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Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 3

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Chapter 1 (She adored New York City) Bread Is Serious Business What's your favorite kind of bread?

It walks just like a horse. Do you know what snow in Denver smells like? A good kick. A clove of garlic on a string. Sublime, perfect, beautiful. I do think that getting rid of the completely unexpected would be preferable. This looks like a soap opera. Clayey, clayier, clayiest. I think youre the one doing it wrong. Down with prescriptivist grammar. I have [retracted until after the fishtanks are removed] I was staying at the same little hotel as a dear childhood friend. I went back a few years ago and was amazed at how bad the food was. Behold! Ordo Sandwiches. Third-Gendered Based Demonbread. Stomach Burial Practices. A middle-aged woman, during silent breakfast, she whispered loudly, Je voudrais des pommes frites, s'il-vous-plat!, flailing around a knife with butter on it and sweating profusely (the knife is too small to be useful for cutting meat). This subordination was often quite deliberate. The next morning, she woke everyone up at 7am by sprinting up and down the hallway shouting, [redacted until the previous redactor realizes his error] and "Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo." But this is a hopelessly simplistic way of looking at it. While comprehension is paramount, it's hardly the only important thing. Letters, morphemes, logograms representing words. Representing the saucepan calling the kettle black. Illuminated and bound in leather. That night, when I was taking a shower at 11pm, its also 4am, in the bathroom adjacent to her room, she banged on the wall repeatedly before finally coming in, closing all the doors, and turning off all the lights. Fuck these fools. Follow your heart. Bon courage! When she left after a few days, we saw that she was working as an au pair. I guess kids don't notice that sort of thing. Once I woke up in the middle of the night feeling horribly nauseated. I leaned over my bed and vomited on the floor and went back to sleep. Stomachache. What is that? Have you seen a doctor about it? Why don't you get rid of it? Having treble underwriting, I get nauseated looking at lotuses, barnacles, honeycomb androids. Eat the fruits once the skin is removed. Hahahahahaha! It feels fluorescent to laugh again! A couple summers ago, the first season of excavation approved by the French government was a fixture of my childhood. The haunted cave would make me want to cry without fail. At the time it seemed gravely important. Its meaning operates on two levels though. Bag upon plastic bag of incandescent lightbulbs. It also makes your jaw look more defined. Upon seeing this photo I am suddenly overcome with a feeling of great loneliness. grave, haunted, boo-hoo, bwah-hah. (Not to make light of the situation). I just saw it the other day. I think I saw it this morning, ruffled feathers, half-lion. Creatures with no reason. It's not a long-term thing, but it could segue into another temporary

man, wanting to identify with/without. A waste of time. A portmanteau of the words notoriety and citation. You could also look in the front seat next to the terrified driver. Lente me gold; and as I kan and may, I thanke yow, by God and by seint jame. I understand your points, I would not disagree with you. Now that I've woken up and am sober, I have to agree with you. In short, I can completely relate! Maybe there were too many storylines, you're telling yourself, I told myself. Think of all the hands who have touched it! Or is this all part of the faade? A passed out prostitute. Humans, akin to hummus, are not the same as dolphins and chimps, but, still, 13 bucks will buy you a hell of lot of mice. You had to learn this from experience. I know this from experience. Hummus, humming, Hummers, I ate hummus for breakfast today, humungus hummus humps, well hum-bug. La soupe du jour, chopsticks, rainbows cannot exist. His house in Paris is still standing Beep beep booop booop booop bing boing bopppp. Good thing I'm not at the library. I like the way you talk. One giant non sequitur, a silly non sequitur. So you're not old. So they all say. Don't quote me on that. checkmark, checkmark, checkmark. Here I am a shiny pointy flower of a person and in a few days Ill bloom even more. What Im trying to say is that those mistakes, no. I mean. Ive made mistakes. No, thats not it either. Its more that I havent tried to make them. Its more that I should have done. Its more that when he spoke to me, just that once, I thought something new and exciting could happen and wed be new and excited and happening but thats the past thats an exception to every rule thats why Im still here today and tomorrow... another step. Another minute of life and an other and another. I found some old books that I liked when I was a kid, and reading through them I think Wow. This was scary? Most of these are just silly. So I remember the illustrations. Best part of the book by far. Thanks, S.G. Maybe someone will find a copy somewhere and finish what we started. The saucepan, by the way, was yellow. --Fevered dreams about moving on are really just going in reverse.
I was in a hotel room we'd been inside before. Sitting alone on my computer just like always. // And then I notice there are windows on one wall of the room, and on the other side is the room next to me, and beyond that a crowd of people in a fancy restaurant. It all gets really weird at that point. I go out of my room for some reason, and the room service guy (sort of portly fellow) asks if I'm coming to the restaurant. I say no, but he contests, why don't you come, he says. And embarrassed and annoyed beyond description I say I don't like being around people very much. He hesitates a

