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Project Report Format Malaysia

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Documentation (Refer Appendix H1) This section describes the documentation guidelines for manual Final Year Project as described in previous section. These guidelines must be strictly followed by the final year students and supervised lecturers. Table 1: Documentation Format Content No. 1. Items Cover Page Description The cover for all proposal, report and documentation must contain the project title, author names, registration number, department name, polytechnic name and session of study. See Appendix B1. Use only high quality white A4 70-gram or A4 80-gram paper, size 210mm X 297mm. For each page, the margin should be: Left: 40 mm Right, Top and Bottom: 25 mm Header and Footer: 15 mm 1.5 spacing should be use in preparing the proposal, report and documentation includes for tables or charts. The typesetting which acceptable is: Font Type: Times New Roman, Font Size : 12 pt Chapter Title: Uppercase, Bold, Centered Chapter Sub-section: Title Case, Bold, Align left Paragraph: Justify All tables, charts, figures, and graphs should be numbered and have titles. Both the number and the title should be centered either directly above or directly below the table. The numbering must be related to the Chapter. For example: Figure 2.4 is the fourth figure in Chapter 2. Final Project Report must be written in not more than 100 pages length. It only considered text EXCLUDING front page, appendix and references. Bottom right Any material taken from another source must be identified, and a brief reference to its source included in the text. A complete reference to the document is included in the reference at the end of student final project report. The student must follow The American Psychological Association (APA) reference citations style for references in text. See Appendix C1. Semester 6: Report cover must be Buckram (hardcover), gold printing and 1418 times New Roman font face. See Appendix B1 and Appendix B2.

2. 3.

Paper and Size Margin




Figure and Table


Final Project Report (Level 6) Paging References

7. 8.



Report Table 2: Project Outcome Outcome Final project report Portfolio Description A final project report is a written documentation of the project and declare with signature saying the report represent the students original work and no act of plagiarism is present in their work. Project portfolio is a complete record of all the work or documentation done by the students based on the project progress. Students need to complete the checklist form for final submission to the supervisor Documentation that contains major functions performed by the system and describes the architecture of the system in non-technical terms. See Appendix N Student must produce a final product in softcopy (CD) to supervisor and coordinator.

User manual

Final product

Final Project Report (Refer Appendix H1 until Appendix N) A final project report is a written documentation of the project and declares with signature saying the report represents the students original work and no act of plagiarism is present in their work. The contents of final project report must include the entire list in the Table 3. Table 3: Final Report Content No. Description 1. Cover & Report Backbone See Appendix H1. 2. Plain paper 3. Title Page See Appendix. 4. Declaration of Originality Student makes declaration on their project originality, with the exclusion of quotations in the written report. See Appendix. 5. Approval for Submission See Appendix 6. Acknowledgements See Appendix. 7. Abstract An abstract is not same as synopsis or project overview. It must state the scope project domain, problem statement, the solution, research methodology and the outcome. Abstract should be a one page summary of 150 300 words







and typed in 1.5 line spacing. See Appendix. Table of Contents Each students contribution to the relevant chapters and section should clearly be indicated by chapter in the project report I. See Appendix. List of Tables List of table title with page numbers. The number sequence must follow the chapter. See Appendix. List of Figures Figures include pictures, photograph, painting, graph, cart and map. Same with table list, the figure must have page number and it is sequence follow the chapter. See Appendix. List of Appendices This page will list all the Appendices in the project. Include all relevant documentation, source code of system, screen displays, user manual and Gantt Chart. See Appendix. Chapter 1 (Introduction) i. Introduction Explain on introductory project that carried out together current issue related to project. ii. Problem Statement Explain the problems that arise which made the chosen project is carried out. iii. Objective List the reason why the project is carried out. It should be in form point (1....2.3.) and not in paragraph form. The objectives must be measurable and achievable. iv. Scope Student needs to state the scope or project boundaries while doing this project. This scope will make sure that this project will be done correctly according to the stated scope. a. System Scope This section refers to the coverage of your system (area, time, payment, delivery, cancellation). Student needs to elaborate objectives of project. b. Users Scope Target users are people who can interact with your system (e.g: E Learning: target user: students, lecturers). However, you may want to narrow down your target users based on the accessability of your project. v. Project Significant Explain the interest of implementing project that carried out. vi. Conclusion Summarize the chapter content that were implemented for the project. Chapter 2 (Literature Review) Explain about the study that was carried out by other existing project, related to the project being carried out. Its also provides the comparison between current projects with the project that needs to be developed. (Can probably stated project weakness earlier). Minimum of three(3) literature reviews.






