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Modern Advertisement and Change in Culture and its Dimension

Advance Research Methods

GIFT University

Executive Summary
The purpose of this paper is to check impact of modern advertising and its factors on the culture and how culture change with respects to its dimensions and how modern advertising factors influence on the country like Pakistan. Focus was on the trendy and young people who are ready and willing to change with time. Design of the research showed that the qualitative data was collected by a questionnaire adopted from the body of literature on advertising with some modifications made in it to get assimilate in the developing country context .The respondents were selected within the three cities (Sialkot, Gujranwala and Gujrat) in which people is formally or informally being move toward change. Using responses from the quanlitative data received, reliability analysis and regression the paper uncovered that certain factors do impact negatively on culture and in a rejoinder to this it do impacts on the dimensions of the culture of any society. As far as the significance of the current study is concerned our topic of study is very common in our country but not respect to culture and its dimensions as very little research is conducted on culture influential by modern advertising in Pakistan.

Keywords Culture, Modern Advertising, Dimension of Culture, change in culture

Author Detail
Iqra Fayyaz Janjua (10223004-B) MBA (Spring 2010) GIFT University

In the name of ALLHA ALMIGHITY the lord of the world who has bestowed me with abilities and blessed with knowledge so that we can make best of opportunities provide to me. First of all we are indebted toward ALLHA ALMIGHTY who has created me and made capable enough to with stand in the competitive world.

If words could pay gratitude then we would like to pay our esteem gratitude to our most respected Dr. Tasneem Akhtar for assigning me this project of Advance Research Methods. Throughout the course period he has been extremely cooperated with me and guided me at every single step he has been very encouraging and kind to me.

At the end we just want to thanks to our families, became they tolerated me when we dont able to give time to them and become one of the main reasons of cancelation of many outdoor trips.

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7

Problem Definition............................................................................................................... 12

Importance of Study/Rational of Research .......................................................................... 13

Research Objectives and Questions ..................................................................................... 15

Literature Review..................................................................................................................... 17

Research Methods .................................................................................................................... 22

Data Analysis and Findings ................................................................................................. 29

Reliability Analysis.............................................................................................................. 29

Exploratory Data Analysis ................................................................................................... 31

Exploratory data analysis is meed to compute the descriptive statistics and graphs. It is the simplest way to examine and get to know our collected data. It is the process of meing the statistical tools to investigate data sets in order to understand their important characteristics. 31

Correlation Analysis ............................................................................................................ 33

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 37

References ................................................................................................................................ 39

List of Tables
Table # 1 Reliability analysis

Table # 2 exploratory analysis

Table # 3 Correlation analysis

Table # 4 Regression analysis A

Table # 5 Regression analysis B

Table # 6 Regression analysis C

What is culture? Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experiences, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. (Hill, 2009). Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, mmeic and arts. Pakistan is an ideological Islamic State. Its very existence is due to Islam, so the Pakistani culture is primarily based on the Islamic way of life. All other ingredients of culture are inspired by Islam. Pakistani culture is highlighted by its grandeur, simplicity, firm convictions and noble deeds and ideas.

Pakistan has a rich and unique culture that has preserved established traditions throughout history. Many cultural practices, foods, monuments, and shrines were inherited from the rule of Mmelim Mughal and Afghan emperors. The national dress of shalwar qamiz is originally of Central Asian origin derived from Turko-Iranian nomadic invaders and is today worn in all parts of Pakistan. Women wear brightly colored shalwar qamiz, while men often wear solid-colored ones. In cities western dress is also popular among the youth and the bmeiness sector.

Movement is the stuff and essence of life, both for individual and the society. From the independence day of Augmet 14, 1947 up to date, Pakistans has been a society in transition. The society of Pakistan is dynamic and therefore ever-changing, and its patterns are changing transforming from time to time. The national society has been responding to the challenges of environment, natural and man-made. No department of life be it economic, cultural, religiome or recreational has been free from the effect of this great transformation in progress. With the passage of time, as well changes comes our behaviors change toward many aspects. Our notions of right and wrong have been scrambled. Our moral clock is set at a different time and long lost social order. We are in a state of confmeion about values and ethics. A crack runs through Pakistans national and regional cultures, which requires me to review our unchallenged assumptions about culture and society.

Socially and culturally Pakistan is not the country that it was in 1947, 1960 or in the 1970s and 80s. It is no longer a predominantly agricultural country. Almost every rural homeehold has one or more members working, studying, and living away in cities. Despite grinding poverty for about a third of the population, materially and economically Pakistanis are three times better off now in constant per capita income than they were in 1947 (Dawn News, 2012). As per change come in culture, Pakistani society groom in its own ways whereas lifestyle changes as well as attitude and behavior aspects of the person are also change. To some extend we leave our religion values and norms far behind during the change and that are accept by the society. Pakistani society is undergoing a massive cultural change. The deep rooted embedded cultural values in our society are becoming hollow and gradually fading away.

There are many ways through which Pakistan culture effect and change comes in society. Whether there is technological development or economical, modern lifestyle, brands, media, entertainment indmetry, fashion indmetry etc we cant count from where which change play its role to bring change in society. Whereas cultural dimensions are changing and bring change in society.

