through Samaria. Byth Shamarya is an Aramaic idiom (common to place names) meaning Samaria. 5: (Samaritan) ayrmsd (to a city) atnydml (& He came) ataw (on) le (Shikar) rks (that is called) ayrqtmd (of the village) atyrq (the side) bng (his son) hrb (to Joseph) Powyl (Jacob) bwqey (had) awh (that given) bhyd And He came to a Samaritan city called Shikar, beside the village that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6: (there) Nmt (& there was)- awh tyaw (of water) aymd (a spring) anyem (but) Nyd (it is) wh (of Jacob) bwqeyd (was) awh (weary) aal (Yeshua) ewsy (of the road) axrwad (the labor) alme (from) Nm (Himself) hl (he was) awh (& sitting down ) btyw (the spring) anyem (at) le (hour) Nyes (the sixth) ts (& it was)- ywh tyaw And Jacobs spring of water was there, and Jesus,weary from walking, sat down at the spring at the sixth hour (around noon). 7: (Samaria) Nyrms (from) Nm (a woman) attna (& came) ttaw (to her) hl (& said) rmaw (with water) aym (to fill up) almtd (to drink) atsa (water) aym (me)yl (give) bh (Yeshua) ewsy And a woman from Samaria came to draw water and Jesus said to her, Give Me water to drink. 8: (they) wwh (they entered) wle (for) ryg (His disciples) yhwdymlt (that they could buy) Nwnbznd (the city) atnydml (provisions) atrbyo (for themselves) Nwhl For His disciples had entered the city to buy provisions for themselves. 9: (the woman) attna (that) yh (to Him) hl (she said) arma (How is it?) ankya (Samaritan) atyrms (are) tna (a Jew) aydwhy (you) tna
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(should ask) lasy (also one who) Nmw (of one who is) ytyad (to drink) atsml (you) tna (for) ryg (not) al (Samaritan) atyrms (a woman) attna (The Samaritans) ayrms (with) Me (The Jews) aydwhy (do associate) Nyxsxtm And the Samaritan woman said to Him, How is it that You, a Jew, should ask for a drink of a Samaritan woman? For the Jews do not associate with the Samaritans. 10: (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (what is) ytywh (you knew) aedy (If only) wla (to her) hl (& Who is) wnmw (of God) ahlad (the gift) atbhwm (to drink) atsa (Me) yl (Give) bh (to you) ykl (Who says) rmad (This One) anh (His) hl (what is) ytywh (would have asked for) alas (you) ytna (living) ayx (waters) aym (you) ykl (He) awh (& would have given) bhyw Jesus answered and said to her, If only you knew what the gift of God is, and Who This is Who says to you, Give Me to drink, you would have asked for what He has, and He would have given you living waters. 11: (woman) attna (to him) hl (said) arma (bucket) alwd (no) al (my Lord) yrm (this) yh *(is there for you)- Kl tya (is deep) aqyme (& the well) arbw (living) ayx (waters) aym (are for you) Kl (from where?) akmya mya *[Aramaic contains no verb meaning to have. Aith lak- (There is for you) is an idiom used to indicate possession.] This woman said to Him, My Lord, you have no bucket and the well is deep. From where do you have living waters? 12: (our Father) Nwba (than) Nm (you) tna (greater) br (are?) tna aml (to us) Nl (gave) bhy (who) whd (he) wh (Jacob) bwqey (he drank) ytsa (from it) hnm (& he) whw (this) adh (well) arb (& his flock) hnew (& his children) yhwnbw Are you greater than our forefather Jacob, he who gave us this well, and he drank from it, also his children and his flock? 13: (to her) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (from) Nm (who shall drink) atsnd (everyone) lk (shall thirst) ahun (again) bwt (waters) aym (these) Nylh Jesus answered and said to her, Everyone who shall drink from these waters shall thirst again. 14: (from) Nm (who shall drink) atsnd (but) Nyd (everyone) lk (to him) hl (I will give) lta (that I) anad (the waters) aym (the waters) aym (but) ala (forever) Mlel (shall thirst) ahun (not) al (to him) hl (I) ana (that give) bhyd (those) Nwnh (of water) aymd (a spring) anyem (in him) hb (shall be) Nwwhn (eternal) Mleld (to life) ayxl (that springs up) Nyebnd But everyone who shall drink of the waters that I will give him shall not thirst for eternity, but those waters that I give him shall be a spring of water in him that shall spring up into eternal life. 15: (this) yh (woman) attna (to him) hl (said) arma (give) bh (my Lord) yrm (waters) aym (these) Nylh (from) Nm (me)yl (& not) alw (I shall thirst) ahua (again) bwt (that not) ald (here) akrh (from) Nm (drawing) ayld (coming) ayta (I am) tywh This woman said to Him, My lord, give me from these waters that I shall not thirst again, and so I am not coming to draw from here.
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16: (call) yrq (Go) ylz (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (here) akrhl (& come) ytw (your husband) yklebl Jesus said to her, Go call your husband and come here. 17: (to him) hl (she said) arma (a husband) aleb (there is not to me)* yl tyl (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (you have said) ytrma (correctly) ryps (a husband) aleb (there is not to me) *yl tyld *[Aramaic contains no verb meaning to have. Laith lai- (There is not to me a husband) is an idiom used to indicate a negative of possession: I have no husband.] She said to Him, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, You have said correctly, I have no husband. 18: (there were) wwh (husbands) Nyleb (for) ryg (five) asmx (now) ash (with you) ykl (that is) tyad (& this one) anhw (to you) ykl (your husband) ykleb (is) awh (not) al (you have said) ytrma (truly) atryrs (this) adh For you have had five husbands, and this man that is with you now is not your husband, this you have spoken truly. 19: (this) yh (to Him) hl (she said) arma (I perceive) ayzx (my Lord) yrm (woman) attna (you are) tna (that a prophet) aybnd (I) ana The woman said to Him, My lord, I perceive that you are a prophet. 20: (mountain) arwj (in this) anhb (our fathers) Nyhba (saying) Nyrma (& you) Nwtnaw (worshipped) wdgo (is) wh (that in Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd (are) Nwtna (to worship) dgoml (it is necessary) alwd (the place where) rta Our forefathers worshipped in this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where it is necessary to worship. 21: (woman) attna (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (the hour) ates (that is coming) aytad (Believe me) ynynmyh (neither)- [al Paw] (mountain) arwj (in this) anhb (that not) ald (The Father) abal (will you worship) Nwdgot (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me that the hour is coming that neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. 22: (are) Nwtna (worshiping) Nydgo (you) Nwtna (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (that not) ald (the thing) Mdml (that) aml (are) Nnx (worshiping) Nydgo (but) Nyd (we) Nnx (He Who is The Life) ayxd: (we) Nnx (which know) Nyedyd (is) Nwna (The Jews) aydwhy (from) Nm You are worshiping what you do not know. We know what we are worshiping: He Who is The Life is of the Jews. 23: (& now) ashw (the hour ) ates (is coming) ayta (but) ala (true) aryrs (the worshippers) adwgod - (when)- ytma (is) hytya (The Father) abal (shall worship) Nwdgon (& in The Truth) arrsbw (in The Spirit) axwrb (such as) Kyad (for) ryg (The Father) aba (also) Pa
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(is seeking) aeb (worshippers) adwgo (are) wh (these) Nylh But the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshippers will worship The Father in The Spirit and in The Truth for also The Father is seeking such worshippers as these. 24: (God) ahla (for) ryg (is) wh (The Spirit) axwr (in The Spirit) axwrb (Him) hl (who worship) Nydgod (& those) Nylyaw (worship) Nwdgond -(it is fitting)- alw (& in The Truth) arrsbw For The Spirit is God, and it is fitting that those who worship Him worship in The Spirit and in The Truth. 25: (this) yh (woman) attna (to him) hl (said) arma (I) ana (know) aedy (is coming) ata (that The Messiah) axysmd (He comes) atad (& when) amw (all things) Mdmlk (us) Nl (will teach) Plm (He) wh The woman said to Him, I know that The Messiah is coming, and when he comes, He will teach us all things. 26: (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (I AM The Living God) * ana ana (with you) ykme (I) ana (Who am speaking) llmmd Jesus said to her, I AM the Living God, I Who am speaking with you. *[Ena Na in Aramaic is almost always a reference to The Name of God and is used to indicate direct discourse from the mouth of God Himself: I AM THAT I AM- Exodus 3:14, where God reveals His Name as I AM- Ahiah, in Hebrew and Aramaic. Johns Gospel contains 25 instances of this phrase- 23 from the lips of our Lord Himself. In one instance, His utterance of this Name is so powerful that it knocks down a band of soldiers backward to the ground, who had come to arrest God. (See 18:6) Our Lord also responded with this Name to the high priest Caiaphas, when put under oath to testify as to His identity.The Peshitta OT in Ezekiel has Ena Na 70 times; Nine other OT books contain 67; All but three of the 147 (98%) total occurrences are from the mouth of God Himself:I AM Jehovah, I AM Jehovah of Lords, I AM Jehovah, I AM God Almighty, I AM The God of Abraham; one is the discourse of Joseph: I am Joseph.There are exceptions in The NT Peshitta as well, but it appears that Johns record is unanimous in testimony to the Divine reference in these words, all from Jesus lips. I have chosen George Lamsas rendering of Ahiah Ashar High from Exodus 3:14: I AM The Living God, for Ena Na.These words are implied but not unequivocal,since the literal sense may be taken as the pronoun and verb pair- I am. Most often, the hearer took the latter meaning from these words; sometimes the Divine meaning. I have no doubt our Lord used them intentionally in the Divine sense in almost every, if not in every case, as a test of faith and understanding for his audience. I would therefore be remiss to omit the Divine sense from a translation, while also including the mundane meaning.This does illuminate some obscure passages, especially where the statement stands alone: So you may know that I am., does not make good sense. So you may know that I am The Living God, makes excellent sense. This stand alone statement occurs five times in John: -( 8:24,28; 13:19, 18:6,8). 27: (came) wta (He was speaking) llmm (& when) dkw (they were) wwh (& amazed) Nyrmdtmw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (the woman) attna (that with) Med (a man) sna (but) Nyd (not) al (He was speaking) llmm (you) tna (are seeking) aeb (what?) anm (said) rma (with her) hme (you) tna (are speaking) llmm (why?) anm (or) wa And while He was speaking, His disciples came and they were amazed that he was speaking with the woman, but no man said, What are you seeking?, or, Why are you speaking with her?. 28: (her cruse) htlwq (& she left) tqbsw (to the city) atnydml (& she went) tlzaw (the woman) attna (to the men) asnal (& she said) armaw And the woman left her cruse and went to the city and said to the men:
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29: (who told) rmad (a man) arbg (see) wzx (Come)wt (thing) Mdm (every) lk (me) yl (The Messiah) axysm (Is he?)- wywh aml (that I have done) tdbed Come see a man who told me everything that I have done. Is He The Messiah? 30: (the city) atnydm (from) Nm (the men) asna (& departed) wqpnw (to Him) htwl (they) wwh (& came) Nytaw And the men departed from the city and they came to Him. 31: (they) wwh (were begging) Nyeb (these things) Nylh (& in the midst of) tnybw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of him) hnm (Eat) oel (our Master) Nbr (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw And in the midst of these things His disciples were begging Him and were saying to Him, Our Master, eat. 32: (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (He) wh (which) adya (to eat) lwkad (food) atlwkam (for me) yl (there is) tya (are) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy (not) al (you) Nwtnad But He said to them, I have food to eat of which you do not know. 33: (the disciples) adymlt (were saying) Nyrma (did someone give him?)- hl ytya sna aml (among themselves) Nwhynyb (to eat) lkaml (something) Mdm The disciples were saying among themselves, Did someone give Him something to eat? 34: (My food) ytlwkam (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (that I do) dbead (is) hytya (belonging to Me) ylyd (of Him Who) Nmd (the will) hnybu (his work) hdbel (& to finish) yhwymlsaw (has sent Me) ynrdsd Jesus said to them, My personal food is that I do the will of Him Who has sent Me and to finish His work. 35: (say) Nyrma (do you) Nwtna (not?) al (comes) ata (months) Nyxry (four) aebra (after) rtbd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (Behold) ah (the harvest) adux (the fields) atera (& behold) wzxw (your eyes) Nwkynye (lift up) wmyrad (even now)- wdk Nm (to harvest) aduxl (& are ready) yjmw (that are white) rwxd Do you not say, After four months the harvest comes? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and behold the fields that are white and are ready to harvest even now. 36: (wages) arga (reaps) duxd (& whoever) anyaw (for life) ayxl (fruit) arap (& he gathers) snkw (receives) bon (& the sower) aewrzw (eternal) Mleld (shall rejoice) Nwdxn (together) adxka (& the reaper) adwuxw And whoever reaps receives wages and he gathers fruit for life eternal and the sower and reaper shall rejoice together. 37: (of Truth) arrsd (a word) atlm (is) hytya (for) ryg (In this) adhb (reaps) dux (& another) Nyrxaw (sowing) erz (is) wh (that one) Nyrxad For in this is a word of truth, that One sows and another reaps.
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38: (that not) ald (something) Mdm (to harvest) duxml (sent you) Nwktrds (I) ana (in it) hb (laboring) Nwtyal (you) Nwtna (were) awh (& you) Nwtnaw (labored) wyal (for) ryg (another) anrxa (their) Nwnhd (labors) Nwhlme (upon) le (have entered) Nwtle I sent you to harvest something in which you were not laboring, for another labored and you have entered upon their labors. 39: (but) Nyd (city) atnydm (that) yh (from) Nm (in him) hb (believed) wnmyh (many) aaygo (the saying) htlm (because of) ljm (Samaritans) ayrms (which she testified) adhomd (that) yh (of the woman) attnad (that I have done) tdbed (everything) Mdmlk (me)yl (told) rmad (He) twh Many Samaritans from that city believed in Him because of the womans saying which she testified: He told me everything that I have done. 40: (those) Nwnh (to him) htwl (they came) wta (& when) dkw (they requested) web (Samaritans) ayrms (with them) Nwhtwl (that He would stay) awhnd (from him) hnm (days ) Nymwy (two) Nyrt (with them) Nwhtwl (& he was) awhw And when those Samaritans came to Him, they requested of Him that He would stay with them, and He was with them for two days. 41: (His word) htlm (because of) ljm (in Him) hb (believed) wnmyh (& many) aaygow And many believed in Him because of His word. 42: (to the woman) attnal (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (because of) ljm (it is) awh (not) al (that now) lykmd (that) yh (we) Nnx (in him) hb (are) Nnx (believing) Nynmyhm (your word) yktlm (that This One is) wnhd (& we know) Nedyw (we have heard) Nems (for) ryg (of the world) amled (The Lifegiver) hnyxm (The Messiah) axysm (truly) tyaryrs And they were saying to that woman, Now it is not because of your word that we believe in Him, for we have heard and we know that This One is truly The Messiah, The Lifegiver of the world. The Critical Greek text omits The Messiah in this verse. Here are three different possible scripts for the Aramaic text of Messiah Savior:

hnyxm a0xy$m Estrangela Aramaic script (AD 100-600)

hnyxm axysm Massoretic Square Aramaic script (BHS)
, - Pre- Massoretic Square Aramaic script (400 BC- AD 100).

In the Aramaic Peshitta, the two words occur together as above. All that is needed to account for the Greek reading of the Critical text is homoteleuton (same ending) of the two words in the third script, as represented by The Great Isaiah Dead Sea Scroll (Letters are pasted from a photocopy of the scroll). Both words have five letters and the first and last letters of each look the same (Alep and He look almost identical in this ancient script, unlike the more modern fonts). Each also has a middle Yod and initial Mem. It would appear, then, that a Greek translator,of the first century AD, saw tyaryrs (truly) and translated it, then his eye went to (Savior),

skipping (Messiah), due to the similarities noted. Another Greek translator may have done the same (Byzantine) and then caught his error, tacking on Messiah: at the very end (o cristov), thus changing the word order as found in the Aramaic original.
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The words in Estrangela script are not as similar in appearance as the they are in the older square Aramaic characters. That does not mean they could not account for such a mistake, simply that the older script is more likely to do so. This is consistent with other variations in the Greek text of John, presented previously. 43: (Yeshua) ewsy (went out) qpn (days) Nymwy (two) Nyrt (& after) rtbw (to Galilee) alylgl (& went on) lzaw (there) Nmt (from) Nm And after two days, Jesus went out from there and left for Galilee. 44: (testifying) dho (Yeshua) ewsy (for) ryg (had been) wh (is honored) rqytm (not) al (in his city) htnydmb (that a prophet) aybnd For Jesus had been testifying that a prophet is not honored in his city. 45: (to Galilee) alylgl (He came) ata (but) Nyd (when) dk (The Galilaeans) aylylg (received Him) yhwlbq (the signs) atwta (because they saw) wzxd (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (that He did) dbed (all) lk (they had gone) wta (at the feast) adedeb (were) wwh (to the feast) adedel (they) Nwnh (also) Paw (for) ryg But when He came to Galilee, the Galilaeans received Him because they saw all the miracles that He did in Jerusalem at the feast, for they had also gone to the feast. 46: (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (but) Nyd (came) ata (of Galilee) alylgd (to Qatna) anjql (the water) aym (He made) dbed (where) akya (in Capernakhum) Mwxnrpkb (there was) awh (& staying) tyaw (wine) armx (a certain) dx (of a king) aklm (a servant) dbe (was) awh (ill) hyrk (whose son ) hrbd But Jesus came again to Qatna of Galilee, where He had made the water wine, and a servant of a certain king was staying in Kapernakhum, whose son was ill. 47: (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (that came) atad (heard) ems (this one) anh (& he went on) lzaw (to Galilee) alylgl (Judea) dwhy (was) awh (& imploring) aebw (to him) htwl (and heal) aoanw (that he would come down) twxnd (him) hnm (to dying) tmml (for) ryg (he was) awh (coming close): byrq (his son) hrbl This man had heard that Jesus came from Judea to Galilee and he went on to Him and was imploring Him to come down and heal his son, for he was coming close to dying. 48: (signs) atwta (if) Na (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (you will see) Nwzxt (not) al (& wonders) atrmdtw (you will believe) Nwnmyht (not) al Jesus said to him, If you will not see signs and wonders, you will not believe. 49: (of the king) aklm (servant) dbe (that) wh (to him) hl (said) rma (the boy)- aylj hl (dies) tam (or else) alde (come down) twx (my Lord) yrm That servant of the king said to Him, My lord, come down or else the boy will die. 50: (living) yx (your son) Krb:(Go) lz (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (in the word) atlmb (the man) arbg (himself) wh (& believed) Nmyhw (is) wh (& he went on) lzaw (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (that said) rmad
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Jesus said to him, Go, your son is living. And that man believed in the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went on. 51: (was going down) txn (but) Nyd (when) dk (his servants) yhwdbe (met him) yhwera (he was) awh (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& they announced good news to him) yhwrbow (is saved) ayx (your son) Krb (to him) hl But when he was going down, his servants met him, and they announced good news to him and were saying to him, Your son is saved. 52: (time) ande (in which) anyab (them) Nwna (& he asked) lasw (yesterday) ylmta (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (he was cured) Mlxta (the fever) atsa (left him) htqbs (hour) Nyes (in the seventh) ebsb And he asked them at what time he was cured; they were saying to him, Yesterday, in the seventh hour, the fever left him. 53: (hour) ates (that in this) yhbd (his father) yhwba (& knew) edyw (your son) Krbd (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (that in it) hbd (he) wh (& believed) Nmyhw: (is saved) ayx (all) hlk (& his household) htybw And his father knew that in the same hour, Jesus said to him, Your son is saved. And he believed and his whole household. 54: (Yeshua) ewsy (did) dbe (second) Nytrtd (the sign) ata (again) bwt (This is) adh (to Galilee) alylgl (Judea) dwhy (from) Nm (He came) ata (when) dk This is again the second miracle Jesus did when He came from Judea to Galilee. Chapter 5 1: (there was) awh (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (Yeshua) ewsy (& went up) qlow (of The Jews) aydwhyd (a feast) adede After these things there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2: (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (there was)- awh tya (a certain) adx (place) atkwd (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (Byth-Hesda) adoxtyb (in Hebrew) tyarbe (called) ayrqtmd (of baptism) atydwmemd (porches) Nywjoa (five) asmx (in it) hb (& there were) awh tyaw But there was a certain baptismal place in Jerusalem called in Hebrew, Byth-Hesda, and there were in it five porches. 3: (were) wwh (lying) Nymr (& in these) Nylhbw (who were ill) ahyrkd (many) aaygo (people) ame (& malignant) asybyw (& crippled) aoygxw (& blind ones) aymow (of the water) aymd (the moving) aewzl (they were) wwh (& awaiting) Nykomw And in these many people were lying who were ill, blind, crippled, cancerous, and they were awaiting the moving of the water. 4: (from time to time)- Nbz Nbzb (for) ryg (an angel) akalm (to the baptismal) atydwmeml (to it) hl (was) awh (descending) txn (the water) ayml (for them) Nwhl (he) awh (& moved) eyzmw (was) awh (descending) txn (whoever first)- aymdqd anyaw (of the water) aymd (the moving) aewz (after) rtb Nm (of all) lk (himself) awh (was cured) Mlxtm (to him) hl (there was) awh tyad (whatever) anya (sickness) abak
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For an angel descended from time to time and moved the water for them; whoever first descended after the moving of the water, was cured of all sickness whatever he had. 5: (who thirty) Nytltd (a certain) dx (man) arbg (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (there was) awh tya (in the disease) anhrwkb (was)- awh yhwtya (years) Nyns (& eight) anmtw But a certain man was there who was diseased for thirty eight years. 6: (& knowing) edyw (lying) amrd (Yeshua) ewsy (saw) azx (this one) anhl (upon him) hl (it is) tya (long) aaygo (that a time) anbzd (that you should be cured) Mlxttd (you) tna (Do want?) abu (to him) hl (& He said) rmaw Jesus saw this man lying, and He knew that he had been so for a long time, and He said to him: Do you want to be cured? 7: (& said) rmaw (the sick one) ahyrk (he) wh (answered) ane (but) Nyd (for me)yl (there is not) tyl (my Lord) yrm (Oh) Nya (the waters) aym (are moved) weyzttad (who when) amd (a man) sna (while) de (but) ala (in the baptismal) atydwmemb (shall lay me) ynymrn (descends) txn (before me)- ymdq Nm (another) Nyrxa (am) ana (coming) ata (I) ana The sick man answered and said: Oh, my lord, there is no one to put me in the baptismal when the waters are moved, but while I am coming, another goes down before me. 8: (stand up) Mwq (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (& walk) Klhw (your bed) Kore (pick up) lwqs Jesus said to him: Pick up your bed and walk. 9: (that) wh (man) arbg (was healed) Mlxta (an hour)*- htes (& son of) rbw (& he walked) Klhw (his bed) hore (took) lqs (& he stood up) Mqw (was it) twh (the Sabbath) atbs (the day) amwy (was) wh ( & it ) whw * Son of an hour- Bar Shatha, is an Aramaic idiom, meaning, Immediately. This one occurs 32 times in The Peshitta, from Matthew to Galatians.It would not come from Greek, as the Greek N.T. does not contain this term. And immediately that man was healed, and he stood up, took his bed, and he walked, and it was the Sabbath day. 10: (The Jews) aydwhy (to him) hl (& were saying) Nyrmaw (it is) yh (The Sabbath) atbs (who was healed) yoatad (to him) whl (your bed) Kore (that you carry) lwqstd (to you) Kl (it is permitted) jyls (not) al And the Jews were saying to him who was healed: It is the Sabbath. You are not permitted to carry your bed. 11: (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (he) wh (He) wh (well) amylx (The One who made me) yndbed (He) wh (& walk) Klhw (your bed) Kore (Take up) lwqsd (to me) yl (said) rma But he answered and said to them: He who made me well, he said to me, Take up your bed and walk. 12: (Man) arbg (This) anh (Who is?) wnm (& they asked him) yhwlasw (& walk) Klhw (your bed) Kore (Take up) lwqsd (to you) Kl (Who said) rmad And they asked him: Who is this man who said to you, Take up your bed and walk? 13: (was) awh (knowing) edy (not) al (that was healed) yoatad (but) Nyd (he) wh (had withdrawn) yngta (for) ryg (Yeshua) ewsy (Who is) wnm (great) aaygo (in the crowd) asnkb (Himself) hl (He) awh
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Gospels The Holy Gospel Preaching of John Nnxwydd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa

(that) yh (in place) atkwdb (that was)- awh tyad But he that had been healed did not know who Jesus was, for He had withdrawn Himself in the great crowd that was in that place. 14 (in the temple) alkyhb (Yeshua) ewsy (found him) hxksa (a time) Nbz (after) rtb (again) bwt (you are ) tna (well) Mylx (Behold) ah (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (to you) Kl (shall happen) awhn (lest) amld (sin) ajxt (do not) al (before) aymdq (worse than)- Nm sybd (something) Mdm After a time Jesus found him in the temple and said to him: Behold, you are well again; do not sin, lest something worse than before should happen to you. 15 (to the Jews) aydwhyl (& said) rmaw (man) arbg (that) wh (& went on) lzaw (Who had healed him) hmlxad (He) wh (was) wh (that Jesus) ewsyd And that man departed and said the the Jews that Jesus was the One Who had healed him. 16 (The Jews) aydwhy (were) wwh (pursuing) Nypdr (this) adh (& because of) ljmw (to kill Him) hljqml (they were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw ( eshua) ewsyl (on the Sabbath) atbsb (He) awh (did) dbe (because these things) Nylhd And because of this, the Jews were persecuting Jesus and were seeking to kill Him, beecause He did these things on the Sabbath. 17 (My Father) yba (to them) Nwhl (said) rma ( eshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (Himself) wh (am) ana (working) dbe (I) ana (also) Pa (is working) dbe (this hour) ashl (until) Made But Jesus Himself said to them: My Father is working until this hour, and I am also working. 18 (were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (especially) tyaryty (this) adh (& because of) ljmw (only) dwxlb (not) al (to kill Him) hljqml (The Jews) aydwhy (also) Pa (but) ala (the Sabbath) atbs (He) awh (because broke) arsd (is) yhwtya (His Father) yhwbad (God) ahla (because He alleged) led (also equal) awsmw (He) awh (saying) rma (God) ahla (with) Me ( Himself) hspn (was) awh And because of this, the Jews were especially seeking to kill Him, not only because He broke the Sabbath, but also because He alleged that God was His Father, saying He even was equal with God. 19 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (answered) ane (you) Nwkl (I) ana (tell) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (anything) Mdm (do) dbe (the Son) arb (can) xksm (that not) ald (that He sees) azxd (the thing) Mdm (but) ala (of Himself) hspn (the will) twbu (from) Nm (that the Father) abad (for) ryg (those things) Nylya (is doing) dbed (The Father) abal (does) dbe (like Him) htwka (The Son) arb (also) Pa (these) Nylh (does) dbe But Jesus answered and said to them: Timeless truth I tell you: The Son cannot do anything of His own will, but the thing He sees The Father is doing; for those things that The Father does, these also The Son does like Him. 20 (His Son ) hrbl (loves ) Mxr (for) ryg (The Father) aba (Him) hl (He shows) awxm (that He does) dbed (& everything) Mdmlkw (He shows) awxm (deeds) adbe (these) Nylh (than) Nm (& greater) Nyrytydw (may be astonished) Nwrmdtt (that you) Nwtnad (Him) hl For The Father loves His Son and He shows Him everything He does, and greater deeds than these He will show Him, that you may be astonished.
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21 (the dead) atym (raises) Myqm (The Father) abad (for) ryg (just as) ankya (The Son) arb (also) Pa (thus) ankh (to them) Nwhl (& gives life) axmw (He gives life) axm (whom He will) abud (to those) Nylyal For just as The Father raises the dead and gives them life, thus also The Son gives life to them whom He will. 22 (a man) snal (Who judges) Nad (The Father) aba (for) ryg (it is) awh (not) al (to The Son) arbl (He has given) hbhy (judgment) anyd (all) hlk (but) ala For it is not The Father Who judges a man, but He has given all judgment to The Son. 23 (The Son) arbl (should honor) rqyn (that everyone) snlkd (is) wh (The Father) abal (one honoring) rqymd (as) Kya (The Son) arbl (honoring) rqym (He who is not) ald (Who sent Him) hrdsd (The Father) abal (honoring) rqym (is not) al That everyone should honor The Son as one honors The Father. He who does not honor The Son is not honoring The Father Who sent Him. 24 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (Him Who) Nml (& trusts in) Nmyhmw (My word) ytlm (hears) emsd (that whoever) Nmd (eternal) Mleld (The Life) ayx (to him) hl *(there is) tya (has sent Me) ynrdsd (but) ala (he comes) ata (not) al (& into judgment) anydlw (into life) ayxl (death) atwm (from) Nm (he) hl (moves) yns *[Aramaic contains no verb meaning to have. Aith lah- (There is to him) is an idiom used to indicate possession: He has.] Timeless truth I speak to you: Whoever hears My word and trusts in Him Who has sent Me has the eternal Life, and he comes not into judgment, but he moves from death into Life. 25 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (it is) hytya (this hour) ash (also) Pa (the hour ) ates (that is coming) aytad (the voice) hlq (shall hear) Nwemsn (the dead) atymd (when) ytma (shall live) Nwxn (that hear) Nyemsd (& they) Nwnhw (of God) ahlad (of the Son ) hrbd Timeless truth I speak to you: The hour is coming, it is even now, when the dead shall hear the voice of The Son of God, and they who hear shall live. 26 (The Life) ayx (is) tya (with The Father) abald (for) ryg (just as) ankya (also) Pa (He has given) bhy (thus) ankh (in His Person *) hmwnqb (in His Person *) hmwnqb (The Life) ayx (that He have) Nwwhnd (to The Son) arbl In His Person * - from Qnoma, an Aramaic word found 15 times in The Peshitta NT, meaning The essential nature or identity; It is usually translated Selfin English translations. Greek versions have eautos- eautov himself,myself,themselves,ourselves & autos- autov- autos pronounced ow-tos:1) himself, herself, themselves, itself;2) he, she, it;3) the same. In Hebrews 1:1-3 and 9:28, The Son, Who is the brightness of Gods glory & exact image of His Being, Who made the universe and upholds all things by His mighty word, is said to have purged the sin of the world BQnoma, In His Qnoma, meaning In His Person.This speaks of a Divine sacrifice, not that of a mere human. For just as The Father has The Life in Himself, so He has given also to The Son to have The Life in Himself. 27 (that He may be) awhnd (& He has given Him authority) hjlsaw (judgement) anyd (also) Pa (doing) dbe And he has given Him authority to also do judgment. 28 (of Man) asnad (but) Nyd (He is) wh (Because the Son ) hrbd
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(that is coming) aytad (at this) adhb (be astonished) Nwrmdtt (do not) al (which) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlkd (when) ytma (the hour ) ates (His voice) hlq (shall hear) Nwemsn (are) Nwna (in the graves) arbqbd But because He is The Son of Man, do not be astonished at this: The hour is coming when all who are in the graves shall hear His voice, 29 (good deeds) atbj (who have done ) wdbed (those) Nylya (& shall come out) Nwqpnw (& those) Nylyaw (of life) ayxd (to the resurrection) atmyql (of judgement) anydd (to the resurrection) atmyql (evil deeds) atsyb (who have done ) wdbed And they shall come out: those who have done good things, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil deeds, to the resurrection of judgment. 30 (the will) twbu (from) Nm (anything) Mdm (I) ana (can) xksm (not) al (according to) ankya (but) ala (do) dbeml (of myself) yspn (judge) Nad (I) ana (that which heard) emsd (is) wh (just) Nyak (& My judgment) ynydw (I) ana (My will) ynybu (I am) ana (seeking) aeb (for) ryg (not) al (has sent Me) ynrdsd (of Him Who) Nmd (the will) hnybu (but) ala I cannot do anything of My own will, but according to that which I have heard, I judge, and My judgment is just, for I am not seeking my will, but the will of Him Who has sent Me. 31 (Myself) yspn (about) le (am) ana (testifying) dhom (I) ana (if) Na (true) aryrs (is) twh (not) al (My testimony) ytwdho And if I testify about myself, My testimony is not true. 32 (I) ana (& know) edyw (about Me) yle (Who testifies) dhomd (There is) wh (is) wh (Another) Nyrxa (about Me) yle (that He testifies) dhomd (His testimony) htwdho (is) yh (that true) aryrsd There is another Who testifies about Me, and I know that His testimony, which He testifies of Me, is true. 33 (John) Nnxwy (to) twl (sent) Nwtrds (you) Nwtna (The Truth) arrs (about) le (& he testified) dhoaw You sent to John and he testified concerning the truth. 34 (was) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (I) ana (receiving) bon (a son of man ) asnrb (from) Nm (but) ala (the testimony) atwdho (I) ana (may live) Nwxt (that you) Nwtnad (I) ana (say) rma (these things) Nylh But I was not receiving the testimony of a man, but I say these things that you may live. 35 (was) awh (a lamp) agrs (he) wh (were willing) Nwtybu (& you) Nwtnaw (& shining) rhnmw (blazing) qldd (in his light) hrhwnb (of the time) atesd (to boast) Nwrhbtstd He was a blazing and shining lamp, and you were willing to boast about the time in his light. 36 (testimony) atwdho (My) yl (is) tya (but) Nyd (unto Me) yl (Johns) Nnxwyd (than) Nm (greater) abrd (that gave) bhyd (for) ryg (the works) adbe (them) Nwna (that I would finish) Mlsad (My Father) yba (to Me)yl (testify) Nydho (I) ana (that did) dbed (works) adbe (those) Nwnh (has sent Me) ynxls (that the Father) abad (unto Me) yle
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But My testimony which is borne to Me is greater than Johns, for the works that My Father gave Me to finish, those works which I have done testify unto Me that The Father has sent Me. 37 (Who sent Me) ynxlsd (& The Father) abaw (not) al (of Me) yle (testifies) dho (He) wh (have you heard) Nwtems (from eternity) Mwtmm (His voice) hlq (have you seen) Nwtyzx (His appearance) hwzx (& not) alw And The Father Who has sent Me, He testifies of Me. You have not heard His voice from eternity and you have not seen His appearance. 38 (because) ljm (in you) Nwkb (is abiding) aywqm (not) al (& His word) htlmw (you) Nwtna (has sent) rds (Whom He) whd (in Him) whbd (are) Nwtna (trusting) Nynmyhm (not) al And His word is not abiding in you, because you are not trusting in Him Whom He has sent. 39 (are hoping) Nyrbom (for in them) Nwhbd (the scriptures) abtk (Search) wub (there is) tya (eternal) Mleld (life) ayxd (you) Nwtna (concerning Me) yle (are testifying) Nydho (& they) Nwnhw (to you) Nwkl *[Aramaic contains no verb meaning to have. Aith lkown- (There is to you) is an idiom used to indicate possession: You have.] Search the scriptures, for in them you hope that you have eternal life, and they testify concerning Me. 40 (you are) Nwtna (willing) Nybu (& not) alw (to Me ) ytwl (that you should come) Nwtatd (yours) Nwkl (should be) Nwwhn (eternal) Mleld (that life) ayxd And you are not willing to come to Me that eternal life should be yours. The writings of John The Apostle contain 25 references to eternal life. The Greek texts omit the word eternal here and in 20:31.The Peshitta NT contains 48 references to eternal life, living forever(not including Revelations four references to God living forever). John therefore wrote more than half of these, making Eternal Life another signatory of his writing, along with Amen, Amen which also occurs 25 times in his writings (all in this Gospel) and Ena Na-(I AM), which our Lord utters 23 times in this gospel and twice in Revelation (25 total). 41 (the children) ynb (from) Nm (glory) axbws (I) ana (receive) bon (not) al (of men) asna I do not receive glory from the children of men. 42 (that the love) hbwxd (I know you) Nwktedy (but) ala (in you) Nwkb (is not) tyl (of God) ahlad But I know you, that the love of God is not in you. 43 (of My Father) ybad (in His name) hmsb (have come) tyta (I) ana (& if) Naw (Me) yl (you are) Nwtna (receiving) Nylbqm (& not) alw (of himself) hspn (in the name) Msb (shall come) atan (another) Nyrxa (you shall receive) Nwlbqt (him) whl I have come in The Name of My Father and you do not receive Me, and if another shall come in his own name, you will receive him. 44 (trust) wnmyhml (you) Nwtna (can) Nyxksm (How?) ankya (another) dx (from) Nm (one) dx (who glory) axbwsd (& the glory) axbwsw (are) Nwtna (receiving) Nylbqm
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(you are) Nwtna (seeking) Nyeb (not) al (God) ahla (The One) dx (from) Nmd How can you trust, who are accepting glory one from another, and you are not seeking the glory which is from The One God? 45 (think) Nyrbo (Do?) aml (before) Mdq (accusing you) Nwkyurq (am) ana lka (that I) anad (you) Nwtna (accuses you) Nwkyurq lkad (one who) Nm (there is) yhwtya (The Father) aba (you hope) Nwtrbo (in whom) hbd (he) wh (Moses) aswm Do you think that I am accusing you before The Father? There is One Who accuses you: Moses, the one in whom you hope. 46 (you have trusted) Nwtnmyh (Moses) aswmb (for) ryg (If) wla (you would be) Nwtywh (trusting) Nynmyhm (Me) yb (also) Pa (he wrote) btk (about Me) yle (for) ryg (* Moses) aswm For if you had trusted Moses,you would also trust Me, for he wrote of about Me. 47 (believing) Nynmyhm (not) al (of him) whd (his writings) yhwbtkl (& if) Naw (will you believe) Nwnmyht (My) ylyd (words) ylml (how?) ankya (you are) Nwtna And if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words? Chapter 6 1 (to the other side) arbel (Yeshua) ewsy (went) lza (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (of Tiberias) owyrbjd (of Galilee) alylgd (of the Sea) amyd After these thing, Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (of Tiberias). 2 (after him) hrtb (& were going) wlzaw (were seeing) Nyzxd (because) ljm (great) aaygo (crowds) asnk (on the sick) ahyrkb (He did) dbed (the miracles) atwta (they) wwh And great crowds were going after Him, because they saw the miracles he did for the sick. 3 (& there) Nmtw (to a mountain) arwjl (Yeshua) ewsy (& went up) qlow (His disciples) yhwdymlt (with) Me (He) awh (sat down ) bty And Jesus went up to a mountain and sat down there with His disciples. 4 (but) Nyd (was) awh (drawing near) byrq (of The Jews) aydwhyd (of The Passover) axupd (the feast) adede But the feast of The Passover of the Jews was drawing near. 5 (crowds) asnk (& saw) azxw (Yeshua) ewsy (His eyes) yhwnye (& lifted up) Myraw (to him) htwl (that were coming) atad (great) aaygo (from where?) akmya (to Phillip) owpylypl (& He said) rmaw (these) Nylh (so may eat) Nwlkand (bread) amxl (shall we buy) Nbzn And Jesus lifted up His eyes and saw great crowds coming to Him, and He said to Phillip, Where shall we buy bread that these may eat? 6 (when) dk (He said) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh ( knew) edy (for) ryg (He was) wh (him) hl (testing) aonm (to do) dbeml (He was going) dyte (what) anm (He) awh
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But He said this as a test for him, for He knew what He was going to do. 7 (Phillip) owpylyp (to Him) hl (said) rma (not) al (of bread) amxl (denarii) Nyrnyd (two hundred) Nytamd (a very) lylq (when) dk (for them) Nwhl (is enough) qpo (to each) dx (one) dx (little) lylq (receives) bon (from them) Nwhnm Phillip said to Him: Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not enough, even if each of them takes a very little. 8 (his disciples) yhwdymlt (from) Nm (one) dx (to him) hl (said) rma (Kaypha) apak (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (brother) yhwxa (Andraus) owardna One of His disciples, Andraus, Shimeon Kayphas brother, said to Him: 9 (upon him) yhwle (who has) tyad (one) dx (a boy) aylj (here) Nnt (there is) tya (of barley bread) areod (loaves) Nuyrg (five) smx (what?) anm (these) Nylh (but) ala (fish) Nynwn (& two) Nyrtw (all of them) Nwhlk (to these) Nylhl (are they) Nwna There is a boy here who has five loaves of barley bread and two fish with him; but what are they to all of these? 10 (make) wdbe (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (be seated) Nwkmtond (all of them) Nwhlk (the people) asna (in place) atkwdb (in it) hb (there was ) awh (much) ygo (but) Nyd (grass) aboe (& they were seated) wkmtoaw (that) yh (thousand) Nypla (five) asmx (in number) anynmb (the men) arbg Jesus said to them: Have all the people be seated. And there was much grass in that place. And they were seated, the number of men being five thousand. 11 (the bread) amxl (Yeshua) ewsy (& took) lqsw (& distributed) glpw (& blessed) Krbw (who were seated) Nykymod (to them) Nwnhl (from) Nm (also) Pa (& thus) ankhw (as they wanted) wbud (as much) amk (the fish) anwn And Jesus took the bread and blessed and distributed to them who were seated and thus also from the fish, as much as they wanted. 12 (He said) rma (they were full) webo (& when) dkw (gather) wsnk(to his disciples) yhwdymltl (that are left over) wrtyd (the fragments) ayuq (anything) Mdm (should be lost) dban (lest) ald And when they were full, He said to His disciples, Gather the leftover fragments, lest anything should be lost. 13 (twelve) roert (& filled) wlmw (& they gathered) wsnkw (which) Nylya (of fragments) ayuq (large baskets) Nynypwq (to them) Nwnhl (were left over) wrtyd (the five) asmx (from) Nm (who ate) wlkad (of barley bread) areod (loaves) Nymxl And they gathered and they filled twelve large baskets with fragments left over to them who ate from the five loaves of barley bread. 14
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(who saw) wzxd (people) asna (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh Yeshua) ewsy (that did) dbed (the miracle) ata) (This is) wnh (truly) tyaryrs (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (to the world) amlel (Who is coming) atad (The Prophet) aybn But those people who saw the miracle that Jesus did were saying, Truly, This is The Prophet Who is coming to the world. 15 (that they were prepared) Nydyted (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (& make Him) yhynwdbenw (seize Him) yhynwpjxn (to come) Nwtand (Himself) hl (& He withdrew) ynsw (King) aklm (alone) yhwdwxlb (that) wh (to mountain) arwjl But Jesus knew they were prepared to come seize Him and make Him king, and He withdrew to that mountain alone. 16 (evening) asmr (it was) awh (& when) dkw (to the sea) amyl (His disciples) yhwdymlt (went down) wtxn And when it was evening, His disciples went down to the sea. 17 (they were) wwh (& coming) Nytaw (in the boat) atnypob (& they sat) wbtyw (it was) twh (& growing dark) tksxw (to Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (to the shore) arbel (had) awh (come) yta (& not) alw hl Yeshua) ewsy (unto them) Nwhtwl) And they sat in the boat and were coming to the coast to Kapernakhum and it was growing dark and Jesus had not come to them. 18 (itself) awh (rose up) Pqdza (but) Nyd ( the sea) amy (a wind) axwrd (because) ljm (against them) Nwhyle (was) twh (blowing) tbsn (great) atbr But the sea rose up against them because a great wind was blowing. 19 (furlongs) atwdjoa (about) Kya (& they drove) wrbdw (thirty) Nytlt (or) wa (& five) asmxw (twenty) Nyroe (when) dk (Yeshua) ewsyl (& they saw) wzxw (the lake *) atmy (on) le (He was walking) Klhm (he drew near) brq (& when) dkw (they were afraid) wlxd (the ship) Nwhtnypo (to) twl And they drove about twenty five or thirty furlongs and they saw Jesus as He was walking on the lake, and when He drew near to the ship, they were afraid. * Yammta- (Lake)- atmy is paralleled in Greek by Thallasay- (Sea), but the Aramaic word for Sea is Yamma- amy, very similar to the Aramaic for Lake. These facts point again to the strong probability that the Aramaic text was misread here by a Greek translator. It is highly unlikely an Aramaen would mistake the Greek Thallasay yalassh -(Sea) for Yammta (Lake); The Greek for Lake is Limnay- limnh, limnh nothing like Thallasay-(Sea). 20 (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (Himself) wh (be afraid) Nwlxdt (do not) al (I AM The Living God) ana ana (to them) Nwhl But Jesus said to them, I am The Living God, do not be afraid. 21 (into the boat) atnypob (to receive Him) yhynwlbqnd (they) wwh (& wanted) wbuw (boat) atnypo (& immediately)- atesb hbw (that) yh (the land) aera (at) twl (was) twh (that) yh hl (they) wwh (to which were going) Nylzad
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And they wanted to receive Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at that land to which they were going. 22 (crowd) asnk (that) wh ( after it) hrtbd (& the day) amwylw (at the shore) arbeb (was) awh (that standing) Maqd (boat) atnypod (saw that) wzx (of the sea) amyd (there was) awh (not) tyl (another) atrxa (on which embarked) wqlod (that) yh (except)- Na ala (there) Nmt (had) awh (entered) le (& that not) aldw(the disciples) adymlt hl (with) Me (Yeshua) ewsy (with them) Nwhme (into the boat) atnypol (his disciples) yhwdymlt And the day after, the crowd that had stood at the shore of the sea saw that no other boat was there except that one on which the disciples had embarked, and that Jesus had not entered with His disciples into the boat. 23 (from) Nm (other) atynrxa (ships) apla (but) Nyd (had) ywh (come) yta (that) yh (of place) atkwd (the side) bng (on) le (Tiberias) owyrbj (when) dk (the bread) amxl hb (in which they ate) wlkad Yeshua) ewsy (blessed it) Krb) But other ships had come from Tiberias, next to that place at which they had eaten the bread when Jesus blessed it. 24 (the crowd) asnk (that) wh (saw) azx (& when) dkw Yeshua) ewsy (there) Nmt (was) awh (that not) ald) (they embarked) wqlo (his disciples) yhwdymlt (neither) alpa (to Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkl (& they came) wtaw (ships) apla (these) Nylhl Yeshua) ewsyl hl (they were) wwh (& looking for) Nyebw) And when that crowd saw that Jesus was not there, neither his disciples, they embarked these ships and came to Kapernakhum and they were looking for Jesus. 25 (at the other side) arbeb (they found Him) yhwxksa (& when) dkw (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (of the sea) amyd (here) akrhl (did you come) tyta (when?) ytma (our Master) Nbr And when they found Him at the other side of the sea, and they were saying to Him, Our Master, when did You come here? 26 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (Me)yl (you) Nwtna (that seek) Nyebd (to you) Nwkl (because) ljm (it was) awh (not) al (but) ala (the signs) atwta (you saw) Nwtyzxd (& you were full) Nwtebow (bread) amxl (because you ate) Nwtlkad Jesus answered and said to them, Timeless truth I speak to you: You seek Me, not because you saw the signs but because you ate bread and were full. 27 (that perishes) adbad (for food) atlwkam (work) Nwxlpt (Do not) al (to the Life) ayxl (that endures) aywqmd (for food) atlwkam (but) ala (of Man) asnad (the Son) hrbd (which) adya (eternal) Mleld (This One) anhl (to you) Nwkl (shall give) ltn (God) ahla (has sealed) Mtx (The Father) aba (for) ryg Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures to the life eternal that The Son of Man shall give you, for This One has The Father sealed as God with His seal of approval.
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28 (shall we do) dben (what?) anm (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (of God) ahlad (the service) adbe (that we may work) xwlpnd And they were saying to Him, What shall we do to work the service of God? 29 (this is) wnh (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (that you trust) Nwnmyhtd (of God) ahlad (the service) adbe (has sent) rds (He) whd (in Him Whom) Nmb Jesus answered and said to them: This is the service of God, that you trust in Him Whom He has sent. 30 (what?) anm (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (that we may see) azxnd (you) tna (will do) dbe (sign) ata (you) tna (will perform) reo (what?) anm (in you) Kb (& we may believe) Nmyhnw ?They were saying to Him, What sign will You do, that we may see and believe in You What sign will You perform? 31 (in the wilderness) arbdmb (ate) wlka (manna) annm (our forefathers) Nyhba (from) Nm (that bread) amxld (it is written) bytkd (just as) ankya (to eat) lkaml (to them) Nwhl (He gave) bhy (Heaven) ayms Our forefathers ate manna in the wilderness, just as it is written, Bread from Heaven He gave them to eat. 32 Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma) (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (it was) awh (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (from) Nm (the bread) amxl (you) Nwkl (giving) bhy (Moses) aswm (gave) bhy (My Father) yba (but) ala (The Heavens) ayms (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (of Truth) atswqd (the bread) amxl (you) Nwkl Jesus said to them, Timeless truth I speak to you: It was not Moses who gave you bread from Heaven, but My Father gave you The Bread of Truth from Heaven. 33 (He) wh (is) yhwtya (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (The Bread) hmxl (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (Who descended) txnd (to the world) amlel (life) ayx (& gave) bhyw For The Bread of God is He Who descended from Heaven and gave life to the world. 34 (our Lord) Nrm (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (this) anh (bread) amxl (to us) Nl (give) bh (always) Nbzlkb They were saying to Him, Our Lord, always give us this bread. 35 ( I AM The Living God) ana ana (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to me) ytwl (comes) atad (whoever) Nm (of Life) ayxd (The Bread) amxl (trusts) Nmyhmd (& whoever) Nmw (will hunger) Npkn (not) al (for eternity) Mlel (will thirst) ahun (not) al (in me) yb Jesus said to them, I am The Living God, The Bread of Life; whoever comes to Me will not hunger, and whoever trusts in Me will never thirst. 36 (that you have seen Me) ynnwtyzxd (to you) Nwkl (I said) trma (but) ala (you are) Nwtna (believing) Nynmyhm (& not) alw
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But I said to you that you have seen Me and you do not believe. 37 (to me)yl (whom has given) bhyd (everyone) lk (& whoever) Nmw (will come) atan (to me ) ytwl (My Father) yba (outside) rbl (I shall cast) hqpa (not) al (will come) atan (to me ) ytwld Everyone whom My Father has given Me will come to Me, and whoever will come to Me I shall not cast out. 38 (not) al (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (For I came down) ttxnd (but) ala (My will) ynybu (that I might do) dbead (it was) awh (sent Me) ynrdsd (of Him Who) Nmd (the will) hnybu (that I might do) dbead For I came down from Heaven, not to do My will, but that I might do the will of Him Who has sent me. 39 (sent Me) ynrdsd (of Him Who) Nmd (the will) hnybu (but) Nyd (this is) wnh (not) al (to Me) yl (whom He gave) bhyd (that everyone) lkd (I shall raise him) yhwymyqa (but) ala (from Him) hnm (I shall destroy) dbwa (the last) ayrxa (in the day) amwyb But this is the will of Him Who has sent Me: I shall not destroy from Him anyone whom He has given to Me, but I shall raise him in the last day. 40 (that everyone) lkd (of My Father) ybad (the will) hnybu (for) ryg (This is) wnh (in Him) hb (& trusts) Nmyhmw (The Son) arbl (who sees) azxd (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (to him) hl (there will be) Nwwhn (the last) ayrxa (in the day) amwyb (shall raise Him) yhwymyqa (& I) anaw For this is the will of My Father: Everyone who sees The Son and trusts in Him has eternal life, and I shall raise Him in the last day. 41 (about him) yhwle (were) wwh (murmuring) Nynjr (but) Nyd (The Jews) aydwhy (The Bread) amxl (I AM The Living God) ana anad (for saying) rmad (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (I Who have descended) ttxnd But the Jews were murmuring about Him for saying: I am The Living God, The Bread, which has descended from Heaven. 42 (not) al (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw Yeshua) ewsy (this) anh (is?) awh) (him) wh (of Joseph) powyd (The son) hrb (& his mother) hmalw (his father) yhwbal (know) Nyedy (of whom we) Nnxd (does say) rma (& in which way?) ankyaw (I have come down) ttxn (Heaven) ayms (that from) Nmd (this one) anh ?And they were saying, Is not this Josephs son, whose father and mother we know How does this man say, I have come down from Heaven? 43 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (mutter) Nwnjrt (Do not) al Jesus answered and said to them, Do not mutter one with another. 44 (to Me ) ytwl (come) atand (can) xksm (a man) sna (not) al (will draw him) hdgn (unless)- Na ala (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (The Father) aba (the last) ayrxa (in the day) amwyb (shall raise him) yhwymyqa (& I) anaw
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No man can come to Me unless The Father Who has sent me will draw him, and I shall raise him in the last day. 45 (in the prophets) aybnb (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (of God) ahlad (taught) aplm (all of them) Nwhlk (will be) Nwwhnd :(has heard) emsd -(whoever)- Nm (everyone) lk (& has learned) Plyw (The Father) aba (from) Nm (therefore) lykh (to Me) ytwl (comes) ata (from Him) hnm For it is written in the Prophets, All of them will be taught of God. Everyone therefore who has heard from The Father and has learned from Him, comes to me. 46 (a man) sna (seen) azxd (has) awh (not) al (He Who) Nm (but) ala (the Father) abal (is) yhwtya (God) ahla (from) Nmd (The Father) abal (has seen) azx (He) wh (Himself) wh No man has seen The Father except He Who is from God; He Himself has seen The Father. 47 (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (in me) yb (trusts) Nmyhmd -(that whoever)- Nmd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (for him) hl (there is) tya Timeless truth I speak to you: Whoever trusts in Me has eternal life. 48 (of Life) ayxd (The Bread) amxl ( I AM The Living God) ana ana I am The Living God, The Bread of Life. 49 (Manna) annm (ate) wlka (your Fathers) Nwkyhba (& they died) wtymw (in the wilderness) arbdmb Your forefathers ate manna in the wilderness and they died. 50 (The Bread) amxl (but) Nyd (This is) wnh (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (that came down) txnd (from it) hnm (a man) sna (that may eat) lwkand (will die) twmn (& not) alw This is The Bread that came down from Heaven that a man may eat of it and he shall not die. 51 (living) ayx (The Bread) amxl ( I AM The Living God) ana ana (I have descended) ttxn (Heaven) ayms (Who from) Nmd (this) anh (from) Nm (will eat) lwkan (a man) sna (& if) Naw (& the bread) amxlw (for eternity) Mlel (he will live) axn (bread) amxl (is) wh (my body) yrgp (shall give) lta (which I) anad (that) anya ana (give) bhy (of the world) amled (the life) yhwyx (that for the sake of)-ypa led (I) I am The Living God, The Living Bread, Who have come down from Heaven, and if a man will eat of this bread, he will live for eternity, and the bread that I shall give is My body that I give for the sake of the life of the world. 52 (one) dx (The Jews) aydwhy (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (arguing) Nyun (how?) ankya (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (another) dx (with) Me (His body) hrgp (This one) anh (is able) xksm (to eat) lkaml (to us) Nl (to give) ltnd
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But the Jews were arguing with one another and saying, How can this man give us His body to eat? 53 (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (that unless) alad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (of Man) asnad (of The Son ) hrbd (the body) hrgp (you will eat) Nwlkat (there is not) tyl (His blood) hmd (& you will drink) Nwtstw (in yourselves) Nwkmwnqb (life) ayx (for you) Nwkl And Jesus said to them, Timeless truth I speak to you: Unless you eat the body of The Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves. 54 (from) Nm (but) Nyd (eats) lkad -(whoever)- Nm (my blood) ymd (from) Nm (& drinks) atsw (My body) yrgp (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (for him) hl (there is) tya (the last) ayrxa (in the day) amwyb (will raise him) yhwymyqa (& I) anaw But Whoever eats of My body and drinks of My blood has eternal life, and I shall raise him in the last day. 55 (food) atlwkam (is) yhwtya (truly) tyaryrs (for) ryg (My body) yrgp (drink) aytsm (is) yhwtya (truly) tyaryrs (& My blood) ymdw For My body truly is food, and My blood truly is drink. 56 (My blood) ymd (& drinks) atsw (My body) yrgp (eats) lkad (whoever) Nm (in Him) hb (& I) anaw (abides) awqm (in Me) yb Whoever eats My body and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in Him. 57 (The Living One) ayx (The Father) aba (has sent Me) ynrdsd -(just as)- ankya (& whoever) Nmw (The Father) aba (because of) ljm (am) ana (living) yx (& I) anaw (because of Me) ytljm (will live) axn (he) wh (also) Pa (will eat me) ynlkand Just as The Living Father has sent Me, and I am living because of The Father, whoever will eat Me, he also will live because of Me. 58 (that came down) txnd (The Bread) amxl (This is) wnh (it is) awh (not) al (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (your fathers) Nwkyhba (ate) wlkad (as) Kya (eats) lkad (whoever) Nm: (& have died) wtymw (Manna) annm (for eternity) Mlel (shall live) axn (bread) amxl (this) anh This is the bread that came down from Heaven. It is not as your forefathers who ate manna and have died; whoever eats this bread shall live for eternity. 59 (in the synagogue) atswnkb (He said) rma (these things) Nylh (in Kapernakhum) Mwxnrpkb (He taught) Plm (when) dk These things He said in the synagogue when He taught in Kapernakhum. 60 (his disciples) yhwdymlt (among) Nm (who heard) wemsd (& many) aaygow (saying) atlm (is) yh (Hard) aysq (were saying) Nyrma (to hear it) hemsml (able) xksm (who is?) wnm (this) adh And many of His disciples who heard were saying, This saying is hard; who is able ?to hear it 61 (in His Soul) hspnb (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (this) adh (about) le (that were murmuring) Nynjrd
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(to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (His disciples) yhwdymlt (you) Nwkl (stumbles?) alskm (this) adh But Jesus knew in His soul that His disciples were murmuring about this, and He said to them, Does this stumble you? 62 (therefore) lykh (you will see) Nwzxt (Truly) Na (to the place) rtal (ascending) qlod (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrbl (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (He) awh (where was) yhwtyad Truly you will see therefore the Son of Man ascending to the place where He was from the first. 63 (the body) argp (The Life Giver) ayxmd (is) yh (The Spirit) axwr (that I) anad (the words) alm (anything) Mdm (benefit) anhm (does not) al (& Life) ayxw (are) Nyna (Spirit) axwr (with you) Nwkme (speak) tllm The Spirit is The Life Giver; the body does not benefit anything. The words that I speak with you are Spirit and Life. 64 (from you) Nwknm (men) asna (there are) tya (but) ala (knew) edy - (are believing) Nynmyhm (that not) ald (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (for) ryg (Himself) awh (were) Nyna (they) Nwna (who) Nm (were believing) Nynmyhm (not) ald (whoever) Nylya (Him) hl (who would betray) Mlsmd (he) wh (& who was) wNmw But there are men among you who do not believe, for Jesus Himself knew from the first who they were who were not believing and who he was who would betray Him. 65 (this) anh (because of) ljm (to them) Nwhl (He) awh (& said) rmaw (come) atand (can) xksm (man) sna (that no) ald (to you) Nwkl (I said) trma (to him) hl (it has been given) byhy (unless) ala (to me ) ytwl (My Father) yba (from) Nm And He said to them, Because of this, I said to you that no man can come to Me unless it has been given to him from My Father. 66 (saying) atlm (this) adh (because of ) ljm (back of them) Nwhrtobl (went) wlza (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (many) aaygo (with Him) hme (were) wwh (walking) Nyklhm (& not) alw Because of this saying, many of His disciples went back and were not walking with Him. 67 aml (to the twelve) htroertl (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (to leave) lzaml (you) Nwtna (desiring) Nybu (are?) Nwtna (also) Pa And Jesus said to the twelve, Do you also desire to leave? 68 (& said) rmaw (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (answered) ane (the words) alm (shall we go]) lzan (whom?) Nm (to) twl (my Lord) yrm (with You) Kl (are) tya (eternal) Mleld (of life) ayxd Shimeon Kaypha answered and said, My Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 (that You) tnad (& know) Nedyw (believe) Nnmyh (& we) Nnxw (The Living) ayx (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (The Messiah) axysm (are) wh And we believe and know that You are the Messiah, The Son of The Living God. 70 (was it) awh (not?) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (& of you) NwkNmw (twelve) roertl (have chosen you) Nwktybg (I) ana
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(is) wh (a satan) anjo (one) dx Jesus said to them, Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a satan? 71 (Jehudah) adwhy (about) le (but) Nyd (This) awh (He said) rma (Scariota) ajwyrko (Shimeon) Nwems (son of) rb (he who would betray Him) yhwymlsnd (was) awh (going to be) dyte (for) ryg (he) wh (the twelve) roert (from) Nm (one) dx But He said this about Jehudah, son of Shimeon Scariota, for he was going to be the one to betray Him, one of the twelve. Chapter 7 1 (was) awh (walking) Klhm (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (wanted) abu (for) ryg (not) al (in Galilee) alylgb (Yeshua) ewsy (because) ljm (in Judea) dwhyb (to walk) wklhml (He) awh (to kill Him) hljqml (were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (The Judeans) aydwhyd After these things, Jesus was walking in Galilee, for He did not want to walk in Judea, because the Judeans were seeking to kill Him. 2 (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (of tabernacles) aljmd (the feast) adede (was) awh (& near) byrqw And the Jewish feast of tabernacles was near. 3 (His brothers) yhwxa (to Him) hl (& said) wrmaw (from here) akm (yourself) Kl (remove) ans (to Jesus) ewsyl (that may see) Nwzxnd (to Judea) dwhyl (& go) lzw (you) tna (that do) dbed (the works) adbe (your disciples) Kydymlt And His brothers said to Jesus: Remove yourself from here and go to Judea, that your disciples may see the works that you do. 4 (anything) Mdm (doing) dbed (a man) sna (for) ryg (there is not) tyl (openly) aylgbd (it) wh (& he wanted) abuw (in secret) ayswjb (show) awx (you are) tna (doing) dbe (these things) Nylh (if) Na (done) awhn (to the world) amlel (yourself) Kspn For no man does anything in secret and wanted it done openly. If you are doing these things, show Yourself to the world. 5 (believing) wnmyh (His brothers) yhwxa (for) ryg (not) al (also) Pa (in Jesus) ewsyb hb (were) wwh For His brothers also did not believe in Jesus. 6 ylyd -(My time)- ynbz (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (not) al (this hour) ashl (until) amde Nwklyd (but) Nyd (your time) Nwknbz (has come) ajm (is prepared) byjm (in every moment)- Nde lkb Jesus said to them: My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready. 7 (Me) yl (hate you) Nwknoml (the world) amle (can) xksm (not) al (am) ana (testifying) dhom (I) anad (because) ljm (it hates) ano (but) Nyd (are) Nwna (evil) Nysyb (that its servants,[works]) yhwdbed (about it) yhwle The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me, because I am testifying about it, that its servants are evil.
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8 (this) anh (to feast) adedel (go up) wqo (you) Nwtna (now) ash (am) ana (going up) qlo (not) al (I) ana (because) ljm (this) anh (to feast) adedel (yet) lykde (not) al (my) ylyd (time) anbzd (is finished) Mls You go up to this feast; I am not going up to this feast, because My time is not yet finished. 9 (He said) rma (these things) Nylh (in Galilee) alylgb hl (& He remained) spw He said these things and He remained in Galilee. 10 (His brothers) yhwxa (went up) wqlo (but) Nyd (when) dk (went up) qlo (He) wh (also) Pa (then) Nydyh (to the feast) adedel (secretly) ayswjbd (as) Kya (but) ala (openly) aylgb (not) al But when His brothers went up to the feast, then He also went up, not openly, but as secretly. 11 (were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (but) Nyd (The Judeans) aydwhy (& were saying) Nyrmaw (in the feast) adedeb (Him) hl (He) wh (where is?) wkya (they) wwh But the Judeans were seeking Him in the feast and they were saying, Where is he? 12 tya (because of Him) htljm (much) aaygo (& murmuring) anjrw (there were) wwh tya (in the crowd) asnkb (there was) awh (& others) anrxaw (He is) wh (good) bjd (those who said) Nyrmad (for) ryg (the people) amel (He deceives) aejm (but) ala (no) al (were)wwh (saying) Nyrma And there was much murmuring in the crowd because of Him, for there were those who said, He is good., and others were saying, No, but He deceives the people. 13 (was) awh (speaking) llmm (openly) tyaylg (a man) sna (but) Nyd (not) al (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (fear) atlxd (because of) ljm (about Him) yhwle But no man spoke openly about Him, for fear of the Judeans. 14 (of the feast) adeded (the days) atmwy (they cut in half) wglp (but) Nyd (when) dk (He) awh (& taught) Plmw (to the temple) alkyhl (Yeshua) ewsy (came up) qlo But when the midpoint of the feast had arrived, Jesus came up to the temple and He taught. 15 (The Judeans) aydwhy (were) wwh (& astonished) Nyrmdtmw (knows) edy (How?) ankya (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (He has learned) ply (not) al (when) dk (the scrolls) arpo (This One) anh And the Judeans were astonished and were saying, How does this man know the scrolls, having not learned? 16 (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (is) awh (not) al (My learning) ynplwy (of Him Who sent Me) ynrdsd (that which is) whd (but) ala (Mine) ylyd Jesus answered and said: My learning is not Mine, but from Him Who sent Me. 17 (His will) hnybu (that he should do) dbend (is willing) abud (whoever) Nm (God) ahla (from) Nm (if) Na (My teaching) ynplwy (understands) lktom (My own) yspn (pleasure) twbu (from) Nm (I) ana (or) wa (it is) wh
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(am) ana (speaking) llmm Whoever is willing to do His will understands My teaching, if it is from God or if I speak for My own pleasure. 18 (of his mind) hnyer (the pleasure) twbu (from) Nmd (whoever) Nm (is) wh (seeking) aeb (for himself) hspnl (glory) axbws (is speaking) llmm (one seeking) aeb (him who sent him) hrdsd (from) Nmd (the glory) axbwsd (but) Nyd (is) tya (not) al (in his heart) hblb (& inequity) alwew (is) wh (faithful) ryrs Whoever speaks for the pleasure of his own mind is seeking glory for himself, but he who seeks glory for the one who sent him is faithful and there is no inequity in his heart. 19 (Moses) aswm (was it) awh (not?) al (the Torah) aowmn (to you) Nwkl (who gave) bhy (the Torah) aowmn (keeps) rjn (among you) Nwknm (a man) sna (& not) alw Was it not Moses who gave you the Torah? Yet no one among you keeps the Torah. 20 (answered) ane:(to kill Me) ynljqml (you) Nwtna (are seeking) Nyeb (Why?) anm (a demon) awyd (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (the crowd) asnk (to kill you) Kljqml (seeking) aeb (who is?) wnm (in you) Kl (is) tya Why are you seeking to kill Me? The crowd answered and were saying, A demon is in You. Who is seeking to kill You? 21 (one) dx (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (are) Nwtna (astonished) Nyrmdtm (& all of you) Nwklkw (I have done) tdbe (work) adbe Jesus answered and said to them, I have done one work, and all of you are astonished. 22 (gave) bhy (Moses) aswm (this) anh (because of) ljm (because) ljm (that) awh (not) al (circumcision) atrwzg (to you) Nwkl (but) ala (Moses) aswm (from) Nm (it is) yh (from him) hnmd (it is) yh (the forefathers) athba (from) Nmd (a son of man) asnrb (you) Nwtna (circumcise) Nyrzg (& in the Sabbath) atbsbw For this reason Mose gave you circumcision, not because it is from Moses but it is from the forefathers, and you circumcise a son on the Sabbath. 23 (of the Sabbath) atbsd (in the day) amwyb (is circumcised) rzgtm (a son) asnrb (if) Na (the Law) aowmn (should be broken) artsn (not) ald (because) ljm (that entirely) hlkd (you) Nwtna (complain?) Nynjr (against Me) yle: (of Moses) aswmd (of the Sabbath) atbsd (in the day) amwyb (I have healed) tmlxa (a son of man ) asnrb And if a son is circumcised on the Sabbath day because the Torah of Moses should not be broken, do you complain about Me, because I have completely healed a man on the Sabbath day? 24 * (faces) apab (by receiving) bomb (judging) Nynyd (be) Nwwht (not) al (judge) wnwd (just) anak (judgment) anyd (but) ala * apab bom (msab bappay) receiving faces is an idiom referring to respect of persons and hypocrisy. Be not judging with hypocrisy, but judge just judgment. 25 (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (the men) asna (were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (to kill) ljqml (Whom they seek) Nyebd (He) wh (Is This) wnh (not?) wl And the men from Jerusalem were saying, Is This not He Whom they seek to kill? 26
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(He speaks) llmm (openly) tyaylg (& behold) ahw (to him) hl (they are saying) Nyrma (not) al (& anything) Mdmw (the elders) Nysysq (know) wedy (can?) amld (The Messiah) axysm (truly) tyaryrs (that This One is) wnhd And behold, He speaks openly and they say nothing to Him. Is it possible the elders know that This is The Messiah? 27 (from) Nm (we) Nnx (know) Nyedy (This One) anhl (but) ala (whenever) ytma (but) Nyd (The Messiah) axysm (He is) wh (where) akmya (He is) wh (where) akmya (from) Nm (will know) edy (man) sna (no) al (He comes) atad But we know from where This One is. When The Messiah comes, no one will know from where He is. 28 (in the temple) alkyhb (He taught) Plm (when) dk (His voice) hlq (Yeshua) ewsy (& lifted up) Myraw (where) akmya (& from) Nmw (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (Me) ylw (& said) rmaw (My own) yspn (pleasure) twbu (& from) Nmw (you) Nwtna (know) nyedy (I am) ana (He is) wh (true) ryrs (but) ala (I have come) tyta (not) al (not) al (Whom you) Nwtnad (He) wh (has sent Me) ynrdsd (Who) Nm (Him) hl (do) Nwtna (know) Nyedy And Jesus lifted up His voice as He taught in the temple and He said, You know Me and from where I am, and from My own pleasure I have not come, but He Who has sent Me is true, Whom you do not know. 29 (because from) Nmd (Him) hl (do) ana (know) edy (but) Nyd (I) ana (has sent Me) ynrds (& He) whw (I am) ana (union with Him) htwl But I do know Him, because I am from union with Him, and He has sent Me. 30 (a man) sna (& not) alw (to seize Him) hdxaml (& they sought) webw (because) ljm (hands) aydya (upon Him) yhwle (laid) ymra (His hour) htes (had) twh (come) tta (yet) lykde (not) ald And they sought to seize Him, and no man laid hands on Him, because His hour had not yet come. 31 (in Him) hb (trusted) wnmyh (the crowds) asnk (from) Nm (but) Nyd (many) aaygo (comes) atad (whenever) am (The Messiah) axysm (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (these) Nylh (than) Nm (more) Nrytyd (will?) aml (has done) dbe (This One) anh (He do) dbed (signs) atwta But many from the crowds trusted in Him, and they were saying, When the Messiah comes, will He do more miracles than these This One has done? 32 (speaking) Nyllmmd (the crowds) asnkl (The Pharisees) asyrp (& heard) wemsw (they) Nwnh (& sent) wrdsw (these things) Nylh (about Him) yhwle (that they would seize Him) yhynwdxand (guards) asxd (& the chief priests) anhk ybrw And the Pharisees heard the crowds speaking these things about Him and they and the chief priests sent guards to seize Him. 33 (with you) Nwkme (time) anbz (more) bwt (a little) lylq (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (has sent Me) ynrdsd (Him Who) Nm (to join) twl (I) ana (& go) lzaw (I am) ana And Jesus said, A little longer I am with you, and I will go join Him Who has sent Me. 34 (& wherever) akyaw (you shall find Me) ynnwxkst (& not) alw (& you shall seek me) ynnwebtw (come) ataml (you) Nwtna (can) Nyxksm (not) al (am) ytya (I) anad And you will seek Me and you will not find Me, and wherever I am, you cannot come.
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35 (where?) akyal (among themselves) Nwhspnb (The Judeans) aydwhy (were saying) Nyrma (that we are) Nnxd (to go) lzaml (This One) anh (is prepared) dyte (is?) aml (with Him) hl (to be) Nnx (able) Nyxksm (not) al (of the Gentiles) ammed (to a region) atwrtal (indeed) yk (the pagans) apnxl (teach) Plnw (to go) lzand (He prepared) dyte The Judeans were saying among themselves, Where is This Man prepared to go that we cannot be? Is He prepared to go teach the pagans? 36 (that He spoke) rmad (statement) atlm (this) adh (is) yh (what?) anm (you will find Me) ynnwxkst (& not) alw (You will seek Me) ynnwebtd (not) al (you) Nwtna (am) ytya (I) anad (& wherever) akyaw (to come) ataml (are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm What is this statement that He spoke?: You will seek Me and will not find Me, and wherever I am, you are not able to come? 37 (which is) yhwtyad (the great) abr (but) Nyd (in the day) amwyb (did) awh (stand) Maq (of the feast) adeded (the last) ayrxa (is thirsty) ahu (a man) sna (if) Na (& said) rmaw (& He proclaimed) aeqw (Yeshua) ewsy (& let him drink) atsnw (to Me ) ytwl (let him come) atan But at the great day, which is the last of the feast, Jesus stood and He proclaimed and said: If a man is thirsty, let Him come to Me and drink. 38 (in Me) yb (trusts) Nmyhmd (who) Nm (everyone) lk (rivers) atwrhn (the scriptures) abtk (have said) wrmad (just as) ankya (within him) hork (from) Nm (shall flow) Nwdrn (living) ayx (of water) aymd Everyone who trusts in Me, just as the scriptures have said, rivers of living water shall flow from within him. 39 (The Spirit) axwr (about) le (He spoke) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh (those who) Nylya (to receive) wlbqml (they were) wwh (Whom being prepared) Nydyted (yet) lykde (for) ryg (not) al (in Him) hb (were trusting) Nynmyhmd (not) ald (because) ljm (The Spirit) axwr (had been) twh (given) tbhyta (Yeshua) ewsy (had been) awh (glorified) xbtsa (yet) lykde But this He spoke about The Spirit, Whom they were being prepared to receive those who were trusting in Him; for The Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. 40 (who heard) wemsd (the crowds) asnk (from) Nm (but) Nyd (many) aaygo (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (His words) yhwlm (The prophet) aybn (truly) tyaryrs (This is) wnh But many from the crowds who heard His words were saying, This is truly The Prophet. 41 (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (others) anrxa (were saying) Nyrma (others) anrxa (The Messiah) axysm (This One is) wnh (The Messiah) axysm (come) ata (Galilee) alylg (from) Nm (can?) amld Others were saying, This One is The Messiah. Others were saying, Can The Messiah come from Galilee? 42 (from) Nmd (said) rma (the scripture) abtk (has) awh (not?) al (Bethlehem) Mxltyb (& from) Nmw (of David) dywdd (the seed) herz (The Messiah) axysm (is coming) ata (of David) dywdd hlyd (the village) atyrq Has not the scripture said that The Messiah is coming from the seed of David and from Bethlehem,
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the village of David? 43 (division) atwglp (& there was) twh twhw (because of Him) htljm (among the crowd) asnkb And there was division among the crowd because of Him. 44 (among them) Nwhnm (people) Nysna (there were) wwh tyaw (but) ala (to seize Him) yhynwdxand (were) wwh (who willing) Nybud (hands) aydya (on Him) yhwle (put) ymra (man) sna (no) al And there were people among them who wanted to seize Him, but no man put hands on Him. 45 (the priests) anhk (chief) ybr (to) twl (those) Nwnh (guards) asxd (& came) wtaw (the priests) anhk (to them) Nwhl (& said) wrmaw (& the Pharisees) asyrpw (have you brought Him) yhynwtytya (not) al (Why?) anml And those guards came to the Chief Priests and the Pharisees and the Priests said to them, Why have you not brought Him? 46 (the guards) asxd (to them) Nwhl (were saying) Nyrma (has spoken) llm (in this manner) ankh (never) Mwtmm al (This) anh (Man) arbg (speaks) llmmd (like) Kya (a son of man ) asnrb The guards were saying to them, Never in this manner has a man spoken like This Man speaks. 47 (the Pharisees) asyrp (to them) Nwhl (were saying) Nyrma (been deceived) Nwtyej (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (have?) aml The Pharisees were saying to them, Have you also been deceived? 48 (the leaders) asr (from) Nm (men) sna (have?) aml (in Him) hb (trusted) wnmyh (the Pharisees) asyrp (from) Nm (or) wa Have men of the leaders or of the Pharisees trusted in Him? 49 (who not) ald (this) anh (people) ame (however) Na ala (are) Nwna (damned) Nyjyl (The Torah) aowmn (do know) edy However, this people who do not know the Torah are damned. 50 (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (Nicodemus) owmdqyn (to them) Nwhl (said) rma awh (who came) atad (he is) wh (at night) ayllb (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl Nicodemus said to them;he is one of them who had come to Jesus at night: 51 (condemn) byxm (our) Nlyd (Torah) aowmn (Does?) amld (one shall hear) emsn (unless) Na ala (a son of man ) asnrbl (he has done) dbe (what) anm (& shall know) ednw (first) Mdqwl (from him) hnm Does our Torah condemn a man unless one shall hear him first and know what he has done? 52 (?) aml (to him) hl (& were saying) Nyrmaw (they answered) wne (are) tna (Galilee) alylg (from) Nm (you) tna (also) Pa (that a prophet) aybnd (& see) yzxw (search) yub (arises) Maq (not) al (Galilee) alylg (from) Nm They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee? Search and see that a prophet will not arise from Galilee.
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Here begins the Pericope de Adultera. The Peshitta mss. do not contain this passage- (Jn. 7:53-8:11). It is found in The Palestinian Syriac (5th cent. AD) and in most Greek mss., as well as in most ancient versions of John. The Palestinian Aramaic text follows: John 7:53 (to his house) htybl (everyone) dxlk (then) lykh (went) lza Then everyone went to his house. John 8-1 of Olives tyzd to the mountain arwjl went lza but Nyd Yeshua ewsy to the temple alkyhl came ata again bwt but Nyd In the morning arpub But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives, and in the morning came again to the temple. John 8-2 V He sat bty & when dkw to Him htwl came awh ata the people ame & all hlkw them Nwhl He was awh teaching Plm And all the people came to Him, and when He sat, He taught them. John 8-3 & the Pharisees asyrpw the Scribes arpo but Nyd they brought wytya in adultery arwgb who was seized tdxttad a woman attnal in the midst ateumb they stood her hwmyqa & when dkw But the scribes and the Pharisees brought a women who had been seized in adultery, and when they stood her in the midst John 8-4 woman ttna this adh Teacher anplm to Him hl they were saying Nyrma of adultery arwgd in the act anrewob in it hb openly tyaylg was seized tdxtta They were saying to Him, Teacher, this woman was seized openly in the act of adultery John 8-5 he commanded dqp of Moshe aswmd but Nyd in the Torah aowmnbw we shall stone Mwgrn these Nylh that such as Kyadld But in the Torah of Moses, he commanded that we shall stone such as these Verse 5 has Mwgrn Nargum, (we shall stone). Byzantine has liyoboleisyai (to be stoned). Kyadld occurs only here in the Peshitta NT, meaning,the one such, or they that are such. It is literally rendered in Greek as tav toiautav they that are such. Apparently some Greek scribes read- Kyadld dqp (commanded that such) as Kyadl Ndqp (commanded us such), seeing d as N attached to dqp ( Ndqp, which means commanded us.) The Textus Receptus and The Critical Greek text (W&H) have hmin mwushv eneteilatoeneteilato Moses commanded us. The Aramaic explains the Greek readings; The Greek readings cannot explain The Aramaic of The Peshitta. All the Greek texts have either hmin usor, hmwn our.The Peshitta has no personal pronoun with dqp- commanded . This explanation would presume a very early Aramaic text with square Aramaic script in the first century; this explanation does not work with Estrangela script. Here is the text again in Aramaic characters: Kyadlddqp & KyadlNdqp. How the words are separated changes the meaning of the text, especially with the confusion of the letter Dalet for a final Nun. The second example in each pair represents what a Greek translator may have misconstrued from the actual reading shown first.
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John 8-6 You tna say rma What? anm therefore lykh You tna Him hl they were tempting Nyonm when dk they said wrma This adh that they should accuse Him yhynwgrjqnd for them Nwhl that it may be awhtd so that ankya stooping Nhgta down txtl when dk but Nyd Yeshua ewsy the ground aera upon le He was awh writing btkm What therefore do You say? This they said,as they were tempting Him, so that they might have something for which to accuse Him. Verse 6 has several signal markers indicating the Greek came from Aramaic and that the Aramaic came not from the Greek texts. Elegon (they were saying) Critical text & TR, eipon (they said) Byzantine & Orthodox,are both good translations of the Aramaic wrma. kathgorian kat autou (an accusation against him) Byzantine & Orthodox vs. kathgorein autou (to accuse him) W&H, shows two variations on the Aramaic verb yhynwgrjqnd - that they should accuse Him. Nwhl awhtd (for them- that it may be) is an Aramaic idiom preceding the above verb, making it awkward for a Greek translator to translate: Normally it means They have, so, what is the object? Did they have an accusation (a noun) or did they have to accuse him (a verb)? One Greek said the former and another the latter, both understandable translations. It seems unlikely that it went from Greek to Aramaic here: The Aramaic uses neither an infinitive verb (to accuse him), as Westcott & Horts Greek text does, nor a noun (an accusation against him) , as The Byzantine Greek text does. John 8-7. He stood up jspta Him hl asking Nylasm when dk they persisted wrtk but Nyd as dk sin hjx without ald who is yhwtyad among you Nwknm who? anya to them Nwhl & He said rmaw a stone apa upon her hyle let him cast adsn first aymdq But as they persisted asking Him, He stood up and He said to them, He among you who is without sin, let him first cast a stone upon her. John 8-8 the ground aera on le He wrote awh btk stooping Nhgta while dk & again bwtw And stooping down again, he wrote on the ground. John 8-9,. one dx one dx they were wwh exiting Nyqpn they heard wems when dk but Nyd these Nwnh & she was left tqbtsaw the elders asysq from Nm they began wyrs when dk in the midst ateumb she was hytya when dk alone hydwxl the woman attna But when these heard, they were exiting, one by one, beginning from the elders, and the woman who had been in the midst was left alone. John 8-10 to the woman attnal to her hl said rma Yeshua ewsy He stood up jspta But Nyd when dk has condemned you? ykbyx man sna no al are they Nwhytya Where? akya But when He stood up, Jesus said to the woman, Where are they? Has no man condemned you? John 8-11 LORD GOD ayrm man sna even no alw said trma But Nyd she yh you ykl I ana condemning byxm am ana neither alpa Yeshua ewsy but Nyd said rma sin Nyjxt not al again bwt now ash & from Nmw Go ylz
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But she said, Not even one, LORD GOD. And Jesus said, Even I am not condemning you. Go, and from now on, sin no more. This text reveals a very powerful testimony from the woman taken in adultery. She addressed Jesus with the Divine Name MarYah, which is Yahweh, The most holy Name of The God of the Hebrews,in Aramaic! MarYah means Lord Jehovah. This would indicate that THE Holy Spirit had revealed our Lords identity to her, and that her soul was saved on the spot, according to the scripture, No one can say Jesus is MarYah(The Lord Jehovah) except by The Holy Spirit.-1 Cor. 12:3. The Greek texts are ambiguous, using the phrase Kurios Ihsous- Lord Jesus. Kurios can refer to Deity or to a mere human king or landowner. The Aramaic is unequivocal in its reference to The Deity revealed to Moses and the Prophets of Israel. 12 (Yeshua) ewsy (with them) Nwhme (spoke) llm (but) Nyd (again) bwt (of the world) amled (the Light) hrhwn ( I AM The Living God) ana ana (& said) rmaw (shall walk) Klhn (not) al (comes) ata (after Me) yrtbd (whoever) Nm (of life) ayxd (the light) arhwn hl (shall find) xksn (but) ala (in darkness) akwsxb And Jesus spoke again with them and He said: I AM The Living God, The Light of the world. Whoever follows Me shall not walk in darkness but shall find the light of life.

The Greek texts have exei (shall have) where the Peshitta has xksn (shall find). Here is a possible explanation: Shall findin three scripts- (BHS, Estrangela, DSS): xksn, xk$n Shall havein three scripts- (BHS, Estrangela, DSS): hwhn - hwhn (Have does not really exist in Aramaic; hl hwhn (Nehweh lah) really means It shall be to him.) It appears again that a Greek translator in the first century (reading old Aramaic script) mistook that script, reading Nishkakh(Shall find) as Nehweh (Shall be), thereby translating it into the Greek equivalent, exei (shall have). The Old Aramaic script represented above from the Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll illustrates how easy it would have been to confuse the two words, thereby giving the different Greek reading. The Greek exei (shall have) would be unlikely to give rise to the Aramaic reading (shall find)xksn. Again, the Aramaic characters of the two Aramaic words look far more similar than do the Estrangela letters, supporting a first century Greek translation of the Aramaic text, since Estrangela replaced square Aramaic characters after A.D. 100. 13 (about) le (you) tna (the Pharisees) asyrp (to him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (are) tna (testifying) dhom (yourself) Kspn (true) aryrs (is) twh (not) al (your testimony) Ktwdho The Pharisees were saying to Him: You are testifying about yourself; Your testimony is not true. 14 (even if) Npa (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (myself) yspn (about) le (am) ana (testifying) dhom (I) ana (I) ana (know) edyd (because) ljm (My testimony) ytwdho (is) yh (true) aryrs (going) lza (& where) akyalw (I have come) tyta (where) akmya (from) Nm (are) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy (not) al (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (I am) ana (where) akyal (& not) alw (I have come) tyta (where) akmya (from) Nm (I) ana (go) lza Jesus answered and said to them, Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is true, Because I know from where I have come and where I am going, but you do not know from where I have come and where I am going. 15 (I) ana (are) Nwtna (judging) Nynyd (carnally) tyanrgp (you) Nwtna (am) ana (judging) Nad (not) al (a man) snal You are judging carnally; I am judging no one.
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16 (My judgment) ynyd (but) Nyd (I) ana (judge) Nad (& if) Naw (alone) ydwxlb (I am) tywh (not) ald (because) ljm (is) wh (true) ryrs (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (& My Father) ybaw (I) ana (but) ala But even if I do judge, My judgment is true, because I am not alone, but I and My Father Who has sent Me. 17 (the testimony) atwdhod (it is written) bytk (also) Nyd (& in your Torah) Nwkowmnbw (is) yh (true) aryrs (men) Nyrbg (of two) Nyrtd And in your Torah it is written, The testimony of two men is true. 18 (Myself) yspn (of) le (I) ana (Who testify) dhod (I AM The Living God) ana ana (of Me) yle (has testified) dho (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (& My Father) ybaw I AM The Living God, I Who testify about Myself, and My Father Who has sent Me has testified about Me. 19 (where is?) wkya (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane: (your Father) Kwba (Me) yl (neither) alw (to them) Nwhl (My Father) ybal (nor) alw (do you ) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (you had) Nwtywh (known) Nyedy (Me) yl (if) wla (you would have) Nwtywh (known) Nyedy (My Father) ybal (also) Pa They were saying to Him, Where is your Father? Jesus answered and said to them, You know neither Me nor My Father. If You had known Me, you would have known My Father also. 20 (when) dk (in the treasury) azg tyb (He spoke) llm (words) alm (these) Nylh (seized Him) hdxa (man) sna (& no) alw (in the temple) alkyhb (He taught) Plm (His hour) htes (had come) twh tta (yet) lykde (for) ryg (not) al He spoke these words in the treasury as He taught in the temple, and no man seized Him, for His hour had not yet come. 21 (I) ana (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (to them) Nwhl (spoke) rma (& you will seek Me) ynnwebtw (am) ana (moving on) lza (I) anad (& where) akyaw (in your sins) Nwkyhjxb (& you shall die) Nwtwmtw (to come) ataml (are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (not) al (you) Nwtna (am) ana (moving on) lza Jesus spoke again to them: I am moving on and you will seek Me and you will die in your sins, and where I am going, you cannot come. 22 (Himself) hspn (now) yk (will?) aml (The Jews) aydwhy (were saying) Nyrma (going)lza (I) anad (where) akyad (because he said) rmad (He kill) ljq (to come) ataml (are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (not) al (you) Nwtna (am) ana The Jews were saying, Will He now kill Himself?, because He had said, Where I am going, you cannot come. 23 (below) txtld (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (am) ana (above) leld (from) Nm (& I) anaw (are) Nwtna (are) Nwtna (this) anh (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (world) amle (this) anh (from) Nm (am) tywh (not) al (I) ana (world) amle And He said to them, You are from below and I am from above. You are from this world; I am not from this world. 24 (that you shall die) Nwtwmtd (to you) Nwkl (I said) trma (you shall believe) Nwnmyht (for) ryg (unless) ala (in your sins) Nwkyhjxb
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(in your sins) Nwkyhjxb (you shall die) Nwtwmt (that I AM The Living God *) ana anad I said to you that you shall die in your sins, for unless you shall believe that I AM The Living God, you shall die in your sins. Note that ana ana (Ena Na) here stands by itself: Our Lord said that those who do not believe Ena Na shall die in their sins. This is not a reference to faith in the existence of Jesus (I exist), which the Pharisees were quite well aware of, but rather a reference to faith in the Deity of Jesus (I AM The Living God). The next verse and others show that the people were quite foggy about the meaning of His words, however. I am convinced that large numbers of professing Christians are also foggy about the identity of Jesus Christ. How many of them, if asked, Who is Jesus Christ?, would respond, He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? How many would say, Jesus Christ is The Creator of the universe? How many would say, Jesus Christ is The Jehovah God Who spoke to Moses, sent the ten plagues upon Egypt,parted the Red Sea, gave Him the ten commandments, brought Israel to the promised land and sent them the prophets.? This is what The Peshitta NT makes very clear. Thirty two times it refers to Yeshua Meshikha as Maryah (The Lord Jehovah) and 25 times as Ena Na (I AM The Living God). The doctrine of The Trinity cannot mitigate or dilute the absolute Deity of The Messiah Jesus, The Son of God. He is the second and Central Person of The Trinity. He is the focal point, Manifestation and bearer of the Fulness of The Godhead, bodily. In Corinthians, Paul wrote, Christ is the Power of God; Christ is the Wisdom of God. Our Lord Himself said, I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. These are absolute claims of absolute Deity. It is as if He were saying: I am The Way of God The Father; I am The Truth of The True God; I am The Life of The Living God Himself. I cannot live without My Father; My Father cannot live without Me. I AM The Only Life and The Life of all the universe, of Heaven, of earth. According to The Peshitta, The High Priest of Israel, Caiaphas put Jesus under oath: And Jesus was silent, and made no reply. And again the chief priest interrogated him, and said: Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said to him: I am The Living God. And you will see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and he will come on the clouds of heaven. And the high priest tore his tunic, and said: What need of witnesses have we, any more?-Mark 14:61-63. For that testimony, our Lord was hanged on a cross. He certainly was not going to be ambiguous in His answer to the Supreme Court of Israel. What need have we of any more witnesses? So true; If we dont know Who Jesus claimed to be after hearing this word from His own mouth, we will never know by appealing to witnesses, whether they be apostles or angels from Heaven. 25 (Who?) Nm (you) tna (The Judeans) aydwhy (they were saying) Nyrma :(Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said): rma (are) tna (with you) Nwkme (to talk) llmad (I have begun) tyrsd (even though) Npa The Judeans were saying, Who are You? Jesus said to them, Even though I have begun to talk with you, 26 (to say) rmaml (concerning you) Nwkyle (for Me) yl (there are) tya (many things) ygo (has sent Me) ynrdsd (He Who) Nm (but) ala (& to judge) Ndmlw (those things) Nylya (& I) anaw (is) wh (true) ryrs (these) Nylh (from Him) hnm (that I have heard) temsd (in the world) amleb (I) ana (speaking) llmm (am) wh There are many things for Me to say and judge concerning you, but He Who has sent Me is true, and those things that I have heard from Him, these things I am speaking in the world. 27 (to them) Nwhl (He spoke) rma (The Father) aba (that about) led (they knew) wedy (& not) alw And they did not know that He spoke to them about The Father. 28 : (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (to them) Nwhl (spoke) rma (of Man) asnad (the Son ) hrbl (you have lifted up) hnwmyrtd (when) ytma (that I Am The Living God *) ana anad (you shall know) Nwedt (then) Nydyh (of Myself) yspn (the pleasure) twbu (from) Nm (& anything) Mdmw (just as) ankya (but) ala (I) ana (do) dbe (not) al (I) ana (speaking) llmm (am) wh (so) twkh (My Father) yba (has taught Me) ynplad * Ena Na - ana ana - again stands alone, indicating that it means more than simply, I am. It is a Divine statement revealing the Divine Name and Person to men: The I AM, i.e., Jehovah. Jesus definitely claimed to be The God of Israel and of the universe.
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Jesus spoke again to them: When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you shall know that I AM The Living God, and I do nothing for My own pleasure, but just as My Father has taught Me, so I am speaking. 29 (& not) alw (is) yhwtya (with Me) yme (has sent Me) ynrdsd (& He who) Nmw (because) ljm (My Father) yba (alone) ydwxlb (has left Me) ynqbs (to Him) hl (that is beautiful) rpsd (the thing) Mdm (I) anad (at all times) Nbzlkb (am) ana (doing) dbe And He Who has sent Me is with Me, and My Father has not left Me alone, because I am doing always what is beautiful to Him. 30 (He was) awh (speaking) llmm (these things) Nylh (when) dk (in Him) hb (trusted) wnmyh (many) aaygo When He was speaking these things, many trusted in Him. 31 (who trusted) wnmyhd (Judeans) aydwhy (to those) Nwnhl (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (in My word) ytlmb (will continue) Nwrtkt (you) Nwtna (if) Na (in Him) hb (you are) Nwtna (My disciples) ydymlt (truly) tyaryrs And Jesus said to those Judeans who trusted in Him, If you will dwell in My word, you are truly My disciples. 32 (The Truth) arrs (& you will know) Nwedtw (will set you free) Nwkrrxn (Truth) arrs (& that) whw And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free. 33 (we are) Nnx (the seed) herz (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (to a man) snal (bondage) atwdbe (& from antiquity) Mwtm Nmw (of Abraham) Mhrbad (say) rma (how?) ankya (by us) Nl (has been served) axylp (not) al (of liberty) arax (children) ynb (you shall be) Nwwhtd (you) tna And they were saying to Him, We are the seed of Abraham, and from antiquity we have not served in bondage to a man; How do You say, You shall be children of liberty? 34 (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to you) Nwkl (I speak) anrma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (of sin) atyjxd (is) wh (a servant) hdbe (sin) atyjx (commits) dbed (whoever) Nmlkd Jesus said to them: Timeless truth I speak to you, Whoever commits sin is a servant of sin. 35 (forever) Mlel (abides) awqm (not) al (& a servant) adbew (abides) awqm (forever) Mlel (but) Nyd (a son) arb (in a house) atybb And a servant does not always remain in the house, but a son always remains. 36 (will set you free) Nwkrrxn (that The Son) arbd (therefore) lykh (it is) wh (if) Na (of liberty) arax (the children) ynb (you shall be) Nwwht (truly) tyaryrs If The Son therefore will set you free, you will truly be the children of liberty. 37 (of Abraham) Mhrbad (you are) Nwtna (the seed) herzd (I) ana (know) edy (you are) Nwtna (seeking) Nyeb (but) ala (My word) ytlmld (because) ljm (to kill Me) ynljqml (you ) Nwtna (comprehend) Nyqpo (not) al I know you are the seed of Abraham, but you seek to kill Me because you do not comprehend My word. 38 (that I have seen) tyzxd (the thing) Mdm (I) ana (speaking) llmm (My Father) yba (with) twl (the thing) Mdm (you) Nwtnaw (I am) ana
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(your Father) Nwkwba (with) twl (that you have seen) Nwtyzxd (you are) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbe I am speaking the thing I have seen with My Father; you are doing the thing that you have seen with your father 39 (our father) Nwba (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they answered) wne (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (is) wh (Abraham) Mhrba (ours) Nlyd (the works) yhwdbe (of Abraham) Mhrbad (you were) Nwtywh (the children) yhwnb (if) wla (you would have been) Nwtywh (doing) Nydbe (of Abraham) Mhrbad They answered and were saying to him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them, If you were children of Abraham, you would have been doing the works of Abraham. 40 (you are) Nwtna (seeking) Nyeb (Behold) ah (but) Nyd (now) ash (Who the truth) atryrsd (a man) arbgl (to kill Me) ynljqml (from)Nm (I have heard) temsd (which) adya (with you) Nwkme (I have spoken) tllm (did) dbe (not) al (Abraham) Mhrba (this) adh (God) ahla But now, behold, you are seeking to kill me, I, a man who have spoken the truth with you, which Ive heard from God, this Abraham did not do. 41 (the deeds) adbe (you are) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (of your father) Nwkwbad (were) Nywh (not) al (fornication) atwynz (from) Nm (we) Nnx (God) ahla (ours) Nl (is) tya (father) aba (one) dx But you are doing the deeds of your father.They were saying to him, We were not born of fornication, we have one father, God. 42 (God) ahla (if) wla (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (you would have been) Nwtywh (loving) Nybxm (your Father) Nwkwba (were) awh (God) ahla (from) Nm (for) ryg (I) ana (Me) yl (from) Nm (did) awh (& not) alw (& I have come) tytaw (went forth) tqpn (I have come) tyta (of Myself) yspn (pleasure) twbu (has sent Me) ynrds (He) wh (but) ala Jesus said done to them, If God were your father, you would have loved Me, for I have proceeded from God and have not come of My own pleasure but He has sent Me. 43 (not) al (My word) ytlm (why?) anm (For) ljm (not) ald (because) le (you) Nwtna (do understand) Nyedwtsm (My word) ytlm (hear) Nyems (you) Nwtna (can) Nyxksm And why do not understand My word? Because you cannot hear My word. 44 (are) Nwkytya (The Devil) aurqlka (the father) aba (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (willing) Nybu (of your father) Nwkwbad (& the desire) htgrw (he) wh (to do) dbeml (you are) Nwtna (men) asna (killing) ljq (the beginning) tysrb (who from) Nmd (does not) al (& in the Truth) arrsbw (is) wh (Truth) arrsd (because) ljm (stand) Maq (whenever) ytma (in him) hb (there is not) tyl (from) Nm (a lie) atwbdk (he speaks) llmmd (because) ljm (speaks) llmm (he) wh (his own) hlyd (its father) hwba (also) Pa (he is) wh (of falsehood) algdd You are from your father The Devil and the desire of your father you are willing to do; from the beginning he has been killing men and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him; whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from what is his, because he is of falsehood and is also its father. 45 (speaking) llmm (Who The Truth) arrsd (but) Nyd (I) ana
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(Me) yl (you are) Nwtna (are believing) Nynmyhm (not) al (am) ana But you are not believing in Me, I who am speaking the truth. 46 (among you) Nwknm (who is?) wnm (concerning) le (Me) yl (convicting) okm (The Truth) arrs (& if) Naw (sin) atyjx (why?) anml (you) Nwtna (I ) ana (speak) llmm (Me) yl (do) Nwtna (believe) Nynmyhm (not) al Who among you is convicting me of sin? And if I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47 (the words) alm (is) yhwtya (God) ahla (from) Nmd (whoever) Nm (this) anh (because of) ljm (hears) ems (of God) ahlad (not) ald (because) ljm (you are) Nwtna (hearing) Nyems (not) al (you) Nwtna (God) ahla (from) Nm (you are) Nwtywh Whoever is from God hears Gods words;therefore you are not hearing, because you are not from God. 48 (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (The Jews) aydwhy (answered) wne (that a Samaritan) ayrmsd (are we ) Nnxna (saying) Nyrma (correctly) ryps (not?) al (in You) Kl (is) tya (& a demon) awydw (You are) tna The Jews answered and they were saying to Him, Are we not saying correctly that you are a Samaritan and have a demon in you? 49 (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (not) al (a demon) awyd (in Me) yl (My Father) ybal (but) ala (is) tya (Me) yl (dishonor) Nyreum (& you) Nwtnaw (I) ana (honor) rqym Jesus said to them, A demon is not in Me,but I honor my Father and you dishonor Me. 50 (am) ana (seeking) aeb (not) al (but) Nyd (I) ana (& judges) Nadw (One Who seeks) aebd (there) wh (is) tya (My glory) yxbws But I am not seeking My glory;There is One Who seeks and judges. 51 (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (keeps) rjn (My word) ytlmd (that whoever) Nmd (to you) Nwkl (in eternity) Mlel (shall see) azxn (not) al (death) atwm Timeless truth I speak to you: Whoever keeps my word shall never see death. Note: Mlel Lalam can be translated to Eternity, in Eternity, to the Age or Forever. 52 (The Jews) aydwhy (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (in you) Kl (is) tya (that a demon) awydd (we know) Nedy (now) ash (saying) rma (& you) tnaw (& the prophets) aybnw (is dead) tym (Abraham) Mhrba (not) al (death) atwm (keeps) rjn (My words) ytlmd (whoever) Nmd (are) tna (for eternity) Mlel (shall taste) Mejn The Jews were saying to him, Now we know that a demon is in you; Abraham is dead and the prophets, and you are saying, Whoever keeps my words shall not taste death for eternity? 53 (than) Nm (you) tna (greater) br (you) tna (are?) aml (who died) tymd (Abraham) Mhrba (our Father) Nwba (who have died) wtymd (the prophets) aybn (& than) Nmw (yourself) Kspn (you) tna (making) dbe (who are?) wnm
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Are you greater than our father Abraham who died and the prophets who have died? Who are you making yourself? 54 (I) ana (if) Na (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (not) al (My glory) yxbws (Myself) yspn (I) ana (glorify) xbsm (Who glorifies) xbsmd (My Father) yba (it is) yhwtya (anything) Mdm (is) awh (He is) wh (our God) Nhlad (you) Nwtna (of Whom say) Nyrmad (He) wh (Me) yl Jesus said to them, If I glorify Myself,My glory is nothing; it is My Father Who glorifies Me, He of Whom you say, He is our God. 55 (know) edy (but) Nyd (I) ana (you know Him) yhynwtedy (& not) alw (I) ana (had said) rma (& if) Naw (Him) hl (do) ana (Him) hl (I) ana (know) edy (that not) ald (but) ala (like you) Nwktwka (a liar) abdk (Myself) yl (I) ana (would have been) awh (I) ana (keep) rjn (& His word) htlmw (Him) hl (I) ana (know) edy And you do not know Him, but I know Him,and if I had said that I did not know Him, I Myself would have been a liar like you,but I do know him and I keep his word. 56 (desire) xwom (your Father) Nwkwba (Abraham) Mhrba (& rejoiced) ydxw (& he saw) azxw (My day) ymwy (to see) azxnd (did) awh Abraham your father desired to see my day, and he saw and rejoiced. 57 (The Jews) aydwhy (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (years) Nyns (of fifty) Nysmx (a son) rb (yet) lykde (You have seen?) tyzx (& Abraham) Mhrbalw (You are) tywh (not) al The Jews were saying to him, You are not yet fifty years old, and you have seen Abraham? 58 [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (Abraham) Mhrba (would be) awhn (before) alded (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma (AM) ytya (I) ana Jesus said to them: Timeless truth I speak to you: Before Abraham was, I AM The Living God. (AM) ytya (I) ana (Ena ithay) is a variation of Ena Na sometimes also found in The Peshitta OT statements from the mouth of God.As such,it is equivalent to the Hebrew and Aramaic Ahiah Asher High-I AM Who I AM in Exodus 3:14. The Peshitta also uses Ena Na in Exodus 3:4: I AM The God of your fathers, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac and The God of Jacob. 97% of The Peshitta OT occurrences of this phrase are Divine utterances. 59 (to stone Him) yhynwmgrnd (stones) apak (& they lifted up) wlqsw (from) Nm (& went out) qpnw (hid Himself) ysjta (& Yeshua) ewsyw (& moved on) lzaw (their midst) Nwhtnyb (& passed through) rbew (the temple) alkyh And they picked up stones to stone him, and Jesus hid himself and went out from the temple and passed through their midst and moved on. Chapter 9 1 (blind) aymo (a man) arbg (He saw) azx (He passed) rbe (& as) dkw (his mothers) hma (womb) ork (from) Nmd And as he passed, he saw a man blind from his mothers womb. 2 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (his disciples) yhwdymlt (& asked Him) yhwlasw (had sinned) ajx (who is it?) wnm (our Master) Nbr (that as) dkd (his parents) yhwhba (or) wa (this one) anh (he would be born) dlytn (blind) amo
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And his disciples asked him and they were saying, Our master,who is it that has sinned, this one or his parents,that he would be born blind? 3 (he) wh (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) ala (his parents) yhwhba (nor) alw (had sinned) ajx (of God) ahlad (the works) yhwdbe (in him) hb (that may appear) Nwzxtnd Jesus said to them, He had not sinned nor his parents, but that the works of God may appear in him. 4 (of Him Who) Nmd (the works) adbe (to do) dbeml (it is becoming) alw (for me)yl (comes) ata (it is) wh (day) ammya (while) de (has sent Me) ynrdsd (do work) xlpml (can) xksm (not) al (in which a man) snad (the night) ayll It is becoming that I do the works of Him who has sent me while it is day;the night is coming in which a man cannot work. 5 (I am) ana (in the world) amlebd (as long as) amk (of the world) amled (I am) ana (The Light) hrhwn As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 6 (He spat) qr (these things) Nylh (He had said) rma (& when) dkw (from) Nm (clay) anyj (& formed) lbgw (the ground) aera (on) le (blind) aymo (who is) whd (the eyes of him) yhwnye (on) le (& smeared) sjw (His spittle) hqwr And when he had said these things he spat on the ground and formed clay from his spittle and he smeared it on the eyes of him who was blind. 7 (wash) gysa (go) lz (to Him) hl (& He said) rmaw (& he went on) lzaw (of Shilokha) axwlysd (in the baptismal pool) atydwmemb (he saw) azx (when) dk (& was coming) ataw (he washed) gysa And he said to him, Go wash in the baptismal pool of Shilokha, and he went on, he washed, and as he was coming, he saw. 8 (him) awh (who saw) azxd (& those) Nylyaw (but) Nyd (his neighbors) yhwbbs (was) awh (begging) rdxd (before) Mydq (who) Nm (to them) Nwhl (was it) awh (not?) al (they) wwh (were saying) Nyrma (& begged) rdxw (himself) awh (who sat) btyd (he) wh But his neighbors and those who had seen him begging before were saying: Was this not he who sat and begged? 9 (& some) tyaw (that it is he) wywhd (were) wwh (saying) Nyrmad (some) tya (but) ala (no) al (were) wwh (saying) Nyrmad (but) Nyd (he) wh (him) hl (like) amd (someone) amdm (am he) ana (that I) anad (was) awh (saying) rma Some were saying, This is he, and some were saying, No, but he is someone like him, but he said, I am he. 10 (your eyes) Kynye (were opened) xtpta (how?) ankya (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma They were saying to him, How were your eyes opened? 11 (a man) arbg (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (he answered) ane (& anointed) sjw (clay) anyj (made) dbe (Yeshua) ewsy (of the name) hmsd (wash) gysa (go) lz (to me)yl (& said) rmaw (my eyes) ynye (on) le (me)yl (of Shilokha) axwlysd (in the water) aymb (to me) yl (& it appeared) yzxtaw (I washed) tgysa (& I went) tlzaw
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He answered and said to them, A man by the name Jesus made clay and anointed me on my eyes and said to me, Go wash in the water of Shilokha, and I went, I washed and I saw. 12 (where is He?) wkya (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma They were saying to him, Where is he?; He said to them, I do not know. 13 (who from) Nmd (that one) whl (& they brought him) yhwytyaw (the Pharisees) asyrp (to) twl (was) awh (blind) aymo (before) Mydq And they brought him,who before had been blind, to the Pharisees. 14 (when) dk (the Sabbath) atbs (but) Nyd (it was) - twh hytya (his eyes) yhwnye (for him) hl (& opened) xtpw (Yeshua) ewsy (clay) anyj (made) dbe But it was the Sabbath when Jesus made clay and opened his eyes for him 15 (the Pharisees) asyrp (asked him) yhwlas (& again) bwtw (but) Nyd (it) wh (to you) Kl (appeared) yzxta (How?) ankya (my eyes) ynye (on) le (He put) Mo (clay) anyj (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (to me) yl (& it appeared) yzxtaw (& I washed) tgysaw And the Pharisees asked him again, How did sight come to you? He said to them, He put clay on my eyes and I washed and sight came to me. 16 (from) Nm (men) asna (were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (from) Nm (was) awh (not) al (Man) arbg (This) anh (the Pharisees) asyrp (because the Sabbath) atbsd (He) wh (God) ahla (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (others) anrxa (keeps) rjn (not) al (for a man) arbg (is it possible) xksm (How?) ankya (were) wwh (to be doing) dbeml (signs) atwta (these) Nylh (being a sinner) ayjx (among them) Nwhtnyb (there was) twh tya (& division) atwglpw And the man of the Pharisees were saying, This man is not from God because he does not keep the Sabbath; but others were saying, How is it possible for a man who is a sinner to do these miracles? And there was a division among them. 17 (the one who was blind) aymo (to him) whl (again) bwt (they were speaking) Nyrma (about him) yhwle (you) tna (say) rma (what?) anm (you) tna (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (your eyes) Kynye (for you) Kl (who opened) xtpd (He is) wh (a Prophet) aybnd (am) ana (saying) rma (I) ana Again they were saying to him who had been blind, What do you say about Him who opened your eyes for you? He said to them, I say He is a prophet. 18 (concerning Him) yhwle (were) wwh (believing) wnmyh (but) Nyd (not) al (he had been) awh (that blind) aymod (The Judeans) aydwhy (the parents) yhwhbal (they called) wrqd (until) amde (& was seeing) azxw (who was seeing) azxd (of him) whd But the Judeans did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and was seeing, until they called the parents of the man who was seeing. 19 (your son) Nwkrb (this is) wnh (if) Na (them) Nwna (& they asked) wlasw (saying) Nyrma (whom you) Nwtnad (the same) wh (he had been born) dlyta (blind) amo (that whereas) dkd (were) Nwtna (does he see) azx (now) ash (How?) ankya And they asked them: If this is your son, the same whom you were saying that whereas he was born blind,how does he now see?
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20 (& said) wrmaw (his parents) yhwhba (but) Nyd (answered) wne (our son) Nrb (that this is) wnhd (we know) Nnyedy (he was born) dlyta (blind) amo (& that being) dkdw But his parents answered and said, We know that this is our son and that he was born blind. 21 (he sees) azx (now) ash (but) Nyd (how?) ankya (he who opened) xtp (who is?) wnm (or) wa (not) al (his eyes) yhwnye (for him) hl (has come) le (he) wh (also) Pa (we know) Nnyedy (him) hl (to his age) yhwnsl hl (shall speak) llmn (himself) hspn (for) Plx (he) wh (ask) wlas But how he sees now or who he is that opened his eyes for him we do not know. He has come of age,ask him,for he shall speak for himself. 22 (his parents) yhwhba (said) wrma (these things) Nylh (The Judeans) aydwhy (of) Nm (they were) wwh (afraid) Nylxdd (because) ljm (that if) Nad (The Judeans) aydwhy (for) ryg (had) wwh (decided) wqop (that The Messiah) axysmd (him) hb (would confess) adwn (a man) sna (the synagogue) atswnk (from) Nm (they would cast him out) yhynwqpn (He is) wh His parents said these things because they were afraid of the Judeans, for the Judeans had decided that if a man would confess Him to be The Messiah, they would cast him out of the synagogue. 23 (he has come) led (his parents) yhwhba (said) wrma (this) anh (because of) ljm (ask) wlas (him) hl (of age) yhwnsl hl And therefore his parents said, He has come of age, ask him. 24 (a second) Nytrtd (the man) arbgl (& they called) yhwarqw (he who had been) awh yhwtyad whl (time) Nynbz (glorify) xbs (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (blind) aymo (know) Nnyedy (for) ryg (we) Nnx (God ) ahlal (is) wh (a sinner) ayjx (man) arbg (that this) anhd And they called the man a second time who had been blind and they were saying to him, Glorify God, for we know that this man is a sinner. 25 (if) Na (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (he) wh (answered) ane (one thing) adx (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (he is) wh (a sinner) ayjx (& now) ashw (I was) tywh (that blind) aymod (I) ana (know) edy (but) Nyd (I) ana (see) azx (Behold) ah He answered and said to them, If he is a sinner, I do not know, but one thing I do know: I was blind and behold, now I see. 26 (what?) anm (again) bwt (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (your eyes) Kynye (for you) Kl (did he open) xtp (How?) ankya (to you) Kl (did he do) dbe They were saying to him again, What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes for you? 27 (& not) alw (you) Nwkl (I told) trma (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (you) Nwtna (do want) Nybu (again) bwt (why?) anm (you were listening) Nwtems (disciples) adymlt (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (interrogative) aml (to listen) emsml (to Him) hl (to become) awhml (are?) Nwtna (willing?) Nybu
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He said to them, I told you and you were not listening. Why do you want to listen again? Do you also want to become his disciples? 28 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (were insulting him) yhwyxu (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (of Him) whd (a disciple) hdymlt (are) wh (you) tna (to him) hl (of Moses) aswmd (are) Nnx (disciples) adymlt (for) ryg (we) Nnx But they were insulting him and were saying to him, You are His disciple; we are the disciples of Moses. 29 (God) ahla (Moses) aswm (that with) Med (& we know) Nnyedyw (not) al (but) Nyd (This one) anhl (spoke) llm (He is) wh (where) akmya (from) Nm (we know) Nnyedy And we know that God spoke with Moses, but we do not know from where this man is. 30 (& he said) rmaw (man) arbg (that) wh (answered) ane (therefore) lykh (it is) wh (in this) adhb (to them) Nwhl (are) Nwtna (aware) Nyedy (not) al (that you) Nwtnad (to be marvelled) wrmdtml (He opened) xtp (my) ylyd (& eyes) ynyew (He is) wh (where) akmya (from) Nm That man answered and said, This is therefore to be marveled at, that you are not aware from where he is and he opened my eyes. 31 (to the voice) alqb (that God) ahlad (but) Nyd (we) Nnx (know) Nyedy (but) ala (listens) ems (not) al (of a sinner) ayjxd (of Him) hnm (stands in awe) lxdd (to whomever) Nml (hears) ems (He) wh (him) whl (His will) hnybu (& does) dbew But we know that God does not listen to the voice of a sinner but listens to whomever stands in awe of Him and does his will. 32 (that opened) xtpd (it has been heard) temtsa (not) al (eternity) Mle (from) Nm (who was born) dlytad (of one blind) aymod (the eyes) anye (a man) sna From eternity it has not been heard that a man has opened the eyes of one who was born blind. 33 (This One) anh (were) awh (God) ahla (from) Nm (not) al (if) wla (to do) dbeml (this) adh (he would not have been) awh (able) xksm (not) al If this one were not from God, he would not have been able to do this. 34 (you) tna (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they answered) wne (& you?) tnaw (you were born) tdlyta (in sins) ahjxb (wholly) Klk (outside) rbl (& they cast him ) yhwqpaw (us) Nl (are) tna (teaching) Plm They answered and were saying to him, You were born entirely in sins,and are you teaching us? And they cast him outside. 35 (outside) rbl (that they cast him) yhwqpad (Yeshua) ewsy (& heard) emsw (do?) tna (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (& He found him) hxksaw (of God) ahlad (in The Son ) hrbb (you) tna (trust) Nmyhm And Jesus heard that they had cast him outside, and he found him and said to him, Do you trust in the Son of God? 36 (& said) rmaw (who was healed) yoatad (he) wh (answered) ane (in Him) hb (that I may trust) Nmyhad (my Lord) yrm (who is He?) wnm He who had been healed answered and said, Who is He, my lord, that I may trust in Him? 37 (you have seen Him) yhytyzx (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (is He) wywh (with you) Kme (Who is speaking) llmmd (& He) whw Jesus said to him, You have seen Him, and He Who is speaking with you is He.
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38 (my Lord) yrm (I) ana (believe) Nmyhm (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (Him) hl (he worshipped) dgo (& falling down) lpnw But he said, I believe, my lord, and falling down, he worshipped him. 39 (of world) amled (for the judgment) hnydl (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (who do not) ald (that those) Nylyad (I have come) tyta (this) anh (who see) Nyzxd (& those) Nylyaw (may see) Nwzxn (see) Nyzx (may be blind) Nwmon And Jesus said, For the judgment of this world I have come, that those who do not see may see and that those who see may be blind. 40 (The Pharisees) asyrp (of) Nm (& heard) wemsw (were) wwh (who with him) hmed (those) Nylya (to him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (these things) Nylh (we) Nnx (blind) aymo (are?) Nnx (also) Pa (interrogative) aml And those of the Pharisees who had been with him heard these things and they said to Him, Are we also blind? 41 (blind) aymo (if) wla (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to you) Nwkl (there had been) twh (not) tyl (you were) Nwtywh (we see) Nnyzxd (you) Nwtna (say) Nyrma (but) Nyd (now) ash (sin) atyjx (is) yh (standing) amyq (your sin) Nwktyjx (this) anh (because of) ljm The Jesus said to them, If you were blind, you would not have had sin, but now you say, We see; because of this, your sin stands. Chapter 10 1 (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (that whoever) Nmd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (to the fold) aryjl (the gate) aert (from) Nm (enters) lae (not) ald (place) akwd (from) Nm (comes up) qlo (but) ala (of the sheep) aned (& a robber) aoygw (is) wh (a thief) abng (he) wh (another) aynrxa Timeless truth I speak with you: Whoever enters not by the gate to the sheepfold, but comes up from another place, is a thief and a robber. 2 (the gate) aert (from) Nm (who enters) laed (but) Nyd (he) wh (of the flock) aned (is) wh (The Shepherd) ayer He who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the flock. 3 (opens) xtp (of the gate) aert (the keeper) rjn (& to this one) anhlw (His voice) hlq (hears) aems (& the flock) anew (the gate) aert hl (by their names) Nwhyhmsb (He calls) arq (& his sheep) yhwbrew (them) Nwhl (& leads out) qpmw To this one the gate keeper opens the gate and the flock hears his voice;he calls his sheep by their names and leads them out. 4 (before it) hymdq (His flock) hne (He has brought forth) qpad (& when) amw (go) Nylza (His own) hlyd (& His sheep) yhwbrew (He goes) lza (His voice) hlq (they know) Nyedyd (because) ljm (after Him) hrtb And when he has brought forth his flock, he goes before it and his own sheep go after him, because they know his voice. 5
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(not) al (but) Nyd (a stranger) ayrkwn (after) rtb (from him) hnm (flee) aqre (but) ala (the flock) ane (goes) alza (of a stranger) ayrkwnd (the voice) hlq (it knows) aedy (for not) ald But the flock goes not after a stranger, but flees from him, for it does not know a strangers voice. 6 (to them) Nwhl (spoke) rma (allegory) atalp (this) adh (what) anm (knew) wedy (not) al (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (Yeshua) ewsy (with them) Nwhme (He spoke) llm Jesus spoke this allegory to them, but they knew not what He was speaking with them. 7 (Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (but) Nyd (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (of the flock) aned (The Gate) hert (I am The Living God) ana anad But again Jesus said to them, Timeless truth I speak to you; I am The Living God, The Gate of the flock. 8 (who came) wtad (those) Nylya (& all) Nwhlkw (but) ala (& robbers) aoygw (were) Nwna (thieves) abng (the flock) ane (them) Nwna (heard) tems (not) al And all who have come were thieves and robbers, but the flock did not hear them. 9 (if) Na (& by Me) ybw (The Gate) aert (I am The Living God) ana ana (& shall enter) lwenw (he shall live) axn (will enter) lwen (a man) sna (shall find) xksn (& the pasture) ayerw (& shall go out) qwpnw I am The Living God, The Gate; if anyone will enter by Me, he shall live and shall go in and out and shall find the pasture. 10 (that he may steal) bwngnd (but) ala (comes) ata (not) al (a thief) abng (have come) tyta (I) ana (& that he may destroy) dbwndw (& that he may kill) lwjqndw (to them) Nwhl (shall be) Nwwhn (that life) ayxd (to them) Nwhl (may be) awhn (abundant thing) rytyd (& whatever) Mdmw But a thief comes not except to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and whatever abundance they may have. 11 (The Shepherd) ayer ( I AM The Living God) ana ana (Good) abj (The Shepherd) ayer (Good) abj (His flock) hne (in place of) Plx (lays down) Mao (His life) hspn I AM The Living God, The Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His flock. 12 (is) awh (that not) ald (but) Nyd (a hired man) aryga (the sheep) abre (are) Nwna (his own) hlyd (and not) wlw (a shepherd) ayer (is coming) atad (a wolf) abad (he sees) azxd (whenever) am (& flees) qrew (the flock) ane (leaves) qbs But a hired man who is not a shepherd, whenever he may see a wolf coming, leaves the flock and flees. 13 (because) ljm (flees) qre (but) Nyd (a hired man) aryga hl (cares) lyjb (& not) alw (he is) wh (a hired man) arygad (a wolf) abad (& comes) ataw (the flock) ane (about) le (the flock) anel (it) hl (& scatters) rdbmw (snatches) pjx But a hired man flees because he is a hired man, and cares not about the flock, and a wolf comes snatching at and scattering the flock. 14
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(know) edyw (The Good) abj (The Shepherd) ayer ( I AM The Living God) ana ana (mine) ylyd (by) Nm (I) ana (& am known) edytmw (mine) ylydl (I) ana I AM The Living God, The Good Shepherd. I know Mine and am known by Mine. 15 (My Father) yba (Me)yl (knows) edyd (just as) ankya (am) ana (knowing) edy (& I) anaw (& My Soul) yspnw (My Father) ybal (the flock) ane (for the sake of) Plx (I) ana (lay down) Mao Just as My Father knows Me and I know My Father, and My life I lay down for the flocks sake. 16 (other) anrxa (sheep) abre (also) Pa (but) Nyd (to me)yl (there are) tya (this) anh (fold) aryj (from) Nm (were) wwh (not) ald (which) Nylya (they) Nwna (to bring) wytyml (for Me) yl (it is necessary) alw (them) Nwhl (& also) Paw (& shall be) awhtw (My voice) ylq (also shall hear) Nwemsnw (The Shepherd) ayer (& One) dxw (one) adx (entire) hlk (the fold) ane But I have other sheep which were from this fold; I must also bring them. They also will hear My voice, and the entire fold shall be one and One Shepherd. 17 (because I) anad (Me) yl (delights in) Mxr (My Father) yba (this) anh (because of) ljm (I shall take it) hyboa (that again) bwtd (My Life) yspn (am) ana (laying down) Mao Because of this My Father delights in Me, because I am laying down My life that I shall take it again. 18 (takes) lqs (a man) sna (it) awh (not) al (laying down) Mao (I) ana (but) ala (from me) ynm (it) hl (I) ana (am authorized) jyls (My will) ynybu (of) Nm (it) hl (am) ana (that again) bwtd (I) ana (& am authorized) jylsw (to lay it down) hymyoad (for) ryg (commandment) andqwp (this) anhd (I shall take it) hyboa (My Father) yba (from) Nm (I have received) tlbq No man takes it from me; I am laying it down of My own will, for I am authorized to lay it down, And am authorized to take it again; this commandment I have received from My Father. 19 (among) ynyb (division) atwglp (again) bwt (& there was) twhw (these) Nylh (words) alm (because of) ljm (The Judeans) aydwhy And again there was a division among the Judeans because of these words. 20 (many) aaygo (were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (that a demon) awydd (among them) Nwhnm (he is mad) ans (& raving) ansmw (in Him) hl (is) tya (Him) hl (you) Nwtna (are listening) Nyems (Why?) anm And many among them were saying, There is a demon in Him and He is raving mad, why are you listening to Him? 21 (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (the others) anrxa (are) ywh (not) al (words) alm (these) Nylh (a demon) awyd (interrogative) aml (of one possessed) anwydd (open) wxtpml (of the blind) aymod (the eyes) anye (can?) xksm But the others were saying, These are not the words of one who is possessed. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind? 22 (of dedication) atdwxd (the feast day) adae (but) Nyd (it was) awh (it was) awh (& winter) awtow (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab
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But it was the feast day of the dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. 23 (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh (& walking) Klhmw (of Solomon) Nwmylsd (in the porch) awjoab (in the temple) alkyhb And Jesus was walking in the temple in the porch of Solomon. 24 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (The Jews) aydwhy (& surrounded Him) yhwrdxw (are taking) bon (How long?) ytmal amde (to Him) hl (you) tna (if) Na (our souls) Nspn (you) tna (openly) tyaylg (us) Nl (tell) rma (The Messiah) axysm (are) wh And the Judeans surrounded Him and were saying, How long will you take our minds? If You are The Messiah, tell us plainly. 25 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (believing) Nynmyhm (& not) alw (you) Nwkl (I told) trma (am) ana (doing) dbe (that I) anad (& the works) adbew (you are) Nwtna (of Me) yle (testify) Nydho (they) Nwnh (of My Father) ybad (in the Name) hmsb Jesus answered and said to them, I have told you, and you do not believe, and the works that I do in the Name of My Father, they testify of Me. 26 (are) Nwtna (believing) Nynmyhm (not) al (you) Nwtna (but) ala (you are) Nwtywh (that not) ald (because) ljm (to you) Nwkl (I said) trmad (just as) ankya (My sheep) ybre (of) Nm But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, just as I said to you. 27 (& I) anaw (hear) Nyems (My voice) ylq (My) ylyd (sheep) abre (them) Nwhl (am) ana (knowing) edy (after me) yrtb (come) Nyta (& they) Nwnhw My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me. 28 (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (to them) Nwhl (am) ana (giving) bhy (& I) anaw (a man) sna (& not) alw (forever) Mlel (they shall perish) Nwdban (& not) alw (My hand) ydya (from) Nm (them) Nwna (shall snatch) pwjxn And I am giving them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them from My hand. 29 (than) Nm (to Me) yl (Who gives) bhyd (for) ryg (* My Father) yba (& not) alw (is) wh (greater) br (all) lk (a thing from) Nmd (is able) xksm (a man) sna (to snatch) pwjxn (of My Father) ybad (the hand) hdya My Father Who gave them to Me is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch anything from My Fathers hand. 30 (we are) Nnx (one) dx (& My Father) ybaw (I) ana I and My Father, We are One. 31 (The Judeans) aydwhy (again) bwt (& picked up) wlqsw (to stone Him) hmgrml (stones) apak And the Judeans picked up stones again to stone Him. 32 (works) adbe (many) aaygo (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (My Father) yba (the presence) twl (from) Nm (excellent) aryps (works) adbe (which?) anya (for) ljm (I have shown you) Nwktywx (Me) yl (are you) Nwtna (stoning) Nymgr (among them) Nwhnm
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And Jesus said to them, many excellent works from the presence of My Father I have shown you. For which of those works are you stoning Me? 33 (not) al (The Judeans) aydwhy (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (stoning) Nymgr (excellent) aryps (works) adbe (for) ljm (it is) awh (You) tna (blaspheme) Pdgmd (because) ljm (but) ala (You) Kl (we are) Nnx (man) asna (a son of) rb (being) Kytya (& when) dkw (God) ahla (Yourself) Kspn (You) tna (make) dbe The Judeans were saying to Him, It is not for excellent works that we are stoning You, but because You blaspheme, and as You are a man, You make Yourself God. 34 (is it) awh (not?) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (in your Law) Nwkowmnb (written) bytk (thus) ankh (you are) Nwtna (that gods) ahlad (have said) trma (I) anad Jesus said to them, Is it not written in your law, I have said, You are gods? 35 (because) ljm (gods) ahla (He called) rma (those) Nwnhl (if) Na (of God) ahlad (the Word) atlm (was) twh (with them) Nwhtwld (be destroyed) artsnd (the scripture) abtk (can) xksm (& not) alw If He called those men gods because the Word of God was with them and the scripture cannot be destroyed 36 (& sent Him) hrdsw (sanctified Him) hsdq (Whom The Father) abad (the One) anyal (saying) Nyrma (you) Nwtna (into the world) amlel (I said) trmad (because) le (You) tna (blaspheme) pdgmd (are?) Nwtna (of God) ahlad (I am) ana (The Son ) hrbd (to you) Nwkl Are you saying to The One Whom The Father sanctified and sent into the world, You blaspheme, because I said to you, I AM The Son of God? 37 (the works) adbe (I) ana (do) dbe (if not) ala (you should believe Me) ynnwnmyht (not) al (of My Father) ybad If I do not the works of My Father, you should not believe Me. 38 (not) al (Me) yl (even if) Npa (I) ana (do) dbe (but) Nyd (if) Na (deeds) adbel (those) Nwhl (you are) Nwtna (believing) Nynmyhm (that you may know) Nwedtd (believe) wnmyh (that My Father) ybad (& that you may believe) Nwnmyhtw (in My Father) ybab (& I) anaw (is in Me) yb But if I do, even though you do not believe Me, believe those deeds, so that you may know and that you may believe that My Father is in Me and I in My Father. 39 (to seize Him) yhynwdxand (again) bwt (they) wwh (& sought) webw (their hands) Nwhydya (among) tyb (from) Nm hl (& He escaped) qpnw And they again sought to seize Him, and He escaped from their hands. 40 (of The Jordan) Nndrwyd (to the crossing) arbel (to it) hl (& went on) lzaw (had) awh (been) yhwtyad (where) akya (to the place) atkwdl (when) dk (before) Mydq (from) Nm (Yokhannan) Nnxwy (there) Nmt (& He stayed) awhw (he) awh (baptized) dmem
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And He went on to the crossing of The Jordan, to the place where John had been before when he was baptizing, and there He stayed. 41 (to Him) htwl (many) aaygo (men) asna (& came) wtaw (that Yokhannan) Nnxwyd (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (but) Nyd (everything) Mdmlk (did) dbe (sign) ata (one) adx (not) al (even) Pa (is) wh (true) ryrs (This) anh (Man) arbg (about) le (John) Nnxwy (that had said) rmad And many people came to Him and were saying, John did not even one miracle, but everything that John had said about This Man is true. 42 (in Him) hb (believed) wnmyh (& many) aaygow And many believed in Him. Chapter 11 1 (who was sick) hyrkd (a certain one) dx (but) Nyd (there was) awh tya (the village) atyrq (Byth-anya) ayne-tyb (from) Nm (Lazar) rzel (and of Martha) atrmdw (of Miriam) Myrmd (the brother) hwxa The Greek has:hn de tiv asyenwn lazarov apo bhyaniav ek thv kwmhv mariav kai maryav thv adelfhv authv 1 (AV) Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. The Peshitta has: atrmdw Myrmd hwxa atyrq ayne-tyb Nm rzel hyrkd dx Nyd awh tya 1 (MUR) And a certain man was sick, Lazarus of the town of Bethany, the brother of Mary and Martha. Her Brother: (Aramaic) hwxa Her Sister: (Aramaic) htxdHer Sister: (Hebrew) htxa It looks like a Greek translator had a problem with the Semitic form of naming a town (atyrq ayne-tyb), Bethany Town and the spelling of (Achuah-Brother), which apparently was mistaken for (DKhatha-Sister). The Greek has the town of Mary and her sister Martha; The Peshittas Aramaic has the brother of Mary and Martha. Town should not be connected with any word following it, only with Bethany. A very literal reading, disregarding the Semitic use of town as part of the name of Bethany would lead to something like the following sense: And a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town of the brother of Mary and Martha. That would have been OK, but apparently, the Greek translator misread Brother as Sister, thereby throwing a monkey wrench into the meaning of the verse: The sister of Mary and Martha does not work, so sister must be moved in the Greek text to follow Martha: Hence, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. Please note that the Greek does not really make good sense here: Lazarus was from the town of Mary and her sister? So what? He was their brother! The next verse alludes to that, but The Peshitta makes it plain in verse 1. The Hebrew spelling of the word Her sister is even closer to the Aramaic spelling of Her brother than the old Aramaic script spelling: Compare Her Brother: (Aramaic) hwxa and Her Sister: (Hebrew) htxa For la piece de la resistance, here is Jastrows Aramaic Hebrew entry from the Targums on the Aramaic word Akhatha(Same as the Hebrew spelling above):

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Apparently the older Aramaic retained the Hebrew form and was used as in The Aramaic Targum in Jeremiah 22:18, meaning Sister: twxa. twxa. Here is The Peshitta reading,her brother - hwxa. hwxa Whether the translator thought he saw or ,or either is close enough to or hwxa to account for a possible error in translation and produce the Greek reading from the Aramaic of The Peshitta. It would be a very difficult case to make to say the Aramaic came from the Greek, even if sister were to be misread as brother, which are very similar in Greek; there would have been more than reconstructive surgery going on here. To get Lazarus of the town of Bethany, the brother of Mary and Martha from Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha would be progressive evolution! The translator would have misread the definite article thv as well as adelfhv(Sister) and dropped authv(her), all three of which are feminine,and made a masculine noun brother out of them. It is triply unlikely that three words would be misread, as opposed to one, as in the other scenario discussed above. One would also be arguing that the Peshitta translation made much better sense than the original in such a case (and The Peshitta does make much better sense than the Greek text).That also seems extremely unlikely and counter productive to NT Theology. 2 (she) yh (is) hytya (this) adh (but) Nyd (Mary) Myrm (the feet) yhwlgr (with ointment) amobb (the one who anointed) txsmd (the brother) hwxa (with her hair) hreob (& wiped) tywsw (of Jesus) ewsyd (was) awh (who sick) hyrkd (Lazar) rzel (of this one) adhd (was) awh 3 (to) twl (his sisters) htwxa (two) Nyhytrt (& sent) Nyrdsw (our Lord) Nrm (& they were saying ) Nrmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (is sick) hyrk (you) tna (whom love) Mxrd (he) wh (Behold) ah 4 (not) al (sickness) anhrwk (this) anh (said) rma (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (for) Plx (but) ala (of death) atwmd (was) awh (that may be glorified) xbtsnd (of God) ahlad (the glory) atxwbst (because of it) htljm (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb 5 (Yeshua) ewsy (He) wh (but) Nyd (did) awh (love) bxm (& Lazar) rzellw (& Mary) Myrmlw (Martha) atrml Greek has Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus, again inferior to the Aramaic text: But Jesus loved Martha and Mary, and Lazarus. 6 (He remained) rtk (that he was sick) hyrkd (He heard) ems (& when) dkw (days) Nymwy (two) Nyrt (was) awh (where He) yhwtyad (in the place) atkwdb 7 (to his disciples) yhwdymltl (He said) rma (& after this) Nkrtbw (to Judea) dwhyl (again) bwt (we shall go) lzan (come) wt 8 (our Rabbi) Nbr (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (The Jews) aydwhy (now) ash (there) Nmtl (you are) tna (going )lza (& again?) bwtw (to stone You) Kmgrml 9 (twelve) aroetrt (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (a man) sna (& if) Naw (in a day) amwyb (are) tya (hours) Nyes (he stumbles) lqttm (not) al (in daylight) ammyab (walks) Klhm (this) anh (of the world) amled (the light) hrhwn (he sees) azxd (because) ljm 10 (he shall walk) Klhn (in the night) ayllb (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na (in him) hb (there is no) tyl (light) aryhnd (because) ljm (he stumbles) lqttm 11 (He said) rma (& afterwards) Nkrtbw (Yeshua) ewsy (said) rma (these) Nylh (is resting) bks (our friend) Nmxr (Lazar) rzel (to them) Nwhl
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(that I may wake him) yhwyryead (I am) ana (going) lza (but) ala 12 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (he is recovering health) Mlxtm (he is sleeping) Kmd (if) Na (our Lord) Nrm 13 (his death) htwm (about) le (spoke) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (lying down) akmdm (that about) led (thought) wrbo (& they) Nwnhw (He had spoken) rma (of sleep) atnsd (that) wh 14 (plainly) tyaqysp (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (then) Nydyh hl (has died) tym (Lazar) rzel 15 (I was) tywh (that not) ald (I) ana (& am glad) adxw (that you may believe) Nwnmyhtd (for your sakes) Nwktljm (there) Nmt (there) Nmtl (you go) wklh (but) ala 16 (The Twin) amat (who is called) rmatmd (Thoma) amwat (said) rma (his fellow) yhwrbx (to the disciples) adymltl (with Him) hme (shall die) twmn (we) Nnx (also) Pa (let us go) lzan 17 (& found) xksaw (to Byth-anya) ayne-tybl (Yeshua) ewsy (& came) ataw (being) yhwtyad (days) Nymwy (him) hl (four) aebrad (in the tomb *) arwbq tybb * Byth Qabura is an Aramaic idiom for a tomb; it literally means, House of burial. All Aramaic words printed in purple are idioms, throughout the Gospel. 18 (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (beside) bng le (Byth-anya) aynetyb (but) Nyd (was) twh hytya (fifteen) roetsmx (furlongs) atwdjoa (about) Kya (from it) hnm (separated) aqyrp (while) dk 19 (were) wwh (coming) Nyayta (The Jews) aydwhy (of) Nm (& many) aaygow (that they may comfort) Nwlmnd (& Mary) Myrmw (Martha) atrm (to) twl (their brother) Nyhwxa (concerning) ljm (their hearts) Nyhblb 20 (that Jesus) ewsyd (she heard) tems (when) dk (but) Nyd (Martha) atrm (to meet Him) herwal (she went out) tqpn (had came) ata (was) twh (sitting) abty (in the house) atybb (but) Nyd (Mary) Myrm 21 (my Lord) yrm (to Jesus) ewsyl (Martha) atrm (& said) trmaw (you had been) tywh (here) Nnt (if) wla (my brother) yxa (would have) awh (died) tam (not) al 22 (I) ana (know) aedy (now) ash (even) Pa (but) ala (You ask) lastd (that as much as) amkd (to you) Kl (He shall give) bhy (God ) ahlal 23 (your brother) ykwxa (shall rise) Maq (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma 24 (I know) anaedy (Martha) atrm (to Him) hl (& said) arma (last) ayrxa (in the day) amwyb (in the resurrection) amxwnb (that he shall rise) Maqd 25 (I AM The Living God) ana ana (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (trusts) Nmyhmd (whoever) Nm (& The Life) ayxw (The Resurrection) amxwn (he shall live) axn (he dies) twmn (even if) Npa (in Me) yb 26 ( in Me) yb (& believes) Nmyhmw (who lives) yxd (& everyone) lkw (this) adh (Do you believe?) ytnmyhm (shall die) twmn (not) al (to eternity) Mlel 27 (my Lord) yrm (Yes) Nya (to Him) hl (& she said) arma (do) ana (believe) anmyhm (I) ana
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(The Son) hrb (The Messiah) axysm (are) wh (that You) tnad (into the world) amlel (that has come) atad (of God) ahlad 28 (having gone) tlza (these things) Nylh (she had said) trma (& when) dkw (& she said) armaw (secretly) tyayok (her sister) htx (Mary) Myrml (she called) trq (for you) ykl (& has called) arqw (has come) ata (our Rabbi) Nbr (to her) hl 29 (quickly) lge (she arose) tmq (heard) tems (when) dk (& Mary) Myrmw (to Him) htwl (was) twh (& coming) aytaw 30 (come) ata (yet) lykde (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (was) wh (He was) awh (in it) hb (but) ala (to the village) atyrql (had) awh (Martha) atrm (in which He met) hterad (place) atkwd (in that) yhb 31 (who were) wwh tyad (The Jews) aydwhy (but) Nyd (there were) Nwnh (also) Pa (who comforting) Nyaybmd (in the house) atybb (with her) hme (Mary) Myrml (who saw) wzxd (her) hl (were) wwh (themselves) Nwhl (they went) wlza (& go out) tqpn (rise) tmq (quickly) lged (that to the tomb) arbqld (for) ryg (they thought) wrbo (after her) hrtb (to weep) akbml (she went) alza 32 (she came) tta (when) dk (Mary) Myrm (but) Nyd (she) yh (& saw Him) htzxw (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh yhwtyad (where) akya (His feet) yhwlgr (before) le (she fell) tlpn (here) Nnt (Oh that!) wla (to him) hl (& she said) armaw (my brother) yxa (would have) awh (died) tam (not) al (my Lord) yrm (you were) tywh 33 (that she wept) aykbd (saw) hzx (when) dk (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (with her) hme (who came) wtad (those) Nwnh (& Jews) aydwhylw (in His Spirit) hxwrb (He was powerfully moved) zzeta (weeping) Nykbd (His Soul) hspn (& was moved) eyzaw 34 (have you laid him) yhynwtmo (where?) akya (& He said) rmaw (see) yzx (Come) at (our Lord) Nrm (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 35 (of Jesus) ewsyd (the tears) yhwemd (did *) ywh (& come) Nytaw Hwai is also an expression of grief; Woe, Alas. We often find plays on words in the Aramaic of The Peshitta NT- words with significant double meanings or which rhyme with another related word in the verse. 36 (The Jews) aydwhy (were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (loved ) Mxr ( how much) amk (Behold) wzx (him) hl (He) awh 37 (said) wrma (among them) Nwhnm (but) Nyd (the people) Nysna (Who opened) xtpd (This One) anh (was) awh (able) xksm (not?) al (that he should cause) dben (who is blind) aymo (of him) whd (the eyes) yhwnye (would die) twmn (not) al (this one) anh (that even) pad 38 (He was powerfully moved) zzetm (as) dk (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (& that) whw (to the tomb) arwbq tybl (also came) ata hlw (within Himself) yhwnyb (was) awh yhwtya (tomb) arwbq tyb (and a stone) apakw (a cave) atrem (its door way) hert (over) le (was) twh (placed) amyo 39 (stone) apak (take away) wlwqs (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (Martha) atrm (to him) hl (said) arma (this) adh
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(my Lord) yrm (who died) atym (of him) whd (the sister) htx (on him) hl (it is putrid) yro (now) wdk (by) Nm (days) Nymwy (for) ryg (are upon it) hl (four) aebra 40 (not?) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (you would believe) Nynmyht (that if) Nad (to you) ykl (said I) trma (of God) ahlad (the glory) hxbws (you would see) Nyzxt 41 (& Himself) whw (that) yh (stone) apak (& they took away) wlqsw (& said) rmaw (above) lel (His eyes) yhwnye (lifted) Myra (Yeshua) ewsy (that You have heard Me) yntemsd (You) Kl (I) ana (thank) adwm (Father) aba 42 (that always) Nbzlkbd (do) ana (know) edy (& I) anaw (for the sake of) ljm (but) ala (Me) yl (You) tna (hear) ems (these things) Nylh (I) ana (said) rma (that is standing) Maqd (this) anh (crowd) asnk (have sent Me) yntrds (that You) tnad (that they may believe) Nwnmyhnd 43 (these things) Nylh (He had said) rma (& when) dkw (out) rbl (come) at (Lazar) rzel (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (He cried) aeq 44 (while) dk (who had died) atym (He) wh (& came out) qpnw (& his feet) yhwlgrw (his hands) yhwdya (were bound) Nryoa (was bound) Nryoa (& his face) yhwpaw (in swathing bands) atyqopb (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (in a turban) ardwob (go) lza (& let him) wqwbsw (unbind him) yhwars 45 (that came) wtad (The Jews) aydwhy (of) Nm (& many) aaygow (they saw) wzx (when) dk (Mary) Myrm (to) twl (in Him) hb (believed) wnmyh (Yeshua) ewsy (did) dbed (the thing) Mdm 46 (the Pharisees) asyrp (to) twl (went) wlza (among them) Nwhnm (& people) Nysnaw (Yeshua) ewsy (did) dbed (the thing) Mdm (them) Nwhl (& they told) wrmaw 47 (& Pharisees) asyrpw (priests) anhk (the chief) ybr (& were gathered) wsnktaw (This) anhd (shall we do) dben (What?) anm (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (is doing) dbe (great) ataygo (miracles) atwta (Man) arbg 48 (thus) ankh (Him) hl (we) Nnx (allow) Nyqbs (& if) Naw (shall believe) Nynmyhm (the people) asna (all) Nwhlk (taking away) Nylqs (The Romans) aymwhr (& shall come) Nytaw (in Him) hb (& our nation) Nmew (our position) Nrta 49 (whose name was) hmsd (of them) Nwhnm (but) Nyd (one) dx (that)yhd (he was) awh (priest) anhk (the high) br (Qaipha) apyq (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (year) atns (anything) Mdm (do) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al 50 (that it is profitable) xqpd (you) Nwtna (calculate) Nybsxtm (& not) alw (instead of) Plx (should die) twmn (man) arbg (that one) dxd (for us) Nl (should perish) dban (nation) ame (the whole) hlk (& not) alw (the nation) ame 51 (his own) hspn (accord) twbu (from) Nm (but) Nyd (this) adh (priest) anhk (high) brd (because) ljm (but) ala (said) rma (not) al (that prepared) dyted (prophesied) ybnta (year) atns (that) yhd (he was) awh (the nation) ame (for) Plx (that He should die) twmnd (Yeshua) ewsy (was) awh 52 (the nation) ame (in place of) Plx (only) dwxlb (& not) alw (of God) ahlad (the children) aynb (so that also) Pad (but) ala (into one) adxl (He should gather) snkn (who had scattered) Nyrdbmd 53 (day) amwy (that) wh (& from) Nmw (that they should kill Him) yhynwljqnd (they were) wwh (calculating) wbsxta
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54 (walking) Klhm (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (He) wh (The Jews) aydwhy (among) tyb (openly) tyaylg (was) awh (to a region) artal (there) Nmt (from) Nm hl (He went) lza (but) ala (which is called) arqtmd (to a fortress city) akrkl (the Arabah) abrwxl (that is near) byrqd (He) awh (was employed) Kphtm (& there) Nmtw (Ephraim) Myrpa (His disciples) yhwdymlt (with) Me 55 (of The Jews) aydwhyd (The Passover) axup (but) Nyd (was) awh (drawing near) byrq (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (the villages) ayrwq (from) Nm (many) aaygo (& came up) wqlow (their souls) Nwhspn (to purify) Nwkdnd (the feast) adede (before) Mdq 56 (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (Yeshua) ewsyl (for) hl (they were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (what?) anm (in the temple) alkyhb (to another) dxl (one) dx (to the feast) adedel (shall He come?) ata ald (do you) Nwtna (think) Nyrbo 57 (they) wwh (ordered) wdqp (& Pharisees) asyrpw (but) Nyd (the priests) anhk (chief) ybr (where He is) wkya (should know) edn (a man) sna (that if) Nad (they might sieze Him) yhynwdxand (so) Kya (them) Nwhl (he should show) qdbn

Chapter 12 1 (days) Nymwy (six) ats (before) Mdq (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (where) akya (to Byth-anya) ayne-tybl (came) ata (of the Passover) axupd tyb (from) Nm (whom raised) Myqad (he) wh (Lazar) rzel (was) awh yhwtyad (Yeshua) ewsy (Himself) wh (the grave) atym 2 (& Martha) atrmw (a supper) atymsx (there) Nmt (for Him) hl (& they made) wdbew (of) Nm (one) dx (& Lazar) rzelw (was) twh (serving) asmsm (with Him) hmed (was) awh (the guests) akymo 3 (an alabaster vase) atpyjs (took) tlqs (but) Nyd (Mary) Myrm (very) ygo (the best) aysr (of Indian Spikenard) Nydrnd (of ointment) amobd (& she wiped) tywsw (of Jesus) ewsyd (the feet) yhwlgr (& she anointed) txsmw (precious) aymd (& was filled) ylmtaw (His feet) yhwlgr (with her hair) hreob (of the ointment) amobd (the fragrance) hxyr (from) Nm (the house) atyb 4 (of) Nm (the one) dx (Scariota) ajwyrko (Judah) adwhy (& said) rmaw (to betray Him) yhwymlsnd (was) awh (who prepared) dyted (he) wh (His disciples) yhwdymlt 5 (for three) tltb (this) anh (oil) axsm (was sold) Nbdza (not) al (Why?) anml (to the poor) ankoml (& given) bhytaw (denarii) Nyrnyd (hundred) aam 6 (because) ljm (was it) awh (not) al (he said) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh (him) hl (it) awh (concerned) lyjb (the poor) ankom (about) led (he was) awh (a thief) abngd (because) ljm (but) ala (was) awh (with him) htwl (& the money box) amqowlgw (into it) hb awh (that which fell) lpnd (& anything) Mdmw (did) awh (carry) Nyej (he) wh 7 (Let her alone) hyqwbs (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (said) rma (she has kept it) htrjn (of my burial) yrwbqd (for the day) amwyl 8 (you have) Nwkl tya (the poor) ankom (for) ryg (in all times- always) Nbzlkb (not) al (but) Nyd (me) yl (with you) Nwkme (you have) Nwkl tya (in all times- always) Nbzlkb 9
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(The Jews) aydwhy (from) Nm (great) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (& heard) wemsw (not) al (& they came) wtaw (Yeshua) ewsy (is) wh (that there) Nmtd (but) ala (only) dwxlb (Yeshua) ewsy (because of) ljm (Lazar) rzell (that they may see) Nwzxnd (also) Pa (the grave) atym tyb (from) Nm (whom He had raised) Myqad (him) wh 10 (so that also) Pad (the priests) anhk (chief) ybr (were) wwh (& determined) wyertaw (they should kill him) yhynwljqn (Lazar) rzell 11 (because of him) htljm (The Judeans) aydwhy (of) Nm (many) aaygod (because) ljm (in Jesus) ewsyb (& believing) Nynmyhmw (were) wwh (departing *) Nylza Nylza (Azalin) may indicate that many Jews were departing from the traditional position and control of the Jewish leaders and religion as a result of their faith in Jesus. This was as much a political concern for the authorities as a religious one. Their power base was in serious jeopardy.(See 11:48-51.) 12 (a great) aaygo (crowd) asnk (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw (when) dk (to the feast) adedel (had) awh (come) atad (which) anya (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (had come) ata (that Jesus) ewsyd (they had heard) wems 13 (of palm trees) alqdd (branches) akwo (they took) wlqs (were) wwh (& shouting) Nyeqw (to meet Him) herwal (and went out) wqpnw (He that comes) atad (is) wh (Blessed) Kyrb (Hosanna) aneswa (& saying) Nyrmaw (of Israel) lyroyad (the King) aklm (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in the Name) hmsb 14 (& sat down ) btyw (a donkey) armx (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (found) xksa (it is written) bytkd (just as) ankya (upon it) yhwle 15 (of Zion) Nwyhu (Daughter) trb (Fear) Nylxdt (not) al (to you) ykl (comes) ata (your King) ykklm (Behold) ah (of a donkey) anta (a colt) rb (a foal) alye (on) le (& rides) bykrw 16 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (knew) wedy (not) al (but) Nyd (these things) Nylh (was glorified) xbtsa (when) dk (but) ala (time) anbz (at that) whb (that these things) Nylhd (His disciples) yhwdymlt (were reminded) wrkdta (Yeshua) ewsy (& these things) Nylhw (about Him) yhwle (were) ywh (written) Nbytk (to Him) hl (they did) wdbe 17 (this) wh (crowd) asnk (did) awh (& testify) dhow (Who called) arqd (was) awh (that with Him) hmed (& raised him) hmyqaw (the tomb) arbq (from) Nm (Lazar) rzell (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm 18 (went out) wqpn (this) adh (& because of) ljmw (great) aaygo (crowds) asnk (in front of Him) hlbwql (He did) dbe (this) adh (that miracle) atad (who heard) wemsd 19 (to another) dxl (one) dx (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd (the Pharisees) asyrp (a thing) Mdm (are) Nwtna (gaining) Nyrtwm (not) ald (you) Nwtna (see) Nyzx (whole) hlk (the world) amle (behold) ahd (after Him) hrtb (itself) hl (is moving) lza 20 (from) Nm (also) Pa (but) Nyd (there were) wwh tya (among them) Nwhb (men) asna (the Gentiles) amme (at the feast) adedeb (to worship) dgoml (who came up) wqlod 21 (to) twl (approached) wbrq (came) wta (these) Nylh (of Galilee) alylgd (Bythsaida) adyutyb (who was from) Nmd (he) wh (Phillip) owpylyp (to him) hl (& were saying) Nyrmaw (& they asked him) yhwlasw (Yeshua) ewsyl (to see) azxn (we) Nnx (wish) Nybu (my Lord) yrm
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22 (Andraeus) owardnal (& told) rmaw (Phillip himself) owpylyp wh (& came) ataw (Yeshua) ewsyl (they told) wrma (& Phillip) owpylypw (& Andraeus) owardnaw 23 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (for to be glorified) xbtsnd (the hour ) ates (has come) tta 24 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (unless) ala (of wheat) atjxd (that a grain) atdrpd (it remains) asyp (alone) hydwxlb (in the ground) aerab (& dies) atymw (falls) alpn (it yields) aytym (much) aaygo (fruit) arap (it dies) atym (but) Nyd (if) Na 25 (shall destroy it) hydbwn (his life) hspn (loves) Mxrd (whoever) Nm (this) anh (in world) amleb (his life) hspn (hates) anod (& whoever) Nmw (eternal) Mleld (for life) ayxl (shall keep it) hyrjn 26 (he shall come) atan (serves) smsm (a man) sna (me)yl (if) Na (there) Nmt (am) ytya (I) anad (& where) akyaw (after me) yrtb (to Me) yld (whoever) Nm (My servant) ynsmsm (also) Pa (shall be) awhn (The Father) aba (shall honor him) yhwyrqyn (ministers) smsm 27 (& what I?) aNmw (is troubled) asygs (Behold) ah (My soul) yspn (now) ash (this) adh (from) Nm (deliver Me) ynup (My Father) yba (shall say) rma (because of) ljm (but) ala (hour?) ates (hour) ates (to this) adhl (I have come) tyta (this) anh 28 (was heard) emtsa (& a voice) alqw (Your Name) Kms (glorify) xbs (Father) aba ( I) ana (am glorifying) xbsm (& again) bwtw (I have glorified) txbs (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm 29 (heard) wems (was) awh (that standing) Maqd (& the crowd) asnkw (others) anrxa (it was) awh (thunder) amer (& were saying) Nyrmaw (with Him) hme (spoke) llm (an angel) akalm (were saying) Nyrma (but) Nyd 30 (was) awh (not) al (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (for your benefit) Nwktljm (but) ala (this) anh (voice) alq (was) awh (for My benefit) ytljm 31 (now) ash (this) anh (of world) amled (is) wh (the judgment) hnyd (now) ash (outside) rbl (is hurled) adtsm (this) anh (of world) amled (the ruler) anwkra 32 (from) Nm (I am lifted up) tmyrttad (whenever) am (& I) anaw (to Me) ytwl (everyone) snlk (I will draw) dga (the earth) aera 33 (that He might show) awxnd (He said) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh (He would die) tam (death) atwm (by which) anyab 34 (we) Nnx (the crowds) asnk (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (The Torah) aowmn (from) Nm (have heard) Nems (abides) awqm (forever) Mlel (that The Messiah) axysmd (that prepared) dyted (you) tna (say) rma (How?) ankya (of Man) asnad (The Son) hrb (to be lifted up) Myrttnd (is) wh (of Man) asnad (Son) hrb (this) anh (who is?) wnm 35 (a little) lylq (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (is) wh (with you) Nwkme (the Light) arhwn (time) anbz (longer) Nyrxa (with you) Nwkl (is) tya (while) de (walk) wklh (the darkness) akwsx (lest) ald (the Light) arhwn (walks) Klhmd (& whoever) Nmw (overtakes you) Nwkkrdn (he is going) lza (where) akyal (knows) edy (not) al (in the darkness) akwsxb 36 (The Light) arhwn (with you) Nwkl (is) tya (while) de (that the children) yhwnbd (in The Light) arhwnb (believe) wnmyh
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(spoke) llm (these things) Nylh: (you may be) Nwwht (of The Light) arhwnd (from them) Nwhnm (He hid Himself) ysjta (& departing) lzaw (Yeshua) ewsy 37 (miracles) atwta (all) Nyhlk (these) Nylh (& whereas) dkw (in Him) hb (they trusted) wnmyh (not) al (before them) Nwhymdq (He did) dbe 38 (the Prophet) aybn (of Isaiah) ayesad (the word) atlm (that may be fulfilled) almttd (believing) Nmyh (who is?) wnm (my Lord) yrm (who said) rmad (is revealed) ylgta (to whom?) Nml (of Jehovah) ayrmd (& the arm) herdw (our report) Nemsl 39 (to believe) Nwnmyhnd (they were) wwh (able) Nyxksm (not) al (this) anh (because of) ljm (Isaiah) ayesa (said) rma (again) bwtd (because) ljm 40 (& darkened) wksxaw (their eyes) Nwhynye (they have put out) wrwed (they shall see) Nwzxn (lest) ald (their hearts) Nwhbl (in their hearts) Nwhblb (& understand) Nwlktonw (with their eyes) Nwhynyeb (them) Nwna (& I should heal) aoaw (& should be converted) Nwnptnw 41 (He saw) azx (when) dk (Isaiah) ayesa (said) rma (these things) Nylh (about Him) yhwle (& spoke) llmw (His glory) hxbws 42 (many) aaygo (but) Nyd (the rulers) asr (among) Nm (also) Pa (The Pharisees) asyrp (because of) ljm (but) ala (in Him) hb (believed) wnmyh (they would end up) Nwwhn (lest) ald (they were) wwh (confessing) Nydwm (not) al (the synagogue) atswnk (of) Nm (outside) rbl 43 (of children of men) asnynbd (the praise) axbws (for) ryg (they loved) wmxr (of God) ahlad (the praise) hxbws (than) Nm (more) ryty 44 (whoever) Nm (& said) rmaw (cried) aeq (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (in Me) yb (is) awh (not) al (in Me) yb (trusts)Nmyhmd (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (in Him) Nmb (but) ala (trusts) Nmyhm 45 (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (Him) Nml (sees) azx (sees) azx (Me) yld (& whoever) Nmw 46 (that everyone) lkd (to the world) amlel (have come) tyta (The Light) arhwn (I) ana (in the darkness) akwsxb (shall abide) awqn (not) al (in Me) yb (believes) Nmyhmd (who) Nm 47 (keeps) rjn (& not) alw (my words) ylm (hears) emsd (& whoever) Nmw (him) hl (am) ana (judging) Nad (not) al (I) ana (them) Nyhl (I have come) tyta (for) ryg (not) al (but) ala (the world) amlel (that I should judge) Nwdad (to the world) amlel (that I should give life) axad 48 (receives) lbqm (& not) alw (Me)yl (rejects) Mljd (whoever) Nm (him) hl (judges) Nadd (one who) Nm (there is) tya (my words) ylm (that I have spoken) tllmd (the word) atlm (last) ayrxa (in the day) amwyb (him) hl (shall judge) anyd (that) yh 49 (but) ala (have spoken) tllm (not) al (Myself) yspn (from) Nm (for I) anad (gave) bhy (He) wh (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (The Father) aba (commandments) andqwp (me) yl (will utter) llma (& what I) aNmw (will say) rma (what I) anm 50 (are) Nwna (lives *) ayx (that His commandments) hndqwpd (I) ana (know) edyw (which am speaking) llmmd (therefore) lykh (these things) Nylya (eternal) Mleld (I) ana (speak) llmm (thus) ankh (My Father) yba (Me) yl (tells) rmad (just as) ankya (I) ana * Khaiais properly a plural word and never occurs otherwise, though usually is interpreted as a singular. Here, though, it may bear a plural sense, eternal lives, the result of our Lords obedience and atonement for the world. The plural number may convey the sense of the Divine fulness of infinity of the Divine life given us in The Messiah.
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Chapter 13 1 (of Passover) axupd (the feast) adae (but) Nyd (before) Mdq (the hour ) ates (that had arrived) tjmd (Yeshua) ewsy (had) awh (known) edy (His Father) yhwba (to) twl (world) amle (this) anh (from) Nm (that He would depart) ansnd (who are in this) anhbd (His own) hlydl (& He loved) bxaw (them) Nwna (He loved) bxa (the end) atrxl (& until) amdew (world) amle 2 (Satan) anjol hl (He *) awh (cast) amr (supper) atymsx (it was) twh (& when) dkw (Scariota) ajwyrko (Shimeon) Nwems (son of) rb (of Yehudah) adwhyd (into the heart) hblb (so that he would betray Him) yhwymlsnd The most natural Aramaic grammar would have Satan as the direct object and our Lord as the subject:He cast Satan into Judahs heart. It is only theological shock that would decree that the traditional translation is correct. We should allow the word to dictate theology, not vice versa.Our Lord certainly has all sovereign power over Satan. 3 (knew) edyd (because) ljm (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (Himself) wh (The Father) aba (had given) bhy (thing) Mdm (every) lkd (He) awh (He had gone out) qpn (God) ahla (& that from) Nmdw (into His hands) yhwdyab (He would depart) lza (God) ahla (& unto) twlw 4 (His robe) yhwtxn (& put off) Mow (supper) atymsx (from) Nm (arose) Mq (around His waist) yhwuxb (tied) axm (a towel) anwdo (& took up) lqsw 5 (& began) yrsw (in a wash basin) atgsmb (water) aym (& He took) ymraw (& wiped) awsmw (of his disciples) yhwdymltd (the feet) algr (to wash) wgsml (around His waist) yhwuxb (that He had tied) axmd (with the towel) anwdob (He) awh 6 (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to) twl (He came) ata (but) Nyd (when) dk (my Lord) yrm (are?) tna (Shimeon) Nwems (to Him) hl (said) rma (for me) yl (you) tna (washing) gysm (My feet) ylgr 7 (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (know) edy (not) al (you) tna (I) ana (that do) dbed (the thing) Mdm (you will know) edt (but) Nyd (after this) Nkrtb (now) ash (do) tna 8 (to eternity) Mlel (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to Him) hl (said) rma (to him) hl (said) rma (my feet) ylgr (for me)yl (you) tna (do wash) gysm (not) al (you) Kl (I) ana (do wash) gysm (not) al (if) Na (Yeshua) ewsy (a part) atnm (with Me) yme (for you) Kl (there is not) tyl 9 (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to him) hl (said) rma (only) dwxlb (not) al (my Lord) yrm (therefore) Nydm (but) ala (for me)yl (wash) gyst (my feet) ylgr (my head) ysr (and) Pa (my hands) ydya (also) Pa 10 (who has bathed) axod (he) wh (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (to wash) gysn (only) dwxlb (his feet) yhwlgr (except) ala (needs) qyno (not) al (you) Nwtna (also) pa (he is) wh (clean) akd (for) ryg (wholly) hlk (all of you) Nwklk (not) al (but) ala (are) Nwtna (clean) aykd (you entirely) Nwklk 11 (him) whl (Yeshua) ewsy (for) ryg (had) awh (known) edy (because of) ljm (him) hl (who would betray) Mlsmd (were) awh (that not) ald (He said) rma (this) anh (you) Nwtna (clean) aykd (all of you) Nwklk 12 (their feet) Nwhylgr (He had washed) gysa (but) Nyd (when) dk (& said) rmaw (& reclined at the table) Kmtoaw (His robe) yhwtxn (He took up) lqs (to you) Nwkl (I have done) tdbe (what) anm (you) Nwtna (do know?) Nyedy (to them) Nwhl 13
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(& our Lord) Nrmw (our Master) Nbr (Me)yl (do) Nwtna (call) Nyrq (you) Nwtna (for) ryg (I am) ytya (you) Nwtna (say) Nyrma (& rightly) rypsw 14 (have washed) tgysa (& your Master) Nwkbrw (your Lord) Nwkrm (therefore) lykh (I) ana (if) Na (ought) Nybyx (you) Nwtna (how much?) amk (your feet) Nwkylgr (for you) Nwkl (of another) dxd (one) dx (the feet) algr (to wash) Nwgystd (you) Nwtna 15 (that in which way) ankyad (to you) Nwkl (I have given) tbhy (example) aopwj (for) ryg (this) anh (should do) Nwdbet (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (to you) Nwkl (have done) tdbe (that I) anad 16 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (his master) hrm (greater than) Nm brd (a servant) adbe (there is not) tyld (who sent him) hrdsd (him) Nm (greater than) Nm brd (an apostle) axyls (& not) alw 17 (you are) Nwtna (blessed) anbwj (you know) Nwedt (these things) Nylh (if) Na (them) Nyna (you shall do) Nwdbet (if) Na 18 (know) edy (I) ana (spoke) rma (all of you) Nwklk (about) le (it was) awh (not) al (but) ala (whom I have chosen) tybgd (those) Nylyal (for) ryg (I) ana (who eats) lkad (that he) whd (may be fulfilled) Mlsn (that the scripture) abtkd (his heel) hbqe (against Me) yle (has lifted up) Myra (bread) amxl (with Me) yme 19 (you) Nwkl (I am) ana (telling) rma (this hour) ash (from) Nm (that when) amd (it happens) awhnd (before) Mdq (from) Nm (that I AM The Living God *) ana anad (you shall believe) Nwnmyht (it has occurred) awhd * Several times our Lord tells the disciples that they shall believe Ena na (I AM). They apparently had not yet believed in His absolute Deity until after His death and resurrection. So sublime and deep is the significance of these words, that they were seldom understood or even heard by those to whom He spoke them. I have counted 147 occurrences of this term in 10 books of The Peshitta OT, 144 of which are utterences of The Deity (98 %). No other text beside The Peshitta properly sets forth this claim of our Lord Yeshua Meshikha as plainly. Along with the 32 times the title Maryah-(Jehovah) is applied to Yeshua Meshikha,there are, counting the 25 Ena na statements in John, 57 very powerful testimonies to the absolute Deity of The Messiah Yeshua in The Peshitta New Testament not found in other Bible texts. 20 (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (receives) lbqmd (that whoever) Nmd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (Me)yl (I) ana (that send) rdsmd (Him) Nml (receives) lbqm (Me) yld (& whoever) Nmw (receives) lbqm (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (Him) Nml (receives) lbqm 21 (& was powerfully moved) zzetaw (Yeshua) ewsy (said) rma (these things) Nylh (Amen) Nyma (& said) rmaw (& He testified) dhoaw (in His Spirit) hxwrb (that one) dxd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (will betray Me) ynmlsn (of you) Nwknm 22 (another) dxb (one) dx (the disciples) adymlt (but) Nyd (observed) wrx (they) wwh (knew) Nyedy (that not) ald (because) ljm (He spoke) rma (whom) wnm (about) led 23 (one) dx (His disciples) yhwdymlt (of) Nm (but) Nyd (There was) awh tya (him) wh (in His bosom) hbweb (was) awh (who supported) Kymod (Yeshua) ewsy hl (was) awh (whom loving ) Mxrd 24 (to ask Him) yhwylasnd (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (gestured) zmr (to this one) anhl (about him) yhwle (of whom He spoke) rmad (he) wh (who is?) wnmd 25 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the breast) hydx (on) le (disciple) adymlt (that) wh (& fell) lpnw (this one) anh (who is?) wnm (my Lord) yrm (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw 26 (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane
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(I) ana (give) bhy (the bread) amxl (I) ana (for whom dip) ebud (it is) wh (he) wh (& gave) bhyw (the bread) amxl (Yeshua) ewsy (& dipped) ebuw (to him) hl (Scariota) ajwyrko (Shimeon) Nwems (son of) rb (to Yehudah) adwhyl 27 (was brought in) lleta (then) Nydyh (the bread) amxl (& after) rtbw (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Satan) anjo (into him) hb (quickly) lgeb (do) dbe (you) tna (do) dbed (the thing) Mdm 28 (knew) edy (a man) sna (not) al (but) Nyd (this) adh led (reclining) akymo (those) Nwnh (among) Nm (to him) hl (He spoke) rma (why) anm 29 (because) ljm (thought) wrbo (for) ryg (the men) Nysna (of Yehudah) adwhyd (was) awh (with him) yhwdau (the money box) amqowlgd (that he would buy) Nbznd (him) hl (He commanded) dqp (that He commanding) dqpmd (or) wa (for the feast) adedel (desired) aebtmd (something) Mdm (to the poor) ankoml (something) Mdm (that he would give) ltnd 30 (the bread) amxl (took) bon (Yehudah) adwhy (but) Nyd (he) wh (outside) rbl (for him) hl (& went) qpnw (a moment) htes (son of) rb (he left) qpn (when) dk (but) Nyd (it was) awh (night) ayll 31 (The Son) hrb (is glorified) xbtsa (now) ash (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (in Him) hb (is glorified) xbtsa (& God) ahlaw (of Man) asnad 32 (in Him) hb (is glorified) xbtsa (God) ahla (& if) Naw (in Himself) hb (Him) hl (glorifies) xbsm (God) ahla (also) Paw (Him) hl (glorifies) xbsm (& at once) adxmw 33 (I am) ana (with you) Nwkme (longer) Nyrxa (a little) lylq (My children) ynb (to the Jews) aydwhyl (I said) trmad (& just as) ankyaw (& you will seek Me) ynnwebtw (you) Nwtna (am) ana (departing) lza (to which I) anad (that the place) akyald (to come) ataml (are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (not) al (now) ash (I) ana (say) rma (to you) Nwkl (also) Paw 34 (be) Nwtywhd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (give) bhy (new) atdx (a commandment) andqwp (have loved you) Nwktbxa (I) anad (just as) ankya (to another) dxl (one) dx (loving) Nybxm (another) dxl (one) dx (shall love) Nwbxt (you) Nwtna (also) Pa 35 (you are) Nwtna (that My disciples) ydymltd (man) sna (every) lk (shall know) edn (in this) adhb (the other) dx (to) twl (one) dx (in you) Nwkb (shall be) awhn (love) abwx (if) Na 36 (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to him) hl (said) rma (answered) ane (are you) tna (leaving) lza (to where?) akyal (our Lord) Nrm (not) al (I) ana (go) lzad (where) akyal (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (come) atatd (now) ash (you) tna (can) xksm (you shall come) atat (but) Nyd (at the end) atrxl (after Me) yrtb 37 (my Lord) yrm (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to him) hl (said) rma (come) atad (I) ana (can) xksm (not) al (Why?) anml (I) ana (will lay down) Mao (for Your sake) Kyplx (my life) yspn (now) ash (after You) Krtb 38 (for my sake) yplx (your life) Kspn (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (you) tna (will lay down?) Mao (until) amde (a rooster) algnrt (shall crow) arqn (that not) ald (to you) Kl (times) Nynbz (three) tlt (Me) yb (you deny) rwpktd Chapter 14 1 (your heart) Nwkbl (let be troubled) dwdtn (not) al (believe) wnmyh (& in Me) ybw (in God) ahlab (believe) wnmyh
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2 (of My Father) yba (in the house) tyb (lodgings *) anwa (there are) Nwna (many) Nyaygo (you) Nwkl (I would have) tywh (told) rma (& if not) alaw (the place) arta (for you) Nwkl (that I may prepare) byjad (I) ana (because go) lzad * Awwana is used in verse 23 as well, describing the bodily dwelling of God in the believer. 3 (the place) arta (for you) Nwkl (I prepare) byja (going) lza (& if) Naw (to join Me ) ytwl (also I bring you) Nwkrbdaw (coming) ata (again) bwt (shall be) Nwwht (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (am) ytya (that I) anad (that where) akyad 4 (know) Nyedy (I am) ana (going) lzad (& where) akyalw (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (& the path) axrwaw (you) Nwtna 5 (we know) Nnyedy (not) al (our Lord) Nrm (Thoma) amwat (to him) hl (said) rma (& How?) ankyaw (you are) tna (going) lza (where) akyal (to know) edml (the path) axrwa (we) Nnx (are able) Nyxksm 6 (I AM The Living God) ana ana (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (& The Life) ayxw (& The Truth) arrsw (the Path) axrwa (by Me) yb (only) Na (except) ala (My Father) yba (to) twl (comes) ata (man) sna (no) al 7 (also) Pa (you had ) Nwtywh (known) Nyedy (Me)yl (If) wla (& from) Nmw (you would have) Nwtywh (known) Nyedy (My Father) ybal (& you have seen Him) yhynwtyzxw (Him) hl (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (this hour) ash 8 (our Lord) Nrm (Phillipos) owpylyp (to Him) hl (said) rma (for us) Nl (& it is enough) wdkw (The Father) aba (show us) Nwx 9 (time) anbz (entire) hlk (this) anh (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (Phillipa) apylyp (you have known Me) yntedy (& not) alw (I am) ana (with you) Nwkme (The Father) abal (has seen) azx (has seen) azx (Me) yld (whoever) Nm (The Father) aba (Show us) Nwx (do) tna (say) rma (you) tna (& how?) ankyaw 10 (in My Father) ybab (that I am) anad (do you?) tna (believe) Nmyhm (not) al (I) anad (which) Nylya (the words) alm (in me) yb (& My Father) ybaw (am speaking) llmm (not) al (Myself) yspn (from) Nm (am) ana (speaking) llmm (Who in me) ybd (but) Nyd (My Father) yba (I) ana (these) Nylh (works) adbe (does) dbe (He) wh (dwells) rme 11 (& My Father) ybaw (in My Father) ybab (that I am) anad (believe) wnmyh (believe) wnmyh (the works) adbe (because of) ljm (even) Npa (& if not) alaw (in Me) yb Believe that I am in my Father and My Father in Me, and if not, then believe because of the works. 12 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (works) adbe (in me) yb (believes) Nmyhmd (that whoever) Nmd (he) wh (also) Pa (have) ana (done) dbe (that I) anad (those) Nylya (these) Nylh (than) Nm (& greater) Nyrytydw (shall do) dben (shall) ana (go) lza (The Father) aba (join) twl (because I) anad (He will do) dben 13 (I shall do) dbea (in My Name) ymsb (that you will ask) Nwlastd (& anything) Mdmw (in His Son) hrbb (The Father) aba (that will be glorified) xbtsnd (for you) Nwkl 14 (I shall do this) andbe (I) ana (in My Name) ymsb (you will ask Me) ynnwlast (& if) Naw 15 (keep) wrj (My commands) yndqwp (Me)yl (you) Nwtna (love) Nymxr (if) Na 16 (& another) anrxaw (My Father) yba (from) Nm (shall request) aeba (& I) anaw (to you) Nwkl (He will give) ltn (Savior *) ajlqrp
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(for eternity) Mlel (with you) Nwkme (that He will be) awhnd * According to the lexicons, ParqlayTa (without yod) could be a contraction of Paraq + QlayTa (Redeemer Protector), or it could be Paraq + LyTa (Redeemer of the accursed). The latter would seem to be the more accurate etymology. Another Savior implies a former Savior, which was Jesus Himself. The Greek word Parakletos (Advocate, Comforter,Intercessor) is never applied in the gospels to our Lord. The disciples did know Him as the Paroqa & Makhina ( Redeemer, LifegiverSavior). 17 (Whom the world) amled (He is) wh (of The Truth) arrsd (The Spirit) axwr (because) ljm (to receive Him) htwlbqml (is able) xksm (not) al (has it known Him) hedy (nor) alw (has it seen Him ) yhyzx (neither) ald (Him) hl (do) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (He is) wh (& in you) Nwkbw (He dwells) rme (for with you) Nwktwld 18 (as orphans) amty (you) Nwkl (I) ana (shall leave) qbs (not) al (while) Nyrxa (in a little) lylq (to you) Nwktwl (for) ryg (I) ana (shall come) ata 19 (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (Me) yl (will see) azx (not) al (& the world) amlew (will live) Nwxt (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (live) yx (because I) anad (will see Me) ynnwzxt 20 (in My Father) ybab (that I am) anad (you will know) Nwedt (day) amwy (in that) whb (am) ana (in you) Nwkb (& I) anaw (are) Nwtna (in Me) yb (& you) Nwtnaw 21 (them) Nwhl (& keeps) rjnw (My commands) yndqwp (has) htwl tyad (whoever) Nm (Me) yl (who loves) Mxrd (but) Nyd (he) wh (Me) yl (love) bxm (does) wh (he) wh (My Father) yba (from) Nm (will be loved ) Mxrtn (Myself) yspn (& I shall show him) yhwywxaw (shall love him) yhwymxra (& I) anaw 22 (Scariota) ajwyrko (he was) awh (not) al (Judah) adwhy (to him) hl (said) rma (you are) tna (going) dyte (to us) Nl (How is it?) wnm (my Lord) yrm (to the world) amlel (the same) awh (& not) alw (yourself) Kspn (to show) wywxml 23 (whoever) Nm (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (& My Father) ybaw (keeps) rjn (My word) ytlm (Me)yl (loves) Mxrd (We) Nnx (will come) Nyta (& to him) htwlw (will love him) yhwymxrn (We) Nnx (will make) Nydbe (with him) htwl (& lodging *) anwaw Lodging comes from Awwana, the same word used in verse 2: In my Fathers house are many lodgings. 24 (Me) yl (love) Mxr (who does not) ald (but) Nyd (he) wh (this) adh (& word) atlmw (keeps) rjn (not) al (My word) ytlm (but) ala (Mine) ylyd (was) twh (not) al (you) Nwtna (that are hearing) Nyemsd (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (The Fathers) abad 25 (I have spoken) tllm (these things) Nylh (I am) ytya (with you) Nwktwl (while) dk (with you) Nwkme 26 (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (The Savior) ajlqrp (but) Nyd (He) wh (in My Name) ymsb (My Father) yba (Whom sends) rdsmd (He) wh (all things) Mdmlk (will teach you) Nwkpln (He) wh (everything) lk (will remind you of) Nwkdhen (& He) whw (you) Nwkl (I) ana (have told) rmad (whatever) am 27 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (leave) qbs (peace) amls (not) al (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (give) bhy (My) ylyd (peace) amls (do) ana (give) bhy (I) ana (the world) amle (gives) bhyd (as) ankya (it is) awh (let be troubled) dwdtn (not) al (to you) Nwkl (do let it fear) lxdn (& not) alw (your heart) Nwkbl
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28 (going) lzad (to you) Nwkl (said) trma (that I) anad (you have heard) Nwtems (to you) Nwktwl (I) ana (& coming) ataw (I am) ana (Me) yl (you had) Nwtywh (loved) Nymxr (if) wla (to join) twl (I am) ana (that going) lzad (you would have) Nwtywh (rejoiced) Nydx (than I) ynm (is) wh (greater) br (for My Father) ybad (My Father) yba 29 (it happens) awhn (before) alde (you) Nwkl (I have told) trma (Behold) ah (& now) ashw (you may believe) Nwnmyht (it has happened) awhd (that when) amd 30 (much) ataygo (with you) Nwkme (I am speaking) llma (not) al (After this) lykm (& in Me) ybw (of the world) amled (the prince) hnwkra (for) ryg (is coming) ata (a thing) Mdm (for him) hl (there is not *) tyl * Wbai layt lah meddem is an idiomatic expression meaning: He has nothing in me. Today we might say: He has nothing on me., meaning he cannot rightfully accuse me of anything and he has no damaging information he can use against me. 31 (the world) amle (that may know) ednd (but) ala (My Father) ybal (I) ana (that love) Mxrd (so) twkh (My Father) yba (has taught Me) yndqpd (& just as) ankyaw (from here) akm (let us depart) lzan (Rise up) wmwq: (I) ana (have done) dbe Chapter 15 1 (True) arrsd (The Vine) atpg (I AM The Living God) ana ana (The Vine Dresser) axlp (is) wh (& My Father) ybaw 2 (yielding) abhy (not) al (fruit) arap (in me) ybd (branch) atsbs (every) lk (fruit) arap (which yields) abhyd (& that) adyaw (it) hl (He takes away) lqs (it shall bring forth) atyt (much) aaygo (that fruit) arapd (it) hl (He purges) akdm 3 (are) Nwtna (purged) Nykd (now) wdk (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (with you) Nwkme (that I have spoken) tllmd (the word) atlm (because of) ljm 4 (just as) ankya (in you) Nwkb (& I) anaw (in me) yb (Remain) wwq (from) Nm (fruit) arap (yield) lttd (can) axksm (not) al (the branch) atsbsd (thus) ankh (in the vine) atpgb (it remains) aywqm (unless) ala (itself) hspn (in Me) yb (you abide) Nwwqt (unless) ala (do you) Nwtna (neither) al Pa 5 (the branches) atsbs (& you are) Nwtnaw (The Vine) atpg (I AM The Living God) ana ana (in him) hb (& I) anaw (in Me) yb (remains) awqmd (whoever) Nm (because) ljm (much) aaygo (fruit) arap (brings forth) atym (this one) anh (anything) Mdm (to do) dbeml (you) Nwtna (are able) Nyxksm (not) al (Me) ana (without) aldd 6 (in Me) yb (abides) awqm (a man) sna (but) Nyd (unless) ala (like) Kya (outside) rbl (he is thrown away) adtsm (& they gather) Nyjqlw (shriveled up) asbyd (a branch) atsbs (to burn) dqatd (into the fire) arwnb (it) hl (throwing) Nymr 7 (in me) yb (you will abide) Nwwqt (but) Nyd (if) Na (whatever) am (everything) lk (in you) Nwkb (will abide) Nywqn (& My words) ylmw (for you) Nwkl (shall be done) awhn (to ask) lasml (you desire) Nwbutd 8 (that fruit) arapd (The Father) aba (is glorified) xbtsm (in this) adhb (My disciples) ydymlt (& you will be) Nwwhtw (you will bring forth) Nwtyt (much) aaygo 9
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(I) ana (even) Pa (My Father) yba (has loved Me) ynbxad (just as) ankya (mine) ylyd (in My friendship) ytmxrb (continue) wwq (have loved you) Nwktbxa 10 (you will remain) Nwwqt (you keep) Nwrjt (My commandments) yndqwp (if) Na (have kept) trjn (that I) anad (just as) ankya (My) ylyd (in love) abwxb (in His love) hbwxb (I) ana (& abide) awqmw (My Fathers) ybad (commandments) yhwndqwp 11 (that My joy) ytwdxd (with you) Nwkme (I have spoken) tllm (these things) Nylh (your joy) Nwktwdx (& may be perfect) almtstw (in you) Nwkb (may be) awht 12 (one) dx (that you love) Nwbxtd (My commandment) yndqwp (this is) wnh (have loved you) Nwktbxa (I) anad (just as) ankya (another) dxl 13 (there is not) tyl (this) anh (than) Nm (greater) brd (love) abwx (his friends) yhwmxr (for the sake of) Plx (will lay down) Myon (his life) hspn (that a person) snad There is no greater love than this, that a person lay down his life for his friends. The Greek texts have a different reading: Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. I have little doubt that a Greek translator mistook snad -that a manas snal to a man. Snal tyl, the misread text with a Lamed l where there was a Dalet d, means,No man has. In so reading it, the translator would have created the Aramaic idiom Snal tyl, meaning, No man has. The actual reading cannot mean that; it is an absolute statement of truth: There is no greater love than this, that a man will lay down his life for his friends. (Blue words represent the two Aramaic words Snad tyl. The Greek reading: Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends(blue words represent Snal tyl). It is easy, once again, to see how the Aramaic could give rise to the Greek,especially from a square Aramaic script (used until the first century in Aramaic mss.), as is used here. I believe it would be very difficult to account for the Aramaic reading of the Peshitta as a translation of the Greek text. The Greek would not translate into the Aramaic of The Peshitta. The Peshitta simply does not look like a translation of the Greek, here & in many other places. Just a graphic recap. illustrating the Aramaic basis for the Greek reading:

Peshitta reading
DSS Aramaic

snad tyl -there is not, that a man: snal tyl there is not to a man

Greek reading in Aramaic

The Greek verse does not compare to the implications of The Peshitta reading. This Peshitta verse is probably one of the most important in all of scripture, theologically. It not only sets the standard and definition for the greatest love possible, but for The greatest possible God. Think about this statement with reference to Him, and you have something to think about and contemplate for an eternity. 14 (all) lk (you will do) Nwdbet (if) Na (are) Nwtna (My friends) ymxr (you) Nwtna (you) Nwkl (I) ana (that command) dqpmd 15 (servants) adbe (you) Nwkl (I) ana (call) arq (after this) lykm (not) al (does) dbe (what) anm (knows) edy (not) al (a servant) adbed (because) ljm (because) ljm (I have called you) Nwktyrq (but) Nyd (My friends) ymxr (his master) hrm (I have taught you) Nwktedwa (My Father) yba (from) Nm (that I have heard) temsd (all) lkd 16 (chosen Me) ynnwtybg (you) Nwtna (have) awh (not) al (& appoint you) Nwktmow (choose you) Nwktybg (do) wh (I) ana (but) ala (fruit) arap (bring forth) Nwtyt (will go) Nwlzat (you) Nwtna (so that also) Pad (you will ask) Nwlastd (that all) lkd (will remain) Nwwqn (& your fruit) Nwkyrapw (to you) Nwkl (He will give) ltn (in My Name) ymsb (My Father) ybal 17 (you) Nwkl (I) ana (command) dqpm (these things) Nylh (another) dxl (one) dx (that you will love) Nwbxtd
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18 (know) wed (you) Nwkl (hates) ano (the world) amle (& if) Naw (it hated) ano (Me) yl (that before you) Nwkymdqd 19 (the world) amle (you had been) Nwtywh (the world) amle (from) Nm (& if) wlaw (would have) awh (loved ) Mxr (its own) hlydl (I) ana (the world) amle (from) Nm (you were) Nwtywh (not) al (but) ala (because of) ljm (the world) amle (from) Nm (have chosen you) Nwktybg (for) ryg (the world) amle (you) Nwkl (hates) ano (this) anh 20 (to you) Nwkl (have spoken) trma (that I) anad (the word) atlm (Remember) wdhe (than) Nm (who is greater) brd (a servant) adbe (that there is not) tyld (you) Nwkl (also) Pa (they have persecuted) wpdr (Me) yl (if) Na (his master) hrm (they have kept) wrjn (My word) ytlm (& if) Naw (they will persecute) Nwpdrn (they will keep) Nwrjn (yours) Nwklyd (also) Pa 21 (they will do) Nwdben (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (but) ala (because not) ald (My) ylyd (My Name) yms (because of) ljm (among you) Nwkb (Who has sent Me) ynrdsd (Him) Nml (they know) Nyedy 22 (with them) Nwhme (speaking) tllm (had come) tyta (not) al (I) ana (if) wla (but) Nyd (now) ash (sin) atyjx (to them) Nwhl (there would have been) twh (not) tyl (their sin) Nwhtyjx (for the sake of) ypa le (a reason) atle (to them) Nwhl (there is not) tyl 23 (hates) ano (My Father) ybal (also) Paw (hates) ano (Me) yld (whoever) Nm 24 (in their sight) Nwhynel (I had done) tdbe (not) al (the works) adbe (& if) wlaw (has done) dbe (not) al (another) Nyrxa (a man) snad (which) Nylya (sin) atyjx (to them) Nwhl (there would have been) awh (not) tyl 25 (that is written) abytkd (the word) atlm (that may be fulfilled) almttd (for nothing) Ngm (they hated Me) ynwanod (in their law) Nwhowmnb (& hated) wnow (they have seen) wzxw (but) Nyd (now) ash (My Father) ybal (& even) Paw (Me) yl (also) Pa 26 (The Redeemer of the accursed) ajlqrp (comes) atad (but) Nyd (when) am (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (shall send) rdsm (Whom I) anad (He) wh (The Spirit) axwr (of My Father) yba (the Presence) twl (from) Nm (He it is) wh (of The Truth) arrsd (proceeds) qpn (of My Father) yba (the Presence) twl (Who from) Nmd (concerning Me) yle (shall testify) dhon (He) wh 27 (are) Nwtna (testifying) Nydho (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (are) Nwtna (with Me) yme (the beginning) ayrws (who from) Nmd Chapter 16 1 (I have spoken) tllm (these things) Nylh (you would be offended) Nwlsktt (that not) ald (with you) Nwkme 2 (their assemblies) Nwhtswnk (from) Nm (for) ryg (they shall put you out) Nwknwqpn (who will kill you) Nwklwjqnd (in which everyone) lkd (the hour) ates (& shall come) atatw (to God) ahlal (he presents) brqm (that an offering) anbrwqd (will think) rbon 3 (not) ald (because) ljm (they shall do) Nwdben (& these things) Nylhw (Me) yl (nor) alw (My Father) ybal (either) alw (they know) wedy 4 (comes) atad (that when) amd (with you) Nwkme (I have spoken) tllm (these things ) Nylh (them) Nyna (you will remember) Nwdhet (their moments) Nyhnde (these things) Nylh (you) Nwkl (told) trma (that I) anad
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(not) al (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (but) Nyd ( I was) tywh (for with you) Nwkmed (you) Nwkl (I told) trma 5 (Him Who) Nm (to join) twl (I) ana (am going) lza (but) Nyd (now) ash (Me) yl (asks) lasm (among you) Nwknm (man) sna (& no) alw (has sent Me) ynrdsd (are You) tna (going) lza (Where?) akyal 6 (these things) Nylh (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I have said) trma (your hearts) Nwktwbl (& has filled) tlmw (sadness) atwyrk (& has come) ttaw 7 (you) Nwkl (do) ana (tell) rma (the truth) arrs (I) ana (but) ala (I) ana (for) ryg (if) Na (go away) lza (that I) anad (for you) Nwkl (it is beneficial) xqpd (will come) ata (not) al (The Redeemer of the cursed) ajlqrp (I) ana (go away) lza (not) al (to you) Nwktwl (I shall send Him) yhwyrdsa (I depart) lza (but) Nyd (if) Na (to you) Nwktwl 8 (He) wh (comes) atad (& when) amw (sin) atyjx (concerning) le (the world) amlel (He will correct) yhwyokn (judgment) anyd (& concerning) lew (righteousness) atwqydz (& concerning) lew 9 (in Me) yb (they are believing) Nynmyhm (for not) ald (sin) atyjx (concerning) le 10 (My Fathers) yba (for to Presence) twld (but) Nyd (righteousness) atwqydz (concerning) le (Me) yl (you) Nwtna (will see) Nyzx (again) bwt (& not) alw (I ) ana (will go) lza 11 (of world) amled (because The Prince) anwkrad (but) Nyd (judgment) anyd (about) le (is) wh (judged) Nyd (this) anh 12 (to you) Nwkl (to say) rmaml (to Me) yl (is) tya (much) ygo (again) bwt (now) ash (to grasp) dxaml (you) Nwtna (are able) Nyxksm (not) al (but) ala 13 (but) Nyd (He comes) atad (whenever) am (into the whole) hlkb (will lead you) Nwkrbdn (He) wh (of The Truth) arrsd (The Spirit) axwr (will) Nyer (from) Nm (He shall speak) llmn (for) ryg (not) al (Truth) arrs (that He shall hear) emsnd (everything) lk (but) ala (His own) hspn (He shall reveal to you) Nwkedwn (& the future) atdytew (He shall speak) llmn (that) wh Old Syriac has, The Spirit of Truth in the feminine gender She shall speak She shall hear.. She shall speak... She shall reveal, whereas the Aramaic language (& Old Syriac in John 15:27) has The Spirit of Truth in the masculine gender. 14 (because) ljm (shall glorify Me) ynxbsn (& He) whw (& He shall show you) Nwkywxnw (He shall take) bon (Mine) ylyd (that which is from) Nmd 15 (My Fathers) ybal (that is) tyad (thing) Mdm (every) lk (to you) Nwkl (I have said) trma (this) anh (because of) ljm (is) wh (Mine) ylyd (& He will show you) Nwkywxnw (He will take) bon (Mine) ylyd (that which is from) Nmd 16 (a little while) lylq (& again) bwtw (you will see Me) ynnwzxt (& not) alw (a little while) lylq (The Father) aba (to) twl (I am) ana (because going) lzad (& you will see Me) ynnwzxtw 17 (to another) dxl (one) dx (His disciples) yhwdymlt (were) wwh (& saying) wrmaw (to us) Nl (that He said) rmad (this) adh (is) yh (what?) anm (you will see Me ) ynnwzxt (& not) alw (a little while) lylqd (& you will see Me) ynnwzxtw (a little) lylq (& again) bwtw (My Father) yba (to join) twl (I am) ana (& because going) lzadw 18 (a little while) lylq (this) adh (is) yh (what?) anm (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (He is uttering) llmm (what?) anm (we know) Nnyedy (not) al (that He says) rmad 19 (they were) wwh (that wanting) Nyebd (knew) edy (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& He said) rmaw (to ask Him) htwlasml (with) Me (are you?) Nwtna (inquiring) Nyeb (this) adh (about) le (that a little while) lylqd (to you) Nwkl (because I said) trmad (each other) addx
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(& you will see Me) ynnwzxtw (a little while) lylq (& again) bwtw (you will see Me) ynnwzxt (& not) alw 20 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (& the world) amlew (& mourn) Nwlatw (you) Nwtna (shall weep) Nwkbtd (but) ala (you will sorrow) arkt (& to you) Nwklw (will rejoice) adxn (shall be turned) awht (into joy) atwdxl (your sorrow) Nwktwyrk 21 (in her) hl (she has sorrow) ayrk (is giving birth) adlyd (when) am (a woman) attna (when) am (of her delivery) hdlwmd (the day) amwy (because has arrived) ajmd (not) al (a son) arb (but) Nyd (when she has borne) tdlyd (because of) ljm (the distress) Nulwa (she remembers) adhe (into the world) amleb (a son) asnrb (that has been born) dlytad (the joy) atwdx 22 (but) Nyd (again) bwt (to you) Nwkl (you have sorrow) ayrk (now) ash (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (your heart) Nwkbl (& shall rejoice) adxnw (I shall see you) Nwkyzxa (from you) Nwknm (shall take) bon (man) sna (no) al (& your joy) Nwktwdxw 23 (anything) Mdm (you will ask) Nwlast (not) al (Me) yl (day) amwy (& in that) whbw (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (speak) rma [Timeless Truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (that you shall ask) Nwlastd (thing) Mdm (that every) lkd (to you) Nwkl (He shall give) ltn (in My Name) ymsb (My Father) ybal 24 (anything) Mdm (you have asked) Nwtlas (not) al (this hour) ashl (until) amde (& you will receive) Nwbotw (ask) wlas (in My Name) ymsb (perfect) aylmsm (your joy) Nwktwdx (that may be) awhtd 25 (I have spoken) tllm (in parables) atalpb (these things) Nylh (not) ald (when) ytma (the hour ) ates (but) Nyd (is coming) ayta (with you) Nwkme (eye *) Nye (but) ala (in parables) atalpb (with you) Nwkme (I shall speak) llma (The Father) aba (about) le (to you) Nwkl (I shall declare) qdba (in opened *) algb * In opened eye comes from an Aramaic idiom- Ayn Bgla, meaning clearly, plainly,openly. 26 (you will ask) Nwlastd (day) amwy (in that) whb (to you) Nwkl ( I ) ana (say) rma (& not) alw (in My Name) ymsb (for you) Nwkyle (The Father) aba (from) Nm (shall request) aeba (that I) anad 27 (you) Nwkl (loves) Mxr (The Father) aba (for) ryg (Himself) wh (& have believed) Nwtnmyhw (have loved Me) ynnwtmxr (because you) Nwtnad (have gone forth) tqpn (God) ahla (union with) twl (from) Nm (that I) anad 28 (The Father) aba (union with) twl (from) Nm (I have proceeded) tqpn (I) ana (leave) qbs (& again) bwtw (into the world) amlel (& have come) tytaw (The Father) aba (to join) twl (Myself) yl (I am) ana (& going) lzaw (the world) amlel 29 (His disciples) yhwdymlt (to Him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (You are) tna (speaking) llmm (plainly) tyaylg (now) ash (Behold) ah (You) tna (speak) rma (one) adx (also not) alw (& a parable) atalpw 30 (that every) lkd (we are) Nnx (knowing) Nyedy (now) ash (You) tna (need) qyno (& not) alw (You) tna (know) edy (thing) Mdm (believing) Nynmyhm (in this) adhb (should ask You) Klasn (that anyone) snad (You have proceeded) tqpn (God) ahla (that from) Nmd (we are) Nnx 31 (Do you believe?) wnmyh (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma 32 (it has come) tta (& now) ashw (the hour) ates (comes) ayta (behold) ahd (a man) sna (when you will be scattered) Nwrdbttd (alone) ydwxlb (& you will leave Me) ynnwqbstw (to his place) hrtal (is) wh (with Me) yme (because The Father) abad (alone) ydwxlb (I shall be) tywh (& not) alw
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33 (that in Me) ybd (to you) Nwkl (I have spoken) trma (these things) Nylh (in the world) amleb (peace) amls (to you) Nwkl (shall be) awhn (take heart) wbblta (but) ala (suffering) anulwa (to you) Nwkl (there is) awh (the world) amlel (have overcome) htykz (I) ana Chapter 17 1 (to Heaven) aymsl (His eyes) yhwnye (& lifted) Myraw (Yeshua) ewsy (spoke) llm (these things) Nylh (the hour) ates (has come) tta (My Father) yba (& said) rmaw (may glorify You) Kxbsn (that Your Son) Krbd (Your Son) Krb (glorify) xbs These things spoke Jesus and lifted His eyes unto Heaven and He said: My Father, the hour has come; Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify You. Here is holy ground; I hear the ancient and eternal words Moses heard at the burning bush of The Presence of Jehovah: Put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the ground whereon thou standest is holy ground. Here is where Jehovah Himself knelt down to pray. Here He looks up to Heaven from earth; Here He utters His heart and souls desire. Here is truly the LORDs prayer, and the Spirit of Holiness, The mind of the Holy One of Israel- The Holy One of God- The Holy God Himself. 2 (authority) anjlws (to Him) hl (You have given) tbhyd (just as) ankya (whatsoever) am (because everything) lkd (flesh) rob (every) lk (over) le (He will give) ltn (to Him) hl (You have given) tbhyd (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (to it [every flesh] ) hl Just as You have given Him authority over all flesh, He will give eternal life to them, because You have given all things whatsoever to Him. All flesh- Kol basar is singular in number grammatically, though certainly plural in meaning. He will give to it- Natal lah grammatically refers it to all flesh quite well. A similar construction occurs in the Peshitta version of Genesis 6:17. See Luke 3:6 and Acts 2:17. It has always been Gods promise to save all people.There are many promises of salvation toall fleshin The Hebrew Bible. That salvation is called the Will of God in 1Timothy 2:3,4 and The Promise of the Gospel to Abraham in Galatians 3:8. It is also called The New Covenant in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:8-13. There are too many references to list here, but certainly our Lord God Yeshua Meshikha said: I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.(John 12:47) Shall we trust and follow a liar or a failure? God forbid! 3 (that is eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (but) Nyd (are) Nwna (these things) Nylh (of Truth) arrsd (The God) ahla (are) tna (because You) tnad (that they will know You) Knwednd (& Him Whom) Nmw (You alone) Kydwxlb (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (You have sent) trdsd But these things are eternal life: That they will know You, for You are the God of Truth alone, and Jesus The Messiah, Whom You have sent. 4 (that) wh (the work) adbe (in the earth) aerab (have glorified You) Ktxbs (I) ana (I have finished it) htmls (that I should do) dbead (to me) yl (You have given) tbhyd I have glorified You in the earth; I have accomplished the work that You have given Me to do. 5 (in union with yourself) Ktwl (My Father) yba (you) tna (glorify Me) ynyxbs (now) ashw (with me) yl (was) awh (that being) tyad (glory) axbws (in that) whb (a universe) amle (there was) awhnd (before) Mdq (from) Nm (in union with You) Ktwl Now, glorify Me, My Father, in union with Yourself, in that glory which I had in union with You before the universe was. 6 (those) Nwnh (of men) asna (to the children) ynbl (Your Name) Kms (I have revealed) tedwa
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(the world) amle (from) Nm (Me) yl (whom You have given) tbhyd (them) Nwna (You have given) tbhy (& to Me) ylw (they were) wwh (Yours) Klyd (Your word) Ktlm (& they have kept) wrjnw I have revealed Your Name to the children of men, those whom You have given Me from the world; Yours they were, and You have given them to Me, and they have kept Your word. 7 (to Me) yl (You have given) tbhyd (whatever) am (everything) lkd (I know) tedy (now) ash (is) wh (your Presence) Ktwl (from) Nm Now I know that everything whatsoever You have given Me is from Your Presence. 8 (I have given) tbhy (to me) yl (that You gave) tbhyd (for the words) almd (truly) tyaryrs (& they have known) wedyw (they have received) wlbq (& them) Nwnhw (to them) Nwhl (I have proceeded) tqpn (union with You) Ktwl (that from) Nmd For the words that you gave Me I have given them, and they have received them and known truly that I have proceeded from union with You. 9 (the world) amle (over) le (was) awh (not) al (I) ana (pray) aeb (over them) Nwhyle (Me) yl (whom You have given) tbhyd (those) Nwnh (over) le (but) ala (I) ana (praying) aeb (have sent Me) yntrds (that you) tnad (& they have believed) wnmyhw (they are) Nwna (for Yours) Klydd I pray over them; I was not praying over the world, but I was praying for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours, and they have believed that you have sent Me. 10 (is) wh (Yours) Klyd (is) wh (that Mine) ylydd (thing) Mdm (& every) lkw (in them) Nwhb (I am) ana (& glorified) xbsmw (is) wh (Mine) ylyd (& Yours) Klydw And everything that is Mine is Yours, and Yours is Mine, and I am glorified in them. 11 (& these) Nylhw (in the world) amleb (I shall dwell) tywh (not) al (from now on) lykm (to join You) Ktwl (& I) anaw (are) Nwna (in the world) amleb (keep) rj (Holy) asydq (Father) aba (am) ana (coming) ata (to Me) yl (which You have given) tbhyd (that) wh (in Your Name) Kmsb (them) Nwna (We are) Nnxd (just as) ankya (one) dx (that they shall be) Nwwhnd From now on, I shall not dwell in the world, and these are in the world, and I am coming to join You; Holy Father, keep them in Your Name (that Name which You have given Me), so that they shall be one, just as We are. 12 (I) ana (in the world) amleb (I was) tywh (with them) Nwhme (when) dk (those) Nylyal: (in Your Name) Kmsb (them) Nwhl (did) tywh (keep) rjn (I have kept) trjn (Me) yl (whom You gave) tbhyd (the son) hrb (but) ala (has perished) dba (not) al (among them) Nwhnm (& a man) snaw (the scripture) abtk (that should be fulfilled) almtnd (of destruction) andbad When I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your Name; I have kept those whom You gave Me, and a man among them has not perished except the son of destruction, that the scripture should be fulfilled. 13 (I) ana (come) ata (unto you) Ktwl (but) Nyd (now) ash (in the world) amleb (I am) ana (speaking) llmm (& these things) Nylhw (in them) Nwhb (complete) aylmsm (My joy) ytwdx (that shall be) awhtd But now I come to You, and I am speaking these things in the world, that My joy in them shall be complete. 14 (& the world) amlew (Your word) Ktlm (to them) Nwhl (have given) tbhy (I) ana (the world) amle (from) Nm (they were) wwh (because not) ald (them) Nwna (has hated) ano
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(the world) amle (from) Nm (was) tywh (not) al (that I) anad (just as) ankya I have given them Your word, and the world has hated them, because they were not from the world, even as I was not from the world. 15 (them) Nwna (that You would take) lwqstd (it is) awh (not) al (but) ala (I) ana (pray) aeb (the world) amle (from) Nm (the evil) asyb (from) Nm (them) Nwna (that You would preserve) rjtd It is not that I am praying You would take them from the world, but that You would preserve them from the evil. 16 (just as) ankya (the world) amle (from) Nm (for) ryg (they were) wwh (not) al (the world) amle (from) Nm (was) tywh (not) al (I) anad For they were not from the world, even as I was not from the world. 17 (in Your Truth) Krrsb (them) Nwna (hallow) sdq (Father) aba (is) yh (The Truth) arrs (Yours) Klyd (because Your Word) Ktlmd Father, hallow them in Your truth, because Your Word is The Truth. 18 (also) Pa (to the world) amlel (You have sent) trds (Me) yld (just as) ankya (to the world) amlel (them) Nwna (have sent) trds (I) ana Just as You have sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. 19 (Myself) yspn (I) ana (hallow) sdqm (I) ana (their sake) Nwhypa (& for) lew (in the truth) arrsb (becoming holy) Nysdqm (they) Nwnh (also) Pa (that shall be) Nwwhnd And for their sake I hallow Myself, that they shall be also becoming holy in the truth. 20 (those) Nylh (the sake of) ypa (for) le (have) awh (neither) alw (the sake of) ypa (for) le (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (I) ana (prayed) aeb (by their word) Nwhtlmb (in Me) yb (who are trusting) Nynmyhmd (these) Nylya Neither have I prayed only for their sake, but also for the sake of these who are trusting in Me by their word. 21 (just as) ankya (one) dx (will be) Nwwhn (that all of them) Nwhlkd (in You) Kb (& I am) anaw (in Me) yb (My Father) yba (You are) tnad (will be) Nwwhn (one) dx (in Us) Nb (they) Nwnh (so that also) Pad That they all will be one, just as You, My Father, are in Me, and I am in You, so that they also will be one in Us. 22 (Me) yl (that You have given) tbhyd (The Glory) axbws (& I) anaw (one) dx (so that they will be) Nwwhnd (to them) Nwhl (I have given) tbhy (so that will believe) Nmyhnd (are) Nnx (one) dx (we) Nnxd (just as) ankya (have sent Me) yntrds (that You) tnad (the world) amle And I have given them the glory that You have given Me, so that they will be one, just as we are one, so that the world will believe that You have sent Me. 23 (in Me) yb (& you) tnaw (in them) Nwhb (I) ana (& that will know) edndw (as one) dxl (perfected) Nyrymg (that they will be) Nwwhnd (& that You have loved) tbxadw (have sent Me) yntrds (that you) tnad (the world) amle (You have loved) tbxa (Me) yl (also) Pad (just as) ankya (them) Nwna

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I in them and you in Me, so that they will be perfected as one, and so that the world will know that You have sent Me, and that You have loved them just as You have also loved Me. 24 (Me) yl (whom You have given) tbhyd (these) Nwnh (Father) aba (will be) Nwwhn (they) Nwnh (also) Pa (I am) anad (that where) rtad (I) ana (will) abu (that) wh (My) ylyd (Glory) axbws (seeing) Nyzx (that they will be) Nwwhnd (with Me) yme (from) Nm (because You have loved Me) yntbxad (Me) yl (which You have given) tbhyd (of the world) amled (the foundation) htymrt (before) Mdq Father, I will that these whom You have given Me will also be with Me, that they will see My glory which You have given Me, because You have loved Me from before the foundation of the world. 25 (has not known You) Kedy (not) al (although the world) amlew (Righteous) anak (My Father) yba (& these) Nwnhw (I have known You) Ktedy (but) Nyd (I) ana (have sent Me) yntrds (that You) tnad (have known) wedy My Righteous Father, although the world has not known You, I have known You, and these have known that You have sent Me. 26 (& revealing it) edwmw (Your Name) Kms (them) Nwna (& I have taught) tedwaw (with which You have loved Me) yntbxad (that) wh (so that Love) abwxd (I am) ana (in them) Nwhb (shall be) awha (& I) anaw (in them) Nwhb (shall be) awhn And I have revealed to them Your Name, and I am revealing it, so that the love with which You have loved Me shall be in them, and I shall be in them. Chapter 18 1 (& went forth) qpnw (Yeshua) ewsy (said) rma (these things) Nylh (to the crossing) arbel (His disciples) yhwdymlt (with) Me (the place) rta (of Qedrown) Nwrdqd (of the torrent) atlgrd (where) akya (a garden) atng (was) twh (that) tyad (& His disciples) yhwdymltw (He) wh (entered) led 2 (the traitor) anmlsm (Yehudah) adwhy (also) Pa (but) Nyd (had) awh (known) edy (times) anbz (many) ygod (because) ljm (that) yh (place) atkwdl (His disciples) yhwdymlt (with) Me (Yeshua) ewsy (there) Nmt (had) awh (met) snk 3 (also from) Nmw (a troop) rypoa (led)rbd (Yehudah) adwhy (therefore) lykh wh (& Pharisees) asyrpw (the priests) anhk (chief) ybr (the presence of) twl (there) Nmtl (& came) ataw (guards) asxd (he led) rbd (& weapons) anyzw (& lamps) adypmlw (torches) arjpn (with) Me 4 (all) lk (He) awh (because knew) edyd (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (upon him) yhwle (had come) atad (things) Mdm (are you) Nwtna (seeking) Nyeb (for whom?) Nml (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (He went out) qpn 5 (The Nazarene) ayrun (for Yeshua) ewsyl (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (standing) Maq (I AM The Living God) ana ana (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (with them) Nwhme (the traitor) anmlsm (Yehudah) adwhy (also) Pa (but) Nyd (was) awh 6 (I AM The Living God) ana anad (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (& when) dkw (the ground) aera (on) le (& they fell) wlpnw (backward) Nwhrtobl (they went) wlza 7 (are you) Nwtna (seeking) Nyeb (for whom?) Nml (Yeshua) ewsy (them) Nwna (asked) las (again) bwt (The Nazarene) ayrun (for Yeshua) ewsyl (said) wrma (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 8 (to you) Nwkl (I have told) trma (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (seeking) Nyeb (Me) yl (& if) Naw (I AM The Living God) ana anad (be going) Nylza (these) Nylhl (let) wqwbs (you are) Nwtna 9
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(that He spoke) rmad (the saying) atlm (so that may be fulfilled) Mlstd (not) al (Me) yl (whom You have given) tbhyd (those) Nylyad (one) dx (not even) alpa (of them) Nwhnm (I have lost) tdbwa 10 (was) awh (there) tya (Kaypha) apak (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems (& struck) yhyxmw (& he drew it) hjmsw (a sword) aropo (on him) yhwle (his ear) hnda (& removed) hlqsw (priest) anhk (of the high) brd (the servant) hdbel (was Malka) Klm (of the servant) adbed (but) Nyd (the name) hms (of the right side) anymyd 11 (put) Myo (Kaypha) apakl (Yeshua) ewsy (& said) rmaw (that gave) bhyd (the cup) aok (in its sheath) htlxb (the sword) aropo (shall I drink it) yhwytsa (not?) al (My Father) yba (Me) yl 12 (& guards) asxdw (& captain of a thousand) akrylkw (the troop) rypoa (then) Nydyh (& bound Him) yhwroaw (Yeshua) ewsyl (seized Himself) yhwdxa (of The Jews) aydwhyd 13 (first) Mdqwl (Hanan) Nnx (to the presence of) twl (& they brought Him) yhwytyaw (he) wh (of Qaipa) apyqd (he was) awh (father in law) yhwmxd (because) ljm (that) yh (of year) atnsd (priest) anhk (high) br (was) awh (who) yhwtyad 14 (The Jews) aydwhyl (counseled) Klmd (who) wh (Qaipha) apyq (but) Nyd (was) awh (it) yhwtya (man) arbg (that one) dxd (that it is better) xqpd (the people) ame (for the sake of) Plx (should die) twmn 15 (of) Nm (& one) dxw (Kaypha) apak (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems (coming) Nyta (other) anrxa (the disciples) adymlt (but) Nyd (to Him) whl (Yeshua) ewsyd (after Him) hrtb (were) wwh (high) br (the) hl (had) awh (known) edy (the disciple) adymlt (to the courtyard) atrdl (Yeshua) ewsy (with) Me (& he entered) lew (priest) anhk 16 (the gate) aert (near) twl (outside) rbl (was) awh (standing) Maq (but) Nyd (Shimeon *) Nwems (the other) anrxa (disciple) adymlt (that) wh (& went out) qpnw (& spoke) rmaw (the priest) anhk (high) br (him) hl (did) awh (who know) edyd (Shimeon) Nwemsl (& he brought in) hleaw (the gate) aert (to her that kept) trjnl * Nwems -Shimeon occurs 165 times in the Peshitta NT. The Greek equivalents Simwn& Simewn (Simon & Shimeon) occur only 82 times! Often the Greek Name, Petrov- Petros is used instead (as in this verse and in v. 15). The Greek of John 1:42, however, retains the Aramaic Shimeon and Kaypha, which it then explains with the words: khfav o ermhneuetai petrov Cephas, which is translated Petros. Here the Greek text declares that the name Petros is a translation of the Aramaic name Kaypha. We here find hard evidence, and in 160 other places where this Greek name occurs, that the Greek NT is translated from Aramaic! Naturally, the Peshitta has no similar translation from Greek to Aramaic, here or anywhere else. Repeat the above statement several times and ponder it: The Greek text declares itself to be translated from Aramaic! 17 (gate) aert (keeper) trjn (the maiden) atmyle (but) Nyd (she said) trma (from) Nm (you) tna (also) Pa (interog.?) aml (to Shimeon) Nwemsl (man) arbg (of this) anhd (are?) tna (the disciples) yhwdymlt (no) al (to her) hl (he said) rma 18 (& setting) Nymyow (& the guards) asxdw (the servants) adbe (were) wwh (& standing) Nymyqw (it was) awh (cold) syrqd (because) ljm (to warm themselves) Nwnxsnd (a fire) arwn (they were) wwh (Shimeon) Nwems (also) Pa (but) Nyd (was) awh (standing) Maq (& warming himself) Nxsw (with them) Nwhme 19 (Yeshua) ewsyl (asked) hlas (but) Nyd (the priest) anhk (high) br (His teaching) hnplwy (& about) lew (His disciples) yhwdymlt (about) le 20 * (in opened) algb (eye) Nye (I) ana (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (& at all times) Nbzlkbw (the people) ame (with) Me (have spoken) tllm (& in the temple) alkyhbw (in the synagogue) atswnkb (I have taught) tpla
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(are assembled) Nysnktm (The Jews) aydwhy (all of them) Nwhlkd (where) akya (I have spoken) tllm (not) al (in secret) ayswjb (& a thing) Mdmw * (In opened eye) algb Nye Ayn begla is an Aramaic idiom meaning, openly,plainly. 21 (who heard) wemsd (those) Nwnhl (ask) las (Me) yl (you) tna (ask) lasm (why?) anm (every) lk (know) Nyedy (they) Nwnh (Behold) ah (with them) Nwhme (I spoke) tllm (what) anm (that I have said) trmad (thing) Mdm 22 (the guards) asxd (from) Nm (one) dx (said) rma (these) Nylh (& when) dkw (Yeshua) ewsyl (the cheek) hkp (on) le (struck Him) yhyxm (was) awh (who standing) Maqd (give) bhy (thus?) ankh (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (the priest) anhk (to high) brl (answer) amgtp (you) tna 23 (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (answered) ane (the evil) atsyb (of) le (testify) dhoa (I have spoken) tllm (evil) tyasyb (if) Na (do you strike Me) yntyxm (why?) anml (correctly) ryps (but) Nyd (& if) Naw 24 (when) dk (Yeshua) ewsyl (sent) rds (but) Nyd (Hannan) Nnx (the priest) anhk (high) br (Qaipa) apyq (to the presence of) twl (bound) ryoa 25 (& warming himself) Nxsw (was) awh (standing) Maq (Kaypha) apak (& Simon) Nwemsw (are?) tna (also) Pa (interog.?) aml (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (you) tna (His disciples) yhwdymlt (from) Nm (one) dx (I am) tywh (not) al (& said) rmaw (denied) rpk (& he) whw 26 (of high) brd (the servants) adbe (from) Nm (one) dx (to him) hl (said) rma (Shimeon) Nwems (had) awh (of whom cut off) qopd (of him) whd (near kin) hnyxa (the priest) anhk (in the garden) atngb (with Him) hme (did see you) Ktyzx (I) ana (not?) al (his ear) hnda 27 (& in it) hbw (Shimeon) Nwems (denied) rpk (& again) bwtw (a rooster) algnrt (crowed) arq (the hour ) atesb 28 (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsyl (but) Nyd (they brought Him) yhwytya (& it) yhwtyaw (to the Praetorium) Nyrwjrpl (Qaipha) apyq (the presence of) twl (& they) Nwnhw (dawn) arpu (was) awh (that not) ald (the Praetorium) Nyrwjrpl (entered) wle (not) al (the Passover) axup (they had eaten) Nylka (until) de (they would be defiled) Nwswjtn 29 (to their presence) Nwhtwl (outside) rbl (Pilatus) owjlyp (but) Nyd (went out) qpn (is) tya (accusation) aurqlkam (what?) anm (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (This) anh (Man) arbg (against) le (to you) Nwkl 30 (if) wla (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they answered) wne (neither) alpa (he were) awh (evil) atsyb (a doer) dbe (not) al (Him) hl (we would have) Nywh (delivered) Nymlsm (to you) Kl 31 (you) Nwtna (take Him) yhwrbwd (Pilatus) owjlyp (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (were saying) Nyrma (your law) Nwkowmn (according to) Kya (& judge Him) yhwnwdw (to us) Nl (it is permitted) jyls (not) al (The Judeans) aydwhy (to him) hl (a man) snal (to kill) ljqml 32 (when) dk (Yeshua) ewsy (that said) rmad (the saying) atlm (so that may be fulfilled) Mlstd (to die) twmnd (He was going) dyte (death) atwm (by which) anyab (He revealed) edwm 33 (& he called) arqw (the Praetorium)Nyrwjrpl (Pilatus) owjlyp (but) Nyd (entered) le (You) tna (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (for Yeshua) ewsyl (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (their king) Nwhklm (are?) wh 34 (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (others) anrxa (or) wa (this) adh (have you said?) trma (yourself) Kspn
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(about Me) yle (to you) Kl (have spoken?) wrma 35 (interog.) aml (Pilatus) owjlyp (to Him) hl (said) rma (itself) wh (of Your nation) Kme (the children) ynb (I) ana (a Jew) aydwhy (am?) ana (have delivered You) Kwmlsa (priests) anhk (& high) ybrw (have You done) tdbe (what?) anm (to me) yl 36 (Mine) ylyd (My kingdom) ytwklm (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (from) Nm (if) wla (world) amle (this) anh (from) Nm (is) twh (not) al (My kingdom) ytwklm (this) anh (it were) twh (world) amle (that not) ald (My servants) ynsmsm (would) wwh (have been fighting) Nystktm (now) ash (to the Judeans) aydwhyl (I would have been delivered up) Mltsa (from here) akm (is) twh (not) al (Mine) ylyd (My kingdom) ytwklm (but) Nyd 37 (a king) aklm (then ) Nydm (Pilatus) owjlyp (to Him) hl (said) rma (you) tna (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (You are?) tna (for this) adhl (I) ana (am) ana (that a king) aklmd (have said) trma (to the world) amlel (I have come) tyta (& for this) adhlw (I) ana (was born) dyly (is) yhwtyad (who) Nm (everyone) lk (The Truth) arrs (of) le (to testify) dhoad (My voice) ylq (hears) ems (The Truth) arrs (from) Nm 38 (what is?) wnm (Pilatus) owjlyp (to Him) hl (said) rma (he went out) qpn (this) adh (he had said) rma (& when) dkw (The Truth) arrs (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (The Judeans) aydwhy (to) twl (again) bwt (himself) hl (in Him) hb (do) ana (find) xksm (fault) atle (one) adx (not even) alpa (I) ana 39 (I shall release) arsa (that one) dxd (for you) Nwkl (it is) tya (but) Nyd (a custom) adye (therefore) lykh (you are?) Nwtna (desiring) Nybu (at Passover) axupb (to you) Nwkl (this one) anhl (to you) Nwkl (I release) arsa (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (the king) aklm 40 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (all of them) Nwhlk (& cried out) weqw (was) awh (he) yhwtya (Barabba) abarbl (but) ala (this one) anhl (not) al (a robber) aoyg (Barabba) abarb (this) anh (but) Nyd Chapter 19 1 (Yeshua) ewsyl (scourged) hdgn (Pilatus) owjlyp (then) Nydyh 2 (from) Nm (a crown) alylk (twined) wldg (& the soldiers) ajwyjrjoaw (on His head) hsrb (it) hl (& they placed) wmow (thorns) abwk (of purple) anwgrad (with a robe) atxn (& clothed Him) yhwyokw 3 (hail) Mls (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (of The Jews) aydwhyd (King) aklm (to you) Kl (His cheeks) yhwkp (on) le (Him) hl (they were) wwh (& hitting) Nyxmw 4 (outside) rbl (again) bwt (Pilatus) owjlyp (& went out) qpnw (Him) hl (I) ana (shall bring forth) qpm (Behold) ah (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (I) ana (find) xksm (that not) ald (that you may know) Nwedtd (outside) rbl (to you) Nwkl (cause) atle (one) adx (not even) alpa (occasion for complaint in him) hrtb 5 (is) tya (when) dk (outside) rbl (Yeshua) ewsy (& went forth) qpnw (of thorns) abwkd (the crown) alylk (upon Him) yhwle (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (of purple) anwgrad (& the robe) atxnw (here is the Man) arbg (Behold) ah (Pilatus) owjlyp 6 (& the guards) asxdw (the priests) anhk (chief) ybr (saw Him) yhwazx (but) Nyd (when) dk (Crucify Him) yhybwlu (Crucify Him) yhybwlu (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they cried out) weq (take) wrbd (Pilatus) owjlyp (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (for) ryg (I) ana (& crucify Him) yhwpqwzw (you) Nwtna
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(a fault) atle (in Him) hb (I) ana (find) xksm (not) al 7 (to us) Nl (The Judeans) aydwhy (to him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (that in our Torah) Nowmnbd (& according to) Kyaw (to us) Nl (is) tya (the law) aowmn (because He made) dbed (to death) atwm (He) wh (is condemned) byx (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (Himself) hspn 8 (Pilate) owjlyp (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (he was afraid) lxd (the more) tyaryty (statement) atlm (this) adh 9 (& said) rmaw (the Praetorian) Nyrwjrpl (again) bwt (& he entered) lew (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (are You) tna (from where?) akmya (to Yeshua) ewsyl (to him) hl (gave) bhy (no) al (answer) amgtp 10 (speaking) llmm (not?) al (with me) yme (Pilatus) owjlyp (to him) hl (said) rma (I am) ana (that authorized) jylsd (you) tna (know) edy (not?) al (are you) tna (that I may crucify You) Kpqzad (I am) ana (& authorized) jylsw (that I may release You) Kyrsad 11 (there was) awh (not) tyl (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (not) al (if) wla (one) dx (not) al (even) Pa (authority) anjlws (over Me) yle (to you) Kl (because of) ljm (above) lel (from) Nm (to you) Kl (it had been) awh (given) byhy (to you) Kl (delivered Me) ynmlsad (whoever) Nm (he) wh (this) anh (yours) Klyd (than) Nm (the sin of him) htyjx (is) yh (greater) abr 12 (did) awh (want) abu (this) adh (& because of) ljmw (but) Nyd (The Yehudeans) aydwhy (to release Him) yhwyrsnd (Pilatus) owjlyp (release) ars (This one) anhl (that if) Nad (were) wwh (crying out) Nyeq (everyone) lk (of Qesar) roqd (friend) hmxr (are) tywh (not) al (you) tna (king) aklm (himself) hspnd (for) ryg (who) Nm (of Qesar) roqd (is) wh (an adversary) albwqo (makes) dbe 13 (this) adh (Pilatus) owjlyp (but) Nyd (heard) ems (when) dk (& sat down ) btyw (outside) rbl (Yeshua) ewsyl (he brought) hqpa (statement) atlm (that is called) ayrqtmd (in the place) atkwdb (the judgment seat) Myb (on) le (in Hebrew) tyarbe (dKaypha) apakd * (Rtsiftha) atpyur * (Gpiptha) atpypg (it is called) armatm (but) Nyd * Rtsiftha dKaypha & Gpiptha are in Southern and Northern dialects of Palestinian Aramaic. Both names mean The pavement. The Greek has Gabbatha (Gabbaya), Gabbaya another obvious transliteration of the Aramaic (Gpiptha) atpypg, in which the letter Pe p was mistaken for a Beth b - easily done with square Aramaic script. This does not work in a Greek to Aramaic translation scenario. Gabbaya would not be mistaken for (Gpiptha) atpypg (Gafifyaor Gapipya in Greek). Aramaic is here called Hebrew because both Aramaic & Hebrew shared Hebrew alphabet & characters, and Aramaic was spoken by the Hebrew people.The following are excerpts from Jastrows Hebrew-Aramaic Dictionary on the word Hebraith (Hebrew):

According to ancient word usage Ebraith Hebrew, can refer to Aramaic. 14 tyaw (of Passover) axupd (it was) twh (& the eve) atbwrew (& he said) rmaw (sixth) ts (the hour) aes (about) Kya (it was) ywh (Here is Your King) Nwkklm (Behold) ah (to the Judeans) aydwhyl 15
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(take Him away) yhylwqs (they were) wwh (crying out) Nyeq (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (crucify Him)yhybwlu (crucify Him) yhybwlu (take Him away) yhylwqs (were saying) Nyrma (shall I crucify?) Pwqza (your King) Nwkklml (Pilatus) owjlyp (Qesar) roq (if) Na (but) ala (a king) aklm (to us) Nl (there is not) tyl (the priests) anhk (chief) ybr 16 (that they would crucify Him) yhynwpqznd (to them) Nwhl (he delivered Him) hmlsa (then) Nydyh (& brought Him out) yhwqpaw (Yeshua) ewsyl (& they led Him) yhwrbdw 17 (to the place) atkwdl (His cross) hpyqz (He took up) lyqs (when) dk (but) Nyd (in Hebrew) tyarbe *(Qaraqpatha) atpqrq (that is called) ayrqtmd * (Gagultha) atlwgg ( it is called) armatm * Again, two Aramaic dialects are used to name a place that of our Lords crucifixion; Qaraqpatha and Gagultha both mean, The Skull. 18 (two) Nyrt (& with Him) hmew (where they crucified Him) yhwpqzd (the place) rta (& one) dxw (on one side) akm (one) dx (others) Nynrxa (in the center) ateumb (& Yeshua) ewsylw (on the other side) akm 19 (on) le (& placed it) Mow (Pilatus) owjlyp (a title) axwl (also) Pa (& wrote) btkw (but) Nyd (it was) awh (written) bytk (His cross) hpyqz (The Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsy (this is) anh (thus) ankh (of The Jews) aydwhyd (the King) aklm 20 (from) Nm (many) aaygo (tablet) apd (& this) anhlw (near) abyrqd (because) ljm (read it) yhwarq (The Judeans) aydwhy (the place) atkwd (to the city) atnydml (was) twh (& written) abytkw (Yeshua) ewsy (in it) hb (in which was crucified) Pqdzad (& In Latin) tyamwhrw (& in Greek) tyanwyw (in Hebrew) tyarbe (it was) awh 21 (write) bwtkt (not) al (to Pilatus) owjlypl (the priests) anhk (chief) ybr (& said) wrmaw (said) rma (that He) whd (but) ala (of The Jews) aydwhyd (He is) wh (The King) aklmd (of The Jews) aydwhyd (I am) ana (The King) aklmd 22 (I have written) tbtk (that I have written) tbtkd (the thing) Mdm (Pilatus) owjlyp (said) rma 23 (they crucified Him) yhwpqz (when) dk (but) Nyd (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (His garments) yhwtxn (they took) wlqs (Yeshua) ewsyl (a part) atnm (parts) Nwnm (four) ebral (& they made) wdbew (it) hytya (but) Nyd (His tunic) hnytwk (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (of) Nm (to each) dxl (all of it) hlk (was woven) atryqz (the top) lel (from) Nm (seam) ajyx (without) ald (was) twh 24 (we shall tear it) hyqdon (not) al (to another) dxl (one) dx (& they said) wrmaw (to be) awht (whose) wnmd (it is allowed) opm (for it) hyle (we shall cast lots) opn (but) ala (they divided) wglpd (that says) rmad (the scripture) abtk (& was fulfilled) Mlsw (My clothing) yswbl (& for) lew (among them) Nwhtnyb (My garment) ytxn (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (did) wdbe (these things) Nylh (lots) aop (they cast) wymra 25 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (His cross) hpyqz (at) twl (but) Nyd (were) ywh (standing) Nmyq (of His mother) hmad (& the sister) htxw (His mother) hma (Magdalitha) atyldgm (& Mary) Myrmw (of Qliopa) apwylqd (she who was) yh (& Mary) Myrmw 26 (& the disciple) adymltlw (His mother) hmal (saw) azx (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (& He said) rmaw (standing) Maqd (He) awh (whom loved) Mxrd (him) wh (he is your son) ykrb (Behold) ah (woman) attna (to His mother) hmal 27 (she is your mother) Kma (Behold) ah (that) wh (to disciple) adymltl (& He said) rmaw (received her) hrbd (hour ) ates (that) yh (& from) Nmw (to himself ) htwl (that) wh (disciple) adymlt
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28 (that everything) Mdmlkd (Yeshua) ewsy (knew) edy (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (& that may be fulfilled) almtndw (had been finished) Mltsa (I) ana (thirst) ahu (He said) rma (the scripture) abtk 29 (of vinegar) alx (full) almd (had been) awh (set) Myo (& a vessel) anamw (the vinegar) alx (from) Nm (a sponge) agwpoa (filled) wlm (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (His mouth) hmwp (to) twl (& they put it near) wbrqw (hyssop) apwz (on) le (& they placed it) wmow 30 (the vinegar) alx (He) wh (took) lqs (but) Nyd (when) dk (it is finished) Mlsm (Behold) ah (said) rma (Yeshua) ewsy (His Spirit) hxwr (& gave up) Mlsaw (His head) hsr (& He bowed) Nkraw 31 (it was) twh (the evening) atbwred (because) ljm (but) Nyd (The Jews) aydwhy (will pass the night) Nwtwbn (not) al (they were saying) Nyrma (their crosses) Nwhypyqz (on) le (these) Nylh (bodies) argp (day) amwy (approaching) ahgn (the Sabbath) atbsd (because) ljm (it was) yh (of the Sabbath) atbsd (the day) amwy (great) abr (for) ryg (was) awh (that they break) Nwrbtnd (Pilatus) owjlyp (from) Nm (& they sought) webw (who had been crucified) apyqz (of those) Nnwnhd (their legs) Nwhyqs (they would be) Nwna (& taken away) Nwtxnw 32 (the legs) yhwqs (& they broke) wrbtw (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (& came) wtaw (with Him) hme (who was crucified) Pqdzad (the other) anrxa (& of) whdw (of the first) aymdqd 33 (they saw) wzx (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (they came) wta (& when) dkw (His legs) yhwqs (they broke) wrbt (& not) alw (already) wdk Nm (He) hl (that had died) tymd 34 (struck Him) yhyxm (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (of) Nm (one) dx (but) ala (& at once) adxmw (with a spear) atykwlb (in His side) hnpdb (& water) aymw (blood) amd (issued forth) qpn 35 (was) yh (& true) aryrsw (testified) dhoa (who saw) azxd (& he) Nmw (that the truth) arrsd (knows) edy (& he) whw (his testimony) htwdho (may believe) Nwnmyht (you) Nwtna (so that also) Pad (he spoke) rma 36 (that should be fulfilled) almtnd (happened) ywh (for) ryg (these things) Nylh (in Him) hb (will be broken) rbttn (not) al (a bone) amrgd (that says) rmad (the scripture) abtk 37 (another) anrxa (scripture) abtk (& again) bwtw (Whom they pierced through) wrqdd (at Him) Nmb (they shall gaze *) Nwrwxnd (that says) rmad * Khor can mean to gaze; it can also mean, to make white. John later wrote that They made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 7:14). The same verb form is used there as here.This phrase in verse 37 could be translated, They shall become white through Him Whom they pierced through. This is an apparently theological play on words in Aramaic. O How God loves and blesses His enemies, as He said! 38 (who was from) Nmd (he) wh (Joseph) Powy (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (because) ljm (Pilatus) owjlyp (from) Nm (sought) aeb (Ramtha) atmr (of Yeshua) ewsyd (he was) awh (a disciple) adymltd (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (fear) atlxd (from) Nm (it was) awh (& secretly) asjmw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the body) hrgp (that he might take) lwqsnd (His body) hrgp (& took away) lqsw (& he came) ataw (Pilatus) owjlyp (& gave permission) opaw 39 (who come) atad (he) wh (Niqodemus) owmdqyn (also) Pa (& came) ataw (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (before) Mydq (from) Nm (had) awh (with Him) hme (& brought) ytyaw (in the night) ayllb (of Myrrh) arwmd (spices) atjnwx (for Yeshua) ewsyd (pounds) Nyrjyl (a hundred) aam (about) Kya (& Aloes) ywledw 40
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(of Yeshua) ewsyd (the body) hrgpl (& they took away) yhwlqsw (just as) ankya (& in sweet spices) amobbw (in linen) antkb (& wrapped it) yhwkrkw (for burying) Nwrbqnd (to the Judeans) aydwhyl (the custom) adye (is) tyad 41 (place) atkwd (in that) yhb (but) Nyd (there was) twh tya (a garden) atng (Yeshua) ewsy (in which) hb (was crucified) pqdzad (new) atdx (of burial) arwbq (a house) tyb (in the garden) atngb (& in it) hbw (in it) hb (had been) awh (laid) Myotta (not) al (yet) lykde (in which a man) snad 42 (because) ljm (Yeshua) ewsyl (there) Nmt (& they laid Him) yhwmow (was) twh (approaching) alae (the Sabbath) atbsd (the tomb) arbq (was) awh (near) byrqd (& because) ljmw Chapter 20 1 (came) tta (but) Nyd (in the week) absb (in the first day) dxb (while) de (in the very early morning) arpub (Magdalitha) atyldgm (Mary) Myrm (the stone) apakl (& she saw) tzxw (of burial) arwbq (to the house) tybl (it was dark) Kwsx (the tomb) arbq (from) Nm (that had been removed) alyqsd 2 (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to) twl (she came) tta (& she ran) tjhrw (other) anrxa (disciple) adymlt (that) wh (& to) twlw (to them) Nwhl (& she said) armaw (Yeshua) ewsy (had) awh (whom loved ) Mxrd (house) tyb (the) wh (from) Nm (our Lord) Nrml (they have taken away) yhwlqsd (they have laid Him) yhwmo (where) akya (I) ana (know) aedy (& not) alw (of burial) arwbq 3 (disciple) adymlt (that) whw (Shimeon) Nwems (& went out) qpnw (of burial) arwbq (to the house) tybl (they) wwh (& came) Nytaw (other) anrxa 4 (at once) adxka (both) Nwhyrt (they were) wwh (& running) Nyjhrw (ran) jhr (disciple) adymlt (but) Nyd (that) wh (& came) ataw (Shimeon) Nwemsl (in front of) hmdq (of burial) arwbq (to the house) tybl (first) aymdq 5 (they were lying) Nymyo (where) dk (the linens) antk (gazing on) azx (& he looked) qydaw (he entered) le (not) al (but) Nyd (to enter) lem 6 (to the house) tybl (& entered) lew (after him) hrtb (Shimeon) Nwems (but) Nyd (came) ata (they were lying) Nymyo (where) dk (the linens) antk (& gazing on) azxw (of burial) arwbq 7 (had been) awh (bound) qyzxd (that) wh (& a grave cloth) ardwow (but) ala (the linens) antk (with) Me (not) al (about His head) hsrb (side) akwd (in one) adxb (on the side) rjol (& set) Myow (it was wrapped) Kyrk (as) dk 8 (who came) atad (disciple) adymlt (that) wh (also) Pa (entered) le (then) Nydyh (& he believed) Nmyhw (& he stared) azxw (of burial) arwbq (to the house) tybl (first) aymdq 9 (to their place) Nwhtkwdl (again) bwt (disciples) adymlt (those) Nwnh (& departed) wlzaw 10 (from) Nm (they were) wwh (knowing) Nyedy (yet) lykde (for) ryg (not) al (the dead) atym (from) Nm (to rise) Mqml (He had been) awh (prepared) dyted (the scriptures) abtk 11 (the tomb) arbq (at) twl (was) twh (standing) amyq (but) Nyd (Mary) Myrm (in the tomb) arbqb (she looked) tqyda (weeping) aykb (& while) dkw (& was weeping) aykbw 12 (sitting) Nybtyd (in white) arwxb (angels) akalm (two) Nyrt (& she saw) tzxw (& one) dxw (His pillow) yhwdoa (at) Nm (one) dx (laid) Myod (where) akya (the foot) yhwlgr (at) Nm
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(of Yeshua) ewsyd (the body) hrgp (had been) awh 13 (why?) anm (woman) attna (to her) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (to them) Nwhl (she said) arma (are you) ytna (weeping) aykb (My Lord) yrml (they have taken away) yhwlqsd (they have laid Him) yhwmo (where) akya ( I ) ana (know) aedy (& not) alw 14 (& saw) tzxw (behind her) hrtobl (& turned) tynptaw (she said) trma (this) adh (she was) twh (knowing) aedy (& not) alw (Who was standing) Maqd (Yeshua) ewsyl (he was) wh (that Yeshua) ewsyd 15 (why?) anm (woman) attna (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (do you) ytna (seek) ayeb (& Whom?) Nmlw (are you) ytna (weeping) aykb (He was) wh (the gardener) anngd (thought) trbo (but) Nyd (she) yh (you) tna (if) Na (Sir) yrm (to Him) hl (& she said) armaw (you have laid Him) yhytmo (where) akya (me) yl (tell) rma (have taken Him) yhytlqs (take Him away) yhwylqsa (I will go) lza 16 (& she said) armaw (& she turned) tynptaw (Mary) Myrm (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (Teacher) anplm (which is called) rmatmd (Rabbuli *) ylwbr (in Aramaic *) tyarbe (to Him) hl tyarbe-Ebraith means Hebrew and though Aramaic was the language used, the Jewish people referred to it as Hebrew, since Aramaic had been their native tongue (the tongue of the Hebrew people) for six centuries and was used in their scriptures. Aramaic and Hebrew share the same alphabet and both were written with the same script, so their letters looked the same in the first century. ylwbr Rabbuli is an Aramaic word meaning My Master and is the same as Rabboni, which the Greek versions have in Greek letters transliterated Rabbouni. Notice that Mary is not presented as speaking Greek; neither is any other person mentioned in the four Gospels. Ebraith Hebrew is defined by its Greek equivalent, Hebrais, as The Hebrew tongue;not that however in which the OT was written, but the Chaldee.-Thayers Greek English Lexicon. Websters unabridged 20th century Dictionary defines Chaldee as The Aramaic language of the Chaldeans (Babylonians 600 B.C.) 17 (Me) yl (touching) Nybrqtt (stop *) al (Yeshua) ewsy (to her) hl (said) rma (I have ascended) tqlo (yet) lykde (for) ryg (not) al (My brothers) yxa (join) twl (but) Nyd (Go) ylz (My Father) yba (to join) twl (to join) twl (I) ana (ascend) qlo (to them) Nwhl (& say) yrmaw (& your God) Nwkhlaw (& My God) yhlaw (& your Father) Nwkwbaw (My Father) yba * Stop touching me is the sense conveyed by the Greek versions and makes the best sense. Mary was presumably holding onto our Lord. 18 (Magdalitha) atyldgm (Mary) Myrm (came) tta (then) Nydyh (our Lord) Nrml (I have seen) tzxd (to the disciples) adymltl (& announced) trbow (to her) hl (He had said) rma (& that these things) Nylhdw 19 (of the day) amwyd (evening) asmr (but) Nyd (it was) awh (when) dk (& the doors) aertw (in the week) absb (first day) dxd (that) wh (staying) Nwhytyad (where) akyad (they were) wwh (barred) Nydyxa (of fear) atlxd (because) ljm (the disciples) adymlt (were) wwh (stood) Mq (Yeshua) ewsy (came) ata (of the Judeans) aydwhyd (be with you) Nwkme (peace) amls (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (in their midst) Nwhtnyb 20 (& His side) hrjow (His hands) yhwdya (them) Nwna (& He showed) ywxw (He said) rma (this) adh (our Lord) Nrml (because they saw) wzxd (the disciples) adymlt (& rejoiced) wydxw 21 Yeshua) ewsy (again) bwt (but) Nyd (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (My Father) yba (has sent Me) ynrdsd (just as) ankya (be with you) Nwkme (peace) amls (you) Nwkl (am) ana (sending) rdsm (I) ana (also) Pa 22
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(& said) rmaw (into them) Nwhb (He breathed) xpn (these things) Nylh (He had said) rma (& when) dkw (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (receive) wlbq (to them) Nwhl 23 (to a man) snal (sins) ahjx (you will forgive) Nwqbst (if) Na (& if) Naw (to him) hl (they will be forgiven) Nwqbtsn (they will be held) Nydyxa (a mans) snad (you hold) Nwdxat 24 (he) wh (the twelve) atroert (of) Nm (one) dx (but) Nyd (Thoma) amwat (there) Nmt (was) awh (not) al (the twin) amat (who was called) rmatmd (Yeshua) ewsy (came) ata (when) dk (with them) Nwhme (he) awh 25 (the disciples) adymlt (to him) hl (& were saying) Nyrmaw (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (our Lord) Nrml (we have seen) Nyzx (in His hands) yhwdyab (I) ana (see) azx (unless) ala (I) ana (& shall put) amrw (of the nails) auud (the places) atykwd (my hand) ydya (I) ana (& reach) jswmw (my fingers) ytebu (in them) Nyhb ( I ) ana (shall believe) Nmyhm (not) al (in His side) hnpdb 26 (inside) wgl (again) bwt (days) Nymwy (eight) aynmt (& after) rtbw (with them) Nwhme (& Thoma) amwatw (the disciples) adymlt (were) wwh (were barred) Nydyxa (when) dk (Yeshua) ewsy (& came) ataw (& said) rmaw (in the center) ateumb (He stood) Mq (the doors) aert (be with you) Nwkme (peace) amls (to them) Nwhl 27 (here) akrhl (your finger) Kebu (put) atya (to Thoma) amwatl (& said) rmaw (and reach) jswaw (your hand) Kdya (& put) atyaw (My hands) ydya (& behold) yzxw (be) awht (& not) alw (into My side) ybgb (a believer) anmyhm (but) ala (a believer) anmyhm (un-) al 28 (& my God) yhlaw (my Lord) yrm (to Him) hl (& said) rmaw (Thoma) amwat (& answered) anew 29 (now) ash (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (blessed are they) Nwhybwj (you have believed) tnmyh (that you have seen Me) yntyzxd (& have believed) wnmyhw (have seen Me) ynwazx (who not) ald (those) Nylyal 30 (Yeshua) ewsy (did) dbe (other) atynrxa (signs) atwta (but) Nyd (many) ataygo (are written) Nbytk (that not) ald (those) Nylya (his disciples) yhwdymlt (before) Mdq (this) anh (in scripture) abtkb 31 (are written) Nbytkd (but) Nyd (these things) Nylh (also) Pa (is) wh (that Yeshua) ewsyd (that you may believe) Nwnmyhtd (you believe) Nwtnmyhd (& when) amw (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (The Messiah) axysm (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (in His Name) hmsb (to you) Nwkl (there shall be) Nwwhn This verse is much more pointed and specific in Aramaic than in the Greek versions: And when you believe,you shall have eternal life in His Name. The Greek versions are rendered: And that believing ye may have life in his name. The Greek is unclear about the when and the eternal, because those words are not found in the Greek versions of this verse.The Aramaic also uses the the future tense shall have, where the Greek uses the subjunctive mood: may have, should have, which is a less certain prospect than the future tense. Chapter 21 1 (Yeshua) ewsy (Himself) hspn (again) bwt (showed) ywx (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (of Tiberius) owyrbyjd (The Sea) amy (by) le (to His disciples) yhwdymltl (thus) ankh (but) Nyd (He appeared) ywx 2 (Shimeon) Nwems (together) adxka (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya (who was called) rmatmd (& Thoma) amwatw (Kaypha) apak (Qatna) anjq (who was from) Nmd (he) wh (& Nathaniel) lyayntnw (The Twin) amat (& two) Nyrtw (of Zebedi) ydbz (& the sons) ynbw (of Galilee) alylgd
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(the disciples) adymlt (of) Nm (others) Nynrxa 3 (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (they were saying) Nyrma (fish) anwn (to catch) dwua (I am) ana (going) lza (& they went out) wqpnw (with you) Kme (coming) Nnyta (we are) Nnx (also) pa (to him) hl (night) ayll (& in that) whbw (the ship) atnypol (& they embarked) wqlow (they caught) wdu (not) al (a thing) Mdm 4 (Yeshua) ewsy (stood) Mq (dawn) arpu (it was) awh (but) Nyd (when) dk (knew) wedy (& not) alw (of the sea) amy (the side) dy (on) le (He was) wh (that Yeshua) ewsyd (the disciples) adymlt 5 (is there?) tya (interog.) aml (Lads) aylj (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (no) al (to Him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (to eat) oelml (anything) Mdm (to you) Nwkl 6 (from) Nm (your net) Nwktdyum (throw) wmra (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (& will find) Nyxksmw (of the ship) atnypod (right) anymyd (the side) abg (haul in) hdgml (they could) wxksa (& not) alw (& they threw) wymraw (you) Nwtna (it had caught) tdxad (of the fish) anwnd (the multitude) aagwo (from) Nm (the net) atdyuml 7 (whom loved ) Mxrd (that) wh (disciple) adymlt (& said) rmaw (to Kaypha) apakl (Yeshua) ewsy (him) hl (had) awh (he heard)_ems (when) dk (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems (is) wh (our Lord) Nrm (this One) anh (his tunic) hnytwk (he took) bon (he was) wh (that our Lord) Nrmd (naked) ayljred (because) ljm (his loins) yhwuxb (girding) axm (himself) hspn (& he threw) adsw (he was) awh (Yeshua) ewsy (to) twl (to come) atand (in the sea) amyb 8 (they came) wta (in the boat) atnypob (disciples) adymlt (but) Nyd (the other) anrxa (land) aera (from) Nm (very) ygo (they were) wwh (far) Nyqyxr (for) ryg (not) al (cubits) Nyma (two hundred) Nytam (about) Kya (but) ala (with the fish) anwnd (that) yh (net) atdyuml (it) hl (they were) wwh (& dragging) Nydgnw 9 (to the land) aeral (they came up) wqlo (but) Nyd (when) dk (as) dk (& fish) anwnw (they had been set) Nmyo (after) dk (burning coals) armwg (they saw) wzx (& bread) amxlw (on them) Nyhyle (there were lying) Myo 10 (bring) wtya (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (just now) ash (that you have caught) Nwtdud (fish) anwn (those) Nwnh (from) Nm 11 (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (& came up) qlow (it was filled) aylm (as) dk (to land) aeral (the net) atdyuml (& dragged) hdgnw (& three) atltw (fifty) Nysmxw (a hundred) aam (great) abrwr (with fish) anwn (was) yh (the net) atdyum (ripped) tyrua (not) al (weight) arqwy (all) hlk (& with this) anhbw 12 (come) wt (Yeshua) ewsy (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (no) al (the disciples) adymlt (of) Nm (but) Nyd (man) sna (dine) wrtsa (who He was) wnmd (to ask Him) yhwylasnd (had) awh (dared) xrmm (He was) wh (that our Lord) Nrmd (they) wwh (for knew) Nyedyd 13 (& took) lqsw (Yeshua) ewsy (but) Nyd (came near) brq (to them) Nwhl (& gave) bhyw (& the fish) anwnw (the bread) amxl 14 (Yeshua) ewsy (appeared) yzxta (time) Nynbz (the third) tltd (this was) adh (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (He had risen) Mq (after) dk (to His disciples) yhwdymltl 15 (Yeshua) ewsy (said) rma (they had dined) wyrtsa (but) Nyd (after) dk (Bar Jonah) anwyrb (Shimeon) Nwems (Kaypha) apak (to Shimeon) Nwemsl (more) ryty (Me) yl (Do you?) tna (love) Mxr (to Him) hl (he said) rma (these) Nylh (than) Nm (that love) Mxrd (do) tna (know) edy (You) tna (my Lord) yrm (Yes) Nya (My lambs) yrma (for Me) yl (shepherd) yer (to him) hl (He said) rma (You) Kl (I) ana
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16 (time) Nynbz (a second) Nytrtd (again) bwt (to him) hl (He said) rma (he said) rma (Me) yl (you) tna (love) Mxr (Bar Jonah) anwyrb (Shimeon) Nwems (that love) Mxrd (do) tna (know) edy (you) tna (my Lord) yrm (yes) Nya (to Him) hl (My sheep) ybre (for Me) yl (shepherd) yer (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (You) Kl (I) ana 17 (time) Nynbz (a third) tltd (to him) hl (He said) rma (Me) yl (do you?) tna (love) Mxr (Bar Jonah) anwyrb (Shimeon) Nwems (that He said) rmad (to Kaypha) apakl (to him) hl (& he was saddened) tyrkw (do you?) tna (love) Mxrd (times) Nynbz (three) tltd (to him) hl (thing) Mdm (every) lk (my Lord) yrm (to Him) hl (& he said) rmaw (Me) yl (I) ana (that love) Mxrd (do) tna (know) edy (You) tna (do) tna (discern) Mkx (You) tna (My ewes) ytwqn (for Me) yl (shepherd) yer (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (You) Kl 18 (that when) dkd (to you) Kl (I) ana (tell) rma [Timeless truth] (Amen) Nyma (Amen) Nyma (you were) tywh (girding) roa (yourself) Kspnl (you) tna (you were) tywh (young) alj (you wanted) abud (where) akyal (you were) tywh (& walking) Klhmw (your loins) Kyux (your hands) Kydya (you shall reach out) jwspt (you are old) tbaod (but) Nyd (when) am (you) tna (& shall escort you) Klbwnw (your loins) Kyux (for you) Kl (shall gird) rwoan (& others) Nyrxaw (you) tna (want) abu (that not) ald (to where) akyal 19 (death) atwm (by which) anyab (that He may show) awxnd (he said) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh (these things) Nylh (He said) rma (& after) dkw (God) ahlal (to glorify) xbsnd (he was going) dyte (after Me) yrtb (come) at (to him) hl (He said) rma 20 (the disciple) adymltl (& saw) azxw (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (& turned around) ynptaw (who come) atad (Yeshua) ewsy (had) awh (whom loved ) Mxrd (that) wh (at supper) atymsxb (had) awh (who lain) lpnd (had) wh (after Him) hrtb (my Lord) yrm (& said) rmaw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the breast) hydx (on) le (You) Kl (he that shall betray) Mlsm (who is?) wnm 21 (Kaypha) apak (saw) azx (when) dk (this one) anhl (what?) anm (& of this one) anhw (my Lord) yrm (to Yeshua) ewsyl (he said) rma 22 (want) abu (if) Na (Yeshua) ewsy (to him) hl (said) rma (I) ana (come) atad (until) amde (this one) anh (that should remain) awqnd (I) ana (after Me) yrtb (come) at (you) tna (to you) Kl (what is it?) am (to you) Kl 23 (the brethren) axa (among) tyb (saying) atlm (this) adh (& went forth) tqpnw (but) Nyd (Yeshua) ewsy (would die) tam (not) al (disciple) adymlt (that this) whd (said) rma (he would die) tam (that not) ald (had) awh (not) al (until) amde (this one) anh (to remain) awqnd (I) ana (want) abu (if) Nad (but) ala (to you) Kl (what is it?) am (to you) Kl (I) ana (come) atad 24 (who testified) dhoad (the disciple) adymlt (this is) wnh (them) Nyna (he wrote) btk (& also) Paw (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (about) le (his testimony) htwdho (is) yh (that true) aryrsd (we) Nnx (& know) Nyedyw 25 (that did) dbed (many) ataygo (other things) atynrxa (also) pa (but) Nyd (there are) tya (written) Nbtktm (one) adx (each) adx (if) wlad (which things) Nylya (Yeshua) ewsy (as) Kya (the world) amle (is) wh (not) al (even) pa (were to be) ywh (would be) awh (sufficient) qpo (I) ana (suppose) rbod (would be) wwh (that written) Nybtktmd (for the books) abtkl There are also many other things Jesus did, which if they were to be written, each one, I suppose even the world would be insufficient for the books that would be written. Nnxwyd atwzwrk asydq Nwylgnwa Mls The end of The Holy Gospel preaching of John asydq Nwylgnwarjj anh abtkb btkml Mls
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The end of the writing in this book of the four Holy Gospels Nyma Nymla Mlelw Nbzlkw ash asdwqd axwrlw arblw abal axbws Glory to The Father and to The Son and to The Holy Spirit, now, always and for the eternity of eternities, amen!

