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Volume 2


Compiled N.A.W.A.T. by Alwis





Volume II;

Compiled Dy-_. N.A.W.A.T. Alwis,


B.Sc. (Hon.) (Cey.) Dip. Lib. (Cey.)



University of Peradeniya, SRI LANKA.

Pub I I r.licri b y

The Social Science Research Centre, National Science Council of Sri Lanka, 47/5 Maitland Place, Colombo 7.


VOLUME II Page UDC 634 634.0 Arboriculture (Trees, Shrubs). Forestry. Forests and Forest 327 Orchards. 344 345 345 347 327

products. 634. V* 634.1 634.13/.13 634.2 634.3 tfoed


Fruit Growings

Pome Fruits (Pyrus species,eto.) apples Pears. Apples.

Stone Fruits (Prunus species) Plums. Cherries. Citrus (and Moraceous) Fruits. Oranges. Citrons. Limes. Lemons, eto. Various tropical (small) Fruits. Guavas Mangoes. Tamarinds. Annonaceae. Nuts Cashew Nuts Pea-nutso Ground-nuts.



348 349 349 351 351

634.5 634.573 634.58 634.6 634.614

Palm and other Tropical, Sub tropical Fruits. Palms. Oil palaso palmso Kitulo Palayrah

351 353 403 403

634.616 634.651 634.653 634.675 634.7 634.75 634.772 634.774 634.775 634c8 '

Coconuts Papain Avooado

Sol&naoeous Fruits : Brinjal, eto. 403 Soft Fruits (small plants ar shrubs) Strawberries, Bananas Pineapples Passion Fruits Viticulture 404 404 408 406 408 409

UDC 655 635 .V .6 655.1 635.11. 635.12 635.13 635.2 635.21 635.26 635.3/.5 636.54 635.41 635.6 635.62 635.64 635.65

Horticulture. Gardens and gardening. Vegetables in general. Root Vegetables. Edible Roots. Beet Kohlrabi Carrots Tubers and Bulb vegetables Potatoes Shallots. Garlic Green Vegetables. Cabbages Spinach Edible Fruits and Seed Plants Gourds Tomatoes Pulses : Beans, Runner beans, Dwarf beans, Winged beans, Cowpea, etc.

409 409 411 411 411 412 412 412 412 415 415 413 414 414 414
1 1



415 418 418

\ '

635.8 635.9

Mushrooms Ornamental Horticulture. Flowers. Shrubs. Animal Husbandry. Stockbreeding. Animal Produce. Fisheries. Stock-breeding. Livestock. Domestic Animals. Pets. Stock Management. Breeding. Rearing. Care. Formation of Stock. Breeds. Pedigrees. Shelter, care and protection. Feeding Stuffs. Injuries, Diseases. Parasites. Pests.

UDC 636/639 636 636.08 636.082 636.063 636.085/.087 636.089

419 423 423 423 425 426 432

V A v

636.1 636.2/. 3 636.21 636.293 636.295 636.3

Horses Ruminants Cattle, Cows and Bulls. Buffaloes Yaks and other Oxen.

440 440 443 461 465

C 03 Is Smaller Ruminants. Sheep (and Goats).

466 466 470 474


636.51 %. * 636.39 636.4 636.5

Sheep Goats Pigs, Sows and Boars. Poultry. eto. Fowl. Chicken Geese,

476 491 496 498 506 506 511 511 513 515 515 516 516

636.7 636.8 636.976 UDC 637 637.1 637.3 637.4 | * 637.5 637.6

Dogs Cats Elephants Dairy and other Animal Produce Dairying. Milk and Milk Products. Cheese. Eggs Meat. Fish Meal. Products, other than Meat or Flesh Beekeeping. Apiculture. Silkworm Cultivation. Fisheries. Sericulture.

UDC 638.1 638.2 UDC 639.2

Subject Index Author Index

539 547

- 327 -

634 634.0



Forests and forest products.


ANANDARAJAH, N.C.E. Forestry demonstrations in the mid country of Sri Lanka. Peradenjya, Ministry of Plantation Industries, 1977. 29 p. (mimeo.) ANDREWS, J.R.T. The Canadian Colombo Plan Survey of natural resources. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 4 (3) 1960 : 260-263. ANDREWS, J.R.T. Enumeration survey of the Navaki-Aru teak plantations. Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1960. 34 p. ANON Conserving our timber resources. Govt. Pub. Bureau, 1964. 8 p. ANON Forestry development in Ceylon. Today 13 (l) Jan. 1964 : 14-16.








ANON Forests and rainfall. (Extracts from the report of the Committee of Inquiry on the proposal to exploit the Sinharaja forest). Lor is. 2A (2) Dec. 1976 : 81-62. ANON Forests, trees, and timber. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 10 (3/4) 1972 : 117-131. ANON Our timber renouiven. Mar. 1963 : 10-12.



Ceylon Today

12 ( ' & )

- 328 -


ARULCHELVAH, K. Variation of fibre length and density in Eucalyptus robusta SM. grown in Ceylon. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 10 (3/2) 1971 : 19-32. BERTUS, A.L. Decay resistance of some Ceylon timbers. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 5 (3/2) 1961 : 116-118. BERTUS, A.L. Fungi causing root disease of forest trees in Ceylon (a research note). Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 4 (4) 1960 : 376-378. BERTUS, A.L. Fungi recorded on the leaves, stem, flowers and fruits- of forest trees in Ceylon. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 5 (3/2) 1961 : 101-115. BLASCO, F. Montagn^s du Sud de l'Inde : Forets, Savanes, Ecologie. Institut francais de Pondiohery. Travaux de la section soientifique et technique. 10 (1) 1971 ; 1-456. DE ROSAYRO, R.A. Field key to the identification of wet ever green (rain forest) tree species. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 4 (3) 1960 : 287-294. DE ROSAYRO, R.A. A national forest policy. 1960 : 353-554.








8 (6)


DE ROSAYRO, R.A. The place of forestry in the dry zone. Agriculture 3, Sept., 1C60 : 9-12. DE ROSAYRC, R.A. Ruin from trees. (A note). (N.S.) 4 (4) I960 : 381^382.


Ceylon Forester


DITTUS, W.P.J. The ecology of a semi-evergreen forest community in Sri Lanka. Biotrepica (U.S.A.) 9 (4) 1977 : 268-286.

- 329

2418. FEDOROV, A.A. The dipterocarp equatorial rain forest of Ceylon, (in Russian with English summary). Transact. Moskow Sec. Nat. 3, 1960 : 305-332. 2419. FERLIN, G-.R. Forests et problemes forestiers de Ceylon. ^Forests and forestry problems in CeylonJ.. Bois et forets des tropiques (Paris) 127, 1969 : 3-28. 2420. FERNANDO, S.N.U. Fertilization of teak nurseries. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7,(3/4) 1966 : 103-106. 2421. FERNANDO, S.N.U. Insects commonly found in the teak nurseries of Ceylon. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7 (3/2) 1965 ; 54-56. 2422. FERNANDO, S.N.U. Teak in Ceylon nurseries. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7 (3/2) 1965 : 57-59. 2423. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION. Pre-investment study on forest industries development - Ceylon. Final report. Report prepared for the Government of Ceylon by F.A.O. of the United Nations acting as executive agency for the United Nations Development Programme. Rome, UNDP/FAO, 1969. 3 vols. (FA0/SF:60/CEy-5). Vol. 1 : General report, x, 75 p. Vol. 2 : Forest resources and management, xii, 377 p. Vol. 3 : Forest industries, xiv, 284 p. 2424. GUNATILLEKE, C.V.S. Sinharaja today. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.)
13 ( 3 / 4 ) 1078 : 5 7 - G 4 . 2425. HOFFMANN, Th. W.

The Sinhiiraja forest : a non-technical account. Colombo, 'Yildlife and Nature Protection Society of Ceylon, 1972. 21 p. 2426. JAYANJ3TTI, D.L. All-wood peristaltic pump. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 11 (1/2) 1973 : 32-33.

- 330 -


JAYASINGHE, L.H.; TAMBIAH, M.S. ana TISSEVE AASINGHE, A.E.K. Observations on the Mycorrhizas of Pinus patula and an attempt to culture and identify the fungus. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 9 (1/2) 1969 : 15-25. KAMRA, S.K. Forestry seed problems of some developing countries in Asia. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 11 (3/2) 1973 : 5-12. KANNANGARA, Nimalee Tree of life. Loris 153.



14 (3) June 1977 :


m U N A R A T N E , B.S.B. A study of the inelastic behaviour of some specimens of Ceylon timber. Proo. CAAS. 30 (l) 1974 : 104-105. ^Jbstracy. KOELMEYER, K.O. The periodicity of leaf change and flowering in the principal forest communities of Ceylon. Part II and III. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 4 (4) 1960 : 308-364. KOELMEYER, K.O. Some thoughts on forestry in Ceylon. CAAS. 16 (2) 1960 : 77-89.





McCORMACIC, R.J. A management inventory of the MorapitiyaRunakanda-Delgoda forest area. Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto,Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canadian Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, G-ovt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 65 p., 1 map in a pocket. McCORMACK, R.J. MV PILIAI, A.K. A forest inventory of the Kantalai forest reserve, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii> 51 p., 1 map in a pocket.


- 331 -


McCORMACK, R.J. and PILIAI, A.K. A forest inventory of the Kumbukkan forest reserve, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 31 p., 1 map in a pocket. McCORMACK, R.J. "id PILLAI, A.K. A forest inv. . ory of the Nuwaragala and Ojounagala. forest reserves and the Ratkarawwa proposed reserve, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961 o vii, 34 p. 3 maps In pocket. McCORMACK, R.J. and PILLAI, A.K. A forest inventory of the Panama proposed reserve, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 32 p., 1 map in a pocket. McCORMACK, R.J. and PILIAI, A.K. A forest inventory of the TeravilOddusuddan forest reserve, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 53 p., 1 map in a pocket. MANOGARAN, Chelvadurai Climatic limitations on the potential for tree growth in southern forests. Ph.D. thesis. Graduate School of Southern Illinois University, 1970. (Unpublished).





- 332 -


MEIJER, tfillem Conservation of primary forests in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Biological Conservation (England) 5 (2) 1973 : 147-148; Loris 12 (5)"l972 : 227-231. MELJER, Willem In search of Ceylon trees. 1970 : 113-115.



12 (2)


MUTTIAK, ; . , A comparison of three repeated inventories of Sundapola mixed selection working circle and future management. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7 (3/2) 1965 : 3-35. ^ T I A H , S. Initial observations on the introduction of P. caribaea in Ceylon and certain rooting transpiration amd mycorrhizal studies on seedlings of two provenances of this species under controlled conditions. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 9 (3/4) 1970 : 98-141. MUTTIAH, S. An insecticide trial for the control of Cockchafer larvae (Anomala sp.) in teak nurseries. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 8 (3/2) 1967 : 12-19. MUTTIAH, S. Report on a seminar on forest seed and tree improvement held in Denmark from 24 July to 13 August, 1966. Ceylon Forester (n.s.) 7 (3/4) 1966 : 70-85. KIJTTIAH, S. Some data on teak 3eod and further prefierminirtion treatment trials. Sri Lanka F o r m t e r (M .S.) 12 (l) 1975 : 25-00. NAMASIVAYAf.', M. The development of forest resources. Today 16 (12) D e c 1967 : 19-24.







333 -


NAMASIVAYAM, M. Export of timber. Ceylon Forester (N.S.)

7 (3/4) 1966 : 149-151.


NAMASIVAYAM, M. Making use of our forest resources. Ceylon Today JA (7) 1965 : 25-27, 32. NISBET, R.H.McD. A forest inventory of the Hurulu forest reserve, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Cor;oration, Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Fo"3st Department, Ceylon. (A Canada=Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 36 p., 1 map in a pocket. NISBET, R.H. McD. A forest inventory of the Pallekele forest reserve, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 44 p., 1 map in a pocket. NISBET, R.H. McD. A forest inventory of the P e a k Wilderness Agra Bopats forest area and part of the Kelani Valley forest area, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 58 p., 1 map in a pocket. NISBET, R.H. McD. A management inventory of the KanneliyaNakiyadeniya-Dediyagala forest area, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plun Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 72 p., 1 map in a pocket.





- 354 -


OTJDSHOOBN, W. A forest inventory of the Attavillu forest reserve and proposed reserve, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo, Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 32 p., 1 a poeketo 0UDSH00RM, . A foxiest .inventory of the IndikaclaKirigala and Kurana-M&dakada proposed reserves, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, 1961. vii, 37 p., 1 map in a pocket. 0UDSH00RN, W. A forest inventory of the Madhu forest area, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 31 p., 2 maps in a pocket.



2457 . 0IBSH00BN, W. A forest inventory of the MorahelaBambarabotuwa-Massena forest area and part of the Kelani Valley forest area, Ceylon. Prepared by Hunting Survey Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Canada in co-operation with the Forest Department, Ceylon. (A Canada-Ceylon Colombo Plan Project). Colombo, Govt. Press, Ceylon, 1961. vii, 39 p., 1 map in a pocket. .2458. PASKARAN, N. Modified calculation for preliminary characterisation of timber. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 12 (l) 1975 : 44-46. EEIRIS, C.V.S. The ecology of endemic tree species of Sri Lanka in relation to their conservation. Ph.D. thesis. University of Aberdeen, 1975. (Unpublished).


- 335


PERERA, W.R.H. Catchment areas and the protection of the environment. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 13 (3/4) 197G : 49-51. PERERA, W.R.H. The development of forest plantations in Ceylon since the seventeenth century. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 5 (3) 1962 : 142-157. PERERA, W.R.H. The development of the forest reserves of Sri Lanka. Tea Q. 47 (3/2) 1977 : 4-11; Reprinted: Sri Lanka Forestor (N.S.) 13 (1/2) 1977 : 5-8. PERERA, W.R.H. An economic study of the up-country forest plantations of Ceylon. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 5 (3/2) 1961 : 82-100. PERERA, W.R.H. Forest seed problems in Asia. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 11 (j/2) 1975 : 5-4. PERERA, W.R.H. Forestry development plan. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 10 (5/4) 1972 : 62-86. PERERA, W.R.H. Forestry research : new trends and improved methods. In: SRI LANKA. University of Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture. Agricultural research management in Sri Lanka. (1976). pp. 119-152. see no. 92. PSRERA, W.R.K. Guidelines for Sri Lanka's forest policy. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 15 (3/2) 1977 : 3-4. PERERA, W.R.H. A position paper on conservation of the M&haweli catchment area. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 13 (5/4) 1978 : 75-85.









- 336 -


PERERA, W.R.H. Seed for Sri Lanka's reforestation programme. International Symposium on Seed Processing. Bergen, Norway, 1973. J', International Union of Forest Research Organisations, Working Party : S2.01.06, 197 J. Vol. 2. Paper No. 23. 13 p. PERERA, W.R.R. Some gro7v"i i ind increment studies for species gr- ,n in the up-country forest plantations. Ceylon Forester ( N . S o ) 5 (3/4) 1962 : 162-170. PERERA, W.R.H. A study of the protective benefits of the wet zone forestry reserves of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 10 (3/4) 1972 : 87-101. ' PERERA, W.R.H. Teak first thinnings for paper pulp. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 12 (l) 1975 : 50-51. (A research note). PERERA, W.R.H. Teak seed orchards. Stage 1 - Plus trees and perfection of a bud-grafting technique. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 5 (3/2) 1961 : 6-16. PERERA, W.R.H. Thotapolakanda : an environmental disaster. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 13 (3/4) 1978 : 53-55. PERERA, W.R.H. The use of Wyssen cables for extracting timber economically and their possible use in Ceylon. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 5 (3/2) 1961 50-65. PONNAMPALAM, R. Notes on timbers. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 8 (3/2) 1967 : 33-35.








- 337


PRYOR, L . D . R e p o r t on a f f o r e s t a t i o n w i t h E u c a l y p t u s i n Ceylon. Ceylon F o r e s t e r (N.S.; 6 ( 3 / 4 ) 1964 : 9 5 - 1 0 0 . RANATUNGA, M . S . N o t e s on t h e p l a n t i n g of f o r e s t s p e c i e s . S r i Lanka F o r e s t e r ( N . S . ) 10 ( 5 / 4 ) 1972 : 103-116. RANATUNGA, M . S . S i l v i c t - I i u r a l problems connected w i t h the g r o w i n g of b a m b o o , p i n e s a n d e u c a l y p t u s . Ceylon F o r e s t e r ( N . S . ) 7 ( 3 / 4 ) 1966 : 124-129. RANATUNGA, M.S. A s t u d y of t h e f i b r e l e n g t h s o f E u c a l y p t u s g r a n d i s grown i n C e y l o n . Ceylon F o r e s t e r (N.S.) 6 ( 3 / 4 ) 1964 : 1 0 1 - 1 1 2 . RANATUNGA, M . S . a n d VIVEKANANDAN, K. T w i s t e d n e e d l e s : a new f r e a k i n P i n u s caribaea. S r i Lanka F o r e s t e r ( N . S . ) 10 {1/2) 1971 : 1 3 . REDHEAD, J . F . a n d ANANDARAJAH, N . C . E . The c u l t i v a t i o n of E u c a l y p t u s a n d P i n u s c a r i b e a on d e g r a d e d t e a a n d r u b b e r l a n d s and d e s i g n s f o r E u c a l y p t u s p o l e framed buildings. P e r a d e n i y a , UNDP/FAO A g r i c u l t u r a l D i v e r s i f i c a t i o n P r o j e c t , M i n i s t r y of P l a n t a t i o n I n d u s t r i e s , 1976. REPORT of t h e C o m m i t t e e of I n q u i r y on t h e E s t a b l i s h m e n t o f t h e wood w o r k i n g c o m p l e x and t h e p r o p o s a l s t o e x p l o i t t h e S i n h a r a j a Forest. Colombo, G o v t . P u b . B u r e a u , 1 9 7 5 . 94 p . (Sessional p.-pers, no. xv, 1974). SENEVIRATNE, E.W. V a r i a t i o n i n d e n s i t y i n wood of s i x s p e c i e s of t h e f a m i l y G u t t i f e r a e . S r i Lanka F o r e s t e r (N.S.) 10 ( 3 / 2 ) 1 9 7 1 : 5 5 - 5 0 . SOYZA, A . M . T . A method f o r a c i d and a l k a l i p r o o f i n g o f l a b o r a t o r y bench t o p s . S r i Lanka F o r e s t e r (N.S.) 10 (1/2) 1971 : 5 1 - 5 3 .









358 -

2486. SOYZA, A.M.T. Natural durability of twelve timbers found in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 11 (1/2) 1975 : 24-31. 2487. SRI BHARATHIE, K.P. Improvement of nursery techniques for tropical pines in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). (An edited version of the dissertation submitted for the M . S c , Univ. of Oxford, 1972). Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) U (3/2) 1975 : 54-57. 2488. SRI BHARATHIE, K.P. Tortricid moth damage to Pinus seedlings in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 12 (1) 1975 : 37-39. 2489. SRJDAS, S. On forest inventories. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7 (5/4) 1966 : 86-95. 2490. SZECHOWYEZ, R.W. The Savannah forest of the &al Oya catchment (Coylon). Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 5 (3/2) 1961 : 17-22. 2491. TISSEVERASINGHE, A.E.K. The bending properties of Ceylon timbers. The bending of thin laminae. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 8 (5/4) 1968 : 95-97.

2492. TISSEVERASINGHE, A.E.K. The contribution of improved forest utilisation to productivity in developing countries. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 6(3/2) 1965 : 18-50. 2495. TISSiiVERASIW&IiE, A.E.K. The eoonomio of forestry in developing countries. Proc CAAS. 20 (2) 1964 : 53-70; Reprinted: Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 6 (3/4) 1964 : 81-94.

- 339 -

2494. TISSETORASIN&HE, A.E.K. A manual of timber utilization for Ceylon. Colombo, Ceylon Forest Dex>t., 1971. ii, 98 p. 2495. TISSEVERASB3CHE, A.E.K. Measurement, metrication of forestry practice. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 10 (3/2) 1971 : 3-12. 2496. TISSEVERASnnKE, A.E.K. A preliminary report on the prevention of splitting in poles of Eucalyptus grandis using gang nails. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 8 (3/2) 1967 : 20-22. 2497. TISSEVERASING-HE, A.E.K. Preservative treatment of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) wood by the boron diffusion process. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 9 (3/2) 1969 : 77-83. 2498. TISSEVERASIN&HE, A.E.K. The role of forestry in the dry zone. In: Symposium on the Development of Agriculture in the Dry Zone, 1967; edited by O.S. Peries. Colombo, Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science, 1967. pp. 103-109. see no.95. 2499. TISSEVE:iASlrsGHE, A.E.K. The role of seasoning and preservation in the utilization of timber. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7 ( 3/4) 1966 : 143-148. 2500. TISSEVERASLNGHE, A.E.K. Trained manpower requirements for forestry development in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Forester (N.8.) 12 (l) 1975 : 4-7.

2501. TISSliVKRASINWlE, A.E.K. The transport of preservatives green wood. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S. 12 (2) 1975 : 57-67.

- 340 -

2502. TISSEVERASBJGHE, A.E.K. The utilisation of rubber (Heyea brasiliensis) wood. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) J T 3 / 4 ) 1970 : 87-94. 2503. TISSEVERASINGHE, A.E.K. and JAYATILLEKE, M P A A preliminary study of the feeding preferences of dry wood termites. Sri Lanka Forester (N.So) 11 (l/2) 1973 : 13-18. TISSEVERASIfcGHE, A.E.K. and JAYATILLEKE, M.P.A. The threshold of level of boron preservatives against attack by the drywood termite - Cryptotermes domesticus Kalotermitidae. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 12 (2) 1975 : 89-94,


2505. VIVEKANANDAN,K. Control of cockchafer grub in teak nursery. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 12 (l) 1975 : 40-45. 2506. VIVEKANANDAN, K. Design and analysis of progeny tests. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 12 (2) 1975 s 69-87. 2507. VIVEKANANDAN, K. Determination of basic densities of some Ceylon timbers. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7 (5/4) 1966 : 107-108. 2508. VIVEKANANDAN, K. An experiment to determine the capacity of nine wood rotting fungi, including Polystictus sanguineus and Lentinus ffiganteus, to cause decay of Greyillea rebusta wood. Ceylon Forester (N.S ) 7 ( a / 2 ) 1965 t 56-38.

2509. VIVEKANANDAN, K. Experimental design for progeny testing. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 12 (l) 1975 : 13-24.

- 341 2510. VIVEKANANDAN, K. First year results @f the Pinus oocarpa international prevenance trial in Sri Lankao Sri Lanka Forester ( N S ) 1 1 (2/2) 1973 s 19=23.
0 0


VIVEKANANDAN, K . First yQar results of ihe took provenance trial in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Forester (NoSo) 13 ( 3 / 2 ) 187?


wjm\''w:-yx k .

S'jur-jh year results of the Piauo oca&rpa international prevenance trial ia Sri Laaka.o Sri Lanka Forester ( N . S o ) I S ( 3 / 2 ) 1977 s 41~43o 2513. VXV1KANANBAN, K . An investigation of the nature osad ossteat f insect attack on sixteen spoeioo o f Coylon timber Ceylon Foresteg ( N o S o ) 6 ( / 4 ) 1 9 6 4 s 126<=133o


V2VEK&NANDAN, K . A new technique t assess tho g G r a i o a t i ^ e capacity of seeds of Eucalypts Sri Lanka Forgotor ( N . S o ) 10 ( 3 / 2 ) 1971 t M18
0 0


VIVEKANANDAN, K . Nursery response of Albizia Boluecoaa to added fertilizer., Sri Lanka F@rest@r ( N o S o ) 12 ( 1 ) 1975 : 47=49. VIVEKANANDAN, K . Plot size for assessing juvenile* traits of Eucalyptus grandis (Hill) Maides Free. GAAJto 2 7 (1) 1 9 7 1 : 4 3 . / A b s t r a c t
= 0



VIVEKANANDAN, K. The present status of tree i s p r o v o E S r a t work in Sri Lanka. < > Sri Lanka F propter ( N o S o ) 1 2 (2) 1 9 7 5 5 9 5 - l G O o

- 342 -



Pretreatment to Improve the germination of Lunumidella seed. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 13 (5/4) 1978 : 69-70. 2519. V1VEKANANDAN, K . A report on the seminar and study tour on the protection against forest diseases and inseots held in U .S.S .R. Ceylon Forester ( N . S . ) 7 (2/2) 1985 : 39-55. 2520. VIVEKANANDA*., K . Retention of viability of mahogany seed through cold storage. Sri Lanka Forester
(N.S.) 2521. 13 (3/4) 1978 : 67-68. K.


Third year results of the Pinus oaribaea international provenance trial in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Forester ( N . S . ) 15 (3/2) 1977 : 55-40. 2522. VIVEKANANDAN, K . Variation, correlation and inheritance of Juvenile traits in Eucalyptus grandis (Hill) Mai den. Proc. CAAS. 27 (1) 1971 : 42-45. ^AbstracJ^, 2525. VIVEKANANDAN, K . Variation in density in Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Sri Lanka Forester ( N . S . ) 13 (5/4) 1978 : 71-72. 2524. VmiCANANDAN, K . Variation in progeny traits and methods of progeny testing with special reference to Eucalyptus grandis (Hill) Maiden. Ph.D. thesis. University of Aberdeen, 1970. (Unpublished).
2525. VIVEKANANDAll, K .

Variation of seedling traits of Pinus merkusii provenances. Sri Lanka Forester (N.S.) 35 (3/2) 1977 : 29-50.



VTVTSKANANDAN, K . and CHANDHARATNE, T.L. Variation in basic density and fibre length in Pinus caribaea. Sri Lanka Forester (NTST) 13 ( 3/4) 1978 : 73-74. WARNAKUU, D.A.L. Timber grading in Singapore. Ceylon Forester (N.S,) 6 ( 3 / 4 ) 1 9 6 4 : 1 3 8 - 1 4 7 .



The ecology and biology of parasitism of the Loranthaceae of Ceylon. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 4 ( 3 ) 1 9 6 0 : 2 6 4 - 2 8 0 .

WEEEARATNA, W.&. The present and future demand for plywood in Ceylon. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7 ( 3 / 4 )
1966 : 130-134.


WIJESIN&HE, L.C.A. de S. Cable cranes as a means of timber extraction from the rain forests of Ceylon. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 8 ( ] / 2 ) 1 9 6 7 : 4 - 1 1 . WIJESIN&HE, L.C.A. de S. The differential shrinkage of wood. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 4 ( 3 ) 1 9 6 0 : 2 8 1 2 8 5 o WIJESIN&HE, L.C.A. de S. An experiment in the use of improved techniques in dry zone logging. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 8 (1/2) 1 9 6 7 : 2 3 - 3 2 , 1 4 pis. WIJESIN&HE, L.C.A. de S. Forestry in the dry zone. Ceylon Today
L3 ( 9 ) 1 9 6 4. 19-25.





WlJESINGiiE, L.C.A, de S. An investigation of the relation between the quantity of seed sown and the out-turn of stumps in teak nursery work. Ceylon Forester
(N.S.) 6 (1/2) 1963: 31-36.


WUESTJJ&HK, L.C.A. de S. The planning of transportation networks and extraction schemes in the forest. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 7 ( 3 / 4 ) 1 9 6 6 : 9 6 - 1 0 2 .

- 344 -


2536. WIJESIN&HE, L.C.A. de S. Pre-sowing treatment trials on teak. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 6 (1/2) 1963 : 4-11. 2537. WIJESIN&HE, L.C.A. de S. Report on the regional training course in forestry techniques - January-February, 1962. Ceylon Forester (N.S.) 6 (l/2) 1963 : 37-68. V/IJESIN&HE, L.C.A. de S. The role of forestry in the development of Ceylon's land resources. Proc. CAAS. 27 (2) 1971 : 179-198.


see also nos.

105, 564.


- Fruit growing.



BOHDAD, N.D. Response of some tropical and sub-tropical fruits to pre- and post-harvest applications of ethephon. Economic Botany (USA) 30 (l) 1976 : 67-80. KOTALAWALA, J.L. The history of fruit growing in Ceylon and the potential for commercial production. Agriculture 9 (l) June 1969 : 27-29. PERIYASAMY, P. Feasibility of intercropping coconut lands with fruit orops. Agriculture 9 (l) June 1969 : 30-42. SCHMIDT, A. and HKRATH, H.M.E. Some aspects of temperature zone fruit culture in the highlands of Ceylon. Trop. A g r i c , Ceylon 119 ( 2) 1963 : 77-84. SCHOKMAN, Derrick .and KOTALAWALA, J L . Fresh fruits from your garden. / Colombo J. Agriculture Department, 1966. 29 p.





- 345 -

2544. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. Fruit culture in Ceylon - potentials and possibilities. J. Nat. Agric, Soc., Ceylon 4, 1967 : 69-78. 2545. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. A new approach to the development of commercial fruit culture. In: Symposium on the Development of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry under the Five Year Plan. Colombo, 10th June 1972; compiled and edited by Y.D.A. Senanayake (1972). pp. 43-54. see no.94. 2546. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. Nurseries and processing units - two vital sectors in a expanding fruit industry. Agriculture 9 (l) June 1969 : 21-26. 2547. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. 'Tag' - a wax emulsion for extending the shelf life of fresh fruits. J. Nat. Agric. S o c , Ceylon 4, 1967 : 79-86.

634.1 - Pome fruits (Pyrus species, etc.) 634.13/13 - Wood-apples. Pears. Apples. 2548. DANTHANARAYANA, W. The bionomics, distribution and host range of the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postittana (Walk.) (Tortricidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 23, 1975 : 419-437.

- 346 2549. DANTHANARAYANA, W. Diel and lunar flight periodicities in the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walk.) (Tortricidae) and their possible adaptive significance. Australian Journal of Zoology 24, 1976 : 65-73. 2550. DANTHANARAYANA, W. Environmentally cued size variation in the light-bro7n apple moth, Epiphyas postvitt 'r . (Walk.) (Tortricidae) and its adaptive value in dispersal. Oecologia (W. Germany). 26, 1976 : 121-132.

2551. DAWraANARAYANA, W. Factors determining variation in fecundity of the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walk.) (Tortricidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 23, 1975 : 439-451." 2552. DANTHANARAYANA, W. Flight thresholds and seasonal variations in flight activity of lightbrown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walk.) (Tortricidae), in Victoria. Australia. Oecologia (W. Germany) 25, 1976 : 271-282. 2555. DANTHANARAYANA, W.; FARRUGIA, D. and GAULD, I.D. Studies on the biology and systematic position of a new species of ichneumoid parasiting the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walk.) (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae), in Australia. Bulletin of Entomological Research (England) 67 (4) 1977 : 607-617, 1 pi. 2554. RATNAYAKE, Physiological and genetical characteris tics of apple (Malus) root-stocks in relation to size control. Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1977. (Unpublished).

347 -

2555. SHANMUGANATHAN, N. Black root disease of apple and pine in Sri Lanka. FAQ Plant Protection Bulletin 22 (4) 1974 : 96. 2556. SOMANADER, S.V.O. Wood-apple and their uses. Ceylon Today 15 (12) Dec. 1966 : 19-20. see also n o < > 7


- Stone fruits (Prunus species).

Plums. Cherries.

2557. SENEVIRATNE. S.N. de S. Studies on neorotic ring spot and other viruses isolated from plum (Prunus domestica L.) Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1969. (Unpublished). 2558. SHANMUGANATHAN, N. Studies in bacterial canker of plum and cherry Pseudomonas morsprunorum (Wormald). Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1962. (Unpublished).


- Citrus (and moraceous) fruits. Oranges, citrons, sweet limes, lemons, etc.

2559. ABEYGUNAWARDENA, D.V.W. and HERATH, H.M.E. Stock scion reaction of citrus to quiok decline disease in Ceylon. 1. The present status of stock scion experiments at Bibile. Trop. Agric. Ceylon 118 (l) 1962 : 3-13. 2560. KRISHNA, Dinlcar Muthu Lime juice and lime oil production and potential market. Industrial Ceylon 10 (3) Dec. 1970 : 259-263.

- 348


MENDEL, Kurk Report on citriculture in Ceylon - the problem of citrus deoline and recommendation for improvement. Jerusalem, (Israel), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dept. for International Co-operation, 1963. 49 p. PALIPANE, Noelanjani OTTHRATNE, W . B . ; M/LLLA^'ARATCHIE, Kolini and ALLSS, L.A.C. Controller .cnosphere storage of limes (Citrus au .ifcifolia). Proc. SLAAS. 34 (l)
1978 : 17 -13. /Abstrac^TT'



PEIRJS, J.W.L. Tristeza disease in Ceylon affecting orange seedlings. In: Corcconwealth Mycological Conference, 6th, London, 1960. Report, Kew, Commonwealth Mycological Institute, 1 9 6 1 7 . pp 115-117. SENBVIRAE-S, S.P. de S. and PANNILA, p.L.E. A method of indexing citrus for triesteza. Proc. CAAS. 21 (l) 1965 : 36. ^Abstracj7


2565. WESRAKOON, A . H . Composition of the seed fat of Ceylon sweet orange. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture TEnglandJ"" 1 1 , 1960 : 273-276.


- Various tropioal(small) fruits. G-uavaso Kangocs. Tamarinds. Annonaceae.


CEYI.OM. Industrial Development Bo-".rd. Tamarind concentrate production. (A . "reject rr -ort). Noi-p.tuwa, IDB, 1977. 7 ] > .

2567. KOTALA'.TALA, J. Performance of four varieties of guava, (Psidium guajava, L.) in the intermediate zone of Ceylon. Trpp. Agric., Ceylon 127 (3/4) 1371 : 173-177.

- 349 2568. KOTALAWALA, J. Preliminary survey for estimation of polyembryony in mango varieties in Ceylon. Proc. CAAS. 24 (l) 1968 : 25-26. ^Abstraojt/. 2569. KOTALAWALA, J. Preliminary survey of polyembryony in mango varieties in Sri Lanka. Trop. Agrio., Ceylon 129 (3/2) 1975 : 67-75. 2570. MALLAWAHATCHIE, Malini; ALLES, L.A.C. and wTJERATNE, W.B. Investigations on commercial processing of Annona muricata L. Proc. SLAAS. 54 (l) 1978 : 28. ^Abs'trac^. 2571. POPHAM, P.H. Portraits of trees in Ceylon. 6. The mango tree (Mangifera indica). Loris. 15 (5) 1974 : 169-171. 2572. VASA&AR, P. Manikka Mango hopper, (in English. Sinhala and Tamil). Krushi 1 (l) July 1978 : 55-37.


- Nuts - Cashew nuts


2575. ABEYSIN&H3, Ariya Cashewnut shell liquid : unexploited source of richness in Sri Lanka. Industrial Ceylon 14 (2) Sept. 1974 : 65-71. 2574. CEYLON. Industrial Development Board. Cadjunut shell liquid extraction. (A projeot report). Moratuwa, IDB, 1977. 7 p.

- 350 -

2575. G-ERINI, V. I colcotteri presenti sull anacardio con particolare riferiracnto a Plocaederus ferru^ineus (L.) nello Sri Lanka. The Coleoptera present on the cashew-nut tree with particular reference to Piocaederus ferrugineus (L.) in Sri Lanka^. Re vista di Agricoltura Subtropicale e Tropicale (Italy) 70T7^12Tl976 : 185-190.

2576. '&UKATILL/JC3, P.A.; KULAPATNE,. K . V / . S . and PAJA?A]'S3, 2 .A. Extraction and some industrial ap;>lico.tions of cashew nut shell liquid. Proc. CAAS. 30 (l) 1974 : 121. ^Abstracjt/. 2577. K A V i m i A K A , K.S.M. Cashew nut shell liquid. Kariaantha 2 ( 6 ) June 1975 : 23. 2578. RAJARAKSE, R.A. Cashew nut shell liquid. Expo News 1 ( 6 ) 1976 : 13-17; Ktirmantha 4 (4) April 1977 : 27-28. . 2579. RAJAPAKSS, R.A. Cashew nut shell liquid as an antioxidant in natural' rubber compounding. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (1) 1976 : 82. ^/Abstract/. 2580. RAJAPAKSS, R.A.; G-UNATILLAKE, P.A. and WIJEKOOK, K.B. A preliminary study on processing of cashew-nuts ;.nd production of cashew-nut shell liquid (CNSL) on a commercial scale in Sri Lanka. J. Nat, .^ci. Coun. Sri Lankn, 5 ( 2 ) 1977 : llT-124.


StanflAi'ilisalion q u a l i t y control for

export of .cashew and other edible nuts from Sri Lanka. Industrial Ceylon 16 (l) June 1976 : 43-51.

2582. SOMANADER, S.V.O. The cashew tree and its uses. Ceylon Today 16 (6) June 1967 : 12-16. see also nos. 11, 2205. 634.58 - Pea-nuts, ground-nuts.

2583. CEYLON. Industrial Development Board." Project report on peanut oil. Moratuwa, I.D.B., 1976. 13 p.


- Palm and other tropical, subtropical fruits. - Palms. Oil palms. Palmyrah palms. Kitul.


