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Library for Building Automation

Function Block Description for M-Bus

Last Update: 12.02.2013

Copyright 2013 by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG All rights reserved.

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Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the correctness and completeness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully excluded we would appreciate any information or ideas at any time. We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are generally trademark or patent protected.

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. kG

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List of contents

WAGO-I/O-PRO Library for M-Bus

List of contents

Important Comments

Copyright .......................................................................................... 4 Personnel Qualification .................................................................... 4 Intended Use .................................................................................... 4 Communication 5

M-Bus Master (FbMBusMaster) ....................................................... 5 Meter 7

M-Bus Water Meter (FbMBus_Water) .............................................. 7 M-Bus Electricity Meter (FbMBus_Electricity) .................................. 9 M-Bus Heat Meter (FbMBus_Heat) ................................................ 11 Additional function 14

General M-Bus Meter (FbMBus_General) ..................................... 14 M-Bus Multi Telegram Meter (FbMBus_MultiTel) ........................... 16 M-Bus RawDevice (FbMBus_RawDevice) ..................................... 18 M-Bus Send data (FbMBusSend) .................................................. 20 Unit Converter 23

M-Bus Unit Converter (FbUnitConverter) ....................................... 23 Addition 25

M-Bus Version................................................................................ 25

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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Important Comments
To ensure fast installation and start-up of the units described in this manual, we strongly recommend that the following information and explanation is carefully read and adhered to.

This manual is copyrighted, together with all figures and illustrations contained therein. Any use of this manual which infringes the copyright provisions stipulated herein, is not permitted. Reproduction, translation and electronic and photo-technical archiving and amendments require the written consent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Nonobservance will entail the right of claims for damages.

Personnel Qualification
The use of the product detailed in this manual is exclusively geared to specialists having qualifications in PLC programming, electrical specialists or persons instructed by electrical specialists who are also familiar with the valid standards. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG declines all liability resulting from improper action and damage to WAGO products and third party products due to non-observance of the information contained in this manual.

Intended Use
For each individual application, the components supplied are to work with a dedicated hardware and software configuration. Modifications are only admitted within the framework of the possibilities documented in the manuals. All other changes to the hardware and/or software and the nonconforming use of the components entail the exclusion of liability on part of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Please direct any requirements pertaining to a modified and/or new hardware or software configuration directly to WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

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M-Bus Master (FbMBusMaster)

M-Bus Master (FbMBusMaster)
WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: bCOMPORT Building Automation FbMBusMaster Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note

X Program


bRetries tTimeout

Data type: Comment: BYTE Serial interface port number (M-Bus level converter module) Default setting = 2 COM_ Baud rate of the M-Bus meter BAUD BAUD_1200 := 120 RATE BAUD_2400 := 240 BAUD_4800 := 480 BAUD_9600 := 960 BAUD_19200 := 1920 Default setting = BAUD_2400 BYTE M-Bus retries Default setting = 3 TIME M-Bus communication timeout Default setting = t#1000ms Data type: typMBus BYTE BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL ARRAY [0..255] OF BYTE BYTE BOOL BYTE BYTE Comment: M-Bus parameter and receive buffer M-Bus primary address Normalization command first Start toggle variable (sets caller) Interface is busy (sets caller) M-Bus communication is busy M-Bus telegram receive buffer

Input/output parameter: utMBus .bPADR .xSND_NKE .xSTART .xBUSY .xCOM_BUSY .aobBUFFER


Characters received in aobBUFFER Error indication Interface error (see SERCOMM) M-Bus layer 1 error (Timeout, CRC, )

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus Master (FbMBusMaster)

Graphical display:

Function description: The function block FbMBusMaster is used for the communication with the serial (parameterizable) module 750-650/003-000 in connection with the fieldbus controllers 750-8xx. A level converter is required for the M-Bus connection. The port numbers of the connected serial modules are identified and assigned independently by the controller from the left starting with COM2. The service interface of the controller (COM1) cannot be used for the M-Bus communication. To address the function block to the level converter, the appropriate number (e.g. 2 for COM2) must be entered as a constant at input bCOMPORT. The input/output variable utMBus contains all necessary request parameters and data from the M-Bus telegrams received. This variables structure can be used by other function blocks for start and data processing. Using utMBus .xStart, another function block can first start a M-Bus query if utMBus .xBusy is not set. This function block, on its part, must in turn set utMBus .xBusy to indicate that it is just using the communication module. The address of the M-Bus participant to be addressed must be entered in utMBus .bPAdr. utMBus .COM_Busy shows that the serial communication is active. After readout, the possible errors are indicated by the variable utMBus .xERROR set. As a result, a better error description can be returned by the variables utMBus .bCOM_ERROR and utMBus .bL1_Error. If the utMBus .bCOM_ERROR value is different than 0, then there is a serial interface error. The error codification is the same as in the library SERCOMM.LIB. The utMBus .bL1_ERROR value is different than 0, when there is a M-Bus layer 1 error. The individual bit positions of these bytes are assigned to different errors. The following error assignment is obtained by numbering the bit positions from 0 to 7: Bit 7 Timeout (meter gives no response) Bit 6 not used Bit 5 not used Bit 4 Stop character is wrong Bit 3 M-Bus CRC error Bit 2 2nd start character (0x68) wrong Bit 1 different lengths bytes Bit 0 1st start character (0x68) wrong Important: The function block FbMBusMaster can only be used in connection with the library Serial_Interface_01.lib.

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus Water Meter (FbMBus_Water)

M-Bus Water Meter (FbMBus_Water)
WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: dwAdr xSND_NKE Input/output parameter: utMBus xStart Building Automation FbMBus_Water Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: DWORD BOOL Data type: TypMBus BOOL

X Program

Comment: M-Bus primary address (>255 Sec.-Adr.) M-Bus normalisation command first Comment: M-Bus parameter and receive buffer (see function block FbMBusMaster) Toggle variable for starting to read out the water meter. Automatically reset after read-out.

Feedback value: utMBInfo

Comment: Fixed meter data (header in data telegram with ID, manufacturer, medium, ..) .bPAdr BYTE Primary address read out .stID STRING(8) Secondary address (ID) .stMAN STRING(3) 3-digit manufacturer code .stMED STRING(14) Medium to be measured .bMGen BYTE Version number (generation) .bMStatus BYTE M-Bus status byte .bAllRecords BYTE Number of data records in the telegram .bGoodRecords BYTE Analysed data records utVolume typMBus Measured water volume (value, power of 10, unit) Record .Value STRING(21) Value as string .Pof10 STRING(3) Power of 10 as string .Unit STRING(7) Unit as atring .Enum_Unit typMBusUnit Unit as constant (enumeration) utFlow typMBus Effective water flow (value, power of 10, unit) Record .Value STRING(21) Value as string .Pof10 STRING(3) Power of 10 as string .Unit STRING(7) Unit as string .Enum_Unit typMBusUnit Unit as constant (enumeration)
Subject to design changes Copyright 2013 WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169 E-Mail: Web:

Data type: TypMBusInf o

M-Bus Water Meter (FbMBus_Water)



Error code 0x00 = no error 0x01 = interface error (SERCOMM) 0x02 = M-Bus timeout 0x03 = M-Bus layer 1 error (CRC, ...) 0x04 = no analysable records

Graphical display:

Function description: The function block FbMBus_Water is used to read out and decode M-Bus water meter data. Heat, cold, heat/cold, gas, steam, oil and mass meters also belong to this category. The function block can only be used in connection with the FbMBusMaster M-Bus communication block. Both function blocks are synchronized via the utMBus variable structure and must therefore be connected to each other. The input variable dwAdr is preallocated with the primary (<256) or secondary (>256) address of the M-Bus water meter. By setting xSND_NKE, a M-Bus normalisation command is sent to the meter before the data is read out. As a result, st meters with sequential telegrams can respond with their 1 (important) telegram at the next request. The xStart input/output variable starts reading out the water meter. This variable is automatically reset after read-out. bError indicates whether the read-out has been performed without error. The volume and effective flow of the water meter are contained in the output variables utVolume and utFlow when the read-out has been performed successfully. Note that the flow is not delivered by all M-Bus water meters in their telegram. In this case, the string variables remain empty. To convert the meter reading into both a REAL type value and a desired unit, the function block FbUnitConverter described further below can be connected downstream by the user. Important: Only the meters with the following medium setting are analysed: water, hot water, cold water, dual water, oil, gas, steam, compressed air, heat, heat inlet, heat outlet, heat/cooling, cooling inlet, cooling outlet.

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus Electricity Meter (FbMBus_Electricity)

M-Bus Electricity Meter (FbMBus_Electricity)

WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: dwAdr xSND_NKE Input/output parameter: xStart Building Automation FbMBus_Electricity Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: DWORD BOOL Data type: BOOL

X Program

Comment: M-Bus primary address (>255 Sec.-Adr.) M-Bus normalisation command first Comment: Toggle variable for starting to read out the electricity meter. Automatically reset after read-out. M-Bus parameter and receive buffer (see function block FbMBusMaster)



Feedback value: utMBInfo

Data type: Comment: typMBusInfo Fixed meter data (header in data telegram with ID, manufacturer, medium, ..) .bPAdr BYTE Primary address read out .stID STRING(8) Secondary address (ID) .stMAN STRING(3) 3-digit manufacturer code .stMED STRING(14) Medium to be measured .bMGen BYTE Version number (generation) .bMStatus BYTE M-Bus status byte .bAllRecords BYTE Number of data records in the telegram .bGoodRecords BYTE Analysed data records utEnergy typMBus Meter reading of consumed energy (value, power of 10, unit) Record .Value .Pof10 .Unit .Enum_Unit utPower .Value .Pof10 .Unit .Enum_Unit STRING(21) STRING(3) STRING(7) TypMBusUn it TypMBus Record STRING(21) STRING(3) STRING(7) TypMBusUn it Value as string Power of 10 as string Unit as string Unit as constant (enumeration) Effective electrical power (value, power of 10, unit) Value as string Power of 10 as string Unit as string Unit as constant (enumeration)

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus Electricity Meter (FbMBus_Electricity)



Error code 0x00 = no error 0x01 = interface error (SERCOMM) 0x02 = M-Bus timeout 0x03 = M-Bus layer 1 error (CRC, ...) 0x04 = no analysable records

Graphical display:

Function description: The function block FbMBus_Electricity is used to read out and decode M-Bus electricity meter data. It can only be used in connection with the FbMBusMaster M-Bus communication block. Both function blocks are synchronized via the utMBus variable structure and must therefore be connected to each other. The input variable dwAdr is preallocated with the primary (<256) or secondary (>256) address of the M-Bus electricity meter. By setting xSND_NKE, a M-Bus normalisation command is sent to the meter before the data is read out. As a result, st meters with sequence telegrams can respond with their 1 (important) telegram at the next request. The xStart input/output variable starts reading out the electricity meter. This variable is automatically reset after read-out. bError indicates whether the read-out has been performed without error. The effective energy consumption and effective power of the electricity meter are contained in the output variables utEnergy and utPower contain when the read-out has been performed successfully. Note that the power is not delivered by all M-Bus electricity meters in their telegram. In this case, the string variables remain empty. To convert the meter reading into both a REAL type value and a desired unit, the function block FbUnitConverter described further below can be connected downstream by the user. Important: Only the meters with Electricity medium setting are analysed.

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus Heat Meter (FbMBus_Heat)

M-Bus Heat Meter (FbMBus_Heat)

WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: dwAdr xSND_NKE Input/output parameter: utMBus xStart Building Automation FbMBus_Heat Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: DWORD BOOL Data type: typMBus BOOL

X Program

Comment: M-Bus primary address (>255 Sec.-Adr.) M-Bus normalisation command first Comment: M-Bus parameter and receive buffer (see function block FbMBusMaster) Toggle variable for starting to read out the heat meter. Automatically reset after readout.

