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Summer 2013, Native Tribal Scholars Program

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Application for Admission


A Partnership among the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB),
Funded by a Grant from the U.S. Department of Educations Office of Indian Education

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS We are pleased that you are interested in the Native Tribal Scholars Program! Our program provides academic support and educational opportunities for Native American students in Massachusetts. In order to be eligible for this program, you must be considering attending college in the future and be of American Indian/Native Alaskan heritage (members of state or federally recognized tribes and residing in Massachusetts). The Native Tribal Scholars Program focuses its recruitment efforts on rising 9th through rising10th grade students from the following groups: Mashpee Wampanoag youth in Barnstable, Plymouth, and Bristol Counties Native youth attending the Boston Public Schools and living in Suffolk County Nipmuc youth served by NAICOB living outside of Suffolk County Native youth in the WIA service areas of NAICOB and MWT Follow these 7 steps to complete your application: 1. Fill out your personal and educational information on Part I and II. 2. Ask your parent(s)/guardian(s) to fill out your family information in Part III. 3. Ask your parent(s)/guardian(s) to fill out and sign the Income and Citizenship Statements in Part IV. Please submit one of the following to document your family income: Income Verification--a copy of your recent tax return Form 1040 or 1040EZ, or a letter from the Department of Transitional Assistance and/or Social Security. Please note that providing information about family income is NOT mandatory for program participation. However, this data is useful for program administrators in seeking additional funding for this and similar programs. 4. With the help of your parent(s)/guardian(s), please complete the Medical Release and Medical History Form in Part V and Part VI. 5. Ask your parent(s)/guardian(s) to read and sign the Parent(s) Contract of Participation in Part VII. You need to read and sign the Student Contract of Participation in Part VIII. 6. You and your parent(s)/guardian(s) should complete the Release of Information in Part IX. Ask your guidance counselor for a copy of your official high school transcript and copies of your most recent MCAS scores. If you are enrolled in special education course(s), a current copy of your Individual Education Plan must accompany the application. 7. Choose a teacher AND a community leader or a school official who knows your work as a student and your commitment to your education. Ask each recommender to provide a brief recommendation, using the attached forms. Thank you for your interest in the Native Tribal Scholars Program. Once we receive your completed application, we will schedule an interview with you. We believe that our program offers an exciting opportunity for you to work toward your future educational goals, and we look 2

forward assisting you in achieving those goals. PART I: STUDENT INFORMATION (Please print or type) Date: _____/______/________(month/day/year) First Name: ____________________ Last Name: ___________________________ M.I:.____ Age: _______ Date of Birth: ____/____/______(month/day/year) Place of Birth: ___________________________________

Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female

Home Address: __________________________________________ Apt. No: _______________ City: ________________________________________ State: ______ Phone Number: ( ) _______-__________ Zip Code: ___________


Mailing Address (if different): ___________________________________ Apt. No: _________ City: ______________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: ___________

Ethnic and Racial Background Please respond to each of the following two questions. This information is used for the purpose of reporting to the United States Department of Education. 1. Ethnicity: Are you Hispanic/Latino? 2. Race (please check all that apply): Black or African American Asian White American Indian, Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander [ ] Yes [ ] No

3. What is your Tribal Affiliation? _________________________________________________


Is English your first language?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No [ ] No

5. Is English the primary language spoken at home? [ ] Yes

6. If not, what language is spoken at home?___________________________________________

PART II: EDUCATION INFORMATION Name of high school: _______________________________ Name of high school guidance counselor: Students high school I.D. number (the ID number on your report card): ____________ Grade:

Please check the box below that represents the highest level of education that you (the student) expect to complete: GED Two-year College High School Four-year College Career or Vocational Degree Program Master's Degree Doctoral Degree

Extracurricular Activities Please list any Extracurricular Activities (athletics, part time employment, clubs, etc.) in their order of importance to you: Activity Grade Position Held ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

What are you current plans for work or education after graduation from high school? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

On separate sheets of paper write two essays that answer the following questions. Use at least one page per question. 1. What does education mean to you? 2. Why are you interested in the Native Tribal Scholars Program? What do you hope to gain from the program?