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The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 1 1 (Theophila) alypwat (Oh) wa (I wrote) tbtk (first) aymdq (the book) abtk (our Lord) Nrm (began) yrsd (those) Nylya (all things) Nyhlk (about) le (& to teach) wplmlw (to do) dbeml (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (Peshitta) THE first book have I written, O Theophilus concerning all the things which our Lord Yeshua The Messiah began to do and teach, Acts 1:1 (Modern KJV) The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, (ASV) The former treatise I made, O Theophilus, concerning all that Jesus began both to do and to teach, (Douay) The former treatise I made, O Theophilus, of all things which Jesus began to do and to teach, In the above verse, The Peshitta text differs significantly from all the Greek texts and Jeromes Latin Vulgate (from a Western Greek text). If The Peshitta is a translation of Greek, from which Greek text was it translated? alypwat wa -O Theophilus is probably the high priest (AD 37 to AD 41), whom Josephus mentions. 2 (He was taken up) qltoa (in which) hbd (that) wh (day) amwyl (until) amde (the Apostles) axylsl (them) Nwna (He had) awh (that commanded) dqpd (after) rtb (from) Nm (of Holiness) asdwqd (by The Spirit) axwrb (He had chosen) abgd (which) Nylya 3 (alive) yx (as) dk (Himself) hspn (to them) Nwhl (He showed) ywx (whom also) Pad (those) Nwnh (forty) Nyebra (in days ) Nymwyb (many) ataygo (by signs) atwtab (He had suffered) sxd (after) rtb (from) Nm (& He spoke) rmaw (to them) Nwhl (He was) awh (appearing) azxtm (when) dk (of God) ahlad (the Kingdom) atwklm (about) le 4 (them) Nwna (He commanded) dqp (bread) amxl (with them) Nwhme (He ate) lka (& while) dkw (to wait) Nwwqnd (but) ala (to depart) Nwqrpn (not) al (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (that from) Nmd (from Me) ynm (which you have heard) Nwtemsd (that) wh (of The Father) abad (for the promise) hydwwsl 4 (Peshitta) And when He had eaten bread with them, he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which (said he) you have heard from Me. 4 (MKJV) And, being assembled with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard from me. 4 (DOUAY) And eating together with them, he commanded them, that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but should wait for the promise of the Father, which you have heard (saith he) by my mouth. In the above verse, The Peshitta text differs significantly from all the Greek texts and the Jeromes Latin Vulgate (from a Western Greek text). If The Peshitta is a translation of Greek, from which Greek text was it translated? 5 (in water) aymb (baptized) dmea (for Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (shall be baptized) Nwdmet (& you) Nwtnaw (many) aaygo (days) atmwy (after) rtb (not) al 6
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(they asked Him) yhwlas (they were assembled) Nysynk (when) dk (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh (time) anbz (in this) anhb (if) Na (our Lord) Nrm (to Him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (to Israel) lyroyal (the kingdom) atwklm (You) tna (are restoring) anpm 7 (yours) Nwklyd (was) twh (not) al (that) wh (to them) Nwhl (He said) rma (The Father) abad (which) Nylya (times) anbz (or) wa (time) anbz (to know) edml (this) adh (of Himself) hspnd (in the authority) anjlwsb (them) Nwna (has placed) Mo 8 (upon you) Nwkyle (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (will come) atat (when) dk (but) ala (witnesses) adho (to Me) yl (& you shall be) Nwwhtw (power) alyx (you shall receive) Nwlbqt (the Samaritans) ayrms (among) tyb (& also) Paw (Judea) dwhy (& in all) hlkbw (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (of the earth) aerad (the borders) hypwol (& unto) amdew 9 (He was taken up) qltoa (Him) hl (they saw) Nyzx (as) dk (He had said) rma (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw (their eyes) Nwhynye (from) Nm (& He was hidden) yoktaw (received Him) htlbq (& a cloud) annew 10 (into the sky) aymsb (they were) wwh (gazing) Nyryx (& when) dkw (men) Nyrbg (two) Nyrt (were present) wxktsa (was) awh (going) lza (He) wh (as) dk (white) arwx (in clothing) aswblb (with them) Nwhtwl (standing) Nymyq 11 (why?) anm (Galilean) aylylg (men) arbg (to them) Nwhl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (Yeshua) ewsy (this) anh (into the sky) aymsb (& gaze) Nyryxw (you) Nwtna (stand) Nymyq (to Heaven) aymsl (from you) Nwknm (Who was taken up) qltoad (you have seen Him) yhynwtyzxd (when) am (as) Kya (He shall come) atan (in this way) ankh (into Heaven) aymsl (going up) qlod 12 (from) Nm (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (themselves) Nwhl (they returned) wkph (after this) Nkrtb (& from) Nmw (on) le (which is) yhwtyad (Zaytha) atyz (Bayth *) tybd (which is called) arqtmd (the Mount) arwj (furlongs) Nwdjoa (seven *) aebs (about) Kya (from it) hnm (& separated) qyrpw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (the side of) bng 12 (Peshitta) And afterwards they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Bayth-Zaytha, which was next to Jerusalem, and distant from it about seven furlongs. 12 (MKJV) Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a Sabbath days journey. * How plainly the Greek declares itself to be a translation may be seen in the word elaiwnov (Olive grove). Bayth Zaytha was called Bayth Zaytha because that was its name, just as Jerusalem was called "Oreshlem in Eastern Aramaic;it was not called Teaching of Peace(the meaning of Jerusalem) didach eirhnhv Teaching of Peace in Greek. No one called Jerusalem Teaching of Peace or Didachay Eiraynays. Philadelphia means Brotherly love, but that city is called Philadelphia, not Brotherly Love. The fact that the Greek gives the definition of Bayth Zaytha instead of the name itself is a dead giveaway that the Greek elaiwnov (Olive grove) is a translation. Essentially the same Greek translation is used in Luke 19:29 & Luke 21:37. Seven in Aramaic is aebs- Shaba;Sabbath has several forms, one of which is abs Shaba.Obviously the Greek translator mistook abs-Shba from aebs-Shaba and omitted the last word Nwdjoa Estadown (Stadia, Furlongs).It is easy to see how this happened. The reverse scenario is a very hard sell: sabbatou econ odon Sabbath days journey in Greek, does not become Nwdjoa aebs -Seven furlongs in Aramaic. sabbatou econ odon Sabbath days journey is a very strange phrase in Greek, literally, of a Sabbath having way, found nowhere in The LXX or elsewhere in The Greek NT or any Greek literature. The two words after Sabbath econ odon are pronounced ekon hodon; Compare the Aramaic word for Furlongs-Estadwan.The Greek looks almost like a transliteration of the Aramaic; This writer thinks the Greek is a forced translation attempt at some Aramaic the translator seemed to have difficulty reading, for whatever reason. A Greek audience may very well have scratched their heads upon reading this phrase, especially due to their unfamiliarity with Jewish law and custom. aebs-Seven(Peshitta) atbs-Sabbath(Greek reading in Aramaic)
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13 (to an upper room) atylel (themselves) Nwhl (they came up) wqlo (they entered) wled (after) rtb (& from) Nmw (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (Petros) owrjp (in which) hb (were) wwh (staying) Nywhd (that) yh (& Philipus) owpylypw (& Andraeus) owardnaw (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (Halphai) yplx (Bar) rb (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (& Bar Tholmai) ymlwtrbw (& Matthai) ytmw (& Thoma) amwatw (Yaqob) bwqey (Bar) rb (& Yehuda) adwhyw (the Zealot) annj (& Shimeon) Nwemsw 14 (were) wwh (continuing) Nynyma (as one) adxka (all of them) Nwhlk (these) Nylh (Maryam) Myrm (& with) Mew (the women) asn (with) Me (soul) spn (in one) adxb (in prayer) atwlub (His brothers) yhwxa (& with) Mew (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the mother) hma 15 (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (stood) Mq (those) Nwnh (in the days) atmwyb (& among them) Nwhbw (assembled) asnk (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (were) awh (there) tya (of the disciples) adymlt (in the midst) teum (& he said) rmaw (& twenty) Nyroew (a hundred) aam (about) Kya (men) asnad 16 (the scripture) abtk (that should be fulfilled) almtnd (it was) awh (right) qdz (brethren) Nyxa (men) arbg (by the mouth) hmwpb (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (said) rma (that before) Mdqd (which) anya (the guide) anrbdm (who was) awhd (he) wh (Yehuda) adwhy (about) le (of Dawid) dywdd (Yeshua) ewsyl (who seized) wdxad (to those) Nwnhl 17 (was) awh (& there) tyaw (with us) Nme (he was) awh (numbered) anmd (because) ljm (this) adh (in ministry) atsmstb (a part) aop (to him) hl 18 (a field) atyrq (for himself) hl (he who purchased) anqd (this is) wnh (his face) yhwpa (on) le (& he fell) lpnw (of sin) atyjxd (the reward) arga (from) Nm (within him) hteum (from) Nm (& burst) trptaw (the ground) aera (on) le (his insides) hywg (all) hlk (& poured out) dsataw 19 (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (who live) Nyrmed (to all of them) Nwhlkl (known) tedyta (this) adh (& is) yhw (in the language) hnslb (that) yh (field) atyrq (was called) tyrqta (& so) ankhw (its translation) hmgrwt (of which is) yhwtyad (Dama *) amd (Haqel *) lqx (of the region) artad (of Blood) Md (Field) tyrwq * This verse in Greek has the Aramaic name akeldama, Akeldama, transliterated and says that in their language was called akeldama, akeldama, which is Field of blood.Thayers Greek English Lexicon has this entry for akeldama: akeldama: 184 Akeldama Akeldama ak-el-dam-ah of Aramaic origin, corresponding to 02506 and 01818 amd lqx; n pr loc AV-Aceldama 1; 1 Aceldama =" Field of Blood" So The Greek NT declares the language of the Jews in Jerusalem to have been Aramaic. Notice it says their language, not their languages. Only one language is mentioned as belonging to the region, and akeldama is plainly an Aramaic name of two words: lqx Haqel- Field & amd-Dama- Blood.So the Greek NT says that the Jews of Jerusalem spoke Aramaic and contradicts the notion that they also spoke Greek;it also transliterates Aramaic here and elsewhere and then translates its meaning into Greek for a Greek audience. 20 (shall be) awht (his dwelling) hrydd (of Psalms) arwmzmd (in the book) arpob (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (& his ministry) htsmstw (in it) hb (shall be) awhn (not) al (& an inhabitant) rwmew (desolate) abrx (another) Nyrxa (shall take) bon 21 (men) arbg (these) Nylh (of) Nm (one) dxl (therefore) lykh (it is) yh (& right) aylw (He came in) le (in which) hbd (all) hlk (time) anbz (in this) anhb (with us) Nme (who have been) wwhd (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (among us) Nyle (& went out) qpnw
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Our Lord Yeshua in Aramaic is The Lord Yeshua in Greek. This is a common difference. Either Zorba The Greek(s) ignored or missed the pronoun our about 50% of the time (318 out of 646 times) in The NT overall, in translating Aramaic to Greek, or an Aramean translator deliberately added 318 (97%) to the 328 Greek occurrences, effectively doubling the Greek number in The hypothetical Peshitta translation! What are the odds of the latter scenario compared to the former? 22 (the day) amwyl (until) amde (by Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the baptizing) htydwmem (from) Nm (beginning) Pqad (with us) Nme (should be) awhn (that he) whd (our presence) Ntwl (from) Nm (that He was taken up) qltoad (of His resurrection) htmyqd (a witness) adho 23 (who is called) arqtmd (Yoseph) Powyl (two) Nyrt (& they presented) wmyqaw (& Matthaia) aytmlw (Yustos) owjowy (who is named) ymtsad (Barshaba) absrb 24 (know) edy (Jehovah) ayrm (You) tna (they said) wrma (they had prayed) wylu (& when) dkw (You) tna (have chosen) abgd (which) anya (the one) dx (show) awx (of all) lkd (what is in the hearts) atwblbd (two) Nwhyrt (these) Nylh (from) Nm lkd atwblbd edy ayrm How would an hypothetical Aramaean translator decide when to translate the Greek kurie (Lord) as ayrm (Maryah-Lord JAH)? There are 239 of ayrm in The Peshitta N.T. Kurie, kuriov, kuriou, kurion, etc., occurs 751 times in The Greek NT. 239/751=32%. 32% of the Greek kuriov is matched by ayrm in The Peshitta overall. The stats. (# Kurios,# Maryah),ratio Maryah/Kurios %) for individual books are: Mt.:76,21,28%; Mk.:18,9,50%;Luke:97,40,41%;Yokhanan: 51,9,18%;Acts:104,51,49%;Romans:39,10,26%;1 Cor.:60,18,26%;2 Cor.:27,8,30%;Gal.-Philemon:128,14,9%;Hebrews:15,11,73%;Yaqob-Jude:42,19,45%;Rev.:21,14,66%. If an Aramaean translator were to simply pick a percentage of the Greek kuriov as ayrm, why the radical change from Matthew to Mark of 28% to 50% conversion rate? Why such a change from Luke-41% to Yokhanans 18% (less than half)? Then from Yokhanans 18% to Acts 49%? The very next book, Romans, drops to 26%. This remains fairly level then up to 2 Corinthians, then abruptly drops again to its lowest level at 9% in the rest of Pauls epistles! Then the next book, Hebrews has the highest level in the NT 73%! A radical drop again to 45% for General Epistles and a big jump again in Revelations 66%! None of this is consistent with the Greek primacy theory and The Peshitta being translated from Greek. There would be more consistency in the ratios from one book to another. Looking at this from another perspective, I see Luke and Acts have similar absolute numbers and percentages; Romans, 1 & 2 Cor. have 26%, 26% & 30%. These facts fit with the idea of Peshitta primacy, since Kurios occurrences and the ratios would reflect total number of Aramaic words with therm Mar, root (Lord) behind Greek kuriov. Those numbers should be similar in books written by the same author, as Luke and Acts are written by Luke; Romans,1 Cor. & 2 Cor. were written by Paul.The fact that the rest of the smaller epistles of Paulus do not reflect the same ratio as the major epistles is probably due to the relative lack of Old Testament quotations in those smaller books; in the major epistles, half of the ayrm references aresaith The LORD(Jehovah) OT quotes. There are none such in the smaller epistles of Paul. Hebrews has five such quotes of its own, accounting for the 73% ratio of Maryah to Kurios.None of these occurrences is explainable on the basis of a Greek original. Maryah is a Semitic Name, referring to The Hebrew Yahweh with no Greek equivalent. A translation from Greek should produce arm (Mara-Lord) or Nrm (Maran-our Lord) not ayrm. 25 (& Apostleship) atwxylsw (of the ministry) atsmstd (a part) aop (would receive) lbqn (that he) whd (that he should go) lzand (Yehudah) adwhy (withdrew) qrp (from which) hnmd (to his place) hrtal (to it) hl 26 (to Matthaia) aytml (& it came up) tqlow (lots) aup (& they cast) wymraw (the Apostles) axyls (eleven) roedx (with) Me (& he was numbered) ynmtaw Chapter 2 1 (of Pentecost) ajowqjnpd (the days) tmwy (were fulfilled) wylmta (& when) dkw
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(as one) adxka (all of them) Nwhlk (they were) wwh (assembled) Nysynk (when) dk 2 Kya (a sound) alq (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (suddenly) ayls Nm (there was) awh (by it) hnm (was) awh (& filled) ylmtaw (mighty) atzyze (a wind) axwr (like) (they were) wwh (sitting) Nybty (in which) hbd (that) wh (house) atyb (the whole) hlk 3 (were) wwh (that divided) Nyglptmd (tongues) ansl (to them) Nwhl (& appeared) wyzxtaw (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (each) dx (on) le (& they sat *) wbtyw (fire) arwn (as) Kya Greek mss. & editions have ekayisen It sat, which disagrees with the plural subject tongues. Only two Greek mss. agree with The Peshitta They sat; they are Codex D (6th century), which appears to be a later translation of The Peshitta, very commonly agreeing with it when other Greek mss. depart from it, and Codex a* . The other Greek mss. have incorrect grammar here.(as fire does not qualify as the subject of the sentence-it is merely a simile describing the subject, tongues). 4 (of Holiness) asdwqd (with The Spirit) axwrb (all of them) Nwhlk (& were filled) wylmtaw (a language) Nsl (in a language) Nslb (to speak) wllmml (they were) wwh (& proceeding) wpqaw (to speak) wllmml (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (giving) bhy (The Spirit) axwrd (whatever) am (as) Kya 5 (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (who were dwelling) Nyrmed (men) arbg (but) Nyd (were) wwh (there) tya (nations) amme (all) lk (from) Nm (Jews) aydwhy (God) ahla (of) Nm (who were fearers) Nylxdd (the heavens) ayms (that are under) tyxtd 6 (populace) ame (the entire) hlk (gathered) snk (that) wh (noise) alq (occurred) awh (& when) dkw (of them) Nwhnm (man) sna (each) sna (had) awh (that heard) emsd (because) ljm (& it was agitated) sgtsaw (in their languages) Nwhynslb (they were) wwh (that speaking) Nyllmmd 7 (& were amazed) Nyrmdtmw (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (marvelling) Nyryht (all of them) Nwhlk (these) Nylh (to the other *) dxl (each *) dx (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (as) dk (are) Nwna (Galileans) aylylg (behold) ah (not?) al (who are speaking) Nyllmmd M Byzantine Greek mss. have to each otherlike The Peshitta; Critical Greek mss. omit the phrase. 8 (man) sna (every) sna (we) Nnx (hearing) Nyems (are) Nnx (how?) ankya (we) Nnx (were born) Nydyly (in which) hbd (his language) hnsl 9 (who dwell) Nyrmed (& those) Nylyaw (& Elanites) aynlaw (& Medes) aydmw (Parthians) aywtrp (& who are from) Nmdw (& Qapodoqians) ayqdwpqw (Judeans) aydwhy (in Bayth-Nahrayn *) Nyrhntyb (& of Asia) ayoadw (of Pontus) owjnpd (the regions) arta * Bayth-Nahrayn means Between the rivers; Greek has mesopotamian -Mesopotamia, which is the Greek translation of the actual Aramaic name of this Aramaean place. Mesopotamia also means Between the rivers.See The Hebrew OT from 0758 and the dual of 05104;; n pr loc AV-Mesopotamia 5, Aramnaharaim 1; 6 Aram-naharaim =" Aram of the two rivers" 1) Mesopotamia This Hebrew name occurs inThe HebrewBible six times and in The Peshitta OT is Nyrhn Mra Aram Nahrayn.The LXX Greek OT has mesopotamian -Mesopotamiain those places.Mesopotamia is a translation of the name, much as Teaching of Peace is a translation of Jerusalem and Brotherly love is a translation of Philadelphia.Names are normally transliterated,not translated.A translation of a name in scripture would usually be an indication that the translation language was not the origin language of that name.
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10 (& of Pamphylia) aylwpmpdw (of the Phrygians) aygwrpd (the regions) arta (& from) Nmdw (which are near) Nybyrqd (of Libya) abwld (& of the countries) atwrtadw (& of Egypt *) Nyrumdw (& proselytes) arwygw (Jews) aydwhy (Rome) amwhr (from) Nm (who came) wtad (& those) Nylyaw (to Cyrene) anyrwql * Egypt is Misrayn in Aramaic, very similar to the Hebrew spelling Misrayim. Greek has Aiguptos. 11 (we are) Nnx (hearing) Nyems (behold) ah (& Arabians) aybrew (Qrete) ajrq (& who were from) Nmdw (our own) Nlyd (in languages) Nynslb (who are speaking) Nyllmmd (some of them) Nwhnm (of God) ahlad (the wonders) htrmdt 12 (as) dk (& they were bewildered) Nyrywtw (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (astonished) Nyrmdtm (affair) atwbu (this) adh (is) yh (what?) anmd (to another) dxl (one) dx (they were saying) Nyrma 13 (while) dk (them) Nwhb (were) wwh (mocking) Nyqymm (but) Nyd (others) anrxa (& have become drunk) wywrw (have drunk) wytsa (new wine) atyram (these) Nylh (they were saying) Nyrma 14 (the Eleven) roedx (with) Me (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (arose) Mq (after this) Nkrtb (men) arbg (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (his voice) hlq (& he lifted up) Myraw (Apostles) Nyxyls (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (who dwell) Nyrmed (& all) Nwhlkw (Jews) aydwhy (my words) ylm (give attention to) wtwuw (to you) Nwkl (let be known) edytt (this) adh 15 (are drunk) Nywr (these) Nylh (are thinking) Nyrbo (you) Nwtnad (as) ankya (for) ryg (not) al (hours) Nyes (are) Nyna (three) tlt (now) ashl (until) amde (for behold) ahd Until now are three hoursis a literal rendering of an Aramaic idiom, meaning, It is now the third hour. 16 (the prophet) aybn (by Yoel) lyawyb (what was spoken) arymad (is) yh (this) adh (but) ala 17 (God) ahla (says) rma (last) ayrxa (in the days) atmwyb (it shall be done) awhn (your sons) Nwkynb (& shall prophesy) Nwbntnw (body) rob (every) lk (on) le (My Spirit) yxwr (I shall pour out) dwsa (shall see) Nwzxn (visions) anwzx (& your young men) Nwkydwdgw (& your daughters) Nwktnbw (shall dream) Nwmlxn (dreams) amlx (& your elders) Nwkysysqw 18 (My Spirit) yxwr (I shall pour) dwsa (My handmaids) ythma (& upon) lew (My servants) ydbe (& upon) lew (& they shall prophesy) Nwbntnw (those) Nwnh (in days) atmwyb 19 (the earth) aera (on) le (& mighty deeds) atwrbgw (in the heavens) aymsb (signs) atwta (& I shall give) ltaw (of smoke) anntd (& plumes) arjew (& fire) arwnw (blood) amd 20 (into blood) amdb (& the moon) arhow (into darkness) anjmeb (shall be turned) Plxtn (the sun) asms (& awesome *) alyxdw (great) abr (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the day) hmwy (will come) atan (until) alde The Greek mss. have epifanh notable, manifest where The Peshitta has alyxd -Dkhayla-Awesome. Can we really believe The great day of Jehovah would be merely notable? I cannot. Awesome it will be; Notable is a flimsy and lame substitute which grossly misses the point. 21 (shall receive life *) axn (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the Name) hms (who calls on) arqnd (everyone) lk (& it shall be) awhnw
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- axn Nekhaessentially refers to Living and receiving Life. In this context, the meaning is spiritual and Eternal Life. 22 (The Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsy (these) Nylh (words) alm (hear) wems (of Israel) lyroya (sons) ynb (men) arbg (to you) Nwktwl (appeared) yzxta (God) ahla (Who from) Nmd (The Man) arbg (those) Nylya (& with miracles) atwrbgbw (& with signs) atwtabw (with mighty works) alyxb (know) Nyedy (you) Nwtnad (as) Kya (by His hand) hdyab (among you) Nwktnyb (did) dbe (that God) ahlad 23 (in prior) twmdqmb (for this) adhl (to Him) hl (was) awh (Who separated) syrpd (This One) anhl (you) Nwtna (you have betrayed Him) yhynwtmlsa (of God) ahlad (& will) hnybubw (the knowledge) htedy (& you murdered) Nwtljqw (& you crucified) Nwtpqzw (of the wicked) aeysr (into the hands) ydyab 24 (the destructions *) hylbx (& He destroyed) arsw (raised Him) hmyqa (but) Nyd (God) ahla (it was) twh (possible) axksm (because not) ald (because) ljm (of Sheol) lwysd (in Sheol) lwysb (in it) hb (for Him to be held captive) dxttnd

- He destroyed the destructions of Sheol is one possible translation; others are He loosed the cords of Sheol, He destroyed the pains of Sheol, He loosed the cords of the grave, He has loosed the travail of Sheol. I have chosen the first as it presents the poetic paradox which is so powerfully employed in scripture to highlight the power of God: He leads captivity captive, tells the poor they are rich, the rich are poor, the high are low and the lowly exalted, and finally kills death, casting death and Sheol into a lake of fire. Whichever translation is preferred, the Apostle Peter is declaring that Sheol has been defanged- neutralized & rendered impotent by The Messiahs death and resurrection. All Greek mss but codex D have lusav tav wdinav tou yanatou He loosed the pains of death.Codex D, which usually seems to follow The Peshitta more closely, has lusav tav wdinav tou adou He loosed the pains of Hades. Hades is the Greek cognate for the Hebrew-Aramaic Sheol. The Greeks sometimes translated the Hebrew Sheol with yanatov- Death. (See 2 Sam. 22:6 Greek LXX and Hebrew, Prov. 23:14). Both Greek readings (Hades & Death) represent The LXX translation words used for The Hebrew Sheol, which is almost identical to the Aramaic spelling of Sheol.The Hebrew of that verse has the phrase lwas ylbx Khebli Sheol, where The Peshitta OT has the same phrase found here in Acts 2:24- lwys hylbx, translated the pangs of Sheol by George Lamsa. atwmd hylbx is also found in that version of 2 Sam. 22:5, which he translated pangs of death. The same text is repeated in Psalms 18:4,5 & 116:3 (115:3 in Peshitta) using the same Aramaic words in The Peshitta and the same translation in Lamsa. 25 (seeing) azx (I was) tywh (it was early) Mdqm (about Him) yhwle (said) rma (for) ryg (Dawid) dywd (was) wh (my right) ynymy (Who upon) led (always) Nbzlkb (my Lord) yrml (I should be disquieted) ewza (that not) ald 26 (my glory) ytxwbst (& celebrates) tzwrw (my heart) ybl (is delighted) Mobta (this) anh (because of) ljm (hope) arbo (upon) le (shall rest) Ngn (my body) yrgp (& also) Paw 27 (in Sheol) lwysb (My soul) yspnl (You) tna (left) qbs (that not) ald (because) ljm (destruction) albx (to see) azxnd (to Your Pure One) Kyoxl (You) tna (gave) bhy (& not) alw 28 (of life) ayxd (the way) axrwa (to Me) yl (You have shown) tylg (Your Presence) Kpwurp (with) Me (O Gladness) atwmyob (You shall fill Me *) ynylmt

ynylmt Tamalayni (You shall fill me) is a feminine verb, agreeing with the noun atwmyob Bassimutha (Gladness) which is also feminine, therefore making it the subject of the feminine verb. God and Lord are masculine nouns, & therefore do not fit grammatically here, though Gladness is Personified and a Divine Name as used here, much like other abstract terms, such as Wisdom, Love & Peace in some scripture references- See Proverbs 8. 29 (unto you) Nwktwl (with open) algb (eyes) Nye (to speak) rmaml (it is permitted) opm (brothers) Nyxa (men) arbg (he was buried) rbqta (& also) Paw (who died) tymd (Dawid) dywd (father) athba (the chief) syr (about) le (today) anmwyl (until) amde (with us ) Ntwl (is) yhwtya (of his burial) hrwbq (& the house) tybw
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30 (had sworn) amy (an oath) atmwmd (he) awh (& knew) edyw (for) ryg (he was) awh (a prophet) aybn (of your body) Korkd (the fruit) arap (One from) Nmd (God) ahla (to him) hl (your throne) Kyorwk (upon) le (I shall seat) btwa 31 (of The Messiah) axysmd (the resurrection) htmyq (about) le (& he spoke) llmw (he saw) azx (& before) Mdqw (His body) hrgp (neither) alpa (in Sheol) lwysb (He shall be left) qbtsa (that not) ald (corruption) albx (would see) azx 32 (His witnesses) yhwdho (all of us) Nlk (& we are) Nnxw (God) ahla (has raised) Myqa (Yeshua) ewsy (This) anhl 33 (from) Nm (& He has received) bonw (exalted) Myrtta (of God) ahlad (The One at the right hand) hnymybd (& He is) wywhw (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (which is about) led (a promise) aydwws (The Father) aba (which behold) ahd (this) adh (gift) atbhwm (& has poured out) dsaw (you are) Nwtna (& are hearing) Nyemsw (you are) Nwtna (seeing) Nyzx 34 (to Heaven) aymsl (ascended) qlo (Dawid) dywd (for) ryg (had) awh (not) al (said) rma (he) whd (because) ljm (My right) ynymy (at) Nm (You) Kl (sit) bt (to my Lord) yrml (Jehovah) ayrm (said) rmad 35 (for Your feet) Kylgrl (a footstool) asbwk (Your enemies) Kybbdleb (I set) Myoad (until) Made 36 (of Israel) lyroya (house) tyb (the whole) hlk (let know) edn (therefore) lykh (truly) tyaryrs (Yeshua) ewsy (this) anhl (God) ahla (has made) hdbe (& The Messiah) axysmw (that Jehovah) ayrmd (you have crucified) Nwtpqz (Whom you) Nwtnad God has made this Yeshua, Jehovah and The Messiah, Whom you had crucified. No Greek text can account for this reading. The Greek - kurion auton kai criston epoihsen o yeov touton ton ihsoun simply says: that both Lord and Christ, God made this Yeshua, whom you crucified. kurion -Lord is not necessarily a Divine Title. The Peshitta records an unabashed declaration of the absolute Deity of Yeshua. If any object that God made him Jehovah means Yeshua was given a title that He had not previously, I respond that this is a setting forth of the fact that Yeshua, The Lord Jehovah and Messiah (See Luke 2:11) really and truly died to all that He was on the cross, and all that He was- died. In the resurrection, all that He was came back again to Life out of the oblivion of His Spiritual death on the cross (not His physical death and resurrection) from His Father God. Thus He became again Jehovah and The Messiahfrom the dead - The LORD of a new creation- a New Heaven and a New Earth.For as One died for all, all died with Him, and now we are risen with Him in His resurrection- (2 Cor. 5:14 & Ephesians 2:4-6). Hallelujah! 37 (in their hearts) Nwhblb (they were stricken) wxngta (these things) Nylh (they heard) wems (& when) dkw (of the Apostles) axylsd (& to the rest) akrslw (to Shimeon) Nwemsl (& they said) wrmaw (brethren) Nyxa (should we do) dben (what?) anm 38 (every) sna (& be immersed) wdmew (return to God) wbwt (Shimeon) Nwems (to them) Nwhl (said) rma (for the release from) Nqbwsl (Yeshua) ewsy (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in The Name) hmsb (of you) Nwknm (man) sna (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (the gift) atbhwm (that you may receive) Nwlbqtd (sin) ahjx 39 (& to your children) Nwkynblw (the promise) aydwws (was) awh (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (whom) whd (those) Nylya (who are far off) Nyqyxrd (those) Nylya (& to all) Nwhlklw (them) Nwna (may call) arqn (God) ahla
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40 (to them) Nwhl (he was) awh (testifying) dhom (many) ataygo (other) atynrxa (& with words) almbw (from) Nm (be saved) wyx (he said) rma (as) dk (of them) Nwhnm (he was) awh (& beseeching) aebw (perverse) atmqem (this) adh (generation) atbrs 41 (his word) htlm (they received) wlbq (readily) tyadyte (among them) Nwhnm (& people) Nysnaw (day) amwy (in that) whb (& were added) wpowttaw (& they were immersed) wdmew (& they believed) wnmyhw (souls) Nspn (thousand) Nypla (three) atlt (about) Kya 42 (of the Apostles) axylsd (in the teaching) anplwyb (they were) wwh (& continuing) Nynymaw (of the Eucharist) ayjorkwad (& in breaking) ayuqbw (in prayer) atwlub (they were) wwh (& made partakers) Nyptwtsmw Eucharist- ayjorkwa (Eukhristya) is supposed to be a Greek word in Aramaic letters, however, the Greek mss. do not have Eucharist here or in the two other places where ayjorkwa occurs. How did the Peshitta reading ayjorkwa get here and in those two other places without any such word in the Greek texts? Eucharist occurs nowhere in The Greek NT! I submit that this word Eucharist came from The original early first century Peshitta NT, not from Greek. 43 (soul) spn (to every) lkl (fear) atlxd (there was) twh (& occurring) aywhw (were) ywh (occurring) Nywh (& miracles) atwrbgw (many) ataygo (& signs) atwtaw (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (the Apostles) axyls (by the hand) dyb 44 (were) wwh (as one) adxka (had) wwh (who believed) wnmyhd (those) Nylya (& all) Nwhlkw (was) awh (internal-communal) awgd (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (that) tyad (& everything) Mdmlkw 45 (a possession) anynq (to them) Nwhl (were) awh (who) tyad (& those) Nylyaw (man) sna (to each) snal (they were) wwh (& distributing) Nyglpmw (it) hl (they were) wwh (selling) Nynbzm (was) awh (needed) qynod (whatever) Mdm (according to) Kya 46 (in the temple) alkyhb (they were) wwh (continuing) Nynyma (& every day) Mwylkw (loaves of bread) atoyrp (they were) wwh (breaking) Nyuq (& in houses) atybbw (soul) spn (in one) adxb (they celebrated) Nyzwr (as) dk (food) atrbyo (they were) wwh (& receiving) Nylbqmw (of their heart) Nwhbld (& in the simplicity) atwryrbbw 47 (affection) amxrb (they were given) Nybyhy (as) dk (God ) ahlal (they were) wwh (praising) Nyxbsm (every day) Mwylk (was) awh (adding) Powm (& our Lord) Nrmw (the people *) ame (all) hlk (before) Mdq (into the church) atdeb (who were coming to life) Nyaxd (those) Nylyal * Greek Codex D- a 6th century uncial, has kosmon -kosmon-world. Compare the Peshitta reading ame- amma people to amle alama-world,age,eternity-just one letter difference!Practically all other Greek mss. have laon people which scarcely resembles kosmon -kosmon-world; it is easy to account for the Greek variant reading on the basis of The Peshitta reading.There are so many examples of this in The NT that it would be ludicrous to maintain a Greek original and a Peshitta version translated from Greek when practically all the evidence paints another picture- the negative image of the conventional western model. The church atde (Edta) means an assembly, from the Aramaic verb de Ad, AoedTo set a meeting, to assemble. If we split the word in half, we have at de Meet, Come, which sounds like an invitation to gather together as a body to worship. It may also be construed as a compound of the two words ata de Until he comes, which is reminiscent of the Apostles words: As oft as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lords death till He come.That is also the function of the church. The Greek word ekklhsia- ekklaysia for Church, used in this and other places means,literally, Called out, which gives essentially a negative connotation to the meaning of the church. But the purpose of calling the assembly is far from a negative separating people out from the world, but a gathering of them unto Him Who loved us all, and gave Himself for us, that we may meet with Him and fellowship with Him and His Father in The Holy Spirit, and
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also with one another on a spiritual level in the kingdom of Heaven on earth. It is a call into the very Presence of God and glory in Heaven- fairly positive, on balance! Do not the church and the world today need to see and hear this positive invitation and call to celebrate and experience the Presence of The Living God that constitutes all the joy of Heaven itself? And he said unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said unto me, These are the true sayings of God. And The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that hears, say, Come. And he that is thirsty, let him come and take the water of Life freely. (Rev. 22:17 translated from The Crawford Aramaic manuscript.)

Chapter 3 (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (went up) Nyqlo (that when) dkd (& he [was]) awhw 1 (hour) Nyes (ninth) estd (of prayer) atwlud (at the time) andeb (to the temple) alkyhl (together) adxka his mothers) hma (the womb) ork (who from) Nmd (was crippled) arygx (one) dx (man) arbg (& behold) ahw 2 (were) wwh (who keeping appointment) Nydemd (those) Nylya (men) asna (were) wwh (carrying) Nylyqs ((of the temple) alkyhd (at the gate) aertb (him) hl (& placing) Nymyow (bringing) Nytym (charity) atqdz (asking) las (to be) awhnd (Shapira *) aryps (which is called) arqtmd (the temple) alkyhl (entering) Nylaed (those) Nwnh (from) Nm * Shapira means Beautiful (entering) Nylaed (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (Shimeon) Nwemsl (he saw) azx (when) dk (this one) anh 3 (charity) atqdz (to him) hl (to give) Nwltnd (of them) Nwhnm (he was) awh (begging) aeb (the temple) alkyhl (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (Shimeon) Nwems (at him) hb (& gazed) wrxw 4 (at us) Nb (look) rwx (to him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (he had) awh (hoped) rbo (as) dk (at them) Nwhb (gazed) rx (but) Nyd (he) wh 5 (something) Mdm (from them) Nwhnm (to receive) boml (to me) yl (there is not) tyl (& silver) amaow ( Gold) abhd (Shimeon) Nwems (to him) hl (said) rma 6 (to you) Kl (I) ana (give) bhy (to me) yl (that is) tyad (the thing) Mdm (but) ala (walk) Klh (stand up) Mwq (The Nazarene) ayrun (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in The Name) hmsb (& raised him up) hmyqaw (the right) anymyd (his hand) hdyab (& he seized) hdxaw 7 (& his feet) yhwbqew (his legs) yhwlgr (were restored) rs (at the moment ) atesb (& in it) hbw (the temple) alkyhl (with them) Nwhme (& entered) lew (& walked) Klhw (stood) Mq (& he jumped) rwsw 8 (God) ahlal (& praising) xbsmw (& jumping) rwsmw (he was walking) Klhm (as) dk (the people) ame (all) hlk (& saw) yhwazxw 9 (God) ahlal (& praising) xbsmw (he was walking) Klhm (as) dk (who sat) btyd (beggar) arwdx (that) wh (that he was) wywhd (& they knew) wedwtsaw 10 (which is called) arqtmd (the gate) aert (at) le (alms) atqdz (& asked for) lasw (every day) Mwylk (had) awh (& wonder) armwdw (with astonishment) ahmt (& they were filled) wylmtaw (Shappira) aryps (that occurred) awhd (the thing) Mdm (concerning) le (ran) jhr (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (Shimeon) Nwemsl (he was) awh (holding to) dyxa (& as) dkw 11 (to the porch) awjoal (to them) Nwhtwl (marveling) ryht (while) dk (the people) ame (all) hlk (Shlimons) Nwmylsd (which is called) arqtmd
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Shlimon is Solomon. (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (* [he] answer[ed]) ane (Shimeon) Nwems (saw) azx (& when) dkw 12 (at this) anhb (you) Nwtna (wonder) Nyrmdtm (why?) anm (of Israel) lyroya (children) ynb (men) arbg (our own) Nlyd (that by power) alyxbd (it was) wh (as if) Kya (you) Nwtna (gaze) Nyryx (why?) anm Nb (or) wa (this one) anh (that would walk) Klhnd (this) adh (we have done) Ndbe (by our authority) Nnjlwsb (or) wa (God) ahla (& of Yaqob) bwqeydw (& of Ishaq) qxoyadw (of Abraham) Mhrbad (The) wh (God) hhla 13 (He) wh (Yeshua) ewsy (His Son ) hrbl (has glorified) xbs (of our Fathers) Nthbad (Him) hb (& you rejected) Nwtrpkw (handed over) Nwtmlsa (Whom you) Nwtnad (when) dk (of Pilatus) owjlypd (the face) yhwpa (before) Mdq (to release Him) yhwyrsnd (had) awh (judged rightly) qdz (he) wh (you rejected) Nwtrpk (& The Righteous One) aqydzw (Of Holiness) asydqb (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 14 (to you) Nwkl (to be given) bhytnd (murderer) alwjq (a man) arbgl (for you) Nwkl (& you asked) Nwtlasw (raised) Myqa (Whom) hld (you killed) Nwtljq (of life) ayxd (The Ruler ) asr (& Him) whlw 15 (His witnesses) yhwdho (all of us) Nlk (& we are) Nnxw (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (God) ahla (you) Nwtna (whom see) Nyzxd (this one) anhl (of His Name) hmsd (& by faith) atwnmyhbw 16 (& has healed) yoaw (has restored) rsa (He) wh (you) Nwtna (& know) Nyedyd (health) atwmylx (this) adh (to him) hl (has given) tbhy (in Him) hbd (& faith) atwnmyhw (you all) Nwklk (before) Mdq (that by deception) yyewjbd (I) ana (know) edy (my brothers) yxa (now) ash (but) Mrb 17 (your rulers) Nwkysr (did) wdbed (as) Kya (this) adh (you did) Nwtdbe (in the mouth) Mwpb (preached) zrka (that before) Mdqd (the thing) Mdm (as) Kya (& God) ahlaw 18 (thus) ankh (He has fulfilled) ylm (His Messiah) hxysm (that would suffer) sxnd (the prophets) aybn (all of them) Nwhlk (to be blotted out) Nwjetnd (so) ankya (& be converted) wnptaw (therefore) lykh (repent) wbwt 19 (from) Nm (of rest) atxynd (times) anbz (to you) Nwkl (& will come) Nwtanw (your sins) Nwkyhjx (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the face) hpwurp (before) Mdq (for you) Nwkl (was) awh (Who prepared) * byjmd (The One) anyal (to you) Nwkl (& He shall send) rdsnw 20 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsyl * The Textus Receptus Greek (KJV Greek) text has Who was preached; coincidentally, the Aramaic byjmd Who was prepared,appointed is very similar to bjmd (who informed) & bybjd (who was made known). All other Greek mss. agree with The Peshitta reading. It looks here like The Textus Receptus represents an alternate Greek translation of The Peshitta Aramaic, which appears also to be the case in other places of The NT. (until) amde (receive) Nwlbqnd (Heaven) aymsl (must) alw (Whom) hld 21 (God) ahla (of which spoke) llmd (those) Nylya (of all ) Nyhlkd (of times) anbzd (the end) aylwml (ancient times) Mle (who were from) Nmd (holy) asydq (of His prophets) yhwybnd (by the mouth) amwpb (Jehovah) ayrm (to you) Nwkl (shall raise) Myqn (a Prophet) aybnd (said) rma (for) ryg (Moshe) aswm 22 (thing) am (in every) lkb (hear) wems (Him) hl (like me) ytwka (your brethren) Nwkyxa (from) Nm (with you) Nwkme (He will speak) llmnd (will hear) emst (not) ald (which) adya (soul) aspn (every) lk (& it shall be) awhtw 23 (his people) hme (from) Nm (that) yh (soul) aspn (shall perish) dbat (that) wh (Prophet) aybnl (& those) Nylyaw (Shamuil) lyawms (from) Nm (all of them) Nwhlk (& the prophets) aybnw 24 (these) Nwnh (days) atmwy (of) le (& preached) wzrkaw (have spoken) wllm (were) wwh (after him) hrtb (who from) Nmd (& of the covenant) aqtyddw (of the prophets) aybnd (the children) Nwhynb (are) Nwna (you) Nwtna 25 (to Abraham) Mhrbal (He said) rma (when) dk (to our fathers) Nthbal (God) ahla (appointed) Mod (which) adya (of the earth) aerad (families) atbrs (all ) Nyhlk (shall be blessed) Nkrbtn ( in your seed) Kerzbd
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(God) ahla (& sent) rdsw (He appointed) Myqa (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (to you) Nwkl 26 (you are converted) Nwnptt (if) Na (you) Nwkl (blessing) Krbm (as) dk (His Son ) hrbl (your evils) Nwktsyb (from) Nm (& you return) Nwbwttw Chapter 4 (to the people) amel (they were) wwh (speaking) Nyllmm (words) alm (these) Nylh (& when) dkw 1 (& the rulers) anwkraw (& The Zaduqya) ayqwdzw (the priests) anhk (against them) Nwhyle (they arose) wmq (of the temple) alkyhd (the people) amel (that they taught) Nyplmd (with them) Nwhyle (they were) wwh (angered) Nytmxtm (as) dk 2 (the resurrection) atmyq (about) le (by The Messiah) axysmb (& were preaching) Nyzrkmw (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nmd (to the day) amwyl (them) Nwna (& kept) wrjnw (hands) aydya (upon them) Nwhyle (& they laid) wymraw 3 (evening) asmr (it) hl (was) awh (approaching) brqd (because) ljm (the next) anrxa (the word) atlm (had) wwh (who heard) wemsd (& many) aaygow 4 (in number) anynmb (were) wwh (& they) Nwhytyaw (were) wwh (believing) wnmyh (men) Nyrbg (thousand) Nypla (five) asmx (about) Kya (the Rulers) anwkra (gathered) wsnkta (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw 5 (& Scribes) arpow (& Elders) asysqw (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (& Kaypha) apyqw (Priest) anhk (High) br (Hannan) Nnx (& also) Paw 6 (from) Nm (were) wwh (who) Nwhytyad (& those) Nylyaw (& Alexandrus) owrdnoklaw (Priests) anhk (of the Chief) ybrd (the family) atbrs (they were) wwh (asking) Nylasm (in the midst) ateumb (them) Nwna (they set) wmyqa (& when) dkw 7 (this) adh (you do) Nwtdbe (name) Ms (in what) anyab (or) wa (power) lyx (By what) anyabd (them) Nwhl (of Holiness) asdwqd (by The Spirit) axwr (was filled) ylmta (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (then) Nydyh 8 (& Elders) asysqw (of the people) amed (Rulers) yhwnwkra (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Listen) wems (of Israel) lyroya (of the House *) tybd M * The Critical Greek text lacks the last phrase of The House of Israel, listen. (the beautiful thing) atryps (on) le (from you) Nwknm (we) Nnx (are judged) Nynydtm (today) anmwy (we) Nnx (if) Na 9 (he was healed) yoata (this one) anh (by what means) anmbd (ill) ahyrk (to a man ) asnrbl (which happened) twhd (of Israel) lyroyad (the people) ame (& to all) hlklw (to you) Nwkl (let be known) edytt (this) adh 10 (Him) wh (The Nazarene) ayrun (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (that in The Name) hmsbd (God) ahla (Whom raised) Myqad (Him) wh (have crucified) yhynwtpqz (Whom you) Nwtnad (by Him) whb (in it) hb (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (whole) Mylx (as) dk (before you) Nwkymdq (this) anh (stands) Maq (behold) ah (builders) aynb (you) Nwtna (Which you rejected) Nwtyload (The Stone) apak (This is) wnh 11 (Corner) anrq (The Head) syrl (is) awh (& He) whw (is) tya (for) ryg (not) al (salvation) anqrwp (another) Nyrxa (in man) snab (& there is not) tylw 12 (to the children of men) asnynbl (that given) bhytad (Heaven) ayms (under) tyxt (another) anrxa (Name) ams (to live) axml (it is necessary) alw (by which) hbd (& of Yokhanan) Nnxwydw (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (the discourse) htlm (they heard) wems (& when) dkw 13 (they knew) Nyedy (that not) ald (they perceived) wlktoa (they spoke it) hwrma (in the open) algb (that eyes) Nyed (at them) Nwhb & they were amazed) wrhtw (they were) Nwna (& unlearned) ajwydhw (the scrolls) arpo (they had) wwh (lived) Nykphtm (Yeshua) ewsy (that with) Med (them) Nwna (& recognized) wedwtsaw
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(he had been) wh (who crippled) arygx (with them) Nwhme (he was) awh (standing) Maqd (they) wwh (& saw) Nyzxw 14 (they were) wwh (able) Nyxksm (& not) alw (who was healed) yoatad (against them) Nwhlbqwl (to say) rmaml (anything) Mdm (their assembly) Nwhsnk (from) Nm (them) Nwna (to remove) Nwqpnd (they ordered) wdqp (then) Nydyh 15 (to another) dxl (one) dx (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (for) ryg (behold) ah (these) Nylh (the men) arbgl (to them) Nwhl (shall we do) dben (what?) anm 16 (to all) Nwhlkl (by their hands) Nwhydyab (that has occurred) twhd (open) atylg (a sign) ata (deny) rwpknd (we can) Nnyxksm (& not) alw (is known) tedyta (of Jerusalem) Mlsrwad (dwellers) hyrwme (among the people) ameb (may proceed) qwpn (more) tyaryty (that not) ald (but) ala 17 (they speak) Nwllmn (not) al (that again) bwtd (them) Nwhl (let us threaten) Mxltn (this) anh (report) abj (the children of men) asnynb (of) Nm (to a person) snal (this) anh (in Name) amsb (that utterly) rmgld (them) Nwna (& ordered) wdqpw (them) Nwna & they called) wrqw 18 (Yeshua) ewsy (in The Name) Msb (they should teach) Nwpln (neither) alw (they should speak) Nwllmn (not) al (to them) Nwhl (& they said) wrmaw (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (answered) wne 19 (rather) ryty (one shall listen) emsn (that to you) Nwkld (God) ahla (before) Mdq (it is right) anak (if) Na (you judge) wnwd (God) ahla (than) Nm (whatever) amd (we) Nnx (are able) Nyxksm (for) ryg (not) al 20 (we shall speak it) yhwyllmn (that not) ald (& we hear) Nemsw (we see) Nyzxd (for) ryg (not) al (them) Nwna (& released) wrsw (them) Nwhl (& they threatened) wmxltaw 21 (their heads) Nwhsrb (to pursue) Nwmyond (a cause) atle (for them) Nwhl (they found) wxksa (were) awh (praising) xbsm (for) ryg (everyman) snlk (the people) ame (because) ljm (that occurred) awhd (the thing) Mdm (for) le (God ) ahlal (was) awh (he) yhwtya (years) Nyns (forty) Nyebra (son of) rb (than) Nm (for) ryg (more) ryty 22 (of healing) atwyoad (sign) ata (this) adh (to whom) hb (happened) twhd (that) wh (man) arbg (their brethren) Nwhyxa (to) twl (they came) wta (they were dismissed) wyrtsa (& when) dkw 23 (whatever) am (everything) lk (to them) Nwhl (& they related) wyetsaw (& The Elders) asysqw (The Priests) anhk (had said) wrmad (their voice) Nwhlq (they raised) wmyra (as one) dxka (they heard) wems (when) dk (& they) Nwnhw 24 (God) ahla (are) wh (You) tna (Jehovah) ayrm (& they said) wrmaw (God) ahla (to) twl (& the seas) ammyw (& the earth) aeraw (the heavens) ayms (Who made) tdbed (in them) Nwhb (that is) tyad (& all) lkw (The Spirit) axwr (by) dyb (Who spoke) tllmd (are He) wh (& you) tnaw 25 (Your servant) Kdbe (of Dawid) dywd (in the mouth) Mwpb (of Holiness) asdwqd (& the peoples) atwmaw (the nations) amme (have raged) wsgr (Why?) anml (nothingness) atwqyro (devise) ynr (& the rulers) anjylsw (of the earth) aerad (the kings) aklm (stood up) wmq 26 (Jehovah) ayrm (against) le (as one) adxka (held counsel) wklmtaw (His Messiah) hxysm (& against) lew (against) le (this) adh (in city) atnydmb (truly) tyaryrs (for) ryg (they gathered) wsnkta 27 (anointed) txsm (Whom You) tnad (The One) anya (Yeshua) ewsy (Your Son) Krb (Holy) asydq (of Israel) lyroyad (& the mobs) asnkw (Gentiles) amme (with) Me (& Pilatus) owjlypw (Herodus) odwrh (& Your will) Knybuw (Your hand) Kdyad (whatever) am (all) lk (to do) dbeml 28 (to happen) awhnd (inscribed) Msr (before) Mdq (their threats) Nwhymxwll (& see) yzxw (behold) rwx (Jehovah) ayrm (now) ash (also) Paw 29 (in the open) algb (that eyes) Nyed (to Your servants) Kydbel (& grant) bhw (Your word) Ktlm (preaching) Nyzrkm (they would be) Nwwhn
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(& for mighty acts) atwrbglw (for healing) atwoal (You) tna (stretched) jswm (Your hand) Kdya (as) dk 30 (Yeshua) ewsy (holy) asydq (of your son) Krbd (in the Name) hmsb (to occur) Nywhnd (& for signs) atwtalw (the place) arta (was shaken) eyztta (& made supplication) wpsktaw (they prayed) web (& when) dkw 31 (all of them) Nwhlk (& they were filled) wylmtaw (they were) wwh (assembled) Nysynk (in which) hbd (they were) wwh (& speaking) Nyllmmw (of Holiness) asdwqd (with The Spirit) axwrb (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (in the open) algb (eyes) Nye (who believed) wnmyhd (those) Nylya (of people) asnad (to crowds) asnkl (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya 32 (of them) Nwhnm (man) sna (& no) alw (mind) Nyer (& one) dxw (soul) spn (one) adx (were) wwh (his own) hlydd (was) awh (which he possessed) anqd (wealth) aokn (about) le (was) awh (saying) rma (were) awh (that) tyad (things) Mdm (all) lk (but) ala (they) Nwna (were) awh (common) awgd (to them) Nwhl (those) Nwnh (were) wwh (testifying) Nydhom (great) abr (& with power) alyxbw 33 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the resurrection) htmyq (of) le (Apostles) axyls (all of them) Nwhlk (with) Me (was) twh (there) tya (great) atbr (& favor) atwbyjw (who was needy) Kyrud (among them) Nwhb (was) awh (there not) tyl (& a man) snaw 34 (selling) Nynbzm (& houses) atbw (fields) ayrwq (had) wwh (who possessed) Nynqd (for) ryg (those) Nylya (that were sold) Nbdzmd (of the things) Mdmd (the proceeds) aymd (& bringing) Nytymw (were) wwh (was) awh (& given) bhytmw (of the Apostles) axylsd (the feet) Nwhylgr (at) twl (& laying) Nymyow 35 (was) awh (needed) qynod (whatever) Mdm (according to) Kya (man) sna (to any) snal (the Apostles) axyls (from) Nm (Bar-Naba) abnrb (named) ynktad (was) wh (but) Nyd (Yosip) Powy 36 (a Levite) aywl (of comfort) aaywbd (son) arb (which is translated) Mgrttmd (of Quprus) orpwqd (the country) arta (from) Nm (& brought) ytyaw (& he sold it) hnbzw (a field) atyrq (to him) hl (was) awh (there) tya 37 (of the Apostles) axylsd (the feet) Nwhylgr (before) Mdq (& laid) Mow (its price) hymd

Chapter 5 (his wife) httna (with) Me (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (man) arbgw 1 (his field) htyrq (had) awh (sold) Nbz (Shapira) aryps (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (of it) hb (was) twh (aware) asygr (while) dk (& concealed it) ysjw (its price) hymyj (from) Nm (& he took away) lqsw 2 (before) Mdq (& placed it) Mow (the money) apok (of) Nm (some of it) hnm (& he brought) ytyaw (his wife) httna (of the Apostles) axylsd (the feet) Nwhylgr (thus) ankhd (why?) wnm (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (Shimeon) Nwems (to him) hl (& said) rmaw 3 (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwrb (to cheat) lgdtd (your heart) Kbl (Satan) anjo (has filled) alm (of the field) atyrqd (of the proceeds) hymdd (money) apok (some) Nm (& to hide) asjtw (it was sold) Nbdzt (until) alde (it was) twh (yours) Klyd (was) awh (not?) al 4 (were) tywh (authorized) jyls (you) tna (again) bwt (when it was sold) tnbdzad (& from) Nmw (to do) dbetd (your heart) Kblb (have you set) tmo (Why?) anml (its proceeds) hymd (over) le (God) ahlab (but) ala (of men) asna (sons) ynbb (you have cheated) tlgd (not) al (this) adh (thing) atwbu (& died) tymw (he dropped) lpn (words) alm (these) Nylh (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (heard) ems (& when) dkw 5 (who heard) wemsd (these) Nylh (among all) Nwhlkb (great) atbr (fear) atlxd (& came) twhw (& gathered him up) yhwsnkw (among them) Nwhb (young men) Nymyled (those) Nylya (& arose) wmqw 6 (& buried him) yhwrbq (& they took him out) wqpaw (his wife) httna (also) Pa (hours) Nyes (three) tlt (that passed) ywhd (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 7 (had happened) awh (what) anm (she had) twh (known) aedy (not) al (while) dk (entered) tle
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(proceeds) aymd (for these) Nylhb (if) Na (me) yl (tell) rma (Shimeon) Nwems (to her) hl (said) rma 8 (proceeds) aymd (for these) Nylhb (Yes) Nya (said) trma (but) Nyd (she) yh (the field) atyrq (you sold) Nwtnbz (to tempt) wyonml (you have agreed) Nwtywtsad (because) ljm (Shimeon) Nwems (to her) hl (said) rma 9 (of the buriers) yhwrwbqd (the feet) Nwhylgr (behold) ah (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Spirit) hxwr (will take you out) yknwqpn (& they) Nwnhw (at the door) aertb (of your husband) yklebd (& died) ttymw (their feet) Nwhylgr (before) Mdq (she fell) tlpn (in the moment ) atesb (& in it) hbw 10 (dead) atym (when) dk (& they found her) hwxksaw (those) Nwnh (young men) amyle (& entered) wlew (her husband) hleb (the side of) bng (at) le (buried her) hwrbq (brought out) wlbwa (& took up) wopqw (church) atde (in the entire) hlkb (great) atbr (fear) atlxd (& was) twhw 11 (who heard) wemsd (those) Nwnh (in all of them) Nwhlkbw (the signs) atwta (the Apostles) axyls (by the hand of) dyb (were) ywh (& there) Nywhw 12 (assembled) Nysynk (& they all) Nwhlkw (among the people) ameb (many) ataygo (& mighty acts) atwrbgw (of Shlimon) Nwmylsd (at the porch) awjoab (together) adxka (were) wwh (other) anrxa (the people) asna (& of) Nmw 13 (near them) Nwhtwl (to approach) brqtnd (was) awh (daring) xrmm (not) al (a man) sna (the people) ame (them) Nwhl (were) awh (magnifying) brwm (but) ala (were) wwh (who believing) Nynmyhmd (those) Nylya (were) wwh (added) Npowttm (& more) rytyw 14 (& of women) asndw (of men) arbgd (crowds) asnk (in Jehovah) ayrmb (the sick) ahyrkl (they were) wwh (bringing out) Nyqpm (in the streets) aqwsbd (so that) ankya 15 (come) ata (would) awhnd (that when) ytmad (in litters) atoreb (they were) wwh (lying) Nymr (while) dk (them) Nwhyle (might overshadow) Ngt (his shadow) htynlj (at least) Npa (Shimeon) Nwems (cities) atnydm (from) Nm (to them) Nwhtwl (many) aaygo (but) Nyd (were) wwh (coming) Nyta 16 (when) dk (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (which were around) yrdxd (other) atynrxa (to them) Nwhl (had) ywh (who) Nywhd (& those) Nylyaw (the sick) ahyrk (they were) wwh (bringing) Nytym (all of them) Nwhlk (they were) wwh (& being healed) Nymlxtmw (unclean) atpnj (a spirit) axwr (& all) Nwhlkw (The Priest) anhk (High) br (with jealousy) amox (was) awh (& filled) ylmtaw 17 (of Zaduqya) ayqwdzd (the doctrine) anplwy (of) Nm (were) wwh (who) Nwhytyad (who with him) hmed (& bound) wroa (& seized) wdxaw (the Apostles) axyls (on) le (hands) aydya (& they laid) wymraw 18 (prisoner) aryoa (in a house) tyb (them) Nwna (the door) aert (opened) xtp (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Angel) akalm (in the night) ayllb (then) Nydyh 19 (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (them) Nwna (& brought out) qpaw (prisoner) aryoa (of the house) tybd (to the people) amel (& speak) wllmw (in the temple) alkyhb (stand) wmwq (go) wlz 20 (of life) ayxd (these) Nylh (words) alm (all ) Nyhlk (the temple) alkyhl (& they entered) wlew (of dawn) arps (the time) Nde (& they went out) wqpnw 21 (with him) hmed (& those) Nylyaw (but) Nyd (The Priest) anhk (High) br (they were) wwh (& teaching) Nyplmw (of Israel) lyroyad (& The Elders) asysqlw (their associates) Nwhyrbxl (they called) wrq (of prisoners) aryoa (to the house) tybl (& they sent) wrdsw (the Apostles) axylsl (them) Nwna (to bring) Nwtynd (from them) Nwhnm (who were sent) wrdtsad (those) Nylya (went) wlza (& when) dkw 22 (they came) wta (& returned) wkphw (prisoner) aryoa (in the house) tyb (them) Nwna (found) wxksa (not) al (which was locked) dyxad (prisoner) aryoa (the house) tyb (we found) Nxksa (they were saying) Nyrma 23 Nxtpw (the door) aert (at) le (standing) Nymyqd (by the guards) arwjnl (also) Paw (securely) tyaryhz (there) Nmt (we found) Nxksa (not) al (& a man) snaw (The Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (words) alm (these) Nylh (heard) wems (& when) dkw 24
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(at them) Nwhyle (they were) wwh (astonished) Nyrywt (of the temple) alkyhd (& The Leaders) anwkraw (this) adh (was) yh (what) anmd (they were) wwh (& considering) Nybsxtmw (them) Nwna (informing) edwa (a man) sna (& came) ataw 25 (prisoner) aryoa (in the house) tyb (whom you shut up) Nwtsbxd (men) arbg (the same) Nnwnhd (the people) amel (& teaching) Nyplmw (in the temple) alkyhb (are standing) Nymyq (behold) ah (them) Nwna (to bring) Nwtynd (attendants) asxd (with) Me (The Leaders) anwkra (went) wlza (then) Nydyh 26 (lest) amld (for) ryg (they were) wwh (afraid) Nylxd (with force) aryjqb (not) al (the people) ame (them) Nwna (would stone) Mwgrn (them) Nwna (they stood) wmyqa (them) Nwna (they brought) wytya (& when) dkw 27 (he) awh (& began) Pqaw (the council) asnk (whole) hlk (before) Mdq (to them) Nwhl (to say) rmaml (The Priest) anhk (High) br (you) Nwkl (we have) Nywh (we commanded) Ndqp (commanding) dqpm (have) awh (not?) al 28 (behold) ah (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (This) anh (in Name) amsb (you teach) Nwplt (not) al (that a man) snald (& wish) Nybuw (your teaching) Nwknplwy (from) Nm (Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (you have filled) hnwtylm (this) anh (of man) arbgd (the blood) hmd (upon us) Nyle (to bring) Nwtytd (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (the Apostles) axyls (with) Me (Shimeon) Nwems (answered) ane 29 (children of men) asnynbld (than) Nm (rather) ryty (to obey) wopjtml (it is necessary) alw (God ) ahlal (The One) anya (Yeshua) ewsyl (raised) Myqa (of our forefathers) Nthbad (The God) ahla 30 (a tree) aoyq (on) le (you hanged Him) yhynwtylt (when) dk (murdered) Nwtljq (Whom you) Nwtnad (& The Lifegiver) anyxmw (The Head) asr (God) ahla (appointed) Myqa (This One) anhl (Him) hl 31 (repentance) atwbyt (to give) ltnd (so as) Kya (at His right) hnymyb (& has exalted Him) hmyraw (to Israel) lyroyal (of sins) ahjx (& forgiveness) Nqbwsw (these) Nylh (of accounts) almd (are) Nnx (witnesses) adho (& we) Nnxw 32 (God) ahla (Whom gives) bhyd (Him) wh (of Holiness) asdwqd (& The Spirit) axwrw (in Him) hb (who are believing) Nynmyhmd (to those) Nylyal (enraged) Nylzwgtm (words) alm (these) Nylh (had) wwh (they heard) wems (& when) dkw 33 (them) Nwna (killing) ljqml (they were) wwh (& considering) Nybsxtmw (with a passion) azgwrb (they were) wwh (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (The Pharisha) asyrp (of) Nm (one) dx (there) awh (& stood) Mqw 34 (the people) ame (all) hlk (of) Nm (& was honored) rqymw (the law) aowmn (he taught) Plm (Gamaliel) lyaylmg (of Israel) lyroya (sons) ynb (men) arbg (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw 35 (little) arwez (a time) ande (outside) rbl (the Apostles) axylsl (them) Nwna (to take) Nwqpnd (& commanded) dqpw (to do) dbeml (for you) Nwkl (is right) alw (what) anm (& see) wzxw (to yourselves) Nwkspnb (take heed) wrhdza (men) asna (these) Nylh (concerning) le (there) awh (arose) Mq (time) anbz (this) anh (for) ryg (before) Mdq (from) Nm 36 (great) br (he was) wh (that something) Mdmd (himself) hspn (of) le (& said) rmaw (Theuda) adwt (was killed) ljqta (& he) whw (men) Nyrbg (four hundred) aamebra (about) Kya (after him) hrtb (went) wlzaw (were scattered) wrdbta (after him) hrtb (were) wwh (who going) Nylzad (& those) Nylyaw (a thing) Mdm (not) al (as) Kya (& they were) wwhw (in the days) atmwyb (the Galilean) aylylg (Yehuda) adwhy (after him) hrtb (from) Nm (& arose) Mqw 37 (& seduced) yjoaw (head) asr (in the tax) Pokb (people) asna (were) wwh (when registered) Nybtktmd (& all) Nwhlkw (died) tym (& he) whw (after him) hrtb (many) aaygo (people) ame (were scattered) wrdbta (after him) hrtb (were) wwh (who going) Nylzad (those) Nylya (these) Nylh (from) Nm (yourselves) Nwkl (separate) wqwrp (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (& now) ashw 38 (children of men) asnynb (from) Nmd (this) wh (for if) Nad (them) Nwhl (& leave) wqwbsw (men) asna (work) adbe (& this) anhw (counsel) atbsxm (this) adh (is) hytya (& they will pass away) Nyrbew (they will dissolve) Nyrtsm (it comes) ayjm (not) al (it is) wh (God) ahla (from) Nm (but) Nyd (if) Na 39
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(you be found) Nwxktst (lest) amld (to destroy it) yhynwljbtd (into your hands) Nwkydyab (you) Nwtna (stand) Nymyq (God) ahla (that against) lbqwld (yourselves) Nwkl (the Apostles) axylsl (them) Nwna (& called) wrqw (by him) hl (& they were persuaded) woypjtaw 40 (to be) Nwwhn (that not) ald (them) Nwna (& commanded) wdqpw (them) Nwna (& they scourged) wdgnw (them) Nwna (& dismissed) wrsw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in The Name) amsb (speaking) Nyllmm (rejoicing) Nydx (while) dk (before them) Nwhymdq (from) Nm (& they departed) wqpnw 41 (to be disgraced) Nwrejund (The Name) ams (for) ljm (they were) wwh (that worthy) wwsd (in the temple) alkyhb (to teach) wplml (every day) Mwylk (they were) wwh (ceasing) Nyls (& not) alw 42 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (about) le (& to evangelize) wrbomlw (& in houses) atybbw Chapter 6 (the disciples) adymlt (multiplied) wygo (when) dk (they) Nwnh (in the days) atmwyb (& in them) Nwhbw 1 (the Hebraists) ayrbe (against) le (disciples) adymlt (Hellenist) aynwy (had) wwh (complained) wnjr (of every day) Mwylkd (in the ministry) atsmstb (their widows) Nwhtlmra (were) ywh (that disregarded) Nyobtmd (the assembly) asnk (whole) hlkl (the Apostles) axyls (twelve) roert (& called) wrqw 2 (acceptable) ryps (not) al (to them) Nwhl (& they said) wrmaw (of the disciples) adymltd (tables) arwtp (& that we serve) smsnw (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (that we forsake) qwbsnd (from you) Nwknm (men) Nyrbg (seven) aebs (& choose) wbgw (my brothers) yxa (therefore) lykh (search) wub 3 (of The Spirit) hxwr (& are full) Nylmw (the testimony) atwdho (upon whom) Nwhyle (is) tyad (matter) atwbu (this) adh (over) le (them) Nwna (we shall appoint) Myqnw (& wisdom) atmkxw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (of the word) atlmd (& in the ministry) atsmstbw (in prayer) atwlub (continue) Nynyma (shall) awhn (& we) Nnxw 4 (the people) ame (all) hlk (before) Mdq (word) atlm (this) adh (& was pleasing) trpsw 5 (of faith) atwnmyh (was) awh (who full) almd (a man) arbg (Estephanos) ownpjoal (& they chose) wbgw (& Niqanor) rwnqynlw (Prokuros) owrkrplw (& Philippus) owpylyplw (of Holiness) asdwqd (& of The Spirit) axwrw (Antiochene) aykwyjna (a proselyte) arwyg (& Niqolaos) owalqynlw (& Parmena) anmrplw (& Timon) Nwmyjlw (the Apostles) axylsd (before them) Nwhymdq (they stood) wmq (these) Nylh 6 (hands) adya (upon them) Nwhyle (they placed) wmo (they had prayed) wylu (& when) dkw (was) awh (& multiplied) agow (was) twh (magnified) aybr (of God) ahlad (& the word) htlmw 7 (greatly) bj (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (of disciples) adymltd (the number) anynm (obeying) emtsm (the Yehudeans) aydwhy (from) Nm (many) aaygo (& people) amew (the faith) atwnmyhl (were) awh (& power) alyxw (of grace) atwbyj (was) awh (full) alm (but) Nyd (Estephanos) ownpjoa 8 (among the people) ameb (& wonders) atrmdtw (signs) atwta (was) awh (& doing) dbew (which was called) ayrqtmd (the synagogue) atswnk (from) Nm (men) asna (there) wwh (& arose) wmqw 9 (& Alexandria) ayrdnoklaw (& Qurinaya) aynyrwqw (Libertinu) wnyjrbyld (they were) wwh (& disputing) Nysrdw (Asia) ayoa (& from) Nmw (Cilicia) ayqylyq (& from) Nmdw (Estephanos) ownpjoa (with) Me (the wisdom) atmkx (against) lbqwl (to stand) Mqml (they were) wwh (able) Nyxksm (& not) alw 10 (by him) hb (was) twh (Who speaking) allmmd (& The Spirit) axwrw (to say) Nwrmand (them) Nwna (& instructed) wplaw (men) arbgl (they sent) wrds (then) Nydyh 11 (of blasphemy) apdwgd (words) alm (say) rmad (we have heard him) yhynems (we) Nnxd (God) ahla (& against) lew (Moshe) aswm (against) le (& The Scribes) arpolw (& The Elders) asysqlw (the people) amel (& they stirred up) wsgsw 12 (& they seized) wpjxw (about him) yhwle (& they stood) wmqw (& they came) wtaw (The Council) asnk (to the center of) teuml (& brought him) yhwytya
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(man) arbg (this) anh (who said) Nyrmad (false) algd (witnesses) adho (& they had appointed) wmyqaw 13 (& against) lew (The Torah) aowmn (against) lbqwl (words) alm (speaking) wllmml (ceases) als (not) al (holy) asydq (this) anh (place) arta (that Yeshua) ewsyd (that he said) rmad (we have heard) yhynems (for) ryg (we) Nnx 14 (this) anh (place) artal (will destroy) yhwyrsn (He) wh (The Nazarene) ayrun (this) anh (Moshe) aswm (to you) Nwkl (that delivered) Mlsad (the customs) adye (& will change) Plxnw (were) wwh (who sitting) Nybtyd (they) Nwnh (all of them) Nwhlk (at him) hb (& stared) wrxw 15 (of an angel) akalmd (the face) apwurp (like) Kya (his face) hpwurp (& saw) wzxw (in the assembly) atswnkb

Chapter 7 (are) Nyna (so) ankh (that these things) Nylhd (it is) wh (if) Nad (The Priest) anhk (High) br (& asked him) hlasw 1 (hear) wems (& fathers) Nthbaw (brothers) Nyxa (men) arbg (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh 2 (when) dk (Abraham) Mhrba (to our father) Nwbal (appeared) yzxta (of glory) atxwbstd (The God) ahla (he would have come) atan (not) al (while) de (in Bayth-Nahrayn *) Nyrhntyb (was) awh (he) yhwtya (in Kharan) Nrxb (to dwell) rmen * Bayth Nahrayn means Between the rivers (Tigris and Euphrates); Greek has Mesopotamia, which has the same meaning and is a compound word formed from Meso-between and Potamoi-Rivers. (the presence) twl (& from) Nmw (your land) Kera (from) Nm (Depart) qwpd (to him) hl (He) awh (& said) rmaw 3 (I shall show you) Kywxad (which) adya (to the land) aeral (& come) atw (of your relatives) Kmhwj (of the children) ynb (of The Chaldeans) aydlkd (the land) aera (from) Nm (Abraham) Mhrba (went out) qpn (& then) Nydyhw 4 (his father) yhwba (died) tym (when) dk (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw (in Kharan) Nrxb (dwelt) rme (& came) ataw (today) anmwy (you) Nwtna (dwell) Nyrme (in which) hbd (this) adh (to land) aeral (God) ahla (removed him) hyns (a footprint) atkrwd (not) al (also) Pa (in it) hb (an inheritance) atwtry (to him) hl (he gave) bhy (& not) alw 5 (to inherit it *) htramld (as) Kya (to him) hl (to give it) hyltnd (He) awh (& promised) ydwtsaw (of the foot) algrd (a son) arb (for him) hl (there was) awh (not) tyl (when) dk (& for his seed) herzlw (for himself) hl (to him) hl (He said) rma (when) dk (God) ahla (with him) hme (was) awh (& speaking) llmw 6 (foreign) atyrkwn (in a land) aerab (a stranger) abtwt (your seed) Kerz (Shall be) awhnd (years) Nyns (four hundred) aamebra (him) hl (& they will afflict) Nwsabnw (& they will enslave him) yhynwdbesnw (I) ana (shall judge it) yhwynwda (servitude) atwdbe (whom they serve) Nwxlpnd (& that people) amelw 7 (they shall go out) Nwqpn (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (& from) Nmw (God) ahla (says) rma (this) anh (in place) artab (Me) yl (& they shall serve) Nwxlpnw (& then) Nydyhw (of circumcision) atrwzgd (the covenant) aqtyd (him) hl (& he gave) bhyw 8 (eighth) aynymt (on the day) amwyb (& circumcised him) hrzgw (Ishaq) qxoyal (begot) dlwa (Yaqob) bwqeyl (begot) dlwa (& Ishaq) qxoyaw (our fathers) Nthba (twelve) roertl (begot) dlwa (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (of Yoseph) Powyb (were jealous) wnj (our fathers) Nthba (& they) Nwnhw 9 (was) awh (with him) hme (& God) ahlaw (to Egypt) Nyruml (& sold him) yhwnbzw (his sufferings) yhwnulwa (all of them) Nwhlk (from) Nm (He did) awh (& save him) hqrpw 10 (Pharoah) Nwerp (before) Mdq (& wisdom) atmkxw (grace) atwbyj (him) hl (& he gave) bhyw (Egypt) Nyrum (over) le (The Ruler ) asr (& appointed him) hmyqaw (of Egypt) Nyrumd (The King) aklm (entire) hlk (his house) htyb (& over) lew (Egypt) Nyrum (in all) hlkb (great) abr (& distress) anulwaw (a famine) anpk (& there was) awhw 11 (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (& there not) tylw (of Canaan) Nenkd (& in the land) aerabw (our fathers) Nthbal (to satisfy) eboml
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(in Egypt) Nyrumb (produce) arwbe (that there was) tyad (Yaqob) bwqey (heard) ems (& when) dkw 12 (first) Mdqwl (our fathers) Nthbal (he) awh (sent) rds (himself) hspn (Yoseph) Powy (made known) edwa (time) Nynbz (the second) Nytrtd (they went) wlza (& when) dkw 13 (of Yoseph) Powyd (the family) hmhwj (to Pharoah) Nwerpl (& was made known) edytaw (to his brothers) yhwxal (Yaqob) bwqey (his father) yhwbal (& brought) hytyaw (Joseph) Powy (did) awh (& send) rdsw 14 (they were) wwh (& being) Nywhw (his family) hmhwj (& all) hlklw (souls) Nspn (& five) smxw (seventy) Nyebs (in number) anynmb (& our fathers) Nthbaw (he) wh (there) Nmt (& died) tymw (to Egypt *) Nyruml (Yaqob) bwqey (& went down) txnw 15 (in a tomb) arbqb (& was placed) Myottaw (to Shekim) Myksl (& he was moved) yntsaw 16 (of Hamor) rwmx (sons) ynb (from) Nm (with silver) apokb (Abraham) Mhrba (had) awh (which bought) Nbzd (had) awh (which promised) ydwtsad (of that) Mdmd (the time) anbz (had) awh (arrived) yjm (& when) dkw 17 (the people) ame (had) awh (multiplied) ygo (to Abraham) Mhrbal (God) ahla (in an oath) atmwmb (in Egypt) Nyrumb (& had grown strong) Pqtw (Egypt) Nyrum (over) le (another) anrxa (king) aklm (arose) Mqd (until) amde 18 (Yoseph) Powyl (him) hl (had) awh (knew) edy (that not) ald (who) anya (to our fathers) Nthbal (& did evil) sabaw (our race) Nmhwj (toward) le (he was crafty) enjuaw 19 (their male infants) Nwhydwly (casting out) Nydtsm (to be) Nwwhnd (& commanded) dqpw (they would live) Nwxn (that not) ald (was) awh (& dear) Myxrw (Moshe) aswm (was begotten) dlyta (that) wh (in time) anbzb (in it) hb 20 (of his father) yhwba (in the house) tyb (three ) atlt (months) axry (& was raised) ybrtaw (to God ) ahlal (his mother *) hma (from) Nm (he was cast out) ydtsa (& when) dkw 21 (son) arbl (for her) hl (& she raised him) htybrw (of Pharaoh) Nwerp (the daughter) trb (found him) htxksa (of the Egyptians) ayrumd (the wisdom) atmkx (in all) hlkb (Moshe) aswm (& was instructed) ydrtaw 22 (in his deeds) yhwdbeb (& also) Paw (in his words) yhwlmb (was) awh (& prepared) dytew (it) awh (came up) qlo (years) Nyns (forty) Nyebra (son of) rb (he was) awh (& when) dkw 23 (of Israel) lyroya (children) ynb (his brethren) yhwxal (to visit) rweond (his heart) hbl (upon) le (being compelled) rbdtmd (of his tribe) htbrs (the sons) ynb (from) Nm (one) dxl (& he saw) azxw 24 (& killed him) hljqw (justice) anyd (for him hl (& executed) dbew (& avenged him) hebtw (by violence) aryjqb (him) hb (had) awh (who wronged) lkomd (that) wh (Egyptian) ayruml (of Israel) lyroya (sons) ynb (his brethren) yhwxa (that would have understood) Nylktomd (& he had hoped) rbow 25 (deliverance) anqrwp (them) Nwhl (would give) bhy (by his hand) hdyab (that God) ahlad (they understood) wlktoa (& not) alw (contended) Nyun (when) dk (to them) Nwhl (appeared) yzxta (another) anrxa (& day) amwylw 26 (to them) Nwhl (he was) awh (& appealing) oypmw (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (they) Nwnh (you are) Nwtna (brothers) axa (men) arbg (he said) rma (when) dk (to be reconciled) Nwnytsnd (another) dxb (one) dx (you) Nwtna (do wrong) Nylkom (of what?) anm (because) ljm (thrust him away) hqxd (to his fellow) hrbxb (was) awh (who doing wrong) lkomd (but) Nyd (he) wh 27 (over us) Nyle (appointed you) Kmyqa (who?) wnm (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (him) htwl (from) Nm (& the Judge) anydw (the Ruler) asr (you killed) tljqd (as) Kya (you) tna (wish) aeb (to kill me) ynljqml (interrogative) amld 28 (the Egyptian) ayruml (yesterday) ylmta Do you wish to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday?
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(a traveler) abtwt (& he was) awhw (this) adh (at saying) atlmb (Moshe) aswm (& fled) qrew 29 (sons) Nynb (two) Nyrt (to him) hl (& there were) wwhw (of Midian) Nydmd (in the land) aerab (years) Nyns (forty) Nyebra (there) Nmt (to him) hl (were fulfilled) ylm (& when) dkw 30 (Sinai) ynyo (of the Mountain) rwjd (in the wilderness) arbdmb (to him) hl (appeared) yzxta (in a bush) aynob (which burned) adqyd (in the fire) arwnb (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Angel) hkalm (& when) dkw (at the vision) awzxb (he marveled) rmdta (Moshe) aswm (saw) azx (& when) dkw 31 (in a voice) alqb (Jehovah) ayrm (to him) hl (said) rma (to see) azxnd (he approached) brqta (of Abraham) Mhrbad (The God) hhla (of your fathers) Kyhbad (The God) ahla (I Am The Living God *) ana ana 32 (not) al (Moshe) aswm (was) awh (trembling) tytr (& as) dkw (& of Yaqob) bwqeydw (& of Ishaq) qxoyadw (at the vision) awzxb (to gaze) rwxnd (he was) awh (daring) xrmm * ana ana Ena na is an Aramaic idiom signifying Divine speech in 97% of its 150 occurrences in The Peshitta Old Testament Prophets. The literal meaning is I am, but as an idiom is not normally to be taken literally, but with the meaning the idiom conveys. I have chosen to translate this phrase in accordance with Lamsas translation of Exodus 3:14 where the Aramaic Ahiah Ashur High (I AM Who I AM) occurs. Our Lord Yeshua used this phrase as recorded in Johns Gospel 25 times, declaring Himself to be The Eternal Deity with each of those twenty five utterances; even a regiment of Jewish soldiers (200600 men) fell backward to the ground when our Lord uttered this phrase in the Garden of Gethsemane. John 8:24 records that our Lord made this point critical to our salvation: I said to you, That you will die in your sins; for if ye believe not that (Ena Na) I Am The Living God, you will die in your sins. (your feet) Kylgr (from) Nm (your shoes) Kynom (loose) yrs (Jehovah) ayrm (to him) hl (& said) rmaw 33 (is) yh (holy) asydq (on which) hb (you) tna (stand) Maqd (for) ryg (the ground) aera (who in Egypt) Nyrumbd (of My people) ymed (the suffering) hnulwa (I have seen) tyzx (looking) azxm 34 (& now) ashw (them) Nwna (to save) qwrpad (& I have come down) ttxnw (I have heard) tems (& its groans) htxntw (to Egypt) Nyruml (I shall send you) Krdsa (come) at (Who) wnmd (they were saying) Nyrma (when) dk (him) hb (whom they rejected) wrpkd (Moshe) aswm (this) anhl 35 (God) ahla (this one) anhl (to him) hl (& the Judge) anydw (the Ruler) asr (over us) Nyle (appointed you) Kmyqa (that) wh (of angel) akalm (by the hand) ydyab (to them) Nwhl (sent) rds (& deliverer) aqwrpw (the ruler ) asr (at the bush) aynob (to him) hl (who appeared) yzxtad (& wonders) atrmdtw (signs) atwta (he did) dbe (when) dk (them) Nwna (he who sent out) qpad (this is) wnh 36 (& at The Sea of Reeds *) Pwodamybw (of Egypt) Nyrumd (in the land) aerab (& mighty works) atwrbgw (forty) Nyebra (years) Nyns (& in the wilderness) arbdmbw (a prophet) aybnd (of Israel) lyroya (to the children) ynbl (who said) rmad (is he) wh (Moshe) aswm (this) wnh 37 (your brethren) Nwkyxa (from) Nm (God) ahla (Jehovah) ayrm (to you) Nwkl (shall appoint) Myqn (you shall listen) Nwemst (to him) hl (like me) ytwka (the angel) akalm (with) Me (in the wilderness) arbdmb (in the assembly) atswnkb (who was) awhd (this is) wnh 38 (in The Mountain) arwjb (our fathers) Nthba (& with) Mew (with him) hme (had) awh (who spoken) llmd (him) wh (he would give) ltn (which to us) Nld (living) atyx (the words) alm (receiving]) lbqd (& he was) wywhw (of Sinai) ynyod (forsook him) yhwqbs (but) ala (our fathers) Nthba (him) hl (to obey) wyndtml (chose) wbu (& not) alw 39 (to Egypt) Nyruml (them) Nwhl (they returned) wkph (& in their hearts) Nwhtwblbw (to go) Nwlzand (gods) ahla (for us) Nl (make) dbe (to Ahron) Nwrhal (they were saying) Nyrma (when) dk 40 (the land) aera (from) Nm (who brought us out) Nqpad (Moshe) aswm (this) anhd (because) ljm (before us) Nymdq (has become of him) yhywh (what?) anm (we) Nnx (know) Nyedy (not) al (of Egypt) Nyrumd (& they sacrificed) wxbdw (those) Nwnh (in days) atmwyb (a calf) alge (to them) Nwhl (& they made) wdbew 41 (of their hands) Nwhydya (in the work) dbeb (were) wwh (& delighting) Nymobtmw (to the idol) arktpl (sacrifices) axbd (them) Nwna (& handed over) Mlsaw (God) ahla (& turned) Kphw 42
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(of the heavens) aymsd (to the hosts) atwlyxl (worshippers) Nyxlp (to become) Nwwhnd (Why?) aml (of the prophets) aybnd (in the scriptures) abtkb (it is written) bytkd (so as) Kya (sacrifices) atxbd (or) wa (animals) atokn (in the wilderness) arbdmb (years) Nyns (forty) Nyebra (of Israel) lyroya (sons) ynb (to me) yl (have you brought) Nwtbrq (& the star) hbkwkw (of Malkom *) Mwklmd (the tabernacle) hnksm (you carried) Nwtlqs (but) ala 43 (to be) Nwwhtd (which you have made) Nwtdbed (of images) atwmd (of Rephan) Nprd (of the god) ahlad (Babel) lbb (than) Nm (farther) lhl (I shall move you) Nwkynsa (them ) Nyhl (worshiping) Nydgo * Zephaniah 1:5 in The Peshitta has this spelling for the Hebrew Mklm -Malcom, which apparently is the same as Klm Moloch. (in the wilderness) arbdmb (of our fathers) Nthbad (of the testimony) atwdhod (the tabernacle) anksm (behold) ah 44 (with) Me (Who spoke) llmd (He) wh (commanded) dqpd (whatever) am (as) Kya (was) awh (being) yhwtya (which He showed him) hywxd (in the fashion) atwmdb (to make it) hdbeml (Moshe) aswm (our fathers) Nthba (& carried it) yhwlea (brought) wlem (also) Pa (tabernacle) anksm (the same) anhl (& it) hlw 45 (God) ahla (to them) Nwhl (that gave) bhyd (to the land) aeral (Yeshua) ewsy (with) Me (which He drove out) adsd (those) Nwnh (nations) amme (from) Nm (an inheritance) antrwy (of Dawid) dywdd (the days) yhwmwyl (until) amde (& it was carried) lbytaw (before them) Nwhymdq (from) Nm (Who is God) ahlad (before Him) yhwmdq (affection) amxr (who found) xksad (him) wh 46 (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (for The God) hhlal (a tabernacle) anksm (to find) xksnd (& he asked) lasw (a house) atyb (for Him) hl (built) anb (but) Nyd (Solomon) Nwmyls 47 (dwell) ars (not) al (& The Exalted One) amyrmw 48 (The Prophet) aybn (says) rmad (as) Kya (of hands) aydya (in the product) dbeb (My feet) ylgr (which under) tyxtd (the stool) asbwk (& the earth) aeraw (My throne) yorwk (Heaven) aymsd 49 (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (for me) yl (that you will build) Nwnbtd (the house) atyb (where is?) wnya (of My rest) ytxynd (the place) arta (where is?) wnya (or) wa (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (has made) tdbe (My) ylyd (hand) adya (behold) ah (not?) al 50 (in their hearts) Nwhblb (are circumcised) Nyryzg (& who not) aldw (necks) aldq (stiff) yysq (Oh!) wa 51 (against) lbqwl (always) Nbzlkb (you) Nwtna (& in their hearing) Nwhtemsmbw (your fathers) Nwkyhba (as) Kya (are) Nwtna (standing) Nymyq (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (you are) Nwtna (also) Pa (have persecuted) wpdr (whom not) ald (the prophets) aybn (of) Nm (for) ryg (which?) anyal 52 (searched out) wqdb (who before) wmdqd (those) Nylyal (your fathers) Nwkyhba (& have murdered) wljqw (Whom you) Nwtnad (Him) wh (of The Righteous One) aqydzd (the coming) htytam (concerning) le & you have killed Him) yhynwtljqw (you have betrayed) Nwtmlsa ) (of angels) akalmd (the visitation) andqwp (by) dyb (The Law) aowmn (& you have received) Nwtlbqw 53 (you have kept it) yhynwtrjn (& not) alw (with rage) atmx (they were filled) wylmta (these things) Nylh (they had) wwh (heard) wems (& when) dkw 54 (upon him) yhwle (with their teeth) Nwhyns (they were) wwh (& gnashing) Nyqrxmw (in themselves) Nwhspnb (of Holiness) asdwqd (& The Spirit) axwrw (of faith) atwnmyh (he was) awh (full) alm (when) dk (& he) whw 55 (of God) ahlad (the glory) atxwbst (& saw) azxw (into Heaven) aymsb (gazed) rx (of God) ahlad (the right side) anymy (at) Nm He stood) Maq (as) dk (& Yeshua) ewsylw (they open) Nyxytp (as) dk (the heavens) ayms (I) ana (see) azx (behold) ah (& he said) rmaw 56 (of God) ahlad (the right hand) anymy (at) Nm (He stands) Maq (as) dk (of Man) asnad (& The Son ) hrblw (loud) amr (with a voice) alqb (& they yelled) weqw 57 (all of them) Nwhlk (upon him) yhwle (& they rushed) wmzgw (their ears) Nwhynda (& they stopped up) wrkow
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(the city) atnydm (of) Nm (outside) rbl (they brought him) yhwqpa (& they seized) wdxaw 58 (against him) yhwle (who testified) wdhoad (& those) Nylyaw (him) hl (they were) wwh (& stoning) Nymgrw (of a young man) amyled (the feet) yhwlgr (at) twl (their robes) Nwhytxn (they placed) wmo (Shaul) lwas (who is called) arqtmd (one) dx (he prayed) alum (as) dk (Estephenos) ownpjoal (him) hl (they were) wwh (& stoning) Nymgrw 59 (my spirit) yxwr (accept) lbq (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& said) rmaw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (he cried out) aeq (the knees) akrwb (he set down) Mo (& when) dkw 60 (sin) atyjx (this) adh (against them) Nwhl (cause to stand) Myqt (not) al (our Lord) Nrm (& he said) rmaw (he fell asleep) bks (he had said) rma (this) adh (& when) dkw Chapter 8 (in his murder) hljqb (was) awh (& participating) Ptwsmw (was) awh (consenting) abu (but) Nyd (Shaul) lwas 1 (toward the church) atdel (great) abr (persecution) aypwdr (day) amwy (in that) whb (was) awh (& there) awhw (into the villages) ayrwqb (all of them) Nwhlk (& they were scattered) wrdbtaw (which in Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd (The Samaritans) ayrms (among) tyb (also) Paw (of Judea) dwhyd (only) dwxlb (the Apostles) axyls (of) Nm (outside) rbl (believing) anmyhm (men) arbg (Estephanos) ownpjoal (buried him) yhwrbq (& gathered up) wopqw 2 (greatly) tyabrwr (over him) yhwle (& they grieved) wlbataw (of God) ahlad (the church) htdel (was) awh (persecuting) Pdr (but) Nyd (Shaul) lwas 3 (& women) asnlw (men) arbgl (& was dragging) rgrgmw (houses) atbl (he was) awh (entering) lae (as) dk (prisoner) aryoa (to the house) tybl (was) awh (& delivering) Nymlsmw (were) wwh (traveling) Nykrktm (who were scattered) wrdbtad (& those) Nwnhw 4 (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (& preaching) Nyzrkmw (of The Samaritans) ayrmsd (to a city) atnydml (to it) hl (went down) txn (but) Nyd (Philipus) owpylyp 5 (The Messiah) axysm (about) le (to them) Nwhl (he was) awh (& preaching) zrkmw (who were there) Nmtd (the children of men) asnynb (his message) htlm (were) wwh (hearing) Nyems (& as) dkw 6 (by all) lkl (they were) wwh (& persuaded) Nyoypjtmw (to him) hl (were) wwh (listening) Nytyu (they were) wwh (for seeing) Nyzxd (he had) awh (that said) rmad (he) awh (that did) dbed (the signs) atwta (foul) atpnj (spirits) axwr (to them) Nwhl (were) ywh (who seized) Ndyxad (for) ryg (many) aaygo 7 (they were) ywh (& coming out) Nqpnw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (they were) wwh (screaming) Nyeq (were healed) wyoata (& crippled) argxmw (were paralytic) ayrsm (& others) anrxaw (from them) Nwhnm (city) atnydm (in that) yhb (was) twh (great) atbr (& Joy) atwdxw 8 (Simon) Nwmyo (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (man) arbg (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya 9 (great) aaygo (time) anbz (in the city) atnydmb (in it) hb (there) hl (had) awh (who dwelt) rymed (of The Samaritans) ayrmsd (the people) amel (he had) awh (deceived) aejm (& by his sorceries) yhwsrxbw (& said) rmaw (himself) hspn (was) awh (magnifying) brwm (when) dk (The Great) abr (I am God) ana anad (all of them) Nwhlk (to him) htwl (they were) wwh (& praying) Nyluw 10 (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (& common) aqdqdw (noble) abrwr (of God) ahlad (great) abr (the power) hlyx (this is) wnh (times) anbzd (because) ljm (all of them) Nwhlk (by him) hl (they were) wwh (& persuaded) Nyoypjtmw 11 (them) Nwna (he had) awh (astonished) hmta (by his sorceries) yhwsrxb (many) aaygo (who proclaiming) rbomd (Phillipus) owpylypl (they believed) wnmyh (but) Nyd (when) dk 12 (of our Lord) Nrmd (in The Name) hmsb (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) atwklm (was) awh
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(& women) asnw (men) arbg (they were) wwh (being baptized) Nydme (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& joined) Pyqnw (& was baptized) dmew (did) awh (believe) Nmyh (Simon) Nwmyo (he) wh (also) Paw 13 (he) awh (saw) azx (& when) dkw (to Philipus) owpylypl (to him) hl (was) awh (by his hand) hdyab (were) wwh (that done) Nywhd (great) abrwr (& the miracles) alyxw (the signs) atwta (& was astonished) rmdtmw (he) awh (marveled) hmt (that received) wlbqd (of Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd (the Apostles) axyls (heard) wems (& when) dkw 14 (to them) Nwhtwl (they sent) wrds (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (of The Samaritans) ayrmsd (the people) ame (& Yokhanan) Nnxwylw (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwemsl (so) Kya (over them) Nwhyle (& they prayed) wyluw (& they went down) wtxnw 15 (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (that they would receive) Nwlbqnd (but) Nyd (only) dwxlb (yet) lykde (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (upon) le (for) ryg (He was) awh (not) tyl 16 (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (in The Name) hmsb (they had) wwh (been baptized) Nydme (hands) adya (upon them) Nwhyle (they were) wwh (laying) Nymyo (then) Nydyh 17 (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (they were) wwh (& receiving) Nylbqmw (of the Apostles) axylsd (hands) adya (that by laying) Myobd (Simon) Nwmyo (saw) azx (& when) dkw 18 (silver) apok (to them) Nwhl (he brought) brq (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (was given) abhytm (this) anh (authority) anjlws (to me) yl (also) Pa (give) wbh (he said) rma (when) dk 19 (a hand) adya (upon him) yhwle (I may place) Myoad (that whomever) anyad (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (receive) lbqm (he will) awhn (shall go) lzan (with you) Kme (your silver) Kpok (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwems (to him) hl (said) rma 20 (of God) ahlad (that the gift) htbhwmd (you thought) trbod (because) ljm (to destruction) andbal (is acquired) aynqtm (of the world) amle (with possessions) Nynqb (this) adh (in faith) atwnmyhb (an allotment) aop (neither) alpa (a part) atnm (to you) Kl (there is not) tyl 21 (God) ahla (before) Mdq (upright) Uyrt (is) awh (not) al (your heart) Kbld (because) ljm (God) ahla (from) Nm (& request) yebw (this) adh (your evil) Ktwsyb (from) Nm (turn) bwt (but) Mrb 22 (of your heart) Kbld (the treachery) alkn (to you) Kl (may be forgiven) qbtsn (perhaps) amld (of evil) alwed (& in a knot) arjqbw (of bitterness) atryrm (for) ryg (in the anger) adbkb 23 (that you are) Kytyad (I) ana (see) azx (for my sake) yplx (you) Nwtna (ask) web (& said) rmaw (Simon) Nwmyo (answered) ane 24 (these things) Nylh (of) Nm (any) Mdm (upon me) yle (shall come) atan (that not) ald (God) ahla (from) Nm (which you have said) Nwtrmad (they) Nwna (had testified) wdho (when) dk (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems 25 (themselves) Nwhl (they returned) wkph (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (& taught) wplaw (of the Samaritans) ayrmsd (many) ataygo (& in villages) ayrwqbw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (they preached the Gospel) wrbo (Phillipus) owpylyp (with) Me (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Angel) akalm (& spoke) llmw 26 (desert) atyrbdm (by a road) axrwab (to the south) anmytl (go) lz (arise) Mwq (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (to Gaza) azgl (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (that goes down) atxnd (who come) atad (one) dx (eunuch) anmyhm (& met him) heraw (to go) lza (& he arose) Mqw 27 (of the Cushites) ayswkd (Queen) atklm (of Qandeq) qdnqd (an official) ajyls (Cush) swk (from) Nm (had) awh (& come) ataw (her treasury) hzg (all) hlk (over) le (was) awh (authorized) jyls (& he) whw (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (to worship) dwgond (he had) awh (he) awh (sat down ) bty (to go) lzand (he turned) Kph (& when) dkw 28 (The Prophet) aybn (in Isaiah) ayesab (he was) awh (& reading) arqw (the chariot) atbkrm (on) le
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(the chariot) atbkrml (& join) Pqw (approach) brqta (to Phillipus) owpylypl (The Spirit) axwr (& said) trmaw 29 (The Prophet) aybn (in Isaiah) ayesab (what he read) arqd (he heard) ems (he approached) brqta (& as) dkw 30 (you) tna (read) arq (what?) anm (you) tna (understand) lktom ( If) Nad (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (unless) ala (understand) lktoad (I) ana (can) xksm (How?) ankya (said) rma (& he) whw 31 (Phillipus) owpylyp (of) Nm (of him) hnm (& he asked) aebw (will instruct me) ynytrn (a man) sna (if) Na (with him) hme (& to sit) btnw (to come up) qond (in it) hb (was) awh (that he read) arqd (of scripture) abtkd (but) Nyd (the section) aqwop 32 (& as) Kyaw (He is led) rbdta (for sacrifice) atoknl (a lamb) arma (as) Kya (this) anh (was) awh (it) yhwtya (also in this way) ankhw (is) awh (silent) qyts (the shearer) azwzg (before) Mdq (a ewe) ayqn (His mouth) hmwp (he opened) xtp (not) al (He was led) rbdta (judgment) anyd (& from) Nmw (imprisonment) ayswbx (from) Nm (in His humility) hkkwmb 33 (the earth) aera (from) Nm (His Life) yhwyx (for is taken) Nylqtsmd (will narrate) aetsn (who?) wnm (& His time) hrdw (of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (to Phillipus) owpylypl (eunuch) anmyhm (that) wh (& said) rmaw 34 (himself) hspn (about) le (the prophet) aybn (this) adh (did say) hrma (whom?) wnm (about) le (another) Nyrxa (man) sna (about) le (or) wa (from it) hnm (& began) yrsw (his mouth) hmwp (opened) xtp (Phillipus) owpylyp (then) Nydyh 35 (to him) hl (he preached) rbom (scripture) abtk (this) anh (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (about) le (they were) wwh (arriving) wyjm (on the road) axrwab (were going) Nylza (they) Nwnh (& as) dkw 36 (that) wh (& said) rmaw (water) aym (in it) hb (that had) tyad (one) adx (at the place) atkwdl (to me being baptized) dmead (the hindrance) atylk (is) yh (what?) anm (water) aym (behold) ah (eunuch) anmyhm (all) hlk (from) Nm (you) tna (believe) Nmyhm (if) Na (Phillipus) owpylyp (& said *) rmaw 37 (do) ana (believe) Nmyhm (I) ana (& said) rmaw (& he answered) anew (it is authorized) jyls (the heart) abl (is) wh (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (The Messiah) axysm (that Yeshua) ewsyd This verse is absent in The Peshitta mss., however, the Aramaic Scriptures Research Society 1986 edition of The Aramaic Peshitta Text (an edition of The Eastern text) contains it [in brackets] and The 1979 Syriac NT critical edition of The Peshitta also has it at the bottom of the page with a note which states that no Syriac manuscript contains it and that it was first supplied in Hutters edition of 1599-1600.The Harklean Syriac version does have this verse, being revised from Greek in AD 616; one Greek uncial E (8th cent.) has it, The Textus Receptus Greek editions have it as do some Latin Vulgate mss. and The Old Itala Version (2nd cent.).

The ending of verse 36 is- dmead atylk; In DSS: dm()d )tylk. The ending of verse 37 is: wh ahlad hrb; In DSS: wh )hl)d hrb. Possibly a copyist copied verse 36 and was confused by the similar endings of 37 and 36 and instead of going on to v. 37, he skipped it, assuming he had just copied it and went on to v. 38. The beginning of verse 37 is rmaw. rmaw The beginning of verse 38 is dqpw. dqpw It is more likely a copyist had finished v. 36 and was glancing ahead at 37 in the original ms. And noted visually rmaw but actually proceeded with v. 38 dqpw instead, due to the similarities in the respective first words of each verse.It is certainly easier to account for the omission of this verse than for its fabrication as scripture. (& they went down) wtxnw (the chariot) atbkrm (to stop) Mwqtd (he) awh (& commanded) dqpw 38 (Phillipus) owpylyp (& baptized him) hdmeaw (to the water) ayml (the two of them) Nwhyrt (that) wh (the eunuch) anmyhml (The Spirit) hxwr (the water) aym (from) Nm (they came up) wqlo (& when) dkw 39 (saw him ) yhyzx (not) al (& again) bwtw (Phillipus) owpylypl (took up) tpjx (of Jehovah) ayrmd (rejoiced) adx (as) dk (on the road) hxrwab (he) awh (went) lza (but) ala (was) wh (the eunuch) anmyhm
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(& from) Nmw (in Azotus) owjwzab (was found) xktsa (but) Nyd (Phillipus) owpylyp 40 (in the cities) atnydmb (& preaching) rbomw (he was) awh (traveling) Krktm (there) Nmt (to Qesaria) ayroql (he came) atad (until) amde (all of them) Nyhlk Chapter 9 (of menace) amxwl (was) awh (full) alm (yet) lykde (but) Nyd (Shaul) lwas 1 (of our Lord) Nrmd (the disciples) yhwdymlt (against) le (of murder) aljqd (& the fury) atmxw (The Priest) anhk (High) br (from) Nm (letters) atrga (for himself) hl (& he asked) lasw 2 (for the synagogues) atswnkl (to Darmsuq) qwomrdl (to him) hl (to give) ltnd (way) axrwa (in this) adhb (those following) Nydrd (to find) xksnd (he were) wh (that if) Nad (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (them) Nwna (he may bring) atyn (he may bind) rwoan (women) asn (or) wa (men) arbg (Darmsuq) qwomrdl (to approach) ajmm (& began) yrsw (he was) awh (going) lza (& when) dkw 3 (upon him) yhwle (there was) awh (shining) glza (the stillness) ayls (under) tyxt (from) Nm (the heavens) ayms (from) Nm (light) arhwn (to him) hl (which said) rmad (a voice) alq (& he heard) emsw (the ground) aera (on) le (& he fell) lpnw 4 (for you) Kl (it is) wh (hard) asq (Me) yl (you) tna (persecute) Pdr (why?) anm (Shaul) lwas (Shaul) lwas (the goads) aoqwel (to kick) wjebml (my Lord) yrm (are you) tna (who) Nm (& said) rmaw (he) wh (answered) ane 5 (Yeshua) ewsy (I Am The Living God *) ana ana (said) rma (& our Lord) Nrmw (are) tna (persecuting) Pdr (Whom you) tnad (Him) wh (The Nazarene *) ayrun (with you) Kme (it will be told) llmtn (& there) Nmtw (the city) atnydml (enter) lwe (arise) Mwq (but) ala 6 (to do) dbeml (for you) Kl (it is necessary) alwd (what) am (about) le (on the road) axrwab (with him) hme (were) wwh (who going) Nylzad (& the men) arbgw 7 (only) dwxlb (a sound) alqd (because) ljm (they were amazed) Nyhymt (as) dk (they were) wwh (standing) Nymyq (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (visible) azxtm (not) al (but) Nyd (The Man) sna (they were) wwh (hearing) Nyems (seen) azxtm (& not) alw (the ground) aera (off) Nm (Shaul) lwas (& got up) Mqw 8 (were) ywh (opened) Nxytp (his eyes) yhwnye (while) dk (anything) Mdm (by him) hl (was) awh (to Darmsuq) qwomrdl (they brought him) yhwlea (his hands) yhwdyab (they held) Nydyxa (& while) dkw (days) Nymwy (three ) atlt (to him) hl (was) awh (visible) azxtm (& nothing) alw 9 (he drank) ytsa (neither) alw (he ate) lka (& not) alw (a disciple) adymlt (in Darmsuq) qwomrdb (in it) hb (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya 10 (to him) hl (said) rma (& Jehovah) ayrmw (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (my Lord) yrm (it is I) ana (behold) ah (& he said) rmaw (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (in a vision) awzxb (to the street) aqwsl (go) lz (arise) Mwq (to him) hl (said) rma (& our lord) Nrmw 11 (of Yehuda) adwhyd (at the house) atybb (& inquire) yebw (Straight) auyrt (which is called) arqtmd (the city) atnydm (Tarsus) oworj (from) Nm (who is) yhwtyad (for Shaul) lwasl (prays) alum (he) wh (while) dk (for) ryg (behold) ah (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (whose name) hmsd (a man) arbgl (in a vision) awzxb (he sees) azx 12 (his eyes) yhwnye (will be opened) Nxtptnd (so that) Kya (a hand) adya (upon him) yhwle (& lays) Mow (who enters) led (many) aaygo (from) Nm (I have heard) tems (my Lord) yrm (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (& said) rmaw 13 (he has inflicted) lboa (evil) atsyb (how much) amkd (this) anh (man) arbg (about) le (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (on the saints) Kysydql (from) Nm (authority) anjlws (to him) hl (is) tya (here) akrh (also) Pa (& behold) ahw 14 (all of them) Nwhlkl (to imprison) rwoand (the Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (Your Name) Kms (call) Nyrqd (those who) Nylya (to Me) yl (he is) wh (a vessel) anamd (because) ljm (go) lz (arise) Mwq (Jehovah) ayrm (to him) hl (& said) rmaw 15 (& to kings) aklmbw (to the Gentiles) ammeb (My Name) yms (to take) lwqsnd (chosen) aybg
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(of Israel) lyroya (the children) ynb (& among) tybw (to suffer) sxml (he is going) dyte (how much) amk (shall show him) yhwywxa (for) ryg (I) ana 16 (My Name) yms (for) ljm (upon him) yhwle (& laid) Mow (to him) htwl (to the house) atybl (went) lza (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (then) Nydyh 17 (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (my brother) yxa (Shaul) lwas (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (a hand) adya (you) tna (came) ata (when) dk (on the road) axrwab (to you) Kl (Who appeared) yzxtad (He) wh (has sent me) ynrds (& you will be filled) almttw (your eyes) Kynye (would be opened) Nxtptnd (so that) Kya (of Holiness) asdwqd (with The Spirit) axwr (things) Mdm (his eyes) yhwnye (from) Nm (fell) lpn (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw 18 (he was baptized) dme (& he arose) Mqw (his eyes) yhwnye (& were opened) xtptaw (scales) aplql (that were like) amdd (days) atmwy (& he was) awhw (& was strengthened) lyxtaw (food) atrbyo (& he received) lbqw 19 (in Darmsuq) qwomrdb (were) wwh (who) tyad (those) Nwnh (the disciples) adymlt (with) twl (in the synagogue) atswnkb (he was) awh (preaching) zrkm (an hour) htes (& son of) rbw 20 (of God) ahlad (the Son) hrb (that He is) wywhd (Yeshua) ewsy (about) le (of the Jews) aydwhyd (him) hl (had) wwh (who heard) Nyemsd (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk (they were) wwh (& astounded) Nyhymtw 21 (all) Nwhlkl (was) awh (who persecuting) Pdrd (he) wh (this) anh (was) awh (not?) al (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (This) anh (on Name) amsl (were) wwh (who calling) Nyrqd (those) Nylya (he is) awh (sent) rdsm (this) adh (for) le (for it) hyle (here) akrhl (also) Pa (Priests) anhk (to the Chief) ybrl (them) Nwna (to convey) lbwn (to bind) rwoand (so as) Kya (he was) awh (& agitating) eyzmw (was) awh (strengthened) lyxtm (more) ryty (but) Nyd (Shaul) lwas 22 (in Darmsuq) qwomrdb (were) wwh (who dwelling) Nyrmed (those) Nwnh (the Jews) aydwhyl (them) Nwhl (The Messiah) axysm (that This One is) wnhd (he was) awh (showing) awxm (as) dk (produced) wdbe (the days) atmwy (there) Nmt (to him) hl (increased) wygo (& when) dkw 23 (to kill him) yhynwljqnd (the Jews) aydwhy (a plot) alkn (against him) yhwle (that seeking) Nyebd (the plot) anorpa (to Shaul) lwasl (but) Nyd (to him) hl (it was shown) qdbta 24 (the gates) aert (they were) wwh (& watching) Nyrjnw (to him) hl (to do) dbeml (they were) wwh (that they might kill him) yhynwljqnd (& night) ayllw (day) ammya (of the city) atnydmd (in a basket) adyrpoab (the disciples) adymlt (placed him) yhwmo (then) Nydyh 25 (by night) ayllb (the wall) arws (from) Nm (& let him down) yhwbsw (to join) wpqntml (he) awh (& wanted) abuw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to it) hl (& he went on) lzaw 26 (of him) hnm (they were) wwh (afraid) Nylxd (& all) Nwhlkw (the disciples) adymltl (he was) wh (that a disciple) adymltd (they were) wwh (believing) Nynmyhm (& not) alw (the Apostles) axyls (to) twl (& brought him) hytyaw (took him) hdxa (but) Nyd (BarNaba) abnrb 27 (Jehovah) ayrml (he saw) azx (on the road) axrwab (just how) ankya (to them) Nwhl (& he related) yetsaw (in Darmsuq) qwomrdb (& how) ankyaw (with him) hme (He spoke) llm (& that in the road) ankyadw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in The Name) hmsb (he spoke) llm (in the open) algb (eye) Nye (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (& exiting) qpnw (with them) Nwhme (he was) awh (& entering) laew 28 (in the open) algb (eye) Nye (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in The Name) hmsb (he was) awh (& speaking) llmmw 29 (were) wwh (who knowing) Nyedyd (those) Nylya (the Jews) aydwhy (with) Me (he was) awh (& disputing) srdw (to kill him) hljqml (were) wwh (seeking) Nybu (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (Greek *) tyanwy According to this verse, in Greek and in Aramaic, there were some Hellenist Jews in Jerusalem;not all were Hellenists, of course. (by night) ayllb (brought him) yhwytya (the brothers) axa (knew) wedy (& when) dkw 30 (to Tarsus) oworjl (they sent him) yhwrds (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw (to Qesaria) ayroql
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(& in Galila) alylgbw (Judea) dwhy (that in all) hlkbd (the church) atde (but) Nyd (however ) Mrb 31 (edified) aynbtm (as) dk (peace) amls (in it) hb (was) awh (there) tya (& in Samaria) Nyrmsbw (of God) ahla (in the reverence) tlxdb (& was proceeding) aydrw (it was) twh (it was) twh (growing) aygo (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (& in the comfort) aaywbbw (among the cities) atnydmb (Shimeon) Nwems (was) awh (traveling) Krktm (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw 32 (the city) atnydm (in Lud) dwlb (who dwelt) Nyrmed (the holy ones) asydq (to) twl (also) Pa (he came down) txn (was) awh (who lying) amrd (Annis) oyna (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (a man) arbg (& he found) xksaw 33 (eight) anmt (years) Nyns (& was paralyzed ) yrsmw (in bed) aoreb (Annis *) ayna (Shimeon) Nwems (to him) hl (& said) rmaw 34 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (you) Kl (is healing) aoam (he arose) Mq (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (your bed) Kore (& make) awsw (stand) Mwq (& in Sarona) anwrobw (in Lud) dwlb (who dwelt) Nyrmed (all of them) Nwhlk (& they saw) yhwazxw 35 (God) ahla (to) twl (& they turned) wynptaw (the city) atnydm (in Yoppa) apwyb (one) adx (a female disciple) atdymlt (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya 36 (was) twh (rich) aryte (this one) adh (Tabitha *) atybj (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (was) twh (which she doing) adbed (& in charity) atqdzbw (good) abj (in works) adbeb * Greek has tabiya h diermhneuomenh legetai dorkav- Tabitha, which, being translated, means Dorcas (a gazelle). dorkav -Dorkas occurs twice in this chapter in the Greek texts, which according to the Greek of this verse, is a Greek translation of an Aramaic word: 5000 Tabiya Tabitha tab-ee-thah of Aramaic origin, cf 06646 atybj;; n pr f AV-Tabitha 2; 2 Tabitha =" female gazelle" (1) the name of the woman that Peter raised from the dead. -(Thayers Greek-English Lexicon). Is it not strange that the Greek text has the Aramaic Tabitha transliterated in Greek letters and then states which being translated means Dorcas? We do not find this phenomenon in The Peshitta, that is, we do not find Greek words transliterated into Aramaic letters and then translated into Aramaic words. The Greek NT has this phenomenon recorded at least six times in The Gospels and in Acts. Why in the name of Sam Hill would Luke have written this in Greek originally if the persons, language and culture involved were Aramaean? And why would we have a Greek translation of a name if the original was Greek? And why would we have a Greek translation of a persons name at all, unless it were a highly significant name with a highly significant meaning, like that of Meshikha-Christor Kaypha Peter? The fact that the Greek texts have both Tabitha and Dorkas in this passage with the statement,this is translated into [Greek] Dorkas is a giveaway of the fact that the Greek text is not the original language but a translation language of a Semitic original (probably Aramaic). This writer believes the Greek translation of Tabitha was a faux pas; names are hardly ever to be translated into the target language, but simply transliterated in their original form. The fact that this one was transliterated and translated into Greek twice in this chapter testifies powerfully to the Greek as a translation of an Aramaic original.See v. 39 also. (days) atmwy (in those) Nwnhb (in them) Nwhb (but) Nyd (she had been sick) thrkta 37 (in an upper room) atyleb (& they placed her) hwmow (they washed her) hwyxoaw (& she died) ttymw (that Shimeon) Nwemsd (the disciples) adymlt (had) wwh (& heard) wemsw 38 (Yoppa) apwy (the side of) bng (on) le (which is) hytyad (that) yh (city) atnydm (was) wh (in Lud) dwlb (to ask) Nwebnd (two) Nyrt (men) arbg (to him) htwl (they had) wwh (& sent) wrdsw (with them) Nwhydau (to come) atand (this) hl (neglect *) Namt ( Do not) ald (of him) hnm (he came) ata (& when) dkw (with them) Nwhme (went) lza (Shimeon) Nwems (& rising) Mqw 39 (they) Nyhl (stood) Mq (& were gathered) snkw (to the upper room) atylel (they took him up) yhwqoa (to him) hl (& showing) Nywxmw (weeping) Nykb (while) dk (the widows) atlmra (all) Nyhlk (around him) yhwrdx (them) Nyhl (had) twh (which given) abhyd (these) Nylh (& the cloaks) ajwjrmw (the coats) atynytwk (she was alive) ayx (when) dk (Tabitha *) atybj * Greek has dorkav- Dorkas, which is the Greek translation of The Aramaic name Tabitha; Both mean Gazelle.Even the Greek has Tabithain v. 36 & in the next verse! (outside) rbl (the people) asna (all of them) Nwhlkl (sent out) qpa (but) Nyd (Shimeon) Nwems 40 (the corpse) adls (to) twl (& he turned) ynptaw (& he prayed) yluw (his knees) yhwkrwb (on) le (& bowed) deqw (her eyes) hynye (opened) txtp (but) Nyd (she) yh (get up) ymwq (Tabitha) atybj (& said) rmaw
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(she sat up) tbty (Shimeon) Nwemsl (she saw) htzx (& when) dkw (& he called) arqw (& raised her up) hmyqaw (his hand) hdya (to her) hl (& he reached) jswaw 41 (she was alive) ayx (as) dk (to them) Nwhl (& he gave her) hbhyw (& the widows) atlmralw (the saints) asydql (city) atnydm (in the entire) hlkb (this) adh (&was made known) tedytaw 42 (in our Lord) Nrmb (believed) wnmyh (& many) aaygow (a few) Nyrwez (not) al (days) atmwy (in Yoppa) apwyb (in it) hb (but) Nyd (he was) awh 43 (a tanner) ayorwb (of Shimeon) Nwems (in the house) tyb (he) awh (dwelt) ars (when) dk Chapter 10 (a Centurion) anwrjnq (one) dx (man) arbg (was) awh (there) tya (but) Nyd (in Qesaria) ayroqb 1 (that) yh (the regiment) arypo (from) Nm (Qornelius) owylnrwq (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (Italiqa) aqyljya (which is called) ayrqtmd (he) wh (God) ahla (of) Nm (he was) awh (& a worshiper) lxdw (he was) awh (& righteous) qydzw 2 (great) ataygo (charity) atqdz (he) awh (& did) dbew (whole) hlk (& his house) htybw (God) ahla (from) Nm (he was) awh (inquiring) aeb (& always) Nbzlkbw (among the people) ameb (plainly) tyaylg (in a vision) awzxb (of God) ahlad (an angel) akalm (saw) azx (this one) anh 3 (his presence) htwl (who entered) led (of the day) ammyab (hour) Nyes (ninth) est (before his face) ypal (Qornelia) aylnrwq (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (my lord) yrm (what?) anm (& said) rmaw (& was afraid) lxdw (at him) hb (gazed) rx (& he) whw 4 (has gone up) qlo (& your charity) Ktqdzw (your prayer) Ktwlu (the angel) akalm (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (God) ahla (before) Mdq (for a remembrance) anrkwdl (the city) atnydm (to Yoppa) apwyl (a man) arbg (send) rds (& now) ashw 5 (Kaypha) apak (who is called) arqtmd (Shimeon) Nwemsl (& bring) atyaw (a tanner) ayorwb (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (in the house) htybb (he dwells ) ars (behold) ah 6 (the sea) amy (the side of) dy (on) le (which is) yhwtyad (that) wh (with him) hme (who spoke) llmd (the angel) akalm (he) hl (went) lza (& when) dkw 7 (& servant) axlpw (of his household) htyb (the sons) ynb (of) Nm (two) Nyrt (he called) arq (to him) hl (was) awh (agreeable) andtmd (who) anya (God ) ahlal (who worshipped) lxdd (one) dx (that he saw) azxd (everything) Mdmlk (to them) Nwhl (& he related) yetsaw 8 (to Yoppa) apwyl (them) Nwna (& he sent) rdsw (on a road) axrwab (were traveling) Nydr (they) Nwnh (when) dk (the next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw 9 (to the roof) argal (Shimeon) Nwems (went up) qlo (to the city) atnydml (& came near) Nybyrqw (hour) Nyes (at the sixth) tsb (to pray) alund (to eat) oelnd (he) awh (& wanted) abuw (& he was hungry) Npkw 10 (for him) hl (were being purchased) Nynqtm (they) Nwnh (& as) dkw (a trance) ahmt (upon him) yhwle (fell) lpn (one) dx (& garment) anamw (they were opened) Nyxytp (as) dk (the heavens) ayms (& he saw) azxw 11 (great) abr (a linen) antkl (it was) awh (& like) amdw (corners) Nnrq (at four) ebrab (tied) ryoa (while) dk (the earth) aera (unto) le (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (it was) awh (& descending) basw (feet) algr (of four) tebrad (the animals) atwyx (all) Nyhlk (in it) hb (were) awh (& there) tyaw 12 (of the heavens) aymsd (& birds) atxrpw (of the earth) aerad (& creeping things) asxrw (saying) rmad (to him) hl (came) ata (a voice) alqw 13 (& eat) lwkaw (slay) owk (arise) Mwq (Shimeon) Nwems (because ever) Mwtmmd (my lord) yrm (Never!) ox (said) rma (& Shimeon) Nwemsw 14
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(& polluted) amjw (that is defiled) byomd (anything]) lk (have I eaten) tlka (not) al (to him) htwl (came) awh (a voice) alq (a time) Nynbz (second) Nytrtd (& again) bwtw 15 (are to defile) byot (not) al (you) tna (has purified) ykd (which God) ahlad (those) Nylya (it) hl (& was taken) yletaw (times) Nynbz (three) tlt (happened) twh (but) Nyd (this) adh 16 (to Heaven) aymsl (the garment) anam (the vision) awzx (what was) wnmd (in himself) hspnb (Shimeon) Nwems (wondered) rmdtm (& as) dkw 17 (who sent) wrdtsad (those) Nwnh (men) arbg (arrived) wyjm (that he saw) azxd (the house) atyb (for) le (& they asked) wlasw (Qornelius) owylnrwq (from) Nm (were) wwh (& they stood) wmqw (& they came) wtaw (Shimeon) Nwems (in which) hb (dwelt) arsd (of the courtyard) atrdd (the gate) aert (at) le (Shimeon) Nwems ( Is) Nad (& asking) Nylasmw (there) Nmt (they were) wwh (& calling) Nyrqw 18 (lodging) ars (here) akrh (Kaypha) apak (who is called) arqtmd (to him) hl (said) rma (the vision) awzxb (was) awh (pondering) anr (Shimeon) Nwems (& when) dkw 19 (you) Kl (are seeking) Nyeb (three ) atlt (men) arbg (behold) ah (The Spirit) axwr (is doubting) glptm (not) al (while) dk (with them) Nwhme (& go) lzw (go down) twx (get up) Mwq 20 (them) Nwna (I have sent) trds (am He) wh (I) anad (because) ljm (your mind) Knyer (those) Nwnh (men) arbg (to) twl (Shimeon) Nwems (went down) txn (then) Nydyh 21 (you) Nwtna (whom seek) Nyebd (he) wh (I am) ana (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (you have come) Nwtyta (for which) htljmd (the reason) atle (is) yh (What?) adya (Qornelius) owylnrwq (whose name) hmsd (a certain) dx (man) arbg (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma 22 (all) hlk (for him) yhwle (& vouch) dhomw (God) ahla (of) Nm (a worshiper) lxdd (good) anak (a centurion) anwrjnq (an angel) akalm (from) Nm (in a vision) awzxb (to him) hl (it was told) rmata (of the Jews) aydwhyd (the people) ame (& he will hear) emsnw (to his house) htybl (to bring you) Klen (to send) rdsnd (holy) asydq (from you) Knm (the word) atlm (them) Nwna (& received) lbqw (Shimeon) Nwems (them) Nwna (& brought in) leaw 23 (the day) amwyd (after it) hrtbl (& he arose) Mqw (he was) awh (lodging) arsd (where) rk (men) sna (some) sna (with him) hme (& they went) wlzaw (with them) Nwhme (went) lza (& going out) qpnw (of Yoppa) apwyd (the brothers) axa (of) Nm (but) Nyd (Qornelius) owylnrwq (Qesaria) ayroql (he entered) le (next) anrxa (the day) amwylw 24 (all of them) Nwhlk (to him) hl (were gathered) Nysnkm (while) dk (for them) Nwhl (was) awh (waiting) awqm (he) hl (had) wwh (whom) tyad (beloved) abybx (friends) amxr (also) Paw (of relatives) hmhwj (sons) ynb (Qornelius) owylnrwq (met him) hera (Shimeon) Nwems (entered) lae (& when) dkw 25 (at his feet) yhwlgrl (worshiping) dgo (& fell) lpnw (you) Kl (stand) Mwq (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (raised him up) hmyqa (& Shimeon) Nwemsw 26 (am) ana (a man) asnrb (I) ana (also) Paw (many) aaygo (& found) xksaw (he entered) le (with him) hme (he was speaking) llmm (& when) dkw 27 (there) Nmtl (they had) wwh (who come) wtad (is allowed) opm (that not) ald (do) Nwtna (knowing) Nyedy (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw 28 (is) awh (who not) ald (foreign) ayrkwn (a person) asnal (to join) Pqnd (of the Jews) aydwhy (a man) arbgl (I should say) rma (that not) ald (has shown me) ynywx (God) ahla (& to me) ylw (his race) htbrs (son of) rb (defiled) byom (or) wa (that he is unclean) amjd (a man) sna (about) le (you sent) Nwtrds (when) dk (I have come) tyta (readily) tyadyte (this) anh (because of) ljm 29 (what?) anm (for) ljm (you) Nwkl (I) ana (ask) lasm (however ) Mrb (after me) yrtb (after me) yrtb (you have sent) Nwtrds
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(it is) tya (days ) Nymwy (four) aebra (Qornelius) owylnrwq (to him) hl (said) rma 30 (at the ninth) estbw (I) ana (when was fasting) Maud (from) Nm (behold) ah (now) ashl (until) amde (a certain) dx (man) arbg (stood) Mq (in my house) ytybb (I) ana (was praying) alum (while) dk (hour) Nyes (in white) arwx (clothed) sybl (being) dk (in front of me) ymdq (your prayer) Ktwlu (is heard) temtsa (Qornelius) aylnrwq (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw 31 (God) ahla (before) Mdq (is) awh (a remembrance) anrkwd (& your charity) Ktqdzlw (Shimeon) Nwemsl (& bring) atyaw (city) atnydm (to Yoppa) apwyl (send) rds (however ) Mrb 32 (in the house) htybb (he dwells) ars (behold) ah (Kaypha) apak (who is called) arqtmd (the sea) amy (the side of) dy (that upon) led (a tanner) ayorwb (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (with you) Kme (speak) llmn (will come) atan (& he) whw (well) ryps (& you) tnaw (unto you) Ktwl (I sent) trds (an hour) htes (& son of) rbw 33 (are before you) Kymdq (we all) Nlk (we) Nnx (& behold) ahw (to have come) tytad (you have done) tdbe (whatever) am (everything) lk (to hear) emsnd (& we wish) Nnybuw (God) ahla (the presence of) twl (from) Nm (to you) Kl (is commanded) dqptad (in truth) arrsb (& said) rmaw (his mouth) hmwp (Shimeon) Nwems (but) Nyd (opened) xtp 34 (faces) apab (accepting) bon (is) awh (not) al (that God) ahlad (I understand) tkrda (him) hnm (worships) lxdd (whoever) anya (nations) amme (among all of them) Nwhlkb (but) ala 35 (to Him) htwl (is) wh (acceptable) lbqm (righteousness) atwnak (& cultivates) xlpw (& announced news) rbow (of Israel) lyroya (to the children) ynbl (that He sent) rdsd (for) ryg (the word) atlm 36 (This One is) wnh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (& tranquility) anysw (peace) amls (to them) Nwna (of all) lkd (Jehovah) ayrm (that has been) twhd (of the word) atlmb (are) Nwtna (aware) Nyedy (you) Nwtna (also) Paw 37 (after) rtb (Galila) alylg (from) Nm (that went out) tpqad (Judea) dwhy (in all) hlkb (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (that preached) zrkad (the baptism) atydwmem (anointed Him) hxsm (Whom God) ahlad (Nazareth) trun (Who from) Nmd (Yeshua) ewsy (about) le 38 (traveling) Krktmd (& He was) wywhw (& with power) alyxbw (of Holiness) asdwqd (with The Spirit) axwrb (The Evil One) asyb (by) Nm (injured) wykntad (those) Nwnhl (& healing) aoamw (he was) awh (with Him) hme (was) awh (God) ahlad (because) ljm (He did) dbed (whatever) am (all) lk (concerning) le (witnessed Him) yhwdho (& we) Nnxw 39 (& of Jerusalem) Mlsrwadw (of Judea) dwhyd (the land) aera (in all) hlkb (a tree) aoyq (on) le (the Jews) aydwhy (hanged Him) yhwalt (This One) anhl (Him) hl (& they murdered Him) yhwljqw (day) Nymwy (the third ) atltl (God) ahla (raised up) Myqa (& Him) hlw 40 (in the public) algb (eye) Nye (to appear) azxtnd (& granted Him) hbhyw (those) Nylya (to us) Nl (but) ala (the people) ame (to all) hlkl (but) Nyd (not) al 41 (witnesses) adho (to him) hl (to be) awhnd (were chosen) Nybgta (God) ahla (who from) Nmd (His resurrection) htmyq (after) rtb (from) Nm (& we drank) Nytsaw (with Him) hme (we who ate) Nlkad (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nmd (to the people) amel (& to testify) dhonw (to preach) zrknd (& He commanded us) Ndqpw 42 (God) ahla (by) Nm (He Who is appointed) srptad (that This One is) wnhd (& of the dead) atymdw (of the living) ayxd (The Judge) anyd (the prophets) aybn (all of them) Nwhlk (have borne witness) wdhoa (& about Him) yhwlew 43 (in His Name) hmsb (who believes) Nmyhmd (that everyone) Nmlkd (of sins) ahjx (forgiveness) Nqbws (will receive) lbqn (words) alm (these) Nylh (he was) awh (speaking) llmm (Shimeon) Nwems (he) wh (& when) dkw 44 (all of them) Nwhlk (on) le (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (rested) tnga
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(the word) atlm (were) wwh (who hearing) Nyemsd (those) Nwnh (circumcised) aryzg (brothers) axa (& they were astonished) wrhtw (& they were stupified) whmtw 45 (the gift) atbhwm (Gentiles) amme (upon) le (that also) Pad (with him) hme (who came) wtad (rushed forth) teptsa (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (they were speaking) Nyllmm (while) dk (for) ryg (them) Nwhl (they were) wwh (hearing) Nyems 46 (God ) ahlal (they were) wwh (& magnifying) Nybrwmw (to language) Nsl (in language) Nslb (Shimeon) Nwems (was) awh (& saying) rmaw (that not) ald (refuse) alk (a man) sna (can) xksm (water) aym (interrog.) amld 47 (they have received) wlbq (for behold) ahd (those) Nwnh (be baptized) Nwdmen (we did) Nnxd (when) am (as) Kya (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (of our Lord) Nrmd (in The Name) hmsb (to be baptized) Nwdmend (them) Nwhl (he commanded) dqp (then) Nydyh 48 (he would stay) awqnd (so) Kya (from him) hnm (& they sought) webw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (days) atmwy (with them) Nwhtwl Chapter 11 (& by the brethren) axalw (by the Apostles) axylsl (it was) twh (& heard) temtsaw 1 (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (received) wlbq (The Gentiles) amme (that also) Pad (who in Judea) dwhybd (contending) Nynyd (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (Shimeon) Nwems (came up) qlo (& when) dkw 2 (circumcision) atrwzg (who of) Nmd (those) Nwnh (with him) hme (were) wwh (men) asna (that to the presence of) twld (they were saying) Nyrma (while) dk 3 (with them) Nwhme (& had eaten) oelw (he had entered) le (uncircumcised) alrwe (in order) rtb rtb (Shimeon) Nwems (was) awh (& interjecting himself) Pqaw 4 (to them) Nwhl (to say) rmaml (in a vision) awzxb (I saw) tyzx (in Yoppa) apwyb (I was) tywh (praying) alum (When) dkd 5 (linen) antkl (was) awh (like) amdd (which) anya (one) dx (garment) anam (was) awh (descending) txnd (from) Nm (it was) awh (& coming down) basw (corners) htnrq (at four) ebrab (was) awh (& tied) ryoaw (to me) ytwl (as far as) amde (& it came) ataw (the sky) ayms (animals) atwyx (in it) hb (that were) tyad (beasts) tywh (& I saw) azxw (at it) hb (& I stared) trxw 6 (of the earth) aerad (& creepers) asxrw (legs) Nyhylgr (of four) tebrad (of the sky) aymsd (birds) atxrp (also) Paw (to me) yl (was) awh (that saying) rmad (a voice) alq (I had) tywh (& I heard) temsw 7 (& eat) lwkaw (slay) owk (arise) Mwq (Shimeon) Nwems (has entered) le (not) al (because ever) Mwtmmd (my Lord) yrm (never!) ox (& I said) trmaw 8 (or what is defiled) byomdw (what is polluted) amjd (my mouth) ymwpl (the heavens) ayms (from) Nm (to me) yl (said) rma (a voice) alq (& again) bwtw 9 (shall defile) byot (not) al (you) tna (has purified) ykd (God) ahlad (whatever) Mdmd (it) hl (& was taken up) qltoaw (times) Nynbz (three) tlt (happened) twh (this) adh 10 (to Heaven) aymsl (everything) Mdmlk (to me ) ytwl (who were sent) wrdtsad (men) Nyrbg (three) atlt (in the moment ) atesb (& in it) hbw 11 (& they stood) wmqw (they came) wta (Qesaria) ayroq (from) Nm (Qornelius) owylnrwq (from) Nm (in it) hb (I was) tywh (where dwelling) arsd (of the courtyard) atrdd (the gate) aert (to) le (without) ald (with them) Nwhme (Go) lzd (The Spirit) axwr (to me) yl (& said) rmaw 12 (brothers) Nyxa (six) ats (these) Nylh (also) Pa (with me) yme (& they came) wtaw (doubting) aglwp (of the man) arbgd (the house) htybl (& we entered) Nlew
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(an angel) akalm (in his house) htybb (he saw) azx (how) ankya (to us) Nl (& he related) yetsaw 13 (the city) atnydm (to Yoppa) apwyl (Send) rdsd (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (who stood) Mqd (Kaypha) apak (who is called) arqtmd (Shimeon) Nwemsl (& bring) atyaw (by which) Nyhbd (words) alm (with you) Kme (will speak) llmn (& he) whw 14 (your household) Ktyb (& all) hlkw (you) tna (you will receive life) axt (to speak) wllmml (there) Nmt (I was) tywh (I continuing) tpqa (& while) dkw 15 (when) am (as) Kya (upon them) Nwhyle (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (rested) tnga (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (upon us) Nyled (he had) awh (which said) rmad (of our Lord) Nrmd (the word) htlm (& I was reminded of) trkdtaw 16 (shall be baptized) Nwdmet (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (in water) aymb (baptized) dmea (Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (The Gift) atbhwm (gave Him) hbhy (equally) tyayws (God) ahla (therefore) lykh (if) Na 17 (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (who have believed) wnmyhd (those) Nylya (to Gentiles) ammel (am) tywh (who?) Nm (I) ana (to us) Nl (also) Pad (as) Kya (The Messiah) axysm (God) ahlal (to forbid) alkad (I would be) tywh (that qualified) qpoad (them) Nwhl (they were silent) wyls (they heard) wems (words) alm (these) Nylh (& when) dkw 18 (Perhaps) rbkd (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (God ) ahlal (& they praised) wxbsw (to life) ayxl (repentance) atwbyt (has given) bhy (God) ahla (to the Gentiles) ammel (also) Pa (suffering) anulwa (from) Nm (were) wwh (who scattered) wrdbtad (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 19 (they had) wwh (reached) wyjm (Estephanos) ownpjoa (about) le (was) awh (there) awhd (of Qupros) owrpwqd (the region) artal (also) Paw (Phoniqa) aqynwpl (unto) amde (they were) wwh (speaking) Nyllmm (not) al (a man) sna (with) Me (when) dk (& to Antiokia) aykyjnalw (the Jews) aydwhy (with) Me (only) dwxlb (but) ala (the word) atlm (Qupros) owrpwq (from) Nm (of them) Nwhnm (men) asna (but) Nyd (were) wwh (there) tya 20 (Antiokai) ykwyjnal (had) wwh (they entered) wle (these) Nylh (Qorina) anyrwq (& from) Nmw (& preaching) Nyrbomw (Greeks *) aynwy (with) Me (they were) wwh (& speaking) Nyllmmw (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (concerning) le (they were) wwh (& many) aaygow (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the hand) hdya (with them) Nwhme (was) twh (& ) tyaw 21 (Jehovah) ayrm (to) twl (& they turned) wynptaw (believed) wnmyh (of the sons) ynbd (to the ears) Nwhyndal (this) adh (that) yh (was) twh (& heard) temtsaw 22 (to Antioki) ykwyjnal (BarNaba) abnrbl (& sent) wrdsw (of Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd (of the church) atde (of God) ahlad (the grace) htwbyj (& saw) azxw (there) Nmtl (he came) ata (& when) dkw 23 (their heart) Nwhbl (that with all) hlkbd (them) Nwhnm (he was) awh (& exhorting) aebw (he rejoiced) ydx (to our Lord) Nrml (cleave) Nypyqn (they would) Nwwhn (he was) awh (& filled) ylmsmw (good) abj (he was) awh (a man) arbgd (because) ljm 24 (were) awh (& added) Powttaw (& with faith) atwnmyhbw (of Holiness) asdwqd (with The Spirit) axwrb (to our Lord) Nrml (many) aaygo (a people) ame (Shaul) lwasl (to seek) aebml (to Tarsus) oworjl (was) awh (going out) qpn (& he) whw 25 (Antiokia) aykyjnal (with him) hme (he brought him) hytya (he found him) hxksa (& when) dkw 26 (with the church) atdeb (they were) wwh (assembling) Nysynk (as one) adxka (whole) hlk (& a year) atnsw (first) tymdq (then) Nydyh (from) Nm (many) aaygo (the people) ame (& they taught) wplaw (Kristiana *) anyjork (the disciples) adymlt (in Antiokai) ykwyjnab (were called) wyrqta (prophets) aybn (to there) Nmtl (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (came) wta (those) Nwnh (& in days) atmwybw 27 (Agabus) owbga (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (& stood) Mqw 28 (would occur) awh (great) abr (that a famine) anpkd (by The Spirit) xwrb (them) Nwna (& instructed) edwaw
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(in the days) ymwyb (this) anh (famine) anpk (& would be) awhw (land *) aera (in the entire) hlkb (Qesar) roq (of Qlaudius) owydwlq (whatever) am (according to) Kya (the disciples) adymlt (but) Nyd (however ) Mrb 29 (to send) Nwrdsnd (they set aside) wsrp (of them) Nwhnm (each) sna (to man) snal (was) awh (there) tyad (in Yehuda) dwhyb (who dwelt) Nyrmed (those) Nylya (of the brethren) axad (for the service) atsmstl (& Shaul) lwasw (BarNaba) abnrb (by the hand of) dyb (& they sent) wrdsw 30 (who were there) Nmtd (to The Elders) asysql Chapter 12 (people) Nysna (on) le (hands) aydya (was) awh (laying) ymra (time) anbz (but) Nyd (in that) whb 1 (to them) Nwhl (to do evil) sabnd (so as) Kya (who were in the churches) atdebd (Agrippus) owprga (was) awh (who surnamed) anktmd (he) wh (the King) aklm (Herodus) odwrh (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the brother) yhwxa (Yaqob) bwqeyl (with the sword) apyob (& he murdered) ljqw 2 (proceeding) Powa (the Judeans) aydwhyl (this) adh (that pleased) trpsd (he saw) azx (& when) dkw 3 (& they) Nwhytyaw (Kaypha) apak (Shimeon) Nwemsl (also) Pa (to seize) dxaml (he was) awh (of unleavened bread) aryjpd (the days) atmwy (were) wwh (& delivered) Mlsaw (prisoner) aryoa (in a house) tyb (& cast him) hymraw (& he arrested him) hdxaw 4 (after) rtb (that from) Nmd (to guard him) hnwrjnd (soldiers) Nyjwjrjo (to sixteen) roetts (him) hl (of Judea) aydwhyd (to the people) amel (he would deliver him) yhwymlsn (Passover) axup (prisoner) aryoa (in the house) tyb (he was) awh (guarded) rjntm (Shimeon) Nwems (was) wh (& while) dkw 5 (the church) atde (by) Nm (was) twh (offered) abrqtm (continual) atnyma (prayer) atwlu (to God) ahlal (for him) yhwplx (when toward dawn) arpuld (night) ayll (in that) whb (& in it) hbw 6 (to hand him over) yhwymlsnd (he was) awh (going) dyte (two) Nyrt (between) tyb (Shimeon) Nwems (was) awh (asleep) Kmd (while) dk (chains) Nlss (in two) Nytrtb (he was) awh (& bound) ryoaw (soldiers) Nyjwyjrjoa (prisoner) aryoa (of the house) tybd (the gate) aert (they were) wwh (keeping) Nyrjn (& the others) anrxaw (him) hnm (over) lel (stood) Mq (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Angel) akalm 7 (& he jabbed him) hrqdw (place) atyb (in the entire) hlkb (shone) glza (& the light) arhwnw (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (& he raised him up) hmyqaw (in his side) hbgb (his hands) yhwdya (from) Nm (the chains) atlss (& fell) lpnw (quickly) lge (arise) Mwq (around your waist) Kyux (wrap your garment) rwoa (The Angel) akalm (to him) hl (& said) rmaw 8 (he said) rma (& again) bwtw (thus) ankh (& he did) dbew (your sandals) Kyrlj (& put on) Naow (after me) yrtb (& come) atw (your cloak) Ktyokt (wrap) Pjeta (to him) hl (he knew) edy (not) al (when) dk (after him) hrtb (he was) awh (& going) lzaw (& he went out) qpnw 9 (by the hand of) dyb (was) twh (which happening) aywhd (that) yh (was) twh (real) aryrsd (it was) awh (he was) awh (seeing) azx (that a vision) awzxd (for) ryg (he) awh (thought) rbo (The Angel) akalm (they came) wta (& the second) Nytrtdw (the first) atymdq (the watch) atrjm (they passed) wrbe (& when) dkw 10 (from) Nm (to them) Nwhl (& it opened) xtptaw (of iron) alzrpd (the gate) aertl (unto) amde (one) dx (street) aqws (& they passed) wrbew (they went forth) wqpn (& when) dkw (its own) hspn (will) twbu (The Angel) akalm (him) htwl (from) Nm (departed) qrp (I know) tedy (now) ash (& said) rmaw (Shimeon) Nwems (realized) edwtsa (then) Nydyh 11 (& has saved me) ynjlpw (His Angel) hkalm (has sent) rds (that Jehovah) ayrmd (in truth) atswqb (the thing) Mdm (& from) Nmw (the King) aklm (of Herodus) odwrhd (the hand) hdya (from) Nm (the Judeans) aydwhy (against me) yle (were) wwh (that plotting) Nybsxtmd (of Mary) Myrmd (the house) atybl (to it) hl (he came) ata (he considered) lktoa (& as) dkw 12
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(Marqus) owqrm (who was surnamed) ynktad (him) wh (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the mother) hma (& praying) Nylumw (were) wwh (gathered) Nysynk (there) Nmt (many) aaygo (brethren) axad (because) ljm (to answer it) yhwynetd (& went out) tqpnw (of the courtyard) atrdd (at the door) aertb (& he knocked) sqnw 13 (Roda) adwr (whose name was) hmsd (a girl) atylj (& in her joy) htwdxbw (of Shimeon) Nwemsd (the voice) hlq (& she recognized) tedwtsaw 14 (she returned) tkph (but) ala (the door) aert (to him) hl (she opened) txtp (not) al (behold) ah (Shimeon) Nwems (to them) Nwhl (& saying) armaw (while running) ajhrb (of the courtyard) atrdd (the door) aert (at) le (he stands) Maq (protesting) ayrxtm (& she) yhw (you) ykl (are unstable) ytez ezm (to her) hl (they were saying) Nyrma 15 (to her) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (was) yh (so) ankh (that this) adhd (was) twh (it is) wh (his messenger) hkalm (perhaps) rbk (& they went out) wqpnw (at the gate) aertb (was) awh (knocking) sqn (& Shimeon) Nwemsw 16 (among themselves) Nwhl (& they marveled) whmtw (they saw him) yhwazx (so as) Kya (with his hand) hdya (to them) Nwhl (he was) awh (& gesturing) Pynmw 17 (to them) Nwhl (& related) yetsaw (& he entered) lew (them) Nwhl (to silence) Nwqtsnd (prisoner) aryoa (the house) tyb (from) Nm (brought him out) hqpa (Jehovah) ayrm (how) ankya (to Yaqob) bwqeyl (these things) Nylh (relate) wetsa (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (another) Nyrxa (to place) rtal (he) hl (went) lza (& he went out) qpnw (& to the brethren) Nyxalw (great) aaygo (an uproar) abwr (was) awh (there) awh (morning) arpu (it was) awh (& when) dkw 18 (to him) hl (had happened) awh (what?) anmd (Shimeon) Nwems (about) le (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (among) tyb (searched for him) yhyeb (when) dk (but) Nyd (Herodus) odwrh 19 (the guards) arwjnl (them) Nwna (he judged) Nd (found him) hxksa (& not) alw (he) hl (& went out) qpnw (to execute them) Nwtwmnd (& ordered) dqpw (in Qesaria) ayroqb (he was) awh (& remaining) yhwtyaw (Judea) dwhy (from) Nm (the Tsurians) ayrwu (against) le (he was) awh (at enmity) zygrd (& because) ljmw 20 (to him) htwl (& they came) wtaw (they gathered) wsnkta (the Tsidonians) ayndyu (& against) lew (the Chamberlain) hnqnwjyq (Blastus) owjolbl (& they persuaded) woypaw (as one) adxka (for them) Nwhl (that there be) awhnd (of him) hnm (& they asked) wlasw (of The King) aklmd (of their countries) Nwhrtad (the sustenance) aonrwpd (because) ljm (a peace treaty) anys (of Herodus) odwrhd (was) awh (the kingdom) htwklm (from) Nm (clothing) aswbl (Herodus) odwrh (was) awh (wearing) sbl (notable) aeydy (but) Nyd (on a day) amwyb 21 (& speaking) llmmw (the judgment seat) Myb (on) le (& he sat down ) btyw (of the kingdom) atwklmd (the crowd) asnk (with) Me (he was) awh (these) Nylh (& said) rmaw (were) awh (crying out) aeq (all) hlk (but) Nyd (the people) ame 22 (of children of men) asnynbd (are) ywh (& not) alw (are) Nyna (of God) ahlad (voice) alq (daughter) tnb (to God ) ahlal (the glory) atxwbst (he gave) bhy (that not) ald (& because ) Plxw 23 (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Angel) hkalm (struck him) yhyxm (in the hour ) atesb (in it) hb (& he died) tymw (with worms) aelwtb (& he was infested) tprw (& it grew) aybrw (was) twh (proclaimed) azrktm (of God *) ahlad (& the gospel *) atrbow 24 (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (returned) wnp (& Shaul) lwasw (but) Nyd (BarNaba) abnrb 25 (their service) Nwhtsmst (they finished) wmlsd (after) rtb (from) Nm (to Antiokai) ykwyjnal (Marqus) owqrm (who was surnamed) ynktad (he) wh (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (with them) Nwhme (& took) wrbdw Chapter 13 (prophets) aybn (of Antiokia) aykyjnad (in the church) atdeb (but) Nyd (were) awh (there) tya 1 (Niger) rgyn (who is called) arqtmd (& Shimeon) Nwemsw (BarNaba) abnrb (& teachers) anplmw (& Manael) lyanmw (the city) atnydm (Qorina) anyrwq (who from) Nmd (& Luqius) oyqwlw
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(& Shaul) lwasw (The Tetrarka) akrrjj (of Herodus) odwrhd (the rearers) yhwnybrm (son of) rb (God ) ahlal (& were supplicating) Nypsktmw (they were) wwh (fasting) Nymyu (they) Nwnh (& when) dkw 2 (to Me) yl (separate) wswrp (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (to them) Nwhl (said) trma (them) Nwna (have called) tyrq (to which I) anad (that) anya (to the work) adbel (& BarNaba) abnrblw (Shaul) lwasl (upon them) Nwhyle (they placed) wmo (& prayed) wyluw (they fasted) wmud (& after) rtbw 3 (them) Nwna (& they sent) wrdsw (hands) adya (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (from) Nm (they were sent) wxltsa (when) dk (& they) Nwnhw 4 (they journeyed) wdr (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw (to Seluqia) ayqwlol (to them) Nwhl (they went down) wtxn (Quprus) owrpwql (unto) Made (by the sea) amyb (they were) wwh (preaching) Nyrbom (the city) atnydm (Salamna) anmlol (they entered) wle (& when) dkw 5 (of the Jews) aydwhyd (in the synagogues) atswnkb (of our lord) Nrmd (the word) htlm (to them) Nwhl (he was) awh (ministering) smsm (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (Paphos) owppl (unto) amde (island) atrzg (to the whole) hlkl (they traveled) hwkrkta (& when) dkw 6 (who) yhwtyad (a Jew) aydwhy (a sorcerer) asrx (one) dx (man) arbg (they found) wxksa (the city) atnydm (Bar-Shuma *) amwsrb (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (false) algd (a prophet) aybn (was) awh (who) yhwtyad (wise ) amykx (a man) arbgl (was) awh (adhering) qybd (this one) anh 7 (Sergius) owygro (he was) awh (& called) arqtmw (Proconsul) owjpwtna (was) awh (& BarNaba) abnrblw (Shaul) lwasl (The Proconsul) owjpwtna (he) awh (& called) arqw (Paulus) owlwp (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (from them) Nwhnm (to hear) emsnd (he was) awh (& requesting) aebw (sorcerer) asrx (this) anh (he) wh (them) Nwhl (against) bqwl (but) Nyd (he) awh (stood) Maq 8 (because) ljm (Alumas) omwla (his name) hms (which interpreted) Mgrttmd (Bar-Shuma) amwsrb (the faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (The Proconsul) owjpwtnal (to turn aside) yhwymqend (was) awh (wanted) abud (filled) ylmta (Paulus) owlwp (who was called) yrqtad (was) wh (but) Nyd (Shaul) lwas 9 (at him) hb (& stared) rxw (of Holiness) asdwqd (with The Spirit) axwrb (he was) awh (evils) atsyb (& all) Nyhlkw (treacheries) Nylkn (all) lk (one full of) almd (Oh!) wa (& he said) rmaw 10 (righteousness) atwnak (of all) hlkd (& enemy) abbdlebw (of The Devil) aurq lkad (Son) hrb (of Jehovah) ayrmd (straight) atuyrt (the ways) htxrwa (to twist) wmqeml (you) tna (cease) als (not) al (& you will be) awhtw (is upon you) Kyle (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the hand) hdya (& now) ashw 11 (a time) anbzl (for) amde (the sun) asms (you will see) azxt (& not) alw (blind) amo (& darkness) akwsxw (a blackness) anjme (upon him) yhwle (fell) lpn (in the moment ) atesb (& in it) hbw (his hand) hdyab (to take) dwxan (someone) wnmd (& was seeking) aebw (he was) awh (& going around) Krktmw (had happened) awhd (what) Mdm (The Proconsul) owjpwtna (saw) azx (& when) dkw 12 (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in the teaching) hnplwyb (& he believed) Nmyhw (he was amazed) rmdta (Paphos) owpp (from) Nm (by sea) amyb (they journeyed) wdr (& BarNaba) abnrbw (but) Nyd (Paulus) owlwp 13 (the city) atnydm (to Perga) agrpl (to them) Nwhl (& they came) wtaw (the city) atnydm (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (from them) Nwhnm (& separated) srpw (of Pamphylia) aylwpmpd (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to it) hl (& he went on) lzaw (to Antiokia) aykyjnal (& they came) wtaw (Perga) agrp (from) Nm (went forth) wqpn (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 14 (a synagogue) atswnkl (& they entered) wlew (of Pisidia) aydyoypd (a city) atnydm (of The Sabbath *) atbsw (on the day) amwyb (& they sat down) wbtyw (& The Prophets) aybnw (The Law) aowmn (was read) yrqtad (& after) rtbw 15 (& they said) wrmaw (of the synagogue) atswnkd (The Elders) asysq (to them) Nwhl (sent) wxls (a word) atlm (to you) Nwkl (is) tyad (there) wh (if) Na (brothers) Nyxa (men) arbg (the people) ame (with) Me (speak) wllm (of comfort) aaywbd (& said) rmaw (his hand) hdya (& lifted) Pynaw (Paulus) owlwp (& stood) Mqw 16 (who are worshippers) Nylxdd (& those) Nylyaw (Israel) lyroya (children of) ynb (men) arbg (listen) wems (God) ahla (of) Nm
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(& raised up) Myraw (our fathers) Nthbal (chose) abg (this) anh (of people *) amed (The God) hhla 17 (in the land) aerab (foreigners) abtwt (they were) wwh (when) dk (them) Nwna (& multiplied) brwaw (from it) hnm (them) Nwna (brought forth) qpa (high) amr (& with an arm) aerdbw (of Egypt) Nyrumd (years) Nyns (forty) Nyebra (in the wilderness) arbdmb (them) Nwna (& He sustained) yortw 18 (of Kanaan) Nenkd (in the land) aerab (nations) Nymme (seven) aebs (& He destroyed) Mghw 19 (for an inheritance) antrwyl (their land) Nwhera (to them) Nwhl (& he gave) bhyw (he gave) bhy (years) Nyns (& fifty) Nysmxw (hundred) aam (& four) ebraw 20 (the Prophet) aybn (Shemueil) lyawmsl (until) amde (judges) anyd (to them) Nwhl (to them) Nwhl (& gave) bhyw (a king) aklm (for themselves) Nwhl (they asked) wlas (& then) Nydyhw 21 (the tribe) atbrs (from) Nm (a man) arbg (Qish) syq (son of) rb (Shaul) lwasl (God) ahla (forty) Nyebra (years) Nyns (of Benyamin) Nymynbd (The King) aklm (Dawid) dywdl (to them) Nwhl (& raised up) Myqaw (& He took him) hbonw 22 (the son) hrb (Dawid) dywdl (I have found) txksad (& said) rmaw (of him) yhwle (& testified) dhoaw (My desires) ynybu (all) Nwhlk (shall do) dben (he) wh (My heart) ybl (like) Kya (a man) arbg (of Iyshay) ysyad (to Israel) lyroyal (God) ahla (raised up) Myqa (of this one) anhd (the seed) herz (from) Nm 23 (The Savior) aqwrp (Yeshua) ewsyl (was promised) ydwtsad (what) am (according to) Kya (His coming) htytam (before) Mdq (to preach) zrknd (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (& He sent) rdsw 24 (of Israel) lyroyad (the people) ame (to all) hlkl (of repentance) atwbytd (the baptism) atydwmem (he was) awh (saying) rma (his ministry) htsmst (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (had) awh (finished) Mlsm (& when) dkw 25 (but) ala (I) ana (am) tywh (not) al (that I am) ytyad (you) Nwtna (think) Nyrbo (who) wnm (I) ana (am worthy) aws (Who not) ald (He) wh (after me) yrtb (comes) ata (behold) ah (of His sandals) yhwnomd (the strap) aqre (to loose) arsad (of Abraham) Mhrbad (of the lineage) htbrs (children) ynb (brethren) Nyxa (men) arbg 26 (He) wh (to you) Nwkl (God ) ahlal (with you) Nwkme (who worship) Nylxdd (& those) Nylyaw (of Life) ayxd (The Word *) atlm (is sent) trdtsa * This reference to The Word is a reference to our Lord, as the next verse confirms: They did not perceive Him, referring back to this verse.Luke used this title in his Gospel at the very beginning in his prologue of verses 1:1-3. Please see that passage and my notes in my Aramaic-English Interlinear of The Gospels. (& their leaders) Nwhynsrw (of Jerusalem) Mlsrwad (inhabitants) arwme (for) ryg (these) Nylh 27 (of the prophets) aybnd (the scriptures) abtkb (neither) alpa (Him *) hb (perceived) wsgra (not) al (they judged Him) yhwnd (but) ala (Sabbath) abs (on every) lkb (which are read) Nyrqtmd (which are written) Nbytkd (these things) Nylh (& they fulfilled) wmlsw (of death) atwmd (cause) atle (they found) wxksa (not) al (& when) dkw 28 (to kill Him) yhynwljqnd (Pilatus) owjlyp (of) Nm (they asked) wlas (any) Mdm (was) awh (that written) bytkd (everything) Mdmlk (they fulfilled) wmls (& when) dkw 29 (& laid Him) yhwmow (the cross) abylu (from) Nm (they took Him down) yhwtxa (about Him) yhwle (of burial) arwbq (in a place) tyb (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nm (raised Him) hmyqa (but) Nyd (God) ahla 30 (who came up) wqlod (to those) Nylyal (many) aaygo (days) atmwy (& He appeared) yzxtaw 31 (are) Nwna (& they) Nwnhw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (Galila) alylg (from) Nm (with Him) hme (the people) ame (to) twl (His witnesses) yhwdho (now) ash (to you) Nwkl (we preach good news) Nnyrbom (behold) ah (we) Nnx (also) Paw 32 (our fathers) Nthba (to) twl (which was) awhd (the) wh (that promise) aydwwsd
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(their children) Nwhynbl (to us) Nl (God) ahla (has fulfilled it) hylms (behold) ah 33 (second) Nyrtd (in The Psalm) arwmzmb (it is written) bytkd (as) Kya (Yeshua) ewsyl (who raised) Myqad (I have begotten You) Ktdly (today) anmwy (I) ana (you are) tna (My Son) yrbd (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nm (God) ahla (raised Him) hmyqa (& so) ankhw 34 (destruction) albx (to see) azxn (He will return) Kwphn (not) al (that again) bwtd (to you) Nwkl (I shall give) ltad (it says) rmad (as) Kya (faithful) atnmyhm (of Dawid) dywdd (the favor) htwbyj (another) atrxa (in place) atkwdb (it says) rma (& again) bwtw 35 (corruption) albx (to see) azxnd (Your Pure One) Kyoxl (You have given) tbhy (Not) ald (of God) ahlad (the will) hnybu (served) sms (in his generation) htbrsb (for) ryg (Dawid) dywd 36 (corruption) albx (& he saw) azxw (his fathers) yhwhba (unto) le (& was added) Powttaw (& he fell asleep) bksw (corruption) albx (saw) azx (not) al (God) ahla (Whom raised) Myqad (but) Nyd (This One) anh 37 (by This One) anhb (that by Him) hbd (brethren) yxa (therefore) lykh (know) wed 38 (of sins) ahjx (the forgiveness) Nqbws (to you) Nwkl (is preached) zrktm (of Moshe) aswmd (by the Law) aowmnb (you can) Nwtxksa (that not) ald (all things) lk (& from) Nmw 39 (are justified) qddzm (who believe) Nmyhmd (all) lk (by This One) anhb (be justified) Nwqddztd (will come) atan (lest) amld (therefore) lykh (beware) wrhdza 40 (in the prophets) aybnb (that is written) bytkd (the thing) Mdm (upon you) Nwkyle (& be corrupted) Nwlbxttw (& marvel) Nwhmttw (scorners) anrobm (Behold) wzxd 41 (not) ald (which) anya (in your days) Nwkymwyb (I) ana (do) dbe (for a work) adbed (to you) Nwkl (reports) aetsm (a man) sna (if) Na (you will believe) Nwnmyht (they asked) web (their presence) Nwhydau (from) Nm (they were) wwh (going out) Nyqpn (& when) dkw 42 (with them) Nwhme (they would speak) Nwllmn (another) atrxa (that on Sabbath) atbsld (of them) Nwhnm (these) Nylh (words) alm (Jews) aydwhy (many) aaygo (the synagogue) atswnk (when was dismissed) tyrtsad (& from) Nmw 43 (God) ahla (of) Nm (were) wwh (who worshippers) Nylxdd (foreigners) arwyg (also) Paw (after them) Nwhrtb (went) wlza (joined) Nypyqn (to be) Nwwhnd (them) Nwhl (& persuading) Nyoypmw (were) wwh (speaking) Nyllmm (& they) Nwnhw (of God) ahlad (to the grace) htwbyjl (city) atnydm (the whole) hlk (gathered) tsnk (another) atrxa (& Sabbath) atbslw 44 (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (to hear) emsml (they were filled) wylmta (great) aaygo (the crowds) asnk (the Jews) aydwhy (saw) wzx (& when) dkw 45 (the words) alm (against) lbqwl (they were) wwh (& standing) Nymyqw (with anger) amox (they were) wwh (& blaspheming) Nypdgmw (Paulus) owlwp (was) awh which speaking) rmad (to you) Nwkl (in the public) algb (eye) Nye (& BarNaba) abnrbw (Paulus) owlwp (but) Nyd (said) rma 46 (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (that be spoken) rmattd (first) tymdq (was) awh (necessary) alw (it) wh (from you) Nwknm (it) hl (you) Nwtna (drive away) Nyxdd (because) ljm (but) ala (you) Nwtna (are worthy) Nyws (that not) ald (yourselves) Nwkspn (against) le (& you determine) Nwtqopw (The Gentiles) amme (to) twl (us) Nl (we turn) Nnynptm (behold) ah (eternal) Mleld (for life) ayxl (it is written) bytkd (just as) Kya (our Lord) Nrm (commanded us) Ndqp (for) ryg (thus) ankh 47 (life) ayxl (to be) awhtd (to The Gentiles) ammel (a light) arhwn (I have set you) Ktmod (of the earth) aerad (the ends) hypwol (unto) amde (they were) wwh (rejoicing) Nydx (The Gentiles) amme (were) wwh (hearing) Nyems (& when) dkw 48 (those) Nylya (& believed) wnmyhw (God *) ahlal (& glorifying) Nyxbsmw (eternal) Mleld (to life) ayxl (they were) wwh (that appointed) Nymyod (region) arta (that) wh (in all) hlkb (was) twh (spoken) allmtm (of Jehovah) ayrmd (& the word) htlmw 49
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(of the cities) atnydmd (the leaders) asrl (stirred up) wgrg (but) Nyd (the Jews) aydwhy 50 (with them) Nwhme (were) ywh (who worshiping) Nlxdd (those) Nylya (honorable) atryte (& women) asnlw (& against) lew (Paulus) owlwp (against) le (persecutions) aypwdr (& they raised) wmyqaw (God ) ahlal (their borders) Nwhymwxt (from) Nm (them) Nwna (they expelled) wqpaw (BarNaba) abnrb (against them) Nwhyle (they shook off) wupn (they went forth) wqpn (& when) dkw 51 (themselves) Nwhl (& they came) wtaw (of their feet) Nwhylgrd (the dust) alx (the city) atnydm (to Iqonion) Nwnqyal (with joy) atwdx (were) wwh filled) Nylmtm (& the disciples) adymltw 52 (of Holiness) asdwqd (& The Spirit) axwrw Chapter 14 (the synagogue) atswnkl (themselves) Nwhl (& they entered) wlew (& they came) wtaw 1 (with them) Nwhme (they spoke) wllm (& thus) ankhw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (Greeks) aynwy (& of) Nmw (Jews) aydwhy (of) Nm (many) aaygo (believed) Nwnmyhnd (so) Kya (were) wwh (persuaded) Nyoypjtm (not) ald (who) Nylya (but) Nyd (the Jews) aydwhy 2 (the brothers) axal (them) Nwhl (to harm) Nwsabnd (the Gentiles) ammel (stirred up) wgrg (there) Nmt (they were) wwh (long) aaygo (a time) anbz (& they) Nwnhw 3 (Jehovah) ayrm (about) le (they were) wwh (speaking) Nyllmm (in public) algb (& the eye) Nyew (of His grace) htwbyjd (the word) atlm (concerning) le (He was) awh (testifying) dhom (& He) whw (& by the wonders) atrmdtbw (by the signs) atwtab (by their hands) Nwhydyab (He was) awh (that doing) dbed (was) awh (divided) gylp (of the city) atnydmd (multitude) asnk (& the whole) hlkw 4 (& some of them) Nwhnmw (the Jews) aydwhy (with) Me (were) wwh (there) tya (some of them) Nwhnm (to the Apostles) axylsl (were) wwh (joined) Nypyqn (the Gentiles) amme (from) Nm (a decree) amzg (against them) Nwhyle (but) Nyd (there was) awh 5 (them) Nwna (to abuse) Nwreund (& their leaders) Nwhynsrw (the Jews) aydwhy (& from) Nmw (with stones) apakb (them) Nwna (& to stone) Nwmgrnw (& they took refuge) wowgtaw (they departed) wyns (they knew) wedy (& when) dkw 6 (& Derbe) abrdw (Lustra) arjowl (of Luqonia) aynqwld (in the cities) atnydmb (that were around them) Nyhyrdxd (& villages) ayrwqw (they were) wwh (preaching the Good News) Nyrbom (& there) Nmtw 7 (the city) atnydm (in Lustra) arjowlb (was) awh (sitting) bty (one) dx (& man) arbgw 8 (the womb) ork (from) Nmd (crippled) arygx (in his feet) yhwlgrb (was) awh (who lame) Pygod (had) awh (walked) Klh (not) al (who ever) Mwtmmd (of his mother) hma (Paulus) owlwp (saw him ) yhyzx (& when) dkw (speaking) llmmd (Paulus) owlwpl (heard) ems (this one) anh 9 (to receive life) axnd (faith) atwnmyh (in him) hb (that there was) tyad (& it was known) edwtsaw (I) ana (say) rma (to you) Kl (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (to him) hl (he said) rma 10 (stand) Mwq (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (in The Name) hmsb (& walked) Klhw (stood) Mq (& he jumped) rwsw (your feet) Kylgr (on) le (the thing) Mdm (they saw) wzx (when) dk (of the people) amed (& the crowds) asnkw 11 (in the language *) hnslb (their voices) Nwhlq (they raised) wmyra (Paulus) owlwp (that did) dbed (have become like) wymdta (gods) ahla (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (of the country) artad (to us) Ntwl (& have descended) wtxnw (men) asna (to sons of) ynbb * Pamphylic, derived from Eutruscan and very similar to Latin, was the language of the country of Pamphylia and its environs.
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(of the gods) ahla (The Lord) arm (BarNaba) abnrbl (were) wwh (& they naming) wymsw 12 (beginning) arsm (he) whd (because) ljm (Hermys) oymrh (& Paulus) owlwplw (the speech) atlmb (was) awh (outside) rbl (was) awh (who) tyad (he) wh (of the gods) ahla (of The Lord) armd (& the priest) armwkw 13 (to the gates) aertl (& garlands) alylkw (bulls) arwt (brought) ytya (the city) atnydm (of) Nm (he) awh (& wanted) abuw (they were) wwh (dwelling) Nyrsd (where) rta (of the courtyard) atrdd (to them) Nwhl (to sacrifice) xbdnd (they heard) wems (when) dk (& Paulus) owlwpw (but) Nyd (BarNaba) abnrb 14 (to them) Nwhl (& went out) wqpnw (& leaped) wrwsw (their robes) Nwhytxn (they tore) wqdo (they were) wwh (& crying out) Nyeqw (the mob) owlka (among) twl (you) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbe (what?) anm (men) arbg (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 15 (like you) Nwktwka (of passions) aswsx (are) Nnx (children of men) asnynb (we) Nnx (also) Pa (worthless things) atljb (these) Nylh (that from) Nmd (to you) Nwkl (we who preach) Nnyrbomd (the heavens) ayms (Who made) dbed (He) wh (Living) ayx (The God) ahla (to) twl (you should turn) Nwnptt (in them) Nwhb (that is) tyad (& all) lkw (& the sea) ammyw (& the earth) aeraw (them) Nwna (He was) awh (allowing) qbs (the first) aymdq (Who in ages) ardbd (He) wh 16 (their own) Nwhspnd (in way) atxrwab (to go) Nwlzand (nations) amme (all of them) Nwhlkl (testimony) wdho (without) ald (Himself) hspn (He left) qbs (not) al (when) dk 17 (the heavens) ayms (from) Nm (good) atbj (to them) Nwhl (he was) awh (while giving) dbedb (& multiplying) abrmw (rain) arjm (to them) Nwhl (He was) awh (& sending down) txmw (He was) awh (& satisfying) almw (in their times) Nwhynbzb (fruit) arap (He was) awh (their hearts) Nwhtwbl (& with gladness) atwmyobw (with food) ayorwt (forbidding) Noxm (while) Nm (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (these things) Nylh (& as) dkw 18 (to them) Nwhl (would sacrifice) xbdn (not) al (that a man) snad (the people) amel (they restrained) wlk (& from) Nmw (Iqonion) Nwnqya (from) Nm (the Jews) aydwhy (there) Nmtl (but) Nyd (came) wta 19 (the people) amel (against them) Nwhyle (& stirred up) wsgsw (Antiokia) aykyjna (the city) atnydm (of) Nm (outside) rbl (& dragged him) yhwrgw (Paulus) owlwpl (& they stoned him) yhwmgrw (he) hl (that was dead) tymd (they were) wwh (thinking) Nyrbod (because) ljm (he entered) le (& he stood up) Mqw (the disciples) adymlt (unto him) yhwle (& gathered) wsnkw 20 (there) Nmt (from) Nm (he) hl (went out) qpn (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw (the city) atnydml (the city) atnydm (to Derbe) abrdl (& they came) wtaw (BarNaba) abnrb (with) Me (that) yh (of city) atnydm (to the people) ynbl (they were) wwh (preaching) Nyrbom (& while) dkw 21 (themselves) Nwhl (they came) wta (& they returned) wkphw (many) aaygol (they) wwh (discipled) wdmlt (& to Antiokia) aykyjnalw (& to Iqonion) Nwnqyalw (the city) atnydm (to Lustra) arjowll (of the disciples) adymltd (the souls) Nwhtspn (they were) wwh (confirming) Nyrrsm (when) dk 22 (in faith) atwnmyhb (to continue) Nwwqnd (of them) Nwhnm (they were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (that by suffering) anulwabd (to them) Nwhl (they were) wwh (& saying) Nyrmaw (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) htwklml (to enter) leml (it is necessary) alw (much) aaygo (elders) asysq (church) atde (in every) lkb (to them) Nwhl (& they appointed) wmyqaw 23 (& committing) Nylegmw (& prayed) Nylumw (with them) Nwhme (they were) wwh (fasting) Nymyu (while) dk (in Whom) hb (they believed) wnmyhd (Him) wh (our Lord) Nrml (them) Nwhl (they were) wwh (of Pisidia) aydyoypd (in the country) artab (they traveled) wkrkta (& when) dkw 24 (to Pamphylia) aylwpmpl (themselves) Nwhl (they came) wta (the word) atlm (the city) atnydm (in Perga) agrpb (they spoke) wllm (& as) dkw 25 (to Italia) ayljyal (they) Nwhl (came down) wtxn (of Jehovah) ayrmd (they) Nwhl (& came) wtaw (by sea) amyb (they journeyed) wdr (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw 26 (they were) wwh (committed) Nylegm (there) Nmt (that from) Nmd (because) ljm (to Antiokia) aykyjnal
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(which they finished) wmlsd (that) wh (to the work) adbel (of Jehovah) ayrmd (to the grace) htwbyjl (they) wwh (related) Nyetsm (church) atde (the whole) hlk (they gathered) wsnk (& when) dkw 27 (the door) aert (& Who opened) xtpdw (God) ahla (with them) Nwhme (that did) dbed (everything) Mdmlk (to the Gentiles) ammel (of faith) atwnmyhd (the disciples] adymlt (with) twl (there) Nmt (they were) wwh (much) aaygo (& time) anbzw 28 Chapter 15 (they were) wwh (& teaching) Nyplmw (Judea) dwhy (from) Nm (men) asna (but) Nyd (had) wwh (come down) wtxn 1 (you) Nwtna (are circumcised) Nyrzg (that not) ald (it is) wh (that if) Nad (the brethren) axal (them) Nwhl (have life) axml (you) Nwtna (can) Nyxksm (not) al (of the Law) aowmnd (in the custom) adyeb (for Paulus) owlwpl (& debate) atebw (great) aaygo (tumult) ayswgs (& there was) awhw 2 (Paulus) owlwp (that would go up) Nwqond (& it happened) twhw (with them) Nwhme (& BarNaba) abnrblw (the Apostles) axyls (to) twl (with them) Nwhme (& another) anrxaw (& BarNaba) abnrbw (dispute) ateb (this) adh (because of) ljm (who in Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd (& Elders) asysqw (they were) wwh (& traveling) Nydrw (the church) atde (them) Nwna (& sent) trds (& accompanied) tywlw 3 (when) dk (the Samaritans) ayrms (among) tyb (also) Paw (Phoniqa) aqynwp (in all) hlkb (of the Gentiles) ammed (the conversion) aynwp (about) le (they were) wwh (recounting) Nyetsm (the brethren) axa (to all) Nwhlkl (great) atbr (joy) atwdx (they were) wwh (& creating) Nydbew (the church) atde (by) Nm (they were received) wlbqta (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (they came) wta (& when) dkw 4 (to them) Nwhl (& they recounted) wyetsaw (The Elders) asysq (& by) Nmw (The Apostles) axyls (& by) Nmw (God) ahla (with them) Nwhme (did) dbed (whatever) am (everything) lk (had) wwh (who believed) wnmyhd (those) Nylya (men) asna (but) Nyd (were) wwh (they stood) wmq 5 (is necessary) alwd (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (of The Pharisha) asyrpd (the school) anplwy (from) Nm (& to command) Nwdqptw (them) Nwna (to circumcise) rzgml (for you) Nwkl (it) wh (of Moshe) aswmd (The Law) aowmn (to keep) Nwrjnd (them) Nwna (& The Elders) asysqw (The Apostles) axyls (but) Nyd (assembled) wsnkta 6 (this) adh (matter) atlm (at) le (to look) Nwzxnd (Shimeon) Nwems (arose) Mq (great) ataygo (dispute) ateb (was) twh (& when) dkw 7 (are) Nwtna (aware) Nyedy (you) Nwtna (brothers) Nyxa (men) arbg (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (God) ahla (chose) abg (mine) ylyd (my mouth) ymwp (from) Nm (first) aymdq (the days) atmwy (that from) Nmd (& to believe) Nwnmyhnw (of the gospel) atrbod (the word) atlm (the Gentiles) amme (to hear) Nwemsnd (about them) Nwhyle (testified) dhoa (what is in the hearts) atwblbd (Who knows) edyd (& God) ahlaw 8 (to us) Nld (as) Kya (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (to them) Nwhl (& gave) bhyw (& them) Nwhlw (between us) Nynyb (distinguished) srp (not) al (anything) Mdmw 9 (their hearts) Nwhtwbl (by faith) atwnmyhb (He purified) ykdd (because) ljm (God ) ahlal (are) Nwtna (tempting) Nyonm (why?) anm (you) Nwtna (& now) ashw 10 (of the disciples) adymltd (the necks) Nwhyrwu (on) le (a yoke) aryn (to put) Nwmyotd (so as) Kya (to bear) Nejml (were able) Nxksa (we) Nnx (neither) alpa (our fathers) Nthba (not even) alpad (which) anya (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (by the favor) htwbyjb (but) ala 11 (as they) Nwhtwka (in order to have life) axnd (we believe) Nnynmyhm (to Paulus) owlwpl (they were) wwh (& listening) Nyemsw (the crowds) asnk (all) hlk (& were silent) wqtsw 12 (did) dbed (whatever) am (everything]) lk (were) wwh (who relating) Nyetsmd (& to BarNaba) abnrblw (among the Gentiles) ammeb (& mighty deeds) atwrbgw (signs) atwta (by their hands) Nwhydyab (God) ahla (& said) rmaw (Yaqob) bwqey (arose) Mq (they ceased) wqtsd (& after) rtbw 13 (hear me) ynwemws (brothers) Nyxa (men) arbg
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(to choose) abgml (God) ahla (began) yrs (how) ankya (to you) Nwkl (related) yetsa (Shimeon) Nwems 14 (for His Name) hmsl (a people) ame (the Gentiles) amme (from) Nm (of the prophets) aybnd (the words) Nwhylm (consent) Nmls (& to this) adhlw 15 (which is written) bytkd (that) am (just as) Kya (& I shall raise) Myqaw (I shall return) Kwpha (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (From) Nmd 16 (& I shall build) anbaw (had fallen) lpnd (which) anya (of Dawid) dywdd (the tabernacle) hnksm (& I shall raise it up) yhwymyqaw (of it) hnm (which had fallen) lpnd (that) Mdm (Jehovah) ayrml (of children of men) asnynbd (the rest) Nwhkrs (may seek) Nwebnd (so) Kya 17 (upon whom) Nwhyle (My Name) yms (is called) yrqtad (which) Nylya (the nations) amme (& all) Nwhlkw (all of them) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (Who does) dbed (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (of God) ahlad (the works *) yhwdbe (eternity) Mle (from) Nm (known) Nyeydy 18 (those) Nylyal (trouble) Nyqxs (let us) Nwwhn (not) ald (I) ana (say) rma (I) ana (this) adh (because of ) ljm 19 (God) ahla (to) twl (are being turned) Nynptm (the Gentiles) amme (who from) Nmd (defilement) atwamj (from) Nm (separate) Nyqyrp (that they be) Nwwhnd (to them) Nwhl (let it be sent) xltsn (but) ala 20 (what is strangled) aqynxd (& from) Nmw (fornication) atwynz (& from) Nmw (of sacrifices) axybdd (blood) amd (& from) Nmw (town) anydm (in every) lkb (the first) aymdq (ages) ard (from) Nm (for) ryg (Moshe) aswm 21 (in synagogues) atswnkb (heralds) azwrk (for him) hl (have been) awh (there) tya (him) hl (read) Nyrq (Sabbaths) Nybs (who on all) lkbd (church) atde (the whole) hlk (with) Me (& Elders) asysqw (the Apostles) axyls (then) Nydyh 22 (with) Me (to Antiokai) ykwyjnal (& they sent) wrdsw (from them) Nwhnm (men) arbg (chose) wbg (BarShaba) absrb (who is called) arqtmd (Yehuda) adwhyl (& BarNaba) abnrbw (Paulus) owlwp (among the brethren) axab (among them) Nwhb (were) wwh (who the best) asrd (men) arbg (& Shila) alyslw (thus) ankh (with their own hands) Nwhydyab (a letter) atrga (& they wrote) wbtkw 23 (in Antiokai) ykwyjnab (who are) tyad (to those) Nylyal (& brethren) axaw (& Elders) asysqw (the Apostles) axyls (peace) Mls (the Gentiles) amme (who are of) Nmd (brothers) axa (& in Cilicia) ayqylyqbw (& in Syria) ayrwobw (& have alarmed you) Nwkxldw (went out) wqpn (from us) Nnm (that people) Nysnad (we) Nl (hear) eyms 24 (your souls) Nwktspn (& have subverted) wkphaw (with words) almb (the Law) aowmn (& keep) Nyrjnw (circumcised) Nyrzg (be) Nwwhtd (they were saying) Nyrma (as) dk (them) Nwna (we commanded) Ndqp (not) al (we) Nnxd (which) Nylya (we assembled) Nnysynk (when) dk (we all) Nlk (we thought) Nbsxta (this) anh (because of) ljm 25 (Paulus) owlwp (with) Me (to you) Nwktwl (& we sent) Nrdsw (men) arbg (& we chose) Nybgw (our beloved friends) Nybybx (& BarNaba) abnrbw (for) Plx (themselves) Nwhtspn (who surrendered) wmlsad (men) asna 26 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (The Name) hms (& Shila) alyslw (Yehuda) adwhyl (with them) Nwhme (& we sent) Nrdsw 27 (things) Nylh (the same) Nynh (you) Nwkl (shall tell) Nwrman (by the word) atlmb (for they) Nwnhd (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrl (the will) anybu (for) ryg (it was) awh 28 (a burden) arqwy (upon you) Nwkyle (we would put) Myottn (that not) ald (to us) Nl (also) Paw (that are necessary) Nulad (these) Nylh (of) Nm (outside) rbl (greater) aryty (what is sacrificed) axybdd (from) Nm (to abstain) Nwqxrttd 29 (what is strangled) aqynx (& from) Nmw (blood) amd (& from) Nmw (yourselves) Nwkspn (you keep) Nwrjt (that when) dkd (fornication) atwynz (& from) Nmw (in our Lord) Nrmb (faithful) Nyryrs (be) wwh (you will be) Nwwht (well) ryps (these) Nylh (from) Nm
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(& gathered) wsnkw (to Antikia) aykyjnal (came) wta (who were sent) wxltsad (but) Nyd (they) Nwnh 30 (the letter) atrga (& gave) wbhyw (the people) ame (all) hlk (& were comforted) waybtaw (they rejoiced) wydx (they read) wrq (& when) dkw 31 (the brethren) axal (they strengthened) wlyx (bountiful) atryte (& in the word) atlmbw 32 (& Shila) alysw (of Yehuda) adwhy (who were followers) tybd (them) Nwna (& established) wmyqw (were) wwh (prophets) aybn (they) Nwnh (that also) Pad (because) ljm (the brothers) axa (them) Nwna (dismissed) wrs (a time) anbz (there) Nmt (they were) wwh (& when) dkw 33 (The Apostles) axyls (to) twl (in peace) amlsb (there) Nmt (to remain) awqnd (of Shila) alysd (the will) hnybu (it was) awh (however *) Mrb 34 * This verse is not found in Western Syriac mss. or in Eastern Assyrian mss. It is found in Tremellius 1569 edition of The Peshitta and is found in The Textus Receptus Greek editions, as well as Codex C (5th cent.) and some Byzantine Greek mss. Most Greek mss. and ancient versions lack it entirely. This I do know, however; This edition of The Aramaic NT including this verse has long Aramaic and Hebrew codes extending throughout The NT several times each in a loop, 25 to 191 letters long, written as poetic accounts of the Gospel story, none of which would exist without this verse in the text! An addition or subtraction of one letter anywhere in The NT would destroy all of the nine codes I have found so far! Such codes have yet to be found in any other edition of The Peshitta NT or in The four Greek NT editions texted thus far. (in Antiokai) ykwyjnab (did) wwh (remain) wywq (& BarNaba) abnrbw (but) Nyd (Paulus) owlwp 35 (with) Me (& preaching) Nyrbomw (they were) wwh (& teaching) Nyplmw (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (many) aaygo (others) anrxa (let us return) anptn (to BarNaba) abnrbl (Paulus) owlwp (said) rma (days) atmwy (& after) rtbw 36 (we preached) Nzrkad (city) anydm (who are in every) lkbd (the brethren) axal (& visit) rweonw (they are doing) Nydybe (how) anm (& see) azxnw (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (in which) hb (to take) rbdnd (had) awh (wanted) abu (but) Nyd (BarNaba) abnrb 37 (Marqus) owqrm (who was surnamed) ynktad (him) wh (Yokhanan) Nnxwyl (with them) Nwhme (to take him) hrbdnd (he did) awh (want) abu (not) al (but) Nyd (Paulus) owlwp 38 (they were) Nwnh (when) dk (them) Nwna (he had) awh (left) qbsd (because) ljm (with them) Nwhme (he went) lza (& not) alw (in Pamphylia) aylwpmpb (another) dx (from) Nm (one) dx (they separated) wsrp (dispute) anyrx (this) anh (because of) ljm 39 (& went) wlzaw (in the sea) amyb (& traveled) wdrw (Marqus) owqrml (took) rbd (BarNaba) abnrbw (to Qupros) owrpwql (they) Nwhl (& he went out) qpnw (Shila) alysl (him) hl (chose) abg (but) Nyd (Paulus) owlwp 40 (of God) ahlad (to the grace) atwbyjl (the brethren ) axa (by) Nm (he was commended) legm (when) dk (& in Cilicia) ayqylyqbw (in Syria) ayrwob (he was) awh (& traveling) adrw 41 (the churches) atde (& confirming) Myqmw Chapter 16 (at Derbe) abrdl (he) awh (he arrived) yjmw 1 (& at Lystra) arjowllw (the city) atnydm (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (a disciple) adymlt (son) hrb (Timotheus) owatmyj (a believer) atnmyhm (one) adx (of Jewess) atydwhyd (was) awh (an Aramaean) aymra (& his father) yhwbaw (who were from) Nmd (the disciples) adymlt (& all they) Nwhlkw 2 (Iconiun) Nwnqya (& from) Nmw (Lystra) arjowl (about him) yhwle (they were) wwh (were testifying) Nydhom
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(Paulus) owlwp (was) awh (wanting) abu (This one) anhl 3 (with him) hme (to take him) yhwyrbdnd (& circumcized him) hrzg (& he took) bonw (they are) wwh (that are) tyad (The Jews) aydwhy (because) ljm (were knowing) Nyedy (in the place) artab (all of them) Nwhlk (for) ryg (they) wwh (he was) awh (that an Aramaean) aymrad (his father) yhwbal (they were) wwh (were going) Nylza (& when) dkw 4 (preaching) Nyzrkm (among the cities) atnydmb (keeping) Nyrjn (to them) Nwhl (& teaching) Nyplmw (they were) wwh (those) Nylya (commandments) andqwp (that they should be) Nwwhnd (the Apostles) axyls (that had written) wbtkd (who were in Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd (& the Elders) asysqw (established) Nmyqtm (the churches) atde (yet) Mrb 5 (& growing) Nygow (in the faith) atwnmyhb (were) ywh (every day) Mwylk (in numbers) anynmb (they were) ywh (& in Galatia) ayjlgbw (in Phrygia) aygwrpb (but) Nyd (they walked) wklh 6 (The Spirit) axwr (them) Nwna (& forbade) tlkw (the regions) atwrta (they should speak) Nwllmn (that not) ald (of Holiness) asdwqd (in Asia) ayoab (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm they came) wta (& when) dkw 7 (were desiring) Nybu (the region) arta (to Musia) ayowml (from) Nm (that they should go) Nwlzand (they were) wwh (permitted) topa (& not) alw (to Bithunia) aynwtybl (there) Nmt (of Yeshua) ewsyd (The Spirit) hxwr (to them) Nwhl (they went forth) wqpn (& when) dkw 8 (they went down) wtxn (Musia) ayowm (from) Nm (the region) arta (to Troas) oawrjl (to them) Nwhl (of the night) aylld (& in a vision) awzxbw 9 (a man) arbg (like) Kya (to Paulus) owlwpl (appeared) yzxta (who stood) Maqd (of Macedonia) aynwdqm (one) dx (he said) rma (when) dk (of him) hnm (& begged) aebw (& help me *) ynyrdew (to Macedonia) aynwdqml (Come) atd (this) anh (Paulus) owlwp (saw) azx (but) Nyd (when) dk 10 (to proceed) qpml (we were desiring) Nybu (at once) adxm (vision) awzx (that we understood) Nlktoad (because) ljm (to Macedonia) aynwdqml (them) Nwna (to evangelize) rbond (called us) Nrq (that our Lord) Nrmd (Troas) oawrj (from) Nm (& we traveled) Nydrw 11 (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw (to Samothracia) aqrtmol (we went straight) Nurtw (the city) atnydm (to Neapolis) oylwpanl (we came) Nyta (after) anrta (the day) amwyl (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw 12 (is) yh (which) yhd (to Phillipus) owpylypl (of Macedonia) aynwdqmd (the chief) asr (but) Nyd (we were) Nywh (a colony) aynwlwq (& it is) hytyaw (notable) aeydy (days) atmwy (city) atnydm (in this) adhb (in her) hb