Feedback value: utMBInfo

Comment: Fixed meter data (header in data telegram with ID, manufacturer, medium, ..) .bPAdr BYTE Primary address read out .stID STRING(8) Secondary address (ID) .stMAN STRING(3) 3-digit manufacturer code .stMED STRING(14) Medium to be measured .bMGen BYTE Version number (generation) .bMStatus BYTE M-Bus status byte .bAllRecords BYTE Number of data records in the telegram .bGoodRecords BYTE Analysed data records utEnergy typMBus Meter reading of consumed energy (value, power of 10, unit) Record .Value STRING(21) Value as string .Pof10 STRING(3) Power of 10 as string .Unit STRING(7) Unit as string .Enum_Unit typMBusUnit Unit as constant (enumeration) utPower typMBus Effective heat power (value, power of 10, unit) Record .Value STRING(21) Value as string .Pof10 STRING(3) Power of 10 as string .Unit STRING(7) Unit as string .Enum_Unit typMBusUnit Unit as constant (enumeration))

Data type: typMBus

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus Heat Meter (FbMBus_Heat)

utVolume .Value .Pof10 .Unit .Enum_Unit utFlow .Value .Pof10 .Unit .Enum_Unit utFTemp .Value .Pof10 .Unit .Enum_Unit utRTemp .Value .Pof10 .Unit .Enum_Unit utDTemp .Value .Pof10 .Unit .Enum_Unit bError

typMBus Record STRING(21) STRING(3) STRING(7) typMBusUnit typMBus Record STRING(21) STRING(3) STRING(7) typMBusUnit typMBus Record STRING(21) STRING(3) STRING(7) typMBusUnit typMBus Record STRING(21) STRING(3) STRING(7) typMBusUnit typMBus Record STRING(21) STRING(3) STRING(7) typMBusUnit BYTE

Measured water volume (value, power of 10, unit) Value as string Power of 10 as string Unit as string Unit as constant (enumeration) Effective flow (value, power of 10, unit) Value as string Power of 10 as string Unit as string Unit as constant (enumeration) Flow temperature (value, power of 10, unit) Value as string Power of 10 as string Unit as string Unit as constant (enumeration) Return temperature (value, power of 10, unit) Value as string Power of 10 as string Unit as string Unit as constant (enumeration) Differential temperature (value, power of 10, unit) Value as string Power of 10 as string Unit as string Unit as constant (enumeration) Error code 0x00 = no error 0x01 = interface error (SERCOMM) 0x02 = M-Bus timeout 0x03 = M-Bus layer 1 error (CRC, ...) 0x04 = no analysable records

Graphical display:

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

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M-Bus Heat Meter (FbMBus_Heat)

Function description: The function block FbMBus_Heat is used to read out and decode M-Bus heat meter data. It can only be used in connection with the M-Bus communication block FbMBusMaster. Both function blocks are synchronized via the variable structure utMBus and must therefore be connected to each other. The input variable dwAdr is preallocated with the primary (<256) or secondary (>256) address of the M-Bus heat meter. By setting xSND_NKE, a M-Bus normalisation command is sent to the meter before the data is read out. As a result, st meters with sequence telegrams can respond with their 1 (important) telegram at the next request. The xStart input/output variable starts reading out the heat meter. This variable is automatically reset after read-out. bError indicates whether the read-out has been performed without error. The effective energy consumption and effective power of the heat meter are contained in the output variables utEnergy and utPower when the read-out has been performed successfully. The effective volume and effective flow are delivered by utVolume and utFlow. The measured flow as well as return and differential temperatures are represented by the variables utFTemp, utRTemp and utDTemp. Note that the performance is not delivered by all M-Bus heat meters in their telegram. In this case, the string variables remain empty. To convert the meter reading into both a REAL type value and a desired unit, the function block FbUnitConverter described further below can be connected downstream by the user. Important: Only the meters with the following medium setting are analysed: heat, heat inlet, heat outlet, heat/cooling, cooling inlet, cooling outlet, hot water

