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Messages and Codes: Websphere MQ For Z/Os

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WebSphere MQ for z/OS

Messages and Codes

V ersion 6.0


WebSphere MQ for z/OS

Messages and Codes

V ersion 6.0


Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Appendix H, Notices, on page 543.

First edition (May 2005) This book is based on the Messages and Codes book for WebSphere MQ for z/OS Version 5.3, GC34-6056-00. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997, 2005. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii About this book . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Who this book is for . . . . . . . . . . . ix What you need to know to understand this book . . ix Terms used in this book . . . . . . . . . . ix How to use this book . . . . . . . . . . . ix WebSphere MQ system completion codes . . . xi Message routing codes . . . . . . . . . xii

Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Chapter 13. Agent services messages (CSQV...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Chapter 14. Instrumentation facilities messages (CSQW...) . . . . . . . . 167 Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...) . . . . . . . . 179 Chapter 16. Initialization procedure and general services messages (CSQY...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Chapter 17. Service facilities messages (CSQ1...) . . . . . . . . . 233
Log services return codes . . . . . . . . . 240

Summary of changes . . . . . . . . xiii

Changes for this edition (GC34-6602-00) . . . . xiii

Part 1. Messages . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 2. Coupling Facility manager messages (CSQE...) . . . . . . . . . 31 Chapter 3. Security manager messages (CSQH...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Chapter 4. Data manager messages (CSQI...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...) . . . . . . . . . 47 Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...) . . . . . . . . . 79 Chapter 7. Command server messages (CSQN...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Chapter 8. Operations and control messages (CSQO...) . . . . . . . . 107 Chapter 9. Buffer manager messages (CSQP...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Chapter 10. IMS adapter messages (CSQQ...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Chapter 11. Recovery manager messages (CSQR...) . . . . . . . . 135

Chapter 18. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge Messages (CSQ2...) . . . . . . 241 Chapter 19. Subsystem support messages (CSQ3...) . . . . . . . . . 247 Chapter 20. DB2 manager messages (CSQ5...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Chapter 21. Generalized command preprocessor messages (CSQ9...) . . 259

Part 2. Codes . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Chapter 22. Connection manager codes (X'94') . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Connection manager problem determination . . . 269

Chapter 23. Batch adapter codes (X'C2') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Chapter 24. Coupling Facility codes (X'C5') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Coupling facility problem determination . . . . 276

Chapter 25. Message generator codes (X'C6') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Chapter 26. Functional recovery manager codes (X'C7') . . . . . . . 279 Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Security manager problem determination . . . . 293

Chapter 40. Initialization procedure and general services codes (X'E8') . . 369
Initialization procedures problem determination 374

Chapter 41. System parameter manager codes (X'E9') . . . . . . . 375

System parameter manager problem determination 375

Chapter 28. Data manager codes (X'C9') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

Data manager problem determination . . . . . 303

Chapter 42. Service facilities codes (X'F1') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Chapter 43. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge codes (X'F2') . . . . . . . . 379
WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination 381

Chapter 29. Recovery log manager codes (X'D1') . . . . . . . . . . . 305

Recovery log manager problem determination . . 316

Chapter 30. Lock manager codes (X'D3') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

Lock manager problem determination . . . . . 317

Chapter 44. Subsystem support codes (X'F3') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383

Subsystem support problem determination . . . 394

Chapter 31. Message manager codes (X'D4') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Message manager problem determination . . . . 327

Chapter 45. DB2 manager codes (X'F5') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395

DB2 manager problem determination . . . . . 398

Chapter 32. Command server codes (X'D5') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

Command server problem determination . . . . 331

Chapter 46. Generalized command preprocessor codes (X'F9') . . . . . 399

Command preprocessor problem determination 401

Chapter 33. Buffer manager codes (X'D7') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

Buffer manager problem determination . . . . . 335

Part 3. WebSphere MQ CICS abend codes . . . . . . . . . . . 403

Chapter 47. WebSphere MQ CICS bridge abend codes . . . . . . . . 405 Chapter 48. WebSphere MQ CICS adapter abend codes . . . . . . . . 409

Chapter 34. Recovery manager codes (X'D9') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Recovery manager problem determination . . . . 345

Chapter 35. Storage manager codes (X'E2') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347

Storage manager problem determination . . . . 350

Part 4. Appendixes . . . . . . . . 411

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Completion codes . . . . . Reason codes . . . . . . Reason code list . . . . Reason code cross reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 413 414 481

Chapter 36. Timer services codes (X'E3') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Chapter 37. Agent services codes (X'E5') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Agent services problem determination . . . . . 361

Chapter 38. Instrumentation facilities codes (X'E6') . . . . . . . . . . . 363

Instrumentation facilities problem determination 363

Appendix B. PCF reason codes

Reason codes . . . . . . Reason code cross reference . . . . . . . .

. . . 491
. . . . . 491 . 516

Chapter 39. Distributed queuing codes (X'E7') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365

Distributed queuing problem determination . . . 367

Appendix C. WebSphere MQ component identifiers . . . . . . . . 521 Appendix D. Communications protocol return codes . . . . . . . . 523


Messages and Codes

TCP/IP OpenEdition Sockets return codes . APPC/MVS return codes . . . . . . APPC return codes . . . . . . . APPC allocate services return codes . . APPC reason codes . . . . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

523 526 526 532 532

Appendix G. Messages from other products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541 Appendix H. Notices . . . . . . . . 543

Programming interface information . Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 . 545

Appendix E. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) return codes . . . . . . . . . 535 Appendix F. Distributed queuing message codes . . . . . . . . . . 537

Sending your comments to IBM . . . 547



Messages and Codes

1. 2. 3. 4. Message type codes . . . . . . . . . . x Component identifiers used in WebSphere MQ messages and codes . . . . . . . . 521 OpenEdition sockets return codes . . . . . 523 APPC return codes and their meanings 527 5. 6. 7. 8. APPC allocate services return codes and their meanings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 APPC reason codes and their meanings 532 SSL return codes . . . . . . . . . . 535 Message prefixes . . . . . . . . . . 541

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

About this book

This book lists all the user messages and abend reason codes returned by WebSphere MQ for z/OS, with explanations and suggested responses. It is designed for use as a quick reference, and is linked with the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide, which you should also consult if a message indicates that there is a WebSphere MQ problem.

Who this book is for

This book is for system operators, system programmers, and anybody else who needs to understand and respond to WebSphere MQ user messages.

What you need to know to understand this book

You can refer to this book for the meaning of a message without understanding the book as a whole. However, you should understand the types of message WebSphere MQ produces, the different places to which it sends these messages, and the different audiences they are intended to reach.

Terms used in this book

In this book, CICS means both Transaction Server for z/OS and CICS for MVS/ESA, and IMS means IMS/ESA, unless otherwise stated. In this book, z/OS means any release of z/OS or OS/390 that supports the current version of WebSphere MQ. Only WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) commands are normally mentioned in this book. The equivalent PCF command can be used instead of an MQSC command. See the WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface book.

How to use this book

When you are using WebSphere MQ and you need to understand a message or code, use this book as a reference. The book is divided into the following parts: Part 1, Messages Describes all WebSphere MQ messages in alphanumeric order. All WebSphere MQ message identifiers are eight characters long. The first three characters are always CSQ. If you get a message with a different prefix, see Appendix G, Messages from other products, on page 541 to find out which product issued the message. The fourth character is the component identifier; this identifies the component of WebSphere MQ that issued the message. These are shown in Appendix C, WebSphere MQ component identifiers, on page 521. The fifth through seventh characters represent the numeric identifier, which is unique within the component. The last character is the message type code; this indicates the type of response that the message requires. Table 1 on page x shows the four type codes used by WebSphere MQ for z/OS.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


About this book

Table 1. Message type codes A Immediate action System operator action is required immediately. The associated task does not continue until the requested action has been taken. System operator decision or action is required immediately. The operator is requested to select from specific options, such as retry or cancel. The associated task does not continue until the requested decision has been made or action has been taken. System operator action will be required; however, the associated task continues independently of system operator action. No operator action is required.

Immediate decision

Eventual action

Information only

In messages issued by the queue manager itself and the mover, the message identifier is normally followed by the command prefix (CPF); this indicates which WebSphere MQ queue manager issued the message. These messages have prefixes starting CSQE, CSQH, CSQI, CSQM, CSQN, CSQP, CSQR, CSQV, CSQX, CSQY, CSQ2, CSQ3, CSQ5, and CSQ9; some messages with prefixes CSQJ and CSQW also have the CPF. In certain exceptional cases, the CPF might show as blank. Messages from CICS-related components (CSQC) show the CICS application ID or transaction ID if applicable. Messages from other components, that is messages with prefixes CSQO, CSQQ, CSQU, and CSQ1 (and some with prefixes CSQJ and CSQW) have no indicator. Part 2, Codes Describes all WebSphere MQ abend reason codes, and subsystem termination reason codes, in alphanumeric order. The codes are four bytes long. The first byte is always 00; this is the high-order byte. The second byte is the hexadecimal identifier (Hex ID) of the WebSphere MQ component. These are shown in Appendix C, WebSphere MQ component identifiers, on page 521. The last two bytes are the numeric identifier, which is unique within the component. Part 3, WebSphere MQ CICS abend codes Describes the CICS abend codes issued by the WebSphere MQ CICS adapter, and the WebSphere MQ CICS bridge. Accompanying each message and code is the following information, when applicable: Explanation: This section tells what the message or code means, why it occurred, and what caused it. Severity: Severity values have the following meanings: 0 An information message. No error has occurred. 4 A warning message. A condition has been detected of which the user should be aware. The user might need to take further action. 8 An error message. An error has been detected and processing could not continue.

Messages and Codes

About this book

12 A severe error message. A severe error has been detected and processing could not continue.

System action: This part tells what is happening as a result of the condition causing the message or code. If this information is not shown, no system action is taken. User response: If a response by the user is necessary, this section tells what the appropriate responses are, and what their effect is. If this information is not shown, no user response is required. Operator response: If an operator response is necessary, this section tells what the appropriate responses are, and what their effect is. If this information is not shown, no operator response is required. System programmer response: If a response by the system programmer is required, this part tells what the appropriate responses are, and what their effect is. If this information is not shown, no system programmer response is required. Programmer response: If a programmer response is necessary, this part tells what the appropriate responses are, and what their effect is. If this information is not shown, no programmer response is required. Problem determination: This section lists the actions that can be performed to obtain adequate data for support personnel to diagnose the cause of the error. If this information is not shown, no problem determination is required. The book also contains the following information in appendixes: v Appendix A, API completion and reason codes v Appendix C, WebSphere MQ component identifiers v Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes v Appendix F, Distributed queuing message codes v Appendix G, Messages from other products

WebSphere MQ system completion codes

WebSphere MQ uses two system completion codes: X5C6 This code indicates that WebSphere MQ has detected an internal error, and has terminated a WebSphere MQ internal task, or a user-connected task, abnormally. Errors associated with an X5C6 system completion code might be preceded by a z/OS system code, or by internal errors. To determine the source of the error that resulted in a subsequent task or queue manager termination, examine the diagnostic material generated by the X5C6 abend. X6C6 This code indicates that WebSphere MQ has detected a severe error, and has terminated the entire WebSphere MQ queue manager abnormally. During such termination, a user task with an active WebSphere MQ connection can be ended abnormally with an X6C6 system completion code; in rare instances, the entire connected address space might end abnormally.

About this book


About this book

When this abend code is issued, WebSphere MQ has determined continued operation could result in the loss of data integrity. Errors associated with an X6C6 abend completion code might be preceded by a z/OS system error, or by one or more WebSphere MQ X5C6 abend completion codes. For information about the system actions, and diagnostic information available to WebSphere MQ following one of these completion codes, refer to the description of the reason code associated with the system completion code in Part 2, Codes, starting on page 267. This reason code is shown in the various messages that appear on the z/OS console in connection with the abnormal termination; for example an X6C6 completion code is usually accompanied by message CSQV086E. In many cases, you will be advised to contact your IBM Support Center to report the problem; see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for information about how to do this. Note: If the queue manager has terminated, you can restart it, even if there is a problem to be reported to the IBM Support Center. Similarly, if a component of the queue manager (such as the channel initiator) has terminated, you can restart that component.

Message routing codes

The majority of WebSphere MQ messages sent to the console have routing codes determined by the ROUTCDE parameter of the CSQ6SYSP macro. (See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about using this macro.) However, some WebSphere MQ messages are issued with a fixed routing code. These include messages that require an immediate response and messages issued by early initialization procedures. Messages sent in direct response to commands (other than START QMGR and STOP QMGR) are sent to the console or program that issued the command. Messages issued by the WebSphere MQ CICS adapter and the CICS distributed queuing component use the default route code of your CICS system. Most messages issued by the security manager are routed back to the person who issued the command (provided that they have the correct authority).


Messages and Codes

Summary of changes
This section describes changes in this edition of WebSphere MQ for z/OS Messages and Codes.

Changes for this edition (GC34-6602-00)

v New messages have been included for functions added for WebSphere MQ for z/OS V6.0 v Existing messages have been updated to include new functions, and information added for existing functions.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005




Messages and Codes

Part 1. Messages
Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...) . . 3 Chapter 2. Coupling Facility manager messages (CSQE...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Chapter 3. Security manager messages (CSQH...) 37 Chapter 4. Data manager messages (CSQI...) . Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

. 47

. 79

Chapter 7. Command server messages (CSQN...) 97 Chapter 8. Operations and control messages (CSQO...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 9. Buffer manager messages (CSQP...) Chapter 10. IMS adapter messages (CSQQ...) Chapter 11. Recovery manager messages (CSQR...) . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...) .

. 107 119 127

. .

. 135 . 139 161

Chapter 13. Agent services messages (CSQV...)

Chapter 14. Instrumentation facilities messages (CSQW...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...) . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 179

Chapter 16. Initialization procedure and general services messages (CSQY...) . . . . . . . 225 Chapter 17. Service facilities messages (CSQ1...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Log services return codes . . . . . . . . . 240 Chapter 18. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge Messages (CSQ2...) . . . . . . . .

. 241

Chapter 19. Subsystem support messages (CSQ3...) . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 247 253

Chapter 20. DB2 manager messages (CSQ5...) Chapter 21. Generalized command preprocessor messages (CSQ9...) .
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

. 259

Messages and Codes

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)

CSQC100D cics-applid csect-name Cannot retrieve data from a START command. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 Explanation: A trigger message has been retrieved, but the structure identifier of the message is not MQTM_STRUC_ID and so is not compatible with this version of CSQCTASK. Severity: 4 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue. CKTI processes the next message. System Programmer Response: Check the header of the message on the dead-letter queue. This will tell you where the trigger message came from. Correct the process that created the trigger message. CSQC104E cics-applid csect-name CKTI does not support version version-id

Explanation: CKTI has attempted to retrieve data from a CICS START command, but the retrieve was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Use the data contained in these fields to resolve the problem, and retry. CSQC101D cics-applid csect-name Cannot open the initiation queue. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A trigger message has been retrieved, but the version identifier in MQTM is not version 1, and so is not compatible with this version of CSQCTASK. Severity: 4 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue. CKTI processes the next message. System Programmer Response: Check the header of the message on the dead-letter queue. This will tell you where the trigger message came from. Correct the process that created the trigger message. CSQC105E cics-applid csect-name CKTI cannot start a process type of process-type

Explanation: CKTI has attempted to open an initiation queue, but the attempt was unsuccessful (for example, because the queue was not defined). mqcc and mqrc give the reason for the problem. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. Operator Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc, determine the cause of the problem, and use CKQC to restart CKTI. CSQC102D cics-applid csect-name Cannot start the CICS transaction tran-id. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2

Explanation: A trigger message has been retrieved, but the process type in MQTM is not CICS, and so cannot be processed by this version of CSQCTASK. Severity: 4 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue. CKTI processes the next message. System Programmer Response: Check the header of the message on the dead-letter queue. This will tell you where the trigger message came from. Correct the process that created the trigger message. CSQC106D cics-applid csect-name MQGET failure. CKTI will end. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A trigger message has been retrieved from the initiation queue which defines a CICS transaction to be started. However the transaction cannot be started (for example, it cannot be found). Severity: 8 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue. CKTI processes the next message. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Determine the reason for the problem, and restart the transaction. CSQC103E cics-applid csect-name CKTI has read a trigger message with an incorrect MQTM-StrucId of struc-id

Explanation: An attempt to issue an MQGET call on the initiation queue has been unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem, and use CKQC to restart CKTI. CSQC107I cics-applid csect-name A request to end CKTI has been received. CKTI ended

Severity: 8 System Action: The message is sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Look at the message on the dead-letter queue to establish why it did not match MQTM. CSQC112A cics-applid csect-name MQOPEN error. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A request to end CKTI has been sent from the MQ CICS adapter. This is a normal completion of CKTI. Severity: 0 System Action: CKTI ends. CSQC108D cics-applid csect-name Unexpected invocation. CKTI terminated

Explanation: An MQOPEN call has been unable to open a queue. This message is followed by message CSQC110I indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQC113I cics-applid csect-name This message cannot be processed

Explanation: An attempt has been made to start CKTI, but not from CKCN or CKSQ. This is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. Operator Response: Start CKTI from either CKCN or CKSQ. CSQC109D cics-applid csect-name MQCLOSE failed. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An attempt has been made to close a queue, but the MQCLOSE call was unsuccessful. This message is followed by message CSQC110I, indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: An implicit close of the queue will take place when the transaction ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQC110I cics-applid csect-name Queue name = q-name

Explanation: When an attempt to process a message using an MQ API call was unsuccessful, an attempt was made to put the message on the dead-letter queue. This was also unsuccessful and the message-id has been sent to the system console. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Check the console for previous messages explaining why the dead-letter queue was not available (if a dead-letter queue has not been defined, no other messages relating to the problem will have been issued). CSQC114A cics-applid csect-name MQINQ failed. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message is issued to indicate the queue in error if an operation on a queue (for example, an MQOPEN) is unsuccessful. The accompanying messages indicate the cause of the problem. Severity: 8 CSQC111D cics-applid csect-name CKTI has read a trigger message with an incorrect length of length

Explanation: An attempt to use the MQINQ call to inquire about the attributes of a queue was unsuccessful. This message is followed by message CSQC110I indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine why an MQINQ call could not be made on the queue.

Explanation: This message is issued if the transaction CKTI receives a trigger message that does not match the MQTM control block.

Messages and Codes


cics-applid csect-name Cannot open the queue manager. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc


cics-applid csect-name MQPUT failed. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQOPEN call to the queue manager was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQC117A cics-applid csect-name Cannot query the queue manager. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An attempt was made to put a message on a queue with an MQPUT call, but the attempt was unsuccessful. This message is followed by message CSQC110I indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine why an MQPUT call could not be made for the queue. CSQC121A cics-applid csect-name No dead-letter queue defined for queue manager

Explanation: An MQINQ call to the queue manager was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQC118I cics-applid csect-name MsgID=msg-id

Explanation: A dead-letter queue has not been defined for the queue manager. Severity: 8 System Action: The trigger message is discarded, and the process cannot be started. System Programmer Response: Define a dead-letter queue if one is required. CSQC122A cics-applid csect-name Cannot close the queue manager. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message follows message CSQC113I, indicating the hexadecimal identifier of the message that could not be processed. Severity: 0 CSQC119A cics-applid csect-name CICS detected an IRC failure. Cannot start transaction tran-id

Explanation: CKTI was unable to close the queue manager after inquiring about the dead-letter queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CKTI ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQC123A cics-applid csect-name The dead-letter queue is not of type local

Explanation: A trigger message was retrieved from the initiation queue which defined a CICS transaction to be started, and the transaction is defined to run in a remote CICS region. The EXEC CICS START request for this transaction ended abnormally because of a failure in the IRC connection between the local and remote CICS regions. Severity: 8 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue, and CKTI continues processing the next message. System Programmer Response: Investigate the reason for the IRC failure.

Explanation: The dead-letter queue defined was not of type local. This message is followed by message CSQC110I, indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: The message is not put to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Define the dead-letter queue as a local queue.

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)


cics-applid csect-name The dead-letter queue is not of usage normal

the name of the required queue manager. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to specify the queue manager name, and retry the connection process. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about CSQCPARM. CSQC214E cics-applid csect-name Initiation queue name not found. CKTI not started

Explanation: The dead-letter queue defined is not of usage type normal. This message is followed by message CSQC110I, indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: The message is not put to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Define the dead-letter queue to have usage type normal. CSQC211D cics-applid csect-name Unable to LINK to program CSQCPARM. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: A connection has been made to MQ, but CKTI cannot be started as no initiation queue name has been specified. Severity: 0 System Action: The queue manager is connected, but CKTI is not started. Operator Response: Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to start CKTI. System Programmer Response: Add the initiation queue name to INITPARM statement if you want to start CKTI automatically next time you connect CICS to MQ. CSQC216D cics-applid csect-name Queue manager name invalid. Connection rejected

Explanation: An attempt to link to CSQCPARM was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Determine the reason for the problem, and use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to retry the connection process. CSQC212D cics-applid csect-name CSQCPARM missing in SIT/SIT Override INITPARM

Explanation: An attempt has been made to connect to MQ, but it was unsuccessful because the queue manager name given was more than 4 characters long. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels to specify the correct queue manager name, or correct the CSQCPARM keyword in the INITPARM statement, and retry the connection process. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about INITPARM and CSQCPARM. CSQC217E cics-applid csect-name Initiation queue name invalid. CKTI not started

Explanation: CSQCQCON attempted to connect to MQ, but the attempt was unsuccessful because the CSQCPARM keyword in the INITPARM statement was not found in the system initialization table (SIT) (or the SIT override INITPARM statement). Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: Add CSQCPARM keyword to the INITPARM statement of the SIT table (or the SIT override), restart CICS, and use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to retry the connection process. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the system initialization table. CSQC213D cics-applid csect-name Queue manager name missing in CSQCPARM. Command rejected

Explanation: An attempt has been made to connect to MQ, but it was unsuccessful because the initiation queue name given was more than 48 characters long. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to

Explanation: An attempt was made to connect to MQ, but it was unsuccessful because the CSQCPARM keyword in the INITPARM statement did not contain

Messages and Codes

specify the correct initiation queue name, and retry the connection process. CSQC218I cics-applid csect-name No trace number specified in CSQCPARM. The default of 0 will be used


cics-applid csect-name Unable to LINK to program CSQCQCON. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt to link to CSQCQCON was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Determine the reason for the problem, and use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to retry the connection process. CSQC230D cics-applid csect-name Unable to receive input. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: A connection has been made to MQ but no trace number was specified in the CSQCPARM keyword of the INITPARM statement. The default of 0 will be used. Severity: 0 System Action: The queue manager is connected with a trace number of 0. System Programmer Response: Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to specify the required trace number. Add the trace number to the CSQCPARM keyword of the INITPARM statement to set it automatically next time you connect CICS to MQ. CSQC219E cics-applid csect-name Trace number specified in CSQCPARM is not valid. The default of 0 will be used

Explanation: The CICS adapter is unable to receive input from the CKQC transaction. Severity: 8 System Action: The requested function is not performed. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC232D cics-applid csect-name Unable to RETURN TRANSID tran-id IMMEDIATE. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: A connection has been made to MQ but the trace number specified in the CSQCPARM keyword of the INITPARM statement was not valid. The default of 0 will be used. Severity: 4 System Action: The queue manager is connected with a trace number of 0. System Programmer Response: Use the CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to specify the required trace number. Correct the trace number in the CSQCPARM keyword of the INITPARM statement to set it automatically next time you connect CICS to MQ. CSQC220D cics-applid csect-name Unable to LINK to program CSQCCON. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue an EXEC CICS RETURN TRANSID tran-id IMMEDIATE command, but it was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The function terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and reissue the command. CSQC235D cics-applid csect-name Unrecognizable screen. Re-submit CKQC

Explanation: An attempt to link to CSQCCON was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Determine the reason for the problem, and use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to retry the connection process.

Explanation: CICS cannot determine the identifier of the screen currently displayed. Because of this, it cannot interpret the screen contents (including any input fields).
Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)

Severity: 8 System Action: The input is ignored, and the transaction finishes. System Programmer Response: Resubmit CKQC to restart from the beginning of the CICS transaction. Problem Determination: If this problem occurs frequently, contact your IBM support center for help. CSQC236A cics-applid csect-name Display functions only supported using panel interface

that has a 3270 device or console associated with it. CSQC241D cics-applid csect-name Unable to receive input. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: The system cannot receive input from the screen. Severity: 8 System Action: The input is ignored, and the transaction is finished. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Determine the reason for the problem, and retry the operation. CSQC242D cics-applid csect-name Invalid input. Connect rejected

Explanation: The display function was requested; this function can only be used from the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction). Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels to access the display functions. CSQC237A cics-applid csect-name Panel interface not supported on console

Explanation: A connection request was issued with incorrect parameters specified. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to request the function, or check the request syntax in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide and enter it again. CSQC243D cics-applid csect-name Unsupported terminal type. Must be a console or 3270 device

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) are not supported on the console. Severity: 8 System Action: The panel request is ignored. Operator Response: Use a 3270 device to display the MQ CICS adapter control panels. CSQC239D cics-applid csect-name Unable to LINK to program CSQCBASE. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: A request was made by a task that is not associated with a console or 3270 device. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Check that you have the correct level of the CICS adapter for the version of CICS that you are using. Reissue the request from a task that has a 3270 device or console associated with it. CSQC244E cics-applid csect-name CICS is being quiesced. Connect rejected

Explanation: CKQC could not display the panel because it could not link to CSQCBASE. Severity: 8 System Action: CKQC ends. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Determine the reason for the problem, and retry the operation. CSQC240D cics-applid csect-name Task not associated with a terminal. Request rejected

Explanation: An attempt has been made to connect to MQ, but CICS is shutting down so the connection request has been rejected. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS.

Explanation: The request was issued by a task that was not associated with a terminal. This is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Reissue the request from a task

Messages and Codes


cics-applid csect-name Already connected to queue manager qmgr-name. Connect rejected

Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC305D cics-applid csect-name Unable to INQUIRE MAXTASKS. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt has been made to connect to a queue manager, but CICS is already connected to another queue manager so the connection request has been rejected. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. Operator Response: To connect to the new queue manager, shut down the current connection and reissue the connection request. CSQC301I cics-applid csect-name API exit CSQCAPX found and will be used

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS INQUIRE MAXTASKS command was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC306E cics-applid csect-name Unable to START transaction CKTI. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: The CICS API exit program CSQCAPX has been activated. Severity: 0 CSQC302D cics-applid csect-name Unable to EXTRACT EXIT CSQCTRUE. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS EXTRACT EXIT CSQCTRUE command was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The function terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action (for example, use CKQC to restart the connection). CSQC303I cics-applid csect-name CSQCSERV loaded. Entry point is address

Explanation: During the connection process, the MQ CICS adapter was unable to start CKTI. Severity: 8 System Action: The queue manager is connected, but CKTI is not started. Operator Response: Issue the CKQC transaction, and use the panels to start CKTI after the cause of the problem has been corrected. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC307I cics-applid csect-name Successful connection to queue manager qmgr-name

Explanation: Module CSQCSERV has been loaded. address is the address of the entry point. You might find this information useful during problem determination. Severity: 0 CSQC304D cics-applid csect-name Failed to ENABLE CSQCTRUE. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: The connection to queue manager qmgr-name was successful. Severity: 0

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS ENABLE CSQCTRUE command was unsuccessful during a connect process.
Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)


cics-applid csect-name Queue manager qmgr-name is stopped. Connect request deferred

Explanation: An attempt to connect to queue manager (qmgr-name) was unsuccessful because qmgr-name was not active. Severity: 0 System Action: The connection will be made when qmgr-name becomes active. Operator Response: Check that you entered the correct queue manager name (qmgr-name). If required, either: v Start the queue manager (the connection will then be made automatically) v Use CKQC to connect to an active queue manager. CSQC309D cics-applid csect-name Unable to connect to queue manager qmgr-name. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

MQ CICS adapter is unable to perform the following functions: v It cannot handle a deferred connection v It cannot respond to a queue manager failure v It cannot perform a warm or immediate shutdown if it needs to wait (that is, the last task carries out shutdown) It is recommended that you use CKQC to terminate the connection using a forced shutdown of the CICS adapter, and refer to the System Programmer Response. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. When the error has been corrected, use the CKQC transaction to reinitiate the connection. CSQC312E cics-applid csect-name Unable to GETMAIN CLOC storage. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt to connect to queue manager qmgr-name was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc, and take the appropriate action. CSQC310D cics-applid csect-name Duplicate connect to queue manager qmgr-name. Connect rejected

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter was unable to obtain storage for the CLOC control block. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection request is rejected. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. This is probably a CICS short on storage problem. Use the procedure followed at your installation to resolve the problem. CSQC313I cics-applid csect-name *UOWID=connname.uow-id is in doubt

Explanation: An attempt to connect to a queue manager was unsuccessful because the queue manager is already connected. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. CSQC311D cics-applid csect-name Unable to start alert monitor CKAM. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: This message is issued at connection time. The unit of work shown is in doubt. An asterisk character preceding the unit-of-work identifier indicates that the unit of work will not be resolved automatically. System Action: The units of work will be resolved by the distributed queuing component when remote queuing starts. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt CICS unit of work. CSQC314I cics-applid csect-name UOWIDs highlighted with * will not be automatically resolved

Explanation: During the connection process, the MQ CICS adapter was unable to start the alert monitor CKAM. Severity: 8 System Action: The queue manager is connected, but CKAM is not started so the function of the MQ CICS adapter is restricted. Operator Response: Without the alert monitor, the

Explanation: This message appears when there are unresolved in-doubt units of work. Refer to message CSQC313I.


Messages and Codes

Severity: 0 CSQC315E cics-applid csect-name Unable to LOAD API exit CSQCAPX. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS System Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC320E cics-applid csect-name CICS Version version Release release is not supported

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter is unable to use the API-crossing exit program CSQCAPX. This can be a normal situation if you do not intend to use the API-crossing exit, and have disabled the program CSQCAPX. Severity: 8 System Action: The API-crossing exit is not used. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. If you are trying to use the API-crossing exit, use the data contained in these fields to resolve the problem. CSQC316I cics-applid csect-name More messages. Check console for full display

Explanation: The version of CICS that you are running is not supported by the version of the MQ CICS adapter that you are using. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. CSQC321D cics-applid csect-name There is no active connection. Stop connection rejected

Explanation: This message is displayed if too many messages have been issued to be displayed on the screen. Severity: 0 Operator Response: Check the console for further messages. CSQC318I cics-applid csect-name UOWID=connname.uow-id created by Transid trans-id Taskid task-id is in doubt.

Explanation: An attempt was made to shut down a connection, but there was no connection active. This could be caused by one of the following: v A connection had not been made v The connection had already been shut down v The connection is still being made (that is, it is pending) Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored, and control returns to CICS. CSQC322D cics-applid csect-name Invalid input. Stop connection rejected

Explanation: A request to shut down the MQ CICS adapter was made, but it was rejected because the syntax of the shutdown request was not valid. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Issue the request again. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for details of the correct syntax. CSQC323I cics-applid csect-name command received from TERMID=termid TRANID=tranid USERID=userid

Explanation: This message is issued at connection time. The unit of work shown is in doubt. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt CICS unit of work. CSQC319D cics-applid csect-name Unable to INQUIRE SYSTEM RELEASE. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM RELEASE command was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain

Explanation: The request to connect or disconnect was received from terminal termid. The originating transaction was tranid (this could be CKAM). userid is the user ID of the operator who used the terminal to initiate the operation. This message is issued on the console for audit trail purposes. Severity: 0

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)



cics-applid csect-name Connection status status is not valid for command. Command rejected


cics-applid csect-name Unable to disconnect from queue manager qmgr-name. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A request to shut down the MQ CICS adapter was made, but it was rejected because a STOP FORCE shutdown had already been requested. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. CSQC330E cics-applid csect-name CICS Transaction Server Version version Release release is not supported

Explanation: A request has been made to disconnect from queue manager qmgr-name but it was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The adapter shutdown process continues. Operator Response: If the queue manager is already shit down, you can ignore this message. Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc, and take the appropriate action. CSQC334I cics-applid csect-name Adapter shutdown successful

Explanation: The version of CICS Transaction Server that you are running is not supported by the version of the MQ CICS adapter that you are using . Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process terminates, and control returns to CICS. CSQC331I cics-applid csect-name Adapter shutdown completed

Explanation: The shutdown process has completed successfully. Severity: 0 CSQC336I cics-applid csect-name command received from a PLT program

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter has been shut down. However, it was not able to disconnect from MQ (for example, because the queue manager had already shut down). Severity: 4 Operator Response: Look for other messages explaining why the MQ CICS adapter could not disconnect from MQ. CSQC332I cics-applid csect-name Queue manager qmgr-name is already stopped. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The command request was received from a PLT program. This message is issued on the console for audit trail purposes. Severity: 0 CSQC341I cics-applid csect-name shutdown-type requested by alert monitor CKAM

Explanation: A request was made to shut down the MQ CICS adapter, but the queue manager has already shut down. For example, the operator shuts down both the queue manager and the MQ CICS adapter simultaneously. If the queue manager stops first, it cannot receive the disconnect request from the CICS adapter. Severity: 0 System Action: The adapter shutdown process continues. Operator Response: If the queue manager is already shut down, you can ignore this message. Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc, and take the appropriate action.

Explanation: The request to shut down the MQ CICS adapter was issued by the alert monitor CKAM. shutdown-type is either STOP or STOP FORCE. This message is issued on the console for audit trail purposes. Severity: 0 CSQC342I cics-applid csect-name request received from alert monitor

Explanation: Request request was received from the alert monitor (CKAM). This message is issued on the console for audit trail purposes. Severity: 0 CSQC350I cics-applid csect-name Unable to LOAD API exit CSQCAPX. Program not found

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter is unable to use the API-crossing exit program CSQCAPX because it cannot be found. This is a normal situation if you do not intend to use the API-crossing exit.


Messages and Codes

Severity: 0 System Action: The API-crossing exit is not used. System Programmer Response: If you wish to use the API-crossing exit: v Ensure that CSQCAPX is in the DFHRPL concatenation. v Issue the CICS command CEMT SET PROGRAM(CSQCAPX) NEWCOPY ENABLE. v Activate the exit using the Modify Connection option of the CKQC transaction. CSQC351I cics-applid csect-name Unable to LOAD API exit CSQCAPX. Program is disabled


cics-applid csect-name Unable to EXTRACT EXIT CSQCTRUE. Monitor terminated. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS EXTRACT EXIT CSQCTRUE command was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The alert monitor terminates. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Take the appropriate action, and use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to restart the MQ CICS adapter. CSQC363D cics-applid csect-name Unable to perform WAIT EXTERNAL. Monitor terminated. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter is unable to use the API-crossing exit program CSQCAPX because it is disabled. This is a normal situation if you do not intend to use the API-crossing exit, and have therefore disabled the program CSQCAPX. Severity: 0 System Action: The API-crossing exit is not used. System Programmer Response: If you wish to use the API-crossing exit: v Ensure that CSQCAPX is in the DFHRPL concatenation. v Issue the CICS command CEMT SET PROGRAM(CSQCAPX) NEWCOPY ENABLE. v Activate the exit using the Modify Connection option of the CKQC transaction. CSQC360D cics-applid csect-name Unable to RETRIEVE RTRANSID. Monitor terminated. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt to perform an EXEC CICS WAIT EXTERNAL was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The alert monitor terminates. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC364I cics-applid csect-name Monitor terminated normally

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS RETRIEVE RTRANSID was unsuccessful (for example, an unauthorized user has tried to start the alert monitor). Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues (including the alert monitor if one is already running). System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. CSQC361D cics-applid csect-name Unexpected invocation. Monitor terminated

Explanation: There are no remaining active or deferred connections, so the alert monitor has terminated. Severity: 0 CSQC365E cics-applid csect-name Unable to LINK to program CSQCQCON. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: The alert monitor has detected that a deferred connection has been activated, but it cannot link to CSQCQCON. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection process is terminated, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an
Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)

Explanation: An attempt was made to start the alert monitor by an unrecognized transaction. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored.


explanation of these values. Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to make the connection. CSQC366E cics-applid csect-name Unable to LINK to program CSQCDSC. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Establish a connection, and reissue the request. CSQC381D cics-applid csect-name No initiation queue name specified at connect time. command rejected

Explanation: The alert monitor has detected that the MQ CICS adapter is ready to shut down but cannot link to CSQCDSC. Severity: 8 System Action: The disconnection process is continued, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to disconnect from MQ. CSQC368E cics-applid csect-name Invalid PEB type type at location location. PEB ignored

Explanation: An attempt was made to start or stop CKTI using the default queue name, but the default queue name was not found. This was because the current connection does not have an initiation queue name associated with it. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Specify the queue name explicitly. System Programmer Response: If you require a default queue name, specify one when you perform the connection process. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about how to achieve this. CSQC382D cics-applid csect-name CKTI with the same initiation queue name is being started. command rejected

Explanation: A pending event was not of the type expected by the alert monitor. Severity: 8 System Action: The pending event is discarded. Problem Determination: If this problem occurs frequently, collect the following diagnostic items, and contact your IBM support center for help: v A note of the values returned in the message v Any trace information collected CSQC369E cics-applid csect-name More than 99 notify messages outstanding. This message is postponed temporarily

Explanation: An attempt was made to start CKTI specifying the name of an initiation queue that is used by another CKTI being started. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Review the console for messages in the range CSQC100D through CSQC109D for further information, or use CICS operator commands (for example CEMT INQ TASK) to determine why the CKTI started earlier is not running. CSQC383D cics-applid csect-name Another CKTI with the same initiation queue name is still running. command rejected

Explanation: More than 99 pending events have been established. (For example, attempts have been made to connect to more than 99 systems that are not running.) Severity: 8 System Action: The event is not processed until one of the other 99 events has expired. Operator Response: If you want to clean up the system, shut down and restart CICS. CSQC380D cics-applid csect-name No active connection. command rejected

Explanation: An attempt was made to start CKTI specifying the name of an initiation queue that is already used by a CKTI which is still running. Severity: 8 System Action: The reqeust is ignored. Operator Response: If required, use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to stop the existing CKTI, and restart.

Explanation: An attempt to start or stop CKTI or to use the DISPLAY/RESET function, was unsuccessful because there was no active connection between MQ and CICS.


Messages and Codes


cics-applid csect-name Another CKTI with the same initiation queue name is being stopped. command rejected


cics-applid csect-name CICS Transaction Server is Version version Release release

Explanation: Either: v An attempt was made to start CKTI with an initiation queue name the same as the one that is currently being stopped. v An attempt was made to stop an initiation queue that was already in the process of stopping. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Wait until the initiation queue has stopped, and then reissue the start request if required. CSQC385D cics-applid csect-name CKTI not found. command rejected

Explanation: This message is issued to show which version of CICS Transaction Server you are using. Severity: 0 CSQC400I cics-applid csect-name UOWID=connname.uow-id

Explanation: This message gives the connection name and the identifier of a unit of work and appears with one of the following messages: v CSQC402I v CSQC403I v CSQC404E v CSQC405E v CSQC406E v CSQC407E You can use the connection name when using MQ commands (for example, RESOLVE INDOUBT). Severity: 0 CSQC402I cics-applid csect-name Resolved with COMMIT

Explanation: An attempt to stop CKTI was unsuccessful because the queue name specified was not found. This is because either: v The name of the initiation queue was specified incorrectly v The CKTI has already stopped Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Verify the name of the initiation queue, and reissue the request if necessary. CSQC386I cics-applid csect-name command initiated from TERMID=term-id TRANID=tran-id USERID=user-id and is accepted

Explanation: The syncpoint coordinator has informed MQ that the unit of work indicated by the accompanying CSQC400I message has been committed. Severity: 0 CSQC403I cics-applid csect-name Resolved with BACKOUT

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter has processed the command request. However, the CICS task might not have completed its processing yet (for example, CKTI could be waiting for a certain event to occur before it can be stopped). command can be either STARTCKTI, STOPCKTI, or RESET. Severity: 0 CSQC389D cics-applid csect-name Invalid input. Start/Stop CKTI rejected

Explanation: The syncpoint coordinator has informed MQ that the unit of work indicated by the accompanying CSQC400I message has been backed out. Severity: 0 CSQC404E cics-applid csect-name Resolve failed. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The syntax of the CICS adapter request entered was incorrect. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is rejected. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for details of the correct syntax, or use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to request the function.

Explanation: The syncpoint coordinator requested that the unit of work indicated by the accompanying CSQC400I message be committed or backed out. However, MQ was unable to do this. Severity: 8 System Action: The unit of work remains in doubt. System Programmer Response: If you want to resolve the unit of work: v Diagnose the cause of the problem and correct it (refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc) v Disconnect MQ.

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)


v Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels (the CKQC transaction) to reconnect MQ. CSQC405E cics-applid csect-name Execute resolve failed. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt CICS unit of work. CSQC408I cics-applid csect-name Only partial resynchronization achieved. Check above messages

Explanation: The syncpoint coordinator requested that resolution of the units of work be executed. However, MQ was unable to do this. Severity: 8 System Action: The units of work remain in doubt. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt CICS unit of work. CSQC406E cics-applid csect-name Cannot resolve, syncpoint disposition lost

Explanation: Total resynchronization was not achieved; some units of work remain in doubt. Severity: 0 Operator Response: Action any messages received before this one which indicate units of work that have not been resolved. When there are no more in-doubt units of work you will receive message CSQC409I. CSQC409I cics-applid csect-name Resynchronization completed successfully

Explanation: Resynchronization has completed successfully; all units of work have been resolved. Severity: 0 CSQC410I cics-applid csect-name CICS immediate shutdown detected. Adapter terminated

Explanation: The syncpoint coordinator has been subjected to a cold start, and information regarding units of work has been lost (syncpoint state UERTDGCS). The coordinator cannot inform the MQ CICS adapter whether to commit or back out the unit of work indicated by the accompanying CSQC400I message. For information about UERTDGCS, see the CICS Customization Guide. Severity: 8 System Action: The unit of work remains in doubt. Operator Response: Determine how to resolve the in-doubt unit of work. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt CICS unit of work. CSQC407E cics-applid csect-name Cannot resolve, syncpoint disposition unknown

Explanation: CICS has notified the MQ CICS adapter that it is shutting down immediately. Severity: 0 System Action: The MQ CICS adapter initiates an immediate shutdown. Any in-flight tasks using MQ are backed out when the connection is broken by CICS. Operator Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for more information about MQ CICS adapter shutdown. CSQC411I cics-applid csect-name CICS warm shutdown detected. Adapter is quiescing

Explanation: CICS has notified the MQ CICS adapter that it has initiated a warm shutdown. Severity: 0 System Action: The MQ CICS adapter initiates a quiesced shutdown. Operator Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for more information about MQ CICS adapter shutdown. CSQC412I cics-applid csect-name CICS abend detected. Adapter terminated

Explanation: The syncpoint coordinator cannot find a decision about resolving the unit of work indicated by the accompanying CSQC400I message (syncpoint state UERTDGNK). The coordinator cannot inform the MQ CICS adapter whether to commit or back out the unit of work. For information about UERTDGNK, see the CICS Customization Guide. Severity: 8 System Action: The unit of work remains in-doubt. Operator Response: Determine how to resolve the in-doubt unit of work. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter detected a CICS abend. Severity: 0 System Action: The MQ CICS adapter is terminated.


Messages and Codes


cics-applid csect-name Task ID id force purge deferred until its current request has completed

trace, and processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the address is in error, correct the application. CSQC417I cics-applid csect-name CICS is Version version Release release

Explanation: The task with an identifier of id is being force purged by the operator while it is waiting for an outstanding request to complete. The force purge will not be processed until the outstanding request completes. Severity: 0 System Action: If the task reaches a must-complete state (for example, syncpoint) the task is not ended after the request has been completed. Otherwise, it will terminate with an abend code of AEXY. For more information about these CICS abend codes, see the relevant CICS Messages and Codes manual. CSQC414I cics-applid csect-name Abending task ID id abend-code

Explanation: This message is issued to show which version of CICS you are using. Severity: 0 CSQC418D cics-applid csect-name Unable to LOAD program CSQAVICM. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt to load CSQAVICM was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The process terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. CSQC419I cics-applid csect-name No server subtasks available. Task will abend

Explanation: The task with an identifier of id has been force purged by the operator, and abends with abend-code. Severity: 0 System Action: The outstanding task has been completed and, because it is not in a must-commit state, the MQ CICS adapter ends the task abnormally. For more information about the CICS abend code, see the CICS Messages and Codes manual. CSQC415I cics-applid csect-name Task ID id will continue. Force purge ignored

Explanation: The task with an identifier of id has been force purged by the operator. Severity: 0 System Action: The outstanding task has been completed but, because it is in a must-commit state (for example, syncpoint), the MQ CICS adapter does not end the task. CSQC416I cics-applid csect-name Address address is out of range. Area of length length is not traced

Explanation: A task has issued an MQ API call that requires task switching, but there are no server subtasks available. This might be because the subtasks have not yet started, or did not start successfully. (Message CSQC472I is issued for each subtask started; there should be eight subtasks.) Severity: 0 System Action: The task is ended abnormally with code QNST. CSQC420D cics-applid csect-name Unable to send map map-id mapset CSQCMS. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An address (address) passed from an application was out of range for one of the following reasons: v The address plus the length of the area to be traced exceeds the 2GB addressing limit v The address is not within the private area storage of the CICS region as regarded by z/OS Because of this, the CICS trace facility is unable to trace the area. Severity: 0 System Action: This message is inserted into the CICS

Explanation: The program was unable to send map map-id from the map set CSQCMS to the screen. Severity: 8 System Action: The task is terminated. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action.

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)



cics-applid csect-name Tab cursor was not on a valid object


cics-applid csect-name No parameter window for this function

Explanation: The cursor was not in the correct position when the enter key was pressed. Severity: 8 System Action: The input is ignored. Operator Response: Use the tab key to move the cursor to a valid position. CSQC422D cics-applid csect-name Unable to RETURN TRANSID CKBM. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt was made to display a parameter window. There are no parameters for the function selected, so there is no parameter window to display. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. CSQC430D cics-applid csect-name Unknown map name map-name. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue an EXEC CICS RETURN TRANSID CKBM command, but it was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The transaction terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC423D cics-applid csect-name Unable to XCTL to program pgm-name. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: CICS was unable to locate the map specified (for example, because the map was not defined during the installation procedure). map-name is the name of the map in question. Severity: 8 System Action: The transaction terminates. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC431D cics-applid csect-name Invalid action number. Re-enter

Explanation: The action number specified was out of the range available. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Specify an action number in the range displayed. CSQC432D cics-applid csect-name Invalid task number. Re-enter

Explanation: An attempt to transfer control to program pgm-name was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The transaction terminates, and control returns to CICS. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC424D cics-applid csect-name Invalid key entered

Explanation: The task number specified was out of the range requested. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. System Programmer Response: Specify a task number in the range displayed. CSQC433D cics-applid csect-name Invalid option. Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4

Explanation: The function key pressed was not valid for this panel. Severity: 8 System Action: The key is ignored. Operator Response: Use one of the function keys shown at the bottom of the panel.

Explanation: The value entered was not 1, 2, 3, or 4. Severity: 8 System Action: The value is rejected.


Messages and Codes

Operator Response: Enter a value of either 1, 2, 3, or 4 on the pop-up screen. CSQC434D cics-applid csect-name Queue manager name missing. Must be entered

Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Specify either 1 or 2. CSQC440D cics-applid csect-name Unable to send map map-name mapset CSQCMSH. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: The queue manager name was not specified on the connection parameter panel. Severity: 8 System Action: The connection request is rejected. Operator Response: Enter the name of the required queue manager on the panel. System Programmer Response: If a default name is required, specify the queue manager name in CSQCPARM. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about how to do this. CSQC435D cics-applid csect-name Invalid trace number. Must be numeric

Explanation: The program was unable to send map map-name from the mapset CSQCMSH to the screen. Severity: 8 System Action: The task is terminated. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC443D cics-applid csect-name Unable to RETURN TRANSID CKRT. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: The trace number entered was not numeric. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Enter a numeric trace number (in the range 0 through 199). CSQC436D cics-applid csect-name Invalid trace number. Must be < 200

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS RETURN TRANSID CKRT command was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC450E cics-applid csect-name Unable to ENTER TRACENUM. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode

Explanation: The trace number entered was not in the valid range. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. Operator Response: Enter a trace number in the range 0 through 199. CSQC438D cics-applid csect-name Trace number missing. Must be entered

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS ENTER TRACENUM command was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The trace number specified is accepted, but the adapter cannot perform tracing. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values. CSQC451I cics-applid csect-name Nothing to reset. Reset completed

Explanation: Option 4 has been selected to change the trace number, but the new trace number has not been entered. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is rejected. Operator Response: Either enter a new trace number (in the range 0 through 199), or choose another option. CSQC439D cics-applid csect-name Invalid Stop option. Must be 1 or 2

Explanation: The shutdown option number was not a valid value.

Explanation: A reset request was made, but no values were specified to indicate what should be reset.

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)


Severity: 8 System Action: Nothing is reset. Operator Response: If you want to reset anything, specify values in the required fields. CSQC452D cics-applid csect-name Invalid input. Reset rejected


cics-applid csect-name Invalid input. Display rejected

Explanation: An attempt was made to request a display function, but not using the MQ CICS adapter control panels. This is not supported. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is rejected. System Programmer Response: Use the MQ CICS adapter control panels to request the display function. CSQC460I cics-applid csect-name Bottom of display

Explanation: A request was made to the reset function without using the MQ CICS adapter control panels, but the syntax was incorrect. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for details of the correct syntax. CSQC453I cics-applid csect-name Status of connection to qmgr-name is status. number tasks are in-flight

Explanation: An attempt was made to scroll forward, but the bottom of the display has already been reached. Severity: 0 CSQC461I cics-applid csect-name Top of display

Explanation: This message is issued as the reply to the CKQC DISPLAY request, and gives the status of the connection to queue manager qmgr-name and the number of tasks that are in-flight on that connection. Severity: 0 CSQC455D cics-applid csect-name Unable to WRITEQ TS. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2 EIBRCODE=eibrcode. Queue name is q-name

Explanation: An attempt was made to scroll backward, but the top of the display has already been reached. Severity: 0 CSQC462D cics-applid csect-name Invalid input. Request rejected

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue the internal transaction CKRT by direct terminal input, or in an otherwise invalid way. Severity: 8 System Action: The request is rejected. System Programmer Response: Do not use CKRT in this way. CSQC470I cics-applid csect-name Server subtask (TCB address=address) terminated

Explanation: An attempt to issue an EXEC CICS WRITEQ TS command was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The display function is terminated. System Programmer Response: The EIB fields contain information about the cause of the problem. See the CICS Application Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these values, and take the appropriate action. CSQC456I cics-applid csect-name No tasks found. Display completed

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter is being shut down, and the server task with TCB address address has been terminated. Severity: 0 CSQC471A cics-applid csect-name Server subtask (TCB address=address) unable to establish ESTAE, RC=rc

Explanation: A request was made to display tasks, but there are no current tasks using MQ services. Severity: 0 CSQC457I cics-applid csect-name No CKTI found. Display rejected

Explanation: The server subtask was trying to establish a z/OS ESTAE but failed with return code rc. This error occurred while the server subtask was undergoing its initialization phase, so no CICS tasks will have been affected. Severity: 8 System Action: The server subtask terminates. The

Explanation: A request was made to display CKTI, but there were no instances of CKTI started. Severity: 0


Messages and Codes

MQ CICS adapter continues without that particular server. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference to determine the reason why the ESTAE call failed and take appropriate action if possible. Restart the connection using the CKQC transaction. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQC472I cics-applid csect-name Server subtask (TCB address=address) connect successful


transid taskid EXEC CICS call error. EIBFN=eibfn EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2

Explanation: An error occurred in a CICS call issued by the bridge. System Programmer Response: See the CICS Application Programming manual for an explanation of eibfn, eibresp, and eibresp2. CSQC705E transid taskid Parameter at offset n in input string is invalid

Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter is starting, and the server task with the TCB address address has made a connection to MQ. Severity: 0 CSQC480I cics-applid csect-name MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc QRPL at qrpl-address FRB at frb-address

Explanation: The parameter at offset n in the start parameter string for the bridge monitor is invalid. The incorrect parameter is shown in message CSQC784E. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter and restart the bridge monitor. CSQC706E transid taskid Authentication option invalid for this release of CICS

Explanation: This message is used as the title for an MQ CICS adapter dump if an unexpected error occurs. qrpl-address is the address of the queue request parameter list and frb-address is the address of the function request block. Severity: 0 CSQC481I cics-applid csect-name Unexpected error. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc FRB at frb-address

Explanation: The authentication option requested is not supported. CICS/ESA 3.3 only supports the LOCAL and VERIFY_UOW authentication options. Other versions of the bridge can only support LOCAL. System Programmer Response: Choose a supported authentication option for the release of CICS and restart the bridge monitor. CSQC707I transid taskid Bridge not supported on non-z/OS platforms. Results are unpredictable

Explanation: This message is used as the title for an MQ CICS adapter dump if an unexpected error occurs. frb-address is the address of the function request block. Severity: 0

Explanation: The bridge is being run on a platform other than z/OS. This might work, but is not supported. CSQC708E transid taskid Monitor must run at a terminal to use AUTH=VERIFY_UOW on CICS/ESA V3


transid taskid IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS version CICS bridge

Explanation: This message is issued when the CICS bridge starts, and shows the release level. CSQC702I transid taskid Monitor initialization complete

Explanation: AUTH=VERIFY_UOW was requested. AUTH=VERIFY_UOW on CICS/ESA 3.3 requires that the bridge monitor is run at a terminal. System Programmer Response: Restart the bridge monitor from a terminal or set AUTH=LOCAL. CSQC709E transid taskid Preset security not valid for AUTH=VERIFY_UOW on CICS/ESA V3

Explanation: Bridge monitor initialization completed successfully. CSQC703I transid taskid Auth=auth-option, WaitInterval=interval, Q=q-name

Explanation: This confirms the bridge monitor start options. Although the WAIT parameter is supplied in seconds, Interval is shown in milliseconds; 1 implies WaitUnlimited.

Explanation: AUTH=VERIFY_UOW was requested. AUTH=VERIFY_UOW on CICS/ESA 3.3 requires that the bridge monitor is run at a terminal, but that terminal might not have preset security. System Programmer Response: Redefine the terminal, or use a different one, before restarting the bridge monitor, or set AUTH=LOCAL.
Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)



transid taskid mq-call failed, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

System Programmer Response: Make sure that all messages within a multipart unit of work contain an MQCIH and rerun the unit of work. CSQC717E transid taskid UOW first or only received when UOW middle or last expected

Explanation: An error occurred in an MQ API call issued by the bridge. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQC711E transid taskid Unable to open bridge queue, q-name

Explanation: The bridge queue specified is not known to the queue manager. System Programmer Response: Check the bridge queue is defined correctly and specified on the Q= parameter of the bridge startup for CKBR. CSQC712I transid taskid Bridge quiescing

Explanation: A bridge task has received a message for a second or subsequent MQGET call within a multipart unit of work. The correlation identifier matches the message identifier of the first message within the unit of work, but the UOWControl field within the MQCIH is invalid. It is set to MQCUOWC_FIRST or MQCUOWC_ONLY when MQCUOWC_MIDDLE, MQCUOWC_LAST, MQCUOWC_COMMIT, or MQCUOWC_BACKOUT is required. The unit of work is backed out. System Programmer Response: Correct the UOWControl field and rerun the unit of work. CSQC718E transid taskid UOW middle or last received when UOW first or only expected

Explanation: Bridge monitor quiesce has been initiated. This would normally be because CICS or the queue manager is shutting down or because the operator has set the bridge queue GET(DISABLED). CSQC713I transid taskid Bridge terminated normally

Explanation: Bridge monitor shutdown completed normally. CSQC714I transid taskid Bridge task starting

Explanation: The bridge monitor has received a request message for a new unit of work, the correlation identifier is set to MQCI_NEW_SESSION but the UOWControl field within the MQCIH is set to something other than MQCUOWC_FIRST or MQCUOWC_ONLY. System Programmer Response: Correct the UOWControl field and rerun the unit of work. CSQC720E transid taskid Authentication option IDENTIFY or VERIFY_ requires a security manager to be active

Explanation: Bridge monitor is starting. CSQC715E transid taskid Invalid COMMAREA length length in message

Explanation: The COMMAREA length calculated by the bridge is not valid. It probably exceeds the maximum of 32767. This error can also occur if a negative length was calculated. System Programmer Response: If OutputDataLength is set within the MQCIH, check it does not exceed 32759 (allowing 8 bytes for the program name). If it is not set, check the total request message length (also allowing 8 bytes for the program name). The length of any MQCIH must not exceed 32767. Note that the length of the MQCIH is taken from the MQCIH length field. CSQC716E transid taskid MQCIH required for UOW middle and last messages

Explanation: An attempt has been made to start the bridge monitor with AUTH=IDENTIFY or VERIFY_ but security is not active for the CICS system. System Programmer Response: Activate security, or choose a different authentication option. CSQC721E transid taskid Invalid MQCIH

Explanation: A message has been received by the bridge with an MQMD format field of MQFMT_CICS but the data does not begin with a valid MQCIH. Either the StrucId, Version, or StrucLength is incorrect. System Programmer Response: Check the version of the header and compare with the level supported by the bridge. Correct the format or the user data as appropriate.

Explanation: A bridge task has received a message for a second or subsequent MQGET call within a multipart unit of work. The correlation identifier matches the message identifier of the first message within the unit of work, but the message does not contain an MQCIH. The unit of work is backed out.


Messages and Codes


transid taskid Bridge queue q-name not defined as local


transid taskid No dead-letter queue defined to queue manager

Explanation: The bridge queue specified is not defined as a local queue. System Programmer Response: Redefine the bridge request queue as a local queue. CSQC725I transid taskid Messages on bridge queue are not persistent by default

Explanation: There is no dead-letter queue defined to the queue manager. The bridge will be terminated if any error occurs that would result in a message being sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Alter the queue manager to define a dead-letter queue if dead-letter processing is required. CSQC730I transid taskid Unable to open dead-letter queue, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The bridge queue is defined with DEFPSIST(NO). Request messages should be persistent to guarantee that they will be processed. The message is for information only. CSQC726I transid taskid Bridge queue backout count not hardened

Explanation: The dead-letter queue defined to the queue manager could not be opened. The bridge will be terminated if any error occurs that would result in a message being sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqrc. CSQC731I transid taskid Unable to inquire on dead-letter queue, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The bridge queue is defined with NOHARDENBO. System Programmer Response: Alter the queue definition to set HARDENBO. The queue should be defined with HARDENBO to ensure that the bridge does not try to process a unit of work a second time following a CICS emergency restart. CSQC727I transid taskid Bridge queue defined with MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY), but should be FIFO for efficiency

Explanation: An MQINQ call on the dead-letter queue failed. The bridge will be terminated if any error occurs that would result in a message being sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqrc. CSQC732I transid taskid Unable to put message to dead-letter queue, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The bridge queue is defined with PRIORITY message delivery sequence. Processing of high priority messages could be delayed if they are added to the queue ahead of the bridge monitors browse cursor. System Programmer Response: Alter the queue definition to set MSGDLVSQ(FIFO). CSQC728E transid taskid Bridge queue already open. Check no CKBR or bridge tasks are active for this queue

Explanation: An MQPUT to the dead-letter queue failed. If this error occurs in a bridge task, the unit of work is backed out. If this error occurs in the bridge monitor, it will be abnormally terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqrc. CSQC733I transid taskid Dead-letter queue not defined with USAGE(NORMAL)

Explanation: An MQINQ call for the bridge queue found that another process had the queue open for input. This is not allowed when the bridge monitor starts. System Programmer Response: Check that no bridge monitor task (CKBR) is already active for this queue. Message CSQC703I can be used to check which queue a bridge monitor is servicing. If no bridge monitor is active, check if any bridge tasks that were started by a previous bridge monitor are still active (see CSQC743I messages).

Explanation: The dead-letter queue is not defined correctly. The bridge will be terminated if any error occurs that would result in a message being sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Ensure the dead-letter queue is not defined as a transmission queue.

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)



transid taskid Dead-letter queue max message length length is too small


Explanation: The maximum message length allowed for the dead-letter queue is less than the size of the dead-letter header, MQDLH. The bridge will be terminated if any error occurs that would result in a message being sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Increase the MAXMSGL of the dead-letter queue to at least the size of the MQDLH but, to be effective, make it large enough to hold the largest request message expected plus the MQDLH. CSQC735I transid taskid CICS or queue manager quiesced before bridge task started

transid taskid Bridge terminated, timeout interval expired before middle or last UOW message received

Explanation: The bridge task did not receive a second or subsequent message for a unit of work within the wait interval specified (or as overridden on the first request for the unit of work) at bridge monitor startup. System Programmer Response: Either: v Increase the WAIT parameter on bridge monitor startup. v Correct the program that failed to send a subsequent request for a unit of work. v Set the UOWControl field correctly for the previous request. CSQC740E transid taskid Client application requested backout

Explanation: The bridge task received a quiescing return code from an MQOPEN call of the request queue or an MQGET call for the first message within a unit of work. The request will be processed when CICS, the queue manager, or the bridge monitor are restarted. CSQC736I transid taskid Bridge quiesced before task started

Explanation: The bridge task backed out a unit of work on receipt of a MQCUOWC_BACKOUT request. CSQC745E transid taskid Unable to put message to reply queue, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQPUT call to the reply-to queue failed. System Action: The response message will be sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqrc. CSQC746E transid taskid Invalid CCSID, ccsid expected, ccsid received

Explanation: The bridge quiesced before a bridge task could get the first message within a unit of work. The request will be processed when the bridge monitor is restarted. CSQC737E transid taskid CICS or queue manager quiesced, bridge task backed out

Explanation: The bridge task received a quiescing return code from an MQGET for a second or subsequent message within a unit of work. The unit of work is backed out and the bridge task terminated. System Programmer Response: Rerun the unit of work. CSQC738E transid taskid Bridge quiesced, task backed out

Explanation: A request message was received with an invalid value for the CCSID field in the MQMD. System Programmer Response: Correct the MQMD and reissue the request. CSQC747E transid taskid Invalid encoding, encoding expected, encoding received

Explanation: The bridge task quiesced while a bridge task was waiting to get a second or subsequent message within a unit of work because the queue was not enabled for getting messages. The unit of work is backed out and the bridge task terminated. System Programmer Response: Rerun the unit of work.

Explanation: A request message was received with an invalid value for the encoding field in the MQMD. System Programmer Response: Correct the MQMD and reissue the request. CSQC748E transid taskid Message removed from the request queue during backout processing

Explanation: The bridge has sent this request message to the dead-letter queue during backout processing. System Programmer Response: See the associated messages to determine the cause of the problem.


Messages and Codes


transid taskid Authentication error, userid user-id


transid taskid Bridge task abend abend-code in program program-name

Explanation: The bridge monitor is being run with AUTH=VERIFY_UOW or AUTH=VERIFY_ALL. An EXEC CICS SIGNON or EXEC CICS VERIFY PASSWORD command failed. System Programmer Response: Check that the correct user ID was specified, and that the appropriate authorizations are defined for it. CSQC750E transid taskid Bridge monitor internal error

Explanation: A bridge task terminated abnormally. System Programmer Response: The associated transaction dump can be used to assist problem determination. Correct the problem and rerun the unit of work. If the program name begins with CSQCB and the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. CSQC755E transid taskid Bridge queue is not shareable

Explanation: An unexpected condition was detected by the bridge. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center if the problem persists. CSQC751E transid taskid Unable to LINK to program program-name, EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2

Explanation: The bridge request queue does not have the SHARE attribute. System Programmer Response: Alter the queue definition and restart the bridge monitor. CSQC756E transid taskid Dead-letter queue not defined as local

Explanation: An EXEC CICS LINK command for the user requested program failed. System Programmer Response: See the CICS Application Programming manual for an explanation of eibresp and eibresp2. CSQC752E transid taskid Bridge queue cannot be used for reply-to queue

Explanation: The dead-letter queue is not defined as a local queue. The bridge will be terminated if any error occurs that would result in a message being sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Redefine the dead-letter queue as a local queue. CSQC757E transid taskid Unable to open reply-to queue, q-name MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The reply-to queue name in a request message is the same as the bridge-request queue name. This is not allowed. System Programmer Response: Specify a different reply-to queue in the request. CSQC753E transid taskid Message has been processed previously and returned to the queue using backout

Explanation: The reply-to queue specified is not known to the queue manager. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqrc. Check you have provided the necessary queue definitions. CSQC758E transid taskid Unable to START bridge task, userid user-id not authorized. EIBRESP=eibresp EIBRESP2=eibresp2

Explanation: The bridge already attempted to process this request but the request failed and was backed out. This could be because backout processing failed for a bridge task that ended abnormally or because there was a CICS failure while this request was in progress. No attempt is made to process the request a second time. System Programmer Response: Look at previous error messages for this message on the CSMT log to determine the cause for the previous failure, and rerun the request.

Explanation: The bridge monitor is being run with the IDENTIFY or VERIFY authorization option. An EXEC CICS START command for the bridge task failed with NOTAUTH or USERIDERR because the user ID is not authorized to start bridge transactions or has been revoked. System Programmer Response: See the CICS Application Programming manual for an explanation of eibresp and eibresp2. Correct the security definitions if this userid should be authorized to run requests using the bridge.

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)



transid taskid Transaction transid not defined to CICS

the queue is a shared queue and stongly recommended for private queues. System Action: If the bridge queue is shared, the bridge monitor does not start. Otherwise, processing continues. System Programmer Response: Alter the queue definition to specify the required index type and restart the bridge monitor. CSQC767I transid taskid Unable to open backout-requeue queue, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An request has been received to run the transaction listed but it is not defined to this CICS system. System Programmer Response: Correct the request or define the transaction. CSQC760I transid taskid MsgId=MsgId

Explanation: This message gives the identifier of a message to which a previous error message relates. System Programmer Response: See the associated message. CSQC761I transid taskid CorrelId=CorrelId

Explanation: The backout-requeue queue defined to the bridge queue could not be opened. System Action: Messages will be sent to the dead-letter queue instead. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqrc. CSQC768E transid taskid Backout-requeue queue not defined as local

Explanation: This message gives the correlation identifier of a message to which a previous error message relates. System Programmer Response: See the associated message. CSQC762I transid taskid Queue name q-name

Explanation: The backout-requeue queue is not defined as a local queue. System Action: Messages will be sent to the dead-letter queue instead. System Programmer Response: Redefine the backout-requeue queue as a local queue. CSQC769I transid taskid Unable to inquire on backout-requeue queue, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message gives the name of the queue to which a previous error message relates. System Programmer Response: See the associated message. CSQC763I transid taskid Queue manager queue-manager-name

Explanation: This message gives the name of the queue manager to which a previous error message relates. System Programmer Response: See the associated message. CSQC764E transid taskid Invalid userid, user-id expected, user-id received

Explanation: An MQINQ call on the backout-requeue queue failed. System Action: Messages will be sent to the dead-letter queue instead. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqrc. CSQC770I transid taskid Backout-requeue queue not defined with USAGE(NORMAL)

Explanation: A user ID is required in all request messages when AUTH=VERIFY_ALL is being used; this must be the same for all requests within a unit of work. This message is issued because the bridge task detected a missing or changed user ID. System Programmer Response: Correct the user ID and rerun the unit of work. CSQC766I transid taskid Bridge queue not defined with INDXTYPE(CORRELID)

Explanation: The backout-requeue queue is not defined correctly. System Action: Messages will be sent to the dead-letter queue instead. System Programmer Response: Ensure the backout-requeue queue is not defined as a transmission queue.

Explanation: The bridge queue should be defined with an index type of CORRELID. This is required if


Messages and Codes


transid taskid Unable to put message to backout-requeue queue, MQRC=mqrc

the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the specified CICS system is running and that there is an active CICS Intersystem communication connection to it from the system running the bridge monitor. CSQC775I transid taskid Unable to start transaction on this CICS system

Explanation: An MQPUT to the backout-requeue queue failed. System Action: Messages will be sent to the dead-letter queue instead. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413 for information about mqrc. CSQC772E transid taskid Invalid FacilityLike value (xxx) in message

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_FACILITYLIKE_INVALID, because the FacilityLike field of the MQCIH header in the input message was invalid. It must correspond to an installed terminal that is to be used as a model for the bridge facility. System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Correct the FacilityLike field to specify the name of a terminal installed on the CICS system or install a terminal with the required name. CSQC773E transid taskid Invalid or expired Facility token in message

Explanation: The RemoteSysId field of the MQCIH message header is blank, but the specified Facility token is not known to CICS. The bridge monitor does not know which CICS system allocated the token and so leaves the message on the queue for another bridge monitor to process. If the token is invalid or expired this may result in the message never being processed. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the RemoteSysId field of all messages except the first of a sequence contains the RemoteSysId returned in the previous reply message. This will ensure messages are routed directly to the correct CICS region, improve performance, and prevent the possibility of unprocessed messages. CSQC776E transid taskid Invalid FacilityKeepTime value (nnn) in message

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_INVALID_FACILITYTOKEN or BRIHRC_FACILITYTOKEN_IN_USE, because the Facility field of the MQCIH header in the input message was invalid. The value must be zero on the first request of a sequence of 3270 bridge messages, and the value that is returned in the reply message must then be used in subsequent messages. The token expires after the time specified in the FacilityKeepTime field of the first message. The token cannot be used by more than one sequence of bridge messages. System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Check the application to ensure that the correct Facility token is being used and that it has not expired. If necessary, increase the FacilityKeepTime so that the token does not expire before the sequence of messages has been processed. CSQC774E transid taskid Unable to start transaction on CICS system sys-name

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_INVALID_KEEPTIME, because the FacilityKeepTime field of the MQCIH message header was zero or greater than the maximum allowed keep time (as controlled by the BRMAXKEEPTIME CICS system initialization parameter). System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the FacilityKeepTime field of the first message in a 3270 transaction sequence contains a value within the valid range. CSQC777E transid taskid Link3270 error, RC=code

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned an unexpected return code. System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Use the CICS COBOL copy book DFHBRIHO to find the symbolic name of the return code from the numeric value code reported in the message. Then refer to BRIH-RETURNCODE values in the CICS External Interfaces Guide to determine the meaning of the return code from DFHL3270. Correct the input message accordingly.

Explanation: The RemoteSysId field of the MQCIH message header is non-blank, but the specified name sys-name is not known to CICS or there is no active CICS connection to that remote system. System Action: The input messages are backed out to

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)



transid taskid Abend abend-code in transaction tran-id


transid taskid File DFHBRNSF not available

Explanation: A CICS abend occured in a transaction running under the CICS link bridge. System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the abend and correct the underlying problem using normal CICS diagnostic techniques. CSQC779E transid taskid Mapset does not match, mapset-id expected, mapset-id received

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_DHFBRNSF_UNAVAILABLE, because the CICS bridge facility name space file, DFHBRNSF, was not available for use by CICS. System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Ensure the DFHBRNSF file is defined and avaliable to CICS. For information about defining this file, see Defining the bridge facility in the CICS External Interfaces Guide. CSQC783I transid taskid Msg=msgdest, PassTktA=applid

Explanation: The mapset name in a receive map vector does not match the name requested. The bridge task cannot interpret the application data structure. System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Ensure the mapset name in the input message matches the name expected by the CICS transaction and returned in the preceding receive map request vector. CSQC780E transid taskid Map name does not match, map-id expected, map-id received

Explanation: This confirms the bridge monitor start options. CSQC784E transid taskid Input=parm_string

Explanation: An error was found in the bridge start input parameters. parm_string shows the input parameters starting at the point where the error was detected. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter in error and restart the bridge monitor. CSQC785E transid taskid Link3270 routing failed not supported by CICS system

Explanation: The map name in a receive map vector does not match the name requested. The bridge task cannot interpret the application data structure. System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Ensure the map name in the input message matches the name expected by the CICS transaction and returned in the preceding receive map request vector. CSQC781E transid taskid Invalid bridge vector

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_ROUTING_BACKLEVEL_CICS, because the Link3270 request was routed to a CICS system that does not support Link3270. System Programmer Response: Correct the CICS transaction routing definitions. The target CICS system must be CICS Transaction Server Version 2 Release 2 or higher. For information about Link3270 see Bridging to 3270 transactions in the CICS External Interfaces Guide. CSQC786E transid taskid Link3270 routing failed connection error

Explanation: The bridge input vector was invalid. Possible errors are: v The vector length is greater than the message length v The vector type is not recognized v A field length is greater than its defined length v A field input data length is greater than the defined length of the field The ErrorOffset field of the MQCIH header indicates the position within the message where the error was detected (although the actual error may have caused by a problem earlier in the message). System Action: The input messages are backed out to the backout-requeue queue or dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Ensure the map name in the input message matches the name expected by the CICS transaction and returned in the preceeding receive map request vector.

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_ROUTING_CONNECTION, because a connection error did not allow the Link3270 request to be routed to the remote region. System Programmer Response: Correct the CICS transaction routing definitions. The target CICS system must be active and connected. For information about Link3270 see Bridging to 3270 transactions in the CICS External Interfaces Guide.


Messages and Codes


transid taskid Link3270 routing failed TERMERR


transid taskid Invalid header format found in message

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_ROUTING_TERMERR, because the EXEC CICS LINK from the DFHL3270 to the target region failed with TERMERR. System Programmer Response: Correct the CICS transaction routing definitions. For information about Link3270 see Bridging to 3270 transactions in the CICS External Interfaces Guide. CSQC788E transid taskid Link3270 routing failed TRANDEF error

Explanation: The length field in the header is less than the minimum header length or greater than the actual message message length. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the input message contains only valid MQ headers. Only MQH-type headers with standard header-chaining fields may appear in a bridge message before the MQCIH header and/or application data.

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_ROUTING_TRANDEF_ERROR, because the TRANSACTION resource definition in the routing region did not allow the transaction to be routed to the chosen target region. System Programmer Response: Correct the CICS transaction routing definitions. For information about Link3270 see Bridging to 3270 transactions in the CICS External Interfaces Guide. CSQC789E transid taskid Link3270 routing failed URM error, RC=code CompCode=compcode

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_ROUTING_URM_LINK_FAILED or BRIHRC_ROUTING_URM_REJECTED, because the link to the dynamic routing User Replaceable Module (URM) failed or was rejected by the URM. System Programmer Response: Correct the CICS transaction routing definitions. For information about the codes code and compcode from Link3270 see BRIH-RETURNCODE values in the CICS External Interfaces Guide. CSQC790E transid taskid Transaction not running

Explanation: The CICS Link3270 program DFHL3270 returned code BRIHRC_TRANSACTION_NOT_RUNNING, because there was no transaction currently running on the bridge facility so the data from the MQ message could not be passed to the transaction. System Programmer Response: Check the state of the CICS system. For information about Link3270 see Bridging to 3270 transactions in the CICS External Interfaces Guide.

Chapter 1. CICS adapter messages (CSQC...)



Messages and Codes

Chapter 2. Coupling Facility manager messages (CSQE...)

The value shown for struc-name in the coupling facility manager messages that follow is the 12-character name as used by WebSphere MQ. The external name of such CF structures for use by z/OS is formed by prefixing the MQ name with the name of the queue-sharing group to which the queue manager is connected.
CSQE005I Structure struc-name connected as conn-name, version=version struc-name connection name conn-name Explanation: Peer level recovery has started phase two of its processing. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE013I Recovery phase 1 completed for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Explanation: The queue manager has successfully connected to structure struc-name. System Action: Processing continues. The queue manager can now access the CF structure. CSQE006I Structure struc-name connection name conn-name disconnected

Explanation: The queue manager has disconnected from CF structure struc-name. System Action: Processing continues.

Explanation: Peer level recovery has completed phase one of its processing. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE014I Recovery phase 2 completed for structure struc-name connection name conn-name


event-type event received for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Explanation: The queue manager has received XES event event-type for CF structure struc-name. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the event code to determine what event was issued. The event codes are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual. CSQE008I Recovery event from qmgr-name received for structure struc-name

Explanation: Peer level recovery has completed phase two of its processing. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE015I Recovery phase 2 not attempted for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Explanation: Phase two of peer level recovery processing was not attempted because of a previous error in phase one on one of the participating queue managers. System Action: Processing continues. The connection will be recovered by the failed queue manager when it restarts. System Programmer Response: Investigate the cause of the error, as reported in the preceding messages. CSQE016E Structure struc-name connection name conn-name disconnected, RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: The queue manager issued a peer level recovery event for CF structure struc-name. System Action: Processing continues. The queue manager will begin peer level recovery processing. CSQE011I Recovery phase 1 started for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Explanation: Peer level recovery has started phase one of its processing, following the failure of another queue manager in the queue-sharing group. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Determine why a queue manager within the queue-sharing group failed. CSQE012I Recovery phase 2 started for structure

Explanation: The queue manager has disconnected from CF structure struc-name. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the return and reason codes to determine why the CF structure was disconnected. The codes are described in the z/OS

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual. CSQE018I Admin structure data building started

are not usable. If it is the administration structure, the queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00C53000'. System Programmer Response: Increase the size of the CF structure to at least the minimum size required. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for guidance on required structure sizes. If the structure is allocated and the Coupling Facility Resource Manager policy allows the size of it to be increased, use the z/OS command SETXCF START,ALTER,STRNAME=ext-struc-name,SIZE=newsize. If the policy does not so allow, or there is insufficient space in the Coupling Facility that hosts the structure, the policy must be altered; then the structure can be rebuilt using the z/OS command SETXCF START,REBUILD,STRNAME=ext-struc-name. (In these commands, ext-struc-name is formed by prefixing struc-name with the queue-sharing group name.) If the structure is not allocated, alter the policy to specify a larger INITSIZE for the structure. CSQE024E Incorrect coupling facility level level1, required level2

Explanation: The queue manager is building its own data for the administration structure. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE019I Admin structure data building completed

Explanation: The queue manager has built its own data for the administration structure. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE020E Structure struc-name connection as conn-name failed, RC=return-code reason=reason codes=s1 s2 s3

Explanation: The queue manager failed to connect to CF structure struc-name. System Action: This depends on the component that caused the connection request (queue manager or channel initiator) and the reason for connecting to the CF structure. The component may terminate, or may continue processing but with functions that require the structure inhibited. System Programmer Response: Examine the return and reason codes to determine why the connect failed. Codes s1 s2 s3 are the XES IXLCONN diagnosis codes, which are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual. CSQE021I Structure struc-name connection as conn-name warning, RC=return-code reason=reason codes=s1 s2 s3

Explanation: The queue manager cannot join the queue-sharing group because the version of z/OS or OS/390 being used supports only CF level level1, but MQ requires at least level level2. System Action: CF support is not active. System Programmer Response: Upgrade z/OS or OS/390 and the coupling facility as necessary. CSQE025E Invalid UOW for qmgr-name in list list-id cannot be recovered, key=uow-key

Explanation: The queue manager has successfully connected to CF structure struc-name, but the XES IXLCONN call returned with a warning. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the return and reason codes to determine why the connect warning message was issued. Codes s1 s2 s3 are the XES IXLCONN diagnosis codes, which are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual. CSQE022E Structure struc-name unusable, size is too small

Explanation: A unit-of-work descriptor was read during recovery processing that contained unexpected data. The descriptor was for the indicated queue manager; it was in the coupling facility list list-id and had key uow-key (shown in hexadecimal). System Action: The unit-of-work in error cannot be processed and the descriptor is marked as being in error. Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Take a dump of the indicated list in your coupling facility administration structure for queue manager qmgr-name and contact your IBM support center. CSQE026E Structure struc-name unusable, incorrect coupling facility level level1, required level2

Explanation: The queue manager cannot use the named CF structure because its size is less than the minimum that MQ requires. System Action: The queue manager disconnects from the CF structure, which becomes unusable. If it is an application structure, the queues that use the structure

Explanation: The queue manager cannot use the named CF structure because it has been allocated in a CF which supports level level1, but MQ requires at least level level2.


Messages and Codes

System Action: The queues that use the CF structure are not usable. System Programmer Response: Either upgrade the coupling facility, or use a CF structure which is in a CF running level level2 or above. CSQE027E Structure struc-name unusable, vector size n1 incorrect, required n2


Serialized application cannot start, admin structure data incomplete

Explanation: A serialized application attempted to start, but it could not do so because one or more queue managers in the queue-sharing group has not completed building its data for the administration structure. Messages CSQE031I and CSQE032I precede this message to identify such queue managers. System Action: The application is not started. The MQCONNX call that it issued to connect to the queue manager fails with a completion code of MQCC_FAILED and a reason code of MQRC_CONN_TAG_NOT_USABLE. (See Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for more information about these codes.) System Programmer Response: Restart any queue managers identified by message CSQE032I. When all the queue managers identified in messages CSQE031I or CSQE032I have built their data for the administration structure (as shown by message CSQE019I), restart the application. CSQE031I Admin structure data from qmgr-name incomplete

Explanation: The queue manager cannot use the named CF structure because it has been allocated a list notification vector of size n1, but MQ requires at least size n2. This is probably because there is not enough available hardware storage area (HSA) for the vector. System Action: The queues that use the CF structure are not usable. System Programmer Response: You cannot adjust the amount of HSA defined for your processor. Instead, retry the application (or other process) which was attempting to open the shared queue. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center for assistance. CSQE028I Structure struc-name reset, all messages discarded

Explanation: When it tried to connect to the named CF structure, the queue manager detected that the structure had been deleted, so a new empty structure has been created. System Action: All the messages on the queues that use the CF structure are deleted. CSQE029E Structure struc-name unusable, version v1 differs from group version v2

Explanation: Some functions are not yet available because the indicated queue manager has not completed building its data for the administration structure. System Action: Processing continues. The functions will be available when all the queue managers identified by messages CSQE031I and CSQE032I have issued message CSQE019I. CSQE032I Admin structure data from qmgr-name unavailable

Explanation: The queue manager cannot use the named CF structure because the version number of the structure differs from that of the queue-sharing group. System Action: The queue manager disconnects from the CF structure, which becomes unusable. If it is an application structure, the queues that use the structure are not usable. If it is the administration structure, the queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00C51057'. System Programmer Response: Check that the configuration of your queue manager, queue-sharing group, and data-sharing group is correct. If so, deallocate the CF structure using the z/OS commands SETXCF FORCE,CON and SETXCF FORCE,STRUCTURE. (In these commands, the structure name is formed by prefixing struc-name with the queue-sharing group name.)

Explanation: Some functions are not yet available because the indicated queue manager is not active and therefore its data for the administration structure is not available. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Start the indicated queue manager. The functions will be available when all the queue managers identified by messages CSQE031I or CSQE032I have issued message CSQE019I. CSQE033E Recovery phase 1 failed for structure struc-name connection name conn-name, RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: An error occurred during phase one of peer level recovery processing. The recovery attempt is terminated. return-code and reason are the diagnosis codes (in hexadecimal) from an XES IXL call. System Action: Processing continues. The connection
Chapter 2. Coupling Facility manager messages (CSQE...)


will be recovered by the failed queue manager when it restarts. System Programmer Response: See the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for information about the XES IXL diagnosis codes. Restart the queue manager that failed; if it is unable to recover, contact your IBM support center. CSQE034E Recovery phase 2 failed for structure struc-name connection name conn-name, RC=return-code reason=reason

queue-sharing group) to make a new CF structure backup. You are recommended to set up a procedure to take frequent backups automatically. CSQE041E Structure struc-name backup is more than a day old

Explanation: The latest backup for the named CF structure is more than one day old. Unless backups are taken frequently, the time to recover persistent messages on shared queues may become excessive. The message is issued at checkpoint time if the queue manager was the one that took the last backup, or if it has used the structure since the last backup was taken. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Use the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command (on any queue manager in the queue-sharing group) to make a new CF structure backup. You are recommended to set up a procedure to take frequent backups automatically. CSQE101I csect-name Unable to backup or recover structure struc-name, structure in use

Explanation: An error occurred during phase two of peer level recovery processing. The recovery attempt is terminated. return-code and reason are the diagnosis codes (in hexadecimal) from an XES IXL call. System Action: Processing continues. The connection will be recovered by the failed queue manager when it restarts. System Programmer Response: See the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for information about the XES IXL diagnosis codes. Restart the queue manager that failed; if it is unable to recover, contact your IBM support center. CSQE035E csect-name Structure struc-name in failed state, recovery needed

Explanation: The queue manager attempted to use CF structure struc-name, but it is in a failed state. The failure occurred previously; it was not caused by the current use of the structure. System Action: Processing continues, but queues that use this CF structure will not be accessible. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages from XES relating to the earlier failure, and investigate the cause. See the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for information about diagnosing problems in XES. When the problem is resolved, issue a RECOVER CFSTRUCT command specifying TYPE(NORMAL) for this and any other failed CF structure. CSQE040I Structure struc-name should be backed up

Explanation: A BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure that is in use by another process. The most likely cause is that another BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command is already in progress. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command. If so, wait until the current process ends before reissuing the command if required. CSQE102E csect-name Unable to recover structure struc-name, not in failed state

Explanation: A RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure that is not in a failed state. Only a CF structure that has previously failed can be recovered. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command. CSQE103E csect-name Unable to recover structures, admin structure data incomplete

Explanation: The latest backup for the named CF structure is not very recent. Unless backups are taken frequently, the time to recover persistent messages on shared queues may become excessive. The message is issued at checkpoint time if the queue manager was the one that took the last backup, or if it has used the structure since the last backup was taken. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Use the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command (on any queue manager in the

Explanation: A RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued, but recovery could not be performed because one or more queue managers in the queue-sharing group has not completed building its data for the administration structure.


Messages and Codes

System Action: Messages CSQE031I and CSQE032I are sent to the z/OS console to identify such queue managers. Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart any queue managers identified by message CSQE032I. When all the queue managers identified in messages CSQE031I or CSQE032I have built their administration structure data (as shown by message CSQE019I), reissue the command. CSQE104I csect-name RECOVER task initiated for structure struc-name


csect-name Unable to backup or recover structure struc-name, structure does not support recovery

Explanation: A BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure whose functional capability is incompatible with this command; for example, the CF structure level is not high enough to support recovery, or the RECOVER attribute is set to NO. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the CF structure is at a level of functional capability that allows the use of the BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command and that its RECOVER attribute is set to YES. Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command. CSQE109E csect-name Unable to recover structure struc-name, no backup information available

Explanation: The queue manager has successfully started a task to process the RECOVER CFSTRUCT command for the named CF structure. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE105I csect-name BACKUP task initiated for structure struc-name

Explanation: The queue manager has successfully started a task to process the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command for the named CF structure. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE106E csect-name Unable to backup structure struc-name, reason=reason

Explanation: A RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure, but no backup information could be found. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command. If so, issue a BACKUP CFSTRUCT command to ensure that backup information is available. CSQE120I Backup of structure struc-name started at RBA=rba

Explanation: A BACKUP CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure, but the backup could not be performed. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Examine the reason code to determine why the CF structure could not be backed-up. The codes are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual. CSQE107E csect-name Unable to backup or recover structure struc-name, structure has never been used

Explanation: The named CF structure is being backed-up in response to a BACKUP CFSTRUCT command. The backup begins at the indicated RBA. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE121I csect-name Backup of structure struc-name completed at RBA=rba, size n MB

Explanation: A BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure that has never been used, and so does not contain any messages or data. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command.

Explanation: The named CF structure has been backed-up successfully. The backup ends at the indicated RBA, and n is its approximate size in megabytes. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE130I Recovery of structure struc-name started, using qmgr-name log range from RBA=from-rba to RBA=to-rba

Explanation: The named CF structure is being recovered from the log of queue manager qmgr-name. The log range to be used is shown.
Chapter 2. Coupling Facility manager messages (CSQE...)


System Action: Processing continues. CSQE131I csect-name Recovery of structure struc-name completed

the cause; for example, MQ might be waiting for a tape with an archive log data set to be mounted.

Explanation: The named CF structure has been recovered successfully. The structure is available for use again. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE132I Structure recovery started, using qmgr-name log range from LRSN=from-lrsn to LRSN=to-lrsn

Explanation: CF structure recovery is starting in response to a RECOVER CFSTRUCT command. It must read the log range shown in order to determine how to perform recovery. The logs are read backwards, from the latest failure time of the structures to be recovered to the earliest last successful backup time of those structures. System Action: Processing continues. CSQE133I Structure recovery reading log backwards, LRSN=lrsn

Explanation: This is issued periodically during log reading by CF structure recovery to show progress. The log range that needs to be read is shown in the preceding CSQE132I message. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If this message is issued repeatedly with the same LRSN value, investigate the cause; for example, MQ might be waiting for a tape with an archive log data set to be mounted. CSQE134I Structure recovery reading log completed

Explanation: CF structure recovery has completed reading the logs. The individual structures can now be recovered. System Action: Each CF structure is recovered independently, as shown by messages CSQE130I and CSQE131I. CSQE135I Recovery of structure struc-name reading log, RBA=rba

Explanation: This is issued periodically during log reading for recovering the named CF structure to show progress. The log range that needs to be read is shown in the preceding CSQE130I message. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If this message is issued repeatedly with the same RBA value, investigate


Messages and Codes

Chapter 3. Security manager messages (CSQH...)

CSQH003I Security refresh did not take place for class class-name REFRESH SECURITY command that caused the in-storage profiles to be RACLISTED (that is, rebuilt); for example, when the security switch for a resource is set on, or a refresh for a specific class is requested that requires the in-storage tables to be rebuilt. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: This message is issued so that you can check the security configuration of your queue manager. CSQH006I Error returned from CSQTTIME, security timer not started

Explanation: This message follows message CSQH004I when an attempt to refresh class MQPROC, MQNLIST, or MQQUEUE was unsuccessful because of a return code from a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call. The return code is given in message CSQH004I. Severity: 4 System Action: The refresh does not occur. System Programmer Response: Check that the class in question (class-name) is set up correctly. See message CSQH004I for the reason for the problem. CSQH004I csect-name STAT call failed for class class-name, SAF return code=saf-rc, ESM return code=esm-rc

Explanation: An error was returned from the MQ timer component, so the security timer was not started. Severity: 8 System Action: The queue manager terminates abnormally, with a reason code of X'00C80042'. System Programmer Response: Refer to Chapter 27, Security manager codes (X'C8'), on page 281 for an explanation of the reason code. CSQH007I Reverify flag not set for userid user-id, no entry found

Explanation: This message is issued as a result of a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to your external security manager (ESM) returning a non-zero return code at one of the following times: v During initialization, or in response to a REFRESH SECURITY command If the return codes from SAF and your ESM are not zero, and are unexpected, this will cause abnormal termination with one of the following reason codes: X'00C8000D' X'00C80032' X'00C80038' v In response to a REFRESH SECURITY command. If the return codes from SAF and your ESM are not zero (for example, because a class is not active because you are not going to use it) this message is returned to the issuer of the command to advise that the STAT call failed. Possible causes of this problem are: v The class is not installed v The class is not active v The external security manager (ESM) is not active v The RACF z/OS router table is incorrect Severity: 8 System Programmer Response: To determine if you need to take any action, see the Security Server External Security Interface (RACROUTE) Macro Reference for more information about the return codes. CSQH005I csect-name resource-type In-storage profiles successfully listed

Explanation: A user identifier (user-id) specified in the RVERIFY SECURITY command was not valid because there was no entry found for it in the internal control table. This could be because the identifier was entered incorrectly in the command, or because it was not in the table (for example, because it had timed-out). Severity: 0 System Action: The user identifier (user-id) is not flagged for reverify. System Programmer Response: Check that the identifier was entered correctly. CSQH008I Subsystem security not active, no userids processed

Explanation: The RVERIFY SECURITY command was issued, but the subsystem security switch is off, so there are no internal control tables to flag for reverification. Severity: 0 CSQH009I Errors occurred during security timeout processing

Explanation: This message is issued in response to a

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Explanation: This message is sent to the system log either: v If an error occurs during security timeout processing (for example, a nonzero return code from the external security manager (ESM) during delete processing) v Prior to a message CSQH010I if a nonzero return code is received from the timer (CSQTTIME) during an attempt to restart the security timer Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQH010I csect-name Security timeout timer not restarted

nonzero return code from the external security manager (ESM) during timeout processing). Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQH015I Security timeout = number minutes

Explanation: This message is issued in response to the DISPLAY SECURITY TIMEOUT command, or as part of the DISPLAY SECURITY ALL command. Severity: 0 CSQH016I Security interval = number minutes

Explanation: This message is issued to inform you that the security timeout timer is not operational. The reason for this depends on which of the following messages precedes this one: CSQH009I An error occurred during timeout processing CSQH011I The timeout interval has been set to zero Severity: 8 System Action: If this message follows message CSQH009I, the queue manager ends abnormally with one of the following reason codes: csect-name Reason code CSQHTPOP X'00C80040' CSQHPATC X'00C80041' System Programmer Response: Refer to Chapter 27, Security manager codes (X'C8'), on page 281 for information about the reason code. CSQH011I csect-name Security interval is now set to zero

Explanation: This message is issued in response to the DISPLAY SECURITY INTERVAL command, or as part of the DISPLAY SECURITY ALL command. Severity: 0 CSQH017I Security refresh completed with errors in signoff

Explanation: This message is issued when an error has been detected in refresh processing; for example, a nonzero return code from the external security manager (ESM) during signoff or delete processing. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQH018I csect-name Security refresh for resource-type not processed, security switch set OFF

Explanation: A REFRESH SECURITY command was issued for resource type resource-type. However, the security switch for this type or the subsystem security switch is currently set off. Note: This message is issued only for resource types MQQUEUE, MQPROC, and MQNLIST, because MQADMIN is always available for refresh. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: Ensure that the REFRESH SECURITY request was issued for the correct resource type.

Explanation: The ALTER SECURITY command was entered with the INTERVAL attribute set to 0. This means that no user timeouts will occur. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: This message is issued to warn you that no security timeouts will occur. Check that this is what was intended. CSQH012I Errors occurred during ALTER SECURITY timeout processing

Explanation: This message is issued in response to an ALTER SECURITY command if errors have been detected during timeout processing (for example, a


Messages and Codes


Keyword values are incompatible

Explanation: The REFRESH SECURITY command was issued, but the command syntax is incorrect because a keyword value that is specified conflicts with the value for another keyword. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not executed. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for more information about the REFRESH SECURITY command. CSQH021I csect-name switch-type security switch set OFF, profile profile-type found

System Programmer Response: Messages CSQH021I through CSQH026I are issued so that you can check the security configuration of your queue manager. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting security switches. CSQH024I csect-name switch-type security switch set ON, profile profile-type not found

Explanation: This message is issued during queue manager initialization and in response to a REFRESH SECURITY command for each security switch that is set ON because the named security profile has not been found. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: Messages CSQH021I through CSQH026I are issued so that you can check the security configuration of your queue manager. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting security switches. CSQH025I csect-name switch-type security switch set OFF, internal error

Explanation: This message is issued during queue manager initialization and in response to a REFRESH SECURITY command for each security switch that is set OFF because the named security profile has been found. Severity: 0 System Action: If the subsystem security switch is set off, you will get only one message (for that switch). System Programmer Response: Messages CSQH021I through CSQH026I are issued so that you can check the security configuration of your queue manager. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting security switches. CSQH022I csect-name switch-type security switch set ON, profile profile-type found

Explanation: This message is issued during queue manager initialization and in response to a REFRESH SECURITY command for each security switch that is set OFF because an error occurred. Severity: 0 System Action: The message may be issued in conjunction with message CSQH004I when an unexpected setting is encountered for a switch. System Programmer Response: See message CSQH004I for more information. Messages CSQH021I through CSQH026I are issued so that you can check the security configuration of your queue manager. CSQH026I csect-name switch-type security switch forced ON, profile profile-type overridden

Explanation: This message is issued during queue manager initialization and in response to a REFRESH SECURITY command for each security switch that is set ON because the named security profile has been found. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: Messages CSQH021I through CSQH026I are issued so that you can check the security configuration of your queue manager. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting security switches. CSQH023I csect-name switch-type security switch set OFF, profile profile-type not found

Explanation: This message is issued during queue manager initialization and in response to a REFRESH SECURITY command for each security switch that is set OFF because the named security profile has not been found. Severity: 0 System Action: If the subsystem security switch is set off, you will get only one message (for that switch).

Explanation: This message is issued during queue manager initialization and in response to a REFRESH SECURITY command for each security switch that was forced ON. This happens when an attempt was made to turn off both the queue manager and queue-sharing group security switches for the named profile, which is not allowed. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: Correct the profiles for the queue manager and queue-sharing group security switches, and refresh security if required. Messages CSQH021I through CSQH026I are issued so that you can check the security configuration of your queue manager. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System
Chapter 3. Security manager messages (CSQH...)


Setup Guide for information about setting security switches. CSQH030I Security switches ...


switch-type OFF, internal error

Explanation: This is issued in response to a DISPLAY SECURITY ALL or DISPLAY SECURITY SWITCHES command and is followed by messages CSQH031I through CSQH036I for each security switch to show its setting and the security profile used to establish it. Severity: 0 System Action: If the subsystem security switch is set off, you will get only one message (for that switch). Otherwise, a message is issued for each security switch. CSQH031I switch-type OFF, profile-type found

Explanation: This message is issued in response to a DISPLAY SECURITY ALL or DISPLAY SECURITY SWITCHES command for each security switch that is set OFF because an error occurred during initialization or when refreshing security. Severity: 0 System Action: The message may be issued when an unexpected setting is encountered for a switch. System Programmer Response: Check all your security switch settings. If required, correct them and refresh your security. CSQH036I switch-type ON, profile-type overridden

Explanation: This message is issued in response to a DISPLAY SECURITY ALL or DISPLAY SECURITY SWITCHES command for each security switch that is set OFF because the named security profile has been found. Severity: 0 System Action: If the subsystem security switch is set off, you will get only one message (for that switch). CSQH032I switch-type ON, profile-type found

Explanation: This message is issued in response to a DISPLAY SECURITY ALL or DISPLAY SECURITY SWITCHES command for each security switch that was forced ON. This happens when an attempt was made to turn off both the queue manager and queue-sharing group security switches for the named profile, which is not allowed. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: Correct the profiles for the queue manager and queue-sharing group security switches, and refresh security if required.

Explanation: This message is issued in response to a DISPLAY SECURITY ALL or DISPLAY SECURITY SWITCHES command for each security switch that is set ON because the named security profile has been found. Severity: 0 CSQH033I switch-type OFF, profile-type not found

Explanation: This message is issued in response to a DISPLAY SECURITY ALL or DISPLAY SECURITY SWITCHES command for each security switch that is set OFF because the named security profile has not been found. Severity: 0 System Action: If the subsystem security switch is set off, you will get only one message (for that switch). CSQH034I switch-type ON, profile-type not found

Explanation: This message is issued in response to a DISPLAY SECURITY ALL or DISPLAY SECURITY SWITCHES command for each security switch that is set ON because the named security profile has not been found. Severity: 0


Messages and Codes

Chapter 4. Data manager messages (CSQI...)

CSQI002I csect-name Page set psid value out of range all units of recovery (except those that are indoubt) that involved the offline page set will have been backed out by the queue manager when the page set was last used. These indoubt units of recovery may be resolved once the page set is back in use by the queue manager. CSQI006I csect-name COMPLETED IN-STORAGE INDEX FOR QUEUE q-name

Explanation: One of the following commands has been issued: v DEFINE STGCLASS v DISPLAY STGCLASS v DISPLAY USAGE The value given for the page-set identifier was not in the range 0 through 99. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command using the correct syntax. (See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the command.) CSQI003I csect-name PSID not allowed with TYPE(DATASET)

Explanation: During restart, in-storage indexes are built for non-shared queues that have the INDXTYPE attribute, which might take some time. This message records that index-building has been completed for the specified queue. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQI007I csect-name BUILDING IN-STORAGE INDEX FOR QUEUE q-name

Explanation: A DISPLAY USAGE command was issued specifying both the PSID keyword and TYPE(DATASET), which is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command using the correct syntax. (See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the command.) CSQI005I csect-name PAGE SET nn OFFLINE. RECOVERY RBA = rba

Explanation: During restart, in-storage indexes are built for non-shared queues that have the INDXTYPE attribute, which might take some time. This message records that an index is being built for the specified queue. Severity: 0 System Action: The in-storage index is built. CSQI010I Page set usage ...

Explanation: This message is the response to the DISPLAY USAGE command. It provides information about the page set usage, as follows: Page ... set _. n page-set-information . . End of page set report where n is the page set identifier. The columns of page-set-information are: Buffer pool The buffer pool used by the page set. Total pages The total number of 4 KB pages in the page set (this relates to the records parameter on the VSAM definition of the page set). Unused pages The number of pages that are not used (that is, available page sets).

Explanation: This message indicates that the page set nn is currently not accessible by the queue manager. This might be because the page set has not been defined to the queue manager with the DEFINE PSID command. rba is the restart RBA for page set nn. This situation can cause problems, so you should take action to correct it as soon as possible. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the page set is required, bring it online; this can be done without stopping the queue manager. Use the FORMAT function of the utility program CSQUTIL, specifying TYPE(REPLACE). Then issue a DEFINE PSID command to bring the page set back into use. Note that
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Persistent data pages The number of pages holding persistent data (these pages are being used to store object definitions and persistent message data). Nonpersistent data pages The number of pages holding nonpersistent data (these pages are being used to store nonpersistent message data). Expansion count The type of expansion used for the page set (SYSTEM, USER, or NONE), and the number of times the page set has been dynamically expanded since restart. (The maximum number of times the page set can be expanded is 123, provided that enough space is available.) If the count is large, your page set allocation may be wrong, or you may have some message processing problem. Note: The page numbers are approximate because other threads might be altering the status of pages in this page set while the command is being processed. If a page set is unavailable, page-set-information will be one of: has never been online if the page set has been defined, but has never been used. OFFLINE, recovery RBA=rba if the page set is currently not accessible by the queue manager, for example because the page set has not been defined to the queue manager with the DEFINE PSID command; rba is the restart RBA for the page set. is not defined if the command was issued for a specific page set that is not defined to the queue manager. Exceptionally, the last line of the report might be: Page set report terminated if there was an error in obtaining the information. The error is described in the following messages. Severity: 0 CSQI012E csect-name COULD NOT COMPLETE COMMAND. STORAGE EXHAUSTED

command without the PSID keyword, try it again, specifying a page set identifier. This could decrease the amount of information produced, enabling it all to be displayed. CSQI020I MAXSMSGS(number)

Explanation: This message is issued in response to a DISPLAY MAXSMSGS command, and displays the maximum number of messages that a task can get or put within a single unit of recovery. Severity: 0 CSQI021I csect-name PAGE SET psid IS EMPTY. MEDIA RECOVERY STARTED

Explanation: The queue manager has recognized a page set with a recovery RBA of zero. It will update the page set using information in the log data sets. Severity: 0 System Action: The queue manager rebuilds the page set. CSQI022I csect-name PAGE SET psid NEWLY ADDED

Explanation: The queue manager has recognized that page set psid is new to the system. Severity: 0 CSQI023I csect-name PAGE SET psid ONLINE AGAIN. MEDIA RECOVERY STARTED

Explanation: A page set has been redefined to the queue manager after a period offline. Severity: 0 System Action: Any updates to the page set that are necessary are applied. CSQI024I csect-name Restart RBA for system as configured = restart-rba

Explanation: This message gives the restart RBA (relative byte address) for the queue manager, but does not include any offline page sets in the calculation of this restart point. This value can be used to determine where to truncate logs, if you have no offline page sets. If you have offline page sets that you wish to add to your system at some time in the future, you must use the restart RBA given in message CSQI025I. If you truncate your logs at rba you might make it impossible to add the offline page sets back to the system. Severity: 0

Explanation: A display of page set usage could not complete because all the available storage was exhausted. Severity: 8 System Action: The output terminates at this point. There might be more information that has not been displayed. If this is in response to a DISPLAY USAGE


Messages and Codes


csect-name Restart RBA including offline page sets = restart-rba

Severity: 0 System Action: Any updates to the page set that are necessary are applied. Restart processing continues. CSQI030I csect-name PAGE SET nn TREATED AS A REPLACEMENT PAGE SET

Explanation: This message gives the restart RBA (relative byte address) for the queue manager, including any offline page sets. This value can be used to determine where to truncate logs, if you have offline page sets that you wish to add to the system in the future. Severity: 0 CSQI026I csect-name PAGE SET nn DEFINED, BUT HAS NEVER BEEN ONLINE

Explanation: This message indicates that the page set nn has been formatted using TYPE(REPLACE). No media recovery will be performed on the page set. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQI031I csect-name THE NEW EXTENT OF PAGE SET psid HAS FORMATTED SUCCESSFULLY

Explanation: This message indicates that the page set nn has been defined, but it has never been used. Consequently, there is no restart RBA for the page set. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQI027I csect-name PAGE SET nn TREATED AS A NEW PAGE SET

Explanation: Following the dynamic extension of page set psid, the new extent has been formatted successfully. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQI032I csect-name NEW EXTENT(S) OF nnn PAGES DISCOVERED ON PAGE SET psid WILL NOW BE FORMATTED

Explanation: This message indicates that the page set nn has been formatted using TYPE(NEW). It is treated as if it has been newly-added to the system, so all historical information relating to this page set is discarded. In particular, all queues that use storage classes that reference the page set will be cleared of all messages. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQI028E csect-name PAGE SET CONFLICT FOR QUEUE queue

Explanation: During restart, it was discovered that page set psid had been extended dynamically, but that nnn pages had not been formatted. This formatting will now be done. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQI041I csect-name JOB jobname USER userid HAD ERROR ACCESSING PAGE SET psid

Explanation: The named queue contains messages that are on a different page set from that associated with the storage class for the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: This message might be issued more than once, each occurrence naming a different queue. The queue manager ends abnormally with reason code X'00C93800'. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center for assistance. CSQI029I csect-name PAGE SET psid IS AN OLD COPY. MEDIA RECOVERY STARTED

Explanation: This message is issued when there is an error on a page set. The message identifies the job name, user ID, and page set identifier associated with the error. Severity: 0 CSQI042E csect-name WLM IWMCONN request failed, rc=rc reason=reason

Explanation: A Workload Management Services (WLM) connect call failed. rc is the return code and reason is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the call. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues, but WLM services are not available. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Workload Management Services manual for information about the return and reason codes from the
Chapter 4. Data manager messages (CSQI...)

Explanation: The queue manager has recognized that the media recovery RBA held within the page set is older than the media recovery RBA checkpointed for the page set. This is because the queue manager was started with an old copy of the page set.


WLM call. When you have resolved the problem, you will need to restart the queue manager. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center for assistance. CSQI043E csect-name WLM call-name request for process process-name failed, rc=rc reason=reason


csect-name Log RBA has reached rba. Perform a log reset

Explanation: The current log RBA is approaching the highest value that is allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Stop the queue manager as soon as is convenient and reset the logs. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resetting logs, by using the RESETPAGE function of the utility program CSQUTIL. CSQI047E csect-name Log RBA has reached rba. Stop queue manager and reset logs

Explanation: A Workload Management Services (WLM) call failed. rc is the return code and reason is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the call. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues, but WLM services are not available. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Workload Management Services manual for information about the return and reason codes from the WLM call. When you have resolved the problem, you will need to restart the queue manager. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center for assistance. CSQI044I csect-name Process process-name used by queue q-name was not found

Explanation: The current log RBA is too close to the highest value that is allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Stop the queue manager immediately and reset the logs. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resetting logs, by using the RESETPAGE function of the utility program CSQUTIL. CSQI048I csect-name WLM reached maximum enclave limit

Explanation: The named queue is indexed by message tokens. An action was being performed for the queue that required the use of the Workload Management Services (WLM) IWMCLSFY service. However, the process specified by the queue does not exist, so the service name for WLM cannot be determined. Severity: 0 System Action: A blank service name is passed to the Workload Management Services (WLM) IWMCLSFY service. System Programmer Response: Correct the queue or process definitions. CSQI045I csect-name Log RBA has reached rba. Plan a log reset

Explanation: Workload Management Services (WLM) reported that no more enclaves could be created, so a message could not be notified to WLM. (An IWMECREA call gave a return code of 8 with a reason code of X'xxxx0836'.) Note: This message might be issued repeatedly during the scan of the indexes for WLM-managed queues. Severity: 4 System Action: The queue manager will attempt to notify the message to WLM again on the next scan of the indexes for WLM-managed queues. This will be after the interval specified by the WLMTIME system parameter; see the CSQ6SYSP macro in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the system parameters. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Workload Management Services manual for information about the return and reason codes from the WLM call.

Explanation: The current log RBA is approaching the highest value that is allowed. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Plan to stop the queue manager at a convenient time and reset the logs. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resetting logs, by using the RESETPAGE function of the utility program CSQUTIL.


Messages and Codes


Page set psid has media recovery RBA=rcvry-rba, checkpoint RBA=chkpt-rba


Queue manager QSG numbers differ, log=log-num queue manager=qmgr-num

Explanation: During restart, the queue manager opened the indicated page set. The media recovery RBA from the page set itself and the checkpointed RBA from the logs are as shown. If the RBAs differ, it indicates that an old copy of the page set is being used. If the checkpoint RBA and the prior checkpoint RBA shown in message CSQR003I differ, it indicates that the page set has been offline. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. Media recovery is performed if necessary to bring the page set up to date. CSQI056E Unable to increase cluster cache

Explanation: The queue manager was restarted using the log from another queue manager. The queue-sharing group queue manager number recorded in the log does not match that being used by the queue manager. Severity: 8 System Action: Restart is terminated abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00C94506'. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager using the correct logs and BSDS. If the correct logs are being used, correct the entry for the queue manager in the DB2 CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your IBM Support Center for assistance. CSQI062I Queue q-name deleted by another queue manager during restart

Explanation: The dynamic cluster cache cannot be increased because the queue manager cluster cache task encountered an error. Severity: 8 System Action: The cluster cache task terminates. The channel initiator will probably terminate. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in any preceding messages. CSQI060E QSG names differ, log=log-name queue manager=qmgr-name

Explanation: During restart processing the queue manager detected that the named queue has been deleted by another queue manager in the queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQI063E Queue q-name is both PRIVATE and SHARED

Explanation: The queue-sharing group name recorded in the log does not match the name being used by the queue manager. Possible causes are: v The queue manager was restarted using the log from another queue manager. v The queue manager was restarted with the wrong QSGDATA system parameter. v The queue manager was not removed correctly from its previous queue-sharing group. Severity: 8 System Action: Restart is terminated abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00C94505'. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager using the correct logs and BSDS, or change the QSGDATA system parameter. Note that you cannot change the name of the queue-sharing group that a queue manager uses, or remove it from a queue-sharing group, unless it has been shut down normally and the further procedures for removal described in WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide have been followed.

Explanation: During restart processing the queue manager detected that the named queue exists both as a locally-defined queue on this queue manager and as a shared queue in the queue-sharing group. Opening a queue with this name will therefore not be allowed. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Plan to delete one of the instances of the queue. There are several things to consider in doing this, as described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide. CSQI064E Cannot get information from DB2. obj-type COPY objects not refreshed

Explanation: During queue manager or channel initiator startup, objects of type obj-type with a disposition of COPY were being refreshed from those with a disposition of GROUP. However, the necessary information could not be obtained from DB2; this may be because DB2 is not available or no longer available, or because the connection to DB2 is suspended, or because there was an error in accessing DB2, or because a DB2 table was temporarily locked. Severity: 8
Chapter 4. Data manager messages (CSQI...)


System Action: The COPY objects of type obj-type are not refreshed. Startup continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to the console log for messages giving more information about the error. When the error condition has cleared, refresh the objects manually using the appropriate DEFINE commands with the QSGDISP(COPY) and REPLACE options, or restart the queue manager or channel initiator. CSQI070I Data set usage ...

Explanation: This message is the response to the DISPLAY USAGE command. It provides information about the data sets relating to various circumstances, as follows: Data set RBA/LRSN DSName data-set-type: rrr dsname . . . End of data set report where: data-set-type The type of data set and circumstance, which can be: Log, oldest with active unit of work The log data set containing the beginning RBA of the oldest active unit of work for the queue manager. Log, oldest for page set recovery The log data set containing the oldest restart RBA of any page set for the queue manager. Log, oldest for CF structure recovery The log data set containing the LRSN which matches the time of the oldest current backup of any CF structure in the queue-sharing group. rrr The RBA or LRSN corresponding to the circumstance.

dsname The name of the copy 1 data set. If no data set relates to a circumstance, this is shown as None; if the data set name cannot be determined, this is shown as Not found. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: This information can be used to help manage data sets; see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for details.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)

CSQJ001I CURRENT COPY n ACTIVE LOG DATA SET IS DSNAME=dsname, STARTRBA=sss ENDRBA=ttt DSNAME The name of the archive log data set STARTRBA The starting RBA contained in the volume ENDRBA The ending RBA contained in the volume STARTTIME The starting store-clock value of the log records in the volume ENDTIME The ending store-clock value of the log records in the volume UNIT The device unit to which the data set was allocated COPYnVOL The name of the volume; this is displayed as COPY1VOL if this is the copy-1 archive log data set, and as COPY2VOL if this is the copy-2 archive log data set VOLSPAN An indicator to denote one of four conditions: NO The data set is entirely contained on the volume specified by COPYnVOL FIRST This is the first entry of a multivolume data set MIDDLE This is the middle entry of a multivolume data set LAST This is the last entry of a multivolume data set CATLG An indicator to denote one of two conditions: NO The archive log data set is uncataloged YES The archive log data set is cataloged The BSDS is automatically updated with the information contained in this message; however, if recovery is required, information from this message might be required as input to the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003). CSQJ004I ACTIVE LOG COPY n INACTIVE, LOG IN SINGLE MODE, ENDRBA=ttt

Explanation: This message is generated for one of two reasons: 1. When the queue manager starts, this information message is sent to identify the current active log data sets (copy 1 and, if dual logging is used, copy 2). 2. When the current active log data set is full (or when an ARCHIVE LOG command is issued), MQ will switch to the next available active log data set. This message identifies the next available active log data set that will be used for logging. The value specified by STARTRBA is the RBA of the first byte of log data in the named data set. The value specified by ENDRBA is the RBA of the last possible byte in the data set. System Programmer Response: None required. However, if recovery is required, information from this message might be required as input to the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003). CSQJ002I END OF ACTIVE LOG DATA SET DSNAME=dsname, STARTRBA=sss ENDRBA=ttt

Explanation: This message is sent when logging switches to a new empty data set. The message shows the name and log RBA range of the full data set. System Programmer Response: None required. However, if recovery is required, information from this message might be required as input to the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003). CSQJ003I FULL ARCHIVE LOG VOLUME DSNAME=dsname, STARTRBA=sss ENDRBA=ttt, STARTTIME=ppp ENDTIME=qqq, UNIT=unitname, COPYnVOL=vvv VOLSPAN=xxx CATLG=yyy

Explanation: Offloading for the specified archive log data set was successfully completed for the given volume. If the data set spans multiple tape volumes, this message is generated for each tape volume. System Action: An archive log data set has been created, and the archive log data set inventory in the BSDS has been updated with the information in the message:

Explanation: This message is sent when the dual active logging option is selected and copy n becomes inactive. A log copy becomes inactive when the next active log data set is not ready when required. ENDRBA is the last byte of log data written on copy n. This is usually caused by a delay in offload. System Action: The log is switched to single mode until the next data set for copy n is ready for logging. If the queue manager is shut down or terminates

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


abnormally while in single mode with the system parameter option still set for dual active data sets, the previous state of the active log data sets determines what happens when the queue manager is started, as follows: v If fewer than two data sets are available (not flagged as STOPPED) for each set of active logs, queue manager startup terminates and message CSQJ112E is issued. v If an active log data set is in NOTREUSABLE state, the queue manager can be started in single logging mode, but dual mode takes effect when the other active log data set becomes available after offloading. System Programmer Response: Perform a display request to ensure that there are no outstanding requests that are related to the log offload process. Take the necessary action to satisfy any requests, and permit offload to continue. If the switch to single mode was caused by the lack of a resource required for offload, the necessary resource should be made available to allow offload to complete and thus permit dual logging to proceed. If recovery is required, information from this message might be required as input to the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003). CSQJ005I ACTIVE LOG COPY n IS ACTIVE, LOG IN DUAL MODE, STARTRBA=sss

by message CSQJ022I which follows. System Action: The read request that needed the archive volume is unsuccessful. If the request was issued with the COND=YES parameter, the log manager returns to its invoker with return code 12 and reason code X'00D1032B'. Otherwise, the log managers invoker ends abnormally with the same reason code. CSQJ008E nn OF mm ACTIVE LOGS ARE FULL, qmgr-name NEEDS ARCHIVE SCRATCH

Explanation: MQ needs a scratch volume for offloading an active log data set. qmgr-name is the name of the queue manager. nn is the number of full active log data sets. mm is the total number of active log data sets. System Action: The offload task issues message CSQJ021D and waits for the operators reply. Operator Response: There are three options: v Get a scratch volume ready, make sure there is an available unit for the volume, and reply Y. MQ then continues with the offload. v Determine from the number of active log data sets available whether the offload can be delayed until the next time an active log data set becomes full. If the process can be delayed, reply N. This response has two possible effects: If dual archive logging is in effect and this allocation is for a copy 1 archive data set, the N response delays the offload process until the next active log data set becomes full. However, if the copy 1 archive data set has already been allocated and this request is for copy 2, the N response causes the offload to switch to single archive mode (the switch is for this data set only). v Defer giving a response. This causes offload to wait before processing. However, because offload is a separate service task, the wait does not affect MQ performance. If offloading to DASD, an error has occurred attempting to allocate an archive log data set. Reply Y to receive the error messages. CSQJ009E qmgr-name NEEDS VOL SER=nnnnnn

Explanation: This message is sent when copy n of the log becomes active after previously being flagged as inactive. STARTRBA is the RBA of the first byte of log data written on copy n after it was activated. System Programmer Response: None required. However, if recovery is required, information from this message might be required as input to the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003). CSQJ006I ALLOCATION FOR NEW ARCHIVE LOG DATA SET HAS BEEN CANCELED BY OPERATOR

Explanation: This message is sent if the operator answers N to message CSQJ008E. System Action: If the allocation is for the first copy of the archive log data set, offload terminates processing until the next time it is activated. If the first copy has already been allocated and this request is for the second copy, offload switches to single offload mode for this data set only. CSQJ007I ALLOCATION FOR ARCHIVE VOL SER=volser HAS BEEN CANCELED BY OPERATOR

Explanation: MQ needs the specified archive volume for a read operation. qmgr-name is the name of the queue manager. System Action: The archive log read service task issues message CSQJ021D and waits for the operators reply. This wait affects the agent for which the log read was issued and any other agents that might be waiting on the log read service task queue. Operator Response: Locate the requested volume,

Explanation: If the operator answers N to message CSQJ009E, this message is issued. volser is the volume serial of an archive log volume required to satisfy the read request. The name of the archive data set is given


Messages and Codes

ensure that a device is available, and reply Y. MQ continues with dynamic allocation and begins reading the log. If dual archiving is in effect, a response of N causes archive read to reissue the message for the copy 2 archive VOLSER with the same RBA range. A response of N to this second message, or to the initial message for single archiving, causes the archive read service task to be unsuccessful, with unpredictable results. CSQJ010I INVALID RESPONSE NOT Y OR N

that have the same connection ID and thread-xref relate to the same user. System Action: The application program is terminated with reason code ccc. However, information in this message might be useful in diagnosing the abnormal termination that will follow. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. CSQJ013E TERMINAL ERROR ccc IN BUFFER rrr BEFORE ACTIVE LOG WRITE

Explanation: During archive data set allocation, a reply message was issued. The user did not respond correctly to the reply message. Either Y or N must be entered. System Action: The original message is repeated. Operator Response: Reply as indicated in the repeated message. CSQJ011D RESTART CONTROL rrr CREATED AT date time FOUND. REPLY Y TO USE, N TO CANCEL

Explanation: A scan of the log output buffer, just prior to writing the buffer, detected an inconsistency in the log data. ccc is the reason code associated with the SDUMP that is produced. rrr is the log RBA at which the error was detected. System Action: The queue manager will terminate with a dump, and will not write the damaged buffer to either COPY 1 or COPY 2 active log data set. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager after it terminates. Because the damaged buffer has not been written to a log data set, the queue manager can be restarted. No corrective action is required. CSQJ014E TERMINAL ERROR ccc IN BUFFER rrr AFTER ACTIVE LOG WRITE

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, a conditional restart control record was found in the BSDS data set. Both the record identifier (a 4-byte hexadecimal number) and the creation time stamp are displayed to help identify the conditional restart record which will be used. If you want a conditional restart using that record, reply Y to the message. Otherwise, reply N. System Action: If Y is the response, the queue manager is started conditionally, using the record found. If N is the response, startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Respond as indicated. If a normal restart has failed and you have created a conditional restart record with the change log inventory utility, check whether the time and date in the message agree with when you created that record. If they do, reply Y. If they do not, reply N and investigate the discrepancy. CSQJ012E ERROR ccc READING RBA rrr IN DATA SET dsname, CONNECTIONID=xxxx THREAD-XREF=yyyyyy

Explanation: A scan of the log output buffer, after writing to the first copy of the active log data set and before writing to the second copy, detected an inconsistency in the log data. ccc is the reason code associated with the SDUMP that is produced. rrr is the log RBA at which the error was detected. System Action: The queue manager terminates with a dump, and does not write the damaged buffer to the COPY 2 data set. System Programmer Response: The block containing the indicated log RBA might be damaged. The buffer was found to be in error at the completion of the write to the COPY 1 data set of the active log. If dual active logs are being used, use the print log map utility (CSQJU004) to list the active log data sets for both copies of the active log. Find the COPY 2 data set with the corresponding RBA, and copy that data set (using Access Method Services REPRO) to the COPY 1 data set. Start the queue manager. If only a single active log is used, contact the IBM support center for assistance. An attempt to start the queue manager might succeed if the damage to the buffer occurred after completion of the write to DASD.

Explanation: While scanning log records read into a buffer, MQ detected a logical error with reason code ccc. rrr is the log RBA of the segment in the buffer at which the error was detected. dsname is the name of the active or archive log data set from which the record was read. If dsname is blank, the data was read from an active log output buffer. The connection ID and thread-xref identify the user or application that encountered the problem. Messages

Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)




v If the log data sets are not recoverable, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. Problem Determination: Examine previous messages to determine the reason the active log data sets are unavailable. CSQJ033I FULL ARCHIVE LOG VOLUME DSNAME=dsname, STARTRBA= sss ENDRBA=ttt, STARTLRSN=ppp ENDLRSN=qqq, UNIT=unitname, COPYnVOL=vvv VOLSPAN=xxx CATLG=yyy

Explanation: The operator chose to terminate queue manager startup by answering N to msg-num. System Action: The queue manager will not restart. Operator Response: To restart the queue manager, follow the operator response given for message msg-num. CSQJ021D REPLY Y WHEN DEVICE READY OR N TO CANCEL

Explanation: An archive log data set needs allocating, as indicated in the preceding CSQJ008E or CSQJ009E message. System Action: The log service task waits for the operators reply. Operator Response: Refer to the explanation of message CSQJ008E or CSQJ009E as appropriate. When the device and volume is ready, reply Y; otherwise, reply N to cancel the operation. CSQJ022I DSNAME=dsname

Explanation: Offloading for the specified archive log data set was successfully completed for the given volume. If the data set spans multiple tape volumes, this message is generated for each tape volume. This message is issued in place of CSQJ003I for queue-sharing groups. System Action: See message CSQJ003I. STARTTIME and ENDTIME are replaced by the following: STARTLRSN The starting LRSN contained in the volume for queue-sharing groups. ENDLRSN The ending LRSN contained in the volume for queue-sharing groups. CSQJ060E parm-name system parameters are unusable

Explanation: dsname is the name of the archive data set to which the preceding message refers. CSQJ030E RBA RANGE startrba TO endrba NOT AVAILABLE IN ACTIVE LOG DATA SETS

Explanation: Previous errors have made the active log data sets (that contain the RBA range reported in the message) unavailable. The status of these logs is STOPPED in the BSDS. System Action: The queue manager terminates with a dump. System Programmer Response: The log RBA range must be available for the queue manager to be recoverable. Correct the previous errors and restore the active log data sets that contain the RBA range reported in the message. v If the log data sets are recoverable, the active log data set inventory in the BSDS must be modified to reset the STOPPED status. Use the print log map utility (CSQJU004) to obtain a copy of the BSDS log inventory. Next, use the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) to delete the active log data sets marked STOPPED (use the DELETE statement), then add them again (use the NEWLOG statement). The starting and ending RBA for each active log data set must be specified on the NEWLOG statement when the logs are added back to the BSDS using the change log inventory utility.

Explanation: The format of the parameters set by parm-name in the system parameter load module is invalid, so they cannot be used. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with abnormally with reason code X'00E80084'. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the queue manager is started with a correct system parameter module, for example CSQZPARM. If necessary, reassemble the module that uses the indicated parameters, and relink-edit your system parameter load module. CSQJ061I parm-name system parameters are obsolete

Explanation: The parameters set by parm-name in the system parameter load module use some values which are now obsolete. System Action: Processing continues. The obsolete parameters are ignored, and default values are used for new parameters. System Programmer Response: Review your system parameter settings. If necessary, reassemble the module that uses the indicated parameters, and relink-edit your


Messages and Codes


System Action: The archive log data set has been allocated to a nontape device, and has been cataloged. The system parameter CATALOG=NO setting has been overridden. The BSDS reflects that the data set has been cataloged. System Programmer Response: The archive system parameters must be changed. Specifically, the CATALOG and UNIT parameters are not consistent with one another. For information about the actions required to eliminate this problem, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide, under the CSQ6ARVP macro subtopic. CSQJ073E LOG ARCHIVE UNIT ALLOCATION FAILED, REASON CODE=ccc. ALLOCATION OR OFFLOAD OF ARCHIVE LOG DATA SET MAY FAIL

Explanation: The system parameters (set by CSQ6ARVP) specify that the date and time of creation of an archive log data set be included as part of the archive log data set name (DSN). To accomplish this, MQ requires that the length of the archive log data set name prefix is limited. If the prefix requirement is not met, this message is issued just prior to the allocation of the archive log data set specified in the message. System Action: The archive log data set will be allocated using the archive log prefix. However, the archive log DSN will not contain the date and time as the user requested. System Programmer Response: The system parameters for the log archive function must be changed. Specifically, the TSTAMP and ARCPFXn fields are not consistent with one another. For information about the actions required to eliminate this problem, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide, under the CSQ6ARVP macro subtopic. CSQJ071E csect-name TIMER FAILURE CAUSED TIME STAMPING OF ARCHIVE dsname TO BE BYPASSED

Explanation: While building the SVC99 text entries to allocate a new archive log data set dynamically, a unit allocation error was detected. The reason code, indicated by ccc in the message, further clarifies the problem as follows: 4-28 (X'4'-X'1C') Return code from z/OS IEFGB4UV macro. Common values are: 4 (X'04') Invalid unit name 8 (X'08') Unit name has incorrect units assigned 16 (X'10') No storage available 20 (X'14') Device numbers not valid 32 (X'20') MQ was able to obtain a list of devices corresponding to the device type (unit name) specified in the system parameters. However, it was determined that this list contained a mixture of tape and nontape devices. 36 (X'24') Nonfetch-protected storage could not be obtained to build a parameter list for a z/OS service. 40 (X'28') The device type (unit name) specified by the user in the system parameters is valid. However, no devices are currently associated with the given device type (unit name). 44 (X'2C') The device type (unit name) specified by the user in the system parameters is valid. However, no DASD volumes are available with a volume use attribute of storage.
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)

Explanation: The system parameters (set by CSQ6ARVP) specify that the date and time of creation of an archive log data set be included as part of the archive log data set name (DSN). However an attempt to get the current date and time from the system was unsuccessful. This message is issued just prior to the allocation of the archive log data set specified in the message. System Action: The archive log data set will be allocated using the archive log prefix. However, the archive log DSN will not contain the date and time as the user requested. CSQJ072E ARCHIVE LOG DATA SET dsname HAS BEEN ALLOCATED TO NON-TAPE DEVICE AND CATALOGED, OVERRIDING CATALOG PARAMETER

Explanation: The system parameters (set by CSQ6ARVP) specify that all archive log data sets should be uncataloged (CATALOG=NO). However, MQ requires that all archive log data sets allocated to non-tape devices must be cataloged. The archive log data set specified by dsname has been allocated to a non-tape device, and has thus been cataloged. The users system parameter CATALOG setting of NO has been overridden.