2583ft* ABEYSIN&HE, Ariya ' Kitul . cultivation, processing and marketing in Sri Lanka. . Colombo, Ministry of Plantation Industriesj 1974. 22 p. (CEYLON. Ministry of Plantation Industries. Crop studies, no. 12). 2584. CEYLON. Industrial Development Board. Palmyrah fibre extraction. (A project report). Moratuwa, IDS, 1977. . 5 p. 2585. CORNELIUS, J.A. . Some impressions of the oil palm industry in South Asia and the Ear. East. Oil Palm News (England) No. 15, 1973 : 10-15. "A brief report of the existing state of development of the oil palm industry in Sri Lanka/ 2586. JEYA RAJ, E.E. and RATNASIN&HAM, K. Quantity and quali-fry of yields of toddy from palmyrah psalms. Proc. CAAS. 26 (l) 1970 : 70. ^Abstracy.

- 352 -

2587. KALPA&E, F.S.C.P. Nutrient sources for oil palm in Malaysia. In: International developments in oil palm. Proc. Malaysian Im-t. Agr. Gil Palm Conf., Kuala Lumpur, 1976. Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 1977. pp. 402410. 2588. KULARATNAM, K. Some facts about the palrayrah palm and . its economic importance. Industrial Ceylon 10 (3) Dec. li;70 : 265-269. 2589. LIYANAGE, Anondapala Wimalaweera Comparative studies of yeast isolated from fermented saps of palms of Ceylon. M.Sc. thesis. University of Ceylon, Vidyodaya Campus, 1972. C^\f* * pi. (Unpublished).
7 9 f

2590. MAHARAJ, S. A new design for collecting the palm weevil Rhynchophorus palnarum (L.) Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad). 42, 1965 : 373-375. 2591. PERERA, Onil; HOOVER, R. and BALASIN&HAli, K. Manufacture of sugar and sugar substitutes from palm saps and fruit juices on a cottage industry level. IN: CEYLON INSTITUTE OP SCENTJi'TC AND INDCJSTRIAL RESEARCH. CISIR contribution to science and industry : Proceedings of the 21st anniversary seminar, B.k'.I.C.H., May 4-6, 1976. Colombo, C.I.S.I.R., 1978. pp. 85-87. SAVERIKUTTU, Augus tine The i n d u . ' i trial and economic potential of the palmyrah palm. Industrial Ceylon 11 (3) Dec. 1971 : 29-30.


/ '

- 555 -

2595. SILVA, C.G. and SILVA, F.P.W. The cultivation of oil palm in Ceylon. R.R.I.C. Bull. 7 (1/2) 1972 : 21-28J Proc. CAAS. 26 (l) 1970 : 36-57. ^Abstracj/. 2594. THSIVENDIRABAJAH, K.; DAS SANAYAKS, M.D. and JAYASEELAN, K. Studies on the fermentation of kitul (Caryota urens) sap. Cey. J. gci. (Bio. Soi.) " 12 (2) Nov. -1977 : 147-150. THEIVENDIRARAJAH, K. and JEYASEELAN, K. An evaluation of the methods employed in the preservation of kitul sap. Cey* J. Soi. (Bio. Soi.) 12 (2) Nov. 1977 : 151-155.


2596. THEIVENDIRARAJAH, K.; JEXASEELAN, K. and DASSANAYAKE, M.D. Studies on the fermentation of k i t u l (Caryota urens) sap. Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 94. 2 ^ ^~"
) s t r f t C

2597. URAGODA, C.G. A giant bunch of flowers. Ceylon Ttdav 21 (1/2) Jan. - Feb. 1972 : 24^2jg. 2598. WUEWANTHA, Ronald T The oil palm industry in Malaysia, with special reference to oil palm breeding. R.R.I.C, Bull (N.S.) 5 (4) 1968 : 122-127. see also nos. 5, 2698, 2703,

.616 - Cooonuts 2599. ANON The Coconut Development Authority, Ceylon Today 2l(l/2) Jan. - Feb. 1972 : 27-54. 2600. ANON Proposed F.A.0. coconut survey 1960/61. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev.. 1 (2) 1960 : 52-35.

- 354 -

2601. ANON The rehabilitation of the coconut industry. Cey. Cocon. Firs. Rev. 1 (3) 1961 : 4-8. ~ 2602. CEYLON. Dc\:t. of Information. Coconut development act. No. 46 of 1971. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 6 (4) June 1972 : 141-147. CHILD, Reginald Coconuts. 2nd ed. London, Longmans, 1974. xvi, 335 p. (Tropical Agriculture series). NATHANAEL, ji.R.N. Tho coconut industry and planting progress. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 20 (4) 1969 : 145-160.



2605. NATKANAEL, 7/.R.N. The coconut industry during 1965 : Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (4) 1966 : 116-120; 1966 : ibid. 5 (l)""july 1967 : 28-32; 1967 : ibid. 5~T3) Dec. 1968 : 130-134; 1968 : ibid. 6 (l) Dec. 1S69 : 28-34; 1969 : ibid. 6~72) Dec. 1970 : 78-84; 1970 : ibid. 6 (3) 1971 : 127-132; 1971 : ibid. 6 7J7"june 1972 : 175-180; 1G72 : Ibid.. 7 (l)"Dec. 1973. : 8-i3; 1973 : ibid." 7 (2)"~1974 : 87-92. 2606. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Economic losses to the coccnut industry consequent on deterioration of under-dried copra. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (l) 1960 : 16-17. 2607. SOMANADER, S.V.O. Freaks of the coconut palm. 10 (lu) Deo. J . 9 i J l : J.::-16.

Ceylon Today


VEMAYAWJ-, V . Census of ^clms. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev.

- 355 -

2609. WICKRAMANAYAKE, D. Sri Lanka cooonut industry in the doldrums. World Crops (England) 25 (l) 1973 : 48. 2610. ZILLER, R. Probletas et perspectives du cocotier et de ses produits. ^"Problems and prospects of the coconut palm and its productsJ'. Oleagineux (Paris) 15 (12) 1960 : 887-F SO*, see also nos. 12, 15, 16, 103.

616 : 061.6 2611.

Coconut - Research Institute.

ABEYWARDENA, V. Juanual report of the Biometrician, ~Cooonut Research InstituteJ. For 1961 : Ceylon Cpoonut Quarterly 13 (1/2) 1962 : 55-60; For 1962 : i b i d . 14 (L/2) 1963 4851; For 1963 : i b i d . 15 (372) 1964 : 58-63; For 1964 : i b i d . 18 (L ?) 1965 : 45-48; For 1965 : i b i d . 17 (374) 1966 : 166-170; For 1966 : i b i d . 18 (1/2) 1967 : 80-83; For 1967 : ibid. 19 (1/2) 1968 : 74-76; For 1968 : ibid. 20 (ifi) 1969 : 84-85; For 1969 : i b i d . 21 T V 2 ) 1970 : 60-62; For 1970 : i b i d o 2ITV27 1971 : 71-75; For 1971 : i b i d . 23 fl/2) 1972 : 63-67; For 1972 : i b i d . 24 T^/2) 1973 : 46-48; For 1973 : i b i d . 2 5 T V 2 T 1 9 7 4 : 81-84.


AMERASIN&HE, D.C.L. Report of the Direotor "~of the Coconut Research Institute for 1964 J, Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 16 (1/2) 1965 : 4-8. BALAKRIS11NAMUKTI, T.S. Report of the Aoting Soil Chemist, Coconut Research InstituteJ7. For 1966 : Coylon Coconut Quarterly 18 (l/2) 1967 : 38-54; For 1967 : i b i d . 19 (lffi 1968 : 34-52; For 1968 : i b i d . 20TV2T"l969 : 45-66; For 1969 : Ibid. 2 1 T V 2 T 1 9 7 0 : 25-39.


- 556 -




^Report of the Soil Chemistry Division, /""Coconut Research InstituteJ, For 1970 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 22 (1/2) 1971 : . 30-51; For 1971: ibid. 23 (1/2) 1972 : 30-44; For 1972 : ibid. 24 (l/2) 1973 : 23-29; For 1973 : ibid. 25 (1/2) 1974 : 48-62. 2615. BAST1AN, M. Report of the Agrostology Division, ^~of the Coconut Research Institute for 7 1973. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (l/2) 1974 : 63-70. 2616. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Rese.rch Programme of the Coconut Research Institute. In: CEYLON. Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs. A.;ricultural development proposals, 1966-1970. (1966). pp. 63-72.

2617. DE SILVA, K.A.T. Report of the Chemistry Division / _ of the Coconut Research Institute f o r 7 1970. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 22 C V 2 ) 1971 : 14-22. 2618. DHARMARAJU, Edwin Annual report of the Colombo plan entomologist for 1961, Coconut Research Institute. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 13 (l/2) 1962 : 74-77. 2619. EKANAYAKE, U.B.K. Report of the Crop Protection Officer, / Coconut Research InstituteJ'. For 1963 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly. 15 (l/2) 1964 : 50-57; For 1968 : ibid. 20 (3/2) 1969 : 80-G3 For 1909 : ibid. 21 (1/2) 1070 : 56-59; Por 1970 : ibid. 22 ( T w 1971 : 67-70.

21320. mroiNANDfcZ, D.E.F. Report of the Ofl'iccr-in-Chn.rge, Agrostology Division / of the Coconut Research Institute"/. For 1068 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 19 (l/2) 1968 : 53-67; For 196S : ibid. 21 (l72) 1S70 : 40-55.

- 357 -

2621. FERDINANDEZ, D.E.F. ^Report of the Agrostology Division l_ of the Coconut Research InstituteJ. For 1970 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 22 (3/2) 1971 : 52-66; For 1971. ibid. 23 (3/2) 1972 : 45-57. 2622. FERNANDO, J.K.T. Report of the Officer-in-Charge Biometry ^"Crjonut Research Institute^/". For 1960 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (3/2) 1961 : 74-75. ^ . 2623. FERNANDO, P.D.L. Annual report of the Planting Division ^"Coconut Research InstituteJ\ For 1960 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (3/2) 1961 : 90-91; For 1961. iMA. is. CVa) 1962 : 86-87. 2624. FERNANDO, P.D.L. Report of the Planting Officer ^ Cooonut Research InstituteJ. For 1962 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 14 (3/2) 1963 : 57-58; . For 1965 : ibid. 1964 : 81-83; For 1964 : ibid. 16 (372) 1965 : 49-51; For 1965 : ibid. 17" (3/4) 1966 : 171; For 1966 : ibid. 18 ~T3/2]n.967 . 97* 967 : ibid. 19"T3/27"l968 . 82-85; For 1968 : ibid. 20 Xfy2) 1969 : 91-94; For 1969 : ibid. 21 (3/2) 1970 : 69-72.


2625. FERNANDO, P.D.L. Report of the Planting Division Coconut Research Institute^/. For 1970 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 22 (3/2) 1971 : 81-84; For 1971. ibid. 23 (3/2) 1972 : 72-75; For 1972 : ibid,* 24 ( 3/2) 1973 : 49-52; For 1975. ibid. 25 (372)1974 : 85-90.

- 358 -


2626. JEGANATHAN, M. Report of the Officcr-in-Charge, Chemistry Division, / _ Coconut Research I n s t i t u t e F o r 1968 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 20 (3/2; 1969 : 17-42; For 1969 : ibid. 21 (]/2) 1970 : 13-21. 2027. JEGAflaTHtf:, ! ! . Report o" the Chemistry Division /"Coconut lies..arch InstituteJ. For 1971 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly. 23 (0/2) 1372 : 16-25; For 1972 : ibid. 25 (3/2) 1-74 : 16-42. 2628. JEYA RAJ, E.E. CISIR contribution to the coconut industry. In: CEYLON INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH: CISIR contribution to science and industry : Proceedings of the 21st anniversary seminar, B.M.I.C.H., May 4-6, 1976. Colombo, C.I.S.I.R., 1977. pp. 27-33. 2629. KANA&ARATNAM, P . ^Report of the.crop protection division of the Coconut Res.arch Institute for J 1973.CevCooonut quarterly 25 (l/2) 1974 : 71-76.


2630. KJRffllSIN&I-ia, J.K.F. Annual report of the Officer-in-Charge, Crop Protection Division, , / Coconut Research InstituteJ, For~1960 : Ceylon Cooonut Quartcri.y 12 ( V 2 ) 1&61 : 76-S2; For 1961 : ibid. 13"TV2) 1962 : 61-73; For 1.962 : ibicf. 14 (1/2) 1963 : 46-4-7; For 1904- : :lbT<1. 16 ('}/?.) 19Gb : 39-4.4; For 1965 : ibid. 17 (3/4) : 152-161; For I960 : ibid. 10 (172) 19G7 : 74-79; For 1967 : ibid. 19 (1/2) 1968 : 68-73.

- 359

2631. LIYANA&S, D.V. Annual report of the Botanist, ^Coconut Research InstituteJ For 1960 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 . (2/2) 1961 : 43-51; For 1961 : ibid. 13 ( 2/2) 1962 : 37-40; For 1962 : ibid. 34 (3/2) 1963 : 26-30; For 1963 : ibid. . 15 (3/2) 1964 : 23r25; For 1965 : ibid. 17 05/4) 1966 : 110-113. . . 2632. MAHINDAPALA, R. Report of the Crop Protection Division, ^"of the Ceylon Cooonut Institute f o r ^ 1971. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 23 (3/2) 1972 : 58-62; For 1972 : ibid. 24.T3/2) 1973 : 43-45. 2633. MANTHRIRATNA, M.A.P. Report of the Agrostology Division of the Cooonut Research Institute f o r 7 1972. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 24 (3/2) 1973 : 30*42. 2634. MANTHRIRATNA, M.A.P. _ ' Report of the Acting Botanist / _ Coconut Research Institute for 1964 7. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 16 (2/2) 1965 : 35-38. 2635. MANTHRIRATNA, M.A.P. Report of the Botanist / of the Coconut Research InstituteJ (1969). Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 21 (3/2) 1970 : 22-24. 2636. MANTHRIRATNA, K.A.P. Report of the Division of Botany and Plant Breeding, / _ Coconut Reseurch InstituteJ. For 1970 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 22 (3/2) 1971 : 23-29; For 1971 : ibid. 23 (3/2) 1972 : 26-29; For 1972 : ibid. 24 (l/2) 1973 : 18-22; For 1973 : ibid. 25 ( 3 /2) 1974 : 43-47.

- 360 -

2637. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Activities of the Coconut Research Institute, 1966 : Cey. Cooon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (4) Nov. 1966 : 106-113; 1966 : ibid. 5 (1) July 1967 : 36-42; For 1967 : ibid. 5 (3) Dec. 1068 .121-127; 1968 : ibid. 6 (1) Dec. 1969 s 6-12; 1969 : ibid. 6"(2) Dec. 1970 : 87-94; 1970 : ibid. 6 (3) 1971 : 113-122; 1972 : ibid. ; "1973 : ibid. 7 (2) 1974 : 59-75. 2638. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Report of the Chemist, / Coconut Research InstituteJ\ For 1960 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (l /2) 1961 : 50-42; For 1961 : ibid. 15 (l/2) 1962 : 28-56; For 1962 : ibid. 14 (1/2) 1965 : 21-25; For 1965 : ibid. 15 (1/2) 1964 : 11-22; For 1964 : ibid. 16 (1/2) 1965 : 25-54; For 1965 : ibid. 17 ( 3/4) 1966 : 97-109; For 1966 : ibid. 18 (1/2) 1967 : 15-55; For 1967 : ibid. 19 (l /2) 1968 : 15-51. 2659. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Report of the Director ^f"of the Coconut Research I n s t i t u t e F o r 1965 : Ceylon Coconut Ciuarterly 17 ( 3/4) 1966 : 89-96; For 1966 . : ibid. 18"Tl/2) 1967 : 7-14; For 1967 : ibid. 19 (1/2) 1968 : 7-14; For 1968 : ibid. 20 (172) 1969 : 7-16; For 1969 : ibid. 21 (1/2) 1970 : 3-12; For 1970 : ibid. 22 (1/2) 1971 : 5-15; For 1971 : ibid. 25 (l/2) 1972 : 5-15; For 1972: 24 (I/2TI975 : 2-11. 2640. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Annual report of the Coconut Research Board 1U73. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (1/2) 1974 : 1-15.

- 561 264-1. NETHSIN&HE, D.A. Annual report of the Soil Chemist, /"Coconut Research InstituteJ For 1960: Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (l/2) 1961 : 11-29; For 1961 : ibid. 15 (1/2) 1962 : 12-27; For 1962 : ibid. 14 (3/2) 1965 : 8r20; For 1964 : ibid. 16 (l/2) 1965 : 9-24; For 1965. ibid. 17 (5/4) 1966 : 114-155. 2642. PERERA, K.S.O. Report of the Soil Survey Unit, ^ Coconut Research Institute^/. For 1960 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (1/2) 1961 : 85; Fora961. ibid. 1 5 T V 2 ) 1962 : 78-81; For 1962 : ibid. 14 (3/2) 1965 : 52-36; For 1965 \ ibid. 15 (372) 1964 : 64-74. PERERA, P.A.C.R. 'Report of the Biological Control Laboratory ^~of the Coconut Research Institute f o r J 1975. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (3/2) 1974 : 77^80.


2644. RAJARATNAM, D.T. and SANTHIRASE&ARAM, K. Report of the Acting Agrostologist </~of the Coconut Research Institute for 1962 J. Ccyl&a Coconut Quarterly 34 (3/2) 1965 : 51-45. 2645. RAJARATNAM, N. Annual report of the Division of Agrostology, ^"Coconut Research InstituteJ for 1961. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 33 (3/2) 1962 : 41-34. 2646. RAMALINGAM, N. Annual report of the Division of Agrostology ^"Coconut Research Institute / for 3.960 : Ceylon Coo omit Quarterly 12 (3/2) 1961 : 52-75.

- 362 -

264-7. R O D R I G O , R . B .

Report of the Officer-in-Charge,

B o t a n y Division, / Coconut R e s e a r c h

InstituteJ^. For 1966 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 18 (1/2) 1967 : 36-37; For
1967 : i b i d . 19 (3/2) 1968 : 32-35; For

1968 2648.

: ibia.

20 (1/2) 1969 : 45-44.

SAL&ADO, H.L.M. Annual report of the Director, ^Coconut Research Institute of Ceylon/. For 1960 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (l/2)
1961 : 4-10; F o r 1961 : ibid. 13_ (l/2)

1962 : 5-11;
1963 : 4-7; 1964 : 4-10.

For 1962 : ibia. 14 (3/2) For 1963 : ibid. lgTVa)


2649. SAJmOMSE&ARAM, K. _ Report of the Agrostologist ^of the Coconut Research I n s t i t u t e . For 1963 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 15 (3/2) 1964 : 41-49; For 1964 : ibia. 16 (3/2) 1965 :
55-75; For 1965 : i b i d .

17 ( 3/4) 1966 :

134-151; For 1966 : ibid. 55-73.

18 (3/2) 1967

2650. WICKPJ^IASURIYA, C.A. ^Annual report of the A d v i s o r y Division, /"Coconut Research InstituteJ. For 1960 Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (l/ ) 1961 : 85-07; For 1961 : ibid. 13 (l/2) 1962 : 82-85.

363 -

2651. WICKRAMaSUHIYA, C A . Report of the Chief Advisory Officer, ^"Coconut ResearchJ\ For 1962 : Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 14 (1/2) 1963 59-62; 75-60; For 1963 1 5 T V 2 ) 1964 For 1964 16 (1/2) 1965 : 52-54; 162-165; 17 (3/4) 1966 For 1965 18 ( 3/2) 1967 : 84-86; For 1966 19 (1/2) 1968 : 77-81; For 1967 20 CI/2) 1969 : 86-90; For 1968 63-68; For 21 (1/2) 1970 For 1969 1970 ibidT 22 (172) 1971 : 76-80; For 1971 ibid. 23 (3/2) 1972 : 68-71

2652. WICKRAMASURIYA, C A . Review of the activities of the C.R.I. Advisory Services. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 18 ( 3/4) 1967 : 58-63.

.616 : 581.1 - Coconut - Plant Physiology. 2653. ABEYWARDENA, V. Some noteworthy features of the 'initial flowering pattern in a coconut plantation. Ceylon Cooonut Quarterly 12 (3/4) 1961 : 132-141.

2654. ABEYWARDENA, V. and FERNANDO, W.V. Minimum growth standards for coconut seedlings in citronella lands in the Southern Province. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (3) Sept. 1966 : 66-72. 2655. BALASUBRAMANIAH, K.; SOTHARY, R.D. and DE SILVA, M .A .T. Nutritional studies on initial flowering of coconut (var. Typica) II. Free amino acids in leaves of bearing and non-bearing palms. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (3/4) 1974 : 149-152.

-364 -

2656. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Controlled pr.llination of coconut palms. Leafl. Coconut Res. Inst., no. 47, 1966, p. 1-6. 2657. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 44. Hand-pcllinated coconut seedlings. Lunuwila, 1966. 4 p.

2658. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet'no.. 47. Controlled pollination of coconut palms. Lunuwila, 1966. 6 p. 2659. DE SILVA, M.A.T. Estimation of calcium and magnesium in coconut leaflets by the EDTA method. Proc. CAAS. 19 (l) 1963 : 17-18. Abstract J. 2660. DE SILVA, M.A.T. Micronutrients in the nutrition of coconut. 1. Method and preliminary investigation. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (3/4) 1974 : 116-127; 2. Effect of micronutricnt deficiencies on the distribution of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B in leaf components of coconut seedlings, with B.J.A.F. Mcndis, P.A.D.G-. Appuhamy and C D . George. ibid. 25 ( 3/4) 1974 : 128-138. 2661. DE SILVA, M.A.T. and ABEYtfARDENA, V. Leaf growth in relation to age and the bearing status of coconut palms. Cey. Cocon. Firs. Rev. 6 (2) Dec. 1970 : 59-62.

- 365 -

2662. DE SILVA, M.A.T.; ABEYWARDENA, V.; GEORGE, G.D. and BALASUBRAMANIAM, K. Nutritional studies on initial flowering of coconut (var. Typica). 1. Effect of magnesium deficiency and Mg-P relationship. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 24 (3/4) 1973 : 107-115. 2663. DE SILVA, M.A.T.; /iBEYWARDENA, V.; GEOLGE, G.D. and BALASUBRAMANIAM, K. Some factor? affecting the bearing status and early flowering in cocos nuoifera (variety Typica) Proc. CAAS. 27 (l) 1971 : 37-38. ^bstracj/. 2664. DE SILVA, M.A.T. and ANTHONYPILLAI, G.M. Effect of iron and manganese on growth and nutrition of coconut seedlings. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (1) 1976 : 44. ^Abstract/. 2665. DE SILVA, M.A.T.; ANTHONYi'ILLAI, Greta and MATHES, D.T. Preliminary investigations on the sulphur nutrition of coconut. Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 60-61. ^bstracjp", 2666. DE SILVA, M.A.T.; ANTHONYPILLAI, G.M. end MATHES, D.T. The sulphur nutrition of ooconut. Experimental Agriculture (U.K. & U.S.A.) 13 (3) 1977 : 265-271. 2667. DE SILVA, M.A.T.; A?i-l!HAMY, P.A.D.G.; MENDIS, B.J.A.F. and GEORGE, G.D. Influence of nutrient pH on the uptake and distribution of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B in coconut seedlings. Proc. CAAS. 28 (l) 1972 : 49-50. /Abstract.

- 366 -


DE SILVA, M.A.T. and ATHITHARAJAH, P.P. Effect of a supplementary source of micronutrients on germination and grovrth of coconut seedlings. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (1) 1976 : 28-29. ^Abstraci/. DE SILVA, K.A.T. and GEOriG-E, G.D. Influence of size and maturity of coconut secdnuts on the rate of germination and sub sentient growth of seedlings. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 22 (3/4) 1971 : 114-110. DE SILVA, M.A.T.; MSNDIS, B.J.A.P.; AP.UHAfY, P.A.D.G. and GEORGE. G.D. Effect of micronutrient deficiencies on the distribution of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B in leaf components of coconut seedlings. Proc. . CAAS. 28 (l) 1972 : 50-51. ^Abstracl/. EKANAYAKE, U.B.M. A note on a species of Amorphoidea associated with the inflorescences of Cocos nucifera Linn. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 14 (3/4) li.uS : 95-97. KARUNAEATKE, S.M.. Growth of explants of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in vitro. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (l) 1976 : 75. /Ibstrv.c^. LIYANAGS, D.V. The isolated seed garden. Rev. 2 ( . : ) 1962 : 14-16.






Cey. Cocon. ?lrs.


LIYANAGE, D.V. A note on an improved strain of coconut seedlings. Cev. Cocon. JJrs. Rev. 1 (4-)


2675. MANTHRHUTMA., M.A.P.P. Coconut pollen. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 16 (3/4) 1965 : 102-110. 2676. MANTHRIRATNA, M.A.P.P. A comparative study of the growth, flowering and yield of (a) typica x pumila (b) typica x typica (c) typical open pollinated progeny, (fourth sessions of the FAO working party on coconut production, protection and processing, Kingston, Jamaica, 1975). Rome, F.A.O., 1975. 5 p. (mimeo). 2677. MANTHRIRATNA, M.A.P.P. An improved method of storage of coconut pollen. Proc. CAAS. 50 (l) 1974 : 71. abstracj/. 2678. MANTHRIRATNA, M.A.P.P. A note on the staining of somatic chromosomes of the coconut palm. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 17 (2) 1966 : 80-82. 2679. MANTHRIRATNA, M.A.P.P. Planting densities and planting systems for coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) - a study of vegetative characters. Proc. SLAAS. 52 (1) 1976 : 32-55. /Abstract. 2680. MANTHRIRATNA, M.A.P.P. and LIYANA&E, D.V. Method of artificial pollination of coconut palms. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (2) 1960 : 3-10. 2681. MANTMIRATNA, M.A.P.P. and SAMBASIVAM, S. Stomatal density in varieties and forms of the coconut, Cocos nucifera L. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (3/4) 1974 : 105-100.

368 -


SAL&ADO, H.L.K. and ABEYV7ARDENA, V. Nutritional and physiological studies on coconut water. Part 1 : Further aspects of the nutrient content of nut water in relation to soil nutrients. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 15 (3/4) 1964 : 95-108. TAMBIAIi, K.S. and KANDIAH, S. The cource of the v:ater conducting tissue in the fruit of cocos nucifera. Proc. CAAS. JJJ (1) 1963 : 28. ^Abstracjj^ TAKBIAR, M.S. and WAIDYANATKA, U.J , de S. . An investigation of the pressures generated by coconut water at different stages of development of the fruit of cocos nucifera and its relationship to the osmetic pressure and ionic concentration. Proc. CAAS, 19 (1) 1963 : 28-29. /Abstri-icJ/.




WICKREMASURIYA, C.A. Some observations on the effect of photoperiod on the flowering behaviour of the coconut palm, Cocos nucifera. Linn. Ceylon ' Coconut Quarterly 19 ( 4) 19,68 : 152-160. see also nos. 2634-36, 2647, 2727, 2826-28, 2842-45, 2869, 2871.

,616 : 581.19 - Coconut - Biochemistry. Fermentation.



B A L A S i n J T l A I , ! A N I A I , : , K.
3stim...tion of sugars in coconut by enzymatic method. lYoc. CA5. 30 (l) 1074 : 110-111.
/ '~


Studios on the purific.-.t'.ion and

characteristics of o < - Galactosidase of coconut. Proc. CAAS. 30 (l) 1974 : 111-112. ^Abstr; cjbj

- 369 -

2688. BAIASUBRAMANIAM, K. and ALLES, N.H. Invertase activity in coconut. Free. SLAAS. 34 (l) 1978 : 65-66. ^Abstracj/. .2689. BALASUBRAMAKLU!, K.; ATUKCRALA, T . M . S . ; 7/XJESUNDERA, S. Mid HOOVER, A.A. ' Biochemical changes during germination of coconut. Annals of Botany 37., 1973 : 439-445. 2690. BALASUBRAIriAIOAJJ, K . ; DEY, P .M. and PRIDHAK, J.B. Association end dissoci&tion of o< galactosidase of coconut (cocos nucifera typica). Biochemical Society Transactions 2 (5) 1974 ' : 1128-1130. .

Biosynthesis of mannans in coconut. Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 155. ^Abstracj/ .


2.692. BALASUBRAK5ANIAW, K.; JAYALATH, T . M . S . ; 70:JESUKDERA, S.; HOOVER, A. A. and DE SILVA, M.A.T. Biochemical changes during germination of coconut. Proc. CAAS. 27 (l) 197i : 84-85. ^Abstracj/. 2693.


and DE S I L V A , M . A . T .

Free amino-acid pattern in the leaves of bearing and non-bearing trees of Cocos nucifera (variety Typica). Proc. CAAS. 27 (1) 1971 : 85-66. Abstracy. 2694. BAIASUTJRAMAKTAI.', K.; WIJESUNDERA, S. and SOTHARY, R.D. Biochemical c h , ' < . n f i e s during maturation of coconut. iVoc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 154. ^Abstract/"."

- 370 -

2695. &UNAWAHDENA, K. A study of the free amino acids in the liquid endosperm of coconut (cocos nucifera). Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 24 (3/4)" 1973 : 102-106. 2696. HOOVE"', A.A.J ABEYNATJDA, M . T . and THEVATHASAN, C A . Studies on the coconut solid endosperm: 1. Some attempt Lo isolate the major solid components. roc. CAAS. 27 (l) 1971 : 82. ^bstraci/; 2. Some observations on the nature of the protein isolated from the fresh endosperm, ibid. 27 (l) 1971 : 82-85. /Abstract2697. HOOVER, R. and GI1KETILLEKE, K.C Spoilage .-nd coconut oil. 1. Purification of a lipase from a fungus found growing on coconut kernel. Proc. CAAS. 27 (l) 1971 : 83. ^Abstracj/^ 2. Properties of tiic enzyme. ibid. 27 (l) 1971 : 83-84. kb stracl/. 2698. JAYATILAKE, P. and SENTHESHAmRXANATHAN, S. The effect of ultraviolet radiations on yeasts isolated from fermented saps of palmyrah (Py) (Borassus flabellifer), Coconut (Cy) (Cocos nucifera) and Kitul (Ky) (Karyota urens) Proc. CAAS. 28 (l) 1972 : 108-109.


JAYATILEKS, G.S. Studies on the tocopherols of coconut oil. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (3/4) 1074 : 160-163.

2700. JEYA RAJ, E.E. and JANSZ, E.R. Somr c o l c r rc.^tions of coconut water.


20 (1) 1970 : 105. ^ a W r a c j ^ .

2701. KULATVNllA, It. A. and K.ffiDKNIYA, Kamini Physico-chemical and microbiological changes in dcssicc&ted coconut during storage Proc. SLAAS. 32 (l) 1976 : 74-75. ^Abstracj/

- 371 -

2702. LJYANAG3, A.W. and SENTHESHANMUGANAT, Comparative studies of yeasts isol from fermented saps of palms in CeyI t Proc. CAAS. 26 (1) 1970 : 97-98. ! 09


LIYANAGE, A . V > ' . and SENIKESHANMU&AIIATH ^ 3. Mechanism of assimilation of amino I s by the yeasts isolated from fermented < s of coconut (Cy) - (Cocos nucifera). K *Z. (Ky) (Karyotti urens) and Palmyrah (Py (Borassus flapellifor) using cell-frei systems, f'roc. CAAS. 27 (l) 1971 : i 7. ^bstracjj/.

27C4. SAMARAJEEWA, U.; PETKIYAGODA, IT. and ATPUTHARAJAH, J.D. Controlled fermentation of 1. Nature and behaviour of microorganisms. . Proc. SLAAS. 32 (l) 1976 : 67-68. /Abstract. 2705. SAMARAJEEWA, U.; ATTUTHARAJA, J.D. and WIJERATNA, M.C.P. Controlled fermentation of coconut sap 2. Production of a liquor of consistent quality. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (l) 1976 : 70-71.


SAMARAJEEWA, U.; PETHIYAGODA, U.; ATPuTOiRAJAH, J.D. and WIJERATNE, M.C.P. Fermentation characteristics of some yeast types isolated from coconut toddy. In: . Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coconut Research and development, Kasaradod, India, 1976. pp. 28-31. see also nos. 2617, 2626-27, 2638, 2655, 2790-93, 2796, 2801.

- 372 -

634.616 : 631

- Coconut - Agriculture, fanning in general. Agronomy.

2707. ABEKARDENA, V. Some suggestions for minimizing errors from mishaps in field experiments with perennials. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 13 (3/4) 1062 : 126-134. 2706. ABEYsVARDEJ'IA, V. Statistic,?.! control of variability in coconut experiments. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture TUSA & UK) 32 (126) 1964 : 166-174." 2709. ABEY7/APJ)3NA, V. and B R A N D O , J.K.T. Seasonal variation of coconut crops. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 14 (3/4) 1963 : 74-78. 2710. ANON Key to operations on a coconut land. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Bey. 5 (l) July 1967 : 53-54. 2711. ANON Season's notes on coconut cultivation. August, September and October - in lands under coconut. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (l) 1960 : 18-20. 2712. ANON Seasonal notes : February, March and April in coconut lands. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (3) 1961 : 45-47. 2713. CEYLON. C.iconut T t e r , c ; > r c h Institute. Leaflet no. L'i. Planting coconuts on old rubber lands. Rev, ed. Lunuwila, 1066. 2 p.

- 373 2714. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 46. Planting coconut in home gardens. Rev, ed. Lunuwila, 1969. 4 p. "2715. EKANAYAKE, U.B.M. Acreage under coconut in Ceylon. Cey. Cooori. Plrs. Rev. 6 (2) Dec. 1970 : 68-69. 2716. FERNANDO, Primaon The experience of a planter. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (5) Sept. 1966 : 73r77. . 2717. MAKESON. S. Coconut cultivation in Puttalam district. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (2) 1962 : 50. 2718. llaNMRinATflA, K.A.P. The performance of dwarfs (Cocos nucifera L.) (variety nana) as a plantation crop in Ceylon. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 23 (5/4) 1972 : 92-99.' 2719. THAl'iBUG-ALA, L.D. Coconut cultivation in Kegalle district. Cey. Coooh. Plrs. Rev. 1 (3) 1961 : 43-44.

2720. WICKREMASURIYA, C.A. . Season s notes on coconut cultivation. November, December and January in lands under coconut.. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (2) 1960 : 34-57.

2721. WICKREMASURIYA, C.A. Subsidy scheme for planting of coconut on citronella lands. Part I. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev.' 1 (1) 1960 : 3-4; Part II. ibid. J T l ) Ty62 : 17-18.

- 374 -

634.616 : 631.3 - Coconut - Agricultural implements, tools and machinery. 2722. ANON Mechanization on small or residential coconut estates. Cey. Cooon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (3) 1961 : 28-37. 2723. VILLEMAIN, &. and MANCIOT, R. La preparation du coprah. Description et conditions de fonctionnement d'un four a " coprah derive du type "Ceylan". The manufacture of copra. Description and operational conditions of a copra drier derived from the Ceylon-type/. Olcagineux (Paris) 16 (11) 1961 : 677-683. For related material see also UDC 634.616 : 631.56/.57 Coconut - Processing. 634.616; 631.4 - Coconut - Soil Science 2724. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Advisory leaflet, no. 16. Soil and moisture conservation measures on coconut lands. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1968. 3 p. 2725. KRISHNA MARAR, M.M. Introductory paper on coconut soils. Indian Coconut Journal 15 (3/4) 1962 : 113-130. 2726. LOGANA.THAN, P. Influence of soil type and selected soil morphological properties on the yield of coconut (C oc 03 nur. ifera) in Sri Lanka. IT. Walpita Estate, Kotadeniyawa. Proc. SLAAS. 34 ( . 1 ) 1970 : 27-2... ^Abr.trao^

- S75

. 2727. LOGANATHAK, P. and FERNANDO, T.W. Phosphorus adsorption by some tropical coconut soils of Sri Lanka. 1. Effect of soil properties. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (1)1976 : 31. /Abstrac^.; 2. Effect of pH and calcium. ibid. 32 (l) 1976. : . 52. ^Abstraci^. 2726. NETHSH'IGHE, D . A . Maintaining fertility on coconut lands. Trop. A g r i c , Ceylon 119 (3/4) 1963 : 155-166.
* ,

^ * V



M .L.I.'..