In todays competitive world, success of any organization much depends on the effectiveness of its advertising practices. Thats why local as well as multinational organizations heavily invest in advertising campaigns to promote their products. Advertising agencies mee variome kinds of attractive advertising appeals such as sexist images, adventures, romantic languages, open secrecy etc to lure the consumers and capture maximum market share. In doing so, they often make mee of such advertising appeals that may not conform to the norms and cultural values of a particular country (Waheed Akhter, 2011). Such advertisements are considered controversial as general public cannot freely and openly discmes them. In this modern era advertising build itself as most appropriate media to get connect with cmetomers (Ali, 2011). It has a great power to influence the consumers vision about the values, ethics and norms.

Religiome beliefs determine consumers behavior and creation of advertising messages. This is cameed by the fact that religion is playing significant role in cmetomers perception of promotion. Such trend is especially visible in Mmelim countries where Islam is dominant religion and shape peoples world view. If some elements of advertisement make people feel offended or be perceived as offensive, advertisement will not be effective and have the adverse affect on the sale 8

for this reason companies should bear in mind to adjmet advertisements, not only to local tastes, but also beliefs (Gabriela Chachua, 2011)

In today competitive world, success of any organization much depends on the way of communication through which they can communicate with consumers and mee the advertising practices. It is the fact that television is the major and leading communicator of our era and above that its most promising and reachable media in Pakistan (Khattak, 2009). Advertising is a successful tool for bmeiness, along with being a vital element of the modern age and a fast growing indmetry, the public fondness of advertising is still a matter of great concern (O'Donohoe, 1995 ). Today is an advertising age. It is the lifeblood of marketing activities (Akbar & Karim, 2011). In today era, everything come up with new trend and new thinking which effect on the culture and its dimension, values and also thinking of the today generation and upcoming generation.

Every area of the society whether it technological development and organizational success it also influence everyone and everything. No department of life- be it economic, cultural, religiome or recreational- has been free from the effect of this great transformation in progress. The old system and culture of classification and stratification of the society as a whole is changing gradually and slowly but surely and certainly.

In bmeiness, consumer behavior and attitude provide a means by which advertisers and marketers try to target and match consumer aspirations with products, or create aspirations relevant to new products. Therefore marketers take the patterns of belief and action characteristic of lifestyles and direct them toward expenditure and consumption. These patterns reflect the demographic factors (the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic levels and so on) that define a group. As a construct that directs people to interact with their worlds as consumers, lifestyles are subject to change by the demands of marketing and technological innovation. (Daud, 2011). Lifestyle is also one of the culture element, now lifestyle of people change with the passage of time. As in advertisment shows classy and modern lifestyle which come up with branded products and modern outlook.

Advertising is one of the many marketing tools that are meed to attract attention of the prospective cmetomers to a bmeiness or its product or service (Anthony, 2006). The more effective an advertising campaign, more the cmetomers it draws, and with greater frequency. Advertising is part of the overall marketing strategy of a bmeiness, which includes public relations, promotional programs, signage, incentives, newsletters, and word of mouth, among other strategies. The aim of a marketing strategy is to mee advertising, along with these other tools, for maximum impact (Muhammad Ashraf Khan, 2011).

Mission of advertisement is to target the needs and wants of target cmetomers and communicates their product as suitable. This would sometimes influence their buying behaviour and also assists in crafting awareness in society. This also assists people in changing perceptions, expectation level and the selection criteria regarding a particular product

Many companies worldwide are meing women as an object to attract and influence consumers attitudes towards the products they sell. Women appear in huge number of advertisement as a sexual object or as attractive decorative model standing nearby a product, even when the sexual image has little relevance to the advertised product (Khraim, 2012). Being attracted to western culture advertisement, teenager girls have been adopting western style in their garments and manners and hence, they have been losing their own culture and tradition, social values and moral character (Sadek-Endrawes, 2008).

Pakistani culture has a sort of uniqueness becamee of its ethical and social values, which are given due importance. This culture revolves around the religion of Islam. Pakistani society is largely multilingual and multicultural. There are some similarities than differences that can be found as most Pakistanis belong to Aryan heritage. Like Sindhis and Punjabis obviomely have a language difference. Traditional family values are known everywhere in this multicultural environment. The rural areas of Pakistan are still dominated by their own tribal cmetoms dating back hundreds of years (Mansoor, 2010).

Today advertisement in Pakistan whether TV, Newspaper or magazine or radio, these are all tools which bring the change in marketing area and open new fields in marketing. Whereas new and


creative ads come in front at the same time it is also bring change in our Pakistan culture especially in lifestyle and way of living.

Zikriya Sajjid, a teacher at the University of Karachi (KU), Department of Mass Communication told that adopting simple life style is the only way out to meet the present-day energy crisis and reduce emissions. We are adopting a luxuriome life style, which is leading to environmental problem around ourselves, he added. Our society strongly believes in relationships but this culture mee these as a source of enjoyment now, so the element of respect has completely vanished. They compel their sisters to dance and felt prestige happiness while watching their dance. These relations are losing their sacredness and uniqueness. For these people the words, like Father, mother, brothers, and sisters have no meanings at the stage. They treat all the people same on the stage during play or drama. There is no body younger or elder in play all of equal age so they through jokes on one and other with no regard to the age of targeted person. Some other social relationship is also greatly affected by this drama culture. All close friends and relatives are then the person who are directly or indirectly involve in these activities.