little, sort of confused, and says I like that. // Somehow I end up in there anyway, in this restaurant, dragged in there by family members wanting me to meet other family members I don't care about. And the whole thing is so awkward and uncomfortable, it reminds me of my grandma's restaurant from when I was a little kid - everything is white and clean and doilyed up, the air smells a little like sugar but also a little like paint. Everyone at the table is basically ignoring me and eating (of all things) ice cream. Ice cream in these little china bowls. And When You Touch the ice cream something weird happens, like you turn into some sort of halloween-themed monster for some reason. And everyone is doing it throughout the restaurant, like how everyone at a party with silly string will eventually mess around with silly string, and they seem like they're thick in doing it because it really isn't that interesting. // All other details aside, things go wrong, there's some sort of show. A sparkler falls on the ground and starts a tiny fire, everyone is terrified and runs to the walls like pepper from that pepper and soap thing. The fire of course goes out in seconds. But the place is empty now. // I end up at a movie theater with this weird amalgamation of these two guys I vaguely knew from school. He wants me to help him get into a movie that I don't want to see. It's obvious he doesn't care what I think, he just wants to not be alone for some reason. I have something else I need to do anyway, later today. I entertain the idea of leaving after the movie had started but I decide against it. // We go up an escalator on the leftmost side of this giant lobby and into another super-white place, a lot like a mall. It moves really fast. Everything moves really fast. There are faces I know of people I don't know all around, none of them worth my time, and I'm trying to keep pace with him to get to the movie, but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lose him by weaving in and out of the clusters of people, ultimately back in the lobby, and I leave to go outside, which reminds me of the little town in Waking Ned Divine, all mossy and damp and overcast. Stepping stones way too far apart. ///

There was also a part where I was in the backseat of a car on the top of a hill, rolling in reverse, just not caring at all, the angle getting sharper and sharper In another one i was scared out of my wits and jumped into the front seat to try to slam on the breaks. When i jumped to the front i woke up and jumped out of bed and broke my elbow on the linoleum floor.

Chapter 2 I do not remember Denmark, having never been there, but at this point, Id like to absolve you of all responsibility for what I caused to be carried out there.

Chapter 3

Psychogeography is nice but I prefer psychohistory

It was after the Industrial Revolution that life formally became a sport. Bam bam bam, catch me if you can. 1934 Alice, Bonnie, Clyde, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson die. Alcatraz and The Apollo open. Hitler becomes Fhrer. Bridgette Bardot, Carl Sagan, Tom Baker and Flash Gordon are born. O LONG as memory, valour, and faith endure let these stones witness through the years to come. 1963 Please, Please Me. William Carlos Williams, Edith Piaf and C. S. Lewis die. Sylvia Plath kills herself. Ich bin ein Berliner. Iron Man, X-Men. JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald are assassinated. Coolio, Jack White, Mike Myers, Johnny Depp, Whitney Houston, Conan O'Brien, Russel T. Davies and Quentin Tarantino are born. Alacatraz closes. My mother is 4 years old. 1982 Flash Gordon ends with issue #37. Ozzy bites the head off a bat. Billie Piper, Seth Rogen and Matt Smith are born. Blade Runner opens in theaters and Phillip K. Dick dies. Pink Floyd shows us The Wall. Thriller, the best-selling album in the world, is released. On March 10th an earthquake occurs all along the San Andreas fault due to the Jupiter Effect. 1879 go. Go ahead, blame Saint Andreas for all of your problems. So typical. What a teenager. Im glad its not 1982. I think people were still calling it gay cancer. So thumbs up for that. Polly had two friends round for a sleepover at their California home. At 10.30pm she opened her bedroom door to find a man standing there with a knife. He tied up the girls, told them to count to a thousand, and took Polly away Columbidae distributed everywhere, reaching eastern Polynesia, savannas, grasslands, deserts, temperate woodlands and forests, mangrove forests, and even the barren sands and gravels of atolls. Sent out a Dove after the great flood like waves of white rolling over waves of white on Earths magnetic field.

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