System Action: This message is issued after the SVC99 text entries are built, but prior to the allocation of the new archive log data set. As a result of the error, the dynamic allocation of the archive log data set will be attempted using standard default values. The standard default values are generally acceptable; however, the allocation might be unsuccessful or the subsequent offload might produce undesirable processing results. For example: v A reason code of 4 or 44 (X'2C') indicates an allocation error (CSQJ103E) when the SVC99 is issued for the archive data set. v Offload processing to tape might be unsuccessful. MQ uses a volume count of 20 when allocating to tape, and uses the standard z/OS volume count default of 5 volumes when writing to non-tape devices. In the case of most of the above errors, it would be impossible for MQ to determine the device type on which the data set is to be allocated. Therefore, the standard z/OS default is assumed for the volume count. If the data set is successfully allocated to a tape device, and the volume of data is such that more than five volumes will be used for the archive data set, the offload processing will receive a z/OS completion code X'837-08' with message IEC028I when attempting to write to the sixth tape volume. v Offload processing to a direct access device might be unsuccessful. When allocating a new archive log data set on a direct access device, MQ will use a unit count to facilitate multivolume archive data sets. With most of the above errors, it might be impossible for MQ to correctly determine the type of device on which the data set is to be allocated. Therefore, the standard default (1) is assumed for the unit count. If the data set is successfully allocated to a direct access device, and during the offload processing it becomes necessary to extend the data set to another device, the offload processing will receive a z/OS X'B37' (out of space) completion code, and the archive log data set will be deallocated. System Programmer Response: The required action is based on the reason code indicated in the message: 4-28 (X'4'-X'1C') See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide for more info about the return code from the z/OS IEFGB4UV macro. The most likely causes for the common values are: 4 (X'04') Incorrect specification in the archive system parameters. Correct the UNIT parameter. If the UNIT parameter from the archive system parameters appears to be correct, check the EDT to ensure that the esoteric or generic unit name specified in the parameters is actually in the EDT. Subsequent offload processing will archive the log

data which could not be previously archived due to the allocation error (CSQJ103E). 8 (X'08') Incorrect specification in archive system parameters, incorrect operational setup. 16 (X'10') This is usually a temporary problem. If the allocation of the archive log data set is successful, no action is required to correct this situation. If this is a recurring problem, sufficient page space is not available, and the region size for the queue manager address space might have to be increased, or standard z/OS diagnostic procedures might have to be used to correct the problem. 20 (X'14') Incorrect specification in archive system parameters, incorrect operational 32 (X'20') or 40 (X'28') To correct this situation, change the archive system parameter UNIT to use a device type (unit name) that contains homogenous devices, or modify the device list associated with the device type (unit name) using a system generation to supply a list of homogenous devices. 44 (X'2C') To correct this situation, issue the z/OS command MOUNT to change the volume use attribute of a mounted private volume to storage. If this is a recurring problem, you might have to do one of the following: v Perform a system generation to add permanently resident volumes with a volume use attribute of storage to the esoteric or generic unit v Change the archive system parameters to use a different esoteric or generic unit name for the UNIT CSQJ077E LOG OR BSDS READ ERROR FOR QMGR qmgr-name, REASON CODE=ccc

Explanation: This message identifies a queue manager whose log data cannot be accessed. The logs or BSDSs of other queue managers in a queue-sharing group may be accessed during a RECOVER CFSTRUCT operation. System Action: The execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: Look for earlier messages which may identify more specifically the data


Messages and Codes

set being accessed and the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, note the reason code, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v System dump v Console output for the issuing queue manager v Console output for the other queue manager v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC CSQJ098E csect-name RESTART CONTROL ENDLRSN rrr IS NOT IN KNOWN LRSN RANGE. QUEUE MANAGER STARTUP IS TERMINATED

processing, the command is terminated, and the queue manager continues in single BSDS mode. System Programmer Response: Recover the BSDS that cannot be opened. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the BSDS or the log. Problem Determination: The error status contains the VSAM open return code in ee, and the VSAM open reason code in ii. See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for a list of the VSAM OPEN return codes and reason codes, and the steps required to take corrective action. CSQJ101E csect-name RESTART CONTROL ENDRBA rrr IS NOT IN KNOWN RBA RANGE. QUEUE MANAGER STARTUP IS TERMINATED

Explanation: A conditional restart control record requests truncation, but it cannot take place because the end LRSN was not in the range of LRSN values known to either the active or archive logs. rrr is the end LRSN specified in the active record. The end LRSN is either higher than the end LRSN of the most recent active log data set, or lower than the starting LRSN of the oldest archive log data set. System Action: Queue manager startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the ENDLRSN value specified in the conditional restart control record. If it is not correct, run the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) using CRESTART CANCEL cancel the conditional restart, and a new CRESTART specifying the correct ENDLRSN. CSQJ099I LOG RECORDING TO COMMENCE WITH STARTRBA=sss

Explanation: A conditional restart control record requests truncation, but it cannot take place because the end RBA was not in the range of RBA values known to either the active or archive logs. rrr is the end RBA specified in the active record. The end RBA is either higher than the end RBA of the most recent active log data set, or lower than the starting RBA of the oldest archive log data set. System Action: Queue manager startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the ENDRBA value specified in the conditional restart control record. If it is not correct, run the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) using CRESTART CANCEL cancel the conditional restart, and a new CRESTART specifying the correct ENDRBA. Otherwise, then most likely, the archive log data set that contained the requested RBA has been deleted from the BSDS data set by the change log inventory utility. Locate the output from an old print log map utility and identify the data set that contains the missing RBA. If the data set has not been reused, run the change log inventory utility to add this data set back into the inventory of log data sets. Restart the queue manager. CSQJ102E LOG RBA CONTENT OF LOG DATA SET DSNAME=dsname, STARTRBA= sss ENDRBA=ttt, DOES NOT AGREE WITH BSDS INFORMATION

Explanation: This message is generated during queue manager startup. The value specified by STARTRBA is the RBA of the next byte of log data to be recorded in the active log data sets. This message is preceded by one (if single logging) or two (if dual logging) CSQJ001I messages. System Programmer Response: None required. However, if recovery is required, information from this message might be required as input to the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003). CSQJ100E csect-name ERROR OPENING BSDSn DSNAME=dsname, ERROR STATUS=eeii

Explanation: During startup, or while processing a RECOVER BSDS command, MQ could not open the specified BSDS. BSDSn matches the DDname in the queue manager started task JCL procedure (xxxxMSTR) of the data set that cannot be opened. The value of n is 1 or 2. The error status contains the VSAM open return code in ee, and the VSAM open reason code in ii. System Action: When this error occurs at initialization time, startup must be terminated, because the log data sets cannot be determined and allocated without the BSDS. When this error occurs during RECOVER BSDS

Explanation: The log RBA range shown in the BSDS for the specified data set does not agree with the content of the data set. System Action: Startup processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Use the print log map and change log inventory utilities to make the BSDS consistent with the log data sets.

Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)




See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. This message might also be issued as the result of a user error. If STATUS displays a value of 17080000, you might have one or more active log data sets defined in the BSDS, but not allocated on DASD. To correct the situation, print the contents of the current active log data set inventory using the print log map utility (CSQJU004), then either: v Use Access Method Services to allocate the active log data set for each active log data set listed in the BSDS, but not actually allocated on DASD. You can find the Access Method Services command syntax for active log data sets in the CSQ4BSDS sample JCL. v Use the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) DELETE statement to delete the errant active log data set name, and the NEWLOG statement to add the correct name to the active log data set inventory. The name specified on the NEWLOG statement must be the same as the name of the actual active log data set allocated on DASD. CSQJ104E csect-name RECEIVED ERROR STATUS nnn FROM macro-name FOR DSNAME dsname

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate the active or archive log data set indicated by DSNAME. STATUS indicates the error reason code returned by z/OS dynamic allocation (SVC99). This message might be preceded by message CSQJ073E. System Action: Subsequent actions depend on the type of data set involved. For active log data sets, if the error is encountered during queue manager initialization, startup is terminated. If two copies of the active log data sets are defined, this message appears only once. For archive log data sets, if two copies of the archive log data sets are defined, processing continues on the remaining archive log data set. System Programmer Response: The error status portion of this message contains a 2-byte error code (eeee, S99ERROR) followed by the 2-byte information code (iiii, S99INFO) from the SVC99 request block. If the S99ERROR code indicates an SMS allocation error (97xx), then ssssssss contains additional SMS reason code information obtained from S99ERSN. See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide manual for a description of these codes. For active log data sets, if the problem occurred during queue manager initialization, you can resolve the problem by doing one of the following: v Resolve the error associated with the active log data set as indicated by STATUS v Provide another copy of the active log data set, using Access Method Services v Update the BSDS with the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) v Restart the queue manager For archive log data sets: v If the problem occurred during allocation with the intent to write the data set, no immediate action is required. However, if you do not resolve the SVC99 error (indicated by the STATUS value in the message), the available space in the active log could eventually be exhausted (CSQJ111A) because all future offloads might be unsuccessful because of the same error. v If the problem occurred during allocation with the intent to read the data set, determine the problem, and use the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) DELETE function to delete the archive log data set from the BSDS archive log inventory. Then use the NEWLOG function to add the data set back into the archive log inventory, pointing to the correct volume and device.

Explanation: An error ocurred while issuing macro macro-name. Error status is the return code from the specified macro: v For an OPEN of a VSAM data set, the return code in the error field of the Access Method Services control block is included in this message as the error status value. See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for a description of these values. v If the OPEN was for a non-VSAM data set, the error status is zero. v For MMSRV errors, error status contains the error information returned by media manager services. If an MMSRV CATUPDT error occurs attempting to truncate an active log data set, the log data set will be unavailable and the status of the log data set will be flagged as STOPPED in the BSDS. v For VSAM OPEN and MMSRV errors, this message is preceded by an IEC161I message that defines the error that occurred. v For a PROTECT of an archive log data set, the return code is from DADSM PROTECT. See the MVS/ESA System - Data Administration manual for details of the return code. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. System Action: Subsequent actions depend on when the error occurred.


Messages and Codes

During queue manager initialization, startup is terminated. When using the data set either for offload or for input operations, processing continues. If a second copy of the data is available, MQ attempts to allocate and open the second data set. When using the data set as an active log data set, MQ attempts to retry the request. If the retry is unsuccessful, the queue manager is terminated. During checkpoint processing, where MQ attempts to locate the oldest active or archive log data sets that are required for restart recovery of page sets and restart and media recovery of CF structures, processing continues. The message is a warning that either restart recovery would fail or media recovery of CF structures would fail. It is most likely to occur when all CF application structures are not being regularly backed up, thereby requiring excessively old log data sets for recovery. System Programmer Response: If the error occurred during initialization, either correct the problem so that the data set is available or provide another copy of the data set and change the BSDSs to point to the new data set. If the error occurred after startup, the return code should be reviewed and the appropriate action taken to correct the problem, so that the data set can be used at a later time, or the data set entry can be removed from the BSDS using the change log inventory utility. If the error was received from PROTECT, there might be a problem with the PASSWORD data set. See the appropriate DADSM publication to determine the cause of the problem. When the problem has been corrected, ensure the archive log data sets receiving the error are added to the PASSWORD data set. If these archive log data sets are not added to the PASSWORD data set, archive read will not be able to OPEN these data sets. If you do not have information about the named macro, note the macro name and the return code and contact your IBM support center for help. If the error occured during checkpoint processing, issue the DISPLAY USAGE TYPE(DATASET) command to show which log data sets are currently required for page set and media recovery, and ensure that they are available. If applicable, use the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command for your CF structures, and institute a procedure to back up your CF structures frequently. CSQJ105E csect-name LOG WRITE ERROR DSNAME=dsname, LOGRBA=rrr, ERROR STATUS=ccccffss

preformatting the next control area before writing log data into it. Error status contains the error information returned by media manager in the form ccccffss, where cccc is a 2-byte return code that describes the error, ff is a 1-byte code that defines the functional routine that detected the error, and ss is the 1-byte status code that defines a general category of error. System Action: If the dual active logging option is selected, the MQ switches to the next data set for this copy. If the next data set is not ready, MQ temporarily enters single logging mode and allocates a replacement data set for the one that encountered the error. Dual logging is resumed as soon as possible. If single active logging option is selected and the next data set is not ready, MQ waits for that data set to be available. In this case, log writing is inhibited until the replacement is ready for output. System Programmer Response: See the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the media manager. If you are unable to resolve the problem, note the return code, and contact your IBM support center. CSQJ106E LOG READ ERROR DSNAME=dsname, LOGRBA=rrr, ERROR STATUS=ccccffss

Explanation: An error occurred while reading an active log data set. The error status contains the error information returned by the media manager in the form ccccffss, where cccc is a 2-byte return code that describes the error, ff is a 1-byte code that defines the functional routine that detected the error, and ss is the 1-byte status code that defines a general category of error. (See the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the media manager.) System Action: If another log data set contains the data, MQ attempts to read the data from the alternate source. If an alternate source is not available, a read error return code is sent to the program requesting the log data. Depending on the circumstances under which the failure occurred, the queue manager might continue with the alternate log data set if dual logging is used, or end abnormally. System Programmer Response: If you are using dual logging, the requested RBA was probably retrieved from the corresponding dual active log data set, and no immediate response is necessary. However, if this error occurs frequently, or if you are using single logging, immediate attention might be required. If so, note the contents of the error status field, and contact your IBM support center for help. It might be necessary to replace the data set in error with a new data set containing the log data, and to update the BSDSs to reflect the new data set using the change log inventory (CSQJU003) NEWLOG operation.
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)

Explanation: An error occurred while writing a log data set. If csect-name is CSQJW107, the error occurred writing the log buffers to an active log data set. If csect-name is CSQJW207, the error occurred while


See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. This message might also be issued as the result of a user error. If the data set name specified by DSNAME is missing, and STATUS displays a value of 00180408 or 00100408, you are using dual logging, but only one set of active log data sets is defined in the BSDS. To resolve this condition, do either of the following: v Define a second set of active log data sets using Access Method Services (if they are not defined already), and update the BSDS log inventory using the change log inventory (CSQJU003) NEWLOG operation. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about using the change log inventory utility. v Reset the log system parameters to indicate single logging. You can do this by setting TWOACTV to NO in the CSQ6LOGP system parameters. CSQJ107E READ ERROR ON BSDS DSNAME=dsname ERROR STATUS=eee

a description of VSAM return and reason codes. System Action: If dual BSDSs are available, MQ enters single BSDS mode using the remaining good BSDS. Otherwise, an error code is returned to the log request that caused access to the BSDS. System Programmer Response: If dual BSDS mode is being used, run an offline Access Method Services job to rename the error BSDS and define a new BSDS with the same name. Then enter the RECOVER BSDS command to reestablish dual BSDS mode. If dual BSDS mode is not being used, the queue manager must be shut down, and the BSDS must be recovered from a backup copy. To recover the BSDS, use the change log inventory utility. CSQJ109E OUT OF SPACE IN BSDS DSNAME=dsname

Explanation: There is no more space in the specified BSDS. The operation that encountered the out-of-space condition did not complete properly. System Action: If dual BSDSs are available, MQ enters single BSDS mode using the remaining good BSDS. Otherwise, an error code is returned to the log request that caused access to the BSDS. System Programmer Response: If dual BSDS mode is being used, run an offline Access Method Services job to rename the full BSDS and define a new, larger BSDS with the same name. Enter the RECOVER BSDS command to reestablish dual BSDS mode. If dual BSDS mode is not being used, the queue manager must be shut down and the BSDS recovered offline. In this case, run the same Access Method Services job mentioned above to rename the full data set and define a larger data set. Next, run an Access Method Services REPRO job to copy the full BSDS into the new BSDS. CSQJ110E LAST COPYn ACTIVE LOG DATA SET IS nnn PERCENT FULL

Explanation: An error occurred while reading the specified BSDS. Error Status contains the VSAM return and feedback codes. It is a 2-byte field with the first byte containing the hexadecimal return code and the second containing the hexadecimal feedback code. See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for a description of VSAM return and reason codes. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the BSDS or the log. System Action: If dual BSDSs are available, MQ attempts to read from the other BSDSs. If the read from the second BSDS fails or if there is only one BSDS, an error code is returned to the log request that caused access to the BSDS. If the read error is detected during startup, the queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: It might be necessary to replace or repair the BSDS, depending on what conditions resulted from the read error. To replace a BSDS, first delete the BSDS in error, then define the new BSDS with the same name and attributes. If a new name is used for the new BSDS, change the queue manager started task JCL procedure (xxxxMSTR) to specify the new BSDS name. CSQJ108E WRITE ERROR ON BSDS DSNAME=dsname ERROR STATUS=eee

Explanation: This message is issued when the last available active log data set is 5% full, and is reissued after each additional 5% of the data set space is filled. System Action: Each time the message is issued, the offload processing will be re-attempted. If the situation is not corrected, the active log data set will fill to capacity, message CSQJ111A will be issued, and MQ processing will stop. System Programmer Response: To clear this condition, you must take steps to complete other waiting offload tasks. Once an active log data set is made available (reusable) by completing the offload process for it, the MQ logging activity can continue. Perform a display request to determine the outstanding requests related to the log offload process. Take the

Explanation: An error occurred while writing to the specified BSDS. Error Status contains the VSAM return and feedback codes. It is a 2-byte field with the first containing the hexadecimal return code and the second containing the hexadecimal feedback code. See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for


Messages and Codes

necessary action to satisfy any requests, and permit offload to continue. Consider whether there are sufficient active log data sets. If necessary, additional log data sets can be added dynamically using the DEFINE LOG command. If offload does not complete normally or cannot be initiated, either correct the problem that is causing the offload process error, increase the size of the allocated data sets, or add more active log data sets. Note that the latter action requires the queue manager to be inactive and the change log inventory utility to be run. Possible causes for the shortage of active log data space are: v Excessive logging. For example, there is a lot of persistent message activity. v Delayed or slow offloading. For example, failure to mount archive volumes, incorrect replies to offload messages, or slow device speeds. v Excessive use of the ARCHIVE LOG command. Each invocation of this command causes MQ to switch to a new active log data set and to initiate an offload of the active log. Although the command will not be processed when only one active log data set remains in a copy of the active log (see CSQJ319I), excessive use of the command could have consumed all space in the active log except the current active log data sets. v Offloads were unsuccessful. v Insufficient active log space. CSQJ111A OUT OF SPACE IN ACTIVE LOG DATA SETS

for any other reason that requires the system parameters to be changed, the queue manager must be canceled as neither STOP MODE(QUIESCE) nor STOP MODE(FORCE) commands will work. To free any tasks that are waiting because they were performing MQ API calls that require logging, you must solve the underlying problem, or cancel the queue manager. If the offload process has stalled because some resource is not available or for some other reason, it may be possible to resolve the problem by canceling the currently executing offload task using the ARCHIVE LOG CANCEL OFFLOAD command, and then starting another. If there are hardware problems, it may be necessary to use z/OS commands to cancel the devices with problems. CSQJ112E csect-name INSUFFICIENT ACTIVE LOG DATA SETS DEFINED IN BSDS

Explanation: There are not enough active log data sets defined in the BSDS to start the queue manager. This condition usually exists for one of the following reasons: v Fewer than two data sets are defined for one of the active log copy sets. v The CSQ6LOGP system parameters specified TWOACTV=YES but data sets for two copies of active log are not defined in BSDS. v Fewer than two data sets are available (not flagged as STOPPED) for one of the active log copy sets. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Use the change log inventory utility to make the number of active log data sets defined in the BSDS consistent with the system parameters specified in CSQ6LOGP, or to add further active log data sets so that there are two or more active log data sets available for use in each active log copy. Restart the queue manager. Note: Log data sets that are flagged as STOPPED will not be reused by MQ. Once the queue manager has been restarted you might need to recover STOPPED log data sets. To clear the STOPPED status: 1. Stop the queue manager 2. Recover the log data set (either redefined or recovered from the other copy of the log) 3. Delete and re-add to the BSDS (using the change log inventory utility) with the appropriate RBAs CSQJ113E RBA log-rba NOT IN ANY ACTIVE OR ARCHIVE LOG DATA SET, CONNECTION-ID=xxxx THREAD-XREF=yyyyyy

Explanation: Due to delays in offload processing, all available space in all active log data sets has been exhausted. Recovery logging cannot continue. System Action: MQ waits for an available data set. Any tasks performing MQ API calls that require logging will wait. System Programmer Response: Perform a display request to ensure that there are no outstanding requests that are related to the log offload process. Take the necessary action to satisfy any requests, and permit offload to continue. Consider whether there are sufficient active log data sets. If necessary, additional log data sets can be added dynamically using the DEFINE LOG command. If the delay was caused by the lack of a resource required for offload, the necessary resource must be made available to allow offload to complete and thus permit logging to proceed. For information about recovery from this condition, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. If the problem occurred because archiving was set off, or because archive data sets could not be allocated, or

Explanation: There was a request to read the log

Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)


record starting at this RBA. However, this log record cannot be found in any active or archive log data set. The connection ID and thread-xref identify the user or application that encountered the problem (this could be an internal MQ task). See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. System Action: Depending upon what log record is being read and why, the requestor might end abnormally with a reason code of X'00D1032A'. System Programmer Response: Probable user error. Most likely, the archive log data set that contained the requested RBA has been deleted from the BSDS by the change log inventory utility. Locate the output from an old print log map run, and identify the data set that contains the missing RBA. If the data set has not been reused, run the change log inventory utility to add this data set back into the inventory of log data sets. Restart the queue manager. CSQJ114I ERROR ON ARCHIVE DATA SET, OFFLOAD CONTINUING WITH ONLY ONE ARCHIVE DATA SET BEING GENERATED

active log data set is not marked as reusable for new log data. This message is preceded by message CSQJ107E, CSQJ108E, or CSQJ109E. System Action: Offload will be retried at a later time. System Programmer Response: See the specific preceding message for action. CSQJ117E INITIALIZATION ERROR READING BSDS DSNAME=dsname, ERROR STATUS=eee

Explanation: An error occurred during initialization reading from the specified BSDS. Error Status contains the VSAM return and feedback codes. It is a 2-byte field with the first containing the hexadecimal return code and the second byte containing the hexadecimal feedback code. See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for a description of VSAM return and reason codes. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the read error using the VSAM error status information provided. Restart the queue manager. CSQJ118E MACRO xxx FAILED IN LOG INITIALIZATION, RC=ccc

Explanation: An error occurred while accessing one of the archive data sets being created by offload. Because the dual archive option is specified, offload is continuing with the other archive data set. For the RBA range being offloaded, there is only one copy of archive instead of the usual two copies. System Action: Offload produces a single archive data set. System Programmer Response: A second copy of this archive log data set can be made, and the BSDSs can be updated with the change log inventory utility. CSQJ115E OFFLOAD FAILED, COULD NOT ALLOCATE AN ARCHIVE DATA SET

Explanation: Log initialization received a return code from the named macro. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Determine the problem from the documentation on the named macro and return code. Then take appropriate steps, and restart the queue manager. If you do not have information about the named macro, note the macro name and the return code and contact your IBM support center for help. CSQJ119E BOOTSTRAP ACCESS INITIALIZATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: Offload could not allocate an archive log data set. The offload was not performed. This message is preceded by message CSQJ103E or CSQJ073E. Note: If you are using the dual archiving option, neither copy is made. System Action: Offload will be tried at a later time. System Programmer Response: Review the error status information of message CSQJ103E or CSQJ073E. Correct the condition that caused the data set allocation error so that, on retry, the offload can take place. CSQJ116E ERROR ADDING ARCHIVE ENTRY TO BSDS

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the BSDS access function was unable to complete its initialization process. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the BSDS or the log. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error have preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take.

Explanation: Offload could not add an archive entry to the BSDS. The offload is considered incomplete. The


Messages and Codes





Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the BSDSs was found to have been incompletely processed by the change log inventory utility. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to determine what operation against the BSDS did not complete. Run the change log inventory utility against the BSDSs to allow any unfinished processing to be completed. CSQJ124E OFFLOAD OF ACTIVE LOG SUSPENDED FROM RBA xxxxxx TO RBA xxxxxx DUE TO I/O ERROR

Explanation: When the queue manager was initialized, the time stamps of the dual BSDS did not agree. The time stamps from the system and from the change log inventory utility are shown for each BSDS. The time stamps have the format date System Action: The queue manager attempts to re-synchronize the BSDS data sets to restore dual BSDS mode. If re-synchronization is successful, message CSQJ130I is issued and startup continues. Otherwise, startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: If startup fails, run the print log map utility against each BSDS. From the output, determine which data set is obsolete, delete it, define a replacement for it, and copy the remaining BSDS to the replacement. If output from the print log map utility for both data sets is similar, delete the data set with the oldest time stamp, and copy the data set with the most recent time stamp. CSQJ121E INITIALIZATION ERROR READING JFCB, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: During offload, an unrecoverable input/output error was encountered on an active log data set. The data set experiencing the error is marked unusable, and no further logging is done to that data set. System Action: Active log data sets continue to be offloaded as they become full. System Programmer Response: Recover the data manually from the data set, copy it to an archive data set, run the change log inventory utility to make the new archive data set available to the queue manager, and remove the error-prone active log data set. CSQJ125E ERROR COPYING BSDS, OFFLOAD CONTINUING WITHOUT THE BSDS COPY

Explanation: During queue manager initialization (if dual BSDS data sets are specified), the job file control block (JFCB) in z/OS is read to obtain the data set names associated with DDnames BSDS1 and BSDS2. This error is caused by a missing DD statement. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Ensure that a DD statement exists in the queue manager started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for DDname BSDS1. If dual BSDS data sets are used, ensure that a DD statement also exists in the queue manager started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for DDname BSDS2. CSQJ122E DUAL BSDS DATA SETS ARE OUT OF SYNCHRONIZATION

Explanation: An error occurred while copying the BSDS data set during the offload process. The data set is not produced, and the volume containing the offloaded data set does not contain a BSDS for recovery use. System Action: The queue manager continues the offload process without producing a copy of the BSDS. System Programmer Response: When archiving occurs, both a copy of the active log data set, and the BSDS at that time, are dumped. The BSDS is not critical because it will be copied again with the next archive log (the missing one simply means an extended restart time). However, the underlying data management problem (for example, not enough space allocated) should be resolved for subsequent BSDS offloads to occur. CSQJ126E BSDS ERROR FORCED SINGLE BSDS MODE

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the dual BSDSs were found to differ in content. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility against each BSDS to determine which data set was last used as the first copy. Delete the second copy data set, define a replacement for the deleted data set, and copy the remaining BSDS to the replacement.

Explanation: An input/output error or a VSAM logical error occurred on a BSDS. This message is preceded by message CSQJ107E or CSQJ108E.
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)


System Action: MQ enters single BSDS mode using the remaining BSDS. System Programmer Response: Run an offline Access Method Services job to rename the error BSDS and define a new BSDS with the same name. Then enter the RECOVER BSDS command to reestablish dual BSDS mode. CSQJ127I SYSTEM TIME STAMP FOR BSDS=date time

or more MQ messages (for example, CSQJ073E) and z/OS messages (for example, IEC030I, IEC031I, IEC032I). If the queue manager is operating with restricted active log resources (see message CSQJ110E), quiesce the system to restrict logging activity until the abnormal termination or the CSQJ110E condition can be resolved. Investigate and correct the cause of the abnormal termination before the offload is attempted again by the queue manager. Problem Determination: This message is the result of an offload error and will be preceded by one or more MQ messages and z/OS messages. See the appropriate manual for the associated MQ and z/OS messages to formulate a course of corrective action. Use the print log map utility (CSQJU004) to print the BSDS (both copies if running in dual mode), then use the CSQJU004 output to determine the current status of the active and archive log data sets. This message can be generated for a variety of reasons. However, the most likely are: v Archive log data set allocation errors. See the text for message CSQJ103E for corrective action. v The size of the archive log data set is too small to contain the active log data sets during offload processing. All secondary space allocations have been used. This condition is normally accompanied by z/OS message IEC030I. v All available space on the DASD volumes to which the archive data set is being written has been exhausted. This condition is normally accompanied by z/OS message IEC032I. v The primary space allocation for the archive log data set (as specified in the system parameters) is too large to allocate to any available online DASD device. This condition is normally accompanied by z/OS message IEC032I. CSQJ129E END OF LOG RBA eol-rba COULD NOT BE FOUND IN ANY ACTIVE LOG DATA SET, HIGHEST RBA FOUND WAS hi-rba

Explanation: When the queue manager is initialized, the system time stamp for the BSDS is displayed. The time stamp is of the format date This time stamp should be close to the last time at which this queue manager was stopped. If not, it might indicate a restart is being attempted with the wrong BSDS. The time stamp will show as **** if the BSDS has not been used before. System Action: Startup continues. System Programmer Response: If the time displayed is not close to the time this queue manager was last stopped, and you cannot explain any time discrepancy, cancel the queue manager. From the queue manager started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR, determine the data set names of the BSDSs and run the print log map utility. Check whether the active and archive log data sets all belong to this queue manager. If not, then change the started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for the queue manager to use the correct BSDSs. CSQJ128E LOG OFFLOAD TASK FAILED FOR ACTIVE LOG dsname

Explanation: The offload task ended abnormally while attempting to offload the RBA range in active log data set dsname. System Action: The offload task terminates and the archive data sets allocated to the offload task are deallocated and deleted. The status of the active log data sets involved in the unsuccessful offload processing remains set to not reusable. The log offload task will be reinitiated by one of several events. The most common are: v All the available space in the current active log data set has been used (normal case) v A CSQJ110E message is issued v The queue manager address space is started, but data in the active log has not been archived v An I/O error occurs on the active log, which will force the queue manager to truncate and offload the active log data set, and switch to a new active log data set System Programmer Response: This message is the result of an offload error, and will be preceded by one

Explanation: There was a request to find eol-rba, the log record that has been recorded in the BSDS as the highest RBA written. This RBA cannot be found in any active log data set. The highest RBA which could be found in any active data set was hi-rba. System Action: Startup processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Most likely, the active log data set containing the requested RBA has been deleted from the BSDS by the change log inventory utility. If the data set has not been reused, run the change log inventory utility to add this data set back into the BSDS. Restart the queue manager. If the data set is not available, contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes



utility to add this data set back into the inventory of log data sets. Restart the queue manager. CSQJ136I UNABLE TO ALLOCATE TAPE UNIT FOR CONNECTION-ID=xxxx CORRELATION-ID=yyyyyy, m ALLOCATED n ALLOWED

Explanation: Dual BSDS mode was restored using BSDS copy n. This is the BSDS data set with the most recent system time stamp. System Action: Startup continues. CSQJ131E csect-name ERROR WRITING QUEUE MANAGER INFORMATION TO DB2

Explanation: During command processing, a failure occurred attempting to write queue manager information to DB2. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages relating to the problem. CSQJ132E csect-name ERROR READING QUEUE MANAGER INFORMATION FROM DB2

Explanation: An attempt to allocate a tape unit for the indicated connection ID failed. The current maximum tape unit specified is n, but only m are physically available. System Action: The process for the connection ID and correlation ID is held until either an allocated tape unit becomes free or more tape units are varied online and made available to the archive read task. This situation rectifies itself over time as currently allocated tape units become available. Operator Response: To improve throughput, vary additional tape units online and make them available to MQ. Note that an archive process rescan is not attempted until the SET LOG command is issued or an allocated tape dismounts. CSQJ139I LOG OFFLOAD TASK ENDED

Explanation: During command processing, a failure occurred attempting to read queue manager information from DB2. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages relating to the problem. CSQJ133E LRSN rrr NOT IN ANY ACTIVE OR ARCHIVE LOG DATA SET, CONNECTION-ID=xxxx THREAD-XREF=yyyyyy, QMGR=qmgr-name

Explanation: Processing of the active log offload ended. System Action: This message is written to the z/OS console. Operator Response: This message does not guarantee that the offload completed without errors. Check the console log and task messages to determine whether any abnormal events occurred during the offload. CSQJ140I Data set dsname successfully added to active log copy n

Explanation: There was a request to read the log record starting at this LRSN by the indicated queue manager (which might not be the issuer of the message). However, this log record cannot be found in any active or archive log data set. The connection ID and thread-xref identify the user or application that encountered the problem (this could be an internal MQ task). See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. System Action: Depending upon what log record is being read and why, the requestor might end abnormally with a reason code of X'00D1032A'. System Programmer Response: This is probably a user error. Most likely, the archive log data set that contained the requested RBA has been deleted from the BSDS by the change log inventory utility. Locate the output from an old print log map run, and identify the data set that contains the missing LRSN. If the data set has not been reused, run the change log inventory

Explanation: A DEFINE LOG command has dynamically added a new log data set, dsn, and added it to either the LOGCOPY1 or LOGCOPY2 ring of active log data sets, as indicated by n. The new active log data set is eligible to be used when the current active log data set fills and logging switches to the next active log data set in the ring. Information about the data set is stored in the BSDS and will persist over a restart of the queue manager. CSQJ141E Error adding new active log data set dsname

Explanation: A DEFINE LOG command failed to add a new log data set. Further information about the failure is given in the preceding messages. System Programmer Response: Investigate and correct the cause of the failure, then enter the command again.
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)



Data set dsname has been used previously

Explanation: MQ checks that a data set being added by a DEFINE LOG command has not been previously used as a log data set, as this might be an indication of operator error. The requested data set dsname was found to have been previously so used. System Action: The data set is closed and deallocated. Dynamic addition of a new active log data set fails. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the data set being added as an active log data set is newly allocated, or has been formatted with the active log preformat utility, CSQJUFMT. CSQJ143I BSDS active log data set record is full

Note: A correctly-functioning copy of load module CSQJL004/entry CSQJW117 must be available in order to start the queue manager. If the problem that caused this error cannot be corrected, ensure that the default CSQJW117 entry (load module CSQJL004 - supplied with MQ) is available during the next queue manager start. CSQJ151I csect-name ERROR READING RBA rrr, CONNECTION-ID=xxxx CORRELATION-ID=yyyyyy REASON CODE=ccc

Explanation: The maximum number of active log data sets is fixed. No further entries can be inserted in the BSDS after the maximum has been reached. System Action: Dynamic addition of a new active log data set fails. CSQJ144I Active log data set allocation error

Explanation: The queue manager could not successfully complete the read of the indicated RBA due to reason code ccc. The user or application that encountered the error is identified by the connection and correlation IDs. Messages that have the same connection ID and correlation ID relate to the same application. Correlation IDs beginning with 0nn, where nn is a number from 01 to 28, identify system agents. System Action: The queue manager attempts to recover from the error. System Programmer Response: If the queue manager was able to recover from the error and successfully complete the application, no further action is required. If the application abnormally terminated or the queue manager could not recover successfully, this message is followed by one or more messages. Refer to the information in this message and the subsequent messages to determine the appropriate corrective action. For information about recovery from log failures, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. CSQJ152I csect-name ERROR BUILDING ARCHIVE LOG VOLUME REPORT, CONNECTION-ID=xxxx CORRELATION-ID=yyyyyy REASON CODE=ccc

Explanation: It was not possible for MQ to dynamically allocate the requested data set (named in the following CSQJ141E message) for use as a new active log data set. System Action: Dynamic addition of a new active log data set fails. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the data set being added as a new active log data set is a VSAM linear data set with SHAREOPTIONS(2 3) and that it is not in use by any other jobs. CSQJ150E LOG CAPTURE EXIT ABEND, EXIT DEACTIVATED

Explanation: An abnormal program interrupt was detected while executing in the installation-supplied log capture exit code (that is entry point CSQJW117 in load module CSQJL004). As a result of this, the log capture exit will no longer be active; log data will no longer be available for exit capture/processing. This message can only occur when an installation-supplied log capture exit (entry CSQJW117) is active for this queue manager. System Action: The log capture exit (entry point CSQJW117) is terminated. No further calls will be attempted for this queue manager. A full dump is provided for diagnostic purposes. System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the CSQJL004 load module (CSQJW117 entry point) abend and take corrective action.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create the archive log volume report. An RBA range could not be successfully mapped into one or more archive data sets due to reason code ccc. The user or application that encountered the error is identified by the connection and correlation IDs. This message might be preceded by one or more related error messages. Messages that have the same connection ID and correlation ID relate to the same application. Correlation IDs beginning with 0nn, where nn is a number from 01 to 28, identify system agents. This failure could be caused by one or more missing archive log data sets, or a system error (for example, an I/O error reading the BSDS). System Action: The archive log volume report (see message CSQJ330I) is not produced. In addition, no premounting of tapes is possible.


Messages and Codes

The user or application continues processing. The physical read process for the user or application continues until the job completes normally or terminates abnormally. The job can terminate abnormally if the error is encountered again when the data set is physically required for the read process. System Programmer Response: If the user or application completes successfully, no further action is necessary. If the user or application does not complete successfully, refer to the messages related to the actual failure to determine the appropriate corrective action. For information about recovery from log failures, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. CSQJ153I csect-name ERROR READING LRSN rrr, CONNECTION-ID=xxxx CORRELATION-ID=yyyyyy REASON CODE=ccc, QMGR=qmgr-name

Uncommitted units of recovery can lead to difficulties later. CSQJ161I UOW UNRESOLVED AFTER n OFFLOADS, URID=urid CONNECTION NAME=name

Explanation: During active log offload, an uncommitted unit of recovery was encountered that now has records spanning several archive logs. The unit of recovery identifier urid together with the connection name name identify the associated thread. n is the number of logs archived since the unit of recovery was started. The message is first issued during an offload when n exceeds half the MAXARCH system parameter value, and is issued during every offload thereafter while the unit of recovery remains uncommitted. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Consult with the application programmer to determine if there is a problem with the unit of recovery, and to ensure that the application commits work frequently enough. Uncommitted units of recovery can lead to difficulties later. CSQJ200I csect-name UTILITY PROCESSING COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY

Explanation: The queue manager could not successfully complete the read of the indicated LRSN for the indicated queue manager (which might not be the issuer of the message) due to reason code ccc. The user or application that encountered the error is identified by the connection and correlation IDs. Messages that have the same connection ID and correlation ID relate to the same application. Correlation IDs beginning with 0nn, where nn is a number from 01 to 28, identify system agents. System Action: The queue manager attempts to recover from the error. System Programmer Response: If the queue manager was able to recover from the error and successfully complete the application, no further action is required. If the application abnormally terminated or the queue manager could not recover successfully, this message is followed by one or more messages. Refer to the information in this message and the subsequent messages to determine the appropriate corrective action. For information about recovery from log failures, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. CSQJ160I LONG-RUNNING UOW FOUND, URID=urid CONNECTION NAME=name

Explanation: The utility completed successfully. CSQJ201I csect-name UTILITY PROCESSING WAS UNSUCCESSFUL

Explanation: The utility was unable to complete processing successfully. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Review other messages produced by the utility to determine the appropriate action to be taken. CSQJ202E INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO CONTINUE

Explanation: During active log offload, an uncommitted unit of recovery was encountered that now has records on the newly created archive log. The unit of recovery identifier urid together with the connection name name identify the associated thread. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Consult with the application programmer to determine if there is a problem with the unit of recovery, and to ensure that the application commits work frequently enough.

Explanation: A request for storage was unsuccessful because no more storage is available. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Rerun the utility after increasing the storage available. CSQJ203E oper OPERATION IS INVALID

Explanation: The user entered a utility control statement operation (oper) that is invalid. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)


statement, and rerun the utility. CSQJ204E xxxx PARAMETER IS INVALID

System Programmer Response: The action taken is dictated by the return code. The BSDS might have to be recovered by use of a backup copy. CSQJ213E ERROR RETURNED FROM BSDS WRITE, RPLERRCD=yy, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: The user specified a utility control statement parameter (xxxx) that is invalid. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statement, and rerun the utility. CSQJ205E xxxx PARAMETER HAS NO ARGUMENT

Explanation: A VSAM PUT was issued that resulted in a nonzero return code. yy contains the error code returned by VSAM. ddd contains the DDname of the BSDS encountering the error. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: The action to be taken is dictated by the return code. The BSDS might have to be recovered by use of a backup copy. CSQJ214E SPECIFIED DSNAME ALREADY EXISTS IN BSDS, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: xxxx contains the name of a parameter that requires an argument. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Specify an argument for the identified parameter and then rerun the utility. CSQJ206E xxxx PARAMETER REQUIRES NO ARGUMENT

Explanation: xxxx contains the name of the parameter that has been incorrectly followed by an = symbol. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statement, and rerun the utility. CSQJ207E PARAMETERS INCONSISTENT WITH SPECIFIED OPERATION

Explanation: You attempted a NEWLOG operation with a data set name that already exists in the BSDS. An entry is never made in a BSDS if the specified DSNAME currently exists in either the active or archive records of that BSDS. ddd contains the DDname of the subject BSDS. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Either correct the control statement and rerun the utility, or delete the existing DSNAME from the BSDS and rerun the utility. CSQJ216E BSDS ACTIVE LOG DATA SET RECORD IS FULL, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: The user has specified utility control statement parameters that are inconsistent with the specified utility operation. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statement, and rerun the utility. CSQJ211E UNEXPECTED END OF DATA ON SYSIN DATA SET

Explanation: The maximum number of active log data sets is fixed. No further entries can be inserted in the BSDS after the maximum has been reached. ddd contains the DDname of the subject BSDS. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to determine the current status of the BSDS. Subsequent actions can then be formulated, depending upon the status of the BSDS. CSQJ217E SPECIFIED DSNAME DOES NOT EXIST IN BSDS, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: Additional control statements were expected, but could not be found. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statements, and rerun the utility. CSQJ212E ERROR RETURNED FROM BSDS READ, RPLERRCD=yy, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: The DELETE operation specifies a DSNAME that cannot be found in the BSDS. ddd contains the DDname of the subject BSDS. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statement, and rerun the utility.

Explanation: A VSAM GET was issued that resulted in a nonzero return code. yy contains the error code returned by VSAM. ddd contains the DDname of the BSDS encountering the error. System Action: The current utility is terminated.


Messages and Codes



6. Insufficient storage is usually accompanied by a separate error from z/OS. Increase the storage available and rerun the utility. 7. Reallocate the data set with a suitable physical record size. CSQJ220E BSDS IN CREATE MODE. NO DATA TO MAP, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: The DELETE operation specifies a COPY1VOL or COPY2VOL argument that cannot be found in the BSDS. ddd contains the DDname of the subject BSDS. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statement, and rerun the utility. CSQJ219E OPEN ERROR, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: The print log map utility found the BSDS to be in create mode, so it cannot contain data to map. ddd contains the DDname of th e data set. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the JCL so that a non-null data set can be processed. CSQJ221I PREVIOUS ERROR CAUSED oper OPERATION TO BE BYPASSED

Explanation: An error occurred when csect-name tried to open a data set named ddd. This error can be caused by a number of different conditions. The most probable conditions are: 1. The DDname of the SYSPRINT, SYSIN, or SYSUT1 data set was not specified in the users job control language (JCL) 2. The queue manager is currently active 3. The BSDS has been allocated by another job with a disposition (DISP) that conflicts with the DISP specified in the users JCL 4. The data set associated with ddd is already open, possibly due to an earlier error 5. The user is not authorized to access the data set associated with ddd 6. Insufficient storage is available to perform the OPEN operation 7. The catalog indicates that the data set associated with ddd has an invalid physical record size System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: The users action depends on the condition that caused the OPEN error. The following is a list of appropriate actions corresponding to the conditions listed in the explanation: 1. Provide the missing data definition (DD) statements, and then rerun the utility. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for details concerning the required DD statements. 2. Wait until the queue manager is inactive before running the utility again because the log utility cannot run while it is active. 3. Correct the disposition conflict and then rerun the utility. 4. Submit an Access Method Services (IDCAMS) VERIFY job against the data set associated with ddd. Rerun the log utility job. 5. In the case of an authorization problem, a separate message is usually generated from the authorization facility (RACF, for example). Investigate the authorization messages and obtain the proper authorization before running the utility again.

Explanation: Errors were encountered errors during utility processing. These errors subsequently caused oper to be bypassed. This message is a warning only and is displayed after messages that specify the error or errors that occurred. Note that the error or errors might not be associated with the current oper operation; rather, under log utility processing, a significant error in any operation causes the control statements for this and any subsequent operations to be checked for syntax only. BSDS updates do not occur for any operation specified in this message. System Action: The log utility continues to process. However, for this and all subsequent operations, the BSDS is not updated and the utility only checks the syntax of the control statements. System Programmer Response: Consult the previous messages and correct any errors that caused this message to be generated. Resubmit the log utility job for all operations that have been bypassed. CSQJ222E INVALID SPECIFICATION OF xxxx PARAMETER ARGUMENT

Explanation: You specified the parameter xxxx. This parameter is not valid for the argument. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter argument on the control statement, and rerun the utility. CSQJ223E xxxx PARAMETER ARGUMENT EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LENGTH

Explanation: xxxx specifies the name of the parameter whose argument value exceeded the maximum length allowed.
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)


System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter argument on the control statement, and rerun the utility. CSQJ224E xxxx PARAMETER APPEARS TOO OFTEN

(eeee, S99ERROR) followed by the 2-byte information code (iiii, S99INFO) from the SVC99 request block. If the S99ERROR code indicates an SMS allocation error (97xx), then ssssssss contains additional SMS reason code information obtained from S99ERSN. See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide manual for a description of these codes. CSQJ230E LOG OFFLOAD INITIALIZATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: xxxx gives the name of the parameter that you have specified more than once on the same control statement. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Remove the redundant parameter, and rerun the utility. CSQJ225I oper OPERATION SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the offload function was unable to complete its initialization process. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate actions to take. CSQJ231E LOG COMMAND INITIALIZATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: The oper specified in the message identifies the name of the change log inventory utility operation that has been successfully completed. CSQJ226E SPECIFIED VOLUME ALREADY EXISTS IN BSDS, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: The specified volume currently exists in the archive log records of the BSDS. ddd specifies the DDname of the subject BSDS. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Either correct the parameter argument on the control statement, or delete the specified volume and rerun the utility. CSQJ227E NO SPACE IN BSDS FOR ADDITIONAL ARCHIVE ENTRIES, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the command function was unable to complete its initialization process. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ232E OUTPUT DATA SET CONTROL INITIALIZATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: The maximum number of archive volumes has been exceeded, and no more space is available for volume entries in the copy specified. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Delete some of the archive entries in the specified copy number, and rerun the utility. CSQJ228E csect-name LOG DEALLOCATION ERROR DSNAME=dsname, ERROR STATUS=eeeeiiii, SMS REASON CODE=ssssssss

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the output data set control function was unable to complete its initialization process. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific message for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ233E ARCHIVE LOG READ INITIALIZATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: An error occurred when trying to dynamically deallocate the data set. Error status is the error reason code returned by z/OS dynamic allocation. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: The error status portion of this message contains a 2-byte error code

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the archive log read function was unable to complete its initialization process. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis


Messages and Codes




Explanation: During queue manager termination, the command function was unable to complete its termination process. System Action: Termination processing continues. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ240E OUTPUT DATA SET CONTROL TERMINATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the quiesce function which supports the ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) command processing was unable to complete its initialization process. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ235E OUTPUT BUFFER WRITER INITIALIZATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: During queue manager termination, the output data set control function was unable to complete its termination process. System Action: Termination processing continues. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ241E ARCHIVE LOG READ TERMINATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: During queue manager initialization, the output buffer writer function was unable to complete its initialization process. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ236E BOOTSTRAP ACCESS TERMINATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: During queue manager termination, the archive log read function was unable to complete its termination process. System Action: Termination processing continues. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ242E ARCHIVE LOG COMMAND QUIESCE TERMINATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: During queue manager termination, the BSDS access function was unable to complete its termination process. System Action: Termination processing continues. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ238E LOG OFFLOAD TERMINATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: During queue manager termination, the quiesce function which supports the ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) command processing was unable to complete its termination process. System Action: Termination processing continues. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ243E OUTPUT BUFFER WRITER TERMINATION PROCESSING FAILED

Explanation: During queue manager termination, the offload function was unable to complete its termination process. System Action: Termination processing continues. System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take.

Explanation: During queue manager termination, the output buffer writer function was unable to complete its termination process. System Action: Termination processing continues.
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)


System Programmer Response: One or more error messages describing the specific error preceded this message. See the specific messages for error analysis and the appropriate action to take. CSQJ244E MACRO xxx FAILED IN LOG TERMINATION, RC=ccc

Return code 8 indicates a VSAM error. System Action: Startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: For a return code of 4, if the problem persists, contact your IBM support centre for assistance. For a return code of 8, run an offline Access Method Services job to determine the cause of the VSAM error. CSQJ250I csect-name DATA SET dsname HAS SHAREOPTIONS LESS THAN (2 3) CF STRUCTURE RECOVERY NOT POSSIBLE

Explanation: During termination, there was a return code from the named macro that indicated an error. System Action: Termination processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center for assistance. CSQJ245D RESTART CONTROL INDICATES TRUNCATION AT RBA rrr. REPLY Y TO CONTINUE, N TO CANCEL

Explanation: An active log data set was detected with share options that do not permit CF structure recovery in a queue-sharing group environment. All active log data sets must be have SHAREOPTIONS(2 3) at least to allow CF structure recovery. This can occur when the queue managers own log data sets are checked during startup, or when a RECOVER CFSTRUCT command is issued that requires to access another queue managers log data sets. System Action: If this is a result of a RECOVER CFSTRUCT command, the command is terminated. Otherwise, startup continues, but CF structure recovery will not be possible. System Programmer Response: If you want CF structure recovery, use the Access Method Services ALTER function to correct the SHAREOPTIONS for the data set; for example ALTER dsname.DATA SHAREOPTIONS(2 3) Then restart the queue manager that owns the data set. CSQJ295D RESTART CONTROL INDICATES TRUNCATION AT LRSN rrr. REPLY Y TO CONTINUE, N TO CANCEL

Explanation: The conditional restart control record in use indicates that the log should be truncated at the specified RBA. System Action: If Y, queue manager startup continues. If N, startup is terminated. Operator Response: Reply N if the truncation is going to occur at an undesirable point. Reply Y to continue the restart. System Programmer Response: Run the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) to modify the conditional restart record. CSQJ246D RESTART CONTROL INDICATES COLD START AT RBA rrr. REPLY Y TO CONTINUE, N TO CANCEL

Explanation: The conditional restart control record in use indicates that the queue manager is to be cold started and that logging is to begin at the specified RBA. System Action: If Y, queue manager startup continues. If N, startup is terminated. Operator Response: Reply N if the truncation is going to occur at an undesirable point. Reply Y to continue the cold start. System Programmer Response: Run the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) to modify the conditional restart record. CSQJ247E csect-name I/O ERROR PROCESSING BSDS ARCHIVE LOG RECORD, RC=rc REASON=reason

Explanation: The conditional restart control record in use indicates that the log should be truncated at the specified LRSN. System Action: If Y, queue manager startup continues. If N, startup is terminated. Operator Response: Reply N if the truncation is going to occur at an undesirable point. Reply Y to continue the restart. System Programmer Response: Run the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) to modify the conditional restart record. CSQJ301E csect-name ERROR USING ONLINE BOOTSTRAP DATA SET (ACTION CODE a)

Explanation: An input/output error occurred while processing a BSDS record. rc indicates the return code received from the input/output operation. reason indicates the reason code received from the operation. Return code 4 indicates that MQ detected a problem.

Explanation: During command processing for the RECOVER BSDS command or the ARCHIVE LOG


Messages and Codes

command, an error occurred while performing an operation on the BSDS. The type of operation is specified by the code a: 1 2 3 4 Unable to OPEN the BSDS Unable to read a required record from the BSDS Unable to write a required record to the BSDS The contents of the stable BSDS was successfully copied to the replacement BSDS; however, the queue manager was unable to successfully restore dual BSDS operation

containing the hexadecimal return code and the second containing the hexadecimal feedback code. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. The queue manager continues in single BSDS mode. System Programmer Response: Run an offline Access Method Services job to delete or rename the replacement BSDS and define a new BSDS with the same name. Re-enter the RECOVER BSDS command to reestablish dual BSDS mode. CSQJ304E ERROR CLOSING REPLACEMENT BSDS DSNAME=dsname ERROR STATUS=eee

System Action: If this message was received during processing of the RECOVER BSDS command, then the queue manager will continue in single BSDS mode. If this message was received during processing of the ARCHIVE LOG command, the archive log history record in the BSDS will not be updated to reflect the occurrence of an ARCHIVE LOG command; logging and the offload processing will continue. System Programmer Response: If this message was received during processing of the RECOVER BSDS command, recovery action must be performed on the BSDS before re-entering the command. If this message was received during processing of the ARCHIVE LOG command, no action is necessary. CSQJ302E ALLOCATION ERROR ON REPLACEMENT BSDS DSNAME=dsname ERROR STATUS=eee

Explanation: The RECOVER BSDS command encountered an error while attempting to close the specified BSDS. Error Status contains the VSAM return and feedback codes. It is a 2-byte field with the first containing the hexadecimal return code and the second containing the hexadecimal feedback code. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. The queue manager continues in single BSDS mode. System Programmer Response: Run an offline Access Method Services job to delete or rename the replacement BSDS and define a new BSDS with the same name. Re-enter the RECOVER BSDS command to reestablish dual BSDS mode. CSQJ305E REPLACEMENT BSDS NOT EMPTY DSNAME=dsname

Explanation: The RECOVER BSDS command encountered an error while trying to allocate the specified data set dynamically. DSNAME is the data set name. Error Status is the error code and information code returned by z/OS dynamic allocation. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. The queue manager continues in single BSDS mode. System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the error from the error status contained in the message, and correct the condition. Then re-enter the RECOVER BSDS command. The error status portion of this message contains the 2-byte error code (S99ERROR) followed by the 2-byte information code (S99INFO) from the SVC request block. See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide manual for a description of these codes. CSQJ303E WRITE ERROR ON REPLACEMENT BSDS DSNAME=dsname ERROR STATUS=eee

Explanation: The RECOVER BSDS command was issued, but the replacement BSDS was not empty; that is, it contained data. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. The queue manager continues in single BSDS mode. System Programmer Response: Run an offline Access Method Services job to delete or rename the error BSDS and define a new BSDS with the same name. Re-enter the RECOVER BSDS command to reestablish dual BSDS mode. CSQJ306I DUAL BSDS MODE ALREADY ESTABLISHED

Explanation: The RECOVER BSDS command was issued, but the queue manager was already in dual BSDS mode. System Action: The command is ignored.

Explanation: The RECOVER BSDS command encountered an error while attempting to write to the specified BSDS. Error status contains the VSAM return and feedback codes. It is a 2-byte field with the first
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)





Explanation: The RECOVER BSDS command was issued, but the queue manager was initialized in single BSDS mode. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. The queue manager continues in single BSDS mode. CSQJ308I LOG NOT OFFLOADED FOR ARCHIVE LOG COMMAND, ARCHIVING IS OFF


Explanation: An ARCHIVE LOG command with the MODE(QUIESCE) and WAIT(NO) by the queue manager. The quiesce processing has commenced. WAIT(NO) means that quiesce processing will be asynchronous to the user; that is, control will be returned to the invoker as soon as the quiesce task has been started. Thus, the queue manager will accept, and process, any new commands while the quiesce task is running. System Action: The queue manager attempts to stop all updates to MQ resources within the time period specified in the message. Users and jobs using the queue manager are allowed to reach a point of consistency (commit point) before being blocked from further update activity. Users and jobs are suspended until they are released by the queue manager following the initiation of the offload processing. If the queue manager can effectively block all users from performing updates before the maximum specified time, the offload is initiated immediately, and normal processing is resumed. This message will be followed by message CSQJ311I or CSQJ317I. Operator Response: No response is necessary. However, it can be expected that users and jobs using MQ resources will be suspended through the duration of the specified time interval, or until the queue manager can be certain that all update activity has been effectively blocked. At some point, this message will be followed by the CSQJ311I message or CSQJ317I message. CSQJ311I csect-name LOG ARCHIVE (OFFLOAD) TASK INITIATED

Explanation: The ARCHIVE LOG command was issued, but archiving is off (that is, OFFLOAD is set to NO in the CSQ6LOGP system parameters). System Action: The current active log data set is not offloaded. However, it is truncated and logging continues using the next active log data set. CSQJ309I QUIESCING FOR ARCHIVE LOG COMMAND WITH WAIT(YES) STARTED FOR MAXIMUM OF xxx SECONDS

Explanation: An ARCHIVE LOG command with the MODE(QUIESCE) and WAIT(YES) options has been accepted by the queue manager. The quiesce processing has commenced. WAIT(YES) means that quiesce processing will be synchronous to the user; that is, the user can enter additional commands, but they will not be processed until the quiesce processing has ended. System Action: The queue manager attempts to stop all updates to MQ resources within the time period specified in the message. Users and jobs using the queue manager are allowed to reach a point of consistency (commit point) before being blocked from further update activity. Users and jobs are suspended until they are released by the queue manager following the initiation of the offload processing. If the queue manager can effectively block all users from performing updates before the maximum specified time, the offload is initiated immediately, and normal processing is resumed. This message will be followed by message CSQJ311I or CSQJ317I. Operator Response: No response is necessary. However, it can be expected that users and jobs using MQ resources will be suspended through the duration of the specified time interval, or until the queue manager can be certain that all update activity has been effectively blocked. At some point, this message will be followed by the CSQJ311I message or CSQJ317I message.

Explanation: A user-initiated ARCHIVE LOG command has been accepted by the queue manager. A task to archive (offload) the active log data set has been started. System Action: The current active log data sets will be truncated and switched to the next available active log data sets. The task has been started will archive the active log data sets asynchronously, allowing the queue manager to continue processing. This message will be followed by the CSQJ312I message if the MODE(QUIESCE) option was used with the ARCHIVE LOG command. Operator Response: Respond as for normal operational procedures when the offload task begins.


Messages and Codes




Explanation: An ARCHIVE LOG command with the MODE(QUIESCE) option was processed by the queue manager. As part of the MODE(QUIESCE) processing, an attempt was made to stop all new update activity against MQ resources. This message signals the end of the quiesce processing, and the resumption of normal activity for all users and jobs which were blocked during the quiesce period. This message will follow the CSQJ311I message or CSQJ317I message. System Action: The queue manager has now resumed all normal activity for all users and jobs which were blocked during the quiesce period. CSQJ314E kwd1 requires kwd2 to be specified too


Explanation: An ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) command was processed by the queue manager. However, the queue manager was not able to quiesce all update activity in the user-specified quiesce time interval. System Action: This message is for information only. The queue manager determined that nn units of recovery did not reach a point of consistency during the quiesce period, and therefore could not be stopped from continuing their associated update processing. Consequently, the ARCHIVE LOG processing will be terminated. The current active log data sets will not be truncated, and will not be switched to the next available active log data sets. The log archive (offload) task will not be created. All jobs and users suspended during the quiesce will be resumed, and normal update activity against MQ resources will be commenced. This message will be followed by the CSQJ312I message. System Programmer Response: You must decide whether the outstanding (non-quiesced) units of recovery represent significant work. Each user on the system has a unit of recovery if they are modifying MQ resources. Units of recovery are also created by the queue manager itself for internal processing. Because the purpose of the MODE(QUIESCE) option is to have all units of recovery reach a point of consistency (commit point) before the active log data set is truncated and offloaded, determine all outstanding non-queued jobs and users by using DISPLAY THREAD and the z/OS command DISPLAY ACTIVE,LIST. Note that units of recovery might be outstanding due to lock contention between a user or job that holds a resource (and has reached a point of consistency), and a user or job that wants a lock (and therefore cannot reach a point of consistency). Before resubmitting the ARCHIVE LOG command with the MODE(QUIESCE) option, either: v Wait until the threads have been deallocated v Wait until the queue manager is less busy v Force the offending threads to terminate v Use the TIME option to override and extend the maximum quiesce time period specified in the system parameters v If having all units of recovery reach a point of consistency in the active log is no longer critical, issue the ARCHIVE LOG command without the MODE(QUIESCE) option

Explanation: A command was entered that specified the kwd1 keyword. However, use of this keyword requires that the kwd2 keyword is also used. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. Operator Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the correct syntax of the command. Correct the command syntax, and re-enter the command. CSQJ315I STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) IN PROGRESS

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue an ARCHIVE LOG command when a STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) command was already in progress. System Action: Command processing will terminate for the ARCHIVE LOG command. The STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) processing will continue. CSQJ316I SYSTEM QUIESCE ALREADY IN PROGRESS

Explanation: An ARCHIVE LOG command with the MODE(QUIESCE) option or a SUSPEND QMGR LOG command was issued when a system quiesce was already in progress. The system quiesce could be the result of processing by another ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) command, or by a STOP QMGR MODE(QUIESCE) command. System Action: Command processing will terminate. The system quiesce currently in progress will continue.

Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)


Note: If you decide to use the ARCHIVE LOG command without the MODE(QUIESCE) option, the active log data sets will be truncated without regard to quiescing activity on the queue manager. If the resulting archive log data set is used for recovery, it is possible that some units of recovery might be found to be in-flight, in-backout, in-commit, or in-doubt during queue manager initialization. If expiration of the quiesce period before all units of recovery reach a consistent point is a problem, you might have to adjust the QUIESCE value in the CSQ6ARVP system parameters. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for more information. CSQJ318I ARCHIVE LOG COMMAND ALREADY IN PROGRESS

initiated, either correct the problem that is causing the offload problem, or add more active log data sets. Note that the latter action requires the queue manager to be inactive and the change log inventory utility to be run. Possible causes for the shortage of active log data space are: v Excessive logging. For example, there is a lot of persistent message activity. v Delayed or slow offloading. For example, failure to mount archive volumes, incorrect replies to offload messages, or slow device speeds. v Excessive use of the ARCHIVE LOG command. Each invocation of the command causes the queue manager to switch to a new active log data set. Excessive use could consume the available active log data space if the resulting offloads were not processed in a timely manner. v Offloads unsuccessful. v Insufficient active log space. CSQJ320E csect-name UNABLE TO PROCESS LOG TRUNCATION REQUEST DUE TO INTERNAL ERROR. (ERROR DATA=ddd)

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue an ARCHIVE LOG command when another ARCHIVE LOG command was already in progress. System Action: Command processing will terminate. The ARCHIVE LOG command currently in progress will continue. CSQJ319I csect-name CURRENT ACTIVE LOG DATA SET IS THE LAST AVAILABLE ACTIVE LOG DATA SET. ARCHIVE LOG PROCESSING WILL BE TERMINATED

Explanation: While processing an ARCHIVE LOG command, an internal request was made of the log buffer output routine to force-write the log buffers and to truncate and switch the active log to the next available active log data sets. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: This is an internal error detected by the queue manager. The error might be caused by an unrelated error in the log buffer writer component (CSQJWxxx), by a STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) command, or by abnormal termination. See any messages that precede this message. CSQJ321E UNABLE TO CONTINUE ARCHIVE LOG QUIESCE DUE TO INTERNAL ERROR. ARCHIVE LOG PROCESSING TERMINATED

Explanation: The ARCHIVE LOG command was rejected because the current active log is the last available active log data set. To process the command when these conditions exist would cause the queue manager to exhaust its available active log resources and immediately halt processing. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. If the situation is not corrected, the queue manager will issue the CSQJ110E message (if it has not already done so) when the available active log data space reaches critically low levels. Ultimately, message CSQJ111A will be issued when the available active log data space is exhausted, and processing will stop until active log space is made available. System Programmer Response: To clear this condition, steps must be taken to complete other waiting offload tasks. Once another active log is made available (re-usable) by completing the offload process for it, the command processing for the current active log can proceed. Perform a display request to determine the outstanding requests related to the log offload process. Take the necessary action to satisfy any requests, and permit offload to continue. If offload does not complete normally, or cannot be

Explanation: An ARCHIVE LOG command with the MODE(QUIESCE) option was processed by the queue manager. As part of the MODE(QUIESCE) processing, an attempt was made to stop all new update activity against MQ resources. During the processing, an internal error occurred. System Action: The ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) processing is terminated. This message will be followed by message CSQJ312I after all users and jobs quiesced by the MODE(QUIESCE) processing are resumed. System Programmer Response: This error is an internal error detected by the queue manager. Retry the


Messages and Codes

ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) command. If the error persists, the active log data sets can be switched using the ARCHIVE LOG command without the MODE(QUIESCE) option. CSQJ322I DISPLAY parm-type report ...

correlid The correlation ID associated with the user of the tape being processed; ***** if there is no current user. volser The volume serial number of the tape that is mounted.

Explanation: This message comprises part of the response to the DISPLAY and SET parm-type commands (where parm-type is SYSTEM, LOG, or ARCHIVE). It provides information about the corresponding system parameters as follows: Parameter Initial value SET value parm-name vvv sss . . . End of parm-type report where: parm-name is the name of the system parameter or subparameter. vvv is the value for the indicated parameter (specified in CSQ6SYSP, CSQ6LOGP, or CSQ6ARVP) used when the queue manager was started. is the value for the indicated parameter in use currently, as specified by a SET parm-type command. If sss is blank, the initial value is in use currently.

dsname The data set name on the tape volume that is being processed or was last processed. If no tape units are allocated, the list is replaced by: No tape archive reading activity System Action: Processing continues. CSQJ330I ARCHIVE LOG VOLUMES required for connection-ID xxxx, correlation-ID yyyyyy: v1, v2, ...

Explanation: This message lists the names of the archive log volumes needed by the indicated correlation ID for the given connection ID. It is generated automatically by the archive read process at the first archive log tape mount for that correlation ID. The connection ID is an identifier representing the connection name used to establish the thread; the correlation ID is an identifier associated with a specified thread, such as a job name. A volume name prefixed with an * signifies that the data on the archive log volume is also mapped by an active log data set. As such, the volume might not be required for the read process, because the data is read from the active log if possible. If the report is completed successfully, it is terminated by: End of ARCHIVE LOG VOLUMES report System Action: Processing continues. CSQJ334E Parameter value is unacceptable for kwd


System Action: Processing continues. CSQJ325I ARCHIVE tape unit report ...

Explanation: This message comprises part of the response to the DISPLAY and SET ARCHIVE commands. It provides information about tape units used for archive logging, as follows: Addr St CorrelID VolSer DSName addr st correlid volser dsname . . . End of tape unit report where: addr st The physical address of a tape unit allocated to read the archive log. The status of the tape unit: B P A * Busy, actively processing an archive log data set. Premount, active and allocated for premounting. Available, inactive and waiting for work. Unknown.

Explanation: The parameter value specified is not an acceptable value for the named keyword, or is incompatible with values set for other keywords. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. Operator Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the correct syntax of the command. Correct the command syntax, and re-enter the command. CSQJ335E Invalid command syntax

Explanation: No keywords or an unacceptable combination of keywords was specified on a command. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. Operator Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)


(MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the correct syntax of the command. Correct the command syntax, and re-enter the command. CSQJ337I parm-type parameters set

System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command. If it fails again, collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section, and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels CSQJ370I LOG status report ...

Explanation: The SET command completed successfully, setting system parameter values for the indicated parm-type (SYSTEM, LOG, or ARCHIVE). CSQJ364I IMS Bridge facility suspended for XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: This is issued as part of the response to a DISPLAY SYSTEM command if the MQ-IMS Bridge facility to the partner IMS system identified by gname and mname is suspended. System Programmer Response: Use the RESUME QMGR FACILITY(IMSBRIDGE) command when ready to resume the MQ-IMS Bridge. CSQJ365I DB2 connection suspended

Explanation: This message comprises part of the response to the DISPLAY and SET LOG commands. It provides information about the status of the log data sets, as follows: Copy %Full DSName 1 k dsname 2 k dsname Restarted at date time using RBA=sss Latest RBA=rrr Offload task is xxx Full logs to offload m of n where: 1, 2 k Information for the current active log copy 1 and copy 2 data sets respectively. The percentage of the active log data set that has been used.

Explanation: This is issued as part of the response to a DISPLAY SYSTEM command if the connection to DB2 is suspended. System Programmer Response: Use the RESUME QMGR FACILITY(DB2) command when ready to resume the connection to DB2. CSQJ366I Logging already suspended

Explanation: A SUSPEND QMGR LOG command was issued, but logging was already suspended by a previous command. System Action: The command is ignored. CSQJ367I Queue manager stopping

dsname The data set name of the active log data set. If the copy is not currently active, this is shown as Inactive. date time The time that the queue manager was started. sss rrr The RBA from which logging began when the queue manager was started. The RBA of the most recently written log record. If logging is suspended, this line is replaced by Logging suspended at RBA=rrr xxx The status of the offload task, which can be: BUSY, allocating archive data set This could indicate that a tape mount request is pending. BUSY, copying BSDS Copying the BSDS data set. BUSY, copying active log Copying the active log data set. BUSY Other processing.

Explanation: A SUSPEND QMGR LOG command was issued, but the queue manager is stopping. System Action: The command is ignored. CSQJ368I Logging not suspended

Explanation: A RESUME QMGR LOG command was issued, but logging was not suspended. System Action: The command is ignored. CSQJ369E csect-name Failure while suspending logging

Explanation: A SUSPEND QMGR LOG command was issued, but it terminated abnormally. System Action: The command is ignored, and logging is not suspended.


Messages and Codes

AVAILABLE Waiting for work. m, n The number of full active log data sets that have not yet been archived, and the total number of active log data sets.

System Action: The current utility processing is terminated. Operator Response: Correct the control statement and rerun the utility. CSQJ406E EITHER KEYWORD kwd1 OR kwd2 MUST BE SPECIFIED

System Action: Processing continues. CSQJ372I Logging suspended for qmgr-name at RBA=rrr

Explanation: This is issued in response to a SUSPEND QMGR LOG command if it completed successfully. It is also issued in response to other commands if logging is suspended, indicating that the command cannot be processed while logging is suspended. System Action: All log update activity is suspended for the queue manager named. rrr is the RBA of the last log record written. For commands other than SUSPEND QMGR LOG, the command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Use the RESUME QMGR LOG command when ready to resume logging. CSQJ373I Logging resumed for qmgr-name

Explanation: A required keyword was not used on the control statement. Use either kwd1 or kwd2 with that control statement type. System Action: The current utility processing is terminated. Operator Response: Correct the control statement and rerun the utility. CSQJ407E NO VALID CHECKPOINT RBA FOUND

Explanation: After completing its search through the resource manager status table and the checkpoint queue, no valid checkpoint RBA was found within the specified range. System Action: The current utility processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: The last 100 checkpoints are recorded in the BSDS, including the log STARTRBA and log ENDRBA of the checkpoint range. The utility attempts to locate a valid checkpoint in the range. In this case the utility was unsuccessful in finding a valid checkpoint. Use the Print Log Map Utility (CSQJU004) to determine the valid RBA ranges, and rerun the job with a suitable RBA specification. CSQJ408I CHECKPOINT RBA FOUND, RBA=rba, TIME=date time

Explanation: The RESUME QMGR LOG command completed successfully. System Action: All log update activity is resumed for the queue manager named. CSQJ401E RECORD NOT FOUND rrr

Explanation: An attempt was made to read the rrrr record from the BSDS. In doing so, the read routine (CSQJU01B) could not find the record. This is not necessarily an error; for example, if you have never used CSQJU003 CRESTART, there wont be any CRCR records, so you will get this message from CSQJU004 for the RESTART CONTROL records. System Action: Utility processing continues. CSQJ404E kwd NOT ALLOWED FOR oper OPERATION

Explanation: After completing its search through the resource manager status table and the checkpoint queue, rba was the most recent checkpoint RBA in the specified range, and date time was the time of the checkpoint. System Action: Utility processing continues. CSQJ409E I/O ERROR DURING READ PROCESSING OF RECORD yyy

Explanation: An invalid keyword was used during the oper operation. System Action: The current utility processing is terminated. CSQJ405E KEYWORDS kwd1 AND kwd2 CANNOT BOTH BE SPECIFIED

Explanation: An input/output error occurred during a READ of a record. yyy specifies the record in question. System Action: The current utility processing is terminated. This message is accompanied by message CSQJ212E. System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the error based on the error status information provided in message CSQJ212E.
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)

Explanation: Keywords kwd1 and kwd2 cannot appear on the same control statement.




System Action: CRESTART processing continues. System Programmer Response: No additional actions are required if a cold start of the queue manager is desired. If a cold start is not desired, reissue the CRESTART and either CANCEL the current restart control record, or CREATE a new restart control record. CSQJ415E ENDRBA=rba IS INVALID, MUST BE A MULTIPLE OF 4K

Explanation: An input/output error occurred during a WRITE of a record. yyy specifies the record in question. System Action: The current utility processing is terminated. This message is accompanied by message CSQJ213E. System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the error based upon the error status information provided in message CSQJ213E. CSQJ411I CRESTART CREATE FOR CRCRID=yyyy, DDNAME=ddd

Explanation: The specified ENDRBA at rba is not a multiple of 4K. System Action: CRESTART processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the ENDRBA value on the CRESTART statement and rerun the utility. CSQJ416I WARNING BSDS UTILITY TIME STAMP MISMATCH DETECTED. PROCESSING CONTINUES

Explanation: A CRESTART CREATE request has just completed. yyyy is the restart control record hexadecimal identifier and ddd is the BSDS data set (SYSUT1 or SYSUT2) associated with the request. System Action: Current utility processing continues. System Programmer Response: Note the record identifier for future reference. CSQJ412E RESTART CONTROL RECORD NOT FOUND IN BSDS

Explanation: As a result of a change log inventory update, it was discovered that the SYSUT1 BSDS and SYSUT2 BSDS time stamps are unequal. Their inequality indicates the possibility of a BSDS mismatch. System Action: Current utility processing continues. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility against the SYSUT1 BSDS and SYSUT2 BSDS. Determine if each BSDS is current. If each BSDS is current, this warning can be ignored. If either BSDS is not current, delete the obsolete data set and define a replacement data set, then copy the current BSDS into the replacement data set. CSQJ417E REQUIRED xxxx PARAMETER FOR oper OPERATION IS MISSING

Explanation: A CRESTART CANCEL keyword was specified but the conditional restart control record does not exist in the BSDS data set. System Action: Current utility processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: None necessary, if CANCEL was the intended action. Otherwise, correct the control statement and rerun the utility. CSQJ413E INVALID LOG RANGE SCOPE OR CHECKPOINT SPECIFIED

Explanation: The values specified through the STARTRBA and ENDRBA keywords are invalid. System Action: Current utility processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the log range values are correct and correspond to the other log range values either specified or defaulted. The STARTRBA must be less than or equal to the ENDRBA. CSQJ414I COLD START WILL RESULT FROM THIS RESTART CONTROL RECORD. FORWARD AND BACKOUT SET TO NO

Explanation: Required parameter xxxx for a log utility operation was missing from the log utility control statement. The attempted operation is oper. System Action: The log utility oper operation does not perform its function. All subsequent log utility control statements are processed. A nonzero return code is issued by the utility. System Programmer Response: Add the missing parameter to the control statements associated with the specified operation and rerun the utility. CSQJ418I NOTREUSABLE ACTIVE LOG DELETED FROM THE BSDS LOG INVENTORY, STARTRBA=sss ENDRBA=ttt

Explanation: STARTRBA and ENDRBA are equal. A cold start will result if this restart control record is used during restart. No forward or backout processing will be performed.

Explanation: The data set name specified on the DSNAME parameter of the change log inventory utility DELETE statement was a NOTREUSABLE active log.


Messages and Codes

System Action: The change log inventory utility processing continues. It will terminate with a return code of 4. System Programmer Response: No additional actions are required if you want to delete a NOTREUSABLE active log. If not, recreate the deleted log by using the NEWLOG statement with the RBA values specified in the warning message. CSQJ421I CRESTART CANCEL FOR CRCRID=yyyy, DDNAME=ddd


Explanation: The specified RBA range for the new checkpoint record either exists, or overlaps an existing RBA range in the checkpoint queue in the BSDS. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility against the SYSUT1 BSDS and SYSUT2 BSDS. Determine the correct RBA range, correct the STARTRBA and ENDRBA parameters, and rerun the utility. CSQJ430E SPECIFIED ENTRY CANNOT BE ADDED WITHOUT OVERLAYING EXISTING LOWEST ENTRY

Explanation: A CRESTART CANCEL request has just completed. yyyy is the restart control record hexadecimal identifier and ddd is the BSDS data set (SYSUT1 or SYSUT2) associated with the request. System Action: Current utility processing continues. System Programmer Response: Note the record identifier for future reference. CSQJ425E INVALID VALUE OR FORMAT FOR xxxx PARAMETER (YYYYDDDHHMMSST)

Explanation: The xxxx parameter contains an incorrect value or incorrect format for the date and time. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statement and rerun the utility. CSQJ426E ENDTIME VALUE CANNOT BE LESS THAN STARTIME VALUE

Explanation: The specified RBA range for the new checkpoint record is less than the lowest existing entry. The checkpoint queue in the BSDS is currently full and cannot add the new entry without overlaying the lowest entry. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility against the SYSUT1 BSDS and SYSUT2 BSDS. Determine the lowest existing entry, either change the STARTRBA and ENDRBA parameters or delete the lowest existing entry and add a new low checkpoint entry, and rerun the utility. CSQJ431E STARTRBA SPECIFIED CANNOT BE FOUND IN CHECKPOINT QUEUE

Explanation: The STARTIME and ENDTIME parameters specify a time range. Therefore, the ENDTIME value must be equal to or greater than STARTIME value. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statement and rerun the utility. CSQJ427I CHECKPOINT RECORD ADDED TO QUEUE

Explanation: The specified STARTRBA could not be located in the checkpoint queue in the BSDS. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility against the SYSUT1 BSDS and SYSUT2 BSDS. Determine the correct STARTRBA value, correct the STARTRBA parameter, and rerun the utility. CSQJ432E kwd VALUE MUST END WITH xxx

Explanation: The checkpoint record specified has been added to the checkpoint queue in the BSDS. System Action: Processing continues. CSQJ428I CHECKPOINT RECORD DELETED FROM QUEUE, STARTRBA=ssss ENDRBA=ttt

Explanation: The value specified for keyword kwd is not valid. It must end with xxx. System Action: The current utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statement and rerun the utility.

Explanation: The checkpoint record specified has been deleted from the checkpoint queue in the BSDS. sss and ttt was the RBA range indicated in the deleted checkpoint record.
Chapter 5. Recovery log manager messages (CSQJ...)



csect-name IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS version

Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the VSAM error code and reason code. CSQJ496I Log preformat completed successfully, n records formatted

Explanation: This message is issued as part of the header to reports issued by the utility programs. CSQJ443I csect-name CHANGE LOG INVENTORY UTILITY date time

Explanation: The active log data set has been preformatted successfully. System Action: Utility processing is complete. CSQJ497I Log preformat terminated

Explanation: This message is issued as a header to the report issued by the utility program. CSQJ444I csect-name PRINT LOG MAP UTILITY date time

Explanation: Preformatting the active log data set did not complete successfully. System Action: Utility processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the preceding error messages for more information. CSQJ498I Log data set is not empty

Explanation: This message is issued as a header to the report issued by the utility program. CSQJ491I csect-name Log Data Set Preformatter Utility date time

Explanation: This message is issued as a header to the report issued by the utility program. CSQJ492I Log data set name = dsname

Explanation: The input log data set is not an empty data set. System Action: Utility processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the SYSUT1 DD statement and the data set name is specified correctly. Use Access Method Services to define the data set as a VSAM linear data set.

Explanation: This identifies the name of the log data set to be preformatted. CSQJ493I Log data set is not VSAM

Explanation: The input log data set is not a VSAM data set. System Action: Utility processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the SYSUT1 DD statement and the data set name is specified correctly. Use Access Method Services to define the data set as a VSAM linear data set. CSQJ494E VSAM OPEN failed, ACBERRFLG=ee

Explanation: Opening the log data set failed with the indicated ACB error code. System Action: Utility processing is terminated if the error code is 128 or more; otherwise processing continues. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the VSAM error code. CSQJ495E VSAM PUT failed, RPLERREG=ee reason code=reason

Explanation: Writing the log data set failed with the indicated RPL error code and reason code. System Action: Utility processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS


Messages and Codes

Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)

CSQM050I csect-name Intra-group queuing agent starting, TCB=tcb-name See the WebSphere MQ Intercommunication manual for more information about shared channel recovery. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQM053E csect-name Shared channel recovery terminated, DB2 not available

Explanation: The intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent was started during the initialization of a queue manager that is in a queue-sharing group. The agent uses TCB tcb-name. The IGQ agent handles SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. The IGQ agent starts asynchronously. CSQM051I csect-name Intra-group queuing agent stopping

Explanation: The intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent is stopping because: v the queue manager is stopping v it has retried a failing request repeatedly without success v it was unable to recover from an abnormal ending Severity: 0 System Action: The IGQ agent stops. System Programmer Response: If the queue manager is not stopping, investigate the cause of the error as reported in the preceding messages. To restart the IGQ agent, issue an ALTER QMGR command specifying IGQ(ENABLED). CSQM052I csect-name Shared channel recovery completed for qmgr-name, n channels found, p FIXSHARED, r recovered

Explanation: Because DB2 is not available or no longer available, the queue manager was unable to recover some shared channels that were owned by a queue manager in the queue-sharing group when it or its channel initiator terminated abnormally. This recovery process may occur when: v another queue manager or its channel initiator terminates abnormally v the channel initiator is started, for channels that were owned by other queue managers v the channel initiator is started, for channels that were owned by itself Severity: 8 System Action: The recovery process is terminated; some channels may have been recovered, while others have not. System Programmer Response: Use the preceding messages on the z/OS console to investigate why DB2 is not available, and resume the connection or restart DB2 if necessary. Any channels that were not recovered will be recovered when the recovery process next runs; alternatively, they can be restarted manually. CSQM054E csect-name Shared channel recovery terminated, error accessing DB2

Explanation: The queue manager successfully recovered some shared channels that were owned by queue manager qmgr-name in the queue-sharing group when it or its channel initiator terminated abnormally. This recovery process may occur when: v another queue manager or its channel initiator terminates abnormally v the channel initiator is started, for channels that were owned by other queue managers v the channel initiator is started, for channels that were owned by itself n channels were found that needed recovery, of which p were originally started as FIXSHARED. The number recovered, r, may be less than n (or even 0) because other active queue managers are also recovering the channels and because FIXSHARED channels cannot be recovered by another queue manager.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

Explanation: Because there was an error in accessing DB2, the queue manager was unable to recover some shared channels that were owned by a queue manager in the queue-sharing group when it or its channel initiator terminated abnormally. This recovery process may occur when: v another queue manager or its channel initiator terminates abnormally v the channel initiator is started, for channels that were owned by other queue managers v the channel initiator is started, for channels that were owned by itself Severity: 8 System Action: The recovery process is terminated; some channels may have been recovered, while others have not. System Programmer Response: Resolve the error


reported in the preceding messages. Any channels that were not recovered will be recovered when the recovery process next runs; alternatively, they can be restarted manually. CSQM055E csect-name Shared channel recovery terminated, error putting command, MQRC=mqrc

queue, or use the ALTER QMGR command to disable the events or the IGQ agent if the function is not required. CSQM059E csect-name Queue q-name has incorrect attributes

Explanation: Because there was an error putting a message on the system-command input queue, the queue manager was unable to recover some shared channels that were owned by a queue manager in the queue-sharing group when it or its channel initiator terminated abnormally. This recovery process may occur when: v another queue manager or its channel initiator terminates abnormally v the channel initiator is started, for channels that were owned by other queue managers v the channel initiator is started, for channels that were owned by itself Severity: 8 System Action: The recovery process is terminated; some channels may have been recovered, while others have not. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc, and resolve the error. Any channels that were not recovered will be recovered when the recovery process next runs; alternatively, they can be restarted manually. CSQM056E csect-name mqapi-call failed for queue q-name, MQRC=reason

Explanation: The named queue, used by the intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent, has incorrect attributes. For example, SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE must have attributes USAGE(XMITQ), INDXTYPE(CORRELID), QSGDISP(SHARED). Severity: 8 System Action: The IGQ agent retries at regular intervals until the error is corrected. System Programmer Response: Redefine the queue with the correct attributes. CSQM060E csect-name Cluster cache is full

Explanation: No more space is available in the cluster cache area. Severity: 8 System Action: The application call that resulted in the need for more space will fail with MQRC_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ERROR. Processing continues, and existing users of clustering will be unaffected unless their actions are such as to need more cluster cache space. System Programmer Response: The problem may be temporary. If it persists, the queue manager must be restarted; this will cause more space to be allocated for the cluster cache area. Consider changing the cluster cache type system parameter CLCACHE to dynamic, so that more space for the cache will be obtained automatically as required. (If you are using a cluster workload exit, ensure that it supports a dynamic cluster cache.) See the CSQ6SYSP macro in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the system parameters. CSQM061E csect-name Cluster workload exit exit-name does not support dynamic cache

Explanation: The indicated MQ API call for the named queue failed; mqrc gives the reason code for the error. Severity: 8 System Action: If the queue is SYSTEM.ADMIN.CONFIG.EVENT or SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.EVENT, processing continues but events are not generated; message CSQM071E follows to show how many event messages have not been generated since the problem first occurred. These messages are generated on the first occurrence of the problem, and at intervals thereafter while the problem persists. For other queues, it is the intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent that issued the call. Depending on the queue involved and the type of error, it may continue processing, retry the request at regular intervals until the error is corrected, or terminate. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about MQ reason codes. Correct the problem with the

Explanation: In response to the initialization call (using ExitReason MQXR_INIT), the cluster workload exit returned the value MQCLCT_STATIC in the ExitResponse2 field, indicating that it does not support a dynamic cluster cache. Severity: 8 System Action: The cluster workload exit is suppressed.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: Either change the cluster cache type system parameter CLCACHE to static, or rewrite the exit to be compatible with a dynamic cache. See the CSQ6SYSP macro in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the system parameters. CSQM064I csect-name Intra-group queuing agent put messages to dead-letter queue


csect-name Queue q-name available again, n events not generated

Explanation: An earlier problem with putting messages on the configuration or command event queue has been corrected. n is the number of event messages that have not been generated since the problem first occurred. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues and event messages for that queue will be generated again. System Programmer Response: If the queue is SYSTEM.ADMIN.CONFIG.EVENT, and complete configuration information is required, use the REFRESH QMGR TYPE(CONFIGEV) command to generate events to replace those that were not generated; specify the INCLINT parameter to cover the period when the problem was occurring. If the queue is SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.EVENT, a limited number of the missed event messages may be recovered automatically, as reported by message CSQM072I. CSQM071E csect-name Queue q-name unavailable, n events not generated

Explanation: The intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent was unable to deliver some messages to the required destination queue, so has put them on the dead-letter queue. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the contents of the dead-letter queue. Each message is contained in a structure that describes why the message was put to the queue, and to where it was originally addressed. CSQM065E csect-name mqapi-call failed for queue q-name, MQRC=reason

Explanation: The indicated MQ API call failed; mqrc gives the reason code for the error. Severity: 8 System Action: It is the intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent that issued the call; it was unable to commit or backout a batch of messages for the specified reason. Depending on the type of error, it may retry the request at regular intervals until the error is corrected, or terminate. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about MQ reason codes. Correct the problem if required. CSQM067E csect-name Intra-group queuing agent ended abnormally. Restarting

Explanation: There was an error putting a message on the configuration or command event queue, as reported in the preceding CSQM056E message; n is the number of event messages that have not been generated since the problem first occurred. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues but event messages for that queue are not generated. This message is issued on the first occurrence of the problem, and at intervals thereafter while the problem persists. System Programmer Response: Correct the problem with the event queue, or use the ALTER QMGR command to set the CONFIGEV or CMDEV attribute to DISABLED if events are not required. CSQM072I csect-name Queue q-name, n events recovered

Explanation: The intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent has ended abnormally because a severe error occurred, as reported in the preceding messages. Severity: 8 System Action: The IGQ agent attempts to restart a number of times. If it fails persistently, it terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the reason for the abnormal termination, as reported in the preceding messages.

Explanation: An earlier problem with putting messages on the command event queue has been corrected. n event messages that were not generated have been automatically recovered and generated. Only a limited number of the missed event messages can be recovered in this way. If n is less than the value reported in message CSQM070E, the remaining event messages are lost, and there is no way to recover them. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues.
Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)




Explanation: A command that will affect a recoverable object was requested either too early in queue manager startup, or too late in termination. The usual reason for receiving this message is that some prohibited command was issued in the initialization input data set CSQINP1. Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQM085I is also issued and the command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Wait until the queue manager is in a state where it is possible to reissue the prohibited commands. If appropriate, remove the command from CSQINP1, and place it in CSQINP2, to ensure that this problem does not reoccur. CSQM085I csect-name ABNORMAL COMPLETION

System Programmer Response: See the explanations of the accompanying messages for more information. Refer to Chapter 31, Message manager codes (X'D4'), on page 319 for an explanation of the reason code, and what action to take. If the reason code is not one of those listed, make a note of it and contact your IBM support center. CSQM091E csect-name FAILURE MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A command has failed. The reason code is an MQ reason code. This message is accompanied by one or more other more specific messages, which indicate the reason for the failure. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the explanations of the accompanying messages for more information. Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for an explanation of mqrc, and what action to take. CSQM092I csect-name keyword(value) VALUE INVALID OR OUT OF RANGE

Explanation: This message is issued with message CSQM084I, and indicates that the command requested has not been actioned. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Wait until the queue manager is in a state where it is possible to use the prohibited commands. CSQM086E QUEUE MANAGER CREATE ERROR, CODE=reason-code, RESTART UNSUCCESSFUL

Explanation: Either: v A keyword was entered that takes a bounded numeric value but the value specified is outside the bounds. v A keyword was entered that takes a pair of numeric values defining a range, but only one value is specified or the values are not in ascending order. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the parameter specified correctly. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM093I csect-name keyword(value) NAME CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS

Explanation: During restart, the creation of the queue manager object has failed. The reason code is of the form 00D44xxx. Severity: 8 System Action: The queue manager fails to restart. System Programmer Response: Refer to Chapter 31, Message manager codes (X'D4'), on page 319 for an explanation of the reason code, and what action to take. Reissue the START QMGR command to restart the queue manager. If the error persists note this reason code, and contact your IBM support center. CSQM090E csect-name FAILURE REASON CODE reason-code

Explanation: A name was specified that contains one or more invalid characters. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about validation required for the name in question to correct this. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct name. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual.

Explanation: A command has failed. The reason code is of the form 00D44xxx. This message is accompanied by one or more other more specific messages, which indicate the reason for the failure. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored.


Messages and Codes


csect-name keyword(value) WAS NOT FOUND


csect-name keyword(value) NAME CANNOT BE COMPLETELY BLANK

Explanation: A command was issued that refers to an object that does not exist. That is, no object could be found with the specified name and type (and subtype, for queues and channels) and with any disposition in the queue-sharing group. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Check that you specified the correct name for the object, and the correct subtype (for queues and channels). If a queue-sharing group is in use, check that DB2 is available and not suspended. Define the object if necessary. Notes: 1. If you are dealing with a queue or channel object, an object of the same name, but of a different subtype, might already exist. 2. Remember that the object might have recently been deleted by someone else, or from another queue manager in the queue-sharing group. CSQM095I csect-name keyword(value) ALREADY EXISTS

Explanation: A name was specified that is blank. This is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with a non-blank name. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM098I csect-name keyword(value) FIELD TOO LONG

Explanation: Either a numeric or character parameter was specified but it is too long, or (if value is blank) a list of character parameters was specified whose total length is too long. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct field length. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM099I csect-name keyword(value) NAME IN USE AS A DIFFERENT TYPE

Explanation: A DEFINE command was issued, but an object of that type with the specified name already exists, although it might not necessarily have the same subtype, or the same disposition in the queue-sharing group. (You cannot have a locally-defined object and a local copy of a group object with the same name; for local queues, you cannot have a shared queue with the same name as a queue with any other disposition.) Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with another name or with the REPLACE option, or use the existing object, as appropriate. CSQM096I csect-name keyword(value) NAME HAS INVALID LENGTH

Explanation: An object was specified as one particular subtype, but it already exists as another subtype, although it might not necessarily have the same disposition in the queue-sharing group. (You cannot have a locally-defined object and a local copy of a group object with the same name; for local queues, you cannot have a shared queue with the same name as a queue with any other disposition.) Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct name and subtype. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM100I csect-name keyword(value) VALUE INVALID OR OUT OF RANGE

Explanation: A name was specified that is of an incorrect length. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with a name of the correct length. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual.

Explanation: Either: v A keyword was entered that takes a series of character values, but the value specified is not one of them. v A keyword was entered that takes a series of character values, but the value specified is not valid for the particular subtype of object.

Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)


v A keyword was entered that takes a bounded numeric value, but the value specified is outside the bounds. v A keyword was entered that takes a character or hexadecimal value, but the value specified is invalid for that keyword. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the parameter specified correctly. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM101I csect-name keyword(value) IS CURRENTLY IN USE

For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM103I csect-name keyword(value) QSGDISP(disposition) HAS MESSAGES ASSOCIATED WITH IT

Explanation: A local queue specified for deletion has messages associated with it, and the DELETE request did not include the PURGE option. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Either delete the local queue when it is empty, or reissue the request specifying the PURGE option. If the queue is a local copy of a group object, you must issue the request specifying PURGE explicitly for the local copy; specifying PURGE on the request to delete the group object has no effect. CSQM104I csect-name keyword(value) FLAGGED FOR DEFERRED DELETION

Explanation: The object specified is in use. This could be because: v It is open through the API. v A trigger message is presently being written to it. v It is in the process of being deleted. v When it is a storage class, there is a queue defined as using the storage class, and there are messages currently on the queue. v When it is a CF structure, there is a queue defined as using the CF structure, and there are messages currently on the queue or the queue is open. v When altering the index type of a queue, the necessary conditions regarding messages and uncommitted activity are not satisfied. v When altering the default transmission queue, the old queue is currently being used as a transmission queue by default. v Although the FORCE option was specified to overcome the object being open through the API, the object was created with a previous version of MQ. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Either: v Wait until the object has been closed or deleted. Note: MCAs for receiver channels, or the intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent, can keep the destination queues open for a while even when messages are not being transmitted, and so such queues might appear to be in use. v Wait until all the queues that use a storage class are empty v Wait until the queue is empty v Wait until use of the queue as a default transmission queue has ended It is not possible to use the FORCE option of the ALTER command to overcome the situations that cause this message.

Explanation: A local dynamic queue specified on a DEFINE, ALTER, or DELETE request has been flagged for deferred deletion because it was found to be in use at the time of deletion. Severity: 8 System Action: The queue is no longer available to new users, and will be deleted when all existing users of it have relinquished access. CSQM105I csect-name keyword VALUE IS SAME AS QALIAS NAME

Explanation: An attempt was made to DEFINE or ALTER an alias queue so that the queue itself was named on the TARGQ keyword. Unless the queue is a cluster queue, this is not allowed because an alias queue can only resolve to a local or remote queue. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with a different name for the TARGQ keyword. CSQM106I csect-name DEFXMITQ(q-name) IS NOT ALLOWED

Explanation: The specified queue is not allowed to be used as the default transmission queue because it is reserved for use exclusively by clustering. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command


Messages and Codes

with a different DEFXMITQ name. CSQM107I csect-name STGCLASS ACTIVE OR QUEUE IN USE

Type Requester channel Client-connection channel Server-connection channel Authentication information Namelist Process Storage class


Explanation: A request to ALTER or DEFINE REPLACE a local queue involving a change to the STGCLASS field is not allowed because there are messages on the queue, or other threads have the queue open. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: If there are messages on the queue, you must remove them before changing the storage class. Note: If you remove all the messages from the queue, there might be a short delay before the command can be processed successfully. If other threads have the queue open, wait until they have closed the queue before reissuing the command. CSQM108I csect-name keyword(value) NOT ALLOWED, INCOMPATIBLE NAME AND TYPE

Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Ensure that reserved objects are defined with the correct object type or subtype. CSQM109E csect-name DYNAMIC QUEUE value NOT DELETED, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A dynamic queue could not be deleted during normal close processing, thread termination, or the end of queue manager restart, because an error occurred whilst attempting to delete it. mqrc gives the reason code for the error. Severity: 8 System Action: The named dynamic queue is not deleted. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about the reason code to determine why the queue could not be deleted, and take the appropriate action as necessary. The most likely reason codes are: v MQRC_OBJECT_IN_USE v MQRC_PAGESET_ERROR v MQRC_Q_NOT_EMPTY CSQM110I csect-name keyword(value) QSGDISP(disposition) HAS INCOMPLETE UNITS OF RECOVERY

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a DEFINE command on a reserved object name, using an incorrect object type or subtype. The object is only allowed to be of the predetermined type listed below:

Alias queue Alias or local queue Local queue

Explanation: A command was issued that refers to a local queue that has incomplete units of recovery outstanding for it. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Wait until all units of recovery for this queue are complete before attempting to issue the command again.

Model queue

Remote queue

Cluster-sender channel SYSTEM.DEF.CLUSSDR Cluster-receiver channel Sender channel Server channel Receiver channel SYSTEM.DEF.CLUSRCVR SYSTEM.DEF.SENDER SYSTEM.DEF.SERVER SYSTEM.DEF.RECEIVER

Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)





csect-name keyword(value) EXCEEDED LOCAL QUEUE LIMIT

Explanation: An attempt to put a message to the dead letter queue was unsuccessful. mqrc gives the reason code for the error. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQM112E csect-name ERROR ACCESSING keyword(value)

Explanation: A command failed because no more local queues could be defined. There is an implementation limit of 524 287 for the total number of local queues that can exist. For shared queues, there is a limit of 512 queues in a single coupling facility structure. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Delete any existing queues that are no longer required. CSQM115I csect-name keyword(value) IS CURRENTLY IN USE, ALTER WITH FORCE NEEDED

Explanation: While processing a command for an object, object information could not be accessed. This may be because of an error on page set zero, or in the coupling facility information, or because a coupling facility structure has failed, or because DB2 is not available or is suspended. This message is issued with message CSQM090E or CSQM091E, which include a reason code that gives more information about the error. Severity: 4 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Check for error messages on the console log that might relate to the problem. Verify that page set zero is set up correctly; refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about this. If a queue-sharing group is in use, check whether the coupling facility structure has failed and check that DB2 is available and not suspended. If the accompanying message is CSQM091E, refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for an explanation of the mqrc in that message, and what action to take. CSQM113E csect-name NO SPACE FOR keyword(value) QSGDISP(disposition)

Explanation: The object specified is in use. This could be because: v It is open through the API. v When altering the USAGE attribute of a local queue, there are messages currently on the queue. v When altering the default transmission queue, the old queue is currently being used as a transmission queue by default. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Either: v Wait until the object has been closed or deleted. Note: MCAs for receiver channels, or the intra-group queuing (IGQ) agent, can keep the destination queues open for a while even when messages are not being transmitted, and so such queues might appear to be in use. v Wait until the queue is emptied. v Wait until use of the queue as a default transmission queue has ended. v Use the ALTER command with the FORCE option. Note: Any subsequent API calls referencing the object will fail with a reason code of MQRC_OBJECT_CHANGED. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM117E csect-name ERROR ACCESSING keyword(value) QSGDISP(disposition)

Explanation: A command failed because page set zero is full, or because the application structure is full, or because no more application structures are available in the coupling facility (the limit is 63). Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Do one of the following, depending on the cause of the error: v Increase the size of page set zero or the application structure. Refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about how to do this. v Reduce the number of application structures you are using.

Explanation: While processing a command for an object, object information could not be accessed. This may be because of an error on page set zero, or in the coupling facility information, or because a coupling facility structure has failed, or because DB2 is not


Messages and Codes

available or is suspended. This message is issued with message CSQM090E or CSQM091E, which include a reason code that gives more information about the error. Severity: 4 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Check for error messages on the console log that might relate to the problem. If disposition is QMGR, COPY, or PRIVATE, verify that page set zero is set up correctly; refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about this. If disposition is GROUP or SHARED, check whether the coupling facility structure has failed and check that DB2 is available and is not suspended. If the accompanying message is CSQM091E, refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for an explanation of the mqrc in that message, and what action to take. CSQM118I csect-name keyword(value) QSGDISP(disposition) LEVEL IS INCOMPATIBLE

System Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly. CSQM121I csect-name keyword(value) NOT ALLOWED, NOT IN QUEUE-SHARING GROUP

Explanation: The specified value for the attribute requires a queue-sharing group, but the queue manager is not in a group. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly. CSQM122I csect-name verb-name object COMPLETED FOR QSGDISP(disposition)

Explanation: Processing for the specified command that refers to an object with the indicated disposition has completed successfully. Severity: 0 System Action: A command is generated specifying CMDSCOPE(*) to perform further processing on all queue managers in the queue-sharing group. For example, if disposition is GROUP, the corresponding processing must be performed for local copies of the group object. CSQM123I csect-name keyword VALUE CANNOT BE CHANGED

Explanation: The definition level of the specified object is incompatible with that of the queue manager or other members of the queue-sharing group. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about migration and compatibility between releases. CSQM119I csect-name keyword(value) LEVEL IS INCOMPATIBLE

Explanation: The value for the specified attribute cannot be changed. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: To change the attribute, the object must be deleted and then redefined with the new value. CSQM124I csect-name keyword(value) ALLOWED ONLY WITH QSGDISP(disposition)

Explanation: The definition level of the specified object is incompatible with that of the queue manager or other members of the queue-sharing group. System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about migration and compatibility between releases. CSQM120I csect-name keyword(value) NOT ALLOWED FOR SHARED QUEUE

Explanation: The specified value for the attribute is allowed only for an object that has the indicated disposition. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly.

Explanation: The specified value for the object name or attribute is not allowed for a local queue whose disposition is shared or a model queue used to create a dynamic queue that is shared. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated.

Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)



csect-name keyword(value) QSGDISP(disposition) WAS NOT FOUND


csect-name MQPUT FAILED FOR QUEUE q-name, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A command was issued that refers to an object that does not exist. That is, no object could be found with the specified name and type (and subtype, for queues and channels) and disposition in the queue-sharing group. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Check that you specified the correct name for the object, and the correct subtype (for queues and channels) or channel definition table (for deleting channels). If disposition is GROUP or SHARED, check that DB2 is available and is not suspended. Define the object if necessary. Notes: 1. An object of the same name and type, but of a different disposition, might already exist. 2. If you are dealing with a queue or channel object, an object of the same name, but of a different subtype, might already exist. 3. Remember that the object might have recently been deleted by someone else, or from another queue manager in the queue-sharing group. CSQM126I csect-name keyword ONLY APPLICABLE TO LU62 PROTOCOL

Explanation: During the processing of a command, an attempt to put a message to the named queue failed for the specified reason. Severity: 8 System Action: In general, the command is not actioned. If the command was REFRESH QMGR for configuration events, it may be partially completed as indicated by the preceding CSQM169I messages. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc. If mqrc is 2003, the message could not be committed. CSQM129I csect-name keyword(value) HAS WRONG CHANNEL TYPE

Explanation: The command (or the command with the particular disposition) cannot be used with the named channel because it cannot be used for channels of that type. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Check that the correct channel name and disposition was specified on the command. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM130I csect-name CLUSTER REQUEST QUEUED

Explanation: The named keyword can only be specified when TRPTYPE(LU62) is specified. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command without the named keyword. CSQM127I csect-name keyword(value) IS EMPTY OR WRONG TYPE

Explanation: Initial processing for a command completed successfully. The command requires further action by the cluster repository manager, for which a request was queued. This message is followed by message CSQ9022I to indicate that the command has completed successfully, in that a request has been sent. It does not indicate that the cluster request has completed successfully. Such requests are processed asynchronously by the cluster repository manager; any errors are reported to the z/OS console, not to the command issuer. Severity: 0 System Action: A request was queued for the cluster repository manager, which will process it asynchronously. CSQM131I csect-name CHANNEL INITIATOR NOT ACTIVE, CLUSTER AND CHANNEL COMMANDS INHIBITED

Explanation: A namelist used to specify a list of clusters has no names in it or does not have type CLUSTER or NONE. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command specifying a namelist that is not empty and has type CLUSTER or NONE.

Explanation: A command was issued that required the channel initiator to be started.


Messages and Codes

Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Issue the START CHINIT command to start the channel initiator, and reissue the command. CSQM132I csect-name CHANNEL INITIATOR ALREADY ACTIVE

v no channel initiators are running v the channel initiators that are running are too busy to allow any channel, or a channel of the particular type, to be started Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Start a new channel initiator (on an active queue manager where there is no channel initiator running), or try again when there are fewer channels running. CSQM136E COMMAND NOT ALLOWED, COMMAND SERVER UNAVAILABLE

Explanation: The START CHINIT command was issued but the channel initiator is already active. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. CSQM133I csect-name UNABLE TO START CHANNEL INITIATOR

Explanation: A command for the channel initiator was entered, but the command server is not running and not enabled so the command cannot be processed. System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Use the START CMDSERV command to start the command server, and reissue the command. CSQM137I csect-name command keyword COMMAND ACCEPTED

Explanation: A START CHINIT command was issued but the channel initiator could not be started. This could be for one of the following reasons: v The system did not allow the channel initiator address space to be created at this time due to a heavy system workload v There was not enough storage to start the channel initiator address space v The system tried to obtain more address spaces than the maximum number supported v The queue manager was quiescing or shutting down. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command when the system workload is reduced and when the queue manager is not shutting down. CSQM134I csect-name command keyword(value) COMMAND ACCEPTED

Explanation: Initial processing for a command has completed successfully. The command requires further action by the channel initiator, for which a request has been queued. Messages reporting the success or otherwise of the action will be sent to the command issuer subsequently. Severity: 0 System Action: A request was queued for the channel initiator. Further messages will be produced when the command has been completed. CSQM138I csect-name CHANNEL INITIATOR STARTING

Explanation: Initial processing for a command has completed successfully. The command requires further action by the channel initiator, for which a request has been queued. Messages reporting the success or otherwise of the action will be sent to the command issuer subsequently. Severity: 0 System Action: A request was queued for the channel initiator. Further messages will be produced when the command has been completed. CSQM135I csect-name NO CHANNEL INITIATOR AVAILABLE

Explanation: A START CHINIT command was issued and the channel initiator address space has been started successfully. Severity: 0 System Action: Further messages will be produced when the channel initiator itself has started. CSQM139I csect-name INDXTYPE(MSGTOKEN) NOT ALLOWED FOR TEMPORARY DYNAMIC QUEUE

Explanation: A command was issued for a shared channel, but there was no suitable channel initiator available for any active queue manager in the queue-sharing group. This could be because:

Explanation: An attempt was made to define or alter a temporary-dynamic queue from which messages could be retrieved using message tokens. This combination is not allowed. Severity: 8
Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)


System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values. CSQM140I csect-name keyword NOT ALLOWED WITH TRPTYPE(value)

SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT SYSTEM.QSG.CHANNEL.SYNCQ SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct values. CSQM145I csect-name keyword VALUE REQUIRED FOR SHARED QUEUE

Explanation: The named keyword cannot be used on a START LISTENER command for the transport type shown. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct keywords. CSQM141I csect-name LUNAME REQUIRED WITH TRPTYPE(LU62)

Explanation: A non-blank value must be specified for the named keyword for a local queue whose disposition is shared or a model queue used to create a dynamic queue that is shared. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with a value for the keyword added. CSQM146I csect-name keyword(value) VALUE IS REPEATED

Explanation: A START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(LU62) but without the LUNAME keyword. The LUNAME keyword is required with TRPTYPE(LU62). Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct keywords. CSQM142I csect-name CLUSTER(cluster-name) REPOSITORY IS NOT ON THIS QUEUE MANAGER

Explanation: A keyword was entered that takes a list of values, and the named value appears more than once in the list. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the parameter specified correctly. For more information about the command, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM147I csect-name keyword1 AND keyword2 VALUES MUST BOTH BE BLANK OR NON-BLANK

Explanation: A RESET CLUSTER command was issued, but the queue manager does not provide a full repository management service for the specified cluster. That is, the REPOS attribute of the queue manager is not cluster-name, or the namelist specified by the REPOSNL attribute of the queue manager does not contain cluster-name or is not of type CLUSTER or NONE. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct values or on the correct queue manager. CSQM144I csect-name keyword(value) CANNOT BE A CLUSTER QUEUE

Explanation: An attempt was made to define or alter an object so that it had a blank value for one of the specified keywords and a non-blank value for the other. Both of those values must either be blank or non-blank. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values.

Explanation: An attempt was made to define or alter a queue to make it part of a cluster. This is not allowed if the queue is dynamic or is one of the following reserved queues: SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ


Messages and Codes


csect-name keyword NOT ALLOWED WITH TYPE value



Explanation: The named keyword cannot be specified for queues or channels of the type shown. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command without the named keyword. CSQM149I csect-name keyword REQUIRED WITH TYPE value

Explanation: An attempt was made to define or alter a queue so that it was both a transmission queue and in a cluster. This is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values. CSQM153E csect-name DB2 NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: The named keyword was not specified but is required for queues or channels of the type shown. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the named keyword added. CSQM150I csect-name keyword1 AND keyword2 VALUES ARE INCOMPATIBLE

Explanation: Because DB2 is not available or no longer available, the queue manager cannot handle the command for a CF structure or shared channel. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Use the preceding messages on the z/OS console to investigate why DB2 is not available, and resume the connection or restart DB2 if necessary. CSQM154E csect-name ERROR ACCESSING DB2

Explanation: An attempt was made to define or alter an object so that it had incompatible values for the specified keywords. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values. For information about the restrictions on the values for the keywords, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM151I csect-name keyword1 AND keyword2 VALUES CANNOT BOTH BE NON-BLANK

Explanation: Because there was an error in accessing DB2, the queue manager cannot handle the command for a CF structure or shared channel. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resolve the error reported in the preceding messages. CSQM155I csect-name STATUS(STOPPED) NOT ALLOWED WITH QMNAME OR CONNAME

Explanation: An attempt was made to define or alter an object so that it had non-blank values for both of the specified keywords. At most one of those values can be non-blank. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values.

Explanation: An attempt was made to stop a channel using STATUS(STOPPED), but a queue manager name or connection name was also specified. This is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values.

Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)



csect-name INDXTYPE(GROUPID) NOT ALLOWED FOR keyword(value)

Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. CSQM160I csect-name keyword(value) IS NOT UNIQUE

Explanation: An attempt was made to define or alter a queue with a reserved name so that it had an index type of GROUPID. This is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values. CSQM157E csect-name NO SPACE FOR keyword(value)

Explanation: A command was issued that refers to an object that exists with more that one disposition in the queue-sharing group, so the object to be used cannot be determined. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not executed. System Programmer Response: Delete one of the objects. CSQM161I csect-name QUEUE ATTRIBUTES ARE INCOMPATIBLE

Explanation: An MQ DEFINE CFSTRUCT command failed because no more application structures are available in the coupling facility (the limit is 63). Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Reduce the number of application structures you are using. CSQM158I csect-name RECOVER(YES) NOT ALLOWED WITH CFLEVEL(value)

Explanation: A MOVE QLOCAL command was issued, but the queues involved have different values for one or more of these attributes: DEFTYPE, HARDENBO, INDXTYPE, USAGE. Messages cannot be moved safely if these attributes differ. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not executed. System Programmer Response: Check that the queue names have been entered correctly. Change the queue attributes as necessary. CSQM162I csect-name keyword(value) MAXDEPTH IS TOO SMALL

Explanation: An attempt was made to define or alter a CF structure to support recovery, but the level of the CF structure was less than 3. This is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values. You cannot alter the level of a CF structure; you must delete the structure and then redefine it. CSQM159I csect-name verb-name object(obj-name) NOT ALLOWED, INCOMPATIBLE QUEUE MANAGER CMDLEVELS

Explanation: A MOVE QLOCAL command was issued, but the MAXDEPTH attribute value for the target queue is too small to allow all the messages to be moved. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not executed. System Programmer Response: Change the MAXDEPTH value for the queue. CSQM163I csect-name ERROR USING keyword(value), MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An attempt was made to alter the CF level of a CF structure, or to delete the structure. This action requires that all queue managers in the queue-sharing group must have a command level of at least 530. Some of the queue managers have a lower level. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Ensure all the queue managers in the queue-sharing group have the appropriate command level. For information about restrictions on the command, see the WebSphere MQ

Explanation: During the processing of a MOVE QLOCAL command, an attempt to open the named queue or to get or put a message for it failed for the specified reason. For example, a put to the target queue will fail if a message is too long. Severity: 8 System Action: The command stops processing. If some messages have already been moved and committed, they will remain on the target queue; the rest of the messages will not be moved. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A,


Messages and Codes

API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc, and take the appropriate action to resolve the problem. CSQM164I csect-name keyword(value) HAS MESSAGES ASSOCIATED WITH IT

System Programmer Response: Use the ALTER QMGR command to set the PERFMEV attribute to ENABLED if performance events are required. CSQM168I csect-name CONFIGURATION EVENTS DISABLED

Explanation: A MOVE QLOCAL command was issued specifying TYPE(MOVE), the target queue already has messages associated with it. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not executed. System Programmer Response: Check that the queue name was entered correctly. Determine if it is safe to add messages to the queue, then reissue the command using the TYPE(ADD) option. CSQM165I csect-name n MESSAGES MOVED

Explanation: A command was issued that required configuration events to be enabled. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not executed. System Programmer Response: Use the ALTER QMGR command to set the CONFIGEV attribute to ENABLED if configuration events are required. CSQM169I csect-name object-type OBJECTS: m FOUND, n EVENTS GENERATED

Explanation: A MOVE QLOCAL command was issued, and moved the indicated number of messages. If the command completed successfully and moved all the messages on the queue, this confirms the number moved. If an error occurred while moving the messages, this shows how many messages were successfully moved to the target queue and committed. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the command did not complete successfully, as shown by the following CSQ9023E message, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQM166I csect-name keyword(value) NOT AUTHORIZED

Explanation: A REFRESH QMGR command was issued for configuration events. m objects of the indicated type were found that matched the specified selection criteria (such as name or time of alteration), and n event messages were generated. The number of event messages may be less than the number of objects found because certain objects may be excluded, such as temporary dynamic queues or objects in the process of being deleted. It may also be less than the number of objects found if there was a problem with the event queue. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If n is less than m, but message CSQ9022I follows these messages to indicate that the command completed successfully, no action is needed. Otherwise, investigate the problem with the event queue as reported in the preceding messages. CSQM170I csect-name REFRESHING CONFIGURATION EVENTS SINCE date time

Explanation: You do not have proper authorization to use the command for the specified object. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not executed for that object. System Programmer Response: Check that the object name was entered correctly. If required, arrange for someone who is authorized to use the object to issue the command for you, or get the necessary authority granted to you. CSQM167I csect-name PERFORMANCE EVENTS DISABLED

Explanation: A REFRESH QMGR command was issued for configuration events specifying a refresh interval with the INCLINT keyword. Event messages will be generated for all objects with an alteration date and time later than date time (provided they match any other specified selection criteria, such as name or type). However, event messages will not be generated for objects deleted after that time. Severity: 0 CSQM171I csect-name CONFIGURATION EVENTS REFRESH NEEDED

Explanation: A command was issued that required performance events to be enabled. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not executed.

Explanation: An ALTER QMGR command was issued that enables configuration events. Event messages need to be generated to ensure that the configuration
Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)


information is complete and up-to-date. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If complete configuration information is required, do one of the following, as appropriate: v If this is the first time that configuration events have been enabled, use the REFRESH QMGR TYPE(CONFIGEV) command to generate configuration events for all objects. If you have many objects, it may be preferable to use several such commands each with a different selection of objects, but such that all are included. v Otherwise, use the REFRESH QMGR TYPE(CONFIGEV) command to generate events to replace those that were not generated while configuration events were disabled; specify the INCLINT parameter to cover this period. CSQM172I csect-name keyword NOT ALLOWED WITH TYPE(value)

reduce the number of jobs running in your system. CSQM201I csect-name verb-name obj-type DETAILS

Explanation: This message is the response to a command that displays attributes or other information about objects, when that command was entered from either the console, or the command server initialization server. It shows the attributes requested for obj-type, as follows: obj-type(name) attribute-value attribute-value . . . END obj-type DETAILS csect-name might include the command prefix (CPF), depending on how the command was entered. Exceptionally, the last line might be: obj-type TERMINATED WITH MAX LINES if the number of lines allowed in a multiple line WTO to be issued on the console (255) was exceeded. This figure includes the first and last lines of the display. The only object that might cause this message is namelist because displaying a complete namelist would require 263 lines in total. (This only occurs when the command was issued from the console.) Severity: 0 CSQM293I csect-name m obj-type FOUND MATCHING REQUEST CRITERIA

Explanation: The named keyword cannot be specified with the TYPE value shown. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command without the named keyword. CSQM173I csect-name EXPIRED MESSAGE SCAN REQUESTED FOR m QUEUES

Explanation: A REFRESH QMGR command was issued for expired message scanning. m queues were found that matched the specified selection criteria. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQM181I csect-name INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE COMMAND

Explanation: A command that displays attributes or other information about objects has been issued. m objects were found that matched the specified selection criteria. System Action: For each object found, a message follows giving its details. Severity: 0 CSQM294I csect-name CANNOT GET INFORMATION FROM DB2

Explanation: There was insufficient storage available to complete processing for the command. Severity: 8 System Action: The command terminates. Any processing already completed may be retained or backed out. System Programmer Response: Refer to the accompanying messages to determine what processing has been done. Retry the command, if appropriate, when your queue manager is less busy. If the problem persists, you might need to increase the region size used by your queue manager, or you might need to

Explanation: While processing a command that displays attributes or other information about objects with a disposition of GROUP or SHARED, information could not be obtained from DB2. This may be because DB2 is not available or no longer available, or because it is suspended, or because there was an error in accessing DB2, or because a DB2 table was temporarily locked. Severity: 8 System Action: Information about objects with a disposition of GROUP or SHARED is not displayed, so the information displayed may therefore be incomplete.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: Refer to the console log for messages giving more information about the error. CSQM295I csect-name UNEXPECTED ERROR DURING DISPLAY

ALL). If the problem persists, you might need to increase the region size used by your queue manager or channel initiator, or you might need to reduce the number of jobs running in your system. CSQM4nnI object details

Explanation: A severe error occurred while processing a command that displays attributes or other information about objects. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to the console log for messages giving more information about the error. CSQM297I csect-name NO obj-type FOUND MATCHING REQUEST CRITERIA

Explanation: This message consists of the entire object or object status details formatted for use by applications. It is issued in response to commands entered from the command server. Message CSQ9022I follows this message. The message number depends on the object or object status type, as follows:
Number CSQM400I CSQM401I CSQM402I CSQM403I Object or status type Storage class object Local queue object Model queue object Alias queue object Remote queue object Namelist object Process object Queue manager object Sender channel object Server channel object Receiver channel object Requester channel object Server-connection channel object Client-connection channel object Cluster-receiver channel object Cluster-sender channel object Sender channel status Server channel status Receiver channel status Requester channel status Server-connection channel status Cluster-receiver channel status Cluster-sender channel status CF structure object Cluster queue object Authentication information object Cluster queue manager object CF structure status Local queue status Connection information Local queue statistics

Explanation: A command that displays attributes or other information about objects found that there are no objects that match the specified name and satisfy any other criteria requested (such as subtype or disposition in a queue-sharing group). Severity: 0 CSQM298I csect-name TOTAL MESSAGE LENGTH ALLOWED ON CONSOLE EXCEEDED


Explanation: The total message length for the command allowed on the console (32 K) was exceeded. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is actioned, but the display of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: This error occurs if a command that displays attributes or other information about objects is entered using a generic name (for example, DIS Q(*) ALL), and the total amount of data to be displayed exceeds 32 K. To avoid this problem, try to be more selective about the information requested (for example, DIS Q(PAY*) ALL). CSQM299I csect-name INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO COMPLETE DISPLAY


Explanation: There was insufficient storage available to complete processing of a command that displays attributes or other information about objects. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is actioned, but the display of the information is terminated. System Programmer Response: If this error occurs when a generic name is used in the command (for example, DIS Q(*) ALL), try to be more selective about the information requested (for example, DIS Q(PAY*)

Severity: 0

Chapter 6. Message manager messages (CSQM...)



csect-name UNRECOGNIZED RETURN CODE ret-code FOR keyword

Explanation: An unexpected return code was issued from a command, relating to the named keyword. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Note the return code ret-code (which is shown in hexadecimal) and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 7. Command server messages (CSQN...)

CSQN001I COMMAND SERVER STARTED Explanation: A STOP CMDSERV command was entered, but the command server was not running. Severity: 0 System Action: The command is ignored. CSQN007I COMMAND SERVER DISABLED Explanation: A request to start the command server with the START CMDSERV command has been accepted. Severity: 0 System Action: The command server is triggered to start. This message should be followed by message CSQN200I which indicates that the command server is starting up. CSQN002I COMMAND SERVER ALREADY STARTED Explanation: In response to a STOP CMDSERV command in an initialization file, the command server has been put in to a disabled state. Severity: 0 System Action: The command server will not start automatically when initialization finishes. CSQN008I COMMAND SERVER ALREADY DISABLED

Explanation: A START CMDSERV command has been entered, but the command server is already running. Severity: 0 System Action: The command is ignored. CSQN003I COMMAND SERVER ENABLED

Explanation: A STOP CMDSERV command has been entered, but the command server was already disabled. Severity: 0 System Action: The command is ignored. CSQN009I csect-name verb-name pkw-name COMMAND DISABLED

Explanation: In response to a START CMDSERV command in an initialization file, the command server has been put in to an enabled state. Severity: 0 System Action: The command server will be started automatically when initialization finishes. CSQN004I COMMAND SERVER ALREADY ENABLED

Explanation: The command was not processed because it was not allowed during this stage of initialization or termination. verb-name might include the command prefix (CPF). This depends on how the command was entered. Severity: 4 System Action: The command is ignored. CSQN011I COMMAND SERVER STATUS IS ENABLED

Explanation: A START CMDSERV command has been entered, but the command server was already enabled. Severity: 0 System Action: The command is ignored. CSQN005I COMMAND SERVER STOPPED

Explanation: A request to stop the command server with a STOP CMDSERV command has been accepted. Severity: 0 System Action: The command server shuts down when it finishes processing the current command (or immediately if it is not processing a command). This message is followed by message CSQN201I to confirm that the stop has started. CSQN006I COMMAND SERVER ALREADY STOPPED

Explanation: The command server is in an enabled state; that is, the command server will be started automatically when initialization finishes. Severity: 0 CSQN012I COMMAND SERVER STATUS IS DISABLED

Explanation: The command server is in a disabled state; that is, the command server will not be started automatically when initialization finishes. Severity: 0

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005




Explanation: The command server is in a running state; that is, the command server is currently processing a command. Severity: 0 CSQN014I COMMAND SERVER STATUS IS WAITING

Explanation: The command server is in a waiting state; that is, the command server is waiting for a message to be put onto the system-command input queue. Severity: 0 CSQN015I COMMAND SERVER STATUS IS STOPPED

queue manager was unable to start the task that processes commands in CSQINP2. RTSSRV01 After initialization has completed with the command server enabled, or in response to a START CMDSERV command, the queue manager was unable to start the command server task that processes commands in the system-command input queue. GRSSRV01 After initialization has completed with the command server enabled, or in response to a START CMDSERV command, the queue manager was unable to start the command server task that processes commands using CMDSCOPE. Severity: 8 System Action: The task is not started. System Programmer Response: Stop and restart the queue manager. Check the console for other messages regarding this error, and note the message number, identifier, and rc. Also collect the system dump (if one was produced). Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQN019E csect-name INTERNAL ERROR FOR identifier, RETURN CODE=rc

Explanation: The command server is in a stopped state; that is, the command server will not process any commands until a START CMDSERV command is entered. Severity: 0 CSQN016I COMMAND SERVER STATUS IS STARTING

Explanation: The command server is in a starting state; that is, a START CMDSERV command has been entered, but the command server has not yet started up. Severity: 0 CSQN017I COMMAND SERVER STATUS IS STOPPING

Explanation: This message could be caused by the following: Identifier Description INSSRV01 During the early part of initialization an error occurred when trying to delete the task that processes commands in CSQINP1. INSSRV02 During the later part of initialization an error occurred when trying to delete the task that processes commands in CSQINP2. RTSSRV01 During termination with the command server running, or in response to a START CMDSERV command, an error occurred when trying to delete the command server task that processes commands in the system-command input queue. GRSSRV01 During termination with the command server running, or in response to a START CMDSERV command, an error occurred when trying to delete the command server task that processes commands using CMDSCOPE. Severity: 8 System Action: If the value of identifier was INSSRV01 or INSSRV02, the error is ignored, and startup continues.

Explanation: The command server is in a stopping state; that is, a STOP CMDSERV command has been entered, but the command server has not yet stopped. Severity: 0 CSQN018E csect-name INTERNAL ERROR FOR identifier, RETURN CODE=rc

Explanation: This message could be caused by the following: Identifier Description INSSRV01 During the early part of initialization, the queue manager was unable to start the task that processes commands in CSQINP1. INSSRV02 During the later part of initialization, the


Messages and Codes

If the value of identifier was RTSSRV01 or GRSSRV01 and csect-name was CSQNESTP, the command server could have terminated while processing a command. System Programmer Response: Check the console for other messages regarding this error. If you are unable to resolve the problem, note the message number, identifier, and rc, collect the system dump (if one was produced), and contact your IBM support center. CSQN020E csect-name UNABLE TO START COMMAND SERVER identifier



Explanation: The last command in the CSQINP1 or CSQINP2 data set ended with a continuation mark. Severity: 4 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: The command in question precedes this message in the CSQOUT1 or CSQOUT2 data set. For details about forming a command string, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide. CSQN102I COMMAND BUFFER INVALID, ERROR UNKNOWN, COMMAND IGNORED

Explanation: csect-name was unable to start the command server task identifier. Severity: 8 System Action: If identifier is INSSRV01 or INSSRV02, initialization is not completed and a dump might be produced. In other cases, the command server is not started. System Programmer Response: Stop and restart the queue manager. Contact your IBM support center with details of this message, any previous messages pertaining to this error, and the dump (if applicable). CSQN021E csect-name COMMAND SERVER identifier ABNORMAL COMPLETION

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 4 System Action: This command is ignored, and the next command is processed. System Programmer Response: The command in question precedes this message in the CSQOUT1 or CSQOUT2 data set. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQN103I COMMAND PROCESSOR RETURN CODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason

Explanation: The command server task identifier was unable to complete its processing during startup. Severity: 8 System Action: Queue manager startup continues. System Programmer Response: Check the z/OS console for related messages (probably concerning the CSQINPx data sets). The CSQOUTx data sets should also be checked to determine how much command processing was done before the error occurred. If required, reissue any unprocessed commands, or resolve the problem and restart the queue manager. CSQN100I COMMAND EXCEEDS MAXIMUM SIZE, COMMAND IGNORED

Explanation: An error occurred while processing the command preceding this message in the CSQOUT1 or CSQOUT2 data set. The possible values of rc are as follows: Return code Description 00000004 Internal error 00000008 Syntax or command preprocessor error, see the following lines in the CSQOUTx data set 0000000C Command processor error, see the following lines in the CSQOUTx data set 00000010 Command processor abnormal termination 00000014 Command completed, but there is insufficient storage for the messages 00000018 Command preprocessor has insufficient storage (there could be further messages about this error) 0000001C The command processor has insufficient storage (the command could be partially completed)
Chapter 7. Command server messages (CSQN...)

Explanation: The command string was too long. Severity: 4 System Action: The command is ignored, and processing of CSQINP1 or CSQINP2 continues. System Programmer Response: The command in question precedes this message in the CSQOUT1 or CSQOUT2 data set. For details about forming a command string, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide.


00000020 Security check 00D50102 Refer to Chapter 32, Command server codes (X'D5') Note: If the return code is 00000010, the reason code has no meaning. If reason is 00000004 and return code is 00000000, the command has been accepted and will be completed later. Further messages will be produced when the command has been completed. Otherwise the reason code indicates the command result as follows: Reason Description 00000000 Command completed 00000004 Partial completion 00000008 Command not actioned 0000000C Command processor abend FFFFFFFF Command not actioned Severity: 4 System Action: The next command is processed, if possible. System Programmer Response: If reason indicates that the command did not complete, examine the command and all associated messages. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for further information about the commands. If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the input and output data sets and contact your IBM support center. CSQN104I INITIALIZATION RETURN CODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason


Commands from ddname for queue manager qmgr-name date time

Explanation: This message forms the header for the output data sets CSQOUT1 and CSQOUT2. Severity: 0 CSQN121I verb-name pkw-name command responses from qmgr-name

Explanation: The following messages are responses from queue manager qmgr-name to the indicated command either entered or generated by another command that specified CMDSCOPE. CSQN122I verb-name pkw-name command for CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) normal completion

Explanation: Processing for the indicated command that specified CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) either entered or generated by another command has completed successfully on all requested queue managers. CSQN123E verb-name pkw-name command for CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) abnormal completion

Explanation: Processing for the indicated command that specified CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) either entered or generated by another command has completed, but not successfully. If the command was sent to more than one queue manager, it may have completed successfully on some and not on others. System Programmer Response: Examine the preceding responses from the command. Reissue the command correctly if necessary for the queue managers where it failed. CSQN127E Queue-sharing group error, reason=reason

Explanation: An error occurred while processing one of the initialization data sets. Severity: 8 System Action: The system action depends on the reason code (reason). Refer to Chapter 32, Command server codes (X'D5') for information the code you have received. System Programmer Response: The response you should make depends on the reason code (reason). Refer to Chapter 32, Command server codes (X'D5') for information about the code you have received.

Explanation: While processing a command that specified CMDSCOPE, the command server experienced an error while trying to send data to the coupling facility. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: The response you should make depends on the reason code (reason). Refer to Chapter 24, Coupling Facility codes (X'C5') for information about the code.


Messages and Codes


Insufficient storage for CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name)


CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) not allowed, command server unavailable

Explanation: While processing a command that specified CMDSCOPE, the command server was unable to obtain storage needed. System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: If the problem persists, you may need to restart the queue manager after making more storage available. CSQN129E Error saving command reply information

Explanation: A command that specified CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) was entered or generated by another command, but the command server is not running and not enabled. System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: Use the START CMDSERV command to start the command server, and reissue the command. CSQN135E Queue manager qmgr-name not active in queue-sharing group

Explanation: While processing a command that specified CMDSCOPE or a command for the channel initiator, the command server experienced an error while trying to save information about the command. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause is insufficient storage. If the problem persists, you may need to restart the queue manager after making more storage available. CSQN130E Command exceeds maximum size for CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name)

Explanation: A command specifying CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) was entered or generated by another command, but that queue manager is not currently active in the group. System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: Start the queue manager and reissue the command if required. CSQN136E Not in queue-sharing group

Explanation: A command that requires a queue-sharing group was entered, but the queue manager is not in a group. System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly. CSQN137I verb-name pkw-name accepted for CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name), sent to n

Explanation: A command that specified CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) was too long. System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly. CSQN131E CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) not allowed during restart

Explanation: A command that specified CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) was issued in the initialization input data set CSQINP1. This is not allowed. System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command later. CSQN132E CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) not allowed with disposition disposition

Explanation: A command that specified CMDSCOPE was entered. It has been passed to the requested queue manager(s) for processing; n is the number of queue managers. System Action: Processing continues. CSQN138I verb-name pkw-name generated for CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name), sent to n

Explanation: A command that specified CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) with QSGDISP(disposition) or CHLDISP(disposition) was issued. This combination of values is not allowed. System Action: The command is not processed. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly.

Explanation: A command that specified CMDSCOPE was generated in response to the command originally entered. It has been passed to the indicated queue manager(s) for processing; n is the number of queue managers. System Action: Processing continues.

Chapter 7. Command server messages (CSQN...)