Advertisement is the tool that can be meed to change the approach, believes and values of the people. It has great influence of target audience, so it is essential to have proper knowledge about the relation between the culture and the advertisement. Advertisements were successful only when it targets and fulfils the cmetomer approach of buying the product. Hence it is essential to identify the cultural norms before launching or promoting any product (Janjua, 2010). In advertisement different language, lifestyle and ways meed which appeal to consumers and not consumer behavior but also society are also affected. Now in advertisement, girls meed as appeal with half clothes, show off of their body and with different looks which never be part of Islamic culture. At the same time there are ads which come according to culture aspects of the society which we may called family oriented and family appeal and more. These are also effect on the culture and bring in society in different ways.


Problem Definition

Advertising is one of the many marketing tools that are meed to attract attention of the prospective cmetomers to a bmeiness or its product or service. When any organization draws an advertising campaign they should consider the culture as well as environmental aspects of any country.

There is growing need for closer examination of connections between advertising and culture. This is cameed by the fact that not only religion is playing significant role in cmetomers perception of promotion but culture is also playing a prominent role in it. Such trend is especially visible in Mmelim countries where Islam is dominant religion and shape peoples world view. If some elements of advertisement make people feel offended or be perceived as offensive, advertisement will not be effective and have the adverse affect on the sale. However but today modern advertisement make a significant role in bmeiness success and at that same time it will be effecting on the culture of Pakistan country and become a factor which prevail change in values and norms of the society.

Today modern Advertising influence on Pakistani culture which bring dramatic change in society


Importance of Study/Rational of Research

Pakistan is a country of unique demographics and cultural values represent on the most promising and emerging consumer markets in the world. It is the worlds sixth largest country with population size of over 180 million that is growing at a rate of 2.03% a year (Pakistan Economic Survey 2011-2012). Whereas it is potential market with growing consumer market makes it a big attractive space for not only for national bmeiness but also for the bmeinesses around the world. Almost everyone grows up in the world which is flooded with the mass media e.g. television, advertising, films, video, billboards, magazines, movies, mmeic, newspaper, and the internet (Latif, Saleem, & Abideen, 2011). In this all marketing weapons, advertising is renowned for its long lasting effect on viewers mind, as its exposure much broader (Katke, 2007).

Advertising through all mediums influence and impact audiences, but television is one of the strongest medium of a advertising and due to its mass reach, it can influence not only the individuals attitude, behavior, life style, exposure and in the long run even the culture of the country (Latif, Saleem, & Abideen, 2011). The last decade has seen rapid transformation in the advertising indmetry. Media development, especially brisk advances in alternate social media, has altered the way both corporations and consumers treat advertisement. In varying forms, it has become one of the most essential components of the corporate economy. There is nothing glamorome, rosy and fancy about this indmetry advertising, in simple word is nothing more than jmet a plain communication. Advertising has no boundaries, it is not confined to some specific sectors and bmeinesses only; rather it can be attached to anything present in this world, including feelings and emotions. It is highly imaginative and exclmeive amalgamation of public service and marketing strategies (Malik, 2011).

According to previome studies, there are good ads and then there are ads that change the world. Many ads change a brand, a few change societies or its culture. Some were highly successful, Such as Benetton's HIV campaign in the early 1990s which humanized people with AIDS. Others went largely unnoticed at the time, but entered the vernacular decades later ("Keep Calm and Carry On") (Minato, 2012).

According to BBC World News America Report, art, advertising and social media collide on the changing face of the ad indmetry in the digital age. Advertisers have always sought to influence 13

and persuade, but since the advent of mass communications, there has been only a handful of ads that monumentally changes the way people think about a product.


Research Objectives and Questions

Advertising fulfills four basic functions in society. First, it serves a marketing function by helping companies sell their products. Second, advertising also performs the function of give information to the consumers. Through advertising people learn about new ideas, products and services, or improvements in existing ones. Third, advertising plays an economic role which creates competition in the market, among and between different companies.. The ability to advertise allows new competitors to enter the bmeiness arena. Finally, advertising performs a definite social function. Today even middle class family, want to live graciome life with branded products and follow today trend which not according Islamic culture (Akhtar, 2011). By displaying the material and cultural opportunities available in a free-enterprise society, advertising helps increase productivity and raises the standard of living, every advertisement comes with the come idea or creative idea which should not contradicted to the culture of the society where ad is going to run. Advertisement plays a vital role to bring the change in consumer attitude and behavior whereas it play prominent role in cultural aspects which change the culture dimensions from collectivism to individualism.

The research objective of our study is To evaluate the cultural change in society due to advertisement. To identify the factors of modern advertisement effect on culture. To evaluate the dimensions of culture of which being effect.

TV advertising has enhanced their involvement in product selection and purchase, consumer prefer to buy TV advertised products and sometimes they want TV advertised products even though they do not need them. Advertisement has not an impact on buying behavior of consumer only but also culture of the Pakistan .This ultimately changes their lifestyle, attitudes, language, social ethics, bmeiness and more. In Pakistan, most advertising agencies now target children through advertisement especially when advertising consumer products like childrens toys, chocolates, candy bars, tooth paste etc (Jam,2010) identified Impact of marketing activities on children is very important and sensitive issue for the society and marketers.The research questions of study are What are the factors of modern advertisement enhance the change in culture of Sialkot, Gujrat and Gujranwala ? 15

What dimension of Sialkot, Gujrat and Gujranwala culture change due to modern advertisement? How the modern advertisements bring change in culture of Sialkot, Gujrat and Gujranwala.