It explains the technique / method / equipment or technology that would be taken in implementing project. Students need to make numerous references from books, conference working paper, journal article, magazine, report or Internet. All source of references need to be recorded clearly in the text and are stated in index. Chapter 3 (Methodology) Explain the project development model and framework comprehensively that adopt systems development or study implementation. The content should of method, technique or approach which will be used during design and project implementation phase. Chapter 4 (Analysis & Design) Students need to explain and show the detailed project analysis and design that has been done to complete the project. It includes all system development diagrams, flowcharts, schematic diagrams and screenshots. Students need to refer to level 5 for the content of analysis report and design report . Chapter 5 (Development and Testing) Students need to explain the development process and their result of the project. The testing processes also must be done to verify the functionality of the project. Chapter 6 (Suggestion and Conclusion) Student must make some conclusion about the project and discuss about importance of the outcome. Students also have to make some suggestion in order to enhance the project. Reference References mean a list of works cited from published books, public document, journals, articles, thesis, magazines, films, videos, slides, maps, unpublished materials and electronic materials including websites. The way of written is follow the APA style format. Refer Appendix.

APPENDIX E : Project Planner

F5228 and FP621 Project Planner WEEK 1 2 ACTIVITY CONSULTATION PRACTICAL Project proposal Review project plan review and project design Discuss problem Develop problem specification, design, specification, design, and code the program and code the program Report and discuss Develop the project the progress of the Demonstrate 25% project development completed Report and discuss Develop the project the progress of the project development Discuss testing Conduct unit testing, integration testing and system testing Discuss the findings Rectify the errors of project testing detected in the system Demonstrate 50% completed Discuss the findings Rectify the errors of project testing detected in the system Review deliverables Perform implementation plan Review deliverables Perform implementation plan Demonstrate 75% completed Review deliverables Perform and design implementation plan specification Review deliverables Perform and design implementation plan specification Demonstrate 100% completed Review project Compile project documentation documentation Compile project Present the project documentation DELIVERABLES

25% Demonstration


50% Demonstration

8 9 10

75% demonstration



100% Demonstration

14 15

Final Project draft Portfolio Project document

FN621 Network Project Analysis & Design Planner WEEK 1 ACTIVITY CONSULTATION PRACTICAL Project proposal Assign tasks to review project team members Plan the schedule Discuss and plan the Plan the schedule reviewed design Discuss the progress Demonstrate 25% of the project completed development Report and discuss Manage the hardware the progress of the and software project development configuration Manage the network configuration Report and discuss Demonstrate 50% the progress of the completed project development Discuss testing and Test and troubleshoot troubleshooting the project Document the testing result Discuss the findings Demonstrate 75% of project testing completed Discuss the findings Troubleshoot faults of project testing detected Document the testing result Discuss project Demonstrate 100% documentation completed Discuss project Compile project documentation documentation Compile project Present the project documentation DELIVERABLES

2 3

25% Demonstration


50% demonstration


11 12

75% Demonstration

13 14 15

100% demonstration Final Project Draft Portfolio Project document

APPENDIX F : Analysis Report Contents Contents of Analysis Report for Diploma in Programming No. 1.0 Descriptions Input Briefly explain information or data that is needed to solve the problem statement and achieve the objectives of the project. Briefly explain the techniques used in fact-finding for an input to develop the project. Techniques Used In Fact-Finding for an Input 1. Interviews Interviews are a fact-finding technique to collect information from individuals face to face. Interviews Guidelines:i. Identify the interviewees ii. Set the interview objectives for determining the right questions to ask iii. Prepare the interviews iv. Conduct the interviews v. Document and evaluate the interviews. vi. Refer to Appendix I1 for sample interview guide. 2. Documentation review. Data collection of existing records or documents such as systems descriptions, system architecture documentation, system flowcharts. 3. Observation A technique where the project developer watches a person performs activities to learn about the system or operations. Observation Guidelines:i. Determine the who, what, where, when, why and how of the observations ii. Obtain permission from appropriate supervisors or managers 6. Questionnaires A set of standard questions to collect information and opinions from respondents. Refer Appendix I2 for sample questionnaires. 7. Sampling Sampling is the process of selecting participants from populations for a research project. 8. Research Searching the application and problem through the internet, reading computer trade journals and reference books, visiting companies to obtain information. Output Explain the information produced by a computer or system based on client target specification and clients requirements.