(outside) rbl (of the Sabbath) atbsd (in the day) amwyb (& we departed) Nqpnw 13 (the side) dy (on) le (of the city) atnydmd (the gate) aert (from) Nm (was seen) azxtm (that there) Nmtd (because) ljm (of the river) arhn (& when) dkw (of prayer) atwlu (a house) tyb (it) awh
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(with) Me (we) Nywh (were speaking) Nyllmm (we sat) Nbty (there) Nmt (were) ywh (who gathered) Nsynkd (the women) asn (of purple) anwgra (a merchant) tnbzm (one) adx (& the woman) attnaw 14 (God) ahla (of) Nm (she was) twh (who a worshipper) alxdd (the city) atnydm (Thayatira) aryjwat (from) Nm (Ludia) aydwl (was) awh (her name) hms (she was) twh (& listening to) aemsw (our Lord) Nrm (her heart) hbl (opened) xtp (of this one) adhd (Paulus) owlwp (said) rmad (what) Mdm (of her house) htyb (& the children) ynbw (she) yh (was) twh (& she immersed) tdmew 15 (of us) Nnm (she was) twh (& begging) ayebw (that truly) tyaryrsd (it is) wh (that if) Nad (& she was saying) armaw (in our Lord) Nrmb (that I have believed) tnmyhd (you) Nwtna (are confident) Nylykt (she urged us) Ntula la (& much) ygow (in my house) ytybb (yourselves) Nwkl (lodge) wrs (come) wt (that when) dkd (& it was) awhw 16 (of prayer) atwlu (to the house) tybl (we were going) Nnylza (had) awh (who) tyad (one) adx (a girl) atmyle (with us) Nb (there met) tegp (& was making) adbew (of divination) amuqd (a spirit) axwr (to her) hl (great) ataygo (a business) atrwgat (for her masters) hyrml (she was) twh (she had been) twh (that divining) amuqd (in the divination) amuqb (she was) twh (& coming) aytaw 17 (& crying) ayeqw (& after us) Nrtbw (Paulus) owlwp (after) rtb (men) asna (these) Nylh (& she was saying) armaw (she was) twh (the Highest) amyrm (of God) ahlad (are) Nwna (servants) yhwdbe (of life) ayxd (the way) axrwa (to you) Nwkl (& they are evangelizing) Nyrbomw (many) aaygo (days) atmwy (she was) twh (doing) adbe (& thus) ankhw 18 (that) yh (to spirit) axwrl (to it) hl (& he said) rmaw (Paulus) owlwp (& was angered) rypttaw (in The Name) hmsb (you) ykl (I) ana (command) dqp (that you shall come out) Nyqptd (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (it came out) tqpn (in the moment) atesb (& in it) hbw (from her) hnm (her masters) hyrm (they saw) wzx (& when) dkw 19 (the hope) arbo (from her) hnm (it) hl (that departed) qpnd (Paulus) owlwpl (they seized him) yhwdxa (of their business) Nwhtrwgatd (they brought) wytya (& they dragged) wdgnw (& Shila) alyslw (to the marketplace) aqwsl (them) Nwna (to the magistrates) agjrjoal (them) Nwna (& they presented) wbrqw 20 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (of the city) atnydmd (& to the chiefs) asrlw (it) hl (are troubling) Nyxldm (men) asna (that these) Nylhd (they were) wwh (they are) Nwna (that Jews) aydwhyd (because) ljm (our city) Ntnydml (those which) Nylya (customs) adye (to us) Nl (& are preaching) Nyzrkmw 21 (& to do) dbemlw (to receive) wlbqml (for us) Nl (are allowable) opm (that not) ald (we are) Nnx (that Romans) aymwhrd (because) ljm (then) Nydyh (upon them) Nwhyle (were gathered) wsnkta (great) aaygo (& crowds) asnkw 22 (& they commanded) wdqpw (their garments) Nwhytxn (tore) wqdo (the magistrates) agjrjoa (them) Nwna (to scourge) Nwdgnnd (much) ygo (them) Nwna (they had scourged) wdgn (& when) dkw 23 (& they commanded) wdqpw (prison) aryoa (in the house) tyb (them) Nwna (they cast) wymra (securely) tyaryhz (them) Nwna (to keep) rjnd (the prison) aryoa (of the house) tyb (the keeper) rjnl (he received) lbq (when) dk (but) Nyd (he) wh 24 (them) Nwna (shut up) sbx (he brought in) lea (order) andqwp (this) anh (of the prisoners) aryoa (of the house) tybd (inner) aywg (in the room) atybb (in the stocks) adob (their feet) Nwhylgr (& bound) roaw
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(Paulus) owlwp (of the night) aylld (in the middle) hglpbw 25 (& singing) Nyxbsmw (they were) wwh (praying) Nylum (& Shila) alysw (& listening) Nyemsw (to God) ahlal (were) wwh (the prisoners) aryoa (to them) Nwhl (were) wwh (there was) awh (great) abr (a quaking) aewz (the stillness) ayls (& from) Nmw 26 (of the prisoners) aryoa (of the house) tybd (the foundation) aoats (& was shaken) eyzxtaw (all of them) Nwhlk (the doors) aert (at once) adxm (& were opened) wxtptaw (were released) wyrtsa (of all of them) Nwhlkd (& their chains) Nwhyrwoaw (the keeper) rjn (was awakened) ryetta (& when) dkw 27 (& he saw) azxw (of the prisoners) aryoa (of the house) tyb (of the house) tybd (the doors) aert (that were open) Nyxytpd (& sought) aebw (a sword) aropo (he took) bon (of the prisoners) aryoa (thought) rbod (because) ljm (himself) hspn (to kill) lwjqnd (the prisoners) aryoa (they) Nwhl (that had escaped) wqred (he) awh (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (Paulus) owlwp (& he called him) yhyrqw 28 (anything) Mdm (to yourself) Kspnl (do) dbet (not) al (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (are) Nnt (here) akrh (we all) Nlkd (because) ljm (of harm) sybd (the lamp) agrs (it) hl (& he lit) rhnaw 29 (& he fell) lpnw (trembling) tar (while) dk (& entered) lew (& he jumped) rwsw (& of Shila) alysdw (of Paulus) owlwpd (the feet) Nwhylgr (before) le (& he said) rmaw (outside) rbl (them) Nwna (& he brought out) qpaw 30 (is necessary)) alw (what?) anm (my lord) yrm (to them) Nwhl (he) awh (that I may live) axad (so) Kya (to be doing) dbeml (for me) yl (to him) hl (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (& they) Nwnhw 31 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (trust) Nmyh (& your household) Ktybw (you) tna (& you shall live) axtw (of The LORD GOD) ayrmd (the word) atlm (with him) hme (& they spoke) wllmw 32 (of his house) htyb (the children) ynb (all of them) Nwhlk (& with) Mew (in the night) ayllb (in it) hb (in the hour) atesb (& in it) hbw 33 (their wounds) Nwhdgn (from) Nm (them) Nwna (he washed) yxoa (he took) rbd (& the children) ynbw (he) wh (was immersed) dme (an hour) htes (& son of) rbw (all of them) Nwhlk (of his house) htyb (to his house) htybl (them) Nwna (he brought up) qoa (& he led) rbdw 34 (he) wh (did) awh (& he rejoice) zwrw (a table) arwtp (for them) Nwhl (& he set) Mow (of God) ahlad (in the faith) atwnmyhb (of his house) htyb (& the children) ynbw (the magistrates) agjrjoa (sent) wrds (dawn) arpu (it was) awh (& when) dkw 35 (that they should say) Nwrmand (of rods) ajbs (the bearers) ylqsl (men) asna (these) Nylhl (release) yrs (of the prison) aryoa (to the chief) brl (of the prisoners) aryoa (of the house) tyb (chief) br (heard) ems (& when) dkw 36 (to Paulus) owlwpl (the message) atlm (this) adh (is) yh (to him) hl (he said) rma (he entered) le (that you should be released) Nwrtstd (so) Kya (the magistrates) agjrjoa (they have sent) wrdsd (in peace) amlsb (go) wlz (depart) wqwp (& now) ashw (they scourged us) Nwdgn (an offense) wlko (without) ald (Paulus) owlwp (to him) hl (said) rma 37 (men) asnal (all) hlk (of the world) amle (to the eye) Nyel (prison) aryoa (in the house) tyb (& they cast us) Nwymraw (Romans) aymwhr (us) Nl (are releasing?) Nyqpm (secretly) tyaysjm (& now) ashw (they should release us) Nnwqpn (should come) Nwtan (they) Nwnh (but) ala (for) ryg (no) al (of rods) ajbs (the bearers) ylqs (& went) wlzaw 38 (these) Nylh (words) alm (to the magistrates) agjrjoal (& they said) wrmaw
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(they heard) wems (& when) dkw (to them) Nwhl (that were spoken) rmatad (they were afraid) wlxd (they were) Nwna (that Romans) aymwhrd (to them) Nwhtwl (& they came) wtaw 39 (that they should go out) Nwqpnd (of them) Nwhnm (& they sought) webw (the city) atnydm (from) Nm (to them) Nwhl (& they should depart) Nwnsnw (from) Nm (they went out) wqpn (& when) dkw 40 (they returned) wle (of prisoners) aryoa (the house) tyb (the brethren) axal (there) Nmt (& they saw) wzxw (Ludia) aydwl (to) twl (& they left) wqpnw (them) Nwna (& they comforted) waybw Chapter 17 (the cities) atnydm (& Apollonia) aynwlpaw (Amphipolis) oylwpypma (unto) le (& they passed) wrbew 1 (was) awh (there) tyad (where) akya (to Thessaloniqa) aqynwlotl (& they came) wtaw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (a synagogue) atswnk (with them) Nwhtwl (he was) awh (accustomed) demd (just as) ankya (Paulus) owlwp (& entered) lew 2 (the scripture) abtk (from) Nm (with them) Nwhme (he spoke) llm (third) tlt (& the Sabbath) absw (was) awh (that going) dyted (& showing) awxmw (he was) awh (expounding) qspm (as) dk 3 (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nm (& to rise) Mwqndw (to suffer) sxnd (The Messiah) axysm (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (Whom evangelize) rbomd (This One) anh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (He is) wywhw (Paulus) owlwpl (& joined) wpqnw (believed) wnmyh (from them) Nwhnm (& people) Nysnaw 4 (were) wwh (who worshipers) Nylxdd (those) Nylya (the Greeks) aynwy (from) Nm (& many) aaygow (& Shila) alyslw (a few) Nyrwez (not) al (notable) ateydy (women) asn (also) Paw (God) ahla (of) Nm (men) asna (to themselves) Nwhl (& drew) wpqaw (the Jews) aydwhy (were) wwh (envious) wmoxw 5 (& formed) wdbew (of the city) atnydmd (the streets) aqws (from) Nm (evil) asyb (& they came) wtaw (the city) atnydml (they were) wwh (& terrorizing) wxldw (great) aaygo (a mob) owlka (were) wwh (& seeking) Nyebw (of Jason) Nwoyad (the house) htyb (against) le (them) Nwhl (& they raised) wmqw (to the mob) owlkal (them) Nwna (& to hand over) Nwmlsnw (there) Nmt (from) Nm (them) Nwna (to bring out) Nwqpnd (they had) wwh (dragged) yhwrg (there) Nmt (them) Nwna (they found) wxksa (not) al (& when) dkw 6 (there) Nmt (were) wwh (who) tyad (& the brethren) axalw (Jason) Nwoyal (the Governor ) asr (to) twl (them) Nwna (& they brought) wytyaw (are) Nwna (These) Nylhd (they were) wwh (crying out) Nyeq (as) dk (of the city) atnydmd (have come) wta (here) akrhl (again) bwt (& behold) ahw (have terrified) wxld (the land) aera (all) hlkld (oppose) lbqwl (these) Nylh (& all) Nwhlkw (Jason) Nwoya (this is) wnh (their host) Nwhnlbqmw 7 (they say) Nyrma (while) dk (abiding) Nymyq (of Qesar) roqd (the commands) yhwndqwp (Yeshua) ewsy (another) anrxa (King) aklm (that there is) tyad (of the city) atnydmd (the Governor) asr (but) Nyd (they were alarmed) wxldta 8 (these things) Nylh (they heard) wems (when) dk (the people) ame (& all) hlkw (from) Nm (also) Paw (Jason) Nwoya (from) Nm (bail) abre (& they took) wbonw 9 (them) Nwna (released) wrs (& then) Nydyhw (the brethren) axa (in the night) ayllb (in it) hb (a moment) htes (son of) rb (but) Nyd (the brothers ) axa 10 (the city) atnydm (to Berea) aawrbl (& Shila) alyslw (Paulus) owlwpl (sent) wrs (they were) wwh (entering) Nylae (there) Nmtl (they came) wta (& when) dkw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (a synagogue) atswnkl (than) Nm (who there) Nmtd (Jews) aydwhy (those) Nwnh (for) ryg (were) wwh (nobler) Nyyrax 11 (& hearing) Nyemsw (in Thessaloniqa) aqynwlotb (were) wwh (who) tyad (those) Nwnh (Jews) aydwhy (gladly) tyaydx (every day) Mwylk (the word) atlm (from them) Nwhnm (they were) wwh (scripture) abtk (from) Nm (they were) wwh (distinguishing) Nysrpm (while) dk (were) Nyhytya (so) ankh (these things) Nylh (whether) Nad
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(also) Pa (& thus) ankhw (believed) wnmyh (of them) Nwhnm (& many) aaygow 12 (notable) ateydy (& women) asnw (many) aaygo (men) arbg (the Greeks) aynwy (of) Nm (Thessaloniqa) aqynwlot (who from) Nmd (Jews) aydwhy (those) Nwnh (knew) wedy (& when) dkw 13 (Paulus) owlwp (by) Nm (was preached) tzrkta (of God) ahlad (that the word) htlmd (there) Nmtl (also) Pa (they came) wta (the city) atnydm (in Berea) aawrbb (the populace) atwsnal (& to alarm) wxldmlw (to stir) wezml (ceased) wyls (& not) alw (to the sea) amyl (to it) hl (to go down) twxnd (the brethren) axa (sent) yhwars (& Paulus) owlwplw 14 (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (Shila) alys (that) yh (in city) atnydmb (in it) hb (did) awh (& remain) ywqw (with him) hme (came) wta (Paulus) owlwpl (him) hl (who accompanied) wywltad (& they) Nwnhw 15 (from) Nm (they left) Nyqpn (& when) dkw (the city) atnydm (Athnos) owntal (unto) amde (Shila) alys (to) twl (a letter) atrga (from him) hnm (they received) wlbq (his presence) yhwdau (to him) htwl (they should go) Nwlzan (that quickly) lgebd (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (in Athnos) owntab (he was) awh remaining) awqm (while) dk (Paulus) owlwp (but) Nyd (he) wh 16 (he) awh (saw) azx (when) dk (in his spirit) hxwrb (he was) awh (provoked) rmrmtm (idols) arktp (was full of) aylm (whole) hlk (that the city) atnydmd (& with) Mew (the Jews) aydwhy (with) Me (in the synagogue) atswnkb (he was) awh (& speaking) llmmw 17 (& in the market) aqwsbw (God) ahla (of) Nm (who were worshippers) Nylxdd (those) Nylya (every day) Mwylk (were) wwh (who gathered) Nylbqtomd (those) Nylya (with) Me (of Epiquros) orwqypad (the school) hnplwy (who from) Nmd (philosophers) apwolyp (also) Paw 18 (debating) Nysrd (Stoaiqo) wqyawjo (who were called) Nyrqtmd (& others) anrxaw (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (of them) Nwhnm (& some) sna snaw (with him) hme (were) wwh (of words) alm (collector) jqlm (this) anh (wants) abu (what?) anm (he is preaching) zrkm (foreign) ayrkwn (Gods) ahlad (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (& others) anrxaw (to them) Nwhl (he was) awh (preaching) zrkm (& His resurrection) htmyqlw (Yeshua) ewsyld (because) ljm Athens was the center of Zenos school of The Stoic philosophy in the late fourth & early third century BC. Epicurus founded his school (called The Epicurean) of philosophy in 306 BC in Athens, where he taught until his death in 270 BC. The two schools came to represent opposite philosophies.The Stoics attempted to live by reason and will, shunning the influence of emotion and pleasure.The Epicurean indulged all emotion and pleasure, making all pleasures the object of life. (of judgment) anyd (to the place) tybl (& brought him) yhwytyaw (& they took him) yhwdxaw 19 (to him) hl (they were saying) Nyrma (as) dk (Arios-Pagos *) owgp-owyra (which is called) arqtmd (new) atdx (teaching) anplwy (this) anh (what is?) wnm (know) edml (can we?) Nnyxksm (you) tna (which preach) zrkmd (in our hearing) Ntemsmb (you) tna (have sown) erz (strange) atyrkwn (for) ryg (words) alm 20 (these things) Nylh (are) Nyna (what?) anm (to know) edml (& we wish) Nnybuw (there) Nmtl (who come) Nytad (& those) Nylyaw (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (Athenians) aynta 21 (was it a concern) lyjb (not) al (another) Nyrxa (thing) Mdm (about) le (strangers) ayrkwn (new) tdx (something) Mdm (& to hear) emsmlw (to speak) rmaml (except) ala (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (in Arios-Pagos) owgpowyrab (Paulus) owlwp (arose) Mq (& when) dkw 22 (that in all things ) Nyhlkbd (you) Nwkl (I) ana (see) azx (Athenians) aynta (men) arbg (of demons *) adas (in the worship) tlxdb (you) Nwtna (are excelling) Nyryty (houses) tyb (I was) tywh (& beholding) azxw (I was) tywh (going around) Krktm (for) ryg (when) dk 23 (it was) awh (where written) bytkd (one) adx (altar) atle (I found) txksa (of your worship) Nwktlxd (Whom while) dkd (therefore) lykh (Him) wh (The Unknown) azyng (The God) ahlad (on it) hyle (Him) hl (you) Nwtna (worship) Nylxd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (proclaim) rbom (I) ana (This One) anhl (Him) hl (whatever) am (& everything) lkw (the world) amle (made) dbed (for) ryg (God) ahla 24 (& of the earth) aeradw (of the heavens) aymsd (The Lord) arm (& He is) wywhw (in it) hb (that is) tyad (dwells) ars (not) al (hands) aydya (which made) dbed (in temples) alkyhb
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(of children of men) asnynb (the hands) ydya (by) Nm (He is served) smtsm (& not) alw 25 (because) ljm (He has need) qyno (not) al (anything) Mdm (& for) lew (& a soul) aspnw (life) ayx (everyone) snlkl (gives) bhy (He) whd (of humanity) asnynbd (whole) hlk (the world) amle (He made) dbe (blood) Md (one) dx (& from) Nmw 26 (& marked out) srpw (whole) hlk (of the earth) aera (the surface) ypa (on) le (dweling) Nyrme (to be) Nwwhnd (the coasts) amwxt (& set) Mow (in His decrees) hndqwpb (the times) anbz (of humanity) asnynbd (of the dwelling places) armwed (& by) Nmw (& inquiring) Nybqemw (God) ahlal (seeking) Nyeb (that they would be) Nwwhnd 27 (also) Pad (because) ljm (Him) hl (they may find) Nyxksm (His creation) htyrb (of us) Nnm (everyone) lk (from) Nm (far) qyxr (He is) awh (not) al (& we exist) Nytyaw (& we move) Nnyeyzttmw (we have life) Nnyyx (for) ryg (it is) wh (by Him) hb 28 (who were among you) Nwktwld (the wise) amykx (of) Nm (men) asna (also) Pad (so) Kya (our lineage) Nmhwj (is) wh (from Him) hnmd (they said) wrma (is) wh (God) ahla (from) Nm (because our lineage) Nmhwjd (therefore) lykh (men) asna 29 (stones) apakl (or) wa (silver) amaol (or) wa (that gold) abhdld (to think) rboml (we ought) Nnybyx (not) al (of a son of man ) asnrbd (& by the knowledge) atedybw (by the skill) atwnmwab (carved) apylgd (The Godhead) atwhla (is like) aymd (this) anh (& at time) anbzbw (God) ahla (has banished) rbea (of deception) atwyejd (for) ryg (times) anbz 30 (man) sna (that every) lkd (the children of men) asnynb (all of them) Nwhlkl (commands) dqpm (shall repent) bwtn (place) akwd (in every) lkb (in which) hbd (the day) amwy (He has appointed) Myqad (because) ljm 31 (in righteousness) atwnakb (the whole) hlk (the earth) aera (to judge) Nwdnd (He is going) dyte (He designated) srpd (Whom) anya (The Man) arbg (by) dyb (to His faithfulness) htwnmyhl (man) sna (every) lkl (He has turned) ynpaw (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nm (in that He has raised Him) hmyqadb (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nmd (the resurrection) atmyq (they heard) wems (& when) dkw 32 (saying) Nyrma (& some) Nwhnmw (were) wwh (mocking) Nyqymm (some of them) Nwhnm (this) adh (about) le (you) Kl (we shall hear) Nnyems (another) Nyrxa (time) Nbzb (were) wwh (among them) Nwhtnyb (from) Nm (Paulus) owlwp (went out) qpn (& so) ankhw 33 (& believed) wnmyhw (joined him) yhwpqn (of them) Nwhnm (& some) Nysnaw 34 (Dionysius) owyownyd (was) awh (he) yhwtya (of them) Nwhnm (but) Nyd (one) dx (one) adx (& woman) attnaw (of Arios-Pagos) owgpowyrad (the Judges) anyd (from) Nm (with them) Nwhme (& others) anrxaw (Damaris) oyrmd (was) awh (whose name) hmsd Chapter 18 (Athnos) ownta (from) Nm (Paulus) owlwp (went out) qpn (& when) dkw 1 (to Qorinthus) owtnrwql (to it) hl (he came) ata (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (a Jew) aydwhy (one) dx (a man) arbg (there) Nmt (& he found) xksaw 2 (the country) arta (Pontos) owjnp (from) Nm (was) awh (who) yhwtyad (Aqilos) owlqa (of Italia) ayljyad (the country) arta (from) Nm (had) awh (come) ata (time) anbz (in that) whb (who in it) hbd (Qlaudius) owydwlq (had) awh (ordered) dqpd (because) ljm (his wife) httna (& Prisqila) alqoyrpw (he) wh (Rome) amwhr (from) Nm (the Jews) aydwhy (all) Nwhlk (to leave) Nwqpnd (Qesar) roq (to them) Nwhtwl (& he came) brqtaw (stayed) ars (he was) awh (of their craft) Nwhtwnmwa (a son) rbd (& because) ljmw 3 (with them) Nwhme (he was) awh (& working) xlpw (with them) Nwhtwl (he) hl (they were) wwh (tentmakers) arlwl (for) Nyd (in their craft) Nwhtwnmwab (Sabbath) abs (on every) lkb (in the synagogues) atswnkb (he was) awh (& speaking) llmmw 4 (& pagans *) apnxlw (the Jews) aydwhyl (he was) awh (& persuading) oypmw
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(Shila) alys (Maqedonia) aynwdqm (from) Nm (had) wwh (come) wta (& when) dkw 5 (Paulus) owlwp (he) wh (in the word *) atlmb (was) awh (constrained) Uyla (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (the Jews) aydwhy (against him) hlbwql (were) wwh (standing) Nymyqd (because) ljm (to them) Nwhl (he was) awh (testifying) dhom (when) dk (they were) wwh (& blaspheming) Nypdgmw (The Messiah) axysm (is) wywh (that Yeshua) ewsyd C * Majority Greek & TR Greek has in his spirit.Critical Greek agrees with The Peshitta reading. (now) ash (from) Nm (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (his clothes) yhwnam (& he shook) Upnw 6 (the Gentiles) amme (to) twl (myself) yl (I) ana (go) lza (I) ana (am clean) akd (I) ana (of a man) arbgd (the house) htybl (& entered) lew (there) Nmt (from) Nm (& he left) qpnw 7 (God) ahla (of) Nm (was) awh (who a worshiper) lxdd (one) anya (Titus) owjj (whose name was) hmsd (to the synagogue) atswnkl (was) awh (joined) Pyqn (& his house) htybw (in our Lord) Nrmb (was) awh (trusting) Nmyh (of the synagogue) atswnk (Leader) br (& Krispus) owpoyrkw 8 (& many) aaygow (all of them) Nwhlk (of his household) htyb (& the children) ynbw (he was) wh (in God) ahlab (& were trusting) Nynmyhmw (were) wwh (listening) Nyems (Qorithians) aytnrwq (& they were being baptized) Nydmew (to Paulus) owlwpl (in a vision) awzxb (Jehovah) ayrm (& said) rmaw 9 (be silent) qwtst (& not) alw (speak) llm (but) ala (be afraid) lxdt (do not) al (harm you) Ktwrhml (can) xksm (not) al (& a man) snaw (am) ana (with you) Kme (I) anad (because) ljm 10 (this) adh (in city) atnydmb (for Me) yl (are) tya (many) aaygo (& people) amew (six) ats (& months) axryw (one) adx (year) atns (but) Nyd (he was) awh (sat) bty 11 (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (them) Nwhl (he was) awh (& teaching) Plmw (in Qorinthus) owtnrwqb (of Akaia) ayakad (Proconsul) owjpwtna (Galion) Nwylag (was) awh (there) yhwtya (& when) dkw 12 (Paulus) owlwp (against) le (the Jews) aydwhy (as one) adxka (gathered) wsnkta (the judgment seat) Myb (before) Mdq (& they brought him) yhwytyaw (the Law) aowmn (of) Nm (outside) rbl (This one) anhd (they were saying) Nyrma (as) dk 13 (God ) ahlal (worshiping) Nylxd (to be) Nwwhnd (the children of men) asnynbl (persuades) oypm (& speak) llmnw (his mouth) hmwp (to open) xtpnd (Paulus) owlwp (had) awh (requested) aeb (& when) dkw 14 (of wickedness) sybd (a matter) Mdm (about) le (if) wla (to the Jews) aydwhyl (Galion) Nwylag (said) rma (you are) Nwtywh (accusing) Nygrjqm (hateful) anod (or) wa (of fraud) lyknd (or) wa (you) Nwkl (I would) tywh (receive) lbqm (on the merit) atylwb (Jews) aydwhy (Oh!) wa (or about) lew (a discourse) atlm (about) le (are) Nwna (the charges) amjz (but) Nyd (if) Na 15 (know) Nyedy (you) Nwtna (your) Nwklyd (law) aowmn (or about) lew (names) ahms (I) ana (want) abu (not) al (for) ryg (I) ana (among yourselves) Nwktnyb (do) Nwtna (matters) atwbu (of these) Nylhd (judge) anyd (to be) awhad (his) hlyd (judgment seat) Myb (from) Nm (them) Nwna (& he expelled) drjw 16 (an Elder) asysq (Sosthenis) oyntowol (the pagans) apnx (all of them) Nwhlk (they were) wwh (& seizing) wdxaw 17 (before) Mdq (him) hl (were) wwh (& beating) Nyxmw (of the synagogue) atswnkd (these things) Nylhb (was) awh (overlooking) amhm (& Galion) Nwylagw (the judgment seat) Myb (he bid) bhy (many) aaygo (days) atmwy (there) Nmt (Paulus) owlwp (was) awh (& when) dkw 18 (to Syria) ayrwol (to go) lzand (in the sea) amyb (& journeyed) adrw (to the brethren ) axal (farewell) amls (he shaved) rpo (when) dk (& Aqilos) owlqaw (Prisqila) alqoyrp (with him) hme (& came) wtaw (himself) hl (he had) awh (vowed) rydn (a vow) ardnd (because of) ljm (in Qenkreos) oarknqb (his head) hsr (the synagogue) atswnkl (Paulus) owlwp (& entered) ) lew (at Ephesus) owopal (& he arrived) wyjmw 19 (the Jews) aydwhy (with) Me (he was) awh (& speaking) llmmw
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(from him) hnm (they were) wwh (& asking) Nyebw 20 (he consented) oypjta (& not) alw (with them) Nwhtwl (to tarry) rgnd (that comes) atad (that feast) adaed (always) tyanyma (for me) yl (it is necessary) alwd (said) rma (when) dk 21 (I shall return) anpa (wills) abun (God) ahla (& if) Naw (to observe) yhwydbea (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (in Ephesus) owopab (them) Nwna (he left) qbs (& Prisqila) alqoyrplw (& Aqilos) owlqalw (to you) Nwktwl (again) bwt (to Qesaria) ayroql (& came) ataw (by the sea) amyb (traveled) adr (& he) whw 22 (of the church) atde (of the sons) ynbd (the peace) amlsb (& invoked) lasw (& came up) qlow (to Antiokai) ykwyjnal (to it) hl (& he went on) lzaw (notable) aeydy (the days) atmwy (there) Nmt (he was) awh (& when) dkw 23 (in the countries) artab (after another) rtb (one) rtb (& traveled) Krktaw (he went out) qpn (establishing) Myqm (when) dk (& of Phrygia) aygwrpdw (of Galatia) ayjlgd (the disciples) adymlt (all of) Nwhlkl (he was) awh (Apollo) wlpa (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (& man) arbgw 24 (Alexandria) ayrdnokla (from) Nm (a native) hmhwj (was) awh (who) yhwtyad (a Jew) aydwhy (he was) awh (familiar) qdmw (in the word) atlmb (he was) awh (& instructed) adrw (to Ephesus) owopal (he came) ata (with the scriptures) abtkb (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the way) hxrwal (had been) awh (taught) dmltm (this) anh 25 (& teaching) Plmw (he was) awh (& speaking) llmmw (in spirit) xwrb (he was) awh (& fervent) xtrw (known) edy (not) al (anything) Mdm (when) dk (Yeshua *) ewsy (about) le (thoroughly) tyaylm (of Yokhanan) Nnxwyd (the baptism) atydwmem (only) Na (but) ala (he had) awh (in the synagogue) atswnkb (speaking) llmm (in the public) algb (eye) Nye (& he began) yrsw 26 (brought him) yhwytya (& Prisqila) alqoyrpw (Aqilos) owlqa (they heard him) yhwems (& when) dkw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the way) hxrwa (showed him) yhwywx (& thoroughly) tyaylmw (unto them) Nwhtybl (the brethren ) axa (they exhorted) yhwjpx (to Akaia) ayakal (to go) lzand (he wanted) abu (& when) dkw 27 (he went) lza (& when) dkw (to receive him) yhynwlbqnd (to the disciples) adymltl (& wrote) wbtkw (the believers) anmyhm (all of ) Nwhlkl (grace) atwbyj (by) dyb (many) ygo (he helped) rde (the Jews) aydwhy (contrary to) lbqwl (he was) awh (instructing) srd (for) ryg (powerfully) tyapyqt 28 (scripture) abtk (from) Nm (he was) awh (showing) awxm (while) dk (the crowds) asnk (before) Mdq (He is) wh (that The Messiah) axysmd (Yeshua) ewsy (concerning) le Chapter 19 (Paulus) owlwp (went about) Krkta (in Qorinthus) owtnrwqb (Apollo) wlpa (was) awh (he) yhwtya (& when) dkw 1 (was) awh (& questioning) lasmw (to Ephesus) owopal (& came) ataw (upper) ayle (in the countries) atwrtab (there) Nmt (whom he found) xksad (those) Nylya (the disciples) adymltl (when you believed) Nwtnmyhd (from) Nm (Holy) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (you received) Nwtlbq ( Have?) Nad 2 (there is) tya (if) Na (Not even) alpaw (to him) hl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they answered) wne (by us) Nl (has been heard) eyms (Holy) asdwqd (a Spirit) axwr (they were saying) Nyrma (were you baptized) Nwtdme (& into what?) anmbw (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma 3 (of Yokhanan ) Nnxwyd (Into the baptism) htydwmemb (in the baptism) atydwmem (baptized) dmea (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (Paulus) owlwp (to them) Nwhl (said) rma 4 (he was) awh (telling) rma (while) dk (the people) amel (of repentance) atwbytd (after him) hrtb (Who would come) atad (in That One) anyab (to believe) Nwnmyhnd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (Who is) yhwtyad (in The Name) hmsb (they were baptized) wdme (they heard) wems (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw 5 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd
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(of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (& came) ataw (Paulus) owlwp (a hand) adya (on them) Nwhyle (& laid) Mow 6 (in various languages) Nsl Nslb (they were) wwh (& speaking) Nyllmmw (upon them) Nwhyle (were) wwh (& prophesying) Nybntmw (twelve) roert (men) asna (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (were) wwh (they) Nywh 7 (he was) awh (& speaking) llmmw (the synagogues) atswnkl (Paulus) owlwp (was) awh (& entering) lew 8 (concerning) le (he was) awh (& persuading) oypmw (three) atlt (months) axry (in the public) algb (eye) Nye (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) htwklm (& were disputing) Nyrxtmw (were) wwh (hardened) Nysqtm (of them) Nwhnm (& some) Nysnaw 9 (of Gentiles) ammed (the assembly) asnk (before) Mdq (of God) ahlad (the way) axrwal (& were reviling Nyxumw (the disciples) adymltl (from them) Nwhnm (separated) srpw (Paulus) owlwp (left) qxra (then) Nydyh (in the school *) alwkoab (with them) Nwhme (he was) awh (speaking) llmm (& every day) Mwylkw (Turanos) ownrwj (whose name) hmsd (of a man) arbgd * Greek has skolh, skolh, which looks like it was an Aramaic loan word in the Greek language. The Aramaic Skoola comes from the root skal, which can mean to be foolish, to explain or to understand. A school is where the unlearned go to have things explained to them, hence the term Skoola-School includes both concepts of ignorance and learning.There are other places in The NT where this Aramaic root occurs. The Greek root occurs only in this one place, making it unlikely the Aramaic is a translation of the Greek word and likely the Greek is a translation and that this Greek word, like many others, is borrowed from the Aramaic language.The Hebrew cognate words of the Aramaic skal- lko are: Shakal lks to understand and Sawkal lko to be foolish. (The Aramaic lks Shekal -Understand& wntlks Shakalthanu Understanding) occur in The Hebrew Bible in the book of Daniel. (heard) wemsd (until) amde (two) Nytrt (years) Nyns (continued) twh (& this) adhw 10 (in Asia *) ayoab (who dwelt) Nyrmed (all of them) Nwhlk (of Jehovah *) ayrmd (the word) atlm (& The Aramaeans *) aymraw (The Jews) aydwhy (of Paulus) owlwpd (by the hand) hdyab (God) ahla (was) awh (doing) dbe (great) abrwr (& miracles) alyxw 11 (his body) hmswg (upon) led (the robe) atxn (from) Nm (also) Pad (thus) ankh 12 (the sick) ahyrk (on) le (& placed) Nymyow (were) wwh (brought) Nytym (rags) aeqwr (or) wa (napkins) ardwo (the diseases) anhrwk (from them) Nwhnm (they were) wwh (& departing) Nyqrpw (were) wwh (coming out) Nyqpn (demons) adas (also) Paw (Jews) aydwhy (men) asna (also) Pa (but) Nyd (there were) wwh (some) wbu 13 (demons) adas (of) le (& exorcists) Nymwmw (were) wwh (who going around) Nykrktmd (those) Nylya (those) Nylya (over) le (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (in The Name) hmsb (exorcizing) Nwmwnd (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (as) dk (foul) atpnj (a spirit) axwr (in them) Nwhl (had) ywh (who) tyad (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in The Name) hmsb (you) Nwkl (we exorcize) Nnymwm (Paulus) owlwp (preaches) zrkmd (Whom) anya (one) dx (of man) arbgd (sons) yhwnb (seven) aebs (but) Nyd (were) awh (there) tya 14 (Sqewa) awqo (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (Priest) anhk (Chief) br (a Jew) aydwhy (this) adh (were) wwh (who doing) Nydbed (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (evil) asyb (this) wh (demon) adas (answered) anew 15 (I) ana (know) edy (& Paulus) owlwplw (I) ana (know) edwtsm (Yeshua) ewsyl (are) Nwtna (who?) Nm (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (in him) hb (had) awh (who) tyad (that) wh (man) arbg (upon them) Nwhyle (& jumped) rwsw 16 (them) Nwna (& threw down) lpsw (them) Nwhyle (& overpowered) lyxtaw (evil) atsyb (a spirit) axwr (that) wh (house) atyb (from) Nm (they fled) wqre (& wounded) Nyeyepw (they were stripped) Nyxyls (& when) dkw (& the Aramaeans) aymraw (the Jews) aydwhy (to all of ) Nwhlkl (became) twh (known) tedyta (& this) adhw 17 (all of them) Nwhlk (upon) le (fear) atlxd (& fell) tlpnw (in Ephesus) owopab (dwelling) Nyrmed (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our lord) Nrmd (The Name) hms (was) awh (& exalted) Mrmrtmw
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(who believed) wnmyhd (those) Nylya (of) Nm (& many) aaygow 18 (their wrong doing) Nwhtwlko (& relating) Nyetsmw (were) wwh (coming ) Nyta (they were) wwh (that doing) Nydbed (the things) Mdmb (& they were confessing) Nydwmw (& brought) wytyaw (their books) Nwhybtk (gathered) wsnk (sorcerers) asrx (also) Pa (but) Nyd (many) aaygo 19 (& they calculated) wbsxw (everyone) snlk (before) Mdq (them) Nwna (they burned) wdqwa (five x) smx (10,000) atwbr (silver pieces) apok (& it came up) qlow (their price) Nwhymd (was) twh (increasing in power) apqt (great) abr (with power) alyxb (& thus) ankhw 20 (of God) ahlad (the faith) htwnmyh (& growing) aygow (Paulus) owlwp (set) Mo (these things) Nylh (were done) Mltsa (but) Nyd (when) dk 21 (& in Akaia) ayakabw (Maqedonia) aynwdqm (in all) hlkb (to journey) Krktnd (in his mind) hnyerb (I have gone) tlzad ( When) amd (& he said) rmaw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (& to go]) lzanw (I shall see) azxa (Rome) ymwhr (that also) Pad (for me) yl (it is necessary) alw (there) Nmtl (those) Nwnh (of) Nm (men) Nysna (two) Nyrt (he) awh (&sent) rdsw 22 (to Maqedonia) aynwdqml (to him) hl (were) wwh (who ministering) Nysmsmd (in Asia) ayoab (a time) anbz (stayed) ywq (but) Nyd (he) wh (& Erastus) owjoralw (Timotheos) owatmyjl (great) aaygo (commotion) ayswgs (time) anbz (at that) whb (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) awh 23 (of God) ahlad (the way) hxrwa (about) le (one) dx (silver) amao (worker) dbe (there) Nmt (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya 24 (shrines) aown (was) awh (who making) dbed (Demetrius) owyrjmd (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (of his craft) htwnmwa (the sons) ynbl (he was) awh (& enriching) rtwmw (for Artemis) oymjral (of silver) amaod (great) abr (with profit) anrtwy (all of them) Nwhlk (of his craft) htwnmwa (sons) ynbl (them) Nwna (gathered) snk (this one) anh 25 (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (with them) Nwhme (who worked) Nyxlpd (& those) Nylyalw (all) hlk (that our profit) Ntrwgatd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (men) arbg (work) anxlwp (is) yh (this) anh (from) Nm (are) Nwtna (& seeing) Nyzxw (are) Nwtna (hearing) Nyems (you) Nwtna (also) Paw 26 (also) Pa (but) ala (Ephesus) owopa (sons of) ynbl (alone) dwxlb (are) awh (that not) ald (Paulus) owlwp (this) anh (has persuaded) oypa (Asia) ayoa (of all) hlkd (the multitudes) aagwol (those) Nwnh (are) Nwna (gods) ahla (that not) wld (he said) rma (when) dk (& turned away) Kphaw (are made) Nydbetm (children of men) asnynb (which by hands of) ydyabd (& finished) aljbw (is exposed) ayorptm (only) dwxlb (matter) atwbu (this) adh (neither) wlw 27 (great) atbr (the godess) athla (of Artemis) oymjrad (the temple) alkyh (is) wh (also) Pa (but) ala (godess) athla (this) yh (also) Paw (a thing) Mdm (not) al (as) Kya (to her) hl (is reckoned) bsxtm (is despised) ajystm (her) hl (worship) Nydgo (nations) amme (& all) Nwhlkw (Asia) ayoa (whom all) hlkd (with rage) atmx (they were filled) wylmta (these things) Nylh (they heard) wems (& when) dkw 28 (of the Ephesians) ayopad (Artemis) oymjra (is) yh (great) abr (& were saying) Nyrmaw (were) wwh (& crying) Nyeqw (& they went) wlzaw (as one) adxka (& they ran) wjhrw (city) atnydm (the entire) hlk (& was stirred up) tsgtsaw 29 (Gaius) owyagl (with them) Nwhme (they brought) wlbwa (& took by force) wpjxw (to the theater) Nwrjatl (of Paulus) owlwpd (companions) htywl (sons of) ynb (Maqedonians) aynwdqm (men) arbg (& Aristarkus) owkrjoralw (the theater) Nwrjatl (to enter) lwend (had) awh (wanted) abu (& Paulus) owlwpw 30 (the disciples) adymlt (& restrained him) yhwalkw (they did) wwh (love him) yhwmxrd (because) ljm (of Asia) ayoad (the Rulers) asr (also) Paw 31 (himself) hspn (to give) ltn (not) ald (of him) hnm (& begged) web (they sent) wrds (the theater) Nwrjatl (to enter) lwend (very) bj (in the theater) Nwrjatb (were) wwh (that) tyad (but) Nyd (the crowds) asnk 32 (were) wwh (shouting) Nyeq (other) atynrxa (& each) anrxaw (they were) wwh (chaotic) Nysygs (were) wwh (knowing) Nyedy (not) al (some of them) Nwhnm (for) ryg (many things) aaygo (they had assembled) wsnkta (what?) anm (because of) ljm
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(were) wwh (who) tyad (of the Jews) aydwhyd (but) Nyd (the people) ame 33 (whose name) hmsd (a Jew) aydwhy (a man) arbgl (of them) Nwhnm (they put forth) wmyqa (there) Nmt (with his hand) hdya (he beckoned) Pyna (he arose) Mq (& when) dkw (Alexandrus) owrdnokla (to the people) amel (a defense) axwr (to put forth) qwpnd (he) awh (& wanted) abuw (all of them) Nwhlk (shouted) weq (he was) wh (a Jew) aydwhyd (they knew) wedy (& when) dkw 34 (Artemis) oymjra (is) yh (Great) abrd (two) Nytrt (hours) Nyes (about) Kya (voice) alq (in one) dxb (of the Ephesians) ayopad (he said) rma (when) dk (of the city) atnydmd (the governor) asr (them) Nwna (pacified) ylsw 35 (the children of men) asnynb (of) Nm (for) ryg (who?) wnm (Ephesians) ayopa (men) arbg (of the Ephesians) ayopad (the city) atnydml (knows) edy (who not) ald (& the image) hmlulw (great) atbr (of Artemis) oymjrad (is) yh (of the temple worship) atrmwkd (descended) txn (Heaven) ayms (that from) Nmd (can) xksm (not) al (a man) sna (this) adh (against) lbqwld (therefore) lykh (because) ljm 36 (& not) alw (quiet) Nyls (to be) Nwwhtd (for you) Nwkl (it is necessary) alw (speak) rmaml (in haste) abhrwob (anything) Mdm (do) Nwdbet (not) al (when) dk (these) Nylh (men) arbgl (for) ryg (you have brought) Nwtytya 37 (our godess) Nthlal (have reviled) wyxu (neither) alw (have robbed) wulx (temples) alkyh (to them) Nwhl (are) tya (of his trade) htwnmwa (& the fellows) ynbw (Demetrius) owyrjmd (this) anh (but) Nyd (if) Na 38 (in the city) atnydmb (Proconsuls) owjpwtna (behold) ah (any) sna (with) Me (a judgment) anyd (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (& dispute) Nwnwdnw (let them approach) Nwbrqn (are) Nwna (skilled) anmwa (you) Nwtna (seek) Nyeb (else) Nyrxa (anything) Mdmd (there is) wh (& if) Naw 39 (the law) aowmn (from) Nm (what is granted) abyhyd (instead of) atkwdb (shall be dismissed) artsm (the assembly) ayswnkl (we stand) Nnymyq (in danger) ownydnqb (now) ash (also) Pad (because) ljm 40 (we shall be able) Nnyxksm (that not) ald (seditious) aswgs (as) Kya (to be accused) asrtnd (this) anh (which day) amwyd (the crowd) asnk (for) le (a defense) axwr (to offer) qwpnd (& we are in an uproar) Nsgtsaw (uselessly) tyaljb (because we have assembled) Nsnktad (a cause) atle (without) ald (the crowds) asnkl (he dismissed ) ars (he had said) rma (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw 41 Chapter 20 (the disciples) adymltl (Paulus) owlwp (called) arq (the uproar) ayswgs (ceased) ylsd (& after) rtbw 1 (& departing) qpnw (them) Nwna (& kissed) qsnw (them) Nwna (& comforted) aybw A(to Maqedonia) aynwdqml (to it) hl (he went) lza (them) Nwna (& comforted) aybw (these) Nylh (regions) atwrtal (them) Nwna (he had traveled) Krkta (& when) dkw 2 (the country) arta (to Greece) olhl (to it) hl (he came) ata (many) ataygo (with words) almb (against him) yhwle (but) Nyd (made) wdbe (months) Nyxry (three) atlt (there) Nmt (& he was) awhw 3 (to leave) lzaml (he was) awh (going) dyte (when) dk (the Jews) aydwhy (a plot) alkn (to Maqedonia) aynwdqml (to it) hl (to return) Kwphnd (& he planned) bsxtaw (for Syria) ayrwol (who from) Nmd (Supatros) owrjpwo (Asia) ayoal (unto) amde (with him) hme (& went out) wqpnw 4 (& Sequndus) owdnwqow (Aristarkus) owkrjoraw (the city) atnydm (Berea) aawrb (the city) atnydm (Derbe) abrd (who from) Nmd (& Gaios) owyagw (Thessaloniqa) aqynwlot (who from) Nmd (Asia) ayoa (& from) Nmw (Lystra) arjowl (who from) Nmd (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (& Trophimos) owmypwrjw (Tykiqos) owqykwj (in Troas) oawrjb (for us) Nl (& waited) wywqw (before us) Nymdq (went) wlza (these) Nylh 5 (of Maqedonia) aynwdqmd (the city) atnydm (Phillipus) owpylyp (from) Nm (departed) Nqpn (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 6
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(& came ) Nytaw (by sea) amyb (& went) Nydrw (of unleavened bread) aryjpd (the days) atmwy (after) rtb (seven) aebs (days) atmwy (there) Nmt (& remained) Nywhw (five) asmx (days) atmwyl (to Troas) oawrjl (to break) auqnd (we assembled *) Nnysynk (when) dk (in the week) absb (first) dxd (& the day) amwybw 7 (Paulus) owlwp (with them) Nwhme (was) awh (speaking) llmm (the Eucharist *) ayjorkwa (to go out) qwpnd (he was) awh (going) dyte (next) anrxa (the day) amwyld (because) ljm (night) aylld (mid-) hglpl (until) amde (speaking) wllmml (he) awh (& prolonged) rgaw (himself) hl (of fire) arwnd (lamps) adapml (there) Nmt (were) awh (& there) tyaw 8 (in it) hb (we were *) Nywh (where gathered) Nysynkd (that) yh (in an upper room) atyleb (many) aaygo (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (a young man) amyle (was) awh (& sitting) btyw 9 (deep) atryqy (into sleep) atnsb (& he sank) ebjw (& he listened) emsw (in a window) atwkb (Eutikus) owkjwa (fell) lpn (& in his sleep) htnsbw (Paulus) owlwp (in the message) atlmb (had) awh (prolonged) rga (when) dk (dead) tym (as) dk (& was taken up) lqtsaw (stories) Nyrydm (three) atlt (from) Nm (he) awh (& said) rmaw (& embraced him) hqpew (him) hnm (over) lel (& fell) lpn (Paulus) owlwp (& came down) txnw 10 (is) yh (in him) hb (his soul) hspnd (because) ljm (be troubled) Nweyztt (not) al (speaking) llmm (& was) awhw (& ate) Mejw (bread) amxl (he broke) auq (but) Nyd (he came up) qlo (when) dk 11 (by land) asbyb (to depart) lzand (went out) qpn (& then Nydyhw (dawn) arpu (arose) qlod (until) amde (alive) yx (being) dk (the youth) amylel (& they brought him) yhwrbdw 12 (greatly) tyabrwr (with him) hb (& they rejoiced) wydxw (we & sailed) Nydrw (to the ship) aplal (we went down) Ntxn (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 13 (there) Nmt (that from) Nmd (because) ljm (of Thesos) owotd (to the port) adewl (for) ryg (thus) ankh (Paulus) owlwpl (to receive) yhwylbqnd (were) Nywh (we prepared) Nydyte (by land) asbyb (he) wh (had) awh (gone on) lza (when) dk (us) Nl (he) awh (commanded) dqp (we took him) yhynlqs (Thesos) owot (from) Nm (we received him) yhynlbq (but) Nyd (when) dk 14 (to Mitolina) anylwjyml (& we came ) Nytaw (into the ship) aplab (Kios) owyk (next to) lbqwl (we sailed) Nydr (next) anrxa (the day) amwyl (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw 15 (to Samos) owmol (we came) Nyta (next) anrxa (the day) amwyl (& again) bwtw (the isle) atrzg (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw (in Trogulion) Nwylgwrjb (& we stayed) Nywqw (to Miletus) owjylyml (we came ) Nyta (to pass it) hyrbend (to Paulus) owlwpl (for) ryg (to him) hl (it was) awh (determined) qyop 16 (hurrying) bhromd (because) ljm (there) Nmt (he) hl (be delayed) rxwtsn (lest) amld (to Ephesus) owopal (of Penteqosta) ajowqjnpd (the day) amwy (he were able) axksm (that if) Nad (he was) awh (he would keep it) yhwydben (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (sending) rds (Miletus) owjylym (from) Nm (& from it) hnmw 17 (of Ephesus) owopad (of the church) atded (the Elders) asysql (he brought) ytya (aware) Nyedy (you) Nwtna (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (to him) htwl (they came) wta (& when) dkw 18 (Asia) ayoal (when I entered) tled (first) aymdq (the day) amwy (that from) Nmd (are) Nwtna (the time) anbz (all) hlk (with you) Nwkme (I have been) tywh (how) ankya (much) ataygo (in humility) atwkykmb (God ) ahlal (I) ana (served) xlp (as) dk 19 (have) wwh (that come) Nyded (those) Nylya (& in trials) anwyonbw (& in tears) aemdbw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (by the treachery) Nwhylknb (upon me) yle (was) awh (that useful) xqpd (anything) Mdmb (I have neglected) tyob (& not) alw 20 (& to teach) Plaw (to you) Nwkl (to preach) zrkad (for your souls) Nwktspnl (& in houses) atbbw (in the marketplace) aqwsb (& to the Aramaeans) aymralw (to the Jews) aydwhyl (I was) tywh (testifying) dhom (while) dk 21 (God) ahla (which is in the presence of) twld (returning home) atwbyt (about) le
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(The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (which is in our Lord) Nrmbd (& faith) atwnmyhw (by The Spirit) axwrb (am) ana (shackled) ryoa (I) ana (& now) ashw 22 (I) ana (know) edy (& not) alw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (I) ana (& go on) lzaw (in it) hb (me) yl (will meet) era (what?) anm (city) anydm (in every) lkb (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (however ) Mrb 23 (& afflictions) anulwaw ( Chains) arwoad (& says) rmaw to me) yl (He testifies) dhom (for you) Kl (are prepared) Nydyte (anything) Mdm (my life) yspn (is considered) abysx (not) al (to me) yl (but) ala 24 (& the ministry) atsmstw (my race course) yjhr (that I may finish) Mlsad (so) Kya (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (from) Nm (which I received) tlbqd (of God) ahlad (of the grace) htwbyjd (the Gospel) atrbo (of) le (to testify) dhoad (my face) ypwurp (that again) bwtd (I) ana (know) edy (I) ana (& now) ashw 25 (among whom I have gone) tkrktad (those) Nylya (all of you) Nwklk (you) Nwtna (will see) Nyzx (not) al (the kingdom *) atwklm (to you) Nwkl (& I preached) tzrka (today) anmwyd (the day) amwy (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (testify) dhom (this) anh (& because of) ljmw 26 (of you all *) Nwklkd (the blood) amd (of) Nm (I) ana (that am pure) akdd (of God) ahlad (the will) hnybu (all) hlk (to show you) Nwkedwad (I have declined) tlatsa (for) ryg (not) al 27 (that) yh (flock) atyerm (& to the whole) hlkbw (to yourselves) Nwkspnb (therefore) lykh (pay attention) wrhdza 28 (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (in it) hb (which has appointed you) Nwkmyqad (of God) ahlad (the church) htdel (to shepherd) Nwertd (Overseers) apwqopa (with His blood) hmdb (which He bought) hnqd (that) yh (will enter) Nwlen (I) ana (go) lzad (after) rtb (that from) Nmd (I) ana (know) edy (I) ana 29 (the flock) atyerm (on) le (have pity) Nyoyx (that not) ald (powerful) apyqt (wolves) abad (with you) Nwkme (speaking) yllmm (men) arbg (will arise) Nwmwqn (your own) Nwklyd (some of you) Nwknm (also) Paw 30 (after them) Nwhrtb (to go) Nwlzand (the disciples) adymltl (to turn) Nwkphnd (so as) Kya (perversions) atmqem (& remember) Nydyhew (vigilant) Nyrye (you be) Nwtywh (this) anh (because of) ljm 31 (& by day) ammyabw (by night) ayllb (I have been silent) tyls (not) al (three) tlt (that years) aynsd (of you) Nwknm (man) sna (each) snal (I) ana (warning) atrm (with tears) aemdb (while) dk (& to the word) atlmlw (to God ) ahlal (you) Nwkl (I) ana (commit) legm (& now) ashw 32 (& to give) abhyw (you) Nwkl (to build up) aynb (able) axksm (which is) yhd (of His grace) htwbyjd (the holy ones) asydq (all of them) Nwhlk (with) Me (an inheritance) antrwy (to you) Nwkl (I have coveted) tgr (not) al (apparel) atxn (or) wa (gold) abhd (or) wa (silver) apok 33 (& to those) Nylyalw (that to my needs) ytwqynold (do) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (& you) Nwtnaw 34 (my hands) ydya (these) Nylh (have ministered) sms (with me) yme (that are) tyad (that thus) ankhd (I have shown you) Nwktywx (& everything) Mdmlkw 35 (for those) Nylyad (& to be concerned) Puamlw (to labor) aalml (it is necessary) alw (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the words) yhwlm (& to remember) wdhemlw (who are weak) Nyhyrkd (who gives) bhyd (to him) anyal (His blessing) yhwbwjd (said) rma (He) whd (because) ljm (who receives) bond (to him) anya (than) Nm (more) ryty (his knees) yhwkrwb (on) le (he knelt) deq (he said) rma (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw 36 (with him) hme (the men) asna (& all) Nwhlkw (& he prayed) yluw (among all of them) Nwhlkb (great) atbr (weeping) atkb (& there was) twhw 37 (him) hl (they were) wwh (& kissing) Nyqsnmw (& they embraced him) yhwqpew (word) atlm (that) yh (about) le (they were) wwh (pained) Nyqntsm (but) Nyd (all the more) tyaryty 38
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(to see) Nwzxnd (we are going) Nydyte (again) bwt (that not) ald (which he said) rmad (the ship) aplal (unto) amde (& they accompanied him) yhwywlw (his face) hpwurp Chapter 21 (to Qo) wql (straight) tyauyrt (& we traveled) Nydrw (from them) Nwhnm (& we parted) Nsrpw 1 (to Rodus) owdwrl (we came ) Nyta (the next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw (the isle) atrzg (to Patara) arjapl (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw (to Phoniqa) aqynwpl (going) alzad (a ship) apla (there) Nmt (& we found) Nxksaw 2 (& we sailed) Nydrw (it) hl (& we boarded) Nqlow (& we left it) hnqbsw (the island) atrzg (Qupros) owrpwq (to) twl (as far as) amde (& we came) Nyjmw 3 (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw (to Syria) ayrwol (& we came) Nytaw (to the left) almol (for it) hl (was) awh (it) tya (for) ryg (there) Nmt (at Tsor) rwul (we arrived) Nyjm (its cargo) hnej (to unload) wxnml (for the ship) aplal (with them) Nwhtwl (we stayed) Nywq (disciples) adymlt (there) Nmt (we found) Nxksa (& when) dkw 4 (every day) Mwylk (were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (& these) Nylhw (seven) aebs (days) atmwy (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to go) lzan (not) ald (by The Spirit) xwrb (to Paulus) owlwpl (to go) lzand (we went out) Nqpn (days) atmwy (these) Nylh (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 5 (those) Nwnh (all of them) Nwhlk (us) Nl (they were) wwh (& following) Nywlmw (by a road) axrwab (of) Nm (the outside) rbl (unto) amde (& their children) Nwhynbw (& their wives) Nwhysnw (their knees) Nwhykrwb (on) le (& they knelt) wdeqw (the city) atnydm (& they prayed) wyluw (the sea) amy (the side of) dy (by) le (the ship) aplal (& we boarded) Nqlow (one another) addxl (& we kissed) Nqsnw 6 (to their homes) Nwhytbl (they) Nwnh (& returned) wkphw (the city) atnydm (to Ako *) wkel (& we came) Nytaw (Tsor) rwu (from) Nm (journeyed) Nydr (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 7 (there) Nmtd (to the brethren) axal (greeting) amls (& we gave) Nbhyw (one) dx (day) amwy (with them) Nwhydau (& we lodged) Nyrsw (to Qesaria) ayroql (& came ) Nytaw (we departed) Nqpn (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw 8 (the evangelist) anrbom (of Phillipus) owpylypd (in the house) htybb (we lodged) Nyrs (& we entered) Nlew (the seven) aebs (of) Nm (was) awh (who) yhwtyad (him) anya (four) ebra (virgin) atlwtb (daughters) atnb (to him) hl (was) ywh (& there) tyaw 9 (did) ywh (who prophesy) Nybntmd (had) awh (come down) txn (many) aaygo (days) atmwy (there) Nmt (we were) Nytya (& when) dkw 10 (Agabus) owbga (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (one) dx (prophet) aybn (Judea) dwhy (from) Nm (of the waist) yhwuxd (the leather tie) atqre (& took away) lqsw (to us) Ntwl (& he entered) lew 11 (& said) rmaw (& his hands) yhwdyaw (of himself) hspnd (the feet) algr (& tied) roaw (of Paulus) owlwpd (The man) arbgd (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (says) rma (thus) ankh (will bind him) hnwroan (thus) ankh (this) adh (of leather belt) atqred (owner) hrm (the Gentiles) amme (into the hands of) ydyab (& deliver him) hnwmlsnw (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (the Jews) aydwhy (of him) hnm (we begged) Nyeb (we heard) Nems (words) alm (these) Nylh (& when) dkw 12 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (he would go]) lzan (that not) ald (the place) arta (& the sons of) ynbw (we) Nnx (what?) anm (Paulus) owlwp (& said) rmaw (answered) ane (then) Nydyh 13 (my heart) ybll (it) hl (you) Nwtna (& break) Nyqxsw (you) Nwtna (that weep) Nykbd (you) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbe (also) Pa (but) ala (I am) ana (ready) byjm (only) dwxlb (to be bound) roatad (am) awh (not) al (for) ryg (I) ana (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (The Name) hms (for) Plx (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (to die) twmad (to us) Nl (we ceased) Nlhb (by us) Nl (he was persuaded) oypjta (not) al (& when) dkw 14 (be done) awhn (of our Lord) Nrmd (The will) hnybud (& we said) Nrmaw
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(we prepared) Nbyjta (these) Nylh (days) atmwy (& after) rtbw 15 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to us) Nl (& we went up) Nqlow (Qesaria) ayroq (from) Nm (disciples) adymlt (men) asna (with us) Nme (did) wwh (& come) wtaw 16 (of) Nm (one) dx (brother) axa (with them) Nwhme (they took) Nyrybd (when) dk (Mnason) Nwonm (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (first) aymdq (the disciples) adymlt (into his house) htybb (to receive us) Nlbqnd (Qupros) owrpwq (from) Nm (was) awh (& he) yhwtyaw (gladly) tyaydx (the brethren) axa (received us) Nwlbq (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (we came ) Nyta (& when) dkw 17 (Yaqob) bwqey (unto) twl (Paulus) owlwp (with) Me (we entered) Nle (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw 18 (The Elders) asysq (all of them) Nwhlk (with him) htwl (were) awh (there) tya (when) dk (Paulus) owlwp (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (reporting) aetsmw (greeting) amls (to them) Nwhl (& we gave) Nbhyw 19 (among the Gentiles) ammeb (God) ahla (did) dbed (that) am (everything) lk (in order) rtb rtb (by his ministry) htsmstb (to him) hl (& they said) wrmaw (God ) ahlal (they praised) wxbs (they heard) wems (& when) dkw 20 (in Judea) dwhyb (are) tya (tens of thousands) Nwbr (how many) amk (our brother) Nwxa (you) tna (see) azx (of the Law) aowmnd (are) Nwna (zealous) annj (these) Nylh (& all) Nwhlkw (who believe) wnmyhd (those) Nylya (you) tna (that teach) Plmd (about you) Kyle (but) Nyd (to them) Nwhl (it has been told) rmata 21 (the Jews) aydwhy (all of them) Nwhlk (Moshe) aswm (from) Nm (to separate) Nwqrpnd (circumcise) Nyrzg (they should) Nwwhn (that not) ald (you) tna (say) rma (while) dk (of the Gentiles) ammebd (walk) Nyklhm (they should) Nwwhn (of the Law) aowmnd (by the custom) adyeb (& not) alw (their sons) Nwhynb (this) yh (is heard) aemtsmd (therefore) lykh (because) ljm 22 (here) akl (that have come) tytad (to them) Nwhl (with us) Nl (there are) tya (you) Kl (that we tell) Nnyrmad (the thing) Mdm (do) dbe 23 (to purify) Nwkdtnd (themselves) Nwhl (who have vowed) rydnd (four) aebra (men) arbg (& pay) qpaw (with them) Nwhme (be purified) akdta (& go) lzw (them) Nwna (take) rbd 24 (their heads) Nwhysr (to shave) Nwergnd (so as) Kya (the cost) atqpn (with them) Nwhyle (about you) Kyle (was spoken) rmatad (that what) Mdmd (to everyman) snlkl (& it will be known) aedytmw (& keep) rjnw (you) tna (fulfill) Mls (the Law) aowmnl (& you) tnaw (is) wh (false) lgd (we) Nnx (the Gentiles) amme (of) Nm (who believe) wnmyhd (but) Nyd (those) Nylya (on) le 25 (from) Nm (themselves) Nwhspn (keep) Nyrjn (that they would) Nwwhnd (have written) Nbtk (strangled things) aqynx (& from) Nmw (fornication) atwynz (& from) Nmw (what is sacrificed) axybdd (blood) amd (& from) Nmw (these) Nylh (men) arbgl (them) Nwna (took) rbd (Paulus) owlwp (then) Nydyh 26 (& went) lza (& entered) lew (with them) Nwhme (& was purified) ykdtaw (next) anrxa (the day) amwyl (of the days) atmwyd (the end) aylwm (them) Nwhl (showing) edwm (when) dk (to the temple) alkyhl (an offering) anbrwq (was offered) brqtad (until) amde (of purification) atykdtd (of them) Nwhnm (man) sna (of each) snad (Asia) ayoa (of) Nmd (the Jews) aydwhy (seventh) aebsd (the day) amwy (arrived) yjm (& when) dkw 27 (the people) ame (against him) yhwle (& they incited) wyrgw (in the temple) alkyhb (saw him) yhwazx (hands) aydya (upon him) yhwle (& they laid) wymraw (all) hlk (of Israel) lyroya (sons) ynb (men) arbg (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they appealed) Nyngbm (as) dk 28 (teaching) Plm (our) Nlyd (people) ame (who opposes) lbqwld (the man) arbg (is) wh (this) anh (help) wrde (this) anh (place) arta (& against) lbqwlw (the law) aowmn (& against) lbqwlw (place) akwd (in every) lkb (place) artal (& has defiled) hbyow (to the temple) alkyhl (he brought) lea (an Aramaean) aymral (also) Paw (holy) asydq (this) anh (Trophimus) omypwrjl (with him) hme (seen) wzx (for) ryg (they had) wwh (before) wmdq 29 (that with) Med (they were) wwh (& supposing) Nyrbow (in the city) atnydmb (an Ephesian) ayopa (the temple) alkyhl (he had entered) le (Paulus) owlwp
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(the people) ame (all) hlk (& assembled) wsnktaw (the city) atnydm (& was stirred up) tsgtsaw 30 (of) Nm (outside) rbl (& they dragged him) yhwrgw (Paulus) owlwpl (& they seized him) yhwdxaw (the gates) aert (were shut) wdxtta (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw (the temple) alkyh (it was heard) temtsa (to kill him) hljqml (the crowd) asnk (was) awh (seeking) aeb (& while) dkw 31 (the city) atnydm (that all) hlkd (of the regiment) rypoad (by the Chiliarch) akrylkl (it) hl (had been disturbed) teyztta (& soldiers) ajwyjrjoalw (a Centurion) anwrjnql (he took) rbd (a moment) htes (& son of) rbw 32 (the Chiliarch) akrylkl (they saw) wzx (& when) dkw (unto them) Nwhyle (& they ran) wjhrw (many) aaygo (Paulus) owlwpl (him) hl (they had) wwh (beating) Nyxmd (from) Nm (they ceased) wlhb (& the soldiers) ajwyjrjoalw (& commanded) dqpw (& took him) hdxaw (the Chiliarch) akrylk (to him) htwl (& called) arqw 33 (he was) awh (& asking) lasmw (chains) Nlss (with two) Nytrtb (to bind him) hnwroand (he had done) dbe (& what?) anmw (who he was?) wnmd (about him) yhwle (this) Mdm (the mob) owlka (from) Nm (men) asna (about him) yhwle (were) wwh (& shouting) Nyeqw 34 (he was) awh (able) xksm (not) al (their shouting) Nwhteq (& because of) ljmw (& that) Mdm (he was) awh (& commanding) dqpw (the truth) atryrs (was) yh (which) adya (to know) edml (to the encampment) atyrsml (to bring him) hnwlbwnd (carried him) yhwnej (the stairs) agrdl (Paulus) owlwp (came to) yjm (& when) dkw 35 (of the people) amed (the violence) aryjq (because of) ljm (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (many) aaygo (the people) ame (after him) hrtb (for) ryg (were) awh (coming) ata 36 (hang him *) yhylwqs (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they were) wwh (& shouting) Nyeqw (Paulus) owlwp (he) wh (the encampment) atyrsml (to enter) leml (he approached) yjm (& when) dkw 37 (with you) Kme (I shall speak) llma (me) yl (you) tna (allow) opm (if) Na (to the Chiliarch) akrylkl (said) rma (you?) tna (know) edy (Greek *) tyanwy (to him) hl (said) rma (but) Nyd (he) wh (these) Nylh (days) atmwy (who before) Mdqd (Egyptian) ayrum (that) wh (you) tna (are) tywh (not?) al 38 (thousand) Nypla (four) aebra (to the wilderness) arbdml (& led) tqpaw (made a disturbance) teyza (evil) atsyb (doers) ydbe (men) arbg (a Jew) aydwhy (am) ana (a man) arbg (I) ana ( Paulus) owlwp (to him) hl (said) rma 39 (notable) ateydy (the city) atnydm (of Qiliqia) ayqylyqd (Tarsus) oworj (from) Nm (of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (I) ana (was born) dyly (in which) hbd (to the people) amel (speak) wllmml (me) yl (let) opa (the stairs) agrd (on) le (Paulus) owlwp (stood) Mq (him) hl (he allowed) opa (& when) dkw 40 (they were quiet) wlhb (& when) dkw (his hand) hdya (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (& motioning) eyzaw (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (in Aramaic *) tyarbe (with them) Nwhme (he spoke) llm Jastrows Aramaic-Hebrew Dictionary has the following entry for tyarbe:

The Hebrew word tyarbe Ibrayth and the Aramaic word tyarbe Ibrayith can each refer to the Hebrew language or the Aramaic language. We know from history and other Biblical evidence that Aramaic was the common tongue of first century Israel. The Greek text uses the word Ebraiv Hebrais. Thayers Greek-English Lexicon has this definition for the word: 1446 ebraiv Hebrais heb-rah-is from 1443; TDNT-3:356,372; n f AV-Hebrew 3; 3 1) Hebrew, the Hebrew language, not that however in which the OT was written but the Chaldee, which at the time of Jesus and the apostles had long superseded it in Palestine.
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Websters unabridged 20th century Dictionary defines Chaldee as The Aramaic language of the Chaldeans (Babylonians 600 B.C.).The Greek Ebraiv Hebrais refers only to Aramaic according to Thayer, and he is the standard Greek authority for Koine Greek.This Greek word occurs three times in The Greek NT- all in Acts (this is the first reference). The word Ebraisti is also used in The Greek NT and in The Apocrypha.It is the same word, only in a different case, called the dative case; it means In Aramaic; Here is Thayers again: 1447 ebraisti Hebraisti heb-rah-is-tee from 1446; TDNT-3:356,372; adv;AV-in the Hebrew tongue 3, in the Hebrew 2, in Hebrew 1; 6 1) in Hebrew, i.e. in Chaldee. Both Greek forms occur a total of nine times in The Greek NT: four times in John,three in Acts and two in Revelation.They also occur in the LXX apocrypha of Sirach one time and 4th Maccabees twice. All refer to the Aramaic language. Here is The American Heritage Dictionary entry for Aramaic: Aramaic (r-mk) n. A Semitic language, comprising several dialects, originally of the ancient Arameans but widely used by non-Aramean peoples throughout southwest Asia from the seventh century B.C. to the seventh century A.D. Also called Aramean, Chaldean. --Aramaic adj. So The Greek NT testifies unequivocally that the language of Israel in the first century was Aramaic. Chapter 22 (which is unto you) Nwktwld (my defense) xwrb qpm (hear) wems (& fathers) athbaw (brothers) axa 1 (with them) Nwhme (he was) awh (speaking) llmm (that Aramaic *) tyarbed (they heard) wems (& when) dkw 2 (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw (they were quiet) wlhb (all the more) tyaryty (of the feet) yhwlgr (the side of) bng (by) le (city) atnydm (in this) adhb (but) Nyd (I was raised) tybrta 3 (in the tradition) aowmnb (perfectly) tyarymg (& I was instructed) tydrtaw (of Gamaliel) lyaylmgd (of God) ahlad (zealous) annj (I am) tywh (& a being) ytyaw (of our fathers) Nthbad (you are) Nwkytya (all of you) Nwklk (you) Nwtna (also) Pad (that) am (as) Kya (death) atwml (unto) amde (I persecuted) tpdr (way) axrwa (& this) adhlw 4 (to prison) aryoa tybl (I would) tywh (& deliver) Mlsmw (I would) tywh (bind) roa (as) dk (& women) asnw (men) arbg (& all) Nwhlkw (Priest) anhk (The High) br (of me) yle (witnessed) dhod (what) am (according to) Kya 5 (to go) lzad (warrants) atrga (I received) tlbq (from whom) Nwhnmd (The Elders) asysq (those) Nwnhl (so that also) Pad (who are in Darmsuq) qwomrdbd (the brethren) axa (to) twl (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (them) Nwna (I brought) atya (there) Nmt (were) wwh (who) tyad (capital) asrb (punishment) Mom (& they would receive) Nwlbqnw (prisoners) Nyryoa (as) dk (Darmsuq) qwomrdl (I) ana (approaching) ajmm (& began) tyrsw (I was) tywh (going) lza (& when) dkw 6 of) Nm (the quiet) ayls (under) tyxt (from) Nm (day) amwyd (at mid-) hglpb (great) aaygo (a light) arhwn (upon me) yle (burst) glza (the Heavens) ayms (to me) yl (was) awh (saying) rmad (a voice) alq (& I heard) temsw (the land) aera (on) le (& I fell) tlpnw 7 (Me) yl (you) tna (persecute) Pdr (why?) anm (Shaul) lwas (Shaul) lwas (my Lord) yrm (you) tna (who?) Nm (& I said) trmaw (I answered) tyne (but) Nyd (I) ana 8 (the Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsy (am) wh (I) ana (to me) yl (said) rma (& he) whw (are) tna (persecuting) Pdr (Whom you) tnad (the light) arhwn (they saw) wzx (with me) yme (were) wwh (who) tyad (& the men) asnaw 9 (with me) yme (was) awh (speaking) llmmd (which) whd (they heard) wems (not) al (but) Nyd (the voice) alq (to me) yl (said) rma (& our Lord) Nrmw (my Lord) yrm (shall I do) dbea (what?) anm (& I said) trmaw 10 (about) le (with you) Kme (will be spoken) llmtn (& there) Nmtw (to Darmsuq) qwomrdl (go) lz (rise) Mwq (to do) dbetd (to you) Kl (that will be commanded) dqptmd (thing) Mdm (every) lk (because of) ljm (by me) yl (was) awh (seen) azxtm (nothing) al (& when) dkw 11 (by my hands) ydyab (held me) ynwdxa (that) wh (of light) arhwnd (the glory) htxwbst (to Darmsuq) qwomrdl (& I went) tlew (were) wwh (who with me) ymed (they) Nwnh (testifying) Nydhod (as) Kya (in the Law) aowmnb (righteous) anak (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (one) dx (& man) arbgw 12
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(who were there) Nmtd (the Jews) aydwhy (all of them) Nwhlk (about him) yhwle (they were) wwh (brother) yxa (Shaul) lwas (to me) yl (& said) rmaw (to me ) ytwl (he came) ata 13 (were opened) xtpta (in the moment) atesb (in it) hbw (your eyes) Kynye (open) xtp (in it) hb (& I saw) trxw (my eyes) ynye (to know) edml (appointed you) Kmyqa (of our fathers) Nthbad (The God) ahla (to me) yl (& said) rmaw 14 (& to hear) emstw (The Righteous One) aqydzl (& to see) azxtw (His will) hnybu (His mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (the voice) alq (children of men) asnynb (all) Nwhlk (to) twl (a witness) adho (to Him) hl (& you shall be) awhtw 15 (& you have heard) temsw (you have seen) tyzxd (whatever) am (everything) lwk (about) le (be baptized) dme (arise) Mwq (you) tna (wait) rxwtsm (why?) anm (now) ashw 16 (His Name) hms (you) tna (call) arq (while) dk (your sins) Kyhjx (from) Nm (& be cleansed) akdtaw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (here) akl (I came) tyta (& I returned) tkphw 17 (in the temple) alkyhb (& I prayed) tyluw (to me) yl (he said) rma (as) dk (in a vision) awzxb (& I saw Him) htyzxw 18 (because) ljm (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (you) Kl (& depart) qwpw (hurry) bhrtoa (about Me) yled (your testimony) Ktwdho (they receive) Nylbqm (that not) ald (that I) anad (know) Nyedy (they) Nwnh (also) Pa (my Lord) yrm (said) trma (& I) anaw 19 (I have) tywh (& beaten) axmw (to prison) aryoa tybl (have) tywh (delivered) Mlsm (in You) Kb (have) wwh (who believed) Nynmyhmd (those) Nylyal (our synagogues) Nswnk (in all) lkb (also) Paw (Your witness) Kdho (of Estephanos) onpjoad (the blood) hmd (was) awh (shed) dsatm (& when) dkw 20 (to their will) Nwhnybul (I was) tywh (& consenting) Mlsw (I was) tywh (standing) Maq (with them) Nwhme (I) ana (of those) Nylyad (the garments) anam (I was) tywh (& keeping) rjnw (who killed him) yhwlwjqd (him) hl (were) wwh (who stoning) Nymgrd (sending) rdsm (for I) anad (go) lz (to me) yl (& He said) rmaw 21 (to the Gentiles) ammel (to preach) wzrkml (far away) aqxwrl (you) Kl (am) ana (word) atlm (this) adhl (until) amde (Paulus) owlwpl (they heard him) yhwems (& when) dkw 22 (the earth) aera (from) Nm (to lift up) lqtsn (& shouted) weqw (their voice) Nwhlq (they raised) wmyra (to live) axml (for him) hl (it is right) alw (for) ryg (not) al (is) wh (who such) ankhd (one) anya (were) wwh (& throwing) Nydsmw (they were) wwh (yelling) Nyngbm (& as) dkw 23 (toward Heaven) aymsl (dust) alx (they were) wwh (& casting up) Nyqomw (their garments) Nwhynam (to the encampment) atyrsml (to take him) hnwlend (the Chiliarch) akrylk (commanded) dqp 24 (to know) ednd (so as) Kya (he be questioned) latsn (that by scourging) adgnbd (& ordered) dqpw (against him) yhwle (they were) wwh (crying out) Nyeq (cause) atle (what?) adya (for) ljm (Paulus) owlwp (he) wh (said) rma (with leather straps) aqreb (they had stretched him) yhwxtm (& when) dkw 25 (for you) Nwkl (is it allowed) opm (over him) yhwle (was) awh (who standing) Maqd (to the Centurion) anwrjnql (to scourge) Nwdgntd (condemned) byxm (who not) ald (a Roman) aymwhr (that a man) arbgld

(the Chiliarch) akrylk (to) twl (he called) arq (The Centurion) anwrjnq (heard) ems (& when) dkw 26 (man) arbg (for) ryg (this) anh (you) tna (have done) dbe (what?) anm (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (is) wh (a Roman) aymwhr (me) yl (tell) rma (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (The Chiliarch) akrylk (to him) htwl (& came) brqw 27 (Yes) Nya (to him) hl (& he said) rmaw (you) tna (Roman) aymwhr (are?) tna (much) aaygo (with money) apokb (I) ana (& said) rmaw (The Chiliarch) akrylk (& answered) anew 28 (I) ana (Paulus) owlwp (to him) hl (said) rma (Roman citizenship) atwymwhrl (bought it) htynq
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(I was born) tdlyta (with it) hb (also) Pa (but) Nyd (who seeking) Nyebd (those) Nwnh (from him) hnm (them) Nwhl (they withdrew) wqrp (& at once) adxmw 29 (when) dk (the Chiliarch) akrylk (& was afraid) lxdw (to scourge him) htwdgnml (were) wwh (had) awh (that he bound him) hrkpd (for) le (he was) wh (that Roman) aymwhrd (he learned) Ply (to know) edml (he) awh (wanted) abu (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw 30 (against him) yhwle (had) wwh (brought) Nytymd (the accusation) atwnrgjq (was) yh (what?) anmd (truly) tyaryrs (Chief) ybr (to come) Nwtand (& he commanded) dqpw (& he released him) yhyrsw (the Jews) aydwhy (& he led) rbdw (of their rulers) Nwhysrd (the Council) asnk (& all) hlkw (Priests) anhk (in the midst of them) Nwhtnyb (he stood him) hmyqa (& brought him down) txaw (Paulus) owlwpl Chapter 23 (brothers) yxa (men) arbg (he said) rma (at the assembly) Nwhsnkb (Paulus) owlwp (gazed) rx (& when) dkw 1 (God) ahla (before) Mdq (I have lived) trbdta (good) atbj (conscience) atrat (in all) lkb (I) ana (today) anmwyl (until) amde (who stood) Nymyqd (those) Nwnhl (commanded) dqp (the priest) anhk (& Khanan-Yah) aynnxw 2 (his mouth) hmwp (on) le (Paulus) owlwpl (to hit) hnwxmnd (the side) hbg (on) le (to strike you) Kyxmnd (God) ahla (is) wh (going) dyte (to him) hl (said) rma (& Paulus) owlwpw 3 (me) yl (you) tna (judge) Nad (are) tna (sitting) bty (& you) tnaw (whitened) atrwxm (a wall) atoa (the law) aowmn (against) le (you) tna (violate) rbe (when) dk (the law) aowmnbd (according to) Kya (to strike me) ynnwxmnd (you) tna (& command) dqpw (to him) hl (were saying) Nyrma (there) Nmt (were) wwh (who standing) Nymyqd (& those) Nylyaw 4 (you) tna (accuse) axum (of God) ahlad (the priest) anhkl (brothers) yxa (I was) tywh (aware) edy (not) al (Paulus) owlwp (to them) Nwhl (said) rma 5 ( The Ruler) asrld (for) ryg (it is) wh (written) bytk (he is) wh (that the Priest) anhkd (curse) jwlt (not) al (of your people) Kmed (was) yhwtya (of the people) amed (that some) hnmd (Paulus) owlwp (knew) edy (& when) dkw 6 (in the council) asnkb (he was) awh (shouting) aeq (of Pharisha) asyrpd (& some) hnmw (of Zadoqia) ayqwdzd (a Pharisha) asyrp (son of) rb (am) ana (Pharisha) asyrp (I) ana (brothers) yxa (men) arbg (I am) ana (judged) Nydtm (of the dead) atymd (of the resurrection) atmyqd (the hope) arbo (& for) lew (upon another) dxb (one) dx (fell *) wlpn (he said) rma (this) adh (& when) dkw 7 (the people) ame (& was divided) glptaw (& Zadoqia) ayqwdzw (Pharisha) asyrp (angel) akalm (neither) alw (resurrection) atmyq (there is no) tyld (were saying) Nyrma (for) ryg (Zadokia) ayqwdz 8 (all of these *) Nyhlkb (confess) Nydwm (but) Nyd (The Pharisha) asyrp (spirit) axwr (nor) alw (the side) abg (of) Nm (scribes) arpo (some) asna (stood) wmqw (great) abr (noise) alq (& there was) awhw 9 (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (with them) Nwhme (they were) wwh (& contending) Nyunw (of the Pharisha) asyrpd (man) arbg (in this) anhb (evil) sybd (anything) Mdm (we find) Nnyxksm (not) al (with him) hme (spoke) llm (an angel) akalm (or) wa (The Spirit) axwr (but) Nyd (if) Na (in that *) adhb (in it) hb (is there) tya (what? ) anm C * The Majority Greek text and TR (KJV Greek) has mh yeomacwmen -Let us not fight God. The Following are the actual Peshitta reading with the 2nd & 3rd words combined (hbty)) and the majority Greek reading in Aramaic below it, both in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: Peshitta reading: )dhb hbty) )nm What is there in that? Majority Greek reading in Aramaic: )rmb }nymyq )mld- Shall we resist The Lord? The two readings are very similar looking in the DSS Aramaic script, leading me to believe that a Greek translator mistook the one for the other and gave us the Majority Greek reading as found in The King James Version of this verse. (afraid) lxd (among them) Nwhtnyb (great) abr (an uproar) ayswgs (there was) awh (& when) dkw 10 (Paulus) owlwpl (they would tear apart) hnwxspn (lest) amld (the Chiliarch) akrylk (was) awh
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(their midst) Nwhteum (from) Nm (snatch him) hnwpjxn (to go) Nwtand (Romans) aymwhrl (& he sent) xlsw (to the encampment) atyrsml (& bring him) hnwlenw (to Paulus) owlwpl (our Lord) Nrm (to him) hl (appeared) yzxta (the night) ayll (he was) awh (& when) dkw 11 (of Me) yle (you testified) tdhoad (as) Kyad (because) ljm (be strong) lyxta (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (to testify) dhot (in Rome) amwhrb (also) Pad (you) tna (are going) dyte (thus) ankh (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (the Jews) aydwhy (of) Nm (some) Nysna (were) wwh (gathered) wsnkta (dawn) arpu (it was) awh (& when) dkw 12 (they would eat) Nwlkan (that not) ald (upon themselves) Nwhyle (& they put a curse) wmrxaw (Paulus) owlwpl (they would kill him) hnwljqnd (until) amde (would they drink) Nwtsn (neither) alw (this) anh (in an oath) atmwmb (who established) wmyqad (those) Nwnh (but) Nyd (were) wwh (there) Nywh 13 (men) Nyrbg (forty) Nyebra (than) Nm (more) ryty (covenant) amyq (& saying) Nyrmaw (The Elders) asysq (& to) twlw (The Priests) anhk (to) twl (& they came) wbrqtaw 14 (not) al (that anything) Mdmd (upon us) Nyle (we have cursed) Nmrxa (A curse) amrxd (they were) wwh (Paulus) owlwpl (we shall kill) lwjqnd (until) amde (we shall taste) Mejn (of the Council) atswnkd (& The Rulers) asrw (you) Nwtna (ask) web (& now) ashw 15 (seek) Nyeb (as if) Kya (to you) Nwktwl (to bring him) yhwytynd (The Chiliarch) akrylk (from) Nm (we are ready) Nnybyjm (& we) Nnxw (his conduct) hnrewo (properly) tyaryrs (to examine) Nwubtd (you) Nwtna (in your presence) Nwktwl (he arrives) ajmn (before) alde (to kill him) yhwyljqnd (plot) anorpa (of Paulus) owlwpd (the sister) htx (son of) rb (had) awh (& heard) emsw 16 (Paulus) owlwpl (& informed) qdbw (the encampment) atyrsml (& he entered) lew (this) anh (the Centurions) anwrjnq (of) Nm (one) dxl (he called) arq (Paulus) owlwp (& sent) rdsw 17 (The Chiliarch) akrylk (to) twl (this) anh (young man) amylel (escort) lbwa (to him) hl (& said) rmaw (to him) hl (to say) rmand (something) Mdm (for) ryg (he) hl (has) tya (& brought him) hleaw (the youth) amylel (The Centurion) anwrjnq (& led him) hrbdw 18 (called me) ynrq (the prisoner) aryoa (Paulus) owlwp (& said) rmaw (The Chiliarch) akrylk (to) twl (who has) tyad (unto you) Ktwl (young man) amyle (this) anh (to bring) atyad (of me) ynm (& begged) aebw (to you) Kl (to say) rmand (something) Mdm (to him) hl (the youth) amylel (The Chiliarch) akrylk (by his hand) hdyab (& held him) hdxaw 19 (him) hl (he was) awh (& asking) lasmw (side) abg (to one) dxl (& drew him) hdgnw (to me) yl (to say) rmatd (you) Kl (have) tya (What?) anmd (have planned) wbsxta (the Judeans) aydwhy (the youth) amyle (to him) hl (& said) rmaw 20 (tomorrow) rxm (Paulus) owlwpl (to send down) txtd (of you) Knm (to entreat) Nwebnd (more) ryty (something) Mdm (they want) Nybu (as if) Kya (to their Council) Nwhsnkl (from him) hnm (to learn) Nwpland (more) ryty (for) ryg (behold) ah (them) Nwhl (believe) oypjtt (not) al (therefore) lykh (you) tna 21 (for him) hl (are watching) Nyrjn (of them) Nwhnm (men) Nyrbg (forty) Nyebra (than) Nm (that not) ald (themselves) Nwhspn (on) le (& have put a curse) wmrxaw (in ambush) anamkb (& behold) ahw (they kill him) hnwljqnd (until) amde (to drink) Nwtsn (nor) alw (to eat) Nwlkan (for your promise) Kydwwsl (& waiting) Nywqmw (they are ready) Nybyjm (a man) snad (he ordered) hdqp (as) dk (the youth) amylel (The Chiliarch) akrylk (& dismissed him) yhyrsw 22 (me) yl (you have shown) tqdb (that these things) Nylhd (would know) edn (not) al (go) wlz (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (Centurions) Nynwrjnq (two) Nyrtl (& he called) arqw 23 (to Qesaria) ayroql (to go) Nwlzand (two hundred) Nytam (Romans) aymwhr (prepare) wdte (two hundred) Nytam (right handed *) anymyb (& shooters) yydsw (seventy) Nyebs (& horsemen) asrpw (in the night) ayllb (hour) Nyes (third) tlt (from) Nm (to go out) Nwqpnd (they may mount) Nwbkrnd (so) Kya (beasts of burden) aryeb (also) Pa (but) Nyd (prepare) wbyj 24 (The Governor) anwmgh (Filix) oklyp (to) twl (& let him escape) hnwjlpnw (Paulus) owlwpl (thus) ankh (with him) hb (who were) tyad (to them) Nwhl (he gave) bhy (a letter) atrga (& he wrote) btkw 25
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(Greeting) Mls (The Excellent) axyun (The Governor) anwmgh (to Filix) oklypl (Lusius) owyowl 26 (the Judeans) aydwhy (seized) wdxa (this) anh (man) arbgl 27 (the Romans) aymwhr (with) Me (I) ana (& I helped) tmqw (to kill him) hnwljqnd (so as) Kya (he is) wh (that Roman) aymwhrd (I learned) tply (when) dk (& I saved him) htqrpw (for which) htljmd (the cause) atle (to know) edml (I had) tywh (sought) aeb (& when) dkw 28 (to their Council) Nwhsnkl (I brought him down) httxa (him) hl (they were) wwh (accusing) Nysr (they were) wwh (accusing) Nysr (of their law) Nwhowmnd (charges) amjz (that about) led (& I found) txksaw 29 (for death) atwml (or) wa (for imprisonment) arwoal (that worthy) aywsd (& a cause) atlew (him) hl (against him) htwl (was) awh (not) tyl (that made) wdbed (by ambush) anamkb (a plot) alkn (to me) yl (it was shown) qdbta (& when) dkw 30 (to you) Ktwl (I sent him) htrds (at once) adxm (the Judeans) aydwhy (against him) yhwle (with him) hme (& to speak) Nwrmanw (to go) Nwtand (his accusers) yhwnrgjql (& I ordered) tdqpw (well) Mylx (be) ywh (before you) Kymdq (Paulus) owlwpl (brought him) yhwrbd (they were ordered) wdqptad (as) Kya (the Romans) aymwhr (then) Nydyh 31 (the city) atnydm (to Antipatris) orjpyjnal (& brought him) yhwytyaw (in the night) ayllb (the horsemen) asrp (dismissed) wrs (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw 32 (to camp) atyrsml (to return) Nwkphnd (their comrades) Nwhyrbx (the foot soldiers) algrl (the letter) atrga (& gave) wbhyw (to Qesaria) ayroql (& they brought him) yhwytyaw 33 (Paulus) owlwpl (before him) yhwmdq (& presented him) yhwmyqaw (to The Governor) anwmghl (him) hl (he was) awh (asking) lasm (the letter) atrga (he read) arq (& when) dkw 34 (& when) dkw (he was) yhwtya (province) aykrpwh (which?) adya (that from) Nmd (Qiliqia) ayqylyq (that from) Nmd (he learned) Ply (whenever) am (you) Kl (I) ana (shall hear) ems (to him) hl (he said) rma 35 (to keep him) hnwrjnd (& he commanded) dqpw (your accusers) Kynrgjq (have came) wtad (of Herodus) odwrhd (in The Praetorium) Nyrwjrpb Chapter 24 (High) br (Khanan-Yah) aynnx (descended) txn (five) asmx (days) atmwy (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 1 (the orator) arjhr (Tertullos) owljrj (& with) Mew (The Elders) asysq (with) Me (The Priest) anhk (Paulus) owlwp (concerning) le (The Governor) anwmghl (& they informed) wedwaw (Tertullos) owljrj (he was) awh (beginning) Pqa (he was called) yrqta (& when) dkw 2 (we dwell) Nnyrme (of tranquility) anysd (in abundance) aagwob (& said) rmaw (him) hl (to accuse) grjqm (to people) amel (is) ywh (much) ataygo (& excellent stability) atnqtw (because of you) Ktljm (your care) Knej (in receiving) lqsb (this) anh (your grace) Ktwbyj (we receive) Nnylbqm (place) Kwd (in every) lkb (& we all) Nlkw 3 (Felix) oklyp (Excellent) axyun (with many things) ataygob (we may weary you) Kyaln (but) Nyd (that not) ald 4 (briefly) atqyopb (our lowliness) Ntwkykml (to hear) emstd (of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (a corruptor) anjxsm (who is) yhwtyad (this) anh (man) arbgl (for) ryg (we have found) Nxksa 5 (the Jews) aydwhy (to all of them) Nwhlkl (of tumult) ayswgs (& an arouser) ryemw (he is) wh (the leader) asr (land) aera (who are in every) hlkbd (of The Nazarene) ayrund (of the teaching) anplwyd (for) ryg (we seized him) yhyndxa (& when) dkw (to defile) wbyoml (he wanted) abu (& our temple) Nlkyhlw 6 (what is in our Law) Nowmnbd (according to) Kya (to judge him) yhwynwdnd (we sought) Nyeb
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(& with violence) aryjqbw (The Chiliarch) akrylk (Lusias) owyowl (but) Nyd (came) ata 7 (sent him) hrds (& to you) Klw (snatched him) hydea (our hands) Nydya (from) Nm (great) aaygo (you) tna (& can) xksmw (unto you) Ktwl (to come) Nwtand (his accusers) yhwngrjql (& he commanded) dqpw 8 (concerning) le (from him) hnm (to learn) Platd (him) hl (you) tna (question) lasm (when) dk (him) hl (of which we accuse) Nnygrjqmd (these things) Nylh (all ) Nyhlk (Jews) aydwhy (those) Nwnh (also) Pa (concerning him) yhwle (but) Nyd (cried out) wbyra 9 (are) Nyna (so) ankh (These things) Nylhd (they were saying) Nyrma (as) dk (to speak) llmnd (to Paulus) owlwpl (The Governor) anwmgh (& beckoned) zmrw 10 (I) ana (know) edy (many) ataygo (years) ayns (of) Nm (& said) rmaw (Paulus) owlwp (& answered) anew (& because of) ljmw (this) anh (of nation) amed (The Judge) anyd (that you are) Kytyad (myself) yspn (the sake of) ypa (for) le (a defense) axwr (I) ana (render) qpn (gladly) tyaydx (this) anh (more) ryty (for me) yl (it is not) tyld (know) edml (you) tna (may) xksm (as) dk 11 (to worship) dgoml (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (since I came up) tqlod (days) Nymwy (twelve) roert (than) Nm (a man) sna (with) Me (I) ana (that was speaking) llmmd (did they find me) ynwxksa (neither) alw 12 (I) ana (that gathered) snkd (a crowd) asnk (nor) alpaw (in the temple) alkyhb (in the city) atnydmb (neither) alw (in their synagogues) Nwhtswnkb (not) al (before you) Kymdq (into their hands) Nwhydyab (has it come) ayjm (to demonstrate) Nwwxnd (neither) alw 13 (me) yl (they accuse) Nygrjqm (of which now) ashd (anything) Mdm (concerning) le Neither are they able to demonstrate before you concerning anything of which they now accuse me. (in the same) anhb (that in it) hbd (I) ana (confess) adwm (this) adh (but) Nyd (yet ) Mrb 14 (The God ) ahlal (I) ana (serve) xlp (in it) hb (of which they speak) Nyrmad (doctrine) anplwy (all things) Nyhlkl (I) ana (believe) Nmyhm (as) dk (of my fathers) yhbad (& in The Prophets) aybnbw (in The Law) aowmnb (which are written) Nbytkd (so also) Pad (which) anya (God) ahla (upon) le (hope) arbo (I) yl (have) tya (& while) dkw 15 (resurrection) atmyq (to be) awhtd (that there is going) adyted (preach) Nyrbom (these things) Nylh (they) Nwnh (& of the evil) alwedw (of the righteous) anakd (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (which is of) Nmd (may be) awht (pure) atykd (that a conscience) atratd (I) ana (labor) lme (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm 16 (always) tyanyma (of men) asna (the sons) ynb (& before) Mdqw (God) ahla (before) Mdq (to me) yl (people) ame (the children of) ynb (to) twl (I have come) tyta (many) Naygo (but) Nyd (years) Nynsl 17 (gifts) anbrwq (& to offer) brqaw (charity) atqdz (to give) ltad (my) ylyd (I) ana (was purified) ykdm (when) dk (in the temple) alkyhb (these men) Nylh (found me) ynwxksaw 18 (with a tumult) ayswgsb (neither) alpa (the crowds) asnk (with) Me (not) al (who came) wtad (the Jews) aydwhy (people) Nysna (they stirred up) wsgsd (if) Na (but) ala 19 (with me) yme (to stand) Nwmwqnd (are) awh (who obligated) alwd (those) Nylya (Asia) ayoa (from) Nm (they) Nwhl (have) tyad (whatever) Mdm (& to bring charge) Nwgrjqnw (before you) Kymdq (in me) yb (they have found) wxksa (what?) anm (let say) Nwrman (these) Nylh (they) Nwnh (or) wa 20 (their Council) Nwhsnk (before) Mdq (I stood) tmq (when) dk (offense) atwlko (stood) Maq (when) dk (which I cried) tyeqd (statement) atlm (one) adx (this) adh (only) Na (except) ala 21 (I) ana (am judged) Nydtm (of the dead) atymd (the resurrection) atmyq (that for) led (in their midst) Nwhtnyb (I) ana (before you) Nwkymdq (today) anmwy (fully) tyaylm (this) adh (way) axrwal (it) hl (he) awh (knew) edyd (because) ljm (but) Nyd (Felix) oklyp 22 (comes) atad (When) amd (he said) rma (when) dk (them) Nwna he deferred) yht (between you) Nwktnyb (I) ana (shall hear) ems (The Chiliarch) akrylk
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(Paulus) owlwpl (to guard him) yhwyrjnd (the Centurion) anwrjnql (& he ordered) dqpw 23 (would be forbidden) alktn (his acquaintances) yhwewdy (of) Nm (a man) sna (& that not) aldw (at ease) axynb (to him) hl (ministering ) smsm (to be) awhnd (& Dursila *) alorwdw (Felix) oklyp (sent) rds (days) atmwy (a few) lylq (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 24 (Paulus) owlwpl (him) hl (& they called) wrqw (a Jewess) atydwhy (was) twh (who) hytyad (his wife) httna (of The Messiah) axysmd (the faith) atwnmyh (concerning) le (from him) hnm (& they heard) wemsw (righteousness) atwqydz (of) le (with them) Nwhme (he was speaking) llmm (& when) dkw 25 (to be fulfilled) ylmta (that was going) dyted (judgment) anyd (& upon) lew (holiness) atwsydq (& upon) lew (& when) ytmaw (go) lz (now) ashd (& he said) rmaw (Filix) oklyp (was afraid) atlxd (after you) Krtb (I shall send) rdsa (a place) arta (to me) yl (there is) awhnd (to him) hl (would) awh (be given) bhytm (that a bribe) adxwsd (for) ryg (he had) awh (hoped) rbo 26 (sending) rdsm (continually) tyanyma (also) Pa (this) adh (because of) ljm (Paulus) owlwp (by) Nm (with him) hme (& speaking) llmmw (him) hl (to bring) atym (he was) awh (Governor) anwmgh (the next) anrxa (years) Nyns (two) Nytrt (to him) hl (were fulfilled) ylm (& when) dkw 27 (Porqius-Festus) owjohp-owyqrp (was) awh (who called) arqtmd (in his place) htkwdl (was) awh (come) ata (for the Jews) aydwhyb (a favor) atwbyj (to do) dbend (so as) Kya (but) Nyd (Filix) oklyp (a prisoner) ryoa (as) dk (Paulus) owlwpl (he left him) hqbs

Chapter 25 (three ) atlt (after) rtb (to Qesaria) ayroql (Festus) owjohp (came) ata (& when) dkw 1 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (he came up) qlo (days ) Nymwy (of the Jews) aydwhyd (& the Rulers) asrw (Priests) anhk (The Chief) ybr (& informed him) yhwedwaw 2 (of him) hnm (they were) wwh (& inquiring) Nyebw (Paulus) owlwp (concerning) le (to bring him) yhwytyn (to send) rdsnd (favor) atwbyj (this) adh (him) hl (they asked) Nylas (when) dk 3 (an ambush) anamk (they were) wwh (making) Nydbe (when) dk (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to kill him) yhynwljqnd (by the road) axrwab (is kept) rjntm (that Paulus) owlwpd (answer) amgtp (returned) ynp (& Festus) owjohpw 4 (to travel) qwzxad (I) ana (hurry) bhrom (& I) anaw (in Qesaria) ayroqb (among you ) Nwkb (who are) tyad (therefore) lykh (those) Nylya 5 (with us) Nme (to go down) Nwtxn (to their hands) Nwhydyab (of whom it has come) ayjmd (with him) hb (there is) tyad (offense) wlko (every) lk (& upon) lew (to accuse) Nwgrjqn (with the man) arbgb (ten) aroe (or) wa (eight) aynmt (days) atmwy (there) Nmt (he was) awh (& when) dkw 6 (he sat) bty (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw (to Qesaria) ayroql (he) hl (went down) txn (Paulus) owlwpl (to bring) Nwtynd (& commanded) dqpw (the judgment seat) Myb (on) le (from) Nm (who descended) wtxnd (the Jews) aydwhy (surrounded him) yhwrdx (he came) ata (& when) dkw 7 (had) wwh (brought) Nytym (& hard things) aysqw (many) aaygo (& the Leaders) asrw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (to show) Nwwxnd (they were) wwh (able) Nyxksm (that not) ald (those things) Nylya (after him) hrtb (he had violated) lkoa (that not) ald (a defense) axwr (had) awh (rendered) qpn (Paulus) owlwp (& when) dkw 8 (the temple) alkyhb (neither) alw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (the Law) aowmnb (not) al (anything) Mdm (Qesar) roqb (neither) alw (a favor) atwbyj (to confer) asrnd (he had) awh (wanted) abud (because) ljm (but) Nyd (Festus) owjohp 9 (you) tna (will) abu (to Paulus) owlwpl (to him) hl (said) rma (the Jews) aydwhyb (before me) ymdq (be judged) Nydtt (these things) Nylh (on) le (& there) Nmtw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (go up) qotd (I) ana (stand) Maq (of Qesar) roqd (the judgment seat) Myb (on) le (& said) rmaw (Paulus) owlwp (answered) ane 10
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(a thing) Mdm (not) al (to be judged) wndtml (for me) yl (it is right) qdz (it is) wh (here) akrh (you) tna (know) edy (you) tna (also) Pad (as) Kya (against the Jews) aydwhyl (have I sinned) tyjx (worthy) awsd (anything) Mdm (or) wa (by me) yl (was done) adybe (an offense) atwlko (& if) Naw 11 (there is not) tyl (but) Nyd (if) Na (death) atwm (from) Nm (I) ana (excuse myself) latsm (not) al (of death) atwml (a man) sna (not) al (me) yl (that they accuse) Nygrjqmd (these things) Nylh (of) Nm ydau (anything) Mdm (I) ana (invoke) arq (to Qesar) roqd (an appeal) yhwngb (as a gift) tbhwm (to them) Nwhl (me) yl (will give) bhy (& said) rmaw (of the kingdom) hklm (the sons) ynb (with) Me (spoke) llm (Festus) owjohp (then) Nydyh 12 (you) tna (will go) lza (Qesar) roq (to) twl (you have invoked) tyrq (of Qesar) roq (an appeal) Ngb (Agrippus) owprga (came down) txn (days) atmwy (passed) wwh (& when) dkw 13 (the welfare) hmls (to inquire) Nwlasnd (to Qesaria) ayroql (& Berniqa) aqynrbw (the king) aklm (of Festus) owjohpd (Festus) owjohp (related) yetsa (some days) atmwy (with him) htwl (they were) wwh (& when) dkw 14 (one) dx (man) arbg (he said) rma (when) dk (of Paulus) owlwpd (the case) hnyd (to The King) aklml (Filix) oklyp (the hands of) ydya (from) Nm (left) qbtsa (a prisoner) aryoa (about him) yhwle (me) yl (informed) wedwa (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (I was) tywh (& when) dkw 15 (& requested) webw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (& Elders) asysqw (Priests) anhk (The Chief) ybr (of him) hnm (a judgment) anyd (for them) Nwhl (that I make) dbead (to give) Nwltnd (for the Romans) aymwhrl (the custom) adye (it is not) tyld (to them) Nwhl (& I said) trmaw 16 (shall come) atand (until) amde (for slaughter) aljql (as a favor) tbhwm (a son of man ) asnrb (& shall be given) bhytnw (to his face) yhwpab (& shall blame him) yhwyoknw (at law) hnyd (the adversary) leb (a defense) axwrb (to render) qpml (a place) arta (to him) hl (of which he is accused) asrtmd (that) am (concerning) le (the day) amwyl (delay) ayhwt (without) ald (here) akl (I had come) tyta (& when) dkw 17 (that they bring him) yhynwtynd (& I ordered) tdqpw (the judgment) Myb (on) le (I sat) tbty (next) anrxa (the man) arbgl (to me) yl (any) Mdm (could) wxksa (& not) alw (his accusers) yhwngrjq (with him) hme (& stood) wmqw 18 (that) am (like) Kya (against him) yhwle (demonstrate) Nwwxnd (evil) asyb (indictment) anysr (I had) tywh (which supposed) rbod (their religion) Nwhtlxd (about) le (or another) Mdm (one thing) Mdm (but) Nyd (inquiries) amjz 19 (Who had died) tymd (a Man) sna (Yeshua) ewsy (& about) lew (with him) htwl (to them) Nwhl (is) awh (there) tya (He is) wh (that alive) yxd (Paulus) owlwp (was) awh (Whom saying) rmad (He) wh (inquiries) ateb (about) le (I) ana (was) tywh (established) Maq (not) ald (& because) ljmw 20 (you) tna (wish) aeb (Do?) Nad (to Paulus) owlwpl (had) tywh (I said) trma (of these things) Nylhd (these things) Nylh (on) le (to be judged) Nydtt (& there) Nmtw (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (to go) lzatd (of Qesar) roqd (for the judgment) hnydl (to be kept) rjntnd (requested) aeb (but) Nyd (he) wh 21 (Qesar) roq (to) twl (I send him) yhwyrdsad (until) amde (that he be kept) rjntnd (& I ordered) tdqpw (this) anh (man) arbgl (to hear him) yhwyemsad (I would) tywh (like) abu (Agrippus) owprga (& said) rmaw 22 (him) hl (you) tna (will hear) ems (Tomorrow) rxmld (said) rma (& Festus) owjohpw (& Berniqa) aqynrbw (Agrippus) owprga (came) ata (next) anrxa (& the day) amwylw 23 (The Chiliarch) akrylk (with) Me (judgment) anyd (the place of) tybl (& entered) lew (great) aaygo (with pomp) axwzb (Paulus) owlwp (& came) ataw (Festus) owjohp (& commanded) dqpw (of the city) atnydmd (& the leaders) asrw (men) arbg (& all of you) Nwklkw (the King) aklm (Agrippus) owprga (Festus) owjohp (& said) rmaw 24 (you) Nwtna (whom see) Nyzxd (man) arbg (this) anh (concerning) le (with us) Nme (you who are) Nwkytyad (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (complained to me) ynlbq (of the Jews) aydwhyd (the people) ame (all) hlk (to live) axnd (this one) anhl (ought) alw (more) bwt (that no) ald (shouting) Nyeq (when) dk (& here) akrhw (for death) atwml (that is worthy) awsd (that anything) Mdmd (I have found) tkrda (but) Nyd (I) ana 25
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(to be kept) rjntnd (asked) aeb (he) whd (& because) ljmw (by him) hl (has been done) ryeo (not) al (that he be sent) rdtsnd (I have commanded) tdqp (of Qesar) roqd (for the judgment) hnydl (to Qesar) roql (about him) yhwle (to write) bwtka (what?) anm (I) ana (know) edy (& not) alw 26 (before you) Nwkymdq (to bring him) htwytyml (I decided) tybu (this) anh (because of) ljm (Agrippus) aprga (King) aklm (before you) Kymdq (& especially) tyarytyw (I shall write *) bwtka (what) anm (I may find) xksa (his case) hnyd (is examined) latsad (that when) amd *Critical Greek mss. have graqw -I shall write; The Majority Greek Text has graqaigraqai to write.It just so happens that the Aramaic verb bwtka Ektob is the Imperfect tense, which has the future sense or can function as an infinitive- to write. The Greek readings seem to reflect the Aramaic grammar behind bwtka Ektob. This sort of scenario is common in the NT. (a man) arbg (we send) Nnyrdsm (that when) dkd (it is right) alw (for) ryg (not) al 27 (his offense) htwlko (we would write) bwtkn (that not) ald (a prisoner) aryoa Chapter 26 (to speak) wllmml (for you) Kl (it is allowed) opm (to Paulus) owlwpl (Agrippus) owprga (& said) rmaw 1 (his hand) hdya (stretched out) jsp (Paulus) owlwp (then) Nydyh (yourself) Kspn (behalf of) ypa (on) le (& said) rmaw (a defense) axwr (he) awh (& offered) qpnw (the Jews) aydwhy (by) Nm (I am) ana (of which accused) asrtmd (whatever) am (everything) lk (concerning) le 2 (I am) ana (that blessed) anbwjd (myself) yspn (of) le (I) ana (consider) rbo (Agrippa *) aprga (King) aklm (a defense) axwr (I) ana (bring) qpn (today) anmwy (because before you) Kymdqd (in all) Nwhlkb (you are) tna (that capable) opmd (I) ana (know) edyd (especially) tyaryty 3 (I) ana (ask) aeb (this) anh (because of) ljm (of the Jews) aydwhyd (& the Law) aowmnw (inquiries) amjz (you will hear me) ynemst (of spirit) axwr (that with endurance) trgmbd (of you) Knm (the Jews) aydwhy (those) Nwnh (also) Pa (for) ryg (are) Nwna (aware) Nyedy 4 (my youth) ytwylj (that from) Nmd (my way of life) yrbwd (to testify of) Nwdhond (they wish) Nybu (if) Na (& in Jerusalem) Mlsrwabw (in my nation) ymeb (the beginning) ayrws (from) Nm (to me) yl (that was ) wwhd (who know) Nyedyd (of me) yb (they believe) Nyopm (a long time) argwn (that from) Nmd (because) ljm 5 (I lived) tyyx (of the Pharisha) asyrpd (authorized) aysr (for in the doctrine) anplwybd (was) awh (which) awhd (of the promise) aydwwsd (the hope) arbo (for) le (now) ashw 6 (I am) ana (& judged) Nydtmw (I) ana (stand) Maq (God) ahla (from) Nm (to our fathers) Nthbal (we hope) Nrbom (our tribes) Nbrs (the twelve) aroetrt (hope) arbo (this) anh (for unto) led 7 (& by night) aylldw (by day) ammyad (diligent) atjypx (by prayer) atwlub (to arrive) Nenmnd (I am) ana (accused) asrtm (hope) arbo (this) anh (for) le (for it) yhwlew (Agrippa) aprga (King) aklm (the Jews) aydwhy (the agency of) ydya (by) Nm (ought) alw (not?) al (you) Nwtna (judge) Nynyd (How?) anm 8 (the dead) atym (God) ahla (that raises) Myqmd (we believe) Nmyhnd (that contrary) albwqod (in my mind) ynyerb (had set) tmo (before) Mydq (from) Nm (for) ryg (I) ana 9 (The Name) hms (against) lbqwl (I would commit) rweoa (many things) aaygo (The Nazarene) ayrun (of Yeshua) ewsyd (many) aaygo (& saints) asydqw (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (also) Pa (that I did) tdbed (this) adh 10 (from) Nm (that I received) tlbqd (by authority) anjlwsb (prison) aryoa (into the house) tyb (I cast) tymra (they were) wwh (being killed) Nyljqtm (& when) dkw (Priests) anhk (Chief) ybr (them) Nwna (who condemned) wbyxd (those) Nylyal (I took part with) tptwtsa (of them) Nwhnm (them) Nwhb (I was) tywh (torturing) dntsm (synagogue) aswnk (& in every) lkbw 11 (The Name *) hmsb (blaspheming) Nypdgm (to be) Nwwhnd (I was) tywh (pressing) Ula (when) dk (against them) Nwhyle (I was) tywh (full) almd (great) aaygo (& with rage) azgwrbw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (them) Nwna (to persecute) Pdrml (I was) tywh (going out) qpn (other) atynrxa (to cities) atnydml (also) Pa
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(to Darmsuq) qwomrdl (this) adh (because of) ljm (I was) tywh (going) lza (& while) dkw 12 (Priests) anhk (of The Chief) ybrd (& with the approval) atwnopmbw (with the authority) anjlwsb (the heavens) ayms (from) Nm (I saw) tyzx (on the road) axrwab (of the day) amwyd (at the middle) hglpb 13 (were) wwh (who with me) ymed (all) lk (& upon) lew (upon me) yle (that burst) glzad (King) aklm (Oh) wa (that of the sun) asmsd (than) Nm (that was greater) rtymd (a light) arhwn (a voice) alq (& I heard) temsw (the ground) aera (on) le (all of us) Nlk (& we fell) Nlpnw 14 (Shaul) lwas (Shaul) lwas (in Aramaic) tyarbe (to me) yl (it said) rma (when) dk (hard) asq (Me) yl (you) tna (persecute) Pdr (why?) anm (the goads) aoqwel (to kick) wjebml (for you) Kl (it is) wh (said) rma (& our Lord) Nrmw (my Lord) yrm (are You) tna (who?) Nm (said) trma (& I) anaw 15 (are) tna (persecuting) Pdr (Whom you) tnad (The Nazarene) ayrun (Yeshua) ewsy (am) wh (I) ana (to me) yl (this) adh (because of) ljm (your feet) Kylgr (to) le (rise) Mwq (to me) yl (& He said) rmaw 16 (& a witness) adhow (a minister) ansmsm (to appoint you) Kmyqad (to you) Kl (I have appeared) tyzxta (for) ryg (to see Me) ynyzxtd (you) tna (& that are going) dytedw (you have seen Me) yntyzxd (that) Mdmd (of the Jews) aydwhyd (the people) ame (from) Nm (& I shall save you) Kyupaw 17 (you) Kl (I) ana (am sending) rdsm (to which) Nwhtwld (other) anrxa (the nations) amme (& from) Nmw (they shall turn) Nwkphnd (so) Kya (their eyes) Nwhynye (that you will open) xtptd 18 (of Satan) anjod (the authority) hnjlws (& from) Nmw (to the light) aryhnl (the darkness) akwsx (from) Nm (sin) ahjx (release from) Nqbws (& they shall receive) Nwlbqnw (God) ahla (to) twl (that is in Me) ybd (by the faith) atwnmyhb (the holy ones) asydq (with) Me (& a portion) aopw (Agrippa *) aprga (King) aklm (this) adh (because of) ljm 19 (heavenly) anyms (the vision) awzx (against) lbqwl (in dispute) anyrxb (I stood) tmq (not) al * Here and in a few other places, it appears the Aramaic spelling of a name conforms to the Greek vocative (direct address) form, which usually ends with an Epsilon (E). I n Aramaic it ends with the equivalent Alap ( a). Please see my note at 1 Timothy 6:20 for a discussion of this. (who in Darmsuq) qwomrdbd (to those) Nwnhl (the first) Nymdwql (from) Nm (I preached) tzrka (but) ala 20 (of Judea) dwhyd (villages) ayrwq (& who in all) Nyhlkbdw (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd (& to those) Nwnhlw (& to be converted) Nwnptnw (to return) Nwbwtnd (I preached) tzrka (to the Gentiles) ammel (also) Paw (of a return to God) atwbytl (worthy) Nywsd (deeds) adbe (& to do) Nwdbenw (God) ahla (to) twl (in the temple) alkyhb (the Jews) aydwhy (seized me) ynwdxa (of these things) Nylh (the sake) ypa (& for) lew 21 (to kill me) ynljqml (they were) wwh (& wanting) Nybuw (& behold) ahw (this) anh (day) amwyl (until) amde (God) ahla (but) Nyd (helped me) ynrde 22 (while) dk (& to great) abrlw (to small) arwezl (I) ana (& testify) dhomw (I) ana (stand) Maq (said) rma (not) al (& The Prophets) aybnw (Moshe) aswm (of) Nm (outside) rbl (anything) Mdm (to be) Nywhnd (were going) Ndyted (said) wrma (which they) Nnwnhd (those things) Nylya (except) ala (I) ana (The Origin) atysr (& would be) awhnw (The Messiah) axysm (that would suffer) sxnd 23 (the dead) atym (the house of) tyb (from) Nmd (of the resurrection) atmyqd (& to the Gentiles) ammelw (to the people) amel (light) arhwn (preach) zrknd (& would) dytedw (the defense) axwr (Paulus) owlwp (has) awh (rendered) qpn (thus) ankh (& when) dkw 24 (Paul *) alwp (you) Kl (are insane) tyns (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (Festus) owjohp (cried out) aeq (insane) anstd (has made you) Kdbe (much) aaygo (study) arpo (Festus) owjohp (excellent) axyun (I am insane) tyns (not) al (Paulus) owlwp (said) rma 25 (I) ana (am speaking) llmm (& integrity) atwnqtw (truth) arrs (words of) ylm (but) ala (of such) Nylhd (of these) Nyhyle (knows) edy (especially) tyaryty (Agrippus) owprga (King) aklm (also) Paw 26 (before him) yhwmdq (I) ana (speak) llmm (in the public) algb (eye) Nye (this) anh (& because of) ljmw (I) ana (think) rbo (not) al (matters) alm (these) Nylh (of) Nm (one) adxd (because) ljm
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(they were done) Nryeo (in secret) ayswjb (were) awh (for not) ald (him) hl (escaped) Nyejd (Agrippa) aprga (King) aklm (you) tna (believe?) Nmyhm 27 (you) tna (that believe) Nmyhmd (I) ana (know) edy (The Prophets) aybnl (bit) Mdm (in a little) lylqb (Agrippus) owprga (to him) hl (said) rma 28 (a Christian) anyjork (to become) awhad (me) yl (you) tna (will persuade) oypm (God) ahla (from) Nm (I have) tywh (desired) aeb (said) rma (Paulus) owlwpw 29 (only) dwxlb (for you) Kl (is it) awh (not) al (& very much) ygobw (in a little) lylqb (today) anmwy (me) yl (who are hearing) Nyemsd (those) Nylya (all of) Nwhlkl (also) Pa (but) ala (these) Nylh (chains) arwoa (of) Nm (outside) rbl (like me) ytwka (to be) Nwwhnd (& Berniqa) aqynrbw (& The Governor) anwmghw (The King) aklm (for him) hl (& stood) Mqw 30 (with them) Nwhme (were) wwh (who sitting) Nybtyd (& those) Nylyaw (they were) wwh (speaking) Nyllmm (there) Nmt (from) Nm (they withdrew) wqrp (& when) dkw 31 (of death) atwml (worthy) awsd ( A thing) Mdmd (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (another) dx (with) Me (one) dx (this) anh (man) arbg (has done) dbe (not) al (of imprisonment) arwoal (or) wa (a man) arbg (have been) awh (could) xksm (to Festus) owjohpl (Agrippus) owprga (& said) rmaw 32 (he had invoked) arq (not) al (to Qesar) roq (an appeal) Ngb (if) wla (released) artsnd (this) anh Chapter 27 (Qesar) roq (to) twl (to be sent) rdtsnd (Festus) ojohp (concerning him) yhwle (& commanded) dqpw 1 (other) anrxa (& the prisoners) aryoalw (Paulus) owlwpl (& he delivered) hmlsaw (to Italia) ayljyal (the regiment) rypoa (from) Nm (Centurion) anwrjnq (one) dx (to a man) arbgl (with him) hme (Yulius) owylwy (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (Sebasta) ajobo (which) hytyad (a ship) aplal (we boarded) Ntxn (for us to journey) adrnd (it was time) twh (& when) dkw 2 (it was) twh (& going) alzaw (a city) atnydm (Adramintius) owjnmrda (from) Nm (was) twh (the ship) aplal (with us) Nme (he) awh (& entered) lew (of Asia) ayoad (to the region) artal (city) atnydm (Thessaloniqa) aqynwlot (who from) Nmd (a Maqedonian) aynwdqm (Aristarkus) owkrjora (& behaved) xsxtaw (to Tsidon) Ndyul (we came) Nyjm (next) anrxa (the day) amwylw 3 (Paulus) owlwp (toward) twl (with compassion) atwnmxrmb (the Centurion) anwrjnq (& be refreshed) xynttnw (his friends) yhwmxr (to) twl (to go) lzand (him) hl (& allowed) opaw (the wind) axwrd (& because) ljmw (we sailed) Nydr (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw 4 Qupros) owrpwq (unto) le (we went around) Nkrkta (was) ywh (against us) Nlbwqo (& of Pamphulia) aylwpmpdw (of Qiliqia) ayqylyqd (the sea) amy (& we passed through) Nrbew 5 (of Luqia) ayqwld (a city) atnydm (at Mura) arwml (& we arrived) Nyjmw (a ship) apla (the Centurion) anwrjnq (there) Nmt (& found) xksaw 6 (to Italia) ayljyal (was) twh (that going) alzad (Alexandria) ayrdnokla (from) Nm (in it) hb (& he put us) Nbtwaw (many) aaygo (days) atmwyl (it was) twh (moving) aydr (hardly) tyaryqyd (& because) ljmw 7 (& because) ljmw (the island) atrzg (Qnidus) owdynq (next to) lbqwl (we came) Nyjm (laboring) Noxml (straight) tyauyrt (us go) lzand (the wind) axwr (would) twh (let) aqbs (not) ald (the city) atnydm (Salmona) anwmlo (opposite) lbqwl (Qrete) ajrq (unto) le (we went around) Nkrkta (to a place) atkwdl (we came) Nyjm (around it) hyrdx (we sailed) Nnydr (as) dk (& laboring) Noxmlw 8 (it was) twh (& near) abyrqw (Beautiful) aryps (Harbor) anaml (which is called) ayrqtmd (Lasea) aaoal (whose name) hmsd (a city) atnydm (to it) hl (also) Pa (had passed) rbed (until) amde (a long) aaygo (time) anbz (there) Nmt (& we were) Nywhw 9 (fear) ajnq (for it) hl (& there was) awhw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (of the fast) amwud (the day) amwy (Paulus) owlwp (them) Nwhl (was) awh (& counseling) Klmw (by the sea) amyb (a man) sna (to travel) adrnd
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(that in calamity) anulwabd (I) ana (have seen) azx (men) arbg (& he said) rmaw 10 (only) dwxlb (not) wl (our voyage) Ntydrm (will be) aywh (great) aaygo (& in loss) anrowxbw (ours) Nlyd (to ourselves) Ntspnd (also) Pa (but) ala (of our ship) Nplad (of cargo) hlbwmd (of the ship) aplad (& the Master) hrmlw (to the Helmsman) ajnrbwql (but) Nyd (the Centurion) anwrjnq 11 (of Paulus) owlwpd (the words) yhwlm (than) Nm (more) ryty (was) awh (listening to) ems (to winter) wytoml (a port) anaml (it) wh (was) awh (suitable) Nhe (that not) ald (& because) ljmw 12 (to journey) adrnd (were) wwh (desiring) Nybu (of us) Nnm (many) aaygo (the winter) awto (in it) hb (& to winter) Nwtonw (to arrive) Nwenmnd (possible for us) Nyxksmd (& if it was) whnaw (there) Nmt (from) Nm (& called) arqtmw (in Qrete) ajrqb (was) awh (that which) yhwtyad (a certain) dx (in port) anamlb (to the south) anmytl (does) awh (& look) raxw (Phoenix) oknwp (it is) awh (to arrive) Nyjmmd (& they hoped) wrbow (of the south) anmytd (the wind) axwr (blew) tbsn (& when) dkw 13 (Qrete) ajrq (around) yrdx (they were) wwh (proceeding) Nydr (their desire) Nwhnybu (according to) Kya (a wind) absm (upon us) Nyle (went out) qpn (a little) lylq (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 14 (Euroqlydon) Nwdylqrwa (Typhoniqos *) owqynpwj (which is called) arqtmd (of a hurricane) aleled (stand) Mwqtd (could) txksa (& not) alw (the ship) apla (was carried by force) tpjxtaw 15 (of it) yhd (to the hands) adyal (& we gave in) Nbhyw (the wind) axwr (against) lbqwl (which is called) ayrqtmd (certain) adx (an island) atrzg (we passed) Nrbe (& when) dkw 16 (the lifeboat *) arwqrql (to hold) Ndxa (to be able) Nxksa (we labored) Noxml (Qeuda *) adwq (it) hl (& we retained) Nynqtmw (we were) Nywh (girding) Nyuyxm (we took it up) hnlqs (& when) dkw 17 (lest) amldd (we were) Nywh (afraid) Nylxdd (& because) ljmw (to the ship) aplal (the sail) Nwnmral (we took down) yhyntxa (of the sea) amyd (in a declivity *) httxmb (it would fall) lpn (we were) Nywh (moving on) Nydr (& so) twkhw (it was severe) aysq (the storm) anwmyk (upon us) Nyle (it) hl (arose) Mq (& when) dkw 18 (into the sea) amyb (goods) Nynam (we threw) Nyds (next) anrxa (the day) amwyl (of the ship) aplad (its) hlyd (implements) anam (third ) atltd (& the day) amwylw 19 (we cast away) Nyds (with our hands) Nydyab (many) aryty (days) atmwy (the storm) awto (it) hl (held) dxa (& as) dkw 20 (stars) abkwk (nor) alw (the moon) arho (neither) alw (had) awh (appeared) azxtm (the sun) asms (& not) alw (it) hl (was) awh (cut off) qopta (entirely) hlk (all) lk (of our lives) Nyyxd (the hope) arbo (was) awh (able to endure *) rbytom (not) al (the matter) Mdm (a man) sna (& when) dkw 21 (if) wla (& said) rmaw (in their midst) Nwhtnyb (Paulus) owlwp (arose) Mq (then) Nydyh (we would have) Nywh (sailed) Nydr (not) al (men) arbg (me) yl (you had believed) Nwtoypjta (loss) anrowx (from) Nm (we would have been) Nywh (& preserved) Nykoxtmw (Qrete) ajrq (from) Nm (this) anh (suffering) anulwa (& from) Nmw * rbytom can mean to be able to endure or to be sustained to eat. The Greek text asitias (fasting) is an apparent misunderstanding of the Aramaic word rbytom. At this point in the typhoon, eating was not the primary concern. Fourteen days into the typhoon, it would be.See verse 33. (the life) aspn (harm) aqe (without) ald (that we may be) Nwwhtd (I) ana (counsel) Klm (& now) ashw 22 (the ship) apla (only) Na (but) ala (will be lost) adba (not) al (one) adx (of you) Nwknm (for) ryg (an angel) hkalm (this) anh (in the night) ayllb (for) ryg (to me) yl (appeared) yzxta 23 (I) ana (serve) xlp (& Whom) hlw (I am) ana (Whose) hlydd (Him) wh (of God) ahlad (for you) Kl (it) wh (will be) dyte (Paul *) alwp (fear) lxdt (not) al (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw 24 (as a favor) atbhwm (God) ahla (you) Kl (gives) bhy (& behold) ahw (Qesar) roq (before) Mdq (to stand) Mqml (with you) Kme (who travel) Nydrd (all) lkl
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(in God) ahlab (for) ryg (I) ana (believe) Nmyhm (men) arbg (take heart) wbblta (this) anh (because of) ljm 25 (with me) yme (was spoken) llmtad (what) am (according to) Kya (it is) awh (that thus) ankhd (to be cast) adtsnd (for us) Nl (there was) tya (one) adx (island) atrzgl (however ) Mrb 26 (that we wandered) Nyejd (days) Nymwy (fourteen) roetbra (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 27 (night) aylld (at mid-) hglpb (The Sea) amy (in Hadrius) owyrdhb (& we were buffeted) Nprjtaw (they were) wwh (approaching) Nybrqtm (that land) aerald (the sailors) axlm (thought) wrbo (twenty) Nyroe (fathoms) Nymwq (& they found) wxksaw (an anchor) onyqwa (& they cast) wymraw 28 (fifteen) aroesmx (fathoms) Nymwq (& they found) wxksaw (they journeyed) wdr (a little) lylq (& again) bwtw (we) Nl (would be found) xktsn (lest) amld (we were) Nywh (afraid) Nylyxd (& when) dkw 29 (from) Nm (we cast) wymra (rocks) aews (in them) Nyhb (that have) tyad (in places) atykwdb (were) wwh (& praying) Nylumw (four) ebra (anchors) onyqwa (of the ship) aplad (the prow) htrx (day) amwy (that would come) awhnd (from) Nm (from it) hnm (to flee) qreml (sought) web (but) Nyd (the sailors) axlm 30 (to the sea) amyl (the lifeboat) arwqrql (from it) hnm (& they lowered) wtxaw (the ship) apla (on land) aerab (the ship) aplal (& tie) hnwroanw (in it) hb (to go) Nwlzand (in a pretext) atleb (the Centurion) anwrjnql (he told) rma (Paulus) owlwp (saw) azx (& when) dkw 31 (stay) Nyrtkm (not) al (in the ship) aplab (these) Nylh (that if) Nad (& the soldiers) ajwyjrjoalw (survive) Nwxtd (you) Nwtna (cannot) Nyxksm (not) al (you) Nwtna (of the lifeboat) arwqrqd (the ropes) hylbxl (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (cut) wqop (then) Nydyh 32 (adrift) ayej (& they left it) hwqbsw (the ship) apla (from) Nm (he was) awh (persuading) oypm (morning) arpu (it was) awhd (until) amde (Paulus) owlwp (but) Nyd (he) wh 33 (behold) ah (today) anmwy (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (as) dk (food) atrbyo (to take) Nwlbqnd (all of them) Nwhlkl (to you) Nwkl (tasted) Myej (not) al (anything) Mdm (the danger) ajnq (from) Nm (days ) Nymwy (fourteen) roetbra (to take) Nwlbqtd (of you) Nwknm (I) ana (beg) aeb (this) adh (because of) ljm 34 (from) Nm (for) ryg (a hair) atnm (of your lives) Nwkyyxd (for the sustenance) amywql (food) atlwkam (will perish) adba (not) al (of you) Nwknm (of one) dxd (the head) asr (God ) ahlal (& praised) xbsw (bread) amxl (he took) bon (he had said) rma (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw 35 (to eat) lkaml (& he began) Pqaw (& broke) auqw (all of them) Nwhlk (before) Mdq (nourishment) ayorwt (& they received) wlbqw (all of them) Nwhlk (were comforted) waybtaw 36 (souls) Nspn (& six) tsw (& seventy) Nyebsw (two hundred) Nytam (the ship) apla (but) Nyd (were) Nywh (we) Nytya 37 (the ship) apla (from) Nm (they lightened) wlqa (with food) atlwkam (they were filled) webo (& when) dkw 38 (into the sea) amyb (& threw) wdsw (wheat) ajx (& they took) wlqsw (was) yh (what) adya (the mariners) anpo (day) amwy (it was) awh (& when) dkw 39 (on) le (they saw) wrx (but) ala (knew) wedwtsa (not) al (the land) aera (of the sea) amyd (certain) adx (a bay) apnk (the dry land) asby (the side of) bng (it were possible) axksm (whether) Nad (they were) wwh (considering) Nynrd (where) akya (the ship) aplal (to drive it) hnwxdn (in the sea) amyb (them) Nyna (& they left) wypraw (the ship) apla (from) Nm (the anchors) onyqwa (& they cut) wqopw 40 (small) arwez (the top sail) Nwnmra (they lifted) wltw (of the rudder) ankwod (the rudderbands) abkr (& loosened) wrsw (dry land) asby (to the face of) ypal (they were) wwh (& sailing) Nydrw (to capture) absnd (the wind) axwrl (prominent) amrd (at a place) atkwdb (the ship) apla (& touched) tsgw 41 (of the sea) amyd (deep channels) Nyqmwe (two) Nyrt (between) tnyb (front) aymdq (its end) hbg (upon) hyle (& stood) Mqw (in it) hb (& it was stuck) tyrxtaw (was destroyed) yrtsa (back) ayrxa (but) Nyd (its end) hbg (was) awh (moved) eyzttm (& not) alw
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(of the waves) allgd (the force) aryjq (from) Nm (the prisoners) aryoal (them) Nwna (to kill) Nwljqnd (the soldiers) ajwyjrjoa (had) wwh (wanted) wbuw 42 (from them) Nwhnm (them) Nwhl (& escape) Nwqrenw (swimming) awxo (they take) Nwmrn (lest) ald (this) adh (of) Nm (them) Nwna (denied) alk (& the Centurion) anwrjnqw 43 (& those) Nylyalw (Paulus) owlwpl (to save) axnd (he) awh (wanted) abud (because) ljm (them) Nwhl (he commanded) dqp (swimming) awxo (to take) wymrml (were) wwh (who able) Nyxksmd (the land) aeral (& to pass on) Nwrbenw (to swim) Nwxon (first) aymdqbd (other) anrxa (wood) aoyq (& upon) lew (boards) apd (on) le (& the rest) akrslw 44 (all of them) Nwhlk (& thus) ankhw (them) Nwna (they sent) wrbea (of the ship) aplad (to land) aeral (escaped) wbzwtsa Chapter 28 (we learned) Nply (after this) Nkrtb (& from) Nmw 1 (island) atrzg (this ) yh (was called) ayrqtm (that Melita) ajylmd (great) aaygo (kindness) amxr (in him) hb (were) wwh (who dwelling) Nyrmed (& Barbarians) ayrbrbw 2 (to get warm) Nxsnd (us all) Nlkl (& called us) Nwarqw (a fire) arwn (& kindled) wdxwaw (to us ) Ntwl (showed) wywx (there was) awh (that) tyad (the cold) asrwqw (much) aaygo (the rain) arjm (because of) ljm (on) le (& set) Mow (of sticks *) abwbxd (a bunch) aagwo (took) lqs (& Paulus) owlwpw 3 (the heat) axtr (from) Nm (a viper) andka (from them) Nwhnm (& came out) tqpnw (the fire) arwn (his hand) hdyab (& it bit) ttknw (of the fire) arwnd (on his hand) hdyab (it hanging) ayltd (The Barbarians) ayrbrb (saw) hwazx (& when) dkw 4 (is) wh (a murderer) alwjq (man) arbg (this) anh (perhaps) rbk (they were) wwh (saying) Nyrma (live) axnd (let him) htqbs (not) al (justice) atwnak (the sea) amy (from) Nm he escaped) bzwtsa (who when) dkd (the viper) andkal (& threw it) hdsw (his hand) hdya (shook) Pyna (Paulus) owlwp (but) Nyd (was) wh 5 (happened to him) yhywh (not) al (that was bad) anod (& anything) Mdmw (into the fire) arwnb (of an hour) htes (that son) rbd (the Barbarians) ayrbrb (but) Nyd (they were) wwh (thinking) Nyrbo 6 (the ground) aera (on) le (dead) tym (being) dk (& drop) lpnw (he would sweel up) aomtm (bad) anod (that an effect) Mdmd (& they saw) wzxw (they had waited) wyko (much) aaygo (time) ande (& when) dkw (he is) wh (A god) ahlad (& said) wrmaw (their words) Nwhylm (they changed) wplxs (occurred to him) yhywh (not) al (one) dx (a man) arbgl (place) arta (in that) whb (in it) hb (a village) ayrwq (but) Nyd (was) awh (there) tya 7 (of the island) atrzgd (The Chief) hsr (was) awh (he who) whd (Puplios *) owylpwp (was) awh (whose name) hmsd (joyfully) tyaydx (days ) Nymwy (three ) atlt (into his house) htybb (& he received us) Nlbqw (with fever) atsab (of Puplios) owylpwpd (but) Nyd (the father) yhwba 8 (his presence) htwl (& entered) lew (he was) awh (ill) hyrk (of the intestines *) ayem (& with disease *) bakbw (& healed him) hmlxaw (his hand) hdya (upon him) yhwle (& laid) Mow (& prayed) yluw (Paulus) owlwp * Dysentery (were) wwh (who) tyad (those) Nylya (the rest) akrs (also) Pa (this) adh (happened) twh (& when) dkw 9 (to him) htwl (were) wwh (coming) Nybrq (sick) ahyrk (on the island) atrzgb (in it) hb (they were) wwh (& healed) Nyoatmw (going out) Nyqpn (& when) dkw (they honored us) Nwrqy (great) abrwr (& honor) arqyaw 10 (they loaded us with provisions) Nwdwz (there) Nmt (from) Nm (we were) Nywh (a ship) apla (& journied) Nydrw (three ) atlt (months) axry (after) rtb (but) Nyd (we went out) Nqpn 11 (in the island) atrzgb (in it) hb (had) twh (which wintered) tytoad (Alexandrian) atyrdnokla (of the Twins) amatd (the sign) ata (on it) hyle (was) twh (& there) tyaw (there) Nmt (& we remained) Nywqw (the city) atnydm (to Suraquse) aowqrol (& we came ) Nytaw 12
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(three) atlt (days) atmwy (to Region) Nwygrl (& we came) Nenmw (we traveled around) Nkrkta (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw 13 (the wind) axwr (for us) Nl (blew) tbsn (one) dx (day) amwy (& after) rtbw (the city) atnydm (to Putielos) olayjwpl (we came) Nyta (days ) Nymwy (& in two) Nyrtlw (of the south) anmytd (of Italia) ayljyad (a city) atnydm (& we were) Nywhw (of us) Nnm (& they begged) webw (brethren) axa (there) Nmt (& we found) Nxksaw 14 (to Rome) amwhrl (we went on) Nlza (& then) Nydyhw (seven) aebs (days) atmwy (with them) Nwhtwl (to meet us) Nerwal (they came forth) wqpn (there) Nmtd (brethren) axa (heard) wems (& when) dkw 15 (& unto) amdew (Apius-Forus) owrwp-owypa (which is called) arqtmd (the forum) aqwsl (unto) amde (Paulus) owlwp (them) Nwna (saw) azx (& when) dkw (Taverns) Nwnx (Three) tltl (& he was encouraged) lyxtaw (God ) ahlal (praised) ydwa (Paulus) owlwpl (the Centurion) anwrjnq (& allowed) opaw (Rome) amwhrl (& we entered) Nlew 16 (him) wh (the soldier) ajwyjrjoa (with) Me (he wanted) abud (where) akya (to dwell) arsnd (him) hl (was) awh (who guarding) rjnd (Paulus) owlwp (sent) rds (days) Nymwy (three ) atlt (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 17 (they assembled) wsnkta (& when) dkw (of the Jews) aydwhyd (the rulers) Nwhynsrl (called) arq (I have stood) tmq (not) al (in a thing) Mdmb (when) dk (I) ana (brothers) yxa (men) arbg (to them) Nwhl (he said) rma (of my fathers) yhbad (The Law) aowmnw (the people) ame (against) lbqwl (of the Romans) aymwhrd (into the hands) adyab (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (I was handed over) tmltsa (in bonds) arwoab (because) ljm (to release me) ynnwrsnd (they wished) wbu (they examined me) ynwlas (when) dk (& they) Nwnhw 18 (death) atwml (deserving) awsd (anything) Mdm (the rulers) anysr (after me) yrtb (found) wxksa (that not) ald (I was compelled) tulata (the Jews) aydwhy (against me) ylbqwl (were) wwh (standing) Nymyq (& as) dkw 19 (I) yl (had) tya (as if) Kya (not) al (to Qesar) roq (an appeal) Ngb (to call for) aeqad (my people) yme (against the children of) ynbl (anything) Mdmb (to accuse) grjqad (& I may see you) Nwkyzxaw (to come) Nwtatd (of you) Nwknm (I begged) tyeb (this) anh (because of) ljm 20 (for) ryg (the hope) arbo (because of) ljm (these things) Nylh (to you) Nwkl (& to relate) aetsaw (this) adh (in chain) atlssb (I am) ana (bound) ryoa (of Israel) lyroyad (not) al (about you) Kyle (a letter) atrga (we) Nnx (they) Nwnh (to him) hl (were saying) Nyrma 21 (the brothers) axa (from) Nm (a man) sna (neither) alw (Judea) dwhy (from) Nm (have we received) Nlbq (about you) Kyle (evil) sybd (anything) Mdm (to us) Nl (said) wrma (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (from) Nm (who came) wtad (you) tna (think) aertmd (what) Mdm (from you) Knm (to hear) emsnd (but) Nyd (we desire) Nnybu 22 (anyone) sna (by) led (we know) Nnyedy (this) anh (teaching) anplwyd (because) ljm (is acceptable) lbqm (not) al (to him) htwl (& came) wtaw (& they gathered) wsnkw (a day) amwy (to him) hl (& they appointed) wmyqaw 23 (concerning) le (to them) Nwhl (& he revealed) algw (he was) awh (dwelling) arsd (where) rk (many) aaygo (them) Nwhl (& persuaded) oypmw (he testified) dhom (as) dk (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) atwklm (The Prophets) aybn (& from) Nmw (of Moshe) aswmd (The Law) aowmn (from) Nm (Yeshua) ewsy (about) le (evening) asmrl (& until) amdew (morning) arpu (from) Nm (were) wwh (persuaded) Nyoypjtm (of them) Nwhnm (& some) Nysnaw 24 (were) wwh (persuaded) Nyoypjtm (not) al (& others) anrxaw (by his words) yhwlml (agreeing) Nymls (not) al (when) dk (his presence) htwl (from) Nm (& they were dismissed) wyrtsaw 25 (Paulus) owlwp (he) wh (to them) Nwhl (& said) rmaw (with one another) addxl (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (spoke) llm (well) ryps (this) adh (saying) atlm (your fathers) Nwkthba (against) lbqwl (the Prophet) aybn (of Isaiah) ayesa (by the mouth) Mwpb (to them) Nwhl (& say) rmaw (this) anh (people) ame (to) twl (Go) lzd (he said) rma (when) dk 26 (you will understand) Nwlktot (& not) alw (you will hear) Nwemst (hearing) aemsd (you will observe) Nwrxbt (& not) alw (& you will see) Nwzxtw
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(this) anh (of people) amed (the heart) hbl (for) ryg (it) hl (has become hard) ybeta 27 (have they shut) wume (& their eyes) Nwhynyew (they have dulled) wrqwa (& their hearing) Nwhtemsmw (& hear) Nwemsnw (with their eyes) Nwhynyeb (they shall see) Nwzxn (lest) ald (in their hearts) Nwhblb (& understand) Nwlktonw (with their ears) Nwhyndab (them) Nwhl (& I would forgive *) qwbsaw (to Me) ytwl (& turn) Nwbwtnw (that to the Gentiles) ammeld (this) adh (therefore) lykh (you) Nwkl (know) edytt 28 (they) Nwnh (of God) ahlad (salvation) anqrwp (this) anh (sent) rdtsa (it is) wh (to it) hl (they are listening) Nyems (also) Pa (for) ryg (the Jews) aydwhy (went forth) wqpn (he said) rma (these things) Nylh (& when) dkw 29 (among them) Nwhtnyb (were) wwh (debating) Nysrd (& many) ygow (house) atyb (his own) hlyd (from) Nm (Paulus) owlwp (himself) hl (& hired) rgaw 30 (there) Nmt (he was) awh (& receiving) lbqmw (years) Nyns (two) Nytrt (in it) hb (& he was) awhw (to him) htwl (were) wwh (who coming) Nytad (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlkl (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) htwklm (about) le (he was) awh (& preaching) zrkmw 31 (our Lord) Nrm (about) le (in the public) algb (eye) Nye (he was) awh (& teaching) Plmw (hindrance) Nylk (without) ald (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy

An interesting statistical fact is that the book of Acts in The Peshitta has about 3200 more letters than Luke; in The Byzantine Greek, Luke has about 1000 more letters than Greek Acts! Peshitta Acts has 65813 (15,383 wrds;LD=28%) Peshitta Luke has 62649 The TR Acts has 97,475 letters; TR Luke has 98,100 letters. Byz. Acts has 96,834 Byz. Luke has 97,880 Nestles Acts has 95,800 Nestles Luke - 95,954 W&H Acts has 95,609 W&H Luke has 95,831

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(The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& of our Lord) Nrmdw (of God) ahlad (the servant) hdbe (Yaqob) bwqey 1:1 (peace) Mls (among the nations) ammeb (which are scattered) Neyrzd (the tribes) Nbrs (to twelve) aroetrtl (my brethren) yxa (to you) Nwkl (let there be) awht (joy) awdx (every) lk 2 (& many) aaygow (various) aplxsm (temptations) anwyonl (you will enter) Nwlet (when) dk (of faith) atwnmyhd (that the trial) ayqwbd (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy 3 (patience) atwnrbyom (to you) Nwkl (imparts) anqm (for it) hl (shall be) awhn (patience) atwnrbyoml (but) Nyd (itself) hl 4 (perfected) Nyrymg (that you would be) Nwwhtd (complete) aylmsm (a work) adbe (lacking) Nyryox (you would be) Nwtywh (not) al (& anything) Mdmbw (& complete) Nynmlsmw (wisdom) atmkx (of) Nm (is lacking) ryox (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (anyone) sna (if) Na 5 (simply) tyajysp (to all) lkl (Who gives) bhyd (God) ahla (from) Nm (let him ask) lasn (to him) hl (& it will be given) abhytmw (reproaches) doxm (& not) alw (wavering) glptm (not) al (while) dk (in faith) atwnmyhb (but) Nyd (let him ask) lasn 6 (of the sea) amyd (the waves) allgl (is like) amd (who wavers) glptmd (for) ryg (he) wh (the wind) axwr (them) Nwhl (which troubles) asgsd (to receive) bond (son of man) asnrb (that) wh (let think) rbon (& not) alw 7 (Jehovah) ayrm (from) Nm (anything) Mdm (his ways) htxrwa (in all) Nyhlkb (& is troubled) sygsw (in his mind) hnyerb (ever wavers) gylpd (who) anya 8 (in his exaltation) hmrmwrb (poor) akykm (the brother) axa (but) Nyd (let boast) rhbtsn 9 (a blossom) abbh (that as) Kyad (because) ljm (in his humiliation) hkkwmb (& the rich man) arytew 10 (passes away) rbe (in this way) ankh (of the grass) aboed (the grass) aboel (it) hl (& shrivels) sbwmw (in its heat) hmwxb (the sun) asms (for) ryg (rises) xnd 11 (of its appearance) hwzxd (& the beauty) arpwsw (falls) lpn (& the blossom) hbbhw (in his ways) yhwkpwhb (fades) amx (the rich man) aryte (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (is destroyed) dba (temptation) anwyon (who endures) rbyomd (to the man) arbgl (his blessing) yhwbwj 12 (which) wh (of life) ayxd (a crown) alylk (he will receive) bon (he is tested) rxbtad (for when) amd (Him) hl (who love) Nymxrd (to those) Nylyal (God) ahla (promised) Klmd Most Greek mss. have The Lord has promised; Alexandrian mss. have merely, He has promised. (from) Nmd (he is tempted) aontm (when) dk (a man) sna (should say) rman (not) al 13 (is acquainted) yonm (not) al (for) ryg (God) ahla (I) ana (am tempted) aontm (God) ahla (tempts) aonm (not) al (man) snal (& he) whw (with evil) atsybb (tempted) aontm (is) wh (his desire) htgr (from) Nm (man) sna (each) sna (but) ala 14 (& he is seduced) dgntmw (& he lusts) grgrtmw (sin) atyjx (& gives birth to) adlyw (becomes pregnant) anjb (desire) atgr (& this) adhw 15 (death) atwm (gives birth to) adly (it has developed) trmgtad (when) am (but) Nyd (sin) atyjx (beloved) abybx (my brothers) yxa (do be led astray) Nwejt (not) al 16 (descends) atxn (above) lel (from) Nm (& perfect) atylmsmw (good) atbj (gift) atbhwm (every) lk 17 (change) aplxws (with Whom) htwl (is not) tyld (Him) wh (of light) aryhnd (The Father) aba (from) Nm (of variation) ayngwsd (a shadow) atynlj (neither) alpa (any) Mdm
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(of the truth) atswqd (by the word) atlmb (& He gave birth to us) Ndlyw (willing) abu (He was) wywh 18 (of His creation) htyrbd (the first fruits) atysr (that we would be) awhnd (of you) Nwknm (every person) snlk (beloved) abybx (my brethren) yxa (& you *) Nwtnaw 19 (to speak) wllmml (& slow) rxwmw (to hear) emsml (quick) bhrom (shall be) awhn (to be angry) zgrml (& slow) rxwmw * Critical Greek has You know. Most Greek mss. omit you in the two places it occurs in this verse of The Peshitta. (performs) dbe (not) al (of God) ahlad (the righteousness) atwqydz (of man) arbgd (for) ryg (the rage) hzgwr 20 (abomination) atwpnj (all) hlk (from you) Nwknm (put away) wqxra (this) anh (because of) ljm 21 (the word) atlm (accept) wlbq (& in humility) atwkykmbw (of evils) atwsybd (& the multitude) aagwow (able) axksm (which is) yhd (in our nature *) Nnykb (which is planted) abyund (your souls) Nwktspn (these) Nyna (to save) axtd N * And receive the word which is planted in our nature. This is not in the Greek texts anywhere, hence it is extremely unlikely that it would have come from Greek. (only) dwxlb (a hearer) aewms (& not) alw (of the word) atlmd (a doer) adwbe (but) Nyd (be) wwh 22 (yourselves) Nwktspn (deceive) Nwejt (& not) alw (of the word) atlmd (a hearer) hewms (shall be) awhn (for) ryg (a man) sna (if) Na 23 (him) whl (is like) amd (this one) anh (its doer) hdwbe (& not) alw (in a mirror) atyzxmb (his face) yhwpa (who sees) azxd (he was) awh (how) ankyad (& forgets) aejw (& passes by) rbew (himself) hspn (for) ryg (sees) azx 24 (perfect) anmlsm (into The Law) aowmnb (who gazes) rxd (but) Nyd (everyone) lk 25 (a hearer) aewms (is) awh (not) al (in it) hb (& continues) ywqw (of liberty) atwraxd (of the works) adbed (a doer) adwbe (but) ala (what is forgotten) aejtmd (who heard) aemsd (in his work) hdbeb (shall be) awhn (blessed) anbwj (& this one) anhw (God *) ahlal (that he serves) smsmd (thinks) rbo (a man) sna (& if) Naw 26 (it) hl (deceives) aejm (but) ala (his tongue) hnsl (holds) dxa (& not) alw (his service) htsmst (is) yh (worthless) aqyro (of this one) anhd (the heart) hbl N C * Greek mss. lack God and have yrhskov Religious.The Majority Greek adds en umin among you. (The Father) aba (God) ahla (before) Mdq (& holy) atsydqw (pure) atykd (for) ryg (ministry) atsmst 27 (in their affliction) Nwhynulwab (& widows) atlmraw (orphans) amty (to visit) reoml (is) yh (this) adh (defilement) aslwj (without) ald (the world) amle (from) Nm (his soul) hspn (a man) sna (& to keep) rjmlw Chapter 2 (be) Nwwht (of faces) apab (with acceptance) bomb (not) al (my brothers) yxa 2:1 (of our Lord) Nrmd (of the glory) htxwbstd (the faith) atwnmyhl (holding) Nydyxa (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of gold) abhdd (a ring) htqzed (a man) sna (your assembly) Nwktswnkl (will enter) lwen (for) ryg (if) Na 2 (dirty) aau (in clothing) anamb (a poor man) ankom (& will enter) lwenw (is fine) aryps (his clothing) yhwnamd (or) wa (fine) aryps (clothing) anam (wearing) sybld (for him) whb (& you have regard) Nwrwxtw 3 (well) ryps (sit) bt (here) akrh (you) tna (to him) hl (& you say) Nwrmatw (there) lhl (stand) Mwq (you) tna (to him) hl (you say) Nwrmat (& to the poor) ankomlw (of our feet *) Nylgrd (the stool) asbwk (before) Mdq (here) akrh (you) Kl (sit) bt (or) wa
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* Greek has my footstool; Nylgrd asbwk is our footstool; ylgrd asbwk one letter difference! The difference in Greek is between hmwn our and mou my; In Greek uncial script, these pronouns, our & we are HMwN and MOU. MOU. In fact, here is a photo of the Codex Vaticanus from James 2:3, with the words -ekei upo to upopodion mou ou diekriyhte enen here before my footstool. Do ye not make distinctions among: .The Greek pronouns have 25% correlation (1 of 4 letters).
Here under the footstool My not you make distinctions? among


The Aramaic words for the two readings have 84% correlation: Nylgrd asbwk -our footstool(Peshitta) ylgrd asbwk - my footstool(Source of Greek reading?) The Aramaic words explain the Greek reading quite well- one letter was dropped or missed from the Peshitta reading, making it read,My footstool to a Greek translator.The Greek cannot so easily account for The Peshitta reading. (in your souls) Nwkspnb (to you) Nwkl (are you divided) Nwtglpta (behold) ah (not?) al 4 (wicked) atsyb (of reasonings) atbsxmd (expositors) ansrpm (& you have become) Nwtywhw (the poor) ankoml (has it been) awh (not?) al (beloved) abybx (my brothers) yxa (hear) wems 5 (God) ahla (has chosen) abg (in faith) atwnmyhb (however) Nyd (rich) aryte (of the world *) amled (that) yh (in kingdom) atwklmb (the heirs) atry (that they will be) Nwwhnd (Him) hl (who love) Nymxrd (to those) Nylyal (God) ahla (which promised) Klmd (behold) ah (not?) al (the poor) ankoml (you have despised) yhynwtjs (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 6 (you) Nwkl (drag) Nydgn (& they) Nwnhw (over you) Nwkyle (have dominion) Nyletsm (the rich) aryte (of judgment) anyd (to the place) tybl (against) le (slander) Nypdgm (those) Nwnh (behold) ah (not) al 7 (upon you) Nwkyle (which is called) yrqtad (Good) abj (The Name) ams (it is written) bytkd (as) Kya (you fulfill) Nwtymlsm (in this) adhb (of God) ahlad (The Written Law) aowmn (& if) Naw 8 (you) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbe (well) ryps (yourself) Kspn (as) Kya (your neighbor) Kbyrql (you shall love) Mxrtd (you) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbe (sin) atyjx (you) Nwtna (accept) Nybon (faces) apab (but) Nyd (if) Na 9 (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (& are reproved) Nynwktmw (The Written Law) aowmn (against) le (violators) yrbe (as) Kya (keeps) rjn (The Written Law) aowmn (all) hlkd (for) ryg (whoever) anya 10 (he is condemned) byxta (Written Law) aowmn (by the entire) hlkl (he slips) ers (& in one thing) adxbw (said) rma (He) wh (you shall commit adultery) rwgt (not) ald (Who said) rmad (for) ryg (He) wh 11 (you) tna (are committing adultery) rag (not) al (but) Nyd (if) Na (you shall murder) lwjqt (not) ald (to you) Kl (it is) tywh (you) tna (have murdered) ljq (but) ala (The Written Law) aowmn (against) le (a violation) rbe (be you) Nwtywh (& so) ankhw (speaking) Nyllmm (be you) Nwtywh (so) ankh 12 (who by The Written Law) aowmnbd (a person) asna (as) Kya (acting) Nyreo (to be judged) wndtml (you) Nwtna (are going) Nydyte (of liberty) atwraxd (him) wh (against) le (mercy) amxr (without) ald (is) awh (for) ryg (the judgment) anyd 13 (you) Nwtna (have dominion *) Nyletsm (mercy) amxr (practices) dbe (who not) ald (judgment) anyd (over) le (with mercy) amxrb For the judgment is without mercy against him who does not practice mercy; with mercy you have dominion over judgment.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Epistle of The Apostle James axyls bwqeyd atrga

* Greek has mercy rejoices against judgment- katakaucatai eleon krisewv. krisewv Rejoices in Aramaic could be Nyrtxtm or Nyxbtsm, fitting the grammatical form of the actual Peshitta verb. Nyletsm is have dominion the Peshitta reading. In Dead Sea Scroll script, these are }yrtxtm or }yxbt$m Rejoices }yl(t$m - Have dominionis the Peshitta reading. Nyrtxt$m or Nyxbt$m In Estrangela script, these are Have dominion -Nyle9t$m is the Peshitta reading. Whichever Aramaic script is used, the Peshitta reading and the second reading for Rejoices- Nyletsm have 72% correlation.Here are the Aramaic words enlarged for comparison:

The Greek for has dominion most similar to Rejoices is katakurieusei. Lets compare the two Greek words: KATAKURIEUEIKATAKURIEUEI-Has dominion KATAKAUCATAIRejoices Six out of twelve letters are the same or similar in the two Greek words, which is 50% correlation. (says) rma (a man) sna (if) Na (my brothers) yxa (good is it) anynh (what?) anm 14 (to him) hl (there are not) tyl (& deeds) adbew (faith) atwnmyh (to me) yl (there is) tyad (to give him life) yhwyxtd (his faith) htwnmyh (is able) axksm (interrog.) amld What use is it my brethren if a man says, I have faith, and he has no deeds? Is his faith able to save him? (naked) Nyyljre (shall be) Nwwhn (a sister) atx (or) wa (a brother) axa (& if) Naw 15 (of the day) amwyd (food) atrbyo (& lacking) Nyryoxw (of you) Nwknm (any) sna (to them) Nwhl (& will say) rmanw 16 (you would give) Nwltt (& not) alw (be full) webow (be warm) wnxs (in peace) amlsb (go) wlz (good is it) anynh (what?) anm (of the body) argpd (the necessities) htwqyno (to them) Nwhl (by itself) hydwxlb (is) yh (dead) atym (works) adbe (without) ald (faith) atwnmyh (also) Pa (so) ankh 17 (& to me *) ylw (faith) atwnmyh (to you) Kl (is) tya (to you) Kl (a man) sna (for) ryg (says) rma 18 (works *) adbe (without *) ald (your faith) Ktwnmyh (show me) ynwx (works) adbe (to me) yl (is) tya (my deeds) ydbe (from) Nm (my faith *) ytwnmyh (to you) Kl (am) ana (showing) awxm (& I) anaw For a man says to you, You and I have faith; I have deeds; Show me your faith without deeds and I shall show you my faith by my deeds. N * Greek has a shorter reading: You have faith instead of You and I have faith C * The Majority Greek has ek twn ergwn-literally,out of works; The Critical Greek text has cwriv twn ergwn apart from works. C M* The Majority Greek text has additionally: your works; The Critical Greek text at the end has, faith instead of my faith. (God) ahla (is) wh (that One) dxd (you) tna (believe) Nmyhm 19 (& trembling) Nylerw (are believing) Nynmyhm (the demons) adas (also) Pa (you) tna (do) dbe (well) ryps (feeble) aslx (man) asnrb (Oh) wa (to know) edtd (but) Nyd (are you?) tna (willing) abu 20 (is) yh (dead *) atym (works) adbe (without) ald (that faith) atwnmyhd M * Critical Greek has argov- Lazy. )tym Dead(Peshitta) )+ym Staggering,Tottering(Base for Greek?)
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Nyletsm Have dominion (Peshitta) Nyxbtsm Rejoice,Glory (Base to Greek reading?)

Glenn David Bauscher

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Epistle of The Apostle James axyls bwqeyd atrga

The DSS pair have 75% correlation. Greek for Dead is nekrov; Compare with argov- Lazy. They have 40% correlation at best. (justified) qddza (works) adbe (from) Nm (was) awh (not?) al (Abraham) Mhrba (our Father) Nwba 21 (the altar) axbdm (upon) le (his son) hrb (Isaaq) qxoyal (when brought up) qoad (his deeds) yhwdbel (upheld) teyo (that his faith) htwnmyhd (you) tna (see?) azx 22 (was perfected) trmgta (his faith) htwnmyh (deeds) adbe (& from) Nmw (that said) rmad (the scripture) abtk (& was fulfilled) Mlsw 23 (in God) ahlab (Abraham) Mhrba (believed) Nmyhd (for righteousness) wqydzl (to him) hl (& it was accounted) tbsxtaw (he was called) yrqta (of God) ahlad (& the friend) amxrw (is justified) qddzm (works) adbe (that from) Nmd (you) tna (see) azx 24 (only) dwxlb (faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (it is) awh (& not) alw (a son of man) asnrb (works) adbe (from) Nm (was it) awh (not?) al (the harlot) atynz (Rahab) bxr (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 25 (the scouts) aswsgl (when she received) tlbqd (she was made righteous) tqddza (them) Nwna (she sent) tqpa (another) atrxa (& by a way) axrwabw (is) wh (dead) tym (the spirit) axwr (without) ald (a body) argpd (just as) ankya 26 (is) yh (dead) atym (works) adbe (without) ald (faith) atwnmyh (also) Pa (so) ankh Chapter 3 (my brothers) yxa (among you) Nwkb (shall be) Nwwhn (teachers) anplm (many) aaygo (not) al 3:1 (we would incur) Nnybyx (greater) aryty (that judgment) anydd (know) Nyedy (you shall) Nwtywh (but) ala (all of us) Nlk (we stumble) Nnyertsm (for) ryg (much) ataygo 2 (man) arbg (is) yhwtya (this) anh (slips) ers (not) al (who in word) atlmbd (everyone) lk (his body) hrgp (whole) hlk (also) Pa (subject) dbesn (who can) xksmd (perfected) arymg (we put) Nnymr (of horses) askrd (in the mouths) amwpb (a bridle) adwgp (for) ryg (behold) ah 3 (we turn) Nnykphm (their bodies) Nwhmswg (& whole) hlkw (to us) Nl (that they submit) Nwdbetsnd (as) Kya (by the wind) axwr (these) Nyhl (are steered) Nrybd (as) dk (mighty) atnyse (ships) apla (also) Pa 4 (to wherever) rtal (they are driven) Nptntm (small) arwez (wood) aoyq (of) Nm (& a hard piece) atysq (helmsman) rbdmd (of the) whd (the will) hnybu (determines) raxd (small) arwez (is) wh (a member) amdh (the tongue) ansl (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 5 (kindles) adqwm (great) aaygo (forest) abe (small) atrwez (a fire) arwn (also) Pa (& has dominion) aletsmw (it is) wh (a jungle) abe (like) Kya (of sin) atyjxd (& a world) amlelw (is) wh (a fire) arwn (& the tongue) anslw 6 (itself) hl (defiles) Mtkm (among the members) Nymdhb (it is) yhwtya (while) dk (tongue) ansl (& that) whw (of generations) Ntbrsd (the successions) albwy (& sets on fire) dqwmw (our body) Nrgp (whole) hlkl (with the fire *) arwnb (it [the tongue] is) wh (also) Pa (& burning) dqyw (wheels) algyg (as) Kya (which roll on) Nyjhrd And the tongue is a fire and a world of sin like a jungle; the tongue among the members by itself defiles our whole body, sets on fire the successions of generations which roll on like wheels and it burns with fire. * Greek has upo thv geenhv by Gehenna(Hell?). Gehenna in Aramaic is anhg; By Gehenna would be anhgb; Compare the actual Peshitta Aramaic reading with By Gehenna: Ashuri Aramaic: arwnb-with fire anhgbby Gehenna 60% correlation
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Epistle of The Apostle James
In DSS script: )rwn nb-with fire )nhgbby Gehenna 60-80% correlation Estrangela script: 0rwnb-with fire

axyls bwqeyd atrga

0nhgbby Gehenna
80% correlation I am inclined to accept the DSS script as the base script of Greek James, as practically all examples studied in The NT favor that script as the original, or a hybrid Ashuri-DSS script. The Ashuri Gamal - g may have been used rather than the DSS g and the Ashuri Nun n rather than DSS n. If so, the correlation would be 80% for the hybrid script. Taking DSS as is and comparing letters Nun n Gamal g and (Waw,Resh) rw with Khet h, one can see how the word pair would be confused. The Greek for fire is purov; purov; This does not compare well with geenhv; geenhv; correlation is only 16% between these two, demonstrating that it is very unlikely an Aramaean translator would mistake geenhv -Gehenna for purov -Fire in an hypothetical translation of Greek to The Peshittas Aramaic. (& of birds) atxrpdw (of animals) atwyxd (natures *) anyk (for) ryg (all) Nwhlk 7 (& of the land) asbydw (of the sea) amyd (& creeping things) asxrw (of humanity) atwsnad (by the nature *) anykl (are tamed) Nydbetsm * anyk Kayana Nature is used twice in this Peshitta verse; Nature does not occur in the Greek versions; neither does & of the land. Where did The Peshitta get these words? (to tame it) yhwysbknd (is able) xksa (not) al (man) sna (but) Nyd (the tongue) ansl 8 (is controlled) aokttm (which not) ald (this) adh (evil) atsyb (of death) atwmd (of the poison) amo (it is) wh (full) alm (& The Father) abaw (Jehovah *) ayrml (we bless) Nnykrbm (with it) hb 9 (children of men) asnynbl (we curse) Nnyjyl (with it) hbw (are made) Nydybe (of God) ahlad (who in the image) atwmdbd * There are two different Greek readings here: The Critical Greek text (a,B, etc.) has ton KurionKurion- Lord and The Majority Greek text has ton Yeon, Yeon, -God. This may very well represent two different attempts to translate ayrm MarYah, which is the Aramaic cognate for Yahweh. MarYah -ayrm, is two root words combined: Mar -Lord + Yah short form of Yahweh. Kurios is the most common translation in Greek, but only represents the first root of the word, ignoring the second part Yah. Theos - Yeon is probably an attempt to convey the meaning of the second and most significant part of the word MarYah as God, which Kurios- Kuriov, simply cannot do. (& cursing) atjwlw (blessing) atkrwb (proceeds) Nqpn (the mouth) amwp (from) Nm hnmw 10 (to be done) Nreton (so) ankh (that these things) Nylhd (my brothers) yxa (it ought) alw (not) al (spring) aewbm (one) dx (that from) Nmd (is it possible?) axksm (interrog.) amld 11 (& bitter) aryrmw (sweet) aylx (waters) aym (go out) Nwqpn (produce) dbet (olives) atyzd (my brother) yxa (a fig tree) att (can?) axksm (interrog.) amld (or) wa 12 (salt) axylm (waters) aym (not) al (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (figs) anat (a vine) atpg (or) wa (sweet) aylx (to be made) Nwdbetnd (happen) Nyxksm (his works) yhwdbe (let him show) awxn (& instructed) adrw (is wise) Mykxd (of you) Nwknm (who?) wnm 13 (of meekness) atkykm (in wisdom) atmkxb (beautiful) aryps (in a way of life) akpwhb

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(contention) anyrx (or) wa (in you) Nwkb (is) tya (bitter) aryrm (envy) amox (but) Nyd (if) Na 14 (& lie) Nwlgdtw (the truth) atswq (against) le (be puffed up) Nwrtxtt (not) al (in your hearts) Nwkyblb (above) lel (from) Nm (wisdom) atmkx (this) adhd (because) ljm 15 (earthly) atynera (is) hytya (but) ala (descends) ttxn (not) al (demons) adas (& from) Nmw (of the self) aspnd (thoughts) abswx (from) Nm (& contention) anyrxw (envy) amox (there is) tyad (for) ryg (where) akya 16 (evil) sybd (& everything) Mdmlkw (chaos) ayxwld (also) Pa (there) Nmt (is) yh (pure) aykd (above) lel (that is from) Nmd (but) Nyd (the wisdom) atmkx 17 (& attentive) aynemtsmw (& meek) akykmw (peace) amls (& filled) aylmw (division) atwglp (& without) aldw (good) abj (& fruit) arapw (love) amxr (& filled) aylmw (accepts) abon (not) al (& faces) apabw (that) yh (in peace) anysb (of righteousness) atwqydzd (but) Nyd (fruits) arap 18 (peace) amls (making) Nydbed (by those) Nylyal (are sown) Nyerdzm Chapter 4 (& contention) atwumw (war) abrq (among you) Nwkb (is) tya (where?) akya (from) Nm 4:1 (in your members) Nwkymdhb (which fight) Nbrqmd (lusts) atgygr (from) Nm (is it) awh (not?) al (& murder) Nyljqw (to you) Nwkl (& there is not) tylw (you) Nwtna (desire earnestly) Nygrgrtm 2 (into your hands) Nwkydyab (it comes) ayta (& not) alw (you) Nwtna (& envy) Nynjw (you) Nwtna (you) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbe (& battle) abrqw (you) Nwtna (& fight) Nyunw (you) Nwtna (ask) Nylas (not) ald (because) ljm (to you) Nwkl (& there is not) tylw (you) Nwtna (receive) Nybon (& not) alw (you) Nwtna (ask) Nylas 3 (you) Nwtna (ask) Nylas (wickedly) tyasybd (because) ljm (your lusts) Nwktgygr (that may be fed) Nworttd (so) Kya (this) anh (of world) amled (the love) htmxrd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (adulterers) aryg 4 (chooses) abud (therefore) lykh (whoever) anya (of God) ahlad (that) yh (the hatred) atwbbdleb (of God) ahlal (is) awh (an enemy) abbdleb (this) anh (of world) amled (a friend) amxr (to be) awhnd (you) Nwtna (think) Nyrbo (worthlessly) tyaqyro (perhaps) amld (or) wa 5 (the spirit) axwr (lusts) agr (with jealousy) annjbd (the scriptures) abtk (that say) rmad (in us) Nb (that dwells) armed Who knows what scripture James was quoting here? (our Lord) Nrm (us) Nl (gives) bhy (more) atryty (but) Nyd (grace) atwbyj 6 (the proud) amrl (humbles) Kkmm (God) ahlad (He said) rma (this) adh (because) ljm (grace) atwbyj (He gives) bhy (& to the humble) akykmlw (Satan) anjo (against) lbqwl (& stand up) wmwqw (to God) ahlal (therefore) lykh (submit) wdbetsa 7 (from you) Nwknm (& he will flee) qrew (you) Nwkl (& He will approach) brqtnw (God) ahla (to) twl (& approach) wbwrqw 8 (your hearts) Nwktwbl (sanctify) wsdq (sinners) ayjx (your hands) Nwkydya (purify) wkd (souls) aspn (doubting) ygylp (& your laughter) Nwkkxwgw (& make lamentation) wlbataw (be humble) wkkmta 9 (to grief) atqel (& your joy) Nwktwdxw (let be turned) Kphtn (to mourning) albal (& He will exalt you) Nwkmrmrnw (Jehovah) ayrm (before) Mdq (be humble) wkkmta 10
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Epistle of The Apostle James axyls bwqeyd atrga

(my brothers) yxa (each other) addx (against) le (speaking) Nyllmm (you shall be) Nwwht (not) al 11 (his brother) yhwxal (judges) Nad (or) wa (his brother) yhwxa (against) le (who speaks) llmmd (for) ryg (he) wh (The Written Law) aowmnl (& judges) Nadw (The Written Law) aowmn (against) le (speaks) llmm (you are) tywh (not) al (you) tna (judge) Nad (The Written Law) aowmnl (& if) Naw (its judge) hnyd (but) ala (of The Written Law) aowmnd (a doer) hdwbe (the judgment) anydw (The Written Law) aowmn (lays down) Mao (He is) wh (one) dx 12 (but) Nyd (you) tna (& to destroy) dbwnw (to give life) axnd (able) xksm (Who is) whd (your neighbor) Kbyrql (him) hl (are) tna (who judging) Nadd (are) tna (who?) Nm (those) Nylya (about) le (also) Pa (shall we say) rman (but) Nyd (what?) anm 13 (to a city) atnydml (we shall go) Nnylza (tomorrow) rxm (or) wa (Today) anmwyd (who say) Nyrmad (one) adx (year) atns (there) Nmt (also we shall work) Nnydbew (where) yhd (which) adya (& we shall make profits) Nnyrtyw (& we shall earn wages) Nnyrgttmw (tomorrow) rxm (it is) awh (what?) anm (they know) Nyedy (& not) alw 14 (vapor) aghl (only) Na (but) ala (our lives) Nyyx (for) ryg (are) Nwna (what?) anm (& passes away) apwmw (& vanishes) qljw (appears) azxtm (that a little while) lylqd (Jehovah) ayrm (that if) Nad (that they should say) Nwrmand (because of) Plx 15 (that) yh (or) wa (this) adh (we shall do) Nnydbe (& we shall live) axnw (pleases) abun (boasting) arhbws (all) lk (in their pride) Nwhtwrytxb (they boast *) Nyrhbtsm 16 (is) wh (evil) asyb (this) anh (that like) Kyad

* They boast is Nyrhbtsm; Greek has You boast, which could be Nwtyrhbtsm in Aramaic.Greek for they boast is kaucwntai; kaucwntai; You boast is kaucasye That is 50% correlation in the Greek word pair. The Aramaic word pair have 80% correlation in all three scripts. Greek Uncial KAUCWNTAI KAUCWNTAI-They boast KAUCASYE KAUCASYE-You boast Ashuri Script Nyrhbtsm -They boast(Peshitta) Nwtyrhbtsm - You boast(Hypothetical Base for Greek) Dead Sea Script }yrhbt$m -They boast(Peshitta) }wtyrhbt$m -You boast(Hypothetical Base for Greek) Estrangela Script Nyrhbt$m -They boast(Peshitta) Nwtyrhbt$m -You boast(Hypothetical Base for Greek)

(it) hl (does) dbe (& not) alw (good) atbj (knows) edyd (& whoever) anyaw 17 (to him) hl (it is) awh (sin) ahjx Chapter 5 (the miseries) anwwd (over) le (& weep) wkbw (wail!) wllya (rich men) aryte (Oh!) wa 5:1 (upon you) Nwkyle (which are coming) Nytad (& stinks) yrow (is decayed) lbxta (for) ryg (your wealth) Nwkrtwe 2 (moths) aoo (of) Nm (are eaten) wlkata (& your garments) Nwkynamw (itself) hl (has rusted) txsa (& your silver) Nwkmaow (& your gold) Nwkbhdw 3 (against you) Nwkyle (for a witness) atwdhol (will be) aywh (& their rust) Nwhtxwsw (your flesh) Nwkrob (to consume) lwkatd (going) adyte (& it is) yhw
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(last) ayrxa (for the days) atmwyl (to yourselves) Nwkl (you have gathered) Nwtsnk (fire) arwn (your land) Nwktera (who reaped) wduxd (of the laborers) alepd (the payment) arga (behold) ah 4 (of the reapers) adwuxd (& the call) ategw (cries out) aeq (which you swindled) Nwtmljd (that) wh (has entered) tle (of hosts *) twabu (of Jehovah) ayrmd (into the ears) yhwndal * The Greek has sabawy Sabaoth which is a Hebrew word; it is also found in The Aramaic Targums just as it is here in The Peshitta twabu and in Hebrew: Here is the note from Thayers Greek English Lexicon: 4519 sabawy sabaoth sab-ah-owth of Hebrew origin 06635 twabu in feminine plural;; n indecl AV-sabaoth 2; 2 1) "Lord of Sabaoth" 1a) Lord of the armies of Israel, as those who are under the leadership and protection of Jehovah maintain his cause in war. The LXX has the word sabawy 61 times as a transliteration of twabu. twabu occurs twice in The Peshitta NT & sabawy twice in The Greek NT. It certainly is not Greek, anymore than Sabbata,Mammona,Rabbi,Kepha,Pascha,Satana, Boanerges,Messias,Abba,Maranatha,Talitha Cumi,Eli Eli lama sabacthani, Ephatha, Rabboni,Beelzebub,Abaddon and many other Aramaic terms are Greek. The total occurrences of the above amounts to over 200 times; Other terms occur many times in The Greek NT, such as Christos, declared in John 1:41 Greek text to be a translation of mesian in the phrase: mesian o estin meyermhneuomenon cristov The Messiah, which is translated, The Christ. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia has this mesian as Aramaic. meyermhneuomenon 3177 meyermhneuw methermeneuo meth-er-mane-yoo-o from 3326 and 2059;; v AV-being interpreted 6, be by interpretation 1; 7 1) to translate into the language of one with whom I wish to communicate, to interpret. Messiah is the term by which Yeshua was called; this is Aramaic, in agreement with The language of first century Israel. Christos occurs 563 times in The Majority Byzantine Greek NT;. Those 563 occurrences are therefore each and all translations of the Aramaic axysm (Meshiha).Along with John 1:41, John 4:25 in Greek has the woman at the well, a Samaritan, using the phrase, mesiav ercetai o legomenov cristov The Messiah, who is called The Christ. Was she speaking Hebrew? No, a Samaritan woman would not be speaking Hebrew. MesiavMesiav- The Messiah. She obviously was not speaking Greek.The Greek transliterates the Aramaic axysm (Meshiha) with the same word mesiav used in John 1:41, to represent what Andrew said to Simon Peter. In both places, the word cristov is shown to be the Greek for the Aramaic word, transliterated as Mesiav.There is both transliteration and translation at work in both places (as in four others). (& you have been gluttons) Nwtbeltaw (earth) aera (on) le (for) ryg (you have made merry) Nwtmob 5 (of slaughter) atoknd (for a day) amwyld (as) Kya (your bodies) Nwkyrgp (& you have nourished) Nwtyortw (The Righteous One) aqydzl (& you have murdered) Nwtljqw (you have condemned) Nwtbyx 6 (against you) Nwklbqwl (He has stood) Mq (& not) alw James apparently did not have a happy experience as Bishop of the church at Jerusalem. (of your spirit) Nwkxwr (be long) wrga (my brothers) yxa (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 7 (a farmer) arka (like) Kya (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the coming) htytaml (until) amde (of the ground) herad (precious) aryqy (the crops) arapl (who waits for) akomd (the rain) arjm (when He receives) bond (until) amde (over them) Nwhyle (in his spirit) hxwr (& is long) rgmw (& late) aysyqlw (early) ayrykb Long in spirit- hxwr rgm Megar rukha is an Aramaic idiom meaning to be patient. (in your spirit) Nwkxwr (be long) wrga (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 8 (strengthen) wrrs (& your hearts) Nwktwblw (of our Lord) Nrmd (the coming) htytam (for) ryg (it) hl (draws near) tbrq (lest) ald (my brothers) yxa (another) dx (against) le (one) dx (groan) Nwxntt (not) al 9 (stands) Maq (the gate) aert (before) Mdq (The Judge) anyd (for) ryg (behold) ah (you be judged) Nwnydtt (my brothers) yxa (to you) Nwkl (take) wbo (of the prophets) aybnl (the example) atwmd 10 (of your afflictions) Nwkynulwad (of spirit) axwr (for length) trgml
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Glenn David Bauscher


The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Epistle of The Apostle James axyls bwqeyd atrga

(of Jehovah) ayrmd (in The Name) hmsb (who spoke) wllmd (those) Nwnh Length in spirit- hxwr rgm Megrath rukha is an Aramaic idiom meaning patience. (who endured) wrbyod (to those) Nylyal (blessing) abwj (we give) Nnybhy (for) ryg (behold) ah 11 (& the end) atrxw (of Yob) bwyad (the endurance) htwnrbyom (you have heard) Nwtems (you have seen) Nwtyzx (Jehovah) ayrm (for him) hl (that made) dbed (& caring) Npxrmw (Jehovah *) ayrm (is) wh (merciful) Nmxrmd (because) ljm C L * The Majority Greek lacks the last reference to The Lord (Jehovah in Peshitta). (my brothers) yxa (but) Nyd (thing) Mdm (every) lk (above) Mdq 12 (by earth) aerab (neither) alw (by Heaven) aymsb (not) al (swearing vows) Nymy (be you) Nwtywh (not) al (your word) Nwktlm (let be) awht (but) ala (another) atrxa (by oath) atmwmb (neither) alpa (judgment) anyd (under) tyxt (you be condemned) Nwbyxtt (lest) ald (no) al (& no) alw (yes) Nya (yes) Nya (in suffering) anulwab (shall be) awhn (of you) Nwknm (any) sna (& if) Naw 13 (singing psalms) rmzm (let him be) awhn (rejoicing) adx (& if) Naw (praying) alum (let him be) awhn (of the church) atded (the Elders) asysql (let him call) arqn (one is ill) hyrk (& if) Naw 14 (& anoint him) hnwxsmnw (over him) yhwle (& let them pray) Nwlunw (of our Lord) Nrmd (in The Name) hmsb (with oil) axsm (the one) whl (him) hl (heals) amlxm (of faith) atwnmyhd (& the prayer) atwluw 15 (our Lord) Nrm (him) hl (& raises up) Myqmw (who is ill) hyrkd (to him) hl (they are forgiven) Nyqbtsm (by him) hl (were done) Nydybe (sins) ahjx (& if) Naw (to another) dxl (one) dx (your offenses *) Nwktwlko (confessing) Nydwm (but) Nyd (be you) Nwtywh 16 (to be healed) Nwoattd (another) dx (for) le (one) dx (praying) Nylum (& be you) Nwtywhw (which) adya (of prayer) atwlud (the power) hlyx (for) ryg (is) wh (great) br (himself) hl (prays) alum (a righteous one) aqydzd * Critical Greek has Sins. Majority Byzantine Greek has faults. The Aramaic word atwlko (atolks) in Serto Script) Saklutha can mean Folly or Sin. Here is the entry from The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon: sklw, sklwt (sal, salt) n.f. folly 1 folly Syr. 2 sin Syr. LS2: 473.

Smiths Compendious Syriac Dictionary has this entry: Hence, the Aramaic can account for why some Greek mss. have paraptwmata (offenses,trespasses) and some have amartiav (sins). Ashuri Aramaic script: Nwktwlko Your offenses(Peshitta & Byz.) NwktwlkoYour sins (Critical Greek reading) There is 100% correlation between the two readings in Aramaic. paraptwmata & amartiav are the two Greek readings. There is no similarity there (0% correlation).
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Epistle of The Apostle James axyls bwqeyd atrga

If The Peshitta were the translation, why does the Greek have hundreds (if not thousands) of variant readings that are simply alternate translations or misreadings (often of a single letter) of a single Aramaic word found in the Peshitta reading of the same verse and in the grammatically corresponding parallel word? This phenomenon does not cut both ways. The Peshitta, for all intents and purposes, has no variant readings to speak of. (like us) Ntwka (subject to suffering) aswsx (was) awh (a man) asnrb (Elia) ayla (also) Pa 17 ( the land) aera (on) le (rain) arjm (would descend) twxn (that not) ald (& he prayed) yluw (months) Nyxry (& six) atsw (years) Nyns (three) tlt (it descended) txn (& not) alw (rain) arjm (gave) wbhy (& the skies) aymsw (he prayed) ylu (& again) bwtw 18 (its fruits) hyrap (yielded) tbhy (& the land) aeraw (the way *) axrwa (from) Nm (will stray) aejn (of you) Nwknm (a man) sna (if) Na (my brothers) yxa 19 (his error) htwyej (from) Nm (a man) sna (& will restore him) yhwynpnw (of truth) atswqd * Greek lacks the way & from his error. (a sinner) ayjxl (who turns) Kphmd (that he) whd (let him know) edn 20 (his soul) hspn (gives life to) axm (of his way) hxrwad (the error) atwyej (from) Nm (of his sins) yhwhjxd (the multitude) aagwo (& blots out) ajew (death) atwm (from) Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The First Epistle of The Apostle Peter axyls apakd atymdq atrga

1 Peter
(to the chosen ones) aybgl (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (an apostle) axyls (Petros) owrjp 1:1 (& in Galatia) ayjlgbw (in Pontus) owjnpb (who are scattered) Nyeyrzd (& pilgrims) abtwtw (& in Bythunya) aynwtybbw (& in Asia) ayoabw (& in Qapadoqya) ayqdwpqbw (knowledge) htedy (in the prior) twmdqmb (who have been chosen) wybgtad (those) Nylya 2 (of The Spirit) axwrd (in sanctification) atwsydqb (The Father) aba (of God) ahlad (of the blood) hmd (& for sprinkling) oorlw (for obedience) atemsml (that they will be) Nwwhnd (to you) Nwktwl (be multiplied) agon (& peace) amlsw (grace) atwbyj (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (His father) yhwba (God) ahla (He) wh (Blessed) Krbm 3 (the top) syrd (from) Nm (begot us) Ndlwa (great) aaygo (who in His pity) hnnxbd (He) wh (The Messiah) axysm (of life) ayxd (to the hope) arbol (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (by the resurrection) htmyqb (defiled) apnjtm (neither) alw (is destroyed) albxtm (that not) ald (& to an inheritance) atwtrylw 4 (in Heaven) aymsb (for you) Nwkl (which is prepared) abyjmd (that) yh (withers) aymx (neither) alw (& in the faith) atwnmyhbw (of God) ahlad (by the power) alyxb (you) Nwtna (are kept) Nyryjn (while) dk 5 (last) ayrxa (to the time) anbzl (to be revealed) Nwlgtnd (ready) Nybyjmd (for the lives) ayxl (time) anbz (in this) anhb (although) Npa (for eternity) Mlel (you shall rejoice) Nwdxt (in which lives) Nwhbd 6 (various) aplxsm (with temptations) anwyonb (you) Nwtna (are wearied) Nyqyettm (a little) lylq (upon you) Nwkyle (that come suddenly) Nyded (may appear) azxtn (of your faith) Nwktwnmyhd (that the proof) anrxwbd (so) ankya 7 (in fire) arwnb (which is tried) yqbtad (refined) anyno (gold) abhd (than) Nm (which is worth more) rtymd (& praise) aolwqlw (& honor) arqyalw (for glory) atxwbstl (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in the revelation) hnylgb (Him *) hl (you) Nwtna (& love) Nybxmw (you have seen) yhynwtyzx (Whom not) ald (Him) wh 8 (glorious) atxbsm (with joy) atwdxb (you) Nwtna (rejoice greatly) Nyzwr (& by His faith *) htwnmyhbw (is spoken) allmtm (that not) ald * Greek has eiv on arti mh orwntev upon whom now not looking; yhynwtyzxbw al could conceivably mean, & while you have not seen Him.The actual Peshitta reading is here:htwnmyhbw hl -Him & by His faith. I see possible 78% correlation in The Ashuri script phrase comparisons if the Nun-Waw pair wn in the Peshitta reading is reversed in one set to be nw in the hypothetical Aramaic base for the Greek reading. Correlating letters are color coded (in color version). Ashuri Aramaic script: yhynwtyzxbw al-& while you have not seen Him Base for Greek reading htwnmyhbw hl -Him & by His faith. Peshitta reading 78% correlation in Ashuri. Dead Sea Scroll script has: yhynwtyzxbw )l -& while you have not seen Him-Base for Greek reading htwnmyhbw hl -Him & by His faith-Peshitta reading 78% correlation in DSS. Estrangela script: yhynwtyzxbw 0l -& while you have not seen Him-Base for Greek reading

htwnmyhbw hl -Him & by His faith-Peshitta reading

67% correlation in Estrangela script Apparently a Greek translator double translated Lah wavahimnothah -htwnmyhbw hl, first inaccurately as eiv on arti mh orwntev upon whom now not lookingas shown above in the first Aramaic reading La wavakhazaythwan; then he reread it accurately as pisteuontev believing.
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(of your souls) Nwktspnd (the life) ayx (of your faith) Nwktwnmyhd (the reward) anerwp (that you may receive) Nwlbqtd 9 (about them) Nwhyle (they had) wwh (which investigated) wbqed (lives) ayx (those) Nwnh 10 (the grace) atwbyj (about) le (they prophesied) wybnta (when) dk (the prophets) aybn (to you) Nwkl (to be given) bhyttd (was) twh (that going) adyted (The Spirit) hxwr (& testifies) adhomw (He shows) aywxm (time) anbz (in what?) anyabd (& they searched) wubw 11 (the sufferings) yhwsx (that were coming) Nydyted (in them) Nwhb (Who dwelt) armed (of The Messiah) axysmd (after that) Nkrtb (that was from) Nmd (& His glory) htxwbstw (of The Messiah) axysmd (were) wwh (who searching) Nyubd (all) lk (to them) Nwhl (& it was revealed) ylgtaw 12 (for us) Nl (but) ala (they were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (for themselves) Nwhspnl (not) wld (because) ljm (to you) Nwkl (is revealed) ylgta (now) ashd (those) Nylya (they were) wwh (prophesying) Nybntm (ours) Nlyd (of Holiness) asdwqd (by The Spirit) axwrb (who evangelized you) Nwknrbod (those) Nylya (by) dyb (long) Nygrgrtm (these things) Nylhb (into which) Nyhbd (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (Who is sent) rdtsad (to gaze) Nwqydnd (the angels) akalm (also) Pa (of your mind) Nwktyertd (the loins) aux (gird up) wqwzx (this) anh (because of) ljm 13 (the joy) atwdx (for) le (& hope) wrbow (perfectly) tyarymg (& be attentive) wryettaw (in the revelation) hnylgb (to you) Nwkl (that is coming) aytad (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (again) bwt (be you partaking) Nwptwtst (& not) alw (obedient) anemtsm (children) aynb (as) Kya 14 (you were) Nwtywh (that lusting) Nygrd (those) Nylya (former) atymdq (of your lusts) Nwktgygrl (knowledge) atedyb (without) ald (your way of life) Nwkykpwh (in all) Nwhlkb (holy ones) Nysydq (be) wwh (but) ala 15 (called you) Nwkrqd (Who) Nm (He is) wh (holy) sydqd (as) Kya (holy ones) Nysydq (be you) Nwtywhd (it is written) bytkd (because) ljm 16 (I am) ana (holy) sydq (I) ana (also) Pad (just as) ankya (without) tyld (Him) wh (you) Nwtna (call on) Nyrq (that The Father) abad (it is) wh (& if) Naw 17 (every person) snlkl (& judges) Nadw (of faces) apab (accepting) bom (before Him) yhwmdq (be led) wrbdta (in reverence) atlxdb (his works) yhwdbe (according to) Kya (of your pilgrimage) Nwktwbtwtd (this) anh (in time) anbzb (which wears out) albd (with silver) apokb (that not) ald (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (when) dk 18 (your works) Nwkydbe (from) Nm (you were redeemed) Nwtqrpta (with gold) abhdb (& not) alw (your fathers) Nwkyhba (from) Nm (that you received) Nwtlbqd (those) Nwnh (worthless) aqyro (of The Lamb) armad (precious) aryqy (with the blood) amdb (but) ala 19 (in Him) hb (there is not) tyl (& defilement) aslwjw (Who blemish) amwmd (The Messiah) axysm (Who is) yhwtyad (before) Mdq (from) Nm (to this) adhl (appointed) syrp (was) awh (before) Mdqmd (He) wh 20 (& was manifested) ylgtaw (of the world) amled (the foundation) htymrt (for you) Nwktljm (of the times) anbzd (in the last) Nwhtyrxab (Who raised Him) hmyqad (Him) wh (in God) ahlab (you believed) Nwtnmyh (who by Him) hdyabd (those) Nylya 21 (the glory) axbws (to Him) hl (& He has given) bhyw (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nm (God) ahla (upon) le (would be) awhn (& your hope) Nwkrbow (that your faith) Nwktwnmyhd (of the truth) arrsd (in obedience) htwnemtsmb (your souls) Nwktspn (sanctified) Nsydq (would be) Nywhn (as) dk 22 (of faces) apab (accepting) bom (without) ald (with love) abwx (filled) Nylm (& they may be) Nywhnw
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(another) dxl (one) dx (loving) Nybxm (you will be) Nwwht (& perfect) arymgw (pure) aykd (the heart) abl (that from) Nmd (you were born) Nwtdlyta (the top) syrd (that from) Nmd (persons) asna (as) Kya 23 (fails) alb (not) ald (what) anya (from) Nm (but) ala (which fails) albd (the seed) aerz (from) Nm (not) al (for eternity) Mlel (Who stands) amyqd (of God) ahlad (living) atyx (by the word) atlmb (grass) aryme (flesh) rob (all) lkd (because) ljm 24 (of the field *) alqxd (the blossom) aypwe (as) Kya (its beauty) htwyay (& all) hlkw (the blossom) aypwe (& fades) amxw (grass) aryme (withers) sby * Greek has flower of the grass. Of the Grass in DSS Aramaic can be: )rym(d, )bs(d, )(r)d The Peshitta reading Field is )lqxd. In Ashuri, The Peshitta reading, of the Field is alqxd. The 3 of the Grass Aramaic words are:arymed, aboed, aerad. The shaded Aramaic words have at least 60% correspondence. Greek for of the Grass is cortou. Greek for of the field is agrou. These two have 50% correlation at best. Greek Uncial script CORTOUof the grass AGROUof the field 50% correlation Ashuri-DSS Aramaic script alqxd of the field aboedof the grass 70% correspondence? Estrangela Aramaic script a0lqxd of the field

a0boes(dof the grass

Which word pair is the more similar and thus more likely to account for the other language version? Let the reader judge. (for eternities) Nymlel (stands) amyq (of our God *) Nhlad (& the word) htlmw 25 (by which you are evangelized) Nwtrbtoad (that) yh (word) atlm (is) yh (& this) adhw * Greek has of The Lord tou Kuriou. The Peshitta reading conforms to The Hebrew, LXX O.T., and exactly with The Peshitta O.T. reading of Isaiah 40:8. The Greek agrees with neither in this reading. Chapter 2 (wickedness) atwsyb (all) hlk (from you) Nwknm (therefore) lykh (put away) wxyna 2:1 (& envy) amoxw (of faces) apab (& accepting) bomw (treachery) alkn (& all) hlkw (& slander) aurq-lkamw (for it) hl (& yearn) wgrgrtaw (suckling children *) arbs (infants) adwly (as) Kya (& be) wwhw 2 (by which) hbd (& spiritual *) anxwrw (pure) adqn (for milk) ablxld (as) Kya (for the word) atlml (for life) ayxl (you shall grow strong) Nwbrtt And be like weaned infants and yearn for the word as for pure spiritual milk by which you shall grow strong for life. N C * The Majority Greek lacks for life; The Critical Greek has into salvation -eiv swthrian, swthrian, which is a typical Greek rendering of the Aramaic Khaya- ayx, whose essential meaning is Life, but can also at times refer to salvation. Salvation is entirely out of place in this verse; we do not grow into salvation as the Critical Greek states it, which is a theological heresy and absurdity. This Greek reading does support the Peshitta primacy model, however. The Peshitta does not follow any Greek text, as it contains more information than they do: suckling children, as for milk, & spiritual, for
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life. The Greek can be derived from the Aramaic (primarily by omission of words) but the Aramaic cannot be derived from the Greek texts. (Jehovah) ayrm (is) wh (that good) bjd (& you have seen *) Nwtyzxw (you have tasted) Nwtmej (if) Na 3

Greek lacks & you have seen. The Peshitta verse is an obvious allusion to Psalms 34:8:
Yahweh good that & see Taste

hwhy bwj-yk warw wmej Heb.Taste and see that Jehovah is good.Here is the Peshitta OT version of that Psalms verse:
MarYah good that & see Taste

ayrm bjd wzxw wmej Aram.Taste and see that Jehovah is good. See the similarities in the Hebrew and Aramaic? It appears the Greek translator (I assume the Greek is a translation in this interlinear, due to all the evidence I have compiled supporting that position) saw Nwtmej and translated it egeusasye You have tasted and inadvertantly skipped the next Aramaic word Nwtyzxw & you have seen because it has the same ending as the previous word Nwtmej; he then proceeded to translate the next word bjd that good, etc.. (Living) ayx (The Stone) apak (Who is) yhwtyad (you are) Nwtna (drawing near) Nybrqtm (to Whom) hld (He) wh 4 (God) ahla (to) twl (& precious) rqymw (& is chosen) abgw (of men) asna (the children) ynb (Whom rejected) yhwyload Verse 4 is a description of The subject of verse 3 The LORD- Yahweh in Psalms 34:8, as made plain in The Peshitta text and in the Aramaic cognate MarYah ayrm. Shimeon Kaypha (Peter) the Apostle presents Yeshua as Jehovah The YHWH of Israel. (are built) wnbta (living) atyx (stones) apak (as) Kya (you) Nwtna (& also) Paw 5 (to offer) wqoml (holy) asydq (& priests) anhkw (spiritual) anxwr (a temple) alkyh (& have become) wwhw (by) dyb (God) ahla (before) Mdq (acceptable) Nylbqmd (spiritual) anxwr (sacrifices) axbd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (I) ana (lay down) Mao (Behold) ahd (in the scriptures) abtkb (for) ryg (it is) wh (said) ryma 6 (of the corner) atywz (at the head) syrb (& precious) atryqyw (approved) atryxb (a stone) apak (in Tsion) Nwyhub (will be ashamed *) thbn (not) al (in Him) hb (believes) Nmyhmd (& whoever) Nmw

* This is a quotation from Isaiah 28:16 from a text not quite The Hebrew Massoretic text (Hebrew has a sure foundation & shall not make haste) nor The LXX reading:( costly,choice corner stone,choice..) nor Peshitta OT:(shall not be afraid). This is typical of Peshitta NT quotes from the OT; no one known OT text type is represented. Some sort of hybrid text was used which was somewhere between The Massoretic Hebrew and a Hebrew text like that behind The Greek LXX.. Greek: idou tiyhmi en siwn liyon akrogwniaion eklekton entimon kai o pisteuwn ep autw ou mh kataiscunyh LXX: idou egw embalw eiv ta yemelia siwn liyon polutelh eklekton akrogwniaion entimon eiv ta yemelia authv kai o pisteuwn ep autw ou mh kataiscunyh You can compare the Greek verse (Majority text) with the LXX and see that the Greek text is not a verbatim quote of The LXX, but probably is an edited version of the Peshitta text based on The LXX. (honor) arqya (this) anh (is given) bhyta (therefore) lykh (to you) Nwkl 7 (but) Nyd (to those) Nwnhl (who believe) Nynmyhmd (to those) Nylyal (are obedient *) Nyoypjtm (who not) ald This honor is given to you those who believe, but to those who are disobedient * Greek has additionally a quote from Psalms 118:22 -liyon on apedokimasan oi oikodomountev outov egenhyh eiv kefalhn gwniav (The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner.)-identical to The LXX text of that verse. This insertion (I do not give my reasons here for asserting this as an insertion) garbles the sense of the sentence given in this and the following verse. (of offense) alskd (& rock) anbaw (of stumbling) atlqwtd (He is) wh (a stone) apak 8 (they obey) Nyoypjtm (in that not) aldb (on it) hb (& they stumble) Nylqttmw (they were appointed) Nymyo (for to this) adhld (the word) atlml
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He is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and they stumble on it in that they do not obey the word, for they were appointed to this. (who serve as priests) anhkmd (chosen) atybg (are) Nwtna (race) atbrs (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 9 (redeemed) aqyrp (assembly) asnk (holy) asydq (a people) ame (for the kingdom) atwklml (called you) Nwkrqd (of Him Who) whd (the praises) htxbst (you should proclaim) Nwrbot (excellent) artym (to His light) hrhwnl (darkness) akwsx (from) Nm (you were) Nwtywh (considered) Nybysx (not) al (the first) Mydq (who from) Nmd (those) Nylya 10 (mercies) amxr (neither) alpa (of God) ahlad (the people) ame (but) Nyd (now) ash (a people) ame (mercies) amxr (upon you) Nwkyle (are poured) weptsa (but) Nyd (now) ash (upon you) Nwkyle (were) wwh (being) tya (wayfarers) aure (as) Kya (of you) Nwknm (I) ana (beg) aeb (beloved) ybybx 11 (desires) htgygr (all) Nyhlk (from) Nm (depart) wqrpta (foreigners) abtwt (& as) Kyaw (the soul) aspn (against) lbqwl (war) abrq (that make) Ndbed (these) Nylh (of the body) argpd (all of them) Nwhlk (before) Mdq (your way of life) Nwkykpwh (beautiful) Nyryps (& let be) Nwwhnw 12 (about you) Nwkyle (who speak) Nyllmmd (those) Nylya (of men *) asna (children) ynb (beautiful) aryps (your works) Nwkydbe (may see) Nwzxn (wicked) atsyb (words) alm (of examination) anrxwbd (in the day) amwyb (God) ahlal (& may praise) Nwxbsnw

Greek has eynesin -the Gentiles,Nations. The Peshitta has asna Men; Here is Gentiles amme. In DSS script they are )$n):)mm(. In Estrangela script: 0$n0:: 0mm(. 0pnx. The Ashuri pair look more alike than those in the other scripts. Other Aramaic words for Nations or Gentiles are: Nwmwa, Nwma, atmwa apnx In Estrangela script: 0pnx - Pagans,Gentiles

0$n0: Men 0mm(.-Gentiles

Ashuri Aramaic apnx- Pagans, Gentiles asnaMen amme-Gentiles DSS Aramaic )pnx- Pagans, Gentiles )$n) Men )mm(-Gentiles The Estrangela, Ashuri & DSS shaded pairs have at least 50% letter correlations (2 out of 4); The DSS pair may be a bit closer in appearance than the Ashuri, though it is a hard call between the two scripts. Greek for Men is usually Anyrwpoiv Anyrwpoiv; Nations Gentiles is eynesin. In Greek Uncial script: ANYRWPOIS Men EYNESINEYNESIN-Gentiles I see no correlation (0%) in the two Greek words whatsoever. It looks highly unlikely that The Peshitta reading came from Greek, as a translator looking at eynesineynesin- Nations Gentiles would not be at all prone to translate it as asna Men. (of men) asna (children *) ynb (to all) Nwhlkl (submitting) Nydbetsm (be you) Nwtywhw 13 (their authority) Nwhnjlws (because of) ljm (to kings) aklml (God) ahla (for the sake of) ljm
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* Greek has upotaghte pash anyrwpinh ktisei Submit to every human creation. The Aramaic asna ynb is Sons of men children ynb may be interpreted building as from anb (Bna) instead of the obvious root arb -Bra Son.The Greek is an obvious error.We are not to submit to any human creation; submission indicates an attitude of humility and service which can only be expressed toward another person, not toward things or institutions. If Peter had ordinances or laws in mind, he would have plainly said so; he would not have used a word that refers to creation and always (in OT LXX and Greek NT) refers to Gods creation, never mans. Incidentally, this verse does not teach absolute obedience to men; submission is not necessarily obedience. (they are sent) Nyrdtsm (from Him) hnmd (because) ljm (& to judges) anydlw 14 (& for the praise) atxwbstlw (of wrongdoers) anlkomd (for the punishment) atebtl (good) atbj (of doers) ydbed (of God) ahlad (the will) anybu (it is) wh (for in this way) ankhd 15 (the mouth) amwp (you may shut) Nwrkot (excellent) aryps (that by your works) Nwkydbebd (God) ahlal (know) Nyedy (who not) ald (those) Nwnh (of fools) alkod (persons) asna (as) Kya (& not) alw (free) arax (children) ynb (as) Kya 16 (a cloak) atypxt (their liberty) Nwhtwrax (for themselves) Nwhl (who make) adybed (of God) ahlad (servants) yhwdbe (as) Kya (but) ala (for their evil) Nwhtwsybl (love) wbxa (your brethren) Nwkyxal (honor) wrqy (every person) snlkl 17 (honor) wrqy (& kings) aklmlw (be in awe) wlxd (God) ahla (& of) Nmw (among you) Nwkb (who are) tyad (servants) adbe (& those) Nylyaw 18 (in reverence) atlxdb (to your masters) Nwkyrml (submit) wdbetsa (& to the meek) akykmlw (to the good) abjl (only) dwxlb (not) al (& to the perverse) aqoelw (to the severe) aysql (also) Pa (but) ala (God) ahla (before) Mdq (grace) atwbyj (to them) Nwhl (there is) tya (for) ryg (to these) Nylhl 19 (endure) Nyrbyom (excellent) atryps (conscience) atrat (who because of) ljmd (to those) Nylyal (by The Evil One) alweb (upon them) Nwhyle (that come) Nytad (distresses) atqe (their foolishness) Nwhtwlko (who because of) ljmd (but) Nyd (those) Nylya 20 (to them) Nwhl (is it) aywh (glory) atxwbst (what?) adya (suffering) anulwa (endure) Nyrbyom (you) Nwkl (& they afflict) Nyulaw (what is good) rypsd (you) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbed (when) am (but) ala (God) ahla (with) twl (your glory) Nwktxwbst (it magnifies) abry (then) Nydyh (you) Nwtna (& endure) Nyrbyomw (died) tym (The Messiah) axysm (for also) Pad (you are called) Nwtyrqta (for) ryg (to this) adhl 21 (example) aopwj (this) anh (us) Nl (& left) qbsw (for our sake) Nyplx (you would walk) Nwklht (in His steps) htbqeb (that you) Nwtnad (sin) atyjx (did) dbe (Who not) ald (He) wh 22 (in His mouth) hmwpb (was found) xktsa (deceit) alkn (neither) alpa (insulted) axum (& not) alw (was) awh (Who insulted) axjumd (He) wh 23 (He) awh (handed over) Mlsm (but) ala (threatened) Mxltm (& not) alw (He) awh (& suffered) saxw (of righteousness) atwnakd (to The Judge) anydl (His judgment) hnyd (them) Nwna (& lifted) qoaw (all of them) Nwhlk (our sins) Nyhjx (& He took) lqsw 24 (to sin) atyjxl (we are dead) Nnytym (& when) dkd (to the cross) abylul (in his body) hrgpb (we shall live) axn (His) hlyd (in righteousness) atwqydzb (you are healed) Nwtyoata (for) ryg (by His scars) htmwsb (& you have returned) Nwtynptaw (sheep) abre (as) Kya (you had) Nwtywh (for gone astray) Nyejd 25 (of your souls) Nwktspnd (& The Caregiver) arweow (The Shepherd) ayer (to) twl (now) ash Chapter 3
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(to your husbands) Nykylebl (submit) Nydbetsa (women) asn (you) Nytna (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 3:1 (the word) atlml (obey) Nyoypjtm (who not) ald (that those) Nylyad (them) Nwna (may win) Nynqt (labor) alme (without) ald (beautiful) aryps (in your way of life) Nykyrbwdb (& with discretion) atwpknbw (that in reverence) atlxdbd (they see) Nyzx (when) dk 2 (you) Nytna (conduct yourselves) Nrbdtm (outward) ayrb (with ornaments) atbub (be you adorned) Ntbjut (& not) alw 3 (of gold) abhdd (of jewelry) atlsxd (or) wa (of your hair) Nykyreod (of braids) alwdgd (fine) artym (clothing) aswbld (or) wa (of the heart) abld (secret) ayok (in the person) asnrbb (be adorned) Nytbjua (but) ala 4 (an ornament) atbu (is corruptible) albxtm (that not) ald (humble) atkykm (in a spirit) axwrb (God) ahla (before) Mdq (excellent) rtymd (holy) atsydq (women) asn (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (also) Pa (for) ryg (in this way) ankh 5 (in God) ahlab (were) ywh (who hoping) Nrbomd (those) Nylya (their souls) Nyhtspn (were) ywh (adorning) Ntbum (to their husbands) Nyhylebl (were) ywh (& submitted) Ndbetsmw (to Abraham) Mhrbal (was) twh (subject) adbetsm (Sara) arod (just as) ankya 6 (to her) hl (you) Nytna (whose are) Nywhd (she) yh (my lord) yrm (him) hl (was) twh (& calling) ayrqw (you) Nytna (are shaken) Neyzttm (not) al (when) dk (good) abj (by works) adbeb (daughters) atnb (fear) alxd (any) lk (with) Nm (your wives) Nwkysn (with) Me (dwell) wrme (in this way) ankh (men) arbg (& you) Nwtnaw 7 (weaker) alyxm (vessels) anamld (& as) Kyaw (by knowledge) atedyb (those) Nynh (also) Pad (because) ljm (them) Nyna (hold) wdwxa (in honor) arqyab (eternal) Mleld (of life) ayxd (the gift *) atbhwm (inherit) Ntry (with you) Nwkme (in your prayers) Nwktwlub (stumble) Nylqttm (you will) Nwwht (that not) ald And you men thus dwell with your wives by knowledge, and as weaker vessels hold them in honor because they also inherit the gift of eternal life with you, so that you shall not stumble in your prayers. * Greek has caritov Grace; The Peshitta has atbhwm Mawhabta-The gift; Grace in Aramaic is usually atwbyj Tibotha. Here are the words in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: )tbhwm -The Gift (Peshitta) )twby+ -Grace (Base of Greek reading?) These two words have 84% letter correlation. The Greek for Gift in correct grammatical form for this passage is carismatov or dwrou; dwrou; carismatov & caritov have 70% correlation, which is relatively high for Greek word pairs, but is still significantly lower than the Aramaic word pair correlation.The Greek words differ in letter number by three; the Aramaic pair differ in only one letter and have the same number of letters in each word!The Aramaic text obviously is not derived from Greek (no Greek text has Eternal life) and none has the gift. The Greek is easily accounted for as a translation of the Aramaic in which the word eternall was simply dropped and )tbhwm Mawhabta-The gift was misread as )twby+ Tibotha-Grace. (in harmony) atwywab (all of you) Nwklk (that you would be) Nwwhtd (but) Nyd (the conclusion is) amlws 8 (who suffer) Nysxd (those) Nylya (with) Me (suffering) Nysx (& be you) Nwtywhw (& humble) Nykykmw (merciful) Nyntmxr (& be you) Nwtywhw (another) dxl (one) dx (& love) Nymxrw (evil) atsyb (in exchange for) Plx (evil) atsyb (& to a person) snalw 9 (insults) atyxwu (in exchange for) Plx (insults) atyxwu (neither) alpaw (you should pay) Nwerpt (not) al (blessing) Nykrbm (be you) Nwtywh (of these things) Nylhd (to the contrary) albwqld (but) ala (you would inherit) Nwtrat (that the blessing) atkrwbd (you are called) Nwtyrqta (for) ryg (to this) adhl
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(good) abj (days) atmwy (& loves) Mxrw (life) ayx (therefore) lykh (desires) abud (whoever) Nm 10 (& his lips) htwpow (evil) atsyb (from) Nm (his tongue) hnsl (let him keep) rjn (to see) azxml (deceit) alkn (should speak) Nllmn (not) al (good) atbj (& let him do) dbenw (wickedness) atsyb (from) Nm (let him pass) rben 11 (after it) hrtb (& let him run) jhrnw (peace) amls (& let him seek) aebnw (the righteous) aqydz (upon) le (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the eyes) yhwnyed (because) ljm 12 (of Jehovah) ayrmd (& the face) yhwpaw (them) Nwna (to hear) emsml (& His ears) yhwndaw (the evil) asyb (against) le (evil) atsyb (to you) Nwkl (to do) dbend (& who is?) wnmw 13 (of good) atbjd (zealous *) annj (you will be) Nwwht (if) Na (of righteousness) atwnak (the sake) ypa (for) le (you suffer) Nwsxtd (He) wh (& if) Naw 14 (those) Nylya (of) Nm (be afraid) Nwlxdt (& not) alw (you are blessed) Nwkybwj (be provoked) Nwsgtst (& not) alw (you) Nwkl (who terrorize *) Nylxdmd (The Messiah *) axysm (Jehovah) ayrml (in your hearts) Nwktwblb (hallow) wsdq (but) ala 15 (a defense) axwrb (to return) qpml (ready) Nybyjm (& be you) Nwtywhw (about) le (a statement) atlm (of you) Nwkl (who requests) ebtd (to everyone) lkl (& in reverence) atlxdbw (in meekness) atwkykmb (of your faith) Nwktwnmyhd (the hope) arbo (just as) ankya (good) atbj (a conscience) atrat (to you) Nwkl (is) tya (while) dk 16 (evil) asyb (people) asna (against) led (as) Kya (against you) Nwkyle (who speak *) Nyllmmd (that those) Nwnhd (your way of life) Nwkyrbwdl (who reject) Nymljd (people) asna (as) Kya (may be ashamed) Nwthbn (which is in The Messiah) axysmbd (beautiful) aryps (you) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe (that when) dkd (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (it is) yh (an advantage) arde 17 (in this way) ankh (if) Na (evil) atsyb (you suffer) Nwlbot (good) abj (works) adbe (evil) atsyb (you) Nwtna (are doing) Nydbe (when) dk (& not) alw (of God) ahlad (the will) anybu (it is) wh (died *) tym (time) Nbz (one) adx (The Messiah) axysm (that also) Pad (because) ljm 18 (sinners) ayjx (for the sake of) Plx (The Righteous One) aqydz (our sins) Nyhjx (because of) Plx (in Spirit) xwrb (& lived) ayxw (in body) rgpb (& He died) tymw (to God) ahlal (to bring you) Nwkbrqnd (in Sheol *) lwysb (were) ywh (who held) Ndyxad (those) Nylya (to souls) atspnl (& He proclaimed) zrkaw 19 (were) ywh (convinced) oypjta (not) al (the first) Mydq (who from) Nmd (these) Nylh 20 (of God) ahlad (the longsuffering) hxwr trgm (when) dk (of Noah) xwnd (in the days) htmwyb (the hope *) arbo (upon) le (an ark) atwbq (that there be) awhtd (commanded) tdqp (it) hl (entered) Nyle (souls) Nspn (only) dwxlb (& eight) anmtw (of their repentance) Nwhtwbytd (by the waters) aymb (& were kept alive) yyxw (you) Nwtna (are saved) Nyyx (simile) aopwj (by that) whb (in Him) hb (you) Nwtna (For also) Pad 21 (you) Nwtna (wash) Nygysm (the body) argp (when) dk (not) wl (by baptism) atydwmemb (God) ahlab (you) Nwtna (confess *) Nydwm (when) dk (but) ala (impurity) atau (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (& by the resurrection) htmyqbw (pure) atykd (with a conscience) atratb * *Greek has suneidhsewv agayhv eperwthma eiv yeon di anastasewv ihsou cristou - but the request unto God, for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Greek has salvation coming by requesting a good conscience; The Peshitta says it is through confessing God with a pure conscience, which comports with other scripture: And if you shall confess with your mouth our Lord Jesus, and shall believe with your heart that God has raised Him from the dead; you shall have life.Romans 10:9 (upon) le (& He is) yhwtyaw (into Heaven) aymsl (Who has been escorted) yletad (He) wh 22 (the Angels) akalm (to Him) hl (& are subjected) wdbetsaw (of God) ahlad (the right side) anymy
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(& The Powers) atwlyxw (& The Principalities) anjylsw Chapter 4 (in the flesh) robb (in your place) Nwkyplx (suffered) sx (therefore) lykh (The Messiah) axysm (if) Na 4:1 (be equipped) wnydza (mind) anyer (in this) anhb (in Him) hb (you) Nwtna (& also) Paw (he) hl (has ceased) yls (in his body) hrgpb (for) ryg (who has died) tamd (everyone) Nmlk (sins) ahjx (all) Nwhlk (from) Nm (of children of men) asnynbd (for the desires) atgygrl (therefore) lykm (for not) ald 2 (in the body) argpb (that is) yhwtyad (the time) anbz (as during) amk (he shall live) axn (of God) ahlad (for the will) anybul (but) ala (in which) hb (you served) Nwtxlpd (passed) rbed (that) wh (the time) anbz (for) ryg (was enough) qpo 3 (& drunkenness) atwywrbw (in debauchery) atwjwoab (of the pagans) apnxd (the pleasure) anybu (of demons) adasd (& in worship) anxlwpbw (& in orgies) armzbw (& in whoredom) atwnxubw (you) Nwkyle (& insult) Nypdgmw (they marvel) Nyrmdtm (now) ash (& behold) ahw 4 (in this) yhb (with them) Nwhme (you run riot) Nwtyxrtsm (in that not) aldb (former) atymdq (debauchery) atwjwoa (to God) ahlal (account) amgtp (who are giving) Nybhyd (those) Nwnh 5 (& the living) ayxw (the dead) atym (to judge) Ndml (Who is going) dyted (Him) wh (to the dead) atyml (also) Pa (He preached the news) rbtoa (for) ryg (this) anh (because of) ljm 6 (in the flesh) robb (children of men) asnynb (as) Kya (that they would be judged) Nwnydtnd (in spirit) xwrb (by God) ahlab (& they would live) Nwxnw (this) anh (because of) ljm (of all) lkd (The End) atrx (but) Nyd (He) hl (has arrived) tyjm 7 (to prayer) atwlul (& wake up) wryettaw (be ashamed) wpknta (each other) addx (to) twl (severe) apyrx (a love) abwx (thing) Mdm (every) lk (& before) Mdqw 8 (of sins) ahjxd (a multitude) aagwo (covers) apxm (for) ryg (love) abwx (to you) Nwkl (let be) awhn (murmuring) anjr (without) ald (strangers) aynoka (loving) Nymxr (& be you) Nwtywhw 9 (God) ahla (from) Nm (he has received) lbqd (the gift) atbhwm (of you) Nwknm (& every person) snlkw 10 (good) abj (of the houses) atb (heads) ybr (as) Kya (his neighbor) yhwrbxl (him) hb (let serve) smsn (of God) ahlad (unique) atsrpm (of the grace) atwbyjd (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (according to) Kya (who speaks) llmmd (everyone) Nmlk 11 (what) Nmd (according to) Kya (who ministers) smsmd (& everyone) Nmlkw (let speak him) llmn (you) Nwtna (do) Nydbed (that in all) lkbd (to him) hl (gives) bhy (which God) ahlad (that) wh (power) alyx (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (God) ahla (may be glorified) xbtsn (truly) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& honor) arqyaw (glory) atxwbst (that) yh (Whose) hlydd (is) wh (to you) Nwkl (that will come) Nywhd (at the temptations) anwyonb (be astonished) Nwrmdtt (not) al (beloved) ybybx 12 (your proving) Nwknrxwbld (for) ljm (to you) Nwkl (happened) sdg (strange) yrkwn (something) Mdmd (as if) Kya (they are) Nywh (that) wh (of The Messiah) axysmd (the sufferings) yhwsxl (you) Nwtna (that share) Nyptwtsmd (rejoice) wdx (but) ala 13 (you shall rejoice) Nwdxt (of His glory) htxwbstd (in the revelation) anylgb (also) Pa (for in this way) ankhd (& you shall be jubilant) Nwzwrtw (the Name) hms (the sake of) ypa (for) le (you) Nwtna (are reproached) Nydoxtm (& if) Naw 14 (glorious *) atxbsm (because The Spirit) axwrd (you are blessed) Nwkybwj (of The Messiah) axysmd (upon you) Nwkyle (rests) axynttm (of God) ahlad
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(a murderer) alwjq (as) Kya (of you) Nwknm (a man) sna (not) al (only) dwxlb 15 (suffer) sax (let him) awhn (evil) atsyb (a doer) dbe (as) Kya (or) wa (a thief) abng (as) Kya (or) wa (let him be ashamed) thbn (not) al (a Christian) anyjork (as) Kya (one suffers) sax (but) Nyd (if) Na 16 (Name *) ams (in this) anhb (in it) hb (God) ahlal (let him praise) xbsn (but) ala (the judgment) anyd (that will begin) arsnd (it is) wh (time) anbzd (because) ljm 17 (it begins) arsm (from us) Nnm (but) Nyd (if) Na (of God) ahlad (the house) htyb (from) Nm (are convinced) Nyoypjtm (who not) ald (of those) Nylyad (the end) atrx (is) yh (what?) adya (of God) ahlad (of the Good News) htrbol (live) ayx (to be in hardship) Noxml (the righteous) aqydz (& if) Naw 18 (is found) xktsm (Where?) akya (& sinner) ayjxw (the evil) aeysr (according to) Kya (who suffer) Nysxd (those) Nylya (this) anh (because of) ljm 19 (their souls) Nwhtspn (to Him) hl (let them commit) Nwlegn (of God) ahlad (the will) hnybu (faithful) anmyhm (to a Creator) aywrbld (as) Kya (excellent) aryps (by works) adbeb Chapter 5 (among you) Nwkb (who are) tyad (the elders) asysq (of) Nm (but) Nyd (I) ana (beg) aeb 5:1 (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the sufferings) yhwsxd (& witness) adhow (your fellow) Nwkrbx (elder) asysq (I) ana (to be revealed) algtnd (is going) dyted (which) wh (of His glory) hxbwsd (& sharer) aptwsw (you) Nwkl (that follow) amlsmd (of God) ahlad (the flock) atyerm (shepherd) wer 2 (with pleasure) anybub (but) ala (by compulsion) aryjqb (not) al (spiritually) tyanxwr (& take care) wrweow (your heart *) Nwkbl (all) hlk (from) Nm (but) ala (defiled) apnj (by profit) anrtwyb (not) al (as) Kya (but) ala (of the flock) atyermd (lords) ayrm (as) Kya (not) al 3 (excellent) atryps (examples) atwmd (to them) Nwhl (that you would be) Nwwhtd (Shepherd) atwer (The Chief) br (will be revealed) algtn (& when) dkd 4 (fades) amx (that not) ald (of glory) axbwsd (a crown) alylk (from Him) hnm (you shall receive) Nwlbqt (to your elders) Nwkysysql (submit) wdbetsa (younger) amyle (& you) Nwtnaw 5 (each one) addx (to) twl (of mind) anyer (humility) twkykm (closely) tyauyx (& be clothed) wpjetaw (who are proud) Nymyrttmd (to those) Nylyad (is) wh (opposed) albwqo (God) ahlad (because) ljm (grace) atwbyj (He gives) bhy (& to the humble) akykmlw (mighty) atpyqt (the hand) hdya (under) tyxt (therefore) lykh (be humbled) wkkmta 6 (that is right) qdzd (in the time) anbzb (may exalt you) Nwkmyrt (that it) yhd (of God) ahlad (God) ahla (on) le (cast) wds (all) hlk (& your cares) Nwktpuw 7 (of you) Nwkyle (takes care) lyjb (for He) hld (Satan) anjo (your enemy) Nwkbbdlebd (because) ljm (& be reflective) wdhew (be alert) wryetta 8 (to devour) elbn (whom) wnmld (& seeks) aebw (& walks) Klhmw (roars) Mhn (a lion) ayra (as) Kya (you) Nwtna (are firm) Nyrrsm (while) dk (against him) hlbwql (therefore) lykh (stand) wmwq 9 (your brethren) Nwkyxa (against) le (that also) Pad (& know) wedw (in the faith) atwnmyhb (occur) Nyure (sufferings) asx (these) Nylh (those) Nwnh (in the world) amlebd (eternal) Mleld (to His glory) hxbwsl (Who called us) Nrqd (He) wh (of grace) atwbyjd (but) Nyd (The God) ahla 10 (we shall endure) rbyon (that while) dkd (us) Nl (Who gives) bhyd (He) wh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (& confirmed) rrtsnw (to be empowered) lyxtnd (small) arwez (afflictions) anulwa (these) Nylh (to eternity) Mlel (in Him) hb (& established) Myqtnw
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(& the honor) arqyaw (& the power) andxwaw (the glory) axbws (for to Him) hld 11 (truly) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (I) ana (think) rbod (as) Kya (few things) atyrwez (these) Nylh 12 (I) ana (& am convinced) opmw (trustworthy) anmyhm (brother) axa (Sylvanus) ownwlo (by) dyb (of God) ahlad (true) atryrs (the grace) atwbyj (is) yh (that this) adhd (I) ana (& testify) dhow (in it) hb (you) Nwtna (which stand) Nymyqd (this) adh (chosen) atybg (the church) atde (your welfare) Nwkmls (invokes) alas 13 (my son) yrb (& Marqus) owqrmw (which is in Babel) lbbbd (holy) atsydq (with a kiss) atqswnb (of another) dxd (one) dx (the welfare) amlsb (invoke) wlas 14 (Amen) Nyma (are) Nwna (who in The Messiah) axysmbd (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk (with) Me (peace) amls

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Second Epistle of The Apostle Peter axyls apakd Nytrtd atrga

2 Peter

* The Epistle of 2nd Peter is not included in The Peshitta; neither is 2nd John, 3rd John, Jude or Revelation. Those books are supplied in John Gwynns edition of the General Epistles from The Crawford Aramaic manuscript and others of these books. These books have been included in the Western Canon of The Syrian Orthodox Church, The Maronite Church and others which use the Aramaic NT, however, the General Epistles in those churches have been based on The Harklean Syriac Version, which is a translation from the Greek NT into Aramaic done in AD 616. The text used by John Gwynn is not The Harklean Version. The texts of the two editions are quite diverse in many places. (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (& an apostle) axylsw (servant) adbe (Petros) owrjp (Shimeon) Nwems 1:1 (in honor *) arqyab (equal *) tyws (who for the faith) atwnmyhld (to those) Nylyal (of our Lord *) Nrmd (by the righteousness) atwqydzb (were worthy *) wywtsa (with us) Nme (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& our Savior) Nqwrpw Shimeon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Yeshua The Messiah, to those who were esteemed worthy for the faith, equal with us in honor, by the righteousness of our Lord and our Savior Yeshua The Messiah. * * All Greek mss. have isotimov equally precious in place of these two Aramaic words; isotimov is a compound word iso equal + timov precious. Interestingly, the Aramaic words arqyab & tyws can mean in worth & equally. * All the Greek mss. have lacousin they obtained by lot; The Aramaic wywtsa were worthy is very similar to another verb wytsa which means they imbibed, they received. I posit that the word wywtsa were worthy was read as wytsa they imbibed, they received and translated lacousin they obtained by lot.The Greek for they were worthy or they were esteemed worthy is axioi hsan or axiwyhsontai or kataxiwyhsontai kataxiwyhsontai. axiwyhsontai. Which of these looks like lacousin they obtained by lot? So is it unlikely the Aramaic reading wywtsa were worthycame from Greek reading, lacousin they obtained by lot. It looks far more likely that the Greek came from the Aramaic text. (By the way:Does God cast lots?) Here are the two readings in Aramaic: wywtsa They were worthy (Gwynns Edition) wytsa They received (Hypothetical base for Greek reading) * Greek has tou yeou hmwn -of our God, as does The Harklean. (by the teaching) aedwwsb (to you) Nwkl (be multiplied) agon (& peace) amlsw (grace) atwbyj 2 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord *) Nrmd Grace and peace be multiplied to you by the teaching of our Lord Jesus The Messiah. * Greek has of our God & our Lord Jesus; Harklean adds The Messiah axysm. (of the power) alyxd (that are) Nyhytyad (those things) Nylya (Who all) Nyhlkd (The One) Nm (as) Kya 3 (by) dyb (has given) bhy (of God) ahla (& the worship) tlxdw (the life) ayx (with) twl (Divine) ayhla (us) Nl (Who has called) arqd (of Him) whd (the teaching) aedwws (& majesty) atwrtymw (His *) hlyd (into glory) atxwbstb As The One Who has given all those things which are of the Divine power, with life and the worship of God, by His teaching, Who has called us into His glory and majesty. (gave) bhy (to you *) Nwkl (& precious) aryqyw (great) abrwr (declarations) aydwws (Who by these) Nyhydyabd 4 (of the nature) anykd (sharers) aptws (you will be) Nwwht (these) Nylh (that by) dybd (the corruption) albx (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (flee) Nyqre (when) dk (Divine) ayhla (which are in the world) amlebd (of desires) atgygrd * Greek has hmin to us.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Second Epistle of The Apostle Peter axyls apakd Nytrtd atrga

(all) hlk (diligently) anejlqs (when) dk (this) adh (but) Nyd (& there is) yhw 5 (virtue) atwrtym (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (onto) le (add) wpowa (you) Nwtna (bring) Nylem (knowledge) atedy (virtue) atwrtym (but) Nyd (onto) le (perseverance) atwnnomxm (but) Nyd (onto) le (perseverance) atwnnomxm (knowledge) atedy (but) Nyd (onto) le 6 (for God) ahla (the reverence) tlxd (patience) atwnrbyom (but) Nyd (onto) le (patience) atwnrbyom (of the brotherhood) atwxa (love) tmxr (for God) ahla (reverence) tlxd (but) Nyd (onto) le 7 (love) abwx (of the brotherhood) atwxa (affection) tmxr (but) Nyd (onto) le (& abound) Nrytyw (with you) Nwkl (are found) Nxyks (when) dk (for) ryg (these) Nylh 8 (fruit) arap (without) ald (neither) alpa (void) alyjb (they are) awh (not) al (of our Lord) Nrmd (in the teaching) hedwwsb (you) Nwkl (they establish) Nmyqm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (is) yhwtya (blind) aymo (these things) Nylh (with him) hl (is found) Nxyks (who not) ald (for) ryg (he) wh 9 (former) aymdq (of his sins) yhwhjxd (the purification) aykwd (that he has forgotten) aejd (he sees) azx (because not) ald (take pains) wpuy (my brothers) yxa (all the more) tyaryty (that) yh (& about) lew 10 (sure) atrrsm (& your election) Nwktybgw (your calling) Nwktyrq (good) abj (your deeds) Nwkydbe (that by) dybd (you) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe (these things) Nylh (for) ryg (when) dk (you shall make) Nwdbet (you) Nwtna (will fall) Nyertsm (ever) Mwtm (not) al (an entrance) atlem (to you) Nwkl (is given) abhytm (richly) tyaryte (for) ryg (in this way) ankh 11 (& our Savior) Nqwrpw (of our Lord) Nrmd (eternal) Mleld (of the kingdom) atwklmd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (you) Nwkl (am) ana (reminding) dhemd (from) Nm (I) ana (weary) Namm (not) al (this) adh (& about) lew 12 (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (also) Pa (well) bj (when) dk (these things) Nylh (of) le (truly) tyanyma (this) anh (truth) arrs (upon) le (you) Nwtna (& are established) Nykymow (that as long as) amkd (to me) yl (it seemed) trbtoa (but) Nyd (that just) anakd 13 (in memory) andhweb (to awaken you) Nwkryea (this) anh (in body *) argpb (I am) ytyad * Greek has skhnwmatov skhnwmatov- Tent. Aramaic for Tent is alljmb Matlala or anksmb Mashkna. The actual Aramaic reading is argpb -bpagra-in body this. In DSS script, the actual Aramaic reading is )rgpb.,Again,this is )rgpb DSS Aramaic for in a Tent Matlala is )ll+mb;& Mashkna)nk$mb. The firstAshuri pair have 66% correlation.The Greek for body would be swmatov; Compare Greek -skhnwmatov- Tent.One is seven letters and one is ten letters. One other fact mitigates against the Aramaic being derived from the Greek- The Greek word skhnwmatov is traditionally often used metaphorically for the body as a tent for the soul, according to Greek philosophy and theology. The Aramaic word does not carry that usage. Hence it seems much more likely the Greek is a translation of the Aramaic than vice versa. It is not likely an Aramaean would have translated skhnwmatov tent as argpb body. Here is an excerpt from Thayers Greek English Lexicon for skhnnwma: skhnnwma: 4638 skhnwma skenoma skay-no-mah from 4637; TDNT-7:383,1040; n n AV-tabernacle 3; 3 1) a tent, a tabernacle 1a) of the temple as Gods habitation 1b) of the tabernacle of the covenant 1c) metaph. of the human body as the dwelling of the soul The same Greek word occurs in the next verse, where the Aramaic has yrgpd of my body.