Mothers (or Guardians) First Name: ___________________ Last Name: __________________

Address (if different): _____________________________________ Apt. No: _______________ City: ____________________________ Daytime phone number: ( State: ___________ Zip Code: ________________ ) ______-_______

) _______-_______ Evening phone number: (

Fathers (or Guardians) First Name: ____________________ Last Name: ___________________

Address (if different): _____________________________________ Apt. No: _______________ City: ________________________

Daytime phone number: (

State: ___________

Zip Code: ________________ ) ____-____________

) _____-_______

Evening phone number: (

Emergency Contact First Name: _________________ Last Name: __________________________ Daytime phone number: (

) _______-_______

Evening phone number: (

) _______-_______

Relationship to student: _________________________________________________________________


Please note that providing the following information is not mandatory; however, it is useful to program administrators in identifying additional funding (e.g., grants) for this and similar programs. With whom does the student live? Both parents/adoptive parents Mother/adoptive mother only

Father/adoptive father only Guardian(s)

Other ________________ (please specify)

Please check the highest education level completed: Elementary School GED/High School

2 Year College

Mother/adoptive Father/adoptive

[] []

[] []

[] []

4 Year College (Received Bachelors Degree) [] []

If the either parent(s) graduated from a four-year college, what country was the degree completed in and what degree was received? Mother: Country: _______________________ Father: Country: _______________________ Degree: _______________________ Degree: _______________________

family income information is NOT mandatory. However, the information is very useful to program administrators in identifying additional funding and resources for this and similar programs for Native youth. The income information you provide will NOT affect your childs eligibility for participation in the program.

INCOME VERIFICATION I, ________________________________, parent or guardian of __________________________ do hereby state that my familys taxable income for the previous calendar year was $__________ and that my family size last year was _____ people. Parent(s)/guardian(s) please attach INCOME VERIFICATION: a copy of their income tax form (1040 or 1040EZ) or a letter from the Department of Transitional Assistance and/or Social Security Office documenting family income. If the family receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, please check here [ ]. If your child qualifies for Free lunch through his/her schools Free/Reduced lunch program, please check here [ ].

VERIFICATION OF U. S. CITIZENSHIP/ RESIDENCY Childs Social Security Number: ___________________________________________________ Is your child a United States citizen? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If your child is not a U.S. citizen, does s/he have status under the Jay Treaty? If your child is not a U.S. citizen, what is his/her country of citizenship?____________________ If your child is not a U.S. citizen, please provide his/her Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) Number: ________________
Please provide a copy of your childs Social Security card and, if applicable, a copy of his/her Permanent Resident card (both sides). The application will be considered incomplete without these documents.

CERTIFICATION All of the information provided by me or any other person in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________ Date

___________________________ Student Signature

___________________________ Date 6


Please fill out the form below with your parent(s)/guardian(s). This form is valid for as long as you are a member of the Program.

I, the undersigned Parent/Guardian executing this document on behalf of myself and my heirs and assigns, shall hold harmless and release The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, and the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) from and against any and all claims of whatever nature, liability, losses, damages, costs, expenses, personal injury, property damage, or injury arising out of or related to the named students participation in the activities of the Native Tribal Scholars Program.

I, _____________________________, as parent or legal guardian further give my (Parent/Guardian) permission for the Native Tribal Scholars Director or any appropriately designated staff person to obtain for my child, ________________________________, any (Child) medical or other emergency services that in his/her judgment seem appropriate.

___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

___________________________ Date


First Name: ____________________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____ (month/day/year)

Last Name: ________________________

Address: ______________________________________________ Apt. No_______________ City: _________________________________ Parent(s) phone numbers: Home: ( State: ____ Zip Code: ________________ Work:( ) _____-_____


If the parent(s) are not available, whom to call:

First Name: _____________________ Last Name: _________________ Relationship __________

Phone number: (

) ________-_________

Medical Insurance Company: _____________________________________________________ Policy Number:_________________________________________________________________ Students Doctors Name:_________________________________________________________ Phone number: ( ) _______-________

Name of hospital student receives services from: ______________________________________ Phone Number: ( ) ________-________

Allergies: ____________________________________________________________________ Diseases/Special Conditions: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Allergic to any medication? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, please list the name(s) of the medication(s): ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Is student taking any medication? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, please list the name(s) of medication(s) the student is taking: ______________________________________________________________________________ Please provide any instructions for the dispensation of the medication: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8