Mineralogieal approach to soil studies with.special reference to coconut soils in Ceylon. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 11 (l/2) 1960 : 18-30. 2730. SALGADO, M.L.M. Studies on coconut soils in relation to land use. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 14 (3/4) 1963 : 71-73. . 2731. SANTHIRASEGARAM, K. Studies on the nutrient status of some coconut soils in Ceylon. 2. The "cinnamon" sand on Horakelly estate. B. The "hard p*an" , with D.E.F. Ferdinandez. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 15 (3/4) 1964 : 115-124; 4. The 'lateritic soils' on Ratmalagara Estate, Lunuwila, Coconut Research Institute, 1965. ii, 23 p. (Bulletin no. 23); 5. The "lateritic gravel" on Mattegoda Estate, ( A) Preliminary studies, with D.E.F. Ferdinandez and N. Rajaratnam. Trop. Agric, (Ceylon) 121(1/2) 1985 : 43-54; 5. The "lateritic gravel" on Mattcftod/i Eatate. (B ) Optimum requirements of deficient nutrients, with D.E.F. Ferdinandez. ibid. 132 (3/4) 1966 : 127-137. 6. The loamy soils from Vanathivillu (A) Preliminary studies, with N. Rajaratnam and D.E.F. Ferdinandez. Trop. Agric. (Ceylon) 121 (3/4) 1965 : 105-116; 7. The alluvial sandy soil at Pothukulama with N. Rajaratnam and D.E.F. Ferdinandez. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 17 (l) 1966 : 42-35; .TTTContd.)

ipr *

- 376 -

8. The lateritic gravel at &onapinuwela. Ibid. 18 (3/4) 1967 : 38-56; 9. The marine sandy soils at Irranawila. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 44, 1967 : 193-207; 10. Minor soil series and conditions in the Chilaw district. Experimental Agriculture
fi~S^*HO"Slv. i
1 9 6 8

^.J:? .??- ?-



SHANMU&ANATIIAN, R.T. and LO&ANATHAN, P. Potassium status of some coconut growing soils in Sri Lanka. Proc. SLAAS. 34 (1) 1978 : 23. ^AbstracpT""^ see also nos. 291-2, 2613-14, 2617, 2641-42, 2659-60, 2664-68, 2682 , 2840-41, 2852 , 2871, 2901-02. Coconut - Operations. Growing. Cultivation methods.

.0 A

634.616 : 631.5

634.616 : 631.52 - Cooonut - Selection. Breeding, etc. 2733. LIYANA&E, D.V. Effect of inbreeding on some characters of the coconut palm. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 20 (4) 1969 : 161-167. LIYANA&E, D.V. Cenetic improvement of the coconut palm. In: Symposium on Tropical Crops Improvement, Tenth Pac. Sci. Congress, S. Pac. Coom., Noumea 1961. pp. 39-50. LIYANA&E, D.V. Identification of genotypes of coconut palms suitable for breeding. Experimental Agriculture (USA & UK). 3 (3) 1967 : 205-210.


jf. *


2736.. LIYANA&E, D.V. The use of isolated seed gardens for coconut seed production. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (3/4) 1961 : 121-124; Indian Coconut Journal 15 (3/4) 1962 : 105-110.

377 -


LIYANAGE, D . V . e n d SAKAI, K . I . H e r i t a b i l i t i e s of c e r t a i n y i e l d c h a r a c t e r s of t h e coconut palm. Journal . of S e n e t i o s . 57 ( 2 / 3 ) 1960 : 245-252. MANTHRIRATNA, K . A . P . I n t r a - s p e c i f i c h y b r i d i z a t i o n i n ooconut ( C o c o s n u c i f e r a L . ) S a n Ramon x D w a r f F ^ hybrids. P r o c . CAAS. 3 0 ( 1 ) 1974 : 5 5 . " T T j s t r a o j / . MAI^THRIRATI''IA, M . A . P . P . S e l e c t i o n and b r e e d i n g f o r h i g h y i e l d in coconut. Ceylon Coconut Q u a r t e r l y 21 ( 3 / 4 ) 1970 : 9 4 - 9 8 . MANTHRIRATNA, M . A . P . P . S e l e c t i v e u s e of improved p l a n t i n g material f o r r e h a b i l i t a t i n g S r i Lanka's coconut i n d u s t r y . (Fourth sessions of the FAO w o r k i n g p a r t y on c o c o n u t p r o d u c t i o n , p r o t e c t i o n and p r o c e s s i n g , K i n g s t o n , Jamaica, 1975). Rome, F . A . O . , 1 9 7 5 . 10 p . (mimeo.) MANTHRIRATNA, K . A . P . Some r e s u l t s o f f i e l d e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n w i t h t y p i c a x nana ( F ^ ) h y b r i d s . 1 . Leaf production, flowering and y i e l d . Ceylon Coconut Q u a r t e r l y 22 ( 3 / 4 ) 1 9 7 1 : 1 0 7 1 1 3 ; 2 . Copra and o i l c o n t e n t : i b i d . 24 ( 3 / 4 ) 1 9 7 3 : 9 6 - 1 0 1 .






SAKAI, K a n - I c h i Method of breeding of c o c o n u t p a l m s . A comment on " t h e i m p r o v e m - n t o f t h e c o c o n u t palm b y b r e e d i n g and s e l e c t i o n " o f Dr. S.C. Harlnnd. Trop. A f l r i c . Ceylon 1 1 6 (3) 1 9 6 0 : 1 8 5 - 1 8 9 . WHITEHEAD, P . . A . ; THOMPSON, B . E . a n d WILI-IA!.iS, L . C . A g e n e t i c maker of u s e i n h y b r i d s e e d p r o d u c t i o n . FAO c o n f e r e n c e on c o c o n u t p r o d u c t i o n , p r o t e c t i o n and p r o c e s s i n g , C o l o m b o , P r i Lanka ( 1 9 6 4 ) . Oleagincux (Paris) 2 1 (3) 1 9 6 6 : 1 5 3 - 1 5 4 . For related material see also UDC 6 3 4 . 6 1 6 : 5 8 1 . 1 C o c o n u t - P l a n t physiology.


- 378 -

.616 : 631.53

- Cooonut

' . Transplanting.

Intercropping. Planting material. 2744. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 4. Transplanting coconut seedlings. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1966; 6 p. 2745. LIYANA&E, D.V. Methods of underplanting in senile . coconut plantations. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 14 (3/4) 1963 : 89-94; Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 3 (4) 1963 : 87-90,

2746. LIYANA&E, D.V. Planting material in coconuts. Cey. Cocon. Plrs.'Rev. 4 ( 2) 1966 : 27-29. .2747. LIYANA&E, M. de S. Some useful guidelines towards organised intercropping. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 7 (2) 1974 : 93-97. 2748. SANTHIRASE&ARAM, K. . Intercropping of coconuts with special reference to food production. Cey. Cpcon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (1) July 1967 : 12-24. 2749. SANTHIRASE&ARAM, K. Intercropping with coconuts. (Review of biological principles involved). J. Nat. Agric. Soc., Ceylon 2, 1965 : 2-12.

2750. SANTHIRASE&ARAM, K. Utilization of the space among coconuts for intercropping. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (2) Jul. 1966 : 43-46.

- 379 -

634.616 : 631.54 - Coconut - Tending and care 2751. . ABETtfARDENA, V. and MATHES, D.SD. Crop losses in coconut through button shedding and immature nutfall. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 6 (3) 1971 : 97-106. 2752. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 17. Cover-crops for coconuts. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1968. 4 p. 2753. DE SILVA, K.A.T. Cover crops under coconuts. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 2 (1/2) 1961.: 17-22.

634.616 : 631.55 - Coconut - Harvesting : reaping. yielda, etc. 2754. ABEYWARDENA, V. Coconut production in 1959. Cey. Cocon, Plrs. Rev. 1 (l) 1960 : 21-22. 2755. ABEYWARDENA, V. Crop fluctuations in coconut. Cey. Cocon. P3js. Rev. 4 (2) Jul. 1966 : 47-50. 2756. ABEYWAR7i)ENA, V. Crop/ intelligence. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (2) Mar. 1968 : 95-96. 2757. AJfflJP&ARDENA, V. Crop intelligence. Table 1 : The first a n ; ' J second crops of 1966 in different localities. Table 2 : Rainfall of di/ffercnt localities in 1965. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (4) Nov. 1966 : 121-122. 2758. A'BEYVvARDENA, V. The efficiency of pre-experimental yield in the calibration of coconut experiments. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 21 (3/4) 1970 : 85-91.

380 2759. ABEYWARDENA, V. Forecasting oooonut crops using rainfall data. In: Third Session of the F.A.O. . Technioal Working Party on Cooonut Production, Protection and Processing. Rome, F.A.O., 1968. 2760. ABEYWARDENA, V.' Forecasting coconut crops using rainfall data : a preliminary study. Ceylon Coconut Qua. 'rly 19 (4) 1968 : 161-176. 2761. ABEYWARDENA, V. Studies of biennial bearing tendency in oooonut. 1. The measurement of bienniality in cocont. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 13 (3/4) 1962 : 112-125 ; 2. A minimum plot size for coconut, ibid, 15 (5/ ) 6 4 : 109-114.
4 1 9

2762. ABEYWARDENA, V. Yield variations , i n oooonut. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 22 ( 5/4) 1971 : 97-103. 2763. ANON Pilot sample survey to estimate area and yield of coconut (1961-1963). Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 6 (l) Dec. 1969 : 38-58. 2764. FERNANDO, J.K.T. Crop intelligence. Cey. Cocon. Firs. Rev. 5 (l) July 1967 : 44-46. 2765.. JBGANATHAN, M. Toddy yields from hybrid coconut palms. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (3/4) 1974 : 139-148.


Crop intelligence. Table 1. 4th, 5th .and 6th crops of 19C7 in different localities. Table 2. Rainfall of different localities in the second half of 1967. Cey, Cocon. Plr3. Rev. 5 (3) Dec. 1968 : 135-136.

- 381

2767. KASUNASENa, G. Com p. Crop intelligence. Table 1. 1st, 2nd nd 3rd crops of 1968 in different localities. Table 2. Rainfall of different localities In the first half of 1060* Cey. Cocon; Plrs. R O Y . 5 (4) Mar. 1909 : 191-192. 3768. KARUKAS3KA, G. Comp. Crop intelligence. Table 1. 4th, 5th and 6th crops of 1968, in different localities. Table 2. - Rainfall of different localities in the second half of 1968. Cey. Cooon. Plrs. Rev. 6 (l) Dec. 1969 * 35-36." " . 2769. KARUKASafA, G. Comp. Crops of 196P in different localities. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rov. 6 (2) Deo. 1970 : 97. 2770. KARUNASENA, G. Comp.. . Crop intelligence. 1st, 2nd and 3rd crops of 1970 in different localities. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 6 (3) 1971 : 138. 2771. KARuTJASETlA, G. Comp. Crop intelligence. Tabic 1. 4th, 5th and 6th crops of 1970 in different localities. Table 2. Rainfall of different localities in the second half of 1970. Coy. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 6. (4) Jun. 1972 r 183*184. 2772. KARUNASEIs'A, G. Comp. * Crop intelligence. Table 1. Crops of 1971 in different localities. Cey. Cocon. PITS. Rny. 7 (1) Dec. 1973 : 44-45J Table 2. Rainfall of different localities i t * 1973,. ibid. 7 (1) Deo. 1975 : 40,

- 582


mUNASENA, G. Comp.. Crop i n t e l l i g e n c e . Table 1. Crops of 1972 i n d i f f e r e n t l o c a l i t i e s . Cey. Cocon. P l r s . Rev. 7 ( l ) Dec. 1973 : 46-47; T a b l e 2 . R a i n f a l l of d i f f e r e n t l o c a l i t i e s i n 1972. i b i d . 7 ( l ) Dec. 1973 : 4 9 . NATHANAEL, W.R.N. A "tapping" technique f o r the coconut palm. Cey. Cocon. P l r s . Rev. 4 (4) N o v . 1966 : 8 7 - 9 9 . SALGADO, 1I.L.H. Coconuts i n 1960 : Cey. Cocon. P l r s . R e v . 1 (4) 1961 : 24-33; 1961 : i b i d . 2 ( 3 ) 1962 : 5 - 9 .



634.616 ; 6 3 1 . 5 6 / . 5 7 - Coconut - P r o c e s s i n g . co-products. 2776.

By- and

ANON Coir. Industrial Fibres. Commonwealth Economic C o m m i t t e e ( L o n d o n ) . 1 2 , 1962 ; 198-204. ANON The m a n u f a c t u r e o f c o c o n u t t o d d y v i n e g a r b y t h e ' G e n e r a t o r ' p r o c e s s (A p r o c e s s developed by Coconut Research I n s t i t u t e of S r i L a n k a ) . Ccfaomrunity ( I n d o n e s i a ) APCC/QS/ 2 3 , D e c . 1977 : i 0 - 2 8 . ANON The p r e p a r a t i o n o f c o i r o r c o c o n u t f i b r e by t r o f l i t i o T i a . . l mntlmdn. London, T r o p i c a l I ' r o d i w t i m j U L i j I o , 1 W 0 . C^J 9* faeport no. G.52).



- 385 4

2779. ARSECULARATNE, S.N.; DE SILVA, L.M. ; WIJESUMDERAj S. and BANDUNATHA. C .H.S.R. Coconut as a medium for 'the / ' experimental production of' oflatoxin.,: / Applied Microbiology (USA) 18, 1969 : 88-94.
t v

2780. BAGOT, Y. . Le coco rape. Sa fabrication et son marche. /_ Rasped coconut meat. Processing and marketing/. Oleagineux (Paris) 17 : . (5) 1962 : 483.-485. 2781. BCBBIESB,G.C. Some facts on the fibre industry. Cey. Coooh. Plrs. Rev. 5 (3) Dec. 1968 : 103-107. 2782. BUREAU OF CEYLON STANDARDS. Specification for white distilled coconut fatty acids. Colombo, Bureau of Ceylon Standards, 1974. 8 p. (Sri Lanka Standard 298 . : 1974). 2783. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 6. Coconut shell charcoal. Lunuwila, 1967. /"Reprint J, 7 p. 2784. CHELLLAK, J. and BAPTIST, N.G. The extractability of nitrogen (protein) from coconut 'poonac'. Proc. CAAS. 21 (1) 1965 : 50. /Abstract 2785. DE SILVA, Dhammika Phenolic plastics from coconut shell distillate. Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1975 :
133. ^AbstracJ^.

- 384 -

2786. EDIltlTiEERA, Kandnni Preparation of heat stabilised coconut milk. In: CEYLON INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. CISIR contribution to science and industry : Proceedings of the 21st nniversary seminar, B.M.I.C.H., May 4-6, 1976. Colombo, C.I.S.I.R., 1977. pp. 51-66.

2787. FERNANDO, L.J. and JAYA RAJ, E.E. The manufacture of desiccated coconut free from pathogenic bacteria. Proc. CAAS. 17 (l) 1961 : 31-52. ^AbstracJ .

2788. GALBRAITH, N.S. and others Salmoncllae in desiccated coconut; an interim report. Monthly Bulletin of the Ministry of Health and Public Health Laboratory Service (London) 19, 1960 : 99-105; 2789. HODGE, W.H.. Toddy collection in Ceylon. Principles (USA) 7, 1965 : 70-79. 2790. JANSZ, E.R. and JEYA RAJ, E.E. Preservation of young coconut water. In: CEYLON INSTKME3 OP SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. CISIIL contribution to science and industry : Proceedings of the 21st anniversary seminar, B.M.I.C.H., May 4-6, 1976. Colombo, C.I.S.I.R., 1977. pp. 63-64. 2791. JANSZ, E.R.; JEYA RAJ, E.E.; ABEYRATNE, D.J. and POJARATME, I.G. Control of sulphide formation in coconut toddy. J_i.!iat. Sci. Coun., Sri Lanka 5 (l) . 1975 : 1-10." 2702. JANSZ, K.R.; JEYA RAJ, K.E.; IHSMARATNE, I.G. and MTiTlATNiS, D.J. Hydrogen sulphide formation in fermenting toddy. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (3/4) 1974 : 155-159;"*""?roc. CAAS. 50 (TJ 3.974 : 110. /Abstract.



- 385 -

JANSZ, E.R.; KALYANANDA, M.K .G.S .J PAEANAOTTHAIIA, Shanthi; JEYA RAJ, E.E.; PREMARATNE, I . G . and ABSYRATNE, D.J. Recent investigations on coconut toddy. In: CEYLON INSTITUTE OP SCIENTIPIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. CISIR contribution to science and industry : Proceedings of the 21st anniversary seminar, B.M.I.C.H., May 4-6, 1976. Colombo, C.I.S.I.R., 1977. pp. 57=61. JAYARATNA, S.M. A possible use for coir dust. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 11 (3/4) 1960 :.1-4. JAYASUNDERA, D.S. and JARMAN, C.G. Transfer of advanced coir processing technology from developed to developing countries : coir fibre. (Project findings and recommendations UNCTAD/GATT). Geneva (Switzerland) UNDP/RAS/71/715, Nov. 1975. Vol. 1. 63 p. JAYATISSA, P.M.-; PATHIRANA, R.A.J SmYCGASUNDERAM, K. and JEYA RAJ, E.E. Yeasts of the coconut palm wine of Sri Lanka. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (England) 29 (11) 1978 : 975-978. JEYARAJ, E.E. The preservation and bottling of fermented coconut_toddy. Proc. CAAS. 17 (l) 1961 : 62, ^Abstracjj7 JEYA RAJ, E .E. and DE SILVA, Marina A simple histochemical method for establish ing biological deterioration i n coir fibre, and its use in assessing quality in mill fibre. Proc. CAAS. 2 6 (l) 1970 : 69-70. ^"bstrac^ .

- 386 -

2799. UURENTIUS, S.F. Aqueous processing of coconut for recovery of oil and protein. In: CEYLON INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. GISIR contribution to science and industry : Proceedings of the 21st anniversary seminar, B.M.l.C.H., May 4-6, 1976. Colombo, 8.I.S.I.R., 1977. pp. 47-50. 2800. MOHANADAS, S. Preservation, bottling and keeping qualities of fresh coconut sap (sweet toddy). Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 25 (3/4) 1974 : 109-115. Proc. CAAS. 30 (lT"l974 89.. /Abstract^.

2801. NATHANAEL, Chemical on coconut Quarterly

W.R.N. and technological investigations products. Ceylon Coconut 11 (l/2) I960 : 51-54.

2802. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Coconut toddy tapping and cottage manufacture of treacle.and jaggery. Cey. Cooon. Plrs. Rev. 6 (2) Dec. 1970 : 65-65. 2805. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Copra manufacture and how to reduce off-grade; Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 2.(3) 1962 : 13-16. 2804. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Economic losses to the coconut industry consequent on deterioration of under-<lried copra. (Report submitted to the F.A.O. group on coconut and coconut products I960). Ceylon Coconut Sucrtorly 11 (3/4) I960 : 5-46. 2805. NAIIIANAEL, W.R.N. The manufiictare of coconut toddy vinegar by the 'generator process. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 3 (2) 1962 : 32-56.

2806. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Moisture and other quality factors of copra.

387 -

2807. NATHANAEL, T7.R.N. Non-conventional uses and processing techniques for coconut products. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 21 (3/4) 1970 : 99-106; Industrial Ceylon 11 (3) Dec. 1971 : 41-48. 2808. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Some aspects of copra deterioration. Ceylon Cocoi . : quarterly 16 ( 3/4) 1965 : 111-120. 2809. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Utilization of coconut products. Cey. Coccn. Plrs. Rev. 4 (2) Jul. 1966 : 39-42. 2810. NATHANAEL, W.R.N, and- TISSERA, M.P. . A quantitative study on the recovery coir fibre from the coconut husk. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 19 (3) 1968 : 137-151. 2811. NITHIANANDA, K.; VELAUDAPILLAI, T. and MEEDENIYA, ICamini. Salmonellae in desiccated coconut. Proc. CAAS. 18 (l) 1962 : 4. / I b s t r a c ^ . 2812. NUG-AV/EIA, D. Coconut shell distillates. In: CEYLON INSTITUTE 01' SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. CISIR contribution to science and industry : Proceedings of the 21st anniversary seminar, B.M.I.C.H., May 4-6, 1976. Colombo, C.I.S.I.R., 1977. pp. 65-69. 2813. RAMCHANDRAN, C and SUNDARALINGAM, IC Building materials from coconut husk. Proc. C M S . 50 ( l ) 1974 : 104. ^bstracj^ 2014. SAM/JIAJPIWA, Upali Aflatoxins in coconut products. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 23 (3/4) 1972 : 108-113.

. 2815.

- 388

SAMARAJ-EEWA, U. a n d ARSECULARATNE, S . N . Methods f o r e s t i m a t i o n of a f l a t o x i n s i n c o c o n u t p r o d u c t s . P r o c . CAAS. 28 ( l ) 1972 : 31-32. ^Abstracj/. SAMARAJEEIVA, U . ; ARSECULERATNE, S . N . a n d BANDUNATHA, C . H . S . R . D e g r a d a t i o n of a f l a t o x i n s in coconut o i l and copra meal ( p o o n a c ) . J . Nat. Sci. C o u n . . S r i L a n k a . 5 ( l ) 1977 : 1 - 1 2 . SRI LANKA. C o c o n u t M a r k e t i n g B o a r d . C o c o n u t p r o d u c t s of S r i Lanka : e d i b l e and n o n - e d i b l e u s e s of coconut p r o d u c t s . Colombo, Coconut M a r k e t i n g B o a r d , J. 5 p. (mimeo.) THEIVENDIRARAJAH, K . ; JEYASEELAN, K. a n d PUVIRAJASBIGAM, V. E f f e c t i v e u t i l i z a t i o n o f t h e raw m a t e r i a l s and by-products in a coconut arrack i n d u s t r y . P r o c . SLAAS.. 3 2 ( l ) 1 9 7 6 : 6 9 - 7 0 . ^Abstracj/. THEIVET1DIRARAJAH, K . ; JEYASEELAN, K. a n d PUVIRAJASD1&AM, V. Some a s p e c t s o f f e r m e n t a t i o n o f o o c o n u t (Cocos n u c i f e r a L . ) s a p . P r o c . SLAAS. 32 ( 1 ) 1976 : 6 6 - 6 7 . ^bstracy. VELAUDAPILLAI, T . ; MEEDENIYA, K. a n d TIIJJtfCARATNE, H.A. S t a t i s t i c a l a n a l y s i s of i n c i d e n c e o f salmonellae in desiccated coconut. Proc. CAAS. 24 ( l ) 1 9 6 8 : 8 - 9 . ^AbstracpT" VALAUDAPILLAI, T . a n d TII^SKERATNE, H.A. I n c i d e n c e of s a l m o n e l l a e i n d e s i c c a t e d cooonut m i l l s ; P r o c . CAAS. 25 ( l ) 1969 : 19 /Abstrac^. VEUUDAPILLAI, T . ; TILLEKERATNE, H.A. a n d DABARA, M . M . I . I n v e s t i g a t i o n s on t h e c o n t r o l o f b a c t e r i a l . organisms i n t h e manufacture of d e s i c c a t e d c o c o n u t . P r o c . CAAS. 25 ( l ) 1 9 6 9 : 2 0 . /Abstract^.








- 389 -

2823. VITARANA, K.M. . Salmonellae in heat dried foods with particular reference to desiccated coconut. M. Phil, thesis. University of London, 1970. (Unpublished). 2824. VflSBRASECGRA. W.M.K. and &UNASEKERA.. S.A. An investigation into the microbiology of retting in coir production. Proc. CAAS. -'29.(1) 1973 : 110. /Abstract see also nos. 104, 2606, 2699, 2723, 2741, 3639. .616 : 631.8 -. Coconut - Fertilizers. Manuring.

2825. ABEYWARDENAj V.. . The economic optimum in the rate of fertilizer application. Coy. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (1) 1965 : 1-11. 2826. BAIAKRISHNAMURTT, T.S. Inorganic and organic sources of nitrogen and phosphorus as fertilizers for ooconut. Proc; SLAAS. 32 (l) 1976 : 29. ^Abstrac^ 2827. MLAKRISHNAMURTI, T.S. Isotope studies on efficiency of fertilizer utilization by coconut palms. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 20 (3) 1969 : 111-122;- "Proc. CAAS. 24 I T ) 1968 : 38-39. ^bstrac^, 2828. BALAKRISHTIU.IURTI, T.S. Phosphorus nutrition in coconut. In: Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka. 4th Annual Sessions. July. Proceedings, 1973. pp. 54-57. 2829. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 8. Manuring of young palms. Revised edition. . Lunuwila, 1967. 6 p.

- 390 -

2830. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Advisory leaflet ho* 24. Farmyard manure. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1967. 3 p. 2831. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 36. The manuring of adult coconut palms. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1967. 9 p.

2832. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 36. (Supplement). . C.R.I, fertilizerjnixtures for adult 7 palms. Lunuwila, L96?2 3 p. 2833. DE SILVA, G.V.S. An experiment on cattle manuring and irrigation of coconut palms. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (4) 1981 : 5-7. 2634. DE SILVA, M.A.T. Fertilizer experiments and.coconut yields. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 7 (l) Dec. 1973 : 1-4, 1 pi. 2835. DE SILVA, M.A.T. Recommended methods of fertilizer application for coconut palms. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (3) Dec. 1968 : 108-111. 2836. DE SILVA, M.A.T. Revised fertilizer recommendations for adult coconut palms. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (1) July 1967 : 25-27. 2837. DE SILVA, M.A.T.; BALAKRISHNAMURTI, T.S. and /vBEr.7Aia>ENA, V. Fertilizer requirements of tho coconut palm. Journal of the Soil Science Society of Ceylon 1, 1970 : 97-112. 2838. EDEN, T.; GOWER, J.C. and SALGADO. M.L.M. A factorial fertilizer experiment on coconuts. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture [U.S.A. & U.K.) 31 (124) 1963 : 283-295.

- 391 -


LOGANATHANV, P . ' . Meeting the fertilizer shortage in coconut. In: Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka. Annual Sessions, 5th. 27th July 1974. Proceedings. Colombo, 1974. pp, 69-74,,.,

2840. IA&ANATHAN, P. Yield and growth responses of yOung coconut to NPK fertilisation on a sandy soil in Sri Lanka. Proc. SLAAS. 34 (l) 1978 : 16. 2841. LOGANATHAN, P. and NALLIAH, V. Downward, movement and transformation of phosphorus in sells after longcontinued fertilizer application to coconut (Cocos nucifera). Journal of Agricultural ScienoeTuSA) 89 (pt. 2) 1977 : 279-284; Proc. SLAAS. 32.(l) 1976 : 30. ^Abstracl/.

2842. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. The application of fertilizers to adult coconut palms In relation to theoretical concepts. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 18 (3/4) 1967 : 5-30; Fertili'te 55, 1969 : 11-27. 2843. NATHANAEL, W.R.N. Coconut nutrition and. fertilizer requirements : the plant approach. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 12 (3/4) 1961 :"101-120. 2844. NETHSIKCHE-, D.A. The applipat4.on of isotopes in fertilizer research on the coconut palm. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 17'(a) 1966 : 61-72. 2845. NETHSINGlffl, D.A. Coconut nutrition and fertilizer requirements : the soil approach. Indian Coconut Journal 15 ( 3/4) 1962 : 131-135. -

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2846. NETHSINGHE, D.A. The manuring of adult coconut palms. .Journal of the Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago 61, 1961 : 39-54; Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (1) 1960 : 5-12. 2847. NETHSINGHE, D.A. Manuring of young palms. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (2) 1962 : 41-42. 2848. NETHSII'IG-ffS, D . A . The role of fertilizers in coconut, production. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (2) Jul. 1966 : 30-33. 2849. NETHSINGHE, D.A. Studies on fertilizer placement using radio isotopes. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (3) Sept. 1966 : 55-60. 2850. NETHSINGHE, D.A. and ABEYWARDENA, V. Optimum fertilizer dosage for coconuts. Proc. CAAS. 17 (l) 1961 : 15-16. /Abstracj/. 2851. NETHSINGHE, D.A. and BALAKRISHNAMURTI, T.S. The use of radioactive phosphorus in fertilizer placement studies on the coconut palm - a preliminary report. . Proc. CAAS. 13 (l) 1962 : 17. /Abstract/. 2852. SANThTRASEGAIfAJv;, K. "Dry dust" from coconut fibre mills. A useful soil ameliorant. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 16 (3/4) 1965 : 85-98.



SANTHIRASEGARAM, K. las The effect of mpnospecif i&lfgrass swards on the yield of coconuts ' in the North-Western Province of Ceylon. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 17 (2) 1966 : 75-79. .

2854. SANTHIRASE&ARAM, K. The effects of pasture on the yield of coconuts. Journal of the Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago 66 (2) 1966 : 185, 185-195; Proc. CAAS. 20 (l) 1964 : 9. /Abstracj/. 2855. SRI LANKA. Coconut Research Institute. . The manuring of adult coconut palms. Cooomunity (Indonesia). APCC/QS/25, D e c 1977 : 1-9. see also nos. 2655, 2660, 2665-66, 2869, 2871, 2901-02. .616 : 651.92 - Coconut - Geophysical influence. Climate, etc. 2856. ABEYWARDENA, V. Climate and coconut yields in Ceylon. J. Cey. Met. Soc. 1 (l) Jan. 1972 : 29-51. 2857. ABEYWARDENA, V. The rain-gauge and estate management. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 2 (4) 1962 : 5-15. * see also nos. 2766-75. 2757, 2759-60, 2764,

- 394 -

634.616 : 632 - Coconut - Plant and crop injuries, diseases. Plant Protection. Pest Control.


2858. ABEYWARDENA, V. Cyclone damage to coconut plantations. (Report on survey conducted by C.R.I.). Cey". Cocor. i-'lrs. Rev. 5 (4) Mar. 1969 : 173-188. 2859. ANON Kew records. / Moth B&trachedra sp. on coconut in Sri LankaJ. Quarterly Newsletter, FAO Plant Protection Committee 20 (2) 1977 : 4-7. 2860. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 29. Rats, bats, bandicoots and porcupines, pests on coconut. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1966." 4 p. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 33. Stem bleeding in coconut palms. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1966. 3 p. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 34. The coconut caterpillar and its control. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1068 . 5 p.





2863. CEYLON. Coconut Tleseorch Institute. Leaflet no. 35. Tevmites. Pavised edition. Lunuwila, 19(50. ? . p. 28G4. CEyT.ON. Coconut T'eceurch Institute. Leaflet no. 57. Red weevil and its control. Lunuwila, I960, 15

2865. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 39. The black beetle pest and its oontrol. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1968. 3 p. 2866. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 40. Nettle grub, locust, bag worm, pests of the coconut palm. Lunuwila, 1966. 6 p. 2867. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 41. Bud rot disease. Revised edition. Lunuwila, I960. 4 p.

2G68. CEYL0 J. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 42. Leaf blight. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1968. 4 p. 2869. CEYLON. Coconut Research Institute. Leaflet no. 43. Magnesium deficiency in coconut pains. Revised edition. Lunuwila, 1965. 6 p.

2870. DAVIS, T.A. Coconut withering disease of Ceylon. A report on the survey made of the affected areas in December 1962. Lunuwila, Coconut Research Institute, /"1965 J, /"ii_7. 29 p. (Coconut Research Institute, Bulletin, no. 22). 2871. DE SILVA, M.A.T. Magnesium deficiency and nutrient imbalance in coconuts. Proc. CAAS. (1) 1965 : 20. ^Abstrac^.


- 396 -

2372. DSLUCCHI, V. New trends in biological control methods (natural enemies). In: Food and Agriculture Organization. Proceedings of the FAO Conference on Ecology in relation to Plant Pest Control, Rome, Italy, 11-15 Dec. 1972. . Rome, F.A.O., 1974. pp. 197-205. 2873. DHARMADHIKARI, P.R.; PERERA, P.A.C.R. and HASSEN, T.K.F. The introd: .otion of Ammals insulata for the control of Eupatorium odoratum in Sri Lanka. Conrnonwealth Institute of Biological Control. Technical Bulletin 18, 1977 : 129-135. 2874. DHARMADHIKARI, P.R.; PERERA, P.A.C.R. and HASSEN, T.M.F. A short account of the biological control of Promeootheca cumingi (Col.: Hispidae) the coconut leaf-miner in Sri Lanka. Entomophaga (Paris.) 22 (l) 1977 : 3-18. 2875. DHARMARAJU, Edwin Biological control of coconut leaf caterpillar in Ceylon. Colombo, Coconut Research Institute, 19'64. C^-J* 46 p., pis. (Coconut Research Institute, bulletin no. 21). 2876. DHARMARAJU, Edwin A check list of parasites, the hyperparasites, predators and pathogens of the coconut leaf caterpillar Nephantis serinopa Meyrick, recorded in Ceylon and in India and their distribution in these countries. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 13 (3/4) 1962 : 102-111.

- 397 -

2877. DHARMARAJU, Edwin Donkeys and beauty contests in the control of the black beetle of coconut. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 3 (4) 1963 91. 2878. EKANAYAKE, U.B.M. The coconut caterpillar and its control. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 3 (3) 1963 : 71-75. 2379. EKANAYAKE, U.B.M. Leaf scorch decline of coconut in Ceylon. In: FAQ technical working party on coconut production, protection and processing, PL : CNP/69/27, 1969. pp. 1-6; Reprinted: Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 19 (4) 1968 : 183-187. 2830. EKANAYAKE, U.B.M. 'Leaf scorch' of coconut : a preliminary note. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 3 (4) 1963 : 81-82. 2881. EKANAYAKE, U.B.M. A note on Sophrops eurystoma (Burm.), a pest of coconut in Ceylon. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (l) 1965 : 12-13.

2682. EKANAYAKE, U.B.M. Population fluctuations of the coconut Caterpillar, Nephantis serinopa, in Ceylon. In: FAO technical working party on coconut production, protection and processing, PL : CNP/68/28, 1968, pp. 1-3; Reprinted: Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 19 (4) 1968 : 177-182. 2883.. EKANAYAKE, U.B.fl. Preventive measuis in the control of the. red weevil pest. . Cey. Cocon. Plrs.

- 398 -

2884. EKANAYAKE, U.B.M. and WICKRAMARATNE, C P . Hemicycliophora longicaudata Leos 1948 (Criconematidae), a parasitic nematode associated with roots of coconut palms showing symptoms of 'leaf scorch'. Proc. CAAS. 20 (1) 1964 : 16-17. / 2885. FERNANDO, H.E. The coconut leaf beetle, Promecotheca cumingi, and its control. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev, 6 (4) June 1972 : 152-156. 2 pis. 2886. FERNANDO, H.E. Concluding report on control of Promecotheca cumingi,. the introduced pest of coconut, December (1972). Ceylon Cooonut Quarterly 23 (3/4) 1972 : 116-122. 2887. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION. Outbreak of pests and diseases. Quarterly Newsletter, FAQ Plant Protection Committee for the South East Asia and Pacific Region 18 (4) 1975 : 4-7. /~The outbreaks reported include Promecotheca cumingii Baly in about 30-40 acres of a coconut plantation near Bandar ana ike International Airport, Sri Lanka J. 2888. GUNASEKERA, S.A.; KANNANGARA, T. and MAHINDAPALA, R. Studies on 'Leaf scorch decline' of coconut. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 24 (3/4) 1973 : 91-95. 2889. HUMPHRIES, E.C Report on l . h e Iraf scorch deoline of coconuts. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 21 (3/4) 1970 : 115-120.


- 399 -

2890. XANAGARATNAM, P. and PETHIYAGODA, U. Microbial control of Nephantis scrinopa Meyrick, the black headed caterpillar of coconut with different formulations of the bacterium Eacillus Berliner. Proc'. SLAAS. 32 (1) 1976 : 45. /"AbstractJ", 2891. XANAGARATNAM, P. and PETHIYAGODA, U. Use of systemic insecticides for the control of soma serious pests of coconuts. 'roc. SLAAS. 32 (l) 1976 : 47-48. /"'AbstractJ~7 2892. KANAGARATKAL', P.; PINTO, J.L.J.G. and SINNATHAKBY, S.V. Some minor pests of coconut; new records for Sri Lanka. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (l) 1976 : 46-47. /Abstracy. 2893. KANAGARATNAM, P. and SINNATHAKBY, S.V. New developments in the control of Aspidiotus destructor, the coconut scale. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (1) 1976 : 45-46. /Abstract. 2894. KIRTHISINGHG, J.K.P. Coconut caterpillar pest : new project for its control. Cey_. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (l) 1960 : 13-15. 2895. KIRTHISIHGH3, J.K.F. The coconut scale (Aspidiotus destructor) and its control. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 2 (1/2) 1961 : 7-16. 2896. KIRTIilSIK&I-ia, J.K.P. Crop protection notes. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 2 (3) 10G2 : 17-19.

- 400 -

2897. KIRTHISDJ&HE, J.K.F. Pest control in coconut cultivation. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 4 (2) July 1966 : 34-38, 2898. KIRTKISING-HE, J.K.F. Red weevil and its control. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (2) 1960 : 11-25. 2899. mTHISING -HE, J.K.F. Termites. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (4) Apr. 1961 : 8-15. 2900. MAKINDAPALA, R. and SUBASEIG-HE, S.M.P. Damage to coconut by Xyleborus similis. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 24 (2) 1976 : 4 5 4 7 . 2901. NETHSINGHE, D.A. Magnesium deficiency in coconut palms. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 2 (l/2) 1961 : 3-6.

2902. NETHSING-HE, D.A.; DE SILVA, M.A.T. and NEDIMAliA, D.E.G. Diagnosis and correction of magnesium deficiency in coconut palms. Proc. CAAS. 18 (1) 1962 : 16-17. /Abstrac^. 2903. PERERA, K.S.O. A note relevant to Leaf scorch decline of coconut. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 22 (3/4) 1971 : 120-121. 2904. PERERA, P.A.C.R. Coconut pests in Sri Lanka : the coconut caterpillar. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 7 ( 2) 1974 : 53-58", 2 pis.' PERERA, P.A.C.R. How pest infestations occur with special, reference to coconut. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 7 (l) Dec. 1973 : 30-37.


