Rules On Electronic Evidence
Rules On Electronic Evidence
Rules On Electronic Evidence
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Misconceptions Coverage Electronic Documentary Evidence Electronic Signatures:Authentication Examination of Witnesses Audio, Video, Photos, etc. Ephemeral Electronic Communication
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The REE makes electronic evidenceThe REE ma admissible The REE allows electronic notarization
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Civil Cases QuasiQuasi-judicial Cases Administrative Cases NOW Criminal Cases v Life and Liberty v Fear of electronic evidence v Not in original draft
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Underlying Principles
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Anything in electronic form that performs theAnything same function will be sufficient Ex.: Handwritten vs. Electronic Signatures
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Underlying Principles
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As opposed to technologytechnology-specific To accommodate emerging and non non-existing technology (Durability of the Statute)
To avoid market distortions arising fromTo avoid mark endorsing one technology (kills innovation andendorsin entrenches the incumbent)
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Underlying Principles
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Underlying Principles
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No disparity in legal treatment betweenNo dispa paper and electronic documentspaper and electro Section 12, ECA (worded in the negative) Example: fake or forged documents
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refers to informationrefers generated, to information sent, received orgenerated, s stored by electronic, optical or similar meansby electronic, op n
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Electronic Data Message refers to informationECA: Electronic generated, sent, received or similar means.
: Electronic Data Message refers to informationIRR: : Electronic generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, optical orgenerated, sent, r similar means, but not limited to, electronic data interchangebut not limited (EDI), electronic mail, telegram, telex or telecopy. ThroughoutThroughout these Rules, the term electronic data message shall bethese Rules, the term equivalent to and be used interchangeably with electronicequivalent to and document.
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not limited to, electronic data interchange (EDI),but not lim electronic mail, telegram, telex or telecopy
nIntentionally nResort
dropped by Congress
to quotation from Sen. Miriam DefensorDefensor-Santiago during the floor deliberations:during As drafted, the floor it would deliberations: not applyAs drafted, i to telexes or faxes, except computer computer-generated faxes, unlike the United Nations model law on electronic commerce. faxes were expressly excluded.
nHence, nThe
IRR definition went beyond the parameters of the law. Sen. Santiago relied on Canadian law for her quotation.
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nDid nCan
it be denied that faxes are transmitted by electronic,Can it be denied optical or similar means?
A fax machine is essentially an image scanner, a modem and a computer printer combinedA fax machine is e into a highly specialized package.into Theascanner highly specialized converts the package. content of a physicalThe scanner converts the document into a digital image, the modem sends the image data over a phone line, anddocument into a d the printer at the other end makes a duplicate of the original document.
A facsimile or fax transmission is a process involving the transmission and reproduction ofA facsimile or fax printed and graphic matter by scanning an original copy, one elemental area at a time, andprinted and graphic m representing the shade or tone of each area by a specified amount of electric current. Therepresenting the shade current is transmitted as a signal over regular telephone lines or via microwave relay and iscurrent is transmitte used by the receiver to reproduce an image of the elemental area in the proper position andused by the receiver the correct shade. The receiver is equipped with a stylus or other device that produces athe correct shade. The r printed record on paper referred to as a facsimile.
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electronic record means data that iselectronic recorded or record storedmeans on any data medium that is in or by aon any medium in or by computer system or other similar device, that can be read or perceived by a person or acomputer system or o computer system or other similar device. It includes a display, printout or other output ofcomputer system o that data, other than a printout referred to in SubSub-section 4(2).
that the Canadian law explicitly excluded the termNote that the Cana transmitted while our law does not.transmitted while our law does not.
the Sen. Santiagio quotation was lifted from theFurthermore comments on the Canadian Uniform Electronic Evidence Act.comments o It was based on a differently worded statute.
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Is the original in the ECA an original for theIs the origi best evidence rule?best Reliability evidence and Integrity rule?