Explanation: This message confirms that the command server is shutting down after an error. Severity: 0 System Action: The command server shuts down and will not process any more commands. System Programmer Response: Correct the errors reported in the preceding messages, and use the START CMDSERV command to restart the command server. CSQN202I COMMAND SERVER RETURN CODE=rc, REASON=reason

Explanation: An error occurred in the command server, as indicated by the preceding messages. Severity: 8 System Action: The system action depends on the reason code (reason). Refer to Chapter 32, Command server codes (X'D5') or Chapter 24, Coupling Facility codes (X'C5') for information about the code. System Programmer Response: The response you should make depends on the reason code (reason). The return code rc is dependant on reason, and is of use to IBM service personnel. CSQN203I QUEUE q-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

00000000 Normal completion 00000004 Internal error 00000008 Syntax or command preprocessor error, see the following messages 0000000C Command processor error, see the following messages 00000010 Command processor abnormal termination 00000014 Command completed, but there is insufficient storage for the messages 00000018 Command preprocessor has insufficient storage, (there could be further messages about this error) 0000001C The command processor has insufficient storage (the command could be partially completed) 00000020 Security check, check userid authority 00000024 Command too long, see the following messages 00000028 Queue-sharing group error, see the following messages 00D5xxxx Refer to Chapter 32, Command server codes (X'D5') Note: If the return code is 00000010, the reason code has no meaning. If reason is 00000004 and return code is 00000000, the set of reply messages is incomplete. Further sets of messages, each including another CSQN205I message, will be produced later. The results of the command will be shown by the codes in the CSQN205I message included with the final set of messages. Otherwise the reason code indicates the command result as follows: Reason Description 00000000 Command completed 00000004 Partial completion 00000008 Command not actioned 0000000C Command processor abend FFFFFFFF Command not actioned Severity: 0

Explanation: An API call for queue q-name issued by the command server, as indicated in the preceding message, did not complete successfully. mqcc is the completion code, and mqrc is the reason code. Severity: 8 System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. If you are unable to resolve the problem, note the numbers of any messages and codes associated with the error, and contact your IBM support center. CSQN205I COUNT=count, RETURN=rc, REASON=reason

Explanation: This message reports the results from the command processor (refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for further information). count is the number of messages (including this one) to be written to the reply-to queue in response to the command. Possible values of rc are as follows: Return code Description


Messages and Codes

System Action: The next command is processed, if possible. System Programmer Response: If reason indicates that the command did not complete, examine the command and all associated messages. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for further information about the commands. If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the input and output data sets and contact your IBM support center. CSQN206I COMMAND SERVER ECBLIST, STOP=ecb1, WAIT=ecb2

command server. If this does not help you to solve the problem, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center. v Return and reason codes from the message produced v Any trace information collected CSQN209E COMMAND SERVER ERROR CLOSING COMMAND INPUT QUEUE

Explanation: While the command server was shutting down, an error occurred when closing the system-command input queue. System Action: Message CSQN203I is sent to the z/OS console reporting the queue name and completion and reason codes from the MQCLOSE request. The shutdown procedure continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about the completion and reason codes. If this does not help you to solve the problem, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Return and reason codes from the message produced v Any trace information collected CSQN210E COMMAND SERVER ERROR CLOSING REPLY TO QUEUE

Explanation: This message reports the ECB values associated with an error in the command server. Severity: 8 System Action: The command server terminates. System Programmer Response: This message is usually preceded by a CSQN211I message. Refer to the preceding messages for more information about the cause of the problem. CSQN207E COMMAND SERVER UNABLE TO OPEN REPLY TO QUEUE

Explanation: The command server was unable to open the reply-to queue while processing a command. System Action: Message CSQN203I is sent to the z/OS console reporting the queue name and completion and reason codes from the MQOPEN request. The command responses are discarded. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about the completion and reason codes. Use this information to solve the problem, and restart the command server. If this does not help you to solve the problem, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center. v Return and reason codes from the message produced v Any trace information collected CSQN208E COMMAND SERVER UNABLE TO OPEN COMMAND INPUT QUEUE

Explanation: The command server was unable to close the reply-to queue while processing a command. System Action: Message CSQN203I is sent to the z/OS console reporting the queue name and completion and reason codes from the MQCLOSE request. The command server continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about the completion and reason codes. CSQN211E COMMAND SERVER ERROR GETTING FROM COMMAND INPUT QUEUE

Explanation: The command server experienced an error while trying to get a message from the system-command input queue. System Action: Message CSQN203I is sent to the z/OS console, reporting the queue name and completion and reason codes from the MQGET request. The command server terminates. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about the completion and reason codes. Use this information to solve the problem, and restart the command server. If this does not help you to solve the

Explanation: The command server was unable to open the system-command input queue while starting up. System Action: Message CSQN203I is sent to the z/OS console reporting the queue name and completion and reason codes from the MQOPEN request. The command server stops, without processing any commands. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about the completion and reason codes. Use this information to solve the problem, and restart the

Chapter 7. Command server messages (CSQN...)


problem, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Return and reason codes from the console message v Any trace information collected CSQN212E COMMAND SERVER ERROR PUTTING TO REPLY TO QUEUE

any command responses are discarded. The command server continues. System Programmer Response: If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center with details of this message, any previous messages pertaining to this error, and the dump (if applicable). CSQN220E Error monitoring CMDSCOPE command data

Explanation: The command server was unable to put a response message onto a reply-to queue while processing a command. System Action: Message CSQN203I is sent to the z/OS console reporting the queue name and completion and reason codes from the MQPUT request. If possible, the command server sends the response message to the dead-letter queue, otherwise the response is discarded. The command server continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about the completion and reason codes. If this does not help you to solve the problem, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Return and reason codes from the message produced v Any trace information collected CSQN213E COMMAND SERVER ERROR, COMMAND INPUT QUEUE DISABLED

Explanation: The command server experienced an error while monitoring command data in the coupling facility. System Action: Message CSQN202I is sent to the z/OS console, reporting the return and reason codes from the request. The command server terminates. System Programmer Response: Refer to Chapter 24, Coupling Facility codes (X'C5') for information about the reason code. Use this information to solve the problem, and restart the command server. If this does not help you to solve the problem, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Return and reason codes from the console message v Any trace information collected CSQN221E Error receiving CMDSCOPE command data

Explanation: While waiting for a command the system-command input queue has been disabled. System Action: Message CSQN203I is sent to the console reporting the queue name and completion and reason codes from the request function. The command server terminates. System Programmer Response: Change the system-command input queue to be enabled, and issue the START CMDSERV command. If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Return and reason codes v Any trace data collected v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC CSQN219E Unable to find command reply information

Explanation: The command server experienced an error while trying to get command data from the coupling facility. System Action: Message CSQN202I is sent to the z/OS console, reporting the return and reason codes from the request. The command server terminates. System Programmer Response: Refer to Chapter 24, Coupling Facility codes (X'C5') for information about the reason code. Use this information to solve the problem, and restart the command server. If this does not help you to solve the problem, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Return and reason codes from the console message v Any trace information collected CSQN222E Error sending CMDSCOPE command data

Explanation: While processing responses from a command that specified CMDSCOPE or a command for the channel initiator, the command server could not find the information to determine where to send the responses. Severity: 8 System Action: The command may not be processed;

Explanation: The command server experienced an error while trying to send command data to the coupling facility. System Action: Message CSQN202I is sent to the z/OS console, reporting the return and reason codes from the request. The command server terminates.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: Refer to Chapter 24, Coupling Facility codes (X'C5') for information about the reason code. Use this information to solve the problem, and restart the command server. If this does not help you to solve the problem, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Return and reason codes from the console message v Any trace information collected CSQN223E Insufficient storage for CMDSCOPE command data

Explanation: The command server was unable to obtain storage needed for command data in the coupling facility. System Action: The command server terminates. System Programmer Response: Use the START CMDSERV command to restart the command server. If the problem persists, you may need to restart the queue manager after making more storage available.

Chapter 7. Command server messages (CSQN...)



Messages and Codes

Chapter 8. Operations and control messages (CSQO...)

CSQO001I * may only be final character. CSQO005I Explanation: A character string entered in the Name field contains an asterisk character that is not in the last position. This is not allowed. Severity: 8 System Action: The main menu is redisplayed. Operator Response: Reenter the character string without an internal asterisk. CSQO002I Action action is not allowed. Multiple replies returned. Press F10 to view.

Explanation: Several error messages were returned by the queue manager in response to an action from Operations and Control. Severity: 4 System Action: The main menu is redisplayed. Operator Response: Use the MSGVIEW panel command, or the messages function key to display the messages. If required, refer to this manual for information about the messages displayed. CSQO006I Blank name is not allowed with action queue manager *.

Explanation: An incorrect action number was entered in the action code field. The number must be in the range shown on the panel. Severity: 8 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Enter an action code that is in the correct range. CSQO003I Use the ISPF command PFSHOW to display F-key settings

Explanation: The Define action was selected and the Name field was left blank to define a new object using default attributes. However, an asterisk (*) was entered for the action queue manager, which is not allowed in this case. Severity: 8 System Action: The main menu is redisplayed. Operator Response: Choose a specific target queue manager. CSQO007I field must be supplied.

Explanation: On entry to Operations and Control, F-key settings are not being displayed. This tells you how to display the settings; you need to use F-keys to use the Operations and Control panels. Severity: 0 System Action: None. Operator Response: Type PFSHOW in the command area of the panel to see the F-key settings. (Note that this will cause the F-key settings to be displayed on any other logical ISPF screens that you have, and to remain displayed when you leave Operations and Control. Use the ISPF command PFSHOW OFF to turn the display off.) CSQO004I Object object-type is not allowed.

Explanation: Nothing was entered in the named field. This value is required in order to continue. Severity: 8 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Enter the required value in the named field. CSQO008I F-key is not active.

Explanation: A function key that is not currently available was pressed. Severity: 4 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Valid keys on each panel are listed; use the ISPF command PFSHOW to see the list if missing. Only use valid keys. CSQO009I Action action is not allowed for object type object-type.

Explanation: The value entered in the Object type field was invalid. Severity: 8 System Action: The main menu is redisplayed. Operator Response: Use the Prompt function key or panel command to display the Select Object Type secondary window, and select a value from the list displayed.

Explanation: The action number that you entered is

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


not allowed for object-type objects. Severity: 8 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: For information about the actions that are allowed for object-type objects, see the help panel for the action field. CSQO010I Queue manager or group is not available.

Operator Response: Contact your security administrator. CSQO014E MQOPEN of q-name unsuccessful. Reason code=mqrc.

Explanation: An attempt to connect to a queue manager was unsuccessful. If a queue manager name was specified, the queue manager is not running. If a queue-sharing group name was specified, there are no queue managers running in that group. Severity: 8 System Action: None, the panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: If required, start a queue manager. CSQO011E Severity: 8 Explanation: An attempt to connect to a queue manager or queue-sharing group was unsuccessful for one of the following reasons: 1. Insufficient storage is available 2. A severe error has occurred System Action: None, the panel is redisplayed. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc. CSQO012I Connect name is invalid or unknown. MQCONN unsuccessful. Reason code=mqrc.

Explanation: An attempt to open q-name was unsuccessful. mqrc is the reason code returned by MQOPEN; see Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for more information. q-name is one of the following: v SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT v SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL; the requested dynamic queue name is appended in parentheses. v The name of a transmission queue (if you are attempting to send commands to a remote system) Likely causes of this problem are: v One or both of the required queues is not defined on the queue manager that you have connected to. v An attempt was made to send commands to a remote system, but no transport queue is defined. v You are not authorized to open one of the required queues. If the message indicates that it is the SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL queue that you are not authorized to open, it could be that you are not authorized to open the SYSTEM.CSQOREXX.* dynamic queue. v There is insufficient storage available. Severity: 8 System Action: The main menu is redisplayed. Operator Response: Take the corrective action suggested for mqrc. Also: v Check that q-name is defined correctly. v If your target queue manager is not the same as the connect to queue manager, ensure that you have defined a transmission queue with the same name. See the WebSphere MQ Intercommunication manual for information about remote queues. v If mqrc is 2035 (MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED) contact your MQ data security administrator. CSQO015E Command issued but no reply received.

Explanation: An attempt to connect to a queue manager or queue-sharing group was unsuccessful because the name specified is not known, or not valid. If a blank name was specified, this means that there was no default queue manager or group defined for your installation. Severity: 8 System Action: None, the panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Correct the name specified. CSQO013I Not authorized to use queue manager.

Explanation: The reply to a command could not be retrieved from the reply-to queue using MQGET because the response wait time was exceeded. Severity: 8 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. The command was sent to the queue manager, but it might not have been executed successfully. Operator Response: Increase the response wait time and try again. If the problem persists, issue commands from the z/OS console for the target queue manager to do the following:

Explanation: An attempt to connect to a queue manager was unsuccessful because the connection security failed, or you are not authorized to do so. Severity: 8 System Action: None, the panel is redisplayed.


Messages and Codes

v Check whether the command was actioned (for example, if you were trying to define a queue ABCD, use the command DISPLAY QUEUE(ABCD) to see if it has been actioned). v Check the GET attribute of the SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT queue; it should be set to ENABLED. v Check the PUT and MAXMSGL attributes of the reply-to model queue SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL. PUT should be set to ENABLED; MAXMSGL should be at least 15000. v If all the seetings are correct, stop and restart the command server using the STOP CMDSERV and START CMDSERV commands. Additionally, if the target queue manager was remote: v Check that the links to the remote queue manager are still available. v Check the transmission queue definitions for both the local and remote queue managers. The commands are put onto a locally defined transmission queue, and after transmission, they are put onto the system-command input queue of the remote queue manager. After the command has been actioned, the replies are put onto a transmission queue on the remote queue manager, and after transmission, they are put onto the local reply-to queue. You should check all four queues. v If you think you have a network performance problem, contact the system programmer. CSQO016E MQPUT to q-name unsuccessful. Reason code=mqrc.

v Check the PUT, MAXDEPTH, and MAXMSGL attributes of the queue. PUT should be set to ENABLED; MAXDEPTH should not be zero; MAXMSGL should be at least 32762. v If all the seetings are correct, stop and restart the command server using the STOP CMDSERV and START CMDSERV commands. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact the system programmer. CSQO017E MQGET from reply-q unsuccessful. Reason code=mqrc.

Explanation: The reply to a command could not be retrieved from the reply-to queue using MQGET. (The reply-to queue is a local queue generated from the model queue SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL.) mqrc is the reason code returned from MQGET; see Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for more information. A possible cause of this problem is that get requests are inhibited on the reply-to queue. Severity: 8 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. The command was sent to the queue manager, but it might not have been executed successfully. Operator Response: Take the corrective action suggested for mqrc. Issue commands from the z/OS console for the target queue manager to do the following: v Check whether the command was actioned (for example, if you were trying to define a queue ABCD, use the command DISPLAY QUEUE(ABCD) to see if it has been actioned). v Check the GET and MAXMSGL attributes of the reply-to model queue SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL. GET should be set to ENABLED; MAXMSGL should be at least 13000. v If all the seetings are correct, stop and restart the command server using the STOP CMDSERV and START CMDSERV commands. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact the system programmer. CSQO018E Queue manager is invalid or unknown or unavailable.

Explanation: An attempt to put a command on a queue (q-name) using MQPUT was unsuccessful. q-name is the name of either the system-command input queue, or a transmission queue if you are sending commands to a remote queue manager. mqrc is the reason code returned from MQPUT; see Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for more information. The most likely causes of this problem are: 1. Put requests are inhibited for the system-command input queue or the transmission queue. 2. The system-command input queue or transmission queue is full, because the command server is not running. 3. There is insufficient storage available. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not sent to the queue manager and the panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Wait a bit and try again. If the problem persists, take the corrective action suggested for mqrc. Issue commands from the z/OS console for the target queue manager to do the following:

Explanation: An attempt to send a command was unsuccessful because the target or action queue manager was not known or not valid or not running. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is not sent the queue manager and the panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Check the name and, if a remote
Chapter 8. Operations and control messages (CSQO...)


queue manager is being used, check the remote queue definition, and correct as necessary. If required, start the queue manager. CSQO019E Queue manager is no longer available.


Command command not recognized.

Explanation: The command entered in the panel command area (or using a function key) is not valid. Severity: 4 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Enter the panel command correctly. CSQO025I There are no messages to view.

Explanation: The queue manager that you were using is no longer running. The action that you requested might not have been actioned. Severity: 8 System Action: The main menu is redisplayed. Operator Response: Restart the queue manager, and check whether your last request has been actioned. CSQO020I field truncated due to quotes. Press Enter to continue.

Explanation: The MSGVIEW panel command was entered in the command area, or the messages function key was pressed, but there are no messages from the queue manager to view. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. CSQO027I Function function not allowed for object type object-type.

Explanation: The value in field field contains one or more quote marks. In order that these are treated as quote marks instead of indicators of the beginning or end of a string, each quote mark is converted into two quote marks (doubling up) in the command for the queue manager. However, this conversion has made the string too long, and it has been truncated. Severity: 0 System Action: The value is truncated. The panel may be redisplayed with field-name set to the truncated value. Operator Response: Press Enter to submit the altered definition. If the panel is redisplayed, reduce the number of quote marks used in the field if appropriate. CSQO021I Generic name not allowed.

Explanation: The function number that you entered is not allowed for object-type objects. Severity: 8 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: For information about the functions that are allowed for object-type objects, see the help panel for the function type field. CSQO028I One of field1 or field2 but not both must be supplied.

Explanation: You entered a name ending with an asterisk, but generic names are only allowed on the Main Menu panel. Severity: 8 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Enter the name of the object in full. CSQO022I Filter value invalid.

Explanation: Nothing was entered in the two named fields, or something was entered in both of them. Either one or the other must have a value. Severity: 0 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. CSQO029I Command exceeds maximum allowable length of 32762 bytes.

Explanation: You asked to list objects with filtering, but the value entered for the attribute to be used was invalid. Severity: 8 System Action: The main menu panel or an empty list panel is displayed. Operator Response: Choose the Filter action again, and enter a correct value for the attribute.

Explanation: While defining or altering a namelist, too many names are added causing the necessary command to exceed the maximum allowable length. Severity: 4 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Edit the list again to remove some of the names (a namelist can contain up to 256 names).


Messages and Codes


No objects of type objtype match name.

System Programmer Response: Look up message CSQN205I and take the appropriate action. CSQO033E Format of first reply not recognized. Press F10 to view.

Explanation: You asked to display or list the objects of type objtype and name name, but no matching objects were found. Severity: 0 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Check that you typed the name correctly. If you are already displaying the named object when you receive this message, it indicates that the object has now been deleted. CSQO031E ALLOCATE of data set dsname unsuccessful. Return code = rc.

Explanation: A command was sent to the queue manager, but the first reply message received is not CSQN205I. Severity: 8 System Action: The messages received are saved. If it is not possible to continue, the current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Use the MSGVIEW panel command or the messages function key to display the messages. If you are using a remote queue manager, then this problem could arise because you are using more than one link to the remote system, so the arrival order of reply messages is not guaranteed. If you display the messages received you might find the information you requested. Retry the action. If the problem persists contact your IBM support center. CSQO034E Reply format not recognized. Press F10 to view.

Explanation: An ALLOCATE error occurred when processing the data set allocated during an attempt to edit the names in a namelist. dsname is the name of the data set, and is of the form userid.NAMELIST.NAMESn (where userid is the TSO userid involved, and n is a number). rc is the return code from the TSO command ALLOCATE. The most likely cause of this problem is that another data set with the same name already exists, or that DDname CSQONLn is in use. Severity: 8 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Check to see if data set userid.NAMELIST.NAMESn already exists. If it does not, contact your system programmer. System Programmer Response: This message will be accompanied by one or more messages from TSO, giving more information about the cause of the problem. The return code is documented in the TSO/E Command Reference manual. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQO032E Serious error returned. Press F10 to view.

Explanation: A command was sent to the queue manager. The first reply message received was CSQN205I as expected, but a subsequent message was not as expected. Severity: 8 System Action: The message that caused the problem, and any subsequent messages are saved. If it is not possible to continue, the current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Use the MSGVIEW panel command or the messages function key to display the messages. Retry the action. If the problem persists contact your IBM support center. CSQO035E Unable to get storage (return code = rc).

Explanation: A command was sent to the queue manager, but message CSQN205I was received in reply, indicating a severe error. Severity: 12 System Action: Message CSQN205I is saved. The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Use the MSGVIEW panel command or the messages function key to display the CSQN205I message. Note the return and reason codes in this message and report them to your system programmer.

Explanation: An attempt to get storage was unsuccessful. Severity: 12 System Action: The system is unable to acquire enough storage. Operator Response: Increase the amount of storage available to your system. If you are unable to do this, contact your system programmer. System Programmer Response: Determine why there was insufficient storage available to satisfy the request.
Chapter 8. Operations and control messages (CSQO...)



List is not filtered.

If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQO040I No open queues with disposition disptype match name.

Explanation: You asked for a secondary list from a list that was filtered (for example, status from a list of queues or channels). The filter condition is not applied to the secondary list; all items that match the originally requested name, type, and disposition are included. Severity: 0 Operator Response: Use the filter function key, if available, to filter the new list. CSQO037I Locally-defined channel will be used.

Explanation: You asked to list the open queues with disposition (or dispositions) disptype and name name, but no matching objects were found. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO041I Action requires a specific object type.

Explanation: You selected an action from the List Cluster queue manager Channels panel for an auto-defined cluster channel, but there is a locally-defined channel of the same name. In such a case, if you decide to take the action, it will be performed against the locally-defined channel instead. Severity: 4 System Action: The action panel is displayed. Operator Response: Use the CANCEL panel command (function key F12) if you do not want to perform the action against the locally-defined channel. CSQO038I Function is recursive.

Explanation: A define request was issued for object type QUEUE or CHANNEL. Severity: 4 System Action: The secondary window or main panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Enter a specific queue or channel type (for example, QLOCAL). CSQO042I On the first panel.

Explanation: A function key was pressed that requests scrolling back to the previous panel, but the first panel is already being displayed. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. CSQO043I On the last panel.

Explanation: The function you requested would cause recursion; that is, it would take you to a panel that you have previously come from. This is not allowed. Severity: 4 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Use the CANCEL panel command (function key F12) to get back to the panel you want. CSQO039E EDIT of data set dsname failed. Return code = rc.

Explanation: A function key was pressed that requests scrolling forward to the next panel, but the last panel is already being displayed. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. CSQO044I Function not available for objects with type objtype.

Explanation: An EDIT error occurred when processing the data set allocated during an attempt to edit the names in a namelist. dsname is the name of the data set, and is of the form userid.NAMELIST.NAMESn (where userid is the TSO userid involved, and n is a number). rc is the return code from the ISPF command EDIT. Severity: 8 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Contact your system programmer. System Programmer Response: This message will be accompanied by one or more messages from TSO, giving more information about the cause of the problem. The return code is documented in the TSO/E Command Reference manual.

Explanation: The function you requested (for example, status or cluster information) is not available for objects with type objtype. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. CSQO045I Name too long for object type type.

Explanation: You specified a name that was longer than 20 characters for a channel object or longer than 16 characters for a connection object or longer than 8 characters or longer than 12 characters for a CF structure object or longer than 8 characters for a storage class object.


Messages and Codes

Severity: 8 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Enter a shorter name. CSQO046I No channels with saved status for name.


Like object name with disposition disptype not found. Name assumed to be for defining new object with default attributes.

Explanation: You asked to list the saved status for channel name, but there was none. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO047I No current channels for name.

Explanation: You asked to define an object of type objtype, using as a basis an object with disposition disptype and name name, but no such object was found. (In earlier releases, you could specify the name of a new object to define on the Main Menu panel, and a like name to use as a basis for your definition. Now, only the like name can be specified for Define on the Main Menu panel; you specify the new object name on the Define panel.) Severity: 0 System Action: The Define panel is displayed, initialized with the name you specified and the default attributes for that type of object, on the assumption that you intended to define a new object with default attributes. Operator Response: Check the disposition and attributes and then press Enter to define a new object with the name you specified, or press F12 to return to the Main Menu panel. To define a new object with default attributes, you should leave the name blank on the Main Menu panel, and enter it on the Define panel. CSQO052I Queue manager names changed because connect name changed.

Explanation: You asked to list the current instances for channel name, but there were none. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO048I Channel initiator is not active.

Explanation: The action you requested needs the channel initiator to be active on the action queue manager, but it is not. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Start the channel initiator, and retry the action. CSQO049I EXEC cannot be invoked as a TSO command.

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue one of the Operations and Control execs as a TSO command. Severity: 4 System Action: The request is ignored. System Programmer Response: Use CSQOREXX to invoke the Operations and Control panels. CSQO050I No objects of type objtype disposition disptype match name.

Explanation: The Connect name field was changed but the Target queue manager field was not, and the new connect name was different from the target queue manager name. It is assumed you have forgotten to change the target queue manager. Severity: 0 System Action: The target queue manager is changed to the queue manager you are connected to; the action queue manager may also be changed. The Queue Manager Names secondary window is displayed, showing the new names that will be used. CSQO053I Blank connect or queue manager names specified.

Explanation: You asked to display or list the objects of type objtype, with disposition (or dispositions) disptype and name name, but no matching objects were found. Severity: 0 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed or the empty list panel is displayed. Operator Response: Check that you typed the name correctly. If you are already displaying the named object when you receive this message, it indicates that the object has now been deleted.

Explanation: One or more of Connect name, Target queue manager, or Action queue manager fields was blank, specifying that the default name should be used. Severity: 0 System Action: The Queue Manager Names secondary window is displayed, showing the actual names that will be used.

Chapter 8. Operations and control messages (CSQO...)



Function not available for objects with disposition disptype.

Operator Response: Choose another action or channel. The perform, start, and stop actions are allowed only for channels with a disposition of QMGR or COPY. CSQO059I Disposition disposition is not allowed for object type object-type.

Explanation: The function you requested (for example, status or cluster information) is not available for objects with disposition (or dispositions) disptype. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. CSQO055I Connect name is a queue-sharing group.

Explanation: The disposition that you entered is not allowed for object-type objects. Severity: 8 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: For information about the dispositions that are allowed for object-type objects, see the help panel for the disposition field. CSQO060I Platform for target queue manager qmgr-name is not z/OS or OS/390.

Explanation: The Connect name field specified the name of a queue-sharing group, to connect to any queue manager in the group. Severity: 0 System Action: The Queue Manager Names secondary window is displayed, showing the queue manager you are connected to. CSQO056I Queue sharing group is needed.

Explanation: The action you requested needs the queue manager to be part of a queue sharing group, but it is not. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Tell your system administrator. CSQO057I Function function is not allowed for disposition disposition.

Explanation: The target queue manager is running on a plaform that is not z/OS or OS/390. With such a queue manager, it is likely that actions will work only partially, incorrectly, or not at all, and that the replies from the queue manager will not be recognized. Severity: 4 System Action: The Confirm Target Queue Manager secondary window is displayed. Operator Response: Press F12 to return to the Main Menu panel and choose a suitable target queue manager. CSQO061I Target queue manager qmgr-name command level is not supported.

Explanation: The function number that you entered is not allowed with the specified disposition. This is the disposition of the object you are working with if you are using the Manage action, or the disposition you chose if you are performing a channel function. Severity: 8 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: If you are using the Manage action, see the help panel for the function type field for information about the functions that are allowed for various dispositions of objects. If you are using the Perform a channel function panel, see the help panel for the disposition field for information about the functions that are allowed for various dispositions. CSQO058I Action action is not allowed for channels with disposition disposition.

Explanation: The target queue manager has a command level which is not one of those supported by the Operations and Control panels. With such a queue manager, it is likely that actions will work only partially, incorrectly, or not at all, and that the replies from the queue manager will not be recognized. Severity: 4 System Action: The Confirm Target Queue Manager secondary window is displayed. Operator Response: Press F12 to return to the Main Menu panel and choose a suitable target queue manager. CSQO062I Action queue manager qmgr-name command level is not the current level.

Explanation: The action number that you entered is not allowed for channel objects with the specified disposition. Severity: 8 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed.

Explanation: The action queue manager has a command level which is not the current level supported by the Operations and Control panels. If an action is directed to such a queue manager most actions will work, but some fields will be ignored; a few objects and actions will be disallowed.


Messages and Codes

Severity: 4 System Action: The Confirm Action Queue Manager secondary window is displayed. Operator Response: Press Enter to continue, or F12 to return to the Main Menu panel. CSQO063I Command level of some queue managers in the queue-sharing group is not the current level.

System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO067I Some channel initiators not active in queue-sharing group. List may be incomplete.

Explanation: The action you requested requires information from the channel initiators on all the queue managers in the queue-sharing group, but some of those channel initiators are not active. The information may therefore be incomplete. Severity: 4 System Action: The list panel is displayed, but may be incomplete. Operator Response: Start all the channel initiators, and repeat the action. CSQO068I No channel initiators active in queue-sharing group.

Explanation: The action queue manager is * and one or more queue managers in the queue-sharing group has a command level which is not the current level supported by the Operations and Control panels. If an action is directed to such a queue manager or to all queue managers in the queue-sharing group, most actions will work, but some fields will be ignored; a few objects and actions will be disallowed. Severity: 4 System Action: The Confirm Action Queue Manager secondary window is displayed. Operator Response: Press Enter to continue, or F12 to return to the Main Menu panel. CSQO064I Object type object-type is not allowed with command level of action or target queue manager.

Explanation: The action you requested requires information from the channel initiators on all the queue managers in the queue-sharing group, but none of those channel initiators are active. No information can therefore be displayed. Severity: 4 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. Operator Response: Start all the channel initiators, and repeat the action. CSQO069I Action or function or object type is not allowed because of queue manager command level.

Explanation: The action or target queue manager has a command level which does not support object-type objects. Severity: 4 System Action: The Confirm Action Queue Manager secondary window is displayed. Operator Response: Press F12 to return to the Main Menu panel and choose a suitable action queue manager. CSQO065I Object name name is invalid.

Explanation: The action queue manager has a command level which is not the current level supported by the Operations and Control panels. The action, function, or object type you chose is not allowed at that command level. Severity: 4 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Return to the Main Menu panel and choose a suitable action queue manager. CSQO070I No field value supplied.

Explanation: The value entered in the Name field was invalid. Severity: 8 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Enter the name correctly. Use the field help to see the rules for object names. CSQO066I No status of this type for CF structures matching name.

Explanation: You asked to list objects with filtering, but no value was entered into any of the fields on the filter panels. A value must be entered into one (and only one) field to specify the filtering you want. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Type a value into one of the fields.
Chapter 8. Operations and control messages (CSQO...)

Explanation: You asked to list status for CF structures with name name, but there were none with status of that type. Severity: 0



More than one field value supplied.

Operator Response: Check that you typed the name correctly. If you are already displaying the named object when you receive this message, it indicates that the object has now been deleted. CSQO076I No connections match name.

Explanation: You asked to list objects with filtering, but a value was entered into more than one of the fields on the filter panels. Only one field value may be entered to specify the filtering you want. Severity: 0 System Action: The panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Remove the extra values. CSQO072I No current channels for name match filter condition.

Explanation: You asked to list connections with name name, but there were none. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO077I No open handles for connection name match name.

Explanation: You asked to list the current instances for channel name with a filter condition, but there were none that satisfied the condition. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO073I No channels with saved status for name match filter condition.

Explanation: You asked to list the open handles for the connection name, but no such handles were found. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO078I No connections match name and filter condition.

Explanation: You asked to list the saved status for channel name with a filter condition, but there were none with saved status that satisfied the condition. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO074I No objects of type objtype match name and filter condition.

Explanation: You asked to list connections with name name, but there were none that satisfied the condition. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO079I No open queues with disposition disptype match name and filter condition.

Explanation: You asked to display or list the objects of type objtype and name name, with a filter condition, but no matching objects were found that satisfied the condition. Severity: 0 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. Operator Response: Check that you typed the name correctly. If you are already displaying the named object when you receive this message, it indicates that the object has now been deleted. CSQO075I No objects of type objtype disposition disptype match name.

Explanation: You asked to list the open queues with disposition (or dispositions) disptype and name name with a filter condition, but no matching objects were found that satisfied the condition. Severity: 0 System Action: The empty list panel is displayed. CSQO085E Error in pgm-name. TBCREATE table-name failed, return code = rc.

Explanation: An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF TBCREATE service was unsuccessful. table-name is the name of the table that pgm-name was attempting to create. Severity: 12 System Action: An internal error has occurred. The current panel is redisplayed. An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first. System Programmer Response: An internal error has occurred, note the message number and the values contained in it, together with any associated ISPF

Explanation: You asked to display or list the objects of type objtype, with disposition (or dispositions) disptype and name name, with a filter condition, but no matching objects were found that satisfied the condition. Severity: 0 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed or the empty list panel is displayed.


Messages and Codes

message, and contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQO086E Error in pgm-name. TBDISPL panel-name failed, return code = rc.

name of the panel that pgm-name was attempting to display. Severity: 12 System Action: The system is unable to display the panel, and the last panel is redisplayed (if applicable). An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first. System Programmer Response: If rc=12, the system is unable to find the panel. If you receive this message when you are trying to display the Main Menu panel it could be that you do not have the data set containing the panels in your library concatenation. Find the name of the data set containing the panels, then check your ISPPLIB library definitions. This will probably be in your TSO logon procedure unless you are calling CSQOREXX from a higher level exec or CLIST that has the ISPF LIBDEF calls in it. If you are already using the panels when you get this message, either a panel is missing from your ISPPLIB library, or an internal error has occurred. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center for assistance. If rc=20, the most likely cause of the problem is that the system was unable to find the key-list which goes with the panel that it is trying to display. All the key lists are in an ISPF table (CSQOKEYS) that should be in a library in your ISPTLIB concatenation. CSQO089E Error in pgm-name. service failed, return code = rc.

Explanation: An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF TBDISPL service was unsuccessful. panel-name is the name of the panel that pgm-name was attempting to display. Severity: 12 System Action: The system is unable to display the panel, and the last panel is redisplayed (if applicable). An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first. System Programmer Response: If rc=12, the system is unable to find the panel. If you receive this message when you are trying to display the Main Menu panel it could be that you do not have the data set containing the panels in your library concatenation. Find the name of the data set containing the panels, then check your ISPPLIB library definitions. This will probably be in your TSO logon procedure unless you are calling CSQOREXX from a higher level exec or CLIST that has the ISPF LIBDEF calls in it. If you are already using the panels when you get this message, either a panel is missing from your ISPPLIB library, or an internal error has occurred. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center for assistance. If rc=20, the most likely cause of the problem is that the system was unable to find the key-list which goes with the panel that it is trying to display. All the key lists are in an ISPF table (CSQOKEYS) that should be in a library in your ISPTLIB concatenation. CSQO087E Error in pgm-name. SELECT program failed, return code = rc.

Explanation: An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF service (service) was unsuccessful. Severity: 12 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first. System Programmer Response: service=VDEFINE, VPUT, or TBADD An internal error has occurred, note the message number and the values contained in it, and contact your IBM support center for assistance. If service is anything else, note the message number and the values contained in it, together with any associated ISPF message, and contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQO090E Internal error in program. Action field is not valid.

Explanation: An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF SELECT service was unsuccessful. program is the name of the program that pgm-name was attempting to select. Severity: 12 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed. An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first. System Programmer Response: The system is unable to find a load module. Check your ISPLLIB library concatenation. CSQO088E Error in pgm-name. DISPLAY panel-name failed, return code = rc.

Explanation: An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF DISPLAY service was unsuccessful. panel-name is the

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 12 System Action: The current panel is redisplayed.
Chapter 8. Operations and control messages (CSQO...)


System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v The number of the message, and the value of program v The name of the panel involved v A description of the actions that lead to the problem CSQO091E Internal error in program. Object field is not valid.

v Any associated ISPF message shown CSQO096E Internal error in program. att-name not in keyword table.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 12 System Action: The last panel is redisplayed. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v The number of the message, and the values of program and att-name v The name of the panel involved v A description of the actions that lead to the problem CSQO097E Internal error in program. No handle for required system queue.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 12 System Action: The last panel is redisplayed. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v The number of the message, and the value of program v The name of the panel involved v A description of the actions that lead to the problem CSQO092E Internal error in program. Error in reply translation.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 12 System Action: The last panel is redisplayed. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v The number of the message v The name of the panel involved v A description of the actions that lead to the problem

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 12 System Action: The last panel is redisplayed. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v The number of the message, and the value of program v The name of the panel involved v A description of the actions that lead to the problem CSQO093E Internal error in program. Command request is not valid.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 12 System Action: The last panel is redisplayed. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v The number of the message, and the value of program v The name of the panel involved v A description of the actions that lead to the problem CSQO095E Internal error in program. service failed, return code = rc.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 12 System Action: The last panel is redisplayed. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v The number of the message, and the values of program and service v The name of the panel involved v A description of the actions that lead to the problem


Messages and Codes

Chapter 9. Buffer manager messages (CSQP...)

CSQP001I Buffer pool n has k buffers System Action: The queue manager terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: See the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the Media Manager. If you do not have access to the required manual, contact your IBM support center, quoting the return code from the Media Manager. CSQP005I BUFFERS VALUE OUT OF RANGE Explanation: This message gives the number of buffers defined for the specified buffer pool. It is sent in response to a DISPLAY USAGE command for page set information. Severity: 0 CSQP002I BUFFPOOL VALUE OUT OF RANGE

Explanation: One of the following commands has been issued incorrectly: v DEFINE BUFFPOOL(n) v ALTER BUFFPOOL(n) v DELETE BUFFPOOL(n) v DEFINE PSID(x) BUFFPOOL(n) The value of n must be in the range 0 through 15. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly. CSQP003I PSID VALUE OUT OF RANGE

Explanation: One of the following commands has been issued incorrectly: v DEFINE BUFFPOOL(n) BUFFERS(x) v ALTER BUFFPOOL(n) BUFFERS(x) The value of x must be in the range 100 through 500 000. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly. The total number of buffers that it is possible to define in all the buffer pools is determined by the amount of storage available in the queue manager address space, and may be less than 500 000. CSQP006I LOG CHECKPOINT NAME log-name DOES NOT MATCH QUEUE MANAGER NAME qmgr-name

Explanation: One of the following commands has been issued incorrectly: v DEFINE PSID(x) v ALTER PSID(x) v DELETE PSID(x) The value of x must be in the range 0 through 99. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly. CSQP004E csect-name I/O ERROR STATUS ret-code PSID psid RBA rba

Explanation: An attempt to restart with a log from another queue manager was detected. The name recorded in the log during checkpoint does not match the name of the queue manager using that log for restart. Severity: 8 System Action: Restart is abnormally terminated with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00D70102'. System Programmer Response: Change the started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for the queue manager to name the appropriate bootstrap and log data sets. CSQP007I Page set x uses buffer pool n

Explanation: An I/O error has occurred. ret-code is the return code from the Media Manager, psid is the identifier of the page set for which the error occurred, and rba is the RBA (in hexadecimal) of the record on which the error occurred. Severity: 8

Explanation: This message gives the buffer pool used by the specified page set. It is sent in response to a DEFINE PSID(x) command. Severity: 0 CSQP009I PAGE RECOVERY STARTED FOR

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


PAGE SET psid PAGE page-number Explanation: An incomplete update operation was detected for page page-number of page set psid. The page is being restored to a consistent state from information on the log. Message CSQP010I will be issued when the page recovery operation has completed. Severity: 0 CSQP010I PAGE RECOVERY COMPLETE FOR PAGE SET psid PAGE page-number



Explanation: An attempt to close a page set was unsuccessful. psid is the page set identifier and ret-code is the return code from the Media Manager. Severity: 8 System Action: Queue manager shutdown continues, but some information might be missing from the page set. This will be corrected from the log during restart. System Programmer Response: See the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the Media Manager. If you do not have access to the required manual, contact your IBM support center, quoting the return code from the Media Manager. CSQP013I csect-name NEW EXTENT CREATED FOR PAGE SET psid. NEW EXTENT WILL NOW BE FORMATTED

Explanation: An incomplete update operation was detected for page page-number of page set psid. The page has been restored to a consistent state from information on the log. Severity: 0 CSQP011E CONNECT ERROR STATUS ret-code FOR PAGE SET psid

Explanation: An attempt to open a page set was unsuccessful. psid is the page set identifier and ret-code is the return code from the Data Facilities Product (DFP) CONNECT function. This can occur during queue manager startup, where the most likely cause is that there is no DD statement for the page set included in the queue manager started task JCL, or in response to a DEFINE PSID command used to add a page set dynamically. Severity: 8 System Action: If this occurs during queue manager startup, MQ attempts to dynamically allocate the page set and retry the open, on the assumption that the DD statement for the page set is missing. Messages following message CSQI010I at the end of restart indicate whether the dynamic page set allocation was successful, or whether such page sets still remain offline. If the page set cannot be opened, the queue manager continues running, but you will be unable to access the data in that page set. You could encounter problems during restart, or when attempting to open a queue. System Programmer Response: If applicable, ensure that there is a DD statement for the page set included in the queue manager started task JCL. If the page set cannot be opened, see the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the Media Manager. If you do not have access to the required manual, contact your IBM support center, quoting the return code from the Media Manager.

Explanation: Page set psid has been successfully dynamically expanded by creating a new extent. Severity: 0 System Action: The new extent is formatted; message CSQI031I will be issued when formatting completes successfully. System Programmer Response: The page set can only be expanded 123 times. After this you will have to reallocate the page set using larger primary and secondary extents. For information about how to do this, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide. CSQP014I csect-name EXPANSION FAILED FOR PAGE SET psid. FUTURE REQUESTS TO EXTEND IT WILL BE REJECTED

Explanation: An attempt to expand a page set dynamically was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues System Programmer Response: Look for messages from VSAM or DFP that explain why the request was unsuccessful, and do the required actions. If you have received message IEC070I, and the return code (the first value in that message) is 203, an extend was attempted, but no secondary space allocation quantity was specified. If the value of return code was 204, an extend was attempted, but the maximum number of extents was reached. The maximum number of extents for a VSAM data set cataloged in an ICF catalog is between 119 and 123, depending upon the number of extents (1-5) allocated by DADSM per allocate/extend request. If you believe that there is sufficient free space that


Messages and Codes

could be used by another secondary extent, contact your IBM support center for assistance. Note: DFP uses up to five non-contiguous areas of disk to satisfy the total space requirements of a primary or secondary extent. This means, in the worst case of badly fragmented disk space, that you might only get around 22 times the secondary space allocated before you reach the maximum space limit. CSQP016I csect-name PAGE SET psid HAS REACHED THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EXTENTS. IT CANNOT BE EXTENDED AGAIN


csect-name Buffer pool n is too small

Explanation: Contention is taking place for buffers in a buffer pool. Messages will have to be read from and written to the page sets, which increases the time to process an application request and increases the amount of CPU time used. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If required, use the ALTER BUFFPOOL command to add more buffers to the buffer pool. Consider first altering other buffer pools to reduce the total number of buffers in use. Refer to the latest CSQY220I message on the z/OS console to see how much virtual storage is free, and hence how many extra buffers may be safely added to a buffer pool. (If you do change the number of buffers in the buffer pool, you should also change the DEFINE BUFFPOOL commands in the CSQINP1 initialization input data set used by the queue manager, so that the changes remain in force when the queue manager is restarted.) Alternatively, stop the queue manager as soon as possible and increase the number of buffers on the DEFINE BUFFPOOL commands in the CSQINP1 initialization input data set used by the queue manager, and restart the queue manager. CSQP021I Page set psid new media recovery RBA=rcvry-rba, checkpoint RBA=chkpt-rba

Explanation: An attempt to expand page set psid dynamically was unsuccessful because the maximum number of extents had been used. Severity: 8 System Action: The page set cannot be extended again. When the messages on the full page set are retrieved, the existing space will be reused. System Programmer Response: Copy the page set to a new page set with larger primary and secondary extents. By defining the page set as a multivolume data set, you can take advantage of the free space on as many disk volumes as possible. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for more information about page set organization and management. CSQP017I csect-name EXPANSION STARTED FOR PAGE SET psid

Explanation: Page set psid is being expanded dynamically, by creating a new extent. Severity: 0 System Action: All threads that are currently adding message to page set psid are suspended until the page set expansion completes (this is indicated by message CSQP013I). CSQP018I csect-name CHECKPOINT STARTED FOR ALL BUFFER POOLS

Explanation: During checkpoint processing, buffers have been flushed from the buffer pools to the indicated page set, establishing a new media recovery RBA. This RBA is the point from which log data would be required to perform media recovery for the page set. It should be the same as the checkpoint RBA. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the media recovery and checkpoint RBAs differ, contact your IBM support center. CSQP022I Buffer pool n is not defined

Explanation: A checkpoint is being taken for all defined buffer pools. Severity: 0 CSQP019I csect-name CHECKPOINT COMPLETED FOR BUFFER POOL n, pages PAGES WRITTEN

Explanation: A command has been issued specifying a buffer pool that is not defined. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly.

Explanation: A checkpoint has been successfully taken for buffer pool n. Severity: 0

Chapter 9. Buffer manager messages (CSQP...)



Request completed for buffer pool n, now has k buffers


Explanation: The size of the specified buffer pool has been successfully changed. Severity: 0 CSQP024I Request initiated for buffer pool n

Deallocation failed for data set dsname, error status=eeeeiiii, SMS reason code=ssssssss

Explanation: An error occurred when trying to dynamically deallocate the page set data set. Error status is the error reason code returned by z/OS dynamic allocation. Severity: 8 System Action: The page set is deleted and is no longer available for use. System Programmer Response: The error status portion of this message contains a 2-byte error code (eeee, S99ERROR) followed by the 2-byte information code (iiii, S99INFO) from the SVC99 request block. If the S99ERROR code indicates an SMS allocation error (97xx), then ssssssss contains additional SMS reason code information obtained from S99ERSN. See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide manual for a description of these codes. CSQP031E Page set n deletion failed

Explanation: The request to change the buffer pool has been accepted. One of the messages CSQP023I, CSQP052I, or CSQP053I will be sent to the z/OS console when the change is complete, Severity: 0 CSQP025I Page set n is not defined or offline

Explanation: A command has been issued specifying a page set that is not available to the queue manager. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly. CSQP026I Page set n is in use by a storage class

Explanation: An error occurred while deleting the specified page set. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See the preceding error messages for more information about the error. CSQP032I Page set n deletion completed

Explanation: The page set specified is referenced by a storage class, and so cannot be deleted. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Change or delete all the storage classes that reference the page set, and then reissue the command. CSQP027I Page set n has buffers in use

Explanation: The specified page set has been successfully deleted. Severity: 0 CSQP033E Error deleting page set n, error code=rrr

Explanation: The page set specified has buffers that are still in use, and so cannot be deleted. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Wait until three checkpoints have been completed, and then reissue the command. CSQP028I Request initiated for page set n

Explanation: An error occurred while deleting the specified page set. Severity: 8 System Action: The page set is not deleted, and is still available for use. System Programmer Response: Note the error code and contact your IBM support center. CSQP034E Page set n is already defined

Explanation: The request to define or delete the page set has been accepted. Message CSQP042I or CSQP032I respectively will be sent to the z/OS console when the change is complete. If the change fails, messages CSQP041E or CSQP031E will be sent. Severity: 0

Explanation: The specified page set is already in use by the queue manager, and so cannot be dynamically defined. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ


Messages and Codes

Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly. CSQP035E Allocation failed for data set dsname, error status=eeeeiiii, SMS reason code=ssssssss

System Action: The page set is not defined. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, reissue the request. CSQP038E GET failed for page set n, VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason

Explanation: An error occurred when trying to dynamically allocate the page set data set. Error status is the error reason code returned by z/OS dynamic allocation. Severity: 8 System Action: The page set is not defined. System Programmer Response: The error status portion of this message contains a 2-byte error code (eeee, S99ERROR) followed by the 2-byte information code (iiii, S99INFO) from the SVC99 request block. If the S99ERROR code indicates an SMS allocation error (97xx), then ssssssss contains additional SMS reason code information obtained from S99ERSN. See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide manual for a description of these codes. CSQP036I Data set dsname for page set n is not formatted with RECOVER or REPLACE

Explanation: A VSAM error occurred when trying to get a record from the page set data set. Severity: 8 System Action: The page set is not defined. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, reissue the request. CSQP039E CLOSE failed for page set n, VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason

Explanation: A VSAM error occurred when trying to close the page set data set. Severity: 8 System Action: The page set is not defined. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, reissue the request. CSQP041E Page set n definition failed

Explanation: The named page set data set was not formatted correctly. A data set that is to be used for adding a page set dynamically must be one that is newly formatted (using TYPE(RECOVER)), or one that has previously been used to hold messages and has been formatted using TYPE(REPLACE). Severity: 8 System Action: The page set is not defined. System Programmer Response: Format the data set as required. If you are adding a previously unused page set to the queue manager, use the FORMAT function of the utility program CSQUTIL, specifying TYPE(RECOVER). If the page set was previously used to hold messages, use the FORMAT function specifying TYPE(REPLACE). In the latter case, if the queue manager terminated abnormally, the formatting may fail, and message CSQU160E will be issued. It is not possible to add such a page set data set dynamically, but the page set can be brought into use again by including it in the started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for the queue manager, and then restarting the queue manager. CSQP037E OPEN failed for page set n, VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason

Explanation: An error occurred while defining the specified page set. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See the preceding error messages for more information about the error. CSQP042I Page set n definition completed

Explanation: The specified page set has been successfully defined. Severity: 0 CSQP043I Buffer pool n is in use by a page set

Explanation: The buffer pool specified is in use by a page set, and so cannot be deleted. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Change or delete all

Explanation: A VSAM error occurred when trying to open the page set data set. Severity: 8

Chapter 9. Buffer manager messages (CSQP...)


the page sets that reference the buffer pool, and then reissue the command. CSQP045I Buffer pool n is not in use by any page set

If a page set is not required, issue a DELETE PSID command to remove it. Also remove any DEFINE PSID command for it from the CSQINP1 initialization input data set. CSQP048E PUT failed for page set n, VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason

Explanation: The buffer pool specified is not in use by any page set, and so cannot have buffers added or removed. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Define at least one page set that references the buffer pool, and then reissue the command, or delete the buffer pool. CSQP046I Request already in progress for buffer pool n

Explanation: A VSAM error occurred when trying to get a record from the page set data set. Severity: 8 System Action: The page set is not defined. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, reissue the request. CSQP049I Data set dsname is formatted for a different page set n

Explanation: The buffer pool specified is being altered or deleted by another command. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Wait until the other command has completed processing, and then reissue the command if appropriate. CSQP047E Unavailable page sets can cause problems take action to correct this situation

Explanation: The page set data set was formatted using TYPE(REPLACE), and as such may contain messages for a specific page set n. It cannot be added dynamically with a different page set identifier. Severity: 8 System Action: The page set is not defined. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command specifying the correct data set and page set. If you intended adding a previously unused page set, reformat the data set with use the FORMAT function of the utility program CSQUTIL, specifying TYPE(RECOVER). CSQP051I Insufficient storage for buffer pool n request

Explanation: One or more page sets are unavailable, as reported in the preceding messages; they are either offline having been used previously, not defined, or otherwise inaccessible. For example, MQ may have attempted to open a page set at restart, but failed perhaps because it was in use by another application. This situation can cause problems, so you should take action to correct it as soon as possible. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Use the DISPLAY USAGE command to get a list of the unavailable page sets. If a previously-used page set is required, bring it online; this can be done without stopping the queue manager. Use the FORMAT function of the utility program CSQUTIL, specifying TYPE(REPLACE). Then issue a DEFINE PSID command to bring the page set back into use. Note that all units of recovery (except those that are indoubt) that involved the offline page set will have been backed out by the queue manager when the page set was last used. These indoubt units of recovery may be resolved once the page set is back in use by the queue manager.

Explanation: The size of the specified buffer pool has not been changed as requested because insufficient storage is available. Severity: 4 System Programmer Response: The DISPLAY USAGE command can be used to determine the current sizes of all buffer pools defined to the system. It may be possible to reduce the size of other buffer pools, so freeing storage, which can then be assigned to this buffer pool by reissuing the command. CSQP052I Request partially completed for buffer pool n, now has k buffers

Explanation: The size of the specified buffer pool has been changed. The number of buffers is not that requested because, for example, insufficient storage is available. Severity: 4


Messages and Codes


Request completed for buffer pool n, buffers not changed

Explanation: The size of the specified buffer pool has not been changed. This could be because the number of buffers requested was the same as the existing size, or because there was insufficient storage available to change the size (as shown by preceding message CSQP051I). Severity: 0

Chapter 9. Buffer manager messages (CSQP...)



Messages and Codes

Chapter 10. IMS adapter messages (CSQQ...)

CSQQ000I IMS/TM iiii connected to queue manager qqqq System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc to determine the nature of the error. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Symptom string v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v Queue manager job log v Copy of the IMS log CSQQ003E IMS/TM iiii create thread failed while connecting to queue manager qqqq, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the IMS control region for IMS system iiii has successfully connected to queue manager qqqq. Severity: 0 CSQQ001I IMS/TM iiii not connected to queue manager qqqq. Notify message accepted

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the IMS control region for IMS system iiii has tried to connect to queue manager qqqq but the queue manager is not yet ready to make connections. Severity: 0 System Action: The queue manager has accepted the notify message from IMS and when it is ready to make connections it will issue the z/OS command MODIFY IMS to cause IMS to attempt to make the connection again. IMS applications can not access MQ resources until the connection is made. Operator Response: Look for other errors in MQ that might prevent it becoming ready, and notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Resolve any other MQ problems. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Symptom string v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v Queue manager job log v PSW and registers at point of failure v Copy of the IMS log CSQQ002E IMS/TM iiii failed to connect to queue manager qqqq, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the IMS control region for IMS system iiii has failed to connect to queue manager qqqq. mqrc is the MQ reason code for the failure from the MQ create thread function. Severity: 12 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are not connected to the queue manager. Any request from IMS applications for MQ resources will fail. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v Queue manager job log v Copy of the IMS log CSQQ004E IMS/TM iiii inquire indoubt failed while connecting to queue manager qqqq, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the IMS control region for IMS system iiii has failed to connect to queue manager qqqq. mqrc is the MQ reason code for the failure. Severity: 12 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are not connected to the queue manager. Any request from IMS applications for MQ resources will fail. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer.

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the IMS control region for IMS system iiii has failed to connect to queue manager qqqq. mqrc is the MQ reason code for the failure from the MQ inquire indoubt function. Severity: 12 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are not connected to the queue manager. Any request from IMS applications for MQ resources will fail. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A,

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc to determine the nature of the error. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v Queue manager job log v Copy of the IMS log CSQQ005E IMS/TM iiii establish exit failed while connecting to queue manager qqqq, MQRC=mqrc

v IMS and MQ log records CSQQ008I nn units of recovery are still in doubt in queue manager qqqq

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the queue manager has units of recovery still in doubt after all the IMS units of work have been resolved. Severity: 4 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are connected to the queue manager. IMS applications can access MQ resources. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt IMS unit of work. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v IMS and MQ log records CSQQ010E Error resolving unit of recovery uuuu (OASN nnnn) in queue manager qqqq, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the IMS control region for IMS system iiii has failed to connect to queue manager qqqq. mqrc is the MQ reason code for the failure from MQ establish exit function. Severity: 12 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are not connected to the queue manager. Any request from IMS applications for MQ resources will fail. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc to determine the cause of the error. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v Queue manager job log v Copy of the IMS log CSQQ007E IMS/TM iiii resolve indoubt failed while connecting to queue manager qqqq, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the queue manager is unable to resolve an indoubt unit of recovery. uuuu is the unit of work identifier in the same format as the reply from the DISPLAY THREAD command. nnnn is the IMS OASN (origin application sequence number), in decimal format. Severity: 4 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are connected to the queue manager. IMS applications can access MQ resources. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt IMS unit of work. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v IMS and MQ log records v Queue manager job log CSQQ011E IMS/TM iiii terminate identify failed for connection to queue manager qqqq, MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the queue manager has failed to resolve indoubt units of recovery during the connection process. mqrc is the MQ reason code for the resolve in-doubt function failure. Severity: 4 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are connected to the queue manager. IMS applications can access MQ resources. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt IMS unit of work. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Symptom string v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v Queue manager job log

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the IMS control region for IMS system iiii has failed to disconnect from the queue manager qqqq. mqrc is the return code for the failure


Messages and Codes

from the MQ terminate identify function. Severity: 12 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are not connected to the queue manager. Any request from IMS applications for MQ resources will fail. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc to determine the cause of the error. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v Queue manager job log v Copy of the IMS log CSQQ013I MQ commands cannot be issued using the /SSR command


Unit of recovery uuuu (OASN nnnn) was not backed out in queue manager qqqq

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when, following the abnormal termination of an application, the queue manager is unable to back out an indoubt unit of recovery as requested by IMS. uuuu is the unit of work identifier in the same format as the reply from the DISPLAY THREAD command. nnnn is the IMS OASN (origin application sequence number), in decimal format. Severity: 4 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are connected to the queue manager. IMS applications can access MQ resources. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt IMS unit of work. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v IMS and MQ log records v Queue manager job log CSQQ100I psb-name region-id Processing queue manager name

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when the /SSR IMS command is used to issue an MQ command; MQ commands cannot be issued in this way. Severity: 4 System Action: None Operator Response: Issue the MQ command from the z/OS console. CSQQ014E Unit of recovery uuuu (OASN nnnn) was not committed in queue manager qqqq

Explanation: This message is produced at the IMS master terminal when, following the abnormal termination of an application, the queue manager is unable to commit an indoubt unit of recovery as requested by IMS. uuuu is the unit of work identifier in the same format as the reply from the DISPLAY THREAD command. nnnn is the IMS OASN (origin application sequence number), in decimal format. Severity: 4 System Action: The IMS control region, and dependent regions are connected to the queue manager. IMS applications can access MQ resources. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about resolving the MQ unit of recovery associated with the in-doubt IMS unit of work. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v IMS and MQ log records v Queue manager job log

Explanation: This message identifies the queue manager that this instance of the IMS trigger monitor is connected to. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQQ110I, indicating the name of the initiation queue. Severity: 0 CSQQ101E psb-name region-id Cannot open the initiation queue, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: CSQQTRMN has attempted to open an initiation queue, but the attempt was unsuccessful (for example, because the queue was not defined). mqcc and mqrc give the reason for the problem. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc, determine the cause of the problem, and restart CSQQTRMN.

Chapter 10. IMS adapter messages (CSQQ...)



psb-name region-id An IMS dl1-function call returned pcb-status


psb-name region-id CSQQTRMN cannot start a process type of type

Explanation: A trigger message has been retrieved from the initiation queue which defines an IMS transaction to be started. However, the transaction cannot be started (for example, it cannot be found). region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. pcb-status is the status code returned by IMS from the last dl1-function call. Severity: 4 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue. CSQQTRMN processes the next message. System Programmer Response: See the IMS/ESA Application Programming: Data Communication manual for information about pcb-status. Examine the trigger message on the dead-letter queue to find the IMS transaction name. Determine the reason for the problem, and restart the transaction. CSQQ103E psb-name region-id CSQQTRMN read a trigger message with an incorrect MQTM-StrucId of struc-id

Explanation: A trigger message has been retrieved, but the process type in MQTM is not IMS, and so cannot be processed by this version of CSQQTRMN. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 4 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue. CSQQTRMN processes the next message. System Programmer Response: Check the header of the message on the dead-letter queue. This will tell you where the trigger message came from. Correct the process that created the trigger message. CSQQ106E psb-name region-id MQGET error, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc. CSQQTRMN will end

Explanation: A trigger message has been retrieved, but the structure identifier of the message is not MQTM_STRUC_ID and so is not compatible with this version of CSQQTRMN. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 4 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue. CSQQTRMN processes the next message. System Programmer Response: Check the header of the message on the dead-letter queue. This will tell you where the trigger message came from. Correct the process that created the trigger message. CSQQ104E psb-name region-id CSQQTRMN does not support version version

Explanation: An attempt to issue an MQGET call on the initiation queue has been unsuccessful. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQQ110I, indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. Restart CSQQTRMN. CSQQ107E psb-name region-id Cannot connect to the queue manager, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An attempt by the trigger monitor to connect to the queue manager identified in message CSQQ100I was unsuccessful. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQQ108I psb-name region-id LTERM lterm-name not available. Switched to MASTER

Explanation: A trigger message has been retrieved, but the version identifier in MQTM is not version 1, and so is not compatible with this version of CSQQTRMN. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 4 System Action: The trigger message is sent to the dead-letter queue. CSQQTRMN processes the next message. System Programmer Response: Check the header of the message on the dead-letter queue. This will tell you where the trigger message came from. Correct the process that created the trigger message.

Explanation: The LTERM specified to receive diagnostic messages cannot be used. Severity: 4


Messages and Codes

System Action: Messages are sent to the master terminal. System Programmer Response: Resolve why lterm-name was not available. CSQQ109E psb-name region-id MQCLOSE error, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQQ113I psb-name region-id This message cannot be processed

Explanation: An attempt has been made to close a dead-letter queue, but the MQCLOSE call was unsuccessful. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQQ110I, indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQQ110I Queue name = q-name

Explanation: When an attempt to process a message using an MQ API call was unsuccessful, an attempt was made to put the message on the dead-letter queue. This was also unsuccessful and the message-id has been sent to the LTERM. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQ118I, indicating the message identifier. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Check for previous messages explaining why the dead-letter queue was not available (if a dead-letter queue has not been defined, no other messages relating to the problem will have been issued). CSQQ114E psb-name region-id MQINQ error, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This message follows other messages and identifies the name of the queue in question. The accompanying messages indicate the event or problem associated with the queue. Severity: 0 CSQQ111E psb-name region-id CSQQTRMN read a trigger message with an incorrect length of length

Explanation: An attempt to use the MQINQ call to inquire about the attributes of a queue was unsuccessful. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQQ110I indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine why an MQINQ call could not be made on the queue. CSQQ115I psb-name region-id Ending following termination of queue manager connection

Explanation: This message is issued if the transaction CSQQTRMN receives a trigger message that does not match the MQTM control block. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 4 System Action: The message is sent to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Look at the message on the dead-letter queue to establish why it did not match MQTM. CSQQ112E psb-name region-id MQOPEN error, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: CSQQTRMN has terminated because the connection to the queue manager is no longer available. Severity: 0 CSQQ116E psb-name region-id Cannot open the queue manager, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQOPEN call has been unable to open a queue. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQQ110I indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information

Explanation: An MQOPEN call to the queue manager was unsuccessful. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information
Chapter 10. IMS adapter messages (CSQQ...)


about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQQ117E psb-name region-id Cannot query the queue manager, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc


psb-name region-id Dead-letter queue is not defined for the queue manager

Explanation: A dead-letter queue has not been defined for the queue manager. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 4 System Action: The trigger message is discarded, and the process can not be started. System Programmer Response: Define a dead-letter queue if one is required. CSQQ122E psb-name region-id Cannot close the queue manager, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQINQ call to the queue manager was unsuccessful. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQQ118I MsgID=msg-id

Explanation: This message follows message CSQQ113I, indicating the hexadecimal identifier of the message that could not be processed. Severity: 0 CSQQ119E psb-name region-id Error rc from STORAGE OBTAIN

Explanation: CSQQTRMN was unable to close the queue manager after inquiring about the dead-letter queue. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. CSQQ123E psb-name region-id The dead-letter queue type is not QLOCAL

Explanation: CSQQTRMN tried to obtain storage, but received return code rc from z/OS. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the return code from the STORAGE OBTAIN request, and restart CSQQTRMN. CSQQ120E psb-name region-id MQPUT error, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The dead-letter queue defined was not of type local. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQQ110I, indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 4 System Action: The message is not put to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Define the dead-letter queue as a local queue. CSQQ124E psb-name region-id The dead-letter queue usage is not NORMAL

Explanation: An attempt was made to put a message on a queue with an MQPUT call, but the attempt was unsuccessful. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQQ110I indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine why an MQPUT call could not be made for the queue.

Explanation: The dead-letter queue defined is not of usage type normal. region-id is the last four digits of the region identifier, or blank. This message is followed by message CSQQ110I, indicating the name of the queue. Severity: 4 System Action: The message is not put to the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Define the dead-letter queue to have usage type normal.


Messages and Codes


psb-name region-id No initiation queue identified


csect-name First token is not a valid keyword

Explanation: CSQQTRMN did not find the initiation queue name in the input parameters. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Examine the input parameters and look for other error messages to determine the reason for the failure. Restart CSQQTRMN. CSQQ126E psb-name region-id An IMS call call returned pcb-status

Explanation: The input control statement does not start with a valid keyword. Severity: 8 System Action: The statement is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the correct syntax required for the statement. CSQQ159I csect-name Trigger monitor options:

Explanation: A status code of pcb-status was returned from a DLI call. Severity: 8 System Action: CSQQTRMN ends. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the status code, and restart CSQQTRMN. CSQQ150I csect-name IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS version

Explanation: The IMS trigger monitor has finished processing input control statements. The options that will be used follow. Severity: 0

Explanation: This message is issued as part of the header to the report issued by the IMS trigger monitor program. Severity: 0 CSQQ151I csect-name Trigger Monitor Input Report date time

Explanation: This message is issued as part of the header to the report issued by the IMS trigger monitor program. Severity: 0 CSQQ152I csect-name Unable to OPEN CSQQUT1 data set

Explanation: The IMS trigger monitor was unable to open the data set containing input control statements. Severity: 8 System Action: Default values are used for the options. System Programmer Response: Examine the error message that has been sent to the JES log to determine the reason for the error. Check that the data set has been correctly specified.

Chapter 10. IMS adapter messages (CSQQ...)



Messages and Codes

Chapter 11. Recovery manager messages (CSQR...)

CSQR001I RESTART INITIATED recovery to restore resources modified by them to their previous consistent state. The IN BACKOUT count specifies the number that were in the process of backing out. These must undergo backward recovery to restore resources modified by them to their previous consistent state. System Action: Restart processing continues. CSQR005I CSQR002I RESTART COMPLETED Explanation: This message delimits the completion of the restart process within startup. System Action: Startup continues. CSQR003I RESTART PRIOR CHECKPOINT RBA=rba RESTART FORWARD RECOVERY COMPLETE IN COMMIT=nnnn, INDOUBT=nnnn Explanation: This message delimits the beginning of the restart process within startup. The phases of restart are about to begin. These phases are necessary to restore the operational environment to that which existed at the time of the previous termination and to perform any recovery actions that might be necessary to return MQ-managed resources to a consistent state.

Explanation: The message indicates the first phase of the restart process is in progress and identifies the log positioning RBA of the checkpoint from which the restart process will obtain its initial recovery information. System Action: Restart processing continues. CSQR004I RESTART UR COUNTS IN COMMIT=nnnn, INDOUBT=nnnn, INFLIGHT=nnnn, IN BACKOUT=nnnn

Explanation: The message indicates the completion of the forward recovery restart phase. The counts indicate the number of units of recovery whose recovery actions could not be completed during the phase. Typically, those in an IN COMMIT state remain because the recovery actions of some subcomponents have not been completed. Those units of recovery in an INDOUBT state will remain until connection is made with the subsystem that acts as their commit coordinator. System Action: Restart processing continues. Operator Response: No action is required unless the conditions persist beyond some installation-defined period of time. Recovery action will be initiated when the resource is brought online. Indoubt resolution will be initiated as part of the process of reconnecting the subsystems. CSQR006I RESTART BACKWARD RECOVERY COMPLETE INFLIGHT=nnnn, IN BACKOUT=nnnn

Explanation: This message indicates the completion of the first phase of the restart process. The counts indicate the number of units of recovery whose execution state during a previous queue manager termination was such that (to ensure MQ resource consistency) some recovery action must be performed during this restart process. The counts might provide an indication of the time required to perform the remaining two phases of restart (forward and backward recovery). The IN COMMIT count specifies the number that had started, but not completed, phase-2 of the commit process. These must undergo forward recovery to complete the commit process. The INDOUBT count specifies the number that were interrupted between phase-1 and phase-2 of the commit process. These must undergo forward recovery to ensure that resources modified by them are unavailable until their INDOUBT status is resolved. The INFLIGHT count specifies the number that neither completed phase-1 of the commit process nor began the process of backing out. These must undergo backward

Explanation: The message indicates the completion of the backward recovery restart phase. The counts indicate the number of units of recovery whose recovery actions could not be completed during the phase. Typically, those in either state remain because the recovery actions of some subcomponents have not been completed. System Action: Restart processing continues. Operator Response: No action is required unless the condition persists beyond some installation-defined period of time. Recovery action will be initiated when the resource collection is brought online. CSQR007I UR STATUS

Explanation: This message precedes a table showing the status of units of recovery (URs) after each restart phase. The message and the table will accompany the CSQR004I, CSQR005I, or CSQR006I message after each

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nested phase. At the end of the first phase, it shows the status of any URs that require processing. At the end of the second (forward recovery) and third (backout) phases, it shows the status of only those URs which needed processing but were not processed. The table helps to identify the URs that were active when the queue manager stopped, and to determine the log scope required to restart. The format of the table is: T CON-ID THREAD-XREF S URID TIME

this unit of recovery. It is the earliest RBA required to process the UR during restart. TIME The time the UR was created, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. It is approximately the time of the first MQ API call of the application or the first MQ API call following a commit point. NO STORAGE FOR UR STATUS TABLE, SIZE REQUESTED=xxxx, REASON CODE=yyyyyyyy


The columns contain the following information: T Connection type. The values can be: B R C I S Batch: From an application using a batch connection RRS: From an RRS-coordinated application using a batch connection CICS: From CICS IMS: From IMS System: From an internal function of the queue manager or from the channel initiator.

Explanation: There was not enough storage available during the creation of the recoverable UR (unit of recovery) display table. System Action: Restart continues but the status table is not displayed. System Programmer Response: Increase the region size of the xxxxMSTR region before restarting the queue manager. Problem Determination: The size requested is approximately 110 bytes for each unit of recovery (UR). See the message CSQR004I to determine the total number of URs to process. Use this value with the storage manager reason code from this message to determine the reason for the shortage. The reason codes are documented in Chapter 35, Storage manager codes (X'E2'). CSQR010E ERROR IN UR STATUS TABLE SORT/TRANSLATE, ERROR LOCATION CODE=xxxx

CON-ID Connection identifier for related URs. Batch connections are not related to any other connection. Subsystem connections with the same identifier indicate URs that originated from the same subsystem. THREAD-XREF The recovery thread cross-reference identifier associated with the thread; see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for more information. S Restart status of the UR. When the queue manager stopped, the UR was in one of these situations: B INBACKOUT: the UR was in the must-complete phase of backout, and is yet to be completed INCOMMIT: the UR was in the must-complete phase of commit, and is yet to be completed INDOUBT: the UR had completed the first phase of commit, but MQ had not received the second phase instruction (the UR must be remembered so that it can be resolved when the owning subsystem reattaches) INFLIGHT: the UR had not completed the first phase of commit, and will be backed out.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Restart continues but the status table is not displayed. System Programmer Response: Note the error code in the message and contact your IBM support center. CSQR011E ERROR IN UR STATUS TABLE DISPLAY, ERROR LOCATION CODE=xxxx

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Restart continues but the status table is not displayed. System Programmer Response: Note the error code in the message and contact your IBM support center. CSQR015E CONDITIONAL RESTART CHECKPOINT RBA rba NOT FOUND


UR identifier, the log RBA of the beginning of

Messages and Codes

Explanation: The checkpoint RBA in the conditional restart control record, which is deduced from the end RBA or LRSN value that was specified, is not available. This is probably because the log data sets available for


use at restart do not include that end RBA or LRSN. System Action: Restart ends abnormally with reason code X'00D99001' and the queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: Run the change log inventory utility (CSQJU003) specifying an ENDRBA or ENDLRSN value on the CRESTART control statement that is in the log data sets that are to be used for restarting the queue manager. CSQR020I OLD UOW FOUND

identifier urid together with the connection name name identify the associated thread. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Uncommitted units of recovery can lead to difficulties later, so consult with the application programmer to determine if there is a problem that is preventing the unit of recovery from being committed, and to ensure that the application commits work frequently enough. CSQR027I Long-running UOW shunting failed, URID=urid connection name=name

Explanation: During restart, a unit of work was found that predates the oldest active log. Information about the unit of work is displayed in a table in the same format as in message CSQR007I. System Action: Message CSQR021D is issued and the operators reply is awaited. Operator Response: The operator has two options: v Commit the unit of work, by replying Y. v Continue, by replying N. The unit of work will be handled by the normal restart recovery processing. Because the unit of work is old, this is likely to involve using the archive logs. CSQR021D REPLY Y TO COMMIT OR N TO CONTINUE

Explanation: During checkpoint processing, an uncommitted unit of recovery was encountered that has been acvtive for at least 3 checkpoints. However, the associated log records could not be rewritten (shunted) to a later point in the log. The unit of recovery identifier urid together with the connection name name identify the associated thread. System Action: The unit of recovery is not shunted, and will not participate in any future log shunting. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause is insufficient active log data sets being available, in which case you should add more log data sets for the queue manager to use. Use the DISPLAY LOG command or the print log map utility (CSQJU004) to determine how many log data sets there are and what their status is. Uncommitted units of recovery can lead to difficulties later, so consult with the application programmer to determine if there is a problem that is preventing the unit of recovery from being committed, and to ensure that the application commits work frequently enough. CSQR029I INVALID RESPONSE NOT Y OR N

Explanation: An old unit of work was found, as indicated in the preceding CSQR020I message. System Action: The queue manager waits for the operators reply. Operator Response: See message CSQR020I. CSQR022I OLD UOW COMMITTED, URID=urid

Explanation: This message is sent if the operator answers Y to message CSQR021D. System Action: The indicated unit of work is committed. CSQR023I OLD UOW UNCHANGED, URID=urid

Explanation: The operator did not respond correctly to the reply message CSQR021D. Either Y or N must be entered. System Action: The original message is repeated. Operator Response: Reply as indicated in the repeated message. CSQR030I Forward recovery log range from RBA=from-rba to RBA=to-rba

Explanation: This message is sent if the operator answers N to message CSQR021D. System Action: The indicated unit of work is left for handling by the normal restart recovery process. CSQR026I Long-running UOW shunted to RBA=rba, URID=urid connection name=name

Explanation: This indicates the log range that must be read to perform forward recovery during restart. System Action: Restart processing continues.

Explanation: During checkpoint processing, an uncommitted unit of recovery was encountered that has been active for at least 3 checkpoints. The associated log records have been rewritten (shunted) to a later point in the log, at RBA rba. The unit of recovery
Chapter 11. Recovery manager messages (CSQR...)



Reading log forwards, RBA=rba

Explanation: This is issued periodically during restart recovery processing to show the progress of the forward recovery phase. The log range that needs to be read is shown in the preceding CSQR030I message. System Action: Restart processing continues. Operator Response: If this message is issued repeatedly with the same RBA value, investigate the cause; for example, MQ might be waiting for a tape with an archive log data set to be mounted. CSQR032I Backward recovery log range from RBA=from-rba to RBA=to-rba

Explanation: This indicates the log range that must be read to perform backward recovery during restart. System Action: Restart processing continues. CSQR033I Reading log backwards, RBA=rba

Explanation: This is issued periodically during restart recovery processing to show the progress of the backward recovery phase. The log range that needs to be read is shown in the preceding CSQR032I message. System Action: Restart processing continues. Operator Response: If this message is issued repeatedly with the same RBA value, investigate the cause; for example, MQ might be waiting for a tape with an archive log data set to be mounted.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)

CSQU000I csect-name IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS version CSQU007E MQCMIT failed. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This is part of the header to the report issued by the utility program. CSQU001I csect-name Queue Manager Utility date time

Explanation: The utility program was unable to commit the last set of changes. System Action: The updates are backed out, and the function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Resubmit the job if required. CSQU008E MQBACK failed. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This is part of the header to the report issued by the utility program. System Action: The message is followed by a copy of the function statements from the SYSIN data set. CSQU002E Unable to get storage of size n bytes, return code=ret-code

Explanation: The utility program was unable to back out the last set of changes. System Action: None, the function is already being terminated because of the error that led to attempting the backout. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Resubmit the job if required. CSQU009E MQCONN failed for conn-id. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An attempt to obtain some storage failed. System Action: The function is terminated, and any queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request. CSQU003E Unable to free storage at address, return code=ret-code

Explanation: An attempt to release storage at address address back to the system failed. System Action: The program usually ignores the error and continues with its function. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the STORAGE or FREEMAIN request. CSQU005I COMMIT successfully completed

Explanation: An attempt to connect to a queue manager or queue-sharing group named conn-id was unsuccessful. System Action: The requested function is not performed. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Resubmit the job if required. CSQU010E MQDISC failed for conn-id. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQCMIT call returned a completion code of MQCC_OK. CSQU006I BACKOUT successfully completed

Explanation: An attempt to disconnect from a queue manager or queue-sharing group named conn-id was unsuccessful. System Action: The utility program terminates. (This is not an error, because the disconnection request is the last function that the utility program processes.) System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQU011I Commands from CSQINPX date time

Explanation: An MQBACK call returned a completion code of MQCC_OK. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Investigate the error that caused the backout to be done.

Explanation: This follows message CSQU000I as part

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


of the header to the messages that indicate the progress of the utility program. It is produced when the utility is invoked by distributed queuing to handle the CSQINPX data set. CSQU012I Initialization command handling completed

System Programmer Response: Examine the error message that was sent to the job log to determine the reason for the error. Check that the data set was correctly specified. CSQU030E Page nn in data set ddname is invalid

Explanation: The initialization command handler, which processes the CSQINPX command data set, completed successfully. CSQU013E Initialization command handling failed, RC=return-code

Explanation: The utility program encountered a page that is invalid in the page set data set ddname. If the page number is 0, it might be that the data set is not the page set that is implied by ddname. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the page set has not been corrupted, and that the page set number corresponds to the DDname. CSQU031E Queue q-name with disposition QMGR or COPY does not exist

Explanation: The initialization command handler, which processes the CSQINPX command data set, did not complete successfully. return-code shows the type of error: 00000008 Some or all of the commands were not processed. 0000000C Severe error; this is most likely because the CSQINPX or CSQOUTX data sets are defined erroneously. System Action: The initialization command handler ends, but the channel initiator continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to the CSQOUTX data set and to the preceding messages for more information about the error. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the initialization command handler and the CSQINPX or CSQOUTX data sets, and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the COMMAND statement. CSQU020E Unable to OPEN ddname data set

Explanation: The specified queue does not exist with disposition QMGR or COPY. (There may be such a queue with disposition SHARED, but the SCOPY function does not operate on shared queues.) System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the queue name that was specified. CSQU032E Page set psid is invalid

Explanation: The utility program encountered a page set that is invalid. The page set is in an inconsistent state and so the standalone utility functions cannot process it. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: This may be the result of performing a fuzzy backup (as described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide) or because the queue manager terminated abnormally. Restart the queue manager and then terminate it normally. CSQU036E Utility not available restricted functionality

Explanation: The program was unable to open data set ddname. System Action: If the SYSPRINT or SYSIN data sets cannot be opened, the utility program terminates. For other data sets, the function requesting them is not performed. System Programmer Response: Examine the error message that was sent to the job log to determine the reason for the error. Check that the data set was correctly specified. CSQU023E Unable to CLOSE ddname data set

Explanation: The utility cannot operate because the installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. System Action: The utility is terminated. CSQU040E Unable to GET from ddname data set

Explanation: The input data set ddname is still open after a request was made to close it. System Action: The program continues with its termination procedures.

Explanation: The program was unable to read a record from the ddname data set. System Action: The function is terminated, and any queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: Examine the error


Messages and Codes

message that was sent to the job log to determine the reason for the error. Check that the data set was correctly specified. CSQU043E Unable to PUT to ddname data set

information definition is not built. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Resubmit the job if required. CSQU048I n authentication objects included, m excluded

Explanation: The program was unable to write the next record to the ddname data set. Either the data set was not opened, or there was a QSAM error. System Action: The function is terminated, and any queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: Examine the error message that was sent to the job log to determine the reason for the error. Check that the data set was correctly specified. CSQU044I Commands cannot be made for queue managers other than the target, qmgr-name

Explanation: This indicates, for the current function, how many sets of authentication information were included in the client channel definition file, and how many were excluded. Authentication information may be excluded because: v the LDAPUSER and LDPAPWD attributes are not blank v there are too many sets of information v there was a data conversion error. System Programmer Response: If some information was excluded, check that the authentication information objects were selected correctly. CSQU049I n client channel definitions made

Explanation: Some of the DISPLAY object commands for the COMMAND function with MAKEDEF, MAKEREP, MAKEALT, or MAKEDEL used the CMDSCOPE option, and so information about objects for queue managers other than the target queue manager qmgr-name was received. Commands are not generated for such objects. System Programmer Response: Avoid using CMDSCOPE in conjunction with the MAKEDEF, MAKEREP, MAKEALT, or MAKEDEL options. Use a separate COMMAND function for each target queue manager, with separate data sets for each set of generated commands. CSQU045I n data records read

Explanation: This indicates how many client channel definitions were made by the current function. CSQU050E Command of length length is too long. Command rejected

Explanation: In the COMMAND function, the assembled command had more than 32 762 characters. System Action: The command is ignored, and no more commands are processed. System Programmer Response: Check that the command is correctly formed according to the concatenation rules described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. CSQU051E Command responses not received after n seconds

Explanation: This indicates how many data records were read from the input data set specified by the DATA keyword for the current function. CSQU046I making client channel definitions in ddname data set using CCSID ccsid

Explanation: This indicates that the COMMAND function will build client channel definitions in data set ddname, and that the data will have a coded character set identifier of ccsid. CSQU047E Unable to convert data for client channel definitions. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: In the COMMAND function, get processing for a response was timed out whilst more responses were expected. System Action: The next command will be processed, unless there have been too many timeouts. System Programmer Response: Increase the value of RESPTIME, especially if the command is being sent to a remote queue manager, and check the remote queue definitions. If the problem persists, check the definitions of the system-command input queue and the system-command reply queue; ensure that they are enabled for MQGET and MQPUT. If the definitions are correct, stop and restart the command server.

Explanation: When building a client channel definition file, data for a channel or authentication information object could not be converted from the character set used by the queue manager to that requested by the CCSID keyword. System Action: The channel or authentication

Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)



Too many timeouts


Explanation: In the COMMAND function, get processing for a response timed out four times. System Action: No more commands are processed. System Programmer Response: See message CSQU051E. CSQU053I DISPLAY command response not recognized

Incorrect length data record. n bytes found, exp-length bytes expected

Explanation: In the LOAD function, the utility program encountered a record with the wrong length while reading from the input data set. The record was of length length instead of exp-length. System Action: The function is terminated, and any queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: Check that the data set was created by the COPY function and is not corrupted. CSQU061E Unexpected end-of-data on ddname data set. Data record missing

Explanation: In the COMMAND function, the responses to a DISPLAY command were not as expected. System Action: The DISPLAY command response is shown as is, rather than being formatted. The next command is processed. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQU054I Executing function for object type objtyp

Explanation: The end-of-data was indicated when the LOAD function was expecting a data record. System Action: The function is terminated, and any queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: Check that the data set was created by the COPY function, and is not corrupted. CSQU062E Incorrect format data record

Explanation: The utility program is executing function function to process objects of the type indicated. CSQU055I Target queue manager is qmgr-name

Explanation: This indicates which queue manager your commands are directed to. CSQU056I Making commands in ddname data set

Explanation: In the LOAD function, the utility program encountered a record that it does not recognize while reading from the input data set. System Action: The function is terminated, and any queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: Check that the data set was created by the COPY function, and is not corrupted. CSQU070I Command processing stopped

Explanation: This indicates that commands for the COMMAND function with MAKEDEF, MAKEREP, MAKEALT, or MAKEDEL, or for the SDEFS function will be built in data set ddname. CSQU057I n commands read

Explanation: This indicates how many commands were read from the command input data set by the current function. CSQU058I n commands issued and responses received, m failed

Explanation: In the COMMAND function, with FAILURE(STOP) specified, a command did not execute successfully. System Action: No more commands are processed. CSQU071E Incomplete command

Explanation: This indicates, for the current function, how many commands were sent and produced responses, and how many of these did not execute successfully. CSQU059I n cmd commands made

Explanation: In the COMMAND function, end of data on the input data set was reached before the building of a command was complete. System Action: The command is ignored. There are no more commands to process. System Programmer Response: Check that the command is correctly formed according to the concatenation rules described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide.

Explanation: This indicates how many commands (called cmd) were made for the current function.


Messages and Codes


MQCLOSE failed for queue q-name. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc


MAXUMSGS reached. A syncpoint has been forced

Explanation: The MQCLOSE call for q-name was unsuccessful. If this is for the system-command input queue when using the COMMAND function, message CSQU055I follows showing the target queue manager that was being used. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Resubmit the job if required. CSQU082E MQGET failed for queue q-name. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: Because MAXUMSGS was reached, a syncpoint was taken which commits the queue changes made so far. System Action: The function continues, but no further functions will be processed. System Programmer Response: None, unless the function fails for some reason after this message. In that case, note that some queue changes will have been committed, and you should make appropriate adjustments before rerunning the job. CSQU090E OPEN failed for ddname data set. VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason

Explanation: The MQGET call for q-name was unsuccessful. System Action: The function is terminated, and any queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Resubmit the job if required. CSQU083E MQOPEN failed for queue q-name. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The utility program received a VSAM OPEN error for the page set it was attempting to process (pointed to by ddname). System Action: The page set is not processed. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, resubmit the job. CSQU091E ddname data set is non-empty. Page set not formatted

Explanation: The MQOPEN call for q-name was unsuccessful. If the queue is a model queue, the requested dynamic queue name is appended in parentheses. If this is for the system-command input queue when using the COMMAND function, message CSQU055I follows showing the target queue manager that was being used. System Action: The function is terminated, and all queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Resubmit the job if required. CSQU085E MQPUT failed for queue q-name. MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: Data set ddname was opened, but it is not empty. System Action: The page set is not formatted. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the data sets specified are empty, and resubmit the job if necessary. CSQU092I function completed for ddname data set

Explanation: Processing of ddname data set for function function has completed. System Action: Processing continues with the next page set. CSQU093E PUT failed for ddname data set. VSAM return code=rc reason code=code

Explanation: The MQPUT call for q-name was unsuccessful. If this is for the system-command input queue when using the COMMAND function, message CSQU055I follows showing the target queue manager that was being used. System Action: The function is terminated, and all queue updates are backed out. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Resubmit the job if required.

Explanation: The utility program received a VSAM PUT error for the page set it was attempting to process (pointed to by ddname). System Action: Processing for the page set is terminated, and the function continues with the next page set. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, resubmit the job.
Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)



CLOSE failed for ddname data set. VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason

System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the correct syntax required for the statement, and resubmit the job. CSQU104E Invalid value value for keyword keyword

Explanation: The utility program received a VSAM CLOSE error for the page set it was attempting to process (pointed to by ddname). System Action: Processing for the page set is terminated, and the function continues with the next page set. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, resubmit the job. CSQU095E No page sets identified. function terminated

Explanation: The statement syntax is incorrect because the value given for keyword keyword is not valid. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the correct syntax required for the statement, and resubmit the job. CSQU105E Incompatible keywords or values for function function

Explanation: A request to format or reset a page set was unsuccessful because there were no page set data sets with DD names in the range CSQP0000 through CSQP0099. System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Add DD statements for the required page set data sets, and resubmit the job. CSQU100E ddname DD statement missing

Explanation: The statement syntax is incorrect because a keyword or its value that is specified conflicts with another keyword or its value. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the correct syntax required for the statement, and resubmit the job. CSQU106E Invalid function function

Explanation: Data set ddname does not have a DD statement in the JCL. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Add the required statement to the JCL, and resubmit the job. CSQU101E DD statement missing for page set psid

Explanation: The statement syntax is incorrect because the function function is not recognized. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for a list of valid functions, and resubmit the job. CSQU107E Invalid function statement syntax

Explanation: A page set is referenced, but there is no DD statement for it in the JCL. The DD name required is CSQP00nn, where nn is the page set number. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Add the required statement to the JCL, and resubmit the job. CSQU102E No functions requested

Explanation: The syntax of the function statement is incorrect: v there are too many keywords or values v required keywords are missing v it cannot be parsed. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the correct syntax required for the statement, and resubmit the job. CSQU108E Value missing for keyword keyword

Explanation: There are no function statements in the SYSIN data set. System Action: The utility is terminated. CSQU103E Either keyword keyword1 or keyword2 must be specified

Explanation: The statement syntax is incorrect because it requires that one of the keywords keyword1 or keyword2 be specified, but not both.

Explanation: Keyword keyword should be followed by a value, but the value is missing. System Action: The utility is terminated.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the correct syntax required for the statement, and resubmit the job. CSQU109E Value not allowed for keyword keyword

System Programmer Response: Check that the statement is correctly formed according to the concatenation rules described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. CSQU114E Keyword keyword repeated

Explanation: Keyword keyword should not be followed by a value, but a value is specified. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the correct syntax required for the statement, and resubmit the job. CSQU110E Required keyword missing for keyword keyword

Explanation: The statement syntax is incorrect because a keyword is repeated. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the syntax in the input data set. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for further information about the utility program. CSQU115E Unable to find queues for page set psid command responses not received

Explanation: The statement syntax is incorrect because keyword keyword can be specified only if some other keyword is also specified, but that other keyword is missing. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the correct syntax required for the statement, and resubmit the job. CSQU111E Invalid keyword keyword for function function

Explanation: In the COPY or EMPTY function, the queue manager could not determine which queues are in page set psid because the response to a command was not received in time. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the definitions of the system-command input queue and the system-command reply queue; ensure that they are enabled for MQGET and MQPUT. If the definitions are correct, stop and restart the command server. CSQU116I No storage classes found for page set psid

Explanation: The statement syntax is incorrect because the keyword keyword is not valid for function function. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the correct syntax required for the statement, and resubmit the job. CSQU112E Incomplete statement

Explanation: The page set specified has no storage classes associated with it. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Define a storage class for the page set, and rerun the job if required. CSQU117I No queues found for page set psid

Explanation: End of data on the input data set was reached before the building of a statement was complete. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the statement is correctly formed according to the concatenation rules described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. CSQU113E Too many statement continuations

Explanation: The page set specified has no queues associated with it that are eligible for the requested function. For the COPY and EMPTY functions, there are no local queues; for the SCOPY function, there are no local queues with messages. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: If required, correct the page set specified, and rerun the job. CSQU120I Connecting to conn-id

Explanation: The statement has more than 10 continuations. System Action: The utility is terminated.

Explanation: The utility program is connecting to the named queue manager or queue-sharing group.

Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)



Connected to queue manager qmgr-name


n queues attempted

Explanation: The utility program connected successfully to queue manager qmgr-name. CSQU122I Executing function-name

Explanation: This indicates how many queues the program attempted to copy while copying a page set. CSQU134I n queues copied successfully

Explanation: The utility program is executing function function-name. CSQU123I Processing ddname data set, mode FORCE

Explanation: This indicates how many queues were copied successfully while copying a page set. CSQU135I Loading queue q-name

Explanation: The current function of the utility program is handling data set ddname using the FORCE option. CSQU124I Processing ddname data set

Explanation: The utility program is loading queue q-name with messages copied from the queue named in following message CSQU155I. CSQU136I n messages loaded successfully

Explanation: The current function of the utility program is handling data set ddname. CSQU125I n page sets attempted

Explanation: This indicates how many messages were loaded onto a queue. CSQU138I n queues loaded successfully

Explanation: This indicates how many page sets the current function attempted to process. CSQU126I n page sets processed successfully

Explanation: This indicates how many queues were loaded successfully. CSQU139I Emptying page set psid

Explanation: This indicates how many page sets were processed successfully by the current function. CSQU127I Executing function using input from ddname data set

Explanation: The utility program is emptying page set psid. CSQU140I Emptying queue q-name

Explanation: The utility program is emptying queue q-name. CSQU141I n messages deleted successfully

Explanation: The utility program is executing function function using input from ddname. CSQU128I Executing function outputting to ddname data set

Explanation: This indicates how many messages were deleted while emptying a queue. CSQU142I n queues emptied successfully

Explanation: The utility program is executing function function, and is writing the output to ddname. CSQU129I Copying page set psid

Explanation: This indicates how many queues were emptied. CSQU143I n function statements attempted

Explanation: The utility program is copying page set psid. CSQU130I Copying queue q-name

Explanation: This indicates the number of function statements attempted by the utility program. CSQU144I n function statements executed successfully

Explanation: The utility program is copying queue q-name. CSQU131I n messages copied successfully

Explanation: This indicates the number of function statements executed successfully by the utility program.

Explanation: This indicates how many messages were copied successfully when copying a queue.


Messages and Codes


function statement failed

for the required page set data sets, and resubmit the job. CSQU152I ddname1 DD statement missing. No action taken for ddname2 data set

Explanation: The utility program experienced an error while executing function function. System Action: The utility program terminates. System Programmer Response: Check the other messages issued to determine where the error occurred, and what caused it. CSQU146I n messages skipped

Explanation: Only one of the source-target pair of page set data sets (CSQSnnnn and CSQTnnnn) was specified. System Action: The function continues.

Explanation: This indicates how many messages in data set created by the COPY function were skipped before starting to load the queue, when the SKIPMSGS option is used with the LOAD function. CSQU147I csect-name Utility terminated, return code=ret-code

System Programmer Response: Add DD statements for the required page set data sets, and resubmit the job. CSQU154E Target data set ddname is smaller than source data set. Function terminated

Explanation: The utility has terminated because a severe error or forced syncpoint occurred meaning that no further functions should be run. ret-code is the return code from the utility. System Action: The utility ends. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the return code from the utility. CSQU148I csect-name Utility completed, return code=ret-code

Explanation: A COPYPAGE or RESETPAGE function could not process a page set data set because the target data set ddname was too small. System Action: Processing continues with the next page set. CSQU155I Loading from queue q-name

Explanation: The utility program is loading the queue named in preceding message CSQU135I with messages copied from queue q-name. CSQU156E GET failed for ddname data set. VSAM return code=rc reason code=code

Explanation: The utility completed, all required functions having been attempted. ret-code is the return code from the utility. System Action: The utility ends. System Programmer Response: Check any functions that failed. CSQU150I function completed for data set ddname1 to data set ddname2

Explanation: The utility program received a VSAM GET error for the page set it was attempting to process (pointed to by ddname). System Action: Processing for the page set is terminated, and the function continues with the next page set. System Programmer Response: See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, resubmit the job. CSQU157I Processing data set ddname1 to ddname2

Explanation: Processing for data set ddname1 has completed, with output to ddname2. System Action: Processing continues with the next page set. CSQU151I No matching CSQSnnnn and CSQTnnnn DD statements. function terminated

Explanation: The current function is handling data set ddname1, with output to ddname2. CSQU158E Target data set ddname2 is not newly formatted

Explanation: A COPYPAGE or RESETPAGE function was unsuccessful because there were no matching pairs of page set data sets with names CSQS0000 through CSQS0099 and CSQT0000 through CSQT0099. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Add DD statements

Explanation: The COPYPAGE and RESETPAGE functions can only be used with a newly formatted target page set. System Action: Processing continues with the next page set. System Programmer Response: Specify a valid target
Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)


page set, and resubmit the job. CSQU159E Source data set ddname1 is not a page set


Processing ddname data set, TYPE(type)

Explanation: The COPYPAGE and RESETPAGE functions can only be used with an MQ page set. System Action: Processing continues with the next page set. System Programmer Response: Specify a valid source page set, and resubmit the job. CSQU160E Data set ddname is not suitable for use with the function

Explanation: This current function of the utility program is handling data set ddname with the options shown. CSQU166I Processing ddname data set, TYPE(type), mode FORCE

Explanation: This current function of the utility program is handling data set ddname with the options shown. CSQU167I ddname has never been initialized by a queue manager

Explanation: The function should only be used with page sets for a queue manager that terminated normally. System Action: Processing continues with the next page set. System Programmer Response: Specify a valid page set, and resubmit the job. CSQU161I ddname contains pp pages and was formatted as page set nn

Explanation: This is part of the response to the PAGEINFO function for data set ddname. CSQU168E Requested page sets are for more than one queue manager

Explanation: The page sets for which information was requested are associated with more than one queue manager. No system recovery RBA can therefore be determined. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Specify a set of page sets for a single queue manager, and resubmit the job. CSQU180E csect-name Unable to load module module-name, reason=ssssrrrr

Explanation: This is part of the response to the PAGEINFO function for data set ddname. It shows the size of the page set, and the page set number that was assumed when it was formatted. The number is derived from the DD name used when formatting, which was CSQP00nn. CSQU162I ddname is used as page set psid for queue manager qmgr-name

Explanation: This is part of the response to the PAGEINFO function for data set ddname. The page set has been used by the queue manager shown. The page set number is not necessarily the same as that with which it was formatted, as shown in message CSQU161I. CSQU163I ddname has page set recovery RBA = rba

Explanation: The utility program was unable to load the requested channel initiator parameter module. ssss is the completion code and rrrr is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS LOAD service. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the member name specified on the XPARM fumction, and ensure that the module is in the library specified by the DDNAME keyword. CSQU181E csect-name module-name is not a valid channel initiator parameter module

Explanation: This is part of the response to the PAGEINFO function for data set ddname. CSQU164I ddname System recovery RBA for all page sets successfully processed = rba

Explanation: The module specified for channel initiator parameters is not in the correct format. It was not generated using the CSQ6CHIP channel initiator parameter macro. System Action: The function is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the member name specified on the XPARM fumction, and that the specified member created using the CSQ6CHIP macro.

Explanation: This is part of the response to the PAGEINFO function. Note that this RBA relates only to those page sets processed; it does not relate to the whole queue manager unless all the page sets for the queue manager are included.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Dead-letter Queue Handler Utility date time


Unable to put message, line n MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: This is part of the header to the report issued by the utility program. CSQU201I Processing queue q-name

Explanation: The dead-letter queue handler tried to redirect a message to another queue as requested, but the MQPUT call was unsuccessful. System Action: The retry count for the message is incremented; processing continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc. The line number n of the rules table used to determine the action for the message will help identify the queue to which the message was being put. CSQU212I Unable to inquire dead-letter queue, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The dead-letter queue handler has parsed the rules table without detecting any errors and is about to start processing the queue identified in the message. CSQU202I Dead-letter queue handler ending. Successful actions: n1 retries, n2 forwards, n3 discards

Explanation: The dead-letter queue handler is ending because there are no more messages on the dead-letter queue, or because the queue manager is shutting down, or because the dead-letter queue handler detected an error. The message indicates how many dead-letter queue messages were successfully handled. System Action: The utility terminates. System Programmer Response: If the utility ended because of an error, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQU203I n messages remain on the dead-letter queue

Explanation: An MQINQ call for the dead-letter queue was unsuccessful. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQU220E Unable to connect to queue manager qmgr-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The dead-letter queue handler could not connect to the requested queue manager. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQU221E Unable to open queue manager, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The message indicates how many messages are left on the dead-letter queue when the dead-letter queue handler ends. CSQU210I Message does not have a valid MQDLH

Explanation: The dead-letter queue handler retrieved a message from the dead-letter queue, but the message was not prefixed by a valid dead-letter queue header (MQDLH). This typically occurs because an application is writing directly to the dead-letter queue but is not prefixing messages with a valid MQDLH. System Action: The message is left on the dead-letter queue and the dead-letter queue handler continues to process the dead-letter queue. This message is issued only once the first time such a message is encountered. System Programmer Response: Remove all the invalid messages from the dead-letter queue. Do not write messages to the dead-letter queue unless they are prefixed by a valid MQDLH.

Explanation: An MQOPEN call for the queue manager was unsuccessful. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQU222E Unable to inquire queue manager, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQINQ call for the queue manager was unsuccessful. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc.

Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)



Unable to close queue manager, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc


Unable to commit or backout dead-letter queue action, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQCLOSE call for the queue manager was unsuccessful. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQU224E Unable to browse dead-letter queue q-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQCMIT or MQBACK call for the dead-letter queue was unsuccessful. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQU229E Rules table is invalid or missing

Explanation: An MQOPEN call for browsing the dead-letter queue was unsuccessful. This is typically because another process has opened the queue for exclusive access, or because an invalid queue name was specified. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQU225E Unable to close dead-letter queue, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The rules table contained no valid message templates or was not supplied at all. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the rules table as indicated in the preceding messages and restart the dead-letter queue handler. CSQU230E Unable to obtain storage

Explanation: The dead-letter queue handler was unable to obtain storage. This problem would typically arise as a result of some wider problem. For example, if there is a persistent problem that is causing messages to be written to the dead-letter queue and the same problem (for example, queue full) is preventing the dead-letter queue handler from taking the requested action with the message, ever-increasing amounts of storage would be required. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Increase the storage available to the utility. Investigate whether some wider problem exists, and if the dead-letter queue contains a large number of messages. CSQU231E Line n: parameter keyword exceeds maximum length

Explanation: An MQCLOSE call for the dead-letter queue was unsuccessful. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQU226E Line n: keyword(value) invalid or outside permitted range

Explanation: The value supplied for the specified keyword in line n of the rules table was outside the valid range of values or otherwise invalid. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the rules table and restart the dead-letter queue handler. CSQU227E Unable to get message from dead-letter queue, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The value for the specified parameter in line n of the rules table is too long. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the rules table and restart the dead-letter queue handler. CSQU232E Line n: parameter keyword is duplicated

Explanation: An MQGET call for the dead-letter queue was unsuccessful. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc.

Explanation: Two or more parameters of the same type were supplied in line n of the rules table. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the rules table and restart the dead-letter queue handler.


Messages and Codes


Line n: syntax error


Explanation: There is a syntax error in line n of the rules table. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the rules table and restart the dead-letter queue handler. CSQU234E Unable to release storage

csect-name Queue-sharing Group Utility date time

Explanation: This is part of the header to the report issued by the utility program. CSQU501I function function requested

Explanation: This identifies the utility function requested. CSQU502I Queue manager=qmgr-name

Explanation: The dead-letter queue handler was unable to release storage. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQU235E Line n: keyword value invalid or outside permitted range

Explanation: This identifies the queue manager name for which the function is requested. CSQU503I QSG=qsg-name, DB2 DSG=dsg-name, DB2 ssid=db2-name

Explanation: The value supplied for the specified parameter in line n of the rules table was outside the valid range of values or otherwise invalid. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the rules table and restart the dead-letter queue handler. CSQU236E n error(s) in rules table

Explanation: This identifies the queue-sharing group, DB2 data-sharing group, and DB2 subsystem names for which the function is requested. CSQU504E Unable to load module-name, reason=ssssrrrr

Explanation: The utility was unable to load a required module. ssss is the completion code and rrrr is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS LOAD service. System Action: The utility terminates. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why the module was not loaded. See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the codes from the LOAD request. Ensure that the module is in the required library, and that it is referenced correctly. The utility attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement. CSQU505E No EXEC PARM parameters

Explanation: Errors were detected in the rules table. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the rules table as indicated in the preceding messages and restart the dead-letter queue handler. CSQU237E Line n: invalid keyword combination

Explanation: There is an invalid combination of parameters in line n of the rules table. For example: no ACTION specified, ACTION(FWD) specified without FWDQ, HEADER specified without ACTION(FWD). System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the rules table and restart the dead-letter queue handler. CSQU249E Unable to disconnect from queue manager, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: No parameters for the utility were specified in EXEC PARM field. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Specify the required parameters and rerun the job. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the parameters required by the utility. CSQU506E Invalid EXEC PARM function parameter

Explanation: An MQDISC call for the queue manager was unsuccessful. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc.

Explanation: The function requested for the utility, as the first parameter in EXEC PARM field, was invalid. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter
Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)


and rerun the job. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the parameters required by the utility. CSQU507E Wrong number of EXEC PARM parameters for function

System Programmer Response: Ensure that the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement comply with the rules for APF authorization, and rerun the job. CSQU514E RRSAF function call-name failed, RC=rc

Explanation: The number of parameters for the utility specified in EXEC PARM field was incorrect for the function requested. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameters and rerun the job. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the parameters required by the utility. CSQU508E Invalid EXEC PARM parameter n

Explanation: The RRS function specified by call-name returned an unexpected reason code specified by rc. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Consult the DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes manual for an explanation of the RRSAF reason code. Take corrective action if necessary and resubmit the job. CSQU515E Unable to access DB2 tables, RC=rc reason=reason

Explanation: The nth parameter for the utility specified in EXEC PARM field was invalid for the function requested, or omitted but required by the function requested. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter and rerun the job. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the parameters required by the utility. CSQU509E Too many EXEC PARM parameters

Explanation: The call to CSQ5ARO2 module failed with a return code specified by rc and reason code specified by reason. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. If the problem persists, note the error codes in the message and contact your IBM support center. CSQU517I XCF group xcf-name already defined

Explanation: The number of parameters for the utility specified in EXEC PARM field was too many for the function requested. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameters and rerun the job. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the parameters required by the utility. CSQU512E Utility terminated, DB2 tables in use

Explanation: Informational message indicating that the XCF group name specified by xcf-name already exists. CSQU518E XCF IXCQUERY member error, RC=rc reason=reason

Explanation: An unexpected return code specified by rc with reason code specified by reason was returned from an IXCQUERY request. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference manual for an explanation of the IXCQUERY return and reason codes. Take corrective action if necessary and resubmit the job. CSQU520I Summary information for XCF group xcf-name

Explanation: The queue-sharing group utility cannot run because the DB2 tables it uses are reserved by another job. The most likely reason is that another instance of the utility is running, or that a queue manager in the queue-sharing group is in the process of starting. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Rerun the job later. CSQU513E Utility terminated, not APF authorized

Explanation: Informational message indicating that summary data for the XCF group specified by xcf-name follows. CSQU521I Group contains n members:

Explanation: The queue-sharing group utility is not APF authorized. System Action: The utility program is terminated.

Explanation: Informational message indicating that the group specified by message CSQU517I contains n members.


Messages and Codes


Member=xcf-name, state=sss, system=sys-name


QSG qsg-name entry cannot be removed, n members are still defined

Explanation: Informational message indicating that the XCF group member specified by xcf-name has a state of sss and last executed on system sys-name. CSQU523I User data=xxx

Explanation: A request to remove the queue-sharing group name in qsg-name failed because n members are still defined to it. System Action: The utility program is terminated.

Explanation: Informational message containing the 32 bytes of XCF user data to accompany informational message CSQU522I. CSQU525E DB2 db2-name is not a member of data-sharing group dsg-name

System Programmer Response: All members of the queue-sharing group must be removed from it before the queue-sharing group itself can be deleted. Use the preceding CSQU522I message to identify which queue-sharing group members are still defined to the queue-sharing group. Note: Members in a state of ACTIVE or FAILED cannot be removed from a queue-sharing group. CSQU530E QMGR qmgr-name entry cannot be removed from QSG qsg-name, status is sss

Explanation: There was an inconsistency between the DB2 ssid and data-sharing group name provided in the EXEC PARM field. DB2 ssid specified by db2-name is not a member of the DB2 data-sharing group specified by dsg-name. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the DB2 ssid specified is a member of the DB2 data-sharing group specified. CSQU526I Connected to DB2 db2-name

Explanation: The queue manager named by qmgr-name cannot be removed from the queue-sharing group named by qsg-name because it is in an incorrect XCF member state as specified by sss. System Action: The utility program is terminated.

Explanation: The utility program connected successfully to DB2 subsystem db2-name. CSQU527E No eligible DB2 currently active

System Programmer Response: In order to remove a queue manager from the queue-sharing group it must have XCF member state CREATED or QUIESCED. If the XCF member state is ACTIVE then stop the queue manager with a STOP QMGR command and resubmit the job. If the XCF member state is FAILED then start the queue manager and stop it normally using the STOP QMGR command and resubmit the job. CSQU531E QSG qsg-name entry cannot be removed, not found in DB2 table table-name

Explanation: If a DB2 ssid was specified in the EXEC PARM field this indicates that the DB2 subsystem is not currently active on the z/OS system on which the utility job executed. If a DB2 data-sharing group name was specified in the EXEC PARM field then no eligible DB2 subsystem was active on the z/OS system on which the utility job executed. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: If a DB2 ssid was specified in the EXEC PARM field then ensure that it is active on the z/OS system on which the utility job will execute. If a DB2 data-sharing group name was specified in the EXEC PARM field then ensure that at least one eligible DB2 subsystem is active on the z/OS system on which the utility job will execute. CSQU528I Disconnected from DB2 db2-name

Explanation: An attempt to remove the queue-sharing group qsg-name failed because no entry for it was found in the DB2 table table-name. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the queue-sharing group qsg-name was originally defined in the table table-name. Check that the utility job connected to the correct DB2 data-sharing group. If necessary resubmit the job. CSQU532E QSG qsg-name entry cannot be deleted, DB2 entries still exist for it

Explanation: The utility program disconnected successfully from DB2 subsystem db2-name.

Explanation: An attempt to remove the queue-sharing group qsg-name was returned a DB2 constraint failure because queue manager entries still exist in the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table.
Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)


System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Examine the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table to determine which queue managers are still defined to the queue-sharing group qsg-name. Use the REMOVE QMGR function of the CSQ5PQSG utility to remove the entries and then resubmit the job. CSQU533E SQL error. DB2 table=table-name, code=sqlcode, state=sss, data=sqlerrcd


Member record found for QMGR qmgr-name XCF group xcf-name

Explanation: Informational message indicating that a member record for the queue manager named in qmgr-name already exists in the XCF group named by xcf-name. CSQU539E No QMGR qmgr-name entry found in QSG qsg-name

Explanation: An unexpected SQL error was returned from DB2. An operation on the table named by table-name was returned an SQLCODE specified by sqlcode with STATE specified by sss and SQLERRCD values specified by sqlerrcd. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes manual for an explanation of the SQL codes. Resubmit the job if required. CSQU534E SQL services error, DB2 table=table-name RC=rc

Explanation: An attempt to remove the queue manager named by qmgr-name from the queue-sharing group named by qsg-name failed because no entry was found in the DB2 tables. System Action: The utility program is terminated. CSQU540E Unable to remove QMGR qmgr-name not terminated normally, or needed for recovery

Explanation: The queue manager named by qmgr-name cannot be removed from the queue-sharing group because it is currently active, or because it terminated abnormally during its last execution, or because it is needed for backup and recovery purposes. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: If the queue manager is active then stop the queue manager with a STOP QMGR command and resubmit the job. If the queue manager terminated abnormally during its last execution then start the queue manager and stop it normally using the STOP QMGR command and resubmit the job. If neither of these cases applies, or if it still cannot be removed, it must be needed for backup and recovery purposes. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about removing such a queue manager from a queue-sharing group. CSQU541E QSG array manipulation error, RC=rc

Explanation: An SQL error occurred during an operation on the table specified by table-name, as reported in the preceding CSQU533E message. A return code of rc was returned from the internal service routine. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: See message CSQU533E. CSQU535I QSG qsg-name entry successfully removed from DB2 table table-name

Explanation: Informational message indicating that the queue-sharing group named by qsg-name was successfully removed. CSQU536E Unable to add QSG qsg-name entry, entry already exists in DB2 table table-name

Explanation: An internal error occurred during manipulation of the queue-sharing group array data. An internal routine returned a completion code specified by rc. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. If the problem persists, note the error codes in the message and contact your IBM support center.

Explanation: An attempt to add the queue-sharing group qsg-name failed because an entry already exists in the DB2 table table-name. System Action: The utility program is terminated. CSQU537I csect-name QSG qsg-name entry successfully added to DB2 table table-name

Explanation: The request to add the queue-sharing group qsg-name to the DB2 table table-name completed successfully.


Messages and Codes


Update unsuccessful for QSG qsg-name, RC=rc

returned an IXC return code of rc and reason code of reason. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference manual for an explanation of the IXCCREAT return and reason codes. Take corrective action if necessary and resubmit the job. CSQU546E Unable to add QMGR qmgr-name entry, already exists in DB2 table table-name

Explanation: An attempt to update the DB2 row for the queue-sharing group named by qsg-name failed with return code rc. rc shows the type of failure: 00F5000C Queue-sharing group row no longer exists 00F50010 Internal error 00F50018 Referential constraint failure 00F50028 Internal error System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. If the problem persists contact your IBM support center. CSQU543E Delete unsuccessful for QMGR qmgr-name, RC=rc

Explanation: The attempt to add an entry for queue manager qmgr-name to the DB2 table table-name failed because a row already exists for the queue manager. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Examine the DB2 table specified by table-name and determine whether the entry for the queue manager specified by qmgr-name is for the correct queue-sharing group. If it is, no further action is required. CSQU547E Unable to add QMGR qmgr-name entry, no QSG qsg-name entry exists in DB2 table table-name

Explanation: The attempt to delete the queue manager qmgr-name failed with return code rc. rc shows the type of failure: 00F5000C, queue manager row no longer exists. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: This may be an indication that the request was made against the wrong DB2 data-sharing group or that a previous attempt terminated prematurely. For the former, the utility should be executed against the correct DB2 data-sharing group. For the latter, no further action need be taken. CSQU544E IXCDELET request for QMGR qmgr-name unsuccessful, RC=rc reason=reason

Explanation: The attempt to add queue manager qmgr-name failed because there is no queue-sharing group entry for the queue-sharing group qsg-name in the DB2 table table-name. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: In order to add a queue manager to a queue-sharing group the DB2 CSQ.ADMIN_B_QSG table must contain a queue-sharing group record for the queue-sharing group named by qsg-name. Examine the DB2 tables and if necessary run the CSQ5PQSG utility ADD QSG function prior to resubmitting this job. CSQU548E QMGR qmgr-name cannot be added to QSG qsg-name, no unassigned QMGR number

Explanation: During an attempt to delete queue manager qmgr-name, an IXCDELET request was returned an IXC return code of rc and reason code of reason. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference manual for an explanation of the IXCDELET return and reason codes. Take corrective action if necessary and resubmit the job. CSQU545E IXCCREAT request for QMGR qmgr-name unsuccessful, RC=rc reason=reason

Explanation: The attempt to add queue manager qmgr-name to the queue-sharing group qsg-name failed because all queue manager numbers are in use. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: A maximum of 32 queue managers can be defined to a queue-sharing group at any one time. If the queue-sharing group named by qsg-name already contains 32 queue managers then the only course of action is to create a new queue-sharing group or remove an existing queue manager.

Explanation: During an attempt to add queue manager qmgr-name, an IXCCREAT request was

Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)



QMGR qmgr-name entry successfully added to QSG qsg-name

Explanation: The request to add queue manager qmgr-name to the queue-sharing group qsg-name completed successfully. CSQU550I QMGR qmgr-name entry successfully removed from QSG qsg-name

System Programmer Response: Using another queue manager in the queue-sharing group, take a backup of the structure. Ensure that the EXCLINT time value used in the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command is less than the time since the queue manager that you are trying to remove was last stopped. Then resubmit the job. CSQU555E QMGR qmgr-name release level is incompatible with QSG qsg-name in DB2 table table-name

Explanation: The request to remove queue manager qmgr-name from the queue-sharing group qsg-name completed successfully. CSQU551I QSG qsg-name entry successfully added

Explanation: An attempt to add the queue manager specified by qmgr-name into a queue-sharing group failed because the DB2 table specified by table-name indicates that another queue manager in the queue-sharing group is at an incompatible release level. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Only queue managers with compatible release levels can be members of the same queue-sharing group. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about migration and compatibility between releases. CSQU560I Full name of admin structure is admin-strname

Explanation: The request to add queue-sharing group qsg-name completed successfully. CSQU552I QSG qsg-name entry successfully removed

Explanation: The request to remove queue-sharing group qsg-name completed successfully. CSQU553E QMGR qmgr-name exists in DB2 table table-name as a member of a different QSG

Explanation: An attempt to add the queue manager specified by qmgr-name into a queue-sharing group failed because the DB2 table specified by table-name indicates that the queue manager is already a member of a different queue-sharing group. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: A queue manager can be a member of only one queue-sharing group at any one time. >Examine the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table to determine which queue-sharing group the queue manager is already a member of. Either remove the queue manager from the queue-sharing group it is in and resubmit the job or take no further action. CSQU554E QMGR qmgr-name entry cannot be removed from QSG qsg-name, needed for structure struc-name backup

Explanation: This shows the full external name of the administration structure as used by z/OS, which includes the queue-sharing group name. CSQU561E Unable to get attributes for admin structure, IXLMG RC=rc reason code=reason

Explanation: An attempt to add a queue manager to a queue-sharing group failed; it was not possible to check the attributes of the administration structure because there was an XES IXLMG service error. The full name of the administration structure is given in the following CSQ570I message. System Action: The utility program terminates. The queue manager is not added to the queue sharing group. System Programmer Response: Investigate the return and reason codes from the IXLMG service (both shown in hexadecimal), which are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Services Reference manual. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM service center. CSQU562E Admin structure attributes temporarily unavailable

Explanation: The queue manager named by qmgr-name cannot be removed from the queue-sharing group named by qsg-name because it has information about backups for structure struc-name. (The value shown for struc-name is the 12-character name as used by WebSphere MQ, not the external name used by z/OS which includes the queue-sharing group name.) If the queue manager is needed for more than one structure, this message will be issued for each one. System Action: The utility program is terminated.

Explanation: An attempt to add a queue manager to a queue-sharing group failed; it was not possible to check the attributes of the administration structure because they were currently unavailable. The full name of the


Messages and Codes

administration structure is given in the following CSQ570I message. System Action: The utility program terminates. The queue manager is not added to the queue sharing group. System Programmer Response: Rerun the job later. CSQU563I Admin structure is defined in CF cf-name, allocated size mm KB, maximum entries nn

System Programmer Response: Use the z/OS DISPLAY XCF,STRUCTURE command to display the status of all structures in the currently active CFRM policy. If the administration structure has failed, starting a queue manager in the queue-sharing group will cause the structure to be allocated according to the current CFRM policy. CSQU566I Unable to get attributes for admin structure, CF not found or not allocated

Explanation: This shows the current attributes of the administration structure for the queue sharing group. It is defined in the coupling facility named cf-name. CSQU564E Queue managers cannot be added to QSG qsg-name, admin structure too small

Explanation: An attempt to add a queue manager to a queue-sharing group failed; the current administration structure allocation is too small for a queue-sharing group with the requested number of queue managers. The full name of the administration structure is given in the following CSQ570I message. System Action: The utility program terminates. The queue manager is not added to the queue sharing group. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide for information about coupling facility structure sizes for use with queue-sharing groups. The administration structure allocation must be increased before a new queue manager can be added to the queue-sharing group. This may involve one or more of the following steps: v Update the administration structure definition using the IXLMIAPU utility. v Refresh the currently active CFRM policy. v Dynamically alter the current allocation of the administration structure using the z/OS SETXCF START,ALTER command. Rerun the job when the administration structure allocation has benn increased. CSQU565E Unable to get attributes for admin structure, CF in failed state

Explanation: In attempting to add a queue manager to a queue-sharing group, it was not possible to check the attributes of the administration structure because it has not yet been defined to the CFRM policy, or is not currently allocated in a coupling facility. The full name of the administration structure is given in the following CSQ570I message. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Use the z/OS DISPLAY XCF,STRUCTURE command to display the status of all structures in the currently active CFRM policy. Ensure a structure definition exists in the CFRM policy. It will be needed before the queue manager can be started. CSQU570I QSG qsg-name successfully verified

Explanation: The request to verify information for queue-sharing group qsg-name completed successfully. All the information is consistent. CSQU571E QSG qsg-name entry cannot be verified, not found in DB2 table table-name

Explanation: An attempt to verify the queue-sharing group qsg-name failed because no entry for it was found in the DB2 table table-name. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the queue-sharing group qsg-name was originally defined in the table table-name. Check that the utility job connected to the correct DB2 data-sharing group. If necessary resubmit the job. CSQU572E Usage map map-name and DB2 table table-name inconsistent

Explanation: An attempt to add a queue manager to a queue-sharing group failed; it was not possible to check the attributes of the administration structure because it is in a failed state. The full name of the administration structure is given in the following CSQ570I message. System Action: The utility program terminates. The queue manager is not added to the queue sharing group.

Explanation: While verifying a queue-sharing group, an inconsistency was found between the information in the usage map map=name and the DB2 table table-name. The following messages give more details about the inconsistency. System Action: Processing continues.
Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)


System Programmer Response: Check that the utility job connected to the correct DB2 data-sharing group. If necessary resubmit the job. Contact your IBM support center for assistance.

System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See message CSQU572E. CSQU577E Queue q-name in table entry entry-number not set in usage map for structure struc-name


QMGR qmgr-name in table entry entry-number not set in usage map

Explanation: While verifying a queue-sharing group, an inconsistency was found between the information in a usage map and the corresponding DB2 table. The inconsistency is described in the message; preceding message CSQU572E identifies the usage map and table. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See message CSQU572E. CSQU574E QMGR qmgr-name in usage map has no entry in table

Explanation: While verifying a queue-sharing group, an inconsistency was found between the information in a usage map and the corresponding DB2 table. The inconsistency is described in the message; preceding message CSQU572E identifies the usage map and table. (The value shown for struc-name is the 12-character name as used by WebSphere MQ, not the external name used by z/OS which includes the queue-sharing group name.) System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See message CSQU572E. CSQU578E Queue q-name in usage map for structure struc-name has no entry in table

Explanation: While verifying a queue-sharing group, an inconsistency was found between the information in a usage map and the corresponding DB2 table. The inconsistency is described in the message; preceding message CSQU572E identifies the usage map and table. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See message CSQU572E. CSQU575E Structure struc-name in table entry entry-number not set in usage map

Explanation: While verifying a queue-sharing group, an inconsistency was found between the information in a usage map and the corresponding DB2 table. The inconsistency is described in the message; preceding message CSQU572E identifies the usage map and table. (The value shown for struc-name is the 12-character name as used by WebSphere MQ, not the external name used by z/OS which includes the queue-sharing group name.) System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See message CSQU572E. CSQU580I DSG dsg-name is ready for migration

Explanation: While verifying a queue-sharing group, an inconsistency was found between the information in a usage map and the corresponding DB2 table. The inconsistency is described in the message; preceding message CSQU572E identifies the usage map and table. (The value shown for struc-name is the 12-character name as used by WebSphere MQ, not the external name used by z/OS which includes the queue-sharing group name.) System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See message CSQU572E. CSQU576E Structure struc-name in usage map has no entry in table

Explanation: The request to migrate the data-sharing group dsg-name to use new DB2 tables successfully verified that the data-sharing group is ready to be migrated. System Programmer Response: Perform the migration. You should do this as a conditional step in the same job as the utility migration request, as shown in the sample job CSQ45ATB in the SCSQPROC library. CSQU581E DSG dsg-name has incompatible QMGR levels

Explanation: While verifying a queue-sharing group, an inconsistency was found between the information in a usage map and the corresponding DB2 table. The inconsistency is described in the message; preceding message CSQU572E identifies the usage map and table. (The value shown for struc-name is the 12-character name as used by WebSphere MQ, not the external name used by z/OS which includes the queue-sharing group name.)

Explanation: The data-sharing group dsg-name cannot be migrated to use new DB2 tables because the levels of the queue managers using the data-sharing group are incompatible. System Action: The utility program is terminated.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: In order to perform the migration, all the queue managers in all the queue-sharing groups that use the data-sharing group must have installed a PTF and been started, to bring them to the necessary level. Examine the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR DB2 table to determine the levels of the queue managers and those which need to be upgraded. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for full information about migration between releases and the PTF. CSQU582E DSG dsg-name has already been migrated

CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR DB2 table to determine the levels of the queue managers and those which need to be upgraded. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for full information about migration between releases and the PTF. CSQU950I csect-name IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS version

Explanation: This is part of the header to the report issued by the utility program. CSQU951I csect-name Data Conversion Exit Utility date time

Explanation: The data-sharing group dsg-name cannot be migrated to use new DB2 tables because it has already been migrated. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: As part of the migration, the CSQ.OBJ_B_CHANNEL DB2 table will have its row size increased above 4 KB. The utility found that such a row size slready exists. Examine the CSQ.OBJ_B_CHANNEL DB2 table to verify that the migration has already occurred. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for full information about migration between releases. CSQU583I QSG qsg-name in DSG dsg-name is ready for migration

Explanation: This is part of the header to the report issued by the utility program. CSQU952I csect-name Utility completed, return code=ret-code

Explanation: The utility completed. The return code is 0 if all the input was processed successfully, or 8 if any errors were found. System Action: The utility ends. System Programmer Response: If the return code is non-zero, investigate the errors that were reported. CSQU954I n structures processed

Explanation: This indicates how many data structures were processed by the utility program. CSQU956E Line line-number: structure array field has incorrect dimension

Explanation: The request to migrate the queue-sharing group qsg-name in data-sharing group dsg-name to use new DB2 tables successfully verified that the queue-sharing group is ready to be migrated. System Programmer Response: Perform the migration. You should do this as a conditional step in the same job as the utility migration request, as shown in the sample job CSQ45ATB in the SCSQPROC library. CSQU584E QSG qsg-name in DSG dsg-name has incompatible QMGR levels

Explanation: The dimension specified for a structure array field was not correct. System Action: Processing stops. System Programmer Response: Correct the field specification and resubmit the job. CSQU957E Line line-number: structure has field following a variable length field

Explanation: The queue-sharing group qsg-name in data-sharing group dsg-name cannot be migrated to use new DB2 tables because the levels of the queue managers using the data-sharing group are incompatible. System Action: The utility program is terminated. System Programmer Response: In order to perform the migration, all the queue managers in all the queue-sharing groups that use the data-sharing group must have installed a PTF and been started, to bring them to the necessary level. Examine the

Explanation: There was an error in the indicated line. A variable length field must be the last field of a structure. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Correct the field specification and resubmit the job.

Chapter 12. Utilities messages (CSQU...)



Line line-number: structure field name has unsupported type float

reason for the error. Check that the data set was correctly specified. CSQU970E Line line-number: syntax error

Explanation: There was an error in the indicated line. A field had a type of float, which is not supported. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Correct the field specification and resubmit the job, or provide your own routine for converting such fields. CSQU959E Line line-number: structure field name has unsupported type double

Explanation: There was a syntax error in the indicated line. System Action: Processing stops. System Programmer Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. CSQU971E Unable to GET from ddname data set

Explanation: There was an error in the indicated line. A field had a type of double, which is not supported. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Correct the field specification and resubmit the job, or provide your own routine for converting such fields. CSQU960E Line line-number: structure field name has unsupported type pointer

Explanation: The program was unable to read a record from the ddname data set. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Examine the error message that was sent to the job log to determine the reason for the error. Check that the data set was correctly specified. CSQU972E Unable to PUT to ddname data set

Explanation: There was an error in the indicated line. A field had a type of pointer, which is not supported. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Correct the field specification and resubmit the job, or provide your own routine for converting such fields. CSQU961E Line line-number: structure field name has unsupported type bit

Explanation: The program was unable to write the next record to the ddname data set. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Examine the error message that was sent to the job log to determine the reason for the error. Check that the data set was correctly specified. CSQU999E Unrecognized message code ccc

Explanation: There was an error in the indicated line. A field had a type of bit, which is not supported. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Correct the field specification and resubmit the job, or provide your own routine for converting such fields. CSQU965E Invalid EXEC PARM

Explanation: An unexpected error message code was issued by the utility. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Note the code ccc (which is shown in hexadecimal) and contact your IBM support center to report the problem.

Explanation: The EXEC PARM field was not blank. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Change the JCL, and resubmit the job. CSQU968E Unable to OPEN ddname data set

Explanation: The program was unable to open data set ddname. System Action: The utility is terminated. System Programmer Response: Examine the error message that was sent to the job log to determine the


Messages and Codes

Chapter 13. Agent services messages (CSQV...)

CSQV086E QUEUE MANAGER ABNORMAL TERMINATION REASON=reason-code DISPLAY THREAD command report output. It precedes the other messages generated by this command: v Message CSQV402I provides the formatted report when the detailed status of active threads is requested using TYPE(ACTIVE). v Message CSQV432I provides the formatted report when the summary status of active threads is requested using TYPE(REGIONS). v Message CSQV406I provides the formatted report when the status of in-doubt threads is requested using TYPE(INDOUBT). v Message CSQV436I provides the formatted report when the status of in-doubt threads on another queue manager is requested using TYPE(INDOUBT) with QMNAME. System Action: Processing continues normally. CSQV402I ACTIVE THREADS

Explanation: The queue manager is ending abnormally, because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. This message, which is not automatically deleted from the operator console, is issued during abnormal termination. reason-code is the termination reason code. If this abnormal termination is invoked multiple times, the termination reason code that accompanies this message is the reason associated with the first invocation. System Action: Abnormal termination processing continues. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer, and restart the queue manager. System Programmer Response: For additional information, look up the reason code in Part 2, Codes. This message is accompanied by one or more dumps. Obtain a copy of SYS1.LOGREC after the queue manager completely terminates, and the dumps. If you suspect an error in WebSphere MQ, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for information about identifying and reporting the problem. Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Console output v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v Any system dumps produced CSQV400I ARCHIVE LOG QUIESCE CURRENTLY ACTIVE

Explanation: This message comprises the response to the DISPLAY THREAD TYPE(ACTIVE) command. It provides the status information for each active thread, as follows: NAME S T REQ THREAD-XREF USERID ASID URID name s t req thread-xref userid asid urid . . . DISPLAY ACTIVE REPORT COMPLETE where: name The connection name, which is one of the following: v z/OS batch job name v TSO user ID v CICS APPLID v IMS region name v Channel initiator job name Connection status code: N T Q The thread is in IDENTIFY status. The thread has issued CREATE THREAD. The CREATE THREAD request has been queued. The associated allied task is placed in a wait state. The thread is queued for termination as a result of the termination of the associated allied task. If this thread is also the last (or only) MQ thread for the address space, the associated allied task is placed in a wait state.

Explanation: An ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) command is currently active. This message is part of the DISPLAY LOG or DISPLAY THREAD command report. System Action: This message is issued as information only. It indicates that the ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) command has not completed and, consequently, updates against MQ resources have been temporarily suspended. This might result in active threads being suspended awaiting termination of the quiesce period. Processing otherwise continues normally. CSQV401I DISPLAY THREAD REPORT FOLLOWS

Explanation: This message is issued as the title for the

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


The thread is in the process of termination as a result of the termination of the associated allied task. If this thread is also the last (or only) MQ thread for the address space, the associated allied task is placed in a wait state.



Explanation: This message comprises the response to the DISPLAY THREAD TYPE(INDOUBT) command. It provides the status information for each in-doubt thread, as follows: NAME THREAD-XREF URID NID name thread-xref urid origin-id . . . DISPLAY INDOUBT REPORT COMPLETE where: name The connection name, which is one of the following: v z/OS batch job name v TSO user ID v CICS APPLID v IMS region name v Channel initiator job name thread-xref The recovery thread cross-reference identifier associated with the thread. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for more information. urid Unit of recovery identifier. This is the log RBA of the current unit of recovery associated with the thread. (This is omitted if the command was issued from a z/OS console with a non-specific connection name.) origin-id The origin identifier, a unique token identifying the unit of recovery within the queue manager. This has the form origin-node.origin-urid, where: origin-node A name that identifies the originator of the thread. (This is omitted for batch RRS connections.) origin-urid The hexadecimal number assigned to the unit of recovery for this thread by the originating system. Exceptionally, the last line might be: DISPLAY INDOUBT TERMINATED WITH MAX LINES

An asterisk is appended if the thread is active within MQ. t Connection type code: B R C I S Batch: From an application using a batch connection RRS: From an RRS-coordinated application using a batch connection CICS: From CICS IMS: From IMS System: From an internal function of the queue manager or from the channel initiator.