2906. PERERA, P.A.C.R. Pest control by the biological method. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (2) March 1968 : 65-73. 2907. PERERA, P.A.C.R. A technique for laboratory mass-breeding of Eriborus trochanteratus (Hym: IchnenmoidaeJ a parasite of the coconut caterpillar, Nephanits scrinopa (Lop.: Xylorictidae). Entomophagia {Paris) 22 (2) 1977 : 217-222. PERIES, O.S.. G-anoderma basal stem root of coconut : a new record of the disease in Sri Lanka. Plant Disease Reporter (USA) 58 (4) 1974 : 293-295. PERIES, O.S. and IQRTEESIN&HE. J.K.T.' Preliminary investigations on the leaf scorch decline of coconut palms. . Proc. CAAS. 25 (1) 1967 : 24. ^AbstracJTT" PERIES, O.S. Studies en leaf scorch decline of coconut palms. Ceylon Coccnut Quarterly 19 (5) 1968 : 109-115.




2911. PIERIS, J.W.L. Bud rot of coconuts. Cey. Copon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (2) 1962 : 57-40. 2912. ROBERTSON, David Report on "leaf scorch" of coconut. Ceylon Coc onut-. Quarterly 20 (4) 1969 : 168-175. 2J113. SALGADO, K.L.H. Conference on lc .f scorch problem.

- 402 2914. SAIGADO, K.L.M. New menace on coconut estates : Eupatorium odoratun spreads into the coconut estates. Cey. Cocon . Plrs. Rev. 3 (5) 1965 : 69-70.


SALSADO, K.L.M. Weeds on coconut lands .ind their control. Cey . Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 1 (3) 1961 : 16-17; ibid. ~2 (4) 1961 :" 16-19.
i [


SAMSOi:, P..A. and VAN DER AA, H.A. Echinochondriura pulchrum gen. et spec, nov. : a new sclerotical hyphomycete. Revue de MycoloKJo (Paris). 39 (2) 1975 : 103-106. "k chlamydosporous sclerotium-producihg hyphomycete isolated from decaying cocos nucifera leaves from Sri Lanka, is describedJ *


SOKANADER, S.V.O. Controlling the coconut-caterpillar. Ceylon Today 11 (7) July 1962 : 17-18 and 24.

2918. WEERAKOOK, W.L. The control of Suphatorium odoratum, a pernicious weed of coconut plantations in the low country of Ceylon. , M.Sc.. thesis. University of Sri Lanka, Vidyodaya Campus, 1972. (Unpublished). . ' see also nos. 559-60, 2331, 2618-19, 2629-30 2632, 2643, 2660, 2662, 2670, 2787-88, 2808, 2811, 2814-16, 2820-24.

- 403 -

634.651 - Papain 2919. CEYLON. Industrial Development Beard. Papain, ( A project report). Moratuwa, I.D.B., 1976. 11 p. 2920. DE SILVA, S. A report on the census of papain cultivation industry in the South Eastern papain region of Sri Lanka. Colombo, Ministry of Plantation Industry, 1974. 2921. SINGH, R.B. and SHANKER, G. Preliminary trials with nemagon and formalin on the control of papaya rootknot disease. Allabahad Farmer 42 (1) 1968 : 1-5. /"Varieties of papaya in Ceylon are describedJ.

634.653 - Avocado 2922. ADIKARAM, N.K.B. and THEIVENDRARAJAH, K. Studies on the storage of Avocado fruits. Proc. SLAAS. 33 (l) 1977 : 51-52. ^Abstracj/. 2923. KRISHNA, Dinkar Muthu The market for avocados. Industrial Ceylon 12 (l) Mar. 1972 : 46-47.

G34.675 - Solanacoous fruits t Brinjal. eto. 2924. ARASASINGHAM, S.R. Solanaceous crop.

J. Nat. Agric Soo..

- 404 -

2925. THEVASAGAYAM, E.S. and CANAGASINGHAM, L. S .C Major insect pests of brinjal (Solanum mclongena) and their control. Trop. Agric, Ceylon 117 (2) 1961 : 105-114^ Proc CAAS. 17 (l) 1961 : 15. ^Abstr&cj/.


- Soft fruits (suuill plants or shrubs)

634.75 - Strawberries 2926. HERATH, H.M.E. Some effects of water table, pH, and ammonium and nitrate nitrogen upon the growth and composition of highbush blueberry. M.Sc. thesis. University of British Columbia, 1965. (Unpublished). 2927. ISHERWOOD, F.A. and SELVENDRAN, R.R. Changes in the phosphate compounds in strawberry leaves during a dark-lightdark transition in relation to sucrose biosynthesis. Phytachemistry (USA) 10, 1971 : 579-584. 2928. ISHERWCOD, P.A. and SELVENDRAN, R.R. A note on the occurrence of nucleotides in strawberry leaves. Phytochemistry (USA) 9 (11) 1970 : 2265-2269. 2929. PERIES, O.S. Studies on strawberry mildew. Ph.D. thesis. University of Bristol, 1961. (Unpublished).

- 405 2950. PERIES, O.S. Studies on strawberry mildew, caused by Sphaerotheca macularis (Wallnex Pries) Jaczewski. 1. Biology of the fungus. Annals of Applied Biology (USA) 50, 1962 : 211-224; 2. Host parasite relationships on foliage of strawberry varieties. ibid. 50, 1962 : 225-255. 2951. SEBAST1AMPII.LAI, A.R. The production and cytology of polyploid strawberries. Ph.D. thesis. University of Reading, 1969. 189 p.(Unpublished) 2952. SELVENDRAN, R.R. Metabolism of phosphate esters and nucleotides in mature strawberry leaves. Ph.D. thesis. University of Cambridge, 1968. 200 p. (Unpublished). 2955. SELVENDRAN, R.R. and ISHERWOOD, F.A. Identification of guanosine diphosphate derivatives of D-xylose, D-mannose, Dglucose and D-galactose in mature strawberry. Biochemical Journal (England) 105, 1967 : 725-728. 2954. SENANAYAKB, 7.D.A. Morphological, cytological and biochemical studies on Fragaria interspecific hybrids and on Fragaria-Potentilla intergeneric hybrids. Ph.D. thesis. University of California, Davis, 1966. (Unpublished). 2955. SENANAYAEE, Origin of Cytological of botany Y.D.A. and BRIN&HUflST, R.S. Fragaria polyploids. 1. analysis. American Journal 54 (2) 1967 : 221-228.

see nos. 1450-1

- 406 -

634.772 - Bananas . 2936. DHARMATILAJQS, U.K. ' Rotting of ripening bananas caused by G-loesporium musarum. Proc. CAAS. 22 (1)1966 : 42-43. /Abstracj/. 2937. SENAKAYAKE, A.W. Root and rhizome necrosis or black head disease of banana (a research note). Trop. Agric, Ceylon 125 (3/4) 1969 : 119-121.


. and BALASUBRAiVANI/iI'i!, S.

Free amino acid composition of healthy and virus infect.d banana leaves. J. Nat. Agric 'Soc., Ceylon 16, 1976 : 89-94.

634.774 - Pineapples. 2939. HETTIARACHCIIT., D.3. Pineapple under coconut. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 7 (2) 1974 : 74-86. 2940. KOTALAWAU, J. Mass production of pineapple planting material. Trop. Agric, Ceylon 127 (3/4) 1971 : 199-202. 2941. KOTALAWALA, J. Pineapple cultivation in coconut land in the low-count.ry wet zone. Cey. Cocon. Plrs. Rev. 5 (3) Dec. 1968 : 112-117. 2942. KUIIOHTA, '.C; \inj:iW)0N," L.D. and ARIYMtATNAH, E.A. rineapple production in Sri Lanka. Peradeniya, Food and Agriculture Organization, 1973. (F.A.O. Report No. 3).

- 407 -

2943. SENANAYAKE, A.V7.; HERATH, H.M.E. ana PINTO, M.E.R. A preliminary note on the identification of plant parasitic nematodes on pineapple in Sri Lanka. Trop. Agric, Sri Lanka 132 (1) 1976 : 59-65. 2944. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. The efficacy of different proprietary hormone preparations on flowering of pineapple Ananas cosmosus L. Merr. Cv. Kew. J. Nat. Agric, S o c . Ceylon 13/12, 1974/75 : 103-105. 2945. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. and FERNANDO, L.P.F. The roots of pineapple Ananas oomosus (L.) Merr cv. Kew. under plant competition and moisture variation. J. Nat. Agric. S o c . Ceylon 14, 1977 : 59-68. 2946. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. and GUNASENA, H.P.M. A study on the influence of orewn leaves on fruit growth of pineapple Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. cv. Kew. J. Nat. Agric S e c , Ceylon 13/12, 1974/75 : 106-114.

2947. SENEWIRATNE, S.T. Pineapple cultivation with special reference to the control of fruiting. J. Nat. Agric. S o c , Ceylon 1, 1964 : 63-79. 2948. WANASINGKE, K.J. and PERIES, O.S. Changes in the yield and fruit quality of pineapple associated with nitrogen fertilization. Proc. CAAS. 27 (l) 1971 . : 38-39. /obstracl/.

- 408 -

776 - Passion Fruit' 2949. ABEYSBTOIIE, Ariya Commercial passion fruit cultivation, processing; and marketing. Colombo, Ministry' of Plantation Industry, 1973; J. Nat. Agric. S o c , Ceylon 9/10, 1972/73 : 87-111. 2950. BERIIK, Y. La culture de la ^renadille au Sri Lanka (Ceylon). / T h e cultivation of passion fruit in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)_/. Fruits (France) 31 (3) 1976 : 171-176. 2951. RMATUNSA, Malini; ALLES, L.A.C. and . WIJERATNE., 7/.R.. Microbiological quality control of thermally processed, canned passionfruit juice : development of a new medium and standardization of conditions. Proc. SLAAS.. 33 (l) 1977 : 26. ^Abstract/. 2952. SENANAYAKE, A.W. . ' ' A disease of'passion-fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa). Trop. Agric. (Ceylon) 128 (3/2) 1972 : 47-49. SENEvT?ATRE, S .N. de S. and VttCKREMASrTGHE, D.L. Passion crumple, a new virus disease of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. Flavicarpa) Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 66. Abstrac]J^ SENEVIIiATNE, S.N. l i e S. and WICKBEMASPKrIDS, D.L. Passion yellow blotch, a new virus disease of Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. Flavicarpa). Prcc. CAAS. 30 (1) 1974 : 65.



- 409 2955.- SENEVIRATNE, S.N. de S. and WICKREMASINGHE. D.L. Virus diseases affecting passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. Flavicarpa) in Sri Lanka. Proc. CAAS. 28 (1) 1972 : 62-63. /AbstracJ/. 2956. WIJERATNE, W.B.; ALLES, L.A.C. and RANATUNGA, Malini. Growth, develoriment and maturation of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa). Proc. SLAAS. 33 (l) 1977 : 32. ^Abstracj/.

634.8 - Viticulture 2957. KOTALAWELA, J. Viticulture in Ceylon. Proc. CAAS. 1966 : 27-28. ^Abstrac^

22 (l)

2958. KRISHNA, Dinkar Muthu The market for canned grape fruit segments. Industrial Ceylon 12 (l) Mar. 1972 : 49^50.

635 - Horticulture. Gardens and Gardening. 635.l/8 " Vegetables in general 2959. ARASASINGHAM, S.R. and SCHMIDT, A. An analysis of some problems of vegetable production in the up-country of Ceylon. J. Nat. Aflric, Soc. Ceylon 1, 1964 : 55-62. 2960. CEYLON. De;-arti:ien L o f Census and Statistics. Survey of vegetable production. Kandy and Badulla districts Yala 1966 and Maha 1966-67. Colombo, the Dept., 1968. 66 p.

- 410 2961. CEYLON. Department of Census, and Statistics. Survey of vegetable production, Nuwara Eliya district, 1966. Colombo, the Dept., 1968. /"iii J, 49 p.

2962. DISSANAYAKE, K.B. Marketing and storage of vegetables. J. Nat. Agric. S o c , Ceylon 5, 1966 : 88-96. 2963. HARRISON, D.E.; WIMALAJEE7A, D.L.S. and CHAMBERS, S.C. List of diseases recorded on vegetables in Victoria before June 30, 1974. Technical Bulletin, Department of Agriculture, Victoria, no, 25, 1975. 35 p 2964. HERAT, W. Low country leafy vegetables. J. Nat. Agric. S o c , Ceylon 3, 1966 : 77-82. 2965. PANDIKORALA, P.R.N. Continuous production of vegetables throughout the year. Agriculture 7, Apr. 1967 : 23-26.

2966. PEIRIS, J.W.L. Some problems in vegetable production in Ceylon. J. Nat. Agric. Soc.. Ceylon 3, 1966 : 38-43." 2967. SCHMIDT, A. Up-country stem and root vegetables. J. Nat. Agric. Soc., Ceylon 3, 1966 : 44-52. SCHOKt/AN, Derrick Vegetable growing local and exotic varieties. / " C o l o m b O j ^ , Agriculture Department, / I960Jf. 29 p.


411 -

2969. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. Vegetable production in Sri Lanka. In: Workshop on Pre- and post-harvest vegetable technology in Asia. February 7-12, 1977. Proceedings. Tainan (Taiwan), Asian Vegetable Research Development Center, 1977. pp. 70-84. 2970. STORAGE and marketing of agricultural produce under tropical conditions; Proceedings of the seminar from 22 to 27 Feb. 1970 at Colombo, Ceylon. Berlin (V'. Germany), German Foundation for Developing Countries, 1970. 161 p.

2971. WIKRAMANAYAKE, V.E.A. The water requirements of vegetables. J. Nat. Agric Soc., Ceylon 3, 1966 : 83-87. see also no. 183

635.1 - Root vegetables. Edible roots. 635.11 - Beet 635.12 - Kohlrabi 2972. KULASEGARAK, S. Studies in the morphogenesis and developmental physiology of Kohl rabi (Brassica oleracca cultivar Caulo-rapa). Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1966. (Unpublished). 2973. SELMAN, I.W. and KULASEGARAM, S. Development of the stem tuber in Kohlrabi. Journal of Experimental Biology ( T T T C & USA) (see no. 2982)

- 412 -

635.15 - Carrots

(see no.


635.2 - Tubers and bulb vegetables 635.21 - Potatoes see UDC 635.491 - Potatoes. 635.26 - Shallots, garlic 2974. ENTWISTLE, A.R. and MUNASIKG-HE, H.L. White rot disease - cause for optimism. ARC Research Review. 4 (l) 1978 : 27-30. 2975. JEYABALAN, M. Effect of clove size and plant density on the growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) P r o c . CAAS. 2 5 (l) 1969 : 45-46. / A W r a c j J ^ 2976. SINNADURAI, Suppiah Major factors influencing the use of herbicides o n shallots (Allium cepa L.) in Northern Ceylon. Ph.D. thesis. Michigan State University, 1966. (Unpublished). SIVALING-AM, T. Studies o n cultivation o f shallot (Allium cepa var. Ascalonicum L.) Proc. CAAS. 24 (l) 1968 : 36. /Abstract


2978. THENABADU, M.W.; FERNANDO, B.L.; &ADIEWASAK, B.D.K. de S. and ATURUPANA, U.T. Fertilizer experiments with shallot (red onion) at Kundasale. Trop. Agric.. Ceylon 131 (3/4) 1975 : 141-146; Proc. CAAS. 27 (l) 1971 : 40. /Abstract

- 413 -

635.3/.5 - Green vegetables . 635.34 - Cabbages 2979. FERNANDO. H.E. The control of the cabbage looper, Pulsia eriosoma and the diamond-baoked moth Plutella maoulipcnnis on cabbage. Proc. CAAS. 21 (1) 1965 : 33-34. /Abstract. 2980. KANDIAH, Umarany Effects of some plant growth substance on cabbage black ringspot virus transmission. Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1970. (Unpublished). 2981. KATHTRGAMATHAIYAH, S. Fertilizer experiments on cabbage and bean in the up-country. Trop. Agric., Coylon 121 (3/4) 1965 ' . 151-155. 2982. SENANAYAKE,. Y.D.A. The influence of cold storage survival and flowering of field cabbage, carrot and beet in Sri J. Nat. Sci. Coun., Sri Lanka. 1974 : 1-11.""

on the planted Lanka. 2 (l)

2983. WIMALAJEEWA, D.L.S. Field investigations on the control of club root of cabbage in Sri Lanka. Annals of Applied Biology (USA) 79 (3) 1975 : 321-327.

635.41 - Spinach 2984. WINTERS, H.F. Ceylon spinach (Basella rubra). Economic Botany (USA) 17 (3) 1963 : 195-199.

- 414 -

2985. YAPA, P.A.J, and SPANNER. D.C. Localisation of adenosine triphosphase activity in mature sieve elements of Tetragonia. Planta (W. Germany). 117 (4) 1974 : 321-528.

655.6 - Edible fruit and seed plants 655.62 - Gourds

2986. RAJAKARUNA, S.B. Gourds and related crops. J. Nat. Agrio. Soo.. Ceylon 3, 1966 : 71-76. 2987. WJJEYARATNA, P.M. Some preliminary studies on Epilachna indica (Coleoptera : Cocoinellidae) infesting the bitter gourd plant (Momordica charantia) of Ceylon. Proe. CAAS. 25 (1) 1969 : 66. /Abstrao ^T"

655.64 - Tomatoes 2988. ABEGUNAWARDENA, D.V.W. and SIRIWARDENA, A.A.P. Studies on resistance in tomato to bacterial wilt. Trop. Agric, Ceylon 119 (2) 1965 : 55-66. 2989. KOTALAWALA, J. A study of the uptake and distribution of phosphorus in tomato plants (Lyoopersicon esoulentum, mill., var. Arosselisse) grown in water culture. M.Sc. thesis. University of Queensland, 1961. (Unpublished).

- 415 -

2990. SELMAN, I.W. and. ARULPRAGASAM, P.V. Response of tomato plants infected with cucumber mosaic to foliar sprays of gibberellic acid. Annals of Botany (UK) 34, 1970 : 1107-1114. 2991. SELMAN, I.ff. and YAHAMPATH, A.C.I. Some physiological characteristics of two tomato cultivars one tolerant and one susceptible to Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Annals of Botany (England) 37, 1973 : 853-665. 2992. YAHAMPATK, A.C.I. An analysis of the physiological status of two tomato cultivars one susceptible and one tolerant to tobacco mosaic virus. Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1972. (Unpublished).

65 - Pulses : Beans, runner beans, dwarf beans, winged beans, cowpea, etc. 2993. ABEYGUNAWARDENA, D.V.W. and PERERA, S.M.D. Virus disease affecting cowpea in Ceylon. Trap. Agric, Ceylon 120 ( 3/4) 1964 : 181-204. 2994. ANON Darabala or winded bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus). (In English, Sinhala and Tamil). Krushi 1 (l) July 1978 : 15-17. 2995. ANON New disease of Aug., 19J1 : 10.


Agr. News, Ceylon,

2996. APPADURAI, R.R. Vegetables of the bean family. J. Nat. Agric S o c , Ceylon 3, 1956 : 53-58.

- 416 -

2997. APPADURAI, R.R. and RAJAKARUNA, S.B. Leaf contribution to pod yields in kidney-bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.)Indian Journal of Agricultural Science (India) 37 (6) 1967 :,524-525. 2998. A PADURAI, R.R.; RAJAKARUNA, S.B. and GUNASENA, H.P.M. Effect of spacing and leaf area on pod yield of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 37 (1) 1967 : 22-26. 2999. GUNASEKERA, S.A. Studies on Eusarium wilt of runner bean. Ph.D. thesis. University of Birmingham, 1968. (Unpublished). 3000. &UNASENA, H.P.M. and CLEMENTS, R.H.G. A preliminary investigation into the effect of (2 chloroethyl) trimethyl ammonium chloride, CCC, on the growth and development of dwarf bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. J. Nat. Agric Soo.. Ceylon 7, 1970 : 14-24. 3001. KANA&ARATNAM, Rana; GUNASEKERA, S.W. and PULLE, MW. Methology and application Of a gel electrophoretic technique to visualize seed proteins of winged beans (Psophooarpus tetragonolobus (L.) D.C.) Proc. SLAAS. 33 (1) 1977 : 21. /Abstract. 3002. KARUNABATNA, S.M.;. GUNASENA, H.P.M. and MANTJIRIRATNE, M.A.P. Studies on intercropping under oooonut growth and yield of oowpea (Vigna oatiang) buma. walp., var. Ml-35; grown at three spacings under different densities of oconut. Proc. SLAAS. 32 (l) 1976 : 68-69. /AbstracJ/.

- 417 -

3005. SELVENDRAN, R.R. Cell wall glycoproteins and polysaccharides of parenchyma of Phaseolus coccineus. Phytochemistry (USA) 14 (10) 1975 : 2175-2180. 5004. SELVENDRAN, R.R.j DAVTES, A.K.C. and UDDER, E. Cell wall glycoproteins and polysaccharides of mature runner beans. Phytochemistry (USA) 14 (10) 1975 : 2169-2174.

3005. SENANAYAKB, Y.D.A. Finged bean - Psophocarpus tetragonolubus (L.) D.C. A multiple second crop for rubber smallholdings. R.R.I.S.L. Bull. 11, 1976 : 16-25. 5006. SENANAYAKE, Y.D.A. and PERERA, L.A. Radiosensitivity of winged bean and passion fruit seeds on gamma irradiation. J. Nat. Sci. Coun.. Sri Lanka. 5 (2) 1977 : 125-132. 3007. SIVALINGAI!, T. Studies on the associated growth of cowpea with Brachiaria brizantha. Proc. CAAS. 22 (1) 1966 : 33. ^Abstract/. 3008. SRI KANTHA, S.; KETTIARACHCHY, N.S.; HERATH, H.M.W. and WICKRAMANAYAKE, T.W. Studies on the nutritional characteristics of winged bean Psophocarpus tctragonolobus, tubers and leaves. Proc. SLAAS. 34 (l) 1978 : 70. /Abstract. 3009. WICKRKMASINGfrB, R.L. and SWAIN, T. The accumulation of 0 < - aminobutryic acid in bean callus tissue. Phytochemist!:/ 4, 1965 : 687-691.

- 418 -

3010. WIMAIAJEEWA. D.L.S. and NANCARROW, R.J. The incidence of bacterial blights of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in East G-ippsland, Victoria. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 18 (91) 1978 : 318-320. 3011. WniAJLAJEE7&, D.L.S. and THAVAM, P. Fungicidal control of bean rust disease. Trop. Agric. Ceylon 129 (1/2) 1973 : 61-66.' see also nos. 634- 7, 639. 2981.

635.8 - Mushrooms 3012. SAMARAWEERA, I. Mid FERNANDO, S.T. Antigen analysis of the cultivated paddy straw mushroom of Thailand, Philippines and Ceylon. Annals of Botany (England) 37 (150) 1973 : 371-374.

see 1399

635.9 - Ornamental horticulture. Flowers. Shrubs. 3013. EKANAYAKE, D.T. Dendrobiums for the cut-flower trade. Colombo, Dept. of Agriculture, 1970. 14 p. 3014. JAYAWARDET-fE, E.D.W. ' . V a i t e r jj&rdening in CeyJ on. Kandy, the Author, / 1967 J. 3015. SRI LANKA. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Agricultural Diversification Division. Development of anthurium export industry of Sri Lanka. (Project feasibility report for investment. Peradeniya, 1978. /"iii J 37 p.

3016. WICKREMASINGHE, Hector. Home gardening. Colombo, Agriculture Department, 1966. / 26 p.


636/639 - ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. STOCK-BREEDING-. ANIMAL PRODUCE. FISHERIES. 3017. AMERASIN&HE, A. A livestock improvement programme. Ceylon Today June 1966 : 1-6. 5018. ANON Arabawela-Bopatalawa Project. (Farm news). .Anim. Prod. Helth. Bull. 3 (l) Mar. 1969 : 36-58. ~ 3019. ANON Ceylon's Veterinary Services. Ceylon Today 11(i ) ' 19-22.

D e c

1 9 6 2

3020. ANON Glossary o f technical terms. Animal Husbandry in English - Sinhala - Tamiil. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 6 (4) 1972 : 152-211. 3021. Note on the veterinary investigation centres - '.Velisara and Polonnaruwa. Animl. Prod. Kith. Bull. 1 (2) Dec. 1967 :"04-07.

- 420 -

3022. MLACHANDRAN, K . A review of animal husbandry activities of the Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka, for the period 1940-1949. Cey. Vet. J. 22 (3/4) 1974 : 41-47. 3023. BAID ARANAYAKE, A. Animal production and the veterinarian. Presidential address. 1961/62. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (4) 1962 : 117-118. 5024. BAPTIST, B.A. Planning for animal husbandry development in Ceylon. Agriculture 4 (l) Nov. 1962..: 14-18. 5025. CEYLON. Ministry of Planning and Employment. The five year plan : summary on animal husbandry. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 6 (5) 1972 : 132-139. 3026. CEYLON. Veterinary Research Institute, Gannoruwa. Research projects at Veterinary Research Institute, Gannoruwa. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 1 (l) Jul. 1967 : 30-32. " . ' 3027. DE SOUZA, Doric Livestock development in the plantation sector. Cey. Vet. J. 23 (3/4) 1975 : 35-54. Z02B, DHANAPALA, S . B . I t i b l / i c health veterinary services in Ceylon. (Presidential address delivered to the Ceylon Veterinary Association on 10th May 1968). Cey. Vet. J. 16 (l/2) 1968 : 2-5.

- 421 -

3029. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION. Report to the government of Sri Lanka, on animal production and nutrition research; based on the work of J.M. Keith. Rome, F.A.O. /"United Nations Development Programme Report (FAO) - TA - 3289 J 1974. 22 p.

3030. KOPALASUNTHARAI,:, M. The role of livestock in a diversified agriculture. Anim.Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (4) Dec. 1974 : 129-132. 3031. KULASEGARAM, P. The Veterinary formulary committee. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 6 (2) Jun. 1972 : 76-78, 3032. KUMARASWAI^Y, S. The changing role of the veterinary profession in Sri Lanka - Presidential address. Cey. Vet. J. 22 (1/2) 1974 1-3. 3033. McGAUGHEY, C.A. Advances in veterinary research. Ceylon Today 12 (12) Dec. 1963 : 18-21. 3034. NELSON, Lloyd George Animal Husbandry in the wet zone of Ceylon. H.A. thesis. Vidyalankara University, 1971. x, 292 f. (Unpublished).

- 422


PERERA, M. Problems a s s o c i a t e d with animal husbandry development i n t h e d r y zone of C e y l o n . In: Symposium on t h e Development of A g r i c u l t u r e i n t h e Dry Zone, 1967; edited by O.S. P e r i e s . C o l o m b o , Ceyloi; A s s o c i a t i o n f o r t h e A d v a n c e m e n t of S c i e n c e , 1 9 6 7 . pp. 129-138. see no. 95. PER2RA, M.E. The r o l e of a n i m a l h u s b a n d r y i n Uda Walawe. Anim. P r o d . H l t h . B u l l . 3 ( 3 ) S e p t . , 1969 : 9 9 PERUMALPILLAI, C. R o l e of v e t e r i n a r i a n s i n a n i m a l production and the reforms necessary i n v e t e r i n a r y e d u c a t i o n and r e s e a r o h . Cey. Vet. J . 23 ( 3 / 4 ) 1975 : 3 5 - 3 8 . RUMEAU, J . G . The a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e a n i m a l h e a l t h b r a n c h o f FAO. C e y . V e t . J . 14 ( 3 ) 1966 : 3 3 - 3 7 .





SAHAI, L . I n f o r m a t i o n from C e y l o n . (Working p a p e r n o . . E . 4 ) . I n : R e p o r t of t h e f i r s t m e e t i n g o f t h e FAO/WHO e x p e r t ' .' p a n e l on v e t e r i n a r y e d u c a t i o n , h e l d i n Rome 1 4 - 2 3 March 1 9 6 2 . Rome, F o o d a n d A g r i c u l t u r e O r g a n i z a t i o n of t h e U n i t e d Nations, /~1962J, pp. 55-57. (Meeting r e p o r t AN 1 9 6 2 / 4 ) . SENEVUIATNA, P . V e t e r i n a r y rosea :xjh i n C e y l o n . CAAS. 17 ( 2 ) 1 9 i a : 0 7 - 7 3 ,



- 423 -

3041. SIRlV/ARDENE, J.A. de S. The impact of research on development of the animal industry. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (l/2) 1974 : 1-13. 3042. SIRIWARDENE, J.A. de S. The importance of animal husbandry in the efficient use of land. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (1/2) 1975 : 1-7. 3043. SRI LANKA. Agrarian Research and Training Institute. Smallholdings of the coconut triangle : a case study of the husbandry of 245 smallholdings (below 10 acres) in Colombo, Kurunegala and Puttalam districts, Sri Lanka 1973. Colombo, the Institute, 1973. /~ii^> 19 p. (Occasional publication series no. 2).

3044. WIJESINGHE, E.C.R. The concentrate feed industry in relation to animal production programmes. Problems and prospects. In: Symposium on the Development of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry under the Five Year Plan. Colombo, 10th June 1972; compiled and edited by Y.D.A. Senanayake. (1972). pp. 169-182. also see/no. 94, 117.




- 424 -

3045. ABEYRATNE, A.S. Libido of A.I. sires maintained at Central Artificial Insemination Station, Kundasale. Cey, Vet, J. 24 (3/4) .1976 : 39-41. 3046. ABEYRATNE, A.S. Semen production in straws with particular reference to A.I. in Australia. Anim. Prod. IHth. Bull. 5 (3/4) 1971 : 112-114. 3047. ABEYRATNE, A.S.; WALTER, K.D. and SA&\RAWSERA, S.M.A. Preliminary trial on the use of coconut water as a semen extender. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (3) Sept. 1974 : 71-73. 3048. BALACHANDRAN, K. The artificial insemination service, 1973. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (3/2) 1974 : 40-43. 3049. BUVANENDRAN, V. Breeds and breeding methods. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 6 (l) 1972 : 1-6. 3050. DREJARE, L. Report to the Government of Ceylon on artificial insemination and sexual health control in livestock. Rome-, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1966. 23 p. (Report no. TA/2207). 3051. HAFEZ, E.S.E. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. Intersexuality in farm aammals. Animal Breeding Abstracts (England) 34, 1966 : 1-15, 1 I'I."""

- 425 -

3052. HAFEZ, E.S.E. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. Reproductive failure in females. In: Reproduction in farm animals. 3rd ed. edited by E.S.E. Hafez. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1974. pp. 351-572. 3053. NADARAJAH, R. Limitations to artificial insemination service in Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (4) 1968 : 99-107. 3054. NADARAJAH, R. The use of oestrus synchronisation in animal reproduction. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (4) Dec. 1969 : 171-173. 3055. PERERA, B.M.A.O. A review of the role of prostaglandins in animal reproduction. Coy. Vet. J. 25 (1/*) 1977 : 12-17. 3056. WIJERATNE, W.V.S. Animal breeding in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (2) 1960 : 60-65. For related material see also specific animals

636.083 - Shelter, care and protection. 5057. BONGSO, T.A. The use of Rompun for transport of wild animals. Cey. Vet. J.. 25 (l/4) 1977 : 33-35. ~ 3050. KAMIEG-IETER, A. The "suspension fence" : a money saving innovation for livestock farmers. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (4) Dec. 1969 : 191-194. For related material see also specific animals

- 426 -

636.085/.087 - Feeding Stuffs. 3059. ANDREW, Walter D. and JAYAWARDENE, B. Temperate area proposals. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (4) 1968 : 109-112. 5060. APPADURAI, R.R. High-N pastures for livestock in Ceylon. In: Italian Society for Progress in Animal Husbandry - Milan. Fourth International Symposium on Animal Husbandry. "Feeding and nutrition of animals : wholesomeness of food products for man . Under the auspices of the Fiera di Milano Autonomous Organisation. April 1969. pp. 697-701.

5.061. APPADURAI, R.R. Use of high nitrogen pastures for animal production in Ceylon. Proc. 4th International Symp. on Livestock Nutrition, Milan 1969. 5062. BAPTIST, N.G. and CHELLIAH, J. Extraction of protein from expeller and solvent extracted coconut meal, by dilute acid, alkali and salt solutions. Journal of the Science of Food and' Agriculture 20, 1969 : 49-53. 3063. DE SILVA, Earle C. Grass as a profitable crop in Ceylon. Anim. Trod. Hlth. Bull. 4 (l) 1970 : 1-8.

- 427 -

5064. DE SILVA, Earle C. Pastures and fodders in dairy . development in Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Hlth.Bull. 5 (4) Dec. 1969 : 154-161. 5065. DHANAPALA, S.B.; SIR J^ARDENE, S. and PATlilRANA, K.K. NB 21 - a new Hybrid Napier,, Cey. Vet. J. 20 (5) 1972 : 77. /"Letter/. 5066. DISSAHAYAKE, K. Tropical pasture management in Australia. Anin. Prod. Kith. Bull. 2 (L/2) 1968 : 14-19. 5067. GANEGODA, G.A.P. Studies of the nutritive values of ooconut meal and its derivatives for rats and rabbits. M.Sc. thesis. University of Cambridge, 1977. (Unpublished). 5068. GOONEWAPDENE, L.A. and APPADURAI, R . R . Changes in feeding value with growth in three important fodder grasses of Ceylon. Trop. Agric. Ceylon 127 (3/4) 1971 : 145-15*1.

5069. JAYASINGKE, J.B. A comparison of ooconut meals and undernatured^toasted groundnut meals as sources of i^rotein for growth of the monogastric animal. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (4) 1951 : 128-134.

370. JAYASURIYA, K.C.N. Effect of sodium hydroxide treatment on the in vitro organic natter digestibility and hemicellulcses content of ground barley straw. J. Nat. Agric. Soc., Ceylon 13/12, 1974/75 : 53-62.
3071. JAYASimiYA, M.C.N.

Improving the feeding value of paddy straw b y chemical treatment.

Prcc. SLAAS.

35 (l) 1977 : 50-51.

5072. JAYAWARDENE, A . B . ^ . Guinea grass. (in English, Sinhala and Tamil). Krushi 1 (l) July 1978 : 10-12. 5Q75. JAYAWARDENE, A.B.P. Kikuyu grass - Pennisetum olandestinum (Hochst ex Chiov), a grass suited to the upland zone of Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 4, 1970 : 124-155. 3074. JAYAWARBANB, A,B.P, Now techniques in pasture agronomy in the dry patnft 8one. Cey. Vet. J . 2 | (3/4) 1977 J 42. $bstraoy. 3075. JAYA7/ARDKNE, A.B.P. Preliminary evaluation of seme forage introductions. ( A research note). Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (4) Dec. 1975 : 101-103. 3076. JAYAWARDENE, A.B.P. and ANDREW, W.D. Management of kikuyu-grass (Pennisetum olandestinum, Hochst ex Chiov) pasture for incroftsed animal production in the wetmontane zone of Coy.1 on. Cey. Vet, J . 19 (3/2) l'J71- : 21-29; Proc. CAAS. 26 (l) 1070 : 35-36. /Abstract

- 4-29 -

3077. JAYAWARDENE, A.B.?. and ANDREW, W.D. Surface sowing a simple and safe technique for pasture establishment in the v/et upper montane zone of Ceylon. Trop. Agric, Ceylon 126 (4) 1970 : 143-158. 3078. JAYAY.'ARDENE, A.B.?.; ANDREW, W.D.; FERNANDO, G.'V.E. and SIRIWARDENE, J.A. de S. The use of nitrogenous fertilizer on kikuyu grass under zero grazing management in the wet-montane zone of Ceylon. 1. Dry-matter production, nitrogen recovery and economics of fertilizer use. Cey. Vet. J. 19 (1/2) 1971 : 6-12.

5079. JAYAWARDENE, A.B.P.; PATHIRANA, K.K.; . NUGARA, D. and ANDREW, W.D. Pasture species and their fertilizer requirements for the different agro-climatic regions of Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5 (1) Mar. 1971 : 10-22. 3080. KALPAGE, F.S.C.P. and JAYASINGHE, J.B. An analysis of some animal feeds used in Sri Lanka. Trop. Agric, Ceylon 129 (1/2) 1973 : 1-4. 3081. KANNEGIETER, A. The selection in the tropical Ceylon. Anim. 1968 : 112-123. and PATHIRANA, K. for forage crop development and subtropical regions of Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (4)

- 430 -

.3082. KEITH,^J .M. and 1UNAWANA, .S.S.B. . Kikuyu grass.'.Pennisetum oladestlnum, Hoohst ex.Chiov and its value in the montane-region of Ceylon. 2. Nutritive value and. animal, production aspects. Trop. Agric.. Ceylon. 127 (2) 1971 : 93-103. '3083. KBITH, ,J,M. and RANAWANA. S.S'.E. The nutritive value of kikuyu grass Pennisetum oladestinum in the wet, upper montane region of Ceylon. I. Maintenance of mature dairy heifers. Cey. Yet. J. 19 (3) 1971 : 48-52. 3084. KEITH, J.M. and RANAWANA, S.S.E. The nutritive value of kikuyu grass Pennisetum oladestinum in the wet, upper montane region of Ceylon. II. Concentrate feeding for milk produoiion. Cey. Vet. J. 22 (3/4) 19?4 : 48-52. 3085. MAHBOOB, M . Scientific feeding of farm animals. Agriculture 7, Apr. 1967 t 27-29. 3086. OWEN, E.; JAYASURIYA, M.C.N. and MWAKATUNDU, A.G.K. Sodium hydroxide treatment of straw and other fibrous feeding stuffs to improve their digestibility and intake. . Journal of the Science of Food and Agriouiture (England). 24, 1973 : 493-497. /abstract. 3087. PATHIRANA*, K.K. Napier grass : a review. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 4, 1970 : 110-123. 3080. PATHIRANA, K.K. A new hybrid Napier - NB 21. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (]/2) 1974 : 20-27.