PART VII: PARENT CONTRACT OF PARTICIPATION I will meet the following requirements as a Native Tribal Scholars participants parent(s)/guardian(s). 1. I will work with my child toward maintaining at least a 2.5 or C+ average in all of his/her high school classes. 2. I will ensure that my child follows the rules and regulations of the program. 3. I will enforce all rules and regulations of the program as they pertain to my child. 4. I will encourage my child to attend the six-week summer program, which is residential. 5. I will ensure that my child attends workshops and participates tutoring, as need, and special and activities during the academic year and summer program. 6. I will not allow my child to be involved with drugs or alcohol. I understand that the use of drugs or alcohol is not tolerated and will result in my childs immediate dismissal from the Program. 7. I will answer all appropriate inquiries from the program staff regarding my child.

I,______________________, the parent/guardian of ________________________ do hereby agree to the terms and rules of the Native Tribal Scholars Program.

___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

___________________________ Date


I will meet the following requirements as a Native Tribal Scholars participant: 1. 2. 3. 4. I will work toward maintaining at least a 2.5 or C+ average in all my high school classes. I will respect teachers, tutors, and my fellow students. I will not disturb classes and I will hand in all assignments. I will attend the six-week summer program, which is residential, and I will obey all rules of the summer program. 5. I will not tease, harass, bully, or fight with anyone in the program. 6. I will attend workshops, tutoring, and special activities during the academic year and summer program. I understand that excessive absences will be reason for disciplinary action or termination from the program. 7. I will not be involved with drugs or alcohol. I understand that the use of drugs or alcohol is not tolerated and will result in my immediate dismissal from the program. 8. I will ensure that my parent(s) call the program in the event of a cancellation for any trips/activities that I have signed up to be part of. In the event of a cancellation without prior notice, I understand that I will be responsible for the cost of my scheduled participation. 9. I will follow the rules and regulations Native Tribal Scholars. 10. I will develop myself fully for graduation from high school and college. If my commitment is found to be lacking in any of these areas, it may result in disciplinary action or dismissal from the program. ___________________________ Student Signature ___________________________ Date


PART IX: RELEASES MEDIA RELEASE I hereby give my permission to Native Tribal Scholars to photograph, film, videotape and/or make sound recordings of my child, to quote or publish statements of my child and to use such photographs, films, videotapes, sound recordings and/or other statements in NAICOBs or Mashpee Wampanoag Tribes educational and promotional/advertising materials and for other purposes specified below. I understand that my child may be identified in any photographs, news stories or publications that Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe or the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) considers appropriate for release to magazines, newspapers, World Wide Web sites, and/or other publications. I further understand that any such photographs, films, videotapes, sound recordings and/or written works are the property of Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, or the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) and that neither my child nor I am entitled to any compensation for or rights in these materials. I release the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) from all liability with respect to the matters covered by this release. Parents/Guardians Name: ___________________________________________ Parents/Guardians Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ *****If you do NOT wish to give your permission to Native Tribal Scholars to photograph, film, videotape and/or make sound recordings of your child, to quote or publish statements of your child and to use such photographs, films, videotapes, sound recordings and/or other statements in NAICOBs or Mashpee Wampanoag Tribes educational and promotional/advertising materials and for other purposes, please sign below: Parents/Guardians Name: ___________________________________________ Parents/Guardians Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________


RELEASE OF INFORMATION With my signature, I, _______________________________ the parent/guardian of _______________________________(child) do hereby grant permission to the staff of the Native Tribal Scholars Program, to access my childs school records, including the following: grades, test scores (MCAS, PSAT, and SAT), and free/reduced lunch eligibility information. In addition, I (parent/guardian) hereby authorize post-secondary institutions to release to Native Tribal Scholars copies of academic, enrollment, and student aid award information from the college/university my child (I) will be attending after high school graduation. I understand that all information will be kept confidential and that records will be used for assessing student needs, monitoring student progress, documenting eligibility for the program, and for reporting purposes. The information shall only be transferred to a third party outside the Native Tribal Scholars Program on the condition that written consent of a parent(s)/guardian(s) (or applicant, if over 18) is first obtained.