A wraparound counter to show the number of MQ requests.

thread-xref The recovery thread cross-reference identifier associated with the thread. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for more information. userid asid urid The user ID associated with a connection. If not signed-on, this field is blank. A hexadecimal number representing the ASID of the home address space. Unit of recovery identifier. This is the log RBA of the current unit of recovery associated with the thread. If there is no current unit of recovery, it is shown as 000000000000.

Exceptionally, the last line might be: DISPLAY ACTIVE TERMINATED WITH MAX LINES if the report was generated in response to a command from a z/OS console and more than 252 response messages were generated. Only 252 response messages are returned. System Action: Processing continues normally. Operator Response: If the report was truncated, reissue the DISPLAY THREAD request specifying a specific connection name. Problem Determination: If you have active threads with C or D status codes, the information in message CSQ3201E can be used to diagnose a possible MQ problem.

if the report was generated in response to a command from a z/OS console and more than 252 in-doubt threads were eligible for display. System Action: Processing continues normally. Operator Response: If the report was truncated, reissue the DISPLAY THREAD request specifying a specific connection name.


Messages and Codes



Operator Response: Ensure that the origin-id entered is in the correct format as specified on the RESOLVE INDOUBT command before reentering the command. CSQV417I THREAD NID=origin-id NOT FOUND

Explanation: The DISPLAY THREAD command was unable to find any active connection associated with connection-name. System Action: Command processing continues. CSQV411I NO ACTIVE THREADS FOUND FOR NAME=connection-name

Explanation: The RESOLVE INDOUBT command was unable to locate the thread specified by the recovery origin identifier origin-id to be scheduled for recovery. Either the thread identifier is incorrect, or the thread no longer resides within an in-doubt state. System Action: Command processing continues. Operator Response: Ensure that the thread still resides within an in-doubt state before reentering the command. CSQV419I NO ACTIVE CONNECTIONS FOUND

Explanation: The DISPLAY THREAD command was unable to locate any active threads associated with connection-name. System Action: Command processing continues. CSQV412I csect-name NO INDOUBT THREADS FOUND FOR NAME=connection name

Explanation: The DISPLAY THREAD command was unable to locate any in-doubt threads associated with connection name. System Action: Command processing continues.

Explanation: A DISPLAY THREAD(*) TYPE(ACTIVE) or TYPE(REGIONS) command was issued for all threads, but no active connections were found. System Action: Command processing continues. CSQV420I NO INDOUBT THREADS FOUND



Explanation: A connection name was not supplied with the command, and a default connection name cannot be determined. System Action: Command processing terminates. Operator Response: Reenter the command specifying a connection name. CSQV414I THREAD NID=origin-id COMMIT SCHEDULED

Explanation: A DISPLAY THREAD(*) TYPE(INDOUBT) command was issued for all threads, but no in-doubt threads were found. System Action: Command processing continues. CSQV423I cmd MESSAGE POOL SIZE EXCEEDED

Explanation: The storage requirement needed to generate responses for the command cmd exceeded the maximum size of the message buffer pool. System Action: Processing is terminated. Operator Response: If the command was DISPLAY THREAD, reissue the request specifying either TYPE(INDOUBT) or TYPE(ACTIVE) and a specific connection name, location, luw-id, or combination thereof as appropriate to further constrain the display. If the command was RESOLVE INDOUBT, reissue the request to resolve the remaining indoubt threads. The threads which have been successfully resolved are indicated by the preceding CSQV414I or CSQV415I messages. CSQV424I THREAD ID=thread-xref COMMIT SCHEDULED

Explanation: The thread specified by the recovery origin identifier origin-id is scheduled for COMMIT recovery action. System Action: Processing continues. CSQV415I THREAD NID=origin-id BACKOUT SCHEDULED

Explanation: The thread specified by the recovery origin identifier origin-id is scheduled for BACKOUT recovery action. System Action: Processing continues. CSQV416E THREAD NID=origin-id IS INVALID

Explanation: The RESOLVE INDOUBT command determined that the input format for the specified thread origin-id is invalid. System Action: Command processing continues.

Explanation: The thread specified by the recovery thread cross-reference identifier thread-xref is scheduled for COMMIT recovery action. System Action: Processing continues.

Chapter 13. Agent services messages (CSQV...)





The connection type: CICS IMS BATCH From an application using a batch connection. RRSBATCH From an RRS-coordinated application using a batch connection. CHINIT From the channel initiator. From CICS. From IMS.

Explanation: The thread specified by the recovery thread cross-reference identifier thread-xref is scheduled for BACKOUT recovery action. System Action: Processing continues. CSQV427I THREAD ID=thread-xref NOT FOUND

Explanation: The RESOLVE INDOUBT command was unable to locate the thread specified by the recovery thread cross-reference identifier thread-xref to be scheduled for recovery. Either the thread identifier is incorrect, or the thread no longer resides within an in-doubt state. System Action: Command processing continues. Operator Response: Ensure that the thread still resides within an in-doubt state before reentering the command. CSQV428I CURRENT THREAD LIMIT OF nnn EXCEEDED. CREATE THREAD FOR JOB jobname DEFERRED

userid asid threads

The user ID associated with a connection. If not signed-on, this field is blank. A hexadecimal number representing the ASID of the home address space. The number of active threads associated with the connection. This excludes fixed internal threads, such as those for the CICS adapter tasks, or the channel initiator listeners.

Exceptionally, the last line might be: DISPLAY ACTIVE TERMINATED WITH MAX LINES if the report was generated in response to a command from a z/OS console and more than 252 response messages were generated. Only 252 response messages are returned. System Action: Processing continues normally. Operator Response: If the report was truncated, reissue the DISPLAY THREAD request specifying a specific connection name. CSQV433I QMNAME NOT ALLOWED, NOT IN QUEUE-SHARING GROUP

Explanation: A job requested a connection to the queue manager, but the current number of connections is the maximum allowed, as specified in the CTHREAD system parameter of the queue manager. System Action: The request for a connection is suspended, and waits until another connection ends. Operator Response: Notify your systems programmer if this occurs frequently. System Programmer Response: If this situation occurs frequently, consider changing the CTHREAD system parameter to increase the limit for connected threads. CSQV432I ACTIVE THREADS

Explanation: This message comprises the response to the DISPLAY THREAD TYPE(REGIONS) command. It provides the status information for each active connection, as follows: NAME TYPE USERID ASID THREADS name type userid asid threads . . . DISPLAY ACTIVE REPORT COMPLETE where: name The connection name, which is one of the following: v z/OS batch job name v TSO user ID v CICS APPLID v IMS region name v Channel initiator job name

Explanation: A DISPLAY THREAD TYPE(INDOUBT) or RESOLVE INDOUBT command specifying the QMNAME keyword was issued, but the requesting queue manager qmgr-name is not in a queue-sharing group or the requested queue manager qmgr-name is not a member of the queue-sharing group. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. Operator Response: Reissue the command correctly. CSQV434E QMNAME ALLOWED ONLY WITH TYPE(INDOUBT)

Explanation: A DISPLAY THREAD command specifying the QMNAME keyword was issued, but TYPE(INDOUBT) was not specified. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated.


Messages and Codes

Operator Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the correct syntax of the command. Correct the command syntax, and re-enter the command. CSQV435I QMNAME(qmgr-name) IS ACTIVE, COMMAND IGNORED

if the exit library data set CSQXLIB cannot be opened, cluster workload user exits will not be available. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQV451I csect-name Unable to get storage for exits, RC=return-code

Explanation: A DISPLAY THREAD TYPE(INDOUBT) or RESOLVE INDOUBT command specifying the QMNAME keyword was issued, but the requested queue manager qmgr-name is active. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. Operator Response: Reissue the command using CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name) instead of QMNAME(qmgr-name). CSQV436I INDOUBT THREADS FOR qmgr-name

Explanation: An attempt to obtain some storage for use by exits failed. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS STORAGE service. System Action: Processing continues, but cluster workload user exits will not be available. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the STORAGE request. CSQV452I csect-name Cluster workload exits not available

Explanation: This message comprises the response to the DISPLAY THREAD TYPE(INDOUBT) command when the QMNAME keyword was specified. It provides the status information for each in-doubt unit-of-work on the requested queue manager; the information is displayed in the same format as in message CSQV406I. System Action: Processing continues normally. Operator Response: If the report was truncated, reissue the DISPLAY THREAD request specifying a specific connection name. CSQV437I CANNOT RESOLVE THREAD NID=origin-id, SOME RESOURCES UNAVAILABLE

Explanation: Cluster workload user exit functions will not be available, because: v There is no CSQXLIB DD statement in the started task JCL procedure for the queue manager, xxxxMSTR v The EXITTCB system parameter is zero. System Action: Processing continues, but cluster workload user exits will not be available. System Programmer Response: If you wish to use cluster workload exits, add the required statement to the queue manager started task JCL procedure and specify a non-zero value for the EXITTCB system parameter. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for more information. CSQV453I csect-name Unable to load module-name, reason=ssssrrrr

Explanation: The RESOLVE INDOUBT command was unable to schedule the thread specified by the recovery origin identifier origin-id for recovery, because not all the resources necessary for recovery were available. System Action: The identified thread will remain in-doubt. Operator Response: The most likely cause of this is unavailable page sets. Check for the CSQP047E message at the previous checkpoint. Follow the guidance for this message to bring the required page sets online. Once all the page sets are available the RESOLVE INDOUBT command can be re-issued to resolve the thread. CSQV450I csect-name Unable to open ddname data set

Explanation: The queue manager was unable to load a module required for exits. ssss is the completion code and rrrr is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS LOAD service. System Action: Processing continues, but cluster workload user exits will not be available. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why the module was not loaded. See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the codes from the LOAD request. Ensure that the module is in the required library, and that it is referenced correctly. The queue manager attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR.

Explanation: The ddname data set could not be opened, as reported in the preceding messages. System Action: Processing continues, but functions that require the data set will be inhibited. For example,

Chapter 13. Agent services messages (CSQV...)



csect-name Cluster workload exit exit-name timed out


Explanation: A cluster workload user exit did not return to the queue manager within the allowed time, as specified by the EXITLIM system parameter. System Action: The exit is disabled until its load module in the CSQXLIB data set is refreshed. System Programmer Response: Investigate why your exit is not returning in time. CSQV456E csect-name Cluster workload exit error, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason

Explanation: The exit subtask using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred in a cluster workload user exit. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). System Action: The subtask ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The exit is disabled until its load module in the CSQXLIB data set is refreshed. System Programmer Response: User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the exit itself. If a system completion code is shown, see the MVS System Codes manual for information about the problem in your exit. CSQV457E csect-name Unable to establish ESTAE, RC=return-code

Explanation: During startup processing, the recovery environment for a cluster workload user exit task could not be set up. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ESTAE service. Severity: 8 System Action: The task does not start. Cluster workload user exits will be available providing at least one task starts. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ESTAE request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center for assistance. CSQV459I csect-name Unable to free storage for exits, RC=return-code

Explanation: An attempt to release some storage that was used by exits failed. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS STORAGE service. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the STORAGE


Messages and Codes

Chapter 14. Instrumentation facilities messages (CSQW...)


Explanation: The dump formatting exit is not using summary dump records for formatting. The formatted control blocks might not contain the same values as they did at the time of the error. System Action: Dump formatting continues. System Programmer Response: If you want summary dump records to be used, do not specify the SUMDUMP=NO operand on the MQ DUMP DISPLAY MAIN MENU (if you are using the dump display panels), or in the CSQWDMP verbexit (if you are using line mode IPCS). CSQW002I SUMMARY DUMP RECORDS ARE BEING FORMATTED

Explanation: The specified operand was not a valid dump formatting operand. System Action: The dump formatting exit terminates. System Programmer Response: Check the dump formatting operands. CSQW008E THE SCOM CANNOT BE ACCESSED OR IT IS INVALID

Explanation: An error was encountered while trying to retrieve the SCOM. System Action: The dump formatting exit terminates. System Programmer Response: If SUMDUMP=NO was specified on the MQ DUMP DISPLAY MAIN MENU (if you are using the dump display panels), or in the CSQWDMP verbexit (if you are using line mode IPCS) omit it and resubmit the request. Otherwise, specify this operand, and resubmit the request. CSQW009E THE ADDRESS SPACE REQUESTED IS NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: The dump formatting exit is using MQ summary dump record information to format its control blocks. System Action: Dump formatting continues. System Programmer Response: If you do not want MQ summary dump records to be used in formatting, specify the SUMDUMP=NO and SUBSYS=subsystem name on the MQ DUMP DISPLAY MAIN MENU (if you are using the dump display panels), or in the CSQWDMP verbexit (if you are using line mode IPCS). Both operands are required. CSQW004E ONE OR MORE OPERANDS ARE NOT VALID. FORMATTING TERMINATED

Explanation: The MQ control blocks for the address space specified could not be located. System Action: Formatting continues of any other requested dump segment. System Programmer Response: Check the ASID specified. The ASID must be specified in hexadecimal. CSQW010E THE TRACE RMFT CANNOT BE ACCESSED OR IT IS INVALID

Explanation: An invalid operand was specified on the MQ DUMP DISPLAY MAIN MENU (if you are using the dump display panels), or in the CSQWDMP verbexit (if you are using line mode IPCS). System Action: The dump formatting exit terminates. System Programmer Response: Correct the operand specified by message CSQW007E. CSQW006E THE ERLY BLOCK CANNOT BE ACCESSED OR IT IS INVALID

Explanation: The MQ trace table could not be located. System Action: Formatting of the MQ trace table is bypassed, and formatting continues of any other requested dump segment. System Programmer Response: If SUMDUMP=NO was specified try formatting the dump again using the summary dump because it could contain the information required to access this data. If SUMDUMP=NO was not specified, and the summary dump was used, try formatting the dump again specifying this option because the summary dump data could have been corrupted. CSQW011I A LARGER REGION SIZE IS

Explanation: The dump formatting exit could not locate its anchor block. System Action: The dump formatting exit terminates. System Programmer Response: Specify SUBSYS=subsystem name, and SUMDUMP=NO on the MQ DUMP DISPLAY MAIN MENU (if you are using the dump display panels), or in the CSQWDMP
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


REQUIRED FOR THIS JOB Explanation: The dump formatting exit could not obtain a large enough work buffer to process the summary dump records. System Action: The dump formatting exit terminates. System Programmer Response: Rerun the job, specifying a larger TSO region size (or a larger region size if running in batch). CSQW013I DMPW NOT FOUND IN SUMMARY DUMP

System Programmer Response: If SUMDUMP=NO was specified try formatting the dump again using the summary dump because it could contain the information required to access this data. If SUMDUMP=NO was not specified, and the summary dump was used, try formatting the dump again specifying this option because the summary dump data could have been corrupted. CSQW017E MAXIMUM STACK LEVEL EXCEEDED

Explanation: The dump formatting exit was unable to locate the DMPW control block in the summary record portion of the dump data set. Because the DMPW provides the main anchor block for the dump formatter, processing is terminated. System Action: The dump formatting exit terminates. System Programmer Response: Specify SUBSYS=xxxx to identify which address space to format information for. CSQW014I REQUIRED SUMMARY DUMP RECORDS ARE NOT IN THIS DUMP. WILL ATTEMPT TO FORMAT FROM NON-SUMMARY DUMP

Explanation: This condition is usually caused by the MQ control block formatter looping. The stack array is depleted and can no longer accommodate control blocks. System Action: Dump formatting is terminated. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center. CSQW018I SUBSYS= SPECIFIED INCORRECTLY OR MISSING. REQUIRED IF SUMDUMP=NO SPECIFIED

Explanation: The SUMDUMP=NO option was specified, but either the SUBSYS= operand is missing, or it was incorrectly specified. System Action: Dump formatting is terminated. System Programmer Response: Specify the name of the subsystem in the SUBSYS= operand, and resubmit the request. CSQW020I UNSUCCESSFUL SEARCH FOR THE ERLY CONTROL BLOCK

Explanation: Expected data could not be found in the summary dump. This message is issued for information only. Dump formatting continues. System Action: Formatting is attempted using information found from the full dump instead of the summary dump. CSQW015I SSCVT NOT LOCATED, CHECK THE SUBSYSTEM NAME SPECIFIED

Explanation: A key control block could not be located in the dump. System Action: Dump formatting is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check that the SUBSYS= operand was correctly specified, and resubmit the request. CSQW022I THE RESIDENT TRACE WAS NOT ACTIVE AT THE TIME OF DUMP

Explanation: In a search through the SSCVT chain, a match of the subsystem name in the SSCVTs and the subsystem name specified was not found. System Action: Formatting for the named subsystem is not done. System Programmer Response: Specify the subsystem name correctly. CSQW016I THE RMVT CANNOT BE ACCESSED OR IT IS INVALID

Explanation: Trace table formatting has been attempted, but no trace table existed at the time of the dump. System Action: Dump formatting continues with any other control blocks that were to be formatted. CSQW023I THE TRACE TABLE ENTRY IS OUT OF SEQUENCE OR OVERLAID

Explanation: The dump formatting exit could not locate the RMVT. The RMVT is required for formatting the MQ trace table and a number of other MQ control blocks. System Action: Formatting of the MQ trace table is bypassed, and formatting of other requested dump segments continues.

Explanation: A trace entry is overlaid by another trace entry of a different time stamp. This message is issued to flag an unrecognized trace entry. This error can


Messages and Codes

occur if the dump is initiated by operator command, because the MQ address space continues to run while the dump is being taken. System Action: Formatting of the trace table continues. CSQW024I TRACE TABLE



Explanation: A control block identifying the structure of MQ control blocks could not be found. System Action: Control block formatting is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the z/OS console to see if any messages were produced to indicate that there was a problem when the dump was taken. If you suspect an error in MQ, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for information about reporting the problem. CSQW032E ERROR ACCESSING ANCHOR CONTROL BLOCK

Explanation: This identifies the start of the formatted trace table. System Action: Trace table formatting follows. CSQW025I ERROR ACCESSING THE TRACE TABLE

Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned from the storage access routine when accessing the trace table. System Action: Trace table formatting is bypassed. CSQW026I CONTROL BLOCK SUMMARY (ALL ADDRESS SPACES)

Explanation: A control block cannot be accessed from the dump. System Action: Control block formatting is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check the z/OS console to see if any messages were produced to indicate that there was a problem when the dump was taken. If you suspect an error in MQ, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for information about reporting the problem. CSQW033I BEGINNING FORMATTING

Explanation: This messages provides descriptive information about the type of formatting being produced. System Action: Dump formatting continues. CSQW027I CONTROL BLOCK SUMMARY (SINGLE ADDRESS SPACE)

Explanation: This messages provides descriptive information about the type of formatting being produced. System Action: Dump formatting continues. CSQW028I CONTROL BLOCK SUMMARY (LONG FORM GLOBAL)

Explanation: Formatting of MQ control blocks is beginning. CSQW034I TRACE TABLE AND GLOBAL BLOCKS ALREADY FORMATTED

Explanation: This messages provides descriptive information about the type of formatting being produced. System Action: Dump formatting continues. CSQW029I CONTROL BLOCK SUMMARY (SHORT FORM GLOBAL)

Explanation: An indicative dump is being requested. The MQ trace table and the global blocks have already been formatted with first dump (full dump) for this abend dump (SNAP) invocation. These are, therefore, not formatted for this task. CSQW035I WARNING NO TASK RELATED CONTROL BLOCKS FOR THIS TASK

Explanation: This messages provides descriptive information about the type of formatting being produced. System Action: Dump formatting continues.

Explanation: The task for which the dump is being requested is not identified to MQ. Task-related control blocks are not dumped. The MQ trace table and global blocks are dumped only if the SYSABEND DD statement is present and only if this is the first of the dumps (full dump) for this abend dump (SNAP) invocation. System Action: No MQ formatting is done for the specified task.

Chapter 14. Instrumentation facilities messages (CSQW...)




Explanation: The formatted blocks following this message are associated with tasks that have been identified to MQ with the recovery coordinator = no option. These tasks might not have invoked SNAP, but they are associated with the task that did. System Action: The appropriate control blocks are formatted. System Programmer Response: Examine the control blocks for relevant information. CSQW037I TASK RELATED CONTROL BLOCKS FOR THIS TASK

Problem Determination: You might find the following items useful in resolving the problem: v Console output v Dynamic dump v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC CSQW042E REQUIRED SUMMARY DUMP RECORDS ARE NOT IN THIS DUMP. RERUN SPECIFYING SUBSYS= PARAMETER

Explanation: The summary dump records were not found in the dump. When this occurs the dump formatter needs the subsystem name to be able to identify which address space is to be formatted. System Action: Dump formatting is terminated. System Programmer Response: Rerun the formatting specifying the parameter the subsystem name (using SUBSYS=). CSQW049I OLDEST SLOT ADDRESS INVALID, FORMATTING TRACE TABLE FROM FIRST ENTRY

Explanation: The formatted blocks following this message are associated with the current task. System Action: The appropriate control blocks are formatted. System Programmer Response: Examine the control blocks for relevant information. CSQW038I END OF FORMATTING

Explanation: Formatting of MQ control blocks is completed. CSQW039I FORMATTING COMPLETE FOR THIS DUMP

Explanation: There are several pointers in the control block that defines the trace. One points to the start of the storage that contains the trace data, one to the end, and one to the next free record. The formatter has detected that the pointer to the next free record is outside the range indicated by the pointers to the start and end of the storage. System Action: Dump formatting continues, but from the physical start of the trace table, not the oldest record. System Programmer Response: If the time of day values are meaningful, and in sequence, scan down the formatted trace to find the latest trace record written. Problem Determination: This error occurs when the trace control block has been overwritten, and could be a symptom of a larger problem. CSQW050I ssnm NO SDWA/LOGREC, ABN=comp-reason, U=userid, M=module, C=compid.vrm.comp-function

Explanation: The dump formatting exit has completed its processing for this dump data set. CSQW041E THE TAB CANNOT BE ACCESSED OR IT IS INVALID

Explanation: The MQ trace table anchor block could not be located. System Action: Formatting of the MQ trace table is bypassed, and formatting of any other requested dump segment continues. System Programmer Response: If SUMDUMP=NO was specified try formatting the dump again using the summary dump because it could contain the information required to access this data. If SUMDUMP=NO was not specified, and the summary dump was used, try formatting the dump again specifying this option because the summary dump data could have been corrupted. Check the z/OS console to see if any messages were produced to indicate that there was a problem when the dump was taken. If you suspect an error in MQ, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for information about reporting the problem.

Explanation: This message provides the default SVC dump title (SDUMP) associated with the SYS1.DUMP data set, when an SDWA was unavailable during recovery processing. The individual variable fields contain: Field ssnm ABN U M C Contents MQ subsystem name The abend completion code, followed by the abend reason code The user ID for the individual subsystem user The function recovery routine responsible for the dump The component-ID


Messages and Codes


The MQ version, release number, and modification level comp-function The component-ID function System Action: Dump processing continues. System Programmer Response: Since the SDWA provides important diagnostic information to assist in problem determination, the recovery environment at time of error should be examined to determine why an SDWA was not provided for this ABEND. In a non-recovery environment, there might be valid reasons for the lack of an SDWA (for example, the operator could have initiated the dump). Problem Determination: In a recovery environment, functional recovery routines (FRRs) are guaranteed an SDWA by Recovery Termination Manager (RTM). Therefore, the recovery routine is most likely an ESTAE recovery routine. The primary reason for an SDWA not being provided to an ESTAE routine is due to insufficient storage available during recovery processing. The region sizes allocated to the function in error should be examined to ensure sufficient storage is available. In a non-recovery environment, where there is no RTM, no SDWA is produced. CSQW051E ERROR DURING DUMP PROCESSING



Explanation: The SDWA obtained from the SYS1.DUMP data set contained no diagnostic information in the VRA. System Action: VRA report generation is bypassed, dump format processing continues. CSQW055I UNABLE TO LOCATE SDWA

Explanation: The z/OS summary dump data access service routine (IEAVTFRD) was unable to locate the SDWA in the summary data portion of the SYS1.DUMP data set. SVC dumps only contain an SDWA if they are initiated by MQ. If the dump was initiated by any other means (such as the operator) the SDWA will not be present. System Action: No VRA is produced, and dump formatting continues. CSQW056I VRA DIAGNOSTIC REPORT COMPLETE

Explanation: The dump formatter has completed processing of the VRA diagnostic report. System Action: Dump formatting continues. CSQW059I SUMMARY OF CONNECTED JOBS

Explanation: This message is generated by the recovery routine of the SDUMP dump data gathering service when an error is encountered during dump processing. System Action: Processing of the SUMLSTA user storage areas is terminated, an SVC dump is requested, and control is returned to RTM. System Programmer Response: This error is documented in a SYS1.LOGREC record. This message can be issued because of an error in the invocation of SDUMP, or because of an error in SDUMP itself, or during control block examination and access. CSQW053I VRA DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION REPORT

Explanation: A summary of information about connected jobs follows. System Action: Job summary information follows. CSQW060I BEGIN SAVE AREA TRACE

Explanation: This message identifies the start of the MQ register save area trace report which appears in the formatted section of an MQ SVC dump. This report is useful for problem determination because it contains the save areas for the agent execution block (EB) in error, and all associated agent EBs, traced from the point of error and displayed in order of invocation. System Action: Save area trace format processing continues for the agent EB in error, and all associated agent EBs. CSQW061I SAVE AREA TRACE COMPLETE

Explanation: The variable recording area (VRA) is part of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) and contains MQ diagnostic information. The VRA is extracted and displayed in this report. For information about this report, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide. System Action: Dump formatting continues.

Explanation: This message indicates that the MQ formatted save area trace report (CSQW060I) is complete. System Action: Dump formatting continues.

Chapter 14. Instrumentation facilities messages (CSQW...)




Explanation: During dump format processing of the MQ formatted save area trace report (CSQW060I), register 6 (R6) did not contain the address of a valid agent execution block (EB). System Action: Save area trace format processing is terminated for the current agent EB, and all prior EBs. Problem Determination: Register 6 does not contain the current EB address or a prior EB address. Refer to the abend reason and completion codes associated with the original error to determine the use of register 6 prior to the error. CSQW063E name (address) ASID (asid) NOT FOUND IN DUMP

(both MQ and z/OS), and the pertinent MQ save areas in the dump data set, regardless of the type of error. Control blocks and save areas associated with the MQ address space at time of error will be included in the dump data set. CSQW064I *ERROR* BLOCK NOT FOUND IN DUMP

Explanation: The dump formatter was unable to format a control block because the storage could not be found. System Action: Dump formatting continues. Problem Determination: This problem can occur for the following reasons: v The dump is incomplete, this could be because: The SYS1.DUMPxx data set was not large enough when the dump was taken Errors occurred when the SYS1.DUMPxx data set was copied v A pointer within a control block contains invalid data v The length of a control block is invalid This could be a symptom of a more significant problem. Identifying which control block contains the incorrect value could help you to solve other problems. CSQW065I *ERROR* BLOCK LENGTH INCORRECT

Explanation: During processing of the save area trace report (CSQW060I), a control block or save area was not found in the dump data set. Because the dump formatter utilizes the MQ and z/OS control blocks defined under the name field of this message to locate individual register save areas, subsequent save areas located using the named control block or save area will not be displayed in the report. name Identifies the name of the control block or save area that was not found in the dump data set: SA Indicates a save area ASCE MQ address space control element EB MQ execution block TCB z/OS task control block RB z/OS request block XSB z/OS extended status block PSA z/OS prefix save area SDWA z/OS system diagnostic work area STSV z/OS SRB status save area STKE z/OS cross memory stack element The address of the named control block or save area. The address space identifier associated with the control block or save area.

Explanation: During the formatting of a control block, a mismatch was found between the expected length and the value determined from the dump. System Programmer Response: You might find this message helpful when solving a more serious problem because it might indicate that a control block has been corrupted. CSQW066I *ERROR* BLOCK ID INCORRECT

address asid

Due to the execution structures and environmental restrictions of selected MQ and z/OS control structures, some control blocks and save areas associated with these execution environments will not be included in the dump data set. System Action: Register save area trace format processing for the current save area chains is terminated. Subsequent save area processing will vary depending on the specific control block or save area that was available, and the MQ agent execution environments at the time of the error. Problem Determination: During z/OS RTM recovery processing, MQ attempts to include all control blocks

Explanation: Each control block type has a unique identifier for verification. During the formatting of the control block, a mismatch occurred between the value expected and the value found in the control block in the dump. System Programmer Response: This message could indicate that storage has been overlaid, and you might find it helpful when solving a more serious problem because it might indicate that a control block has been corrupted. CSQW067I *ERROR* BLOCK CHAINED FROM THIS BLOCK NOT FOUND IN DUMP

Explanation: Control blocks can contain pointers to other control blocks. A control block pointed to by the current control block could not be found in the dump.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: This message could indicate that storage has been overlaid, and you might find it helpful when solving a more serious problem. The control block pointed to will have error message CSQW064I associated with it. Problem Determination: This problem can occur because: v The dump is incomplete, this could be because: The SYS1.DUMPxx data set was not large enough when the dump was taken Errors occurred when the SYS1.DUMPxx data set was copied v A pointer within the control block contained invalid data CSQW068I *ERROR* BLOCK CHAINED FROM THIS BLOCK HAS INCORRECT ID


EXIT: MQ user parameter trace

Explanation: This message is inserted into the formatted MQ trace to indicate that the control block was traced on exit from MQ. CSQW074I ERROR: MQ user parameter trace

Explanation: This message is inserted into the formatted MQ trace to indicate that the control block was traced because it was determined to be in error. CSQW075I WARNING - data was truncated at 256 bytes

Explanation: This message is inserted into the formatted MQ trace when a control block has exceeded a 256 byte length limit. CSQW076I Return code was mqrc

Explanation: Each control block type has a unique identifier for verification. During the formatting of a control block pointed to by the current control block, a mismatch occurred between the value expected and the value found in the control block in the dump. System Programmer Response: This message could indicate that storage has been overlaid, and you might find it helpful when solving a more serious problem because it might indicate that a control block has been corrupted. The control block in error has error message CSQW066I associated with it. CSQW069I *ERROR* BLOCK EYECATCHER INCORRECT

Explanation: This message is inserted into the formatted MQ trace when an error has been detected. mqrc is the return code. Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about this code. CSQW105E ERROR DURING LOAD OR VALIDATION OF A CONTROL BLOCK STRUCTURE TABLE MODULE

Explanation: Each control block type has a unique eyecatcher for verification. During the formatting of the control block, a mismatch occurred between the value expected and the value found in the control block in the dump. System Programmer Response: This message could indicate that storage has been overlaid, and you might find it helpful when solving a more serious problem because it might indicate that a control block has been corrupted. CSQW070I DUMP TITLE dump-title

Explanation: The MQ dump formatting facility cannot be used to format control blocks. An error occurred during the startup process while attempting to LOAD one of the Control Block Structures Table modules (CSQWDST1, CSQWDST2, CSQWDST3, and CSQWDST4) from the MQ program library. System Action: Queue manager startup processing continues. System Programmer Response: If you expect to experience problems, stop your queue manager, resolve the problem, and restart. If however you do not anticipate that this error will cause problems, you can stop and restart the queue manager at a convenient time. Problem Determination: The modules must reside in an MQ program library named in the started task JCL procedure (xxxxMSTR) used to start the queue manager. The named modules prohibit the use of the MQ dump formatting facility to format SVC dumps that occur during the current execution of the queue manager. The named modules are not required for execution of the queue manager itself.

Explanation: This shows the title of the dump. CSQW072I ENTRY: MQ user parameter trace

Explanation: This message is inserted into the formatted MQ trace to indicate that the control block was traced on entry to MQ.

Chapter 14. Instrumentation facilities messages (CSQW...)




See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about valid classes. CSQW122E keyword IS NOT VALID FOR type TRACE

Explanation: System parameters indicated that an MQ trace should be started automatically during queue manager initialization, but the queue manager was unable to start the trace. System Action: Queue manager initialization continues. System Programmer Response: Start the trace with the START TRACE command after queue manager initialization is complete. CSQW109E TRACE INITIALIZATION PARAMETERS UNAVAILABLE, DEFAULTS USED FOR type TRACE

Explanation: A trace command has been entered, but keyword is not valid for the trace type specified. System Action: Processing for the TRACE command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Either the named keyword must be omitted from the command, or a different type of trace must be specified. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about valid combinations of keywords and trace types. CSQW123I csect-name TRACE RECORDING HAS BEEN RESUMED ON dest

Explanation: The trace function was unable to access the trace initialization parameters defined by the CSQ6SYSP macro. Default values as defined by that macro are assumed for trace parameters. System Action: Queue manager initialization continues. System Programmer Response: Determine if the system parameter load module (the default version is called CSQZPARM) is missing or inaccessible. Trace can be started with the START TRACE command. CSQW120E DEST VALUE IS INVALID FOR type TRACE

Explanation: dest destination has resumed acceptance of trace data after an error. System Action: Data recording is resumed. CSQW124E csect-name type TRACE TERMINATED RC=code RMID=nn

Explanation: A trace command has been entered, but the specified destination value is not valid for the trace type requested. System Action: Processing for the TRACE command is terminated. System Programmer Response: If a START TRACE command was entered, specify a valid destination for the trace. Otherwise, a DISPLAY TRACE command can be issued to determine what traces are currently active. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about valid destinations. CSQW121E CLASS VALUE IS INVALID FOR type TRACE

Explanation: During processing type trace, processing ended due to an error. A trace type of blank indicates all tracing has stopped. RMID, displayed in decimal, identifies the resource manager (for a list of MQ RMIDs, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual). code, displayed in hexadecimal, specifies the return, reason, or abend code associated with the action. Refer to Part 2, Codes for information about these codes. Further collection of the named trace is stopped. If it is necessary to resume collection of the trace, a START TRACE command can be issued. However if another error is experienced, the problem should be resolved before starting the trace collection again. System Action: Processing for the named trace type is stopped. The message is not externalized by the functional recovery routine, but is output whenever an IFC event is driven at a later time. A trace type of blank indicates all tracing has stopped. System Programmer Response: Investigate the reasons for the error. If necessary to collect the named trace, issue a START TRACE command to resume processing. Problem Determination: If you are unable to resolve the problem, save the SYS1.LOGREC, and contact your IBM support center.

Explanation: A trace command has been entered, but the specified class value is not valid for the trace type requested. System Action: Processing for the TRACE command is terminated. System Programmer Response: If a START TRACE command was entered, specify a valid class for the trace. Otherwise, a DISPLAY TRACE command can be issued to determine what options are currently active.


Messages and Codes





Explanation: Multiple values were specified for both of the named keywords. At most one of these keywords is allowed multiple values on a single command. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reenter a valid command. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for additional information. CSQW126E type TRACE NOT ALLOWED, ACTIVE TRACE TABLE FULL

Explanation: In response to a command, the trace number(s), tno,..., have been stopped. Up to five trace numbers can be listed. If more than five traces have been stopped, another CSQW131I message is sent. System Action: Processing for the request continues. If the specified trace applies to the channel initiator, a request will be queued: see message CSQW152I. CSQW132I ALTER TRACE SUCCESSFUL FOR TRACE NUMBER tno

Explanation: The trace number tno has been altered. System Action: Processing for the request continues. CSQW133E csect-name TRACE DATA LOST, dest NOT ACCESSIBLE RC=code

Explanation: The type trace cannot be started because the active trace table has reached the maximum number of active traces allowed. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Use the DISPLAY TRACE command to see if an active trace could be stopped. An active trace must be stopped before any other start trace command will be processed. CSQW127I CURRENT TRACE ACTIVITY IS

Explanation: The destination specified stopped accepting trace data during a trace. Some external condition caused the data rejection. The reason for the error is defined by the return code (RC). The value of code can be: v The hexadecimal return code from SMF. See the MVS System Management Facilities (SMF) manual for the specific value. v The hexadecimal return code from the GTF request 04 GTF trace and/or USR tracing is not active v The hexadecimal return code from the SRV request 10 The serviceability routine is absent xx The serviceability routine return code System Action: Trace processing continues, although data is lost. System Programmer Response: Investigate the GTF or SMF facility to determine why data is not being accepted. You can issue a START TRACE command to record the data at another destination. The DISPLAY TRACE command shows what types of data were recorded at the specified destination. See the MVS System Management Facilities (SMF) manual for an explanation of the return code value. CSQW135I type TRACE ALREADY ACTIVE, TRACE NUMBER tno

Explanation: This message is issued in response to the DISPLAY TRACE command. For each trace that is active, the message indicates the trace number, the type of trace, the class(es) within type, the destination(s) for the trace entries, the user ID, and the RMID(s), as follows: TNO TYPE CLASS DEST USERID RMID tno type class dest userid rmid . . . END OF TRACE REPORT The trace number tno can be: 01-03 A trace started automatically when the queue manager started, or a trace started by a START TRACE command. 04-32 A trace started by a START TRACE command. 00 The global trace started automatically when the channel initiator started. CSQW130I type TRACE STARTED, ASSIGNED TRACE NUMBER tno

Explanation: type trace was already active with trace number tno. System Action: Processing for the trace already in progress will continue.

Explanation: In response to a command, or automatically during queue manager initialization, a type trace has been started and assigned the trace number tno. Multiple messages are possible when the start command specifies multiple user identifiers. System Action: Processing for the request continues. If the specified trace applies to the channel initiator, a request will be queued: see message CSQW152I.

Chapter 14. Instrumentation facilities messages (CSQW...)




when the command has been completed. CSQW153E csect-name STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW TRACE TABLE

Explanation: Either: v A command requested action for a specific trace, but that trace could not be found in the active trace table. v A command requested action for all traces, but there are no traces active. System Action: Processing for the command continues. System Programmer Response: Issue an unqualified DISPLAY TRACE command (that is, DISPLAY TRACE(*) without any other keywords) to determine all the active trace entries. CSQW138E IFCID ifcid-number IS INVALID

Explanation: There is insufficient storage in ECSA for a new global trace table as requested by a previous SET SYSTEM TRACTBL command. System Action: Processing continues using the existing global trace table. System Programmer Response: Investigate how ECSA storage is being used. Issue a further SET SYSTEM TRACTBL command to set the trace table size to an acceptable value. CSQW200E Error during STORAGE OBTAIN macro. Return code=rc

Explanation: The specified IFCID number is outside the range of valid IFCID numbers or is an IFCID number which is not allowed on a trace command. System Action: Processing of the trace command is terminated before any trace functions are performed. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for the range of valid IFCID numbers. CSQW144E CHANNEL INITIATOR NOT ACTIVE

Explanation: The z/OS STORAGE macro was issued to obtain storage for the trace formatter. The request failed with return code rc. System Action: Formatting of control blocks stops, and a hexadecimal dump of the record is produced. (This might be only part of the logical record.) System Programmer Response: See the MVS Assembler Services Reference manual for information about rc. You can usually resolve this problem by increasing the size of your TSO or batch region. When the problem has been solved, retry the operation. CSQW201E Error during STORAGE RELEASE macro. Return code=rc

Explanation: TRACE(CHINIT) was specified, but the channel initiator is not active. System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Issue the START CHINIT command to start the channel initiator, and reissue the command. CSQW149E RMID 231 IS OBSOLETE USE TRACE(CHINIT)

Explanation: The z/OS STORAGE macro was issued to release some storage. The request failed with return code rc. System Action: Formatting of control blocks stops, and a hexadecimal dump of the record is produced. (This might be only part of the logical record.) System Programmer Response: Try processing the dump again. If the problem persists, note the value of rc, and contact your IBM support center. CSQW202E Incomplete trace record detected

Explanation: The command specifies RMID 231, which was formerly used for channel initiator traces, but is now obsolete. For channel initiator traces, specify TRACE(CHINIT). System Action: The command is not actioned. System Programmer Response: Issue the command correctly. If both queue manager and channel initiator tracing is required, issue two separate commands. CSQW152I TRACE REQUEST FOR CHANNEL INITIATOR QUEUED

Explanation: A long trace record has been segmented, and the start record for the record currently being processed has not been processed. This usually occurs when records within a time range have been selected for processing. The record with the start of segment flag is probably before the start of the selected time interval. This can also occur if the Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) is unable to write all records to the GTF data set. System Action: A hexadecimal dump of the record is produced, and formatting continues with the next

Explanation: Initial processing for a trace command has completed successfully. The command requires further action by the channel initiator, for which a request has been queued. System Action: A request has been queued for the channel initiator. Further messages will be produced


Messages and Codes

record. (You will receive this message for each subsequent part of this logical record.) System Programmer Response: Select a slightly earlier start time for your time interval (one tenth of a second for example) and retry the operation. If this is not successful, it is possible that your trace table has wrapped, and the start record has been overwritten. CSQW204E Internal error


A null length data item was detected

Explanation: The MQ trace formatter detected a data item of zero length. System Action: Formatting continues with the next data item. CSQW210E Invalid record detected

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: A hexadecimal dump of the record is produced, and formatting continues with the next record. This message might be followed by message CSQW202E. System Programmer Response: Try processing the dump again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. CSQW205E Internal error

Explanation: The format of a record was different to the format expected by the MQ trace formatter. System Action: A hexadecimal dump is produced, and formatting continues with the next record. System Programmer Response: Try processing the dump again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. CSQW701E csect-name ENFREQ request failed, RC=rc

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: This, and all subsequent records are displayed in hexadecimal. MQ trace formatting is suppressed. System Programmer Response: Try processing the dump again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. CSQW206I Accounting record

Explanation: A z/OS ENFREQ request failed. rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the request. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code the ENFREQ request.

Explanation: This message identifies this record as an accounting record. System Action: A hexadecimal dump of the record is produced, and formatting continues with the next record. CSQW207I A Null Self Defining section was detected

Explanation: The MQ trace formatter has detected a self-defining section of zero length. System Action: Formatting continues with the next self-defining section. CSQW208E Invalid address detected

Explanation: The MQ trace formatter has been passed an invalid address. The address is in low storage. System Action: Formatting of the record is suppressed. Formatting continues with the next record.

Chapter 14. Instrumentation facilities messages (CSQW...)



Messages and Codes

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)

CSQX000I IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS version problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX006E csect-name Channel initiator failed while stopping Explanation: This message is issued when the channel initiator starts, and shows the release level. Severity: 0 CSQX001I csect-name Channel initiator starting

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator termination processing. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator started task terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX007E csect-name Unable to connect to queue manager qmgr-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The channel initiator address space is starting, in response to a START CHINIT command. Severity: 0 System Action: Channel initiator startup processing begins. Message CSQX022I is sent when the startup process has completed. CSQX002I csect-name Queue-sharing group is qsg-name

Explanation: This is issued during channel initiator startup processing or in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command if the queue manager that the channel initiator uses is in a queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQX003I csect-name Obsolete parameter module ignored

Explanation: An attempt by the channel initiator to connect to the queue manager was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: If the error occurred during the channel initiator startup procedure, the channel initiator does not start. In other cases, the component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, or listener) does not start and the function it provides is unavailable; in most cases, the end result is that the channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX008E csect-name Unable to disconnect from queue manager qmgr-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The START CHINIT command specified a parameter module name using the PARM keyword. The use of a channel initiator parameter module is obsolete, so the name is ignored. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Channel initiator parameters are specified by queue manager attributes. Use the ALTER QMGR command to set the values you want. CSQX005E csect-name Channel initiator failed to start

Explanation: An attempt by the channel initiator to disconnect from the queue manager was unsuccessful. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc to determine the cause of the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX009I csect-name Channel initiator stopping

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator startup processing. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator started task terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator processing; the channel initiator is unable to continue. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX010I csect-name Channel initiator stopped

Severity: 4 System Action: None. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly if necessary. CSQX014E csect-name Listener exceeded channel limit, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition

Explanation: The channel initiator terminated following an error, as reported in the preceding messages. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX011I csect-name Client attachment feature available

Explanation: The number of current channels using the indicated communications system trptype is the maximum allowed. The listener cannot accept an incoming request to start another channel; if the maximum is 0, the listener itself cannot start. (The name of the channel requested cannot be determined because the listener could not accept the request.) Current channels include stopped and retrying channels as well as active channels. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. The maximum allowed is specified in the TCPCHL or LU62CHL queue manager attribute respectively, but may be reduced if a dispatcher fails, or if TCP/IP resources are restricted (as reported by message CSQX118I). Severity: 8 System Action: The channel or listener does not start. System Programmer Response: If the maximum allowed is zero, communications using the indicated system trptype are not allowed, and no such channels can be started. The listener also cannot be started. If the maximum allowed is non-zero, wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the remote channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase TCPCHL or LU62CHL. CSQX015I csect-name started dispatchers started, failed failed

Explanation: The client attachment feature has been installed, so clients can be attached to and MQI channels can be used with the channel initiator. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator startup processing continues. CSQX012E csect-name Unable to open ddname data set

Explanation: The ddname data set could not be opened, as reported in the preceding messages. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but functions that require the data set will be inhibited. For example, if the exit library data set CSQXLIB cannot be opened, user channel and channel auto-definition exits will not be available, and channels that use them will not start. If the error information data set CSQSNAP cannot be opened, the error information will be lost. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX013I csect-name Address conflict for listener, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: The channel initiator startup procedure has started the requested number of dispatchers; started dispatchers started successfully and failed dispatchers did not start. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator startup processing continues. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately if some dispatchers did not start. System Programmer Response: If the message indicates that some dispatchers failed, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.

Explanation: A STOP LISTENER or START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already active for a port and IP address combination that conflicted with the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is *, all IP addresses were requested. The port and IP address combination specified must match a combination for which the listener is active. It cannot be a superset or a subset of that combination.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Listener already started, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition

CSQM052I issued by the queue manager for more details. CSQX021E csect-name Shared channel recovery error

Explanation: A START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already active. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX017I csect-name Listener already started, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: The channel initiator startup procedure did not complete the shared channel recovery process, because an error occurred. Severity: 0 System Action: The recovery process is terminated; some channels may have been recovered, while others have not. System Programmer Response: See the error messages (such as CSQM053E) issued by the queue manager for more details. When the problem has been resolved, either start any unrecovered channels manually, or restart the channel initiator. CSQX022I csect-name Channel initiator initialization complete

Explanation: A START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(TCP) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already active for the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is *, all IP addresses were requested. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX018I csect-name Listener already stopped or stopping, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition

Explanation: A STOP LISTENER or START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already stopped or in the process of stopping. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX019I csect-name Listener already stopped or stopping, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: Initialization of the channel initiator completed normally, and the channel initiator is ready for use. Note, however, that processing of the CSQINPX command data set may still be in progress; its completion is shown by message CSQU012I. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX023I csect-name Listener started, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: A STOP LISTENER or START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition), but that listener was already stopped or in the process of stopping for the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is *, all IP addresses were requested. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX020I csect-name Shared channel recovery completed

Explanation: A START LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition). That listener is now active for the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is *, all IP addresses were requested. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX024I csect-name Listener stopped, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: The channel initiator startup procedure has successfully completed the shared channel recovery process, for channels that were owned by itself and for channels that were owned by other queue managers. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See message

Explanation: A STOP LISTENER command was issued specifying TRPTYPE(trptype) and INDISP(disposition). That listener is no longer active for the requested port and IP address. If ip-address is *, all IP addresses were requested. Severity: 0 System Action: None.

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)



csect-name Unable to locate the trace header, RC=12

System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX030I csect-name type trace started, assigned trace number tno

Explanation: The trace formatting routine was unable to locate the trace control information in the trace data space in a dump of the channel initiator address space. Severity: 8 System Action: Formatting terminates. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause is that the dump has not been produced correctly. Re-create the dump, and try again. CSQX027E csect-name Unable to get storage, RC=return-code

Explanation: During channel initiator initialization, a type trace has been started automatically and assigned the trace number tno. System Action: Processing continues. CSQX031E csect-name Initialization command handler ended abnormally, reason=00sssuuu

Explanation: An attempt to obtain some storage failed. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS STORAGE service. Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, listener, repository manager, supervisor, or trace formatter) usually terminates; in many cases, the end result will be that the channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the STORAGE request. CSQX028E csect-name Unable to free storage, RC=return-code

Explanation: The initialization command handler, which processes the CSQINPX command data set, is ending abnormally. sss is the system completion code, and uuu is the user completion code (both in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The initialization command handler ends abnormally, but the channel initiator continues. System Programmer Response: If a system completion code is shown, see the MVS System Codes manual for information about the problem; the message will normally be preceded by other messages giving additional information. The most likely cause is erroneous definition of the CSQINPX and CSQOUTX data sets. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the initialization command handler and these data sets. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX032I csect-name Initialization command handler terminated

Explanation: An attempt to release some storage failed. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS STORAGE service. Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, or listener) usually ignores the error and continues processing. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the STORAGE request. CSQX029I csect-name Queue manager qmgr-name stopping, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The initialization command handler, which processes the CSQINPX command data set, was terminated before completing all the commands because the channel initiator is stopping, and so cannot process any more commands. Severity: 4 System Action: The initialization command handler ends. System Programmer Response: Refer to the CSQOUTX data set for information about the commands that were processed. If the channel initiator is not stopping because of a STOP command, refer to the preceding messages for information about the problem causing it to stop. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the initialization command handler.

Explanation: In response to an MQ API call, the queue manager notified the channel initiator that it is stopping. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator terminates.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Channel initiator stopping because of errors


csect-name Unable to get message from name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator processing; the channel initiator is unable to continue. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX034I csect-name Channel initiator stopping because queue manager is stopping

Explanation: An MQGET call for queue name was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX038E csect-name Unable to put message to name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The queue manager notified the channel initiator that it is stopping. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator terminates. CSQX035I csect-name Connection to queue manager qmgr-name stopping or broken, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQPUT call for queue name was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX039E csect-name Unable to close name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: In response to an MQ API call, the channel initiator found that its connection to the queue manager was no longer available. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX036E csect-name Unable to open name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQOPEN call for name was unsuccessful; name may be a queue name, queue manager name, namelist name, channel name, or authentication information name. (The channel initiator can access channel definitions and authentication information as objects using the MQ API.) Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. The most common cause of the problem will be that the channel and queue definitions are incorrect.

Explanation: An MQCLOSE call for name was unsuccessful; name may be a queue name, queue manager name, namelist name, channel name, or authentication information name. (The channel initiator can access channel definitions and authentication information as objects using the MQ API.) Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX040E csect-name Unable to inquire attributes for name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: An MQINQ call for name was unsuccessful; name may be a queue name, queue manager name, namelist name, channel name, or authentication information name. (The channel initiator can access channel definitions and authentication information as objects using the MQ API.)
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX041E csect-name Unable to set attributes for name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

information about the return and reason codes from the CTRACE request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX044E csect-name Unable to initialize PC routines, RC=rc reason=reason

Explanation: An MQSET call for queue name was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, listener, or supervisor) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX042E csect-name Unable to define comp to CTRACE, RC=rc reason=reason

Explanation: The PC routines required by the channel initiator could not be defined. The reason code reason shows which z/OS service failed: 00E74007 LXRES failed 00E74008 ETCRE failed 00E74009 ETCON failed rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the indicated OS/390 service. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator does not start. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return codes from the z/OS services. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX045E csect-name Unable to load module-name, reason=ssssrrrr

Explanation: The CTRACE component definitions (for component comp) required by the channel initiator could not be defined. rc is the return code and reason is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS CTRACE service. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator does not start. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return and reason codes from the CTRACE request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX043E csect-name Unable to delete comp from CTRACE, RC=rc reason=reason

Explanation: The channel initiator was unable to load a required module. ssss is the completion code and rrrr is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS LOAD service. System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, repository manager, or listener) does not start and the function it provides is unavailable; in many cases, the end result is that the channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why the module was not loaded. See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the codes from the LOAD request. Ensure that the module is in the required library, and that it is referenced correctly. The channel initiator attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure xxxxCHIN. CSQX046E csect-name Unable to initialize data conversion services, reason=reason

Explanation: The CTRACE component definitions (for component comp) used by the channel initiator could not be deleted. rc is the return code and reason is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS CTRACE service. Severity: 4 System Action: Channel initiator termination processing continues. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for

Explanation: The data conversion services required by the channel initiator could not be initialized. The reason code reason shows why:


Messages and Codes

00C10002 Unable to load modules 00C10003 Insufficient storage other Internal error Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator does not start. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating that a module was not loaded. Ensure that the module is in the required library, and that it is referenced correctly. The channel initiator attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure xxxxCHIN. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX047E csect-name Unable to commit messages for name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX050E csect-name Unable to create access list for queue manager, RC=rc

Explanation: The channel initiator could not create the necessary storage access list for the queue manager to use. rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ALESERV service. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator does not start. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ALESERV request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX051E csect-name Unable to share storage with the queue manager, RC=rc

Explanation: An MQCMIT call involving messages for queue name was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (supervisor) terminates. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX048I csect-name Unable to convert message for name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A request by the channel initiator to allow the queue manager to share some storage failed. rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS IARVSERV service. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator does not start. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the IARVSERV request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX052E csect-name Timer task attach failed, RC=return-code

Explanation: A message being put to an IMS bridge queue name required data conversion, but the conversion was not successful. Severity: 0 System Action: The message is put without conversion, and processing continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX049E csect-name Unable to retrieve token for name name, RC=rc

Explanation: The repository manager task could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX053E csect-name Error information recorded in CSQSNAP data set

Explanation: A token in a name/token pair required by the channel initiator could not be retrieved. rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS IEANTRT service. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator does not start. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the IEANTRT

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. Severity: 8
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set CSQX054E csect-name Repository manager ended abnormally, reason=sssuuu-reason

System Programmer Response: See the Language Environment for z/OS & VM Programming Guide for information about the return code from the CEEPIPI call. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX057E csect-name Cluster cache task attach failed, RC=return-code

Explanation: The channel initiator cluster cache task could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX058E csect-name Pause service service-name failed, RC=return-code

Explanation: The repository manager is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The repository manager ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it. System Programmer Response: User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQX055E csect-name Repository manager attach failed, RC=return-code

Explanation: An error occurred processing a pause element. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS pause service service-name. Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, repository manager, cluster cache extension task,) usually terminates; in many cases, the end result will be that the channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX059E csect-name Unable to increase cluster cache

Explanation: The repository manager task could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX056E csect-name Preinitialization services request failed, function code=func, RC=rc

Explanation: The dynamic cluster cache cannot be increased because the channel initiator cluster cache task encountered an error. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in any preceding messages. CSQX070I csect-name CHINIT parameters ...

Explanation: A preinitialization services (CEEPIPI) call failed. func is the function code used (in decimal) and rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the call. Severity: 8 System Action: The component where the error occurred (message channel agent or SSL server subtask) terminates. In the case of a message channel agent, the associated channel will be stopped.

Explanation: The channel initiator is being started with the parameter values shown in the following messages: CSQX071I, CSQX072I, CSQX073I, CSQX074I, CSQX075I, CSQX078I, CSQX079I, CSQX080I, CSQX081I, CSQX082I, CSQX085I, CSQX090I, CSQX091I, CSQX092I,


Messages and Codes

CSQX093I, CSQX094I, CSQX099I. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator startup processing continues. System Programmer Response: Channel initiator parameters are specified by queue manager attributes. Use the ALTER QMGR command to set the values you want. CSQX100E csect-name Dispatcher failed to start, TCB=tcb-name


csect-name Dispatcher unexpected error, TCB=tcb-name RC=return-code

Explanation: The dispatcher using TCB tcb-name had an internal error. Severity: 8 System Action: The dispatcher ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00E7010F', and a dump is issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQX104E csect-name Unable to establish ESTAE, RC=return-code

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during dispatcher startup processing. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator will attempt to restart the dispatcher. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX101E csect-name Dispatcher unable to schedule essential process process

Explanation: During startup processing, the recovery environment could not be set up. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ESTAE service. Severity: 8 System Action: The component that was starting (dispatcher, adapter subtask, SSL server subtask, supervisor, repository manager, or channel initiator itself) does not start. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ESTAE request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX106E csect-name Unable to connect to TCP/IP using OpenEdition, service serv RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: During dispatcher startup processing, one of the essential dispatcher processes (named process) could not be scheduled. Severity: 8 System Action: The dispatcher does not start. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause is insufficient storage. If increasing the available storage does not solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX102E csect-name Dispatcher linkage stack error, TCB=tcb-name

Explanation: Use of TCP/IP with the OpenEdition sockets interface was requested, but an error occurred. return-code and reason are the return and reason codes (both in hexadecimal) from the OpenEdition service serv that gave the error. The most likely causes are: v The user ID that the channel initiator uses is not set up correctly for use with OpenEdition. For example, it may not have a valid OMVS segment defined or its security profile may be incomplete. v The TCPNAME queue manager attribute does not specify a valid TCP/IP stack name. These stack names are defined in the SUBFILESYSTYPE NAME parameter in member BPXPRMxx for SYS1.PARMLIB. v The MAXFILEPROC or MAXPROCUSER parameter in member BPXPRMxx for SYS1.PARMLIB is too small. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)

Explanation: The dispatcher using TCB tcb-name found an inconsistency in the linkage stack. Severity: 8 System Action: The dispatcher ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00E7010E', and a dump is issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause is incorrect use of the linkage stack by a user channel exit; exits must issue any MQ API calls and return to the caller at the same linkage stack level as they were entered. If exits are not being used, or if they do not use the linkage stack, contact your IBM support center to report the problem.


communications using TCP/IP with the OpenEdition sockets interface will not be available. System Programmer Response: See the z/OS OpenEdition Messages and Codes manual for information about the codes from the service request. CSQX107I csect-name TCP/IP communications unavailable

dump is normally issued. The channel is stopped, and must be restarted manually. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. If a system completion code is shown, see the MVS System Codes manual for information about the problem in your exit. CSQX112E csect-name Dispatcher process error, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason

Explanation: Use of TCP/IP was specified by the channel initiator parameters, but that interface is not available with the libraries that the channel initiator is using. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but communications using TCP/IP will not be available. System Programmer Response: Check that the SCSQMVR1 library data set for the channel initiator has been specified in the STEPLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure.xxxxCHIN, See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for more information about the channel initiator parameters and the library data sets. CSQX110E csect-name User data conversion exit error, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason

Explanation: A process run by the dispatcher using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The process ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. If the process is a message channel agent, the channel is stopped, and will need to be restarted manually. System Programmer Response: User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. If a system completion code is shown, and you are using user channel exits, check that your exit is setting its parameter lists correctly; otherwise, contact your IBM support center. CSQX113E csect-name Dispatcher ended abnormally, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason

Explanation: A process for the dispatcher using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred in a user data conversion exit. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The process ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel is stopped, and must be restarted manually. System Programmer Response: User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. If a system completion code is shown, see the MVS System Codes manual for information about the problem in your exit. CSQX111E csect-name User channel exit error, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason

Explanation: The dispatcher using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The dispatcher ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it. System Programmer Response: User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center.

Explanation: A process for the dispatcher using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred in a user channel exit. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The process ends abnormally, and a


Messages and Codes


csect-name Dispatcher failed, reason=reason

TCPCHL queue manager attribute. This can occur because: v TCP/IP resources are restricted. The OpenEdition MAXFILEPROC parameter (specified in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB) controls how many sockets each task is allowed: in other words, how many channels each dispatcher is allowed v Some dispatchers have failed and not been restarted; the number of current TCP/IP channels allowed will be reduced proportionately Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: If TCP/IP resources are restricted, consider increasing either the OpenEdition MAXFILEPROC parameter or the number of dispatchers if you need more current TCP/IP channels. CSQX119I csect-name LU 6.2 channel limit reduced to nn

Explanation: A dispatcher ended abnormally, as reported in the preceding messages, and could not be restarted. reason shows the type of failure: 0000000A Startup error 0000000B Linkage stack error 0000000D Uncorrectable error other Completion code in the form 00sssuuu, where sss is the system completion code and uuu is the user completion code (both in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator will attempt to restart the dispatcher. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX115E csect-name Dispatcher not restarted too many failures

Explanation: A dispatcher failed; because it had already failed too many times, the channel initiator did not attempt to restart it. Severity: 8 System Action: The dispatcher is not restarted. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately, and other processing capacity may be reduced. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problems causing the dispatcher failures. CSQX116I csect-name Dispatcher restarted, number dispatchers active

Explanation: This is issued during channel initiator startup processing and in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command if the maximum number of current LU 6.2 channels allowed is less than is specified in the LU62CHL queue manager attribute. This can occur because some dispatchers have failed and not been restarted; the number of current LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately. Severity: 0 CSQX140E csect-name Adapter failed to start

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during adapter subtask startup processing. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator will attempt to restart the adapter subtask. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX141I csect-name started adapter subtasks started, failed failed

Explanation: A dispatcher failed, but was successfully restarted by the channel initiator. number dispatchers are now active. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be increased proportionately. CSQX118I csect-name TCP/IP channel limit reduced to nn

Explanation: The channel initiator startup procedure has started the requested number of adapter subtasks; started adapter subtasks started successfully and failed adapter subtasks did not start. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator startup processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the message indicates that some adapter subtasks failed, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.

Explanation: This is issued during channel initiator startup processing and in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command if the maximum number of current TCP/IP channels allowed is less than is specified in the

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)



csect-name Adapter subtask failed to start, TCB=tcb-name

System Action: The adapter subtask is not restarted; processing capacity may therefore be reduced. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problems causing the adapter subtask failures. CSQX146I csect-name Adapter subtask restarted, active subtasks active

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during adapter subtask startup processing. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator will attempt to restart the adapter subtask. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX143E csect-name Adapter subtask ended abnormally, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason

Explanation: A adapter subtask failed, but was successfully restarted by the channel initiator. active adapter subtasks are now active. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQX150E csect-name SSL server failed to start

Explanation: The adapter subtask using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The adapter subtask ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it. System Programmer Response: If you are using user channel exits, check that your exit is setting its parameter lists correctly. User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center. CSQX144E csect-name Adapter subtask attach failed, RC=return-code

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during SSL server subtask startup processing. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator will attempt to restart the SSL server subtask. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX151I csect-name started SSL server subtasks started, failed failed

Explanation: The channel initiator startup procedure has started the requested number of SSL server subtasks; started SSL server subtasks started successfully and failed SSL server subtasks did not start. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator startup processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the message indicates that some SSL server subtasks failed, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX152E csect-name SSL server subtask failed to start, TCB=tcb-name

Explanation: An adapter subtask could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service. Severity: 8 System Action: The adapter subtask is not restarted. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX145E csect-name Adapter subtask not restarted too many failures

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during SSL server subtask startup processing. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel initiator will attempt to restart the SSL server subtask. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages.

Explanation: A adapter subtask failed; because it had already failed too many times, the channel initiator did not attempt to restart it. Severity: 8


Messages and Codes


csect-name SSL server subtask ended abnormally, TCB=tcb-name reason=sssuuu-reason

Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQX160E csect-name SSL communications unavailable

Explanation: The SSL server subtask using TCB tcb-name is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The SSL server subtask ends abnormally, and a dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it. System Programmer Response: If you are using user channel exits, check that your exit is setting its parameter lists correctly. User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center. CSQX154E csect-name SSL server subtask attach failed, RC=return-code

Explanation: SSL communications are requested but an error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during channel initiator startup processing. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. If you do not want to use SSL communications, set the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute to 0. CSQX161E csect-name SSL key repository name not specified

Explanation: SSL communications are requested but no SSL key respository name is specified; that is, the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute is non-zero, but the SSLKEYR queue manager attribute is blank. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but communications using SSL will not be available. System Programmer Response: Use the ALTER QMGR command to specify a name for the SSL key repository with the SSLKEYR attribute, and restart the channel initiator. If you do not want to use SSL communications, set the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute to 0. CSQX162E csect-name SSL CRL namelist is empty or wrong type

Explanation: An SSL server subtask could not be attached. return-code is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the z/OS ATTACH service. Severity: 8 System Action: The SSL server subtask is not restarted. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX155E csect-name SSL server subtask not restarted too many failures

Explanation: A SSL server subtask failed; because it had already failed too many times, the channel initiator did not attempt to restart it. Severity: 8 System Action: The SSL server subtask is not restarted; processing capacity may therefore be reduced. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problems causing the SSL server subtask failures. CSQX156I csect-name SSL server subtask restarted, active subtasks active

Explanation: SSL communications are requested but the SSL authentication namelist specified by the SSLCRLNL queue manager attribute is empty or not of type AUTHINFO. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but communications using SSL will not be available. System Programmer Response: Correct the definitions of the namelist, and restart the channel initiator. If you do not want to use SSL communications, set the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute to 0. CSQX163I csect-name SSL CRL namelist has too many names first n used

Explanation: A SSL server subtask failed, but was successfully restarted by the channel initiator. active SSL server subtasks are now active.

Explanation: The SSL authentication namelist specified by the SSLCRLNL queue manager attribute has more names than are supported. The number supported is n. Severity: 4
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


System Action: Processing continues; the excess names are ignored. System Programmer Response: Correct the definitions of the namelist. CSQX164E csect-name Unable to access SSL key repository

System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid response code. CSQX182E csect-name Invalid secondary response response setby exit exit-name

Explanation: The SSL key respository, whose name is specified by the SSLKEYR queue manager attribute, could not be accessed. The most likely causes are: v The specified key repository does not exist. v The channel initiator does not have permission to read the specified key repository. v The channel initiator was unable to connect to the LDAP server specified in an authentication information object listed in the SSL CRL namelist. v When using shared key rings, the name is not prefixed with userid/. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but communications using SSL will not be available. Channels using SSL communications will not start. System Programmer Response: Check that: v the SSL key repository name is specified correctly; if using a shared key ring, it is prefixed with userid/ v the key ring specified as the SSL key repository exists, and the channel initiator has permission to read it v the LDAP name is specified correctly and that it is available. CSQX165I csect-name SSL key repository refresh already in progress

Explanation: The user exit exit-name returned an invalid secondary response code (response, shown in hexadecimal) in the ExitResponse2 field of the channel exit parameters (MQCXP). Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid secondary response code. CSQX184E csect-name Invalid exit buffer address address set by exit exit-name

Explanation: The user exit exit-name returned an invalid address for the exit buffer when the secondary response code in the ExitResponse2 field of the channel exit parameters (MQCXP) is set to MQXR2_USE_EXIT_BUFFER. Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid exit buffer address. The most likely cause is failing to set a value, so that it is 0. CSQX187E csect-name Invalid header compression value set by exit exit-name

Explanation: A REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command was issued, but an SSL key repository refresh was already in progress. System Action: The command is ignored. The refresh currently in progress continues. Severity: 0 CSQX181E csect-name Invalid response response set by exit exit-name

Explanation: The user exit exit-name returned a header compression value that was not one of those which were negotiated as acceptable when the channel started. Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid value. If necessary, alter the channel definitions so that the desired compression value is acceptable.

Explanation: The user exit exit-name returned an invalid response code (response, shown in hexadecimal) in the ExitResponse field of the channel exit parameters (MQCXP). Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Invalid message compression value set by exit exit-name

transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set invalid values. CSQX196E csect-name Data length data-length set by exit exit-name is larger than agent buffer length ab-length

Explanation: The user exit exit-name returned a message compression value that was not one of those which were negotiated as acceptable when the channel started. Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid value. If necessary, alter the channel definitions so that the desired compression value is acceptable. CSQX189E csect-name Invalid data length length set by exit exit-name

Explanation: The user exit exit-name returned data in the supplied agent buffer, but the length specified is greater than the length of the buffer. Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid data length. CSQX197E csect-name Data length data-length set by exit exit-name is larger than exit buffer length eb-length

Explanation: The user exit exit-name returned a data length value that was not greater than zero. Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid data length. CSQX190E csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because of error in exit exit-name, Id=ExitId reason=ExitReason

Explanation: The user exit exit-name returned data in the supplied exit buffer, but the length specified is greater than the length of the buffer. Severity: 8 System Action: Message CSQX190E is issued giving more details, and the channel stops. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the user exit program set an invalid data length. CSQX199E csect-name Unrecognized message code ccc

Explanation: The user exit exit-name invoked for channel channel-name returned invalid values, as reported in the preceding messages. ExitId shows the type of exit: 11 MQXT_CHANNEL_SEC_EXIT, security exit 12 MQXT_CHANNEL_MSG_EXIT, message exit 13 MQXT_CHANNEL_SEND_EXIT, send exit 14 MQXT_CHANNEL_RCV_EXIT, receive exit 16 MQXT_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_EXIT, auto-definition exit and ExitReason shows the reason for invoking it: 11 MQXR_INIT, initialization 12 MQXR_TERM, termination 13 MQXR_MSG, process a message 14 MQXR_XMIT, process a transmission 15 MQXR_SEC_MSG, security message received 16 MQXR_INIT_SEC, initiate security exchange 18 MQXR_AUTO_CLUSSDR, auto-definition of cluster-sender channel 28 MQXR_AUTO_CLUSRCVR, auto-definition of cluster-receiver channel Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated

Explanation: An unexpected error message code has been issued by the channel initiator. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Note the code ccc (which is shown in hexadecimal) and contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQX201E csect-name Unable to allocate conversation, channel channel-name, connection conn-id TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: An attempt to allocate a conversation on connection conn-id was not successful. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used:
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)





The return code from it (in hexadecimal) was return-code. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: The error may be due to an incorrect entry in the channel definition. Correct the error and try again. It could also be that the listening program at the remote end is not running. If so, perform the necessary operations to start the listener for trptype, and try again. See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If using TCP/IP, see the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code. CSQX202E csect-name Connection or remote listener unavailable, channel channel-name, connection conn-id TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code reason=reason

csect-name Error in communications configuration, channel channel-name, connection conn-id TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: An attempt to allocate a conversation on connection conn-id was not successful because of a communications configuration error. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS The return code from it (in hexadecimal) was return-code. For some errors, there may also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. Probable causes are: v If the communications protocol is LU 6.2: One of the transmission parameters (MODENAME or TPNAME or PARTNER_LU) in the side information is incorrect, or that there is no side information for the symbolic destination name specified as the connection name. Correct the error and try again. An LU 6.2 session has not been established, perhaps because the LU has not been enabled. Issue the z/OS command VARY ACTIVE if this is the case. v If the communications protocol is TCP/IP: The connection name specified is incorrect, or that it cannot be resolved to a network address, or the name may not be in the name server. Correct the error and try again. If the return code is zero, there is a name server problem. The OMVS command OPING usually fails in the same way. Resolve this failure and restart the channel. Check the /etc/resolv.conf file and check that the correct name server address is specified in the NSINTERADDR statement. See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code. CSQX204E csect-name Connection attempt rejected, channel channel-name, connection conn-id TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: An attempt to allocate a conversation was not successful because the connection conn-id was unavailable. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS The return code from it (in hexadecimal) was return-code. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: The attempt to start the channel is retried. System Programmer Response: Try again later. A likely cause is that the listener at the remote end was not running or has been started using the wrong port or LU name. If this is the case, perform the necessary operations to start the appropriate listener, and try again. See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If using TCP/IP, see the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.

Explanation: An attempt to connect on connection conn-id was rejected. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be


Messages and Codes

determined and so is shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS The return code from it (in hexadecimal) was return-code. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Check the appropriate listener has been started on the remote end. See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If the communications protocol is LU 6.2, it is possible that either the user ID or password supplied at the remote LU is incorrect. The remote host or LU may not be configured to allow connections from the local host or LU. If the communications protocol is TCP/IP, it is possible that the remote host does not recognize the local host. See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code. CSQX205E csect-name Unable to resolve network address, channel channel-name, connection conn-id TRPTYPE=TCP RC=return-code reason=reason


csect-name Error sending data, channel channel-name, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: An error occurred sending data to conn-id, which may be due to a communications failure. The associated channel is channel-name and the associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases the names cannot be determined and so are shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS The return code from it (in hexadecimal) was return-code. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is stopped. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If using TCP/IP, see the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code. Note that the error may have occurred because the channel at the other end has stopped for some reason, for example an error in a receive user exit. CSQX207E csect-name Invalid data received, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype

Explanation: The supplied connection name conn-id could not be resolved into a TCP/IP network address. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. The return code from TCP/IP (in hexadecimal) was return-code. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Check the local TCP/IP configuration. Either the name server does not contain the host or LU name, or the name server was not available. See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from TCP/IP. See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code.

Explanation: Data received from connection conn-id was not in the required format. The associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS Severity: 8 System Action: The data is ignored. System Programmer Response: A likely cause is that an unknown host or LU is attempting to send data. CSQX208E csect-name Error receiving data, channel channel-name, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: An error occurred receiving data from connection conn-id, which may be due to a communications failure. The associated channel is
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


channel-name and the associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases the names cannot be determined and so are shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS The return code from it (in hexadecimal) was return-code. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is stopped. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. If using TCP/IP, see the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code. CSQX209E csect-name Connection unexpectedly terminated, channel channel-name, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype

determined and so is shown as ????. The return code from APPC/MVS allocate services was return-code and the associated reason code was reason (both in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Check the APPC/MVS configuration. See APPC allocate services return codes on page 532 for the cause of the return code from APPC/MVS allocate services, and the Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manual for more information. CSQX212E csect-name Unable to allocate socket, channel channel-name, TRPTYPE=TCP RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: A TCP/IP socket could not be created, possibly because of a storage problem. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. The return code (in hexadecimal) from TCP/IP was return-code. For some errors, there might also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from TCP/IP. See the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual for information about the reason code. CSQX213E csect-name Communications error, channel channel-name, TRPTYPE=trptype function func RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: An error occurred receiving data from connection conn-id. The connection to the remote host or LU has unexpectedly terminated. The associated channel is channel-name and the associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases the names cannot be determined and so are shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS However, this message can also occur in cases where there is no error; for example, if the TCP/IP command TELNET is issued that is directed at the port which the channel initiator is using. Severity: 8 System Action: If a channel is involved, it is stopped. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Review the local and remote console logs for reports of network errors. CSQX210E csect-name Unable to complete bind, channel channel-name, connection conn-id TRPTYPE=LU62 RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: An unexpected communications error occurred for a listener or a channel. If it was for a listener, the csect-name is CSQXCLMA, and the channel name is shown as ????. If it was for a channel, the channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS func is the name of the TCP/IP or APPC/MVS function that gave the error. In some cases the function name is not known and so is shown as ????. return-code is v normally, the return code (in hexadecimal) from the communications system function

Explanation: An incoming attach request arrived on connection conn-id, but the local host or LU was unable to complete the bind. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be


Messages and Codes

v for an LU 6.2 listener, it may be the reason code (in hexadecimal) from APPC/MVS allocate services v if it is of the form 10009nnn or 20009nnn, it is a distributed queuing message code. For some errors, there may also be an associated reason code reason (in hexadecimal) giving more information. Severity: 8 System Action: If the error occurred for a channel, the channel is stopped. For a listener, the channel is not started or, in some cases, the listener terminates. System Programmer Response: See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from the communications system. A distributed queuing message code nnn is generally associated with message CSQXnnnE, which will normally be issued previously. See that message explanation for more information. Where no such message is described, see Appendix F, Distributed queuing message codes for the corresponding message number. Check for error messages on the partner system that may indicate the cause of the problem. CSQX215E csect-name Communications network not available, TRPTYPE=trptype

System Action: The listener is not started. System Programmer Response: The failure could be due to another program using the same port number. See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the return code from TCP/IP. CSQX219E csect-name Listener stopped error creating new connection, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a new TCP/IP socket because an attach request was received, but an error occurred. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 8 System Action: The listener stops. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute. System Programmer Response: The failure may be transitory, try again later. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to stop some other jobs that use TCP/IP, or to restart TCP/IP. CSQX220E csect-name Communications network not available, channel channel-name, TRPTYPE=trptype

Explanation: An attempt was made to use the communications system, but it has not been started or has stopped. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS Severity: 8 System Action: The channel or listener is not started. System Programmer Response: Start the communications system, and try again. CSQX218E csect-name Listener not started unable to bind, port port address ip-address, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition, RC=return-code

Explanation: An attempt was made to use the communications system by a channel or a listener, but it has not been started or has stopped. If it was for a channel, the channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. If it was for a listener, the channel name is again shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS Severity: 8 System Action: The channel or listener is not started. System Programmer Response: Start the communications system, and try again. CSQX228E csect-name Listener unable to start channel, channel channel-name, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition

Explanation: An attempt to bind the TCP/IP socket to the indicated listener port was not successful. ip-address is the IP address used, or * if the listener is using all IP addresses. The return code (in hexadecimal) from TCP/IP was return-code. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 8

Explanation: An incoming attach request arrived, but the listener for trptype could not start an instance of a channel to respond to it. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????.
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. However, this message can also occur in cases where there is no error; for example, if the TCP/IP command TELNET is issued that is directed at the port which the channel initiator is using. Severity: 8 System Action: If a channel is involved, it is not started. System Programmer Response: The failure could be because the channel initiator is currently too busy; try again when there are fewer channels running. If the problem persists, increase the number of dispatchers used by the channel initiator. CSQX234I csect-name Listener stopped, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition

v The local address cannot be resolved to a valid address. v The local address is valid, but is incompatible with the address in the connection name for the channel, because the IP address version differs. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. The return code from TCP/IP (in hexadecimal) was return-code. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the local address and the connection name are using the same IP address version. Check the local TCP/IP configuration: either the name server does not contain the host name, or the name server was not available. See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from TCP/IP. CSQX239E csect-name Unable to determine local host name, channel channel-name, TRPTYPE=TCP RC=return-code

Explanation: The specified listener terminated. This may be because a STOP command was issued, because there was an error in the communications system, or because of some other error. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. If the listener was not deliberately stopped, the channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute. System Programmer Response: If the listener was not deliberately stopped, look at any preceding messages relating to the channel initiator or to the TCP/IP, OMVS, or APPC address spaces to determine the cause. CSQX235E csect-name Invalid local address local-addr, channel channel-name, TRPTYPE=trptype RC=return-code

Explanation: An attempt was made to start a channel or listener using TCP/IP, but the TCP/IP gethostname call failed. If it was for a channel, the channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. If it was for a listener, the channel name is again shown as ????. The return code (in hexadecimal) from TCP/IP was return-code. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel or listener is not started. System Programmer Response: See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for information about the cause of the return code from TCP/IP. CSQX250E csect-name Listener ended abnormally, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition, reason=sssuuu-reason

Explanation: The supplied local address local-addr could not be resolved to a TCP/IP network address. The associated channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. The return code from TCP/IP (in hexadecimal) was return-code. The supplied local address local-addr could not be resolved to a TCP/IP network address for one of the following reasons: v The local address is invalid.

Explanation: The specified listener is ending abnormally because an error that cannot be corrected has occurred. sss is the system completion code, uuu is the user completion code, and reason is the associated reason code (all in hexadecimal). disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 8 System Action: The listener ends abnormally, and a


Messages and Codes

dump is normally issued. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute. System Programmer Response: User completion codes are generally the result of errors detected by the Language Environment; see the Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages for information about these codes. Otherwise, contact your IBM support center. CSQX251I csect-name Listener started, TRPTYPE=trptype INDISP=disposition

GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 4 System Action: The listener continues to run, but the connection is not created. System Programmer Response: The failure may be transitory, try again later. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to stop some other jobs that use TCP/IP, or to restart TCP/IP. CSQX258E csect-name Listener stopped error accepting new connection, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: The specified listener started successfully. This may be as a result of a START LISTENER command, or because the listener restarted automatically following an error. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQX256E csect-name Listener stopped error selecting new connection, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: An error occurred in the listener accept processing. The listener was notified by TCP/IP, but no attach request was received. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 8 System Action: The listener stops. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute. System Programmer Response: The failure may be transitory, try again later. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to stop some other jobs that use TCP/IP, or to restart TCP/IP. CSQX259E csect-name Connection timed out, channel channel-name, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name) TRPTYPE=trptype

Explanation: An error occurred in the listener select processing. The listener was notified by TCP/IP, but no attach request was received. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 8 System Action: The listener stops. The channel initiator will attempt to restart it, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute. System Programmer Response: The failure may be transitory, try again later. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to stop some other jobs that use TCP/IP, or to restart TCP/IP. CSQX257I csect-name Listener unable to create new connection, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition

Explanation: The connection conn-id timed out. The associated channel is channel-name and the associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases the names cannot be determined and so are shown as ????. trptype shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS Probable causes are: v A communications failure. v For a message channel, if the Receive Timeout function is being used (as set by the RCVTIME, RCVTTYPE, and RCVTMIN queue manager attributes) and no response was received from the partner within this time. v For an MQI channel, if the Client Idle function is being used (as set by the DISCINT server-connection channel attribute) and the client application did not issue an MQI call within this time. Severity: 8
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a new TCP/IP socket because an attach request was received, but an error occurred. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener was handling: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager


System Action: The channel stops. System Programmer Response: For a message channel, check the remote end to see why the time out occurred. Note that, if retry values are set, the remote end will restart automatically. If necessary, set the receive wait time for the queue manager to be higher. For an MQI channel, check that the client application behaviour is correct. If so, set the disconnect interval for the channel to be higher. CSQX260E csect-name Client attachment feature unavailable, channel channel-name, connection conn-id

shows the communications system used: TCP TCP/IP LU62 APPC/MVS Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is stopped. System Programmer Response: Restart the channel if appropriate. CSQX403I csect-name Auto-definition of channel channel-name suppressed by exit exit-name

Explanation: An attempt to attach a client on connection conn-id by MQI channel channel-name was rejected because the client attachment feature is not available. In some cases, the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The client is not attached, and the connection from the client application fails with MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE. System Programmer Response: Install the client attachment feature if support for clients is required. CSQX261E csect-name No suitable IP stack available, channel channel-name, connection conn-id

Explanation: In response to a request to start a channel that was not defined, an attempt was made to define it automatically. The channel auto-definition exit exit-name prevented it being defined. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel is not started. CSQX404I csect-name REFRESH CLUSTER REPOS(YES) command processed, cluster cluster-name, n objects changed

Explanation: The repository manager successfully processed a REFRESH command with the REPOS(YES) option for the indicated cluster. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX405I csect-name FORCEREMOVE QUEUES(YES) command processed, cluster cluster-name, target target

Explanation: An attempt to allocate a conversation on connection conn-id for channel channel-name using TCP/IP communications was not successful because the IP stack used did not support the IP address family required for the connection. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: If the connection name for the channel resolves to an IPv6 address, then ensure the stack being used by the combination of the TCPNAME queue manager attribute and the LOCLADDR attribute of the channel supports IPv6. If the connection name for the channel resolves to an IPv4 address, then ensure the stack being used by the combination of the TCPNAME queue manager attribute and the LOCLADDR attribute of the channel supports IPv4. CSQX262E csect-name Communications canceled, channel channel-name, TRPTYPE=trptype

Explanation: The repository manager successfully processed a RESET ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command with the QUEUES(YES) option for the indicated cluster and target queue manager. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX406E csect-name REFRESH CLUSTER REPOS(YES) command failed, cluster cluster-name, qmgr-name is a full repository

Explanation: The repository manager could not process a REFRESH command with the REPOS(YES) option for the indicated cluster, because the local queue manager provides full repository management service for the cluster. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct values or on the correct queue manager. It may be necessary to change the queue

Explanation: An unexpected communications error occurred for a listener or a channel. This error occurs if the channel was stopped with mode FORCE and the communications session was canceled. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. trptype


Messages and Codes

manager so that it is not a full repository for the cluster. CSQX407I csect-name Cluster queue q-name definitions inconsistent

Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored, and the error is reported to the sender. System Programmer Response: Check the channel and cluster definitions of the sending queue manager. CSQX413E csect-name Repository command format error, command code command

Explanation: The definition of a cluster queue has different values for the DEFPRTY, DEFPSIST, and DEFBIND attributes on the various queue managers in the cluster. All definitions of the same cluster queue should be identical; otherwise, problems may arise if your applications rely on one of these attributes to determine messaging behavior. For example, if an application opens a cluster queue with the option MQOO_BIND_AS_Q_DEF, and the different instances of the queue have different DEFBIND values, the behavior of the message transfer depends on which instance of the queue happens to be selected when it is opened. Severity: 4 System Action: None. System Programmer Response: Alter the definitions of the queue on the various queue managers so that they have identical values for these attributes. CSQX410I csect-name Repository manager started

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored, and the error is reported to the sender; the repository manager continues processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set CSQX415E csect-name Repository command state error, command code command cluster object object-name, sender sender-id

Explanation: The repository manager started successfully. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX411I csect-name Repository manager stopped

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored; the repository manager continues processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set CSQX416E csect-name Repository command processing error, RC=return-code, command code command cluster object object-name, sender sender-id

Explanation: The repository manager stopped. This may be for one of three reasons: v The channel initiator is stopping. v The channel initiator is starting and the queues used by the repository manager have not been defined because clustering is not required. v An error has occurred. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues, but clustering is not available. System Programmer Response: If an error has occurred, investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX412E csect-name Misdirected repository command, target target-id sender sender-id

Explanation: The repository manager received a command intended for some other queue manager, whose identifier is target-id. The command was sent by the queue manager with identifier sender-id.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored; the
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


repository manager continues processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set CSQX417I csect-name Cluster-senders remain for removed queue manager qmgr-name


csect-name No repositories for cluster cluster-name

Explanation: The repository manager has received information about a cluster for which no full repositories are known. Severity: 0 System Action: None. System Programmer Response: Define a cluster-sender channel for connecting to the queue manager that is the full repository for the cluster, or alter the REPOS or REPOSNL attribute of the queue manager that is to have a full repository for the cluster to specify the cluster name. CSQX422E csect-name Repository manager error, RC=return-code

Explanation: The indicated queue manager has been deleted or forcibly removed from a cluster, but there are manually-defined cluster-sender channels that refer to it. This means that the repository manager will continue to send cluster information to the removed queue manager. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: Delete the manually-defined cluster-sender channels that refer to qmgr-name. CSQX418I csect-name Only one repository for cluster cluster-name

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 8 System Action: The repository manager attempts to continue processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set CSQX425E csect-name Repository command merge error, command code command cluster object object-name, sender sender-id

Explanation: The repository manager has received information about a cluster for which it is the only full repository. Severity: 0 System Action: None. System Programmer Response: If you require a second full repository, alter the REPOS or REPOSNL attribute of the second queue manager that is to have a full repository for the cluster to specify the cluster name. CSQX419I csect-name No cluster-receivers for cluster cluster-name

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored; the repository manager continues processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set

Explanation: The repository manager has received information about a cluster for which no cluster-receiver channels are known. Severity: 0 System Action: None. System Programmer Response: Define cluster-receiver channels for the cluster on the local queue manager.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Undeliverable repository command, channel channel-name, target target-id command code command

If the message occurs because a command is out of date, the message can be ignored. CSQX430E csect-name Unexpected queue manager repository command, cluster cluster-name, channel channel-name, sender sender-id

Explanation: The repository manager tried to send a command to another queue manager using channel channel-name. The other queue manager, whose identifier is target-id, could not be found. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Check the channel and cluster definitions of the sending and receiving queue managers. CSQX427E csect-name Cluster-sender not connected to repository, cluster cluster-name, channel channel-name, target target-id

Explanation: The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, whose identifier is sender-id, relating to cluster cluster-name. The local queue manager cannot accept the command because it is not a full repository for the cluster, it does not have an interest in the cluster channel, and it does not have any matching cluster-sender channels. The cluster-sender channel used by the other queue manager was channel-name. This message may appear on a queue manager that has defined a cluster-sender channel to another queue manager that does not host a full repository, if the other queue manager is later modified to host a full repository. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Check the definition of the channel on the sending queue manager to ensure that it is connected to a full repository for the cluster. CSQX431I csect-name Repository unavailable, cluster cluster-name, channel channel-name, sender sender-id

Explanation: A cluster-sender channel must be connected to a queue manager that is a full repository for all the clusters for the channel, and the corresponding cluster-receiver channel must be in the same clusters. Channel channel-name in cluster cluster-name does not satisfy this. target-id is the identifier of the target queue manager for the channel. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Check the definition of the channel on both queue managers to ensure that it is connected to a full repository for the clusters, and that it is in the same clusters on both queue managers. CSQX428E csect-name Unexpected queue or query repository command, cluster cluster-name, channel channel-name, sender sender-id

Explanation: The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, whose identifier is sender-id, reporting that it is no longer a full repository for cluster cluster-name. Severity: 0 System Action: The cluster-sender channel channel-name is changed so that it can no longer be used to access the other queue manager in relation to the cluster. CSQX433E csect-name Cluster-receiver and cluster-sender differ, cluster cluster-name, channel channel-name, sender sender-id

Explanation: The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, whose identifier is sender-id, relating to cluster cluster-name. The local queue manager cannot accept the command because it is not a full repository for the cluster and (in the case of a queue command) it does not have an interest in the cluster queue. The cluster-sender channel used by the other queue manager was channel-name. This can also occur a command destined for the local repository manager is delayed in the network and is out of date when it arrives, for example because a REFRESH CLUSTER command has been issued on the local repository manager has caused its view of the cluster to change. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Check the definition of the channel on both queue managers to ensure that it is connected to a full repository for the cluster.

Explanation: The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, whose identifier is sender-id. The cluster-sender channel channel-name on that queue manager is in cluster cluster-name, but the corresponding cluster-receiver channel on the local queue manager is not. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Change the definition of the channel so that it is in the same clusters on both queue managers.
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)



csect-name Unrecognized message on name

System Action: Processing continues, but repository information may be out of date. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Check the channel and cluster definitions on the local and target queue managers, and ensure that the channels between them are running. When the problem is corrected, the repository information will normally be updated automatically. The REFRESH CLUSTER command can be used to be sure that the repository information is up to date. CSQX437E csect-name Unable to commit repository changes

Explanation: The channel initiator found a message on one of its queues that either had a format that could not be recognized or did not come from a queue manager or channel initiator. Severity: 8 System Action: The message is put on the dead-letter queue. System Programmer Response: Examine the message on the dead-letter queue to determine the originator of the message. CSQX435E csect-name Unable to put repository manager message, target target-id MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The repository manager tried to commit some updates to the repository but was unsuccessful. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but local repository information may be out of date. System Programmer Response: If this occurs when the channel initiator is stopping, it can be ignored because the local repository information will normally be updated automatically when the channel initiator is restarted. If there is an isolated occurrence at other times, use the REFRESH CLUSTER command to bring the local repository information up to date. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. CSQX438E csect-name Unable to reallocate messages, channel channel-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The repository manager tried to send a message to SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE on another queue manager whose identifier is target-id, but the MQPUT call was unsuccessful. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but repository information may be out of date. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Check the channel and cluster definitions on the local and target queue managers, and ensure that the channels between them are running. When the problem is corrected, the repository information will normally be updated automatically. The REFRESH CLUSTER command can be used to be sure that the repository information is up to date. This error may occur if the REFRESH CLUSTER REPOS(YES) command is issued against a full repository, as the full repository will then be temporarily unable to fulfil requests from other repositories until it has rebuilt the cluster. If there is more than one full repository for the cluster, the problem will resolve itself. If there is only a single full repository for the cluster, the REFRESH CLUSTER command will need to be run against all the other queue managers in the cluster to make them contact the full repository again. CSQX436E csect-name Unable to put repository manager message, cluster cluster-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The repository manager was unable to reallocate messages for the specified channel to another destination. Severity: 8 System Action: The messages remain on the transmission queue. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. Use this information in conjunction with any preceding error messages to determine the cause of the problem. When the problem is corrected, restart the channel. CSQX439E csect-name Repository error for channel channel-name

Explanation: The repository manager tried to send a message to SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE on a queue manager that has the full repository for the specified cluster, but the MQPUT was unsuccessful. Severity: 4

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 8 System Action: The repository manager attempts to continue processing. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD


Messages and Codes

statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set CSQX440E csect-name FORCEREMOVE command failed, cluster cluster-name, target target repository is not on qmgr-name

Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX444I csect-name RESUME QMGR command processed, cluster cluster-name, n objects changed

Explanation: The repository manager successfully processed a RESUME QMGR command for the indicated cluster. (Where the command specified a namelist of clusters, the message is issued only for the first cluster in the namelist.) Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX447E csect-name Unable to backout repository changes

Explanation: The repository manager could not process a RESET ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command for the indicated cluster and target queue manager, because the local queue manager does not provide a full repository management service for the cluster. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct values or on the correct queue manager. CSQX441I csect-name FORCEREMOVE command processed, cluster cluster-name, target target

Explanation: Following an error, the repository manager tried to backout some updates to the local repository but was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The repository manager terminates. System Programmer Response: If the repository manager subsequently restarts successfully, or if on restarting the channel initiator the repository manager subsequently starts successfully, this can be ignored. If not, contact your IBM support center. CSQX448E csect-name Repository manager stopping because of errors. Restart in n seconds

Explanation: The repository manager successfully processed a RESET ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command for the indicated cluster and target queue manager. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX442I csect-name REFRESH CLUSTER command processed, cluster cluster-name, n objects changed

Explanation: A severe error, as reported in the preceding messages, occurred during repository manager processing; the repository manager is unable to continue. Severity: 8 System Action: The repository manager terminates. The channel initiator will try to restart it after the specified interval. System Programmer Response: Correct the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX449I csect-name Repository manager restarted

Explanation: The repository manager successfully processed a REFRESH command for the indicated cluster. Severity: 0 System Action: None. CSQX443I csect-name SUSPEND QMGR command processed, cluster cluster-name, n objects changed

Explanation: The repository manager restarted successfully following an error. Severity: 0 System Action: None.

Explanation: The repository manager successfully processed a SUSPEND QMGR command for the indicated cluster. (Where the command specified a namelist of clusters, the message is issued only for the first cluster in the namelist.)
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)



csect-name FORCEREMOVE command failed, cluster cluster-name, target target is not unique

v The cluster channels to and from the queue manager that is the full repository for the cluster, and between there and the queue manager where the queue is located, are able to run. v The repository managers on those queue managers have not ended abnormally. CSQX457I csect-name Repository available, cluster cluster-name, channel channel-name, sender sender-id

Explanation: The repository manager could not process a RESET ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command for the indicated cluster and target queue manager, because there is more than one queue manager with the specified name in the cluster. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command specifying the identifier (QMID) of the queue manager to be removed, rather than its name. CSQX455E csect-name FORCEREMOVE command failed, cluster cluster-name, target target not found

Explanation: The repository manager received a command from another queue manager, whose identifier is sender-id, reporting that it is once again a full repository for cluster cluster-name. Severity: 0 System Action: The cluster-sender channel channel-name is changed so that it can be used to access the other queue manager in relation to the cluster. CSQX460E csect-name Cluster cache is full

Explanation: The repository manager could not process a RESET ACTION(FORCEREMOVE) command for the indicated cluster and target queue manager, because no information about that queue manager was found in the local repository. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command specifying the correct queue manager name or identifier. CSQX456I csect-name Full repository update not received, cluster cluster-name, queue q-name (queue manager qmgr-name)

Explanation: No more space is available in the cluster cache area. Severity: 8 System Action: The repository manager terminates. The channel initiator will try to restart it after the specified interval. System Programmer Response: The problem may be temporary. If it persists, the queue manager must be restarted; this will cause more space to be allocated for the cluster cache area. Consider changing the cluster cache type system parameter CLCACHE to dynamic, so that more space for the cache will be obtained automatically as required. (If you are using a cluster workload exit, ensure that it supports a dynamic cluster cache.) See the CSQ6SYSP macro in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the system parameters. CSQX461I csect-name Cluster cache entry corrected, cluster queue manager clusqmgr-name, channel channel-name, connection conn-id

Explanation: The repository manager found a cluster queue that had been used in the last 30 days, and for which updated information should have been received. However, no such information has been received. The queue is q-name in cluster-name, and its queue manager is qmgr-name. If the queue manager is a partial repository for the queue, the updated information should have been sent from a full repository. If the queue manager is a full repository, the updated information should have been sent from the queue manager on which the queue is defined. Severity: 0 System Action: The repository manager will keep information about this queue for a further 60 days. If information has not been sent to a full repository then this queue will not be used to satisfy any new requests for cluster resources made to this full repository. System Programmer Response: If the queue is still required, check that:

Explanation: At channel initiator restart, the repository manager found a corrupted entry in the cluster cache. The entry has been corrected. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. The cluster channel to which the entry refers, channel-name using connection conn-id, will be available for use. System Programmer Response: None. You can verify that the entry was successfully corrected by issuing the command DISPLAY CLUSQMGR(clusqmgr-name) on the queue manager where this message was issued.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Cluster cache entry is unusable, cluster queue manager clusqmgr-name, channel channel-name, connection conn-id

channel name is specified correctly. If it is, check that: v The channel has been defined correctly v The transmission queue name identifies the correct queue, and that queue has the required disposition. The disposition of an instance of a channel is not related to that specified by QSGDISP in the channel definition: v A sending channel is shared if its transmission queue is shared, and private if it is not. v A receiving channel is shared if it was started in response to an inbound transmission directed to the queue-sharing group, and private if it was started in response to an inbound transmission directed to the queue manager. CSQX471I csect-name nn shared channels to restart, nn requests issued

Explanation: At channel initiator restart, the repository manager found a corrupted entry in the cluster cache which could not be corrected. Severity: 8 System Action: The corrupted entry is ignored. The cluster channel to which it refers, channel-name using connection conn-id, will not be usable. System Programmer Response: The corrupted entry must be corrected and reintroduced by issuing the command ALTER CHANNEL(channel-name) CHLTYPE(CLUSRCVR) on the cluster queue manager clusqmgr-name. You can verify that the entry was successfully reintroduced by issuing the command DISPLAY CLUSQMGR(clusqmgrname) on the queue manager where this message was issued. CSQX463E csect-name Error accessing cluster cache entry

Explanation: The channel initiator is shutting down; it owns some active shared sending channels, and they have not been requested to stop. Requests to restart these channels on another queue manager have been issued as shown. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel initiator shutdown processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the numbers in the message differ, the channel initiator was not able to issue restart requests for all the channels. In this case, use the DISPLAY CHSTATUS command to determine which channels are still owned by the queue manager for the channel initiator that is shutting down, and which therefore have not been restarted, and restart them manually as required. CSQX473E csect-name Listener unable to register to WLM/DNS, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition host name=hhh server name=sss, RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: There was an internal error when accessing a cluster cache entry. Severity: 8 System Action: Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. The component where the error occurred (message channel agent, repository manager) usually terminates; in some cases, the end result will be that the channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set CSQX470E csect-name Channel channel-name has the wrong disposition

Explanation: While starting, the specified TCP/IP listener could not register with WLM/DNS. The return code from the IWMSRSRG service was return-code and the associated reason code was reason (both in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The listener is not started. System Programmer Response: See z/OS MVS Workload Management Services for more information about the return and reason codes from the IWMSRSRG service.

Explanation: The action you requested cannot be performed on channel channel-name because it has the wrong disposition. For example, the action asked for a shared channel, but its disposition is private. Severity: 8 System Action: The requested action is not performed. System Programmer Response: Check whether the

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)



csect-name Listener unable to unregister from WLM/DNS, TRPTYPE=TCP INDISP=disposition host name=hhh server name=sss, RC=return-code reason=reason

a transmission queue in the channel definition for channel-name is in use on another member of the queue sharing group, qmgr-name. Severity: 8 System Action: The request fails. System Programmer Response: Do the following, as appropriate: v Check if the channel is already running v Check if another channel is using the queue by using the DISPLAY QSTATUS command v Ensure the queue name is specified correctly in the channel definition v Alter the queue usage attribute of the queue to that of a transmission queue. If the channel is already running, for operations other than starting the channel, either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and retry the operation. It may be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually if the Adopt MCA function is not being used. Using the Adopt MCA function will avoid the need for manual intervention to handle orphaned receiver channels. CSQX478E csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name, connection tag in use

Explanation: While stopping, the specified TCP/IP listener could not unregister from WLM/DNS. The return code from the IWMSRDRS service was return-code and the associated reason code was reason (both in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The listener stops. It may not be possible to restart it. System Programmer Response: See z/OS MVS Workload Management Services for more information about the return and reason codes from the IWMSRDRS service. CSQX475I csect-name Channel channel-name adopted

Explanation: The specified channel, which was orphaned because of a communications error, has been adopted by a new instance of the channel. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQX476E csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name, shared status entry found

Explanation: An operation was requested on a channel that is active. Because the channel is shared, it may be active on another queue manager. If the channel is a receiver, a previous instance of it may have been orphaned and therefore still be active. Severity: 8 System Action: The request fails. System Programmer Response: For operations other than starting the channel, either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and retry the operation. It may be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually if the Adopt MCA function is not being used. Using the Adopt MCA function will avoid the need for manual intervention to handle orphaned receiver channels. If the channel is not running on the named queue manager, then there is an orphaned shared status entry, which may be because a loss of connectivity to DB2 occurred. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. CSQX477E csect-name Channel channel-name is active, transmission queue queue-name in use on qmgr-name

Explanation: An operation was requested on a channel that is active. The connection tag used to serialize the channel within the queue-sharing group is currently in use. Because the channel is shared, it may be active on another queue manager. If the channel is a receiver, a previous instance of it may have been orphaned and therefore still be active. Severity: 8 System Action: The request fails. System Programmer Response: For operations other than starting the channel, either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and retry the operation. It may be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually if the Adopt MCA function is not being used. Using the Adopt MCA function will avoid the need for manual intervention to handle orphaned receiver channels. CSQX479E csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name, shared channel adoption failed

Explanation: An attempt was made to adopt channel channel-name, which was orphaned because of a communications error. It failed, either because the channel could not be stopped or because a response was not recieved from the queue manager qmgr-name. Severity: 8 System Action: The request fails, and the orphaned channel may remain active.

Explanation: An operation was requested on a channel that is active. The queue queue-name named as


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: Investigate any preceding error messages to discover why the adopt failed. Either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and retry the operation. It may be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually. CSQX482E csect-name Shared channel function not available


csect-name Shared channel status error

Explanation: During the execution of a channel command, or during shared channel processing, shared channel status or shared synchronization key information, held in DB2, was found to be corrupted. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel command fails or the channel stops. System Programmer Response: Check that the DB2 tables required by MQ are correctly defined, and restart DB2 if necessary. If DB2 appears to be running correctly, display the information in the shared channel status (CSQ.ADMIN_B_SCST) and the shared synchronization key (CSQ.ADMIN_B_SSKT) DB2 tables, and contact your IBM support center for further assistance. Refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for further information, and for details of a sample job (CSQ45STB) which shows the information in the DB2 tables. CSQX486E csect-name Shared channel channel-name definitions inconsistent

Explanation: During the execution of a channel command, or during shared channel processing, an internal function required by the channel initiator was found to be unavailable. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel command fails or the channel stops. System Programmer Response: Check that the DB2 tables required by MQ are correctly defined, and restart the queue manager and DB2 if necessary. If these appear to be running correctly, display the information in the shared channel status (CSQ.ADMIN_B_SCST) and the shared synchronization key (CSQ.ADMIN_B_SSKT) DB2 tables, and contact your IBM support center for further assistance. Refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for further information, and for details of a sample job (CSQ45STB) which shows the information in the DB2 tables. CSQX483E csect-name DB2 not available

Explanation: The definition of a shared channel has differing attribute values on the various queue managers in the queue-sharing group. For example, if the type of the channel differs start or stop requests cannot operate correctly. Severity: 8 System Action: The request fails. System Programmer Response: Change the definitions of the channel so that they are the same on all the queue managers. If the channel type needs changing, you must delete and then redefine the channel. CSQX496I csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because of request by remote exit

Explanation: Because DB2 is not available, or is no longer available, the channel initiator cannot do processing for a shared channel. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel command fails or the channel stops. System Programmer Response: Use the preceding messages on the z/OS console to investigate why DB2 is not available, and restart it if necessary. CSQX484E csect-name Error accessing DB2

Explanation: The channel is closing because the user channel exit at the remote end requested it. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Note that this puts the channel into STOPPED state. A START CHANNEL command must be issued to restart it.

Explanation: Because there was an error in accessing DB2, the channel initiator cannot do processing for a shared channel. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel command fails or the channel stops. System Programmer Response: Resolve the error reported in the preceding messages.

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)



csect-name Invalid MQCD field field-name, value=nnn (xxx)


csect-name Negotiation failed for channel channel-name

Explanation: The MQCD structure returned by the channel auto-definition exit had an invalid value in the indicated field. The value is shown in decimal and hexadecimal. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not defined. System Programmer Response: Correct the channel auto-definition exit. CSQX500I csect-name Channel channel-name started

Explanation: Channel channel-name could not be established due to a negotiation failure between the local queue manager and the remote end. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Examine the console log for the remote end for messages explaining the cause of the negotiation failure. CSQX504E csect-name Local protocol error, channel channel-name, type=type data=xxx

Explanation: The specified channel has been started. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQX501I csect-name Channel channel-name is no longer active

Explanation: The specified channel terminated. It is now inactive if it terminated normally when the disconnect interval expired, or stopped if it terminated because of an error or a STOP CHANNEL command. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the channel is stopped, resolve any error, and issue a START CHANNEL command to restart the channel. CSQX502E Explanation: performed on only valid for can only ping Severity: 8 System Action: The requested action is not performed. System Programmer Response: Check whether the channel name is specified correctly. If it is, check that: v The channel has been defined correctly v The connection name identifies the remote end correctly v For a cluster-receiver channel, the connection name does not specify a generic address v For TCP/IP connections, the port number specified by the local channel matches that used by the listener at the remote queue manager. csect-name Action not allowed for channel channel-name The action you requested cannot be channel channel-name. Some actions are certain channel types; for example, you a sender or server channel.

Explanation: During communications with the remote end, the local message channel agent for channel channel-name detected a protocol error. type shows the type of error that occurred: 0000000A Incorrect segment type 00000012 Incorrect message length 00000013 Incorrect segment number The incorrect value is shown by xxx. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Examine the console log to determine the cause of the failure. This may occur after the channel initiator or queue manager is stopped forcibly or ends abnormally. If it occurs in other cases, contact your IBM support center to report the problem. CSQX505E csect-name Sequence wrap values differ, channel channel-name, local=local-seqno remote=remote-seqno

Explanation: The sequence number wrap value for channel channel-name is local-seqno, but the value specified at the remote end is remote-seqno. The two values must be the same before the channel can be started. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Change either the local or remote channel definition so that the values specified for the message sequence number wrap value are the same.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Message receipt confirmation not received for channel channel-name

System Action: The request fails. System Programmer Response: For operations other than starting the channel, either stop the channel manually, or wait for it to terminate, and retry the operation. It may be necessary to use MODE(FORCE) to stop the channel manually if the Adopt MCA function is not being used. Using the Adopt MCA function will avoid the need for manual intervention to handle orphaned receiver channels. CSQX515I csect-name Channel channel-name changed

Explanation: The remote end did not accept the last batch of messages. Severity: 8 System Action: Channel channel-name stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Determine why the remote end did not accept the last batch of messages. Resolve the problem and restart the channel. CSQX507E csect-name Channel channel-name is in-doubt, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name)

Explanation: The channel for which information has been requested is a new instance of the channel. The previous channel instance has ended. Severity: 0 System Action: The information shown is for the new channel instance. CSQX516E csect-name Error accessing synchronization data, RC=return-code

Explanation: Channel channel-name is in-doubt with the remote end using connection conn-id, so it cannot use a new connection to queue manager qmgr-name, which may or may not be the same as that where it is in doubt. (If the new connection queue manager name cannot be determined it is shown as ????.) Severity: 8 System Action: The requested operation does not complete. System Programmer Response: Examine the status of the channel, and either restart a channel to resolve the in-doubt state, or use the RESOLVE CHANNEL command to correct the problem manually. CSQX513E csect-name Channel channel-name exceeded current channel limit

Explanation: There was an error when accessing the channel synchronization data. If the return code is of the form 10009nnn or 20009nnn, it is a distributed queuing message code. This is generally associated with message CSQXnnnE, which will normally be issued previously. Otherwise the most likely cause is a shortage of storage. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. In some cases, the channel initiator will stop as well. System Programmer Response: If the return code is a distributed queuing message code, see the corresponding message explanation for more information. Where no such message is described, see Appendix F, Distributed queuing message codes for the corresponding message number. Restart the channel or the channel initiator. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. CSQX517E csect-name Error in q-name channel channel-name repeated

Explanation: There are too many channels current to be able to start another. The maximum number allowed is specified in the MAXCHL queue manager attribute. Current channels include stopped and retrying channels as well as active channels. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase MAXCHL. CSQX514E csect-name Channel channel-name is active on qmgr-name

Explanation: An operation was requested on a channel that is active. If the channel is shared, it may be active on another queue manager. If the channel is a receiver, a previous instance of it may have been orphaned and therefore still be active. Severity: 8

Explanation: There was more than one set of synchronization information in q-name for an instance of channel channel-name. This is probably because the channel is a receiver channel, and there are two sender channels with the same name on different queue managers within the same network address that have communicated with it. Severity: 8
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


System Action: The first set of synchronization information for the channel instance is used, and any others are ignored. Errors may occur if the channel is used. System Programmer Response: Avoid using the channel. Remove the extra sets of information from the channel synchronization queue, and rename channels so that they have unique names. If this does not resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQX519E csect-name Channel channel-name not defined

00000012 Incorrect message length 00000013 Incorrect segment number The data associated with the error (for example, the incorrect value) is shown by xxx. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Examine the console log for the remote end to determine the cause of the failure. This may occur after the channel initiator or queue manager is stopped forcibly or ends abnormally. If it occurs in other cases, contact your IBM support center. CSQX524E csect-name Remote queue manager unavailable for channel channel-name

Explanation: The channel initiator could not find a definition of channel channel-name. Severity: 8 System Action: The requested operation fails. System Programmer Response: Check that the name is specified correctly and the channel definition is available. CSQX520E csect-name Remote channel channel-name not defined

Explanation: Channel channel-name cannot start because the remote queue manager is not currently available. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start System Programmer Response: Either start the remote queue manager, or retry the operation later. CSQX525E csect-name Channel channel-name closing because remote queue manager qmgr-name is stopping

Explanation: There is no definition of channel channel-name at the remote end. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Add an appropriate channel definition at the remote end, and retry the operation. CSQX523E csect-name Remote protocol error, channel channel-name, type=type data=xxx

Explanation: Channel channel-name is closing because the remote queue manager qmgr-name is stopping. In some cases, the remote queue manager name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Investigate why the remote queue manager is stopping, if it was not expected. CSQX526E csect-name Message sequence error for channel channel-name, sent=msg-seqno expected=exp-seqno

Explanation: During communications with the remote end, the remote message channel agent for channel channel-name detected a protocol error. type shows the type of error that occurred: 0000000A Incorrect segment type 0000000B Incorrect length 0000000C Invalid data 0000000D Invalid segment 0000000E Invalid ID 0000000F Invalid MSH 00000010 General error 00000011 Batch failure

Explanation: The local queue manager does not agree with the remote end on the next message sequence number for channel channel-name. The message is normally issued at both the sending and receiving end: at the sending end, msg-seqno and exp-seqno are unpredictable; at the receiving end, a message had


Messages and Codes

sequence number msg-seqno but sequence number exp-seqno was expected. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the inconsistency. It could be that the synchronization information has become damaged, or has been backed out to a previous version. If the problem cannot be resolved, the sequence number can be reset manually at the sending end of the channel using the RESET CHANNEL command. (For some queue managers, it may be necessary to issue the RESET CHANNEL command at the receiving end as well.) CSQX527E csect-nameUnable to send message for channel channel-name

System Programmer Response: Do the following, as appropriate: v Check if the channel is already running v Check if another channel is using the queue; use the DISPLAY QSTATUS command v Ensure the queue name is specified correctly in the channel definition v Alter the queue usage attribute of the queue to that of a transmission queue. CSQX533I csect-name Channel channel-name is already in requested state

Explanation: A request to stop channel channel-name was made, but the channel was already in the specified state, or in the process of reaching that state. Severity: 0 System Action: The request is ignored. CSQX534E csect-name Channel channel-name is stopped

Explanation: A message for channel channel-name could not be sent because the remote end cannot receive it or the local end cannot send it. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Examine the console log for both ends to determine why the message cannot be sent or received, and then restart the channel. CSQX528I csect-name Channel channel-name stopping

Explanation: The operation requested cannot be performed because the channel is currently stopped. Severity: 4 System Action: The request is ignored. System Programmer Response: Issue a START CHANNEL command to restart the channel. CSQX535E csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because exit exit-name is not valid

Explanation: The channel is closing because a STOP CHANNEL command was issued, or because the channel initiator is stopping. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Note that a STOP CHANNEL command puts the channel into STOPPED state. A START CHANNEL command must be issued to restart it. CSQX531E csect-name Queue q-name for channel channel-name is in use or wrong type

Explanation: The user exit exit-name specified for channel channel-name is not valid. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the user exit name is specified correctly in the channel definition, and that the user exit program is correct and available. The channel initiator loads exits from the library data sets under the CSQXLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure xxxxCHIN. CSQX536I csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because of request by exit exit-name

Explanation: The queue q-name named as a transmission queue in the channel definition for channel-name is either in use (by this channel or another channel), or it is not a transmission queue. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start.

Explanation: The channel is closing because the user channel exit exit-name requested it. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


triggering turned off. For auto-defined channels, the channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Note that this puts the channel into STOPPED state. A START CHANNEL command must be issued to restart it. CSQX539E csect-name Channel channel-name for queue q-name is not available


csect-name Messages for channel channel-name sent to remote dead-letter queue

Explanation: During the processing of channel channel-name, one or more messages have been put the dead-letter queue at the remote queue manager. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the contents of the dead-letter queue. Each message is contained in a structure that describes why the message was put to the queue, and to where it was originally addressed. CSQX545I csect-name Channel channel-name closing because disconnect interval expired

Explanation: A trigger message was received to start a channel channel-name to process the transmission queue q-name. However, the channel initiator could not find a defined and available channel to start. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that there is a channel defined to process the transmission queue, and that it is not stopped. CSQX540E csect-name Unable to commit batch, channel channel-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: The channel is closing because no messages arrived on the transmission queue within the disconnect interval. Severity: 0 System Action: The channel ends normally. CSQX547E csect-name Remote channel channel-name has the wrong type

Explanation: An MQCMIT call for the queue associated with channel channel-name was unsuccessful. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc. CSQX541E csect-name Invalid CCSIDs for data conversion, ccsid1 and ccsid2

Explanation: The operation requested cannot be performed because channel channel-name on the remote end is not of a suitable type. For example, if the local channel is defined as a sender the remote queue manager must define its corresponding channel as either a receiver or requester. Severity: 8 System Action: The requested operation is not performed. System Programmer Response: Check that the channel name is specified correctly. If it is, check that: v The channel definition on the remote end has an appropriate channel type v The connection name of the local channel identifies the remote end correctly v For cluster channels, the connection names do not specify a generic address v For TCP/IP connections, the port number specified by the local channel matches that used by the listener at the remote queue manager. CSQX548E csect-name Messages sent to local dead-letter queue, channel channel-name, reason=reason

Explanation: Either the local coded character set identifier (CCSID) or the target CCSID is not valid, or is not currently supported, or conversion between the two CCSIDs involved is not supported. (The name of the channel cannot be determined because the invalid CCSID prevents the necessary data conversion being done.) Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the CCSIDs are valid and that conversion between them is supported. Refer to the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference manual for information about the CCSIDs that are supported.

Explanation: During the processing of channel channel-name, one or more messages have been put the dead-letter queue at the local queue manager. reason shows why, and is one of the following:


Messages and Codes

v an MQRC_* reason code from an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call v an MQFB_* feedback code. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the contents of the dead-letter queue. Each message is contained in a structure that describes why the message was put to the queue, and to where it was originally addressed. For information about MQRC_* reason codes see Appendix A, API completion and reason codes. For information about MQFB_* feedback codes see the MQMD description in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference manual. CSQX549E csect-name Queue q-name for channel channel-name is get-inhibited

transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the security exit for the channel on the remote end has been defined correctly and is available. If it is, check that the exit program operates correctly. CSQX558E csect-name Remote channel channel-name not available

Explanation: The channel channel-name at the remote end is currently stopped or is otherwise unavailable. For example, there may be too many channels current to be able to start it. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: This may be a temporary situation, and the channel will retry. If not, check the status of the channel at the remote end. If it is stopped, issue a START CHANNEL command to restart it. If there are too many channels current, either wait for some of the operating channels to terminate, or stop some channels manually, before restarting the channel. CSQX565E csect-name No dead-letter queue for qmgr-name, channel channel-name

Explanation: An MQGET failed because the transmission queue had been previously inhibited for gets. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may have triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Change the definition of the transmission queue so that it is not inhibited for MQGET calls. CSQX551E csect-name Action not supported, channel channel-name, connection conn-id (queue manager qmgr-name)

Explanation: A message could not be delivered normally and there is no dead-letter queue defined for queue manager qmgr-name. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops, except in the case where nonpersistent messages are being sent and the NPMCLASS attribute of the channel is set to FAST, when processing continues. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Correct the problem that prevented the message from being delivered normally, or define a dead-letter queue for the remote queue manager. CSQX567E csect-name Listener unable to register to APPC/MVS, TRPTYPE=LU62 INDISP=disposition RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: The operation requested for channel channel-name is not supported by the remote end using the connection conn-id. The associated remote queue manager is qmgr-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Check that the connection name parameter is specified correctly and that the levels of the queue managers in use are compatible. CSQX552E csect-name Security exit data for channel channel-name not received

Explanation: The local security user channel exit for channel channel-name requested data from the remote security user channel exit, but no data was received. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated

Explanation: While starting, the specified LU 6.2 listener could not register as an APPC/MVS server. The return code from APPC/MVS allocate services was return-code and the associated reason code was reason (both in hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The listener is not started.

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


System Programmer Response: See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for the cause of the return code from APPC/MVS allocate services, and the Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manual for more information. Check that the LUNAME queue manager attribute is the same as the PARTNER_LU value for the APPC/MVS symbolic destination used by the listener. CSQX568E csect-name Listener unable to unregister from APPC/MVS, TRPTYPE=LU62 INDISP=disposition RC=return-code reason=reason

Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: If the maximum allowed is zero, LU 6.2 communications are not allowed, and no LU 6.2 channels can be started. If the maximum allowed is non-zero, wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase LU62CHL. CSQX572E csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because message header is not valid

Explanation: While stopping, the specified LU 6.2 listener could not unregister as an APPC/MVS server. The return code from APPC/MVS allocate services was return-code and the associated reason code was reason (bothin hexadecimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The listener stops. It may not be possible to restart it. System Programmer Response: See Appendix D, Communications protocol return codes for the cause of the return code from APPC/MVS allocate services and the Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manual for more information. CSQX569E csect-name Channel channel-name exceeded TCP/IP channel limit

Explanation: During the processing of channel channel-name, a message was found that had an invalid header. The dead-letter queue was defined as a transmission queue, so a loop would have been created if the message had been put there. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Correct the problem that caused the invalid message header. CSQX573E csect-name Channel channel-name exceeded active channel limit

Explanation: The number of current TCP/IP channels is the maximum allowed; another channel cannot be started. Current channels include stopped and retrying channels as well as active channels. The maximum allowed is specified in the TCPCHL queue manager attribute, but may be reduced if a dispatcher fails, or if TCP/IP resources are restricted (as reported by message CSQX118I). Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: If the maximum allowed is zero, TCP/IP communications are not allowed, and no TCP/IP channels can be started. If the maximum allowed is non-zero, wait for some of the operating channels to terminate before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase TCPCHL. CSQX570E csect-name Channel channel-name exceeded LU 6.2 channel limit

Explanation: There are too many channels active (transmitting messages) to be able to start another. The maximum number allowed is specified in the ACTCHL queue manager attribute. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Either wait for some of the operating channels to terminate, or stop some channels manually, before restarting the channel, or use the ALTER QMGR command to increase ACTCHL. CSQX574I csect-name Channel channel-name can now start

Explanation: The specified channel was waiting to start, because there were too many channels active (transmitting messages) to be able to start another. One or more of the active channels has terminated, so this channel can now start. Note: This message is not itself issued, although the corresponding event is generated. Severity: 0

Explanation: The number of current LU 6.2 channels is the maximum allowed; another channel cannot be started. Current channels include stopped and retrying channels as well as active channels. The maximum allowed is specified in the LU62CHL queue manager attribute, but may be reduced if a dispatcher fails.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Negotiation failed for channel

Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Restart the channel at a later time. If the problem persists examine the console log for the remote end for messages explaining the cause of the problem. CSQX609E csect-name Resources in recovery, channel channel-name, MQCC=mqcc MQRC=mqrc

Explanation: A channel between the local queue manager and the remote end could not be established due to a negotiation failure. The failure was such that the channel name could not be determined: for example, data conversion between the coded character set identifiers (CCSIDs) used by the local and remote ends may not have been possible. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Examine the console log for the remote end for messages explaining the cause of the negotiation failure. CSQX578E csect-name Unable to save status for channel channel-name

Explanation: The message channel agent for the channel could not connect to the queue manager because resources are being recovered. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqcc and mqrc, which come from an MQCONNX request. CSQX613I csect-name Channel channel-name instance is already in requested state

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. Information about the error is written to the data set identified by the CSQSNAP DD statement of the channel initiator started task JCL procedure, xxxxCHIN. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v The CSQSNAP data set CSQX599E csect-name Channel channel-name ended abnormally

Explanation: A request to stop a particular instance of channel channel-name was made (by specifying a connection name or a remote queue manager name), but the channel instance was already in the specified state, or in the process of reaching that state. Severity: 0 System Action: The request is ignored. CSQX617I csect-name SSL key repository refresh not processed, SSL communications unavailable

Explanation: Channel channel-name ended abnormally because of a severe problem, as reported in the preceding messages. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel stops. The associated transmission queue may be set to GET(DISABLED) and triggering turned off. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. CSQX608E csect-name Remote resources in recovery for channel channel-name

Explanation: The cached SSL key repository cannot be refreshed in response to a REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command because SSL communications are currently unavailble. Severity: 0 System Action: 0 System Programmer Response: Investigate why SSL is not available and take action as appropriate. It may be necessary to restart the channel initiator to allow SSL to be used. CSQX618I csect-name SSL key repository refresh started

Explanation: Channel channel-name cannot start because resources at the remote queue manager are being recovered.

Explanation: The cached SSL key repository is being refreshed in response to a REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command. Severity: 0 System Action: Message CSQX619I will be issued
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


when the refresh is complete. CSQX619I csect-name SSL key repository refresh processed

change the channel definition so that SSL is not used. CSQX631E csect-name Cipher specifications differ, channel channel-name, local=local-ciph remote=remote-ciph

Explanation: The refresh of the cached SSL key repository is complete. Severity: 0 System Action: Channels will be restarted as required. CSQX620E csect-name System SSL error, channel channel-name, function func RC=return-code

Explanation: The SSL cipher specification value for channel channel-name is local-ciph, but the value specified at the remote end is remote-ciph. The two values must be the same before the channel can be started. They are shown in the message as two-character codes; common values are as shown in message CSQX635E. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Change either the local or remote channel definition so that the values specified for the SSL cipher specification are the same. CSQX632I csect-name SSL certificate has no associated user ID, remote channel channel-name channel initiator user ID used

Explanation: An unexpected SSL communications error occurred for a channel. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. func is the name of the System SSL function that gave the error, and return-code is the return code (in decimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The channel is stopped. System Programmer Response: See Appendix E, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) return codes for the cause of the return code from System SSL and the System Secure Sockets Layer Programming Guide and Reference manual for more information. CSQX625E csect-name System SSL error, function func RC=return-code

Explanation: The certificate sent from the remote end during SSL handshaking was accepted, but no user ID could be found associated with it. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Likely causes are that neither the certificate nor a matching certificate name are defined to the external security manager (ESM), or that the certificate contains fields that are not understood by the ESM. Severity: 0 System Action: The user ID of the channel initiator address space is used as the channel user ID for the channel. System Programmer Response: If certificate name filtering is being used, you can create a filter that will match this certificate. Alternatively, change the SSLPEER channel attribute to prevent this certificate being accepted from the remote channel. CSQX633E csect-name SSL certificate for remote channel channel-name failed local check

Explanation: An unexpected SSL communications error occurred for an SSL server subtask. func is the name of the System SSL function that gave the error, and return-code is the return code (in decimal). Severity: 8 System Action: The SSL server subtask terminates. System Programmer Response: See Appendix E, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) return codes for the cause of the return code from System SSL and the System Secure Sockets Layer Programming Guide and Reference manual for more information. CSQX630E csect-name Channel channel-name requires SSL

Explanation: Channel channel-name cannot start because it requires SSL, but SSL communications are not currently available. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: If SSL is required, investigate why it is not available and take action as appropriate; it may be necessary to restart the channel initiator to allow SSL to be used. If SSL is not required,

Explanation: The certificate sent from the remote end during SSL handshaking could not be validated. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the SSL certificate connected to the key repository at the remote end is valid, and that the signing certificate(s) have


Messages and Codes

been connected to the key ring on the local queue manager so that the certificate sent can be authenticated. For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories see WebSphere MQ Security. CSQX634E csect-name SSL certificate failed remote check, channel channel-name, connection conn-id


csect-name Distinguished name does not match peer name, channel channel-name, name=dist-name

Explanation: The certificates sent to the remote end using the connection conn-id during SSL handshaking could not be validated. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the SSL certificate ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name connected to in the key ring at the local queue manager qmgr-name is valid, and that the signing certificate has been connected to the key repository on the remote end so that the certificate sent can be authenticated. For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories see WebSphere MQ Security. CSQX635E csect-name Invalid cipher specification ciph for channel channel-name

Explanation: The distinguished name, dist-name, specified in the SSL certificate at the remote end does not match the SSL peer name for channel channel-name. The distinguished name at the remote end must match the peer name specified (which can be generic) before the channel can be started. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: If you wish to allow this remote end to connect, change the SSL peer name specification for the channel so that it matches the distinguished name in the SSL certificate at the remote end, or obtain the correct certificate for the remote end, as appropriate. CSQX637E csect-name No SSL certificate for remote channel channel-name

Explanation: The remote channel did not supply a certificate to use during SSL handshaking, but a certificate is required. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the SSL certificate is connected to the key repository of the remote end; alternatively, if appropriate, change the local channel definition so that its SSLCAUTH attribute is set to OPTIONAL. For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories see WebSphere MQ Security. CSQX638E csect-name SSL communications error for channel channel-name

Explanation: The SSL cipher specification value for channel channel-name is not valid. The value is shown in the message as a two-character code; common values are: 01 NULL_MD5 02 NULL_SHA 03 RC4_MD5_EXPORT 04 RC4_MD5_US 05 RC4_SHA_US 06 RC2_MD5_EXPORT 09 DES_SHA_EXPORT 0A TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US 2F TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 35 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Correct the SSL cipher specification for the channel.

Explanation: An unexpected SSL communications error occurred for a channel, as reported in the preceding messages. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Investigate the problem reported in the preceding messages. Review the local and remote console logs for reports of network errors.

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)



csect-name No cipher specification for remote channel channel-name

that its SSLCAUTH attribute is set to OPTIONAL. For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories see WebSphere MQ Security. CSQX643E csect-name Peer name error for remote channel channel-name

Explanation: No SSL cipher specification was supplied by the remote channel channel-name, but one was required. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Change the remote channel definition so that the value specified for the SSL cipher specification is the same as that of the local channel. CSQX640E csect-name Invalid peer name, channel channel-name, attribute=key-name

Explanation: An error occurred with the SSL peer name for remote channel channel-name. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Review the remote console log to determine the peer name error. CSQX644E csect-name Unable to determine peer name for remote channel channel-name

Explanation: The SSL peer name for channel channel-name includes a distinguished name attribute key key-name which is invalid or unsupported. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Correct the SSL peer name for the channel. CSQX641E csect-name Cipher specification error for remote channel channel-name

Explanation: The peer name associated with the certificate sent from the remote end during SSL handshaking could not be determined. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: If the local channel has a peer name specified it does not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the SSL certificate ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name in the key ring at the local queue manager qmgr-name is valid, and that the signing certificate has been connected to the key repository on the remote end so that the certificate sent can be authenticated. Check that the local and remote channel definitions are correct. For full details about SSL certificates and key repositories see WebSphere MQ Security. CSQX645E csect-name SSL certificate missing for channel channel-name

Explanation: An error occurred with the SSL cipher specification for remote channel channel-name. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Review the remote console log to determine the cipher specification error. CSQX642E csect-name No SSL certificate for channel channel-name

Explanation: The channel channel-name. did not supply a certificate to use during SSL handshaking, but a certificate is required by the remote end. In some cases the channel name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 8 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the key ring of the local queue manager qmgr-name has an SSL certificate connected to it called ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name; alternatively, if appropriate, change the remote channel definition so

Explanation: An SSL certificate ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name or the default certificate cannot be found in the key ring or the certificate is not trusted. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that there is an SSL certificate ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name or a default certificate in the key ring and that it is valid.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Error accessing LDAP server for channel channel-name

log for the remote end to determine the cause of the failure. CSQX666E csect-name LDAP server unavailable for channel channel-name

Explanation: While checking CRLs for a channel, an error occurred in setting up the LDAP environment or retrieving an LDAP directory entry. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the LDAP server is specified and set up correctly, and is running. CSQX658E csect-name SSL certificate has expired, channel channel-name, connection conn-id

Explanation: While checking CRLs for a channel, the required LDAP server was not available. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the LDAP server is running. CSQX675E csect-name Unable to complete SSL key repository refresh

Explanation: The current time is either before the SSL certificate start time or or after the end time. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. The connection is conn-id. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Obtain a new certificate if the certifiacte has expired, or wait until the certificate becomes valid if it is not valid yet. CSQX663E csect-name SSL certificate signature is incorrect, channel channel-name, connection conn-id

Explanation: The refresh of the cached SSL key repository could not be completed because of errors. Severity: 4 System Action: The refresh is incomplete. System Programmer Response: Examine the console log for messages that may indicate why the refresh could not be started. CSQX676E csect-name SSL key repository refresh completed, but some channels not restarted

Explanation: In the SSL certificate sent from the remote end using the connection conn-id, the certificate signature is not correct. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel will not start. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the SSL certificate connected to the key repository at the remote end is valid. CSQX665E csect-name Channel channel-name stopping because remote SSL socket closed

Explanation: The refresh of the cached SSL key repository has completed, so the latest values and certificates are in use for all SSL channels. However, not all the outbound SSL channels which were running when the refresh was initiated could be restarted after the refresh had completed. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the console log for messages identifying the channels that did not restart. CSQX677E csect-name SSL key repository refresh terminated, waiting for channel channel-name

Explanation: The remote end of a channel using SSL communications closed the socket or sent a close notification alert. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel stops. System Programmer Response: Examine the console

Explanation: The cached SSL key repository is being refreshed, which involves stopping all the channels that use SSL communications. One or more of the channels is taking too long to stop. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The refresh is terminated. Some channels using SSL will have been stopped.
Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)


System Programmer Response: Stop any SSL channels that have not already stopped and issue the REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command again. CSQX678E csect-name Channel channel-name not started, refreshing SSL key repository

Severity: 4 System Action: Channels using SSL communications will not start. System Programmer Response: Add the user certificate and any necessary certification authority (CA) certificates to the key repository. Ensure that existing certificates are valid, have not expired, and are marked as trusted. CSQX685E csect-name No self-signed certificate for channel channel-name

Explanation: A channel using SSL communications could not be started because the cached SSL key repository is currently being refreshed. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Wait until the refresh has completed and start the channel again. CSQX679E csect-name Channel channel-name not started, refreshing remote SSL key repository

Explanation: A self-signed certificate cannot be validated as it is not in the SSL key repository. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Add the self-signed certificate to the key repository. CSQX686E csect-name SSL private key error for channel channel-name

Explanation: A channel using SSL communications could not be started because the cached SSL key repository is currently being refreshed at the remote end. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel does not start. System Programmer Response: Wait until the refresh has completed and start the channel again. CSQX683E csect-name SSL key repository has no certificates

Explanation: The SSL certificate ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name has no associated private key, or the private key is not available because it key is stored in ICSF and ICSF services are not available. The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the private key associated with the SSL certificate ibmWebSphereMQqmgr-name is available. Ensure that the ICSF started task is running if the private key is stored in ICSF. CSQX687E csect-name SSL certificate revoked by CA for channel channel-name

Explanation: The SSL key repository (that is, the key ring in the external security manager) does not contain any valid certificates. Severity: 4 System Action: Channels using SSL communications will not start. System Programmer Response: Add the user certificate and any necessary certification authority (CA) certificates to the key repository. Ensure that existing certificates are valid, have not expired, and are marked as trusted. CSQX684E csect-name SSL key repository has no CA certificates

Explanation: The SSL certificate has been revoked by the certification authority (CA). The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Obtain a new certificate and add it to the key repository.