PATHIRANA, K.K. Pasture aid fodder production in the raid-country of Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 6 (1) 1972 : 7-19. PATHIRANA, K.K. Silage making. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 7 (1/2) 1973 : 1-8. PATHIRANA, K.K. and SIRE7ARDENE, J.A. de S. Performance of some varieties of grasses in the mid-country zone. Proc. CAAS. 29 (1) 1975 : 72-75. /Abstract. PATHIRANA, K.K. and SIRIWARDENE, J.A. de S. Studies on the yield and nutritive quality of fourteen grasses in the midcountry of Sri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 21 (3/4) 1973 : 52-61. PERERA, M.E. A comparative study of techniques for the nutritive evaluation of grazed forage. Ph.D. thesis. McGill University, 1966. (Unpublished). PERERA, M.E. . Factors influencing the nutritive value of a forage : a review. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 1 (1) Jul. 1967 : 10-18.






3096.. PERERA, M.E. Nutritive evaluation of grazed forage. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 1 (2) Dec. 1967 : 50-60. 3097. POCRTEK, E. Van der Prospects for the use of non-traditional stock feeds. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 7 (l/2) 1973 : 9-12.



SIRISABDENE, J.A. de S. Analytical data on rice bran processed in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 17 (3) 1989 : 73-76.

3099. SIKT'AEDENE, J.A. de S. Chemical composition of some common feedstuffs in Sri Lanka. (A short communication). Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 7 (3/2) 1975 : 24 -25. 3100. SIRI.'-ARDEI'IE, J.A. de S. Feeding for intensive production of milk and beef. Anim. Prod. Kith. Bull. 4 (l) 1970 : 9-15. SIR3TARDENE, J.A. de S. and RANAWEERA, K.N.P. Manioc leaf meal - a potential livestock feed ingredient. Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 70. /Abstract. THANG-ARAJAH, P. Rice bran as an animal feed ingredient in Sri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (3/4) 1977 : 41-42. /Abstracj-7. For related material see also specific animals and UDC 633.2 Forage grasses and




636.089 - Injuries, diseases, ps.rasitcs and pests. 3103. ANON Foot-:ind-month disease in Ce.vlon. Bi'.l'ctin. OfJ'xr.n intei'n..'t.lo'nl des epizootics (France)' 53, .1000 I'TI.

3104. ANON Rinderpest in Ceylon. Bulletin. Office . internationai des epizootics (France). 53, 1960 : 112.


3105. BANDARANAYAJ3, A. The problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics in man and animals. A brief review of the literature. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (3) 1961 : 5G-68. 3106. BANDAPANAYAKB, A. Summary of outbreaks of scheduled animal diseases within the islsnd of Ceylon, for the month ended 30th June, 1967. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 1 (1) Jul. 1967 : 43. /Letter/. 5107. BARSHCACII, C L . Some facts about rabies. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (1/2) 1974 : 44-46. 5108. BENGE, W.P.J. . Report to the Government of Ceylon on footand-mouth disease typing and vaccine production. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1966. 17 p. (Report no. TA2206). 3109. CEYLON. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of the Chief Veterinary Surgeon. Summary of outbreaks of scheduled animal diseases within the island of Ceylon, for the month ended 30th June, 1968. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (5) 1968 : 98. 5110. DE AIWIS, K.C.L. Bacteriological changes in specimens during transport. 1. Changes occurring in inoculated cotton wool swab. Cey. Vet. J. 20 ( 3 ) 1972 : 54-60; II. Effect o f usinr; a suitable transport racdiuia. ibid. 21 (l/2) 1973 : 2-6. 3111. DE ALWTS, K .C .L. Hacmorrha^in nc:-.tlcp.cmia - some immunological and e>izootiojic.'\.] p.spep.ts. Cey. V-t. J.
i J

- 434 -

3112. DE ALWIS, M.C.L. - The problem of transport of material from the field to the.laboratory for bacteriological examination. Anim, Prod. Hlth". Bull. 6 (2) June 1972 : 85-90.""" 3113. ;DE A I M S , M.C.L. Some problems in the control of Hacmorrhagic septicaemia, in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod.""Hlth. Bull. 8 (]/2) 1974 : 28-39. " 3114. D3 ALY/IS, M.C.L. Stability of the bacteriological status of material for culture when stored in different transport media : a preliminary study. Proc. CAAS. 28 (l) 1972 : 33-34. /15as tracj/. 5115. DISSANAKE, A.S. Simian malaria parasites of Ceylon. Proc. 1st Int. Congr., Parasit. Roma. 1, 1964: 225. 5116. DISSAMIKE, A.S. On some blood parasites of wild animals in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (3) 1963 : 75-86. 3117. FERNANDO, S.D.A. ' ' A modified wax embedding method in the preparation of skin tissue for the demonstration of acid and alkaline phosphatases by histochemical technique. Cey.*Vet. J. 11 (2) 1963 : 39-40.

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3118. FERNANDO, tf.W.H.S. Foot-and-mouth disease in Ceylon. Part 1. History, epizootiology and the economic losses. Cey. Vet. J. 17 (3) 1969 : 43-58; Part II. Serological types of the virus present in Ceylon. ibid. 17 (3) 1969 : 59-64. 3119. FERNANDO, W.17.H.S. The importance of detecting primary outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 1 (l) Jul. 1957 " : Q-9.~ 3120. FERNANDO, YZ/v.K.S. Recent developments in the epizootiology of foot-and-mouth disease. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (1/4) 1977 : 43. /Ibstrac]/. 5121. FERNANDO, W.W.H.S. Some emerging viral and chlamydial diseases of domestic animals. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (5) Sept. 1975 : 64-71. 3122. FERNANDO, 7/.W.H.S. Techniques in the preparation of foot-andmouth disease vaccine. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 1 (2) !lec. 1967 : 74-7S. 5125. FREDERIKS, H.J.J. Report to the G-overnment of Ceylon on control of foot-and-mouth disease. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1964. 15 p. (FAO Report no. 1915). 3124. FREDERIKS, H.J.J. Report to the Government of Ceylon on the production of food-and-mouth disease vaccine. Rome, Food and Agriculture Cr.^.inization of the United Nation.-., K'GS. 27 j . (report no.lG94).

- 436 -


&00NERATNE, B.W.H. New technique for investigating the histopathology of the lymphatic system in experimei tally infected animals. Laboratory Practice (London) 19, 1970 : 384. &00NKTILLSKE, A.-A.P. Organochloride and organophosphorus poisoning in livestock. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 7 (4) Dec. 1973 : 117-121. JONES, R.F. Report to the Government of Ceylon on the production of vaccine for the control of haemorrhagic septicaemia. Rome, Pood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1967. 18 p. (Report no. TA 2329). mSHNANAinWISIYaM, Kandiah The stable fly - Stomoxys calcitrans : a review. Cey. V e t T j . 20 (3/2) 1972 : 25-34. mSHNANAITTHASIVAx.1, Kandiah Studies of the genus Stomoxys with special reference to Stomoxys calcitrans in Sri Lanka. M.V.Sc. thesis.. University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya Campus, 1974. 168 f. (Unpublished).






Detection of carriers of S. bareilly and S. typhimurium infection by ser-ological tests. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (3/2) 1968 : 41.
3131. KUKAVASVttt'Y, S.

The cenlrc for investigptien of reproductive disorders of livestock ( C I R D I L ) in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (4) Dec. 1975 : 97-100.

5132. KUMARASWAJ'Y, S. Control of genital infections in artificial breeding. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (4) 1963 : 162-170. 3155. PARAM&WHAN, D.C. Some observations on blood capsules of hydatid oysts from local animals. Cey. J. Med. Sci. 10, 1961 : 57-59, 2 pis. PARAf.I/JWnirAI], D.C. and DISSANAIKE, A.S. Sylvatic hydatid infection in Ceylon. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Transactions (England). 55, 1961 : 483.


3135. PASTERNAK, J.; FERNANDO, M.A.; STOCKDALE, P.H.G-. and V7EBER, D. Nuclear size and DNA content in host cells during first-generation schizogony of Eimeria zuernii. Parasitology (USA & UK)" 74 (2) 1977 : 199-203. 3136. R/NATUNGA, Priennie Ecological considerations of some nematode diseases in the tropics. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (3) 1968 : 80-90. 5157. SAMARAWEERA, H.P. and KULASIRI, C. de S. Incidence of Sarcosporidiosis in some farm animals in Ceylon. Proc. CAAS. 27 (1) 1971 : 11-12. ^Abstracts/

3138. SEt'EvTRATIIA, P. Certain aspects of chemotherapy of parasitic infections. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (1/2) 1968 : 1-6. 3139. SENEVIRATNA, P. ol'lems of livestock in Some d i r . e . ' . o e proMe Ceylon. Acricultur lture 0 ( 1 ) June 1969 : 7-10.

- 438 -


SENEVIRATNA, ?. Some recent developments in anthelmintics used in domestic animals. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (l) 1960 : 17-19. SENEVIRATNA, P. Seme observations on babesiosis in animals. Vet. Rev. (May & Baker) 22, 1071 : 27-30. SENEVIRATNA, P. The ticks (ixodoidea) of Ceylon. Part 1 - Argasidac. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (l) 1962 : 30-41; Part II & III. ibid. 13, 1965 : 28-54.



5143. SEMEVIRATMA, P. Ticks on domestic animals in Ceylon and diseases transmitted by them. Trop. Agric. (Ceylon) 122 (3/2) 1966 : 9-18. 3144. SENEVIRATNA, P. Ticks : their significance on human health. Loris. 10 (4) 1965 : 270-272. SENEVIRATNA, P. Visceral larva migrans. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (3/4) 1960 : 68-92. SENEVIRATNA, P.; EDWARDS> A.G-. and DE&IUSTI, D.L. Frequency of Sarcocystis spp. in Detroit, metropolitan area, Michigan. American Journal of Veterinary Research 56 (5) 1975 : 537-539.""" SENEVIRATNA, P. and ICAHALINGAM, S. Some heljninths hitherto not reported from Ceylon. Cey. V*t. J. 10 (2/3) 1962 88-92.




- 439 -

3148. VESENJAK-HEUAN, J.; HERMON, Y. and VITARANA, T. Arbovirus infections in Ceylon. Bulletin Of the World Health Organization. 41, 1969 : 243-249. 3149. WEILGAMA, Danister Jayampathy. Studies in Boophilids in Sri Lanka. M.V.Sc. thesis. University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya, 1974. / " x / , 115 f. (Unpublished). 3150. WEILGAMA, D.J. and SENEVIRATNA, P. The Boophilids in Ceylon. Preliminary communication. Cey. Vet. J. 18 (2) 1970 : 39-42. 3151. WICKRAMASINGHE, W.A.T. Animal vacoines produced in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (5) Sept. 1975 : 72-76. 5152. WICKRAMASINGHE, W.A.T. Livestock immunisation. Anim. Prod., Hltth. Bull. 7 (4) Dec. 1975 : 105-109. 5153. wTJEWANTA, E.A. Studies on the relationship between soluble antigens and "invasiveness" of Clostridium welchii. Type A. Cey.Vet.J. . 10 (4) 1962 : 119-125. 5154. WUEWANTA, E.A. Sucrose-fermenting strains of Clostridium septicum. Nature (London) 199, 1965 : 500-301. For related material see also specifio animals

- 440 -

636.1 - Horses 3155. K0DITU.7AKKIT, G . E . Chlorpromazine-thiopentone anaesthesia in three race horses. Cey. Vet. J. 10 ( 2/3) 1962 : 97-99. RUPASINGHE, Dayanandani Developmental, physiological and morphological observations on the freeliving ; , n d parasitic stages of some stronylid nematodes of the horse. Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1975. 250 p. (Unpublished). see also no. 3382


Go6.2/.3 3157.

Ruminants CHALMERS, Margaret I.; JAYASINGHE, J.B. and MARSHALL,- S.B.M. The effect of heat treatment in the processing-of groundnut meal on the value of the protein for ruminants with some additional experiments on copra. Journal of Agricultural Science (USA & UK) 65 ( 2 ) 1964 : 283-280. " ' . . . SE5KAND0, S.T. ' ' The life-cycle of Mecistocirrus digitatus, a trichostrongylid parasite of ruminants. Journal of Parasitology (USA) 51 ( 2 ) Sect. 1, 1965 : 156-1657"



FERNANDO, S.T. Morphology, systenetles, and geographic distribution of Mecistocirrus digitatus, a trichostrongylid parasite of ruminants. Journal of Parasitology (USA) 51 (2) Sect. 1, 1965 : 149-155. FERNANDO, S.T. Studies on Mecistocirrus digitatus infestation in Ceylon. (A nematode found in the abomasum of ruminants). Class nematoda : family Trichostongylidae (Leiper, 1912). Cey. Vet. J. 7 (l & 2) 1959 : 19-22. JAYASITGIil., J.3. Determination of salt-peptizability of nitrogen in some concentrate meals as a technique for preliminary assessment of protein values for ruminants. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (2) 1963 : 41-42. JAYASINGKE, J.B. The effect of addition breakdown of protein and production of ammonia in Cey. Vet. J. 9 (4) 1961




f fat on the the subsequent the rumen. : 155-140.


JAYASIF&IS, J.B. The limitations of the technique of suspending foodstuffs in the rumen for determination of the particular micro organisms attacking them. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (1) 1965 : 9-12. JAYASINGHE, J.B. Some evidence tn show that coconut meal conlrl be .'lelri.i:':I(.M1 t f ; Urn physiological activities of rumen micro-oronisms. Ce;,. Vet. J. 11 Vo) 1963 : 87-90.


3165. JAYASURIYA, M..C.N. Treatment of cereal straws with sodium hydroxide to improve their . nutritive value for ruminants. Ph.D. thesis. University of Reading, 1974. ~xvJ, 372 f. (Unpublished). 3166. JEGATIIEESWAft, Thirumany Studies on the interaction of the rumen microbial population and some chemicals of agricultural importance. Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1971. (Unpublished). 3167. KEITH, James U, The utilization of non-protein nitrogen by ruminants. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (3) Sept. 1969 : 110-118. 3168. KODITUWAKKU, G.E.; Y/ETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. and SENEVIRATNE, D. A note on foreign bodies causing bezoars in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants in Ceylon. (A short communication). Cey. Vet. J. 17 (3/2) 1969 : 34^35. 3169. RANATUNGA, Priennie . Anthelmintics for gastrointestinal nematodiasis in ruminants. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 4, 1970 : 76-85. 3170. RANAWANA, S.S.E. The availability of nutrients to ruminants from a variety of Guinea grass. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (3/4) 1977 : 42. /Abstrac^ .


THEDCHANAM00RTF1Y, K, Urea an a nonprotein nitrogen for ruminants. Anim. i'rod. ITlth. Bull. 10 (l) 1977 : 3-10.

- 443 -

636.21 - Cattle, cows and bulls. 3172. ABEYRATNE, A.S. Anoestrus among cows in Bopatalawa farm. Anim. Prod. Kith. Bull. 7 ( 3 ) 1973 : 72-75. .3173. ABEYSENA, P.A. and SENEVIRATNA, P. Studies of Babesia argentina in cattle in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 18 (3) 1970 : 76-85. 3174. API'ADURAI, R.R. Cattle development in Ceylon. Agriculture 9 (l) June 1969 : 1-6. 3175. BAJACHANDRAN, K. Artificial insemination and he rd fertility levels of cattle in Sri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 21 (3/4) 1973 : 66. Abstracj/. 3176. BALACHANDRAN, K. Artificial insemination in cattle : some misconceptions in Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Kith. Bull. 6 (3) 1972 : 109-115. 3177. BALACHANDRAN, K. Infertility in the bull. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5 (2) June 1969 : 64-74. 3178. BALACHANDRAN, K. An outbreak of ephemeral fever of cattle in Jaffna. Cey. Vet. J. 13 (2) 1965 : 55-57. 3179. BALAC:IAIittK;j: I C . The reproductive performance of Priesian and Jersey cattle in r.ri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (1/4) 1977 : 42-43. /Jhatraay.

- 444 -



_ Some aspects of reproduction in the cows in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 14 (3/2) 1966 : 12-14.

The status of the cow presented for artificial insemination. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (3/4) 1977 : 43. /Abstracj"7 3182. BMvDARAMYAXE, A . National programmes for the development of the cattle industry and associated problems. In: Symposium on the Developmiart of the Cattle Industry in Ceylon. 1969. Colombo. Proceedings; comp. and ed. by R.R. Appadurai (1970). pp. 19-27. see no. 3272. 3183. BANDARANAYAKE, A . A note on the occurrence of Babesia argentina in cattle in, Cejdon. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (3) 1961 : 51-^54. BANDARANAYAKE, A. and THAMBIAIYAH, V.S. Calf paratyphoid in Ceylon. A report of an outbreak associated with Salmonella dublin. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (3) 1961 : 55-58. BONGSO, T . A . A cytogenetic evaluation of low fertility bulls. I'.Sc. thesis. University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 1973. (Unpublished).



3106. BONGSO, T.A. A review of chromosomal anomalies and

t h e i r c1.'inii;.'il 1n>orl :inn 1n Cuttle. Cey.

Vet. J.

24 (3/4) 2.976 : 13-17.

3187. BONGSO, T.A. and PINTO, M.R.M. Studies on tuberculin sensitivity in livestoclc in Ceylon. 1. Patterns of sensitivity in cattle (BOS - spp.). Cey. Vet. J. 20 (4) 1972 : 84-91. 3188. BROOKSBY, J.E. Observations on foot-and-mouth disease in Sri Larka. Cey. Vet. J. 21 (3/4) 1973 : 40-4-5.

3189. BWANaRAN, V.
Breeding for beef. In: Symposium on the Development of the Cottle Industry in Ceylon. 1969. Colombo. Proceedings, compiled and edited by R.R. Apradurai. (1970). pp. 131-139. see no. 3272. 3190. BUVANENDRAN, V. Breeding for milk and meat in the mid and hill country region of Ceylon. J. Nat. Agric. S o c , Ceylon 6, 1963 : 82-89. 3191. . BUVANENDRAN, V. Breeding for milk production in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (1/2) 1975 : 20-22. 3192. BUVANENDRAN, V. Cross breeding indigenous cattle breed with Jersey and Friesian. (in English, Sinhfila and Tamil). Krushi. 1 (l) July 1978 : 6-9. 3193. BUVAira^PA!!, V. A study of the performance of Jersey crosses i . i riv.-tr hcnls i . n Jaf Pna. Cey. Vet. J. I t f( I / ' * ' . ) V.r/l> : 10-18.

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3194. BUVANENDRAN. V. and AGALAWATTE. M. The -importance of the dry period in dairy cattle. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 7 (3) 1975 : 66-71. 3195. BUVANENDRAN, V. and MAHADEVAN, P. Crossbreeding for milk production in Sri Lanka. World Animal Review (FAQ) (Italy) no. 15, 1975 : 7-14. 3196. BUVANENDRAN, V. and NUGARA, D. Inherited differences in the haemoglobins of Sinhala oattle of Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 16 (1/2) 1968 : 4-6. 3197. DE ALWIS, M.C.L. Control of Haemorrhagic septicaemia an oil adjuvant vaccine for use in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (4) Dec. 1974 t 126-128. 5198. DE AIWIS, M.C.L. The isolation of Corynobaoterium pyogenes from the nasopharynx of clinioally normal oalves. . Cey. Vet. J. 25(1/4) 1977 : 18-21. 5199. DE ALWIS, M.C.L. Some aspects of calf pneumonia in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod.- Hlth." Bull..,- 9.(3) Sept. 1975 : .52,-56.

5200. DE ALT/IS, M.C.L. " ": A vaccine for immunisation of cattle and buffaloes against Haemorrhagic septicaemia. (in English&Sinhala) Krushi 1 (1) July 1978 : 13-14. . ij?.Ql. DE AU.7I3, I ' . C . T . . ^ r i c l PATIANGATA, V.S. A biochemical and r-erological study of strains of 1 astcurc 11a mullocIda associated with haemorrhucic septicaemia in cattle and buffaloes in Sri Lanka.' Cey. Vet. J. 22 (5/4) 1974 : 58-65.

- 447


FERNANDO, G.IY.E. '; C a t t l e i n t h e c h a n g i n g p a t t e r n of d r y zone a g r i c u l t u r e . I n : Symposium on t h e D e v e l o p m e n t of t h e C a t t l e I n d u s t r y i n Ceylon. 1 9 6 9 . Colombo. Proceedings; c o m p i l e d and e d i t e d b y R.R. A p p a d u r a i . (1970). pp. 62-71. see no. 3272. FERNANDO, G.TV.E. a n d SIVALINGAM, T. The i n f l u e n c e of p a s t u r e t y p e on t h e g r a z i n g h a b i t s of c a t t l e . P r o c . CAAS. 18 ( 1 ) 1962 : 1 4 . /AWraciJT. ~ FERNANDO, G.W.E. and' SI7ALIN&AV, T. S t u d i e s on t h e g r a z i n g h a b i t s of c a t t l e i n r e l a t i o n t o the seasonal u t i l i z a t i o n of d r y zone p a s t u r e s . T r o p . A g r i c . Ceylon 117 ( 2 ) 1 9 5 1 : 8 9 - 9 9 . FERNANDO, S . T . a n d SOULSBY, E . J . L . Immunological s t u d i e s of M e c i s t o c i r r u s digitatus infection in calves. Research i n Veterinary Science (England) 11 (2) 1970 : 1 7 5 - 1 8 2 . FOOD -AM) AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION. Report t o t h e G o v e r n m e n t of C e y l o n on f o r a g e c r o p d e v e l o p m e n t a s an i n t e g r a l a s p e c t of b a l a n c e d development of commercial animal p r o d u c t i o n . U.N.'. D e v e l o p m e n t P r o g r . , FAO, TA 2 8 1 7 , 1 9 7 0 . p . i*-vi,. 1 - 5 2 . FROST, A . J . ; flANASIN&HE, P . P . a n d W00LC0CK, j.r-. Some f a c t o r s a f f e c t i n g s e l e c t i v e a d h e r e n c e o f m i c r o o r g a n i s m s i n t h e b o v i n e mammary gland. I n f e c t i o n and Immunity 15 ( l ) 1 9 7 7 : 24!.-21.3. " GOONKSEIT-IRA, P. .O.K. The S i n h u l a c . - . t t l e . C e y . C c c o n . P l r s . . R e v . 5 ( 1 ) J u l y 1967 : 1 - 0 . " '""







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3209. G00NEHARDEN3, L.A. and BERG, R.T. Arthrogryposis in Charolais cattle - a study on gene penetrance. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 56 (4).1976 : 830.

3210. GRONSTOL, H.; 0S30RNE, A.D. and P3THIYAG0DA, S. Experimental Salmonella infection in calves. 1. The effect of stress factors . .on the carrier state. 2. Virulence nnd the spread.of infection.; Journal of Hygiene *72 (2) 1974 : 155-162.' 5211. GULASEKHAREM, J. and COCKBURN, A. Brucella abortusTstrain "Van der Schaff") isolated in Ceylon. Indian Journal of Medical Research 49, 1961 : 3-5. 3212. HAFEZ, E.S.E.; DYER, I.A. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. Effect of maternal caloric intake on fetal development in beef cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research 29, 1968 : 2281-2285. 3213. HAFEZ, E.S.; JAINUDEEN, M.R. and LINDSAY, D.R. Gonadotropin-iriduced twinning and related phenomena in beef cattle. Acta Endocrinologia, (Copenhagen) ,Supt>l. 102, 1966: 43. 5214. JAINUDEEN j f.:.R. The effects of nitrate ingestion during pregnancy in dairy cows. Ph.D. thesis. Cornell University, 1964. 129 p. (Unpublished).

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3215. JAINUDEEN, M.R. Improving breeding efficiency in . your dairy herd. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (2) June 1969 : 56-62. 3216. JAINUDEEN, K.R. The "repeat-breeder'* cow - a review. Cey. Vet. J. 13 (l) 1965 : 10-16. 3217. JAINUDS3K, M.R. Technique used in the study of ovarian and uterine function in cattle. Cey. Vet. J. 13 (3) 1965 : 76-79. 3218. JAINUDEEN, M.R. The use of imported frozen semen in routine insemination of dairy cattle in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 16 (l/2) 1968 : . 7-10. 3219. JAINUDEEN, I'.R. and HAFEZ, E.S.E. Control of estrus and ovulation in cattle with orally active progestin and gonadotropins. International Journal of Fertility 11, 1966 : 47-54. 3220. JAINUDEEN, M.R.; HAFEZ, E.S.E.; GOLLNICK, P.D. and MOUSTAFA, L.A. Antigonadotropins in the serum of cows following repeated therapeutic pregnant mare serum injections. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 27, 1966 : 669-675. 3221. JAINUDEEN, K.R.; HAFEZ, E.S.E.; and LINEiUfEAVER, J.A. Superovul&tion in the oalf. Journal of Reproduction nnd Fertility (England) 12, 19G6 :""l49-153, 1 pi.

3222. JAINUDEEN, M.R.; HANSEL, W. and DAVISON, K.L. Nitrate toxicity in dairy heifers. 2. Erythropoietic responses to nitrate ingestion during pregnancy. Journal of Dairy Science (USA) 47, 1964 : 1382-1387. 3223. JAINUDEEN, M.R.; HANSEL, W. and DAVISON, K.L. Nitrate toxicity in dairy heifers. 3. Endocrine responses to nitrate ingestion during pregnancy. Journal of Dairy Science (USA) 48, 1965 : 217-221. 3224. JALATHGE, E.F.A. Recent trends in cattle breeding in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 19 (4) 1971 : 128-131. 3225. JAYASEKARA, M.U. Autogenous and heterogenous vaccines against Bovine papillomatosis. Proc. CAAS. 30 (l) 1974 : 18-19. ^Abstract^. " 3226. JAYASURIYA, M.C.N. Soya bean milk as a milk substitute for bull calves. Trop. Agric.. (Sri Lanka) 132 (2) 1976 : 149-160. 3227. JAYASURIYA, K.C.N.' Usefulness of dairy washings in herbage production. J. Nat. Agric. S o c . Ceylon 1L/12, 1974/75 : 120-121. / Short communicationJ.

- 451 3228. JAYAWARDANA, A.B.P.; PATHIRANA, K.K.; SIRIWARDANA, J.A. de S. and SUNDARANANDA, P. Evaluation of common Guinea grass for dairy production - Preliminary results. Proc. CAAS. 30 (l) 1974 : 54. /Abstracj/. 3229. JOGARATNAM, T. Some economic aspects of cattle production in Ceylon. In: Symposium on the Development of the Cattle Industry in Ceylon. 1969, Colombo. Proceedings, compiled and edited by R.R. Appadurai. (1970). pp. 85-93. see no. 3272. 3230. KASHH7AMURA, F. and JAYASURIYA, M.C.N. Some observations on the grazing behaviour of European cattle in the midcountry of Sri Lanka. J. Nat. Soi. Coun., Sri Lanka, 5 (2) 1977 : 105-116. 3231. KEITH, J.M.; RANAWANA, S.S.E, and SIRIWARDENE, J.A. de S. Feeding concentrates to milking cows on Kikuyu pasture. Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 71-72. /Abstract 3232. KODITDWAKKU, G.E.j BONGSO, T.A.; PERERA, B.M.A.O. and MOTHA, M.X.J. Embryo transfer in cattle. Cey. Vet. J.

25 (.1/4) 1977 : 42.


3233. KULASEGARAM, P, A seven point plan for the control of mastitis among dairy herds. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (1/2) 1975 : 14-19. 3234. LINTON, A.IT.; HOWE, K.; PETHIYAGODA, S. and OSBOBNE, A.D. Epidemiology of salmonella, infection in calves, (l) its relation te their husbandry and management. Veterinary Record (England) ' 94 (25) 1974 : 581-585.

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3235. MAHADEVAN, P. Genetic methods of improving cattle production in Ceylon. In: Symposium on the Development of the Cattle Industry in Ceylon. 1969, Colombo. Proceedings; comp. and ed. by R.R. Appadurai. (1970). pp. 28-36. see no.3272. 3236. MAHADEVAN, P. A note on the maintenance of heterosis in cross-^red cattle in the coconut triangle of Ceylon. Ceylon Coconut Quarterly. 21 (3/4) 1970 : 92-93. 3237. MAHALU'lGAIv', S. Studies on viral infections of the respiratory tract in cattle. Ph.D. thesis. University of Edinburgh, 1969. (Unpublished). 3238. MATSUKAWA, T.; TILAKARATNE, N. and BUVANENDRAN, V. Growth and carcass characteristic of cattle and buffalo breeds on a dry zone pasture in Sri Lanka. JARQ. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly (Japan) 10 (1) 1976 : 48-49; Tropical Animal Health and Production (UK) 8 (3) 1976 : 155-162. 5239. NADARAJA, R. A preliminary study of reproduction in the first batch of Jersy heifers gifted by New Zealand government. Trop. Agric., Ceylon 126 (4) 1970 : 191-194. 5240. NADARAJA, R. Semen characterislies and fertility of bulls used : i n t;rtjTidal insemination. Cey. Vet. J. 15 (4) 1967 : 118-120; Proc. CAAS. 23 (1) 1967 : 12-13. ^Abstract/.

-.453 -


NADARAJA, R. and JAINUDEEN. M.R. Experience with melengestrol acetate ' ' 100 in the control of oestrus in cattle. Proc.. CAAS. 26 (l) 1970 : 11-12. /Abstract.

3242, NAG-ARATNAM, W. and RATNATUNGA, P.C.C. Incidence, of Salmonella amongst cattle and goats brought for slaughter. Cey. Vet. J. 19 (3) 1971 : .69-71. 3245. NUGARA, D. and FERNANDO, W,W.H.S. Preiraunization of cattle against Babesia bigemina and Anaplasma marginale.. Cey. . Vet. J. 11 (4) 1965 : 123-125.

3244.. NUGARA, D. and Observations Sinhala- cows. Cey. Vet. J.


JA.YASEKARA, M.U. on the haeroatology of (A short communication). 16 (3) 1968 : 53-55.

.5245. OHLER, J.G, Cattle under coconuts. . Ceylon Cooonut Quarterly 23 (5/4) 1972 : 105-107. 5246. OSBORNE, A.D.; LINTON, A.H. M i d ' . PETHIYAGODA, S. Epidemiology of salmonella infection of calves. (2) : detailed study in a large beef rearing unit. Veterinary Record (England) U (28) 1974 : 604-610. '524-7. PANANGALA, V.S. Microflora of the ccrvico-vaginal
mucous of tho repeat breeder cow. M.Sc.

. thesis. University of Guelph, Canada, 1975. (Unpublished).

32-18. PATillRAJA, N. and BUVANENDRAN, V.
Coiniiafullvr 25 (1/4) 1977 : 43. lo I evince of Mirce

Uuroi -.-in brc^d.i of l.

Co.'. Vet. J.


- 454 -


PEIRIS, G.S. The agar diffusion precipitin test in the diagnosis of Brucella infection in cattle. Cey. Vet. J. 20 (l/2) 1972 : 14-17. PSKIS, G.S. Presence end duration of maternal antibodies against Brucella infection in calves. Cey. Vet. J. 20 (l/2) 1972 : 18-20. PEIRIS, G.S. and ?n3TTIMIJNY, S.G. de S. Presence of Lcptospiral antibodies in sere, of cattle. Cey. Vet. J. 20 (5) 1972 : 64-C6. PERERA, B.M.A.O. The chemical restraint of cattle with Xylazine ("Rompun"). Cey. Vet. J. 20 (1/2) 1C72 : 21-24.




5255. PERERA, S.J.E. &. record of Iiy?.oderma lineata infestation in some bulls imported into Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (4) 1962 : 141. 5254. PILLAI, E.T.S. The economics of reproductive performance in dairy co.ttle. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5 (5/4) 1971 : 94-101.' 3255. PILIAI, E.T.S. The rupees and sense of selected a dairy breed : Pricsian vs. Jersey. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 0 ( 2 ) Jun. 1972 : 62-6'J.


PILLAI, E . T . S . a n d FONSEKA. L . E . A . The e c o n o m i c s of f e e d i n g c o n c e n t r a t e s t o d a i r y cov/s. Anim. P r o d . K i t h . B u l l . 7 ( 2 / 2 ) 1973 : 1 7 - 2 1 7 RANAWEERA, Anoma A review of the b i o c h e m i c a l of K e t o s i s i n l a c t a t i n g cows. 25 ( l / 4 ) 1977 : 2 3 - 3 2 .


aspects Gey. V e t .



RANATUNSA, P r i e n n i c a n d WANDURA6ALA, L . R e a c t i o n s and haematology i n imported J e r s e y c - . t t l e p r e m u n i s e d i n Ceylon,, B r i t i s h Vf;terincjy J o u r n a l 128 ( l ) 1972 : 9 - 1 8 . SANTMRASEGARA):, K. On t h e b r e e d i n g of a d a i r y a n i m a l f o r t h e low c o u n t r y w . t zone of C e y l o n . J^ N a t . A g r i c . S o c , Ceylon 4 , 1967 : 29-42. SANTHI21ASEGARA!.', K. ; ABEYV.'ARDENA, V. a n d GOONESEKTRA, G . C . K . L a c t a t i o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of S i n h a l a c a t t l e in Ceylon. Tropical Agriculture ( T r i n i d a d ) o 4 3 ( 3 ) 1966 : 2 3 3 - 2 3 9 . SANTHIHASEGARAI.', K . ; ATJET^ARDENA, V . a n d GOONESEKERA, G . C . U . The s i n h a l a c a t t l e : l a c t a t i o n characteristics. P r o c . CAAS. 20 ( l ) 1964 : 1 1 - 1 2 . /Abstract SANTHIRASE&ARAM, K. a n d GOONESEKBRA, G.C.M. The S i n h a l a c a t t l e . 2 . Response t o d i f f e r e n t t y p e s and l e v e l s o f f e e d . P r o c . CAAS. 2 1 ( l ) 1065 : 1 8 - 1 9 .





^Abstracj "7.

- 456 -


SENEVIRATNA, P. Cerebral babesiosis in cattle. ( A letter). Cey. Vet. J. 11 (2) 1963 : 68. SENEVIRATNA, P. Current disease problems of cattle in Ceylon. In; Symposium on the Development of the Cattle Industry in Ceylon. 1969, Colombo. Proceedings; compiled and edited by R.R. Appadurai (1970). 52-61. see no.3272. SEKEVTRATTIA, P.; ATURELIYA, D. and VLJAYAKUMAR, R. The incidence of Sarcocystis spp. in cattle and goats in Sri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 23 (1/2) 1975 : 11-13. SILVA, K.I.N.G. The advantage of suckling over artificial rearing of dairy calves. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (1/2) 1975 : 26-30. SILVA, K.I.N.G. Bracken fern poisoning in cattle. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (l/2) 1974 : 14-19. SILVA, K.I.N.G. Estimates of sodium and potassium supplementation for lactating cows in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod. . . Hlth. Bull. 10 (l) 1977 : 14-15. SILVA, K.I.N.G. Some manifestations of phosphorus Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 133-140. 8 (4-) Dec.








- 457 -


SIRIWASDH^IE, J.A. de S. Feeding for intensive production of milk and beef. In: Symposium on the Development of the Cattle Industry in Ceylon. 1969, Colombo. Proceedings; compiled end edited by R.R. Appadurai (1970). pp. 43-51. see no.3272. SUBASINGKE, H.A. and FERNANDO, H.S. Salmonella dublin associated with a case of calf pneumonia. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (l/ ) 1975s 25=26. /"Letter/^ "~



SYMPOSIUM ON THE DEVELOPJIvNT OF THE CATTLE INDUSTRY IN CSYLCN. 1969, Colombo. Proceedings; held on Nov. 27, 1969 in Colombo; organized by the Dept.of Animal Husbandry, University of Ceylon with support from the Ministry ef Agriculture and Food, compiled and edited by R.R. Appadurai. /"Peradeniya, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, University of Ceylon J 1970. viii, 164 p.


TILAKARATNE, N.; MATSUKAV'A, T. and BUVANENDRAN, V. Breed comparisons of growth and carcass characteristics in cattle. Proc. CAAS. 50 (l) 1974 : 62-65. ^bstracj TILAKARATNE, N.; MATSUKAWA, T. and BUVANENDRAN, V. Estimation of body weight in pure and crossbred Sinhala cattle using body measurements. Cey. Vet. J. 22 (5/4) 1974 : 82-84. TILAKAEATfffi, N.; MATSUKAWA, T.; BUVAMIOTnRAT', V. f^nd TllANGARAJAH, P. Growth, teed conversion rtnil carcass oharac(eristics ol' cattle and buffaloes fod grass and concentrates. Cey. Vet. J. 24 (1/4) 1976 : 9-12.



- 458 3276. TILAKARATNE, K.; RANAWANA, S.S.E. and BUVANENDRAN, V. A note on the milk composition of European cattle and their crosses with Sindhi. Cey. Vet. J. 23_ (3/2) 1975 : 14-15.