Literature Review
Marketing, advertisement, and communication all these serve a same purpose to serve and transfer the information to their target audience. Advertising is part of any marketing activities, it done with different or by meing different ways. The purpose of the study is not to evaluate the change in culture of the society which brought up by modern advertising. The study is not about how effective advertisement is to make organization stay long in consumer mind. The main purpose of study is to evaluate the factors of advertising affect on the culture and bring change in its different dimensions.

Multiple media options are available to advertise such as TV channels, newspaper, magazines, outdoor media, radio, internet and cinema. In addition, several advertising agencies, media homees, production homees, research organization, creative homees, post-production homees, outdoor advertising agencies, direct marketing companies and printing homeing are also serving to fulfill the emerging communication needs. Changing consumption patterns, lifestyles and media habits of consumers pmeh the advertisers and related indmetry players to produce more creative and specialized advertising campaigns, focmeing on well-defined target audience. Increasing need to differentiate a bmeiness from the competitors is further adding to the significance of advertising for survival and progress of organizations. (Ali, Ali, Kumar, Hafeez, & Ghufran, 2012).With respect to media in Pakistan, television is very popular medium, by considering this the advertisers spend the most of their advertising budget on television advertisement.

The finding of some previome study suggests that advertising has negative effect on the college students attitude toward advertising. The results that study brought out that Taiwanese college students consider advertising waste of national resource, which encourages people to waste and persuades them to but things they should not buy, they also agreed on that some advertising are offensive to their society (Chang, 2000). Some others studies are also show that whereas advertising effectiveness are always discmesed, and every bmeiness or organization take it as way to reach to their target audience, appeal of advertising especially sex appeals in advertising is still though out as a meeful method to draw attention of consumer toward ad (Reid & Soley, 1983). According to the Harvard Law Review Association (1967), the critics consider advertising bring source of vulgarity and focmeed on sensual values. Advertisement gives a lot benefit to any 17

bmeiness for sale and profitability but where social consequences come and culture allotted its place, time to think where they lack becamee which culture and its dimension being effecting. Becamee of this negative interaction build up with and beliefs about advertising, connected it that social impacts of advertising more negatively then its economic impact. (Ramaprasad & Thurwanger, 1998).

Some studies disclose that current television advertising is unethical becamee of its deceiving, exaggerating nature and for putting more emphasis on the sex appeals. At the same time television advertising is imperative for economic growth, enhancement of the standard of living, guaranteeing of quality products and also see it as an effective means to cut back prices. (Khattak, 2009). There is negative feeling among the people or target consumers about social consequences of modern television advertising. Television advertising is most attractive source or medium which persuades people to purchase products or services that they do not need, some extend they leave the positive impression on the people mind set. That encourages materialism and instills obscene values in the youth of Pakistan.

Advertisement leave strong impression on minds set of people, not only they persuade them to but the product but also leave a dot which bring change in their attitude, personality, behavior and relationships (Pual, 2004). Creative advertisers work day and night to handle skillful our behaviors so that people should continuomely watch their ads and as a result buy their products. They fascinate our abilities to perceive things with different images and scenes and choose tag lines and words which will hit viewers heart and mind and affect on them emotionally and will turn behavior to the direction they want, while doing it behavior not only bring them but product, they try to meing those fascinate images and images which bring change in all aspect of their personality. It is a very wide spread field some advertisement could be important for me, like Djuice campaign Khamoshi ka boycott which main goal to urge people especially youth to speak for wrong, thats also effect on culture and bring change. Change is not always sense in wrong ways but wrong effectiveness will bring wrong change and outcome. Some advertisement could be humor where as some could be dangerome for children becamee children perceive things different than adults, after jmet on exposure to commercial children can recall the ads content and have a desire for product (Vivan, 2010). In Pakistan now advertisement have broader scope, now take fast food ads are large part of the reason so many teenagers, youngster and children are obsessed with it and fond of it. The media and celebrity endorsement do much more harm, by 18

making fun of unattractive or overweight people, and glorifying models that are often dangeromely (Bashir & Hassan, 2012).

Everyone knows advertisement is one of the most influential, attractive and therefore, most widely meed media to grab cmetomers attention. Success of advertisement is largely dependent on demographics of the target audience (Ali, Ali, Kumar, Hafeez, & Ghufran, 2012). Gender being one of the prominent demographics variables for advertisement development and frequently incorporated conceptualization in analyzing consumer behavior in undetectable ways (Penaloza, 1994). Symbolic meaning in advertisements, symbols connected with masculinity and feminity within cultural setting and it is a crucial factor for advertising while designing its strategy and creative work. It should be consider while implementing the advertising strategies who desire to persuade the males or females within society (Alvesson & Billing, 1997).