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

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General M-Bus Meter (FbMBus_General)

Additional function
General M-Bus Meter (FbMBus_General)
WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: dwAdr xSND_NKE Input/output parameter: utMBus xStart Building Automation FbMBus_General Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: DWORD BOOL Data type: typMBus BOOL

X Program

Comment: M-Bus primary address (>255 Sek.-Adr.) M-Bus normalisation command first Comment: M-Bus parameter and receive buffer (see function block FbMBusMaster) Toggle variable for starting to read out the M-Bus meter. Automatically reset after read-out.

Feedback value: utMBInfo



Data type: Comment: typMBusInfo Fixed meter data (header in data telegram with ID, manufacturer, medium, ..) .bPAdr BYTE Primary address read out .stID STRING(8) Secondary address (ID) .stMAN STRING(3) 3-digit manufacturer code .stMED STRING(14) Medium to be measured .bMGen BYTE Version number (generation) .bMStatus BYTE M-Bus status byte .bAllRecords BYTE Number of data records in the telegram .bGoodRecords BYTE Analysed data records typMBus Meter reading Record (value, power of 10, unit) .Value STRING(21) Value as string .Pof10 STRING(3) Power of 10 as string .Unit STRING(7) Unit as string .Enum_Unit typMBusUnit Unit as constant (enumeration) BYTE Error code 0x00 = no error 0x01 = interface error (SERCOMM) 0x02 = M-Bus timeout 0x03 = M-Bus layer 1 error (CRC, ...) 0x04 = no analysable records

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

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General M-Bus Meter (FbMBus_General)

Graphical display:

Function description: The function block FbMBus_General is used to read out and decode the data of a M-Bus meter. It returns exactly one meter reading. The function block can only be used in connection with the M-Bus communication block FbMBusMaster. Both function blocks are synchronized via the variable structure utMBus and must therefore be connected to each other. The input variable dwAdr is preallocated with the primary (<256) or secondary (>256) address of the M-Bus meter. By setting xSND_NKE, a M-Bus normalisation command is sent to the meter before the data is read out. As a result, st meters with sequence telegrams can respond with their 1 (important) telegram at the next request. The xStart input/output variable starts reading out the meter. This variable is automatically reset after read-out. bError indicates whether the read-out has been performed without error. The consumption value of the M-Bus meter is contained in the output variable utData when the read-out has been performed successfully. The most important record is automatically determined by the program when several records are contained in the telegram. The importance order is specified as follow: 1. Energy value 2. Volume 3. HCA (Heat Cost Allocator, nondimensional) 4. Power 5. Volume flow 6. Temperature 7. Differential temperature 8. Pressure To convert the meter reading into both a REAL type value and a desired unit, the function block FbUnitConverter described further below can be connected downstream by the user.

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

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M-Bus Multi Telegram Meter (FbMBus_MultiTel)

M-Bus Multi Telegram Meter (FbMBus_MultiTel)

WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: dwAdr Input/output parameter: xStart Building Automation FbMBus_MultiTel Funktionsblock X Funktion MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: DWORD Data type: BOOL


Comment: M-Bus primary address (>255 Sec.-Adr.) Comment: Toggle variable for starting to read out the M-Bus meter. Automatically reset after read-out. M-Bus parameter and receive buffer (see function block FbMBusMaster)



Feedback value: utMBInfo

Data type: Comment: typMBusInfo Fixed meter data (header in data telegram with ID, manufacturer, medium, ..) .bPAdr BYTE Primary address read out .stID STRING(8) Secondary address (ID) .stMAN STRING(3) 3-digit manufacturer code .stMED STRING(14) Medium to be measured .bMGen BYTE Version number (generation) .bMStatus BYTE M-Bus status byte .bAllRecords BYTE Number of data records in the telegram .bGoodRecords BYTE Analysed data records utMBRecord ARRAY[1..2 Byte array with meter reading 0] OF (value, power of 10, unit) typMBus Record .Value STRING(21) Value as string .Pof10 STRING(3) Power of 10 as string .Unit STRING(7) Unit as string .Descriptor STRING(6) Description (e.g.. L1 for phase 1) .Enum_Unit typMBusUnit Unit as constant (enumeration) RecNo BYTE Number of entries