Types of output:i. Publication output (e.g. report, user manual, receipt) ii. Screen output (e.g. graphic, chart and table) Process Briefly explain the structure or flow chart, software and hardware specification and procedures of the project development. Performance Briefly explain the operational workload, the underlying hardware and software infrastructure and the applications persistent data volume of the project development. Control List all the prevention or the safety precaution that have in the project or the system to guarantee the accuracy and security of data and information.

No. 1.0



Contents of Analysis Report for Diploma in Networking Descriptions Project Requirements Identify the problems, need and new network should perform among user groups that are needed to solve the problem statement and achieve the objectives of the project. Techniques Used In Fact-Finding for Project Requirements 1. Interviews Interviews are a fact-finding technique to collect information from individuals face to face. Interviews Guidelines:i. Identify the interviewees ii. Set the interview objectives for determining the right questions to ask iii. Prepare the interviews iv. Conduct the interviews v. Document and evaluate the interviews. vi. Refer Appendix I1 for sample interview guide. 2. Documentation review. Data collection of existing records or documents such as systems descriptions, system architecture documentation, system flowcharts. 3. Observation A technique where the project developer watches a person performs activities to learn about the system or operations. Observation Guidelines:i. Determine the who, what, where, when, why and how of the observations ii. Obtain permission from appropriate supervisors or managers 4. Questionnaires A set of standard questions to collect information and opinions from respondents. Refer Appendix I2 for sample questionnaires. 5. Sampling Sampling is the process of selecting participants from populations for a research project. 6. Research Searching the application and problem through the internet, reading computer trade journals and reference books, visiting companies to obtain information. Network Project Environment Guidelines i. Number of users ii. Locations where data are collected, work is performed or information is needed iii. Current Internet connectivity iv. Existing network infrastructure and physical layout v. Reliability and uptime expectations vi. Security and privacy considerations


vii. Budget constraints Technical Requirements Guidelines i. Hardware requirements ii. Operating System requirements iii. Network requirements iv. Physical topology v. Networking software vi. Internetworking devices

APPENDIX G : Design Report Contents

Contents of Design Report for Diploma in Programming No. Descriptions 1.0 User Interface Design The process of designing the way which users directly interact with the information system to provide inputs and queries and receive outputs. User Interface Design Guidelines i. User familiarity: The interface should use terms and concepts drawn from the experience of the people who will make most use of the system ii. Consistency: The interface should be consistent in that, wherever possible, comparable operations should be activated in the same way iii. Recoverability: The interface should include mechanisms to allow users to recover from errors iv. User guidance: The interface should provide meaningful feedback when errors occur and provide context-sensitive user help facilities. v. User diversity: The interface should provide appropriate interaction facilities for different types of system users. See Appendix J1 for interface design. 2.0 Input Design Input design describes the capture and gets the data into a format suitable for the computer. Besides it is designed to reduce the possibility of incorrect data being entered. Input Design Guidelines i. Use an appropriate form for data capture. ii. Use well designed computer screen layout. iii. Identify the information to be fill in by the user. iv. Declare the volume of data to be input should be minimized v. Explain techniques used to validate data (e.g. Determine the limitation range of the input data for each field in the program or system) - See Appendix J2 3.0 Output Design Output design present information to project or system users. Output Design Guidelines i. Identify the type of output design being used in the project. ii. External outputs, Internal outputs and Turnaround outputs. iii. Assure purposeful output design iv. Identify the appropriate quantity of output v. Computer outputs should be simple to read and interpret. vi. Define the user requirements that can be acceptable by the user. - Refer Appendix J3

No. 1.0


Contents of Design Report for Diploma in Networking Descriptions Logical Design Logical design describes what the network must do and how it must perform and specifies how data flows through a network. Logical Design Guidelines:i. Network topology ii. Addressing strategy iii. Security scheme iv. Network troubleshooting Physical Design Physical design creates a detailed specification of the hardware, software, links, services and cabling necessary to implement the Logical Design. Physical Design Guidelines i. Diagrams that indicate the path of the physical wiring layout ii. The type of cable iii. Routing, bridging and switching protocols iv. Installation schedule that specifies the time and duration of physical or service disruptions v. Post-installing testing plan vi. User training plan