Explanation: The SSL key repository (that is, the key ring in the external security manager) does not contain any valid certification authority (CA) certifcates. A channel using SSL communications needs at least one CA or self-signed certificate in order to perform client authentication.


Messages and Codes


csect-name No SSL CA certificate for channel channel-name


csect-name nn SSL server subtasks started, nn requested

Explanation: The SSL key repository does not contain a certificate for the certification authority (CA). The channel is channel-name; in some cases its name cannot be determined and so is shown as ????. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Obtain a certificate for the certification authority (CA) and add it to the key repository. CSQX689E csect-name CRL cannot be processed for channelchannel-name

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command, and shows how many SSL server subtasks are currently active, and how many were requested by the SSLTASKS queue manager attribute. If the numbers differ, some SSL server subtasks have failed and not been restarted, which could reduce processing capacity. Severity: 0 CSQX836I csect-name nn Maximum channels TCP/IP nn, LU 6.2 nn

Explanation: A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is not valid and cannot be processed. Severity: 4 System Action: The channel is not started. System Programmer Response: Contact the certification authority and obtain a replacement CRL. CSQX830I csect-name Channel initiator active

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command. It shows the maximum numbers of each type of channel that are allowed. Severity: 0 CSQX840I csect-name nn channels current, maximum nn

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command if the channel initiator is active. Severity: 0 CSQX831I csect-name nn adapter subtasks started, nn requested

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command. It shows how many channels are current, and how many are allowed altogether, as requested by the MAXCHL queue manager attribute. Severity: 0 CSQX841I csect-name nn channels active, maximum nn, including nn paused

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command, and shows how many adapter subtasks are currently active, and how many were requested by the CHIADAPS queue manager attribute. If the numbers differ, some adapter subtasks have failed and not been restarted, which could reduce processing capacity. Severity: 0 CSQX832I csect-name nn dispatchers started, nn requested

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command. Of the channels that are current, it shows how many are active (transmitting messages), and how many are allowed altogether to be active, by the ACTCHL queue manager attribute. It also shows how many of the active channels are paused, waiting to retry putting a message. Severity: 0 CSQX842I csect-name nn channels starting, nn stopped, nn retrying

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command, and shows how many dispatchers are currently active, and how many were requested by the CHIDISPS queue manager attribute. If the numbers differ, some dispatchers have failed and not been restarted. The number of current TCP/IP and LU 6.2 channels allowed will be reduced proportionately, and other processing capacity may be reduced. Severity: 0

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command. Of the channels that are current, it show how many are: v waiting to become active, because the limit for active channels has been reached v stopped, requiring manual intervention v attempting to reconnect following a temporary error. Severity: 0

Chapter 15. Distributed queuing messages (CSQX...)



csect-name TCP/IP listener INDISP=disposition retrying, for port port address ip-address

Severity: 0 CSQX847I csect-name LU 6.2 listener INDISP=disposition started, for LU name name

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each TCP/IP listener that is trying to restart after an error. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute. port and ip-address show the port and IP address combination on which it listens; if ip-address is *, it listens on all available IP addresses. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 CSQX844I csect-name LU 6.2 listener INDISP=disposition retrying, for LU name name

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each LU 6.2 listener that is active. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 CSQX848I csect-name TCP/IP listener INDISP=disposition not started

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each TCP/IP listener that is not active. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: If the listener had been started, and was not deliberately stopped, this may be because there was an error in the communications system. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute. CSQX849I csect-name LU 6.2 listener INDISP=disposition not started

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each LU 6.2 listener that is trying to restart after an error. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 CSQX845I csect-name TCP/IP system name is name

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command, and shows the TCP/IP system name that is being used, as specified in the TCPNAME queue manager attribute. Severity: 0 CSQX846I csect-name TCP/IP listener INDISP=disposition started, for port port address ip-address

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each LU 6.2 listener that is not active. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 System Programmer Response: If the listener had been started, and was not deliberately stopped, this may be because there was an error in the communications system. The channel initiator will attempt to restart the listener, at the intervals specified by the LSTRTMR queue manager attribute.

Explanation: This is issued in response to the DISPLAY CHINIT command for each TCP/IP listener that is active. port and ip-address show the port and IP address combination on which it listens; if ip-address is *, it listens on all available IP addresses. disposition shows which type of incoming requests the listener handles: QMGR those directed to the target queue manager GROUP those directed to the queue-sharing group.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 16. Initialization procedure and general services messages (CSQY...)

CSQY000I IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OSversion by a START QMGR command. System Action: Queue manager startup is terminated. Operator Response: Start the queue manager using the START QMGR command, and reenter the rejected command. CSQY006E csect-name INVALID AMODE OR RMODE ATTRIBUTE FOUND FOR LOAD MODULE module-name Explanation: This message is issued when the queue manager starts, and shows the release level. CSQY001I QUEUE MANAGER STARTING, USING PARAMETER MODULE parm-name

Explanation: The START QMGR command is accepted. System parameter values will be taken from the module parm-name. This message is issued to the z/OS console at which the START command was issued. Message CSQY022I is sent when the queue manager startup process has completed. System Action: Queue manager startup processing begins. CSQY002I QUEUE MANAGER STOPPING

Explanation: The queue manager initialization procedures found that a module had an invalid AMODE or RMODE attribute when it was loaded. module-name is the name of the load module with an invalid addressing or residency mode. System Action: Queue manager startup terminates abnormally. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer of the problem. System Programmer Response: Verify that all installation and maintenance activities against WebSphere MQ have been done correctly. If you are unable to correct the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQY008I QUEUE MANAGER SHUTDOWN REQUEST NOT ACCEPTED

Explanation: The STOP QMGR command is accepted. Message CSQ9022I is issued when the queue manager shutdown process has completed. The message is issued either to the originator of the STOP QMGR command, or to the z/OS console from which the START QMGR command was received. System Action: Queue manager shutdown is initiated. CSQY003I QUEUE MANAGER IS ALREADY ACTIVE

Explanation: The START QMGR command has not been accepted, because the queue manager is active. Message CSQ9023E is issued after this message. CSQY004I QUEUE MANAGER IS ALREADY STOPPING

Explanation: The STOP QMGR command has not been accepted because startup has not completed to the point where shutdown can occur. Message CSQ9023E is issued after this message. System Action: Queue manager startup continues, and the STOP QMGR command is ignored. Operator Response: Reissue the STOP QMGR command after startup has completed. CSQY009I verb-name pkw-name COMMAND ACCEPTED FROM USER(userid), STOP MODE(mode)

Explanation: The STOP QMGR command has not been accepted either because the queue manager shutdown is in progress for the specified option (QUIESCE or FORCE), or because the QUIESCE option was specified after a FORCE option had been accepted previously. Message CSQ9023E is issued after this message. System Action: Queue manager shutdown continues. CSQY005E QUEUE MANAGER STARTUP TERMINATED, INVALID START COMMAND

Explanation: This message is issued to record who issued the command to stop WebSphere MQ, and what type of stop it was. verb-name might include the command prefix (CPF). This depends on how the command was entered. CSQY010E csect-name LOAD MODULE module name IS NOT AT THE CORRECT RELEASE LEVEL

Explanation: The queue manager can be started only

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Explanation: The named load module is not at the correct level for the version of the queue manager that was being used. System Action: If detected by the queue manager, startup terminates abnormally with reason code X'00E80161'. If detected by the channel initiator (module-name is CSQXJST), it does not start. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Verify that the correct WebSphere MQ program libraries are being used (for the queue manager or channel initiator as appropriate) and that all installation and maintenance activities against WebSphere MQ have been done correctly. If the early processing program is incorrect (module-name is CSQ3EPX), refresh it by issuing the REFRESH QMGR TYPE(EARLY) command. If you are unable to correct the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQY011E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. INVALID CHARACTER(S) IN CPF

because the command prefix (CPF) was already defined to z/OS. System Action: The queue manager does not start. System Programmer Response: Reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with the correct CPF parameter. Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQY014E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. CPF IS A SUBSET OF A CPF ALREADY DEFINED

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the command prefix (CPF) is a subset of a CPF already defined to z/OS. System Action: The queue manager does not start. System Programmer Response: Reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with the correct CPF parameter. Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQY015E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. CPF IS A SUPERSET OF A CPF ALREADY DEFINED

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the command prefix (CPF) contains invalid characters. System Action: The queue manager does not start. System Programmer Response: Reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with the correct CPF parameter. Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQY012E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. INVALID CHARACTER(S) IN QUEUE MANAGER NAME

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the command prefix (CPF) is a superset of a CPF already defined to z/OS. System Action: The queue manager does not start. System Programmer Response: Reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with the correct CPF parameter. Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQY016E csect-name SYSTEM ERROR DURING COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the queue manager name used as the owner of the command prefix (CPF) contains invalid characters. System Action: The queue manager does not start. System Programmer Response: Reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with the correct CPF parameter. Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQY013E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. CPF ALREADY DEFINED

Explanation: A z/OS error occurred during command prefix (CPF) registration. System Action: The queue manager does not start. System Programmer Response: Check the z/OS console for other messages relating to the problem.

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed


Messages and Codes



Setup Guide for information about the system parameters. System Action: Queue manager startup processing continues. CSQY110I csect-name LOG parameters ...

Explanation: The queue manager initialization procedures found that the storage protect key was not 7. The most likely causes are that the program properties table (PPT) entry for CSQYASCP has not been specified correctly, or that the WebSphere MQ program libraries or other libraries in the WebSphere MQ STEPLIB are not APF authorized. System Action: Queue manager startup terminates abnormally with reason code X'00E80162'. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about specifying the PPT entry for CSQYASCP and about APF authorization for the WebSphere MQ program libraries. CSQY018E csect-name INCORRECT APF AUTHORIZATION

Explanation: The queue manager is being started with the log parameter values shown in the following messages. System Action: Queue manager startup processing continues. CSQY111I, CSQY112I, CSQY113I csect-name parms Explanation: This series of messages shows the log parameter values that the queue manager is using. See the CSQ6LOGP macro in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the log parameters. System Action: Queue manager startup processing continues. CSQY120I csect-name ARCHIVE parameters ...

Explanation: The queue manager initialization procedures found that they were not APF authorized. The most likely cause is that the WebSphere MQ program libraries are not APF authorized. System Action: Queue manager startup terminates abnormally with reason code X'00E80163'. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about APF authorization for the WebSphere MQ program libraries. CSQY022I QUEUE MANAGER INITIALIZATION COMPLETE

Explanation: The queue manager is being started with the archive parameter values shown in the following messages. System Action: Queue manager startup processing continues. CSQY121I, CSQY122I, CSQY123I, CSQY124I csect-name parms Explanation: This series of messages shows the archive parameter values that the queue manager is using. See the CSQ6ARVP macro in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the archive parameters. System Action: Queue manager startup processing continues. CSQY200E csect-name ARM request-type for element arm-element type arm-element-type failed, rc=rc reason=reason

Explanation: This message is issued when the initialization of the queue manager completes normally, and it is ready for use. CSQY100I csect-name SYSTEM parameters ...

Explanation: The queue manager is being started with the system parameter values shown in the following messages. System Action: Queue manager startup processing continues. CSQY101I, CSQY102I, CSQY103I, CSQY104I, CSQY105I, CSQY106I, CSQY107I, CSQY108I, CSQY109I csect-name parms Explanation: This series of messages shows the system parameter values that the queue manager is using. (Some values are followed by their internal hexadecimal representation in parentheses.) See the CSQ6SYSP macro in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System

Explanation: An ARM request (IXCARM REQUEST=request-type) for the specified element failed. rc is the return code and reason is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the call. System Action: None. System Programmer Response: See the z/OS MVS Programming Sysplex Services Reference manual for information about the return and reason codes from the IXCARM call. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 16. Initialization procedure and general services messages (CSQY...)



csect-name ARM REGISTER for element arm-element type arm-element-type successful


csect-name call-name call for name name-token failed, rc=rc

Explanation: The specified element was successfully registered with ARM. System Action: None. CSQY202E csect-name ARM registration failed

Explanation: During processing for a group connect, a name token services call failed. rc is the return code (in hexadecimal) from the call. System Action: If the failure occurs in the batch adapter (csect-name CSQBCON or CSQBDSC), the application call will fail with a reason code of MQRC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR. Otherwise (csect-name CSQYGRA1), processing continues, but the group connect facility will not be available. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return codes from the name token services call. If you are unable to solve the problem, take a stand-alone system dump and contact your IBM support center. CSQY211I csect-name Unable to add entry to group connect name table (at table-addr)

Explanation: An attempt to register with ARM failed. System Action: Processing continues, but automatic restart is not available. System Programmer Response: See the preceding CSQY200E message for more information about the failure. CSQY203E csect-name ARM request-type for element arm-element type arm-element-type timed out, rc=rc reason=reason

Explanation: An ARM request (IXCARM REQUEST=request-type) was issued but some predecessor element specified in the ARM policy did not issue an ARM READY request within its specified time interval. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: None required. However, if your program cannot run without the predecessor element, some installation-defined action might be necessary. CSQY204I csect-name ARM DEREGISTER for element arm-element type arm-element-type successful

Explanation: During initialization for the group connect facility, a new entry could not be added to the name table for this queue manager. The most likely cause is that there is already the maximum of 32 queue managers active in the group. System Action: Processing continues, but this queue manager will not be available for group connection. System Programmer Response: Reduce the number of active queue managers and restart this queue manager. If this does not solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQY220I Queue manager is using mm MB of local storage, nn MB are free

Explanation: The specified element was successfully deregistered from ARM. System Action: None. CSQY205I csect-name ARM element arm-element is not registered

Explanation: Displays the amount of virtual storage currently used and available in the extended private region. Both values are displayed in megabytes (1048576 bytes), and are approximations. System Action: Processing continues. Any special actions taken by MQ or that are required will be indicated by the CSQY221I and CSQY222E messages. System Programmer Response: No action is required at this time. However, a frequent occurrence of this message may be an indication that the system is operating beyond the optimum region for the current configuation. CSQY221I Queue manager is short of local storage

Explanation: A STOP QMGR command requested ARM restart, but the queue manager was not registered for ARM. System Action: The queue manager stops normally, but will not be automatically restarted. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager manually.

Explanation: The queue manager is running short of virtual storage in the extended private region. System Action: Processing continues. Storage contraction processing is performed, which attempts to remove unused storage from internal subpools so that


Messages and Codes

it can be reused in other subpools. This might be necessary after a temporary need for lots of storage; for example, more than the usual number of messages held on an indexed queue, or an unusually large unit of work being performed. System Programmer Response: No action is required at this time. However, a frequent occurrence of this message may be an indication that the system is operating beyond the optimum region for the current configuation. CSQY222E Queue manager is critically short of local storage take action

predetermined safe amount. CSQY270E csect-name UNRECOGNIZED MESSAGE NUMBER message-id

Explanation: An unsuccessful attempt has been made to issue the message message-id. This message is issued only if the requested message could not be found in the MQ message directory. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues as though the requested message had been issued. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Use the message number (message-id) and look up the message in this book. If you are using a language other than US English, ensure that you have installed the language feature correctly and that you have the appropriate load library data set concatenations in your job. Apart from that possibility, this is an MQ system problem; see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide. Note: Messages are also used to provide text for constructing panels and reports. If such a message cannot be found, message CSQY270E will appear on the panel or report, generally in truncated form. CSQY271I MESSAGE GENERATOR INITIALIZATION PARAMETERS NOT FOUND. DEFAULTS ASSUMED

Explanation: The queue manager is running critically short of virtual storage in the extended private region. Action should be taken to relieve the situation, and to avoid the possible abnormal termination of the queue manager. System Action: Processing continues. Storage contraction processing has been performed, but the remaining unallocated virtual storage is less than a predetermined safe amount. If storage use continues to increase, the queue manager may terminate abnormally in an unpredictable way. System Programmer Response: Virtual storage is over-allocated for the current configuration. The following actions can reduce the virtual storage requirement: v Reduce buffer pool sizes with the ALTER BUFFPOOL command. Buffer pool statistics may be used to determine buffer pools which are over-allocated. v Reduce the number of messages held on private queues which are indexed. v Remove units of work which hold large numbers of locks. These are units of work which have put or got lots of messages, or large messages. v Reduce the number of concurrent connections to the queue manager. The DISPLAY CONN command can be used to determine connections which are consuming queue manager resources. If the problem persists after taking actions described above, it may be an indication of an internal error whereby storage is not freed (a storage leak). If you suspect this, then collect at least two system dumps of the queue manager, separated by an interval of time, and contact your IBM support center. CSQY223I Queue manager is no longer short of local storage

Explanation: The message generator was unable to access the routing code initialization parameter defined by the CSQ6SYSP macro. Default values defined by that macro are assumed. Severity: 4 System Action: Queue manager initialization continues. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: It might be necessary to change the CSQ6SYSP macro. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about this macro. CSQY290E csect-name NO STORAGE AVAILABLE

Explanation: There was insufficient storage available for a system routine. csect-name shows the system routine function: CSQAXDPS, CSQVXDPS User exits (other than channel) CSQXARMY Channel initiator automatic restart

Explanation: The queue manager is no longer short of virtual storage in the extended private region. System Action: Processing continues. Storage contraction processing has been performed, and the remaining unallocated virtual storage is more than a

Chapter 16. Initialization procedure and general services messages (CSQY...)


CSQXDCTS, CSQXTRPG Channel initiator trace CSQXDMPS Channel initiator system dump CSQXLDXS User channel exits CSQ2GFRR, CSQ2MFRR IMS bridge system dump Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues, but the function provided by the system routine will be inhibited. For example, if the routine is CSQXLDXS, then user channel exits will not be available, and channels that use them will not start. System Programmer Response: If the problem occurs in the queue manager, increase the size of the its address space, or reduce the number of queues, messages, and threads being used. If the problem occurs in the channel initiator, increase the size of the its address space, or reduce the number of dispatchers, adapter subtasks, SSL server subtasks, and active channels being used. CSQY291E csect-name SDUMPX FAILED, RC=0000ssrr, dump-identifier


IMS Bridge not available restricted functionality

Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge cannot operate because the installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. System Action: The MQ-IMS bridge does not start. CSQY333E Command not allowed restricted functionality

Explanation: The command that was issued is not allowed because the installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. System Action: The command is ignored. CSQY334E csect-name keyword(value) not allowed restricted functionality

Explanation: The value specified for the keyword is not allowed because the installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. System Action: The command is ignored. CSQY335E csect-name Channel channel-name unusable restricted functionality

Explanation: The system dump routine was unable to issue a dump; the dump identifier was as shown in the message. rr is the return code and ss is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the z/OS SDUMPX service. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference manual for information about the return code and reason code from the SDUMPX request. CSQY330I Queue manager has restricted functionality

Explanation: The channel cannot be used because the installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. System Action: The requested operation fails. CSQY340E Queue manager has restricted functionality, but previously had full functionality. Unsupported objects will be deleted (losing messages), invalid attributes will be changed

Explanation: The installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. System Action: Queue manager startup processing continues. CSQY331E parm value not allowed restricted functionality

Explanation: The installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. However, the queue manager has run previously without any functional restriction, and so may have objects and attribute settings that are not allowed with the restricted functionality. In order to continue, these objects must be deleted (which may mean messages are lost) and the attributes must be changed. The queue manager will do this automatically. System Action: Message CSQY341D is issued and the operators reply is awaited. System Programmer Response: The operator has two options: v Allow the queue manager to delete the objects and change the attributes, by replying Y.

Explanation: The value specified for the parm system parameter is not allowed because the installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. System Action: The queue manager does not start.


Messages and Codes

v Cancel the queue manager, by replying N. CSQY341D Reply Y to continue or N to cancel

Explanation: The installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ have changed, as indicated in the preceding CSQY340E message. System Action: The queue manager waits for the operators reply System Programmer Response: See message CSQY340E. CSQY342I Deleting objects and changing attributes restricted functionality

Explanation: This message is sent if the operator answers Y to message CSQY341D. System Action: The queue manager deletes the objects and changes the attributes that are not allowed with the restricted functionality. CSQY343I Queue manager terminating restricted functionality not accepted

Explanation: This message is sent if the operator answers N to message CSQY341D. System Action: The queue manager does not start.

Chapter 16. Initialization procedure and general services messages (CSQY...)



Messages and Codes

Chapter 17. Service facilities messages (CSQ1...)

The value shown for severity in the service facility messages that follow is the value returned as the job-step condition code from the job-step during which the message is issued. If additional messages having higher severity values are issued during the same job-step, the higher value is reflected as the job-step condition code.
CSQ1000I csect-name IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS version Explanation: The limit of 50 input statements allowed by CSQ1LOGP has been exceeded. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job using no more than 50 statements. CSQ1111E LIMIT OF 80 TOKENS EXCEEDED

Explanation: This message is issued as the first part of the header to the report issued by the log print utility program. Severity: 0 CSQ1100I csect-name LOG PRINT UTILITY date time

Explanation: This message is issued as the second part of the header to the report issued by the log print utility program. Severity: 0 CSQ1101I csect-name UTILITY PROCESSING COMPLETED, RETURN CODE=rc

Explanation: The limit of 80 keywords and corresponding value specifications allowed by CSQ1LOGP has been exceeded. A keyword with its value is considered as two tokens. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job using no more than 80 tokens. CSQ1112E TOKEN xxx... EXCEEDS 48 CHARACTERS

Explanation: The log print utility completed with the return code rc indicated. 0 indicates successful completion. Severity: 0 CSQ1102I SEARCH CRITERIA

Explanation: An input statement contains the character string beginning xxx. This string is not valid because it exceeds 48 characters in length. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job with a valid token.

Explanation: The search criteria specified for printing the log follow. Severity: 0 CSQ1105I LOG PRINT UTILITY SUMMARY date time


Explanation: This is issued as a header to the summary data set written by the log print utility. Severity: 0 CSQ1106I END OF SUMMARY


Explanation: An input statement contains the keyword kwd. The value specified for this keyword is not valid, because it is not of the form kwd(value). Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job with the correct form of the keyword. CSQ1127E KEYWORD kwd UNKNOWN

Explanation: This marks the end of the summary data set written by the log print utility. Severity: 0 CSQ1110E LIMIT OF 50 STATEMENTS EXCEEDED

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Explanation: CSQ1LOGP does not recognize the keyword kwd. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Check to make sure all keywords are valid and resubmit the job. CSQ1128E END OF LOG RANGE SPECIFIED WITHOUT START



Explanation: The nth occurrence of keyword kwd is not followed by a value. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job providing a correct value specification. CSQ1133E NO VALUE FOR KEYWORD kwd

Explanation: You cannot specify the end of a search range (RBAEND or LRSNEND) without specifying a beginning of the search range (RBASTART or LRSNSTART respectively). Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job providing an RBASTART or LRSNSTART value to correspond to the RBAEND or LRSNEND value given to specify a valid search range. CSQ1129E LIMIT OF 10 kwd KEYWORDS EXCEEDED

Explanation: The keyword kwd is not followed by a value. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job providing a correct value specification. CSQ1135E KEYWORD kwd SPECIFIED MORE THAN ONCE

Explanation: The keyword kwd can only be specified once. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job providing only one of these keywords. CSQ1137I FIRST PAGE SET CONTROL RECORD AFTER RESTART = r-rba

Explanation: The kwd keyword appears too many times in the control statements. The limit is 10. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job providing no more than 10 of these keywords. CSQ1130E INVALID VALUE FOR KEYWORD kwd NUMBER n

Explanation: The value for the nth occurrence of keyword kwd is invalid because it has invalid characters, it is not one of a list of permitted values, or it is too long. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job providing a correct value specification. CSQ1131E INVALID VALUE FOR KEYWORD kwd

Explanation: r-rba is the log RBA of a record that serves as an implicit indication that a restart occurred just prior to this point. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1138E kwd1 AND kwd2 CANNOT BOTH BE SPECIFIED

Explanation: kwd1 and kwd2 cannot both appear in the control statements. System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Correct the control statements and rerun the job. CSQ1139E SYSSUMRY DD STATEMENT MISSING

Explanation: The value for the keyword kwd is invalid because it has invalid characters, it is not one of a list of permitted values, or it is too long. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job providing a correct value specification.

Explanation: You requested the SUMMARY option, but did not include the SYSSUMRY DD statement in your JCL.


Messages and Codes

Severity: 8 System Action: Processing terminates. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job with a SYSSUMRY DD statement included in the JCL. CSQ1145E CURRENT RESTART TIME STAMP OUT OF SEQUENCE TIME=date time LOG RBA=t-rba



Explanation: This message heads the summary of completed units of recovery (URs) and checkpoints. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1151I UR CONNID=cc THREAD-XREF=bb USERID=aa TIME=date time START=s-rba END=e-rba DISP=xx INFO=ii

Explanation: This message indicates that the current log record has a time stamp that is less than the greatest time stamp processed so far. This might be a potential problem. This message is followed by messages CSQ1147I and CSQ1148I which give the latest time stamp seen. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the current log to determine whether multiple queue managers are writing to the same log. (Data might be being overwritten.) This might lead to data inconsistencies. CSQ1146E CURRENT END CHECKPOINT TIME STAMP OUT OF SEQUENCE TIME=date time LOG RBA=t-rba

Explanation: This message indicates that the current log record has a time stamp that is less than the previous time stamp processed. This might be a potential problem. This message is followed by messages CSQ1147I and CSQ1148I which give the latest time stamp seen. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Examine the current log to determine whether multiple queue managers are writing to the same log. (Data might be being overwritten.) This might lead to data inconsistencies. CSQ1147I LATEST TIME STAMP SEEN SO FAR TIME=date time LOG RBA=t-rba

Explanation: This message describes a unit of recovery that terminated. cc Connection id (for example, BATCH) bb Thread cross-reference id (for example, JOB xxx) aa User id executing the UR date time Starting time of the UR s-rba Log RBA of the first log record associated with the UR (that is, the URID) e-rba Log RBA of the last log record associated with the UR If the UR is not complete, e-rba is shown as *** xx Disposition of the UR, values include: v INFLIGHT v IN BACKOUT v IN COMMIT v INDOUBT v COMMITTED v BACKED OUT ii Status of the data, one of the following: v COMPLETE, indicating that all page sets modified by this UR have been identified v PARTIAL, indicating that the list of page sets modified by this UR is incomplete (this is shown if all records associated with a UR are not available, and no checkpoint is found prior to the URs completion) If the UR identifying information is not available, it will be shown as ***. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1153I CHECKPOINT START=s-rba END=e-rba TIME=date time

Explanation: This message follows message CSQ1145I or CSQ1146I and gives the latest time stamp seen. Severity: 4 CSQ1148I MULTIPLE QUEUE MANAGERS MAY BE WRITING TO THE SAME LOG

Explanation: This message follows message CSQ1145I or CSQ1146I to indicate a possible cause of the time stamp problem. Severity: 4

Explanation: This message describes a complete checkpoint on the log starting at RBA s-rba and ending at RBA e-rba. If the information is available, CSQ1LOGP also returns the date and time that the checkpoint was completed. When this message follows message CSQ1157I, it identifies the checkpoint that would be used at restart. If no checkpoint is available, message CSQ1158I is printed instead.
Chapter 17. Service facilities messages (CSQ1...)


Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1154I RESTART AT r-rba TIME=date time



Explanation: While processing the SUMMARY option, an invalid URE checkpoint record was encountered in the log. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the checkpoint record identified in the message is used to restart the queue manager, the restart will be unsuccessful because it will not be able to process the unit of recovery presented by the invalid URE. Look for other messages that indicate the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQ1162E INVALID RURE FOUND AT x-rba

Explanation: A normal restart occurred at log RBA r-rba. CSQ1LOGP also returns the date and time of that restart. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1155I CONDITIONAL RESTART AT r-rba TIME=date time

Explanation: A conditional restart occurred at log RBA r-rba. CSQ1LOGP also returns the date and time of that restart. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1156I ALL URS COMPLETE

Explanation: While processing the SUMMARY option, an invalid RURE checkpoint record was encountered in the log. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the checkpoint record identified in the message is used to restart the queue manager, the restart will be unsuccessful because it will not be able to process the unit of recovery presented by the invalid RURE. Look for other messages that indicate the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. CSQ1163E NO CHECKPOINT AVAILABLE DUE TO LOG ERROR RESTART SUMMARY INCOMPLETE

Explanation: There are no URs outstanding for restart. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1157I RESTART SUMMARY

Explanation: This message heads the summary of the description of work to be performed at restart. Restart information that follows is based on the scope of the log scanned. If you suspect an error in MQ, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for information about identifying and reporting the problem. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1158I NO CHECKPOINT AVAILABLE RESTART SUMMARY INCOMPLETE

Explanation: No checkpoint is available within the scope of the log scanned. The information following this message includes: v URs that have not completed v Page sets modified by these URs v Page sets with writes pending The information cannot be considered complete. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues.

Explanation: A log error was encountered. CSQ1LOGP marked any checkpoints encountered before the log error as invalid. There were no complete checkpoints following the log error in the specified log range. The information following this message includes: v URs that have not completed v Page set modified by these URs v Page sets with writes pending This information cannot be considered complete. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1165E UR REQUIRES LOG WHICH IS IN ERROR

Explanation: While processing a UR, information was required from the log, but the log was in error, as indicated by previous messages.


Messages and Codes

Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1166I INFORMATION INCOMPLETE FOR UR LOG TRUNCATED AT xx



Explanation: This identifies the RBA of the first log record read. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1213I LAST LOG RBA ENCOUNTERED = e-rba

Explanation: Complete information for the UR is not available within the scope of the log scanned. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1209E END OF LOG RANGE IS LESS THAN START

Explanation: This identifies the RBA of the last log record read. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1214I nn LOG RECORDS READ

Explanation: The end log range value (specified by RBAEND or LRSNEND) is less than or equal to the start range value (specified by RBASTART or LRSNSTART respectively). Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job providing an RBASTART or LRSNSTART value and a corresponding RBAEND or LRSNEND value to specify a valid search range. CSQ1210E LOG READ ERROR RETCODE=rc REASON CODE=reason

Explanation: This identifies the number (in decimal) of logical log records read during CSQ1LOGP processing. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1215I NO LOG RECORDS READ

Explanation: CSQ1LOGP read no log records. Possible explanations are: v An error has prevented CSQ1LOGP from continuing, therefore no log records have yet been processed (if this is so, an error message should precede this message) v You specified the active log data sets or archive log data sets out of RBA sequence v You specified an RBASTART or LRSNSTART value that is greater than any RBA or LRSN in the active and archive data sets available v You specified a log range using LRSNs, but the queue manager is not in a queue-sharing group. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1216E LOG READ ERROR, RETCODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason, RBA=x-rba

Explanation: An error was detected while attempting to read the log. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. Problem Determination: Refer to Log services return codes on page 240 for information about the return code included in the message, and Part 2, Codes for information about the reason code. CSQ1211E BAD LOG RBA RETURNED

Explanation: One of the three problems listed below exists: v The recovery log data set is damaged v You identified a data set that is not a recovery log data set v There is a problem with the log print utility Severity: 8 System Action: Processing terminates, and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: A common error is to specify the first data set on an archive tape (the Bxxxxxxx data set) as a log data set; it is actually a bootstrap data set (BSDS). Determine if the problem is your error by dumping the data set and determining if it is a log data set.

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to read the log, indicating that either the log has an error in one of the control intervals (CI), or a data set containing the requested RBA cannot be located. The RBA specification in the message indicates where the error was detected and gives the requested RBA. It will point to: v The start of the CI if there is a problem with the log control interval definition (LCID), or with any of the general control information within a CI

Chapter 17. Service facilities messages (CSQ1...)


v The log record in the CI if there is a problem with a log record header (LRH) If this is the first log record read during this execution of the Log Extractor, and if there is a problem with the LCID, the RBA specification will be all zeros. Before returning any records, the utility checks the control information (LCID) at the end of a CI, and analyzes the LRH to ensure that all records are properly chained together within the CI. If an error is detected while performing this process, CSQ1LOGP will issue this message, before dumping the entire CI. It will not format individual records within the CI, but will, if possible, continue processing by reading the next CI. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. Problem Determination: The reason code identifies the nature of the error. The return code included in the message is explained in Log services return codes on page 240, and the reason code is explained in Part 2, Codes. CSQ1217E RBA RANGE WARNING, RETCODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason, PRIOR RBA=p-rba, CURRENT RBA=c-rba

the records within the CI are processed. This is an indication of logical damage, and error messages are issued by the utility. The CI or log record in error is printed, and CSQ1LOGP continues to the next CI or log record. The count nn provided summarizes the number (in decimal) of errors CSQ1LOGP detected while accessing the log. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1220E ARCHIVE LOG TRUNCATED AT xxxx INVALID LOG RECORDS READ

Explanation: At a restart of the queue manager, an archive log was truncated. This archive log data set could not be physically altered to reflect this truncation, and invalid log records therefore still exist. CSQ1LOGP has already reported this information in the summary report, and cannot retract it. Nor can it disregard the invalid log information already read in order adequately to summarize what has occurred. Therefore, all information up to this point in the log will be summarized, and a new summary report initiated. Consequently, the same UR might be reported twice with different dispositions and different page sets modified. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: To avoid this condition, use the BSDS DD statement instead of the ARCHIVE DD statement. CSQ1221E VSAM ERROR, RETCODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason,VSAM RETURN CODE=aaaa, ERROR CODE=bbbb

Explanation: A gap in the log RBA range has been encountered. PRIOR RBA p-rba indicates the last good log RBA prior to the gap. CURRENT RBA c-rba indicates the log record following the gap, and will be formatted following this message. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. Problem Determination: The reason code identifies the nature of the error. The return code included in the message is explained in Log services return codes on page 240, and the reason code is explained in Part 2, Codes. CSQ1218I nn LOG ERROR MESSAGES

Explanation: A VSAM error was encountered while attempting to read the log. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. Problem Determination: The return code included in the message is explained in Log services return codes on page 240, and the reason code in Part 2, Codes. The VSAM return code (aaaa), and error code (bbbb), identify the nature of the VSAM error. See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual for an explanation of these codes. CSQ1222E LOG ALLOCATION ERROR, RETCODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason, DYNALLOC INFO CODE=aaaa, ERROR CODE=bbbb

Explanation: CSQ1LOGP distinguishes three classes of errors: v Code problems existing in the MQ or system code used for CSQ1LOGP. In such cases, abnormal termination with a user completion code of U0153 will occur. v Incorrect invocation of CSQ1LOGP caused, perhaps, by your having used an incorrect keyword or missed a DD statement. Under these circumstances, CSQ1LOGP will issue appropriate error messages, and the program will be terminated. v An error in a given log CI under the scrutiny of CSQ1LOGP. Such scrutiny is performed before any of

Explanation: An error occurred while dynamically allocating a log data set.


Messages and Codes

Severity: 8 System Action: Processing terminates. Problem Determination: The return code indicated in the message is explained in Log services return codes on page 240, and the reason code is explained in Part 2, Codes. Information code aaaa and error code bbbb were returned by the dynamic allocation SVC and identify the nature of the error. See the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide manual for an explanation of these codes. CSQ1223E JFCB READ ERROR, RETCODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason, RDJFCB RETURN CODE=aaaa



Explanation: You specified a log range using LRSNs, but CSQ1LOGP read no log records. This could be because the queue manager is not in a queue-sharing group, in which case you cannot use LRSN specifications. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: If the queue manager is not in a queue-sharing group, rerun the job using RBA specifications for the log range. CSQ1276E LOG READ ERROR, RETCODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason, LRSN=x-lrsn

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read the job file control block. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing continues. Problem Determination: The return code included in the message is explained in Log services return codes on page 240, and the reason code is explained in Part 2, Codes. The RDJFCB return code (aaaa), identifies the nature of the error. See the MVS/ESA DFP System Programming Reference manual for an explanation of these codes. CSQ1271I START OF LOG RANGE SET TO LRSN=s-lrsn

Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to read the log, indicating that either the log has an error in one of the control intervals (CI), or a data set containing the requested LRSN cannot be located. The LRSN specification in the message indicates where the error was detected and gives the requested LRSN. It will point to: v The start of the CI if there is a problem with the log control interval definition (LCID), or with any of the general control information within a CI v The log record in the CI if there is a problem with a log record header (LRH) If this is the first log record read during this execution of the Log Extractor, and if there is a problem with the LCID, the LRSN specification will be all zeros. Before returning any records, the utility checks the control information (LCID) at the end of a CI, and analyzes the LRH to ensure that all records are properly chained together within the CI. If an error is detected while performing this process, CSQ1LOGP will issue this message, before dumping the entire CI. It will not format individual records within the CI, but will, if possible, continue processing by reading the next CI. Severity: 4 System Action: Processing continues. Problem Determination: The reason code identifies the nature of the error. The return code included in the message is explained in Log services return codes on page 240, and the reason code is explained in Part 2, Codes. CSQ1277E LRSN RANGE WARNING, RETCODE=rc, REASON CODE=reason, PRIOR LRSN=p-lrsn, CURRENT LRSN=c-lrsn

Explanation: The LRSN value you specified for the start of the log range is less than the lowest possible LRSN value, which is s-lrsn. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues, using an LRSNSTART value of s-lrsn. CSQ1272I FIRST LOG LRSN ENCOUNTERED = s-lrsn

Explanation: This identifies the LRSN of the first log record read. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues. CSQ1273I LAST LOG LRSN ENCOUNTERED = e-lrsn

Explanation: This identifies the LRSN of the last log record read. Severity: 0 System Action: Processing continues.

Explanation: A gap in the log LRSN range has been

Chapter 17. Service facilities messages (CSQ1...)


encountered. The PRIOR LRSN specification indicates the last good log LRSN prior to the gap. The CURRENT LRSN specification indicates the log record following the gap, and will be formatted following this message. Severity: 4

System Action: Processing continues. Problem Determination: The reason code identifies the nature of the error. The return code included in the message is explained in Log services return codes, and the reason code is explained in Part 2, Codes.

Log services return codes

The return codes set by log services are: 0 Successful completion 4 Exception condition (for example, end of file), not an error. 8 Unsuccessful completion due to parameter errors. 12 Unsuccessful completion. Error encountered during processing of a valid request.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 18. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge Messages (CSQ2...)

CSQ2001I csect-name OTMA REJECTED MESSAGE APPLICATION ERROR, SENSE CODE=code, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname TPIPE=tpipename code The IMS sense code returned by the partner (the first four characters are the sense code).

Explanation: Because of an application error, the MQ-IMS bridge received a negative acknowledgement (NAK) from OTMA when sending a message. The information provided in the message is: gname mname The XCF group to which the partner belongs. The member name of the partner.

System Action: If the problem was caused by an environmental error, the IMS bridge returns the message to the queue, and closes the queue. If a severe error occurred, the message is returned to the queue, and the IMS bridge ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00F20059'. System Programmer Response: Refer to the IMS/ESA Open Transaction Manager Access Guide for information about the sense code from IMS. CSQ2004E csect-name ERROR USING QUEUE q-name, MQRC=mqrc

tpipename The name of the Tpipe used by the partner. code The IMS sense code returned by the partner (the first four characters are the sense code).

System Action: The message is put to the dead-letter queue, and processing continues. System Programmer Response: Refer to the IMS/ESA Open Transaction Manager Access Guide for information about the sense code from IMS. CSQ2002E csect-name OTMA CLIENT BID REJECTED, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname, SENSE CODE=code

Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge was unable to open, close, get from, put to, or inquire about a queue. If csect-name is CSQ2QCP0, the problem was with the message queue associated with IMS or the reply-to queue. If csect-name is CSQ2QCP1, the problem was with the reply-to queue. If csect-name is CSQ2PUTD, the problem was with the dead-letter queue. System Action: If the problem was caused by an environmental error, processing continues. If a severe error occurred, the IMS bridge ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and a reason code which shows the particular error. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc. CSQ2005I csect-name ERROR PROCESSING MESSAGE, FEEDBACK=code, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname TPIPE=tpipename

Explanation: An OTMA client bid command from the MQ-IMS bridge was rejected. code is the associated IMS sense code. gname and mname identify the partner IMS system to which the command was directed. System Action: No connection is made to the IMS system. Connections to other OTMA partners are unaffected. System Programmer Response: Refer to the IMS/ESA Open Transaction Manager Access Guide for information about the sense code from IMS. CSQ2003E csect-name OTMA REJECTED MESSAGE SYSTEM ERROR, SENSE CODE=code, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname TPIPE=tpipename

Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge encountered an error while processing a message. code is the associated feedback code that will be set in the messagedescriptor. The information provided in the message is: gname mname The XCF group to which the partner belongs. The member name of the partner.

Explanation: Because of a system-related error, the MQ-IMS bridge received a negative acknowledgement (NAK) from OTMA when sending a message. The information provided in the message is: gname mname The XCF group to which the partner belongs. The member name of the partner.

tpipename The name of the Tpipe used by the partner. code The IMS sense code returned by the partner.

System Action: The message is not processed. System Programmer Response: code is one of the following:

tpipename The name of the Tpipe used by the partner.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


291 (MQFB_DATA_LENGTH_ZERO) A segment length field was zero in the application data of the message. 292 (MQFB_DATA_LENGTH_NEGATIVE) A segment length field was negative in the application data of the message. 293 (MQFB_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_BIG) A segment length field was too big in the application data of the message. 294 (MQFB_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) The value of one of the length fields would overflow the MQ message buffer. 295 (MQFB_LENGTH_OFF_BY_ONE) The length field was one byte too short. 296 (MQFB_IIH_ERROR) The MQMD specified MQFMT_IMS, but the message does not begin with a valid MQIIH structure. 298 (MQFB_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_IMS) The user ID specified in the MQMD was denied access. 3xx IMS sense code xx (where xx is the decimal representation of the IMS sense code). Refer to the IMS/ESA Open Transaction Manager Access Guide for information about the sense code from IMS. CSQ2006I csect-name DEAD-LETTER QUEUE UNAVAILABLE, MQRC=mqrc

information about what product levels are required. If required, recompile CSQZPARM with the correct libraries. CSQ2010I csect-name CONNECTED TO PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge successfully established a connection to the partner IMS system identified by gname and mname. System Action: Processing continues; messages can be sent to the partner. CSQ2011I csect-name DISCONNECTED FROM PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: The partner IMS system identified by gname and mname is no longer available, and the connection from the MQ-IMS bridge has ended. System Action: Processing continues; messages can no longer be sent to the partner. CSQ2012I csect-name NO UTOKEN SECURITY REQUESTED FOR IMS SIGNON, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge was unable to put a message to the dead-letter queue. System Action: If the message was being sent to IMS, it will be retained on the local IMS queue, and the queue will be disabled. If the message was coming from IMS, a NAK will be sent to IMS so that IMS will retain it and stop sending messages on the Tpipe. System Programmer Response: If mqrc is 0, there is no dead-letter queue defined; you are strongly recommended not to use the MQ-IMS bridge unless you have a dead-letter queue defined. Otherwise, there is a problem obtaining the name of the queue from the queue manager; refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc. CSQ2009I csect-name PREREQUISITE PRODUCTS FOR IMS BRIDGE NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge signed-on to the partner IMS system identified by gname and mname. No UTOKEN security was requested for this session. System Action: Processing continues. CSQ2013E csect-name NOT AUTHORIZED FOR IMS SIGNON, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge tried to sign on to the partner IMS system identified by gname and mname. However, the queue manager not authorized to establish a connection to this IMS system. System Action: No connection is made to the IMS system. Connections to other OTMA partners are unaffected. CSQ2015I csect-name IMS BRIDGE ALREADY SUSPENDED, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge cannot operate because: v The version of z/OS or OS/390 being used is not correct v The version of IMS being used is not correct v OTMA support has not been enabled on IMS. v An incorrect version of the system parameter module (CSQZPARM) is being used. System Action: The MQ-IMS bridge does not start. System Programmer Response: Refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide for

Explanation: A SUSPEND QMGR FACILITY(IMSBRIDGE) command was issued, but the MQ-IMS bridge to the partner IMS system identified by gname and mname is already suspended. System Action: None.


Messages and Codes




Explanation: A RESUME QMGR FACILITY(IMSBRIDGE) command was issued, but the MQ-IMS bridge to the partner IMS system identified by gname and mname is not suspended. System Action: None. CSQ2020E csect-name RESYNCHRONIZATION ERROR


Explanation: MQ was unable to resynchronize with the partner. The information provided in the message is: gname mname code The name of the XCF group to which the partner belongs. The member name of the partner who cannot resynchronize. The IMS sense code returned by the partner (the first four characters are the sense code).

Explanation: A resynchronization error has occurred. The information provided by this message is: IN TPIPE tpipename FOR QUEUE q-name, BY PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname, QMGR SEND=sendseq PARTNER RECEIVE=otmarecvseq, QMGR RECEIVE=recvseq PARTNER SEND=otmasendseq, INDOUBT UNIT OF RECOVERY urid where: tpipename The name of the Tpipe which cannot be resynchronized q-name gname mname The name of the queue for this Tpipe The name of the XCF group to which the Tpipe belongs The name of the XCF member to which the Tpipe belongs

System Action: The connection to OTMA is stopped System Programmer Response: See the IMS/ESA Open Transaction Manager Access Guide for information about the sense code from IMS. Resolve the problem and restart the OTMA connection. CSQ2024E csect-name TPIPE tpipename IS UNKNOWN TO PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: The Tpipe name was unknown to the partner. The information provided in the message is: tpipename The name of the Tpipe which the partner no longer recognizes. gname mname The XCF group to which the partner belongs. The member name of the partner who is resynchronizing

sendseq The recoverable sequence number of the message last sent by MQ to the partner, in hexadecimal otmasendseq The recoverable sequence number of the message last sent by the partner to MQ, in hexadecimal recvseq The recoverable sequence number of the message last received by MQ from the partner, in hexadecimal

System Action: The associated unit of recovery is backed out and processing continues. System Programmer Response: None. CSQ2025E csect-name PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname, CANNOT RESYNCHRONIZE TPIPE tpipename, SENSE CODE=code

otmarecvseq The recoverable sequence number of the message last received by the partner from MQ, in hexadecimal urid The identifier of an in-doubt unit of recovery; a value of 0 means that there is no in-doubt unit of recovery.

Explanation: The partner was unable to resynchronize the Tpipe. The information provided in the message is: gname mname The XCF group to which the partner belongs. The member name of the partner who is resynchronizing.

System Action: No messages are sent on the Tpipe. System Programmer Response: Use the RESET TPIPE command to reset recoverable sequence numbers, to restart the Tpipe, and, if required, to resolve the unit of recovery.

tpipename The name of the Tpipe which the partner cannot resynchronize. code The IMS sense code returned by the partner.

System Action: The Tpipe is stopped.

Chapter 18. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge Messages (CSQ2...)


System Programmer Response: See the IMS/ESA Open Transaction Manager Access Guide for information about the sense code from IMS. Resolve the problem and restart or reset the Tpipe. CSQ2026I csect-name PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname, HAS COLD-STARTED TPIPE tpipename

System Action: The command is rejected. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the command using the correct XCF group name when MQ is connected to the partner. CSQ2029I csect-name TPIPE tpipename NOT FOUND FOR PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: The partner has cold started a Tpipe. The information provided in the message is: gname mname The XCF group of which the partner is a member. The member name of the partner who is resynchronizing.

Explanation: The Tpipe could not be found. The information provided in this message is: tpipename The name of the Tpipe which could not be found. gname mname The XCF group of which the partner is a member. The member name of the partner for the Tpipe.

tpipename The name of the Tpipe which the partner has cold started. System Action: All recoverable sequence numbers are reset to 1, and processing continues. System Programmer Response: None. CSQ2027I csect-name TPIPE tpipename FOR PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname, DOES NOT HAVE AN INDOUBT UNIT OF RECOVERY

System Action: The command is rejected. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the RESET TPIPE command with the correct Tpipe name. CSQ2030I csect-name TPIPE tpipename IS STILL OPEN FOR PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: MQ expected a Tpipe to have an in-doubt unit of recovery. The information provided by the message is: tpipename The name of the Tpipe for which there should be a unit of recovery still in doubt gname mname The XCF group to which the partner belongs. The member name of the partner for the Tpipe.

Explanation: The Tpipe is still open. The information provided by this message is: tpipename The name of the Tpipe which is still open. gname mname The XCF group name. The member name of the partner for the Tpipe.

System Action: The command is rejected. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the RESET TPIPE command with the correct Tpipe name. CSQ2031I csect-name TPIPE tpipename FOR PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname, ACTION REQUIRED FOR INDOUBT UNIT OF RECOVERY

System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center. v Console log v MQ job log v IMS job log CSQ2028I csect-name QUEUE MANAGER IS NOT CONNECTED TO PARTNER, XCFGNAME=gname XCFMNAME=mname

Explanation: A Tpipe has an in-doubt unit of recovery, but no recovery action was specified. The information provided by the message is: tpipename The name of the Tpipe which has a unit of recovery still in doubt gname mname The XCF group to which the partner belongs. The member name of the partner for the Tpipe.

Explanation: MQ is not connected to the partner. The information provided in the message is: gname mname The group name of the partner. The member name of the partner.
Messages and Codes


System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the RESET TPIPE command specifying an action (COMMIT or BACKOUT) for the in-doubt unit of recovery.

Chapter 18. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge Messages (CSQ2...)



Messages and Codes

Chapter 19. Subsystem support messages (CSQ3...)

CSQ3001E csect-name ABNORMAL DISCONNECT FROM SUBSYSTEM INTERFACE Problem Determination: This error is probably caused by a cold start after an abnormal termination or by offline alterations of the logs of either MQ or the subsystem. CSQ3004E SSI DESCRIPTOR GET FAILURE, RC=rc REASON=reason

Explanation: An online routine was still supporting SSI calls (IEFSSREQ) even though the queue manager had nearly completed termination or was no longer executing. This occurs with csect-name CSQ3RS00 or CSQ3RS0X when the queue manager address space has reached end-of-memory and neither normal termination nor online error recovery routines have successfully completed termination of the queue manager. This occurs with csect-name CSQ3SSTM when this condition is discovered during online termination. System Action: The connection is terminated. All IEFSSREQ requests are handled by the MQ early processing program until the queue manager is restarted. An SVC dump is requested. Problem Determination: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v System dump v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC CSQ3002I INDOUBT RECOVERY BY connection-name STILL IN PROGRESS

Explanation: An internal error has occurred during initialization or termination. System Action: The queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: Ensure that all maintenance has been applied to the WebSphere MQ program libraries, and then restart the queue manager. Problem Determination: If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Console log v System dump CSQ3006E rmid SSI FUNCTION WAS ALREADY ACTIVE WHEN ACTIVATE WAS ATTEMPTED

Explanation: There might be MQ units of recovery (URs), related to an identified subsystem (connection-name), still in doubt after restart synchronization has taken place. (Indoubt URs are those for which commit has been voted by MQ but which have not yet been acknowledged by connection-name.) This message might appear if the connection-name subsystem has begun to do new work before having resolved all in-doubt URs. The connection-name subsystem is still in the process of resolving the in-doubt URs. System Action: Resources held (locked) by these in-doubt URs are unavailable to any other work units until their status is resolved. System Programmer Response: The system programmer or system administrator must determine the correct recovery action to resolve the in-doubt situations. This involves either ensure-commit or backout decisions for all in-doubt URs. The DISPLAY THREAD command should be used to see the URs still in doubt. It will normally show that all in-doubt URs have now been resolved. If not, the RESOLVE INDOUBT command should be used to resolve the in-doubt URs and to release the resources they hold.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

Explanation: An initialization sequence error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: Ensure that all maintenance has been applied to the WebSphere MQ program libraries, and then restart the queue manager. Problem Determination: If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Console log v System dump CSQ3007E rmid SSI FUNCTION WAS ALREADY INACTIVE WHEN DEACTIVATE WAS ATTEMPTED

Explanation: A termination sequence error has occurred. System Action: Termination continues. System Programmer Response: Ensure that all maintenance has been applied to the WebSphere MQ program libraries. Problem Determination: If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v Console log v System dump




type threads by specifying RRSBATCH as the connection name. The decision to commit or back out the logical unit of work should be coordinated with any other participant RRS Recoverable Resource Managers. The existence of other participants might not be easy to determine. The information might be available in the RRS recovery log even though information has been lost. At this queue manager, all in-doubt threads coordinated by RRS must be resolved with the RESOLVE INDOUBT command. Locked data remains unavailable until resolution. Threads that were already resolved with this command are discarded. Threads not yet resolved are discarded after resolution with the command. The commit or back out decision provided using the RESOLVE INDOUBT command for a logical unit of work is propagated to all downstream participants, if any. CSQ3013I csect-name Queue manager was restarted on the wrong system so cannot connect to RRS. There are unresolved URs where MQ is a participant

Explanation: One or more resource managers are still supporting application program calls through their program request handler, even though the queue manager had almost completed termination, or was no longer executing. This occurs when the queue manager address space has gone to end of memory and neither normal termination nor online error recovery routines have successfully completed termination. System Action: The connection is terminated. All application program support requests are rejected with an indication that the queue manager is not active. An SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v System dump v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC CSQ3009E error-info

Explanation: An internal error has occurred in RRS exit processing. The message contains error information that will be needed to resolve the problem. System Action: Processing continues, but RRS coordination is no longer available to the queue manager. It will probably be necessary to restart the queue manager or RRS. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items and contact your IBM support center: v A description of the actions that led to the message, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time v The error information in the message v The queue manager job log v The queue manager active log data set v Any system dump output associated with the message CSQ3011I csect-name Coordinator RRS is cold-starting and has lost its log. In-doubt MQ threads need manual resolution

Explanation: The queue manager has one or more in-doubt threads and is unable to connect to RRS to resolve these in-doubt units of recovery (URs). System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Start the queue manager on the correct system. CSQ3014I csect-name In-doubt RRS URID=rrs-urid is unknown to MQ. URID recorded for MQ by RRS=mq-urid

Explanation: The queue manager is restarting with RRS where MQ is a participant and RRS is the coordinator. RRS has a unit of recovery (UR) that the queue manager should be a participant in, but it has no knowledge of the RRS unit of recovery, whose ID is rrs-urid. RRS has recorded the MQ URID as mq-urid. System Action: Restart with RRS continues. System Programmer Response: This message might indicate a problem in MQ or RRS, or it might be produced because of one of the following prior actions: v A conditional restart was performed that resulted in the loss of part or all of the MQ log. This conditional restart might have happened at any time in the past. v The RESOLVE INDOUBT command was used to resolve the MQ UR with ID mq-urid. If one of these occurred, the message can be ignored. If neither occurred, there might be a problem in MQ or RRS.

Explanation: MQ has participant responsibility for in-doubt threads. RRS, the commit coordinator, has informed the queue manager that it lost all knowledge of MQ in-doubt threads. The in-doubt threads at this queue manager must be manually resolved with the RESOLVE INDOUBT command. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: A list of in-doubt threads where RRS is the coordinator can be displayed using the DISPLAY THREAD command for in-doubt


Messages and Codes

If the mq-urid appears to be a valid log RBA, use the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) with the SUMMARY option and URID options using the mq-urid value. If this finds the UR, the disposition will indicate whether it was committed or backed out. If possible, use the RRS ISPF interface to commit or back out the RRS URID so that they match. If you suspect an error in MQ, collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v The queue manager job log v The queue manager active log data set CSQ3016I csect-name RRS has lost data from its log

System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available. Operator Response: If you are trying to add an MQ subsystem, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with the correct parameters. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter fields in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQ3102E csect-name INVALID COMMAND PREFIX

Explanation: The queue manager is restarting with RRS and RRS has lost some portion of its log. System Action: Restart with RRS continues. System Programmer Response: MQ might not be able to resolve in-doubt units of recovery successfully with RRS because of the loss of RRS log data. CSQ3017I csect-name RRS function call-name failed, RC=rc

Explanation: The z/OS command SETSSI ADD or the subsystem definition record in the IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB for the MQ subsystem specified the command prefix initialization parameter incorrectly. The failing subsystem name is provided in message IEF759I, which follows this message. System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available. Operator Response: If you are trying to add an MQ subsystem, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with the correct parameters. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter fields in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the CSQ3104I csect-name TERMINATION COMPLETE

Explanation: During queue manager restart, the RRS function specified by call-name issued a return code rc indicating a failure. System Action: Processing continues, but RRS functions will not be available. For example, connections using the RRS adapter will not be allowed, and queue-sharing group facilities will not work. System Programmer Response: Investigate the RRS return code from the function specified and resolve the problem. Then restart the queue manager. CSQ3100I csect-name SUBSYSTEM ssnm READY FOR START COMMAND

Explanation: The queue manager has terminated. The actual z/OS termination of the queue manager address spaces might have completed earlier. This message is presented for every termination, normal or abnormal. CSQ3105E csect-name UNABLE TO LOAD EARLY PROCESSING PROGRAM 'CSQ3EPX'. ssnm IS NOT AVAILABLE

Explanation: The queue manager has terminated, and can be restarted when required. Operator Response: Issue the START QMGR command when desired. CSQ3101E csect-name INVALID EARLY PROCESSING PARAMETER

Explanation: Subsystem initialization or early processing refreshing for the MQ subsystem failed because the initialization program (CSQ3INI) could not locate the early processing program (CSQ3EPX). For subsystem initialization, the program must be either in the linkpack area (LPA) or in a library which is in the link list. For early processing refreshing, the program must be in the LPA. System Action: Subsystem initialization or early processing refreshing ends abnormally. MQ subsystem ssnm is not available. Operator Response: Use the z/OS command SETPROG LPA,ADD,... to load the CSQ3EPX program
Chapter 19. Subsystem support messages (CSQ3...)

Explanation: The z/OS command SETSSI ADD or the subsystem definition record in the IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB for the MQ subsystem specified the early processing initialization parameter incorrectly. The name must be CSQ3EPX. The failing subsystem name is provided in message IEF759I, which follows this message.


into the LPA. For subsystem initialization, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD. For early processing refreshing, reissue the REFRESH QMGR TYPE(EARLY) command. CSQ3106E csect-name QUEUE MANAGER STOPPED. COMMAND NOT PROCESSED command-text

facility is available again the next time the queue manager is started. CSQ3109E csect-name UNABLE TO OBTAIN SUBSYSTEM AFFINITY TABLE INDEX FOR SUBSYSTEM ssnm. IEFSSREQ RC=nn

Explanation: A command was received which cannot be processed due to one of the following: v The queue manager has not been started (this could be because the START QMGR command was not entered correctly) v The command was queued for processing while the queue manager was starting, but startup terminated with an error v The queue manager terminated before the command could be processed System Action: The command is not processed. Operator Response: Start the queue manager, then reenter the command. CSQ3107E csect-name COMMAND REJECTED. REQUESTER NOT AUTHORIZED

Explanation: MQ was unable to obtain a subsystem affinity table index for the named subsystem. z/OS did not recognize the named subsystem name as a known subsystem. If this message is issued, a serious error has occurred in z/OS or MQ. In the message, nn is the return code from the IEFSSREQ z/OS service. ssnm is the name of the MQ subsystem undergoing IPL-time initialization. System Action: MQ ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00F30104'. The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available for this IPL of z/OS. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Try to re-IPL. If the problem persists, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide for information about reporting the problem. Problem Determination: A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC. No SVC dump is taken. Return codes from IEFSSREQ are documented in the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide manual. CSQ3110I csect-name SUBSYSTEM ssnm INITIALIZATION COMPLETE

Explanation: A command was received from a console that does not have the correct authority. System Action: The command is not processed. This message is sent to the console that entered the command. Operator Response: Enter the command from another console that has the correct authority. System Programmer Response: Verify that this console should be used for entering MQ commands. If so, authorize it for MQ commands by using z/OS services. Note: If MQ security is not activated, this check is still performed. This authorization is the z/OS console authority, and is not related to the external security manager. The console that entered the MQ command must have the SYS, ALL, or MASTER console authority attribute. CSQ3108E csect-name COMMAND REJECTED. COMMAND FACILITY PATH UNAVAILABLE

Explanation: Either: v MQ subsystem initialization is complete, following z/OS IPL processing or the z/OS command SETSSI ADD. v The MQ early processing program has been successfully refreshed, following a REFRESH QMGR TYPE(EARLY) command. Operator Response: Issue the START QMGR command when desired. CSQ3111I csect-name EARLY PROCESSING PROGRAM IS version LEVEL n

Explanation: This message shows the level of the early processing program that is being used. CSQ3112E csect-name INVALID CPF SCOPE

Explanation: A command was received, but the path from z/OS consoles to the MQ command processor is unavailable. It might still be possible to enter commands in other ways. System Action: The command is not processed. This message is delivered to the console that entered the command. System Programmer Response: The console command

Explanation: The z/OS command SETSSI ADD or the subsystem definition record in the IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB for the MQ subsystem specified the CPF scope initialization parameter incorrectly. The failing subsystem name is provided in message


Messages and Codes

IEF759I, which follows this message. System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available. Operator Response: If you are trying to add an MQ subsystem, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with the correct parameters. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Correct the parameter fields in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQ3113E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. INVALID CHARACTER(S) IN CPF

System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available. Operator Response: If you are trying to add an MQ subsystem, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with a correct CPF parameter. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQ3116E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. CPF IS A SUBSET OF A CPF ALREADY DEFINED

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the command prefix (CPF) contains invalid characters. System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available. Operator Response: If you are trying to add an MQ subsystem, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with a correct CPF parameter. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQ3114E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. INVALID CHARACTER(S) IN SUBSYSTEM NAME

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the command prefix (CPF) is a subset of a CPF already defined to z/OS. System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available. Operator Response: If you are trying to add an MQ subsystem, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with a correct CPF parameter. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQ3117E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. CPF IS A SUPERSET OF A CPF ALREADY DEFINED

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the subsystem name used as the owner of the command prefix (CPF) contains invalid characters. System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available. Operator Response: If you are trying to add an MQ subsystem, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with a correct CPF parameter. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQ3115E csect-name COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION FAILED. CPF ALREADY DEFINED

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the command prefix (CPF) is a superset of a CPF already defined to z/OS. System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available. Operator Response: If you are trying to add an MQ subsystem, reissue the z/OS command SETSSI ADD with a correct CPF parameter. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Correct the CPF parameter in the record of SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about the parameters. CSQ3118E csect-name SYSTEM ERROR DURING COMMAND PREFIX REGISTRATION

Explanation: Command prefix registration failed because the command prefix (CPF) was already defined to z/OS.

Explanation: A z/OS error occurred during command prefix (CPF) registration. System Action: The MQ subsystem with the indicated name is not available.
Chapter 19. Subsystem support messages (CSQ3...)


System Programmer Response: Check the z/OS console for other messages relating to the problem. CSQ3201E ABNORMAL EOT IN PROGRESS FOR USER=user CONNECTION-ID=conn-id THREAD-XREF=thread-xref

v IMS transactions running in regions connected to MQ may receive this message for non-MQ transactions. CSQ3580E CONNECTION FOR ssi-call GAVE RC=rc, REASON=reason

Explanation: Abnormal termination processing has been started for the agent with the values for the USER, CONNECTION-ID, and THREAD-XREF shown. These values are the last known set of identifiers for the terminating agent. The abnormal termination could be the result of an error in the allied agents address space or the result of the z/OS command CANCEL issued by the operator. The value for the USER and/or THREAD-XREF might be blank. The values for the USER, CONNECTION-ID, and THREAD-XREF are the last values established to MQ for this connection and might or might not represent the current activity of the agent. Previous MQ work by this agent might have completed successfully. This message, CSQ3201E, is written to the z/OS console after the agent has been removed from the service task work queue at the time that termination processing begins. System Action: The agent was previously queued to a service task for termination processing. This message indicates that the agent has been taken from the queue for processing. Any uncommitted changes will be backed out. Operator Response: Notify your system programmer. System Programmer Response: See the Problem Determination section of this message. The z/OS commands CANCEL and FORCE will have no effect and should not be issued. MQ should not be canceled. If an extensive backout is in progress, the subsequent queue manager restart might take a very long time due to additional log activity. Problem Determination: You can detect a deferred termination condition for a task by examining several indicators. Some or all of the following might be present: v The allied address space might be swapped out and appear to be in a never-ending WAIT condition. v The z/OS commands CANCEL and FORCE appear to have no effect. v The allied task holds a z/OS-shared ENQ on resource SYSZCSQ3.ERLYOLRH.erly-block-address. v During abnormal termination of the agent associated with the task in error, the tasks connection will appear on the MQ DISPLAY THREAD output with a QD status, prior to this message being written, or with a D status after this message is written and until the thread is resolved. See message CSQV402I for the definitions of these status codes.

Explanation: A nonzero return code has been returned to CSQ3AMI2 from the connect to subsystem interface (SSI) call. The variables in the message indicate which SSI call is involved and the actual return and reason codes associated with it. System Action: The current task is ended abnormally with a system completion code of X'5C6' and a reason code of X'00F30580'. The queue manager terminates. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Note the values contained in the message, and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 20. DB2 manager messages (CSQ5...)

CSQ5001I csect-name Connected to DB2 DB2-name Explanation: The queue manager has successfully established a connection to the named DB2 subsystem. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: None. CSQ5002E csect-name Connection to DB2 using connect-name failed, RC=return-code reason=reason If you are migrating from a previous release of WebSphere MQ, check also that you have updated the DB2 tables to the format for the current release. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about migration and compatibility between releases. CSQ5005E csect-name Queue manager release level is incompatible with queue-sharing group

Explanation: The queue managers attempt to establish a connection to the named DB2 subsystem failed. System Action: Queue manager startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: This is normally an authorization error. Consult the DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes manual for an explanation of the codes and attempt to resolve the problem. CSQ5003A csect-name Connection to DB2 using connect-name pending, no active DB2

Explanation: The release level of the queue manager that is being started is incompatible with that of other members of the queue-sharing group. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50029'. System Programmer Response: Verify that the correct load libraries are being used and that the queue-sharing group information in the system parameters has been specified correctly. Also use the queue-sharing group utility (CSQ5PQSG) to verify that the queue manager has been defined correctly in the DB2 administration tables; be sure to use the same version of WebSphere MQ for the utility as was used for running the queue manager. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about migration and compatibility between releases. CSQ5006E csect-name Data-sharing groups differ

Explanation: The queue manager is waiting for an eligible DB2 subsystem to become active so that a connection can be established. Alternatively, RRS is inactive or was started after the DB2 subsystems. System Action: The queue manager waits for an eligible DB2 subsystem to become active. System Programmer Response: Check whether the DB2 subsystem(s) are active. If not then start them. If they are active, ensure RRS is active and check that it was started prior to the DB2 subsystems. CSQ5004E csect-name DB2 table entry for queue manager in queue-sharing group qsg-name is missing or incorrect

Explanation: A mismatch has been detected between the DB2 data-sharing group specified on the QSGDATA system parameter and the queue manager entry in the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50006'. System Programmer Response: The queue-sharing group name specified on the QSGDATA system parameter must match that in which the queue manager is defined in the DB2 CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table. CSQ5007E csect-name RRSAF function function failed for plan plan-name, RC=return-code reason=reason syncpoint code=sync-code

Explanation: During startup the queue manager was unable to find its entry in the DB2 administration tables, or the entry was incorrect. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50013'. System Programmer Response: Check that a queue manager record exists in the DB2 tables for the DB2 data-sharing group specified. Check the QSGDATA system parameter specifies the correct DB2 data-sharing group. If so, check that a queue manager entry exists in the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

Explanation: A non-zero or unexpected return code was returned from an RRSAF request. The DB2 plan involved was plan-name. System Action: If the error occurs during queue manager startup or reconnect processing, the queue


manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50016'. Otherwise, an error message is issued and processing continues. System Programmer Response: Determine the cause of the error using the RRS return and reason code from the message. Consult the DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes manual for an explanation of the codes and attempt to resolve the problem. CSQ5008E csect-name DB2 DB2-name is not a member of data-sharing group dsg-name

reason code from the IXCQUERY request. CSQ5011E csect-name XCF IXCJOIN group error, RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: The queue manager received an unexpected return code from an IXCJOIN request. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50019'. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the unexpected error and correct the problem. Consult the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for an explanation of the return and reason code from the IXCJOIN request. CSQ5012E csect-name XCF IXCQUIES group error, RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: The DB2 subsystem to which the queue manager has connected is not a member of the DB2 data-sharing group specified on the QSGDATA system parameter. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50007'. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the DB2 subsystem to which the queue manager has connected is a member of the data-sharing group specified on the QSGDATA system parameter. Issue the DB2 command DIS GROUP to the DB2 subsystem and check the data-sharing group name matches the data-sharing group name on the QSGDATA system parameter. CSQ5009E csect-name SQL error for table table-name, code=SQL-code state=SQL-state, data=d1 d2 d3 d4 d5

Explanation: The queue manager received an unexpected return code from an IXCQUIES request. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50021'. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the unexpected error and correct the problem. Consult the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for an explanation of the return and reason code from the IXCQUIES request. CSQ5013E csect-name XCF IXCSETUS error, RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: A non-zero or unexpected SQL return code was returned from a DB2 SQL request. System Action: The requested operation fails. Processing continues, but the failed request may result in further errors occurring. In some circumstances, the queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50014'. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the SQL error and correct the problem. Consult the DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes manual to determine the reason for the SQL error. CSQ5010E csect-name XCF IXCQUERY member error, RC=return-code reason=reason

Explanation: The queue manager received an unexpected return code from an IXCSETUS request. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50018'. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the unexpected error and correct the problem. Consult the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for an explanation of the return and reason code from the IXCSETUS request. CSQ5014I csect-name Connection to DB2-name lost, DB2 terminated abnormally

Explanation: The queue manager received an unexpected return code from an IXCQUERY request. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00F50017'. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the unexpected error and correct the problem. Consult the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for an explanation of the return and

Explanation: The queue manager received an abnormal termination notification from the DB2 subsystem to which it is connected. System Action: The queue manager will clean up its connection to the DB2 subsystem and attempt to reconnect. If a DB2 group attach name was specified on the QSGDATA system parameter a connection to a different DB2 may occur. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the DB2 abnormal termination. Correct the problem and attempt to restart the DB2 subsystem.


Messages and Codes


csect-name Connection to DB2-name lost, DB2 shut down forcibly


csect-name SQL error, table table-name index not built in DB2

Explanation: The queue manager received a STOP FORCE termination notification from the DB2 subsystem to which it is connected. System Action: The queue manager will clean up its connection to the DB2 subsystem and attempt to reconnect. If a DB2 group attach name was specified on the QSGDATA system parameter a connection to a different DB2 may occur. System Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the DB2 forcible stop. Restart the DB2 subsystem. CSQ5016I csect-name Connection to DB2-name quiescing, DB2 terminating

Explanation: The queue manager has attempted to access one of its DB2 tables. DB2 has returned an SQL code indicating that the index for the specified table has not been built. System Action: The request fails and processing continues. System Programmer Response: Check that all MQ tasks to set up the DB2 environment completed successfully and that the correct DB2 data-sharing group name was specified on the QSGDATA system parameter. CSQ5022I csect-name Pending connection to DB2 using connect-name ended, queue manager terminating

Explanation: The queue manager received a STOP QUIESCE termination notification from the DB2 subsystem to which it is connected. System Action: The queue manager will quiesce all DB2 server tasks and disconnect from the DB2 subsystem so that it can shut down. It will then attempt to reconnect. If a DB2 group attach name was specified on the QSGDATA system parameter a connection to a different DB2 may occur. System Programmer Response: Restart the DB2 subsystem so that shared queue operations can resume. CSQ5019I csect-name Disconnected from DB2 DB2-name

Explanation: The outstanding connection pending request to DB2 has been terminated due to a STOP QMGR request. System Action: The pending connect to DB2 is canceled and queue manager termination continues. System Programmer Response: None. CSQ5023E csect-name SQL error, table table-name locked by another DB2

Explanation: An attempt by the queue manager to access one of its tables was returned an SQL code indicating that the named resource is currently locked. System Action: The request fails and processing continues. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause of this problem is contention for a DB2 resource, especially on a heavily-used system. If so, the problem is temporary; retry the action that gave the error. If not, and the problem persists, determine from the message and the DB2 log the resource concerned and perform the recovery actions necessary to unlock the resource. Such a problem could be caused by a DB2 failure while updating one of the DB2 tables, which will be indicated in the DB2 log. CSQ5024E csect-name Unable to update queue manager status, RC=return-code

Explanation: The queue manager has successfully disconnected from the DB2 subsystem. System Action: If the disconnect is due to a DB2 STOP MODE(QUIESCE) the queue manager will attempt to reconnect to the DB2 subsystem. System Programmer Response: None. CSQ5020E csect-name SQL error, table table-name not defined in DB2

Explanation: The queue manager attempted to access one of its DB2 tables. DB2 has returned an SQL code indicating the table does not exist. System Action: The request fails and processing continues. System Programmer Response: Check that all MQ tasks to set up the DB2 environment completed successfully and that the correct DB2 data-sharing group name was specified on the QSGDATA system parameter.

Explanation: During startup and shutdown processing the queue manager attempts to update its status in the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table. This attempt failed. System Action: None. Startup/shutdown processing continues. System Programmer Response: None.

Chapter 20. DB2 manager messages (CSQ5...)



csect-name SQL error, function function code=SQL-code

be available until RRS is restarted and the connection to DB2 is reestablished. System Programmer Response: Adjust the RRS connection limit if required, then start (or restart) RRS. CSQ5029E csect-name Operation on DB2 table table-name failed

Explanation: A call to the SQL function specified by function returned a non-zero code specified by SQL-code. System Action: Processing continues. System Programmer Response: Note the values contained in the message, and contact your IBM support center. Consult the DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes manual for more information about the error code. CSQ5026E csect-name Unable to access DB2, RRS is not available

Explanation: An operation requested for the named DB2 table failed. For example, the table may be full, or there may be insufficient storage available to perform the request. This is most likely to occur when writing data to one of the tables that MQ uses to store large shared messages. System Action: Message CSQ5009E is issued giving details of the associated SQL error codes. The requested operation fails and processing continues. The message or other data is not written to the table. System Programmer Response: Investigate the cause of the problem as indicated by the SQL codes in message CSQ5009E. If the table is one of those used for storing large shared messages, and the problem is due to insufficient storage, retry the operation later, as the condition may be temporary. If the problem is because the table is full, take action to remove some of the messages; for example, start an application that retrieves and processes the messages. Use the MQ DISPLAY GROUP command to check if there are any obsolete messages in the tablespace, and delete them. If necessary, increase the size of the table. CSQ5032I csect-name Connection to DB2 db2-name in data-sharing group dsg-name is suspended

Explanation: The queue manager tried to access DB2, but RRS is not available. System Action: If this occurs during queue manager initialization, the queue manager waits for RRS to become available. If this occurs at other times, the queue manager terminates its connection to DB2, and then tries to reconnect. Some queue-sharing group functions will not be available until RRS is restarted and the connection to DB2 is reestablished. System Programmer Response: Start (or restart) RRS. CSQ5027E csect-name SQL error for table table-name, deadlock or timeout occurred (code=SQL-code)

Explanation: An SQL call returned a non-zero code indicating that a deadlock or timeout condition occurred. System Action: The request fails and processing continues. System Programmer Response: Retry the command or application involved. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. Consult the DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes manual for more information about the error code. CSQ5028E csect-name Unable to access DB2, RRS connection limit exceeded

Explanation: This is issued in response to a SUSPEND QMGR FACILITY(DB2) command if it completed successfully. System Action: All DB2 activity is suspended for the queue manager named, and the connection to DB2 is broken. System Programmer Response: Use the RESUME QMGR FACILITY(DB2) command when ready to resume DB2 activity. CSQ5033I csect-name Connection to DB2 db2-name in data-sharing group dsg-name is resumed

Explanation: The queue manager tried to access DB2, but RRS has reached the limit of allowed concurrent connections (IDENTIFYs). System Action: If this occurs during queue manager initialization, the queue manager waits for an RRS connection to become available. If this occurs at other times, the queue manager terminates its connection to DB2, and then tries to reconnect. Some queue-sharing group functions will not

Explanation: The RESUME QMGR FACILITY(DB2) command completed successfully, issuing a request to reestablish the connection to DB2. System Action: DB2 activity will be resumed for the queue manager named, once the connection is reestablished. This may take a short while, and may fail


Messages and Codes

if DB2 is unavailable for some reason. Message CSQ5001I is issued when the connection is successfully reestablished. CSQ5034I csect-name Suspend or resume DB2 request pending

cpf qmgr-stat

The command prefix of the queue manager. The current status of the queue manager: ACTIVE The queue manager is running. INACTIVE The queue manager is not running, having terminated normally. FAILED The queue manager is not running, having terminated abnormally. CREATED The queue manager has been defined to the group, but has not yet been started. UNKNOWN The status cannot be determined.

Explanation: A SUSPEND or RESUME QMGR FACILITY(DB2) command was issued, but such a request is already pending. System Action: None. System Programmer Response: Wait until the pending request completes, then reissue the command if necessary. CSQ5035I csect-name Connection to DB2 db2-name in data-sharing group dsg-name already suspended vrm

Explanation: A SUSPEND QMGR FACILITY(DB2) command was issued, but the connection to the named DB2 subsystem is already suspended. System Action: None. CSQ5036I csect-name Connection to DB2 db2-name in data-sharing group dsg-name not suspended

The function level of the queue manager. The value is a 3-digit number, where: v is the version number r is the release number m is the modification number. The name of the DB2 subsystem or group attachment to which the queue manager connects. The current status of the connection to DB2: ACTIVE The queue manager is running and connected to DB2. PENDING The queue manager is running but not connected because DB2 has terminated normally. FAILED The queue manager is running but not connected because DB2 has terminated abnormally. INACTIVE The queue manager is not running and not connected to DB2. UNKNOWN The status cannot be determined.


Explanation: A RESUME QMGR FACILITY(DB2) command was issued, but the connection to the named DB2 subsystem is not suspended. System Action: None. CSQ5100I DISPLAY GROUP report ...


Explanation: This message is the initial response to the DISPLAY GROUP command. It is followed by message CSQ5102I which is a formatted report of the queue managers in the group. System Action: Processing continues normally. CSQ5102I Queue managers in group group-name

Explanation: This message is part of the responses to the DISPLAY GROUP command. It provides information about each queue manager in the group, as follows: Name Num Prefix Status Ver DB2 Connection name num cpf qmgr-stat vrm db2-id conn-stat . . . End of queue managers report where: name num The name of the queue manager. The internally generated number of the queue manager in the group.

Exceptionally, the last line might be either: Report terminated, too many lines if the report was generated in response to a command from a z/OS console and more than 253 response lines were generated. Only 253 response lines are returned. Report terminated

Chapter 20. DB2 manager messages (CSQ5...)


if there was an error in obtaining the information. The error is described in the following messages. System Action: Processing continues normally. CSQ5103I Obsolete messages in DB2 for group group-name

System Programmer Response: See the z/OS MVS Programming Sysplex Services Reference. manual for information about the return and reason codes from the call. CSQ5117E Information not available for group group-name reason

Explanation: Messages are normally deleted automatically from DB2, but in exceptional circumstances obsolete messages can remain. This identifies such messages, as follows: LEID msg-id . . . End of messages report where: msg-id is the identifier of the message.

Explanation: During processing for a DISPLAY GROUP command, information could not be obtained for the group, for the reason indicated: ERROR A coupling facility services call failed, as indicated in the preceding CSQ5116E message. CHANGED The group size has changed. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Resolve the problem accordingly.

Exceptionally, the last line might be either: Report terminated, too many lines if the report was generated in response to a command from a z/OS console and more than 253 response lines were generated. Only 253 response lines are returned. Report terminated if there was an error in obtaining the information. System Action: Processing continues normally. System Programmer Response: Delete the obsolete messages from DB2. For example, use SPUFI to issue the SQL command DELETE FROM CSQ.ADMIN_B_MESSAGES WHERE QSGNAME = 'group-name' AND LEID = 'msg-id'; CSQ5113I Queue manager is not in a queue-sharing group

Explanation: A command that requires a queue-sharing group was entered, but the queue manager is not in a group. Severity: 0 System Action: The command is not actioned. CSQ5116E call-name call failed, rc=rc reason=reason

Explanation: During processing for a DISPLAY GROUP command, a coupling facility services call used to get information failed. rc is the return code and reason is the reason code (both in hexadecimal) from the call. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing is terminated. A following message is issued to identify which type of information was being obtained.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 21. Generalized command preprocessor messages (CSQ9...)

CSQ9000E keyword appears more than once System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the rules for building commands. CSQ9004E keyword parameter specifies range (:) incorrectly Explanation: The named keyword appears more than once in the command. This message will be issued for each occurrence of the keyword after the first. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the rules for building commands. CSQ9001E keyword is invalid

Explanation: A parameter of keyword keyword specifies a range of values incorrectly. The character used to denote a range is a colon (:); the format is lower-limit:upper-limit. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual to verify that the command you are using allows a range for the given keyword. Correct the error, and reissue the command. CSQ9005E keyword parameter does not satisfy generic rules

Explanation: The named keyword is unknown or undefined. It might be misspelled, or it might not be applicable to the command being processed. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the command. CSQ9002E Unbalanced parentheses following keyword

Explanation: An invalid combination of parentheses has been found following the keyword keyword. A closing parenthesis must follow an opening parenthesis before any other opening parenthesis occurs. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the rules for building commands. CSQ9003E keyword parameter contains unbalanced apostrophes

Explanation: For the keyword keyword, parameter values may be generic, but the value specified does not conform to the rules for a generic value. Either: v The value contains an asterisk (*) which is not the last character. v The value contains a question mark (?) or colon (:). v The keyword is WHERE and the value is a single asterisk. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, correct the keyword parameter, and reenter the command. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for a description of the keyword and how to enter the command. CSQ9006E keyword parameter uses asterisk (*) incorrectly

Explanation: An odd number of apostrophes is present in a parameter value of keyword keyword. If the parameter is a quoted string, it must have one apostrophe at each end of the string. If an apostrophe is to appear within the string, two adjacent apostrophes must be entered. If the parameter is a hexadecimal value, it must be entered as X'hex-characters'.

Explanation: For the keyword keyword, an asterisk (*) was used in a parameter value. Either:

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v The asterisk was not the last or only character in the value. Incorrect examples are NAME(BL*CK) and NAME(*LUE); a correct specification is NAME(BL*) or NAME(*). v There is a list of parameter values, for example DETAIL(1,*). System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual to verify that the command you are using allows specification of * for the given keyword. Correct the error, and reissue the command. CSQ9007E Either keyword1 or keyword2 must be specified


Required parameter for keyword not specified

Explanation: For the keyword keyword, either: v One or more parameters must be specified, but no parameter was entered. v A fixed number of parameters must be specified, but fewer parameters were entered. For example, the keyword USERDATA must have a parameter that is a character string. Entering USERDATA() is meaningless; you must either enter a string (for example, USERDATA(MY_DATA)), or if you want to remove this attribute, you must enter USERDATA( ). System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, supply appropriate parameters for the specified keyword, and reissue the command. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for further information about this command. CSQ9011E Parameter(s) not allowed for keyword

Explanation: The command requires that either keyword keyword1 or keyword keyword2 is specified, but neither keyword was entered on the command. One of the two keywords must be present in order for the command to be processed. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command and include whichever keyword is appropriate. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for descriptions of the two keywords, and for information about the rules for building commands. CSQ9008E keyword may not be negated

Explanation: No parameters can be specified for the keyword keyword. This message is issued for each invalid parameter, so it can be issued more than once for a command. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, correct the error, and reissue the command. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for details on how to enter the command. CSQ9012E keyword parameter is not hexadecimal

Explanation: The negation characters (NO) appear in front of the keyword keyword, but negating this keyword is not allowed. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for further information about this command. CSQ9009E keyword not specified

Explanation: The keyword keyword must be present, but it was not entered. This keyword must be present in order for the command to process properly. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command including the specified keyword. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for further information about this command.

Explanation: Parameter values for the keyword keyword must be hexadecimal values. Hexadecimal characters are the numeric digits 0 through 9 and the letters A through F, in either uppercase or lowercase. The value may optionally be specified using the hexadecimal string notation X'hex characters'; for example, keyword(123ABC) and keyword(X'123ABC') are synonymous. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command, ensuring that the parameters for the named keyword are hexadecimal values.


Messages and Codes


keyword parameter parameter-value length is more than nn


cmd command request not authorized

Explanation: The parameter value parameter-value for keyword keyword exceeds the limit of nn characters in length. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for a list of acceptable parameters. Correct the error, and reissue the command. CSQ9014E More than nn parameter(s) for keyword

Explanation: The command requires a level of authorization that you do not have, either for the command itself, or for the resource that it is operating on. System Action: The command is not executed. Processing is terminated. Operator Response: If the command must be executed on behalf of the user and your installation operating procedures permit it, enter the command on request. System Programmer Response: Contact the system programmer responsible for system security, and request that this person grant you authorization to use the command. Otherwise, you must have someone who is authorized issue the command for you. CSQ9017E Failure while processing cmd command

Explanation: Too many parameters have been specified for the keyword keyword. At most nn parameters can be specified. In addition to entering too many parameters, this could also be caused by a missing closing parenthesis that has not yet been detected. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command, using no more than the specified limit of parameters for the given keyword. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for further details, and for information about the rules for building commands. CSQ9015E Parameter parameter-value is unacceptable for keyword

Explanation: The command preprocessor ended abnormally while processing the command shown in the message. The error is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. The command might have partially completed. Look at any previous response messages to determine what has been done. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command. If it fails again, collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section, and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels CSQ9018E csect-name Insufficient storage to process cmd command

Explanation: The parameter value parameter-value is not an acceptable value for keyword keyword. Either: v The keyword parameter can be one of a set of character values, but the value specified is not one of them. v The keyword parameter can be a bounded numeric value, but the value specified is outside the bounds. v The keyword parameter can be either numeric or one of a set of character values, but the value specified is neither numeric nor one of the set. v The keyword is WHERE and the first parameter (the filter keyword) is not one of the acceptable keywords for the command. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for a list of acceptable values, and for information about the rules for building commands.

Explanation: The command preprocessor was unable to obtain sufficient storage to complete processing of any response messages generated by the command. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated abnormally. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer before attempting to reissue the command. System Programmer Response: If the problem persists, you might need to increase the region size used by your queue manager or channel initiator, or

Chapter 21. Generalized command preprocessor messages (CSQ9...)


you might need to reduce the number of jobs running in your system. Problem Determination: The invoked command had completed processing and returned to the command preprocessor when an attempt was made to obtain storage from the address space from which the command was entered. Because sufficient storage was unavailable, no response messages from the invoked command are available. CSQ9019E cmd command is invalid

System Action: Processing for the command has ended. System Programmer Response: Follow the instructions for the other messages associated with the error. CSQ9025E parameter-value is unacceptable with WHERE parameter filter-keyword

Explanation: The command, which starts with cmd, is invalid. This could be because: v the command verb is unknown v no keywords were specified, or none were specified that are valid as a secondary keyword for the command v there is syntax error at the start of the command System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for the correct command format, and for information about the rules for building commands. CSQ9020E keyword1 and keyword2 cannot both be specified

Explanation: The parameter values for the WHERE keyword are incompatbile. The WHERE keyword must have three parameters, filter-keyword, operator, and filter-value. The error is one of the following: v The operator parameter is not appropriate for the type of parameter values that the filter keyword requires. For example, the filter keyword requires one of a set of parameter values, but the operator is not EQ or NE. v The filter value parameter exceeds the length limit for parameter values of the filter keyword. v The filter value parameter is not a value that is valid as a value of the filter keyword. For example: The filter keyword requires a numeric parameter value but the filter value parameter is not numeric. The filter keyword requires one of a set of parameter values but the filter value parameter is not one of them. The filter keyword requires a bounded numeric parameter value but the filter value parameter is outside the bounds. The filter keyword requires an object or system name, but the filter value parameter does not consist only of characters that are valid for such a name. Depending on the error, parameter-value may be the operator parameter or the filter value parameter. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the parameters for the WHERE keyword. CSQ9026E keyword parameter does not satisfy name rules

Explanation: The command does not allow keyword keyword1 and keyword keyword2 to be specified together. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command, omitting the inappropriate keyword. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for descriptions of the two keywords and how to enter the command. CSQ9022I csect-name cmd NORMAL COMPLETION

Explanation: All synchronous processing for the command completed successfully. Any tasks executing asynchronously on behalf of the command might still be executing when this message is displayed. System Action: Synchronous processing for the command is complete. CSQ9023E csect-name cmd ABNORMAL COMPLETION

Explanation: The command has not completed successfully. The command has issued one or more error messages prior to this message.

Explanation: Parameter values for the keyword keyword are names, and therefore must consist only of characters that are valid for the particular type of name, object name or system name. The valid object name characters are uppercase A-Z, lowercase a-z, numerics 0-9, period (.), forward slash (/), underscore (_), and percent sign (%). The valid system name characters are uppercase A-Z, and numerics 0-9; the first character must not be numeric.


Messages and Codes

This message is issued if the name specified contains invalid characters, or if the name is all blank in cases where an all-blank name is not allowed. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command ensuring that the parameters for the named keyword are of the required type. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for a description of the keyword and how to enter the command. CSQ9028E keyword parameter is not numeric


keyword parameter may not be generic

Explanation: The parameter for the keyword keyword specifies a generic value using an asterisk (for example, ABC*), but a generic value is not allowed for that keyword. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, correct the keyword parameter, and reenter the command. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for a description of the keyword and how to enter the command. CSQ9031E Syntax error following keyword

Explanation: Parameter values for the keyword keyword must consist of numeric values only. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command ensuring that the parameters for the named keyword are of the required type. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for a description of the keyword and how to enter the command. CSQ9029E csect-name Failure while processing a command

Explanation: The text that follows the named keyword contains invalid syntax. This is typically caused by specifying an incorrect sequence of special characters, such as equals (=), comma (,), colon (:), or parentheses. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, examining the text following the named keyword. Ensure that you have followed the rules for command entry, and reenter the command. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the rules for building commands. CSQ9032E Requested function is not available

Explanation: An error occurred while processing a command. The command might or might not have been executed. The error has been recorded in the system error log (the SYS1.LOGREC data set), and an SVC dump was attempted. You can get this message if you have insufficient ECSA. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command. If you cannot resolve the problem, collect the items listed in the Problem Determination section, and contact your IBM support center. Problem Determination: Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error. v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels

Explanation: An attempt was made to invoke a command processor that was not loaded. System Action: The requested function is not performed. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, to determine which command caused the error. CSQ9033E Command exceeds allowable length

Explanation: The command is so large that its internal form has exceeded the maximum length allowed. The size of the internal form of the command is affected by both the length, and the complexity of the command. (For example, an attempt has been made to use the operations and control panels to create a namelist containing too many names.) This message could also be caused by commands entered through one of the following: v the initialization input data sets v the COMMAND function of the utility program CSQUTIL v a user-written program that puts commands onto the system-command input queue, SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT

Chapter 21. Generalized command preprocessor messages (CSQ9...)


Severity: 8 System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: If you are using the operations and control panels to define a namelist, use the edit facility to reduce the number of names in the list. If you are entering a command from elsewhere, determine which command caused the error, and verify the syntax of that command from the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual. Correct the command. CSQ9034E Command cannot be issued using command server

information about how to use the command. CSQ9037E Command must be issued from ddname

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a command from the specified initialization input data set. The command cannot be issued from that data set. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about how to use the command. CSQ9038E Command must be issued from console

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a command using the command server. The command cannot be issued in that way. The command server is used by commands entered through one of the following: v the COMMAND function of CSQUTIL v the CSQINPX initialization input data set of the channel initiator v a user-written program that puts commands onto the system-command input queue, SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. CSQ9035E csect-name Required keyword not specified

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a command from other than the z/OS console or its equivalent. The command can only be issued in that way. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Issue the command from the z/OS console; it cannot be issued from elsewhere. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about how to use the command. CSQ9039E Command cannot be issued from console

Explanation: The command requires one of a set of alternative keywords to be specified, but none was. Severity: 8 System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for the proper format of the command, and for information about the rules for building commands. CSQ9036E Command with keyword>(parametervalue) not allowed when queue manager is active

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a command from the z/OS console or its equivalent. The command cannot be issued in that way. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about how to use the command. CSQ9040E Command cannot be issued from ddname

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a command from the specified initialization input data set. The command cannot be issued from that data set. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about how to use the command.

Explanation: The command has the specified parameter value for keyword keyword. The command with this keyword and value can be issued only when the queue manager is not active. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for


Messages and Codes


Command not allowed during restart

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a command before restart had completed, but the command cannot be issued at that time. This could be because the command was in the CSQINP1 initialization input data set. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: If the command was in the CSQINP1 initialization input data set, delete it. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for more information about the initialization input data sets. CSQ9042E Command with keyword() cannot be issued from ddname

Explanation: The command was issued with the specified keyword from an initialization input data set. The command with this keyword cannot be issued from that data set. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about how to use the command. CSQ9045E keyword has parameter(s) and is a WHERE parameter

Explanation: The command specifies the WHERE keyword with a filter keyword parameter keyword. That keyword is also specified explicitly with with parameters, which is not allowed. System Action: Processing for the command is terminated. System Programmer Response: Verify the command entry, and reissue the command correctly. See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for information about the parameters for the WHERE keyword.

Chapter 21. Generalized command preprocessor messages (CSQ9...)



Messages and Codes

Part 2. Codes
Chapter 22. Connection manager codes (X'94') 269 Connection manager problem determination . . . 269 Chapter 23. Batch adapter codes (X'C2') . . . 271 Chapter 41. System parameter manager codes (X'E9') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 System parameter manager problem determination 375 Chapter 42. Service facilities codes (X'F1') . . 377 Chapter 40. Initialization procedure and general services codes (X'E8') . . . . . . . . . . 369 Initialization procedures problem determination 374

Chapter 24. Coupling Facility codes (X'C5') . . 273 Coupling facility problem determination . . . . 276 Chapter 25. Message generator codes (X'C6') 277

Chapter 26. Functional recovery manager codes (X'C7') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8') . . 281 Security manager problem determination . . . . 293 Chapter 28. Data manager codes (X'C9') . . . 295 Data manager problem determination . . . . . 303 Chapter 29. Recovery log manager codes (X'D1') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Recovery log manager problem determination . . 316 Chapter 30. Lock manager codes (X'D3') . . . 317 Lock manager problem determination . . . . . 317 Chapter 31. Message manager codes (X'D4') Message manager problem determination . . . 319 . 327

Chapter 43. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge codes (X'F2') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination 381 Chapter 44. Subsystem support codes (X'F3') Subsystem support problem determination . . 383 . 394

Chapter 45. DB2 manager codes (X'F5'). . . . 395 DB2 manager problem determination . . . . . 398 Chapter 46. Generalized command preprocessor codes (X'F9') . . . . . . . Command preprocessor problem determination

. 399 401

Chapter 32. Command server codes (X'D5') . . 329 Command server problem determination . . . . 331 Chapter 33. Buffer manager codes (X'D7') . . . 333 Buffer manager problem determination . . . . . 335 Chapter 34. Recovery manager codes (X'D9') Recovery manager problem determination . . . 337 . 345

Chapter 35. Storage manager codes (X'E2') . . 347 Storage manager problem determination . . . . 350 Chapter 36. Timer services codes (X'E3') . . . 351

Chapter 37. Agent services codes (X'E5') . . . 353 Agent services problem determination . . . . . 361 Chapter 38. Instrumentation facilities codes (X'E6') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Instrumentation facilities problem determination 363 Chapter 39. Distributed queuing codes (X'E7') Distributed queuing problem determination . . 365 . 367

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

Chapter 22. Connection manager codes (X'94')

If a connection manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Connection manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center.
00940001 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and the queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Connection manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart your queue manager. 00940003 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Connection manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00940004 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates 00940008 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and the queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Connection manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart your queue manager. with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Connection manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00940007 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Connection manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

Connection manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v CICS transaction dump output, if using CICS v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels v ISPF panel name, if using the MQ Operations and Control panels

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

Chapter 23. Batch adapter codes (X'C2')

00C20001 Explanation: The CSQBSRV program has detected a request for a nonexistent function. CSQBSRV is invoked from batch and RRS-batch applications via a stub such as CSQBSTUB, CSQBRRSI, or CSQBRSTB. System Action: The application program ends abnormally, but MQ continues processing. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause of this problem is incompatible versions of CSQBSRV and the stub. If this is not the cause of the problem, obtain the diagnostic items listed below, and contact your IBM support center. v Application program listing v Queue manager job log v PSW and registers at point of failure

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

Chapter 24. Coupling Facility codes (X'C5')

If a coupling facility reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary.
00C5004F Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. It indicates that a request has been issued for a CF structure, but the request cannot be performed, as explained in the accompanying more specific message. Severity: 4 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Refer to the description of the accompanying message. 00C51001, 00C51004, 00C51005, 00C51006, 00C5100A, 00C51019, 00C5101A, 00C5101B, 00C5101C, 00C5001D Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51021, 00C51022, 00C51023, 00C51024, 00C50025, 00C51026, 00C51027, 00C51028, 00C51029, 00C5002A, 00C5102B, 00C5102C, 00C5102D, 00C5102E, 00C5002F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C50030, 00C51031, 00C51032, 00C51033, 00C51034, 00C50035, 00C51036, 00C51037, 00C51038, 00C51039, 00C5003A, 00C5103B, 00C5103C, 00C5103D, 00C5103E, 00C5003F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C50040, 00C51041, 00C51042, 00C51043, 00C51044, 00C50045, 00C51046, 00C51047 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C50050, 00C51051, 00C51052, 00C51053, 00C51054, 00C50055, 00C51056 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51090, 00C51092, 00C51093 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C510A1, 00C510A2, 00C510A3, 00C510A4, 00C500A5,


00C510A6, 00C510A7, 00C510A8, 00C510A9, 00C500AA Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C510AB Explanation: The CF structure has failed or connection to it has been lost. System Action: This may be issued in response to a command, in which case processing of the command is terminated. Otherwise, the current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. Recover the structure; if the error occurred in response to a command, reissue it. 00C510AC, 00C510AD Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51100, 00C51101, 00C51102, 00C51103, 00C51104, 00C51105, 00C51106, 00C51107, 00C51108, 00C51109, 00C5110A, 00C5110B, 00C5110C, 00C5110D, 00C5110E, 00C5110F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary.

00C51110, 00C51111, 00C51112, 00C51113, 00C51114, 00C51115, 00C51116, 00C51117, 00C51118, 00C51119, 00C5111A, 00C5111B, 00C5111C, 00C5111D, 00C5111E, 00C5111F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51120, 00C51121, 00C51122, 00C51123, 00C51124, 00C51125, 00C51126, 00C51127, 00C51128, 00C51129, 00C5112A, 00C5112B, 00C5112C, 00C5112D, 00C5112E, 00C5112F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51130, 00C51131, 00C51132, 00C51133, 00C51134, 00C51135, 00C51136, 00C51137, 00C51138, 00C51139, 00C5113A, 00C5113B, 00C5113C, 00C5113D, 00C5113E, 00C5113F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51140, 00C51141, 00C51142, 00C51143, 00C51144, 00C51145, 00C51146, 00C51147, 00C51148, 00C51149, 00C5114A, 00C5114B, 00C5114C, 00C5114D, 00C5114E, 00C5114F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51150, 00C51151, 00C51152, 00C51153, 00C51154, 00C51155, 00C51156, 00C51157, 00C51158, 00C51159, 00C5115A, 00C5115B, 00C5115C, 00C5115D, 00C5115E, 00C5115F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51160, 00C51161, 00C51162, 00C51163, 00C51164, 00C51165, 00C51166, 00C51167, 00C51168, 00C51169, 00C5116A, 00C5116B, 00C5116C, 00C5116D, 00C5116E, 00C5116F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51170, 00C51171, 00C51172, 00C51173, 00C51174, 00C51175, 00C51176, 00C51177, 00C51178, 00C51179, 00C5117A, 00C5117B, 00C5117C, 00C5117D, 00C5117E, 00C5117F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51180, 00C51181, 00C51182, 00C51183, 00C51184, 00C51185, 00C51186, 00C51187, 00C51188, 00C51189, 00C5118A, 00C5118B, 00C5118C, 00C5118D, 00C5118E, 00C5118F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on

page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C51190, 00C51191, 00C51192, 00C51193, 00C51194, 00C51195, 00C51196, 00C51197, 00C51198, 00C51199, 00C5119A, 00C5119B, 00C5119C, 00C5119D, 00C5119E, 00C5119F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C511A0, 00C511A1, 00C511A2, 00C511A3, 00C511A4, 00C511A5, 00C511A6, 00C511A7, 00C511A8, 00C511A9, 00C511AA, 00C511AB, 00C511AC, 00C511AD, 00C511AE, 00C511AF Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C511B0, 00C511B1, 00C511B2, 00C511B3, 00C511B4, 00C511B5, 00C511B6, 00C511B7, 00C511B8, 00C511B9, 00C511BA, 00C511BB, 00C511BC, 00C511BD, 00C511BE, 00C511BF Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination on page 276 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C511C0, 00C511C1, 00C511C2, 00C511C3, 00C511C4, 00C511C5, 00C511C6, 00C511C7, 00C511C8, 00C511C9, 00C511CA, 00C511CB, 00C511CC, 00C511CD, 00C511CE, 00C511CF Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'.

Chapter 24. Coupling Facility codes (X'C5')


System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C511D0, 00C511D1, 00C511D2, 00C511D3, 00C511D4, 00C511D5, 00C511D6, 00C511D7, 00C511D8, 00C511D9, 00C511DA, 00C511DB, 00C511DC, 00C511DD, 00C511DE, 00C511DF Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C511E0, 00C511E1, 00C511E2, 00C511E3, 00C511E4, 00C511E5, 00C511E6, 00C511E7, 00C511E8, 00C511E9, 00C511EA, 00C511EB, 00C511EC, 00C511ED, 00C511EE, 00C511EF Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C511F0, 00C511F1, 00C511F2, 00C511F3, 00C511F4, 00C511F5, 00C511F6, 00C511F7, 00C511F8, 00C511F9, 00C511FA, 00C511FB, 00C511FC, 00C511FD, 00C511FE, 00C511FF Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue

manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Coupling facility problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C53000 Explanation: The queue manager cannot use the administration structure because its size is less than the minimum that MQ requires. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Increase the size of the admininstration structure. See message CSQE022E for more information. 00C53001 Explanation: The queue manager has detected a mismatch between the queue-sharing group creation timestamp in the DB2 tables and the creation timestamp associated with the structure name in message CSQE029E. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Verify the queue manager, queue-sharing group and data-sharing group configuration and determine whether a queue manager has configured to connect to a different DB2 data-sharing group. If the queue manager and queue-sharing group configuration is correct then deallocate the structure using the z/OS commands SETXCF FORCE,CON,STRNAME=ext-struc-name,CONNAME=ALL SETXCF FORCE,STRUCTURE,STRNAME=ext-struc-name (In these commands, ext-struc-name is formed by prefixing the MQ structure name from message CSQE029E with the queue-sharing group name.)

Coupling facility problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error (including any command that was being issued), or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v CICS transaction dump output, if using CICS v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels v ISPF panel name, if using the MQ Operations and Control panels


Messages and Codes

Chapter 25. Message generator codes (X'C6')

00C60001 Explanation: MQ received return code X'20' when issuing a WTO request to display a console message. This means that there are no message buffers for either Multiple Console Support (MCS) or JES3, or there is a JES3 WTO staging area excess. The WTO request is terminated. The current console message and all subsequent informational console messages are ignored until the problem is corrected. System Action: A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC. A retry is requested and execution continues. MQ resumes issuing console messages when the condition is corrected. 00C60004 Explanation: The queue manager was unable to load the message table (CSQFMTAB). System Action: The queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the message table is in the required library (SCSQANLx, where x is your national language letter), that it is referenced correctly, and that all the libraries in the concatenation are APF authorized. Restart the queue manager. 00C60005 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the following diagnostic items and contact your IBM support center: v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error 00C60006 Explanation: The MQ utility program was unable to load its message table (CSQFSTAB). System Action: The utility program ends abnormally. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why CSQFSTAB was not loaded. Ensure that the message table is in the required library (SCSQANLx, where x is your national language letter), and that it is referenced correctly, and resubmit the job. The utility program attempts to load this module from
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of the utility address space. 00C60007 Explanation: The MQ CICS adapter was unable to load its message table (CSQFCTAB). System Action: The MQ CICS adapter server task terminates. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why CSQFCTAB was not loaded. Ensure that the message table is in the required library (SCSQANLx or SCSQSNLx, where x is your national language letter), and that it is referenced correctly. CSQCSERV attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of the CICS address space. 00C60008 Explanation: The MQ utility program was unable to load its message table (CSQFLTAB). System Action: The utility program ends abnormally. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why CSQFLTAB was not loaded. Ensure that the message table is in the required library (SCSQANLx, where x is your national language letter), and that it is referenced correctly, and resubmit the job. The utility program attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of the utility address space. 00C6000A Explanation: The MQ early processing program was unable to load its message table (CSQ3ECMX). System Action: The queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the message table in the required library (SCSQSNLx, where x is your national language letter), and that it is referenced correctly, and re-ipl z/OS or use the z/OS command SETSSI ADD to restart the queue manager. 00C6000B Explanation: The distributed queuing component was unable to load its message table (CSQFXTAB). System Action: The channel initiator ends. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why CSQFXTAB was not loaded.


Ensure that the message table is in the required library (SCSQANLx, where x is your national language letter), that it is referenced correctly, and that all the libraries in the concatenation are APF authorized. Restart the channel initiator. 00C6000C Explanation: The IMS trigger monitor was unable to load its message table (CSQFSTAB). System Action: The trigger monitor ends. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why CSQFSTAB was not loaded. Ensure that the message table is in the required library (SCSQANLx, where x is your national language letter), and that it is referenced correctly, and restart the trigger monitor.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 26. Functional recovery manager codes (X'C7')

00C70010 Explanation: While trying to recover from an error, an internal consistency check indicated a storage overlay, or an internal error. System Action: Control is percolated to the z/OS recovery termination manager, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Retain the dump, and contact your IBM support center for assistance. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C70020 Explanation: A critical procedure recovery routine has ended abnormally, causing a secondary abnormal end. System Action: Control is percolated to the z/OS recovery termination manager, and in some cases the queue manager terminates abnormally. A dump is produced for both the primary and secondary errors. System Programmer Response: Retain both dumps, and contact your IBM support center for assistance. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00C70030 Explanation: A request to z/OS to establish an ESTAE produced a non-zero return code. System Action: A dump is requested. System Programmer Response: The return code from z/OS is captured in register 14. See the MVS Assembler Services Reference manual for an explanation of the return code. 00C70040 Explanation: This abnormal end reason code was caused by an internal MQ error. System Action: Control is percolated to the z/OS recovery termination manager, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Retain the dump, and contact your IBM support center for assistance. Restart the queue manager if necessary.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8')

If a security manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center.
00C80001 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for the security manager was unsuccessful. Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, use these items to diagnose the cause of the problem: v Queue manager job log v Information about any other storage-related problems v System dump resulting from the error 00C80002 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for the security manager was unsuccessful. Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, use these items to diagnose the cause of the problem: v Queue manager job log v Information about any other storage-related problems v System dump resulting from the error 00C80003 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a storage subpool for the security manager was unsuccessful. Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

System Programmer Response: Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, use these items to diagnose the cause of the problem: v Queue manager job log v Information about any other storage-related problems v System dump resulting from the error 00C80004 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C8000A Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the external security manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C8000B Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the external security manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM


documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C8000C Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the external security manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C8000D Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the external security manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time: v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: Message CSQH004I is produced containing the return codes from SAF and the ESM. The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes that appear in message CSQH004I (in the job log) or the dump. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C8000E Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block containing the switch setting. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on

page 293, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. 00C8000F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class involved at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80010 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for the security manager was unsuccessful. Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other storage-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00C80011 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a storage subpool for the security manager was unsuccessful. Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other storage-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00C80012 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for the security manager was unsuccessful. Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other storage-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00C80013 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a security request. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80020 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for the security manager was unsuccessful. Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other storage-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center.

00C80024 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80025 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80026 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80027 Explanation: An unrecognized keyword was encountered whilst processing a REFRESH SECURITY command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the keyword causing the problem. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80028 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a storage subpool for the security manager was unsuccessful. This might have occurred during the processing of an ALTER SECURITY command, a REFRESH SECURITY command, or during the automatic security timeout processing.

Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8')


Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure. System Programmer Response: Use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other storage-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00C80029 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the external security manager (ESM) during security switch processing for a REFRESH SECURITY command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80031 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the external security manager (ESM) during the processing for a REFRESH SECURITY command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80032 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the external security manager (ESM) during the processing of a REFRESH SECURITY command:

v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (delete) v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes from SAF, and the ESM. Note: If the error occurred on a STAT call, the error is preceded by a CSQH004I message containing the return codes from SAF, and the ESM. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes from SAF and the ESM. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80033 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered during the processing of a REFRESH SECURITY command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. 00C80034 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class invoked at the time of the check. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80035 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the external security manager (ESM) during security switch processing for a REFRESH SECURITY command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80036 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the external security manager (ESM) during security switch processing for a REFRESH SECURITY command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80037 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the external security manager (ESM) during the processing for a REFRESH SECURITY command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80038 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the external security manager (ESM) during the processing of a REFRESH SECURITY command. v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (delete) v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is

produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes from SAF, and the ESM. Note: If the error occurred on a STAT call, the error is preceded by a CSQH004I message containing the return codes from SAF, and the ESM. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes from SAF and the ESM. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80039 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a storage subpool for a security manager user entry block was unsuccessful. This could have occurred during either security timeout processing, or REFRESH SECURITY command processing. Note: This could indicate a system-wide storage problem. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the storage failure. System Programmer Response: Use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other storage-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00C80040 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during security timeout processing. An unexpected return code has been received from the MQ timer component. Note: This could indicate a system-wide problem with the timer component, or the system timer. System Action: Messages CSQH009I and CSQH010I are issued. The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the timer component that caused the problem. System Programmer Response: Use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other timer-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8')


00C80041 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during security timeout processing for an ALTER SECURITY command. An unexpected return code has been received from the MQ timer component. Note: This could indicate a system-wide problem with the timer component, or the system timer. System Action: Message CSQH010I is issued. The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6' and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the timer component that caused the problem. System Programmer Response: Use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other timer-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00C80042 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during security initialization when trying to start the security timer. An unexpected return code has been received from the MQ timer component. Note: This could indicate a system-wide problem with the timer component, or the system timer. System Action: Message CSQH010I is issued. The queue manager terminates and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the timer component that caused the problem. System Programmer Response: Use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other timer-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00C80043 Explanation: A severe error has occurred whilst processing a DISPLAY SECURITY command. A parameter has been entered on the SECURITY keyword, but this is invalid. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center.

00C80044 Explanation: A severe error has occurred whilst processing an ALTER SECURITY command. A parameter has been entered on the SECURITY keyword, but this is invalid. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80045 Explanation: A severe error has occurred because the last security refresh did not complete successfully. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with error reason code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: If you are able to fix the cause of the problem, you must refresh the security again before you can continue. If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80046 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a storage subpool for the security manager Utoken blocks was unsuccessful. This indicates that there could be a wider ranging problem relating to storage availability. System Action: The queue manager is terminated and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other storage-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the problem. 00C80047 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a storage block for a security manager Utoken block was unsuccessful. This indicates that there could be a wider ranging problem relating to storage availability. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with X'5C6' and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Use the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with information about any other storage-related problems, to diagnose the cause of the


Messages and Codes

problem. Contact your IBM support center if you need help. 00C80050 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80051 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80052 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center.

00C80053 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: Message CSQH004I is produced containing the return codes from SAF and the ESM. The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes that appear in message CSQH004I (in the job log) or the dump. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80054 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block containing the switch setting. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80055 Explanation: An internal loop count was exceeded during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager.

Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8')


00C80060 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80061 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80062 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center.

00C80063 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: Message CSQH004I is produced containing the return codes from SAF and the ESM. The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes that appear in message CSQH004I (in the job log) or the dump. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80064 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block containing the switch setting. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80065 Explanation: An internal loop count was exceeded during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager.


Messages and Codes

00C80070 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80071 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80072 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center.

00C80073 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: Message CSQH004I is produced containing the return codes from SAF and the ESM. The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes that appear in message CSQH004I (in the job log) or the dump. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80074 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block containing the switch setting. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. 00C80075 Explanation: An internal loop count was exceeded during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80080 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time.
Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8')


System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80081 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80082 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80083 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: Message CSQH004I is produced containing the return codes from SAF and the ESM.

The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes that appear in message CSQH004I (in the job log) or the dump. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80084 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block containing the switch setting. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. 00C80090 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80091 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for


Messages and Codes

z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80092 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80093 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: Message CSQH004I is produced containing the return codes from SAF and the ESM. The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes that appear in message CSQH004I (in the job log) or the dump. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80094 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block containing the switch setting. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a

profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80095 Explanation: An internal loop count was exceeded during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80100 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80101 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8')


00C80102 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80103 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: Message CSQH004I is produced containing the return codes from SAF and the ESM. The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes that appear in message CSQH004I (in the job log) or the dump. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80104 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block containing the switch setting. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager.

00C80105 Explanation: An internal loop count was exceeded during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80200 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. Check your security configuration (for example, that the required classes are installed and active). If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80201 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the entity being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination on page 293 and contact your IBM support center. 00C80202 Explanation: A severe error has occurred during a SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST (create) call to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and


Messages and Codes

a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class, and register 3 the address of the entity, being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about any return codes that appear in the job log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00C80203 Explanation: An unexpected return code has been received from one of the following SAF calls to the External Security Manager (ESM) during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. v RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT v RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST v RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT System Action: Message CSQH004I is produced containing the return codes from SAF and the ESM. The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the return codes. System Programmer Response: See your ESM documentation for information about the return codes that appear in message CSQH004I (in the job log) or the dump. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting MQ security switches. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00C80204 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the subsystem security switch was encountered. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block containing the switch setting. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination, together with a note of what you expected the switch to be set to, and whether you had defined a profile for it or not, and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80205 Explanation: An internal loop count was exceeded

during security switch processing at queue manager initialization time. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the class being checked at the time of the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80206 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the request type was encountered on an authentication request. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with a completion code of X'5C6' and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the request type in error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C80207 Explanation: An unexpected setting for the request type was encountered on an authentication request. System Action: The queue manager terminates and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the request type in error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00C81000 Explanation: A severe error has occurred while processing a REFRESH SECURITY command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with error reason code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the address of the control block involved in the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Security manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

Security manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error
Chapter 27. Security manager codes (X'C8')


v v v v v v v

Console output for the period leading up to the error Queue manager job log The MQ active log data set System dump resulting from the error CICS transaction dump output, if using CICS The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels The SECURITY command issued prior to the error


Messages and Codes

Chapter 28. Data manager codes (X'C9')

If a data manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center.
00C90100 Explanation: The object MQ was trying to create was too large to be stored. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90200 Explanation: A page set page retrieved was not valid. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90201 Explanation: A page set page retrieved was not valid. The page was not a header page. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90202 Explanation: A page set page retrieved was not valid. The page was not a data page. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90300 Explanation: MQ was unable to start a unit of recovery for this execution unit. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90301 Explanation: An internal logging error has occurred for the current execution unit. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90400 Explanation: The data manager has detected in invalid log record. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90401 Explanation: The data manager has detected an invalid log record subtype. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90500 Explanation: The data manager was asked to make a change to some data in a page, but the change would have extended beyond the specific data item. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90600
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Explanation: The data manager was unable to locate a specific logical record within a data page. The record was required for an update, or to insert a new record immediately after. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90700 Explanation: The data manager was unable to locate its resource access list entry (RALE). System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90800 Explanation: The data manager was requested to put a message on a queue, but told to give the message an invalid priority. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90900 Explanation: The data manager was asked to retrieve a logical record from a page, but on retrieving it discovered that the record is invalid. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90A00 Explanation: The data manager was asked to carry out a value logging operation with an invalid length field. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center.

00C90B00 Explanation: The space reclamation routines have been asked to deallocate a page that is not in a state to be deallocated. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90C00 Explanation: An object type description passed to the data manager is not valid. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90D00 Explanation: A page set that was originally page set n is being presented as being a different page set, probably because the started task JCL procedure for the queue manager has been changed. Register 0 contains the identifier of the page set in error, and register 2 contains the identifier it was previously associated with. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Check the started task JCL procedure for the queue manager, and undo any changes to the CSQPnnnn DD statements that specify the page sets. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, or no changes have been made to these statements, collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90D01 Explanation: Your data set is not recognized as an MQ page set. This is probably because it has not been formatted. Register 0 contains the identifier of the page set in error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Format the page set.


Messages and Codes

00C90D02 Explanation: This reason code is caused by one of the following: v An attempt to use a page set that is a valid MQ page set, but does not belong to this queue manager v An attempt to change the subsystem name Neither of these actions is allowed. Register 0 contains the identifier of the page set in error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: If you were attempting to use a page set from another queue manager, correct the error. Do not attempt to change the name of your queue manager. 00C90D03 Explanation: An internal error has occurred during processing of an MQGET call with the Mark Skip Backout option. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C90D04 Explanation: During restart, the queue manager detected that a page set has been truncated. This is probably because the data set allocated during restoration of a backup was smaller than required to hold the backed up data, and so the data has been truncated. It may also occur if page set 0 is larger than the maximum supported page set size. System Action: The identifier of the page set in error is put in register 0. Restart is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reallocate the data set correctly, restore the backed up data if necessary, and restart the queue manager. 00C90E00 Explanation: The data manager was passed an invalid parameter describing the location of a logical record within a data page and page set. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center.

00C90F00 Explanation: The data manager was requested to update a logical record within a page, but the record had been deleted previously. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91000 Explanation: The data manager was asked to retrieve a message from an object that was not a local queue. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91101 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91102 Explanation: MQ received a return code indicating an error from the RRS ATRSROI service. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: The return code from ATRSROI is in register 3. See the MVS Programming: Resource Recovery manual for information about the return code. 00C91104 Explanation: The data manager was requested to carry out a browse message operation, but the required lock was not held. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 28. Data manager codes (X'C9')


00C91200 Explanation: The internal data manager locate-object routine could not find the object it was seeking during UNDO processing. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91300 Explanation: During queue manager startup, an attempt was made to recover an object, the length of which exceeds a single data page. However, one of the intermediate data pages was not available, and MQ was unable to recover the object. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91400 Explanation: The data manager was unable to access the header page (page 0) of one of the page sets. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. The number of the page set whose header page was unreadable is held in register 2. System Programmer Response: 1. Check for a preceding IEC161I or CSQP011E message relating to page set mentioned in register 2. 2. Check the following: v For the page set mentioned in register 2, is the appropriate CSQPnnnn DD statement present in the started task JCL procedure for the queue manager, xxxxMSTR? v Does this DD statement reference a genuine data set? DD DUMMY statements are not allowed for page sets. v Is DEFINE PSID(nn) present in the CSQINP1 initialization input data set? 3. If you are still unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91500 Explanation: During queue manager startup, the data manager was following a chain of objects on disk, and requested the next data page in the chain from the

buffer manager. However, the buffer manager could not supply this page. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91600 Explanation: During restart, the data manager rebuilds its in-storage structures from page set data. On rebuilding an object, data manager discovered that the object already exists. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91700, 00C91800 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91900 Explanation: During restart, data manager has detected an error in the rebuild of its in-storage object structures. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91B01 Explanation: During restart, the data manager found a queue whose messages are apparently located in a newly added page set. This is probably because the queue manager was run with a page set offline, and a new page set was formatted to replace the original one. This will lead to data loss. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00C91C00 Explanation: A delete purge request has been issued but the object type is not a local queue. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91D00 Explanation: A lock request has failed during an attempt to lock all pages associated with a long catalogue object, or a long message. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91E00 Explanation: During a request issued by CSQIPUT5 or CSQIPUT6, an attempt to obtain a page level lock was unsuccessful. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C91F00 Explanation: During a request issued by CSQIPUT5 or CSQIPUT6, an attempt to obtain a record level lock was unsuccessful. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C92000 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a page level lock on the owner page relating to an object or message was unsuccessful. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center.

00C92100 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a page level lock while trying to insert data was unsuccessful. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C92200 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a record level lock while trying to insert data was unsuccessful. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C92300 Explanation: An attempt to obtain a record level lock while trying to amend data was unsuccessful. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C92400 Explanation: An attempt to get a lock on object type concatenated with object name within CSQIMGE1 was unsuccessful. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C92500, 00C92600, 00C92700, 00C92800, 00C92900, 00C92A00, 00C92B00, 00C92C00, 00C92D00, 00C92E00, 00C92F00, 00C93000 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 28. Data manager codes (X'C9')


00C93100 Explanation: A keyed read queue has encountered an error. A problem has occurred in the hash-table structure for the queue. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C93200, 00C93300 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C93500 Explanation: MQ was extending a page set at startup, based on log records from earlier dynamic page set extend operations. (MQ does this so that any media recovery operation will have the required number of pages available in the page set.) The page set could not be extended to the required RBA value. The contents of the relevant registers are as follows: R0 The number of the page set that could no longer be extended R2 The logged page number that MQ was trying to extend to R3 The high page number at restart. This is the base from which MQ was extending. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Create a larger page set, using multiple disk volumes if required, with a larger secondary extent value. The high page number of the page set should at least match that shown in register 2 in the dump. 00C93700 Explanation: A queue contains messages, but the storage class named in the queue definition does not exist. This is an error. This reason code is issued on queue manager restart if it is not the first time the queue manager has been started after migration to a new version. Register 2 contains the first 4 characters of the storage class name, and register 3 contains characters 5 through 8.

System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the dump and a listing of your page set 0 and contact your IBM support center. 00C93800 Explanation: A queue contains messages, which are on a page set other than that defined by the storage class named by the queue. This reason code is issued on queue manager restart if it is not the first time the queue manager has been started after migration to a new version. It is preceded by one or more instances of message CSQI028E. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the dump and a listing of your page set 0 and contact your IBM support center. 00C93900 Explanation: During MQPUT processing, MQ was unable to acquire a lock on the storage class of the queue. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C93A00 Explanation: During MQGET processing, MQ was unable to acquire a lock on the queue it was processing. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C93B00 Explanation: During MQPUT processing, MQ was unable to acquire a lock on the queue it was processing. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00C93C00 Explanation: During MQGET processing, MQ was unable to retrieve a message page from a queue it was processing. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C93D00, 00C93E00, 00C93F00, 00C94000, 00C94100 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C94200 Explanation: MQ received a return code indicating an error from the RRS ATREINT service. This can occur if RRS is stopped when running an MQ application linked with an RRS stub. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: The return code from ATREINT is in register 3. See the MVS Programming: Resource Recovery manual for information about the return code. 00C94300 Explanation: MQ received a return code indicating an error from the RRS ATRSIT service. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: The return code from ATRSIT is in register 3. See the MVS Programming: Resource Recovery manual for information about the return code. 00C94400 Explanation: MQ received a return code indicating an error from the RRS ATRSPID service. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: The return code from ATRSPID is in register 3. See the MVS Programming: Resource Recovery manual for information about the return code.

00C94500, 00C94501, 00C94502 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C94503 Explanation: A page set that has been the subject of the RESETPAGE function had not previously been through a clean shutdown of the queue manager. Using this page set for subsequent MQ processing would lead to data integrity problems. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Check the page sets that are defined to the queue manager. One or more of the page sets has been the subject of a RESETPAGE operation. The RESETPAGE operation should not be run against page sets that are either of the following: v Fuzzy page set backups v From a queue manager that has terminated abnormally If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C94505 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. An attempt to restart with a log from another queue manager was detected. The queue-sharing group name recorded in the log during checkpoint does not match the name of the queue-sharing group in the queue manager using that log. If the correct log is being used, you can perform the change only after a clean shutdown of the queue manager, that is, after a quiesce. Message CSQI060E is issued before this error occurs. System Action: Restart is terminated abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager using the correct logs and BSDS, or change the QSGDATA system parameter. Note that you cannot change the name of the queue-sharing group that a queue manager uses unless it has been shut down normally. The following registers in the dump contain helpful values: v R0 = the queue-sharing group name recorded in the log v R2 = the queue-sharing group name in the running queue manager
Chapter 28. Data manager codes (X'C9')


00C94506 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. An attempt to restart with a log from another queue manager was detected. The shared queue manager identifier recorded in the log during checkpoint does not match the shared queue manager identifier in the queue manager using that log. If the correct log is being used, the entry in the DB2 CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table for this queue manager has been corrupted. Message CSQI061E is issued before this error occurs. System Action: Restart is terminated abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager using the correct logs and BSDS. If the correct logs are being used, correct the entry for the queue manager in the DB2 CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center for assistance. The following registers in the dump contain helpful values: v R0 = the queue manager identifier recorded in the log v R2 = the queue manager identifier in the running queue manager 00C94507 Explanation: An internal error has occurred during processing of Mark Skip Backout. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C94510 Explanation: A request was made to a Coupling Facility resource manager service within MQ. The Coupling Facility resource manager service returned an unexpected return code. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C94511 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for the data managers use was unsuccessful. This indicates there could be a wider-ranging problem relating to storage availability.

System Action: The queue manager is terminated and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause, use these items to diagnose the cause of the problem: v Queue manager job log v Information about any other storage-related problems v System dump resulting from the error 00C94512 Explanation: A request was made to a DB2 resource manager service within MQ. The DB2 resource manager service returned an unexpected return code. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C94513 Explanation: A request was made to a Coupling Facility resource manager service within MQ. The Coupling Facility resource manager service returned an unexpected return code. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C9451A Explanation: A request was made to a DB2 resource manager service within MQ during restart. The DB2 resource manager service returned an unexpected return code related to a locked table condition. System Action: The queue manager terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. If you started several queue managers at the same time, try restarting them one at a time to alleviate this condition. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination on page 303 and contact your IBM support center. 00C9FEEE Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Data manager problem determination and

contact your IBM support center.

Data manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v The MQ active log data set v System dump resulting from the error v CICS transaction dump output, if using CICS v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels v ISPF panel name, if using the MQ Operations and Control panels

Chapter 28. Data manager codes (X'C9')



Messages and Codes

Chapter 29. Recovery log manager codes (X'D1')

If a recovery log manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 and contact your IBM support center.
00D10010 Explanation: The end log range value specified on an invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) is less than or equal to the start range value. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Correct the log range input control parameters specified in the invocation of the log print utility. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10011 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unable to obtain the storage required to perform the request. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: It is probable that the REGION parameter on the EXEC statement of the job control language (JCL) for this invocation is too small. Increase the REGION size, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10012 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because the job control language (JCL) for this invocation did not specify either the use of the bootstrap data set (BSDS) or, in the absence of the BSDS, the active or archive log data sets. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10013 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) resulted in a VSAM error while
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

attempting to open the bootstrap data set (BSDS). This reason code, and the VSAM return code are issued with message CSQ1221E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets to determine the meaning of the VSAM OPEN error. Take appropriate action, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10014 Explanation: The job control language (JCL) for an invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) specified the use of the bootstrap data set (BSDS), but the utility control statements did not specify values for RBASTART and RBAEND. The RBASTART and RBAEND values must be specified when using the BSDS, although they are not required when using the active or archive logs. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Either: v Continue to use the BSDS, but change the utility control statements to specify values for RBASTART and RBAEND v Change the JCL to use the active and archive data sets instead For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10015 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because the record format of the bootstrap data set is incompatible with this release of the log print services. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct release of the log print services are used with the appropriate BSDS record format.