___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________ Student Signature

___________________________ Date ___________________________ Date


Recommendation Form To Whom It May Concern: The student listed below has expressed an interest in joining the Native Tribal Scholars Program. Native Tribal Scholars is a higher educational opportunity program offered through a partnership among the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) for Native American students who are interested in attending post-secondary education after graduating from high school. During the academic year, the students participate in monthly workshops at the Mashpee Tribal Office and NAICOB. During the summer, participants live on a college campus and have a full schedule of academic activities for six weeks.

Native Tribal Scholars requires a commitment from the students and cooperation from their parents. To
help in the decision-making process, we require two recommendation letters; at least one of the forms must be filled out by the students teacher and the second form can be from a school official or a community agency member (e.g., tribal leader or member, pastor, community program personnel, etc.). Please assist us by providing an informative evaluation. To the Student: Fill in the information below and give this form to someone you feel will provide an objective and informative opinion about you. One of these forms must be completed by your teacher and the other one can be from a community agency or a school official. First Name: ______________________ Last Name: _____________________ MI: ____ Grade: __________________________ Name of School: ________________________________

Please Print or Type Name: __________________________________________ Position: _________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ Name of Organization: ______________________________

How long have you know this student and in what capacity? _________________________________________________ What are the first three words that come to mind when describing this student? 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________


Please use the space below to assess the students potential to be a successful participant in the program. We would appreciate your comments on the students ability in any of the following areas: initiative, sense of responsibility, intellectual curiosity and imagination, writing and oral expression, working with and relating to others, common sense and good judgment, and persistence in completing tasks. If you need more space, please attach additional pages.

I recommend this student to the Native Tribal Scholars Program: [ ] With Reservation [ ] Somewhat [ ] Strongly [ ] Enthusiastically _______________________________________ Signature _______________________ Date

You may either return this recommendation to the student or send by mail or fax to:

Please keep in mind that we will not review the students application without this recommendation form. Thank you for your time and support of this student.


Recommendation Form

To Whom It May Concern: The student listed below has expressed an interest in joining the Native Tribal Scholars Program. Native Tribal Scholars is a higher educational opportunity program offered through a partnership among the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, the North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB) and UMass Boston, for Native American students who are interested in attending post-secondary education after graduating from high school. During the academic year, the students participate in monthly workshops at the Mashpee Tribal Office and NAICOB. During the summer, participants live on a college campus and have a full schedule of academic activities for six weeks.

Native Tribal Scholars requires a commitment from the students and cooperation from their parents. To
help in the decision-making process, we require two recommendation letters; at least one of the forms must be filled out by the students teacher and the second form can be from a school official or a community agency member (e.g., tribal leader or member, pastor, community program personnel, etc.). Please assist us by providing an informative evaluation. To the Student: Fill in the information below and give this form to someone you feel will provide an objective and informative opinion about you. One of these forms must be completed by your teacher and the other one can be from a community agency or a school official. First Name: ______________________ Last Name: _____________________ MI:____

Grade: __________________________ Name of School: ________________________________

Please Print or Type Name: __________________________________________ Position: _________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ Name of Organization: ______________________________

How long have you know this student and in what capacity? _________________________________________________ What are the first three words that come to mind when describing this student? 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________


Please use the space below to assess the students potential to be a successful participant in the program. We would appreciate your comments on the students ability in any of the following areas: initiative, sense of responsibility, intellectual curiosity and imagination, writing and oral expression, working with and relating to others, common sense and good judgment, and persistence in completing tasks. If you need more space, please attach additional pages.

I recommend this student to the Native Tribal Scholars Program: [ ] With Reservation [ ] Somewhat [ ] Strongly [ ] Enthusiastically _____________________________________ Signature __________________________ Date

You may either return this recommendation to the student or send by mail or fax to:

Please keep in mind that we will not review the students application without this recommendation form. Thank you for your time and support of this student.


STUDENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Completed Applicationwith all appropriate signatures Completed Essays Income Verification (very helpful, but not mandatory) Income Documentation (very helpful, but not mandatory) Recommendation #1 Recommendation #2 Transcript Copy of Social Security Card Copy of Permanent Resident Card, if applicable Interview


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