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(is) awh (soon) lgeb (from my body) yrgpd (that the departure) andnwed (I) ana (know) edy (as) dk 14 (informed me) ynedwa (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (to you) Nwkl (it) tya (is) awh (constantly) tyanyma (that also) Pad (but) Nyd (I) ana (take pains) Puy 15 (a record) andhwe (my) ylyd (departure) anqpm (after) rtb (from) Nm (that also) Pad (making) Nydbe (you will be) Nwwht (of these things) Nylhd (craftily) atwnmwab (made) Nydybed (fables) altm (after) rtb (when) dk (for) ryg (was) awh (not) al 16 (& the coming) htytamw (the power) hlyx (to inform you of) Nwknedwa (we have gone) Nnylza (while) dk (but) ala (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (His) hlyd (of majesty) atwbrd (we were) Nywh (eye-witnesses) ayzx (honor) arqya (The Father) aba (God) ahla (from) Nm (He received) bon (for) ryg (when) dk 17 (that as) Kyad (to Him) hl (came) ata (the voice) alq (when) dk (& glory) atxwbstw (in His majesty) htwbrb (splendid) tyap (the glory) atxwbst (from) Nm (this) anh (I am delighted) tybjua (in Whom) hbd (He) wh (Beloved) abybx (The) wh (My Son) yrb (This is) wnhd (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (we heard) Nnems (voice) alq (this) anhl (it) hl (we) Nnx (also) Pa 18 (with Him) hme (were) Nywh (we being) Nytya (when) dk (to Him) hl (which came) atad (holy) asydq (in the mountain) arwjb (of prophesy) atwybnd (the word) atlm (also) Pa (what is true) aryrsd (to us) Nl (& there is) tyaw 19 (at it) hb (when) dk (you) Nwtna (do) Nydbe (which excellent) rypsd (that) yh (dark) ajwme (in a place) artab (that shines) rhnmd (at a lamp) agrsbd (as) Kya (you) Nwtna (gaze) Nyryx (in your hearts) Nwktwblb (will rise) xndn (& the sun *) asmsw (will shine) rhnn (the day) ammyad (until) amde * Greek has fwsforov phosphoros-light bearer, the planet Venus, day star. (prophesy) atwybn (that every) lkd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (first) Mdqwl (this) adh (while) dk 20 (is) aywh (not) al (its own) hlyd (of writing) abtkd (an exposition) ayrs (come) tta (of man) asnrbd (by the will) anybub (for) ryg (has) awh (not) al 21 (The Spirit) axwr (from) Nm (when) dk (but) ala (the prophesy) atwybn (ancient times) Mwtm (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (men) asnynb (holy) asydq (spoke) wllm (being compelled) Nydgntm (Holy) asydq Chapter 2 (that also) Pad (as) Kya (among the people) ameb (lying) algd (prophets) aybn (also) Pa (but) Nyd (were) wwh 2:1 (heresies) oyorh (who bring) Nylemd (those) Nylya (lying) algd (teachers) anplm (shall be) Nwwhn (among you) Nwkb (they deny) Nyrpk (them) Nwna (Who bought) Nbzd (& The Lord) armbw (of destruction) andbad (speedy) abhrom (destruction) andba (themselves) Nwhspn (upon) le (bringing) Nytym (while) dk (their) Nwhlyd (abominations) atwpnj (after) rtb (will go) Nwlzan (& many) aaygow 2 (will be blasphemed) Pdgtt (of truth) arrsd (the way) axrwa (because of whom) Nwhtljmd (these) Nylh (they will make profit) Nwrgttn (of babbling) aydbd (& by words) almbw (& by greed) atwbwlebw 3 (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (whose judgment) Nwhnydd (these) Nylh (among you) Nwkb (sleeps) Man (not) al (& their destruction) Nwhndbaw (is idle) ljb (not) al (had pity) ox (not) al (who sinned) wjxd (the angels) akalm (upon) le (God) ahla (for) ryg (if) Na 4 (into the depths *) atytxtb (them) Nwna (He cast down) Nge (of darkness) anjmed (in chains *) atlssb (but) ala (of torment *) aqnwsd (for judgment) anydl (to be kept) Nwrjntnd (them) Nwna (& handed over) Mlsaw * Greek has tartarwsav Tartarused, Cast into Tartarus? a participle from Tartarus not found anywhere else in Greek literature.The noun form Tartarov is found in The LXX (Job 40:20) where it refers to the quadrapeds in the deep. This use of the noun is much more in keeping with the meaning of the Aramaic in this verse-the depths. C * There are two Greek readings here:Most mss. have- eiv krisin throumenouv unto judgment being kept and the two old uncials (a-4th cent &.A -5th cent.) have - eiv krisin kolazomenouv threin unto judgment being punished to be
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kept. Each of these is represented in the Aramaic text to be kept for judgment of torment. Both of these can be derived from the Aramaic; it would be very difficult to maintain that the Aramaic interpolated these two readings into one to form a translation into Aramaic. This kind of split reading and split translation in Greek from Aramaic occurs in so many places and with all possible text types and even individual Greek uncials that it is almost inconceivable to argue that the Aramaic was based on all Greek ms. readings in so many places in The NT. (Noah) xwnl (but) ala (had mercy) ox (not) al (first) aymdq (the world) amle (& upon) lew 5 (He preserved) rjn (of righteousness) atwnakd (preacher) azwrk (the eighth) aynmtd (He brought) ytya (of the wicked) aeysrd (the world) amle (over) le (a flood) anpwj (when) dk (He burned) dqwa (& of Amora) arwmedw (of Sodom) Mwdod (the city) atnydml (& when) dkw 6 (an example) atywxt (when) dk (them) Nyna (condemned) byx (& in an overturning) aykwphbw (He set) Mo (to be) Nwwhnd (who were going) Nydyted (to the wicked) aeysrl (had) awh (who suffered indignity) xpqtmd (the righteous) aqydz (Lot) jwll (also) Pa 7 (that these) Nylhd (which is in abominations *) atwpnjbd (the way of life) akpwh (from) Nm (He delivered) yup (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya (law) aowmn (who without *) aldd Also He delivered righteous Lot who had suffered the indignity of the abominable way of life of those who were lawless. * Greek has ayesmwn en aselgeia -of the impious in wantonness; the Aramaic language is an upgrade in information and intensity from the Greek, which is typical for The Peshitta compared to the Greek. Another term for this is lower entropy (higher information and organization content); a translation will have less information and detail than its original.The Greek consistenty exhibits this trait compared to The Aramaic text and hence exhibits the traits of a translation whereas The PeshittaAramaic NT exhibits the traits of an original document. (was) awh (dwelling) rme (when) dk (& while hearing) aemsbw (for) ryg (while seeing) atzxb 8 (righteous) atqydz (his soul) hspnl (day) Mwy (from) Nm (day) Mwy (among them) Nwhtnyb (he) wh (the just) anak (had) awh (tormented) qnsm (law) owmn (without) ald (by deeds *) adbeb (those) Nylyal (suffering) anulwa (from) Nm (to deliver) qwrpnd (Jehovah) ayrm (He) wh (knows) edy 9 (of judgment) anydd (for the day) amwyl (but) Nyd (the evil) alwel (Him) hl (who reverence) Nylxdd (keeps) rjn (they are being tormented) Nyqntsm (while) dk (in desire) atgrb (the flesh) arob (who after) rtbd (those) Nylyal (but) Nyd (especially) tyaryty 10 (they preach) Nyrobm (authority) atwrm (& against) lew (they go) Nylza (of defilement) atwamjd (they are shaken) Nyeyz (not) al (the glory) atxwbst (who from) Nmd (& proud) alqsmw (insolent) axrm (they blaspheme) Nypdgm (when) dk (& strength) answebw (who in power) alyxbd (the angels) akalmd (whereas) akya 11 (against them) Nwhyle (bring) Nytym (not) al (than they) Nwhnm (are greater) Nybrwr (of blasphemy) apdwgd (a judgment) anyd (Jehovah) ayrm (from *) Nm (are) wwh (dumb) atsrx (animals) atwyx (who as) Kyad (but) Nyd (these) Nylh 12 (that not) ald (in those things) Nylyab (as) dk (& destruction) albxlw (for the knife *) abrxl (by nature *) anykb (they will be destroyed) Nwlbxtn (their) Nwhlyd (by corruption) albxb (they slander) Nypdgm (they know) Nyedy * Greek has gegennhmena fusika fusika eiv alwsin kai fyoran born natural for capture and corruption. (of evil) alwed (the payment) arga (evil) alwe (with whom) Nwhb (is) awhd (those) Nylya (when) dk 13 (in the daytime) ammyab (that is) awhd (a banquet) amowb (by them) Nwhl (is considered) bysx (pleasure) atwynh (they celebrate) Nymobtm (& when) dkd (with defects) amwm (& they are filled) yylmw (of defilement) amtkm (they indulge themselves) Nyqnptm (in their love feasts) Nwhtxynb (& sins) ahjxw (of adultery *) arwg (full) Nylmd (to them) Nwhl (are) tya (eyes) anye (when) dk 14 (souls) atspnl (they seduce) Nyldsm (as) dk (come to an end) Nypwm (that not) ald (in greed) atwbwleb (that is trained) srdmd (& a heart) ablw (are stable) Nkymo (who not) ald
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(of the curse) atjwld (children) aynb (to them) Nwhl (is) tya * Greek has ofyalmouv econtev mestouv moicalidov having eyes full of an adulteress.This does not look good for the Greek text. Most English translations cover this glaring error over by translating it as adultery, which is not the correct translation of the Greek word. (straight) atuyrt (the way) axrwa (they abandoned) wqbs (& when) dkd 15 (Beor *) rweb (son of) rb (of Balaam) Melbd (in the way) axrwab (& went) wlzaw (they strayed) wgs (loved) bxa (of evil) alwed (who the wages) argad (him) wh C * Greek has two readings: P72(3rd cent.),C + Majority has Bosor Bosor; The Critical Greek text has bewr Beor, which agrees with the Aramaic reading.Here are the two in Aramaic: Ashuri script rweb Beor rwub Bosor 90% correlation DSS script rw(b Beor rwcb Bosor 90% correlation Estrangela script rw(b Beor

rwcb Bosor 75% correlation Both Aramaic names are found in the OT Peshitta; The Greek LXX has the two Greek names Bewr Beor & Bosor Bosor matched with the Aramaic names as shown. The two in Aramaic are very similar in Ashuri and in Dead Sea Scroll scripts; Estrangela spellings are not quite as similar, though still more so than in the Greek spellings.
Greek uncial script BEwR Beor BOCOR Bosor Sinaiticus: Vaticanus Sinaiticus has both readings combined in one- BEwoRCOR Beoorsor Vaticanus has BEwR Beor. Greek shows 33% letter correlation. (to his violation) htwnrbetml (to him) hl (that was) twhd (but) Nyd (the reproof) atwnokm 16 (of children of men) asnynbd (which in a voice) alqbd (voice) alq (without) ald (a donkey) anta (of the prophet) aybnd (the madness) htwyjsl (restraining) tlk (spoke) tllm (clouds *) anne (water) aym (without) ald (fountains) anyem (are) Nwna (these) Nylh 17 (which gloom) anjmed (these) Nylh (are driven) Npdrtm (a hurricane) alele (which from) Nmd (for them) Nwhl (is kept) ryjn (of darkness) akwsxd (they seduce) Nyldsm (they utter) Nyllmm (empty) atwqyrod (horrors) axnwg (for) ryg (when) dk 18 (a few) lylq (who by words) almbd (those) Nylyal (of the flesh) arobd (filthy) atpnj (by desires) atgygrb (were employed) Nykphtm (who in deception) atwyejbd (those) Nylya (from) Nm (were escaping) Nyqre (are) Nwhytya (servants) adbe (those) Nwnh (when) dk (they promise) Nydwtsm (to them) Nwhl (& liberty) atwraxw 19 (is conquered) akz (of which anyone) snad (thing) Mdm (for) ryg (that) whl (of corruption) albxd (he is serving) dbesm (also) Pa (this) anhl (it) hl (of the world) amled (the abominations) htwpnj (from) Nm (they have fled) wqre (when) dk (for) ryg (if) Na 20 (& our Savior) Nqwrpw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (by the teaching) hedwwsb (again) bwt (they are entangled) Nylzretm (when) dk (in these things) Nylhb (in them) Nyhb
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(the beginning) atymdq (than) Nm (worse) asybd (their end) Nwhtrx (it) hl (is) twh (they are overcome) Nykdzm (the way) axrwal (to have known) Nwedwtsn (not) ald (for) ryg (for them) Nwhl (it were) awh (better) xqp 21 (afterward) artbl (they perceived) wedwtsa (that when) dkd (than) wa (of righteousness) atwqydzd (to them) Nwhl (that was delivered) Mltsad (holy) asydq (the decree) andqwp (from) Nm (they would turn away) Nwkphn (true) aryrs (of the proverb) altmd (these things) Nylh (but) Nyd (to them) Nwhl (have happened) sdg 22 (that was washed) txod (& the sow) atryzxw (its vomit) hbwyt (to) le (that returned) Kphd ( the dog) ablkd (of the mud) anyod (to the wallowing) algrweb

Chapter 3 (I) ana (write) btk (second) Nytrtd (epistle) atrga (beloved) ybybx (now) wdk (even) Nm (this) adh 3:1 (by memory) andhweb (I) ana (awaken) ryem (by which) Nyhbd (these) Nylh (to you) Nwkl (pure) ayps (your minds) Nwknyerl (from) Nm (were spoken) rmata (that before) Mdqd (the words) alml (that you may remember) Nwdhettd 2 (of our Lord) Nrmd (& the commandments) hndqwplw (holy) asydq (the prophets) aybn (the apostles) axyls (which were through) dybd (& our Savior) Nqwrpw (in the end) atrxb (that will come) Nwtand (you) Nwtna (knew) Nyedy (first) Mdqwl (this) adh (as) dk 3 (lusts) atgygr (according to) Kya (while) dk (who scoff) Nyxzbmd (scoffers) anxzbm (of days) atmwyd (they walk) Nyklhm (their own) Nwhlyd (of His coming) htytamd (the promise) anklwm (is) yhwtya (Where?) akyad (& they say) Nyrmaw 4 (in this way) ankh (everything) Mdmlk (fell asleep) wbks (our forefathers) Nthba (for) ryg (when) dk (from) Nm (of creation) atyrbd (the beginning) hyrws (from) Nm (continue) rtkm (that the heavens) aymsd (they choose) Nybu (when) dk (this) adh (for) ryg (they) Nwhl (disregard) ayej 5 (& the land) aeraw (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (were) wwh (they) Nwhytya (of God) ahlad (by the word) atlmb (arose) tmq (water) aym (& by) dybw (waters) aym (from) Nm (in water) aymb (lay) Pj (which then was) Nydyhd (the world) amle (by which) Nwhydyabd (these) Nylh 6 (& was destroyed) dbaw (His) hlyd (by word) atlmb (& the earth) aeraw (which now are) ashd (but) Nyd (the heavens) ayms 7 (of judgment) anydd (for the day) amwyl (they are kept) Nyrjntm (for fire) arwnl (as) dk (are stored up) Nynyoa (wicked) aeysr (of children of men) asnynbd (& of the destruction) andbadw (day) amwy (that one) dxd (beloved) ybybx (you shall disregard) Nwkyejt (not) al (one) adx (but) Nyd (this) adh 8 (years) Nyns (& a thousand) Plaw (is) yhwtya (years) Nyns (a thousand) Pla (as *) Kya (to Jehovah) ayrml (one) dx (day) amwy (as *) Kya The key word is as. (delay) arxwws (people) Nysnad (as) Kya (in His promises) yhwnklwmb (Jehovah) ayrm (delays) rxwtsm (not) al 9 (because of you) Nwktljm (of His Spirit) hxwr (is long) rgm (but) ala (consider) Nyrbom (every person) snlk (but) ala (would perish) dban (that a person) snad (He is willing) abu (in that not) aldb (would come) atan (to conversion) atwbytl (He) wh (a thief) abng (as) Kya (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the day) hmwy (but) Nyd (comes) ata 10 (but) Nyd (the elements) aokwjoa (pass away) Nyrbe (stillness) yls (from) Nm (the heavens) ayms (in which) hbd (& the works) adbew (& the earth) aeraw (shall be destroyed) Nwrtsn (set on fire) Nydqy (when) dk (shall be discovered *) xktst (that are in it) hbd
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C * The Majority Greek text has, gh kai ta en auth erga katakahsetai - The earth and its works shall burn up. The Critical Greek text agrees with The Peshitta here: gh kai ta en auth erga eureyhsetai -The earth and its works shall be discovered. The Aramaic yxtst could mean, will melt, will be refined. The actual Peshitta reading xktst is very similar to that. (are destroyed) Nyrtsm (all of them) Nwhlk (these things) Nylh (therefore) lykh (when) dk 11 (that you would be) Nwwhtd (for you) Nwkl (is right) qdz (what?) Nylya (that as) Kyad (of God) ahla (& in the worship) tlxdbw (holy) asydq (in your way of life) Nwkykpwhb (the coming) atytaml (you) Nwtna (& eagerly desire) Nyxwow (you) Nwtna (expect) Nykom (while) dk 12 (the heavens) ayms (in which) hbd (that) wh (of God) ahlad (of the day) hmwyd (& the elements) aokwjoaw (shall be dissolved) Nwrtsn (by fire) arwnb (tested) Nyrxbtm (when) dk (they shall melt) Nwxwsn (set on fire) Nydqy (when) dk (His) hlyd (promise) anklwm (according to) Kya (new) atdx (& earth) aeraw (new) atdx (but) Nyd (heavens) aymsl 13 (dwells) arme (righteousness) atwqydz (in which) Nwhbd (these) Nylh (we look for) Nnykom (you) Nwtna (expect) Nykom (these things) Nylhl (as) dk (beloved) ybybx (this) anh (because) ljm 14 (to Him) hl (defect) amwm (& without) aldw (spot) amtwk (that without) aldd (take pains) wpuy (in peace) amlsb (you shall be found) Nwxktst (is salvation) anqrwp (of Jehovah) ayrmd (of The Spirit) hxwr (& the patience) trgmlw 15 (Paul) owlwp (beloved) abybx (our brother) Nwxa (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (you shall consider) Nwbsxt (to you) Nwkl (he wrote) btk (to him) hl (that is given) tbhytad (the wisdom) atmkx (according to) Kya (these) Nylh (about) le (in them) Nyhb (he spoke) llm (his letters) htrga (in all of them) Nyhlkbd (just as) ankya 16 (for the intellect) alkwol (that are difficult) qyoed (things) Mdm (in them) Nyhb (that are) tyad (those) Nylya (are) Nwna (teaching) anplwy (who without) aldd (that those) Nylyad (these) Nylh (these) Nylhl (also) Pad (as) Kya (those things) Nyhl (pervert) Nymqem (are stable) Nykymo (& not) alw (their own) Nwhlyd (destruction) andba (to) twl (remaining) akrsd (scriptures) abtk (know) Nyedy (you) Nwtna (beforehand) Nymdq (as) dk (beloved) ybybx (therefore) lykh (you) Nwtna 17 (the deception) atwyej (after) rtb (you) Nwtna (depart) Nylza (as) dk (lest) amldd (yourselves) Nwkspn (keep) wrj (you should fall) Nwlpt (are) Nwna (The Law) owmn (who without) aldd (of those) Nylyad (your own) Nwklyd (stability) akmo (from) Nm (& in the knowledge) atedybw (in grace) atwbyjb (growing) Nybrtm (but) Nyd (you be) Nwtywh 18 (The Father) aba (& of God) ahladw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& our Savior) Nqwrpw (of our Lord) Nrmd (& always) Nbzlkbw (now) ash (also) Pa (the glory) atxwbst (to Whom) hld (Amen) Nyma (of eternity) amle (& to the days) ymwylw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The First Epistle of The Apostle John axyls Nnxwyd atymdq atymdq atrga

1 John
(the beginning) tysrb (from) Nm (was) awh (Which) yhwtyad (That) whl (to you) Nwkl (we evangelize) Nnyrbom 1:1 (we perceived) Nyzx (with our eyes) Nynyeb (& we have seen It) yhynyzxw (Which we have heard) Nemsd (that) wh (of Life) ayxd (The Word) atlm (Which is) yhwtyad (That) wh (with our hands) Nydyab (& we have touched) Nsgw (& we testify) Nnydhow (& we perceived) Nyzxw (were revealed) wylgta (& the Lives *) ayxw 2 (those) Nwnh (eternal) Mleld (The Lives) ayx (to you) Nwkl (& we proclaim) Nnyzrkmw (to us) Nl (& were revealed) wylgtaw (The Father) aba (with) twl (were) wwh (which being) Nwhytyad * ayx Khaya (Life) is always treated as a plural word grammatically and is connected with plural predicates i.e. were revealed, those,which were, but is usually translated as a singular. This same feature occurs with the Hebrew word for Life Khayim - Myyx as used in Genesis 2:7 and elsewhere. I have it as plural in the interlinear just to highlight this fact and to give a very literal and consistent translation in which the noun and its predicates are plural as they are in Aramaic. In a prose translation, Khaya will usually be rendered as singular. (to you) Nwkl (also) Pa (we disclose) Nnyedwm (& we heard) Nemsw (Which we saw) Nyzxd (& the thing) Mdmw 3 (& our communion) Ntwptwsw (with us) Nme (communion) atwptws (to you) Nwkl (that there will be) awhtd (His Son) hrb (& with) Mew (The Father) aba (with) Me (is) hytya (ours) Nlyd (but) Nyd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (that our joy) Ntwdxd (to you) Nwkl (we write) Nnybtk (& these things) Nylhw 4 (complete) aylmsm (may be) awht (that is in you *) Nwkbd (from Him) hnm (that we have heard) Nemsd (the Good News) atrbo (is) yh (& this) adhw 5 (is) wh (light) arhwn (that God) ahlad (to you) Nwkl (& we evangelize) Nnyrbomw (in Him) hb (there is not) tyl (at all) hlk (any) lk (& darkness) akwsxw (& we walk) Nnyklhmw (with Him) hme (to us) Nl (is) tya (that communion) atwptwsd (we say) Nnyrma (& if) Naw 6 (we are informed) Nnydr (in the truth) arrsb (& not) wlw (we) Nnx (are lying) algd (in darkness) akwsxb (in the light) arhwnb (is) yhwtya (He) whd (as) Kya (we walk) Nnyklhm (in the light) arhwnb (but) Nyd (if) Na 7 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (& the blood) amdw (each other) addx (with) Me (communion) atwptws (us) Nl (there is) tya (our sins) Nyhjx (all of them) Nwhlk (from) Nm (us) Nl (purges) akdm (His Son) hrb (sin) atyjx (to us) Nl (that there is not) tyld (we shall say) rman (& if) Naw 8 (in us) Nb (is not) tyl (& the truth) arrsw (we deceive) Nnyejm (ourselves) Nspn (& righteous) qydzw (He) wh (is faithful) Nmyhm (our sins) Nyhjxb (we confess) Nnydwm (but) Nyd (if) Na 9 (our evil) Nlwe (all) hlk (from) Nm (& He will purge us) Nykdnw (our sins) Nyhjx (us) Nl (to forgive) qwbsnd (we have sinned) Nyjx (that not) ald (we say) Nnyrma (& if) Naw 10 (with us) Ntwl (is not) tyl (& His word) htlmw (a liar) algd (Him) hl (we make) Nnydbe Chapter 2 (you will sin) Nwjxt (that not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (write) btk (these things) Nylh (children) ynb 2:1 (The Redeemer from the curse *) ajlqrp (to us) Nl (there is) tya (will sin) ajxn (a man) sna (& if) Naw (The Righteous One) aqydz (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (The Father) aba (with) twl * Greek has paraklhtov Paracletos,Comforter,Advocate. Some think this Aramaic word ajlqrp (Parqlayta) is a loan word from Greek. The reverse is probably true; ajlqrp is a compound of two words: qrp-Praq, Redeemer + ajl Layta, The accursed. The word in Aramaic indicates a Savior, which is perfectly fitting and descriptive of The Messiah here and in chapter 5, as well as in John 15, where The Holy Spirit is called Khrayna Parqlayta Another Savior. The Greek word is rather tepid by comparison; a comforter or advocate does not bespeak the power and perfection of our Lords role and that of The Holy Spirit in our redemption. In times like these, we need a Savior, says the famous hymn The Solid Rock. Nothing less will do.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The First Epistle of The Apostle John axyls Nnxwyd atymdq atymdq atrga

(& not) wlw (our sins) Nyhjx (the sake of) ypa (Who is for) led (the atonement) ayowx (for) ryg (He is) wywh 2 (the universe) amle (all) hlk (in the place of) Plx (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (ours) Nlyd (in our place) Nyplx (that we know Him) yhynedyd (we sense) Nnysgrm (& by this) adhbw 3 (His commandments) yhwndqwp (we keep) Nnyrjn (if) Na (I know Him) htedyd (who says) rmad (for) ryg (he) wh 4 (is) wh (lying) algd (keeps) rjn (not) al (& His commandments) yhwndqwpw (in him) hb (is not) tyl (& the truth) arrsw (truly) tyaryrs (is perfected) Mlsm (in this one) anhb (His word) htlm (who keeps) rjnd (but) Nyd (he) wh 5 (we are) Nnx (that in Him) hbd (we know) Nnyedy (for) ryg (in this) adhb (of God) ahlad (the love) hbwx (for him) hl (it is necessary) alw (I am) ytya (in Him) hbd (who says) rmad (He) wh 6 (he should walk) Klhn (His) hlyd (His walking) htklh (that according to) Kyad (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (write) btk (new) atdx (a commandment) andqwp (not) wl (beloved ones) ybybx 7 (to you) Nwkl (was) awh (which being) tyad (that) wh (ancient) aqyte (a commandment) andqwp (but) ala (old) aqyte (but) Nyd (the commandment) andqwp (the beginning) tysrb (from) Nm (which you have heard *) Nwtemsd (that) yh (word) atlm (is) yhwtya C * The Majority Greek adds ap archv from the beginning; The Critical Greek does not. (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (write) btk (new) atdx (a commandment) andqwp (again) bwt 8 (for the darkness) akwsxd (& in you) Nwkbw (in Him) hb (true) aryrs (which is) yhwtyad (that) wh (to appear) azxtm (begins *) yrs (true) aryrs (the light) arhwnw (it) hl (has passed) rbe N * Greek has hdh fainei already shines. (in the light) arhwnb (that he is) yhwtyad (therefore) lykh (says) rmad (whoever) Nm 9 (now) ashl (until) amde (is) yhwtya (in darkness) akwsxb (his brother) yhwxal (& hates) anow (dwells) rtkm (in light) arhwnb (his brother) yhwxal (who loves) bxmd (but) Nyd (he) wh 10 (in him) hb (there is not) tyl (& offense) alskw (is) yhwtya (in darkness) akwsxb (his brother) yhwxal (who hates) anod (but) Nyd (he) wh 11 (he goes) lza (where) akyal (knows) edy (& not) alw (walks) Klhm (& in darkness) akwsxbw (his eyes) yhwnye (them) Nyna (has blinded) ymo (the darkness) akwsxd (because) ljm (that are forgiven) wqbtsad (children) aynb (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (write) btk 12 (His Name) hms (because of) ljm (your sins) Nwkyhjx (to you) Nwkl (The One) whl (that you have known Him) yhynwtedyd (fathers) ahba (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (write) btk 13 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (write) btk (the beginning) tysrb (from) Nm (was) awh (Who being) yhwtyad (the Evil One) asybl (that you have conquered him) yhynwtykzd (young men) amyle (The Father) abal (that you have known) Nwtedyd (boys) aylj (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (Him) whl (that you have known) Nwtedyd (fathers) ahba (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk 14 (young men) amyle (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (the beginning) tysrb (Who is from) Nmd (in you) Nwkb (dwells) ayrs (of God) ahlad (& the word) htlmw (you are) Nwtna (that strong) antlyxd (The Evil One) asybl (& you have conquered) yhynwtykzw (in it) hb (that are) tyad (the things) Mdml (neither) alw (the world) amlel (love) Nwmxrt (not) al 15 (in him) hb (is not) tyl (of The Father) abad (the love) hbwx (the world) amlel (loves) Mxrd (for) ryg (whoever) Nm (in the world) amleb (in it) hb (that is) tyad (for) ryg (thing) Mdm (every) lk 16
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The First Epistle of The Apostle John axyls Nnxwyd atymdq atymdq atrga

(& the pride) arhbwsw (of the eyes) anyed (& the lust) atgrw (of the body) argpd (the) wh (desire) atgr (The Father) aba (from) Nm (have been) ywh (that not) ald (these) Nylh (of temporal life) amled (the world) amle (from) Nm (these are) Nyna (from it) hnm (but) ala (but) Nyd (he) wh (& its lust) htgrw (is) wh (the world) amle (passing) rbew 17 (to eternity) Mlel (continues) awqm (of God) ahlad (the will) hnybu (who does) dbed (you have heard) Nwtemsd (what) Mdm (& as) Kyaw (an end) ayrxa (it is) wh (a time) anbz (my children) ynb 18 (to them) Nwhl (have been) wwh (& now) ashw (false) algd (The Messiah) axysm (that comes) atad (we know) Nnyedy (this) adh (& from) Nmw (false) algd (messiahs) axysm (many) aaygo (an end) ayrxa (it is) wh (that a time) anbzd (they were) wwh (from us) Nnm (not) wl (but) ala (they went out) wqpn (from us) Nnm 19 (they would have been) wwh (remaining) Nyrtkm (with us) Ntwl (they were) wwh (from us) Nnm (for) ryg (if) wla (they were) wwh (from us) Nnm (that not) wld (to disclose) edyttd (from us) Nnm (they went out) wqpn (but) ala (The Holy One) asydq (from) Nm (to you) Nwkl (is) tya (an anointing) atwxysm (& you) Nwtnaw 20 (person *) sna (every) lkl (do) wh (you) Nwtna (& distinguish) Nysrpw (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (because not) ald (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (not) al 21 (it) hl (you) Nwtna (because know) Nyedyd (but) ala (the truth) arrsl (it) hl (the truth) arrs (from) Nm (from it) hnm (is) twh (not) al (lie) atwlgd (& that every) hlkdw (that Yeshua) ewsyd (denies) rpkd (whoever) anya (only) Na (except) ala (a liar) algd (who is?) wnm 22 (false) algd (The Messiah) axysm (is) wh (this one) anh (The Messiah) axysm (is) awh (not) al (The Son) arbb (also) Pa (denies) rpk (The Father) abab (who denies) rpkd (he) wh (believes *) Nmyhm (in The Father) abab (also not) alpa (The Son) arbb (who denies) rpkd (& he) whw 23 (confesses *) adwm (The Father) abab (also) Pa (The Son) arbb (confesses) adwmd (whoever) Nm C,N Greek reads ecei has; The Majority Greek lacks the second half of the verse; The Critical Greek has it (a,B,A): o omologwn ton uion kai ton patera ecei He that confesseth the Son, hath, the Father also. The only difference from the Aramaic is the verb ecei has, where the Aramaic has,Mawdey- confesses. (let remain) awqn (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (that you heard) Nwtemsd (anything) Mdm (& you) Nwtnaw 24 (which you heard) Nwtemsd (that) Mdm (with you) Nwktwl (remains) awqm (for) ryg (if) Na (with you) Nwktwl (& in The Son) arbbw (in The Father) abab (are) Nwtna (remaining) Nywqm (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (eternal) Mleld (life *) ayx (us) Nl (which He has promised) ydwtsad (the promise) aydwws (& this is) wnhw 25 (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (but) Nyd (these things) Nylh 26 (you) Nwkl (who seduce) Nyejmd (those) Nylya (because of) ljm (The Anointing) atwxysm (with you) Nwktwl (will remain) awqt (if) Na (you) Nwtna (& also) Paw 27 (that anyone) snad (you) Nwtna (need) Nyqyno (not) al (from Him) hnm (Which you received) Nwtlbqd (God *) ahla (from) Nm (Who is) hytyad (The Anointing) atwxysm (as) Kya (but) ala (will teach you) Nwkpln (is) yh (& true) aryrsw (everything) Mdmlk (about) le (you) Nwkl (teaching) aplm (is) yh (He has taught you) Nwkplad (& as) Kyaw (falsehood) atwlgd (in Him) hb (& there is not) tylw (in Him) hb (abide *) wwq N * Greek lacks from God. C * Majority Greek has you shall abide; Critical has abide. (He is revealed) algtmd (that when) amd (in Him) hb (abide) wwq (my children) ynb (& now) ashw 28 (to us) Nl (there will be) awht (but) ala (before Him) hnm (we shall be ashamed) thbn (not) al (at His arrival) htytamb (of face) apa (openness) twylg
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The First Epistle of The Apostle John axyls Nnxwyd atymdq atymdq atrga

(that also) Pad (know *) wed (He is) wh (that righteous) qydzd (you know) Nwtedy (if) Na 29 (is *) yhwtya (from Him) hnm (righteousness) atwqydz (who does) dbed (everyone) lk Greek has gegenhtaigegenhtai-has been born. Born in Aramaic would be dlyta. Compare to yhwtya-is: DSS script: y hwty)- Is dlyt)- Born 66% correlation Ashuri (with DSS Lamed) yhwtya- Is dlyta- Born 66% correlation Estrangela yhwty0 Is dlyt0 Born 33% correlation

A careful look at the second pair of words shows a close resemblance in four letters of the second word (underlined and highlighted blue in color version) with four of the first word. The script in the original Aramaic manuscript translated into Greek seems to have been a hybrid script- a cross between Ashuri and the DSS Aramaic script used in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Evidence from other readings also supports this conclusion.

Chapter 3 (to us) Ntwl (of The Father) abad (the love) hbwx (abounds) ygo (how much) amkd (& behold) wzxw 3:1 (this) anh (because of) ljm (He has made us *) Ndbe (also) Pa (He has called us) Nrq (that children) aynbd (it knows) edy (Him) hl (neither) alpad (because) ljm (us) Nl (knows) edy (not) al (the world) amle C, N * Critical Greek has kai esmen & we are. Most Greek lacks this. It looks like a comment on the Aramaic reading Ndbe Pa also He made us, which probably refers to the fact that God has called us children and has made us children; the Critical Greek (a,A,B,C,P,Q) interprets this as -& we are. (was it revealed) ylgta (& not) alw (of God) ahlad (we are) Nnx (children) yhwnb (now) ash (beloved) ybybx 2 (but) Nyd (we know) Nnyedy (to be) awhnd (we are going) Nnydyte (what?) anm (now) ashl (until) amde (we shall be) Nnywh (in His likeness) htwmdb (He has been revealed) ylgtad (that when) amd (He is) yhwtyad (what) Mdm (as) Kya (Him) hl (& we shall see) Nnyzxw (hope) arbo (this) anh (upon Him) yhwle (to Him) hl (that is) tyad (who) anya (& everyone) lkw 3 (is) wh (pure) akd (He) whd (as) Kya (himself) hspn (purifies) akdm (commits) reo (evil) alwe (sin) atyjx (does) dbed (but) Nyd (whoever) Nm 4 (is) yh (evil) alwe (entirely) hlk (for) ryg (sin) atyjx (our sins) Nyhjx (to take away) bond (was revealed) ylgtad (that He) whd (you) Nwtna (& know) Nyedyw 5 (there is not) tyl (in Him) hb (& sin) atyjxw (sins) ajx (not) al (remains) awqm (who in Him) hbd (& everyone) lkw 6 (has he known Him) hedy (neither) alw (has seen Him) yhyzx (not) al (who sins) ajxd (& everyone) lkw (righteousness) atwqydz (who does) dbed (he) wh (let deceive you) Nwkyejn (anyone) sna (not) al (children) ynb 7 (righteous) aqydz (is) yhwtya (The Messiah *) axysm (He) wh (also) Pad (as) Kya (is) wh (righteous) aqydz * Greek lacks The Messiah.
Glenn David Bauscher

(is) wh (Satan) anjo (from) Nm (sin) atyjx (who commits) reod (he) wh 8
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(is) wh (a sinner) ayjx (Satan *) anjo (he) wh (the beginning) atysr (from) Nmd (because) ljm (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (appeared) yzxta (this) anh (& because of) ljmw (of Satan) anjod (the works) yhwdbe (to destroy) arsnd Greek has o diabolov The Devil three times in this verse & once in verse 10; The Peshitta has anjo Satan in those places. The LXX uses diabolov almost exclusively (25 out of 27 occurrences) to translate the Hebrew Njv Satan.Aramaic has another word for The Devil AkalQartsa. If The Peshitta were a translation of the Greek text, it would most likely translate o diabolov The Devil with aurqlkaaurqlka- AkalQartsa , not anjo Satana. aurqlkaaurqlkaAkalQartsa and diabolov The Devil both mean The Slanderer; anjo Satana. means The Adversary. As it stands in the Majority Greek text, Satana Satan (a transliterated Aramaic word in Greek letters) occurs 37 times in The NT (counting one Hebrew spelling- Satan) and Diabolov in all forms occurs 38 times. Sixteen of the 38 places in which Diabolov occurs, The Peshitta has anjo Satana in eight books of the NT (Matthew,Luke,John,1 Tim.,2 Tim.,Hebrews,James,1 Peter,1 John). The data suggests an Aramaic original; the LXX model translation of Hebrew confirms this. (does) dbe (not) al (sin) atyjx (God) ahla (from) Nm (who is begotten) dlytad (everyone) lk 9 (to sin) ajxml (he is able) xksm (& not) alw (is) yhwtya (in him) hb (his seed) herzd (because) ljm (he has been begotten) dlyta (God) ahla (because from) Nmd (of God) ahlad (the children) yhwnb (are distinguished) Nysrptm (in this) adhb 10 (righteousness) atwqydz (does) dbe (who not) ald (everyone) lk (of Satan) anjod (the children) yhwnb (from) Nm (God) ahla (from) Nm (is not) yhwtyl (his brother) yhwxal (loves) bxm (neither) alw (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (that you have heard) Nwtemsd (the commandment) andqwp (for this is) wnhd 11 (another) dxl (one) dx (that you shall love) Nwbxtd (The Evil One) asyb (from) Nm (was) awh (who being) yhwtyad (He) wh (Qayn) Nyaq (as) Kya (not) wl 12 (he murdered him) hljq (what?) anm (& because of) ljmw (his brother) yhwxal (& murdered) ljqw (righteous) Nyqydz (& that his brothers) yhwxadw (his works) yhwdbe (were) wwh (evil) Nysybd (because) ljm (but) ala (the world) amle (you) Nwkl (hates) ano (if) Na (my brothers) yxa (be surprised) Nwrmdtt (& not) alw 13 (to life) ayxl (death) atwm (from) Nm (that we have departed) Nnynsd (we know) Nnyedy (we) Nnx 14 (loves) bxm (who not) ald (he) wh (the brethren) Nyxal (that we love) Nnybxmd (in this) adhb (in the death) atwmb (remains) awqm (his brother) yhwxal (does) wh (a person) asna (murder) ljq (his brother) yhwxal (who hates) anod (for) ryg (every) lk 15 (a person) asna (who murders) ljqd (that everyone) lkd (you) Nwtna (& know) Nyedyw (eternal) Mleld (lives *) ayx (in him) hb (abide *) Nywqm (can *) Nyxksm (not) al For everyone who hates his brother murders a person and you know that eternal life cannot abide in anyone who murders a person. N ** Greek has ouk ecei zwhn aiwnion en autw menousan has not eternal life abiding in him. (that is toward us) Ntwld (His love) hbwx (we know) Nnyedy (by this) adhb 16 (it is right) qdz (we) Nnx (& also) Paw (in our place) Nyplx (His Life) hspn (gave) bhy (for He) whd (our lives) Ntspn (we would give) ltn (our brothers) Nyxa (the sake of) ypa (that for) led (for us) Nl By this we know His love toward us, for He gave His Life in our place, and it is right for us that we would give our lives for the sake of our brothers. (& will see) azxnw (of the world) amled (possessions) anynq (to him) hl (has) tyad (& whoever?) anyaw 17 (from him) hnm (his compassion) yhwmxr (& will withhold) dwxanw (who has a need) qynod (his brother) yhwxal (of God) ahlad (the love) hbwx (in him) hb (is) tya (how?) ankya (in words) almb (another) dxl (one) dx (let us love) bxn (not) al (children) ynb 18 (& in truth) arrsbw (in deeds) adbeb (but) ala (& in tongue) anslbw
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(we are) Nytya (the truth) arrs (that from) Nmd (we are made known) Nnyedwtsm (& by this) adhbw 19 (our hearts) Nbl (we assure) Nnyoypm (He) wh (comes *) atand (& before) Mdqw * Greek lacks before He comes. (how much?) amk (us) Nl (condemns) rob (our heart) Nbl (it is) wh (for if) Nad 20 (all things) Mdmlk (& He knows) edyw (our heart) Nbl (than) Nm (greater is) brd (God) ahla (us) Nl (condemns) rob (not) al (our heart) Nbl (if) Na (beloved) ybybx 21 (God) ahla (before) Mdq (our faces) Nypa (are) Nyna (open) Nylg (from Him) hnm (we shall receive) Nnybon (that we ask) Nnylasd (& all things) Mdmlkw 22 (His commandments) yhwndqwp (we keep) Nnyrjnd (because) ljm (before Him) yhwmdq (we do) Nnyreo (& good) atrypsw (of His Son) hrbd (in The Name) amsb (that we believe) Nmyhnd (His commandment) hndqwp (is) wh (& this) anhw 23 (He commanded us *) Ndqpd (as) Kya (another) dxl (one) dx (& we should love) bxnw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy C,TR * The Majority Greek lacks us.The TR (KJV Greek) and Critical Greek has it. (is kept *) rjntm (by Him) hb (His commandments) yhwndqwp (keeps) rjnd (& whoever) anyaw 24 (in us) Nb (that He lodges) arsd (we perceive) Nnylktom (& by this) adhbw (in him) hb (lodges) ars (& He) whw (to us) Nl (Whom He gives) bhyd (That One) yh (His Spirit) hxwr (from) Nm N * Greek has en autw menei remains in Him. Chapter 4 (be you) Nwtywh (but) ala (believe) Nwnmyht (spirits) Nyxwr (all) lkl (not) al (beloved) ybybx 4:1 (they are) Nyhytya (God) ahla (from) Nm (whether) Na (the spirits) axwr (distinguishing) Nysrp (into the world) amleb (into it) hb (have gone out) wqpn (false) algd (prophets) aybn (many) aaygod (because) ljm (who confesses) Nydwmd (spirit) axwr (every) lk (of God) ahlad (The Spirit) hxwr (is known) aedytm (by this) adhb 2 (is) yh (God) ahla (from) Nm (in the flesh) robb (has come) ata (The Messiah) axysm (that Yeshua) ewsyd (in the flesh) robb (has come) ata (that Yeshua) ewsyd (confesses) aydwm (that not) ald (spirit) axwr (& every) lkw 3 (False) algd (is that) yh (Messiah) axysm (from) Nm (this) adh (but) ala (God) ahla (from) Nm (is not) hytyl (in the world) amleb (& now) ashw (that he comes) atad (whom you have heard) Nwtemsd (him) wh (now) wdk (from) Nm (he is) yhwtya (children) aynb (are) Nwkytya (God) ahla (from) Nm (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 4 (Who is in you) Nwkbd (is He) wh (greater) brd (because) ljm (them) Nwna (& you have conquered) Nwtykzw (who is in the world) amlebd (is he) wh (than) Nm (this) anh (because of) ljm (are) Nwna (the world) amle (from) Nm (& these) Nylhw 5 (listens) ems (to them) Nwhl (& the world) amlelw (they speak) Nyllmm (the world) amle (from) Nm (God) ahlal (who knows) edyd (& he) whw (are) Nnx (God) ahla (from) Nm (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 6 (to us) Nl (listens) ems (not) al (God) ahla (from) Nm (is) yhwtya (who not) ald (& he) whw (to us) Nl (listens) ems (of Truth) arrsd (The Spirit) axwrl (we perceive) Nnylktom (by this) adhb (by it) hb (of deception) atwnyejmd (& the spirit) axwrlw (is) wh (God) ahla (from) Nm (love) abwxd (because) ljm (another) dxl (one) dx (let us love) bxn (beloved) ybybx 7 (God) ahlal (& knows) edyw (is born) dyly (God) ahla (from) Nm (loves) bxmd (who) Nm (& everyone) lkw

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(& everyone) lkw (is) wh (love) abwx (God) ahlad (because) ljm 8 (God) ahlal (knows) edy (not) al (loves) bxm (who not) ald (for His Son) hrbld (to us) Ntwld (of God) ahlad (the love) hbwx (is known) edyta (in this) adhb 9 (by Him) hdyab (that it shall live) axnd (to the world) amlel (God) ahla (sent) rds (The Only One) aydyxy (God) ahlal (we loved) Nbxa (that we) Nnxd (was it) awh (not) al (love) abwx (is) yhwtya (in this) anhb 10 (the atonement) ayowx (His Son) hrbl (& He sent) rdsw (loved us) Nbxa (He) wh (but) ala (our sins) Nyhjx (the sake of) ypa (for) le (we) Nnx (also) Pa (God) ahla (loves us) Nbxa (in this way) ankh (if) Na (beloved) ybybx 11 (to love) wbxml (another) dxl (one) dx (we are indebted) Nnybyx (we love) bxn (but) Nyd (if) Na (has seen) yhyzx (not) al (a man) sna (ever) Mwtmm (God) ahlal 12 (in us) Nb (is fulfilled) almtsm (& His love) hbwxw (abides) awqm (in us) Nb (God) ahla (another) dxl (one) dx (in us) Nb (abides) awqm (& He) whw (we abide) Nnywqm (that in Him) hbd (we know) Nnyedy (& by this) adhbw 13 (to us) Nl (He has given) bhy (His Spirit) hxwr (because of) Nmd (His Son) hrbl (sent) rds (that The Father) abad (& we testify) Nnydhomw (have seen) Nyzx (& we) Nnxw 14 (for the universe) amlel (The Savior) aqwrp (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (that He is) wywhd (Yeshua) ewsyb (who confesses) adwmd (everyone) lk 15 (in God) ahlab (dwells) awqm (& he) whw (dwells) awqm (in him) hb (God) ahla (God) ahlal (to him) hl (that is) tyad (the love) abwx (& we know) Nedyw (we believe) Nnmyh (& we) Nnxw 16 (in love) abwxb (who dwells) awqmd (& everyone) lkw (is) wh (love) abwx (for) ryg (God) ahla (for us) Nydau (dwells) awqm (in God) ahlab Greek adds and God in him. (with us) Nme (love) hbwx (is fulfilled) Mltsm (& by this) adhbw 17 (to us) Nl (will be) awht (of face) apa (that openness) twylgd (as) Kyad (because) ljm (of judgment) anydd (in the day) amwyb (world) amle (in this) anhb (we are) Nytya (we) Nnx (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (He) wh (is) awhd (perfect) aylmsm (love) abwx (but) ala (there is not) tyl (in love) abwxb (because fear) atlxd 18 (fear) atlxdd (because) ljm (fear) atlxdl (it) hl (casts) ads (outside) rbl (in love) abwxb (is developed) ylmsm (not) al (who fears) lxdd (but) Nyd (he) wh (is) hytya (in suspicion) ajnqb (loved us) Nbxa (first) tymdq (He) whd (because) ljm (God) ahlal (shall love) bxn (therefore) lykh (we) Nnx 19 (hates) ano (& his brother) yhwxalw (God) ahlal (I) ana (love) bxmd (will say) rman (a man) sna (but) Nyd (if) Na 20 (loves) bxm (not) al (who is seen) azxtmd (who his brother) yhwxald (for) ryg (he) wh (he is) wh (lying) algd (he would love) bxnd (it is possible) xksm (how?) ankya (is seen) azxtm (Who not) ald (Him) wh (God) ahlal (from Him) hnm (we have received) Nlbq (commandment) andqwp (& this) anhw 21 (his brother) yhwxal (also) Pa (shall love) bxn (God) ahlal (who loves) bxmd (that everyone) lkd Chapter 5 (The Messiah) axysm (is) yhwtya (that Yeshua) ewsyd (who believes) Nmyhmd (everyone) lk 5:1 (the parent) adwlyl (who loves) bxmd (& everyone) lkw (is born) dyly (God) ahla (from) Nm (of him) hnm (who is begotten) dlytad (the one) whl (also) Pa (loves) bxm (of God) ahlad (the children) yhwnbl (that we love) Nnybxmd (we know) Nnyedy (& in this) adhbw 2 (His commandments) yhwndqwp (& we do) Nnydbew (we love) Nnybxm (God) ahlald (whenever) am
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(His commandments) yhwndqwp (to keep) rjnd (of God) ahlad (the love) hbwx (for) ryg (is) wh (this) anh 3 (are burdensome) Nyryqy (not) al (& His commandments) yhwndqwpw (conquers) akz (God) ahla (from) Nm (who is born) dylyd (everyone) lkd (because) ljm 4 (the victory) atwkz (is) yh (& this) adhw (the universe) amlel (for himself) hl (our faith) Ntwnmyh (the universe) amlel (that conquers) htkzd (the universe) amlel (for himself) hl (he who conquers) akzd (for) ryg (who is?) wnm 5 (of God) ahlad (is) wh (The Son) hrb (that Yeshua) ewsyd (who believes) Nmyhmd (he) wh (but) ala (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& blood) amdw (water) aym (by) dyb (Who came) atad (This is) wnh 6 (& blood) amdw (by water) aymb (but) ala (only) dwxlb (by water) aymb (was) awh (not) al (The Truth) arrs (is) hytya (The Spirit) axwr (because) yhd (testifies) adhom (& The Spirit) axwrw 7 (& the blood) amdw (& the water) aymw (The Spirit) axwr (testifying) Nydho (three) atlt (& they are) Nwhytyaw 8 (are) Nwna (in one) dxb (& the three of them) Nwhytltw (how much?) amk (one) dx (we receive) Nnylbqm (of men) asnynbd (the testimony) atwdho (if) Na 9 (is) yh (& this) adhw (is) yh (greater) abrd (of God) ahlad (the testimony) htwdho (His Son) hrb (about) le (which He witnesses) dhoad (of God) ahlad (the testimony) htwdho (to him) hl (there is) tya (of God) ahlad (in The Son) hrbb (who believes) Nmyhmd (everyone) Nmlk 10 (God) ahlal (believes) Nmyhm (who not) ald (everyone) lk (in his soul) hspnb (witness) atwdho (this) adh (the testimony) atwdhol (he believes) Nmyh (because not) aldb (makes Him) hdbe (a liar) algd (His Son) hrb (concerning) le (God) ahla (that testifies) dhoad (God) ahla (us) Nl (gave) bhy (eternal) Mleld (that lives *) ayxd (the testimony) atwdho (is) yh (& this) adhw 11 (are *) Nwhytya (in His Son) hrbb (lives *) ayx (& those *) Nwnhw And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and that life is in His Son. (Life) ayxl (also) Pa (has lays hold of) dyxa (The Son) arbl (who lays hold of) dyxad (everyone) lk 12 (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrbl (lays hold of) dyxa (who not) ald (& everyone) lkw (Life) ayx (to him) hl (there is not) tyl (eternal) Mleld (that life) ayxd (that you will know) Nwedtd (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (these) Nylh 13 (you who believe *) Nwtnmyhd (to those) Nylyal (to you) Nwkl (is) tya (of God) ahlad (of The Son) hrbd (in The Name) hmsb C * The Majority Greek & TR has and that you may believe in the Name of The Son of God.. Nwtnmyhd Dhimnothown can be translated: That your faith or Because your faith or Whose faith. Apparently the translator of the Majority Greek text read it as That your faith and the Critical Greek translator read it as Whose faith. Both Greek readings further buttress Peshitta primacy in this place and for 1 John as a whole. (toward Him) htwl (to us) Nl (is) tya (the confidence) ayohrp (& this) adhw 14 (us) Nl (He hears) ems (His will) hnybu (according to) Kya (Him) hl (that we ask) Nnylasd (that all) lkd (whatever) Mdm (about) le (us) Nl (that He hears) emsd (we are convinced) Nnyopm (& if) Naw 15 (now) wdk (even) Nm (that we receive) Nlbqd (we trust) Nnylykt (from Him) hnm (we ask) Nnylasd (from Him) hnm (that we ask) Nlasd (our objects of desire) Ntlas (a sin) ahjx (who sins) ajxd (his brother) yhwxal (sees) azxn (a man) sna (if) Na 16 (life) ayx (to him) hl (& is given) Nybhytmw (let him ask) lasn (to death) atwml (is condemned) byxm (that not) ald (sinning) Nyjx (to death) atwmld (as) Kya (are) awh (who not) ald (for those) Nylyal
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(this) anh (for) le (it is) awh (not) al (of death) atwmd (sin) ahjx (for) ryg (there is) tya (the man) sna (that should pray) aebnd (I) ana (say) rma (a sin) ahjx (& there is) tyaw (is) wh (sin) atyjx (for) ryg (evil) alwe (every) lk 17 (it) wh (of death) atwmd (is) awh (that not) ald (sins) ajx (not) al (God) ahla (from) Nm (who is born) dylyd (of everyone) lkd (& we know) Nnyedyw 18 (his soul) hspn (keeps) rjn (God) ahla (from) Nm (who is born) dylyd (for) ryg (he) wh (it) hl (touches) brqtm (not) al (& The Evil One) asybw (we are) Nnx (God) ahla (that from) Nmd (we know) Nnyedy 19 (lies) Myo (that) wh (in Evil One) asybb (all) hlk (& the world) amlelw (us) Nl (& He has given) bhyw (has come) ata (of God) ahlad (that The Son) hrbd (& we know) Nnyedyw 20 (in The True One) aryrsb (in Him) hb (& to be) awhnw (The True One) aryrsl (to know) ednd (a mind) aedm (The True) aryrs (God) ahla (is) wh (This One) anh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in His Son) hrbb (Eternal) Mleld (& The Life) ayxw (of idols) arktp (the worship) tlxd (from) Nm (yourselves) Nwkspn (keep) wrj (my children) ynb 21

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Second Epistle of The Apostle John axyls Nnxwyd Nytrtd atrga

2 John
(& her children) hynblw (Lady) ayrwq (to the Elect) atybgl (The Elder) asysq 1:1 (in the truth) arrsb (I) ana (love) bxm (whom I) anad (those) Nylya (those) Nylya (all of) Nwhlk (but) ala (only) ydwxlb (I) ana (but) Nyd (it has been) awh (not) al (the truth) arrsl (who know) yhwedyd (in us) Nb (dwells) awqmd (which) anya (of the truth) arrs (because) ljm 2 (to eternity) Mlel (is) yhwtya (& with us) Nmew (& peace) amlsw (mercy) amxrw (grace) atwbyj (with us) Nme (let there be) awht 3 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (The Father) aba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& in love) abwxbw (in truth) arrsb (of The Father) abad (The Son) hrb (who are walking) Nyklhmd (your children) ykynb (some of) Nm (when I found) txksad (much) ygo (I rejoiced) tydx 4 (The Father) aba (from) Nm (we have received) Nnbon (the commandment) andqwpd (according to) ankya (in truth) arrsb (according to) Kya (it is) awh (not) al (Lady) ayrwq (you) ykl (I) ana (persuade) oypm (& now) ashw 5 (that) wh (but) ala (to you) ykl (I) ana (wrote) btk (new) atdx (the commandment) andqwp (another) dxl (one) dx (that we love) bxnd (the beginning) ayrws (from) Nm (to us) Nl (was) awh (which) tyad (His commandment) yhwndqwp (according to) Kya (that we walk) Klhnd (love) abwx (is) yhwtya (& this) anhw 6 (you heard) Nwtemsd (what) am (according to) Kya (is) yhwtya (commandment) andqwp (this) anh (walking) Nyklhm (you have been) Nwtywh (in which) hbd (the beginning) ayrws (from) Nm (into the world) amleb (in it) hb (have gone out) wqpn (deceivers) anyejm (many) aaygod (because) ljm 7 (has come) ata (The Messiah) axysm (that Yeshua) ewsyd (confess) Nydwm (who not) ald (those) Nylya (& Antichrist *) owjoyrkyjnaw (a deceiver) anyejm (is) yhwtya (this) anh (in the flesh) robb (anything) Mdm (you lose) Nwdbwt (lest) ald (to your souls) Nwkspnb (pay attention) wrhdza 8 (you may receive) Nwerptt (full) anmlsm (a reward) arga (but) ala (that you have cultivated) Nwtxlpd (in the teaching) hnplwyb (continues) awqm (& not) alw (is a violator) rbed (who) anya (everyone) lk 9 (who continues) awqmd (he) wh (in him) hb (is not) tyl (God) ahla (of The Messiah) axysmd (to him) hl (is) tya (& The Son) arblw (also The Father) abalw (this one) anh (in His teaching) hnplwyb (the teaching) anplwy (& this) anhw (to you) Nwktwl (comes) ata (a man) sna (if) Na 10 (into the house) atybb (do receive him) yhynwlbqt (not) al (brings) atym (not) al (to him) hl (you shall speak) Nwrmat (not) al (to you) Kl (& welcome) ydxw (to you) Kl (welcome) ydx (to him) hl (that says) rmad (for) ryg (He) wh 11 (evil) asyb (with his deeds) yhwdbel (is) wh (a partaker) Ptwsm (to you) Nwkl (to write) btkml (for me) yl (was) awh (there) tya (much) ataygo (when) dk 12 (& ink) atwydw (parchment) aoyjrk (that by) dybd (I wanted) tyeb (not) al (mouth) amwp (to) twl (& mouth) amwpw (to you) Nwktwl (to come) atad (I) ana (hope) rbom (but) ala (complete) aylmsm (will be) awht (our) Nlyd (that joy) atwdxd (we shall speak) llmn (Amen) Nyma (elect) atybg (of your sister) yktxd (the children) aynb (your peace) ykmls (invoke) Nylas 13

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3 John
(the beloved) bybx (to Gaius) owyagl (The Elder) asysq 1:1 (in truth) arrsb (do) ana (love) bxm (whom I) anad (to him) whl (for you) Kyle (I) ana (pray) alum (in all things) Mdmlkb (our beloved) Nbybx 2 (your soul) Kspn (prospers) axlumd (as) am (just) Kya (well) Mylx (& be) awhtw (that you prosper) xlutd (& testified) Nydhow (the brethren) axa (that came) Nytad (much) ygo (for) ryg (I rejoiced) tydx 3 (do) tna (walk) Klhm (in the truth) arrsb (you) tnad (as) am (just) Kya (your faithfulness) Krrs (about) le (that I hear) emsad (to me) yl (there is not) tyl (joy) atwdx (this) adh (than) Nm (for greater) abrd 4 (are walking) Nyklhm (in the truth) arrsb (my) ylyd (that children) aynbd (you) tna (do) reod (which) am (that) wh (you) tna (do) dbe (in faith) atwnmyhb (our beloved) Nbybx 5 (strangers) aynoka (those who are) Nwhytyad (& especially) tyarytyw (the brethren) axa (to) twl (the church) atde (all) hlk (before) Mdq (your love) Kbwx (of) le (who testified) wdhoad (those) Nylya 6 (you) tna (which supplied) dwzmd (you) tna (did) dbe (good) ryps (to those) Nwnhl (to God) ahlal (is becoming) aapd (as) am (just) Kya (to them) Nwhl (while) dk (they went out) wqpn (His Name) hms (for) ryg (for the sake) Plx 7 (the Gentiles) amme (from) Nm (they received) wbon (not) al (anything) Mdm (such as) Kyadl (to receive) wlbqml (we are indebted) Nnybyx (therefore) lykh (we) Nnx 8 (for the truth) arrsl (we may be) awhn (that helpers) anrdemd (these) Nylh (who loves) Mxrd (he) wh (but) ala (to the assembly) atdel (to write) bwtka (I had) tywh (sought *) aeb 9 (us) Nl (receives) lbqm (not) al (Diotrephys) oyprjwyd (their) Nwhlyd (foremost) aymdq (to be) awhnd N * No Greek text has I sought here. (his works) yhwdbe (I shall remember *) dhea (that I come *) atad (it is) wh (if) Na (this) anh (because of) ljm 10 (us) Nl (he slandered) rto (wicked) atsyb (which in words) almbd (which he did) dbed (those) Nwnh (received) lbqm (he) wh (not) al (these) Nylh (to him) hl (it was enough) qpo (not) al (& when) dkw (he forbids) alk (who receive) Nylbqmd (& those) Nylyalw (the brethren) axal (the church) atde (from) Nm (& throws out) qpmw (the good) atbjb (but) ala (evil) atsybb (imitate) amdtt (not) al (our beloved) Nbybx 11 (the one) wh (is) yhwtya (God) ahla (from) Nm (good) atbj (who does) dbed (the one) wh (God) ahlal (has seen Him) yhyzx (not) al (evil) atsyb (who does) dbed (everyone) snlk (from) Nm (a testimony) atwdho (he *) wh (has) tya (Demetrius) owyrjymd (about) le 12 (of the truth) arrsd (& from that) hnmw (of the assembly) atded (& from that) hnmw (you *) tna (& know) edyw (we testify) Nnydho (but) Nyd (we) Nnx (also) Pa (is) yh (true) aryrs (ours) Nlyd (that testimony) atwdhod C * The Majority Greek text and The Harklean Syriac version have the plural you know (2nd person plural), whereas this edition of Gwynn has the singular you know (2nd person singular). The Critical Greek text agrees here with this Peshitta edition of the General Epistles. (not) al (but) ala (to you *) Kl (to write) btkml (for me) yl (has been) awh (is) tya (much) ataygo 13 (to you) Kl (to write) bwtka (& reed pen) aynqw (ink) atwyd (that with) dybd (I) ana (desired) aeb
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C * The Majority Greek lacks to you here. The Critical Greek has it. (I shall see you) Kyzxa (that soon) lgebd (but) Nyd (I) ana (hope) rbom 14 (we shall speak) llmn (mouth) amwp (to) twl (& mouth *) amwpw Mouth to mouth is an Aramaic idiom meaning openly or in person. Hebrew has the same idiom; I doubt that Greek has such an idiom;its occurrence in Greek here and in 2 John, as well as in The LXX of Numbers 12:8 indicates a Semitic original behind the Greek. (the friends) amxr (your peace) Kmls (invoke) Nylas (with you) Kme (be) awhn (peace) amls 15 (by his name) hmsb (each person) snlkd (of the friends) amxrd (the peace) amls (invoke) las

axyls Nnxwyd tltd atrga

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Epistle of The Apostle Jude axyls adwhyd atrga

(The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the servant) adbe (Jude) adwhy 1:1 (by God) ahlabd (called) ayrq (to the Gentiles) ammel (of Yaqob) bwqeyd (but) Nyd (brother) axa (kept) Nyryjn (The Messiah) axysm (& by Yeshua) ewsybw (beloved ones) Nymyxr (The Father) aba (to you) Nwkl (be multiplied) agon (& love) abwxw (& peace) amlsw (mercy) amxr 2 (to write) btkml (I) ana (did) dbe (diligence) atwpyuy (all) hlk (when) dk (beloved) ybybx 3 (for me) yl (is) tya (necessary) aqnna (common) awgd (our) Nlyd (life) ayx (about) le (to you) Nwkl (you may do) Nwdbet (competition) anwgad (I am) ana (to persuade) oypm (as) dk (to you) Nwkl (to write) btkml (time) Nbz (one) adxd (which) adya (the faith) atwnmyh (for the sake of) Plx (to the holy ones) asydql (was delivered) tmltsa (who from) Nmd (those) Nylya (entrance) atwnlem (men) Nysna (for) ryg (have obtained) wnq 4 (this) anh (with guilty verdict) abywxb (written) wbtkta (were before) wmdq (the beginning) ayrws (pervert) Nykphm (of our God) Nhlad (who the grace) htwbyjld (evil) aeysr (men) asna (Lord) arm (the only) yhwdwxlb (Who is) yhwtyad (& Him) whbw (to an abomination) atwpnjl (they deny) Nyrpk (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& our Lord) Nrmw (God) ahla (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (as) dk (I) ana (wish) abu (but) Nyd (to remind you) Nwktwdheml 5 (Egypt) Nyrum (from) Nm (the people) amel (time) Nbz (one) adx (when) dk (that God) ahlad (all) Nyhlk (He destroyed) dbwa (believed) wnmyh (who not) ald (those) Nylyal (second time) Nytrtd (that) yh (removed) qrp (their principality) Nwhtwnsyr (kept) wrjn (who not) ald (those) Nylya (& the angels) akalmlw 6 (of the day) amwyd (to judgment) anydl (their own) Nwhlyd (way of life) armwe (they abandoned) wqbs (but) ala (He has kept) rjn (darkness) anjme (under) tyxt (known) aeydy (not) al (in chains) arwoab (great) abr (in which) hbd (surrounding them) Nyhyrdxd (& the cities) atnydmw (& Amora) arwmew (Sodom) Mwdod (just as) ankya 7 (other) anrxa (flesh) arob (after) rtb (& went) lzaw (committed fornication) ynz (of these) Nylhd (in the likeness) atwmdb (eternal) Mleld (of fire) arwnd (for demonstrations) atywxt (beneath) tyxt (are placed) Nmyo (to judgment) anydl (they are condemned) Nbyxm (as) dk (they lust) Nygrgrtsm (who in dreams) amlxbd (these) Nylh (also) Pa (in the likeness) atwmdb (in it) hb 8 (they reject) Nymlj (but) Nyd (Dominions *) atwrml (they defile) Nypnjm (who) Nm (flesh) arobl (they slander) Nypdgm (& The Glory) atxwbstlw (The Devil) aurqlka (who with) Med (he) wh (Angel) akalm (The Chief) syr (but) Nyd (Mikail) lyakym 9 (of Moses) aswmd (the body) hrgp (about) ljm (he was) awh (speaking) llmm (that if) Nad (while) dk (of slander) apdwgd (a judgment) anyd (against him) yhwle (to bring) atynd (he spoke to him) xrma (not) al (Jehovah) ayrm (you) Kb (will rebuke) rwegnd (he said) rma (but) ala (slander) Nypdgm (they know) Nyedy (whom not) ald (those) Nylyab (but) Nyd (these) Nylh 10 (dumb) atsrx (animals) atwyx (as) Kya (which naturally) tyanykd (but) Nyd (in those thing) Nylyab (they will be destroyed) Nylbxtnm (in them) Nyhb (they desire) Nyopm (& after) rtbw (have gone) wlza (of Qayn) Nyaqd (who in the way) hxrwabd (to them) Nwhl (Woe) yw 11 (were ravished in joy) wxrtsa (for wages) argab (of Balaam) Melbd (the deception) htwyej (they perished) wdba (of Qorah) xrwqd (& in the rebellion) htwyyuebw (are defiled) Nymtkm (while) dk (who in their feasts) Nwhtxynbd (those) Nylya (are) Nwhytya (these) Nylh 12 (they feed) Nyer (themselves) Nwhspn (fear) atlxd (without) ald (while) dk (they run riot) Nyeprptm (wander) Nyhp (the wind) axwr (that from) Nmd (rain) arjm (without) ald (clouds) anne (fruit) arap (without) ald (that are) Nwhytyad (their fruit) Nwhba (whose has died) ypwad (trees) anlya (their roots) Nwhyrqe (from) Nm (& they pull up) wqlow (twice) twnynt (that have died) wtymd
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(their froth) Nwhtewr (that by) dybd (of the sea) amyd (strong) azyze (surges) allg 13 (to these) Nylhl (wandering) anyejm (stars) abkwk (their shame) Nwhtthb (show) Nywxm (is kept) ryjn (to them) Nwhl (to eternity) Mlel (of darkness) akwsxd (for whom the gloom) anjmed (who is) yhwtyad (he) wh (to these) Nylhl (also) Pa (but) Nyd (prophesied) ybnta 14 (he said) rma (as) dk (Henok) Kwnx (Adam) Mda (from) Nm (seventh) aebsd (of His holy ones) asydqd (with myriads) atwbrb (comes) ata (Jehovah) ayrm (Behold) ahd (souls *) atspn (all) lkl (& to reprove) wokmlw (all) lk (on) le (judgment) anyd (to do) dbend 15 (who did wickedness) wesrad (those) Nylya (works) adbe (all their) Nwhlk (because of) ljm (have spoken) wllmd (which) Nylya (hard) atysq (the words) alm (all) Nyhlk (& because of) ljmw (wicked) aeysr (sinners) ayjx (matter) Nwbu (in every) lkb (& complaining) Nyldew (those murmuring) Nynjrmd (are) Nwna (these) Nylh 16 (& their mouth) Nwhmwpw (they walk) Nyklhm (their) Nwhlyd (desires) atgygr (according to) Kya (while) dk (profit) anrtwy (for) ljm (persons) apwurpl (& they flatter) Nyxbsmw (guilt) atxyng (speaks) llmm (that before) Mdqd (those) Nylya (words) alml (remember) wrkdta (beloved) ybybx (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 17 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the apostles) yhwxyls (from) Nm (were spoken) rmata (shall be) Nwwhn (time) anbzd (in the last) atrxbd (to you) Nwkl (they) wwh (which said) Nyrmad 18 (their own) Nwhlyd (desires) atgygr (who by) Kyad (who mock) Nyxzbmd (those) Nylya (wickedness) aeswr (after) rtb (they go) Nylza (the animal life) aynspn (who distinguish) Nysrpmd (those) Nylya (are) Nwhytya (these) Nylh 19 (with them) Nwhl (is not) tyl (because The Spirit) axwrd (holy) atsydq (your) Nwklyd (in faith) atwnmyhb (beloved) ybybx (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 20 (praying) Nylum (while) dk (Holy) asydq (by The Spirit) axwrb (the top *) syrd (from) Nm (be encouraged) wnbta (let us keep) rjn (of God) ahlad (in the love) abwxb (but) Nyd (ourselves *) Nspn 21 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the mercy) hnnxl (we look for) Nnykom (as) dk (eternal) Mleld (our) Nlyd (to life) ayxl (snatch) wpwjx (the fire) arwn (are from) Nm (who) Nm (& some of them) Nwhnmlw 22 (with respect) atlxdb (upon them) Nwhyle (show pity) wmxrta (they repent) Nywttm (but) Nyd (when) dk 23 (is defiled) amtkmd (the flesh) arob (that from) Nmd (the tunic) anytwkl (also) Pa (you) Nwtna (hate) Nyno (while) dk (offense) aterws (without) ald (us *) Nl (keep) rjnnd (Who can) xksmd (but) Nyd (to Him) whl 24 (a flaw) amwm (without) ald (& we shall stand) Myqnw (defilement) amtwk (& without) aldw (our Lord) Nrm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (our Savior) Nqwrp (God) ahla (He alone is) yhwdwxlb 25 (& thanksgiving) andxwaw (is the praise) axbws (to Him) hl (in joy) atwdxb (His glory) htxwbst (before) Mdq (Amen) Nyma (ages) amle (& into all) Nwhlkbw (now) ash (even) Pa (& majesty) atwbrw (& honor) arqyaw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Chapter 1 (called) ayrq (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (a servant) adbe (Paul) owlwp 1 (of God) ahlad (to the Gospel) Nwylgnwal (who was separated) srptad (& an apostle) axylsw (He promised) Klm (the first) Mydq (which from) Nmd 2 (holy) asydq (in the scriptures) abtkb (His prophets) yhwybn (by) dyb (in the flesh) robb (Who was begotten) dlytad (He) wh (His Son) hrb (about) le 3 (of David) dywd (of the house) tybd (the seed) aerz (from) Nm (in power) lyxb (of God) ahlad (The Son) arb (& was revealed) edytaw 4 (of the dead) atym (house) tyb (from) Nm (Who arose) Mqd (Holy) swdq (& by The Spirit) xwrbw (our Lord) Nrm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in all) Nwhlkb (& apostleship) atwxylsw (grace) atwbyj (we have received) Nbon (for in Him) hbd 5 (of His name) hmsd (the faith) atwnmyhl (that they may obey) Nwemtsnd (so that) Kya (the nations) amme (are) Nwtna (of them) Nwhnm (you) Nwtna (for also) Pad 6 (The Messiah) axysm (by Yeshua) ewsyb (called) ayrq (of God) ahlad (beloved) yhwbybx (who are in Rome) ymwhrbd (to all) Nwhlkl 7 (with you) Nwkme (& grace) atwbyjw (peace) amls (& holy) asydqw (called) ayrq (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (my God) yhlal (I) ana (thank) adwm (first) Mdqwl 8 (is heard) temtsa (because your faith) Nwktwnmyhd (all of you) Nwklk (for) le (world) amle (in the whole) hlkb First, I thank my God in Jesus The Messiah for all of you, because your faith is heard in the whole world. Greek mss. have kataggelletaikataggelletai- It is announced instead of It is heard. (I) ana (serve) smsm (that Him) hld (God) ahla (for) ryg (me) yl (is) wh (calling to testify) dho 9 (ceasing) awls (that without) aldd (of His Son) hrbd (in the Gospel) Nwylgnwab (in spirit) xwrb (in my prayers) ytwlub (of you) Nwkl (I am) ana (reminded) rkdtm (in every time) Nbzlkb (to me) yl (may be opened) xtptt (now) wdk (from) Nm (that if) Nad (I) ana (& seek favor) Nnxtmw 10 (to you) Nwktwl (that I may come) atad (of God) ahlad (in the will) hnybub (a way) axrwa (to see you) Nwkzxad (I) ana (have desired) awo (greatly) bjd (because) ljm 11 (of The Spirit) xwrd (a gift) atbhwm (to you) Nwkl (& to give) ltaw (you may confirmed) Nwrrtst (that in Him) hbd (& mine) ylydw (yours) Nwklyd (in faith) atwnmyhb (we will be comforted) aybtn (& together) adxkaw 12 (many) Naygo (that times) Nynbzd (you to know) Nwedtd (my brothers) yxa (but) Nyd (I) ana (want) abu 13 (& I was prohibited) tylktaw (to you) Nwktwl (to come) atad (I have wanted) tybu (there may be) awhn (in you) Nwkb (that also) Pad (now) ashl (until) amde (of the Gentiles) ammed (that in others) akrsbd (like) Kya (fruit) asda (for me) yl I want you to know becomes I dont want you to be ignorant in Greek. Brevity,the soul of wit, is wanting in the Greek versions.This is also a feature found in The Greek Gospels.
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(& ignorant) alkow (wise) amykx (& Barbarians) ayrbrbw (Greeks) aynwy 14 (to preach) zrkad (I) ana (owe a debt) byx (for to every person) snlkld I owe a debt to preach is simply, I am a debtor in Greek. The Greek is fairly vague, a feature uncharacteristic of Paul. (I) ana (take pains) jpxtm (& so) ankhw 15 (I may preach the Good News) rboa (who are in Rome) ymwhrbd (to you) Nwkl (that also) Pad (of the Gospel) Nwylgnwab (of it) hb (I am) ana (ashamed) thb (for) ryg (not) al 16 (of all) lkd (for the salvation) ayxl (of God) ahlad (it is) wh (the power) alyxd (because) ljm (first) Mdqwl (Judeans) aydwhy (of) Nm (whether) Na (in it) hb (who believe) Nynmyhmd (Aramaeans *) aymra (of) Nm (or) Naw C The Critical Greek and Latin Vulgate agree with the Peshitta reading here: I am not ashamed of The Gospel, for it is The Majority Greek has I am not ashamed of The Gospel of Christ, for it is * Whether of Judeans first or of Aramaeans is highly significant. The Peshitta has the word, (Aramaeans) aymra twenty times in Matthew,Luke,Acts and Pauls epistles. (Aramaic)- tyamra, occurs twice once in Gal. 2:14 and once in Rev. 9:11. What is really interesting is that almost all The Greek mss. use the word ellhn (Helleine) in all but one of the above places. Here is the Strongs entry for the word: 1672 ellhn Hellen hel-lane from 1671; TDNT-2:504,227; n m;AVGreek 20, Gentile 7; 27 1) a Greek either by nationality, whether a native of the main land or of the Greek islands or colonies 2) in a wider sense the name embraces all nations not Jews that made the language, customs, and learning of the Greeks their own; the primary reference is to a difference of religion and worship. The Greek NT has no reference whatever to Aramaeans or Aramaic. It does have the word, Syros (Syrian) once in Luke 4:27, Naaman the Syrian. The Greek has apparently de-Aramaized The NT! The Peshitta has eight references to Greeks as well as four to the Greek language in Luke,John,Acts, Romans and Colossians. According to The Greek NT, Aramaic and Aramaeans might as well not have existed! There is no mention of them anywhere. This makes the Greek highly suspect as a candidate for an original. It appears to have been culturally purged of all Aramaean references and thoroughly Hellenized or reculturated to suit a Greek audience. This is a literary genocide I had not encountered prior to this discovery. I am amazed that it occurs in the Greek New Testament, the supposed original Gospels and New Covenant for all peoples. The Aramaean people and the Aramaic language were almost universal in Asia Minor and The Middle East and The Holy Land of Israel, and had been for many centuries. The proper order of the Gospel testimony would have been to The Jews of Israel first, then the Syrians and Assyrians in Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Asia Minor (called Asia then) all of whom spoke Aramaic and whose written Aramaic was the same though not spoken the same, since dialects did not affect Aramaic writing significantly. Later, the books were translated into Greek for Greek speaking peoples of The Roman Empire. That The Peshitta would be a translation of Greek makes no sense here, or in the 19 other references to Aramaeans in the Peshitta. There are too many references to Greek in The Peshitta for there to have been a replacing of Greek with Aramaean. The Peshitta in Luke and John mentions The Greek inscription on the cross; six references to the Greeks and Hellenists exist in Acts, who heard and accepted the Gospel which Paul preached to them in Greek.There is no anti Greek bias in The Peshitta NT. There is a very obvious anti- Aramaean bias in The Greek NT. Please see my book, Divine Contact, in which I discuss the possible reasons for this literary genocide of Aramaeans.My web site also has a study of all the references where Aramaean & Aramaic occur in The Peshitta NT. (is revealed) aylgtm (in it) hb (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (the justice) htwnak 17 (that which is written) bytkd (according to) Kya (to faith) atwnmyhl (faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (shall live) axn (faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (the just one) anakd (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (the rage) hzgwr (for) ryg (is) wh (revealed) algtm 18 (of the children of men) asnynbd (& the wickedness) Nwheswrw (the evils) Nwhlwe (all) hlk (against) le (are holding) Nydyxa (in evil) alweb (who the truth) atswqd (those) Nwnh
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(revealed) aylg (of God) ahlad (a knowledge) htweydyd (because) ljm 19 (to them) Nwhb (has revealed it) hlg (for) ryg (God) ahla (to them) Nwhb (is) yh (of the world) amled (the foundation) htymrt (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (the secrets) htyok 20 (& His power) hlyxw (are appearing) Nyzxtm (through intelligence) alkwob (to His creatures) htyrbl (a defense) xwrb qpm (without) ald (that they will be) Nwwhnd (eternal) Mleld (& His Godhead) htwhlaw (God) ahlald (as) Kya (& not) alw (God) ahlal (they knew) wedyd (because) ljm 21 (they became destitute) wqrtoa (but) ala (Him) hl (nor did they thank) wydwaw (they glorified Him) yhwxbs (their heart) Nwhbl (& became dull) Ksxtaw (in their reasoning) Nwhtbsxmb (understanding) lktom (without) ald (in themselves) Nwhspnb (they thought) Nyrbo (& when) dkw 22 (they) Nwhl (became insane) wjs (they were) Nwna (that wise) Nymykxd (corrupted) lbxtm (Who is not) ald (of God) ahlad (His glory) htxwbst (& they changed) wplxw 23 (who is corrupted) lbxtmd (of a son of man) asnrbd (of the image) amlud (into the likeness) atwmdb (footed animals) hylgr (& of four) tebradw (of birds) atxrpd (& into the likeness) atwmdbw (of the earth) aerad (& of creeping things) asxrdw (God) ahla (them) Nwna (handed over) Mlsa (this) anh (because of) ljm 24 (to disgrace) Nwreund (of their heart) Nwhbld (vile) atamj (to desires) atgygrl (among themselves) Nwhb (their bodies) Nwhyrgp (for lies) atwbdkb (of God) ahlad (the truth) hrrs (& they exchanged) wplxw 25 (created things) atyrbl (& they served) wsmsw (& they revered) wlxdw (praises) Nxbst (to Whom belong) hld (their Creator) Nyhywrbld (more than) Nm bj (Amen) Nyma (of eternities *) Nymle (to the eternity *) Mlel (& blessings) Nkrwbw * How can there be more than one eternity?, one may ask. Each of us will have his or her own unique experience in eternity, thus the eternal realm consists of many eternities-as many as there are souls. (God) ahla (them) Nwna (handed over) Mlsa (this) anh (because of) ljm 26 (for) ryg (their females) Nwhtbqn (of disgrace *) areud (to diseases *) abakl (their natural) Nyhnykd (need) atxsx (changed) Plx (became accustomed) xsxta (is natural) Nkm (which not) ald (& with that) Mdmbw * God handed them over to disgraceful diseases This sounds like prophecy in these days of HIV and AIDS. The gay activists can whistle in the dark and deny that AIDS is primarily a homosexual disease and a judgment from God, but they cannot fool the believer of Gods word; nor can they fool God.Disgraceful behavior-v.24, leads to disgraceful diseases. Shame and disgrace have all but disappeared from the modern Western vocabulary, but only as disgraceful practices abound more and more. (in this way) ankh (their males) Nwhyrkd (also) Pa (& again) bwtw 27 (natural) anykd (the need) atxsx (they abandoned) wqbs (with desire) atgrb (& were ravished) wxrtsaw (for females) atbqnd (male) arkd (for) le (even male) arkdw (another) dx (for) le (one) dx (that is right) qdzd (& a reward) anerwpw (they commited) wdbe (disgrace) atthb (they received it) yhwlbq (in their persons) Nwhmwnqb (for their error) Nwhtwyejl (there was) awh (in themselves) Nwhspnb (they decided) wnd (because not) ald (& as) Kyaw 28 (to a mind) aedml (God) ahla (them) Nwna (handed over) Mlsa (God) ahlal (to know) Nwednd (whatever) Mdm (doing) Nydbe (so that they will be) Nwwhnd (of worthlessness) atwqyrod (is appropriate) alw (not) ald (& fornication) atwynzw (injustice) atwlwe (with every) lk (they are filled) Nylm (when) dk 29 (& envy) amoxw (& greed) atwbwlew (& wickedness) atwsybw (& bitterness) atwryrmw (wicked) atsyb (& reasoning) atbsxmw (& treachery) alknw (& contention) anyrxw (& murder) aljqw
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(God) ahlal (& hating) Nyaynow (& slander) aurqlkamw (& murmuring) anjrw 30 (of evil) atsyb (inventors) yxksm (boasters) anrhbs (proud) arytx (insolent) anreum (do obey) Nyoypjtm (not) al (who their parents) Nwhyhbald (reason) anyer (lacking) yryox (love) abwx (neither) alw (to them) Nwhl (there is not) tyl (& because stability) amyqdw 31 (in them) Nwhb (is) tya (compassion) amxr (nor) alw (peace) anys (nor) alw (that those) Nylyald (of God) ahlad (the judgment) hnyd (they know) Nyedy (who while) dkd (those) Nylya 32 (are condemned) byxm (to death) atwml (are committing) Nyreo (these things) Nylh (who such as) Kyad (these things) Nyhl (doing) Nydbe (only) dwxlb (were) awh (not) al (are doing) Nydbe (who these things) Nylhd (to those) Nylyal (are attached) Nyptwtsm (also) Pa (but) ala

Chapter 2 (a defense) axwrb qpm (to you) Kl (there is not) tyl (this) anh (because of) ljm 2:1 (his neighbor) hrbx (judging) Nad (son of man) asnrb (Oh) wa (your neighbor) Krbx (you) tna (which judge) Nadd (for) ryg (in that) whb (for) ryg (you) tna (also) Pa (you) tna (are guilty) byxm (of that) wh (yourself) Kspn (you) tna (employed) Kphtm (are) wh (in those things) Nyhb (are) tna (who judging) Nadd (of God) ahlad (the judgment) hnyd (that exists) yhwtyad (& we know) Nnyedyw 2 (are employed) Nykphtm (who in these things) Nylhbd (those) Nylya (against) le (in the truth) atswqb The Eastern Peshitta has the personal pronoun Nnx we as the second word in the verse;the Western text does not have it. This does not change the meaning at all, as the verb itself is a participle with 1st person plural enclitic attached We know. This is a typical difference between the two Peshittas. (son of man) asnrb (Oh) wa (are you) tna (thinking) bsxtm (but) Nyd (why?) anm 3 (are occupied) Nykphtm (who in these things) Nylhbd (those) Nylyal (are) tna (who judging) Nadd (are) tna (employed) Kphtm (in them) Nyhb (you) tna (also) Pa (when) dk (of God) ahlad (the judgment) hnyd (from) Nm (will escape) qwret (that you) tnad (& against) lew (of His sweetness) htwmyobd (the wealth) artwe (against) le (or) wa 4 (to you) Kl (that He gave) bhyd (the place) arta (& against) lew (of His Spirit) hxwr (the patience) trgm (do you) tna (know) edy (& not?) alw (do you?) tna (venture) xrmm (of God) ahlad (that the sweetness) htwmyobd (to you) Kl (bringing) aytym (is) wh (repentance) atwbytl Or do you venture against the wealth of His sweetness and against The patience of His Spirit and against the place that He gave to you; do you not know that the sweetness of God is bringing repentance to you? (repents) bat (that not) ald (of your heart) Kbl (the callousness) twysq (because of) ljm (but) ala 5 (of anger) azgwrd (a treasure) atmyo (for yourself) Kl (you) tna (lay up) Mao (& the revelation) anylglw (of anger) azgwrd (for the day) amwyl (of God) ahlad (just) anak (of the judgment) anydd (his works) yhwdbe (according to) Kya (every person) snlkl (Who pays) erpd (He) wh 6 (good) abj (of works) adbed (who in the patience) atwnrbyombd (to those) Nylyal 7 (are seeking) Nyeb (& indestructibility) atwnlbxtm alw (& honor) arqyaw (glory) atxwbst (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (to them) Nwhl (He gives) bhy (but) ala (the truth) arrsl (do obey) Nyoypjtm (& not) alw (who resist) Nyued (but) Nyd (those) Nylya 8 (& fury) atmxw (anger) azgwr (them) Nwna (He will pay) ewrpn (obey) Nyoypjtm (evil) alwel
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(who cultivates) xlpd (person) snrb (to every) lkl (& trouble) aprwjw (& suffering) anulwaw 9 (& to the Aramaeans *) aymralw (first) Mdqwl (to the Judeans) aydwhyl (wickedness) atsyb * Greek mss. all have to the Greeks; interesting, no? In fact, aymra -Armaya-Aramaean(s) occurs 20 times in The Peshitta, and in 19 of those places, the Greek mss. all have ellhnellhn- Greek. See note at 1:16 (to everyone) lkl (& peace) amlsw (& honor) arqyaw (but) Nyd (glory) atxwbst 10 (& to the Aramaeans) aymralw (first) Mdqwl (to the Judeans) aydwhyl (good) atbj (who cultivates) xlpd (God) ahla (with) twl (of faces) apab (accepting) bom (there is) tya (for) ryg (not) al 11 (sinned) wjx (The Written Law) aowmn (who without) aldd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 12 (they will be destroyed) Nwdban (The Written Law) aowmn (without) ald (also) Pa (sinned) wjx (who with The Written Law) aowmnbd (& those) Nylyaw (will be judged) Nwnydtn (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (righteous ones) Nynak (of The Written Law) aowmnd (the hearers) yhwewms (for) ryg (are) awh (not) al 13 (are justified) Nyqddzm (of The Written Law) aowmnd (the doers) yhwdwbe (but) ala (God) ahla (before) Mdq (to whom) Nwhl (there is not) tyl (The Written Law) aowmnd (the Gentiles) amme (for) ryg (if) Na 14 (& when) dkd (those things) Nwnh (of The Written Law) aowmnd (would perform) Nwdben (their nature) Nwhnyk (from) Nm (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (there not) tyl (The Written Law) aowmn (The Law) aowmn (they are) wwh (to themselves) Nwhspnl (of The Written Law) aowmnd (the work) hdbe (are showing) Nywxm (& those) Nwnhw 15 (their conscience) Nwhtrat (for them) Nwhyle (& testifies) adhomw (their heart) Nwhbl (on) le (it is written) bytk (as) dk (each one) addxl (defends) axwr Nqpn (or) wa (rebukes) Nnwkm (their reasoning) Nwhtbsxm (while) dk (of children of men) asnynbd (the secrets) atyok (God) ahla (when judges) Nadd (in the day) amwyb 16 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (my) ylyd (Gospel) Nwylgnwa (according to) Kya (& comforted) xynttmw (you are) tna (called) arqtm (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (but) Nyd (you) tna (if) Na 17 (in God) ahlab (you) tna (& are boasting) rhbtsmw (The Written Law) aowmn (upon) le (you are) tna (what is right) atylw (you) tna (& discern) srpw (His will) hnybu (you) tna (that know) edyd 18 (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (you) tna (that were taught) Pylyd (you are) tna (that a leader) anrbdmd (yourself) Kspn (in) le (& you are confident) tlkttaw 19 (in darkness) akwsxb (who are) Nwhytyad (of those) Nylyad (& a light) arhwnw (of the blind) arywed (of children) ayljd (& a teacher) anplmw (understanding) anyer (of those lacking) yryoxd (& an instructor) aywdrw 20 (in The Written Law) aowmnb (& of the truth) arrsdw (of knowledge) atedyd (a model) aymwd (to you) Kl (& is) tyaw (others) anrxal (are) tna (who teaching) Plmd (therefore) lykh (you) tna 21 (you) tna (& who are preaching) zrkmdw (you) tna (do teach) Plm (not) al (yourself) Kspnl (are) tna (stealing) bng (you) tna (people shall steal) Nwbngn (that not) ald (people shall commit adultery) Nwrwgn (that not) ald (you) tna (& who say) rmadw 22 (are) tna (who despising) jasd (& you) tnaw (are) tna (committing adultery) rag (you) tna (holy) asdqm (the place) tyb (you) tna (plunder) Ulxm (idols) arktp (in that) whb (in The Written Law) aowmnb (are) tna (who boasting) rhbtsmd (& you) tnaw 23 (The Written Law) aowmn (against) le (you) tna (which violate) rbed (you) tna (insult) reum (Himself) wh (God) ahlal (blasphemed) Pdgtm (is) wh (because of you) Nwktljm (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (The Name) hms 24 (what has been written) bytkd (according to) Kya (the Gentiles) amme (among) tyb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(you will perfectly observe) rwmgt (The Written Law) aowmn (if) Na (is beneficial) aynhm (for) ryg (circumcision) atrwzg 25 (your circumcision) Ktrwzg (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (but) Nyd (you) Kl (will depart) rbet (if) Na (uncircumcision) atwlrwe (for) hl (is) twh (the commandments) hndqwp (will observe) rjt (uncircumcision) atwlrwed (but) Nyd (He) wh (if) Na 26 (behold) ah (not?) al (of The Written Law) aowmnd (circumcision) atrwzg (for) hl (is accounted) absxtm (uncircumcision) atwlrwe (its nature) hnyk (that by) Nmd (the uncircumcision) atwlrwe (& will judge) Nwdtw 27 (who with the scriptures) abtkbd (you) Kl (The Written Law) aowmn (perfectly observes) armg (The Written Law) aowmn (against) le (you) tna (violate) rbe (& with circumcision) atrwzgbw (Jew) aydwhy (the) wh (is) wh (who outwardly) aylgbd (he) Nm (for) ryg (it was) awh (not) al 28 (circumcision) atrwzg (in flesh) arobb (which is seen) ayzxtmd (is that) adya (neither) alpa (& circumcision) atrwzgw (is) wh (in secret) ayokbd (whoever) anya (a Jew) aydwhy (is) wh (he) wh (but) ala 29 (by the scriptures) abtkb (& not) alw (in the spirit) xwrb (is) yh (which of the heart) abldd (that) adya (from) Nm (was) twh (not) al (whose glory) htxwbstd (that) adya (God) ahla (from) Nm (but) ala (of men) asna (children) ynb Chapter 3 (of the Jews) aydwhyd (the excellence) htwryty (therefore) lykh (is) yh (what?) anm 3:1 (of circumcision) atrwzgd (the advantage) hnrtwy (what?) anm (or) wa (first) Mdqwl (thing) Mdm (in every) lkb (much) ygo 2 (of God) ahlad (with the words) yhwlm (that they were entrusted) Nmyhtad (they believed) wnmyh (not) al (for) ryg (some of them) Nwhnm (if) Na 3 (they did believe) wnmyh (by that which not) aldb (did?) amld (they nullify) wljb (of God) ahlad (the faithfulness) htwnmyh (lies) lgd (person) snrb (& every) lkw (true) aryrs (God) ahla (for) ryg (is) yhwtya (God forbid!) ox 4 (in Your words) Kylmb (just) Nyak (You will be) awhtd (that which is written) bytkd (just as) ankya (You) Kl (they judge) Nynyd (when) dk (& You will be cleared) akztw (establishes) Myqm (of God) ahlad (the justice) htwnak (our evil) Nlwe (but) Nyd (if) Na 5 (God) ahla (is) wh (doing evil) lwe (interrog.) aml (shall we say) rman (what?) anm (I) ana (speaking) llmm (am) wh (a son of man) asnrb (as) Kya (His rage) hzgwr (Who brings forth) atymd (the universe) amlel (God) ahla (will judge) Nwdn (how?) ankya (not) al (& if) Naw (God forbid!) ox 6 (by my lies) ytwlgdb (is made to superabound) rtyta (of God) ahlad (the truth) hrrs (for) ryg (if) Na 7 (am) ana (therefore) lykh (Why?) anml (His) hlyd (for His glory) htxwbstl (I) ana (judged) Nydttm (a sinner) ayjx (as) Kya (& they report) Nyrmaw (against us) Nyle (they slander) Nypdgmd (as) Kya (is it?) amld (or) wa 8 (good) atbj (that may come) Nytand (evil) atsyb (let us practice) dbend (that we say) Nnyrmad (for justice) atwnakl (is) wh (kept) ryjn (whose judgment) Nwhnydd (those) Nwnh Or is it as those whose judgment is reserved for justice slander us and report that we say, Let us practice evil that good may come?

Greek mss. have whose judgment is just.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(because we have precedence?) Nmdqd (to be greater) aryty (are we held) Nnydyxa (therefore) lykh (why?) anm 9 (Aramaeans) aymra (& about) lew (Jews) aydwhy (about) le (we have determined) Nqop (all of them) Nwhlk (they are) Nwna (sin) atyjx (that under) tyxtd Greek mss. have, What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: How would The Peshitta get its reading from this? (one) dx (not even) alpa (a just person) anak (There is not) tyld (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya 10 (God) ahlal (one who seeks) aebd (neither) alw (one who understands) lktomd (neither) alw 11 (& they have been rejected *) wyltoaw (as one) adxka (they have turned away) wjo (all of them) Nwhlk 12 (one) dx (not even) alpa (good) atbj (one who does) dbed (& there is not) tylw * Greek has unprofitable. wyltoa is the true reading-they have been rejected. They are unprofitable is Nylyjb or Nqyro or wqrtoa; This last one is very similar to The Peshitta reading. That correlates very closely to the actual they are rejected reading - (80% correlation).The Greek word is hcreiwyhsan -they are unprofitable; They are Rejected would most likely be adokimoi. adokimoi.These Greek words are not at all alike.The Aramaic wyltoa seems to account for the Greek; the Greek hcreiwyhsan -they are unprofitable seems an unlikely source for the Aramaic reading. I show the two Aramaic words here in DSS script: wylts) -They have been rejected wqrts) -They are unprofitable (& their tongues) Nwhynslw (their throats) Nwhtrgg (are opened) axytp (tombs) arbq 13 (their lips) Nwhtwpo (is under) tyxt (of asps) opoad (& the venom) atmxw (are deceitful) Nyntlwkn (& bitterness) atrmw (of curses) atjwl (is full) alm (their mouth) Nwhmwp 14 (blood) amd (to shed) dsaml (are swift) Nlylq (& their feet) Nwhylgrw 15 (are in their way) Nwhtxrwab (& wretchedness) anwwdw (adversity) aqxs 16 (they have known) wedy (not) al (of peace) amlsd (& the way) axrwaw 17 (their eyes) Nwhynye (before) Mdq (is not) tyl (of God) ahlad (& the awesomeness) htlxdw 18 (The Written Law) aowmn (has said) rmad (that whatever things) Mdmd (but) Nyd (we know) Nnyedy 19 (it has said) rma (are) Nwna (who into The Written Law) aowmnbd (to those) Nylyal (may be shut) rkton (mouth) Mwp (that every) lkd (before God) ahlal (may be guilty) byxtn (whole) hlk (& the universe) amlelw (of The Written Law) aowmnd (the works) yhwdbe (that from) Nmd (because) ljm 20 (before Him) yhwmdq (body) rob (every) lk (are justified) qddzm (not) al (sin) atyjx (has been made known) tedyta (for) ryg (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (The Written Law) aowmn (without) ald (but) Nyd (now) ash 21 (has been revealed) tylgta (of God) ahlad (the righteousness) htwnak (& The Prophets) aybnw (The Law) aowmn (are) wh (about it) hyle (& testifying) dhomw (is) yh (faith) atwnmyh (by) dyb (of God) ahlad (but) Nyd (the righteousness) htwnak 22 (also) Pa (unto every person) snlkl (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in Him) hb (who believes) Nmyhmd (every person) snlk (upon *) le (a distinction) ansrwp (for) ryg (there is not) tyl But the righteousness of God is by the faith of Jesus The Messiah unto everyone and is upon everyone who believes in Him, for there is no distinction

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

M * The Majority Greek agrees with the Peshitta reading in this verse, whereas the Critical Greek omits upon every person. Romans 1:16 however is clearly favored by the Critical Greek text; so which Greek text did The supposed Peshitta translator use for his translation? But there are so many examples of this alternation between Greek texts that the Greek primacy theory cannot be maintained against the entire array of NT data.The Peshitta primacy theory can easily account for the Greek readings as alternate and sometimes heavily edited and paraphrased translations of The Aramaic Peshitta original. (they have sinned) wjx (all of them) Nwhlkd (because) ljm 23 (of God) ahlad (the glory) htxwbst (of) Nm (& they were deprived) Nyryoxw Because all of them have sinned and were deprived of the glory of God (without charge) Ngm (by grace) atwbyjb (& they are justified) Nyqddzmw 24 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (that exists) yhwtyad (& by the redemption) anqrwpbw And they are justified by grace without charge and by the redemption that is in Jesus The Messiah. (as the atonement) ayowx (God) ahla (placed Him) hmo (Whom before) Mdqd (This One) anh 25 (for the sake of) ljm (of His blood) hmdd (by the faith) atwnmyhb (we had sinned) Nyjx (formerly) Mydq (which) Nmd (our sins) Nyhjx (of His Spirit) hxwr (in the patience) trgmb (God) ahla (us) Nl (that has given) bhyd (in the space) artab 26 (this) anh (which is in time) anbzbd (of His justice) htwnakd (for the demonstration) atywxtl (by justice) atwnakb (& He would justify) qdznw (The Just One) anak (would be) awhn (that He) whd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (is) wh (who in the faith) atwnmyhbd (the one) Nml (with Him) hl (it has been eliminated) ljbta (pride) arhbws (therefore) lykh (where is?) wkya 27 (of works?) adbed (law) aowmn (by what?) anyab (of faith) atwnmyhd (by the Law) aowmnb (but) ala (no) al (justified) qddzm (is) wh (that by faith) atwnmyhbd (therefore) lykh (we determine) Nnyertm 28 (of The Written Law) aowmnd (by works) adbeb (& not) alw (a son of man) asnrb (only) dwxlb (is He?) wh (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (God) ahla (for) ryg (interrogative) aml 29 (of the Gentiles) ammed (also) Pa (Yes) Nya (not?) al (& of the Gentiles) ammedw (the circumcision) atrwzg (Who justifies) qdzmd (God) ahla (there is) wh (that One) dxd (because) ljm 30 (by faith) atwnmyhb (by it) hb (the uncircumcision) atwlrwe (also) Pa (by faith) atwnmyhb (by faith) atwnmyhb (we eliminating) Nnyljbm (are?) wh (The Written Law) aowmn (therefore) lykh (interrogative) aml 31 (we establishing) Nnymyqm (are) wh (The Written Law) aowmn (but) ala (God forbid!) ox Chapter 4 (Abraham) Mhrba (about) le (do we say) Nnyrma (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 4:1 (in the flesh) robb (that he had found) xksad (of the fathers) athbad (the chief *) asr C * The Critical Greek text has propatora a word that is found nowhere in Greek literature or The LXX, nowhere but here. It is supposed to mean forefather. (were) awh (justified) qddza (works) adbe (from) Nm (Abraham) Mhrba (for) ryg (if) wla 2 (of God) ahla (in the Presence) twl (not) al (but) ala (a pride) arhbws (to him) hl (were) awh (it) tya (God) ahlal (Abraham) Mhrba (believed) Nmyhd (the scriptures) abtk (say) rma (for) ryg (what?) anm 3 (for righteousness) wqydzl (to him) hl (& it was accounted) tbsxtaw (to him) hl (is accounted) bsxtm (not) al (but) Nyd (who labors) xlpd (to the one) Nml 4 (but) ala (that which is by a favor) wbyjbd (as) Kya (ones wages) hrga (to him) hl (which is owed) byxttmd (that) Nm (as) Kya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(but) ala (labors) xlp (who not) ald (but) Nyd (to one) whl 5 (sinners) ayjxl (Who justifies) qdzmd (in The One) Nmb (only) dwxlb (believes) Nmyh (for righteousness) wnakl (his faith) htwnmyh (to him) hl (is accounted) absxtm (of the man) arbgd (the blessedness) hbwj (about) le (said) rma (David) dywd (that also) Pad (just as) ankya 6 (righteousness) atwqydz (to whom) hl (accounts) bsx (God) ahlad (him) anya (he said) rma (as) dk (works) adbe (without) ald (evils) Nwhlwe (them) Nwhl (whose are forgiven) qbtsad (to those) Nylyal (their blessings) Nwhybwjd 7 (their sins) Nwhyhjx (& are covered) wyoktaw (to the man) arbgl (& his blessings) yhwbwjw 8 (his sins) htyjx (God) ahla (to him) hl (will reckon) bwsxn (whom not) ald (the circumcision) atrwzg (on) le (blessing) abwj (therefore) lykh (this) anh 9 (for) ryg (we say) Nnyrma (the uncircumcision) atwlrwe (on) le (or) wa (is?) wh (for righteousness) wnakl (his faith) htwnmyh (to Abraham) Mhrbal (was accounted) tbsxtad (to him) hl (was it accounted) tbsxta (therefore) lykh (How?) ankya 10 (in uncircumcision) atwlrweb (or) wa (in circumcision) atrwzgb (in uncircumcision) atwlrweb (but) ala (in circumcision) atrwzgb (it was) awh (not) al (& the seal) amtxw (circumcision) atrwzgl (he received) hlqs (for) ryg (is) wh (a sign) ata 11 (when in uncircumcision) atwlrwebd (of his faith) htwnmyhd (of the righteousness) atwnakd (who believe) Nynmyhmd (those) Nylya (to all) Nwhlkl (the father) aba (that he would be) awhnd (that it shall be reckoned) bsxttd (the uncircumcision) atwlrwe (among) Nm (for righteousness) wnakl (to them) Nwhl (also) Pa (to those) Nylyal (he was) awh (not ) al (to the circumcision) atrwzgl (& the father) abaw 12 (to those) Nylyal (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (are) Nwna (the circumcision) atrwzg (who from) Nmd (of the uncircumcision) atwlrwed (of faith) atwnmyhd (the steps) atbqel (who follow) Nymlsd (Abraham) Mhrba (of our father) Nwbad (the promise) anklwm (there was) awh (by The Written Law) aowmnb (for) ryg (it was) awh (not) al 13 (to the universe) amlel (the heir) atry (that he would be) awhnd (& his seed) herzlw (to Abraham) Mhrbal (of his faith) htwnmyhd (by the righteousness) atwnakb (but) ala (the heirs) atry (were) wwh (The Written Law) aowmn (who of) Nmd (these) Nylh (for) ryg (if) wla 14 (faith) atwnmyh (would have been) twh (worthless) aqyro (the promise) anklwm (would have) awh (& become void) ljbmw (of rage) azgwrd (is) wh (the worker) andbem (for) ryg (The Written Law) aowmn 15 (neither) alpa (written Law) aowmn (for) ryg (there is no) tyld (where) rk (of The Written Law) aowmn (is there a violation) rbe (which is by grace) atwbyjbd (in faith) atwnmyhb (this) anh (because of) ljm 16 (the promise) anklwm (sure) ryrs (& will be) awhnw (one will be justified) qddzn (who of) Nmd (to the one) anyal (not) al (his seed) herz (to all) hlkl (who of) Nmd (to the one) anyal (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (is) wh (The Written Law) aowmn (of us all) Nlkd (the father) aba (who is) yhwtyad (of Abraham) Mhrbad (is) wh (the faith) atwnmyh (the father) aba (I have appointed you) Ktmod (what is written) bytkd (just as) ankya 17 (the same) wh (God) ahla (before) Mdq (of the nations) ammed (to a multitude) aagwol (the dead) atym (Who gives life to) axmd (in Whom) hb (you believed) tnmyhd (they are) Nwhytya (as if) Kya (are) Nwhytya (who not) ald (those) Nylyal (& He calls) arqw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(that he would be) awhnd (he believed) Nmyh (hope) arbol (hope) arbo (& without) aldw 18 (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya (of the nations) ammed (to the multitude) aagwol (the father) aba (your seed) Kerz (shall be) awhn (Like this) ankhd (he considered) aqbtm (when) dk (in his faith) htwnmyhb (he failed) hrkta (& not) alw 19 (years) Nyns (of one hundred) aam (a son) rb (for he was) awhd (dead) atym (his body) hrgpb (of Sara) arod (dead) atym (& the womb) aebrmbw (he doubted) glpta (not) al (of God) ahlad (& the promise) anklwmbw 20 (in faith) atwnmyhb (he was strengthened) lyxta (but) ala (faith) atwnmyh (lacking) ryox (as if) Kya (to God) ahlal (praise) atxwbst (& he gave) bhyw (to him) hl (had promised) Klmd (that whatever) Mdmd (& he affirmed) rsaw 21 (to perform) rmgml (He was able) xksm (God) ahla (for righteousness) wnakl (to him) hl (it was accounted) tbsxta (this) anh (because of) ljm 22 (this) adh (was written) tbtkta (only) dwxlb (for his sake) htljm (it was) awh (& not) alw 23 (for righteousness) wnakl (his faith) htwnmyh (that was accounted) tbsxtad (to reckon) bwsxnd (is) wh (He going) dyte (for to us also) Nlpad (for our sake) Ntljm (also) Pa (but) ala 24 (our Lord) Nrml (Who raised) Myqad (in The One) Nmb (we believe) Nnmyhd (who) Nylya (of the dead) atym (the house) tyb (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our sins) Nyhjx (because of) ljm (was handed over) Mltsa (Him Who) whd 25 (He would justify us) Nqdznd (so that) ljm (& He arose) Mqw Chapter 5 (by faith) atwnmyhb (therefore) lykh (we have been justified) Nqddzad (because) ljm 5:1 (God) ahla (with) twl (peace) amls (to us) Nl (there shall be) awhn (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (by faith) atwnmyhb (we have been brought near) Nbrqta (for in Him) hbd 2 (we stand) Nnymyq (in which) hbd (this) adh (to grace) atwbyjl (of God) ahlad (of the glory) htxwbstd (in the hope) arbob (& we glory) Nnyrhbtsmw (we glory) Nnyrhbtsm (in afflictions) Nynulwab (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (in this way) ankh (& not) alw 3 (in us) Nb (perfects) rmg (patience) atwnrbyom (that affliction) anulwad (for we know) Nnyedyd (hope) arbo (& experience) ayqwbw (experience) ayqwb (& patience) atwnrbyomw 4 (does make ashamed) thbm (not) al (but) Nyd (hope) arbo 5 (our hearts) Ntwbl (has entered) le (overflowing) epsm (of God) ahlad (the love) hbwxd (because) ljm (to us) Nl (Who has been given) tbhytad (of Holiness) asdwqd (by The Spirit) axwrb (our weakness) Ntwhyrk (because of) ljm (The Messiah) axysm (but) Nyd (Truly) Na 6 (died) tym (the wicked) aeysr (for the sake) Plx (this) anh (at time) anbzb (will die) tam (the wicked *) aeysr (for the sake of) Plx (a man) sna (for) ryg (hardly) Noxml 7 (to die) tmml (a man) sna (may dare) xrmm (perhaps) Kj (however) ryg (the good) abj (for the sake of) Plx For hardly does one die for the wicked; though for the good, someone might dare to die. aeysr Rashyaa- means Wicked.Here is the word in old Aramaic as found in the Dead Sea Scrolls: )(y$r Compare this to the Aramaic word Zaddiqa, which means Righteous, in the same script: )qydz
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Might this explain the Greek reading, Hardly for a righteous man would someone die, yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die., whereas the Peshitta has Hardly for a wicked man would someone die.? Lest someone think the Peshitta got its reading from the Greek, I present the four possible Greek words for Wicked and the Greek word for Righteous in Greek script in their proper grammatical forms for this sentence,in order: Wicked- anomou, kakou, kakou,ponhrou, ponhrou, ayesmou & Righteous- dikaiou. Does any of the red underlined Greek words look like the word dikaiou? I didnt think so. The Greek cannot give an accounting for the Aramaic reading, at least, not a very credible one, when compared to the Aramaic Peshitta words in old Aramaic above. I have not even mentioned the fact that the Greek reading of this verse doesnt make much sense, whereas the Peshitta does. Why would it be hard to die for the righteous and easier to die for the good? )(y$r Wicked )qydz Righteous (that surely) Nad (that is for us) Ntwld (His love) hbwx (God) ahla (demonstrates) awxm (here) akrh 8 (died) tym (in our place) Nyplx (The Messiah) axysm (were) Nywh (we being) Nytya (sinners) ayjx (when) dk (will we be justified) qddzn (all the more) tyaryty (therefore) lykh (How much more?) amk 9 (wrath) azgwr (from) Nm (we will be saved) auptn (& by Him) hbw (by His blood) hmdb (now) ash (God) ahla (with us) Nme (was reconciled) yerta (enemies) abbdleb (we were) Nytya (when) dk (for) ryg (if) Na 10 (all the more) tyaryty (therefore) lykh (How much more?) amk (of His Son) hrbd (in the death) atwmb (by His Life) yhwyxb (shall we live) axn (in His reconciliation) htwertb (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (in this way) ankh (& not) alw 11 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (by) dyb (in God) ahlab (we glory) rhbtsn (the reconciliation) atwert (we have received) Nlbq (now) ash (it is) wh (for in Him) hbd (man) asnrb (one) dx (that by the hand of) dybd (for) ryg (just as) ankya 12 (death) atwm (sin) atyjx (& by means of) dybw (the universe) amlel (sin) atyjx (entered) tle (death) atwm (passed) rbe (of men) asna (the children) ynb (into all) Nwhlkb (& in this way) ankhw (have sinned) wjx (because all of them) Nwhlkd (by this) yhb (sin) atyjx (The Written Law) aowmnl (for) ryg (until) amde 13 (in the universe) amleb (it was) twh (being) hytya (when) dk (sin) atyjx (it was) twh (accounted) abysx (not) al (The Written Law) aowmn (was) awh (that there not) tyld (because) ljm (Moses) aswml (& until) amdew (Adam) Mda (from) Nm (death) atwm (reigned) Klma (but) ala 14 (in the likeness) atwmdb (they sinned) wjx (who not) ald (those) Nylya (over) le (even) Pa (who was) yhwtyad (him) wh (of Adam) Mdad (of the Law) howmn (of the violation) rbed (Who was to come) dyted (of Him) whd (the image) atwmd (the gift) atbhwm (in this way) ankh (the fall) aterws (as) Kya (was) awh (not) al (but) ala 15 (died) wtym (the many) aaygo (of one) dxd (the fall) hterws (because of) ljm (for) ryg (if) Na (of God) ahlad (the grace) htwbyj (all the more) tyaryty (therefore) lykh (how much more?) amk (man) asnrb (one) dx (because of) ljm (& His gift) htbhwmw (shall superabound) rtytt (in the many) aaygob (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (is the gift) atbhwm (in this way) ankh (of one) dxd (the offense) atwlko (as is) Kya (& not) alw 16 (to pronouncing guilty verdicts) abywxl (one) dx (from) Nm (was) awhd (for) ryg (the judgment) anyd (to righteousness) wnakl (was) twh (the many) aaygo (the sins) ahjx (from) Nm (but) Nyd (the gift) atbhwm (was) awh (death) atwm (reigned) Klma (of one) dxd (the offense) atwlko (because of) ljm (for) ryg (if) Na 17 (of favor) atwbyjd (an abundance) aagwo (who receive) wbond (those) Nylya (all the more) tyaryty (shall reign) Nwklmn (in Life) ayxb (of righteousness) atwnakdw (& of the gift) atbhwmdw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (One) dx (by the hand of) dyb (of one) dxd (the offense) atwlko (because of) ljmd (therefore) lykh (in like manner) anzka 18 (the children of men) asnynb (to all) Nwhlkl (a guilty verdict) abywx (there was) awh
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of One) dxd (the righteousness) atwnak (because of) ljm (in this way) ankh (the children of men) asnynb (to all) Nwhlkl (for life) ayxl (the triumph) atwkz (shall be) awht (of one) dxd (obedience) htwnemtsm (dis-) al (because of) ljmd (for) ryg (just as) ankya 19 (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (became) wwh (the many) aaygo (sinners) ayjx (man) asnrb (become) Nywh (just) anak (the many) aaygo (of One) dxd (the obedience) htwnemtsm (because of) ljm (to The Written Law) aowmnl (there was) awhd (but) Nyd (the introduction) anlem 20 (sin) atyjx (increased) tygod (& wherever) rkw (sin) atyjx (that would increase) agotd (grace) atwbyj (superabounded) trtyta (there) Nmt (in this way) ankh (by death) atwmb (sin) atyjx (reigned) tklmad (that as) Kyad 21 (eternal) Mleld (to life) ayxl (by righteousness) atwnakb (grace) atwbyj (shall reign) Klmt (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (by) dyb Chapter 6 (in sin) atyjxb (in it) hb (shall we dwell) awqn (shall we say) rman (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 6:1 (may abound) rtytt (that grace) atwbyjd (to sin) atyjxl (of us who are dead) Ntymd (for) ryg (those) Nylya (God forbid!) ox 2 (again) bwt (in it) hb (shall we live) axn (how?) ankya (of us who were baptized) Ndmed (that those) Nylyad (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not?) al (or) wa 3 (we baptized) Ndme (were) wh (in His death) htwmb (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (for as) ankyad (to death) atwml (in baptism) atydwmemb (with Him) hme (we were buried) Nrbqta 4 (in the glory) atxwbstb (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (arose) Mqd (we shall walk) Klhn (new) atdx (in Life) ayxb (we) Nnx (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (of His Father) yhwbad (in the image) atwmdb (with Him) hme (we have been planted) Nbunta (as one) dxka (for) ryg (if) Na 5 (we shall be) awhn (in His resurrection) htmyqb (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (of His death) htwmd (old) aqyte (that our person) Nsnrbd (for) ryg (we know) Nnyedy 6 (that shall be destroyed) ljbtnd (with Him) hme (was crucified) Pqdza (sin) atyjxl (we shall serve) smsn (not) al (that again) bwtd (of sin) atyjxd (the body) argp (sin) atyjx (from) Nm (himself) hl (has been freed) rrxta (for) ryg (is dead) tymd (whoever) anya 7 (The Messiah) axysm (with) Me (we are dead) Ntym (therefore) lykh (if) Na 8 (we shall live) axn (The Messiah *) axysm (with) Me (that with Him) hmed (let us believe) Nmyhn N * Greek mss. have - We shall live with Him. The Latin Vulgate agrees with The Peshitta reading, with Christ. The Peshitta contains both readings, as an emphatic Aramaic idiom. This sort is not uncommon in Aramaic and Hebrew. The Peshitta can account for both the Greek and Latin readings, but they cannot account for the Peshitta. (of the dead) atym (house) tyb (from) Nm (arose) Mq (that The Messiah) axysmd (for) ryg (we know) Nnyedy 9 (over Him) hb (has authority) jltsm (no) al (& death) atwmw (He shall die) tam (not) al (& again) bwtw (died) tym (He) wh (to sin) atyjxl (for) ryg (He who died) tymd 10 (to God) ahlal (He is) wh (living) yx (& because He lives) yxdw (time) Nbz (one) adx (that dead) atymd (yourselves) Nwkspn (consider) wbwsx (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 11 (to God) ahlal (you are) Nwtna (& living) ayxw (to sin) atyjxl (you are) Nwtna (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (dead) atym (in your body) Nwkrgpb (sin) atyjx (shall reign) Klmt (therefore) lykh (not) al 12 (its desires) htgygrl (that you would obey) Nwemtstd (as if) Kya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of evil) alwed (weapons) anyz (your members) Nwkymdh (present) Nwbyjt (do not) al (& also) Paw 13 (to God) ahlal (yourselves) Nwkspn (present) wbyj (but) ala (for sin) atyjxl (& your members) Nwkymdhw (are alive) Nwtyyx (the dead) atym (who from) Nmd (people) asna (as) Kya (of God) ahlad (for the justice) htwnakl (shall be) Nwwhn (weapons) anyz (for) ryg (not) al (over you) Nwkyle (has authority) ajltsm (not) al (& sin) atyjxw 14 (grace) atwbyj (under) tyxt (but) ala (The Written Law) aowmn (under) tyxt (you are) Nwkytya (under) tyxt (we are) Nywh (because not) ald (we shall sin) ajxn (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 15 (God forbid!) ox (grace) atwbyj (under) tyxt (but) ala (The Written Law) aowmn (you) Nwtna (present) Nybyjmd (that to whom) Nmld (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not?) al 16 (you are) Nwtna (His) hlyd (to bondage) atwdbel (it) hl (to obey) Nwemtstd (yourselves) Nwkspn (to him) hl (you are) Nwtna (whom obeying) Nyemtsmd (of that one) whd (servants) adbe (of righteousness) atwnakd (ear) anda (to the hearing *) emsml (or if) Naw (to sin) atyjxl (if) Na Do you not know, that to whomever you give yourselves up to serve in bondage, his servants you are, whom you obey; whether it be to sin, or whether it be to righteousness, that you listen? * The hearing ear is an Aramaic idiom meaning,One who listens. The Greek mss. have sin unto death; The Latin Vulgate agrees with the Peshitta. The Aramaic idiom,The hearing ear, is not a very likely translation of the Greek word, upakohv-obedience. The word for ear is not found in the Greek texts. (of sin) atyjxd (you were) Nwtywh (that servants) adbed (God) ahlal (but) Nyd (thank) wbyj 17 (of the teaching) anplwyd (the form) atwmdl (the heart) abl (from) Nm (& you obeyed) Nwtemtsaw (to which) hl (you are devoted) Nwtmltsad (sin) atyjx (from) Nm (you were freed) Nwtrrxta (& when) dkw 18 (to righteousness) atwnakl (you became servants) Nwtdbetsa (I) ana (say) rma (of children of men) asnynb (of the house) tybd (as) Kya 19 (you presented) Nwtbyjd (that as) ankyad (of your flesh) Nwkrobd (the weakness) atwhyrk (because of) ljm (& of evil) alwedw (of defilement) atwpnjd (to the servitude) atwdbel (your members) Nwkymdh (to the servitude) atwdbel (your members) Nwkymdh (present) wbyj (now) ash (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (& of Holiness) atwsydqdw (of righteousness) atwnakd asnynb tyb Bayth benay-nasha is an idiom meaning, countrymen or fellow citizens or simply fellow men. (of sin) atyjxd (for) ryg (you became) Nwtywh (servants) adbe (when) dk 20 (from righteousness) atwnakl (you became) Nwtywh (free) arrxm For when you became servants of sin, you became free from righteousness (which) anya (then) Nydyh (to you) Nwkl (was) awh (existing) tya (fruit) asda (& what?) anmw 21 (death) atwm (is) hytya (for) ryg (its end) htrx (of it) hb (you are) Nwtna (ashamed) Nythb (of today) anmwyd And what fruit did you have then, of which fruit today you are ashamed, for its result is death. (sin) atyjx (from) Nm (because you have been freed) Nwtrrxtad (& now) ashw 22 (fruit) arap (to you) Nwkl (is) tya (to God) ahlal (servants) adbe (& you are) Nwtywhw (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (for the result of those is) Nwhtrxd (holy) asydq (is) wh (death) atwm (of sin) atyjxd (but) Nyd (the merchandise) atrwgat 23 (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (of God) ahlad (& the gift) htbhwmw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb Chapter 7
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(The Written Law) aowmn (to those knowing) yedyl (my brothers) yxa (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (or) wa 7:1 (is) wh (in authority) jyls (that The Written Law) aowmnd (I) ana (speak) llmm (for) ryg (as he lives) yxd (as long) amk (a man) arbg (over) le (as long) amk (to her lord) hlebb (is) yh (who bound) aryoad (a woman) attna (as) Kya 2 (her husband) hleb (is dead) tym (but) Nyd (if) Na (in The Written Law) aowmnb (as he lives) yxd (of her husband) hlebd (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (she has been freed) trrxta (another) Nyrxa (for a man) rbgl (she shall leave) Pqt (her lord) hleb (lives) yx (while) dk (but) Nyd (if) Na 3 (her lord) hleb (should die) twmn (but) Nyd (if) Na (an adulteress) atryg (to him) hl (she was) twh (an adulteress) atryg (is) hytya (& not) alw (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (she has been freed) trrxta (another) anrxa (for a man) arbgl (she will be) awht (if) Na (to The Written Law) aowmnl (you have died) Nwttym (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (my brothers) yxa (& now) ashw 4 (for Another) Nyrxal (that you would be) Nwwhtd (of The Messiah) axysmd (with the body) hrgpb (of the dead) atym (the house) tyb (from) Nm (Who arose) Mqd (The One) anya (to God) ahlal (fruit) arap (that you would yield) Nwlttd (of sin) ahjxd (the diseases) abak (for) ryg (we were) Nywh (in the flesh) arobb (when) dk 5 (in the members) Nymdhb (were) wwh (working diligently) Nyjpxtm (that are by The Written Law) aowmnbd (to death) atwml (we might yield) ltn (that fruit) arapd (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (we have been exempted) Nljbta (but) Nyd (now) ash 6 (us) Nl (had) awh (which controlled) dyxad (to that) whl (& we are dead) Ntymw (of The Spirit) axwrd (in the newness) atwtdxb (from now on) lykm (so that we shall serve) smsnd (of the scriptures) abtk (in the antiquity) twqyteb (& not) alw (is?) wh (sin) atyjx (The Written Law) aowmn (shall we say) Nnyrma (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 7 (except) ala (I would have learned) tply (not) al (sin) atyjxl (but) ala (God forbid!) ox (I would have) tywh (known) edy (lust) atgr (for) ryg (not) al (The Written Law) aowmn (by) dyb (lust) grt (do not) ald (that said) rmad (The Written Law) aowmn (not) al (if it were) wla (for itself) hl (found) txksa (commandment) andqwp (in this) anhbw 8 (lust) agr (every) lk (in me) yb (& developed) trmgw (occasion) atle (sin) atyjx (was) twh (dead) atym (sin) atyjx (for) ryg (The Written Law) aowmn (without) delb (The Written Law) aowmn (without) ald (I was) tywh (alive) yx (but) Nyd (I) ana 9 (but) Nyd (came) ata (when) dk (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (died) ttym (& I) anaw (lived) tyx (sin) atyjx (the commandment) andqwp (that) wh (commandment) andqwp (for me) yl (& was found) xktsaw 10 (for death) atwml (of life) ayxd (for itself) hl (that it found) txksad (in the occasion) atleb (for) ryg (sin) atyjx 11 (killed me) yntljq (& with it) hbw (seduced me) yntyeja (the commandment) andqwp (by) dyb (is) wh (holy) sydq (therefore) Nydm (The Written Law) aowmn 12 (& good) bjw (& just) Nyakw (is) wh (holy) sydq (& the commandment) andqwpw (was?) twh (it) wh (for death) atwml (to me) yl (therefore) lykh (the good) atbj 13 (that sin) atyjxd (that it may appear) azxttd (sin) atyjx (but) ala (God forbid!) ox (death) atwm (in me) yb (perfected) trmg (by means of the good) atbjbd (it is) yh (by the commandment) andqwpb (sin) atyjx (would be condemned *) byxtt (that all the more) tyarytyd * Greek has amartolov Sinful. Sinful in Aramaic could be any number of forms of the word Sin ajx. Since the Peshitta reading condemned is a verb, I looked for a feminine verb form of sin to see what looked like byxttWould be condemned using Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic. Here is my finding:
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Would be Condemned is byxtt Would sin is ------------ }y+xt - Amazing, isnt it? I see an 70% correlation between the two words in this script. The Greek amartolov Sinful literally means, sinner which would be a verb in Aramaic, hence my finding of a future verb is validated as what a Greek translator probably interpreted The Peshitta reading to be. I dont see that The Aramaic verb condemned would have come from the Greek amartolov Sinful. It would be Condemned in Greek is katadikasyhsh katadikasythaysay, which is nothing like amartolov -Amartolos (0% corel.) This is more strong support for Peshitta primacy and evidence against Greek primacy. byxtt - Would be condemned }y+xt -Would sin (is) wh (of The Spirit) xwrd (that The Written Law) aowmnd (for) ryg (we know) Nnyedy 14 (to sin) atyjxl (I am) ana (& sold) Nbzmw (am) ana (of the flesh) robd (but) Nyd (I) ana (I) ana (knew) edy (not) al (for) ryg (I) ana (that committed) reod (the thing) Mdm 15 (but) ala (I) ana (did) dbe (I) ana (that chose) abud (anything) Mdm (was it) awh (neither) alw (I was) ana (doing) dbe (that) wh (it was) wh (I) ana (that hated) anod (the thing) Mdm (I) ana (did) dbe (I) ana (wanted) abu (that not) ald (anything) Mdm (& if) Naw 16 (it is) wh (that excellent) rypsd (The Written Law) aowmn (of) le (I) ana (testify) dho (this) adh (am) ana (committing) reo (I) ana (it is) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (now) ash 17 (in me) yb (that dwells) armed (sin) atyjx (but) ala (this is) wnh (in me) yb (dwells) arme (that not) ald (for) ryg (it is) wh (I) ana (know) edy 18 (in the good) atbjb (for) ryg (for me to delight) abuad (good) atbj (in my flesh) yrobb (but) Nyd (I) ana (am able) xksm (not) al (but) Nyd (for me to perform it) hyreoad (for me) yl (is easy) qysp For I know that in me, (that is in my flesh) good does not dwell, because for me to delight in the good is easy, but I am unable to perform it. (I) ana (did) dbe (to do) dbead (I) ana (that chose) abud (the good) atbjl (for) ryg (was) awh (not) al 19 (I) ana (did) dbe (it) hl (to do) dbead (I) ana (wanted) abu (that not) ald (the evil) atsyb (but) ala (it was) awh (not) al (I) ana (did) dbe (I) ana (chose) abu (that not) ald (anything) Mdm (& if) Naw 20 (in me) yb (dwelling) armed (sin) atyjx (but) ala (am) ana (doing) dbe (I) ana (is) wh (with my conscience) ynyerl (that agreeing) Mlsd (a Law) aowmnl (therefore) lykh (I) ana (find) xksm 21 (me) yl (is) yh (near) abyrq (evil) atsybd (because) ljm (good) atbj (to do) dbend (that choses) abud (inner) wgld (in the person) asnrbb (of God) ahlad (in the Law) howmnb (for) ryg (I) ana (rejoice) adx 22 (that makes war) brqmd (in my members) ymdhb (another) anrxa (law) aowmn (but) Nyd (I) ana (saw) azx 23 (me) yl (& brings captive) absw (of my conscience) ynyerd (the Law) aowmn (against) lbqwl (in my members) ymdhb (that is) tyad (of sin) atyjxd (to the Law) aowmnl (will deliver me) ynyupn (who?) wnm (son of man) asnrb (I am) ana (Wretched!) aywd 24 (of death) atwmd (this) anh (body) argp (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (by) dyb (God) ahlal (I) ana (thank) adwm 25 (of the Law) aowmnd (am) ana (a servant) adbe (in my conscience) ynyerb (I) ana (therefore) lykh (now) ash (of sin) atyjxd (of the Law) aowmnd (a servant) adbe (I am) ytya (but) Nyd (in my flesh) yrobb (of God) ahlad Chapter 8 (to those) Nylyal (condemnation) atwbyx (there is not) tyl (therefore) lykm 8:1 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (in the flesh) robb (are walking) Nyklhm (who not *) ald
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Therefore there is no condemnation to those who are not walking in the flesh in Jesus The Messiah. M N * The Critical Greek has no reference to who are not walking in the flesh. The Majority Greek has it plus who walk in The Spirit. The Latin Vulgate has The Peshitta reading, as do other ancient versions (Itala,Gothic,Armenian) and several early church fathers (4th cent.). (The Messiah) axysm (which is in Yeshua) ewsybd (of Life) ayxd (of The Spirit) axwrd (for) ryg (the Law) aowmn 2 (& of death) atwmdw (of sin) atyjxd (the Law) aowmn (from) Nm (has freed you *) Krrx C * Most Greek mss have me; The 4th century Greek mss. a,B & The Itala Version (2nd cent.) have you(singular), in agreement with The Peshitta. (the sickliness) htwhyrk (through) dyb (The Written Law) aowmn (for) ryg (was) awh (weak) lyxmd (because) ljm 3 (of the flesh) arobd (in the form) atwmdb (His Son) hrbl (God) ahla (sent) rds (of the flesh) arobd (in His flesh) hrobb (sin) atyjxl (to condemn) hybyxnd (sin) atyjxd (because of) htljm (of sin) atyjxd (would be fulfilled) almtt (in us) Nb (of The Written Law) aowmnd (that the righteousness) atwnakd 4 (in The Spirit) xwrb (but) ala (we walk) Nnyklhm (in the flesh) robb (would) awh (that not) ald (are governed) Nyertm (that) wh (of flesh) robd (are) Nwna (who in the flesh) robbd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 5 (are governed) Nyertm (That) wh (of Spirit) xwrd (are) Nwna (who of The Spirit) xwrdd (& those) Nylyaw (is) wh (death) atwm (of the flesh) arobd (for) ryg (the mind) atyert 6 (& peace) amlsw (life) ayx (of The Spirit) axwrd (& the mind) atyertw (God) ahla (toward) twl (is) yh (hate) atwbbdleb (of the flesh) arobd (the mind) atyertd (because) ljm 7 (it is subject) adbetsm (not) al (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (to the Law) aowmnl (that is possible) axksm (not) ald (because) ljm (are) Nwna (who in the flesh) robbd (& those) Nylyaw 8 (are able) Nyxksm (not) al (to God) ahlal (to please) rpsml (in The Spirit) xwrb (but) ala (in the flesh) robb (you have been) Nwtywh (not) al (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 9 (in you) Nwkb (dwells) arme (of God) ahlad (The Spirit) hxwr (truly) tyaryrs (if) Na (of The Messiah) axysmd (The Spirit) hxwr (in him) hb (there is not) tyl (a man) sna (but) Nyd (if) Na (belonging to Him) hlyd (has been) awh (not) al (this one) anh (is) wh (dead) tym (the body) argp (is in you) Nwkb (The Messiah) axysm (but) Nyd (& if) Naw 10 (is) yh (alive) ayx (but) Nyd (The Spirit) axwr (sin) atyjx (for the cause of) ljm (righteousness) atwnak (for the cause of) ljm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrml (raised) Myqad (Who) Nm (of Him) whd (His Spirit) hxwr (& if) Naw 11 (Who) Nm (He) wh (in you) Nwkb (dwells) arme (of the dead) atym (the house) tyb (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (also) Pa (of the dead) atym (the house) tyb (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsyl (raised) hmyqad (because of) ljm (He will give life) axn (dead) atym (to your bodies) Nwkyrgpl (in you) Nwkb (Who dwells) armed (His Spirit) hxwr (to the flesh) arobl (not) wl (we are indebted) Nnybyx (my brethren) yxa (now) ash 12 (we should walk) Klhn (that in the flesh) robbd (are going) Nydyte (you are) Nwtna (living) Nyax (in the flesh) robb (for) ryg (if) Na 13 (of the body) argp (the practices) ykpwh (in The Spirit) xwrb (& if) Naw (to die) tmml (are) wh (you) Nwtna (you) Nwtna (are living) Nyax (you are) Nwtna (putting to death) Nytymm (are led) Nyrbdtm (of God) ahlad (who by The Spirit) axwrbd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 14 (of God) ahlad (are) Nwna (the children) aynb (these) Nylh
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(again) bwt (of bondage) atwdbed (The Spirit) axwr (you have received) Nwtbon (for) ryg (not) al 15 (The Spirit) axwr (you have received) Nwtbon (but) ala (to fear) atlxdl (we cry) Nnyrq (by Whom) hbd (of children) aynb (of the placement) tmyod (our Father) Nwba (Father *) aba * Greek has Abba (Abba) which is not a Greek word, nor even a loan word, but an Aramaic word transliterated into Greek letters. Why in the name of Sam Hill would Paul be writing Aramaic words to Greek speaking people in Rome (not that I grant his audience spoke Greek)? And why would he report that the cry of The Spirit of adoption (The Holy Spirit) would cause us to cry Abba, unless he were translating from an Aramaic original?This word Abba occurs in the Greek NT in Mark 14:36, here and in Galatians 4:6. Why this occurs in The Greek is not seriously dealt with by Greek primacists; one writer cites such Aramaic transliterations in Greek as proof of a Greek original! He seemed to think that if the original were Aramaic, every word should be transliterated and then translated into Greek! The Greek NT has numerous examples of this phenomenon of transliteration of Aramaic words into Greek; The Peshitta has no such examples of Greek words transliterated into Aramaic (apart from a few proper Greek names). (to our spirit) Nxwrl (testifies) adhom (Spirit) axwr (& That) yhw 16 (of God) ahlad (children) aynb (that we are) Nytyad (of God) ahlad (heirs) atry (heirs) atry (also) Pa (children) aynb (& if) Naw 17 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of the inheritance) htwtry (& children) ynbw (we shall be glorified) xbtsn (with Him *) hme (also) Pa (with Him *) hme (we suffer) sxn (for if) Nad htwtry ynb Children of the inheritance is an Aramaic idiom meaning co-heirs. * Greek has if we suffer together and we shall be glorified together, which is ambiguous at best- together with whom? The Peshitta is clear: with Him. (the sufferings) yhwsx (are worthy) Nyws (that not) ald (for) ryg (I) ana (give counsel) aertm 18 (which) adya (to the glory) atxwbstl (this) anh (of time) anbzd (in us) Nb (to be revealed) algttd (is going) adyted (hopes for) arbom (creation) atyrb (for) ryg (the whole) hlk 19 (of God) ahlad (of the children) yhwnbd (the revelation) anylgl (& expects) aykomw (not) al (to futility) atwqyrol (has been subjected) tdbetsa (for) ryg (the creation) atyrb 20 (hope) arbo (upon) le (Who subjected it) hdbesd (Him) Nm (because of) ljm (but) ala (in its will) hnybub (the bondage) atwdbe (from) Nm (shall be freed) rrxtt (creation) atyrb (that) yh (for also) Pad 21 (of God) ahlad (of the children) aynbd (of the glory) atxwbstd (into the liberty) arwrxb (of destruction) albxd (created things) atyrb (that all) Nyhlkd (for) ryg (we know) Nnyedy 22 (today) anmwyl (until) amde (& are in labor) Nlbxmw (groan) Nxnttm (in us) Nb (who are) tyad (we) Nnx (also) Pa (but) ala (those) Nynh (only) dwxlb (& not) alw 23 (in ourselves) Nspnb (we groan) Nnyxnttm (of The Spirit) axwrd (the first fruits) atysr (of children) aynb (the placement) tmyol (& we look for) Nnykomw (of our bodies) Nyrgpd (& the redemption) anqrwplw (that appears) azxtmd (but) Nyd (hope) arbo (we live) Nyyx (that) wh (in hope) arbobd (because) ljm 24 (it) hl (do we look for *) Nnykom (why?) anm (it) hl (we see *) Nnyzx (for) ryg (if) Na (hope) arbo (is) awh (not) al N * Greek has whoever sees and he looks for. (appears) azxtm (that not) ald (for the thing) Mdml (but) Nyd (if) Na 25 (we wait) Nnywqm (in patience) atwnrbyomb (we hope) Nnyrbom (our weakness *) Ntwhyrkl (helps) ardem (Spirit) axwr (that) yh (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 26 (we know) Nnyedy (not) al (necessary) alwd (whenever) am (as) Kya (we should pray) alun (for) ryg (what?) anm
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(with groaning) atxntb (for our sake) Nyplx (prays) aylum (Spirit) axwr (That) yh (but) ala (is spoken) Nllmtm (which not) ald Greek has two readings: asyeneia -our weakness & asyeneiaiv asyeneiaiv -our weaknesses. The Aramaic word Ntwhyrk Karihothan can be interpreted either way. I submit that this explains the Greek readings. (knows) edy (He) wh (hearts) atwbl (but) Nyd (He Who searches) samd 27 (of The Spirit) axwrd (the mind) atyert (is) yh (what?) anm (of God) ahlad (that) wh (will) hnybu (for according to) Kyad (the saints) asydq (for the sake of) Plx (He is praying) aylum (God) ahlal (who love) Nybxmd (that those) Nylyad (but) Nyd (we know) Nnyedy 28 (those) Nylyal (for good) atbjl (them) Nwhl (He helps) rdem (thing) Mdm (in every) lkb (called) ayrq (to be) Nwwhnd (He ordained) Mo (whom before) Mdqd But we know that He helps those who love God in everything for good - those whom He preordained to be called. (them) Nwna (also He fashioned) Msrw (them) Nwna (He knew) edy (before) Mdqwl (& whom) Nmw 29 (would be) awhn (that He) whd (of His Son) hrbd (of the image) atrwud (in the likeness) atwmdb (many) aaygo (of brethren) axad (The First Born) arkwb (He called) arq (them) Nwhl (He fashioned) Msr (Whom before) Mdqd (but) Nyd (those) Nylyal 30 (He justified) qdz (them) Nwhl (whom He called) arqd (& those) Nylyalw (He glorified) xbs (them) Nwhl (whom He justified) qdzd (& those) Nylyalw (these things) Nylh (about) le (shall we say) rman (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 31 (against us) Nlbwqld (who is?) wnm (is for us) Nyplx (God) ahla (if) Na (He showed pity) ox (not) al (His Son) hrb (upon) le (& if) Naw 32 (He handed Him over) hmlsa (us all) Nlk (for the sake of) Plx (but) ala (us) Nl (shall He give) ltn (with Him) hme (thing) Mdm (every) lk (not) al (how?) ankya (of God) ahlad (the elect) aybg (against) le (shall accuse) lwbqn (who?) wnm 33 (is justifying) qdzm (God) ahla (& He is risen) Mqw (has died) tym (The Messiah) axysm (condemning) byxm (who is?) wnm 34 (for our sake) Nyplx (& He prays) aebw (of God) ahlad (the right hand) anymy (at) le (& He is) yhwtyaw (of The Messiah) axysmd (the love) hbwx (from) Nm (will separate me *) ynsrpn (what?) wnm 35 (persecution?) aypwdr (or) wa (imprisonment?) ayswbx (or) wa (suffering?) anulwa (sword?) apyo (or) wa (peril?) ownydnq (or) wa (nakedness?) atwyljre (or) wa (famine?) anpk (or) wa N * Greek has will separate us.The difference between the two in Aramaic is one letter at the end of ynsrpn will sever me.In DSS script the word is yn$rpn; will sever us is }$rpn. The Greek for us is hmav; hmav; me is me or eme. These pronouns are not similar in Greek as they are in Aramaic, therefore the evidence supports the theory that the Greek is translated from The Peshitta rather than vice versa. The Greek hmav Us would not likely give rise to Me in Aramaic. Greek Uncial script: HMAS Us EME -Me Ashuri Aramaic script: ynsrpn-will separate me Nsrpn-will separate us

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: y n$rpn-will separate me }$rpn-will separate us Estrangela Aramaic script: yn$rpn-will separate me

N$rpn-will separate us
The Greek word pair have a 25% letter correlation between them; The Aramaic pair, in each of the three scripts, have 66% to 83% letter correlations (Dead Sea Scroll has 83%; the other two -66%).This shows that the Greek reading was much more likely to come from the Aramaic than vice versa. (we are killed) Nnytym (every day) Mwylk (for Your sake) Ktljmd (it is written) bytkd (as) Kya 36 (for slaughter) atoknl (sheep) arma (as) Kya (& we are accounted) Nbsxtaw (we conquer) Nnyykz (all) Nyhlk (in these things) Nylhb (but) ala 37 (Who has loved us) Nbxad (Him) Nm (by) dyb (life) ayx (neither) alw (death) atwm (that not) ald (for) ryg (I am) ana (convinced) opm 38 (army) alyx (nor) alw (authority) anjlws (nor) alw (angel) akalm (nor) alw (what will come) Ndyted (nor) alw (what is present) Nmyqd (nor) alw (created thing) atyrb (neither) alpa (depth) aqmwe (nor) alw (height) amwr (nor) alw 39 (of God) ahlad (the love) hbwx (from) Nm (to sever me *) ynsrpt (shall be able) xkst (another) atrxa (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (which is in our Lord) Nrmbd * Greek has to sever us. The Eastern Peshitta also has to sever us. See v. 35 note. Chapter 9 (I) ana (lie) lgdm (& not) alw (in The Messiah) axysmb (I) ana (say) rma (the truth) atswq 9:1 (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (to me) yle (testifies) dhom (& my conscience) ynyerw (great) atbr (to me) yl (that) yh (sorrow) atwyrkd 2 (ceases) als (not) al (my heart) ybl (that is from) Nmd (& affliction) abakw (my essential self) ymwnq (that I) anad (for) ryg (I have been) tywh (praying) alum 3 (for the sake of) Plx (The Messiah) axysm (from) Nm (may be) awha (destroyed) amrx (who are in the flesh) robbd (& my kinsmen) ynyxaw (my brothers) yxa (was) twh (whose) Nwhlydd (of Israel) lyroya (the children) ynb (who are) Nwhytyad 4 (& the covenant) amyqw (& the glory) atxwbstw (of children) aynb (the placement) tmyo (& the promises) anklwmw (which is in it) hbd (& the ministry) atsmstw (& The Written Law) aowmnw (in the flesh) robb (The Messiah) axysm (appeared) yzxta (& from them) Nwhnmw (& the patriarchs) athbaw 5 (to Whom are) hld (all) lk (Who is over) led (The God) ahla (Who is) yhwtyad (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& blessings) Nkrwbw (praises) Nxbst And the patriarchs, and from them The Messiah appeared in the flesh, Who is The God Who is over all, to Whom are praises and blessings for an eternity of eternities, Amen. This is a very important doctrinal statement of the Deity of The Christ.Paul wants it understood that Yeshua is not merely an addition to a pagan pantheon of deities; He is The Supreme God over all the universe.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

The Greek mss. have- o wn epi pantwn yeov euloghtov eiv touv aiwnav amhn: Who is over all, God blessed to the ages. Amen. This looks like a paraphrase of The Peshitta, substituting blessed to the ages for- to Whom are praises and blessings for an eternity of eternities. The Peshitta did not get that reading from a Greek manuscript. (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (had failed) tlpn (to fail) lpm (but) Nyd (it was) awh (not) al 6 (Israel) lyroya (who from) Nmd (all of them) Nwhlk (for) ryg (it was) awh (not) al (Israel) lyroya (are) Nwhytya (of Abraham) Mhrbad (are they) Nwna (his seed) herz (that from) Nmd (because) ljm (neither) alpa 7 (it was said) rmatad (because) ljm (children) aynb (all of them) Nwhlk (the seed) aerz (to you) Kl (shall be called) arqtn (that in Isaaq) qxoyabd (of the flesh) arobd (the children) aynb (that it were) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (this is) wnh 8 (of the promise) anklwmd (the children) aynb (but) ala (of God) ahlad (the children) aynb (are) Nwhytya (for the seed) aerzl (are accounted) Nybsxtm (that in time) anbzbd (this) adh (word) atlm (is) hytya (for) ryg (the promise) anklwmd 9 (to Sara) arol (a son) arb (& there will be) awhnw (will come) ata (this one) anh (one) dx (with) Me (when) dk (Rebecca *) aqpr (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (this) adh (& not) wlw 10 (conjugal relations) atwptws (to her) hl (was) awh (it) tya (Isaaq) qxoya (our father) Nwba And not only this, but Rebecca also, when she had conjugal relations with our father Isaac. * Rebecca aqpr is actually Repqa in Aramaic. Hebrew has hqbr-Rebqah. (her children) hynb (would be born) Nwdlytn (before) alde 11 (evil) atsyb (or) wa (good) atbj (they would do) Nwreon (or) alw (of God) ahlad (the choice) htwybg (revealed) tedyta (was before) tmdq (would abide) awqt (that this) yhd (Who called) arqd (Him) Nm (by) dyb (but) ala (by works) adbeb (not) al (to the younger) arwezl (servant) adbe (shall be) awhn (the elder) asysqd (for) ryg (it was said) rmata 12 (I have loved) tmxr (Yaqob) bwqeyld (it is written) bytkd (as) Kya 13 (I have hated) tyno (& Esau) woelw (interrog.) amld (shall we say) rman (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 14 (God forbid!) ox (God) ahla (with) twl (is) tya (evil?) alwe (I shall show love) Mxra (He said) rma (to Moses) aswml (also) Pa (behold) ah 15 (& I shall take pity) Nwxaw (I) ana (love) Mxrmd (whomever) anya (on) le (I) ana (pity) Naxd (on whomever) anyal (him who wills) abud (of) Nm (by means) ydyab (therefore) lykh (not) al 16 (but) ala (him who runs) jhrd (of) Nm (by means) ydyab (neither) alw (The Merciful) anmxrm (of God) ahla (in the hand) ydyab (for) hld (to Pharaoh) Nwerpl (in the scriptures) abtkb (for) ryg (He said) rma 17 (My power) ylyx (with you) Kb (that I may show) awxad (I raised you up) Ktmyqa (this) adhl (whole) hlk (in the earth) aerab (My Name) yms (& that may be declared) zrktndw (shows compassion) Mxrm (He) wh (He will) abud (whomever) Nm (on) le (so then) Nydm 18 (He hardens) asqm (He will) abud (whomever) Nm (&) lew (does He find fault) asr (why?) anmld (you will say) rmat (& doubtless) rbkw 19 (His will) hnybu (against) lbqwl (who stands) Mwqnd (for) ryg (who is it?) wnm
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(son of man) asnrb (O) wa (are) tna (who?) Nm (therefore) lykh (you) tna 20 (interrog.) amld (you) tna (give) bhy (to God) ahlal (that an answer) amgtpd (who formed it) hlbgd (to the one) Nml (the thing formed) atlybg (does say) arma (have you formed me) yntlbg (in this way) ankh (why?) anmld (clay) hnyj (over) le (a potter) arxp (is authorized) jyls (not?) al (or) wa 21 (one) dx (vessel) anam (he will make) dben (formed things) atlybg (some) Nm (that from it) hnmd (for disgrace) areul (& one) dxw (for honor) arqyal (& to reveal) edwnw (His rage) hzgwr (to show) awxnd (God) ahla (was willing) abu (but) Nyd (if) Na 22 (His Spirit) hxwr (of long *) trgmd (in a multitude) aagwob (He brought) ytya (His power) hlyx (for destruction) andbal (that were perfected) Nyrymgd (of rage) azgwrd (vessels) anam (against) le (rage) azgwr * hxwr trgm Magrath Rukha is an Aramaic idiom (long spirit) meaning patience. (of compassion) amxrd (vessels) anam (on) le (His love) yhwmxr (& overflows) epsaw 23 (for glory) atxwbstl (for God) ahlal (were) wwh (that prepared) Nybyjmd (from) Nm (only) dwxlb (is it) awh (not) al (called) ayrq (we) Nnx (for we are) Nytyad 24 (the Gentiles) amme (from) Nm (also) Pa (but) ala (the Jews) aydwhy (it says) rma (in Hosea) eswhb (that also) Pad (just as) ankya 25 (My people) yme (were) wwh (who not) ald (those) Nylyal (I shall call) arqad (beloved) tmxrta (were beloved) tmxrta (& who not) allw (My) ylyd (people) ame Comparison of OT Hebrew with Peshitta NT quotation:
beloved not to & My beloved my God said & he you My people My people to not I said

hmxr al-ta ytmxrw [yhla rmay awhw hta-] yme yme-all ytrmaw <2:25> Hosea 2:23 (Hebrew) tmxrta tmxrta allw ylyd ame yme wwh ald Nylyal arqad Romans 9:25 (Peshitta)
beloved My beloved not My people My people were not those I called

I show the Hebrew verse being quoted from Hosea atop The Aramaic of The Peshitta so the reader can compare the two texts.The Hebrew verse word order I have rearranged somewhat, switching the last half of the quoted portion with the first half. It is not uncommon for a translator or writer to quote a verse with a different word order than the original. This does not change the meaning at all.Cognate and parallel words in the Hebrew and Aramaic of the two verses are highlighted in the same color. (they were) wwh (being called) Nyrqtmd (where) rk (in the place) atkwdb (for) ryg (it shall be) awhn 26 (they shall be called) Nwrqtn (there) Nmt (My people) yme (not) al (Living) ayx (to The God) ahlal (children) aynb Comparison of OT Hebrew with Peshitta NT quotation:
Living God sons to them He will say you My people not to them it was said that in the place & it will be

yx-la ynb Mhl rmay Mta yme-al ayx ahlal aynb

Living to God


rmay-rsa Mwqmb hyhw Hosea 1:10 (Hebrew)

sons they will be called there My people not they were called where in the place & it will be


Nmt yme al

wwh Nyrqtmd rk atkwdb ryg awhn 26 (Peshitta)

I show the Hebrew verse being quoted from Hosea atop The Aramaic of The Peshitta so the reader can compare the two texts. Cognate and parallel words in the Hebrew and Aramaic of the two verses are highlighted in the same color. (of Israel) lyroya (the children) ynb (against) le (preached) zrka (but) Nyd (Isaiah) ayesa 27 (of Israel) lyroya (of the children) ynbd (the number) anynm (shall be) awhn (that if) Nad (shall be saved) axn (of them) Nwhnmd (a remnant) ankrs (of the sea) amybd (the sand) alx (as) Kya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Comparison of OT Hebrew with Peshitta NT quotation: wb

will be saved in it will return remnant of the sea as sand Israel Your people will be if That



Myh lwxk larvy Kme

hyhy-Ma yk Isa 10:22 (BHS Hebrew) anynm awhn Nad 27 (Peshitta)



of them

a remnant



of the sea

alx Kya lyroya ynbd

the sand as Israel of the sons the number will be that if

I show the Hebrew verse being quoted from Hosea atop The Aramaic of The Peshitta so the reader can compare the two texts. Cognate and parallel words in the Hebrew and Aramaic of the two verses are highlighted in the same color. (& has cut off) qopw (He has cut short) Mrg (the matter) atlm 28 (the earth) aera (upon) le (Jehovah) ayrm (& shall do it) hydbenw (he) wh (said) rma (before) Mdqd (what) Mdm (& as) Kyaw 29 (us) Nl (had left) rtwa (of hosts *) twabu (Jehovah *) ayrm (not) al (if) wlad (Isaiah) ayesa (we would have) Nywh (been) Nywh (Sodom) Mwdo (as) Kya (survivors *) adyro (we were) Nywh (like) Nymdtm (& Amora) arwmelw of hosts twabu Tsabaoth is a Hebrew word found hundreds of times in The Hebrew OT, usually in conjunction with The Name of Yahweh. It occurs twice in The Peshitta, here and in James 5:4. ayrm Marya is the Aramaic cognate for Yahweh, the Hebrew Name for God usually translated in English Bibles as LORD in The OT; sometimes translated Jehovah, with which I translate ayrm Marya in The Peshitta Interlinear. The fact that this word sabawy Sabaoth occurs in the Greek mss. and that the Hebrew form occurs in the Aramaic Targum of Jeremiah 5:14 indicates a Hebrew or Aramaic source for the Greek term kuriov sabawy (Lord Sabaoth) here and in James 5:4 where it also occurs. In The LXX OT, kuriov sabawy always translates the Hebrew twabu hwhy (Yehovah Tsabaoth) Jehovah of Hosts, which in Aramaic is twabu ayrm (Maryah Tsabaoth) Lord Jehovah of Hosts, as found in this verse of The Peshitta. The Greek reading sabawy is not a Greek word; it is not even a loan word from Hebrew or Aramaic; it is a transliteration of Hebrew or Aramaic twabu (Tsabaoth) of hosts. Five things are certain: 1) Sabaoth is not Greek. 2) The Greek reading Sabaoth came from a Semitic source (Hebrew or Aramaic in this case). 4) A Gentile audience unfamiliar with The Old Testament would not have understood the term. 5) The Peshitta text is not a translation of the Greek version of this verse. (See Seed & Survivors note below.)

Comparison of OT Hebrew with Peshitta NT quotation:

Like Amorah we had been Sodom as

we had been like

wnymd hrmel wnyyh Mdok

small remnant us as

Nywh Nymdtm arwmelw Nywh Nywh Mwdo Kya adyro Nl rtwa twabu ayrm al wlad - Romans 9:29 in Peshitta

& Amorah we had been Sodom

jemk dyrv wnl rytwh twabu hwhy ylwl Isaiah 1:9 in Hebrew
remnant us had left of hosts MarYah Unless

had left of hosts Yahweh Unless

I have displayed the Hebrew verse of Isaiah and The Peshitta below it to show the reader how the Aramaic quotations are written in the same letters and have the same structure as the Hebrew Bible they quote. Cognate words are highlighted in the same color, so the reader may see how many cognate words in Hebrew are similar to the Aramaic words. An Aramaic quote like this from The Peshitta would be a much more precise representation of the state of the first century Hebrew Bible which was available to the Jews of Israel at the time, than a Greek translation could be. Greek and Hebrew are very different languages in many ways. Hebrew and Aramaic are very similar in grammar, syntax, spelling, vocabulary and appearance, both Semitic, and using the same alphabet and first century script in Palestine. Notice also that Aramaic has the sacred Tetragrammaton Name MRYA which parallels The Hebrew YHWH and is used only to designate Yahweh, The LORD GOD of Israel. Greek does not have this Name, substituting Kurios Lord, which can often refer to a mere human master or king. The Peshitta NT designates Yeshua (Jesus) as MRYA(The LORD GOD of Israel) over 30 times! The Greek NT does not do so, as it adheres to Kurios only in most of those places.
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* Greek has a seed where The Peshitta has a remnant,survivors. Below are the two readings in Aramaic, one atop the other, first in DSS script: Dead Sea Scroll Ashuri Aramaic )dyrs adyro Remnant )ty(rz atyerz Descendants Here are the two readings in Greek Uncial script: UPOLEIMMARemnant SPERMASeed I leave it for the reader to decide which pair looks most alike, the Greek or the Aramaic. (that the Gentiles) ammed (shall we say) rman (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 30 (righteousness) atwnak (after) rtb (were) wwh (running) Nyjhr (who not) ald (the righteousness) atwnak (have obtained) wkrda (is) yh (faith) atwnmyh (that from) Nmd (which) adya (but) Nyd (the righteousness) atwnak (The Written Law) aowmn (after) rtb (had) awh (that run) jhrd (but) Nyd (Israel) lyroya 31 (obtained) Krda (not) al (of righteousness *) atwnakd (the Law) aowmnl (of righteousness) atwnakd M * The Critical Greek text omits the second righteousness;The Majority Greek includes it. (faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (it was) awh (that not) ald (because) ljm (what?) anm (because of) ljm 32 (of The Written Law) aowmnd (the works) yhwdbe (from) Nm (but) ala (of stumbling) atlqwtd (at the Stone) apakb (for) ryg (they were stumbled) wlqtta (in Tsion) Nwyhub (I) ana (have laid down) Mao (that behold) ahd (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya 33 (of offense) alwskmd (& a Stone) apakw (of stumbling) atlqwtd (a Stone) apak (will be ashamed) thbn (not) al (will believe) Nmyhn (in Him) hbd (& whoever) Nmw Chapter 10 (& my petition) ytwebw (of my heart) ybld (the desire) anybu (my brothers) yxa 10:1 (that they might be saved) Nwxnd (is for their sake) Nwhyplx (God) ahla (which is before) twld (of God) ahlad (that zeal) annjd (to them) Nwhyle (for) ryg (I) ana (bear witness) dhom 2 (in knowledge) atedyb (not) wl (but) ala (in them) Nwhb (is) tya (but) ala (they knew) wedy (not) al (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (the righteousness) htwnak 3 (to establish) Nwmyqn (of themselves) Nwhspnd (the righteousness) atwnakd (they sought) web (were submitted) wdbetsa (not) al (of God) ahlad (to the righteousness*) htwnakl (this) anh (& because of) ljmw M * Critical Greek omits the second righteousness.The Majority Greek includes it. (is) wh (The Messiah) axysm (of The Written Law) aowmnd (for) ryg (the consummation) hko 4 (who believes) Nmyhmd (to everyone) lkl (for righteousness) atwnakl (of the righteousness) atwnak (wrote) btk (in this way) ankh (for) ryg (Moses) aswm 5 (in them) Nyhb (shall live) axn (these things) Nylh (shall do) dbend (whoever) Nmd (in The Written Law) aowmnbd (says) arma (thus) ankh (that is in faith) atwnmyhbd (but) Nyd (the righteousness) atwnak 6 (to Heaven) aymsl (ascended) qlo (who?) wnmd (in your heart) Kblb (you shall say)rmat (that not) ald (The Messiah) axysml (& sent down) txaw (of Sheol *) lwysd (to the abyss) amwhtl (went down) txn (& who?) wnmw 7 (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysml (& brings up) qoaw * Greek omits Sheol (which is usually translated adhv-Hades).
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(the answer) amgtp (to you) Kl (is) wh (near) byrq (does it say) rma (what?) anm (but) ala 8 (the word) atlm (is) yh (this) adh (& to your heart) Kbllw (to your mouth) Kmwpl (that we preach) Nnyzrkmd (of the faith) atwnmyhd (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrmb (with your mouth) Kmwpb (you will confess) adwt (& if) Naw 9 (has raised Him) hmyqa (that God) ahlad (in your heart) Kblb (& you will believe) Nmyhtw (you shall have life) axt (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (is justified) qddzm (in Him) hb (that believes) Nmyhmd (for) ryg (the heart) abl 10 (lives) ayx (Him) hb (that confesses) adwmd (& the mouth) amwpw (in Him) hb (who believes) Nmyhmd (that everyone) lkd (the scriptures) abtk (for) ryg (say) rma 11 (shall be ashamed) thbn (not) al (He makes distinction) srp (not) al (& in this) adhbw 12 (for Aramaeans) aymral (neither) alw (for Jews) aydwhyl (not) al (of all of them) Nwhlkd (Jehovah) ayrm (for) ryg (He is) wh (One) dx (to Him) hl (who calls) arqd (with everyone) lkb (Who is rich) ryted (the Name) hms (who will call) arqnd (for) ryg (everyone) lk 13 (shall have Life) axn (of Jehovah) ayrmd (to This One) anyal (would they call) Nwrqn (therefore) lykh (how?) ankya 14 (how?) ankya (or) wa (in Him) hb (they believed) wnmyh (unless) ald (they heard Him) yhwems (unless) ald (Him) whl (would they believe) Nwnmyhn (a preacher) anzrkm (without) ald (would they hear) Nwemsn (how?) ankya (or) wa (they will be sent) Nwxltsn (not) al (if) Na (will they preach) Nwzrkn (how?) ankya (or) wa 15 (their feet) Nwhylgr (beautiful) Nyay (how) amd (it is written) bytkd (as) Kya (of good things) atbj (& of a messenger) yrbomdw (of peace) amls (of a messenger) yrbomd Comparison of OT Hebrew with Peshitta NT quotation: bwj rvbm atbj
good good of the preacher of peace of report of the preacher the feet the mountains on fair How?

Mwls eymsm


ylgr Myrhh-le wwan-hm Isa 52:7 (Hebrew) Nwhylgr Nyay amd Romans 10:15 (Peshitta)
fair How?

& of those preaching peace those preaching their feet


amls yrbomd

(the message) atrbol (have obeyed) wemtsa (all) Nwhlk (it was) awh (not) al (but) ala 16 (said) rma (for) ryg (Isaiah) ayesa (of the Gospel) Nwylgnwad (of our voice) Nlq (the daughter) trbl (believing) Nmyh (who is?) wnm (My Lord) yrm lq trb Barth qole is an Aramaic idiom, literally-daughter of voice, meaning a report, a statement. Hebrew has a similar idiom- Bath qole. Comparison of OT Hebrew with Peshitta NT quotation:
Has been revealed whom on Yahweh & the arm our report has believed Who?

htlgn ym-le hwhy


wntemsl Nymah

ym Isaiah 53:1 (BHS Hebrew)

Has been revealed to whom of MarYah & the arm our report has believed Who? my Lord

ylgta Nml

ayrmd herdw Nemsl Nmyh

wnm yrm John 12:38 (Peshitta)

(the ear) anda (hearing) emsm (from) Nm (the faith) atwnmyh (therefore) lykm 17 (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (from) Nm (the ear) anda (& hearing) emsmw (is) yh
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anda emsm (Mashema adna)The hearing ear is an Aramaic idiom meaning,One who listens.God creates a hearing person who has faith by the utterance of His Spirit, making a new heart, mind and soul within a person who was dead in sin. (& behold) ahw (have they heard) wems (not?) al (interrog.) amld (I) ana (said) rma (but) ala 18 (of their voices) Nwhlq (the daughter) trb (has gone out) tqpn (earth) aera (in the whole) hlkb (their words) Nwhylm (of the world) lybtd (& in the ends) hypwobw Comparison of OT Hebrew with Peshitta NT quotation:
Their words of the world & in the ends line went out




Mwq auy

the earth

Urah-lkb <19:5> Ps 19:4 (BHS) tqpn aera hlkb 18 (Peshitta)

in all

in all

Their words of the world & in the ends their voice the daughter went out the earth

Nwhylm lybtd hypwobw Nwhlq


lq trb Bartha qole is an Aramaic idiom, literally-daughter of voice, meaning a report, a statement. (Israel) lyroya (knew) edy (not?) al (interrog.) amld (I) ana (said) rma (but) ala 19 (I shall make you jealous) Nwknja (said) rma (thus) ankh (Moses) aswm (before) aymdq (a people) Me (that is not) ald (by a people) Meb (I shall anger you) Nwkzgra (is obedient) oypjtm (that not) ald (& by a people) amebw Comparison of OT Hebrew with Peshitta NT quotation:
I shall anger them foolish in a nation people by not

Moyeka lbn



Maynqa ynaw Deut 32:21 Meb Nwknja Romans 10:19

I shall make them jealous

I shall anger them




who not


& by people


people who not by people I shall make them jealous


(to those) Nylyal (I appeared) tyzxtad (& he said) rmaw (was bold) xrma (but) Nyd (Isaiah) ayesa 20 (by those) Nylyal (& I was found) txktsaw (sought Me) ynwaeb (who not) ald (asked) wlas (not) al (who for Me) yled
sought Me by those not I am found who asked by those not I am sought



ytaumn wlas


ytsrdn Isa 65:1 (BHS)

wlas al yled

asked not who for Me by those & I am found sought Me who not by those I am seen

Nylyal txktsaw ynwaeb

ald Nylyal tyzxtad 20 (Peshitta)

In verse 20, as in others, The Peshitta shows a strange independence from The Massoretic Hebrew Bible and from The Peshitta OT. It also disagrees with the Greek reading of the verse and with The LXX, except that The LXX has the same meaning for the first word of the verse I am manifest, where the other texts have I am sought. The Peshitta has a different word order for the two verbs, not sought and not asked, the reverse of all other OT texts. It also disagrees with The Targum of Jonathan in this verses word order.The Peshitta NT has all the earmarks of an original text; it is not artificial, contrived or conventional. It shows no signs of being standardized or conforming to any known traditional text, either in the Gospels,Acts or Romans, or anywhere else in The New Testament. Those who contend that it is a translation cannot point to the text it translates; those who say it is a revision cannot show what it revises nor by what text it is revised. Furthermore, no one can give any historical evidence for either a translation which produced The Peshitta nor for a revision which produced it, yet it is and has been the sole New Testament text used by Eastern and Western Aramaean Christian churches from their schism in AD 451 (& it certainly existed before that time, being extensively quoted verbatim by Aphraates in Aramaic circa AD 330). (My hands) ydya (I reached) tjspd (He said) rma (but) Nyd (to Israel) lyroyal 21 (obedient) oypjtm (& dis-) alw (contentious) arxtmd (a people) ame (to) twl (all) hlk (day) amwy

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Verse 21 is different from The Hebrew Bible and is more similar to The LXX reading, though the verbs contentious and disobedient are reversed in The LXX. The Apostle Paul seemed to use a hybrid Hebrew text with many readings midway between The Massoretic and LXX type text. Chapter 11 (His people) hmel (God) ahla (has thrust away it?) hqxd (interrog.) amld (I) ana (said) rma (but) ala 11:1 (am) ana (Israel) lyroya (from) Nm (for) ryg (I) ana (also) Pa (God forbid!) ox (of Benjamin) Nymynbd (the tribe) atbrs (from) Nm (of Abraham) Mhrbad (his seed) herz (from) Nm (the first) Mydq (from) Nmd (which) anya (His people) hmel (God) ahla (thrust away) qxd (not) al 2 (in the scriptures) abtkb (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not?) al (or) wa (to Him) hl (was) awh (known) eydy (to God) ahlal (he had) awh (complained) lbq (when) dk (said) rma (which) anm (that Elia) aylad (& said) rmaw (Israel) lyroya (about) le (they have murdered) wljq (Your prophets) Kyybnl (My Lord) yrm 3 (& I) anaw (they have toppled) wpxo (& Your altars) Kyxbdmlw (my life) yspnl (& they seek) Nyebw (am left) trxtsa (alone) ydwxlb (am) wh (that behold) ahd (by revelation *) anylgb (to him) hl (& it was said) rmataw 4 (those) Nylya (men) Nyrbg (thousand) Nypla (seven) aebs (for myself) yspnl (I have left) tqbs (Baal) alebl (worshipped) wdgo (nor) alw (knelt) wkrb (not) al (their knees) Nwhykrwb (who upon) led * Greek has crhmatismov The Divine response, oracle; The Aramaic rmata -It was said - may have been seen as a code word to a Greek translator meaning God spoke. The Greek uses an active verb legei says with crhmatismov as the subject. This occurs in quite a few places in The NT where a word with Alap-Tau - ta at the start or end occurs and Greek supplies a Divine title or Name where it does not exist in The Peshitta. Alap-Tau is found in Rev. 1:8 and other places as a Divine title for The Messiah. (See note at 1 Timothy 3:16). I have an article on this at my web site called The Alap Tau Code. (a remnant) ankrs (time) anbz (in this) anhb (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 5 (of grace) atwbyjd (in the election) atybgb (left) rxtsa (there is) wh (work) adbe (from) Nm (it was) awh (not) al (by grace) atwbyjb (but) Nyd (if) Na 6 (by work) adbeb (but) Nyd (if) Na (grace) atwbyj (is) hytya (not) al (grace) atwbyj (else) al (or) Naw (work) adbe (is) yhwtya (not) al (work) adbe (else) al (or) Naw (grace) atwbyj (from) Nm (it was) awh (not) al (Israel) lyroya (was) awh (which seeking) aebd (that) yh (therefore) lykh (why?) anm 7 (has found) txksa (but) Nyd (the election) atybg (has it found) xksa (not) al (in their hearts) Nwhblb (were blinded) wrweta (but) Nyd (the rest of them) Nwhkrs (God) ahla (to them) Nwhl (that gave) bhyd (that is written) bytkd (just as) ankya 8 (will observe) Nwrxbn (that not) ald (& eyes) anyew (of irritation) atynredm (the spirit) axwr (of today) anmwyd (the day) amwyl (until) amde (will hear) Nwemsn (that not) ald (& ears) andaw (in them) Nyhb (before them) Nwhymdq (their table) Nwhrwtp (shall be) awhn (said) rma (again) bwt (& David) dywdw 9 (an offense) atlqwtl (& their reward) Nwhnerwpw (a trap) axpl (& their back) Nwhuxw (they will see) Nwzxn (lest) ald (their eyes) Nwhynye (let be darkened) Nksxn 10 (bent over) Pypk (shall be) awhn (in every time) Nbzlkb (did they stumble?) wlqtta (interrog) amld (but) Nyd (I) ana (said) rma 11 (by their offense) Nwhtlqwtb (but) ala (God forbid!) ox (they would fall) Nwlpnd (so) Kya (to their envy) Nwhnnjl (to the Gentiles) ammel (life) ayx (there was) wwh (theirs) Nwhlyd (to the world) amlel (wealth) artwe (was) twh (their offense) Nwhtlqwt (& if) Naw 12 (to the Gentiles) ammel (wealth) artwe (& their condemnation) Nwhtwbyxw
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(their fullness) Nwhylmws (therefore) lykh (How much more?) amk (to the Gentiles) ammel (I) ana (said) rma (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl 13 (of the Gentiles) ammed (the apostle) axyls (who am) ytyad (I) ana (I) ana (honor) xbsm (my ministry) ytsmstl (of my flesh) yrob (the sons *) ynbl (I may make jealous) Nja (perhaps) amld 14 (of them) Nwhnm (some) Nysna (& I may save) axaw * yrob ynb Benay basray is an idiom meaning,my kindred. (the reconciliation) atwert (their rejection) Nwhtwnyltom (for) ryg (if) Na 15 (their return) Nwhynwp (therefore) lykh (How much more?) amk (was) twh (for the world) amlel (of the dead) atym (the house) tyb (from) Nmd (life) ayx (but) ala (the substance) atlybg (also) Pa (are holy) asydq (the first fruits) atysr (but) Nyd (& if) Naw 16 (the branches) akwo (also) Pa (is) wh (holy) sydq (the root) arqe (& if) Naw (are) tna (of an olive tree) atyzd (& you) tnaw (were cut off) xspta (branches) akwo (some) Nm (& if) Naw 17 (& you have become) tywhw (into their place) Nyhtykwdb (you were grafted) tmejta (of the wilderness) arbd (of the olive tree) atyzd (& of the fat) hnmwslw (of the roots) hrqel (a partaker) aptws (you) tna (boast) rhbtsm (but) Nyd (if) Na (the branches) akwo (against) le (boast) rhbtst (not) al 18 (by the root) arqel (by it) hl (were supported) lyqs (you) tna (was it) awh (not?) al (by you) Kl (was supported) lyqs (root) arqe (that) wh (rather than) ala (that were cut off) xsptad (the branches) akwod (you will say) rmat (& doubtless) rbkw 19 (may be grafted) Mejta (in their place) Nyhtykwdb (that I) anad (were cut off) xspta (they believed) Nmyh (not) ald (because) ljm (these) Nylh (fine) ryps 20 (have stood) tmq (by faith) atwnmyhb (but) Nyd (you) tna (fear) lxd (but) ala (in your mind) Knyerb (be lifted up) Myrtt (not) al (their nature) Nyhnyk (that from) Nmd (the branches) akwo (upon) le (for) ryg (God) ahla (if) Na 21 (He will show pity) owxn (upon you) Kyle (neither) alpa (surely) amld (showed pity) ox (not) al For if God did not spare the natural branches, surely He will not spare you either. ox Khos means to pity. In this context, it means to spare. (of God) ahlad (& the hardness) htwysqw (the sweetness) htwmyob (therefore) lykh (Behold) yzx 22 (sweetness) atwmyob (but) Nyd (on you) Kyle (hardness) atwysq (who fell) wlpnd (those) Nylya (on) le (in sweetness) atwmyobb (in Him) hb (you abide) awqt (if) Na (will be cut off) xsptt (you) tna (also) Pa (not) al (& if) Naw (in the destitution) twryoxb (they continue) Nwwqn (not) al (if) Na (& those) Nwnhw 23 (they will be grafted) Nwmejtn (those) Nwnh (also) Pa (of their faith) Nwhtwnmyh (them) Nwna (to graft) Mejn (again) bwtd (God) ahla (for) ryg (is able) xksm (wild) arbd (are) tna (an olive tree) atyz (who from) Nmd (you) tna (for) ryg (if) Na 24 (you were cut off) txspta (because by your nature) Knykbd (that is) wh (good) abj (into the olive tree) atyzb (you were grafted) tmejta (by your nature) Knykb (& who not) aldw (to be grafted) Nwmejtn (surely) Na (are those) Nwnh (therefore) lykh (How many?) amk (of their nature) Nwhnykd (into the olive tree) atyzb (this) anh (mystery) azra (my brethren) yxa (you to know) Nwedtd (for) ryg (I) ana (want) abu 25 (of yourselves) Nwkspn (in the opinion) Nyerb (wise) Nymykx (you will be) Nwwht (lest) ald
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to Israel) lyroyal (has come) twh (little) lylq (a time) rta (of) Nm (of the heart) abl (that blindness) twrywed (of the Gentiles) ammed (the fullness) aylwm (will enter) lwend (until) made (shall have Life- be saved) axn (Israel) lyroya (all) hlk (& then) Nydyhw 26 (Tsion) Nwyhu (from) Nm (shall come) atand (that is written) bytkd (just as) ankya (Yaqob) bwqey (from) Nm (evil) alwe (& He shall turn away) Kphnw (The Savior) aqwrp (that from) Nmd (that is) yh (the covenant) aqtyd (to them) Nwhl (will be) awht (& then) Nydyhw 27 (their sins) Nwhyhjx (to them) Nwhl (I shall have forgiven *) tqbsd (whenever) am (My presence) ytwl * Greek has I shall take away. tlqs is the most common verb form for I shall take away; compare to the reading here I shall forgive tqbs; In Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script, they are tlq$ tqb$. With the Dalet proclitic added, we have tlqsd tqbsd; tlq$d tqb$d there is 60-80% correlation between the two words, depending on how you analyze them. In DSS, the letters Lamed l and Bet b are similar enough to mistake one for another, even though they have slightly different positions in their respective words; all the other letters are each in both words, so it is very easy to believe they could be confused, each for the other. The human eye is the best judge of this. Here are the two words, one atop the other: Ashuri Aramaic script: tlqsd-I shall take away tqbsd-I shall forgive Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: tlq$d-I shall take away tqb$d-I shall forgive 80% correlation for both Aramaic pairs Here are the Greek words for I shall take away & I shall forgive: afelwmai & afhsw (36% correlation) (for your sake) Nwktljm (they are) Nwna (enemies) abbdleb (but) Nyd (by the Gospel) Nwylgnwab 28 (the patriarchs) athba (because of) ljm (they are) Nwna (beloved) Nybybx (& in the election) atwybgbw (& in His callings) hnyrqbw (in His gifts) htbhwmb (God) ahla (changes) akph (for) ryg (not) al 29 (you were) Nwtywh (obeying) Nyoypjtm (not) al (you) Nwtna (that also) Pad (for) ryg (just as) ankya 30 (you have been favored) Nwtnnxta (& now) ashw (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (God) ahlal (of those) Nwnhd (their obedience) Nwhtwnoypjtm (dis-) al (because of) ljm (mercy) amxrl (now) ash (obeyed) woypjta (not) al (these) Nylh (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 31 (mercy) amxr (there shall be) Nwwhn (upon them) Nwhyle (that also) Pad (that upon you) Nwkyled (-obedience) atwnoypjtm (in dis-) alb (every person) snlkl (God) ahla (for) ryg (has confined) sbx 32 (He shall have mercy) Mxrn (person) sna (every) lk (that upon) led (& knowledge) aedmw (& the wisdom) atmkxw (of the wealth) artwed (the depth) aqmwe (O) wa 33 (His judgments) yhwnyd (has searched) sm (not) al (for man) snad (of God) ahlad (are traced) Nbqetm (not) al (& His ways) htxrwaw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the mind) hnyer (has known) edy (for) ryg (who?) wnm 34 (of counsel) aklm (master) leb (to Him) hl (has been) awh (who?) wnm (or) wa aklm leb Baal Mlaka- Master of counsel is an idiom referring to a counselor. (from Him) hnm (has received) bon (& then) Nkw (to Him) hl (has given) bhy (first) Mdq (& who?) wnmw 35 (is by His hand) hdyab (& all) lkw (in Him) hb (& all) lkw (from Him) hnm (all) lkd (because) ljm 36 (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& blessings) Nkrwbw (praises) Nxbst (that to Him) hld Chapter 12
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of God) ahlad (by the mercies) yhwmxrb (my brethren) yxa (of you) Nwknm (therefore) lykh (I beg) aneb 12:1 (living) atyx (sacrifices) atxbd (your bodies) Nwkyrgp (that you present) Nwmyqtd (logical) atlylm (by a service) atsmstb (to God) ahlal (& acceptable) atlbqmw (& holy) atsydqw (be transformed) wplxtsa (but) ala (this) anh (world) amlel (imitate you) Nwmdtt (& do not) alw 2 (which?) anya (distinguish) Nysrp (& you shall) Nwtywhw (of your minds) Nwkynyerd (by the renovation) atdwxb (& perfect) arymgw (& acceptable) albqmw (good) abj (of God) ahlad (the will) anybu (is) wh (to you all) Nwklkl (to me) yl (that is given) tbhytad (by the grace) atwbyjb (but) Nyd (I) ana (say) rma 3 (is necessary) alwd (what) am (of) Nm (outside) rbl (have self esteem) Nyertm (you should) Nwwht (that not) ald (have self esteem) Nyertm (you should) Nwwht (but) ala (to have self esteem) Nwerttd (God) ahla (to him) hl (distributes) glpd (as) Kya (every person) snlk (in modesty) atwpknb (by a measure) atxwsmb (faith) atwnmyh (to us) Nl (are) tya (many) aaygo (members) amdh (body) argp (in one) dxbd (for) ryg (just as) ankya 4 (to them) Nwhl tya (function) anrewo (one) dx (have) awh (not) al (members) amdh (& all of those) Nwhlkw (body) rgp (we are) Nnx (one) dx (are) Nnx (who many) aaygod (we) Nnx (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 5 (of each other) addxd (we are) Nnx (members) amdh (but) Nyd (of us) Nnm (one) dx (each) dx (in The Messiah) axysmb (of a variety) atplxsm (gifts) atbhwm (to us) Nl (there are) tya (but) ala 6 (us) Nl (that is given) tbhytad (the grace) atwbyj (according to) Kya (of his faith) htwnmyhd (the measure) atxwsm (according to) Kya (that of prophesy) atwybnd (there is) tya (in his service) htsmstb (to one) hl (it is) tya (that of ministry) atsmstd (& there is) tyaw 7 (in his learning) hnplwyb (that is) wh (that of teacher) anplmd (& there is) tyaw (in his comforting) haywbb (which is) wh (that of a comforter) anaybmd (& there is) tyaw 8 (chief) asrb (& a leader) Maqdw (in generosity) atwjyspb (& a giver) bhydw (with cheerfulness) atwxyupb (& that of caregiver) Mxrmdw (with diligence) atwjypxb (be you) Nwtywh (but) ala (your love) Nwkbwx (deceitful) lykn (let be) awhn (& not) alw 9 (the good) atbjl (& cleaving to) Nypqntmw (evil) atsybl (hating) Nyno (another) dxl (one) dx (& love) Nybxmw (to your brethren) Nwkyxal (affectionate) Nymxr (be you) Nwtywh 10 (another) dxl (one) dx (honoring) Nyrqym (preferring) Nymdqm (be you) Nwtywh (be lazy) Nynnbx (& do not) alw (diligent) Nyjypx (be you) Nwtywh 11 (for your Lord) Nwkrml (working) Nyxlp (be you) Nwtywh (in spirit) xwrb (enthusiastic) Nyxtr (be you) Nwtywh (enduring) Nyrbyom (be you) Nwtywh (in your hope) Nwkrbob (rejoicing) Nydx (be you) Nwtywh 12 (in prayer) atwlub (persisting) Nynyma (be you) Nwtywh (your afflictions) Nwkynulwa (of the holy ones) asydqd (with the needs) atwqynol (partakers) Nyptwtsm (be you) Nwtywh 13 (of strangers) aynoka (be friends) Nymxr (be you) Nwtywh (curse) Nwjwlt (& do not) alw (bless) wkrb (your persecutors) Nwkypwdrl (bless) wkrb 14 (those who weep) Nykbd (with) Me (& weep) wkbw (those who rejoice) Nydxd (with) Me (rejoice) wdx 15 (yourselves) Nwkspn (about) le (you) Nwtna (esteem) Nyertmd (& whatever) Mdmw 16 (high) amr (opinions) anyer (esteem you) Nwertt (& do not) alw (your brethren) Nwkyxa (about) le (do also) Pa (wise) Nymykx (be you) Nwtywh (& not) alw (who are humble) Nykykmd (to those) Nylyal (go out) wpq (but) ala (of yourselves) Nwkspn (in opinions) Nyerb (evil) atsyb (for) Plx (evil) atsyb (a person) snal (repay) Nwerpt (& do not) alw 17 (good) atbj (to do) Nwdbetd (you) Nwkl (it should concern) ljbtn (but) ala (all of them) Nwhlk (the children of men) asnynb (before) Mdq
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(within you) Nwktwl (what is from) Nmd (according to) Kya (it is possible) axksm (& if) Naw 18 (make) wdbe (peace) amls (every person) snrblk (with) Me (but) ala (beloved) ybybx (yourselves) Nwkspn (avenging you) Nyebt (be you) Nwtywh (& not) alw 19 (you will execute) dbet (not) al (that if) Nad (for) ryg (it) wh (is written) bytk (to rage) azgwrl (place) arta (give) wbh (God) ahla (says) rma (your judgment) Knyd (I shall execute) dbea (I) ana (for yourself) Kspnl (judgment) anyd The quotation is quite different in The Peshitta from that of the Greek and Latin versions.The Greek is a quote from Deut. 32:35 (not LXX, but Hebrew or Peshitta).The Peshitta text of this verse cannot have come from the Greek of this verse; it is not like any OT text that I can find in Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic. It may be a quote from The Apocrypha or Pseudopigrapha. (feed him) yhylkwa (your enemy) Kbbdleb (hungers) Npk (& if) Naw 20 (to him) hl (you do) dbet (these) Nylh (& if) Naw (give him drink) yhyqsa (he thirsts) ahu (& if) Naw (his skull) htpqrq (on) le (you will heap) rbqt (of fire) arwnd (coals) armwg (but) ala (by evil) atsyb (be you overcome) Nwkykzt (not) al 21 (by good) atbjb (evil) atsybl (overcome) hwakz Chapter 13 (be subject) dbetst (of greatness) atwbrd (to the authority) anjlwsl (soul) spn (every) lk 13:1 (the same) wh (God) ahla (from) Nm (has been) awh (that not) ald (authority) anjlws (for) ryg (there is not) tyl (under orders) Nydyqp (are) wh (God) ahla (from) Nm (who are) Nwhytyad (authorities) anjlws (& those) Nylyaw (the authority) anjlws (against) lbqwl (therefore) lykh (stands) Maqd (whoever) Nm 2 (stands) Maq (of God) ahlad (the commandments) andqwp (against) lbqwl (shall receive) Nwbon (judgment) anyd (against them) Nwhlbqwl (who stand) Nymyqd (& these) Nylhw (good) abj (to the doer *) adbel (a fear) atlxd (have been) wwh (not) al (for) ryg (judges) anyd 3 (therefore) lykh (do you?) tna (wish) abu (to the wicked *) asybl (but) ala (the authority) anjlws (of) Nm (to be afraid) lxdt (not) ald (from him) hnm (to you) Kl (will be) awht (& praise) atxwbstw (good) atbj (do) dbe Greek has two readings: Critical Greek has agayw ergw -to a good deed; The Majority Greek has agaywn ergwn -to good deeds. The Aramaic of The Peshitta can have either meaning.It can also mean what I have translated the doer of good. The Greek has also two readings for asyb Beesha: kakw Evil & kakwn Evils.The Aramaic can explain all four Greek readings in this verse without changing one letter of Aramaic. (for good) atbjl (to you) Kl (but) ala (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (he is) wh (the minister) ansmsm 4 (be afraid) lxd (you) tna (have done) dbe (evil) atsyb (& if) Naw (a sword) aropol (he wears) ryoa (in vain) tyaqyro (for) ryg (it has been) awh (not) al (of rage) azgwrd (& an avenger) aewbtw (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (he is) wh (a minister) ansmsm (evil) atsyb (who do) Nydbed (to those) Nylyal (to be subject) dbetsnd (for us) Nl (it is urgent) aula (this) anh (& because of) ljmw 5 (conscience) Ntrat (for) ljm (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (the wrath) azgwr (due to) ljm (not) al (you) Nwtna (pay) Nybhy (the head) asr (money) Pok (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm 6 (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (they are) Nwna (the ministers) ansmsm (are established) Nymyq (that these) Nylhd (because for these things) Nyhyled Kespa rasha is the head tax or poll tax paid to Caesar by every Roman citizen every year.It was a flat tax of a few percentage points. Other taxes were also levied.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to him) hl (it is owed) byxtmd (as) Kya (every person) snlkl (therefore) lykh (reward) wewrp 7 (head) asr (money) Pok (head) asr (money) Pokd (to whomever) Nml (& to whomever) Nmlw (a tribute tax) aokm (a tribute tax) aokmd (& to whomever) Nmlw (honor) arqya (honor) arqyad (& to whomever) Nmlw (reverence) atlxd (reverence) atlxdd (another) dxl (one) dx (but) ala (you shall owe) Nwbwxt (not) al (anything) Mdm (& to a person) snalw 8 (fulfills) ylm (the Torah) aowmn (his neighbor) hrbx (for) ryg (loves) bxmd (whoever) Nm (to love) wbxml (you shall commit adultery) rwgt (that not) ald (that says) rmad (for) ryg (this) yh (& also) Paw 9 (you shall covet) grt (& not) alw (you shall steal) bwngt (& not) alw (you shall murder) lwjqt (& not) alw (saying) atlm (in this) adhb (another) anrxa (commandment) andqwp (there is) tya (& if) Naw (yourself) Kspn (as) Kya (your neighbor) Kbyrql (you shall love) Mxrtd (it is consummated) Mltsm (commits) reo (not) al (evil) atsyb (to its neighbor) hbyrql (love) abwx 10 (of The Written Law) aowmnd (is) wh (the fulfillment) hylwm (love) abwxd (because) ljm it is) yh (& the hour) atesw (it is) wh (that the time) anbzd (know) wed (this) adh (& also) Paw 11 (it is) wh (now) ash (our sleep) Ntns (from) Nm (to awake) ryetnd (from now on) lykm (we believed) Nnmyh (when) dkd (than) Nm (more) ryty (our Life) Nyyx (to us) Nl (has drawn near) wbrqta (for) ryg (has arrived) brq (& the day) ammyaw (has passed) rbe (from now on) lykm (the night) ayll 12 (of darkness) akwsxd (the works) adbe (therefore) lykh (from us) Nnm (let us take off) xynn (of light) arhwnd (the armor) hnyz (& let us put on) sblnw (let us walk) Klhn (in a right manner) amkoab (those in the day) ammyabd (& as) Kyaw 13 (in drunkenness) atwywrb (& not) alw (in partying) armzb (not) al (in fighting) anyrxbw (in envy) amoxb (& not) alw apnj (in orgies) akmdmb (& not) alw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrml (put on) yhwsbwl (but) ala 14 (for the lusts) atgygrl (of your flesh) Nwkrobd (take you pains) Nwpuat (& not) alw Chapter 14 to him) hl (give) wbh (in faith) atwnmyhb (who is weak) hyrkd (but) Nyd (to the one) anyal 14:1 (by your disputes) Nwktbsxmb (divided) Nyglptm (you shall be) Nwwht (& not) alw (the hand) adya he may eat) lwkan (that everything) Mdmlkd (he who believes) Nmyhmd (for) ryg (there is) tya 2 (eats *) lka (he) wh (vegetables) aqry (& he who is weak) hyrkdw (eats) lka (not) ald (whoever) Nm (him) whl (who eats) lkad (but) Nyd (he) wh 3 him) whl (eats) lka (not) ald (whoever) Nm (& he) whw (let him despise) jwsn (not) al (has accepted him) hbrq (for) ryg (God) ahla (let him judge) Nwdn (not) al (eats) lkad (whoever) Nm (a servant) adbel (are) tna (who judging) Nadd (are) tna (who?) Nm (you) tna 4 he stands) Maq (to his master) hrml (he stands) Maq (for if) Nad (is yours *) Klyd (who not *) ald (but) Nyd (he) wh (standing) Mqm (he falls) lpn (to his master) hrml (he falls) lpn (& if) Naw (to establish him) yhwymyqnd (of his master *) hrm (into the hand) ydyab (for) ryg (it has come) ajm (stands) Maq * Klyd ald -dla dilak not yours is matched with the Greek word allotrion allotrion- strange, foreign in three places in the NT: Luke 16:12, Here (Romans 14:4) & Hebrews 9:25.If the Peshitta were a translation of Greek, this Aramaic phrase would not exist in those places. Other words would be much more suitable anrxad, ayrkwn, atyrkwn. Klyd ald -dla dilak not yours is not a translation of the Greek allotrionallotrion- strange, foreign.The Greek seems to be a paraphrase of the Aramaic phrase. Most Greek mss. also have yeov God where The Peshitta has hrm his Master. The Aramaic hrm -his master is no translation of yeov God; yeov -God is an interpretation of hrm -his master. .ydyab ajm Mta beeday is an idiom meaning, to have power, to be able
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(a day) amwy (from) Nm (a day) amwy (one who distinguishes) Nadd (there is) tya 5 (days) atmwy (all of them) Nwhlk (one who judges) Nadd (& there is) tyaw (let be certain) rrtsn (of himself) hspnd (in the mind) aedmb (but) Nyd (every person) snlk (he esteems) aertm (to his Lord) hrml (whatever day) amwyd (esteems) aertmd (whoever) Nm 6 (to his Lord) hrml (whatever day) amwyd (esteems) aertm (who not) ald (& everyone) lkw (he eats) lka (to his Lord) hrml (& the one who eats) lkadw (esteems) aertm (not) al (eats) lka (& he who not) aldw (he gives thanks) adwm (& to God) ahlalw (to God) ahlal (& he gives thanks) adwmw (he eats) lka (not) al (to his Lord) hrml

.M * The grey shaded words are omitted by the Critical Greek text
(he lives) yx (who to himself) hspnld (of us) Nnm (a person) sna (for) ryg (there is not) tyl 7 (he dies) tam (who to himself) hspnld (a person) sna (& there is not) tylw ) (we live) Nnyax (to our Lord) Nrml (we live) Nnyax (that if) Nad (because) ljm 8 (we die) Nnytym (it is) wh (to our Lord *) Nrml (we die) Nnytym (& if) Naw (we die) Nnytym (or if) Naw (therefore) lykh (we live) Nnyyx (whether) Naw we are) Nnx (our Lords) Nrmd) * Nrm Maran Our Lord was the title the disciples used for Jesus; it occurs 303 times in The Peshitta, yet the Majority Greek has it kuriov hmwn, kuriou hmwn, kuriw hmwn, kurion nmwn, with and without def. articles, 79 times and The Critical Greek text 73 times. That is only 26% and 24%, respectively, of the Peshitta occurrences! The Peshitta then has about four times as many references to Our Lord as the Greek texts! That is a staggering number for a Greek primacist to account for, by which I mean, the hypothetical Aramaic translator of Greek into The Peshitta added the personal plural pronoun our at least 220 times to his translation where it did not exist in Greek from Matthew to Revelation. That is highly inconsistent with what occurs in translations. Translators invariably drop pronouns, prepositions and definite articles in an attempt to simplify and smooth out a text in a translation for its readers-especially in a Semitic to non-Semitic language like Aramaic to Greek.I have documented this in a comprehensive study comparing The LXX (Septuagint) with The Hebrew Old Testament, where this is exactly what I found in a computer analysis of the texts. The Greek NT and The Peshitta also compare in the same way as The LXX to The Hebrew Bible in every one of the twenty cognate word pairs I examined and searched throughout the NT. The Peshitta has much more information than does The Greek NT (Byzantine or Westcott & Hort). The Hebrew Bible has much more information than The Greek LXX. This fits the template of the relation of an original text to its translation, as verified by linguistic scholars for many years now. I again refer the reader to my web site and my book Divine Contact for the experiment: (The Messiah) axysm (also) Pa (this) anh (for cause) ljm 9 He arose) Mqw (& lived again) ayxw (died) tym (Jehovah *) ayrm (would be) awhn (that He) whd to the living) ayxlw (to the dead) atyml * The Messiah is Jehovahaccording to The Peshitta, which so names our Lord thirty times or more! See Luke 2:9-11 for the first time He was so named before witnesses on earth. (your brother) Kwxal (are) tna (judging) Nad (why?) anm (but) Nyd (you) tna 10 (your brother) Kwxal (are) tna (despising) jas (Why?) anml (you) tna (even) Pa (or) wa (to stand) Mqml (we are going) Nnydyte (for) ryg (all of us) Nlk (of The Messiah *) axysmd (the judgment seat) Myb (before) Mdq M * The Critical Greek has yeou - of God for of The Messiah. (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (I) ana (As live) yxd (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya 11 (knee) Kwrb (every) lk (shall bow) Pwkt (to Me) yld (tongue *) Nsl (every) lk (shall swear) adwn (& to Me) ylw * Greek adds, to God, following The LXX version of Isaiah 45:23, however, The Hebrew and Peshitta OT agree with this Peshitta reading.Even the Dead Sea Great Isaiah Scroll (100 B.C.) agrees with this reading, and with The Massoretic text of
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Isaiah generally throughout its 66 chapters.(I have the entire scroll photocopied on CD Rom with textual notes and translation from Fred Millers web site on The Great Isaiah Scroll. Simply google search The Great Isaiah Scroll - Fred Miller. (an account) amgtp (of us) Nnm (person) sna (every) lk (so then) Nydm 12 (to God) ahlal (gives) bhy (his soul) hspn (for the sake of) Plx (another) dxl (one) dx (let judge) Nwdn (from now on) lykm (not) al 13 (rather) tyaryty (judge) wnwd (this) adh (but) ala (you will lay) Myot (not) al (for your brother) Kwxal (that a stumbling block) atlqwtd (Yeshua) ewsy (by Jehovah) ayrmb (I am) ana (& persuaded) opmw (for) ryg (I) ana (know) edy 14 (there is not) tyl (His Presence) htwl (before) Nm (that is defiled) byomd (that a thing) Mdmd (to him) whl (impure) amjd (anything) Mdm le (who regards) anrd (to the one) anyal (but) ala (impure) amj (alone) dwxlb (it is) wh See how The Peshitta Names Jesus (Yeshua) as Jehovah. The Greek NT does not have this, as Greek has no equivalent for YAHWEH as Aramaic does ( ayrm -MarYah ). The Greek has Kurios, which means, Lord, Master, or Sir. (your brother) Kwxal (you) tna (grieve) qyem (food) atlwkam (because of) ljm (but) Nyd (if) Na 15 (you are) tna (walking) Klhm (in love) abwxb (it has been) awh (not) al (the one) whl (by your food) Ktlwkamb (you shall destroy) dbwt (not) al (The Messiah) axysm (died) tym (for whose sake) htljmd (our good) Ntbj (let be insulted) Pdgtt (& not) alw 16 (& drinking) aytsmw (eating) alkam (is) twh (not) al (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (the kingdom) htwklm 17 (& the joy) atwdxw (& the peace) amlsw (the righteousness) atwnak (but) ala (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (The Messiah) axysml (serves) smsm (for) ryg (in these things) Nylhbd (whoever) Nm 18 (is approved) aqb (children of men) asnynb (& before) Mdqw (to God) ahlal (is beautiful) rps (let us run) jhrn (peace) amls (after) rtb (now) ash 19 (another) dxd (one) dx (building up) anynb (& after) rtbw (of God) ahlad (a servant) adbe (let us destroy) arsn (food) atlwkam (because of) ljm (& not) alw 20 (it is) wh (evil) syb (but) ala (is) wh (pure) akd (for) ryg (everything) Mdmlk (eats) lka (who with a stumbing block) atlqwtbd (to the son of man) asnrbl (flesh) arob (we shall eat) lwkan (that not) ald (it is) wh (good) ryps 21 (wine) armx (we shall drink) atsn (neither) alw (our brother) Nwxa (by which) hb (is subverted) lqttmd (anything) Mdm (neither) alw (in your soul) Kspnb (faith) atwnmyh (in you) Kb (who have) tyad (you) tna 22 (whoever) Nml (blessed is he) yhwbwj (God) ahla (before) Mdq (hold it) hydwxa (which he designates) srpd (in the thing) Mdmb (his soul) hspn (judges) Nd (not) ald (to him) hl (is condemned) byxta (& eats) lkaw (is doubtful) glptmd (for) ryg (whoever) anya 23 (thing) Mdm (every) lk (in faith) atwnmyhb (that one is not) wld (because) ljm (is) wh (sin) atyjx (faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (has been) awh (that not) ald (for) ryg Chapter 15 (the infirmities) anhrwkd (the strong) antlyx (we) Nnx (therefore) lykh (we are indebted) Nnybyx 15:1 (to please) rpsn (ourselves) Nspnl (& not) alw (to bear) lwqsn (of the weak) alyxmd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(let us please) rpsn (his neighbor) hbyrql (of us) Nnm (each) sna (but) ala 2 (for edification) anynbld (as) Kya (with good) atbjb (pleasing) rps (Himself) hspnl (was) awh (not) al (The Messiah) axysm (that also) Pad (because) ljm 3 (the reproach) adoxd (what is written) bytkd (according to) Kya (but) ala (on Me) yle (fell) lpn (of Your revilers) Kyndoxmd (has been written) btkta (ancient times) Mydq (that from) Nmd (for) ryg (thing) Mdm (every *) lk 4 (that by patience) atwnrbyombd (has been written *) btkta (our) Nlyd (is) wh (for teaching) anplwyl (to us) Nl (shall be) awhn (hope) arbo (of the scriptures) abtkd (& by comfort) aaywbbw C * The Critical Greek agrees here in two places with The Peshitta where The Majority Greek differs: panta All things and was written second verb in Greek; The Majority has omitted pantaand has proegrafh written before as the second Greek verb (proegrafh is also the first verb). Notice that The Critical Greek agrees in 8:2 with The Peshitta, disagrees in 14:10 and agrees here in 15:4. (to you) Nwkl (might give) ltn (& comfort) aaywbdw (of patience) atwnrbyomd (but) Nyd (God) ahla 5 (another) dx (with) le (one) dx (you may value) Nwbsxtt (that with equality) atwywsd (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (God) ahlal (you may glorify) Nwxbst (mouth) Mwp (& with one) dxbw (mind) Nyer (that with one) dxbd 6 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (The Father) yhwba (each one) addxl (& bear with) Nynejw (accept) Nybrqm (you shall) wwh (this) adh (because of) ljm 7 (has accepted you *) Nwkbrq (The Messiah) axysm (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (of God) ahlad (to the glory) htxwbstl M * The Majority Greek text agrees with The Peshitta reading- accepted you(2nd p. plural); The Critical Greek has accepted us. (ministered to) sms (The Messiah) axysm (that Yeshua) ewsyd (but) Nyd (I) ana (say) rma 8 (so as) ankya (of God) ahlad (the truth) hrrs (for the sake of) Plx (the circumcision) atrwzg (of the fathers) athbad (the promise) anklwm (to confirm) rsnd (God) ahlal (shall glorify) Nwxbsn (& the Gentiles) ammew 9 (upon them) Nwhyle (that have been) wwhd (the mercies) amxr (for the sake of) Plx (with the Gentiles) ammeb (to You) Kl (I shall give thanks) adwad (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya (I shall sing praise) rmza (& to Your Name) Kmslw (His people) hme (with) Me (you Gentiles) amme (be delighted) wmobta (it says) rma (& again) bwtw 10 (nations) amme (all of you) Nwklk (Jehovah) ayrml (praise) wxbs (it says) rma (& again) bwtw 11 (people) atwma (all) Nyhlk (praise Him) yhyxbs (of Jesse) ysyal (a root) arqe (that there shall be) awhnd (said) rma (Isaiah) ayesa (& again) bwtw 12 (for the nations) ammel (the Ruler) asr (shall be) awhn (to rise) Mwqnd (& Who) Nmw (the nations) amme (shall hope) Nwrbon (& upon Him) yhwlew (& peace) amlsw (joy) atwdx (with all) hlk (shall fill you) Nwkylmn (of hope) arbod (but) Nyd (The God) ahla 13 (in His hope) hrbob (that you shall superabound) Nwrtyttd (by faith) atwnmyhb (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (by the power) alyxb (my brethren) yxa (about you) Nwkyle (am) ana (also) Pa (but) Nyd (I) ana (convinced) opm 14 (good) atbj (with what is) wh (are) Nwtna (filled) Nylm (you) Nwtna (that also) Pad (you are) Nwtna (& able) Nyxksmw (knowledge) atedy (with all) hlkb (& you are full) Nwtylmsmw (to instruct) wytrml (others) anrxal (also) Pa

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(so as) ankya (my brethren) yxa (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (boldly) tyaxrm (but) Nyd (a little) lylq 15 (God) ahla (from) Nm (to me) yl (that is given) tbhytad (by grace) atwbyjb (to remind you) Nwkdhead (among the Gentiles) ammeb (The Messiah) axysm (to Yeshua) ewsyl (a minister) ansmsm (that I may be) awhad 16 (the offering) anbrwq (that may be) awhnd (of God) ahlad (for the Gospel) Nwylgnwal (& I may labor *) xwlpaw (of Holiness) asdwqd (by The Spirit) axwrb (& is sanctified) sdqmw (is accepted) lbqm (of the Gentiles) ammed N * Greek has ierourgounta perform priestly function where The Peshitta has & I may labor; A very similar Greek verb ierateuein occurs in one other place Luke 1:8, matching the Aramaic Nhkm.Another form is Nhka; & I may function as priest would be Nwhkaw.Lets compare the Peshitta reading with this in DSS script: xwl wlp)w : }whk)w The Kap -k and p wl (Pe) could be easily confused, as Kap in Ashuri script is k. The h He and wl Lamedh-Waw could easily be confused by pushing the latter two together more; the same applies to x Khet & }w Waw-Nun. Here they are again without color coding: Ashuri Aramaic: xwlpaw-& I may labor Nwhkaw-& I may serve as a priest DSS Aramaic: xwl wlp)w & I may labor(Peshitta) wl }whk)w & I may serve as a priest(Greek reading) wh Notice how the last three letters of The Peshitta reading xwl wl can be matched with the last three of the hypothetical reading behind the Greek -}wh: x split vertically through the middle would be -}w; wl could be fused together to form h. DSS p (Pe) is very similar to an Ashuri k (Kap), which is k (Kap) in DSS script. These considerations give almost 100% correlation for the two words in DSS Aramaic script. Starting to get the picture? (pride) arhbws (therefore) lykh (to me) yl (is) tya 17 (God) ahla (to) twl (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb

(that not) ald (anything) Mdm (to say) rmad (I) ana (dare) xrmm (for) ryg (not) al 18 (for the audience) aemsml (The Messiah) axysm (by me) ydyab (has done) reo (& by works) adbebw (by word) atlmb (of the Gentiles) ammed (of The Spirit) hxwrd (& by the power) alyxbw (& of wonders) atrmdtdw (of signs) atwtad (by the power) alyxb 19 (I have gone around) Krkta (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (that from) Nmd (just as) ankya (of God) ahlad (of The Messiah) axysmd (the Gospel) htrbo (& I have fulfilled) almaw (Eluriqone) Nwqyrwlal (until) amde (where) rk (not) al (I shall preach the Good News) rboa (I) ana (take pains) jpxtm (while) dk 20 (I build) anba (lest) ald (of The Messiah) axysmd (the Name) hms (is invoked) yrqtad (unusual) atyrkwn (a foundation) atoats (on) le (it was told) rmata (whom not) ald ( those) Nylyad (that is written) bytkd (just as) ankya (but) ala 21 (they shall see Him) hnwzxn (about Him) yhwle (to whom) Nwhl (they shall be convinced) Nwoypjtn (have heard) wems (who not) ald (& those) Nylyaw (many) Naygo (times) Nynbz (I was hindered) toktta (this) anh (because of) ljm 22 (to you) Nwktwl (when I would come) atad (in these) Nylhb (to me) yl (there is not) tyl (a place) akwdd (because) ljm (but) Nyd (now) ash 23 (many) ataygo (years) ayns (before) Mdq (from) Nm (I was) tywh (& desiring) awow (regions) atwrta (to you) Nwktwl (to come) atad (& to see you) Nwkyzxaw (to come) atad (I) ana (hope) rbom (to Espania) aynpoal (I) ana (go) lzad (when) am 24 (many) ygo (of) Nm (a few) lylqd (when) am (there) Nmtl (you will accompany me) ynnwwlt (& you) Nwtnaw (with seeing you) Nwktzxb (I shall have been delighted) tmobta
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

When I go to Spain I hope to come and see you and when a few of you will accompany me there, I shall be delighted to see you. ygo Nm lylq Qallil men saggi can mean in part or a few. (to the saints) asydql (to minister) smsad (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (I) ana (go) lza (but) Nyd (now) ash 25 (& in Akaia) ayakabw (who are in Maqedonia) aynwdqmbd (these) Nylh (for) ryg (were willing) wbu 26 (saints) asydq (the poor) ankom (with) Me (to them) Nwhl (there will be) awht (that a sharing) atwptwsd (in Jerusalem) Mlsrwab (who are) tyad atwptwsd Shothpotha comes from Eshtawtap to share in equally, to commune, to participate, to have in common. It signifies more than giving money; It signifies sharing in anothers needs and desires as if they were ones own, on a continual basis. (to them) Nwhl (they are indebted) Nybyx (that also) Pad (because) ljm (they were willing) wbu 27 (with them) Nwhme (they had been made partners) wptwtsa (in the spiritual) xwrdb (for) ryg (if) Na (in the physical) robdb (that also) Pad (are) Nwna (indebted) Nybyx (the Gentiles) amme (them) Nwna (they should serve) Nwsmsn (to them) Nwhl (& I have ratified) tmtxw (I have finished) trmgd (when) am (therefore) lykh (this) adh 28 (to Espania) aynpoal (by you) Nwkyle (I) ana (pass) rbe (this) anh (fruit) asda (that) wh (in fullness) aylwmb (to you) Nwktwl (I) ana (come) atad (that when) ytmad (but) Nyd (I) ana (know) edy 29 (I) ana (shall come) ata (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the gospel *) Nwylgnwad (of the blessing) atkrwbd M * Critical Greek lacks of the Gospel. (my brethren) yxa (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (I) ana (beg) aeb 30 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by our Lord) Nrmb (that you labor) Nwlmetd (of The Spirit) axwrd (& by the love) abwxbw (God) ahla (to) twl (for me) yplxd (in prayer) atwlub (with me) yme (are obedient) Nyoypjtm (who not) ald (those) Nylya (from) Nm (that I be delivered) auptad 31 (to the saints) asydql (I) ana (that bring) lbwmd (& the ministry) atsmstw (who are in Judea) dwhybd (well) ryps (would be received) lbqtt (who are in Jerusalem) Mlsrwabd (in joy) atwdxb (to you) Nwktwl (& I shall come) ataw 32 (with you) Nwkme (& I shall be refreshed) xynttaw (of God) ahlad (in the will) hnybub (Amen) Nyma (all of you) Nwklk (with) Me (be) awhn (of peace) amlsd (but) Nyd (God) ahla 33

Chapter 16 (our sister) Ntx (Phoebe) abwpl (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (entrust) legm 16:1 (of Qenkraus) owarknqd (of the church) atded (a servant) atynsmsm (who is) hytyad (for saints) asydql (that is right) qdzd (as) Kya (in our Lord) Nrmb (that you accept her) hnwlbqtd 2 (because) ljm (her) hl (you will help) Nwmwqt (of you) Nwknm (that she seeks) ayebd (matter) wbu (& in any) lkbw (to me) yl (also) Pa (to many) aaygol (was) twh (a helper) atmwyq (she) yh (that also) Pad (& of Aqilos) olqadw (of Priscilla) alqoyrpd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 3 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (who are with me) ymed (laborers) axlp
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(they yielded) wbhy (their necks) Nwhyrwu (of myself) yspn (for the sake) Plx (same) Nylh (for those) Nwnhd 4 (I) ana (thanking) adwm (alone) ydwxlb (I) ana (have been) awh (& not) alw (of the Gentiles) ammed (the churches) atde (all) Nyhlk (also) Pa (but) ala (them) Nwhl (in their house) Nwhtybb (that is) tyad (to the church) atdel (greetings) amls (& give) wbhw 5 (is) yhwtyad (who) anya (my beloved) ybybx (of Epentos) owjnpad (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas (in The Messiah) axysmb (of Akaia *) ayakad (the first fruits) atysr Critical Greek has of Asia. Of Asia in Aramaic is ayoad: ayakad is of Akaia. Here are the words in DSS script: )ys)d: )y)k)d. It appears that the k (Kap) was confused for s (Simkat) & the middle ) (Alap) skipped, making Akaia into Asia. Lets see the words without color coding: ayakad - of Akaia ayoad of Asia Delete the middle Alap a in Akaia and you practically have Asia! (of Maria) ayrmd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 6 (among you) Nwkb (has labored) tyal (much) ygod (who) adya This is the one place where ayrm is a female name and is predicated with a feminine pronoun and a feminine verb, and most likely is a transliteration of the Latin name, Maria. (my relatives) ynyxa (& of Yunia or Junia) aynwydw (of Androniqus) owqynwrdnad (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 7 (by the apostles) axylsb (were) Nwna (& known) Nyeydyw (with me) yme (captives) aybs (who were) wwhd (they were) wwh (before me) ymdq (& in The Messiah) axysmbw (in our Lord) Nrmb (beloved) ybybx (of Amphilius) owylpmad (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 8 (of Eurbanus) ownbrwad (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 9 (my beloved) ybybx (& Estakus) owkjoadw (in The Messiah) axysmb (who with us) Nmed (a worker) axlp (in our Lord) Nrmb (chosen) aybg (of Appela) alpad (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 10 (of Aristobulus) owlwbjorad (in the house) htyb (of the members) ynbd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas (my relatives) ynyxa (of Herodion) Nwydwrhd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 11 (in our Lord) Nrmb (who are) Nwhytyad (those) Nylya (of Narqisus) owoqrnd (of the house) htyb (of the members) ynbd (& of Trupsa) aopwrjdw (of Trupana) anpwrjd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 12 (of Persis) oorpd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas (in our Lord) Nrmb (who labored) Nyyald (in our Lord) Nrmb (labored) tyal (much) ygod (who) adya (my beloved) ytbybx (in our Lord) Nrmb (chosen) aybg (of Ruphus) opwrd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 13 (& mine) ylydw (his) hlyd (& of his mother) hmadw (& of Plagon) Nwglpdw (of Asunqritus) owjrqnwoad (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 14 (who are with them) Nwhmed (& of the brothers) axadw (& of Harme) amrhdw (& of Petroba) abrjpdw (& of Harma) amrhdw (& of Nereus) owrandw (& of Julia) aylwydw (of Pillagus) owgllypd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 15 (with them) Nwhmed (the saints) asydq (& of all) Nwhlkdw (& of Alumpa) apmwladw (& of his sister) htxdw (holy) atsydq (with a kiss) atqswnb (of another) dxd (one) dx (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 16 (of The Messiah) axysmd (churches) htde (all) Nyhlk (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nlas

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Romans aymwhr aymwhr twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(those) Nylya (of) Nm (to beware) Nwrhdztd (my brethren) yxa (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (I beg) aneb 17 (the doctrine) anplwy (of) Nm (outside) rbl (are causing) Nydbe (& subversion) alwskmw (who division) atwglpd (from them) Nwhnm (to you) Nwkl (that you should stay away) Nwqxrttd (have learned) Nwtply (which you) Nwtnad (our Lord) Nrml (are serving) Nysmsm (not) al (are) Nwna (who such) ankhd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 18 (sweet) atmyob (& with words) almbw (their belly) Nwhorkl (but) ala (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of the pure) ajyspd (the hearts) atwbl (deceive) Nyejm (& with blessings) atkrwbbw (person) snrb (to every) lkl (yours) Nwklyd (but) Nyd (your loyalty) Nwktwnemtsm 19 (in you) Nwkb (therefore) lykh (I) ana (rejoice) adx (has been made known) tedyta (toward what is good) atbjl (wise) Nymykx (that you would be) Nwwhtd (I) ana (& desire) abuw (toward what is evil) atsybl (& innocent) Nymymtw (Satan) anjol (soon) lgeb (shall crush) yhwyqxsn (of peace) amlsd (but) Nyd (The God) ahla 20 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj (your feet) Nwkylgr (under) tyxt (with you) Nwkme (will be) awht (who is with me) ymed (worker) axlp (Timotheos) owatmyj (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nylas 21 (my brothers) ynyxa (& Sosipatros) owrjpyowow (& Aison) Nwoyaw (& Luqios) owyqwlw (Tertius) owyjrj (am) ana (your peace) Nwkmlsb (I) ana (invoking) las 22 (in our Lord) Nrmb (the epistle) atrga (who have written) tbtkd (receiving me) ynlbqm (Gaius) owyag (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invokes) las 23 (Aristus) owjora (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invokes) las (church) atde (& the whole) hlkdw (a brother) axa (& Quertus) owjrawqw (of the city) atnydmd (steward) atybr (my) ylyd (in Gospel) Nwylgnwab (to confirm you) Nwkrrsnd (Who is able) xksmd (Him) wh (but) Nyd (to God) ahlal 24 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (about) le (which has been preached) zrktad (that) wh (of the world) amle (the times) ynbz (that from) Nmd (of the mystery) azrad (by the revelation) anylgb (has been) awh (hidden) yokm (the scriptures) abtk (by) dyb (this) anh (in time) anbzb (but) Nyd (has been revealed) ylgta 25 (eternal) Mleld (of The God) ahlad (& by the commandment) hndqwpbw (of the prophets) aybnd (of faith) atwnmyhd (for the hearing sense) aemsml (the nations) amme (to all) Nwhlkl (it has been taught) edyta (in the hand) dyb (is the glory) axbws (alone) yhwdwxlb (wise) amykx (of Him Who is) wywhd 26 (Amen) Nyma (for the eternity of eternities) Nymlemlel (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsy (all of you) Nwklk (be with) Me (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj 27 (Amen) Nyma

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

1st Corinthians
Chapter 1 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (& an apostle) axylsw (called) ayrq (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (a brother) axa (& Sosthenes) ontowow (of God) ahlad (in the will) hnybub (called) ayrq (which is in Qorinthus) owtnrwqbd (of God) ahlad (to the church) atdel 2 (is sanctified) Nysdqm (The Messiah) axysm (which is in Yeshua) ewsybd (& holy) asydqw (of our Lord) Nrmd (the Name) hms (who call on) Nyrqd (those) Nylya (& all) Nwhlklw (& ours) Nlydw (theirs) Nwhlyd (place) rta (in every) lkb (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& peace) amlsw (with you) Nwkme (grace) atwbyj 3 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (on your behalf) Nwkyplx (in every time) Nbzlkb (to my God *) yhlal (I) ana (give thanks) adwm 4 (to you) Nwkl (that is given) tbhytad (of God) ahlad (the grace) atwbyj (concerning) le (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb * Greek mss. Vaticanus (B) and Sinaiticus (a) (both 4th century) have Yew-God without the personal possessive pronoun mou-my.The difference between these two readings in Aramaic would be (not that the Aramaic has two readings): yhlal & ahlal. In Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script, these look like this: yhl)l -to my God )hl)l - to GodMight this explain the Greek readings? There is only one letter distinguishing the two in Aramaic. Perhaps a Greek translator mistook the first one for the second word and translated it as Yew-God, whereas most Greek mss. have Yew mou-my God.The two major Greek texts (Critical Alexandrian and Byzantine) would be the result of separate translations of The Aramaic of The Peshitta; the Alexandrian appears to have been done a bit later as a revision, not a completely new translation, using the Byzantine text as a base.. (by Him) hb (you are enriched) Nwtrte (thing) Mdm (for in every) lkbd 5 (knowledge) atedy (& in all) lkbw (utterance) alm (in every) lkb (of The Messiah) axysmd (the testimony) htwdhod (as) Kya 6 (in you) Nwkb (has been verified) trrtsa (of) Nm (in one) adxb (you have been deprived) Nwtrubta (because not) ald 7 (the revelation) hnylgl (you are) Nwtna (expecting) Nykom (but) ala (the gifts) htbhwm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (at last) atyrxal (until) amde (will confirm you) Nwkrrsn (for He) whd 8 (in the day) hmwyb (you will be) Nwwht (blame) Nysr (that without) aldd (The Messiah *) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd * Greek mss. P46 (3rd cent.) & Vaticanus (B) omit The Messiah- cristou. (you were called) Nwtyrqta (for by Him) hdyabd (God) ahla (is) wh (faithful) Nmyhm 9 (our Lord) Nrm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of His Son) hrbd (to the fellowship) atwptwsl (of our Lord) Nrmd (in the Name) hmsb (my brethren) yxa (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (I) ana (request) aeb 10 (speech) atlm (one) adx (that there will be) awhtd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (you will be) Nwwht (but) ala (divisions) atwglp (among you) Nwkb (there will be) Nywhn (& not) alw (to you all) Nwklkl (conscience) anyer (& in one) dxbw (mind) atyert (in one) adxb (perfected) Nyrymg
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(about you) Nwkyle (for) ryg (to me) yl (they have sent) wxls 11 (of Kloe) aalk (the house) tyb (from) Nm (my brothers) yxa (among you) Nwktnyb (there is) tya (that contention) anyrxd (some of you) Nwknm (that there are) tyad (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh 12 (who say) rmad (& there are) tyaw (am) ana (of Paul) owlwpd (I) ana (who say) rmad (am) ana (of Kaypha) apakd (I) ana (who say) rmad (& there are) tyaw (am) ana (of Apollo) wlpad (I) ana (am) ana (of The Messiah) axysmd (I) ana (who say) rmad (& there are) tyaw (The Messiah) axysm (Himself) hl (has been divided?) glpta (interrog.) amld 13 (your persons) Nwkypa (for) le (was crucified?) Pqdza (Paul) owlwp (interrogative) aml (or) wa (were you baptized?) Nwtdme (of Paul) owlwpd (in the name) hmsb (or) wa (of you) Nwknm (that anyone) snald (my God) yhlal (I) ana (thank) adwm 14 (& Gaius) owyaglw (Krispus) owpoyrkl (except) ala (I baptized) tdmea (not) al * Greek mss. B and a lack my God. (I have baptized) tdmea (that in my name) ymsbd (would say) rman (anyone) sna (lest) ald 15 Greek mss. P46,B and a (The major reps. of Alexandrian text) have ebaptisyhte you were baptized. The Peshitta has tdmea I have baptized. You were baptized could be one of a few forms; the most likely candidate for explaining the Greek variant reading is Nwtdme, which has simply two letters added onto the end and one at the beginning of the actual reading. Here are the two in DSS script: tdm() I have baptized }wtdm(You were baptized If a Greek translator skipped a letter ()) and read tdm(, he would still have interpreted I have baptized; the next letter is an Alap ) in verse 16 (another tdmea I baptized follows), in which the Alap ()) could be dropped and still the word would make sense.Suppose that the Alap - ) were seen as part of the previous word tdm( (v. 15) as the last letter )tdm( but somewhat distorted - h or x or }w. If this last }w were what he saw (actually the two letters Waw,Nun) then we can understand how the Greek variation }wtdm(You were baptized originated. Here are the actual words in The Peshitta verses compared to the hypothetical Aramaic behind the Greek variant: tdm()tdm()ym$d-in my name I baptized;I baptized..(Actual Peshitta reading) tdm(} }wtdm(ym$d--in my name you were baptized;I baptized..(Hypothetical Aramaic base of Greek) The difference in the two readings is two letters in Aramaic or four letters in Greek. The two readings rendered in Greek are: ebaptisa & ebaptisyhte; In ancient uncial script: EBAPTISA & EBAPTISYHTE. It appears the Aramaic forms can explain the Greek readings but not vice versa.Alexandrian Greek has 4 letters more than the Majority Greek reading, which is not a likely cause for mistaking EBAPTISA for EBAPTISYHTE or vice versa. (of Estaphana) anpjoad (the household) htybl (also) Pa (but) Nyd (I baptized) tdmea 16 (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (but) Nyd (more) bwt (I have baptized) tdmea (others) Nyrxa (any) snal (if) Na (to baptize) wdmeml (The Messiah) axysm (sent me) ynrds (for) ryg (not) al 17 (of words) alm (in wisdom) tmkxb (not) al (to preach the good news) wrboml (but) ala (of The Messiah) axysmd (the crucifixion) hpyqz (would be rejected) qrton (lest) ald (is) yh (insanity) atwyjs (to the lost) adybal (of the crucifixion) apyqzd (for) ryg (the word) atlm 18 (of God) ahlad (it is) yh (the power) alyx (we who have life) Nnyyxd (to those) Nylyal (but) Nyd (to us) Nl (of the wise) amykxd (the wisdom) atmkx (I shall destroy) dbwad (for) ryg (it is written) bytk 19 (of the intelligent) antlwkod (the opinions) atyert (& I shall take away) zwlgaw (the scribe) arpo (is) wh (where?) akya (or) wa (the wise) amykx (is) wh (where?) akya 20 (this) anh (of world) amled (the debater) aswrd (is) wh (where?) akya (or) wa
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(God) ahla (has shown to be insane) hyjsa (behold) ah (not?) al (this) anh (of world) amled (the wisdom) htmkx (of God) ahlad (that in the wisdom) htmkxbd (for) ryg (because) ljm 21 (God) ahlal (by wisdom) atmkxb (the world) amle (knew) edy (not) al (of preaching) atwzwrkd (that by the insanity) atwyjsbd (God) ahla (was willing) abu (who believe) Nynmyhmd (to those) Nylyal (He shall give Life) axn (ask for) Nylas (signs) atwta (The Judeans) aydwhyd (because) ljm 22 (seek) Nyeb (philosophy) atmkx (& The Aramaeans *) aymraw Aramaeans would most likely be a reference primarily to Syrians and also other Aramaic speaking Gentiles. Syria had ruled the Northern half of Israel many centuries before and shared the Aramaic language and Semitic culture of the Hebrew people. Syria and Asia Minor had been infiltrated by Greek culture language and religion through Alexanders conquests, though the Aramaic language continued as the international language of commerce in the Middle Eastern region in spite of the strong Greek influence. * The Peshitta has the word, (Aramaeans) aymra twenty times in Matthew,Luke,Acts and Pauls epistles. (Aramaic)tyamra, occurs twice once in Gal. 2:14 and once in Rev. 9:11. What is really interesting is that almost all The Greek mss. use the word ellhn (Helleine) in all but one of the above places. Here is the Strongs entry for the word: 1672 ellhn Hellen hel-lane from 1671; TDNT-2:504,227; n m;AV-Greek 20, Gentile 7; 27 1) a Greek either by nationality, whether a native of the main land or of the Greek islands or colonies 2) in a wider sense the name embraces all nations not Jews that made the language, customs, and learning of the Greeks their own; the primary reference is to a difference of religion and worship. The Greek NT has no reference whatever to Aramaeans or Aramaic. It does have the word, Syros (Syrian) once in Luke 4:27, Naaman the Syrian. The Greek has apparently de-Aramaized The NT! The Peshitta has eight references to Greeks as well as four to the Greek language in Luke,John,Acts, Romans and Colossians. According to The Greek NT, Aramaic and Aramaeans might as well not have existed! There is no mention of them anywhere. This makes the Greek highly suspect as a candidate for an original. It appears to have been culturally purged of all Aramaean references and thoroughly Hellenized or reculturated to suit a Greek audience. This is a literary genocide I had not encountered prior to this discovery. I am amazed that it occurs in the Greek New Testament, the supposed original Gospels and New Covenant for all peoples. The Aramaean people and the Aramaic language were almost universal in Asia Minor and The Middle East and The Holy Land of Israel, and had been for many centuries. The proper order of the Gospel testimony would have been to The Jews of Israel first, then the Syrians and Assyrians in Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Asia Minor (called Asia then) all of whom spoke Aramaic and whose written Aramaic was the same though not spoken the same, since dialects did not affect Aramaic writing significantly. Later, the books were translated into Greek for Greek speaking peoples of The Roman Empire. That The Peshitta would be a translation of Greek makes no sense here, or in the 19 other references to Aramaeans in the Peshitta. There are too many references to Greek in The Peshitta for there to have been a replacing of Greek with Aramaean. The Peshitta in Luke and John mentions The Greek inscription on the cross; six references to the Greeks and Hellenists exist in Acts, who heard and accepted the Gospel which Paul preached to them in Greek.There is no anti Greek bias in The Peshitta NT. There is a very obvious anti- Aramaean bias in The Greek NT. Please see my book, Divine Contact, in which I discuss the possible reasons for this literary genocide of Aramaeans.My web site also has a study of all the references where Aramaean & Aramaic occur in The Peshitta NT. (He was crucified) Pyqz (as) dk (The Messiah) axysm (preach) Nnyzrkm (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 23 (madness) atwyjs (& to the Aramaeans *) aymralw (to the Judeans) aydwhyl (an offense) atlqwt * Greek readings are The Majority reading- Ellhnev- Hellaynes -Greeks and The Critical Alexandrian reading: eynesin- ethnesin- Gentiles. An Aramaean was an Aramaic speaking Gentile. (& Aramaeans) aymraw (Judeans) aydwhy (who are called) Nyrqd (but) Nyd (to those) Nwnhl 24 (of God) ahlad (& the Wisdom) atmkxw (of God) ahlad (the power) alyx (The Messiah) axysm
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(humans) asnynb (than) Nm (is) yh (wiser) amykx (of God) ahlad (the madness) htwyjsd (because) ljm 25 (of men) asna (the children) ynb (than) Nm (is) yh (stronger) ayntlyx (of God) ahlad (& the weakness) htwhyrkw (my brethren) yxa (your calling) Nwktyrq (also) Pa (for) ryg (see) wzx 26 (in the flesh) robb (are wise) amykx (among you) Nwkb (many) Nyaygo (that not) ald (mighty) antlyx (among you) Nwkb (many) Nyaygo (neither) alw (great) abr (of a family) amhwj (children) ynb (among you) Nwkb (many) Nyaygo (neither) alw (of the world) amled (the foolish) yhwlkol (God) ahla (has chosen) abg (but) ala 27 (of the world) amled (the weak) yhwhyrk (& He has chosen) abgw (the wise) amykxl (to shame) thbnd (the mighty) antlyxl (to shame) thbnd (in the world) amleb (families) Nwhmhwj (of low) ryubd (those) Nylyal (& He has chosen) abgw 28 (are) Nwna (who nothing) tyld (& those) Nylyalw (& the rejects) aylomlw (who are) Nwhytyad (those) Nylyal (to nullify) ljbnd (before Him) yhwmdq (body) rob (every) lk (will boast) rhbtsn (that not) ald 29 That nobody will boast before Him. (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (are) Nwtna (from Him) hnm (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (also) Pa 30 (God) ahla (of) Nm (The Wisdom) atmkx (for us) Nl (Who has become) awhd (He) wh (& The Redemption) anqrwpw (& The Holiness) atwsydqw (& The Righteousness) atwqydzw (boasts) rhbtsmd (that whoever) Nmd (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya 31 (let him boast) rhbtsn (of Jehovah) ayrmb Chapter 2 (to you) Nwktwl (I came) tyta (when) dk (my brothers) yxa (& I) anaw 2:1 (by scholarship) atmkxb (neither) alpa (magnificent) abrwr (by speech) allmmb (not) al (of God) ahlad (of the mystery *) hzra (did I proclaim to you the gospel) Nwktrbo C * Greek mss. P46,C,A,a have MusterionMusterion- musterion-Mystery, in agreement with The Peshitta; The Majority Greek text has Marturion- Marturion- witness. (among you) Nwktnyb (myself) yspn (did I make a determination of) tnd (neither) alw 2 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsyl (only) Na (but) ala (I) ana (knew) edy (anything) Mdmd (as if) Kya (He was crucified) Pyqz (as) dk (Him) hl (even) Pa (with you) Nwktwl (I was) tywh (& in trembling) atytrbw (much) ataygo (in fear) atlxdb (& I) anaw 3 (in the persuasiveness) atwnoypmb (were) twh (not) al (& my preaching) ytwzwrkw (& my message) ytlmw 4 (in the demonstration) atywxtb (but) ala (of philosophy *) atmkxd (of the words) almd (& of power) alyxdw (of The Spirit) axwrd C * The Majority Greek has anyrwpinhv human - added to words of wisdom. The Critical Greek does not have this word.The Aramaic word atmkx can mean wisdom, philosophy or science.The Greek translator (Majority text) apparently did not want to convey the sense that Paul had something against wisdom (which the Critical Greek implies), so he added anyrwpinhv- anthropinays- Human to clarify the meaning of the Aramaic word from which he translated (In the authors humble opinion). (in the wisdom) atmkxb (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (would be) awht (that not) ald 5 (of God) ahlad (in the power) alyxb (but) ala (of children of men) asnynbd (with the perfect) arymgb (we speak) Nnyllmm (but) Nyd (wisdom) atmkx 6 (of the authorities) yhwnjylsd (neither) alpa (world) amle (of this) anhd (not) al (wisdom) atmkx (who are brought to nothing) Nyljbtmd (this) anh (of world) amled
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(in a mystery) zrab (of God) ahlad (the wisdom) atmkx (we speak) Nnyllmm (but) ala 7 (God) ahla (set apart) hsrp (had) awh (& before) Mdqw (was) twh (which kept secret) ayokmd (that) yh (our) Nlyd (for glory) axbwsl (the world) amle (before) Mdq (from) Nm (this) anh (of world) amled (the rulers) anjyls (of) Nm (which one) dxd (that) yh 8 (they had known it) hwedy (for) ryg (if) wla (knew it) hedy (not) al (they would have) wwh (crucified) Nypqz (of The Glory) atxwbstd (The Lord) hrml (not) wl (& an ear) andaw (has seen) tzx (not) al (Eye) anyed (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya (but) ala 9 (of a son of man) asnrbd (the heart) abl (& upon) lew (has heard) tems (not) al (God) ahla (that has prepared) byjd (anything) Mdm (has come up) qlo (not) al (Him) hl (who love) Nymxrd (for those) Nylyal (The Spirit) axwr (by His Spirit) hxwrb (God) ahla (has revealed) alg (but) Nyd (to us) Nl 10 (of God) ahlad (the depths) yhwqmwe (even) Pa (searches into) ayub (everything) Mdmlk (for) ryg (what is in a person) asnrbbd (who knows) edyd (the son of man) asnrb (for) ryg (is) wh (who?) anya 11 (that is in Him) hbd (of man) asna (of a son) rbd (the spirit) axwr (only) Na (except) ala (knows) edy (not) al (a man) sna (what is in God) ahlabd (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (of God) ahlad (The Spirit) hxwr (only) Na (except) ala (we have received) Nbon (of the world) amled (The Spirit) axwr (was) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 12 (that we may know) ednd (God) ahla (that is from) Nmd (The Spirit) axwr (but) ala (to us) Nl (has been given) bhyta (God) ahla (that from) Nmd (the gift) atbhwm (in teaching) anplwyb (were) awh (not) al (we speak) Nnyllmm (that also) Pad (those things) Nylya 13 (of the children of men) asnynbd (of the wisdom) atmkxd (of the words) almd (of The Spirit) axwrd (in the teaching) anplwyb (but) ala (we compare) Nnymxpm (spiritual things) atynxwr (& to spiritual ones) anxwrlw (who is in the soul-self) spnbd (for) ryg (a son of man) asnrb 14 (spiritual things) atynxwr (receive) lbqm (not) al (does) wh (to him) hl (for) ryg (they are) Nyna (madness) atwyjs (to know) ednd (he is able) xksm (& not) alw (they are known) Nydtm (for by The Spirit (xwrbd) (judges) Nad (thing) Mdm (every) lk (but) Nyd (a spiritual man) anxwr 15 (is judged) Nydtm (not) al (a man) sna (from) Nm (& he) whw (to teach Him) yhwyplnd (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the mind) hnyer (has known) edy (for) ryg (who?) wnm 16 (to us) Nl (is) tya (of The Messiah) axysmd (the mind) anyer (but) Nyd (to us) Nl For who has known the Mind of Jehovah, to teach Him? But we truly have the Mind of the Messiah!