3277. WEILGAMA, D.J. Babesiosis in cattle. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (3) Sent. 1974 : 65-70. 3278. WEILGAMA, D.J.; JAYASEKERA, M.U. and HUSSAIN, K. Haematological changes and temperature reactions following premunisation in three breeds of cattle. Cey. Vet. J. 23 (3/4) 1975 : 49-53. 3279. WEILGAMA, D.J.; SENEVIRATNA, P. and WAIWURAGALA, K.H.M.L. Coccidiosis of cattle in Ceylon. (A short communication). Cey. Vet. J. 17 (4) 1969 : 98-99. 3280. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. Atresia ani in calves. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (1) 1960 : 30-32. 3231. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. A pathological study of neoplasms in cattle. Cey. Vet. J. 24 (]/4) 1976 4-8.


3282. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. Primary liver tumours of o&ttle in Ceylon. Journal of Comparative Pathology (England). 79 (3) 1969 : 355-362.

3283. . WETTIMUNY, S.G. d e S . /"Vulval carcinoma in cows in CeylonJ'. Das vulvakarzinora bei Rindern auf Ceylon. Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin . 21A Heft 10, 1974 : 834-843. 3284. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. and ABEYSENA, F.A. Sarcosporidiosis in slaughtered meat cattle and buffaloes in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 14 (1/2) 1966 : 2-6. 3285. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. and ATURALIYA, D.S. An abbatoir study of liver diseases of cattle.' Cey. Vet. J. 23 (3/4) 1975 : 53-56. 3286. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. Ichthyosis foetalis in a calf. Cey. Vet. J. . 10 (2/3) 1962 : 102-105. 3287. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. and JAYASEKERA, M.U. The occurrence of cutaneous papillomata (Warts) in a dairy farm in Ceylon. (A 3 h o r t communication). Cey. Vet. J. 18 (l) 1970 : 10-14. 3288. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. and PANANGALA, V.S. Incidence of teat lesions of Leucoplakia and warts among dairy cattle in two farms. (A short communication). Cey. Vet. J. 20 (3) 1972': 7 0 - 7 2 . 3289. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S.; WANDURAGALA, H.H.M.L. and PAN/CIGALA, V.S. Neoplastic and proliferative lesions of the vulva of Ayrshire cattle in 'Pri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 22 ( l / 2 ) 1974 : 17-20.
.'J 2G 0.

WIJERATTE, W.V.S. Apparent i'aUure o f survival of y o i u i j embryos between t l i e 4 to 16 week of gestationr.l age in cuttle with reference to genetic factors. Animal Production (England) 13, 1971 : 4-00.

- 460 -

3291. WIJERATNE, 7.V.S. Cross breeding Sinhala cattle with cattle with Jersey and Friesian in Ceylon. Animal production (England) 12, 1970 : 473-483. 3292. WIJERATNE, W.V.S. Progeny testing of dairy bulls in the state farms of Ceylon by the contemporary comparison method. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (4; 1965 : 126-129. 3295. WIJERATNE, W.V.S.; MONRO, I.B. and WILKES, P.R. Heifer sterility associated with single birth freemartinism. Veterinary Record (England) WO (16) 1977 : 555-556. 3294. WIJERATNE, W.V.S. and STEWART, D.L. Population study of abortion in cattle with special reference to genetic factors. Animal Production (England) 13, 1971 : 229-255. 3295. WIJERATNE, W.V.S. and STEWART, D.L. Stillbirths in cattle. British Veterinary Journal 126, 1970 : 238-255. 5296. WULTiANTIIA, E.A. Isolation of heat-resistant Clostridium perfringens from healthy cattle. Cornell Veterinarian .(USA) 62 (l) 1972 : 26-31. 5297. WUEWANTHA, E.A. mid KARUNARATNE, K.G. Studies on the occurrence of Pasteurella multocida in the nasopharynx of healthy cattle. Cornell Veterinarian (USA) 58, 1968 : 462-4-65. 3298. Y/UTWATITA, E.A. and RTOIEVTRATNS, D. A study of condemned livers of cattle obtained from the Kandy slaughter house during 1062-63. Cey. Vet. J. 12 (3) 1964 34-39. " ~~ For related material see also UDC 637.5 Heat. Fish meal.

- 4-61 -

656.295 - Buffaloes^ yaks and other oxen 32S0.-BAMDA^JAYATiB, A. and KAIR, V.K. Listeriosis in buffaloes. Cey. Vat. J. 10 (1) 1962 : 42-45. 3300. BONGSO, T.A.; KmiffiATXLEEE, W.L.J.S. and BUVAK3NDBAN, V. The karyoty e of the indigenous buffalo (Bubaius bubalis) of Sri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (1/4) 1977 : 9-11. 3301. BUVANSMffAN, V.; JALATG3, E.F.A. and GAHESAN, K.N. Influence of season on the breeding pattern of buffaloes in Ceylon. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 48 (2) 1971 : 97-102; Reprinted: Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5, 1971 : 86-93..

3302. BUVANETORAIT, V. Mid KtJMARATILAKE, W.L.J.S. A study of production characteristics and management practices of the indigenous buffalo. Coy. Vet. J. 25 (l/4) 1977 : 45. /Abstract^. 3303. DE ALWIS, M.C.L.; JAYASEKERA, M.U. and BAUSuTBARAJ!, P. Pneumonic pasteurcllosis in buffalo calves associated with Pasteurella multocida serotype 6 : B. Cey. Vet. J. (3/4) 1975 : 58-60.


3504. DE ALWIS, M.C.L.; KODITUWAKKU, A.O. and KODITUWAFKU, SUB ima. Hnemorrha.^ic septicaemia - an analysis of tv-o outbreaks of dir.<~;i3e umon^ buffaloes. Cey. V:t. J. 24 (1/4) 1976 : 18-21. 3305. FERNANDO, 77.V\II.S. Proliferative stomatitis in the buffalo. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (l/4) 1977 : 44. /Abstract.

- 462 -

5506. GUNATILAKE, A.A. P. and ICAPMARATNE, S.K. An outbreak of rabies among buffalo calves. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (l/2) 1975 : . 25-25. 5507. JAINUDEEN, M.R. Induction of oestrus and ovulation in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) using, cloprostenol, a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin F ' Kajian Veterinaire (Malaya) 8 (2) 1976": 40-42.

3308. JAIIIUDESN, M.R. Reproduction of the MrJaysian swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). In: Proceedings, First joint conference on Health and Production of Australia and Local Cattle in South East Asia, Malaysia, 1977. pp. 162-169. 3509. JAINUDEEN, M.R. tod HAFEZ, E.S.E. Attempts to induce bovine fremartinism experimentally. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (England") 10, 1965 : 281-285. 3310. JAIAT&E, E.F.A. and BUVANENDRAN, V. Statistical studies on characters associated with reproduction in the Hurrah buffalo of Ceylon. Tropical Animal Health and Production (London) 3, 1971 : 114-124. ' . 3311. JAYATILAKA, A.D.P. Histological studies on the ox epiphysis cerebri. Cey. Vet. J. 18 (4) 1970 : 105-110. 5512. JAYATILAKA, A.D.P. HistolOi'jy of the ox pineal gland. Proc. CAAS. 23 (1) 1967 : 13-14. /AbstracJT"

- 453 -

3315. JEGANATHAN, ?. Conception rate in bovines with semen diluted in an extender with 'Complan' (Glaxo). Cey. Vet. J . 10 (l) 1962 : 50-54. 3514. JEGANATHAN, P. Survival of bovine spermatozoa in an extender with "Complan" (Glaxo). Cey. Vet. J o 8 (2) June 1969 : 53-55. 3315. JE&ANATKAT7, P. and MAHESWARAN, S.K. Treatment of repeat breeders in bovines by intra-uterine infusion with oxytetracycline hydrochloride and polymixin B sulohate (terramycin vaginal tablets). Cey". Vet. J . 9 (3) 1961 : 71-74. 5516. KASHIWAMIPA, Fumiro and JAYASURIYA, M.C.N. Some observations on the grazing behaviour of Murrah buffalee in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. J . Nat. Agric. Soc., Ceylon 34, 1977 : 27-37. 3317. KUMARSTILLAKE, W.L.J.S.J PATH3RAJA, N.; PERERA, B.K.A.O. and TILAKARATNE, N. Synchronisation of oestrus in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) using prostagladin Fg^ (A short communication). Research in Veterinary Science (England) 22 (3) 1977 : 380-381. 3318. PANANGALA, V.S. Infertility and the bacterial flora of the bovine female reproductive tract r a brief review. Aniin. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (3) rout. 197!) : J.7-03.

464 -


PERERA, B.M.A.O.; PAThTRAJAH, N.; ABEYRATNE, A.S.j KUMAPAITLLEKE, W.L.J.S. and BWANENDRAN. V. Oestrus synchronisation and artificial insemination in buffaloes. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (1/4) 1977 : 41. ^Abstract/. PERERA., 3.K.A.C.; PAThTRAJA, N.J KUMARATILAKE, W.L.J.S.; ABEYRATNE, A.S. and BWANENDRAN, V. Synchronisation of oestrus and fertility in buffalo using a prostaglandin analogue. Veterinary Record (England) 101, 1977 : 520-521. PINTO, M.R.M.; WANASINGHE, D*.D. and RAVINDRAN, K.V. Studies in tuberculin sensitivity of livestcck in Ceylon. II. Patterns of sensitivity in the buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Cey. Vet. J. 21 (l/2) 1975 : 10-15.



5522. RANATUNGA, Priennie 1. Investigations of the efficacy of sulfadimidine in preventing ceccidiosis of buffalo calves. 2. Further confirmatory evidence for prenatal ascaris infection in buffalo calves. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (1) 1960 : 20-25. 5525. SENEVIRATNE, P. and KUMARASWAMY. S. The presence of Gonderia annulata in the ox in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (3.) 1960 : 26-29. SEISEVIJIATNA, P. and WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. A case of lymphosarcoma in an ox in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 13 (l) 1965 : 20. l_ Letter


- 465 -


SIRIWARDENA, J.A. de S. The Murrah buffalo : a brief review. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (4) Dec. 1969 : 174-179. SOMANADSR, S.V.O. Buffalo-noosing in Ceylon. Ceylon Today 3D (3) Mar. 1961 : 15-19. THAilBITHURAI, V. A case of bovine foetal mummification. Cey. Vet. J. 21 (3/2) 1973 : 24. TILAKARATNE, N.; BUVANENDRAN, V. and WEERASINGHE, G.A. A study of growth rates of Murrah and cross bred buffalo calves. Cey. Vet. J. 20 (4) 1972 : 92-95.




3329. WANASINGHE, D.D.; RAVINDRAN. K.V. and PINTO, M.R.M. Tuberculin sensitivity in the buffalo Babalus bubalis bubalis) Proc. CAAS. 28 1) 1972 : 25. ^Abstrac^. 3330. WIJEWANTA, E.A. and BIBILE, S.W. Study of a bovine phaeochremecytoma. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (3) 1963 t 95=96. see also nos. 3200-01, 32S8 3270, 3284, 5638.

295 - Camels 3331. JAYASINGKE, J.B.; FERNANDO, S.D.A. and BRITO-BABAPULLE, L.A.P. The electrocardiogram of th- camel. American Journal of Veterinary Research 24, l'TiiS : r,t\ )-!ii;5.

33.52. JAYASIJIGIIE, J.P,.; FERNANDO, S.D.A. and BRITO-tJABA UJ.JJ3, L.A.P. Unipolar and bipolar electrocardiographic studies in the llama. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (l) 1963 : 19-20.

- 466

636.3 - Smaller ruminants. 6 3 6 . 3 1 - Sheep; . 3533.

Sheep (and g o a t s )

BUVANENDRAN, V. S h e e p - 1 . B r e e d s a n d b r e e d i n g . Anim. Prod. Hlth. B u l l . 2 ( 4 ) 1968 : 1 3 1 - 1 5 5 . BUVANENDRAN, V . ; JAINUDEEN, M . R . ; JAYASEKERA, S . B . a n d DHARKASIRI, G.A. P e r f o r m a n c e of two t e m p e r a t e b r e e - i s of s h e e p i n C e y l o n . Cey. V e t . J . 1 8 (3) 1970 : 7 6 - 7 5 . CHANDRASENA, L . G . A s p e c t s of l a c t a t e m e t a b o l i s m i n s h e e p . P h . D . t h e s i s . U n i v e r s i t y of L i v e r p o o l , 1976. (Unpublished). FERNANDO, L . A . S . Management p r a c t i c e s i n i n t e n s i v e f a r m i n g u n d e r c o c o n u t . Anim. P r o d . Bull. 7 ( 1 / 2 ) 1975 : 1 5 - 1 6 .




sheep Hlth.


GIBSON, E . A . ; BLACKMORE, R . J . J . ; WIJERATNE, W . V . S . a n d WRATHALL, A . E . The " b a r k e r " ( n e o n a t a l r e s p i r a t o r y d i s t r e s s ) syndrome i n t h e p i g : i t s o c c u r r e n c e i n t h e field. V e t e r i n a r y Rec o r d ( E n g l a n d ) 98 ( 2 4 ) 1976 : 4 7 6 - 4 7 9 . GOONBAVARDENE, L . A . a n d APPADURAI, R . R . A n i m a l p r o d u c t i o n p o t e n t i a l of t h r e e i m p o r t a n t f o d d e r g r a s s e s of S r i L a n k a . 1. Live-weight gains with sheep. Trop. Agrio. Ceylon 1 2 8 ( l / 2 ) 1972 : 2 5 - 3 4 . GOONEWA^DilKE, L.A. a n d AFADURAI, R . R . Some p r e l i m i n a r y o b s e r v a t i o n s on p o t e n t i a l s t o c k i n g ral.-ja nV s h e e p on i m p r o v e d p a s t u r e s . J . N a t . A-;ri.c. S o c . , C e y l o n 7 , 1970 : 44-50."



- 467 -

3340. JAYASURIYA, K.C.N. Effect of energy and NPN supplementation of NaOH treated paddy straw on digestibility and intake by sheep. Proc. SLAAS. 34 (1) 1978 : 19. /AbstracT"? 3341. JAYASURIYA, K.C.N. Effect of urea sup- lementation of the value of NaOH treated paddy straw. Proc. SLAAS. 34 (l) 1978 : 22. /Abstract^. 5342. JAYASURIYA, M.C.N, and OWEN, E. Sodium hydroxide treatment of barley straw; effect of volume and concentration of solution on digestibility and intake by sheep. Animal Production (USA) 21, pt. 3, 1975 : 313-322. 3343. JAYASURIYA, K.C.N, and SRISKANDARAJAH, N. Urea as a source of non-protein nitrogen, for ruminants. 1. Effect of urea as a non protein source on digestibility by sheep, fed artificially dried Pusa Giant Napier harvested at an extended cutting interval of 90 days. J. Nat. Sci. Coun., Sri Lanka 4 (1) 1976 : 1-6. 5344. JAYATILAKA, A.D.P. An electron microscopic study of sheep arachnoid granulations. Journal of Anatomy (England) 99 (3) 1965 : 635-649. 3345. JAYATILAKA, A.D.P. Thorium dioxide injections into the sub arachnoid space of sheep. Journal of Anatomy (Hn.-l.-jifl) 99 (?.) 1965 : 193-104"." 3346. JAYAV7ICKJ1AKA, S . D . and G H P S , H.C. Studies on cstcrtagiasis in sheep. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 8, 1967 : 29-38.

- 463 -

3347. NAVARATNAM, C ; V7AMASBI&HE, D.D.; PBTTO, B.R.K.; 1ELIANGE, L.V. and RAVIMDRAN, K.V. Studies of tuberculin sensitivity in livestock in Sri Lento.. IV. Patterns of sensitivity in sheep. Cey. Vet. J. 22 (1/2) 1974 : 25-31. 3348. PERERA, B.K.A.O. Effects of vasectomy on fructose levels in the ejaculate of rams. Research in Veterinary Science (England) 21 (3) 1976 : 568-30S. PERERA, 3.IJ.A.0. Some effects of vasectomy on the reproductive system of the ram. Ph.D. thesis. University of Glasgow, 1977. (Unpublished). PERERA, B.K.A.O. and MUNRO, C D . Androgen levels in intact and vasectomised rams during the breeding and non-*reeding seasons. Fertiltity and Sterility (USA; 27 (12) 1976 : 1446-1451. PERERA, M.E'. Sheep breeding and management under coconut in Ceylon. Anim. "/rod. Hlth. Bull. 4, 1C70 : 54-58; Ceylon Coconut Quarterly 23 (3/4) 1972 : 100-102. PIYASL'iGKE, T.A. A programme of shee;: production for the arid zone of Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 4, 1970 : 59-65. PO0BT2N, Emil van der Shce-o under coconut. Cey. Cocon. ""Irs. Rev. 5 (3) liJVl : 133-137.






- 469 -


POORTEN, Emil van der Two years with Finn sheep in Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 6 (2) Jun. 1972 : 70-75.

3355. RANATUNGA, Priennie Nasal bot fly larvae (Oestrus ovis)in sheep & goats Ahim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5 (1) Mar. 1971 : 23-24. 3356. RANATUNGA, Priennie The sheep industry in Sri Lanka. 1. Present problems and future potentials, with H. Jagath Peiris. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (4) D e c 1974 : 114-117; 2. The seasonal breeding schedule : a model, ibid. 8 (4) D e c 1974 : 118-125; 3. Parasite control in intensive cheep farming. ibid. 9 (3/2) 1975 : 8-13. 3357. RANATUNGA, Priennie and T7EILGAMA, D.J. Efficacy of trichlorphon and Rualene pour - on Oestrus ovis in sheep and goats in Ceylon. Coy. Vet. J. 20 (3/2) 1972 : 11-13. 3358. SENEVIRATNE, P. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. The presence of Ehrlichia ovina - like organisms in the mononuclear cells of sheep in Ceylon. (A clinical communication). Cey. Vet. J. 15 (4) 1967 : 141.

3359. SIVALIHGAM, T. Some effects of treading by sheep. Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 73. ^/Abstracj^". 3560. SIVALriG-A!!, T. Some effects of treading by sheep in a McMlcrrancan environnent of Smth Australia. Ph.D. thesis. UnivR-si ty of Adelaide, ICVS. (U"iiii.lii;lira).

3361. TILAKA^VWIE, N. Bikaneri sheep : a brief review. Anim. Prod. Uith. Bull. 5 (l) Mar. 1971 : 1-5. see also no. 3382

- 4-70 -

39 - Goats 3362. BALACHANDRAIJ, K. Artificial insemination in goats : recent progress in Norway. Anim. Prod. m.tji._jaull. 10 (l) 1977 : 21-2*3. 3363. .3ANDARATTAYAI'E, A. and FERNANDO, W.W.H.S. A note on the isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from the heart blood of a goat. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (l) 1962 : 4-6-47. 3364. BANDARANAYAKE, A. and NEITZ, W.O. Mukherjeella caprae (gen. nov., sp. nov.), a parasite of the red blood oells of the goat. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (3) 1961 : 49-50.

3365... BUVANENDRAN, V. . Polledness in goats and its offeots on reproduction : a review. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. S j l ) Mar.. 1969 : 31-35. 3566. BUVANENDRAN, V. Sexual abnormality and polledness in Indian goats. . Cey. Vet. J. 20 (tf) 1972 : 81-85. 5567. BUVANENDRAN, V. Some observations on the reproductive performances of Saanen goats in Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Kith. Bull. 5 (5) June 1969 : 125-125. 5368. BUVANEIIDRAN, V.; JAIATGE, E.E .A.; ARIYA^ATIH", U.K. and SANGARANDENIYA, S.S. A note on comparative g - owth rates of Jamno.p'<ri, South Tncli.-m gouts and thfir c r o s H e s . C;-._Vct^ J. 22 (l/2) l'J74 : 14-16. 3569. JHSSANAIKE, A.S. and PAPAMANANTHAN, D.C. On an unusual blood capsule from a hydatid cyst of a Oe.t i i Ceylon. Journal of Helminthology (England) 55 (5/4) 1961 : 221-224, 1 pi.

- 471 -

3370. FERNANDO, W.W.H.S. and METTANANDA, I. Some studies on the production of goat kidney cortical cell monolayers. Cey. Vet. J. 22 ( 3/4) 1974 : 69-76. 3371. JEGATHEESWARAN, T. Oe-currence of Bimeria Ah-Sa-Ta (Honess. 1942) in a kid in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 15 (2) 1967 : 62-G4. 3372. NUGARA, D. The efficacy of Yomesan in removing Moniezia spp. and Avitellina spp.. of tapeworms from goats. Cey. Vet. J. 1963 : 91-92.

11 (5)

3375. NUGARA, D. Thiabendazole as an anthelmintic for Haemonchus contortus in goats. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (3) 1963 : 93-94. N 3574. PARAMANA^HAN, D.C. On the occurrence of nymphal stages of Linguatula serrata Frolich, 1789, in goats from the slaughter-house, Colombo. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (5/4) 1960 : 93-94. 3375. RANATUNGA, Priennie The efficacy of bunamidine hydrexynaphtho ate for removing Moniezia expanse, in goats preliminary communication. Cey. Vet. J. 19 (3/2) 1971 : 13-14.

3376. RANATUNGA, Priennie Kid mortality on two major government farms in Ceylon. Tropical Animal Health and Production (England) " 3 , 1971 : 52-61; Reurinted in Anim. ProdT Hlth. Bull. 6 (l) 1972 : 20-38.

- 472 -

3377. RANATUNGA, P. and RAJAMAE3NDRAN, P. Observations on the occurrence of Oestrus ovis L. (Dipt., Oestridae) and pleuropneumonia in goats on a dry zone in Ceylon. Bulletin of Entomological Research 61 (4) 1972 :657-659. 3373. RANAWANA, S.S.E. and KELTAWAY, R.C. Responses to postruminal infusions of glucose and casein in lactating goats. British Journal of Nutrition. 37 (5) 1977 : 395-402. 3379. SAMARAJEEWA, U.; ARSECULERATNE, S.N.; TENNAKOON, G.E. and BANDUNATHA, C.H.S.R. Natural and experimental aflatoxioosis in goats. Proc. CAAS. 30 ( l ) 1974 : 37-38. ^"Cbstracj/. SAMARA'VEERA, H.P. and KULASIRI, C. de S. Sarcosporidiosis in goats in Ceylon. Cey. J. Med. Sci., 2B (2) 1969 : 47-50. SENEVIRATNE, ?. and SUBASINGHE, D.H.A. The presence of Gonderia ovis (Rodhain, 1916) infection in goats in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (l) 1963 : 21-23. SHOHO, Chusaburo Studies of cerebrospinal nematodiasis in Ceylon. VII. Experimental production of cerebrospiral nematodiasis by the inoculation of infective larvae of Setaria digitata into susceptible goats, with V.K. Nair. " Cey. Vet. J. 8 (l) 1960 : 2-12; VIII. Occurrence of cerebrospinal nematodiasis of gopts and horses in Ceylon. A comp'i.rative study with tliose of sheep, goats and horses (foals) in Japan and the significance of histopathological diagnosis. ibid. 8 (l) 1930 : 13-16.





- 473 -

3383. WANASINGHE, D.D. An outbreak of enterotoxaemia due to Clostridium welchiii, type D. in goats. Cey. Vet. J. 21 (5/4J 1973 : 62-65. 5584. WANASETGHE, D.D. A report on an outbre k of Enterotoxaemia (pulpy kidney disease) among a herd of goats. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 4, 1970 : 74-77. 5385. WANASINGrE, D.D. A suspected outbreak of aflatoxicosis among goats in Fri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 22 (3/4) 1974 : 64-65. 5586. WANASIK&HE, D.D.; PINTO, M.R.M.; NAVARATNAK, C ; and WELIANGE, L.V. Studies in tuberculin sensitivity of livestock in Ceylon. III. Patterns of sensitivity in the goat. Cey. Vet. J. 21 (3/4) 1973 : 46-51. 5587. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. Goitre in a goat in Ceylon. 13 (4) 1965 : 111-113.

Cey. Vet. J.

3388. WIJERATNE, W.V.S. The production traits of a nondescript breed of South Indian meat goats. Tropical Agriculture,(Trinidad.) 45, 1968 : 39-45. see also nos. 5242, 5265, 5555, 5557.

- 474 -

4 - Pigs, sows and boars : 3389. ARSECULERATI'IE, S.N. A method of exteriorizing the Guinea pig omentum for microscopic examination and its use in the study of vascular collapse in diptheria. Cey. J ~o. Med. Sci. 10, 1961 : 25-31, 3 pis. 3390. BONGSO, T.A.; JAINUDEHJT, M.R. and MEDIWAKE, M. Synchronization of oestrus in gilts with methalibure. (A short communication). Cey. Vet. J. 19 (3) 1971 : 72-74. 3391. DE A L U S , M.C.L. Some factors influencing the survival and multiplication of pathogenic Escherichia ooli in the gastrointestinal tract of the pig. Ph.D. thesis. University of Liverpool, 1970-71. (Unpublished). 3302. FERNANDO, S.D.A. A study of the histology and histochemistry of the glands of the external auditory canal of the nig. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (4) 1963 : 112-115. 3393. JEGANATHAN, F. and FE?NAND0, W.W.H.S. i Artificial insemination of pigs in Ceylon, with semen imported from Britain. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (4) 1961 : 114-118. 5394. NUGARA, D. Notes on the pig industry. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 1 (1) July 1967 : 19-22. 3395. NHGAli'A. D. The use of rice bran in pig rations. Vet. J. U (3/2) 1066 : 15-17.


- 475

PERERA, M.E. Pig production. 1 . An&a.Prod. H l t h . B u l l . 2 ( 3 ) 1968 : 7 0 - 7 9 J 2. Housing. ibid. | ( 4 ) 1968 : 1 2 4 - 1 3 0 . 3 3 9 7 . ' SEWELL, R . F . ; NUGARA, D . ; HILL, R . L . a n d KNAPP, W.A. V i t a m i n B r e q u i r e m e n t of e a r l y - w e a n e d p i g s . J o u r n a l o f A n i m a l S c i e n c e (USA) 2 3 , 1964 : 694-699.


S m W A R D E N S , J . A . de S . ; RAfflAWANA, S . S . E . a n d PXYAS3NA, G.A. S t u d y o f t h e f e e d i n g v a l u e of S a l v l n i a a u r i c u l a t a f o r growing p i g s . Trop. A g r i c , Ceylon 126 ( l ) 1970 : 31-54,, SUBASINGHE, H e n r y A . a n d RAMAKRISHNASWAMY, A . E n t e r i t i s in p i g l e t s associated with Salmonella s e n f t e n b e r g and Salmonella 1973 : 7 - 9 . WEIJIANGE, L . V . ; WANASINGKE, D . D . j PINTO, M . R . K . j NAVARATNAJ!, C. a n d ThTRUNAVUKARASU, S . Studies in tuberculin sensitivity in l i v e s t o c k i n C e y l o n . V. P a t t e r n s of s e n s i t i v i t y in pigs. Cey. V e t . J . 22 ( 3 / 4 ) 1974 : 85-89. WETTIMUNY, S.G. d e S . a n d S3NEVIRATNA, P . The o c c u r r e n c e of a d i s e a s e r e s e m b l i n g v i r u s p h e n m o n i a of pi{js (VP?) i n C e y l o n . P r e l i m i n a r y communication. Cey. Vet. J . ( 3 ) 1968 : 5 0 - 5 2 . WETTIKUNY, S . G . de S . a n d WIJEWANTKA, E . A . P s . t l i o l c g i c . i l s t u d i e s on C h r o m o b a c t e r i u m viol.ii,ceui.i irfY:i-.ti..-?n i n p l r s . C e y . Vet... J . 24 ( 1 / 4 ) 1976 : T 6 - 3 0 . WUERATFiE, W . V . S . G r o w t h t r i a l of p i g s . 1 2 1 ( 3 / 2 ) 1965 : 2 5 - 3 1 .



Trop. A g r i c .


- 476 -

3404. WIJERATNE, W.V.S.; BEATON, D.; CUTjJ&RTSON, J.C. A field occurrence of congenital meningoencephalococle in pigs. Veterinary Record (England) 95 (4) 1974 : 81-84. 3405. WIJERATNE, and G-OULD. Evidence mortality. Journal W.V.S.; CROSSMAN, P.J. CM. of a sire effect on piglet British Veterinary 126,1970 : 94-99.

3406. WIJE7/ASTA, S.A. and WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. Chromobacterium violaceum infection in pigs Research in Veterinary Science (England"). 10, 1969 : 389-390. see also nos. 3337, 3552.

.5 - Poultry. Fowl. Chickens, Geese, etc. 5407. BRITO-BABATULLE, L.A.P. and JAYASINGHE. J.B. An outbreak of cannibalism in imported leghorns. ( A clinical communication). Cey. Vet. J. 9 (4) 1961 : 146-148. 5408. BUVANENDRAN, V. Coccidiostats in poultry medication. A brief review. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (l/2) 1961 : 12-16. 3409. BUVANE1IDRAN, V. Effect of different levels of rice bran on growth and egg productivity in poultry. Cey. Vet. J. 9 ( 4 ) 1961 : 107-113.
3 4 ] 0. Bir/ANI'^R/vM, V.

Effect of rublx-r need m<;nl on hatchability of hens' efjgs. Tro;>. Agric., Ceylon i27(5/4) 1971 : 113-115.

- 477 -

3411. BUVAN3NDRAN, V. Studies in broiler production, 1. Performance of breeds and breed crosses of broiler parents. Trop. Agric. Ceylon 123 (]/2) 1967 : 1-6; 2. Profit in a broiler enterprise as a function of age of slaughter. ibid. 124 (1/2) 1968 : 47-55. 3412. BuVANENDRAN, V. Studies on httchability of duck eggs. Cey. Vet. J. 15 (2) 1967 : 26-32. .3413. BUVANENDRAjT,V. and FONSBKA. T.M. A note on the effect of dose of fumigation on hatchability of hen eggs. Trop. Agric, Ceylon 126 (3) 1970 : 123-126. ' 3414. BWANENDRAN, V. and KULASEOARAM, P. Resistance of breeds and breed crosses of chickens to experimental Eimeria necatrix infection. British Veterinary Journal 128 (4) 1972 : 177-183. 3415. BUVANENDRAN, V.; MAHESWARAN, S.K. and ARASARATNAM, R.V.Y. Artificial insemination of poultry in Ceylon. 1. Analysis of the semen of four breeds. II. The effect of different diluents and dilution rates on fertility of cock semen. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (1/2) 1961 : 22-28. 3416. BUVANENDRAN, V. and SIRX'/ARDENE, J.A. de S. Rubber seed meal in poultry diets. Cey. Vet. J. 18 (?) 1970 : 33-38.

- 478 -

3417. BUVAJffi3aAI7, V. and THAK&AEAJAH, P. Performance of breeds and breed crosses of poultry on different planes of nutrition. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (2/4:) 1977 : 22-27. 3418. BUVAITSI5DRAIT, V.; m^NGARAJAH, P.; and S1TXVARDEEE, J.A. de S. The performance of imported and locally bred poultry on two rations. Cey. Vet. J. 25 (l/4) 1977 : 41. ^Abstracj/. 3419. DE SILVA, P.L.G. Artificial insemination in poultry 1. Collection of semen from the cock. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (4) 1962 : 124-127. 3420. DE SILVA, P.L.G. Artificial insemination in the fowl, 2. Technique of insemination. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (l) 1963 : 13-15. 3421. DE SILVA, P.L.G-. Blood groups end fertility in chickens Callus domesticus. Ph.D. thesis. University of Cambridge, 1961. (Unpublished). 3422. DE SILVA, P.L.G. Correlation between fertilizing capacity , ' n d measurable characteristics of fowl semen. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (2) 1963 : 43-48. 3423. DE SILWi, P.L.G. Effect of female genotype on fertility fivl } ; , ' Usability in chickens. Cey. Vet'. J. 12 (]/2) 1964 : 5r31.

- 479 -

5424. DE SILVA, P.L.G-. Measurement of sperm density in fowl semen by using an absorptio-meter. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (4) 1963 : 116-120. 3425. DKANAPALA, S.B. The exo-erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium juxtanucleare (Ceylon strain) in the tissues of the chicken. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Tygicne. Transactions. (London) 5 j 7 1962 : 2. 3426. DHAIIAPALA, S.B. The.occurrence of Plasmodium juxtanucleare Versaini and Gomes, 1941 in domestic fowls in Ceylon. Revista di malariologica (Rome) 41 (3/3) 1962 : 59-46. 3427. DHANAPALA, S.B. Studies on some sporozoa of Galius domesticus and Gallus lafayettei of Ceylon. Ph.Do thesis. University of London, 1962. (Unpublished). 3428. DISSAKAIKE /, .A.S. and FERNANDO, M.A. Cardiafilaria nilesi n.sp. recovered from a chicken experimentally infected with infective larvae from Mansonia crassipes . Journal of Helminthology (London) 39 (2/3) 1965 : 151-158. 3429. DISSAKAECE, A.S. and FERNANDO, M.A. Pelecitus galli n.sp. from the Malayan jungle fowl Gallus gpllus spadiceus. Journal of. Helnintiiologjr (England) 40 (3). 1074 ; l99"-203.


EDWARDS, H.M. and NUGARA, D . Magnesium deficiency in the laying hen. Fsdcra-! ion Proceedings (USA). 2 0 , r.o. l , " p t r 1, 1961 :' 294. FERIvAKDO, ?.:.A. Fine structural chenj-cs associated with microgamctogenesis of Eimcria accrvulina in chickens, Zcitschrift fur Prj&sitenkunae (W. Germany) 43 (l)
1973 : 33-42.



FSRN/JIDO, M . A . Fine structure of the schizonts and merozoitcs of Eimerla acervulina in the chicken. Journal of Parasitology (USA) 60 (l) 1974 : 149-159, 5 pis. . FERNANDO, M.A.; HOOVER, I.J, and OGUNGBADE, S .G. The migration and development of Cyathostoma "bronchialis in geese. Journal of'Parasitology (USA) 59 (5) 1973 : 759-764, p i . FERNANDO, M . A . .and FASTERNAK, J. Isolation of chick intestinal cells infected with second-generation schizonts of Bimeria necatrix.
Parasitology l U J ' " - ' USAJ "
19 -26."'* "~



74 (l) 1977 :


FERNANDO, K.A. and PASTERNAK, J. Isolation of host-cell nuclei from chick intestinal cells infected with second-gen..ration sohizonts of

481 -

3436. FERNANDO, M.A.; PASTERNAK, J.j BARRELL, R. and STOCKDALS, P.H.G. Induction of host nuclear DNA synthesis in cocoidia-infected chicken intestinal cells. International Journal of Parasitology (England) 4 (3) 1974 : 267-276, 2 pis. 5437. FERNANDO, K.A. and REMMLER, 0. Eimcria dininuta sp. n. from the Ceylon juncle fowl, Gallus lafayettei. Journal of Protozoology (USA) 20 (3) 1973 357. 5458. FERNANDO, M.A. and REMMLER, 0. Experimental infections of the domestic fowl with a variant of Eimcria praeoox from the Ceylon jungle fowl. Parasitology (USA & UK) 69 (1) 1974 : 1-9. 2 pis. 5459. FERNANDO, M.A. and REMMLER, 0. Fine structure of the first and second generationraerozoitesof Eiincria necatrix. Zcitschrift fBr Parasitenkunde Germany) 44 (2)' 1974 : 155-157. 5440. FERNANDO, M.A. and REMMLER. 0. . Four new species of Elmeria and one of Tyszeria from the Ceylon jungle fowl Gallus lafayettei. Journal of Protozoology (USA) 20 (l) 1975 : 45-45. 3441. FERNANDO, M.A.; REMMLER, STOCKDALS, P.H.G-. Stimulation of immunity to chemically abbreviated Syngamus trachea. Avian 15 (1), 1071 : 89-93. 0.and

in pheasants infections of Diseases (USA)

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3442. FERNANDO, H.A. and STOCKDALE, F.H.G. Fine structural changes associated with schizogony in Eimeria necatrix. Zeitschrift fur Parasitcnkunde (77. Germany) 4 3 T 2 ) 1974 : 105-114. 5443. FERNANDO, H.A.J STOCKDALE, P.H.G. and OGUNGBADE, S.G. Pathogenesis of the lesions caused by Cyathostoma bronohialis in the respiratory traciT of geese. Journal of Parasfofrlogy (USA) 59 (6) 1975 : 980-986, 3 pis. 3444. FERNAXDO, V.A.; STOCKDALE, P.H.G. and REMKL""R, 0. The route of migration, development, and pathogenesis of Syngamus trachea (Montagu, 1811) Chapin, 1925 in pheasants. Journal of Parasitology (USA) 57 (l) 1971 : 107-116. 3445. FERNANDO, S.D.A. and JAYASINGHE, J.B. The oontrol of intestinal helminth parasites in turkeys by the use of methyridine Indian Veterinary Journal 41, 1964 : 102-104. 3445. FERNANDO, S.D.A. and JAYASINGHE, J.B. Methyridine as on anthelmintic for Heterakis spp. and Capillaria spp. in domestic geese. Cey. Vet. J . 11 (3) 1963 : 97-98. ~ 3447. GOONERATNE, B.ff.K. On Cardiofilaria nilesi in experimentally infected chickens with a note on the morphology and periodicity of the miorofili'ri.-.c. J Q U I T U I I of Helriinthology (England) 43 (:.747~1U69 : 311-317.