For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10019 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) resulted in a VSAM error while attempting to open the bootstrap data set (BSDS). The error was determined to be one which could be corrected by use of a VSAM access method services (AMS) VERIFY call, but the VERIFY call was also unsuccessful. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v A copy of the users job control language (JCL) that was used to invoke the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) v The log data sets that the user was attempting to print For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10020 Explanation: The log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) issued this message because the end of data has been reached (that is, the end of the log, or the end of the user-specified data sets, or the user-specified RBAEND value has been reached). System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: This is not an error. This reason code denotes a normal end of data condition. No action is necessary. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10021 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) encountered a gap in the log RBA range when switching log data sets. This indicates that log records might be missing. Normally, a continuous set of log records is supplied as input by the ACTIVE and ARCHIVE DDnames (or the BSDS DDname if you are using the bootstrap data set (BSDS) to access the log data sets) in the job control language (JCL) used to invoke the utility. If a log data set was removed from the JCL, this condition will arise. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: If the log data set was not removed intentionally, check the JCL to ensure that the log data sets are specified in ascending RBA value

order. If you are using the BSDS to access the log data sets, use the print log map utility (CSQJU004) to examine the RBA ranges as recorded in the BSDS, and note any RBA gaps that might have resulted from the deletion of an active or archive log data set. If it appears that a log error might have occurred, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. 00D10022 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) encountered a gap in the log RBA range when switching log data sets. This indicates that log records might be missing. The log RBA of the next record following the gap is greater than the RBAEND value specified in the utility control statements. Normally, a continuous set of log records is supplied as input by the ACTIVE and ARCHIVE DDnames (or the BSDS DDname if using the bootstrap data set (BSDS) to access the log data sets) in the job control language (JCL) used to invoke the utility. If a log data set was removed from the JCL, this condition will arise. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Check the JCL and the RBAEND value specified in the utility control statements. If a log data set was not removed intentionally, check that the log data sets are specified in ascending RBA value order. If using the BSDS to access log data sets, use the print log map utility (CSQJU004) to examine the RBA ranges as recorded in the BSDS, and note any RBA gaps that might have resulted from the deletion of an active or archive log data set. If it appears that a log error might have occurred, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. 00D10024 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) encountered a log RBA sequence error. The RBA of the previous log record is greater than the RBA of the current log record. Normally, a continuous set of log records is supplied as input by the ACTIVE and ARCHIVE DDnames (or the BSDS DDname if using the bootstrap data set (BSDS) to access the log data sets) in the job control language (JCL) used to invoke the utility. If a log data set appears out of sequence, this condition will arise. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Check the JCL to


Messages and Codes

ensure that the log data sets are specified in ascending RBA value order. If using the BSDS to access the log data sets, use the print log map utility (CSQJU004) to examine the RBA ranges associated with each archive and active log data set. If both archive and active log data sets are used, the first archive log data set must contain the lowest log RBA value. If necessary, adjust the concatenation of the archive and active log data sets in the JCL to ensure that log records are read in ascending RBA sequence, and resubmit the log print request. If it appears that a log error might have occurred, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about dealing with problems on the log. 00D10025 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) resulted in a VSAM GET error while attempting to read the active log data set. This reason code, and the VSAM return and reason codes are issued in message CSQ1221E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets to determine the meaning of the VSAM GET error and the RPL error code. Take appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10026 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because an RBA value within the range specified by RBASTART and RBAEND could not be located on a log data set. This reason code, and the RBA value that could not be located are issued with message CSQ1216E System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Check the utiility control statements to ensure that the RBASTART and RBAEND values have not exceeded the lower or upper bounds of the RBAs available on all the active or archive log data sets defined by DDnames in the JCL. If you are using the BSDS to access the log data sets, use the print log map utility (CSQJU004) to examine the RBA ranges associated with each archive and active log data set. Correct the JCL and utility control statements as necessary, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the

WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10027 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) resulted in a VSAM GET error while attempting to read the bootstrap data set (BSDS). This reason code, and the VSAM return and reason codes, are issued with message CSQ1221E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual to determine the meaning of the VSAM GET error and the RPL error code. Take appropriate action to correct the error and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D1002A Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because an RBA value has been requested in an active log data set that has previously not been opened. A VSAM OPEN error occurred while attempting to open the active log data set. This reason code, and the VSAM return and reason codes, are issued in message CSQ1221E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual to determine the meaning of the VSAM OPEN error and the ACB error code. Take appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D1002B Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because an RBA value has been requested in an active log data set that has previously not been opened. A VSAM OPEN error occurred while attempting to open the active log data set. The VSAM OPEN error was determined to be one that could be corrected, however, a system error occurred while executing a z/OS TESTCB macro to determine whether the active log data set in question was a VSAM ESDS (entry-sequenced data set) or a VSAM LDS (linear data set). This reason code, and the VSAM return and reason codes are issued in message CSQ1221E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and
Chapter 29. Recovery log manager codes (X'D1')


no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual to determine the meaning of the VSAM OPEN error and the ACB error code. Take appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v A copy of the job control language (JCL) used to invoke the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) v The log data sets that the user was attempting to print For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D1002C Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because an RBA value has been requested in a active log data set that has previously not been opened. A VSAM OPEN error occurred while attempting to open the active log data set. The VSAM OPEN error was determined to be one which could be corrected by use of a VSAM access method services (AMS) VERIFY call, but the VERIFY call was unsuccessful. This reason code, and the VSAM return and reason codes are issued with message CSQ1221E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual to determine the meaning of the VSAM OPEN error and the ACB error code. Take appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D1002D Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because an RBA value has been requested in an active log data set that has previously not been opened. A VSAM OPEN error occurred while attempting to open the active log data set. The VSAM OPEN error was corrected by use of a VSAM access method services (AMS) VERIFY call, but a subsequent attempt to reposition the VSAM pointer back to the beginning of the active log data set (using the VSAM AMS POINT call) was unsuccessful. This reason code and the VSAM return and reason codes are issued with message CSQ1221E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the

DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual to determine the meaning of the VSAM OPEN error and the ACB error code. Take the appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the print log request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10030 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility resulted in an internal error. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v A copy of the job control language (JCL) used to invoke the log print utility v The log data sets that the user was attempting to print 00D10031 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because an RBA value has been requested in a log data set that has previously not been opened. The job control language (JCL) has specified that the bootstrap data set (BSDS) be used as the guide to determine which data sets are required. An attempt to allocate the appropriate data set dynamically (using z/OS SVC 99) was unsuccessful. This reason code, and the dynamic allocation information and error codes (S99INFO and S99ERROR) are issued with message CSQ1222E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide manual to determine the meaning of the SVC 99 information and error codes. Take the appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10040 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because an RBA value has been requested in an archive log data set (on tape) that has previously not been opened. An attempt was made to open the second file on the archive log tape (the first file normally contains the bootstrap data set) but this was unsuccessful because the archive log data set was not the second file on the archive log tape. The read job file control block (RDJFCB) macro was then invoked to attempt to change the data set sequence number from the default value of 2 to a value of 1, before attempting to open the second file again, but the


Messages and Codes

macro invocation resulted in an error. This reason code, and the RDJFCB return code are issued in message CSQ1223E. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Refer to the MVS/ESA DFP System Programming Reference manual to determine the meaning of the RDJFCB error code. Take the appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10044 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because an RBA value has been requested in an archive log data set that has previously not been opened. An attempt to open the archive log data set resulted in a QSAM (queued sequential access method) error. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating the cause of the QSAM error. Take the appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10048 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because a QSAM (queued sequential access method) GET error occurred while reading an archive log data set. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating the cause of the QSAM error. Take the appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10050 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) was unsuccessful because the bootstrap data set (BSDS) was erroneously specified as one of the archive data sets in the job control language (JCL). System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: Examine the JCL, and

remove the occurrence of the BSDS data set as one of the concatenated ARCHIVE data sets. Resubmit the log print request. For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10061 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) succeeded, but an unexpected physical record length was encountered for the log record control interval (CI) for an active or archive log data set. The data on the log data set might have been corrupted after it was written by MQ. The data in the log data set might still be usable, but with caution. The length of a log CI in an active log data set is expected to be 4089 bytes. The length of a log CI in an archive log data set is expected to be 4096 bytes. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. The log print request has completed. This reason code is issued as a warning. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the ACTIVE and ARCHIVE DDnames in the job control language (JCL) refer to active and archive logs correctly. If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v A copy of the job control language (JCL) used to invoke the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) v The log data set that the user was trying to print For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10062 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) succeeded, but the first log record segment could not be found for a middle spanned log record segment. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. The log print request has completed. This reason code is issued as a warning. System Programmer Response: Several possibilities exist for the cause of this condition: v The recovery log manager component of MQ did not originally construct the log record header (LRH) properly v The LRH for the log record segment was damaged after it was written by MQ v The application program continued to process after being informed about a gap in the log RBA values (reason code X'00D10021')

Chapter 29. Recovery log manager codes (X'D1')


Determine if the LRH of the log record segment is truly in error by looking at the record segments directly preceding and after the record segment in question. Take the appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v A copy of the job control language (JCL) used to invoke the lop print utility (CSQ1LOGP) v The log data set that the user was attempting to print For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10063 Explanation: An invocation of the log print utility (CSQ1LOGP) succeeded, but the first log record segment could not be found for a last spanned log record segment. System Action: No error is issued by log services, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. The log print request has completed. This reason code is issued as a warning. System Programmer Response: Several possibilities exist for the cause of this condition: v The recovery log manager component of MQ did not originally construct the log record header (LRH) properly v The LRH for the log record segment was damaged after it was written by MQ v The application program continued to process after being informed about a gap in the log RBA values (reason code X'00D10021') Determine if the LRH of the log record segment is truly in error by looking at the record segments directly before and after the record segment in question. Take the appropriate action to correct the error, and resubmit the log print request. If the problem persists, collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center: v A copy of the job control language (JCL) used to invoke the lop print utility (CSQ1LOGP) v The log data set that the user was attempting to print For more information about log services, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. 00D10250 Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred while updating either the BSDS or the z/OS catalog to reflect changes in active log data sets. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The queue

manager then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: Obtain the SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump. Correct the error, and restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. In addition, see the description of reason code X'00D10252' for details of the information recorded in the variable recording area (VRA) of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). Examine the console log for a CSQJxxxx message preceding this error to determine whether the error was a BSDS error or a z/OS catalog update error. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your support center. 00D10251 Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred in the log buffer writer. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The queue manager then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: Obtain the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump. This error is usually caused by a previous error that was recorded on SYS1.LOGREC and produced an SVC dump. The SYS1.LOGREC entries and SVC dump should be examined to determine the primary error that occurred. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. In addition, see the description of reason code X'00D10252' for details of the information recorded in the variable recording area (VRA) of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your support center. 00D10252 Explanation: This reason code is used to define the format of the information recorded in the variable recording area (VRA) of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: Obtain the SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. In addition, the following information is contained in the VRA of the SDWA: v Reason code X'00D10252' stored with VRA key 6. v The log buffer writer recovery tracking area is stored with VRA key 10.


Messages and Codes

00D10253 Explanation: An application program check occurred in an MVCP instruction that attempted to move a parameter list or other data from the callers address space to the queue manager address space. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: Obtain the SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. Examine the area from which data was to be moved. It might be in the wrong key, or the address might be the cause of the problem. The incorrect instruction has a DA opcode and indicates the registers showing address and length to be moved. 00D10254 Explanation: An application program check occurred in an MVCS instruction that attempted to move data from the queue manager address space to the callers address space. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: Obtain the SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. Examine the area to which data was to be moved. It might be in the wrong key, or the address might be the cause of the problem. The incorrect instruction has a DB opcode and indicates the registers showing address and length to be moved. 00D10261 Explanation: While scanning the records and record segments in a log control interval (CI), it was discovered that the forward record chain was broken. This condition is the result of an incorrect record length in the log record header of some record in the log CI. System Action: This reason code can be issued by an active queue manager as the log buffers are scanned before they are written to the active log, or by the MQ log services GET processor as a CI is retrieved from a user-specified active or archive log data set. If the reason code is issued by an active queue manager, a diagnostic record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. v If the error was detected by CSQJOFF1, the archiving of the active log data set is terminated and the faulty active log data set is marked stopped

v If the error was detected by CSQJR005, message CSQJ012E is issued and the calling agent is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW009, message CSQJ012E is issued and the queue manager is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW107, the queue manager is terminated If this reason code is issued as the result of MQ log services GET processing, no error is issued and no information is written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D10262 Explanation: While scanning a log control interval (CI), the offset to the last record or record segment in the CI was found to be incorrect. System Action: This reason code can be issued by an active queue manager as the log buffers are scanned before they are written to the active log, or by the MQ log services GET processor as a CI is retrieved from a user-specified active or archive log data set. If the reason code is issued by an active queue manager, a diagnostic record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. v If the error was detected by CSQJOFF1, the archiving of the active log data set is terminated and the faulty active log data set is marked stopped v If the error was detected by CSQJR005, message CSQJ012E is issued and the calling agent is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW009, message CSQJ012E is issued and the queue manager is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW107, the queue manager is terminated If this reason code is issued as the result of MQ log services GET processing, no error is issued, and no information is written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 29. Recovery log manager codes (X'D1')


00D10263 Explanation: While scanning a log control interval (CI), the VSAM RDF/CIDF control information was found to be incorrect. System Action: This reason code can be issued by an active queue manager as the log buffers are scanned before they are written to the active log, or by the MQ log services GET processor as a CI is retrieved from a user-specified active or archive log data set. If the reason code is issued by an active queue manager, a diagnostic record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. v If the error was detected by CSQJOFF1, the archiving of the active log data set is terminated and the faulty active log data set is marked stopped v If the error was detected by CSQJR005, message CSQJ012E is issued and the calling agent is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW009, message CSQJ012E is issued and the queue manager is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW107, the queue manager is terminated If this reason code is issued as the result of MQ log services GET processing, no error is issued, and no information is written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D10264 Explanation: While scanning a log control interval (CI), the beginning log RBA of the CI was not the expected RBA. System Action: This reason code can be issued by an active queue manager as the log buffers are scanned before they are written to the active log, or by the MQ log services GET processor as a CI is retrieved from a user-specified active or archive log data set. If the reason code is issued by an active queue manager, a diagnostic record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. v If the error was detected by CSQJOFF1, the archiving of the active log data set is terminated and the faulty active log data set is marked stopped v If the error was detected by CSQJR005, message CSQJ012E is issued and the calling agent is terminated

v If the error was detected by CSQJW009, message CSQJ012E is issued and the queue manager is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW107, the queue manager is terminated If this reason code is issued as the result of MQ log services GET processing, no error is issued, and no information is written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D10265 Explanation: While scanning the records and record segments in a log control interval (CI), it was discovered that the backward record chain was broken. This condition is the result of an incorrect record length in the log record header of some record in the log CI. System Action: This reason code can be issued by an active queue manager as the log buffers are scanned before they are written to the active log, or by the MQ log services GET processor as a CI is retrieved from a user-specified active or archive log data set. If the reason code is issued by an active queue manager, a diagnostic record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. v If the error was detected by CSQJOFF1, the archiving of the active log data set is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJR005, message CSQJ012E is issued and the calling agent is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW009, message CSQJ012E is issued and the queue manager is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW107, the queue manager is terminated If this reason code is issued as the result of MQ log services GET processing, no error is issued, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00D10266 Explanation: While scanning a log control interval (CI), a unit of recovery ID or LINK RBA in some record was found to be inconsistent with the beginning log RBA of the CI. System Action: This reason code can be issued by an active queue manager as the log buffers are scanned before they are written to the active log, or by the MQ log services GET processor as a CI is retrieved from a user-specified active or archive log data set. If the reason code is issued by an active queue manager, a diagnostic record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. v If the error was detected by CSQJOFF1, the archiving of the active log data set is terminated and the faulty active log data set is marked stopped v If the error was detected by CSQJR005, message CSQJ012E is issued and the calling agent is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW009, message CSQJ012E is issued and the queue manager is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW107, the queue manager is terminated If this reason code is issued as the result of MQ log services GET processing, no error is issued, and no information is written to SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D10267 Explanation: While scanning a log control interval (CI), a middle or last spanned record segment was not the first segment contained in the log CI. System Action: This reason code can be issued by an active queue manager because the log buffers are scanned before they are written to the active log, or by the MQ log services GET processor because a CI is retrieved from a user-specified active or archive log data set. If the reason code is issued by an active queue manager, a diagnostic record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. v If the error was detected by CSQJOFF1, the archiving of the active log data set is terminated and the faulty active log data set is marked stopped

v If the error was detected by CSQJR005, message CSQJ012E is issued and the calling agent is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW009, message CSQJ012E is issued and the queue manager is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW107, the queue manager is terminated If this reason code is issued as the result of MQ log services GET processing, no error is issued, and no information is written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D10268 Explanation: While scanning a log control interval (CI), a first or middle spanned record segment was not the last segment contained in the log CI. System Action: This reason code can be issued by an active queue manager as the log buffers are scanned before they are written to the active log, or by the MQ log services GET processor as a CI is retrieved from a user-specified active or archive log data set. If the reason code is issued by an active queue manager, then a diagnostic record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. v If the error was detected by CSQJOFF1, the archiving of the active log data set is terminated and the faulty active log data set is marked stopped v If the error was detected by CSQJR005, message CSQJ012E is issued and the calling agent is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW009, message CSQJ012E is issued and the queue manager is terminated v If the error was detected by CSQJW107, the queue manager is terminated If this reason code is issued as the result of MQ log services GET processing, no error is issued, and no information is written to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 29. Recovery log manager codes (X'D1')


00D10269 Explanation: An unrecoverable error was found in one of the buffers, while moving the current log buffer to the static write buffer in preparation for the physical write to the active log. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The queue manager then terminates. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D1032A Explanation: An unsuccessful completion of a LOG READ has occurred. BSDS does not map the specified RBA into a log data set. Either the BSDS is in error, or the log data set has been deleted. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. 00D1032B Explanation: Completion of a LOG READ was unsuccessful, because an error occurred while attempting to allocate a log data set. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. Examine LOGREC and SVC dump information. Also, examine any prior messages with a CSQJ prefix from recovery log manager allocation processing. 00D1032C Explanation: A LOG READ completed unsuccessfully, because an error occurred while opening or closing a log data set.

System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: For information about dealing with problems on the log, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide. You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. Examine LOGREC and SVC dump information. Also, examine prior messages from recovery log manager open/close processing. These messages have a prefix of CSQJ. 00D1032E Explanation: A LOG READ completed unsuccessfully due to an internal error. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. Examine the SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump information. 00D10340 Explanation: An unsuccessful completion of a LOG READ has occurred. This reflects an internal recovery log manager (RLM) logic error. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. Examine the SYS1.LOGREC, console log and SVC dump for information about prior errors during LOG READ processing. If you cannot solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D10345 Explanation: A LOG READ completed unsuccessfully because an error was received from a CATALOG LOCATE request for an archive log data set. The requested archive log data set might have been uncataloged or deleted. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. Examine the SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump. 00D10348 Explanation: The maximum retry count was exceeded while attempting to read a log RBA. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: Check the console log for related errors. This problem might occur if the user has specified an archive or active log data set to the BSDS with an incorrect RBA range. If you cannot solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D10406 Explanation: The bootstrap data set access service received a request with an invalid function code. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. If you cannot solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D10410 Explanation: An unsuccessful completion of a READ BSDS RECORD has occurred. An error has been returned from VSAM. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: Check the console log for return codes from VSAM. If you are unable to resolve the problem, note these values, collect the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316, and contact your IBM support center. 00D10411 Explanation: An unsuccessful completion of a WRITE UPDATE BSDS RECORD has occurred. An error has been returned from VSAM. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally.

System Programmer Response: Check the console log for return codes from VSAM. If you are unable to resolve the problem, note these values, collect the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316, and contact your IBM support center. 00D10412 Explanation: An unsuccessful completion of a WRITE INSERT BSDS RECORD has occurred. An error has been returned from VSAM. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: Check the console log for return codes from VSAM. If you are unable to resolve the problem, note these values, collect the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316, and contact your IBM support center. 00D10413 Explanation: An unsuccessful completion of a DELETE BSDS RECORD has occurred. An error has been returned from VSAM. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: Check the console log for return codes from VSAM. If you are unable to resolve the problem, note these values, collect the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316, and contact your IBM support center. 00D10700 Explanation: An error completion code was returned by SETLOCK OBTAIN. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem determination on page 316 useful in resolving the problem. In the dump, register 0 contains the return code from SETLOCK OBTAIN. 00D10701 Explanation: An error completion code was returned by SETLOCK RELEASE. System Action: An execution unit writes a record to
Chapter 29. Recovery log manager codes (X'D1')


SYS1.LOGREC and requests an SVC dump. The execution unit then terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Recovery log manager problem

determination useful in resolving the problem. In the dump, register 0 contains the return code from SETLOCK RELEASE.

Recovery log manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v Console output v System dump resulting from the error, if any v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC, if the reason code is issued by an active queue manager v A CSQ1LOGP detail report containing the log records associated with the problem, if the reason code is issued by an active queue manager v Contents of the BSDS; obtain a listing by running the Print Log Map utility (CSQJU004) v The recovery log manager standard diagnostic information, provided in the SYS1.LOGREC variable recording area (VRA) of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) for many of the reason codes: MODID Name of module issuing the error LEVEL Change level COMPONENT Subcomponent identifier of recovery log manager REGISTERS General purpose registers (GPRs) 0 through 15 at time of abend.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 30. Lock manager codes (X'D3')

If a lock manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Lock manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center.
00D301F1 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage was unsuccessful. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, collect the items listed in Lock manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00D301F2 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage was unsuccessful. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, collect the items listed in Lock manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00D301F3 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage was unsuccessful. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, collect the items listed in Lock manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00D301F4 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage was unsuccessful. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, collect the items listed in Lock manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00D301F5 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage was unsuccessful. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, collect the items listed in Lock manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00D302F1, 00D302F2, 00D302F3, 00D302F4, 00D302F5, 00D303F1, 00D303F2, 00D303F3, 00D304F1, 00D305F1, 00D306F1 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Lock manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

Lock manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items:

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels


Messages and Codes

Chapter 31. Message manager codes (X'D4')

If a message manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center.
00D40001, 00D40002 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40003, 00D40004, 00D40007 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a DEFINE or ALTER command for a queue. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40008 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a DEFINE or ALTER command for a process. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40009 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a DEFINE or ALTER command for a queue. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D4000A, 00D4000B, 00D4000C Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D4000D Explanation: An internal error has occurred while attempting to establish a processing environment for the command processors. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D4000E, 00D4000F Explanation: An internal error has occurred while attempting to establish a processing environment. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6' System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40010 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40011, 00D40012, 00D40013, 00D40014 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center.


00D40015 Explanation: An attempt to write a trigger message to the initiation queue or the dead-letter queue was unsuccessful because of an internal error (for example, a storage overwrite). System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40016, 00D40017, 00D40018, 00D4001A, 00D4001B, 00D4001C, 00D4001D, 00D4001E, 00D4001F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40020, 00D40021, 00D40022, 00D40023, 00D40024, 00D40025 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40026 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a DEFINE CHANNEL or ALTER command for a channel. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40027, 00D40028, 00D40029, 00D4002A, 00D4002B, 00D4002C Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center.

00D4002D Explanation: An attempt to write a message to a queue was unsuccessful because of an internal error (for example, a storage overwrite). System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D4002E Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6' System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D4002F Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a channel command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40030 Explanation: The report option requested in a message was not recognized. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. A dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Correct the value of the report option field (the value specified is given in register 2). 00D40031, 00D40032 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40033 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a STGCLASS command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40034, 00D40035, 00D40036, 00D40037, 00D40038, 00D40039 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D4003B Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327. Also collect details of the queue-sharing group (QSG) and of the queue managers active, as well as the queue managers defined to the QSG at the time of the error. This information can be obtained by entering the following z/OS commands: D XCF,GRP to display a list of all QSGs in the Coupling Facility. D XCF,GRP,qsg-name,ALL to display status about the queue managers defined to QSG qsg-name. Contact your IBM support center. 00D4003C, 00D4003D Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a DEFINE CFSTRUCT or ALTER CFSTRUCT or DELETE CFSTRUCT command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D4003E Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing an AUTHINFO command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center.

00D4003F Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a DEFINE MAXSMSGS or ALTER QMGR command. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40040 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40042 Explanation: An internal processing error has occurred. The repository cannot locate an object that it has been asked to release. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40043, 00D40044, 00D40045, 00D40046, 00D40047, 00D40048 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40049 Explanation: An internal processing error has occurred while attempting to create the queue manager object during end restart processing. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 31. Message manager codes (X'D4')


00D40050 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. The IGQ agent then attempts to recover. System Programmer Response: If the IGQ agent fails to recover properly, an attempt could be made to disable the SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE to force the IGQ agent to enter retry, or if this fails, the IGQ agent task can be restarted by issuing an ALTER QMGR IGQ(ENABLED) command or by restarting the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40051, 00D40052 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40053 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 together with a dump of the coupling facility list structure that the shared queue is defined to use, and contact your IBM support center. 00D40054 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327. Also collect details of the queue-sharing group (QSG) and of the queue managers active, as well as the queue managers defined to the QSG at the time of the error. This information can be obtained by entering the following z/OS commands: D XCF,GRP

to display status about the queue managers defined to QSG qsg-name. Contact your IBM support center. 00D40055, 00D40056 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40060, 00D40062, 00D40064, 00D40065, 00D40066 Explanation: An internal error has occurred during shared channel recovery. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. The recovery process is terminated; some channels may have been recovered, while others have not. Any channels that were not recovered will be recovered when the recovery process next runs; alternatively, they can be restarted manually. See the WebSphere MQ Intercommunication manual for more information about shared channel recovery. 00D40067 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D40068 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. In some cases, the queue manager may terminate with completion code X'6C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00D40069

to display a list of all QSGs in the Coupling Facility. D XCF,GRP,qsg-name,ALL

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327. Also collect details of the queue-sharing group (QSG) and of the queue managers active, as well as the queue managers defined to the QSG at the time of the error. This information can be obtained by entering the following z/OS commands: D XCF,GRP to display a list of all QSGs in the Coupling Facility. D XCF,GRP,qsg-name,ALL to display status about the queue managers defined to QSG qsg-name. Contact your IBM support center. 00D40070 Explanation: An internal error has occurred invloving the cluster cache. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and the channel initiator job log, and contact your IBM support center. 00D40071, 00D40071, 00D40073, 00D40074, 00D40075, 00D40076, 00D40077, 00D40078, 00D40079, 00D4007A, 00D4007B, 00D4007C, 00D4007D, 00D4007E, 00D4007F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00D40080 Explanation: An internal error has occurred invloving the cluster cache. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and the channel initiator job log, and contact your IBM support center. 00D40081 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items

listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00D40082 Explanation: An internal error has occurred invloving the cluster cache. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and the channel initiator job log, and contact your IBM support center. 00D40083 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager if necessary. 00D401F1 Explanation: Whilst processing a get message request, the specified search type (message identifier or correll identifier) was found to be in error. This indicates a data corruption error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination on page 327 and contact your IBM support center. 00D44001 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that an object of the specified name exists, but is of a different subtype; it might not necessarily have the same disposition in the queue-sharing group. This can only occur with subtypes of queues or channels. Message CSQM099I is also issued, indicating the object in error. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command, ensuring that all object subtypes are correct.

Chapter 31. Message manager codes (X'D4')


00D44002 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that the object specified on the request could not be located. Message CSQM094I or message CSQM125I is also issued, indicating the object in error. It is also issued in message CSQM086E, indicating that the queue manager object could not be located. Severity: 8 System Action: For CSQM090E, the command is ignored. For CSQM086E, the queue manager fails to restart. System Programmer Response: If you are using a queue-sharing group, check that DB2 is available and not suspended. Define the object in question. For the queue manager, reissue the START QMGR command to restart the queue manager. Note: An object of the same name and type, but of a different disposition, might already exist. If you are dealing with a queue or channel object, an object of the same name, but of a different subtype, might already exist. 00D44003 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that the object specified on the request already exists. This will only arise when trying to define a new object. Message CSQM095I is also issued. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Use the object in question. 00D44004 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that one or more of the keywords on the command failed the parameter validation rules that apply to them. One or more other more specific messages are also issued, indicating the reason for the validation failure. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Refer to the more specific associated message to determine what the error is.

00D44005 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that either: v The object specified on the request is currently open. This usually happens when an object is in use through the API or a trigger message is being written to it, but it could also arise because the object specified is in the process of being deleted. For a local queue, it can occur because there are messages currently on the queue. Message CSQM101I or CSQM115I is also issued. v A request has been issued for a local queue, but this queue has incomplete units of recovery outstanding for it. Message CSQM110I is also issued. v A alter, delete, or define request was made against a storage class that is in use (that is, there is a queue defined as using the storage class, and there are messages currently on the queue. Message CSQM101I is also issued. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Refer to the description of message CSQM101I, CSQM110I, or CSQM115I as appropriate. 00D44006 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that a request has been issued to delete a local queue. The PURGE option has not been specified, but there are messages on the queue. Message CSQM103I is also issued. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: If the local queue must be deleted, even though there are messages on it, reissue the command with the PURGE option. 00D44007 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that a request has been issued for a local queue that is dynamic, but this queue has been flagged for deletion. Message CSQM104I is also issued. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: None, the local queue will be deleted as soon as possible.


Messages and Codes

00D44008 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that the object specified on the request needs updating because the MQ version has changed, but that this cannot be done because the object is currently open. Message CSQM101I is also issued. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Wait until the object is closed and reissue the command. 00D44009 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM112E or message CSQM117E indicating the object in error. It is also issued in message CSQM086E during queue manager restart. This code indicates that a request has been issued for an object, but the object information could not be accessed because of an error on page set zero. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored or the queue manager fails to restart. System Programmer Response: Check for error messages on the console log that might relate to the problem. Verify that page set zero is set up correctly; refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about this. 00D4400A Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM113E indicating the object in error. It is also issued in message CSQM086E during queue manager restart. This code indicates that a request has been issued for an object, but page set zero is full. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored or the queue manager fails to restart. System Programmer Response: Increase the size of page set zero. Refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about how to do this.

00D4400B Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM114E. This code indicates that a request has been issued for a local queue, but no more local queues could be defined. There is an implementation limit of 524 287 for the total number of local queues that can exist. For shared queues, there is a limit of 512 queues in a single coupling facility structure, and 512 structures altogether. Severity: 4 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Delete any existing queues that are no longer required. 00D4400C Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. It indicates that the command is not allowed for a particular subtype of an object, as shown in the accompanying more specific message. Severity: 4 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the object name specified correctly. 00D4400D Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM127I. This code indicates that a request was issued specifying a namelist as a list of cluster names, but there are no names in the namelist. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Specify a namelist that is not empty. 00D4400E Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM112E or message CSQM117E indicating the object in error. It is also issued in message CSQM086E during queue manager restart. This code indicates that a request has been issued for an object, but that a page set that it requires is not defined. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored or the queue manaager fails to restart.
Chapter 31. Message manager codes (X'D4')


System Programmer Response: Ensure that the necessary page set is defined in the initialization input data set CSQINP1, and has a DD statement in the queue manager started task JCL procedure. Restart the queue manager. 00D4400F Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM112E or message CSQM117E indicating the object in error. It is also issued in message CSQM086E during queue manager restart. This code indicates that a request has been issued for an object, but that a page set that it requires is not open. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored or the queue manager fails to restart. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the necessary page set is defined in the initialization input data set CSQINP1, and has a DD statement in the queue manager started task JCL procedure. Restart the queue manager. 00D44010 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed. This code indicates that a request was issued to change the default transmission queue for the queue manager, but the queue is already in use. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Wait until the queue is no longer in use, or choose another queue. 00D44011 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM128E. This code indicates that a request was issued that required a message to be sent to a command queue, but the message could not be put. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: Resolve the problem with the command queue. 00D44013 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM160I indicating the object in error.

Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See message CSQM160I for more information. 00D44014 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM161I. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See message CSQM161I for more information. 00D44015 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM164I indicating the object in error. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored. System Programmer Response: See message CSQM164I for more information. 00D44016 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM163I indicating the object in error. Severity: 8 System Action: The command stops processing. System Programmer Response: See message CSQM163I for more information. 00D44017 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM112E or message CSQM117E indicating the object in error. It is also issued in message CSQM086E during queue manager restart. This code indicates that a request has been issued for an object, but the object information could not be accessed because coupling facility structure has failed. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored or the queue manager fails to restart. System Programmer Response: Check for error messages on the console log that might relate to the


Messages and Codes

problem. Use the RECOVER CFSTRUCT command to recover the coupling facility structure. 00D44018 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM112E or message CSQM117E indicating the object in error. It is also issued in message CSQM086E during queue manager restart. This code indicates that a request has been issued for an object, but the object information could not be accessed because there is an error or inconsistency in the coupling facility information. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored or the queue manager fails to restart. System Programmer Response: Check for error messages on the console log that might relate to the problem. Check that DB2 is available and not suspended. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to restart the queue manager. 00D44019 Explanation: This reason code is issued in message

CSQM090E when a command has failed, and is accompanied by message CSQM112E or message CSQM117E indicating the object in error. It is also issued in message CSQM086E during queue manager restart. This code indicates that a request has been issued for an object, but the object information could not be accessed because DB2 is not available or is suspended. Severity: 8 System Action: The command is ignored or the queue manager fails to restart. System Programmer Response: Check for error messages on the console log that might relate to the problem. Check that DB2 is available and not suspended. 00D4F001 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Message manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

Message manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error (including any command that was being issued), or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v CICS transaction dump output, if using CICS v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels v ISPF panel name, if using the MQ Operations and Control panels

Chapter 31. Message manager codes (X'D4')



Messages and Codes

Chapter 32. Command server codes (X'D5')

If a command server reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center.
00D50101 Explanation: During initialization, the command server was unable to obtain storage. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: Message CSQN104I is sent to the console containing this reason code and the return code from the internal storage macro. None of the commands in the initialization data set currently being processed are performed. Queue manager startup continues. Note: If there is a storage problem, startup might not be successful. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, collect the following items and contact your IBM support center: v Return and reason codes from CSQN104I message v Trace of startup (if available) 00D50102 Explanation: The command preprocessor ended abnormally while processing a command in the initialization input data set. System Action: Message CSQ9029E is produced, followed by message CSQN103I with this code as the return code, and a reason code of -1 indicating that the command was not processed, and a dump is produced. The next command is processed. System Programmer Response: Look in the output data set to determine the command in error. Check that the command is correctly formed, that it applies to a valid object. If the command is correct, collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D50103 Explanation: During initialization, an internal error occurred. System Action: Message CSQN104I is sent to the z/OS console, indicating the return and reason codes from the internal macro. The command server stops,
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without processing any commands. System Programmer Response: Review the job log for messages about other errors that might be related. If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331, and contact your IBM support center. 00D50104 Explanation: An internal error occurred during initialization. System Action: Message CSQN104I is sent to the z/OS console, indicating the return and reason codes from the internal macro. The command server stops, without processing any commands. System Programmer Response: Stop and restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D50105 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The command server terminates, and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Stop and restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D50201 Explanation: The command server was unable to obtain storage while starting up. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: Message CSQN202I is sent to the z/OS console, indicating the return code from the internal storage macro. The command server stops, without processing any commands. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331


331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D50202 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Message CSQN202I is sent to the z/OS console, indicating the return code from the internal macro. The command server stops, without processing any commands. System Programmer Response: Review the job log for messages about other errors that might be related. If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D50203 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Message CSQN202I is sent to the z/OS console, indicating the return code from the internal macro. The command server stops, without processing any commands. System Programmer Response: Issue the START CMDSERV command to restart the command server. Collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D50208 Explanation: The command server was unable to obtain storage during startup. System Action: Message CSQN202I is sent to the z/OS console, indicating the return code from the internal macro. The command server stops, without processing any commands. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this is not the cause of the problem, collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D50209 Explanation: The command preprocessor ended abnormally while processing a command from the command server. System Action: Message CSQN205I is put onto the reply-to queue with COUNT=1, RETURN=00D50209, and REASON=1 indicating that the command has not been processed. The command server processes the next command. System Programmer Response: Check that the command is correctly formed, that it applies to a valid object.

If the command is correct, collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D5020C Explanation: While waiting for a command, the command server did not recognize the reason for the end of the wait. This is because it was not one of the following: v The arrival of a message v The STOP CMDSERV command System Action: Messages CSQN203I and CSQN206I are sent to the console, containing the return and reason codes from the request function, and the ECB list. The command server is terminated and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Issue the START CMDSERV command to restart the command server. Collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D5020E Explanation: The command processor attempted to get a command from the system-command-input queue, but the attempt was unsuccessful because of an internal error. System Action: The command server continues processing. Message CSQN203I is written to the console containing the return and reason codes from the API call. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command server problem determination on page 331 and contact your IBM support center. 00D5020F Explanation: The command processor got a command from the system-command-input queue, but was unable to process it because the message was not of type MQMT_REQUEST. System Action: The command processor processes the next command message. 00D50210 Explanation: The command processor got a command from the system-command-input queue, but was unable to process it because the command message was of length zero. System Action: The command processor processes the next command message.


Messages and Codes

00D50211 Explanation: The command processor got a command from the system-command-input queue, but was unable to process it because the command message consisted of blank characters only. System Action: The command processor processes the next command message. 00D50212 Explanation: The command processor got a command from the system-command-input queue, but was unable to process it because the command message was greater than 32 762 characters long. System Action: The command processor processes the next command message. 00D54000 Explanation: An internal error has occurred.

System Action: The command server is terminated and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Issue the START CMDSERV command to restart the command server. Collect the items listed in Command server problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00D54nnn Explanation: The command processor got a command from the system-command-input queue, but was unable to process it because the command message indicated that data conversion was required and an error occurred during conversion. nnn is the reason code (in hexadecimal) returned by the MQGET call. System Action: The command processor processes the next command message. System Programmer Response: Refer to Appendix A, API completion and reason codes for information about the reason code nnn.

Command server problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error (including the command that was being issued), or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error, if any v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels v Any trace information collected v Return and reason codes from message CSQN104I or CSQN202I, if it was issued

Chapter 32. Command server codes (X'D5')



Messages and Codes

Chapter 33. Buffer manager codes (X'D7')

If a buffer manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Buffer manager problem determination on page 335 and contact your IBM support center.
00D70101 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for a buffer manager control block (the PANC) was unsuccessful. This is probably because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Registers 2 and 0 contain the return and reason codes from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough, and if not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the register values, and contact your IBM support center. 00D70102 Explanation: The name of the queue manager being restarted does not match the name recorded in a prior checkpoint log record. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. This is preceded by message CSQP006I. Register 0 contains the name found in the log record. Register 2 contains the name of the queue manager being restarted. System Programmer Response: Change the started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for the queue manager to name the appropriate bootstrap and log data sets. The print log utility, CSQ1LOGP, can be used to view checkpoint records. You might also find the MQ active log data set useful for problem determination. 00D70103 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for a buffer manager control block (a PSET) was unsuccessful. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Registers 2 and 0 contain the return and reason codes from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Note the register values, and contact your IBM support center.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

00D70104 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for a buffer manager control block (a BHDR) was unsuccessful. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Registers 2 and 0 contain the return and reason codes from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Note the register values, and contact your IBM support center. 00D70105 Explanation: An internal error has occurred during dynamic page set expansion. System Action: The current page set extend task is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. No further attempt will be made to expand the page set until the queue manager is restarted. Subsequent dynamic page set extend requests for other page sets are processed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Buffer manager problem determination on page 335 and contact your IBM support center. 00D70106 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: An entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Buffer manager problem determination on page 335 and contact your IBM support center. 00D70108 Explanation: An attempt to obtain storage for the buffer pool was unsuccessful. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 2 contains the return code from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request. Register 3 contains the buffer pool number. System Programmer Response: Provide sufficient


storage for the number of buffers specified in the DEFINE BUFFPOOL command. 00D7010A Explanation: An internal storage error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Registers 2 and 0 contain the return and reason codes from the STORAGE or GETMAIN request. Register 3 contains the buffer pool number. System Programmer Response: Provide sufficient storage for the number of buffers specified in the DEFINE BUFFPOOL command. 00D70112 Explanation: A critical process could not be started during queue manager initialization. This could be because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the completion code and the reason code and contact your IBM support center. 00D70113 Explanation: A critical process could not be started during queue manager initialization. This could be because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the completion code and the reason code and contact your IBM support center. 00D70114 Explanation: An internal cross-component consistency check failed. System Action: The request is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the value in error. System Programmer Response: Note the completion code and the reason code, collect the MQ active log data set, and contact your IBM support center.

00D70116 Explanation: An I/O error has occurred. System Action: An entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the Media Manager reason code from an MMCALL call. In some circumstances, the queue manager will terminate. (This depends on the nature of the error, and the page set on which the error occurred.) System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. See the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the Media Manager. If you do not have access to the required manual, contact your IBM support center, quoting the Media Manager reason code. You might also find the MQ active log data set useful for problem determination. 00D70117 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while the queue manager was terminating. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Buffer manager problem determination on page 335 and contact your IBM support center. 00D70118 Explanation: A page was about to be written to a page set, but was found to have improper format. The executing thread is terminated. (If this is the deferred write processor, the queue manager is terminated) System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists collect the items listed in Buffer manager problem determination on page 335 and contact your IBM support center. 00D70120 Explanation: No buffers are available to steal. An executing thread needed a buffer in a buffer pool to bring a page in from the page set. The buffer pool is overcommitted, and despite attempts to make more buffers available, including writing pages to the page set, no buffers could be released. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. The API request is


Messages and Codes

terminated with reason code MQRC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, with the aim of reducing demand for the buffer pool. System Programmer Response: Determine the problem buffer pool from preceding CSQP019I and CSQP020E messages. Review the size of the buffer pool with the DISPLAY USAGE command. Consider increasing the size of the buffer pool using the ALTER BUFFPOOL command. 00D70122 Explanation: An unrecoverable error has occurred during check point. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Note the completion code and the reason code, collect the MQ active log data set, and contact your IBM support center. 00D70133 Explanation: An internal consistency check failed. System Action: The request is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Note the completion code and the reason code, collect the MQ active log

data set, and contact your IBM support center. 00D70136 Explanation: A critical process could not be started during queue manager initialization. This could be because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the completion code and the reason code and contact your IBM support center. 00D70137 Explanation: A critical process could not be started during queue manager initialization. This could be because there is insufficient storage in your region. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, an entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is produced. Register 0 contains the reason code for the error. System Programmer Response: Check that you are running in a region that is large enough. If not, reset your system and restart the queue manager. If this does not resolve the problem, note the completion code and the reason code and contact your IBM support center.

Buffer manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v The MQ active log data set v System dump resulting from the error v CICS transaction dump output, if using CICS v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels

Chapter 33. Buffer manager codes (X'D7')



Messages and Codes

Chapter 34. Recovery manager codes (X'D9')

If a recovery manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Recovery manager problem determination on page 345 and contact your IBM support center.
00D90000 Explanation: A recovery manager module received control from its FRR for retry and found an invalid retry point identifier. The name of the module in which the error occurred appears in the SYS1.LOGREC entry showing this reason code in register 15. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is provided. The error is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, an SVC dump is scheduled, and queue manager termination is requested. The termination reason code reflects the function for which retry was unsuccessfully attempted. System Programmer Response: This is a secondary error. Obtain a copy of SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for this error and for the original problem that resulted in the retry attempt. Examine the SYS1.LOGREC information and the dumps from both the original and the secondary error to determine if the recovery parameter area was damaged or if retry incorrectly restored registers for the mainline module. Restart the queue manager. 00D90002 Explanation: The recovery manager startup notification routine received an error return code from the recovery log manager when attempting to read a recovery manager status table (RMST) record from the bootstrap data set (BSDS) in one of the following cases: v When reading the record containing the RMST header. The first copy was successfully read, but the second copy could not be found. v When reading records containing the RMST entries. A no record found condition was encountered before all entries were read. v When reading either a header record or an entry record. The record exceeded its expected length. This is an MQ error. System Action: The recovery manager has no functional recovery routine (FRR) in place when this error occurs. It relies on its invoker, the facility startup function, to perform SYS1.LOGREC recording and to request a dump. The queue manager terminates with a X'00E80100' reason code. System Programmer Response: The queue manager determined that the BSDS that it was reading has been corrupted. If you are running in a dual BSDS
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

environment, determine which BSDS is corrupt, and follow the procedures described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide to recover it from the valid BSDS. If you are running in a single BSDS environment, refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide, which describes the procedures needed to recover your BSDS from an archived BSDS. 00D92001 Explanation: The checkpoint/restart serial controller FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected while processing a request. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Queue manager termination is initiated. Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the associated error. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error, and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager. 00D92003 Explanation: The restart request servicer FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected while processing a restart request. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager. 00D92004 Explanation: The shutdown checkpoint controller FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected while processing a shutdown checkpoint request.


This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager. 00D92011 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The checkpoint process will end abnormally to prevent a damaged URE from being written out to the log, and the queue manager will be terminated. This is to prevent the loss or incorrect processing of an MQ unit of recovery (UR). Restart will use the previous checkpoint and apply all the MQ log records up to the point of the problem. Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is scheduled. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Recovery manager problem determination on page 345 and contact your IBM support center. 00D92012 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The checkpoint process will end abnormally to prevent a damaged RURE from being written out to the log, and the queue manager will be terminated. This is to prevent the loss or incorrect processing of an MQ unit of recovery. Restart will use the previous checkpoint and apply all the MQ log records up to the point of the problem. Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is scheduled. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Recovery manager problem determination on page 345 and contact your IBM support center. 00D92021 Explanation: System Action: The restart processing will end abnormally, which will terminate the queue manager. This is to prevent the loss or incorrect processing of an MQ unit of recovery. System Programmer Response: Do not attempt to restart the queue manager until the error is resolved.

The log has become corrupted. If you are running with dual logging, try to start the queue manager from the undamaged log. If you are unable to do achieve this, use the following procedure (you will lose all updates since your last backup): 1. Clear the logs 2. Run the RESETPAGE function of the CSQUTIL utility against your last good set of backups 3. Restart the queue manager See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about restarting the queue manager from one log when using dual logging, and using the CSQUTIL utility. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D92022 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The restart processing will end abnormally, which will terminate the queue manager. This is to prevent the loss or incorrect processing of an MQ unit of recovery. System Programmer Response: Do not attempt to restart the queue manager until the error is resolved. The log has become corrupted. If you are running with dual logging, try to start the queue manager from the undamaged log. If you are unable to do achieve this, use the following procedure (you will lose all updates since your last backup): 1. Clear the logs 2. Run the RESETPAGE function of the CSQUTIL utility against your last good set of backups 3. Restart the queue manager. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about restarting the queue manager from one log when using dual logging, and using the CSQUTIL utility. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00D93001 Explanation: The commit/backout FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected during must-complete processing for phase 2 of a commit-UR request. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it.


Messages and Codes

Restart the queue manager. 00D93011 Explanation: A subcomponent of MQ invoked commit when the agent state was invalid for commit-UR invocation. Commit-UR was requested for an agent that was modifying data. Either commit-UR or backout-UR was already in process, or the recovery structure (URE) was damaged. System Action: Abnormal termination of the agent results, including backing out (backout-UR) of its activity to the previous point of consistency. This releases all locks held by the agent for its resources. Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is scheduled. Additional information, identified in the SDWA variable recording area (VRA) by reason code X'00D9CCCC', is added to the VRA. If the agent was in a must-complete state (in-commit2 or in-backout), the queue manager is also terminated with reason code X'00D93001'. When the queue manager is next restarted, recoverable activity for this agent (such as an ensure-backout or ensure-commit UR) is handled to complete the commit or backout process. System Programmer Response: This is an MQ error. Examine the SYS1.LOGREC data and the dump to establish whether either commit-UR was invoked incorrectly or the control structure that reflects the state was damaged. 00D93012 Explanation: A subcomponent of MQ invoked commit when the agent state was invalid for commit-UR invocation. Commit-UR was invoked for an agent that was only retrieving data. Either commit-UR or backout-UR was already in process, or the ACE progress state field was damaged. System Action: Abnormal termination of the agent results, including backing out (backout-UR) of its activity to the previous point of consistency. This releases all locks held by the agent for its resources. Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is scheduled. Additional information, identified in the SDWA variable recording area (VRA) by reason code X'00D9CCCC', is added to the SDWA VRA. System Programmer Response: This is an MQ error. Examine the SYS1.LOGREC data and the dump to establish whether either commit-UR was invoked incorrectly or the control structure was damaged.

00D93100 Explanation: This reason code indicates that an MQ allied agent does not need to participate in the Phase-2 (Continue Commit) call, because all required work has been accomplished during the Phase-1 (Prepare) call. This reason code is generated by the recovery manager when it is determined that an MQ allied agent has not updated any MQ resource since its last commit processing occurred. System Action: The yes vote is registered with the commit coordinator. System Programmer Response: None should be required because this is not an error reason code. This reason code is used for communication between components of MQ. 00D94001 Explanation: The commit/backout FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected during must-complete processing for a backout-UR request. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager. 00D94011 Explanation: A subcomponent of MQ invoked backout at a point when the agent state is invalid for invoking the function that backs out units of recovery. Either backout-UR or commit-UR phase-2 was already in process, or the agent structure was damaged. System Action: Abnormal termination of the agent results and, because the agent is in a must-complete state, the queue manager is terminated with reason code X'00D94001'. When the queue manager is restarted, recoverable activity for this agent is handled to complete the commit or backout process. Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is scheduled. Additional information, identified in the SDWA variable recording area (VRA) by reason code X'00D9AAAA', is added to the SDWA VRA. System Programmer Response: This is an MQ error. Examine the SYS1.LOGREC data and the dump to establish whether commit-UR was invoked incorrectly or the control structure was damaged.
Chapter 34. Recovery manager codes (X'D9')


00D94012 Explanation: During backout, the end of the log was read before all the expected log ranges had been processed. The error is accompanied by an abnormal termination with reason code X'00D94001'. This could be because the queue manager has been started with a system parameter load module that specifies OFFLOAD=NO rather than OFFLOAD=YES. System Action: The agent is abnormally terminated with completion code X'5C6'. Because the agent is in a must-complete state, the queue manager is terminated with reason code X'00D94001' and message CSQV086E. Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC. and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: See the information about recovering and restarting the queue manager in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide before restarting. Run the print log map utility to print the content of both BSDSs Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. At the time of the error, registers 3 and 4 contain the 6-byte relative byte address (RBA) of the beginning of this unit of recovery. MQ must read the log back to this point to complete the backout of this unit of recovery. To restart the queue manager, you must add the missing archive log data sets back to the BSDS with the change log inventory utility, and increase the MAXARCH parameter in the CSQ6LOGP macro (the system parameter module log initialization macro) to complete the backout. If the missing archive log is not available, or if archiving was not active, the queue manager can not be restarted unless the log data sets and page sets are all reinitialized or restored from backup copies. Data will be lost as a result of this recovery action. 00D95001 Explanation: The recovery managers common FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected during checkpoint processing. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager.

00D95011 Explanation: The recovery manager checkpoint FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected while performing its checkpoint functions. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager. 00D96001 Explanation: The recovery managers restart FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected during the restart processor processing. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager. 00D96011 Explanation: The restart participation FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected while processing log records during restart. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager when the problem has been corrected.


Messages and Codes

00D96021 Explanation: The queue manager was terminated during restart because an error occurred while attempting to read the log forward MODE(DIRECT). It is accompanied by a recovery log manager error X'5C6' with a reason code describing the specific error. Each time a portion of the log is skipped, a read direct is used to validate the beginning RBA of the portion that is read. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. If possible, remove the cause of original error and restart the queue manager. If you cannot correct the error, contact your IBM support center. 00D96022 Explanation: The restart FRR invoked abnormal termination, because, while reading the log forward during restart, the end-of-log was read before all recovery log scopes had been processed. It is followed by an abnormal termination with the same reason code (X'00D96022'). This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. At the time of the error, registers 2 and 3 (as shown in the dump or in SYS1.LOGREC) contain the 6-byte relative byte address (RBA) of the last log record that was read before end-of-log was encountered. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. If you cannot correct the error, contact your IBM support center. 00D96031 Explanation: The restart FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an error occurred while attempting to read the log backward MODE(DIRECT). It is accompanied by a recovery log manager error X'5C6' with a reason code describing the specific error. Each time a portion of the log is skipped, a read direct

is used to validate the beginning RBA of the portion that is read. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. See the accompanying error reason code. Restart the queue manager. 00D96032 Explanation: During restart, the end of the log was read before all the expected log ranges had been processed. The error is accompanied by an abnormal termination with the same reason code (X'00D96032'). This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC. An SVC dump is requested. The queue manager is terminated with message CSQV086E. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. At the time of the error, registers 2 and 3 contain the 6-byte relative byte address (RBA) of the last log record that was read before end-of-log was encountered. Determine where the log went. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide before restarting. 00D97001 Explanation: The agent concerned was canceled while waiting for the RECOVER-UR service to complete. System Action: The RECOVER-UR function is completed. Abnormal termination of the requesting agent occurs. Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. The condition that caused cancelation of the agent was installation initiated (for example, a forced termination of the queue manager). 00D97011 Explanation: The queue manager was terminated during RECOVER-UR because an unrecoverable error was detected during RECOVER-UR (CSQRRUPR) recovery processing.

Chapter 34. Recovery manager codes (X'D9')


This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. queue manager terminates with message CSQV086E and return code X'00D97011'. System Programmer Response: Determine the original error. If the error is log-related, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide before restarting the queue manager. 00D97012 Explanation: The RECOVER-UR request servicer FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected while attempting to recover a unit of recovery. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager. 00D97021 Explanation: The RECOVER-UR FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an error occurred while attempting to read the log MODE(DIRECT) during forward processing. It is accompanied by a recovery log manager error X'5C6' with a reason code describing the specific error. Each time a portion of the log is skipped, a read direct is used to validate the beginning RBA of the portion that is read. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. See the accompanying error reason code. Restart the queue manager.

00D97022 Explanation: The RECOVER-UR invoked abnormal termination because end-of-log was reached before all ranges had been processed for forward recovery. This error is accompanied by an abnormal termination with the same reason code (X'00D97022'). This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. At the time of the error, registers 2 and 3 contain the 6-byte relative byte address (RBA) of the last log record that was read before end-of-log was encountered. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. Restart the queue manager. 00D97031 Explanation: The RECOVER-UR FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an error occurred during an attempt to read the log MODE(DIRECT) while reading the log backward. It is accompanied by a recovery log manager error X'5C6' with a reason code describing the specific error. Each time a portion of the log is skipped, a read direct is used to validate the begin-scope RBA of the portion that is read. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. See the accompanying error reason code. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. Restart the queue manager. 00D97032 Explanation: The RECOVER-UR invoked abnormal termination because end-of-log was reached before all ranges had been processed for backward recovery. This error is accompanied by an abnormal termination with the same reason code (X'00D97032'). This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is


Messages and Codes

recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. At the time of the error, registers 2 and 3 contain the 6-byte relative byte address (RBA) of the last log record that was read before end-of-log was encountered. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. Restart the queue manager. 00D98001 Explanation: The recovery managers common FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected during indoubt-UR processing. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error and follow the instructions associated with it. Restart the queue manager. 00D98011 Explanation: The FRR for the resolved-indoubt-UR request servicer invoked queue manager termination, because an unrecoverable error was detected processing a request. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. See the accompanying error reason code. Restart the queue manager. 00D98021 Explanation: The resolved indoubt FRR invoked queue manager termination because of an error while attempting to read the log MODE(DIRECT) during forward recovery. It is accompanied by a recovery log manager error X'5C6' with a reason code describing the specific error. Each time a portion of the log is skipped, a read direct

is used to validate the beginning RBA of the portion that is read. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. See the accompanying error reason code. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. Restart the queue manager. 00D98022 Explanation: Resolved indoubt invoked abnormal termination when end-of-log was reached before all ranges had been processed for forward recovery. This error is accompanied by abnormal termination with the same reason code (X'00D98022'). This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. At the time of the error, registers 2 and 3 contain the 6-byte relative byte address (RBA) of the last log record that was read before end-of-log was encountered. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. Restart the queue manager. 00D98031 Explanation: The resolved indoubt FRR invoked queue manager termination, because an error occurred during an attempt to read the log MODE(DIRECT) while reading the log backward. It is accompanied by a recovery log manager error X'5C6' with a reason code describing the specific error. Each time a portion of the log is skipped, a read direct is used to validate the begin-scope RBA of the portion that is read. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map
Chapter 34. Recovery manager codes (X'D9')


utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. See the accompanying error reason code. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. Restart the queue manager. 00D98032 Explanation: The resolved indoubt FRR invoked abnormal termination when end-of-log was reached before all ranges had been processed for backward recovery. This error is accompanied by abnormal termination with the same reason code (X'00D98032'). This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: Standard diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested for the original error before queue manager termination is initiated. System Programmer Response: Run the print log map utility to print the contents of both BSDSs. Obtain a copy of the SYS1.LOGREC and the SVC dump for the original error. At the time of the error, registers 2 and 3 contain the 6-byte relative byte address (RBA) of the last log record that was read before end-of-log was encountered. Follow instructions for the accompanying recovery log manager error. Restart the queue manager. 00D99001 Explanation: The checkpoint RBA in the conditional restart control record, which is deduced from the end RBA or LRSN value that was specified, is not available. This is probably because the log data sets available for use at restart do not include that end RBA or LRSN. System Action: The queue manager terminates. System Programmer Response: See message CSQR015E. 00D9AAAA Explanation: This reason code identifies additional data stored in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) variable recording area (VRA) following an error during backout-UR. System Action: Data is stored in the field indicated by VRA key 38 following the EBCDIC string RMC-COMMIT/BACKOUT. This information is useful for IBM service personnel. System Programmer Response: Quote this code, and the contents of the VRA field indicated by key 38 when contacting your IBM support center.

00D9BBBB Explanation: This reason code identifies additional data stored in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) variable recording area (VRA) following an error during begin-UR. System Action: Data is stored in the field indicated by VRA key 38. This information is useful for IBM service personnel. System Programmer Response: Quote this code, and the contents of the VRA field indicated by key 38 when contacting your IBM support center. 00D9CCCC Explanation: This reason code identifies additional data stored in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) variable recording area (VRA) following an error during commit-UR. System Action: Data is stored in the field indicated by VRA key 38 following the EBCDIC string RMC-COMMIT/ABORT. This information is useful for IBM service personnel. System Programmer Response: Quote this code, and the contents of the VRA field indicated by key 38 when contacting your IBM support center. 00D9EEEE Explanation: This reason code identifies additional data stored in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) variable recording area (VRA) following an error during end-UR. System Action: Data is stored in the field indicated by VRA key 38. This information is useful for IBM service personnel. System Programmer Response: Quote this code, and the contents of the VRA field indicated by key 38 when contacting your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

Recovery manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v System dump v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels

Chapter 34. Recovery manager codes (X'D9')



Messages and Codes

Chapter 35. Storage manager codes (X'E2')

If a storage manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center.
00E20001, 00E20002 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20003 Explanation: A request for storage indicated that sufficient storage in the private area was not available. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase region size. If you are unable to solve the problem by increasing the region size, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20004 Explanation: A request for storage indicated that sufficient storage was not availab le because of pool size limits. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase pool sizes. If you are unable to solve the problem by increasing the pool sizes, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20005, 00E20006, 00E20007, 00E20008, 00E20009 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E2000A Explanation: A request to get storage was unsuccessful. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase the region size. If increasing the region size does not help you solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E2000B Explanation: A request to get storage was unsuccessful. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase region size. If increasing the region size does not help you solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E2000C Explanation: A request for storage indicated that sufficient storage was not available because of pool size limits. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase pool sizes. If increasing the pool size does not help you solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E2000D, 00E2000E Explanation: An internal error has occurred.


System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause of the problem is a storage overlay or an invalid storage request from a queue manager component. A product other than MQ could cause the storage overlay problem. Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E2000F, 00E20010, 00E20011, 00E20012 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20013 Explanation: A request to get storage was unsuccessful. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase region size. If increasing the region size does not help you to solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20014 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20015 Explanation: A request for storage indicated that 8K bytes of private area storage in subpool 229 was not available. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: There is probably a shortage of private area storage in the address space in

which the problem occurred. Increase maximum private storage. If increasing the maximum private storage does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20016 Explanation: A request for storage indicated that sufficient storage in subpool 229 was not available. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase region size. If increasing the region size does not help you resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20017, 00E20018, 00E20019 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E2001A Explanation: An error has occurred with the z/OS ESTAE. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. Register 15 contains the return code from the z/OS ESTAE. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E2001B Explanation: The setlock obtain function issued a nonzero return code. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00E2001D, 00E2001E Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E2001F Explanation: There was insufficient storage in the common service area (CSA) to satisfy a request for storage. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Run the monitoring tools available at your installation to review your CSA usage. Increase the CSA size. If increasing the CSA size does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20020 Explanation: There was insufficient storage in the private area to satisfy a request for storage. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase region size. If increasing the region size does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20021 Explanation: There was insufficient storage in the common service area (CSA) to satisfy a request for storage. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Run the monitoring tools available at your installation to review your CSA usage. Increase the CSA size. If increasing the size of the CSA does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager

problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20022 Explanation: There was insufficient storage in the common service area (CSA) to satisfy a request for storage. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Run the monitoring tools available at your installation to review your CSA usage. Increase the CSA size. If increasing the size of the CSA does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20023 Explanation: There was insufficient storage in the private area was to satisfy a request for storage. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Increase region size. If increasing the region size does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center. 00E20024 Explanation: There was insufficient storage in the common service area (CSA) to satisfy a request for storage. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Run the monitoring tools available at your installation to review your CSA usage. Increase the CSA size. If increasing the CSA size does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination on page 350 and contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 35. Storage manager codes (X'E2')


00E20025 Explanation: There was insufficient storage in the common service area (CSA) to satisfy a request for storage. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Run the monitoring tools available at your installation to review your CSA usage. Increase the CSA size. If increasing the CSA size does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E20026 Explanation: A request for storage indicated that 4K bytes of private area storage in subpool 229 was not available. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: There is probably a

shortage of private area storage in the address space in which the problem occurred. Increase region size. If increasing the region size does not solve the problem, collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E20027, 00E20028, 00E20029, 00E2002A Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The invoker is abnormally terminated. Diagnostic information is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC, and a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Storage manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E2002B Explanation: This reason code code is used to force percolation when an error is encountered while in storage manager code and the storage manager has been called recursively. System Programmer Response: Refer to the originating error code.

Storage manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error v System dump v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels


Messages and Codes

Chapter 36. Timer services codes (X'E3')

00E30001 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Programmer Response: Collect the system dump, any trace information gathered and the related SYS1.LOGREC entries, and contact your IBM support center. 00E30002 Explanation: This reason code was issued because an attempt to call the z/OS macro STIMERM was unsuccessful. The return code from STIMERM is in register 9. System Programmer Response: Analyze the system dump, correct the problem from the information contained in the dump, and restart the queue manager. For information about the STIMERM macro, see the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

Chapter 37. Agent services codes (X'E5')

If an agent services reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center.
00E50001, 00E50002 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50004, 00E50005, 00E50006, 00E50007, 00E50008, 00E50009, 00E50012 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50013 Explanation: An MQ execution unit has been ended abnormally. System Action: The agent CANCEL processing continues. System Programmer Response: This reason code might be issued as a result of any abnormal termination of a connected task, or a STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) command. No further action is required in such cases. If the error results in the termination of the queue manager, and you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50014 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: An entry is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50015 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The operation is retried once. If this is not successful, the queue manager is terminated with reason code X'00E50054'. A SYS1.LOGREC entry and an SVC dump are taken. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50029 Explanation: The agent services function which establishes the MQ tasking structure ends abnormally with this reason code following the detection of a load module which was loaded without the 31-bit addressing capability. This is preceded by message CSQV029E. System Action: Queue manager start-up is terminated. System Programmer Response: See message CSQV029E. 00E50030, 00E50031, 00E50032, 00E50035, 00E50036 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50040 Explanation: Queue manager termination was invoked following an unrecoverable error while processing a terminate allied agent request at the thread, or identify level. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


for MQ errors occurring immediately before the system termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50041 Explanation: Queue manager termination was invoked following an unrecoverable error while processing a terminate agent request. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the system termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50042, 00E50044 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50045 Explanation: Queue manager termination was invoked following an unrecoverable error while processing a create allied agent service request at the thread, or identify level. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50046 Explanation: Queue manager termination was invoked following an unrecoverable error while processing a create agent structure request. System Action: The queue manager is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50047 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50050 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally. An X'00E50054' recovery reason code is placed in the SDWACOMU field of the SDWA, indicating that synchronization services was responsible for queue manager termination. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50051 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally with a X'5C6' completion code and this reason code. An X'00E50054' recovery reason code is placed in the SDWACOMU field of the SDWA indicating that synchronization services was responsible for queue manager termination. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00E50052 Explanation: The z/OS cross-memory lock (CML) could not be released. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally with a X'5C6' completion code and this reason code. An X'00E50054' recovery reason code is placed in the SDWACOMU field of the SDWA indicating that synchronization services was responsible for queue manager termination. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and an SVC dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50054 Explanation: The queue manager is ended abnormally by the synchronization services recovery routine when an unrecoverable error is encountered during recovery processing for the SUSPEND, CANCEL, RESUME, or SRB REDISPATCH functions. This is a queue manager termination reason code. One of the following conditions was encountered during recovery processing for the requested function: v Unable to complete resume processing for an SRB mode execution unit that was suspended at time of error v Errors were encountered during primary recovery processing causing entry to the secondary recovery routine v Recovery initiated retry to mainline suspend/resume code caused retry recursion entry into the functional recovery routine v Unable to obtain or release the cross-memory lock (CML) of the queue manager address space either during mainline processing or during functional recovery processing (for example, reason code X'00E50052') System Action: The queue manager is terminated. This reason code is associated with a X'6C6' completion code indicating that synchronization services was responsible for termination. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the system termination message CSQV086E. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center.

00E50055 Explanation: The synchronization services functional recovery routine was unable to successfully complete resume processing for a suspended TCB mode execution unit. The resume processing was requested by the CANCEL or RESUME functions. System Action: Because the suspended TCB mode execution unit must not be permitted to remain in a suspended state, the recovery routine invokes the z/OS CALLRTM (TYPE=ABTERM) service to end the execution unit abnormally with a X'6C6' completion code. Depending upon which execution unit was terminated, the queue manager might be ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. Scan the system log and the contents of SYS1.LOGREC for MQ errors occurring immediately before the end of the execution unit. Follow the problem determination procedures for the specific errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50059 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: If the module detecting the error is CSQVSDC0, it will be retried once. If validation is unsuccessful, the queue manager is terminated abnormally with a X'00E50054' reason code. A SYS1.LOGREC entry and an SVC dump are requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50062 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The allied task is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50063 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center.
Chapter 37. Agent services codes (X'E5')


00E50065 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The execution unit is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50069 Explanation: This reason code is issued during recovery processing for the suspend function when executing in SRB mode under the recovery routine established by the z/OS SRBSTAT(SAVE) service. Because the recovery routine established by this service is the only routine in the FRR stack at the time of error, normal RTM percolation to the invoking resource manager recovery routine is not possible. After recovery processing for the initial error has successfully completed, the RTM environment is exited through retry to a routine that restores the original FRR stack. This routine terminates abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and this reason code. This causes entry into the original recovery routine established during suspend initialization. System Action: After this is intercepted by the original suspend recovery routine, a SYS1.LOGREC entry and SVC dump are requested to document the original error. The original recovery reason code is placed in the SDWACOMU field of the SDWA indicating the actions performed during recovery processing of the initial error. Control is then returned to the invoking resource managers recovery routine through RTM percolation. System Programmer Response: Because this is used only to permit the transfer of the initial recovery reason code to the invoking resource managers recovery routine, no further recovery actions are required for this reason code. Diagnostic information for the initial error encountered can be obtained through the SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump materials provided. 00E50070 Explanation: To enable an internal task to terminate itself, the task has ended abnormally. This is not necessarily an error. System Action: The task is ended abnormally. If the service task is ended abnormally with a completion code of X'6C6', no SVC dump is taken. System Programmer Response: The error should be ignored if it happens in isolation, however, if it occurs in conjunction with other problems, these problems should be resolved. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the

items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50071 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The internal task is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50072 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50073 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50074 Explanation: This reason code is issued in response to a nonzero return code from ATTACH during an attempt to create an internal task. System Action: The ATTACH is retried. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. If a problem occurs again, the queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. Register 2, in the SDWA, contains the return code from the ATTACH request. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50075, 00E50076, 00E50077, 00E50078 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requesting execution unit is terminated. The queue manager might also be


Messages and Codes

terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50079 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. This can occur if the allied address space is undergoing termination. System Action: The requesting execution unit is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50080, 00E50081 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: An SVC dump is requested specifying a completion code of X'5C6' and this reason code. No record is written to SYS1.LOGREC. Execution continues. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50094, 00E50095, 00E50096, 00E50097, 00E50100 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requesting recovery routine is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50101 Explanation: MQ was unable to establish an ESTAE. System Action: The error is passed on to a subsystem support subcomponent (SSS) ESTAE. Probably, the queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: The inability to establish an ESTAE is normally due to insufficient free space in the local system queue area (LSQA) for an ESTAE control block (SCB). If necessary, increase the size of the queue manager address space.

Restart the queue manager. Review the associated SVC dump for usage and free areas in the LSQA subpools belonging to the system services address space. If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50102 Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred while canceling all active agents during processing of the STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) command. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem. Review the SYS1.LOGREC entries for errors immediately preceding queue manager termination. 00E50500 Explanation: A z/OS LOCAL or CML lock could not be obtained during queue manager abnormal termination processing. System Action: The execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC, and abnormal queue manager termination is completed under a different execution unit if possible. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem. 00E50501 Explanation: A z/OS LOCAL or CML lock could not be released during queue manager abnormal termination processing. System Action: The execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC. Queue manager termination is completed under a different execution unit if possible. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem.

Chapter 37. Agent services codes (X'E5')


00E50502 Explanation: A z/OS LOCAL lock could not be obtained during queue manager abnormal termination processing. System Action: The execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC, and abnormal queue manager termination is completed under a different execution unit if possible. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem. 00E50503 Explanation: A z/OS LOCAL lock could not be released during queue manager abnormal termination processing. System Action: The execution unit is ended abnormally. The error is recorded on SYS1.LOGREC, and abnormal queue manager termination is completed under a different execution unit if possible. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem. 00E50504 Explanation: This reason code is used to define the format of the information recorded in the SDWA variable recording area (VRA) by the queue manager termination processor. The code identifies additional information provided in the VRA for errors encountered in module CSQVATRM. System Action: Recording of the error encountered during queue manager termination continues. System Programmer Response: None. 00E50505 Explanation: This reason code is used to define the format of the information recorded in the SDWA variable recording area (VRA). The code identifies additional information provided in the VRA for errors encountered in module CSQVATR4. System Action: Recording of the error encountered during queue manager termination continues. System Programmer Response: None.

00E50701 Explanation: A problem occurred during Commit Phase-1. This is used to effect backout, deallocation, and end-UR processing. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50702 Explanation: An error occurred while processing in SRB mode which could not be recovered. This error usually occurs because the log data sets have been reformatted, without reformatting the page sets (so they still contain active data). System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally with this reason code. An SVC dump of the original error was requested by the recovery routine for CSQVEUS2 and a record written to SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. 00E50703 Explanation: This queue manager termination reason code is used following an error while attempting to resume a suspended execution unit. The successful completion of resume processing was indoubt. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem. 00E50704 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. Additionally, if no SDWA was provided to the recovery routine, a dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager.


Messages and Codes

Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50705 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50706 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. Additionally, if no SDWA was provided to the recovery routine, a dump is requested. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50707 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Review the usage and the free areas in the LSQA subpool of the queue manager address space. If necessary, increase the private area size of the address space. Restart the queue manager. If queue manager termination was requested by module CSQVRCT, a standard SVC dump was requested. If insufficient private storage is the cause of the problem, other MQ resource managers might have ended abnormally. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center.

00E50708 Explanation: An error occurred while connecting an allied agent to the queue manager address space. The connection must complete so that the allied agent can be terminated. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. An SVC dump of the original error was requested and a record entered into SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. 00E50709 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50710 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. An SVC dump of the original error was requested and a record entered into SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50711 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. An SVC dump of the original error was requested and a record entered into SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager.
Chapter 37. Agent services codes (X'E5')


Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries looking for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50712 Explanation: An error occurred in a latch manager function attempting to terminate the holder of an MQ latch. The holders task has been set nondispatchable by z/OS and a CALLRTM to terminate this task was unsuccessful. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with this reason code. An SVC dump of the error is requested and a record entered into SYS1.LOGREC. Register 3 at time of error contains the latch-holders TCB address in the home address space and register 4 contains the return code from CALLRTM. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors immediately prior to the queue manager termination. 00E50713 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. An SVC dump is requested by the queue manager termination processor and a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. It might be necessary to analyze the SVC dump requested. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50715 Explanation: Queue manager termination was requested following an unrecoverable error in an SRB mode execution unit. System Action: The SRB-related task was ended abnormally as a result of SRB to TCB percolation. The queue manager is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services

problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. 00E50717 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If an error preceded the queue manager termination request, diagnostic information can be obtained through SYS1.LOGREC and SVC dump materials. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50719 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 and contact your IBM support center. 00E50725 Explanation: Queue manager termination was requested because of an unrecovered error in a scheduled SRB-mode execution unit. System Action: The SRB-related task was ended abnormally, due to SRB to TCB percolation. The queue manager is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination on page 361 useful in resolving the problem. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination. If necessary, analyze the SVC dump requested by queue manager termination.


Messages and Codes

00E50727 Explanation: A secondary error occurred during agent services functional recovery processing. This is a queue manager termination reason code. System Action: The queue manager is ended abnormally.

System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Agent services problem determination useful in resolving the problem. Scan the SYS1.LOGREC entries for one or more MQ errors occurring immediately prior to the queue manager termination.

Agent services problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump, if any v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels

Chapter 37. Agent services codes (X'E5')



Messages and Codes

Chapter 38. Instrumentation facilities codes (X'E6')

If an instrumentation facilities reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Instrumentation facilities problem determination and contact your IBM support center.
00E60008 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The function being traced is ended abnormally. The queue manager remains operational. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Instrumentation facilities problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E60017 Explanation: This code is an internal code used by the dump formatter. System Action: The request is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Instrumentation facilities problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E60085, 00E60086, 00E60087, 00E60088, 00E60089 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request is end abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Instrumentation facilities problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E60100 through 00E60199 Explanation: The reason codes X'00E60100' through X'00E60199' are used by the instrumentation facility 00E60702, 00E60703, 00E60704 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Instrumentation facilities problem determination and contact your IBM support center. component (IFC) when a trace event occurs for which IBM service personnel have requested a dump using the IFC selective dump service aid. System Action: The agent might be retried or terminated, depending upon the serviceability dump request. System Programmer Response: The reason code is issued on the occurrence of a specified trace event. An SVC dump is taken to the SYS1.DUMPxx data set. Problem determination methods depend on the condition that IBM service personnel are attempting to trap. 00E60701 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Instrumentation facilities problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

Instrumentation facilities problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v Console output for the period leading up to the error v System dump, if any v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

Chapter 39. Distributed queuing codes (X'E7')

If a distributed queuing reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center.
00E70001 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E70002 Explanation: No adapter subtasks are active. They have failed many times and so have not been restarted. System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the adapter subtask failure problems, as reported in the messages associated with each failure. 00E70003 Explanation: No dispatchers are active. Either all the dispatchers failed to start, or all the dispatchers have failed many times and so have not been restarted. System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the dispatcher failure problems, as reported in the messages associated with each failure. 00E70004 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E70007 Explanation: An attempt by an adapter subtask to obtain some storage failed. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Increase the size of the channel initiator address space, or reduce the
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

number of dispatchers, adapter subtasks, SSL server subtasks, and active channels being used. 00E70008, 00E70009, 00E7000A Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E70011 Explanation: The channel initiator was unable to load the module CSQXBENT. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Check the console for messages indicating why CSQXBENT was not loaded. Ensure that the module is in the required library, and that it is referenced correctly. The channel initiator attempts to load this module from the library data sets under the STEPLIB DD statement of its started task JCL procedure xxxxCHIN. 00E70013 Explanation: Some adapter subtasks were requested, but none could be attached. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Investigate the adapter subtask attach problems, as reported in the messages associated with each failure. If you cannot resolve the problems, collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E70015 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367


on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E7001D Explanation: During startup, the channel initiator was unable obtain some storage below 16M. System Action: The channel initiator ends. System Programmer Response: Investigate the cause of the problem. 00E7001E, 00E7001F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The channel initiator terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Restart the channel initiator. Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E70020 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Check the console for preceding error messages. If the problem cannot be resolved, collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E70021, 00E70022, 00E70023, 00E70024, 00E70025 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E70031 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. A lock is currently held by a task that has terminated. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Determine why the terminated task did not free the lock. This might be due to a previous error. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center.

00E70032 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. An attempt to update information held in the Coupling Facility failed. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367, together with details of the queue-sharing group and of the queue managers active, as well as the queue managers defined to the queue-sharing group at the time. This information can be obtained by entering the following z/OS commands: D XCF,GRP to display a list of all queue-sharing groups in the Coupling Facility D XCF,GRP,qsg-name,ALL to display status about the queue managers defined to the queue-sharing group. Contact your IBM support center. 00E70052 Explanation: No SSL server subtasks are active. They have failed many times and so have not been restarted. System Action: The channel initiator terminates. System Programmer Response: Investigate the SSL server subtask failure problems, as reported in the messages associated with each failure. 00E70053 Explanation: Some SSL server subtasks were requested, but none could be attached. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Investigate the SSL server subtask attach problems, as reported in the messages associated with each failure. If you cannot resolve the problems, collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center. 00E7010C Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination on page 367 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00E7010E Explanation: The dispatcher detected an inconsistency in the linkage stack. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause is incorrect use of the linkage stack by a user exit; exits must issue any MQ API calls and return to the caller at the same linkage stack level as they were entered. If exits are not being used, or if they do not use the linkage stack, collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E7010F, 00E7014A, 00E7014C, 00E7014D Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

00E7014F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. This is normally as a result of some previous error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Check the console for preceding error messages reporting a previous error, and take the appropriate action for resolving that error. If there is no previous error, collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E7015A, 00E70214, 00E70216, 00E70226, 00E70231, 00E70232, 00E70233, 00E70501, 00E70522, 00E70543, 00E70546, 00E70553 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Distributed queuing problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

Distributed queuing problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error and details of any command being issued at the time of the failure v The channel definitions being used v If the error affected a message channel agent, a listing of any user channel exit programs used by the message channel agent v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v Channel initiator job log v System dump resulting from the error, if any v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels

Chapter 39. Distributed queuing codes (X'E7')



Messages and Codes

Chapter 40. Initialization procedure and general services codes (X'E8')

If an initialization procedures reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center.
00E80001 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80002 Explanation: The queue manager address space was not started correctly or an error occurred during z/OS IEFSSREQ processing. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. Register 9 contains the address of an 8-byte field that contains the following diagnostic information: v Bytes 1 through 4 subsystem name v Bytes 5 through 8 contents of register 15 that contains the return code set by the z/OS IEFSSREQ macro System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E80003, 00E80004, 00E80005, 00E80006 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E8000E Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established for the queue manager address space control task.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. Register 9 contains the address of a 4-byte field that contains the ESTAE macro return code. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E8000F Explanation: Invalid startup parameters were specified. This was probably caused by an attempt to start the queue manager by som means other than a START QMGR command. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80011 Explanation: The address space could not be made non-swappable. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E80012 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem


determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80013, 00E8001F, 00E8002F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80031 Explanation: An unsupported input parameter was detected for allied address space initialization. System Action: The callers task is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80032 Explanation: An unsupported input parameter was detected for allied address space termination. System Action: The callers task is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80033 Explanation: This reason code accompanies a X'6C6' completion code. This module detected that the queue manager was terminating. System Action: The callers task is ended abnormally with code X'6C6'. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem.

00E8003C Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The callers task is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E8003D Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Abnormal termination of the queue manager is initiated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E8003E Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established in an address space about to be initialized as an MQ allied address space. System Action: The callers task is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E8003F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The callers task is ended abnormally. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80041 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager.


Messages and Codes

Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80042, 00E8004F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80051 Explanation: An error was detected in the command that was used to start the queue manager. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: Reenter the command if it was entered incorrectly. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center. 00E80052, 00E80053, 00E80054, 00E80055 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80057 Explanation: An error occurred while trying to start a queue manager address space. A possible cause of this problem would be an error in the started task JCL procedure for the queue manager. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem.

00E80058 Explanation: An error occurred during command prefix registration. System Action: The queue manager ends abnormally. System Programmer Response: See the accompanying CSQYxxx messages for information about the cause of the problem. Restart the queue manager after correcting the problem. 00E8005F, 00E80061, 00E8006F, 00E8007F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80081 Explanation: An invalid load module was detected. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. Register 9 contains the address of an 8-byte field that contains the name of the module in error. System Programmer Response: Check that the installation process was successful. Restart the queue manager after resolving the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80084 Explanation: A resource manager provided notification of an error during queue manager startup notification processing. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. Register 9 contains the address of a 4-byte field that contains the RMID of the resource manager that requested queue manager termination. System Programmer Response: Look for error messages indicating the cause of the problem. Restart the queue manager after resolving the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem, collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem

Chapter 40. Initialization procedure and general services codes (X'E8')


determination on page 374, together with the contents of the BSDS and a GTF trace, and contact your IBM support center. 00E8008F, 00E80091, 00E8009F, 00E800AF, 00E800B1 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E800CE Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. Register 9 contains the address of a 4-byte field that contains the ESTAE macro return code. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E800D1 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E800D2 Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to obtain the z/OS LOCAL lock. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem.

00E800D3 Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to release the z/OS LOCAL lock. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E800DF Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80100 Explanation: The queue manager was ended abnormally because the queue manager address space control task ESTAE was entered. This reason code is issued for all completion codes, except for the X'5C6' completion code. The queue manager is unable to determine the cause of the error. System Action: Termination of the queue manager is initiated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager after resolving the problem. The subcomponent that caused the error is unknown. This reason code might be returned if the queue manager is unable to find the system parameter load module you specified on the START QMGR command (the default name is CSQZPARM). Check that the module you specified is available. This reason code is also issued if the queue manager is canceled by the z/OS command CANCEL. If this is the case, determine why the queue manager was canceled. You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374, together with the contents of the BSDS and a GTF trace, useful in resolving the problem.


Messages and Codes

00E8011D Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Termination of queue manager is initiated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E8011E Explanation: The allied address space task primary ESTAE detected that the secondary ESTAE could not be established. System Action: Abnormal termination of allied address space is continued. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E8011F Explanation: The allied address space task primary ESTAE was entered without a subsystem diagnostic work area (SDWA) provided by z/OS RTM. System Action: Abnormal termination of the allied address space is continued. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E8012D Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Abnormal termination of queue manager is initiated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center.

00E8012F Explanation: The allied address space task secondary ESTAE was entered without a subsystem diagnostic work area (SDWA) provided by z/OS. System Action: Continue with the abnormal termination of the allied address space. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E80130 Explanation: The FRR that protects the START QMGR/STOP QMGR command processor function was entered while a valid STOP QMGR command was being processed. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 useful in resolving the problem. 00E80140 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center. 00E80150, 00E80151 Explanation: An invalid module was detected. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. Register 9 contains the address of a 12-byte field that contains the following diagnostic information: v Bytes 1 through 8 contain the name of the load module that contains the initialization entry point list with the invalid entry System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager after resolving the problem. Check that the installation process was successful. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items
Chapter 40. Initialization procedure and general services codes (X'E8')


listed in Initialization procedures problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E8015F Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E80160 Explanation: The queue manager initialization procedures found that a load module had an invalid AMODE or RMODE attribute. System Action: Queue manager startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: See message CSQY006E. 00E80161 Explanation: The queue manager initialization procedures found that a load module was not at the correct level for the version of the queue manager that was being started. System Action: Queue manager startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: See message CSQY010E. 00E80162

Explanation: The queue manager initialization procedures found that the storage protect key was not 7. The most likely cause is that the program properties table (PPT) entry for CSQYASCP has not been specified correctly. System Action: Queue manager startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager after resolving the problem. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about specifying the PPT entry for CSQYASCP. 00E80163 Explanation: The queue manager initialization procedures found that they were not APF authorized. The most likely cause is that the MQ load libraries are not APF authorized. System Action: Queue manager startup is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager after resolving the problem. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about APF authorization for the MQ load libraries. 00E80170 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request is ignored. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

Initialization procedures problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error, if any v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v System parameter load module v Initialization procedure v Started task JCL procedure for this queue manager v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels


Messages and Codes

Chapter 41. System parameter manager codes (X'E9')

If a system parameter manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Initialization procedures problem determination on page 374 and contact your IBM support center.
00E90101 Explanation: An error has occurred while trying to open MQ resources. The most likely cause is that a customized system parameter load module specified on the START QMGR command is not available. System Action: A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Check that the system parameter load module you specified on the START QMGR command (the default name is CSQZPARM) is available for use. If it is, collect the items listed in System parameter manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E90201 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while attempting to open MQ resources. System Action: A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in System parameter manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E90202 Explanation: An error has occurred while attempting to open MQ resources. The most likely cause is that a customized system parameter load module specified on the START QMGR command (the default name is CSQZPARM) has been built incorrectly. System Action: A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Check that the system parameter load module that you specified is available, and that it was linked correctly. (See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about this, and see CSQ4ZPRM for sample link-edit JCL.) Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in System parameter manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E90203 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while attempting to verify descriptor control information in MQ resources. System Action: A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in System parameter manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00E90301 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while attempting to close MQ resources. System Action: A record is written to SYS1.LOGREC, and an SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in System parameter manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

System parameter manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error, if any v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v System parameter load module v Initialization procedure v Started task JCL procedure for this queue manager v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

Chapter 42. Service facilities codes (X'F1')

00F10001, 00F10002, 00F10003, 00F10004, 00F10005, 00F10006, 00F10007, 00F10008, 00F10009, 00F10010, 00F10011, 00F10012, 00F10013, 00F10014, 00F10015, 00F10016, 00F10017, 00F10018 Explanation: An internal error has been detected in the CSQ1LOGP log print utility. System Action: A dump is requested. The utility ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the following diagnostic items and contact your IBM support center: v Utility report output v System dump resulting from the error, if any v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels 00F10100 Explanation: An internal error has been detected in the CSQ1LOGP log print utility. System Action: A dump is requested. The utility ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. Contact your IBM support center if the problem persists. 00F10101 Explanation: The stand-alone log read function returned an invalid RBA. See the explanation for message CSQ1211E. System Action: A dump is requested. The utility ends abnormally with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: If you determine that the data set is a log data set and that it is not damaged, contact your IBM support center.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005



Messages and Codes

Chapter 43. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge codes (X'F2')

If a WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination on page 381 and contact your IBM support center.
00F20001, 00F20002, 00F20003, 00F20004, 00F20005, 00F20006, 00F20007, 00F20008, 00F20009, 00F2000A, 00F2000B, 00F2000C, 00F2000D, 00F2000E, 00F2000F, 00F20010, 00F20011 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination on page 381 and contact your IBM support center. 00F20012 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return code from IXCQUERY macro. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 3 and 4 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes. 00F20013 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return from IXCJOIN macro. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 3 and 4 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes. 00F20014 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return from IXCCREAT macro. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 3 and 4 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes. 00F20015, 00F20016 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination on page 381 and contact your IBM support center. 00F20017 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return from IXCLEAVE macro. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 3 and 4 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes. 00F20018 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return from IXCDELET macro. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 3 and 4 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes. Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20019, 00F2001A, 00F2001B, 00F2001C, 00F2001D, 00F2001E, 00F2001F, 00F20020, 00F20021, 00F20022 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination on page 381 and contact your IBM support center. 00F20023

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Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return code from IXCMSGO. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes. 00F20024, 00F20026, 00F20027, 00F20029, 00F2002A, 00F2002B Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination on page 381 and contact your IBM support center. 00F2002C Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return code from IXCMSGO. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes. 00F2002D, 00F2002E Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination on page 381 and contact your IBM support center. 00F20030 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return code from IXCMSGO. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes.

00F20031 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination on page 381 and contact your IBM support center. 00F20032 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a bad return code from IXCMSGO. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes from XCF. Refer to the MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about these codes. 00F20035, 00F20036, 00F20037, 00F20038, 00F20039, 00F2003A, 00F2003B, 00F2003D, 00F2003E, 00F2003F, 00F20040 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination on page 381 and contact your IBM support center. 00F20041 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQOPEN error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20042 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQCLOSE error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem.


Messages and Codes

00F20043 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQGET error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20044 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQPUT error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20045 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQOPEN error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20046 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQCLOSE error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20047 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQGET error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20048 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQPUT error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates

with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20049 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQPUT1 error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F2004A, 00F2004B, 00F2004C, 00F2004D, 00F2004E, 00F2004F, 00F20050, 00F20051, 00F20052, 00F20053, 00F20054, 00F20055, 00F20056, 00F20057 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00F20058 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an MQPUT1 error. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem. 00F20059 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received a severe sense code in an IMS negative response. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: The IMS sense code is given in message CSQ2003I. 00F20069 Explanation: The MQ-IMS bridge received an error when trying to resolve an in-doubt unit of recovery. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6', and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center to report the problem.

WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items:
Chapter 43. WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge codes (X'F2')


v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v IMS job logs v System dump resulting from the error v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels


Messages and Codes

Chapter 44. Subsystem support codes (X'F3')

Many of the following reason codes are returned in register 15 at the time of an abnormal termination with completion code X'0Cx', and not as the reason code for a completion code of X'5C6'. This is indicated in the descriptions that follow. If a subsystem support reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center.
00F30003, 00F30004, 00F30005 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30006 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request is not processed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30007, 00F30008 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30014 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requesters task is ended abnormally with completion code X'5C6'. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30027, 00F30030 ,00F30032, 00F30033, 00F30038 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC.
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System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30042 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30048 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30052 Explanation: The recovery coordinator for the caller has already terminated, so the connection from the caller to MQ has been terminated. System Action: The request is not processed. The connection from the caller to MQ is terminated. The caller may reconnect to MQ when the recovery coordinator has been restarted. System Programmer Response: Identify and restart the recovery coordinator. This abnormal termination is most commonly associated with a termination of RRS. There may be additional CSQ3009E messages on the console log associated with the termination of RRS. 00F30053 Explanation: An internal error has occurred.


System Action: The request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30067 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The connection request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30070 Explanation: Functional recovery for the connection processing could not be established. The executing module could not establish its ESTAE. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. This might lead to an abnormal termination of the queue manager. System Action: The connection request is not processed. The caller is ended abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and this reason code. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. A dump should be taken for problem analysis. Examine the usage and free areas in the LSQA portion of the current address space private area. If necessary, have the size of the private areas expanded. The caller should produce a SYS1.LOGREC entry and an SVC dump, so that you can examine the LSQA area. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30071 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The connection request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30075 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items

listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30078 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30080 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The application program is ended abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and this reason code. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30091 Explanation: The application program issued an RRSAF IDENTIFY function request, but RRS is not available. System Action: The IDENTIFY request is not processed. User Response: Retry the IDENTIFY request after RRS has been started. 00F30093 Explanation: The application program issued an RRSAF TERMINATE THREAD or TERMINATE IDENTIFY function request, but the application has issued an MQ API request since the last invocation of SRRCMIT or SRRBACK and therefore is not at a point of consistency. System Action: The function request is not processed. User Response: You can continue processing with a corrected request. 00F30095 Explanation: An internal error was detected in either MQ or RRS. System Action: The application is ended abnormally. The error is recorded in the SYS1.LOGREC data set and an SVC dump is requested. This error might, in many cases, eventually cause the queue manager to terminate abnormally.


Messages and Codes

System Programmer Response: This is probably either an error in MQ or in RRS. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30096 Explanation: An internal error was detected in either MQ or RRS Context Services. System Action: The application is ended abnormally. The error is recorded in the SYS1.LOGREC data set and an SVC dump is requested. This error might, in many cases, eventually cause the queue manager to terminate abnormally. System Programmer Response: This is probably either an error in MQ or in RRS. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30101 Explanation: The parameter contained in the IEFSSNxx member used to initialize MQ (and other subsystems) is in error. See message CSQ3101E for details. System Action: See message CSQ3101E. System Programmer Response: See message CSQ3101E. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30102 Explanation: The parameter contained in the IEFSSNxx member used to initialize MQ (and other subsystems) is in error. The MQ command prefix (CPF) must not be blank. For details, see message CSQ3102E. System Action: See message CSQ3102E. System Programmer Response: See message CSQ3102E. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30103 Explanation: The parameter contained in the IEFSSNxx member used to initialize MQ (and other subsystems) is in error or the named module is not resident in a library available during IPL. See message CSQ3103E for details.

System Action: See message CSQ3103E. System Programmer Response: See message CSQ3103E. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30104 Explanation: Module CSQ3UR00 was unable to obtain the affinity table index for the named subsystem. z/OS did not recognize the named subsystem. See message CSQ3109E for details. System Action: See message CSQ3109E. System Programmer Response: See message CSQ3109E. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30105 Explanation: Module CSQ3UR00 was unable to load Early module CSQ3EPX. Either there was an I/O error, or the named module is not resident in a library available during IPL. See message CSQ3105E for details. System Action: See message CSQ3105E. System Programmer Response: See message CSQ3105E. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30106 Explanation: The parameter contained in the IEFSSNxx member used to initialize MQ (and other subsystems) is in error. The scope of the MQ command prefix (CPF) is not valid. For details, see message CSQ3112E. System Action: See message CSQ3112E. System Programmer Response: See message CSQ3112E. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30107 Explanation: An error occurred during command prefix registration. System Action: The MQ subsystem ends abnormally. System Programmer Response: See the accompanying
Chapter 44. Subsystem support codes (X'F3')


CSQ3xxx messages for information about the cause of the problem. 00F30210, 00F30211, 00F30212, 00F30213, 00F30214 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally. An SVC dump and associated SYS1.LOGREC entries are produced. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30216 Explanation: An attempt to create a queue manager address space failed. This is probably because the user who issued the START QMGR command has insufficient authority. System Action: The current START command processing is terminated. An SVC dump and associated SYS1.LOGREC entries are produced. System Programmer Response: Check the authority of users and consoles to issue commands. Retry the command. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30217 Explanation: The console ID for the z/OS console that entered the current command is not found in the z/OS unit control module (UCM) structure. An internal z/OS command might have been incorrectly issued by an application program that provided invalid input parameters. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Retry the START QMGR command. If the command was unsuccessful, collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30218 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current task is ended abnormally. The calling task might have requested an SVC dump or created associated SYS1.LOGREC entries. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center.

00F30219 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The calling task is ended abnormally. The calling task might have requested an SVC dump or created associated SYS1.LOGREC entries. System Programmer Response: Cancel the queue manager. (End-of-task processing might still work, and it does a more complete clean-up than end-of-memory processing does.) If this does not work, issue the z/OS command FORCE for the queue manager. If the problem is still unresolved, re-IPL z/OS. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F3021A Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The calling task is ended abnormally. An SVC dump and associated SYS1.LOGREC entries are produced. System Programmer Response: Stop the queue manager and reissue the START QMGR command. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F3021C Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established. This can occur if the z/OS system address space that is broadcasting the command has insufficient storage. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally (without a dump). The current START command processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Retry the command. If the error persists, re-IPL z/OS. Examine the LOGREC entries, and the console log for indications of a z/OS error, and try increasing the storage. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F3021D Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during either the initialization or termination of the queue manager. This can occur during initialization if the z/OS system address space that is broadcasting the first command (assumed to be the START command) has insufficient storage. e


Messages and Codes

This can occur during termination if the current address space (usually the queue manager, or in the case of EOM broadcast, a z/OS system address space) has insufficient storage. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally (without a dump). The initialization stops, but termination proceeds. System Programmer Response: Retry the command after the queue manager has terminated. If the problem persists, a re-IPL of z/OS might be necessary. Examine the LOGREC entries, and the console log for indications of a z/OS error, and try increasing the storage. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F3021E Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established while in the process of routing control to the actual ESTAE routine. The caller (RTM) is ended abnormally. This causes the original error to percolate to a higher-level recovery routine and causes this reason code to be shown in an RTM recovery environment. This can occur if the current address space (usually an allied address space) has insufficient storage. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally and a dump is produced. System Programmer Response: Examine the usage and free areas in the LSQA portion of the current address space private area. If necessary, have the size of the private area expanded. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F3021F, 00F30220 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The caller is not ended abnormally. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30230 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The connection between the allied address space and the queue manager terminated. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC.

System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30310 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The invoker is ended abnormally. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30311 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of a resolve-indoubt request. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. This will probably cause an abnormal termination of the queue manager. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. Examine the usage and free areas in the local system queue area (LSQA) portion of the current address space private area. If necessary, have the size of the private area expanded. The caller should produce a SYS1.LOGREC entry and an SVC dump, so that you can examine the LSQA area. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30312 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of a resolve-indoubt-UR request. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Examine the usage and free areas in the local system queue area (LSQA) portion of the current address space private area. If necessary, have the size of the private area expanded. The caller should produce a SYS1.LOGREC entry and an SVC dump. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem.

Chapter 44. Subsystem support codes (X'F3')


00F30313 Explanation: A control block could not be allocated. This could occur when the storage pool has no more free space available. System Action: The request is not processed. The application program is ended abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and this reason code. System Programmer Response: A dump should be taken for problem analysis. Check that you are running with the recommended region size, and if not, reset your system and retry. If you are unable to resolve the problem, collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30400, 00F30401, 00F30402 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The program which made the request might produce diagnostics to report the error. System Programmer Response: Collect the diagnostics produced by the application program reporting the error, if any, and contact your IBM support center. 00F30406 Explanation: The queue manager has gone to EOM (end-of-memory). This is probably because the z/OS command FORCE has been issued. System Action: The queue manager is terminated, and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be restarted after termination completes. Determine why the z/OS command FORCE was issued. 00F30409, 00F3040A Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F3040B Explanation: See message CSQ3001E. System Action: See message CSQ3001E. System Programmer Response: See message CSQ3001E.

You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F3040C, 00F3040D Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F3040E Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: The queue manager should be restarted. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F3040F, 00F30410 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30411, 00F30412, 00F30413 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30414 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. If the problem persists, request a stand-alone dump, and re-IPL z/OS.


Messages and Codes

Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30415 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of an EOM SSI broadcast. This is probably a z/OS problem, because these modules are executing in the z/OS master scheduler address space. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. If the problem persists, re-IPL z/OS. This can occur if the z/OS master scheduler address space has insufficient free storage. If such is the case, MQ is unable to write a SYS1.LOGREC record or request a dump. The z/OS master scheduler should have produced these diagnostic aids. Examine the dump to determine whether the problem is in z/OS or MQ. Other unrelated errors in the z/OS Master Scheduler address space would indicate a z/OS problem. If the problem appears to be an MQ problem, collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30416 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of an EOM for an allied address space. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. If the problem persists, re-IPL z/OS. This can occur if the z/OS master scheduler address space has insufficient free storage. If such is the case, MQ is unable to write a SYS1.LOGREC record or request a dump. The z/OS master scheduler should have produced these diagnostic aids. Examine the dump to determine whether the problem is in z/OS or MQ. Other unrelated errors in the z/OS Master Scheduler address space would indicate a z/OS problem. If the problem appears to be an MQ problem, collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30417, 00F30418 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated.

System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30419 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: The queue manager can be started again after it terminates. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F3041A Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established by the deferred end-of-task (EOT) processor. This error could occur only during queue manager startup. Probably, an ESTAE could not be established because of a shortage of LSQA space. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, increase the size of the queue manager address space private area. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F3041B, 00F30420 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. A SYS1.LOGREC entry and associated SVC dump were requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30429 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem
Chapter 44. Subsystem support codes (X'F3')


determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30450 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of an identify SSI call. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. System Action: The allied address space is ended abnormally (without a dump). A dump should be produced by the allied task. System Programmer Response: The user can retry the identify request. If a dump is available, review the storage managers control blocks to determine if all of the private area has been allocated. If necessary, increase the private area size of the allied address space. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30451 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of an identify SSI call. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. System Action: The allied task is ended abnormally (without a dump). A dump should be produced by the allied task. System Programmer Response: The user can retry the identify request. If a dump is available, review the storage managers control blocks to determine if all of the private area has been allocated. If necessary, increase the private area size of the allied address space. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30452 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of an identify SSI call. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. System Action: The allied task is ended abnormally (without a dump). A dump should be produced by the allied task. System Programmer Response: The user can retry the identify request. If a dump is available, review the storage managers control blocks to determine if all of the private area has been allocated. If necessary, increase the private area size of the allied address space.

You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30453 Explanation: ESTAEs could not be established during the processing of a n SSI call other than FEOT, EOM, HELP, COMMAND, and IDENTIFY. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. System Action: The allied task is ended abnormally (without a dump). A dump should be produced by the allied task. System Programmer Response: The user can retry the request. If a dump is available, review the storage managers control blocks to determine if all of the private area has been allocated. If necessary, increase the private area size of the allied address space. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30454 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The allied task is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30455 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of an identify termination request. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. System Action: The allied task is ended abnormally (without a dump). A dump should be produced by the allied task. System Programmer Response: The user can retry the request. If a dump is available, review the storage managers control blocks to determine if all of the private area has been allocated. If necessary, increase the private area size of the allied address space. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30456 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The calling task is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00F30457 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally. The error might, in many cases, eventually terminate the queue manager. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager if necessary. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30459 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated with a reason code of X'00F30420'. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30461 Explanation: The queue manager was unable to successfully restart with RRS because of an internal error in either MQ or RRS. System Action: The queue manager is not connected to RRS and all services dependent on that connection are unavailable. This means that applications might not connect to the queue manager using RRSAF and that WLM-established address spaces might not be used for MQ stored procedures until the queue manager successfully restarts with RRS. System Programmer Response: Stop and then start RRS. Stop and then start the queue manager. If the problem persists, perform an RRS cold start. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30501, 00F30502 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requester is ended abnormally, and the request is not processed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center.

00F30503 Explanation: CSQ6SYSP is missing from the system parameter load module. System Action: Queue manager start-up is terminated. System Programmer Response: Recreate your system parameter load module (if a customized version is being used) and restart the queue manager. For information about the coding procedure for system parameter modules, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide. 00F30573, 00F30574 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requester is ended abnormally, and the request is not processed. A dump is taken, and an entry is written in SYS1.LOGREC. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30580 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The requester is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30581 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager ends abnormally. The startup/shutdown ESTAE creates a SYS1.LOGREC entry and takes an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30597, 00F30598 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The allied task is ended abnormally, and the request is not processed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 44. Subsystem support codes (X'F3')


00F30599 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The connection name associated with the error is probably unable to continue communication with MQ until the queue manager is terminated and restarted. System Programmer Response: If necessary, stop and restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30601 Explanation: Asynchronous events occurred which caused the premature termination of the thread. The thread could not be recovered. There might be other errors or messages concerning this allied user indicating what the asynchronous events were. System Action: The allied user is ended abnormally with completion code X'5C6' and this reason code. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30610 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of an end stop-work force notification. This can occur if there is insufficient storage. This might lead to abnormal termination of the queue manager. System Action: The caller is ended abnormally. An SVC dump and related SYS1.LOGREC entry are requested. System Programmer Response: If necessary, restart the queue manager. If necessary, increase the private area size of the address space. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30801 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager is terminated. An SVC dump is requested. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem

determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30802 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task is not ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30803 Explanation: An ESTAE could not be established during the processing of an application program support call. This can occur if the current address space has insufficient storage. System Action: The allied task is ended abnormally. The allied task might have requested an SVC dump. System Programmer Response: The user can retry the request. If necessary, increase the private area size of the application address space. You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30805 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The request might have been processed or rejected. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 and contact your IBM support center. 00F30901 Explanation: MQ has lost its cross-memory authority to an allied address space because the ally has released its authorization index. System Action: The allied address space is terminated. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30902 Explanation: MQ has detected a recursive error condition while processing End-of-Task for a task in an allied address space. System Action: The allied address space is terminated. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem


Messages and Codes

determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30903 Explanation: An error has occurred while processing End-of-Task for the queue manager address space. System Action: The address space is forced to end-of-memory with this reason code. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. 00F30904 Explanation: End-of-Task occurred for the queue manager address space, and MQ could not establish an ESTAE to protect its processing. Insufficient storage might be the reason the ESTAE could not be established. System Action: The address space is forced to end-of-memory with this reason code. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. Attempt to determine if one or more MQ address spaces is storage-constrained. Examination of the console output for the time period preceding this condition might reveal other messages or indications that the terminating address space was storage-constrained. 00F30905

Explanation: End-of-Task occurred for the job step task in an allied address space. MQ would normally attempt to terminate the address spaces connection to the queue manager but was unable to protect its processing by establishing an ESTAE. Insufficient storage might be the reason the ESTAE could not be established. System Action: The address space is forced to end-of-memory with this reason code. System Programmer Response: You might find the items listed in Subsystem support problem determination on page 394 useful in resolving the problem. Attempt to determine if one or more allied address spaces is storage-constrained. Examination of the console output for the time period preceding this condition might reveal other messages or indications that the terminating allied address space was storage-constrained. 00F33100 Explanation: The MQ thread is read-only. System Action: A prepare issued by the application program was processed through Phase-1. MQ discovered there were no resources modified and no need for COMMIT or BACKOUT to be subsequently issued. System Programmer Response: This might create a path length saving by not issuing the subsequent commit or backout which normally follows prepare. No further action is required to complete the unit of recovery; the unit of recovery is complete.

Chapter 44. Subsystem support codes (X'F3')


Subsystem support problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error, if any v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels


Messages and Codes

Chapter 45. DB2 manager codes (X'F5')

If a DB2 manager reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center.
00F50000 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the QSGDATA system parameter is specified correctly and restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50001 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50002 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally. Queue manager processing continues but the queue manager may not terminate normally and may not register DB2 termination. System Programmer Response: Refer to DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message and collect the diagnostic data requested in the manual. In addition, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50003 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally. Queue manager processing continues. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50004 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the following modules are available through the linklist or the steplib concatenation: DSNRLI, DSNHLIR, DSNWLIR, ATRCMIT and ATRBACK. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50006 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: All queue managers that are members of the same queue-sharing group must connect to the same DB2 data-sharing group. Check that all queue managers in the queue-sharing group have the same DB2 data-sharing group specified in the QSGDATA system parameter. Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50007 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the DB2 subsystem(s) specified on the QSGDATA system parameter are members of the DB2 data-sharing group that is also specified on the QSGDATA system

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


parameter. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, refer to DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message and collect the diagnostic data requested in the manual. In addition, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50008 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally and processing continues. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50009 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Refer to DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message and collect the diagnostic data requested in the manual. In addition, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50010 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Refer to z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for an explanation of the error and the diagnostic information, if any, that you must collect. In addition, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50013 Explanation: No queue manager entry was found in the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table for this combination of queue manager and queue-sharing group, or the entry was incorrect. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a

record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Check the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table in the DB2 data-sharing group and ensure that an entry has been defined for the queue manager and it relates to the correct queue-sharing group. If you are migrating from a previous release of MQ, check also that you have updated the DB2 tables to the format for the current release. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about migration and compatibility between releases. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50014 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Check that the DB2 related installation and customization tasks have all completed successfully. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, refer to DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message and collect the diagnostic data requested in the manual. In addition, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50015 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, refer to DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message and collect the diagnostic data requested in the manual. In addition, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00F50016 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, refer to DB2 for z/OS Messages and Codes for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message and collect the diagnostic data requested in the manual. In addition, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50017 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: See z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50018 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: See z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50019 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: See z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information

about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50021 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: See z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference for information about the completion and reason code in the accompanying message. Restart the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50024 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50025 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center. 00F50026 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination on page 398 and contact your IBM support center.

Chapter 45. DB2 manager codes (X'F5')


00F50027 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00F50028 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: This may be a temporary condition if DB2 or RRS has just failed. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination, together with output from DB2 command DISPLAY THREAD(*), and contact your IBM support center. 00F50029 Explanation: The queue manager has detected a mismatch between its supported versions of MQ and those of other members of the queue-sharing group. System Action: The queue manager terminates, a record is written to SYS1.LOGREC and a dump is taken.

System Programmer Response: Verify the started task JCL procedure for the queue manager (xxxxMSTR) is executing the correct version of MQ. Restart the queue manager. If the correct version is being executed, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination, together with a printout of the CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR table from the DB2 data-sharing group to which the queue manager connected, and contact your IBM support center. 00F50901 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The job ends abnormally with a X'5C6' completion code and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center. 00F51030 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The task ends abnormally and a dump is taken. System Programmer Response: Restart RRS if it has terminated. If RRS has not terminated, collect the items listed in DB2 manager problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

DB2 manager problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error, if any v Printout of SYS1.LOGREC v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels


Messages and Codes

Chapter 46. Generalized command preprocessor codes (X'F9')

If a command preprocessor reason code occurs that is not listed here, an internal error has occurred. Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center.
00F90000 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Command execution was ended abnormally. If the command was properly entered, it might have been partially or completely executed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. It might be necessary to restart the CICS or IMS adapter. 00F90001 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Command execution was ended abnormally. If the command was properly entered, it might have been partially or completely executed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. It might be necessary to restart the CICS or IMS adapter. 00F90002 Explanation: The routines of the multiple console support (MCS) service of z/OS. were unable to initialize. This condition might indicate an error in the address space. System Action: Initialization is stopped, causing the queue manager to terminate. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. Restart the queue manager. 00F90003 Explanation: The routines of the multiple console support (MCS) service of z/OS were unable to initialize. System Action: If the error was issued by module CSQ9SCNM, queue manager initialization is stopped, causing the queue manager to terminate. If the error was issued by module CSQ9SCN6, the command from the associated console is executed, and should proceed normally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F90004 Explanation: The routines of the multiple console support (MCS) service of z/OS detected a logic error. System Action: The command was not executed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F90005 Explanation: A routine of the multiple console support (MCS) service of z/OS was not able to create an ESTAE recovery environment. This condition is detected when the ESTAE service of z/OS returns a nonzero return code. The command from the associated z/OS console is not executed. See the MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference manual for an explanation of ESTAE return codes. System Action: Command processing is terminated. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F90006 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Agent allocation is terminated. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center.

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00F90007 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The statistical update is not completed. The statistics block address is cleared from the CGDA to prevent future problems. No further command statistical counts are maintained. Processing for the command is retried and should complete normally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F90008 Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The function is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F90009 Explanation: This reason code is used to document that module CSQ9SCN9 has added information to the SDWA variable recording area (VRA) following the data provided by the CSQWRCRD service. If CSQ9SCN9 records an error in SYS1.LOGREC and the reason code in the VRA is not of the form X'00F9xxxx', the reason code is changed to X'00F90009'. This is done so that anyone examining a SYS1.LOGREC entry can determine, from the reason code, what additional data has been placed in the VRA. The reason code is the first data item in the VRA, as mapped by macro IHAVRA. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F9000A Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: Command execution was ended abnormally. The command was not executed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center.

00F9000B Explanation: An internal error occurred while attempting to obtain CSA storage. The storage request could not be satisfied, either because no CSA storage was available or because an unreasonably large amount of storage was requested. The amount of storage requested is determined by the length of the command being parsed. Normally, it is several hundred bytes. System Action: Command execution is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: It might be necessary to restart the CICS or IMS adapter, or the queue manager. If the problem persists, collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F9000C Explanation: An internal error has occurred. The command processor invoked attempted to return a message formatted for inclusion in a z/OS multiple line WTO (write to operator). System Action: Command execution is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: The command in error is identified by message CSQ9017E. It might be necessary to restart the CICS or IMS adapter, or the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F9000D Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The queue manager start-up is terminated. System Programmer Response: Restart the queue manager. Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center. 00F9000E Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination on page 401 and contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

00F9000F Explanation: MQ was unable to locate the default userid to be used on a command check. This indicates that CSQ6SYSP is not in the system parameter load module. System Action: The current execution unit terminates with completion code X'5C6'. System Programmer Response: Ensure that CSQ6SYSP is in the system parameter load module. Restart the queue manager if necessary.

00F90010 Explanation: An internal error has occurred while processing a command. System Action: Command execution was ended abnormally. The command was not executed. System Programmer Response: Collect the items listed in Command preprocessor problem determination and contact your IBM support center.

Command preprocessor problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items: v A description of the action(s) that led to the error, or if applicable, a listing of the application program, or the input string to a utility program, being run at the time of the error v Console output for the period leading up to the error v Queue manager job log v System dump resulting from the error, if any v The WebSphere MQ, z/OS, DB2, CICS, and IMS service levels v ISPF panel name, if using the MQ Operations and Control panels v The command issued prior to the error

Chapter 46. Generalized command preprocessor codes (X'F9')



Messages and Codes

Part 3. WebSphere MQ CICS abend codes

Chapter 47. WebSphere MQ CICS bridge abend codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Chapter 48. WebSphere MQ CICS adapter abend codes . . . . . . . . . . .

. 409

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Messages and Codes

Chapter 47. WebSphere MQ CICS bridge abend codes

CKB0 Explanation: This abend code is issued because the WebSphere MQ CICS adapter error handler is unable to load the message text module CSQFCTAB or CSQCMTXT. This module must be defined as a program entry in CICS, and exists in the WebSphere MQ library under the DFHRPL DD statement in the CICS JCL. System Action: The task invoking the message handler is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Check that the installation process was followed correctly. CKB1 Explanation: An internal logic error has been detected in the CICS bridge monitor. System Action: Message CSQC750E is written to the CICS CSMT transient data queue and the CICS bridge monitor task is ended abnormally. Programmer Response: See the description of message CSQC750E for more information. CKB2 Explanation: The CICS bridge monitor has terminated with CICS bridge tasks still active. System Action: Message CSQC744E is written to the CICS CSMT transient data queue and the CICS bridge monitor task is ended abnormally. Programmer Response: See the description of message CSQC744E for more information. CKB3 Explanation: The CICS DPL bridge program has detected an error in a request message for this unit of work. System Action: All request messages for this unit of work are copied to the dead-letter queue with an MQFB_CICS_* reason code. Corresponding error messages are written to the CICS CSMT transient data queue. An MQCRC_BRIDGE_ERROR reply is sent to the reply-to queue if requested. The CICS bridge task is ended abnormally. Programmer Response: See the description of the accompanying messages for more information. CKB4
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Explanation: The CICS bridge monitor or DPL bridge program abended due to an unexpected return code from an EXEC CICS API call. System Action: Message CSQC704E is written to the CICS CSMT transient data queue and the CICS bridge monitor or DPL bridge program is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: See the description of message CSQC704E for more information. CKB5 Explanation: The CICS bridge monitor or DPL bridge program abended due to an unexpected return code from an MQ API call. System Action: Message CSQC710E is written to the CICS CSMT transient data queue and the CICS bridge monitor or DPL bridge program is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: See the description of message CSQC710E for more information. CKB6 Explanation: The CICS bridge message handling program is unable to proceed because its COMMAREA is too small. System Action: The CICS bridge monitor is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: Check that you are running consistent versions of the CICS bridge monitor program CSQCBR00, and the message handling program CSQCBTX. CKB7 Explanation: The CICS DPL bridge program abended before processing any messages for the unit of work. System Action: All request messages for this unit of work are left on the CICS bridge queue to be handled by the CICS bridge monitor. Programmer Response: See the description of the accompanying messages for more information. CKB8 Explanation: The CICS DPL bridge program abended during error processing. System Action: An unexpected error occurred during CICS DPL bridge error processing.


Programmer Response: See the description of the accompanying messages for more information. If the problem reoccurs, contact your IBM support center. MBRA Explanation: The type of EXEC CICS RECEIVE request does not match the next BRMQ vector. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: This indicates a programming error in creating the input vectors. Use CEDX, or another programming tool to understand the transactions input requests. Check whether the RECEIVE requests are TC or BMS. MBRB Explanation: The size of the EXEC CICS SEND MAP request is too large for the output buffer (the maximum size is 20 KB). System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: This transaction cannot be run using this version of the CICS bridge exit. If ADSDs were requested, it might be possible to run the transaction using the bridge without ADSDs. MBRC Explanation: An error occurred issuing an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT request. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: This is probably a failure in a CICS resource. Look at the accompanying CICS messages. MBRD Explanation: An error occurred issuing an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK request. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: This is probably a failure in a CICS resource. Look at the accompanying CICS messages. MBRE, MBRF, MBRG Explanation: The CICS bridge exit received an unexpected return code from an MQ API call. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. The request messages are moved to the dead-letter queue.

Programmer Response: See the description of any accompanying MQ error messages for more information. MBRH Explanation: MQCIH field ConversationalTask was set to MQCCT_NO, but the task was conversational. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: Either set this field to MQCCT_YES, or supply a BRMQ vector with the input data. MBRI Explanation: The size of the request message is too large for the input buffer (the maximum size is 20 KB). System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. The request messages are moved to the dead-letter queue. Programmer Response: Split the message into multiple messages. MBRJ Explanation: The contents of the MQCIH or BRMQ vectors are incorrect. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: Look at the AbendCode and the ErrorOffset in the MQCIH of the reply. MBRK Explanation: The start data received by the CICS bridge exit is incorrect. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: This either indicates a storage overwrite, or an error in CKBR. Look at the dump to determine if this is a storage overwrite. If not, contact your IBM support center. MBRM Explanation: The CICS bridge exit received invalid calling parameters from CICS. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. The request messages are moved to the dead-letter queue. Programmer Response: This is probably the result of a storage overwrite. Look at the accompanying CICS dump to investigate the cause of the storage overwrite.


Messages and Codes

MBRN Explanation: The request message was truncated. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: Check the program that put the message onto the bridge queue. MBRO, MBRP Explanation: The contents of the MQCIH or BRMQ vectors are incorrect. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: Look at the AbendCode and the ErrorOffset in the MQCIH of the reply. MBRQ Explanation: A requested map did not have an associated ADSD. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: Look at the transaction dump to find the map in error. Regenerate the map using CICS Transaction Server Version 1.2 or later. If the source of the map is not available, it can be regenerated. See the CICS Transaction Server documentation for more details. MBRS Explanation: The CICS bridge exit received an unexpected return code from an MQ API call to open a queue. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. All request messages for this unit of work are left on the CICS bridge queue to be handled by the CICS bridge monitor. Programmer Response: See the description of any accompanying MQ error messages for more information. MBR1, MBR2, MBR3, MBR6 Explanation: The CICS bridge exit received invalid calling parameters from CICS. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. The request messages are moved to the dead-letter queue. Programmer Response: This is probably the result of a storage overwrite. Look at the accompanying CICS dump to investigate the cause of the storage overwrite.

MBR7 Explanation: The size of the EXEC CICS TC output request is too large for the output buffer (the maximum size is 20 KB). System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: This transaction cannot be run using this version of the CICS bridge exit. The CICS bridge exit received invalid calling parameters from CICS. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. The request messages are moved to the dead-letter queue. Programmer Response: This is probably the result of a storage overwrite. Look at the accompanying CICS dump to investigate the cause of the storage overwrite. MBR8 Explanation: The mapset name in the next BRMQ vector does not match the CICS request. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: This indicates a programming error in creating the input vectors. Use CEDX, or another programming tool to understand the transactions input requests. MBR9 Explanation: The map name in the next BRMQ vector does not match the CICS request. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. Programmer Response: This indicates a programming error in creating the input vectors. Use CEDX, or another programming tool to understand the transactions input requests. MQB1 Explanation: The CICS bridge exit received an unexpected return code from an MQ API call when processing a backout request. System Action: The transaction is abnormally terminated. The request messages are moved to the dead-letter queue. Programmer Response: See the description of any accompanying MQ error messages for more information.

Chapter 47. WebSphere MQ CICS bridge abend codes


MQB2 Explanation: The CICS bridge exit received an unexpected return code from an MQ API call when processing a commit request. System Action: The data is not committed. The transaction is abnormally terminated. The request messages are moved to the dead-letter queue. Programmer Response: See the description of any accompanying MQ error messages for more information. MQB4 Explanation: The CICS bridge exit was unable to reread messages from the bridge request queue during backout processing. System Action: The request messages are left on the CICS bridge queue with MQMD.BackoutCount set to 1. Programmer Response: See the description of any accompanying MQ error messages for more information.


Messages and Codes

Chapter 48. WebSphere MQ CICS adapter abend codes

QAPI Explanation: Unrecognizable API call. All supported API calls are documented in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference. System Action: The task is ended abnormally. Programmer Response: See the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference manual for details of the API calls. QCAL Explanation: The WebSphere MQ CICS adapter has been invoked by CICS for an unknown reason. System Action: The invoking task is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Contact your IBM support center. QCMG Explanation: This abend code is issued because the WebSphere MQ CICS adapter error handler is unable to load the message text module CSQFCTAB or CSQCMTXT. This module must be defined as a program entry in CICS, and exists in the WebSphere MQ library under the DFHRPL DD statement in the CICS JCL. System Action: The task invoking the message handler is ended abnormally. System Programmer Response: Check that the installation process was followed correctly. QDCL Explanation: An attempt to EXEC CICS LOAD the data conversion service modules was unsuccessful. System Action: The task is ended abnormally. Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct library concatenation has been specified in the CICS DFHRPL. Ensure that you have updated your CICS CSD to include CSQAVICM. QGAL Explanation: CSQCCON had enabled CSQCTRUE with a global area smaller than that needed by CSQCTRUE. This could be due to a mismatch of version level between CSQCCON and CSQCTRUE. System Action: The task is ended abnormally.
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Programmer Response: Check that the versions of CSQCCON and CSQCTRUE are compatible. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center. QLOP Explanation: A task has issued more than one API call after they have been returned with completion code MQCC_FAILED and one of the following reason codes: v MQRC_CONNECTION_BROKEN v MQRC_CONNECTION_NOT_AUTHORIZED v MQRC_CONNECTION_STOPPING v MQRC_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR v MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE v MQRC_Q_MGR_STOPPING Notes: 1. This runaway mechanism can be activated only after the WebSphere MQ CICS adapter has been enabled once (the adapter is enabled if an attempt is made to connect to MQ). Before the adapter has been enabled, such a task will loop with completion code set to MQCC_FAILED and reason code MQRC_ADAPTER_NOT_AVAILABLE. 2. The task will end abnormally even if a syncpoint is issued between successive MQ API calls. System Action: The task is ended abnormally. Programmer Response: Ensure that applications respond to this reason code by abending. QNST Explanation: A task has issued an API call that requires task switching, but there are no server subtasks available. This is because the subtasks have not yet started, or were not started successfully. (Message CSQC472I is issued for each subtask started; there should be eight of these.) System Action: The task is ended abnormally. This abend can also cause CICS to abend. This happens if either: v In-doubt units of work are being resolved at connect time. The connection process requires a server subtask to execute the resolutions, so if there are no subtasks available, the process abends with this reason code. This abend during the resynchronization process causes CICS to abend. v The abend occurs in a program list table (PLT) program. System Programmer Response: Check the value of the CTHREAD parameter in CSQ6SYSP, and increase it if it


is not large enough. If this is not the cause of the problem, investigate why your system is running so slowly that the subtasks have not yet started. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about setting a value for CTHREAD. QTAL Explanation: CSQCCON had enabled CSQCTRUE with a task area smaller than that needed by CSQCTRUE. This could be due to a mismatch of version level between CSQCCON and CSQCTRUE. System Action: The task is ended abnormally. Programmer Response: Check that the versions of CSQCCON and CSQCTRUE are compatible. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center.


Messages and Codes

Part 4. Appendixes

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Messages and Codes

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

For each call, a completion code and a reason code are returned by the queue manager or by an exit routine, to indicate the success or failure of the call. Similarly, for each PCF command, a completion code and a reason code are returned by the queue manager to indicate the success or failure of the command. These codes include codes specific to PCF (described in Appendix B, PCF reason codes, on page 491), and some of the API codes described here. For more information about the WebSphere MQ API, see these manuals: v WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide v WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference v WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface

Completion codes
The following is a list of the completion codes (MQCC) returned by WebSphere MQ 0: Successful completion (MQCC_OK) The call completed fully; all output parameters have been set. The Reason parameter always has the value MQRC_NONE in this case. 1: Warning (partial completion) (MQCC_WARNING) The call completed partially. Some output parameters might have been set in addition to the CompCode and Reason output parameters. The Reason parameter gives additional information. 2: Call failed (MQCC_FAILED) The processing of the call did not complete, and the state of the queue manager is normally unchanged; exceptions are specifically noted. Only the CompCode and Reason output parameters have been set; all other parameters are unchanged. The reason might be a fault in the application program, or it might be a result of some situation external to the program, for example the applications authority might have been revoked. The Reason parameter gives additional information.

Reason codes
The reason code parameter (Reason) is a qualification to the completion code parameter (CompCode). If there is no special reason to report, MQRC_NONE is returned. A successful call returns MQCC_OK and MQRC_NONE. If the completion code is either MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED, the queue manager always reports a qualifying reason; details are given under each call description.