Chapter 3 (with you) Nwkme (to speak) llmad (I have been able) txksa (not) al (my brothers) yxa (& I) anaw 3:1 (carnal *) anrgp (with) Med (as) Kya (but) ala (spiritual ones) anxwr (with) Med (as) Kya (in The Messiah) axysmb (to babies) adwlyld (& as) Kyaw M * The Critical Greek has sarkikoiv- fleshly. The Majority Greek has sarkinoiv Carnal; Both words could reflect the Aramaic anrgp Pagrana- Bodily. (I gave you to drink) Nwktyqsa (milk) ablx 2 (food) atlwkam (to you) Nwkl (I gave) tbhy (& not) alw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(you were) Nwtywh (able) Nyxksm (until now) lykde (for) ryg (not) al (you are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (now) ash (neither) alpa (but) ala (wherever) akya (you are) Nwtna (in the flesh) robb (for) ryg (yet) lykde 3 (& division) atwglpw (& contention) anyrxw (envy) amox (among you) Nwkb (there is) tyad (for) ryg (you are) Nwtna (walking) Nyklhm (& in the flesh) robbw (are you) Nwtna (carnal) anrgp (behold) ah (not?) al (of you) Nwknm (man) sna (each) sna (for) ryg (says) rmad (whenever) am 4 (am) ana (of Apollo) wlpad (I) ana (says) rma (& another) anrxaw (am) ana (of Paul) owlwpd (I) ana (are you) Nwtna (carnal) anrgp (behold) ah (not?) al (Apollo) wlpa (who is?) wnm (or) wa (Paul *) owlwp (for) ryg (who is?) wnm 5 (you have believed) Nwtnmyh (by whom) Nwhydyabd (ministers) ansmsm (but) ala (Jehovah) ayrm (to him) hl (what gives) bhyd (according to) Kya (man) sna (& each) snaw M *Critical Greek has Who is Apollos; who is Paul?. (made it grow) ybr (God) ahla (but) ala (watered) yqsa (& Apollo) wlpaw (planted) tbun (I) ana 6 (anything) Mdm (is) yhwtya (who plants) bund (he) wh (therefore) lykh (not) al 7 (who makes it grow) abrmd (God) ahla (but) ala (who waters) aqsmd (he) wh (neither) alw (they are) Nwna (one) dx (waters) aqsmd (& whoever) Nmw (but) Nyd (plants) bund (whoever) Nm 8 (receives) lbqm (his wages) hrga (his labor) hlme (according to) Kya (& a man) snaw (& the crop) anxlwpw (we labor) Nnyxlp (for) ryg (God) ahla (with) Me 9 (are) Nwna (you) Nwtna (of God) ahlad (& the building) anynbw (of God) ahlad (to me) yl (that is given) tbhytad (of God) ahlad (the grace) atwbyj (& according to) Kyaw 10 (wise) amykx (an architect) alkdra (as) Kya (the foundation) atoats (I laid) tmo (built) anb (upon it) hyle (but) Nyd (another) anrxa (upon it) hyle (builds) anb (how?) Nkya (let pay attention) azxn (but) Nyd (every person) snlk (this) adh (than) Nm (other) rjo (another) atrxa (for) ryg (foundation) atoats 11 (to lay) Moml (is able) xksm (not) al (a man) sna (that is laid) amyod (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (Which is) hytyad (foundation) atoats (this) adh (on) le (builds) anb (but) Nyd (a man) sna (& if) Naw 12 (precious) atryqy (stones) apak (or) wa (silver) amao (or) wa (gold) abhd (stubble) atbx (or) wa (hay) aryme (or) wa (wood) aoyq (or) wa (is revealed) algtm (of every person) snlkd (the work) adbe 13 (it) hl (reveals) alg (that) wh (for) ryg (day) amwy (the work) hdbew (is revealed) algtm (that in fire) arwnbd (because) ljm (will test it) yhwysrpt (the fire) arwn (it is) yhwtya (what sort) ankya (of every person) snlkd (of the builder) anbd (that is) wh (work) hdbe (-ever shall remain) awqnd (& whose) anyaw 14 (he shall receive) lbqn (his reward) hrga (he will suffer loss) roxn (will burn up) dqan (-ever work) hdbed (& whose) anyaw 15 (fire) arwn (that from) Nmd (as) Kya (but) Nyd (in this way) ankh (shall escape) bzwtsn (but) Nyd (He) wh (of God) ahlad (you are) Nwtna (that the temple) hlkyhd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not?) al 16 (in you) Nwkb (dwells) arme (of God) ahlad (& The Spirit) hxwrw (of God) ahlad (the temple) hlkyh (destroys) lbxmd (& whoever) Nmw 17 (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (the temple) hlkyh (God) ahla (him) hl (destroys) lbxm (are) Nwna (which you) Nwtnad (is) wh (holy) sydq
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(ever thinks) rbod (who) Nm (himself) hspn (let deceive) aejn (not) al (a man) sna 18 (him) hl (let be) awhn (this) anh (in world) amleb (he is) wh (that wise) Mykxd (among you) Nwkb (wise) amykx (that he may be) awhnd (fool) alko (is) yh (nonsense) atwll (this) anh (of world) amled (for) ryg (the wisdom) htmkx 19 (for) ryg (it) wh (is written) bytk (God) ahla (to) twl (in their craftiness) Nwhtwerxb (the wise) amykx (He has seized) dxad (their reasonings) Nwhtbsxm (knows) edy (Jehovah) ayrm (& again) bwtw 20 (they are) Nyna (that worthless) Nqyrod (of the wise) amykxd (let glory) rhbtsn (a man) sna (not) al (this) anh (because of) ljm 21 (is) wh (yours) Nwklyd (for) ryg (everything) Mdmlk (in children of men) asnynbb (the world) amle (or) Naw (Kaypha) apak (or) Naw (Apollo) wlpa (or) Naw (Paul) owlwp (if) Na 22 (things future) Ndyted (or) Naw (things present) Nmyqd (or) Naw (death) atwm (or) Naw (life) ayx (or) Naw (is) wh (yours) Nwklyd (thing) Mdm (every) lk (is Gods) ahlad (& The Messiah) axysmw (The Messiahs) axysmd (& you are) Nwtnaw 23 Chapter 4 (ministers) ansmsm (as) Kya (to you) Nwkl (esteemed) Nybysx (let us be) Nywh (in this way) ankh 4:1 (of God) ahlad (of the mysteries) yhwzrad (of houses) atb (& masters) ybrw (of The Messiah) axysmd In this way let us be esteemed by you as ministers of the Messiah, and stewards of the mysteries of God. (of houses) atb (in masters) ybrb (it is required) aebtm (from now on) lykm (here) akrh 2 (should be found) xktsn (faithful) Nmyhm (that) dk (that a man) snad (to me) yl (is) yh (a slight matter) atwryub (this) adh (but) Nyd (to me) yl 3 (of man) sna (son) rb (every) lk (from) Nm (or) wa (I am judged) Nydta (that of you) Nwknmd (am) ana (judging) Nad (myself) yspn (I) ana (not even) alpa (but) ala (I am) ana (afflicted) sysx (in myself) yspnb (anything) Mdm (for) ryg (not) al 4 (is) wh (Jehovah) ayrm (for) ryg (my Judge) ynyd (am I justified) tqddza (by this) adhb (not) wl (but) ala (judging) Nynyd (you should be) Nwwht (the time) anbz (before) Mdq (from) Nm (not) al (this) anh (because of) ljm 5 (the secrets) htyok (Who shall illuminate) rhnmd (He) wh (Jehovah) ayrm (will come) atand (until) amde (of the hearts) atwbld (their imaginations) Nwhtbsxm (& reveal) algw (of darkness) akwsxd (God) ahla (from) Nm (man) sna (to each) snal (praise) axbws (there shall be) awhn (& then) Nydyhw (I have established) tmo (it is) wh (for your sakes) Nwktljm (my brethren) yxa (but) Nyd (these things) Nylh 6 (you may learn) Nwplat (that by us) Nbd (& of Apollo) wlpadw (my) ylyd (person) apwurp (concerning) le (is written) bytkd (whatever) am (than) Nm (more) ryty (to suppose) Nwertt (that not) ald (should be lifted up) Myrtn (not) al (his fellowman) hrbx (against) le (& a man) snaw (any man) sna (because of) ljm (to you) Kl (is) tya (what?) anm (or) wa (investigating you) Kub (for) ryg (who is?) wnm 7 (you have received) tbon (& if) Naw (you have received) tbon (that not) ald (are you) tna (boasting) rhbtsm (Why?) anml (you have received) tbon (that not) ald (it is) wh (as if) Kya (& you are made rich) Nwtrtew (of yourselves) Nwkl (you have become full) Nwtebo (now it is) wdk (from) Nm 8 (you had reigned) Nwtklma (but) Nyd (Oh that!) Pwtsa (you have reigned) Nwtklma (& without us) Nydelbw (with you) Nwkme (might reign) Klmn (we) Nnx (that also) Pad (at last) ayrxa (apostles) axylsl (that we) Nld (for) ryg (I) ana (think) rbo 9 (to death) atwmld (as if) Kya (God) ahla (appointed us) Nmo (it is) wh (for the universe) amlel (a stage play) Nwrjat (that we would be) Nywhd (& for the children of men) asnynblw (& for angels) akalmlw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(The Messiah) axysm (because of) ljm (insane) ayjs (we are) Nnx 10 (in The Messiah) axysmb (sensible) amykx (but) Nyd (you are) Nwtna (mighty) antlyx (& you are) Nwtnaw (weak) ahyrk (we are) Nnx (despised) Nyrejum (& we are) Nnxw (praised) Nyxbtsm (you are) Nwtna (& we are thirsty) Nnyhuw (we are hungry) Nnynpk (hour) ates (this) adhl (until) amde 11 (& we are abused) Nnyxpqtmw (& we are naked) Nnyyljrew (for us) Nl (there is not) tyl (dwelling) amyq (& a place) tybw (us) Nl (they dishonor) Nyreum (with our hands) Nydyab (we labor) Nnyxlp (when) dk (& we toil) Nnyalw 12 (& we endure) Nnyrbyomw (us) Nl (they persecute) Nypdr (& we bless) Nnykrbmw (of them) Nwhnm (& we beg) Nnyebw (us) Nl (they accuse) Nyxum 13 (we have been) Nywh (of the world) amled (the scum) atpn (as) Kya (now) ashl (until) amde (of every person) snlkd (& the offscouring) arpwkw (these things) Nylh (I) ana (write) btk (to shame you) Nwkthbad (as) Kya (it was) awh (not) al 14 (I) ana (give admonition) atrm (dear) abybx (to children) aynbld (as) Kya (but) ala (in The Messiah) axysmb (to you) Nwkl (shall be) Nwwhn (instructors) aart (ten thousand) wbr (for) ryg (if) Na 15 (The Messiah) axysm (for) ryg (in Yeshua) ewsyb (fathers) ahba (many) aaygo (not) al (however) ala (by the Gospel) atrbob (have begotten you) Nwktdlwa (it is) wh (I) ana (you would imitate) Nwmdtt (that me) ybd (of you) Nwknm (therefore) lykh (I) ana (beseech) aeb 16 (Timotheos) owatmyjl (to you) Nwktwl (I have sent) trds (this) anh (because of) ljm 17 (in Jehovah) ayrmb (& faithful) anmyhmw (beloved) abybx (my son) yrb (who is) yhwtyad (that are in The Messiah) axysmbd (my ways) ytxrwa (may relate to you) Nwkdhen (that he) whd (assemblies) atde (in all) Nyhlkb (I) ana (that teach) Plmd (the things) Mdm (such as) Kya (to you) Nwktwl (I am) ana (coming) ata (that not) ald (but) Nyd (it is) wh (as if) Kya 18 (of you) Nwknm (some) asna (have been boisterous) wrtxta (to you) Nwktwl (I) ana (shall come) ata (soon) lgeb (is willing) abu (Jehovah) ayrm (if) Na (but) ala 19 (whose are lifted up) Nymyrmd (of those) Nylhd (their words) Nwhtlm (not) al (& I shall know) edaw (their power) Nwhlyx (but) ala (souls) Nwhspn (in word) atlmb (has been) twh (not) al (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (the kingdom) htwklm 20 (in power) alyxb (but) ala (shall I come?) ata (with a rod) arjwxb (you) Nwtna (do want it) Nybu (How?) ankya 21 (of meekness) atkykm (& in a spirit) axwrbw (in affection) abwxb (or) wa (to you) Nwktwl Chapter 5 (fornication) atwynz (among you) Nwktnyb (is reported) aemtsm (in short) ako 5:1 (fornication) atwynz (this) adh (that such as) Kyadw (is named) ahmtsm (pagans) apnx (among) tyb (not even) alpad (which) adya (his fathers) yhwba (wife) ttna (a son) arb (that would take) bond (as far as) Made (rather) tyaryty (but) Nyd (& not) alw (are) Nwtna (inflated) Nyrytx (& you) Nwtnaw 2 (your midst) Nwktnyb (from) Nm (that he be taken) lqtsnd (in mourning) albab (you have sat) Nwtbty (has committed) reo (crime) anrewo (this) anhd (whoever) Nm (he) wh (from you) Nwknm (I) ana (distant) qyxr (while) dk (for) ryg (I) ana 3 (in spirit) xwrb (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (& near) byrqw (in body) rgpb (with him) whl (present) abyrq (as) Kya (I have judged) tnd (now) wdk (from) Nm (has committed) reo (this) adhd (whoever) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (that in the Name) hmsbd 4 (in spirit) xwrb (with you) Nwkme (& I) anaw (all of you) Nwklk (you shall assemble)Nwsnktt (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the power) hlyx (with) Me
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to Satan) anjol (this one) anhl (& you shall deliver him) hnwmlstw 5 (he may live) axn (that in spirit) xwrbd (of his body) hrgpd (for the destruction) andbal (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (in the day) hmwyb (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not?) al (your boasting) Nwkrhbws (is good) ryps (not) al 6 (ferments) emxm (lump) atlybg (the whole) hlk (a little) lylq (that yeast) arymxd (old) aqyte (the yeast) arymx (from you) Nwknm (purge) wkd 7 (new) atdx (a lump) atlybg (that you would be) Nwwhtd (our) Nlyd (for) ryg (Passover) axup (unleavened) aryjp (you are) Nwkytyad (just as) ankya (for our sake *) Nyplx (Who was slain) okntad (is) wh (The Messiah) axysm M * Critical Greek lacks for our sake. (old) aqyte (with leaven) arymxb (not) al (a feast) adede (let us make) dben (this) anh (because of) ljm 8 (or of bitterness) atwryrmdw (that is in wickedness) atwsybd (with yeast) arymxb (neither) alw (& of Holiness *) atwsydqdw (of purity) atwykdd (with the leaven *) arymxb (but) ala N * Greek has azumoiv eilikrineiav eilikrineiav kai alhyeiav -unleavened -[ ] of sincerity and truth. It appears to me that the Aramaic phrase arymxbwith the leaven was read as aryjpb -with the unleavened; Lets look at these two in DSS script: )rymxb -with the leaven In Ashuri Aramaic: arymxb with the leaven )ry+pb -with the unleavened. aryjpb with the unleavened. The DSS pair have at least 66% letter correlation (4 of 6 letters are identical); In Ashuri, they are even more similar- 82%. * The last word in Aramaic is atwsydq Holiness. Compare this with atswq Truth (Greek has Truth).Lets compare these two side by side in DSS Aramaic script: )tw$ydqdw And of Holiness. Take out the two red letters w & d and you are essentially left with)t$wqdw And of truth. The Yodh of the first word (y ) and the Waw # 2 (w ) of the second word are easily confused or interchanged in The Great Isaiah Scroll without changing meaning- it is a spelling variation.There is 77% letter correlation in the two Aramaic words. Here is the actual Aramaic word with the two letters removed: )t$yqdw. Here is the Aramaic word for & of Truth --------------- )t$w wqdw. It appears that 1 Corinthians was written in Aramaic and in a hybrid script combining features of The Dead Sea Scroll script (Yodh-y, Waw w ) and Ashuri script (Mem-m, Teth-j, Pe-p); more data will be needed to verify or refute the script, but Aramaic certainly is the better candidate for the original language in Corinthians than Greek. Greek for holiness is agiwsunhv, agiasmou, osiothv or agiothv. Which of these looks like alhyeiav (truth)? At best, agiwsunhv & alhyeiav have 22% letter correlation. (in a letter) atrgab (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk 9 (fornicators) aynz (with) Me (to mix) Nwjlxtt (that not) ald (this) anh (who are in world) amlebd (fornicators) aynz (about) le (I) ana (speak) rma (but) Nyd (not) al 10 (extortioners) apwjx (about) le (or) wa (the greedy) abwle (about) le (or) wa (of idols) arktp (worshippers) yxlp (about) le (or) wa (you would have been) Nwtywh (obligated) Nybyx (not) al (& if) Naw (to depart) qpml (the world) amle (from) Nm (also) Pa (to you) Nwkl (that I have written) tbtkd (but) Nyd (this) adh 11 (a brother) axa (one called) arqtmd (there is) tya (if) Na (to mix) Nwjlxtt (that not) ald (of idols) arktp (a servant) xlp (or) wa (a greedy man) abwle (or) wa (a fornicator) aynz (& he is) yhwtyaw (whom) anya (with) Me (a robber) Pwjx (or) wa (a drunkard) ywr (or) wa (an abuser) Nreum (or) wa (to eat) lkaml (bread) amxl (not even) alpa (you are) wh (that so) ankhd (outsiders) ayrbl (to judge) Ndml (for) ryg (am I) yl (what?) am 12 (judge) wnwd (the insiders) wgldl (you) Nwtna (judges) Nad (God) ahla (but) Nyd (the outsiders) ayrbl 13 (your midst) Nwktnyb (from) Nm (the evil one) asybl (& remove him) yhwlqwsw Chapter 6
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to him) hl (is) tya (when) dk (of you) Nwknm (anyone) sna (dare?) xrmm 6:1 (the evil) alwe (before) Mdq (to judge) Nwdnd (his brother) yhwxa (with) Me (a dispute) anyd (the holy) asydq (before) Mdq (& not) alw (shall judge) Nwnwdn (the universe) amlel (that the saints) asydqd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (or) wa 2 (is judged) Nydtm (by you) Nwkb (the universe) amle (& if) Naw (small) aqdqd (disputes) anyd (to judge) Ndml (you) Nwtna (are worthy) Nyws (not?) al (we judge) Nnynyd (that angels) akalmld (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not?) al 3 (this) anh (are) Nyna (who of world) amledd (those) Nylya (How much?) amk (rather) dx (a worldly matter) amled (concerning) le (a judgment) anyd (to you) Nwkl (there is) tya (if) Na (but) ala 4 (in the assembly) atdeb (who are neglected) Nyobd (those) Nylyal (in judgment) anydb (for you) Nwkl (seat) wbtwa (in this way) ankh (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (that) wh (to you now) arawkl 5 (wise) amykx (one) dx (not even) alpa (with you) Nwkb (is there not?) tyl (& his brother) yhwxal (a brother) axa (between) tyb (to reconcile) awsn (who will be able) xksnd (disputes) Nydtm (his brother) yhwxa (with) Me (brother) axa (but) ala 6 (believe) Nynmyhm (who not) ald (those) Nylya (before) Mdq (& even) bwtw (to you) Nwkl (you have condemned) Nwtbx (your persons) Nwkmwnq (therefore) lykh (now) wdk (from) Nm 7 (with you) Nwkl (are) tya (one) dx (with) Me (one) dx (because lawsuits) anydd (are you) Nwtna (wronged) Nybletm (not) al (for) ryg (what?) anm (because of) ljm (are you) Nwtna (cheated) Nyzlgtm (not) al (what?) anm (& because of) ljmw (are) Nwtna (doing wrong) Nyble (you) Nwtna (but) ala 8 (your brothers) Nwkyxal (also) Pa (you are) Nwtna (& cheating) Nyzlgw (the kingdom) htwklm (that evil men) alwed (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (or) wa 9 (be you deceived) Nwejt (not) al (do inherit) Nytry (not) al (of God) ahlad (of idols) arktp (worshippers) yxlp (neither) alw (fornicators) aynz (not) al (sexual molestors) albxm (neither) alw (adulterers) aryg (neither) alw (males) arkd (with) Me (males lying down) ybks (neither) alw (drunkards) aywr (neither) alw (thieves) abng (nor) alw (frauds) abwle (neither) alw 10 (these) Nylh (extortioners) apwjx (neither) alw (the insolent) anreum (nor) alw (do inherit) Nytry (not) al (of God) ahlad (the kingdom) htwklm (of you) Nwknm (one) sna (in each) snab (had) ywh (been) tya (& these things) Nylhw 11 (& you are sanctified) Nwtsdqtaw (you are purified by baptism) Nwtyxo (but) ala (of our Lord) Nrmd (in the Name) hmsb (& you are justified) Nwtqddzaw (of our God) Nhlad (& by The Spirit) hxwrbw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (for me) yl (is legal) jyls (everything) lk 12 (for me) yl (is useful) xqp (everything) lk (not) al (but) ala (for me) yl (is legal) jyls (everything) lk (will have dominion) jltsn (not) al (a person) sna (over me) yle (but) ala (for food) atlwkamd (& the belly) aorkw (for the belly) aorkd (food) atlwkam 13 (brings to nothing) ljbm (both of them) Nyhytrtl (but) Nyd (God) ahla (for fornication) atwynzl (not) al (but) Nyd (the body) argp (for the body) argpl (& our Lord) Nrmw (for our Lord) Nrml (but) ala (has raised) Myqa (even our Lord) Nrmlw (but) Nyd (God) ahla 14 (by His power) hlyxb (raises) Myqm (& us) Nlw (members) amdh (that your bodies) Nwkyrgpd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not?) al 15 (of The Messiah) axysmd (the member) amdh (shall we take) bon (of The Messiah) axysmd (are) Nwna (God forbid!) ox (of a harlot) atynzd (the member) amdh (to make it) yhwydben
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to a harlot) atynzl (cleaves) Pqnd (that whoever) Nmd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (or) wa 16 (for) ryg (it is said) ryma (body) rgp (is) wh (one) dx (body) rgp (one) dx (both) Nwhyrt (that they will be) Nwwhnd (to our Lord) Nrml (but) Nyd (has cleaved) Pqnd (whoever) Nm 17 (Spirit) xwr (of one) adx (with Him) hme (has been) awh (sin) atyjx (every) lk (fornication) atwynz (from) Nm (flee) wqwre 18 (is) yh (his body) hrgp (of) Nm (outside) rbl (a son of man) asnrb (that will do) dbend (sin) ajx (does) wh (in his body) hrgpb (but) Nyd (fornicates) anzmd (whoever) Nm (that your body) Nwkrgpd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al (or) wa 19 (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (is) wh (the temple) alkyh (you have received) Nwtlbqd (Whom) yh (in you) Nwkb (Who dwells) armed (of yourselves) Nwkspnd (you have been) Nwtywh (& not) alw (God) ahla (from) Nm (with a price) aymdb (for) ryg (you have been bought) Nwtnbdza 20 (with your body) Nwkrgpb (God) ahlal (glorifying) Nyxbsm (therefore) lykh (be you) Nwtywh (of God) ahlad (which are) Nwhytyad (those) Nwnh (& with your spirit) Nwkxwrbw Chapter 7 (but) Nyd (to me) yl (that you wrote) Nwtbtkd (those things) Nylya (about) le 7:1 (to touch) brqtn (not) al (a woman) attnald (for a man) arbgl (it is) wh (good) ryps (a woman) httna (a man) sna (fornication) atwynz (because of) ljm (but) ala 2 (let take) dwxat (her husband) hlebl (& a woman) attnaw (let take) dwxan (let bestow) ewrpn (that is owed) byxttmd (the love *) abwx (to his wife) httnal (a man) arbg 3 (to her husband) hlebl (woman) attna (that) yh (also) Pa (in this way) ankh * Most Greek mss. have eunoia-eunoia is Good will or benevolence; a few old mss. have simply, ofeilhn ofeilayn- what is owed. (her body) hrgp (over) le (is authorized) ajyls (not) al (a woman) attna 4 (a man) arbg (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (her husband) hleb (but) ala (his wife) httna (but) ala (his body) hrgp (over) le (is authorized) jyls (not) al (another) dxl (one) dx (deprive you) Nwzlgt (therefore) lykh (not) al 5 (you will agree) Nwwtst (you both) Nwkyrtd (when) ytma (except) ala (& to prayer) atwlulw (to fasting) amwul (which you devote) Nwnettd (in a time) Nbzb (you shall return) Nwnptt (to pleasure *) atwbul (to it) hl (& again) bwtw (Satan) anjo (tempt you) Nwkyonn (lest) ald (of your bodies) Nwkrgpd (the desire *) atgr (because of) ljm * No pleasure in the Greek mss.! * No desire of your bodies in the Greek, either. Greek has, akrasian, which is lack of self control.The Greek is so discrete that one unfamiliar with Christian doctrine and The New Testament,who was reading this for the first time, would scarcely guess that the whole discussion is about sex! (to the weak) alyxmld (as) Kya (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh 6 (a commandment) andqwp (from) Nm (not) wl (children of men) asnynb (that all) Nwhlkd (I) ana (wish) abu (for) ryg (I) ana 7 (a gift) atbhwm (every person) snlk (but) ala (in purity) atwykdb (may be) Nwwhn (like I) ytwka (God) ahla (from) Nm (to him) hl (is given) abyhy (who in that way) ankhd (& one) tyaw (who in this way) ankhd (one) tya (that there is not) tyld (to those) Nylyal (but) Nyd (I) ana (say) rma 8 (them) Nwhl (that it benefits) xqpd (& to widows) atlmralw (a woman) asn (to them) Nwhl (like I) ytwka (they should remain) Nwwqn (if) Na

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(it is beneficial) xqp (let them marry) Nwgwdzn (they endure) Nyrbyom (but) Nyd (not) al (if) Na 9 (with desire) atgrb (to burn) dqamld (than) Nm (rather) bj (a wife) attna (to take) boml (for) ryg (not) al (I) ana (command) dqpm (women) asn (to them) Nwhl (that are) tyad (but) Nyd (to those) Nylyal 10 (shall depart) swrpt (not) al (her lord) hleb (from) Nm (that a wife) attnad (My Lord) yrm (but) ala (I) ana (a man) arbg (without) ald (let her remain) awqt (she departs) swrpt (& if) Naw 11 (let her be reconciled) aertt (to her lord) hlebl (or) wa (let him forsake) qwbsn (not) al (his wife) httnal (& a man) arbgw (my Lord) yrm (not) al (am) ana (I) ana (saying) rma (but) Nyd (to others) akrsl 12 (a woman) attna (to him) hl (who is) tyad (a brother) axa (there is) tya (if) Na (with Him) hme (to stay) rmetd (willing) aybu (& she is) yhw (is a believer) anmyhm (who not) ald (let him leave her) hyqbsn (not) al (a husband) aleb (to her) hl (ever is) tyad (who) adya (& a wife) attnaw 13 (with her) hme (to stay) rmend (willing) abu (& he is) whw (is a believer) Nmyhm (who not) ald (her husband) hleb (let her leave) qwbst (not) al (is a believer) Nmyhm (ever not) ald (who) anya (man) arbg (for) ryg (that) wh (is sanctified) sdqm 14 (woman) attna (that) yh (& is made holy) asdqmw (who believes) anmyhmd (by the wife) attnab (who believes) Nmyhmd (by the husband) arbgb (is a believer) anmyhm (ever not) ald (who) adya (are) Nwna (defiled) Nyamj (their children) Nwhynb (not) al (& if) Naw (they are) Nwna (pure) Nykd (but) Nyd (now) ash (let him separate) swrpn (separates) srp (believes) Nmyhm (who not) ald (he) wh (but) Nyd (if) Na 15 (in such cases) Nylhb (a sister) atx (or) wa (a brother) axa (is in bondage) dbesm (not) al (God) ahla (has called us) Nrq (it is) wh (to peace) amlsl (woman) attna (you) ytna (know) aedy (for) ryg (what?) anm 16 (you will save) Nyxt (your husband) yklebl (if) Na (you) tna (know?) edy (man) arbg (you) tna (or) wa (you will save) axt (your wife) Kttnal (if) Na (Jehovah) ayrm (to him) hl (distributes) glpd (as) Kya (man) sna (each) sna (but) ala 17 (let him walk) Klhn (thus) ankh (God) ahla (-ever calls him) yhyrqd (how) Kya (& a man) snaw (I) ana (command) dqpm (so) ankh (the churches) atde (to all) Nyhlkl (& also) Paw (to it) hl (let him return) Kwphn (not) al (was called) yrqta (a man) sna (circumcised) ryzg (when) dk (if) Na 18 (he was called) yrqta (in uncircumcision) atwlrweb (& if) Naw (to uncircumcision) atwlrwel (let him be circumcised) rwzgn (not) al (anything) Mdm (has been) twh (not) al (for) ryg (circumcision) atrwzg 19 (but) ala (uncircumcision) atwlrwe (not) al (also) Pa (of God) ahlad (of the commandments) yhwndqwpd (the keeping) atrwjn (he shall continue) awqn (in it) hb (when he was called) yrqtad (in the calling) anyrqb (every person) snlk 20 (you) Kl (let it concern) ljbtn (not) al (you have been called) tyrqta (a servant) adbe (if) Na 21 (be freed) wrrxtml (you) tna (can) xksm (also if) Npa (but) ala (to serve) xwlptd (for yourself) Kl (choose) ybg (is called) yrqta (a servant) adbed (for) ryg (whoever) anya 22 (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (of God) ahlad (is) wh (a freeman) arrxm (in our Lord) Nrmb (is called) yrqta (of freedom) arax (a son) rbd (whoever) anya (of The Messiah) axysmd (is) wh (a servant) adbe (you have been bought) Nwtnbdza (with a price) aymdb 23 (of people) asnynbd (servants) adbe (you shall be) Nwwht (not) al (brethren) yxa (which he is called) yrqtad (in that) Mdmb (every person) snlk 24 (God) ahla (with) twl (let him continue) awqn (in it) hb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(God) ahla (from) Nm (a commandment) andqwp (but) Nyd (virginity) atwlwtb (about) le 25 (as) Kya (I) ana (give) bhy (but) Nyd (advice) aklm (I) ana (I have) dyxa (not) al (faithful) Nmyhm (to be) awhad (God) ahla (from) Nm (I who have received favor) tnnxtad (a man) arbg (is fair) aryps (that this) adhd (I) ana (& think) rbow 26 (of the time) anbzd (the distress) aqnna (because of) ljm (he should be) awhn (that so) ankhd (for a son of man) asnrbl (for him) hl (that useful) xqpd (a divorce) ayrs (seek) aebt (not) al (with a wife) attnab (are you?) tna (bound) ryoa 27 (a wife) attna (seek) aebt (not) al (a wife) attna (from) Nm (you) tna (have divorced?) ars (you) tna (will have sinned) ajx (not) al (a wife) attna (you will take) bot (& if) Naw 28 (she will be sinning) ayjx (not) al (for a man) arbgl (will be) awht (a virgin) atlwtb (& if) Naw (are) Nwna (who so) ankhd (to those) Nylyal (has been) awh (in the body) rgpb (but) Nyd (suffering) anulwa (I) ana (show pity) oax (for you) Nwkyle (but) Nyd (I) ana (it) hl (is short) zhldza (from now on) lykm (that time) anbzd (brethren) yxa (I) ana (say) rma (& this) adhw 29 (them) Nwhl (without) tyld (as if) Kya (shall be) Nwwhn (wives) asn (to them) Nwhl (who have) tyad (for those) Nylyad (they weep) Nykb (not) al (as if) Kya (who weep) Nykbd (& those) Nylyaw 30 (they rejoice) Nydx (not) al (as if) Kya (who rejoice) Nydxd (& those) Nylyaw (they acquire) Nydqm (not) al (as if) Kya (who buy) Nynbzd (& those) Nylyaw (this) anh (world) amleb (who use) Nyxsxtmd (& those) Nylyaw 31 (usage) atxsxd (the right) aqdz (of) Nm (outside) rbl (not) al (this) anh (of world) amled (the form *) hmkoa (for) ryg (it) hl (is passing) rbe hmkoa Iskemeh (form) sounds like the Greek word Euschma- (Euschema), which the Greek mss. have in this place. Some think this is evidence The Peshitta is translated from the Greek. However, the Greek root schmschm- occurs 23 times in The Greek NT, whereas The Peshitta has amkoa Iskemeh in only six of those places; so the Aramaic is not a transliteration of Greek. This kind of charge against the Aramaic being a mere copying of Greek is really without merit. We know that Aramaic came long before Greek. Aramaic inscriptions date back to 910 BC. Now lets have a look at the names of their letters (Greek counterparts not in Greek order): Aramaic - Greek Aramaic - Greek Aramaic- Greek Aramaic- Greek Aramaic- Greek Alap Bet Gamal Dalat Alpha Beta Gamma Delta

Aramaic- Greek

Het Epsilon Tet Theta Mim Mu Pe Pi,Phi Shin,Sin Sigma Waw Omicron,OmegaYodh Iota Nun Nu Tsade Xi Tau Tau Zayin Zeta Kap Kappa Semkat Xi Qop Kappa (Pe-Semkat) Psi Khet Chi Lamad Lambda Ayin Ayta Resh Rho

Aramaic was the language of Aram state in Ancient Syria. The alphabet is a development of the original alphabet developed by the Phoenicians (1100 BC). The Greek and Latin alphabets are both decendents of this script.

Glenn David Bauscher

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

The Greek alphabet was the first alphabet to include vowels. It is over 2500 years old. It is used for all forms of Greek.

The above charts and comments are from, which analyzes the history of writing. Looking at the Greek and Aramaic letters, one can see how Greek letters are similar in many cases to their Aramaic-Phoenician counterparts. Compare the Old Aramaic Alap ) with Greek Alpha A; Alpha is an Alap on its side. An Old Aramaic Bet b, reversed and enclosed at the bottom is almost a beta - b; Old Aramaic Gimal g flipped over becomes the Greek Gamma g. The same for the next letters d and d and h and E (flipped left to right),w and U, etc.. No one believes Aramaic came from Greek in its origin. It only stands to reason that many Greek words would have come from Phoenician and Aramaic words. Of course, Aramaic later picked up Greek words where Aramaic speaking people were exposed to commerce with Greek speaking people, and vice-versa. English: Phoenician:

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz : $()+
Abcde f

ghi j klmno pqrstu v wxyz: $()+

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Old Aramaic: Abcde f ghi j klmno pqrst u v wxyz: $()+

Glenn David Bauscher

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Sq. Aramaic ab de gh jklmnopqrstuvwxyz: $ ()+ Greek: abcdefghi klmnopqrstuvwxyz: $ ()+ Greek caps: ABCDEFGHI KLMNOPQRSTU WXYZ: $ ( ) + Aramaic has a long and illustrious history in the Middle East and The Holy Land; it was one of the first written Semitic languages and helped shape the history of the world for almost 2000 years, being distinguished along with Hebrew as a holy tongue-one of the two original languages of The Old Testament scriptures. Greek was a later tongue which facilitated propagation of The LXX OT and The NT into The Roman Empire, in which Greek was the most common language spoken.A major reculteration based on Greek seems to have occurred, starting with Alexanders campaign to make Greek the universal tongue of his empire in the late 4th century BC. He was largely successful, though he could not reform Mesopotamian language (Aramaic) or that of Israel. Those peoples were too isolated and zealous of their traditions to be purged of their mother tongue. Josephus made it plain that first century Israel was not Greek speaking. He had to study Greek to learn it well enough to translate his volumes from the language of our country into Greek, though even then, he wrote that he was not fluent in Greek. He knew of two or three who were proficient in Greek and had been rewarded for their pains, meaning they had to have studied long and hard to obtain Greek learning, as the Jews discouraged such education in the pagan tongue. The argument that first century Israel spoke Greek simply has no foundation in historical fact and is contradicted by the one historian of Israel (Josephus) who wrote more of Israels history than all others combined- and he lived in Israel from AD 37 until the end of that century. (you will be) Nwwht (care) atpu (that without) aldd (I) ana (want) abu (this) anh (because of) ljm 32 (a wife) attna (to him) hl (-ever has not) tyld (for) ryg (who) anya (his Lord) hrml (he may please) rpsn (that how?) ankyad (upon what is of his Lord) hrmdb (thinks) anr (what is of the world) amled (cares for) Puy (a wife) attna (to him) hl (is) tyad (whoever) anyaw 33 (his wife) httnal (he may please) rpsn (how?) ankyad (& a virgin) atlwtbl (a wife) attna (between) tnyb (also) Pa (is) tya (but) Nyd (a distinction) ansrwp 34 (on her Lord) hrmb (thinks) aynr (has been) twh (not) al (ever with a husband) arbgld (she who) adya (& in her spirit) hxwrbw (in her body) hrgpb (holy) asydq (that she may be) awhtd (of the world) amled (thinks) aynr (a husband) aleb (to her) hl (ever has) tyad (& she who) adyaw (her husband) hlebl (she may please) rpst (that so) ankyad (I) ana (say) rma (yours) Nwklyd (it is) wh (for your benefit) Nwknrdwel (but) Nyd (this) adh 35 (onto you) Nwkl (I) ana (cast) amr (a noose) atyqwnxm (it is) awh (not) al (your Lord) Nwkrm (to) twl (faithful) Nynyma (that you would be) Nwwhtd (but) ala (to the world) amleb (you are) Nwtna (attending) Nynr (not) al (while) dk (beautiful) aryps (in form) amkoab (by his virgin) htlwtbb (that he is disgraced) xzbtmd (thinks) rbo (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na 36 (to a man) arbgl (has given her) hbhy (& not) alw (her time) hnbz (who has passed) rbed (to do) dben (he chooses) abud (as) Kya (to give her) hyltnd (& it is fitting) aylww (she may be married) gwdzt (he sins) ajx (not) al (in his mind) hnyerb (determines) qop (truly) tyaryrsd (but) Nyd (he who) anya 37 (his will) hnybu (over) le (& has power) jylsw (pleasure) atwbu (to) hl (is pressured) aula (& not) alw (he does) dbe (well) ryps (his virgin) htlwtb (to keep) rjnd (in his heart) hblb (he judges) Nd (in this way) ankhw (does) dbe (well) ryps (his virgin) htlwtb (gives) bhyd (therefore) lykh (& he who) anyaw 38 (his virgin girl) htlwtb (gives) bhy (ever not) ald (& he who) anyaw (does) dbe (well) ryps (all the more) tyaryty (is) yh (bound) aryoa (her husband) hleb (lives) yxd (as long as) amk (a wife) attna 39 (her husband) hleb (should fall asleep) Kmdn (but) Nyd (if) Na (by the written Law *) aowmnb (in our Lord) Nrmb (only) dwxlb (whom she will) aybud (for him) Nml (to be) awhtd (she is) yh (free) arrxm M * Critical Greek lacks by the Law. (she shall remain) awqt (in this way) ankh (if) Na (but) Nyd (she is blessed) hybwj 40 (I) ana (also) Pa (but) Nyd (I) ana (think) rbo (my) ylyd (my mind) ynyer (according to) Kya (in me) yb (is) tya (of God) ahlad (that The Spirit) axwrd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Chapter 8 (of idols) arktpd (but) Nyd (sacrifices) axbd (about) le 8:1 (knowledge) atedy (is) tya (that in us all) Nlkbd (we know) Nnyedy (builds up) anb (but) Nyd (love) abwx (puffs up) artxm (& knowledge) atedyw (anything) Mdm (that he knows) edyd (thinks) rbo (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na 2 (he knows) edy (anything) Mdm (yet) lykde (not) al (to know) edml (for him) hl (it is necessary) alwd (what) am (as) Kya (God) ahlal (loves) bxm (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na 3 (of Him) hnm (is known) edyta (this one) anh (of idols) arktpd (of sacrifices) axbdd (therefore) lykh (food) atlwkam (about) le 4 (idol) arktp (the) wh (anything) Mdm (has been) awh (that not) ald (we know) Nnyedy (god) hla (& that there is not) tyldw (in the universe) amleb (One) dx (only) Na (but) ala (another) Nyrxa (gods) ahla (what are called) Nyrqtmd (there are) tya (for) ryg (even though) Npa 5 (in earth) aerab (or) wa (in the sky) aymsb (whether) wa (many) aaygo (& lords) atwrmw (many) aaygo (gods) ahla (there are) tyad (as) ankya (The Father) aba (God) ahla (is) wh (One) dx (ours) Nlyd (to us) Nl (but) ala 6 (in him) hb (& we are) Nnxw (is from Him) hnm (for all) lkd (for all) lkd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (Jehovah) ayrm (& One) dxw (in His hand) hdyab (we are) Nnx (& also) Paw (is by Him) hdyab (the knowledge) atedy (in every person) snlkb (has been) awh (not) al (but) ala 7 (now) ashl (until) amde (in whose conscience) Nwhtratbd (people) asna (for) ryg (there are some) tya (they eat) Nylka (what is sacrificed) axybdd (as) Kya (idols) arktp (that unto) led (it is defiled) aswjtm (their conscience) Nwhtrat (is weak) ahyrkd (& because) ljmw (to God) ahlal (us) Nl (brings) abrqm (not) al (but) Nyd (food) atlwkam 8 (we gain) Nnyrtytm (we eat) Nnylka (if) Na (for) ryg (nothing) al (we lose) Nnyrubtm (we shall eat) lwkan (not) al (if) Na (& nothing) alw (this) anh (your power) Nwknjlws (lest) amld (but) Nyd (Take heed) wzx 9 (to the weak) ahyrkl (a stumbling block) atlqwt (shall be) awhn (will see you) Kyzxn (for) ryg (a man) sna (if) Na 10 (you) tna (that recline) Kymod (knowledge) atedy (in you) Kb (who have) tyad (you) Kl (his conscience) htrat (behold) ah (not?) al (of idols) arktp (in the house) tyb (will be encouraged) arrtsm (it is) wh (weak) hyrkd (because) ljm (what is sacrificed) axybdd (to eat) lkaml (yours) Klyd (by your knowledge) Ktedyb (he) hl (& is destroyed) dbaw 11 (The Messiah) axysm (died) tym (for whose sake) htljmd (is weak) ermd (who) anya (he) wh (your brethren) Nwkyxab (you) Nwtna (subvert) Nylkom (in this way) ankh (& if) Naw 12 (of the sickly) aterm (on their conscience) Nwhtrat (you) Nwtna (& tread) Nyxpqmw (you) Nwtna (commit an offense) Nylkom (it is) wh (against The Messiah) axysmb (my brother) yxal (brings down) alskm (food) atlwkam (if) Na (this) anh (because of) ljm 13 (to my brother) yxal (I bring sin) lska (lest) ald (I shall eat) lwka (not) al (flesh) arob (for eternity) Mlel Chapter 9 (of freedom) arax (a son) rb (I have been) tywh (not?) al (interrogative) aml 9:1 (an apostle) axyls (I have been) tywh (not?) al (or) wa (have I seen) tyzx (not?) al (our Lord) Nrm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsyl (or) wa (in my Lord) yrmb (my work) ydbe (you have been) Nwtywh (not?) al (or) wa
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(an apostle) axyls (I was) tywh (not) al (to others) anrxal (& if) Naw 2 (I am) ytya (to you) Nwkl (but) ala (are) Nwna (you) Nwtna (of my apostleship) ytwxylsd (& the seal) amtxw (it is this) wnh (me) yl (who judge) Nynydd (to those) Nylyal (my answer) yxwrb (& I give) qpmw 3 (& to drink) atsmlw (to eat) lkaml (for us) Nl (is it legal) jyls (not) al (why?) aml 4 (wife) attna (a sister) atx (for us) Nl (is it legal) jyls (not?) al (& interrog.) amlw 5 (of the apostles) axylsd (others) akrs (as) Kya (with us) Nme (to travel) wkrkml (Kaypha) apak (& as) Kyaw (of our Lord) Nrmd (the brothers) yhwxa (& as) Kyaw (to us) Nl (there is not?) tyl (& Barnaba) abnrbw (only) dwxlb (I) ana (or) wa 6 (we should labor) xwlpn (that not) ald (authority) anjlws (of himself) hspnd (at expense) atqpnb (in a war) atwxlpb (who fights) xlpmd (who is it?) wnm 7 (its fruits) yhwrap (& from) Nmw (a vineyard) amrk (who plants) bund (who is it?) wnm (or) wa (sheep) ane (that herds) aerd (who is it?) wnm (or) wa (eats) lka (not) al (consumes) lka (not) al (of his flock) htyermd (the milk) ablx (& from) Nmw (I) ana (say) rma (these things) Nylh (a son of man) asnrb (as?) Kya (interrog.) amld 8 (says) rma (these things) Nylh (the written Law) aowmn (also) Pa (behold) ah (of Moses) aswmd (in the written Law) aowmnb (in it) hb (for) ryg (it is written) bytk 9 (that treads) Krdmd (the ox) arwt (muzzle) Mwlbt (not) ald (God) ahlal (Himself) hl (does concern) lyjb (oxen) arwt (about?) le (interrog.) aml (He said) rma (it) wh (that for our sake) Ntljmd (it is understood) aeydy (but) ala 10 (because) ljm (it was written) tbtkta (for) ryg (& for our sake) Ntljmw (to the plougher) abwrkl (to him) hl (is incumbant) alw (it) wh (hope) arbo (for) led (of a crop) atlled (hope) arbo (for) le (threshes) Krdmd (& whoever) anyaw (to plough) bwrknd (in you) Nwkb (have sown) Nerz (of the Spirit) axwrd (we) Nnx (if) Na 11 (shall reap) dwuxn (of the body) argpd (from you) Nwknm (we) Nnx (if) Na (is it?) yh (a great thing) abr (over you) Nwkyle (authority) anjlws (to them) Nwhl (is) tya (others) anrxal (& if) Naw 12 (we have used) Nxsxta (not) al (but) ala (all the more) tyaryty (is it fitting) alw (to us) Nl (not?) al (we have endured) Nnyrbyom (everything) Mdmlk (but) ala (this) anh (authority) anjlwsb (of The Messiah) axysmd (the Gospel) htrbo (we may impede) oktn (not) al (that in a thing) Mdmbd (holy) asdwq (who in the house) tybd (that those) Nylyad (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al 13 (are provided for) Nyrbytom (holy) asdwq (the house) tyb (from) Nm (labor) Nyxlp (share) Nyglp (the altar) axbdm (with) Me (serve) Nyxlp (who the altar) axbdmld (& those) Nylyaw (that those) Nylyad (commands) dqp (our Lord) Nrm (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 14 (shall live) Nwxn (His Gospel) htrbo (from) Nm (preach) Nyzrkm (who His Gospel) htrbod (these things) Nylh (of) Nm (to one) adxb (have been accustomed) txsxta (not) al (but) Nyd (I) ana 15 (to me) yl (it shall be) awhn (that thus) ankhd (have I written) tbtk (this) adh (for) ljm (neither) wlw (I should die) twma (to die) tmmd (for) ryg (for me) yl (it were better) xqp (would nullify) qron (my glory) yrhbws (that someone) snad (than) alw (pride) arhbws (to me) yl (there is not) tyl (for) ryg (I) ana (as preach Good News) rbomd (also) Pa 16 (but) Nyd (to me) yl (woe!) yw (on me) yle (is laid) Myo (for) ryg (necessity) aryjq (I shall preach the Good News) rboa (unless) ala (to me) yl (is) tya (a reward) arga (I) ana (do) reo (this) adh (with my pleasure) ynybub (for) ryg (if) Na 17 (I) ana (entrusted) Nmyhm (am) wh (with a stewardship) atwtyb tbr (my pleasure) ynybub (without) ald (but) Nyd (if) Na (I) ana (evangelize) rbom (that when) dkd (my reward) yrga (therefore) lykh (is) wh (what?) anya 18 (of The Messiah) axysmd (the Gospel) htrbol (I may make it) hydbea (expense) atqpn (without) ald (in the Gospel) Nwylgnwab (to me) yl (that He gives) bhyd (the authority) anjlwsb (I shall use) xsxta (& not) alw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(all things) Nyhlk (from) Nm (for) ryg (I am) ana (free) rrxm (as) dk 19 (I may gain) rta (that the many) aaygold (myself) yspn (I subjected) tdbes (to every person) snlkl The many- aaygo is for Paul synonymous here with All.See verse 22: That I may give life to everyone is his mission statement.Romans 5 gives abundant evidence of this use of the word aaygo. (a Judean) aydwhy (as) Kya (Judeans) aydwhy (with) Me (& I was) tywhw 20 (I may gain) rta (that Judeans) aydwhyld (I was) tywh (are) Nwna (The written Law) aowmn (those who under) tyxtd (& with) Mew (The written Law) aowmn (those who under) tyxtd (like) Kya (I may gain) rta (are) Nwna (The Written Law) aowmn (who under) tyxtd (that those) Nylyald (for whom) Nwhl (there is not) tyl (The written Law) aowmnd (& to those) Nylyalw 21 (The Law) owmn (without) ald (as) Kya (I was) tywh (law) owmn (without) ald (to God) ahlal (I am) ytya (not) al (while) dk (of The Messiah) axysmd (in The Law) howmnb (but) ala (I may win) rta (are) Nwna (The written Law) owmn (who without) aldd (those) Nwnhl (that also) Pad (I may gain) rta (that the weak) ahyrkld (weak) ahyrk (as) Kya (the weak) ahyrk (with) Me (I was) tywh 22 (I may give life) axa (that to every person *) snlkld (I was) tywh (everything) lk (to every person) snlkl N * That I may give life to everyone is not found in Greek except for 2 mss (Codex D -6th cent. & Codex G- 9th cent.) Greek mss. have -ina pantwv tinav swsw, swsw that by all means I may save some.The Latin Vulgate has: omnes facerem salvos- That I may save everyone. John The Baptist had the same mission statement for Israel (See John 1:7).Remember the Great Commission? Go ye, therefore, and instruct all nations; and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Instructing involved more than evangelizing; it involved baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.This is a command to make everyone a believer and disciple of The Lord Jesus Christ.Pauls heart was fully committed to our Lords command and purpose. In Colossians 1:23 he writes: (MUR) provided ye continue in your faith, your foundation being firm, and ye be not removed from the hope of the gospel; of which ye have heard, that it is proclaimed in all the creation beneath heaven; of which gospel I Paul am a minister. The world was evangelized in one generation by Pauls efforts and those of his converts. Paul wrote: the preaching of the cross is the power of God (Coloss. 1:18). (I) ana (have done) dbe (but) Nyd (this) adh 23 (of the Gospel) atrbol (an associate) aptws (I may be) awhad (so that) ljm (who in the stadium) Nwydjoabd (that those) Nylyad (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (not) al 24 (is he) wh (one) dx (but) ala (run) Nyjhr (do) wh (all of them) Nwhlk (run) Nyjhr (you may obtain) Nwkrdtd (so) Kya (run) wjrh (in this way) ankh (the victory) atwkz (to him) hl (takes) bon (thing) Mdm (every) lk (from) Nm (does) dbe (who competition) anwgad (but) Nyd (man) sna (every) lk 25 (a crown) alylk (to receive) Nwbond (run) Nyjhr (& these) Nylhw (his mind) hnyer (restrains) dxa (destructible is) lbxtm (what in-) ald (but) Nyd (we) Nnx (that is destructible) lbxtmd (do) ana (run) jhr (in this way) ankh (therefore) lykh (I) ana 26 (known is) eydy (that un-) ald (something) Mdm (for) led (as if) Kya (it is) awh (not) al (fights) stk (who the air) raald (he) wh (as) Kya (not) al (I) ana (contend) stktm (& thus) ankhw (I) ana (& enslave it) dbesmw (I) ana (subdue) sbk (it is) wh (my body) yrgp (but) ala 27 (have preached) tzrka (who to others) anrxald (I) ana (lest) amldd (to me) yl (would be rejected) altoa (myself) ymwnq (I) ana Chapter 10 (my brothers) yxa (that you will know) Nwedtd (but) Nyd (I am) ana (willing) abu 10:1 (were) wwh (a cloud) anne (under) tyxt (all of them) Nwhlk (our fathers) Nyhbad (passed through) wrbe (in the sea) amyb (& all of them) Nwhlkw (& in the sea) amybw (in the cloud) anneb (were baptized) wdme (Moses) aswm (by) dyb (& all of them) Nwhlkw 2 (they ate) wlka (of The Spirit) axwrd (food) atlwkam (one) adx (& all of them) Nwhlkw 3
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(they drank) wytsa (of The Spirit) axwrd (drink) aytsm (one) dx (& all of them) Nwhlkw 4 (of The Spirit) axwrd (The Rock) apak (from) Nm (for) ryg (they were) wwh (drinking) Nyts (with them) Nwhme (was) twh (Which being) aytad (The Messiah) axysm (was) awh (It) wh (That) yh (but) Nyd (Rock) apak (God) ahla (pleased) ybjua (with the multitude of them) Nwhagwob (was) awh (not) al (but) ala 5 (in the wilderness) arbdmb (for) ryg (they fell) wlpn (that not) ald (were) wwh (being) wh (to us) Nl (an example *) aopwj (but) Nyd (these things) Nylh 6 (lusted) wgr (those) Nwnhd (just as) ankya (evil) atsyb (lusting for) Nygr (we would be) Nywh * aopwj Tupsa (Example, Type) occurs six times in its noun form and once in its verb form.Some scholars seem to think this is a translation-transliteration of the Greek Tupov Tupov- Tupos. Tupov -Tupos occurs in only three of the seven places where aopwj Tupsa occurs; Tupos also occurs in twelve other places where aopwj Tupsa is not found.This is not evidence for Greek primacy. This data is typical of such supposed examples of Greek being transliterated into Aramaic of The Peshitta. At most, these Aramaic words are loan words from Greek, even as Greek has loan words from Aramaic, Hebrew and Latin, and vice versa. (of idols) arktp (servants) yxlp (we would be) awhn (neither) alpaw 7 (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya (served) wxlp (some of them) Nwhnm (also) Pad (even as) ankya (& to drink) atsmlw (to eat) lkaml (the people) ame (sat) btyd (to play games) wyetsml (& they arose) wmqw (fornicated) wynz (some of them) Nwhnmd (as) ankya (we should commit fornication) anzn (& neither) alpaw 8 (thousand) Nypla (& three) atltw (twenty) Nyroe (day) amwy (in one) dxb (& they fell) wlpnw (tempted) wyon (some of them) Nwhnmd (as) ankya (The Messiah) axysml (we should tempt) aonn (neither) alw 9 (serpents) atwwx (them) Nwna (& destroyed) wdbwaw (complained) wnjr (some of them) Nwhnmd (as) ankya (should we complain) Nwnjrt (neither) alpaw 10 (the destroyer) anlbxm (by) ydyab (& were destroyed) wdbaw (were) ywh (for our example *) Nopwjl (to them) Nwhl (that occurred) sdgd (all) Nyhlk (but) Nyd (these) Nylh 11 (our) Nlyd (admonition) atwdrm (for) ljm (& it was written) btktaw (have arrived) tyjm (upon us) Nyle (of the universe) amled (for the ends) Nwhtrxd M * Critical Greek mss. have occurred by example;The Majority Greek agrees more closely with The Peshitta, but lacks the personal pronoun-our. (that he stands) Mqd (thinks) rbod (whoever) Nm (from now on) lykm 12 (he fall) lpn (lest) ald (let him beware) rhdzn (of the children of men) asnynbd (except) ala (has met you) Nwkyjm (not) al (temptation) anwyon 13 (to be tempted) Nwonttd (shall allow you) Nwkyprn (Who not) ald (God) ahla (but) Nyd (is) wh (faithful) Nmyhm (you are) Nwtna (able) Nyumd (whatever) Mdm (than) Nm (more) ryty (an exit) anqpm (for your temptation) Nwknwyonl (shall make) dben (but) ala (endure) wrbyoml (that you can) Nwxkstd (so) ankya (of idols) arktpd (the service) anxlwp (from) Nm (flee) wqwre (my beloved) ybybx (this) anh (because of) ljm 14 (I) ana (say) rmad (whatever) Mdm (you) Nwtna (judge) wnwd (I) ana (speak) rma (to the wise) amykxld (as) Kya 15 (has been) awh (not?) al (that we bless) Nnykrbmd (of thanksgiving) atydwtd (that) wh (cup) aok 16 (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the blood) hmdd (the Presence) yhwtya (the partaking) atwptws (our breaking of bread) Nnyuqd (that) wh (& interrog.) amxlw (the sharing in) atwptws (has been) awh (not?) al (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the Body) hrgpd (the Presence) yhwtya The Presence, as used here twice, it seems to me, explains the meaning of The Lords Supper to be spiritual, not a physical partaking of the Body and the Blood of our Lord. (that) wh (bread) amxl (is) wh (one) dxd (just as) ankya 17 (body) rgp (are) Nnx (one) dx (we all) Nlk (thus) ankh
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(that) wh (from) Nm (for) ryg (we all) Nlk (we are receiving) Nnybon (bread) amxl (one) dx (which is) wh (which is in the flesh) robbd (Israel) lyroyal (Behold) wzx 18 (sacrifices) axbd (who eat) Nylkad (those) Nylya (have been) awh (not?) al (of the altar) axbdml (partakers) aptws (were) Nywh (is) yhwtya (anything) Mdm (that an idol) arktpd (I) ana (do say) rma (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 19 (No! *) al (is) wh (anything) Mdm (of an idol) arktpd (a sacrifice) axbd (or) wa What therefore do I say: that an idol is anything, or that a sacrifice to an idol is anything? No! N *The Greek mss. have no answer to the question asked in this verse. The Peshitta has the answer:, No! (the pagans) apnx (that sacrifice) Nyxbdd (thing) Mdm (that) wh (but) ala 20 (to God) ahlal (& not) alw (they sacrifice) Nyxbd (it is) wh (to demons) adasl (with demons) adasl (sharers) aptws (you to be) Nwwhtd (I) ana (want) abu (but) Nyd (not) al (of our Lord) Nrmd (the cup) aok (to drink) Nwtstd (you are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (not) al 21 (you are) Nwtna (able) Nyxksm (& not) alw (of demons) adasd (& the cup) aokw (of our Lord) Nrmd (in the table) arwtpb (to share) Nwptwtstd (of demons) adasd (& in the table) arwtpbw (our Lord) Nrml (do we make envy) Nnynjm (to make envious?) wnjm (interrog.) amld (or) wa 22 (than He) hnm (are we stronger?) Nnynyox (interrog.) amld (to me) yl (is legal) jyls (thing) Mdm (every) lk 23 (is advantageous) xqp (thing) Mdm (every) lk (not) al (but) ala (to me) yl (is legal) jyls (thing) Mdm (every) lk (edifies) anbm (thing) Mdm (every) lk (not) al (but) ala (seek) aeb (should) awhn (what is of himself) hspnd (a man) sna (not) al 24 (what is his neighbors) hrbxd (also) Pa (every person) snlk (but) ala (in the butchers shop) Nwlqmb (that is sold) Nbdzmd (everything) Mdmlk 25 (conscience) atrat (because of) ljm (inquiry) abqwe (without) ald (eat) Nylka (you may) Nwtywh (with its fullness) halmb (The Earth) aera (for) ryg (is) yh (Jehovahs) ayrmd 26 (you) Nwtna (& wish) Nybuw (you) Nwkl (invites) arq (a pagan) apnx (who) Nm (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na 27 (before you) Nwkymdq (that is set) Myotmd (everything) Mdmlk (to go) lzaml (conscience) atrat (because of) ljm (inquiry) abqwe (without) ald (eat) wlwka (has been sacrificed*) axybdd (This) anhd (to you) Nwkl (shall say) rman (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na 28 (to you) Nwkl (which he said) rmad (that) wh (because of) ljm (you shall eat) Nwlkat (not) al (it) wh (conscience*) atrat (& because of) ljmw C Majority Greek adds, to idols; * C Most Greek mss. have additionally, For the earth is the Lords and its fulness. (yours) Nwklyd (it is) awh (not) al (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (conscience) atrat 29 (is judged) anydtm (my liberty) ytwrax (for) ryg (Why?) anml (who told) rmad (of him) whd (but) ala (of others) anrxad (the conscience) atrat (from) Nm (blasphemed) Pdgtm (why?) anm (I) ana (behave) xsxtm (with grace) atwbyjb (I) ana (if) Na 30 (am giving thanks) anadwm (for which I) anad (anything) Mdm (for) le (am I) ana (you) Nwtna (drink) Nyts (& if) Naw (therefore) lykh (you) Nwtna (eat) Nylka (if) Na 31 (everything) Mdmlk (you) Nwtna (do) Nydbe (anything) Mdm (& if) Naw (do) Nydbe (you shall) Nwtywh (of God) ahlad (for the glory) atxwbstl (to the Jews) aydwhyl (be) wwh (violation) alqwt (without) ald 32 (of God) ahlad (& to the church) htdelw (& to the Aramaeans *) aymralw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

* Greek has to the Greeks.The Aramaic New Testament books would have been addressed to Jews and Aramaeans, since both groups spoke Aramaic.The Greek NT never has to the Aramaeans in the 20 places where the phrase occurs in The Peshitta;the Peshitta never has to the Greek where the Greek texts have that phrase.But the Greek (translation) was written to Greeks, not to the same audience for which the Aramaic original was written.Interestingly, the Greek NT has no reference to Aramaeans or Aramaic at all, not even Syrians (Naaman the Syrian excepted, who had been dead about 800 years).On the other hand, The Peshitta has 8 references to Greeks and Greek.This looks suspiciously like a Greek reculturation of Aramaic references into Greek; the opposite obviously did not happen. (I) ana (please) rps (everyone) snlkl (thing) Mdm (in every) lkb (I) ana (that also) Pad (as) Kya 33 (advantage) xqp (is my) yld (what) Mdm (I) ana (seek) aeb (& not) alw (is advantageous) xqp (for the many) aaygold (whatever) Mdm (but) ala (that they may have life) Nwxnd Chapter 11 (The Messiah) axysmb (I do) ana (also) Pad (just as) ankya (me) yb (imitate) wmdta 11:1 (thing) Mdm (that in every) lkbd (my brethren) yxa (but) Nyd (you) Nwkl (I) ana (praise) xbsm 2 (to you) Nwkl (I have delivered) tmlsad (& just as) ankyaw (me) yl (you) Nwtna (remember) dhem (you are) Nwtna (keeping) Nydyxa (commandments) andqwp (you to know) Nwedtd (but) Nyd (I) ana (want) abu 3 (is) wh (The Messiah) axysm (his Head) hsr (man) rbg (of every) lkd (is) wh (man) arbg (of woman) attnad (& the head) hsrw (is) wh (God) ahla (of The Messiah) axysmd (& the Head) hsrw (prophesies) abntm (or) wa (who prays) alumd (man) arbg (every) lk 4 (his Head) hsr (disgraces) thbm (his head) hsr (covering) yokm (while) dk (prophesying) aybntm (or) wa (praying) aylumd (woman) attna (& every) lkw 5 (her head) hsr (disgraces) athbm (her head) hsr (revealing) alg (while) dk (whose head) hsr (is shaven) eyrgd (her) yh (with) Me (for) ryg (she is) yh (equal) ayws (a woman) attna (is covered) ayoktm (not) al (for) ryg (if) Na 6 (she should be sheared) rptot (also) Pa (to a woman) attnal (it is) wh (a disgrace) rksm (but) Nyd (if) Na (let her be covered) aoktt (to be shaven) ergml (or) wa (to be sheared) wrptoml (his head) hsr (to cover) aoknd (is obligated) byx (not) al (for) ryg (a man) arbg 7 (of God) ahlad (& the glory) atxwbstw (he is) wh (the image) atwmdd (because) ljm (of man) arbgd (is) yh (the glory) atxwbst (but) Nyd (woman) attna (woman) attna (from) Nm (man) arbg (is) yhwtya (for) ryg (not) al 8 (man) arbg (is from) Nm (woman) attna (but) ala (woman) attna (for the sake of) ljm (created) yrbta (man) arbg (for) ryg (& neither) alpaw 9 (man) arbg (for the sake of) ljm (woman) attna (but) ala (a woman) attna (is obligated) abyx (this) anh (because of) ljm 10 (the angels) akalm (for the sake of) ljm (her head) hsr (over) le (shall be) awhn (that authority) anjlwsd (woman) attna (of) Nm (outside) rbl (man) arbg (not) al (but) Nyd (however) Mrb 11 (in our Lord) Nrmb (man) arbg (of) Nm (outside) rbl (woman) attna (neither) alpa (in this way) ankh (man) arbg (from) Nm (woman) attnad (for) ryg (just as) ankya 12 (is) wh (God) ahla (from) Nm (but) Nyd (everything) Mdmlk (woman) attna (is by) dyb (man) arbg (also) Pa (is it right?) aay (yourselves) Nwkspnl (among you) Nwkynyb (judge) wnwd 13 (to God) ahlal (to pray) alut (her head) hsr (revealing) alg (who while) dkd (for a woman) attnal (you) Nwkl (teaching) Plm (nature) anyk (is) wh (not even?) alpa 14 (to him) hl (it is) wh (a disgrace) areu (his hair) hreo (-ever has grown) Maqd (when) am (that a man) arbgd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to her) hl (it is) yh (glory) atxwbst (her hair) hreo (-ever grows) ybrmd (when) am (& a woman) attnaw 15 (to her) hl (given) bhyta (is) wh (a covering) atyokt (for the sake) Plx (her hair) hreod (because) ljm (these things) Nylh (against) le (disputes) arxtm (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na 16 (this) anh (like) Kya (a custom) adye (there is not) tyl (for us) Nl (of God) ahlad (for the church) htdel (neither) alw (you) Nwkl (I) ana (praise) xbsm (as if) Kya (not) al (I) ana (that command) dqpmd (but) Nyd (this) adh 17 (you have gathered) Nwtyta (to your advantage) Nwkymdql (it has been) awh (that not) ald (because) ljm (you have descended) Nwttxn (it is) wh (to meanness) atwryubl (but) ala (with the assembly) atdeb (you) Nwtna (-ever assemble) Nysnktmd (when) am (for) ryg (first) Mdqwl 18 (among you) Nwktnyb (that there is) tyad (I) ana (have heard) ems (division) atwglp (I) ana (believe) Nmyhm (things) Mdm (& certain) Mdmw (that will be) Nwwhnd (contentions) anyrx (also) Pa (for) ryg (there are) Nwna (going to be) Nydyte 19 (may be known) Nwedytn (among you) Nwkb (who are approved) Nyqbd (that those) Nylyad (among you) Nwktnyb (you) Nwtna (assemble) Nysnktmd (therefore) lykh (when) am 20 (what is fitting) qdzd (according to) Kya (not) wl (& drink) Nytsw (you) Nwtna (eat) Nylka (of our Lord) Nrmd (for the day *) hmwyl When therefore you assemble, it is not appropriate for The Lords Day that you eat and drink. N* First century Aramaic verse:
& drink you eat of our Lord for the day what is right acc. to not you assemble therefore when


}wtn) }ylk)
is right as

}rmd hmwyl
one as




one as




Misreading:qdzd Kya as adx Kya, DSS script: qdzd ky) as )dx cy) = Greek epi to auto = together or into one place. Apparently, because the writing was difficult to read, the Greek translator saw the two green words (in the color edition) qdzd cy) -According to what is right and read it as )dx cy) -together, picked up at }rmd -(of our Lord) and so on to You eat & drink. Since of our Lord- Nrmd is without the normally preceding noun to modify, it was taken as modifying the phrase after it, which unfortunately is a verb phrase (You eat and drink). This phrase was changed into a Greek noun deipnon,deipnon- supper, and the awkward stand alone genitive construct without an accompanying preceding noun was made into an adjective in Greek kuriakon, kuriakon kuriakon -belonging to the Lord. Then }ylk) }rmd (the eating of our Lord) became kuriakon deipnon Lords supper. The verb }ylk) was probably read twice, the second time as eating, the first as supper. Kuriakon - kuriakon occurs only in the New Testament and later Christian writings (here and in Rev. 1:10) and seems to have been invented for this particular verse. Interestingly, the verse in the Aramaic Crawford ms. of Revelation has absbdxd amwyb the first day of the week, which is the Aramaic term for Sunday, which is what the term to which the day of our Lord in this verse refers. The LXX has no use of this word among its 475,000 words; Josephus Greek translation of 329,000 words has no such word, nor any Greek writing before the first century. Hypothetical pre-Greek Aramaic text:
& drink you eat supping of our Lord one as not you assemble therefore when

is right


}wtn) }ylk)




cy) wl

}wtn) }y$nktmd



One thing seems clear: The Aramaic of this Peshitta verse did not come from the Greek text.The words qdz -Zadek (it is right) and hmwy Yoma (day) do not appear in any Greek manuscript. (by himself) hl (eats) lka (before) Mdq (his supper) htymsx (or another) sna (one) sna (but) ala 21 (is drunk) awr (& one) dxw (hungry) Npk (one) dx (& has been) awhw Corinthians were actually getting drunk in church! (& drink) Nwtstw (in which to eat) Nwlkatd (to you) Nwkl (are there not?) tyl (houses) atb (interrog.) amld 22 (do you?) Nwtna (despise) Nyob (of God) ahlad (the church) htdeb (or) wa
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to them) Nwhl (that there is not) tyld (those) Nylyal (you) Nwtna (& have shamed) Nythbmw (I) ana (praise) xbsm (not) al (in this) adhb (shall I praise you) Nwkxbsa (to you) Nwkl (shall I say) rma (what?) anm (you) Nwkl (that I handed) tmlsad (thing) Mdm (that) wh (our Lord) Nrm (from) Nm (received) tlbq (for) ryg (I) ana 23 (He was) awh (in which betrayed) Mltsmd (night) ayll (in that) whb (Yeshua) ewsy (that our Lord) Nrmd (bread) amxl (He) awh (took) bon (eat) wlwka (Take) wbo (& He said) rmaw (& He broke) auqw (& He blessed) Krbw 24 (is broken *) auqtm (your persons) Nwkypa (that for) led (My body) yrgp (this is) wnh (for My memorial) ynrkwdl (do) Nydbe (you shall) Nwtywh (thus) ankh Critical Greek mss. lack broken. Lukes Gospel records the verb bhytm given; Most Greek mss have broken. I explain this discrepancy by appealing to the image of our Lord breaking the bread; the action of breaking it was communication as much as His spoken words; He spoke by demonstration as well as by voice, so the disciples saw the word as well as heard it. This may explain many apparent discrepancies in scripture. Our Lord communicates to us via five spiritual senses as well as five physical senses: Oh taste and see that The LORD is good. All thy garments smell of myrhh and cassia out of the ivory palaces How sweet are Thy words to my lips, sweeter than honey. Kiss The Son.Hear the word of the Lord and live; Look unto Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth. (He gave) bhy (the cup) aok (also) Pa (they had dined) wmsxad (after) rtb (from) Nm (thus) ankh 25 (in My blood) ymdb (new) atdx (the covenant) aqtyd (is) yhwtya (cup) aok (this) anh (& He said) rmaw (you) Nwtna (that drink) Nytsd (time) ytma (every) lk (doing) Nydbe (you shall be) Nwtywh (so) ankh (for My memorial) ynrkwdl (this) anh (bread) amxl (you) Nwtna (that eat) Nylkad (for) ryg (time) ytma (every) lk 26 (of our Lord) Nrmd (it is) wh (His death) htwm (this) anh (cup) aok (you) Nwtna (& drink) Nytsw (His coming) htytaml (until) amde (you) Nwtna (commemorate) Nydhem (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the bread) hmxl (from) Nm (eats) lkad (therefore) lykh (whoever) anya 27 (is) wh (condemned) byxm (for it) hl (is worthy) aws (& not) alw (His cup) hok (from) Nm (& drinks) atsw (& for His body) hrgplw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (for the blood) hmdl No Greek ms. has or can have The blood of Jehovah or The body of Jehovah, as Greek has no word for the Sacred Name God revealed to Moses. The Peshitta has this Name ayrm MarYah- Lord Yahweh or Lord God. Greek has Kurios, which means, Lord, whether of God or a human king, landowner or dignity. No text, whether Old or New Testament, that has not The Sacred Name God revealed to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, can hold any claim to being original or inspired. Greek cannot be the language of the original, much less the text of the original. Consider that as The Greek LXX cannot rightly record one word as it was originally given to the Hebrew prophets, so The Greek NT cannot properly contain one word as it was given to the Aramaic speaking Jews and Aramaeans who wrote the NT. There is absolutely no evidence that God ever spoke any word of scripture in any languages other than Hebrew and Aramaic.(See Acts 26:14 for NT evidence of the Deity speaking Aramaic, remembering to look up the Greek definition for ebraiv-Hebrais). (his soul) hspn (searching) aqb (a man) sna (let be) awhn (this) anh (because of) ljm 28 (this) anh (cup) aok (from) Nm (& drink) atsw (this) anh (bread) amxl (from) Nm (eat) lka (& then) Nydyhw (worthy) aws (not) al (when) dk (from it) hnm (& drinks) atsw (for) ryg (-ever eats) lkad (who) Nm 29 (& drinks) atsw (eats) lka (to his soul) hspnl (is) wh (a guilty verdict) abywx (of Jehovah *) ayrmd (the Body) hrgp (distinguishing) srp (for not) ald * Is there any question that The Peshitta NT names Jesus The Messiah as Jehovah or Yahweh, if you prefer? The point is that He is named as The Deity of the Hebrew people and of the whole world, Who revealed Himself to Moses and the prophets.The Peshitta NT names Jesus (Yeshua d Natsari) as ayrm -Mar-Yah -Yahweh, at least thirty times. Greek cannot do this, for it is a non- Semitic tongue which never developed a word equivalent for Yahweh. (& sickly) ahyrkw (are ill) aerm (among you) Nwkb (many) Nyaygo (this) anh (because of) ljm 30 (are asleep) Nykmdd (& many) aaygow (we would) Nywh (judged) Nynydtm (not) al (we would) Nywh (judge) Nynyd (ourselves) Nspn (for) ryg (if) wla 31 (to be chastised) wydrtm (our Lord) Nrm (from) Nm (but) Nyd (we are judged) Nnynydtm (when) dk 32 (we would be condemned) byxtn (the world) amle (with) Me (lest) ald (we are chastised) Nnydrtm
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

But when we are judged by our Lord, we are chastised severely lest we be condemned with the world. Verse 32 has a doubled verb in Aramaic an infinitive and participle of the verb adr Redatravel,proceed,teach,chastise. This is typical usage in Hebrew and Aramaic used for emphasis; it did not come from Greek, which has no double verb here and does not employ such except in translating Hebrew or Aramaic, and then very rarely. (you) Nwtna (assemble) Nysnktmd (whenever) ytma (my brothers) yxa (from now on) lykm 33 (for another) dxl (one) dx (wait) Nywqm (you shall) Nwtywh (to eat) lkaml (let him eat) oeln (in his house) htybb (hungers) Npkd (but) Nyd (whoever) Nm 34 (assembling) Nysnktm (you will be) Nwwht (to a guilty verdict) atwbyxl (lest) ald (I shall give you orders) Nwkdqpa (I come) tytad (when) am (but) Nyd (the rest) akrs (concerning) le Chapter 12 (that you will know *) Nwedtd (I) ana (will) abu (my brethren) yxa (but) Nyd (spiritual things) atynxwr (about) le 12:1 * Greek has I do not wish you to be ignorant. This phrase is found in Greek Romans twice, 1 Cor. thrice, 2 Cor. twice, 1 Thess. once and in Hebrews once. The Peshitta never uses that phrase in those places; it has a positive, I want you to know, which is much more direct and to the point. Greek Mark 2:19 is similarly verbose, supplying ten Greek words for one Aramaic word al -No! It would appear from the pattern in Pauls epistles that the same person translated all of them into Greek. (to them) Nwhl (which have not) tyld (those) Nylya (& idols) arktplw (you were) Nwtywh (that pagans) apnxd 2 (you were) Nwtywh (being led) Nyrbdtm (discrimination) Nsrwp (without) ald (voice) alq (a man) sna (that there is not) tyld (you) Nwkl (I) ana (inform) edwm (this) anh (because) ljm 3 (& says) rmaw (speaks) llmm (of God) ahlad (who by The Spirit) axwrbd (say) rmaml (can) xksm (a man) sna (neither) alpaw (Yeshua) ewsy (is) wh (damned) Mrxd (of Holiness) asdwqd (by The Spirit) axwrb (only) Na (except) ala (Yeshua) ewsy (is) wh (that Jehovah) ayrmd (there are) Nwhytya (of gifts) atbhwmd (but) Nyd (diversities) aglwp 4 (The Spirit) axwr (is) yh (One) adx (but) ala (there are) Nwhytya (of ministries) atsmstd (& diversities) aglwpw 5 (Jehovah) ayrm (is) wh (One) dx (but) ala (God) ahla (is) wh (One) dx (but) ala (there is) tya (of miracles) atwlyxd (& a diversity) aglwpw 6 (in every person) snlkb (all) lk (Who works) dbemd (the revelation) anylg (to him) hl (is given) bhytm (but) Nyd (man) sna (to each) snal 7 (Him) hl (it helps) arded (as) Kya (of The Spirit) axwrd (a word) atlm (in The Spirit) axwrb (to him) hl (given) abyhyd (there is) tya 8 (of knowledge) atedyd (a word) atlm (but) Nyd (to another) anrxal (of wisdom) atmkxd (by The Spirit) axwrb (in him) hb (by The Spirit) axwrb (in him) hb (faith) atwnmyh (to another) anrxal 9 (by The Spirit) axwrb (in Him) hb (of healing) atwyoad (the gift) atbhwm (to another) anrxal (prophecy) atwybn (but) Nyd (to another) anrxal (miracles) alyx (but) Nyd (to another) anrxal 10 (of spirits) axwrd (discernment) atwswrp (but) Nyd (to another) anrxal (of languages) ansld (kinds) aynz (but) Nyd (to another) anrxal (of languages) ansld (translation) aqswp (but) Nyd (to another) anrxal (does) areo (Spirit) axwr (That) yh (One) adx (these) Nylh (but) Nyd (all) Nyhlk 11 (pleases) aybu (He) yhd (as) Kya (to every person) snlkl (& distributes) aglpmw (is) wh (one) dx (because the body) argpd (for) ryg (in like manner) anzka 12 (many) aaygo (members) amdh (in it) hb (& there are) tyaw (many) aaygo (while) dk (of the body) argpd (members) amdh (but) Nyd (all of them) Nwhlk (The Messiah) axysm (also) Pa (thus) ankh (body) rgp (are) Nwna (one) dx (they) Nwhytya
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Glenn David Bauscher


The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(Spirit) xwr (by One) adxb (we all) Nlk (for) ryg (we) Nnx (also) Pa 13 (Aramaeans) aymra (or) Naw (Judeans) aydwhy (if) Na (are baptized) Ndme (body) rgp (to one) dxl (of freedom) arax (children) ynb (or) Naw (servants) adbe (or) Naw (are caused to drink) Nytsa (The Spirit) axwr (One) adx (& we all) Nlkw (one) dx (is) awh (not) al (for) ryg (the body) argp (also) Pa 14 (many) aaygo (but) ala (member) Mdh (a foot) algr (for) ryg (shall say) rmat (if) Na 15 (a hand) adya (I am) tywh (that not) ald (that because) ljmd (the body) argp (of) Nm (of it) hnm (I am) tywh (not) al (the body) argp (from) Nm (from it) hnm (is it not) hytyl (this) adh (because of) ljm (not?) wl (an eye) anye (I am) tywh (that not) ald (coming in) le (an ear) anda (should say) rmat (& if) Naw 16 (the body) argp (from) Nm (from it) hnm (I am) tywh (not) al (the body) argp (from) Nm (from it) hnm (is it not) hytyl (this) adh (because of) ljm (not?) wl (would be) twh (where?) akya (were) awh (an eye) anye (the body) argp (all) hlk (for) ryg (if) wla 17 (were) awh (hearing) atemsm (it all) hlk (& if) wlaw (the hearing) atemsm (is there) awh (smell) xyrm (how?) ankya (each) dx (one) dx (every) lk (set) Mo (God) ahla (but) Nyd (now) ash 18 (chooses) abu (He) whd (just as) ankya (in the body) argpb (the members) amdh (of) Nm (were) wwh (one) dx (all of them) Nwhlk (but) Nyd (if) wla 19 (the body) argp (is) awh (where?) akya (member) amdh (many) aaygo (there are) Nwhytya (members) amdh (but) Nyd (now) ash 20 (the body) argp (but) Nyd (is) wh (one) dx (to the hand) adyal (say) rmatd (the eye) anye (can) axksm (not) al 21 (to me) yl (you are) ytna (necessary) ayebtm (not) ald (to the feet) algrl (say) rmand (can) xksm (the head) asr (neither) alpa (to me) yl (you are) Nytna (necessary) Nyebtm (not) ald (members) amdh (those) Nylya (all the more) tyaryty (but) ala 22 (needful) anqnwo (are) wh (on the contrary) Nwhyle (weak) Nylyxmd (that are considered) Nyrbtomd (in the body) argpb (are) Nwna (shameful) Nyreumd (which we think) Nnyrbod (& those) Nylyaw 23 (we increase) Nnygom (greater) aryty (honor) arqya (to these) Nylhl (are) Nwna (that contemptible) apkwndd (& those) Nylyaw (for them) Nwhl (we make) Nnydbe (greater) aryty (attire) amkoa (with us) Nb (that are) tyad (members) amdh (but) Nyd (those) Nylya 24 (honor) arqya (to them) Nwhl (need) aebtm (not) al (honored) Nyrqymd (& He has given) bhyw (the body) argpl (unites) hgzm (for) ryg (God) ahla (are small) rwezd (which) anya (to the members) amdhl (greater) aryty (honor) arqya (all of) Nwhlk (but) ala (in the body) argpb (divisions) atwglp (will be) awht (lest) ald 25 (caring) Nypuy (shall be) Nwwhn (another) dx (for) le (one) dx (equally) tyayws (the members) amdh (suffering) bak (shall be) awhn (member) Mdh (when one) dxd (that now) ytmad 26 (member) Mdh (one) dx (rejoices) xbtsm (& if) Naw (share the pain) Nysx (shall) Nwwhn (all of them) Nwhlk (rejoice) Nyxbtsm (shall) Nwwhn (the members) amdh (all of) Nwhlk (of The Messiah) axysmd (are) Nwtna (the body) hrgp (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 27 (in your places) Nwktkwdb (& members) amdhw (apostles) axyls (first) Mdqwl (in the church) htdeb (God) ahla (for) ryg (set) Mo 28 (teachers) anplm (after them) Nwhrtb (prophets) aybn (after them) Nwhrtb (gifts) atbhwm (after them) Nwhrtb (of miracles) alyx (workers) ydbe (after them) Nwhrtb (of languages) ansld (& kinds) aynzw (& leaders) anrbdmw (& helpers) anrdemw (of healing) atwyoad
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(prophets) aybn (all of them) Nwhlk (interrog.) amld (apostles) axyls (all of them) Nwhlk (interrog.) amld 29 (miracles) alyx (workers) yreo (all of them) Nwhlk (interrog.) aml (teachers) anplm (all of them) Nwhlk (interrog.) aml Are all of them apostles? Are all of them prophets? Are all of them teachers? Are all of them miracle workers? (of healing) atwyoad (gifts) atbhwm (to them) Nwhl (are?) tya (to all) Nwhlkl (interrog.) aml 30 (speaking) Nyllmm (with languages) anslb (all of them) Nwhlk (interrog.) aml (translating) Nyqspm (all of them) Nwhlk (interrog.) amld (or) wa (great) atbrwr (for gifts) atbhwmb (you are) Nwtna (are zealous) Nynj (but) Nyd (if) Na 31 (better) artymd (a way) axrwa (I shall show you) Nwkywxa (again) bwt (I) ana Chapter 13 (I shall speak) llma (human) asnynbd (language) Nsl (with every) lkb (if) Na 13:1 (in me) yb (shall be) awhn (not) al (& love) abwxw (& with angelic) akalmdbw (a cymbal) aluu (or) wa (brass) Mazd (clanging) asxn (I) yl (shall be) tywh (noise) alq (that gives) bhyd (prophecy) atwybn (in me) yb (there will be) awht (& if) Naw 2 (knowledge) atedy (& all) hlkw (all of them) Nwhlk (mysteries) azra (& I shall know) edaw (faith) atwnmyh (all) hlk (in me) yb (there will be) awht (& if) Naw (in me) yb (there is not) tyl (& love) abwxw (I may remove) ansa (that mountains) arwjd (so) ankya (anything) Mdm (I would be) tywh (not) al (to the poor) ankoml (to me) yl (that is) tyad (everything) lk (I should feed) lkwa (& if) Naw 3 (& love) abwxw (to burn up) dqand (my body) yrgp (I should hand over) Mlsa (& if) Naw (I) ana (gain) rty (not) al (anything) Mdm (in me) yb (shall be) awhn (not) al (love) abwx (& sweet) Myobw (of its spirit) hxwr (is) yh (long) arygn (love) abwx 4 (is puffed up) rtxtm (& not) alw (is upset) sgtsm (not) al (love) abwx (envies) Mox (not) al (seeks) aeb (neither) alw (what is shameful) atthbd (commits) reo (& not) alw 5 (evil) sybd (entertains) aertm (neither) alw (is provoked) rypttm (neither) alw (its own) hlyd (in the truth) atswqb (rejoices) adx (but) ala (in evil) alweb (rejoices) adx (not) al 6 (everything) lk (believes) Nmyhm (everything) Mdmlk (endures) rbyom (thing) Mdm (every) lk 7 (bears) lbo (everything) lk (hopes) rbom (shall cease) Nljbtn (for) ryg (prophesies) atwybn (fails) lpn (not) al (ever) Mwtmm (love) abwx 8 (shall be nothing) ljbtt (& knowledge) atedyw (shall be silenced) Nwqttsn (& tongues) anslw (we know) Nnyedy (much) ygo (of) Nm (for) ryg (it is) wh (a little) lylq 9 (we prophesy) Nnybntm (much) ygo (of) Nm (& a little) lylqw (then) Nydyh (perfection) atwrymg (will come) atatd (but) Nyd (when) ytma 10 (was) awh (that partial) lylqd (thing) Mdm (that) wh (shall be nothing) ljbtn (I was) tywh (speaking) llmm (a child) adwly (as) Kya (I was) tywh (a child) adwly (when) dk 11 (a child) adwly (& as) Kyaw (I was) tywh (led) aertm (a child) adwly (& as) Kyaw (a man) arbg (but) Nyd (I became) tywh (when) dk (I was) tywh (thinking) bsxtm (childish) atwyljd (these things) Nylh (I ceased) tljb (in an allegory) atalpb (we see) Nnyzx (in a mirror) atyzxmbd (as) Kya (now) ash 12 (face) Nypa (in front of) lbqwl (face) Nypa (but) Nyd (then) Nydyh (much) ygo (of) Nm (little) lylq (I) ana (know) edy (now) ash (I am known) tedytad (when) am (as) Kya (I shall know) eda (but) Nyd (then) Nydyh (that continue) Nrtkmd (three) tlt (for) ryg (there are) Nyna (these things) Nylh 13 (& love) abwxw (& hope) arbow (faith) atwnmyh
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(is love) abwx (of these) Nyhnm (but) Nyd (that which is greatest) brd Chapter 14 (for gifts) atbhwmb (& be zealous) wnjw (love) abwx (after) rtb (run) wjrh 14:1 (that you may prophesy) Nwbnttd (but) Nyd (all the more) tyaryty (of The Spirit) axwrd (in languages) anslb (for) ryg (speaks) llmmd (whoever) Nm 2 (to God) ahlal (but) ala (speaking) llmm (to children of men) asnynbl (has been) awh (not) al (he speaks) llmmd (what) Mdm (understands) ems (person) sna (for) ryg (no) al (he speaks) llmm (mysteries) azra (by The Spirit) xwrb (but) ala (to children of men) asnynbl (who prophesies) abntmd (but) Nyd (he) anya 3 (& comfort) aaywbw (& encouragement) abbwlw (edification) anynb (speaks) llmm (building up) anb (is) wh (himself) hspn (in languages) anslb (he who speaks) llmmd 4 (builds up) anb (the church) atde (& he who prophesies) abntmdw (in languages) anslb (may speak) Nwllmt (that you all) Nwklkd (but) Nyd (I) ana (wish) abu 5 (that you may prophesy) Nwbnttd (but) Nyd (all the more) tyaryty (prophesies) abntmd (who) anya (for) ryg (he is) wh (greater)br (he translates) qspm (unless) al Na (in languages) anslb (who speaks) llmmd (he) wh (than) Nm (he edifies) anb (the church) atde (he translates) qspm (but) Nyd (if) Na (to you) Nwktwl (I come) ata (if) Na (my brethren) yxa (& now) ashw 6 (in languages) anslb (with you) Nwkme (& I shall speak) llmaw (you) Nwkl (I) ana (do benefit) rtwm (what?) anm (in revelation) anylgb (either) wa (with you) Nwkme (I shall speak) llma (if) Na (unless) ala (in teaching) anplwyb (or) wa (in prophecy) atwybnb (or) wa (in knowledge) atedyb (or) wa (in which) Nyhb (there is not) tyld (those) Nylya (for) ryg (things) atwbu (even) Pa 7 (harp) artyq (or) Naw (a flute) abwba (if) Na (sound) alq (& giving) Nbhyw (life) aspn (a tone) atnyq (between) tyb (they make) Ndbe (not) al (a distinction) ansrwp (if) Na (anything) Mdm (is known) edytm (how?) ankya (to another) htrbxl (that is harped) sqntmd (anything) Mdm (or) wa (that is played) rmdzmd (is distinguished) syrp (that not) ald (a sound) alq (call) arqt (a horn) anrq (& if) Naw 8 (for battle) abrql (will be prepared) byjtn (who?) wnm (in languages) anslb (words) atlm (you will say) Nwrmat (if) Na (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 9 (anything) Mdm (is known) edytm (how?) ankya (translating) aqspm (you will be) awht (& not) alw (yourselves) Nwkl (you will be) Nwtywh (you) Nwtna (that say) Nyrmad (you are) Nwtna (speaking) Nyllmm (the air) raa (who with) Med (one) wh (as if) Kya (in the world) amleb (are) tya (many) aaygo (of languages *) ansld (kinds) aong (for) ryg (behold) ah 10 (sound *) alq (without) ald (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (& there is not) tylw N * Greek has Fwnwn Phonone Sounds where The Peshitta has languages.The Aramaic for Sounds would be alq, aynlq, Nylq. In DSS script:. )lq lq,)ynlq. Languages in DSS is )n$ld. Lets compare with Aramaic for Sounds: )n$ld I do not think the Aramaic )n$ld -Dleshana was misread as )ynlq Qalanaya. The fact is that the Greek word Fwnwn Phonone Sounds can also mean voices or languages; It refers to language in 2 Maccabees in The LXX several times. I have highlighted the above two grey shaded words simply to illustrate that even the two most similar do not reach the level of correlation needed to support a relationship and basis for explaining a Greek reading as a translation of a misread Aramaic word. There is only 40% letter correlation (2 out of 5) between the two Aramaic words. That is too low a score to support that )n$ld was read as )ynlq. What I do affirm of the Greek of this verse is that it is very awkward and that it does not explain the distinct Aramaic words Leshana ansl Languages and Qala alq Sound at the end. The Greek has in the place of each Aramaic wordfwnwn Phonone & afwnov Aphonos. Aphonos is a negative of Phonos. It means Noiseless, Dumb, Voiceless. Both Greek words have the same root fwnh- Phone. It does not make good sense to say, There are many phonics in the world, and not one of them is without phonics- but this is what the Greek says. If phonics refers to language, then a-phonics refers to no language; if it is sound, then a-phonics refers to no sound. The Greek is unclear and confused; The Aramaic is quite clear, using two distinct words: Leshana- Language and Dla QalaGlenn David Bauscher Page 530 5/3/2010

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

without sound. I reject the notion that The Peshitta is clear because it fixes the confusing or unclear readings of the original Greek. The original New Testament would not be ridiculous or absurd; the Greek NT is just that in some places. The errors cannot be evaded or erased. Some are in every known Greek witness to a particular text. (of the sound) alqd (the import) hlyx (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (& if) Naw 11 (who speaks) llmmd (to him) whl (a foreigner) ayrbrb (myself) yl (I) ana (am) awh (a foreigner *) ayrbrb (to me) yl (himself) hl (is) awh (who speaks) llmmd (he) wh (& also) Paw * Greek has Barbarov- Barbarian, which is a loan word from Aramaic; The Aramaic ayrbrb Barbarya is really a compound word of two: Bar rb- Son and Baria ayrb - the outside; the compound word then literally means, Son of the outside; it therefore refers to foreigners or strangers. Greek is not the origin of this Aramaic word, but the converse is true. (you are) Nwtna (zealous) annjd (because) ljm (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 12 (of the church) atded (for the edification) anynbl (of The Spirit) axwrd (of the gifts *) atbhwmd (to abound) rtyttd (seek) web N * Greek has zhlwtai este pneumatwn You are zealous of spirits; Gifts are not mentioned.This makes for a rather unusual reading.The Peshitta certainly did not get Gifts from Greek.One late uncial Greek ms. (P- 9th cent.) has pneumatikwn -pneumatikwn- spiritual things, but there is no evidence that early Greek mss. had this reading. (to translate) qspnd (let him pray) alun (in languages) anslb (who speaks) llmmd (& he) whw 13 (in languages) anslb (pray) alum (I should) tywhd (for) ryg (it is) wh (if) Na 14 (praying) aylum (is) wh (my spirit) yxwr (is) wh (fruits) Nyrap (without) ald (but) Nyd (my understanding) yedm (with my spirit) yxwrb (I shall pray) alua (shall I do) dbea (therefore) lykh (what?) anm 15 (with my spirit) yxwrb (& I shall sing) rmzaw (with my understanding) yedmb (also) Pa (& I shall pray) aluaw (with my understanding) yedmb (also) Pa (& I shall sing) rmzaw (in the spirit) xwrb (you) tna (say a blessing) Krbm (if) Na (otherwise) al Naw 16 (of the unlearned) ajwydhd (the place) htkwd (who fills) almmd (he) wh (your) Klyd (your giving of thanks) Ktydwt (for) le (Amen) Nyma (shall he say) rman (how?) ankya (he knew) edy (not) al (you) tna (said) rma (what) anmd (because) ljm (you) tna (bless) Krbm (well) ryps (for) ryg (you) tna 17 (is edified) anbtm (not) al (your neighbor) Krbx (but) ala (all of you) Nwklk (than) Nm (that more) rytyd (God) ahlal (I) ana (thank) adwm 18 (in languages) anslb (I am) ana (speaking) llmm (words) Nylm (that five) smxd (I am) ana (willing) abu (in the church) atdeb (but) ala 19 (I may instruct) Pla (others) anrxa (that also) Pad (I should speak) llma (in my understanding) yedmb (in languages) anslb (words) Nylm (ten thousand) wbr (than) Nm (rather) ryty (in your intellects) Nwkynyerb (children) Nylj (be you) Nwtywh (not) al (my brothers) yxa 20 (infants) adwly (be) wwh (to evil) atsybl (but) ala (fully mature) Nyrymg (be) wwh (& in your intellects) Nwkynyerbw (foreign) ayrkwn (with speech *) allmmbd (it is written) bytk (in The Law) aowmnb 21 (with it) hme (I shall speak) llma (another) anrxa (& with language) anslbw (shall they hear Me) ynnwemsn (in this way) ankh (neither) alpa (this) anh (people) ame (with) Me (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma N * The Greek mss. agree with The LXX (Isaiah 28:11) with the reading ceilesin-lips; The Peshitta NT agrees with The Peshitta OT reading in this word, allmmb in speech. The Hebrew OT has Mocking lips. This prophesy probably refers to the Aramaic language which was to be used during the Babylonian and Persian captivities in writing Daniel 2-7 and Ezra 4:7-6:18 and later when The NT was given in Aramaic, as well as the gift of many languages spoken to the dispersed Jews on The Day of Pentecost by the apostles and other disciples.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(established) Nymyo (are) wh (for a sign) atal (languages) ansl (so then) Nydm 22 (believe) Nynmyhm (who not) ald (for those) Nylyal (but) ala (for believers) anmyhml (not) al (believe) Nynmyhm (who not) ald (to those) Nylyal (was) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (prophecy) atwybn (who believe) Nynmyhmd (to those) Nylyal (but) ala (the church) atde (all) hlk (assemble) snkttd (therefore) lykh (it occurs) wh (if) Na 23 (& shall enter) Nwlenw (shall speak) Nwllmn (in languages) anslb (& all of them) Nwhlkw (believe) Nynmyhm (who not) ald (those) Nylya (or) wa (the uninitiated) ajwydh (themselves) Nwhl (have gone insane) wns (that these) Nylhd (will they say) Nyrma (not?) al (prophesy) Nybntm (you will) Nwwht (all of you *) Nwklk (& if) Naw 24 (who not) ald (one) Nm (or) wa (the unlearned) ajwydh (to you) Nwktwl (& enter) lwenw (all of you) Nwklk (from) Nm (he is searched out) aubtm (believes) Nmyhm (all of you) Nwklk (by) Nm (& they are reproved) Nwktmw N * The Aramaic has the 2nd person personal pronoun You five times (sometimes doubled in verb and separate pronoun); Greek has no pronouns here. A translator will normally drop pronouns to smooth out the translation, especially when translating from a Semitic to a non Semitic language, as Semitic languages like Hebrew and Aramaic have pronouns attached to verbs, nouns, prepositions and even adjectives like all. The Greek NT is not so pronominal and The Greek NT bears uncanny resemblance to The LXX in its relationship to The Peshitta in the ratio of pronouns, preps., conjunctions, etc.. See my study on this in my book- Divine Contact. (are revealed) Nylgtm (of the heart) hbld (& the secrets) atyokw 25 (on his face) yhwpa (on) le (he will fall) lpn (& then) Nydyhw (truly) tyaryrs (& he will say) rmanw (God) ahlal (& will worship) dwgonw (in you) Nwkb (is) tya (God) ahla (that whenever) ytmad (my brethren) yxa (therefore) lykh (I) ana (say) rma 26 (has) hl (ever) tyad (of you) Nwknm (to whom) anyal (you) Nwtna (gather) Nysnktmd (has) hl (ever) tyad (& who) anyaw (let him speak) rman (a psalm) arwmzm (a revelation) anylg (has) hl (ever) tyad (& who) anyaw (a teaching) anplwy (ever) tyad (& who) anyaw (a language) ansl (has) hl (ever) tyad (& who) anyaw (let be) Nywhn (for edification) anynbl (all things) Nyhlk (a translation) aqswp (has) hl (let speak) Nwllmn (two) Nyrt (shall speak) llmn (men) sna (in languages) anslb (& if) Naw 27 (let them speak) Nwllmn (one) dx (& each) dxw (three) atlt (more) ygo (& when) dkw (let translate) qspn (& one) dxw (him) hl (let be silent) qwtsn (a translator) qspmd (there is not) tyl (& if) Naw 28 (in a language) anslb (who speaks) llmmd (him) wh (in the church) atdeb (let him speak) llmn (& to God) ahlalw (to himself) hspnl (& only) yhwnybw (let speak) Nwllmn (three) atlt (or) wa (two) Nyrt (but) Nyd (the prophets) aybn 29 (let discern) Nwsrpn (& the others) akrsw (while) dk (is revealed a thing) algtn (to another) anrxal (& if) Naw 30 (him) hl (let be quiet) qwtsn (the first) aymdq (sitting) bty (one) dx (of each) dxd (all of you) Nwklk (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (can) Nyxksm 31 (may teach) Plan (that every person) snlkd (prophesy) Nwbntt (may be comforted) aybtn (& every person) snlkw (of the prophet) aybnd (for) ryg (the spirit) axwr 32 (is subject) adbetsm (to the prophet) aybnl (of tumult) ayswgsd (is) awh (not) al (God) ahlad (because) ljm 33 (that in all) Nyhlkbd (as) Kya (of peace) amlsd (but) ala (of the saints) asydqd (the assemblies) atde (silent) Nqyts (let be) Nywhn (in the assemblies) atdeb (your women) Nwkysn 34 (to speak) Nllmnd (for them) Nyhl (it is allowed) opm (for) ryg (not) al (just as) ankya (to be in subjection) Ndbetsnd (but) ala
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(says) rma (The written Law) aowmn (also) Pad (to learn) Npland (they wish) Nybu (anything) Mdm (& if) Naw 35 (their husbands) Nyhylebl (let them ask) Nlasn (in their houses) Nyhytbb (in the assembly) atdeb (that women *) asnd (for) ryg (is) yh (a shame) atthb (would speak) Nllmn * The Critical Greek text has gunaiki -a woman. (came forth) tqpn (it) wh (from you?) Nwknm (interrog.) amld (or) wa 36 (arrived) tjm (only) dwxlb (it) wh (unto you) Nwktwl (or) wa (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (he is) wh (that a prophet) aybnd (thinks) rbo (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na 37 (these things) Nylh (let him know) edn (he is) wh (of The Spirit) axwrd (or) wa (that the commandments) andqwpd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (that write) btkd (of our Lord) Nrmd (they are) Nwna (let him know) edn (not) al (knows) edy (not) al (but) Nyd (a man) sna (if) Na 38 (to prophesy) wybntml (my brothers) yxa (therefore) lykh (be zealous) wnj 39 (forbid) Nwlkt (not) al (in languages) anslb (& to speak) wllmmlw (let be done) awhn (& with order) aokjbw (with decorum) amkoab (but) Nyd (everything) Mdmlk 40

Chapter 15 (the Gospel) Nwylgnwa (my brethren) yxa (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (teach) edwm 15:1 (& you received it) yhynwtlbqw (that I preached to you) Nwktrbod (in it) hb (& you stand) Nwtmqw (words) atlm (by those) adyab (you) Nwtna (have life) Nyax (& by it) hbw 2 (unless) al Na (you) Nwtna (remember *) Nydhe (if) Na (I preached to you) Nwktrbo (you have believed) Nwtnmyh (unworthily) tyaqyro (it has happened) awh N * Greek mss. all have katecete you hold, where The Peshitta has you remember, call to mind.Here is the Aramaic for hold in the plural: Nydxa, Nydyxa.Compare these with Nydhe remember-The Peshitta reading above.Then see them in DSS script: }ydx) -Hold; Here they are in Ashuri Aramaic: Nydxa -Hold }ydh(-Remember Nydhe -Remember Either script displays very close resemblance between the two words. One extra small downward stroke on the Ayin of the DSS script - ( would make it an Alap -); Everything else is essentially the same in both words. This illustrates plainly how the Greek reading was derived from The Peshittas Aramaic. The Greek word for You remember is mnhmoneuete. Does that resemble katecete you hold? Hardly! The Greek cannot account for the Peshitta reading here with credibility. Ashuri Aramaic: Nydxa -Hold Nydhe -Remember Dead Sea Scroll script: }ydx) -Hold }ydh( -Remember A good injunction for all who seek the truth. Remember this evidence and all the rest I have presented and that yet to come. (the first) Mdqwl (from) Nm (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (I have delivered) tmlsa 3 (died) tym (that The Messiah) axysmd (which I received) tlbqd (that) Mdm (according to) Kya (it is written) bytkd (just as) ankya (our sins) Nyhjx (the sake of) ypa (for) le
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(days) Nymwy (after three) atltl (& He arose) Mqw (& that He was buried) rbqtadw 4 (that which is written) bytkd (as) Kya Nymwy atltl lTlatha yomayne is an idiomatic expression in Aramaic, meaning the third day. (to the twelve) roertl (& after him) hrtbw (to Kaypha) apakl (& He has appeared) yzxtaw 5 (than) Nm (to more) rytyl (He appeared) yzxta (& after that) Nkrtbw 6 (as one) adxka (brethren) Nyxa (five hundred) aamsmx (now) ashl (until) amde (are) Nwna (present) Nymyq (of whom) Nwhnm (many) aaygod (have fallen asleep) wkmd (& some of them) Nwhnmw (to Yaqob) bwqeyl (He appeared) yzxta (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 7 (all of them) Nwhlk (to the apostles) axylsl (& after him) hrtbw (to an aborted baby) ajxyld (as if) Kya (of all of them) Nwhlkd (but) Nyd (to the last) atrxl 8 (to me) yl (also) Pa (He appeared) yzxta (of the apostles) axylsd (the least of them) Nwhrwez (for) ryg (am) ana (I) ana 9 (an apostle) axyls (to be called) arqtad (I am) ana (worthy) aws (& not) alw (of God) ahlad (the church) htde (that I persecuted) tpdrd (because) ljm (whatever) Mdm (I am) ytya (of God) ahlad (but) Nyd (by the grace) htwbyjb 10 (that is in me) ybd (& His grace) htwbyjw (I am) ytyad (worthless) aqyro (has been) twh (not) al (I have labored) tyal (all of them) Nwhlk (than) Nm (more) ryty (but) ala (that is with me) ymed (His grace) htwbyj (but) ala (I) ana (not) al (those) Nwnh (or if) Naw (therefore) lykh (I) ana (if) Na 11 (you have believed) Nwtnmyh (& in this way) ankhw (we preach) Nnyzrkm (in this way) ankh (Who arose) Mqd (is preached) zrktm (The Messiah) axysm (but) Nyd (if) Na 12 (among you) Nwkb (are there) tya (how?) ankya (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (for the dead) atym (life *) tyx (there is not) tyl (who say) Nyrmad (persons) asna * atym tyx Khayth mitha-life of the dead -See Matthew 22:23; this phrase has to do with the afterlife, not bodily resurrection. The same phrase was used by the Sadducees who denied the afterlife. Our Lord quoted the Torah (the only books Sadducees accepted) to show Abraham,Isaac and Jacob were alive after death. He did not refer to their physical resurrection, as their dead bodies had never been raised from their graves.So this passage in Cor. refers to spiritual life after physical death; it also would apply to salvation for the lost. The word Khaya very often refers to salvation; a high percentage of occurrences are paralleled by the Greek root, "swzw- (Sozo)-To save. When The Holy Spirit uses the words Living& Life( tyx & ayx), He does not refer to those who are half dead or completely dead. He refers to those who have eternal life. Life from the dead or Life of the dead is the salvation of those who are lost, not a mere bodily resurrection of spiritually dead people. (there is not) tyl (for the dead) atym (Life) tyx (& if) Naw 13 (is risen) Mq (The Messiah) axysm (not even) alpa And if there is no salvation for the dead, not even The Messiah is risen. (worthless) aqyro (is risen) Mq (not) al (The Messiah) axysm (& if) Naw 14 (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (also) Pa (is worthless) aqyro (our preaching) Ntwzwrk (is) yh (lying) algd (witnesses) adho (also) Pa (but) Nyd (we are) Nnx (found) Nyxktsm 15 (God) ahla (of) le (for we testified) Ndhoad (of God) ahlad (He raised Him) Myqa (not) al (when) dk (The Messiah) axysml (that He raised) Myqad Greek has If the dead do not rise added at the end of the verse, which looks like a repetition of the first phrase (If the dead do not rise) of the next verse, which all Greek mss. also include in its entirety. Codex D is the only ancient Greek ms. that reads v. 15 without that phrase, as does The Peshitta. (live again) Nymyq (not) al (for) ryg (those who died) atym (if) Na 16 (lives) Mq (The Messiah) axysm (not even) alpa
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

If those who have died do not live again, neither does The Messiah live. Mq Quum and Nymyq Quumine can mean, rise,stand,be alive,abide,exist. Here is the entry for Myq from Smiths Compendious Syriac Dictionary:

Since the same root word is used both of those who died and The Messiah, I have used the same translation here to illustrate the drama of Pauls argument for the universal results of the resurrection of The Messiah Yeshua, in which uses reverse logic to illustrate the absurdity of denying universalism; If those who have died do not live again, then The Messiah is dead. (is alive) Mq (not) al (The Messiah) axysm (& if) Naw 17 (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (is) yh (empty) aljb (you are) Nwtna (in your sins) Nwkyhjxb (& yet) lykdew (in The Messiah) axysmb (who are asleep) wkmdd (those) Nylya (also) Pa (& doubtless) rbkw 18 (themselves) Nwhl (have perished) wdba (only) dwxlb (lives) ayx (it is) wh (in these) Nylhb (& if) Naw 19 (so it is) wh (we are wretched) Nnywd (in The Messiah) axysmb (we hope) Nnyrbom (children of men) asnynb (all) Nwhlk (more than) Nm And if it is only in this life that we hope in The Messiah, we are the most wretched of all people. (The Messiah) axysm (but) Nyd (now) ash 20 (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nm (is risen) Mq (of the sleeping ones) akmdd (The First-Fruits) atysr (& is) awhw (death) atwm (was) awh (a man) asnrb (by) dybd (& just as) ankyaw 21 (a Man) asnrb (by) dyb (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (of the dead) atym (the life) tyx (was) aywh asnrb Bar nasha properly refers to a human being, not necessarily a son of man, which Adam obviously was not. (all of them) Nwhlk (by Adam) Mdabd (for) ryg (just as) ankya 22 (by The Messiah) axysmb (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (die) Nytym (the children of men) asnynb (shall live) Nyax (all of them) Nwhlk For just as by Adam, all people die, in this way also, by The Messiah, they all shall live. There is only one word given by Paul as the foundation and cause for universal salvation which outweighs all objections against his declaration, and that word is axysm -Meshikha- Messiah; Whoever denies the universal effect of the death and resurrection of The Messiah denies The Person of The Messiah Who is Absolute & Omnipotent Eternal Deity, Who came to save the world(John 12:47). If the world is not saved, then The Messiah is dead. That is essentially what verse 16 says. The Messiah Yahweh cannot fail in any way, certainly not in His mission to save the world by His death and resurrection. (The Messiah) axysm (was) awh (The First Fruits) atysr (in his order) hokjb (person) sna (each) sna 23 (at His arrival) htytamb (are) Nwna (who The Messiahs) axysmdd (those) Nylya (after this) Nkrtb Each person in his order: The Messiah was the First Fruits; after Him, those who belong to The Messiah at His arrival.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(He will deliver) Mlsmd (when) am (the end) atrx (will be) awht (& then) Nydyhw 24 (The Father) aba (to God) ahlal (the kingdom) atwklm (ruler) syr (every) lk (He will destroy) ljbd (when) am (powers) Nylyx (& all) lkw (authority) Njlws (& every) lkw (will be set) Myond (until) amde (to reign) Klmnd (for) ryg (He is) wh (going) dyte 25 (His feet) yhwlgr (under) tyxt (all of them) Nwhlk (His enemies) yhwbbdleb (death) atwm (shall be destroyed) ljbtm (enemy) abbdleb (& the last) ayrxaw 26 His feet) yhwlgr (under) tyxt (He brought to submission) dbes (for) ryg (all) lk 27 (to Him) hl (are subjected) dbetsm (all things) Mdmlkd (but) Nyd (that says) rmad (when) am (all) lk (to Him) hl (Who subjected) dbesd (Him) wh (for) Nm (that it is excepting) rjod (it is understood) aeydy (all) lk (to Him) hl (is subjected) dbetsad (& when) amw 28 (to Him) whl (shall be subject) dbetsn (Son) arb (The) wh (then) Nydyh (in all) lkb (all) lk (God) ahla (that may be) awhnd (all) lk (to Him) hl (Who subjected) dbesd (who are baptized) Nydmed (those) Nwnh (shall do) Nwdben (what?) anm (otherwise) alaw 29 (live again) Nymyq (not) al (the dead) atym (if) Na (the dead) atym (for the sake of) Plx (the dead) atym (for the sake of) Plx (are they baptized) Nydme (why?) anm (hour) aes (in every) lkb (are we) Nnx (also) Pa (& why?) anmlw 30 (living) Nnymyq (in peril) ownydnqb (for me) yl (that is) tyad (my brothers) yxa (by your boasting) Nwkrhbwsb (I) ana (swear) amy 31 (I) ana (die) tam (that every day) Mwylkd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (I was cast *) tydtsa (of the people) asnynb (a citizen) tybd (as) Kya (if) Na 32 (have I gained) tynhta (what?) anm (in Ephesus) owopab (to wild beasts) atwyxl (rise) Nymyq (not) al (the dead) atym (if) Na (we die) Nnytym (for) ryg (tomorrow) rxm (& let us drink) atsnw (let us eat) lwkan N * Greek has eyhriomachsa -I beast fought (word not found anywhere else in Greek?) The Peshitta says atwyxl tydtsa- I was cast to wild beasts; The verb is tydtsa; tyntua is -I have fought; Lets see them in the old DSS script: tydt$) -I was cast; tyntc)-I have fought I see at least 66% correlation here. (pleasant) amyob (minds) anyer (corrupts) Nlbxm (be deceived) Nwejt (not) al 33 (evil) atsyb (discourse *) atyews N * Greek mss. have omilia-companionship (found once in The Greek NT). The Aramaic atyews Shawaytha,talking,discourse, is very similar to atyws Shawytha, agreement, fellowship,equality. The Aramaic atyews Shawaytha,talking,discourseoccurs four times apart from this verse. In those places the Greek has muyov, Mythos-speech,saying, story,fable. If the Aramaic were translated from Greek, it is unlikelyomilia would be translated atyews-Shawaytha.It would most likely be translated atyws Shawytha. The adding of the third letter e (Ayin) to form atyews-Shawaytha by accident would be too fortuitous and unlikely an event to account for the Peshitta reading. Scribal errors are far more likely to involve omissions than additions; Nor would omilia(Homilia) be mistaken for muyov or the plural muyoi. It is far more likely atyews Shawaythawas misread as atyws Shawytha by a Greek translator, who wrote omilia where he should have written muyoi-(fables,stories).The two Aramaic words have an 84% correlation. A graphic review & illustration: Ashuri script: atyews Shawaytha-talking,discourse. atyws Shawytha- agreement, fellowship,equality. Dead Sea Scroll: )ty(w$Shawaytha-talking,discourse. )tyw$Shawytha- agreement, fellowship,equality.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(sin) Nwjxt (& not) alw (justly) tyaqydz (your hearts) Nwkbl (awaken)wryea 34 (of God) ahlad (whom the knowledge) atedyd (some) asna (for) ryg (there are) tya (I) ana (say) rma (that) wh (to your shame) Nwktthbl (in them) Nwhb (there is not) tyl (the dead) atym (rise) Nymyq (how?) ankyad (of you) Nwknm (someone) sna (will say) rman 35 (do they come) Nyta (body) argp (& in what?) anyabw (you) tna (that plant) erzd (the seed) aerz (fools) alko 36 (it will live) ayx (not) al (it dies) tam (not) al (if) Na (is) awh (not) al (you) tna (which sow) erzd (thing) Mdm (& that) whw 37 (but) ala (you) tna (sow) erz (to be) awhml (that is going) dyted (body) argp (that) wh (of barley) areod (or) wa (of wheat) ajxd (naked) atyljre (a grain) atdrp (grains) anwerzd (of other) akrsd (or) wa (He chooses) abud (just as) ankya (a body) argp (to it) hl (gives) bhy (but) Nyd (God) ahla 38 (of its nature) hnykd (a body) argp (the grains) anwerz (of) Nm (one) dx (& to each) dxlw (to another) Nyrxa (equal) aws (body) rgp (every) lk (but) Nyd (was) awh (not) al 39 (& another) Nyrxaw (of man) asna (of a son) rbd (the body) argp (for) ryg (there is) wh (of a fish) anwnd (another) Nyrxaw (of a bird) atxrpd (& another) Nyrxaw (of oxen) aryebd (heavenly) anyms (a body) argp (& there is) tyaw 40 (earthly) aynera (a body) argp (& there is) tyaw (the glory) axbws (there is) wh (one) Nyrxa (but) ala (of the earthly) aynerad (& another) Nyrxaw (of the heavenly) anymsd (of the sun) asmsd (the glory) axbws (is) wh (& one) Nyrxaw 41 (& another) Nyrxaw (of the moon) arhod (glory) axbws (& another) Nyrxaw (another star) abkwk (than) Nm (& one star) abkwkw (of a star) abkwkd (the glory) axbws (in glory) axbwsb (is) wh (greater) rtym (for those who die) atym (is the life) tyx (also) Pa (thus) ankh 42 (with corruption) albxb (they are sown) Nyerdzm (corruption) albx (without) ald (they rise) Nymyq (with glory) axbwsb (they rise) Nymyq (with disgrace) areub (they are sown) Nyerdzm 43 (in power) alyxb (they rise) Nymyq (in weakness) atwhyrkb (they are sown) Nyerdzm (animal) aynspn (a body) argp (they are sown) Nyerdzm 44 (spiritual) aynxwr (a body) argp (it rises) Maq (animal) spnd (a body) argp (for) ryg (there is) tya (spiritual) xwrd (a body) argp (& there is) tyaw (it is written) bytk (also) Pa (thus) ankh 45 (living) ayx (a soul) spnl (the first) aymdq (man) asnrb (Adam) Mda (was) awh (The Life Giver) atynyxm (The Spirit) axwrl (The Last) ayrxa (& Adam) Mdaw (the spiritual) aynxwr (first) Mdqwl (was) awh (not) al (but) ala 46 (the spiritual) aynxwr (& then) Nydyhw (the animal) aynspn (but) ala (the ground) aera (that is from) Nmd (dust) anrpe (the first) aymdq (the man) asnrb 47 (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (Jehovah) ayrm (second) Nyrtd (The Man) asnrb The first man is dust from the ground; The Second Man is Jehovah from Heaven. No Greek ms. has this reading, as the Greek word Kurios Lord is used, which is an ambiguous title, not a Name at all. ayrm- Mar-Yah is The Sacred Name of God (Yahweh) in Aramaic.The Aramaic NT refers to Yeshua as Mar-Yah(Yahweh or Jehovah) thirty times or more. The Critical Greek text (a,B,C,P46,etc.) does not even have Kurios Lord in this verse! (dusty) anrpe (is) wh (he who a being) yhwtyad (just as) ankya 48 (the dusty) anrpe (also) Pa (so) ankh (Heaven) ayms (Who from) Nmd (is) wh (He Who The Being) yhwtyad (& just as) ankyaw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(the Heavenly) anyms (also) Pa (so) ankh (the dust) arpe (from) Nmd (of him) whd (the image) atwmd (we have worn) Nsbld (& as) Kyaw 49 (Heaven) ayms (from) Nmd (of Him) whd (the image) atwmd (we shall wear) sbln (thus) ankh (my brethren) yxa (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh 50 (of Heaven) aymsd (the kingdom) atwklm (& blood) amdw ( flesh) arobd (are able) Nyxksm (not) al (to inherit) traml (destructibility) atwnlbxtm (in-) al (inherits) try (corruption) albx (neither) alw (shall sleep) Kmdn (all of us) Nlk (not) wl (a mystery) azra (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (tell) rma (behold) ah 51 (we shall be transformed) Plxtn (but) Nyd (all of us) Nlk (of an eye) anye (the blink) Ppr (like) Kya (suddenly) tyapyrx 52 (last) atyrxa (at the trumpet) anrqb (the dead) atym (& shall rise) Nwmwqnw (it will sound) arqt (when) dk (shall be transformed) Plxtn (& we) Nnxw (corruption) albx (without) ald (destructible) lbxtmd (this) anh (for) ryg (is) wh (going) dyte 53 (mortal) tamd (& this) anhw (-destructibility) atwnlbxtm (in-) al (to wear) sblnd (mortality) atwtwym (im-) al (to wear) sblnd (destructible) lbxtmd (this) anh (but) Nyd (puts on) sbld (whenever) am 54 (mortality) atwtwym (im-) al (mortal) tamd (& this) anhw (-destructibility) atwnlbxtm (in-) al (that is written) abytkd (that) yh (word) atlm (will come to pass) awht (then) Nydyh (by Victory) atwkzb (death) atwm ( is swallowed) elbtad For destructible- lbxtmd, most Greek mss. have fyarton (Phtharton means corruptible,destructible);other Greek mss. from Alexandria omit the whole phrase, this destructible will put on indestructibility, and; they also have mortal where the others have corruptible. (Death) atwm (your sting) Koqwe (where is?) wkya 55 (Sheol *) lwys (your victory) yktwkz (is) yh (where?) akya (Oh!) wa Where is your sting, O Death? Oh Sheol, where is your victory? M * Most Greek mss. have adh- Hades; The Critical Greek, based on (P46,B,a, etc.) has yanate Death twice: Oh death, where is your victory? Oh death, where is your sting? (is) yh (sin) atyjx (of death) atwmd (but) Nyd (the sting) hoqwe 56 (is) wh (The Written Law) aowmn (of sin) atyjxd (& the power) alyxw (the victory) atwkz (us) Nl (Who gives) bhyd (God) ahlal (but) Nyd (thank) wbyj 57 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (by) dyb (steadfast) Nyrrsm (be) wwh (& beloved) ybybxw (my brethren) yxa (from now on) lykm 58 (abounding) Nyrtytm (be) wwh (but) ala (shaken) Nyeyztm (be you) Nwwht (& not) alw (of Jehovah) ayrmd (in the work) hdbeb (in every time) Nbzlkb (that your toil) Nwklmed (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (as) dk (in Jehovah) ayrmb (worthless) qyro (has been) awh (not) al The Majority Greek text contains the word Kurios Lord in its various forms 625 times; in 240 of those places, The Peshittas Aramaic has ayrm- Jehovah. Why 38% of them? If The Peshitta were a translation of The Greek NT, it seems strange that 38% of Kurios Lord would be interpreted as Jehovah, even in such verses as this which does not quote OT or refer to it at all. About 275 of the 625 are Nrm Maran-Our Lord in Aramaic. So The Peshitta NT uses MarYah (The Lord Yahweh) about half the time and Maran (Our Lord) about half the time where Kurios occurs. The Peshitta primacy model explains the data much better than Greek primacy does. A Greek translator would have little choice in translating MarYah or Maran; Kurios would be the one Greek word most suitable, since both MarYah and Maran come from the root rm-Mar, which means Lord. In a few places, Yeov God is used instead or in conjunction with Kurios to signify The Deity, but like The LXX, which translates Yahweh thousands of times, Kurios is the translation of choice more than 90% of the time.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Chapter 16 (for the saints) asydql (collected) snktmd (but) Nyd (things) Mdm (about) le 16:1 (of Galatia) ayjlgd (the church) atdel (I have commanded) tdqpd (just as) ankya (do) wdbe (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (of you) Nwknm (person) sna (each) sna (of the week) absb (first day) dx (on every) lkb 2 (thing) Mdm (that) wh (& keep) rjnw (lay down) Mao (let him) awhn (in his house *) htybb (I come) tytad (when) am (that not) ald (to his hand) yhwdyab (that comes *) ajmd (collections) atybg (there will be) Nywhn (then) Nydyh N * Greek has nothing about in his house.Greek also has euodwtai he may be prospered where The Peshitta has that comes to his hand (an Aramaic idiom meaning, to be able). (you) Nwtna (whom elect) Nybgd (those) Nylyal (I shall have come) tytad (& when) amw 3 (with a letter) atrgab (I shall send) rdsa (them) Nwhl (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (your gift) Nwktwbyj (to carry) Nwlbwnd (I visit) anrewo (it) wh (is appropriate) aws (but) Nyd (if) Na 4 (they shall depart) Nwlzan (with me) yme (shall depart) lza (I) ana (when also) Pad (I have passed) trbed (whenever) am (to you) Nwktwl (but) Nyd (I) ana (come) ata 5 (to Maqedonya) aynwdqml (for) ryg (to it) hl (I) ana (shall pass) rbe (the city) aynwdqm (from) Nm (winter) atoa (or) wa (I shall remain) awqa (with you) Nwktwl (also) Pa (& perhaps) rbkw 6 (I) ana (go) lzad (to where) rtal (may accompany me) ynnwwlt (that you) Nwtnad (with you) Nwktwl (now) ashd (I) ana (wish) abu (for) ryg (not) al 7 (to see you) Nwkyzxa (the way) axrwa (I pass) rbe (so as) Kya (a time) anbz (to tarry) rxwad (for) ryg (I) ana (hope) rbom (me) yl (permits) opm (My Lord) yrm (if) Na (with you) Nwktwl (Pentecost) ajowqjnpl (until) amde (in Ephesus) owopab (but) Nyd (I) ana (remain) awqm 8 (to me) yl (is opened) xtpta (great) abr (for) ryg (a gate) aert 9 (many) Nyaygo (& opponents) albwqow (with opportunities) anrewo (that is filled *) almd N * Greek lacks that is filled with opportunities; Where did The Peshitta get this? (Timotheus) owatmyj (to you) Nwkydau (comes) atan (but) Nyd (if) Na 10 (toward you) Nwktwl (he shall be) awhn (fear) alxd (that without) aldd (see) wzx (as do I) ytwka (he cultivates) xlp (of Jehovah) ayrmd (for) ryg (the works) adbe (may despise him) yhwyjwsn (any) sna (therefore) lykh (lest) aml 11 (to join me) ytwl (that he may come) atand (in peace) amlsb (accompany him) yhwawl (but) ala (the brethren) axa (with) Me (for) ryg (for him) hl (I) ana (wait) awqm (of Him) hnm (I have desired) tyeb (much) ygo (my brothers) yxa (but) Nyd (Apollo) wlpa (from) Nm 12 (the brothers) axa (with) Me (to you) Nwktwl (to come) atand (to you) Nwktwl (to come) atand (desire) anybu (he did) awh (not) al (& doubtless) rbkw (time) arta (to him) hl (there will be) awhnd (but) Nyd (when) ytma (to you) Nwktwl (he will come) ata (in the faith) atwnmyhb (& stand) wmwqw (be alert) wryetta 13 (be strong) wnoxta (be valiant) wrbgta (let be) Nywhn (with love) abwxb (your affairs) Nwktwbu (& all) Nyhlkw 14 (the house) atyb (concerning) le (my brothers) yxa (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (I) ana (request) aeb 15 (are) Nwna (that they) Nwnhd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedyd (because) ljm (of Estephana) anpjoad (themselves) Nwhspn (& they put) wmow (of Akaya) ayakad (the first generation) atysr (of the holy ones) asydqd (into the service) atsmstl
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atymdq aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to those) Nylyal (listening) Nyemtsm (you will be) Nwwht (you) Nwtna (that also) Pad 16 (& to every person) snlklw (are) Nwna (who such) ankhd (& helps) rdemw (with us) Nme (who toils) aald (of Estephana) anpjoad (in the arrival) htytamb (but) Nyd (I) ana (rejoice) adx 17 (& of Akayqus) owqyakadw (& of Fortunatus) owjnwjrpdw (have supplied) wylm (those) Nwnh (toward me) ytwl (which you lacked) Nwtrubd (for things) Mdmd (& yours) Nwklydw (my) ylyd (my spirit) yxwr (for) ryg (they have refreshed) wxyna 18 (are) Nwna (who such) ankhd (those) Nylyal (recognize) Nyedwtsm (therefore) lykh (do you) Nwtywh (that are in Asia) ayoabd (all) Nyhlk (the assemblies) atde (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nlas 19 (& Prysqila) alqoyrpw (Aqulus) owlqa (in our Lord) Nrmb (much) ygo (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nylas (that is in their house) Nwhtybbd (the assembly) atde (with) Me (all of them) Nwhlk (the brethren) Nyxa (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nylas 20 (holy) atsydq (with a kiss) atqswnb (of another) dxd (one) dx (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas (of Paul) owlwpd (my own) ylyd (hand) adya (in the writing) tbtkb (greetings) amls 21 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrml (loves) Mxr (not) ald (whoever) Nm 22 (has come) ata (our Lord *) Nrm (damned) Mrx (let be) awhn Whoever does not love our Lord Jesus The Messiah, let him be damned; our Lord has come. I think I understand why Paul wrote, let him be damned. Jesus The Messiah is so precious to those who know Him and they love Him so much that the thought and feeling toward a professing Christian who does not love Him is, to hell with him.I dont believe this verse consigns the unbeliever to eternal damnation, though it is a very tempting concept for believers; our love to God can blind us at times to His love for His enemies. We must remember that all of us were enemies toward God at one time. If we love Him now, it is because He first loved us and sacrificed Himself to save us. It is by sheer mercy and grace that we are saved; that same grace and mercy is to be extended to all who are lost. They are dead in sins and the emptiness of the world system. This verse refers to those in the church body, not those outside. What have I to do to judge those outside?, wrote Paul. All false brethren deserve to be excommunicated and ostracized from all Christian fellowship. They belong to Satan, and should be delivered over to him fully, so that they either repent or die and suffer the eternal torments, that their spirits may be saved in the Day of our Lord The Messiah.Eternal torment is not everlasting torment; we must distinguish the two. Dlama is that which is timeless, according to Paul. Everlasting defines an infinite time. Infinite time cannot be timeless. Here I leave the matter for the reader to decide what eternal torment means. * Greek mss. have maran aya -Maran atha or marana ya -Marana tha. This two word phrase is two Aramaic words, not Greek at all, not even loan words from Aramaic; these are two Aramaic words in Greek letters. The Majority Greek text has maran aya, aya, -Maran atha from ata Nrm meaning Our Lord has come or Our Lord is coming. The Critical Greek has marana ya -Marana tha, which comes from at anrm? Come, our Lord. What business had Paul writing an Aramaic phrase to Greek speakers in Corinth? The only reasonable explanation is that this is evidence of an Aramaic original (The Peshitta has ata Nrm -Maran atha -our Lord has come).For some reason, the Greek translator avoided translating this phrase into Greek and transliterated it instead. I surmise that it was thought incriminating to write in Greek that our Lord had come in the Roman Empire where Greek was known and where Christian loyalty to The Christ was considered subversive and treasonous toward Caesar. To write that He was present in The Roman Empire might aggravate Caesar (especially Nero) as Christs birth did Herod the Tetrarch and he was moved to kill all male children two years old and under in Bethlehem.The Greek NT was intended for all Greek speaking peoples in The Empire of the first century.The Aramaic original was sent to all the churches addressed in the Epistles, as those congregations were founded and largely peopled by Aramaic speaking Jews of the diasporas of Babylon and afterward. This Maran atha transliteration supports an Aramaic original and a Greek translation of that Aramaic original. (is with you) Nwkme (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj 23 (Yeshua) ewsy (in The Messiah) axysmb (all of you) Nwklk (is with) Me (& my love) ybwxw 24
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

2nd Corinthians
Chapter 1 (of God) ahlad (in the will) hnybub (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (The apostle) axyls (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (that is) tyad (of God) ahlad (to the assembly) atdel (a brother) axa (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (all) hlk (in Akaia) ayakab (who are) tyad (the holy ones) asydq (& to all) Nwhlklw (in Qorinthus) owtnrwqb (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& peace) amlsw (with you) Nwkme (grace) atwbyj 2 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (The Father) yhwba (God) ahla (is) wh (blessed) Krbm 3 (comfort) aywb (of every) lkd (& The God) ahlaw (of mercy) amxrd (The Father) aba (we) Nnx (that also) Pad (our afflictions) Nynulwa (in all) Nwhlkb (us) Nl (Who comforts) aybmd (He) wh 4 (are) Nwna (our afflictions) Nynulwa (who in all) lkbd (those) Nylyal (comfort) aybn (can) xksn (God) ahla (from) Nm (are comforted) Nnyaybtm (by which we) Nnxd (comfort) aaywb (by that) whb (of The Messiah) axysmd (the sufferings) yhwsx (in us) Nb (abound) Nyrtytmd (for) ryg (just as) ankya 5 (our comforts) Naywb (also) Pa (abound) rtytm (The Messiah) axysm (by) dyb (in this way) ankh (it is) wh (your comfort) Nwkaywb (the the sake of) ypa (for) le (we are afflicted) Nnyulatm (but) Nyd (if also) Npa 6 (we are comforted) Nnyaybtm (& if) Naw (we are afflicted) Nnyulatm (your life) Nwkyyx (the sake of) ypa (& for) lew (diligence) atwjypx (in you) Nwkb (& there may be) awhtw (may be comforted) Nwaybtt (you) Nwtnad (so that) ljm (such) Nwhl (we suffer) Nnysx (we) Nnx (that also) Pad (those) Nwnh (the sufferings) asxl (them) Nwna (to endure) Nwrbyotd (for) ryg (we know) Nnyedy (is) wh (sure) ryrs (that for you) Nwkyled (& our hope) Nrbow 7 (partners) Nyptws (in suffering) asxb (you are) Nwtna (partners) Nyptws (that if) Nad (in comfort) aaywbb (also) Pa (you are) Nwtna (the affliction) anulwa (concerning) le (brethren) Nyxa (you to know) Nwedtd (but) Nyd (we want) Nnybu 8 (we were afflicted) Nulata (that greatly) tyabrwrd (in Asia) ayoab (us) Nl (that was) awhd (to perish) wqljtml (our lives) Nyyx (were) wwh (about) Nybyrqd (until) amde (our power) Nlyx (beyond) Nm ryty (to us) Nl (we would have) awhn (that not) ald (of death) atwm (we had passed a sentence) Nqop (ourselves) Nspn (& about) lew 9 (the dead) atym (Who raises) Myqmd (He) wh (God) ahla (upon) le (but) ala (ourselves) Nspn (upon) le (trust) anlkwt (has delivered us) Nqrp (violent *) anyox (death) atwm (Who from) Nmd (He) wh 10 (us) Nl (that He will deliver) qrpd (we hope) Nnyrbom (& again) bwtw He Who has delivered us from a violent death, and we hope that He will again deliver us. N * Greek mss. have- delivered us from death, delivers, and we hope that He will deliver us. anyox powerful,violent was apparently misread by the original Greek translator as the verb ayox spares,pardons.Here are the two words side by side in DSS script: )nysx violent, powerful )ysx spares,pardons

This is strong support for a Peshitta Aramaic original and a Greek translation version of that Peshitta Aramaic original for 2 Corinthians, as in the case of 1 Corinthians and in Romans as well. This kind of evidence exits through all of Pauls Epistles, even in the one page Epistle of Philemon! (our persons) Nypa (that were for) led (of your prayers) Nwktwebd (by the help) atwnrdemb 11 (that is done) adybed (a favor) atwbyj (that is to us) Ntwld (His gift *) htbhwm (that may be) awhtd (Him) hl (may confess) Nwdwn (& the many) aaygow (of the many) aaygo (for the sake) ypab
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(our persons) Nypa (because of) le By the help of your prayers for our persons, that His gift to us may be a favor that is done for the sake of the many, and the many may confess Him because of us. N * His gift is not in the Greek; nor is may confess Him; Greek has for the gift bestowed upon us by means of many, thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf. God seems to have been displaced in the Greek text by humans. (of our conscience) Nnyerd (the testimony) atwdho (is this) wnh (for) ryg (our pride) Nrhbws 12 (of God) ahlad (& in the grace) atwbyjbw (& in purity) atwykdbw (that in generosity) atwjyspbd (of the flesh) argpd (in wisdom) atmkxb (& not) alw (in the world) amleb (we have been employed) Nkphta (& yours) Nwklyd (with you) Nwktwl (& all the more) tyarytyw Greek has sincerity of God- eilikrineia yeou where The Aramaic verse has only atwykdbw & in purity. This occurs in about 30 verses in the NT where Greek has God or Christ and The Peshitta does not, or does it? A careful scrutiny of such verse shows that in about 22 of those verses, Aramaic has a noun or verb connected to the Deity in which the first two letters or the last two letters of that word are Alap-Tau or Tau-Alap the first and last letters of the Aramaic alphabet, which are named in Revelation 1:8 as The Name of The LORD God and Messiah; they are so used three times in Revelation. It so happens that the word Purity in this verse has Tau-Alap at the end of it: atwykdbw; It also so happens that the noun atwykdbw without those last two letters has exactly the same meaning it has with them- Purity.This seems to be the trend in those 22 verses; the code word with Alap-Tau has essentially the same meaning even without those two letters, which two letters are then apparently translated as Theos (God) or Christos (Christ) or even a word associated with Deity: creimatizo Divinely revealed or eusebeia Divine virtue. See my book, Divine Contact for the complete list and discussion of this Alap-Tau Code in The Greek NT, available at (those things) Nylya (but) ala (to you) Nwkl (we write) Nnybtk (other things) Nynrxa (there have been) awh (not) al 13 (you) Nwtna (acknowledge) Nyedwtsm (also) Pa (you) Nwtna (that know) Nyedyd (you will acknowledge) Nwedwtst (the end) atyrxal (that until) amded (but) Nyd (I) ana (trust) lykt (much) ygo (from) Nm (a little) lylq (you have acknowledged) Nwtedwtsa (that also) Pad (just as) ankya 14 (ours) Nlyd (you are) Nwtna (that also) Pad (as) Kya (we are) Nnx (that your pride) Nwkrhbwsd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (in the day) hmwyb Greek texts omit The Messiah. The Latin Vulgate has it. (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (I was) tywh (willing) abu (trust) anlkwt (in this) anhbw 15 (grace) atwbyj (you might receive) Nwlbqt (that doubly) tyapyead (to you) Nwktwl (to come) atad (Maqedonia) aynwdqm (from) Nm (& again) bwtw (to Maqedonia) aynwdqml (by you) Nwkyle (& I shall pass) rbeaw 16 (to Judea) dwhyl (will accompany me) ynnwwlt (& you) Nwtnaw (I shall come) ata (to you) Nwktwl (that I purposed) tyertad (therefore) lykh (this) adh 17 (did I purpose?) tyerta (suddenly) abhrom (as) Kya (interrogative) aml (I) ana (that plan) aertmd (those things) Nylya (are) Nyna (of the flesh) robd (perhaps) amld (or) wa (in them) Nyhb (for there to be) awhnd (has been) awh (it necessary) alwd (so that) ljm (No) al (& No) alw (Yes) Nya (Yes) Nya (our word) Ntlm (was) twh (that not) ald (God) ahla (is) wh (trustworthy) Nmyhm 18 (& No) alw (Yes) Nya (that unto you) Nwktwld (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of God) ahlad (for) ryg (The Son) hrb 19 (to you) Nwkl (was preached) zrkta (Who by us) Ndyabd (He) wh (& by Timotheos) owatmyjbw (& by Silvanus) ownwlobw (by me) yb (in Him) hb (was) awh (Yes) Nya (but) ala (& No) alw (Yes) Nya (was) awh (not) al (in Him) hb (of God) ahlad (the promises) yhwnklwm (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk 20 (this) anh (because of) ljm (were) wwh (Yes) Nya (in The Messiah *) axysmb (that is) wh (of God) ahlad (to the glory) htxwbstl (the Amen) Nyma (we give) Nnybhy (by Him) hdyab L * Greek lacks In The Messiah, as does The Latin Vulgate. (with you) Nwkme (us) Nl (establishing) rrsm (but) Nyd (is) wh (God) ahla 21 (has anointed us) Nxsm (Who) whd (He) wh (in The Messiah) axysmb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(the down payment) anwbhr (& He has given) bhyw (& He has sealed us) Nmtxw 22 (in our hearts) Ntwblb (of His Spirit) hxwrd (my soul) yspn (of) le (am) ana (testifying) dhom (to God) ahlal (but) Nyd (I) ana 23 (to Qorinthus) owtnrwql (I came) tyta (not) al (for you) Nwkyle (I) ana (had pity) oaxd (that because) ljmd (we are) Nnx (of your faith) Nwktwnmyh (lords) yrmd (because) ljm (was) awh (not) al 24 (of your joy) Nwktwdxd (we are) Nnx (helpers) anrdem (but) ala (you) Nwtna (stand) Nymyq (for) ryg (it is) wh (by faith) atwnmyhb Chapter 2 (in myself) yspnb (this) adh (but) Nyd (I decided) tnd 2:1 (to you) Nwktwl (I would come) ata (in sorrow) atwyrkb (again) bwt (that not) ald (to gladden me) ynydxn (who is?) wnm (you) Nwkl (I) ana (sadden) arkm (for) ryg (I) ana (if) Na 2 (him) hl (sadden) tyrka (whom I) anad (the one) wh (but) ala (this) adh (is) yh (to you) Nwkl (& what I wrote) tbtkdw 3 (me) yl (would sadden) Nwrkn (I come) ata (when) dk (lest) ald (would gladden me) ynnwdxn (that those) Nwnhd (for them) Nwhl (was) awh (it fitting) alwd (who) Nylya (those) Nwnh (is) yh (of you all) Nwklkd (that my joy) ytwdxd (all of you) Nwklk (in) le (but) Nyd (I) ana (do trust) lykt (I wrote) tbtk (of the heart) abld (anguish) ayowna (& from) Nmw (great) abr (suffering) anulwa (& from) Nmw 4 (so that) ljm (not) al (many) ataygo (in tears) aemdb (these things) Nylh (to you) Nwkl (you would know) Nwedtd (so that) ljm (but) ala (you) Nwkl (you would grieve) arktd (for you) Nwktwl (with me) yl (that is) tyad (abundant) aryty (the love) abwx (he saddens) yrka (me) yl (it has been) awh (not) al (saddens me) yrka (a man) sna (but) Nyd (if) Na 5 (lest) ald (you all) Nwklkl (small) lylq (in a fashion) aryub (but) ala (upon you) Nwkyle (the statement) atlm (should weigh) rqat (the many) aaygo (that is from) Nmd (rebuke) atak (this) anhl (but) Nyd (for him) hl (is sufficient) wdk 6 (him) hl (to forgive) Nwqbstd (it is necessary) alw (on the contrary) tyaynrxa (& now) lykmw 7 (would be swallowed up) elbtn (excessive) atryty (in grief) atwyrkb (lest) amld (& to comfort him) hnwaybtw (is) wh (such) ankhd (one) Nm (who) wh (he) hl (your love) Nwkbwx (to him) hb (to confirm) Nwrrstd (of you) Nwknm (I) ana (beseech) aeb (this) anh (because of) ljm 8 (by a test) anyonb (to know) edad (also) Pa (I have written) tbtk (for) ryg (this) anh (because of) ljm 9 (you are) Nwtna (obedient) Nyemtsm (in everything) Mdmlkb (if) Na (I am) ana (also) Pa (are) Nwtna (forgiving) Nyqbs (but) Nyd (whom you) Nwtnad (the one) Nml 10 (to him) Nml (that I forgave) tqbsd (anything) Mdm (for) ryg (I) ana (also) Pa (I forgave) tqbs (that) wh (for your sakes) Nwktljm (I forgave) tqbsd (of The Messiah) axysmd (in the presence) hpwurpb (his devices) htbsxm (for) ryg (we know *) Nnyedy (Satan) anjo (would overtake us) Nblen (lest) ald 11 N *Greek mss. all have We are not ignorant of his devices. (of The Messiah) axysmd (with the Gospel) htrbob (to Troas) oawrjl (but) Nyd (I came) tyta (when) dk 12 (by Jehovah) ayrmb (a door) aert (to me) yl (& was opened) xtptaw (I found) txksa (for not) ald (in my spirit) yxwrb (rest) axyn (to me) yl (was) awh (not) al 13 (myself) yl (& I went out) tqpnw (them) Nwna (I left) tyrs (but) ala (my brother) yxa (Titus) owjjl (to Maqedonia) aynwdqml (us) Nl (He makes) dbe (a spectacle *) atzx (times) Nbz (Who at all) lkbd (God) ahlal (but) Nyd (thank) wbyj 14 (of His knowledge) htedyd (the fragrance) axyr (by us) Nb (& reveals) algw (in The Messiah) axysmb (place) rta (in every) lkb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

N * For a spectacle - atzx; In DSS: )tzx.Greek mss. have yriambeuonti to triumph. The Aramaic for to triumph is akzn - )kzn or aykz - )ykz or atkz- )tkz; Victory is atwkz - )twkz. Here is the actual Peshitta reading Vision and the Aramaic for Victory one under the other in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: )tzx -Vision )twkz -Victory How uncanny is that! If the first two letters of the second word were closer together, the words would be almost identical! It is possible to misconstrue the first word for the second. If the original Aramaic manuscript being translated had a slight break at the top of the first letter- x Khet, it might have looked like the two letters kz Zayin, Kap; indeed the Khet does look like two letters put together: x and the alternate letter reading in small fonts looks like this:kw . Here again are the two the actual and the hypothetical as it may have been interpreted by a Greek translator: Actual Peshitta Aramaic reading: )tzx = Vision,Spectacle Hypothetical Greek translation Aramaic base: )twkw = Victory The Greek for vision is yewria or orama or optasia or orasiv - Which of these looks like yriambeuonti to triumph? It would seem that the Aramaic did not come from the Greek reading, but rather the Greek reading came from the Aramaic of the Peshitta. (to God) ahlal (in The Messiah) axysmb (sweet) amyob (for) ryg (we are) Nnx (the fragrance) axyr 15 (who perish) Nydbad (& among those) Nylyabw (who have life) Nyaxd (among those) Nylyab (& to the former) Nylyalw (for death) atwml (of death) atwmd (the stench) axyrd (to the latter) Nylyal 16 (will be worthy) awsn (who?) wnm (& for these things) Nylhlw (for life) ayxl (of The Life) ayxd (a fragrance) axyrd (of God) ahlad (the words) yhwlm (who blend) Nygzmmd (others *) akrs (as) Kya (for) ryg (we have been) Nywh (not) al 17 (that from) Nmd (& according to) Kyaw (that in the truth) arrsbd (as) Kya (but) ala (we speak) Nnyllmm (in The Messiah) axysmb (God) ahla (before) Mdq (God) ahla * akrs- Others is in P46, D and most Greek mss.. Many is found in a few mss.- (a, B, TR). Many in Aramaic is aygo (mis-spelled) or aaygo. In DSS script: )kr$- Others )ygs- Many It could have happened, especially in DSS script. Rotate the second and third letters in )kr$ counter- clockwise 35 degrees and you have something that could be construed as )ygs. The Shin $ may have been more like the Ashuri Shin s, which is closer to a Semkat s: ) s -Others with two rotated letters (-35 degrees).The Shin s is a bit smaller to show how it could be misread as s )ygs - Many Chapter 3 (the first) syrd (from) Nm (again) bwt (ourselves) Nl (do we begin) Nnyrsm 3:1 (or) wa (we are) Nnx (what?) anm (to show you) Nwkywxnd (that letters) atrgad (others) anrxa (as) Kya (do we have need) Nnyqyno (interrog.) amld (or) wa (about us) Nyle (to you) Nwkl (be written) Nbtktn (of commandments) adqwpd (concerning us) Nyle (to command) Nwdqpt (should write) Nwbtkt (that you) Nwtnad (are) Nwna (you) Nwtna (ours) Nlyd (but) Nyd (our letter) Ntrga 2 (& read) ayrqtmw (& known) aeydyw (in our heart) Nblb (that is written) abytkd (everyone) snlk (by) Nm (of The Messiah) axysmd (you are) Nwtna (that His letter) htrgad (for) ryg (you know) Nwtyedy 3 (in ink) atwydb (not) al (which is written) abytkd (by us) Nnm (that is ministered) tsmtsad (The Living) ayx (of God) ahlad (by The Spirit) axwrb (but) ala (in tablets) axwlb (but) ala (of stone) apakd (in tablets) axwlb (not) al (of flesh) arobd (of the heart) abld (God) ahla (to) twl (in The Messiah) axysmb (us) Nl (is) tya (in this way) ankh (but) Nyd (trust) anlkwt 4 (anything) Mdm (to think) aertnd (are sufficient) Nnyqpo (that we) Nnxd (not) wl 5 (is) wh (God) ahla (from) Nm (our power) Nlyx (but) ala (ourselves) Nspn (that from) Nmd (as) Kya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(new) atdx (of the covenant) aqtydd (ministers) ansmsm (to be) awhnd (Who made us worthy) Nywsad (He) wh 6 (kills) ljq (for) ryg (the writing) abtk (by The Spirit) axwrb (but) ala (by writing) abtkb (not) al (gives life) ayxm (but) Nyd (The Spirit) axwr (in stone) apakb (carved) tmsrta (in the writing) abtkb (of death) atwmd (the ministry) atsmst (but) Nyd (if) Na 7 (of Israel) lyroya (the children) ynb (would be able) Nwxksn (that not) ald (so) ankya (with glory) atxwbstb (was) twhw (of his face) hpwurpd (the glory) axbws (because of) ljm (of Moses) aswmd (at the face) hpwurpb (to gaze) rxml (which has been cancelled) ljbtad (that) wh (of The Spirit) axwrd (the ministry) atsmst (therefore) lykh (How?) ankya 8 (with glory) axbwsb (will be) awht (all the more) tyaryty (not) al (one) dx (glory) axbws (was) awh (of a guilty verdict) abywxd (the ministry) atsmstl (for) ryg (if) Na 9 (shall superabound) rtytt (How much more?) amk (in glory) axbwsb (of righteousness) atwqydzd (the ministry) atsmst (which was glorified) txbtsad (that) yh (is glorious) axbsm (not even) alpad (for) ryg (that) wh (as) Kya 10 (excellent) artym (glory) axbws (of that) anhd (by comparison) amxwpb (has been) awh (with glory) axbwsb (that has been eliminated) ljbtad (anything) Mdm (for) ryg (if) Na 11 (shall be) awhn (with glory) axbwsb (remains) awqmd (that which) anya (all the more) tyaryty (hope) arbo (this) anh (therefore) lykh (to us) Nl (there is) tyad (because) ljm 12 (we conduct ourselves) Nnyrbdtm (eye) Nye (in open) algb (all the more) tyaryty (over) le (a veil) atypxt (had) awh (who laid) amrd (Moses) aswm (as) Kya (& not) alw 13 (of Israel) lyroya (the children) ynb (would gaze) Nwrwxn (that not) ald (his face) yhwpa (which was ceasing) ljbtmd (of that) whd (at the termination) hmlwsb (today) anmwyl (for) ryg (until) amde (in their understanding) Nwhyedmb (they were blinded *) wrweta (but) ala 14 (veil) atypxt (that) yh (is) yh (is read) ayrqtm (Old) atqyte (The Testament) aqtydd (whenever) ytma (that by The Messiah) axysmbd (it is revealed) aylgtm (& not) alw (over them) Nwhyle (remaining) amyq (is being abolished) aljbtm (that) wh * The Greek NT has epwrwyh were hardened; The Peshitta Aramaic word here is wrweta were blinded.Here is the Aramaic word for Were hardened is wybeta. Lets line up the two Aramaic words side by side in three Aramaic scripts: English translation Ashuri Aramaic Were blinded wrweta Were hardenedwybeta Dead Sea Scroll wr rw(t) wyb(t) Estrangela

wrw(t0 wyb(t0

Again, the DSS script reveals the closest resemblance between the actual Peshitta reading and the hypothetical Aramaic base for The Greek NT translation. There is 83% letter to letter correlation in the two DSS words. The underlined letters are Resh and Yodh, respectively, which are practically identical but are oriented a bit differently. I suspect that the Resh r would have been rotated about 35 degrees counterclockwise and the Waw w to its right had been written hastily with an extra and inadvertent leftward bottom stroke after the down stroke- The result would be something like w (t), which might well pass as wyb(t). The Estrangela pair is second with 65% correlation. The Greek word for were blinded would be etuflwyh.Compare epwrwyh were hardened, the actual Greek reading. In uncial Greek, these words are: ETUFLwYH -: EPwRwYH (uncial script was used in most ancient Greek mss.).This is 63% correlation. The root words of each of these Greek words are what differ here, TUFL- (Blind) and PwR(Hard), which makes unlikely the prospect that the one was mistaken for the other. The similar letters are the grammatical verb endings that define person, number and mood of the verbs; The first letter E helps define tense all these letters are the same in hundreds of different Greek verbs. No matter how one analyzes this, Peshitta primacy finds support here while Greek primacy suffers another setback. (Moses) aswm (is read) arqtmd (whenever) ytma (today) anmwyl (& until) amdew 15 (is laid) aymr (their heart) Nwhbl (over) le (the veil) atypxt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(will be turned) anptn (of them) Nwhnm (anyone *) snad (& whenever) ytmaw 16 (the veil) atypxt (from him) hnm (is taken away) alqtsm (Jehovah) ayrm (to) twl N * Greek has when he (it) turns to The Lord; Anyone of them is not there in Greek, making the subject very difficult to determine: Moses, the veil, their heart? (The Spirit) axwr (is) wywh (but) Nyd (Jehovah) ayrm 17 (is) yh (freedom) atwrax (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Spirit) hxwrd (& wherever) rtaw (unveiled) atylg (with faces) apab (all of us) Nlk (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 18 (& into it) hlw (we see) Nnyzx (in a mirror) atyzxmbd (as) Kya (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The glory) htxwbst (to glory) axbwsl (glory) axbws (from) Nm (we are changed) Nnyplxtsm (into the image) atwmdl (The Spirit) axwr (Jehovah) ayrm (from) Nmd (as) Kya Chapter 4 (to us) Nl (it is tiresome) anam (not) al (this) anh (because of) ljm 4:1 (which we hold) Nnydyxad (this) adh (in ministry) atsmstb (upon us) Nyle (has been) wwhd (mercy) amxr (as) Kya (& not) alw (of shame) atthbd (the secrets) htyok (we reject) Nnyloa (but) ala 2 (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (deny we) Nnylkn (& not) alw (in craftiness) atwerxb (we walk) Nnyklhm (our souls) Nspn (we show) Nnywxm (of the truth) arrsd (in the revelation) atwylgb (but) ala (God) ahla (before) Mdq (of children of men) asnynbd (minds) anyer (to all) Nwhlkl (our) Nlyd (Gospel) Nwylgnwa (is) wh (hidden) yokm (but) Nyd (& if) Naw 3 (hidden) yokm (it is) wh (who are lost) Nydbad (to those) Nylyal (has blinded) rwe (this) anh (of world) amled (whom the God) hhlad (those) Nylya 4 (should dawn) xndn (lest) ald (they believe) Nynmyhm (not) ald (because) le (their intellects) Nwhyedm (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the glory) hxbwsd (of the Gospel) Nwylgnwad (the light) hrhwn (to them) Nwhl (of God) ahlad (The Image) htwmd (Who is) wywhd (we preach) Nnyzrkm (ourselves) Nspn (for) ryg (it has been) awh (not) al 5 (our Lord) Nrm (Yeshua) ewsy (The Messiah) axysml (but) ala (Yeshua) ewsy (for the sake of) ljm (we are) Nnx (who your servants) Nwkydbed (but) Nyd (ourselves) Nspnl (light) arhwn (darkness) akwsx (that from) Nmd (Who said) rmad (He) wh (God) ahlad (because of) ljm 6 (that we would be enlightened) rhntnd (in our hearts) Ntwblb (has dawned) xnd (He) wh (shall shine) xndn (of God) ahlad (of the glory) hxbwsd (with the knowledge) atedyb (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in the face) hpwurpb (earthen) apuxd (in vessels) anamb (this) adh (treasure) atmyo (but) Nyd (us) Nl (is) tya 7 (God) ahla (from) Nm (of the power) alyxd (that the greatness) atwbrd (from us) Nnm (& not) alw (would be) awht (but) ala (we are squeezed) Nnyulatm (for) ryg (in all things) Mdmlkb 8 (but) ala (we are harassed) Nnyprjtm (we are strangled) Nnyqnxtm (not) al (we are) Nnx (condemned) Nybyx (not) al (we are forsaken) Nnyqbtsm (not) al (but) ala (we are persecuted) Nnypdrtm 9 (we are defeated) Nnydba (not) al (but) ala (we are cast down) Nnypxtom (in our bodies) Nyrgpb (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the dying) htwtym (in every time) Nbzlkb 10 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the life) yhwyx (that also) Pad (we bear) Nnylyqs (may be revealed) Nwlgtn (in our bodies) Nyrgpb (are delivered) Nnymltsm (to death) atwml (the living) ayx (for) ryg (we are) Nnx (if) Na 11 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the life) yhwyx (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (Yeshua) ewsy (for the sake of) ljm (mortal) tamd (this) anh (in our body) Nrgpb (will be revealed) Nwlgtn (in you) Nwkb (& life) ayxw (labors) jpxtm (in us) Nb (death) atwm (now) ash 12
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of faith) atwnmyhd (spirit) axwr (that) yh (who one) adxd (therefore) lykh (we) Nnx (also) Pa 13 (this) anh (because of) ljm (I believed) tnmyhd (it is written) bytkd (as) Kya (in us) Nl (is) tya (we speak) Nnyllmm (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm (we believe) Nnynmyhm (I speak) tllm (also) Pa (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrml (raised) Myqad (Who) Nm (that He) whd (& we know) Nnyedyw 14 (shall raise) Myqn (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (us) Nl (also) Pa (to Him) htwl (with you) Nwkme (& shall bring us) Nbrqnw (& when) dkd (is) wh (for your sakes) Nwktljm (for) ryg (everything) Mdmlk 15 (will abound) agot (many) aaygo (by) dyb (grace) atwbyj (abounds) artytm (of God) ahlad (to the glory) hxbwsl (thanksgiving) atydwt (to us) Nl (it is tiresome) anam (not) al (this) anh (because of) ljm 16 (is being destroyed) lbxtm (external) ayrb (for) ryg (our person) Nsnrb (if) Na (even) Pa (day) Mwy (by) Nm (day) Mwy (is renewed) tdxtm (within) wgl (that from) Nmd (on the other hand) ala (while) dk (this) anh (of time) anbzd (for) ryg (the suffering) hnulwa 17 (limits) ako (without) ald (great) abr (glory) axbws (& swift) lylqw (small) rwez (very) bj (us) Nl (prepares) byjm (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (that are seen) Nyzxtmd (in these things) Nylhb (we rejoice*) Nnydx (for not) ald 18 (are seen) Nyzxtm (that not) ald (in these things) Nylhb (but) ala (that not) ald (those are) Nyna (are of time) anbzd (for) ryg (for things seen) Nyzxtmd (those are) Nyna (eternal) Mleld (but) Nyd (are seen) Nyzxtm Greek has We do not look upon things seen. Peshitta has, Nnydx al -We do not rejoice. A possibility for the Greek reading in Aramaic is Nnyryx al -We do not look Ashuri Aramaic script above shows 84% letter correlation between the two underlined verbs. Lets see them both in Dead Sea Scroll script: }nydx )l -We do not rejoice. }nyryx )l -We do not look Dead Sea Scroll script verbs in the two readings above have 76% letter correlation. The Greek reading is MH SKOPOUNTWN HMWN -we are not looking MH CAIRONTWN HMWN we are not rejoicing The Greek verbs underlined above show 50% letter correlation at best. The Peshitta much better explains the Greek reading than vice versa. Chapter 5 (this) anh (that in earth) aerabd (our house) Ntyb (that if) Nad (for) ryg (we know) Nnyedy 5:1 (for us) Nl (there is) tya (but) ala (will be destroyed) artsn (of the body *) argpd (the work) dbeb (without) ald (a house) atyb (God) ahla (that is from) Nmd (a building) anynb (for eternity) Mlel (in Heaven) aymsb (of hands) aydya N * Greek has skhnouv Tent. (we are made to groan) Nnyxnttm (for) ryg (this) adh (concerning) le (also) Pa 2 (Heaven) ayms (that is from) Nmd (our house) Ntyb (to wear) sblnd (& we long) Nnywow (we are clothed) Nsbld (whenever) am (also) Pa (if not) ala 3 (naked) ljre (to us) Nl (we shall be found) xktsn (house) atyb (in this) anhb (now) ash (for) ryg (we being) Nytya (when) dk 4 (its weight) hrqwy (from) Nm (we are made to groan) Nnyxnttm (it) hnm (over) lel (to put on) sblnd (but) ala (to strip it) hxlsml (we want) Nnybu (& not) alw (by Life) ayxb (its mortality) htwtym (that may be swallowed) elbttd (is God) ahla (for this) adhl (for it) hl (us) Nl (& He Who prepares) dtemdw 5 (of His Spirit) hxwrd (the down payment *) anwbhr (us) Nl (Who gives) bhyd (it is) wh (He) wh * Greek has arrabona arrabon earnest money; Thayers Greek Lexicon has the Hebrew word Nwbre Arbown; Aramaic in The Peshitta has anwbhr Rahabona, which is found twice in The Targum (Aramaic) of Esther. The Targums
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

were Aramaic translations of Hebrew scripture read in synagogues in Israel from the fifth century BC until at least the third century AD.This Greek word arrabona comes from Hebrew, as probably does the Aramaic word anwbhr Rahabona. Nwbre Arbown is pledge money. (as long as) amkd (& we are convinced) Nnyopmw (therefore) lykh (we know) Nnyedyd (because) ljm 6 (our Lord) Nrm (from) Nm (we are away from home) Nnydyne (we dwell) Nnyrs (in the body) argpbd (by sight) ayzxb (& not) alw (we walk) Nnyklhm (for) ryg (it is) wh (by faith) atwnmyhb 7 (to depart) dnend (& we long) Nnyxwomw (we trust) Nnylykt (this) anh (because of) ljm 8 (our Lord) Nrm (with) twl (& to be) awhnw (the body) argp (from) Nm (we are) Nnx (away from home) adwne (that if) Nad (we are diligent) Nnyjpxtmw 9 (pleasing) Nyrps (we may be) Nywh (to Him) hl (an inhabitant) arwme (or if) Naw (before) Mdq (to stand) Mqml (we are going) Nnydyte (for) ryg (we all) Nlk 10 (man) sna (each) sna (that will be paid) erptnd (of The Messiah) axysmd (the throne) Myb (of evil) sybd (or if) Naw (of good) bjd (if) Na (by him) hl (that was done) dybed (anything) Mdm (in his body) hrgpb (of our Lord) Nrmd (the awesomeness) htlxd (therefore) lykh (we know) Nnyedyd (because) ljm 11 (we are revealed) Nnylg (but) Nyd (to God) ahlal (we persuade) Nnyoypm (it is) wh (the children of men) asnynbl (we are revealed) Nnylg (yours) Nwklyd (to your understanding) Nwkyedml (that also) Pad (but) Nyd (I) ana (hope) rbo (to you) Nwkl (we praise) Nnyxbsm (ourselves) Nspn (again) bwt (it has been) awh (not) al 12 (that you may be) Nwtywhd (to you) Nwkl (we give) Nnybhy (it is) wh (occasion) atle (but) ala (who in appearance) apabd (those) Nwnh (in the presence of) twl (in us) Nb (boasting) Nyrhbtsm (in the heart) ablb (& not) alw (they are boasting) Nyrhbtsm (it is) wh (for you) Nwkl (we are conventional) Nnynqt (& if) Naw (it is for God) ahlal (we are insane) Nnyjs (for) ryg (if) Na 13 (us) Nl (compels) Ula (of The Messiah) axysmd (for) ryg (the love) hbwx 14 (died) tym (every person) snlk (in the place of) Plx (that One) dxd (this) adh (that we reason) Nnynrd (with Him) hl (died) tym (every person) snlk (so then) Nydm For the love of The Messiah compels us to reason this: The One died in the place of every person, so then every person died with Him. (who live) Nyyxd (that those) Nylyad (died) tym (He) wh (every person) snlk (& in the place of) Plxw 15 (for The One) whl (but) ala (would live) Nwxn (for themselves) Nwhspnl (not) al (& arose) Mqw (died) tym (their persons) Nwhypa (Who for) led (Who) anya And He died in the place of every person that those who live would live, not for themselves, but for Him Who died for them and arose. (we know) Nnyedy (not) al (by the body) rgpb (a person) snal (we) Nnx (& from now) lykmw 16 (The Messiah) axysml (in the body) rgpb (we have known) Nedy (& if) Naw (we know) Nnyedy (not) al (now) ash (from) Nm (but) ala And from now on we do not know anyone by the body, and if we have known The Messiah by the body, from now on we do not so know Him. (is) wh (which in The Messiah) axysmbd (that) Nm (all) lk 17 (new) atdx (is) wh (the creation) atyrb (therefore) lykh (with such) Nyhl (has passed away) rbe (the old order) atqyte All that is in The Messiah is therefore the New Creation; the old order has passed away with these things. (God) ahla (from) Nm (new) atdx (has become) awh (thing) Mdm (& every) lkw 18 (us) Nl (& He has given) bhyw (by The Messiah) axysmb (to Himself) hl (Who reconciled us) Nyerd (He) wh (of the reconciliation) atwertd (the ministry) atsmst
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

And everything has become new from The God Who has reconciled us with Himself by The Messiah and He has given us the ministry of the reconciliation. (in The Messiah) axysmb (for) ryg (was) awh (God) ahla 19 (His majesty) htwbr (with) Me (the universe) amlel (Who reconciled) yerd (He) wh (their sins) Nwhyhjx (to them) Nwhl (accounted) bsx (& not) alw (of the reconciliation) atwertd (message) atlm (our own) Nlyd (in us) Nb (& He has placed) Mow For God was in The Messiah He Who has reconciled the universe with His majesty, and He has not accounted their sins to them, and He has placed in us our own message of the reconciliation. (The Messiah) axysm (in the place of) Plx (therefore) lykh (we are) Nnx (ambassabors) adgzya 20 (by us) Ndyab (of you) Nwknm (requested) aeb (Who is God) ahlad (He) wh (& as if) Kyaw (to God) ahlal (be reconciled) werta (we beseech) Nnyeb (therefore) lykh (The Messiah) axysm (in the place of) Plx We are therefore ambassadors in the place of The Messiah, as if He Who is God requested of you by us; in the place of The Messiah therefore we beseech you, Be reconciled to God. (sin) atyjx (had) awh (known) edy (Who not) ald (for) ryg (He) wh 21 (made Himself) hdbe (sin) atyjx (in your place) Nwktljm (of God) ahlad (the righteousness) atwqydz (by Him) hb (would become) awhn (that we) Nnxd For He Who had not known sin, made Himself into sin, that we would become the righteousness of God by Him. Chapter 6 (of you) Nwknm (we beg) Nnyeb (helpers) anrdem (& as) Kyaw 6:1 (in you) Nwkb (may become worthless) qrtot (that not) ald (that you received) Nwtlbqd (of God) ahlad (the grace) atwbyj (I have answered you) Ktyne (acceptable) albqm (in a time) anbzbd (for) ryg (He said) rma 2 (I have helped you) Ktrde (of life) ayxd (& in the day) amwybw (is acceptable) albqm (the time) anbz (now) ash (behold) ah (of life) ayxd (the day) amwy (now) ash (& behold) ahw (occasion) atle (a person) snal (should you give) Nwltt (in anything) Mdmb (Why?) aml 3 (in our ministry) Ntsmstb (a defect) amwm (it will be) awhn (lest) ald (of stumbling) atlqwtd (ourselves) Nspn (we may show) awxn (thing) Mdm (in every) lkb (but) ala 4 (much) ataygo (by patience) atwnrbyomb (of God) ahlad (we are) Nnx (that ministers) ansmsmd (by imprisonments) ayswbxb (by distresses) oqnnab (by sufferings) anulwab (in seditions) ayswgsb (in chains) arwoab (in scourgings) adgnb 5 (in fasts) amwub (in vigils) arhsb (in toil) atwalb (of spirit) axwr (by duration) twrygnb (by knowledge) atedyb (by purity) atwykdb 6 (by love) abwxb (of Holiness) asdwqd (by The Spirit) axwrb (by kindness) atwmyobb (deceit) alkn (without) ald (of God) ahlad (by the power) alyxb (of the truth) atswqd (by the message) atlmb 7 (& on the left) almobw (that is on the right) anymybd (of righteousness) atwqydzd (by the armor) anyzb (& by reproach) aynwgbw (by praise) aolwqb (& by disgrace) areubw (by glory) axbwsb 8 (& true) aryrsw (deceivers) anyejm (as if) Kya (we are dying) Nnytym (as if) Kya (& we are known) Nnyeydyw (known) aeydy (not) al (as if) Kya 9 (we are punished) Nnydrtmd (as if) Kya (we are) Nnx (we live) Nyyx (& behold) ahw (we are dying) Nnytym (& not) alw (we rejoice) Nnydx (& always) Nbzlkbw (we) Nl (are sorrowing) ayrkd (as if) Kya 10 (we make rich) Nnyrtem (& the many) aaygolw (poor) ankom (as if) Kya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(us) Nl (there is not) tyl (anything) Mdmd (as if) Kya (we possess) Nnydyxa (thing) Mdm (& every) lkw (Corinthians) aytnrwq (to you) Nwktwl (is) wh (opened) xytp (our mouth) Nmwp 11 (is enlarged) xywr (& our heart) Nblw (by us) Nb (you are restricted) Nwtyuyla (not) al 12 (in your affections) Nwkymxrb (but) Nyd (you are restricted) Nwtyuyla (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (to children) aynbld (as) Kya 13 (that is with you) Nwktwld (my remuneration) ylbwx (pay me) ynwerwp (to me) ytwl (your love) Nwkbwx (& enlarge) wxwrw But as to children I say, Pay me my remuneration that is with you, and enlarge your love to me. Greek has, Howbeit, by way of the like recompenseas, unto children, I speak, be enlarged, even, ye. (Rotherham) Where did The Peshitta get its reading? Certainly not from Greek! (to those) Nylyal (of the yoke) agwz (children) ynb (you shall be) Nwwht (& not) alw 14 (partnership) atwptws (for) ryg (what?) adya (are believers) Nynmyhm (who not) ald (intimacy) anjlwx (what?) anya (or) wa (evil) alwe (with) Me (righteousness) atwqydzl (has) tya (darkness) akwsx (with) Me (light) aryhnl (has) tya (Satan *) anjo (with) Me (The Messiah) axysml (has) tya (harmony) atwmls (what?) adya (or) wa 15 (believes) Nmyhm (him who not) ald (with) Me (one who believes) Nmyhmdl (has) tya (lot) atnm (what?) adya (or) wa N * For Satan, Greek mss. have beliar Beliar a name of Satan- of Syriac (Aramaic) origin according to Thayers Greek English Lexicon. What business had Greek speaking Corinthians with an Aramaic name for Satan- especially one as obscure as Beliar? The fact is that the Corinthians were Aramaic speakers, as this and other Aramaic words in the Greek translation show. See Maranatha and Satan(both found in Corinthians) in Strongs Concordance. I challenge anyone to find this Greek transliteration beliar -Beliar anywhere else in any Greek literature in the world. leylb Belial is found in The Hebrew Bible 27 times;once The Greek LXX translates this as belialbelial- Belial. (of God) ahlad (to the temple) hlkyhl (has) tya (agreement) atwywa (but) Nyd (what?) adya 16 (of God) ahlad (you are) Nwtna (the temple) hlkyh (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (demons *) adasd (with) Me (in them) Nwhb (I shall dwell) rmead (it is said) rymad (just as) ankya (The Living) ayx (their God) Nwhhla (& I shall be) awhaw (in them) Nwhb (& I shall walk) Klhaw (a people) ame (to Me) yl (shall be) Nwwhn (& those) Nwnhw N * For adas Demons, Greek mss. have eidwlwn idols. It seems the Greek translator had a problem translating Satan and Demons in this passage.Perhaps this was due to the cultural gap separating the Greek culture of the readers of The Greek NT from the Semitic Eastern culture of The Jews who received the Peshitta original. Greeks did not esteem demons as evil spirits, but as benign and desireable deities, such as the Muses. The famous philosopher Socrates had spoken of his Daemon-(demon, deity) which inspired him to speak wisdom.The Jewish culture did not seek to be possessed by spirits; All such spirits were unclean to them and the thought of being possessed was repulsive to them.Greeks also were not familiar with the concept of Satan, as that was also a Jewish doctrine and belief.The Greek NT is inconsistent in this regard, which does transliterate Satana 37 times out of the 49 times this Aramaic name occurs in The Peshitta. * There is an important clue in discerning which of two versions is the original and which the translation, when it is known that this relationship exists between them, as in the case of The Peshitta NT and The Greek NT. Lets use Satan as a model case:The Aramaic word for Satan anjo occurs in the Peshitta NT 49 times. The Greek word satana- Satana occurs 37 times. When I look (using Online Bible, with dozens of Bible versions, including The Peshitta, Greek NTs, Latin, KJV, Murdock,etc.) at the parallel versions of The Greek and Aramaic verses after searching for all the verses with the Greek word satanav Satanas(all forms of the word are searched), I find that everyone of these is matched by The Aramaic word anjo Satana. When I do the search for the Aramaic anjo Satana, I find that it occurs a total of 49 times and that the Greek word satanav (in all its forms) is found to match it only 37 times. The version that is matched with the greater percentage of the cognate language word occurrences is the translation; the other version is its original! This method is consistent with the LXX-Hebrew Bible model in a study of matching cognate words in each. The Peshitta NT comes out consistently as the original behind The two Greek NTs I compared with it, even as The Hebrew Bible is shown to be the original behind The LXX Greek text. This method is consistent for the many thousands of data I have tested and accumulated
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

thus far for The Old Testament and The New Testament. The reader may read the data and results of this experiment in my book, Divine Contact, available at (among them) Nwhtnyb (from) Nm (come out) wqwp (this) anh (because of) ljm 17 (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (from them) Nwhnm (& be separated) wsrptaw (shall receive you) Nwklbqa (& I) anaw (you shall touch) Nwbrqtt (not) al (& the impure thing) aamjlw (to Me) yl (will be) Nwwht (& you) Nwtnaw (a Father) abal (to you) Nwkl (& I shall be) awhaw 18 (holds) dyxa (Who all) lkd (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (& daughters) atnblw (sons) aynbl Chapter 7 (beloved) ybybx (promises) anklwm (these) Nylh (therefore) lykh (to us) Nl (there are) tyad (because) ljm 7:1 (of the flesh) arobd (impurity) atwamj (all) hlk (from) Nm (ourselves) Nspn (let us purify) akdn (of God) ahlad (in the awe) atlxdb (holiness) atwsydq (& let us cultivate) xwlpnw (& of the spirit) axwrdw (we have done evil) Nlwea (not) al (to anyone) snab (brethren) Nyxa (bear with us) Nwrbyo 2 (we have cheated) Nble (not) al (anyone) snal (we have corrupted) Nlbx (not) al (anyone) snal (for) ryg (I did before) tmdq (I) ana (said) rma (to condemn you) Nwktwbyxml (was) awh (not) al 3 (& to live) axmlw (as one) adxka (to die) tmml (you are) Nwtna (that in our heart) Nblbd (I said) trma (to me) yl (is) tya (& much) ygow (to you) Nwktwl (mine) yl (is) tya (great) ataygo (frankness *) ayohrp 4 (& abundance) aagwow (with comfort) aaywb (I am) ana (& full) almw (pride) arhbws (in you) Nwkb (my afflictions *) ynulwa (in all) Nwhlkb (of joy) atwdx (in me) yb (abounds) artytm * ayohrp (Parehesya) Frankness has a cognate in Hebrew ayohrp (identical); this is possibly a loan word from the Greek word parrhsia (Parraysia), in which case, the Hebrew is also borrowed from Greek, or else the Greek borrowed this from Aramaic or Hebrew. There are many such words in Greek which may be borrowed from Aramaic. Please know that Greek borrowed the Semitic Phoenician alphabet for its own Greek alphabet. Aramaic is very similar to Phoenician, from which the written form was derived around 1100 BC. * My afflictions is Our afflictions in all Greek mss. apparently. This same phenomenon occurs in Mark 9:22,Romans 8:35 & 39, Galatians 2:4, 1 Thess. 2:18 & [2 Tim. 1:18]. The suffix y (Yodh),meaning My was mistaken or not seen after the n (Nun). A final Nun often means Us or Our. Us in Greek is hmav; our is hmwn My is mou. In uncials (capital letters) they are HMwN & or EMOU or MOU. Us and Me are HMAS & EME or ME. ME. ynulwa looks much more like nulwa than EMOU looks like HMwN. This supports Aramaic primacy here and in those other references where these pronouns differ. The Greek primacy position is weak here and in those places. Ashuri Aramaic script: ynulwa -My afflictions(Peshitta) Nnulwa-Our afflictions(Greek reading in Aramaic) DSS Aramaic script: ynclw) -My afflictions(Peshitta) }nclw)-Our afflictions(Greek reading in Aramaic) (to Maqedonia) aynwdqml (for) ryg (when we came) Nytad (from) Nm (also) Pa 5 (for our body) Nrgpl (there was) awh (relief) xyn (one) dx (not even) alpa (we were tormented) Nulata (thing) Mdm (in every) lkb (but) ala (fear) atlxd (within) wgl (& from) Nmw (combat) abrq (outside) rbl (from) Nm (the humble) akykml (Who comforts) aybmd (is He) wh (God) ahla (but) ala 6 (of Titus) owjjd (with the coming) htytamb (comforted us) Nayb (with his relief) hxynb (also) Pa (but) ala (with his coming) htytamb (only) dwxlb (& not) alw 7 (by you) Nwkb (with which he was relieved) xyntad (that) wh (that is for us *) Ntwld (your love) Nwkbwx (concerning) le (for) ryg (he proclaimed to us) Nrbo (our sake) Nypa (that was for) led (& your zeal) Nwknnjw (your grief) Nwklba (& concerning) lew (mine) yl (was) twh (great) ataygo (joy) atwdx (I heard) tems (& when) dkw verse 4.
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For us & for our sake is for me in the Greek mss. This is the reverse phenomenon of what I present above in

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Ntwld for us was probably read as ytwld for me.Here are the Greek phrases for each: HMwN & EMOU EMOU. OU. Only one letter in each word is the same-M (called Mu). That is 25% correspondence. Here are those words in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: }twld for us ytwld twldfor me Every word pair comparison in Aramaic is a powerful exhibition for Peshitta primacy! Four of the five letters in each are identical. That is 80% correspondence! It is far more likely Aramaic was the original and a Greek translator mistook the Aramaic word }twld for ytwld twld than the reverse scenario of a Greek original where HMwN is mistaken for EMOU. EMOU. (by an epistle) atrgab (you) Nwkl (I grieved) tyrka (for although) Npad 8 (even though) Npa (myself) yspn (for me) yl (regret is) aywt (not) al (epistle) atrga (that the same) yhd (for) ryg (I) ana (saw) azx (I was) twh (sorry) aywt (you) Nwkl (grieved) tyrka (of the hour) atesd (though) Npa (to me) yl (it gave) tdbe (great) ataygo (joy) atwdx (but) ala 9 (for yourselves) Nwkl (you grieved) tyrkd (because) le (not) al (brought you) Nwktytya (to homecoming) atwbytl (your grief) Nwktwyrkd (because) ljm (but) ala (by what is from God) ahladb (for) ryg (for yourselves) Nwkl (you grieved) tyrk (by us) Nnm (you would be harmed) Nwroxt (not) al (in anything) Mdmbd (so that) ankya atwbyt -Tibotha can mean a return to God, conversion, repentance,return. (regret) twt (God) ahla (that is because of) ljmd (for) ryg (grief) atwyrk 10 (to life) ayxl (& returns) aynpmw (reverses) akph (which not) ald (works) adbe (of the soul) aspn (works) adbe (it) wh (death) atwm (of the world) amled (but) Nyd (grief) atwyrk (that you were distressed) Nwtqyettad (this) adh (has happened) yh (for) ryg (behold) ah 11 (I have effected) tdbea (how much more?) amk (God) ahla (because of) ljm (& apology) axwrb qpmw (diligence) atwjypx (in you) Nwkb (& vengeance) atebtw (& zeal) annjw (& love) abwxw (& fear) atlxdw (& anger) azgwrw (you are) Nwtna (that pure) Nykdd (yourselves) Nwkspn (you showed) Nwtywx (& in all things) Mdmlkbw (in the matter) atwbub (in it) hb (to you) Nwkl (that I wrote) tbtkd (this) adh (but) Nyd (will be) awht 12 (him) wh (for) ljm (not) al (also) Pa (the wrong) anlkom (for) ljm (it was) awh (that not) ald (might be known) edyttd (so that) ljm (but) ala (in it) hb (did wrong) lkomd (who) Nm (that is for us) Ntljmd (your diligence *) Nwktwjypx (God) ahla (in the presence of) Mdq C * The Majority Greek text has our diligence toward you instead of your diligence toward us. (our comfort *) Naywb (& with) Mew (we are comforted) Naybta (this) anh (because of) ljm 13 (of Titus) owjjd (in the joy) htwdxb (we rejoice) Nydx (all the more) tyaryty (all of you) Nwklk (with) Me (spirit) hxwr (whose was refreshed) txyntad C * The Majority Greek text has your comfort. (to him) hl (ever I have boasted) trhbtsad (because in what) Mdmbd 14 (I am ashamed) tthb (not) al (your persons) Nwkypa (over) le (the truth) atswq (thing) Mdm (of every) lkd (as) Kya (but) ala (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (with you) Nwkme (we have spoken) Nllm (was found) xktsa (in the truth) atswqb (Titus) owjj (unto) twld (our boasting) Nrhbws (for you) Nwkyle (have increased) wygo (all the more) tyaryty (his affections) yhwmxr (also) Pa 15 (of you all) Nwklkd (the obedience) atwnemtsm (he remembers) rkdtm (as) dk (you received him) yhynwtlbq (& trembling) atytrbw (that in fear) atlxdbd (in you) Nwkyle (I) ana (trust) lykt (thing) Mdm (that in every) lkbd (I) ana (rejoice) adx 16
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Chapter 8 (of God) ahlad (the grace) htwbyj (brethren) Nyxa (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (we make known) Nnyedwm 11 (of Maqedonia) aynwdqmd (to the assemblies) atdeb (that is given) tbhytad (an abundance) atwryty (of their afflictions) Nwhnulwad (many) aaygo (that in the trials) ayqwbbd 2 (of their poverty) Nwhtwnkomd (& the depth) aqmwew (to their joy) Nwhtwdxl (there was) twh (of their generosity) Nwhtwjyspd (in the wealth) artweb (was made to superabound) rtyta (their power) Nwhlyx (that according to) Kyad (for) ryg (I) ana (testify) dho 3 (of their soul) Nwhspn (in the willingness) Nybub (their power) Nwhlyx (than) Nm (& more) rytyw (that they may share *) Nwptwtsnd (much) ataygo (with entreaty) atwebb (of us) Nnm (they sought) web 4 (of the holy ones) asydqd (of the ministry) atsmstd (in the grace) atwbyjb They sought of us with much entreaty that they might share in the grace of the ministry of the saints. M * Critical Greek has With much exhortation, entreating of us the favour and the fellowship of the ministry which was for the saints. The Greek here is vague; Did they want to serve or be served? The Majority Greek adds, to receive after entreating of us. The Majority Greek is closer to The Peshitta here, but both Greek texts lack the verb Nwptwtsnd that they may share, which has been turned into a noun - koinwnian fellowship. I dont see either Greek text behind The Aramaic text; I do see omission and very loose paraphrase of the Aramaic text behind the Greek readings. (themselves) Nwhspn (but) ala (were) Nywh (we hoped) Nyrbod (when) am (as) Kya (& not) alw 5 (of God) ahlad (in the will) hnybub (to us) Nl (& also) Paw (to our Lord) Nrml (first) Mdqwl (offered) wmlsa (thus) ankh (he began) yrsd (that as) Kyad (Titus) owjj (from) Nm (would seek) aebn (that we) Nnxd 6 (this) adh (grace) atwbyj (also) Pa (in you) Nwkb (he would finish) Mlsn (in faith) atwnmyhb (you) Nwtna (abound) Nyrtytm (in everything) Mdmlkbd (just as) ankya (but) ala 7 (& in our love) Nbwxbw (diligence) wjypx (& in all) lkbw (& in knowledge) atedybw (& in the word) atlmbw (you shall abound) rtytt (grace) atwbyj (in this) adhb (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (that is for you) Nwktwld (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (commanding) dqp (to command) dqpm (am) awh (not) al 8 (the truth) arrs (of your companions) Nwkyrbxd (by the diligence) atwjypxb (but) ala (I) ana (to test) aonm (of your love) Nwkbwxd (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy 9 (when) dk (He became poor) Nkomta (Who for your sake) Nwktljmd (The Messiah) axysm (would become rich) Nwrtet (by His poverty) htwnkomb (that you) Nwtnad (rich) aryte (He was) yhwtya (you) Nwkl (to help) ardemd (this) adh (you) Nwkl (I) ana (counsel) Klm (but) Nyd (to counsel) Klmm 10 (only) dwxlb (to purpose) abuml (not) wl (you began) Nwtyrs (last year) ydqtsa (that from) Nmd (because) ljm (to do) dbeml (also) Pa (but) ala (that you wanted) Nwtybud (thing) Mdm (that) wh (in works) adbeb (finish) wmls (but) Nyd (now) ash 11 (to desire) abuml (eagerness) axwwo (to you) Nwkl (that was) awhd (that as) ankyad (you) Nwkl (have) tyad (what) am (from) Nm (you may complete) Nwmlst (in works) adbeb (so) ankh (he) hl (has) tyad (what) am (according to) Kya (there is) yhwtya (willingness) anybu (for) ryg (if) Na 12 (he) hl (has not) tyld (what) am (according to) Kya (it is) awh (not) al (it is accepted) lbqtm (so) twkh (relief) atxwr (would be) awht (that to others) anrxald (for) ryg (has been) awh (not) al 13 (distress) anulwa (& to you) Nwklw (that your abundance) Nwktwrytyd (this) anh (at time) anbzb (be) wwh (together) atwywsb (but) ala 14 (that these things) Nylhd (to their lack) Nwhtwryoxl (would be) awht (yours) Nwklyd (would be) awht (that those things) Nwnhd (their abundance) Nwhtwryty (that also) Pad (equality) atwyws (that there would be) awhtd (yours) Nwklyd (for your lack) Nwktwryoxl
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(surplus) rtyta (no) al (took) lqs (who increased) ygoad (he) whd (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya 15 (to him) hl (was deprived) rubta (not) al (took) lqs (who little) lylqd (& he) whw (to him) hl (for you) Nwkyplx (this) adh (concern) atwjypx (Who gave) hbhyd (God) ahlal (but) Nyd (thank) wbyj 16 (of Titus) owjjd (to the heart) hblb (greatly) bjd (& because) ljmw (he accepted) lbq (for) ryg (our request) Ntweb 17 (among you) Nwkydau (he went out) qpn (his desire) hnybu (from) Nm (to him) hl (was concerned) lyjb (whose praise) htxwbstd (him) anya (our brother) Nwxal (with Him) hme (but) Nyd (we sent) Nrds 18 (the churches) atde (in all) Nyhlkb (is in the gospel) Nwylgnwab (the churches) atde (from) Nm (he was chosen) abg (to choose) abgm (also) Pad (in this way) ankh 19 (from us) Nnm (of ministry) asmtsmd (this) adh (in grace) atwbyjb (with us) Nme (to go out) qwpnd (our own) Nlyd (& for our encouragement) Nbbwllw (of God) ahlad (His) hlyd (for the glory) hxbwsl (a flaw) amwm (to us) Nb (may impute) Myon (anyone) sna (lest) ald (in this) adhb (but) Nyd (we fear) Nnyjynq 20 (by us) Nnm (that is administered) asmtsmd (abundance) atwbr (in this) adhb (God) ahla (before) Mdq (not) al (what is right) atrypsd (for) ryg (we take care of) Nnypyuy 21 (the children of men) asnynb (before) Mdq (also) Pa (but) ala (only) dwxlb (by us) Nld (who) anya (our brother) Nwxal (also) Pa (with them) Nwhme (but) Nyd (we sent) Nrds 22 (he is) wh (that diligent) ajypxd (in many things) ataygob (in every time) Nbzlkb (was proved) aqb (for you) Nwkyled (of many) aaygo (by the trust) anlkwtb (is diligent) jypx (all the more) tyaryty (but) Nyd (now) ash (among you) Nwkb (& helper) anrdemw (my) ylyd (is) wh (partner) aptws (Titus) owjj (therefore) lykh (if) Na 23 (of the churches) atded (are) Nwna (apostles) axyls (other) anrxa (our brethren) Nyxa (& if) Naw (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the glory) hxbwsd (& our pride) Nrhbwsw (of your love) Nwkbwxd (the demonstration) atywxt (from now on) lykm 24 (all) Nyhlk (of the churches) atde (in the presence) Pwurpb (show) wwx (among them) Nwhb (that is in you) Nwkbd Chapter 9 (of the holy ones) asydqd (but) Nyd (the ministration) atsmst (about) le 9:1 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (write) btk (if) Na (I) ana (make it) dbe (superfluous) atryty (this) anh (& because of) ljmw (of your minds) Nwknyerd (the readiness) hbywj (for) ryg (I) ana (knew) edy 2 (was) yh (ready) adyte (that Akaia) ayakad (to the Maqedonians) aynwdqml (of you) Nwkb (I boasted) trhbtsa (has excited) grg (many) aaygol (your) Nwklyd (& zeal) annjw (last year) ydqtsa (from) Nm (our boasting) Nrhbws (would be empty) qrton (lest) ald (the brothers) axal (but) Nyd (I sent) trds 3 (matter) atwbu (this) adh (about) le (in you) Nwkb (that we boasted) Nrhbtsad (prepared) Nybyjm (you will be) Nwwht trmad (that as) ankyad (& find you) Nwknwxksnw (Maqedonia) aynwdqm (with me) yme (come) Nwtan (lest) amld 4 (we) Nnx (& be ashamed) thbnw (you) Nwtna (are prepared) Nydyte (not) al (when) dk (would be ashamed) Nwthbt (that you) Nwtnad (we would say) rman (that not) ald (which we boasted) Nrhbtsad (that) wh (by boasting) arhbwsb (to ask) aebad (by me) yl (it has been taken care of) ljbta (this) anh (because of) ljm 5 (to you) Nwktwl (beforehand) ymdq (to come) Nwtand (these) Nylh (my brethren) yxa (of) Nm (I was heard) temtsa (the first) Mydq (for from) Nmd (that) yh (blessing) atkrwb (& to prepare) Nwdtenw (a blessing) atkrwb (as) Kya (in this way) ankh (prepared) abyjm (that it should be) awhtd (of greed) atwney (as if) Kya (to be) awh (not) al (reaps) dux (frugally) anowxb (also) Pa (frugally) anowxb (sows) erzd (whoever) Nm (but) Nyd (this) adh 6 (shall reap) dwuxn (with bounty) atkrwbb (with bounty) atkrwbb (sows) erzd (& whoever) Nmw (that from) Nmd (as) Kya (not) al (in his mind) hnyerb (he is) tyad (as) Kya (man) sna (every) lk 7 (compulsion) aryjq (that from) Nmd (as) Kya (or) wa (grief) atwyrk (God) ahla (loves) Mxr (joyful) aydx (for) ryg (Himself) wh (the giver) abwhyl
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(favor) wbyj (every) lk (of God) ahla (by the hand) ydyab (but) Nyd (that) yh (comes) ayjm 8 (whatever) am (that) wh (in all things) Mdmlkb (that always) Nbzlkbd (in you) Nwkb (to increase) rtynd (& you will superabound) rtyttw (to you) Nwkl (shall be) awhn (for you) Nwkl (is sufficient) qpod (good) bj (work) dbe (in every) lkb God is able to make every favor abound in you that you shall have whatever is sufficient for you, and you will superabound in every good work. (to the poor) ankoml (& He has given) bhyw (He has dispersed) rdbd (that is written) bytkd (as) Kya 9 (for eternity) Mlel (stands) amyq (& His righteousness) htwqydzw (to the sower) aewrzl (seed) aerz (that He gives) bhyd (but) Nyd (He) wh 10 (your seed) Nwkerz (& He shall multiply) agonw (shall give) ltn (He) wh (for food) atlwkaml (& bread) amxlw (of your righteousness) Nwktwqydzd (the fruit) arap (& increase) abrnw (right of an heir *) atwjysp (with the entire) hlkb (you may be enriched) Nwrtet (things) Mdm (that in all) lkbd 11 (to God) ahlal (thanksgiving) atydwt (by us) Ndyab (perfects) armg (that which) yhd * atwjysp Peshitotha can mean simplicity or the right of a plain heir-(Jastrows Targum Dictionary). It occurs again in v. 13, where its meaning is borne out. (only) dwxlb (does) awh (not) al (this) adh (of service) atsmstd (the labor) anxlwpd (because) ljm 12 (abounds) rtym (also) Pa (but) ala (satisfy) almm (of the saints) asydqd (the want) atwryox (to God) ahlal (much) ataygo (in thanksgiving) atydwtb (this) adh (of service) atsmstd (for) ryg (the experience) ayqwb (because of) ljm 13 (to the confession) atydwtl (that you submitted) Nwtdbetsad (they glorify) Nyxbsm (God) ahlal (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the Gospel) htrbod (with them) Nwhme (in your right of heirship) Nwktwjyspb (& you became partners) Nwtptwtsaw (every person) snlk (& with) Mew (of many) aaygo (with love) abwxb (for you) Nwkyplx (they bring) Nybrqm (& prayer) atwluw 14 (that is upon you) Nwkyled (of God) ahlad (of the grace) htwbyjd (the abundance) aagwo (because of) ljm (is -utterable) allmtm (that un-) ald (His gift) htbhwm (for) le (God) ahlal (but) Nyd (thank) wbyj 15 Chapter 10 (of you) Nwknm (I) ana (beg) aeb (Paul) owlwp (but) Nyd (I) ana 10:1 (of The Messiah) axysmd (& the gentleness) htwkykmbw (by the serenity) htwxynb (with you) Nwktwl (I am) ana (gentle) Kykm (is among faces) Nypab (when our face *) Npad (toward you) Nwkyle (I am) ana (bold) lykt (I am) ana (distant) qyxr (when) dk (but) ala * Our face among faces is an idiom meaning we are present. (I come) tytad (when) am (that not) ald (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (I) ana (beg) aeb 2 (to presume) xysad (to me) yl (that is) tyad (by boldness) anlkwtb (it is necessary) Ulata (those) Nylya (persons) asna (against) le (I) ana (that give counsel) aertmd (as) Kya (we walk) Nnyklhm (in the flesh) robbd (as if) Kyad (us) Nl (who account) Nybsxd (we are) Nnx (walking) Nyklhm (for) ryg (in the flesh) robb (even if) Npa 3 (we war) Nnyxlp (that in the flesh) arobd (has been) awh (not) al (on the other hand) ala (of the flesh) arobd (are) awh (not) al (of our war) Ntwxlpd (for) ryg (weapons) anyz 4 (& by it) hbw (of God) ahlad (of the power) alyxd (but) ala (rebellious) adyrm (fortresses) anox (we subdue) Nnysbk (high thing) amwr (& every) lkw (reasonings) atbsxm (& we pull down) Nnyrtow 5 (of God) ahlad (the knowledge) htedy (against) lbqwl (that is exalted) Myrttmd (of The Messiah) axysmd (for the obedience) htemsml (minds) Nyert (all) lk (& we take prisoner) Nnybsw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(those) Nylya (of) Nm (the punishment) atebt (to execute) dbeml (& we are prepared) Nnybyjmw 6 (your obedience) Nwktwnemtsm (is fulfilled) tylmtad (when) am (obey) Nyemtsm (who not) ald (himself) hspn (upon) le (trusts) lykt (a man) sna (if) Na (you) Nwtna (gaze) Nyryx (at persons) apwurpb 7 (his soul) hspn (from) Nm (let him know) edn (this) anh (he is) wh (that of The Messiah) axysmdd (we are) Nnx (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (of The Messiah) axysmd (he is) whd (that as) Kyad (authority) anjlws (of) le (I boast) rhbtsa (more) ryty (anything) Mdm (also) Pa (for) ryg (if) Na 8 (I) ana (am ashamed) thb (not) al (our Lord) Nrm (to me) yl (that gives) bhyd (to us) Nl (He gave) bhy (your) Nwklyd (it is) wh (for edification) anynbld (because) ljm (for your destruction) Nwkpxwol (& not) alw (that) wh (as) Kya (it be supposed) rbtoa (lest) ald (but) Nyd (I) ana (avoid it *) amhm 9 (with my epistle) ytrgab (you) Nwkl (I) ana (terrify) lxdm (to terrify) wlxdmd But I avoid it, lest it be supposed that I terrify you with my epistle. * Greek mss. omit the phrase I avoid it, making verse 9 a dangling modifier clause instead of a sentence: that I may not seem as if I would terrify you by my letters. (who say) Nyrmad (people) asna (there are) tyad (because) ljm 10 (& are powerful) Nnyoxw (are weighty) Nryqy ( the letters) atrgad (contemptible) ajys (& his speech) htlmw (is weak) hyrk (bodily) amswgd (but) Nyd (his coming) hytam (speaks) rma (in this way) ankhd (who) Nm (let him consider) aertn (this) adh (but) ala 11 (of our epistles) Ntrgad (in the message) atlmb (we are) Nytyad (that as) ankyad (we are) Nytya (in this way) ankh (we are absent) Nnyqyxr (when) dk (in deeds) adbeb (we are present) Nnybyrqd (when) am (also) Pa (ourselves) Nspn (to compare) Mxpnd (or) wa (to value) bwsxnd (we dare) Nnyxrmm (for) ryg (not) al 12 (but) ala (themselves) Nwhspn (who flaunt) Nyrhbsmd (those) Nwnh (with) Me (are wise) Nylktom (not) al (comparing) Nymxpm (themselves) Nwhl (among them) Nwhb (those) Nwnhd (so) ljm (our size) Ntxwsm (beyond) Nm ryty (we boast) Nnyrhbtsm (not) al (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 13 (God) ahla (to us) Nl (that distributed) glpd (of the limits) amwxtd (in the measure) atxwsmb (but) ala (to you) Nwktwl (as far as) amde (also) Pa (to reach) ajmnd (to you) Nwktwl (we arrived) Nnyjmtm (that not) ald (as if) Kya (for) ryg (was) awh (not) al 14 (to you) Nwktwl (for) ryg (as far as) amde (ourselves) Nspn (we joined) Nnyxtm (of The Messiah) axysmd (with the gospel) htrbob (we arrived) Nyjm (our measure) Ntxwsm (of) Nm (outside) rbl (we glory) Nnyrhbtsm (& not) alw 15 (hope) arbo (us) Nl (is) tya (but) ala (of others) anrxad (in the labor) almeb (we shall be magnified) brwrtn (by you) Nwkb (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (increases) aybr (that when) dkd (& we shall abound) rtytnw (our measure) Ntxwsm (according to) Kya (by the measure) atxwsmb (not) al (to preach the gospel) wrboml (from you) Nwknm (to beyond) lhl (also) Pa 16 (shall we boast) rhbtsn (we have won) Nnqtmd (whomever) Nylyab (of others) anrxad (let him boast) rhbtsn (in Jehovah) ayrmb (who boasts) rhbtsmd (but) Nyd (He) wh 17 (is) wh (who) wh (praises) xbsm (who himself) hspnd (he) Nm (for) ryg (is) awh (not) al 18 (praises) yhwyxbsn (whom Jehovah) ayrmd (he) Nm (but) ala (approved) aqb Chapter 11 (a little) lylq (with me) yl (you were) Nwtywh (patient) Nyrbyom (but) Nyd (would that!) Pwtsa 11:1 (you) Nwtna (patient) Nyrbyom (also) Pa (but) ala (foolishly) tyahykp (while I shall speak) llmad (with me) yl (are) wh
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of God) ahlad (in the jealousy) annjb (over you) Nwkb (for) ryg (I am) ana (jealous) Naj 2 (pure) atykd (a virgin) atlwtb (One) dx (to Man) arbgl (for) ryg (I have betrothed) Nwktrkm (to The Messiah) axysml (to present) brqad (Eve) awxl (the serpent) aywx (seduced) yejad (as) Kya (lest) amld (but) Nyd (I) ana (fear) lxd 3 (your minds) Nwkynyer (may be corrupted) Nwlbxtn (in this way) ankh (by his craftiness) htwlyknb (The Messiah) axysm (that is with) twld (the simplicity) atwjysp (from) Nm (another) anrxa (to you) Nwktwl (who comes) atad (he) wh (for) ryg (if) Na 4 (we preached) Nzrka (not) al (that we) Nnxd (whom) anya (to you) Nwkl (would preach) zrka (Yeshua) ewsy (you have received) Nwtbon (that not) ald (which) adya (you receive) Nwtbon (another) atrxa (spirit) axwr (or) wa (you have received) Nwtlbq (that not) ald (which) adya (another) atrxa (gospel) atrbo (or) wa (you may be) Nwtywh (persuaded) Nyoypjtm (well) ryps (I have come short) trub (not) al (that in anything) Mdmd (for) ryg (I) ana (think) anr 5 (excel) Nyrtym (who greatly) bjd (those) Nylya (apostles) axyls (of) Nm (not) al (but) ala (in my speech) ytlmb (I am) ana (simple) arwb (for) ryg (even if) Npa 6 (to you) Nwktwl (we have been revealed) Nylgta (in all things) Mdmlkb (but) ala (in my knowledge) ytedyb (have I offended?) tlkoa (to wrong you) wlkom (interrog.) amld (or) wa 7 (may be exalted) Nwmyrtt (that you) Nwtnad (myself) yspn (that I humbled) tkkmd (of God) ahlad (the gospel) htrbo (to you) Nwkl (I may preach) tzrka (& without charge) Ngmw (& I took) tbonw (I robbed) tulx (other) atynrxa (& assemblies) atdew 8 (your) Nwklyd (for ministration) atsmstl (expenses) atqpn (to me) yl (& there was want) roxw (among you) Nwkydau (I came) tyta (& when) dkw 9 (of you) Nwknm (each) sna (upon) le (I was a burden) trqy (not) al (who came) wtad (brethren) axa (they satisfied) wylm (for) ryg (my want) ytwqyno (myself) yspn (I kept) trjn (thing) Mdm (& in every) lkbw (Maqedonia) aynwdqm (from) Nm (upon you) Nwkyle (I may be a burden) rqa (lest) ald (I) ana (& shall keep) rjnw (boasting) arhbws (that this) anhd (of The Messiah) axysmd (the truth) hrrs (in me) yb (is) yhwtya 10 (of Akaia) ayakad (in the region) atwrtab (in me) yb (shall fail) ljbtn (not) al (knows) edy (Himself) wh (God) ahla (you) Nwkl (I) ana (love) bxm (that not) ald (because) ljm (Why?) anml 11 (the) wh (to cut off) qwopad (I shall do) dbea (also) Pa (I) ana (that do) dbed (this) adh (but) ala 12 (thing) Mdm (so in that) whbd (a pretext) atle (who seek) Nyebd (of those) Nylyad (accusations) Nwhtle (like us) Ntwka (they will be found) Nwxktsn (which they brag) Nyrhbtsmd (false) algd (apostles) axyls (these) Nylh (for) ryg (are) Nwhytya 13 (themselves) Nwhspn (& they liken) Nymdmw (treacherous) alykn (& workers) alepw (of The Messiah) axysmd (to apostles) axylsl (at this) adhb (to wonder) wrmdtml (& not) tylw 14 (of light) arhwnd (an angel) akalmb (resembles) amdtm (who is Satan) anjod (for) ryg (he) wh (if) Na (his ministers) yhwnsmsm (also) Pa (if) Na (a matter) atwbu (great) abr (has been) twh (not) al 15 (of righteousness) atwqydzd (ministers) ansmsmb (imitate) Nymdtm (their works) Nwhydbe (like) Kya (will be) awht (whose end) Nwhtrxd (those) Nwnh (of me) yle (should think) rbon (man) sna (no) aml (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (again) bwt 16 (a fool) alko (as) Kya (even) Npa (not) al (& if) Naw (I am) ana (a fool) alkod (as if) Kya (I may brag) rhbtsa (a little) lylq (I) ana (that also) Pad (receive me) ynwlbq (I) ana (speak) llmm (by our Lord) Nrmb (it is) awh (not) al (I) ana (that speak) llmmd (anything) Mdm 17 (of boasting) arhbwsd (occasion) atkwd (on this) adhb (in folly) atwhykpbd (as) Kya (but) ala (shall brag) rhbtsa (I) ana (also) Pa (in the flesh) arobb (boast) Nyrhbtsm (many) aaygod (because) ljm 18
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(listening) wemtsml (for) ryg (are?) wh (you) Nwtna (of those) Nyxnm 19 (are) Nwtna (wise) amykx (you) Nwtna (while) dk (intelligence) anyer (to those lacking) yryoxl (to you) Nwkl (who is subject) dbesmd (to the one) Nml (you) Nwtna (& submit?) Nyndtmw 20 (from you) Nwknm (who takes) bond (& to him) Nmlw (you) Nwkl (who embezzles) lkad (& to him) Nmlw (who strikes) axmd (& to him) Nmlw (over you) Nwkyle (who exalts himself) Myrtmd (& to him) Nmlw (your face) Nwkypa (on) le (you) Nwkl (it is) wh (as if) Kya (I) ana (speak) rma (one in dishonor) areubd (as) Kya 21 (of intelligence) anyer (by lack) twryoxb (are) wh (poor) Nnylyxm (that we) Nnxd (a man) sna (that presumes) xrmmd (that in all things) Mdmlkbd (I) ana (say) rma (do) ana (presume) xrmm (I) ana (also) Pa (they are) Nwna (Israelites) aylroya (if) Na (I am) ana (also) Pa (they are) Nwna (Hebrews) ayrbe (if) Na 22 (I am) ana (also) Pa (of Abraham) Mhrbad (they are) Nwna (the seed) herz (if) Na (I am) ana (also) Pa (of The Messiah) axysmd (they are) Nwna (ministers) ansmsm (if) Na 23 (than they) Nwhnm (that greater) rytyd (I) ana (say) rma (of intelligence) anyer (by lack) twryoxb (than they) Nwhnm (more) ryty (with wounds) atwxmb (than they) Nwhnm (more) ryty (in toil) atwalb (I am) ana (many) Naygo (times) Nynbz (in death) atwmb (than they) Nwhnm (more) ryty (in chains) arwoab (forty) Nyebra (times) Nynbz (five) smx (the Judeans) aydwhy (from) Nm 24 (I have been whipped) telb (one) adx (lacking) ryox (forty) Nyebra From the Judeans five times I have been beaten with the forty minus one lashes. (I have been scourged) tdgnta (with rods) ajbsb (times) Nynbz (three) tlt 25 (shipwrecked) agwwn (I have been) tywh (times) Nynbz (three) tlt (I was stoned) tmgrta (time) Nbz (one) adx (I have been) tywh (in the sea) amyb (a ship) atnypo (without) ald (& a night) ayllw (a day) ammya Without a ship is not in the Greek texts. (of rivers) atwrhnd (in dangers) ownydnqb (many) ataygo (on journeys) atxrwab 26 (my kindred) ymhwj (that from) Nmd (in dangers) ownydnqb (of robbers) aoygd (in dangers) ownydnqb (I was) tywh (in dangers) ownydnqb (the Gentiles) amme (that from) Nmd (in dangers) ownydnqb (in the desert) abrwxb (I was) tywh (in dangers) ownydnqb (in the city) atnydmb (false) algd (brethren) axa (that from) Nmd (in dangers) ownydnqb (in the sea) amyb (in dangers) ownydnqb (in hunger) anpkb (many) aaygo (in vigils) arhsb (& in fatigue) atwalbw (in toil) almeb 27 (& in nakedness) atwyljrebw (in cold) ayreb (many) aaygo (in fasts) amwub (& in thirst) ayhubw (who are with me) yled (& crowds) ayswnkw (many things) atryty (from) Nm (aside) rjo 28 (the churches) atde (all) Nyhlk (my person) ypa (that is upon) led (& my care) ytpuw (of every day) Mwylkd (am) ana (suffering) hrktm (I) ana (& not) alw (suffering) hrktm (who is?) wnm 29 (am) ana (burning) dqy (I) ana (& not) alw (stumbled) lsktm (who is?) wnm (I shall boast) rhbtsa (in my sufferings) ynhrwkb (it is fitting) alw (to boast) wrhbtsml (if) Na 30 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (The Father) yhwba (God) ahla (He) wh (knows) edy 31 (I) ana (lie) bdkm (that not) ald (of eternities) Nymle (to eternity) Mleld (blessed) akrbm (the king) aklm (of Aretus) owjrad (of the army) alyx (the leader) br (in Dramsuq) qwomrdb 32 (to seize me) yndxaml (of the Damascenes) ayqowmrdd (the city) atnydm (was) awh (guarding) rjn (they lowered me) ynwbs (in a basket) atgyrob (a window) atwk (& from) Nmw 33 (their hands) yhwdya (from) Nm (& I escaped) tjlptaw (a wall) arws (from) Nm Chapter 12 (is beneficial) xqp (not) al (but) ala (is necessary *) alw (to boast) wrhbtsml 12:1 (of our Lord) Nrmd (& to revelations) yhwnylglw (to visions) anwzxl (for) ryg (myself) yl (I) ana (have come) ata (fourteen) aroebra (before) Mdq (from) Nm (in The Messiah) axysmb (a man) arbg (I knew) anedy 2 (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (a body) rgp (without) ald (or) Naw (but) Nyd (in the body) rgpb (whether) Na (years) Nyns
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(this one) anh (he) wh (who was snatched up) Pjxtad (knows) edy (Himself) wh (God) ahla (the third) atltd (Heaven) ayms (unto) amde (in a body) rgpb (if) Na (son of man) asnrb (this) anhl (him) hl (I) ana (& knew) edyw 3 (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (a body) rgp (without) ald (or if) Naw (but) Nyd (knows) edy (Himself) wh (God) ahla (that -un) ald (words) alm (& heard) emsw (to Paradise) aoydrpl (who was snatched up) Pjxtad 4 (are authorized) jyls (that not) ald (those) Nylya (-speakable are) Nllmtm (them) Nyna (to speak) wllmml (for a man) asnrbl (I shall glory) rhbtsa (not) al (but) Nyd (myself) yspn (upon) le (I shall glory) rhbtsa (this one) anh (upon) le 5 (in suffering) anhrwkb (only) Na (except) ala (misbehaving) ayjs (I) ana (have been) awh (not) al (to boast) rhbtsad (for) ryg (I have wished) abua (if) Na 6 (but) Nyd (I abstain) anoax (I) ana (say) rma (for) ryg (it is) wh (the truth) arrs (he sees) azxd (what) am (than) Nm (more) ryty (of me) yle (should think) aertn (a man) sna (lest) amld (from me) ynm (& that he hears) emsdw (in me) yl (of revelations) anylgd (by the abundance) atwrytyb (I would be lifted up) Myrta (& lest) aldw 7 (of Satan) anjod (an angel) hkalm (to my flesh) yrobl (a thorn) ayps (to me) yl (was handed over) Mltsa (I be lifted up) Myrta (lest) ald (me) yl (buffeting) xpqm (to be) awhnd (times) Nynbz (three) tlt (this) anh (& about) lew 8 (from me) ynm (to remove it) qrpnd (My Lord) yrm (of) Nm (I begged) tyeb (My grace) ytwbyj (for you) Kl (is sufficient) aqpo (to me) yl (& He said) rmaw 9 (perfected) rmgtm (is) wh (in weakness) atwhyrkb (for) ryg (My power) ylyx (in my sufferings) ynhrwkb (I shall boast) rhbtsa (therefore) lykh (joyfully) tyaydx (of The Messiah) axysmd (the power) hlyx (upon me) yle (that may rest) Ngnd (in suffering) anhrwkb (I) ana (am pleased) abu (this) anh (because of) ljm 10 (in persecution) aypwdrb (in distress) anulwab (in disgrace) areub (of The Messiah) axysm (the Person) ypa (that for) led (in imprisonment) ayswbxb (I) ana (strong) Ntlyx (am) wh (then) Nydyh (for) ryg (I) ana (am weak) hyrkd (when) ytma (in my boasting) yrhbwsb (a mind) anyer (lacking) ryox (I was) tywh (behold) ah 11 (you were) Nwtywh (indebted) Nybyx (compelled me) ynnwtula (because you) Nwtnad (because) ljm (for me) yle (should testify) Nwdhot (that you) Nwtnad (for) ryg (those) Nylya (apostles) axyls (of) Nm (anything) Mdm (I lacked) trub (that not) ald (anything) Mdm (I was) tywh (not) al (even though) Npaw (excelled) Nyrtym (who greatly) bjd (among you) Nwktnyb (I performed) tdbe (of an apostle) axylsd (the signs) atwta 12 (& with heroic deeds) atwrbgbw (patience) wnrbyom (with all) lkb (& with miracles) alyxbw (& with wonders) atrmdtbw (other) atynrxa (churches) atde (of) Nm (did you lack) Nwtrubta (for) ryg (in what?) anmb 13 (upon you) Nwkyle (was a burden) trqy (not) al (that I) anad (in this) adhb (only) Na (except) ala (wrong-doing) atwlko (this) adh (me) yl (forgive) wqwbs (I) ana (that am ready) byjmd (time) Nynbz (is) yh (the third) tltd (this) adh (behold) ah 14 (upon you) Nwkyle (I shall be a burden) rqa (& not) alw (to you) Nwktwl (to come) atad (you) Nwkl (but) ala (yours) Nwklyd (I) ana (seek) aeb (that not) ald (because) ljm (for parents) ahbal (treasure) atmyo (to lay up) Moml (children) aynb (ought) Nybyx (for) ryg (not) al (for their children) Nwhynbl (parents) ahba (but) ala (my person) ymwnq (& also) Paw (I shall pay) qpa (also expenses) atqpnw (cheerfully) tyaydx (but) Nyd (I) ana 15 (the more) tyaryty (when) dk (even though) Npa (your souls) Nwktspn (the sake of) ypa (for) le (I would give) lta (me) yl (are) Nwtna (loving) Nybxm (the less) tyaryub (you) Nwtna (you) Nwkl (I) ana (love) bxm (but) ala (upon you) Nwkyle (was a burden) trqy (not) al (I) ana (& perhaps) rbkw 16 (I robbed you) Nwktbng (by treachery) alknb (crafty) aerx (a man) arbg (as) Kya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(another) Nyrxa (man) sna (by the hand of) dyb (interrogative) aml 17 (what was yours) Nwkyle (I greedily desired) tneyta (to you) Nwktwl (whom I sent) trdsd (the brethren) axal (with him) hme (& I sent) trdsw (I asked) tyeb (Titus) owjj (when) Nm 18 (Titus) owjj (what was yours) Nwkyle (was greedily desiring) Neyta (anything) Mdm (interrogative) aml (steps) atbqeb (& in the same) Nyhbw (we walked) Nklh (Spirit) axwr (in the same) adxb (not?) wl (we make excuses) axwr Nnyqpn (that to you) Nwkld (you) Nwtna (think) Nyrbo (again) bwt (interrogative) aml 19 (& all these things) Nyhlkw (we speak) Nnyllmm (in The Messiah) axysmb (God) ahla (before) Mdq (your) Nwklyd (are) wh (edification) anynb (for) ljm (my beloved) ybybx (to you) Nwktwl (I come) ata (lest) amld (for) ryg (I) ana (fear) lxd 20 (to you) Nwkl (& I be found) xktsaw (I) ana (wish) abud (as) Kya (I shall find you) Nwkxksa (& not) alw (contention) anyrx (lest there be) amld (you wish) Nwtybu (that not) ald (what) am (as) Kya (I) ana (also) Pa (& murmuring) anjrw (& slander) aurq-lkamw (& contention) anyuew (& rage) atmxw (& envy) amoxw (& tumult) ayswgsw (& insolence) atwrytxw (will humble me) ynkkmn (to you) Nwktwl (I shall come) ata (when) dk (lest) amld 21 (who) Nylya (many) aaygo (over) le (& I shall be grieved) lbataw (my God) yhla (defilement) atwpnj (from) Nm (have returned) wbt (& not) alw (who have sinned) wjxd (which they have done) wdbed (lewdness) atwzxp (& from) Nmw (fornication) atwynz (& from) Nm Chapter 13 (upon) led (to you) Nwktwl (am) ana (I coming) atad (time) Nynbz (is) yh (the third) tltd (this) adh 13:1 (word) alm (every) lk (shall be established) Mwqt (witnesses) Nydho (or three) atltw (of two) Nyrt (mouth) Mwp (beforehand) Mdqm (& again) bwtw (to you) Nwkl (I had) tywh (I said) trma (the first) Mydq (from) Nm 2 (time) Nynbz (a second) Nytrt (that also) Pad (as) Kya (to you) Nwkl (am) ana (saying) rma (I) ana (now) ash (& also) Paw (to you) Nwkl (I said) trma (with you) Nwktwl (when I was) tywhd (who have sinned) wjxd (to these) Nylhl (I write) anbtk (I am) ana (absent) qyxr (as) dk (I shall spare) owxa (not) al (again) bwt (I come) ata (whom if) Nad (of others) anrxad (& to the rest) akrslw (of The Messiah) axysmd (you seek) Nwtyeb (proof) ayqwbd (because) ljm 3 (among you) Nwkb (weak) lyxm (is) awh (who not) ald (he) wh (in me) yb (that He speaks) llmmd (among you) Nwkb (is) wh (mighty) Ntlyx (but) ala (in weakness) atwlyxmb (for) ryg (He was crucified) Pqdza (although) Npa 4 (we) Nnx (& also) Paw (of God) ahlad (by the power) alyxb (He) wh (lives) yx (yet) ala (with Him) hme (are) Nnx (we living) Nyyx (but) ala (with Him) hme (are weak) Nnylyxm (that is among you) Nwkbd (of God) ahlad (by the power) alyxb (you) Nwtna (stand) Nymyq (in the faith) atwnmyhb (in it) hb (if) Na (examine) wqb (your souls) Nwkspn 5 (that Yeshua) ewsyd (are you aware) Nwtyedwtsm (not) al (or) wa (tend to) woa (your souls) Nwkspn (you are) Nwtna (worthless) aylom (not) al (or if) Naw (is) wh (in you) Nwkb (The Messiah) axysm (worthless) Nylom (are) Nywh (not) al (that we) Nnxd (that you will know) Nwedtd (but) Nyd (I) ana (hope) rbom 6 (in you) Nwkb (shall be) awhn (that not) ald (God) ahla (of) Nm (but) Nyd (I) ana (pray) aeb 7 (but) ala (may appear) azxtn (our) Nlyd (that the proofs) Nyqwbd (as) Kya (of evil) sybd (anything) Mdm (good) atbj (doing) Nyreo (you will be) Nwwht (that you) Nwtnad (worthless) aylom (as) Kya (may be) awhn (& we) Nnxw (the truth) atswq (against) lbqwl (anything) Mdm (do) dbend (we can) Nnyxksm (for) ryg (not) al 8 (the truth) atswq (for the sake of) Plx (but) ala (are strong) Nyntlyx (& you) Nwtnaw (are weak) Nyhyrk (we) Nnxd (whenever) am (but) Nyd (we rejoice) Nnydx 9 (you may be perfected) Nwrmgtt (that you) Nwtnad (we pray) Nnylum (also) Pa (for) ryg (this) adh (I) ana (write) btk (these things) Nylh (I am) ana (absent) qyxr (when) dk (this) anh (because of) ljm 10 (the authority) anjlws (according to) Kya (I deal) rweoa (severely) tyaysq (I come) tytad (when) am (lest) ald (for your destruction) Nwkpxwol (& not) alw (for your building up) Nwknynbl (My Lord) yrm (to me) yl (that gives) bhyd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Corinthians atnyrt aytnrwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(& be comforted) waybtaw (& be perfected) wrmgtaw (rejoice) wdx (my brethren) yxa (from now on) lykm 11 (of love) abwxd (& The God) ahlaw (in you) Nwkb (shall be) awhn (& peace) anysw (& harmony) atwywaw (with you) Nwkme (shall be) awhn (& of peace) atwmlsdw (holy) atsydq (with a kiss) atqswnb (of another) dxd (one) dx (peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 12 (the saints) asydq (all of them) Nwhlk (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nylas 13 (of God) ahlad (& the love) hbwxw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the peace) hmls 14 (Amen) Nyma (all of you) Nwklk (with) Me (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (& the fellowship) atwptwsw Greek has h cariv tou kuriou ihsou cristou The grace of The Lord Jesus Christ; The Peshitta has The peace of our Lord Jesus The Messiah. Grace in Aramaic can be htbt. Peace is hmls. Lets compare the two in three Aramaic scripts: Ashuri: hmls Peace htbj- Grace,Goodness DSS: hml$ Peace htb+ -Grace,Goodness Estrangela

hml$ Peace htb+-- -Grace,Goodness

It appears that either the Ashuri or Dead Sea Scroll scripts could account for the Greek reading of cariv. cariv.The DSS pair look the most alike. Three of the four letters (75%) of each word look similar and could have been confused. An argument could even be made that the remaining letters l and b may be confused one for another. The Greek for Peace is eirhnh; eirhnh; Compare to cariv Grace. Here they are in ancient uncial Greek script: EIRHNH Peace & CARIS Grace. There is no resemblance between them whatsoever. So how would an Aramaean translating Greek into Aramaic see CARIS and translate as if he saw EIRHNH? EIRHNH? Beats me, but this is typical of the many differences between The Peshitta and The Greek NT; The Aramaic of The Peshitta can account for many Greek readings where they differ; the Greek cannot account very well, if at all, for The Peshitta readings. The data in Corinthians decidedly supports Peshitta primacy -(The Peshitta as the original behind the Greek texts).