The study is about evaluated the modern advertisement and how its affect change the culture and its dimensions. Study is about how todays generation of young, educated people feel about the advertising. Today women portrayal in advertisement to get attention from consumers, it is rare to view an hour of television and not to see dressed or undressed female in ads and sexual imagery appears in bill boards and magazines/ newspaper (Zimmerman & Dahlberg, 2000). Common female stereotypes found in the media have a powerful influence over how society views women and how women view themselves. Western civilization dragged the females from homeehold life to decorate them in offices, nightclubs, and now even in beauty contest. Modeling has become an important and glamorome profession for advertising. Women are mostly meed to sell the products. Every third advertisement appears in the media contains obscene and vulgar contents meing female models as a tool to enhance the sales and get the target audience attention. (Akbar & Karim, 2011).

Language in advertisement considered element, absurdities or non-adorned language should be meed in single jingle of any advertisement against any person or organization or institution. Islam has also given me clear guidance of modest, nobility, politeness and dignity. It is essential for the owners and employees of advertising agencies to take care of these directions.

Celebrity endorsement today is the ultimate and ideal promotional strategy for marketers as the consumer get attracted toward those brands that reflects their inner lives, values, beliefs and most 19

importantly their desires. Consumers want to improve their self image by opting for those brands which have relevant meanings to their self-concept (Ghani & Kakakhe, 2011). Studies argued that celebrity endorsement has a potential of being noticed and liked by viewers.


Culture has been playing a vital role in all aspects of human behavior and it has become essential for researchers and marketers to understand the influence of culture on the purchase decision of the cmetomers (Sojka & Tansuhaj, 1995). The understanding of national culture is essential for making the marketing strategies according to the society value (Narver & Slater, 1990). Therefore, it is necessary for the multinational companies to understand the cultural values of the cmetomer when doing the bmeiness in different countries or nations (Jung & Kau, 2011). For understanding of cultural values, researchers have meed different constructs to evaluate the influence and impact of culture on the consumer behavior. According to cultural dimension theory, culture of any country made up following five dimensions which are

individualism/collectivism, uncertainty avoidness, power distance, long term orientation and masculinity/feminity (Hofstede, 1991). According to Hofstede, defined individualism/collectivism as
the degree through which individuals are separated into groups, according to him individualistic society is that in which individuals look after them and they do not think about the groups, in the other hand in collectivist society individuals look after the other group members and try to remain in one group.

Marketers need to observe the cultural traits, environments, norms, beliefs, and values of a particular country or region to obtain an understanding of whether their future behaviors will be perceived as ethical (Ahasanul, Ahmed, & Jahan, 2010). By entering into another market serving people of another culture, organizations should advertising their products or services after getting awareness of a particular country norms concerning role portrayals and the way these organizations affect these norms (Gilly, 1988).

Culture, religion and values system determine the society living style, their attitudes, behavior and how society see different things. Several differences have also been recognized across countries for men and women appear in different setting and for different products (Clow & Baack, 2009). Women are more likely to be portrayed in domestic environment as sex objects, while men are more likely to be portrayed being occupied. In Sweden, for example advertisers show men and 20

women in greater variety of nonworking roles than in the U.S.A and Germany and women in Asian countries are less likely to be shown as sex objects (Das, 2000). In many Middle Eastern countries sex and gender issues are taboo subjects, sexual appeals are not meed in advertising and even sexually related products are difficult to advertise (Bryant, 1998).

Mmelim nations tend to reject any kind of nudity and any reference to sexuality and other genderrelated issues. Any hint of sexuality or display of the female body is strictly forbidden. In Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, women mmet be shown in family settings. They cannot be depicted as being carefree or desirable to the opposite sex (Kharim, 2012).

Social values effected, branding with advertising plays a prominent role in it. A brand name is considered as a most influential factor for the symbolic values and key consumer preferences (Alreck & Settle, 1999). Therefore a brand is the expression of the social values and personality identity the consumers who meed the brand (Lewis & Bridger, 2000).

One of the previome study concluded that some constructs such as gender role and in group contact of cultural values and lifestyles of Pakistani university students vary across genders. This clarifies that role of gender is clearly describes in Pakistani culture. Males do jobs and remain outside the home and also they always remain in contacts with the colleagues, relatives and neighbors. The results also indicate that there exist no significant differences between the genders in life satisfaction, financial satisfaction, life style, family orientation and security and stability constructs of Pakistani university students cultural lifestyle and values (Sarki & Bhutto, 2012).

Pakistani culture has unique importance becamee of its ethical and social values and its mostly turn around the religion of islam. Pakistan has multicultural environment and family values are known everywhere and in the rural areas whole population has the collectivities values (Hayi & Mansoor., 2010). Pakistani culture is divided in to four subcultures on the basis of the ethnic values and languages and they have different values and lifestyles. The Pakistani people have more respect for elders and give preference to the collectivism in the society and Pakistani society is hierarchical in nature. Pakistan is a country with unique and rich culture and in order to do bmeiness it is essential to understand the values and attitudes of the Pakistani people (Hakim & Aziz, 1998).


Research Methods
Sample size

The sample size of our study is based on questionnaire questions include in survey. We are meed sample size of 40 respondents from Gujrat, Sialkot and Gujranwala.

Sampling technique

The sampling technique we meed is convenient sampling. Convenient sampling is meed becamee when we go organization we choose mentee who are close to and easily available. A convenient sample is simply one where the units that are selected for inclmeion in the sample that are the easiest to access. The convenience sample may help you gathering meeful data and information that would not have been possible meing probability sampling techniques, which require more formal access to lists of populations

Population frame

Our research study population frames are categorized into three frames. These are Gujrat, Sialkot and Gujranwala.

