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Parapsychology Energy

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The document discusses parapsychology and the study of paranormal phenomena like telekinesis. It also provides tips on how to develop telekinetic abilities and examples of alleged psychics with these skills.

Telekinesis is defined as the ability to move objects with the mind alone, without any physical interaction.

Some suggested techniques include visualization, becoming one with an object through meditation, and pushing objects with concentrated energy balls.

Parapsychology Energy

Realizat de Luca Mihai, Dogaru Cosmin

Parapsychology is the study of ostensibly paranormal events including extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival of consciousness after death. Parapsychologists call these processes psi, a term intended to be descriptive without implying a mechanism. Parapsychology is a fringe science because it involves research that does not fit within standard theoretical models accepted by mainstream science. Telekinesis = the ability of moving objects with your mind Telekinetic Energy is Natural: The ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis, it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Tips On How to Do Telekinesis If you're going to try telekinesis, you have to be relaxed, clear of thoughts, and you have to be able to concentrate on that object and nothing else. Some people think you should meditate before trying to use telekinesis. You have to be very dedicated because it can take years to learn, but I think it's worth the wait. Think of your goal in your head, imagining it over and over, thinking of nothing but the object and your goal. Do this for as long as you're comfortable with, and do it daily. After some time you will start to see results. I've found that light things are easier to start with. Some experiments are: Rolling a pen touching it less each time, using a light piece of paper is pretty easy, a toothpick in water, trying to make the fire of a candle lean to one direction, a feather in a bottle, balancing a spoon on the edge of a glass and trying to make the spoon rock off. Shaping Energy With The Mind is often used to make psi balls. This is a way to learn to shape energy. You cup your hands as if holding something between them, and then think like you're a faucet of energy, and just let it flow out through your hands and into a ball between them. Even if you can't see it maybe it's not strong enough and you need to add more. Empathy is feeling other peoples' feelings. You will learn that one way of doing this is by learning to read auras with the aid of peripheral vision. See emotions are also stored in the emotional body of the auric fielded. So through learning auric visual techniques you also learn empathy as well. Telekinesis is real, people have done it, people do it all the time. It is a gift all humans hold. Get that through your head before going any further. Doubt is like a wall between you and TK. So climb over the wall and leave it far behind you. You do not need doubt in your search for truth, especially not when it comes to the powers of the mind.

How To Build Your Telekinetic Skills Anyone can learn to move objects with their mind. These exercises will help you increasing your telekinetic skills. Becoming One With the Object Stare at the base of the flame (not at the flame itself, don't get retina burn, and yes, you may blink). Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state. Watch how the candle dances and moves. Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. Keep watching, and when you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it. See the flame grow wider, thinner, taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle out. Visualize! With this method, just see what you want to have happen clearly in your mind. If you want a parking space near the door of a crowded mall, visualize clearly an empty space right near the front door before you leave your house. Looking for a special something? See it clearly, see yourself in possession of it and happy. To enforce the visualization, write down exactly what you want. Be descriptive! If you need it, it will happen. If not, realize there may be a reason it did not occur as you wished; perhaps something better will come along, or it just wasn't appropriate for this thing to happen at this time. Always ask that it be done in the best interests of all concerned. This also works on faulty electronic equipment and many other things; just see the computer, , car, etc working perfectly. Pushing With Energy Before attempting this one. Blow up a balloon and set it on the floor (preferably a surface with very little friction; a linoleum floor perhaps) Form an energy ball, making it as dense as possible. With the energy ball between your hand and the balloon, push the balloon along the floor with the energy ball. Do not touch the balloon with your hand. CASE STUDIES Stanislawa Tomczyk. Born in Poland, Tomczyk came to the attention of investigators when it was reported that startling poltergeist-like activity occurred spontaneously around her. She could control some telekinetic feats, but only under hypnosis. In this hypnotic state, Tomczyk took on a personality that called itself "Little Stasia" who could levitate small objects when Tomczyk placed her hands on either side of them. In the early 1900s, one investigator, Julien Ochorowicz, watched these levitations at very close range and observed something like fine threads emanating from her palms and fingers, although they were examined carefully before the experiment. And it didn't seem to be a trick. "When the medium separates her hands," Ochorowicz observed, "the thread gets thinner and disappears; it gives the same sensation as a spider's web. If it is cut with scissors, its continuity is immediately restored." In 1910, Tomczyk was tested by a group of scientists at the Physical Laboratory in Warsaw where she produced remarkable physical phenomena under strict test conditions.

Nina Kulagina. One of the most celebrated and scrutinized psychics to claim psychokinetic powers was Nina Kulagina, a Russian woman who discovered her abilities while attempting to

develop other psychic powers. Reportedly, she has demonstrated her powers by mentally moving a wide range of nonmagnetic objects, including matches, bread, large crystal bowls, clock pendulums, a cigar tube and a salt shaker among other things. Some of these demonstrations have been captured on film. The skeptics contend, of course, that her abilities would not stand up to scientific testing, and that she may be nothing more than a clever magician. Uri Geller. Geller is one of the most well-known "psychics" who has publicly demonstrated feats of psychokinesis: spoon and key bending have become almost synonymous with Geller's name. Although many skeptics and magicians consider his metal-bending performances nothing more than adroit sleight-of-hand, Geller has allegedly shown that he can manifest the effects over great distances and in multiple locations. On a British radio show in 1973, after demonstrating key bending to the astonishment of the host, Geller invited the listening audience to participate. Just minutes later, phone calls began pouring into the radio station from listeners all over the UK reporting that knives, forks, spoons, keys and nails began to bend and twist spontaneously. Watches and clocks that had not run in years began to work. It was an event whose success surprised even Geller and thrust him into the spotlight. Some magicians may be able to duplicate some of these effects, but there may be legitimacy to this telekinetic phenomenon. In April, 2001, University of Arizona psychology professor Gary Schwartz conducted a "spoon-bending party" at which about 60 students were able to bend spoons and forks, with varying degrees of success, seemingly with the power of their minds.

Bibliography: Author name:Kuriakos, Title: How to do Telekinesis and Energy Work,printed in USA, 2008 Author name:William Joseph Smith, Title: Telekinesis, Lulu Enterprises, 2010 Author name:William W. Hewitt, Title:Psychic Development For Beginners , Eighteenth Printing, 2008

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