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Completion and reason codes

Where user exit routines set completion codes and reasons, they should adhere to these rules. In addition, any special reason values defined by user exits should be less than zero, to ensure that they do not conflict with values defined by the queue manager. Exits can set reasons already defined by the queue manager, where these are appropriate. Reason codes also occur in: v The Reason field of the MQDLH structure v The Feedback field of the MQMD structure

Reason code list

The following is a list of reason codes, in numeric order, providing detailed information to help you understand them, including: v An explanation of the circumstances that have caused the code to be raised v The associated completion code v Suggested programmer actions in response to the code See Reason code cross reference on page 481 for a list of reason codes in alphabetic order. Codes in the range 3000 - 4999 (X'0BB8' - X'1387') are specific to PCF and are described in Appendix B, PCF reason codes, on page 491.
0 (X'0000') MQRC_NONE 2001 (X'07D1') MQRC_ALIAS_BASE_Q_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying an alias queue as the destination, but the BaseQName in the alias queue definition resolves to a queue that is not a local queue, a local definition of a remote queue, or a cluster queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the queue definitions. 2002 (X'07D2') MQRC_ALREADY_CONNECTED Explanation: An MQCONN or MQCONNX call was issued, but the application is already connected to the queue manager. v On z/OS, this reason code occurs for batch and IMS applications only; it does not occur for CICS applications. v On AIX, HP-UX, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, this reason code occurs if the application attempts to create a nonshared handle when a nonshared handle already exists for the thread. A thread can have no more than one nonshared handle. v On Windows, MTS objects do not receive this reason code, as additional connections to the queue manager are allowed. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. The Hconn parameter returned has the same value as was returned for the previous MQCONN or MQCONNX call. An MQCONN or MQCONNX call that returns this

Explanation: The call completed normally. The completion code (CompCode) is MQCC_OK. Completion Code: MQCC_OK Programmer Response: None. 900 (X'0384') MQRC_APPL_FIRST Explanation: This is the lowest value for an application-defined reason code returned by a data-conversion exit. Data-conversion exits can return reason codes in the range MQRC_APPL_FIRST through MQRC_APPL_LAST to indicate particular conditions that the exit has detected. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: As defined by the writer of the data-conversion exit. 999 (X'03E7') MQRC_APPL_LAST Explanation: This is the highest value for an application-defined reason code returned by a data-conversion exit. Data-conversion exits can return reason codes in the range MQRC_APPL_FIRST through MQRC_APPL_LAST to indicate particular conditions that the exit has detected. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: As defined by the writer of the data-conversion exit.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

reason code does not mean that an additional MQDISC call must be issued in order to disconnect from the queue manager. If this reason code is returned because the application has been called in a situation where the connect has already been done, a corresponding MQDISC should not be issued, because this will cause the application that issued the original MQCONN or MQCONNX call to be disconnected as well. 2003 (X'07D3') MQRC_BACKED_OUT Explanation: The current unit of work encountered a fatal error or was backed out. This occurs in the following cases: v On an MQCMIT or MQDISC call, when the commit operation has failed and the unit of work has been backed out. All resources that participated in the unit of work have been returned to their state at the start of the unit of work. The MQCMIT or MQDISC call completes with MQCC_WARNING in this case. On z/OS, this reason code occurs only for batch applications. v On an MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call that is operating within a unit of work, when the unit of work has already encountered an error that prevents the unit of work being committed (for example, when the log space is exhausted). The application must issue the appropriate call to back out the unit of work. (For a unit of work coordinated by the queue manager, this call is the MQBACK call, although the MQCMIT call has the same effect in these circumstances.) The MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call completes with MQCC_FAILED in this case. On z/OS, this case does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the returns from previous calls to the queue manager. For example, a previous MQPUT call may have failed. 2004 (X'07D4') MQRC_BUFFER_ERROR Explanation: The Buffer parameter is not valid for one of the following reasons: v The parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The parameter pointer points to storage that cannot be accessed for the entire length specified by BufferLength. v For calls where Buffer is an output parameter: the parameter pointer points to read-only storage. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2005 (X'07D5') MQRC_BUFFER_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: The BufferLength parameter is not valid, or the parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) This reason can also be returned to an MQ client program on the MQCONN or MQCONNX call if the negotiated maximum message size for the channel is smaller than the fixed part of any call structure. This reason should also be returned by the MQZ_ENUMERATE_AUTHORITY_DATA installable service component when the AuthorityBuffer parameter is too small to accommodate the data to be returned to the invoker of the service component. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value that is zero or greater. For the mqAddString and mqSetString calls, the special value MQBL_NULL_TERMINATED is also valid. 2006 (X'07D6') MQRC_CHAR_ATTR_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: CharAttrLength is negative (for MQINQ or MQSET calls), or is not large enough to hold all selected attributes (MQSET calls only). This reason also occurs if the parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value large enough to hold the concatenated strings for all selected attributes. 2007 (X'07D7') MQRC_CHAR_ATTRS_ERROR Explanation: CharAttrs is not valid. The parameter pointer is not valid, or points to read-only storage for MQINQ calls or to storage that is not as long as implied by CharAttrLength. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2008 (X'07D8') MQRC_CHAR_ATTRS_TOO_SHORT Explanation: For MQINQ calls, CharAttrLength is not large enough to contain all of the character attributes for which MQCA_* selectors are specified in the Selectors parameter. The call still completes, with the CharAttrs parameter string filled in with as many character attributes as there is room for. Only complete attribute strings are returned: if there is insufficient space remaining to
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

accommodate an attribute in its entirety, that attribute and subsequent character attributes are omitted. Any space at the end of the string not used to hold an attribute is unchanged. An attribute that represents a set of values (for example, the namelist Names attribute) is treated as a single entityeither all of its values are returned, or none. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Specify a large enough value, unless only a subset of the values is needed. 2009 (X'07D9') MQRC_CONNECTION_BROKEN Explanation: Connection to the queue manager has been lost. This can occur because the queue manager has ended. If the call is an MQGET call with the MQGMO_WAIT option, the wait has been canceled. All connection and object handles are now invalid. For MQ client applications, it is possible that the call did complete successfully, even though this reason code is returned with a CompCode of MQCC_FAILED. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Applications can attempt to reconnect to the queue manager by issuing the MQCONN or MQCONNX call. It may be necessary to poll until a successful response is received. v On z/OS for CICS applications, it is not necessary to issue the MQCONN or MQCONNX call, because CICS applications are connected automatically. Any uncommitted changes in a unit of work should be backed out. A unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically. 2010 (X'07DA') MQRC_DATA_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: The DataLength parameter is not valid. Either the parameter pointer is not valid, or it points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) This reason can also be returned to an MQ client program on the MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call, if the BufferLength parameter exceeds the maximum message size that was negotiated for the client channel. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. If the error occurs for an MQ client program, also check that the maximum message size for the channel is big enough to accommodate the message being sent; if it is not big enough, increase the maximum message size for the channel. 2011 (X'07DB') MQRC_DYNAMIC_Q_NAME_ERROR Explanation: On the MQOPEN call, a model queue is specified in the ObjectName field of the ObjDesc parameter, but the DynamicQName field is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v DynamicQName is completely blank (or blank up to the first null character in the field). v Characters are present that are not valid for a queue name. v An asterisk is present beyond the 33rd position (and before any null character). v An asterisk is present followed by characters that are not null and not blank. This reason code can also sometimes occur when a server application opens the reply queue specified by the ReplyToQ and ReplyToQMgr fields in the MQMD of a message that the server has just received. In this case the reason code indicates that the application that sent the original message placed incorrect values into the ReplyToQ and ReplyToQMgr fields in the MQMD of the original message. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. 2012 (X'07DC') MQRC_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR Explanation: The call is not valid for the current environment. v On z/OS, one of the following applies: An MQCONN or MQCONNX call was issued, but the application has been linked with an adapter that is not supported in the environment in which the application is running. For example, this can arise when the application is linked with the MQ RRS adapter, but the application is running in a DB2 Stored Procedure address space. RRS is not supported in this environment. Stored Procedures wishing to use the MQ RRS adapter must run in a DB2 WLM-managed Stored Procedure address space. An MQCMIT or MQBACK call was issued, but the application has been linked with the RRS batch adapter CSQBRSTB. This adapter does not support the MQCMIT and MQBACK calls. An MQCMIT or MQBACK call was issued in the CICS or IMS environment. The RRS subsystem is not up and running on the z/OS system that ran the application. v On HP OpenVMS, OS/2, i5/OS, Compaq NonStop Kernel, UNIX systems, and Windows, one of the following applies: The application is linked to the wrong libraries (threaded or nonthreaded). An MQBEGIN, MQCMIT, or MQBACK call was issued, but an external unit-of-work manager is in use. For example, this reason code occurs on


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Windows when an MTS object is running as a DTC transaction. This reason code also occurs if the queue manager does not support units of work. The MQBEGIN call was issued in an MQ client environment. An MQXCLWLN call was issued, but the call did not originate from a cluster workload exit. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do one of the following (as appropriate): v On z/OS: Link the application with the correct adapter. Modify the application to use the SRRCMIT and SRRBACK calls in place of the MQCMIT and MQBACK calls. Alternatively, link the application with the RRS batch adapter CSQBRRSI. This adapter supports MQCMIT and MQBACK in addition to SRRCMIT and SRRBACK. For a CICS or IMS application, issue the appropriate CICS or IMS call to commit or backout the unit of work. Start the RRS subsystem on the z/OS system that is running the application. v In the other environments: Link the application with the correct libraries (threaded or nonthreaded). Remove from the application the call that is not supported. 2013 (X'07DD') MQRC_EXPIRY_ERROR Explanation: On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, the value specified for the Expiry field in the message descriptor MQMD is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value that is greater than zero, or the special value MQEI_UNLIMITED. 2014 (X'07DE') MQRC_FEEDBACK_ERROR Explanation: On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, the value specified for the Feedback field in the message descriptor MQMD is not valid. The value is not MQFB_NONE, and is outside both the range defined for system feedback codes and the range defined for application feedback codes. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQFB_NONE, or a value in the range MQFB_SYSTEM_FIRST through MQFB_SYSTEM_LAST, or MQFB_APPL_FIRST through MQFB_APPL_LAST. 2016 (X'07E0') MQRC_GET_INHIBITED Explanation: MQGET calls are currently inhibited for the queue, or for the queue to which this queue resolves. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If the system design allows get requests to be inhibited for short periods, retry the operation later. 2017 (X'07E1') MQRC_HANDLE_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the maximum number of open handles allowed for the current task has already been reached. Be aware that when a distribution list is specified on the MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, each queue in the distribution list uses one handle. v On z/OS, task means a CICS task, a z/OS task, or an IMS-dependent region. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check whether the application is issuing MQOPEN calls without corresponding MQCLOSE calls. If it is, modify the application to issue the MQCLOSE call for each open object as soon as that object is no longer needed. Also check whether the application is specifying a distribution list containing a large number of queues that are consuming all of the available handles. If it is, increase the maximum number of handles that the task can use, or reduce the size of the distribution list. The maximum number of open handles that a task can use is given by the MaxHandles queue manager attribute. 2018 (X'07E2') MQRC_HCONN_ERROR Explanation: The connection handle Hconn is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The parameter pointer is not valid, or (for the MQCONN or MQCONNX call) points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The value specified was not returned by a preceding MQCONN or MQCONNX call. v The value specified has been made invalid by a preceding MQDISC call. v The handle is a shared handle that has been made invalid by another thread issuing the MQDISC call. v The handle is a shared handle that is being used on the MQBEGIN call (only nonshared handles are valid on MQBEGIN). v The handle is a nonshared handle that is being used a thread that did not create the handle. v The call was issued in the MTS environment in a situation where the handle is not valid (for example,
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

passing the handle between processes or packages; note that passing the handle between library packages is supported). Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that a successful MQCONN or MQCONNX call is performed for the queue manager, and that an MQDISC call has not already been performed for it. Ensure that the handle is being used within its valid scope (see the description of MQCONN in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide). v On z/OS, also check that the application has been linked with the correct stub; this is CSQCSTUB for CICS applications, CSQBSTUB for batch applications, and CSQQSTUB for IMS applications. Also, the stub used must not belong to a release of the queue manager that is more recent than the release on which the application will run. 2019 (X'07E3') MQRC_HOBJ_ERROR Explanation: The object handle Hobj is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The parameter pointer is not valid, or (for the MQOPEN call) points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The value specified was not returned by a preceding MQOPEN call. v The value specified has been made invalid by a preceding MQCLOSE call. v The handle is a shared handle that has been made invalid by another thread issuing the MQCLOSE call. v The handle is a nonshared handle that is being used by a thread that did not create the handle. v The call is MQGET or MQPUT, but the object represented by the handle is not a queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that a successful MQOPEN call is performed for this object, and that an MQCLOSE call has not already been performed for it. Ensure that the handle is being used within its valid scope (see the description of MQOPEN in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide). 2020 (X'07E4') MQRC_INHIBIT_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: On an MQSET call, the value specified for either the MQIA_INHIBIT_GET attribute or the MQIA_INHIBIT_PUT attribute is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid value for the InhibitGet or InhibitPut queu attribute. 2021 (X'07E5') MQRC_INT_ATTR_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: On an MQINQ or MQSET call, the IntAttrCount parameter is negative (MQINQ or MQSET), or smaller than the number of integer attribute selectors (MQIA_*) specified in the Selectors parameter (MQSET only). This reason also occurs if the parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value large enough for all selected integer attributes. 2022 (X'07E6') MQRC_INT_ATTR_COUNT_TOO_SMALL Explanation: On an MQINQ call, the IntAttrCount parameter is smaller than the number of integer attribute selectors (MQIA_*) specified in the Selectors parameter. The call completes with MQCC_WARNING, with the IntAttrs array filled in with as many integer attributes as there is room for. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Specify a large enough value, unless only a subset of the values is needed. 2023 (X'07E7') MQRC_INT_ATTRS_ARRAY_ERROR Explanation: On an MQINQ or MQSET call, the IntAttrs parameter is not valid. The parameter pointer is not valid (MQINQ and MQSET), or points to read-only storage or to storage that is not as long as indicated by the IntAttrCount parameter (MQINQ only). (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2024 (X'07E8') MQRC_SYNCPOINT_LIMIT_REACHED Explanation: An MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call failed because it would have caused the number of uncommitted messages in the current unit of work to exceed the limit defined for the queue manager (see the MaxUncommittedMsgs queue-manager attribute). The number of uncommitted messages is the sum of the following since the start of the current unit of work: v Messages put by the application with the MQPMO_SYNCPOINT option v Messages retrieved by the application with the MQGMO_SYNCPOINT option


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

v Trigger messages and COA report messages generated by the queue manager for messages put with the MQPMO_SYNCPOINT option v COD report messages generated by the queue manager for messages retrieved with the MQGMO_SYNCPOINT option v On Compaq NonStop Kernel, this reason code occurs when the maximum number of I/O operations in a single TM/MP transaction has been exceeded. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check whether the application is looping. If it is not, consider reducing the complexity of the application. Alternatively, increase the queue-manager limit for the maximum number of uncommitted messages within a unit of work. v On z/OS, the limit for the maximum number of uncommitted messages can be changed by using the ALTER QMGR command. v On i5/OS, the limit for the maximum number of uncommitted messages can be changed by using the CHGMQM command. v On Compaq NonStop Kernel, the application should cancel the transaction and retry with a smaller number of operations in the unit of work. See the MQSeries for Tandem NonStop Kernel System Management Guide for more details. 2025 (X'07E9') MQRC_MAX_CONNS_LIMIT_REACHED Explanation: The MQCONN or MQCONNX call was rejected because the maximum number of concurrent connections has been exceeded. v On z/OS, connection limits are applicable only to TSO and batch requests. The limits are determined by the customer using the following parameters of the CSQ6SYSP macro: For TSO: IDFORE For batch: IDBACK For more information, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide. v On HP OpenVMS, OS/2, i5/OS, Compaq NonStop Kernel, UNIX systems, and Windows, this reason code can also occur on the MQOPEN call. v When using Java applications, a limit to the number of concurrent connections may be defined by the connection manager. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Either increase the size of the appropriate parameter value, or reduce the number of concurrent connections. 2026 (X'07EA') MQRC_MD_ERROR Explanation: The MQMD structure is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The StrucId field is not MQMD_STRUC_ID. v The Version field specifies a value that is not valid or not supported. v The parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The queue manager cannot copy the changed structure to application storage, even though the call is successful. This can occur, for example, if the pointer points to read-only storage. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that input fields in the MQMD structure are set correctly. 2027 (X'07EB') MQRC_MISSING_REPLY_TO_Q Explanation: On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, the ReplyToQ field in the message descriptor MQMD is blank, but one or both of the following is true: v A reply was requested (that is, MQMT_REQUEST was specified in the MsgType field of the message descriptor). v A report message was requested in the Report field of the message descriptor. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the name of the queue to which the reply message or report message is to be sent. 2029 (X'07ED') MQRC_MSG_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Either: v On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, the value specified for the MsgType field in the message descriptor (MQMD) is not valid. v A message processing program received a message that does not have the expected message type. For example, if the WebSphere MQ command server receives a message which is not a request message (MQMT_REQUEST) then it rejects the request with this reason code. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid value for the MsgType field. In the case where a request is rejected by a message processing program, refer to the documentation for that program for details of the message types that it supports.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

2030 (X'07EE') MQRC_MSG_TOO_BIG_FOR_Q Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a message on a queue, but the message was too long for the queue and MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED was not specified in the MsgFlags field in MQMD. If segmentation is not allowed, the length of the message cannot exceed the lesser of the queue MaxMsgLength attribute and queue-manager MaxMsgLength attribute. v On z/OS, the queue manager does not support the segmentation of messages; if MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED is specified, it is accepted but ignored. This reason code can also occur when MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED is specified, but the nature of the data present in the message prevents the queue manager splitting it into segments that are small enough to place on the queue: v For a user-defined format, the smallest segment that the queue manager can create is 16 bytes. v For a built-in format, the smallest segment that the queue manager can create depends on the particular format, but is greater than 16 bytes in all cases other than MQFMT_STRING (for MQFMT_STRING the minimum segment size is 16 bytes). MQRC_MSG_TOO_BIG_FOR_Q can also occur in the Feedback field in the message descriptor of a report message; in this case it indicates that the error was encountered by a message channel agent when it attempted to put the message on a remote queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check whether the BufferLength parameter is specified correctly; if it is, do one of the following: v Increase the value of the queues MaxMsgLength attribute; the queue-managers MaxMsgLength attribute may also need increasing. v Break the message into several smaller messages. v Specify MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED in the MsgFlags field in MQMD; this will allow the queue manager to break the message into segments. 2031 (X'07EF') MQRC_MSG_TOO_BIG_FOR_Q_MGR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a message on a queue, but the message was too long for the queue manager and MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED was not specified in the MsgFlags field in MQMD. If segmentation is not allowed, the length of the message cannot exceed the lesser of the queue-manager MaxMsgLength attribute and queue MaxMsgLength attribute. This reason code can also occur when MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED is specified, but the nature of the data present in the message prevents the queue manager splitting it into segments that are small enough for the queue-manager limit: v For a user-defined format, the smallest segment that the queue manager can create is 16 bytes. v For a built-in format, the smallest segment that the queue manager can create depends on the particular format, but is greater than 16 bytes in all cases other than MQFMT_STRING (for MQFMT_STRING the minimum segment size is 16 bytes). MQRC_MSG_TOO_BIG_FOR_Q_MGR can also occur in the Feedback field in the message descriptor of a report message; in this case it indicates that the error was encountered by a message channel agent when it attempted to put the message on a remote queue. This reason also occurs if a channel, through which the message is to pass, has restricted the maximum message length to a value that is actually less than that supported by the queue manager, and the message length is greater than this value. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check whether the BufferLength parameter is specified correctly; if it is, do one of the following: v Increase the value of the queue-managers MaxMsgLength attribute; the queues MaxMsgLength attribute may also need increasing. v Break the message into several smaller messages. v Specify MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED in the MsgFlags field in MQMD; this will allow the queue manager to break the message into segments. v Check the channel definitions. 2033 (X'07F1') MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQGET call was issued, but there is no message on the queue satisfying the selection criteria specified in MQMD (the MsgId and CorrelId fields), and in MQGMO (the Options and MatchOptions fields). Either the MQGMO_WAIT option was not specified, or the time interval specified by the WaitInterval field in MQGMO has expired. This reason is also returned for an MQGET call for browse, when the end of the queue has been reached. This reason code can also be returned by the mqGetBag and mqExecute calls. mqGetBag is similar to MQGET. For the mqExecute call, the completion code can be either MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED: v If the completion code is MQCC_WARNING, some response messages were received during the specified wait interval, but not all. The response bag contains system-generated nested bags for the messages that were received. v If the completion code is MQCC_FAILED, no response messages were received during the specified wait interval.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If this is an expected condition, no corrective action is required. If this is an unexpected condition, check that: v The message was put on the queue successfully. v The unit of work (if any) used for the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was committed successfully. v The options controlling the selection criteria are specified correctly. All of the following can affect the eligibility of a message for return on the MQGET call: MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER MQGMO_ALL_MSGS_AVAILABLE MQGMO_ALL_SEGMENTS_AVAILABLE MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG MQMO_MATCH_MSG_ID MQMO_MATCH_CORREL_ID MQMO_MATCH_GROUP_ID MQMO_MATCH_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER MQMO_MATCH_OFFSET Value of MsgId field in MQMD Value of CorrelId field in MQMD Consider waiting longer for the message. 2034 (X'07F2') MQRC_NO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued with either the MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR or the MQGMO_BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR option. However, the browse cursor is not positioned at a retrievable message. This is caused by one of the following: v The cursor is positioned logically before the first message (as it is before the first MQGET call with a browse option has been successfully performed). v The message the browse cursor was positioned on has been locked or removed from the queue (probably by some other application) since the browse operation was performed. v The message the browse cursor was positioned on has expired. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the application logic. This may be an expected reason if the application design allows multiple servers to compete for messages after browsing. Consider also using the MQGMO_LOCK option with the preceding browse MQGET call. 2035 (X'07F3') MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED Explanation: The user is not authorized to perform the operation attempted: v On an MQCONN or MQCONNX call, the user is not authorized to connect to the queue manager. On z/OS, for CICS applications, MQRC_CONNECTION_NOT_AUTHORIZED is issued instead. v On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, the user is not authorized to open the object for the option(s) specified. On z/OS, if the object being opened is a model queue, this reason also arises if the user is not authorized to create a dynamic queue with the required name. v On an MQCLOSE call, the user is not authorized to delete the object, which is a permanent dynamic queue, and the Hobj parameter specified on the MQCLOSE call is not the handle returned by the MQOPEN call that created the queue. v On a command, the user is not authorized to issue the command, or to access the object it specifies. This reason code can also occur in the Feedback field in the message descriptor of a report message; in this case it indicates that the error was encountered by a message channel agent when it attempted to put the message on a remote queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct queue manager or object was specified, and that appropriate authority exists. 2036 (X'07F4') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_BROWSE Explanation: An MQGET call was issued with one of the following options: MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT MQGMO_BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR but the queue had not been opened for browse. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_BROWSE when the queue is opened. 2037 (X'07F5') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_INPUT Explanation: An MQGET call was issued to retrieve a message from a queue, but the queue had not been opened for input. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify one of the following when the queue is opened: MQOO_INPUT_SHARED MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

2038 (X'07F6') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_INQUIRE Explanation: An MQINQ call was issued to inquire object attributes, but the object had not been opened for inquire. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_INQUIRE when the object is opened. 2039 (X'07F7') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_OUTPUT Explanation: An MQPUT call was issued to put a message on a queue, but the queue had not been opened for output. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_OUTPUT when the queue is opened. 2040 (X'07F8') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_SET Explanation: An MQSET call was issued to set queue attributes, but the queue had not been opened for set. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_SET when the object is opened. 2041 (X'07F9') MQRC_OBJECT_CHANGED Explanation: Object definitions that affect this object have been changed since the Hobj handle used on this call was returned by the MQOPEN call. See the description of MQOPEN in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more information. This reason does not occur if the object handle is specified in the Context field of the PutMsgOpts parameter on the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Issue an MQCLOSE call to return the handle to the system. It is then usually sufficient to reopen the object and retry the operation. However, if the object definitions are critical to the application logic, an MQINQ call can be used after reopening the object, to obtain the new values of the object attributes. 2042 (X'07FA') MQRC_OBJECT_IN_USE Explanation: An MQOPEN call was issued, but the object in question has already been opened by this or another application with options that conflict with those specified in the Options parameter. This arises if the request is for shared input, but the object is already open for exclusive input; it also arises if the request is for exclusive input, but the object is already open for input (of any sort). 2043 (X'07FB') MQRC_OBJECT_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: On the MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, the ObjectType field in the object descriptor MQOD specifies a value that is not valid. For the MQPUT1 call, the object type must be MQOT_Q. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid object type. 2044 (X'07FC') MQRC_OD_ERROR Explanation: On the MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, the object descriptor MQOD is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The StrucId field is not MQOD_STRUC_ID. v The Version field specifies a value that is not valid or not supported. v The parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The queue manager cannot copy the changed structure to application storage, even though the call is successful. This can occur, for example, if the pointer points to read-only storage. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that input fields in the MQOD structure are set correctly. 2045 (X'07FD') MQRC_OPTION_NOT_VALID_FOR_TYPE Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQCLOSE call, an option is specified that is not valid for the type of object or queue being opened or closed. For the MQOPEN call, this includes the following cases: v An option that is inappropriate for the object type (for example, MQOO_OUTPUT for an MQOT_PROCESS object). MCAs for receiver channels, or the intra-group queuing agent (IGQ agent), may keep the destination queues open even when messages are not being transmitted; this results in the queues appearing to be in use. Use the MQSC command DISPLAY QSTATUS to find out who is keeping the queue open. v On z/OS, this reason can also occur for an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, if the object to be opened (which can be a queue, or for MQOPEN a namelist or process object) is in the process of being deleted. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: System design should specify whether an application is to wait and retry, or take other action.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

v An option that is unsupported for the queue type (for example, MQOO_INQUIRE for a remote queue that has no local definition). v One or more of the following options: MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF MQOO_INPUT_SHARED MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE MQOO_BROWSE MQOO_INQUIRE MQOO_SET when either: the queue name is resolved through a cell directory, or ObjectQMgrName in the object descriptor specifies the name of a local definition of a remote queue (in order to specify a queue-manager alias), and the queue named in the RemoteQMgrName attribute of the definition is the name of the local queue manager. For the MQCLOSE call, this includes the following case: v The MQCO_DELETE or MQCO_DELETE_PURGE option when the queue is not a dynamic queue. This reason code can also occur on the MQOPEN call when the object being opened is of type MQOT_NAMELIST, MQOT_PROCESS, or MQOT_Q_MGR, but the ObjectQMgrName field in MQOD is neither blank nor the name of the local queue manager. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the correct option. For the MQOPEN call, ensure that the ObjectQMgrName field is set correctly. For the MQCLOSE call, either correct the option or change the definition type of the model queue that is used to create the new queue. 2046 (X'07FE') MQRC_OPTIONS_ERROR Explanation: The Options parameter or field contains options that are not valid, or a combination of options that is not valid. v For the MQOPEN, MQCLOSE, MQXCNVC, mqBagToBuffer, mqBufferToBag, mqCreateBag, and mqExecute calls, Options is a separate parameter on the call. This reason also occurs if the parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v For the MQBEGIN, MQCONNX, MQGET, MQPUT, and MQPUT1 calls, Options is a field in the relevant options structure (MQBO, MQCNO, MQGMO, or MQPMO). Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify valid options. Check the description of the Options parameter or field to determine which options and combinations of options are valid. If multiple options are being set by adding the individual options together, ensure that the same option is not added twice. 2047 (X'07FF') MQRC_PERSISTENCE_ERROR Explanation: On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, the value specified for the Persistence field in the message descriptor MQMD is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify one of the following values: MQPER_PERSISTENT MQPER_NOT_PERSISTENT MQPER_PERSISTENCE_AS_Q_DEF 2048 (X'0800') MQRC_PERSISTENT_NOT_ALLOWED Explanation: On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, the value specified for the Persistence field in MQMD (or obtained from the DefPersistence queue attribute) specifies MQPER_PERSISTENT, but the queue on which the message is being placed does not support persistent messages. Persistent messages cannot be placed on temporary dynamic queues. This reason code can also occur in the Feedback field in the message descriptor of a report message; in this case it indicates that the error was encountered by a message channel agent when it attempted to put the message on a remote queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQPER_NOT_PERSISTENT if the message is to be placed on a temporary dynamic queue. If persistence is required, use a permanent dynamic queue or predefined queue in place of a temporary dynamic queue. Be aware that server applications are recommended to send reply messages (message type MQMT_REPLY) with the same persistence as the original request message (message type MQMT_REQUEST). If the request message is persistent, the reply queue specified in the ReplyToQ field in the message descriptor MQMD cannot be a temporary dynamic queue. Use a permanent dynamic queue or predefined queue as the reply queue in this situation. 2049 (X'0801') MQRC_PRIORITY_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the value of the Priority field in the message descriptor MQMD exceeds the maximum priority supported by the local queue manager, as shown by the
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

MaxPriority queue-manager attribute. The message is accepted by the queue manager, but is placed on the queue at the queue managers maximum priority. The Priority field in the message descriptor retains the value specified by the application that put the message. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None required, unless this reason code was not expected by the application that put the message. 2050 (X'0802') MQRC_PRIORITY_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the value of the Priority field in the message descriptor MQMD is not valid. The maximum priority supported by the queue manager is given by the MaxPriority queue-manager attribute. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value in the range zero through MaxPriority, or the special value MQPRI_PRIORITY_AS_Q_DEF. 2051 (X'0803') MQRC_PUT_INHIBITED Explanation: MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls are currently inhibited for the queue, or for the queue to which this queue resolves. This reason code can also occur in the Feedback field in the message descriptor of a report message; in this case it indicates that the error was encountered by a message channel agent when it attempted to put the message on a remote queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If the system design allows put requests to be inhibited for short periods, retry the operation later. 2052 (X'0804') MQRC_Q_DELETED Explanation: An Hobj queue handle specified on a call refers to a dynamic queue that has been deleted since the queue was opened. (See the description of MQCLOSE in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for information about the deletion of dynamic queues.) v On z/OS, this can also occur with the MQOPEN and MQPUT1 calls if a dynamic queue is being opened, but the queue is in a logically-deleted state. See MQCLOSE for more information about this. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Issue an MQCLOSE call to return the handle and associated resources to the system (the MQCLOSE call will succeed in this case). Check the design of the application that caused the error. 2053 (X'0805') MQRC_Q_FULL Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, or a command, failed because the queue is full, that is, it already contains the maximum number of messages possible, as specified by the MaxQDepth queue attribute. This reason code can also occur in the Feedback field in the message descriptor of a report message; in this case it indicates that the error was encountered by a message channel agent when it attempted to put the message on a remote queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Retry the operation later. Consider increasing the maximum depth for this queue, or arranging for more instances of the application to service the queue. 2055 (X'0807') MQRC_Q_NOT_EMPTY Explanation: An MQCLOSE call was issued for a permanent dynamic queue, but the call failed because the queue is not empty or still in use. One of the following applies: v The MQCO_DELETE option was specified, but there are messages on the queue. v The MQCO_DELETE or MQCO_DELETE_PURGE option was specified, but there are uncommitted get or put calls outstanding against the queue. See the usage notes pertaining to dynamic queues for the MQCLOSE call for more information. This reason code is also returned from a command to clear or delete or move a queue, if the queue contains uncommitted messages (or committed messages in the case of delete queue without the purge option). Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check why there might be messages on the queue. Be aware that the CurrentQDepth queue attribute might be zero even though there are one or more messages on the queue; this can happen if the messages have been retrieved as part of a unit of work that has not yet been committed. If the messages can be discarded, try using the MQCLOSE call with the MQCO_DELETE_PURGE option. Consider retrying the call later. 2056 (X'0808') MQRC_Q_SPACE_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but there is no space available for the queue on disk or other storage device. This reason code can also occur in the Feedback field in the message descriptor of a report message; in this case it indicates that the error was encountered by a message channel agent when it attempted to put the message on a remote queue. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check whether an application is putting messages in an infinite loop. If not, make more disk space available for the queue. 2057 (X'0809') MQRC_Q_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: One of the following occurred: v On an MQOPEN call, the ObjectQMgrName field in the object descriptor MQOD or object record MQOR specifies the name of a local definition of a remote queue (in order to specify a queue-manager alias), and in that local definition the RemoteQMgrName attribute is the name of the local queue manager. However, the ObjectName field in MQOD or MQOR specifies the name of a model queue on the local queue manager; this is not allowed. See the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more information. v On an MQPUT1 call, the object descriptor MQOD or object record MQOR specifies the name of a model queue. v On a previous MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, the ReplyToQ field in the message descriptor specified the name of a model queue, but a model queue cannot be specified as the destination for reply or report messages. Only the name of a predefined queue, or the name of the dynamic queue created from the model queue, can be specified as the destination. In this situation the reason code MQRC_Q_TYPE_ERROR is returned in the Reason field of the MQDLH structure when the reply message or report message is placed on the dead-letter queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid queue. 2058 (X'080A') MQRC_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONN or MQCONNX call, the value specified for the QMgrName parameter is not valid or not known. This reason also occurs if the parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v On z/OS for CICS applications, this reason can occur on any call if the original connect specified an incorrect or unrecognized name. This reason code can also occur if an MQ client application attempts to connect to a queue manager within an MQ-client queue-manager group (see the QMgrName parameter of MQCONN), and either: v Queue-manager groups are not supported. v There is no queue-manager group with the specified name. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Use an all-blank name if
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

possible, or verify that the name used is valid. 2059 (X'080B') MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: This occurs: 1. On an MQCONN or MQCONNX call, the queue manager identified by the QMgrName parameter is not available for connection. v On z/OS: For batch applications, this reason can be returned to applications running in LPARs that do not have a queue manager installed. For CICS applications, this reason can occur on any call if the original connect specified a queue manager whose name was recognized, but which is not available. v On i5/OS, this reason can also be returned by the MQOPEN and MQPUT1 calls, when MQHC_DEF_HCONN is specified for the Hconn parameter by an application running in compatibility mode. 2. On an MQCONN or MQCONNX call from an MQ client application: v Attempting to connect to a queue manager within an MQ-client queue-manager group when none of the queue managers in the group is available for connection (see the QMgrName parameter of the MQCONN call). v If there is an error with the client-connection or the corresponding server-connection channel definitions. v On z/OS, if the optional OS/390 client attachment feature has not been installed. 3. If a command uses the CommandScope parameter specfying a queue manager that is not active in the queue-sharing group. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the queue manager has been started. If the connection is from a client application, check the channel definitions. 2061 (X'080D') MQRC_REPORT_OPTIONS_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the Report field in the message descriptor MQMD contains one or more options that are not recognized by the local queue manager. The options that cause this reason code to be returned depend on the destination of the message; see the description of REPORT in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more details. This reason code can also occur in the Feedback field in the MQMD of a report message, or in the Reason field in the MQDLH structure of a message on the dead-letter queue; in both cases it indicates that the destination queue manager does not support one or


Completion and reason codes

more of the report options specified by the sender of the message. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do the following: v Ensure that the Report field in the message descriptor is initialized with a value when the message descriptor is declared, or is assigned a value prior to the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call. Specify MQRO_NONE if no report options are required. v Ensure that the report options specified are valid; see the Report field described in the description of MQMD in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for valid report options. v If multiple report options are being set by adding the individual report options together, ensure that the same report option is not added twice. v Check that conflicting report options are not specified. For example, do not add both MQRO_EXCEPTION and MQRO_EXCEPTION_WITH_DATA to the Report field; only one of these can be specified. 2062 (X'080E') MQRC_SECOND_MARK_NOT_ALLOWED Explanation: An MQGET call was issued specifying the MQGMO_MARK_SKIP_BACKOUT option in the Options field of MQGMO, but a message has already been marked within the current unit of work. Only one marked message is allowed within each unit of work. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application so that no more than one message is marked within each unit of work. 2063 (X'080F') MQRC_SECURITY_ERROR Explanation: An MQCONN, MQCONNX, MQOPEN, MQPUT1, or MQCLOSE call was issued, but it failed because a security error occurred. v On z/OS, the security error was returned by the External Security Manager. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Note the error from the security manager, and contact your system programmer or security administrator. v On i5/OS, the FFST log will contain the error information. 2065 (X'0811') MQRC_SELECTOR_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: On an MQINQ or MQSET call, the SelectorCount parameter specifies a value that is not valid. This reason also occurs if the parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value in the range 0 through 256. 2066 (X'0812') MQRC_SELECTOR_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Explanation: On an MQINQ or MQSET call, the SelectorCount parameter specifies a value that is larger than the maximum supported (256). Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Reduce the number of selectors specified on the call; the valid range is 0 through 256. 2067 (X'0813') MQRC_SELECTOR_ERROR Explanation: An MQINQ or MQSET call was issued, but the Selectors array contains a selector that is not valid for one of the following reasons: v The selector is not supported or out of range. v The selector is not applicable to the type of object whose attributes are being inquired or set. v The selector is for an attribute that cannot be set. This reason also occurs if the parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the value specified for the selector is valid for the object type represented by Hobj. For the MQSET call, also ensure that the selector represents an integer attribute that can be set. 2068 (X'0814') MQRC_SELECTOR_NOT_FOR_TYPE Explanation: On the MQINQ call, one or more selectors in the Selectors array is not applicable to the type of the queue whose attributes are being inquired. This reason also occurs when the queue is a cluster queue that resolved to a remote instance of the queue. In this case only a subset of the attributes that are valid for local queues can be inquired. See the usage notes in the description of MQINQ in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for further details. The call completes with MQCC_WARNING, with the attribute values for the inapplicable selectors set as follows: v For integer attributes, the corresponding elements of IntAttrs are set to MQIAV_NOT_APPLICABLE. v For character attributes, the appropriate parts of the CharAttrs string are set to a character string consisting entirely of asterisks (*).


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Verify that the selector specified is the one that was intended. If the queue is a cluster queue, specifying one of the MQOO_BROWSE, MQOO_INPUT_*, or MQOO_SET options in addition to MQOO_INQUIRE forces the queue to resolve to the local instance of the queue. However, if there is no local instance of the queue the MQOPEN call fails. 2069 (X'0815') MQRC_SIGNAL_OUTSTANDING Explanation: An MQGET call was issued with either the MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL or MQGMO_WAIT option, but there is already a signal outstanding for the queue handle Hobj. This reason code occurs only in the following environments: z/OS, Windows 95, Windows 98. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the application logic. If it is necessary to set a signal or wait when there is a signal outstanding for the same queue, a different object handle must be used. 2070 (X'0816') MQRC_SIGNAL_REQUEST_ACCEPTED Explanation: An MQGET call was issued specifying MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL in the GetMsgOpts parameter, but no suitable message was available; the call returns immediately. The application can now wait for the signal to be delivered. v On z/OS, the application should wait on the Event Control Block pointed to by the Signal1 field. v On Windows 95, Windows 98, the application should wait for the signal Windows message to be delivered. This reason code occurs only in the following environments: z/OS, Windows 95, Windows 98. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Wait for the signal; when it is delivered, check the signal to ensure that a message is now available. If it is, reissue the MQGET call. v On z/OS, wait on the ECB pointed to by the Signal1 field and, when it is posted, check it to ensure that a message is now available. v On Windows 95, Windows 98, the application (thread) should continue executing its message loop. 2071 (X'0817') MQRC_STORAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: The call failed because there is insufficient main storage available. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that active applications are behaving correctly, for example, that they are not
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

looping unexpectedly. If no problems are found, make more main storage available. v On z/OS, if no application problems are found, ask your system programmer to increase the size of the region in which the queue manager runs. 2072 (X'0818') MQRC_SYNCPOINT_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: Either MQGMO_SYNCPOINT was specified on an MQGET call or MQPMO_SYNCPOINT was specified on an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, but the local queue manager was unable to honor the request. If the queue manager does not support units of work, the SyncPoint queue-manager attribute will have the value MQSP_NOT_AVAILABLE. This reason code can also occur on the MQGET, MQPUT, and MQPUT1 calls when an external unit-of-work coordinator is being used. If that coordinator requires an explicit call to start the unit of work, but the application has not issued that call prior to the MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call, reason code MQRC_SYNCPOINT_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned. v On i5/OS, this reason codes means that i5/OS Commitment Control is not started, or is unavailable for use by the queue manager. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Remove the specification of MQGMO_SYNCPOINT or MQPMO_SYNCPOINT, as appropriate. v On i5/OS, ensure that Commitment Control has been started. If this reason code occurs after Commitment Control has been started, contact your system programmer. 2075 (X'081B') MQRC_TRIGGER_CONTROL_ERROR Explanation: On an MQSET call, the value specified for the MQIA_TRIGGER_CONTROL attribute selector is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 2076 (X'081C') MQRC_TRIGGER_DEPTH_ERROR Explanation: On an MQSET call, the value specified for the MQIA_TRIGGER_DEPTH attribute selector is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value that is greater than zero.


Completion and reason codes

2077 (X'081D') MQRC_TRIGGER_MSG_PRIORITY_ERR Explanation: On an MQSET call, the value specified for the MQIA_TRIGGER_MSG_PRIORITY attribute selector is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value in the range zero through the value of MaxPriority queue-manager attribute. 2078 (X'081E') MQRC_TRIGGER_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: On an MQSET call, the value specified for the MQIA_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute selector is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 2079 (X'081F') MQRC_TRUNCATED_MSG_ACCEPTED Explanation: On an MQGET call, the message length was too large to fit into the supplied buffer. The MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG option was specified, so the call completes. The message is removed from the queue (subject to unit-of-work considerations), or, if this was a browse operation, the browse cursor is advanced to this message. The DataLength parameter is set to the length of the message before truncation, the Buffer parameter contains as much of the message as fits, and the MQMD structure is filled in. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None, because the application expected this situation. 2080 (X'0820') MQRC_TRUNCATED_MSG_FAILED Explanation: On an MQGET call, the message length was too large to fit into the supplied buffer. The MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG option was not specified, so the message has not been removed from the queue. If this was a browse operation, the browse cursor remains where it was before this call, but if MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST was specified, the browse cursor is positioned logically before the highest-priority message on the queue. The DataLength field is set to the length of the message before truncation, the Buffer parameter contains as much of the message as fits, and the MQMD structure is filled in. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Supply a buffer that is at least as large as DataLength, or specify MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG if not all of the message data is required. 2082 (X'0822') MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying an alias queue as the target, but the BaseQName in the alias queue attributes is not recognized as a queue name. This reason code can also occur when BaseQName is the name of a cluster queue that cannot be resolved successfully. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the queue definitions. 2085 (X'0825') MQRC_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_NAME Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the object identified by the ObjectName and ObjectQMgrName fields in the object descriptor MQOD cannot be found. One of the following applies: v The ObjectQMgrName field is one of the following: Blank The name of the local queue manager The name of a local definition of a remote queue (a queue-manager alias) in which the RemoteQMgrName attribute is the name of the local queue manager but no object with the specified ObjectName and ObjectType exists on the local queue manager. v The object being opened is a cluster queue that is hosted on a remote queue manager, but the local queue manager does not have a defined route to the remote queue manager. v The object being opened is a queue definition that has QSGDISP(GROUP). Such definitions cannot be used with the MQOPEN and MQPUT1 calls. This can also occur in response to a command that specifies the name of an object or other item that does not exist. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid object name. Ensure that the name is padded to the right with blanks if necessary. If this is correct, check the object definitions. 2086 (X'0826') MQRC_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_Q_MGR Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, the ObjectQMgrName field in the object descriptor MQOD does not satisfy the naming rules for objects. For more information, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide. This reason also occurs if the ObjectType field in the


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

object descriptor has the value MQOT_Q_MGR, and the ObjectQMgrName field is not blank, but the name specified is not the name of the local queue manager. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid queue manager name. To refer to the local queue manager, a name consisting entirely of blanks or beginning with a null character can be used. Ensure that the name is padded to the right with blanks or terminated with a null character if necessary. 2087 (X'0827') MQRC_UNKNOWN_REMOTE_Q_MGR Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, an error occurred with the queue-name resolution, for one of the following reasons: v ObjectQMgrName is blank or the name of the local queue manager, ObjectName is the name of a local definition of a remote queue (or an alias to one), and one of the following is true: RemoteQMgrName is blank or the name of the local queue manager. Note that this error occurs even if XmitQName is not blank. XmitQName is blank, but there is no transmission queue defined with the name of RemoteQMgrName, and the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute is blank. RemoteQMgrName and RemoteQName specify a cluster queue that cannot be resolved successfully, and the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute is blank. v ObjectQMgrName is the name of a local definition of a remote queue (containing a queue-manager alias definition), and one of the following is true: RemoteQName is not blank. XmitQName is blank, but there is no transmission queue defined with the name of RemoteQMgrName, and the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute is blank. v ObjectQMgrName is not: Blank The name of the local queue manager The name of a transmission queue The name of a queue-manager alias definition (that is, a local definition of a remote queue with a blank RemoteQName) but the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute is blank and the queue manager is not part of a queue-sharing group with intra-group queuing enabled. v ObjectQMgrName is the name of a model queue. v The queue name is resolved through a cell directory. However, there is no queue defined with the same name as the remote queue manager name obtained from the cell directory, and the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute is blank. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the values specified for ObjectQMgrName and ObjectName. If these are correct, check the queue definitions. 2090 (X'082A') MQRC_WAIT_INTERVAL_ERROR Explanation: On the MQGET call, the value specified for the WaitInterval field in the GetMsgOpts parameter is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value greater than or equal to zero, or the special value MQWI_UNLIMITED if an indefinite wait is required. 2091 (X'082B') MQRC_XMIT_Q_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, a message is to be sent to a remote queue manager. The ObjectName or ObjectQMgrName field in the object descriptor specifies the name of a local definition of a remote queue but one of the following applies to the XmitQName attribute of the definition: v XmitQName is not blank, but specifies a queue that is not a local queue v XmitQName is blank, but RemoteQMgrName specifies a queue that is not a local queue This reason also occurs if the queue name is resolved through a cell directory, and the remote queue manager name obtained from the cell directory is the name of a queue, but this is not a local queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the values specified for ObjectName and ObjectQMgrName. If these are correct, check the queue definitions. For more information on transmission queues, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide. 2092 (X'082C') MQRC_XMIT_Q_USAGE_ERROR Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, a message is to be sent to a remote queue manager, but one of the following occurred: v ObjectQMgrName specifies the name of a local queue, but it does not have a Usage attribute of MQUS_TRANSMISSION. v The ObjectName or ObjectQMgrName field in the object descriptor specifies the name of a local definition of a remote queue but one of the following applies to the XmitQName attribute of the definition: XmitQName is not blank, but specifies a queue that does not have a Usage attribute of MQUS_TRANSMISSION XmitQName is blank, but RemoteQMgrName specifies a queue that does not have a Usage attribute of MQUS_TRANSMISSION
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

XmitQName specifies the queue SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE but the IGQ queue manager attribute indicates that IGQ is DISABLED. v The queue name is resolved through a cell directory, and the remote queue manager name obtained from the cell directory is the name of a local queue, but it does not have a Usage attribute of MQUS_TRANSMISSION. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the values specified for ObjectName and ObjectQMgrName. If these are correct, check the queue definitions. For more information on transmission queues, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide. 2093 (X'082D') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_PASS_ALL Explanation: An MQPUT call was issued with the MQPMO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT option specified in the PutMsgOpts parameter, but the queue had not been opened with the MQOO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT option. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT (or another option that implies it) when the queue is opened. 2094 (X'082E') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_PASS_IDENT Explanation: An MQPUT call was issued with the MQPMO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT option specified in the PutMsgOpts parameter, but the queue had not been opened with the MQOO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT option. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT (or another option that implies it) when the queue is opened. 2095 (X'082F') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_SET_ALL Explanation: An MQPUT call was issued with the MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT option specified in the PutMsgOpts parameter, but the queue had not been opened with the MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT option. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT when the queue is opened. 2096 (X'0830') MQRC_NOT_OPEN_FOR_SET_IDENT Explanation: An MQPUT call was issued with the MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT option specified in the PutMsgOpts parameter, but the queue had not been opened with the MQOO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT option. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT (or another option that implies it) when the queue is opened. 2097 (X'0831') MQRC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_ERROR Explanation: On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, MQPMO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT or MQPMO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT was specified, but the handle specified in the Context field of the PutMsgOpts parameter is either not a valid queue handle, or it is a valid queue handle but the queue was not opened with MQOO_SAVE_ALL_CONTEXT. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQOO_SAVE_ALL_CONTEXT when the queue referred to is opened. 2098 (X'0832') MQRC_CONTEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, MQPMO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT or MQPMO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT was specified, but the queue handle specified in the Context field of the PutMsgOpts parameter has no context associated with it. This arises if no message has yet been successfully retrieved with the queue handle referred to, or if the last successful MQGET call was a browse. This condition does not arise if the message that was last retrieved had no context associated with it. v On z/OS, if a message is received by a message channel agent that is putting messages with the authority of the user identifier in the message, this code is returned in the Feedback field of an exception report if the message has no context associated with it. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that a successful nonbrowse get call has been issued with the queue handle referred to. 2099 (X'0833') MQRC_SIGNAL1_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued, specifying MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL in the GetMsgOpts parameter, but the Signal1 field is not valid. v On z/OS, the address contained in the Signal1 field is not valid, or points to read-only storage. (It is not


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v On Windows 95, Windows 98, the window handle in the Signal1 field is not valid. This reason code occurs only in the following environments: z/OS, Windows 95, Windows 98. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the setting of the Signal1 field. 2100 (X'0834') MQRC_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS Explanation: An MQOPEN call was issued to create a dynamic queue, but a queue with the same name as the dynamic queue already exists. v On z/OS, a rare race condition can also give rise to this reason code; see the description of reason code MQRC_NAME_IN_USE for more details. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If supplying a dynamic queue name in full, ensure that it obeys the naming conventions for dynamic queues; if it does, either supply a different name, or delete the existing queue if it is no longer required. Alternatively, allow the queue manager to generate the name. If the queue manager is generating the name (either in part or in full), reissue the MQOPEN call. 2101 (X'0835') MQRC_OBJECT_DAMAGED Explanation: The object accessed by the call is damaged and cannot be used. For example, this may be because the definition of the object in main storage is not consistent, or because it differs from the definition of the object on disk, or because the definition on disk cannot be read. The object can be deleted, although it may not be possible to delete the associated user space. v On z/OS, this reason occurs when the DB2 list header or structure number associated with a shared queue is zero. This situation arises as a result of using the MQSC command DELETE CFSTRUCT to delete the DB2 structure definition. The command resets the list header and structure number to zero for each of the shared queues that references the deleted CF strcture. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: It may be necessary to stop and restart the queue manager, or to restore the queue-manager data from back-up storage. v On HP OpenVMS, OS/2, i5/OS, Compaq NonStop Kernel, and UNIX systems, consult the FFST record to obtain more detail about the problem. v On z/OS, delete the shared queue and redefine it using the MQSC command DEFINE QLOCAL. This will automatically define a CF structure and allocate list headers for it. 2102 (X'0836') MQRC_RESOURCE_PROBLEM Explanation: There are insufficient system resources to complete the call successfully. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Run the application when the machine is less heavily loaded. v On z/OS, check the operator console for messages that may provide additional information. v On HP OpenVMS, OS/2, i5/OS, Compaq NonStop Kernel, and UNIX systems, consult the FFST record to obtain more detail about the problem. 2103 (X'0837') MQRC_ANOTHER_Q_MGR_CONNECTED Explanation: An MQCONN or MQCONNX call was issued, but the thread or process is already connected to a different queue manager. The thread or process can connect to only one queue manager at a time. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. v On Windows, MTS objects do not receive this reason code, as connections to other queue managers are allowed. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Use the MQDISC call to disconnect from the queue manager that is already connected, and then issue the MQCONN or MQCONNX call to connect to the new queue manager. Disconnecting from the existing queue manager will close any queues that are currently open; it is recommended that any uncommitted units of work should be committed or backed out before the MQDISC call is issued. 2104 (X'0838') MQRC_UNKNOWN_REPORT_OPTION Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the Report field in the message descriptor MQMD contains one or more options that are not recognized by the local queue manager. The options are accepted. The options that cause this reason code to be returned depend on the destination of the message; see the description of REPORT in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more details. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: If this reason code is expected, no corrective action is required. If this reason code is not expected, do the following:
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

v Ensure that the Report field in the message descriptor is initialized with a value when the message descriptor is declared, or is assigned a value prior to the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call. v Ensure that the report options specified are valid; see the Report field described in the description of MQMD in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for valid report options. v If multiple report options are being set by adding the individual report options together, ensure that the same report option is not added twice. v Check that conflicting report options are not specified. For example, do not add both MQRO_EXCEPTION and MQRO_EXCEPTION_WITH_DATA to the Report field; only one of these can be specified. 2105 (X'0839') MQRC_STORAGE_CLASS_ERROR Explanation: The MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the storage-class object defined for the queue does not exist. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Create the storage-class object required by the queue, or modify the queue definition to use an existing storage class. The name of the storage-class object used by the queue is given by the StorageClass queue attribute. 2106 (X'083A') MQRC_COD_NOT_VALID_FOR_XCF_Q Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the Report field in the message descriptor MQMD specifies one of the MQRO_COD_* options and the target queue is an XCF queue. MQRO_COD_* options cannot be specified for XCF queues. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Remove the relevant MQRO_COD_* option. 2107 (X'083B') MQRC_XWAIT_CANCELED Explanation: An MQXWAIT call was issued, but the call has been canceled because a STOP CHINIT command has been issued (or the queue manager has been stopped, which causes the same effect). Refer to the WebSphere MQ Intercommunication book for details of the MQXWAIT call. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Tidy up and terminate. 2109 (X'083D') MQRC_SUPPRESSED_BY_EXIT Explanation: On any call other than MQCONN or MQDISC, the API crossing exit suppressed the call. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Obey the rules for MQI calls that the exit enforces. To find out the rules, see the writer of the exit. 2110 (X'083E') MQRC_FORMAT_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued with the MQGMO_CONVERT option specified in the GetMsgOpts parameter, but the message cannot be converted successfully due to an error associated with the message format. Possible errors include: v The format name in the message is MQFMT_NONE. v A user-written exit with the name specified by the Format field in the message cannot be found. v The message contains data that is not consistent with the format definition. The message is returned unconverted to the application issuing the MQGET call, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Check the format name that was specified when the message was put. If this is not 2108 (X'083C') MQRC_XWAIT_ERROR Explanation: An MQXWAIT call was issued, but the invocation was not valid for one of the following reasons: v The wait descriptor MQXWD contains data that is not valid. v The linkage stack level is not valid. v The addressing mode is not valid. v There are too many wait events outstanding. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Obey the rules for using the MQXWAIT call. Refer to the WebSphere MQ Intercommunication book for details of this call.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

one of the built-in formats, check that a suitable exit with the same name as the format is available for the queue manager to load. Verify that the data in the message corresponds to the format expected by the exit. 2111 (X'083F') MQRC_SOURCE_CCSID_ERROR Explanation: The coded character-set identifier from which character data is to be converted is not valid or not supported. This can occur on the MQGET call when the MQGMO_CONVERT option is included in the GetMsgOpts parameter; the coded character-set identifier in error is the CodedCharSetId field in the message being retrieved. In this case, the message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. This reason can also occur on the MQGET call when the message contains one or more MQ header structures (MQCIH, MQDLH, MQIIH, MQRMH), and the CodedCharSetId field in the message specifies a character set that does not have SBCS characters for the characters that are valid in queue names. MQ header structures containing such characters are not valid, and so the message is returned unconverted. The Unicode character set UCS-2 is an example of such a character set. If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data. This reason can also occur on the MQXCNVC call; the coded character-set identifier in error is the SourceCCSID parameter. Either the SourceCCSID parameter specifies a value that is not valid or not supported, or the SourceCCSID parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the character-set identifier that was specified when the message was put, or that was specified for the SourceCCSID parameter on the MQXCNVC call. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager conversion is supported. If queue-manager conversion is not supported for the specified character set, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2112 (X'0840') MQRC_SOURCE_INTEGER_ENC_ERROR Explanation: On an MQGET call, with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the Encoding value in the message being retrieved specifies an integer encoding that is not recognized. The message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data. This reason code can also occur on the MQXCNVC call, when the Options parameter contains an unsupported MQDCC_SOURCE_* value, or when MQDCC_SOURCE_ENC_UNDEFINED is specified for a UCS-2 code page. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the integer encoding that was specified when the message was put. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager conversion is supported. If queue-manager conversion is not supported for the required integer encoding, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2113 (X'0841') MQRC_SOURCE_DECIMAL_ENC_ERROR Explanation: On an MQGET call with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the Encoding value in the message being retrieved specifies a decimal encoding that is not recognized. The message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Check the decimal encoding that was specified when the message was put. If this is
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager conversion is supported. If queue-manager conversion is not supported for the required decimal encoding, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2114 (X'0842') MQRC_SOURCE_FLOAT_ENC_ERROR Explanation: On an MQGET call, with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the Encoding value in the message being retrieved specifies a floating-point encoding that is not recognized. The message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Check the floating-point encoding that was specified when the message was put. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager conversion is supported. If queue-manager conversion is not supported for the required floating-point encoding, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2115 (X'0843') MQRC_TARGET_CCSID_ERROR Explanation: The coded character-set identifier to which character data is to be converted is not valid or not supported. This can occur on the MQGET call when the MQGMO_CONVERT option is included in the GetMsgOpts parameter; the coded character-set identifier in error is the CodedCharSetId field in the MsgDesc parameter. In this case, the message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. This reason can also occur on the MQGET call when the message contains one or more MQ header structures (MQCIH, MQDLH, MQIIH, MQRMH), and the CodedCharSetId field in the MsgDesc parameter specifies a character set that does not have SBCS characters for the characters that are valid in queue names. The Unicode character set UCS-2 is an example of such a character set. This reason can also occur on the MQXCNVC call; the coded character-set identifier in error is the TargetCCSID parameter. Either the TargetCCSID parameter specifies a value that is not valid or not supported, or the TargetCCSID parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the character-set identifier that was specified for the CodedCharSetId field in the MsgDesc parameter on the MQGET call, or that was specified for the SourceCCSID parameter on the MQXCNVC call. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager conversion is supported. If queue-manager conversion is not supported for the specified character set, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2116 (X'0844') MQRC_TARGET_INTEGER_ENC_ERROR Explanation: On an MQGET call with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the Encoding value in the MsgDesc parameter specifies an integer encoding that is not recognized. The message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message being retrieved, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. This reason code can also occur on the MQXCNVC call, when the Options parameter contains an unsupported MQDCC_TARGET_* value, or when MQDCC_TARGET_ENC_UNDEFINED is specified for a UCS-2 code page. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the integer encoding that was specified. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager conversion is supported. If queue-manager conversion is not supported for the required integer encoding, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2117 (X'0845') MQRC_TARGET_DECIMAL_ENC_ERROR Explanation: On an MQGET call with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the Encoding value in the MsgDesc parameter specifies a decimal encoding that is not recognized. The message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Programmer Response: Check the decimal encoding that was specified. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager conversion is supported. If queue-manager conversion is not supported for the required decimal encoding, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2118 (X'0846') MQRC_TARGET_FLOAT_ENC_ERROR Explanation: On an MQGET call with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the Encoding value in the MsgDesc parameter specifies a floating-point encoding that is not recognized. The message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Check the floating-point encoding that was specified. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager conversion is supported. If queue-manager conversion is not supported for the required floating-point encoding, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2119 (X'0847') MQRC_NOT_CONVERTED Explanation: An MQGET call was issued with the MQGMO_CONVERT option specified in the GetMsgOpts parameter, but an error occurred during conversion of the data in the message. The message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING. If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data. This error may also indicate that a parameter to the data-conversion service is not supported. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Check that the message data is correctly described by the Format, CodedCharSetId and Encoding parameters that were specified when the message was put. Also check that these values, and the CodedCharSetId and Encoding specified in the MsgDesc parameter on the MQGET call, are supported for queue-manager conversion. If the required conversion is not supported, conversion must be carried out by the application. 2120 (X'0848') MQRC_CONVERTED_MSG_TOO_BIG Explanation: On an MQGET call with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the message data expanded during data conversion and exceeded the size of the buffer provided by the application. However, the message had already been removed from the queue because prior to conversion the message data could be accommodated in the application buffer without truncation. The message is returned unconverted, with the CompCode parameter of the MQGET call set to MQCC_WARNING. If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own character-set and encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various character-set and encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data. This reason can also occur on the MQXCNVC call, when the TargetBuffer parameter is too small too accommodate the converted string, and the string has been truncated to fit in the buffer. The length of valid data returned is given by the DataLength parameter; in the case of a DBCS string or mixed SBCS/DBCS string, this length may be less than the length of TargetBuffer. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: For the MQGET call, check that the exit is converting the message data correctly and setting the output length DataLength to the appropriate value. If it is, the application issuing the MQGET call must provide a larger buffer for the Buffer parameter. For the MQXCNVC call, if the string must be converted without truncation, provide a larger output buffer. 2121 (X'0849') MQRC_NO_EXTERNAL_PARTICIPANTS Explanation: An MQBEGIN call was issued to start a unit of work coordinated by the queue manager, but no participating resource managers have been registered with the queue manager. As a result, only changes to MQ resources can be coordinated by the queue manager in the unit of work. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: If the application does not require non-MQ resources to participate in the unit of work, this reason code can be ignored or the MQBEGIN call removed. Otherwise consult your system programmer to determine why the required
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

resource managers have not been registered with the queue manager; the queue managers configuration file may be in error. 2122 (X'084A') MQRC_PARTICIPANT_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQBEGIN call was issued to start a unit of work coordinated by the queue manager, but one or more of the participating resource managers that had been registered with the queue manager is not available. As a result, changes to those resources cannot be coordinated by the queue manager in the unit of work. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: If the application does not require non-MQ resources to participate in the unit of work, this reason code can be ignored. Otherwise consult your system programmer to determine why the required resource managers are not available. The resource manager may have been halted temporarily, or there may be an error in the queue managers configuration file. 2123 (X'084B') MQRC_OUTCOME_MIXED Explanation: The queue manager is acting as the unit-of-work coordinator for a unit of work that involves other resource managers, but one of the following occurred: v An MQCMIT or MQDISC call was issued to commit the unit of work, but one or more of the participating resource managers backed-out the unit of work instead of committing it. As a result, the outcome of the unit of work is mixed. v An MQBACK call was issued to back out a unit of work, but one or more of the participating resource managers had already committed the unit of work. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Examine the queue-manager error logs for messages relating to the mixed outcome; these messages identify the resource managers that are affected. Use procedures local to the affected resource managers to resynchronize the resources. This reason code does not prevent the application initiating further units of work. 2124 (X'084C') MQRC_OUTCOME_PENDING Explanation: The queue manager is acting as the unit-of-work coordinator for a unit of work that involves other resource managers, and an MQCMIT or 2126 (X'084E') MQRC_BRIDGE_STOPPED Explanation: The WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge has been stopped. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2127 (X'084F') MQRC_ADAPTER_STORAGE_SHORTAGE Explanation: On an MQCONN call, the adapter was unable to acquire storage. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Notify the system programmer. The system programmer should determine why the system is short on storage, and take appropriate action, for example, increase the region size on the step or job card. 2128 (X'0850') MQRC_UOW_IN_PROGRESS Explanation: An MQBEGIN call was issued to start a unit of work coordinated by the queue manager, but a unit of work is already in existence for the connection handle specified. This may be a global unit of work started by a previous MQBEGIN call, or a unit of work that is local to the queue manager or one of the MQDISC call was issued to commit the unit of work, but one or more of the participating resource managers has not confirmed that the unit of work was committed successfully. The completion of the commit operation will happen at some point in the future, but there remains the possibility that the outcome will be mixed. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Use the normal error-reporting mechanisms to determine whether the outcome was mixed. If it was, take appropriate action to resynchronize the resources. This reason code does not prevent the application initiating further units of work. 2125 (X'084D') MQRC_BRIDGE_STARTED Explanation: The WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge has been started. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

cooperating resource managers. No more than one unit of work can exist concurrently for a connection handle. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Review the application logic to determine why there is a unit of work already in existence. Move the MQBEGIN call to the appropriate place in the application. 2129 (X'0851') MQRC_ADAPTER_CONN_LOAD_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONN call, the connection handling module (CSQBCON for batch and CSQQCONN for IMS) could not be loaded, so the adapter could not link to it. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct library concatenation has been specified in the batch application program execution JCL, and in the queue-manager startup JCL. 2130 (X'0852') MQRC_ADAPTER_SERV_LOAD_ERROR Explanation: On an MQI call, the batch adapter could not load the API service module CSQBSRV, and so could not link to it. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct library concatenation has been specified in the batch application program execution JCL, and in the queue-manager startup JCL. 2131 (X'0853') MQRC_ADAPTER_DEFS_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONN call, the subsystem definition module (CSQBDEFV for batch and CSQQDEFV for IMS) does not contain the required control block identifier. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check your library concatenation. If this is correct, check that the CSQBDEFV or CSQQDEFV module contains the required subsystem ID. 2134 (X'0856') MQRC_BO_ERROR Explanation: On an MQBEGIN call, the begin-options structure MQBO is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The StrucId field is not MQBO_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQBO_VERSION_1. v The parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The queue manager cannot copy the changed structure to application storage, even though the call is successful. This can occur, for example, if the pointer points to read-only storage. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that input fields in the MQBO structure are set correctly. 2135 (X'0857') MQRC_DH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQDH structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQDH_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQDH_VERSION_1. 2132 (X'0854') MQRC_ADAPTER_DEFS_LOAD_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONN call, the subsystem definition module (CSQBDEFV for batch and CSQQDEFV for IMS) could not be loaded. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct library concatenation has been specified in the application program execution JCL, and in the queue-manager startup JCL. 2133 (X'0855') MQRC_ADAPTER_CONV_LOAD_ERROR Explanation: On an MQGET call, the adapter (batch or IMS) could not load the data conversion services modules. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct library concatenation has been specified in the batch application program execution JCL, and in the queue-manager startup JCL.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

v The StrucLength field specifies a value that is too small to include the structure plus the arrays of MQOR and MQPMR records. v The CodedCharSetId field is zero, or a negative value that is not valid. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. Ensure that the application sets the CodedCharSetId field to a valid value (note: MQCCSI_DEFAULT, MQCCSI_EMBEDDED, MQCCSI_Q_MGR, and MQCCSI_UNDEFINED are not valid in this field). 2136 (X'0858') MQRC_MULTIPLE_REASONS Explanation: An MQOPEN, MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to open a distribution list or put a message to a distribution list, but the result of the call was not the same for all of the destinations in the list. One of the following applies: v The call succeeded for some of the destinations but not others. The completion code is MQCC_WARNING in this case. v The call failed for all of the destinations, but for differing reasons. The completion code is MQCC_FAILED in this case. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Examine the MQRR response records to identify the destinations for which the call failed, and the reason for the failure. Ensure that sufficient response records are provided by the application on the call to enable the error(s) to be determined. For the MQPUT1 call, the response records must be specified using the MQOD structure, and not the MQPMO structure. 2137 (X'0859') MQRC_OPEN_FAILED Explanation: A queue or other MQ object could not be opened successfully, for one of the following reasons: v An MQCONN or MQCONNX call was issued, but the queue manager was unable to open an object that is used internally by the queue manager. As a result, processing cannot continue. The error log will contain the name of the object that could not be opened. v An MQPUT call was issued to put a message to a distribution list, but the message could not be sent to the destination to which this reason code applies because that destination was not opened successfully by the MQOPEN call. This reason occurs only in the Reason field of the MQRR response record. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do one of the following: v If the error occurred on the MQCONN or MQCONNX call, ensure that the required objects exist by running the following command and then retrying the application: STRMQM -c qmgr where qmgr should be replaced by the name of the queue manager. v If the error occurred on the MQPUT call, examine the MQRR response records specified on the MQOPEN call to determine the reason that the queue failed to open. Ensure that sufficient response records are provided by the application on the call to enable the error(s) to be determined. 2138 (X'085A') MQRC_ADAPTER_DISC_LOAD_ERROR Explanation: On an MQDISC call, the disconnect handling module (CSQBDSC for batch and CSQQDISC for IMS) could not be loaded, so the adapter could not link to it. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct library concatenation has been specified in the application program execution JCL, and in the queue-manager startup JCL. Any uncommitted changes in a unit of work should be backed out. A unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically. 2139 (X'085B') MQRC_CNO_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the connect-options structure MQCNO is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The StrucId field is not MQCNO_STRUC_ID. v The Version field specifies a value that is not valid or not supported. v The parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The queue manager cannot copy the changed structure to application storage, even though the call


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

is successful. This can occur, for example, if the parameter pointer points to read-only storage. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that input fields in the MQCNO structure are set correctly. 2140 (X'085C') MQRC_CICS_WAIT_FAILED Explanation: On any MQI call, the CICS adapter issued an EXEC CICS WAIT request, but the request was rejected by CICS. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Examine the CICS trace data for actual response codes. The most likely cause is that the task has been canceled by the operator or by the system. 2141 (X'085D') MQRC_DLH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQDLH structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQDLH_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQDLH_VERSION_1. v The CodedCharSetId field is zero, or a negative value that is not valid. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. Ensure that the application sets the CodedCharSetId field to a valid value (note: MQCCSI_DEFAULT, MQCCSI_EMBEDDED, MQCCSI_Q_MGR, and MQCCSI_UNDEFINED are not valid in this field). 2142 (X'085E') MQRC_HEADER_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQ header structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not valid. v The Version field is not valid. v The StrucLength field specifies a value that is too small. v The CodedCharSetId field is zero, or a negative value that is not valid. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. Ensure that the application sets the CodedCharSetId field to a valid value (note: MQCCSI_DEFAULT, MQCCSI_EMBEDDED, MQCCSI_Q_MGR, and MQCCSI_UNDEFINED are not valid in this field). 2143 (X'085F') MQRC_SOURCE_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: On the MQXCNVC call, the SourceLength parameter specifies a length that is less than zero or not consistent with the strings character set or content (for example, the character set is a double-byte character set, but the length is not a multiple of two). This reason also occurs if the SourceLength parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) This reason code can also occur on the MQGET call when the MQGMO_CONVERT option is specified. In this case it indicates that the MQRC_SOURCE_LENGTH_ERROR reason was returned by an MQXCNVC call issued by the data conversion exit. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a length that is zero or greater. If the reason code occurs on the MQGET call, check that the logic in the data-conversion exit is correct. 2144 (X'0860') MQRC_TARGET_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: On the MQXCNVC call, the TargetLength parameter is not valid for one of the following reasons: v TargetLength is less than zero. v The TargetLength parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The MQDCC_FILL_TARGET_BUFFER option is specified, but the value of TargetLength is such that the target buffer cannot be filled completely with valid characters. This can occur when TargetCCSID is a pure DBCS character set (such as UCS-2), but TargetLength specifies a length that is an odd number of bytes.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

This reason code can also occur on the MQGET call when the MQGMO_CONVERT option is specified. In this case it indicates that the MQRC_TARGET_LENGTH_ERROR reason was returned by an MQXCNVC call issued by the data conversion exit. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a length that is zero or greater. If the MQDCC_FILL_TARGET_BUFFER option is specified, and TargetCCSID is a pure DBCS character set, ensure that TargetLength specifies a length that is a multiple of two. If the reason code occurs on the MQGET call, check that the logic in the data-conversion exit is correct. 2145 (X'0861') MQRC_SOURCE_BUFFER_ERROR Explanation: On the MQXCNVC call, the SourceBuffer parameter pointer is not valid, or points to storage that cannot be accessed for the entire length specified by SourceLength. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) This reason code can also occur on the MQGET call when the MQGMO_CONVERT option is specified. In this case it indicates that the MQRC_SOURCE_BUFFER_ERROR reason was returned by an MQXCNVC call issued by the data conversion exit. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid buffer. If the reason code occurs on the MQGET call, check that the logic in the data-conversion exit is correct. 2146 (X'0862') MQRC_TARGET_BUFFER_ERROR Explanation: On the MQXCNVC call, the TargetBuffer parameter pointer is not valid, or points to read-only storage, or to storage that cannot be accessed for the entire length specified by TargetLength. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) This reason code can also occur on the MQGET call when the MQGMO_CONVERT option is specified. In this case it indicates that the MQRC_TARGET_BUFFER_ERROR reason was returned by an MQXCNVC call issued by the data conversion exit. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid buffer. If the reason code occurs on the MQGET call, check that the logic in the data-conversion exit is correct. 2148 (X'0864') MQRC_IIH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQIIH structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQIIH_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQIIH_VERSION_1. v The StrucLength field is not MQIIH_LENGTH_1. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2149 (X'0865') MQRC_PCF_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a message containing PCF data, but the length of the message does not equal the sum of the lengths of the PCF structures present in the message. This can occur for messages with the following format names: MQFMT_ADMIN MQFMT_EVENT MQFMT_PCF This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the length of the message specified on the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call equals the sum of the lengths of the PCF structures contained within the message data. 2150 (X'0866') MQRC_DBCS_ERROR Explanation: An error was encountered attempting to convert a double-byte character set (DBCS) string. This can occur in the following cases: v On the MQXCNVC call, when the SourceCCSID parameter specifies the coded character-set identifier of a double-byte character set, but the SourceBuffer parameter does not contain a valid DBCS string. This may be because the string contains characters that are not valid DBCS characters, or because the string is a mixed SBCS/DBCS string and the shift-out/shift-in characters are not correctly paired. The completion code is MQCC_FAILED in this case. v On the MQGET call, when the MQGMO_CONVERT option is specified. In this case it indicates that the MQRC_DBCS_ERROR reason code was returned by


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

an MQXCNVC call issued by the data conversion exit. The completion code is MQCC_WARNING in this case. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid string. If the reason code occurs on the MQGET call, check that the data in the message is valid, and that the logic in the data-conversion exit is correct. 2152 (X'0868') MQRC_OBJECT_NAME_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued to open a distribution list (that is, the RecsPresent field in MQOD is greater than zero), but the ObjectName field is neither blank nor the null string. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If it is intended to open a distribution list, set the ObjectName field to blanks or the null string. If it is not intended to open a distribution list, set the RecsPresent field to zero. 2153 (X'0869') MQRC_OBJECT_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued to open a distribution list (that is, the RecsPresent field in MQOD is greater than zero), but the ObjectQMgrName field is neither blank nor the null string. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If it is intended to open a distribution list, set the ObjectQMgrName field to blanks or the null string. If it is not intended to open a distribution list, set the RecsPresent field to zero. 2154 (X'086A') MQRC_RECS_PRESENT_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the call failed for one of the following reasons: v RecsPresent in MQOD is less than zero. v ObjectType in MQOD is not MQOT_Q, and RecsPresent is not zero. RecsPresent must be zero if the object being opened is not a queue. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that one of ObjectRecOffset and ObjectRecPtr is zero and the other nonzero. Ensure that the field used points to accessible storage. 2156 (X'086C') MQRC_RESPONSE_RECORDS_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued to open a distribution list (that is, the RecsPresent field in MQOD is greater than zero), but the MQRR response records are not specified correctly. One of the following applies: v ResponseRecOffset is not zero and ResponseRecPtr is not zero and not the null pointer. v ResponseRecPtr is not a valid pointer. v ResponseRecPtr or ResponseRecOffset points to storage that is not accessible. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that at least one of ResponseRecOffset and ResponseRecPtr is zero. Ensure that the field used points to accessible storage. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If it is intended to open a distribution list, set the ObjectType field to MQOT_Q and RecsPresent to the number of destinations in the list. If it is not intended to open a distribution list, set the RecsPresent field to zero. 2155 (X'086B') MQRC_OBJECT_RECORDS_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued to open a distribution list (that is, the RecsPresent field in MQOD is greater than zero), but the MQOR object records are not specified correctly. One of the following applies: v ObjectRecOffset is zero and ObjectRecPtr is zero or the null pointer. v ObjectRecOffset is not zero and ObjectRecPtr is not zero and not the null pointer. v ObjectRecPtr is not a valid pointer. v ObjectRecPtr or ObjectRecOffset points to storage that is not accessible.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

2157 (X'086D') MQRC_ASID_MISMATCH Explanation: On any MQI call, the callers primary ASID was found to be different from the home ASID. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the application (MQI calls cannot be issued in cross-memory mode). Any uncommitted changes in a unit of work should be backed out. A unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically. 2158 (X'086E') MQRC_PMO_RECORD_FLAGS_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a message, but the PutMsgRecFields field in the MQPMO structure is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The field contains flags that are not valid. v The message is being put to a distribution list, and put message records have been provided (that is, RecsPresent is greater than zero, and one of PutMsgRecOffset or PutMsgRecPtr is nonzero), but PutMsgRecFields has the value MQPMRF_NONE. v MQPMRF_ACCOUNTING_TOKEN is specified without either MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT or MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that PutMsgRecFields is set with the appropriate MQPMRF_* flags to indicate which fields are present in the put message records. If MQPMRF_ACCOUNTING_TOKEN is specified, ensure that either MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT or MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT is also specified. Alternatively, set both PutMsgRecOffset and PutMsgRecPtr to zero. 2159 (X'086F') MQRC_PUT_MSG_RECORDS_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a message to a distribution list, but the MQPMR put message records are not specified correctly. One of the following applies: v PutMsgRecOffset is not zero and PutMsgRecPtr is not zero and not the null pointer. v PutMsgRecPtr is not a valid pointer. v PutMsgRecPtr or PutMsgRecOffset points to storage that is not accessible. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. 2160 (X'0870') MQRC_CONN_ID_IN_USE Explanation: On an MQCONN call, the connection identifier assigned by the queue manager to the connection between a CICS or IMS allied address space and the queue manager conflicts with the connection identifier of another connected CICS or IMS system. The connection identifier assigned is as follows: v For CICS, the applid v For IMS, the IMSID parameter on the IMSCTRL (sysgen) macro, or the IMSID parameter on the execution parameter (EXEC card in IMS control region JCL) v For batch, the job name v For TSO, the user ID A conflict arises only if there are two CICS systems, two IMS systems, or one each of CICS and IMS, having the same connection identifiers. Batch and TSO connections need not have unique identifiers. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the naming conventions used in different systems that might connect to the queue manager do not conflict. 2161 (X'0871') MQRC_Q_MGR_QUIESCING Explanation: An MQI call was issued, but the call failed because the queue manager is quiescing (preparing to shut down). When the queue manager is quiescing, the MQOPEN, MQPUT, MQPUT1, and MQGET calls can still complete successfully, but the application can request that they fail by specifying the appropriate option on the call: v MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING on MQOPEN v MQPMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING on MQPUT or MQPUT1 v MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING on MQGET Specifying these options enables the application to become aware that the queue manager is preparing to shut down. v On z/OS: For batch applications, this reason can be returned to applications running in LPARs that do not have a queue manager installed. For CICS applications, this reason can be returned when no connection was established. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that at least one of PutMsgRecOffset and PutMsgRecPtr is zero. Ensure that the field used points to accessible storage.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

v On i5/OS for applications running in compatibility mode, this reason can be returned when no connection was established. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The application should tidy up and end. If the application specified the MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING, MQPMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING, or MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING option on the failing call, the relevant option can be removed and the call reissued. By omitting these options, the application can continue working in order to complete and commit the current unit of work, but the application should not start a new unit of work. 2162 (X'0872') MQRC_Q_MGR_STOPPING Explanation: An MQI call was issued, but the call failed because the queue manager is shutting down. If the call was an MQGET call with the MQGMO_WAIT option, the wait has been canceled. No more MQI calls can be issued. For MQ client applications, it is possible that the call did complete successfully, even though this reason code is returned with a CompCode of MQCC_FAILED. v On z/OS, the MQRC_CONNECTION_BROKEN reason may be returned instead if, as a result of system scheduling factors, the queue manager shuts down before the call completes. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The application should tidy up and end. If the application is in the middle of a unit of work coordinated by an external unit-of-work coordinator, the application should issue the appropriate call to back out the unit of work. Any unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically. 2163 (X'0873') MQRC_DUPLICATE_RECOV_COORD Explanation: On an MQCONN or MQCONNX call, a recovery coordinator already exists for the connection name specified on the connection call issued by the adapter. A conflict arises only if there are two CICS systems, two IMS systems, or one each of CICS and IMS, having the same connection identifiers. Batch and TSO connections need not have unique identifiers. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the naming conventions used in different systems that might connect to the queue manager do not conflict. 2173 (X'087D') MQRC_PMO_ERROR Explanation: On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, the MQPMO structure is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The StrucId field is not MQPMO_STRUC_ID. v The Version field specifies a value that is not valid or not supported. v The parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The queue manager cannot copy the changed structure to application storage, even though the call is successful. This can occur, for example, if the pointer points to read-only storage. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that input fields in the MQPMO structure are set correctly. 2183 (X'0887') MQRC_API_EXIT_LOAD_ERROR Explanation: The API crossing exit module could not be linked. If this reason is returned when the API crossing exit is invoked after the call has been executed, the call itself may have executed correctly. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct library concatenation has been specified, and that the API crossing exit module is executable and correctly named. Any uncommitted changes in a unit of work should be backed out. A unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically. 2184 (X'0888') MQRC_REMOTE_Q_NAME_ERROR Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, one of the following occurred: v A local definition of a remote queue (or an alias to one) was specified, but the RemoteQName attribute in the remote queue definition is entirely blank. Note that this error occurs even if the XmitQName in the definition is not blank. v The ObjectQMgrName field in the object descriptor is not blank and not the name of the local queue manager, but the ObjectName field is blank. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Alter the local definition of the remote queue and supply a valid remote queue name, or supply a nonblank ObjectName in the object descriptor, as appropriate.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

2185 (X'0889') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_PERSISTENCE Explanation: An MQPUT call was issued to put a message in a group or a segment of a logical message, but the value specified or defaulted for the Persistence field in MQMD is not consistent with the current group and segment information retained by the queue manager for the queue handle. All messages in a group and all segments in a logical message must have the same value for persistence, that is, all must be persistent, or all must be nonpersistent. If the current call specifies MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, the call fails. If the current call does not specify MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, but the previous MQPUT call for the queue handle did, the call succeeds with completion code MQCC_WARNING. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application to ensure that the same value of persistence is used for all messages in the group, or all segments of the logical message. 2186 (X'088A') MQRC_GMO_ERROR Explanation: On an MQGET call, the MQGMO structure is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The StrucId field is not MQGMO_STRUC_ID. v The Version field specifies a value that is not valid or not supported. v The parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The queue manager cannot copy the changed structure to application storage, even though the call is successful. This can occur, for example, if the pointer points to read-only storage. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that input fields in the MQGMO structure are set correctly. 2187 (X'088B') MQRC_CICS_BRIDGE_RESTRICTION Explanation: It is not permitted to issue MQI calls from user transactions that are run in a WebSphere MQ-CICS bridge environment where the bridge exit also issues MQI calls. The MQI call fails. If this occurs in the bridge exit, it will result in a transaction abend. If it occurs in the user transaction, this may result in a transaction abend. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The transaction cannot be run using the WebSphere MQ-CICS bridge. Refer to the appropriate CICS manual for information about restrictions in the bridge environment. 2188 (X'088C') MQRC_STOPPED_BY_CLUSTER_EXIT Explanation: An MQOPEN, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call was issued to open or put a message on a cluster queue, but the cluster workload exit rejected the call. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the cluster workload exit to ensure that it has been written correctly. Determine why it rejected the call and correct the problem. 2189 (X'088D') MQRC_CLUSTER_RESOLUTION_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call was issued to open or put a message on a cluster queue, but the queue definition could not be resolved correctly because a response was required from the repository manager but none was available. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the repository manager is operating and that the queue and channel definitions are correct. 2190 (X'088E') MQRC_CONVERTED_STRING_TOO_BIG Explanation: On an MQGET call with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, a string in a fixed-length field in the message expanded during data conversion and exceeded the size of the field. When this happens, the queue manager tries discarding trailing blank characters and characters following the first null character in order to make the string fit, but in this case there were insufficient characters that could be discarded. This reason code can also occur for messages with a format name of MQFMT_IMS_VAR_STRING. When this happens, it indicates that the IMS variable string expanded such that its length exceeded the capacity of the 2-byte binary length field contained within the structure of the IMS variable string. (The queue


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

manager never discards trailing blanks in an IMS variable string.) The message is returned unconverted, with the CompCode parameter of the MQGET call set to MQCC_WARNING. If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own character-set and encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various character-set and encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data. This reason code does not occur if the string could be made to fit by discarding trailing blank characters. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the message contain the correct values, and that the character-set identifiers specified by the sender and receiver of the message are correct. If they are, the layout of the data in the message must be modified to increase the lengths of the field(s) so that there is sufficient space to allow the string(s) to expand when converted. 2191 (X'088F') MQRC_TMC_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQTMC2 structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQTMC_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQTMC_VERSION_2. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2192 (X'0890') MQRC_PAGESET_FULL Explanation: Former name for MQRC_STORAGE_MEDIUM_FULL. 2192 (X'0890') MQRC_STORAGE_MEDIUM_FULL Explanation: An MQI call or command was issued to operate on an object, but the call failed because the external storage medium is full. One of the following applies: v A page-set data set is full (nonshared queues only). v A coupling-facility structure is full (shared queues only). v A DB2 tablespace is full (shared queues only). This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check which queues contain messages and look for applications that might be filling the queues unintentionally. Be aware that the queue that has caused the page set or coupling-facility structure to become full is not necessarily the queue referenced by the MQI call that returned MQRC_STORAGE_MEDIUM_FULL. Check that all of the usual server applications are operating correctly and processing the messages on the queues. If the applications and servers are operating correctly, increase the number of server applications to cope with the message load, or request the system programmer to increase the size of the page-set data sets. 2193 (X'0891') MQRC_PAGESET_ERROR Explanation: An error was encountered with the page set while attempting to access it for a locally defined queue. This could be because the queue is on a page set that does not exist. A console message is issued that tells you the number of the page set in error. For example if the error occurred in the TEST job, and your user identifier is ABCDEFG, the message is: CSQI041I CSQIALLC JOB TEST USER ABCDEFG HAD ERROR ACCESSING PAGE If this reason code occurs while attempting to delete a dynamic queue with MQCLOSE, the dynamic queue has not been deleted. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the storage class for the queue maps to a valid page set using the DISPLAY Q(xx) STGCLASS, DISPLAY STGCLASS(xx), and DISPLAY USAGE PSID commands. If you are unable to resolve the problem, notify the system programmer who should: v Collect the following diagnostic information: A description of the actions that led to the error A listing of the application program being run at the time of the error Details of the page sets defined for use by the queue manager v Attempt to re-create the problem, and take a system dump immediately after the error occurs v Contact your IBM Support Center

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

2194 (X'0892') MQRC_NAME_NOT_VALID_FOR_TYPE Explanation: An MQOPEN call was issued to open the queue manager definition, but the ObjectName field in the ObjDesc parameter is not blank. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the ObjectName field is set to blanks. 2195 (X'0893') MQRC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR Explanation: The call was rejected because an unexpected error occurred. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the applications parameter list to ensure, for example, that the correct number of parameters was passed, and that data pointers and storage keys are valid. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your system programmer. v On z/OS, check whether any information has been displayed on the console. If this error occurs on an MQCONN or MQCONNX call, check that the subsystem named is an active MQ subsystem. In particular, check that it is not a DB2 subsystem. If the problem cannot be resolved, rerun the application with a CSQSNAP DD card (if you have not already got a dump) and send the resulting dump to IBM. v On OS/2 and i5/OS, consult the FFST record to obtain more detail about the problem. v On HP OpenVMS, Compaq NonStop Kernel, and UNIX systems, consult the FDC file to obtain more detail about the problem. 2196 (X'0894') MQRC_UNKNOWN_XMIT_Q Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, a message is to be sent to a remote queue manager. The ObjectName or the ObjectQMgrName in the object descriptor specifies the name of a local definition of a remote queue (in the latter case queue-manager aliasing is being used), but the XmitQName attribute of the definition is not blank and not the name of a locally-defined queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the values specified for ObjectName and ObjectQMgrName. If these are correct, check the queue definitions. For more information on transmission queues, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide. 2197 (X'0895') MQRC_UNKNOWN_DEF_XMIT_Q Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying a remote queue as the destination. If a local definition of the remote queue was specified, or if a queue-manager alias is being resolved, the XmitQName attribute in the local definition is blank. Because there is no queue defined with the same name as the destination queue manager, the queue manager has attempted to use the default transmission queue. However, the name defined by the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute is not the name of a locally-defined queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the queue definitions, or the queue-manager attribute. See the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more information. 2198 (X'0896') MQRC_DEF_XMIT_Q_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying a remote queue as the destination. Either a local definition of the remote queue was specified, or a queue-manager alias was being resolved, but in either case the XmitQName attribute in the local definition is blank. Because there is no transmission queue defined with the same name as the destination queue manager, the local queue manager has attempted to use the default transmission queue. However, although there is a queue defined by the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute, it is not a local queue. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do one of the following: v Specify a local transmission queue as the value of the XmitQName attribute in the local definition of the remote queue. v Define a local transmission queue with a name that is the same as that of the remote queue manager. v Specify a local transmission queue as the value of the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute. See the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more information. 2199 (X'0897') MQRC_DEF_XMIT_Q_USAGE_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying a remote queue as the destination. Either a local definition of the remote queue was specified, or a queue-manager alias was being resolved, but in either case the XmitQName attribute in the local definition is blank. Because there is no transmission queue defined with the same name as the destination queue manager, the local queue manager has attempted to use the default transmission queue. However, the queue defined by the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute does not have a Usage attribute of MQUS_TRANSMISSION. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do one of the following:


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

v Specify a local transmission queue as the value of the XmitQName attribute in the local definition of the remote queue. v Define a local transmission queue with a name that is the same as that of the remote queue manager. v Specify a different local transmission queue as the value of the DefXmitQName queue-manager attribute. v Change the Usage attribute of the DefXmitQName queue to MQUS_TRANSMISSION. See the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more information. 2201 (X'0899') MQRC_NAME_IN_USE Explanation: An MQOPEN call was issued to create a dynamic queue, but a queue with the same name as the dynamic queue already exists. The existing queue is one that is logically deleted, but for which there are still one or more open handles. For more information, see the description of MQCLOSE in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Either ensure that all handles for the previous dynamic queue are closed, or ensure that the name of the new queue is unique; see the description for reason code MQRC_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS. 2202 (X'089A') MQRC_CONNECTION_QUIESCING Explanation: This reason code is issued when the connection to the queue manager is in quiescing state, and an application issues one of the following calls: v MQCONN or MQCONNX v MQOPEN, with no connection established, or with MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING included in the Options parameter v MQGET, with MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING included in the Options field of the GetMsgOpts parameter v MQPUT or MQPUT1, with MQPMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING included in the Options field of the PutMsgOpts parameter MQRC_CONNECTION_QUIESCING is also issued by the message channel agent (MCA) or the intra-group queuing agent (IGQ agent) when the queue manager is in quiescing state. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The application should tidy up and terminate. Any uncommitted changes in a unit of work should be backed out. 2203 (X'089B') MQRC_CONNECTION_STOPPING Explanation: This reason code is issued when the connection to the queue manager is shutting down, and the application issues an MQI call. No more message-queuing calls can be issued. For the MQGET call, if the MQGMO_WAIT option was specified, the wait is canceled. Note that the MQRC_CONNECTION_BROKEN reason may be returned instead if, as a result of system scheduling factors, the queue manager shuts down before the call completes. MQRC_CONNECTION_STOPPING is also issued by the message channel agent (MCA) when the queue manager is shutting down. For MQ client applications, it is possible that the call did complete successfully, even though this reason code is returned with a CompCode of MQCC_FAILED. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The application should tidy up and terminate. Any uncommitted changes in a unit of work should be backed out. A unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically. 2204 (X'089C') MQRC_ADAPTER_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: This is issued only for CICS applications, if any call is issued and the CICS adapter (a Task Related User Exit) has been disabled, or has not been enabled. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The application should tidy up and terminate. Any uncommitted changes in a unit of work should be backed out. A unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically. 2206 (X'089E') MQRC_MSG_ID_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued to retrieve a message using the message identifier as a selection criterion, but the call failed because selection by message identifier is not supported on this queue. v On z/OS, the queue is a shared queue, but the IndexType queue attribute does not have an appropriate value: If selection is by message identifier alone, IndexType must have the value MQIT_MSG_ID. If selection is by message identifier and correlation identifier combined, IndexType must have the value MQIT_MSG_ID or MQIT_CORREL_ID. v On Compaq NonStop Kernel, a key file is required but has not been defined.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do one of the following: v Modify the application so that it does not use selection by message identifier: set the MsgId field to MQMI_NONE and do not specify MQMO_MATCH_MSG_ID in MQGMO. v On z/OS, change the IndexType queue attribute to MQIT_MSG_ID. v On Compaq NonStop Kernel, define a key file. 2207 (X'089F') MQRC_CORREL_ID_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued to retrieve a message using the correlation identifier as a selection criterion, but the call failed because selection by correlation identifier is not supported on this queue. v On z/OS, the queue is a shared queue, but the IndexType queue attribute does not have an appropriate value: If selection is by correlation identifier alone, IndexType must have the value MQIT_CORREL_ID. If selection is by correlation identifier and message identifier combined, IndexType must have the value MQIT_CORREL_ID or MQIT_MSG_ID. v On Compaq NonStop Kernel, a key file is required but has not been defined. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do one of the following: v On z/OS, change the IndexType queue attribute to MQIT_CORREL_ID. v On Compaq NonStop Kernel, define a key file. v Modify the application so that it does not use selection by correlation identifier: set the CorrelId field to MQCI_NONE and do not specify MQMO_MATCH_CORREL_ID in MQGMO. 2208 (X'08A0') MQRC_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from the file system, in attempting to perform an operation on a queue. This reason code occurs only on VSE/ESA. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the file system definition for the queue that was being accessed. For a VSAM file, check that the control interval is large enough for the maximum message length allowed for the queue. 2209 (X'08A1') MQRC_NO_MSG_LOCKED Explanation: An MQGET call was issued with the MQGMO_UNLOCK option, but no message was currently locked. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Check that a message was locked by an earlier MQGET call with the MQGMO_LOCK option for the same handle, and that no intervening call has caused the message to become unlocked. 2210 (X'08A2') MQRC_SOAP_DOTNET_ERROR Explanation: An exception from the .NET environment (as opposed to WebSphere MQ .NET) has been received and is included as an inner exception. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Refer to the .NET documentation for details about the inner exception. Follow the corrective action recommended there. 2211 (X'08A3') MQRC_SOAP_AXIS_ERROR Explanation: An exception from the Axis environment has been received and is included as a chained exception. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Refer to the Axis documentation for details about the chained exception. Follow the corrective action recommended there. 2212 (X'08A4') MQRC_SOAP_URL_ERROR Explanation: The SOAP URL has been specified incorrectly. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the SOAP URL and rerun. 2217 (X'08A9') MQRC_CONNECTION_NOT_AUTHORIZED Explanation: This reason code arises only for CICS applications. For these, connection to the queue manager is done by the adapter. If that connection fails because the CICS subsystem is not authorized to connect to the queue manager, this reason code is issued whenever an application running under that subsystem subsequently issues an MQI call. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the subsystem is authorized to connect to the queue manager. 2218 (X'08AA') MQRC_MSG_TOO_BIG_FOR_CHANNEL Explanation: A message was put to a remote queue, but the message is larger than the maximum message length allowed by the channel. This reason code is


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

returned in the Feedback field in the message descriptor of a report message. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the channel definitions. Increase the maximum message length that the channel can accept, or break the message into several smaller messages. 2219 (X'08AB') MQRC_CALL_IN_PROGRESS Explanation: The application issued an MQI call whilst another MQI call was already being processed for that connection. Only one call per application connection can be processed at a time. Concurrent calls can arise when an application uses multiple threads, or when an exit is invoked as part of the processing of an MQI call. For example, a data-conversion exit invoked as part of the processing of the MQGET call may try to issue an MQI call. v On z/OS, concurrent calls can arise only with batch or IMS applications; an example is when a subtask ends while an MQI call is in progress (for example, an MQGET that is waiting), and there is an end-of-task exit routine that issues another MQI call. v On OS/2 and Windows, concurrent calls can also arise if an MQI call is issued in response to a user message while another MQI call is in progress. v If the application is using multiple threads with shared handles, MQRC_CALL_IN_PROGRESS occurs when the handle specified on the call is already in use by another thread and MQCNO_HANDLE_SHARE_NO_BLOCK was specified on the MQCONNX call. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that an MQI call cannot be issued while another one is active. Do not issue MQI calls from within a data-conversion exit. v On z/OS, if you want to provide a subtask to allow an application that is waiting for a message to arrive to be canceled, wait for the message by using MQGET with MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL, rather than MQGMO_WAIT. 2220 (X'08AC') MQRC_RMH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQRMH structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQRMH_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQRMH_VERSION_1. v The StrucLength field specifies a value that is too small to include the structure plus the variable-length data at the end of the structure. v The CodedCharSetId field is zero, or a negative value that is not valid. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. Ensure that the application sets the CodedCharSetId field to a valid value (note: MQCCSI_DEFAULT, MQCCSI_EMBEDDED, MQCCSI_Q_MGR, and MQCCSI_UNDEFINED are not valid in this field). 2222 (X'08AE') MQRC_Q_MGR_ACTIVE Explanation: This condition is detected when a queue manager becomes active. v On z/OS, this event is not generated for the first start of a queue manager, only on subsequent restarts. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2223 (X'08AF') MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_ACTIVE Explanation: This condition is detected when a queue manager is requested to stop or quiesce. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2224 (X'08B0') MQRC_Q_DEPTH_HIGH Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call has caused the queue depth to be incremented to or above the limit specified in the QDepthHighLimit attribute. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2225 (X'08B1') MQRC_Q_DEPTH_LOW Explanation: An MQGET call has caused the queue depth to be decremented to or below the limit specified in the QDepthLowLimit attribute. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2226 (X'08B2') MQRC_Q_SERVICE_INTERVAL_HIGH Explanation: No successful gets or puts have been detected within an interval that is greater than the limit specified in the QServiceInterval attribute.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2227 (X'08B3') MQRC_Q_SERVICE_INTERVAL_OK Explanation: A successful get has been detected within an interval that is less than or equal to the limit specified in the QServiceInterval attribute. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2228 (X'08B4') MQRC_RFH_HEADER_FIELD_ERROR Explanation: An expected RFH header field was not found or had an invalid value. If this error occurs in a WebSphere MQ SOAP listener, the missing or erroneous field is either the contentType field or the transportVersion field or both. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If this error occurs in a WebSphere MQ SOAP listener, and you are using the IBM-supplied sender, contact your IBM Support Center. If you are using a bespoke sender, check the associated error message, and that the RFH2 section of the SOAP/MQ request message contains all the mandatory fields, and that these fields have valid values. 2229 (X'08B5') MQRC_RAS_PROPERTY_ERROR Explanation: There is an error related to the RAS property file. The file may be missing, it may be not accessible, or the commands in the file may be incorrect. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Look at the associated error message, which will explain the error in detail. Correct the error and retry. 2232 (X'08B8') MQRC_UNIT_OF_WORK_NOT_STARTED Explanation: An MQGET, MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to get or put a message within a unit of work, but no TM/MP transaction had been started. If MQGMO_NO_SYNCPOINT is not specified on MQGET, or MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT is not specified on MQPUT or MQPUT1 (the default), the call requires a unit of work. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure a TM/MP transaction is available, or issue the MQGET call with the MQGMO_NO_SYNCPOINT option, or the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call with the MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT 2234 (X'08BA') MQRC_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_ERROR Explanation: This condition is detected when the automatic definition of a channel fails; this may be because an error occurred during the definition process, or because the channel automatic-definition exit inhibited the definition. Additional information is returned in the event message indicating the reason for the failure. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Examine the additional information returned in the event message to determine the reason for the failure. 2235 (X'08BB') MQRC_CFH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFH structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2236 (X'08BC') MQRC_CFIL_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFIL or MQCFIL64 structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED option, which will cause a transaction to be started automatically. 2233 (X'08B9') MQRC_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_OK Explanation: This condition is detected when the automatic definition of a channel is successful. The channel is defined by the MCA. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2237 (X'08BD') MQRC_CFIN_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFIN or MQCFIN64 structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2238 (X'08BE') MQRC_CFSL_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFSL structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2239 (X'08BF') MQRC_CFST_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFST structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2241 (X'08C1') MQRC_INCOMPLETE_GROUP Explanation: An operation was attempted on a queue using a queue handle that had an incomplete message group. This reason code can arise in the following situations: v On the MQPUT call, when the application specifies MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER and attempts to put a message that is not in a group. The completion code is MQCC_FAILED in this case. v On the MQPUT call, when the application does not specify MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, but the previous MQPUT call for the queue handle did specify MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER. The completion code is MQCC_WARNING in this case. v On the MQGET call, when the application does not specify MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, but the This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If this reason code is expected, no corrective action is required. Otherwise, ensure that the MQPUT call for the last message in the group specifies MQMF_LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP. 2242 (X'08C2') MQRC_INCOMPLETE_MSG Explanation: An operation was attempted on a queue using a queue handle that had an incomplete logical message. This reason code can arise in the following situations: v On the MQPUT call, when the application specifies MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER and attempts to put a message that is not a segment, or that has a setting for the MQMF_LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP flag that is different from the previous message. The completion code is MQCC_FAILED in this case. v On the MQPUT call, when the application does not specify MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, but the previous MQPUT call for the queue handle did specify MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER. The completion code is MQCC_WARNING in this case. v On the MQGET call, when the application does not specify MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, but the previous MQGET call for the queue handle did specify MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER. The completion code is MQCC_WARNING in this case. v On the MQCLOSE call, when the application attempts to close the queue that has the incomplete logical message. The completion code is MQCC_WARNING in this case. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If this reason code is expected, no corrective action is required. Otherwise, ensure that the MQPUT call for the last segment specifies MQMF_LAST_SEGMENT.
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

previous MQGET call for the queue handle did specify MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER. The completion code is MQCC_WARNING in this case. v On the MQCLOSE call, when the application attempts to close the queue that has the incomplete message group. The completion code is MQCC_WARNING in this case. If there is an incomplete logical message as well as an incomplete message group, reason code MQRC_INCOMPLETE_MSG is returned in preference to MQRC_INCOMPLETE_GROUP.


Completion and reason codes

2243 (X'08C3') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_CCSIDS Explanation: An MQGET call was issued specifying the MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG option, but the message to be retrieved consists of two or more segments that have differing values for the CodedCharSetId field in MQMD. This can arise when the segments take different paths through the network, and some of those paths have MCA sender conversion enabled. The call succeeds with a completion code of MQCC_WARNING, but only the first few segments that have identical character-set identifiers are returned. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Remove the MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG option from the MQGET call and retrieve the remaining message segments one by one. 2244 (X'08C4') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_ENCODINGS Explanation: An MQGET call was issued specifying the MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG option, but the message to be retrieved consists of two or more segments that have differing values for the Encoding field in MQMD. This can arise when the segments take different paths through the network, and some of those paths have MCA sender conversion enabled. The call succeeds with a completion code of MQCC_WARNING, but only the first few segments that have identical encodings are returned. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Remove the MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG option from the MQGET call and retrieve the remaining message segments one by one. 2245 (X'08C5') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_UOW Explanation: One of the following applies: v An MQPUT call was issued to put a message in a group or a segment of a logical message, but the value specified or defaulted for the MQPMO_SYNCPOINT option is not consistent with the current group and segment information retained by the queue manager for the queue handle. If the current call specifies MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, the call fails. If the current call does not specify MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, but the previous MQPUT call for the queue handle did, the call succeeds with completion code MQCC_WARNING. v An MQGET call was issued to remove from the queue a message in a group or a segment of a logical message, but the value specified or defaulted for the MQGMO_SYNCPOINT option is not consistent with the current group and segment information retained by the queue manager for the queue handle. If the current call specifies MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, the call fails. If the current call does not specify MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, but the previous MQGET call for the queue handle did, the call succeeds with completion code MQCC_WARNING. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING or MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application to ensure that the same unit-of-work specification is used for all messages in the group, or all segments of the logical message. 2246 (X'08C6') MQRC_INVALID_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued specifying the MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG option with either MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR or MQGMO_BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR, but the message that is under the cursor has an MQMD with an Offset field that is greater than zero. Because MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG was specified, the message is not valid for retrieval. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Reposition the browse cursor so that it is located on a message whose Offset field in MQMD is zero. Alternatively, remove the MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG option. 2247 (X'08C7') MQRC_MATCH_OPTIONS_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued, but the value of the MatchOptions field in the GetMsgOpts parameter is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v An undefined option is specified. v All of the following are true: MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER is specified. There is a current message group or logical message for the queue handle.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Neither MQGMO_BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR nor MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR is specified. One or more of the MQMO_* options is specified. The values of the fields in the MsgDesc parameter corresponding to the MQMO_* options specified, differ from the values of those fields in the MQMD for the message to be returned next. v On z/OS, one or more of the options specified is not valid for the index type of the queue. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that only valid options are specified for the field. 2248 (X'08C8') MQRC_MDE_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQMDE structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQMDE_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQMDE_VERSION_2. v The StrucLength field is not MQMDE_LENGTH_2. v The CodedCharSetId field is zero, or a negative value that is not valid. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. Ensure that the application sets the CodedCharSetId field to a valid value (note: MQCCSI_DEFAULT, MQCCSI_EMBEDDED, MQCCSI_Q_MGR, and MQCCSI_UNDEFINED are not valid in this field). 2249 (X'08C9') MQRC_MSG_FLAGS_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the MsgFlags field in the message descriptor MQMD contains one or more message flags that are not recognized by the local queue manager. The message flags that cause this reason code to be returned depend on the destination of the message; see the description of REPORT in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more details. This reason code can also occur in the Feedback field in the MQMD of a report message, or in the Reason field in the MQDLH structure of a message on the dead-letter queue; in both cases it indicates that the destination queue manager does not support one or 2251 (X'08CB') MQRC_OFFSET_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the value of the Offset field in the MQMD or MQMDE structure is less than zero or greater than 999 999 999. This error can also occur on the MQPUT call if the Offset field would have become greater than 999 999 999 as a result of the call. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. more of the message flags specified by the sender of the message. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do the following: v Ensure that the MsgFlags field in the message descriptor is initialized with a value when the message descriptor is declared, or is assigned a value prior to the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call. Specify MQMF_NONE if no message flags are needed. v Ensure that the message flags specified are valid; see the MsgFlags field described in the description of MQMD in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide for valid message flags. v If multiple message flags are being set by adding the individual message flags together, ensure that the same message flag is not added twice. v On z/OS, ensure that the message flags specified are valid for the index type of the queue; see the description of the MsgFlags field in MQMD for further details. 2250 (X'08CA') MQRC_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the value of the MsgSeqNumber field in the MQMD or MQMDE structure is less than one or greater than 999 999 999. This error can also occur on the MQPUT call if the MsgSeqNumber field would have become greater than 999 999 999 as a result of the call. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value in the range 1 through 999 999 999. Do not attempt to create a message group containing more than 999 999 999 messages.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value in the range 0 through 999 999 999. Do not attempt to create a message segment that would extend beyond an offset of 999 999 999. 2252 (X'08CC') MQRC_ORIGINAL_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a report message that is a segment, but the OriginalLength field in the MQMD or MQMDE structure is either: v Less than the length of data in the message, or v Less than one (for a segment that is not the last segment), or v Less than zero (for a segment that is the last segment) This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value that is greater than zero. Zero is valid only for the last segment. 2253 (X'08CD') MQRC_SEGMENT_LENGTH_ZERO Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put the first or an intermediate segment of a logical message, but the length of the application message data in the segment (excluding any MQ headers that may be present) is zero. The length must be at least one for the first or intermediate segment. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the application logic to ensure that segments are put with a length of one or greater. Only the last segment of a logical message is permitted to have a length of zero. 2255 (X'08CF') MQRC_UOW_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call was issued to get or put a message outside a unit of work, but the options specified on the call required the queue manager to process the call within a unit of work. Because there is already a user-defined unit of work in existence, the queue manager was unable to create a temporary unit of work for the duration of the call. This reason occurs in the following circumstances: v On an MQGET call, when the MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG option is specified in MQGMO and the logical message to be retrieved is persistent and consists of two or more segments. v On an MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, when the MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED flag is specified in MQMD and the message requires segmentation. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Issue the MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call inside the user-defined unit of work. Alternatively, for the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, reduce the size of the message so that it does not require segmentation by the queue manager. 2256 (X'08D0') MQRC_WRONG_GMO_VERSION Explanation: An MQGET call was issued specifying options that required an MQGMO with a version number not less than MQGMO_VERSION_2, but the MQGMO supplied did not satisfy this condition. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application to pass a version-2 MQGMO. Check the application logic to ensure that the Version field in MQGMO has been set to MQGMO_VERSION_2. Alternatively, remove the option that requires the version-2 MQGMO. 2257 (X'08D1') MQRC_WRONG_MD_VERSION Explanation: An MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying options that required an MQMD with a version number not less than MQMD_VERSION_2, but the MQMD supplied did not satisfy this condition. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application to pass a version-2 MQMD. Check the application logic to ensure that the Version field in MQMD has been set to MQMD_VERSION_2. Alternatively, remove the option that requires the version-2 MQMD. 2258 (X'08D2') MQRC_GROUP_ID_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a distribution-list message that is also a message in a group, a message segment, or has segmentation allowed, but an invalid combination of options and


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

values was specified. All of the following are true: v MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER is not specified in the Options field in MQPMO. v Either there are too few MQPMR records provided by MQPMO, or the GroupId field is not present in the MQPMR records. v One or more of the following flags is specified in the MsgFlags field in MQMD or MQMDE: MQMF_SEGMENTATION_ALLOWED MQMF_*_MSG_IN_GROUP MQMF_*_SEGMENT v The GroupId field in MQMD or MQMDE is not MQGI_NONE. This combination of options and values would result in the same group identifier being used for all of the destinations in the distribution list; this is not permitted by the queue manager. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQGI_NONE for the GroupId field in MQMD or MQMDE. Alternatively, if the call is MQPUT specify MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER in the Options field in MQPMO. 2259 (X'08D3') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_BROWSE Explanation: An MQGET call was issued with the MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT option specified, but the specification of the MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER option for the call is different from the specification of that option for the previous call for the queue handle. Either both calls must specify MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER, or neither call must specify MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Add or remove the MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER option as appropriate. Alternatively, to switch between logical order and physical order, specify the MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST option to restart the scan from the beginning of the queue, omitting or specifying MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER as required. 2260 (X'08D4') MQRC_XQH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQXQH structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQXQH_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQXQH_VERSION_1. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2261 (X'08D5') MQRC_SRC_ENV_ERROR Explanation: This reason occurs when a channel exit that processes reference messages detects an error in the source environment data of a reference message header (MQRMH). One of the following is true: v SrcEnvLength is less than zero. v SrcEnvLength is greater than zero, but there is no source environment data. v SrcEnvLength is greater than zero, but SrcEnvOffset is negative, zero, or less than the length of the fixed part of MQRMH. v SrcEnvLength is greater than zero, but SrcEnvOffset plus SrcEnvLength is greater than StrucLength. The exit returns this reason in the Feedback field of the MQCXP structure. If an exception report is requested, it is copied to the Feedback field of the MQMD associated with the report. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the source environment data correctly. 2262 (X'08D6') MQRC_SRC_NAME_ERROR Explanation: This reason occurs when a channel exit that processes reference messages detects an error in the source name data of a reference message header (MQRMH). One of the following is true: v SrcNameLength is less than zero. v SrcNameLength is greater than zero, but there is no source name data. v SrcNameLength is greater than zero, but SrcNameOffset is negative, zero, or less than the length of the fixed part of MQRMH. v SrcNameLength is greater than zero, but SrcNameOffset plus SrcNameLength is greater than StrucLength. The exit returns this reason in the Feedback field of the MQCXP structure. If an exception report is requested, it is copied to the Feedback field of the MQMD associated with the report.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the source name data correctly. 2263 (X'08D7') MQRC_DEST_ENV_ERROR Explanation: This reason occurs when a channel exit that processes reference messages detects an error in the destination environment data of a reference message header (MQRMH). One of the following is true: v DestEnvLength is less than zero. v DestEnvLength is greater than zero, but there is no destination environment data. v DestEnvLength is greater than zero, but DestEnvOffset is negative, zero, or less than the length of the fixed part of MQRMH. v DestEnvLength is greater than zero, but DestEnvOffset plus DestEnvLength is greater than StrucLength. The exit returns this reason in the Feedback field of the MQCXP structure. If an exception report is requested, it is copied to the Feedback field of the MQMD associated with the report. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the destination environment data correctly. 2264 (X'08D8') MQRC_DEST_NAME_ERROR Explanation: This reason occurs when a channel exit that processes reference messages detects an error in the destination name data of a reference message header (MQRMH). One of the following is true: v DestNameLength is less than zero. v DestNameLength is greater than zero, but there is no destination name data. v DestNameLength is greater than zero, but DestNameOffset is negative, zero, or less than the length of the fixed part of MQRMH. v DestNameLength is greater than zero, but DestNameOffset plus DestNameLength is greater than StrucLength. The exit returns this reason in the Feedback field of the MQCXP structure. If an exception report is requested, it is copied to the Feedback field of the MQMD associated with the report. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the destination name data correctly. 2265 (X'08D9') MQRC_TM_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQTM structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQTM_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQTM_VERSION_1. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2266 (X'08DA') MQRC_CLUSTER_EXIT_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call was issued to open or put a message on a cluster queue, but the cluster workload exit defined by the queue-managers ClusterWorkloadExit attribute failed unexpectedly or did not respond in time. Subsequent MQOPEN, MQPUT, and MQPUT1 calls for this queue handle are processed as though the ClusterWorkloadExit attribute were blank. v On z/OS, a message giving more information about the error is written to the system log, for example message CSQV455E or CSQV456E. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the cluster workload exit to ensure that it has been written correctly. 2267 (X'08DB') MQRC_CLUSTER_EXIT_LOAD_ERROR Explanation: An MQCONN or MQCONNX call was issued to connect to a queue manager, but the queue manager was unable to load the cluster workload exit. Execution continues without the cluster workload exit. v On z/OS, if the cluster workload exit cannot be loaded, a message is written to the system log, for


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

example message CSQV453I. Processing continues as though the ClusterWorkloadExit attribute had been blank. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Ensure that the queue-managers ClusterWorkloadExit attribute has the correct value, and that the exit has been installed into the correct location. 2268 (X'08DC') MQRC_CLUSTER_PUT_INHIBITED Explanation: An MQOPEN call with the MQOO_OUTPUT and MQOO_BIND_ON_OPEN options in effect was issued for a cluster queue, but the call failed because all of the following are true: v All instances of the cluster queue are currently put-inhibited (that is, all of the queue instances have the InhibitPut attribute set to MQQA_PUT_INHIBITED). v There is no local instance of the queue. (If there is a local instance, the MQOPEN call succeeds, even if the local instance is put-inhibited.) v There is no cluster workload exit for the queue, or there is a cluster workload exit but it did not choose a queue instance. (If the cluster workload exit does choose a queue instance, the MQOPEN call succeeds, even if that instance is put-inhibited.) If the MQOO_BIND_NOT_FIXED option is specified on the MQOPEN call, the call can succeed even if all of the queues in the cluster are put-inhibited. However, a subsequent MQPUT call may fail if all of the queues are still put-inhibited at the time of the MQPUT call. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If the system design allows put requests to be inhibited for short periods, retry the operation later. If the problem persists, determine why all of the queues in the cluster are put-inhibited. 2269 (X'08DD') MQRC_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 call was issued for a cluster queue, but an error occurred whilst trying to use a resource required for clustering. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do the following: v Check that the SYSTEM.CLUSTER.* queues are not put inhibited or full. v Check the event queues for any events relating to the SYSTEM.CLUSTER.* queues, as these may give guidance as to the nature of the failure. v Check that the repository queue manager is available. v On z/OS, check the console for signs of the failure, such as full page sets. 2270 (X'08DE') MQRC_NO_DESTINATIONS_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a message on a cluster queue, but at the time of the call there were no longer any instances of the queue in the cluster. The message therefore could not be sent. This situation can occur when MQOO_BIND_NOT_FIXED is specified on the MQOPEN call that opens the queue, or MQPUT1 is used to put the message. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the queue definition and queue status to determine why all instances of the queue were removed from the cluster. Correct the problem and rerun the application. 2271 (X'08DF') MQRC_CONN_TAG_IN_USE Explanation: An MQCONNX call was issued specifying one of the MQCNO_*_CONN_TAG_* options, but the call failed because the connection tag specified by ConnTag in MQCNO is in use by an active process or thread, or there is an unresolved unit of work that references this connection tag. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The problem is likely to be transitory. The application should wait a short while and then retry the operation. 2272 (X'08E0') MQRC_PARTIALLY_CONVERTED Explanation: On an MQGET call with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, one or more MQ header structures in the message data could not be converted to the specified target character set or encoding. In this situation, the MQ header structures are converted to the queue-managers character set and encoding, and the application data in the message is converted to the target character set and encoding. On return from the call, the values returned in the various CodedCharSetId
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter and MQ header structures indicate the character set and encoding that apply to each part of the message. The call completes with MQCC_WARNING. This reason code usually occurs when the specified target character set is one that causes the character strings in the MQ header structures to expand beyond the lengths of their fields. Unicode character set UCS-2 is an example of a character set that causes this to happen. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If this is an expected situation, no corrective action is required. If this is an unexpected situation, check that the MQ header structures contain valid data. If they do, specify as the target character set a character set that does not cause the strings to expand. 2273 (X'08E1') MQRC_CONNECTION_ERROR Explanation: An MQCONN or MQCONNX call failed for one of the following reasons: v The installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow connection by the type of application being used. v The system parameter module is not at the same release level as the queue manager. v The channel initiator is not at the same release level as the queue manager. v An internal error was detected by the queue manager. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: None, if the installation and customization options chosen for WebSphere MQ do not allow all functions to be used. Otherwise, if this occurs while starting the channel initiator, ensure that the queue manager and the channel initiator are both at the same release level and that their started task JCL procedures both specify the same level of WebSphere MQ program libraries; if this occurs while starting the queue manager, relinkedit the system parameter module (CSQZPARM) to ensure that it is at the correct level. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center. 2274 (X'08E2') MQRC_OPTION_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET call with the MQGMO_MARK_SKIP_BACKOUT option specified was issued from a DB2 Stored Procedure. The call failed because the MQGMO_MARK_SKIP_BACKOUT option cannot be used from a DB2 Stored Procedure. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Remove the MQGMO_MARK_SKIP_BACKOUT option from the MQGET call. 2277 (X'08E5') MQRC_CD_ERROR Explanation: An MQCONNX call was issued to connect to a queue manager, but the MQCD channel definition structure addressed by the ClientConnOffset or ClientConnPtr field in MQCNO contains data that is not valid. Consult the error log for more information about the nature of the error. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that input fields in the MQCD structure are set correctly. 2278 (X'08E6') MQRC_CLIENT_CONN_ERROR Explanation: An MQCONNX call was issued to connect to a queue manager, but the MQCD channel definition structure is not specified correctly. One of the following applies: v ClientConnOffset is not zero and ClientConnPtr is not zero and not the null pointer. v ClientConnPtr is not a valid pointer. v ClientConnPtr or ClientConnOffset points to storage that is not accessible. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. It also occurs in Java applications when a client channel definition table is specified to determine the name of the channel, but the table itself cannot be found. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that at least one of ClientConnOffset and ClientConnPtr is zero. Ensure that the field used points to accessible storage. Ensure that the URL of the client channel definition table is correct. 2279 (X'08E7') MQRC_CHANNEL_STOPPED_BY_USER Explanation: This condition is detected when the channel has been stopped by an operator. The reason qualifier identifies the reasons for stopping. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

2280 (X'08E8') MQRC_HCONFIG_ERROR Explanation: The configuration handle Hconfig specified on the MQXEP call or MQZEP call is not valid. The MQXEP call is issued by an API exit function; the MQZEP call is issued by an installable service. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the configuration handle that was provided by the queue manager: v On the MQXEP call, use the handle passed in the Hconfig field of the MQAXP structure. v On the MQZEP call, use the handle passed to the installable services configuration function on the component initialization call. See the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide book for information about installable services. 2281 (X'08E9') MQRC_FUNCTION_ERROR Explanation: An MQXEP or MQZEP call was issued, but the function identifier Function specified on the call is not valid, or not supported by the installable service being configured. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Do the following: v For the MQXEP call, specify one of the MQXF_* values. v For the MQZEP call, specify an MQZID_* value that is valid for the installable service being configured. Refer to the description of the MQZEP call in the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide book to determine which values are valid. 2282 (X'08EA') MQRC_CHANNEL_STARTED Explanation: One of the following has occurred: v An operator has issued a Start Channel command. v An instance of a channel has been successfully established. This condition is detected when Initial Data negotiation is complete and resynchronization has been performed where necessary such that message transfer can proceed. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2283 (X'08EB') MQRC_CHANNEL_STOPPED Explanation: This condition is detected when the channel has been stopped. The reason qualifier identifies the reasons for stopping. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2284 (X'08EC') MQRC_CHANNEL_CONV_ERROR Explanation: This condition is detected when a channel is unable to do data conversion and the MQGET call to get a message from the transmission queue resulted in a data conversion error. The conversion reason code identifies the reason for the failure. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2285 (X'08ED') MQRC_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: This reason should be returned by an installable service component when the requested action cannot be performed because the required underlying service is not available. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Make the underlying service available. 2286 (X'08EE') MQRC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Explanation: This reason should be returned by an installable service component when the component is unable to complete initialization successfully. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the error and retry the operation. 2287 (X'08EF') MQRC_TERMINATION_FAILED Explanation: This reason should be returned by an installable service component when the component is unable to complete termination successfully. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the error and retry the operation. 2288 (X'08F0') MQRC_UNKNOWN_Q_NAME Explanation: This reason should be returned by the MQZ_LOOKUP_NAME installable service component when the name specified for the QName parameter is not recognized. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

Programmer Response: None. See the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide book for information about installable services. 2289 (X'08F1') MQRC_SERVICE_ERROR Explanation: This reason should be returned by an installable service component when the component encounters an unexpected error. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the error and retry the operation. 2290 (X'08F2') MQRC_Q_ALREADY_EXISTS Explanation: This reason should be returned by the MQZ_INSERT_NAME installable service component when the queue specified by the QName parameter is already defined to the name service. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: None. See the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide book for information about installable service. 2291 (X'08F3') MQRC_USER_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: This reason should be returned by the MQZ_FIND_USERID installable service component when the user ID cannot be determined. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: None. See the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide book for information about installable services. 2292 (X'08F4') MQRC_UNKNOWN_ENTITY Explanation: This reason should be returned by the authority installable service component when the name specified by the EntityName parameter is not recognized. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the entity is defined. 2294 (X'08F6') MQRC_UNKNOWN_REF_OBJECT Explanation: This reason should be returned by the MQZ_COPY_ALL_AUTHORITY installable service component when the name specified by the RefObjectName parameter is not recognized. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. 2296 (X'08F8') MQRC_CHANNEL_NOT_ACTIVATED Explanation: This condition is detected when a channel is required to become active, either because it is starting or because it is about to make another attempt to establish connection with its partner. However, it is unable to do so because the limit on the number of active channels has been reached. v On z/OS, the maximum number of active channels is given by the ACTCHL queue manager attribute. v In other environments, the maximum number of active channels is given by the MaxActiveChannels parameter in the qm.ini file. The channel waits until it is able to take over an active slot released when another channel ceases to be active. At that time a Channel Activated event is generated. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2297 (X'08F9') MQRC_UOW_CANCELED Explanation: An MQI call was issued, but the unit of work (TM/MP transaction) being used for the MQ operation had been canceled. This may have been done by TM/MP itself (for example, due to the transaction running for too long, or exceeding audit trail sizes), or by the application program issuing an ABORT_TRANSACTION. All updates performed to resources owned by the queue manager are backed out. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Refer to the operating systems Transaction Management Operations Guide to determine how the Transaction Manager can be tuned to avoid the problem of system limits being exceeded. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the reference object is defined. See the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide book for information about installable services. 2295 (X'08F7') MQRC_CHANNEL_ACTIVATED Explanation: This condition is detected when a channel that has been waiting to become active, and for which a Channel Not Activated event has been generated, is now able to become active because an active slot has been released by another channel. This event is not generated for a channel that is able to become active without waiting for an active slot to be released. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

2298 (X'08FA') MQRC_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED Explanation: The function requested is not available in the current environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Remove the call from the application. 2299 (X'08FB') MQRC_SELECTOR_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: The Selector parameter has the wrong data type; it must be of type Long. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Declare the Selector parameter as Long. 2300 (X'08FC') MQRC_COMMAND_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: The mqExecute call was issued, but the value of the MQIASY_TYPE data item in the administration bag is not MQCFT_COMMAND. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the MQIASY_TYPE data item in the administration bag has the value MQCFT_COMMAND. 2301 (X'08FD') MQRC_MULTIPLE_INSTANCE_ERROR Explanation: The Selector parameter specifies a system selector (one of the MQIASY_* values), but the value of the ItemIndex parameter is not MQIND_NONE. Only one instance of each system selector can exist in the bag. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQIND_NONE for the ItemIndex parameter. 2302 (X'08FE') MQRC_SYSTEM_ITEM_NOT_ALTERABLE Explanation: A call was issued to modify the value of a system data item in a bag (a data item with one of the MQIASY_* selectors), but the call failed because the data item is one that cannot be altered by the application. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the selector of a user-defined data item, or remove the call. 2305 (X'0901') MQRC_SELECTOR_NOT_UNIQUE Explanation: The ItemIndex parameter has the value MQIND_NONE, but the bag contains more than one data item with the selector value specified by the Selector parameter. MQIND_NONE requires that the bag contain only one occurrence of the specified selector. This reason code also occurs on the mqExecute call when the administration bag contains two or more occurrences of a selector for a required parameter that permits only one occurrence. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the logic of the application that created the bag. If correct, specify for ItemIndex a value that is zero or greater, and add application logic to process all of the occurrences of the selector in the bag. Review the description of the administration command
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

2303 (X'08FF') MQRC_BAG_CONVERSION_ERROR Explanation: The mqBufferToBag or mqGetBag call was issued, but the data in the buffer or message could not be converted into a bag. This occurs when the data to be converted is not valid PCF. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the logic of the application that created the buffer or message to ensure that the buffer or message contains valid PCF. If the message contains PCF that is not valid, the message cannot be retrieved using the mqGetBag call: v If one of the MQGMO_BROWSE_* options was specified, the message remains on the queue and can be retrieved using the MQGET call. v In other cases, the message has already been removed from the queue and discarded. If the message was retrieved within a unit of work, the unit of work can be backed out and the message retrieved using the MQGET call. 2304 (X'0900') MQRC_SELECTOR_OUT_OF_RANGE Explanation: The Selector parameter has a value that is outside the valid range for the call. If the bag was created with the MQCBO_CHECK_SELECTORS option: v For the mqAddInteger call, the value must be within the range MQIA_FIRST through MQIA_LAST. v For the mqAddString call, the value must be within the range MQCA_FIRST through MQCA_LAST. If the bag was not created with the MQCBO_CHECK_SELECTORS option: v The value must be zero or greater. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid value.


Completion and reason codes

being issued, and ensure that all required parameters are defined correctly in the bag. 2306 (X'0902') MQRC_INDEX_NOT_PRESENT Explanation: The specified index is not present: v For a bag, this means that the bag contains one or more data items that have the selector value specified by the Selector parameter, but none of them has the index value specified by the ItemIndex parameter. The data item identified by the Selector and ItemIndex parameters must exist in the bag. v For a namelist, this means that the index parameter value is too large, and outside the range of valid values. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the index of a data item that does exist in the bag or namelist. Use the mqCountItems call to determine the number of data items with the specified selector that exist in the bag, or the nameCount method to determine the number of names in the namelist. 2307 (X'0903') MQRC_STRING_ERROR Explanation: The String parameter is not valid. Either the parameter pointer is not valid, or it points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2308 (X'0904') MQRC_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED Explanation: The Encoding field in the message descriptor MQMD contains a value that is not supported: v For the mqPutBag call, the field in error resides in the MsgDesc parameter of the call. v For the mqGetBag call, the field in error resides in: The MsgDesc parameter of the call if the MQGMO_CONVERT option was specified. The message descriptor of the message about to be retrieved if MQGMO_CONVERT was not specified. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The value must be MQENC_NATIVE. If the value of the Encoding field in the message is not valid, the message cannot be retrieved using the mqGetBag call: v If one of the MQGMO_BROWSE_* options was specified, the message remains on the queue and can be retrieved using the MQGET call. v In other cases, the message has already been removed from the queue and discarded. If the message was retrieved within a unit of work, the unit of work can be backed out and the message retrieved using the MQGET call. 2309 (X'0905') MQRC_SELECTOR_NOT_PRESENT Explanation: The Selector parameter specifies a selector that does not exist in the bag. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a selector that does exist in the bag. 2310 (X'0906') MQRC_OUT_SELECTOR_ERROR Explanation: The OutSelector parameter is not valid. Either the parameter pointer is not valid, or it points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2311 (X'0907') MQRC_STRING_TRUNCATED Explanation: The string returned by the call is too long to fit in the buffer provided. The string has been truncated to fit in the buffer. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If the entire string is required, provide a larger buffer. On the mqInquireString call, the StringLength parameter is set by the call to indicate the size of the buffer required to accommodate the string without truncation. 2312 (X'0908') MQRC_SELECTOR_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: A data item with the specified selector exists in the bag, but has a data type that conflicts with the data type implied by the call being used. For example, the data item might have an integer data type, but the call being used might be mqSetString, which implies a character data type. This reason code also occurs on the mqBagToBuffer, mqExecute, and mqPutBag calls when mqAddString or mqSetString was used to add the MQIACF_INQUIRY data item to the bag. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: For the mqSetInteger and mqSetString calls, specify MQIND_ALL for the ItemIndex parameter to delete from the bag all existing occurrences of the specified selector before creating the new occurrence with the required data type. For the mqInquireBag, mqInquireInteger, and


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

mqInquireString calls, use the mqInquireItemInfo call to determine the data type of the item with the specified selector, and then use the appropriate call to determine the value of the data item. For the mqBagToBuffer, mqExecute, and mqPutBag calls, ensure that the MQIACF_INQUIRY data item is added to the bag using the mqAddInteger or mqSetInteger calls. 2313 (X'0909') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_ITEM_TYPE Explanation: The mqAddInteger or mqAddString call was issued to add another occurrence of the specified selector to the bag, but the data type of this occurrence differed from the data type of the first occurrence. This reason can also occur on the mqBufferToBag and mqGetBag calls, where it indicates that the PCF in the buffer or message contains a selector that occurs more than once but with inconsistent data types. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: For the mqAddInteger and mqAddString calls, use the call appropriate to the data type of the first occurrence of that selector in the bag. For the mqBufferToBag and mqGetBag calls, check the logic of the application that created the buffer or sent the message to ensure that multiple-occurrence selectors occur with only one data type. A message that contains a mixture of data types for a selector cannot be retrieved using the mqGetBag call: v If one of the MQGMO_BROWSE_* options was specified, the message remains on the queue and can be retrieved using the MQGET call. v In other cases, the message has already been removed from the queue and discarded. If the message was retrieved within a unit of work, the unit of work can be backed out and the message retrieved using the MQGET call. 2314 (X'090A') MQRC_INDEX_ERROR Explanation: An index parameter to a call or method has a value that is not valid. The value must be zero or greater. For bag calls, certain MQIND_* values can also be specified: v For the mqDeleteItem, mqSetInteger and mqSetString calls, MQIND_ALL and MQIND_NONE are valid. v For the mqInquireBag, mqInquireInteger, mqInquireString, and mqInquireItemInfo calls, MQIND_NONE is valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 2315 (X'090B') MQRC_SYSTEM_BAG_NOT_ALTERABLE Explanation: A call was issued to add a data item to a bag, modify the value of an existing data item in a bag, or retrieve a message into a bag, but the call failed because the bag is one that had been created by the system as a result of a previous mqExecute call. System bags cannot be modified by the application. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the handle of a bag created by the application, or remove the call. 2316 (X'090C') MQRC_ITEM_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: The mqTruncateBag call was issued, but the ItemCount parameter specifies a value that is not valid. The value is either less than zero, or greater than the number of user-defined data items in the bag. This reason also occurs on the mqCountItems call if the parameter pointer is not valid, or points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. Use the mqCountItems call to determine the number of user-defined data items in the bag. 2317 (X'090D') MQRC_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED Explanation: The Format field in the message descriptor MQMD contains a value that is not supported: v In an administration message, the format value must be one of the following: MQFMT_ADMIN, MQFMT_EVENT, MQFMT_PCF. For the mqPutBag call, the field in error resides in the MsgDesc parameter of the call. For the mqGetBag call, the field in error resides in the message descriptor of the message about to be retrieved. v On z/OS, the message was put to the command input queue with a format value of MQFMT_ADMIN, but the version of MQ being used does not support that format for commands. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If the error occurred when putting a message, correct the format value. If the error occurred when getting a message, the message cannot be retrieved using the mqGetBag call: v If one of the MQGMO_BROWSE_* options was specified, the message remains on the queue and can be retrieved using the MQGET call. v In other cases, the message has already been removed from the queue and discarded. If the message was retrieved within a unit of work, the
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

unit of work can be backed out and the message retrieved using the MQGET call. 2318 (X'090E') MQRC_SELECTOR_NOT_SUPPORTED Explanation: The Selector parameter specifies a value that is a system selector (a value that is negative), but the system selector is not one that is supported by the call. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a selector value that is supported. 2319 (X'090F') MQRC_ITEM_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: The mqInquireBag or mqInquireInteger call was issued, but the ItemValue parameter is not valid. Either the parameter pointer is not valid, or it points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2320 (X'0910') MQRC_HBAG_ERROR Explanation: A call was issued that has a parameter that is a bag handle, but the handle is not valid. For output parameters, this reason also occurs if the parameter pointer is not valid, or points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2326 (X'0916') MQRC_BAG_WRONG_TYPE 2321 (X'0911') MQRC_PARAMETER_MISSING Explanation: An administration message requires a parameter that is not present in the administration bag. This reason code occurs only for bags created with the MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG or MQCBO_REORDER_AS_REQUIRED options. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Review the description of the administration command being issued, and ensure that all required parameters are present in the bag. 2322 (X'0912') MQRC_CMD_SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: The command server that processes administration commands is not available. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Explanation: The Bag parameter specifies the handle of a bag that has the wrong type for the call. The bag must be an administration bag, that is, it must be created with the MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG option specified on the mqCreateBag call. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG option when the bag is created. 2327 (X'0917') MQRC_ITEM_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: The mqInquireItemInfo call was issued, but the ItemType parameter is not valid. Either the parameter pointer is not valid, or it points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 2325 (X'0915') MQRC_NESTED_BAG_NOT_SUPPORTED Explanation: A bag that is input to the call contains nested bags. Nested bags are supported only for bags that are output from the call. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Use a different bag as input to the call. Programmer Response: Start the command server. 2323 (X'0913') MQRC_STRING_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: The StringLength parameter is not valid. Either the parameter pointer is not valid, or it points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2324 (X'0914') MQRC_INQUIRY_COMMAND_ERROR Explanation: The mqAddInquiry call was used previously to add attribute selectors to the bag, but the command code to be used for the mqBagToBuffer, mqExecute, or mqPutBag call is not recognized. As a result, the correct PCF message cannot be generated. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Remove the mqAddInquiry calls and use instead the mqAddInteger call with the appropriate MQIACF_*_ATTRS or MQIACH_*_ATTRS selectors.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2328 (X'0918') MQRC_SYSTEM_BAG_NOT_DELETABLE Explanation: An mqDeleteBag call was issued to delete a bag, but the call failed because the bag is one that had been created by the system as a result of a previous mqExecute call. System bags cannot be deleted by the application. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the handle of a bag created by the application, or remove the call. 2329 (X'0919') MQRC_SYSTEM_ITEM_NOT_DELETABLE Explanation: A call was issued to delete a system data item from a bag (a data item with one of the MQIASY_* selectors), but the call failed because the data item is one that cannot be deleted by the application. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify the selector of a user-defined data item, or remove the call. 2330 (X'091A') MQRC_CODED_CHAR_SET_ID_ERROR Explanation: The CodedCharSetId parameter is not valid. Either the parameter pointer is not valid, or it points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter. 2331 (X'091B') MQRC_MSG_TOKEN_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued to retrieve a message using the message token as a selection criterion, but the options specified are not valid, because MQMO_MATCH_MSG_TOKEN was specified with either MQGMO_WAIT or MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Remove the MQMO_MATCH_MSG_TOKEN option from the MQGET call. 2332 (X'091C') MQRC_MISSING_WIH Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a message on a queue whose IndexType attribute had the value MQIT_MSG_TOKEN, but the Format field in the MQMD was not MQFMT_WORK_INFO_HEADER. This error occurs only when the message arrives at the destination queue manager. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application to ensure that it places an MQWIH structure at the start of the message data, and sets the Format field in the MQMD to MQFMT_WORK_INFO_HEADER. Alternatively, change the ApplType attribute of the process definition used by the destination queue to be MQAT_WLM, and specify the required service name and service step name in its EnvData attribute. 2333 (X'091D') MQRC_WIH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQWIH structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQWIH_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQWIH_VERSION_1. v The StrucLength field is not MQWIH_LENGTH_1. v The CodedCharSetId field is zero, or a negative value that is not valid. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). v On z/OS, this error also occurs when the IndexType attribute of the queue is MQIT_MSG_TOKEN, but the message data does not begin with an MQWIH structure. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. Ensure that the application sets the CodedCharSetId field to a valid value (note: MQCCSI_DEFAULT, MQCCSI_EMBEDDED, MQCCSI_Q_MGR, and MQCCSI_UNDEFINED are not valid in this field). v On z/OS, if the queue has an IndexType of MQIT_MSG_TOKEN, ensure that the message data begins with an MQWIH structure. 2334 (X'091E') MQRC_RFH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQRFH or MQRFH2 structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQRFH_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQRFH_VERSION_1 (MQRFH), or MQRFH_VERSION_2 (MQRFH2). v The StrucLength field specifies a value that is too small to include the structure plus the variable-length data at the end of the structure. v The CodedCharSetId field is zero, or a negative value that is not valid.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure (the structure extends beyond the end of the message). Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. Ensure that the application sets the CodedCharSetId field to a valid value (note: MQCCSI_DEFAULT, MQCCSI_EMBEDDED, MQCCSI_Q_MGR, and MQCCSI_UNDEFINED are not valid in this field). 2335 (X'091F') MQRC_RFH_STRING_ERROR Explanation: The contents of the NameValueString field in the MQRFH structure are not valid. NameValueString must adhere to the following rules: v The string must consist of zero or more name/value pairs separated from each other by one or more blanks; the blanks are not significant. v If a name or value contains blanks that are significant, the name or value must be enclosed in double-quote characters. v If a name or value itself contains one or more double-quote characters, the name or value must be enclosed in double-quote characters, and each embedded double-quote character must be doubled. v A name or value can contain any characters other than the null, which acts as a delimiter. The null and characters following it, up to the defined length of NameValueString, are ignored. The following is a valid NameValueString: Famous_Words "The program displayed ""Hello World""" Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application that generated the message to ensure that it places in the NameValueString field data that adheres to the rules listed above. Check that the StrucLength field is set to the correct value. 2336 (X'0920') MQRC_RFH_COMMAND_ERROR Explanation: The message contains an MQRFH structure, but the command name contained in the NameValueString field is not valid. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application that generated the message to ensure that it places in the NameValueString field a command name that is valid. 2337 (X'0921') MQRC_RFH_PARM_ERROR Explanation: The message contains an MQRFH structure, but a parameter name contained in the NameValueString field is not valid for the command specified. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application that generated the message to ensure that it places in the NameValueString field only parameters that are valid for the specified command. 2338 (X'0922') MQRC_RFH_DUPLICATE_PARM Explanation: The message contains an MQRFH structure, but a parameter occurs more than once in the NameValueString field when only one occurrence is valid for the specified command. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application that generated the message to ensure that it places in the NameValueString field only one occurrence of the parameter. 2339 (X'0923') MQRC_RFH_PARM_MISSING Explanation: The message contains an MQRFH structure, but the command specified in the NameValueString field requires a parameter that is not present. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application that generated the message to ensure that it places in the NameValueString field all parameters that are required for the specified command. 2340 (X'0924') MQRC_CHAR_CONVERSION_ERROR Explanation: This reason code is returned by the Java MQQueueManager constructor when a required character-set conversion is not available. The conversion required is between two nonUnicode character sets. This reason code occurs in the following environment: MQ Classes for Java on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the National Language Resources component of the OS/390 Language Environment is installed, and that conversion between the IBM-1047 and ISO8859-1 character sets is available. 2341 (X'0925') MQRC_UCS2_CONVERSION_ERROR Explanation: This reason code is returned by the Java MQQueueManager constructor when a required character-set conversion is not available. The conversion required is between the UCS-2 Unicode character set and the queue-managers character set. IBM-500 is used for the queue-managers character set if no specific value is available. This reason code occurs in the following environment:


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

MQ Classes for Java on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the relevant Unicode conversion tables are installed, and that they are available to the z/OS Language Environment. The conversion tables should be installed as part of the z/OS C/C++ optional feature. Refer to the z/OS C/C++ Programming Guide for more information about enabling UCS-2 conversions. 2342 (X'0926') MQRC_DB2_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQOPEN, MQPUT1, or MQSET call, or a command, was issued to access a shared queue, but it failed because the queue manager is not connected to a DB2 subsystem. As a result, the queue manager is unable to access the object definition relating to the shared queue. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Configure the DB2 subsystem so that the queue manager can connect to it. 2343 (X'0927') MQRC_OBJECT_NOT_UNIQUE Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, or a command, was issued to access a queue, but the call failed because the queue specified cannot be resolved unambiguously. There exists a shared queue with the specified name, and a nonshared queue with the same name. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: One of the queues must be deleted. If the queue to be deleted contains messages, use the MQSC command MOVE QLOCAL to move the messages to a different queue, and then use the command DELETE QLOCAL to delete the queue. 2344 (X'0928') MQRC_CONN_TAG_NOT_RELEASED Explanation: An MQDISC call was issued when there was a unit of work outstanding for the connection handle. For CICS, IMS, and RRS connections, the MQDISC call does not commit or back out the unit of work. As a result, the connection tag associated with the unit of work is not yet available for reuse. The tag becomes available for reuse only when processing of the unit of work has been completed. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: Do not try to reuse the connection tag immediately. If the MQCONNX call is issued with the same connection tag, and that tag is 2347 (X'092B') MQRC_CF_STRUC_LIST_HDR_IN_USE Explanation: An MQGET, MQOPEN, MQPUT1, or MQSET call was issued to access a shared queue, but the call failed because the list header associated with the coupling-facility structure specified in the queue definition is temporarily unavailable. The list header is unavailable because it is undergoing recovery processing. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The problem is temporary; wait a short while and then retry the operation.
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

still in use, the call fails with reason code MQRC_CONN_TAG_IN_USE. 2345 (X'0929') MQRC_CF_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued to access a shared queue, but the allocation of the coupling-facility structure specified in the queue definition failed because there is no suitable coupling facility to hold the structure, based on the preference list in the active CFRM policy. This reason code can also occur when the API call requires a capability that is not supported by the CF level defined in the coupling-facility structure object. For example, this reason code is returned by an attempt to open a shared queue that has a index type of MQIT_GROUP_ID, but the coupling-facility structure for the queue has a CF level lower than three. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Make available a coupling facility with one of the names specified in the CFRM policy, or modify the CFRM policy to specify the names of coupling facilities that are available. 2346 (X'092A') MQRC_CF_STRUC_IN_USE Explanation: An MQI call or command was issued to operate on a shared queue, but the call failed because the coupling-facility structure specified in the queue definition is temporarily unavailable. The coupling-facility structure can be unavailable because a structure dump is in progress, or new connectors to the structure are currently inhibited, or an existing connector to the structure failed or disconnected abnormally and clean-up is not yet complete. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The problem is temporary; wait a short while and then retry the operation.