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus Multi Telegram Meter (FbMBus_MultiTel)



Error code 0x00 = no error 0x01 = interface error (SERCOMM) 0x02 = M-Bus timeout 0x03 = M-Bus layer 1 error (CRC, ...) 0x04 = no analysable records

Graphical display:

Function description: The function block FbMBus_MultiTel is used to read out and decode the data of a M-Bus multi telegram meter (e.g.. electricity meter DELTA+ Serie of ABB DAM13000, DZ4000 and Berg BAM13000 The function block can only be used in connection with the M-Bus communication block FbMBusMaster. Both function blocks are synchronized via the variable structure utMBus and must therefore be connected to each other. The input variable dwAdr is preallocated with the primary (<256) or secondary (>256) address of the M-Bus meter. By setting xSND_NKE, a M-Bus normalisation command is sent to the meter before the data is read out. As a result, meters with sequence telegrams can st respond with their 1 (important) telegram at the next request. The xStart input/output variable starts reading out the meter. This variable is automatically reset after read-out. bError indicates whether the read-out has been performed without error. The output variable utMBRecord is an array of type typMBusRecord. It contains a maximum entry of 20 M-Bus data sets. RecNo indicates the number of decoded data sets. Die Variablen utMBRecord.Descriptor might provides an additional description for the individual M-Bus data set. Possible discriptions are: T1, T2, tariff L1, L2, L3 Phases of electrical network LF power factor FR Frequency To convert the meter reading into both a REAL type value and a desired unit, the function block FbUnitConverter described further below can be connected downstream by the user. It is possible to read meter values of any medium types.

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus RawDevice (FbMBus_RawDevice)

M-Bus RawDevice (FbMBus_RawDevice)

WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: dwAdr xSND_NKE Input/output parameter: utMBus xStart Building Automation FbMBus_RawDevice Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: DWORD BOOL Data type: typMBus BOOL

X Program

Comment: M-Bus primary address M-Bus normalisation command first Comment: M-Bus parameter and receive buffer (see function block FbMBusMaster) Toggle variable for starting to read out the meter. Automatically reset after readout. Comment: Byte array with M-Bus raw data Data buffer

Feedback value: MBusBuffer .aobData

.bLength bError

Data type: typMBus Buffer ARRAY [0..255] OF BYTE BYTE BYTE

Occupied length in data buffer Error code 0x00 = no error 0x01 = interface error (SERCOMM) 0x02 = M-Bus timeout 0x03 = M-Bus layer 1 error (CRC, ...)

Graphical display:

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus RawDevice (FbMBus_RawDevice)

Function description: The function block FbMBus_RawDevice is used to read out a M-Bus meter and returns the raw data without analyse in a byte array. It can only be used in connection with the M-Bus communication block FbMBusMaster. Both function blocks are synchronized via the variable structure utMBus and must therefore be connected to each other. The input variable dwAdr is preallocated with the primary address of the M-Bus meter. By setting xSND_NKE, a M-Bus normalisation command is sent to the meter before the data is read out. As a result, meters with sequence telegrams can st respond with their 1 (important) telegram at the next request. The xStart input/output variable starts reading out the M-Bus meter This variable is automatically reset after read-out. bError indicates whether the read-out has been performed without error. Both a byte array with M-Bus raw data and the length of this array are contained in the output variable MBusBuffer when the read-out has been performed successfully.