- 483 -


GOONERATNE, B.W.M. On a s u c c e s s f u l p e r i t o n e a l t r a n s p l a n t . ^ C a r d i o f i l a r i a n i l e s i i n t o an experimental chicken. J o u r n a l of Helminthology (England) 42 ( 3 / 4 ) 1968 : 279-282.




The m i c r o s c o p i c s t r u c t u r e of t h e r e p r o d u c t i v e s y s t e m of t h e male d o m e s t i c f o w l , w i t h some o b s e r v a t i o n s on t h e e f f e c t s of s e x hormones a n d V i t a m i n s A a n d Eo Ph.D. t h e s i s . London, Royal V e t e r i n a r y C o l l e g e , 1976. (Unpublished). 3450. JORDAN, F.T.V7. a n d KULASE&ARAM, P . Non-specific antibodies in chickens inoculated intratrs.cheally with Mycoplasma g a l l i s e p t i c u m . J o u r n a l of Comparative P a t h o l o g y ( E n g l a n d ) . 78 ( 4 ) , 1968 : 4 0 7 - 4 1 4 . KARUNAJEEWA, H . A b s o r p t i o n a n d u t i l i z a t i o n f B - V i t a m i n s in chick d i e t s . T r o p . A g r i c . Ceylon 122 ( 3 / 4 ) 1966 : 1 5 3 - 1 5 7 . KARUNAJEEWA, H. The s u p p l e m e n t a r y v a l u e o f g i n g e l l y (Sesamum i n d i e u m D . C . ) o i l m e a l a s a p r o t e i n s o u r c e i n the d i e t of w h i t e leghorn layers. J . Nat. Agric. S e c . , Ceylon 4 , 1967 : 4 3 - 5 0 . KULASE&ARAM, P . An a n a l y s i s of t h e r e c o r d s o f mortem e x a m i n a t i o n s c a r r i e d o u t c h i c k e n s b e t w e e n 1960 and 1 9 7 4 . J. 23 ( 3 / 4 ) 1975 : 3 9 - 4 5 .




post in Cey.

- 484 3454. KULASEG-ARAM, P. An antigen for the detection of Mycoplasma infection among chickens. (A short communication). Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5 (l) Mar. 1971 : 29-30. 3455. KULASEGARAK, P. Avian Encephalomyelitis infection (epidemic tremor). Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (3) June 1969 : 119-122. 3456. KULASEGARAM, P. Mycoplasma infection in poultry. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (3) 1968 : 54-59. 3457. KULASEGARAJ', P. An oral vaccine to immunise* ohicks against Ranikhet disease. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5 (3/4) 1971 : 115-118. 3458. KULASEGARAM, P. Salmonellosis of poultry in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 11 (2) 1963 : 60-65. 3459. LONG, P.L.; FERNANDO, M.A. and RBMMLER, 0. Experimental infections of the domestic fowl with a varicnt of Eimeria graceox from the Ceylon jungle fowl. Parasitology 69, pt. 1, 1974 : 1-9.

3460. KULASEGARAK, ?. Serological studies of Mycoplasma gassisepticum infection in the chicken and turkey. Ph.D. thesis. University of Liverpool, 1966-67. (Unpublished). 3461. KULASEGARAM, P.J WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. and SENEVTPATNA, P. Avian encephalomyelitis infection (epidemic tremor) in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 17 (4) 1969 : 01-38.

- 435 3462. KULASIRI, C. de S. Infection of the chicken with avirulcnt Toxoplasma gondii. Experimental Parasitology (N.Y. and London). 17 Til" 1965 : 65-68. 3463. KULASIRI, C. de S. and PRASAD, H. A note on the behaviour of an avirulent strain of Toxoplasma gondii in some B-Vitamin deficient chicks. Parasitology (USA & UK) 51, 1961 : 265-267. 3464. NELSON, P. lixperimcntal infection of pigeons with Plasmodium vaughani. Cey. J. Sci. CBio. Sci." 3T2T 1970 : 43-45, 2 pis. 3465. NILES, W.J.; FERNANDO, M.A. and DISSANA3KE, A.S. Mansonia crassipes as tho Natural veotor of filarioides, Plasmodium gallinaccum and other Plasmodia of fowls in Ceylon. Nature (London) 205 (4969) Jan. 23, 1965 : 411-412. 3466. NILES, W.J. and KUL/ SI"I, C. de S. A note on the vector of Plasmodium juxtanuclcare in Ceylon. Cey. J. Med. Sci. 1 6 " W 2 ) 1967 : 26-27.

5467. NILES, W.J. and KULASIRI, C. de S. Studies on Cardiofilaria in experimental chickens. Ccjr. J. Med. Sci. 19 (l) 1970 : 18-28. 3463. NOGASA, D. Effect oT dietary magnesium level upon deposition of Ca-45, Sr-C9 and Ba-135 in the tibii-. oP clijcl-s. Cey. V . J . J. 12 (.1/2) l : i i i 4 : 3T.-14.

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3469. NUGARA, D. Magnesium metabolism of chickens. Ph.D. thesis. University of Georgia, 1S62. 77 p. (Unpublished^. 3470. NUGARA, D. The use of coconut oil meal in chick diets. Cey. Vet. J. 12 (3) 1954 : 40-42. 3471. NUGARA, D. and BW^ENDRAF, V. Lysine supplementation of broiler rations. Cc^. Vet. J. 16 ( 3) 1968 : 41-44. 3472. . NUGARA, D. and EDWARDS, H.K. Jr. Effect of calcium and phosphorus on magnesium metabolism in chicks. Federation Proceedings (USA) 20, no. 1, pt. 1, 1961 : 294. 3473. NUGARA, D. and EDV/ARDS, H.M. Jr. In vitro androgen metabolism by fat deficient cockerel testes. (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 53rd Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, N.J., April 1969). Federation Proceedings (USA) 28, 1969 : 557. 3474. NUGARA, D. and EDY/AMDS, H.M. Jr. Influence of dietary Ca and P levels on the Mg requirement' of the chick. Journal of Nutrition (USA) 80, 1963 : 181-184. 3475. NUGARA, D. and EDV/ARDS, Jr. H.M. The inter-rclationships of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium on growth, intestinal absorption and skeletal metabolisra.In:Prnc. X U h World's Poultry Confess, Sydney, 1962, pp.223.

- 487 3476. NUGARA. D. and REID. W .M. Some, drug treatments for the turkey tapeworm, Raillictina gcorgicnsis. Poultry Science (USA) 41, 1962 : 674-675. 3477. PEIRIS, G.S. Some studies with Ranikhet (Newcastle disease) vaccine produced in Ceylon. Anim. Prod. Kith. Bull. 3 (l) Mar. 1969 : 23-30.

5476. RAJAGURU, A. S.B. Effects of rubber seed meal on the performance of mature chicken. J. Nat. Agric. S o c . Ceylon 8, 1971 : 58-47. 5479. RAJAGURU, A.S.B. Gingelly (Sesamum indieurn D.C.) oil meal as a protein source for broiler chicken. J^ Nat. Agric. Soc.. Ceylon 14,: 1977 :.85r94. . . . 5480. RAJAGURU, A.S.B. Potential use of rubber seed oil as an energy supplement for growing chickens. J. Nat. Agric. S o c , Ceylon 11/12, 1974-75: 115-119. 3481. RAJAGURU, A.S.B. and WETTIivfUNY. S.G. de S. Rubber seed meal as a protein supplement in poultry feeding. J. Nat. Agric. Soc., Ceylon 8, 1971 : 1-12. 3482. RANAWEERA, K.N.P. Recognition of acute Marek's disease in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 20 (l/2) 1972 : 35. /"Letter/.

- 488 -

3483. RASIAH, Punitham and KULASEGARAM, P. The pattern of Coccidiosis among chickens in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 20 (4) 1972 : 96-90. 3484. RE3D. W.K. and NUGARA, D. Description and life cycle of Raillietina georgiensis n.sp., a tapeworm from wild, domestic turkeys. Journal of Parasitology (England) 47, 1961 : 885-889. 3485. RYSAVY, B.; BARUS*, V. and FERNANDO. I t .A. Two helminth species from Gallus lafayetti (Galliformes) in Ceylon. Folia Parasitologica (Praha). 20, 1973 : 39-40. 3486. SAMARAVnRA, I. St. E. Population genetics in relation to poultry breeding. Agriculture 4 (l) Nov. 1962 : 19-22. SENEVIRATNA, P. Avian Leukosis complex. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (3) 1968 : 60-69. SENEVIRATNA, P. Diseases of poultry, (including cage birds). 2nd ed. Bristol, John Wright, 1969. viii, 229.p.



3489. SEKEVEATNA, P. Newer concepts of llarek's disease. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 6 (3) 1972 : 102-108.

- 489 -


SENEVIRATNA, P. Observations of lice (Phthiraptera) on some domestic animals and the domestic fowl in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 11:(2) 1963 : 53-56. SENEVIIU-TTIA, P.; BANDARANAYAKS, A . and DHANAPALA, S.B. Lcucocytozoon caullcryi Mathis and Leger, 1909 infection in domestic fowls in Ceylon, Cey. Vet. J. 11 (l) : 2-8.


3492. SETCVUlA'TIvA, P. .and MAHALDK5AM, S. Preliminary studies on Coccidia in the domestic fowl in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (4) 1962 : 132-135. 3493. SENSYIRATNE, S.T. Some economic aspects of poultry feeding. Agriculture 4 (l) Nov. 1962 : 9-11.

3494. SHARMA, V.D. and FERNANDO, M.A. Effect of Eimeria acervulina en nutrient retention with special referencs to fat mal-absorption in chickens. Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine 59 (2) 1975 : 146-154. 5495. SIRITARDENE, J.A. de S. Development of methods of assessing the utilization of proteins by poultry. Ph.D. thesis. University of Wales, 1966-67. (Unpublished).

3496. SIRrrAHDENE, J.A. de S. and NUG-ARA, D. Metnbolizablc energy of rubber seed meal in poultry diets. Cey* Vet. J.

- 490 -


SIRIKARDENE, J.A. de S. and RANAWEERA, K.N. P. Manioc leaf meal in poultry diets. Cey. Vet. J. 22 (5/4) 1974 : 53-57. SOKAHADtfR, S.V.O. The southern crow-pheasant. Ceylon Fortnightly Review (Colombo). 12 (22) 25 Mer. 1960 : 27. """ SRISKANDARAJAK, N.; RAVINDRAK, V. and rUVIRAJASIN&l."Ai:, V. Recycling of wastes : an evaluation of distillery residues as poultry feed supplements. Proc. SLAAS. 52 (l) 1976 : 27-28. /Abstract. STOCKDALS, P.II.G. and FERNANDO, M.A. The development of the lesions caused by second generation schizonts of. Eiincria necatrix. Research in Veterinary Scienoo (England). 19 (2) 1975 : 204-208. THARUMARATNA!.:, R.C. Practical poultry keeping, ^olonbo, Ceylon Printers Ltdj7, 1967. A / ' 75 p.





5502. WICKRAMANAYAKE, G-.B. Decision-making in the poultry industry. Accountancy J. 1 (9) 1970 : 16-19. 5503. WICKRAMASirSIiE, R. Some observations on Marek's disease in poultry in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull, 8 (3) Sept. 1974 : 89-91. 3504. '.VU^Y/iSTTrrirT-:-, K.5. and RAJAGURU, A.S .3. Use of silkworm (Hombyx mori L.) pupae as a protein sup lemcnt in poultry rations. J. Nat. Sci. Coma., Sri Lanka. 5 (2) 1977 : 95-104.

- 491 -

3505. WIJEWANTA, E.A. Comparison of pathogenicity of Clostridium pcrfringens type A strains for chickens. Cey. Vet. J. 19 (3) 1971 : 53-56. 3506. WIJEVANTA, E.A. and SiSrtVIIlATNA, P. Bacteriological studies of fatal Clostridium pcrfringens type-A infection in chickens. Avian Diseases (USA) 15 (4) 1971 : 654-631. 3507. XAV33R, E.G. Some poultry diseases corn-ion to Ceylon. Agriculture 5 (l) Nov. 1965 : 40-45.

3508. ABEYSENA, F.A. and SIVANANDAN, V. Spiroceroa lupi (Sudolphi 1809) infection in dogs. Proc. CAAS. 2 (l) 1968 : 17. ^Abstracy. 3509. ABEYSENA, F.A.J SBTONDAN, V. and WETTIKUNY, S.G. de S. Incidence of spirocercosis in dogs in Colombo. Cey. Vet. J. 18 (2) 1970 : 27-29. 5510. DISSAFAIKE, A .S. Hepatozeon car is infection in dogs in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (4) 1961 : 144-145. DISSANAIKE, A.S. On some helminths of dogs in Colombo nnd their li^arln.-. on hunu.n infect ion u,vfith a ddscriplion Oi n . ncv; trainatorte !(eter')uhy ops is ^clii s ,i. nov. (ileterophyidae). Cey. J. t!ed."Sci. 1C, 1961 : 1-12, 2 pis.


- 492 -

3512. FERNANDO, S.D.A. A histological and histochemical study of the glands of the external auditory canal of the dog. Research in Veterinary Science (England) 7, 1966 : 116-119, 2 pis. 3513. FEr-imm, S . D . A . A study of the histology, histochemistry and histopathology of the glands of the external auditory meatus in the dog and cat, with some observations on other species. Ph .D. thesis. University of London, 1962. (Unpublished). 3514. FERNANDO, S.D.A. Therapy of ascariasis an dogs and cats with 3-3* aicthylthiadi-carbocyanine iodide. Indian Veterinary Journal (Madras) 42 (11) 1964 : 740-747. 3515. FERNANDO, S.D.A. and JAYASING-HE, J.B. Spirotrypan in the treatment of Trypanosoma cyansi (Surra) infection in dogs. """Proc. C M S . 20 (l) 1964 : 4-5. ^Abstract/". 3516. FERNANDO, S .D .A. and JAYASING-HE, J.B. The use of spirotrypan in the treatment of surra ir. dogs. Veterinary Record (London) 77 (2) Jan. 9, 1965 : 44-45.

3517. G00NERATN3, B.T7.K. Studies on the lymphotic pathology of 'Brugia' infections in cats and rhesus monkeys. Ph .D. thesis. University of London, 1070.(Unpublished)

- 495 -




Microfilariae of 3rugia sp. in dogs. Trans actions of th.. Rcyal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (England^ 55 ^4)'"l9"6i*":"59Cr {_ LetterJ. 5519. JAYA'YARDSIIE, L.G. On two filarial parasites from dogs in Ceylon; Brugia ceylonensis n.sp. and Dipetalonema sp. inq. J ournal of Hclmintholo^y (London) 56 (3) 1962 : 269-280. 5520. KAIffiANGARA, D /V .-7. and KARUNARATNE, G.M.S. A note on intestinal helminths of dogs in Colombo. (A short t communication). Cey. Vet. J . 18 (2) 1970 : 47-49. 5521. KODITUWAKKU, G.E. Observations o i l injuries to some stifle joint ligaments in dogs. Cey. Vet. J . 10 (4) 1962 : 128-151. 5522. KODITO'/AKKU, G.E. Observations on some abnormalities in the stifle joint in t i i e dog, and an analysis of a series of fracture repairs in dogs, including a bacteriological study of the peripheral blood of some of the fracture cases. Ph.D. thesis. Royal Veterinary College, London, 1961. (Unpublished), 5525. KULASIRI, C. de S . ; THOUNAVuX-fARASU, S.

and vaJS.'ATJUE, U .H .K.

Toxoplasma gondii Nicolle & Manceaux in dogs a n ' ? cats in Ceylon. Cey. J . Med. Sci. 14 ( : ; ) 1965 : :*3-05. 'M.A. MoftAUGHEY, C.A.; COO!'AY, G.H. and GEORGE, C. Zl. S c o p u l a r i o p 3 0sis of dogs. Proc. CAAS. 17 (1) 1961 : G-7. /Tbi/.trac]" "

- 4C4 5525. McGAUGIEY, C.A.; COCRAY, G.H.; SENEVIilATJU., ?. and GEORGE, C. St. Scopularicpsosis in dogs in Ceylon, Soopulariopsis brcvicaulis infection causing systemic mycosis end death of foetuses. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (4) 1961 : 119-127. 3526. McGAU&KEY, C A . j SSTOTPATNa, P. and KAHAEDSAT, S. Rickettsiosis of dogs in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (2/3) 1962 : 82-37. 3527. SSNT-nRATKA, Amoebic dysentery in dogs in Ceylon. (A clinical communication). Cey. Vet. J. 11 () 1963 : 130-131 . SENCVIRATHA, P. The pathology of Babesia gibsoni (Patton, 1910) infection in the dog. Cey. Vet. J. 13 (4) 1965 : 107-110.


3529,. SET02VIRATMA, P. Studies of Babesia gibsoni infections of dogs in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 13 (l) 1965 : 1-6. 3530. SENEVTitATNA, P. Studies of Babesia gibsoni (Patton, 1910), infection in dogs with special reference to those in Ceylon. F.R.C.V.S. thesis. Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, 1964. (Unpublished). SOTflHBATNA, P. Studies of Babesia gibsoni (Patton, 1910) infections in tho dog. British Veterinary Joiim; 1 lHl, 1065 : 263-271.


- 495 -

5532. SENEVTRATNA, P. Tick fever in dogs in Ceylon due to Babesia gibsoni (Patton, 1910). Proc. CAAS. 18 (TT"l962 : 6-7. / I b s t r a c y 3555. SENEVIRATNA, P. The use of bephenium in the treatment of Ancylostoma caninum infections in dogs when other anthelmintics are contra-indicatedo Veterinary Record (London). 72 (ll) Mar. 12, 1960 ; 200-205. 5554. SENEVIRATNA, P. ? FERNANDO, S.T. and DHANAPALA, S.B. Disophenol in the treatment of Spirocerca lupi infections in the dog. Veterinary Record (London). 77 (27) Jul. 5 1965 : 798=799.

5555. SENEVIRATNA, P.5 FERNANDO, S.T. and DHANAPALA, S.B. Disophenol treatment of spirocercosis in dogSo Journal of the Amsrie'an Veterinary Hedical Association. 148. Feb. 1966 s 269-274. 5556. SENEVIRATNA, P.J FERNANDO, S.T. and DHANAPALA, S.B. Treatment of Spirocerca lupi infection with disophenol. Cey Vet. J 15 (l) 1965 i 21. /Abstrac ^T

' -

5557. SENEVIRATNA, P. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. Blood transfusion in the dog. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (2) June 1960 : 57-60. 5558. SENEVIRATNA, P. and JAYAWICKREME, S.D. The treatment of Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs with Spirotrypan Hoochst. Indian Veterinary Jouma.1 (Madras). 38 (9) J96I : 4G5-474.

- 496 -

3539. VASUDEVAN, Bundla Studies of the immunological response of puppies, monkeys and children to Toxocara canis (7erner, 1782) infection. Ph.D. thesis. University of Ceylon, 1971. ix, 221 f. 4 3 pis. (Unpublished). 3540. 7/ETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. Canine neoplasms in Sri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J. 23 (1/2) 1975 : 1-7. 3541. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S. Nephritis in the dog. Ph.D. thesis. University of Glasgow, 1964. (Unpublished). 3542. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S . Pyelonepliritis in the dog. Journal of Comparative Pathology (England! 77, 1967 : 193-197 3543. WETTIMUNY, S.G. de S . and ABEYSENA, P.A. Bephenium hydroxynaphthoate, "Alcepar" (B.W. & Go.) as an anthelmintic for dogs. Cey. Vet. J. 8 (2) June 1960 : 45-52. see also no. 5547

656.8 - Cats 5544. ABDUL-CADER, M.H.M.; THAJHIKARAJAH, K. and RAJ2NDRAN, K. Filarial infection in domestic cats in Ceylon. Bull. Indian Soc., commun. Pis., 5, 1966 : 155-158. 3545. BOMH/RD, D. von and WETTIMUNY. S.G. de S. Tlic ultras true ture and vix-us-like particles in feline mammary carcinomas. Journal of Compnr-ative Pathology (England) 84 (5) "1974 : 420-436.

- 497 -

3546. DUNHAM, D.A.; PONNUDURAI, T.; NELSON, G.S.; CUY, Francis and ROGERS, Rosemary. Studies with Brugia pahangi - 1. Parasitological observations on primary infections of cat (Felis catus). International Journal .of Parasitology (England). * 2, 1972 : 239-247. 3547. FERNANDO, S.D.A. Certain histopathologic features of the external auditory meatus of the cat and dog with otitis externa. American Journal of Veterinary Research 28, 1967 : 278-282. 3548. FERNANDO, S.D.A. Histological observations on the ears of Vitamin A deficient cats. Cey. Vet. J. 12 (1/2) 1964 : 2-4. 3549. FERNANDO, S.D.A. Microscopic anatomy and histochemistry of glands in the external auditory meatus of the cat (Felis domesticus). American Journal of Veterinary Research. 26, 1965 : 1157-1182." 3550. GOCNERATNE, B.W.K. Lymphographic procedure in cats and rhesus monkeys. Lab. PraCt. 20, 1971 : 567-568 4 573. 3551. GOONERATNE, B.W.M.; NELSON, G.S.; DENHAI,', D.A.; FURZE, H. and MONSON, E. Lymphographic changes in cots with filiarisis. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Transactions. 65, 1971' : 195-190, 4 i0.s.

- 49G -


PARAi^JITIIAi;, D.C. Nymphs of Armiliifer moniliformis moniliformis Sambon, 1922 in civet cats and wild boar in Ceylon. Cey. J '. Med. Sci. 11, 1932 : 23-27, 1 pi. see also nos. 3513-14, 3517, 3523

G36.976 - Elephants ;J553.

BOM&SO, A. Chemical restraint of the Ceylon elephant. The Probang : J. Cey, Univ. Vet". Stud. A's7oc'."""l5. 1970-71 : 35-38. DE AL.7IS, K.C.L. and TIIAMBITKURAI, V. Haemorrhagic septicaemia in a w i l d elephant in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 15 ( l ) 1965 : 17-19.



DE SILVA, Ian Man versus elephant in Ceylon. . 11 (5) June 1969 : 250-254.



DE SILVA, Stanley Capture of the Oetenburg bull with nicotine darts. Loris 9 (3) 1962 : 144-147. EI3E?-3aP&. J.J?.; K'cKAY, G.M. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. Reproductive behaviour of the Asiatic e l e p h a n t {Elcplu-s maxim: 3 maximus L) Behaviour TJjethc-lidicls . 38 (5-4). 1971 : 193-225.



KLA.ATA, Snr. f>:im A.I. The s e x u a l b<.h;..iviour of wild elephants in Coy-Ion. Jjpras 11 (5) June 1969 : 246-247.

- 499

3559. FERNANDO, C.H. and FERNANDO. A. Some helminth parasites from elephants in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 9, 1961 : 1-4. 3560. FERNANDO, S.D.A.; JAYASINCITE, J.B. and PANABOKKE, R.G. A study of the temporal gland of an Asiatic elephant Elephas maximus. Cey. Vet. J. 11, 1963 : 108-111. 3561. GRAY, CV/. and NETTASINGHS, A.P.W. A preliminary study on the immobilization of the Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus) utilizing etorphine. Zoologioa (US; 55, 1970 : 51-64. 3562. JAINUDEEN, M.R. A closer look at the elephant. The ProbangrJ. Ceylon Univ. Vet. Stud. Assoc. "15, 1970-71 : 15-18. 3563. JAINUDEEN, M.R.; BONGSO, T.A. and PERERA, B.M.A.O. Immobilization of aggressive working elephants (Elephas maximus). Veterinary Record (England) 89 (26) 1971 : 686-688. 3564. JAINUDEEN,fc'.R.;EISENBERG, J.F. and JAYASINGHE, J.B. Semen of the Ceylon elephant, Elephas maximus. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (England! 24 (2) 1971 : 213-217, 1 pi.

- 500 -

5565. JAINUDEEN, M.R.; EISENBE2&, J.P. . and TILAKARATNE, N. Oestrous cycle of the Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximua in captivity. Journal of Reproduction.and Pertility "^England) 27 (3) 1971 : 321-328, 1 pi. 3566. JAINUDEEN, M.R.; FERNANDO, S.T. and SENTHESfL'iIIMUGANATHAN, S. Certain biochemical constituents of seminal plasma of elephant (Elephas maximus). American Journal of Veterinary Research (US) S5 ~C3) 1972 : 649-651. 3567. JAINUDEEN, fc.R.; KATONGOLE, C.B. and SHORT, R.V. Plasma testosterone levels in relation to musth and sexual activity in the male Asiatic elephant, Elephas maximus. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (England) 29 (1) 1972 : 99-103, pi.. 3568. JAINUDEEN, K.R.; McKAY, G-.M. and EISENB2RG, J.F. Observations on musth in the domesticated Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus). Mammalia (France) .56 (2) 1972 : 247-261. 3569. JAINUDE3U, IJ.R. and SCHEURMANN, E. Ericrankungen des Arbeitselefanten (Ele3)has maximus) in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) unter Bertfcksichtigung der Diagnose - und Therapiemoglichkciten im Lande. /"Diseases of working elephants (Elephas maximus) in Sri Lruika (Ceylon) with reference to the locil possibilities of diagnosis and therapyJ. Dcusche Ticrare 11 ic he Wochcnschrift 82 (<;) 1975 : 355-359.

- 501 5570. JAYASINGPE, J.B. Some facts about the elephant in Ceylon. The Probang : J. Ceylon Univ. VetTIStud. Assoc. *1E, 1970-71: 7-8.

5571. JAYASINGirS, J.B." and BRITC-BABAPJLLE, L.A. P. P. report- n*~an electreeftrdiogram of the Ceylon elephant. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (5) 1961 : 69-70, 1 pi. 5572. JAYASITGHE, J.B.; FERNANDO, S.D.A. and BRITC-BABAPULLE, L.A.P. The electrocardigram of a baby elephant. American Heart Journal (USA) 1964 : 588. 5575. JAYASINGHE, J.B.; FERNANDO, S.D.A. and BRITO-BABAPULLE, L.A.P. The electrocardiographic patterns of Blaphas maximus - the elephant of CeylorL British Veterinary Journal 119, 1965 : 559-564. 5574. JAYASBJGKE, J.B. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. A census of the tame elephant population in Ceylon with reference to location and distribution. Cey. J. l-Sol. (Bio. Sci.) 6 (2) 1970 : 65-68. 5575. JAYASINGHE, 3.';).', JAINUDEE?., M.R. and ATAPATTIJ, S. Electrocardiograms of zoo animals. III. Baby elephants. Cey. Vet. J. 15 (s) 1LG7 : G5-o8. 5576. JAYASURIYA, G.C.N.; JAYASTNGHE, J.B.
;nd vrriANDr, R . D . * . T!* chcriorJ. con.-, t j I.uents of elephant

blood. Proc_^CjUS. 20 (l) 1964 :*2. /Abstract"/?

- 502 5577. JONES, D.K. Elephant rescue in Sri Lanka. Oryx (England) 13 (2) 1S75 : 185-190. 3578. KATDSAI1A, II.I.E. Elephants and their moods. Loris. uiep 13 (6) Dec. 1075 : 332-333.

3579. K0DITU7AEKU, G.E.; DISSANAYA*"E, K. and S i m i R A T N E , D . General anaesthesia in an elephant. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (3) 1961 : 75-76. 3580. KURT, Fred Ceylon Elephanten. Freunde des Kolner Zoo (Koln) "12 (2)i969 : 35-44. 3581. KURT, Fred Elephant survey in Ceylon. Oryx. Journal of the Fauna Preservation Society (England) 9, 1968 : 364-365.

3582. KURT, Fred Remarks on the social structure and ecology of the Ceylon elephant in the Yala National Park. In: V. Geist and F. 7/alther, eds. The behaviour of ungulates and its relation to management. Morges (Switzerland), International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1074. (IUCN Publi cation, new series, no. 24). pp. 618-634. 3535. KURT, Fred Smithsonian elenhant survey. 11 (2) 1967 : 56-61.
3534. KURT, F r a i l


Some observations on Ceylon.elephants. Loris 11 (5) June 1969 : 238-24-5.

- 503 -

3585, KURT, Fred and NETTASIN&HE, A.P.W. : Estimation of body weight of the Ceylon elephant (Elephas maximus). (A short communication).Cey. Vet. J. 16 (1/2) 1968 : 24-27. 5506. Mc&AU&HEY, C.A.. The diseases of elephants. Part I Cey. Vet. J. 9 (l/2)"l961 : 17-21; Part II - ibidT 9 (5) 1961 : 41-48; Part III -ibid. 9 (4) 1961 : 94-98; Part IV - ibid. 10 (l) 1962 : 5-9; Part V - Internal parasites. ibid. 10 (2/5) 1962 : 61-64; Part VI Diseases of the eye. ibid. 15 (l) 1965 : 7-9. 5587. Mc&AU&HEY, C.A. Musth. Cey. Vet. J. 105-107.

11 (4) 1965 :

5588. McKAY, G.M. Behaviour and ecology of Asiatic elephant in South-Eastern Ceylon. (Smithsonian contributions to zoology. No. 125). Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1973. iv, 113 p. 5589.. McKAY, &.M. Behaviour and ecology of the elephant in South-Eastern Ceylon. Ph.D. thesis University of Maryland, 1971. 421 p. 5590. MOLAMURE, A.H.E. Elephants - marginal notes on musth and mating. Loris. 11 (6) Dec. 1969 345-346.

504 -

'3591. KBTTASINGI1E, A.P.W. The inter-relationship of livestook and elephants at Thamankaduwa farm, with special reference to feeding and environment. M.V.Sc. thesis. University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya, 1973. (Unpublished). 3592. OLIVIER, Robert Distribution and status of the Asian elephant. Cryx (England) 14 (4) 1978 : 379-424. ^Distribution and st&tus of the elephant in Sri Lanka in pages 412 to 419J. 3593. OLIVTUl, Robert Charles Dacres On the ecology of the Asian elephant Elephas maximus Linn., with particular reference to Malaya and Sri Lanka. Ph.D. thesis. University of Cambridge, 1978. 2 volumes. XVIII, 454 p. PINTO, M.R.M.; JAINUDEEN, M.R. and PANABOKKE, R.C Tuberculosis in a domesticated Asiatic elephant Elephas maximus. Veterinary Record (England) 93 (26) 1973 : 662-664. HINCHIHE^^, G-amini Elephant capers. Loris. 34 (4) Dec. 1977 : 217-218. SCHEUTWAMT, IS. and JAINUDEEN, M.R. Musth beim Asiatischen Elefanten (Elephas maximus). Zoologische Carten Zeitschrift fucr die gcsamte Tiergaertnerol (Lei) -aig). 42 (3/4) 1972 : 131-142.





SENEvTRATNA, ?. and JAYASINGHE, J.B. . Some parasites from the Ceylon ' elephant (Elephas maximus). (A short communication). Cey. Vet; J. 16(1/2) . 1968 : 23. SENEVIRATItt., ?.; JAYAJSITTG-HE, J.B. and JAINUDEEN,. M.R. . Filariasis of elephants' in Ceylon. Veterinary Record (England) 81 (27) 1967 : 716-717. ^Letter/. SEflEVIRATNA, P.;.WETTllttJNY, S.G. de S. and S E ^VIRATNA, D. . . . Fatal tuberculous pneumonia in an elephant. Veterinary.Medicine / Small Animal Clinician (USA) ' 1, 1966 i 129-132. . SOMANADEP., S.V.O. Wild elephants as water-diviners. Ceylon Today 15 (9) Sept. 1966 : 23-25.




5601. VAl^UYLENBERG, B.W.B. Feeding behaviour of the elephant in South-East Sri relation to conservation. Conservation (England) 12 55-54.

Asiatic Lanka in B.iologioal (i; July 1977


5602. VANCUYLENBERG, B.W.B. .The feeding behaviour of the Asiatic . elephant in South-Eastern Ceylon. M.So. thesis. University of Sri Lanka. Peradeniya Carr.puS, 1974. (Unpublished). 5603. WEINMAN, A.N. Elephant techniques at Colombo Zoo. Loris 9 (5) 1963 : 287-289.

- 506 5604. WUESEKERA, R.O.B. and JAYASINGHE, J.B. Chemical assay of total neutral 17ketostcroids in the urine of the Ceylon elephant. Cey. Vet. J. 15 (5) 1967 : 105-106.

G57 - Dairy and other Animal Produce 657.1 - Dairying. Mill; and milk products. 5605. ANON Animal production and dairy project. Ceylon Today. 11 (10) Oct. 1962 : 16-20. 5606. ANON Milk supoly in Ceylon. Asian Review (England) " 57 (212) 1961 : 280-281. 5607. ANON More and cheaper milk needed in Ceylon. FAO Feature, FR-63/158, 1961 : 1-5. 5608. BUREAU OF CEYLON STANDARDS. Specification for glass bottles for pasteurised milk and sterilised milk. Colombo, Bureau of Ceylon Standards, ^~1975J7. 22 p. (Sri Lanka Standard 222 : 1975).

5609. BUVAIffiNDRAtr, V. Factors affecting the solids - not fat composition of milk in dairy cows - a review. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 1 (l) July 1967 7 1-7. " " 3610. GWIARASAJ.-Y, K. The Num.ra Eliya Co-operative Dairy Society and its role in milk production. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (3^ Sept. 1969 : 126-144.

- 507 -

5611. DAVIS, J.G. " ' . Modern yoghurt manufacture and control. Cey. J. Dairying. 1 (l). 1970 J 1-12. 5612. DE SILVA, E.C. An analysis of dairy development proposals of the -'Ministry of Agriculture and Pood for 1966-70. J. Nat. Agric. Soc. Ceylon 3, 1966 : 98-115. 5615. DREJARE, Lars Dairy production improvement (T.P.SRL 50 SWE). A new FAO Project in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 9 (4) Dec. 1975 : 94-96. 5614. GEORGE, Charles St. Clean milk production. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5 (4) Dec. 1969 : 180-188. 5615. GEORGE, Charles St. Preservation pf milk and milk products. Anim.. Prod. 'Hlth. Bull. 5 (3/4) 1971 : 102-111. 3616. GEORGE,. Charles St. Recent advances in the processing of milk and milk products. Cey. J. Dairying 1 (1) 1970 : 23-25. 5617. GEORGE, Charles St. Tests for adulteration of milk, Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 5 (5/4) 1971 : 119-121. 5618. JAIMON, A.R. Milk production in Ceylon. Cey. J. Dairying 1 (l) 1970 : 54-55,

- 508 3619. JAYASINGHE, J.B. . Heat-treated protein concentrates in dairy rations and their utilization for mill: production. Cey. Vet. J. 8 ( 3/4) 1960 : 70-81. 3620. JAYAWARDANE, A.E.P. Dai. ry farming industry in the tropical tablelands of Northern Queensland, Australia. Anim. ""rod. Hlth. Bull. 10 (l) 1977 : 11-15. 3621. JAYA'YARDENE, A.B.P. Milk production from tropical mixed pasture. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (3) Sept. 1974 74-88. 3622. KAILASAPATEY, K. and PJLLE, M.W. Qualitative aspects of raw: and processed milks in Sri Lanka. Proc. CAAS. 29 (l) 1973 : 74-75. /^Abstract"" "

3625. KARUNASENA, A.K. Credit facilities provided by the -Ceylon State Mortgage Bank.for dairy farming. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 4 J 1970 : 58-41. 5624. NUBOER, G . and RAJASURU, U.B. Dairy demonstration farms on unprofitable tea land in Fri Lanka. Peradeniya, Ministry of Plantation Industries, UNDP/PAO Agricultural Diversifi cation Project, 1976. 5625. NIJBOLR,&.; RAJAGURU. U.B.; PILLAI, E.T.S and REYNOLDS, S. A few planning notes on d . ' . i r y development in t l i e hill comitry of Sri Lanka. Peradcdya UNDP/PAO Agricultural Diversification Project, lv77. 2C p.

- 509 -

"3626. NUGARA, D. jnd SIRI7/ARDENE, J.A. de S . Nutritional factors affecting solids - not - fat in milk. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 2 (2/2) 1968 : 32-36. 3627. PERERA,: M.E. Cost benefits of milk production. In: . Symposium on the Development of the Cattle Industry in Ceylon, 1969, Colombo. Proceedings; compiled and edited by R.R. Appadurai. (1970). pp. 94-112.see no.3272.

3627a. PERERA, M.E. Milk production potential in Ceylon based on population statistics. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 3 (2) June 1969 : 75-85. 3628. PERERA, J . ! , E . A strategy for maximization of milk production. In: Symposium on the. Development of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry under the Five-Year Plan. Colombo, 10th June 1972; oompiled and edited by Y.D.A. Senanayake. (1972). pp. 121-148. see no.94.

3629. RATNAPALA, LpJcshman A milk condensary for Ceylon. Ceylon Today 16 (l) Jan. 1967 : 22-23. 3330. RODRIGO, D.K. A note on the determination of fat in milk. Trop. Agric, Ceylon 118 (l) 1962 : 41-42." 3631. RUMICII, B . Considerations on some aspects of dairy production in South-East Asia. Cey. J. Dairying. 1 (l) 1970 : 13-18.