APPENDIX H1 : Example of Title/Cover Page

25 mm

25 mm



40 mm

03DIP09F1088 03DIP09F1099
25 mm




25 mm


25 mm

Notes : y is line spacing adjusted equally

____ __________

25 mm

APPENDIX H2 : Example of Back Bone Report




APPENDIX H3 : Example of Title Page

25 mm

25 mm


x lines


03DIP09F1088 03DIP09F1099

40 mm

x lines

25 mm

A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Diploma in Information Technology (Programming) y lines DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION POLITEKNIK SULTAN ABDUL HALIM MUADZAM SHAH y lines SESSION JANUARI 2011 25 mm

Notes : x is line spacing adjusted equally

____ y is line spacing adjusted equally __________

25 mm

APPENDIX H4 : Example of Declaration of Originality25 mm

25 mm

DECLARATION ( Three 1.5 lines spacing )

I hereby declare that this project report is based on my original work except for citations and quotations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously and concurrently submitted for any other diploma or award at Polytechnic or other institutions. 40 mm 25 mm

1. Signature Name

: :

Registration Number : Date :

2. Signature Name

: :

Registration Number : Date :

25 mm

APPENDIX H5 : Example of Approval for Submission Page25 mm

25 mm

APPROVAL FOR SUBMISSION ( Three 1.5 lines spacing)

Project report entitled: MULTYCLINICS SYSTEM Submitted by: 40 mm NUR FATIN HANANI BT MUHAMMAAD (03DIP09F1088) NURSYUHADA BY AYOB (03DIP09F1099) 25 mm

This project report has been proposed, checked and approved as a fulfillment and need of report writing as determined.

Checked by : Supervisors Signature : Supervisors Name Date : :

Approved by : Coordinators Signature : Coordinators Name Date : :

25 mm

APPENDIX H6 : Example of Acknowledgements

25 mm

25 mm

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ( Three 1.5 lines spacing)

I would like to thank everyone who had contributed to the successful completion of this project. I would like to express my gratitude to my project supervisor, Puan Amyzah binti Ahmad his invaluable advice, guidance and his enormous patience throughout the development of the research. 40 mm In addition, I would also like to express my gratitude to my loving parent and friends who had helped and given me encouragement. (Not more than a page) 25 mm

25 mm

APPENDIX H7 : Example of Abstract

25 mm

25 mm

ABSTRACT ( Three 1.5 lines spacing)

The purpose of this project is to develop a system namely Multyclinics System. It can be used for clinic needs such as patient detail, stock detail, panel companies details and doctor details systematically. The system has been developed by using two software which are Microsoft Access 2000 and 40 mm Microsoft VisualBasic 6.0. the software consists of data, patient, stocks, panel companies and doctors. (Must be summarized in 150 - 300 words and only in one page). 25 mm

25 mm

APPENDIX H8 : Example of Content Page

25 mm

25 mm

TABLE OF CONTENTS ( Three 1.5 lines spacing)


PAGE ii iii iv v vi ix x xi 25 mm

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.4 Background Scope 1.4.1 1.4.2 User Scope System Scope 4 4 1


APPENDIX H9: Example of Table List

25 mm

25 mm

LIST OF TABLES ( Three 1.5 lines spacing)

TABLE NO. 2.1 2.2 3.1 40 mm 3.2 3.3

TITLE Hardware Software Segment Table Range for Each Zone Block Doctor Report

PAGE 11 13 17 19 21 25 mm

25 mm

APPENDIX H10 : Example of Figure List

25 mm

25 mm

LIST OF FIGURES ( Three 1.5 lines spacing)

FIGURE NO. 1.1 2.1 3.1 40 mm 3.2 3.3

TITLE Data Flow Diagram Password Interface Design Patient Information Interface Design Patient Report Interface Design
Segmentation on letter a, e and n

PAGE 4 12 18 19 21 25 mm

25 mm

APPENDIX H11 : Example of Appendix List

25 mm

25 mm

LIST OF APPENDICES ( Three 1.5 lines spacing)


TITLE Symbol List Technical Specification of Force Sensing Resistor Anthropometric Data

PAGE 13 16 20 22 25 mm

25 mm

APPENDIX I1 : Sample of Interview Guide

Date: Time: Place: Interviewee : Interviewer : Objectives:

Tuesday, March 23, 1993 1.30 p.m 2.30 p.m Room 223, Admin Building Jeff Bentley, Accounts Receivable Manager Ganesh Duke, Project Developer 1. To obtain an understanding of the existing credit-checking policies 2. To know the procedures of credit-checking

Time 2 min

Questions Who are the individuals that perform the credit checks?