Glenn David Bauscher

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

Chapter1 (children of men) asnynb (from) Nm (not) al (an apostle) axyls (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (of a son of man) asnrb (by the hand) dyb (& not) alw (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsy (by the hand) dyb (but) ala (Who raised Him) hmyqad (He) wh (His father) yhwba (& God) ahlaw (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (who are with me) ymed (the brethren) axa (& all of them) Nwhlkw 2 (Galatya) ayjlgb (that is) tyad (to the assembly) atdel (The Father) aba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& peace) amlsw (with you) Nwkme (grace) atwbyj 3 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (our sins) Nyhjx (for the sake of) Plx (Himself) hspn (Who He gave) bhyd (He) wh 4 (evil) asyb (this) anh (world) amle (from) Nm (to set us free) Nyupnd (our Father) Nwba (of God) ahlad (the will) hnybu (according to) Kya (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to eternity) Mlel (is the glory) axbws (to Whom) hld 5 (you) Nwtna (have been turned) Nykphtm (quickly) lgeb (how) ankya (I) ana (marvel) rmdtm 6 (by His grace) htwbyjb (called you) Nwkrqd (He) wh (The Messiah) axysm (from) Nm (gospel) atrbo (to another) atrxal (there) tya (are) wh (some) asna (but) ala (does exist) hytya (which not) ald (that) adya 7 (to change) Nwplxsnd (& they wish) Nybuw (you) Nwkl (who trouble) Nyxldd (of The Messiah) axysmd (the Gospel) htrbo (will evangelize you) Nwkrbon (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (an angel) akalm (or) wa (but) Nyd (we) Nnx (if) Na (even) Pa 8 (damned *) Mrx (he would be) awhn (we evangelized you) Nwknrbod (what) am (from) Nm (outside) rbl Mrx (Khraym, Kharma) refers to what is cursed by God and devoted to Him for destruction. This calls for the strongest language possible in translation. (I) ana (say) rma (again) bwt (& now) ashw (I said) trma (the first) Mdqwl (that from) Nmd (just as) ankya 9 (what) am (of) Nm (outside) rbl (you) Nwkl (evangelizes) rbom (anyone) sna (that if) Nad (damned) Mrx (he shall be) awhn (you have received) Nwtlbqd (to God) ahlal (or) wa (I) ana (plead) oypm (is it?) wh (to the children of men) asnynbl (for) ryg (now) ash 10 (to please) rpsad (I) ana (do seek) aeb (the children of men) asnynbl (or) wa (pleasing) rps (the children of men) asnynbl (now) ashl (until) amde (for) ryg (if) wla (I have) tywh (been) awh (not) al (of The Messiah) axysmd (the servant) adbe (I have been) tywh (that the Gospel) atrbod (my brothers) yxa (but) Nyd (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (notify) edwm 11 (a human) asnrb (from) Nm (was) twh (not) al (by me) ynm (that was evangelized) trbtoad (& I learned it) htplyw (I received it) htlbq (a man) asnrb (from) Nm (I) ana (for) ryg (neither) alpa 12 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in the revelation) anylgb (but) ala (the first) Mydq (that from) Nmd (of my way of life) ykpwh (for) ryg (you have heard) Nwtems 13 (I was) tywh (persecuting) Pdr (that greatly) tyarytyd (that was in Judaism) atwydwhybd (it) hl (I was) tywh (& destroying) brxw (of God) ahlad (the church) htde

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(many) aaygo (beyond) Nm (greatly) bj (in Judaism) atwydwhyb (I was) tywh (& surpassing) rtytmw 14 (& very) tyarytyw (in my kindred) ymhwjb (were) awh (who being) tyad (of years) yns (sons) ynb (of my ancestors) yhbad (in the teaching) anplwyb (I was) tywh (zealous) Naj (separated me) ynsrpd (Who) Nm (He) wh (but) Nyd (chose) abu (when) dk 15 (in His grace) htwbyjb (& called me) ynrqw (my mothers) yma (womb) ork (from) Nm (in me) yb (His Son) hrb (that He would reveal) algnd 16 (among The Gentiles) ammeb (that I would proclaim Him) yhwyrboad (& to blood) amdlw (to flesh) arobl (I revealed it) tylg (not) al (of a moment) htes (son) rb (the apostles) axyls (to) twl (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (I went) tlza (neither) alw 17 (to Arabia) aybral (I went) tlza (but) ala (before me) ymdq (who were from) Nmd (to Darmsoq *) qwomrdl (I returned) tkph (& again) bwtw qwomrd Darmsoq is Damascus in Aramaic. The same spelling is found everywhere in the 15 places it occurs in The NT. It is also the same in The Peshitta OT. The Hebrew spelling has variations, including qsmrd (Darmesheq). (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (I went) tlza (years) Nyns (three) tlt (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 18 (fifteen) roetsmx (days) atmwy (with him) htwl (& I stayed) tywqw (Kaypha *) apakl (to see) azxad * Most Greek mss. have Petrov,Petros Peter; some old uncial Greek mss. have khfan Cephas, which is the Greek transliteration of the Aramaic name apak (Kaypha). Petros is the Greek translation of Kaypha- A stone, A rock.As you examine Galatians, look for other verses with these names. In some verses, the Aramaic name is used in all Greek mss (2:9) whereas in other verses, only the Greek name is used in all Greek mss (2:7,8). This is more evidence added to the heap of witnesses for Aramaic primacy. The Peshitta has Kaypha in all these places.John 1:42 in Greek plainly declares that our Lord named this disciple Kaypha, and that his name translated into Greek is Petros. Some Greek scribes chose to transliterate the name in Pauls epistles, showing that the original epistle had the Aramaic name; others chose to translate it, but not consistently, for they sometimes also transliterate it,also giving evidence of an Aramaic original. (Yaqob) bwqeyl (only) Na (but) ala (I saw) tyzx (not) al (the apostles) axyls (of) Nm (but) Nyd (another) Nyrxal 19 (of our Lord) Nrmd (the brother) yhwxa (God) ahla (before) Mdq (behold) ah (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (that write) btkd (but) Nyd (these things) Nylh 20 (I) ana (lie) bdkm (that not) ald (I came) tyta (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (from) Nm 21 (& Qiliqya) ayqylyqdw (of Surya) ayrwod (to the regions) atwrtal (the churches) atde (by face) Nypab (me) yl (had) ywh (known) Nedy (& not) alw 22 (who are in The Messiah) axysmbd (these) Nylh (that are in Judea) dwhybd (they had) wwh (heard) Nyems (only) dwxlb (this) adh (but) ala 23 (behold) ah (now) ash (us) Nl (had) awh (persecuted) Pdr (the first) Mydq (who from) Nmd (that he) whd (he had) awh (overthrown) Pxom (times) anbz (earlier) Mdq (that from) Nmd (that) yh (faith) atwnmyh (preaches) rbom (God) ahlal (for me) yb (were) wwh (& they praising) Nyxbsmw 24

Chapter 2 (I went up) tqlo (years) Nyns (fourteen) aroebra (after) rtb (from) Nm (but) Nyd (again) bwt 2:1 (Titus) owjjl (with me) yme (& I brought) trbdw (Barnaba) abnrb (with) Me (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (the Gospel) atrbo (to them) Nwhl (& I revealed) tylgw (with the revelation) anylgb (but) Nyd (I went up) tqlo 2 (to those) Nylyal (& I showed it) htywxw (among The Gentiles) ammeb (I) ana (which preach) zrkmd (they were) Nwhytya (that something) Mdmd (were) wwh (who considered) Nyrbtomd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(I) ana (may run) jhr (or) wa (I had run) tjhr (in vain) tyaqyro (else) Md (& them) Nwhlw (between me) ynyb (was) awh (who Aramaean *) aymrad (who was with me) ymed (Titus) owjj (also) Pa 3 (to be circumcised) rwzgnd (was compelled) onata (not) al aymra Aramaean is ellhn Greek in the Greek mss. Greek- ellhn, would not be translated as aymra Aramaean. An Aramaean is an Aramaic speaking Gentile, but 20 times out of the 21 occurrences of Aramaean in The Peshitta NT, The Greek mss. have ellhn Greek; once the word surov Syrian is used, which is an acceptable Greek translation. So the Greek NT has only the word Greek for Aramaean and Aramaic. The Peshitta NT, on the other hand, has a dozen occurrences of Greek aynwy & tyanwy.It certainly was not cleansed of references to Greek by changing them to Aramaic.How can these things be, if The Peshitta is a translation of The Greek NT and The Greek NT is not a translation of The Peshitta? It does appear that the Greek books were purged of all reference to Aramaic and Aramaeans from Luke, Acts,Romans,1Cor.,Galatians,Colossians and Revelation!The LXX at least uses surov * suristi (Syrian & Syriac) for the Hebrew Mra & tymra (Aramaean & Aramaic). Syrians are Aramaeans; Greeks are not Aramaeans. I detect some funny business in this. See my web site for an article on this subject (Aramaic to Greek in The Greek NT). (entering) Nyle (who came in) wled (false) algd (brothers) axa (but) Nyd (because of) ljm 4 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (to us) Nl (that is) tyad (the liberty) atwrax (to spy on) Nwsgnd (to enslave me *) ynnwdbesnd (so as) ankya * For to enslave me- Greek mss. have that they might bring us into bondage: Here is the Peshitta reading: ynnwdbesnd; Here is the Greek reading in Aramaic Nnwdbesnd -that they might bring us into bondage. The relevant variant parts are highlighted in blue. In Dead Sea Scroll script, we have: ynnwdb($nd-to enslave me. }nwdb($nd- that they might bring us into bondage. Only one letter difference exists between these readings in this old Aramaic script. In Greek the two readings are: INA HMAS KATADOULWSOUSIN INA EME KATADOULWSOUSIN The Greek readings highlighted in blue differ in three of four letters of the critical words. It is unlikely that a scribe translating Greek into Aramaic would mistake HMAS for EME. This same phenomenon occurs in Mark 9:22,Romans 8:35 & 39, Galatians 2:4, 1 Thess. 2:18 & [2 Tim. 1:18]. The suffix y (Yodh),meaning My was mistaken or not seen after the n (Nun). A final Nun often means Us or Our. These all argue strongly for a Peshitta original of which the Greek text is a translation. (to their oppression) Nwhdbewsl (did we yield) Nymrta (a moment) aes (full) alm (neither) alpa 5 (with you) Nwktwl (may continue) awqn (of the Gospel) atrbod (that the truth) hrrsd (anything) Mdm (that they were) Nwhytyad (who were esteemed) Nyrbtomd (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh 6 (to me) yl (is a concern) lyjb (not) al (they were) Nwhytya (but) Nyd (who) Nm (accepts) bon (not) al (of children of men) asnynb (the faces) ypab (for) ryg (God) ahla (to me) yl (added) wpowa (not) al (anything) Mdm (these) Nylh (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh (the Gospel) atrbo (that I was entrusted) tnmyhtad (for) ryg (they saw) wzx (on the contrary) tyaynrxa (but) ala 7 (with the circumscision) atrwzgb (Kaypha) apak (was entrusted) Nmyhtad (as) Kya (of uncircumcision) atwlrwed (of the circumcision) atrwzgd (in apostleship) atwxylsb (Kaypha) apakl (Who encourages) jpxd (for) ryg (He) wh 8 (of the Gentiles) ammed (in apostleship) atwxylsb (me) yl (also) Pa (encourages) jpx (to me) yl (that is given) tbhytad (the grace) atwbyj (they recognized) wedy (& when) dkw 9 (& Yokhanan) Nnxwyw (& Kaypha) apakw (Yaqob) bwqey (pillars) adwme (to be) Nwhytyad (were) wwh (who esteemed) Nyrbtomd (those) Nwnh (& to Barnaba) abnrblw (to me) yl (they gave) wbhy (of fellowship) atwptwsd (the right hand) anymy (among the circumcision) atrwzgb (& those) Nwnhw (among the Gentiles) ammeb (that we are) Nnxd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(we remember) Nnydhe (we would) Nywh (that the poor) ankomld (only) dwxlb 10 (to do) hydbea (this) adh (that) yhd (to me) yl (& it has been a concern) ljbtaw (to his face) yhwpab (to Antiokay) ykwyjnal (Kaypha) apak (but) Nyd (came) ata (when) dk 11 (by him) hb (they were) wwh (were stumbled *) Nylqttmd (because) ljm (I rebuked him) htoka * Greek has he was to be blamed. The Peshitta reading They were stumbledis }ylqttm wbyxtm means to be condemned.Here are the two readings in Aramaic, one atop the other for easy comparison: }ylqttm They were stumbled. wbyxtm - To be condemned. I have shaded similar corresponding letters in grey. 4 out of 6 in the second word match closely, or 67% correspondence. In square Aramaic we have: Nylqttm They were stumbled. wbyxtm - To be condemned. Again, here is 67% correspondence. In Estrangela script:

Nylqttm wbyxtm - Only 2 of 6 letters correspond- 33% correspondence.

The similarities may account for the Greek reading, which is not as clear a reading as the Aramaic. The Greek word for they were stumbled is ESKANDALIZON ESKANDALIZONTOTO nothing like KATEGNwSMEN SMENOS- he is condemned. I see only one letter correspondence here- 1/13 or 8% correspondence.Another possibility is the Greek word AFISTANTAI for They stumbled, but that does not help Greek primacy prospects here at all.The Aramaic could not have come from the Greek reading. (of Yaqob) bwqey (the presence) twl (from) Nm (persons) asna (would come) Nwtan (for before) alded 12 (he) awh (withdrew) dgn (but) Nyd (they came) wta (when) dk (was) awh (he eating) lka (the Gentiles) amme (with) Me (he was) awh (afraid) lxdd (because) ljm (& separated) srpw (himself) hspn (circumscision) atrwzg (who of) Nmd (those) Nwnh (of) Nm (of The Judeans) aydwhyd (others) akrs (also) Pa (in this) adhl (with him) hme (were) wwh (& yielded) wymrtaw 13 (their faces) Nwhypab (to accept) boml (was) awh (led) rbdta (Barnaba) abnrb (that also) Pad (in this way) ankh (they were going) Nylza (that not) ald (I saw) tyzx (& when) dkw 14 (of the Gospel) Nwylgnwad (in the truth) hrrsb (uprightly) tyauyrt (of all of them) Nwhlk (to the eyes) Nyel (to Kaypha *) apakl (I said) trma (living) ayx (as an Aramaean *) tyamra (are) tna (who a Jew) aydwhyd (you) tna (if) Na (Gentiles) ammel (you) tna (compel) Ula (why?) ankya (Jewish) tyadwhy (& not) alw (you) tna (they should live) Nwxn (that Jewish) tyadwhyd * to Kaypha- Most Greek mss. have Petrov Petrov- Petros; Sinaiticus and Vaticanus (4th century Greek mss.) have KhfaCephas. * as an Aramaean All Greek mss. have eynikwv- as a Gentile. tyamra (Arama-it) can refer to the Aramaic language or the Aramaean people; The Syrians were the neighbors to Israel on the north and were probably the Arama-it referred to here. (are) Nnx (Judeans) aydwhy (our nature) Nnyk (who from) Nmd (for) ryg (we) Nnx 15 (sinners) ayjx (the Gentiles) amme (from) Nm (we are) Nywh (& not) alw (works) adbe (from) Nm (a son of man) asnrb (is justified) qddzm (that not) ald (we know) Nnyedyd (because) ljm 16 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (by the faithfulness *) atwnmyhb (but) ala (of The Written Law) aowmnd (we believe) Nnmyh (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (in Him) hb (we) Nnx (also) Pa (we shall be justified) qddzn (of The Messiah) axysmd (the faithfulness) htwnmyh (that from) Nmd (works) adbe (that from) Nmd (because) ljm (of The Written Law) aowmnd (works) adbe (from) Nm (& not) alw (body) rob (any) lk (is justified) qddzm (not) al (of The Written Law) aowmnd *-by the faithfulness- I think Pauls purpose is to magnify The Christ as our Savior, not our faith in The Christ. Our faith in Yeshua is a result of His grace toward us, not the other way around. Some have made faith into a work of man rather than the gift of God in Christ. Romans 3:22, Gal. 2:20,3:22,Ephesians 2:8,9, 3:12, Philipp. 3:9 and others have this same phrase
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

hymnotha dYeshua(the faith of Jesus) or hymnotha dMeshikha (The faith of The Messiah) as the cause of our justification.Our faith in Him must come from His faith (or faithfulness) or it is useless and false. (by The Messiah) axysmb (to be justified) qddznd (we seek) Nnyeb (when) dk (but) Nyd (if) Na 17 (sinners) ayjx (we are) Nnx (also) Pa (to us) Nl (we are found) Nxktsa (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (so then) Nydm (God forbid!) ox (of sin) atyjxd (is) wh (The Minister) ansmsm (I) ana (build) anb (these things) Nyhl (again) bwt (that I destroyed) trtod (those things) Nylyal (for) ryg (if) Na 18 (I) ana (the covenant) andqwp (against) le (that violate) rbed (myself) yspn (about) le (I have shown) tywx (have died) ttym (to The Written Law) aowmnl (by The Written Law) aowmnb (for) ryg (I) ana 19 (I may live) axa (that to God) ahlald (& from then on) lykmw (I) ana (have been crucified) Pyqz (The Messiah) axysm (& with) Mew 20 (The Messiah) axysm (in me) yb (living) yx (but) ala (myself) ana (living) yx (I) ana (it has been) awh (not) al (that) wh (by faith) atwnmyhb (in the flesh) robb (I) ana (live) yx (that now) ashd (& this) anhw (Who has loved us *) Nbxad (He) wh (I) ana (live) yx (of God) ahlad (of The Son) hrbd (for us *) Nyplx (Himself) hspn (& He has given) bhyw Us- All Greek mss. seem to have Mein two places in this verse where the Peshitta has Us. Here is loved us as The Peshitta has it in this verse: Nbxad - loved us Here is loved me: ynbxad -loved me In Dead Sea Scroll script they are: }bx)d-loved us y nbx)d-loved me In Estrangela, they are: Nbx0d

ynbx0d The DSS script seems most easily to account for the two readings-Peshitta and Greek. The
final Nun } and regular Nun n are almost identical; not so in square Aramaic or Estrangela. No matter what Aramaic script is used, the differences are miniscule. The Greek for Me is ME and Us is HMAS. HMAS. Loved me in Greek Uncials would look like: AGAPHSANTOS ME. Loved us in Greek Uncials would look like: AGAPHSANTOS HMAS. For us in Aramaic is Nyplx. For me is yplx. In DSS script: }yplx & yplx; Estrangela: Nyplx & yplx. One letter difference! In Greek the same phrases are UPERHM UPERHMwN & UPEREMOU UPEREMOU. EMOU. This kind of reading difference occurs not infrequently in The NT far too often to be accounted for by mistaking one Greek word such as HMwN for EMOU. EMOU. The Aramaic primacy theory best explains the Greek readings in such cases.The Greek cannot well account for the Aramaic. (for) ryg (if) Na (of God) ahlad (the grace) htwbyj (I) ana (reject) Mlj (not) al 21 (righteousness) atwqydz (is) yh (The Written Law) aowmn (by) dyb (died) tym (for nothing) Ngm (The Messiah) axysm Chapter 3 (you) Nwkb (rivals) Mox (who?) wnm (Galatians) ayjlg (intelligence) anyer (lacking) yryox (Oh!) wa 3:1 (your eyes) Nwkynye (before) Mdq (was) awh (The Artisan) ryu (portrayed was) rumd (He) wh (as) Kya (for behold) ahd (He was crucified) bylu (when) dk (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of you) Nwknm (to know) edad (I) ana (wish) abu (only) dwxlb (this) adh 2 (The Spirit) axwr (have you received) Nwtbon (of The Written Law) aowmnd (works) adbe (from) Nm (of faith) atwnmyhd (the hearing) aems (from) Nm (or) wa (in The Spirit) axwrb (that you began) Nwtyrsd (are you?) Nwtna (foolish) Nylko (in this way) ankh 3 (you) Nwtna (finish) Nymlsm (in the flesh) robb (& now) ashw

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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(you have endured) Nwtrbyo (for nothing) aqya (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh 4 (it were for nothing) aqya (but) Nyd (& Oh that!) Pwtsaw (The Spirit) axwr (among you) Nwkb (who gives) bhyd (therefore) lykh (is he?) wh 5 (works) adbe (from ) Nm (miracles) alyx (among you) Nwkb (& does) reow (of the faith) atwnmyhd (hearing) aems (from) Nm (or) wa (of The Written Law) aowmnd (God) ahlal (Abraham) Mhrba (believed) Nmyhd (just as) ankya 6 (for righteousness) wqydzl (to him) hl (& it was accounted) tbsxtaw (the faith) atwnmyh (who from) Nmd (that those) Nylyad (therefore) lykh (know) wed 7 (of Abraham) Mhrbad (children) aynb (are) Nwna (those) Nwnh (are) Nwna (that by faith) atwnmyhbd (God) ahla (knew) edy (that before) Mdqd (for) ryg (because) ljm 8 (Abraham) Mhrbal (evangelized) rbo (before) Mdq (the nations) amme (are justified) Nyqddzm (it is) wh (holy) asydq (the scriptures) abtk (that say) rmad (as) Kya (the nations) amme (all of them) Nwhlk (shall be blessed) Nwkrbtn (in you) Kbd (the believer) anmyhm (with Abraham) Mhrbab (blessed) Nykrbtm (are) wh (believers) anmyhm (so then) Nydm 9 (of The Written Law) aowmnd (are) Nwna (works) adbe (who from) Nmd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 10 (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (are) Nwna (a curse) atjwl (under) tyxt (shall do) dben (who not) ald (everyone) Nmlk (is) wh (Cursed) jyld (this) anh (in Law) aowmnb (that is written) bytkd (all) lk (by The Written Law) aowmnb (a man) sna (is justified) qddzm (but) Nyd (that not) ald 11 (it is written) bytkd (because) ljm (is) yh (revealed) aylg (this) adh (God) ahla (with) twl (shall live) axn (by faith) atwnmyhb (The just) aqydzd (faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (was) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (The Written Law) aowmn 12 (those things) Nylya (shall do) dbend (whoever) Nm (but) ala (in them) Nyhb (shall live) axn (in it) hb (that are written) Nbytkd (the curse) atjwl (from) Nm (redeemed) Nnbz (The Messiah) axysm (but) Nyd (us) Nl 13 (a curse) atjwl (in our place) Nyplx (became) awh (& He) whw (of The Written Law) aowmnd (everyone) Nmlk (is) wh (Cursed) jyld (for) ryg (it is written) bytk (on a tree) aoyqb (who is hanged) alttmd (of Abraham) Mhrbad (the blessing) htkrwb (will be) awht (that among the Gentiles) ammebd 14 (the promise) aydwws (may receive) bon (& we) Nnxw (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (by faith) atwnmyhb (of The Spirit) axwrd (I) ana (say) rma (children of men) asnynb (among) tybd (as) Kya (my brethren) yxa 15 (which is confirmed) trrtsad (of a son of man) asnrbd (that a covenant) aqtydd (anything) Mdm (in it) hb (changes) Plxsm (or) wa (rejects) alom (not) al (a man) sna (& to his seed) herzlw (the promise) anklwm (was promised) Klmta (but) Nyd (to Abraham) Mhrbal 16 (to many) aaygold (as) Kya (To your seeds) Kyerzld (to him) hl (He said) rma (& not) alw (The Messiah) axysm (Who is) yhwtyad (Him) wh (to One) dxld (as) Kya (to your seed) Kerzl (but) ala (that the covenant) aqtydd (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh 17 (was confirmed) trrtsa (the first) Mydq (that from) Nmd (after) rtb (from) Nm (that was) awhd (that) wh (Written Law) aowmn (in The Messiah) axysmb (God) ahla (from) Nm (cast it away) hylond (can) xksm (not) al (years) Nyns (& thirty) Nytltw (hundred) aam (four) ebra (the promise) anklwm (& cancel) ljbnw
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(the inheritance) atwtry (is) yh (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (but) Nyd (if) Na 18 (to Abraham) Mhrbal (the promise) anklwm (from) Nm (it will be) twh (not) al (therefore) lykm (God) ahla (to him) hl (gave) bhy (it) wh (by the promise) anklwmb (but) Nyd (it was added) Powtta (apostasy) atwnyjom (because of) ljm (The Written Law) aowmn (therefore) lykh (why?) anm 19 (the promise) aydwws (was) awh (to Whom) hld (Him) wh (The Seed) aerz (would come) atand (until) amde (angels) akalm (by) dyb (Written Law) aowmn (that) wh (& was given) bhytaw (of a mediator) ayeumd (in the hand) adyab (is) wh (One) dx (but) Nyd (God) ahla (of one) dxd (has been) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (a mediator) ayeum 20 (of God) ahlad (to the promise) anklwmd (is?) wh (contrary) albwqo (therefore) lykh (The Written Law) aowmn 21 (a law) aowmn (was) awh (given) bhyta (for) ryg (if) wla (God forbid!) ox (truly) tyaryrs (to give life) wyxml (was) awh (able) xksmd (which) anya (righteousness) atwqydz (have been) twh (would) aywh (The Written Law) aowmn (from) Nm (sin) atyjx (under) tyxt (all things) Mdmlk (the scripture) abtk (has closed off) sbx (but) ala 22 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (by the faith) atwnmyhb (that the promise) anklwmd (who are believers) Nynmyhmd (to those) Nylyal (would be given) bhytn (us) Nl (had) awh (kept) rjn (The Written Law) aowmn (the faith) atwnmyh (would come) atat (but) Nyd (until) alde 23 (to be revealed) wylgtml (was) twh (that going) adyted (to the faith) atwnmyhl (we were closed off) Nnysybx (while) dk (for us) Nl (was) awh (a guide) aart (therefore) lykh (The Written Law) aowmn 24 (we would be justified) qddzn (the faith) atwnmyh (that from) Nmd (The Messiah) axysm (to) twl (a guide) aart (under) tyxt (we were) Nywh (not) al (the faith) atwnmyh (but) Nyd (came) tta (when) dk 25 (of God) ahlad (are) Nwtna (children) aynb (for) ryg (all of you) Nwklk 26 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (by the faith) atwnmyhb (have been baptized) Nwtdme (who into The Messiah) axysmbd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 27 (have put on) Nwtsbl (The Messiah) axysml (servant) adbe (there is neither) tyl (Aramaean *) aymra (nor) alw (Jew) aydwhy (there is neither) tyl 28 (female) atbqn (nor) alw (male) arkd (there is neither) tyl (of liberty) arax (son) rb (nor) alw (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (you) Nwtna (one) dx (for) ryg (all of you) Nwklk * Aramaean is not in the Greek text; The Greek text has Greek. All 21 references in the Peshitta to Aramaic-Aramaean are Greek in the Greek texts, except in Luke 4:27, where we find Surov-Syrian.Here is Jastrows Hebrew Aramaic Targum Dictionary entry for Mra the root of aymra:

A disguise for amwr -Rome! This is starting to make sense in explaining why The Greek NT has Greek in those 21 places where The Peshitta has Aramaic or Aramaean.The Greek translator perhaps looked at aymra as code for Roman and wanted to disguise the fact by translating it as Greek. There was good reason for that during the first century, especially during Nero the maniacs reign (circa AD 54-68), who was so paranoid about Christians that he declared open season on them in the empire for several years and had them set aflame to light his gardens at night!Here are two more entries from the same Dictionary:

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

The above notes in these entries confirm my previous suspicions that there was deliberate alteration of the original meaning (or apparent meaning) by disguising Aramaith & Aram as Greek. The reason may have been as I stated above, or it may have been to create a decoy from Aramaeans and Aramaic scripture by translation of the texts into Greek and affirming Greeks as the Gentile group being converted to The Christ and Greek manuscripts as the original text, whereas it was primarily Aramaic speaking peoples being converted, as theHoly Land and The Middle East was primarily populated with Aramaeans and Jews who had been speaking Aramaic for many generations and centuries. Greeks were a respected ethnic group as their culture and language were very popular with the Romans and had great influence in shaping Roman culture and the Latin language. The fact that the changes would exist in 20 out of 22 places throughout The NT from Luke to Revelation also confirms my former position that all 27 Greek books were translated before the end of Neros reign in AD 68. Revelation in Aramaic has a prologue attached to it that says it was written by the Apostle John who was exiled by Nero Caesar to Patmos. The number of the beast of Revelation 13 is the number of Nero Ceasar in Hebrew letters roq Nwrn, which letters numerical values add up to 666. (therefore) lykm (you are) Nwtna (of The Messiah) axysmd (& if) Naw 29 (by the promise) anklwmb (& heirs) atryw (of Abraham) Mhrbad (you are) Nwtna (the seed) herz Chapter 4 (is a child) alj (that the heir) atryd (time) anbz (that as much) amkd (but) Nyd (I) ana (say) rma 4:1 (of all of them) Nwhlkd (he is) wh (lord) arm (while) dk (the servants) adbe (from) Nm (distinct) syrp (not) al
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of houses) atb (& masters) ybrw (is) yhwtya (guardians) apwrjpa (under) tyxt (but) ala 2 (his father) yhwba (that appointed) Mod (the time) anbzl (until) made (we were) Nywh (children) adwly (when) dk (we) Nnx (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 3 (we were) Nywh (subject) Nydbesm (of the world) amled (the principles *) yhwokwjoa (under) tyxt * Greek has stoiceia elements, principles; the Greek word sounds like a transliteration of the Aramaic, though the Aramaic is probably a Greek loan word. Some have intimated that the Peshitta transliterated the Greek here and in other places where aokwjoa Estoksa occurs; the problem with that theory is that the evidence is decidedly against it; stoiceia and stoicew roots occur 13 times in the Greek NT; The Aramaic aokwjoa root occurs only 6 times (even in Galatians, where the Greek root stoicstoic- occurs 5 times while the Aramaic counterpart aokwjoa occurs only twice!). There is more evidence that the Greek is the transliteration of Aramaic than vice versa every one of the Aramaic aokwjoa Estoksa occurrences is matched by the Greek stoiceia elements, principles. I am not arguing for that, however. I believe the Greek is simply translating Aramaic here, not transliterating. (His Son) hrbl (God) ahla (sent) rds (of time) anbzd (the end) hmlws (but) Nyd (arrived) ajm (when) dk 4 (The Written Law) aowmn (under) tyxt (& He was) awhw (a woman) attna (from) Nm (& He was) awhw (He would redeem) Nbzn (are) Nwna (The Written Law) aowmn (that under) tyxtd (that those) Nylyald 5 (of children) aynb (the position) tmyo (& we would receive) lbqnw (of His Son) hrbd (The Spirit) axwr (God) ahla (has sent) rds (children) aynb (but) Nyd (because you are) Nwkytyadw 6 (our Father) Nwba (Father *) aba (cries) ayrqd (Who) yh (into your hearts) Nwktwbll * aba Abba is found in the Greek mss. transliterated as Abba. What is another Aramaic word doing in the Greek ms. presumably sent first to Greek speaking Galatians? Abba is not a loan word in Greek; it is simply an Aramaic word written in Greek letters.We do not find the converse scenario ever in The Peshitta- i.e., a Greek word simply written in Aramaic letters. There are some loan words, but that is to be expected at a time when Greek and Aramaic speakers had been neighbors in the Middle East for centuries.Greek and Latin loan words are found in Hebrew as well; they are not transliterations, but foreign words adapted and adopted in the borrowing tongue. Greek also has loan words from Aramaic and Hebrew. They should never be confused with transliterations, which abound in the Greek NT.: (Satan,Mammon,Korban,Messiah,Maranatha,Talitha cumi, Epatha,Eloi Eloi lama shabaqthani,Rabbi, Pasca,Sabbath,Abba,Sabaoth,Raca,Rabboni,Hosanna,Boanerges). These words are found by the hundreds in toto in The Greek NT. (children) aynb (but) ala (servants) adbe (you are) Nwtywh (not) al (therefore) lykm 7 (of God) ahlad (the heirs) atry (also) Pa (children) aynb (& if) Naw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (God) ahlal (you had) Nwtywh (known) Nyedy (not) al (when) dk (for) ryg (then) Nydyh 8 (God) ahla (were) wwh (not) al (their nature) Nwhnyk (that from) Nmd (those) Nwnhl (you served) Nwtxlp (God) ahlal (that you have known) Nwtedyd (but) Nyd (now) ash 9 (God) ahla (by) Nm (that you are known) Nwtedytad (& especially) tyarytyw (sick) aerm (principles) aokwjoa (those) Nwnh (to) le (you) Nwkl (you have turned) Nwtkph (again) bwt (to them) Nwhl (to be subject) wdbetsml (you wish) Nwtybu (the top) syrd (& from) Nmw (& weak) ankomw (you observe) Nwtyrjn (& years) aynsw (& times) anbzw (& moons) axryw (days) amwy 10 (among you) Nwkb (I have labored) tyal (for nothing) tyaqyro (lest) amld (I) ana (fear) lxd 11 Greek has, I am afraid of you; not so The Peshitta. (I have been) tywh (like you) Nwktwka (I) ana (that also) Pad (because) ljm (like me) ytwka (be) wwh 12 (me) yb (you have wronged) Nwtlkoa (anything) Mdm (not) al (of you) Nwknm (I) ana (beg) aeb (my brothers) yxa (of my flesh) yrob (in the illness) twhyrkbd (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy 13 (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (I have) tywh (I evangelized you) Nwktrbo
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(you loathed) Nwtdn (& not) alw (you ridiculed) Nwtjs (not) al (of my flesh) yrobd (the trial) anwyonw 14 (you received me) ynnwtlbq (of God) ahlad (an angel) akalmld (as) Kya (but) ala (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsyld (& as) Kyaw (of you) Nwkyle (for) ryg (I) ana (testify) dho (your blessedness) Nwkbwj (therefore) lykh (where is? *) wkya 15 (you would have) Nwtywh (plucked out) Nyux (your eyes) Nwkynye (it were) twh (possible) axksm (that if) wlad (to me) yl (& given) Nybhyw * Most Greek mss. have What is your blessedness? The Textus Receptus (KJV Greek text) and The Critical Greek text (Westcott & Hort 1881) have Where is your blessedness?. The Aramaic word wkya (Aykaw) usually means Where is?, but could have been construed to mean What is?It is a compound word, made up of wh, Is + akya Where?= wkya But Kya Ak (aKya0 in Estrangela) can also mean What. Here is Smiths Compendious Syriac Dictionary entry:

- Notice the second to last word in the excerpt (what). So the Aramaic again explains two Greek readings, even if one of the Greek readings is a misreading of the Aramaic. (to you) Nwkl (have I become?) tywh (an enemy) abbdleb (interrog.) amld 16 (the truth) arrs (to you) Nwkl (because I have preached) tzrkad (for the excellence) atrypsl (is it) awh (not) al (you) Nwkb (they emulate) Nymox 17 (that you) Nwtnad (they want) Nybu (it is) wh (to oppress you) Nwksbxml (but) ala (them) Nwhb (emulate) Nymox (you will) Nwwht (excellence) atrypsb (that you would emulate) Nwmoxttd (but) Nyd (it is) wh (good) ryps 18 (only) dwxlb (I am) ana (with you) Nwktwld (when) ytma (& not) alw (in every time) Nbzlkb (in labor) lbxm (the top) syrd (for whom from) Nmd (those) Nylya (children) ynb 19 (The Messiah) axysm (in you) Nwkb (shall be formed) ryuttnd (until) amde (I am) ana (now) ash (with you) Nwktwl (to be) awhad (but) Nyd (I have been) tywh (willing) abu 20 (at you) Nwkb (I am) ana (dumbfounded) hymtd (because) ljm (my tone) ylq trb (& to change) Plxsaw (to be) Nwwhnd (who wish) Nybud (those) Nylya (you) Nwtna (me) yl (tell) wrma 21 (you) Nwtna (do hear) Nyems (not) al (The Written Law) aowmnl (it) hl (The Written Law) aowmn (under) tyxt (to him) hl (were) wwh (sons) Nynb (two) Nyrt (Abraham) Mhrbald (for) ryg (it is written) bytk 22 (a free woman) atrax (from) Nm (& one) dxw (a maid servant) atma (from) Nm (one) dx (by the flesh) robb (the maid servant) atma (who from) Nmd (he) wh (but) ala 23 (is) awh (by the promise) anklwmb (the free woman) atrax (who from) Nmd (but) Nyd (he) wh (was born) dlyta (covenants) oqtyd (of two) Nytrtd (illustrations) atalp (are) Nyhytya (but) Nyd (these) Nylh 24 (to bondage) atwdbel (begets) adly (Sinai) ynyo (Mount) rwj (that is from) Nmd (one) adx (Hagar) rgh (which is) hytyad (& agrees) amlsw (that is in Arabia) aybrabd (Sinai) ynyod (is) wh (Mount) arwj (for) ryg (Hagar) rgh 25 (& its children) hynbw (is) yh (bondage) atwdbe (& serving) axlpw (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (with this) adhl
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(our mother) Nma (which is) hytyad (is) yh (free) atrax (above) atyle (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (but) Nyd (that) yh 26 (bears) adly (who not) ald (she) yh (barren one) atrqe (rejoice) ymobtad (for) ryg (it is written) bytk 27 (because) ljm (gives birth) albxm (who not) ald (she) yh (& call out) yegw (& exult) yxuptaw (than) Nm (more) ryty (of the desolate) atydud (children) hynb (have increased) wygod (of a wife) atlyebd (the children) hynb (are) Nnx (of the promise) anklwm (children) ynb (Isaaq) qxoya (as) Kya (my brethren) yxa (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 28 (by the flesh) arobb (was) awh (who born) dylyd (he) wh (then) Nydyhd (& as) Kyaw 29 (it is now) ash (also) Pa (so) ankh (who was by The Spirit) axwrbd (him) whl (did) awh (persecute) Pdr (the maidservant) atmal (cast out) hyqpa (the scriptures) abtk (say) rma (what?) anm (but) ala 30 (of the maidservant) atmad (the son) hrb (will inherit) tran (that not) ald (because) ljm (& her son) hrblw (of the free woman) atraxd (the son) hrb (with) Me (are) Nywh (not) al (my brethren) yxa (therefore) lykh (we) Nnx 31 (of the free woman) atrax (children) ynb (but) ala (of the maidservant) atma (children) ynb Chapter 5 (freed us) Nrrx (in which The Messiah) axysmd (that) yh (in liberty) atwraxb (therefore) lykh (stand) wmwq 5:1 (of bondage) atwdbed (in a yoke) arynb (again) bwt (be yoked) Nwndktt (& not) alw (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (say) rma (Paul) owlwp (I) ana (behold) ah 2 (you) Nwkl (profits) anhm (not) al (a thing) Mdm (The Messiah) axysm (you will be circumcised) Nwrzgtt (that if) Nad (who is circumcised) rzgtmd (person) snrb (to every) lkl (again) bwt (but) Nyd (I) ana (testify) dhom 3 (he should observe) dben (The Written Law) aowmn (that all) hlkd (he is) wh (that obligated) byxd (those) Nylya (The Messiah) axysm (from) Nm (to you) Nwkl (you have been destroyed) Nwtljbta 4 (you are justified) Nwtyqddzm (who by The Written Law) aowmnbd (you have fallen) Nwtlpn (grace) atwbyj (& from) Nmw (the faith) atwnmyh (Who is from) Nmd (by The Spirit) axwrb (for) ryg (we) Nnx 5 (we wait) Nnywqm (of righteousness) atwqydzd (for the hope) arbol (is) hytya (anything) Mdm (circumcision) atrwzg (not) al (Yeshua) ewsy (for) ryg (in The Messiah) axysmb 6 (in love) abwxb (that is perfected *) armgtmd (faith) atwnmyh (but) ala (uncircumcision) atwlrwe (neither) alw * Greek has energoumenh -working; The Peshitta reading is armgtmd that is perfected may have been misinterpreted by a Greek translator. Aramaic words for working that may be relevant are: Ashuri Aramaic: atjypxd of work ajpxtmd-which is worked adbetmd-which is performed (72% correlation) armgtmd- which is perfected (Original Aramaic reading) ardetmd-which is helped areotmd-which is done Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic: )t+ypxdof work )+pxtmd-which is worked )db(tmd- which is performed (86% correlation) )rmgtmd which is perfected (Original Aramaic reading) )rd(tmd which is helped )r(stmd-which is done
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

F+ypxd of work )0+pxtmd-which is worked 0rmgtmd which is perfected (Original Aramaic reading) 0db(tmd- which is performed (86% correlation) 0r(stmd-which is done )0rd(tmd which is helped The DSS script and Estrangela each have an 86% best correlation score. I take the DSS to
be the script in which this epistle was originally written, as 2:11 and 2:20 show that script to be the likely script used in those places. Perfected in Greek would be teleioutai or katartismenh; katartismenh; Neither of these looks like the actual Greek reading energoumenh. It appears that the Greek does not account for The Peshitta reading; the correlation between Greek words here is very low: 33% at best, and that is only in the verb endings, not in the root words. Here is the Aramaic reading compared with what I believe a Greek translator construed the original to be: )rmgtmd which is perfected (Original Aramaic reading) )db(tmd- which is performed (Hypothetical Base for Greek -86% correlation)

(agitated you) Nwkdwd (who?) wnm (you were) Nwtywh (running) Nyjhr (well) ryps 7 (you would obey) Nwoypjtt (not) al (that the truth) arrsld (Who called you) Nwkrqd (Him) wh (from) Nm (is) awh (not) al (your persuasion) Nwkoyp 8 (ferments) emxm (lump) atlybg (the entire) hlk (a little) lylq (yeast) arymx 9 (other) Nyrxa (that things) Mdmd (by our Lord) Nrmb (in you) Nwkyle (do) ana (trust) lykt (I) ana 10 (will bear) yhwyrbyon (he) wh (you) Nwkl (troubles) xldd (& whoever) anyaw (you will entertain) Nwtyertm (not) al (he is) yhwtyad (whoever) Nm (judgment) anydl (I do) tywh (preach) zrkm (circumcision) atrwzg (yet) lykde (if) wla (my brothers) yxa (but) Nyd (I) ana 11 (interrog.) amld (am I) tywh (persecuted) Pdrtm (Why?) anml (of the crucifixion) apyqzd (the offense) hlsk (it) hl (has been eliminated?) ljbta (they would be cut down) Nwqopn (to cut down) qopm (also) Pa (but) Nyd (I would) Pwtsa 12 (you) Nwkl (who trouble) Nyxldd (those) Nwnh (my brothers) yxa (you are called) Nwtyrqta (it is) wh (to liberty) atwraxl (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 13 (of the flesh) arob (an opportunity) tlel (your liberty) Nwktwrax (let be) awht (not) al (only) dwxlb (another) dxl (one) dx (serving) Nydbetsm (you should be) Nwtywh (by love) abwxb (but) ala (saying) atlm (in one) adxb (The Written Law) aowmn (for) ryg (all) hlk 14 (yourself) Kspn (as) Kya (your neighbor) Kbyrql (you shall love) bxtd (by this) yhb (is fulfilled) almtm (& you devour) Nwtylkaw (you bite) Nwtytknm (another) dxl (one) dx (but) Nyd (if) Na 15 (you be consumed) Nwpwot (another) dx (from) Nm (one) dx (lest) amld (beware) wzx (walking) Nyklhm (you should be) Nwtywh (that in The Spirit) axwrbd (but) Nyd (I) ana (say) rma 16 (you will do) Nwdbet (ever) Mwtm (from) Nm (not) al (of the flesh) arobd (& the craving) atgrw (The Spirit) axwrl (that opposes) aknd (anything) Mdm (craves) gar (for) ryg (the flesh) arob 17 (the flesh) arobl (opposes) aknd (whatever) Mdm (craves) agr (& The Spirit) axwrw (to another) dxd (one) dx (are) Nwna (contrary) albwqo (& they both) Nwhyrtw (doing) Nydbe (you will be) Nwwht (that you want) Nwtybud (anything) Mdm (lest) ald
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(you) Nwtna (are led) Nyrbdtm (in The Spirit) axwrb (but) Nyd (if) Na 18 (The Written Law) aowmn (under) tyxt (you are) Nwtywh (not) al (of the flesh) arobd (the works) yhwdbe (for) ryg (are) Nwna (known) Nyeydy 19 (whoredom) atwnxu (impurity) atwpnj (fornication) atwynz (which are) Nwhytyad (hate) atwbbdleb (witchcraft) atwsrx (of idols) arktpd (worship) anxlwp 20 (schisms) aqdo (dissensions) atwglp (insolence) anyue (rage) atmx (rivalry) annj (contention) anyrx (like) Nymd (such things) Nylhld (& all) lkw (revelling) armz (drunkenness) atwywr (murder) aljq (envy) amox 21 (the first) Mdqwl (that from) Nmd (as) Kya (are committing) Nyreo (that these things) Nylhd (& those) Nylyaw (of God) ahlad (that the kingdom) htwklmd (I) ana (say) rma (now) ash (also) Pa (to you) Nwkl (I said) trma (they inherit) Nytry (not) al (peace) amls (joy) atwdx (love) abwx (they are) Nwhytya (of The Spirit) axwrd (but) Nyd (fruits) arap 22 (faith) atwnmyh (goodness) atwbj (sweetness) atwmyob (of spirit) axwr (patience) trgm (is set) Myo (not) al (The Law) aowmn (these) Nylh (against) le (endurance) atwnrbyom (humility) atwkykm 23 (have crucified) wpqz (their flesh) Nwhrob (are) Nwna (who of The Messiah) axysmdd (but) Nyd (those) Nylya 24 (& its cravings) htgygrw (its sicknesses) yhwbak (all) Nwhlk (with) Me (we shall surrender) Mlsn (& to The Spirit) axwrlw (in The Spirit) axwrb (therefore) lykh (we shall live) axn 25 (of glory) axbws (devoid) yqyro (let us be) awhn (& not) alw 26 (another) dxb (one) dx (& envy) Nymoxw (another) dx (against) le (one) dx (who disparage) Nylqmd Chapter 6 (by a fault) atwlkob (should be overtaken) Mdqtn (of you) Nwknm (any) sna (if) Na (my brethren) yxa 6:1 (in the spirit) axwrb (restore him) yhwnqta (are) Nwtna (who in The Spirit) xwrbd (those) Nylya (you) Nwtna (may be tempted) Nwontt (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (lest) amldd (cautious) Nyryhz (& be) Nwtywhw (of humility) atkykm (you fulfill) Nwtylmm (for in this way) ankhd (of one another) addxd (burdens) arqwy (& bear) wnejw 2 (of The Messiah) axysmd (The Law) howmn (something) Mdm (that he is) yhwtyad (thinks) rbo (a man) sna (for) ryg (if) Na 3 (he deceives) aejm (himself) hspn (he is) yhwtya (not) al (when) dk (& then) Nydyhw (prove) aqb (should) awhn (his work) hdbe (a man) sna (but) ala 4 (in others) anrxab (& not) alw (pride) hrhbws (there will be) awhn (his soul) hspnl (in himself) yhwnyb (should carry) lwqsn (of himself) hspnd (cargo) albwm (for) ryg (every person) snlk 5 (with him) whl (the word) atlm (who hears) emsd (him) wh (but) Nyd (let share) Ptwtsn 6 (good) atbj (in all things) Nyhlkb (to him) hl (preaches) emsmd (whoever) Nm (is put to shame) xzbtm (not) al (God) ahla (err) Nwejt (not) al 7 (reaps) dux (he) wh (that) wh (of man) asna (a son) rb (for) ryg (that sows) erzd (anything) Mdm (the flesh) arob (from) Nm (sows) erz (to the flesh) robbd (whoever) Nm 8 (sows) erz (to The Spirit) xwrbd (& whoever) Nmw (reaps) dux (he) wh (destruction) albx (shall reap) dwuxn (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (The Spirit) axwr (from) Nm (to us) Nl (tedious) anam (let it be) twh (not) al (what is good) bjd (we do) Nnydbe (& when) dkw 9 (us) Nl (it will tire) Namt (& not) alw (that we reap) dwuxnd (time) anbz (for) ryg (there shall be) awhn

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Galatians ayjlg twld axyls owlwpd owlwpd atsydq atrga

(good) atbj (let us work) xwlpn (to us) Nl (is) tya (time) anbz (while) de (therefore) lykh (now) ash 10 (of faith) atwnmyhd (of the household) atyb (children) ynb (to) twl (all the more) tyaryty (every person) snlk (to) twl (with my hand) ydyab (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (writings) Nbytk (these) Nylya (see) wzx 11 (you) Nwkl (urge) Nyula (those) Nwnh (in the flesh) arobb (to boast) Nwrhbtsnd (who wish) Nybud (those) Nylya 12 (of The Messiah) axysmd (in the crucifixion) hpyqzb (for only) dwxlbd (to be circumcised) Nwrzgttd (they would be persecuted) Nwpdrtn (not) al (who are circumcised) Nyrzgd (such) Nylh (those) Nwnh (for) ryg (neither) alpa 13 (you to be circumcised) Nwrzgttd (they want) Nybu (but) ala (The Written Law) aowmn (keep) Nyrjn (they may boast) Nwrhbtsn (yours) Nwklyd (that in your flesh) Nwkrobbd (in the crucifixion) hpyqzb (except) ala (to boast) rhbtsad (to me) yl (let be) awhn (not) al (but) Nyd (to me) yl 14 (has been crucified) Pyqz (the universe) amle (in Whom) hbd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (to the universe) amlel (I) ana (have been crucified) Pyqz (& I) anaw (to me) yl (anything) Mdm (is) hytya (circumcision) atrwzg (for) ryg (not) al 15 (new) atdx (the creation) atyrb (but) ala (uncircumcision) atwlrwe (neither) alw (peace) amls (agree) Nymls (path) alybs (who to this) anhld (& those) Nylyaw 16 (of God) ahlad (The Israel) lyroya (& upon) lew (& affection) amxrw (upon them) Nwhyle (shall be) awhn (will put) amrn (not) al (trouble) alme (a person) sna (on me) yl (therefore) lykm 17 (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the scars) htmtwk (for) ryg (I) ana (I) ana (have received *) lyqs (in my body) yrgpb * lyqs strangely is also used of crucifixion as lifted up on a cross. (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj 18 (Amen) Nyma (my brethren) yxa (your spirit) Nwkxwr (is with) Me

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Chapter 1 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (an apostle) axyls (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (in Ephesus) owopab (who are) Nwhytyad (to those) Nylyal (of God) ahlad (in the will) hnybub (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (& faithful) anmyhmw (holy) asydq (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& grace) atwbyjw (with you) Nwkme (peace) amls 2 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (of our Lord) Nrmd (The Father) yhwba (God) ahla (is) wh (blessed) Krbm 3 (Who has blessed us) Nkrbd (He) wh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in The Messiah) axysmb (in Heaven) aymsb (of The Spirit) xwrd (blessings) Nkrwb (with all) lkb (the foundation) htymrt (before) Mdq (from) Nm (in Him) hb (He chose us) Nbg (that before) Mdqd (just as) ankya 4 (before Him) yhwmdq (spot) Mwm (& without) aldw (holy) asydq (that we shall be) awhnd (of the universe) amled (for Himself) hl (He ordained us) Nmsr (before) Mdq (& in love) abwxbw (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (children) aynbl (& established us) Nmow 5 (to His will) hnybul (that is pleasing) rpsd (as) Kya (of His grace) htwbyjd (the glory) axbws (that may be praised) xbtsnd 6 (His Beloved One) hbybx (by) dyb (upon us) Nyle (which overflows) epsad (that) wh (& by His blood) hmdbw (redemption) anqrwp (to us) Nl (is) tya (for in Him) hbd 7 (of His grace) htwbyjd (the wealth) artwe (according to) Kya (of sins) ahjxd (the forgiveness) anqbws (in us) Nb (which has superabounded) trtytad (That) yh 8 (intelligence) lkwo (& in all) lkbw (wisdom) amkx (in all) lkb (which before) Mdqd (that) wh (of His will) hnybud (the mystery) azra (& He taught us) Nedwaw 9 (in Himself) hb (to do) rweond (ordained) Mo (He had) awh (of the times) anbzd (of the end) Nwhylwmd (for the administration) atwnrbdml 10 (would be made new *) tdxtn (the top) syrd (from) Nm (that all things) Mdmlkd (& in earth) aerabw (which are Heaven) aymsbd (by The Messiah) axysmb * Greek has anakefalaiwsasyai to sum up, which looks like a compound made up of syr -Rish-(head,first,top) and tdx khadath- (make new,renew). Anakefalaiwsasyai literally means, to rehead or to head up, from ana(again,up) + kefalay- (Head). The Aramaic phrase syrd Nm is an Aramaic idiom meaning, again. The Aramaic for renew would not likely come from this Greek word, though I can see how the Greek may come from the Aramaic phrase. (He ordained us) Nmsr (that before) Mdqd (as) Kya (are chosen) Nybgta (we) Nnx (& in Him) hbw 11 (He would do) reo (that all) lkd (He) wh (& willed) abuw (of His will) hnybud (the counsel) atyert (according to) Kya (we who first) Nmdqd (those) Nylya (we) Nnx (that would be) awhnd 12 (of His glory) htxwbstd (to the honor) ardhl (in The Messiah) axysmb (we hoped) Nrbo (of truth) atswqd (the word) atlm (you heard) Nwtems (by Him) hb (you) Nwtna (that also) Pad 13 (you believed) Nwtnmyh (& in Him) hbw (of your salvation) Nwkyyxd (the Good News *) atrbo (which is) hytyad (was) twh (Who promised) akylmd (of Holiness) asdwqd (in The Spirit) axwrb (& you were sealed) Nwtmtxtaw * atrbo -Sbartha comes from a root word Sbar which means To be bright. From this are derived the meanings: Hope,Think,Look for, Be pleasant,Be intelligent,Conclude,Argue,Plan, Have an idea, Preach good news.All these are light shedding activities.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to the redemption) anqrwpl (of our inheritance) Ntwtryd (The Pledge) anwbhr (is) hytyad (Who) yh 14 (of His honor) hrqyad (& for the glory) axbwslw (who are saved) Nyaxd (of those) Nylyad (when I heard) temsd (from) Nm (behold) ah (I) ana (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm 15 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (which is in our Lord) Nrmbd (of your faith) Nwktwnmyh (the holy ones) asydq (that is for) twld (& your love) Nwkbwxw (your faces) Nwkypa (over) le (to give thanks) wydwml (I) ana (cease) altsm (not) al 16 (in my prayers) ytwlub (& to remember you) Nwkdhemlw (The Father) aba (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (that The God) hhlad 17 (of wisdom) atmkxd (The Spirit) axwr (to you) Nwkl (would give) ltn (of glory) atxwbstd (with His knowledge) htedyb (& revelation) anylgdw (that you will know) Nwedtd (of your hearts) Nwktwbld (the eyes) anye (& will be enlightened) Nrhnnw 18 (of the glory) axbwsd (the wealth) artwe (& what is) wnmw (of His calling) hnyrqd (the hope) arbo (what is) wnm (in the holy ones) asydqb (of His inheritance) htwtryd (in us) Nb (of His power) hlyxd (of the greatness) atwbrd (the excellence) atwryty (is) yh (& what?) anmw 19 (the action) atwndbem (according to) Kya (we who believe) Nnynmyhmd (in those) Nylyab (of His power) hlyxd (of the immensity) apqwtd (& raised Him) hmyqaw (in The Messiah) axysmb (which He performed) dbed 20 (in Heaven) aymsb (His right) hnymy (at) Nm (& set Him) hbtwaw (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (& powers) alyxw (& rulers) anjlwsw (principalities) owkra (all) Nyhlk (than) Nm (higher) lel 21 (that is named) hmtsmd (name) Ms (every) lk (than) Nm (& higher) lelw (& lordships) atwrmw (in the one coming) dytedb (also) Pa (but) ala (this) anh (in universe) amleb (only) dwxlb (not) al (His feet) yhwlgr (under) tyxt (everything) Mdmlk (& He has put into subjection) dbesw 22 (all) lk (than) Nm (higher) lel (Who is) yhwtyad (& to Him) hlw (to the church) atdel (as the Head) asr (He has given Him) hbhy (of Him) whd (& the fullness) aylmwsw (His body) hmswg (which is) hytyad 23 (fills) almsm (in all) lkb (Who all) lkd Chapter 2 (in your sins) Nwkyhjxb (you were) Nwtywh (you who dead) Nytymd (you) Nwkl (& even fills) Paw 2:1 (& in your foolishness) Nwktwlkobw (in them) Nyhb (you were) Nwtywh (you walked) Nwtklh (the first) Mydq (that from) Nmd (in these things) Nylhb 2 (the will) hnybu (& according to) Kyaw (this) anh (of world) amled (the secular life) htwymle (according to) Kya (this) adh (& of spirit) axwrdw (of the air) raad (of the authority) anjlws (of the Ruler) syrd (obedience) atwnoypjtm (without) ald (in the children) aynbb (which is diligent) ajpxtmd (in them) Nwhb (were employed) Nkphta (we) Nnx (that also) Pad (works) adbe (in those) Nwnhb 3 (were) Nywh (& doing) Nydbew (of the flesh) Nrobd (in the desires) atgygrb (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (& children) aynbw (& of our minds) Ntyertdw (of our flesh) Nrobd (the will) anybu (the rest) akrs (as) Kya (entirely) tyaylm (of rage) azgwrd (were) Nywh (in His compassion) yhwmxrb (Who is rich) ryted (but) Nyd (God) ahla 4 (in which He loved us) Nbxad (great) aaygo (His love) hbwx (because of) ljm (in our sins) Nyhjxb (we were) Nywh (we dead) Nytym (when) dk 5 (He saved us) Nqrp (& by His grace) htwbyjbw (The Messiah) axysm (together with) Me (He gave us life) Nyxa
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(in Heaven) aymsb (with Himself) hme (& seated us) Nbtwaw (with Him) hme (& He has raised us up) Nmyqaw 6 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (of the wealth) artwed (the greatness) atwbr (that are coming) Nytad (to the ages) amlel (to show) awxnd 7 (upon us) Nyle (which has come) twhd (& His sweetness) htwmyobw (of His grace) htwbyjd (The Messiah) axysm (by Yeshua) ewsyb (with faith) atwnmyhb (we have been saved) Nqrpta (for) ryg (it is) wh (by His grace) htwbyjb 8 (of God) ahlad (it is) yh (the gift) atbhwm (but) ala (of you) Nwknm (was) twh (not) al (& this) adhw (should boast) rhbtsn (a man) sna (lest) ald (works) adbe (from) Nm (not) al 9 (who were created) Nyrbtad (His) hlyd (for) ryg (we are) Nnx (creatures) atyrb 10 (those) Nwnh (good) abj (for works) adbel (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (we should walk) Klhn (that in them) Nwhbd (God) ahla (prepared) byj (the first) Mydq (that from) Nmd (Gentiles) amme (that you) Nwtnad (mindful) Nydhe (be you) Nwtywh (this) adh (because of) ljm 11 (you were) Nwtywh (of the flesh) robd (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (uncircumcision) atwlrwe (you were) Nwtywh (& called) Nyrqtmw (circumcision) atrwzg (which is called) ayrqtmd (that) yh (by) Nm (in the flesh) arobb (of the hands) aydya (a work) dbe (& is) hytyaw (The Messiah) axysm (without) ald (time) anbz (in that) whb (you were) Nwtywh (& you being) Nwkytyaw 12 (of Israel) lyroyad (the government) arbwd (from) Nm (you were) Nwtywh (& aliens) Nyyrkwnw (& without) aldw (of the promise) anklwmd (to the covenant) aqtydl (were) wh (& strangers) aynokaw (in the universe) amleb (God) hla (& without) aldw (you were) Nwtywh (hope) rbo (the first) Mydq (when from) Nmd (you are) Nwtna (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (but) Nyd (now) ash 13 (of The Messiah) axysmd (by the blood) hmdb (you have) Nwtywh (come near) abyrq (you were) Nwtywh (distant) Nyqyxr (one) adx (the two) Nyhytrt (Who made) dbed (He) wh (our Peace) Nnys (for) ryg (He is) wywh 14 (in the midst) ateumb (was) awh (that standing) Maqd (the fence) agyo (& He destroyed) arsw (of command) adqwpd (& the Law) aowmnw (by His flesh) hrobb (& the hatred) atwbbdlebw 15 (that for the two) Nwhyrtld (He has cancelled) ljb (in His commandments) yhwndqwpb (new) atdx (man) asnrb (one) dxl (in His Person) hmwnqb (He would create) arbn (peace) anys (& He made) dbew (God) ahla (with) Me (body) rgp (in one) dxb (the two) Nwhyrtl (& He reconciled) yerw 16 (the hatred) atwbbdleb (has killed) ljq (& in His crucifixion) hpyqzbw (to you) Nwkl (of peace) amls (preaching the news) rbo (& He came) ataw 17 (& to those near) abyrqlw (to the distant ones) aqyxrl (for us) Nl (has been) awh (there) wh (that in Him) hbd (because) ljm 18 (The Father) aba (to) twl (Spirit) xwr (by One) adxb (both) Nyrtl (access) abrwq (guests) abtwt (neither) alw (strangers) aynoka (you are) Nwtywh (not) al (therefore) lykm 19 (of The Holy One) asydqd (of the city) atnydm (children *) ynb (but) ala (of God) ahlad (of the household) htyb (& children) ynbw Therefore you are not strangers or guests, but inhabitants of The City of The Holy One and children of the household of God. * asydqd atnydm ynb -Bnay mditta dqadisha is literally children of the City of The Holy One(s); Greek has sumpolitai twn agiwn fellow citizens of the holy ones, taking asydqd qadisha as plural; asydq qadisha can be singular or plural. Paul had already addressed the Ephesians as qadisha holy ones in the first verse of this epistle; it would
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

be no great statement to then say they were fellow citizens of the holy ones.They were holy ones themselves, not fellow citizens! Believers in The Messiah are inhabitants of The City of The Holy One and are also Gods household.How many of us believe we are now in The City of God, which is not nearly as intimate and significant as being Gods household? (& of the prophets) aybndw (of the apostles) axylsd (the foundation) atoats (on) le (& you are built up) Nwtynbtaw 20 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of the building *) anynbd (of the corner) anrq (The Head) syr (is) awh (& He) whw * Greek lacks of the building. (building) anynb (the whole) hlk (is constructed) bkrtm (& by Him) hbw 21 (in Jehovah) ayrmb (holy) asydq (to a temple) alkyhl (& grows) abrw (are) Nwtna (built) Nynbtm (by Him) hb (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (while) dk 22 (in The Spirit) xwrb (of God) ahlad (for the dwelling) armeml

Chapter 3 (I am) ana (the prisoner) aryoa (Paul) owlwp (I) ana (this) anh (because of) ljm 3:1 (Gentiles) amme (your sakes) Nwkypa (for) le (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of God) ahlad (of the grace) htwbyjd (of the administration) atwnrbdm (you have heard) Nwtems (if) Na 2 (among you) Nwkb (to me) yl (that which is given) tbhytad (the mystery) azra (to me) yl (was taught) edyta (for by revelation) anylgbd 3 (briefly) atyrwezb (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtkd (just as) ankya (you) Nwtna (read) Nyrq (while) dk (you can) Nwtyxksmd (when) am (as) Kya 4 (of The Messiah) axysmd (that is in the mystery) hzrabd (my knowledge) ytedy (understand) wlktoml (was made known) edyta (not) al (other) anrxa (which in generations) ardbd (That) wh 5 (it is revealed) ylgta (now) ashd (as) Kya (to the children of men) asnynbl (by The Spirit) xwrb (& to His prophets) yhwybnlw (holy) asydq (to His apostles) yhwxylsl (of the inheritance) htwtry (children) ynb (the Gentiles) amme (that would be) Nwwhnd 6 (& of the promise) anklwmdw (of the body) hrgpd (& members) aptwsw (the Gospel) Nwylgnwa (by) dyb (in Him) hb (that was given) bhytad (a minister) hnsmsm (I have been) tywh (of which I) anad (That) wh 7 (of God) ahlad (of the grace) htwbyjd (the gift) atbhwm (according to) Kya (of His power) hlyxd (the action) atwndbem (from) Nm (to me) yl (which is given) tbhytad (the holy ones) asydq (of all of them) Nwhlkd (I am) ana (who least) arwezd (to me) yl 8 (among the Gentiles) ammeb (that I shall preach the Good News) rboad (this) adh (grace) atwbyj (is given) tbhyta (is searched) bqetm (which not) ald (that) wh (of The Messiah) axysmd (the wealth) hrtwe (of the mystery) azrad (administration) atwnrbdm (that) yh (by) adya (every person) snlkl (& I may enlighten) rhnaw 9 (The Creator) arb (of all) lkd (in God) ahlab (the world) amle (from) Nm (was) awh (which hidden) aokd (that) wh (of God) ahlad (the wisdom) htmkx (would be known) edytt (the church) atde (that by) dybd 10 (who are in Heaven) aymsbd (& to Rulers) anjlwslw (to Principalities) owkral (& diverse) ansrwp (full) tylm (eternity) amle (from) Nm (had) awh (which He prepared) dted (that) yh 11 (our Lord) Nrm (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (& He performed) hdbew
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(& access) atwbyrqw (boldness) ayohrp (to us) Nl (is) tya (by Whom) hbd (He) wh 12 (of his faith) htwnmyhd (in the confidence) anlkwtb (of me) yl (you shall weary) Namt (that not) ald (I request) anlas (this) anh (because of) ljm 13 (your glory) Nwktxwbst (is) yh (for this) adhd (for you) Nwkypa (that are for) led (by my afflictions) ynulwab (The Father) yhwba (to) twl (my knees) ykrwb (& I bow) anpakw 14 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (fatherhood) atwhba (every) lk (is named) ahmtsm (from Whom) hnmd (Him) wh 15 (& in earth) aerabw (that is in Heaven) aymsbd (of His glory) htxwbstd (the wealth) artwe (according to) Kya (to you) Nwkl (that He would give) ltnd 16 (in His Spirit) hxwrb (you may confirmed) Nwrrtst (that by power) alyxbd (inner) wgld (that in your person) Nwksnrbbd (& in your hearts) Nwktwblbw (by faith) atwnmyhb (The Messiah) axysm (may dwell) rmen 17 (& your foundation) Nwktoatsw (your root) Nwkrqe (confirmed) ryrs (will be) awhn (when) dk (by love) abwxb (the holy ones) asydq (all of them) Nwhlk (with) Me (discover) wkrdml (that you can) Nwxkstd 18 (& breadth) aytpw (& length) akrwaw (& depth) aqmwew (the height) amwr (what is) wnm (of the love) hbwxd (of the knowledge) atedyd (the magnitude *) atwbr (& you may know) Nwedtw 19 (of God) ahlad (fullness) aylwm (in all) hlkb (& you may be filled) Nwlmttw (of The Messiah) axysmd And that you may know the magnitude of the knowledge of the love of The Messiah and be filled in all the fullness of God. * Greek has to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge. Here is an excerpt from Jastrows Dictionary of The Targums, etc., for the Aramaic word, atwbr Rabotha:

The Greek reading thn uperballousan thv gnwsewv, normally translated-surpassing knowledge may be translated simply excellence of knowledge, which is exactly the meaning of the Aramaic phrase in The Peshitta- atwbr artym. The Greek after that takes on a new meaning with the word agaphn-agapayn (form of agapay)- then we have to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, which is nonsense. How can one know something that surpasses knowledge? Another translation of the Greek is, to know the surpassing love of the knowledge of Christ, but that is just as confusing or moreso than the other. I think a Greek translator put agaphnagaphn- love- agapay in the wrong case (accusative instead of genitive), which changes one letter at the end (agaphn agaphn instead of agaphv agaphv). If that were the case, the Greek would have the same meaning as The Aramaic text here: the excellence of the knowledge of the love of The Messiah. (all) lk (than) Nm (more) ryty (in power) alyxb (Who is able) aumd (but) Nyd (to Him) whl 20 (or we imagine) Nnynrw (we ask) Nnylasd (what) am (than) Nm (& greater) rytyw (for us) Nl (to do) dbeml (in us) Nb (that is active) retomd (His power) hlyx (according to) Kya To Him Who is more than almighty to do for us and is greater than what we ask or imagine, according to His power that is active in us. (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (in the church) htdeb (glory) atxwbst (to Him) hl 21 (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (of the eternity) ymled (generations) ard (in all) Nwhlkb Chapter 4
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(in our Lord) Nrmb (a prisoner) aryoa (I) ana (of you) Nwknm (therefore) lykh (I) ana (request) aeb 4:1 (in which you are called) Nwtyrqtad (to the calling) anyrql (is suitable) aayd (just as) ankya (that you walk) Nwklhtd (of spirit) axwr (& length) twrygnw (& quietness) atwxynw (of mind) anyer (humility) twkykm (in all) hlkb 2 (in love) abwxb (toward another) dxl (one) dx (patient) Nyrbyom (& you would be) Nwtywhw (of The Spirit) axwrd (the harmony) atwywa (to keep) rjml (diligent) Nyjypx (& be you) Nwtywhw 3 (of peace) amlsd (in the bonds) aqzxb (Spirit) axwr (& in One) adxbw (body) argp (in one) dxb (that you would be) Nwwhtd 4 (of your calling) Nwknyrqd (hope) arbo (in one) dxb (you were called) Nwtyrqtad (when) am (as) Kya (baptism) atydwmem (& one) adxw (faith) atwnmyh (& one) adxw (Jehovah) ayrm (for) ryg (there is) wh (One) dx 5 (of all) lkd (The Father) aba (God) ahla (& one) dxw 6 (& in us all) Nlkbw (all) lk (& with) dybw (all) lk (& over) lew (grace) atwbyj (is given) tbhyta (but) Nyd (of us) Nnm (one) dx (to each) dxl 7 (of the Messiah) axysmd (of the gift) htbhwmd (the size) atxwsm (according to) Kya (to the heights) amwrml (He ascended) qlod (it is said) ryma (this) anh (because of) ljm 8 (to children of men) asnynbl (gifts) atbhwm (& He has given) bhyw (captivity) atybs (& brought captive) absw (if) Na (but) ala (is that) yh (what?) anm (but) Nyd (that He ascended) qlod 9 (of the earth) aerad (to the lower regions) htytxtl (first) Mdqwl (He descended) txn (that also) Pad (higher) lel (ascended) qlo (Who also) Pad (The Same) wh (is He) wywh (Who descended) txnd (He) wh 10 (all things) lk (to restore) Mlsnd (Heavens) ayms (all) Nwhlk (than) Nm (who are prophets) aybnd (& some) tyaw (who are apostles) axylsd (some) tya (gave) bhy (& He) whw 11 (who are pastors) atwerd (& some) tyaw (who are evangelists) anrbomd (& some) tyaw (who are teachers) anplmd (& some) tyaw (of the ministry) atsmstd (for the work) adbel (of the holy ones) asydqd (for the perfecting) armgl 12 (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the body) argpd (for the building up) anynbl (in faith) atwnmyhb (thing) Mdm (one) dx (shall be) awhn (we all) Nlkd (until) amde 13 (perfect) arymg (man) arbg (& one) dxw (of God) ahlad (of The Son) hrbd (& in knowledge) atedybw (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the maturity) hylmwsd (of the stature) atmwqd (with the dimensions) atxwsmb (& troubled) Nyntsmw (who are shaken) Nyezedzmd (children) adwly (we shall be) awhn (neither) alw 14 (of children of men) asnynbd (crafty) alykn (of teaching) anplwyd (wind) xwr (for every) lkl (to seduce) Nwejnd (plot) Nyenjum (who in their cunning) Nwhtwerxbd (those) Nwnh (affairs) Mdm (that all) lwkd (in our love) Nbwxb (firm) Nyryrs (we were) Nywh (but) ala 15 (The Head) asr (Who is) wywhd (in The Messiah) axysmb (may increase) abrn (our) Nlyd (in every) lkb (& joined) rjqtmw (constructed) bkrtm (body) argp (the whole) hlk (& from Him) hnmw 16 (member) Mdh (to every) lkl (in measure) atxwsmb (given) abhytmd (a gift) atbhwm (according to) Kya (joint) Nyrs (that in love) abwxbd (of body) argpd (His) hlyd (for the growth) atybrtl (His building) hnynb (may be completed) Mltsn (in Jehovah) ayrmb (I) ana (& testify) dhomw (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh 17 (walking) Nyklhm (you should be) Nwwht (not) al (now) ash (that from) Nmd (who walk) Nyklhmd (of the Gentiles) ammed (others) akrs (as) Kya (of their minds) Nwhnyer (in the emptiness) twqyrob (the Life) yhwyx (to) Nm (are) Nwna (& aliens) Nyyrkwnw (in their intellects) Nwhyedmb (& they are dark) Nykwsxw 18 (knowledge) atedy (in them) Nwhb (there is not) tyld (because) ljm (of God) ahlad
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of their heart) Nwhbl (the blindness) twrywe (& because of) ljmw (their souls) Nwhspn (& have handed over) wmlsaw (their hope) Nwhrbo (who have cut off) wqopd (those) Nwnh 19 (in their greed) Nwhtwneyb (impurity) atwpnj (of every) hlkd (& to the cultivation) anxlwplw (to lewdness) atwzxpl (The Messiah) axysml (you learned Him) yhynwtply (in this way) ankh (have) awh (not) al (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 20 (you have learned) Nwtply (& by Him) hbw (you have heard Him) yhynwtems (truly) tyaryrs (if) Na 21 (is in Yeshua) ewsyb (the truth) atswq (is) yhwtyad (whatever) am (as) Kya (first) aymdq (your way of life) Nwkykpwh (from you) Nwknm (that you should put aside) Nwxyntd (but) ala 22 (of deception) yyewjd (by desires) atgygrb (who is corrupted) lbxtmd (old) aqyte (that) wh (man) asnrbl (of your minds) Nwkyedmd (in the spirit) axwrb (& you should be made new) Nwtdxttw 23 (who in God) ahlabd (he) wh (new) atdx (the man) asnrbl (& you should put on) Nwsbltw 24 (of the truth) atswqd (& in the purity) atwyoxbw (in righteousness) atwqydzb (has been created) yrbta (the truth) atswq (& speak) wllmw (lying) atwbdk (from you) Nwknm (put aside) wxyna (this) anh (because of) ljm 25 (of another) dxd (one) dx (for) ryg (we are) Nnx (members) amdh (his neighbor) hbyrq (with) Me (a man) sna (let set) bren (not) al (your anger) Nwkzgwr (on) le (& the sun) asmsw (sin you) Nwjxt (& not) alw (be angry) wzgr 26 (to The Slanderer) aurq-lkal (a place) arta (you should give) Nwltt (neither) alw 27 (let him steal) bwngn (not) al (from now on) lykm (has) awh (stolen) bngd (& whoever) anyaw 28 (good) atbj (& let him produce) xwlpnw (with his hands) yhwdyab (let him toil) aaln (but) ala (who has need) qynod (to the one) Nml (to give) ltml (to him) hl (that there will be) awhnd (let come out) qwpt (not) al (your mouth) Nwkmwp (from) Nm (hateful) ayno (words) alm (any) lk 29 (for improvement) anynbl (& useful) axsxw (is good) arypsd (whatever) adya (but) ala (who hear) Nyemsd (to those) Nylyal (grace) atwbyj (that you may give) lttd (of God) ahlad (Holy) atsydq (The Spirit) axwrl (grieving) Nyqyem (be you) Nwwht (neither) alw 30 (of redemption) anqrwpd (to the day) amwyl (in Whom) hb (you have been sealed) Nwtmtxtad (& insults) apdwgw (& clamor) abwrw (& rage) azgwrw (& fury) atmxw (bitterness) atwryrm (all) hlk 31 (wickedness) atwsyb (all) hlk (with) Me (from you) Nwknm (let be taken away) Nlqtsn (& affectionate) Nynmxrmw (another) dx (to) twl (one) dx (sweet) Nymyob (& be you) Nwtywhw 32 (another) dxl (one) dx (forgiving) Nyqbs (& be you) Nwtywhw (us *) Nl (has forgiven) qbs (in The Messiah) axysmb (God) ahlad (just as) ankya M * Critical Greek,The Textus Receptus (KJV Greek text) and The Latin Vulgate have You. The Majority Greek text agrees with The Peshitta here. Chapter 5 (of God) ahlab (imitators) Nymdtm (therefore) lykh (be you) Nwtywh 5:1 (beloved) abybx (children) aynb (as) Kya (loved us) Nbxa (The Messiah) axysm (also) Pad (as) Kya (in love) abwxb (& walk) wklhw 2 (the offering) anbrwq (our persons) Nypa (for) le (Himself) hspn (& handed over) Mlsaw (sweet) amyob (for a fragrance) axyrl (to God) ahlal (& the sacrifice) axbdw (& greed) atwbwlew (impurity) atwpnj (& all) hlkw (but) Nyd (fornication) atwynz 3 (among you) Nwktnyb (should you name it) hmtst (to be named) whmtsm (not even) alpa (for holy ones) asydql (is appropriate) aayd (as) Kya
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(worthless) atwyjsd (words) alm (neither) alw (abusive language) atyxwu (neither) alw 4 (are needed) Nyebtm (that not) ald (these things) Nylh (of nonsense) ayesd (or) wa (of disgrace) axzbd (or) wa (thanksgiving) atydwt (these) Nylh (in place of) Plx (but) ala (a fornicator) aynz (who is) yhwtyad (that every person) snlkd (known) Nyedy (you have) Nwtywh (but) Nyd (this) adh 5 (of idols) arktp (a servant) xlp (who is) yhwtyad (a greedy person) abwle (or) wa (impure) apnj (or) wa (in the kingdom) htwklmb (an inheritance) atwtry (to him) hl (there is not) tyl (& of God) ahladw (of The Messiah) axysmd (empty) atqyro (with words) almb (let deceive you) Nwkyejn (a man) sna (that not) amld 6 (the anger) hzgwr (comes) ata (for) ryg (it is) wh (these things) Nylh (because of) ljm (obedience) atwnoypjtm (without) ald (the children) aynb (on) le (of God) ahlad (partners) aptws (to them) Nwhl (you should be) Nwwht (therefore) lykh (not) al 7 (darkness) akwsx (the first) Mdqwl (from) Nm (for) ryg (you were) Nwtywh (you being) Nwkytya 8 (in our Lord) Nrmb (you are) Nwtna (light) arhwn (but) Nyd (now) ash (walk) wklh (in this way) ankh (therefore) lykh (of light) arhwn (children) ynb (as) Kya (in all) hlkb (of the light *) arhwnd (for) ryg (the fruits) yhwrap 9 (& truth) atswqw (& righteousness) atwqydzw (goodness) atwbj (are) Nwna Most Greek mss. have Spirit for Light (No capital letters exist in Aramaic).The Latin Vulgate and Critical Greek text have Light. arhwnd- Of the Light in Dead Sea Scroll script is )rhwnd. ahwrd - Of The Spirit in Dead Sea Scroll script is )xwrd .It is easy to see how the second DSS term may have been misread from the first, especially if the third and fourth letters rh were pushed together, looking like x. We are not sure how the Resh r and Nun n looked ; They may have been as r n or r - n. The former pair are more similar. Even without that supposition, there is 67% correspondence between the two words- enough to account for the majority Greek reading.If therh letters were pushed together in the original Peshitta ms. from which Greek was being translated, that would give 80% correspondence. The same in Estrangela script (used in all the oldest Peshitta mss.) is a0rhwnd & 0xwrd. They are not quite as similar (50%). Of Light in Greek is Fwtov or FwTOS; TOS; Of Spirit is pneumatov pneumatov or PNEUMATOS PNEUMATOS. TOS. That is a mere 33% correspondence. It is not very likely a translator would see PNEUMATOS and think FwTOS. Peshitta primacy explains the Greek much better than the Greek can account for The Peshitta reading. (our Lord) Nrm (before) Mdq (is pleasing) ryps (what?) anm (distinguishing) Nysrp (be you) Nwtywhw 10 (of darkness) akwsxd (the servants *) adbe (with) twl (fellowship) Nyptwtsm (you should) Nwtywh (neither) alw 11 (them) Nwhl (rebuke) Nynwkm (you should) Nwtywh (but) ala (in them) Nwhb (there is not) tyl (because fruit) arapd * Greek mss. have works ergoiv or ERGOIS. ERGOIS. The written Aramaic word for Works and Servants is the same (adbe). The Works interpretation of Greek does not fit. A person does not fellowship with works or rebuke works; one fellowships with people and may rebuke people.The next verse confirms that the servants meaning is the correct one. (they do) Nydbe (that in secret) yyswjbd (for) ryg (the thing) Mdm 12 (to mention it) htwllmml (also) Pa (is) wh (abomination) dydn The thing they do in secret is an abomination to mention. Who are They, according to the Greek text of verse 11? They are The servants of darkness according to The Peshitta. The works of darkness do nothing in secret or in public; they are what is done (object, not subject). (the light) arhwn (from) Nm (are corrected) Nwktm (for) ryg (things) Mdm (all) lk 13 (is) wh (light) arhwn (that reveals *) algd (& everything) Mdmlkw (& are revealed) algtmw

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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

* Greek has a middle-passive verb faneroumenon- appears, is revealed. This is probably due to the fact that the Aramaic word alg can be active or passive -reveals or is revealed, though the active sense is plainly intended. Light is what reveals something, not what is revealed.The Greek is incorrect. (& arise) Mwqw (who sleep) akmd (awake you) ryettad (it is said) ryma (this) anh (because of) ljm 14 (The Messiah) axysm (you) Kl (& will illuminate) rhnnw (the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (honorably) tyayhz (you walk) Nwklht (just as) ankya (therefore) lykh (see) wzx 15 (the wise) amykx (as) Kya (but) ala (fools) alko (as) Kya (not) al (are) Nwna (evil) asyb (the days) atmwyd (because) ljm (their opportunities) Nwhoraq (who redeem) Nynbzd 16 (intelligence) anyer (lacking) yryox (be you) Nwwht (not) al (this) anh (because of) ljm 17 (of God) ahlad (the will) hnybu (what is?) wnm (understanding) wlktoa (but) ala (in which) hbd (with wine) armxb (drunk) Nywr (be you) Nwtywh (neither) alw 18 (with The Spirit) axwrb (be filled) wlmta (but) ala (debauchery) atwjwoa (is) tya (& songs) atrymzbw (& hymns) atxbstbw (in psalms) arwmzmb (yourselves) Nwkspn (with) Me (& speak) wllmw 19 (to Jehovah) ayrml (in your hearts) Nwktwblb (singing) Nyrmz (be you) Nwtywh (of The Spirit) axwrd (of every person) snlk (the face *) ypa (for) le (in every time) Nbzlkb (giving thanks) Nydwm (be you) Nwtywhw 20 (The Father) aba (to God) ahlal (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (in the Name) hmsb Be giving thanks always for everyone to God The Father in The Name of our Lord Jesus The Messiah. * Greek has eucaristountev pantote uper pantwn -Give thanks for all things, though it could mean, Give thanks for all people; it is ambiguous in Greek. The Aramaic is very clear.Scripture says In everything give thanks, but that is a different proposition from, For everything give thanks. I cannot see the Peshitta reading as a translation of the Greek. (of The Messiah) axysmd (in the love) hbwxb (to another) dxl (one) dx (subject) Nydbetsm (be you) Nwtywhw 21 (to our Lord) Nrmld (as) Kya (to your husbands) Nykylebl (subject) Ndbetsm (be you) Nytywh (wives) asn 22 (of the woman) attnad (is) wh (the head) hsr (the man) arbgd (because) ljm 23 (of the church) atded (is) wh (The Head) asr (The Messiah) axysm (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (of the body) argpd (The Savior) anyxm (& He is) wywhw (to The Messiah) axysml (is subject) adbetsm (the church) atded (just as) ankya (but) ala 24 (in all things) Mdmlkb (to their husbands) Nyhylebl (wives) asn (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (The Messiah) axysm (that also) Pad (as) Kya (your wives) Nwkysn (love) wbxa (men) arbg 25 (its sake) hypa (for) le (handed over) Mlsa (& Himself) hspnw (His church) htdel (loved) bxa (& in the word) atlmbw (of water) aymd (in washing) ayxob (& purify it) hykdnw (to sanctify it) hysdqnd 26 (glorious) axbsm (when) dk (for Himself) hspnl (the church) atde (& He shall establish it) hymyqnw 27 (a wrinkle) ajmq (neither) alw (a blemish) aslwj (in it) hb (& there is not) tylw (whatever) amd (such things) Nylhld (any) Mdm (neither) alw (a defect) Mwm (without) ald (holy) asydq (it will be) awht (but) ala (their wives) Nwhysn (to love) Nwbxnd (men) arbgl (ought) alw (in this way) ankh 28 (loves) bxm (for) ryg (his wife) httnald (whoever) Nm (their bodies) Nwhyrgpld (as) Kya (loves) bxm (He) wh (himself) hspn (nourishes) aortm (but) ala (his body) hrgp (hated) ano (ever) Mwtmm (a man) sna (for) ryg (not) al 29 (His church) htded (The Messiah) axysm (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (his own) hlyd (& cares for) Puyw (it) hl
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(His flesh) hrob (& from) Nmw (of His body) hrgpd (we are) Nnx (members) amdhd (because) ljm 30 (His bones) yhwmrg (& from) Nmw (we are) Nnx (& his mother) hmalw (his father) yhwbal (a man) arbg (shall leave) qwbsn (this) anh (because of) ljm 31 (flesh) rob (one) dx (two of them) Nwhyrt (& they shall be) Nwwhnw (to his wife) httnal (& shall cleave) Pqnw (am) ana (speaking) rma (but) Nyd (I) ana (is) wh (great) br (mystery) azra (this) anh 32 (His church) htde (& about) lew (The Messiah) axysm (about) le (of you) Nwknm (each) dx (one) dx (all) lk (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (yet) Mrb 33 (himself) hspnld (as) Kya (his wife) httna (shall love) Mxrn (in this way) ankh (her husband) hleb (of) Nm (reverent) alxd (shall be) awht (but) Nyd (the woman) attna Chapter 6 (in our Lord) Nrmb (your parents) Nwkyhbal (obey) wemtsa (children) aynb 6:1 (is right) anak (for) ryg (this) adh (of a promise) Kylmd (first) aymdq (the commandment) andqwp (& this is) wnhw 2 (& your mother) Kmalw (your father) Kwbal (honor) rqy (earth) aera (on) le (your life) Kyyx (& shall be long) Nwkranw (well) rypsd (for you) Kl (that it shall be) awhnd 3 (them) Nwna (rear) wbr (but) ala (your children) Nwkynb (anger) Nwzgrt (not) al (parents) ahba 4 (of our Lord) Nrmd (& in the teaching) anplwybw (in the discipline) atwdrmb (who are in the flesh) robbd (your masters) Nwkyrml (obey) wemtsa (servants) adbe 5 (as) Kya (of heart) abl (& with simplicity) twjyspbw (& with trembling) atytrbw (in reverence) atlxdb (The Messiah) axysmld (children of men) asnynbld (it is) wh (as if) Kya (of the eyes) anye (in the sight) azxmb (not) al 6 (of The Messiah) axysmd (servants) adbe (as) Kya (but) ala (you) Nwtna (please) Nyrps (of God) ahlad (the pleasure) anybu (doing) Nydbed (your soul *) Nwkspn (all) hlk (from) Nm (them) Nwna (& serve) wsmsw 7 (children of men) asnynbld (as) Kya (& not) alw (our Lord) Nrmld (as) Kya (in love) abwxb N * Greek lacks all your souls and in love. Where did The Peshitta get these phrases? The Greek mss. dont have them. (that is pleasing) rypsd (a man) sna (that does) dbed (anything) Mdm (it is) whd (you know) Nwtyedy (as) dk 8 (he is) wh (a servant) adbe (if) Na (our Lord) Nrm (from) Nm (will be paid) erptm (he) wh (of liberty) arax (a son) rb (or if) Naw (to your servants) Nwkydbel (doing) Nydbe (be you) Nwtywh (in this way) ankh (masters) ayrm (you) Nwtna (also) Pa 9 (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedyd (because) ljm (offenses) atwlko (them) Nwhl (forgiving) Nyqbs (be you) Nwtywh (in Heaven) aymsb (is) yhwtya (yours) Nwklyd (your Master) Nwkrm (that also) Pad (with Him) htwl (there is not) tyl (of faces) apab (& accepting) bomw Accepting of faces is favoritism or partiality. (in our Lord) Nrmb (be strengthened) wlyxta (my brethren) yxa (therefore) lykm 10 (of His power) hlyxd (& in the force) apqwtbw (so that) ankya (of God) ahlad (the armor) anyz (all) hlk (& put on) wsblw 11 (of The Devil) aurq lkad (the strategies) htenu (against) lbqwl (stand) Mqml (you can) Nwxkstd (& blood) amdw (flesh) arob (with) Me (has been) awh (not) al (our fight) Nwkswtktd (because) ljm 12 (world) amle (powers) ydyxa (& with) Mew (rulers) anjyls (& with) Mew (principalities) owkra (with) Me (but) ala
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Ephesians ayopa twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(Heaven) ayms (that are under *) tyxtd (wicked) atsyb (spirits) axwr (& with) Mew (darkness) akwsx (of this) anhd * Greek has in heavenly places quite different from under Heaven. (of God) ahlad (the armor) anyz (all) hlk (put on) wsbl (this) anh (because of) ljm 13 (The Evil One) asyb (to confront) Nwerat (that you shall be able) Nwxkstd (you shall stand) Nwmwqt (in all things) Mdmlkb (you are) Nwtna (ready) Nydtem (& when) dkw (with the truth) atswqb (your waist) Nwkyux (& gird) wqwzxw (therefore) lykh (stand) wmwq 14 (of righteousness) atwqydzd (the breastplate) anyrs (& put on) wsblw (of peace) amlsd (of the Gospel) Nwylgnwad (with the readiness) hbywj (your feet) Nwkylgrb (& shoe) wnaow 15 (that with it) hbd (of faith) atwnmyhd (the shield) arko (to you) Nwkl (take) wbo (these) Nylh (& with) Mew 16 (to quench) wkedml (the power) alyx (you may have) Nwumtt (of The Evil One) asybd (burning) adqy (the bolts) yhwrag (all of) Nwhlk (the sword) apyo (& grasp) wdwxaw (of salvation) anqrwpd (the helmet) atrwno (& don) wmyow 17 (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (which is) yhwtyad (of The Spirit) axwrd (in every time) Nbzlkb (pray) wlu (desires) Nweb (& in all) lkbw (prayers) Nwlu (& in all) lkbw 18 (at every moment) Ndelkb (watching) Nyrhs (be you) Nwtywh (in prayer) atwlub (in Him) hbw (in The Spirit) xwrb (& make supplication) Nypsktmw (constantly) tyanyma (pray you) Nwtylum (while) dk (the holy ones) asydq (all) Nwhlk (the sake of) ypa (for) le (the word) atlm (to me) yl (that may be given) bhyttd (for me) yle (also) Pa 19 (I may preach) zrka (in the open) algb (that eyes) Nyed (my mouth) ymwp (in opening) xtpmb (of The Gospel) atrbod (the mystery) azra algb Nye Ayn bgla Eyes in the open is an idiom meaning Publicly. (that in boldness) ayohrpbd (in chains) atlssb (an ambassador) hdgzya (of which I am) anad (that) wh 20 (to speak it) htwllmml (for me) yl (it is necessary) alwd (as) Kya (I may speak it) yhwyllma (anything) Mdm (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (but) Nyd (that you will know) Nwedtd 21 (you) Nwkl (will inform) edwm (behold) ah (I) ana (that do) reod (& anything) Mdmw (that is with me) ytwld (in our Lord) Nrmb (trustworthy) anmyhm (& minister) ansmsmw (beloved) abybx (brother) axa (Tukiqos) owqykwj (this) adh (for) le (for it) hyle (to you) Nwktwl (I shall send) trds (because him) hld 22 (your hearts) Nwktwbl (& he will comfort) aybnw (is with me) ytwld (what) am (that you will know) Nwedtd (God) ahla (from) Nm (faith) atwnmyh (with) Me (& love) abwxw (our brethren) Nyxa (with) Me (peace) amls 23 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (The Father) aba (our Lord) Nrml (who love) Nybxmd (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk (with) Me (grace) atwbyj 24 (Amen) Nyma (corruption) lbx (without) ald (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy

Glenn David Bauscher

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Chapter 1 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (servants) adbe (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (The Messiah) axysm (who are in Yeshua) ewsybd (holy ones) asydq (to all) Nwhlkl (& the ministers) ansmsmw (the elders) asysq (with) Me (in Philipus) owpylypb (who are) tyad (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& peace) amlsw (with you) Nwkme (grace) atwbyj 2 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (constant) anyma (the memory of you) Nwkndhwe (for) le (my God) yhlal (I) ana (thank) adwm 3 (your faces) Nwkypa (that for) led (my prayers) ytweb (for in all) lkbd 4 (I) ana (make supplication) Psktm (I) ana (rejoice) adx (& while) dkw (which is in the Gospel) Nwylgnwabd (your partnership) Nwktwptws (for) le 5 (now) ashl (& until) amdew (first) aymdq (the day) amwy (from) Nm (that He) whd (this) adh (concerning) le (I) ana (trust) lyktd (because) ljm 6 (will accomplish) Mlsn (He) wh (good) abj (works) adbe (in you) Nwkb (began) yrsd (Who) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the day) hmwyl (until) amde (to think) wyertml (for me) yl (it is right) qdz (for) ryg (in this way) ankh 7 (you are) Nwtna (placed) Nymyo (in my heart) yblbd (because) ljm (all of you) Nwklk (about) le (the truth) hrrs (that is for) led (in my spirit) yxwrb (& in going forth) qpmbw (& in my chains) yrwoabw (in grace) atwbyjb (you are) Nwtna (for my partners) yptwsd (of The Gospel) Nwylgnwad (how much) ankyad (God) ahla (for) ryg (my) yl (is) wh (witness) dho 8 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (with the affection) yhwmxrb (you) Nwkl (I) ana (love) bxm (& abound) rtytnw (may increase) agon (that again) bwtd (I) ana (pray) alum (& this) adhw 9 (of The Spirit) xwrd (understanding) lkwo (& in all) lkbw (in knowledge) atedyb (your love) Nwkbwx (that are suitable) Nnhed (those things) Nylya (distinguish) Nysrp (that you would) Nwwhtd 10 (of The Messiah) axysmd (in the day) hmwyb (an offense) alqwt (without) ald (pure) Nykd (& you may be) Nwwhtw (which is in Yeshua) ewsybd (of righteousness) atwqydzd (with the fruit) arap (& filled) Nylmw 11 (of God) ahlad (& for the honor) arqyalw (for the glory) axbwsl (The Messiah) axysm (my brethren) yxa (that you will know) Nwedtd (but) Nyd (I) ana (wish) abu 12 (came) ata (all the more) tyaryty (my) ylyd (that my condition) ynrewod (the Gospel) Nwylgnwab (to anticipate) yhwmdql (by The Messiah) axysmb (were revealed) wylgta (my chains) yrwoa (that also) Pad (in this way) ankh 13 (of everyone) snlkd (& to the rest) akrslw (the whole) hlk (in The Praetorium) Nyrwjrpb (have been confident) wlktta (who are in our Lord) Nrmbd (of the brethren) axad (a multitude) aagwow 14 (fear) alxd (without) ald (all the more) tyaryty (& have been defiant) wxysaw (my chains) yrwoa (because of) le (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (to speak) wllmml (& contention) anyrxw (envy) amox (from) Nm (men) sna (& some) snaw 15 (& in love) abwxbw (good) abj (in will) anybub (but) Nyd (men) sna (some) sna (are preaching) Nyzrkm (The Messiah) axysml
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(a defense) axwrb (that to send) qpmld (they know) Nyedyd (because) ljm 16 (I) ana (am appointed) Myo (of The Gospel) Nwylgnwad Because they know that I am appointed to go forth in the spirit of the Gospel. (preach) Nyzrkm (The Messiah) axysml (who by contention) anyrxbd (but) Nyd (those) Nwnh 17 (they hope) Nyrbod (but) ala (sincerely) tyaykd (it is) awh (not) al (to my imprisonment) yrwoal (suffering) anulwa (to add) Nypowmd (way) owrp (that in every) lkbd (I) ana (& do rejoice) adxw (I have rejoiced) tydx (& in this) adhbw 18 (will be preached) zrktn (The Messiah) axysm (in the truth) atswqb (or if) Naw (in pretence) atleb (if) Na (to me) yl (are found) Nxktsm (for life) ayxl (that these things) Nylhd (for) ryg (I) ana (knew) edy 19 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of The Spirit) axwrd (& in the gift) atbhwmbw (by your prayers) Nwktwebb (in anything) Mdmbd (I) ana (& expect) akomw (I) ana (hope) rbomd (just as) ankya 20 (always) Nbzlkbd (as) Kya (of face) apa (in uncovering) twylgb (but) ala (I shall be ashamed) thba (not) al (in life) ayxb (if) Na (in my body) yrgpb (The Messiah) axysm (will be magnified) brwrtn (now) ash (also) Pa (in death) atwmb (or if) Naw (is) wh (The Messiah) axysm (my) ylyd (for) ryg (my life) yyx 21 (for me) yl (it is) wh (a gain) anrtwy (I shall die) twma (& if) Naw For my life is The Messiah, and if I die, it is a gain for me. (of the flesh) arobd (life) ayx (in this) Nylhb (also) Pa (but) Nyd (if) Na 22 (I) ana (know) edy (not) al (in my work) ydbeb (to me) yl (is) tya (fruit) arap (I) yl (shall choose) abga (what?) anm (I) ana (desire) gygr (to depart) rjpml (the two) Nyhytrt (for) ryg (to me) yl (are pressing) Nula 23 (I may be) awha (The Messiah) axysm (that with) Med (for me) yl (would be) twh (better) axqp (much) bj (& this) adhw (is pressing) aula (in my body) yrgpb (to remain) awqad (also) Pa (but) ala 24 (because of you) Nwktljm (business) atwbu (to me) yl (I am) ana (that remaining) sapd (I) ana (know) edy (confidently) tyalykt (& this) adhw 25 (& the growth) atybrtlw (your) Nwklyd (for joy) atwdxl (I am) ana (& dwelling) awqmw (of your faith) Nwktwnmyhd (by me) yb (will abound) rtytn (to you) Nwktwl (again) bwt (I come) ata (& when) dkd 26 (alone) dwxlb (The Messiah) axysm (which is in Yeshua) ewsybd (your boasting) Nwkrhbws (be you) Nwtywh (of The Messiah) axysmd (to the Gospel) htrbol (is suitable) aayd (just as) ankya 27 (I) ana (am absent) qyrp (or if) Naw (to see you) Nwkyzxa (I come) ata (that if) Nad (guided) Nyrbdtm (spirit) xwr (in one) adxb (you) Nwtna (that stand) Nymyqd (about you) Nwkyle (I may hear) emsa (as one) dxka (& you are celebrated *) Nwtyxuntmw (soul) spn (& in one) adxbw (of the Gospel) Nwylgnwad (in the faith) atwnmyhb * Greek has sunaylountev -striving together; Here is the Aramaic word in the Peshitta Nwtyxuntmw & you are celebrated. Here is the Aramaic for & you are striving: Nwtyuntmw. This is the original Nwtyxuntmw reading with one letter dropped-x.What an amazing coincidence, is it not? Nwtyxuntmw & you are celebrated without the letter x is Nwtyuntmw & you are striving! You are celebrated in Greek would be ainesye or ainoumenoi.That looks nothing like sunaylountev -striving together. There is no evidence here to support the idea that The Peshitta was translated from Greek; on the other hand, the evidence for The Greek being a translation of a Peshitta original is quite compelling here and elsewhere.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Nwtyxuntm & you are celebrated (Peshitta) Nwtyuntm & you are striving(Greek reading in Aramaic) The Peshitta mss. have no variant readings in this verse. Is there any question that the Greek reading is derived from the Peshittas Aramaic? (those) Nwnh (by) Nm (you) Nwtna (be shaken) Nyeyzttm (not) al (& in anything) Mdmbw 28 (of their destruction) Nwhndbad (for a demonstration) atywxtl (against us) Nlbwql (who stand) Nymyqd (your) Nwklyd (& for life) ayxlw (to you) Nwkl (given) tbhyta (is) wh (God) ahla (from) Nm (& this) adhw 29 (in Him) hb (you should believe) Nwnmyht (believing) wnmyhm (only) dwxlb (that not) ald (you should suffer) Nwsxt (His Face) yhwpa (that for) led (also) Pa (but) ala (in The Messiah) axysmb Anf this is given to you from God, that you should not only be trusting in The Messiah, but that you suffer for His sake. (in me) yb (which you have seen) Nwtyzxd (that) wh (as) Kya (struggles) anwga (& you should endure) Nwrbyotw 30 (about me) yle (you hear) Nwtyems (& now) ashw Chapter 2 (in The Messiah) axysmb (comfort) aaywb (therefore) lykh (to you) Nwkl (there is) tya (if) Na 2:1 (communion) atwptws (or if) Naw (with love) abwxb (of hearts) ablb (filling up) almm (or if) Naw (& mercy) amxrw (tender care) apxwr (or if) Naw (of The Spirit) axwrd (to you) Nwkl (shall be) awhn (conscience) anyer (that one) dxd (my joy) ytwdx (fulfill) wmls 2 (intellect) atyert (& one) adxw (soul) spn (& one) adxw (love) abwx (& one) dxw (empty) atqyro (in glory) atxwbstb (or) wa (in contention) anyrxb (& anything) Mdmw 3 (of mind) anyer (in humility) twkykmb (but) ala (you shall do) Nwdbet (not) al (will esteem) bwsxn (than himself) hnm (more) rtymd (as) Kya (his neighbor) hrbxl (every person) snlk (let be concerned for) Puan (that of himself) hspnd (a man) sna (neither) alw 4 (that of his neighbor) hrbxd (also) Pa (every person) snlk (but) ala (in yourselves) Nwkspnb (reason) werta (& this) adhw 5 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (which also) Pad (that) yh (of God) ahlad (in the form) atwmdb (He was) yhwtya (Who while) dkd (He) wh 6 (this) adh (consider it) hbsx (spoil) aypwjx (did) awh (not) al (of God) ahlad (The Equal) amxp (that He was) yhwtyad (& was) awhw (He took) bon (of a servant) adbed (& the form) atwmdw (stripped) qro (Himself) hspn (but) ala 7 (a man) asnrb (as) Kya (was found) xktsa (& in fashion) amkoabw (of children of men) asnynbd (in the form) atwmdb (death) atwml (unto) amde (& He was obedient) emtsaw (Himself) hspn (& He humbled) Kkmw 8 (of being crucified) apyqzd (but) Nyd (the death) atwm (has exalted Him) hmrmr (greatly) ygoa (God) ahla (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm 9 (names) Nyhms (all) lk (than) Nm (Which is greater) rtymd (The Name *) ams (to Him) hl (& He has given) bhyw * The Name higher than every name is revealed in verse 11. (shall bow) Pwkt (knee) Kwrb (every) lk (of Yeshua) ewsyd (that in The Name) hmsbd 10 (the earth) aera (from) Nm (& which is under) txtldw (& in the earth) aerabw (which is in Heaven) aymsbd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (is) wh (that Jehovah *) ayrmd (shall confess) adwn (tongue) Nsl (& every) lkw 11 (His Father) yhwba (of God) ahlad (to the glory) axbwsl
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

* The Name higher than all names is ayrm MarYah- Jehovah or Yahweh written in The Hebrew Old Testament as The Name of God.The Greek texts have merely, Kurios, which is not The highest name; it is not a name at all, merely a title which is used for landowners, merchants and nobles, and also is used of many pagan deities, as well as for the God of Israel in the Greek language.Greek has no name answering to The Tetragrammaton sacred Name YHWH as Aramaic does: ayrm. (you have obeyed) Nwtemtsa (at all times) Nbzlkbd (just as) ankya (beloved) ybybx (therefore) lykm 12 (now) ash (but) ala (only) dwxlb (to you) Nwkl (I am) ana (nearby) byrq (when) dk (not) al (in fear) atlxdb (all the more) tyaryty (from you) Nwknm (I am) ana (when far) qyxrd (of your Life *) Nwkyyxd (the service) anxlwp (do) wxwlp (& in trembling) atytrbw Therefore, beloved, just as you have always obeyed not only when I am nearby, but now when I am far from you, all the more with fear and trembling do the service of your life. * Greek has Work out your own salvation. This is not the meaning of the Aramaic- not by a long shot. (to desire) abuml (both) Pa (in you) Nwkb (carefully working) jpxm (for) ryg (is) wh (God) ahla 13 (you are *) Nwtna (that desiring) Nybud (thing) Mdm (that) wh (to do) reoml (also) Pa For God is carefully working in you both to desire and to do that thing which you desire. * Greek has To do His pleasure. The Aramaic is quite different. (complaining) anjr (without) ald (doing) Nydbe (be you) Nwtywh (everything) Mdmlk 14 (division) glwp (& without) aldw (children) aynb (as) Kya (blemish) Mwm (& without) aldw (perfect) amymt (that you would be) Nwwhtd 15 (& crooked) amqemw (hard) aqoe (in a generation) ardb (who dwell) Nyrmed (of God) ahlad (purified) aykd (in the world) amleb (lights) aryhn (as) Kya (among them) Nwhtnyb (& appear) wzxtaw (my) ylyd (for my boasting) yrhbwsl (of Life) ayx (in the place *) tkwdb (to them) Nwhl (for you are) Nwkytyad 16 (I have run) tjhr (for nothing) aqya (it was) awh (that not) ald (of The Messiah) axysmd (in the day) hmwyb (I have labored) tlme (worthlessly) tyaqyro (neither) alw For you are in the place of Life to them, for me to boast of in the day of The Messiah, because I have not run for nothing, neither labored worthlessly. Greek has holding forth the word of life. Here is the Peshitta reading - You are to them in the place of life in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: Life in the place to them for you are )yx tkwdb }whl }wkyty)d Here is You are holding forth to them the word of life in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: Life the word to them for you are holding )yx htlmb }whl }wkydyx)d The Peshitta mss. have no variant readings in this verse. There is very little difference between the two readings in Aramaic. Part of the problem a first century translator may have had was poor lighting much of the time; couple that with reading someone elses handwriting in an age when eyeglasses were not available and there were no typewriters and word processors (and you must admit, the DSS script above has rather strange and distorted looking letters, many of which are very similar in appearance).Considering everything, the Greek translator did a very good job overall. The error rate in translation of the Aramaic is 0.4 % in 1 Corinthians by my estimation of 26 significant word errors in the Majority Greek text; that is an accuracy rate of 99.6%! That is not too shabby! I doubt there are many today who could do as well at the same task, under 1st century circumstances. (& service) atsmstw (the sacrifice) atxbd (on) le (I) ana (am offered) aqntm (even if) Npa (but) ala 17 (all of you) Nwklk (with) Me (I) ana (& exult) zwrw (I) ana (rejoice) adx (of your faith) Nwktwnmyhd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(with me) yme (& exult) wzwrw (rejoice) wdx (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 18 In this way also rejoice and exult with me. (to you) Nwktwl (to send) rdsad (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (but) Nyd (I) ana (hope) rbom 19 (refreshing) axyn (to me) yl (it shall be) awhn (to me) yl (that also) Pad (soon) lgeb (Timotheos) owatmyjl (about you) Nwktljm (I learn) Pla (when) dk (here) akrh (another) Nyrxa (for) ryg (to me) yl (there is not) tyl 20 (what is yours) Nwklyd (is concerned for) Puy (one who earnestly) tyapykad (is) wh (myself) yspn (who as) Kyad (seeking) Nyeb (are) wh (what is of themselves) Nwhspnd (for) ryg (all of them) Nwhlk 21 (The Messiah) axysm (what is of Yeshua) ewsyd (& not) alw (a son) arb (that as) Kyad (you know) Nwtyedy (of this one) anhd (but) Nyd (the proof) hyqwb 22 (in The Gospel) atrbob (with me) yme (has worked) xlp (in this way) ankh (his father) yhwba (with) Me (to you) Nwktwl (to send) rdsad (I) ana (hope) rbom (this one) anhl 23 (is with me) ytwld (whatever) am (I shall have seen) tyzxd (whenever) am (soon) lgeb (My Lord) yrm (upon) le (I) ana (& trust) lyktw 24 (to you) Nwktwl (am) ana (coming) ata (soon) lgeb (I) ana (that also) Pad (to you) Nwktwl (to send) rdsad (a matter) atwbu (urged me) yntula (but) Nyd (now) ash 25 (& worker) axlpw (a helper) anrdem (who is) yhwtyad (a brother) axa (Epaphroditus) ojydwrppal (of my needs) ytxsxd (& a minister) ansmsmw (apostle) axyls (but) Nyd (your) Nwklyd (who is with me) ymed (you all) Nwklkl (to see) azxml (he was) awh (he longing) awod (because) ljm 26 (that he was ill) hrktad (that you heard) Nwtemsd (to know) edyd (he was) awh (& grieved) qemw (God) ahla (but) ala (death) atwml (unto) amde (for) ryg (he was ill) hrkta (also) Pa 27 (only) dwxlb (upon him) yhwle (but) Nyd (it was) awh (not) al (upon him) yhwle (had compassion) Mxr (sorrow) aqe (upon) le (sorrow) aqe (to me) yl (would be) awht (lest) ald (upon me) yle (also) Pa (but) ala (to you) Nwktwl (I sent) htrds (therefore) lykh (diligently) tyajypx 28 (you will rejoice) Nwdxt (again) bwt (you will see him) yhynwzxt (that when) dkd (rest) asapn (shall be) awhn (a little) lylq (& to me) ylw (joy) awdx (in all) lkb (in Jehovah) ayrmb (therefore) lykh (receive him) yhwlbq 29 (them) Nwna (hold) wdwxa (with honor) arqyab (are) Nwna (who such) ankhd (& those) Nylyalw (death) atwml (unto) amde (of The Messiah) axysmd (for) ryg (the work) adbe (because of) ljm 30 (what) Mdm (to fulfill) almnd (his life) hspn le (& scorned) robw (he approached) yjm (that was for me) ytwld (in the ministry) atsmstb (you had) Nwtywh (you lacked) Nwtrubd Chapter 3 (these) Nynh (while) dk (those things) Nynh (in our Lord) Nrmb (rejoice) wdx (my brethren) yxa (therefore) lykm 3:1 (they protect) Nrhzm (you) Nwkld (because) ljm (to me) yl (are tedious) anam (not) al (to you) Nwkl (I write) bwtkad (evil) asyb (doers) alep (of) Nm (beware) wrhdza (dogs) ablk (of) Nm (beware) wrhdza 2 (of flesh) arob (cutters) qop (of) Nm (beware) wrhdza Beware of dogs; beware of evildoers; beware of circumcisors. (God) ahlal (we who serve) Nnyxlpd (those) Nylya (we are) Nytya (we) Nnx (for) ryg (the circumcision) atrwzg 3 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (& we glory) Nnyrhbtsmw (in The Spirit) axwrb (the flesh) arob (upon) le (we trust) Nnylykt (& not) alw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(the flesh) arob (on) le (also) Pa (trust) anlkwt (to me) yl (it was) awh (there) tya (to me) yl (when) dk 4 (in the flesh) arobb (in his trust) hnlkwtd (hopes) rbo (a man) sna (for) ryg (if) Na (I) ana (than he) hnm (more) ryty (do) wh (of Israel) lyroyad (the family) amhwj (from) Nm (days) Nymwy (of eight) aynmt (son) rb (circumcised) aryzg 5 (of a Hebrew) ayrbe (son) rb (a Hebrew) ayrbe (of Benyamin) Nymynbd (the tribe) ajbs (from) Nm (a Pharisee) aysyrp (in The Written Law) aowmnb (& in righteousness) atwqydzbw (of the church) atded (a persecutor) apwdr (in zeal) annjb 6 (I was) tywh (indictment) Nysr (without) ald (of The Written Law) aowmnd (to me) yl (were) ywh (that advantages) anrtwyd (these) Nylh (but) ala 7 (The Messiah) axysm (because of) ljm (them) Nyna (I accounted) tbsx (losses) anrowx (for) ljm (a loss) anrowx (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nyhl (I) ana (consider) bsx (also) Pa 8 (My Lord) yrm (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of the knowledge) htedyd (the majesty) atwbr (a dung heap) albz (& as) Kyaw (I have lost) trox (everything) Mdmlk (for Whose sake) htljmd (Him) wh (I may gain) rta (that The Messiah) axysmld (I consider it) tbsx (righteousness) atwqydz (to me) yl (there is not) tyl (while) dk (in Him) hb (& I may be found) xktsaw 9 (which is from) Nmd (that) yh (but) ala (The Written Law) aowmn (is that from) Nmd (which) yh (my own) yspnd (the righteousness) atwqydz (which is) hytyad (of The Messiah) axysmd (the faith) atwnmyh (God) ahla (that is from) Nmd (of His resurrection) htmyqd (& the power) alyxlw (Yeshua) ewsyl (I may know) edwtsa (that by it) hbd 10 (with His death) htwmb (& I may be conformed) amdtaw (in His sufferings) yhwsxb (& I may share) Ptwtsaw (to the resurrection) atmyql (to come) ajma (I shall be able) xksa (that perhaps) amld 11 (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (that from) Nmd (now) wdk (from) Nm (or) wa (I have received it) tbon (now) wdk (from) Nm (it has been) awh (not) al 12 (the thing) Mdml (I may obtain) Krda (that perhaps) amld (I) ana (run) jhr (but) ala (I am perfect) trmgta (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (apprehended me) ynkrda (for which) htljmd (that I have obtained it) tkrdad (I) ana (think) anr (not) al (myself) yspn (of) le (I) ana (my brethren) yxa 13 (I) ana (have forgotten) aej (that which is behind me) yrtobdd (I) ana (know) edy (but) Nyd (one thing) adx (I) ana (reach out) jswtsm (& before me) ymdqlw (the victory) atwkz (to take) boad (the goal) asyn (toward) lbqwl (I) ana (& run) jhrw 14 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (of God) ahlad (from on high) leld (of the calling) anyrqd (let be governed) Nwertn (by these things) Nylh (therefore) lykh (who are perfected) Nyrymgd (those) Nylya 15 (you) Nwtna (are governed) Nyertm (otherwise) tyaynrxa (by anything) Mdm (& if) Naw (to you) Nwkl (will reveal) algn (God) ahla (this) adh (also) Pa (that we may arrive) Nyjmd (at this) adhl (however) Mrb 16 (accord) atwywa (& in one) adxbw (let us follow) Mlsn (path) alybs (in one) dxb (those) Nylyab (observing) Nyqbtm (& be you) Nwtywhw (my brothers) yxa (me) yb (imitate) wmdta 17 (the pattern) atwmd (according to) Kya (are walking) Nyklhm (who in this way) ankhd (you have seen) Nwtyzx (that in us) Nbd (are walking) Nyklhm (who differently) tyaynrxad (many) aaygo (for) ryg (are) tya 18 (about whom) Nwhyle (to you) Nwkl (I have said) trma (many) Naygo (times) Nynbzd (those) Nwnh (enemies) abbdlebd (those) Nwnh (I) ana (say) rma (I) ana (weep) akb (as) dk (but) Nyd (now) ash (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the cross) hpyqzd (are) Nwna
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(their belly) Nwhork (whose god) Nwhhlad (those) Nwnh (is) yh (destruction) andba (for their end) Nwhtrxd 19 (whose minds) Nwhtyertd (these) Nylh (in their shame) Nwhtthb (& their glory) Nwhtxwbstw (are) yh (in the earth) aerab (there) Nmt (& from) Nmw (is) wh (in Heaven) aymsb (our business *) Nnxlwp (but) Nyd (our) Nlyd 20 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrml (The Life Giver) anyxml (we look for) Nnykom But our business is in Heaven, and from there we look for The Life Giver our Lord Jesus The Messiah. * Greek has politeuma-government, citizenship; I suspect that Nnxlwp (Business) was misread as Nyjwlwp (Government); Look at these in DSS script: }nxlwp: }y+wlwp -government; In Estrangela:Nnxlwp Nny+wlwp If you look carefully at the underlined letters- x & w, you can see x appears as two letters put together zw Zayin,Waw, left to right. The letter to the left of x is n, which if pressed to the Zayin like half of xKhet, looks like a Tau nzt. Tau t and Tet + sound very similar (T sound); If a Greek scribe were reading and mentally pronouncing the word Nnxlwp as Nnytwlwp or Nnyjwlwp, he may have seen something like }nxlwp (Business) as }ntwlwp and read it aloud and then translated from - }y+wlwp (Government). The evolution of this would look like: 1. }nxlwp- Our Business 2. }nzw nzwlwp (Khet broken into two letters- Zayin z,Waw w ) 3. }ytw ytwlwp-A phonetic spelling of Paulautayan(Tau -t [T] sounds like Tet- j [T]) (Our Commonwealth) 4. }y+wlwp- Paulautayan (Our Commonwealth, the Aramaic base for politeuma-Government ) The Greek reading may have been based on sounding out word # 3 (Paulautayan) and then writing it as #4 (Paulautayan). }n nxlwp - Paulkhanan -Our Business (Peshitta) }y+wlwp - Paulautayan (Our Commonwealth, Aramaic forpoliteuma-Government ) (in the image) atwmdb (to be) awhnd (of our humiliation) Nkkwmd (the body) argp (will transform) Plxn (for He) whd 21 (that) wh (great) abr (His power) hlyx (according to) Kya (of His glory) hxbwsd (of the body) argpd (to Him) hl (is made subject) dbetsa (everything) lk (by which) hbd Chapter 4 (& dear) amyxrw (beloved) abybx (my brethren) yxa (therefore) lykm 4:1 (stand) wmwq (in this way) ankh (& my crown) ylylkw (& my joy) ytwdxw (my beloved) ybybx (in our Lord) Nrmb (Suntyka) akyjnwo (& from) Nmw (I) ana (seek) aeb (Euodia) aydhwa (from) Nm 2 (in our Lord) Nrmb (to them) Nyhl (shall be) awhn (mind) anyer (that one) dxd (true) aryrs (of my yoke) ygwz (son) rb (I) ana (request) aeb (of you) Knm (also) Pa 3 (with me) yme (labor) yal (who) Nynhd (these) Nyhl (helping) rdem (that you will be) awhtd (my helpers) ynrdemd (others) akrs (& with) Mew (Qlemis) oymlq (with) Me (in the Gospel) Nwylgnwab (of life) ayxd (in the book) abtkb (are written) Nybytk (whose names) Nwhyhmsd (those) Nwnh (rejoice) wdx (I) ana (say) rma (& again) bwtw (in every time) Nbzlkb (in our Lord) Nrmb (rejoice) wdx 4 (every person) snlk (to) twl (let be known) edytt (& your humility) Nwktwkykmw 5 (is) wh (near) byrq (our Lord) Nrm (in prayer) atwlub (in every time *) Nbzlkb (but) ala (be concerned for) Nwpuat (do not) al (anything) Mdmd 6 (your requests) Nwktlas (& with thanksgiving) atydwtbw (& in supplication) atwebbw (God) ahla (before) Mdq (let be known) Nedytn N * Greek has in everything. (mind) edm (every) lk (than) Nm (which is greater) brd (that) wh (of God) ahlad (& the peace) hmlsw 7 (The Messiah) axysm (by Yeshua) ewsyb (& your minds) Nwkyedmw (your hearts) Nwktwbl (will keep) rjnn
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

And the peace of God,Him Who is greater than every mind, will keep your hearts and your minds by Yeshua The Messiah. This verse could be translated, The peace of God which is greater than every mind, but then that would include Gods mind, would it not? Obviously, Paul was saying that God is supreme over all His creatures, not that His peace is greater than His own mind. The Greek has: The peace of God which surpasses all understanding,and presents a contradiction in terms which I am sure The apostle never would have written-( not to mention that The Holy Spirit would have never written).The Aramaic verse avoids the dilemma of the Greek verse.Most people would probably not object to the Greek reading, but our expectations from scripture should be higher than that of mere common sense or conventional understanding.The Bible was written for all the ages to come and for eternity; It must be able to withstand the most rigorous assaults that logic can mount against it. (that are pious) Npknd (& those) Nylyaw (that are true) Nryrsd (those things) Nylya (my brethren) yxa (therefore) lykm 8 (that are dear) Nmyxrd (& those) Nylyaw (that are pure) Nykdd (& those) Nylyaw (that are righteous) Nnakd (& those) Nylyaw (or of praise) aolwqdw (of glory) axbwsd (works) adbe (& those) Nylyaw (that are praiseworthy) Nxybsd (& those) Nylyaw (feed on) werta (these things) Nylh (& you have received) Nwtlbqw (that you have learned) Nwtplyd (these things) Nylh 9 (do) wrweo (these) Nylh (by me) yb (& you have seen) Nwtyzxw (& you have heard) Nwtemsw (with you) Nwkme (shall be) awhn (of peace) amlsd (& The God) ahlaw (in our Lord) Nrmb (I have rejoiced) tydx (but) Nyd (greatly) tyabrwr 10 (just as) ankya (what is mine) ylyd (to be concerned for) Puaml (that you have come) Nwtpqad (you were) Nwtywh (enabled) Nyqypo (not) al (but) ala (you were) Nwtywh (concerned) Nypuy (that also) Pad (I) ana (said) rma (to me) yl (there was want) roxd (because) ljm (but) Nyd (was) awh (not) al 11 (for me) yl (enough) qpo (that will be) awhnd (I have learned) tply (for) ryg (I) ana (to me) yl (that is) tyad (anything) Mdm (it) wh But it was not because I was in need that I said it, for I have learned that whatever I have will be enough for me. (what it is) wh (I) ana (know) edy (to be humbled) Kkmtad (I) ana (know) edy 12 (things) Mdm (& in all) lkbw (in everything) lkb (to abound) rtytad (also) Pa (in hunger) anpkb (also) Pa (in fullness) aebob (also) Pa (I) ana (learn) srdm (& in poverty) atwryoxbw (in excess) atwxtrsmb (I) ana (am a match) aum (things) Mdm (because for all) lkd 13 (me) yl (Who empowers) lyxmd (by The Messiah *) axysmb (in power) alyx Because I am a match for all things by The Messiah Who empowers me. M * The Critical Greek text lacks, The Messiah in this verse. (my afflictions) ynulwal (that you have shared) Nwtptwtsad (you have done) Nwtdbe (well) ryps (however) Mrb 14 (that in the beginning) ayrwsbd (Philippians) ayopylyp (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy 15 (one) adx (not even) alpa (Maqedonia) aynwdqm (from) Nm (I went out) tqpn (when) dk (of the Gospel) atrbod (& giving) altmw (receiving) abom (in an account) Nbswxb (with me) yl (shared) Ptwtsa (the churches) atde (of) Nm (only) dwxlb (you) Nwtna (but) ala (time) Nbz (one) adx (to Thessaloniqa) aqynwlotl (that also) Pad 16 (to me) yl (you sent) Nwtrds (my necessities) ytxsx (& two) Nytrtw (I) ana (seek) aeb (but) ala (I) ana (seek) aeb (that gifts) atbhwmd (not) wl 17 (to you) Nwkl (may abound) Nwgon (that fruit) arapd (I am) ana (& full) almw (to me) yl (& there is abundance) rytyw (I have received) tlbq (everything) Mdmlk 18 (Epaphroditus) ojydwrppa (by) dyb (to me) yl (that you sent) Nwtrdsd (all) lk (& I took) tbonw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Philippians ayopylyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(God) ahlal (that pleases) rpsd (acceptable) albqm (& sacrifice) axbdw (sweet) amyob (a fragrance) axyr (His riches) hrtwe (according to) Kya (your needs) Nwktwqyno (all) hlk (shall satisfy) almn (& my God) yhlaw 19 (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in the glory) axbwsb (& the honor *) arqyaw (is the glory) axbws (our Father) Nwba (but) Nyd (to God) ahlal 20 (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel N * All Greek mss. lack, and the honor. (the holy ones) asydq (of all of them) Nwhlkd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 21 (The Messiah) axysm (who are in Yeshua) ewsybd (who are with me) ymed (the brothers) axa (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nylas Invoke the peace is more than to greet someone; it is to pray for the welfare of someone. (especially) tyaryty (holy ones) asydq (all of them) Nwhlk (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nylas 22 (of Caesar) roqd (the house) htyb (who from) Nmd (these) Nylh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj 23 (Amen) Nyma (all of you *) Nwklk (be with) Me M * The Critical Greek text has pneumatov umwn - your spirit. Below is a comparison of the Peshitta reading and the Greek reading in Aramaic: }wklk -you all }wkxwr -your spirit The middle letter of the second word is the only significant difference in the appearance of two words; here are the two words with that one letter greatly diminished in size for illustrations sake: }wklk -you all }wkxwr -your spirit

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Colossians ayolwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (an apostle) axyls (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (brother) axa (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (of God) ahlad (by the will) hnybub (holy) asydq (brethren) axa (in Colossus) owolwqb (who are) tyad (to those) Nylyal 2 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (& believers) anmyhmw (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& grace) atwbyjw (with you) Nwkme (peace) amls (of our Lord) Nrmd (The Father) yhwba (God) ahlal (we thank) Nnydwm 3 (for you) Nwkyle (& we pray) Nnylumw (in every time) Nbzlkb (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of your faith) Nwktwnmyh (when we heard) Nemsd (from) Nm (behold) ah 4 (& your love) Nwkbwxw (The Messiah) axysm (which is in Yeshua) ewsybd (the holy ones) asydq (all of them) Nwhlk (that to) twld (in Heaven) aymsb (for you) Nwkl (which is kept) ryjnd (that) wh (the hope) arbo (because of) ljm 5 (you have heard) Nwtems (the first) Mydq (which from) Nmd (that) wh (of the Gospel) atrbod (of the truth) atswqd (in the word) atlmb (the world) amle (to all) hlkl (which also) Pad (as) Kya (to you) Nwkl (which was preached) tzrktad (that) yh 6 (the day) amwy (from) Nm (in you) Nwkb (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (fruit) arap (& yields) abhyw (& grows) aybrw (in the truth) atswqb (of God) ahlad (the grace) htwbyj (& you were taught) Nwtedwtsaw (when you heard) Nwtemsd (Epaphra) arppa (from) Nm (you learned) Nwtplyd (what) am (according to) Kya 7 (for you) Nwkyplx (is) yhwtya (he who) whd (beloved) abybx (our companion) Ntnk (of The Messiah) axysmd (trustworthy) anmyhm (a minister) ansmsm (which is in The Spirit) axwrbd (your love) Nwkbwx (has made known to us) Nedwa (& he) whw 8 (cease) Nnyls (not) al (when we heard) Nemsd (the day) amwy (from) Nm (we) Nnx (also) Pa (due to this) anhljm 9 (with the knowledge) atedy (that you be filled) Nwlmttd (& to request) lasmlw (for you) Nwkyle (to pray) wyluml (wisdom) amkx (in all) lkb (of God) ahlad (of the pleasure) hnybud (of The Spirit) xwrd (understanding) lkwo (& in all) lkbw (God) ahlal (& you may please) Nwrpstw (what is right) qdzd (according to) Kya (that you would walk) Nwklhtd 10 (fruit) arap (& you would yield) Nwlttw (good) Nybj (works) Nydbe (in all) lkb (of God) ahlad (in the knowledge) atedyb (& you would increase) Nwbrtw (the majesty *) atwbr (according to) Kya (you would be empowered) Nwlyxtt (strength) lyx (& in all) lkbw 11 (& in joy) atwdxbw (of spirit) xwr (& in length) trgmbw (patience) wnrbyom (in all) lkb (of His glory) hxbwsd * Greek has kratov Power,Dominion; Lets compare the Aramaic of The Peshitta reading - atwbr Rabotha (Greatness,Majesty) with an Aramaic word for Victory atwkz -Zakutha; Here are the words in Dead Sea Scroll script: )twbr: )twkz. How about Estrangela script? - )0twbr 0twkz . Any one of these scripts could justify a misreading of the first word as the second, but I think the DSS is the most likely candidate as the source for the Greek reading (at least 80% letter correlation). In Greek, Greatness,Majesty could be megalosunh, uperbolh, uperbolh, megeyov, megeyov, uperecon, uperecon, megaleiothtov. Which of these looks like kratov Power? The most similar in appearance is megeyov, megeyov, which has only 2 letters corresponding to kratov (33% correlation- a generous calculation). The Greek primacy theory again suffers a defeat here.The Greek word kratov Power,Dominion is matched with )twkz Zakutha(Victory) in Luke 1:51.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Colossians ayolwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

)twbr Majesty(Peshitta) )twkz Victory(Aramaic for Greek reading?) (Who made us worthy) Nywsad (The Father) aba (God) ahlal (thank) Nwdwt 12 (in the light) arhwnb (of the saints) asydqd (of the inheritance) atwtryd (for a part) atnml (of darkness) akwsxd (the power) hnjlws (from) Nm (& He has saved us) Nqrpw 13 (Beloved) abybx (of His Son) hrbd (to the kingdom) atwklml (& brought us) Nytyaw (of sins) ahjxd (& forgiveness) anqbwsw (salvation) anqrwp (to us) Nl (is) tya (in Whom) hbd (He) wh 14 (is seen) azxtm (Who not) ald (of God) ahlad (The Image) atwmd (Who is) wywhd (He) wh 15 (created things) atyrb (of all) Nyhlkd (& is The Firstborn) arkwbw (& in the earth) aerabw (which is in Heaven) aymsbd (everything) Mdmlk (was created) yrbta (by Him) hbw 16 (thrones) abtwm (if) Na (is seen) azxtm (that not) ald (& everything) lkw (that is seen) azxtmd (everything) lk (rulers) anjlws (or) Naw (principalities) owkra (or) Naw (dominions) atwrm (or) Naw (has been created) yrbta (& in Him) hbw (by His hand) hdyab (everything) Mdmlk (exist) Maq (by Him) hb (& all things) Mdmlkw (all) lk (is before) Mdq (The One Who) Nmd (& He is) wywhw 17 (which is the church) atded (of the body) argpd (the Head) asr (& He is) wywhw 18 (Who is from) Nmd (& The Firstborn) arkwbw (The Head) asr (for He is) yhwtyad (in everything) lkb (The First) ymdq (that He would be) awhnd (the dead) atym (among) tyb (to dwell) rmeml (Fullness) aylwm (All) hlk (has been pleased) abu (The) wh (for in Him) hbd 19 (all things) Mdmlk (to Himself) hl (to reconcile) wyerml (& by Him) hdyabw 20 (by His hands) yhwdyab (of His crucifixion) hpyqzd (by the blood) amdb (& He made peace) Nysw (that are in Heaven) aymsbd (or) Naw (of things that are in earth) aerabd (whether) Na (you were) Nwtywh (aliens) ayrkwn (the first) Mydq (who from) Nmd (you) Nwkl (also) Pa 21 (because of) ljm (in your minds) Nwkynyerb (& enemies) abbdlebw (now) ash (He has given you peace) Nwknys (evil) asyb (your works) Nwkydbe (to establish you) Nwkmyqnd (& in His death) htwmbw (of His flesh) hrobd (in the body) argpb 22 (indictment) Nysr (& without) aldw (blemish) Mwm (without) ald (holy ones) Nysydq (before Him) yhwmdq (your foundation) Nwktoats (is true) aryrs (while) dk (in your faith) Nwktwnmyhb (you continue) Nwwqt (if) Na 23 (of the Gospel) Nwylgnwad (the hope) arbo (from) Nm (you are moved) Nwtyeyzttm (& not) alw (creation) atyrb (in all) hlkb (which was preached) zrktad (which you heard) Nwtemsd (that) wh (Paul) owlwp (of which I) anad (that) wh (Heaven) ayms (that is under) tyxtd (its minister) hnsmsm (have become) tywh (your sake) Nwkypa (that are for) led (in sufferings) asxb (I) ana (& rejoice) adxw 24 (of The Messiah) axysmd (of sufferings) yhwnulwad (the want) atwryox (I) ana (& fill up) almmw (the church) atde (that being) yhwtyad (of His body) hrgp (for the sake) Plx (in my flesh) yrobb (according to) Kya (its minister) hnsmsm (have been) tywh (of which I) anad (that) yh 25 (to me) yl (which is given) tbhytad (of God) ahlad (the administration) atwnrbdm (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (that I would fulfill) almsad (among you) Nwkb (the world) amle (from) Nm (was) awh (which hidden) yokmd (that) wh (mystery) azra 26 (to His holy ones) yhwsydql (has been revealed) ylgta (but) Nyd (now) ash (generations) ard (& from) Nmw (the wealth) artwe (what is?) wnm (to make known) edwnd (God) ahla (that has chosen) abud (to those) Nylyal 27 (The Messiah) axysm (which is) wywhd (among the nations) ammeb (this) anh (of mystery) azrad (of the glory) hxbwsd (of our glory) Nxbwsd (The Hope) arbo (Who is in you) Nwkbd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Colossians ayolwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(& we teach) Nnyplmw (we preach) Nnyzrkm (Whom we) Nnxd (Him) wh 28 (person) snrb (every) lkl (& we educate) Nnylkomw (person) snrb (every) lkl (to confirm) Myqnd (wisdom) amkx (in all) lkb (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (perfected) rymg (as) dk (& fight) stktmw (I) ana (labor) lme (also) Pa (for) ryg (He) wh (in this) adhb 29 (to me) yl (that is given) bhytmd (of the power) alyxd (with the help) atwnrdemb (I) ana Chapter 2 (to me) yl (are) tya (struggles) anwga (what) anya (you to know) Nwedtd (but) Nyd (I) ana (want) abu 2:1 (others) akrs (& for) Plxw (in Laodiqia) ayqydlbd (those) Nwnh (& for) Plxw (for you) Nwkyplx (in the flesh) robb (have seen) wzx (not) al (who my face) ypwurpd (those) Nylya (& they may approach *) Nwbrqtnw (their hearts) Nwhtwbl (that may be comforted) Nwaybtnd 2 (& the understanding) alkwolw (of assurance) aoypd (the wealth) artwe (all) hlkl (in love) abwxb (& of The Messiah) axysmdw (The Father) aba (of God) ahlad (of the mystery) azrad (of the knowledge) htedyd Greek has sumbibasyentwn -knit together; The Aramaic is Nwbrqtnw -& they may approach; Aramaic for & they may be joined together is Nwrjqtnw. The Greek for approaching is eggizontwn, eggizontwn, which hardly looks like sumbibasyentwn. Nwbrqtnw -& they may approach (Peshitta) Nwrjqtnw -& they may be joined (Source for Greek reading?) (treasures) atmyo (all) Nyhlk (are hidden) Nyok (in Whom) hbd (Him) wh 3 (& knowledge) atedydw (of wisdom) atmkxd (you) Nwkl (deceive) aejm (should) awhn (a man) sna (that not) ald (I) ana (say) rma (but) Nyd (this) adh 4 (of words) almd (in persuasiveness) aoypb (from you) Nwknm (I am) ana (separated) qyrp (for) ryg (in the flesh) robb (though) Npa 5 (I) ana (that see) azxd (I) ana (& rejoice) adxw (I am) ana (with you) Nwkme (in spirit) xwrb (but) ala (in The Messiah) axysmbd (of your faith) Nwktwnmyhd (& the stability) atwryrsw (your organization) Nwktwokjm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsyl (you have received) Nwtlbqd (therefore) lykh (just as) ankya 6 (walk) wklh (in Him) hb (our Lord) Nrm (in Him) hb (you are) Nwtna (& being built up) Nynbtmw (your roots) Nwkyrqe (strengthening) Nyrrsm (as) dk 7 (that) yh (in faith) atwnmyhb (you are) Nwtna (& being established) Nymyqtmw (with thanksgiving) atydwtb (may you abound) rtytt (in which) hbd (which you have learned) Nwtplyd (by philosophy) atwpolypb (rob you) Nwkulxn (a man) sna (lest) amld (beware) wrhdza 8 (the teaching) anplwy (according to) Kya (empty) atqyro (& by deception) atwyejbw (of the world) amled (the principles) yhwokwjoa (& according to) Kyaw (of children of men) asnynbd (The Messiah) axysm (according to) Kya (& not) alw (corporately) tyanmswg (of The Deity) atwhlad (The Fulness) aylwm (all) hlk (dwells) rme (for in Him) hbd 9 (The Head) asr (is) yhwtya (Who) whd (you completed) Nwtylmtsm (are) Nwtna (also) Pa (& in Him) hbw 10 (& Powers) anjlwsw (Principalities) owkra (of all) Nyhlkd (by hands) Nydyab (that is not) ald (by circumcision) atrwzg (you were circumcised) Nwtrzgta (& in Him) hbw 11 (of The Messiah) axysmd (by the circumcision) htrwzgb (of sins) ahjxd (the body) arob (by putting off) xlsb (& in it) hbw (in baptism) atydwmemb (with Him) hme (& you were buried) Nwtrbqtaw 12 (of God) ahlad (in the power) alyxb (because you believed) Nwtnmyhd (with Him) hme (you arose) Nwtmq
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Colossians ayolwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(the dead) atym (among) tyb (from) Nm (Who raised Him) hmyqad (by your sins) Nwkyhjxb (you had) Nwtywh (who died) Nytymd (& you) Nwklw 13 (with Him) hme (He has given you life) Nwkyxa (in your flesh) Nwkrob (& by the uncircumcision) twlrwebw (our sins) Nyhjx (all of them) Nwhlk (us) Nl (& has forgiven) qbsw (of our debts) Nybwx (the bill) rjs (by His authority) yhwndqwpb (& He has blotted out) ajew 14 (the midst) ateum (from) Nm (& He took it) hlqsw (adverse to us) Nlbwqo (was) awh (which) yhwtyad (that) wh (on His cross) hpyqzb (& He nailed it) hebqw (The Principalities *) owkral (He stripped) yorp (His body) hrgp (& by putting off *) xlsbw 15 (by His Essential Self *) hmwnqb (openly) tyaylg (them) Nwna (& shamed) thbaw (& The Powers *) anjylslw * Greek lacks By putting of His body, which is a very significant phrase, indicating that the events in this verse would have occurred between the crucifixion and the bodily resurrection. This phrase in Aramaic did not come from Greek texts, as the Greek texts simply do not have it! Apparently a Greek translator simply missed it when translating the Aramaic. * owkra -Arkas in one definition by Aramaean Christians and in their lexicons is The seventh order of angels. anjyls and anjwls Shultana, in its third definition is defined as The sixth order of angels. These are probably the meanings here, as the verse seems to describe The Messiahs spiritual activity after His physical death -Putting off His body. Paul seems to use these words in this way in his epistles. * hmwnq Qnoma is a word used only 15 times in The Peshitta NT; It may mean self, whether of a person or a thing, but it seems to indicate the essence of a thing, according to Paul Younan, a native Aramaean and member of The Church of The East. With reference to our Lord, it indicates, as here, His Divine Spirit as considered apart from His physical nature.Hebrews 1:3 (Peshitta) also refers to The Qnoma of The Son of God, as does John 5:26,Ephesians 2:15 & Hebrews 9:28. Hebrews 10:1 illustrates most clearly the meaning of the word: the very essence (qnoma) of the things. The official doctrine of The Church of the East is that The Messiah has two qnomas (a Divine qnoma and a human qnoma), not to be confused with two natures, which according to that most ancient church are also possessed by The Messiah (called Kayana). I find no scriptural statements to the effect that our Lord possessed two qnomas. This verse and others mention only one, by which He purged our sins, put to shame the Principalities and Powers, made atonement for the sins of the many, has Life in His qnoma as The Father has Life in His qnoma & in His qnoma He made of the two, one new man. Hebrews 1:1-3 indicates that He Who purged our sins was The Divine Qnoma Who created all things and is The very Image of Gods Being. Nowhere is there mention made of two qnomas existing in The Messiah. That concept is schizoid, it seems to me. No person or object can have two essential identities without being two persons or two objects. Our LORD Yeshua Meshikha is One Person - One God - One Man, as One essence and nature, completely Divine in His Person and completely human in His nature, now glorified and raised to reign as Jehovah God, omnipresent,omnipotent and omniscient as He was from eternity. (or about drink) aytsmbw (about food) alkamb (let disturb you) Nwkdwdn (a man) sna (therefore) lykh (not) al 16 (& of Sabbaths) absdw (of months) axry (& beginnings) syrdw (of feasts) adaed (in distinctions) aglwpb (or) wa (that were future) Ndyted (of those things) Nylyad (shadows) atynlj (because are) Nyhytyad (these) Nylh 17 (is) wh (The Messiah) axysm (but) Nyd (the body) argp This verse is central to understanding Pauls teaching about the Old Covenant and The New Covenant. The Messiah is The Body of which the Old Covenant ordinances and precepts were mere shadows. (for your condemnation) Nwktwbyxml (of mind) anyer (by humility) twkykmb (let wish) abun (a man) sna (neither) amlw 18 (upon) le (by which he presumes) aeodb (of angels) akalmd (to the worship) anxlwpl (to subjugate you) Nwdbetstd (is puffed up) rtxtm (& emptily) tyaqyrow (he sees) azx (that not) ald (something) Mdm (of his flesh) hrobd (in the mind) anyerb (body) argp (the whole) hlk (from Whom) hnmd (the Head) asr (holding) dxa (neither) alw 19 (& in the members) amdhbw (in the joints) anyrsb (& settled) Myqtmw (constructed) bkrtm (of God) ahlad (with the growth) atybrt (& grows) abrw (The Messiah) axysm (with) Me (you have died) Nwttym (for) ryg (if) Na 20 (it is) wh (as if) Kya (Why?) anml (of the world) amled (the principles) yhwokwjoa (to) Nm
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Colossians ayolwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(are you) Nwtna (judged) Nynydtm (in the world) amleb (you) Nwtna (that live) Nyyxd (cleave) Pqt (neither) alw (taste) Mejt (neither) alw (touch) bwrqt (namely) Ml (not) al 21 (to be destroyed) albxtmd (that need) atxsx (these things) Nylh (which are) Nyhytyad 22 (of sons of men) asnynbd (& the teaching) anplwyw (are) Nyna (& commandments) adqwpw (of wisdom) atmkxd (the word) atlm (in them) Nyhb (to have) tyad (& they appear) Nyzxtmw 23 (of God) ahla (& worship) tlxdw (of humility) atwkykm (in the appearance) Pwurpb (of honor) rqymd (in things) Mdmb (not) wl (the body) argp (of) le (sparing) Nyoyx (& without) aldw (of the body) arobd (are) Nyna (which the needs) atxsxd (in those things) Nylyab (but) ala Chapter 3 (The Messiah) axysm (with) Me (you are risen) Nwtmq (therefore) lykh (if) Na 3:1 (sits) bty (where The Messiah) axysmd (the place) rta (seek) web (that which is above) leld (of God) ahlad (the right side) anymy (on) le (that in the earth) aerabd (& not) alw (feed on) werta (that which is above) leld 2 (are hidden) Nyok (& your lives) Nwkyyxw (for) ryg (to you) Nwkl (you have died) Nwttym 3 (in God) ahlab (The Messiah) axysm (with) Me For you have died, and your life is hidden with The Messiah in God. yyx Khayay(Lives) is always plural in form but usually singular in meaning; it may be predicated with a singular or plural verb (plural here are hidden). (our Life) Nyyx (Who is) wywhd (is revealed) algtm (The Messiah) axysmd (& whenever) ytmaw 4 (in glory) axbwsb (with Him) hme (you will be revealed) Nwlgtt (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (then) Nydyh (fornication) atwynz (that are in earth) aerabd (your members) Nwkymdh (therefore) lykh (kill) wtyma 5 (wicked) atsyb (& desires) atgrw (& diseases) abakw (& impurity) atwpnjw (idol) arktp (worship) tlxd (is) yh (that which) yhd (& greed) atwbwlew (of God) ahlad (the anger) hzgwr (comes) ata (for) ryg (these things) Nylh (because of) ljm 6 (obedience) atwnoypjtm (of dis-) ald (His children) hynb (upon) le For because of these things the anger of God comes upon His disobedient children. Greek has The children of disobedience. Romans 11:32 says God hath shut up all men in disobedience, that upon all men he might have mercy. The same phrase atwnoypjtm al La mettapasnawtha is used in that verse. There is hope for the disobedient, for all of us were disobedient, but God has a plan of mercy for all people. Our hope is that God is The Father of all, and deals with us all as His children. (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (you walked) Nwtklh (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (& in these things) Nylhbw 7 (in these things) Nyhb (you were) Nwtywh (employed) Nykphtm (when) dk So this verse shows that God saves the disobedient; who else is there to save? Does he save the obedient? Of course not; the obedient have no need of salvation any more than the healthy need a physician. (these things) Nylh (all) Nyhlk (from you) Nwknm (put off) wxyna (but) Nyd (now) ash 8 (impure) apnj (speech) allmm (blasphemy) apdwg (wickedness) atwsyb (fury) atmx (anger) azgwr (put him off) yhwxlws (but) ala (with another) dxb (one) dx (lying) Nylgdm (you will be) Nwwht (neither) alw 9 (his ways) yhwkpwh (all of them) Nwhlk (with) Me (ancient) aqyte (the man) asnrbl Greek has Having put off the old man. The Peshitta text has a command: Put off the old man.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Colossians ayolwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(in knowledge) atedyb (who is made new) tdxtmd (the new) atdx (& put on) wsblw 10 (of his Creator) hyrbd (in the image) atwmdb Greek has Having put on the new man. The Peshitta text has a command: Put on the new man. (circumcision) atrwzg (neither) alw (& Syrian) aymraw (Jew) aydwhy (there is not) tyld (where) rk 11 (& Barbarians) ayrbrbw (Greeks) aynwy (neither) alw (& uncircumcision) atwlrwew (all) lk (but) ala (& freeman) araxrbw (servant) adbe (neither) alw (is) wh (The Messiah) axysm (& in every person) snlkbw Greek has: Where there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythian, servant, freemanbut the all things and in all thingsChrist. The Messiah is all and in every person, is the literal statement at the end of this Aramaic verse. The Greek has literally, Christ is all things and in all things. Our choice is between the Universalism of The Peshitta text or the Pantheism of the Greek text! (holy) asydq (of God) ahlad (the chosen ones) aybg (as) Kya (therefore) lykh (put on) wsbl 12 (& kindness) atwmyobw (& compassion) apxwrw (mercy) amxr (& beloved) abybxw (of spirit) axwr (& length) twrygnw (& gentleness) atwxynw (of mind) anyer (& humility) twkykmw Therefore as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on mercy, compassion, kindness, humility of mind, gentleness and longsuffering. (another) dxl (one) dx (& forgiving) Nyqbsw (another) dxl (one) dx (forebearing) Nyrbyom (& be you) Nwtywhw 13 (just as) ankya (outrage) amewr (his neighbor) hrbx (against) le (to anyone) snal (there is) tya (& if) Naw (forgive) wqwbs (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (you) Nwkl (has forgiven) qbs (The Messiah) axysmd (of perfection) atwrymgd (the bond) aqzx (which is) wywhd (love) abwx (all) Nyhlk (these things) Nylh (& with) Mew 14 (to which) hld (your hearts) Nwktwbl (will govern) rbdn (of The Messiah *) axysmd (& the peace) hmlsw 15 (The Messiah *) axysml (thanking) Nydwm (& be you) Nwtywhw (body) rgp (in one) dxb (you are called) Nwtyrqta And the peace of The Messiah will govern your hearts, to which you are called in one body, and you shall give thanks to The Messiah. N * The Majority Greek has, And the peace of God.., and The Messiah is lacking at the end. The Critical has And the peace of Christ.. & The Messiah is lacking at the end. The Aramaic text disagrees with both Greek texts here. The Critical reading at the beginning agrees with the Peshitta where The Majority Greek does not; both Greek texts disagree with The Peshitta at the end. (wisdom) amkx (in all) lkb (richly) tyaryte (in you) Nwkb (may dwell) rmet (that His word *) htlmd 16 (in The Psalms) arwmzmb (your souls) Nwkspn (& instructing) Nydrw (teaching) Nyplm (be you) Nwtywhw (be you) Nwtywh (with grace) atwbyjbw (of The Spirit) axwrd (& in songs) atrymzbw (& in praises) atxbstbw (to God *) ahlal (in your hearts) Nwktwblb (singing) Nyrmz N * Greek has The word of Christ which appears to be the transfer of the dropped Messiah at the end of the previous verse to the beginning of this verse: axysml at the end of The Peshitta verse 15 can mean,of the Messiah. So the Greek text appears to have interpreted The Aramaic verse 15 as ending one word short of Messiah, and then read the next sentence as starting with axysml Of The Messiah. The Aramaic reading cannot have come from any of the major Greek texts extant. The Greek, on the other hand, can be explained on the basis of the Aramaic. C * The Critical Greek has, to God, whereas the Majority Greek has to The Lord. (& in works) adbebw (in words) atlmb (you) Nwtna (that perform) Nyreod (thing) Mdm (& every) lkw 17 (doing) Nydbe (be you) Nwtywh (The Messiah *) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (in The Name) hmsb (The Father) aba (to God) ahlal (by Him) hdyab (giving thanks) Nydwm (& be you) Nwtywhw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Colossians N * Greek omits The Messiah (i.e. Christ). (to your husbands) Nykylebl (be subject) Nydbetsa (wives) asn 18 (in The Messiah *) axysmb (that is right) qdzd (as) Kya N * Greek has in The Lord. Aramaic for In the Lord could be ayrmb; In The Messiah is axysmb. (toward them) Nyhyle (bitter) Nyryrm (be you) Nwwht (& not) alw (your wives) Nwkysn (love) wbxa (husbands) arbg 19 (for) ryg (thus) ankh (in all things) Mdmlkb (your parents) Nwkyhbal (obey) wemtsa (children) aynb 20 (our Lord) Nrm (before) Mdq (it is pleasing) ryps (they should lose heart) Nwqyettn (lest) ald (your children) Nwkynb (anger) Nwzgrt (not) al (parents) ahba 21 (of the body) argpd (your masters) Nwkyrml (in all things) Mdmlkb (obey) wemtsa (servants) adbe 22 (children of men) asnynbl (who please) Nyrpsd (those) Nwnh (as) Kya (of the eyes) anye (in sight) azxmb (not) al (of Jehovah *) ayrmd (& in the awe) htlxdbw (pure) ajysp (in a heart) ablb (but) ala * The Critical Greek text has, ton Kurion Kurion The Lord; The Majority Greek has ton Yeon God. Each of these is a possible Greek translation of The Aramaic ayrmd -DMarYah- (of Jehovah). (your souls) Nwkspn (all) hlk (from) Nm (you are) Nwtna (that doing) Nydbed (& all) lkw 23 (to children of men) asnynbld (as) Kya (& not) alw (that to our Lord) Nrmld (as) Kya (do) wdbe (a reward) anerwp (you will receive) Nwtylbqm (our Lord) Nrm (that from) Nmd (& know) wedw 24 (you serve) Nwtyxlp (The Messiah) axysm (for) ryg (Jehovah) ayrml (in the inheritance) atwtryb For you serve Jehovah The Messiah. No Greek ms. has this nor could have this. (what) Mdm (according to) Kya (pays) erptm (but) Nyd (the wrong doer) anlkom 25 (of faces) apab (accepting) bom (& there is not) tylw (he does wrong) lkoad Chapter 4 (your servants) Nwkydbe (to) twl (& justice) atwnakw (equity) atwyws (do) wdbe (masters) ayrm 4:1 (in Heaven) aymsb (Lord) arm (The) wh (is) tya (to you) Nwkl (that also) Pad (aware) Nyedy (& be you) Nwtywhw (& be you) Nwtywhw (persevere) wnmata (in prayer) atwlub 2 (& giving thanks) Nydwmw (in it) hb (you) Nwtna (watching) Nyrye (the door) aert (to us) Nl (would open) xtpn (that God) ahlad (for us) Nyle (also) Pa (& praying) Nylumw 3 (of The Messiah) axysmd (the mystery) azra (to speak) wllmml (of the word) atlmd (I am) ana (bound) ryoa (for Whose sake) htljmd (for me) yl (it is necessary) alwd (just as) ankya (& speak it) yhwyllmaw (that I may reveal it) yhwylgad 4 (your opportunities) Nwkoraq (& buy) wnbzw (outsiders) ayrb (toward) twl (walk) wklh (in wisdom) atmkxb 5 (should be) awht (with salt) axlmbd (as) Kya (with grace) atwbyjb (at all times) Nbzlkb (& your words) Nwktlmw 6 (how) ankya (a man) sna (to each) snal (aware) Nyedy (& be you) Nwtywhw (seasoned) akdmm (an answer) amgtp (to give) wbtml (for you) Nwkl (it is appropriate) alw (brother) axa (Tukyqos) owqykwj (will inform you) Nwkedwn (but) Nyd (is with me) ytwld (whatever) Mdm 7 (in Jehovah) ayrmb (& our companion) Ntnkw (trustworthy) anmyhm (& a minister) ansmsmw (beloved) abybx (this) adh (for) le (for it) hyle (to you) Nwktwl (whom I sent) trdsd (this one) anh 8 (your hearts) Nwktwbl (& to comfort) aybnw (is with you *) Nwktwld (whatever) am (to know *) ednd M * Most Greek mss. have that he may know your state; some Greek mss. have, that you may know our state.
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ayolwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Colossians ayolwq twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(& beloved) abybxw (trustworthy) anmyhm (brother) axa (Onesimus) owmyona (with) Me 9 (to inform you) Nwknwedwn (those things) Nwnh (from you) Nwknm (who is) yhwtyad (he) wh (is with us) Ntwld (whatever) Mdm (who is with me) ymed (captive) aybs (Aristarkos) owkrjora (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invokes) las 10 (of Barnaba) abnrbd (of paternal uncle) hdd (son) rb (& Marqos) owqrmw (about him) yhwle (whom you have been directed) Nwtdqptad (he) wh (you should receive him) yhynwlbqt (to you) Nwktwl (he comes) ata (that if) Nad (who are) Nwhytyad (these) Nylh (Yustus) owjowy (who is called) arqtmd (he) wh (& Yeshua) ewsyw 11 (have helped me) ynwrde (only) dwxlb (& those) Nwnhw (the circumcision) atrwzg (from) Nm (comforts) aaywb (to me) yl (were) wwh (& those) Nwnhw (of God) ahlad (in the kingdom) htwklmb (a servant) adbe (who is from you) Nwknmd (he) wh (Epaphra) arppa (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invokes) las 12 (in prayer) atwlub (for you) Nwkyplx (he labors) lme (always) Nbzlkb (while) dk (of The Messiah) axysmd (& complete) aylmsmw (perfect) arymg (that you may stand) Nwmwqtd (of God) ahlad (pleasure) hnybu (in the whole) hlkb (to him) hl (is) tya (much) aaygo (that zeal *) annjd (about him) yhwle (for) ryg (I) ana (testify) dho 13 (& in Airapolis) oylwpryabdw (who are in Ladiqiya) ayqydlbd (those) Nwnh (& for) Plxw (for your sake) Nwkyplx (& Dema) amdw (our beloved) Nbybx (the physician) ayoa (Luqa) aqwl (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invokes) las 14 (who in Ladiqiya) ayqydlbd (of the brethren) axad (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 15 (which is in his house) htybbd (& of the church) atdedw (& of Numpha) apmwndw (to you) Nwktwl (this) adh (letter) atrga (is read) tyrqtad (& whenever) amw 16 (it to be read) arqtt (of Ladiqiya) ayqydld (in the church) atdeb (also) Pad (cause) wdbe (you) Nwtna (read it) hwarq (Ladiqiya) ayqydl (from) Nm (which was written) tbtktad (& that) yhw (the ministry) atsmstb ( Remember) rhdzad (Arkipus) owpykral (& tell) wrmaw 17 (it) hl (finish) almsm (that you will) awhtd (in our Lord) Nrmb (you received) tlbqd (that) yh (who am Paul) owlwpd (my) ylyd (in hand) adyab (this) anh (greeting) amls 18 (Amen) Nyma (be with you) Nwkme (grace) atwbyj (my imprisonment) yrwoal (remember) Nydhe (do you) Nwtywh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

1 Thessalonians
(to the church) atdel (& Timotheos) oatmyjw (& Silvanus) ownwlow (Paulus) owlwp 1:1 (Yeshua) ewsy (& in our Lord) Nrmbw (The Father) aba (in God) ahlabd (of Thessaloniqia) ayqynwlotd (& peace *) amlsw (with you) Nwkme (grace) atwbyj (The Messiah) axysm C * Most Greek mss. add, from God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ. (all of you) Nwklk (for) le (in every time) Nbzlkb (God) ahlal (we thank) Nnydwm 2 (constantly) tyanyma (in our prayers) Ntwlub (of you) Nwkl (& we are reminded) Nnyrkdtmw (the works) adbe (The Father) aba (God) ahla (before) Mdq (& we recall) Nnydhew 3 (of your love) Nwkbwxd (& the labor) almew (of your faith) Nwktwnmyhd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (that in our Lord) Nrmbd (of your hope) Nwkrbod (& the patience) atwnrbyomw (of God) ahlad (beloved) yhwbybx (my brethren) yxa (your election) Nwktwybg (for) ryg (we know) Nnyedy 4 (only) dwxlb (in words) almb (was) awh (not) al (our evangelism) Ntwnrbomd (because) ljm 5 (of Holiness) asdwqd (& in The Spirit) axwrbw (in power) alyxb (also) Pa (but) ala (to you) Nwktwl (it was) twh (how) ankya (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (true) aryrs (& in conviction) aoypbw (for you) Nwktljm (among you) Nwktnyb (we were) Nywh (the word) atlm (for you received) Nwtlbqd (& our Lord) Nrmbw (you imitated) Nwtymdta (us) Nb (& you) Nwtnaw 6 (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (& in joy) atwdxbw (great) abr (in affliction) anulwab (believers) anmyhm (to all) Nwhlkl (a model) atwmd (& you were) Nwtywhw 7 (& in Akaia) ayakabw (in Maqedonia) aynwdqmb (who are) tyad (of our Lord) Nrmd (the word) htlm (has been heard) temtsa (for) ryg (from you) Nwknm 8 (place) rta (in every) lkb (but) ala (& in Akaia) ayakabw (in Maqedonia) aynwdqmb (only) dwxlb (not) al (we shall need) qnton (that not) ald (so) ankya (is heard) temtsa (which is in God) ahlabd (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (anything) Mdm (about you) Nwkyle (to say) rmand (for us) Nl (it was) awh (an introduction) anlem (what) anya (relate) Nyetsm (for) ryg (they) Nwnh 9 (the fear) tlxd (from) Nm (God) ahla (to) twl (you were turned) Nwtynpta (& how) ankyaw (to you) Nwktwl (& True) aryrsw (The Living) ayx (God) ahlal (that you would serve) Nwxlptd (of idols) arktp (Yeshua) ewsyl (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (His Son) hrbl (you await) Nwtykom (as) dk 10 (of the dead) atym (the house) tyb (from) Nm (Whom He raised) Myqad (Him) wh (that is coming) atad (the fury) azgwr (from) Nm (us) Nl (delivers) aupm (He is The One Who) whd Chapter 2 (that our introduction) Nnlemd (my brothers) yxa (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (& you) Nwtnaw 2:1 (has been) awh (for nothing) tyaqyro (it) awh (not) al (that was to you) Nwktwld (you know) Nwtyedyd (as) Kya (& we were abused) Nnrejuaw (we suffered) Nnsx (first) Mdqwl (but) ala 2 (with you) Nwkme (we spoke) Nllm (great) abr (in a struggle) anwgab (& then) Nydyhw (in Philippus) owpylypb (of The Messiah *) axysmd (the Gospel) htrbo (of our God) Nhlad (with the boldness) ayohrpb * Greek has The Gospel of God; I suspect that the Greek translator translated the Aramaic word htrbo- Gospel 2nd to last word in the verse and then looked back to the preceding word Nhlad of our God instead of the following word axysmd-of The Messiah and translated tou yeou yeou -of God and finally anwgab in a struggle, which in the Peshitta verse is in the middle of the verse, but in Greek, is at the very end, so the Greek translator was accustomed to jumping around the Aramaic verses to accommodate the Aramaic syntax to a somewhat more idiomatic Greek syntax (Though it does seem the Greek normally follows Aramaic word order fairly closely, which testifies strongly for an Aramaic original).
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

(deception) atwyej (from) Nm (was) awh (not) al (for) ryg (our comfort) Naywb 3 (by treachery) alknb (neither) alpa (impurity) atwpnj (from) Nm (neither) alpa (to be entrusted) Nmyhttd (by God) ahlal (we were approved) Nnyqbd (when) am (as) Kya (but) ala 4 (of men) asna (the children) ynbld (as if) Kya (not) al (we speak) Nnyllmm (so) ankh (with His gospel) htrbo (our hearts) Ntwbl (Who proves) aqbd (Him) wh (God) ahlal (but) ala (we would please) rpsn (solicitation) alds (speaking) allmmb (do we employ) Nxsxta (ever) Mwtmm (for) ryg (neither) alpa 5 (of greed) atwneyd (in pretext) atleb (neither) alw (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedyd (as) Kya (testifies) dho (God) ahla (from you) Nwknm (not) al (children of men) asnynb (from) Nm (glory) axbws (do we seek) Nyeb (neither) alw 6 (have been) Nywh (we could) Nyxksm (when) dk (others) anrxa (from) Nm (neither) alw (of The Messiah) axysmd (apostles) axyls (as) Kya (to be) awhml (honored *) aryqy Greek has en barei with a burden; aryqy can mean heavy,burdensome,honored,dear,precious. It appears a Greek mistranslated aryqy; Paul spoke of not seeking axbws glory and not being aryqy honored here, and of being akykm meek in the next verse. Thayers Greek-English Lexicon has for barei a possible secondary meaning of authority. I doubt Paul wanted to relinquish his authority as an apostle; that would have defeated his purpose as Gods messenger. It also seems to me the Greek construction, en barei belies the interpretations put upon it; If Paul meant to convey the idea of being a burden (in Greek), he would not have used the preposition en in, with before bareibareiburden. Even the Greek betrays a Semitic original; aryqy has a basic meaning of weight; the noun derivative of this verb is arqya glory,honor,magnificence. Hebrew has a cognate word for rqy heavy (the root of aryqy used in this verse) which is dbk kabad (be heavy, get honor,get glory) and it has a noun form: dwbk Kabowdweight,glory,honor. The Greek en barei reflects the Semitic construction, arqyab in honor like theHebrew dwbkb in honor, both of which are based on the root word for heavy. So literally, en barei is a Greek reflection of an Aramaic idiom whose literal sense is in weight not a Greek concept at all, but definitely a Semitic one- (Hebrew,Aramaic,Arabic,Ethiopic) (meek *) akykm (among you) Nwktnyb (we were) Nywh (but) ala 7 (her children) hynb (who cherishes) abbxmd (a nursemaid *) atynybrm (& as) Kyaw humble is akykm; Some Greek mss. have nhpioi Babies, which is very close to the spelling in the Majority Greek text reading hpioi- Gentle just take the first letter off nhpioi and you have hpioi. Humble akykm in DSS script is )kykm. Here is the Aramaic word in DSS script for Babies- )dwly. Lets line them up, one atop the other in three different Aramaic scripts: Ashuri DSS Estrangela akykm Humble )kykm Humble 0kykm Humble adwly Babies )dwl wly 0dwly Babies wl Babies It appears the Dead Sea Scroll script pair are the most alike. I think four of the five letters in )kykm could have been read as they are in )dwl wly (shaded red & underlined); but wait- if )dwl wly wl wl Babies were close against the preceding letter Nun (last letter of the previous word), it might have looked like )dwl wly} ; now if the Yodh were rotated a bit - )dwl wl } we can see how this could look like a Mem m. Lets compare them again in DSS script:

)kykm Humble )dwl wl Babies (Pressed against final Nun)

Each Aramaic corresponding letter is similar and could be read for the other- that is close to 100% correlation. If there were only one Greek ms. with the silly reading, Babies, I would chalk it up to a misreading of the Greek majority reading in an uncial manuscript, in which the preceding letter N was read as the first letter of the following word HPIOI- Gentle, forming NHPIOI- Babies; Uncial mss. in Greek have no spaces between words, so this kind of error would have been easy to make.An uncial ms. would have looked like this in verse 7: ALLEGENHYHMENHPIOIENMESWUMWNWSANTROFOSYALPHTAEAUTHSTEKNA HPIOI- Gentle is highlighted red and underlined; Adding the previous letter N makes it NHPIOI Babies. However- there are too many early and diverse witnesses to this absurd reading to write it off as a Greek misreading error.Here are the witnesses for the reading NHPIOI Babies: P65 (3rd century),a,B,C,D,G,I,Q, Ten Italic mss (5th cent. Glenn David Bauscher Page 605 5/3/2010

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

10th), Latin Vulgate, Coptic 4th cent. Mss., Clement (2nd cent., Origen (3rd cent.), and other church fathers of the 3rd and fourth centuries, including Ephraim the Syrian of the fourth century.. The fact that there are witnesses to Aramaic here-( Codex D quite often follows Peshitta readings- and Ephraem the Syrian used Aramaic mss. as his authority), says that this error occurred very early and was widely copied into many languages in a widespread geographical area from Egypt to Syria to Rome.Even P65, the earliest Greek ms. listed here, disagrees often with the other Greek mss. cited here in The Epistles. The fact that all these bear witness to this absurd reading is testament to an authority higher than a Greek uncial (no existing Greek uncial is followed closely by any group of Greek mss. in any book of The NT). I submit that the authority behind all these witnesses was The Peshitta. There apparently was an early Aramaic mss. which had the above error as illustrated in DSS Aramaic and was translated into Greek in the first century and thence into the several languages- Coptic,Latin,Italic,Ethiopic. So it was not properly a translation error, but an error of transcription in Aramaic into an early Aramaic manuscript of the first century. The error would not have survived in Peshitta mss., as the Aramaean scribes would have easily detected and rejected it; a Greek translator was not in the business of textual criticism; he would merely translate what he saw and pass it on. So there is widespread though still a minority- witness to this early error in an Aramaic ms. The fact remains that Greek mss. have these two readings, both of which may be explained as being derived from Aramaic. The Peshitta has no variant reading here among its mss..(v. Juckel:Ms. Schoyen 2530/Sinai Syr. 3 & The NT PeshittaHugoye:Journal Of Syriac Studies) (you) Nwkl (to give) ltml (& we long) Nnyxwomw (we cherish) Nnybbxm (we) Nnx (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 8 (our lives) Nspn (also) Pa (but) ala (of God) ahlad (the Good News) htrbo (only) dwxlb (not) al (you are) Nwtna (our beloved) Nybybxd (because) ljm (that toiling) Nyald (brethren) Nyxa (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (remember) Nydhe 9 (by night) ayllb (of our hands) Nydya (by works) dbeb (& laboring) Nylmew (we were) Nywh (we may be a burden *) rqan (not) al (of you) Nwknm (one) dx (that upon) led (& by day) ammyabw For you remember, brethren, that we were toiling and laboring with the works of our hands by night, and by day,so that we may not be a burden upon any of you* Greek adds to the end of this: ekhruxamen ekhruxamen eiv umav to euaggelion tou yeou -We preached to you the Gospel of God. Apparently they worked by night and preached by day. The Greek includes the preaching in this verse to clarify that. Actually, the two verses should be combined, as they are one continuous sentence and thought. (to you) Nwkl (we preached) Nzrka (how) ankya (& God) ahlaw (are witnesses) Nydho (you) Nwtna 10 (& rightly) tyanakw (purely) tyaykd (of God) ahlad (the Good News) htrbo (the believers) anmyhm (all of them) Nwhlk (toward) twl (we were) Nywh (fault) Nysr (& without) aldw -you are witnesses and God, how we preached the Good News of God to you purely and rightly, and we were without fault toward all the believers. Greek has wv osiwv kai dikaiwv kai amemptwv umin toiv pisteuousin pisteuousin egenhyhmen how holily and righteously and blamelessly we became to you believers. I hate to sound like a stickler for correct grammar, but you cant have a string of adverbs describing a verb of being, which egenhyhmen is; It is incorrect to say: we were blamelessly, or we were righteously. In The Aramaic text, the first two adverbs describe their preaching, which is fine grammar: they preached purely and rightly.The following phrase is an adjective, not adverb, in Aramaic: without fault we were; that too is perfect Aramaic grammar. These things are explained by Aramaic primacy; Greek primacy is being increasingly clobbered by the facts and statistics. (a father) aba (as) Kya (of you) Nwknm (one) dx (each) dx (that from) Nmd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedyd (just as) ankya 11 (your hearts) Nwkblb (we are) Nywh (& filling) Nylmw (we have been) Nywh (pleading) Nyeb (his children) yhwnb (with) Nm (you) Nwkl (& we charge) Nnydhomw (to God) ahlal (is suitable) aayd (as) Kya (to walk) Nwklhtd 12 (& to His glory) hxbwslw (to His kingdom) htwklml (Who called you) Nwkrqd (He) wh (God) ahlal (constantly) tyanyma (we thank) Nnydwm (we) Nnx (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm 13 (from us) Nnm (that you have received) Nwtlbqd (of God) ahlad (that the word) atlmd (you received it) hnwtlbq (of the children of men) asnynbd (the word) atlm (as) Kya (it was) awh (not) al
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

(of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (truly) tyaryrs (it is) hytyad (just as) ankya (but) ala (who believe) Nynmyhmd (in those) Nylyab (among you) Nwkb (is working) aretom (by works) adbeb (& which) yhw (of God) ahlad (the churches) atdel (you imitated) Nwtymdta (my brethren) yxa (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 14 (The Messiah) axysm (who are in Yeshua) ewsybd (these) Nylh (that are in Judea) dwhybd (the children) ynb (from) Nm (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (you suffered) Nwtrbyo (so) Nkhd (The Judeans) aydwhy (of) Nm (they) Nwnh (also) Pad (just as) ankya (of your nation) Nwktbrs (murdered) wljq (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (who our Lord) Nrmld (those) Nwnh 15 (they have persecuted) wpdr (& us) Nlw (who were from them) Nwhnmd (& the prophets) aybnlw (opposed) albwqo (& have become) Nydybew (they please) Nyrps (not) al (& God) ahlalw (of men) asna (children) ynb (to all) Nwhlkl (the Gentiles) amme (with) Me (to speak) llmnd (us) Nl (for they forbid) Nylkd 16 (in every time) Nbzlkb (their sins) Nwhyhjx (to fulfill) wmlsml (that they may live) Nwxnd (the end) atrxl (until) amde (fury) azgwr (upon them) Nwhyle (but) Nyd (has arrived) yjm (of an hour) atesd (a time) anbz (of you) Nwknm (bereaved) amty (we were) Nywh (brethren) Nyxa (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 17 (to see) azxml (we took pains) Njpxta (& all the more) tyarytyw (in our hearts) Nblb (& not) alw (in faces) Nypab (much) aaygo (in love) abwxb (your faces) Nwkypa (Paul) owlwp (I) ana (to you) Nwktwl (to come) atand (& we wished) Nybuw 18 (Satan) anjo (& hindered me *) ynkwew (& twice) Nytrtw (time) Nbz (one) adx * Greek has Satan hindered us; ynkwe is hindered me;Nkwe is hindered us; Here are the two words in DSS script: ynkw( & }kw(; In Estrangela script: ynkw( & Nkw(

. A Yodh is the smallest letter

in Aramaic and easily missed.The Greek for me is me or eme; eme; Us is hmav. In uncial (capital Greek letters used in ancient mss.) they are: me is ME or EME; EME; Us is HMAS. These are not easily confused, hence the Aramaic may account much more easily for the Greek reading than vice versa.

nkw(-hindered me }kw(-hindered us

(of our glory) Nrhbwsd (& crown) alylkw (& our joy) Ntwdxw (our hope) Nrbo (for) ryg (what is?) wnya 19 (at His coming) htytamb (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (before) Mdq (you) Nwtna (only) Na (but) ala (& our joy) Ntwdxw (our glory) Ntxwbst (for) ryg (are) Nwna (you) Nwtna 20 Chapter 3 (to remain) spml (we chose) Nybu (we resisted) Nnomx (not) ald (& because) ljmw 3:1 (by ourselves) Nydwxlb (in Athenos) owntab (our brother) Nwxa (Timotheos) owatmyjl (to you) Nwktwl (& we sent) rdsnw 2 (in the Good News *) htrbob (& our helper) Nnrdemw (of God) ahlad (& a minister) ansmsmw (of you) Nwknm (& inquire *) aebnw (that he may strengthen you) Nwkrrsnd (of The Messiah) axysmd (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (concerning) le * htrbo -Sbartha comes from a root word Sbar which means To be bright. From this are derived the meanings: Hope,Think,Look for, Be pleasant, Be intelligent, Conclude, Argue,Plan, Have an idea, Preach good news.All these are light shedding activities. Greek has parakalesai to comfort where The Peshitta has inquire. Compare the Aramaic for may inquire with may comfort:

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

Ashuri Aramaic aebn -may inquire(Peshitta) aybn -may comfort(Greek reading in Aramaic) In Estrangela 0(bn -may inquire(Peshitta) 0ybn -may comfort(Greek reading in Aramaic) In Dead Sea Scroll script )(bn -may inquire(Peshitta) )ybn -may comfort(Greek reading in Aramaic It again appears that the Greek reading, though different from the Aramaic, may be explained as a misreading of one letter of the Aramaic reading. (by suffering) anulwab (to him) hl (should lose hope) ejqtt (of you) Nwknm (a man) sna (lest) ald 3 (we are appointed) Nnymyo (it is) wh (that for this) adhld (are) Nwtna (aware) Nyedy (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (such things) Nylh (to you) Nwkl (we said) Nrma (we before) Nmdq (for) ryg (we were) Nywh (with you) Nwktwl (when) dk (also) Pa 4 (it was) awhd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedyd (just as) ankya (be persecuted) wulatml (that we would) Nnydyted (I sent) trdsd (so that) amde (I restrained) tnomx (not) al (I) ana (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm 5 (The Tempter) anyonm (would tempt you) Nwkyonn (lest) amldd (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (to know) edad (worthless) aqyro (our labor) Nlme (& would be) awhnw (Timotheos) owatmyj (to us) Ntwl (has come) atad (since) Nm (but) Nyd (now) ash 6 (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (concerning) le (& he gave us good news) Nrbow (your midst) Nwkydau (from) Nm (to you) Nwktwl (& that there is) tyadw (your love) Nwkbwx (& about) lew (place) Nde (in every) lkb (good) abj (our commemoration) Nndhwe (you) Nwkl (we) Nnx (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (to see us) Nyzxml (you) Nwtna (& desire) Nywow (brethren) Nyxa (by you) Nwkb (we were comforted) Naybta (this) anh (because of) ljm 7 (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (because of) ljm (& our afflictions) Nynulwaw (our adversities) Ntqe (all) Nyhlk (over) le (in our Lord) Nrmb (will abide) Nwmyqtt (you) Nwtna (if) Na (we live) Nnyyx (it is) wh (& now) ashw 8 (on your behalf) Nwkyplx (pay) erpml (can we) Nnyxksm (thanks) atydwt (for) ryg (what?) adya 9 (because of you) Nwktljm (with which we rejoice) Nnydxd (joy) atwdx (every) lk (for) le (to God) ahlal (we pray earnestly *) Psktn (all the more) tyaryty (God) ahla (that before) Mdqd (except) ala 10 (whatever) am (& perfect) rwmgnw (your faces) Nwkypa (to see) azxnd (& by day) ammyabw (by night) ayllb (in your faith) Nwktwnmyh (is lacking) aryoxd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& our Lord) Nrmw (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (but) Nyd (He) wh 11 (to you) Nwktwl (our way) Nxrwa (shall direct *) Uwrtn * Nethryots- Uwrtn -shall direct is a singular 3rd person verb, though the Subject is plural: Our Father and our Lord Yeshua Meshikha, which is another indication that Pauls writings speak of The Son and The Father as One God.This is reminiscent of Genesis 1:26-27: And God (Elohim plural) said ( rmay Yamar-singular verb in Hebrew), Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. (your love) Nwkbwx (& increase) rtynw (& may He multiply) agonw 12 (every person) snlk (& that to) twldw (another) dx (to) twl (of one) dxd (you) Nwkl (we love) Nnybxm (we) Nnxd (just as) ankya (in holiness) atwsydqb (fault) Nysr (without) ald (your hearts) Nwktwbl (& may He establish) Myqnw 13 (of our Lord) Nrmd (at the arrival) htytamb (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (before) Mdq (His holy ones) yhwsydq (all of them) Nwhlk (Who is with) Med (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

Chapter 4 (for you) Nwkl (& we pray earnestly) Nnypsktmw (of you) Nwknm (we beg) Nnyeb (my brothers) yxa (therefore) lykm 4:1 (of us) Nnm (you have received) Nwtlbqd (that as) Kyad (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (that you should walk) Nwklhtd (for you) Nwkl (it is necessary) alw (how) Nkya (you may grow) Nwpowt (that all the more) tyarytyd (God) ahlal (& you should please) Nwrpstw (commandments) andqwp (those) Nylya (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy 2 (Yeshua) ewsy (by our Lord) Nrmb (to you) Nwkl (we gave) Nbhy (your holiness) Nwktwsydq (of God) ahlad (the will) hnybu (for) ryg (this is) wnh 3 (fornication) atwynz (all) lk (from) Nm (separate) Nyqyrp (& that you be) Nwwhtdw (his/her vessel) hnam (to possess) anqml (of you) Nwknm (person) sna (each) sna (know) edy (& will) awhnw 4 (& in honor) arqyabw (in holiness) atwsydqb (of the Gentiles) ammed (others) akrs (as) Kya (of lust) atgrd (in passion) asxb (& not) alw 5 (God) ahlal (do know) Nyedy (who not) ald (those) Nwnh (to violate) rbeml (presume) Nyxysm (should you) Nwwht (neither) alw 6 (matter) atwbu (in this) adhb (his brother) yhwxal (a man) sna (& to take advantage of) blemlw (all) Nyhlk (these) Nylh (of) le (The Avenger) aewbt (He is) wh (our Lord) Nrmd (because) ljm (we said) Nrma (times) anbz (before) Mdq (from) Nm (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (& we testified) Ndhow (to you) Nwkl (to holiness) atwsydql (but) ala (to impurity) atwpnjl (God) ahla (has called you) Nwkrq (for) ryg (not) al 7 (he defrauds) Mlj (a man) asnrbl (it is) awh (not) al (defrauds) Mljd (whoever) Nm (therefore) lykm 8 (The Holy) atsydq (His Spirit) hxwr (in you) Nwkb (Who gives) bhyd (Him) wh (God) ahlal (but) ala (you need) Nwtyqyno (not) al (of brothers) axad (but) Nyd (love) abwx (concerning) le 9 (yourselves) Nwkmwnq (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (to you) Nwkl (to be written) btkml (another) dxl (one) dx (to love) Nwbxtd (of God) ahlad (you are) Nwtna (taught) aplm (brothers) axa (to all) Nwhlkl (so) ankh (you are) Nwtna (doing) Nydbe (also) Pa 10 (but) Nyd (I) ana (beg) aeb (Maqedonia) aynwdqm (who are in all) hlkbd (that you superabound) rtyttd (my brothers) yxa (of you) Nwknm (& occupied) Nynew (peaceable) Nyls (that you would be) Nwwhtd (& be diligent) Nwjpxttw 11 (with your hands) Nwkydyab (working) Nyxlp (be you) Nwtywhw (with your business) Nwkynrewob (we commanded you) Nwkndqpd (just as) ankya (in good form) amkoab (walking) Nyklhm (that you would be) Nwwhtd 12 (be you dependent) Nwqntot (not) al (a man) sna (& upon) lew (outsiders) ayrb (toward) twl (my brethren) yxa (you to know *) Nwedtd (but) Nyd (I *) ana (want) abu 13 (to you) Nwkl (sorrowing) ayrk (you should be) awht (not) al (who sleep) Nykmdd (those) Nylya (that for) led (to whom) Nwhl (there is not) tyl (hope) arbod (of mankind) asnad (the rest) akrs (as) Kya But I want you to know, my brethren, that you should not be sorrowing for those who sleep as do the rest of mankind who have no hope. * Greek Textus Receptus (behind The English King James Version), has ou yelw de umav agnoein I would not have you to be ignorant, however, most Greek mss.(Critical Greek texts and Byzantine alike) have,ou yelomen de umav agnoein We would not have you to be ignorant. I want in Aramaic here is ana abu; We want would be Nnx Nybu. In DSS )n) )bc -I want; }nx }ybc We want; Other forms for We wish are }nybc, }nx) }ybc, }nxn) }ybc. This last one is the most similar to the actual reading in Aramaic; lets compare just those two:
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

)n) )bc -I want; }nxn) }ybc-We want; * Another difference between the Greek and Aramaic texts here and in more than ten other places in The Gospels and The Epistles, is the use in Greek of a double negation (I would not have you to be ignorant) where the Peshitta has a simple positive I want you to know. The LXX does employ this construction in The Apocrypha a couple times and once in Hosea 4:15 where the Hebrew text does not have anything like it. I have some thoughts on this, but they are mere conjecture at this point. In DSS (& arose) Mqw (died) tym (that Yeshua) ewsyd (we believe) Nnynmyhm (for) ryg (if) Na 14 (who have fallen asleep) wkmdd (those) Nylyal (God) ahla (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (with Him) hme (shall bring) atym (in Yeshua) ewsyb Another possible translation is: For if we believe that Yeshua died and arose, in this way God, by Yeshua, shall bring with Him those who have fallen asleep. (of our Lord) Nrmd (in the word) htlmb (to you) Nwkl (we say) Nnyrma (but) Nyd (this) adh 15 (of our Lord) Nrmd (at the coming) htytamb (we who remain) Nnyrxtsmd (those) Nylya (that we) Nnxd (who are asleep) wkmdd (those) Nylyal (shall overtake) Krdn (not) al (we who have life) Nnyyxd (& with the voice) alqbw (with a command) andqwpb (our Lord) Nrm (He) whd (because) ljm 16 (of God) ahlad (& with a trumpet blast) anrqbw (Angel) akalm (of the Head) syrd (who are in The Messiah) axysmbd (& those who died) atymw (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (shall descend) txn (first) Mdqwl (they shall arise) Nwmwqn (we who have life) Nnyyxd (we who remain) Nnyrxtsmd (those) Nylya (we) Nnx (& then) Nydyhw 17 (in clouds) anneb (as one) adxka (with them) Nwhme (we shall be carried away) Pjxtn (in every time) Nbzlkb (& in this way) ankhw (in the air) raab (of our Lord) Nrmd (to a meeting) herwal (we shall be) awhn (our Lord) Nrm (with) Me (these) Nylh (with words) almb (another) dxl (one) dx (comforting) Nyaybm (therefore) lykh (be) wwh 18 Chapter 5 (my brothers) yxa (& seasons) andew (but) Nyd (the times) anbz (about) le 5:1 (to you) Nwkl (to be written) btkml (you need) Nwtyqyno (not) al (that the day) hmwyd (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (truly) tyaryrs (for) ryg (you) Nwtna 2 (comes) ata (in this way) ankh (in the night) ayllb (a thief) abng (as) Kya (of our Lord) Nrmd (& quiet) anysw (there is) wh (peace) amlsd (they will say) Nwrman (when) dk 3 (destruction) andba (upon them) Nwhyle (shall rise) Mwqn (from the silence) aylsnm (& then) Nydyhw (they will escape) Nwdmn (& not) alw (a pregnant woman) atnjb (upon) le (labor pains) albx (as) Kya (you are) Nwtywh (not) al (my brothers) yxa (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 4 (should overtake you) Nwkkrdn (a thief) abng (as) Kya (day) amwy (that the) whd (in darkness) akwsxb (of day) ammya (& children) ynbw (are) Nwtna (of light) arhwn (children) ynb (for) ryg (all of you) Nwklk 5 (of darkness) akwsx (children) ynb (neither) alw (of night) ayll (children) ynb (you are *) Nwtywh (& not) alw * Greek has & we are not where The Peshitta has & you are not. We are is Nywh, Nnywh or Nytya & You are is Nwtywh; In DSS script: }nywh -We are }wtywh -You are Peshitta mss. do not have variants in this verse, as there should be if the Aramaic is based on Greek. There are Greek mss. with the Peshitta reading:D (5th cent.),G (9th cent.) as well as The Itala Version (2nd cent.). (the rest) akrs (as) Kya (therefore) lykh (let us sleep) Kmdn (not) al 6 (& prudent) Nynwhmw (watchful) Nyrye (let us be) Nywh (but) ala
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

(are) wh (in the night) ayllb (who sleep) Nykmdd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 7 (drunk) Nywr (are) wh (in the night) ayllb (who are drunk) Nywrd (& those) Nylyaw (sleeping) Nykmd (vigilant) Nyrye (let us be) Nywh (are) Nnx (of the day) ammya (of the children) ynbd (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 8 (& of love) abwxdw (of faith) atwnmyhd (the breastplate) anyrs (& put on) Nysyblw (in our minds) Nnyerb (of Life) ayxd (of the hope) arbod (the helmet) atrwno (& let us take) Myonw (to wrath) azgwrl (God) ahla (has appointed us) Nmo (that not) ald (because) ljm 9 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (of Life) ayxd (to the possession) anynql (but) ala (we are awake) Nnyrye (that if) Nad (our sake) Nypa (for) le (Who died) tymd (Him) wh 10 (we shall live) axn (with Him) hme (as one) adxka (we sleep) Nnykmd (or if) Naw (another) dxl (one) dx (comfort) wayb (this) anh (because of) ljm 11 (you have done) Nwtydbe (that also) Pad (just as) ankya (another) dxl (one) dx (& build up) wnbw (those) Nylyal (recognize) Nyedy (that you will) Nwtywhd (my brethren) yxa (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (we beg) Nnyeb 12 (in our Lord) Nrmb (among you) Nwkypab (& have standing) Nymyqw (among you) Nwkb (who labor) Nyald (you) Nwkl (& teach) Nyplmw (greater) aryty (in love) abwxb (to you) Nwkl (esteemed) Nybysx (that you let them be) wwhd 13 (with them) Nwhme (be at peace) wnytsa (their works) Nwhdbe (& because of) ljmw (wrongdoers) anlkoml (correct) wdr (my brothers) yxa (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (we beg) Nnyeb 14 (of the weak) alyxmd (the burdens) anej (bear) wbow (souls) aspn (the feeble) yrwezl (& encourage) wbblw (every person) snlk (to) twl (in your spirit) Nwkxwr (& be long) wrgaw (evil) atsyb (in place of) Plx (evil) atsyb (of you) Nwknm (anyone) sna (lest) amld (& beware) wrhdzaw 15 (good) atbj (after) rtb (run) wjrh (in every time) Nbzlkb (but) ala (may reward) ewrpn (every person) snlk (& to) twlw (each one) addx (towards) twl (in every time) Nbzlkb (rejoicing) Nydx (be) wwh 16 (ceasing) awls (without) ald (& pray) Nylumw 17 (the will) hnybu (for) ryg (this is) wnh (giving thanks) Nydwm (be) wwh (thing) Mdm (& in every) lkbw 18 (in you) Nwkb (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (of God) ahlad (quench) Nwkedt (not) al (The Spirit) axwr 19 (reject) Nwlot (not) al (prophecy) atwybn 20 (hold) wdwxa (& what is excellent) rypsdw (explore) wqb (everything) Mdmlk 21 (flee) wqwre (evil) asyb (matter) wbu (every) lk (& from) Nmw 22 (perfectly) tyarymg (shall make you holy) Nwksdqn (of peace) amlsd (The God) ahla (but) Nyd (He) wh 23 (He shall keep) rjnn (& your body) Nwkrgpw (& your soul) Nwkspnw (your spirit) Nwkxwr (& whole) hlkw (all of you) Nwklkl (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (for the arrival) htytaml (faults) Nysr (without) ald (shall perform it) dben (it is He Who) whd (has called you) Nwkrqd (Who) Nm (is He) wh (faithful) Nmyhm 24 (for us) Nyle (pray) wlu (my brethren) yxa 25 (holy) atsydq (with a kiss) atqswnb (all of them) Nwhlk (of our brethren) Nyxad (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 26 (that will be read) arqttd (by our Lord) Nrmb (you) Nwkl (I) ana (bind in an oath) amwm 27 (holy) asydq (the brethren) axa (to all) Nwhlkl (this) adh (letter) atrga
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atymdq atsydq atrga

(Amen) Nyma (with you) Nwkme (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj 28

Glenn David Bauscher

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians atynyrt ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

2nd Thessalonians
(to the church) atdel (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (& Silvanus) ownwlow (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (& our Lord) Nrmw (our Father) Nwba (which is in God) ahlabd (of theThessalonians) ayqynwlotd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (God) ahla (from) Nm (& peace) amlsw (with you) Nwkme (grace) atwbyj 2 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (our Father) Nwba (for you) Nwkyle (we are indebted) Nnybyx (in every time) Nbzlkb (to God) ahlal (to give thanks) wydwml 3 (grows) aybr (that all the more) tyarytyd (is necessary) alwd (what) am (as) Kya (my brothers) yxa (of every person) snlkd (of you all) Nwklkd (the love) abwx (& increases) agow (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (his neighbor) hrbx (to) twl (boast) Nyrhbtsm (will) awhn (in you) Nwkb (we) Nnx (that also) Pad (as) Kya 4 (your faith) Nwktwnmyh (for) le (of God) ahlad (in the assemblies) atdeb (we) Nnx (your persecutions) Nwktwpydr (that in all) hlkbd (your endurance) Nwktwnrbyom (& for) lew (you) Nwtna (that endure) Nyrbyomd (& your sufferings) Nwkynulwaw (of God) ahlad (just) anak (of the judgment) anydd (for a demonstration) atywxtl 5 (for His kingdom) htwklml (that you may be worthy) Nwwstd (you suffer) Nwtysx (sake) hypa (for whose) led (that) yh (God) ahla (before) Mdq (it is just) anak (& if) Naw 6 (to your tormentors) Nwkyuwlal (suffering) anulwa (to reward) ewrpnd (with us) Nme (He shall save *) axn (you who are tormented) Nwtyulatmd (& you) Nwklw 7 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (by the revelation) hnylgb (of His angels) yhwkalmd (the armies) alyx (with) Me (Heaven) ayms (Who is from) Nmd N * The Greek mss. have anesin Rest; The explanation for this is very simple: Here is the Aramaic word for Rest: axyn; Here is He shall save: axn; The Yodh y is in Rest- axyn and not in He shall save axn. The Greek for He shall save is swsei, nothing like anesin. Another possibility is zwopoihsei (He will give life)- even less like anesin. Of course, one might object that an Aramaean might have translated Greek anesin anesin -Rest- axn, simply omitting the Yodh- y, which would be easy enough. There are several problems with that hypothesis, however, one of which is that The Peshitta NT should have demonstrable errors in it somewhere, if it were a translation; no one has produced any, to my knowledge. The Peshitta mss. have no variants in this verse to support a Greek original behind it.(Based on GwilliamPinkertons collation of Peshitta mss. of Pauls epistles). The Greek NT, on the other hand, is replete with variant readings galore in all of its mss. and many errors of all sorts, which I and others have pointed out and will continue to do so. The fact that there is a Massora for The Peshitta, proving that its scribes counted words and even letters in the mss. and kept records of the statistics sets The Peshitta far above The Greek NT in accuracy and precision. Where, oh where is such a tradition associated with the copying of Greek mss.? Another argument, and probably the strongest possible scientific support for the absolute accuracy of The Peshitta is the fact that this text contains numerous codes going through it, beginning to end, end to beginning, backwards and forwards, some starting in the middle of the canon, some elsewhere, by skipping a particular and consistent number of letters from a starting point to its end- one with 17,921 letters skipped each time, to spell out a 61 letter code that loops through Matthew alone 18.6 times, beginning to end! Others have longer skips, all the way up to 99,021 letters each time and 191 letters long! Most go through the entire NT several times. If one letter were removed from The Peshitta version I searched with Codefinder software, none of those codes would exist at all. If one letter were added, the same holds true; all the codes disappear. The Greek NT has no such code in it, try what edition you will. Many have tried for years, to no avail. Some codes in The Peshitta are in Aramaic reading forward and Hebrew when reading the same code backward! And then there is the promise of Yeshua Meshikha Maran:
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians atynyrt ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Not one Yodh ( y ) or Tittle ( ) shall pass from the Law; Heaven and earth will pass away; My words shall not pass away. (of the fire) arwnd (in blazing) alzwgb (vengeance) atebt (He executes) dbed (whenever) am 8 (those) Nwnh (& on) Nmw (God) ahlal (knew) wedy (who not) ald (those) Nwnh (on) Nm (the Good News) htrbol (have recognized) wedwtsa (who not) ald (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (eternal) Mleld (destruction) andba (will be paid) Nwerptn (in judgment) anydb (for those) Nwnhd 9 (of His power) hlyxd (the glory) axbws (& from) Nmw (of our Lord) Nrmd (the Face) hpwurp (from) Nm (& will show) awxnw (in His holy ones) yhwsydqb (to be glorified) xbtsnd (He comes) atad (whenever) am 10 (our testimony) Ntwdho (because you believed) Nmyhttd (in His believers) yhwnmyhmb (His wonders) htrmdt (day) amwy (in that) whb (that was for you) Nwkyled (for you) Nwkyle (we pray) Nnylum (in every time) Nbzlkb (because of this) anhljm 11 (& would fill you) Nwkylmnw (for your calling) Nwknyrql (God) ahla (that would make you worthy) Nwkywsnd (in power) alyxb (of faith) atwnmyhd (& works) adbew (of goodness) atbjd (the pleasure) anybu (wholly) hlk (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the Name) hms (by you) Nwkb (that may be glorified) xbtsnd 12 (the grace) htwbyj (according to) Kya (by Him) hb (you) Nwtna (also) Pa (The Messiah) axysm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& our Lord) Nrmw (of our God) Nhlad Chapter 2 (the arrival) htytam (concerning) le (my brothers) yxa (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (we beg) Nnyeb 2:1 (& concerning) lew (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (unto Him) htwld (our) Nlyd (assembling) ayswnk (in your minds) Nwkynyerb (you would be shaken) Nweyztt (soon) lge (that not) ald 2 (a spirit) axwr (from) Nm (neither) alw (word) atlm (from) Nm (not) al (be troubled) Nwhwtt (neither) alw (it is) yh (us) Ntwl (from) Nmd (that as if) Kyad (an epistle) atrga (from) Nm (neither) alw (of our Lord) Nrmd (the day) hmwy (has arrived) yjm (namely) Ml (that behold) ahd (means) Nymkoa (of) Nm (by any) dxb (will deceive you) Nwkyejn (man) sna (that no) aml 3 (a revolt) atwdwrm (first) Mdqwl (will come) atat (not) al (that surely) Nad (to the effect) ljm (of destruction) andbad (the son) hrb (of sin) atyjxd (the man) asnrb (& will be revealed) algtnw (thing) Nm (every) lk (against) le (& exalts himself) aletsmw (is) wh (who opposing) albwqld (he) wh 4 (also) Pad (just as) ankya (& religion) alxdw (God) hla (that is called) arqtmd (he will sit) btn (God) ahla (as) Kya (of God) ahlad (in the temple) alkyhb (he is) wh (God) ahlad (as if) Kya (himself) hspn (concerning) le (& he will show) awxnw (I was) tywh (with you) Nwktwl (that when) dkd (you remember) Nwtydhe (do not?) al 5 (to you) Nwkl (I did) tywh (say) trma (these things) Nylh (governs) dyxad (what) am (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (& now) ashw 6 (in his time) hnbzb (he) wh (that may be revealed) algtnd (has begun) yrs (now) wdk (from) Nm (of evil) alwed (for) ryg (the mystery) azra 7 (governs) dyxa (now) ashd (which) am (that) wh (surely) Na (only) dwxlb (to work) wjpxtml (the midst) ateum (from) Nm (will be taken) lqtsn (Yeshua) ewsy (whom our Lord) Nrmd (that) wh (Evil One) alwe (will be revealed) algtn (& then) Nydyhw 8 (& He will destroy him) yhwyljbnw (of His mouth) hmwp (with the breath) xwrb (will consume him) yhwypyon (of His coming) htytamd (by the revelation) anylgb (of Satan) anjod (is) yh (in the activity) atwndbemb (of that one) whd (for) ryg (the coming) htytam 9 (false) atlgd (& wonders) atrmdtw (& signs) atwtaw (power) lyx (in all) lkb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians atynyrt ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(in the perishing) adybab (that is) aywhd (of evil) alwed (error) yyewj (& in all) hlkbw 10 (of the truth) atswqd (the love) abwx (they received) wlbq (that not) ald (for) le (they would have life) Nwxn (in which) hbd (the activity) atwndbem (God) ahla (to them) Nwhl (sent) rdsn (because of this) anhljm 11 (lies) arqwsl (that they may believe) Nwnmyhnd (of delusion) yyewjd (who not) ald (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk (they will be judged) Nwnydtnw 12 (evil) alweb (they chose) wybjua (but) ala (the truth) atswqb (believed) wnmyh (always) Nbzlkb (God) ahlal (to thank) wydwml (we are indebted) Nnybyx (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 13 (of our Lord) Nrmd (beloved) yhwbybx (brethren) Nyxa (your persons) Nwkypa (for) le (for Life) ayxl (the beginning) atysr (from) Nm (God) ahla (for has chosen you) Nwkbgd (of the truth) arrsd (& in belief) atwnmyhbw (of The Spirit) axwrd (in the sanctification) atwsydqb (our) Nlyd (by evangelism) atwnrbomb (has called you) Nwkrq (for) ryg (He) wh (to these things) Nylhl 14 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (to our Lord) Nrml (glory) atxwbst (that you would be *) Nwwhtd N * Greek has eiv peripoihsin doxhv for possession of the glory; The Aramaic construction Nrml atxwbst Nwwhtd has two possible meanings; in an idiomatic sense, (Nwwhtd may have been read as Nyhtd - a 3rd person fem. singular future, matched with Glory- fem. sing. ) it means that our Lord may have glory; In a more straightforward sense,( taking Nwwhtd as 2nd person plural masculine future That you would be), it means that you would be glory. The Greek seems to favor the first sense, though it is misleading, implying the glory of Jesus may go to the believer. The Greek seems to be an incorrect and awkward translation of the Aramaic here. I doubt an Aramaean would get the Peshitta reading from the Greek reading. (the commandments) andqwpb (& hold fast) wnomxw (be established) wmyqta (my brethren) yxa (therefore) lykm 15 (our) Nlyd (in epistle) atrgab (or if) Naw (in the word) atlmb (if) Na (that you have learned) Nwtplyd (our Father) Nwba (& God) ahlaw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (but) Nyd (He) wh 16 (eternal) Mleld (comfort) aaywb (us) Nl (& has given) bhyw (Who has loved us) Nbxad (He) wh (by His grace) htwbyjb (good) abj (& hope) arbow (words) alm (all) lkb (& may He be occupied in) Myqnw (your hearts) Nwktwbl (may He comfort) aybn 17 (good) bj (work) dbe (& every) lkbw Chapter 3 (of our Lord) Nrmd (that the word) htlmd (for us) Nyle (pray) wlu (brethren) Nyxa (now on) ash (from) Nm 3:1 (with you) Nwktwld (as) Kya (place) akwd (in every) lkb (& be glorified) axbtsmw (running) ajhr (will be) awht (& vicious) atnew (evil) asyb (men) asnynb (from) Nm (& that we will be saved) auptndw 2 (the faith) atwnmyh (is) yh (of every person) snlkd (for) ryg (not) wl (will keep you) Nwkrjnn (He Who) whd (Jehovah) ayrm (but) Nyd (is) wh (faithful) Nmyhm 3 (evil) asyb (from) Nm (& will deliver you) Nwkbzwsnw (in our Lord) Nrmb (upon you) Nwkyle (but) Nyd (we put trust) Nnylykt 4 (you have done) Nwtdbe (you) Nwkl (we command) Nnydqpmd (that whatever) Mdmd (you will do) Nwtydbe (also) Pa (of God) ahlad (into the love) hbwxl (your hearts) Nwktwbl (will direct) Uwrtn (& our Lord) Nrmw 5 (of The Messiah) axysmd (& to the evangelism) htwnrbomlw (of our Lord) Nrmd (in The Name) hmsb (my brothers) yxa (but) Nyd (you) Nwkl (we command) Nnydqpm 6 (brother) axa (every) lk (from) Nm (separate) Nyqyrp (that you be) Nwtywhd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (the commandments) andqwp (according to) Kya (& not) alw (walks) Klhm (evil) syb (wicked) sybd (who) anya (from us) Nnm (that they received *) wlbqd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians atynyrt ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

M * The Majority (Byzantine) Greek text mss. has They received; The Critical Greek has You received(plural); The Textus Receptus Greek has, He received. The Aramaic for They received(Peshitta reading) is wlbqd; You received is Nwtlbqd; He received is lbqd Interestingly, The Eastern Peshitta differs here from the Western mss. and has lbqd He received. The Western Peshitta reading seems to stand between the other two and best explains the Greek and The Eastern reading: Nwtlbq You received (Critical Greek reading) wlbq They received (This Peshitta editions reading, Majority Greek & Latin Vulgate) lbq He received [Eastern Peshitta and Textus Receptus Greek- (KJV)] Add two letters to the Peshitta reading in this edition and you have the Critical Greek reading; Take off the last letter of the original reading and you have the Eastern reading and the reading of The Textus Receptus in The King James Version. (us) Nb (to imitate) wymdtml (it is right) alw (how) ankya (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy (for) ryg (you) Nwtna 7 (among you) Nwktnyb (evil) syb (wicked) syb (we have walked) Nklh (for not) ald (of you) Nwknm (any) sna (from) Nm (have we eaten) Nlka (without charge) Ngmd (bread) amxl (neither) alpa 8 (we working) Nyxlp (& by day) ammyabw (by night) ayllb (& in toil) atwalbw (with labor) almeb (but) ala (we would be a burden) rqan (not) al (of you) Nwknm (anyone) sna (that upon) led (were) Nywh (to us) Nl (there is authority) jyls (that not) ald (because) ljm (it was) awh (not) al 9 (an example) aopwj (to you) Nwkl (we might yield) ltn (that by our lives) Nspnbd (but) ala (you may imitate) Nwmdtt (that us) Nbd (we commanded) Nydqpm (this) adh (for) ryg (we were) Nywh (with you) Nwktwl (when) dk (also) Pa 10 (to work) xwlpnd (is willing) abu (who not) ald (that everyone) lkd (you) Nwkl (had) Nywh (should he eat) oeln (neither) alpa (some) asna (among you) Nwkb (that there are) tyad (for) ryg (we hear) Nnyems 11 (labor at) Nyxlp (no) al (& thing) Mdmw (walk) Nyklhm (evil) syb (who wicked) sybd (nothing) atqyro (only) Na (but) ala (& beseech) Nnyebw (we command) Nnydqpm (to such) Nylhl (but) Nyd (to them) Nwhl 12 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (in our Lord) Nrmb (of them) Nwhnm (their bread) Nwhmxl (& eat) Nylkaw (work) Nyxlp (they shall) Nwwhn (that in quietness) aylsbd (you) Nwkl (be weary) Namt (not) al (my brethren) yxa (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 13 (what is excellent) rypsd (to do) dbeml (these) Nylh (words) Nylml (obeys) emtsm (not) al (a man) sna (& if) Naw 14 (this one) anh (from you) Nwkl (let be separated) srptn (which are in this letter) atrgabd (that he may be ashamed) thbnd (with Him) hme (taking part) Nyjlxtm (be you) Nwtywh (neither) alw (hold him) hnwdxat (an enemy) abbdleb (as) Kya (& not) alw 15 (a brother) axald (as) Kya (him) hl (admonishing) Nytrm (be you) Nwtywh (but) ala (peace) amls (to you) Nwkl (give) ltn (of peace) amlsd (The Lord) hrm (but) Nyd (He) wh 16 (all of you) Nwklk (with) Me (our Lord) Nrm (in everything) Mdmlkb (always) Nbzlkb (Paul) owlwp (I) ana (of my hand) ydya (in the writing) tbtkb (Greetings) amls 17 (my epistles) ytrga (which in all) Nyhlkbd (the sign) ata (what is) yhwtyad (have written) tbtk (I) ana (write) btk (in this way) ankh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj 18 (Amen) Nyma (all of you) Nwklk (with) Me The Eastern Peshitta has all of you my brothers. Amen. No Greek text has that reading. See how similar the Aramaic words Amen and Brothers are:
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Thessalonians atynyrt ayqynwlot twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

}ym)Amen }yx)- Brothers Perhaps an early scribe read Amen twice, the first time as }yx)- Brothers and the second as }ym)Amen.The word }yx) Brothers also may be spelt in a shorter and common form - yx) Akhay, which would explain why the final Nun } is missing in The Eastern Peshitta - yx) Akhay. (In Estrangela, the common script of Peshitta mss. since the second century AD, it is - yx0 ) Akhay. Here is a photo of these last two words from the Khabouris Manuscript (an Eastern Peshitta ms. copied from a fourth century ms.): - Nym0

yx0 - Akhay Amyn

Of course, one may argue that the Eastern Peshitta is correct and that a scribe simply skipped yx) Akhay and went to the following and similar }ym)Amen. There are several problems with that position; first, there is no Greek manuscript with the reading Brothers. That is a bit of a problem for both Greek primacists and for Aramaic primacists -(those who support an Eastern Peshitta original). There are however, many Peshitta readings without Greek witnesses, so this is not a major problem by itself. In conjunction with the fact that the Western Peshitta tradition lacks the word Brothers here, the lack of Greek witnesses becomes significant. It is reasonable that Aramaic primacists would expect that if all Greek mss. support one Aramaic reading where there is a variant reading in The Peshitta NT, that this would settle the matter. There are not many places where the two Peshittas differ. The argument that The Peshitta was based on or revised to the Greek standard is simply nonsense and has no foundation in the textual evidence. Neither The Western nor The Eastern Peshitta can be shown to conform to any Greek standard, whether Byzantine, Alexandrian or Western. More often than not, it differs with all Greek readings, where Greek variants occur. Another argument for the originality of the text presented in this edition (Gwilliams-Pinkerton 1920 critical edition of The Peshitta) is that this is practically identical with the edition in which the author has discovered eight long codes that extend throughout The NT several times and one that covers 96% of The NT, some in Hebrew and some in Aramaic. The codes are spelled out by skipping many thousands of letters at a time (17,000 up to 99,000) to form sentences of 25 to 191 letters. What is significant about these codes for Textual Criticism is that if one letter were to be added to the Peshitta edition tested, or one letter were deleted, none of the codes would exist at all! No other edition of the several I have tested of The Peshitta has any such codes. I have also performed an exhaustive experimental search of The Peshitta (two editions) for 95 Hebrew and Aramaic Divine names and titles as codes. The resulting data is several million words of information called Equidistant Letter Sequences which demonstrate statistically that the Peshitta NT was deliberately coded with many of these Divine names and titles. They cannot be due to random occurrences; none of the control texts tested shows positive results, and they were tested alongside The Peshitta, word for word, skip number for skip number, in exactly the same way as it was. I believe Gwilliams & Pinkerton did a magnificent work in compiling this edition of The Peshitta Pauline epistles. It is practically impeccable,as is The Gwilliams-Pusey edition of The Gospels before it.