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

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M-Bus Send data (FbMBusSend)

M-Bus Send data (FbMBusSend)

WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: dwAdr bCField xSND_NKE MBusBuffer .aobData Building Automation FbMBusSend Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: DWORD BYTE BOOL typMBus Buffer ARRAY [0..255] OF BYTE BYTE Data type: typMBus BOOL

X Program

Comment: M-Bus primary address M-Bus C-Feld (16#53 for send data) M-Bus normalisation command first Byte array with M-Bus raw data without frame (from CI-Feld) Data buffer

.bLength Input/output parameter: utMBus xStart

Occupied length in data buffer Comment: M-Bus parameter and receive buffer (see function block FbMBusMaster) Toggle variable for starting to read out the meter. Automatically reset after readout. Comment: Error code 0x00 = no error 0x01 = interface error (SERCOMM) 0x02 = M-Bus timeout 0x03 = M-Bus layer 1 error (CRC, ...)

Feedback value: bError

Data type: BYTE

Graphical display:

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

E-Mail: Web:


M-Bus Send data (FbMBusSend)

Function description: The function block FbMBusSend is used to transmit data to an M-Bus meter. It must be executed in conjunction with the FbMBusMaster communications module. Synchronisation of several instances of the module or with other modules that request data is achieved by means of the variable structure "utMBus", which is also used by the FbMBusMaster communications module. The M-Bus data to be transmitted are made available in the "MBusBuffer" input variables from the CI field up to the last data byte. A data record to be sent appears as follows (68 = start character, L = length byte, Dat1, , Datn = data, CRC = checksum, 16 = stop character): 68 L L 68 C-Field PAdr CI-Field Dat1 Dat2 Datn CRC 16 (numbers hexadecimal). "MbusBuffer" is determined by the program together with (CI-Field, Dat1, Dat2, , Datn) and the buffer length n+1 before transmission. FbMBusSend automatically inserts start character, length, CRC and stop character. The meter addressed by means of "dwAdr" acknowledges the received data record with the individual character 16#E5. If all M-Bus meters on the bus are to receive the data record, then the broadcast address 255 can be used without acknowledgement. In this case, the FbMBusMaster communications module automatically ensures that no telegrams are repeated and that there is therefore no unnecessary waiting time due to timeouts. "bCField" is the C-Field of the M-Bus telegram to be transmitted. The C-Feld has the value 16#53, for example, for "send data to slave" (or 16#73 when FCB is set). 16#52 (or 16#72 when FCB is set) is used for selecting a meter with the help of its 8digit ID (secondary address) on the primary address 253. The M-Bus CI-Field is the first byte of the "MBusBuffer" input variables. The CI-Field 16#51 signals to the addressed meter that data is to be sent to it from the master. With CI-Field 16#50, the addressed meter executes the "Application Reset" command. When "xSND_NKE" is set, an additional M-Bus normalisation command is sent to the addressed meter before the actual data are sent. The input/output variable "xStart" starts the transmission of data to the M-Bus meter. This variable is automatically reset when transmission is complete. bError indicates whether the read-out has been performed without error.

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

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M-Bus Send data (FbMBusSend)

Examples: 1st practical example: A Sensus COSMOS hybrid water meter only has the consumption and a few historical values in its telegram and not the instantaneous flow. In order to output consumption and flow at the same time in one telegram, it requires two set-up telegrams from the M-Bus master: 68 07 07 68 53 02 51 0F 07 55 4D 5E 16 switches the meter with address 2 to mixed protocol (hexadecimal telegram mode) 68 07 07 68 53 02 51 0F 07 55 4D 5E 16 selects consumption and flow for the meter with address 2 (hexadecimal telegram mode) Two constants of type "typMBusBuffer" can be created in the program, which are transmitted consecutively to the address of the meter by two instances of the function block "FBMBusSend". If there are several COSMOS hybrid water meters on the M-Bus network, then the telegram can be sent to the broadcast address 255 (= primary address 255). In doing so, it must be noted that, in this case, none of the meters acknowledges the received telegram with the individual character 16#E5. FbMBusSend gives a timeout error, which in this case is of no significance however. VAR CONSTANT StoMP_Hybrid: typMBusBuffer := (aobData:=16#51,16#0F,16#07, 16#55,16#4D, 251(0),bLength:=5); MProt_Hybrid: typMBusBuffer := (aobData:=16#51,16#0F,16#07,16#4D,16#3A, 16#6A, 250(0),bLength:=6); END_VAR The meter can then be read with the function model "FbMBus_Water". When doing so, the SND_NKE option must be deactivated, as otherwise the meter will fall back on its standard telegram without the instantaneous flow.