. .

2 min

How are customers

notified when credit is not . approved for their order?

APPENDIX I2 : Sample of Questionnaires Guide


Example of free-format questionnaires:1. What reports do you currently receive and how are they used? 2. Are there any problems with these reports(e.g., are they inaccurate)? If so, please explain.

Example of fixed-format questionnaires:1. Is the current accounts receivable report that you receive useful? Yes No

2. The implementation of quantity discounts would cause an increase in customer orders. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree No opinion

APPENDIX J1 : Example of User Interface Design


APPENDIX J2 : Example of User Input Design

(Source: -

APPENDIX J3 : Example of User Output Design

(Source: -

APPENDIX K : Example of CD Cover A. Front Cover

Project Title: Student Name: Registration No: Session/Year: Supervisor Name:

B. Back Cover


C. CD Label

Project Title: Student Name: Registration No:

APPENDIX M : Example of Log Book





Please insert photograph here




Student Signature, ( )

CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Introduction Reminder to the Students Credit & Duration Format of Log Book Weekly Activities Report


1.0 INTRODUCTION The Final Project Log Book is used specifically for writing notes on all the activities and work done by students throughout the duration of the project. The Log Book is one of the ways in which the department can identify and assess the attitude, initiative, achievement of the students project. It is one of a requirement for students to complete during the project is carried out either work individually or in a team under supervision of respective supervisors. Therefore, it is important for students to fully utilize the Log Book and submit to a panel of examiners for evaluation.

2.0 REMINDER TO THE STUDENTS 1. The Log Book must be handed in to the supervisor to be graded and verified at least once in every week. 2. Students must bring along their Log Book at every meeting and discussion with their supervisor so that verification can be done after the session. 3. The Log Book must be handed in to the supervisor with the Final Project Report for evaluation and grading.

3.0 CREDITS & MEETING DURATION The whole project carries 4 credits. At the 5th Semester, students will: 1. 2. 3. Select or propose the title of the project. Find and identify supervisor for project consultation. Develop project proposal.

The implementation of the project will be developed in 6th Semester. The duration for students to meet supervisor is three hours per week and five hours self learning time (SLT) in a project lab. The students attendance will be taken during SLT by the supervised lecturer.

4.0 FORMAT OF LOG BOOK Forms and Conditions of the Log Book 1. The Log Book must be written in English language due to the technical aspects and terminology used for the project. 2. The method of written in each sheet must include activities, procedure, suggestion and conclusion. Please refer to example. 3. 4. Supervisor is advisable to comment every task that student has done. The number of words should be not more than 100 words.

WEEKLY ACTIVITIES REPORT (Example) Week : Week 2 Date : 29/03/2011 Time : 2.30 pm

This report has to be written in every week and enclose detailed attachment to support your report if necessary.

Example Activity: 1. Find information for chapter 1 (Introduction).

Procedure: 1. Surfing internet for searching information related to chapter 1.

Suggestion & Conclusion: 1. Searching information from other sources such as published books, public document, journals, articles, thesis and magazines. 2. Complete written introduction and problem statements.

Supervisor comment: Student has performed the task. Please proceed for identifying objectives and scope project.

Verified by Supervisors Signature: ( Siti Dianah Binti Abdul Bujang ) Date: 29/03/2011


This report has to be written in every week and enclose detailed attachment to support your report if necessary.