Completion and reason codes

2348 (X'092C') MQRC_CF_STRUC_AUTH_FAILED Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued to access a shared queue, but the call failed because the user is not authorized to access the coupling-facility structure specified in the queue definition. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the security profile for the user identifier used by the application so that the application can access the coupling-facility structure specified in the queue definition. 2349 (X'092D') MQRC_CF_STRUC_ERROR Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued to access a shared queue, but the call failed because the coupling-facility structure name specified in the queue definition is not defined in the CFRM data set, or is not the name of a list structure. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the queue definition to specify the name of a coupling-facility list structure that is defined in the CFRM data set. 2350 (X'092E') MQRC_CONN_TAG_NOT_USABLE Explanation: An MQCONNX call was issued specifying one of the MQCNO_*_CONN_TAG_* options, but the call failed because the connection tag specified by ConnTag in MQCNO is being used by the queue manager for recovery processing, and this processing is delayed pending recovery of the coupling facility. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The problem is likely to persist. Consult the system programmer to ascertain the cause of the problem. 2351 (X'092F') MQRC_GLOBAL_UOW_CONFLICT Explanation: An attempt was made to use inside a global unit of work a connection handle that is participating in another global unit of work. This can occur when an application passes connection handles between objects where the objects are involved in different DTC transactions. Because transaction completion is asynchronous, it is possible for this error to occur after the application has finalized the first object and committed its transaction. This error does not occur for nontransactional MQI calls. This reason code occurs only on Windows and z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the MTS Transaction Support attribute defined for the objects class is set correctly. If necessary, modify the application so that the connection handle is not used by objects participating in different units of work. 2352 (X'0930') MQRC_LOCAL_UOW_CONFLICT Explanation: An attempt was made to use inside a global unit of work a connection handle that is participating in a queue-manager coordinated local unit of work. This can occur when an application passes connection handles between objects where one object is involved in a DTC transaction and the other is not. This error does not occur for nontransactional MQI calls. This reason code occurs only on Windows and z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the MTS Transaction Support attribute defined for the objects class is set correctly. If necessary, modify the application so that the connection handle is not used by objects participating in different units of work. 2353 (X'0931') MQRC_HANDLE_IN_USE_FOR_UOW Explanation: An attempt was made to use outside a unit of work a connection handle that is participating in a global unit of work. This error can occur when an application passes connection handles between objects where one object is involved in a DTC transaction and the other is not. Because transaction completion is asynchronous, it is possible for this error to occur after the application has finalized the first object and committed its transaction. This error can also occur when a single object that was created and associated with the transaction loses that association whilst the object is running. The association is lost when DTC terminates the transaction independently of MTS. This might be because the transaction timed out, or because DTC shut down. This error does not occur for nontransactional MQI calls. This reason code occurs only on Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the MTS Transaction Support attribute defined for the objects class is set correctly. If necessary, modify the application so that objects executing within different units of work do not try to use the same connection handle.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

2354 (X'0932') MQRC_UOW_ENLISTMENT_ERROR Explanation: This reason code can occur for a variety of reasons. The most likely reason is that an object created by a DTC transaction does not issue a transactional MQI call until after the DTC transaction has timed out. (If the DTC transaction times out after a transactional MQI call has been issued, reason code MQRC_HANDLE_IN_USE_FOR_UOW is returned by the failing MQI call.) Another cause of MQRC_UOW_ENLISTMENT_ERROR is incorrect installation; Windows NT Service pack must be installed after the Windows NT Option pack. This reason code occurs only on Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the DTC Transaction timeout value. If necessary, verify the NT installation order. 2355 (X'0933') MQRC_UOW_MIX_NOT_SUPPORTED Explanation: The mixture of calls used by the application to perform operations within a unit of work is not supported. In particular, it is not possible to mix within the same process a local unit of work coordinated by the queue manager with a global unit of work coordinated by DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator). An application may cause this mixture to arise if some objects in a package are coordinated by DTC and others are not. It can also occur if transactional MQI calls from an MTS client are mixed with transactional MQI calls from a library package transactional MTS object. No problem arises if all transactional MQI calls originate from transactional MTS objects, or all transactional MQI calls originate from nontransactional MTS objects. But when a mixture of styles is used, the first style used fixes the style for the unit of work, and subsequent attempts to use the other style within the process fail with reason code MQRC_UOW_MIX_NOT_SUPPORTED. When an application is run twice, scheduling factors in the operating system mean that it is possible for the queue-manager-coordinated transactional calls to fail in one run, and for the DTC-coordinated transactional calls to fail in the other run. This reason code occurs only on Windows when running a version of the queue manager prior to version 5.2. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the MTS Transaction Support attribute defined for the objects class is set correctly. If necessary, modify the application so that objects executing within different
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

units of work do not try to use the same connection handle. 2356 (X'0934') MQRC_WXP_ERROR Explanation: An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain, but the workload exit parameter structure ExitParms is not valid, for one of the following reasons: v The parameter pointer is not valid. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) v The StrucId field is not MQWXP_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQWXP_VERSION_2. v The CacheContext field does not contain the value passed to the exit by the queue manager. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the parameter specified for ExitParms is the MQWXP structure that was passed to the exit when the exit was invoked. 2357 (X'0935') MQRC_CURRENT_RECORD_ERROR Explanation: An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain, but the address specified by the CurrentRecord parameter is not the address of a valid record. CurrentRecord must be the address of a destination record (MQWDR), queue record (MQWQR), or cluster record (MQWCR) residing within the cluster cache. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the cluster workload exit passes the address of a valid record residing in the cluster cache. 2358 (X'0936') MQRC_NEXT_OFFSET_ERROR Explanation: An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain, but the offset specified by the NextOffset parameter is not valid. NextOffset must be the value of one of the following fields: v ChannelDefOffset field in MQWDR v ClusterRecOffset field in MQWDR v ClusterRecOffset field in MQWQR v ClusterRecOffset field in MQWCR Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the value specified for the NextOffset parameter is the value of one of the fields listed above.


Completion and reason codes

2359 (X'0937') MQRC_NO_RECORD_AVAILABLE Explanation: An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain, but the current record is the last record in the chain. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: None. 2360 (X'0938') MQRC_OBJECT_LEVEL_INCOMPATIBLE Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, or a command, was issued, but the definition of the object to be accessed is not compatible with the queue manager to which the application has connected. The object definition was created or modified by a different version of the queue manager. If the object to be accessed is a queue, the incompatible object definition could be the object specified, or one of the object definitions used to resolve the specified object (for example, the base queue to which an alias queue resolves, or the transmission queue to which a remote queue or queue-manager alias resolves). This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: The application must be run on a queue manager that is compatible with the object definition. Refer to the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide and the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for information about compatibility and migration between different versions of the queue manager. 2361 (X'0939') MQRC_NEXT_RECORD_ERROR Explanation: An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain, but the address specified for the NextRecord parameter is either null, not valid, or the address of read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid address for the NextRecord parameter. message was processed as specified by the disposition options in the Report field in the MQMD of the message. On queue managers that do not support the BackoutThreshold and BackoutRequeueQName queue attributes, JMS ConnectionConsumer uses a value of 20 for the backout threshold. When the BackoutCount of a message reaches this threshold, the message is processed as specified by the disposition options. If the Report field specifies one of the MQRO_EXCEPTION_* options, this reason code appears in the Feedback field of the report message. If the Report field specifies MQRO_DEAD_LETTER_Q, or the disposition report options are left as default, this reason code appears in the Reason field of the MQDLH. Completion Code: None Programmer Response: Investigate the cause of the backout count being greater than the threshold. To correct this, define the backout queue for the queue concerned. 2363 (X'093B') MQRC_MSG_NOT_MATCHED Explanation: This reason code occurs only in the Reason field in an MQDLH structure, or in the Feedback field in the MQMD of a report message. While performing Point-to-Point messaging, JMS encountered a message matching none of the selectors of ConnectionConsumers monitoring the queue. To maintain performance, the message was processed as specified by the disposition options in the Report field in the MQMD of the message. If the Report field specifies one of the MQRO_EXCEPTION_* options, this reason code appears in the Feedback field of the report message. If the Report field specifies MQRO_DEAD_LETTER_Q, or the disposition report options are left as default, this reason code appears in the Reason field of the MQDLH. Completion Code: None Programmer Response: To correct this, ensure that the ConnectionConsumers monitoring the queue provide a complete set of selectors. Alternatively, set the QueueConnectionFactory to retain messages. 2364 (X'093C') MQRC_JMS_FORMAT_ERROR

Explanation: This reason code is generated when JMS encounters a message that it is unable to parse. If such 2362 (X'093A') a message is encountered by a JMS MQRC_BACKOUT_THRESHOLD_REACHED ConnectionConsumer, the message is processed as specified by the disposition options in the Report field Explanation: This reason code occurs only in the in the MQMD of the message. Reason field in an MQDLH structure, or in the Feedback field in the MQMD of a report message. If the Report field specifies one of the MQRO_EXCEPTION_* options, this reason code A JMS ConnectionConsumer found a message that appears in the Feedback field of the report message. If exceeds the queues backout threshold. The queue does the Report field specifies MQRO_DEAD_LETTER_Q, or not have a backout requeue queue defined, so the


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

the disposition report options are left as default, this reason code appears in the Reason field of the MQDLH. Completion Code: None Programmer Response: Investigate the origin of the message. 2365 (X'093D') MQRC_SEGMENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED Explanation: An MQPUT call was issued to put a segment of a logical message, but the queue on which the message is to be placed has an IndexType of MQIT_GROUP_ID. Message segments cannot be placed on queues with this index type. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application to put messages that are not segments; ensure that the MQMF_SEGMENT and MQMF_LAST_SEGMENT flags in the MsgFlags field in MQMD are not set, and that the Offset is zero. Alternatively, change the index type of the queue. 2366 (X'093E') MQRC_WRONG_CF_LEVEL Explanation: An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying a shared queue, but the queue requires a coupling-facility structure with a different level of capability. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the coupling-facility structure used for the queue is at the level required to support the capabilities that the queue provides. 2367 (X'093F') MQRC_CONFIG_CREATE_OBJECT Explanation: This condition is detected when an object is created. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2368 (X'0940') MQRC_CONFIG_CHANGE_OBJECT Explanation: This condition is detected when an object is changed. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2371 (X'0943') MQRC_CHANNEL_SSL_ERROR Explanation: This condition is detected when a connection cannot be established due to an SSL key-exchange or authentication failure. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2373 (X'0945') MQRC_CF_STRUC_FAILED Explanation: An MQI call or command was issued to access a shared queue, but the call failed because the coupling-facility structure used for the shared queue had failed. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Report the problem to the operator or administrator, who should use the MQSC command RECOVER CFSTRUCT to initiate recovery of the coupling-facility structure 2374 (X'0946') MQRC_API_EXIT_ERROR Explanation: An API exit function returned an invalid response code, or failed in some other way. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the exit logic to ensure that the exit is returning valid values in the ExitResponse and ExitResponse2 fields of the MQAXP structure. Consult the FFST record to see if it contains more detail about the problem. 2369 (X'0941') MQRC_CONFIG_DELETE_OBJECT Explanation: This condition is detected when an object is deleted. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2370 (X'0942') MQRC_CONFIG_REFRESH_OBJECT Explanation: This condition is detected when an object is refreshed. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

2375 (X'0947') MQRC_API_EXIT_INIT_ERROR Explanation: The queue manager encountered an error while attempting to initialize the execution environment for an API exit function. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Consult the FFST record to obtain more detail about the problem. 2376 (X'0948') MQRC_API_EXIT_TERM_ERROR Explanation: The queue manager encountered an error while attempting to terminate the execution environment for an API exit function. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Consult the FFST record to obtain more detail about the problem. 2377 (X'0949') MQRC_EXIT_REASON_ERROR Explanation: An MQXEP call was issued by an API exit function, but the value specified for the ExitReason parameter is either not valid, or not supported for the specified function identifier Function. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the exit function to specify a value for ExitReason that is valid for the specified value of Function. 2378 (X'094A') MQRC_RESERVED_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: An MQXEP call was issued by an API exit function, but the value specified for the Reserved parameter is not valid. The value must be the null pointer. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the exit to specify the null pointer as the value of the Reserved parameter. 2379 (X'094B') MQRC_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE Explanation: This reason should be returned by the MQZ_ENUMERATE_AUTHORITY_DATA installable service component when there is no more authority data to return to the invoker of the service component. v On z/OS, this reason code does not occur. 2382 (X'094E') MQRC_CRYPTO_HARDWARE_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONN or MQCONNX call, the configuration string for the cryptographic hardware is not valid, or results in an error when used to configure the cryptographic hardware. The configuration string is specified by one of the following: v The value of the MQSSLCRYP environment variable (MQCONN or MQCONNX call), or v The value of the CryptoHardware field in the MQSCO structure (MQCONNX call only). For the MQCONNX call, if both MQSSLCRYP and CryptoHardware are specified, the latter is used. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: None. 2380 (X'094C') MQRC_SCO_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the MQSCO structure is not valid for one of the following reasons: v The StrucId field is not MQSCO_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQSCO_VERSION_1. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the definition of the MQSCO structure. 2381 (X'094D') MQRC_KEY_REPOSITORY_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONN or MQCONNX call, the location of the key repository is either not specified, not valid, or results in an error when used to access the key repository. The location of the key repository is specified by one of the following: v The value of the MQSSLKEYR environment variable (MQCONN or MQCONNX call), or v The value of the KeyRepository field in the MQSCO structure (MQCONNX call only). For the MQCONNX call, if both MQSSLKEYR and KeyRepository are specified, the latter is used. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid location for the key repository.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid configuration string for the cryptographic hardware. 2383 (X'094F') MQRC_AUTH_INFO_REC_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the AuthInfoRecCount field in the MQSCO structure specifies a value that is less than zero. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value for AuthInfoRecCount that is zero or greater. 2384 (X'0950') MQRC_AUTH_INFO_REC_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the MQSCO structure does not specify the address of the MQAIR records correctly. One of the following applies: v AuthInfoRecCount is greater than zero, but AuthInfoRecOffset is zero and AuthInfoRecPtr is the null pointer. v AuthInfoRecOffset is not zero and AuthInfoRecPtr is not the null pointer. v AuthInfoRecPtr is not a valid pointer. v AuthInfoRecOffset or AuthInfoRecPtr points to storage that is not accessible. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that one of AuthInfoRecOffset or AuthInfoRecPtr is zero and the other nonzero. Ensure that the field used points to accessible storage. 2385 (X'0951') MQRC_AIR_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, an MQAIR record is not valid for one of the following reasons: v The StrucId field is not MQAIR_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQAIR_VERSION_1. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the definition of the MQAIR record. 2386 (X'0952') MQRC_AUTH_INFO_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the AuthInfoType field in an MQAIR record specifies a value that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify MQAIT_CRL_LDAP for AuthInfoType. 2387 (X'0953') MQRC_AUTH_INFO_CONN_NAME_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the AuthInfoConnName field in an MQAIR record specifies a value that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a valid connection name. 2388 (X'0954') MQRC_LDAP_USER_NAME_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, an LDAP user name in an MQAIR record is not specified correctly. One of the following applies: v LDAPUserNameLength is greater than zero, but LDAPUserNameOffset is zero and LDAPUserNamePtr is the null pointer. v LDAPUserNameOffset is nonzero and LDAPUserNamePtr is not the null pointer. v LDAPUserNamePtr is not a valid pointer. v LDAPUserNameOffset or LDAPUserNamePtr points to storage that is not accessible. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that one of LDAPUserNameOffset or LDAPUserNamePtr is zero and the other nonzero. Ensure that the field used points to accessible storage. 2389 (X'0955') MQRC_LDAP_USER_NAME_LENGTH_ERR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the LDAPUserNameLength field in an MQAIR record specifies a value that is less than zero. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes

Programmer Response: Specify a value for LDAPUserNameLength that is zero or greater. 2390 (X'0956') MQRC_LDAP_PASSWORD_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the LDAPPassword field in an MQAIR record specifies a value when no value is allowed. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Specify a value that is blank or null. 2391 (X'0957') MQRC_SSL_ALREADY_INITIALIZED Explanation: An MQCONN or MQCONNX call was issued with SSL configuration options specified, but the SSL environment had already been initialized. The connection to the queue manager completed successfully, but the SSL configuration options specified on the call were ignored; the existing SSL environment was used instead. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: If the application must be run with the SSL configuration options defined on the MQCONN or MQCONNX call, use the MQDISC call to sever the connection to the queue manager and then terminate the application. Alternatively run the application later when the SSL environment has not been initialized. 2392 (X'0958') MQRC_SSL_CONFIG_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONNX call, the MQCNO structure does not specify the MQSCO structure correctly. One of the following applies: v SSLConfigOffset is nonzero and SSLConfigPtr is not the null pointer. v SSLConfigPtr is not a valid pointer. v SSLConfigOffset or SSLConfigPtr points to storage that is not accessible. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that one of SSLConfigOffset or SSLConfigPtr is zero and the other nonzero. Ensure that the field used points to accessible storage. 2393 (X'0959') MQRC_SSL_INITIALIZATION_ERROR Explanation: An MQCONN or MQCONNX call was issued with SSL configuration options specified, but an error occurred during the initialization of the SSL environment. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the SSL installation is correct. 2394 (X'095A') MQRC_Q_INDEX_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: An MQGET call was issued specifying one or more of the following options: MQGMO_ALL_MSGS_AVAILABLE MQGMO_ALL_SEGMENTS_AVAILABLE MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER but the call failed because the queue is not indexed by group identifier. These options require the queue to have an IndexType of MQIT_GROUP_ID. This reason code occurs only on z/OS. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Redefine the queue to have an IndexType of MQIT_GROUP_ID. Alternatively, modify the application to avoid using the options listed above. 2395 (X'095B') MQRC_CFBS_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFBS structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2396 (X'095C') MQRC_SSL_NOT_ALLOWED Explanation: A connection to a queue manager was requested, specifying SSL encryption. However, the connection mode requested is one that does not support SSL (for example, bindings connect). This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Modify the application to request client connection mode, or to disable SSL encryption.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

2397 (X'095D') MQRC_JSSE_ERROR Explanation: JSSE reported an error (for example, while connecting to a queue manager using SSL encryption). The MQException object containing this reason code references the Exception thrown by JSSE; this can be obtained by using the MQException.getCause() method. From JMS, the MQException is linked to the thrown JMSException. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Inspect the causal exception to determine the JSSE error. 2398 (X'095E') MQRC_SSL_PEER_NAME_MISMATCH Explanation: The application attempted to connect to the queue manager using SSL encryption, but the distinguished name presented by the queue manager does not match the specified pattern. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the certificates used to identify the queue manager. Also check the value of the sslPeerName property specified by the application. 2399 (X'095F') MQRC_SSL_PEER_NAME_ERROR Explanation: The application specified a peer name of incorrect format. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the value of the sslPeerName property specified by the application. 2400 (X'0960') MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_SUITE Explanation: A connection to a queue manager was requested, specifying SSL encryption. However, JSSE reported that it does not support the CipherSuite specified by the application. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the CipherSuite specified by the application. Note that the names of JSSE CipherSuites differ from their equivalent CipherSpecs used by the queue manager. Also, check that JSSE is correctly installed. 2407 (X'0967') MQRC_CLIENT_EXIT_ERROR Explanation: A failure occured while executing a non-Java user exit for a client connection. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the non-Java user exit can accept the parameters and message being
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

2401 (X'0961') MQRC_SSL_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED Explanation: A connection to a queue manager was requested, specifying SSL encryption. However, the certificate presented by the queue manager was found to be revoked by one of the specified CertStores. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check the certificates used to identify the queue manager. 2402 (X'0962') MQRC_SSL_CERT_STORE_ERROR Explanation: A connection to a queue manager was requested, specifying SSL encryption. However, none of the CertStore objects provided by the application could be searched for the certificate presented by the queue manager. The MQException object containing this reason code references the Exception encountered when searching the first CertStore; this can be obtained using the MQException.getCause() method. From JMS, the MQException is linked to the thrown JMSException. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Inspect the causal exception to determine the underlying error. Check the CertStore objects provided by your application. If the causal exception is a java.lang.NoSuchElementException, ensure that your application is not specifying an empty collection of CertStore objects. 2406 (X'0966') MQRC_CLIENT_EXIT_LOAD_ERROR Explanation: The external user exit required for a client connection could not be loaded because the shared library specified for it cannot be found, or the entry point specified for it cannot be found. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct library has been specified, and that the path variable for the machine environment includes the relevant directory. Ensure also that the entry point has been named properly and that the named library does export it.


Completion and reason codes

passed to it and that it can handle error conditions, and that any information that the exit requires, such as user data, is correct and available. 2409 (X'0969') MQRC_SSL_KEY_RESET_ERROR Explanation: On an MQCONN or MQCONNX call, the value of the SSL key reset count is not in the valid range of 0 through 999 999 999. The value of the SSL key reset count is specified by either the value of the MQSSLRESET environment variable (MQCONN or MQCONNX call), or the value of the KeyResetCount field in the MQSCO structure (MQCONNX call only). For the MQCONNX call, if both MQSSLRESET and KeyResetCount are specified, the latter is used. MQCONN or MQCONNX Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure and the MQSSLRESET environment variable are set correctly. 2411 (X'096B') MQRC_LOGGER_STATUS Explanation: This condition is detected when a logger event occurs. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2412 (X'096C') MQRC_COMMAND_MQSC Explanation: This condition is detected when an MQSC command is executed. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2413 (X'096D') MQRC_COMMAND_PCF Explanation: This condition is detected when a PCF command is executed. Completion Code: MQCC_WARNING Programmer Response: None. This reason code is only used to identify the corresponding event message. 2414 (X'096E') MQRC_CFIF_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFIF structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2415 (X'096F') MQRC_CFSF_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFSF structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2416 (X'0970') MQRC_CFGR_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFGR structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2417 (X'0971') MQRC_MSG_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_GROUP Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a message in a group but it is not valid to put such a message in a group. An example of an invalid message is a PCF message where the Type is MQCFT_TRACE_ROUTE. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Remove the invalid message from the group. 2418 (X'0972') MQRC_FILTER_OPERATOR_ERROR Explanation: The Operator parameter supplied is not valid. If it is an input variable then the value is not one of the MQCFOP_* constant values. If it is an output variable then the parameter pointer is not valid, or it points to read-only storage. (It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredicatable results occur.) Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Correct the parameter.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

2419 (X'0973') MQRC_NESTED_SELECTOR_ERROR Explanation: An mqAddBag call was issued, but the bag to be nested contained a data item with an inconsistent selector. This reason only occurs if the bag into which the nested bag was to be added was created with the MQCBO_CHECK_SELECTORS option. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Ensure that all data items within the bag to be nested have selectors that are consistent with the data type implied by the item. 2420 (X'0974') MQRC_EPH_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQEPH structure that is not valid. Possible errors include the following: v The StrucId field is not MQEPH_STRUC_ID. v The Version field is not MQEPH_VERSION_1. v The StrucLength field specifies a value that is too small to include the structure plus the variable-length data at the end of the structure. v The CodedCharSetId field is zero, or a negative value that is not valid. v The Flags field contains an invalid combination of MQEPH_* values. v The BufferLength parameter of the call has a value that is too small to accommodate the structure, so the structure extends beyond the end of the message. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. Ensure that the application sets the CodedCharSetId field to a valid value; note that MQCCSI_DEFAULT, MQCCSI_EMBEDDED, MQCCSI_Q_MGR, and MQCCSI_UNDEFINED are not valid in this field. 2421 (X'0975') MQRC_RFH_FORMAT_ERROR Explanation: The message contains an MQRFH structure, but its format is incorrect. If you are using WebSphere MQ SOAP, the error is in an incoming SOAP/MQ request message. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If you are using WebSphere MQ SOAP with the IBM-supplied sender, contact your IBM support center. If you are using WebSphere MQ SOAP with a bespoke sender, check that the RFH2 section of the SOAP/MQ request message is in valid RFH2 format. 2422 (X'0976') MQRC_CFBF_ERROR Explanation: An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the message data contains an MQCFBF structure that is not valid. This reason code occurs in the following environments:
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the fields in the structure are set correctly. 2423 (X'0977') MQRC_CLIENT_CHANNEL_CONFLICT Explanation: A client channel definition table was specified for determining the name of the channel, but the name has already been defined. This reason code occurs only with Java applications. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Change the channel name to blank and try again. 6100 (X'17D4') MQRC_REOPEN_EXCL_INPUT_ERROR Explanation: An open object does not have the correct ImqObject open options and requires one or more additional options. An implicit reopen is required but closure has been prevented. Closure has been prevented because the queue is open for exclusive input and closure might result in the queue being accessed by another process or thread, before the queue is reopened by the process or thread that presently has access. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Set the open options explicitly to cover all eventualities so that implicit reopening is not required. 6101 (X'17D5') MQRC_REOPEN_INQUIRE_ERROR Explanation: An open object does not have the correct ImqObject open options and requires one or more additional options. An implicit reopen is required but closure has been prevented. Closure has been prevented because one or more characteristics of the object need to be checked dynamically prior to closure, and the open options do not already include MQOO_INQUIRE. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Set the open options explicitly to include MQOO_INQUIRE.


Completion and reason codes

6102 (X'17D6') MQRC_REOPEN_SAVED_CONTEXT_ERR Explanation: An open object does not have the correct ImqObject open options and requires one or more additional options. An implicit reopen is required but closure has been prevented. Closure has been prevented because the queue is open with MQOO_SAVE_ALL_CONTEXT, and a destructive get has been performed previously. This has caused retained state information to be associated with the open queue and this information would be destroyed by closure. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Set the open options explicitly to cover all eventualities so that implicit reopening is not required. 6103 (X'17D7') MQRC_REOPEN_TEMPORARY_Q_ERROR Explanation: An open object does not have the correct ImqObject open options and requires one or more additional options. An implicit reopen is required but closure has been prevented. Closure has been prevented because the queue is a local queue of the definition type MQQDT_TEMPORARY_DYNAMIC, that would be destroyed by closure. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Set the open options explicitly to cover all eventualities so that implicit reopening is not required. 6104 (X'17D8') MQRC_ATTRIBUTE_LOCKED Explanation: An attempt has been made to change the value of an attribute of an object while that object is open, or, for an ImqQueueManager object, while that object is connected. Certain attributes cannot be changed in these circumstances. Close or disconnect the object (as appropriate) before changing the attribute value. An object may have been connected and/or opened unexpectedly and implicitly in order to perform an MQINQ call. Check the attribute cross-reference table in the WebSphere MQ Using C++ book to determine whether any of your method invocations result in an MQINQ call. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Include MQOO_INQUIRE in the ImqObject open options and set them earlier. 6105 (X'17D9') MQRC_CURSOR_NOT_VALID Explanation: The browse cursor for an open queue has been invalidated since it was last used by an implicit reopen. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Set the ImqObject open options explicitly to cover all eventualities so that implicit reopening is not required. 6106 (X'17DA') MQRC_ENCODING_ERROR Explanation: The encoding of the (next) message item needs to be MQENC_NATIVE for pasting. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6107 (X'17DB') MQRC_STRUC_ID_ERROR Explanation: The structure id for the (next) message item, which is derived from the 4 characters beginning at the data pointer, is either missing or is inconsistent with the class of object into which the item is being pasted. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6108 (X'17DC') MQRC_NULL_POINTER Explanation: A null pointer has been supplied where a nonnull pointer is either required or implied. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6109 (X'17DD') MQRC_NO_CONNECTION_REFERENCE Explanation: The connection reference is null. A connection to an ImqQueueManager object is required. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

6110 (X'17DE') MQRC_NO_BUFFER Explanation: No buffer is available. For an ImqCache object, one cannot be allocated, denoting an internal inconsistency in the object state that should not occur. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6111 (X'17DF') MQRC_BINARY_DATA_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: The length of the binary data is inconsistent with the length of the target attribute. Zero is a correct length for all attributes. v The correct length for an accounting token is MQ_ACCOUNTING_TOKEN_LENGTH. v The correct length for an alternate security id is MQ_SECURITY_ID_LENGTH. v The correct length for a correlation id is MQ_CORREL_ID_LENGTH. v The correct length for a facility token is MQ_FACILITY_LENGTH. v The correct length for a group id is MQ_GROUP_ID_LENGTH. v The correct length for a message id is MQ_MSG_ID_LENGTH. v The correct length for an instance id is MQ_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID_LENGTH. v The correct length for a transaction instance id is MQ_TRAN_INSTANCE_ID_LENGTH. v The correct length for a message token is MQ_MSG_TOKEN_LENGTH. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6112 (X'17E0') MQRC_BUFFER_NOT_AUTOMATIC Explanation: A user-defined (and managed) buffer cannot be resized. A user-defined buffer can only be replaced or withdrawn. A buffer must be automatic (system-managed) before it can be resized. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: 6119 (X'17E7') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_FORMAT 6113 (X'17E1') MQRC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER Explanation: There is insufficient buffer space available after the data pointer to accommodate the request. This might be because the buffer cannot be resized. Explanation: The format of the (next) message item is inconsistent with the class of object into which the item is being pasted. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment.
Appendix A. API completion and reason codes

This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6114 (X'17E2') MQRC_INSUFFICIENT_DATA Explanation: There is insufficient data after the data pointer to accommodate the request. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6115 (X'17E3') MQRC_DATA_TRUNCATED Explanation: Data has been truncated when copying from one buffer to another. This might be because the target buffer cannot be resized, or because there is a problem addressing one or other buffer, or because a buffer is being downsized with a smaller replacement. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6116 (X'17E4') MQRC_ZERO_LENGTH Explanation: A zero length has been supplied where a positive length is either required or implied. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6117 (X'17E5') MQRC_NEGATIVE_LENGTH Explanation: A negative length has been supplied where a zero or positive length is required. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6118 (X'17E6') MQRC_NEGATIVE_OFFSET Explanation: A negative offset has been supplied where a zero or positive offset is required. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED


Completion and reason codes

Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6120 (X'17E8') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_OBJECT_STATE Explanation: There is an inconsistency between this object, which is open, and the referenced ImqQueueManager object, which is not connected. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6121 (X'17E9') MQRC_CONTEXT_OBJECT_NOT_VALID Explanation: The ImqPutMessageOptions context reference does not reference a valid ImqQueue object. The object has been previously destroyed. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6122 (X'17EA') MQRC_CONTEXT_OPEN_ERROR Explanation: The ImqPutMessageOptions context reference references an ImqQueue object that could not be opened to establish a context. This may be because the ImqQueue object has inappropriate open options. Inspect the referenced object reason code to establish the cause. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6123 (X'17EB') MQRC_STRUC_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: The length of a data structure is inconsistent with its content. For an MQRMH, the length is insufficient to contain the fixed fields and all offset data. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6124 (X'17EC') MQRC_NOT_CONNECTED Explanation: A method failed because a required connection to a queue manager was not available, and a connection cannot be established implicitly because the IMQ_IMPL_CONN flag of the ImqQueueManager behavior class attribute is FALSE. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED 6126 (X'17EE') MQRC_DISTRIBUTION_LIST_EMPTY Explanation: An ImqDistributionList failed to open because there are no ImqQueue objects referenced. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Establish at least one ImqQueue object in which the distribution list reference addresses the ImqDistributionList object, and retry. 6127 (X'17EF') MQRC_INCONSISTENT_OPEN_OPTIONS Explanation: A method failed because the object is open, and the ImqObject open options are inconsistent with the required operation. The object cannot be reopened implicitly because the IMQ_IMPL_OPEN flag of the ImqObject behavior class attribute is false. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Open the object with appropriate ImqObject open options and retry. 6128 (X'17FO') MQRC_WRONG_VERSION Explanation: A method failed because a version number specified or encountered is either incorrect or not supported. For the ImqCICSBridgeHeader class, the problem is with the version attribute. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: If you are specifying a version number, use one that is supported by the class. If you are receiving message data from another program, 6125 (X'17ED') MQRC_NOT_OPEN Explanation: A method failed because an object was not open, and opening cannot be accomplished implicitly because the IMQ_IMPL_OPEN flag of the ImqObject behavior class attribute is FALSE. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Open the object and retry. Programmer Response: Establish a connection to a queue manager and retry.


Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

ensure that both programs are using consistent and supported version numbers. 6129 (X'17F1') MQRC_REFERENCE_ERROR Explanation: An object reference is invalid. There is a problem with the address of a referenced object. At the time of use, the address of the object is nonnull, but is invalid and cannot be used for its intended purpose. This reason code occurs in the WebSphere MQ C++ environment. Completion Code: MQCC_FAILED Programmer Response: Check that the referenced object is neither deleted nor out of scope, or remove the reference by supplying a null address value.

Reason code cross reference

The following is a list of reason codes, in alphabetic order, cross referenced to the full description in numeric order.

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes



Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes



Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes



Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes

Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes



Messages and Codes

Completion and reason codes


Appendix A. API completion and reason codes


Completion and reason codes


Messages and Codes

Appendix B. PCF reason codes

Reason codes might be returned in response to a command message in PCF format, depending on the parameters used in that message. Codes in the range 3000 - 4999 (X'0BB8' - X'1387') are specific to PCF and are described here. You might also expect to see some of the API codes described in Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413. For more information about PCF, see the WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface.

Reason codes
The following is a list of reason codes specific to PCF, in numeric order, providing detailed information to help you understand them, including: v An explanation of the circumstances that have caused the code to be raised v The associated completion code v Suggested programmer actions in response to the code See Reason code cross reference on page 516 for a list of PCF reason codes in alphabetic order.
3001 (X'0BB9') MQRCCF_CFH_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Type not valid. The MQCFH Type field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid type. 3002 (X'0BBA') MQRCCF_CFH_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFH StrucLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length. 3003 (X'0BBB') MQRCCF_CFH_VERSION_ERROR Explanation: Structure version number is not valid. The MQCFH Version field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure version number. 3004 (X'0BBC') MQRCCF_CFH_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER_ERR Explanation: Message sequence number not valid. The MQCFH MsgSeqNumber field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid message sequence number. 3007 (X'0BBF') MQRCCF_CFH_COMMAND_ERROR Explanation: Command identifier not valid. The MQCFH Command field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid command identifier. 3008 (X'0BC0') MQRCCF_COMMAND_FAILED Explanation: Command failed. The command has failed. Programmer Response: Refer to the previous error messages for this command. 3005 (X'0BBD') MQRCCF_CFH_CONTROL_ERROR Explanation: Control option not valid. The MQCFH Control field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid control option. 3006 (X'0BBE') MQRCCF_CFH_PARM_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: Parameter count not valid. The MQCFH ParameterCount field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter count.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


PCF reason codes

3009 (X'0BC1') MQRCCF_CFIN_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFIN or MQCFIN64 StrucLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length. 3010 (X'0BC2') MQRCCF_CFST_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFST StrucLength field value was not valid. The value was not a multiple of four or was inconsistent with the MQCFST StringLength field value. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length. 3011 (X'0BC3') MQRCCF_CFST_STRING_LENGTH_ERR Explanation: String length not valid. The MQCFST StringLength field value was not valid. The value was negative or greater than the maximum permitted length of the parameter specified in the Parameter field. Programmer Response: Specify a valid string length for the parameter. 3012 (X'0BC4') MQRCCF_FORCE_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Force value not valid. The force value specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid force value. 3013 (X'0BC5') MQRCCF_STRUCTURE_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Structure type not valid. The structure Type value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure type. 3014 (X'0BC6') MQRCCF_CFIN_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFIN or MQCFIN64 Parameter field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3015 (X'0BC7') MQRCCF_CFST_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFST Parameter field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3016 (X'0BC8') MQRCCF_MSG_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Message length not valid. The message data length was inconsistent with the length implied by the parameters in the message, or a positional parameter was out of sequence. Programmer Response: Specify a valid message length, and check that positional parameters are in the correct sequence. 3017 (X'0BC9') MQRCCF_CFIN_DUPLICATE_PARM Explanation: Duplicate parameter. Two MQCFIN or MQCFIN64 or MQCFIL or MQCFIL64 structures, or any two of those types of structure, with the same parameter identifier were present. Programmer Response: Check for and remove duplicate parameters. 3018 (X'0BCA') MQRCCF_CFST_DUPLICATE_PARM Explanation: Duplicate parameter. Two MQCFST structures, or an MQCFSL followed by an MQCFST structure, with the same parameter identifier were present. Programmer Response: Check for and remove duplicate parameters. 3019 (X'0BCB') MQRCCF_PARM_COUNT_TOO_SMALL Explanation: Parameter count too small. The MQCFH ParameterCount field value was less than the minimum required for the command. Programmer Response: Specify a parameter count that is valid for the command. 3020 (X'0BCC') MQRCCF_PARM_COUNT_TOO_BIG Explanation: Parameter count too big. The MQCFH ParameterCount field value was more than the maximum for the command. Programmer Response: Specify a parameter count that is valid for the command.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

3021 (X'0BCD') MQRCCF_Q_ALREADY_IN_CELL Explanation: Queue already exists in cell. An attempt was made to define a queue with cell scope, or to change the scope of an existing queue from queue-manager scope to cell scope, but a queue with that name already existed in the cell. Programmer Response: Do one of the following: v Delete the existing queue and retry the operation. v Change the scope of the existing queue from cell to queue-manager and retry the operation. v Create the new queue with a different name. 3022 (X'0BCE') MQRCCF_Q_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Queue type not valid. The QType value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid queue type. 3029 (X'0BD5') MQRCCF_MODE_VALUE_ERROR 3023 (X'0BCF') MQRCCF_MD_FORMAT_ERROR Explanation: Format not valid. The MQMD Format field value was not MQFMT_ADMIN. Programmer Response: Specify the valid format. 3024 (X'0BD0') MQRCCF_CFSL_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFSL StrucLength field value was not valid. The value was not a multiple of four or was inconsistent with the MQCFSL StringLength field value. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length. 3025 (X'0BD1') MQRCCF_REPLACE_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Replace value not valid. The Replace value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid replace value. 3026 (X'0BD2') MQRCCF_CFIL_DUPLICATE_VALUE Explanation: Duplicate parameter value. In the MQCFIL or MQCFIL64 structure, there was a duplicate parameter value in the list. Programmer Response: Check for and remove duplicate parameter values. 3030 (X'0BD6') MQRCCF_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER_ERROR Explanation: Message sequence number not valid. The message sequence number parameter value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid message sequence number. 3031 (X'0BD7') MQRCCF_PING_DATA_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: Data count not valid. The Ping Channel DataCount value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid data count value. 3032 (X'0BD8') MQRCCF_PING_DATA_COMPARE_ERROR Explanation: Ping Channel command failed. The Ping Channel command failed with a data compare error. The data offset that failed is returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_ERROR_OFFSET).
Appendix B. PCF reason codes

3027 (X'0BD3') MQRCCF_CFIL_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: Count of parameter values not valid. The MQCFIL or MQCFIL64 Count field value was not valid. The value was negative or greater than the maximum permitted for the parameter specified in the Parameter field. Programmer Response: Specify a valid count for the parameter. 3028 (X'0BD4') MQRCCF_CFIL_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFIL or MQCFIL64 StrucLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length.

Explanation: Mode value not valid. The Mode value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid mode value. 3029 (X'0BD5') MQRCCF_QUIESCE_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Former name for MQRCCF_MODE_VALUE_ERROR.


PCF reason codes

Programmer Response: Consult your systems administrator. 3033 (X'0BD9') MQRCCF_CFSL_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFSL Parameter field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3034 (X'0BDA') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Channel type not valid. The ChannelType specified was not valid, or did not match the type of an existing channel being copied, changed or replaced, or the command and the specified disposition cannot be used with that type of channel. Programmer Response: Specify a valid channel name, type, or disposition. 3035 (X'0BDB') MQRCCF_PARM_SEQUENCE_ERROR Explanation: Parameter sequence not valid. The sequence of parameters is not valid for this command. Programmer Response: Specify the positional parameters in a valid sequence for the command. 3036 (X'0BDC') MQRCCF_XMIT_PROTOCOL_TYPE_ERR Explanation: Transmission protocol type not valid. The TransportType value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid transmission protocol type. 3037 (X'0BDD') MQRCCF_BATCH_SIZE_ERROR Explanation: Batch size not valid. The batch size specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid batch size value. 3038 (X'0BDE') MQRCCF_DISC_INT_ERROR Explanation: Disconnection interval not valid. The disconnection interval specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid disconnection interval. 3045 (X'0BE5') MQRCCF_PUT_AUTH_ERROR Explanation: Put authority value not valid. The PutAuthority value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid authority value. 3044 (X'0BE4') MQRCCF_MAX_MSG_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Maximum message length not valid. The maximum message length value specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid maximum message length. 3039 (X'0BDF') MQRCCF_SHORT_RETRY_ERROR Explanation: Short retry count not valid. The ShortRetryCount value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid short retry count value. 3040 (X'0BE0') MQRCCF_SHORT_TIMER_ERROR Explanation: Short timer value not valid. The ShortRetryInterval value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid short timer value. 3041 (X'0BE1') MQRCCF_LONG_RETRY_ERROR Explanation: Long retry count not valid. The long retry count value specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid long retry count value. 3042 (X'0BE2') MQRCCF_LONG_TIMER_ERROR Explanation: Long timer not valid. The long timer (long retry wait interval) value specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid long timer value. 3043 (X'0BE3') MQRCCF_SEQ_NUMBER_WRAP_ERROR Explanation: Sequence wrap number not valid. The SeqNumberWrap value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid sequence wrap number.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

3046 (X'0BE6') MQRCCF_PURGE_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Purge value not valid. The Purge value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid purge value. 3047 (X'0BE7') MQRCCF_CFIL_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFIL or MQCFIL64 Parameter field value was not valid, or specifies a parameter that cannot be filtered, or that is also specified as a parameter to select a subset of objects. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3048 (X'0BE8') MQRCCF_MSG_TRUNCATED Explanation: Message truncated. The command server received a message that is larger than its maximum valid message size. Programmer Response: Check the message contents are correct. 3049 (X'0BE9') MQRCCF_CCSID_ERROR Explanation: Coded character-set identifier error. In a command message, one of the following occurred: v The CodedCharSetId field in the message descriptor of the command does not match the coded character-set identifier of the queue manager at which the command is being processed, or v The CodedCharSetId field in a string parameter structure within the message text of the command is not MQCCSI_DEFAULT, or the coded character-set identifier of the queue manager at which the command is being processed, as in the CodedCharSetId field in the message descriptor. The error response message contains the correct value. This reason can also occur if a ping cannot be performed because the coded character-set identifiers are not compatible. In this case the correct value is not returned. Programmer Response: Construct the command with the correct coded character-set identifier, and specify this in the message descriptor when sending the command. For ping, use a suitable coded character-set identifier. 3053 (X'0BED') MQRCCF_INDOUBT_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: In-doubt value not valid. The value specified for InDoubt is not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 3054 (X'0BEE') MQRCCF_ESCAPE_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Escape type not valid. The value specified for EscapeType is not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 3062 (X'0BF6') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_TABLE_ERROR Explanation: Channel table value not valid. The ChannelTable specified was not valid, or was not appropriate for the channel type specified on an Inquire Channel or Inquire Channel Names command. Programmer Response: Specify a valid channel table value. 3063 (X'0BF7') MQRCCF_MCA_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Message channel agent type not valid. The MCAType value specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 3064 (X'0BF8') MQRCCF_CHL_INST_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Channel instance type not valid. The ChannelInstanceType specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid channel instance type. 3050 (X'0BEA') MQRCCF_ENCODING_ERROR Explanation: Encoding error. The Encoding field in the message descriptor of the command does not match that required for the platform at which the command is being processed. Programmer Response: Construct the command with the correct encoding, and specify this in the message descriptor when sending the command. 3052 (X'0BEC') MQRCCF_DATA_CONV_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Data conversion value not valid. The value specified for DataConversion is not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid value.

Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes

3065 (X'0BF9') MQRCCF_CHL_STATUS_NOT_FOUND Explanation: Channel status not found. For Inquire Channel Status, no channel status is available for the specified channel. This may indicate that the channel has not been used. Programmer Response: None, unless this is unexpected, in which case consult your systems administrator. 3066 (X'0BFA') MQRCCF_CFSL_DUPLICATE_PARM Explanation: Duplicate parameter. Two MQCFSL structures, or an MQCFST followed by an MQCFSL structure, with the same parameter identifier were present. Programmer Response: Check for and remove duplicate parameters. 3067 (X'0BFB') MQRCCF_CFSL_TOTAL_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Total string length error. The total length of the strings (not including trailing blanks) in a MQCFSL structure exceeds the maximum allowable for the parameter. Programmer Response: Check that the structure has been specified correctly, and if so reduce the number of strings. 3068 (X'0BFC') MQRCCF_CFSL_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: Count of parameter values not valid. The MQCFSL Count field value was not valid. The value was negative or greater than the maximum permitted for the parameter specified in the Parameter field. Programmer Response: Specify a valid count for the parameter. 3069 (X'0BFD') MQRCCF_CFSL_STRING_LENGTH_ERR Explanation: String length not valid. The MQCFSL StringLength field value was not valid. The value was negative or greater than the maximum permitted length of the parameter specified in the Parameter field. Programmer Response: Specify a valid string length for the parameter. 3070 (X'0BFE') MQRCCF_BROKER_DELETED Explanation: Broker has been deleted. When a broker is deleted using the dltmqbrk command, all broker queues created by the broker are deleted. Before this can be done the queues are emptied of all command messages; any that are found are placed on the dead-letter queue with this reason code. Programmer Response: Process the command messages that were placed on the dead-letter queue. 3071 (X'0BFF') MQRCCF_STREAM_ERROR Explanation: Stream name is not valid. The stream name parameter is not valid. Stream names must obey the same naming rules as for WebSphere MQ queues. Programmer Response: Retry the command with a valid stream name parameter. 3072 (X'0C00') MQRCCF_TOPIC_ERROR Explanation: Topic name is invalid. A command has been sent to the broker containing a topic name that is not valid. Note that wildcard topic names are not allowed for Register Publisher and Publish commands. Programmer Response: Retry the command with a valid topic name parameter. Up to 256 characters of the topic name in question are returned with the error response message. If the topic name contains a null character, this is assumed to terminate the string and is not considered to be part of it. A zero length topic name is not valid, as is one that contains an escape sequence that is not valid. 3073 (X'0C01') MQRCCF_NOT_REGISTERED Explanation: Subscriber or publisher is not registered. A Deregister command has been issued to remove registrations for a topic, or topics, for which the publisher or subscriber is not registered. If multiple topics were specified on the command, it fails with a completion code of MQCC_WARNING if the publisher or subscriber was registered for some, but not all, of the topics specified. This error code is also returned to a subscriber issuing a Request Update command for a topic for which he does not have a subscription. Programmer Response: Investigate why the publisher or subscriber is not registered. In the case of a subscriber, the subscriptions might have expired, or been removed automatically by the broker if the subscriber is no longer authorized.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

3074 (X'0C02') MQRCCF_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR Explanation: An invalid or unknown queue manager name has been supplied. A queue manager name has been supplied as part of a publisher or subscriber identity. This might have been supplied as an explicit parameter or in the ReplyToQMgr field in the message descriptor of the command. Either the queue manager name is not valid, or in the case of a subscriber identity, the subscribers queue could not be resolved because the remote queue manager is not known to the broker queue manager. Programmer Response: Retry the command with a valid queue manager name. If appropriate, the broker includes a further error reason code within the error response message. If one is supplied, follow the guidance for that reason code in WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference to resolve the problem. 3075 (X'0C03') MQRCCF_INCORRECT_STREAM Explanation: Stream name does not match the stream queue it was sent to. A command has been sent to a stream queue that specified a different stream name parameter. Programmer Response: Retry the command either by sending it to the correct stream queue or by modifying the command so that the stream name parameter matches. 3076 (X'0C04') MQRCCF_Q_NAME_ERROR Explanation: An invalid or unknown queue name has been supplied. A queue name has been supplied as part of a publisher or subscriber identity. This might have been supplied as an explicit parameter or in the ReplyToQ field in the message descriptor of the command. Either the queue name is not valid, or in the case of a subscriber identity, the broker has failed to open the queue. Programmer Response: Retry the command with a valid queue name. If appropriate, the broker includes a further error reason code within the error response message. If one is supplied, follow the guidance for that reason code in WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference to resolve the problem. 3077 (X'0C05') MQRCCF_NO_RETAINED_MSG Explanation: No retained message exists for the topic specified. A Request Update command has been issued to request the retained message associated with the specified topic. No retained message exists for that topic. Programmer Response: If the topic or topics in question should have retained messages, the publishers of these topics might not be publishing with the correct publication options to cause their publications to be retained. 3078 (X'0C06') MQRCCF_DUPLICATE_IDENTITY Explanation: Publisher or subscriber identity already assigned to another user ID. Each publisher and subscriber has a unique identity consisting of a queue manager name, a queue name, and optionally a correlation identifier. Associated with each identity is the user ID under which that publisher or subscriber first registered. A given identity can be assigned only to one user ID at a time. While the identity is registered with the broker all commands wanting to use it must specify the correct user ID. When a publisher or a subscriber no longer has any registrations with the broker the identity can be used by another user ID. Programmer Response: Either retry the command using a different identity or remove all registrations associated with the identity so that it can be used by a different user ID. The user ID to which the identity is currently assigned is returned within the error response message. A Deregister command could be issued to remove these registrations. If the user ID in question cannot be used to execute such a command, you need to have the necessary authority to open the SYSTEM.BROKER.CONTROL.QUEUE using the MQOO_ALTERNATE_USER_AUTHORITY option. 3079 (X'0C07') MQRCCF_INCORRECT_Q Explanation: Command sent to wrong broker queue. The command is a valid broker command but the queue it has been sent to is incorrect. Publish and Delete Publication commands need to be sent to the stream queue, all other commands need to be sent to the SYSTEM.BROKER.CONTROL.QUEUE. Programmer Response: Retry the command by sending it to the correct queue. 3080 (X'0C08') MQRCCF_CORREL_ID_ERROR Explanation: Correlation identifier used as part of an identity is all binary zeroes. Each publisher and subscriber is identified by a queue manager name, a queue name, and optionally a correlation identifier. The correlation identifier is typically used to allow multiple subscribers to share the same subscriber queue. In this instance a publisher or subscriber has indicated within the Registration or Publication options supplied on the command that their identity does include a correlation identifier, but a valid identifier has not been supplied. Programmer Response: Retry the command ensuring that the correlation identifier supplied in the message
Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes

descriptor of the command message is not all binary zeroes. 3081 (X'0C09') MQRCCF_NOT_AUTHORIZED Explanation: Subscriber has insufficient authority. To receive publications a subscriber application needs both browse authority for the stream queue that it is subscribing to, and put authority for the queue that publications are to be sent to. Subscriptions are rejected if the subscriber does not have both authorities. In addition to having browse authority for the stream queue, a subscriber would also require altusr authority for the stream queue to subscribe to certain topics that the broker itself publishes information on. These topics start with the MQ/SA/ prefix. Programmer Response: Ensure that the subscriber has the necessary authorities and reissue the request. The problem might occur because the subscribers user ID is not known to the broker. This can be identified if a further error reason code of MQRC_UNKNOWN_ENTITY is returned within the error response message. 3082 (X'0C0A') MQRCCF_UNKNOWN_STREAM Explanation: Stream is not known by the broker or could not be created. A command message has been put to the SYSTEM.BROKER.CONTROL.QUEUE for an unknown stream. This error code is also returned if dynamic stream creation is enabled and the broker failed to create a stream queue for the new stream using the SYSTEM.BROKER.MODEL.STREAM queue. Programmer Response: Retry the command for a stream that the broker supports. If the broker should support the stream, either define the stream queue manually, or correct the problem that prevented the broker from creating the stream queue itself. 3083 (X'0C0B') MQRCCF_REG_OPTIONS_ERROR Explanation: Invalid registration options have been supplied. The registration options provided on a command are not valid. Programmer Response: Retry the command with a valid combination of options. 3084 (X'0C0C') MQRCCF_PUB_OPTIONS_ERROR Explanation: Invalid publication options have been supplied. The publication options provided on a Publish command are not valid. Programmer Response: Retry the command with a 3089 (X'0C11') MQRCCF_REPOS_NAME_CONFLICT Explanation: RepositoryName and RepositoryNamelist attributes conflict. Either: valid combination of options. 3085 (X'0C0D') MQRCCF_UNKNOWN_BROKER Explanation: Command received from an unknown broker. Within a multi-broker network, related brokers pass subscriptions and publications between each other as a series of command messages. One such command message has been received from a broker that is not, or is no longer, related to the detecting broker. Programmer Response: his situation can occur if the broker network is not quiesced while topology changes are made to the network. When removing a broker from the network ensure that the channels between the two related brokers in question are active. 3086 (X'0C0E') MQRCCF_Q_MGR_CCSID_ERROR Explanation: Queue manager coded character set identifier error. The coded character set value for the queue manager was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 3087 (X'0C0F') MQRCCF_DEL_OPTIONS_ERROR Explanation: Invalid delete options have been supplied. The options provided with a Delete Publication command are not valid. Programmer Response: Retry the command with a valid combination of options. 3088 (X'0C10') MQRCCF_CLUSTER_NAME_CONFLICT Explanation: ClusterName and ClusterNamelist attributes conflict. The command was rejected because it would have resulted in the ClusterName attribute and the ClusterNamelist attribute both being nonblank. At least one of these attributes must be blank. Programmer Response: If the command specified one of these attributes only, you must also specify the other one, but with a value of blanks. If the command specified both attributes, ensure that one of them has a value of blanks.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

v The command was rejected because it would have resulted in the RepositoryName and RepositoryNamelist attributes both being nonblank. At least one of these attributes must be blank. v For a Reset Queue Manager Cluster command, the queue manager does not provide a full repository management service for the specified cluster. That is, the RepositoryName attribute of the queue manager is not the specified cluster name, or the namelist specified by the RepositoryNamelist attribute does not contain the cluster name. Programmer Response: Reissue the command with the correct values or on the correct queue manager. 3090 (X'0C12') MQRCCF_CLUSTER_Q_USAGE_ERROR Explanation: Queue cannot be a cluster queue. The command was rejected because it would have resulted in a cluster queue also being a transmission queue, which is not permitted, or because the queue in question cannot be a cluster queue. Programmer Response: Ensure that the command specifies either: v The Usage parameter with a value of MQUS_NORMAL, or v The ClusterName and ClusterNamelist parameters with values of blanks. v A QName parameter with a value that is not one of these reserved queues: SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT SYSTEM.QSG.CHANNEL.SYNCQ SYSTEM.QSG.TRANSMIT.QUEUE 3091 (X'0C13') MQRCCF_ACTION_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Action value not valid. The value specified for Action is not valid. There is only one valid value. Programmer Response: Specify MQACT_FORCE_REMOVE as the value of the Action parameter. 3092 (X'0C14') MQRCCF_COMMS_LIBRARY_ERROR Explanation: Library for requested communications protocol could not be loaded. The library needed for the requested communications protocol could not be loaded. Programmer Response: Install the library for the required communications protocol, or specify a 3097 (X'0C19') MQRCCF_PARM_SYNTAX_ERROR Explanation: Syntax error found in parameter. The parameter specified contained a syntax error. Programmer Response: Check the syntax for this parameter. 3098 (X'0C1A') MQRCCF_PWD_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Password length error. The password string length is rounded up by to the nearest eight bytes. This rounding causes the total length of the SSLCryptoHardware string to exceed its maximum. Programmer Response: Decrease the size of the password, or of earlier fields in the SSLCryptoHardware string.
Appendix B. PCF reason codes

communications protocol that has already been installed. 3093 (X'0C15') MQRCCF_NETBIOS_NAME_ERROR Explanation: NetBIOS listener name not defined. The NetBIOS listener name is not defined. Programmer Response: Add a local name to the configuration file and retry the operation. 3094 (X'0C16') MQRCCF_BROKER_COMMAND_FAILED Explanation: The broker command failed to complete. A broker command was issued but it failed to complete. Programmer Response: Diagnose the problem using the provided information and issue a corrected command. 3095 (X'0C17') MQRCCF_CFST_CONFLICTING_PARM Explanation: Conflicting parameters. The command was rejected because the parameter identified in the error response was in conflict with another parameter in the command. Programmer Response: Consult the description of the parameter identified to ascertain the nature of the conflict, and the correct command. 3096 (X'0C18') MQRCCF_PATH_NOT_VALID Explanation: Path not valid. The path specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid path.


PCF reason codes

3150 (X'0C4E') MQRCCF_FILTER_ERROR Explanation: Filter not valid. Either: 1. In an inquire command message, the specification of a filter is not valid. 2. In a publish/subscribe command message, the content-based filter expression supplied in the publish/subscribe command message contains invalid syntax, and cannot be used. Programmer Response: 1. Correct the specification of the filter parameter structure in the inquire command message. 2. Correct the syntax of the filter expression in the publish/subscribe command message. The filter expression is the value of the Filter tag in the psc folder in the MQRFH2 structure. See the Websphere MQ Integrator V2 Programming Guidefor details of valid syntax. 3151 (X'0C4F') MQRCCF_WRONG_USER Explanation: Wrong user. A publish/subscribe command message cannot be executed on behalf of the requesting user because the subscription that it would update is already owned by a different user. A subscription can be updated or deregistered only by the user that originally registered the subscription. Programmer Response: Ensure that applications that need to issue commands against existing subscriptions are running under the user identifier that originally registered the subscription. Alternatively, use different subscriptions for different users. 3152 (X'0C50') MQRCCF_DUPLICATE_SUBSCRIPTION Explanation: The subscription already exists. A matching subscription already exists. Programmer Response: Either modify the new subscription properties to distinguish it from the existing subscription or deregister the existing subscription. Then reissue the command. 3153 (X'0C51') MQRCCF_SUB_NAME_ERROR Explanation: The subscription name parameter is in error. Either the subscription name is of an invalid format or a matching subscription already exists with no subscription name. Programmer Response: Either correct the subscription name or remove it from the command and reissue the command. 3154 (X'0C52') MQRCCF_SUB_IDENTITY_ERROR Explanation: The subscription identity parameter is in error. Either the supplied value exceeds the maximum length allowed or the subscription identity is not currently a member of the subscriptions identity set and a Join registration option was not specified. Programmer Response: Either correct the identity value or specify a Join registration option to add this identity to the identity set for this subscription. 3155 (X'0C53') MQRCCF_SUBSCRIPTION_IN_USE Explanation: The subscription is in use. An attempt to modify or deregister a subscription was attempted by a member of the identity set when they were not the only member of this set. Programmer Response: Reissue the command when you are the only member of the identity set. To avoid the identity set check and force the modification or deregistration remove the subscription identity from the command message and reissue the command. 3156 (X'0C54') MQRCCF_SUBSCRIPTION_LOCKED Explanation: The subscription is locked. The subscription is currently exclusively locked by another identity. Programmer Response: Wait for this identity to release the exclusive lock. 3157 (X'0C55') MQRCCF_ALREADY_JOINED Explanation: The identity already has an entry for this subscription. A Join registration option was specified but the subscriber identity was already a member of the subscriptions identity set. Programmer Response: None. The command completed, this reason code is a warning. 3160 (X'0C58') MQRCCF_OBJECT_IN_USE Explanation: Object in use by another command. A modification of an object was attempted while the object was being modified by another command. Programmer Response: Retry the command. 3161 (X'0C59') MQRCCF_UNKNOWN_FILE_NAME Explanation: File not defined to CICS. A file name parameter identifies a file that is not defined to CICS.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

Programmer Response: Provide a valid file name or create a CSD definition for the required file. 3162 (X'0C5A') MQRCCF_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: File not available to CICS. A file name parameter identifies a file that is defined to CICS, but is not available. Programmer Response: Check that the CSD definition for the file is correct and enabled. 3163 (X'0C5B') MQRCCF_DISC_RETRY_ERROR Explanation: Disconnection retry count not valid. The DiscRetryCount value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid count. 3164 (X'0C5C') MQRCCF_ALLOC_RETRY_ERROR Explanation: Allocation retry count not valid. The AllocRetryCount value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid count. 3165 (X'0C5D') MQRCCF_ALLOC_SLOW_TIMER_ERROR Explanation: Allocation slow retry timer value not valid. The AllocRetrySlowTimer value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid timer value. 3166 (X'0C5E') MQRCCF_ALLOC_FAST_TIMER_ERROR Explanation: Allocation fast retry timer value not valid. The AllocRetryFastTimer value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 3167 (X'0C5F') MQRCCF_PORT_NUMBER_ERROR Explanation: Port number value not valid. The PortNumber value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid port number value. 3168 (X'0C60') MQRCCF_CHL_SYSTEM_NOT_ACTIVE Explanation: Channel system is not active. An attempt was made to start a channel while the channel system was inactive. 3173 (X'0C65') MQRCCF_OBJECT_TYPE_MISSING Explanation: Object type value required but missing. A parameter specifying the object type must be supplied. Programmer Response: Specify the required parameter. 3174 (X'0C66') MQRCCF_CONNECTION_ID_ERROR Explanation: Error in connection id parameter. The ConnectionId specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid connection id. 3171 (X'0C63') MQRCCF_AUTH_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Authorization value not valid. A value for the AuthorizationList or AuthorityRemove or AuthorityAdd parameter was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 3172 (X'0C64') MQRCCF_AUTH_VALUE_MISSING Explanation: Authorization value required but missing. A parameter specifying authorization values must be supplied. Programmer Response: Specify the required parameter. Programmer Response: Activate the channel system before starting a channel. 3169 (X'0C61') MQRCCF_ENTITY_NAME_MISSING Explanation: Entity name required but missing. A parameter specifying entity names must be supplied. Programmer Response: Specify the required parameter. 3170 (X'0C62') MQRCCF_PROFILE_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Profile name not valid. A profile name is not valid. Profile names may include wildcard characters or may be given explicitly. If you give an explicit profile name, then the object identified by the profile name must exist. This error may also occur if you specify more than one double asterisk in a profile name. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name.

Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes

3175 (X'0C67') MQRCCF_LOG_TYPE_ERROR Explanation: Log type not valid. The log type value specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid log type value. 3176 (X'0C68') MQRCCF_PROGRAM_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: Program not available. A request to start or stop a service failed because the request to start the program failed. This could be because the program could not be found at the specified location, or that insufficient system resources are available currently to start it. Programmer Response: Check that the correct name is specified in the definition of the service, and that the program is in the appropriate libraries, before retrying the request. 3177 (X'0C69') MQRCCF_PROGRAM_AUTH_FAILED Explanation: Program not available. A request to start or stop a service failed because the user does not have sufficient access authority to start the program at the specified location. Programmer Response: Correct the progam name and location, and the users authority, before retrying the request. 3200 (X'0C80') MQRCCF_NONE_FOUND Explanation: No items found matching request criteria. An Inquire command found no items that matched the specified name and satisfied any other criteria requested. 3201 (X'0C81') MQRCCF_SECURITY_SWITCH_OFF Explanation: Security refresh or reverification not processed, security switch set OFF. Either v a Reverify Security command was issued, but the subsystem security switch is off, so there are no internal control tables to flag for reverification; or v a Refresh Security command was issued, but the security switch for the requested class or the subsystem security switch is off. The switch in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_SECURITY_SWITCH). 3202 (X'0C82') MQRCCF_SECURITY_REFRESH_FAILED Explanation: Security refresh did not take place. A SAF RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT call to your external security manager (ESM) returned a non-zero return code. In consequence, the requested security refresh could not be done. The security item affected may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_SECURITY_ITEM). Possible causes of this problem are: v The class is not installed v The class is not active v The external security manager (ESM) is not active v The RACF z/OS router table is incorrect Programmer Response: For information about resolving the problem, see the explanations of messages CSQH003I and CSQH004I. 3203 (X'0C83') MQRCCF_PARM_CONFLICT Explanation: Incompatible parameters or parameter values. The parameters or parameter values for a command are incompatible. One of the following occurred: v A parameter was not specified that is required by another parameter or parameter value. v A parameter or parameter value was specified that is not allowed with some other parameter or parameter value. v The values for two specified parameters were not both blank or non-blank. v The values for two specified parameters were incompatible. The parameters in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifiers MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID). Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct parameters and values. 3204 (X'0C84') MQRCCF_COMMAND_INHIBITED Explanation: Commands not allowed at present time. The queue manager cannot accept commands at the present time, because it is restarting or terminating, or because the command server is not running. 3205 (X'0C85') MQRCCF_OBJECT_BEING_DELETED Explanation: Object is being deleted. The object specified on a command is in the process of being deleted, so the command is ignored.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

3207 (X'0C87') MQRCCF_STORAGE_CLASS_IN_USE Explanation: Storage class is active or queue is in use. The command for a local queue involved a change to the StorageClass value, but there are messages on the queue, or other threads have the queue open. Programmer Response: Remove the messages from the queue, or wait until any other threads have closed the queue. 3208 (X'0C88') MQRCCF_OBJECT_NAME_RESTRICTED Explanation: Incompatible object name and type. The command used a reserved object name with an incorrect object type or subtype. The object is only allowed to be of a predetermined type, as listed in the explanation of message CSQM108I. 3209 (X'0C89') MQRCCF_OBJECT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Explanation: Local queue limit exceeded. The command failed because no more local queues could be defined. There is an implementation limit of 524 287 for the total number of local queues that can exist. For shared queues, there is a limit of 512 queues in a single coupling facility structure. Programmer Response: Delete any existing queues that are no longer required. 3210 (X'0C8A') MQRCCF_OBJECT_OPEN_FORCE Explanation: Object is in use, but could be changed specifying Force as MQFC_YES. The object specified is in use. This could be because it is open through the API, or for certain parameter changes, because there are messages currently on the queue. The requested changes can be made by specifying Force as MQFC_YES on a Change command. Programmer Response: Wait until the object is not in use. Alternatively specify Force as MQFC_YES for a change command. 3211 (X'0C8B') MQRCCF_DISPOSITION_CONFLICT Explanation: Parameters are incompatible with disposition. The parameters or parameter values for a command are incompatible with the disposition of an object. One of the following occurred: v A value specified for the object name or other parameter is not allowed for a local queue whose v v disposition is shared or a model queue used to create a dynamic queue that is shared. A value specified for a parameter is not allowed for an object with such disposition. A value specified for a parameter must be non-blank for an object with such disposition. The CommandScope and QSGDisposition or ChannelDisposition parameter values are incompatible. The action requested for a channel cannot be performed because it has the wrong disposition.

The parameter and disposition in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifiers MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID and MQIA_QSG_DISP). Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct parameters and values. 3212 (X'0C8C') MQRCCF_Q_MGR_NOT_IN_QSG Explanation: Queue manager is not in a queue-sharing group. The command or its parameters are not allowed when the queue manager is not in a queue-sharing group. The parameter in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID). Programmer Response: Reissue the command correctly. 3213 (X'0C8D') MQRCCF_ATTR_VALUE_FIXED Explanation: Parameter value cannot be changed. The value for a parameter cannot be changed. The parameter in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID). Programmer Response: To change the parameter, the object must be deleted and then created again with the new value. 3215 (X'0C8F') MQRCCF_NAMELIST_ERROR Explanation: Namelist is empty or wrong type. A namelist used to specify a list of clusters has no names in it or does not have type MQNT_CLUSTER or MQNT_NONE. Programmer Response: Reissue the command specifying a namelist that is not empty and has a suitable type. 3217 (X'0C91') MQRCCF_NO_CHANNEL_INITIATOR Explanation: Channel initiator not active. The command requires the channel initiator to be started.

Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes

3218 (X'0C93') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_INITIATOR_ERROR Explanation: Channel initiator cannot be started, or no suitable channel initiator is available. One of the following: v The channel initiator cannot be started because: It is already active. There are insufficient system resources. The queue manager was shutting down. v The shared channel cannot be started because there was no suitable channel initiator available for any active queue manager in the queue-sharing group. This could be because: No channel initiators are running. The channel initiators that are running are too busy to allow any channel, or a channel of the particular type, to be started. 3222 (X'0C96') MQRCCF_COMMAND_LEVEL_CONFLICT Explanation: Incompatible queue manager command levels. Changing the CFLevel parameter of a CF structure, or deleting a CF structure, requires that all queue managers in the queue-sharing group have a command level of at least 530. Some of the queue managers have a lower level. 3223 (X'0C97') MQRCCF_Q_ATTR_CONFLICT Explanation: Queue attributes are incompatible. The queues involved in a Move Queue command have different values for one or more of these attributes: DefinitionType, HardenGetBackout, Usage. Messages cannot be moved safely if these attributes differ. 3224 (X'0C98') MQRCCF_EVENTS_DISABLED Explanation: Events not enabled. The command required performance or configuration events to be enabled. Programmer Response: Use the Change Queue manager command to enable the events if required. 3225 (X'0C99') MQRCCF_COMMAND_SCOPE_ERROR Explanation: Queue-sharing group error. While processing a command that used the CommandScope parameter, an error occurred while trying to send data to the coupling facility. Programmer Response: Notify your system programmer. 3226 (X'0C9A') MQRCCF_COMMAND_REPLY_ERROR Explanation: Error saving command reply information. While processing a command that used the CommandScope parameter, or a command for the channel initiator, an error occurred while trying to save information about the command. Programmer Response: The most likely cause is insufficient storage. If the problem persists, you may need to restart the queue manager after making more storage available. 3227 (X'0C9B') MQRCCF_FUNCTION_RESTRICTED Explanation: Restricted command or parameter value used. The command, or the value specified for one of its parameters, is not allowed because the installation and customization options chosen do not allow all functions to be used. The parameter in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID). 3228 (X'0C9C') MQRCCF_PARM_MISSING Explanation: Required parameter not specified. The command did not specify a parameter or parameter value that was required. It may be: v A parameter that is always required. v A parameter that is one of a set of two or more alternative required parameters. v A parameter that is required because some other parameter was specified. v A parameter that is a list of values which has too few values. The parameter in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID). Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct parameters and values. 3229 (X'0C9D') MQRCCF_PARM_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Parameter value invalid. The value specified for a parameter was not acceptable. It may be: v Outside the acceptable numeric range for the parameter. v Not one of a list of acceptable values for the parameter. v Using characters that are invalid for the parameter. v Completely blank, when such is not allowed for the parameter. v A filter value that is invalid for the parameter being filtered.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

The parameter in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID). Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct parameters and values. 3230 (X'0C9E') MQRCCF_COMMAND_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Command exceeds allowable length. The command is so large that its internal form has exceeded the maximum length allowed. The size of the internal form of the command is affected by both the length, and the complexity of the command. 3231 (X'0C9F') MQRCCF_COMMAND_ORIGIN_ERROR Explanation: Command issued incorrectly. The command cannot be issued using command server. This is an internal error. Programmer Response: Notify your system programmer. 3232 (X'0CA0') MQRCCF_LISTENER_CONFLICT Explanation: Address conflict for listener. A listener was already active for a port and IP address combination that conflicted with the Port and IPAddress values specified by a Start Channel Listener or Stop Channel Listener command. The Port and IPAddress value combination specified must match a combination for which the listener is active. It cannot be a superset or a subset of that combination. Programmer Response: Reissue the command with correct values, if required. 3233 (X'0CA1') MQRCCF_LISTENER_STARTED Explanation: Listener is started. An attempt was made to start a listener, but it is already active for the requested TransportType, InboundDisposition, Port, and IPAddress values. The requested parameter values may be returned in the message, if applicable (with parameter identifiers MQIACH_XMIT_PROTOCOL_TYPE, MQIACH_INBOUND_DISP, MQIACH_PORT_NUMBER, MQCACH_IP_ADDRESS). 3234 (X'0CA2') MQRCCF_LISTENER_STOPPED Explanation: Listener is stopped. An attempt was made to stop a listener, but it is not active or already stopping for the requested TransportType, InboundDisposition, Port, and IPAddress values. The requested parameter values may be returned in the message, if applicable (with parameter identifiers MQIACH_XMIT_PROTOCOL_TYPE, MQIACH_INBOUND_DISP, MQIACH_PORT_NUMBER, MQCACH_IP_ADDRESS). 3235 (X'0CA3') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_ERROR Explanation: Channel command failed. A channel command failed because of an error in the channel definition, or at the remote end of the channel, or in the communications system. An error identifier value nnn may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_ERROR_ID). Programmer Response: For information about the error, see the explanation of the corresponding error message. Error nnn generally corresponds to message CSQXnnn, although there are some exceptions. The section Distributed queuing message codes in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Messages and Codes book gives full details. 3236 (X'0CA4') MQRCCF_CF_STRUC_ERROR Explanation: CF structure error. A command could not be processed because of a coupling facility or CF structure error. It may be: v A Backup CF Structure or Recover CF Structure command when the status of the CF structure is unsuitable. In this case, the CF structure status may be returned in the message together with the CF structure name (with parameter identifiers MQIACF_CF_STRUC_STATUS and MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME). v A command could not access an object because of an error in the coupling facility information, or because a CF structure has failed. In this case, the name of the object involved may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQCA_Q_NAME, for example). v A command involving a shared channel could not access the channel status or synchronization key information. Programmer Response: In the case of a Backup CF Structure or Recover CF Structure command, take action appropriate to the CF struture status reported. In other cases, check for error messages on the console log that might relate to the problem. Check whether the coupling facility structure has failed and check that DB2 is available. 3237 (X'0CA5') MQRCCF_UNKNOWN_USER_ID Explanation: User identifier not found. A user identifier specified in a Reverify Security command was not valid because there was no entry found for it in the internal control table. This could be because the identifier was entered incorrectly in the
Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes

command, or because it was not in the table (for example, because it had timed-out). The user identifier in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQCACF_USER_IDENTIFIER). 3238 (X'0CA6') MQRCCF_UNEXPECTED_ERROR Explanation: Unexpected or severe error. An unexpected or severe error or other failure occurred. A code associated with the error may be returned in the message (with parameter identifier MQIACF_ERROR_ID). Programmer Response: Notify your system programmer. 3239 (X'0CA7') MQRCCF_NO_XCF_PARTNER Explanation: MQ is not connected to the XCF partner. The command involving the WebSphere MQ-IMS Bridge cannot be processed because MQ is not connected to the XCF partner. The group and member names of the XCF partner in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifiers MQCA_XCF_GROUP_NAME and MQCA_XCF_MEMBER_NAME). 3240 (X'0CA8') MQRCCF_CFGR_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFGR Parameter field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3241 (X'0CA9') MQRCCF_CFIF_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFIF StrucLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length. 3242 (X'0CAA') MQRCCF_CFIF_OPERATOR_ERROR Explanation: Parameter count not valid. The MQCFIF Operator field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid operator value. 3243 (X'0CAB') MQRCCF_CFIF_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFIF Parameter field value was not valid, or specifies a parameter that cannot be filtered, or that is also specified as a parameter to select a subset of objects. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3246 (X'0CAE') MQRCCF_CFSF_OPERATOR_ERROR Explanation: Parameter count not valid. The MQCFSF Operator field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid operator value. 3247 (X'0CAF') MQRCCF_CFSF_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFSF Parameter field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3248 (X'0CB0') MQRCCF_TOO_MANY_FILTERS Explanation: Too many filters. The command contained more than the maximum permitted number of filter structures. Programmer Response: Specify the command correctly. 3249 (X'0CB1') MQRCCF_LISTENER_RUNNING Explanation: Listener is running. An attempt was made to perform an operation on a listener, but it is currently active. Programmer Response: Stop the listener if required. 3250 (X'0CB2') MQRCCF_LSTR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND Explanation: Listener status not found. For Inquire Listener Status, no listener status is available for the specified listener. This may indicate that the listener has not been used. Programmer Response: None, unless this is 3244 (X'0CAC') MQRCCF_CFSF_FILTER_VAL_LEN_ERR Explanation: Filter value length not valid. The MQCFSF FilterValueLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid length. 3245 (X'0CAD') MQRCCF_CFSF_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFSF StrucLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

unexpected, in which case consult your systems administrator. 3251 (X'0CB3') MQRCCF_SERVICE_RUNNING Explanation: Service is running. An attempt was made to perform an operation on a service, but it is currently active. Programmer Response: Stop the service if required. 3252 (X'0CB4') MQRCCF_SERV_STATUS_NOT_FOUND Explanation: Service status not found. For Inquire Service Status, no service status is available for the specified service. This may indicate that the service has not been used. Programmer Response: None, unless this is unexpected, in which case consult your systems administrator. 3253 (X'0CB5') MQRCCF_SERVICE_STOPPED Explanation: Service is stopped. An attempt was made to stop a service, but it is not active or already stopping. 3254 (X'0CB6') MQRCCF_CFBS_DUPLICATE_PARM Explanation: Duplicate parameter. Two MQCFBS structures with the same parameter identifier were present. Programmer Response: Check for and remove duplicate parameters. 3255 (X'0CB7') MQRCCF_CFBS_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFBS StrucLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length. 3256 (X'0CB8') MQRCCF_CFBS_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFBS Parameter field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3257 (X'0CB9') MQRCCF_CFBS_STRING_LENGTH_ERR Explanation: String length not valid. The MQCFBS StringLength field value was not valid. 3262 (X'0CBE') MQRCCF_NO_START_CMD Explanation: No start command. The service cannot be started because no start command is specified in the service definition. Programmer Response: Correct the definition of the service. 3263 (X'0CBF') MQRCCF_NO_STOP_CMD Explanation: No stop command. The service cannot be stopped because no stop command is specified in the service definition. Programmer Response: Correct the definition of the service.
Appendix B. PCF reason codes

The value was negative or greater than the maximum permitted length of the parameter specified in the Parameter field. Programmer Response: Specify a valid string length for the parameter. 3258 (X'0CBA') MQRCCF_CFGR_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFGR StrucLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length. 3259 (X'0CBB') MQRCCF_CFGR_PARM_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: Parameter count not valid. The MQCFGR ParameterCount field value was not valid. The value was negative or greater than the maximum permitted for the parameter identifier specified in the Parameter field. Programmer Response: Specify a valid count for the parameter. 3260 (X'0CBC') MQRCCF_CONN_NOT_STOPPED Explanation: Connection not stopped. The Stop Connection command could not be executed, so the connection was not stopped. 3261 (X'0CBD') MQRCCF_SERVICE_REQUEST_PENDING Explanation: A Suspend or Resume Queue Manager command was issued, or a Refresh Security command, but such a command is currently in progress. Programmer Response: Wait until the current request completes, then reissue the command if necessary.


PCF reason codes

3264 (X'0CC0') MQRCCF_CFBF_LENGTH_ERROR Explanation: Structure length not valid. The MQCFBF StrucLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid structure length. 3265 (X'0CC1') MQRCCF_CFBF_PARM_ID_ERROR Explanation: Parameter identifier is not valid. The MQCFBF Parameter field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid parameter identifier. 3266 (X'0CC2') MQRCCF_CFBF_FILTER_VAL_LEN_ERR Explanation: Filter value length not valid. The MQCFBF FilterValueLength field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid length. 3267 (X'0CC3') MQRCCF_CFBF_OPERATOR_ERROR Explanation: Parameter count not valid. The MQCFBF Operator field value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid operator value. 3268 (X'0CC4') MQRCCF_LISTENER_STILL_ACTIVE Explanation: Listener still active. An attempt mas made to stop a listener, but it failed and the listener is still active. For example, the listener may still have active channels. Programmer Response: Wait for the active connections to the listener to complete before retrying the request. 4001 (X'0FA1') MQRCCF_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS Explanation: Object already exists. An attempt was made to create an object, but the object already existed and the Replace parameter was not specified as MQRP_YES. Programmer Response: Specify Replace as MQRP_YES, or use a different name for the object to be created. 4002 (X'0FA2') MQRCCF_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Object has wrong type or disposition. An object already exists with the same name but a different subtype or disposition from that specified by the command. Programmer Response: Ensure that the specified object is the same subtype and disposition. 4003 (X'0FA3') MQRCCF_LIKE_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: New and existing objects have different subtype. An attempt was made to create an object based on the definition of an existing object, but the new and existing objects had different subtypes. Programmer Response: Ensure that the new object has the same subtype as the one on which it is based. 4004 (X'0FA4') MQRCCF_OBJECT_OPEN Explanation: Object is open. An attempt was made to operate on an object that was in use. Programmer Response: Wait until the object is not in use, and then retry the operation. Alternatively specify Force as MQFC_YES for a change command. 4005 (X'0FA5') MQRCCF_ATTR_VALUE_ERROR Explanation: Attribute value not valid or repeated. One or more of the attribute values specified was not valid or was repeated. The error response message contains the failing attribute selectors (with parameter identifier MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID). Programmer Response: Specify the attribute values correctly. 4006 (X'0FA6') MQRCCF_UNKNOWN_Q_MGR Explanation: Queue manager not known. The queue manager specified was not known. Programmer Response: Specify the name of the queue manager to which the command is sent, or blank. 4007 (X'0FA7') MQRCCF_Q_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Action not valid for the queue of specified type. An attempt was made to perform an action on a queue of the wrong type. Programmer Response: Specify a queue of the correct type.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

4008 (X'0FA8') MQRCCF_OBJECT_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Name not valid. An object or other name name was specified using characters that were not valid. Programmer Response: Specify only valid characters for the name. 4009 (X'0FA9') MQRCCF_ALLOCATE_FAILED Explanation: Allocation failed. An attempt to allocate a conversation to a remote system failed. The error may be due to an entry in the channel definition that is not valid, or it might be that the listening program at the remote system is not running. Programmer Response: Ensure that the channel definition is correct, and start the listening program if necessary. If the error persists, consult your systems administrator. 4010 (X'0FAA') MQRCCF_HOST_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: Remote system not available. An attempt to allocate a conversation to a remote system was unsuccessful. The error might be transitory, and the allocate might succeed later. This reason can occur if the listening program at the remote system is not running. Programmer Response: Ensure that the listening program is running, and retry the operation. 4011 (X'0FAB') MQRCCF_CONFIGURATION_ERROR Explanation: Configuration error. There was a configuration error in the channel definition or communication subsystem, and allocation of a conversation was not possible. This might be caused by one of the following: v For LU 6.2, either the ModeName or the TpName is incorrect. The ModeName must match that on the remote system, and the TpName must be specified. (On OS/400, these are held in the communications Side Object.) v For LU 6.2, the session might not be established. v For TCP, the ConnectionName in the channel definition cannot be resolved to a network address. This might be because the name has not been correctly specified, or because the name server is not available. v The requested communications protocol might not be supported on the platform. Programmer Response: Identify the error and take appropriate action.
Appendix B. PCF reason codes

4012 (X'0FAC') MQRCCF_CONNECTION_REFUSED Explanation: Connection refused. The attempt to establish a connection to a remote system was rejected. The remote system might not be configured to allow a connection from this system. v For LU 6.2 either the user ID or the password supplied to the remote system is incorrect. v For TCP the remote system might not recognize the local system as valid, or the TCP listener program might not be started. Programmer Response: Correct the error or restart the listener program. 4013 (X'0FAD') MQRCCF_ENTRY_ERROR Explanation: Connection name not valid. The connection name in the channel definition could not be resolved into a network address. Either the name server does not contain the entry, or the name server was not available. Programmer Response: Ensure that the connection name is correctly specified and that the name server is available. 4014 (X'0FAE') MQRCCF_SEND_FAILED Explanation: Send failed. An error occurred while sending data to a remote system. This might be caused by a communications failure. Programmer Response: Consult your systems administrator. 4015 (X'0FAF') MQRCCF_RECEIVED_DATA_ERROR Explanation: Received data error. An error occurred while receiving data from a remote system. This might be caused by a communications failure. Programmer Response: Consult your systems administrator. 4016 (X'0FB0') MQRCCF_RECEIVE_FAILED Explanation: Receive failed. The receive operation failed. Programmer Response: Correct the error and retry the operation.


PCF reason codes

4017 (X'0FB1') MQRCCF_CONNECTION_CLOSED Explanation: Connection closed. An error occurred while receiving data from a remote system. The connection to the remote system has unexpectedly terminated. Programmer Response: Contact your systems administrator. 4018 (X'0FB2') MQRCCF_NO_STORAGE Explanation: Not enough storage available. Insufficient storage is available. Programmer Response: Consult your systems administrator. 4019 (X'0FB3') MQRCCF_NO_COMMS_MANAGER Explanation: Communications manager not available. The communications subsystem is not available. Programmer Response: Ensure that the communications subsystem has been started. 4020 (X'0FB4') MQRCCF_LISTENER_NOT_STARTED Explanation: Listener not started. The listener program could not be started. Either the communications subsystem has not been started, or the number of current channels using the communications subsystem is the maximum allowed, or there are too many jobs waiting in the queue. Programmer Response: Ensure the communications subsystem is started or retry the operation later. Increase the number of current channels allowed, if appropriate. 4024 (X'0FB8') MQRCCF_BIND_FAILED Explanation: Bind failed. The bind to a remote system during session negotiation has failed. Programmer Response: Consult your systems administrator. 4025 (X'0FB9') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_INDOUBT Explanation: Channel in-doubt. The requested operation cannot complete because the channel is in doubt. Programmer Response: Examine the status of the channel, and either restart a channel to resolve the in-doubt state, or resolve the channel. 4028 (X'0FBC') MQRCCF_MQGET_FAILED Explanation: MQGET call failed. Programmer Response: Check whether the queue manager is active, and the queues involved are correctly set up, and enabled for MQGET. 4029 (X'0FBD') MQRCCF_MQPUT_FAILED Explanation: MQPUT call failed. Programmer Response: Check whether the queue manager is active, and the queues involved are correctly set up, and not inhibited for puts. 4030 (X'0FBE') MQRCCF_PING_ERROR Explanation: Ping error. A ping operation can only be issued for a sender or server channel. If the local channel is a receiver channel, you must issue the ping from a remote queue manager. Programmer Response: Reissue the ping request for a different channel of the correct type, or for a receiver channel from a different queue manager. 4031 (X'0FBF') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_IN_USE Explanation: Channel in use. An attempt was made to perform an operation on a channel, but the channel is currently active. Programmer Response: Stop the channel or wait for it to terminate. 4032 (X'0FC0') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND Explanation: Channel not found. The channel specified does not exist. Programmer Response: Specify the name of a channel which exists. 4026 (X'0FBA') MQRCCF_MQCONN_FAILED Explanation: MQCONN call failed. Programmer Response: Check whether the queue manager is active. 4027 (X'0FBB') MQRCCF_MQOPEN_FAILED Explanation: MQOPEN call failed. Programmer Response: Check whether the queue manager is active, and the queues involved are correctly set up.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

4033 (X'0FC1') 4039 (X'0FC7') MQRCCF_UNKNOWN_REMOTE_CHANNEL MQRCCF_USER_EXIT_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: Remote channel not known. There is no definition of the referenced channel at the remote system. Programmer Response: Ensure that the local channel is correctly defined. If it is, add an appropriate channel definition at the remote system. 4034 (X'0FC2') MQRCCF_REMOTE_QM_UNAVAILABLE Explanation: Remote queue manager not available. The channel cannot be started because the remote queue manager is not available. Programmer Response: Start the remote queue manager. 4035 (X'0FC3') MQRCCF_REMOTE_QM_TERMINATING Explanation: Remote queue manager terminating. The channel is ending because the remote queue manager is terminating. Programmer Response: Restart the remote queue manager. 4036 (X'0FC4') MQRCCF_MQINQ_FAILED Explanation: MQINQ call failed. Programmer Response: Check whether the queue manager is active. 4037 (X'0FC5') MQRCCF_NOT_XMIT_Q Explanation: Queue is not a transmission queue. The queue specified in the channel definition is not a transmission queue, or is in use. Programmer Response: Ensure that the queue is specified correctly in the channel definition, and that it is correctly defined to the queue manager. 4038 (X'0FC6') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_DISABLED Explanation: Channel disabled. An attempt was made to use a channel, but the channel was disabled (that is, stopped). Programmer Response: Start the channel. 4044 (X'0FCC') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Channel name error. The ChannelName parameter contained characters that are not allowed for channel names. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. Explanation: User exit not available. The channel was terminated because the user exit specified does not exist. Programmer Response: Ensure that the user exit is correctly specified and the program is available. 4040 (X'0FC8') MQRCCF_COMMIT_FAILED Explanation: Commit failed. An error was received when an attempt was made to commit a unit of work. Programmer Response: Consult your systems administrator. 4041 (X'0FC9') MQRCCF_WRONG_CHANNEL_TYPE Explanation: Parameter not allowed for this channel type. The parameter is not allowed for the type of channel being created, copied, or changed. Refer to the description of the parameter in error to determine the types of channel for which the parameter is valid Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4042 (X'0FCA') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_ALREADY_EXISTS Explanation: Channel already exists. An attempt was made to create a channel but the channel already existed and Replace was not specified as MQRP_YES. Programmer Response: Specify Replace as MQRP_YES or use a different name for the channel to be created. 4043 (X'0FCB') MQRCCF_DATA_TOO_LARGE Explanation: Data too large. The data to be sent exceeds the maximum that can be supported for the command. Programmer Response: Reduce the size of the data.

Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes

4045 (X'0FCD') MQRCCF_XMIT_Q_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Transmission queue name error. The XmitQName parameter contains characters that are not allowed for queue names. This reason code also occurs if the parameter is not present when a sender or server channel is being created, and no default value is available. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name, or add the parameter. 4047 (X'0FCF') MQRCCF_MCA_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Message channel agent name error. The MCAName value contained characters that are not allowed for program names on the platform in question. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. 4054 (X'0FD6') MQRCCF_DISC_INT_WRONG_TYPE 4048 (X'0FD0') MQRCCF_SEND_EXIT_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Channel send exit name error. The SendExit value contained characters that are not allowed for program names on the platform in question. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. 4049 (X'0FD1') MQRCCF_SEC_EXIT_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Channel security exit name error. The SecurityExit value contained characters that are not allowed for program names on the platform in question. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. 4050 (X'0FD2') MQRCCF_MSG_EXIT_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Channel message exit name error. The MsgExit value contained characters that are not allowed for program names on the platform in question. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. 4051 (X'0FD3') MQRCCF_RCV_EXIT_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Channel receive exit name error. The ReceiveExit value contained characters that are not allowed for program names on the platform in question. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. 4057 (X'0FD9') MQRCCF_LONG_RETRY_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Long retry parameter not allowed for this channel type. The LongRetryCount parameter is only allowed for sender or server channel types. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4056 (X'0FD8') MQRCCF_SHORT_TIMER_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Short timer parameter not allowed for this channel type. The ShortRetryInterval parameter is only allowed for sender or server channel types. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. Explanation: Disconnection interval not allowed for this channel type. The DiscInterval parameter is only allowed for sender or server channel types. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4055 (X'0FD7') MQRCCF_SHORT_RETRY_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Short retry parameter not allowed for this channel type. The ShortRetryCount parameter is only allowed for sender or server channel types. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4052 (X'0FD4') MQRCCF_XMIT_Q_NAME_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Transmission queue name not allowed for this channel type. The XmitQName parameter is only allowed for sender or server channel types. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4053 (X'0FD5') MQRCCF_MCA_NAME_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Message channel agent name not allowed for this channel type. The MCAName parameter is only allowed for sender, server or requester channel types. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

4058 (X'0FDA') MQRCCF_LONG_TIMER_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Long timer parameter not allowed for this channel type. The LongRetryInterval parameter is only allowed for sender or server channel types. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4059 (X'0FDB') MQRCCF_PUT_AUTH_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Put authority parameter not allowed for this channel type. The PutAuthority parameter is only allowed for receiver or requester channel types. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4061 (X'0FDD') MQRCCF_MISSING_CONN_NAME Explanation: Connection name parameter required but missing. The ConnectionName parameter is required for sender or requester channel types, but is not present. Programmer Response: Add the parameter. 4062 (X'0FDE') MQRCCF_CONN_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Error in connection name parameter. The ConnectionName parameter contains one or more blanks at the start of the name. Programmer Response: Specify a valid connection name. 4063 (X'0FDF') MQRCCF_MQSET_FAILED Explanation: MQSET call failed. Programmer Response: Check whether the queue manager is active. 4064 (X'0FE0') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_NOT_ACTIVE Explanation: Channel not active. An attempt was made to stop a channel, but the channel was already stopped. Programmer Response: No action is required. 4065 (X'0FE1') MQRCCF_TERMINATED_BY_SEC_EXIT Explanation: Channel terminated by security exit. A channel security exit terminated the channel. Programmer Response: Check that the channel is attempting to connect to the correct queue manager, and if so that the security exit is specified correctly, and is working correctly, at both ends. 4067 (X'0FE3') MQRCCF_DYNAMIC_Q_SCOPE_ERROR Explanation: Dynamic queue scope error. The Scope attribute of the queue is to be MQSCO_CELL, but this is not allowed for a dynamic queue. Programmer Response: Predefine the queue if it is to have cell scope. 4068 (X'0FE4') MQRCCF_CELL_DIR_NOT_AVAILABLE Explanation: Cell directory is not available. The Scope attribute of the queue is to be MQSCO_CELL, but no name service supporting a cell directory has been configured. Programmer Response: Configure the queue manager with a suitable name service. 4069 (X'0FE5') MQRCCF_MR_COUNT_ERROR Explanation: Message retry count not valid. The MsgRetryCount value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a value in the range 0-999 999 999. 4070 (X'0FE6') MQRCCF_MR_COUNT_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Message-retry count parameter not allowed for this channel type. The MsgRetryCount parameter is allowed only for receiver and requester channels. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4071 (X'0FE7') MQRCCF_MR_EXIT_NAME_ERROR Explanation: Channel message-retry exit name error. The MsgRetryExit value contained characters that are not allowed for program names on the platform in question. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. 4072 (X'0FE8') MQRCCF_MR_EXIT_NAME_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Message-retry exit parameter not allowed for this channel type. The MsgRetryExit parameter is allowed only for receiver and requester channels.
Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes

Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4073 (X'0FE9') MQRCCF_MR_INTERVAL_ERROR Explanation: Message retry interval not valid. The MsgRetryInterval value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a value in the range 0-999 999 999. 4074 (X'0FEA') MQRCCF_MR_INTERVAL_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Message-retry interval parameter not allowed for this channel type. The MsgRetryInterval parameter is allowed only for receiver and requester channels. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4075 (X'0FEB') MQRCCF_NPM_SPEED_ERROR Explanation: Nonpersistent message speed not valid. The NonPersistentMsgSpeed value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify MQNPMS_NORMAL or MQNPMS_FAST. 4076 (X'0FEC') MQRCCF_NPM_SPEED_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Nonpersistent message speed parameter not allowed for this channel type. The NonPersistentMsgSpeed parameter is allowed only for sender, receiver, server, requester, cluster sender, and cluster receiver channels. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4077 (X'0FED') MQRCCF_HB_INTERVAL_ERROR Explanation: Heartbeat interval not valid. The HeartbeatInterval value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a value in the range 0-999 999. 4078 (X'0FEE') MQRCCF_HB_INTERVAL_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Heartbeat interval parameter not allowed for this channel type. The HeartbeatInterval parameter is allowed only for receiver and requester channels. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4079 (X'0FEF') MQRCCF_CHAD_ERROR Explanation: Channel automatic definition error. The ChannelAutoDef value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify MQCHAD_ENABLED or MQCHAD_DISABLED. 4080 (X'0FF0') MQRCCF_CHAD_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Channel automatic definition parameter not allowed for this channel type. The ChannelAutoDef parameter is allowed only for receiver and server-connection channels. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4081 (X'0FF1') MQRCCF_CHAD_EVENT_ERROR Explanation: Channel automatic definition event error. The ChannelAutoDefEvent value was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify MQEVR_ENABLED or MQEVR_DISABLED. 4082 (X'0FF2') MQRCCF_CHAD_EVENT_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Channel automatic definition event parameter not allowed for this channel type. The ChannelAutoDefEvent parameter is allowed only for receiver and server-connection channels. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4083 (X'0FF3') MQRCCF_CHAD_EXIT_ERROR Explanation: Channel automatic definition exit name error. The ChannelAutoDefExit value contained characters that are not allowed for program names on the platform in question. Programmer Response: Specify a valid name. 4084 (X'0FF4') MQRCCF_CHAD_EXIT_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Channel automatic definition exit parameter not allowed for this channel type. The ChannelAutoDefExit parameter is allowed only for receiver and server-connection channels. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter.


Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

4085 (X'0FF5') MQRCCF_SUPPRESSED_BY_EXIT Explanation: Action suppressed by exit program. An attempt was made to define a channel automatically, but this was inhibited by the channel automatic definition exit. The AuxErrorDataInt1 parameter contains the feedback code from the exit indicating why it inhibited the channel definition. Programmer Response: Examine the value of the AuxErrorDataInt1 parameter, and take any action that is appropriate. 4086 (X'0FF6') MQRCCF_BATCH_INT_ERROR Explanation: Batch interval not valid. The batch interval specified was not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid batch interval value. 4087 (X'0FF7') MQRCCF_BATCH_INT_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Batch interval parameter not allowed for this channel type. The BatchInterval parameter is allowed only for sender and server channels. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4088 (X'0FF8') MQRCCF_NET_PRIORITY_ERROR Explanation: Network priority value is not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid value. 4089 (X'0FF9') MQRCCF_NET_PRIORITY_WRONG_TYPE Explanation: Network priority parameter not allowed for this channel type. The NetworkPriority parameter is allowed for sender and server channels only. Programmer Response: Remove the parameter. 4090 (X'0FFA') MQRCCF_CHANNEL_CLOSED Explanation: Channel closed. The channel was closed prematurely. This can occur because a user stopped the channel while it was running, or a channel exit decided to close the channel. Programmer Response: Determine the reason that the channel was closed prematurely. Restart the channel if required. 4094 (X'0FFE') MQRCCF_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_ERROR Explanation: SSL client authentication not valid. The SSLClientAuth specified is not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid client authentication. 4095 (X'0FFF') MQRCCF_RETAINED_NOT_SUPPORTED Explanation: Retained messages used on restricted stream. An attempt has been made to use retained messages on a publish/subscribe stream defined to be restricted to JMS usage. JMS does not support the concept of retained messages and the request is rejected. Programmer Response: Either modify the application not to use retained messages, or modify the broker JmsStreamPrefix configuration parameter so that this stream is not treated as a JMS stream. 4092 (X'0FFC') MQRCCF_SSL_CIPHER_SPEC_ERROR Explanation: SSL cipher specification not valid. The SSLCipherSpec specified is not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid cipher specification. 4093 (X'0FFD') MQRCCF_SSL_PEER_NAME_ERROR Explanation: SSL peer name not valid. The SSLPeerName specified is not valid. Programmer Response: Specify a valid peer name.

Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes

Reason code cross reference



Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes



Messages and Codes

PCF reason codes

Appendix B. PCF reason codes


PCF reason codes



Messages and Codes

Appendix C. WebSphere MQ component identifiers

Table 2. Component identifiers used in WebSphere MQ messages and codes Component Batch adapter CICS adapter Coupling Facility manager Message generator Functional recovery manager Security manager Data manager Recovery log manager Lock manager Connection manager Message manager Command server Operations and control Buffer manager IMS adapter Recovery manager Storage manager Timer services Utilities Agent services Instrumentation facilities Distributed queuing Initialization procedures and general services System parameter manager Service facilities WebSphere MQ-IMS bridge Subsystem support DB2 manager Generalized command processor ID B C E F G H I J L m M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 5 9 Hex ID XC2 XC3 XC5 XC6 XC7 XC8 XC9 XD1 XD3 X94 XD4 XD5 XD6 XD7 XD8 XD9 XE2 XE3 XE4 XE5 XE6 XE7 XE8 XE9 XF1 XF2 XF3 XF5 XF9

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


WebSphere MQ component identifiers


Messages and Codes

Appendix D. Communications protocol return codes

The tables in this appendix document the more common return codes from TCP/IP and APPC/MVS that can be returned in messages from the distributed queuing component: v TCP/IP OpenEdition Sockets return codes v APPC/MVS return codes on page 526 If the return code is not listed, or if you want more information, refer to the books mentioned in each section. If the return code you received is X7D0 or more, it is one of the MQRC_* return codes issued by WebSphere MQ. These codes are listed in Appendix A, API completion and reason codes, on page 413.

TCP/IP OpenEdition Sockets return codes

See the OS/390 OpenEdition Messages and Codes manual for more information and for further return codes.
Table 3. OpenEdition sockets return codes Return code (Hex) 0001 0002 006F 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 0080 0081 0082 0083
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005

Explanation Error in the domain Result is too large Permission is denied The resource is temporarily unavailable The file descriptor is incorrect The resource is busy No child process exists A resource deadlock is avoided The file exists The address is incorrect The file is too large A function call is interrupted The parameter is incorrect An I/O error occurred The file specified is a directory Too many files are open for this process Too many links occurred The filename is too long Too many files are open in the system No such device exists No such file, directory, or IPC member exists The exec call contained a format error (DFSMS error) No locks are available


Table 3. OpenEdition sockets return codes (continued) Return code (Hex) 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008A 008B 008C 008D 008E 008F 0090 0091 0092 0093 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009C 009D 009E 009F 00A2 00A3 00A4 00A7 00A8 00A9 00AA 03EA 03EB 03ED 03EE 03EF 03F0 Explanation Not enough space is available No space is left on the device, or no space is available to create the IPC member ID The function is not implemented Not a directory The directory is not empty The I/O control operator is inappropriate No such device or address exists The operation is not permitted The pipe is broken The specified file system is read only The seek is incorrect No such process or thread exists A link to a file on another file system was attempted The parameter list is too long, or the message to receive was too large for the buffer A loop is encountered in symbolic links The byte sequence is illegal A value is too large to be stored in the data type OpenMVS kernel is not active Dynamic allocation error Catalog Volume Access Facility error Catalog obtain error Process Initialization error An MVS environmental or internal error has occurred Bad parameters were passed to the service HFS encountered a permanent file error HFS encountered a system error SAF/RACF extract error SAF/RACF error Access to the OpenMVS version of the C RTL is denied The password for the specified resource has expired The new password specified is not valid A WLM service ended in error Socket number assigned by client interface code (for socket() and accept()) is out of range Socket number assigned by client interface code is already in use Offload box error Offload box restarted Offload box down Already a conflicting call outstanding on socket


Messages and Codes

Table 3. OpenEdition sockets return codes (continued) Return code (Hex) 03F1 03F3 044C 044D 044E 044F 0450 0451 0452 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 0459 045A 045B 045C 045D 045E 045F 0460 0461 0462 0463 0464 0465 0466 0467 0468 0469 046A 046B 046C 046D 046E 046F Explanation Request cancelled via SOCKcallCANCEL request SetIbmOpt specified a name of a PFS that either was not configured or was not a Sockets PFS Block device required Text file busy The descriptor is marked nonblocking, and the requested function cannot complete immediately Operation now in progress Operation already in progress Socket operation on a non-socket Destination address required The message is too large to be sent all at once, as required The socket type is incorrect Protocol or socket option not available Protocol not supported Socket type not supported The referenced socket is not a type that supports the requested function Protocol family not supported The address family is not supported The address is already in use Cannot assign requested address Network is down Network is unreachable Network dropped connection on reset Software caused connection abort Connection reset by peer Insufficient buffer space available The socket is already connected The socket is not connected Cannot send after socket shutdown Too many references: cannot splice Connection timed out The attempt to connect was rejected Host is down No route to host Too many processes Too many users Disc quota exceeded Stale NFS file handle Too many levels of remote in path
Appendix D. Communications protocol return codes


APPC return codes

Table 3. OpenEdition sockets return codes (continued) Return code (Hex) 0470 0471 0472 0473 0474 0475 0476 0477 0478 0479 047A 047B 047C 047D 047E 047F 0480 0481 0482 0483 0484 0485 0486 Other Explanation Device is not a stream Timer expired Out of streams resources No message of the desired type Trying to read unreadable message Identifier removed Machine is not on the network Object is remote The link has been severed Advertise error srmount error Communication error on send Protocol error Protocol error Cross mount point Remote address change The asynchronous I/O request has been canceled Socket send/receive gotten out of order Unattached streams error Streams push object error Streams closed error Streams link error Tcp error See the OS/390 OpenEdition Messages and Codes manual

APPC/MVS return codes

The tables in this section document the following return codes: v APPC return codes v APPC allocate services return codes on page 532 v APPC reason codes on page 532 See the Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS and Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manuals for more information.

APPC return codes

This table documents the return codes that can be returned from APPC/MVS in messages from the distributed queuing component if you are using APPC/MVS as your communications protocol. These return codes can be returned to the local program in response to a call.


Messages and Codes

APPC return codes

Table 4. APPC return codes and their meanings Return code (Hex) 00 Explanation The call issued by the local program executed successfully. If the call specified a Notify_type of ECB, the call processing will be performed asynchronously, and the ECB will be posted when the processing completes. The caller specified an allocate_type that was other than immediate. Either APPC/MVS could not establish a session with the partner LU, or VTAM could not establish the conversation. In this case (when allocate_type is immediate), APPC/MVS converts this return code to unsuccessful. The conversation cannot be allocated on a session because of a condition that might be temporary. The program can retry the allocation request. The system returns this code when the allocate_type specified on a CMALLOC verb is other then immediate. The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the local program issued an Allocate call with the Conversation_type parameter set to either Basic_conversation or Mapped_conversation, and the partner program does not support the respective mapped or basic conversation protocol boundary. This return code is returned on a call made after the Allocate. The partner LU rejected an ATBALLC or ATBALC2 (allocate) request because the partner program has one or more initialization parameter (PIP) variables defined. APPC/MVS does not support these parameters. This return code is returned on a call made after the Allocate. It is not returned for allocate requests made using CPI Communications. The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the access security information is not valid. This return code is returned on a call subsequent to the Allocate. The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the local program specified a synchronization level (with the Sync_level parameter) that the partner program does not support. This return code is returned on a call subsequent to the Allocate. The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the local program specified a partner program that the partner LU does not recognize. This return code is returned on a call subsequent to the Allocate. The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the local program specified a partner program that the partner LU recognizes but cannot start. The condition is not temporary, and the program should not retry the allocation request. This return code is returned on a call subsequent to the Allocate. The partner LU rejected the allocation request because the local program specified a partner program that the partner LU recognizes but currently cannot start. The condition might be temporary, and the program can retry the allocation request. This return code is returned on a call subsequent to the Allocate.










Appendix D. Communications protocol return codes


APPC return codes

Table 4. APPC return codes and their meanings (continued) Return code (Hex) 11 Explanation The partner program issued an Deallocate call with a Deallocate_type of Deallocate_abend, or the partner LU has done so because of a partner program abnormal ending condition. If the partner program was in receive state when the call was issued, information sent by the local program and not yet received by the partner program is purged. This return code is reported to the local program on a call the program issues in Send or Receive state. The partner program issued a Deallocate call on a basic or mapped conversation with a Deallocate_type of Deallocate_sync_level or Deallocate_flush. This return code is reported to the local program on a call the program issues in Receive state. The local program issued a call specifying an argument that was not valid. Specific reasons for the return code apply to the following callable services: ATBALC2 or ATBALLC (LU 6.2 Allocate) v The TP name was not 1 to 64 characters long v Either the SYMDEST name or the TP name length were not specified v SNASVCMG is specified as mode name v X06 is used as the first character of a TP name v An SNA service TP name is used with a mapped conversation verb v The partner LU name was not valid v The mode name was not valid v The local LU name specified is either undefined or not allowed CMALLC v v v (CPI-C Allocate) SNASVCMG is specified as mode name X06is used as the first character of a TP name An SNA service TP name is used with a mapped conversation verb v The mode name was not valid



14 15

A product-specific error has been detected. The system writes symptom records that describe the error to SYS1.LOGREC. Indicates one of the following: v The partner program made a Send_error call on a mapped conversation and the conversation for the partner program was in Send state. No truncation occurs at the mapped conversation protocol boundary. This return code is reported to the local program on a Receive call prior to receiving any data records or after receiving one or more data records. v The partner program made a Send_error call specifying the Type parameter with a value of PROG, the conversation for the partner program was in Send state, and the call did not truncate a logical record. No truncation occurs at the basic conversation protocol boundary when a program performs a Send_error before sending any logical records, or after sending a complete logical record. This return code is reported to the local program on a Receive call prior to receiving any logical records or after receiving one or more complete logical records.


Messages and Codes

APPC return codes

Table 4. APPC return codes and their meanings (continued) Return code (Hex) 16 Explanation The partner program made a Send_error call on a mapped conversation, or made a Send_error call on a basic conversation specifying the Type parameter with a value of PROG, and the conversation for the partner program was in Receive or Confirm state. The call might have caused information to be purged. Purging occurs when a program issued Send_error in receive state before receiving all the information sent by its partner program. No purging occurs when a program issues the call in Confirm state or in Receive state after receiving all the information sent by its partner program. The return code is normally reported to the local program on a call it issues prior to sending any information, depending on the call and when it is made. The partner program made a Send_error call specifying the Type parameter with a value of PROG, the conversation for the partner program was in Send state, and the call truncated a logical record. Truncation occurs at the basic conversation protocol boundary when a program begins sending a logical record and then makes a Send_error call before sending the complete logical record. This return code is reported to the local program on a Receive call it issues after receiving the truncated logical record.


Appendix D. Communications protocol return codes


APPC return codes

Table 4. APPC return codes and their meanings (continued) Return code (Hex) 18 Explanation The local program issued a call in which a programming error has been found in one or more parameters. Specific reasons for the return code apply to the following callable services: ATBALC2 or ATBALLC (LU 6.2 Allocate) v An unauthorized caller passed a nonzero TP_ID v For Sec_pgm-type security, both the userid and password were not specified v For Sec_Pgm-type security, a userid was specified with a blank password, or a password was specified with a blank userid v The SYMDEST name was not found in the side information v The specified TP_ID is not associated with the address space v An unauthorized caller specified a Notify_Type of ECB ATBCFM (LU 6.2 Allocate) v An unauthorized caller specified a Notify_type of ECB v The Sync_Level field for the conversation was equal to sync_level_none ATBDEAL (LU 6.2 Allocate) v A Deallocate_type of deallocate_confirm was specified, and the Sync_Level field for the conversation was equal to sync_level_none ATBPTR (LU 6.2 Prepare to Receive) v A Prepare_To_Receive_Type of Prep_to_receive_sync_level was specified, and the Sync_Level field for the conversation was equal to sync_level_none ATBSEND (LU 6.2 Send) v The value in the 2-byte LL field was not valid v A Send_Type of Send_and_Confirm was specified, and the Sync_Level field for the conversation was equal to sync_level_none CMINIT (CPI-C Initialize Conversation) The SYMDEST name was not found in the side information 19 The local program issued a call in a state that was not valid for that call. The program should not examine any other returned variables associated with the call as nothing is placed in the variables. The state of the conversation remains unchanged. If the error occurs in one of the following callable services, the conversation was in send state and the program started, but the program did not finish sending a logical record: v ATBCFM (LU 6.2 Allocate) v ATBDEAL (LU 6.2 Allocate) v ATBPTR (LU 6.2 Allocate) v ATBRCVW and ATBRCVI (LU 6.2 Receive and Wait and Receive Immediate) v ATBSEND (LU 6.2 Send) 1A A failure occurred that caused the conversation to be prematurely terminated. The condition is not temporary, and the program should not retry the transaction until the condition is corrected.


Messages and Codes

APPC return codes

Table 4. APPC return codes and their meanings (continued) Return code (Hex) 1B Explanation A failure occurred that caused the conversation to be prematurely terminated. The condition might be temporary, and the program can retry the transaction. The call issued by the local program did not run successfully. This return code is returned on the unsuccessful call. If this code is returned by the ATBRCVI (LU 6.2 Receive_Immediate) callable service, there is no data to be returned. 1E The partner program issued a Deallocate call with a Deallocate_type of Deallocate_abend_SVC. If the partner program was in Receive state when the call was issued, information sent by the local program and not yet received by the partner program is purged. This return code is reported to the local program on a call the program issues in Send or Receive state. The partner program issued a Deallocate call with a Deallocate_type of Deallocate_abend_timer. If the partner program was in Receive state when the call was issued, information sent by the local program and not yet received by the partner program is purged. This return code is reported to the local program on a call the program issues in Send or Receive state. The partner program issued a Send_error call specifying a Type parameter of SVC, the conversation for the partner program was in Send state, and the call did not truncate a logical record. This return code is returned on a Receive call. It is not returned for Send_error requests using CPI Communications. The partner program issued a Send_error call specifying a Type parameter of SVC, the conversation for the partner program was in Receive, Confirm, or Sync_Point state, and the call might have caused information to be purged. This return code is normally returned to the local program on a call that the local program issues after sending some information to the partner program. However the return code can be returned on a call that the local program issues before sending any information, depending on when the call is issued. This code is not returned for Send_error requests using CPI Communications. 22 The partner program issued a Send_error call specifying a Type parameter of SVC, the conversation for the partner program was in Send state, and the call truncated a logical record. Truncation occurs when a program begins sending a logical record and then issues Send_error before sending the complete record. This return code is returned to the local program on a Receive call that the local program issues after receiving the truncated logical record. The code is not returned for Send_error requests using CPI Communications. 40 Other APPC/MVS is not currently active. Call the service again after APPC is available. See the Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS and Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manuals.





Appendix D. Communications protocol return codes


APPC return codes

APPC allocate services return codes

This table documents the return codes that can be returned from APPC/MVS allocate queue services in messages from the distributed queuing component if you are using APPC/MVS as your communications protocol.
Table 5. APPC allocate services return codes and their meanings Return code (Hex) 0 4 8 Explanation The service completed as requested. The service completed, but possibly not as expected. See the reason code parameter for a description of the warning condition. A user-supplied parameter was found to be in error. For example, a parameter contains characters not in the required character set. See the reason code parameter to determine which parameter is in error. The service was unsuccessful. The cause is most likely a parameter error other than a syntax error, or an environmental error. For example, a syntactically valid LU name was specified, but the LU is not defined to APPC/MVS. An example of an environmental error is that the caller called the service while holding locks. See the reason code parameter for the specific cause of the error, and to determine whether the error can be corrected and the service re-issued. APPC/MVS service failure. Record the return and reason code, and give them to your systems programmer, who should contact the appropriate IBM support personnel. APPC/MVS is not currently active. Call the service again after APPC is available. See the Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS and Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manuals.



40 Other

APPC reason codes

This table documents the reason codes that can be returned from APPC/MVS allocate queue services in messages from the distributed queuing component if you are using APPC/MVS as your communications protocol. Note: Some of the APPC return codes are not accompanied by a reason code; in these cases, the value in the reason code field can be ignored. Refer to the manuals shown in APPC/MVS return codes on page 526 for more information.
Table 6. APPC reason codes and their meanings Return code (Hex) 1 Explanation The address space issued a Register_For_Allocates call that duplicated a previous Register_For_Allocate call (that is, the values specified for TP name, local LU name, partner LU name, user ID, and profile all matched those specified on a previous call to the Register_For_Allocates service). A TP name is required, but none was specified. The specified TP name contains characters that are not valid The specified TP name length is outside the allowable range. A local LU name is required, but none was specified.

2 3 4 5


Messages and Codes

APPC return codes

Table 6. APPC reason codes and their meanings (continued) Return code (Hex) 7 8 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E Explanation An asynchronous call failed because a specified parameter was found to be inaccessible. The caller held one or more locks when calling the service. A transaction scheduler called the Register_For_Allocate service, which is not allowed The specified symbolic destination name could not be found in the side information data set. The specified local LU is undefined. The specified local LU is not receiving inbound allocate requests. The Register_For_Allocate service was called, but the caller is not authorized to serve the specified TP name on the specified local LU. The specified local LU is inaccessible to the caller. The service failed because of an APPC failure. The specified allocate queue token does not represent an allocate queue for which this address space is registered. The specified notify type is not valid. The specified timeout value is not valid. The request was cancelled while in progress. This could have been caused by a call to the Unregister_For_Allocates service, or the termination of the callers address space. A Receive_Allocate call completed, but no allocate request was available to be received. The specified event notification type is not valid. The specified event code is not supported or is not valid for this service. The netid retrieved from the side information data set does not match the local netid. The specified event code qualifier is not valid or supported. The Get_Event call completed, but no event element was available to be received. The call to the Get_Event service was interrupted because all event notification requests were cancelled for this address space. The call to the Get_Event service was rejected because a previous Get_Event call is currently outstanding. The Get_Event call was rejected because no event notification is in effect for this address space. The specified allocate queue keep time is outside the allowable range. A call to the Unregister_For_Allocates service specified unregister all (that is, the allocate_queue_token was set to binary zeros), but this address space is not registered for any allocate queues. The specified event get type is not valid. The specified receive allocate type is not valid. APPC/MVS cannot determine if the specified netid is valid.

0F 10 11 12 13 14

15 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 24

25 26 27

Appendix D. Communications protocol return codes


APPC return codes

Table 6. APPC reason codes and their meanings (continued) Return code (Hex) 29 Other Explanation The service failed because the supplied buffer was not large enough to contain the requested information. See the Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS and Writing Servers for APPC/MVS manuals.


Messages and Codes

Appendix E. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) return codes

The table in this appendix documents the return codes, in decimal form, from the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) that can be returned in messages from the distributed queuing component. If the return code is not listed, or if you want more information, refer to Cryptographic Services SSL Programming
Table 7. SSL return codes Return code (decimal) 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 102 103 106 109 201 202 203 204 302 401 402 403 405 406 407 408 410 411 412 Explanation Handle is not valid. An internal error has occured. Insufficient storage is available Handle is in the incorrect state. Key label is not found. No certificates available. Certificate validation error. Cryptographic processing error. ASN processing error. LDAP processing error. An unexpected error has occurred. Error detected while reading key database or SAF key ring. Incorrect key database record format. Incorrect key database password. No certification authority certificates. No key database password supplied. Error detected while opening the key database. Unable to generate temporary key pair Key database password is expired. Connection is active. Certificate is expired or is not valid yet. No SSL cipher specifications. No certificate received from partner. Certificate format is not supported. Error while reading or writing data. Key label does not exist. Key database password is not correct. SSL message format is incorrect. Message authentication code is incorrect. SSL protocol or certificate type is not supported.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Table 7. SSL return codes (continued) Return code (decimal) 413 414 415 416 417 420 421 422 427 428 429 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 501 502 503 504 505 601 602 701 Explanation Certificate signature is incorrect. Certificate is not valid. SSL protocol violation. Permission denied. Self-signed certificate cannot be validated. Socket closed by remote partner. SSL V2 cipher is not valid. SSL V3 cipher is not valid. LDAP is not available. Key entry does not contain a private key. SSL V2 header is not valid. Certificate is revoked. Session renegotiation is not allowed. Key exceeds allowable export size. Certificate key is not compatible with cipher suite. Certification authority is unknown. Certificate revocation list cannot be processed. Connection closed. Internal error reported by remote partner. Unknown alert received from remote partner. Buffer size is not valid. Socket request would block. Socket read request would block. Socket write request would block. Record overflow. Protocol is not SSL V3 or TLS V1. Function identifier is not valid. Attribute identifier is not valid.


Messages and Codes

Appendix F. Distributed queuing message codes

Distributed queuing message codes are in the form s0009nnn (in hexadecimal), and the error they identify is generally described in detail by error message CSQXnnn, although there are some exceptions. The following table shows the full correspondence. Distributed queuing message codes are used in some error messages, and in the event data for the MQRC_CHANNEL_STOPPED event. The event data also contains message inserts; the meanings of the inserts depend on the message code, and are shown in the following table, in the form in which they are given in the message explanation. Where no meaning is shown, the insert is not relevant to the message code, and the value set in the event message is unpredictable. Character insert 3 is never relevant, and so is omitted from the table. Note: trptype can be shown in various forms: Message insert Event data TCP TCP/IP, and so on LU62 LU 6.2, APPC, CPI-C, and so on

Message code (nnn) 001 181 182 184 189 196 197 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 211 212 213 237 238 403 496 498


Integer insert 1

Integer insert 2

Character insert 1 channel-name

Character insert 2

Character insert 3

response response address length data-length data-length return-code return-code return-code return-code return-code return-code ab-length eb-length

exit-name exit-name exit-name exit-name exit-name exit-name conn-id conn-id conn-id conn-id conn-id conn-id conn-id trptype trptype trptype trptype trptype trptype trptype trptype trptype


conn-id conn-id

return-code return-code return-code return-code reason reason channel-name channel-name fieldvalue channel-name conn-id trptype trptype trptype exit-name

Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Distributed queuing message codes

Message code (nnn) 506 510 511 514 519 520 525 526 527 528 533 534 536 540 Message number CSQX506E CSQX037E CSQX038E CSQX514E CSQX519E CSQX520E CSQX525E CSQX526E CSQX527E CSQX528I CSQX533I CSQX534E CSQX536I CSQX540E mqrc msg-seqno exp-seqno mqrc mqrc channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name commit identifier which includes channel-name exit-name Integer insert 1 Integer insert 2 Character insert 1 channel-name name name Character insert 2 Character insert 3


the queue manager is stopping (no corresponding error message) see integer insert 1 1 2 see message CSQX548E see message CSQX544E channel-name channel-name


545 546 558 565 569 570 572 573 574 575 613 620 631 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640

CSQX545I code 00E70546 CSQX558E CSQX565E CSQX569E CSQX570E CSQX572E CSQX573E CSQX574I CSQX575E CSQX613E CSQX620E CSQX631E CSQX633E CSQX634E CSQX635E CSQX636E CSQX637E CSQX638E CSQX639E CSQX640E return-code

channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name qmgr-name

channel-name SSL-function channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name key-name dist-name cipher spec local cipher spec remote cipher spec


Messages and Codes

Distributed queuing message codes

Message code (nnn) 641 642 643 644 999 Message number CSQX641E CSQX642E CSQX643E CSQX644E CSQX599E Integer insert 1 Integer insert 2 Character insert 1 channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name channel-name Character insert 2 Character insert 3

Appendix F. Distributed queuing message codes


Distributed queuing message codes


Messages and Codes

Appendix G. Messages from other products

The following table shows the message prefixes for other products that you might receive while using WebSphere MQ for z/OS.
Table 8. Message prefixes Prefix AMQ ATB ATR CBC CEE CSQ CSV DFH DFS

Component WebSphere MQ (not z/OS) APPC Resource recovery services C/C++ Language Environment WebSphere MQ for z/OS Contents supervision CICS IMS DB2 Language Environment TCP/IP Language Environment RACF Access method services z/OS system services Data management services z/OS system services TSO VTAM z/OS workload management services Cross-system coupling facility (XCF) Cross-system extended services (XES)

Procedure Consult WebSphere MQ Messages Consult MVS System Messages Consult MVS System Messages Consult C/MVS Users Guide Consult Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages Consult this book Consult MVS System Messages Consult CICS Messages and Codes Consult IMS Messages and Codes Consult DB2 Messages and Codes Consult Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages Consult TCP/IP for MVS Messages and Codes Consult Language Environment for OS/390 Debugging Guide and Runtime Messages Consult RACF Messages and Codes Consult MVS System Messages Consult MVS System Messages Consult MVS System Messages Consult MVS System Messages Consult MVS System Messages Consult VTAM Messages and Codes Consult MVS System Messages Consult MVS System Messages Consult MVS System Messages


Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2005


Messages from other products


Messages and Codes

Appendix H. Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the United States. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this information in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the users responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this information. The furnishing of this information does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the information. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this information at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

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Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM United Kingdom Laboratories, Mail Point 151, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England SO21 2JN. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Programming License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBMs application programming interfaces.

Programming interface information

This book is intended to help you diagnose problems with WebSphere MQ for z/OS. This book documents information which is diagnosis, modification, or tuning information provided by WebSphere MQ for z/OS. Do not use this information as a programming interface.


Messages and Codes


The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both:
C/MVS CICS CICS/ESA DB2 DFS FFST IBM IBMLink IMS IMS/ESA Integrated Language Environment MQSeries MVS MVS/ESA OpenEdition OS/390 OS/400 RACF VTAM WebSphere z/OS

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Appendix H. Notices



Messages and Codes

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WebSphere MQ for z/OS

Messages and Codes

Version 6.0

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