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Original = printout or output readable by sight or= prin other means,other shown means, to reflect shown the to data reflect accurately the data accur
(Sec. 1, Rule 4, REE)
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Includes photocopies & scanned documents Recognition of new technologies Called for by ambiguities in situations involvingCalled for b paper paper-based documents which have been scanned
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by anyone who saw the documentby anyone who saw the docu executed or written by evidence of the genuineness of theby evidence of the genuin signature x x x of the maker Other documents are merely identified
digitally signed application of authorized authenticationapplication of author procedures (Sec. 11, ECA) evidence showing integrity andevidence showing integrity and reliability to the satisfaction of the judge
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Internet Email
Can be manufactured Reliability depends on the ability andReliability depends on t motivation of person presenting Susceptible of third party proof
Text Messages
Usually not available from telcos Have to rely on cellphone May be manufactured (but detectable)
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Electronic Signatures
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Electronic Signatures
A prescribed procedure, not alterable by the parties interested in the electronic document or electronic data message, existed under which which: : (i) A method is used to identify the party sought to be bound and to indicate said partys access to the electronic document or electronic data message necessary for his consent or approval through the electronic signature; signature; (ii) Said method is reliable and appropriate for the purpose for which the electronic document or electronic data message was generated or communicated, in the light of all circumstances, including any relevant agreement; agreement; (iii) It is necessary for the party sought to be bound bound, , in order to proceed further with the transaction, to have executed or provided the electronic signature; signature; and, (iv) The other party is authorized and enabled to verify the electronic signature and to make the decision to proceed with the transaction authenticated by the same (Sec. (Sec. 8, ECA).
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Electronic Signatures
Digital Signatures
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Digital Signatures
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As Provided by LawAs Provided by Law ECA E-Signatures: By other means satisfactory to the judge
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Old Rule required that the person be dead orOld Rule re unable to testify
Entries in the course of business.Entries - Entries inmade the course at, or of busine near the time of the transactions to which they refer,near by athe time o person deceased, or unable to testify, testify who was in a position, who w to know the facts therein stated, may be received as primato know t facie evidence, if such person made the entries in hisfacie evidence professional capacity or in the performance of duty and inprofessio the ordinary or regular course of business or duty (Sec.the ordinar 43, Rule 130, ROC).43, Rule 130, ROC).
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New Rule lifted the requirement but applies onlyNew R to electronic documents
Inapplicability of the hearsay rule.Inapplicability A memorandum, of the report, hearsay rule. record or data compilation of acts, events, conditions, opinions, orrecord or data diagnoses, made by electronic, optical or other similar means at or neardiagnoses the time of or from transmission or supply of information by a personthe time of with knowledge thereof, and kept in the regular course or conduct of awith know business activity, and such was the regular practice to make thebusiness activity, memorandum, report, record, or data compilation by electronic, opticalmemoran or similar means,or all similar of which means, are shown by the testimony of theall of which a custodian or other qualified witnesses, is excepted from the rule on, is excepte hearsay evidence. (Sec. 43, Rule 130, ROC).hearsay evidence. (Sec. 43, Rule
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Examination of Witnesses
Electronic testimony
ClosedClosed-circuit TV Satellite TV
Video over IP
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The evidence must be identified or authenticatedThe ev by a competent witness ONLY to prove events,by a com acts or transactions contained therein
No authentication is necessary if the photo orNo authen recording is (a) used for demonstrative purposes;record or (b) presented as object evidence
Rules will allow authentication by someoneRules will other than the person who created the recordingother th or photo
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Ephemeral electronic communication refers toEphem telephone conversations, text messages, chatroomtelepho sessions, streaming audio, streaming video, andsessions, other electronic forms of communication theother electro evidence of whichevidence is not recorded of which or retained.
(Section 1[k], Rule 2, REE).
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Essentially, a rule on secondary evidenceEssentially, a ru absence of a recording or an original document,absence o the event will be established through testimonialthe even evidence. Identification of person on the other endIdentification of identification is hearsay
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Essentially, the ECA sets forth substantiveEssentially, the E provisions as to what constitutes:
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Using PGP
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