Supervisor comment:

Verified by Supervisors Signature: ( ) Date:

APPENDIX N : Example of Users Manual

Project or System Name

Department of Information and Communication Technology

Session, Year

Revision Sheet

Release No. Rev. 0 Rev. 1

Date 5/30/00 4/10/02

Revision Description Users Manual Template and Checklist Conversion to WORD 2000 format

Page 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 2-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 System Overview ....................................................................................................... 2-1 Project References ..................................................................................................... 2-2 Authorized Use Permission........................................................................................ 2-2 Points of Contact ........................................................................................................ 2-2 1.4.1 Information .................................................................................................... 2-2 1.4.2 Coordination .................................................................................................. 2-2 1.4.3 Help Desk....................................................................................................... 2-2 Organization of the Manual ....................................................................................... 2-2 Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................... 2-3 System Configuration ................................................................................................ 3-3 Data Flows ................................................................................................................. 3-3 User Access Levels .................................................................................................... 3-3 Contingencies and Alternate Modes of Operation ..................................................... 3-3 Logging On ................................................................................................................ 4-1 System Menu ............................................................................................................. 4-1 3.2.x [System Function Name] ............................................................................... 4-1 Changing User ID and Password ............................................................................... 4-1 Exit System ................................................................................................................ 4-1 [System Function Name] ........................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.x [System Sub-Function Name] ........................................................................ 4-1 Special Instructions for Error Correction ................................................................... 4-1 Caveats and Exceptions ............................................................................................. 4-2 Input Procedures and Expected Output ...4-1 Query Capabilities ..................................................................................................... 5-1 Query Procedures ....................................................................................................... 5-1

1.5 1.6 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.0 5.1 5.2 6.0

SYSTEM SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 3-3

GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................ 4-1

USING THE SYSTEM (ONLINE) ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

QUERYING ........................................................................................................................ 5-1

REPORTING ...................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Report Capabilities..................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Report Procedures ...................................................................................................... 6-1



1.1 System Overview Explain in general terms the system and the purpose for which it is intended. The description shall include:

Major functions performed by the system Describe the architecture of the system in non-technical terms, (e.g., client/server, Web-based, etc.)

User access mode, (e.g., graphical user interface) Responsible organization System name or title System code System category: Major application: performs clearly defined functions for which there is a readily identifiable security consideration and need General support system: provides general ADP or network support for a variety of users and applications

Operational status: Operational Under development Undergoing a major modification General description System environment or special conditions


Project References Provide a list of the references that were used in preparation of this document in order of importance to the end user.


Authorized Use Permission Provide a warning regarding unauthorized usage of the system and making unauthorized copies of data, software, reports, and documents, if applicable. If waiver use or copy permissions need to be obtained, describe the process.


Points of Contact 1.4.1 Information Provide a list of the points of organizational contact (POCs) that may be needed by the document user for informational and troubleshooting purposes. Include type of contact, contact name, department, telephone number, and e-mail address (if applicable). Points of contact may include, but are not limited to, help desk POC, development/maintenance POC, and operations POC. 1.4.2 Coordination Provide a list of organizations that require coordination between the project and its specific support function (e.g., installation coordination, security, etc.). Include a schedule for coordination activities. 1.4.3 Help Desk Provide help desk information including responsible personnel phone numbers for emergency assistance.


Organization of the Manual

Provide a list of the major sections of the Users Manual (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.) and a brief description of what is contained in each section.


Acronyms and Abbreviations

Provide a list of the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document and the meaning of each. 3.0 SYSTEM SUMMARY This section provides a general overview of the system written in non-technical terminology. The summary should outline the uses of the system in supporting the activities of the user and staff. 2.1 System Configuration Briefly describe and depict graphically the equipment, communications, and networks used by the system. Include the type of computer input and output devices. 2.2 Data Flows Briefly describe or depict graphically, the overall flow of data in the system. Include a user-oriented description of the method used to store and maintain data. 2.3 User Access Levels Describe the different users and/or user groups and the restrictions placed on system accessibility or use for each. 2.4 Contingencies and Alternate Modes of Operation On a high level, explain the continuity of operations in the event of emergency, disaster, or accident. Explain what the effect of degraded performance will have on the user.



This section provides a general walkthrough of the system from initiation through exit. The logical arrangement of the information shall enable the functional personnel to understand the sequence and flow of the system. Use screen prints to depict examples of text under each heading. 3.1 Logging On Describe the procedures necessary to access the system, including how to get a user ID and log on. If applicable, identify job request forms or control statements and the input, frequency, reason, origin, and medium for each type of output. 3.2 System Menu This section describes in general terms the system menu first encountered by the user, as well as the navigation paths to functions noted on the screen. Each system function should be under a separate section header, 3.2.1 - 3.2.x. 3.2.x [System Function Name] Provide a system function name and identifier here for reference in the remainder of the subsection. Describe the function and pathway of the menu item. Provide an average response time to use the function. 3.3 Changing User ID and Password Describe how the user changes a user ID. Describe the actions a user must take to change a password. 3.4 Exit System Describe the actions necessary to properly exit the system.