2nd practical example: An "Application Reset" command is to be output to a meter. In rare cases, this command may be necessary to ensure that the meter replies to the next query with its standard telegram. 68 03 03 68 53 02 50 A5 16 the meter with address 2 receives an "Application Reset" command (hexadecimal telegram mode)) VAR CONSTANT AppRes: typMBusBuffer := (aobData:=80,255(0),bLength:=1); END_VAR The constant "AppRes" is passed to the FbMBusSend function block for transmission.

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

E-Mail: Web:


M-Bus Unit Converter (FbUnitConverter)

Unit Converter
M-Bus Unit Converter (FbUnitConverter)
WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: UtMBRecord .Value .Pof10 .Unit .Enum_Unit UtUnit typMBusUnit Target unit desired Feedback value: RValue XError Graphical display: Building Automation FbUnitConverter Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: TypMBus Record STRING(21) STRING(3) STRING(7) typMBusUnit

X Program

Comment: M-Bus data records (value, power of 10, unit) Value as string Power of 10 as string Unit as string Unit as constant (enumeration)

Data type: REAL BOOL

Comment: Value of target unit utUnit Error when converting to the target unit

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

E-Mail: Web:


M-Bus Unit Converter (FbUnitConverter)

Function description: The function block FbUnitConverter is used to convert a M-Bus record utMBRecord into both a desired target unit utUnit and a REAL type value rValue. xError indicates whether the conversion into the target unit has been performed without error. The unit converter can be connected downstream to the data outputs of the function blocks FbMBus_Water, FbMBus_Electricity, FbMBus_Heat and FbMBus_General. The variable utUnit can assume the following values: TYPE typMBusUnit : (miW, W, kW, MW,GW, miJps,Jps,kJps,MJps,GJps, miJpmin,Jpmin,kJpmin,MJpmin,GJpmin, miJph,Jph,kJph,MJph,GJph, miWs, Ws, kWs, MWs,GWs, miJ,J,kJ,MJ,GJ, miWmin, Wmin, kWmin, MWmin,GWmin, miWh, Wh, kWh, MWh,GWh, mil,l,m3, milps,lps,m3ps, milpmin,lpmin,m3pmin, milph,lph,m3ph, g,kg, gps,kgps, gpmin,kgpmin, gph,kgph, mibar,bar,kbar, miC,C, miK,K, HCA, V mA, A none); END_TYPE mi = milli, k = kilo, M = Mega, G = Giga ps = per second, pmin = per minute, ph = per hour 3 l = Litre, m3 = m ,W = Watt, J = Joule HCA = Heat Cost Allocator (without unit) None = invalid Note: Please note that the converted meter values may have rounding errors due to the REAL format. It is not possible to convert input values outside the range of 3 999 999 999

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

E-Mail: Web:


M-Bus Version

M-Bus Version
WAGO-I/O-PRO Library Elements
Category: Name: Type: Library name: Applicable to: Input parameter: EN Building Automation MBus_Version Function block Function MBus_03.lib See release note Data type: BOOL

X Program

Comment: The function block is trigged by a positive going edge at this input Comment: Library version

Feedback value: MBUS_VERSION Graphical display:

Data type: WORD

Function description: The function block MBUS_VERSION returns the current version number to the library. This function block can be used for information during the program development. Furthermore version conflicts can be prevented at runtime.

Subject to design changes Copyright 2013

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastr. 27 D-32423 Minden

Tel.: 05 71 / 8 87-0 Fax.: 05 71 / 8 87-169

E-Mail: Web:


WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden Hansastrae 27 D-32423 Minden Telefon: 05 71/8 87 0 Telefax: 05 71/8 87 1 69 E-Mail: Internet:

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