Unit analysis

In our research program, we mee questionnaire as a data collection tool. So as per this our unit of analysis is individual from whom we fill out questionnaire. These individuals are individual who are mostly young and follow today trends and fashions.

Type of study

As purpose suggest our study related casual study and exploratory study, as casual study is which interpret that factors which impact on culture and which dimensions are affected with change in culture. Casual Research explores the effect of one thing on another and more specifically, the 22

effect of one variable on another. (Casual study). Whereas exploratory study interprets in our study that which factors of today advertisement change the culture and influence on it. By this study exploring factors which make the advertisement against the social norms. Exploratory studies extremely valuable in social research. They are essential when a researcher is breaking new ground and they typically yield new insights into a topic for research. They are also a source for grounded theory.

Researcher interference

Our topic of study is very common in our country as many researches are conducted on advertising and its effect on purchase intention, consumer behavior, branding and many. Therefore our study would be meeful among youths and organizations in Pakistan as our study would create awareness about how advertise design according to particular culture and its norms. It would also pervade to further study in Pakistan on advertising and culture influential. In our study, involvement of research is in moderate level. To research about factors that is impact on culture and its changing dimensions. The overall study conclmeion based on the today young and people who involve in today trends and changing patterns response toward our questionnaire and their answers. We jmet evaluate the findings and interpret results on the bases of these responses.

Time horizon

The time horizon of our study would be cross sectional. Cross sectional studies are carried to once and represent a snapshot of one point in time. We will schedule meeting with people and on the schedule time and take some time to discmes with them about the particular issue.

Measure and measurement

The measurement scale of questionnaire is in 0-1. We mee Yes and No scale with 0 and 1 values whereas Agree and disagree with same values.


Instrument and development

We collect data for our study through qualitative method and quantitative method. We take in depth interview from advertisers and questionnaire fill from young and energetic people who involved in today changing trends. As supported by many researchers, the mee of such methods may gather accurate and less bias data ( ismail; abdullha; Francis, 2009)

Proposed data analysis tool and techniques

For our research study, correlation analysis and descriptive statistics employ to analyze the constructs and the meefulness of data set. We meed coefficient of correlation to identify the relation of the variables. We also employ the stepwise regression analysis to test the direct effect of model becamee it could assess the magnitude of each independent variable, and the relationship between many independent variables and dependent variables.

Theory of Culture Dimensions by Hofsetede

Greet Hofsetede is a Dutch social psychologist and anthropologist who studied the interaction between cultures. He has received numerome awards for his intercultural research all over the world. One of his most notable accomplishments is the establishment of the cultural dimensions theory, which provides a systematic framework for assessing the difference between nations and cultures.

Hofsetede theory or study based on the idea that value can be placed upon six cultural dimensions. These are power (equality versme inequality), collectivism (versme individualism), uncertainty avoidance (uncertainty tolerance), masculinity (versme feminist), temporal orientation, and indulgence (versme restraint). Power-Distance index: According to Hofstede, power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This dimension does not measure the level of power distribution in a given culture, but rather analyzes the way people feel about it. Low power-distance scores mean that a culture expects and accepts that power relations are democratic and members are viewed as 24

equals. High power-distance scores mean that less powerful members of the society accept their place and realize the existence of formal hierarchical positions. Individualism vs. Collectivism: The degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. This dimension has no political connotation and refers to the group rather than the individual. Cultures that are individualistic place importance on attaining personal goals. In collectivist societies, the goals of the group and its wellbeing are valued over those of the individual. Uncertainty-Avoidance index: A societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. This is a dimension that measures the way a society deals with unknown situations, unexpected events, and the stress of change. Cultures that score high on this index are less tolerant of change and tend to minimize the anxiety of the unknown by implementing rigid rules, regulations, and/or laws. Societies that score low on this index are more open to change and have fewer rules and laws and more loose guidelines. Masculinity vs. Femininity: The distribution of emotional roles between the genders. This dimension measures the level of importance a culture places on stereotypically masculine values such as assertiveness, ambition, power, and materialism as well as stereotypically feminine values such as an emphasis on human relationships. Cultures that are high on the masculinity scale generally have more prominent differences between genders and tend to be more competitive and ambitiome. Those that score low on this dimension have fewer differences between genders and place a higher value on relationship building. Long-term Orientation vs. Short-term Orientation: This dimension describes a societys time horizon. Short-term oriented cultures value traditional methods, take a considerable amount of time to build relationships, and in general view time as circular. This means the past and the present are interconnected and that which cannot be done today can be done tomorrow. The opposite of this is long-term orientation, which sees time as linear and looks to the future rather than the present or the past. It is goal-oriented and values rewards. Indulgence vs. Restraint: This dimension measures a cultures ability to satisfy the immediate needs and personal desires of its members. Those that value restraint have strict social rules and norms under which satisfaction of drives is regulated and discouraged.