USING THE SYSTEM (ONLINE) This section provides a detailed description of the online system from initiation through exit, explaining in detail the characteristics of the required input and system-produced output.

This section provides a detailed description of system functions. Each function should be under a separate section header, 4.1 - 4.x, and should correspond sequentially to the system functions (menu items) listed in subsections 3.2.1 - 3.2.x. 4.1 [System Function Name] Provide a system function name and identifier here for reference in the remainder of the subsection. Describe the function in detail and depict graphically. Include screen

captures and descriptive narrative. 4.1.x [System Sub-Function Name] This subsection provides a detailed description of system sub-functions. Each sub-function should be under a separate section header, 4.1.1. - 4.x.y . Where applicable, for each sub-function referenced within a section in 4.x, describe in detail and depict graphically the sub-function name(s) referenced. Include screen captures and descriptive narrative.

The numbering of the following two sections will depend on how many system functions there are from 4.1 through 4.x. They are numbered here as 4.2 and 4.3 only for the sake of convenience. For example, if system functions run from sections 4.1 through 4.17, then the following two sections would be numbered 4.18 and 4.19.


Special Instructions for Error Correction Describe all recovery and error correction procedures, including error conditions that may be generated and corrective actions that may need to be taken.


Caveats and Exceptions If there are special actions the user must take to insure that data is properly saved or that some other function executes properly, describe those actions here. captures and descriptive narratives, if applicable. Include screen


Input Procedures and Expected Output Prepare a detailed series of instructions (in non technical terms) describing the procedures the user will need to follow to use the system. The following information should be included in these instructions: Detailed procedures to initiate system operation, including identification of job request forms or control statements and the inputs frequency, reason, origin, and medium for each type of output Illustrations of input formats Descriptions of input preparation rules Descriptions of output procedures identifying output formats and specifying the outputs purpose, frequency, options, media, and location Identification of all codes and abbreviations used in the systems output


QUERYING This section describes the query and retrieval capabilities of the system. The instructions necessary for recognition, preparation, and processing of a query applicable to a database shall be explained in detail. Use screen prints to depict examples of text under each heading.


Query Capabilities Describe or illustrate the pre-programmed and ad hoc query capabilities provided by the system. Include query name or code the user would invoke to execute the query. Include query parameters if applicable.


Query Procedures Develop detailed descriptions of the procedures necessary for file query including the parameters of the query and the sequenced control instructions to extract query requests from the database.


REPORTING This section describes and depicts all standard reports that can be generated by the system or internal to the user. Use screen prints as needed to depict examples of text under each heading.


Report Capabilities Describe all reports available to the end user. Include report format and the meaning of each field shown on the report. If user is creating ad hoc reports with special formats, please describe here. A separate subsection may be used for each report.


Report Procedures Provide instructions for executing and printing the different reports available. Include descriptions of output procedures identifying output formats and specifying the outputs purpose, frequency, options, media, and location.

Final Year Report Guidelines

General guidelines for user manuals

Provide a real (physical) user manual with the product: don't make people read a pdf.

Make sure the instructions actually map on to the product in all respects. Include a one-page quick start guide. Present instructions as step-by-step procedures. Tell the user what functions there are, and what they are for not just how to use them...

...but avoid marketing waffle (they already bought the product!) Ensure that the writers are part of the product design team. Write the user manual in synch with the product's development timeline not under pressure of shipping deadlines.

Make sure the writers have the product, understand the product, and actually use the product as they write.

Consider the needs of disabled users (i.e., low vision, colour-blind) and provide alternative manuals in Braille, large print, audio etc.

User-test the product and the user manual with real users (including disabled users).

How to give instructions Clearly this is the primary role of the user manual. It is critical that the instructions are easy to read and are understandable by all users. Many user manuals have instructions that are incomplete, incorrect, or simply have no bearing on the actual product. Here are some guidelines to help make instructions easy on the user.

Provide step-by-step sequences in the correct order. Follow the timing and sequencing of the actual operations . Provide visual stepping stones (e.g. Step 1, Step 2 etc.) Avoid lengthy paragraphs. Use everyday words and terms: avoid jargon.

Final Year Report Guidelines

Explain what a function or feature is for (in basic practical terms) as well as "How to" instructions.