Glenn David Bauscher

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

1 Timothy
(The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (an apostle) axyls (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (of God) ahlad (by the commandment) andqwpb (our Hope) Nrbo (Yeshua) ewsy (& of The Messiah) axysmdw (our Lifegiver) Nnyxm (in faith) atwnmyhb (true) aryrs (a son) arb (to Timotheos) owatmyjl 2 (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& peace) amlsw (& mercy) amxrw (grace) atwbyj (our Lord) Nrm (Yeshua) ewsy (& The Messiah) axysmw (to Maqedonia) aynwdqml (I) ana (went) lza (when) dk (of you) Knm (I was) tywh (requesting) tyeb 3 (men) sna (certain) snal (& that you command) dqptw (in Ephesus) owopab (that you remain) awqtd (different) aplxsm (teachings) anplwy (they teach) Nwpln (that not) ald (& to accounts *) atyestlw (to fables) atyewsl (they should give heed) Nwmrtn (& not) alw 4 (to them) Nwhl (there is not) tyl (of which an end) akod (of genealogies) atbrsd (all the more) tyaryty (producing) Ndbe (are) wh (contentions) anyrxd (these things) Nylh (of God) ahlad (in the faith) atwnmyhb (edification) anynb (& not) alw N * Greek lacks into accounts. (a heart) abl (that from) Nmd (love) abwx (is) yhwtya (of the commandments) andqwpd (but) Nyd (the sum) hko 5 (true) atryrs (faith) atwnmyh (& from) Nmw (good) atbj (a conscience) atrat (& from) Nmw (pure) aykd (have strayed) wej (these things) Nylh (from) Nm (& some of them) Nyhnmw 6 (empty) atqyro (to words) alml (they have turned away) wjow (people) asna (of The Written Law) aowmnd (teachers) anplm (to be) awhml (in that they seek) webdb 7 (that they speak) Nyllmmd (anything) Mdm (they understand) Nylktom (not) al (while) dk (they contend) Nyrxtm (about which) yhwled (anything) Mdm (neither) alw (is) wh (good) ryps (that The Written Law) aowmnd (but) Nyd (we know) Nnyedy 8 (by it) hb (will be led) rbdtn (The Written Law) aowmnd (according to) htwka (a man) sna (if) Na (was appointed) Myo (not) al (The Written Law) aowmn (that for the righteous) anakld (he knows) edy (while) dk 9 (& for sinners) ayjxlw (& for the wicked) aeysrlw (& for the rebellious) adwrmlw (for the evil) alwel (but) ala (are pure) Nykd (who not) ald (& to those) Nylyalw (& for the vicious) atnelw (their fathers) Nwhyhbal (who hit *) Nyxmd (& to those) Nylyalw (& for murderers *) alwjqlw (their mothers) Nwhthmal (who hit *) Nyxmd (& for those) Nylyalw * N Greek has patralwaiv kai mhtralwaiv, mhtralwaiv,androfonoiv- father killers, mother killers, murderers? This makes little sense, especially when compared to The Peshitta reading: Those who hit their fathers and those who hit their mothers, and murderers.To be fair, some translations of the Greek text have smiters of fathers and for smiters of mothers,..., though I can find no evidence of either patralwav or mhtralwav being used in that sense anywhere in Greek literature.Even granting the above as possible meanings, the Greek seems too generic when compared to the Aramaic to be original.The law was written for those who hit their fathers and those who hit their mothers, simply makes better sense than father hitters and mother hitters, as the latter terms do not specify whose fathers or mothers are referred to, and as the Greek term so defined is impossible to find in literature, it seems unlikely that they would have been familiarly used in those senses. (& for thieves) ybnglw (* males) arkd (with) Me (& for males who lie down) ybkslw (& for fornicators) aynzlw 10 (oaths) atmwm (against) le (& for violators) yrbelw (& for liars) algdlw (of freedom) arax (of children) ynb (sound) amylx (to teaching) anplwyl (opposed) albwqo (that are) yhwtyad (& for all things) Mdmlklw N * The Aramaic has males lying with males (as the word is a masculine participle, it refers to masculine subjects); the Greek mss. use arsenokoithv, which is a compound word not found in Greek literature, made of the words arshn(male)
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

and koith (copulation). The Greek word is unclear in meaning: Male copulation, or Copulation with males? Koith, the base word of this compound word, never refers to a copulator but to a bed or to lying down or copulation. In the context, the Greek is disjointed; The Law was written for fornicators, for males who lie down with males, for kidnappers, etc.., whereas the Greek has: fornicators, lying down with men, kidnappers, etc... The Law was written for certain people, not for certain activities. So the Greek word focuses on one activity lying down with men, along with peoplefornicators, kidnappers, etc.. rather than the people who perpetrate it; this is an error in a grammatical sense as well as a theological sense and contextual sense; The Laws purpose was for people, not certain sins people commit. In this light, the Peshitta reading is clearly superior to the Greek. There are many apparent Greek word inventions in The Greek NT which look like compound words in which two or three Aramaic words in the text are combined. This is one example, in my view. (The Blessed) akrbm (of God) ahlad (of the glory) htxwbstd (of the Good News) Nwylgnwad 11 (have been entrusted) tnmyhta (with which I) anad (that) wh (our Lord) Nrml (Who has empowered me) ynlyxd (Him) hl (I) ana (& thank) adwmw 12 (trustworthy) anmyhm (Who accounted me) ynbsxd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (into His ministry) htsmstl (& He has put me) ynmow (& a persecutor) Pwdrw (I was) tywh (a blasphemer) Npdgm (the first) Mydq (who from) Nmd (to me) yl 13 (known) edy (not) al (while) dkd (because) ljm (I obtained mercy) tnnxta (but) ala (& abusive) Nreumw (faith) atwnmyh (without) ald (what I did) tdbe (I had) tywh (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj (but) Nyd (in me *) yb (abounded) tygo 14 (The Messiah) axysm (which are in Yeshua) ewsybd (& love) abwxw (& faith) atwnmyhw N * Greek lacks In me. (of its acceptance) htwlbqml (it is) yh (& worthy) aywsw (saying) atlm (is this) yh (trustworthy) anmyhm 15 (to the universe) amlel (came) ata (The Messiah) axysm (that Yeshua) ewsyd (am) ana (I) ana (of whom foremost) Nwhymdqd (sinners) ayjxl (to save) wyxml (first) amdq (that in me) ybd (to me) yle (He showed mercy) Mxr (this) anh (because of) ljm (but) ala 16 (of His Spirit) hxwr (patience) trgm (all) hlk (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (may show) awxn (in Him) hb (to believe) Nwnmyhnd (who are going) Nydyted (of those) Nylyad (for the example) atywxtl (eternal) Mleld (to life) ayxl (to Him) whl (of the universe) amled (but) Nyd (to The King) aklml 17 (God) ahla (One *) dx (Who is) wywhd (seen) azxtm (& not) alw (is destructible) lbxtm (Who not) ald (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& glory) atxwbstw (honor) arqya But to The King of the universe, to Him Who is indestructible and unseen, Who is One God, be honor and glory to the eternity of eternities, Amen. C * The Majority Greek text (most Greek mss.) have monw sofw sofw yew Only wise God. Who is Only Wise in Aramaic is dx Mykxd; In DSS script it is dx {ykxd; dx wywhd is dx wywhd -Who is One. Translation Here are comparisons in three scripts: Who only wise Who is One Dead Sea Scroll dx {ykxd dx wywhd Estrangela Ashuri dx Mykxd dx wywhd

dx Mykxd dx wywhd

The DSS pair has 80% correspondence between the words {ykxd -Who Wise and wywhd -Who is. Neither the Ashuri nor the Estrangela pair have near the letter correspondence the Dead Sea Scroll script pair presents. The Critical Greek reading agrees with The Peshitta reading, with monw yew- Only God. (Timotheos) owatmyj (my son) yrb (to you) Kl (I) ana (commit) legm (decree) andqwp (this) anh 18 (about you) Kyle (that were) ywhd (former) atymdq (the prophecies) atwybn (according to) Kya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(excellent) atryps (this) adh (warfare) atwxlp (by them) Nyhb (that you may war) xwlptd (for) ryg (those) Nylya (good) atbj (& in conscience) atratbw (in faith) atwnmyhb 19 (from them) Nwhnm (have rejected) wqxd (who this) adhld (have been emptied) wqrtoa (faith) atwnmyh (of) Nm (these) Nylh (& Alexandros) owrdnoklaw (Humenayus) owanmwh (like) Kya 20 (that they may be instructed) Nwdrtnd (to Satan *) anjol (whom I delivered) tmlsad (blaspheme) Nypdgm (they should) Nwwhn (that not) ald Greek has satana -Satana, which is not a Greek word; it is an Aramaic word transliterated into Greek from the Aramaic NT 35 times in 12 books from The Gospels,Acts,Pauls Epistles and Revelation. 14 times, Greek has Diabolov,Diabolov,-ew (Diabol[os],-ew) The Devil, slanderer, slander, where the Aramaic anjo Satana occurs. So 35 of the 49 occurrences of anjo Satana- are paralleled by Greek satana Satana,while the other 14 occurrences are matched with Diabolov The Devil, Slanderer. Aramaic does have a term for Diabolov The Devil, Slanderer; it is aurq lka Akal Qartsa-The Devil, Slanderer;This occurs 27 times in The Peshitta NT.It seems unlikely that Satana in The Peshitta would be a translation of the Greek Diabolos, since Akal Qartsa-The Devil would be the likely translation term. Also, the Greek transliteration Satana seems not to occur outside of the NT except in the Greek of Sirach, which was probably composed in Aramaic in the 2nd cent. BC. The LXX translation has Diabol..- Diabol. root 19 times for the Hebrew Bibles 27 occurrences (70%) of Njs Satan! So there was a precedent set for translating the Semitic name Satan as Diabolov (Diabolos) The Devil, though in the 3rd century BC Greek translation from Hebrew, the ratio of Satan being translated to The Devil was 70%, and by the 1st century AD, the ratio of Aramaic Satana being transliterated to Satana in Greek was 70% and The Devil had 30%. Chapter 2 (all things) Mdmlk (before) Mdq (that from) Nmd (of you) Knm (therefore) lykh (I) ana (beg) aeb 2:1 (& intercessions) atnnxtw (& prayers) atwluw (to God) ahlal (offer) brqm (you will) awht (supplications) atweb (the children of men) asnynb (all of them) Nwhlk (for the sake of) Plx (& thanksgiving) atydwtw (quiet) ayls (that a way of life) armwed (& rulers) anbrwrw (kings) aklm (for the sake of) Plx 2 (& purity) atwykdw (to God) ahla (reverence) tlxd (in entire) hlkb (we may inhabit) rmen (& tranquil) axynw (our Lifegiver) Nnyxm (God) ahla (before) Mdq (& acceptable) albqmw (is pleasing) aryps (for) ryg (this) adh 3 (shall have life) Nwxn (the children of men) asnynb (that all of them) Nwhlkd (Who wills) abud (He) wh 4 (of the truth) arrsd (to the knowledge) atedyl (& they shall return) Nwnptnw (of God) ahlad (The Mediator) ayeum (is) wh (& One) dxw (God) ahla (for) ryg (is) wh (One) dx 5 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (The Son of Man) asnrb (& of the sons of men) asnynbdw (a ransom) anqrwp (Himself) hspn (Who gave) bhyd (He) wh 6 (in its time) hnbzb (that has come) ttad (a testimony) atwdho (person) sna (every) lk (in the place of) Plx (of truth) atswq (& apostle) hxylsw (its preacher) hzwrk (I am appointed) tmyota (of which I) anad (that) yh 7 (of the Gentiles) ammed (the teacher) anplm (that I am) tywhd (I) ana (lie) lgdm (& not) alw (I) ana (say) rma (of the truth) arrsd (in belief) atwnmyhb (men) arbg (pray) Nylum (that would) wwhd (therefore) lykh (I am) ana (willing) abu 8 (in purity) tyaykd (their hands) Nwhydya (lifting) Nymyrm (while) dk (place) akwd (in every) lkb (plots) atbsxm (& without) aldw (rage) azgwr (without) ald (of dress) aswbld (shall be modest) apkn (in fashion) amkoab (the women) asn (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 9 (their adornment) Nyhtybut (shall be) awhn (& in modesty) atwpknbw (in bashfulness) atumxtb (with pearls) atyngrmb (or) wa (& with gold) abhdbw (in braiding) alwdgb (not) al (lovely) aryps (in robes) atxnb (or) wa (just as) ankya (good) abj (in works) adbeb (but) ala 10 (of God) ahla (worship) tlxd (who profess) Nydwtsmd (for women) asnl (is suitable) aayd
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(submission) dbews (in all) lkb (learn) aply (let) twh (in silence) aylsb (a woman) attna 11 (I) ana (allow) opm (not) al (to teach) wplml (because) ryg (for a woman) attnal 12 (quiet) aylsb (she should be) awht (but) ala (a man) arbg (over) le (to usurp) wxrmml (neither) alw (Khawwa) awx (& then) Nydyhw (first) Mdqwl (was formed) lbgta (for) ryg (Adam) Mda 13 For Adam was formed first and then Eve. (was deceived) tej (but) Nyd (the woman) attna (was deceived) aej (not) al (& Adam) Mdaw 14 (the command) andqwp (against) le (& violated) trbew (they continue) Nwwqn (if) Na (her children) hydly (by) dyb (but) Nyd (she lives) ayx 15 (& in modesty) atwpknbw (& in holiness) atwsydqbw (& in love) abwxbw (in faith) atwnmyhb Chapter 3 (desires) gar (a man) sna (that if) Nad (the saying) atlm (is) yh (trustworthy) anmyhm 3:1 (he desires) gar (good) abj (a work) adbe (eldership) atwsysq (that a fault) amwmd (such) anya (an elder) asysq (to be) awhnd (but) Nyd (& ought) alw 2 (woman) attna (of one) adxd (a husband) aleb (& be) awhw (in him) hb (is found) xktsm (not) al (& loves) Mxrw (& orderly) okjmw (& sober) Pknw (mind) hnyer (of vigilant) ryed (which) anya (& is a teacher) Nplmw (strangers) aynoka (is swift *) ajhr (& not) alw (wine) armx (concerning) le (he transgresses) rbe (& not) alw 3 (humble) Kykm (should be) awhn (but) ala (to strike) axmml (his hand) hdya (money) apok (loves) Mxr (neither) alw (contentious) yun (& not) alw C * The Majority Greek text has mh aiscrokerdh no filthy gain. It is a senseless reading consisting of two words combined to form a compound word: aiscrov (filthy) + kerdhv (gain) there is no verb with this reading, like being greedy or given to, not to mention that without love of money is at the end of the verse:afilargurov. Below is a comparison of the Peshitta reading, not swift of hand to strike with the Aramaic for lover of filthy gain in three different Aramaic scripts: Ashuri script: axmml hdya ajhr his hand is swift to strike atpnj Nrtwy amxr-lover of filthy gain 69% letter correlation Dead Sea Scroll Script: )xmml hdy) )+hr his hand is swift to strike )tpn+ }rtwy )mxr-lover of filthy gain 77% letter correlation

a0xmml hdya0aj0+hr his hand is swift to strike Fpn+ Nrtwy a0mxr -lover of filthy gain
54% letter correlation The Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script best illustrates how the Aramaic phrase His hand is swift to strike may have been misread as Lover of filthy gain. The Dead Sea Scroll script usually fares better than the others in such comparisons, so I conclude that this is the script from which the Greek versions were translated. The Greek has three words meaning to hit: tuptew tuptew,rapissw, patassw. None of these looks similar to aiscrokerdh filthy gain. I conclude that the evidence here supports a Peshitta original for the Greek. (his children) yhwnb (& holds) dyxaw (well) ryps (his house) htyb (& he leads) rbdmw 4 (purity) atwykd (in all) hlkb (in subjection) adbewsb
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Estrangela Script:

The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(well) ryps (to lead) rbdnd (he knows) edy (not) al (of himself) hspnd (the house) atyb (for) ryg (if) Na 5 (lead) rbdnd (of God) ahlad (the church) htde (can he) xksm (how?) ankya (of his discipleship) hdmlwt (a youth *) alj (shall he be) awhn (neither) alw 6 (of Satan *) anjod (into the judgment) hnydb (& would fall) lpnw (he be lifted up) Myrtn (lest) ald * Greek has neofuton Neophyte (Lit. new plant). The Aramaic refers to a new disciple. of Plant in Aramaic is-htbund or htqrwy or aboe; In DSS script: htbcnd or htqrwy or )bs( of his discipleship is hdmlwt hdmlwt Lets place the two readings in DSS Aramaic side by side in enlarged script: hdmlwt )l+ -a young disciple htbcnd )l+ -a young plant * Greek here and in verse 7 has Diabolov The Devil; Aramaic has Satan in both verses. Diabolov is a Greek word; Satana Satan is not, it is Aramaic. The Greek NT does have this word (See 1:20), though one third of references in which The Peshitta has Satana, the Greek word used is Diabolov. In The LXX (Greek OT), 19 of 27 references to Satan are translated as Diabolov Diabolos The Devil. On the other hand, an Aramaean would most likely translate Diabolov as aurq lka The Devil, Slanderer. (to him) hl (be) tya (excellent) atryps (testimony) atwdho (that also) Pad (but) Nyd (& there ought) alw 7 (of Satan *) anjod (& into the trap) axpbw (into shame) adoxb (he fall) lpn (lest) ald (outsiders) ayrb (from) Nm (pure) Nykd (shall be) Nwwhn (in this way) ankh (ministers) ansmsm (& also) Paw 8 (shall they) Nwwhn (neither) alw (two things) Nytrt (should speak) Nwllmn (& not) alw (defiled) apnj (riches) anrtwy (love) Nwmxrn (nor) alw (much) aaygo (to wine) armxl (be inclined) Nylu (of the faith) atwnmyhd (the mystery) azra (they should hold) Nwdxan (but) ala 9 (pure) atykd (in a conscience) atratb (& then) Nydyhw (first) Mdqwl (should be proved) Nwqbtn (such) Nylh (& those) Nwnhw 10 (fault) Nysr (without) ald (they are) Nwhytya (when) dk (let them serve) Nwsmsn (& will be) awhnw (modest) Npkn (should be) Nywhn (wives) asn (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 11 (thing) Mdm (in every) lkb (faithful) Nnmyhm (& shall be) Nywhnw (in their minds) Nyhnyer (alert) rye (slanderers) aurq Nlka (they should be) Nywhn (& not) alw (woman) attna (who one) adxd (he) anya (shall be) Nwwhn (ministers) ansmsm 12 (well) ryps (& his house) htybw (his children) yhwnb (& leads) rbdw (to him) hl (has) twh (purchase) Nynq (good) abj (a rank) agrd (well) ryps (who serve) wsmsd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 13 (much) aaygo (of face) apa (& opening) algmw (for themselves) Nwhspnl (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (in the faith) atwnmyhb (to you) Kl (I) ana (have written) btk (these things) Nylh 14 (to you) Ktwl (I) ana (shall come) ata (that soon) lgebd (I) ana (hope) rbom (while) dk (that you may know) edtd (I) ana (that delay) rxwmd (but) Nyd (it is) wh (& if) Naw 15 (of God) ahlad (in the household) htybb (to behave) wkphtml (it is necessary) alw (how) ankya (The Living) ayx (of God) ahlad (the church) atde (which is) hytyad (of the truth) arrsd (& foundation) atoatsw (the pillar) adwme (of righteousness *) atwnakd (this) anh (mystery) azra (is) wh (great) br (& truly) tyaryrsw 16 (in The Spirit) xwrb (& was justified) qddzaw (in the flesh) robb (which was revealed *) ylgtad (the nations) amme (among) tyb (& was preached) zrktaw (to angels) akalml (& He appeared) yzxtaw (into the glory) axbwsb (& He ascended) qltoaw (in the world) amleb (& He was trusted) Nmyhtaw

Glenn David Bauscher

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

N * Most, if not all Greek mss. have eusebeiav of Godliness; In Aramaic, Godliness would be atlxd or ahla tlxd. The Peshitta has atwnakd (of righteousness).There seems to be another explanation for this beside word similarity in Aramaic, as atwnak occurs four times in 1 Timothy matched in Greek with the word eusebeia Godliness. Since Godis implied in Godliness, and since the most common Aramaic match for this Greek word is ahla tlxd - fear of God, we should look for an Aramaic indication of God in the text which leads the Greek translator to translate with eusebeia Godliness four times in this book and four times it also matches ahla tlxd -Fear of God. I believe I have found that God is in the text in every case, but in code form in the plain text. For more on this, see my book, Divine Contact, the chapter on Alep-Tau codes, available at Chapter 4 (last) ayrxa (that in the time) anbzbd (speaks) arma (plainly) tyaqysp (but) Nyd (The Spirit) axwr 4:1 (& they shall go) Nwlzanw (the faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (one by one) sna sna (they shall depart) Nwqrpn (of demons) adasd (teachings) anplwy (& after) rtbw (deceiving) atyej (spirits) axwr (after) rtb (deceive) Nyejm (false) algd (who in form *) amkoabd (these) Nylh 2 (their consciences) Nwhtratb (& sear) Nywkw (lies) atwbdk (& speak) Nyllmmw N * Greek has upokrusei-Hypocrisy; In Aramaic, Hypocrisyis usually apa bom; (apa abom also) Compare with the word in this verse for in form amkoab; Here they are, one atop the other, in three Aramaic scripts: Ashuri: algd amkoabd In false form apab abombd In hypocrisy Dead Sea Scroll: )lgd )mks)bd- In false form )p)b )bsmbdIn hypocrisy Estrangela: a0lgd 0mks0bd -In false form

0p0b 0bsmbdIn hypocrisy

Shaded letters correspond with each other in the word pairs. Here is The Peshitta reading, )lgd )mks)bd dbaskama degla- In false form. The DSS script shows the most promise in the words )p)b )bsmbd -Mesaba bapha-In hypocrisy, as the supposed source for the Greek reading upokrusei-Hypocrisy. There is 73% correspondence (8 of 11 letters) with the Peshitta reading. Greek for appearances is schmasi which is not very like upokrusei (22% similarity). (foods) atlkam (from) Nm (& abstain) Nyqrpmw (to be married) wgwdzml (& they forbid) Nylkw 3 (for use) axswxl (which) Nyna (created) arb (that God) ahlad (those) Nylya (who believe) Nynmyhmd (to those) Nylyal (& for thanksgiving) atydwtlw (the truth) arrs (& know) Nyedyw (is) wh (good) ryps (to God) ahlal (creation) arbd (that every) lkd (because) ljm 4 (that is rejected) ylomd (anything) Mdm (& there is not) tylw (it will be received) bontn (in thanksgiving) atydwtb (if) Na (& by prayer) atwlubw (of God) ahlad (by the word) atlmb (for) ryg (it is sanctified) sdqtm 5 (good) abj (a minister) ansmsm (your brethren) Kyxal (teach) Plm (you will) awht (if) Na (these things) Nylh 6 (you) tna (are brought up) abrtm (as) dk (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (you will be) awht (you) tna (that have been taught) Pylyd (good) abj (& by the teaching) anplwybw (of faith) atwnmyhd (by words) almb (of old women) atbod (insipid) athykp (but) Nyd (fables) atyews (from) Nm 7 (in righteousness) atwnakb (yourself) Kspn (& train) srdw (abstain) latsa (profits) rtwm (a little) arwez (this) wh (time) anbz (of the body) argpd (for) ryg (exercise) asrwd 8 (profits) artwm (thing) Mdm (in every) lkb (but) Nyd (righteousness) atwnak
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(& of the future) dytedw (this) anh (of time) anbzd (of life) ayxd (a promise) aydwws (for it) hl (& there is) tyaw (for acceptance) htwlbqml (is) yh (& worthy) aywsw (saying) atlm (this is) yh (trustworthy) anmyhm 9 (& we are reproached *) Nnydoxtmw (we toil) Nnyal (for) ryg (is) wh (this) adh (because of) ljm 10 (The Lifegiver) anyxm (Who is) yhwtyad (The Living) ayx (in God) ahlab (because we hope) Nnyrbomd (of believers) anmyhmd (especially) tyaryty (all of them) Nwhlk (of children of men) asnynbd M * Critical Greek has agwnizomeya -we struggle; Compare the Aramaic Nnydoxtm We are reproached, with Nnymoxtm Compete zealously; the two words are identical but for one letter! Here are the two words enlarged and one atop the other: Ashuri script: Nnydoxtm We are reproached Nnymoxtm We compete zealously DSS Script: }nydsxtmWe are reproached }nymsxtm We compete zealously Estrangela:

NnydsxtmWe are reproached Nnymsxtm We compete zealously.

It hardly matters which Aramaic script is used, though the DSS and Estrangela pairs are a bit more alike than the Ashuri script pair. The differences in each pair are those between a Dalet and a Mem (Blue highlighted letters). In DSS, there are two strokes and a bit of an up stroke difference between the two letters-d & m. In Estrangela, there are three strokes and a dot difference -d & m; In Ashuri, there are two strokes and two humps on the Mem m that distinguish it from Dalet d. Each Aramaic script presents at least 88% letter to letter correspondence between each word pair. The two Greek words involved in the variants are: agwnizomeya agwnizomeya & oneid oneidizomeya. There are four letters distinctly different here in each, and they are the most vital the root words of each Greek word; these would not be confused one for another.

Greek Uncial (All CAPS): AGwNIZOMEYA ONEIDIZOMEYA IZOMEYA The probability seems small that Greek was translated to Aramaic here. On the contrary, The Peshitta ONEID seems to account for the two Greek readings.The Greek words show 58% letter correspondence. (& command) dqpw (teach) Pla (these things) Nylh 11 (your youth) Ktwylj (against) le (let despise) aobn (a man) sna (& not) alw 12 (& in behavior) akpwhbw (in word) atlmb (to believers) anmyhml (an example) atwmd (be) ywh (but) ala (& in purity) atwykdbw (& in faith) atwnmyhbw (& in love *) abwxbw C * Majority Greek adds, In spirit after love. (in reading) anyrqb (be diligent) jpxta (I) ana (come) ata (until) de 13 (& in teaching) anplwybw (& in prayer) atwebbw (in you) Kb (that is) tyad (the gift) atbhwmb (despise) aobt (& not) alw 14 (to you) Kl (which is given) tbhytad (that) yh (of the eldership) atwsysqd (hands) adya (& in laying on) Myobw (in prophecy) atwybnb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(that you may be known) edyttd (be) ywh (& in them) Nyhbw (meditate) aghta (in these things) Nylhb 15 (you) tna (come) ata (before whom) Kymdqld (to every person) snlkl (in them) Nwhb (& persevere) Nomxw (& to your teachings) Knplwybw (to your soul) Kspnb (pay attention) rhdzaw 16 (& those) Nylyalw (will live) axt (your soul) Kspn (you do) dbet (for) ryg (these things) Nylh (when) dk (you) Kl (who hear) Nyemsd Chapter 5 (as) Kya (petition him) yhyoypa (but) ala (rebuke) rwegt (not) al (an elder) asysqb 5:1 (your brothers) Kyxald (as) Kya (who are young) Nyljd (& to those) Nylyalw (a father) abald (who are younger) Nyljd (& those) Nylyalw (mothers) athma (as) Kya (& elder women) atsysqlw 2 (purity) atwykd (in all) hlkb (your sisters) Ktwxald (as) Kya (indeed) arrsb (are) Nyna (who widows) atlmrad (those) Nylyal (you honor) rqy (widows) atlmral 3 (children) aynb (to her) hl (who has) tyad (a widow) atlmra (there is) tya (& if) Naw 4 (first) Mdqwl (let them learn) Nwplan (of children) aynb (children) ynb (or) wa (& they should pay) Nwerpnw (they should be assigned) Nwqddzn (of their households) Nwhtyb (that with children) ynbbd (God) ahla (before) Mdq (is acceptable) albqm (for) ryg (this) adh (to their parents) Nwhyhbal (compensation) albwx (& alone) atdxwsmw (is) yh (a widow) atlmra (who truly) tyaryrsd (but) Nyd (she) adya 5 (in prayer) atwlub (& continues) anymaw (is) wh (God) ahla (upon) le (her hope) hrbo (this one) adh (& by day) ammyabw (by night) ayllb (& in supplication) atwebbw (the Arena*) aynrjoa (who worships) axlpd (but) Nyd (she) adya 6 (she lives) ayx (while) dk (is) yh (dead) atym *(aynrjoa is defined by Jastrows Targum Dictionary as The Theatre, The Arena, Gladiatorial shows;p. 92):

(them) Nyhl (command) dqpm (you shall) tywh (these things) Nylh 7 (they may be) Nywhn (fault) Nysr (that without) aldd (& especially) tyarytyw (are) Nwna (that his) hlydd (of those) Nylyad (for) ryg (a man) sna (if) Na 8 (of faith *) atwnmyhd (of the household) atyb (children) ynb (are) Nwhytyad (those who) Nylyad (the faith) atwnmyhb (to himself) hl (has renounced) rpk (this one) anh (takes care of) Puy (not) al (are believers) Nynmyhm (who not) ald (those) Nylya (than) Nm (is) wh (& worse) sybw N * Greek omits of faith. The Peshitta reading is quite different. (is not) ald (who) adya (a widow) atlmra (choose) abg (therefore) lykh (you shall) tywh 9 (had) twh (husband) arbg (the same) wh (one) dxld (who) adya (years) Nyns (sixty) Nyts (than) Nm (less) aryub
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(good) aryps (of works) adbed (a testimony) atwdho (to her) hl (& is) tyaw 10 (strangers) aynoka (she has received) tlbq (if) Na (children) aynb (she has raised) tybr (if) Na (of the saints) asydqd (the feet) Nwhylgr (she has washed) tgysa (if) Na (she has walked) tklh (if) Na (the afflicted) auylal (she has relieved) txwra (if) Na (good) bj (work) dbe (in every) lkb (avoid) latsa (who are younger) Nyljd (those) Nylya (but) Nyd (widows) atlmra (from) Nm 11 (The Messiah) axysm (from) le (for) ryg (these) Nyhl (separate) Nyrjum (a husband) arbgl (to have) awhml (& seek) Nyebw (for they have rejected) Mljd (is) wh (set) Myq (& their judgment) Nyhnydw 12 (former) atymdq (their faith) Nyhtwnmyh (house) tyb (going around) Nkrktm (while) dk (laziness) atwnnbx (also) Pa (but) Nyd (they learn) Nply 13 (to increase) Nygond (also) Pa (but) ala (laziness) atwnnbx (only) dwxlb (& not) alw (to house) atb (whatever) Mdm (& to talk) Nllmnw (vanities) atqyro (& to take up) Nqrpnw (talking) allmm (is appropriate) alw (not) ald (younger ones) Nyljd (that those) Nylyad (therefore) lykh (I am) ana (willing) abu 14 (& not) alw (their homes) Nyhytb (& lead) Nrbdnw (children) aynb (& bear) Ndlanw (may marry) Ngwdzn (of abuse) atyxwud (occasion) atle (one) adx (not even) alpa (to enemies) abbdlebl (give) Nltn (one by one) sna sna (they have begun) wyrs (for) ryg (now) ashd (until) le 15 (Satan) anjo (after) rtb (to turn) ajoml (widows) atlmra (to them) Nwhl (have) tya (female believers) atnmyhm (or) wa (believers) anmyhm (man) sna (if) Na 16 (the church) atde (on) le (let them burden) Nrqan (& not) alw (them) Nyna (let them support) Nwortn (it may have enough) qpot (truly) arrsd (are) Nyna (who widows) atlmrad (that for those) Nylyald (are leading) Nyrbdtm (that well) rypsd (those) Nylya (elders) asysq 17 (especially) tyaryty (deserve) Nwwsn (double) apype (honor) arqyal (& in teaching) anplwybw (in the word) atlmb (who toil) Nyald (those) Nylya (muzzle) Mwlbt ( not) ald (the scriptures) abtk (for) ryg (say) rma 18 (his wages) hrga (laborer) alep (the) wh (& deserves) awsw (while treading) atkrdb (the ox) arwt (accept) lbqt (not) al (an accusation) atwnrgjq (an elder) asysq (against) le 19 (witnesses) Nydho (or three) atltw (of two) Nyrt (the mouth) Mwp (upon) le (but) ala (every person) snlk (before) Mdq (who sin) Nyjxd (those) Nylyal 20 (may fear) Nwlxdn (of the people) asnad (the rest) akrs (that also) Pad (rebuke) Nwk (Yeshua) ewsy (& our Lord) Nrmw (God) ahla (before) Mdq (to you) Kl (I) ana (testify) dhom 21 (you will observe) rjt (that these things) Nylhd (the chosen) aybg (& His angels) yhwkalmw (The Messiah) axysm (for anything) Mdml (your mind) Knyer (let be prejudiced) Mdqtn (& not) alw (of persons) apab (by accepting) bomb (anything) Mdm (do) rweot (& not) alw (lay) Myot (not) al (a man) sna (on) le (quickly) lgeb (hands) adya 22 (of strangers) ayrkwn (in the sins) ahjxb (share) Ptwtst (& not) alw (in purity) atwykdb (keep) rj (yourself) Kspn (drink) atst (not) al (water) aym (& from now on) lykmw 23 (your stomach) Kkmwjoa (because of) ljm (drink) ats (do) tywh (a little) lylq (wine) armx (but) ala (chronic) anyma (your illness) Kynhrwk (& because of) ljmw (are) Nwna (known) Nyeydy (whose sins) Nwhyhjxd (children of men) asnynb (there are) tya 24 (& are) tyaw (of judgment) anyd (to the house) tybl (them) Nwhl (& they precede) Nymdqmw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(go) Nylza (which after them) Nwhrtbd (are) Nwna (known) Nyeydy (good) abj (works) adbe (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 25 (they can) Nyxksm (not) al (be concealed) asjml (are) Nwna (that otherwise) tyaynrxad (& those) Nylyaw Chapter 6 (of bondage) atwdbed (the yoke) aryn (under) tyxt (who) Nwhytyad (those) Nylya 6:1 (shall be) awhn (that not) ald (let hold) Nwdxan (honor) rqya (in all) lkb (their masters) Nwhyrml (blasphemed) Pdgtm (& His teaching) hnplwyw (of God) ahlad (the Name) hms (believers) anmyhm (masters) ayrm (to them) Nwhl (who have) tyad (but) Nyd (those) Nylya 2 (they are) Nwna (their brothers) Nwhyxad (because) le (them) Nwhb (let them despise) Nwobn (not) al (they are) Nwna (that believers) anmyhmd (because) le (them) Nwna (serve) Nwsmsn (rather) tyaryty (but) ala (in their service) Nwhtsmstb (by whom they are refreshed) Nyxynttmd (these) Nylh (& beloved) abybxw (of them) Nwhnm (& request) yebw (teach) Pla (these things) Nylh (another) anrxa (teaching) anplwy (who teaches) Plmd (a man) sna (there is) tya (but) Nyd (if) Na 3 (of our Lord) Nrmd (sound) atmylx (the words) alml (attain to) brqtm (& not) alw (of God) ahla (of the reverence) tlxdd (& the teaching) anplwylw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (he knows) edy (not) al (a thing) Mdm (while) dk (is lifted up) Myrtm (this one) anh 4 (of words) almd (& in debates) atebbw (in disputes) asrdb (he is ineffective) hyrk (but) ala (& contention) anyrxw (envy) amox (comes) awh (from which) Nyhnmd (evil) asyb (a mind) anyerb (& establishes) Momw (& blasphemy) apdwgw (their minds) Nwhnyer (corrupt) lbxmd (who) Nylya (of the children of men) asnynbd (& misery) aqxsw 5 (that making money) atrwgtd (& they think) Nyrbow (the truth) atswq (of) Nm (& they are cheated) Nyzylgw (these things) Nylh (from) Nm (stay away) qxrta (but) Nyd (you) tna (of God) ahla (the worship) tlxd (is) yh (is) yh (great) abr (ours) Nlyd (for) ryg (our profit) Ntrwgat 6 (for we have enough) Ntomd (in the necessities) atxsxb (of God) ahla (the worship) tlxd (which is) hytyad (into the world) amlel (have we brought) Nlea (not) al (for) ryg (anything) Mdm 7 (we are able) Nnyxksm (from it) hnm (to take out) qpnd (that also nothing) alpad (& we know) aeydyw (& clothing) atyoktw (food) atlwkam (for us) Nl (is enough) aqpo (this) anh (because of) ljm 8 (into temptations) anwyonb (fall) Nylpn (to be rich) rteml (who desire) Nybud (but) Nyd (those) Nylya 9 (& harmful) Npgomw (that are foolish) Nlkod (many) ataygo (& in desires) atgygrbw (& into traps) axpbw (& in destruction) andbabw (in corruption) albxb (children of men) asnynbl (& they sink) Nebjmw (of money) apok (the love) tmxr (is) hytya (evils) atsyb (of all these) Nyhlwkd (but) Nyd (the root) arqe 10 (the faith) atwnmyh (& from) Nmw (it) hl (who have desired) wgrgrtad (some) asna (& there are) tyaw (many) aaygo (miseries) anwadl (have brought) wlea (& themselves) Nwhspnw (have erred) wej (escape) qwre (these things) Nylh (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (man) asnrb (Oh) wa (but) Nyd (you) tna 11 (faith) atwnmyh (& after) rtbw (justice) atwnak (& after) rtbw (righteousness) atwqydz (after) rtb (& run) jrhw (humility) atwkykm (& after) rtbw (patience) atwnrbyom (& after) rtbw (love) abwx (& after) rtbw (of faith) atwnmyhd (good) abj (in the contest) anwgab (& fight) stktaw 12 (you are called) tyrqta (to which things) Nwhld (eternal) Mleld (life) ayx (& seize) Krdaw (many) aaygo (witnesses) adho (before) Mdq (good) atbj (a profession) atydwt (& you have professed) tydwaw (all) lk (Who gives life to) axmd (He) wh (God) ahla (before) Mdq (to you) Kl (I) ana (testify) dhom 13 (Pontius Pilate) owjlyp-owyjnp (before) Mdq (Who testified) dhoad (He) wh (The Messiah) axysm (& Yeshua) ewsyw (excellent) atryps (a testimony) atwdho
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The First Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy atymdq owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(defilement) aslwj (without) ald (the commandments) andqwp (that you keep) yhwyrjtd 14 (the revelation) hnylgl (until) amde (blemish) amwm (& without) aldw (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (God) ahla (to reveal) yhwywxn (in His time) hnbzb (Whom is going) dyted (Him) wh 15 (The Only) yhwdwxlb (& The Mighty One) antlyxw (The Blessed One) akrbm (of power) atwrmd (& The Lord) armw (of kings) aklmd (The King) aklm (in light) arhwnb (& dwelling) rmew (corrupted) lbxtm (not) al (alone) yhwdwxlb (Who is) whd (He) wh 16 (& any) snaw (to it) hl (to approach) brqtnd (it is possible) xksm (not) al (that a human) snad (see) hyzxml (can) aum (& not even) alpaw (has seen) yhyzx (not) al (children of men) asnynb (from) Nm (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to eternity) Mlel (& authority) anjlwsw (honor) arqya (to Whom) hld (Him) wh (they be lifted up) Nwmyrtn (that not) ald (command) dqp (this) anh (of world) amled (the rich) arytel 17 (wealth) artwe (upon) le (they should trust) Nwlkttn (& not) alw (in their minds) Nwhynyerb (God) ahla (upon) le (but) ala (certainty) anlkwt (upon it) yhwle (because there is not) tyld (for our comfort) Nxynl (richly) tyaryte (all) lk (us) Nl (Who gives) bhyd (He) wh (The Living) ayx (& they should be rich) Nwrtenw (good) abj (works) adbe (& they should do) Nwdbenw 18 (& to share) wptwtsmlw (to give) ltml (ready) Nylyld (& they should be) Nwwhnw (good) aryps (in deeds) anrewob (good) atbj (a foundation) atoats (for themselves) Nwhspnl (& they shall lay) Nwmyonw 19 (true) aryrs (life) ayx (that they may seize) Nwkrdnd (is future) dyted (for what) Mdml (to you) Kl (which is committed) legtad (that) Mdmb (guard) rhdza (Timothy *) aatmyj (Oh) wa 20 (of emptiness) atqyro (of the voice) alq (the daughters) tnb (from) Nm (& escape) qwrew (false) atlgd (of knowledge) atedyd (the perversions) atkph (& from) Nmw aatmyj Timothy here is strangely similar to the Greek vocative form used in this verse. This occurs with the name Theophilus as well, in Luke 1:3 and Acts 1:1. In Greek Timothy in 1 Tim. 1:18 is vocative, though the Peshitta does not have this form there. Timothy & Theophilus are Greek names; both were probably from Syria, where like Luke, they spoke Aramaic and Greek, at least in Antioch and its environs. In these three places, it seems that the rare Greek form is orally transliterated in The Peshittas Aramaic text.It appears that the Aramaic form is not copied from the Greek text, as the Greek vocative form used in 1:18 does not occur in the Peshitta text of that verse.The Greek name Petros also occurs three times for Simeon Kaypha (Simon Peter) in 1 & 2 Peter and Acts as an acknowledgment of that apostles fame for being the first Jewish apostle to preach to Gentiles and make converts. The Greek Petros occurs 162 times in the Greek NT. The Gentiles would call Kaypha- Petros(Greek) or Petrus(Latin). Another evidence that this verse is original in Aramaic is the idiom Bnayth qala sriqta (Daughters of the voice of vanity) Bnayth qala means echo, sound or saying. The Greek is understandable as a translation of Aramaic, but the Aramaic is an idiom that looks original and an unlikely translation of the Greek- profane & vain babblings-bebhlouv kenofwniav as a source for this Aramaic idiom. Far more likely is a Greek translation of this Aramaic idiom. Here follows another bit of Peshitta primacy evidence in this verse:Pnj is profane; tnb is daughters, found in this verse;Here are the two words: Pnj: tnb.Here they are in DSS script: vn+ vn+:tnb; in Estrangela we have Pn+-:tnb;. How about a hybrid Ashuri & DSS script?: Pn+:tnb.Another word for profane is tlx (a very loose association grammatically); In DSS -tlx: The pair for comparison:tlx tnb; In Estrangela:tlx:tnb. The DSS pair tlx:tnb are the most similar - 66% correspondence. Not bad for two three letter words.Now try to envision rotating the first letter of tnb -Bnath (the letter b) 90 degrees counterclockwise ( the word .& . Then we would have the word seem even more like Khelath (Voice). ) and compare it to the first letter of

tlx x


; Compare that to

tlx Profane. That would

(themselves) Nwhl (have gone astray) wej (it) hl (who profess) Nydwtsmd (for) ryg (those) Nylya 21 (Amen) Nyma (with you) Kme (grace) atwbyj (the faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy Nytrtd owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

2 Timothy
Chapter 1 (of God) ahlad (by the will) hnybub (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (an apostle) axyls (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (The Messiah) axysm (which is in Yeshua) ewsybd (of life) ayxd (& by the promise) anklwmbw (& peace) amlsw (& love) amxrw (grace) atwbyj (beloved) abybx (son) arb (to Timotheos) owatmyjl 2 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (The Father) aba (God) ahla (from) Nm (I) ana (serve) smsm (Whom) hld (Him) wh (God) ahlal (I) ana (thank) adwm 3 (constantly) tyanymad (pure) atykd (in a conscience) atratb (my forefathers) ythba (from) Nm (& by day) ammyadw (by night) aylld (in my prayers) ytwlub (you) Kl (I) ana (remember) rkdtm (to see you) Kyzxml (I) ana (& long) awow 4 (with joy) atwdx (that I am filled) almtad (your tears) Kyemd (I) ana (& remember) rkdtmw (true) atryrs (in your faith) Ktwnmyhb (to me) yl (that is) awhd (by the recollection) andhweb 5 (Lois) oyawl (of your mother *) Kmad (in the mother) amab (first) Mdqwl (began) trsd (that) yh (in you) Kb (that also) Pad (but) Nyd (I) ana (am convinced) opm (Euniqay) aqynwa (& in your mother) Kmabw * Greek has mammh Mammee, which means Mother or Grandmother. The Peshitta has your mothers mother. (the gift) atbhwm (to rouse) ryetd (you) Kl (I) ana (remind) dhem (this) anh (because of) ljm 6 (hands) ydya (by laying on) Myob (in you) Kb (which is) tyad (that) yh (of God) ahlad (of fear) atlxdd (a spirit) axwr (God) ahla (us) Nl (gave) bhy (for) ryg (not) al 7 (& of instruction *) atwnytrmdw (& of love) abwxdw (of power) alyxd (but) ala N * Greek has swfronismov sound mind; The Aramaic word Instruction- (Martinotha) - atwnytrm & atwnyerm Reasoning are very similar; only one letter difference exists between them. These words come from different roots and are unrelated to each other. It appears a Greek translator looked at atwnytrmdw and saw atwnyermdw, which has a 88% correspondence for the 8 letters (underlined) of each of the two words. Sound mind is atwpkndw, though that is not as good a match (50%?); atwnqtmdw is Stability (63% match), so there are several possible Aramaic words which could account for the Greek reading. Greek for Instruction in the genitive case is paideiav; paideiav; Exhortation is paraklhsewv; these are not similar at all to swfronismov.Here are the two Aramaic words Instruction and Reasoning for comparison: atwnytrmdw-& of instruction atwnyermdw-& of reason (of our Lord) Nrmd (of the testimony) htwdhob (be ashamed) thbt (therefore) lykh (not) al 8 (the evil) atsyb (take) lwqs (but) ala (His prisoner) hryoab (of me) yb (neither) alpa (of God) ahlad (by the power) alyxb (the Gospel) Nwylgnwa (with) Me (holy) asydq (in a calling) anyrqb (& has called us) Nrqw (Who has given us life) Nyxad (He) wh 9 (His will) hnybu (according to) Kya (but) ala (our works) Nydbe (according to) Kya (not) wl (to us) Nl (which was given) tbhytad (that) yh (& the grace) htwbyjw (of the world *) amled (the time) anbz (before) Mdq (from) Nm (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb * Greek has pro cronwn aiwniwn before eternal times, which, frankly, is a ridiculous phrase. Time and Eternity are opposites; there is no such thing as an eternal time, nor can eternity or the eternal be measured with a timepiece, as eternity is timeless. While we look not at these seen things, but at those not seen; for these seen things are time related, but those not seen are eternal. -2 Cor. 4:18.Titus 1:2 also has this Greek phrase -pro cronwn aiwniwn. In both places, the Peshitta
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy Nytrtd owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

has amled anbz Mdq Before the time of the world. amled is of the world; Eternal in Aramaic is amleld one letter added, so possibly a Greek translator misread amled (of the world) as amleld -Eternal in these two places. (of our Lifegiver) Nnyxmd (in the revelation) hnylgb (now) ash (& is revealed) tylgtaw 10 (death) atwml (Who has destroyed) ljbd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by the Gospel) Nwylgnwab (-destructibility) atwnlbxtm (& in-) alw (life) ayx (& has displayed) ywxw (a preacher) azwrk (I) ana (by Him) hb (by Whom I am appointed) tmyottad (He) wh 11 (of the Gentiles) ammed (& a teacher) anplmw (& an apostle) axylsw (these things) Nylh (I) ana (endure) rbyom (this) adh (because of) ljm 12 (for) ryg (I) ana (know) edy (I) ana (am ashamed) thb (& not) alw (I) ana (& am convinced) opmw (I have believed) tnmyh (in Whom) Nmb (my trust) ynlewg (into His hands) yhwdyab (that it has come) ayjmd (that) wh (unto day) amwyl (for me) yl (to keep) rjml Because of this I endure these things and I am not ashamed, for I know in Whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to keep my trust for me until that day. (sound) atmylx (of words) alm (the model) arwx (to you) Kl (let be) Nywhn 13 (& in the love) abwxbw (in the faith) atwnmyhb (from me) ynm (that you have heard) temsd (The Messiah) axysm (which are in Yeshua) ewsybd (of Holiness) asdwqd (by The Spirit) axwrb (keep) rj (good) abj (the trust) anlewg 14 (in us) Nb (dwells) trmed (Who) yh (all of them) Nwhlk (from me) ynm (that have turned) wkphd (this) adh (you) tna (know) edy 15 (& Hermogenes) owngmrhw (Pugelos) owlgwp (of whom) Nwhnm (are) Nwhytyad (who in Asia) ayoabd (those) Nylh (of Onesiphorus) owrwpyonad (to the house) htybl (compassion) amxr (our Lord) Nrm (may give) ltn 16 (of my bondage) yrwoad (& of the chains) atlssbw (he refreshed me) ynxyna (many) Naygo (who times) Nynbzd (he was ashamed) thb (not) al (to Rome) ymwhrl (he came) ata (when) dk (also) Pa (but) ala 17 (& found me) ynxksaw (he sought me) yneb (with diligence) atwjypxb (mercy) amxr (to find) xksnd (our Lord) Nrm (him) hl (may grant) ltn 18 (that ministered to me) ynsmsd (& how) amkw (that) wh (in day) amwyb (our Lord) Nrm (with) twl (you) tna (know) edy (especially) tyaryty (in Ephesus) owopab Chapter 2 (be strengthened) lyxta (my son) yrb (therefore) lykh (you) tna 2:1 (The Messiah) axysm (which is in Yeshua) ewsybd (in the grace) atwbyjb (many) aaygo (witnesses) adho (by) dyb (from me) ynm (that you have heard) temsd (& those things) Nylyaw 2 (those) Nylya (trustworthy) anmyhm (to men) asnal (I have entrusted) lega (those things) Nynh (to teach) wplml (others) anrxal (also) Pa (into whose hands) Nwhydyab (it has come) ayjmd (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (good) abj (a soldier) axlp (as) Kya (evils) atsyb (& endure) rbyow 3 (of the world) amled (in matters) atwbub (also is bound) rkptmw (a soldier) xlp (a man) sna (not) al 4 (has chosen him *) yhybgd (who) Nm (him) whl (to please) rpsnd * Greek has stratologhsanti enlister; His Enlister in Aramaic is yhxlpm. yhybgd-Who has chosen him yhxlpmd-His enlister
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy Nytrtd owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

yhybgd-Who has chosen him yhxlpmd-His enlister yhybgd-Who has chosen him yhxlpmd-His enlister The underlined pair are in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script. They are the most likely explanation for the Greek; Those two have a possible 72% letter correspondence. yhybgd - Who has chosen him yhxl lpmd -His enlister Him who has chosen him in Greek would probably be the participle - eklexanti; eklexanti This hardly looks like stratologhsanti enlister. I give eklexanti a possible score of 33% correlation. Here are the two Greek words in uncial script for comparison: EKLEXANTI- Who has chosen him STRATOLOGHSANTI-His enlister (he is crowned) llktm (not) al (a man) sna (competes) stktm (& if) Naw 5 (competes) stktm (not) al (by the rules) howmnb (if) Na (to him) hl (it is fitting) alw (who toils) aald (to the ploughman) arkal 6 (to be sustained) rbyton (his crop) yhwrap (of) Nm (first) amdqd (I) ana (say) rmad (what) Mdm (consider) lktoa 7 (thing) Mdm (in every) lkb (wisdom) atmkx (our Lord) Nrm (to you) Kl (may give) ltn (Who arose) Mqd (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsyl (call to mind) rkdta 8 (from) Nm (Who is) yhwtyad (He) wh (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (from) Nm (my) ylyd (Gospel) Nwylgnwa (according to) Kya (of David) dywdd (the seed) aerz (chains) arwoal (unto) amde (evils) atsyb (I) ana (suffer) lbo (in which) hbd 9 (is chained) aryoa (not) al (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (but) ala (evil) atsyb (a doer) dbe (as if) Kya (the elect ones) aybg (for) ljm (I) ana (endure) rbyom (everything) Mdmlk (this) anh (because of) ljm 10 (The Messiah) axysm (which is in Yeshua) ewsybd (The Life *) ayx (may find) Nwxksn (those) Nwnh (that also) Pad (eternal) Mleld (the glory) axbws (with) Me (with Him *) hme (we have died) Ntym (for) ryg (if) Na (the word) atlm (is) yh (trustworthy) anmyhm 11 (we shall live) axn (with Him *) hme (also) Pa N * Greek has If we died together; With Him is lacking both times in this verse in the Greek, making its meaning ambiguous. (with Him *) hme (we shall reign) Klmn (also) Pa (we shall suffer) rbyon (& if) Naw 12 (us) Nb (will reject) rwpkn (He) wh (also) Pa (Him *) hb (we reject) rwpkn (but) Nyd (if) Na N * Greek has we shall reign together; With Him is lacking in this verse, as is Him after we reject, in the Greek, making its meaning ambiguous. (He) wh (in Him *) hb (we shall have believed) Nmyhn (not) al (& if) Naw 13 (for) ryg (to reject) rwpknd (continues) awqm (in His faithfulness) htwnmyhb (He is able) xksm (not) al (Himself) hspnb N * Greek has If we disbelieve; in Him is lacking in this verse in the Greek versions. (our Lord) Nrm (before) Mdq (& charging) dhomw (them) Nwhl (reminding) dhem (be) tywh (these things) Nylh 14 (profit) Nrtwy (without) ald (about words) almb (disputing) Nyrxtm (they shall be) Nwwhn (that not) ald (such things) Nyhl (who hear) Nyemsd (of those) Nylyad (to the overthrow) apxwol
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy Nytrtd owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(yourself) Kspn (that you present) Myqtd (of yourself) Kl (& take care) ljbtnw 15 (shame) atthb (without) ald (a laborer) axlp (God) ahla (before) Mdq (perfectly) tyarymg (of truth) arrsd (the word) atlm (straightforwardly *) tyauyrt (who preaches *) zrkmd Greek has oryotomounta - to cut straight; The idea seems to be ploughing a straight furrow.Here is the Aramaic word for preaches- zrkm; Here is the word for ploughing- brkm; ; Here they are in order in DSS script: zrkm brkm; In Estrangela: zrkm brkm;;Ashuri Aramaic script: zrkm brkm. Any of these three scripts shows a 75% correspondence between these two words. I therefore hypothesize that the Greek reading came from a misreading of the Aramaic word zrkm as brkm. The Greek has no word similar to oryotomounta - to cut straight that means to preach straight. The Greek words for to preach would commonly be, khrusswn, euaggelizomenov,or perhaps anagellizwn. It appears the Greek cannot account for the Peshitta reading; The Peshitta can account for the Greek. Ashuri Aramaic zrkmd who preaches (Peshitta) brkmd who ploughs(Greek reading in Aramaic) 80% correspondence! Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic zrkmd who preaches (Peshitta) brkmd who ploughs (Greek reading in Aramaic) 80% correspondence! Estrangela Aramaic

zrkmd who preaches (Peshitta) brkmd who ploughs (Greek reading in Aramaic)
80% correspondence! (avoid) latsa (benefit) wxsx (in which) Nyhb (there is not) tyld (empty) atqyro (words) alm (& from) Nmw 16 (their wickedness) Nwheswr (upon) le (will they add) Nwpown (for) ryg (all the more) tyaryty (in them) Nyhb (who converse) Nyned (those *) Nwnh N * Greek does not have those who converse in them; Where did this come from? (many) aaygob (will seize) dwxat (consuming) amwn (a cancer) atydlx (as) Kya (& their speech) Nwhtlmw 17 (Philetus) owjlyp (another) anrxaw (Humenayus) owanmwh (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (but) Nyd (there is) yhwtya (saying) Nyrma (while) dk (the truth) arrs (from) Nm (who have wandered) wejd (these) Nylh 18 (it) hl (has occurred) twh (of the dead) atymd (the resurrection) atmyqd (overthrow) Nykphm (man) sna (of each) snad (& the faith) atwnmyhw (that) yh (stands) amyq (of God) ahlad (firm) atryrs (but) Nyd (the foundation) atoats 19 (Jehovah) ayrm (& knows) edyw (this) anh (the seal) amtx (to it) hl (& is) tyaw (evil) alwe (from) Nm (& let separate) qwrpnw (are) Nwna (who His) hlydd (those) Nylyal (of Jehovah) ayrmd (The Name) hmsl (who calls on) arqd (everyone) lk (only) dwxlb (of gold) abhdd (vessels) anam (is it) awh (not) al (great) abr (but) Nyd (in a house) atybb 20 (of wood) aoyqd (also) Pa (but) ala (in it) hb (are) tya (of silver) amaod (or) wa (for dishonor) areul (& some) Nwhnmw (for honor) arqyal (some of them) Nwhnm (of pottery) arxpd (also) Pa (these) Nylh (from) Nm (himself) hspn (will purify) akdn (therefore) lykh (a man) sna (if) Na 21 (for the use) axswxl (that is suitable) Nhed (for honor) arqyal (pure) aykd (a vessel) anam (he is) awh (good) bj (work) dbe (for every) lkl (& ready) byjmw (of his Lord) hrmd (& run) jrhw (escape) qwre (of youth) atwyljd (lusts) atgygr (all) Nyhlk (from) Nm 22 (& peace) amlsw (& love) abwxw (& faith) atwnmyhw (righteousness) atwnak (after) rtb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy Nytrtd owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(pure) aykd (in a heart) ablb (our Lord) Nrml (who call on) Nyrqd (those) Nylya (with) Me (are) Nwna (instruction) wdrm (that without) aldd (those) Nylya (of fools) alko (the disputes) anyrx 23 (for) ryg (you) tna (know) edy (from them) Nwhnm (abstain) latsa (they generate) Nydlwm (that conflict) aswtktd (to fight) wstktml (ought) byx (not) al (of our Lord) Nrmd (but) Nyd (a servant) hdbe 24 (& instructive) Nplmw (every person) snlk (to) twl (humble) Kykm (to be) awhnd (but) ala (in his spirit) hxwr (& long) arygnw hxwr arygn (naggira rukha) long in spirit is an Aramaic idiom meaning patient or longsuffering. (against him) hlbwql (who dispute) Nyrxtmd (those) Nylyal (instruct) adr (that he may) awhnd 25 (God) ahla (to them) Nwhl (will give) ltn (perhaps) amld (in humility) atwkykmb (the truth) arrs (& they shall know) Nwednw (repentance) atwbyt (& they will break loose) Nwqrpnw (their souls) Nwhspn (& they will remember) Nwdhenw 26 (by whom) hbd (of Satan) anjod (the trap) hxp (from) Nm (for his pleasure) hnybul (they were captured) wdyutta Chapter 3 (know) edy (you should) tywh (but) Nyd (this) adh 3:1 (hard) aysq (times) anbz (will come) Nwtan (last) ayrxa (that in the days) atmwybd (of themselves) Nwhspn (lovers) ymxr (children of men) asnynb (& shall be) Nwwhnw 2 (blasphemers) anpdgm (proud) amr (boasters) anrhbs (of money) apok (& lovers) ymxrw (of grace) atwbyjb (rejecters) yrpk (are loyal) Nyoypjtm (not) al (who to their people *) Nwhysnald (wicked ones) aeysr (cruel) ayryreb (to desire) atgrl (captives) ydbesm (slanderers) aurq ylka 3 (of the good) atbj (haters) yyno (lust) atgygr (loving) ymxr (arrogant) arytx (impulsive) abhrom (traitors) anmlsm 4 (of God) ahlad (the love *) hbwx (than) Nm (better) bj * Greek has filoyeoi- God lovers; The Aramaic phrase ahlad hbwx -Khawba dAlaha could mean Love for God, or Gods love. (of God) ahla (of respect) tlxdd (a form) amkoa (to them) Nwhl (there is) tyad 5 (are) Nwna (who such) ankhd (those) Nylya (they are far) Nyqyxr (His power) hlyx (& from) Nmw (from you) Knm (them) Nwna (remove) qwxd (to house) atb (house) tyb (who crawl) Nydlxmd (these) Nylh (for) ryg (are) Nwna (some of them) Nwhnm 6 (in sins) ahjxb (who are buried) Nrymjd (women) asn (& capture) Nybsw (various) atplxsm (to lusts) atgygrl (& are led) Nrbdtmw (of the truth) arrsd (to the knowledge) atedyl (& ever) Mwtmmw (learn) Nply (who always) Nbzlkbd 7 (are able) Nyxksm (not) al (to come) ataml (Moshe) aswm (against) lbqwl (rose) wmq (& Yambris) oyrbmyw (Yanes) onyd (but) Nyd (just as) ankya 8 (the truth) arrs (against) lbqwl (stood) Nymyq (those) Nwnh (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (& are rejected) Nylow (their minds) Nwhnyer (who corrupt) lbxmd (persons) asna (to their advancement) Nwhymdql (they will go) Nwtan (not) al (but) ala 9 (to every person) snlkl (is) yh (known) aedytm (for) ryg (their madness) Nwhtwyjs (was known) tedyta (theirs) Nwnhd (that also) Pad (just as) ankya
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy Nytrtd owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(my teaching) ynplwy (after) rtb (have gone) tyta (but) Nyd (you) tna 10 (my love) ybwx (& after) rtbw (my customs) yrbwd (& after) rtbw (my desire) ynybu (& after) rtbw (my endurance) ytwnrbyom (& after) rtbw (of my spirit) yxwr (length) twrygn (& after) rtbw (my faith) ytwnmyh (& after) rtbw yxwr twrygn (naggirowth rukh) long in spirit is an Aramaic idiom meaning patience or longsuffering (See ch. 2 v.24). (my suffering) ysx (& after) rtbw (my persecutions) ytwpydr (& after) rtbw 11 (in Antiokaya) aykyjnab (I endured) trbyo (those things) Nylya (you) tna (& know *) edyw (persecutions) atwpydr (what) adya (& in Lustra) arjowlbw (& in Aiqoniown) Nwnqyabw (My Lord) yrm (delivered me) ynyup (all of them) Nyhlk (& from) Nmw (I endured) trbyo (of God) ahla (in the worship) tlxdb (who choose) Nybud (those) Nylya (but) Nyd (& all) Nwhlkw 12 (are persecuted) Nypdrtm (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (to live) Nwxnd (will add *) Nwpown (& deceivers) anyejmw (evil) asyb (but) Nyd (men) asnynb 13 (& deceive) Nyejmw (they go astray) Nyej (as) dk (their evils) Nwhtwsyb (to) le (that you have learned) tplyd (in those things) Nylyab (abide) awq (but) Nyd (you) tna 14 (you have learned) tply (whom) wnm (from) Nm (for) ryg (you) tna (know) edy (& are assured) trrtsaw (you) tna (were taught) Pyly (holy) asydq (the books) arpo (your childhood) Ktwylj (& that from) Nmdw 15 (in the faith) atwnmyhb (unto the life) ayxl (make you wise) Knwmkxnd (which can) Nyxksmd (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (is) wh (profitable) anrtwm (written *) btkta (which is by The Spirit *) axwrbd (writing) btk (every) lk 16 (& for direction) aurwtlw (& for correction) anwwklw (for teaching) anplwyl (in righteousness) atwnakbd (& for a course) atwdrmlw Greek has yeopneustov God breathed. This word, like many other Greek words in The Greek of Pauls epistles, occurs nowhere in Greek literature or in The LXX, just one time in The NT Greek. They seem to combine two adjacent Aramaic words into compound Greek words. The Aramaic has, btkta axwrbd which is written by The Spirit. The Greek translator may have seen Gods name in code in the Aramaic text btkta (btk ta) -Alap-Tau wrote. Revelation 1:8 and other verses reveal that God is called Alap-Tau (the first and last letters of the Aramaic alphabet).If this verse were the only example where God is not named in Aramaic but is in the Greek, I would abandon this notion, but this occurs 22 times in The NT where the specific Aramaic word connected to God in the Greek verse has -Alap-Tau- ta as the first two letters of that word, or it has Tau-Alep at at the end of the word as the last two letters of the word. (See my book, Divine Contact, for the list of those verses and analysis of this phenomenon; the book may be purchased at my web site as either a download file or a printed edition. (of God) ahlad (the man) asnrb (perfect) rymg (that will be) awhnd 17 (a perfecter) Nmlsm (good) bj (work) dbe (& for every) lklw Chapter 4 (& our Lord) Nrmw (God) ahla (before) Mdq (you) Kl (I) ana (charge) dhom 4:1 (the living) ayx (to judge) Ndml (Who is going) dyted (He) wh (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of His kingdom) htwklmd (at the revelation *) anylgb (& the dead) atymw (in time) anbzb (with diligence) atwjypxb (& stand) Mwqw (the word) atlm (preach) zrka 2 (& rebuke) Nwkw (reprove) oka (time) anbz (& without) aldw (& teaching) anplwyw (of spirit) axwr (length) trgm (in all) hlkb axwr trgm (magrath rukha) long in spirit is an Aramaic idiom meaning patience or longsuffering (See ch. 2 v.24). (sound) amylx (when teaching) anplwyld (a time) anbz (for) ryg (there will be) awhn 3 (their desires) Nwhtgygr (according to) Kya (but) ala (they will obey) Nwemtsn (not) al (teachers) anplm (to themselves) Nwhspnl (they will multiply) Nwgon
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy Nytrtd owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of their sense of hearing) Nwhtemsmd (with the itching) atxtwxb (their ears) Nwhnda (they will turn) Nwkphn (the truth) arrs (& from) Nmw 4 (they will turn aside) Nwjon (but) Nyd (to fables) atyewsl (evils) atsyb (& endure) rbyow (in all things) Mdmlkb (watchful) rye (be) tywh (but) Nyd (you) tna 5 (fulfill) Mls (& your ministry) Ktsmstw (of an evangelist) anrbomd (do) dbe (work) adbew (am) ana (offered as a sacrifice) aqntm (therefore) lykm (for) ryg (I) ana 6 (has arrived) ajm (of release) artsad (& the time) anbzw (I have finished) tmls (& my race) yjhrw (I have fought) tstkta (excellent) aryps (a contest) anwga 7 (I have kept) trjn (& my faith) ytwnmyhw (of righteousness) atwnakd (a crown) alylk (for me) yl (is kept) ryjn (now) ash (& from) Nmw 8 (that) wh (in day) amwyb (My Lord) yrm (to me) yl (that shall award) yhwyerpnd (to me) yl (only) dwxlb (but) Nyd (not) al (the just) anak (judge) anyd (when He shall) wywhd (His revelation) hnylgl (who will have loved) wbxad (to those) Nylyal (also) Pa (but) ala (quickly) lgeb (to me) ytwl (to come) atatd (to you) Kl (let it be a concern) ljbtn 9 (this) anh (world) amle (& loves) bxaw (has abandoned me) ynqbs (for) ryg (Dema amd 10 (to Galatia) ayjlgl (Qrisqus) owqorq (to Thessaloniqa) aqynwlotl (to it) hl (& he has gone) lzaw (to Dalmatia) ayjmldl (Titus) owjj (with me) yme (only) yhwdwxlb (is) wh (Luqa) aqwl 11 (with you) Kme (bring him) yhytyaw (take) rbd (Marqus) owqrml (for the ministry) atsmstl (because) ryg (to me) yl (he is suitable) Nhe (to Ephesus) owopal (I sent) trds (but) Nyd (Tukiqus) owqykwjl 12 (Qarpus) owprq (with) twl (in Troaus) owawrjb (that I left) tqbsd (but) Nyd (book) abtk (the case *) tyb 13 (& the books) abtkw (bring it) yhytya (you) tna (come) atad (when) am (of parchments) algmd (the scrolls) akrk (especially) tyaryty * Greek has Cloak felonhn, felonhn instead of Book case. Cloak in Aramaic could be ajwjrm or atxn or anwryb In DSS script:Cloak-)tw+rm,)txn, )nwryb Book case in DSS script is )btk tyb. The word for Book-kthava looks very similar to Cloaknyakhta in DSS (Dead Sea Scroll script); both are underlined & highlighted in blue. The Greek translator apparently glossed over Bayt tyb (Place) and translated )btk as )txn. Three of the four letters of each word are very similar or identical (75% correspondence).The two in Estrangela are: 0btk 0txn . The DSS pair are the most similar; it appears that the Peshitta reading accounts for the Greek reading here, as in so many other places.Consider also that the Greek failonhn is found nowhere in Greek literature and is, according to Thayers Greek English Lexicon is a misspelled transposition of fainolhn - referring to a travelling coat, for protection against stormy weather. According to this interpretation, Paul was asking for a raincoat from prison! Add to this that most Greek mss. have felonhn equally strange and unprecedented in Greek literature and not really a word at all. And neither failonhn nor felonhn resembles Biblon, Biblon, Biblion -Book or grammata -writings. Here again are the two readings Books and Cloak in the Aramaic script used in Dead Sea Scrolls Israel 2000 + years ago: )btk The Book (Peshitta) n -The Cloak (Source for Greek reading?) )txn (showed me) ynywx (great) ataygo (evil) atsyb (the blacksmith) aynyq (Aleksandrus) ordnokla 14 (his works) yhwdbe (according to) Kya (our Lord) Nrm (him) hl (may pay *) erp (of him) hnm (beware) rhdza (but) Nyd (you) tna (also) Pa 15 (our words) Nylm (against) lbqwl (he is arrogant) Pyqz (for) ryg (very) bj
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Second Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Timothy Nytrtd owatmyj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(with me) yme (was) awh (a man) sna (not) al (first) aymdq (at my defense) yxwrb qpmb 16 (this) adh (to them) Nwhl (may be accounted) bsxtt (not) al (abandoned me) ynwqbs (all of them) Nwhlk (but) ala (& empowered me) ynlyxw (for me) yl (stood) Mq (but) Nyd (My Lord) yrm 17 (may be fulfilled) Mltst (the preaching) atwzwrk (that by me) ybd (all of them) Nwhlk (the Gentiles) amme (& would hear) Nwemsnw (of the lion) ayrad (the mouth) amwp (from) Nm (that I was delivered) tyuptad (evil) syb (work) dbe (every) lk (from) Nm (My Lord) yrm (& will deliver me *) ynyupnw 18 (which is in Heaven) aymsbd (in His kingdom) htwklmb (& will give me life) ynyxnw (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (is the glory) axbws (for to Him) hld (& to Aqilos) owlqalw (to Prisqila) alqoyrpl (greeting) amls (give) bh 19 (of Onesiphorus) owrwpyonad (& to the house) atyblw (in Qorinthus) owtnrwqb (him) hl (stopped) sp (Erastus) owjora 20 (he was sick) hyrk (while) dk (I left him) htqbs (but) Nyd (Trophimus) owmypwrj (the city) atnydm (in Miletus) owjylymb (to come) atat (winter) awto (before) Mdqd (to you) Kl (let it be a concern) ljbtn 21 (& Linus) ownylw (& Pudas) odwpw (Eubulus) owlwbwa (your peace) Kmlsb (invokes) las (all of them) Nwhlk (& the brothers) axaw (& Qlaudia) aydwlqw (your spirit) Kxwr (is with) Me (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm 22 (Amen) Nyma (with you *) Kme (grace) atwbyj * The Eastern Peshitta has with us- Nme as compared to Kme. Two late Greek mss. and a few Latin Vulgate mss. have with us, but this is out of character with Pauls salutations; he never prays grace to himself in his writings, and all his closings confer grace upon others, not himself.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Titus swjj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (& apostle) hxylsw (of God) ahlad (a servant) hdbe (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (of God) ahlad (of the chosen) aybgd (in the faith) atwnmyhb (of God) ahla (which is in the reverence) tlxdbd (of the truth) arrsd (& of knowledge) atedyw (The True *) aryrs (God) ahla (that promised) Klmd (eternal) Mleld (of life) ayxd (the hope) arbo (upon) le 2 (of the world *) amled (the times) yhwnbz (before) Mdq N * Greek has aqeudhv not lying. Quite often the Greek has a double negative construction where The Peshitta has simply a positive statement: not lying = True; Not ignorant = Knowing. * Greek has pro cronwn aiwniwn before eternal times, which, frankly, is a ridiculous phrase. Time and Eternity are opposites; there is no such thing as an eternal time, nor can eternity or the eternal be measured with a timepiece, as eternity is timeless. While we look not at these seen things, but at those not seen; for these seen things are time related, but those not seen are eternal. -2 Cor. 4:18.1 Timothy 1:9 also has this Greek phrase -pro cronwn aiwniwn. In both places, the Peshitta has amled anbz Mdq Before (antecedent to) the time of the world. amled is of the world; Eternal in Aramaic is amleld one letter added, so possibly a Greek translator misread amled (of the world) as amleld Eternal in these two places. (our preaching) Ntwzwrk (by) dyb (in His time) hnbzb (His word) htlm (& He has revealed) algw 3 (by the commandment) andqwpb (I) ana (with which was entrusted) tnmyhtad (that) yh (our Lifegiver *) Nnyxm (of God) ahlad * Lifegiver is the literal sense of anyxm; it can also have the sense of Savior, referring to Him Who gives eternal life, not merely the natural life of the body. Either translation would be acceptable, though I believe Pauls emphasis was on salvation, not natural life, so I have in the interlinear translation Lifegiver as the literal meaning in most of the 16 places where it occurs in The NT, but in my prose translation I would use Savior in most places to signify the specific kind of life (Eternal) to which the word refers. Nnyxm (Our Lifegiver) occurs six times just in Titus.Usually Jesus is mentioned as our Lifegiver just after God our Lifegiver is mentioned. See the next verse. (inner) awgd (in the faith) atwnmyhb (true) aryrs (a son) arb (to Titus) owjjl 4 (The Father) aba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& peace *) amlsw (grace) atwbyj (our Lifegiver *) Nnyxm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord *) Nrm (& from) Nmw C * Most Greek mss. have, cariv eleov eirhnh Grace,mercy,peace. atwbyj may mean grace or lovingkindness. It may very well be that this word was double translated by the translator who produced the Majority Greek text. M * The Critical Greek (Alexandrian) text omits our Lord. (in Qrete) ajrqb (I had) tywh (I left you) Ktqbs (it is) wh (because of this) anhljm 5 (elders) asysq (& ordain) Myqtw (you may set right) Nqtt (that are deficient) Nryoxd (that those things) Nylyad (I ordered you) Ktdqpd (just as) ankya (by city) anydm (in city) anydmb (the husband) aleb (& has been) awhw (is) wh (fault) Nysr (who without) aldd (one) anya 6 (believing) anmyhm (children) aynb (to him) hl (& is) tyaw (wife) attna (of one) adxd (subjection) dbews (without) ald (they are) Nwhytya (& not) alw (are abusive) Nyxum (who not) ald (in immorality) atwjwoab (faults) Nysr (without) ald (to be) awhnd (an elder) asysq (for) ryg (is) wh (obliged) byx 7 (governed) rbdtm (to be) awhn (& not) alw (of God) ahlad (a steward) atybr (as) Kya (bad tempered) Ntmx (to be) awhn (neither) alw (his own) hspn (by mind) Nyerb (wine) armx (with) le (excessive) rbe (to be) awhn (neither) alw (to strike) axmml (his hand) hdya (quick) ajhr (should be) awht (neither) alw (filthy) apnj (riches) anrtwy (loving) Mxr (to be) awhn (neither) alw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Titus swjj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(goodness) atbj (love) Mxr (& should) awhnw (strangers) aynoka (love) Mxr (he should) awhn (but) ala 8 (& should be) awhnw (just) Nyak (& should be) awhnw (modest) Pkn (& should be) awhnw (lusts) atgygr (from) Nm (himself) hspn (& keeps) Kyblw (holy) ayox (of faith) atwnmyhd (of the word) atlmd (the teaching) anplwy (for) le (to him) hl (& it is a concern *) lyjbw 9 (sound) amylx (by his teaching) hnplwyb (to comfort) waybml (also) Pa (to be able) xksnd (who are contentious) Nyrxtmd (those) Nylyal (& to rebuke) wokmlw * Greek has antecomenon holding to, supporting; The Peshitta has lyjb It is a concern. Here is an Aramaic word meaning, to bear, to carry: Nyej; In Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script, it is: }y(+; adding a waw proclitic as lyjb -It is a concern has - (lyjbw), gives Nyejw. Lets see these two in DSS script and enlarged: ly+bw -& it is a concern(Peshitta) }y(+w -& he bears(Source of Greek reading?) I see 75% correlation (3 3/4 out of five letters) between these two words in this script (The two Waws- ww,Two Yodhs-yy, Lamedh & Final Nun- l}; Even the b Bet and + Tet have similar shapes). (are submissive) Nydbetsm (who not) ald (many) aaygo (for) ryg (there are) tya 10 (of children of men) asnynbd (minds) anyer (& they deceive) Nyejmw (their words) Nwhylm (& are empty) Nqyrow (are) Nwna (the circumcision) atrwzg (who from) Nmd (those) Nylya (especially) tyaryty (their mouths) Nwhmwp (to stop up) wrkoml (it is necessary) alwd (those) Nwnh 11 (they destroy) Nylbxm (many) aaygo (for) ryg (households) atb (filthy) apnj (riches) anrtwy (for) ljm (is right ) alw (that not) ald (what) Mdm (& they teach) Nyplmw (their own) Nwhlyd (a prophet) aybn (from them) Nwhnm (a man) sna (said) rma 12 (wicked) atsyb (beasts) atwyx (are) Nwna (liars) Nylgd (always) Nbzlkb (of Qrete) ajrq (sons) ynbd (idle) atlyjb (& bellies) atorkw (this) anh (because of) ljm (this) adh (testimony) atwdho (he has brought) hytya (& truly) tyaryrsw 13 (in faith) atwnmyhb (sound) Nymylx (that they will be) Nwwhnd (them) Nwhl (rebuke) okm (do) tywh (severely) tyaysq (of the Jews) aydwhyd (fables) atyewsl (should yield to) Nwmrtn (& not) alw 14 (the truth) arrs (who hate *) Nynod (of children of men) asnynbd (& to commands) adqwplw
* Greek has who turn away. Hate is Nynod. Nynptd is Turn; In DSS script: }ynsd: }ynptd; Estrangela: Nynsd: Nykph.Another word for turn away is:Nykph. In DSS script: }ykph The DSS Aramaic script in shaded grey seems to be the Aramaic script behind the base Greek translation. DSS Script }ynsd -Who Hate(Peshitta) }ykph-Turn(Source of Greek reading?) }ynptd- Who Turn(Source of Greek reading?) Ashuri Script Nynod-Who Hate(Peshitta) Nykph-Turn(Source of Greek reading?) Nynptd- Who Turn(Source of Greek reading?) Estrangela Nynsd -Who Hate(Peshitta) Nykph -Turn(Source of Greek reading?) Nykphd - Who Turn(Source of Greek reading?) The Ashuri and Estrangela pairs each have 85% correlation; The Dead Sea pair have about 78% correlation. The Greek reading apostrefomenwn -who turn away; The Greek reading misountwn-who turn away; 21% correlation at best for the Greek pair. It seems unlikely the Greek reading gave rise to the Aramaic.

(to the pure) aykdl (is) wh (pure) akd (for) ryg (everything) Mdmlk 15 (believing) Nynmyhm (& not) alw (who are defiled) Nybyomd (but) Nyd (to those) Nylyal (to them) Nwhl (there is not) tyl (that is pure) akdd (anything) Mdm
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Titus swjj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(& their conscience) Nwhtratw (their mind) Nwhnyer (is) wh (defiled) byom (but) ala (God) ahlal (that they know) Nyedyd (& they profess) Nydwmw 16 (Him) hb (they reject) Nyrpk (but) Nyd (by their works) Nwhydbeb (obedience) oyp (& without) aldw (enemies) aayno (& they are) Nwhytyaw (good) bj (work) dbe (to every) lkl (& rejected) aylomw Chapter 2 (sound) amylx (for teaching) anplwyl (is fitting) aayd (what) Mdm (speak) llm (but) Nyd (you) tna 2:1 (in their minds) Nwhynyerb (watchful) Nyrye (elders) asysq (that should be) Nwwhnd (& teach) Plaw 2 (in faith) atwnmyhb (sound) Nymylx (& to be) Nwwhnw (pure) Nykd (& to be) Nwwhnw (modest) Nypkn (& to be) Nwwhnw (& in patience) atwnrbyombw (& in love) abwxbw (fitting) aayd (in appearance) amkoab (to be) Nywhnd (in this way) ankh (elder women) atsysq (& also) Paw 3 (slanderers) aurq Nlka (to be) Nywhn (& not) alw (of God) ahla (for the worship) tlxdl (much) aaygo (to wine) armxl (subservient) Ndbesm (to be) Nywhn (neither) alw (of excellence) atryps (teachers) Nplm (& to be) Nywhnw (who are young women) Nyljd (those) Nylyal (& chasten) Npknmw 4 (& their children *) Nyhynbw (their husbands *) Nyhyleb (to love) Nmxrnd * Greek has filandrouv Men lovers (we get the English word Philanderer from this Greek word), and filoteknouv Children lovers. Lack of possessive pronouns makes the Greek rather generic and even counterproductive. I know Paul did not intend for women believers to be men lovers -Philanderers, but to love their husbands. This Greek wording is unworthy to be the inspired original word of God. (good) ryps (taking caring) Npuy (& to be) Nywhnw (& holy) Nsydqw (chaste) Npkn (& to be) Nywhnw 5 (their husbands) Nyhylebl (& obeying) Ndbetsmw (of their households) Nyhytbd (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (against) le (blaspheme) Pdgn (anyone) sna (lest) ald (serious) Nypkn (to be) Nwwhnd (beseech) yeb (in this way) ankh (young men) Nyljd (those) Nylya (& of) Nmw 6 (show) awx (yourself) Kspnb (a model) atwmd (but) Nyd (in all things) Mdmlkb 7 (& in your teaching) Ktwnplmbw (good) abj (works) adbe (in all) lkb (wholesome) atmylx (speech) atlm (your) Kl (let be) awht (it) hl (let despise) rob (a man) sna (& not) alw (corrupt *) albxm (& not) alw (that is serious) apknd 8 (may be ashamed) thbn (against us) Nlbwql (who stands) Maqd (that he) anyad (adverse) anod (anything) Mdm (against us) Nyle (to say) rmand (he will be able) xksn (not) al (as) dk Greek has akatagnwston that cannot be condemned, nowhere else in The LXX OT or The Greek NT, but once in the Apocrypha akatagnwstoi in 2 Maccabees 4:47.The Peshitta reading,not corrupt - albxm al, certainly did not come from the Greek reading.The Greek for incorruptible is afyarton, afyarton, not much like akatagnwston at all. An Aramaic word meaning accused is alybqm or albqtm. In DSS: )lybq or )lbqtm; Corrupt is albxm ;In DSS script: )lbxm; Now lets compare the two most similar forms of these two Aramaic words: )lbxm Corrupt )lbqtm Accused I see only a one letter difference between these two words in DSS script; That is 83% correlation between these two readings in Aramaic!That seems pretty strong evidence that The Peshittas Aramaic is the base from which the Greek akatagnwston akatagnwston was translated. (in all things) Mdmlkb (let be subject) Nwdbetsn (to their masters) Nwhyrml (servants) adbe 9 (resist) Nyuem (let them) wwh (& not) alw (& be pleasing) Nwrptsnw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Titus swjj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(good) abj (their loyalty) Nwhrrs (let them show) Nwwxn (but) ala (steal) Nybng (let them) wwh (neither) alw 10 (the doctrine) hnplwy (in all things) Mdmlkb (to adorn) Nwtbund (in all things) Mdmlkb (our Lifegiver) Nnyxm (of God) ahlad (of God) ahlad (the grace) htwbyj (for) ryg (has been revealed) tylgta 11 (all of them) Nwhlk (the children of men) asnynbl (all) lk (giving life to *) tyxm For the all-saving grace of God has been revealed to all people. * tyxm Mekhayth is from the same root as anyxm Mekhayna (see above note at 1:3). It refers to Gods salvation in giving eternal life to people. (of the world) amled (& lusts) atgygrbw (wickedness) aeswrb (to reject) rwpknd (us) Nl (& it leads) aydrw 12 (& in righteousness) atwnakbw (in purity) atwpknb (this) anh (in world) amleb (& to live) axnw (of God) ahla (& in the worship) tlxdbw (of the glory) htxwbstd (& the revelation) anylglw (blessed) akyrb (the hope) arbol (we look for) Nnykom (while) dk 13 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& our Lifegiver) Nnyxmw (The Great) abr (of God) ahlad (evil) alwe (all) lk (from) Nm (to redeem us) Nqrpnd (in our place) Nyplx (Himself) hspn (gave) bhy (Who) whd 14 (new *) atdx (a people) ame (for Himself) hspnl (& to purify) Nykdnw (good) abj (of works) adbeb (which is zealous) Moxd N * Greek haspeculiar- periousion. atdx- New is very similar to adxd One,Singular,Particular. )tdx -New )dxd Singular Possibly New was misread as Singular by a Greek translator.New in Greek is kainh or neov Nothing like periousion.The Peshitta reading did not come from Greek. (authority) Ndqwp (with all) lkb (& rebuke) Nwkw (& seek) yebw (speak) llm (these things) Nylh 15 (you) Kb (let despise) aobn (a man) sna (& not) alw Chapter 3 (to obey) Nwemtsn (& authorities) anjylslw (that rulers) asrld (them) Nwhl (charging) dhem (& be) tywhw 3:1 (good) bj (deed) dbe (for every) lkl (ready) Nydyte (& to be) Nwwhndw (& to submit) Nwdbetsnw (they shall insult) Nwpdgn (not) al (a person) sna (& against) lew 2 (humble) Nykykm (they shall be) Nwwhn (but) ala (contending) Nystktm (shall they be) Nwwhn (neither) alw (their sweetness) Nwhtwmyob (they shall show) Nwwxn (& in all things) Mdmlkbw (the children of men) asnynb (all of them) Nwhlk (to) twl (were) Nywh (intelligence) anyer (without) ald (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (for) ryg (we) Nnx (also) Pa 3 (& servants) Nydbesmw (we were) Nywh (& deceived) Nyejw (conviction) aoyp (& without) aldw (& in envy) amoxbw (& in wickedness) atwsybbw (changing) atplxsm (to lusts) atgygral (we were) Nywh (we were) Nywh (& despicable) Nyaynow (we were) Nywh (employed) Nykphtm (we were) Nywh (hating) Nyno (another) dxl (one) dx (also) Pa (His sweetness) htwmyob (was revealed) tylgta (but) Nyd (when) dk 4 (our Lifegiver) Nnyxm (of God) ahlad (& the loving kindness) htwnmxrmw (that we have done) Ndbed (of righteousness) atwqydzd (by works) adbeb (not) al 5 (He gave us life) Nyxa (His own) hlyd (by His love) yhwmxrb (but) ala (the top) syrd (that is from) Nmd (of the birth) adlwmd (by the washing) atxob (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (& by the renewing) atdwxbw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Titus swjj twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(richly) tyaryte (upon us) Nyle (whom He poured) dsad (The One) yh 6 (our Lifegiver) Nnyxm (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (heirs) atry (& we would be) awhnw (we would be justified) qddzn (that by His grace) htwbyjbd 7 (eternal) Mleld (in Life) ayxb (by hope) arbob (I) ana (want) abu (& in these things) Nylhbw (the saying) atlm (is) yh (trustworthy) anmyhm 8 (to them) Nwhl (that it will be a concern) ljbtnd (them) Nwhl (assuring) rrsm (to be) tywh (you) tna (that also) Pad (in God) ahlab (who have believed) wnmyhd (those) Nylya (good) abj (works) adbe (to cultivate) xlpml (for children of men) asnynbl (& beneficial) Nrtwmw (good) Nbj (are) Nyna (these things) Nylh (of genealogies) atbrsd (tales) atyest (& from) Nmw (foolish) atlko (but) Nyd (debates) ateb (from) Nm 9 (abstain) latsa (of the scribes) arpod (contests) aswtkt (& from) Nmw (contentions) anyrx (& from) Nmw (these are) Nyna (& worthless) Nqyrow (in them) Nyhb (there is not) tyl (for) ryg (profit) Nrtwy (time) Nbz (one) adx (after) rtb (from) Nm (a heretic) ajwyorh (man) arbg (from) Nm 10 (avoid) latsa (him) hl (you) tna (admonitions) atrmd (& two) Nytrtw (is) wh (perverse) Mqem (is) wh (who is such) ankhd (that he) Nmd (aware) edy (& be) tywhw 11 (of himself) hspn (is condemned) byx (& he) whw (& a sinner) ajxw (Tukiqus) owqykwjl (or) wa (Artima) amjral (to you) Ktwl (I have sent) trdsd (when) am 12 (to Niqopolis) oylwpqynl (to me) ytwl (to come) atatd (to you) Kl (let it be a concern) ljbtn (to winter) atoad (my mind) ynyerb (I have set) tmo (for) ryg (there) Nmt (Apollo) wlpa (& concerning) lew (the Scribe) arpo (but) Nyd (Zena) anz (concerning) le 13 (well) ryps (them) Nwna (to attend to) awltd (you) Kl (let it concern) ljbtn (to them) Nwhl (there will be lacking) roxn (not) al (that anything) Mdmd (are) Nwna (who ours) Nlydd (those) Nylya (also) Pa (& they will teach) Nwplanw 14 (of distress) Nulad (in matters) atwbub (good) abj (works) adbe (cultivating) Nyxlp (to be) Nwwhnd (fruit) arap (without) ald (they should be) Nwwhn (lest) ald (are) Nwna (who with me) ymed (those) Nylya (all of) Nwhlk (your peace) Kmlsb (invoke) Nylas 15 (us) Nl (who love us) Nymxrd (those) Nylya (of all of them) Nwhlkd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) las (Amen) Nyma (all of you) Nwklk (be with) Me (grace) atwbyj (in faith) atwnmyhb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Philemon Nwmlyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(brother) axa (& Timotheos) owatmyjw (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (a prisoner) hryoa (Paul) owlwp 1:1 (our companion) Nmed (& a laborer) axlpw (beloved) abybx (to Philemon) Nwmlypl (& to Arkippus) owpykralw (our beloved *) Ntbybx (& to Aphia) aypalw 2 (that is in your house) Ktybbd (& to the church) atdelw (our companion) Nmed (a laborer) axlp M * A few Greek mss. have, & to Apphia our sister... Most Greek mss. have,& to Apphia the beloved... Our Beloved in Aramaic is Ntbybx; Our sister is Ntx; In DSS script they are: }tbybx - }tx; In Estrangela: Ntbybx- - Ntx. Our beloved has all the letters of Our sister, which are highlighted in blue (in the color edition) and also underlined (1st, 5th and 6th from the right), which, in that order, spell Our sister in the Aramaic language. A careless and bleary eyed scribe might skip a few letters in translating, from time to time, (The Critical Greek mss. Vaticanus and Siniaticus are famous for omissions) especially when the omission of three letters still leaves a coherent and contextually fitting word. Hence, the Aramaic primacy hypothesis (I believe I have accumulated enough supporting evidence in The NT to establish it as a theory) explains many Greek readings; the Greek for Beloved is AGAPHTH; AGAPHTH; Sister is ADELFH. Only the first and last letters are the same, which letters have no meaning by themselves, neither is either word mistakeable for the other. It is very difficult to see how, if the Greek were the original, an Aramaean translator would misread ADELFH (Sister) as Ntbybx (Beloved), if that were the original reading. Certainly The Peshitta agrees here with the Majority Byzantine reading much more closely than with the Critical Greek text, as it generally does, however it also differs here and in many places radically from all Greek readings. Besides, if Greek were the original, and Aramaic the translation thereof, we would expect the variant readings to occur in the translation language (Aramaic), not in the original. There are practically no variant readings to speak of in The Peshitta mss., but The Greek mss. abound with them! Too large a number of these are traceable to the Peshitta text for this to be coincidental. I hope that anyone reading the voluminous evidence shown in Gospels and Epistles of this interlinear,will see that The Greek NT is a translation of The Peshitta NT text. (our Father) Nwba (God) ahla (from) Nm (& peace) amlsw (with you) Nwkme (grace) atwbyj 3 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (& from) Nmw (in every time) Nbzlkb (my God) yhlal (I) ana (thank) adwm 4 (in my prayers) ytwlub (you) Kl (I) ana (& remember) rkdtmw (to you) Kl (that is) tyad (& love) abwxw (of your faith) Ktwnmyh (when I heard) temsd (from) Nm (behold) ah 5 (the holy ones) asydq (all of) Nwhlk (& toward) twlw (Yeshua) ewsy (our Lord) Nrm (toward) twl (in works) adbeb (fruit) arap (producing) abhy (of your faith) Ktwnmyhd (the sharing) atwptws (that will be) awhtd 6 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (to you) Nwkl (that is) tyad (good) Nbj (of every) lkd (& in knowledge) atedybw (& comfort) aaywbw (to us *) Nl (is) tya (great) ataygo (for) ryg (joy *) atwdx 7 (of the saints) asydqd (the affections *) amxr (have been refreshed) wxyntta (your love) Kbwx (for by) dybd M * The Critical Greek has I had great grace where the Majority Greek and The Peshitta has We have great joy. Joy in Greek is caran, whereas Grace is carin, so the Critical Greek reading is probably a misreading of caran as carin, only one letter a (Alpha) being mistaken for i (Iota). The change of subject from We had to I had may be explained on the basis of misreading one letter in Aramaic: Nl - to us & yl - to me. These words are part of an idiom in Aramaic describing possession or ownership. The final Nun (N) in Nl is sometimes mistaken for Yodh y if the bottom stroke is faint or missing. Here are the words at issue in DSS script: }l: yl; In Estrangela:Nl yl. Either the square Ashuri Aramaic, DSS or Estrangela may account for the variant Greek reading. In Greek, the word We have is ecomen; I hadis escon escon. . y yl ty) )twb + - I have grace }l ty) )twdx- We have joy (to me) yl (is) tya (great) ataygo (freedom) ayohrp (this) adh (because of) ljm 8 (that are right) Nqdzd (those things) Nylya (you) Kl (to command) dwqpad (in The Messiah) axysmb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Philemon Nwmlyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of you) Knm (I) ana (beg) aeb (it is) wh (begging) aebm (but) Nyd (the love) abwx (because of) ljm 9 (you) tna (that know) edyd (as) Kya (the elder) abo (who am) ytyad (Paul) owlwp (I) ana (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (prisoner) aryoa (also) Pa (but) Nyd (now) ash (whom I begat) tdlyd (him) anya (my son) yrb (concerning) le (of you) Knm (I) ana (& beg) aebw 10 (Onesimus) owmyona (in my bondage) yrwoab (usefulness) wxsx (in him) hb (for you) Kl (there was) awh (not) tyl (who at times) Nbzbd (he) wh 11 (he is useful) xsx (very) bj (to me) yl (and) Pa (to you) Kl (also) Pa (but) Nyd (now) ash (my) ylyd (son *) adlyld (as) Kya (but) Nyd (you) tna (to you) Kl (& I sent him) htrdsw 12 (receive him) yhylbq (in this way) ankh N * Greek mss. have splagcna- bowels. In Aramaic, that would be amxr- Rakhma (mercy,affection,friend,love). Here are the actual Aramaic reading adlyld -Son and amxrld- Rakhma in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: )dlyld: )mxr rld; If you will notice the second words fourth letter from the right, x (Khet), you may notice that it looks like two letters just barely touching at the top. If I take the letters of the other word dl and compress them together, you might mistake them for a x (Khet) or a m Mem. I propose that a Greek scribe did both! First he saw y as r (as if it were rotated counterclockwise a bit, then dl compressed as x (I think the copy he had must have been illegible at this place and he was deciphering, leter by letter here), then he looked back at the same letters and saw dl as m; hence )dlyld became )mxr rld. Even discounting my letter theory, these two words have a 66% letter correspondence. The Greek word for son is uiov or teknon; Compare those with splagcna- bowels. How would an Aramaean translating from Greek mistake splagcna for teknon or uiov? uiov? This would be the scenario if The Peshitta were translated from Greek. That theory is not supported by the facts here.Peshitta primacy wins in Philemon, hands down. )dl dlyld -Son dl )mxr rld- Mercy,Affection,Friend,Love Depending on how one sees the letter correspondence in the above two words, there is 66-99 % correlation between the two words. (I would keep him) yhwydxa (that with me) ytwld (for) ryg (I was) tywh (willing) abu 13 (on your behalf) Kyplx (to me) yl (ministering) smsm (to be) awhnd (of the Gospel) Nwylgnwad (in the bondage) arwoab (anything) Mdm (I wanted) tybu (not) al (but) Nyd (your counsel) Kklm (without) delb 14 (your benefit) Ktbj (would be) awht (by necessity) aryjqbd (as) Kya (that not) ald (to do) dbeml (by your will) Knybub (but) ala (he departed) yns (this) adh (because of) ljm (also) Pa (but) Nyd (perhaps) rbk 15 (you may keep him) yhwydxat (that for eternity) Mleld (for a time) atesd (a servant) adbe (than) Nm (more) ryty (but) ala (a servant) adbe (as) Kya (from now on) lykm (not) al 16 (yours) Klyd (how much more?) amk (one) dx (my) ylyd (beloved) abybx (brother) axa (& in our Lord) Nrmbw (both in the flesh) robbw (a partner) aptws (to me) yl (you are) Kytya (therefore) lykh (if) Na 17 (mine) yld (as) Kya (receive him) yhylbq (this one) adh (owes a debt) byx (or) wa (you lack) Krox (anything) Mdm (& if) Naw 18 (account it) bwsx (to me) yle (I myself) ana (will pay) erp (I) ana (with my hand) ydyab (have written) tbtk (Paul) owlwp (I) ana 19 (to me) yl (you) tna (owe) byx (your soul) Kspn (that also) Pad (to you) Kl (saying) rma (without) ald (in our Lord) Nrmb (by you) Kb (am refreshed) xyntta (I) ana (my brother) yxa (Yes) Nya 20 (in The Messiah *) axysmb (my love) ymxr (satisfy) xyna

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to Philemon Nwmlyp twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

C * Most Greek mss. have In The Lord; Critical Greek texts. have In Christ, agreeing with The Peshitta... The likely Aramaic for In The Lord would be ayrmb or Nrmb. In The Messiah is axysmb. ayrmb is much more similar, with 66% letter correspondence. DSS script: )xy$mb- In The Messiah )yrmb. - In The LORD 66% letter correlation Estrangela script: 0xy$mb.

66% letter correlation The Greek for Christ is Cristw Lord is Kuriw. Kuriw. That gives a 16% correlation for the two Greek words. The Aramaic copy translated into Greek must have been unclear at this place in the letter, so that two letters in axysmb were unreadable; x was not read; s was read as r. . (to me) yl (you) tna (that will listen) emsd (I) ana (trust) lyktd (because) ljm 21 (what) am (than) Nm (that more) rytyd (I) ana (& know) edyw (to you) Kl (I have written) tbtk (you) tna (will do) dbe (I) ana (that said) rmad (a dwelling) ayrsm (a place) tyb (for me) yl (prepare) byj (also) Pa (but) Nyd (together) adxb 22 (to you) Nwkl (I) ana (am given) bhytm (that by your prayers) Nwktwlubd (for) ryg (I) ana (hope) rbom (fellow) ymed (a captive) aybs (Epaphra) arppa (your peace) Kmlsb (invokes) las 23 (The Messiah) axysm (in Yeshua) ewsyb (my helpers) ynrdem (& Luqa) aqwlw (& Dema) amdw (& Aristarkus) owkrjoraw (& Marqus) owqrmw 24 (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj 25 (Amen) Nyma (your spirits) Nwkxwr (with) Me

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Chapter 1 (God) ahla (spoke) llm (forms) Nwmd (& by all) lkbw (parts) Nwnm (in all) lkb 1:1 (the first) Mydq (from) Nm (by the prophets) aybnb (our fathers) Nyhba (with) Me (by His Son) hrbb (with us) Nme (He has spoken) llm (last) ayrxa (days) atmwy (& in these) Nylhbw 2 (of all things) Mdmlkd (the Heir) atry (He ordained) Mo (Whom) hld (the universe) amlel (He made) dbe (& by Him) hbw (of His Being) htwtyad (& The Image) amluw (of His glory) hxbwsd (The Brilliance) axmu (for He is) wywhd 3 (in His Person) hmwnqb (& He) whw (of His word) htlmd (by the power) alyxb (all things) lk (& upholding) dyxaw (& He sat down) btyw (of our sins) Nyhjxd (the purification) aykwd (has accomplished) dbe (on High) amwrmb (of the Majesty) atwbrd (the right) anymy (at) le (the angels) akalm (than) Nm (is greater) bry (altogether) hlk (& This One) anhw 4 (The Name *) ams (excellent is) rtymd (how much more) am (according to) Kya (theirs) Nwhlyd (than) Nm (Which He possesses) tryd And This One is altogether greater than the angels, according to how much more excellent than theirs is The Name Which He possesses. ams (Shema) The Name is Ha Shem Msh - in Hebrew, which is the common Title for God in Hebrew liturgy. This verse in Aramaic makes much better sense than the Greek text which says, ..He has inherited a more excellent name than they as if The Christ is greater than angels because of an inheritance rather than His very nature and Person as God! The context of verses 1-12 bears this out; The Name MarYah Yeshua Meshika is Divine and higher than every name because He is absolute Deity of absolute Deity- The LORD GOD of The Heavens and of the earth by His very eternal nature. (God *) ahla (said) rma (ever) Mwtmm (the angels) akalm (of) Nm (for) ryg (to which one) anyal 5 (have begotten You) Ktdly (today) anmwy (I) ana (You are) tna (My Son) yrbd (The Father) abal (to Him) hl (shall be) awha (I) anad (& again) bwtw (The Son) arbl (to Me) yl (shall be) awhn (& He) whw N * Greek lacks God in this verse, and says, To Whom did He ever say, You are my Son Did Who ever say? The verse before is referring to The Messiah. To omit God leaves a misleading and confusing statement. In the textual notes, N indicates The Peshitta is Neutral but distinct from Greek in the word with the asterisk in the interlinear. An M indicates it agrees with The Majority Greek against The Critical Greek reading; C indicates it agrees with The Critical Greek text against The Majority Greek Text (Byzantine-Majority text form of Maurice Robinson, PhD, 1991). (into the universe) amlel (The Firstborn) arkwb (He brings) lemd (when) ytma (but) Nyd (again) bwt 6 (of God) ahlad (the angels) akalm (all of them) Nwhlk (shall worship) Nwdgon ( Him) hld (He says) rma (He spoke) rma (in this way) ankh (but) Nyd (the angels) akalm (about) le 7 (spirit) xwr (His angels) yhwkalm (He makes) dbed (burning) adqy (fire) rwn (& His ministers) yhwnsmsmw (Oh God) ahla (yours) Klyd (Your throne) Kyorwkd (He said) rma (but) Nyd (The Son) arb (concerning) le 8 (of Your kingdom) Ktwklmd (the scepter) ajbs (straight) ajysp (a scepter) ajbs (of eternities) Nymle (to eternity) Mlel (evil) alwe (& You have hated) tynow (righteousness) atwnak (You have loved) tmxr 9 (God) ahla (has anointed You) Kxsm (this) anh (because of) ljm (Your companions) Kyrbx (than) Nm (more) ryty (of joy) atwdxd (with the oil) axsm (Your God) Khla
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of the earth) aerad (the foundation) hyoats (laid) tmo (the origin) tysyrb (from) Nm (You) tna (& again) bwtw 10 (are) Nwna (of Your hands) Kydya (the work) dbe (& the heavens) aymsw (are) tna (remaining) Myq (& You) tnaw (shall pass away) Nwrben (those) Nwnh 11 (shall wear out) Nwlbn (a robe) atxn (as) Kya (& they all) Nwhlkw (will be changed) Nwplxtn (those) Nwnh (them) Nwna (You shall fold) Pwet (a cloak) atyokt (& as) Kyaw 12 (shall end) Nrmgn (not) al (& Your years) Kynsw (Yourself) tna (are) Kytyad (as) Kya (& You) tnaw And as a cloak You shall fold them; those shall be changed and You are The Eternal God; Your years shall not end. tna Kytyad Kya tnaw is an Aramaic idiom very like ana ana Ena Na- I AM- a proclamation of The Eternal Deity, which Jehovah used in The OT and MarYah Yeshua used some 30 times in The Peshitta NT I AM The Living God. (said He) rma (ever) Mwtmm (the angels) akalm (of) Nm (but) Nyd (to which?) Nml 13 (Your enemies) Kybbdleb (I put) Myoad (until) amde (My right) ynymy (at) Nm (sit) btd (Your feet) Kylgr (under) tyxt (a footstool) asbwk (of service) atsmstd (spirits) axwr (are) Nwhytya (all of them) Nwhlk (behold) ah (not?) al 14 (those) Nylya (for the sake of) ljm (in the service) atsmstb (who are sent) Nyrdtsmd (life) ayx (to inherit) traml (who are going) Nydyted Chapter 2 (that all the more) tyarytyd (we are indebted) Nnybyx (this) anh (because of) ljm 2:1 (we fall *) lpn (lest) ald (we have heard) Nemsd (to whatever) Mdmb (attentive) Nyryhz (we should be) awhn N * Greek reads mhpote pararruwmen Lest we glide aside (Youngs Lit. Translation); Rotherhams has: Lest we drift away. These sound rather entertaining compared to The Aramaic, Lest we fall. (was established) trrtsa (the angels) akalm (by) dyb (that was spoken) tllmtad (a word) atlm (for) ryg (if) Na 2 (by justice) atwnakb (a reward) anerwp (received) lbq (it) hyle (& violated) rbew (who heard it) hemsd (& everyone) lkw (those things) Nylya le (we despise) aobn (if) Na (shall escape) qwren (we) Nnx (how?) ankya 3 (our Lord) Nrm (from) Nm (which began) wyrsd (those things) Nwnh (our life) Nyyx (are) Nwna (which) Nwnhd (heard) wems (who from Him) hnmd (those) Nylya (& from) Nmw (to be spoken) wllmtml (& were confirmed) wrrtsa (among us) Nb (& in wonders) atrmdtbw (with signs) atwtab (God) ahla (for them) Nwhyle (testified) dho (while) dk 4 (of Holiness) asdwqd (of The Spirit) axwrd (& by distributions) aglwpbw (various) aplxsm (& by miracles) alyxbw (His will) hnybu (according to) Kya (which were given) wbhytad (future) dyted (the world) amle (He subjected) dbes (to angels) akalml (for) ryg (it was) awh (not) al 5 (we are speaking) Nnyllmm (about which) yhwled (& says) rmaw (the scripture *) abtk (testifies) dhomd (as) Kya (but) ala 6 (of man) asnad (& the son) hrbw (that You remember him) yhytdhed (man) arbg (what is?) wnm (that You care for him) yhytreod But as the scripture testifies and says:What is man that You remember him, and the son of man that You care for him? N * Greek mss. have one in a certain place testified. That seems rather vague and non-authoritative compared to The Peshitta reading. (& honor) arqyaw (glory) atxwbst (the angels) akalm (than) Nm (a little) lylq (You have made Him lower) yhytkma 7 (& You have authorized Him *) yhytjlsaw (on His head) hsyrb (You have placed) tmo
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(of Your hands) Kydyad (over the works) adbeb C * Most Greek (Byzantine) mss. omit & You have authorized Him over the works of Your hands. (his feet) yhwlgr (under) tyxt (You have subjected) tdbes (things) Mdm (& all) lkw 8 (to him) hl (He subjected) dbes (thing) Mdm ( every) lkd (but) Nyd (by this) yhb (but) Nyd (now) ash (is subjected) dbesm (that not) ald (anything) Mdm (it leaves) qbs (not) al (to him) hl (is subjected) dbesm (thing) Mdm (that every) lkd (we see) Nnyzx (yet) lykde (not) al (the angels) akalm (than) Nm (a little) lylq (Who was lower) Kmd (but) Nyd (He) wh 9 (of His death) htwmd (the suffering) asx (for) ljm (Yeshua) ewsy (that He is) wywhd (we see) Nnyzx (on His head) hsyrb (are placed) Myo (& honor) arqyaw (& glory) atxwbstw (God) ahla (by His grace *) htwbyjb (for) ryg (Himself) wh (death) atwm (tasted) Mej (every person) snlk (in the place of) Plx But we see that He is Jesus - He Who was a little lower than the angels for the suffering of His death; glory and honor are placed on His head, for God Himself, by His grace, tasted death in the place of everyone. M? N? * The Eastern Peshitta differs considerably here; it reads: But we see that He is Jesus - He Who was a little lower than the angels for the suffering of His death, and glory and honor are placed on His head, for He, apart from God, tasted death in the place of everyone. The Greek mss. agree with the Western Peshitta (& my interlinear). The Western Peshitta could be translated as the Greek texts have it: By the grace of God He tasted death for everyone., though the Aramaic ahla htwbyjb is not the normal construction used for that sense:The norm in Pauls writing and in Hebrews would be ahlad htwbyjb The red underlined letter is a Dalet proclitic. That is the norm for genitive constructs with Alaha (God). The only apparent exception I can find in the epistles is ahla tlxd the fear of God, which is not a true genitive construct, for the true sense in that expression is fear toward God, which disqualifies it as a genitive, in which case the Dalet proclitic d would not be used and would be incorrect.The Greek text of 2:9 is apparently a mistranslation of the Aramaic in that sense. I dont believe Paul would have written ahla -God if he had meant ahlad - of God. That would only create confusion for the reader.I also cannot accept the Eastern Peshitta version of this verse for several reasons, the first of which I cannot go into here, but recommend my first book, Divine Contact-Discovery of The Original NT for an explanation of how I found the original text of The whole NT. The second reason is doctrinal ambiguity. The Eastern reading implies that Jesus either was separated from God: For He, apart from God, tasted death for everyone or that He tasted death for everyone but God. I cannot accept that Paul stated either proposition. The first possibility is simply contrary to the Gospels, in which Jesus asserted His eternal unity with God His Father, without Whom He could do nothing and Whose actions He imitated and Whose words He repeated (See John 5:19 and 10:30). If The Christ could do not the least thing without His Father, He certainly could not do the greatest thing, which was His death for a lost world as atonement for sin.Consider also that He saw His Father dying: And Jesus answered, and said to them: Verily, verily, I say to you: The Son can do nothing of his own pleasure, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things the Father doeth, these in like manner doeth the Son. (Murdock) Nothing but what He sees The Father do? If that is what He said, and I believe it is, then our Lords death was truly not unique to His Person in The Godhead; He saw The Father dying and followed His example! They truly died together as One just as they did everything in Life. This is the mystery of the Gospel: God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit died as One in The Messiah for the sin of the world. That was the end of the old creation, as it could not endure without its Living Creator God. God also arose from the dead, not on the third day in the physical resurrection of Yeshua, but on the cross before His physical death. The atoning death and the resurrection occurred on the cross before He said, It is finished! and Father, into Thy hands and He bowed His head and expired. If The One died for all, then all died with Him. And he died for all, that they who live should not live to themselves, but to him who died for them and rose again. And therefore, we know no person after the flesh: and if we have known the Messiah after the flesh, yet henceforth we know him no more. (2 Cor. 5:14-16). We must see the world in a new light- the light of the atoning death of God The Creator and His regenerating resurrection. Whoever therefore is in the Messiah, is a new creature: old things have passed away; And Who is The Messiah? He is The Yahweh of Israel, The Creator of The Heavens and the earth- Omnipotent,Omniscient,Omnipresent,Eternal. Who is not in the Omnipresent One, Who is all and in all and fills all in all?We must see all people as in The Messiah and as His new creatures, created by Him for good works.All their sins have passed away. We must believe the Gospel if we are to ask others to believe it. Old things have passed away. We must think anew and act anew, said Abraham Lincoln; never were such words more appropriate than applied to the Good News of Yeshua Meshikhas Death,Burial and Resurrection. Let us discard old thinking- that is, thinking based on the unbelief that we live in the old fallen world, riddled with sin,misery and death. And all things are made new, by God; who hath reconciled us to himself by the Messiah, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. No qualification is made to these statements. It does not say, the believers old things have been passed
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

away. It does not say, All things are new in the believer; it is a universal and unqualified truth unqualified except by whoever (or whatever) is in The Messiah, which is all- inclusive. For it was God by the Messiah who hath reconciled the world with his majesty, and did not reckon to them their sins; and who hath placed in us the word of reconciliation.What Jesus did on the cross, God did. There was no suffering of The Messiah that His Father did not endure as well. The Godhead as a whole suffered death in becoming sin;Lamsas translation of 2 Cor. 5:21 says: He who knew no sin has made Himself to be sin for us That is the death God died. In The death of The Creator, all creation died. In His resurrection, all things were raised from the dust of oblivion into New Heavens and a New Earth- justified by The Divine blood, bathed and regenerated by The Divine Spirit of Holiness, sanctified by The Word of God The Son: If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people unto Myself. John 12:32. Jesus said to them: Verily I say to you, that, as for you who have followed me, when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory in the new world, ye also shall sit on twelve seats, and shall judge the twelve tribes of Israel.- Matthew 19:28 lyaroyad ajbs roert Nwnwdtw Nworwk roert le Nwtna Pa Nwbtt hxbwsd ownrt le asnad hrb btyd am atdx amleb yrtb Nwtytad Nwtnad Nwkl ana rma Nyma ewsy Nwhl rma Mt 19:28 3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; amwrmb atwbrd anymy le btyw Nyhjxd aykwd dbe hmwnqb whw htlmd alyxb lk dyxaw htwtyad amluw hxbwsd axmu wywhd 3 1Co 10:11 All these things which befell them, were for an example to us; and they are written for our instruction, on whom the ends of the world hath come. tyjm Nyle amled Nwhtrxd Nlyd atwdrm ljm btktaw ywh Nopwjl Nwhl sdgd Nyhlk Nyd Nylh 1Co 10:11 Heb 9:26 otherwise, he must have suffered many times, since the commencement of the world; but now in the end of the world, he hath once offered himself in a self-sacrifice, to abolish sin. atyjxl hyljbnd htwxybdb hspn brq Nbz wh adx amled htrxb Nyd ash amled hyrws Nm sxn ataygo atnbzd awh byx al Naw Heb 9:26 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are faithful and true. Nyhytya atryrsw atnmyhm alm Nylh bwtk yl rmaw lk ana dbe atdx ah ayorwk le btyd yl rmaw tlzaw 5 6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. Ngm ayx aymd anye Nm lta ana ahudl amlwsw atysyr wt anaw Pla ana ywh yl rmaw 6 Rev. 21:5,6 22 But ye have come to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, the Jerusalem that is in heaven; and to the assemblies of myriads of angels; 23 and to the church of the first-born, who are enrolled in heaven and to God the judge of all; and to the spirits of the just, who are perfected; 24 and to Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant; and to the sprinkling of his blood, which speaketh better than that of Abel. 25 Beware, therefore, lest ye refuse to hear him who speaketh with you. For if they escaped not, who refused to hear him who spake with them on the earth, how much more shall we not, if we refuse to hear him who speaketh with us from heaven? (Let everyone reading this consider the results of refusing to hear these, His words.) (by His hand) hdyab (Who all) lkd (for Him) whl (for) ryg (it was) awh (fitting) aay 10 (bringing) lea (many) aaygo (& children) aynbw (for His sake) htljm (& all) lkw (by His suffering) hsxb (of their Life) Nwhyyxd (that The Prince) asyrld (to the glory) atxwbstl (would perfect Himself) yhwyrmgn (who are made holy) wsdqtad (& those) Nwnhw (Who makes holy) sdqd (for) ryg (He) wh 11 (this) anh (because of) ljm (all of them) Nwhlk (are) Nwna (One) dx (of) Nm (His brothers) yhwxa (them) Nwna (to call) arqnd (He is ashamed) thb (not) al (to My brethren) yxal (Your Name) Kms (I shall announce) rboa (He said) rma (when) dk 12 (I shall glorify You) Kxbsa (the church) atded (& within it) hwgbw (& again) bwtw (upon Him) yhwle (trusting) lykt (shall be) awha (I) anad (& again) bwtw 13 (God) ahla (to Me) yl (whom has given) bhyd (& the children) aynbw (I) ana (behold) ah
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(& blood) amdw (in flesh) arobb (shared) wptwtsa (the children) aynbd (for) ryg (because) ljm 14 (in it) hb (He) wh (also) Pa (in these things) Nylhb (with them) Nyhb (He would destroy) ljbn (that in His death) htwmbd (shared) Ptwtsa (in the form) atwmdb (of death) atwmd (the authority) anjlws (which had held) dyxad (the one) Nml (Satan) anjo (who is) yhwtyad (of death) atwmd (by fear) atlxdbd (who) Nylya (those) Nwnhl (& He would free) arsnw 15 (to bondage) atwdbel (were) wwh (subjected) Nydbesm (their lives) Nwhyyx (in all) Nwhlkb (was) awh (authorized *) jlsm (the angels) akalm (over) le (for) ryg (it was) awh (not) al 16 (of Abraham) Mhrbad (the seed) herz (over) le (but) ala (death *) atwm (it was) awh (authorized) jlsm For death was not authorized over the angels, but over the seed of Abraham it was authorized. N * In this verse The two Peshittas (Eastern & Western) differ considerably: The Eastern Peshitta has: He took not from angels but He took from the seed of Abraham. The Greek mss. agree with the Eastern Peshitta, though both seem awkward at best. The Western reading here is coherent and fits the context of the verses before and after.The Greek and Eastern readings seem out of joint with the context as well as being an incomplete statement. Considering that in verse 9 also there is a major and famous variant between the two Peshittas about the death of Christ, I suspect a doctrinal controversy (Nestorian vs. Monophysite) was behind this and that verses variants. The Nestorians believed (and still do) that The Messiah had two natures -Kyanas and two Qnomas (consciousnesses?)a Divine and human one of each. The death of The Messiah was physical only and involved only His human qnoma. The Divine nature and qnoma are impassible incapable of suffering. The Monophysites (One nature) branch of the Aramaean church had held that the nature and Person of The Messiah was simply Divine and nothing more. They had no problem with the concept of God suffering and dying, since Jesus was and is God and the scriptures plainly state that He died. Personally, I disagree with both positions in this matter, though I believe the Western readings are correct in Hebrews and Acts 20:28 (Another Death of The Messiah reading) and that the Nestorian doctrine was not developed until the fifth century and resulted in these few late alterations in the Peshitta text to support itself. Below I list the Eastern reading of this verse: [ (He took *) bon (the angels) akalm (from) Nm (for) ryg (it was) awh (not) al 16 (He took *) bon (of Abraham) Mhrbad (the seed) herz (from) Nm (but) ala ] The yellow highlighted words were omitted and the grey highlighted were altered. Authorized +l$m was changed to +lsm phonetically by mispronouncing Shin s (Sh) as Semkat s (S), so Mashlat became Maslat. The Mim m was distorted to Nun n the Lamed dropped, and the Tet + rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise and read as Bet b, transforming jlsm into bon. Honestly, I cannot be confident of this explanation, as the translator in question would have had to misread the two different words, twice each. Possibly the Peshitta manuscript being translated was severely smudged in this verse or damaged and unreadable at the words in question, or perhaps it was poorly written there. It seems to me that there was physical damage in the manuscript and that the translator had no other copy with which to compare it, so he did the best he could and came up with the Greek reading found now in all Greek mss.The same Peshitta manuscript from which he translated also became the chief copy used in the Eastern Church, from which all other Eastern Peshitta mss. were derived. This is my personal opinion, and has no bearing on the orthodoxy or unorthodoxy of either reading or the adherents of either text. Both Peshittas are in almost perfect agreement textually and doctrinally. (things) Mdm (that in all) lkbd (it was) awh (right) qdz (this) anh (because of) ljm 17 (compassionate) anmxrm (that He would be) awhnd (His brethren) yhwxal (He would become like) amdtn (in what is Gods) ahladb (trustworthy) anmyhm (priest) armwk (& a high) brw (of the people) amed (the sins) yhwhjx (for) le (make atonement) aoxm (& would) awhnw (& was tempted) yontaw (has suffered) sx (that He) whd (for) ryg (in this) yhb 18 (who are tempted) Nyontmd (those) Nylyal (help) rdend (He can) xksm Chapter 3
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(with a calling) anyrqb (who are called) Nwtyrqtad (holy) asydq (my brothers) yxa (therefore) lykm 3:1 (Apostle) axyls (this) anhl (consider) yhwazx (Heaven) ayms (that is from) Nmd (The Messiah *) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our confession) Ntydwtd (Priest) armwk (& High) brw M * The Critical Greek mss. and Latin Vulgate lack The Messiah. In 2:7, the Critical Greek text agrees with The Peshitta reading whereas the Byzantine Greek mss. omit a significant portion of the verse. If the Peshitta were a translation of Greek, in 2:7 it would be a translation of the Critical Greek and here in 3:1 it would be a translation of the Byzantine Greek text. But this is a phenomenon often found in the NT which does not favor Greek primacy and rather supports Peshitta primacy. Quite often, The Peshitta agrees with no known Greek reading (See 2:6 and 2:16). (Who appointed Him) hdbed (to The One) Nml (who is faithful) Nmyhmd 2 (in his household) htyb (in whole) hlkb (Moses) aswm (as) Kya (of This One) anhd (His glory) htxwbst (for) ryg (is) yh (greater) aaygo 3 (the honor) arqya (much) ygod (just as) ankya (of Moses) aswmd (more than) Nm (much) bj (his building) hnynb (more than) Nm (much) bj (of the house) atybd (of the builder) hynbd (is built) anbtm (is) wh (a man) sna (from) Nm (for) ryg (house) atyb (every) lk 4 (is) wh (God) ahla (all) lk (who built) anbd (but) Nyd (He) wh (all) hlk (with the house) atybb (was entrusted) Nmyhta (a servant) adbe (as) Kya (& Moses) aswmw 5 (were) ywh (that going) Ndyted (of those things) Nylyad (for the testimony) atwdhol (by him) hdyab (to be spoken) wllmtml (His house) htyb (over) le (The Son) arb (as) Kya (but) Nyd (The Messiah) axysm 6 (we will hold) dwxan (the end) atrxl (until) amde (if) Na (we) Nnx (His house) htyb (& is) yhwtyaw (of His Gospel) hrbod (& pride) arhbwsw (of face) apa (with openness) twylg ( today) anmwyd (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (said) trmad (because) ljm 7 (you will hear) Nwemst (of His voice) hlqb (if) Na (to anger Him*) htwzgrml (your hearts) Nwktwbl (harden) Nwsqt (not) al 8 (of temptation) anwyond (the day) amwy (& as) Kyaw (the rebellious) anrmrmm (as) Kya (in the wilderness) arbdmbd N * No Greek mss. have to anger Him. How would this reading have come from Greek? The Aramaic htwzgrml,however,could loosely be interpreted in the provocation, but it ignores the pronoun enclitic h(Him,His) and forces the proclitic to mean in, which is very rare.This reading also occurs in verse 15. The Hebrew of Psalm 95:8 has In Meribah;Meribah,which means provocation, was the place where Moses smote the rock and brought water out for Israel. He named the place Massah (Temptation) & Meribah (Provocation).The place name was not transliterated in The Peshitta OT or in The LXX; it was translated, as the meaning was more important than the name. The Hebrew of Ps. 95:8 has,In Meribah in the day of Masseh. (& they proved) wqbw (your fathers) Nwkyhba (when tempted Me) ynwyond 9 (years) Nyns (forty) Nyebra (My works) ydbe (they saw) wzx (that) wh (with generation) ardb (to Me) yl (I was weary) tnam (this) anh (because of) ljm 10 (heart) Nwhbl (whose errs) aejd (that is) wh (a people) amed (& I said) trmaw (My ways) ytxrwa (they have known) wedy (not) al (& those) Nwnhw (My rest) ytxynl (they shall enter) Nwlen ( not) ald (in My anger) yzgwrb (I swore) tymyd (& as) Kyaw 11 (of you) Nwknm (in any) snab (there be) awhn (lest) amld (my brothers) yxa (therefore) lykh (beware) wrhdza 12 (& you would depart) Nwqrptw (is faithful) Nmyhm (that not) ald (evil) asyb (an heart) abl (The Living) ayx (God) ahla (from) Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(the days) atmwy (all of) Nwhlk (yourselves) Nwkspn (of) Nm (inquire) web (but) ala 13 (be hardened) asqtn (lest) ald (Today) anmwy (that is called) arqtmd (the day) amwyl (until) amde (of sin) atyjxd (by the deception) atwyejb (of you) Nwknm (a man) sna (The Beginning) atysyr (from) Nm (if) Na (The Messiah) axysm (with) Me (for) ryg (we have been joined) Njlxta 14 (we shall hold fast) Nomxn (true) aryrs (this) anh (to covenant *) amyqb (to it) hb (The End) atyrxal (& unto) amdew * amyq Qyama can mean Stability,Existence,Being,Contract,Resurrection,Covenant,Outpost,Portion,Standing. (of His voice) hlq (daughter) trb (if) Na (that today) anmwyd (what is said) rymad (just as) ankya 15 (to anger Him *) htwzgrml (your hearts) Nwktwbl (harden) Nwsqt (not) al (you will hear) Nwemst Just as it was said, Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts to anger Him. N * No Greek mss. have to anger Him. How would this reading have come from Greek? The Aramaic htwzgrml,however, could loosely be interpreted in the provocation, but it ignores the pronoun enclitic h (Him,His) and forces the proclitic l to mean in, which is rather rare. The next verse supports the Peshitta reading here: Who are those who heard and angered Him? So the Greek may have come from the Aramaic, but the reverse scenario is not as likely. (& angered Him) yhwzgraw (who heard) wemsd (those) Nwnh (for) ryg (are) Nwna (who?) Nm 16 (Moses) aswm (by) dyb (Egypt) Nyrum (from) Nm (who went out) wqpnd (these) Nylh (all of) Nwhlk (not?) al (years) Nyns (forty) Nyebra (He) hl (was wearied) tnam (& with whom) Nylyabw 17 (in the wilderness) arbdmb (fell) wlpn (& their bones) Nwhymrgw (who sinned) wjxd (with them) Nwnhb (but) ala (His rest) htxynl (they would enter) Nwlen (that not) ald (He swore) amy (whom) Nylya (& about) lew 18 (were convinced) woypjta (who not) ald (those) Nwnh (about) le (but) ala (enter) leml (they could) wxksa (that not) ald (we see) Nnyzxw 19 (they believed) wnmyh (that not) ald (because) ljm Chapter 4 (the promise) anklwm (stands) Myq (while) dk (lest) amld (therefore) lykh (let us fear) lxdn 4:1 (of you) Nwknm (a man) sna (should be found) xktsn (into His rest) htxynld (of entrance) atlemd (entering) lemld (of) Nm (come short) sapd (those) Nwnh (that also) Pad (as) Kya (we were evangelized) Nrbtoa (for) ryg (we) Nnx (also) Pa 2 (that heard) wemsd (the word) atlm (thoseNwnhl (them) Nwna (benefited) trtwa (not) al (but) ala (who heard it) hwemsd (to those) Nwnhl (with faith) atwnmyhb (it was) twh (joined) agzmm (that not) ald (because) ljm (we who believe) Nnmyhd (who) Nylya (are) Nnx (into rest) atxynl (but) Nyd (we entering) Nnylae 3 (in my anger) yzgwrb (I swore) tymyd (as) Kya (He said) rma (but) Nyd (just as) ankya (of God) ahlad (the works) yhwdbe (for behold) ahd (My rest) ytxynl (they shall enter) Nwlen (that not) ald (have been) wwh (of the world) amled (the foundation) hyrws (from) Nm (God) ahla (rested) xyntad (The Sabbath *) atbs (about) le (what He said) rmad (according to) Kya 4 (all of them) Nwhlk (His works) yhwdbe (from) Nm (seventh) ayeybs (on the day) amwyb N * For atbs (Sabbath), the Greek mss. have ebdomhv (Seventh); Seven in Aramaic is aebs. Lets see these words in DSS script: )tb$ - (Sabbath) )(b$- (Seven) In Estrangela script: 0tb$ 0(b$ . Either Aramaic script shows 75% correspondence. The Peshitta reading Sabbath explains the Greek Seventh much more credibly than the Greek Seventh can explain the Sabbath reading. Here are the respective Greek words: sabbata ebdomhv and in Greek uncial script: SABBATA EBDOMHS - (0% correspondence)!
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(My rest) ytxynl (they shall enter) Nwlen (that not) ald (He said) rma (again) bwt (& here) akrhw 5 (man) sna (that each) snad (a place *) arta (has) awh (there existed) tyad (therefore) lykh (because) ljm 6 (entered) wle (not) al (first) aymdq (who were evangelized) wrbtoad (& those) Nwnhw (himself) hl (may enter) lwen (they were convinced) woypjta (in that not) aldb Because therefore there has been an opportunity for each person to enter and those who were first evangelized did not enter in that they were not persuaded, N * The Greek mss. have: (BYZ) epei oun apoleipetai tinav eiselyein eiv authn kai oi proteron euaggelisyentev ouk eishlyon di apeiyeian (YLT) Since then, it remaineth for certain to enter into it, and those who did first hear good news entered not in because of unbelief (many) aaygo (times) anbz (after) rtb (from) Nm (He appointed) Mao (another) anrxa (day) amwy (again) bwt 7 (David) dywd (that said) rmad (it is written) bytk (above *) lel (that from *) Nmd (just as) ankya (your hearts) Nwktwbl (harden) Nwsqt (not) al (you will listen) Nwemst (to His voice) hlqb (if) Na ( today) anmwyd N * Greek lacks above. (them) Nwna (had) awh (given rest) xyna (Nun) Nwn (son *) rb (Yeshua) ewsy (for) ryg (if) wla 8 (another) anrxa (day) amwy (about) le (afterward) Nkrtb (from) Nm (He would have) awh (spoken) rma (not) al N * Yeshua son of Nun in the Greek mss. is simply ihsouv Jesus, which seems rather confusing. This actually refers to Joshua (Hebrew- Yeshua) son of Nun, who wrote the OT book of Joshua. (of God) ahlad (for the people) hmel (to keep the Sabbath *) wtbsml (it) wh (remains) Myq (so then) Nydm 9 * For wtbsml -to keep the Sabbath, Greek mss. have sabbatismov; this word occurs nowhere else in Greek literature and is an obvious reworking of the Aramaic wtbsml Lamshebatu- (to keep Sabbath) in Greek letters with grammatical noun ending.The word sabbaton occurs 68 times in the Greek NT, including in Acts,1 Corinthians and Colossians. (has rested) xyntta (His rest) htxynl (enters) led (for) ryg (whoever) anya 10 (His own) hlyd (from) Nm (God) ahlad (as) Kya (his works) yhwdbe (from) Nm (he) wh (also) Pa (rest) atxyn (to that) yhl (to enter) lwend (therefore) lykh (let us take pains) jpxtn 11 (were persuaded) woypjta (who not) ald (of those) Nwnhd (in the manner) atwmdb (we fall) lpn (lest) ald (efficient) areo (& all) lkw (of God) ahlad (the word) htlm (for) ryg (that) yh (is living) ayx 12 (mouthed) hymwp (double) Nyrtd (a sword) aropo (than) Nm (much) bj (& sharper) apyrxw (& of spirit) axwrdw (of soul) aspnd (the separation) ansrwpl (unto) amde (pierces) alaew (the reasoning) atbsxm (& judges) anydw (& of bones *) amrgdw (& marrow) axwmdw (& of joints) atyrsdw (of the heart) abld (& conscience) atyertw N * All efficient & And of the bones do not occur in the Greek mss. Where did these phrases come from?A translation of Greek would not have produced these phrases in the Peshitta. (before Him) hymdq (from) Nm (that is hidden) aysjd (a created thing) atyrb (& there is not) tylw 13 (the eyes) yhwnye (before) Mdq (& open) algw (is naked) ljre (thing) Mdm (every) lk (but) ala (an account) amgtp (we give) Nnybhy (of Him to Whom) hld (great) abr (a priest) armwk (high) br (therefore) lykh (to us) Nl (there is) tyad (because) ljm 14 (to Heaven) aymsl (Who has ascended) qlod (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (The Messiah *) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (to His confession) htydwtb (let us hold fast) Nomxn N * Greek lacks The Messiah and also His in His confession.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(suffer *) sxnd (can) aum (Who not) ald (a High Priest) armwkbr (for us) Nl (He is) tya (for) ryg (not) al 15 (like us) Ntwka (in all things) Mdmlkb (Who was tried *) yonmd (but) ala (our weaknesses) Ntwhyrk (with) Me (sin) atyjx (from) Nm (apart) rjo (to the throne) ayorwkl (eyes) Nye (with open) algb (therefore) lykh (let us come) brqtn 16 (& we shall find) xksnw (mercy) amxr (to receive) bond (of His grace) htwbyjd (of suffering *) anulwad (in a time) anbzb (to help) anrdwel (grace) atwbyj N * Nye algb -Bagla Ayn (Open eyes) is an idiom meaning publicly or boldly. *Greek mss. have Eukairon -in a convenient time. Eukairon literally means good time just the opposite of the Peshitta reading -time of suffering! Chapter 5 (was) awh (children of men) asnynb (who from) Nmd (for) ryg (priest) armwk (High) br (every) lk 5:1 (are) Nyna (that of God) ahladd (the things) Nylya (over) le (is appointed) Maq (men) asnynb (for the sake of) Plx (sin) ahjx (for the sake of) Plx (& sacrifices) axbdw (offerings) anbrwq (to present) brqnd (those) Nylya (with) Me (& suffer) sxnw (himself) hspn (humble) Kmnd (who can) xksmd (he) anya 2 (that also) Pad (because) ljm (& the erring) Nyejw (know) Nyedy (who not) ald (is clothed *) sybl (in weakness) atwhyrk (he) wh N * Greek mss. have he is surrounded with weakness. (people) ame (for the sake of) Plxd (that as) ankyad (he) wh (owes a debt) byx (for his sake) htljmw 3 (his sins) yhwhjx (for) le (to present) brqn (himself) hspn (for the sake of) Plx (also) Pa (in this way) ankh (the honor) arqya (took) bon (a man) sna (for himself) hspnl (it was) awh (& not) alw 4 (Aaron) Nwrhad (just as) ankya (God) ahla (from) Nm (who was called) arqtmd (he) anya (but) ala (glorify) xbs (His Soul *) hspn (did) awh (not) al (The Messiah) axysm (also) Pa (so) ankh 5 (to Him) hl (Who said) rmad (He) wh (but) ala (Priest) armwk (High) br (to be) awhnd (I have begotten You) Ktdly (today) anmwy (I) ana (You are) tna (My Son) yrbd So The Messiah did not glorify His Soul to be High Preist, but He Who said to Him, You are My Son, today I have begotten You. * The Greek has Christ did not glorify Himself to be High Priest, but He Who said to Him. This means God glorified Himself to be High Priest and is incorrect and poorly worded. The Peshitta has the word Napsa which can mean, Self, Soul or Life. This is a case in which the Greek is not coherent and The Peshitta is. (He said) rma (another) atrxa (in place) atkwdb (that also) Pad (as) Kya 6 (of Melkizedeq) qdzyklmd (in the image) htwmdb (to eternity) Mlel (a Priest) armwk (are) wh ( You) tnad (& supplications) atpsktw (prayers) atweb (He was) awh (clothed) sybl (in flesh) arob (while) dk (also) Pa 7 (He) awh (came near) brq (& in tears) aemdbw (strong) atyntlyx (in shouting) ategb (to give Him life) yhwyxnd (death) atwm (from) Nm (was) awh (Who able) xksmd (to Him) Nml (& He was obeyed) emtsaw (the fear) atlxd (from) Nm (He is) yhwtya (The Son) arb (although) bj (& while) dkw 8 (obedience) atwnemtsml (He learned) hply (which He endured) lbod (& the suffering) asxw (those) Nylya (to all) Nwhlkl (& became) awhw (He was perfected) rmgta (& in this way) ankhw 9 (eternal) Mleld (of life) ayxd (The Cause) atle (Him) hl (who obey) Nyemtsmd (Priest) armwk (High) br (God) ahla (from) Nm (& He was named) hmtsaw 10 (of Melkizedeq) qdzyklmd (in the image) htwmdb
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(to us) Nl (are) yh (much) aaygo (Melkizedeq) qdzyklm (this) anh (about) le (but) Nyd (about Him) yhwle 11 (to explain it) htwqspml (& it is hard) aqoew (to say) hrmaml (discourse) atlm (in your hearing) Nwktemsmb (infirm) ahyrk (to you) Nwkl (you are) Nwtywhd (because) ljm (of the time) anbzd (because) ljm (to be) awhml (teachers) anplm (for) ryg (you) Nwtywh (ought) Nybyx 12 (you) Nwtna (need) Nyqyno (again) bwt (but) Nyd (now) ash (in the teaching) anplwyb (to you) Nwkl (of the first) syrd (primer) atymdq (the letters) atbytk (which are) Nyna (those things) Nylya (to learn) Nwplatd (in need) aqyno (to you) Nwkl (& you were) Nwtywhw (of God) ahlad (words) yhwlm (solid) atryrs (food) atlwkam (of) le (& not) alw (milk) ablx (of) le (is acquainted) opm (not) al (is) wh (milk) ablx (whose food) htlwkamd (but) Nyd (every person) snlk 13 (he is) wh (an infant) arbsd (because) ljm (of righteousness) atwnakd (in the word) atlmb (those) Nylya (solid) atryrs (food) atlwkam (but) Nyd (is) yh (for the mature) arymgd 14 (in their senses) Nwhysgr (are instructed) wqpnta (they practice) Nysrdmd (who because) ljmd (& evil) atsybw (good) atbj (to distinguish) srpml Chapter 6 (the beginning) ayrws (let us leave) qwbsn (this) anh (because of) ljm 6:1 (to perfection) atwrymgl (& let us go) atanw (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the word) htlmd (another) atrxa (foundation) atoats (again) bwt (interrog.) aml (or) wa (dead) atym (works) adbe (from) Nm (for conversion) atwbytl (are you laying?) Nwtymrm (which is in God) ahlabd (& for faith) atwnmyhlw (hands) adya (& of the laying on) Myodw (of baptism) atydwmemd (& for the teaching) anplwylw 2 (the dead) atym (among) tyb (that is from) Nmd (& for the resurrection) atmyqlw (eternal) Mleld (& for judgment) anydlw (this) adh (we shall do *) dben (permits) opm (Jehovah) ayrm (if) Na 3 * Many Greek mss. have poihswmen- We should do, an aorist active subjunctive verb; Many also have poihsomen We shall do, an future active indicative verb. The Aramaic verb dben can have either meaning. All Aramaic imperfect tenses may be translated variously as future-shall-verb, optative-may-verb,hortatory-let-verb, purpose-should-verb, habitual present verb or as an imperative verb-Thou shalt-verb, Do-verb, etc.. Many Greek variant readings may be traced to this Aramaic verb phenomenon as their source. Aramaic participles also have considerable flexibility in that they may be translated as present tenses, future tense or past tense, depending on the context (very much like Hebrew). (to baptism *) atydwmeml (time) Nbz (who one) adxd (those) Nwnh (are able) Nyxksm (not) al (but) ala 4 (Heaven) ayms (that is from) Nmd (a gift) atbhwm (& tasted) wmejw (descended) wtxn (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (& received) wbonw But those who have gone down once to baptism and have tasted a gift from Heaven and have received The Holy Spirit N * atydwmeml baptism is similar to atwnrhnml enlightenment, which the Greek mss. all have. Here are the terms in DSS script: )tydwm(ml -Baptism )twnrhnml.- Enlightenment In Estrangela they are a0tydw(eml a0twnrhnml; - not quite as similar as in DSS script,with 66% correspondence; DSS script words have 89% correspondence. I fail to see how this and the previous verses were taken from the Greek. The Greek word for enlightened is fwtisyentav; fwtisyentav Baptized is baptisyentav; baptisyentav Here are the two in uncial script: FWTISYENTAS & BAPTISYENTAS. The Greek endings are standard and long for passive participles (6 letters long here), hence the words are very similar, but not as similar as their Aramaic Estrangela counterparts. Assuming the Greek FwTISYENTAS (Enlightened) is original, BAPTISYENTAS (Baptized) represents 82% correspondence, however, the first letters of a word are the most important for recognition; the first two of FwTISYENTAS are nothing like the first letters of BAPTISYENTAS. The rest of each word in Greek is basically an added ending for the particular masculine accusative plural of the aorist passive participle of a
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

verb with an izo ending, which Baptizo and Photizo are.The root words are the most critical in distinguishing one word from another. These are the first part of the word, usually three to five letters long. I doubt therefore that a translator of Greek would mistake the root FwT- Phot- as BAPTBAPT- Bapt-. (Yes, the English Photo and Baptize come from these Greek roots.) Notice also The Peshitta has the word descended wtxn before baptism. The Greek does not have this. This same word discrepancy occurs in Hebrews 10:32! See note below at that place. (of God) ahlad (good) atbj (the word) atlm (& have tasted) wmejw 5 (that is future) dyted (of the world) amled (& the power) alyxw and have tasted the good word of God and the power of the future world (to conversion) atwbytl (to be renewed) Nwtdxtn (the top) syrd (from) Nmd (they would sin *) Nwjxn (who again) bwtd 6 (& to become contemptible) Nwreunw (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrbl (to crucify) Nwpqzn (the top) syrd (& from) Nmw are unable to sin again to be renewed to conversion and to crucify again The Son of God and to become contemptible. N * Greek mss. have parapesontav falling away. I suspect a Greek translator looked at the Aramaic Nwjxn -they sin and saw Nwlpn (falling). Here are those two Aramaic words in three different scripts: Ashuri: Nwjxn-they sin Nwlpn-(falling) Dead Sea Scroll: }w+xn-they sin }wlpn-(falling) Estrangela: Nw+xn-they sin

Nwlpn -(falling)
The Dead Sea Scroll pair are the most similar, which may indicate it was the original script used in composing Hebrews, or at least used in the copy translated into Greek. The letter correspondence in that pair is 84%. Have a good look at its underlined letters and see how lp can fit together to form +. The others have 60-80% correspondence. The Peshitta here says that a true believer in The Messiah cannot sin and be reconverted. 1 John 3:6-10 goes even further and says a person born of God cannot sin at all! See also Hebrews 10:26. (many) Naygo (times) Nynbz (to it) hl (that comes) atad (rain) arjm (drinks) tytsad (for) ryg (the earth) aera 7 (to those) Nwnhl (that is useful) xsxd (vegetation) aboe (& makes grow) tyewaw (God) ahla (from) Nm (blessing) atkrwb (it receives) albqm (it is cultivated) axlptm (for whom) Nwhtljmd (& thistles) ardrdw (thorns) abjrwq (that should produce) qptd (but) Nyd (it is) wh (if) Na 8 (curses) atjwl (from) Nm (is far) aqyxr (& not) alw atylom (to him) hl (it would be) aywh (is) wh (burning) andqy (its end) htrx (but) ala (my brothers) yxa (concerning you) Nwkyle (but) Nyd (we are persuaded) Nnyoypm 9 (life) ayxl (& that accompany) Nbyrqw (that are excellent) Nrypsd (those things) Nylya (we speak) Nnyllmm (in this way) ankh (even though) Npa (your works) Nwkydbe (that He would disregard) aejnd (God) ahla (is evil) lwe (for) ryg (was) awh (not) al 10 (that you have ministered) Nwtsmsd (in His Name) hmsb (which you showed) Nwtywxd (that) wh (& your love) Nwkbwxw (& you do minister) Nwtysmsmw (to the saints) asydql (this) adh (is) yh (of you) Nwknm (man) sna (of each) snad (but) Nyd (we desire) Nnybu 11 (the end) atrxl (until) amde (of your hope) Nwkrbod (for the perfection) aylmwsl (to be) awxn (diligence) atwjypx (that you would be) Nwwhtd (but) ala (to you) Nwkl (you should faint) ejqtt (& that not) aldw 12 (& in patience) axwr twrygnbw (who in faith) atwnmyhbd (of those) Nwnhl (imitators) anyrmm (of the promise) anklwmd (heirs) atry (have become) wwh

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(God) ahla (to him) hl (made a promise) Klm (when) dk (for) ryg (to Abraham) Mhrbal 13 (than He) hnm (greater) brd (to Him) hl (was) awh (there not) tyld (because) ljm (by Himself) hspnb (He swore) amy (by Whom) hb (to swear) amand (I shall multiply you) Kygoa (& to multiply) wygomw (I shall bless you) Kkrba ( to bless) wkrbmd (& He said) rmaw 14 (the promise) anklwm (& he received) lbqw (he was patient) hxwr rga (& in this way) ankhw 15 (they swear) Nymy (than they) Nwhnm (by that which is greater) brdb (for) ryg (among children of men) asnynb 16 (among them) Nwhtnyb (that has been) awhd (dispute) Nyrx (every) lk (& about) lew (to it) hl (has been) awh (by an oath) atmwmb (sure) aryrs (an end) amlws (God) ahla (was willing) abu (all the more) tyaryty (this) anh (because of) ljm 17 (that His declaration) hydwwsd (of the promise) anklwmd (the heirs) atryl (to show) awxnd (in an oath) atmwmb (& He bound it) hsbxw (would change) Plxtsm (not) al (are changed) Nplxtsm (that not) ald (matters) Nwbu (that by two) Nytrtbd 18 (in them) Nyhb (lie) lgdnd (God) ahla (can) xksm (because not) ald (in Him) hb (we who have sought refuge) Nowgtad (to us) Nl (would be) awhn (great) abr (comfort) aaywb (to us) Nl (which was promised) Kylmd (the hope) arbo (& we may seize) dwxanw (in our soul) Nspnb (that holds fast) Kybld (an anchor) anyqwa (as) Kya (to us) Nl (Who is) yhwtyad (He) wh 19 (the veil) aert ypa (of) Nm (inside) wgl (& has entered) laew (will be moved) eyztt (that not) ald (Yeshua) ewsy (for our sake) Nyplx (entered) le (that before) Mdqd (where) rk 20 (to eternity) Mlel (The Priest) armwk (& has become) awhw (of Melkizedeq) qdzyklmd (in the image) htwmdb Chapter 7 (of Salim) Myls (king) Klm (is) yhwtya (Melkizedeq) qdzyklm (but) Nyd (this) anh 7:1 (Abraham) Mhrbal (met) hera (& he) whw (Most High) amyrm (of God) ahlad (priest) armwk (& he blessed him) hkrbw (of kings) aklmd (the massacre) abrx (from) Nm (he returned) Kph (when) dk (everything) Mdmlk (of) Nm (a tenth) aroem (Abraham) Mhrba (distributed) srp (& to him) hlw 2 (his name) hms (but) Nyd (is interpreted) qsptm (with him) hme (was) awh (that) tyad (of Salim) Myls (king) Klm (& again) bwtw (of righteousness) atwnakd (king) aklm (of peace) amlsd (king) aklm (which is) yhwtyad (his mother) hma (& without) alw (his father) yhwba (without) ald 3 (of his days) yhwmwyd (beginning) atysyr (neither) alw (in the genealogies) atbrsb (being written) wbtkta (of God) ahlad (of The Son) hrbd (in the likeness) atwmdb (but) ala (of his life) yhwyxd (end) amlws (nor) alw (for eternity) Mlel (his priesthood) htwrmwk (remains) aywqm Without his father or his mother being written in the genealogies, neither beginning of his days nor end of his life, but in the likeness of the Son of God, his priesthood remains for eternity. The Greek mss. have: (YLT) Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, and being made like to the Son of God, doth remain a priest continually. The Peshitta text has eight more words of information than the Greek text. These are underlined in my translation to illustrate what is fairly typical in the NT comparisons of Greek and Aramaic versions. Translation normally involves a loss of information (Lost in translation), not adding of information. This phenomenon of less info. in the Greek texts supports Peshitta primacy and mitigates strongly against a Greek original for NT books. See my book Divine Contact for several experiments in which this phenomenon is analyzed statistically throughout the NT. The resulting thousands of data all support Peshitta primacy (an Aramaic original NT) unanimously.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(chief) syr (than Abraham) Mhrbad (is this one) anh (greater) br (how much?) amk (but) Nyd wzx 4 (of the best) atysrd (the tithe) aroem (he gave) bhy (to him) hl (of the fathers) athba (priesthood) atwrmwk (have) wwh (who received) Nylbqmd (of Levi) ywl (the sons) ynb (of) Nm (for) ryg (those) Nylya 5 (of The Written Law) aowmnd (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (there) tya (a commandment) andqwp (their brethren) Nwhyxa (of) Nm (those) Nwnh (the people) ame (from) Nm (a tenth part) aroem (to take) Nwbond (had come forth) wqpn (of Abraham) Mhrbad (the loins) hux (from) Nm (those) Nwnh (also) Pa (as) dk (a tithe) aroem (in their genealogies) Nwhtbrsb (is written) bytk (who not) ald (but) Nyd (this one) anh 6 (the promise) anklwm (who received) lbqd (him) whl (& blessed him) hkrbw (Abraham) Mhrba (from) Nm (received) lqs (who is lesser) ryubd (he) wh (but) Nyd (dispute) anyrx (without) ald 7 (than he) hnm (who is greater) rtymd (him) wh (of) Nm (is blessed) Krbtm (tithes) aroem (receive) Nybon (who die) Nytymd (the children of men) asnynb (& here) akrhw 8 (the scriptures) abtk (about whom) yhwle (testify) dhoad (he) wh (but) Nyd (there) lhl (he) wh (that lives) yxd (Levi) ywl (also) Pa (Abraham) Mhrba (by) dyb (let us say) rman (a man) sna (& as) Kyaw 9 (was caused to tithe) roeta (He) wh (also) Pa (was) awh (receives) bon (who tithes) aroemd (he) wh (of his father) yhwbad (he was) awh (in the loins) huxb (for) ryg (yet) lykde 10 (Melkizedeq) qdzyklml (he met him) hera (when) dk For he was yet in the loins of his father when he met Melchizedek. The Greek has when Melchizedek met him; not a major difference, but explainable on the basis of the Aramaic, which literally says, he met him Melchizedek.This could be construed to say when Melchizedek met him, but only by forcing the grammar unnaturally. (of Levi) aywld (the priesthood) atwrmwk (by) dyb (perfection) atwrymg (therefore) lykh (if is) wla 11 (to the people) amel (the written Law) aowmn (was established) Myo (for by it) hbd (was) twh (it) hytya (another) anrxa (priest) armwk (was) awh (needed) aebtm (Why?) anml (of Melkizedeq) qdzyklmd (in the image) htwmdb (to arise) Mwqnd (he would be) awhn (of Aaron) Nwrhad (that in the image) htwmdbd (but) Nyd (does it say?) rma (in the priesthood) atwrmwkb (a change) aplxws (there was) awhd (just as) ankya (but) ala 12 (in the law) aowmnb (also) Pa (a change) aplxws (there was) awh (in this way) ankh (these words) Nylh (about him) yhwle (of whom were said) rmatad (for) ryg (he) wh 13 (is born) dlyta (another) atrxa (is) wh (tribe) atbrs (from) Nm (at the altar) axbdmb (ministered) sms (not) al (from it) hnm (ever) Mwtmm (that a man) snad (our Lord) Nrm (arose) xnd (Yehuda) adwhy (that from) Nmd (for) ryg (it is) yh (revealed) aylg 14 (Moses) aswm (about which) hyle (spoke) rma (that not) ald (a tribe) atbrs (from) Nm (priesthood) atwrmwk (concerning) le (anything) Mdm (by this) yhb (it is apparent) aeydy (again) bwt (& moreover) tyarytyw 15 (of Melkizedeq) qdzyklmd (that in the image) htwmdbd (that He said) rmad (another) anrxa (Priest) armwk (arises) Maq (carnal) aynrgp (of commandments) andqwpd (by The Law) aowmnb (was) awh (who not) ald (He) wh 16 (is destroyed) Nyrtsm (that not) ald (of Life) ayxd (by the power) alyxb (but) ala (was) awh (The Priest) armwk (are) wh ( You) tnad (about Him) yhwle (for) ryg (He testified) dhom 17 (of Melkizedeq) qdzyklmd (in the image) htwmdb (for eternity) Mlel

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(first) aymdq (to the order) andqwpl (there was) awhd (but) Nyd (a change) aplxws 18 (in it) hb (was) awh (there not) tyl (& benefit) Nrtwydw (its impotence) htwlyxm (because of) ljm (The Written Law) aowmn (perfects) rmg (not) al (for) ryg (anything) Mdm 19 (hope) arbo (in its place) yhwplx (but) Nyd (entered) le (to God) ahlal (we approach) Nnybrqtm (in which) hbd (than it) hnm (which is greater) rtymd (by an oath) atmwmb (to us) Nl (& He confirmed it *) hrrsw 20 N * All Greek mss. have And inasmuch as it is not apart from oath. The Greek seems to be a long winded paraphrase of the Aramaic with the double negative not without instead of the straightforward positive He confirmed it.This occurs in the Gospel of Mark, Romans,1 & 2 Cor., 1 Thess. and elsewhere not a few times. (priests) armwk (were) wwh (an oath) atmwm (without) ald (for) ryg (those) Nwnh 21 (David) dywd (by) dyb (to Him) hl (He said) rmad (as) Kya (with an oath) atmwmb (but) Nyd (This One) anh (Priest) armwk (are) wh (that You) tnad (will lie) lgdn (& not) alw (Jehovah) ayrm (has sworn) amyd (of Melkizedeq *) qdzyklmd (in the image *) htwmdb (to eternity) Mlel M * The critical Greek text lacks,In the image of Melchizedek. The OT Peshitta agrees with the reading here in The Peshitta: in the image of Melchizedek. The Hebrew text of Psalm 110:4 can mean in the order of Melchizedek or in the manner of Melchizedek, the latter of which fits the word htwmdb badmotha. (this) adh (covenant) aqtyd (is better) artym (all) hlk (this) anh 22 (Yeshua) ewsy (The Guarantor) abre (by which) hb (is) awhd (they were) wwh (dying) Nytymd (because) ljm (many) aaygo (priests) armwk (were) wwh (& those) Nwnhw 23 (to continue) Nwwqnd (were) wwh (allowed) Nyqbtsm (& not) alw (He is) Myq (eternal) Mleld (because) ljm (but) Nyd (This One) anh 24 (His priesthood) htwrmwk (passes away) arbe (not) al (who come near) Nybrqtmd (to those) Nylyal (for eternity) Mlel (give life) wyxml (& He can) xksmw 25 (in every time) Nbzlkb (for) ryg (He) wh (lives) yx (to God) ahlal (by Him) hdyab (in our place) Nwhyplx (prayers) atwlu (& He offers) qomw (for us) Nl (was) awh (right) qdz (also) Pa (Priest) armwk (for) ryg (This) anh (that as) Kyad 26 (defilement) aslwj (& without) aldw (malice) wsyb (without) ald (pure) aykd (sin) ahjx (from) Nm (Who is separate) qyrpd (Heaven) ayms (than) Nm (higher) lel (& exalted) Myrmw (every day) Mwylk (compulsion) anulwa (to Him) hl (& there is not) tylw 27 (his sins) yhwhjx (because of) Plx (first) Mdqwld (The Priests) armwk (Chief) ybr (as) Kya (the people) ame (for) Plx (& then) Nydyhw (sacrifice) axbd (to offer) brqn (which He offered) brqd (in His Life) hspnb (time) Nbz (one) adx (did it) hdbe (for) ryg (This One) adh (priests) armwk (establish) Myqm (weak) ahyrk (does) wh (men) asnynb (for) ryg (The Law) aowmn 28 (The Law) aowmn (after) rtb (that was) twhd (of the oath) atmwmd (but) Nyd (the word) atlm (into eternity) Mlel (perfect) arymg (The Son) arb Chapter 8 (The Priest) armwk (High) br (ours) Nl (that is) tya (of all) Nyhlkd (but) Nyd (the chief part) asyr 8:1 (of the throne) ayorwkd (the right side) anymy (on) Nm (sits) btyd (Who) anya (in Heaven) aymsb (of The Majesty) atwbrd But The Chief of all these things is ours: The High Priest Who sits on the right side of the throne of The Majesty in Heaven.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

The Father and The Son sit on one throne in Heaven: To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Rev. 3:21 (of Holiness) asdwq (of the house) tybd (The Minister) ansmsm (& He is) awhw 2 (God) ahla (which set up) ebqd (that) wh (of the truth) arrsd (& the tabernacle) anksmdw (a son of man) asnrb (& not) alw (gifts) anbrwq (to offer) brqnd (is appointed) Maqd (for) ryg (priest) armwk (high) br (every) lk 3 (for This One) anhl (also) Pa (it was) twh (right) aqdz (this) anh (because of) ljm (& sacrifices) axbdw (to offer) brqnd (something) Mdm (for Himself) hl (having) tya (to be) awhnd (a priest) armwk (not even) alpa (He were) awh (in earth) aerab (& if) wlaw 4 (priests) armwk (have been) wwh (there) Nwhytyad (because) ljm (be) awh (He would) awh (what is in The Law) aowmnbd (according to) Kya (gifts) anbrwq (have been) wwh (who offering) Nybrqmd (of these things) Nylhd (& the shadow) atynljlw (the form) atwmdl (who serve) Nysmsmd (those) Nwnh 5 (to Moses) aswml (was said) rmatad (as) Kya (that are in Heaven) aymsbd (everything) Mdmlk (& do) dbew (see) yzxd (the tabernacle) anksm (he) awh (made) dbe (when) dk (on the mountain) arwjb (to you) Kl (appeared) tyzxtad (that) yh (by the image) atwmdb (that) yh (than) Nm (which is better) artymd (a ministry) atsmst (but) Nyd (now) ash 6 (is better) artymd (as that) amka (The Messiah *) axysm (Yeshua *) ewsy (has received) lbq (Mediator) ayeum (in it) hb (that of which He is made) dybed (that) yh (covenant) aqytyd (also) Pa (it is given) tbhyta (that) yhd (than) Nm (better) Nyrtymd (& with promises) aydwwsbw N * The Greek mss. lack Jesus The Messiah, which leaves Moses as the closest subject (v.5). That is misleading, to say the least. (fault) Nysr (without) ald (the first one) atymdq (had) twh (been) hytya (for) ryg (if) wla 7 (second one) Nytrtd (for this) adhl (a place) arta (had been) awh (there not) tyl (& He said) rmaw (for) ryg (with them) Nwhl (He found fault) asr 8 (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (are coming) Nyta (the days) atmwy (Behold) ahd (Israel) lyroya (of the house) tybd (the family *) atyb (for) le (& I will perfect) rwmgaw (new) atdx (a covenant) aqtyd (of Yehuda) adwhy (of the house) tybd (the family) atyb (& for) lew N * (of the house) tybd (the family) atyb- Baytha dbayth occurs twice, and is an Aramaic idiom here- definitely original and not from Greek.The Greek has simply, the house of Israel; the house of Judah. (to their fathers) Nwhyhbal (that I gave *) tbhyd (covenant) aqtyd (that) yh (like) Kya (not) al 9 (them) Nwna (& I brought) tqpaw (their hands) Nwhdyab (when I took) tdxad (in the day) amwyb (continued) wywq (not) al (those) Nwnhd (because) ljm (of Egypt) Nyrumd (the land) aera (from) Nm (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (them) Nwhb (rejected *) tyob (I) ana (also) Pa (My) ylyd (in covenant) aqtydb N * Greek has covenant I made with their fathers; it also has I neglected them; Compare these to The Peshittas, covenant I gave to their fathers and I rejected them. The Greek obviously loses something in translation here, and generally throughout the NT. (Israel) lyroya (of the house) tybd (to the family) atybl (that I shall give) ltad (covenant) aqtyd (but) Nyd (this) adh 10 (My law) yowmnl (I shall put) yhwylta (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (those) Nwnh (days) atmwy (after) rtb (I shall write it) yhwybtka (their hearts) Nwhtwbl (& upon) lew (in their minds) Nwhyedmb (a people) ame (to Me) yl (shall be) Nwwhn (& those) Nwnhw (God) ahla (I) ana (to them) Nwhl (& shall be) awhaw (his brother) yhwxal (neither) alpa (of his city) htnydm (a citizen) rbl (a man) sna (will teach) Pln (& not) alw 11 (shall know Me) ynnwedn (all of them) Nwhlkd (because) ljm (Jehovah) ayrml (know) edd (& say) rmanw (their elders) Nwhsysql (& unto) amdew (their little ones) Nwhrwez (from) Nm
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(their evils) Nwhlwe (of) Nm (them) Nwna (& I shall purge *) aoxaw 12 (them) Nwhl (I shall remember) rkdta (not) al (again) bwt (& their sins) Nwhyhjxw N * Greek mss. have ilewv esomai-Merciful I will be. The Aramaic word owxa,from owx, can mean I shall have mercy; the form of the word used here is aoxa, from yox to make atonement, to pardon,to purge. The Greek seems to have come from owxa to pity,have mercy. (He made old) hqtea (the first) atymdql (new) atdx (He said) rmad (in that) yhb 13 (destruction) albxl (is) wh (near) byrq (& old) baow (which is outdated) qted (& that) anyaw Chapter 9 (an order) adqwp (in it) hb (was) awh (there) tya (but) Nyd (in the first) atymdqb 9:1 (worldly) aynmle (of Holiness) asdwq (& the house) tybw (of ministry) atsmstd (in it) hb (was) awh (there) tya (that was made) dbetad (the first) aymdq (for) ryg (tabernacle) anksm 2 (of the presence) apa (& the bread) Mxlw (& the table) arwtpw (the Manorah) atrnm (holy) asdwq (the place) tyb (was) awh (& it called) arqtmw (the veil) aert ypa (from) Nm (within) wgld (inner) aywg (but) Nyd (the tabernacle) anksm 3 (of holies) asdwq (holy) swdq (was) awh (called) arqtm (the second) Nyrtd (of gold) abhdd (of incense) amob (the place) tyb (in it) hb (was) awh (& there) tyaw 4 (with gold) abhdb (all) hlk (overlaid) amyrqd (of the covenant) aqtydd (& the ark) atwbqw (was) awh (which) tyad (that) yh (of gold) abhdd (a pot) ajoq (in it) hb (& is) tyaw (which budded) erpad (that) wh (of Aaron) Nwrhad (& the rod) ajbsw (manna) annm (in it) hb (of the covenant) aqtydd (& the tablets) axwlw (over) le (which shrouded) Nyljmd (of glory) axbwsd (the Cherubim) abwrk (it) hnm (& above) lelw 5 (that) wh (time) anbz (but) Nyd (there is) awh (not) al (the mercy seat) ayowx (these things) Nylh (of) Nm (one) adx (each) adx (about) le (we may speak) rmand (were) ywh (fashioned) Nnqtm (that in this way *) ankhd * The last phrase,that were fashioned in this way, is the beginning of the next verse in Greek. (entering) Nylae (in every time) Nbzlkb (outer *) ayrb (& the tabernacle) anksmlw 6 (their ministry) Nwhtsmst (were) wwh (& performing) Nymlsmw (the priests) armwk (were) wwh N * Greek mss. have prwthnprwthn-First. At the first in Aramaic would probably be syrb; Compare that with ayrb Outer, and you can see the probable explanation for the Greek reading. ayrb-Outer (Peshitta) Syrb At the first(Source of Greek?) (in a year) atnsb (it) wh (once) adx (of it) hnm (inner *) wgld (but) Nyd (the tabernacle) anksml 7 (with blood) amdb (the High Priest) armwkbr (would) awh (enter) lae (by himself) yhwdwxlb (his soul) hspn (in the place of) Plx (was) awh (offering) brqmd (he) wh (of the people) amed (the evil-doing *) htwlko (& in the place of) Plxw N * Greek mss. have deuterandeuteran-Second. Second in Aramaic would probably be Nyrtd; Compare that with wgld Inner. Have a look at these in Dead Sea Scroll script: }yrtd: : wgld and you can see a probable explanation for the Greek reading.Here they are in Estrangela: Nyrtd wgld. The DSS script pair have at least 60% correspondence. If Nyrt Two were the mistaken reading interpreted by a Greek translator, we would have this comparison: }yrt -Second wgld -Inner The DSS seems to explain the Greek.
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

N * Greek has agnohma agnoayma, ignorance. The Aramaic has htwlko - saklotha,foolishness,evil doing, offense.It is a mistake to say The High Priest sacrificed for the ignorance of the people. The Greek appears to me to be a mistranslation of the Aramaic. (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (had) twh (taught) aedwm (but) Nyd (in this) adhb 8 (of Holiness) asydqd (a way) axrwa (yet) lykde (had been revealed) tylgta (that not) ald (the first) aymdq (tabernacle) anksml (standing) amyq (was) awh (that) tyad (a time) anbz (as long) amk (gifts) anbrwq (in which) hbd (that) wh (for time) anbzl (this) anh (a symbol) altm (was) awh (& it) yhwtyaw 9 (were) wwh (able) Nyxksm (that not) ald (those) Nylya (were) wwh (offered) Nybrqtm (& sacrifices) axbdw (them) Nwhl (who offers) brqmd (of him) Nmd (the conscience) htrat (to perfect) rmgml (& in washing) atydwmembw (only) dwxlb (& in drink) aytsmbw (in food) alkamb (but) ala 10 (of the flesh) arobd (ordinances) adqwp (that are) Nyhytyad (kinds) Nynz (of various) Nynzd (of reformation) aurwtd (the time) anbzl (until) amde (that are established) Nymyod (The High Priest) armwkbr (has become) awh (Who has come) atad (but) Nyd (The Messiah) axysm 11 (great) abr (the tabernacle) anksml (& He entered) lew (that He did *) reod (of the good things) atbjd (with hands) aydyab (is made) dybe (that not) ald (& perfect) anmlsmw (created things) atyrb (these) Nylh (from) Nm (was) awh (& not) alw C Majority Greek has things to come mellontwnmellontwn- mellontone.The Aramaic reod -that He did looks similar to dyted, that is coming. In DSS, they are: r(sd: dyt(d. Personally, the square Aramaic pair look more similar than DSS:reod dyted. I see 60% correspondence here in these three letter pairs: reod:dyted out of the five of the longer word of the pair- dyted (3/5=60%).It is also noteworthy that the word dybe occurs in this verse and has essentially the same meaning as reod and also looks even more like dyte. P46 is a 2nd-3rd Century Papyrus; it (and Codex B (4th Cent.) has the following reading in the place of mellontwn: mellontwn: genomenwn (things which happened). This word is quite in keeping with The Peshitta reading reod, which can have the sense of happening. Here is the Syraic definition exerpt:

Based on this, reod can mean b) to do or c) to be, happen, come to pass. The part c) meaning is based on the Ethpeel (Passive) form of the verb not used in The Peshitta, but another passive form meaning of this verb (to be) is used with the active form and is so confirmed by the Greek version in 1 Cor. 12:29 (dunameivdunameiv can be).Quite often a passive form meaning is a reflection of the active form as well in Aramaic. (& of calves) algedw (of yearling goats) ayrpud (with blood) amdb (He entered) le (& not) alw 12 (time) Nbz (one) adx (He entered) le (of Himself) hspnd (with the blood) amdb (but) ala (eternal) Mleld (redemption) anqrwp (& He has achieved) xksaw (holy) asdqm (the place) tybl (& ashes) amjqw (& of calves) algedw (of kids) ayrpud (the blood) amd (for) ryg (if) Na 13 (those) Nylya (on) le (were) awh (sprinkled) oortm (of an heifer) atlged (them) Nwhl (& it sanctified) sdqmw (were) wwh (who defiled) Nyamjtmd (of their flesh) Nwhrobd (for the purifying) aykwdl (of The Messiah) axysmd (the blood) hmd (more) tyaryty (therefore) lykh (How much?) amk 14 (offered) brq (Himself) hspn (Eternal) Mleld (Who by The Spirit) axwrbd
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(our conscience *) Ntrat (will purify) akdn (to God) ahlal (blemish) Mwm (without) ald (The Living One) ayx (God) ahlal (that we may serve) smsnd (dead) atym (works) adbe (from) Nm C * The Majority Greek has Your conscience; The Critical Greek has Our conscience, agreeing with The Peshitta. Ntrat is Our conscience; Nwktrat is Your conscience, with the two additional letters in blue underlined. (new) atdx (of a covenant) aqtydd (The Mediator) ayeum (was) awh (He) wh (this) anh (because of) ljm 15 (to those) Nylyal (salvation) anqrwp (was) awh (He) wh (for in His death) htwmbd (first) atymdq (the covenant) aqtyd (against) le (who violated) wrbed (the promise) anklwm (that we may receive) Nwbond (eternal) Mleld (to inheritance) atwtryl (who were called) wyrqtad (those) Nylya (a testament) aqtyd (there is) tyad (for) ryg (where) akya 16 (who made it) hdbed (of him) whd (shows) aywxm (it) wh (the death) atwm (it is valid) arrtsm (only) dwxlb (but) Nyd (a dead one) atym (concerning) le 17 (who made it) hdbed (he) wh (lives) yxd (as long as) amkd (because) ljm (use) wxsx (in it) hb (there is no) tyl (the first) atymdq (not even) alpa (this) anh (because of) ljm 18 (was established) trrtsa (blood) amd (without) ald (the ordinance) andqwp (all) hlk (for) ryg (had been commanded) dqpta (when) dk 19 (take) bon (in The Law) aowmnb (all) hlk (to the people) amel (Moses) aswm (from) Nm (& water) aymw (of an heifer) atlged (the blood) amd (Moses) aswm (did) awh (& sprinkled) orw (& hyssop) apwzw (of scarlet) atyrwxzd (with wool) armeb (all) hlk (the people) ame (& upon) lew (the scrolls) arpo (upon) le (of the covenant) aqtydd (the blood) amd (is) wh (this) anh (to them) Nwhl (& he said) rmaw 20 (God) ahla (from) Nm (to you) Nwkl (was commanded) tdqptad (that) yh (the vessels) anam (all of) Nwhlk (& upon) lew (the tabernacle) anksm (on) le (also) Pa 21 (he sprinkled) or (the blood) amd (from) Nm (from it) hnm (of the ministration) atsmstd (in The Written Law) aowmnb (purged) akdtm (are) wh (by blood) amdb (all things) Mdmlkd (because) ljm 22 (forgiveness) anqbws (there is not) tyl (of blood) amd (shedding) epws (& without) aldw (are) Nyna (that symbols) atwmdd (that these things) Nylhd (for) ryg (it is) yh (necessary) aqnna 23 (are purified) Nykdtm (by these things) Nylhb (of the heavenly) atynymsd (these) Nylh (than) Nm (better) Nyrtymd (by sacrifices) axbdb (heavenly) atynyms (but) Nyd (these) Nylh (by hands) aydyab (made) dybed (holy) asdqm (the place) tybl (for) ryg (was) awh (not) al 24 (the symbol) atwmd (that being) yhwtyad (The Messiah) axysm (entered) le (He entered) le (Heaven) aymsl (to it) hl (but) ala (real one) aryrs (of that) whd (for our sake) Nyplx (of God) ahlad (the face) hpwurp (before) Mdq (to appear) azxtnd (many) ataygo (times) atnbz (Himself) hspn (that He should offer) brqnd (& not) alpa 25 (& entered) laew (The Priest) armwk (High) br (was) awh (doing) dbed (as) Kya (was his) hlyd (that not) ald (with blood) amdb (Holy) asdqm (The Place) tybl (year) ans (in every) lkb (many) ataygo (times) atnbzd (He) awh (ought) byx (not) al (& if) Naw 26 (but) Nyd (now) ash (of the world) amled (the beginning *) hyrws (from) Nm (to have suffered) sxn (Himself) hspn (has offered) brq (time) Nbz (He) wh (one) adx (of the world) amled (in the end) htrxb (sin) atyjxl (to destroy) hyljbnd (in His sacrificing) htwxybdb N * The Greek mss. have katabolhv Foundation.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(time) Nbz (that one) adxd (to the children of men) asnynbl (is appointed) Myod (& just as) ankyaw 27 (the judgment) anyd (their deaths) Nwhtwm (after) rtb (& from) Nmw (they would die) Nwtwmn (was offered) brqta (time) Nbz (one) adx (The Messiah) axysm (also) Pa (in this way) ankh 28 (of the many) aaygod (for the sins) ahjx (He sacrificed) xbd (& His Person) hmwnqbw (our sins) Nyhjx (without) ald (time) Nynbz (but) Nyd (the second) Nytrtd (Him) hl (who expect) Nykomd (of those) Nylyad (for the life) Nwhyyxl (He appears) azxtm Chapter 10 (in it) hb (was) awh (it) tya (a shadow) atynlj (for) ryg (The Written Law) aowmn 10:1 (the essence) amwnq (it was) awh (not) al (that were coming) Ndyted (of good things) atbjd (year) ans (in every) lkb (when) dk (this) anh (because of) ljm (matters) atwbud (of their) Nyhlyd (they were) wwh (offering) Nybrqtm (sacrifices) axbd (those) Nwnh (when) dk (those) Nwnh (them) Nwhl (who offer) Nybrqmd (those) Nylyal (perfect) Nwrmgnd (they could) wxksa (ever) Mwtmm (not) al (they would have ceased) wxyntta (but) Nyd (doubtless) rbk (they were) wwh (perfecting) Nyrmg (for) ryg (if) wla 2 (buffeted) ayrj (therefore) lykm (that not) ald (because) ljm (their offerings) Nwhynbrwq (from) Nm (to those) Nylyal (in sin) ahjxb (their conscience) Nwhtrat (them) Nwhl (would have) twh (in themselves) Nwhl (they had been purged) wykdta (time) Nbz (when one) adxd (they remember) Nyrkdm (by sacrifices) axbdb (by them) Nwhb (but) ala 3 (year) ans (in every) lkb (their sins) Nwhyhjx (& of yearling goats) ayrpudw (of oxen) arwtd (the blood) amd (it is possible) xksm (for) ryg (not) al 4 (sins) ahjx (to purge) wykdml (the universe) amlel (He entered) lae (when) dk (this) anh (because of) ljm 5 (You wanted) tybu (not) al (& offerings) anbrwqw (with sacrifices) axbdb (He said) rma (You have clothed Me) yntsbla (but) Nyd (with a body *) argp N The Hebrew of Psalms 40:6 has, yl tyrk Mynza -Ears You have opened for Me. The Peshitta OT has the same reading. The Clementine LXX has, wtia de kathrtisw moi ears You have prepared for Me. Another LXX version has:swma de kathrtisw moi a body You have prepared for Me.The OT text followed here certainly was not The standard Massoretic nor The Peshitta OT text. The LXX represents another Hebrew text which was known in the first century AD. We see it here and there in the quotes from the OT in the Peshitta NT, which quotes are certainly not conformed to any one standard OT text known. (You have asked) tlas (not) al (sins) ahjx (for) Plxd (of peace) amls (& burnt offerings) adqyw 6 (do) ana (come) ata (I) ana (Behold) ahd (I said) trma (then) Nydyh 7 (of Me) yle (it is written) bytk (of The Writings *) abtk (because in the beginning *) syrbd (O God) ahla (Your will) Knybu (to do) dbead Then I said, Behold I come, because in the beginning of The Writings it is written of Me, to do Your will, O God. N * The Hebrew Scriptures are arranged into The Law, The Prophets (Major & Minor) and The Writings. The Writings-Mybwtk Kethuvim start with The Psalms.There are twelve books (in the Hebrew reckoning) in The Writings.This verse is a quotation from Psalms 40:7-9. The Aramaic word for this section of The Old Testament is abtk Kthavay. The Greek phrase in this reading is kefalidi Bibliou (In the heading of the book) which really does not make sense with regard to this quotation; neither does the translation In the volume of the book fare much better. What book? It is too vague to carry much authority, as there is no reference to the authority of scripture in the Greek. The Peshitta OT version is essentially the same as this quotation in The Peshitta NT, with the exception of the verb form in Behold, I come; there the OT Peshitta has, tyta ahd Behold, I have come instead of ana ata ana ahd Behold, I come and the last verb, dbead -to do, where The OT version has dbeml to do.There is also an additional verb at the very end of The OT version: tybu I delight. This NT Peshitta verse does not appear to be taken from The
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Peshitta OT version;neither does it agree with the Massoretic Hebrew text or the LXX version. The Greek NT version does appear identical to the LXX of Psalms 40:7. I present both here for the reader: LXX:tote eipon idou hkw en kefalidi bibliou gegraptai peri emou tou poihsai to yelhma sou o yeov mou eboulhyhn NT: tote eipon idou hkw en kefalidi bibliou gegraptai peri emou tou poihsai o yeov to yelhma sou The red underlined words at the end of The LXX verse are omitted in the NT quote, probably as extraneous to the point of the quotation. Everything else is the same except for the word order of the last phrase to yelhma sou o yeov o yeov to yelhma sou, both of which have the same meaning- Your will, O God. (& offerings) anbrwqw (sacrifices) axbdd (He said) rma (above) lel (from) Nm 8 (You wanted) tybu (not) al (sins) ahjx (for) Plxd (peace) amls (& burnt offerings) adqyw (by The Written Law) aowmnb (were) wwh (that offered) Nybrqtmd (those) Nwnh (I) ana (have come) ata (Behold) ahd (He said) rma (& afterward) hrtbw 9 (the first) atymdql (He abolishes) ljb (in this) adhb (O God) ahla (Your will) Knybu (to do) dbead (the second) Nytrtdl (to establish) Myqnd (in the offering) anbrwqb (we are made holy) Nsdqta (His will) hnybu (for) ryg (in this) anhb 10 (time) Nbz (one) adxd (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of the body) hrgpd (& serves) smsmw (has) awh (who stood) Maqd (for) ryg (Priest) armwk (High) br (every) lk 11 (those) Nylya (was) awh (offering) brqm (sacrifices) axbd (in those) Nwnhb (those) Nwnh (everyday) Mwylk (sins) ahjx (to purge) wykdml (were) wwh (able) Nyxksm (not) al (old times) Mwtm (that from) Nmd (sins) ahjx (for the sake of) Plx (He offered) brq (sacrifice) axbd (one) dx (but) Nyd (this) anh 12 (for eternity) Mlel (of God) ahlad (the right side) anymy (at) le (& He sat) btyw (His enemies) yhwbbdleb (are put) Nwmyottnd (until) amde (therefore) lykm (& He remains) awqmw 13 (His feet) yhwlgr (under) tyxt (as a footstool) asbwk (those) Nylyal (He has perfected) rmg (offering) anbrwq (for) ryg (by one) dxb 14 (for eternity) Mlel (by it) hb (who are sanctified) Nysdqtmd (of Holiness) asdwqd (The Spirit) axwr (also) Pa (but) Nyd (to us) Nl (testifies) adho 15 (Who says) trmad (them) Nwhl (that I shall give) ltad (the covenant) aqtyd (is) yh (this) adh 16 (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (those) Nwnh (days) atmwy (after) rtb (from) Nm (into their minds) Nwhyedmb (My Law) yowmnl (I shall give) yhwylta (I shall write it) yhwybtka (their hearts) Nwhtwbl (& upon) lew (them) Nwhl (I shall remember) rkdta (not) al (& their sins) Nwhyhjxw (& their evils) Nwhlwew 17 (of sins) ahjxd (forgiveness) anqbws (there is) tyad (but) Nyd (where) akya 18 (sins) ahjx (for) Plxd (an offering) anbrwq (is needed) aebtm (not) al (of face) apa (openness) twylg (brothers) yxa (therefore) lykh (to us) Nl (there is) tya 19 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (by the blood) hmdb (holy) asdwq (of the place) tybd (in the entrance) anlemb (us) Nl (Who renewed) tdxd (of The Life) ayxd (& the way) axrwaw 20 (His flesh) hrob (which is) yhwtyad (the veil) aert (within) ypab (now) ash (Great) abr (The Priest) armwk (for us) Nl (& there is) tyaw 21 (of God) ahlad (the house) htyb (over) le
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(true) aryrs (with a heart) ablb (therefore) lykh (let us approach) bwrqn 22 (in our hearts) Ntwbl (sprinkled) Nyoyor (while) dk (of faith) atwnmyhd (& confidence) anlkwtbw (wicked) atsyb (a conscience) atrat (from) Nm (& purified) Nykdw (pure) aykd (in water) aymb (our bodies) Nrgp (& bathing) yxomw (of our hope) Nrbod (the confession) atydwtb (& let us grasp firmly) Nomxnw 23 (us) Nl (promised) Klmd (Who) Nm (for) ryg (He is) wh (faithful) Nmyhm (let us waver) aljun (& not) alw (by encouragement) agrwgb (another) dxb (one) dx (& let us pay attention to) rwxnw 24 (good) abj (& of works) adbedw (of love) abwxd (the custom) adye (is) tyad (as) Kya (our meetings) Nyswnk (forsaking) Nyqbs (we should be) awhn (& not) alw 25 (all the more) tyaryty (another) dx (of) Nm (one) dx (look for) web (but) ala (person) sna (for each) snal (that) wh (day) amwy (that draws near) brqd (you see) Nwtyzxd (as long as) amk (receiving) lbqd (after) rtb (from) Nm (a man) sna (shall sin) ajxn (by his will) hnybub (for) ryg (if) Na 26 (afterward) lykm (there is not) tyl (of the truth) arrsd (the knowledge) atedy (sins) ahjx (in the place of) Plx (to be offered) brqttd (a sacrifice) atxbd (of fire) arwnd (& zeal) annjw (terrible) alyxd (judgment) anyd (that) wh (is ready) dyte (but) ala 27 (the enemies) abbdlebl (which consumes) lkad (of Moses) aswmd (The Law) aowmn (against) le (violated) rbed (any) anya (for) ryg (if) Na 28 (witnesses) Nydho (or three) atltw (of two) Nyrt (the mouth) Mwp (by) le (he would die) tam (mercy) Nymxr (without) ald (he will receive) lbqn (chief) asrb (the decree) Mom (more) tyaryty (you) Nwtna (think) Nyrbo (How much?) amk 29 (the blood) amd (& esteemed) bsxw (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrbl (who trampled upon) hsdd (he) anya (was made holy) sdqta (who by it) hbd (that of every person *) snlkd (like) Kya (His) hlyd (of covenant) aqtydd (of grace) atwbyjd (The Spirit) axwrl (& he has despised) reuw How much more do you think he will receive capital punishment, who has trampled upon The Son of God and has esteemed the blood of His covenant to be like that of everyone - who was also made holy by it, and he has despised The Spirit of grace? (vengeance) atebt (is) yh (mine) ylydd (Who said) rmad (Him) whl (we know) Nnyedy 30 (His people) hmel (Jehovah) ayrm (will judge) Nwdnd (& again) bwtw (shall give payment) ewrpa (& I) anaw (to fall) lpml (very) atbr (it is) yh (terrible) atlxd 31 (The Living) ayx (of God) ahlad (into the hands) yhwdyab (those) Nwnh (first) aymdq (the days) atmwyl (therefore) lykh (remember) wrkdta 32 (great) abr (& a contest) anwgaw (baptism *) atydwmem (you received) Nwtlbq (in which) Nwhbd (& affliction) anulwabw (with shame) adoxb (of suffering) asxd (you endured) Nwtrbyo

N atydwmeml baptism is similar to atwnrhnml enlightenment, which the Greek mss. all have. Here are the terms in DSS script: )tydwm(ml-Baptism )twnrhnml -Enlightenment In Estrangela they are a0tydw(eml a0twnrhnml; - not quite as similar as in DSS script,with 66% correspondence; DSS script words have 89% correspondence. I fail to see how this and the previous verses were taken from the Greek. The Greek word for enlightened is fwtisyentav; fwtisyentav Baptized is baptisyentav; baptisyentav Here are the two in uncial script: FWTISYENTAS & BAPTISYENTAS. The Greek endings are standard and long for passive participles (6 letters long here), hence the words are very similar, but not as similar as their Aramaic counterparts. Assuming the Greek FwTISYENTAS (Enlightened) is original, BAPTISYENTAS (Baptized) represents 82% correspondence. The first letters of a word are the most important for recognition; the first two of FwTISYENTAS FwTISYENTAS are nothing like the first letters of BAPTISYENTAS. BAPTISYENTAS. The rest of each word in Greek is basically an
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

added ending for the particular masculine accusative plural of the aorist passive participle of a verb with an izo ending, which Baptizo and Photizo are.The root words are the most critical in distinguishing one word from another. These are the first part of the word, usually three to five letters long. I doubt therefore that a translator of Greek would mistake the root FwTFwT- Phot- as BAPTBAPT- Bapt-. (Yes, the English Photo and Baptize come from these Greek roots.) (you were made associates) Nwtptwtsa (& also) Paw (a spectacle) anwzx (& you became) Nwtywhdw 33 (endured) wrbyo (who these things) Nylhd (with people) asnal (who were imprisoned) Nyryoad (those *) Nylya (concerning) le (to you) Nwkl (& it was grievous) bakw 34 (you endured) Nwtrbyo (with joy) atwdxb (of your possessions) Nwkyoknd (& the robbery) aypwjxw (in Heaven *) aymsb (a possession) anynq (to you) Nwkl (there is) tyad (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedyd (because) ljm (it passes away) rbe (& not) alw (is) wh (which greater) rtymd * CM The Critical Greek and Latin Vulgate agree with The Peshitta here with the words those who were imprisoned where The Majority Greek has me in my bonds, but in the last part of the verse, the Majority Greek agrees with The Peshitta reading in Heaven, whereas the Critical Greek and Latin Vulgate do not. No Greek text has & it passes not away; they have,& it remains. As in so many places, the Greek looks like a paraphrase of the Aramaic reading here. The Aramaic can explain the various Greek readings, but The Peshitta does not follow any Greek text standard. There are too many unique significant Aramaic readings and variations from every known Greek text for The Peshitta to be a translation of any or even of a collation of Greek texts. (Remember 2:7,9,16, 3:1, 6:4,10:32, etc.?) (of face) apa (openness) twylg (throw away) Nwdbwt (therefore) lykh (not) al 35 (great) aaygo (a reward) arga (for it) hl (for there is coming) dyted (to you) Nwkl (that is) tyad (for you) Nwkl (necessary) ayebtm (for) ryg (is) wh (patience) atwnrbyom 36 (the promise) anklwm (& receive) Nwbotw (of God) ahlad (the will) anybu (to do) Nwdbetd (little) rwez (& very) bjw (time) anbz (there is) wh (little) lylqd (because) ljm 37 (will delay) rxwn (& not) alw (Who comes) atad (He) wh (when will come) atand This verse is a quote from Habakkuk 2:3. It does not follow The Peshitta OT or the Massoretic Hebrew text. (shall live) axn (My *) ylyd (faith) atwnmyh (from) Nm (but) Nyd (the righteous one) anak 38 (My soul) yspn (with him) hb (is pleased) aybu (not) al (it) hl (he gives up) aejqtm (& if) Naw N * Critical Greek has o de dikaiov mou ek pistewv zhsetai My righteous one will live by faith. The Majority Greek has, o de dikaiov ek pistewv zhsetai- The righteous one will live by faith. Codex D (5th Cent.) & Eusebius (3rd Cent.) have, o de dikaiov ek pistewv mou zhsetai zhsetai- The righteous one will live by My faith, in agreement with The Peshitta. (which leads) albwmd (of despondency) aejwqd (are) Nywh (not) al (but) Nyd (we) Nnx 39 (our soul) Nspn (to us) Nl (that imparts) aynqmd (of the faith) atwnmyhd (but) ala (to destruction) andbal Chapter 11 (those things) Nylya (concerning) le (the conviction) aoyp (faith) atwnmyh (but) Nyd (is) hytya 11:1 (in action *) anrewob (these things) Nyhl (were) ywhd (it) wh (as if) Kya (in hope) arbob (that are) Nyhytyad (are seen) Nyzxtm (that not) ald (of those things) Nylyad (& the revelation) anylgw Now faith is the conviction concerning those things that are in hope, as if it were these things in action, and the revelation of those things that are unseen. N * Greek omits as if it were those things in action. Where did The Peshitta get this phrase, if it is a translation of Greek? (the ancients) asysq (for) le (a testimony) atwdho (there has been) twh (& by this) adhbw 2 (the worlds) amle (were fashioned) wnqttad (we understand) Nnylktom (for) ryg (by faith) atwnmyhb 3 (that are seen) Nyzxtmd (& these things) Nylhw (of God) ahlad (by the word) atlmb (are seen) Nyzxtm (that not) ald (those) Nylya (from) Nm (exist) ywh
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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(much) bj (that is better) artymd (a sacrifice) atxbd (Abel) lybh (offered) brq (by faith) atwnmyhb 4 (about him) yhwle (has been) twh (& because of it) htljmw (to God) ahlal (Qains) Nyaqd (than) Nm (God) ahla (his offering) hnbrwq (about) le (& testifies) dhow (he is) wh (that righteous) anakd (a testimony) atwdho (he is speaking) llmm (he is dead) tyym (while) dk (also) Pa (& because of it) htljmw (he tasted) Mej (not) al (& death) atwmw (Henok) Kwnx (was transported away) yntsa (by faith) atwnmyhb 5 (God) ahla (transported him away) hynsd (because) ljm (was he found) xktsa (neither) alw (about him) yhwle (there was) twh (for) ryg (He was to transport him) yhwynsnd (before) Mdq (from) Nm (God) ahlal (that he pleased) rpsd (the testimony) atwdho (God) ahlal (please) rpsnd (can) xksm (man) sna (no) al (but) Nyd (faith) atwnmyh (without) ald 6 (God) ahla (to) twl (is brought near) brqtmd (whoever) Nm (for) ryg (is) wh (indebted) byx (Him) hl (who seek) Nyebd (& to those) Nylyalw (that He is) yhwtyad (to believe) Nmyhnd (The Rewarder) aewrp (He is) awh (with Him) hme (it was spoken) llmta (when) dk (Noah) xwn (by faith) atwnmyhb 7 (had been) ywh (seen) Nyzxtm (that not) ald (those things) Nylya (about) le (for the life) ayxl (the ark) atwbq (for himself) hl (& he made) dbew (he worshipped) lxd (the world) amlel (he condemned) hbyx (by which) hbd (in his household) htyb (of his children) ynbd (which is in faith) atwnmyhbd (of the righteousness) atwnakd (the heir) atry (& he became) awhw (obeyed) emtsa (he was called) yrqta (when) dk (Abraham) Mhrba (in faith) atwnmyhb 8 (to receive) bond (he was) awh (that going) dyted (that) wh (to place) artal (to go out) qwpnd (he) awh (knew) edy (not) al (when) dk (& he went out) qpnw (for an inheritance) atwtryl (he was going) lza (where) akyal (that) yh (in land) aerab (an inhabitant) abtwt (he became) awh (by faith) atwnmyhb 9 (in a foreign land) atyrkwnbd (as) Kya (to him) hl (which was promised) tklmtad (& Yaqob) bwqeyw (Isaaq) qxoya (with) Me (he dwelt) rme (& in tents) anksmbw (of the promise) anklwmd (his) hlyd (of inheritance) atwtry (children) ynb (which foundations) atoatsd (the city) atnydml (for) ryg (he was) awh (looking) akom 10 (is) wh (God) ahla (& its Maker) hdwbew (whose Builder) hnmwad (to it) hl (are) tya (power) alyx (received) tbon (was) twh (who sterile) atrqed (Sara) aro (also) Pa (in faith) atwnmyhb 11 (of her years) hynsd (in the time) anbzb (& who was not) aldw (seed) aerz (to conceive) lbqtd (He is) wh (that Who faithful) Nmyhmd (she was sure) trsad (for) le (gave birth) tdly (her) hl (He Who promised) Klmd (was) wh (in old age) atwbyob (who was failing *) ljbd (one) dx (from) Nm (this) anh (because of) ljm 12 (in the heavens) aymsbd (the stars) abkwk (as) Kya (the many) aaygo (were born) wdlyta (of the sea) amyd (the shore) htpo (that upon) led (the sand) alx (& as) Kyaw (for it) hl (there is not) tyl (which calculating) Nynmd N * Greek has, nenekrwmenou who had become dead, where The Peshitta has atwbyob ljbd-who was failing in old age. Have a look at atwtymb in death, in mortality. Here are the comparisons in three scripts: atwbyob atwtymb )twbysb )twtymb 0twbysb 0twtymb. The first pair have a letter to letter correspondence of 86%.o & m are very similar and could easily be confused one for another; the other letters except for b & t are identical; The DSS pair have close to that 86%, though s & m are not as similar as the same letters in Ashuri script: o & m . The Estrangela pair are least alike, with 72% letter correspondence. Any of these scripts presents a much better basis for the Greek reading than vice versa. Here is old age in Greek: ghrei; ghrei; compare that to nenekrwmenou who had become dead. See any resemblance? Here are the Greek words, side by side: ghrei & nenekrwmenou Here are the two Aramaic words again in Ashuri Aramaic: atwbyob -In old age atwtym mb -In mortality I see Greek primacy lagging far behind Peshitta primacy.
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(they received) wbon (& not) alw (all of them) Nwhlk (these) Nylh (they died) wtym (in faith) atwnmyhb 13 (they saw it) yhwazx (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm (but) ala (their promise) Nwhnklwm (they were) Nwna (that foreigners) aynokad (& confessed) wydwaw (in it) hb (& they rejoiced) wydxw (in the earth) aerab (& nomads) abtwtw (show) Nywxm (say) Nyrma (that these things) Nylhd (but) Nyd (those) Nylya 14 (they seek) Nyeb (that their city) Nwhtnydmld (they were) wwh (seeking) Nyeb (from it) hnm (which they left) wqpnd (that) yh (city) atnydml (& if) wlaw 15 (to it) hl (to go) Nwlzan (they may return) Nwkphn (that again) bwtd (time) anbz (for them) Nwhl (was) awh (there) tya (than it) hnm (that for a better) abjdld (it is apparent) aeydy (but) Nyd (now) ash 16 (in Heaven) aymsb (which is) hytyad (for that) yhl (were) wwh (they longing) Nygr (their God) Nwhhlad (God) ahla (is ashamed) Pkn (not) al (this) anh (because of) ljm (a city) atnydm (for) ryg (for them) Nwhl (He has prepared) byj (to be called) arqtn (in his temptation) hnwyonb (Isaaq) qxoyal (Abraham) Mhrba (offered) brq (by faith) atwnmyhb 17 (on the altar) axbdml (laid) qoa (& his only son) hdyxylw (by the promise) anklwmb (had) awh (whom he received) lbqd (him) whl (for) ryg (to him) hl (it was) awh (said) rmata 18 (the seed) aerz (to you) Kl (shall be called) arqtn ( in Isaaq) qxoyabd (to the hand) yhwdyab (that it was come) ayjmd (in his soul) hspnb (he was) awh (& reconciled) yertaw 19 (to raise) wmqml (the dead) atym (from) Nm (also) Pa (of God) ahlad (to him) hl (he was given) bhyta (in a simile) altmb (this) anh (& because of) ljmw (was) awh (going to be) dyted (of whatever) Mdmd (by faith) atwnmyhb 20 (& Esau) woelw (Yaqob) bwqeyl (Isaaq) qxoya (blessed) Krb (he blessed) Krb (Yaqob) bwqey (was dying) tam (when) dk (by faith) atwnmyhb 21 (of Yoseph) Powyd (of the sons) yhwnb (of) Nm (each) dx (one) dx (every) lkl (of his staff) hrjwx (the top) syr (on) le (& he bowed) dgow (the exodus) atqpml (related) dhe (he was dying) tam (when) dk (Yoseph) Powy (by faith) atwnmyhb 22 (his bones) yhwmrg (about) le (& gave orders) dqpw (of Israel) lyroya (of the children) ynbd (hid him) yhwysj (of Moses) aswmd (the parents) yhwhba (by faith) atwnmyhb 23 (three) atlt (months) axry (he was born) dlyta (when) dk (the boy) aylj (was) awh (that beautiful) rypsd (when they saw) wzxd (of the king) aklmd (the command) andqwp (of) Nm (they were afraid) wlxd (& not) alw (a man) arbg (he became) awh (when) dk (Moses) aswm (by faith) atwnmyhb 24 (the son) arb (he would be called) arqtn (that not) ald (renounced) rpk (of Pharoah) Nwerpd (to the daughter) htrbl (the people) hme (with) Me (that in affliction) anulwabd (for himself) hl (& he chose) abgw 25 (sin) atyjxb (to enjoy) Mobtn (short) rwez (for a time) Nbzd (& not) alw (to be) awhn (of God) ahlad (of the reproach) hdoxd (wealth) artwe (that) wh (greater) rtymd (& he considered) yertaw 26 (of Egypt) Nyrumd (the treasures) htmyo (than) Nm (much) bj (of The Messiah) axysmd (of the reward) arga (to the payment) Nerwpb (for) ryg (he was) awh (attentive) rax (was afraid) lxd (& not) alw (Egypt) Nyruml (he forsook) hqbs (by faith) atwnmyhb 27 (& he endured) rbyow (of the king) aklmd (the rage) htmx (of) Nm (is seen) azxtm (Who not) ald (God *) ahlal (had) awh (seen) azxd (he) wh (as if) Kya

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

N * The Greek texts have, ton gar aoraton wv orwn As seeing the invisible one. This seems to be short on information, as all spirit beings are invisible. (the blood) amd (& sprinkled) oorw (Passover) axup (he observed) dbe (by faith) atwnmyhb 28 (the firstborn) arkwb (was) awh (who destroying) lbxmd (he) wh (them) Nwhl (should touch) brqtn (lest) ald (as) Kya (The Sea of Reeds *) Pwod-amy (they passed through) wrbe (by faith) atwnmyhb 29 (Egyptians) ayrum (were swallowed up) welbta (& by it) hbw (dried) atsyby (land) aera (upon) led (they entered it) yhwle (they were daring) wxrma (when) dk By faith they passed through the Reed Sea, as upon dry land, and The Egyptians were swallowed up by it when they dared to enter it. N * The Greek NT uses the word eruyrov- (eruthros) - Red, here and in Acts 7:36, for The Red Sea. The Hebrew OT uses the term, Yam - Suuph Sea of Reeds (Yamma dsuuph here in Aramaic). Red is a mistranslation. The Sea of Reeds was much larger 3500 years ago than it is today. A major earthquake has shifted the Euro-Asian plates which meet at a fault line that ran under that Sea in Moses time and drastically changed the coastline to what it is today. The Peshitta reading in Acts and here cannot be from Greek. The Greek LXX also has eruyra yalassh-(eruthros Thalassay-Red Sea) throughout the OT. It mistranslated the Hebrew text consistently.The actual crossing point for the Hebrews was an inlet about 10 miles wide near lake Timnah at the northern extension of what is called The Red Sea, based on The LXX translation. The Hebrews called it Yam Suuph. This verse and Acts 7:36 is strong support for Peshitta primacy and Divine inspiration and opposition to Greek primacy and inspiration.The Peshitta did not get this reading from Greek, though the Greek LXX consistently translated Yam Suph-(Sea of Reeds) as eruyra yalassh-(eruthros Thalassay-Red Sea), and the Greek NT seems to have followed suit here and in Acts 7:36. (fell) wlpn (of Yerikho) wxyryad (the walls) hyrws (by faith) atwnmyhb 30 (days) Nymwy (seven) aebs (when it was surrounded) wkrktad (from) Nm (those) Nwnh (with) Me (perished) tdba (not) al (the harlot) atynz (Rahab) bxr (by faith) atwnmyhb 31 (in peace) amlsb (the spies) aswsgl (for she received) tlbqd (obeyed) wemtsa (who not) ald (time) anbz (for) ryg (to me) yl (there is) wh (little) rwez (shall I say) rma (again) bwt (& what?) anmw 32 (Samson) Nwsms (& about) lew (Baraq) qrb (& about) lew (Gideon) Nwedg (about) le (to recount) aetsad (Samueil) lyawms (& about) lew (of David) dywd (& about) lew (Napathakh *) xtpn (& about) lew (of the prophets) aybnd (others) akrs (& about) lew * Jepthaes name in Hebrew is xtpy Yiftakh (He will open): in Aramaic it is spelled xtpn Napathakh (He will open). (justice) atwnak (& wrought) wxlpw (kingdoms) atwklml (conquered) wkz (who by faith) atwnmyhbd (those) Nylya 33 (of lions) atwyrad (the mouths) amwp (& shut) wrkow (promises) anklwm (& they received) wlbqw (from) Nm (& were delivered) wyuptaw (of fire) arwnd (the power) alyx (& they quenched) wkedw 34 (sickness) anhrwk (out of) Nm (& were strengthened) wlyxtaw (of the sword) apyod (the mouth) amwp (of enemies) abbdlebd (the camps) atyrsm (overturned) wpxow (in battle) abrqb (strong) antlyx (& became) wwhw (their children) Nyhynb (to women) asnl (& they gave) wbhyw 35 (& others) anrxaw (of the dead) atymd (a resurrection) atmyq (from) Nm (to be delivered) wyuptml (they expected) wyko (& not) alw (they died) wtym (by torture) adnsb (to them) Nwhl (would be) awht (better) atrtym (that a resurrection) atmyqd (entered) wle (& scourgings) adgnlw (mockings) axzbl (but) Nyd (others) anrxa 36 (were handed over) wmltsa (& to cells) ayswbxlw (to chains) arwoal (others) anrxa (were sawn in half) wronta (others) anrxa (were stoned) wmgrta (others) anrxa 37 (died) wtym (of the sword) apyod (by the mouth) amwpb (others) anrxa (of sheep) armad (skins) aksm (wearing) Nysybl (while) dk (traveled) wkrkta (others) anrxa (& beaten) Nyprjmw (& afflicted) Nyuylaw (& were needy) Nyqynow (& of goats) azedw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Others were stoned; others were sawn in half; other died by the edge of the sword; others traveled around wearing sheepskins and goatskins; they were needy, afflicted and beaten. *N Greek mss. have, They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, they were tempted, in the killing of the sword they died They were sawn in half is wronta. Nyonta is They were tempted.Here are these two in DSS: wr rsnt) }ysnt); In Estrangela: wrsnt0) Nysnt0 . The DSS pair is most similar, with almost 100% correspondence; even the last two letters, wr r- & }y- are very similar in this script. The Estrangela script pair are the least similar, with 66% correspondence. I calculate about 90% correspondence for the Ashuri script. Apparently a Greek scribe read wrsnt) wrsnt)- twice, once correctly as wrsnt) wrsnt)-They were sawn in half, and again as }ysnt) ysnt) They were tempted.The Critical Greek has the two interpretations in reverse order to The Byzantine Greek text. The Greek words involved are: EPRISYHSAN & EPEIRA EPEIRASYHSAN. EIRASYHSAN. These have 75% correspondence, which is higher than other Greek examples, but still not as high as Ashuri and DSS Aramaic pairs. Here is the Greek pair, one atop the other: EPRISYHSANThey were sawn in half EPEIRA EPEIRASYHSAN EIRASYHSAN-They were tempted Here is the Aramaic pair, one atop the other:wr rsnt) They were sawn in half }ysnt) -They were tempted Worth a thousand words. (the world) amle (for them) Nwhl (was) awh (worthy) aws (of whom not) ald (persons) asna 38 (& in mountains) arwjbw (in deserted places) abrwxb (wanderers) ayej (as) Kya (& they were) wwhw (of the earth) aerad (& caverns) hyrepbw (& in caves) arembw (about whom) Nwhyle (there is) twhd (all of them) Nwhlk (& these) Nylhw 39 (the promise) anklwm (received) wlbq (not) al (by their faith) Nwhtwnmyhb (a testimony) atwdho (ours) Nlyd (our help) Nnrdweb (saw) rx (before) Mdq (God) ahlad (because) ljm 40 (they would be perfected) Nwrmgtn (without us) Nydelb (that not) ald Chapter 12 (to us) Nl (who have) tyad (we) Nnx (also) Pa (this) anh (because of) ljm 12:1 (us) Nl (surround) Nyrydx (clouds) anne (who like) Kyad (witnesses) adho (all of them) Nwhlk (these) Nylh (the sin) atyjx (also) Pa (weights) Nyrqwy (all) lk (from us) Nnm (let us throw off) adsn (& in patience) atwnrbyombw (for us) Nl (is) yh (ready) abyjm (that always) Nbzlkbd (for us) Nl (that is set) Myod (this) anh (race) anwgal (let us run) yhwyjhrn (& The Perfecter) arwmgw (The Author) asyr (is) awh (Him Who) whd (at Yeshua) ewsyb (& let us gaze) rwxnw 2 (He) hl (had) awh (that) tyad (the joy) atwdx (Who for) Plxd (of our faith) Ntwnmyhl (He ignored) roma (the shame) atthb (&) lew (the cross) abylu (endured) rbyo (He sits) bty (of God) ahlad (of the throne) hyorwkd (the right side) anymy (& upon) lew (sinners) ayjx (from) Nm (He endured) rbyo (how much) amk (therefore) lykh (behold) wzx 3 (to their souls *) Nwhspnl (opponents) albwqo (were) wwh (who themselves) Nwnhd (those) Nwnh (in yourselves) Nwkl (you become careless) Namt (that not) ald (your soul) Nwkspn (weaken you) aprtt (neither) alw C* The Critical Greek text pretty much agrees here with The Peshitta: contradiction, by sinners against themselves; The Majority Byzantine Greek text has amartwlwn eiv auton antilogian contradiction of sinners against himself. (to blood) amdl (as far as) amde (you have come) Nwtyjm (until now) lykde (not) al 4 (sin) atyjx (against) lbqwld (in the struggle) anwgab (to sons) aynbld (as) Kyad (which) anya (the teaching) anplwyl (& you have strayed from) yhynwtyejw 5 (of Jehovah) ayrmd (the course) htwdrm (from) Nm (turn away) amht (not) al (My son) yrb (to you) Nwkl (says) rma (you are) tna (rebuked) Nwktm (by Him) hnmd (when) ytma (your soul) Kspn (slacken) aprt (neither) alw
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

(him) hl (He instructs) adr (Jehovah) ayrm (for) ryg (whom loves) Mxrd (whomever) Nml 6 (in whom) Nwhb (is pleased) abu (He) whd (those) Nylya (children) aynbl (& He draws aside *) dgnmw * dgn Nagad can mean -Draw,lead,attract,draw aside,beat,scourge,extend,prolong. The Greek reading mastigoi,scourges, is out of context with the Aramaic word phrase Nwhb abu whd Nylya aynbl Children with whom He mastigoi is Pleased. A good human father does not scourge his children at all, in my opinion; Much less would he scourge those with whom he is pleased. The Greek reading paradecetai paradechetai -receives, seems a misreading of the Aramaic abu Tsaba (Pleased). In other places where reading paradecetai paradechetai -Receives occurs, the Aramaic verb albq Qabal (Received) is used in The Peshitta. Here are the these Aramaic verbs for Pleased and Received in DSS script: )bc: )lbq. In Estrangela script: 0bc a0lbq. The Aramaic verb abu Tsaba (Pleased) has a form abjum which means, Accepted. The two Aramaic words in Estrangela script are 0bc a0b+cm. IIt appears that the Greek readings in this verse are based on The Peshittas Aramaic. It also appears that in the two Greek readings mentioned here, the Greek translator selected an incorrect meaning among the possible interpretations of the two Aramaic words dgn Nagad and abu Tsaba. Now here is an interesting fact. The Greek word prosdecetai prosdechetai comes from the same root as paradecetai paradechetai Receives and can have the same basic meaning: Receive, and this Greek word parallels the Peshittas Aramaic word ako Expect,Wait,Look for.Another Aramaic candidate for the base behind the Greek reading paradecetai paradechetai -Receives, is abon (Take,Receive). Ashuri Aramaic script: 1. abu & 2. ako & 3. abon: Estrangela Aramaic script: 1. a0bcu & 2. 0kos & 3.0abosn Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: 1. )bc& 2. )ks& 3. )bsn. abu Tsaba (Pleased) & abon Nsaba (Take,Receive) are very similar phonetically. It is possible that a Greek translator relied on dictation at this point or simply pronounced the word Nsaba instead of Tsaba and translated it paradecetai paradechetai -receives accordingly. abu Tsaba (Pleased) abon Nsaba (Take,Receive) The Greek for Pleased is eudokhsa, eudokhsa or areskein, neither of which looks anything like the reading paradecetai paradechetai -Receives. The Greek reading cannot credibly account for the Peshittas Aramaic reading. The Peshitta can account for the Greek. (because) ljm (the discipline) atwdrm (therefore) lykh (endure) wrbyo 7 (God) ahla (with you) Nwkydau (deals) reo (children) aynb (with) twld (as) Kyad (his father) yhwba (whom) hl (disciplines) adr (not) ald (the son) arb (for) ryg (who is?) wnya (in which) hbd (are) yh (you) Nwtna (discipline) atwdrm (without) ald (& if) Naw 8 (you have been) Nwtywh (every person) snlk (is disciplined) adrtm (children) aynb (& not) alw (strangers *) ayrkwn (to you) Nwkl The Greek reading is noyoi nothoi-illigitimate. The Aramaic for this would be arwg ynbl benay gora (sons of adultery); In DSS script )rwg ynbl; In Estrangela: a0rwg ynbl . Compare arwg ynbl with ayrkwn Nwkl -Strangers: )rwg ynbl with )yrkwn }wkl: a0rwg ynb & a0yrkwn Nwkl. The grey highlight marks the Aramaic letters in the actual Peshitta reading that are quite similar to the hypothetical Aramaic behind the Greek. The letters are in the same order as in the hypothetical reading for illegitimate.Here they are in Ashuri script with three letters removed after the hypothetical reading: arwg ynbl - arwn Nkl (88% match). In Estrangela: 0rwg ynbl & a0rwn Nkl;; In DSS:)rwg ynbl with )yrwn }kl . The Ashuri script presents the greatest similarities; indeed the word arwg is almost identical to arwn (extracted from ayrkwn). Estrangela script is close behind with 0rwg and 0rwn (from 0yrkwn). The DSS falls short as a candidate here, with )rwg & )yrwn. It is most likely Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians in the DSS script; they would have probably been unfamiliar with Estrangela unless they lived in Persia or perhaps Syria. The DSS may have been used beyond Israel, since the scattered Christians from Palestine would have been familiar with it. Greek for Strangers is xenoi. Here are the two Greek words for Illigitimate & Strangers: noyoi - nothoi-Illigitimate xenoi -Xenoi-Strangers The two Greek words have 40% correlation. It is doubtful that noyoi nothoi - illigitimatewould be translated ayrkwn -Nukraya- Strangers by an Aramaean translator. When separating the letters in the Peshitta reading to match up with the Greek reading, the DSS script looks very similar in the two:Dead Sea Scroll Script )yrk wn}wkl -You strangers (Peshitta reading) )r rwg ynbl -Sons of adultery (Greek reading) 80% correlation
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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear Epistles of Paul

The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

Ashuri Script ayrkwn Nwkl- You strangers (Peshitta reading) arwg ynbl- Sons of adultery (Greek reading) 70% correlation The Peshitta primacy theory is strongly buttressed here; Greek primacy suffers another resounding defeat. (us) Nl (have) wwh (disciplined) Nydr (who are in the flesh) arobd (our fathers) Nyhba (& if) Naw 9 (therefore) lykh (How much more?) amk (them) Nwhnm (we did) Nywh (& revere) Nythbw (& we would live) axnw (of spirits) atxwrd (to The Father) Nyhwbal (to submit) dbetsnd (are we indebted) Nnybyx (they) wwh (pleased) Nybud (as) Kya (short) rwez (that) wh (for time) Nbzl (for) ryg (those) Nwnh 10 (for our benefit) Nnrdwel (but) Nyd (God) ahla (us) Nl (have) wwh (disciplined) Nydr (His holiness) htwsydql (that we may share in) Ptwtsnd (seems) arbtom (not) al (in its time) hnbzb (but) Nyd (discipline) atwdrm (all) lk 11 (at the end) atrxl (sorrowful) atwyrkd (but) ala (it is) yh (that joyful) atwdxdd (it yields) abhy (& of righteousness) atwqydzdw (of peace) amlsd (the fruit) arap (but) Nyd (have been trained) wsrdta (who by Him) hbd (to those) Nylyal (strengthen) atyrsm (your hands) Nwkydya (this) anh (because of) ljm 12 (set firmly) wrrs (shaky) atler (& your knees) Nwkykrwbw (for your feet) Nwkylgrl (make) wdbe (straight) auyrt (& paths) alybsw 13 (it may be healed) aoatn (but) ala (may fail) sejn (not) al (that is lame) rygxd (that the member) amdhd (holiness) atwsydq (& after) rtbw (man) sna (every) lk (with) Me (peace) amls (after) rtb (run) wjrh 14 (will see) azx (not) al (our Lord) Nrml (a man) sna (without which) hydelbd (among you) Nwkb (be found) xktsn (a man) sna (lest) amld (watchful) Nyryhz (& be) Nwtywhw 15 (a root) arqe (lest) amld (or) wa (of God) ahlad (the grace) atwbyj (of) Nm (lacking) ryoxd (& harm you) Nwkrhnw (vines) aypwe (produce) qpn (of bitterness) arrmd (be defiled) Nwbyton (many) aaygo (& by it) hbw (a fornicator) ynzd (among you) Nwkb (be found) xktsn (a man) sna (lest) aml (or) wa 16 (his birthright) htwrkwb (sold) Nbz (meal) atlwkam (who for one) adxbd (Esau) woe (as) Kya (or debauched) aprw (he was) awh (desiring) abu (afterward) Nkrtb (from) Nm (that also) Pad (for) ryg (you) Nwtna (know) Nyedy 17 (for restitution) atwbytl (for) ryg (a place) arta (& was rejected) yltoaw (the blessing) atkrwb (to inherit) trand (he sought it) heb (in tears) aemdb (while) dk (he found) xksa (not) al (that burned) adqyd (the fire *) arwnl (you have approached) Nwtbrqta (for) ryg (not) al 18 (& the dark fog *) alprelw (to the darkness) akwsxl (neither) alpa (& was tangible) asgtmw (& the tempest) arwrelw C * Most Greek mss. (The Byzantine class) have orei -The mount; The Critical Greek agrees with The Peshitta reading-The fire. Here is the Aramaic for Mountain: arwj; Compare Fire- arwn. Here are the words in Estrangela: a0rw+ a0rwn; In DSS script: )rw+ )rwn. Any more evidence needed to see where the Greek Mount came from? Another possibility is that a Greek scribe saw: (the fire) arwnl (you have approached) Nwtbrqta and translated Nwtbrqta, then looked back at verse 22 to the verb in:(to the mountain) arwjl (you have come) Nwtbrqta , which is identical to that in verse 18, and then saw arwjl instead of arwnl and translated orei -The mount. He then resumed work in the next word in verse 18 (that burned) adqyd, etc.. * Byzantine mss. have skotov Darkness; The Critical Greek mss. have zofw, zofw a word meaning,Darkness, Mist.It just so happens that the Aramaic word, alpre, the corresponding word in Western Serto script alpru in Smiths Syriac Dictionary, is defined

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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

)rwn-Fire(Peshitta) )rw+ -Mountain(Greek reading in Aramaic) 75% correlation Greek for Fire is pur or in uncial- PUR The Mount is orei or in uncial- OREI 0% correlation

Byzantine mss. have skotov Darkness; The Critical Greek mss. have zofw, zofw a word meaning,Darkness, Mist.It just so happens that the Aramaic word, alpre, the corresponding word in The Peshitta verse, is defined So it would appear two different Greeks translated this Aramaic word each with a different Greek word meaning Darkness. alpre-Dark fog (Critical Greek reading) alpre-Thick darkness (Majority Greek reading) 100% correlation (that) wh (of the words) almd (& the voice) alqlw (of the trumpet) anrqd (the sound) alql (& not) alw 19 (it be added) Powttn (lest) ald (refused) wlatsa (who heard it) yhwemsd (which those) Nwnhd (with them) Nwhme (to be spoken) llmtn (anything) Mdm (to endure) wrbyoml (they were) wwh (able) Nyxksm (for) ryg (not) al 20 (would approach) brqtt (an animal) atwyx (that if even) Npad (that was commanded) wdqptad (it would be stoned) Mgrtt (the mountain) arwj (to) twl (said) rma (that Moses) aswmd (the sight) awzx (was) awh (terrible) lyxd (& so) ankhw 21 (am) ana (& fainthearted) tytrw (I) ana (afraid) lyxdd (of Tsion) Nwyhud (to The Mountain) arwjl (you have come) Nwtbrqta (but) Nyd (you) Nwtna 22 (to Jerusalem) Mlsrwal (The Living) ayx (of God) ahlad (& to The City) atnydmlw (of angels) akalmd (of myriads) atwbrd (& to the assembly) asnklw (which is in Heaven) aymsbd (in Heaven) aymsb (who are written) Nybtktmd (of the firstborn) arkwbd (& to the church) atdelw 23 (& to the spirits) atxwrlw (of all) lkd (The Judge) anyd (& to God) ahlalw (who are made perfect) wrmgtad (of the righteous) anakd (new) atdx (of the covenant) aqtydd (The Mediator) ayeum (& to Yeshua) ewsylw 24 (of Habil) lybhd (that) wh (than) Nm (better) bj (which speaks) llmmd (of blood) hmd (& to sprinkling) oorlw (Him) Nm (you refuse) Nwlatst (lest) amld (therefore) lykh (beware) wrhdza 25 (were saved) wyupta (not) al (those) Nwnh (for) ryg (if) Na (with you) Nwkme (speaks) llmd (Who) Nm (on earth) aerab (with them) Nwhme (who spoke) llmd (him) Nm (who refused) wlatsad (speaks) llmd (Who) Nm (Him) Nm (we shall refuse) latsn (if) Na (are we) Nnx (how much less?) amk dx (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (with us) Nme (shook) eyza (the earth) aera (voice) hlqd (Whose) anya 26 (& said) rmaw (He has promised) Klm (but) Nyd (now) ash (I shall shake *) eyza (I) ana (time) Nbz (one) adx (again) bwtd (Heaven) ayms (also) Pa (but) ala (earth) aera (only) dwxlb (not) al

* Most Greek mss. have seiw -I shake present tense. Critical Greek has seisw -I shall shake. The Aramaic verb eyza can have either present, past or future meaning in this form. (indicates) aywxm (time) Nbz (one) adx (that He said) rmad (but) Nyd (this) adh 27 (that are shaken) Nyeyztmd (of those things) Nwnhd (the change) aplxws
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(they are) Nwna (made) adybed (because) ljm (are shaken) Nyeyztm (that not) ald (those) Nwnh (that may remain) Nwwqnd (the kingdom) atwklm (we have received) Nlbqd (therefore) lykh (because) ljm 28 (by which) hbd (grace) atwbyj (we shall receive) dwxan (is shaken) aeyztm (that not) ald (& in worship) atlxdbw (in awe *) atumxtb (God) ahlal (& we shall please) rpsnw (we shall serve) smsn M * Critical Greek has eulabeiav kai deouv fear and shamefacedness; The Byzantine Greek mss. (Majority Text) has aidouv kai eulabeiav shamefacedness and fear. Both Aramaic words - atlxd & atumxt (The last two in the verse) have several meanings: atumxt -Takhmatsta means,reverence, bashfulness, modesty. atlxd- Dakhlatha means, fear,reverence,worship,awe,piety. Here are the entries for these words from Smiths Compendious Syriac Dictionary:

The Majority Greek Text probably follows the Peshitta reading (Fear is matched with atlxd a0tlxd in Estrangela, the last word in The Peshitta verse.The Critical Greek, however, may simply follow the same text with alternate translations of the same words. aidouv in Greek has two meanings: Shamefacedness or Reverence. Eulabeiav also has more than one meaning:Fear, Reverence, Piety, Fear of God, Caution. So both Greek readings could be explained by The Peshitta reading. (consuming) atlka (is) wh (fire) arwn (for) ryg (our God) Nhla 29 Chapter 13 (among you) Nwkb (let continue) rtkn (of brothers) axad (the love) abwx 13:1 Let the love of brothers continue among you. (for) ryg (in this) adhb (forget) Nwejt (not) al (to strangers) aynokad (& kindness) atmxrw 2 (aware) Nysygr (not) al (who while) dkd (some) asna (were worthy) wws (angels) akalm (to receive) Nwlbqn And do not forget kindness to strangers, for in this, some, who, while unaware, were worthy to receive angels. (that with them) Nwhmed (it were) wh (as if) Kya (who are imprisoned) Nyryoad (those) Nylyal (remember) wdhe 3 (who are afflicted) Nyuylad (those) Nylyal (call to mind) wrkdta (you were) Nwtna (imprisoned) Nyryoa (you are) Nwtna (wear) Nysybl (who their bodies) arobd (the people) asna (as if) Kya Remember those who are imprisoned, as if you were imprisoned with them. Call to mind those who are afflicted, as if you are the people who wear their bodies. (is) yh (pure) aykd (& their bed) Nwhorew (with all) lkb (marriage) agwwz (is) wh (honorable) rqym 4 (God) ahla (judges) Nad (& adulterers) aryglw (but) Nyd (fornicators) aynzl Marriage is honorable with all and their bed is pure, but fornicators and adulterers God Judges. (your mind) Nwknyer (money) apok (loved) Mxr (has) awh (not) al 5 (to you) Nwkl (is) tyad (whatever) Mdm (for you) Nwkl (let suffice) qpon (but) ala (I shall forsake you *) Kqbsa ( not) ald (has said) rma (Jehovah) ayrm (for) ryg (He) wh
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(the hand) aydya (of you) Kb (shall I let go *) apra (neither) alw Your mind has not loved money, but let whatever you have suffice for you, for Jehovah has said, I shall not forsake you, neither shall I let go of your hand. * The two verbs Kqbsa & apra are used together in The Peshitta OT several times, and are translated by Lamsa as,I will not fail you (Kpra), nor forsake you - Kqbsa. aydya + apra is an idiom meaning to let go, to lose hold of. apra by itself could mean, egkataleipw -forsake, but it is part of an Aramaic idiom which is more specific in meaning, as shown above. This idiomatic phrase (the hand) aydya (of you) Kb (shall I let go *) apra did not come from the Greek se egkataleipw forsake you. It does appear the Greek came from one definition of apra, which I show here: Actually, the Greek reading seems to have its last two verbs reversed from The Peshitta order: the second to last Greek verb is anw, anw from anihmi aniemi an-ee-ay-mee, from 303 and hiemi (to send); TDNT-1:367,60; v AV-loose 2, forbear 1, leave 1; 4 1) to send back, relax, loosen 2) to give up, omit, calm 3) to leave, not to uphold, to let sink. This conforms generally to the last Aramaic verb apra from apr The last Greek verb kataleipw (Forsake) conforms to the second to last Aramaic verb Kqbsa, from qbs:

(is my Helper) ynrdem (my Lord) yrm (confidently) tyalykt (to say) rmand (for us) Nl (& it is) tyaw 6 (a human) asnrb (to me) yl (does) dbe (what?) anm (I shall fear) lxda (not) al (toward your guides) Nwkynrbdml (mindful) Nydhe (be you) Nwtywh 7 (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (with you) Nwkme (who have spoken) wllmd (those) Nylya (their faith) Nwhtwnmyhb (& imitate) wrmw (of their conduct) Nwhyrbwdd (the results) amlwsb (consider) wqbta (& to eternity) Mlelw (He is) wywh (& today) anmwyw (yesterday *) ylmta (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy 8 * Greek mss have two spellings for yesterday: cyev & ecyev. (be led) Nwrbdtt (not) al (& changeable) aplxsmw (strange) ayrkwn (to teaching) anplwyl 9 (our hearts) Ntwbl (we may strengthen) rrsn (that by grace) atwbyjbd (for) ryg (it is) wh (good) ryps (they have been helped) wrdeta (that not) ald (because) ljm (with foods) atlkamb (& not) alw (in them) Nyhb (who have walked *) wklhd (those) Nylya M * The Critical Greek text has the present participle peripatountev peripatountes (walking); The Majority Greek agrees with The Peshitta reading, have walked. (authority) jyls (without) ald (an altar) axbdm (but) Nyd (to us) Nl (there is) tya 10 (minister) Nysmsm (who in the tabernacle) anksmbd (for those) Nwnhl (from it) hnm (to eat) lkaml

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(whose blood) Nyhmd (has) awh (brought) lemd (these) Nylh (for) ryg (animals) atwyx 11 (sins) ahjx (for the sake of) Plx (holy) asdqm (to the place) tybl (The Priest) armwk (High) br (the camp) atyrsm (of) Nm (outside) rbl (was) awh (burned) dqy (their flesh) Nyhrob (His people) hmel (to sanctify) sdqnd (Yeshua) ewsy (also) Pa (this) anh (because) ljm 12 (He suffered) sx (the city *) atnydm (of) Nm (outside) rbl (by His blood) hmdb All major Greek texts have exw thv pulhv Outside the gate. From the Gate in Aramaic is, aert Nm; atnydm is City. These words in Estrangela are ae09rt Nm & aFnydm. DSS has )(rt }m & )tnydm. Papyrus 46 and Uncial P has perembolhv Camp; the Aramaic for Camp is atyrsm which occurs in the verses before and after this one. Lets compare City with Camp in Aramaic: atnydm atyrsm a . In Estrangela script: Fnydm aFyr$m. In either script, these words look similar.DSS script: )tnydm: )tyr$m. All three have 83% letter correspondence.The DSS pair appear the most similar to me, given the Yodh-Resh (y-r ) similarity as well as an almost dyslexic Yodh- Nun (y-n) similarity. Even the ShinDalet ($-d) look strangely dyslexically related. Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic may have been the original for Hebrews. The definition for the Greek word perembolh follows: 3925 parembolh parembole par-em-bol-ay from a compound of 3844 and 1685;; n f AV-castle 6, camp 3, army 1; 10 1) an encampment 1a) the camp of Israel in the desert 1a1) used for the city of Jerusalem, inasmuch as that was to the Israelites what formerly the encampment had been in the desert 1a2) of the sacred congregation or assembly of Israel, as it had been gathered formerly in camps in the wilderness 1b) the barracks of the Roman soldiers, which at Jerusalem were in the castle of Antonia 2) an army in a line of battle The Greek word pulh is defined by Thayers Lexicon as follows: 4439 pulh pule poo'-lay apparently a primary word; TDNT-6:921,974; n f AV-gate 10; 10 1) a gate 1a) of the larger sort 1a1) in the wall of either a city 1a2) a palace 1a3) a town 1a4) the temple 1a5) a prison Here are the parallel Greek words used: PULHS = Gate POLEwS = City PEREMBOLHS = Camp Gate and City in Greek have a 60% letter correspondence. The two Aramaic words for City and Camp have 83%. It seems the Aramaic atnydm was mistaken by at least two Greek scribes as atyrsm. It also appears that the first Greek translator put pulhv for atnydm City as metonymy (A part of speech using a part of something to stand for the whole)Gate=City. Here are the two Ashuri Aramaic words in question, one atop another, for comparison:

atnydm = City (Peshitta reading) A atyrsm= Camp (Greek reading) In Estrangela script: Fnydm- -City (Peshitta reading) Fyr$m- -Camp (Greek reading)

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The Holy Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews DSS script: ayrbe twld axyls owlwpd atsydq atrga

)tn nydm - City (Peshitta reading) )tyr$m -Camp (Greek reading)

The above facts show that it is very likely that the Greek readings in this verse came from The Peshitta reading. The fact that there are no Peshitta variant readings here makes it unlikely that the Greek is behind The Peshitta text. (to Him) htwl (should go out) qwpn (therefore) lykh (we) Nnx (& also) Paw 13 (His shame) hdox (we bear) Nnylyqs (while) dk (the camp) atyrsm (of) Nm (outside) rbl (here) akrh (that abides) aywqmd (a city) atnydm (for) ryg (for us) Nl (there is not) tyl 14 (we look for) Nnykom (which is coming) adyted (that) adyal (but) ala (of praise) atxwbstd (sacrifices) axbd (let us offer) qon (& through Him) hdyabw 15 (of the lips) atwpod (the fruit) arap (which is) hytyad (to God) ahlal (in every time) Nbzlkb (to His Name) hmsl (giving thanks) Nydwmd (with the poor) ankomd (& sharing) atwptwsw (charity) atwnmxrm (forget) Nwejt (& not) alw 16 (God) ahlal (a man) sna (pleases) rps (sacrifices) axbd (for) ryg (with these) Nylhb (to them) Nwhl (& submit) wemtsaw (your leaders) Nwkynrbdml (obey) woypjta 17 (your souls) Nwktspn (for the sake of) Plx (watch) Nyrhs (for) ryg (those) Nwnh (that in joy) atwdxbd (an account) Nwknbswx (who give) Nybhyd (persons) asna (as) Kya (because) ljm (with groans) atxntb (& not) alw (this) adh (doing) Nydbe (they may be) Nwwhn (to you) Nwkl (it is advantageous) axqp (not) ald (good) atbj (that a conscience) atratd (for) ryg (we trust *) Nnylykt (for us) Nyle (pray) wlu 18 (to conduct ourselves) rbdtn (well) rypsd (we want) Nnybu (for in all things) Mdmlkbd (to us) Nl (is) tya C * The Majority Greek text has a perfect tense verb pepoiyamen. We have trusted. The Critical Greek agrees with The Peshittas present tense verb Nnylykt with peiyomeya -We trust. (of you) Nwknm (I) ana (seek) aeb (especially) tyaryty 19 (to you) Nwkl (I may return) anpta (that quickly) lgebd (this) adh (to do) Nwdbetd (from) Nm (Who brought forth) qoad (He) wh (of peace) amlsd (but) Nyd (The God) ahla 20 (of the flock) atyermd (Great) abr (The Shepherd) ayerl (of the dead) atym (the place) tyb (Yeshua) ewsy (Him Who is) yhwtyad (eternal) Mleld (of the covenant) aqtydd (by the blood) amdb (our Lord) Nrm (The Messiah) axysm (His will) hnybu (to do) Nwdbetd (good) bj (work) dbe (in every) lkb (will perfect you) Nwkrwmgn (He) wh 21 (before Him) yhwmdq (is excellent) rypsd (whatever) Mdm (in us) Nb (will perform) rweon (& He) whw (is glory) axbws (to Whom) hld (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (by) dyb (Truly) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to eternity) Mlel (to be patient) Nwrgtd (my brothers) yxa (of you) Nwknm (but) Nyd (I) ana (beseech) aeb 22 (of exhortation) aaywbd (with the word) atlmb (in your spirit) Nwkxwr (to you) Nwkl (I have written) tbtk (it is) wh (with brevity) atyrwezbd (because) ljm (is released) yrtsad (Timotheos) owatmyj (our brother *) Nwxal (but) Nyd (know) wed 23 (I shall see you) Nwkyzxa (with Him) hme (he comes) atan (soon) lgeb (& if) Naw C * The Majority Greek text omits the possessive pronoun our. The Critical Greek has it. (your leaders) Nwkynrbdm (of all of) Nwhlkd (the peace) amlsb (invoke) wlas 24 (all of them) Nwhlk (your peace) Nwkmlsb (invoke) Nylas (the holy ones) asydq (& of all of) Nwhlkdw (Italy) ayljya (who are from) Nmd
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(Amen) Nyma (all of you) Nwklk (with) Me (grace) atwbyj 25

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Revelation of The Apostle John axyls Nnxwyd anylg

(From The 12th century Crawford Manuscript)

anylg Nwmjpb ahla Nm anrbom Nnxwy le awhd roq Nwran Nm hl ydtsad atrzg The Revelation which came to John The Evangelist from God in Patmos, the island to which he was exiled by Nero Caesar
Introduction The Date of Authorship

Sir Isaac Newton wrote the following concerning the date of the writing of Revelation. Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all time, wrote voluminously on the subject of Bible prophecy, especially of the books of Daniel and Revelation:

Irenaeus introduced an opinion that the Apocalypse was written in the time of Domitian; but then he also postponed the writing of some others of the sacred books, and was to place the Apocalypse after them: he might perhaps have heard from his master Polycarp that he had received this book from John about the time of Domitians death; or indeed John might himself at that time have made a new publication of it, from whence Irenaeus might imagine it was then but newly written. Eusebius in his Chronicle and Ecclesiastical History follows Irenaeus; but afterwards [a] in his Evangelical Demonstrations, he conjoins the banishment of John into Patmos, with the deaths of Peter and Paul: and so do [b] Tertullian and Pseudo-Prochorus, as well as the first author, whoever he was, of that very antient fable, that John was put by Nero into a vessel of hot oil, and coming out unhurt, was banished by him into Patmos. Tho this story be no more than a fiction, yet was it founded on a tradition of the first churches, that John was banished by him into Patmos in the days of Nero. Epiphanius represents the Gospel of John as written in the same time of Domitian, and the Apocalypse even before that of Nero. [c] Arethas in the beginning of his Commentary quotes the opinion of Irenaeus from Eusebius, but follows it not: for he afterwards affirms the Apocalypse was written before the destruction of Jerusalem, and that former commentators had expounded the sixth seal of that destruction. With the opinion of the first Commentators agrees the tradition of the Churches of Syria, preserved to this day in the title of the Syriac Version of the Apocalypse, which title is this: The Revelation which was made to John the Evangelist by God in the Island Patmos, into which he was banished by Nero the Caesar. The same is confirmed by a story told by [d] Eusebius out of Clemens Alexandrinus, and other antient authors, concerning a youth whom John some time after his return from Patmos committed to the care of the Bishop of a certain city. The Bishop educated, instructed, and at length baptized him; but then remitting of his care, the young man thereupon got into ill company, and began by degrees first to revel and grow vitious, then to abuse and spoil those he met in the night; and at last grew so desperate, that his companions turning a band of high-way men, made him their Captain: and, saith [e] Chrysostom, he continued their Captain a long time. At length John returning to that city, and hearing what was done, rode to the thief; and, when he out of reverence to his old master fled, John rode after him, recalled him, and restored him to the Church. This is a story of many years, and requires that John should have returned from Patmos rather at the death of Nero than at that of Domitian; because between the death of Domitian and that of John there were but two
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years and an half; and John in his old age was [f] so infirm as to be carried to Church, dying above 90 years old, and therefore could not be then supposd able to ride after the thief.