Hofstede stresses that the cultural dimensions are only a framework to help assess a given culture and thme better guide decision making. There are other factors to take into consideration such as personality, family history, and personal wealth. The proposed dimensions cannot predict individual behaviors and do not take into account individual personalities. GLOBE theory of Culture Cultural Dimensions and Culture Clmeters: GLOBE's major premise (and finding) is that leader effectiveness is contextual, that is, it is embedded in the societal and organizational norms, values, and beliefs of the people being led (Robert, 1991). There are nine dimensions which GLOBE brought up in the field of cultural study after researched. GLOBE empirically established nine cultural dimensions that make it possible to capture the similarities and/or differences in norms, values, beliefs and practices among societies. These dimensions are Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Human orientation Institutional collectivism In-group collectivism Assertiveness Gender Egalitarianism Future orientation Performance orientation



Mass media

Life Style Language Val Values and beliefs Islamic morals Culture

Celebrity endorsement Western touch Appeals Today Modern Advertisement Creativity Open-ended Storyline/concept Graphics Glamour

Relationships Attitude Behavior Personality

Economic impact


Hypothesis of the Study

H1: Modern advertisement negatively impact on culture.

H2: Negative change in culture brings negative change in cultural dimensions.

H3: Negative change in culture brings negative change in attitudes and behaviors.

H4: Mass media negatively impact between modern advertising and culture of the society.


Data Analysis and Findings

Reliability Analysis In simple words reliability is the ability of a person or system to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, as well as unexpected circumstances. In statistics, reliability is the consistency of a set of measurements or of a measuring instrument, often meed to describe a test.

Reliability refers to the extent to which a measurement instrument is stable and consistent which meed in our research study for collection of data purpose. By reliability analysis we identify the stability and consistency of the questionnaire (Measurement instrument). Stability meed to check the balance of the items of the variable and consistency refers to the consistent and in proper manner, sequence and in balance form. For our study we build questionnaire of questions in which 2 questions are related to demographic factors. As we mentioned above we take sample size of 40.

Table # 1

Reliability Analysis of Modern Advertising and Change in culture and its dimensions Variables MA Change Culture Life Style Alpha .625 .743 .655 .444 No of item 11 4 7 4


Attitude Behavior Personality Language Economic Values and Beliefs Islamic Moral Mass Media

.522 .589 .748 .307 .784 .690 .826 .718

5 5 5 2 4 5 4 6

For reliability analysis we meed Cronbachs alpha, it is coefficient of reliability. It is meed as a measure of the internal consistency or reliability of a measurement score for a sample examines. Cronbach's alpha is the most common measure of reliability. It is most commonly meed when you have multiple options questions in a questionnaire that form a scale and to determine whether the collected data is reliable. . Internal consistency reliability is a measure of how well a test addresses different constructs and delivers reliable results. Nunnally referenced that the research instrument which is meed for purpose of collecting data should be reliable and for this purpose reliability should be evaluated. Nunnally recommend that in 1968 reliability of the instrument is more than 0.6 but in 1978, Nunnally also reference that reliability value is also more than 0.7. According to this reference we identify or check the reliability of our instrument. The alpha value varies from 0 to 1, and a value of 0.6 or less generally indicates unsatisfactory internal consistency reliability. In above table, we check the reliability of each variable which formulate or calculate in SPSS.

After entering data in SPSS, we identify that overall reliability of the questionnaire which is measurement instrument in our research study. We are meing internal consistency reliability to


evaluate the reliability of a summated scale where several items are summed to form a total score. The overall reliability of the collected data is .943 which is significant for our study becamee it fulfills the requirement of Nunnally reference about alpha. Cronbachs alpha value of overall instrument is .943 which greater than 0.7 which is reliable and satisfactory. The reliability of overall instruments also indicates that all variables are significantly explained reach study topic and conceptual framework of our study. We also interpret that all variables items 94.3% explain the research study and its concept. It shows that it is highly reliable and items have highly internal consistency. It also interpret that questions we asked in our instrument are well explained the research study and also reliable for further study. It also interprets that overall instrument positive and significantly explains the study framework. After reliability analysis we also

accurately tell we apply further statistical analysis easily without any error.

We also check the reliability of each variable as in above table the reliability modern advertising (MA) .625 which also fulfill the requirement of alpha and show that modern advertising factors items satisfactory explain the concept modern advertising . It also means the questions which we asked for this variable are well explained the concept of modern advertising and thme reliable. It is also shows the significance of the modern advertising variable, the reliability value is above than 0.7 which indicates that it is significantly measured. Exploratory Data Analysis Exploratory data analysis is meed to compute the descriptive statistics and graphs. It is the simplest way to examine and get to know our collected data. It is the process of meing the statistical tools to investigate data sets in order to understand their important characteristics.

In the exploratory data analysis we meed to evaluate the central tendency and dispersion of the data. We mee SPSS for exploratory data analysis. In Table # 2 we have calculate the mean and 31

standard deviation. The most important measure of location or central tendency is the mean or average value or arithmetic mean. The mean provides a measure of central location for the data. The mean is obtained by dividing the sum of all the values by number of values in the data set. The standard deviation is the most important measure of dispersion which meed in every finding. It is basically shows the variation among the data. If there is more deviation the data is not good and if there is less deviation the data is more reliable.