Check that the instructions match the actual product. Explain symbols, icons and codes early. Avoid creating dead-ends. Avoid patronizing the user. Do not assume the user has prior experience or product knowledge. Usability test the instructions alongside the product using naive users (not designers or product experts).

Write in the present tense and the active voice.

Final Year Report Guidelines


Logging In

i. Open a web browser program and enter the URL of the administration page. ii. In the login page, enter required username and password. iii. Click on the Enter button or press Enter. If the username and password are correct, you will be given access to the Administration pages main page. If not, a message will appear indicating that the username and password you entered are invalid.

Figure 1: User Logging

Logging Out


Click on the Logout link. This will automatically redirect the user to the Login page.

Final Year Report Guidelines

Changing passwords i. On the left navigation area, click on the Change Password link. ii. Enter old and new passwords. iii. Click Save to apply

Figure 2: Retrieving your Password

Using the system


Reviewing your Orders in the System i. Upon logging into Result Point you will be directed to a list of available Orders (Figure 2) grouped by date in descending order with their respective site name(s) and the order date. ii. To view the details of an order click the Order ID Number and you will be redirected to the Order Preview Page for that order. iii. A notification message may be displayed below the date range selection pull-down box indicating that the user account currently logged in, is restricted by a specific Project ID and/or Site. In this case you will only see the Orders associated with that Project and/or Site.

Final Year Report Guidelines

Figure 2: Available Order

2.Using Shortcuts to Find an Order Quickly i. When viewing the Order List or while visiting the home page after login you will see an Order Lookup entry box. ii. Enter a known Order ID click the "Jump button and you will be directed to the order preview page for that order. A non-existent or inaccessible order will cause a redirection to the Order List with the appropriate message specifying the problem with that order.

Final Year Report Guidelines

Figure 3: Order Explorer Showing Orders

Final Year Report Guidelines


Using the Order Explorer to locate an order i. The Order Explorer organizes all available orders in an easy to manage tree-view listing. The Order Explorer allows for two tree listing arrangements for Orders: Show by Order Date, and Show by Project ID/Site. ii. When viewing Orders by date they will be arranged as follows: Customer Name then Order Year then Order Month. When viewing Orders by Project ID/Site they will be arranged as follows: Customer Name then Project ID then Site. iii. To preview an Order in the Order Explorer simply click on the Order link on the desired branch. iv. To show and hide the Order Explorer to make more room available to view data click the arrow button on the divider bar. v. To resize the width of the Order Explorer click in the background of the tree-view and drag left or right to make the width larger or smaller.

Figure 4: Order Explorer Showing Orders in two different views

Final Year Report Guidelines


Previewing an Order The Details of an order such as the Laboratory Order ID, Site Name(s), Date to Lab, and a Sample List consisting of the Laboratory Sample ID(s), Customer Sample ID(s), Matrices, Collection Date/Time as well as the Analysis Requested for each sample can be viewed on the Order Preview Page without having to load the actual result information.

Figure 5: Order Preview Page

Final Year Report Guidelines


Navigating and Working with the Report Page

Finding Samples Quickly

When viewing a report with a large number of samples, a desired sample can be found by scrolling down vertically in your web browser, and finding the appropriately labeled tabbed group. A sample can also be jumped to by clicking the Sample Number hyperlink in the sample list section of the report header.

Figure x: The Sample List

Final Year Report Guidelines

System Notifications

From time-to-time the Result Point system will notify users of events such as samples or parameters not being displayed in a report, or that an extra subset of information like permit limits that have been applied to the report for range checking, Etc.

Figure x: Message Notification

Managing Admin Pages Users

Adding Users i. On the left navigation area, click on the Users link. ii. Click on the Add new link. iii. Enter details and click on Save to update the database or Cancel to cancel the changes made.

Final Year Report Guidelines

APPENDIX P : Check List For Portfolio (6th Semester)

CHECK LIST FOR PORTFOLIO Students are required to include a complete record of all the work or documentation done by student based on the project progress in 6th Semester.

Project Title : ................................................................

Implementation : Deliverables for review Documentation: Document the project Log Book & CD Development: Specification, design and code Testing: Related project Initiating: Progressive deliverable of the project Presentation


Registration Number

Student Name


Verified by: ______________________ ( Supervisor Name ) Date : Final Year Report Guidelines

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