This opinion is further supported by the allusions in the Apocalypse to the Temple and Altar, and holy City, as then standing; and to the Gentiles, who were soon after to tread under foot the holy City and outward court. Tis confirmed also by the style of the Apocalypse itself, which is fuller of Hebraisms than his Gospel. For thence it may be gathered, that it was written when John was newly come out of Judea, where he had been used to the Syriac tongue; and that he did not write his Gospel, till by long converse with the Asiatick Greeks he had left off most of the Hebraisms. It is confirmed also by the many false Apocalypses, as those of Peter, Paul, Thomas, Stephen, Elias and Cerinthus, written in imitation of the true one. For as the many false Gospels, false Acts, and false Epistles were occasioned by true ones; and the writing many false Apocalypses, and ascribing them to Apostles and Prophets, argues that there was a true Apostolic one in great request with the first Christians: so this true one may well be supposd to have been written early, that there may be room in the Apostolic age for the writing of so many false ones afterwards, and fathering them upon Peter, Paul, Thomas and others, who were dead before John. Caius, who was contemporary with Tertullian, [g] tells us that Cerinthus wrote his Revelations as a great Apostle, and pretended the visions were shewn him by angels, asserting a millennium of carnal pleasures at Jerusalem after the resurrection; so that his Apocalypse was plainly written in imitation of Johns: and yet he lived so early, that [h] he resisted the Apostles at Jerusalem in or before the first year of Claudius, that is, 26 years before the death of Nero, and [i] died before John.- Sir Isaac Newton The Nature of The Crawford Manuscript
John Gwynn has written at length concerning this unusual manuscript in his The Apocalypse of St. John, in a Syriac Version Hitherto Unknown.Gwynn believed the manuscript to be a copy of an early 7th century translation from Greek, yet significantly and radically different from The Harklean Syraic Version translated in A.D. 616. He notes that the book contains more Hebraisms than any other NT book and that it is idiomatic- Aramaic used throughout, unlike The Harklean Version which is Graecianized (conformed to Greek language). He also is of the opinion that the writer was thoroughly familiar with the Peshitta O.T. and used its vocabulary and style extensively, listing dozens of words peculiar to that version found only in Crawford Revelation and not in The Peshitta N.T.. I have a different view of the nature of this text which Gwynns findings support; for instance, Hebraisms (or Aramaisms) would not come from Greek, they would come from Hebrew or Aramaic. Aramaic idioms, of which Gwynn lists a considerable number specifically, are evidence of original Aramaic, not Greek. The Peshitta O.T. vocabulary is Aramaic, not Greek, so the abundant usage of its style and vocabulary strongly indicates that The Crawford is an Aramaic original, not a translation from Greek.Greek primacy has ruled Western Biblical scholarship for so long that even the suggestion of an Aramaic original New Testament has been laughed out of the court of scholarship every time it has been proposed. I have uncovered evidence recently which overwhelms all Greek primacy claims and proves (and I use that word as appropriately as it can be used) that the original New Testament was written in Aramaic.I cannot present the case here, but refer the reader to my book, Divine Contact-Discovery of The Original New Testament, available at . Suffice it here to say that The Peshitta NT plus Gwynns edition of The General Epistles and Revelation are demonstrated to be the original autographs of the Apostles. That claim may be ridiculed and regarded as suspect on the face of it, but the evidence is irrefutable, and the evidence isnt going away; neither is The Aramaic NT. The text presented in this interlinear is what I believe is the letter perfect Divinely written original word of The Living God. Everyone who reads it will be judged by what he reads and is accountable before God to accept and obey it as His word and revelation. I count it a high honor and privilege to read it for myself and also to present it as Gods original utterance to The Apostle John on The Isle of Patmos circa AD 55. May you experience the revelation of Yeshua The Messiah from The Spirit of The God Who gave it to His Only Son. Amen.
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Chapter 1 (God) ahla (to Him) hl (that gave) bhyd (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the revelation) anylg 1:1 (soon) lgeb (to occur) awhml (had been given) byhyd (what) am (His servants) yhwdbel (to show) wywxml (His angel) hkalm (by) dyb (He sent) xls (when) dk (& He symbolized *) edwsw (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (to His servant) hdbel * He symbolized edws -Shooda is an important key for unlocking the meaning of Revelation. Symbolic language and imagery is used throughout to represent eternal realities and future events, very similar to the prophesies of Daniel and Ezekiel and the visions Joseph had interpreted in Genesis. Here is Smiths Syriac Dictionary entry for the word edws -Shooda in the Shaphel mode:

axyls Nnxwyd anylg

(& the testimony) htwdholw (of God) ahlad (the word) atlml (who witnessed) dhoad (he) wh 2 (he saw) azxd (whatever) am (all) lk (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the words) alm (who hear) Nyemsd (& to those) Nylyalw (who reads) arqd (to the one) Nml (his blessing) yhwbwj 3 (in it) hb (that are written) Nbytkd (those things) Nylya (& they keep) Nyrjnw (this) adh (of prophecy) atwybnd (is near) brq (for) ryg (the time) anbz (to you) Nwkl (grace) atwbyj (that in Asia) ayoabd (assemblies) atde (to seven) ebsl (Yokhanan) Nnxwy 4 (& is coming) ataw (has) awh (& been) yhwtyaw (Who is) yhwtyad (Him *) wh (from) Nm (& peace) amlsw (His throne) hyorwk (Who are before) Mdqd (those) Nylya (The Spirits) axwr (seven) ebs (& from) Nmw C * Most Greek mss. have apo yeou o wn kai o hn kai o ercomenov - from God who is, and who was, and who is coming; Some omit God; all the Greek readings here are a mess grammatically; three nominative (subject) cases are used where 3 genitives should be used as the object of apo from. This is an introduction to the quality of Greek in The Apocalypse, which is rather shoddy. I give here an exerpt from Charles Torrey: It has long been recognized that the New Testament is written in very poor Greek grammar, but very good Semitic grammar. Many sentences are inverted with a verb > noun format characteristic of Semitic languages. Furthermore, there are several occurrences of the redundant "and". A number of scholars have shown in detail the Semitic grammar imbedded in the Greek New Testament books. (For example: Our Translated Gospels By Charles Cutler Torrey; Documents of the Primitive Church by Charles Cutler Torrey; An Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts by Matthew Black; The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel by Charles Fox Burney; The Aramaic Origin of the Four Gospels by Frank Zimmerman and Semitisms of the Book of Acts by Max Wilcox) In addition to the evidence for Semitic grammar imbedded in the Greek New Testament, the fact that serious grammatical errors are found in the Greek New Testament books may be added. Speaking of the Greek of Revelation, Charles Cutler Torrey states that it "...swarms with major offenses against Greek grammar." He calls it "linguistic anarchy", and says, "The grammatical monstrosities of the book, in their number and variety and especially in their startling character, stand alone in the history of literature." Torrey gives ten examples listed below: 1. Rev. 1:4 "Grace to you, and peace, from he who is and who was and who is to come" (all nom. case) 2. Rev. 1:15 "His legs were like burnished brass (neut. gender dative case) as in a furnace purified" (Fem. gender sing. no., gen. case) 3. Rev. 11:3 "My witness (nom.) shall prophesy for many days clothed (accus.) in sackcloth." 4. Rev. 14:14 "I saw on the cloud one seated like unto a Son of Man (accus.) having (nom.) upon his head a golden crown." 5. Rev. 14:19 "He harvested the vintage of The Earth, and cast it into the winepress (fem), the great (masc.) of the wrath of God." 6. Rev. 17:4 "A golden cup filled with abominations (gen.) and with unclean things" (accus.)
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7. Rev. 19:20 "The lake of blazing (fem.) fire (neut.). 8. Rev. 20:2 "And he seized the Dragon (accus.), the old serpent (nom.) who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him." 9. Rev. 21:9 "Seven angels holding seven vessels (accus.) filled (gen.) with the seven last plagues." 10. Rev. 22:5 "They have no need of lamplight (gen.) nor of sunlight (accus.)." The Aramaic text of The Crawford ms. has no such grammatical problems. Are we to believe the original was written with poor Greek grammar and that the Aramaic translation is flawless? Some may believe just that; as for myself, I find no precedent for that position in any other book of scripture, in either OT or NT, nor does the Christian doctrine of inspiration of scripture allow for such a poor original text. The best objection one may offer is that we are left with poor copies of Revelation whose original Greek text was free from all such errors. It would be passing strange to find that not one manuscript or group of manuscripts remains with original readings and that only the errors in all the above cases survived. Aramaic primacy clears up the problem quite easily; The Greek text is a translation of an Aramaic original. (trustworthy) anmyhm (The Witness) adho (The Messiah) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (& from) Nmw 5 (of The Earth) aerad (of the kings) aklmd (& The Ruler) asrw (of the dead) atymd (The First Born) arkwb (by His blood) hmdb (our sins) Nyhjx (from) Nm (us) Nl (& has loosed *) arsw (us) Nl (Who loves) bxmd (Him) wh C * The Critical Greek text also has loosed us; The Majority Greek has washed us. In DSS Aramaic script, these two readings may be:

)r r$w -& loosed gy$w-& washed.

This example is not decisively pro-Aramaic original, as the Greek readings are even more similar than the two in Aramaic: lousanti-Washed & lusanti-Loosed, however, only the Greek mss. have variant readings here, and the Aramaic can account for both Greek readings. If the Aramaic were a translation of Greek, it bears no evidence in the form of variant readings (though Crawford ms. is the only one of its kind of Revelation) or in supporting any one Greek text type consistently or even with a semblance of uniformity, either here or in any lengthy portion of Revelation or any other part of the New Testament. (& His father) yhwbaw (to God) ahlal (priestly) atynhk (the kingdom) atwklm (us) Nl (& He has made) dbew 6 (truly) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& political power) andxwaw (glory) atxwbst (& to Him) hlw (eye) anye (every) lk (& shall see Him) yhynyzxnw (clouds) anne (with) Me (He comes) ata (behold) ah 7 (for Him) yhwle (& they shall mourn) Ndqrnw (who pierced Him) yhwrqdd (those) Nylya (& also) Paw (& Amen) Nymaw (Yes) Nya (of The Earth) aerad (the families) atbrs (all) lk (God) ahla (Jehovah) ayrm (says) rma (& Tau) wtw (Alap *) Pla (I) ana 8 (& He is coming) ataw (He has) awh (& been) yhwtyaw (Who is) yhwtyad (He) wh (all) lk (Who holds) dyxad (He) wh * I submit an excellent article on this verse by Chris Lancaster, a long time Peshitta researcher and Peshitta primacy advocate The Greek: alfa w (/ego emi to alpha kai to o legei kurios ho theos ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos ho pantokrator/) Translation: "I am the Alpha and the O(mega), says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Chapter 21 Verse 6 The Greek: alfa w (/kai eipen moi gegona ego to alpha kai to o he arche kai to telos ogo to dipsonti doso ek tes peges tou udatos tes zoes dorean/) Translation: "And he said to me, They are come to pass. I am the Alpha and the O(mega),the beginning and the end. I will give to him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely."
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Chapter 22 Verse 13 The Greek: alfa w (/ego to alpha kai to o ho protos kai ho eschatos he arche kai to telos/) Translation: "I am the Alpha and the O(mega),the first and the last, the beginning and the end." In the vast majority of Greek manuscripts, they state: alfa w (/to alpha kai to o/: The Alpha and the O(mega)) (/alpha/: Alpha) being the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and (omega), the last. One VERY strange thing of note: (/alpha/: Alpha) is spelled out while (omega) is simply the single letter (omega). All of the Aramaic texts of Revelation that survive to date:

'alf 'af tu: The Alap, also the Tau) [Note: in the above picture, the circled word on the left is the word for Tau in Aramaic. Aramaic is written from right to left - Chris] Alap is the first letter of the Aramaic alphabet, where Tau is the last, in parallel with the Greek Alpha and Omega. How similar a lone (/omega/: Omega) (or w) looks like Tau [wt Chris] in Estrangelo script! Taking a look at how (/omega/: Omega) was written at the time of the New Testament, we get a good idea of what shape was recognized. The similarity is rather striking between Omega and the letters of Tau [wt Chris] closely written together.

Since copies of this book were written by hand, if wt: Tau was written closely together, it would be easily indistinguishable from an (/omega/: Omega). The translators then must have simply thought to transliterate it, thinking that it was an (/omega/: Omega) in the first place. Arguably this error can only go in one direction (your companion) Nwkptws (& son) rbw (your brother) Nwkwxa (am) wh (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (I) ana 9 (I was) tywh (which is in Yeshua *) ewsybd (& in the patience) atwnrbyombw (in suffering *) anulwab (the word) atlm (because of) ljm (Patmos) owmjp (that is called) ayrqtmd (in the island) atrzgb (The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the testimony) atwdho (& because of) ljmw (of God) ahlad Most Greek mss. have tribulation, kingdom and patience. C * The Majority Greek adds Cristw-Christ (first of the week *) absbdxd (in the day) amwyb (in spirit) xwrb (& I was) tywhw 10 (a trumpet) arwpys (like) Kya (great) abr (a voice) alq (behind me) yrtob (from) Nm (& I heard) temsw * Greek has kuriakh hmera-Lords day, which was a newly coined phrase when it was first written in the Greek of this verse. It is found nowhere else in Greek lit. prior to the first century.The Aramaic has simply first of the week, which is the word for Sunday. The Aramaic would hardly have been a translation of the Greek. (in a book) abtkb (write) bwtk (which you have seen) tyzxd (those things) Nylya (which said) rmad 11 (& to Zmurna) anrwmzlw (to Ephesus) owopal (assemblies *) atde (to seven) ebsl (& send) rdsw (& to Sardis) oydrolw (& to Thautyra) aryjwatlw (& to Pergamos) owmgrplw (& to Ladiqia) ayqydllw (& to Philadelphia) aypldlyplw C * Byzantine Greek manuscripts add in Asia;Critical Greek agrees here with the Aramaic text.

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(with me) yme (which spoke) llmd (that) anya (voice) alq (to know *) edml (& I turned) tkphw 12 (of gold) abhdd (menorahs) Nrnm (seven) ebs (I saw) tyzx (I turned around) tpje (& when) dkw * Greek has blepein-to see.This word is somewhat misleading, since it emphasizes vision rather than understanding, whereas the Aramaic word edml means to know, which is much more to the point when a voice is the object. (the likeness) atwmd (as) Kya (of the menorahs) atrnmd (& in the midst) ateumbw 13 (& was girded) ryoaw (an ephod *) adwpa (& he wore) syblw (of a son of man) asnrbd (golden) abhdd (a wrap) aroa (His chest) yhwdt (around) dyu adwpa Ephoda is not a translation of the Greek text, which has endedumenon podhrh clothed to the foot. AHave a look at The LXX use of the word podhrh in Exodus alongside the Hebrew text it translates.The LXX and Hebrew has each its own English translation parallel to it: Ex 25:7 kai liyouv sardiou kai liyouv eiv thn glufhn eiv thn epwmida kai ton podhrh Ex 25:7 (LXXE) and sardius stones, and stones for the carved work of the breast-plate, and the full-length robe. Nsxlw dpal Myalm ynbaw Mhs-ynba Ex 25:7 (BHS) Ex 25:7 (AV) Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod, and in the breastplate. (Aramaic Peshitta-)syrp-breastplate) Ex 28:4 kai autai ai stolai av poihsousin to peristhyion kai thn epwmida kai ton podhrh kai citwna kosumbwton kai kidarin kai zwnhn kai poihsousin stolav agiav aarwn kai toiv uioiv autou eiv to ierateuein moi Ex 28:4 (LXXE) And these are the garments which they shall make: the breast-plate, and the shoulder-piece, and the full-length robe, and the tunic with a fringe, and the tire, and the girdle; and they shall make holy garments for Aaron and his sons to minister to me as priests. yl-wnhkl wynblw Kyxa Nrhal sdq-ydgb wvew jnbaw tpnum Ubst tntkw lyemw dwpaw Nsx wvey rsa Mydgbh hlaw Ex 28:4 (BHS) Ex 28:4 (AV) And these [are] the garments which they shall make; a breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a mitre, and a girdle: and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priests office. Ex 28:31 kai poihseiv upoduthn podhrh olon uakinyinon Ex 28:31 (LXXE) (28:27) And thou shalt make the full-length tunic all of blue. tlkt lylk dwpah lyem-ta tyvew Ex 28:31 (BHS) Ex 28:31 (AV) And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all [of] blue. Ex 29:5 kai labwn tav stolav enduseiv aarwn ton adelfon sou kai ton citwna ton podhrh kai thn epwmida kai to logeion kai sunaqeiv autw to logeion prov thn epwmida Ex 29:5 (LXXE) And having taken the garments, thou shalt put on Aaron thy brother both the full-length robe and the ephod and the oracle; and thou shalt join for him the oracle to the ephod. dpah bsxb wl tdpaw Nsxh-taw dpah-taw dpah lyem taw tntkh-ta Nrha-ta tsblhw Mydgbh-ta txqlw Ex 29:5 (BHS) Ex 29:5 (AV) And thou shalt take the garments, and put upon Aaron the coat, and the robe of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breastplate, and gird him with the curious girdle of the ephod: (Aramaic Peshitta-)mwzrp-girdle) Ex 35:9 kai liyouv sardiou kai liyouv eiv thn glufhn eiv thn epwmida kai ton podhrh Ex 35:9 (LXXE) (35:8) and sardine stones, and stones for engraving for the shoulder-piece and full-length robe. Nsxlw dwpal Myalm ynbaw Mhs-ynbaw Ex 35:9 (BHS) Ex 35:9 (AV) And onyx stones, and stones to be set for the ephod, and for the breastplate. Eze 9:2 kai idou ex andrev hrconto apo thv odou thv pulhv thv uqhlhv thv blepoushv prov borran kai ekastou pelux en th ceiri autou kai eiv anhr en mesw autwn endedukwv podhrh kai zwnh sapfeirou epi thv osfuov autou kai eishlyosan kai esthsan ecomenoi tou yusiasthriou tou calkou Eze 9:2 (LXXE) And, behold, six men came from the way of the high gate that looks toward the north, and each ones axe was in his hand; and there was one man in the midst of them clothed with a long robe down to the feet, and a sapphire girdle was on his loins: and they came in and stood near the brazen altar. tsxnh xbzm lua wdmeyw wabyw wyntmb rpoh toqw Mydb sbl Mkwtb dxa-syaw wdyb wupm ylk syaw hnwpu hnpm rsa Nwyleh res-Krdm Myab Mysna hss hnhw Eze 9:2 (BHS)
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Eze 9:2 (AV) And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them [was] clothed with linen, with a writers inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar. (Peshitta )cwb-fine white linen) Eze 9:3 kai doxa yeou tou israhl anebh apo twn ceroubin h ousa ep autwn eiv to aiyrion tou oikou kai ekalesen ton andra ton endedukota ton podhrh ov eicen epi thv osfuov autou thn zwnhn Eze 9:3 (LXXE) And the glory of the God of Israel, that was upon them, went up from the cherubs to the porch of the house. And he called the man that was clothed with the long robe, who had the girdle on his loins; wyntmb rpoh toq rsa Mydbh sblh syah-la arqyw tybh Ntpm la wyle hyh rsa bwrkh lem hlen larvy yhla dwbkw Eze 9:3 (BHS) Eze 9:3 (AV) And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which [had] the writers inkhorn by his side. (Peshitta )cwb-fine white linen) Eze 9:11 kai idou o anhr o endedukwv ton podhrh kai ezwsmenov th zwnh thn osfun autou kai apekrinato legwn pepoihka kaywv eneteilw moi Eze 9:11 (LXXE) And, behold, the man clothed with the long robe, and girt with the girdle about his loins, answered and said, I have done as thou didst command me. yntywu rsak ytyve rmal rbd bysm wyntmb toqh rsa Mydbh sbl syah hnhw Eze 9:11 (BHS) Eze 9:11 (AV) And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which [had] the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me. (Peshitta )cwb-fine white linen) Zec 3:4 kai apekriyh kai eipen prov touv esthkotav pro proswpou autou legwn afelete ta imatia ta rupara ap autou kai eipen prov auton idou afhrhka tav anomiav sou kai endusate auton podhrh Zec 3:4 (LXXE) (3:5) And [the Lord] answered and spoke to those who stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy raiment from him: and he said to him, Behold, I have taken away thine iniquities: and clothe ye him with a long robe, twulxm Kta sblhw Knwe Kylem ytrbeh har wyla rmayw wylem Myauh Mydgbh wryoh rmal wynpl Mydmeh-la rmayw Neyw Zec 3:4 (BHS) Zec 3:4 (AV) And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. In Exodus 28:31, the Hebrew word dwpa Ephod (compare the Aramaic word in Rev. 1:13 adwpa Ephod) may have been translated with the Greek word podhrh; podhrh parallels the following Aramaic words in The OT (In Dead Sea Scroll script):)dwp)-ephod, )syrp-breastplate, )tdp-ephod,)cwb-fine white linen,)mwzrp-girdle adwpa is matched in The Harklean Syriac Version by ardwp Pawdara-A long priestly garment down to the feet. Here

is a comparison of two Aramaic words in Ashuri script: adwpa Ephod auwb-Fine linen DSS script: )dwp) Ephod )cwb -Fine linen

These two words in DSS script are strangely similar (80% correlation). Estrangela script: 0dwp0 Ephod 0cwb -Fine linen
They are not nearly as similar in Ashuri or Estrangela scripts. The second word )cwb-Bawtsais represented in The LXX by the Greek podhrh in several places.Thus the Greek reading podhrh may be explained on the basis of the Aramaic reading )dwp) Ephod.The Aramaic word is not from the Greek podhrh -down to the feet.The word Ephoda is a Semitic word which occurs once in The Peshitta OT (Hosea 3:4) and once in The Aramaic NT right here. (wool) arme (as) Kya (was white) rwx (& His hair) hreow (but) Nyd (His head) hsr 14 (of fire) arwnd (flames) atybhls (like) Kya (& His eyes) yhwnyew (snow) aglt (& like) Kyaw
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(of Lebanon *) aynbl (of brass) asxnd (in the likeness) atwmdb (& His feet) yhwlgrw 15 (& His voice) hlqw (in a furnace) anwtab (which is heated) Mxmd (many) aaygo (of waters) aymd (the sound) alq (as) Kya M * The Greek of Westcott & Horts edition has calkolibanw (Burnished brass- neuter noun, dative case) matched with pepurwmenhv (Burning- feminine noun, genitive case) this is a grammatical no, no in Greek. Both case & gender should agree for these two words. The Greek calkolibanw seems also to be an invented word, not occurring elsewhere in Greek lit. It appears a translator made a compound Greek word out of two Aramaic words Brass & Lebanon, which did not exist before and confused all the translators. Most translations of the Greek have, Burnished brass as the meaning.The Greek of The Apocalypse (Gilyana in Aramaic) seems to contain many new compound words like calkolibanw which combine two Aramaic words to form a new Greek word. (stars) Nybkwk (seven) aebs (of the right) anymyd (in His hand) hdyab (to Him) hl (& there is) tyaw 16 (& I saw Him *) htzxw (sharp *) atpyrx (a lance *) axmwr (proceeded) aqpn (His mouth) hmwp (& from) Nmw (in its strength) hlyxb (appearing) aywxm (the sun) asms (as) Kya N * axmwr Rawmkha is used in Luke 2:35 and here in The NT. It is a feminine noun, contrary to Smiths Syriac Dictionary, and is accompanied by a feminine verb in Luke 2:35 and by a feminine adjective here (atpyrx KharriptaSharp). Greek has romfaia distomov oxeia-a sword double edged sharp (Literal word order).Here is the Aramaic for Double: atynyrt Trayyanita; Compare the Aramaic here for Sharp- atpyrx. It seems that here and in Rev. 19:15, atpyrx -Kharripta- Sharp was read doubly as both double and sharp. Here are both words in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script:

)tpyrx-Sharp )tynyrt-Double Ashuri Aramaic Script: atpyrx-Sharp atynyrt-Double Estrangela Aramaic Script a0tpyrx-Sharp a0tynyrt-Double
The two words are even more similar in Ashuri script than in DSS script. You can see how even the Nun- Yodh pair- yn could have been mistaken for Pe- p. It seems our Greek translators vision was not too sharp and instead was seeing double! N * Greek has oqiv autou -His appearance. Here is the Aramaic Crawford reading: htzxw & I saw Him. Compare the Aramaic for the Greek reading:hwzxw & His appearance-

Here is the Aramaic Crawford reading in DSS script: htzxw & I saw Him. Compare the Aramaic for the Greek reading in DSS script: hwzxw & His appearanceHere is the Aramaic Crawford reading in Estrangela script: htzxw & I saw Him. Compare the Aramaic for the Greek reading in Estrangela: hwzxw & His appearanceAny of these Aramaic scripts presents at least 80% correlation between Aramaic word pairs.

Greek for I saw would be eidon not very like oqiv appearance.The Greek does not seem to account for the Aramaic reading;The Aramaic can account for the Greek.
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(a dead man) atym (as) Kya (His feet) yhwlgr (at) le (I fell) tlpn (I saw Him) htyzx (& when) dkw 17 (be afraid) lxdt (not) al (saying) rmaml (that is the right) anymyd (His hand) hdya (on me) yle (& He laid) Mow (& The Last) ayrxaw (The First) aymdq (am) ytya (for I) anad (I am) tywh (& He Who died) atymdw (& He Who lived) yxdw 18 (truly) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (I am) ytya (alive) ayx (& behold) ahw (& of Sheol) lwysdw (of Death) atwmd (the key) adylq (to me) yl (& is) tyaw (that are) Nyhytyad (& those) Nylyaw (you have seen) tyzxd (whatever) am (therefore) lykh (write) bwtk 19 (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (to be) awhml (& are going) Ndytew (which you saw) tyzxd (those) Nylya (stars) Nybkwk (of seven) aebsd (the mystery) azra 20 (menorahs) atrnm (& seven) ebsw (My right hand) ynymy (on) le (are) Nwhytya (assemblies) atde (of seven) ebsd (messengers) akalm (stars) Nybkwk (seven) aebs (which you saw *) tyzxd (those) Nylya (of gold) abhdd (seven) ebs (& the menorahs) atrnmw (assemblies) atde (are) Nyna (seven) ebs TR * A group of Greek mss. has which you saw, including the Textus Receptus, are in agreement with the Crawford ms. here. Chapter 2 (write) bwtk (of Ephesus) owopad (of the assembly) atdebd (& to the messenger) akalmlw 2:1 (in His hand) hdyab (stars) Nybkwk (seven) aebs (Who holds) dyxad (He) wh (says) rma (thus) ankh (of gold) abhdd (the menorahs) atrnm (among) tnyb (Who walks) Klhmd (He) wh (& your patience) Ktwnrbyomw (& your toil) Klmew (your works) Kydbe (I) ana (know) edy 2 (& you have tested) tyonw (evil ones) asybl (bear) Nejml (you can) tyum (& that not) aldw (they are) Nwhytya (that apostles) axylsd (themselves) Nwhspn (who claim) Nyrmad (those) Nylyal (false) algd (them) Nwna (& you have found) txksaw (& they are not) Nwhytylw (& you have endured) tnejw (to you) Kl (is) tya (& patience) atwnrbyomw 3 (you have tired) tyal (& not) alw (My Name) yms (because of) ljm (against you) Kyle (to me) yl (is) tya (but) ala 4 (you have left) tqbs (former) aymdq (because your love) Kbwxd (the works) adbe (& do) dbew (you have come out) tqpn (where) akya (from) Nm (remember) rkdta 5 (I) ana (& shall move) eyzmw (against you) Kyle (I) ana (come) ata (not) al (but if) Nydnaw (former) aymdq (you repent) bwtt (unless) ala (your menorah) Ktrnm (the works) adbe (that you hate) tynod (to you) Kl (is) tya (this) adh (but) ala 6 (I) ana (hate) ano (which I) anad (those) Nylya (of Naqolayta) ajylwqand (speaks) llmm (The Spirit) axwr (what) anm (let hear) emsn (ears) anda (to him) hl (who has) tyad (he) wh 7 (of life) ayxd (the tree) aoyq (from) Nm (I shall give) lta (& to the victor) akzdlw (to the assemblies) atdel (of God) ahlad (in The Paradise) aoydrpb (which is) yhwtyad (that) wh (to eat) lkaml (says) rma (thus) ankh (write) bwtk (of Zmurna) anrwmzd (of the assembly) atded (& to the messenger) akalmlw 8 (& lives) ayxw (dead) atym (Who was) awhd (He) wh (& The Last) ayrxaw (The First) aymdq (you are) tna (rich) aryte (but) ala (& your poverty) Ktwnkomw (your suffering) Knulwa (I) ana (know) edy 9 (themselves) Nwhspn (who call) Nyrmad (those) Nylya (that is from) Nmd (& the blasphemy) apdwglw (they are) Nwhytya (not) al (when) dk (of the Judeans) aydwhy (Jews) aydwhy (of Satan) anjod (the company) atswnk (but) ala (you) tna (that will) dyted (those things) Nylya (of) Nm (be afraid) lxdt (not) al (in anything) Mdmb 10 (some of you) Nwknm (throw) amrnd (The Devil) aurqlka (will) dyte (behold) ah (suffer) sxml
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(to you) Nwkl (& there will be) awhnw (to be tested) Nwonttd (of imprisonment) ayswbx (into the house) tybb (death) atwml (until) amde (faithful) anmyhm (be) wwh (ten) aroe (days) Nymwy (suffering) anulwa (of life) ayxd (a crown) alylk (to you) Nwkl (& I shall give) ltaw (what) anm (let him hear) emsn (an ear) anda (to him) hl (he who has) tyad 11 (overcomes) akzd (Whoever) anyad (to the assemblies) atdel (says) llmm (The Spirit) axwr (the second) anynt (death) atwm (from) Nm (will be hurt) rhn (not) al (write) bwtk (of Pergama) amgrpd (who is in the assembly) atdebd (& to the messenger) akalmlw 12 (sharp) atpyrx (a sword *) abrx (to Him) hl (that is) tyad (He) wh (says) rma (thus) ankh (edges) hymwp (of two) Nyrtd (of Satan) anjod (of The Throne) hyorwkd (the place) rta (you dwell) trme (where) akya (I) ana (know) edy 13 (you have denied) trpk (not) al (& My faith) ytwnmyhbw (My Name) ymsb (you) tna (& keep) dyxaw (faithful) anmyhm (My) ylyd (& witness) adhow (you contended *) tyrxta (& in the days) atmwybw (faithful) anmyhm (My) ylyd (witnesses) adho (of all) lkd (for the sake) ljm (was murdered) ljqta (among you) Nwknmd (he) anya I know where you dwell- the place of Satans throne, and you keep My Name and you have not denied My faith; in the days when you and My faithful witness contended for the sake of all My faithful witnesses, he was murdered among you. * Greek has of Antipas. Antipas in Aramaic would be opytna, opyjna or oapytna.Frankly this does not look like any Aramaic word in the text, so I dont see the explanation for the Greek reading based on word similarity in Aramaic. I do see that the Aramaic verse speaks of My witness and does not name him. This may have presented a problem to a Greek translator who seems to have also played the role of editor as well.A second phrase for the sake of all My witnesses is missing in the Greek texts; after careful inspection, I saw that for the sake of all Mettul dcol was probably translated as the Greek name Antipav -Antipas, which strange to say, means For the cause of all, from two Greek words, anti for,instead of, for the cause of + pav -all,every. So may the Greek translator have put a name to My witnessasAntipas. The Aramaic from the verse:- (faithful) anmyhm (My) ylyd (witnesses) adho (of all) lkd (for the sake) ljm using the hypothetical Greek method above could be rendered: Antipas my faithful witness. adho sahda can be plural or singular witnesses orwitness. Why would a translator add all the information in the Aramaic (underlined words in prose translation) if the Greek were the original? Why also would he have not simply copied Antipas instead of translating it into a phrase for the sake of all? Invention and addition are not the signs of normal translation; omission and simplification are; therefore the Greek evinces evidence of being a translation here as in many other places in Revelation and in other NT books. (for there are) tyad (a few things) atyrwez (against you) Kyle (to me) yl (is) tya (but) ala 14 (of Balaam) Melbd (the doctrine) atwnplm (those who hold) Nydyxad (there) Nmt (to you) Kl (a stumbling block) alsk (to cast) amrnd (Balaq) qlbl (who taught) Plad (him) wh (sacrifices) yxbd (to eat) lkaml (of Israel) lyroya (the children) ynb (before) Mdq (& to commit fornication) wynzmlw (of idols) arktp (the doctrine) anplwy (those holding) Nydyxad (to you) Kl (also) Pa (are) tya (so) ankh 15 (likewise) twkh (of Naqolayta) ajylwqand (upon you) Kyle (I) ana (shall come) ata (not) al (but if) Nydnaw (therefore) lykh (return) bwt 16 (of My mouth) ymwpd (with the sword) abrxb (with them) Nwhme (& I shall make war) brqaw (at once) adxm (what) anm (let him hear) emsn (an ear) anda (to him) hl (& he who has) tyadw 17 (to the one who is victorious) akzdld (to the assemblies) atdel (speaks) llmm (The Spirit) axwr (which is hidden) ysjmd (that) wh (manna) annm (from) Nm (I shall give) lta (the pebble) anbswx (& upon) lew (white) arwx (a pebble) anbswx (to him) hl (& I shall give) ltaw (knows) edy (man) sna (that no) ald (of writing) abtkd (new) atdx (a name) ams (who receives) bond (he) wh (except) ala
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(that in Thautayra) aryjwatbd (who is in the assembly) atdebd (& to the messenger) akalmlw 18 (to Him) hl (Who has) tyad (He) wh (of God) ahlad (The Son) hrb (says) rma (thus) ankh (write) bwtk (of Lebanon) aynbl (brass) asxn (as) Kya (& His feet) yhwlgrw (of fire) arwnd (flames) atybhls (as) Kya (eyes) anye (& your faith) Ktwnmyhw (& your love) Kbwxw (your works) Kydbe (I) ana (know) edy 19 (latter) ayrxa (& your works) Kydbew (& your patience) Ktwnrbyomw (& your service) Ktsmstw (the first) aymdq (than) Nm (are) Nwna (more) aaygo (your wife *) Kttnal (because you allow) tqbsd (much) ygo (against you) Kyle (to me) yl (is) tya (but) ala 20 (she is) yh (that a prophetess) atybnd (herself) hspn (about) le (who says) armad (she) yh (Jezebel) lbzya (to commit fornication) wynzml (My servants) ydbel (& seduces) ayejmw (& teaches) aplmw (of idols) arktp (sacrifices) yxbd (& to eat) lkamw M * The Byzantine Greek mss. (Majority text) agrees with your wife whereas the Critical and TR Greek have simply thn gunaika-woman. (for repentance) atwbytl (time) anbz (her) hl (& I gave) tbhyw 21 (her fornication) htwynz (from) Nm (to turn) btml (she chose) aybu (& not) alw (& those) Nylyalw (into a coffin *) aoreb (her) hl (I) ana (shall cast) amr (behold) ah 22 (great) abr (into suffering) anulwab (with her) hme (who commit adultery) Nyrygd (their deeds) Nwhydbe (of) Nm (they repent) Nwwttn (unless) ala * Greek has klinhn a bed. The Aramaic aore can refer to a bed, a litter or a bier. A bed makes no sense in this context. (& will know) Nedyw (in the death) atwmb (I shall kill) lwjqa (& her children) hynblw 23 (& the heart) ablw (the kidneys *) atylwk (search) aub (do) ana (that I) anad (the assemblies) atde (all) Nyhlk (your works) Nwkydbe (according to) Kya (to everyone) snlkl (to you) Nwkl (& I shall give) ltaw (who in Thautayra) aryjwatbd (& to the rest) akrsl (I) ana (say) rma (to you) Nwkl 24 (this) anh (doctrine) anplwy (to whom) Nwhl (there is not) tyld (those) Nylya (all of them) Nwhlk (of Satan) anjod (the depths) htqyme (have known) wedy (who not) ald (those) Nylya (another) anrxa (burden) arqwy (upon you) Nwkyle (I shall lay) amra (not) al (they say) Nyrmad (as) Kya (hold fast) wdwxa (to you) Nwkl (that is) tyad (therefore) lykh (that) wh 25 (I) ana (come) atad (until) amade (to him) hl (I shall give) lta (my works) ydbe (& keeps) rjnw (& he who is victorious) akzdw 26 (the nations) amme (over) le (authority) anjlws (vessels) ynam (& as) Kyaw (of iron) alzrpd (with a rod) ajbsb (them) Nwna (to shepherd) aerml 27 (for) ryg (in this way) ankh (you shall shatter them) Nwqxst (of a potter) arxp (My Father) yba (from) Nm (have received) tbon (also I) anaw (of the dawn) arpu (the star) bkwkl (to him) hl (& I shall give) ltaw 28 (what) anm (let him hear) emsn (an ear) anda (to him) hl (he who is) tyad 29 (to the assemblies) atdel (is speaking) llmm (The Spirit) axwr Chapter 3 (write) bwtk (of Sardis) oydrod (who is in the assembly) atdebd (& to the messenger) akalmlw 3:1 (of God) ahlad (Spirits) Nyxwr (The Seven) ebs (to Him) hl (Who has) tyad (He) wh (says) rma (thus) ankh (to you) Kl (that is) tyad (& the name) amsw (your works) Kydbe (I) ana (know) edy (stars) abkwk (& seven) aebsw (you are) tna (& that dead) atymdw (you are) tna (& that alive) ayxdw (that ready) dyted (of those) Nylyad (what remains) akrsd (& confirm) Myqw (vigilant) arye (& be) ywhw 2 (that perfect) Nylmsmd (I have found you) Ktxksa (for) ryg (not) al (to die) tmml (have been) tywh
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(God) ahla (before) Mdq (your works) Kydbe (& you have received) tbonw (you have heard) tems (how)Nkya (remember) rkdta 3 (you wake up) ryett (not) al (but if) Nydnaw (& return) bwtw (take heed) rhdza (you will know) edt (& not) alw (a thief) abng (as) Kya (upon you) Kyle (I) ana (shall come) ata (upon you) Kyle (I shall come) ata (hour) ates (what) adya (those) Nylya (in Sardis) oydrob (names) ahms (a few) lylq (to Me) yl (is) tya (but) ala 4 (before Me) ymdq (& they walk) Nyklhmw (their garments) Nwhynam (have defiled) wswj (who not) ald (are) Nwna (& they worthy) Nywsw (in white) arwxb (white) arwx (in a garment) anam (is garbed) Pjetm (in this way) ankh (he who overcomes) akzd 5 (of life) ayxd (the book) arpo (from) Nm (his name) hms (I shall blot out) axla (& not) alw (My Father) yba (before) Mdq (his name) hmsb (& I shall confess) adwaw (His angels) yhwkalm (& before) Mdqw (let him hear) emsn (an ear) anda (to him) hl (has) tyad (whoever) anya 6 (to the assemblies) atdel (speaks) llmm (The Spirit) axwr (what) anm (write) bwtk (of Philadelphia) aypldlypd (of the assembly) atded (& to the messenger) akalmlw 7 (to Him) hl (Who has) tyad (He) wh (The True One) aryrs (The Holy One) asydq (says) rma (thus) ankh (a closer) dxad (& there is not) tylw (Who opens) xtpd (The One) anya (of Dawid) dywdd (the key) adylq (an opener) xtpd (& there is not) tylw (& He shuts) dxaw The Crawford text of this verse conforms more closely to The Peshitta reading of Isaiah 22:22 than does the Greek or The Harklean Aramaic text, and also to the Hebrew present participles-who shuts, who opens, more closely than the Greek does.Even the Aramaic phrases (& there is none who closes) dxad d tylw & (& there is none who opens) xtpd d tylw are identical in The Peshitta of Isaiah where the black highlighted letters are shown in bold type, while the Harklean has dxa sna al -no man shuts and xtp sna al -no man opens, conforming to the Greek readings.Here is the Hebrew verse of Isaiah 22:22 in interlinear form: (on his shoulder) wmks-le (of house of David) dwd-tyb (keys) xtpm (& I shall place) yttnw Isa 22:22
(opens) xtp (& none) Nyaw (& he shuts) rgow (shuts) rgo (& none)Nyaw (& he opens) xtpw

(before you) Kymdq (I have set) tbhy (& behold) ahw (your works) Kydbe (I) ana (know) edy 8 (shut) hdxaml (can) aum (a man) sna (not) ald (which) anya (opened) axytp (a door) aert (to you) Kl (is) tya (power) alyx (that a little) lylqd (because) ljm (you have denied) trpk (not) al (& My Name) ymsbw (you have kept) trjn (& My word) ytlmw (of Satan) anjod (of the synagogue) atswnk (some) Nm (I) ana (devote) bhy (& behold) ahw 9 (that Jews) aydwhyd (themselves) Nwhspn (about) le (who say) Nyrmad (those) Nylya (of) Nm (they are lying) Nylgdm (but) ala (they are) Nwhytya (& not) alw (they are) Nwna (& to worship) Nwdgonw (to come) Nwtand (them) Nwhl (I shall make) dbea (behold) ah (love you) Ktbxa (that I) anad (& to know) Nwednw (your feet) Kylgr (before) Mdq (of My patience) ytwnrbyomd (the word) atlm (that you have kept) trjnd (because) le 10 (to come) atand (that is going) dyted (the trial) anwyon (from) Nm (shall keep you) Krja (also I) anaw (to test) aonnd (the inhabited world) lybat (all) hlk (over) le (of The Earth) aerad (the inhabitants) hyrwmel (to you) Kl (is) tyad (whichever) am (that) wh (hold fast) dwxa (at once) adxm (I) ana (come) ata 11 (your crown) Klylk (take) bon (a man) sna (lest) ald (of God) ahlad (in the temple) alkyhb (a pillar) adwme (I shall make him) hdbea (& the overcomer) akzdw 12 (upon Him) yhwle (& I shall write) bwtkaw (again) bwt (he will go out) qwpn (not) al (& outside) rblw (of the city) atnydmd (& The Name) amsw (of My God) yhlad (The Name) ams (My God) yhla (from) Nm (descends) atxnd (which) adya (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (New) atdx (New) atdx (My) ylyd (& Name) amsw (what) anm (let hear) emsn (an ear) anda (to him) hl (& the one who has) tyadw 13 (to the assemblies) atdel (speaks) llmm (The Spirit) axwr
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(of the Laydiqyans *) ayqydyald (of the assembly) atded (& to the messenger) akalmlw 14 (trustworthy) anmyhm (The Witness) adho (Amen) Nyma (says) rma (thus) ankh (write) bwtk (of God) ahlad (of the creation) htyrbd (& The Source) atysrw (& true) aryrsw T.R. The Greek mss. (Byzantine Majority + The Critical Greek text) have - en laodikeia in Laodicea; The Textus Receptus (KJV Greek text base) has laodikewn of Laodiceans. This agrees with the Aramaic reading here. The Textus Receptus has a good number of readings which differ from other Greek (Byzantine and Critical) texts and which agree with The Peshitta and Crawford ms.. The Peshitta does not follow The TR Greek text or any other Greek text known. All Greek texts are supporting witnesses derivable from The Peshitta-Crawford Aramaic text. An interesting note in Thayers Greek-English Lexicon under the entry for laodikeia -Laodicea documents that Laodicea, Colossae and Hierapois were destroyed by an earthquake in AD 66. Laodicea was not rebuilt until 120 years later by Marcus Aurelius. This little known fact is extensively documented by Bishop Lightfoot in His commentary on Colossians and Philemon, pp 274-300. This says volumes about the date for The Book of Revelation, does it not? It must have been written before AD 66, else there had been no Laodicea left to which John could write! Tacitus, the Roman historian, wrote that Laodicea without any relief from us,recovered itself from its own resources.Tacitus wrote this in the early second century. Another source says that Laodicea lay in ruins for quite a period of time until the Roman emperor Hadrian, at the beginning of the second century (reigned AD 117-138) revived it after he visited the place. It was almost totally rebuilt during the reign (AD 188-217) of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (Nicknamed Caracalla). There was apparently no major rebuilding of Laodicea before the second century and it is highly unlikely that this destruction should go unmentioned if a letter to its church were written after AD 66 to a place in ruins and which furthermore boasts,I am rich and affluent and have need of nothing (v. 17). It is amazing that modern Bible commentators seem to be completely ignorant of this historical information, dating the writing of Revelation at AD 95- an absurdly late date. (hot *) amymx (neither) alw (you are) tna (cold *) aryrq (not) al (your works) Kydbe (I) ana (know) edy 15 (hot) amymx (or) wa (you will be) awht (cold) aryrq (that either) wad (it is) awh (because necessary) alwd (hot) amymx (neither) alw (cold) aryrq (& not) alw (lukewarm *) arwsp (& you are) Kytyaw 16 (My mouth) ymwp (from) Nm (to vomit you) Ktwbtml (I) ana (am going) dyte (& I have prospered) trtew (you are) tna (that rich) aryted (you said) trmad (because) ljm 17 (you) tna (know) edy (& not) alw (I) ana (am deprived) qyno (not) al (anything) Mdm (& of) lew (& naked) ayljrew (& poor *) ankomw (& wretched) aywdw (sick) alyxm (are) wh (that you) tnad Greek mss. have tuflov Blind after Poor, which The Aramaic Crawford does not have. The Aramaic for Blind is usually aymo. Have

a look at this word and Poor ankom in DSS Aramaic script: )ymsw-& Blind )nksmw-& Poor Estrangela script: 0ymsw-& Blind 0nksmw-& Poor

The DSS Aramaic Simkat s & Mim m (each word has both letters in corresponding places) appear more similar to each other than the Estrangela counterparts s & m thus making it more likely a translator would confuse the DSS script words than the Estrangela script words. The DSS letters y -Yodh & n Nun are also much more similar (y -Yodh & Kap -k also) than in the other scripts. I do not pretend to ignore the possibility that an Aramaen might have translated this text from Greek and simply omitted a word (Blind), which is much more common than the addition of words in translation. I simply offer an explanation in support of the converse theory of Aramaic primacy here, of which this author is fully convinced. (gold) abhd (from Me) ynm (to buy) Nbztd (you) Kl (I) ana (counsel) Klm 18 (that you may prosper) rtetd (the fire) arwn (from) Nm (that is proved) ryxbd
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(the shame) atthb (be revealed) algtt (lest) alw (to put on) wpjetml (white) arwx (& garments) anamw (that you may see) azxtd (to anoint) lwxk (& eye salve *) apysw (of your nakedness) Ktwyljred (I) ana (& discipline) adrw (I) ana (rebuke) okm (I) ana (whom love) Mxrd (those) Nylyal (I) ana 19 (& return) bwtw (therefore) lykh (be zealous) Nj (& I shall knock) swqaw (the door) aert (at) le (I have stood) tmq (behold) ah 20 (the door) aert (& will open) xtpnw (to My voice) ylqb (listens) ems (a man) sna (if) Na (with Me) yme (& he) whw (with Him) hme (& I shall have supper) Msxaw (also I shall enter) lweaw (with Me) yme (to sit) btml (to him) hl (I shall give) lta (& the overcomer) akzdw 21 (have overcome) tykz (I) anad (just as) ankya (My) ylyd (throne) ayorwk (on) le (His) hlyd (throne) ayorwk (on) le (My Father) yba (with) Me (& I sit) tbtyw (let him hear) emsn (an ear) anda (to him) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nm 22 (to the assemblies) atdel (speaks) llmm (The Spirit) axwr (what) anm Chapter 4 (opened) axytp (a door) aert (& behold) ahw (I saw) tyzx (these) Nylh (after) rtb (from) Nm 4:1 (a trumpet) arwpys (like) Kya (which I heard) temsd (that) wh (& a voice) alqw (in Heaven) aymsb (here) akrhl (come up) qo (saying) rmaml (with me) yme (speaking) llm (to happen) awhml (is granted) byhyd (whatever) am (& I shall show you) Kywxaw (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (a throne) ayorwk (& behold) ahw (in The Spirit) xwrb (I was) tywh (& at once) adxmw 2 (sat He) bty (The Throne) ayorwk (& upon) lew (in Heaven) aymsb (fixed) Myo (of the appearance) awzxd (the likeness) atwmd (was as) Kya (& He Who sat) btydw 3 (& a rainbow) atsqw (& of Red & White Sardius) Nwdrodw (of Jasper Red Quartz) hpsyd (of stone) apakd (was like) twmd (which throne) ayorwkd (which encircled it) yhwrdxd (of the clouds) anned (of an emerald) adgrmzd (the appearance) awzx (& four) aebraw (twenty) Nyroe (thrones) atworwk (The Throne) ayorwk (& around) rdxw 4 (& four) aebraw (twenty) Nyroe (which thrones) atworwkd (but) Nyd (upon them) Nwhylew (white) arwx (garments) anam (who wore) Nypyjed (who sat) Nybtyd (Elders) Nysysq (of gold) abhdd (crowns) alylk (their heads) Nwhtpqrq (& upon) lew (& voices) alqw (& lightnings) aqrbw (thunders) amer (proceed) Nyqpn (The Throne) atworwk (& from) Nmw 5 (which Throne) ayorwkd (before it) yhwmdq (burning) Nydqyd (lamps) aryhn (& seven) aebsw (of God) ahlad (Spirits) Nyxwr (The Seven) ebs (that are) Nwhytyad (those) Nylya (a likeness) aymwd (as) Kya (of glass) atygwgzd (a sea) amy (The Throne) ayorwk (& before) Mdqw 6 (& around it) yhwrdxw (The Throne) ayorwk (& in the midst of) teumbw (of crystal) adylgd (of eyes) anye (that were full) Nylmd (Beasts) Nwyx (four) ebra (which Throne) ayorwkd (behind them) Nyhrtob (& from) Nmw (in front of them) Nyhymdq (from) Nm (second) Nytrtd (& the beast) atwyxw (a lion) ayral (was like) aymd (first) atymdq (the beast) atwyx 7 (to him) hl (had) tya (third) tltd (& the beast) atwyxw (of a calf) alged (the likeness) atwmd (fourth) ebrad (& the beast) atwyxw (a son of man) asnrbd (like) Kya (a face) apa (flying) xrpd (of an eagle) arsnd (the likeness) atwmd (stood) amyq (of them) Nyhnm (each one) adxlk (Beasts) atwyx (these four) Nyhytebra 8 (wings) Nypg (six) ats (& over it) lelw (its appendages) hyrpj (from) Nm (to it) hl (& there was) tyaw (eyes) anye (they are full of) Nylm (within) wgl (& from) Nmw (surrounding) tyanrdwx (saying) rmaml (& night) ayllw (day) ammya (to them) Nyhl (there is not) tyl (& silence) aylsw (all) lk (holding) dyxa (God) ahla (Jehovah*) ayrm (holy) sydq (holy) sydq (holy) sydq (& is coming) ataw (& is) yhwtyaw (was) awh (Who being) yhwtyad (He) wh
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* ayrm Marya is Aramaic for Yahweh and occurs 14 times as such in this ms. of Revelation.The first is 1:8 and the last is 22:20, where Jesus is addressed as Marya Yeshua Yahweh Jesus.It appears 239 times in The Aramaic NT in all but 6 books (not in Gal., 1 Thess.,Titus,Philemon, 1&2 John).None of The Greek NT books has this or any word like it, as Greek has no equivalent for Yahweh. (& honor) arqyaw (glory) atxwbst (Beasts) atwyx (these four) Nyhytebra (give) bhyd (& when) amw 9 (The Throne) ayorwk (on) le (to Him sitting) btydl (of grace) atwbyj (& acceptance) lbwqw (truly) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& to Him Who lives) yxdlw (in front) Mdq (The Elders) Nysysq (& four) aebraw (twenty) Nyroe (fall down) Nwlpn 10 (& worship) Nwdgonw (The Throne) ayorwk (on) le (Him sitting) btyd (of) Nm (Living) yxd (The One) Nml (truly) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (saying) Nyrma (while) dk (The Throne) ayorwk (before) Mdq (their crowns) Nwhylylk (& will cast) Nwmrnw (the glory) atxwbst (to receive) boml (& our God) Nhlaw (our Lord) Nrm (are) wh (You worthy) tywsd 11 (all things) lk (have created) tyrb (You) tnad (because) ljm (& the power) alyxw (& the honor) arqyaw (& were created) yrbtaw (they exist) ywh (Your pleasure) Knybu (& by) dybw Chapter 5 (The Throne) ayorwk (on) le (Who sits) btyd (of Him) whd (the right) hnymy (upon) le (& I saw) tyzxw 5:1 (outside) rbl (& from) Nmw (inside) wgl (from) Nm (inscribed) Mysrd (a scroll) abtk (seven *) aebs (with seals *) aebj (& sealed *) eybjw Sealed seven seals in Aramaic is Tabaya taba shaba, which is really a play on words and poetic in Aramaic. There is more of this in Revelation, as you will see. The poetic element is strong evidence for an Aramaic original. The Greek does not exhibit this trait as does The Peshitta-Crawford Aramaic NT text. (preaching) zrkmd (mighty) antlyx (angel) akalm (another) anrxa (& I saw) tyzxw 2 (the scroll) abtk (to open) xtpml (is worthy) aws (Who?) Nm (loud) amr (with a voice) alqb (its seals) yhwebj (& to loosen) arsmlw (in Earth) aerab (nor) alw (in Heaven) aymsb (any able) yumtad (& there was not) tylw 3 (the scroll *) abtkl (to open) xtpml (The Earth) aera (from) Nm (any under) txtld (nor) alw (& to look upon it *) hyzxmlw (its seals *) yhwebj (& to open *) arsmlw Lkethava wlamashra Tabaway wlamakhzay is more poetry (two couplets) in the last four Aramaic words of the verse.Not only does the Greek not have this poetic element, but The Harklean Syriac version (translated from Greek mss.) also lacks it here. (was found) xktsad (that not) tyld (because) ljm (much) ygo (I was) tywh (weeping) akbw 4 (its seals) yhwebj (& to loosen) arsmlw (the scroll) abtkl (to open) xtpml (one worthy) awsd (behold) ah (weep) akbt (not) al (to me) yl (said) rma (The Elders) asysq (of) Nm (& one) dxw 5 (of Judah) adwhyd (the tribe) ajbs (from) Nm (The Lion) ayra (has prevailed) akz (& its seals) yhwebjw (the scroll) abtk (to open) xtpn (of Dawid) dywdd (The Root) arqe (Beasts) Nwyx (& of the four) ebradw (The Throne) ayorwk (in the midst of) teumb (& I saw) tyzxw 6 (It were slain) aoykn (as if) Kya (Which was) Maqd (A Lamb *) arma (& of The Elders) asysqdw (seven) ebs (& eyes) anyew (seven) ebs (horns) atnrq (to It) hl (& there are) tyaw (of God) ahlad (Spirits) axwr (The Seven) ebs (which are) Nyhytyad (those) Nylya (Earth) aera (to the whole) hlkl (sent) Nrdtsmd * The Lamb - arma occurs 28 times in this edition (Crawford ms.) of Revelation.
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(the hand) hdya (from) Nm (the scroll *) abtk (& took) bonw (& He came) ataw 7 (The Throne) ayorwk (on) le (Who sat) btyd (of Him) whd N * Greek lacks the scroll;Greek also has out of the right of Him. (The Beasts) Nwyx (four) ebra (the scroll) abtkl (He received it) hlqs (& when) dkw 8 (The Lamb) armad (before Him) yhwmdq (fell down) wlpn (The Elders) Nysysq (& four) aebraw (& twenty) Nyroew (a stringed instrument) artyq (of them) Nwhnm (each) dx (to everyone) dxlkl (there was) tya (while) dk (sweet spices) amob (full of) aylmd (of gold) abhdd (& a vessel) arwbzw (of the holy ones) asydqd (the prayers) atwlu (which are) Nyhytyad (those) Nylya (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (new) atdx (a hymn of praise) atxwbst (who sing) Nyxbsmd 9 (its seals) yhwebj (& to loose) arsmlw (the scroll) abtkl (to take) yhwyboml (are) wh (you worthy) tyws (by Your blood) Kmdb (& You have redeemed us) Ntnbzw (that You were slain) tokntad (because) le (& people) atwmaw (& nation) ammew (tribe) atbrs (every) lk (from) Nm (to God) ahlal Who sing a new hymn of praise and they were saying, You are worthy to take the scroll and to loose its seals because you were slain and You have redeemed us to God by Your blood from every tribe, nation and people. (a kingdom) atwklm (to our God) Nhlal (them) Nwna (& You have made) tdbew 10 (The Earth) aera (over) le (& they shall reign) Nwklmnw (& kings) aklmw (& priests) anhkw And You have made them a kingdom, and priests and kings, and they shall reign over the earth. (many) aaygo (of angels) akalmd (the voices) alq (as) Kya (& I heard) temsw (& I saw) tyzxw 11 (& of The Elders) asysqdw (& of the Beasts) atwyxdw (The Throne) ayorwk (around) yrdx (ten thousands) Nwbr (ten thousand) wbr (the number of them) Nwhnynm (was) awh (& being) yhwtyaw (thousands) Nypla (& a thousand) Plaw (The Lamb) arma (is) wh (worthy) tyws (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 12 (& strength) answew (& wisdom) atmkxw (& wealth) artwew (power) alyx (to receive) boml (slain) aoykn (& blessing) atkrwbw (& glory) atxwbstw (& honor) arqyaw (& in Earth) aerabw (which is in the heavens) aymsbd (creature) atyrb (& every) lkw 13 (is) hytya (& that in the sea) amybdw (The Earth) aera (from) Nm (& that under) txtldw (that they were saying) Nyrmad (& I heard) temsw (that is in them) Nwhbd (& all) lkw (blessing) atkrwbd (& to The Lamb) armalw (The Throne) ayorwk (on) le (to Him sitting) btydl (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& dominion) andxwaw (& glory) atxwbstw (& honor) arqyaw (Amen) Nyma (when they said) Nrmad (the Beasts) Nwyx (& four) ebraw 14 (& worshipped) wdgow (fell down) wlpn (The Elders) asysqw Chapter 6 (the seven) aebs (of) Nm (one) dx (The Lamb) arma (opened) xtp (when) dk (& I saw) tyzxw 6:1 (Beasts) Nwyx (the four) ebra (of) Nm (one) adxl (& I heard) temsw (seals) Nyebj (& see *) yzxw (come) at (of thunder) amerd (the sound) alq (like) Kya (speaking) armad M * The Critical Greek omits & see.The Majority Greek has this phrase. (white) arwx (a horse) ayowo (& behold) ahw (& I saw) tyzxw (& I heard *) temsw 2 (& was given) bhytaw (a bow) atsq (to him) hl (is) tya (upon it) yhwle (& he who sat) btydw (he gave victory) ykz (& he went out) qpnw (a crown) alylk (to him) hl (& to conquer) akzndw (& was conquering) akzw

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N * Greek lacks the words, & I heard.This verse has a Semiticism which would never come from Greek- the same verb root is used three times in a row in different modes and tenses as predicate to the same subject (he who sat) -Zkay,Zka,Dnezkagiving victory,conquering, to conquer. The Greek has only two verbs where The Aramaic has three. (second) Nyrtd (the seal) aebj (He opened) xtp (& when) dkw 3 (come) at (which said) armad (second) Nytrtd (the beast) atwyxl (I heard) tems (upon it) yhwle (& to him who sat) btydlw (red) aqmwo (a horse) ayowo (& went out) qpnw 4 (The Earth) aera (from) Nm (peace) amls (to take) boml (to him) hl (it was given) bhyta (great) atbr (a sword) abrx (to him) hl (& was given) tbhytaw (to kill) Nwoknn (each one) addxld (the beast) atwyxl (I heard) tems (third) atltd (the seal) aebj (He opened) xtpta (& when) dkw 5 (& he who sat) btydw (black) amkwa (a horse) ayowo (& behold) ahw (come *) at (saying) armad (third) tltd (in his hand) hdyab (a balance scale) atoam (had) tya (upon Him) yhwle C * The Majority Greek adds & see.The Critical Greek lacks this phrase. (that said) rmad (the beasts *) atwyx (among) tyb (from) Nm (a voice) alq (& I heard) temsw 6 (two quart measures) Nybq (& three) atltw (for a denarius *) arnydb (of wheat) ajxd (a two quart measure) abq (you shall harm) rht (not) al (& the oil) axsmlw (& the wine) armxlw (for a denarius) arnydb (of barley) areod * Denarius A denarius was roughly an average days wage, about 8 British pence, or 17. (fourth) aebrad (the seal) aebj (He opened) xtp (& when) dkw 7 (come *) at (saying) armad (of a beast) atwyxd (the voice) alq (I heard) tems C * The Majority Greek adds & see.The Critical Greek lacks this phrase. (on it) yhwle (who sat) btyd (of him) whd (& its name) hmsw (pale) aqrwy (a horse) ayowo (& I saw) tyzxw 8 (to him) hl (& was given) bhytaw (him) hl (joined) apyqn (& Sheol) lwysw (Death) atwm (with a sword) abrxb (to kill) ljqnd (of The Earth) aerad (a fourth) hebwr (over) le (authority) anjlws (of The Earth) aerad (& by the animals) atwyxbw (& with Death) atwmbw (& with starvation) anpkbw (under) txtl (I saw) tyzx (fifth) asmxd (the seal) aebjl (He opened) xtp (& when) dkw 9 (of those murdered) ljqtad (the souls) atspnl (the altar) axbdm (from) Nm (& because of) ljmw (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (because of) ljm (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (which being) tyad (that) yh (of Yeshua *) ewsyd (the testimony) atwdho N * The Majority Greek has of The Lamb.The Critical Greek lacks this phrase.The Crawford has of Yeshua.Ten Byzantine mss. have Ihsou Cristou- of Jesus Christ. (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (great) abr (with a voice) alqb (& they cried) weqw 10 (& true) aryrsw (holy) asydq (Jehovah) ayrm (when?) ytmal (until) amde (our blood) Nmd (& do You avenge) tebtw (do You judge) tnyd (not) al (of The Earth) aerad (the inhabitants) hyrwme (of) Nm (white) atrwx (a robe) aljoa (of them) Nwhnm (each) dx (to everyone) dxlkl (& was given) tbhytaw 11 (little) rwez (of time) Nbz (a season) Nde (for) de (they should rest) Nwxynttnd (& it was said) rmataw (& their brothers) Nwhyxaw (their companions) Nwhtwnk (also) Pa (are perfected) Nylmtsmd (until) amde (those) Nwnh (even) Pad (like) Kya (to be killed) wljqtml (are going) Nydyted (who) Nylya (& an earthquake) adwnw (sixth) atsd (the seal) aebj (He opened) xtp (when) dk (& I saw) tyzxw 12 (of hair) areod (sackcloth) aqo (as) Kya (& the sun) asmsw (there was) awh (great) abr (blood) amd (as) Kya (to it) hl (was) awh (all) hlk (& the moon) arhow (was) awh (blackened) Mkwa (The Earth) aera (above) le (fell) wlpn (of the heavens) aymsd (& the stars) abkwkw 13 (a wind) axwr (from) Nm (its figs) hyewqp (which casts) aydsd (a fig tree) att (as) Kya
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(it is shaken) aeyzttmd (when) am (strong) atnyse (were rolled up *) wkrkta (scrolls) abtk (& like) Kyaw (were parted *) srpta (& the heavens) aymsw 14 (were moved) weyztta (their places) Nwhtkwd (from) Nm (islands) atrzg (& all) lkw (hill) rwj (& every) lkw * This is a feminine verb; sometimes ayms Shemaya-Heaven is feminine in gender grammatically. (of a thousand) apla (& captains) ysyrw (& princes) anbrwrw (of The Earth) aerad (& the kings) aklmw 15 (free) arax (& children) ynbw (servant) adbe (& every) lkw (& the mighty) atwlyxw (& the rich) arytew (of the mountains) arwjd (& in the rocks) aewsbw (in caves) aremb (themselves) Nwhspn (hid) wysj (& rocks) aewsw (to the mountains) arwjl (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 16 (of The Lamb) armad (the faces *) yhwpa (before) Mdq (from) Nm (us) Nl (& hide) wsjw (on us) Nyle (Fall) wlpd N * yhwpa Appay-Nostrils,Face,Presence is in plural form. This is significant in the next verse, so I translate it here as plural (Faces), though it usually is translated as singular. And they were saying to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the presence of The Lamb. (of their anger *) Nwhzgwrd (great) abr (the day) amwy (has come) atad (because) ljm 17 (to stand) Mqml (able) xksm (& who is) wnmw Because the great day of His anger has come, and who is able to stand? * Critical Greek has Their anger;Majority Greek has His anger. Nwhzgwrd drugzahown is literally their anger, which grammatically refers to the plural yhwpa -faces in verse 16. The Greek of verses 16 & 17 has hide us from the face of Him Who sits on The Throne and from the wrath of The Lamb, for the great day of [Their] His wrath is come.The underlined words are not found in The Crawford ms.. (I believe the Aramaic of these verses can account for the Greek readings. Rev. 5:13 has unto Him Who sits on The Throne and unto The Lamb, so the phrase was probably selected to correct what appeared to be a problem in the Aramaic text, recreating a familiar phrase. The plural pronoun intheir anger was confusing to a Greek translator who did not relate it to the plural faces( apa Aphais always used in the plural form,even when singular in meaning), so he inserted,Him Who sits upon The Throne, before The Lamb to give a plural reference point for Nwhzgwrd - drugzahown -of Their anger.( apa Apha is technically feminine, though it can have masculine predicates). yhwpa His nostrils, from apa - (Apha-Nostrils,Face,Presence) is very similar to the Hebrew Pa (Aph Anger,Wrath,Face,Nostrils).The Greek translator apparently translated yhwpa as the Aramaic word apa Face once in the face of Him and then again he translated it with a Hebrew meaning Wrathin armad yhwpa -the wrath of the lamb. These facts can explain the Greek readings, Him Who sits on The Throne, the wrath of The Lamb, and His anger (Byzantine & Textus Receptus) which reflects the Aramaic reading here, referring to The Lamb in v. 16, as well as the Greek reading, Their anger (Critical text of Westcott & Hort). Chapter 7 (standing) Nymyq (angels) Nykalm (four) aebra (I saw) tyzx (this) adh (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 7:1 (& holding) Nydyxaw (of The Earth) aerad (corners) htywz (the four) ebra (over) le (Earth) aera (on) le (the wind) axwr (may blow) bsn (that not) ald (winds) axwr (the four) tebral (tree) Nlya (any) lk (on) le (neither) alw (the sea) amy (on) le (neither) alw (the dawning) yxndm (from) Nm (ascending) qlod (angel) akalm (another) anrxa (& I saw) tyzxw 2 (The Living) ayx (of God) ahlad (the seal) amtx (to him) hl (& is) tyaw (of the sun) asms (the angels) akalm (to four) aebral (loud) amr (with a voice) alqb (& he cried) aeqw (& the sea) amylw (The Earth) aeral (to harm) Nwrhnd (to whom) Nwhl (was given) bhytad (those) Nwnh (trees) anlyal (nor) alpaw (the sea) amyl (neither) alw (the land) aeral (harm) Nwrht (not) al (& he said) rmaw 3 (of their eyes) Nwhynye (in the place) tyb (of God) ahlad (the servants) yhwdbel (we seal) Mwtxnd (until) amde
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(& forty) Nyebraw (one hundred) aam (who were sealed) amytxd (the number) anynm (& I heard) temsw 4 (of Israel) lyaroyad (the tribes) Nbrs (all) lk (from) Nm (thousand) Nypla (& four) aebraw (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Yehuda) adwhyd (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm 5 (of Gad) dgd (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Rubil *) lybwrd (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert N * lybwr Rubil is the spelling of The Peshitta OT (found 72 times in Genesis to Ezekiel) for Nbwar-Reuben. (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Ashyr) rysad (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm 6 (of Menashe) asnmd (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Naphthali) yltpnd (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Shimeown) Nwemsd (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm 7 (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Issakar) rkoyad (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Levi) ywld (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Zebulon) Nwlwbzd (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm 8 (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Yoseph) Powyd (the tribe) htbrs (from) Nm (sealed) amytx (thousand) Nypla (twelve) roert (of Benyamayn)Nymynbd (which) anya (many) aaygo (multitudes) asnk (I saw) tyzx (after this) Nkrtb 9 (people) Me (all) lk (from) Nm (it was) awh (possible) aumd (not) tyl (to count) hnynmld (The Throne) ayorwk (before) Mdq (standing) Nymyqd (& languages) Nynslw (& communities *) Nwmaw (& generations) abrsw (white) atrwx (garments) aljoa (& wearing) Nypjemw (Who is The Lamb) armad (& before Him) yhwmdqw (palms) alqd (& in their hands) Nwhydyabw * Nwma Amwan, plural of atmwa Ummta means Nations,Communities, Peoples,Classes. (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (great) abr (in a voice) alqb (& they shouted) Nyeqw 10 (The Throne) ayorwk (on) le (& to Him sitting) btydlw (to our God) Nhlal (salvation) anqrwp (& to The Lamb) armalw And they shouted in a great voice and they were saying, Salvation to our God and to Him sitting upon the throne and unto The Lamb. The Greek text may be so translated, or Salvation to our God sitting upon the throne and to The Lamb.The Aramaic verse is clearly Trinitarian. (around it) yhwrdx (were) wwh (standing) Nymyq (the angels) akalm (& all of them) Nwhlkw 11 (& they fell) wlpnw (beasts) Nwyx (& the four) ebradw (& The Elders) asysqdw (The Throne) ayorwkd (their faces) Nwhypa (on) le (the throne) ayorwk (before) Mdq (& blessing) atkrwbw (glory) atxwbst (Amen) Nyma (they were saying) Nyrma (as) dk 12 (& power) alyxw (& honor) arqyaw (of grace) atwbyj (& acceptance) lbwqw (& wisdom) atmkxw (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (for our God) Nhlal (& strength) answew (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw (The Elders) asysq (of) Nm (one) dx (& responded) anew 13 (are) Nwna (who?) Nm (white) atrwx (garments) aljoa (wearing) Nypyjed (these) Nylh (have they come) wta (where?) akya (& from) Nmw (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw (do) tna (know) edy (you) tna (my lord) yrm (to him) hl (& I said) trmaw 14 (great) abr (suffering) anulwa (from) Nm (who came) wtad (those) Nylya (are) Nwna (these) Nylh (them) Nyna (& whitened) wrwxw (their garments) Nwhyljoa (& they have purified) wllxw (of The Lamb) armad (in the blood) amdb
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(of God) ahlad (throne) ayorwk (before) Mdq (they are) Nwhytya (this) anh (because of) ljm 15 (in the temple) hlkyhb (& night) ayllw (day) ammya (Him) hl (& they serve) Nysmsmw (with them) Nwhyle (will dwell) Ngn (The Throne) ayorwk (on) le (& He Who sits) btydw (them) Nwhyle (& the sun) asmsw (will they thirst) Nwhun (nor) alw (they will hunger) Nwnpkn (not) al 16 (heat) abws (any) lk (neither) alw (will assail) lpn (not) al (The Throne) ayorwk (Who is in the midst of) teumbd (The Lamb) armad (because) ljm 17 (life *) ayx (beside) dyu (them) Nwna (& will lead) lbsnw (them) Nwna (will shepherd) aern (& He will wipe away *) axlnw (of water) aymd (fountains) atnye (& beside) dyuw (their eyes) Nwhynye (from) Nm (tear) aemd (every) lk N * Greek lacks beside life and has God shall wipe away..The verb axlnw wnalha(wipe away) is very similar to the Aramaic ahlaw wAlaha(& God) and may have been read twice, once as the verb and once as God; this double reading phenomenon is referenced elsewhere in Revelation.(See 3:17 & 1:16)

Ashuri script: axlnw & He will wipe away ahlaw & God DSS script: )xlnw & He will wipe away )hl)w & God Estrangela script: 0xlnw & He will wipe away 0hl0w & God
Verse 17 is a poem reminiscent of the 23rd Psalm. I present this below in interlinear form and a prose translation. Revelation 7:17 (The Aramaic Crawford Manuscript) The Throne in the midst of The Lamb For kursya dvemesath demra mettul ayorwk teumbd armad ljm beside life them & shall guide them He shall shepherd hayay seed ennown oonashwal ennown nera ayx dyu Nwna lbsnw Nwna aern of waters springs & beside dmayya ayntha ooseed aymd atnye dyuw their eyes from tears all & He shall wipe ayneehown min damaa kole oonalha Nwhynye Nm aemd lk axlnw Like sounding words are colored the same (in color version);Black words do not rhyme. Mettul damra dvemesath kursya Nera ennown oonashwal ennown seed hayay Ooseed ayntha dmayya Oonalha koll damaa min aynehown
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The end of every line rhymes with every other line (lines 1 & 3;lines 2 & 4).Rhyme, however, is not the feature to look for in Semitic poetry;look for meter and metaphor, parallel words and imagery. This has all of these elements. First, it recalls Psalm 23-a Song about The Shepherd guiding the sheep (notice the irony of The Lamb being The Shepherd) beside still waters. Here, the waters represent Life itself, which His people may drink directly. The Aramaic words anye -ayna - Eyes and atnye -ayntha Fountains are the same word in different genders and applications. We have Waters and Tears as parallel words; Lamb & Shepherd are also parallel and yet present a paradox; indeed each parallelism is a paradox: Eyes are fountains, but the springs of water comfort the grief that produces tears from the eyes.The tears represent sorrow;the waters represent life and joy; The Lamb represents a helpless victim and sacrifice for sin;The Shepherd represents The LORD Himself-both are The same Messiah Yeshua.Emra-Lamb & Nera-Shepherd are two of the first rhyming words at the beginning of the first two lines. Nalha-Wipes away also rhymes with Nera & Emra, and is the first word on the last line, and is the second of two actions performed by The Lamb in this verse. The Harklean Aramaic translation from Greek does not have the poetic arrangement of The Crawford ms. text.The Greek text certainly does not present a poem here. This is very poetic,not something to be expected from a translation! Rev 7:17- English Translation Because The Lamb Which is in the midst of The Throne shall shepherd them and shall guide them beside Life and beside springs of water and He shall wipe all tears from their eyes. Chapter 8 (seventh) aebsd (the seal) aebj (He opened) xtp (& when) dkw 8:1 (hour) aes (a half) twglp (as) Kya (in Heaven) aymsb (stillness) aqts (was) awh (God) ahla (who before) Mdqd (those) Nylya (angels) Nykalm (seven) aebsl (& I saw) tyzxw 2 (trumpets) Nyrwpys (seven) aebs (to them) Nwhl (whom were given) wbhytad (were) wwh (standing) Nymyq (the altar) axbdm (over) le (& he stood) Mqw (came) ata (angel) akalm (another) anrxaw 3 (to him) hl (& was given) bhytaw (of gold) abhdd (a censer) amryp (to him) hl (& is) tyaw (the holy ones) asydq (of all) Nwhlkd (with the prayers) atwlub (to offer) ltnd (much) aaygo (incense) amob (The Throne) ayorwk (that before) Mdqd (the altar) axbdm (on) le (with the prayers) atwlub (of the incense) amobd (the smoke) arje (& went up) qlow 4 (God) ahla (before) Mdq (of the angel) akalm (the hand) dy (from) Nm (of the holy ones) asydqd (the fire) arwn (from) Nm (& filled it) yhylmw (the censer) amrypl (the angel) akalm (& took) bonw 5 (& there were) wwhw (The Earth) aera (over) le (& cast) ymraw (the altar) axbdm (that upon) led (& earthquakes) adwnw (& lightnings) aqrbw (& voices) alqw (thunders) amer (the trumpets) Nyrwpys (seven) aebs (with whom) Nwhyled (angels) Nykalm (seven) aebsw 6 (to sound) wqezml (themselves) Nwhspn (prepared) wbyj (& fire) arwnw (hail) adrb (& there was) awhw (sounded) qeza (first) aymdq (& the) whw 7 (Earth) aera (on) le (& were cast) wymrtaw (with water *) aymb (that were mixed) Nykytpd (burned) dqy (of trees) anlyad (& a third) atlwtw (burned) dqy (of The Earth) aerad (& a third) htlwtw (burned) dqy (of The Earth) aerad (grass) aboe (& all) lkw * Greek has with blood. Here is with blood in Aramaic: amdb. Compare that to the Aramaic readingwith water-

aymb. DSS script: )ymb with water )mdb with blood

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament The Revelation of The Apostle John Estrangela script: 0ymb with water 0mdb with blood
The DSS pair are the most similar in appearance, with perhaps 70% letter correlation. The Greek reading UDATI- water is not as similar to AIMATI blood (50%). (great) abr (a mountain) arwj (as) Kya (& there was) awhw (sounded) qez (& the second *) Nyrtdw 8 (blood) amd (of the sea) amyd (a third) htlwt (& became) awhw (in the sea) amyb (fell) lpn (burning) dqyd N * Greek has second angel, though angel is not in verse 7, simply, the first. (that was in the sea) amybd (creature) atyrb (of every) lkd (a third) atlwt (& died) tymw 9 (was destroyed) lbxta (of ships) aplad (& a third) atlwtw (breath) aspn (in it) hb (that is) tyad (great) abr (a star) abkwk (the sky) ayms (from) Nm (& fell) lpnw (sounded) qez (& the third) atltdw 10 (a third) atlwt (on) le (& it fell) lpnw (a blaze) atybhls (like) Kya (burning) dqyd (of water) aymd (springs) atnye (& upon) lew (of rivers) atwrhnd N * Greek has third angel, though angel is not in verse 7, simply, the first. (a third) Nwhtlwt (& became) awhw (Apsythna) antyopa (is called) rmatm (of the star) abkwkd (& the name) hmsw 11 (died) wtym (of children of men) asnynbd (& a multitude) aagwow (Wormwood) Nytnopa (as) Kya (of the water) aymd (the waters) aym (were made bitter) wrmrmtad (because) ljm Apsythna is the Aramaic name for Absinthium An Aromatic plant yielding a bitter extract used in making absinthe and in flavoring certain wines. (of the sun) asmsd (a third) htlwt (& devoured) elbw (sounded) qez (& the fourth) aebradw 12 (of the stars) abkwkd (& a third) atlwtw (of the moon) arhod (& a third) htlwtw (a third) htlwt (appeared) ywx (not) al (& the day) amwyw (a third) Nwhtlwt (& they became dark) wksxw (likewise) twkh (& the night) ayllw N * Greek has fourth angel, though angel is not in verse 7, simply, the first. (that said) rmad (in the sky) aymsb (flying) xrpd (one) dx (an eagle *) arsnl (& I heard) temsw 13 (the sound) alq (from) Nm (of The Earth) aerad (to the inhabitants) hyrwmel (woe!) yw (woe!) yw (woe!) yw (to sound) wqezml (who are going) Nydyted (angels) Nykalm (of three) atltd (of the trumpets) arwpysd Chapter 9 (that fell) lpnd (a star) abkwk (& I saw) tyzxw (sounded) qez (& the fifth) asmxdw 9:1 (the key) adylq (to it) hl (& was given) bhytaw (The Earth) aera (on) le (the sky) ayms (from) Nm (of the Abyss) amwhtd (of the pit) yhwrabd N * Greek has fifth angel, though angel is not in 4:7, simply, the first. (the smoke) annt (as) Kya (the pit) arab (from) Nm (smoke) annt (& came up) qlow 2 (the sun) asms (& was darkened) Ksxw (which was heated) rgtsmd (great) abr (of a furnace) anwtad (of the pit) arabd (the smoke) annt (from) Nm (& the air) raaw (The Earth) aera (over) le (locusts) aumq (went out) wqpn (the smoke) annt (& from) Nmw 3 (power) anjlws (to them) Nwhl (& was given) bhytaw (of The Earth) aerad (for scorpions) abrqel (which is) tyad (of The Earth) aerad (the grass) hboel (to harm) Nwrhn (not) ald (to them) Nwhl (& it was told) rmataw 4
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(children of men) asnynbl (only) Na (but) ala (trees) anlyal (neither) alpa (greenery) qrwy (or any) lklw (of God) ahlad (the seal) amtx (to them) Nwhl (that there is not) tyld (those) Nylya (their eyes) Nwhynye (between) tyb (them) Nwna (to kill) Nwljqn (not) ald (to them) Nwhl (& it was given) bhytaw 5 (& their torment) Nwhqynstw (five) asmx (months) axry (they would suffer pain) Nwqntsn (but) ala (a man) sna (against) le (it attacks) alpnd (when) am (of a scorpion) abrqed (the torment) aqynst (as) Kya (death) atwml (the children of men) asnynb (will seek) Nwebn (those) Nwnh (& in days) atmwybw 6 (to die) tmml (& they will long) Nwgrgrtnw (they will find it) yhynwxksn (& not) alw (from them) Nwhnm (death) atwm (& will flee) qwrenw (of horses) askrd (the form) atwmd (as) Kya (of the locusts) aumqd (& the form) atwmdw 7 (crowns) alylk (as) Kya (their heads) Nwhysr (& upon) lew (for battle) abrql (prepared) Nybyjmd (of men) asnad (the faces) apa (as) Kya (& their faces) Nwhypaw (of gold) abhdd (of the likeness) atwmdd (of women) asnd (the hair) areo (as) Kya (to them) Nwhl (is) tya (& hair) areow 8 (of lions) atwyrad (as) Kya (& their teeth) Nwhynsw (breastplates) anyrs (like) Kya (breastplates) anyrs (to them) Nwhl (was) awh (& is) tyaw 9 (the sound) alq (as) Kya (of their wings) Nwhypgd (& the sound) alqw (of iron) alzrpd (to battle) abrql (running) Nyjhrd (many) aaygo (of horses) askrd (of chariots) atbkrmd (of scorpions) abrqed (the likeness) atwmd (as) Kya (tails) atybnwd (to them) Nwhl (& are) tyaw 10 (& their authority) Nwhnjlwsw (in their tails) Nwhtybnwdb (but) Nyd (& the sting) aoqwew (five) asmx (months) axry (people) asnynbl (is to hurt) wrhml (whose name) hmsd (of the Abyss) amwhtd (the angel) hkalm (a king) aklm (over them) Nwhyle (& is) tyaw 11 (Shra) ars (is) tya (to him) hl (the name) ams (& in Aramaic) tyamraw (Abdo) wdbe (in Hebrew) tyarbe Abdo in Hebrew means Servile or Worker; Shra has several possibilities, the most likely being, Strong or Faithful.I believe the Greek text has it wrong here with its Hebrew Abaddon(Destruction) and the Greek interpretation of Apollyon (Destroyer). The angel of the abyss must be given authority and released from the pit; he also does no destruction, only causes pain. Nothing and no one is killed.The locusts cannot harm a blade of grass. This is not the work of The Destroyer. The Greek says that Hebrew and Greek are the languages in which the name of the angel is given; the Crawford says Hebrew and Aramaic are the two languages. The Peshitta has 21 other references beside this one to Aramaic & Aramaeans; the Greek has no reference whatsoever to Aramaic or Aramaeans in The NT; in every place where the Peshitta has such a reference, the Greek has the word ellhn or ellhnikh (Both mean Greek). The Peshitta also has ten references to Greek, so it is not a matter of The Peshitta expunging references to Greek. The Greek NT is suspiciously devoid of all reference to Aramaic culture, people and language, as if they did not even exist in the first century. I call this a literary genocide. It probably had a reasonable cause at the time, but the effects of this purge are still with us today. Scarcely anyone even knows that Aramaic was the dominant language and Aramaean the dominant culture of the Middle East and the Holy Land from the 7th century BC until the 3rd century AD. The language continued to be spoken in that region until the seventh century.The notion that the NT was written in Aramaic is commonly dismissed in favor of Greek with nary a trace of historical evidence to support a Greek original. (woes) yw (two) Nyrt (come) Nyta (again) bwt (behold) ah (is gone) lza (one) dx (Woe) yw 12 (sounded) qez (sixth) atsd (the angel) akalm (these things) Nylh (after) rtb 13 (the horns) htnrq (four) ebra (from) Nm (one) dx (voice) alq (& I heard) temsw (God) ahla (that is before) Mdqd (of gold) abhdd (of the altar) axbdmd (to him) hl (that is) tyad (sixth) aytyts (to the angel) akalml (that said) rmad 14 (angels) akalm (the four) aebral (loose) yrs (a trumpet) arwpys (Euphrates) trp (great) abr (the river) arhn (at) le (imprisoned) Nyryoad
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(those) Nylya (angels) Nykalm (four) aebra (& were released) wyrtsaw 15 (& for a month) axrylw (& for a day) amwylw (for an hour) atesl (who were prepared) Nybyjmd (of the children of men) asnynbd (a third) atlwt (to kill) Nwljqnd (& for a year) atnslw (10,000) wbr (two) Nytrt (of the horsemen) asrpd (of the army) atwlyxd (& the number) anynmw 16 (their number) Nwhnynm (I heard) tems (10,000s) Nwbr 2 x10,000 x10,000 = 200,000,000. (& those sitting) Nybtydlw (in the vision) awzxb (the horses) askr (I saw) tyzx (& in this way) ankhw 17 (& chalcedony) andkrqw (of fire) arwnd (breastplates) anyrs (had) tya (upon them) Nwhyle (the heads) atpqrq (as) Kya (of the horses) Nwhskrd (& the heads) atpqrqw (of brimstone) atyrbkd (fire) arwn (proceeded) aqpn (their mouths) Nwhmwp (& from) Nmw (of lions) atwyrad (& smoke) anntw (& brimstone) atyrbkw (a third) atlwt (were killed) wljqta (scourges) Nwxm (three) tlt (these) Nylh (& from) Nmw 18 (brimstone) atyrbk (& from) Nmw (fire) arwn (from) Nmw (of the children of men) asnynbd (their mouths) Nwhmwp (from) Nm (that proceeded) qpnd (smoke) annt (& from) Nmw (in their mouths) Nwhmwpb (of the horses) askrd (the power) anjlwsd (because) ljm 19 (in their tails) Nwhtybnwdb (& also) Paw N * Greek has gar ourai autwn omoiai ofesin ecousai kefalav kai en autaiv adikousin - for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. (were killed) wljqta (who not) ald (of the children of men) asnynbd (& the rest) akrsw 20 (of their hands) Nwhydya (the work) dbe (from) Nm (turned) wbt (neither) alw (these) Nylh (by scourges) atwxmb (of gold) abhdd (& idols) arktplw (devils) awydl (to worship) Nwdgon (not) ald (those) Nylya (& of stone) apakdw (& of wood *) aoyqdw (& of brass) asxndw (& of silver) amaodw (to walk) wklhml (or) wa (are able) Nyum (to hear) emsml (nor) alw (to see) azxml (that not) ald N * Greek has of stone & of wood. (their murders) Nwhyljq (from) Nm (they turned) wbt (& not) alw 21 (their fornication *) Nwhtwynz (& from) Nmw (their witchcraft) Nwhysrx (or from) Nmw N * Greek has an additional phrase at the end: kai ek twn klemmatwn and of stolen things. Thefts in Aramaic is atwbng; adding the possessive pronoun their at the end gives Nwhtwbng Their thefts. Compare the actual reading at the end Nwhtwynz-Their fornication. Here they are one atop the other: Nwhtwynz-Their fornication NwhtwbngTheir thefts Now lets see them in DSS script: }whtwynz-Their fornication }whtwbngTheir thefts And Estrangela Script: Nwhtwynz-Their fornication NwhtwbngTheir thefts All scripts show strong similarity between the two words, with 7/8 or 87% correlation for Ashuri,87% for DSS and 75% for Estrangela. Double translation of certain Aramaic words seems to have occurred in the Greek of Revelation by misreading some words after they were correctly translated once, though I suspect something more deliberate was occurring. See my notes see my book, Divine Contact, the chapter on Alep-Tau codes, available at for more on strange deliberate Kabbala techniques used in producing the Greek NT from Aramaic. Chapter 10 (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (who descended) txnd (angel *) akalm (another) anrxa (& I saw) tyzxw 10:1 (his head) hsr (on) le (of the sky *) aymsd (& a rainbow *) atsqw (a cloud) anne (& he wore) Pjemw
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(& his legs) yhwlgrw (the sun) asms (like) Kya (& his appearance *) hwzxw (of fire) arwnd (pillars) adwme (as) Kya N * Greek has a mighty angel and a rainbow upon his head. It also has face instead of appearance. (opened) axytp (a small scroll) anwbtk (in his hand) hdyab (to him) hl (& is) tyaw 2 (the sea) amy (on) le (right) anymyd (his foot) hlgr (& he placed) Mow (the land) aera (on) le (but) Nyd (the left) almod (roaring) rogd (a lion) ayra (as) Kya (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (& he shouted) aeqw 3 (with theirs voices) Nwhylqb (thunders) Nymer (seven) aebs (spoke) wllm (he shouted) aeq (& when) dkw (I was) tywh (ready) byjm (the thunders) Nymer (seven) aebs (spoke) wllm (& when) dkw 4 (The Seventh *) aebsd (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (a voice) alq (& I heard) temsw (to write) btkml (thunders) Nymer (the seven) aebs (spoke) wllmd (which) am (that) wh (seal) Mwtx (that said) rmad (write it) yhwybtkt (& not) alw N * This can be The seventh Heaven or a reference to The seventh angel speaking to John.This Aramaic word Seventh occurs exactly seven times in the Crawford text of Revelation.All forms of seven occur 35 times, or 5x7 times.(The Aramaic word Shemaya Heaven occurs 56 times in Revelation (Crawford) which is 8x7.) (the sea) amy (on) le (was standing) Maqd (I saw) tyzxd (whom) wh (& the angel) akalmw 5 (to Heaven) aymsl (his hand) hdya (raising) Myrad (dry land) asby (& upon) lew (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (Who lives) yxd (by Him) whb (& he swore) amyw 6 (& The Earth) aeralw (& that in it) hbdw (Heaven) aymsl (Who created) hrbd (Him) wh (shall be) awhn (not) al (time) anbz (that again) bwtd (& that in it) hbdw (when) am (seventh) aebsd (of the angel) akalmd (in the days) atmwyb (but) ala 7 (of God) ahlad (the mystery) hzra (also is completed) Mltsaw (sound) qezml (he will) dyted (the prophets) aybn (to His servants) yhwdbel (He evangelized) rbod (which) wh (with me) yme (speaking) llmmd (again) bwt (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (I heard) tems (& a voice) alqw 8 (of the angel) akalmd (that in the hand) hdyabd (the little scroll) anwbtkl (take) bo (go) lz (& it said) rmaw (the sea) amy (& upon) lew (the land) aera (on) le (who stands) Maqd (to him) hl (I) ana (said) rma (as) dk (the angel) akalm (to) twl (& I went) tlzaw 9 (take) bo (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw (the little scroll) anwbtkl (to me) yl (to give) ltml (your belly) Kork (to you) Kl (& it will be bitter) rmnw (& eat it) yhylwkaw (honey) asbd (as) Kya (it will be) awhn (in your mouth) Kmwpb (but) ala (of the angel) akalmd (his hand) hdya (from) Nm (the little scroll) anwbtkl (& I took) tbonw 10 (sweet) aylx (honey) asbd (as) Kya (in my mouth) ymwpb (was) awh (& it) tyaw (& I ate it) htlkaw (my belly) york (was bitter) trm (I ate it) htlka (& when) dkw (to prophesy) wybntml (time) anbz (again) bwt (to you) Kl (is given) byhy (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw 11 (many) aaygo (& kings) aklmw (& languages) anslw (& peoples) atwmaw (the nations) amme (unto) le Chapter 11 (a rod) ajbsd (like) atwmd (a reed) aynq (to me) yl (& was given) bhytaw 11:1 (& measure) xwsmw (rise) Mwq (& he said) rmaw (an angel) akalm (was) awh (& standing) Maqw (in it) hb (who worship) Nydgod (& those) Nylyalw (& the altar) axbdmlw (of God) ahlad (the temple) alkyhl (leave) qpa (the temple) alkyh (of) Nm (inner) wgld (& the court) atrdlw 2 (that is given) tbhytad (because) ljm (measure it) hyxsmt (& not) alw (outside) rbl (from) Nm (they will trample) Nwswdn (Holy) atsydq (& The City) atnydmlw (to The Gentiles) ammel (two) Nyrtw (forty) Nyebra (months) axry
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(days) Nymwy (to prophesy) wybntml (my witnesses) ydho (two) Nyrtl (& I shall grant) ltaw 3 (sackcloth) aqo (wearing) Nypyje (when) dk (& sixty) Nytsw (& two hundred) Nytamw (a thousand) Pla (menorahs) Nrnm (& the two) Nytrtw (olive trees) Nytyz (the two) Nyrt (are) Nwna (these) Nylh 4 (stand) Nymyq (Earth) aera (of the whole *) hlkd (The Lord *) arm (who before) Mdqd M,C * The Critical Greek and Majority Greek text have The Lord-tou Kuriou. The TR and a good number of miniscules have tou Yeou-God. N * Zechariah 4:11-14 is alluded to here; It says Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? (AV) And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. The Majority Greek text & Critical Greek of v. 4 omits of the whole; The Aramaic is closer to The OT text of Zechariah in this regard. (fire) arwn (comes out) aqpn (them) Nwna (to harm) rhnd (seeks) aebd (& whoever) Nmw 5 (& those) anyalw (their enemies) Nwhybbdlebl (& consumes) alkaw (their mouth) Nwhmwp (from) Nm (to be killed) wljqtml (to them) Nwhl (it is given) byhy (so) Nkh (them) Nwna (to harm) rhnd (that choose) abud (the sky) aymsl (to close up) Nwdxand (authority) anjlws (to them) Nwhl (have) tya (& these) Nylhw 6 (of their prophecy) Nwhtwybnd (in the days) atmwyb (the rain) arjm (descend) twxn (that not) ald (to blood) amdl (water) aym (to change) Nwkphnd (authority) anjlws (for them) Nwhl (& there is) tyaw (they wish) Nwbund (as much as) amk (plagues) Nwxm (with all) lkb (The Earth) aeral (& to smite) Nwxmndw (that will ascend) aqlod (the beast) atwyx (their testimonies) Nwhtwdho (are complete) wylmsd (& when) amw 7 (them) Nwna (& will conquer) akztw (war) abrq (with them) Nwhme (will make) dbet (the sea *) amy (from) Nm (them) Nwna (& it will kill) lwjqtw * Greek has, from the Abyss. (great) atbr (of the city) atnydmd (the street) aqws (came into) le (& their corpses) Nwhydlsw 8 (& Egypt) Nyrumw (Sodom) Mwdo (spiritually) tyanxwr (is called) ayrqtmd (which) adya (was crucified) bljua (their Lord) Nwhrmd (where) akya (& languages) anslw (& generations) atbrsw (the peoples) atwma (from) Nm (& they will look) Nyzxw 9 (& a half) hglpw (days) Nymwy (three) atlt (upon their corpses) Nwhydlsl (& nations) ammew (in tombs) arbqb (to be placed) wmottml (they will allow) Nwqbsn (not) al (& their corpses) Nwhydlslw (over them) Nwhyle (will rejoice) Nwdxn (of The Earth) aerad (& the inhabitants) hyrwmew 10 (to each other) addxl (they will send) Nwrdsn (& gifts) atbhwmw (& they will celebrate) Nwxuptnw (who tormented) wqnsd (prophets) Nyybn (the two) Nyrt (because of) ljm (of The Earth) aerad (the inhabitants) hyrwmel (living) atyx (a spirit) axwr (& a half) hglpw (days) Nymwy (three) atlt (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 11 (their feet) Nwhylgr (on) le (& they stood) wmqw (into them) Nwhb (entered) tle (God) ahla (from) Nm (great ) atbr (& fear) atlxdw (upon them*) Nwhyle (fell*) tlpn (of Life*) ayxd (& The Spirit *) axwrw (them) Nwhl (who saw) Nyzxd (those) Nylya (over) le (came) twh And after three days, a living spirit from God entered into them and they stood on their feet and The Spirit of Life fell upon them and great fear came over those who saw them. N * A whole phrase of this verse (The Spirit of Life fell upon them) is absent from the Greek text. (that said) rmad (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (great) abr (a voice) alq (& they heard) wemsw 12 (in a cloud) anneb (to Heaven) aymsl (& they went up) wqlow (here) akl (come up) wqo (to them) Nwhl (their enemies) Nwhybbdleb (at them) Nwhb (& gazed) Nydumw (ten) aroe (of) Nm (& one) dxw (great) abr (an earthquake) aewz (was) awh (that) yh (& in hour) atesbw 13
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(names) ahms (in The earthquake) aewzb (& were killed) wljqtaw (fell) wlpn (of cities) atnydmd (in fear) atlxdb (were) wwh (& of the rest) akrsdw (seven) aebs (thousand) apla (of men) arbgd (Who is in Heaven) aymsbd (to God) ahlal (glory) atxwbst (& they gave) Nwbhyw (& behold) ahw (are gone) wlza (woes) yw (two) Nyrt (behold) ah 14 (at once) adxm (comes) ata (the third) atltd (woe) yw (great) abrwr (voices) alq (& there were) wwhw (sounded) qez (seventh) aebsd (& the angel) akalmw 15 (of the world) amled (the kingdom) htwklm (has become) twh (that said) Nyrmad (in Heaven) aymsb (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& He shall reign) Klmaw (& His Messiahs) hxysmdw (our Gods *) Nhlad N * Greek has our Lords; Here is the Aramaic reading Nhlad our Gods compared to the Aramaic Nrmd - our Lords. In DSS script they are }hl)d our Gods & }rmd - our Lords. Our Lord almost always refers to Jesus The Messiah, so the Greek would seem out of place referring to our Lord and His Messiah.Actually these readings do not seem to be the kind that would be easily mistaken for each other, either in Greek or in Aramaic. Nevertheless I show them here enlarged for the reader:

Aramaic in Ashuri script Nhla Nhlad lad our Gods Nrm Nrmd our Lords Greek uncial script YEOU YEOU HMWN our Gods KURIOU KURIOU HMWNour Lords
The Aramaic pair have a 60% correlation using the actual Aramaic reading as the basis of comparison for the alternate Greek reading in Aramaic. The first and last letters are identical in each and the He h and Resh r are not dissimilar-absent the small bottom left stroke in the h, they are practically identical, so 3 out of 5 letters in the base word are conceivably interchangeable with the alternate word. The Greek does not fare as well, with 2 letters of the base word KURIOU KURIOU Lord being found to match with the alternate reading YEOU YEOU God; 2 out of 6 is 33% correlation. The Aramaic primacy model is a much more plausible basis for the Greek readings, generally, than the Greek primacy model is for the Aramaic. (God) ahla (who before) Mdqd (those) Nylya (The Elders) asysq (& four) aebraw (& twenty) Nyroew 16 (their faces) Nwhypa (on) le (fell) wlpn (their thrones) Nwhtworwk (on) le (sit) Nybty (God) ahlal (& worshipped) wdgow (all) lk (holding) dyxa (God) ahla (Jehovah) ayrm (You) Kl (we thank) Nnydwm (saying) rmaml 17 (for You have taken) tbond (has) awh (& been) yhwtyaw (Who is) yhwtyad (& You have reigned) tklmaw (great) abr (Your power) Klyxb (Your anger) Kzgwr (& has come) ataw (were angry) wzgr (& the nations) ammew 18 (reward) arga (& You shall give) lttw (to be judged) Nwnydtnd (of the dead) atymd (& the time) anbzw (& to the saints) asydqlw (the prophets) aybn (to Your servants) Kydbel (the great) abrwr (with) Me (to the small) arwezl (Your Name) Kms (& to those who reverence) ylxdlw (The Earth) aeral (who have corrupted *) wlbxd (those) Nylyal (& You shall destroy) lbxtw * wlbxd -dkhablu comes from lbx khbal to twist,writhe,travail,be in labor, pervert,corrupt,destroy.This verb is used twice in this verse and here it is in the past tense who have corrupted. Destroyed would not fit here. The Greek text has a present participle, (diafyeirontav-corrupting) which is a possible derivation of the Aramaic perfect tense, but the Aramaic perfect tense is not a likely derivation of a Greek present participle; rather a participle in Greek would most likely be translated with a participle in Aramaic.The Aramaic perfect can and often does have a present tense meaning, though it is not the normal usage.
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(the ark) atwbyq (& appeared) tyzxtaw (in Heaven) aymsb (the temple) alkyh (& was opened) xtptaw 19 (lightnings) aqrb (& there were) wwhw (in the temple) alkyhb (His) hlyd (of the covenant) aqtydd (large) abr (& hail) adrbw (& earthquakes) adwnw (& voices) alqw (& thunders) amerw Chapter 12 (a woman) attna (in Heaven) aymsb (appeared) tyzxta (great) atbr (& a sign) ataw 12:1 (her feet) hylgr (under) tyxt (& the moon) arhow (the sun) asms (who was wearing) apyjed (her head) hsr (on) le (twelve) roert (of stars) abkwkd (& a crown) alylkw (& was in labor) Nlbxmw (& she cried out) ayeqw (& she was pregnant) anjbw 2 (to give birth) dlatd (she was anguished) aqntsm (also) Pa (a Dragon) anynt (& behold) ahw (in Heaven) aymsb (another) atrxa (sign) ata (& appeared) tyzxtaw 3 (heads) Nysr (seven) aebs (to him) hl (that has) tyad (of fire *) arwnd (great) abr (diadems) Nygat (seven) aebs (its heads) yhwsr (& upon) lew (horns) atnrq (& ten) roew M * Critical Greek and Textus Receptus Greek has purrov red, fire colored; The Majority Greek text (about 100 mss.of Revelation) have purov of fire.The Aramaic word arwnd can mean fiery. arwn is Fire and arwnd is of fire or fiery. Even the Aramaic Harklean Version (translated from Greek) has the same reading The Crawford ms. has; the Greek has two variant readings, and why? The answer here seems to be the same as for many other places in The NT where Greek has variant readings- The Aramaic cognate word in the Aramaic text has several meanings or can be easily mistaken for another similar Aramaic word which translates to the pertinent Greek reading. (that in the heavens) aymsbd (of the stars) abkwkd (the third) atlwtl (dragged) asrg (& its tail) hbnwdw 4 (was) awh (standing) Maq (the Dragon) anyntw (The Earth) aera (upon) le (them) Nwna (& cast) ymraw (that when) amd (to give birth) dlatd (who was ready) adyted (woman) attna (before) Mdq (her Son) hrbl (he would devour) yhwylkan (she had delivered) tdlyd (Him) wh (male *) arkd (The Son) arb (& she delivered) tdlyw 5 (the nations) amme (all) Nwhlkl (to shepherd) aerml (Who was going) dyted (her Son) hrb (& was caught up) Pjxtaw (of iron) alzrpd (with a rod) ajbsb (His throne) hyorwk (& to) twlw (God) ahla (to) twl * Greek has uion arsen son male which is a literal rendering in line with the Aramaic text; this rendering is not Greek language but Semitic (Hebrew-Aramaic-Arabic-Ethiopic). The Hebrew Bible has this expression in 1 Sam. 1:11 and Jer. 20:15 - Mysna erz- -men seed & rkz Nb -son seed.There are many Semiticisms in the Greek version of Revelation, strongly suggesting a Semitic original. (was) awh (there) tyad (where) rta (to the wilderness) abrwxl (fled) tqre (& The Woman) attnaw 6 (God) ahla (by) Nm (prepared) abyjmd (the place) atkwd (there) Nmt (for her) hl (& 60) Nytsw (& 200) Nytamw (1000) Pla (days) Nymwy (that she would be sustained) hnwortnd (& his angels) yhwkalmw (Mikail) lyakym (in Heaven) aymsb (war) abrq (& there was) awhw 7 (& the Dragon) anyntw (the Dragon) anynt (with) Me (fighting) Nybrqm (fought) wbrqa (& its angels) yhwkalmw (a place) arta (neither) alw (prevailed) wyumta (& not) alw 8 (in Heaven) aymsb (for them) Nwhl (was found) xktsa (The Chief) asr (Serpent) aywx (that) wh (Great) abr (The Dragon) anynt (& was cast down) ymrtaw 9 (which deceives) yejad (it) wh (& Satan) anjow (The Devil) aurqlka (which is called) arqtmd (it) wh (The Earth) aera (unto) le (& it was cast down) ymrtaw (The Earth) aera (all) hlkl (were cast down) wymrta (with it) hme (& its angels) yhwkalmw (that said) rmad (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (great) abr (a voice) alq (& I heard) temsw 10
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(& the kingdom) atwklmw (& the power) alyxw (the deliverance) abzwws (is) awh (now!) ah (it) wh (of our brethren) Nyxad (The Accuser) arwom (for is cast down) ymrtad (of our God) Nhlad (our God) Nhla (before) Mdq (& day) ammyaw (night) ayll (them) Nwhl (has) awh (which accused) romd (of The Lamb) armad (by the blood) amdb (were victorious) wkz (& those) Nwnhw 11 (of His testimony *) htwdhod (the word) atlm (& by) dybw (death) atwml (unto) amde (their lives) Nwhspn (they loved) wbxa (& not) alw Greek has of their testimony; Only The testimony of The Lord Yeshua has power to defeat Satan. Our testimony is irrelevant. His testimony is found in Mark 14:61,62: But He was silent and did not answer anything, and again The High Priest asked Him and said, Are You The Messiah, The Son of The Blessed One?But Jesus said to him, I AM The Living God, and you shall behold The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of The Power of God and coming on the clouds of Heaven. The Peshitta alone has the full force of our Lords confession under oath to The High Priest. His answer was not Yes, I am The Son of God. His answer was Ena Na-I am The Living God.This answer was given to a band of soldiers who came to arrest Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the entire band fell backward to the ground (See my Interlinear of John 18:5,6). (dwell) Nyrs (who in them) Nwhbd (& those) Nylyaw (celebrate) wxupta (heavens) ayms (therefore) anhljm 12 (The Devil) aurqlka (that has descended) txnd (for) le (& to the sea) amylw (to The Earth) aeral (woe!) yw (great ) atbr (fury) atmx (to it) hl (which has) tyad (to them) Nwhtwl (it) hl (has) tya (time) anbz (that little) lylqd (it knows) edy (as) dk (The Earth) aera (on) le (that it had been cast down) ymrtad (The Dragon) anynt (saw) azx (& when) dkw 13 (The Male) arkd (had given birth to) tdlyd (who) adya (The Woman) attnal (it persecuted) Pdr (great) abr (of an eagle) arsnd (wings) Nypg (two) Nyrt (to The Woman) attnal (& were given) bhytaw 14 (there) Nmt (to be sustained) wyorttml (to her place) htkwdl (to the wilderness) abrwxl (to fly) yxrptd (of The Serpent) aywxd (the face) yhwpa (before) Mdq (from) Nm (a time) Nde (& half) twglpw (times) Nynde (a time) Nde (waters) aym (The Woman) attna (after) rtb (its mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (The Serpent) aywx (& cast) ymraw 15 (to cause her) hydben (by the waters) aym (that she would have been taken) tlyqsd (a river) arhn (as) Kya (The Earth) aera (& opened) txtpw (The Woman) attnal (The Earth) aera (& helped) trdew 16 (The Dragon) anynt (which cast) ymrad (that) wh (river) arhnl (& swallowed) htelbw (its mouth) hmwp (its mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (& it went) lzaw (The Woman) attna (against) le (The Dragon) anynt (& raged) zgrw 17 (of her Son *) herzd (the remnant) akrs (with) Me (war) abrq (to make) dbeml (of God) ahlad (the commandments) yhwndqwp (who keep) Nyrjnd (these) Nylh (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the testimony) htwdho (to them) Nwhl (& have) tyaw * herz Her seed is The Messiah and no other; the remnant are those who believe in and follow Him. The Aramaic word herz always refers to a son. Chapter 13 (ascending) aqlod (& I saw) tyzxw (of the sea) amyd (the sand) alx (on) le (& I stood) tmqw 13:1 (horns) Nnrq (ten) roe (to him) hl (that has) tyad (the sea) amy (from) Nm (a beast) atwyx (diadems) Nygat (ten) aroe (its horns) htnrq (& upon) lew (heads) Npqrq (& seven) ebsw (of blasphemy) apdwgd (the name *) ams (its heads) htpqrq (& upon) lew N * The Majority and Critical Greek has names onomata. onomata. The Aramaic ams -Shma is singular. Whoever penned the original Crawford Aramaic text was highly expert in the language; if he was translating from Greek, he would have known easily the difference between the singular Greek onoma and the plural onomata; only 3 old Greek mss. & the Textus Receptus Greek mss. have the singular onoma name.The fact that the Crawford has ams -Shma-Name mitigates strongly against a Greek original behind it; if it were a translation of Greek, it would have ahms -Shmahey names or Nyhms Shamhayn-names, as does the Harklean Syriac Version -(ahms -Shmahey), unless one would argue The Crawford
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was translated from The Textus Receptus Greek text, since it agrees with that text alone in two readings in this verse: I stood and names.But that would be difficult to maintain since The TR disagrees with The Crawford in quite a few major readings in Revelation. Even in this verse, the word order of the two texts differs for ten horns and seven heads. Whoever penned the Greek version of Revelation was not nearly as competent in Greek as the writer of the original Crawford text was in Aramaic; of that I am confident. (a leopard) armnd (was) twh (like) atwmd (I saw) tyzxd (that) yh (& the beast) atwyxw 2 (of lions) atwyrad (as) Kya (& its mouths) hmwpw (of a wolf) abdd (as) Kya (& its feet) hylgrw (& its throne) hyorwkw (its power) hlyx (The Dragon) anynt (to it) hl (& gave) bhyw (great) abr (& authority) anjlwsw (to death) atwml (crushed) ateyep (as if) Kya (its heads) htpqrq (of) Nm (& one) adxw 3 (& marveled) trmdtaw (was healed) tyoata (mortal) htwmd (& its wound) atwxmw (The Beast) atwyx (after) rtb (The Earth) aera (all) hlk (to The Beast) atwyxl (authority) anjlws (that gives) bhyd (The Dragon) anyntl (& they worshipped) wdgow 4 (one like) amdd (who is?) wnm (saying) rmaml (The Beast) atwyxl (& they worshipped) wdgow (with it) hme (to war) wbrqml (able) xksm (& who is) wnmw (this) adh (Beast) atwyxl (great things) atbrwr (that speaks) llmmd (a mouth) amwp (to it) hl (was given) bhytaw 5 (to work) dbeml (authority) anjlws (to it) hl (& was given) bhytaw (& blasphemy) apdwgw (& two) Nyrtw (forty) Nyebra (months) axry (God) ahla (before) Mdq (to blaspheme) wpdgml (its mouths) hmwp (& it opened) txtpw 6 (of those) Nylyad (& The Dwelling) ayrsmbw (The Name) amsb (to blaspheme) ypdgtd (in Heaven) aymsb (who dwell) Nyrsd (the holy ones) asydq (with) Me (war) abrq (to make) dbeml (to it) hl (& it was given) bhytaw 7 (authority) anjlws (to it) hl (& was given) bhytaw (them) Nwna (& to conquer) akzmlw (& nations) ammew (& languages) anslw (& peoples) atwmaw (generations) atbrs (all) Nyhlk (over) le (of The Earth) aerad (the inhabitants) hyrwme (all of them) Nwhlk (it) hl (& will worship) Nwdgonw 8 (in the book) abtkb (are written) Nybytk (not) ald (who) Nylya (those) Nwnh (before) Mdq (slain) alyjq (of The Lamb) armad (that) wh (of Life) ayxd (of the world) amled (the foundation) htymrt (let him hear) emsn (an ear) anda (to him) hl (who has) tyad (the one) Nm 9 (goes) lza (into captivity) aybsb (leads) lbwm (into captivity) aybsbd (whoever) Nm 10 (will be killed) ljqtn (with a sword) abrxb (murder) ljq (who with a sword) abrxbd (& those) anyaw (of the holy ones) asydqd (& the endurance) atwnrbyomw (faith) atwnmyh (is) yh (here) akrh (the ground) aera (from) Nm (that ascended) aqlod (another) atrxa (beast) atwyx (& I saw) tyzxw 11 (The Lamb) armal (& was like) aymdw (horns) Nnrq (two) Nytrt (to it) hl (had) awh (& it) tyaw (The Dragon) anynt (as) Kya (was) twh (& speaking) allmmw (it will exercise) dbet (all) hlk (former) atymdq (of the beast) atwyxd (& the authority) anjlwsw 12 (in it) hb (& those living) Nyrmedlw (The Earth) aeral (& will make) dbetw (before Him) yhwmdq (whose was healed) tmlxtad (that) yh (the first) atymdq (beast) atwyxl (also to worship) Nwdgonw (mortal) htwmd (wound) atwxm (to make) dbet (fire) arwnd (so) ankya (great) atbrwr (signs) atwta (& it will perform) dbetw 13 (the people) asnynb (before) Mdq (Earth) aera (on) le (heaven) ayms (from) Nm (to descend) txml (signs) atwta (by) dyb (Earth) aera (on) le (those living) Nyrmedl (& it will seduce) aejtw 14 (The Beast) atwyx (before) Mdq (to perform) dbeml (to him) hl (that were given) bhytad
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(an image) amlu (to make) dbeml (Earth) aera (on) le (dwellers) Nyrmedl (to tell) rmaml (the wound) atwxm (to him) hl (had) tyad (which) adya (to The Beast) atwyxl (& lived) tyxw (by the sword) abrxd (to the image) amlul (spirit) axwr (to give) lttd (to him) hl (& it was given) bhytaw 15 (it) hl (will worship) Nwdgon (who not) ald (that all) lkd (& to cause) dbetw (of The Beast) atwyxd (would be murdered) Nwljqtn (of The Beast) atwyxd (the image) amlul (& poor) ankomw (rich) aryte (& great) abrwrw (small) arwez (all) Nwhlkl (& it will cause) dbetw 16 (a mark) amswr (to them) Nwhl (to be given) bhytnd (& servants) adbew (masters) ayrm (their eyes) Nwhynye (between) tyb (on) le (or) wa (right) anymyd (their hands) Nwhydya (on) le (one who) anya (except) ala (again) bwt (may sell) Nbzn (or) wa (may buy) Nbzn (a man) sna (that not) ald 17 (of The Beast) atwyxd (of the name) amsd (a mark) amswr (upon him) yhwle (has) tyad (of its name) hmsd (the number) anynm (or) wa (a mind) anwh (in him) hb (& whoever has) tyadw (wisdom) atmkx (is) hytya (here) akrh 18 (for) ryg (is) wh (the number) anynm (of The Beast) atwyxd (the number) anynml (let calculate) yhwybsxn (& six) tsw (& sixty) Nytsw (six hundred) aamts (of a man) asnrbd Chapter 14 (The Mount) arwj (on) le (standing) Maq (The Lamb) arma (& behold) ahw (& I saw) tyzxw 14:1 (1000s) Nypla (& 4) aebraw (& 40) Nyebraw (100) aam (& with Him) hmew (of Tshion) Nwyhud (of His Father) yhwbad (& The Name) amsw (His Name) hms (upon them) Nwhyle (who have) tyad (their eyes) Nwhynye (between) tyb (on) le (written) bytk (the sound) alq (as) Kya (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (a sound) alq (& I heard) temsw 2 (great) abr (of thunder) amerd (the sound) alq (& as) Kyaw (many) aaygo (of waters) aymd (a harpist *) adwrtyq (as) Kya (I heard) temsd (which) anya (a sound) alq (on his harp) yhwrtyqb (playing) sqnd N * Greek has harpists. The Aramaic adwrtyq can be singular or plural and the last word yhwrtyqb could be mistaken for a plural (not so with the verb sqnd), though I cannot be confident in the expertise of the translator who would do so. (new) atdx (a hymn of praise) atxwbst (as) Kya (& they sang) Nyxbsmw 3 (& before) Mdqw (The Beasts) Nwyx (four) ebra (& before) Mdqw (The Throne) ayorwk (before) Mdq (the hymn) atxwbstl (to learn) hplaml (was able) yumta (a man) sna (& not) alw (The Elders) asysq (thousand) Nypla (& four) aebraw (& forty) Nyebraw (one hundred) aam (only) Na (but) ala (The Earth) aera (from) Nm (redeemed) ynybz (have been defiled) wswjta (not) al (women) asn (who with) Med (those) Nylya (are) Nwna (these) Nylh 4 (The Lamb) armal (who cleave to) yhwpqnd (these) Nylh (they are) Nwhytya (for) ryg (virgins) alwtb (men) asna (from) Nm (were redeemed) wnbdza (these) Nylh (that He goes) lzand (where) rk (every) lk (& to The Lamb) armalw (to God) ahlal (the first fruits) atysr (falsehood) atwlgd (is found) txktsa (not) al (for in their mouths) Nwhmwpbd 5 (they are) Nwna (for) ryg (fault) Mwm (without) ald (Heaven) ayms (in the midst of) teum (flying) xrpd (angel) akalm (another) anrxa (& I saw) tyzxw 6 (to preach) wrboml (eternal) Mleld (the Good News) atrbo (with him) yhwle (he) hl (& had) tyaw (& nations) Nwmaw (people) Me (all) lk (& unto) lew (Earth) aera (dwellers) ybty (unto) le (& languages) Nslw (& generations) Nbrsw (God) ahla (of) Nm (stand in awe) wlxd (great) abr (in a voice) alqb (saying) rmaml 7 (the hour) ates (has come) ttad (because) ljm (glory) atxwbst (Him) hl (& give) wbhw (the heavens) ayms (Him Who made) dbedl (& worship) wdwgow (of His judgment) hnydd (of water) aymd (& the springs) atnyew (& the sea) amyw (& The Earth) aeraw
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(& said) rmaw (him) hl (was) awh (following) Pyqn (second) Nyrtd (another) anrxaw 8 (the passion *) atmx (from) Nmd (which) adya (The Great) atbr (Babylon) lybb (fallen) tlpn (fallen) tlpn (the nations) amme (all) Nwhlkl (she gave to drink) tyqsa (of her fornication) htwynzd * Greek has Wine of passion.The Aramaic words for Passion and Wine: atmx & armx. Just one letter difference! (saying) rmaml (them) Nwhl (followed) Pqn (third) atltd (angel) akalm (another) anrxaw 9 (& its image) hmlulw (The Beast) atwyxl (worshipped) dgod (whoever) anya (great) abr (in a voice) alqb (his eyes) yhwnye (between) tyb (its mark) hmswr (& received) lqsw (of Jehovah *) ayrmd (of the passion) htmxd (the wine) armx (from) Nm (will drink) atsn (he) wh (also) Pa 10 (of His rage) hzgwrd (in the cup) aokb (dilution *) ajlx (without) ald (which is mixed *) gyzmd (the angels) akalm (before) Mdq (& brimstone) atyrbkw (by fire) arwnb (& he will be tormented) qntsnw (The Lamb) arma (& before) Mdqw (holy) asydq ** Wine was normally mixed with some water; this wine was mixed without mixing which means it was served straight up. (ascends) qon (of eternities) Nymle (to eternity) Mlel (of their torment) Nwhqynstd (& the smoke) anntw 11 (& night) ayllw (day) ammya (rest) asapn (for them) Nwhl (& there is not) tylw (& its Image) hmlulw (The Beast) atwyxl (who worship) Nydgod (those) Nylya (of its name) hmsd (the mark) amswr (who takes) lqsd (& to him) Nmlw And the smoke of their torment ascends to the eternity of eternities and there is no rest for them day or night those who worship The Beast and its Image, or for him who takes the mark of its name. This verse does not affirm everlasting punishment, though it gives that impression. If it were meant to teach that, the language would be more straightforward. Smoke may rise to eternity even after the fire is extinguished in a Heaven without a ceiling. The smoke represents the effect of the punishment or purging; eternity of eternities signifies the eternal realm of souls of all people who are also affected by the torment and purging of sin, which fire and brimstone represent. There is no rest to those who worship (present tense) The Beast. It is important to note the tense of the verb. It does not say there will never be rest to them, nor does it say there is no rest for those who worshipped The Beast. All of us worshipped The Beast at one time; that does not mean there is no salvation possible for us. Revelation is written in symbolic terms, not literal language. No rest signifies that the torment of the wicked is primarily internal and mental anguish, not literal physical pain caused by literal fire burning flesh. If the torment were the burning of bodies in fire and molten sulphur, rest would not be the remedy needed by the tormented.They would need serious medical attention at the least; what they really would need is a Divine Savior.The Bible does not anywhere say that there are some for whom Jesus The Messiah is not a Savior or whom He cannot or will not save. It does say that some go into eternal torment; it does not say they cannot or will not come out from it. A major stumbling block for many is the concept of the word eternal and eternity being confused with everlasting. According to The Bible, that which is eternal is timeless- without reference to time (See 2 Cor. 4:18). Everlasting indicates an infinite or endless period of time. According to Pauls definition of Eternal, Mleld Dlalam, The word Everlasting is a violation and contradiction against eternity, where time has no reference point and is therefore meaningless.One cannot describe or define eternity as an infinitely long time;it is not time at all, nor can it be measured at all by a time piece.We must find a new frame of reference for eternity outside of time and time concepts. It is Gods frame of reference, Whose Name is I AM. (those) Nylya (of the holy ones) asydqd (the patience) atwnrbyom (is) hytya (here) akrh 12 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (& the faith) htwnmyhw (of God) ahlad (the commands) yhwndqwp (who keep) wrjnd (write) bwtk (that said) rmad (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (a voice) alq (& I heard) temsw 13 (in our Lord) Nrmb (who have departed) wdned (those) Nylya (to the dead) atyml (their blessings) Nwhybwj (they rest) Nwxynttnd (because) ljm (The Spirit) axwr (says) rma (Yes) Nya (now) ash (from) Nm (their labors) Nwhylme (from) Nm

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(the likeness) atwmd (sat) bty (the cloud) anne (& upon) lew (white) atrwx (a cloud) anne (& behold) ahw 14 (of gold) abhdd (a crown) alylk (his head) hsr (on) le (to him) hl (& is) tyaw (of a man) asnrbd (sharp) atpyrx (a sickle) atlgm (his hand) hdya (& in) lew (the temple) alkyh (from) Nm (went out) qpn (angel) akalm (& another) anrxaw 15 (the cloud) anne (on) le (to him sitting) btydl (great) abr (in a voice) alqb (& shouted) aeqw (has come) ttad (because) ljm (& reap) dwuxw (your sickle) Ktlgm (send) rds (to reap *) duxml (the hour) ates (his sickle) htlgm (the cloud) anne (on) le (who sat) btyd (he) wh (& thrusted) ymraw 16 (The Earth) aera (& was reaped) tduxtaw (The Earth) aera (unto) le (the temple) alkyh (from) Nm (went out) qpn (angel) akalm (another) anrxaw 17 (sharp) atpyrx (a sickle) atlgm (was) tya (& with him) yhwlew (which in Heaven) aymsbd (who had) tyad (the altar) axbdm (from) Nm (went out) qpn (angel) akalm (another) anrxaw 18 (great) abr (in a voice) alqb (& he shouted) aeqw (fire) arwn (over) le (authority) anjlws (to him) hl (your sickle) Ktlgm (you) tna (send) rds (sharp) atpyrx (the sickle) atlgm (with him) hl (to him having) tyadl (of The Earth) aerad (of the vineyards) hmrkd (the clusters) alwgol (& gather) Pwjqw (sharp) atpyrx (its grapes) yhwbne (are large) ybrd (because) ljm (The Earth) aera (unto) le (his sickle) htlgm (the angel) akalm (& thrust) ymraw 19 (& cast) ymraw (of The Earth) aerad (the vines) hmrkl (& he gathered) Pjqw (of God) ahlad (of the passion) htmxd (great ) atbr (into the winepress) atruemb (the city) atnydm (from) Nm (outside) rbl (the winepress) atruem (& was trodden) tsydttaw 20 (the bridle) adwgpl (unto) amde (the winepress) atruem (from) Nm (blood) amd (& came out) qpnw (stadia) Nwdjoa (& 200 *) Nytamw (1000) Pla (for) le (of horses) askrd * Greek mss. have a thousand, six hundred stadia;The Greek ms. Aleph (a, 4th cent.) has ciliwn diakosioi a thousand two hundred, as does The Philoxenian Syriac Version (early 6th cent.).

Here is a photocopy of The Sinaiticus at this place in the verse: The letters in Greek uncial script are STADIWNCILIWN[EXA] stadiwn ciliwn stadia thousand [six] STADIWNCILIWN ciliwn[exa] iliwn DIAKOSIWNKAIE diakosiwn kai e two hundred. And DIAKOSIWNKAIE

If the Aramaic is the original, how did most Greek mss. get 600 instead of 200? Ah, but the Aramaic Nytamw is 600 and 200! How? The Aramaic language uses letters for numbers as well as words. Nytamw can mean and two hundred (which it most likely does) or it can be interpreted as (hundreds) Nytam (six) w since w (Waw) is also used for the number six. The Greek interpretation may have been influenced by the Hebrew form for hundreds- twam; The correct Aramaic form would be aam. The more accurate use of this method would actually give six- two hundreds which is exactly what The Sinaiticus has! [Greek does not have a six -two hundreds.] So The 4th century Greek Sinaiticus bears witness to the Aramaic text of Revelation (The only Greek ms. with 1200 stadia in this place) as does The Majority Greek Text with its subtle but sloppy use of Gematria to obtain 1600 stadia.

Nytamw- And two hundred (Crawford & Greek Sinaiticus) Nytamw-Six -hundreds (Greek reading base?)
Chapter 15 (& wonderful) athymtw (great) atbr (in Heaven) aymsb (sign) ata (another) atrxa (& I saw) tyzxw 15:1 (last) atyrxa (seven) ebs (plagues) atwxm (upon them) Nwhyle (that had) tyad (angels) akalm (of God) ahlad (the anger) htmx (is finished *) tylmtsa (for in them) Nyhbd
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Mic 7:18 Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. awh dox Upx-yk wpa del qyzxh-al wtlxn tyrasl esp-le rbew Nwe avn Kwmk la-ym Mic 7:18 (with fire) arwnb (mingled) akytpd (of glass) atygwgzd (a sea) amy (as) Kya (& I saw) tyzxw 2 (its image) hmlu (& over) Nmw (The Beast) atwyx (over) Nm (& those who were victorious) wkzdlw (over) lel (who stood) Nymyqd (of its name) hmsd (the number) anynm (& over) Nmw (with them) Nwhyle (& there were) tyaw (of Glass) atygwgzd (the Sea) amy (from) Nm (of God) ahlad (the stringed instruments *) yhwrtyq * harp,lute,cithern,guitar, sheminith,lyre,asor,viol,sackbut,zither. (of God) ahlad (the servant) hdbe (of Moses) aswmd (the song) atxwbst (& they sang) Nyxbsmw 3 (& marvelous) Nyhymtw (great) Nybrwr (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (of The Lamb) armad (& the song) atxwbstw (all) lk (holding) dyxa (God) ahla (Jehovah) ayrm (Your works) Kydbe (of the universe) amled (King) aklm (Your works) Kydbe (& true) Nyryrsw (just) Nynak (Your Name) Kmsl (& glorify) xbsnw (Jehovah) ayrm (You) Kl (will reverence) lxdn (not) al (who?) Nm 4 (therefore) ljm (holy) ayox (only) dwxlb (are) wh (You) tnad (because) ljm (before You) Kymdq (& will worship) Nwdgonw (will come) Nwtan (the nations) amme (all of them) Nwhlkd (You are) tna (True) Uyrtd (because) ljm (The Temple) alkyh (& was opened) xtptaw (I looked) tyzx (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 5 (in Heaven) aymsb (of The Testimony) atwdhod (of the Tabernacle) anksmd (those) Nwnh (The Temple) alkyh (from) Nm (angels) Nykalm (seven) aebs (went out) wqpnw 6 (linen *) antk (wearing) Nysybl (while) dk (plagues) Nwxm (seven) ebs (with them) Nwhyle (who have) tyad (of gold) abhdd (a wrap) aroa (their chest) Nwhyydx (around) le (& bound) Nyryoaw (& bright) aryhnw (pure) aykd M * Most Greek mss. have linonlinon-linen. Westcott and Horts Greek edition has liyon stone.

Estrangela Dead Sea Scrolls Aramaic script 0ntk Linen: )ntk 0pa0k Stone: )p)k

(angels) Nykalm (to the seven) aebsl (gave) tbhy (Beasts) atwyx (The four) ebra (of) Nm (& one) adxw 7 (of God) ahlad (of the anger) htmx (full) Nylmd (vessels) Nyrwbz (seven) ebs (Amen) Nyma (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (The Life) ayx (Who is) yhwtyad (of God) ahlad (of the glory) htxwbstd (the smoke) annt (of) Nm (The Temple) alkyh (& was full) ylmtaw 8 (the temple) alkyhl (to enter) leml (was) awh (one able) aumd (& not) tylw (His power) hlyx (& of) Nmw (angels) Nykalm (of the seven) aebsd (plagues) Nwxm (the seven) ebs (would be finished) Nylmtsnd (until) amde Chapter 16 (that said) rmad (the Temple) alkyh (from) Nm (great) abr (a voice) alq (& I heard) temsw 16:1 (vessels) Nyrwbz (the seven) ebs (& pour out) wdwsaw (go) wlz (angels) Nykalm (to the seven) aebsl (The Earth) aera (on) le (of God) ahlad (of the anger) htmxd (The Earth) aera (on) le (his vessel) hrwbz (& poured) dsaw (the first) aymdq (& went) lzaw 2 (the people) asna (over) le (& painful) anbakw (severe) asyb (absesses) anxws (& it was) awhw (of The Beast) atwyxd (the mark) amswr (on them) Nwhl (who have) tyad (its Image) hmlul (who worship) Nydgod (& those) Nylyaw (& became) awhw (into the sea) amyb (his vessel) hrwbz (poured) dsa (second) Nyrtd (& the angel) akalmw 3 (in the sea) amyb (died) ttym (living) atyx (animal) aspn (& every) lkw (dead) atym (as) Kya (the sea *) amy
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And the second angel poured his vessel into the sea, and the sea became as dead, and every living animal died in the sea. N * Greek mss. have: egeneto aima wv nekrou -it became blood, as of a dead man. The Crawford ms. has Sea twice;the Greek has Blood in place of the second Sea. Here is the word Sea in Aramaic: amy; Here is Blood: amd.

Now look at them in DSS script: )my (Yamma-Sea) )md d (Dama-Blood)

The Greek for Blood is aima; aima; The Greek for Sea is yalassh. yalassh. They are not at all similar. I submit that the Aramaic explains the Greek, but the Greek does not explain the Aramaic reading. (in the rivers) atwrhnb (his vessel) hrwbz (poured) dsa (third) atltd (& the angel) akalmw 4 (blood) amd (& they became) wwhw (of water) aymd (& in the springs) atnyebw (saying) rmad (of the waters) aymd (the angel) akalml (& I heard) temsw 5 (have) awh (& existed) yhwtyaw (Who are) yhwtyad (are) wh (You) tna (righteous) qydz (You have decreed) tnd (Who these things) Nylhd (& are holy) ayoxw (they have shed) wdsa (& of the saints) asydqdw (of the prophets) aybnd (the blood) amdd (because) ljm 6 (they) Nwna (are worthy) Nyws (to drink) atsml (them) Nwhl (You have given) tbhy (& blood) amdw (God) ahla (Jehovah) ayrm (Yes) Nya (saying) rmad (the altar) axbdml (& I heard) temsw 7 (Your judgments) Kynyd (& righteous) Nyqydzw (true) Nyryrs (all) lk (holding) dyxa (the sun) asms (over) le (his vessel) hrwbz (poured) dsa (fourth) aebrad (& the angel) akalmw 8 (with fire) arwnb (children of men) asnynbl (to scorch) Mxnd (to him) hl (& it was given) bhytaw (great) abr (with heat) amwxb (the children of men) asnynb (& were scorched) wmmxtaw 9 (authority) anjlws (to Him) hl (Who has) tyad (of God) ahlad (The Name) amsl (& they blasphemed) wpdgw (glory) atxwbst (Him) hl (to give) ltml (they repented) wbt (& not) alw (these) Nylh (plagues) atwxm (over) le (The Throne) hyorwk (over) le (his vessel) hrwbz (poured) dsa (fifth) asmxd (& the angel) akalmw 10 (darkness) atkwsx (its kingdom) htwklm (& became) twhw (of The Beast) atwyxd (the pain) abak (from) Nm (their tongues) Nwhynsl (they were) wwh (& gnawing) Nyoelmw (of Heaven) aymsd (of God) ahlad (The Name) amsl (& they blasphemed) wpdgw 11 (their sores) Nwhynxws (& due to) Nmw (their pains) Nwhybak (due to) Nm (their works) Nwhydbe (of) Nm (they repented) wbt (& not) alw (The River) arhn (over) le (his vessel) hrwbz (poured) dsa (sixth) atsd (& the angel) akalmw 12 (that may be prepared) byjttd (its waters) yhwm (& dried up) wsbyw (Euphrates) trp (great) abr (sun) asms (the rising) yxndm (from) Nm (of the kings) aklmd (the way) axrwa (the mouth) hmwp (& from) Nmw (of The Dragon) anyntd (the mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (& I saw) tyzxw 13 (False) algd (of The Prophet) aybnd (the mouth) hmwp (& from) Nmw (of The Beast) atwyxd (frogs) aedrwa (as) Kya (clean) atykd (un) al (three) tlt (spirits) axwr (who perform) Ndbed (those) Nylya (of demons *) adasd (spirits) axwr (for) ryg (they are) Nyhytya 14 (of the habitable Earth) lybatd (the kings) aklm (unto) le (which go) Nlzad (signs) atwta (great) abr (that) wh (of day) amwyd (to the war) abrql (them) Nwna (to gather) wsnkml (all) lk (holding) dyxa (of God) ahlad Aramaic words for Demon are at least two: adas Shada and awyd Daywa. Greek has only one word for Demon ( daimonion Daimonion).In Revelation, the Greek has but one word, daimonion, where the Aramaic has both adas Shada and awyd Daywa. (See 9:20 & 18:2 as here). The Harklean Syriac Version (translated from Greek) has only awyd
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Daywa in Revelation.If The Crawford were a translation of Greek, as is commonly supposed, why would it use two different Aramaic words for the same Greek word?This phenomenon occurs with other words as well. (who watches) ryed (to him) whl (his blessing) yhwbwj (a thief) abng (as) Kya (I come) ata (behold) ah 15 (he walk) Klhn (naked) ljre (lest) ald (his garments) yhwnam (& keeps) rjnw (his shame) htthb (& they see) Nwzxnw (to the place) artal (them) Nwna (& He shall gather) snknw 16 (Megiddo) wdgm (in Hebrew) tyarbe (called) arqtmd (into the air) raab (his vessel) hrwbz (poured) dsa (seventh) aebsd (& the angel) akalmw 17 (The Temple) alkyh (from) Nm (great) abr (a voice) alq (& went out) qpnw (it is done) awh (that said) rmad (The Throne) ayorwk (before) Mdq (from) Nm (there was) awh (& an earthquake) adwnw (& thunders) amerw (lightnings) aqrb (& there were) wwhw 18 (when there have been) wwhd (from) Nm (has been) awh (not) al (like which) htwkad (great) abr (Earth) aera (on) le (children of men) asnynb (was it) awh (great) br (so) ankh (earthquake) aewz (this) anh (that like) Kyad (& the cities) atnydmw (parts) Nwnm (three) tltl (Great ) atbr (the City) atnydm (& became) twhw 19 (was remembered) trkdta (The Great ) atbr (& Babylon) lybbw (they fell) ylpn (of the nations) ammed (of the wine) armxd (the cup) aok (to it) hl (to give) ltml (God) ahla (before) Mdq (& of His rage) hzgwrdw (of His passion) htmxd (were found) wxktsa (not) al (& the mountains) arwjw (fled) tqre (island) atrzg (& every) lkw 20 (the sky) ayms (from) Nm (fell) txn (a talent *) arkk (as) Kya (great) abr (& hail) adrbw 21 (children of men) asnynb (& cursed) wpdgw (the children of men) asnynb (on) le (great) abrd (because) ljm (of hail) adrbd (the plague) atwxm (over) le (God) ahlal (very) bj (His plague) htwxm (was) yh * A talent (Kakra) was both a monetary weight of gold, silver or brass (worth as much as 125 British pounds), or a measure of sheer weight (94 lbs.) Chapter 17 (with them) Nwhyle (who had) tyad (angels) akalm (the seven) aebs (of) Nm (one) dx (& came) ataw 17:1 (after me) yrtb (come) at (saying) rmaml (with me) yme (& spoke) llmw (vessels) Nyrwbz (seven) ebs (of The Harlot) atynzd (the judgment) anyd (I shall show you) Kywxa (many) aaygo (waters) aym (on) le (who sits) abtyd (& have been drunk) wywrw (of The Earth) aerad (kings) hyklm (fornicated) wynz (for with her) hmed 2 (of her fornication) htwynzd (the wine) armx (of) Nm (of The Earth) aerad (dwellers) hyrwme (all of them) Nwhlk (a woman) attna (& I saw) tyzxw (in spirit) xwrb (to the wilderness) abrwxl (& he brought me) ynqpaw 3 (of blasphemy) apdwgd (of names) ahms (full) aylmd (blood red) atqmwo (a beast) atwyx (on) le (who sat) abtyd (ten) roe (but) Nyd (horns) atnrq (seven) aebs (heads) asr (to it) hl (which had) tyad (purple) anwgra (wearing) apjemd (was) awh (she) tya (& The Woman) attnaw 4 (precious) atbj (& stones) apakw (in gold) abhdb (gilded) Nbhdmd (& scarlet) atyrwxzw (her hand) hdya (in) le (of gold) abhdd (a cup) aok (to her) hl (& had) tyaw (& pearls) atyngrmw (of her fornication) htwynzd (& filth) abywow (abominations) atwamj (& it was full of) almw (Babylon) lybb (Mystery) azra (was written) bytk (her eyes) hynye (between) tyb (& upon) lew 5 (of The Earth) aerad (& of the filth) hybywodw (of harlots) atynzd (The Mother) ama (The Great ) atbr (of the saints) asydqd (the blood) amd (from) Nm (who was drunk) aywrd (The Woman) attna (& I saw) tyzxw 6 (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of the witnesses) yhwdhod (the blood) amd (& from) Nmw (I saw her) htyzx (when) dk (great) abr (with astonishment) armwd (& I was astonished) trmdtaw
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(are you astonished) trmdta (Why?) anml (the angel) akalm (to me) yl (& said) rmaw 7 (& of The Beast) atwyxdw (of The Woman) attnad (the mystery) azar (you) Kl (shall) ana (tell) rma (I) ana (horns) Nnrq (& ten) roew (heads) Nysr (seven) aebs (to it) hl (that has) tyad (her) hl (that bears) anyejd (& is not) hytylw (had) twh (been) hytya (which you saw) tyzxd (The Beast) atwyx 8 (is going) alza (& to destruction) andbalw (the sea) amy (from) Nm (to come up) qotd (is about) adyte (Earth) aera (on) le (the inhabitants) yrme (& will marvel) Nwrmdtnw (of Life) ayxd (in The Book) arpob (their names) Nwhyhms (are written) Nybytk (whose not) ald (those) Nwnh (The Beast) atwyx (when they see) Nyzxd (of the world) amled (the foundation) htymrt (from) Nm (& is approaching) tbrqw (& is not) hytylw (was) twh (which) hytyad (wisdom) atmkx (to him) hl (for the one having) tyadl (the meaning) anwh (here is) akrh 9 (sits) abtyd (where) akya (mountains) Nyrwj (are) Nwna (seven) aebs (heads) Nysr (the seven) aebs (upon them) Nwhyle (The Woman) attna (is) yhwtya (& one) dxw (have fallen) wlpn (five *) asmx (there are) Nwna (seven) aebs (& kings) aklmw 10 (he comes) atad (& when) amw (come) ata (yet) lykde (not) al (another) anrxa (there is) wh (to remain) wrtkml (to him) hl (is given) byhy (a little time) lylq * Nero was the sixth Caesar of Rome (One is), Julius Caesar being the first. This confirms my view that Revelation was written during Neros reign (A.D. 54-68). The first eleven Caesars: Julius,Augustus,Tiberius,Caligula,Claudius,Nero,Galba,Otho,Vitellius,Vespasian,Titus. Some think the seven kings are reference to seven kingdoms: Assyrian,Babylonian,Persian,Greek,Roman,Split Roman (East & West),Holy Roman. Jerusalem fell during Vespasians reign, AD 70. (& it is) yhw (& is not) hytylw (which it brought*) hytyad (that) yh (& Beast) atwyxw (& the Dragon*) anyntw 11 (is going) alza (& to destruction) andbalw (is) yh (the seven) aebs (& of) Nmw (the eighth) aynmtd hytyad Can mean which is, or which he brought. The latter makes sense in connection with The Dragon, which brought The Beast to power and prominence (13:2). No Greek ms. has the reading of The Dragon & The Beast which it brought as does The Crawford ms. in this verse. (are) Nwna (kings) Nyklm (ten) aroe (of The Beast) tyzxd (horns) Nnrq (& ten) roew 12 (have received) wbon (yet) lykde (not) al (who the kingdom) atwklmd (those) Nylya (take) Nylqs (hour) ates (one) adx (king) aklm (as) Kya (authority) anjlws (but) ala (The Beast) atwyx (with) Me (to them) Nwhl (have) tya (will) anybu (one) dx (these) Nylh 13 (give) Nybhy (to The Beast) atwyxl (their) Nwhlyd (& authority) anjlwsw (& power) alyxw (them) Nwna (will conquer) akzn (& The Lamb) armaw (will war) Nwbrqn (The Lamb) arma (with) Me (these) Nylh 14 (of kings) aklm (& The King) Klmw (of lordship) atwrmd (He is) wh (The Lord) armd (because) ljm (& faithful) anmyhmw (& chosen) aybgw (are called) ayrq (& because His people) hmedw (that you saw) tyzxd (the waters) aym (to me) yl (& He said) rmaw 15 (the nations,) amme (The Harlot) atynz (sat) abty (upon which) Nwhyled (they are) Nwhytya (& languages) anslw (& peoples) atwmaw (& multitudes) asnkw (on the Beast) atwyxl (that you saw) tyzxd (horns) atnrq (& the ten) roew 16 (& naked) atyljrew (& desolate) atbrxw (The Harlot) atynzl (will hate) Nynon (these) Nylh (in fire) arwnb (& will burn her) hnwdqwnw (will devour) Nwlkan (& her flesh) hrobw (will make her) hnwdben (to perform) Nwdbend (into their hearts) Nwhtwblb (gave) bhy (for) ryg (God) ahla 17 (& will give) Nwltnw (one) dx (their purpose) Nwhnybu (& to do) Nwdbenw (His pleasure) hnybu (are fulfilled) Nylmtsnd (until) amde (that) yh (to Beast) atwyxl (their kingdom) Nwhtwklm (of God) ahlad (the words) yhwlm
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(that) adya (great) atbr (the city) atnydm (you saw) tyzxd (which) adya (& The Woman) attnaw 18 (of The Earth) aerad (the kings) hyklm (over) le (the rule) atwklm (for itself) hl (which has) tyad Chapter 18 (angel) akalm (another) anrxa (I saw) tyzx (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 18:1 (great) abr (authority) anjlws (to him) hl (who had) tyad (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm txnd (his glory) htxwbst (from) Nm (was brightened) trhn (& The Earth) aeraw (Great) atbr (Babylon) lybb (fallen) tlpn (fallen) tlpn (great) abr (in a voice) alqb (& he shouted) aeqw 2 (to every) lkl (& a prison) atrwjnw (for demons) adasl (the abode) armem (& it is become) twhw (& detestable) atynow (pure) atykd (im-) al (spirit) axwr (she mixed) tgzm (of her fornication) htwynzd (the wine) armx (from) Nmd (because) ljm 3 (with her) hme (of The Earth) aerad (& the kings) hyklmw (the nations) amme (for all) Nwhlkl (of The Earth) aerad (& the merchants) argtw (fornicated) wynz (have become rich) wrte (of her infatuation) hynsd (the power) alyx (from) Nm (that said) rmad (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (voice) alq (another) anrxa (& I heard) temsw 4 (you share) Nwptwtst (lest) ald (My people) yme (within her) hwg (from) Nm (come out) wqwp (her plagues) htwxm (from) Nm (you receive) Nwbot (that not) amld (in her sins) hyhjxb (to Heaven) aymsl (unto) amde (the sins) ahjx (in her) hb (have touched *) wqbdd (because) ljm 5 (her evil) hylwe (God) ahla (& has called to mind) rkdtaw (to her) hl (& double) wpwew (has payed) terp (she) yh (also) Pad (just as) ankya (pay her) hwerwp 6 (which she mixed *) tgzmd (that) wh (in cup) aokb (her deeds) hydbe (for) le (double) apea (a double) apea (to her) hl (mix *) wgwzm (& exalted herself *) tyletsaw (herself) hspn (in which she glorified) txbsd (that) Mdm (for) le 7 (give) ljm (& sorrow) albaw (suffering) aqnws (such) Nkh (that as) Kyad (& a widow) atlmraw (a queen) atklm (I) ana (sit) abtyd (she said) arma (for in her heart) hblbd (I shall see) azxa (not) al (& sorrow) albaw (I am not) ytyl N * Greek here and in verse 9 has estrhniasen partying, reveling; possibly this is because a translator construed

is not difficult to see how the Greek came from the Aramaic;it is difficult to see the reverse scenario happening. Greek for any of these look like ESTRHNIASEN? ? Hardly. (plagues) atwxm (upon her) hyle (will come) Nytan (day) amwy (in one) dxb (for this) anhljm 8 (she will burn) dqat (& in fire) arwnbw (& starvation) anpkw (& sorrow) albaw (death) atwm (Who judges her) hndd (Jehovah) ayrm (powerful) Ntlyxd (because of) ljm (of The Earth) aerad (the kings) hyklm (concerning her) hyle (& will wail) Nwdqrnw (& will weep) hnwkbnw 9 (when) am (& exalted themselves *) wyletsaw (with her) hme (who fornicated) wynzd (those) Nwnh (of her burning) hndqyd (the smoke) annt (they see) Nyzxd

tyletsa exalted herself as tylwetsa (from alwe do evil,be lawless) or from tyntsa from the verb ans be frenzied, infatuated. It

exalted herself is EPHRETO or UQWYH or UQWYEISA or UQWN or UQWYHSETAI Does

(of her punishment) hqynstd (fear) atlxd (from) Nm (opposite) lwbq (from) Nm (they stand) Nymyq (when) dk 10 (Babylon) lybb (Great ) atbr (The City) atnydm (woe!) yw (woe!) yw (woe!) yw (& will say) Nwrmanw (your judgment) yknyd (has come) ata (hour) aes (in one) adxbd (because) ljm (mighty) atnyse (The City) atnydm (over her) hyle (& grieve) Nwlbatnw (will weep) Nwkbn (of The Earth) aerad (the merchants) argtw 11 (again) bwt (one who buys) Nbzd (there is not) tyl (& their cargo) Nwhlbwmw
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(precious) atryqy (& stones) apakdw (& of silver) amaodw (of gold) abhdd (cargo) albwm 12 (& silk) ayrasw (& purple) anwgradw (& fine linen) auwbdw (& of pearls) atyngrmdw (vessel) Nam (& every) lkw (fragrant) amobd (wood) oyq (& every) lkw (of scarlet) atyrwxzd (& brass) asxnw (precious) aryqy (of wood) aoyqd (vessel) Nam (& every) lkw (of ivory) ansd (& marble) asysw (& iron) alzrpw (& frankincense *) atnwblw (& ointments) Nwrwmw (& spices) amobw (& cinnamon) Nwmynwqw 13 (& horses) askrw (& sheep) abrew (& fine wheat flour) adymow (& oil) axsmw (& wine) armxw (of children of men) asnynbd (& souls) atspnw (& the bodies) argpw (& chariots) atbkrmw (from you) yknm (have gone) lza (your own) ykspnd (pleasant) atgr (& your fruits) ykbaw 14 (from you) yknm (is gone) lza (& splendid) xybsw (luxurious) Nymsd (& everything) lkw (them) Nwna (you will see *) Nyzxt (again) bwt (& not) alw N * Greek has two different readings: eurhv (Byzantine) you (singular) shall find and eurhsousin they shall find (Critical Greek).The Byzantine reading seems to reflect the Aramaic verb Nyzxt you will see (2nd person singular) whereas the Critical Greek skips to the next verb in the next verse- Nwxksn they shall find, and does not have it in the next verse at all. (of these things) Nylhd (the merchants) argt (them) Nwna (will find) Nwxksn (& not) alw 15 (will stand) Nwmwqn (opposite) lwbq (from) Nm (from her) hnm (who grew rich) wrted (& lamenting) Nylybaw (weeping) Nykb (while) dk (of her punishment) hqnwsd (fear) atlxd (from) Nm (Great ) atbr (The City) atnydm (Alas!) yw (Alas!) yw (& they were saying) Nyrmaw 16 (gilt) Nbhdmd (& scarlet) atyrwxzw (& purple) anwgraw (fine linen) auwb (that wore) apjemd (& pearls) atyngrmw (precious) atryqy (& stones) apakw (in gold) abhdb (the wealth) artwe (is lost) qrtoa (hour) aes (in one) adxbd (because) ljm 17 (passenger) ylza (& every) lkw (ship) apla (navigator) yrbdm (also every) lkw (this) anh (for as) Kyad (& everyone) lkw (& ship captain) arplaw (to places) atykwdl (in a ship) aplab (stood) wmq (a distance) aqxwr (from) Nm (works) Nyxlp (who at sea) amybd (of her burning) hndqyd (the smoke) annt (they saw) Nyzx (when) dk (& they lamented her) hwakbw 18 (Great ) atbr (The City) atnydml (like) aymdd (is) yh (who?) Nm (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (they wept) Nykb (as) dk (& shouted) weqw (their heads) Nwhysyr (on) le (earth) arpe (& they cast) wymraw 19 (Great ) atbr (City) atnydm (Alas!) yw (Alas!) yw (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (& lamented) Nylybaw (to them) Nwhl (who had) tyad (those) Nylya (grew rich) wrte (by which) hbd (that) adya (her magnificence) hrqya (from) Nm (in the sea) amyb (ships) apla (is destroyed) tbrx (hour) aes (which in one) adxbd (& apostles) axylsw (& holy ones) asydqw (Heaven) ayms (over her) hyle (rejoice) wxupta 20 (from her) hnm (your judgment) Nwknyd (God) ahla (has judged) Ndd (because) ljm (& prophets) aybnw (stone) apak (a mighty) antlyx (the angels) akalm (of) Nm (one) dx (& took) lqsw 21 (& said) rmaw (into the sea) amyb (& cast it) ymraw (a millstone) ayxr (as) Kya (great ) atbr (Babylon) lybb (will be thrown down) adtst (with violence) apaxb (in this way) ankh (again) bwt (will exist) xkst (& not) alw (Great ) atbr (The City) atnydm (singers) armz (& of various) ynzdw (& of trumpets) arwpysdw (of stringed instruments) artyqd (& the sound) alqw 22 (again) bwt (in you) ykb (will be heard) emtsn (not) al (& of shouting) aqwezmdw (again) bwt (to you) ykl (will appear) azxtn (not) al (of a lamp) agrsd (& the light) arhwnw 23 (will be heard) emtsn (not) al (of a bride) atlkd (& the voice) alqw (of a groom) antxd (& the voice) alqw (great ones) hynbrwr (had) wwh (been) tya (your merchants) ykyrgtd (because) ljm (again) bwt (in you) ykb (by your sorceries) ykysrxbd (because) ljm (of The Earth) aerad (the nations) amme (all) Nwhlkl (you deceived) ytyeja
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(& holy men) asydqw (of prophets) aybnd (the blood) amd (was found) xktsa (in her) hbw 24 (Earth) aera (on) le (who were murdered) Nylyjqd Chapter 19 (great) abr (a sound) alq (I heard) tems (these things) Nylh (after) rtb (& from) Nmw 19:1 (Hallelujah) aywllh (saying) Nyrmad (in Heaven) aymsb (many) aaygo (of multitudes) asnkd (to our God) Nhlal (& power) alyxw (& glory *) atxwbstw (redemption) anqrwp C * The Majority Greek has h swthria kai h dunamiv kai h doxa tou yeou hmwn - salvation,& power & glory of our God; the Critical Greek has the Aramaic word order, h swthria kai h doxa kai h dunamiv tou yeou hmwn - salvation, glory and power of our God; some Byzantine mss. and The TR Greek (KJV Greek) have, h swthria kai h doxa kai h timh kai h dunamiv kuriw tw yew hmwn - salvation and glory & honor & power of our God. The Aramaic atxwbst Tishbokhta can mean -Smiths Compendious Aramaic Dictionary; It appears that this Aramaic word was double translated by one translator-a phenomenon not uncommon in Revelations Greek apparently.(See previous notes on this.) The Harklean Syriac Version has To our God & honor & glory & power redemption Nhlal arqyaw atxwbstw alyxw anqrwp Redemption & power & glory & honor to our God This is a revision of the Peshitta (in my opinion) based on the Majority (Byzantine) Greek text type. It retains many unique readings of The Peshitta NT with many revisions of that text based on translation of Greek into Aramaic. This reading in verse one shows that the Greek text used was similar to the TR reading of this verse. I dont see the different Greek texts as completely separate translations of the Aramaic text, but I see one original Greek translation (The Majority-TR type Greek text) and several revisions of that based on the Aramaic original. A revision would not be a fresh translation but a new edition of the original Greek version in which many words were retranslated, but the vast majority of the text was left intact.Many differences in the Greek texts are due to copyist errors which have nothing to do with different translations of Aramaic words. (He judged) Ndd (because) ljm (His judgments) yhwnyd (& just) Nynakw (true) Nyryrsd (because) ljm 2 (The Earth) aeral (corrupted) tlbxd (who) adya (Great ) atbr (The Whore) atynzl (of His servants) yhwdbed (the blood) amd (& He has required *) ebtw (with her whoredom) htwynzb (her hand) hydya (from) Nm required the blood from her hand is a Semitic idiom used in The Old Testament -2 Samuel 4:11 -Hebrew interlinear (my translation): (from your hand) Mkdym (his blood) wmd-ta (I shall require) sqba -2 Samuel 4:11 The Peshitta OT has: (your hand) Nwkydya (from) Nm (his blood) hmd (I shall require) ebta -2 Samuel 4:11 The Peshitta OT of this verse 2 Sam. 4:11 has the same verb used in this verse 2 of Revelation and the same idiom, which idiom indicates that equal payment (life for life) is required of the criminal for the crime of murder. The LXX Greek of 2 Samuel has:ekzhthsw to aima autou ek ceirov umwn I will seek his blood from your hands. The Greek of this Revelation verse has: exedikhsen to aima twn doulwn autou ek ceirov authv He will avenge the blood of his servants from her hand. The point is that these words in the Greek reflect a Semitic original; These words in Greek do not reflect a Greek original. (ascends) qlo (& her smoke) hnntw (Hellelujah) aywllh (they said *) wrma (again) Nytrtd 3 (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel C,TR* Majority Greek has he said.
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(Beasts) Nwyx (& the four) ebraw (Elders) Nysysq (& four) aebraw (twenty) Nyroe (& fell) wlpnw 4 (the throne) ayorwk (on) le (Who sits) btyd (our God) Nhlal (& worshipped) wdgow (Hallelujah) aywllh (Amen) Nyma (& they were saying) Nyrmaw (our God) Nhlal (praise) wxbs (that said) rmad (the throne) ayorwk (from) Nm (& a voice) alqw 5 (of His Name) hms (& worshippers) ylxdw (His works) yhwdbe (all of them) Nwhlk (great) abrwr (with) Me (small) arwez (all of them) Nwhlk (many) aaygo (that of multitudes) asnkd (like) Kya (sound) alq (& I heard) temsw 6 (the sound) alq (& as) Kyaw (many) aaygo (of waters) aymd (a sound) alq (& as) Kyaw (Hallelujah) aywllh (saying) Nyrmad (mighty) antlyx (of thunders) amerd (all) lk (holding) dyxa (God) ahla (Jehovah) ayrm (reigns) Klmad (because) ljm (glory) atxwbst (Him) hl (we give) ltn (& we celebrate) Nnyxuptmw (we rejoice) Nnydx 7 (of The Lamb) armad (the wedding) htwtsm (has come) ttad (because) ljm (herself) hspn (has prepared) tbyj (& His woman) httnaw (& bright) aryhnw (pure) aykd (fine linen) auwb (to wear) Pjettd (to her) hl (& it was given) bhytaw 8 (of the holy ones) asydqd (these are) Nyna (the uprightness) atuyrt (for) ryg (the fine linens) auwb (to those) Nylyal (blessings) Nwhybwj (write) bwtk (to me) yl (& they said) wrmaw 9 (are) Nwhytya (of The Lamb) armad (of the wedding) htwtsmd (who to the supper) atymsxld (the words) alm (these) Nylh (to me) yl (& one said) rmaw (called) ayrq (are) Nyhytya (of God) ahlad (true) Nryrsd (him) hl (& I worshipped) tdgow (his feet) yhwlgr (before) Mdq (& I fell) tlpnw 10 (& of your brothers) Kyxadw (I am) ytya (your fellow servant) Ktnk (no! *) al (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (the testimony) atwdho (to them) Nwhl (who have) tyad (these) Nylh (of Yeshua) ewsyd (for) ryg (the testimony) atwdho (rather) tyaryty (worship) dwgo (God) ahlal (of prophecy) atwybnd (the spirit) axwr (is) hytya * Greek has ora mh See not- not a meaningful statement.Translators usually insert the words that you do it between these two words in a lame attempt to make up for the apparent shortcomings of this Greek reading. (white) arwx (a horse) ayowo (& behold) ahw (opened) xytpd (Heaven) ayms (& I saw) tyzxw 11 (& true) aryrsw (trustworthy) anmyhm (is called) arqtm (upon it) yhwle (& He Who sat) btydw (& He makes war) brqmw (He judges) Nad (& in righteousness) atwnakbw (His head) hsyr (& upon) lew (of fire) arwnd (flames) atybhls (as) Kya (but) Nyd (His eyes) yhwnye 12 (written) abytk (The Name) ams (to him) hl (& He has) tyaw (many) aaygo (diadems) agat (He) wh (only) Na (but) ala (one knew) edy (not) ald (which) anya (with blood) amdb (soaked) eylzd (a garment) anam (& He wore) Pjemw 13 (of God) ahlad (The Word) atlm (His Name) hms (& is called) arqtmw (to Him) hl (were) wwh (joined) Nypyqn (of Heaven) aymsd (& the army) atwlyxw 14 (& pure) aykdw (white) arwx (linen) auwb (& were wearing) Nysyblw (white) arwx (horses) askr (on) le (by which) hbd (sharp *) atpyrx (swords) abrx (come out) aqpn (their mouths *) Nwhmwp (& from) Nmw 15 (with a rod) ajbsb (them) Nwna (will shepherd) aern (& He) whw (the nations) ammel (they will kill *) Nwljqn (of the rage) hzgwrd (the winepress) atruem (treads) sad (& He) whw (of iron) alzrpd (all) lk (holding) dyxa (of God) ahlad And from their mouths proceed sharp swords by which they will kill the nations and He will shepherd them with a rod of iron and He treads the winepress of the rage of Almighty God.

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* The Greek has ek tou stomatov autou ekporeuetai romfaia a sharp sword proceeds from His mouth. The Aramaic text has an army of warriors with swords from their mouths! * The Majority Greek has distomov oxeia double edged sharp.The Critical Greek and TR lacks -distomov double. Here is the Aramaic for Double: atynyrt Trayyanita; Compare the Aramaic here for Sharp- atpyrx. It seems that here and in Rev. 2:16, atpyrx -Kharripta- Sharp was read doubly as both double and sharp.Here are both

words in Dead Sea Scroll Aramaic script: )tpyrx-Sharp )tynyrt-Double Ashuri Aramaic Script: atpyrx-Sharp atynyrt-Double
Here are the two words in DSS

* Greek has pataxh -will smite; The Aramaic reading for will smite is Nwxmn. The Crawford Aramaic reading is Nwljqn.

script: }wl+qn -will kill }wxmn -will smite

These two have at least 80% letter correlation.

Greek for he will kill is APOKTENEI.This looks nothing like PATAXH -smite.If the Aramaic were a translation of the Greek, it would not likely contain the reading kill when the original had smite. (The Name) ams (His thigh) htmje (over) le (His garment) yhwnam (on) le (to him) hl (& is) tyaw 16 (of lordship) atwrmd (& The Lord) armw (of kings) aklmd (The King) aklm (written) abytk (& crying) aeqw (in the sun) asmsb (standing) Maqd (angel) akalm (another) anrxa (& I saw) tyzxw 17 (flying) axrpd (to the birds) atxrpl (& he said) rmaw (loud) amr (in a voice) alqb (of God) ahlad (great) atbr (to the supper) atymsxl (Gather) wsnkta (the sky) ayms (in the midst of) teum (of thousands) apla (of captains) ysrd (& the flesh) arobw (of kings) aklmd (the flesh) arob (to eat) Nwlkatd 18 (sitting) Nybtyd (& of those) Nylyadw (of horses) askrd (& the flesh) arobw (of warriors) anysed (& the flesh) arobw (& of servants) adbedw (of freemen) araxd (& the flesh) arobw (upon them) Nwhyle (& of great) abrwrdw (& of small) arwezdw (of The Earth) aerad (& kings) aklmw (& its armies) htwlyxlw (The Beast) atwyxl (& I saw) tyzxw 19 (Him) wh (with) Me (war) abrq (to make) dbeml (who gathered) Nysnkmd (& their soldiers) Nwhyxlplw (His soldiers) yhwxlp (& with) Mew (the horse) ayowo (on) le (Who sat) btyd This verse in Greek omits the Beasts armies. (with Him) hme (False) algd (& The Prophet) aybnw (The Beast) atwyx (& was captured) tdyuttaw 20 (those) Nylyal (he seduced) yeja (by which) Nyhbd (before it) hymdq (signs) atwta (who did) dbed (he) wh (who worshipped) wdgod (& those) Nylyalw (of The Beast) atwyxd (the mark) amswr (who received) wbond (into the lake) atmyb (& were cast) wymrtaw (both) Nwhyrt (& descended *) wtxnw (its image) hmlul (also with brimstone) atyrbkdw (that burns) adqyd (of fire) arwnd * Greek has zwntev zwntev - alive. In Aramaic,descendedis wtxn. Another is Nyyx. Lets & were alive in one form would be wtyxw.

see these compared to wtxn descended in DSS script: wtxnw & they descended wtyxw & were alive
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(sitting) btyd (of Him) whd (with the sword) hbrxb (were killed) wljqta (but) Nyd (of the rest) akrsdw 21 (His mouth) hmwp (from) Nm (which proceeded) aqpnd (by that) adyab (the horse) ayowo (on) le (their flesh) Nwhrob (from) Nm (were filled) tebo (birds of prey) aryj (& all) hlkw Chapter 20 (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm txnd (angel) akalm (another) anrxa (& I saw) tyzxw 20:1 (of The Abyss) amwhtd (the key) adylq (with Him) yhwle (who had) tyad (in his hand) hdyab (great ) atbr (& a chain) atlsysw (ancient) aymdq (The Serpent) aywx (The Dragon) anyntl (& he seized) hkblw 2 (& Satan) anjow (The Devil) aurqlka (which is) yhwtyad (that) wh (years) Nyns (a thousand) Pla (& bound him) hroaw (& sealed) ebjw (& shut) dxaw (into The Abyss) amwhtb (& he cast him) hymraw 3 (he would seduce) aejn (again) bwt (that not) ald (of it) hnm (the top) lel (it is given) byhy (these years) Nylh (after) rtb (the nations) amme (all) Nwhlkl (time) anbz (a little) lylq (to release him) hyrsml (was given) bhyta (& judgment) anydw (upon them) Nwhyle (& they sat) wbtyw (seats) abtwm (& I saw) tyzxw 4 (the testimony) atwdho (for) ljm (who were cut off) qoptad (these) Nylh (& souls) atspnw (to them) Nwhl (not) ald (& because these) Nylyadw (of God) ahlad (the word) atlm (& for) ljmw (of Yeshua) ewsyd (received) wbon (nor) alw (its image) hmlul (neither) alw (The Beast) atwyxl (worshipped) wdgo (their hands) Nwhydya (on) le (or) wa (their eyes) Nwhynye (between) tyb (on) le (a mark) amswr (years) Nyns (1000) Pla (The Messiah) axysm (with) Me (& reigned) wklmaw (they lived) wyxd (the first) atymdq (the resurrection) atmyq (is) yh (& this) adhw 5 (part) atnm (to him) hl (has) tyad (whoever) Nm (& holy) asydqw (is he) wh (blessed) anbwj 6 (authority) anjlws (has not) tyl (these) Nylh (& over) lew (resurrection) atymdq (in the first) atmyqb (of God) ahlad (priests) anhk (they shall be) Nwwhn (but) ala (the second *) anynt (death) atwml (years) Nyns (1000) Pla (with Him) hme (& they shall reign) Nwklmnw (& of The Messiah) axysmdw * Interestingly, the Aramaic word here for the second, repeated-Tanayna, has the same spelling as the word for The Dragon. See also v. 14 and 21:8.(Death of the Dragon?) (years) Nyns (1000) Pla (are finished) Mltsad (& whenever) amw 7 (his imprisonment) hyswbx (from) Nm (Satan) anjo (will be released) artsn (in the four) ebrab (the nations) amme (all) Nwhlkl (to seduce) wyejml (& he will go forth) qwpnw 8 (them) Nwna (to gather) wsnkmlw (& Magog) gwgmlw (Gog) gwgl (of The Earth) aerad (corners) htywz (of the sea) amyd (the sand) alx (as) Kya (whose number) Nwhnynmd (those) Nylya (to war) abrql (of The Earth) aerad (an open place) hytp (upon) le (& they went to war) wqlow 9 (of the holy people) asydqd (of the camp) atyrsmd (The City) atnydml (& surrounded) hwrdxw (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (fire) arwn (& descended) ttxnw (Beloved) atbybx (& The City) atnydmlw (them) Nwna (& consumed) tlkaw (God) ahla (from) Nm (of Fire) arwnd (into the Lake) atmyb (was cast) ymrta (their Seducer) Nwhnyejm (& The Devil) aurqlkaw 10 (False) algd (& The Prophet) aybnw (The Beast) atwyxd (where) akya (& Brimstone) atyrbkw (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel (& night) ayllw (day) ammya (& they shall be tormented) Nwqntsnw (& Him sitting) btydlw (white) arwx (great) abr (a throne) ayorwk (& I saw) tyzxw 11 (His face) yhwpa (before) Mdq (Whose from) Nmd (Him) wh (of it) hnm (at the top) lel (for them) Nwhl (was found) xktsa (not) al (& a place) rtaw (& Heaven) aymsw (Earth) aera (fled) tqre
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And I saw a Great White Throne and Him Who sat at the top of it, from before Whose face Earth and Heaven fled away, and a place was not found for them. (who stood) wmqd (& small) arwezw (great) abrwr (the dead) atyml (& I saw) tyzxw 12 (were opened) wxtpta (scrolls) arpow (the throne) ayorwk (before) Mdq (of Judgment *) anydd (which is) yhwtyad (was opened) xtpta (scroll) arpo (& another) anrxaw (that are written) Nbytkd (those things) Nylya (from) Nm (the dead) atym (& were judged) wnydtaw (their works) Nwhydbe (according to) Kya (in the scrolls) arpob * Greek has thv zwhv -of Life. Here is of Life in Aramaic: Here is the Crawford reading:

ayxd or ayyxd- of Life anydd of Judgment

Here is of Life in Dead Sea Scroll script: )yxd or )yyxd- of Life Here is the Crawford reading: )n nydd- of Judgment Here is of Life in Estrangela script:0yxd or 0nydd - of Life Here is the Crawford reading: 0yyxd -of Judgment
The Dead Sea Scroll (DSS) is the most promising script candidate for explaining the two readings in Aramaic and Greek. It appears that )nydd -of Judgment was read as )yyxd of Life by a Greek translator reading an Aramaic manuscript. He would have misread two letters of the five: d as a x , and n as a y ; each is quite a plausible mistake as these letters are quite similar in this script.
The Dead Sea Scroll (DSS) is the most promising script candidate for explaining the two readings in Aramaic and Greek. It appears that )nydd of Judgment was read as )yyxd of Life by a Greek translator reading an Aramaic manuscript. He would have misread two letters of the five: d as a x , and n as a y ; each is quite a plausible mistake as these letters are quite similar in this script.

The Dead Sea script pair has at least 80% correlation. The Greek for of Judgement- krisewv and zwhvzwhv-of Life have 14% correlation.

(& Sheol) lwysw (& Death) atwmw (who in it) hbd (the dead) atym (the sea) amy (& yielded) bhyw 13 (& was judged) Nydtaw (who were with them) Nwhydyaud (the dead) atym (yielded) wbhy (their works) Nwhydbe (according to) Kya (of them) Nwhnm (one) dx (each) dx (of Fire) arwnd (into The Lake) atmyb (were cast) wymrta (& Sheol) lwysw (& Death) atwmw 14 (The Second) anynt (Death) atwm (that is) yhwtyad (this) anh * Most Greek mss. add, The lake of fire again after The second death. (in the book) abtkb (who was inscribed) Mysrd (was found) xktsa (not) ald (& whoever) anyaw 15 (of Fire) arwnd (into The Lake) atmyb (was cast) ymrta (of Life) ayxd Chapter 21 (New) atdx (& Earth) aeraw (New *) attdx (Heavens) ayms (& I saw) tyzxw 21:1 (had departed) wlza (the former) atymdq (& Earth) aeraw (the former) atymdq (for) ryg (Heavens) ayms (anymore) bwt (it was not) yhwtyl (& the sea) amyw Heaven ayms (Shemaya) is usually a masculine noun, though sometimes it is feminine, as here and in Rev. 6:14. (I saw it) htyzx (New) atdx (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (Holy) atsydq (& The City) atnydmlw 2 (God) ahla (beside) dyu (from) Nm (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (descending) atxnd (for her husband) hlebl (adorned) attbum (a bride) atlk (as) Kya (prepared) abyjmd (behold) ah (that said) rmad (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (great) abr (a voice) alq (& I heard) temsw 3 (children of men) asnynb (with) Me (of God) ahlad (The Tabernacle) ayrsm (shall be) Nwwhn (His) hlyd (people) ame (& those) Nwnhw (with them) Nwhme (& He dwells) arsw (God) ahla (to them) Nwhl (& will be) awhnw (is with them) Nwhme (God) ahla (& The Same) whw
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(their eyes) Nwhynye (from) Nm (tear) aemd (every) lk (shall wipe away) axln (& He) whw 4 (grieving) alba (neither) alw (from now on) lykm (shall be) awhn (not) al (& death) atwmw (His sake *) hypa (for) le (there shall be) awhn (again) bwt (disease) abak (nor) alw (clamor) abwr (neither) alw * Greek has for the first things departed. (the throne) ayorwk (on) le (He Who sat) btyd (to me) yl (& said) rmaw (& I walked) tlzaw 5 (Write) bwtk (to me) yl (& He said) rmaw (all) lk (I) ana (make) dbe (new) atdx (behold) ah (are) Nyhytya (& true) atryrsw (trustworthy) atnmyhm (words) alm (these) Nylh (Tau) wt (& I am) anaw (Alap) Pla (I am) ana (they are done) ywh (to me) yl (& He said) rmaw 6 (shall give) lta (I) ana (to the thirsty one) ahudl (& The Fulfillment) amlwsw (The Origin) atysyr (without charge) Ngm (of life) ayx (of the Water) aymd (the Fountain) anye (from) Nm (these things) Nylh (shall inherit) tran (he) wh (& he who is victorious) akzdw 7 (a son) arb (to me) yl (& he will be) awhnw (God) ahla (to him) hl (& I shall be) awhaw (& the evil) alwew (believers) anmyhm (& un) alw (but) Nyd (to the timid) antjwnql 8 (& fornicators) aynzw (& sorcerers) asrxw (& murderers) alwjqw (& the defiled) abyomw (in the lake) atmyb (their part) Nwhtnm (liars) algd (& all) Nwhlkw (idol) arktp (& worshippers) yxlpw (the second) anynt (death) atwm (is) hytyad (which) adya (& brimstone) atyrbkw (of fire) arwnd (burning) atdqy (upon them) Nwhyle (who had) tyad (those) Nylya (angels) Nykalm (seven) aebs (of) Nm (one) dx (& came) ataw 9 (last) atyrxa (plagues) atwxm (seven) ebs (full of) Nylmd (vessels) Nyrwbz (seven) ebs (The Bride) atlkl (I shall show you) Kywxa (come) at (saying) rmaml (with me) yme (& he spoke) llmw (of The Lamb) armad (The Wife) httna (& high) amrw (great) abr (to a mountain) arwjl (in spirit) xwrb (& he carried me) ynlbwaw 10 (coming down) atxnd (Jerusalem) Mlsrwa (Holy) atsydq (The City) atnydml (& showed me) ynywxw (God) ahla (the presence of) dyu (from) Nm (Heaven) ayms (from) Nm (& its light) hrhwnw (of God) ahlad (the glory) atxwbst (to it) hl (& it had) tyaw 11 (precious) atryqy (of stones) apakd (the likeness) atwmd (as) Kya (of crystal) owljowrqd (the appearance) aymwd (as) Kya (Jasper Red Quartz) hpsy (as) Kya (to it) hl (& had) tyaw (& high) amrw (great) abr (a wall) arws (to it) hl (& it had) tyaw 12 (twelve) roert (angels) akalm (the gates) aert (& at) lew (twelve) roert (gates) aert (the names) ahms (which are) Nwhytyad (those) Nylya (written) abytk (& their names) Nwhyhmsw (of Israel) lyroyad (tribes) ajbs (of twelve) roertd (the North) aybrg (& from) Nmw (three) atlt (gates) aert (the East) axndm (from) Nm 13 (three) atlt (gates) aert (the South) anmyt (& from) Nmw (four) atlt (gates) aert (three) atlt (gates) aert (the West) abrem (& from) Nmw (twelve) aroetrt (foundations) aoats (to it) hl (has) tya (of The City) atnydmd (& the wall) arwsw 14 (of The Son *) arbd (of The Apostles) yhwxylsd (names) ahms (twelve) roert (& on them) Nyhylew * Greek has tou arniou -of The Lamb; Here are the readings, of The Son (Crawford ms.) and of the Lamb in DSS Aramaic:

Ashuri script arma-of the Lamb arbd- of The Son abred-of the Sheep

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DSS script )rm) -of the Lamb )rbd - of The Son )br(d-of the Sheep Estrangela script 0rm0-of the Lamb 0rbd- of The Son 0br(d-of the Sheep
The Greek readings arniouarniou-of The Lamb & uiou of The Son are not sufficiently alike to explain the Aramaic reading. Here they are in Greek uncial script with all spaces removed to simulate what fourth century Greek and earlier would have looked like:


As you see, the actual Greek reading has three letters (ARNARN-) which are unlike those in the second reading;the first is six letters and the second four letters, with only three letters the same out of the six. If Greek were the original and Aramaic the translation of the Greek reading, it is difficult to see how the Aramaic was derived from Greek. There is only 50% correspondence between UIOU & ARNIOU. ARNIOU. The pair of underlined DSS Aramaic readings above show much better correlation than the Greek words (75% or more) m and b may be confused one for the other in this script, as may ) & d, indicating that an Aramaic original probably gave rise to the Greek text rather than vice versa. (upon him) yhwle (did) awh (have) tya (with me) yme (was) awh (who speaking) llmmd (& he) whw 15 (& its wall) hrwslw (The City) atnydml (to measure) hxsmml (of gold) abhdd (measuring) atxwsmd (reed) aynq (its width) hytp (as) Kya (& its length) hkrwaw (was laid out) amyo (four-sided) tyaebrm (& The City) atnydmw 16 (1000) Nypla (twelve) roert (with) le (with the reed) aynqb (The City) atnydml (& he measured it) hxsmw (are) Nwna (equal) Nyws (& its height) hmwrw (& its width) hytpw (its length) hkrwa (stadia) atwdjoa (cubits) Nyma (& four) ebraw (& forty) Nyebraw (one hundred) aam (its wall) hrwsl (& he measured) hxsmw 17 (of the angel) akalmd (which is) hytyad (that) adya (of a man) asnad (by the measure) atxwsmb (of gold) abhdd (& The City) atnydmw (Jasper Quartz) hpsy (of the wall) hrwsd (the building) aomwdw 18 (pure) atykd (of glass) atygwgzd (in the likeness) atwmdb (pure) aykd (precious) atryqy (with stones) apakb (of The City) atnydmd (of the wall) arwsd (& the foundation) aoatsw 19 (Jasper Red-Blue-Yellow Quartz) hpsy (first) atymdq (& the foundation) atoatsw (is adorned) Ntbum (white chalcedony) andkrq (& the third) tltdw (sapphire) alypo (& the second) Nytrtdw (emerald) adgrmz (& the fourth) ebradw (the sixth) tsdw (& banded onyx) arpjw (red & white sardius) Nwdro (& the fifth) smxdw 20 (& the eighth) anmtdw (of gold) abhd (stone *) Pak (& the seventh) ebsdw (red & white sardius) Nwdro (green-gold chrysoprasus) aorpowrk (& the tenth) roedw (topaz) Nwydnpwj (& the ninth) estdw (beryl) alwrb (amethyst) ootwma (the twelfth) aroetrtd (dark blue jacinth) owtnkwy (the eleventh) aroedxd (one) adx (pearls) atyngrm (& twelve) aroetrtw (the gates) aert (& twelve) roertw 21 (one) adx (from) Nm (was) awh (it) tya (the gates) aert (of) Nm (& everyone) dxlkw (to each) adxl (pure) aykd (of gold) abhdd (of The City) atnydmd (but) Nyd (& the street) aqwsw (pearl) atyngrm (in it) hb (is) tya (glass) atygwgz (as if) Kya

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(for) ryg (Jehovah) ayrm (in it) hb (I saw) tyzx (not) al (& the Temple) alkyhw 22 (its Temple) hlkyh (is) yhwtya (He) wh (all) lk (holding) dyxa (God) ahla (the sun) asms (is needed) aebtm (not) al (& for The City) atnydmlw (& for The Lamb) armalw 23 (for) ryg (the glory) htxwbst (it) hl (to illuminate) Nwrhnnd (the moon) arho (neither) alw (The Lamb) arma (is) yhwtya (& its Lamp) hgrsw (illuminates it) htrhna (of God) ahlad (& the kings) aklmw (in its light) hrhwnb (the nations *) amme (& walk) Nyklhmw 24 (glory *) atxwbst (to it) hl (bring) Nytym (of The Earth) aerad MC * The Textus Receptus Greek (KJV Greek) has, The nations of the saved. Most Greek mss, Byzantine and Alexandrian, agree with The Aramaic reading of The Crawford ms. used here. * The Majority Greek has glory and honor; the Critical Greek agrees here with The Aramaic Crawford ms. The Aramaic atxwbst Tishbokhta can mean -Smiths Compendious Aramaic Dictionary; It appears that this Aramaic word was double translated by one translator-a phenomenon not uncommon in Revelations Greek apparently.(See previous notes on this; also note at 19:1.) (by day) ammyab (shall be shut) Nwdxttn (not) al (& its gates) hyertw 25 (there) Nmt (shall be) awhn (not) al (for) ryg (night) ayll (of the nations) ammed (& the honor) arqyaw (the glory) atxwbst (to it) hl (& they shall bring) Nwtynw 26 (or one who makes) dbedw (defiled) amj (any) lk (there) Nmt (shall be) awhn (& not) alw 27 (who are written) Nbytkd (those) Nylya (only) Na (but) ala (or lies) atwlgdw (pollution) atwbyom (of The Lamb *) armad (in the book) hbtkb * Greek has the book of life of The Lamb. Chapter 22 (pure) aykd (of life) ayx (of water) aymd (a river) arhn (& he showed me) ynywxw 22:1 (the throne) hyorwk (from) Nm (& it went out) qpnw (crystal) adylg (as) Kya (clear) aryhn (also) Pa (& of The Lamb) armadw (of God) ahlad (the river) arhn (on) le (& on that) akmw (on this side) akm (of the street) hyqws (& in the center) teumw 2 (twelve) roert (fruits) arap (which produces) dbed (of life) ayxd (the tree) aoyq (& its leaves) yhwprjw (its fruits) yhwrap (gives) bhy (month) xry (& in every) lkbw (of the peoples) ammed (for the healing) atwyoal (of God) ahlad (& the throne) hyorwkw (there) Nmt (shall be) awhn (not) al (curse) amrx (& any) lkw 3 (shall serve Him) yhynwsmsn (& His servants) yhwdbew (shall be) awhn (in it) hb (& of The Lamb) armadw (their eyes) Nwhynye (between) tyb (on) le (& His Name) hmsw (His face) yhwpa (& they shall see) Nwzxnw 4 (will be needed) aebtn (neither) alw (there) Nmt (shall be) awhn (not) al (& night) ayllw 5 (because) ljm (of the sun) asmsd (or light) hrhwnw (or lamps) agrsw (lights *) arhwn (for them) Nwhl (& is their King *) Nwhklmw (to them) Nwhl (gives light) rhnm (God) ahla (Jehovah) ayrmd (of eternities) Nymle (to the eternity) Mlel Critical Greek has creian fwtov lucnou kai fwv hliou need of light of lamp, neither light of sun; there is a grammatical boo boo in this reading in the word fwv light; it is in the wrong case (accusative), whereas it should be genitive- fwtov. fwtov. The Majority Greek has creian ouk ecousin lucnou kai fwtov hliou -not have need of lamp, neither light of sun, correct in grammar, but apparently skipping the first of two lights in the Aramaic verse.

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axyls Nnxwyd anylg

Greek has they shall reign forever, which does not ring as true as He is their King forever.And over whom would all people reign? It sounds like all chiefs and no indians. The nations walk in its light, therefore The LORD God Himself will be King over all the earth and Heaven. (& true) Nryrsw (trustworthy) Nnmyhm (words) alm (these) Nylh (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw 6 (holy) asydq (of the prophets) aybnd (of the spirit) atxwrd (God) ahla (& Jehovah) ayrmw (is given) byhyd (what) am (His servants) yhwdbel (to show) wywxml (His angel) hkalml (has sent) rds (soon) lgeb (to happen) awhml (blessings his) yhwbwj (soon) lgeb (I) ana (come) ata (& behold) ahw 7 (this) anh (of book) abtkd (of the prophecy) atwybnd (the words) alm (who keeps) rjnd (to the one) Nml (these things) Nylh (& heard) emsw (who saw) azxd (Yokhanan) Nnxwy (I am) ana 8 (before) Mdq (to worship) dgoml (I fell) tlpn (& I heard) temsw (I saw) tyzx (& when) dkw (these things) Nylh (to me) yl (who shows) awxmd (of the angel) akalmd (the feet) yhwlgr (I am) ytya (your fellow servant) Ktnk (no! *) al (Seer *) yzx (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw 9 (who observe) Nyrjnd (& of those) Nylyadw (the prophets) aybn (& of your brothers) Kyxadw (worship) dwgo (God) ahlal (this) anh (of book) abtkd (words) alm (these) Nylh * Greek has ora mh See not. I can find this phrase in one other place (Joshua 9:7) in The LXX; it is not in The Greek NT anywhere else and does not make good sense.The Aramaic phrase does make sense: al yzx -Seer,no! John was definitely a seer and is addressed as such elsewhere in Revelation according to Murdocks translation of the previous verse. The word for Seers is used in verse 15 as well. (the words) alm (seal) Mwtxt (not) al (to me) yl (& he said) rmaw 10 (is near) brq (for) ryg (the time) anbz (this) anh (of book) abtkd (of the prophecy) atwybnd (& he who is foul) eudw (will do evil) lwen (again) bwt (& he who does evil) lwemdw 11 (will do) dben (again) bwt (& the righteous) aqydzw (will be befouled) euejun (again) bwt (will be sanctified) sdqtn (again) bwt (& the holy) asydqw (righteousness) atwqydz (with Me) yme (& My reward) yrgaw (at once) adxm (I) ana (come) ata (behold) ah 12 (his work) hdbe (according to) Kya (to every person) snlkl (& I shall give) ltaw (& The Last) ayrxaw (The First *) aymdq (Tau) wt (& I am) anaw (Alap) Pla (I am) ana 13 (& The Fulfillment) amlwsw (& The Origin) ayrwsw * The Greek mss. are split (approx.100 each group) between The First and The Last and The Beginning and The End & The Beginning and The End and The First and Last. What is truly interesting is that the Aramaic words in The Crawford text aymdq ayrxaw ayrwsw amlwsw the last four words in the verse all have double meanings. aymdq Qadmaya can mean First or Beginning; ayrxa Akhraya can be The last or The end. ayrws -Shuraya can be Beginning, Origin, Introduction and amlws Shawlama is End, Completion,Consummation.It is easily conceivable that a Greek translator and a later reviser or translator using the same Aramaic text would translate these words differently, thus producing the two major Greek readings here. (His commands) yhwndqwp (to those doing) Nydbedl (their blessings) Nwhybwj 14 (of Life) ayxd (The Tree) aoyq (over) le (their authority) Nwhnjlws (shall be) awhn (The City) atnydml (they shall enter) Nwlen (& by the gates) aertbw (outside) rbl (idol) arktp (& worshippers) yxlpw (& murderers) alwjqw (& fornicators) aynzw 15 (of lies) atwlgd (& workers) ydbew (seers *) yyzx (& all) lkw (& sorcerers) asrxw (& the defiled) aamjw

N * Most Greek mss. have pav filwn kai poiwn qeudov - every one loving and doing falsehood. Here is the Aramaic yyzx -Seers in DSS script: yyzx; Here is ybwx- beloved, friends in DSS: ybwx.
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Lets enlarge and align them for close comparison:

DSS script yyzx Seers ybwx Friends

It looks quite likely that the Greek translator saw yyzx -Seers and translated it as if he saw ybwx -friends . The Greek LXX manages to translate the Hebrew for Seer - hzx & har as profhthn -prophet(several times), orwnta seer (7 times), blepontov seer (6 times). anakrouomenw -Chief player, autov-He,Nine times out of 28 it leaves the Hebrew untranslated or mistranslated.It seems the Greek translators had some difficulty with this ancient Semitic concept of One who sees as an official title and office. The Greek word filwn occurs 6 times in the Greek NT; 3 times (50%) it is translated Friends. Filwn in this verse is a singular participle verbal form whereas filwn, where it is translated friends, though identical in form, is a plural adjective. The Greek for Seers in this verse would most likely be orwntev or blepontev. blepontev. Here are the two most similar Greek words meaning Seers and Friends:

Greek Uncial script ORWNTES Seers FILWN Friends

It seems highly unlikely the Aramaic of this verse (yyzx Seers) came from Greek (FILWN Friends) as the Greek words above are so dissimilar as to cancel the Greek primacy theory here as in practically every other place where the two theories are compared to the data of the Greek and Aramaic texts. (among you) Nwkb (to testify) dhond (My angel) ykalml (I have sent) trds (Yeshua) ewsy (I) ana 16 (I AM The Living God) ana ana (the assemblies) atde (before) Mdq (these things) Nylh (& his Companion *) hmew (of David) dywdd (& The Offspring) htbrsw (The Root) arqe (Bright) aryhn (Morning) arpu (& The Star) bkwkw N * No Greek ms. has & his Companion. This is a totally uncontrived and very poignant description of our Lords relationship to David. It speaks for the originality of the reading by its own merits. (Come) at (are saying) Nyrma (& The Bride) atlkw (& The Spirit) axwrw 17 (& he who thirsts) ahudw (Come) at (let him say) rman (& he who hears) emsdw (without charge) Ngm (of life) ayx (the water) aym (& let him take *) bonw (let him come) atan N * Greek has Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Here, as in quite a few other places, it appears a Greek translator double translated an Aramaic word. In this case, ahudw he who thirsts was read correctly and then reread as abudw & he who will. Each of the three Aramaic scripts present 80% letter correlation between the two words.

Ashuri Aramaic script ahudw -& he who thirsts abudw -& he who will DSS Aramaic script )hcdw -& he who thirsts )bcdw & he who will

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Estrangela Aramaic script 0hcdw-& he who thirsts 0bcdw & he who will
(the word) atlm (who hears) emsd (to everyone) lkl (I) ana (testify) dhom 18 (will place) Myond (whoever) anyad (this) anh (of book) abtkd (of the prophecy) atwybnd (the plagues) atwxm (God) ahla (upon Him) yhwle (shall place) Myon (upon these things) Nyhyle (this) anh (in book) abtkb (which are written) Nbytkd (of the scripture) abtkd (the words) alm (from) Nm (subtracts) rubmd (& whoever) anyaw 19 (his part) htnm (God) ahla (shall subtract) rubn (this) adh (of prophecy) atwybnd (Holy) atsydq (The City) atnydm (& from) Nmw (of Life) ayxd (The Tree) aoyq (from) Nm (this) anh (in book) abtkb (that are written) Nbytkd (those things) Nylya (Yes *) Nya (these things) Nylh (He testified) dhom (when) dk (He said) rma 20 (Yeshua) ewsy (Jehovah) ayrm (Come) at (soon) lgeb (I) ana (come) ata M * Critical Greek omits Yes. (The Messiah *) axysm (Yeshua) ewsy (of our Lord) Nrmd (the grace) htwbyj 21 (Amen *) Nyma (His holy ones) yhwsydq (all of them *) Nwhlk (with) Me

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Bibliography: In writing this interlinear I used or consulted MS Word, Adobe Acrobat 5.0, CutePDF Writer, Online Bible ME (with many Bible versions, including The 1905 Syriac Peshitta New Testament,Murdocks translation of The Peshitta, 3 Greek NTs and The Latin Vulgate) Smiths Syriac Dictionary, Jastrows Targum Dictionary, W.M. Thackstons Introduction To Syriac, The New Covenant Aramaic Peshitta Text with Hebrew Translation-1986, The Syriac Bible-1979, Paul Younans Peshitta Interlinear Gospels, The Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text-George M. Lamsas translation from the Aramaic of The Peshitta, Codefinder software of Research Systems Inc., Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Leningrad Hebrew Old Testament ms.), 1769 Authorized Version, The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon (Online Web Site), The Arabic Bible, Rahlfs Greek Septuagint, 1851 Brentons English Septuagint, Greek Septuagint Apocrypha, The Emphasized Bible by Rotherham, Youngs Literal Translation of The Bible, 1899 Douay-Rheims American Version.

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