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奇經八脈 Spiritual Meridians

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Spiritual Meridians [奇經八脈]

The Eight Extraordinary Pulsing Vessels [奇經八脈]

Qí strange; odd; weird; extraordinary; mysterious; spiritual; profound; single; surplus
Jīng way; path; principle; vertical threads; govern; manage; pass through; conduit; meridian; classic; scripture
Bā eight
Mài vein; artery; pulse; vessel; reason; logic; linear expression of elements in the body

Nan Jing, 27th Difficulty: ‘Within the conduit system are eight different vessels that do not directly merge with the twelve main meridians. What
does this mean? Simply stated, these eight primal meridians represent the Yang Wei, Yin Wei, Yang Qiao, Yin Qiao, Chong, Du, Ren, and Dai Mai.
Because none of their energy directly connects with the circulation of energy in the main meridians, they are called extraordinary. What does this
mean? Simply stated, the ancient Daoist sages watched nature and learned that they could prepare for extraordinary circumstances by constructing
ditches and reservoirs. Then, when rain would fall from the sky, instead of flooding the main waterways, it could be collected and stored for future
use; you see, in the ancient times, when it would rain violently, even the wise sages had to be prepared. The body can not react so quickly to
internal conditions either; thus, deeper reservoirs must exist to store away energy that accumulates in the main meridians. These are called the
extraordinary vessels.’

General Functions
y Act as the inner ‘roots’ of the entire meridian system y Maintain the balance of pre and post-natal energies
y Deeply connect the twelve main meridians y Protect the body by regulating the spectrum of Qi
y Foster the transformation of psychic energy y Regulate the cycles of growth and development
y Link together the physical, mental, emotional, and y Reservoirs of Qi, blood, fluids, and essence
spiritual layers of the body y Support the manifestation of divine power in the body
Specific Functions


Dū look upon; observe; inspect carefully; make sure; ascertain; correct; center; criticize; urge; press; demand; lead;
manage; control; chief; leader; boss; governor; superintendent; object of concentration; middle seam along the back
of a coat

y Sea of Yang; masculine principle, the Yang aspect of spirit (dragon)

y Opens to the ‘dragon’s whiskers,’ representing Yi Jing hexagram one [],allowing one to soar up into heaven
y Corresponds to the time 6:01 AM – 6:00 PM (dawn to dusk)
y Controls the back of the body, the brain, the spine, essence, the Sea of Marrow, and the cerebrospinal system
y Relates to psychic power and one’s connection with heaven through the Window of the Sky points


Rèn depth of man; duty; task; undertaking; conception; fertility

y Sea of Yin; feminine principle, the Yin aspect of spirit (tiger)

y Opens to the ‘phoenix’s tail,’ representing hexagram two [], which provides for a natural response through receptivity
y Corresponds to the time 6:01 PM – 6:00 AM (dusk to dawn)
y Controls the front of the body, the chest, the Sea of Qi, the uterus, and the reproductive system
y Relates to intuitive power and connects to the earth by containing the lower Dan Tian like a firm, yet flexible, rice field


Chòng rush; crash against; collide with; hit; tell; catch; guess correctly; penetrate; pass-through, pathway, thoroughfare;
pivot; vital link

y Sea of the twelve main meridians; Sea of Blood; sea of the Zang Fu; origin of the spiritual meridians
y Beam of light representing the vertical axis and cosmic polarity of the body, expanding outward into the universe
y Facilitates the circulation of Qi, blood, air, and fluids in the body, connecting up/down, left/right, into the 10 directions
y Conduit for inherited blood received from previous generations of ancestry; represents the location where pre and post-
natal existences merge together inside the body landscape
Images and Functions – Page 1 David Mainenti, L.Ac., C.A., Dipl. O.M.
Spiritual Meridians [奇經八脈]


Dài belt; band; girdle; sash; tape; to bear; carry; involve; lead; bring

y Controls the Gall Bladder and ‘carries’ the Ren, Du, and Chong in the lower Dan Tian
y Binds the vertical meridians together, circulating horizontally around the body, dividing it into two halves
y Regulates above and below, connecting with the phases of the moon, controlling all cyclic and biorhythmic flow
y Connects to one’s innate karma, aura, and utmost potential in life


Yáng the sun; sunny or south side of the mountain; external; daylight; male; heaven; formless; space
Wéi tie; hold together; fasten; regulate; preserve; link; connect; the corners of a net; the four limbs/directions

y Branch of the Urinary Bladder channel, rooted in the Kidney Yang

y Connects the Tai Yang, Yang Ming, and Shao Yang together with the Du Mai
y Distributes and links Yang energy into the four directions and throughout the body
y Controls exterior Wei and Qi levels, protecting the channels from an invasion of the Six Evils


Yīn the moon; shady or north side of the mountain; internal; darkness; female; earth; form; time
Wéi tie; hold together; fasten; regulate; preserve; link; connect; the corners of a net; the four limbs/directions

y Branch of the Kidney channel, rooted in the Kidney Yin

y Connects the Tai Yin, Shao Yin, and Jue Yin together with the Ren Mai
y Distributes and links Yin energy into the four directions and throughout the body
y Controls interior Ying and blood levels, providing for inner strength and stability regarding the seven emotions


Yáng the sun; sunny or south side of the mountain; external; daylight; male; heaven; formless; space
Qiāo heel; walk; move; reach; step; tread; bridge

y Branch of the Urinary Bladder channel, rooted in the Kidney Yang

y Connects to heaven and the intellect line on the palm
y Regulates the organic balance of the masculine principle via fluid metabolism
y Provides for flexibility, ease of Yang movement, and rebirth
y Extends Yang upwards to the eyes and Du Mai, connecting the Yang aspect of past, present, and future lives


Yīn the moon; shady or north side of the mountain; internal; darkness; female; earth; form; time
Qiāo heel; walk; move; reach; step; tread; bridge

y Branch of the Kidney channel, rooted in the Kidney Yin

y Connects to earth and the emotion line on the palm
y Regulates the organic balance of the feminine principle via fluid metabolism
y Provides for flexibility, ease of Yin movement, and rebirth
y Extends Yin upward to the eyes and Ren Mai, connecting the Yin aspect of past, present, and future lives

Images and Functions – Page 2 David Mainenti, L.Ac., C.A., Dipl. O.M.

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