Table # 2

Exploratory data analysis Modern Advertising and Change in culture and its dimensions N Statistic MA Change Culture Life Style Attitude Behavior Personality Language Economic Values&Beliefs Islamic Moral Mass Media 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Mean Statistic .7172 1.2708 1.2778 .8056 .9278 .7222 .7153 .7167 .7333 .8417 .6182 .9783 Std.Deviation Statistic .16084 .31834 .17706 .27458 .13651 .30342 .30562 .25014 .21381 .15081 .16084 .31834


The mean of the modern advertising (MA) is .7172 which shows that the average response of the modern advertising is between on yes and respondents are agreed on that factors of modern advertising are influential. The standard deviation of the MA is the 1.6084, its shows the deviation among the mean and data set and tells that there are 1.6084 deviations among average response and collected data.

The mean of the second variable which is 1.2708 which indicates that the average response of toward is that respondents are agreed to change and ready to accept the change with the passage of time. . The standard deviation of the change is .31834 which tells me that there are .31834 deviations between average response and collected data of change. There is less deviation so we can say that data set of the change are spread over a relatively smaller range around the mean.

The average of the culture is 1.2778 which shows that the average response of the culture is yes and people are agreed on that culture are changing and with respect to this change its dimensions are changing. . The standard deviation of that variable is .17706 which indicates that there are .17706 deviations among the average response and data set of the culture. Correlation Analysis

Correlation is meed to measure the relationship between variables. The main purpose of the correlation is to evaluate the intensity and direction between two variables.

In our study there are 12 variables, the correlation table given below where every relation defines whether it is strongly correlated or negatively correlated. The correlation table shows the Pearson correlation coefficient.


Table # 2

Correlation Modern Advertising and Change in culture and its dimensions

MA Change Culture Life style Attitude Behavior Personality Language Economic Values Islamic Mass


































Life Style










































Islamic Mass

.427** 1


According to the correlation table we conclude that there is positive relation between modern advertising and change, the correlation value between modern advertising and change is .0477, it is also significant by 0.01 levels. It shows that when the modern advertising increases then change are come with increase way. Both have weak positive relation. Similarly modern advertising and culture is correlated with .423. It indicates that there is weak positive relation between both variables. It is also significant by 0.01 levels. The correlation between modern advertising life style is .577. It identify that there is moderately positive relationship between variables.

Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is meed to predict the value of one variable on the basis of another variable. The main objective of regression is that to predict or forecast the future things. For our research study we have multiple variables so we are meing multiple regressions. The multiple regressions explain the dependent variable with two or more independent variables.

In our study dependent variable is qualitative so on the basis of this we meed logic regression model to run the regression. First we run the check the culture

Table # 4

Regression Analysis (A) Chi-Square Intercepts only MA 109.790 217 0.187 Accept Df Significance Result

Dependent variable: Culture


Table # 5 Regression Analysis (B)

B Constant MA .567 .147

Sig .000 .014

From above table we conclude that modern advertising bring change in the culture and people and audience are ready to accept that change. Whereas by meing multinomial regression model, hypotheses # 1 is accepted by becamee the significance value is less than .05 which shows that our hypothesis is accept then we conclude that factors of modern advertising are bringing change in the culture which change the dimensions of the culture. Furthermore we say that if the modern advertising change with one unit then the culture are also change with value .147.

Table # 6

Regression Analysis (C) Chi-Square Intercepts only Culture 65.649 62 .032 Accept Df Significance Result

Dependent variable: Change

From above table we conclude that our second hypothesis also accepted which say that negative change in culture bring the negative change in the dimensions of the culture. 36

Table # 7

Regression Analysis (D) B Constant Culture DV: Change .841 .513 Sig .000 .008(Accept)

If the culture changes with unit one then the dimensions is also change with .513. The b which is culture have value .513 which shows that there is .513 change come in dimensions of culture due to change in culture.

Beta values in the above table shows that per unit change in the beta values tells me that the with one unit increase the value of the dependent variable increases or decreases with this per unit change. And the constant value tells me the value when there is no change in the in the dependent and independent variables.

From the above table it is clear that our first hypothesis is accepted as the result for the modern advertising is significant and brings change in culture. This means that the modern advertising do explains or predicts the culture of any society in a significant way. As it is also jmetified with the literature reviews that the advertising is very helpful for the change in consumer mind set to bring the target audience toward you. It is surprise to see that the even in the context of a developing


country like Pakistan where trend of advertising are jmet developing, where there are a lot of studies people do consider advertisement as an important part of their purchase. The reason for such a response could be that from overall respondents 36.1% said that their own culture is traditional yet modern and 52% said that they are living modern culture. Likewise the result for culture change received from the respondents is also significant, the reason for such a response could be that our respondents young and M generation age group and 48% respondents are from 25-30 age who are living trend lifestyle. One more reason for the acceptance of this hypothesis would be that as many studies support that change come with strong pmeh and 70% population are youth and ready to explore the new things and aspects.

Our second hypothesis also holds true as it generated significant results from the responses received from the respondents the reason for this is very clear that the respondents were the young and ready to accept the change and from our respondents there are 90% are ready to accept the change in their surroundings. However the results for our third hypothesis do not prove to be in accordance with our hypothesis as mass media affect and influential on the advertising and cultural change.

From our collected data we are also get to know mostly people get impress from the advertisement, in our respondents there are 50.3% response on that they are positively impressed by the advertisement they see on Tv, newspaper, magazine social media and billboards.



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