- 510 -


SENEW3RATNE, Felix Current trends in the production and sale of condensed milk and powdered milk. In: Symposium on the Development of the Cattle Industry in Ceylon. 1069, Colombo. Proceedings. Compiled and edited by R . R . Appadurai. (1970). pp. 120-130. see no.3272. SEMEVTRATIii, G.V.K. Accent on milk production. Ceylon Today Dec. 1965 : 23-24. SILVA, K.I.N.G-. The importance of phosphorus for milk production in the- dairy cow. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 7 (4) Dec. 1973 : 110-116. SIRErvARDENE, J .A. de S . Methods of estimation of solidsnaot-fat in milk. Anim. Prod. Kith. Bull. 2 (1/2) 1968 : 27-^1.




3636. WANASINGHE, D.D. A mastitis control programme to:be adopted in all dairy farms. Anim, Prod. Hlth. Bull. 6 ( 1 ) 1972 : 20-25. 3637. WIJSRATN3, V/.V.S. Milk, meat and egg production in Ceylon. Trop. Agric, Ceylon 121 (3/2) 1965 : 63-56. 3638. WIJERATN2, T /.V .S. Some of the production statistics of the Ceylon buffalo. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (l) 1962 : 48-49. see also nos. 107, 3190-91, 3194-95, 3226, 5270, 3276.

511 -

637.5 - Cheese 5639. GUNETILEKE, K.G. and SELVARAJAH, R.&. Cheese from coconut. Proc. CAAS. 26 (1) 1970 : 88-89. /Abstract 5640. PULLE, Mervyn Feasibility studies in the preparation of Cheese from non-dairy products. Proc. CAAS. 50 (l) 1974 : 65. /Abstract. 5641. PULLE, Mervyn Utilization of vegetable proteins in oheese manufacture. J. Nat. Agric. S o c . Ceylon 11/12, 1974/75 : 45-52.

657.4 - Eggs . 5642. ANON Increased egg production. Ceylon Today 12 (1) Jan. 1965 : 27-28. 5643. BUVANENDRAN, V. Effect of rubber seed meal on hatehabiiity of hens* eggs. Trop. Agric. Ceylon 127 (5/4) 1971 : 111-115. 5644. BUVANENDRAN, V. Inter-relationships between hatching time, holding time, egg weight and hatchability in the fowl. Cey. Vet. J. 16 (5) 1968 i 54-40. 5645. BUVANENDRAN, V. A preliminary study on the effioaey of dried Mikania scandens leaves and P - apo - 8' oarotenal in egg yolk pigmentation. Cey. Vet. J. 9 (4) 1961 i 141-145.

- 512 -

3646. BUVANENDRAN, V. A search for an association between maternal egg white protein polymorphisms and, embryonic mortality in the domestio fovil, British Poultry Science (Scotland) 8," 1967 : 1-7. 3647. DE SILVA, P.L.G. Correlation between time of egg lay and egg weight. Cey. Vet. J. 34 (4) 1966 : 83-66. 3648. DE SILVA, P.L.G. Quality cg;-js. Agriculture 1966 : 28-31.

6 (l)

3649. KARUNAJEE-VA, H. The effect of some storage techniques on interior egg quality. J. Nat. Agric. S o c , Ceylon. 5, 1968 : 89-83. 3650. KARUNAJEE17A, H. Nutrition as a basic factor in the determination of egg quality. Agriculture 4 (l) Nov. 1962 : 4-8. 3651. RANASINGHE, Leonard B . Epa and TUIAGARAJAII, ? . ! o h a n R. Stabilization of production and prices of eggs in Ceylon. Agriculture. 9 (l) June 1969 : 11-20. . For related material see also UDC 636.5 Poultry. Fowl. Chickens, Geese, e t c

- 515 -

657.5 - Meat. Fish meal. 5552. BAIBAHANAYAKS, A. . A study of mortality rates in young calves in major government livestock farvus in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 10 (2/3) 1962 : 65-81. 5855. BUVAJiBTJDHAN. V. Breeding for beef. Anim. Prod. HI til. Bull. 4, 1S70 : 66-75. 3654. C O C K & E A f t U M Y , M. and FLINT, F. Olga Histocheraical detection of soya 'novel proteins' in comminuted meat products. Analyst (England) 98, (1168). 1973 : 542-*545.

3655. DE MEL, R.H. Problems of meat sup.,ly and their resolution. In: Symposium on the Development of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry under the Five Year Plan. Colombo, 10th June 1972; compiled and edited by Y.D,A. Senanayake. (1972). pp. 149-160.see no.94. 5656. DE SILVA,. N.N. Isolation of a pathogenic halophilic bacterium from fish in Ceylon. Proc. CAAS. 21 (1) 1965 : 5-6.

3657. GOMEZ, Modcstus X. Considerations concerning the possible develop.* irt of r. V.cnlu r'en-tvpe fish m . * / > ! l industry in Ceylon. J. Nv.t. Agaric. Soc., Ceylon 1, l'J34 : 17-30.

- 514 -


PERERA, M.E. Population growth and the beef production potential in Ceylon based on population statistics. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 4, 1970 : 16-57.

3659. RAJAGURU, A.S.E. Levels of meat meal supplementation in broiler finisher rations. J. Nat. Agric. Soc. Ceylon 7, 1970 : 7-13. 3660. RANATUNGA, Priennie Calf mortality in hill country dairy farms in Sri Lanka during 1965-1969. Cey. Vet. J. 22 (l/2) 1974 : 4-9. 3661. RANATUNGA, Priennie Calf mortality in some government farms in Ceylon. Cey. Vet. J. 13 (4) 1965 : . 90-102. 3632. SUBASINGKE, H.A.; TimTJMVUKARUSU, Sushila and RAMAKRISHTIASV/AMY, A. Salmonellosis in Sri Lanka : Incidence in Cattle slaughtered at the Municipal " . Abattoir, Kandy. Cey. Vet. J. 23 (3/2) 1S75 : 8-10.

3663. TIL/JCARATNE, N. Some studies on beef production in Sri Lanka. Anim. Prod. Hlth. Bull. 8 (3) Se-t. 1974 : 59-35. 3664. TIMKARATHC, N.; MATSUKAWA, T.; BUVAKEIIDRA*;, V. and ATURSLIYA, D. Live-weight and carcass characteristics of cattle in Sri Lanka. Cey. Vet. J.
2 (5/4) 1974 : 77-T.l.

see also nos. 5189-90, 5270, 5298, 3657.

- 515

- P r o d u c t s o t h e r t h a n meat o r 3665.


KOTASEK, Z . a n d CHBLLlAH, E . R . B . Leather manufacture i n Ceylon. Anim. P r o d . H l t h . B u l l . 6 ( 3 ) 1972 : 116-131. POULTER, R. Hide and s k i n improvement work. Anim. P r o d . H l t h . B u l l . 3 ( l ) Mar. I960 : 1-22.



Beekeeping. 3667.


CEYLON. I n d u s t r i a l D e v e l o p m e n t B o a r d . P r o d u c t i o n of b e e s h o n e y . (A p r o j e c t r e p o r t ) . Katubedde, I . D . B . , 1977. lOp. DAYARATNE, K . H . A s e a s o n ' s performance of an Apis i n d i c a oolony a t Errabedda. Vidyodaya J o u r n a l of A r t s , S c i e n c e and L e t t e r s . I (2)' 1968 : 2 2 1 - 2 2 3 . FllEE, J . B . Beekeeping'aridpollination in developing countries. S p a n (UK) 1976 : 7 3 - 7 5 . .





3670. SBflgSN, P. B i j e n h o u d e n i n de t r o p e n I I I . /"Beekeeping in the tropics Vraagbaak (Netherlands) 4 ( 3 ) 1076 : 8-24, 44. S0?1ANADR, S . V . O . Honey-gathering by coast-veddahs. C e y l o n Today 1 1 (4) A p r . 1 9 6 2 : 7 - 9 .


- 518 -

638.2 - Silkworm cultivation. Sericulture. 3672. CEYLON. Industrial Development Board. Sericulture. (A project report). Moratuwa, I.D.B., 1077. 9 p.

3673. KUROSE, T. .and YOSHIMURA, R. An experiment on silkworm culture in Sri Lanka. JARQ. Japan Agriculture Rcso.-rch Quarterly (Jaoan) 9 (1) 1975 : 74-77.

530.2 - Fisheries 3674. ANON De Ceylonese visserij. ^ The Ceylonese fisheries_/. Economisohe Voorliohtinff (Netherlands) 55 (4) 1961 : 13. 3675. ANON Developing Ceylon's fisheries. Ceylon Today 11 (ll) Nov. 1962 : 10-14. 3676. ANON Fisheries develo-::.ient. Ceylon Today 13 (1) Jan. 1964 : 11-13. 3677. ANOK The migration of fishermen. Ceylon Today 13 (l) Jan. 1964 : 17-18. 3678. ATPimiANATir;?:, ! ' . and CIIITRAVADIVEUi,/ K. Fish population, its distribution and
economic potential. Proc. CAAS. 24 (l)

1968 : 50.


- 517 -

3679. ATPUTKANATKAN, M. and CHITRAVADIVELU, K. Pish population of the Thondaimannar lagoon : its distribution and eoonomic potential. (Hydrobiological survey of the Thondaimannar Lagoon bulletin no. 9 ) . 3680. BENHAM, Philip Mid and low-country river fishing. Loris 8 (6) 1960 : 366-368. 3681. BERG-, S.E. Investigations on the bottom conditions and the possibilities for marine prawn and fish trawling on the north and east coast of Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 22 (3/2) 1971 : 53-88. 3682. BUREAU OF CEYLON STANDARDS Ceylon standard specification for frozen prawns (shrimp)^ Colombo, Bureau . o f Ceylon Standards, 17 p. (Ceylon Standard 10 : 1968). 3683. CANAGARATI'IAM, P. Growth of Tilapia mossambioa Peters in different salinities. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon 19 (1-2) 1966 : 47-50. 3684. . CANAGARATNAM, P. . Marine boring and fouling organisms and their influence on the sea life of wooden struotures. Proc. CAAS. 18 (2) 1962 : 91-114. 3685. CEYLON. Department of Fisheries. Report of the working group on fisheries development. Colombo, Govt. Pub. Bureau, 1971. 79 p.

- 518 3686. CEYLON. Department of Fisheries. Status and .problems of coastal aquaculture in Ceylon. In: IndoPacific Fisheries Council Symposium on.Coastal Aquaculture, Bangkok, 1970. I , . ; Coastal arjuaculture in the Indo-Pacific region : paper's presented at the IndoPacific Fisheries Council Symposium on coastal aquaculture,-Bangkok, Thailand, 18-21, Nov. 1970, edited by T.V.R. Pillay. West Byfleet, Fishing News (Books) Ltd. for IPFC and FAO, 1972. pp. 116, ^/"i'.bstrcctJ'. 5637. CEYL0.v. Industrial Development Board. Smoked fish production. (A project report). Moratuwa, IDB, 1977. 5 p.

3688. CHESTNOY, V .I.'. The adaptive variations in catohability of trawls on the 'Vadge Bank. Bull. Fish. Res., Stn., Ceylon 21 (l) 1970 : 39-47. , 3689. CHITRAVAD37VELU, Karthigesu Age and growth studies of four species of fishes from three different familiis - Salmonidfie, Cyprinidae and Siluridae. M.Sc. thesis. Charles University, Prague, 1971. (Unpublished), v, 97 f. 3690. COSTA, H.H. Limnology and fishery biology of the streams at Horton Plains, Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Sri Lanka. (Ceylon). 25 {1 & 2) 1974 : 15-26.

- 519 -

3691. DAS, S.H. On a collection of fishes from Ceylon v/ith a discussion on their importance in zoogeography. Ichthyologioa (India). 1 (l/2) 1962 : 1-12. 3692. DAY, Cedric A report on conditions and heeds of marine small-scale fisheries : Southwest Asia. Colombo, UNDP, 1977. 21 p. 3693. DE BRUIN, G.H.P. Drift-net fishing in Ceylon waters. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 21 (l) 1970 : 17-51. 3694. DE BRUIN, G.H.P. Lobster fishing in Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon no. 9, 1960 : 18 p. 3695. DE BRUIN, G.H.P. Small mesh trawling. Bull. Fish. Res.
Stn., Ceylon 21 (l) 1970 : 35 -58.

5696. DE BRUIN, G.H.P. Spiny lobster resources. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 21 (l) 1970 : 33-34. 3697. DE MEL, P.A. Mechanization of the fishing industry. Industrial Ceylon 2 (4) Dec. 1962 : 403-405. 5698. DE SILVA, G.N. Socio-economic survey of fisher families 1958-59. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Cjsy.lotu 17 (1) 1964- : 1-44.

- 520 -


DE SILVA, L.L.S.S.K. Role of hygienic standards for the processing of frozen prawns, and . lobsters. Standards News (Ceylon) 5 (2) Dec. 1976.: 19-25. DE SILVA, N.N. The role of technology in fisheries . development in Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Cc.ylon. 17 ( 2) 1964 : 257-265.



Some experiments on fish canning. Industrial Ceylon 4 (o) Sept. 1964 : 257-259: 5702. DE
S I L V A , Rex I. A guide to some sharks, of Sri Lanka. Loris 14 (4) Dec. 1377 : 225-252.


DRISBERG-, Trevor How Sri Lanka plans to develop her., fishing, industry. Fishing News International (England) 14 (10) 1975 : 14-IC. " DURAIR/iTNAIn, M. Seaweeds. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 17 (2TT964 : 265-267.




Studies on the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperatures, salinities, oxygen P\\* phytoplanlrton in Koddiyar Bay Trincom.\lee in relation to the shore seine fishery. Bull. Fash. Res. Stn.,

- 521 -

3706. DURAIRATNAM, M. Studies on the seasonal cycle of sea, surface temperatures, salinities and phytoplankton in Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay along the 7/est Coast of Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon 16 (1) 1963 : 9-24. 3707. ELLEPOLA, V.B. and FERNANDO, C.H. Hatching and rearing of 6-ourami (Osphronemus goramy.Lacepede) in the Polnnnarutva Nursery. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon 19 (1/2) 1966 : 5-0. 3708. FERNANDO, A . Fishing gear used by trawlers eperating from Ceylon. In: Proceedings. IndoPitcific Fisheries Council, 13th Session. Brisbane, Australia, 14-25 Oct. 1966. Section 5, Bangkok, IPFC/FAO, 1972. pp. 532-540. 3709. FERNANDO, C.H. Inland fishes of Ceylon : vast potentialities for cultivation. Loris: 9 (1) 1031 : 3-11. .3710. FERNANDO, C.H. . Pearl Oyster survey, Oulf of Mannar, 1964. (Notes and comments). Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon 17 (2) 1964 : 240-241. 3711. FERNANDO, C.H. Rosevoir fisheries in South East Asia : p : . r . t , present and future. In: IndoPacific Fisheries Council. Proceedings. 17tli session, Colombo, 27 Oct. - 5 Nov. 1976. Section III. Symposium on the Development and Utilization of Inland Fisheries Resources. (lPFC/76/Sym./46). Bangkok, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far Saet, 1377. pp. 475-489.

- 522 -


FERNANDO, C.H. The role of inland waters in relation to the development of Ceylon's fisheries; ;:nd a note on. the pearl oyster fishery. Bull." Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon' 17 (2) 1954 : 291-297. EEEIAKDO, C.H. The role of introduced fish in fish production in Ceylon's freshwaters. In: The Scientific management of animal and plfjit communities for conservation, edited by E.B. Duffey and A.S. Watt.' Oxford, Blackwell, 1972. pp. 295-310. FERNANDO. C.H. and ELLEPOLA, W.B. A preliminary study of two village tanks (reservoirs) in the PoLonnaruwa . area with biological notes in these reservoirs in Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.', Ceylon 20 (I) 1969 : 3-13. FERNANDO, C.H.' and FERNANDO, M.T.T. G-ill-damage in netted Tilapia - mossambica Peters. (Notes and Comments). Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 17 (2) 1964 : FERTTANDO, C.H. aid FUR TAD 0, J.I. Reservoir fishery resources of South east Asin. Bull-. Fish. Res. Stn., Sri Lanka. 26 (^2T"i97S : 85-95. FERN.JD0, C.H. and FURTADO, J.I. Reservoir fishery resources of South east Asia. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Sri Lanka. 0 (3/2) 1975 : 85-95. JfSRNAilDO, C.H. and INDRASENA, II.H.A. The C r < : : . I > w . v t c r fisheries of Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 20(2) Dec"." I960 YToT-i ")4,







- 525 -

5719. FERNANDO, E.F.W. Species composition of fish captured by trawlers in the Wadge Bank. In: Proceedings. IndoPacific Fisheries Council, 15th session. Brisbane, Australia 14-25 Oct. 1968. Section 5. Bangkok, . IPFC/FAO, 1972. pp. 521-551. 5720. FERNANDO, Y/.G.A. New ground rope for 258 ton stern trawlers. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon 20 (2).1969 : 201-205. ^ ' 5721. FOOD At AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION. Draft report of the fisheries project preparation mission to Ceylon. . FAO/lBRD Cooperative program. Colombo, Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs, 1967. vi, 52 p. /5722. FOOD AND.AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION First report to the government of. Ceylon o:\ fishing boat engineering. Expanded Teohn. Assistance Progr., FAO Rep, 1518, 1962 : 1-48.

(/ 5725. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION General description of marine smallscale fisheries in Sri Lanka. Colombo, UNDP, 1977. iv, 62 p. 5724. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION- OF THE UNITED NATIONS. Report to.the Government of Ceylon on a project on inland fisheries . development. Bused on the work of S'.ft. Ling. (Rep. FAO/EPTA/1527). Rome, FAO, 1962. 45 p . / 5725. ^ James Mechanised fishing in Ceylon. Ceylon Today 9 (12) Dec. 1960-69 : 9-14.

- 524 -

3726. GOOIXYARDEKE, T.P. Coastal fisheries. Bull. Fish. Res. Ftn., Ceylon 17 (2) 1964 : 267-268." 3727. GOCNSVAHDIfr'E, T.P. The hammerhead sharks in Ceylon seas (family Sphyrnidac). Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 22 (1-2) 1971 : 1-3. 5720. GimSBKERA, C. Processing the flesh of the pearl oyster (Princtade i-inctada 7* vulgaris Schum). Proceedings. Indo-Pac ific Fisheries Council. (Bangkok) 9 (2) 1962 : 11C-112. 3729. GmiESEKARA, C. St. E. Fisheries by-products. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon. 17 (2) 1964 : 257. 3730. HBtAPRIYA, B.H. Ceylon s sea weed resources. Today 12 June 1963 : 12-14.


3731. INDRASENA, H.H.A. The develo.-uent of fresh water fisheries in Ceylon. Bull. Fish. P.C3. Stn., Ceylon 17 (2) 1964 : 287-289. 3752. IKDEAS3T0'.., H.H.A. A preliminary survey of 21 Ceylon lakes, 1. Fisheries of two lakes, Parakrama Samudra and Liinneriya wewa. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 18 (l) 1965 : l3f. 3735. ITJRASST, K.r.A. T'I 1 , ' ^i n . i n or ; . : , r n b i c a in Ceylon. Ceylon Today 13 June""l9G3 : 22-25.

- 525 -


INDRASENA, H.H.A. and DE SILVA, J.C. The breeding of giant gouramy, Osphroricmus goramy Lacepede in Ceylon and the rearing of its fry in the departmental fish hatcheries. Occ. Pap. Indo. Pacif. Fish. Coun. 1966 (7) : 1-11.'

3735. INDRASENA, K.H.A. and ELLEPOLA, W.B. Hatching and rearing of Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in the Polonnaruwa Nursery. (Notes and Comments). Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 17 (2) 1964 : 245-246. 3736. JAYASEXERA, Alick Nylon fish. Loris.

9 (l) 1961 : 12-15.

5757. JEGARAJASEIGHAf.', J.F. Bechc-de-mer fishing. 1960 : 569-571.


8 (6)

5758. JINADASA, J. Bionomics of the flying fish Hirundiohthys ooromandelensis H o m e 11. M.Sc. thesis. Vidyodaya Campus, Univ. of Sri Lanka, 1972. (Unpublished). 5759. JINADASA, J. Exploitation of the flying fish resource off the east coast of Ceylon. Proc. CAAS. 27 (l) 1971 : 59-60. /Abstracj/. 5740. JINADASA, J. Predators of flying fish Hirundiohthys o oromandelens is (Hornell and its Suitability as a bait fish. Proc. CAAS. 28 (1) 1972 : Gb. /Abstracj/!!

. 3741.

JINADASA, J. Spawning behaviour of flying .fish Hirundichthys coromandelcnsis Hornell". ""Proc. CAAS. 27 (1) 1971 : 60. ^ A b s t r a c t J T

3742.. JE&DASA, J. Taxoncrnic notes en a collection of flying fishes from Ceylon waters. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 22 T l 7 r 2} 1071 : 5-16". 5743. JOini'L/US, rtodney Checklist of recently collected Cypraeadae from Ceylon waters. Advance Abstracts of Contributions on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences in I n d i j i Tl^d-ia). ;f7J7 1967*7 46-41'.'""" . " " * JONKLAAS, Rodney Maldive fish - take a Baleya or a Kelawalla. Loris 9 (4) 1962 : 255-255. J0J1CLAAS, Rodney ' Male, the coral isle. 1961 : 13-15.




9 (l)


JOSS K, Athmadeva The lure of the Ceylon lobster. Ceylon Today 12 (ll) Nov. 1965 : 20-22. JCSBHi, 2.D.L. Preliminary report on experimental fishing with r.;rsc seine and lampara' nets for small .eL?.^ic fush varieties around Sri L.-aika. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Sri Lanka (Ceylon).' 25 P72)'*1974"":


- 527 3748. JOSHJI., B.D.L. Purse seining for small pelagic fish around Sri Lanka. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Sri Lanka. 26 (1/2) 1975 : 31^43. 3749. KHLftRAirAli, K. Culture poarl industry. Industrial Ceylon 11 (l) June 1971 : 77. 3750. IOjRUKOCRTHY, M. Fish breeding in the Gal Oya Valley. Ceylon Today 9 (3; Mar. 1960 : 14-16. 3751. KVARAK, E. The mechanisation of the inshore fisheries and the relationship to fisheries development in Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 1? (2) 1964 : 293-310. 5752. LANTZ, A.W. and GUN/-SEKERA. C. Chemical analysis of some Ceylon fishes. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon No. 5, 1957. 34 p. 5753. KEDCOF, J.C. Partial survey and critique of Ceylon's marine fisheries, 1953-55. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon. 16 (2) 1963 : 29-118. 3754. MENLIS, A.S. A contribution to the limnology of Colombo Lake. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., . Ceylon 17 (2) 1964 : 213-220. 3755. MENDIS, A.S. Fisheries ren^'Tch pro^ for the development of the fishing industry. In: GRI LANKA. University of Sri Lan'a. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture. Agricultural rescf-rch management in Sri Lanka ... (1976). pp. 110-118. aag. no.92.

- 528 -

3756'. MEND IS, A.S. . Fishes of Ceylon.. ( A . catalogue, key and bibliography). Bull. Fish. Res, ftn., Ceylon... no.. 2, 1954,.. -. viiii' 222 p.*".". 5757. MENDIS, A.S. . 'A preliminary, survey, of ;21 Ceylon, lakes. 2. Limnology and fish production . '' potential. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn;, Ceylon 13 (IJ "l965 ; 7-15.


MENDIS, A.S. The role of'man-made lakes in.the development of frcsh-^v/ater.fisheries in-, . Sri Lanka. In: Indo-Pacific Fisheries. Council : Procc'cdings.' 17th Session, Colombo, 27 Oct. -. 5 Nov. 1976. ' ' Section III. . Symposium on the . . Development and Utilization of Inland Fishery Resources. Bangkok, FAO '; Regional Office for Asia, and :the Far - ' : East, 1977. pp.-.247-257.. (lPFC/ 76/;>. Sym/54)." ''";': ' '


MENDIS, A.S. ' . Stern trawling on the Wadge. B a n k . with 255 ton trawlers. In: Proceedings indo-Pacific Fisheries"Council. 13th Session, Brisbane, Australia 14-25 Oct. 1968. ' Section 5. Bangkok, IPFC/FAO, , 1972. p > 46G-500. ;

3780.. MENDIS, A.S. Trawler rishirScs of Ceylon. Pr'oc. CAAS. .22 () 1966 : 127-144.' ' . . . . /;


J3ET1IS, A.S. .

The ti-iuvlor-fishery. Bull. Fish._ Ren,'

- 529 -

5762. MENDIS, A.S. ancL OKONSKI, S.L. . A preliminary report on the Use of epho sounders for fish detection by Ceylon based trawlers. In: Proceedings. Indo-Pacific. Fisheries Council, 15th Session. Brisbane, Australia 14-25- Oct.. 1968. .Section 5. Bangkok, IPFC/FAO, 1972. pp. 621-50. 5763.. K.L.Ii. The catch rate in relation to depth and its seasonal variation for-two groups of commercially important fish from the Wadge Bank. In: Proceedings. Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, 13 Session.. . Brisbane, Australia 14-25 Oct. 1968. Section 5. Bangkok, IPFC/FAO, 1972. pv. 340-355.
M U K A S I N T r l i E ,

5764. tiUNASINGHB, N.L.R. 'Evaluation of stern trawler operation., in the V.'adge Bonk for economio exploitation p i f its demersal fish resources. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 21 1 2 7 1 9 7 0 : 97-111. . ' .5765. MumSIN&HE> N.L.R. Influence, of light on'diurnal behaviour of Carangids in the Wadge Bank trciwl fishery. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.\ Sri Lanka (Ceylon). 25 (3/2) 1972 9 -18.

5766. MUI'TASHi&HE, N.L.R. The Pcnrl Banks inspection - April, 1970. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon ' 21 (1) 1970 : 49-56. 370?. KUi-wsiNrrrffi, ir .r .R. Seasonal variation i n the distribution and availability of Carangids ('Paraw' and ' Parati') in the Wadge Banlc. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 20 ( 2 ) 1969 : 191-200.

- 530 -


NAGAKUHA, K. and SACHIThXWTTHAN, K . Proximate composition of four types of dried fish in Ceylon. Bulletin of the Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory TTokycT 65, 1971 : 75-80. NORRIS, C.S. Fisherman's notes. 1962 : 186-188.



9 (3)


PEIRI5, 1\S.; A3EE3EK3RA, Malinee; GTOlStfARDENA, H.P.G. and TIRIMANNE, A.S.L. The seaweed industry. In: CBYLOIT INPTI'Tins OF SCHfl-TTlFIC AND I?1DUSTRIAL RES'tu'iRCK. CISIR contribution to the science and industry : Proceedings of the 21st anniversary seminar, B.IM.C.H., May 4-0, 1C76. Colombo, C.I.S.I.R., 1977.' pp. 149-152. PEIRIS, T.S.S. and GRERO. J. Chemical analyses of some Ceylon fishes. 2. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Sri Lanka (Ceylon)" 23 (1/2) 1972 : 1 - 7 f ~ ' 24 (1/2) 1973 : 1-12.
t 3 i b i d



EER3RA, P.A.B. and DS SILVA, S.S. Contributions to the culture of grey . mullet Kugil cephalus L. in Sri Lanka. III. Seasonal and diurnal changes in the. water quality of fish ponds and results of small scale culture of mullet. Proc. SLAAS. 31 (1) 1975 : 44. / I b s t r a c ^ .


PILL/.I, T.G. Brackish-water fish farming in Ceylon. Bull. Fish. R13. Stn., Ceylon. 17 (2) 19G4 : 289-291. J-TNTO, L. and wrvNARAJAll, S. oouic c ' > i ofjic .1 asncctr. of the edible oyster Cjrassostre_a_ cuoullata (Born) occurring in the Negombo lagoon. Proc. SLAAS. S4 (1) 1973 : 44-45. /Abs trac ^T


531 -

3775. RAJIAIttlHAN, S. A preliminary report on Chanos fry surveys carried out in the brackish water areas of Mannar, Puttalam and Negombo, Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 20 (1) 1969 : 79 -85. ! 5776. RAMANATIIAN, S. and JAYAMAHA, D.E.S. On the collection, transport andacclimatization of the fry of Chanos chanos for brackish water pond culture in Ceylon. In: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Symposium on coastal Aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific region,l970; papers presented at the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Symposium on coastal aquaculture, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-21, Nov. 1970, edited by T.V.R. Pillay. West Byfleet, Fishing News, for IPFC and the F.A.O., 1972. pp. 244-250. 5777. RAPHAEL, Y.I. Brackish water aquaculture in Sri Lanka. In: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Counoil. Proceedings. 17th Session, Colombo, 27 October - 5 November 1976. Seotion III. Symposium on the Development and Utilization of Inland Fishery Resources. Bangkok, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East, 1977. pp. 127-150. (lPFC/76/Sym./55). -+ 5778. RAPHAEL, Y.I. A preliminary report on the brackish water pond culture of Scylla serrata (Forskal) in Ceylon. In: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Bangkok, 1970. Coastal aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific region : papers presented at the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Symposium on coastal aquaculture, Bangkok, Thailand 18-21 Nov. 1970, edited by T.V.R, Pillay. ? . " e s t Byfleet, Fishing News (Books) Ltd. for IPFC and FAO, 1G72. pp. 395. ^Abstrac^.

^ 4

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SACIIITHANAMHAK, K.; NATESAN, P. ; ALACARATNAI.', C ; THEVATKASAN, A . and PHILIP, L.B. Dc-scummer for beche-de-mer processing. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Sri Lanka. ,26 T]72"7T975 11-15.


SACKITUANAI'ITEAIT, K. .and THEVATHASAN, A . Sirahu valai, a passive fishing gear in Ceylon* Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 21 T%; 1370 : 87-95.


On the experimental culture of milkfish Chanos ohanos (ForskSl) as tuna bait in deylon. In: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Symposium on coastal aquaculture, Bangkok, 1970. Coastal aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific region : papers presented at the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council symposium Nov. 1970; edited by T.V.R. Pillay. ^est Byfleet, ' Fishing News (Books) Ltd. for IPFC and FAO, 1S72. pp. 454. ^Abstract,/. 3782. SAMARAXONE, J.L. and RAPHAEL. Y.I. . On the availability of seed of culturable shrimps in the Negombo lagdon. In: Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Bangkok, 18-21, Nov. 1970. Coastal aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific region : papers presented at the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Symposium, edited by T.V.R. Pillay. V/est Byfleet, Fishing News for IPFC PVH the F.A.O., 1972. pp..251- 259.
J . R . no S . Vertical if:upc:-aUu-e structure of H50m water l:iyer around Sri Lanka at the tailend of the north-east monsoon. Bull. Fish. Rcs^Stn. ^JSri Lrnka. 26 (i/2) 1975":" 17 -36.""*


553 -

5784. SENTHESHANMUGANATHAN, S. and FONSEKA, A.P.D.G. Deterioration of some varieties of Ceylon sea-fish with time. Proc. CAAS. 17 (1) 1961 : 31. /Abstract 3785. SIVALINGAK, S. Assessment of possible developments of the fishery resources of Pedro Bank. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon. 17 (l) 1964 : 155-150. 5786. SIVALINGAK, S. Demersal fisheries of Ceylon. Proc. CAAS. 16 (2) 1960 : 108-122. 5787. SIVALINGAM, S. The 1958 pearl oyster fishery, Gulf of Mannar. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon No. 11, 1961." 28 p.;

3788.. SIVALINGAM,. S. The 1958 pearl, oyster fishery, Gulf of Mannar. Indian Fish. Bull. (New Delhi) 9 (2) 1962 : 3G-37. 5789. SIVALINGAM, S. Pearl fisheries and pearl culture. Ceylon Today 10 (8) Aug. 1961 : 19-20.

5790, SIVALINGAM, S. Pearls and pearl culture. 1962 : 191-195. 3791.


9 (5)

SIVALIIIGAI!, S. Results of the fishing trials Conducted Oh the Pedro Lank. Proc. CAAS. 17 (l) 1931 : 21. /"AbstractJ .

- 334 -


S I 7 A L r r , A J ! , S.
Studies on the demersal fish stocks of Wadgc bank, South India and their fisheries, 1945-1962. Ph.D. thesis. University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, 1970. (Unpublished).


SIVAUI.-S-Ai:, S. TrJadgc b.nk trawl fishery studies. Part 1. The effect cf the 1928 to 1935 commercial trawling on the -demersal stock. Bull. Fish. Re-s^Stn., Ceylon 19 (L/2T"l966 : 13-lr""*Part II." The effect of trawling on the catch nor hour from 1945 to 1960. ibid. 10 (j/2) 1033 : 19-25; Part III. Nature and composition cf the resident population, ibid. 20 (l) 1969 : 27-38; Part IV. An analysis of the length frequency measurements of the sea bream (Lcthrinus nebulosus) made in 1949 and

1955"ToT956T* ibid. 20 (l) 1969 :

. *

39-50. Part V.. Relational exploitation . of the resident demersal stock. ibid. 20 (1) 19G0 : 51-54.

3794-. sr/ASUPJUJIANIAIf, X.
An aerial survey for surface tuna resources i i i the seas around Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Ros. Stn.,, Ceylon 22 ( V )

3795. SIVASUBRAJANIAK, K. An analysis of the experimental pole and line fishery conducted around Sri Lanka by Nichiro Fishing Company of Japan.. Bull. Fish. Res. 5'tn., Sri Lanka 2 j B : 61-02.


SIV/SIIBTJAKAI^rAM, K. Ap'\".rcnt abundance of yellowfin and Bigcye tuna in tho inshore, off shore and near oceanic ranges around Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 22 (l/2) 19717 2 3 - 3 7 . "

- 535 -

' 3797. SIVASU3RA1/ANIAM, K . Biology of the exploited stock of mackerel tuna 2. affinis (Cantor) off the Southwest region of Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 21 (l) 1970 : 7-16*7 3798. SIVASUBR/J,iAIv1AI.: IC. Ceylon's tuna longline fishing effort and catch distribution in the Indian Ocean, 1967-70. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon 22 (1/2) 1971 : 39-45.

3799. SIVASuT^/^IIAM, K . Distribution and length weight relat ionships of tunas and tuna-like fishes around Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn. Ceylon 19 (3/2) 1966 : 27-46. 3800, SIVASUBRAMAKIAM, K. New evidences on the distribution of predatory pelagic sharks in the tuna grounds of the Indian Ocean. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 20 (l) 1969 : 65-72; Proc. CAAS. 24 ( T ) 1968 : 48-49. /Abstracy. 3801. SIVASUBRAMANIA1.1, K . Occurrence of oriental bonito (Sarda orientalis Tenminck & Schlegal) in the inshore waters of Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 20 (l) 1969 : 75-77.


Off-shore and deep-sea fishery for larger scroir.bro:ids in the Indian Ocean. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon. 17 (2) 1964 : 283-287. 3803.

Prediction of tuna longline catches in the Indian Ocean, by killer-whale and sharks. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 17 (2) 1964 : 221-256.

- 536 -


SIVAStffiRAMANIAM, K. Hecent trends in the development of the tuna fishery with special reference to that.of Japan. Vidyodaya Journalffirts, Scienoe and Letters 1 (1} 1968 : 89-98; Proc CAAST 22 (l) 1966 : 44. /Abstracj/. SIVASUBRAl'vANn^, K. A review of Japan's tuna long-line fishery in the Indian Ocean. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 17 (2) 1964 : 274-285. SP/ASuBPJuTANIAi;, K. Skipjack tuna (K. pelands L.) resource in the seas around Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 25 (3/2) 1972 : 19-28, SIVASUBRAMANIAM, K. Surface and subsurface fisheries for young and immature yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) around Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 21 (2) 1970 : 113-122.





Ceylon villager's ingenious fishing devise. - Ceylon Today 9 (4) Apr. 1960 12-16. 3809. Kenneth J. Pearl oyster fishing in Ceylon. Loris. 8 (6) 1960 : 374-376.


SRI LANKA. Department of Census and Statistics. Report on the fisheries census of Sri Lanka, 1972. Part 2. Inland fisheries. Colombo, of Census and Statistics, 1974. 30 p.

- 537 -


SYMPOSIUM Oil THE DEVELOPMENT OF CEYLON'S FISHERIES. Colombo, 1964. Proceedings of the Symposium held on 15th Sept. 1964 and organised by the Fisheries Research Station of Ceylon. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon. 17 ( 2 ) 1964 : 247-310. TIEWS, K. and HIir^TSIiANN, K. Report on the fishery of Ceylon and the X>os sib iii ties of development under special consideration of the construction of fishing ports in Galle and Trincomalee. Colombo, Govt. Press, 1963. 55 p. (Sessional Paper XX - 1963). ULUWITA, K. Studies.on the penaeid prawn fishery of Ceylon lagoons. M.Sc thesis. Vidyodaya Campus, University of Sri Lanka, 1973. (Unpublished). WEERAKOOIT, A.CJ. Ceylon's fisheries : past and future. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn.. Ceylon 17 ( 2 ) 1964 : 247 256T





WEERAKOON, A.C.J. Our fisheries. Mar. 1965 :. 4-7. see also no. 20

Ceylon Today . 12 ( 5 ) "

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